#yes. but like. owain and cynthia are so serious about it
fatesdeepdive · 2 years
Entry 93: Amiibo Amiile
Four Fire Emblem characters appeared in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. Each was given an amiibo. Using these amiibos on one of the later 3DSs lets you unlock a special chapter where you fight these characters. All of these fights take place in the field from Chapter 6, instead of a hero related map, which is disappointing. 
Hero Battle 1: Hero-King Marth
Marth visits the Castle three times, challenging Corrin to a battle on the third one. In his visits Marth talks about the wars in Archanea and the joy of battle and growing stronger. Marth is apparently the Excelblem version. Like seriously man your friends died. Also Marth shills Corrin's sword skills.
In his battle, Marth is accompanied by generic units meant to represent Jagen, Caeda, Cain, Abel, Draug, and Gordin.
Hero Battle 2: Radiant Hero Ike
Ike says the world is filled with worthy opponents. Also bandits. He talks about his desire for a good brawl, hahaha he debuted in Brawl get it? Also he says he misses battle, continuing the trend of these beloved characters being bloodthirsty.
In his battle, Ike is accompanied by generic units meant to represent Mist, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Gatrie, and Shinon.
Hero Battle 3: Princess Lucina
Why the hell is Lucina just called princess? Everyone else gets cool titles. How about Future Hero, or Awakened Exalt? Lucina is too cool of a character for this disrespect.
Lucina isn't surprised by being teleported because she's been through this before. She says her father told her that bonds are stronger than destiny, and fuck yeah they are. Remember how Awakening was about something? That was nice.
Lucina has unique dialogue if she fights her friends from Awakening. They all ask her not to use their real names. Lucina's cousin Odin notices that she isn't the Lucina he knows, which is interesting; perhaps he can tell she's the version from the AU where Grima is Captain Falcon. Laslow hits on her. Selena also notices she isn't the real Lucina and, in a dark line, says she's used to fighting fiends that looked like friends. Is she referring to Morgan or Robin? Whatever. It's nice there's unique dialogue, but I'm disappointed there isn't more emotion. These three should be overjoyed or sobbing to see an old friend!
In her battle, Lucina is accompanied by generic units meant to represent Gerome, Inigo, Owain, Morgan, and Cynthia. So I guess Selena was right about fighting friends.
Hero Battle 4: Grandmaster Robin
Robin initially has amnesia, just like in Awakening, but gets over it quickly. Robin is troubled by the endless war Corrin faces, while noting he's experienced it before. And yes I know they're talking about Smash and Ike and Marth aren't actually evil, but still they don't say Smash so I'm assuming it's normal Marth but sadistic.
Like Lucina, he has dialogue with the Awakening trio. None with Rhajat, Caeldori, or Asugi, though. All three of the Awakening trio recognize Robin, but he doesn't recognize them. Selena and Odin again note Robin isn't the real Robin, with Selena angrily calling him an imposter. Amongus. Laslow doesn't notice he isn't the real Robin because he is stupid.
In his battle, Robin is accompanied by generic units meant to represent Chrom, Lissa, and Fredrick. Why did he get less units? That isn’t fair.
Support: Charlotte/Xander
C: Xander has a serious meeting with Charlotte to discuss reports of her causing disruptions in the army. He tells her her behavior isn't appropriate and warns her to not embarrass Nohr again. B: Charlotte tries her normal lunch trick. Xander doesn't fall from it, having heard of her doing it before. Again, he demands she stop.
A: Charlotte saves Xander from some faceless with her bare hands. She explains her poor sad backstory. Xander says she doesn't have to change her behavior now for some reason.
S: Xander says he's always loved Charlotte. I don't buy it.
Review: First two are great, with Xander being the only character to see through Charlotte’s bullshit. Then he decides it's fine, which ruins the Support line.
Support: Niles/Selena
C: Niles distrusts Selena because of the whole popped up from another universe with no explanation thing.
B: Niles spies on Selena while she's shopping and criticizes her shopping choices.
A: Niles explains that Selena is selfish, impatient, and a sore loser. Also she's loyal I guess. Niles declares them to be friends.
S: Niles decides to keep spying on Selena because he likes her.
Review: Fairly average.
Support: Elise/Silas
C: Silas feeds a starving family on Elise's request. She asks what he wants as a reward and he asks for her to act like his sister for a day, because she and Corrin seem so happy together.
B: Elise asks what they should do and Silas suggests they argue, because that's what siblings do. Elise suggests sparring, but Silas refuses because he doesn't want to hurt her.
A: They have a tea party.
S: Silas proposes, because this game is so incest horny that even play siblings get together. Review: Fine, but not astounding in any way.
Support: Beruka/Jakob
C: Jakob, knowing Beruka’s assassin past, hires her to clear out bugs in the pantry. Beruka is not amused.
B: Jakob asks again and Beruka says she doesn't know how to kill bugs, only people, because of tragic backstory.
A: Beruka feels she is changing, starting to care about other people. This scares her. Jakob asks how much she values her old lonely self and that, if she dislikes it, she should rejoice in the change.
S: Jakob says he loves Beruka. She assumes it's a joke. He explains that he too has changed. Review: An incredibly good A-Rank surrounded by average quality Supports.
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grandsonoflightike · 3 years
Sasha’s New Shadeliel Cult Chapter 11
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Story Summary: This happens after “The Truth About Tiki’s Knowledge About Grima’s Aura”. This Character Sasha In the Title is an OC female Shadow Manakete Who seeks to revive Medeus in the Awakening Era. The Shadeliel worship the Medeus The Shadow Dragon.
