#sakumo says stuff
ao3dorian-gay · 8 months
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hatake family photo [for my wip]
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ficklecat · 4 months
Smut turning into accidental Hatake lore???
As I’m writing this first instalment for KKG Valentine’s I’m creating a fun lil headcanon for the Hatakes that I’m not gonna be able to stop thinking about. 😅
Everyone always seems to align this clan with wolves, and though I’ve personally never ascribed to those hc’s fully, I do have an adjacent idea.
I think the Hatake clan was basically akin to the wildings from GoT. They were people of the land, tamers of beasts, farmers and foragers, agriculturalists and naturalists. They let their hair grow wild, rolled around in mud and hay, slept with working dogs to keep warm and bathed in creeks and rivers. They paid attention to moon cycles and seasonal shifts, understood weather patterns and what kinds of dirt and soil would foster better yields. They were a little feral to outsiders, sure - anyone with wild silver hair killing rabbits with his bare hands would look like that - but they were ancestral traditionalists of the wild planes of the fire country.
This would support them allying with similar clans like the Inuzuka - beast masters themselves and a little feral as well - and as wars spread across the lands they were forced to move into the country’s villages, their scattered communities turning to ash in the wake of battles they had nothing to do with. Aligning with the Inuzuka would help them to integrate, keep some of their traditions and cultures alive while also ensuring the future of their people even if the clan itself is absorbed and dissipated.
The Inuzuka, being a more prevalent clan that is also tied into the Hidden Leaf village, eventually “absorbs” the remaining Hatake clan over generations, and by the time Sakumo’s partner - ubiquitously headcanonned as an Inuzuka - has Kakashi, the name “Hatake” is preserved by choice only, but there are none of them left from their original ancestors. My thought is Sakumo was not resentful but still wanting to keep a piece of their clan’s history alive, and so he chose to keep his clan’s name in lieu of taking on his partner’s. This could explain why Kakashi doesn’t end up living with the Inuzuka; perhaps their family was shunned because of the choice to preserve Sakumo’s clan name rather than adopt the matriarch’s clan name.
AAAANYWAY this was a fun distraction I love thinking of Hatake lore.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Guardian (Part 5)
Jiraiya x Sarutobi!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Synopsis: Your brother gave you an assignment, "Go ask Sakumo Hatake if he needs help with his newborn." It was a simple task, but it snowballed into so much more.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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"Please tell me you're kidding."
Your eyes dropped to his feet at the tone of his voice; he was upset, livid even that you had gone to Orochimaru to ask for help. It didn't make sense to you why Jiraiya acted like you stabbed him in the back. What was going to happen was purely professional. Even if it did mean anything more, Jiraiya was dating Akira, so he didn't have a right to be jealous in that aspect.
"He's the best option. As I said, you're way too busy to help. Plus, I don't need Akira thinking anything else is going on between us-"
Jiraiya scoffed at your statement, annoyed that Akira was once again brought up as an excuse. Your eyebrows furrowed at that and your fingers clenched into fists, "Listen. I appreciate you helping me, I do, but I'm an adult and can make my own decisions-"
"You're making terrible decisions, Y/n. Inviting him back into your life will bring nothing but trouble-"
"And inviting you didn't?" His mouth dropped open at your rebuttal, the words driving a dagger deep into his chest. Silence fell between you, and your eyes drifted toward Kakashi's room, "There's a bigger elephant in the room, Jiraiya. Akira doesn't like this situation. I think it would be best for Kakashi and I to find another place to stay." You didn't want to say it, wanted to ignore the more significant issue, but you were tearing their relationship apart. That tension made him antsy and, in turn, caused more fights to erupt. You and Sakumo rarely had any conflicts, and considering that was all you and your brother do nowadays, you were tired of fighting.
"Is your goal here to kill me with words?" His voice cracked a little in the middle of the sentence, and you could tell from his stance alone that he was trying to build his walls up desperately. "You cannot hide from it forever, Jiraiya. You have a girlfriend; I shouldn't be living here-"
"So you're just going to take the two most important people in my life away without thinking about what I want?"
"I'm not your girlfriend, and he's not your son-"
"Fine, leave then for all I care. But don't even think about coming back when it all falls apart."
Jiraiya's sharp tone sent a wave of confusion through you as you watched him storm toward your shared room. A sinking feeling settled in your stomach, and you took a few seconds to compose yourself. He didn't mean it. You knew he didn't mean it. But you had to respect him and his wishes. Moving towards the room, you quietly began to gather up your things. Most of your stuff was still in your old house that you still owned, so really, you had only a handful of items. In terms of Kakashi, he would be leaving a lot of toys behind. But that was okay; you'd get him more.
Jiraiya sat on the edge of the bed, watching you move through the room. He didn't want you to go but couldn't stand to see you right now. As you packed the last items, you moved into Kakashi's room. He was sleeping peacefully as you moved toward his dresser. Jiraiya had followed, but his eyes were now watching the sleeping boy. He didn't know how it was possible, but in a few short months, that child had become something akin to a son, which is why this was the hardest part. Jiraiya's seen you leave his side many times, but a son was something new.
"Okay," you whispered as you slung your backpack on before moving towards Kakashi. The boy stirred as you began lifting him from the bed, but you were quick to soothe him back to sleep. Turning, you locked eyes with Jiraiya in the doorway. This was the right thing. You couldn't do this anymore to Akira. You couldn't do this anymore to Sakumo.
Jiraiya's face hardened the closer you got to him, but he didn't move out of the way when you tried to get through the doorway. "Jiraiya." You stated sadly, eyes morphing into a look of sorrow and empathy. Tears bubbled along his lash line as he once more fought the urge to confess everything to you. How much he loved Kakashi, how much he loved you. But he couldn't do it. You said it yourself. No one can replace Sakumo.
Not even him.
He nodded before moving out of the way, watching you walk towards the front door with bated breath. Your hand hovered over the door handle, and you glanced back at him, "Thank you for taking care of us. I hope we can see each other again, at least for Kakashi's sake." You were hoping he'd use the opportunity to take back his words from earlier, but he remained silent.
You nodded before exiting the apartment, the sound of the door clicking close behind you sending a shockwave of emotions through your veins. You had no clue if what you just did was right…
Your e/c eyes cast down at Kakashi sleeping peacefully against your shoulder. It didn't matter; Kakashi was your number one priority. You had to keep him safe, and if that somehow included Jiraiya not being in your life.
Then you'd have to bear the pain.
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justhellacesome · 1 year
Honestly I still can't move one from tag cannibal Hatake kakashi. And like, its all from one author last I checked and I still think that it's a lore or headcannon I've already kept close to heart about Hatake clan.
Like there's a part where Tobirama and gang saw Kakashi sharing an and questioned where and how he got it. But Tobirama just casually said that Kakashi probably ate the rest of them and got the sharingan for himself cuz with his hair ofcourse he's Hatake. And everyone just agreed and just XD. Yes!
And just, it also says of how poor Kakashis Chakra has been that he gets chakra Exhaustion so many times cuz he ain't eating right. He get more powerful the more he eat other shinobis chakra. That's also how he got very strong in lightning cuz that's who he gnawing on as a chew toy when he was a child.
Probably also how he can use other affinities.
Then Sakumo died and he doesn't really care to eat much. Maybe a few bites here and there .
And he's casual about it and it's not a focus and I love that. So it would be awesome if we get more stories about him doing low-key cannibalism that everyone just goes
"Hatake?" "Yep"
And just I adore any kind of lore about Hatake and Uzumaki and Uchiha. Then everyone else.cuz it's always so great.
