#yes this is about zosan
sassypantsjaxon · 6 months
There's just something about Zoro sleeping half in Sanji's bed while Sanji's mostly on the floor
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fruityumbrella · 2 months
one piece is set in a nautical world with presumably nautical idioms and exclamations to match, right, like swearing by the sea rather than on a god etc. to wit, there's five seas (the four blues + the grand line) so we can assume when you're feeling particularly dramatic, you might refer to all those vast oceans to get your hyperbolic point across.
keeping that in mind, lets live in a stupidly romantic corny ass world for a moment ok? take my hand.
"I swear on all six seas, if you don't shut the fuck up right now—"
"What?" Sanji looks at him like he's stupid. Nothing new, really.
"Ha, even you're going deaf having to listen to your own annoying ass whining all the time, Cook. I was—"
"No, you—"
"Don't interrupt me! Oi!" he yelps as a wooden spoon bounces harmlessly off his shoulder. He's not impressed that Sanji manages to catch it before it hits the counter.
"You said six seas," Sanji states.
Zoro stares back in lieu of an answer.
"Huh, maybe this has something to do with why you're always lost. There's only five seas, dummy."
And ah, now he gets what the idiot cook is on about. He's surprised and a little disappointed, honestly. You'd think the guy would be a little more aware about his own fucking dream, but whatever. He's got that annoying smile, smug and cocky like he's oh so much better than Zoro.
"Would you like me to count them out for you? I know it's a big number, it's probably confusing for a simple creature like you."
Zoro crosses his arms in clear warning, something the cook, as always, blatantly ignores. He's leaning on the counter that's between them now, eyes sparkling with glee. Idiot. Zoro's thoughts do not have a fond tone to them. Thoughts don't have tones at all, thank you very much.
Sanji lifts a hand and proceeds to count off on his fingers with the precision of a drill sergeant.
"I'm sure you at least know our ocean, the East Blue. There's also the West Blue, North Blue, South Blue, and of course the Grand Line," he wiggles all his fingers as he puts his thumb up for the last one like he's emulating fireworks.
Zoro snorts indelicately. "And?"
Sanji frowns with a tilt of his head.
Zoro holds up his index finger.
"And," he says, stifling his amusement as Sanji goes cross eyed trying to follow said finger as it arcs towards him, "your All Blue. Dummy."
He punctuates the last word by poking Sanji in the forehead, snickering when he sputters and swats the digit away in a huff. Then Zoro's words finally sink in, and he straightens up almost too fast. It's not endearing at all.
"Wait," he says quietly, "you count it?"
Zoro doesn't like how Sanji's looking at him with an open expression he's not usually allowed. He looks earnest and sincere. Zoro feels suddenly out of his depth.
"Don't you?" he deflects uncomfortably.
"Well yeah, but that's different. You're—" he shrugs half heartedly and looks away. Zoro can't tell if the end of that sentence was going to disparage him or the cook. Odds are likely split down the middle. Sanji keeps looking at him, and he feels pinned. The bright look is gone, replaced by something more reserved but perhaps...searching? Considering, at the least. It's making him increasingly self conscious. He needs to get out of here.
"Okay. I'm gonna steal some alcohol now," he says shortly, striding to the cabinet and swiping a bottle before Sanji blinks out of his stupor.
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bidisastersanji · 8 months
Everyone has seen those those Reddit posts where men force their girlfriends to open the relationship and then get mad when she’s the one who ends up enjoying herself and they don’t find anyone interested in them- that but with Zoro and Sanji 👀
Sanji is in a toxic relationship with Pudding and she gives him an ultimatum- either open the relationship (and let her keep cheating on him) or break up
Our poor boy is so desperate- he agrees.
Now. Right after she forces this on him they go to a house party at Luffy’s and the news spreads kind of fast. Nami goes to Zoro and rants about it to him (Sanji’s friends hate Pudding) and she says she hopes this will finally be what breaks those two up. Despite being in similar circles Zoro and Sanji haven’t interacted much, but he’s had a small crush on him- he’s exactly his type (fiery, strong fighter, nice ass and legs, kind, earnest)
Sanji, bless him, is surprised that quite a few people are flirting and interested in him at this party- with Pedro making a very obvious pass at him after lighting his cigarette in the most homoerotic way possible, and Ace telling him the news of his opened relationship are a dream come true for him and that he’s been waiting for an opportunity to get a taste (he does the call me sign haha)
Sanji’s flattered and flushed a bit from the embarrassment and the alcohol (he’s trying to drown the sorrow about Pudding and her sleeping with other people away). Eventually he starts letting it get to him and he confidently joins the dance floor and has fun with his friends.