Chapter Summary: Marc revealed his true identity to everyone after the battle for Undercity because he has seen the events of the future are happening faster. They are then revealed the next battle of this which is the Battle for The Dragon's Table. Robin first decide they must investigate 8 areas. The first is in Wyvern Valley. This is where a Wyvern Rider is and with her is a third Minerva. This Child is The Child Of Gerome And Cynthia named Delia.  The enemy is a Shadeliel Wyvern Slaver. 
Background Song: I'm Not Okay By Citizen Soldier
Sasha’s New Shadeliel Cult Chapter 11
Our Heroes plus Marc start to head to The Dragon's Table when Robin then senses 8 areas where there are trouble and allies they can get.
Marc says "I can tell you 7 of them are future Children like me. The 8th ally is someone that I don't know who it is."
Naga appears and says "It is someone from your 3rd Timeline but she forgot her memories because of abuse from certain people."
Marc says "Hmm, you mean the Shadeliel?"
"I can't reveal which group abused her. It is not allowed." Nags says with a very serious expression.
Marc says "Ok Then, where are we going to first?"
"Wyvern Valley... There is a Shadeliel Wyvern Slaver there who is trying to enslave the Wyverns there and the villagers there have mercenary Paladins to drive back the Slaver but the paladins are calling on aid." Robin says.
Grima says "Then let's get moving. Send a special help notice if you want me to help."
Meanwhile in Wyvern Valley, a Mercenary Paladin approaches a Wyvern Rider who is not with the Shadeliel.
The mercenary paladin says "Who are you? Are you here to help with the shadeliel Wyvern Slaver?"
"That is correct. The name is Delia. I am the future daughter of Princess Cynthia Of Ylisse and Lord Gerome of Roseanne." Delia aka the wyvern rider says in a heroic pose with her having one finger on her mask.
That is when our heroes arrive and hear that sentence and everyone groans at another being into heroic poses.
Cynthia and Gerome say “You mean she is our daughter?”
"Yeah.  There is our ally, Alright. That is the daughter of Cynthia and Gerome named Delia." Marc says.
Sonia says "Yeah, that is definitely her.  We got to save her and her Minerva."
Gerome tells Cynthia to Follow him.
“Whoa, he’s taking charge.” Owain says.
They battle through the enemies and defeat them all until they make it to Delia.  Gerome has to block Delia’s Attack only for Cynthia to Reveal to Delia that it is her father.
Delia says “Sorry, dad. Come! Let’s save These Wyverns!” She then strikes a pose.
Ketchum says To Delia “Hmph, Robin and Corrin wants us in pairs.  They paired us together.” Ketchum says.
Ketchum pairs up with Delia and they battle the forces of Shadeliel Wyvern Slavers and beat them. Once the battle is over, Delia confronts the one who she is paired up with.
“Who are you?” Delia says.
“The Name is Ketchum.” Ketchum says.
“You’re Ketchum?!” Delia shouts.
Gerome says “You know Ketchum, Daughter?”
“Of Course I do.  He is my true love according to Naga.” Delia says.
Severa and Cynthia shout “What?!”
Severa says “You mean Princess Cynthia’s Child and My Child are true lovers.”
Naga says “Yes They are. So says the Gods Of The Emblem.”
Ketchum says “Well she is going to have to earn my respect.”
Delia says “Then we will do so through our supports.”
Marc says "Where to next, Dad?”
Robin says “To The desert where Laurent was found.”
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the-werdna · 4 years
Title : Robcina Week Day 7 - Free Day
Description: New Years. A time to reflect on the year that has passed and to look forward to the year to come. And what better way to spend it other than to do so with the person you love?
Notes: Written for Day 7 of Robcina Week 2020. Takes place in the same Persona AU that I used in two previous oneshots, which you can find as chapters 41 and 47 of Love Across Time.
Robin checked his phone, nervously reading Lucina’s text message for what had to be the billionth time.
As with each time, Robin couldn’t help but smile a little at Lucina’s particular method of texting. Overly wordy and formal, yet entirely in upper case. Certainly an odd combo.
Yet as before the smile was short-lived, replaced by fluttering in his stomach as he waited for her to arrive. It was unusual for her to be late. Maybe she’d had second thoughts. Not just about seeing him today, but everything. Her. Him. Together. Realized of course it was a bad idea, that she didn’t feel that way about him anymore. Like he expected she would all--
Robin gave himself a little smack, shaking his head to clear those traitorous thoughts from his head. His cheek stung, the cold winter air harsh against his cheek.
Stop worrying and be patient. It's only been a few minutes,  Robin told himself. He reached for his phone again, only this time he managed to check the motion, instead trying to focus on his surroundings.
Snow fell gently over the town of Akanea, blanketing it in a dusting of white. It was as if the town had become a white canvas, almost featureless, ready to be repainted with the start of the new year.
A cheesy sentiment? Perhaps. But wasn’t that what today was about? To reflect on the passing of a year and look forward to the year to come?
Robin couldn’t help but look down from his spot at the top of the old shinto shrine, to the broken gap in the ancient stone wall that gave way to the forest beyond the town’s borders. He remembered how only a week into his stay at the town Owain and Cynthia had practically dragged him into the woods at that very spot, spurred on by rumors of ghostly spirits and people venturing in to never return. The promise of adventure they’d said… not that any of them could have known how true that sentiment had turned out to be,
Not that he’d go back and change it if he could. For all the hardships they faced that past year, he’d never have found the friendships he had now. A place to belong, even if his time in town would soon draw to a close this coming spring. A place for the first time he felt connected to and filled with people with whom he’d forged unbreakable bonds.