It was also so much fun to read of how Kakashis mother didn't really die from child birth but from post partum depression. Ighink is called. And how they came from nomads and now they're just stuck under a village and leader that doesn't really give a shit.
Great stuff that one especially the polyamory with it. And Hatake wolf like characteristics. Lovely.
Anyway enough rambling about Hatakes for now. I'll go all-day.
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x-authorship-x · 9 months
Have some thoughts I've had about squad two bc they never leave my mind
- Shisui, being Yamanaka raised, has flower language memorized- probably even knows some special meanings that most don't. Of course he ends up talking about it with Tenzo as something they can bond over which winds up with the whole squad knowing. Whether or not that was a good idea was questioned when Genma almost ruined a girl's life with sheer humiliation when he laughed loudly when he saw what flowers she was trying to give to Raidou...safe to say they didn't mean what she think they did.
- Kakashi does have more comfortable clothes, such as large hoodies and sweatpants, instead of just versions of the uniform he tends to wear. It's not that he isn't comfortable wearing them, it's just that they tend to somehow disappear a lot. Digging them back out of Genma and Shisui's closets is just too much effort- it totally doesn't please the pack animal part of his brain, what are you talking about?
- The squad has, on multiple occasions, broken into each other's houses and dorms. Most of the time it's because someone's place is closer and they're tired/drunk/etc or it's one of those nights where it's hard to sleep without the comforting knowledge of someone trusted nearby. There are times, especially after bad missions, they all pile up in one dorm to sleep. After the the worst, Kakashi's summons join the group to both comfort and guard the tired squad. It's during these times Shisui often finds himself under a literal dog pile because he runs warm.
- Shisui has picked up on crow habits that the squad finds somewhat amusing and kind of endearing. He sometimes bounces on his feet, moving his weight from one foot to the other like a crow hoping around. He often quick small snacks, such as fruit and nuts (from years of the crows making sure he ate something when he was younger), and doesn't really seem to be picky at all- but has a bad habit of of picking stuff off of other's plates. He also tends to watch his surroundings when others eat around him- mimicking the behavior of crows having a guard while the rest forage. He has a tendency to dive bomb people, both in fights and showing affection. He is quick to fix up little things, like pulling leaves and twigs out of someone's hair and straightening up clothes. It's not unusual to see him perching- on the highest seat, the counter, the back of the couch, on the widow sill, on the roof, in a tree, etc. He has a habit of making noises he doesn't realize he's making, only really when he feels safe, such as clicks and whistles- the squad has even figured out and memorized what some mean. Of course, they still haven't let him live down the fact the crows sometimes weave feathers into his hair.
We are so blessed that you shared these thoughts ❤️✨(and I am sooooooo pleased that you've thought of my fic like this!)
I'll do this by bulletpoint
Shisui... He probably DOES know the flower language already, if not as... Artistically and naturally as a Yamanaka, he's got a good memory and he's been around them all for so long, but I do feel like... Yamanaka Shisui would have some really beautiful freehand floral tattoos, the kind without black outlines and that look like traditional ink paintings? Urghhh my feels... Also yes Raidou is absolutely the one in the Squad who gets flowers haha
I absolutely love the idea of Kakashi being a big guy (Sakumo was a total brick shithouse, you can't tell me otherwise) but in that way where it's a broad frame and wiry muscle and not a lot between, he's got terrible posture and he's all knobbly knuckles and lightning scars and 🤌🤌🤌 he buys everything massively oversized so it's doubly too-big on the Squad... Perfect cuddle... And with Kakashi's sensory sensitivity... He just so happens to only steal his clothes back when the scents of his pack squad have thoroughly saturated them ✨
The squad absolutely take 'whats mine is yours' to the extreme. Locks are affectionate challenges, not serious. The only one who has any actual privacy is Raidou, regarding his old room at his parents' house because NOONE is risking socialising with civilians like that haha (Shisui's room at the Yamanaka house is similar, except Shisui is also totally in denial that it IS his room). Sometimes they will all have the same idea to collapse in the same bed only to find the others there already; it's tradition to collapse on top of the nearest body as heavily as possible. If you're filthy, even better.
Anon, you KNOW I'm a pathetic little melted puddle for Shisui mannerisms.... He preens the squad... HE PREENS THE SQUAD 😭❤️‍🔥on the flip-side, Shisui never lived it down when, mid-argument with Kakashi, he automatically puffed up and made Akira's 'punctured accordion' wheeze 🤣
Thanks for sharing this little brain-fluff-bunnies!!! They really made my week~
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kyugens · 2 years
♡ + one of your favorite Itachi ships! Or Gaara ships!
send me a ship  –  still accepting!  –  @damnedreams
i’m still talking things over with mars about mengaa bc i’m madly in love with them... so i’m sticking with itachi. and my favorite ship for him is kakaita. so that’s what i’m talking about today. 🥰 disclaimer: age-gap. kakashi is older than itachi. obviously all answers are time appropriate, default set to blank period post part I / shippuuden era.
Who is the most affectionate?
Surprisingly, both of them are. I live for the idea of domestic kakaita and how comfortable they are around each other. They’ll have these lil moments of peace and quiet, and just lean into each other and enjoy some quality time together. They’ll always have some part of their bodies touching, it’s really sweet. They’ll be reading on the sofa, and their legs will be laced together. Or Itachi will nap on top of Kakashi’s chest listening to his heartbeat. I’d say Itachi is the one who seeks those moments more often, though.
Who initiates the handholding?
Kakashi. He’s all for the handholding even if they’re already all over each other. Like okay but give me More. And he’ll play with Itachi’s fingers while they’re talking or reading or just plain chilling. Itachi’s hands are very soft so that’s an added bonus.
Who worries more for the other?
Kakashi worries because sometimes he’ll look over at Itachi and there’s nothing in his eyes... He knows there’s not much he can do about it, especially because it’s directly related to Itachi’s family and it’s just outside of his grasp. Kakashi is always scared because he recognizes the self-harm tendencies in Itachi’s carelessness regarding his own life, in how arrogant Itachi can be about his abilities and whatnot. He can’t stand the idea of someone he cares about deliberately taking their lives, not again...
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Depends on what they’re asking help for, actually. But I’m going with Kakashi being more open to the idea because of his past experiences with Team Minato and how that changed him, even if they’re still alive in this setting. Itachi is reluctant because he can’t get behind bringing Kakashi into the mess that is his life, he feels it’s selfish of him to do so.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Itachi. He’s always carrying misc. junk in his pockets, stuff he found on the street and picked it up bc it was shiny, plus he’s not that attentive to small objects. So at some point if falls upon Kakashi to keep track of the keys, Itachi will use the spare one they hide somewhere. He’ll lose that one too. lmao
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Itachi. He’ll hide them between the pages of whatever book Kakashi’s reading, or roll them up with his scrolls so Kakashi finds it later. Sometimes it’s just doodles and some nonsense. 🥰
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Neither of them can sleep when the other isn’t around, not once they get used to it. Itachi struggles with insomnia and the occasional night terror, while Kakashi has nightmares so bad he prefers not to sleep at all. When they’re together, they can relax and fall asleep in each other’s embrace.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Kakashi... It’s not to say that he is going to, but if it were to happen, Kakashi’s the one to propose. It gives him a sense of control? Idk if that’s the word, but it will put most of his worries at ease knowing that Itachi’s tied to him somehow.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
Kakashi will take Itachi to Sakumo’s stone, it’s pretty far off and isolated because of the whole ‘shame on him’ thing that led him to take this life, and Itachi will introduce himself and ask for his blessing. Itachi won’t properly introduce Kakashi to his parents because they’re not on good terms, but he will tell Sasuke about their relationship. Eventually. When he feels that Sasuke might not get as upset.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Kakashi. He likes to run his fingers through Itachi’s hair and massage his scalp and nape. Itachi purrs like a kitten.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Kakashi. Itachi can’t cook for the life of him, and his priorities lay elsewhere, so he only eats when his stomachs grumbles and his throat feels weird. Kakashi takes it upon himself to fix that.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Itachi. Especially regarding Kakashi’s sharingan. Some random Uchiha will trashtalk him in front of Itachi but he ain’t having none of it. Back the fuck off, buddy.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Itachi. And it always works because he’s really good at keeping secrets, even from Kakashi. Which will taunt Kakashi to no end after said surprise is over, because he overthinks it.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Itachi. And he’s very serious about it. Kakashi thinks it’s silly but will comply. Won’t follow it through if the pinky promise is something he deems is going to lead Itachi astray, or harm him in anyway. I’m thinking too much about this, but it is what it is...
