potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
Patchy my love! I am in need of one of your potions for Katsuki Bakugou if you please.
Oh darling Meg, I do hope you did not travel far! I know visiting me is quite the chore all on its own - and I certainly appreciate you taking the do all of this for me.
Please stay awhile, I would love to hear all about what is new and happening with you. And, do not fret, afterwards I can help you deal with your little problem. Now, what kind of tea would you like?
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Infatuation had nothing to do with.
At least not at first; that was what you kept telling yourself ever single time your mind started to wander, startled to slip into thinking about the village baker.
It was purely because he was the best around, the best you have ever found; is what you would argue with yourself as you would buy yet another loaf of bread from him; needing it to get through the week. It was purely because you wanted to know the shop was doing well, is what you would reason as you walked along the cobblestone path every morning to purposefully pass his shop. It was because you had a long day and needed some respite, is what your rationale would be whenever you would indulge in some of the rolls and stew he had available for your aching body was too tired to make your own dinner.
It had nothing to do with attraction. Just simply you being provided a service you needed and that was all.
But soon even you couldn’t deny how ridiculous it all was. How many coins you were spending simply due to an infatuation you had over the baker. Though gruff and almost unapproachable, could tell Bakugou had a passion for what he did; never turned a customer away over anything trivial - if they needed bread, he would provide them with it.
And he was handsome, one of the most beautiful men you had ever laid eyes on. And perhaps maybe, possibly, that was the reason you kept coming back over and over again; for you just wanted another peak at him. Wanted another chance to see his smirk, or to hear him thank you for your purchase, or slyly watch him as he kneaded dough
Whatever the case may be, you knew you couldn’t do it forever. Not only was it behaviour that skirted the line of appropriate, you knew one day he would catch on and confront you of it.  And rather waiting for that inevitability to come beating you down, you would rather beat it, and him, to the punch. 
You asked around, to trusted shopkeeps, to see if they had any advice or knew of someone, to help you with your slight predicament and they all pointed you in the direction of a small, almost rundown, little cabin that sat just outside of town; surrounded by overgrown bush.
Though the exterior seemed to waver your confidence, you knew that to judge sole on appearance would be a mistake; and with your resolved renewed you marched over to the little shop ready for a cure to your ‘ailment’
You didn’t even need to knock, the door opening on it’s own when you approached, as if already waiting for you; yet no one was inside. Instead you were greeted with a note, on a large table that sat right in front of you; attached was a vial, of intricate and beautiful design, that contained a dark liquid
Dear Traveler,
I do apologize for not being there to provide you with the proper aide you desire in your time of need; for other matters required my presence promptly - and I could not find it in my heart to say no.
Attached to my note it a potion you can use to help with your predicament; I suggest you mix it into whatever tea, or bake into whatever dessert, you wish to give to the man of your desires. 
You should not worry of any horrid effects befalling onto him or you.
The Peddler.
You read the note again, and then a third time, all while thumbing the vial you were presented; contemplating her words and the subsequent actions that would unfold should you decide to use her potion.
It was a long trek back to your home, followed by a sleepless night, as your mind raced with all the possibilities that could unfold. Fighting between your moralities about whether or not you should trick him into ingesting a potion you yourself have no clue about; the note claims no horrible thing would befall either of you, but what effects did it have?
Though you were only human, and temptation was a mistress that could persuade even the strongest of minds; including your own. And so, you spent the next day within your kitchen, carefully crafting small heart shaped chocolates you would present to him; the best use of the potion that you could come up with - for he only ate one he would not be as effected as if he drank it all within a tea.
You wrapped each one carefully, placing them in a beautifully crafted box, one you meticulously decorated in the colours that adorned his shop, and tied it all together with a bow. The perfect little present, on you, hoped Bakugou would accept.
With unsure steps you made your way down that same cobble stone path, almost as if you had never walked it before, as you slowly made your way to that familiar bakery. The door was open when you arrived, a kind patron holding it open for you with a smile, leaving you no choice to back down and turn away as you took a deep breathe and stepped forward into the shop.
You were the only one there, you could thank the gods for that, as you heard his gruff voice asking you want you wanted; watching dumbfoundedly for a moment as he started to prepare and gather for you the items you normally got.
“A-actually, I didn’t want anything.” You stumbled out, voice a little rushed as you approached the receiving counter “I wanted to give you this instead.”
You carefully placed you present upon the counter, sliding it towards him every so slightly, before taking a step back; hands fidgeting as you waited for him to take it; legs twitching as your tired desperately not to run away.