(Pudding is seething from all the attention he’s getting, and for the fact that his friends have managed to cheer him up a bit, ie he’s not fretting over her and trying to get her attention.)
Zoro’s been watching all of this go down and is like- “honestly this is my opportunity to finally steal him”. He’s gonna show the shorty cook a fucking great time and what it’s like to be wanted, treated right.
He walks up to Sanji and to everyone’s shock he actually has a lot of game- their banter becomes more and more flirty and explicit, and Zoro gets more and more touchy- Sanji is a bit tipsy and mirrors this, Nami’s encouragements of getting back at Pudding and exploring this for real egging him on- why not indulge in this for once?
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subbyp · 2 months
In an OPLA verse version of the “Zoro and Sanji met and started dating before the Straw Hats formed” premise, the reveal of their relationship would go like—
they behave totally as they do in canon up to when Sanji brings the Straw Hats their drink orders.
then Sanji intentionally starts shit with Zoro (“You know, we do also serve food here.”). they start bickering (there are reaction shots from a wary Nami, a raptly interested Luffy, and an increasingly alarmed Usopp) until Zoro legitimately draws Wado and takes a swing at Sanji.
Usopp and Luffy both start out of their seats but Sanji blocks Zoro’s swing easily. there’s a beat of total silence—even some of the nearby tables are watching, stunned—and then both Zoro and Sanji crack up. Zoro sheathes Wado and just fuckign. does the scoop-up-and-twirl-around-into-a-big-ol’-smooch maneuver on a grinning Sanji right there in the middle of the dinner service (reaction shot of the other Straw Hats, looking various degrees of flabbergasted).
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datkat08 · 2 months
Zoro’s pretty princess ❤️
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Finally got to this ep and it lowkey changed my life
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doodleplus · 3 months
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A cook and his most frequent patron
(high quality images of p.4 under the cut u_u)
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unrelatedsideblog · 3 months
Sanji, who has canonically never been actually sick, falls ill for the first time and immediately knows something is wrong.
And then he starts coughing up flower petals 🌺🌸
Because I think it would be fitting if the first sickness of Sanji was the one caused by love
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super-nowa-art · 1 year
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helping with the dishes<3
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dkettchen · 9 months
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it's been a year of blondes, boobs, and one piece apparently
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an-au-blog · 11 months
Dancing With The Stars! au where pro dancer!Sanji was supposed to be paired with his favorite actress Nami. Unfortunately for him, she broke a bone doing one of her stunts so at the moment they tell him he has to be with her co-star. All he knows about him is that he looks like a brute and apparently queer. But Sanji only believed one of those statements.
They finally meet and Zoro is as stiff as a tree. Sanji does his best not to let his temper get the best of him but Zoro loves like an old wild cat. He's enraged that not only did they give him a man as a partner instead of his celebrity crush Nami, but they stuck him with this gorilla.
All their movements are clumsy and they are making almost no progress. Sanji gets so angry at one point that he kicks one of the props. He's gets startled when it breaks and one of the pieces flys right at Zoro. What was almost as startling was that Zoro dodged it like he knew exactly where it would be. Sanji realized that if they treated their dance like a fighting choreography, Zoro does marvellously.
Zoro still keeps getting distracted because there's all this sexual tension going on but almost no one can tell when they mess up. The flow like a river when on stage, they had gotten so used to each other's movements, that people though they were lying when they said they met for the first time on set.
At the end of their last dance number Zoro bends Sanji down and the crowd cheers. Zoro leans in and steals a kiss. Light and quick. No one saw, the cameras didn't catch it, but Sanji's entire world stopped turning.
Zoro tries to apologize for doing what he did after they got off the stage but Sanji just jumps him and gives him a "proper kiss".
They didn't win the competition, but they won something way better.
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skribbyposts · 4 months
ugh i hate when people misinterpret mlm ships. because why is this great relationship between this autistic man and his tweaker boyfriend with depression suddenly dumbed down to buff alpha wolf who never shows emotion and little twinky baby who cries all the time. please let them both be comfortable in their masculinity AND vulnerability, one doesnt always have to be the bottom 🙁🙁. these tropes are so overplayed and kind of heteronormative and im tired of seeing it in media.
or like do whatever you want maybe im just too into writing porn about big sweaty men.