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
They always nap together because there’s no other option. I rest my case.
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ironstakes · 1 year
My plot plans and ideas for You Can’t Take it Back. Spoilers, much spoilers!
Topic: hermits, clans and Konoha
Someone, a wonderful person, in the comments mentioned clans searching for their lost members. 
I love that remark and I actually have something planned around that from when I was plot sketching and so I’m happy people are already thinking in that direction! The idea came to me from canon and fanon and the countless fics I’ve read over the years, but in general people seem to accept that Danzo took more than a few clan kids. I wanted Kakashi, who was in Root in the anime (but not the manga if I recall correctly) to start looking into missing persons in the village after he meets Mumbo properly and then accidentally uncover missing children in connection to Root. This will obviously spiral into politics BUT I’m liking this idea for a few reasons.
I have a “Hatake revival” planned and blaming Danzo for the hermits popping out of the woodwork would be funny
It can be a great way for Kakashi to explain the variety of the hermits and I’m sure he’ll bullshit a reason as to why they aren’t trained
Blaming Danzo also has the benefit of giving me more wiggle room with Sasuke and more opportunities for his relationship with Naruro, and even with Kakashi. After all, they all are the last of their clans with newly discovered relatives. 
This will let me add Tenzo and Sai in earlier than canon and that will be fun. Ren and Tenzo will be chill but if you stir in Tsunade’s waffling abt becoming hokage and some clan politics… yum
Danzo has canonically worked with Orochimaru for the Senju cell implants and stuff, so this will only increase Kakashi’s paranoia towards Xisuma and co. and we love good old assumptions causing misinformation
Danzo’s fusion goals and success are a great way for Kakashi to connect Xisuma’s (apparent) second in commands, Cleo and Jevin, to body fusion. I want Kakashi to come to the erroneous conclusion that X’s been collecting the hermits to take pieces of each of them to create the perfect body and that will add an entirely new level of horror and high stakes to the situation
The above will also make Sakumo seem even more evil and cause Kakashi more emotional problems, which I want
I hope to get more input and inspiration from people and discussions, other fanfictions, art, shower thoughts, etc. and I continuously tweak ideas until they are posted but these are the current ideas I’ve worked out. 
Notes for the numbers
1- I’ll make a separate post for the Hatake revival idea 
4- the senju clan politics problem is still very rough and I might not do it at all, I’m still workshopping and brainstorming for that and have not decided on which direction to go
6- Cleo and Jevin seem like second in commands bc they are players so they can do stuff that the naturalized hermits cannot, plus the naruralized hermits are in hardcore mode while Cleo, Jevin, and Xisuma are in regular hard mode. This means that Cleo and Jevin will tell the others to back up and let them handle the deadly/dangerous stuff and after Moon Big and emotional problems, the others are inclined to listen hence the appearance of a chain of command. Will also be a seperate post, will be moon big part 2 as they are connected
7- Sakumo isn’t evil, he made the best choice he could have with the information he had that Kakashi hasn’t come across yet. Sakumo’s reasoning ties in heavily with the Xisuma and explaining Kaguya stuff I’ve got going on, will also be a separate post for people who want spoilers 
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Kakashi Week day 7: Ink
Kakashi would have laughed if someone had told him the value ink would have in his life.
It sounded ridiculous. Ink? From all the things he could consider valuable, something to full his heart with memories, he was attached to ink?
Kakashi would’ve tought so, but Kakashi had believed many things in life that he never though were posible, and the surprises he had were countless.
As he sat with a cup of tea, looking out over the koi pond at the renovated Hatake Complex illuminated by the rays of the afternoon sun, painting with red and gold, Kakashi found himself wondering how something like so simple like the ink had become so important in his life.
His first memory related to ink took him to the same place where he was currently sitting many years ago, where a silver-haired man gently guided his little son's hand, helping him with the traces of the parchment that, once was ready, he was taken to a special place in the garden, where a small circle of violets harmoniously decorated a small tomb.
-Honey, Kakashi has wrote you a letter -Sakumo had whispered, looking at his two-year old boy laughing and talking abour stuff only he understood.
Kakashi learned how to write quikly. When he arrived at the Academy, his handwriting was far superior to that of his peers, even many of his teachers.
Then he made his first mission report, the only D-rank mission he'd done in his entire life (at least before becoming Jounin sensei). Kakashi remembered the pride he felt when he presented his scroll to the Hokage, but he remembered with even more pride, the face moved to tears by his father, who had hung the scroll in the living room of his house, next to the family photos (for little Kakashi's dismay). For a week, Sakumo didn't talk about anything other than how his little boy had grown so fast.
The ink that ran down his hands and stained his fingers after writing his father's death certificate at the age of six, is ​​one of the many things that Kakashi has not been able to erase. It's one of the many things that still boggles his mind on bad days. Since then Kakashi only saw death and pain in the ink that ran through the white scrolls, ruining their purity. Because at that time he began to be sent on espionage missions, related to the war that was beginning to take shape. And when he became part of Team 7, Minato sensei made possible things that back then, Kakashi considered impossible. One of those things were erasing his trauma related to ink.
Minato knew that his younger student needed bigger challenges, so he and Kushina began teaching Kakashi the principles of Uzumaki Fuinjutsu. Although Kakashi never became a master, he got the necessary foundations to have an advantage in battle. But more importantly, all those hours spent watching the ink form beautiful and complex patterns on the paper stopped Kakashi from bleeding from his knuckles, trying to clean the ink stains from his clothes.
It was the ink that forced him to accept having lost Obito and murdered Rin, the one that impregnated his body forever, when he was marked to join the ANBU, the one that placed him in the Bingo book with the cruelest names ever. could imagine.
It was the ink staining Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke's hands after completing their first mission as a team that warmed his heart and made him turn back to get up. It was the ink that filled the bingo book with Sasuke's name, the one that made him swear to protect Naruto and Sakura to the end, the one that made him promise to pay off his debt to them and to Sasuke.
Sai's brush ink was what allowed him to establish a bond with the ROOT boy and begin to consider him part of his family, when Kakashi decided to pass on all the Fuinjutsu that Minato and Kushina had taught him.
The ink on each parchment was the one that constantly reminded him of the filthiest of the world he lived in, the one that made him aware that he was alive, with each mission report he wrote. But it was also the ink that showed him the most beautiful and passionate side of life with Jiraiya's books, of which very few knew the beautiful love story behind the dubious cover. It was the ink that built the cards he exchanged with Gai all his life, so they could always have each other if one of them died in battle.