You could tell he wanted to ask you what it was, the expression on his face clear he was confused by your action, but nonetheless he carefully opened you present; not wanting to tear or break it. Those little gestures made your heart flutter in hope as you anxiously waited for his reaction. His quiet ‘oh’ made you anxiety grow as he started down at your gift; not sure whether or not he liked it
“Can I have one?” He finally mumbled out after the a few agonizing moments of silence; fingers reaching out for a small pink heart that sat in the middle of the box.
“Y-yes of course!” You chimed, a smile small gracing your face “They are yours after all, I just hope you like them.”
You waited with baited breathe as he slowly brought the chocolate to his lips, watching as he chewed on it with a furrowed brows as he assessed your creation; licking his lips once he had finished.
And for a moment you didn’t know what to expect. You weren’t sure if the potion would work, and if so how, or if he would just shrug his shoulders and send you on your merry way. Whatever it was, you were not expecting the small smile to stretch across his face.
“These are really good, thank you” His smile widened at your surprise stare as he popped another chocolate into his mouth. “Uh, wait here, I have something for you too.”
You merely nodded, still stunned in place at the fact he finally smiled at you; and so brightly too. Your own incredulous smile graced your lips as you breathed out an airy laugh, waiting for his return.
“Here.” He mumbled handing you a small booklet for you to take, as blush dusted his face and eyes adverted yours.
“Is this….” You began, eying the contents of the paper, noting it was an invitation to a grand celebration within a weeks time “Are you asking me to go with you to this?”
“Yeah…” he shrugged, doing his best to not seem nervous “Been wanting to for a while now. You don’t have to though, I know these things are lame and whatever, but if you do wan-!”
“I’d love to!’ You interrupted, a giant smile plastered on your face, one he mirrored, as you held the invitation to your chest
“Then it’s a date.”
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I should probably let you know now, I think I might have gotten my vials switched up and accidentally gave you merely a small sample of vanilla extract.
Though, lucky for you, things seemed to work out fine ;)
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burricane · 4 months
So I went to the spa for my birthday and there was a salt room and instead of logically going “You have a skin disorder; don’t go in there”, I went and slathered myself up in salt only to start bleeding from head to toe because the salt opened all of the littles nicks and cuts on my body. So I was just casually covered in salt and blood while a bunch of other patrons stared at me in horror
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fancycolours · 1 year
flower crown Bobby! super cute!
thanks very much! I edited it myself! 😌💅🏻🌼💕
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rookthorne · 1 year
Wait it's your birthday??? 😲👀
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movablue · 1 year
SHIT...it's been a while since my last post. But I thought about Ghost and Mirages (again) and decided to draw my OC with ol' boy 😊
@stararch4ngelqueen, this be for you, hun.
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cowboygenes · 7 months
I love chunky gale so much please more chunky gale 💖😭
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Yessum, I will gladly provide for the chubby/fat Gale truthers 🫡 Glad I’m not alone!
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yesiscandyskiller · 16 days
could you please draw Brahms Heelshire please? 🥹🥹🥹🥹✨✨✨❤️😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ohproserpine · 7 months
I'm back with another question!! 😭
Would/did dolly and alastor ever discuss the possibility of them having children?
(Question for the author!) Are you kind of pulling a stranger things where you already have the ending and know what you're going to do to end it and just filling in the blanks or are you just going as is?
yessums they discussed it but it was more of a fleeting convo and after what happened well, they didn't really have time to start a family
and yes i am pulling a stranger things jejeje, i had the ending and overall plot points at the very start already :333
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 3 months
Hi Patchy! Long time no see ❤️ I hope you're doing well 🥰 Sounds like quite the party you have going on!
Suga and I would love to join you and your f/o for a summer time double date! Sounds like a lot of fun but we'll make sure they don't get too crazy 😅
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Well hello my darling Marquie; so happy you could make it! Always better late than never; that's my viewpoint 💛💛 So please come, come! There is so much for us to do!
Sugawara would rather spend his fun-in-the-sun with just you, if he was honest. After all, he had to share his time with a bunch of kiddos! So to say he wasn't the most thrilled when you invited a friend along wasn't ideal.
But he is going to make the best of it dammit! So expect a picnic filled with cucumber sandwiches, sliced pineapple and mangos, some veggie sticks, and plenty of water for you to enjoy! Can't have his baby go without!
And he know Bokuto - so he's more than willing to match his energy for your sake and that of your friend! Besides, he misses tossing a volleyball around - even if this is oversized, way too light, and only good for the water!
He also made sure to bring other floaty items for everyone to enjoy; after all its more fun to splash around with them!