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kyurochurro · 2 years
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anyways hi zosan nation ……… (textless version below :3)
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comtessacrow · 4 months
LOVE being a multishipper it’s my favorite thing actually like why wouldn’t I love this guy with this dude and also sometimes this other one
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alumirp · 10 months
White Blood, Red Teeth
a story where Luffy is constantly found by his friends having overdoses. It's a terrible behavior that started after Ace's death and everyone thinks it's a horrible coping method and finally gets together to admit him to a rehabilitation clinic. It's against his will, of course, so he resists and has withdrawal attacks and it's so bad that he goes on a hunger strike and loses a huge amount of weight and subsequently ends up with deteriorating health. A year and a half later, finally, after all this, the clinic considers him rehabilitated, although he is still underweight and doesn't eat as much as he should, but everyone is sure that Luffy will never look for drugs again. They are wrong and less than forty-eight hours after being released from the clinic, Zoro and Sanji find Luffy having another overdose in the bathroom of the apartment the three share. This time, the two decide to take a more aggressive approach and go after Luffy's drug dealer. Luffy is always talking about the guy, whom he calls Torao, who supposedly helped him cope with Ace's death. Whenever asked what he's on, Luffy responds "Torao's white blood", which Zoro and Sanji assume is the name of some homemade drug or something. Whatever it is, this Torao guy, is clearly taking advantage of Luffy's grief. to make a profit, so they stop at the drug dealer's address, almost knocking down the door, ready to give this guy 'Torao' a good beating and deliver him directly into the hands of Luffy's grandfather, a half-crazy police officer. They are surprised when the person who answers the door is a guy who goes by the name Penguin, who, strangely enough, lets them in easily after discovering that they are Luffy's friends. The house is nice, clean, airy, comfortable and cozy, everything you don't expect from a drug dealer's house. The place looks practically sterile in a hospital kind of way, which makes sense when they are finally introduced to the infamous Torao, a tall, malnourished guy who walks around on an IV. They confront 'Torao', who introduces himself as actually being Trafalgar Law, about the drugs he has been giving Luffy and the effects it has on their friend and, strangely, are surprised when: Law says he has never given drugs a Luffy and b: Law is surprised and then irritated when he is told about the "Toraos white blood" thing. Law then sighs and surprisingly takes off his shirt and displays his torso, covered in deep, fresh-looking bites, and proceeds to explain the craziest story of all time: Vampires are real and Luffy was turned into one the day Ace died. Law found him, injured and starving, and saved his life. He then explains that he is sick, his blood was infected from a young age with amber lead and he was living on borrowed time, so he had no qualms about feeding Luffy his blood. But they were both taken by surprise by the fact that, every time Luffy fed on him, his condition unexpectedly improved. But Law had no idea that his blood caused Luffy to overdose. He knew that there seemed to be a factor that made him somewhat dependent and Luffy was always lethargic in the first few minutes after feeding, but he never thought that his blood was acting as a drug for Luffy's undead organism. That's why in the year and a half that Luffy simply disappeared, Law, and his friends, simply thought that the vampire had gotten tired of helping Law and had left. They had been surprised when, last night, Luffy appeared out of nowhere on their doorstep and promptly attacked Law, feeding on him until Law was barely able to stay awake. Furthermore, in the time that Luffy was gone, Law's condition simply deteriorated terribly and he was practically convinced that he wouldn't make it until the end of the year. And now, they have to find a way to balance Luffy's feeding so that Law can survive, but in such a way that Luffy doesn't suffer side effects either. Everything becomes a mess when Robin, a mysterious friend of Zoro, gets involved, announcing that in fact, Law has been cursed by a witch.
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kuroananosanji · 2 months
I think a quick way to screen One Piece moots is if they view zosan as enemies to lovers
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cozage · 1 year
Listen! Listen. Listen.
Apparently I’m on an AU kick because I need you guys to imagine…Royalty AU.
ASL brothers are the princes.
Sanji is the Royal chef.
Nami is a princess that is set to marry Ace, and Zoro is her personal bodyguard.
One look at Ace, and Nami can tell this poor prince is clearly in love with someone else. Being the sly manipulator she is, she finally coaxes out of him who his heart belongs to.
It belongs to the chef.
Nami swears that his secret is safe with her, and blames some silly political reason to deny the marriage (her heart also belongs to another anyway, she’s thankful she has a way out now).
She goes to take her leave, and finds that her swordsman is missing, and nobody can remember the last time he was seen.
Finally a maid speaks up. They last time they saw the princess’s bodyguard, he was walking through the garden with Prince Luffy. But that was a few days ago. Nobody has seen either of them since.
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