And he’d found love. Somehow. In spite of his wildest expectations. That too was worth something.
There was a crunch of footsteps in the snow. Robin turned, finding his breath caught in his throat as he beheld Lucina. She was clad in her usual scarf and peacoat, though the ensemble was now joined by bright yellow earmuffs and high brown boots that reached halfway up to her knees. Under her coat Robin could see just a flash of confused, clashing colors whose pattern he recognized all too well. It was the matching sweater to the one she’d given him as a Christmas present. She’d knitted them both herself, which is why Robin had likewise worn it underneath his own coat.
“I must apologize for my tardiness, Robin,” Lucina told him, taking a hesitant step forward and extending a hand towards his arm but stopping short. “I wasn’t sure what I should wear, and… I must admit I  considered returning home to change into a kimono. I know it would be traditional, but the thought embarrassed me so…” she shook her head, her eyes downturned.
“It’s okay. You look just as adorable without it,” Robin assured her, crossing the rest of the distance and putting his hand on her arm instead. He knew how self -conscious Lucina was in regards to her own perceived shortcoming in regards to acting like other girls her age. As she saw it, she failed to have the same interests and experience in more feminine topics, particularly when it came to acting like a ‘normal teenage girl’.
Robin could never understand why she felt that way. As far as he was concerned, Lucina was perfect the way she was now and had no business needing to change herself for him nor anyone else.
Lucina’s cheeks flushed pink and she shook her head.. “I know, but… I just fear I am… inadequate at times like these,” she admitted. “It is a terrible habit, I know. Though I’m… glad… to hear you say so, Robin.”
Without looking Lucina quickly snapped her hand down, gripping his fingers tightly, so much so that it almost hurt. Robin ignored it, taking her hand between them as well. For an instant he found himself staring at her face, marveling at how cute she looked when she got like this. And how beautiful she was, just like always. Yeah, he could never ignore that, and--
Now it was Robin’s turn to blush, realizing the turn his thoughts had taken. “So, um…” he stammered.
“Oh, the shrine, yes?” Lucina asked, her face turning a deeper shade of red as well. She’d been staring too.
Their feet crunching in the snow, the two walked together to the main altar of the shrine. Slipping their hands free briefly, the two bowed, making their own prayers for the coming year. Robin didn’t ask what Lucina had prayed for, as it felt rude to do so. For his part he merely prayed the two would be able to find happiness together in the brief time they had before the spring… and that they’d manage to remain close and true to each other in the long distance relationship that would follow. While he had faith enough things would work out between them, despite his doubts, he figured a little extra luck from whatever gods may or may not be listening couldn’t hurt.
Then, holding hands once more, the two of them turned to the offering box at the left side of the shrine to draw omikuji. Reaching out, Robin deposited a 500 yen coin into the box, Lucina doing the same.
“Do you want to draw your fortune first? I fear I have the most terrible luck when it comes to things like this,” Lucina asked, a small smile tugging at her lips.
Which seems odd, considering your Arcana is Fortune, Robin thought, deciding to keep this observation to himself. He still didn’t have the faintest clue of how to explain the whole concept of arcanas and social links to his fellow persona users.  So instead he just shook his head, replying, “Which is why it would be best to get it over with now. Better than worrying longer while you wait.”
“I suppose that makes some sense…” Lucina reached out, hesitating a moment before sticking her hand into the box and pulling out fortune. She squinted, reading the small text, her face turning to a grimace. “As expected. Curse. More bad luck is in store for me then....”
“Well, think of it this way. If you had bad luck now, then things can only get better from here,” Robin offered, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. “What about your fortune?”
“Let us see...  ‘Do not be overly judgemental of your loved one's intentions or actions.’,” Lucina read off. “That certainly does sound like me. I fear I am far too negative even at the best of times, which does sometimes make me too judgemental... I must strive not to let my own doubts reflect poorly on others, lest I always fear the worst in their intentions.”
“A very wise way to look at it, taking a negative fortune and turning it in a way to better yourself,” Robin noted.
“I know. Very unlike myself. Perhaps your eternal optimism has rubbed off on me more than I thought.” Lucina smiled, tilting her head slightly to him. “Now I believe it is your turn for a fortune.”
Robin nodded, reaching into the box and taking a fortune from the very center. Pulling it out, he unfolded the piece of paper, reading the text inscribed upon it.
“Great Blessing,” he read off, noticing how Lucina winced at this mention. He paused, gripping her hand at the wrist and moving it up to lay upon the fortune.
“Robin?” Lucina asked, gasping in surprise. “What are you---”
“Sharing my good fortune with you. I figure half of a great blessing is enough to counteract the curse you pulled,” he explained, putting his other hand on top of her’s.
“But this is your fortune. You don’t need to share it with me,” Lucina told him, shaking her head.
“I know, but… I want to. Isn’t that reason enough?” Robin smiled gently, meeting her gaze.
“Robin… you are too good to me. I don’t know what I did to deserve your kindness,” Lucina said.
“You did it by being yourself, Lucina. By being the person I couldn’t help but love,” he replied, wrapping the hand on top of her tighter.
“Robin…” Lucina said. She trailed off, seeming content with simply sharing the moment between the two of them. That, in the end, was all that was important.
“Thank you,” she said at last, Robin whispering those words in answer as well.
Then Lucina tensed up, an off expression spreading over her face. “Robin?” she asked, letting the word hang in the air.