And more importantly, thought Kakashi looking at the Koi pond, while he felt the warmth of a body sitting next to him and drawing his uncovered face to meet sweet and warm lips, it was the ink with which he chose that parchment that he jealously guarded in his nightstand drawer that made him and Gai partners for life.
Here, next to Gai, with the fulfilled promise of a world without wars, he thought that he had never felt like this, that if he had to pick up the pen to write "The End" in the story of his life, he would have done so with taste.
He was the happiest man in the world.
He was exactly were he wanted to be.
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95jezzica · 2 years
TimeTraveling Thoughts
If I had more time I would write fanfiction(s) with this concept, but I think a missed opportunity many “Kakashi Time-Travels” fanfictions skip is the fact Kakashi has canon knowledge of Fūinjutsu. It’s part of why he was choosen as Naruto’s teacher, on top of the fact that he was “the only person in the village with Sharingan” at the time. (Since Sasuke was still counted as un-awoken at the time).
The biggest issue for Kakashi early on in the series was his depression and lack of chakra.
Now, assuming time-travel, Kakashi would already have the knowledge of his Mangekyō Sharingan, Obito and also have worked through his depression - but not have nearly enough or power to back up a spamming of Kamui. The Naruto series is kind of muddy about how you gain more chakra, but in general the fandom seems to mostly agree it’s a bit of a combination between growth/maturing as well as physical training and training mental abilities.
However, the “easiest”/quickest way to gain more chakra would obviously be to become a Jinchūriki. It’s not an ideal solution given their reputation at the time, and obviously the logic of how Kakashi gains a tailed beast depends a lot on how far you have him travel back in time, but if it should happen I say the likeliest candidates would be Minato’s half of Kuruma (instead of Minato getting it), or Isobu/the sanbi.
[ Sadly there’s no lightning beast, so ironically enough I think Matabi/Nibí or Kokuõ/Gobí would have been the best fit, but they’re busy sooooo... ] 
Either way, IF Kakashi became a Jinchūriki the smart thing would probably be to try and keep it as secret as possible, and just tell Naruto later on when the time is right.
Another option for more chakra would be that Kakashi gets to start actively training for more chakra early/earlier on, instead of spending YEARS in the Anbu. Honestly, after getting Yamato out it’d be great if Kakashi just excused them both and went on a Training Camp Year to get away from Danzo as well.
Kakashi was only 14y old at the time Minato and Kushina died - there’s no chance he’d be allowed to adopt Naruto. So, imagine if Kakashi at least got to spend 1-2 year(s) travelling and training with Jiraiya/Tsunade? Even before the sharingan Kakashi was/is canonly a genius with perfect chakra control, and his dad Sakumo canonly rivaled the Sannin in strength. Who knows? Perhaps Kakashi would even be able to convince Jiraiya and/or Tsunade to get their acts together and show up (earlier) for Naruto.
Seriously though. Imagine what knowledge/strength Kakashi could gain if he got the same opportunity as his Team 7 later gets? Actually getting to train under a Sannin for 1-2 year(s)? Add that to the knowledge Kakashi already has from his time-traveling and he’d be Terrifyingly strong by the end of it. With power comes influence. With influence comes further power. Kakashi could easily grow to Sannin level of strength and influence by the time he hits 20y old with those conditions. In a time-travelling scenario Kakashi would (hopefully) not spiral into a destructive grief-fueled depression after Minato’s death either, so he’d be able to focus on getting away from the village and train for a while.
Training with Jiraiya might be necessary in order for Kakashi to learn more Fūinjutsu - but given Kakashi’s status as a genius, self-studies in that area would absolutely be valid as well. [ Besides, I feel like getting Yamato to Senju Tsunade would benefit them all. Tsunade was still afraid of blood at that point in time, but she would still be able to teach Kakashi and Yamato a lot of useful stuff. Kakashi has perfect chakra control just like Sakura too, so who knows, he could perhaps even learn some basic healing.]
Additionally, a time-traveling Kakashi would likely be a MUCH more stable teacher in general. Kakashi was not doing well mentally when he originally got Team 7, but they helped him. In a time-traveling scenario he would already BE better, and would thus be able to help them better from the start. The fact that Kakashi would actually have some teacher-experience in a time-travelling scenario absolutely helps as well.
Kakashi’s knowledge in Fūinjutsu would potentially also allow him to help Naruto build a relationship with Kuruma earlier, his new chakra building-exercises would strengthen Sakura from the start, and well... Assuming Sasuke isn’t the only Uchiha in this time-line because Kakashi managed to in-directly or directly stop the massacre, Sasuke hopefully wouldn’t need as much emotional support. Or, in case Sasuke is still the last Uchiha in the village, Kakashi would be more ready and experienced on how to help him.
[ In Sakura’s case I just say generally strengthen her, because I really don’t want to take away Sakura’s training with Tsunade either. Maybe Kakashi can teach Sakura some genjutsu like he originally intended and/or generally strengthen her taijutsu, which would still leave Sakura’s training in healing and chakra-punching to Tsunade. ]
For Naruto, imagine if Kakashi teaches Naruto something like Air Bullets? Not necessarily a strong jutsu, but it’s mid-/long-ranged and would be AMAZING in combination with Naruto’s shadow clones - and if nothing else it’d at least give Naruto something else to fire off than Rasengan.
Not entirely sure about what Extra Thing that Kakashi would teach Sasuke, but some extra emotional support would likely do wonders no matter if what the Uchiha situation is like.
Anyway, this is turning long and it’s 3:40am, but here’s some random thoughts about time-traveling for Kakashi. Also, Kakashi should get to kill Danzo. As a treat.
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So. I was thinking. Sakumo, right? Failed mission, died, yadda yadda. However. What if he didn't die, but let anyone think he did?
Imma explain myself, I promise
I thought of this AU while in the shower, clearly the best place to get awesome ideas. I'm a supporter of the theory that Danzō used ROOT to sabotage Sakumo's mission and then started spreading rumors to turn the village on him, because Sakumo had the possibility to become a major thorn in Danzō's plans so he wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible
(Just like I think he had a hand on spreading hate against the Uchiha, but I digress)
Anyway. So. One day, Kakashi is at the academy and Sakumo is alone at home. He's miserable. He's seen how people treat Kakashi just for being the son of a disgrace like Sakumo, so what if Sakumo just dies? Then, surely, people will go back to treating Kakashi normally. Right? He's debating it, when there's a knock on the door and lo and behold, Danzō is on the other side with a speech at the ready about the way the village is treating Sakumo, faking to be on his side, and bringing a solution
To restore his name, he must die as a hero. Not only that, but he must work hard to help the village from within its shadows, where the village itself cannot judge him anymore
Sakumo is not entirely convinced, but no matter how little he trusts Danzō he has no reason or real proof to not listen to him, and Danzō? Danzō tries to sway him with a little bit of Sharingan
We know from Obito that the Sharingan can mind control people to some extent, in fact he does it with Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, and while it can be broken (like Ao does when he realizes Yagura is under Sharingan influence), it can only be done if the control is detected
So, with great care of what Danzō says and a tiny bit of Sharingan help (not too much, or Sakumo might notice it), he slowly sways Sakumo towards faking his 'hero death' and joining ROOT afterwards, while Danzō promises full protection towards Kakashi and that nothing bad will ever happen to that boy, Sakumo's most precious person, and that the village will stop treating him wrongly solely for his father's name
Sakumo accepts. Goes on a mission with two ROOT agents who come back alone and tell everyone about how Sakumo fought until the bitter end and died to protect his teammates and to ensure that they'd be able to finish the mission and go back to the village safely, and since dying heroically is a sure way to be forgiven by everyone immediately (not that Sakumo did anything wrong and needed to be 'forgiven', poor man, but in the eyes of the village... Yeah), he immediately becomes a hero and a legend
Meanwhile Sakumo comes back a couple days later in the middle of the night, disguised and hidden in the shadows to not be seen, and joins ROOT to protect the village from its shadows. And Danzō keeps his word, more or less. No one treats Kakashi badly anymore (even though Sakumo has no idea Danzō himself was behind the majority of the rumors when they started, so it was oh so easy to stop them as well) and he does make sure that he's protected... When Sakumo's around. Meaning, when he does stuff like sending Kinoe to try and take the Sharingan he also sends Sakumo away on a mission so he'll never know, things like that to keep up the façade
And instead of the son of the disgraced White Fang, Kakashi grows up as the son of the fallen hero White Fang, fully convinced that his dad died a heroic death. And who knows, Sakumo might be found out later on when Kakashi's an adult
Thoughts on the idea?