After spending his time in the water, you will always find him lounging on the beach reading a book! So join him if you want!
He totally takes you out for gelato after the fact; a nice sweet treat he can enjoy with his sweetie as the sun sets - hearts in his eyes because clearly there is nothing better in this world at that moment. 😊💛
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come join my beach party~ (closed) 🔮
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vylad243 · 6 months
Do you think at some point, if Vox and Val didn’t break up fully in your AU, that Al and Val would fight over Vox’s affections at some point? I say break up fully by way of Vox still has to go to the hotel but under different circumstances so he and Val are still ‘together’ but strained a bit.
Maybe then Val shoots Vox in a “If I can’t have you Alastor can’t either” but with an angelic weapon this time? Or something?
Would just be interesting to hear your thoughts either way :))
Yessum. Val would have a tighter grip on Vox than he does currently and would actually be manipulating Vox a lot. It would be a lot more of a slow-burn because Alasgor doesn't care for Vox because of who he associates with. He thinks associated with bad people leaves a stain on your reputation and doesn't want Valentino to wreck his reputation.
Once Vox comes back to the hotel after a fight with Val- Alastor would take notice and try to pull Vox away from Valentino. He would also be manipulating him in a way- but for his own good. Alastor would do all the things Vox used to love doing with him in a way to draw him in. Valentino would take notice of Vox's happiness and demand answers from both Angel and Vox- Angel would he promised a week off work if he spills the beans and Angel just says that 'Alastor has been talking to Vox again'. Angel wouldn't know how bad of consequences that would have because Angel wouldn't know that Vox was given the ultimative to pick between Val or Al.
Valentino would try to kill Vox instead of Vark in this version as a 'fuck you' to Alastor because Valentino can tell he's losing control of Vox and he blames Alastor.
Vox's reflexes are fast though (he did jump in front of a bullet to save Vark afterall) so he would be able to move so he gets hit somewhere else.
That would be their official breakup point, and there would be another year before Alastor picks Vox as his rut partner
Vox's trauma would be a lot worse, though, and he wouldn't start dating Alastor as fast as he does in month of rut. He would be a lot more accepting to touch, though.
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ten-cent-sleuth · 1 year
A Galling Yoke, Part 6
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for the Can Only Move Your Eyes or Can Only Hear square on my July Break Bingo card
See this post for main info, including a masterlist and synopsis. See this post for warnings.
Word Count: 3.2k
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x f!Reader
Rating: Teen
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The pounding on your front door commenced moments after you had broken your fast. You and Mrs Rogers exchanged a look before you tidied up your place at the table and turned to watch the parlour door. Stomach full and mind fresh, you were not even annoyed that Sherlock was about to drag you somewhere at an improperly early hour; indeed, you were quite excited to know where.
Rogers stepped through the door with an ever-suffering expression. “Master Oliver Johnson with an urgent message for you, my lady.”
You furrowed your brow but followed your butler to the foyer. Your questions—well, some of them—were answered when you spotted a dust-covered, dirt-smudged young boy rocking on his heels.
“Good morning, Master Oliver,” you greeted him with a smile. “Has Mr Holmes sent you?”
“Yessum,” he said, brandishing a piece of paper from his pocket. Halfway through handing it to you, he widened his eyes and dropped into a deep bow, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the mixed-up formality.
“There is no need for that,” you assured the child as you unfolded the note. Looking up at Rogers and his wife, you said, “I have been summoned to Cable Street.” Apparently, the detective had finally tracked down Miss Algar’s residence.
Your butler’s mouth downturned tightly. “I dislike Mr Holmes dragging you all over the city, ma’am. You have not been made to walk so much in years.”
“Walk? To Cable Street?” interjected Mrs Rogers. “No, indeed! Why not hail a hansom for her ladyship, dear?”
A small smile leapt to Rogers’s face as he nodded and did as bidden, though it fell once more when he eyed the urchin in passing. You forbore a chuckle.
“Your husband is quite protective of his domain, is he not?” you mused.
“Of his domain?” she echoed. “I suppose. I for one am pleased you have found a friend and are getting out of the house, ma’am.”
“I for two,” you quipped, though you were already looking back to the young boy fidgeting with the uneven end of his shirt. “Mrs Rogers, would you please fix Master Oliver a plate? I do not think Lucy shall have finished clearing the breakfast parlour by now, so he may have whatever he likes from there. Should it not be enough for a warm meal, have him see Cook.”
The boy’s face lit up. “Oh, thank ye, m’lady!”