“Yes? What is it?” he asked, concern gripping him. Had he done something wrong? Was she upset at something? Or had something else happened? Something serious that needed their attention?
“You didn’t read the rest of your fortune.”
Robin blinked, it taking his brain a painfully long time to process what she said. “Oh… Right…” he said, smacking himself in the forehead. He’d completely forgotten to read that.
In unison the two each took hold of one side of the fortune, gingerly folding it open once more, leaning in to peer at the text upon it, wondering what their now shared fortune would bring for them.
Your heart is a place to draw true happiness.
“Well…” Robin said, picking his words slowly. “..that was painfully underwhelming.”
“Indeed. Quite the generic fortune,” Lucina agreed. The two exchanged looks, glancing at the offering box.
“Maybe we’re putting  a bit too much stock in silly pieces of paper,” Robin noted, a wry smile tugging at his lips.
“Undoubtedly. In the end, our futures are what we make of them. Not something left merely to fate,” Lucina said, smiling back.
“Yes, it is,” Robin agreed full heartedly.  Even as he said this, however, he couldn’t help but glance down and read the fortune a second time.
“Still, this really is a big let down. All that build up only to just peter out…”
“If I were not mistaken, you sound almost disappointed, Robin,” Lucina told him, a warm laugh joining her words.
“Would have been more interesting at least, you have to admit.” Taking her hand in his once more, Robin leaned in closer, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. Lucina cheeks flushed pink again, matching Robin’s own face as he too blushed.
“Come on. It's still early, and I think I’d like to spend the rest of the day together. If you don’t mind, of course.”
“I would love to,” Lucina said, resting her head against his shoulder for a moment, tilting it just a bit to look up at him.
Then, together, the two turned away from the shrine, making their way back into town, ready to meet whatever the new year would bring.
Author’s Note: So, a bit of a retcon from my previous Persona AU. Lucina now texts in all caps, inspired by the fact that in addition to Naoto, I have discovered that yet another cute blue haired girl who reminds me of Lucina also texts in all caps… meaning it was only fitting Lucina did so as well.
Also yes I shamelessly ripped this off of Naoto’s New Year’s date in Persona 4 Golden. I just love P4 a lot, okay? *sobs*
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sakumosowainthirst · 5 years
I’m running on 4 hours of sleep and coffee; let’s make a controversial post! Today’s topic: Fates/Awakening ships I hate!  :D
Preface: I’m not hating on anyone who ships these.  I’m also not saying you can’t/shouldn’t ship these.  I’m merely voicing why I dislike them, because I usually keep it all to myself and just feel like screaming into the void today.  So all of this is just my opinion, and you don’t have to take it seriously, okay? C:  Also, I don’t want to have to type “to me” after every opinion, so just take it as implied.
Now then, let’s begin.
Easily my biggest dislike on the list.  I will never, ever, ever understand why this is Owain’s most popular parentage.  Their supports weren’t all that great, and they are just so different from each other in ways that I think they would just clash.  I’ve seen people who ship it say, “He would be so supportive of Owain’s banter!  He would encourage his playfulness!”  And all I can think is, “Are we thinking of the same Lon’qu?  The one who’s stoic, doesn’t talk much, is very serious and grumpy?  That Lon’qu?”  He’s the token tsundere, sure, but I really don’t see him accepting Owain; I actually see the opposite.  I feel like Lissa and Owain’s upbeat personalities would grate on his nerves, to the point he’d find them both unbearably embarrassing.  Lissa and Lon’qu also just have MUCH BETTER ships/supports with other characters, and tbh, they both deserve better.  Lissa and Owain deserve someone who gels with their sunshine energy, and Lon’qu deserves a more reserved partner.  Of all Owain’s dad ships, Lonliss is the only one I truly cannot, “see,” and no explanation has made me able to, “see,” it as they both are in canon, and probably never will, tbh.  Every other Lissa ship, I can find some sort of merit, even if I don’t ship it, but when I look at Lonliss, there is just none.  No chemistry, no commonality, no anything that makes them a good couple.  Not in canon, anyway.  I’ve heard a ton of headcanons for it (I’m an Owain stan and this is quite literally his most popular dad, it’s very common), and fanon is fine and dandy, but when it bends canon too much, it just doesn’t sit well with me, and Lon’qu being any sort of okay with Lissa and Owain just bends canon too much, to me.  They’re too hyper, he’s too reserved.  As a final thought, I’m admittedly not a fan of any ship that takes Lissa and Owain away from Ylisstol, and Lon’qu (along with Donnel) does.  Their ending states they live in Ferox, and I just don’t like that.  I like Owain growing up alongside Lucina.  Also, Cynthia and probably Morgan would be in Ylisstol, and Owain canon has the Justice Cabal with them in his youth, so that’s kind of contradictory if he’s born and raised in Ferox.  (I also personally headcanon both Lissa and Owain hating the cold, tbh.  Odin has a line about hating the cold in Anna’s DLC in Fates, and I think Lissa mentions hating snow at some point, too, though I could be wrong.)
Grouping these together because I’m equally meh on both.  I can definitely see them, but I don’t like them.  Owain and Inigo do become bros, but I kind of feel like they would still squabble like petty children like their Awakening supports.  It’s more in a brotherly way, though; they start off teasing each other and end up in a slap-hands fight.  I like them as a friendship, just not a romantic ship.
Owain/Brady I have more trouble seeing because their only commonality is their mothers, and their supports make them seem like casual friends at best.  I feel like their mothers is a big part of why they’re shipped, tbh, which is just kind of :T for me.  I can see them if I squint, but it’s not a ship I care for.