I have so many thoughts. This is so cool and interesting!
Sakumo chooses to give up his freedom and 'die' for his village just so Kakashi can have an opportunity to live outside of his shadow. To not be the son of a failure.
Not even thinking about how his 'death' might affect his son because he'll have a better life, right? He'll be alright and everything will go better for him.
Kakashi still going through those major losses but having that sense of team work right away because his father died a hero for saving his team. Always trying to do his best to be the hero his father was and wondering how he keeps going so wrong because his teammates keep dying on him.
And Danzo being Danzo would probably find a way to twist everything that happens to Kakashi into being Hiruzen's fault. Convincing Sakumo that everything that has gone wrong in his life has somehow been Hiruzen's fault. Maybe even using Shisui's eye (after obtaining it of course) to really put those thoughts into Sakumo's head and make him even more loyal
Danzo uses Kakashi to control Sakumo more and more, and hating that Kakashi seems to have gained this independence and fierce will that Sakumo doesn't have. A strong sense of conviction that Danzo can't seem to break no matter how hard he tries.
Sakumo watches from the shadows as his son grows up and struggles, but never gives up. Never allows that darkness to consume him no matter how much life pushes down on him, and wondering if he could have been that strong. If he should have held on and kept fighting.
there's so many emotiosn to explore. Sakumo would have so many regrets about it all, but he can't do anything. He's dead. Long gone.
No one in Konoha would belive him if he came back
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darkclouud9 · 5 months
I just seen something and now I'm sad abt Minato all over again
because he feels so cold and empty.
I recently rewatched the Jiraiya the Gallant arc and I had noted Minato's voice sounded weird (I watch the eng dub, pls don't murder me I don't have the attention span to sit still and watch something).
to Jiraiya, he feels warm and loving and caring. talking about his child to be and how Jiraiya was the reasoning for the name of said child.
and Minato towards his students feels Cole and harsh. and I completely understand. I mean, the stress of the missions, Kakashi and Obito's bickering, people fucking up, people nearly killing his students, it's all completely understandable.
but there's one thing in particular I hate about his character.
and it's not his fault.
it's just that we're never shown how he reacts to his students' deaths.
for the rest of the day after Obito got crushed by the rock, Kakashi was unconscious. and when he did wake up, Minato is cold and focused. he barely says anything to Kakashi. it appears he's thinking. thinking about what, exactly, is never told. you can assume it's about Obito, or how Kakashi's life after Sakumo's death was flipped all the way around that it was entirely *his* fault that Obito got crushed. that there was only one person to blame, for he did not have the whole story, or at least was not a witness of that story. Rin probably told him everything, but perhaps she could have been incoherent because of her panic.
and its not that he hates Kakashi. not that he hates any of his students. but it's just the fact that he doesn't react to anything they do. emotionally, that is.
there are a few reactions to deaths/near deaths I would've liked to see (Kushina to Obito, Gai to Kakashi (and vice versa)) but Minato and Kushina's reaction to Rin's death is what I personally would've liked to see.
and even then, there's so much about Rin's feath that I'd like to know.
where was Rin when she got captured? how did Kakashi find out? what happened after Kakashi passed out? obviously, the backup assumed the worst when they came across the dead Rin and unconscious Kakashi, but what else happened? what did they do with Rin's body? what after-effects did Kakashi experience? can a non-Uchiha awaken a mangekyo sharingan if the original host is dead? (I personally think yes.) but one question constantly comes to mind.
how did Minato react?
and even that in itself raises questions. how did Minato find out? how did Kakashi tell him - if he *was* the one to even do so? how did Kushina found out, and what was her reaction?
there are just so many mysteries about Rin's death that i constantly think about. and what's worse, is that so much of it is already explained. like how Obito found out, how the ms in both of Obito's eyes were awakened, what truly happened on that day, who was behind it all, that everyone in that scenario was manipulated.
all of the technical stuff behind Rin's death is explained.
but I still wish to know how Minato felt, when a soaking Kakashi has to deliver a mission report about his failure as a teammate and protector.
does Minato even feel anything towards his students?
or does he just treat them as child soldiers?
because I understand that he was sending them to their deaths. he understood that. he knew, that because of their inexperience and their different ways of thinking, that they had a chance of dying. because they were so young. because they *needed* anyone they could get out there, because they were in a war.
but still. do those young deaths mean nothing to Minato? is there nothing to feel when Rin cries to him, telling him that Obito risked everything out there to save his two comrades - one of which he had just bonded with deeply? Kakashi had taken a hit for Obito, and Obito had done the exact same back to him, 'dying' in the process. they both risked their lives, and Minato holds no feelings of sorrow towards them and their sacrifices.
did he feel nothing when he only had one student? one student he shoved deeper into depression and self loathing by putting him into anbu? did he feel nothing as Kakashi continued to suffer from his actions and his mistakes, struggling deep into anbu and becoming colder and more distant? was there nothing to feel when it was obvious Kakashi suffered from ptsd? is Minato even able to feel any emotions to his students, or are they still just child soldiers to him?
he is selfish, in my mind, because even under the guidance of Hiruzen, all he could care about was himself and his pregnant wife.
Kakashi guarded his wife and their son. for 10 months.
Minato had no urge to think about Kakashi's feelings on the matter, nor that it didn't help.
Minato didn't help Kakashi in the slightest, because Kakashi only got worse, and kept getting worse, until Hiruzen assigned him Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke.
in my honest opinion
Minato was the worst hokage. and his reign only lasted from 11~ months to 3 years, depending on when the third war ended. he has no *known* achievements as hokage, besides the night of the kyubi attack.
and out of all of this, Minato is still my second favourite character, just a step below Kakashi himself.
I love my silly characters and all, but I am still willing to look at and explore their flaws and mistakes. it's just what makes them human. makes them feel well made. they have feelings and dreams and hobbies and thoughts. they have fun facts that you love to learn about, they have birthdays, and favourite foods.
Minato is one character in specific I like looking at in detail, just because of all the missed opportunities they had with him, like a reaction to Obito's crushing and Rin's death.
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sakumosowainthirst · 3 years
What are your head cannons on jealousy, Claude and Byleth? (War time and/or post marriage)
Claude gets jealous of others, "stealing," Byleth's attention. It's what makes him realize preskip that he's hot for teacher; seeing her smile at someone else makes his stomach boil. It leads to him seeking to keep as much of her spare time to himself as possible. Tea every Sunday? Intentionally fail a certification exam to get extra tutoring? Stalk Follow her to have meals with her? Shhh, it's platonic, Hilda, shut up.