“I thank you, Master Oliver.” You patted him on the shoulder as he hurried to your housekeeper’s side, and his haste gave you pause.
“Mrs Rogers?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Please also prepare some food for me to bring along. I cannot imagine Sherlock has managed to break his fast if he has been investigating this early.”
She smiled. “Certainly, ma’am.”
You left to change for an outing and found the Rogerses conversing in the hall when you returned. The missus handed you a container as her husband said, “A hansom is at the kerb, ma’am. It was quite brisk outside, so I took the liberty of retrieving your cane.”
You accepted it as he handed it to you. “I thank you, Rogers.”
It was Mrs Rogers’s turn to look worried. “Your hands are quite full now. I do wish we had a footman to accompany you, my lady, though I understand why we do not.”
“Fret not, I shall have your aid to the kerb, the driver’s aid to Cable Street, then Sherlock’s aid onwards.”
“Well then,” she said with a sigh and a smile. “Your detective awaits!”
You flushed at such an epithet but did not dare mention it, lest you protest too much. Indeed, Sherlock was awaiting, the tracks that he had worn into the sidewalk nearly visible by the time you arrived at Cable Street.
“You are pacing, sir,” you couldn’t resist stabbing at him as you alighted from the hansom.
“You are late!” he retorted, glaring at you while you paid the driver.
“You must be hungry!”
When surprise and confusion overtook his sullenness, you decided you had won that battle.
“Have you eaten at all today?” you demanded, though you didn’t wait for a response before shoving into his chest the food Mrs Rogers had wrapped. “Break your fast; I shall see if anyone shall receive us at this hour.”
Luckily, someone would: the landlord was rather eager to welcome the great Sherlock Holmes and his titled companion, in fact. The “Lady” before your name might only be a courtesy, but courtesy had its perks.
Unfortunately, the woman who opened the door on which the landlord knocked was not as eager. While he launched into a whispered argument with her, Sherlock tapped on the back of your left hand, which rested upon the handle of your cane.
“Is this a fashion statement, then?” he murmured.
You chuckled and shook your head. “I suppose most people assume so. Rogers customised it after I had complained it was too fashionable and therefore too impractical to actually support me when my knee is particularly troublesome. Anyone who notices that it looks not quite like the typical lady’s walking stick would sooner accuse me of eccentric taste than of a hidden injury.”
“Mm… Clever.” He did not lift his hand off of yours, and you swallowed hard.
Before you could make sense of either his compliment or his ongoing contact, the woman threw her hands in the air, drawing your attention back to the flat.
“All right!” she bit out. “I shan’t be getting any peace anyhow if you’re so insistent!”
The landlord grinned. “You shan’t be regretting it, Lydia.” Turning back to you, he bowed and said, “My lady, Mr Holmes, may I introduce Mrs Kinley to you? She is the live-in nurse and maid of the lady you seek, Miss Algar.”
Mrs Kinley’s face was pinched as she scanned you two. “Well, come in, would you? The sooner you start your business, the sooner you get through it.”
You followed her inside, sharing a look with Sherlock.
“What in Christendom could you possibly want with the miss? She is not much for talking these days, you know.”
“That is quite all right,” said Sherlock. “We only have a few questions for Miss Algar, and then we shall be on our way.”
Mrs Kinley gave him a strange look but did not reply. To your shock, she barged into a bedroom without knocking or announcing herself.
“Mrs Kinley—” you began to admonish her, but you pulled up short upon seeing Miss Algar. Pillows propped her up in the bed, quilts tucked neatly around her. Her arms, pale and frail, lay at her sides, and her head would have lolled just as lifelessly if not for the brace supporting her neck.
You felt Sherlock freeze behind you, too. “Er,” he coughed, “is Miss Algar…? Perhaps I ought to wait outside while she gets dressed.”
Mrs Kinley snorted. “I am paid to feed her, to wash her, and to move her every few hours so that she does not develop bed sores. I am not paid to change her clothes merely for gentleman callers. What impropriety can she get up to in her condition, anyhow?”
“Her condition?” you echoed weakly. The lift and fall of Miss Algar’s chest was barely visible beneath her covers, but you watched for it obsessively.
Shaking her head, Mrs Kinley stepped aside and ushered you both into the room. “I see now that you are only poor fools who came here uninformed,” she muttered. “The miss was paralysed in some incident several years ago. Now, her mind is lost to us. She cannot twitch a finger or wiggle a toe.”
You inhaled sharply.
“A strike on the back of the head that requires a physician’s house calls twelve years after the fact,” murmured Sherlock, drifting towards Miss Algar. “Of course. How did I not foresee this?”