The saddest thing is, look up anything spicy for Owain, you’re going to find one of these two in it.  Either these two or...
Odiniles/Leodin/Leotrio Threesome
Oh boy, here we go, SakuMo disliking another popular pairing(s).  Odin and Niles canonically bicker.  Like, they are nasty to each other.  Odin says as much in their A rank.  He says they should try to get along more, but I’m not really sure how well that would turn out.  To be honest, the only thing they really have in common is their loyalty to Leo.  Lacking that, they’re two wildly different people.  I’m not saying that different people can’t work as a couple--it happens all the time--but if you lack at least some common ground, it makes it really hard for a relationship to work.  Devotion to your master isn’t really much common ground.  Given their canon history, dramatically different personalities, and lack of common interests, I just don’t see them being compatible.  Every Odiniles fic I’ve ever read had Niles uncharacteristically understanding of Odin, to the point it didn’t even feel like Niles at all/he was very OOC.  One again, fanon is fine--you do you!--but bending canon too much and/or in ways that don’t make sense to the character is just not my scene.
Leodin is one that I can kind of see, definitely more than Odiniles, which in no way works in my head, but I’m just not a fan of it, generally.  My dislike isn’t as strong as with Odiniles, but it’s still there.  And I’ll just say that I am not into poly, don’t like OT3s, threesomes, etc., so that should sum up my feelings on the Leotrio as an OT3.
Odilise, Lazura, Selbaki, a.k.a. “The Oedipus Complex Ships”
Don’t make the Trio marry their moms, fam.  Odilise is the most egregious one, tbh, because Elise is so much like Lissa and it’s so, so creepy to ship her with Odin.  Never mind that canon Elise is supposed to be like...14-15 (I reject this canon and substitute my own hc of 18, but I digress), and though we don’t know how long the Trio is in Nohr before the start of Fates, we can assume anywhere from six months to a year or two considering they are well-established as retainers, so Odin is probably in his early 20s, at youngest maybe 20-21.  (Granted, using the canon ages makes a lot of ships suspect, especially with the younger characters, but I digress.)  I get that Elise is a good stat mom for Ophelia and gives the “canon” hair, but the ship itself is just problematic on a lot of fronts.  She’s basically his mom, their supports are playful but it def feels brotherly-sisterly (granted most of Elise’s supports do) and throws in the romance literally out of left field in the S rank, and they just look kind of suspect together, fam.  I have unfortunately in my travels across the internet for Owain content seen Odin/Elise porn, and the fact it makes me uncomfortable in a, “this looks really illegal,” way speaks volumes.  And again, yes, I know the same would be true for other ships with Elise, and it’s why there are few I actually like with her.  But Odin/Elise just in particular bothers me because like Lonliss, I see it the most, and it’s made me irrationally bitter toward it.  This one and Lonliss are my two, “hair-trigger rage,” ships.  I see either, I get really annoyed.  I don’t voice this, mind--I keep on scrolling and ignore the content--but it does make me grumpy, lol.  They’re the two I can honestly say I hate instead of just saying I dislike.
Selbaki is a bit lesser, but it basically makes Severa her own grandma, don’t do that. xD  Severa already has a complex with trying to be perfect like her mom, so making her feel the same not only for her husband but also her daughter is just cruel to her.  Give Severa a break, y’all.
Lazura is the least similar, admittedly, but it’s still in the same vein.  Performer marrying a performer.  Of the three, I can tolerate it the most, but it’s still not great for me.
Corrin/Any sibling, including Azura
Look, I get it.  Corrin is, by technicality, not blood-related to any of them, with the exception of Azura, who is their blood-related cousin.  H O W E V E R, just because they find out that they aren’t blood-related to the Nohr siblings doesn’t mean the familial bonds just go POOF.  The Nohr siblings would definitely not be like, “I guess we can bang Corrin now.”  If this were the case, adopted families would never “truly” bond because they aren’t related by blood.  Corrin growing up in Nohr means that they would most likely always see the Nohr siblings as family, and vice-versa.
Hoshido, on the other hand, is a bit trickier.  While it’s true they aren’t blood-related, I want to say Ryoma is the only one who knows?  Like, I think he’s the only one who brings it up in the S Support?  But lacking that, Corrin and the rest of the Hoshido siblings do think they’re blood-related.  Hidden Truths states that Corrin never learned the truth about their real father, nor that Lilith is their sister.  All 3 routes play out with the assumption that Sumeragi was Corrin’s father, and if it’s stated otherwise, it’s maybe only in the beginning as a throwaway line during the Mikoto section.  You could make a plausible argument that the Trio could tell Corrin the truth, since all 3 of them have heart-rank lines where they reveal their real names and that they’re from another world, but that’s leading into possible canon rather than actual canon (and is also why I hc it).  But for all intents and purposes, Corrin thinks they are blood-siblings with the Hoshido fam, so that would make them less likely to pursue them romantically.  And even if they knew, they still all all each other brother/sister.
Azurrin is the trickiest.  It’s only in Revelation that the connection between Arete, Azura’s mother, and Mikoto, Corrin’s mother, is made, afaicr, so in Birthright and Conquest, Corrin technically wouldn’t know they are cousins.  However, Azura would.  Azura always knew everything, because her mother told her about Valla and taught her the traditional song and such.  She most likely knew Mikoto was her aunt.  Even on the off chance she didn’t know, it would still be an awkward down the line thing when they find out they’re cousins.  I know Japan is more lenient on the whole cousin-marriage thing, but...don’t have Shigure and Kana coming out looking like the Habsburgs, please, I beg you, lol.