Byleth's jealousy manifests postskip when she first hears people around the monastery gossiping about how handsome Duke Riegan is. He's the sort who treats everyone kindly with a charming smile, and that slowly eats away at her. She's probably asked by a few of these admirers what her relationship is with him, if not for advice on things he likes. She very curtly says their relationship is platonic and that she doesn't have any love tips regarding him, both of which are lies, lol. It's frustrating, because it's sometimes hard to tell if he's genuinely interested or if it's just his typical politeness.
Post-marriage, Claude is the sort to walk up on a conversation his wife is having with someone who is clearly flirting with her and make a point to announce they're married, lol. He waited literal years to have her by his side, fuck off. 😂 Byleth is the sort who will glower from a distance in that cold, deadpan way that reminds people why she's called the Ashen Demon. Neither are insecure about their relationship with each other; it's everyone else that needs to be warned to back off, lol.
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sakumodoesstuff · 4 years
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Get out there and vote, America.
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dreamersscape · 3 years
In Which I Attempt to Wreak Havoc Upon Panharmonium's Heart. Or Something.
Because I am an awesome friend, clearly, and possibly making people sad/verklempt is definitely an excellent way to (belatedly 😔 but I did start before the 15th!) celebrate Kakashi's birthday, right? ;)
I will admit up front that this is nowhere near as deftly structured and compiled as your Kakashi fanmix, @panharmonium, but that is precisely why I'm not even going to try to organize all these songs into individual playlists. Yet. Plus, I have a tendency to over-explain so this way I can better expound on why certain songs remind me of certain characters. Sorry that I sorta went a little... overboard?
Everything--except a few that aren't available on spotify, I'll link to them directly--can be listened to HERE.
What I'm Looking For - Brendan Benson | Kakashi → I may be a little biased with this one because it fits SO many of my favorite characters so well, somehow, but there's just something about the upbeat/tongue-in-cheek musical cues/delivery of lines such as 'I visit hell on a daily basis, and I see the sadness in all your faces' that just feels so Kakashi to me.
Happy Ending - MIKA | Kakashi → This is presumably a breakup song, but I enjoy it so much more in a non-romantic context (and the song itself isn't really boxed in with overtly romantic framing, so I appreciate that!). Anyway, some very important instructions IMO for listening to this with Kakashi in mind: everything before the bridge is about Kakashi up through his ANBU years, but when you get to the 'little bit of love' refrain, picture Kakashi meeting Tenzo, and then becoming Team 7's sensei, opening back up to Gai, adopting all the other leaf genin, assimilating Sai and Yamato into Team 7, and it keeps building with Kakashi gaining more and more loved ones to fill the hole in his heart, and then cry tears of joy with me! Just my personal suggestion. :D
Light - Sleeping At Last | Kakashi & Team 7 (/all his kids)
with every heartbeat I have left I will defend your every breath
→ I've seen this song used for ship vids and I'm all ????? about that because this is clearly a song about the love you have for your child! But I suppose if one of my favorite pastimes is aggressively re-interpreting love songs in non-romantic ways, I can't begrudge the opposite process... too much, lol.
Heroes - MIKA | Team Minato
your blood on me/and my blood on you/but to make you bleed/the only thing I wouldn't do/.../I wish there was a way/to give you a hand to hold/'cause you don't have to die in your glory/die, to never grow old
Long Lost Friends - Transit | Kakashi & Obito
how long/do you have to say that/this is not the person I used to know/you are not the person I used to know/.../because lately, you've been looking at me like you've seen a ghost/and isn't it obvious who's been missing who the most
→ What the heck! What the heck! What the heck! What the heck! What the heck!
Against the Voices - Switchfoot | Kakashi
'cause everybody knows/the hardest war to fight/is the fight to be yourself/when the voices try to turn you into someone else
Out of the Darkness - Matthew and the Atlas | Obito? Yamato? Kakashi? Itachi & Sasuke? Naruto & Kurama? → I'm a bit undecided about this one, or if I should just not worry about choosing one character and just let myself feel all the "inner darkness is not an innate characteristic, Danzo! They're just grieving/in a lot of pain, and they can find their way out of that dark place!" feels.
Save A Place - 1969 | Kakashi & Sasuke
so I'll keep away and save a place for you/and I'll only make the same mistakes as you/.../when all the blood all over your fingers is dried up/the pain will still linger
→ I'm not uber-confident in picking out really fitting Kakashi & Sasuke songs yet, but I hope this hits a lot of the right notes for you. :)
Thrive - Switchfoot | Kakashi
I'm always close, but I'm never enough/I'm always in line, but I'm never in love/I get so down, but I won't give up/I get so down, but I won't give up
→ See, it says right there that he's never in love! Not the crux of the song, and he's not always 'in line' either, but still! :)
Disarm - The Civil Wars | Kakashi & Obito
the years burn, burn, burn
→ I don't know how I keep collecting fictional relationships that work so well for this song, but literally every single line of this song hits so hard for these two?? Will never recover from this. (Also, I usually disregard when 'my love' pops up in the last line of the chorus, as the mood dictates. :) It's pretty incidental as is IMO.)
Renaissance - Paolo Buonvino & Skin | Sakumo & Obito & Kakashi & Naruto
let me show you one last time/let me show you one last sign/you can find it/I can't say that I can change the world/but if you let me, I can make another world for us/let me suffer all for you/make this vision all brand new/we can fight them/I can't say that I can win it all, [but] come with me and I will make my words stand tall
→ Okay, this is a very odd choice given that it's actually the theme song for a different show about the Italian renaissance (if you happen to see this, Mirjam, don't hate me!), but this could be IT! The "those who break the rules are scum, but those who would abandon their friends are worse than scum" anthem that's all about building a better world based on these principles! I really hope our sharing-a-brain talent translates to listening to this song in this way because I am feeling SOME KIND of way about this!
The Lament of Eustace Scrubb - The Oh Hellos | Kakashi → I really liked the song you chose from this album for your fanmix, so now I've feeling a tiny bit too on-the-nose with my choice, but I guess this is just a Kakashi album all around. 😆
Glass Heart Hymn - Paper Route | Kakashi(+ Obito) & Sasuke(+ Itachi)
memories as heavy as a stone/ I am empty, in my end you are my beginning
This Is Home - Switchfoot | Yamato & Kakashi (+ Team 7)
and now, after all my searching/after all my questions/I'm gonna call it home
→ All finding-where-you-belong songs are actually Yamato songs. True story!
Faust, Midas, & Myself - Switchfoot | Obito
you have one life left to leave/you have one life left to lead
→ Could this be any more perfect for Obito? It even has creepy-old-man!Madara!
Pluto - Sleeping At Last | Kakashi
Always Gold - Radical Face | Kakashi & Obito/Sasuke & Itachi/Naruto & Sasuke
all my life, I've never known where you've been/there were holes in you, the kind that I could not mend/and I heard you say, right when you left that day/does everything go away?/yeah, everything goes away/but I'm going to be here till forever/so just call when you're around
→ ...but mostly Kakashi & Obito because 'there were holes in you' 😭😭😭
Lemon Boy - Cavetown | Yamato & Kakashi → You already know the delights of this song of course, but I gots to be comprehensive. :)
Everywhere I Go - Lissie/cover by Sleeping At Last | Kakashi & Team Minato
danger will follow me now everywhere I go/angels will call on me and take me to my home/well, these tired eyes just want to remain closed
→ I chose the Sleeping At Last cover for maximum angst, 'cause sometimes it be like that.