You frowned at how Sherlock scanned Miss Algar, his critical eye all the keener for not having the possibility of offended sensibilities to avoid, and turned to the woman’s nurse. “There is no need to take that tone, madam,” you told her as you pulled yourself to your full height. Limited as the improvement may be, you continued, “Miss Algar is still human and still deserving of respect. You are here to care for her, do you realise? You ought to neither deride what she cannot do nor disdain what she can. Knocking on her door and refraining from calling her ‘the miss’ could not go wrong, for instance.”
Red in the face by the time you were done, Mrs Kinley sneered and moved towards the door. “I shall keep that in mind, your ladyship, for the next hour you have to poke around Miss Algar’s belongings.”
You waited until she had shut the door soundly behind her before pinching the bridge of your nose and turning back to Sherlock. “I suppose I have grievously overstepped—”
“And what a treat it was to witness,” he mused.
Your eyes shot open, startled by the awe in his voice, but you quickly forgot that when your gaze met Miss Algar’s across the room.
She blinked rapidly at you a few times—or were you imagining that? Surely, if she were as insensible as Mrs Kinley described, she could not be…aware? Awake?
“My lady? Are you quite all right?”
You straightened and snapped your jaw shut, only then realising it had been gaping at all. “I… I have a hypothesis.”
Sherlock raised his brow, and after a moment, you realised he was waiting for you to do something about it.
You turned towards the other occupant of the room. “Good morning, Miss Algar.” Pointing to yourself, you gave your name and added lightheartedly, “You may know who I am, and I certainly know who you are, but worry not. There was no love lost between Mr Sulyard and me, so there need not be any lost between us.”
Seeing her blink rapidly a few more times, you confidently ignored Sherlock’s sceptical expression as you pointed towards him.
“This is Mr Sherlock Holmes, Her Majesty’s brightest consulting detective and Scotland Yard’s greatest investigative asset. I would not be surprised if your nurse has failed to keep you abreast of the goings-on of London these past several years, so you may not have heard of Mr Holmes, though I assure you that he shall seek justice for you above aught else. Would it be all right for him…for us to ask you some questions, to that end?” You kicked yourself after a breath’s pause. “Um, blink twice for yes and thrice for no, I, uh, I suppose. Would it be all right?”
Slowly, deliberately, Miss Algar blinked twice.
In spite of yourself, you looked to Sherlock for his reaction. Which, happily, was to grin like a madman.
“You, my lady, are a wonder.”
You hid your blush by focusing back on Miss Algar. “Well, madam, we best arrive at the same page. Sherlock and I are investigating the death of Mr Sulyard, which we believe you witnessed. Are we correct?”
Miss Algar glanced down briefly before meeting your eyes again and blinking twice.
“On a scale of two blinks to six blinks, how well do you remember what happened twelve years ago?” asked Sherlock.
At her six blinks, you covered your wince with as sympathetic a smile as possible.
“In that case,” he said, “I should like to set the scene with as much detail as we can. Were you and Mr Sulyard together on purpose? Two for yes, three for no, as her ladyship suggested. Yes it is. Did you two meet at that particular hour regularly? Yes? At that particular location? Excellent, I thank you. The first letter of the street on which one would find this establishment, was it A? B? C? D? E? E, then—Edward Street? Hmm, would it happen to be the Younges’ lodgings? They have a certain reputation about the clientele they accept, see…”
Once Sherlock had, painstakingly, received a description of that evening before and during the attack, including one of the shadowy assailant and the weapon he’d wielded—with help from your interjections of “Is that all the detail you have, or is there more Mr Holmes should ask you?” and similar—you laid a hand on his arm to hold him back from another question.
“Miss Algar,” you said softly, “would you like to take a break now? To rest your eyes, perhaps?”
Blinking so much could not be very comfortable…and neither could reliving what must have been the worst night of one’s life.
However, her gaze hardened, and she blinked three times.
Sherlock reached up to squeeze the hand of yours on his arm. “We thank you for your dedication, madam,” he told her.
“In that case, I have a question to add,” you said. “Do you know why this man you have described attacked you and my husband? Without a shadow of a doubt?”
It was disconcerting to see her answer no while her face remained slack, devoid of any confusion or disappointment or frustration, as you had come to consider natural when having to tell someone that one did not know the response to their question.
“Do you…” You dared a fleeting glance towards Sherlock. “Do you believe only one of you was the true target?”
Hesitation was clear in her eyes, but her two blinks were as steady as ever.
Your mouth opened, but no sound came out. Sherlock squeezed your hand again.