My rule of thumb: if two characters refer to each other as, “brother,” or, “sister,” at any point, don’t let them fuck.  xD
Kana/Any Romantic/Sexual Ship
Kana is a child.  Stop it.  Stop it right now.  They are a baby.  I’VE SEEN FICS, I KNOW IT EXISTS, YOU SICK FUCKS.  Even aged up feels a little awkward, but I can be a little bit more lenient on that.  I just never will.  Kana is asexual and aromantic in my eyes, lol.
That’s all I can really think of right now; coffee is wearing off, I need a nap, lol.  Once again, please don’t be offended if I dislike a ship you like!  We are all different!  I just wanted to throw this out there on the off chance I do requests again and someone wants one of these written, because I would respectfully decline.  I don’t mean these to be hateful, just sort of venting into the ether in a mildly-exhausted stupor.
Also, you can try to counter me on some of these, but tbh, a few of them, I am stubbornly never going to change my mind, so we’d just go round and round in a circular argument if you tried.  xD  I like what I like and don’t like what I don’t, lol.  I’m not typically a multi-shipper, either, so you’d probably be hard-pressed to get me to shift at all, lol.  I mean that in the most loving way possible, too.
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thatdragonsdrabbles · 6 years
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[I'll make the assumption that it's not a result of Lucina dying, and simply an AU sort of thing where for some reason using (Parallel) Falchion is not necessarily hereditary. You're more of the tragic adventure fan than I am. *That dragon blows a rapsberry.]
Other future kids wielding Falchion
Owain of course would be a likely candidate, and a good fit, for using Falchion. He has a hyperfocus on swords, especially the “legendary blades,” and he could be flashy with such a cool heccin' blade. But he doesn't shy away from the serious bits. Sure, he might get carried away with his heroic storytelling, but when stuff goes down you know he's stepping up to the plate to do what needs to be done. He would be more likely to take it if the situation arose, or if Lucina wanted to spar using a different weapon. He would take it in his epilogue given permission, though he might rename it for “the start of a new fantastic tale.”
Kjelle is obviously powerful, so her strikes would really pack a punch, if perhaps slower. She has more of an interest in lances, but doesn't avoid other weapons in her quest to be the best defender Ylisse has. She would need tips from Lucina and other more experienced sword-wielders to truly be comfortable using it. Honestly though, she would be more hesitant to take it, even with Lucina's blessing. There's a slight feeling of not being the one the blade is meant for, regardless of her ability to use it. She would see no need to keep it in the epilogue, because fated blade or not, it's served its purpose and would be better suited in other hands.
Cynthia would make an interesting sword-using pegasus knight! She seems more inclined to learn a new weapon-type, especially for cool heroics. Now, whether she'd be particularly talented or not, is dependant on her nailing things in training and not getting too distracted by stunt ideas. She would definitely need lots of pointers from Lucina. But with the right guidance, she'll be able to go toe-to-toe with other aerial units, and maybe even pull off those awesome entrances! She could keep Falchion in the epilogue, or she could give it up, but either way she's being dramatic about it. Heroes gotta have stories told about them!
Laurent is not at all interested in wielding Falchion. Why would he be? Unless he could manage a spell that utilizes Falchion's interesting powers, or suspend it in arcane matrixes to launch like a projectile. Which now that he thinks about it, would be a very intriguing spell. He might want to do experiments on it. He'll attempt wielding it if he has to, but even with his surety and steady hand he wouldn't benefit more from it than he would from magic. He could easily observe others' forms and incorporate them for his own, though. He leaves Falchion for sure for the epilogue, except perhaps to study its divine properties.
Brady would be really reluctant to pick up this blade. He's not cut out for that kind of crap, yunno? That's meant for the heroes and the guys that look good, not... well, a guy like him. It would take a lot out of him to try learning how to use it, too. He would need a lot of talking—and I mean a lot—to be convinced to use the thing, and in the end he wouldn't be that talented at it. The finesse escapes him. Training him to use Falchion would be a long project. There's no love lost between him and the sword in the epilogue, he'll leave that sucker with someone better for it.
Severa would utterly destroy with Falchion. She's stubborn enough to learn how to use it properly, after maybe a few tantrums when the stress really gets to her. And she'll definitely be hard on herself, partially from her mother's reputation and partially from Falchion's. Can't have just any loser using the sword, right? But she would force herself to become the best, and flaunt it well. A bit of a sore winner sometimes, but a good heart all the same. She would rather leave it with Lucina, but if not she'll take it for sentiment.
Nah wielding Naga's fang would be an interesting sight. It might also be a comedic one, with how tiny she is—just don't say that aloud, or she might threaten to eat you. It would be a bit out of her comfort zone, size notwithstanding. Becoming a dragon comes so naturally to her, so this new territory would frustrate her. But if it's truly important, she'll work hard at learning it, like an adult would. But she's not going to be taking it with her in her epilogue, not even as a trophy. It feels strange to carry around someone's tooth, godly or not.
Noire doesn't seem a likely candidate to wielding Falchion. But you have to remember the muscles required to use a bow properly, and the terrifying quality she has in the heat of combat. There'll definitely be some hurdles as far as technique goes, but with a supportive mentor she'll be capable enough. No one wants to mess with the woman cackling as she swings a sword. She doesn't have a great interest in it otherwise, so it wouldn't come with her in her epilogue. Not unless it has sentimental value, like memories with Lucina or another friend (or a crush).