Uneven Odds - Sleeping At Last | Kakashi
maybe your light is a seed, and the darkness the dirt, in spite of the uneven odds, beauty lifts from the earth
→ ...just like an earth style: mud wall :') Okay, okay, bad jokes aside, the seed metaphor of course makes me want to associate it with Tenzo, but this is clearly a Kakashi song!
Twenty-four - Switchfoot | Kakashi & Obito
life is not what I thought it was twenty-four hours ago/and I'm not who I thought I was twenty-four hours ago/still I'm singing spirit, take me up in arms with you/you're raising the dead in me/I wanna see miracles/to see the world change/wrestled the angel for more than a name/for more than a feeling, for more than a cause/I'm singing spirit, take me up in arms with you/and you're raising the dead in me
I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme) - John Rzeznik | Kakashi
and how can they say I never change?/they're the ones that stay the same/.../they can't tell me who to be/'cause I'm not what they see/.../and their words are just whispers/and lies that I'll never believe
→ Yeah, I might've accidentally imprinted on Treasure Planet as a 14 year old, and then someone made sure this song would forever live in my heart by making a fanvid of it with my favorite character from my robin hood show, but! He's still here!
See You Again - Wiz Khalifa (feat. Charlie Puth) | Kakashi & Obito/Team Minato
how can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?/everything I went through, you were standing there by my side/and now you gon' be with me for the last ride
→ I am being very unoriginal here, and there are in fact already fanvids made for these relationships set to this song (along with many others featuring different Naruto relationships), but I don't think I'll be able to rest until I translate the movie playing in my head whenever I hear this song now into an actually watchable format. After all, they have come a long way from where they began, and I intend to make that both as touching and ironically hilarious as possible!
Goodnight, Travel Well - The Killers | Kakashi → Admittedly, I got this idea from a magnificently crafted fanvid done for my robin hood show, but I genuinely think it would be really interesting to make something similar for Kakashi centered around the time he technically died but got better? I don't know how to explain it, but I think it fits quite well.
30 Lives - Imagine Dragons | Kakashi & all the people he's loved and lost → can be listened to here.
A Pound of Flesh - Radical Face | Kakashi
then today I wake up feeling easy/and find I'm on more familiar roads/I got a darkness wrapped inside me/but now it ain't so hard to let it go/so keep a candle burning in the window/I'm almost home
Hold Back The River - James Bay | Kakashi & life getting in the way of him being with his precious people (you may be sensing a pattern here) → @the road of life: Let! Kakashi! And his People! Hold! Each! Other!!! Also, 'tried to square not being there, but think that I should have been' is absolutely about Sasuke's defection and Kakashi adding it to his long list of undeserving self-recriminations.
The Fall - Imagine Dragons | Yamato & Kakashi → 😊���😊😊😊😊😊
Shadowman - K's Choice | could work equally well for Kakashi or Obito, I think
any time tomorrow a part of me will die/and a new one will be born/any time tomorrow/I'll get sick of asking why/sick of all the darkness I have worn/any time tomorrow/I will try to do what's right/making sense of all I can/any time tomorrow I'll pretend to see the light/I just might/.../and doesn't it make you sad?/to see so much love denied/see nothing but a shadowman inside
Paint - The Paper Kites | Kakashi & Team 7
still there's a wound and I'm moving slow/though it don't show, though it don't show/I've got a hole where nothing grows,/how little you know, how little you know
→ A song for just how much Team 7 doesn't know about their sensei.
Always Find Me Here - Transit | Kakashi → ...most likely at the memorial stone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (why am I like this)
Taste - Sleeping At Last | Kakashi
it’s bittersweet, it’s poetry/a careful pruning of my dead leaves/it’s holy ground, a treasure chest/I'm on my knees and only scratch the surface/like fists unraveling, like glass unshattering/we’re breaking all the rules, we’re breaking bread again/we’re swallowing light ’til we’re fixed from the inside
Help - Hurts | Yamato & Kakashi
take my hand and lead the way/out of the darkness and into the light of the day/.../'cause I know what I've been missing/and I know that I should try/but there's hope in this admission/and there's freedom in your eyes/.../I can feel the darkness coming/and I'm afraid of myself/call my name and I'll come running/'cause I just need some help
Your Soul - RHODES | A mish-mash of Kakashi & Tenzo and Rin & Obito & Kakashi and Gai & Kakashi vibes? → So like, 'oh you know when you're alone/I'm holding on and on and on and on/to your soul' reminded me of your 'when you're all alone...the only thing you really think about is dying' 'but when there are two of you...the only thing you can think about is surviving.' and now kakashi - who just saved his life - is asking him 'did you want to die' and yamato is saying 'no' there are two of them and yamato wants to SURVIVE. tags as well as Gai's steadfastness as a friend, and 'I just wanna hold your hand' made me think of Rin's "Well then, I'm just going to have to connect the two of you." while holding their hands, and the sunlight/'soul shine'/'your light' motif is just A Lot in this song!!
7 Years - Lukas Graham | Kakashi → Alright, yeah, there are already approximately a gazillion pre-existing Naruto AMVs for this song and even one or two focusing on Kakashi, but they don't capitalize on all the angst possibilities in many of the lyrics or reach the fluff potential of 'will I think the world is cold or will I have a lot of children who can warm me [when I'm old]' and I cannot abide that!
Putting The Dog To Sleep - The Antlers | Kakashi & Sasuke → Okay, on one hand, this song is One Big Oof. But I do like the (potentially odd) way I've conceptualized it for Kakashi & Sasuke? Like, the first half is Kakashi going through all the tragedies in his life and getting lost in ANBU, but then in the second half it transitions to him wanting to prevent Sasuke from having to be as alone as Kakashi once was and they can face life together? It makes me emotional!
Trust Me - The Fray | Kakashi & Obito
I found a friend, or should I say a foe?/said there's a few things you should know/we don't want you to see/we come, and we go/here today, gone tomorrow
→ There are a few lines that call Tenzo & Kakashi to mind, but mostly it's Obito & Kakashi.
The Lightning Strike (What If This Storm Ends?) - Snow Patrol | Kakashi → I had to, right? My mindscape is a little murky/scattered about what specifically I want to think about when I listen to this, but obviously it has to do with Kakashi in one way or another.
Kettering - The Antlers | Team Minato(???) → Honestly not sure if this will make any sense, but yeah, vague team minato vibes?
Swans - Unkle Bob | Kakashi & Obito/Rin/Minato/Kushina/Sakumo → They should be by his side always!!!
Looking Too Closely - Fink | Kakashi → I honestly feel rather ambivalent about this one too, but I can't deny 'truth is like blood underneath your fingernails/and you don't wanna hurt yourself, hurt yourself/looking too closely' always destroys me because... well, you know. I love suffering. :(
Souvenirs - Switchfoot | Kakashi & Obito & Rin
wolves - Switchfoot | Kakashi
snowfall for the battlefield/roses for the father's sons/see them red on the ground:/bleeding/when the revolution came/we were more than hungry men/we were hoping for more:/bleeding/end. begin again./all of my world is collision and spin/hope is a world that has yet to begin/awaken, oh sleeper/awaken, oh sleeper/a new day begins
→ I wanted a wolf-related song too. :)
PRODIGAL SOUL - Switchfoot | Obito, Itachi, & Sasuke; just all them wayward Uchiha boys
Coming Down - Dear Euphoria | kid!Kakashi & his relationships
the shell/that I wore/it wasn't for fun/it wasn't to make you/stick around/it was for survival/it was what I've learnt/it was for the sun/.../our love has grown/our love has flown
→ Another one I'm a little unsure of whether it makes sense outside of my head or not, but I like the vibes?