In your stead, he inquired, “Do you believe Mr Sulyard was the primary target and you were merely a witness to be taken care of?”
Two blinks.
The primary target the primary target the primary target…
A witness to be taken care of… A witness to be taken— Oh, goodness—
You exhaled shakily.
What if— What if—
Sherlock’s hand tightened around yours once more, though this time, it was not a quick gesture: the pressure, calm and grounding, remained steady on you.
“Again I thank you, Miss Algar, for your willingness to answer all of these questions,” he said. “You have given us much to work—”
A knock on the bedroom door cut him off.
“That’d be an hour, then,” said Mrs Kinley as she re-entered the room. Miss Algar’s eyes had glazed over and dropped back to her counterpane before the first syllable was out of the nurse’s mouth. “You two best be on your ways now, I think.”
Sherlock nodded. “Very well, Mrs Kinley. We thank you, Miss Algar, and wish you well.”
Mrs Kinley gave him another strange look but, again, did not speak as she led you two back to the flat door. Really, though, Sherlock was the one leading you out, the warmth of his gloved hand still blanketing yours.
“Good day,” you managed to get past the lump in your throat.
“Yes,” said Sherlock. “Much obliged for your hospitality, Mrs Kinley.”
The woman looked as startled as you felt, but she did not get a chance to respond as he swept you out the door and onto the street. Safely amid the anonymity of the East End, your shock melted away in a fit of giggles.
He levelled you with a dour look. “I am quite glad you are finding humour in this, my lady.”
“It is just— It is just— Sherlock,” you wheezed through your laughter, “I do not think I have ever heard you be obliged for anything, and certainly not much obliged!”
A sliver of a smile cracked through his bemusement. “Not even for nonexistent hospitality?”
You slapped a hand over your mouth to not violate the laws of propriety so egregiously as to cackle in public. Gracious—you had not whispered and snickered about someone like this since you had chased off your last governess with your mud-covered hems and Sherlock had cheered you up from Lord Coltidge’s rant by reminding you of all Mrs Tattershall’s follies. How many years ago was that? Twenty? One and twenty? Certainly, you both had continued teasing your individual brothers for their individual foibles, but there was nothing quite the mark of intimate friendship as making a new ridiculous acquaintance at one another’s sides and then rolling your eyes at each other about the person.
Warm and bright, his eyes burned through you, and with another swoop of your heart, you found yourself breathless for an entirely different reason than uncontrollable giggles.
“Sincerely,” he sighed, “I am glad you find humour in it. I felt the need to speak such niceties since you did not seem up to filling your typical role of softening my unsociable edges for people.”
You arched your eyebrow. “Is that what I am, Sherlock?”
“Yes,” he said, rising to your challenge with his own raised brow. “As well as much more. You fill many roles, my lady.” Thankfully, you did not have to think of a suitable reply to that, as he went on, “You seemed rather…distraught, after Miss Algar confirmed she was likely just in the wrong place at the wrong time. What troubles you?”
You looked down and stared at how his hand was still clasped atop yours. You had both his arm and your cane supporting you now, which must have made you seem quite absurd, yet you felt all the more secure for the absurdity.
“Could I have been killed, too?” you whispered.
You felt his step falter beside you. “I— Pardon me?”
“If this man who apparently wished my husband dead so strongly that he would track him down to Edward Street and hit him with a hammer only attacked Miss Algar because she had the misfortune of having a tryst with Mr Sulyard on that day, could I not have been the one to end up in that bed just as easily?”
Sherlock’s jaw worked for a moment.
“Further, am I selfish and despicable for thinking such a thing?” you rushed out. “It is not that I am glad she was hurt in my place. It is only that I am…unsettled to think that I too brushed against the possibility, without even realising until years after the fact, of…of…”
He shook his head, relieving you of the struggle to find the right words. “You are the least selfish and least despicable person of my acquaintance,” he began, “which is, considering my occupation, extensive, you understand. I cannot assuage your other concerns as readily, for it is not my custom to go down rabbit holes such as these; indeed, I must recommend that you do not go down them, either.”
“That is more easily said than done,” you huffed.
Glancing around and seeing a largely deserted street, as was expected on a workday morning, he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to turn and face you. “You were not harmed twelve years ago: you were safe at home. You have not been harmed in the intervening years: in fact, you have led a contented life. You shall not be harmed from now on: I shall not let aught happen to you.”
You blinked up at him. A foot of empty air separated you two, but just standing close enough to be dwarfed by his height, just staring into his eyes and drowning because he was staring back, made you feel hidden from all that was dangerous in the world—watched over by all that was good—ultimately, safe.