Yarne would not be happy to learn how to use this blade. Asking him to get in the fray without the protection his transformation gives him is just plain crazy. It would take a lot of convincing from Lucina... and several others...maybe even his parents, or Robin, or both. But once he focuses on his need to protect others as well as himself, he'll put his absolute all into training. It's different from the knee-jerk reactions as a giant bunny, but he can work it into muscle memory. He might take the sword with him in his epilogue as a reminder to be brave.
Inigo is more than happy to take the Falchion off of Lucina's hands. Well, he'll hesitate a little. But do you realize how cool he'll look to the ladies with this legendary blade at his hip? Yes, of course he'll be serious, war isn't a game. He wants to defend everyone's rights to smile. He'll just use it to get attention from the ladies during his downtime. Is that so wrong? Maybe. He has less ground to cover for training, considering he's already familiar with swords. But it is a bit different from his usual. He'll probably take Falchion in his epilogue, if Lucina is all right with that.
Gerome would much rather use his own weapons, thank you. All right, if he needs to, he'll take it. Only Lucina could convince him. But it's far different from swinging an axe, and he doesn't want to endanger Minerva's life. He's more than a bit stubborn, so it'll take him longer to learn than some. But, he knows his duty, and he won't back down from the harsh reality that, one day, Lucina might not be able to use Falchion. It still feels wrong, but necessity overrides personal feelings. He doesn't want to take it for himself, so it would be returned to Lucina or the royal family in his epilogue.
Morgan (any gender) would be honored with the opportunity to wield Falchion. Robin never used it, right? What a way to surpass their parent! They can seem pretty airheaded and easygoing, but their training is a different story. Have to push themselves to become an even more legendary tactician, and to stop the world from spiraling into darkness. They'd observe and pick up pointers from everyone they can, especially Lucina, and prepare to utilize it in a worst-case scenario. They'd want to return it in their epilogue, but if Lucina didn't want to keep it for whatever reason, they'd want to put it on display, as a beacon of hope for future generations to keep fighting against the darkness.
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four-loose-screws · 7 years
Inigo in the Japanese, Revisited!
So, after a bit more searching, I decided that I’m not satisfied with my Inigo post.
Well, turns out… the change is all in his VOICE ACTING! Oh. Well, I feel silly. Guess I should have been playing my games with headphones instead of just turning down the volume in public.
He sounds like the fool always failing with the ladies for comedic effect in the Japanese, but his English voice actually sounds smooth and attractive.
This isn’t really something I need to write about, since the differences are obvious to most anyone who can hear. Check out the differences in his voice acting for yourself if you wish. Coping and pasting ファイアーエムブレム アズール into YouTube search and clicking on anything that looks like one of his support conversations should be easy enough. 支援会話 is support conversation.
…But if you ignore the voice acting, like I mostly have, his character is pretty much intact.
If you want the short version, this is about as far as you need to go.
However, since I love to be thorough, here’s a breakdown of the changes in his supports…
An overall note I’d like to make is, pretty much any time in the localization he mentions having something other than tea when going out with a girl, it’s a change.
Note: I’m focusing on changes in Inigo’s lines here. Changes in the other characters are largely ignored. (They are nothing conversation changing anyway.)
Nothing to mention.
Inigo’s first line in A is much more desperate.
たのもー! たのもー! (I’m begging you! I’m begging you!) デジェル、また挑戦しに来たよ~!▼ (Kjelle, come challenge me again!) 今日こそは、(Today’s the day) 一本取ってみせるからねぇ!▼ (I’ll show you that I can win once!)
Vs localization:
Inigo: I hope you're ready, Kjelle! Today's the day. I can feel it!
In S, Inigo doesn’t make a sexual reference to Kjelle’s “heart area” and just asks “Huh? Your heart?”
Inigo is so much more vulnerable in the Japanese than the localization in this line from the C support:
うん、そうだよ~。(Yeah, you’re right.) 僕は今とっても落ち込んでるんだ…▼ (I’m really depressed right now…) あんなに怒られて恥ずかしい… (It’s really embarrassing to get told off like that…) もう僕の心は傷だらけだよ…▼ (My heart is covered in scars…) だから、しばらく (So please) そっとしておいてくれないかな…▼ (leave me alone for a while…)
Vs localization:
Inigo: Actually, she was GORGEOUS! And for such a beautiful young creature, she certainly packed a mean left hook... I think I just need some time alone. ...Well, that and some ice.
We never know exactly what Cynthia gets from her admirers in the Japanese, she just always says “sweets.”
The last line of the S adds a sentence at the end.
ご、ごめんよ、シンシア~! (S-Sorry, Cynthia~!) でも一番なのは君だからさ~~!!!▼ (But you are my number one~~!!)
Vs localization: Inigo: Sorry, my love! You'll always be my number one! But there are so many other lovely numbers out there!
Not that conversation changing, but still noteworthy for the slight tone change.
There’s this difference in A…
…アズールさん?▼ (…Inigo?)
…やられた。(…I was deceived.)
運がいいどころじゃないよ…▼ (My luck isn’t good at all…)
Vs localization:
Inigo: Oh, yes. It turned me around a full 360 degrees!
Morgan: Oh, that's great! ...Wait, no it isn't. That's not great at all!
Inigo: Ha! That isn't the half of it. I only WISH I'd come full circle to when we went out.