Ghosts That We Knew - Mumford & Sons | Kakashi & Yamato? → Hmm, can I maybe submit this as a Kakashi-&-Yamato-just-need-to-mske-it-through-this-war-so-they-can-have-a-bright-bright-future song?
All Is Well (It's Only Blood) - Radical Face | Kakashi → ...he said as he's bleeding out or after he's thrown himself in the line of fire protecting someone he thinks is a better person than himself...
Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons | Kakashi
when the hour is nigh/and hopelessness is sinking in/and the wolves all cry/to fill the night with hollering/when your eyes are red/and emptiness is all you know/with the darkness fed/I will be your scarecrow/you tell me to hold on/oh, you tell me to hold on/but innocence is gone/and what was right is wrong
→ In a similar vein to the previous song. But goodness gracious! Were they NOT straight up describing Kakashi here?
Amaryllis - Shinedown | Yamato & Kakashi → Just tossing this one out there, not sure if it will make sense or if it's a reach... but I like it?
lost 'cause - Switchfoot | Kakashi & Sasuke
are we a lost cause?/or are we just lost 'cause/we won't be the future we refuse to see?/and if I'm your lost cause/it'll be your lost 'cause/you won't see me as I am, the possibility/that I'm not the enemy
→ 214 feels. (And before and after that, but yeah.)
Through the Ghost - Shinedown | Kakashi & Obito
so many silent sorrows/you never hear from again/and now that you've lost tomorrow/is yesterday still a friend?/.../everything that mattered is just/a city of dust/covering both of us/did you hide yourself away?/I can't see you anymore/.../did you hide yourself away?/are you living through the ghost?/did you finally find a place/above the shadows so the world will never know?/the world will never know you like I do ... like I still do
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men | Kakashi → Just Kakashi having little chats with his ghosts, totally the most heartwarming way to conclude this section. 😅
Sleepyhead - Passion Pit | Kakashi → Just kidding! Here's a slightly less morbid song for the Most Tired Boy Of Them All.™ (Random aside: this was my customary song to listen to on my walks to 8AM organic chemistry classes; I found it strangely soothing! On a different occasion, after a particularly long day for her, one of my roommates didn't have the energy to make it to her bed but nevertheless requested a lullaby from us. So I obliged by playing this song for her, but she didn't seem to gain the same peace of mind from it as I did. 😄 I know it's not my place to propose anything like this, but it does amuse me to imagine bookends!Kakashi in these situations, even though it's not OChem classes he has to go to.)
Rise Above It - Switchfoot | Ensemble
don't care what they're telling me/we can be what we want to be/.../just because it's law doesn't mean that it's fair/.../don't believe the system's on your side/.../the curse is spoken/the system's broken; rise above it
→ I mean, how could I not think about Naruto when this song also has the lines 'hear us sing tonight like the last night on earth/we will rise like the tide/like dead men coming back to life/we are rising, rising'? It's fun to be literal sometimes!
Doorways - Radical Face | Allllll the traumatized children → Someone has to put all those tragic childhood flashbacks to good use, after all.
Ghost Towns - Radical Face | take your pick of Itachi, Sasuke, or Post-Kannabi-Bridge!Obito
there's no comin' home/with a name like mine/I still think of you/but everyone knows/yeah everyone knows/if you care, let it go
Blinding Light - Switchfoot | Hey, Hiruzen? You may have coined the phrase, "children are the king" but I don't think you truly understand it... (insert Princess Bride joke here)
hey boy, don't believe them/we're the nation that eats our youth/.../still looking for the blinding light/still looking for the reason why/still looking for the sun to shine/all my life I've been living in the darkest night/still looking for the blinding light/to take me higher and higher
Brother's Blood - Kevin Devine | EVERYONE → ...but certainly so much you could do with Itachi & Sasuke, Obito & Kakashi, Shisui & Itachi, even Hashirama & Madara! Sakumo's teammates turning their backs on him and saying 'I don't know one thing about my brother's blood'?!?! There are SO MANY ideas I have for this song! It gives me chills and makes my brain scream.
We Need Each Other - Sanctus Real | Ensemble → Already mentioned this one to you, but I have to include it here for thoroughness' sake!
Whispering - Alex Clare | the Hidden Leaf's lost/ostracized children/orphans
who will care for the falling?/who will care for the falling leaves?
So this is probably a strange concept to come up with and apply to this song, but the 'whispering, whispering, whispering' parts brought Konaha's virulent gossiping/passing judgement about others and often kids they don't even know problem to mind, too, and yeah?
The World You Want - Switchfoot | Ensemble → If I were to make a fanvid set to this song, I would definitely keep a broad focus, but I can't deny that the lines 'you start to look like what you believe, you float through time like a stream, if the waters of time are made up by you and I, I could change the world for you, you change it for me' FOR SURE has strong Obito & Kakashi/Kakashi & Tenzo vibes.
Red Eyes - Switchfoot | Ensemble, but definitely many dashes of Uchihas 😄 → I would like to thank Masashi Kishimoto for creating a world where red eyes are a Thing of Importance so I can one day make a fanvid using this song in not just the tired or teary bloodshot-red eyes way, but in a very literal sense too.
TAKE MY FIRE - Switchfoot | The Will of Fire → 'Cause I think I'm sooooo clever. 😄
Above The Clouds Of Pompeii - Bear's Den | various parent & child relationships → This obviously derives from the not-caring-about-your-female-characters problem, but it always gets me that all the single parents in the Naruto universe are almost invariably the fathers! I guess sometimes you can safely guess that the mothers are still alive/exist, but either way we hardly ever get to see them. :/ The one exception I can think of right now is Kurenai, but maybe I'm forgetting another conspicuous single mother. Anyway, I don't know if this helps or hinders more a potential Naruto fanvid for this song, but regardless, it still gives me feelings?
Who We Are - Switchfoot | Ensemble → It just makes me inordinately happy that the chorus for this song starts with 'who we are (in the fever of our youth)', you know? :D
Brother - Kodaline | all the friendships we can stuff in here and then some → Quite a well known song I'm pretty sure, but I love how many dynamics one could showcase in a potential fanvid of this. And, not gonna lie, 'oh brother, we go deeper than the ink beneath the skin of our tattoos' deserves to be used in some sort of Tenzo 'n' Kakashi or Team Ro fan creation!
Special Bonus:
Shake It Out - Florence + The Machine | Kakashi & Obito → I'm not sure whether I would have realized how well this works for Kakashi & Obito on my own, funnily enough, but then I found this fanvid of it (containing only scenes you've seen naturally!) and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It's so well done!
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gjdraws · 5 years
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More soon, but has anybody considered missing nin Gai (again, more soon) who leaves Konoha after the death of his dad? Like, imagine a Gai entirely disillusioned by the village’s treatment of Sakumo, Maito Dai and ofc Kakashi - just ups and leaves the village to stay in the forest and be a shinobi on his own terms yknow? Instead of having to prove himself to Sandaime run garbage-values village??? Sort of like Naruto’s other self from the Kumo waterfall, but for Gai?
More later on who his sensei is but for now please have some art from someone who’s finally, finally come out of art block T_T
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mallml · 6 years
A Land of Demons pt. 6
part 5 … Index
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part 7 … Index
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