Safe, and terribly disconcerted.
“My, Sherlock,” you chuckled nervously. “That is not a very logical promise to make, is it?”
He flushed. “No…no, it is not. Forgive me,” he mumbled, turning back forward and continuing down the street. “Shall we go to my flat to work on the case?”
Mutely, you nodded. Although you would not have been able to explain the hypocrisy, you had not wanted him to withdraw that promise, as illogical, as incredible, as it may have been.
Well, I tried to fit in some comfort/protectiveness/height tropes to apologise for the delay in updating haha. Please tell me your thoughts on this fic! What do you want/expect to happen next? How do you feel about the story vibes so far? Or just come talk to me about Sherlock/Enola Holmes because I really want a friend! (Or friendS?? Potential group chat??? How obvious is my desperation for companionship right now,,) Thank you for reading!
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unhonest-iago · 11 months
Rodeo! Sapnap Headcanons
Sapnap was known for his accolades within the rodeo world, winning multiple championships 2-3 years in a row
He loved when he spotted you in the crowds beforehand, considering you his lucky charm
Claims it’s the lord’s angels smiling down on him, laughing whenever you call it bullshit
Putting his boots within the stirrups, pulling the reins taught
White button down shirt, brown leather vest, and a cowboy hat
Belt buckle polished to perfection
Thick thighs squeezed against a bull’s hide, having to hold out for the most dangerous eight seconds in sports
Whenever he wins, he treats you to a somewhat fancy steak dinner telling you to get anything you want, it’s on him
He enters more calf roping events than bull riding ones to calm your worries
That said, he has gotten into physical fights w/ Punz, but he’d never tell you the reason. He’d come home w/ a split lip & a bad shiner.
Walking past you, grabbing a bag of frozen peas, not interrupting you when you scold him for it. Just the ‘yes ma’am/sir’ or if you don’t go by either, ‘yessum’. Kissing your knuckles as an apology & to show he was listening.
In his spare time, he’ll take you horseback riding, sharing a saddle
You’re sitting in front while he’s behind you, taking control over the reins
Leads you both up a hill, picnic already sat up. Telling you to go take a seat while he deals with the horse.
With his competitive nature ends with him challenging you, saying he can catch more grapes in his mouth
‘Oh it’s on Donkey Kong’
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OUGHHH would you do megarachnid (or whatever it's called) HCs?? 🙏🙏 (Sfw please)
Yessums anon!
Megatron paints Airachnids nails
They’re the couple that comes home, sprawls on the couch together and talks shit about everyone in their lives
They’re so corny and playful alone. Like they give each other the most stupid compliments and burst out laughing
Airachnid is a menace when it comes to meals but Megatron would literally pick up his food off the damn floor
Hey bitch > hey babe, love, hun etc
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gods-of-kanto · 9 months
Pepper, I heard some buzzing. Do you think that's Alpha?
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Pepper: Ah, so its happening, I figured it was inevitable. He has a presence that hides well in time and Space.
Would you like me to shut down all servers?
Pepper: Nah, Lets look over to see if he broke anything- m'kay?
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mickimagnum · 9 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Seven
*the episode opens with a shot of Devin in her bedroom. she's getting ready for the cocktail hour event that's about to begin*
Devin (voice-over): "I'm really nervous for tonight. It's the first elimination, and going into tonight, I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do yet. Some of the connections are stronger than others, but there are others that aren't where I want them to be at this point. So, there's a lot riding on this Cocktail Hour."
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*the next shot opens with the contestants lined up in front of the show's host, Venessa Jeong, and Devin.*
Venessa: "Welcome to the first Cocktail Hour, everyone. The purpose of tonight's event is to have some time with Devin before the elimination later tonight."
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Venessa (continues): "Unlike other group events, Devin will be approaching you first. So, be patient. But, also make sure to use your time with her wisely because this will be the last chance you get to convince her why you should stay. Otherwise, enjoy. And I'll see you all at the Rose Ceremony."
*Venessa leaves and the group begins to mill about the space as Devin approaches the first contestant*
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Devin: "Hi, Albert. Do you want to go somewhere more private to talk?"
*Albert smiles at her nervously*
Albert: "Absolutely."
*Devin leads him to a secluded nook*
Devin: "So how are you? We haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together this week."
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*Albert nods solemnly*
Albert: "I know. It's my biggest regret right now. I wish I had made more of an effort during the group date. No excuses. I should have tried harder."