In the S Support, Inigo doesn’t say that Morgan’s plan is creepy. Also, Morgan’s last line is just her wishing their relationship the best with a “yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” No mentions of another expensive dinner, which I’m sure delighted Inigo’s wallet!
Girls really like being violent with Inigo in the localization, but not in the Japanese – in C, Nah doesn’t say that he normally gets punched in the face, she just notes that he’s not out with anyone today. When he says that he only approaches girls who look like they will say yes, she just tells him he’s lying. Instead of saying that they get violent, she says the get angry in the Japanese.
From the end of B, this line of Inigo’s is different…
Japanese: 良い子は大人しく (Now be a good, obedient girl,) 自分のお部屋に戻って寝ていなさい。 (and go back to your room and sleep.)
Vs. localization: Now why don't you run along and see if Uncle Chrom will read you a bedtime story?
In the A support, Inigo says that, when Nah’s transformation nearly scared him to death, he saw his dead parents, not any girls in black.
In S, instead of joking that Nah looks old and wrinkly, Inigo says that she looks cheerful and beautiful.
Father Support
Lots of stuff about Inigo picking up girls and sexual jokes were much more toned down in the Japanese…
もうすぐ行軍の時間だ。(It’s almost time to march.) 仕方ないだろう。▼ (It can’t be helped.) 時間を忘れてナンパをしていた (For forgetting the time and picking up women,) お前が悪い。▼ (you are in the wrong.)
あ、そうだったね。ごめんなさーい。(Oh, that’s right. I’m soooorry.) よーし、今日もいっちょ頑張るかぁー!▼ (Alright, I’ll do my best today,     too!)
Vs localization: Chrom: We have a battle to prepare for, Inigo. Everyone else is ready to march. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for losing track of time.          
Inigo: Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!
Here’s another example…
絶望に支配されていたという未来から (You come from a future dominated by despair,) 来た割には、悩みが無さそうというか…▼ (but don’t seem to have many worries…) ルキナが持っている (Lucina has) 強い使命感や決意のようなものが、▼ (a strong sense of duty and determination,) お前からは微塵も感じられないというか…▼(but I don’t feel even a little bit of that coming off of you…)
Vs. localization: Chrom: For someone who came from an apocalyptic hellscape, you're awfully carefree. Seems like you haven't a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharing tonight. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you don't have any of that purpose.
And another…
えへへ。そりゃもちろん、(Eh he he. Of course,) 大勢の女の子たちにモテることだよー!▼ (it’s to be popular with lots of girls!)
Vs localization: Inigo: Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!
Olivia (mother)
Nothing to mention.
In their B Support, Inigo never says he’s going to the market, he’s just wondering where he’s going to go to find girls today, then, Noire asks him “you’re picking up girls again?”
In S, Noire doesn’t say that Inigo flirted with a sign in front of a baker’s shop. She just says that it seems he only asks out those who aren’t friends. Also, he doesn’t ask her to marry him, rather, to go out for tea as bf/gf.
First line of C…
あのさ、ルキナ。▼ (Hey, Lucina.)
ルキナは未来にいた時から (Ever since you were in the future,)
厳しい表情をすることが多いよね。▼ (you’ve often had a rigid expression.)
Vs. localization: Inigo: Lucina! Wait! Hold up one second. ...Aw, what, no smile for old Inigo? There's a shocker.
As usual, the localization adds a bit to the conversation, this bit is from B…
食事の後、(After the meal,) お茶に誘おうと思ったんですが…▼ (I decided to ask her out for tea, but…) 突然『おう、待たせたな』とか言って、(suddenly, someone said “Hey, sorry to make you wait), たくましい体つきの彼氏が現れて…▼(and a buff guy appeared…)
Vs localization: Inigo: Well, we both finished eating, but right before I turn on the ol' Inigo charm... This huge knight lumbers up and gives me the stink eye! Well, actually he started yelling in some weird language and waving a sword around. But that's close enough to the stink eye where I come from.
“I just hope he doesn't end up on the end of a lance one day...” – This line from Robin at the end of B was completely added in the localization.
From A. Another story from Inigo that was a bit different in the localization:
それが…話の途中、軽い気持ちで (Well… during our conversation, in a lighthearted manner,) 『君ってスタイルもいいよね』って▼ (I said “And you have a great body!) 褒めてあげたら、(and praised her,) なぜか怒られちゃって…▼(and she got angry for some reason…) 僕も一生懸命、(With all my might,) 謝ったんですけど…▼(I apologized, but…) 『料理じゃなくて体が目的だったの!?』(“Your intention was my body, not my cooking!?”) と言って、厨房に引っ込んでしまいました…▼(She said, and withdrew to the kitchen…) …どうして怒っちゃったんでしょう?(…Why do you think she got angry?) 僕、褒めたつもりなのに…▼(Even though I praised her…)
Vs. localization: Inigo: Well, at one point I mentioned how smokin' hot she was. Innocent compliment, right? Apparently not, because boy, was she mad! I apologized right away, but she wouldn't have it. She said I was more interested in her body than her food. Then she said she'd rather sleep in an iron maiden than talk to me again! ...Er, and she may have also mentioned something about a chastity belt.
F!Robin, Severa, Gerome, Owain, Lucina
I’ve done complete translations of all of these! I’ve posted all the links below, so check out them for yourself…
F!Robin x Inigo: C Support – B Support – A Support – S Support
Severa x Inigo: C Support – B Support – A Support – S Support
Gerome x Inigo: C Support – B Support – A Support
Owain x Inigo: C Support – B Support – A Support
Lucina x Inigo: C Support – B Support – A Support – S Support
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