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Devin: "I appreciate that. Because we don't have a lot of time here together, so if you're serious about this, you're going to need to step up," *she looks up at him and smiles* "And I want you to. Because I feel like we have a good connection."
*Albert's expression remains serious, but he's fighting a smile*
Albert: "Absolutely. I want to be here. You're amazing and I definitely see something developing between us."
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*Albert then takes Devin's hands and looks into her eyes*
Albert (continues): "You have my word, I'm in this 100%. I will do better."
Devin: "Okay. Thank you. That's what I wanted to hear."
*Albert kisses her hands*
Albert: "I mean it."
Devin (teasingly): "You better."
*Albert laughs*
Albert: "I do. I want to walk away from this as your man."
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Albert, in diary room: "I really *bleep*ed up this week. I guess I rested on my laurels because our earlier connection was so strong and didn't push as hard as I should have this week. *Bleep*, I hope I didn't screw this up with Devin. Talk about an epic failure..."
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*the next shot opens with Devin approaching Stan*
Devin: "Hey cowboy. You want to get out of here?"
*Stan grins*
Stan: "I've never wanted to hear those words more in my life."
*as Devin is leading him away, she says:*
Devin: "Calm down. We're just going to have a chat."
*Stan chuckles*
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*once they're in the library, Devin says:*
Devin: "Stan, you've said it yourself that you know we don't have a lot of time to get to know each other. And because it's elimination night and I really like you, I need to completely honest here. I'm not sure if our connection is romantic at all or if we just make really great friends. Not to sound like a high-school girl, but do you even like me?"
*Stan rocks back on his heels and looks stunned for a moment*
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Stan: "Whew, what a surprise! I apologize, Devin, if I've done something that's made you feel that way. Truth be told, I'm crazy about you. I think maybe part of what you're pickin' up on is hard it is for me to be in here with all these other guys. It gets me in my head a bit."
Devin: "Wait. You're holding back because you're jealous?"
*Stan rubs the back of his neck*
Stan: "Well, in the plainest of terms, yessum."
*Devin takes a step closer*
Devin: "Do you want to stay? Even if it means being in here with them?"
Stan: "Yes. After our date last night, I realized I was going to fight until the bitter end because ending up with you would be worth all the blood, sweat, and tears."
Devin: "Well, I hope it doesn't come to that..."
Stan: "If it did, it would still be worth it."
Devin: "You really feel that way?"
*Now Stan takes a step closer"
Stan: "I do."
Devin: "Pinky swear?"
*Devin winks and holds out her pinky*
*Stan grins and links his pinky with hers*
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*he then pulls her against him and locks her in a sweet and tender kiss*
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Stan, in the diary room: "She thought I didn't like her? That one hurts me. Especially when I am crazy about her. She's an amazing woman and I'd be one lucky S.O.B. if she were to give me a chance after this. Getting to kiss her sure was nice, though. If I go out, at least it will be on one hell of a high note. I sure I hope I don't get sent home though."
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*after leaving Stan, Devin now approaches Houston, who grins as soon as he sees her*
Houston: "Good evening, beautiful."
*Devin returns his smile and blushes*
Devin: "Would you like to have our talk?"
Houston: "I would love to. Lead the way."
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*Devin takes Houston into her room. they stand in front of a roaring fireplace*
Houston: "Watcher, you look...breathtaking."
*Devin blushes again*
Devin: "You clean up pretty nice yourself."
*Smiles and glances down at the floor*
Houston: "Thank you."
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Devin: "So, I think I know the answer, but I'm going to ask anyway. Do you still want to be here, Houston?"
*His eyes burn into hers*
Houston: "Absolutely. Wild horses couldn't drag me away. I know what I want. And what I want is you."
Devin: "Oh..."
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*Houston now grabs her at her waist and pulls her against him and begins slowly kissing along her neck, making his way up to her ear where he whispers something the microphones can't pick up. Devin giggles in reply. they then share an intense moment of eye contact before he kisses her passionately.*
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Houston, in diary room: "I've never been so sure of anything in my life as I am about how I want to be with Devin. Every moment I spend with her feels right, and every second without her feels like agony. I don't think there's any reason for her to send me home tonight, but if she did, my world would be shattered."
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*the next shot opens with Devin walking over to Milo*
Devin: "Hi, Milo. Are you ready for our chat?"
*Milo looks visibly ill*
Milo (squeaks): "Yes."
*Devin leads him onto the front porch*
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Devin: "Milo. I want to be completely honest with you, okay? I do like you, and I do see some potential between us. You're a very sweet guy, which is rare, believe me. But, I do worry that we're in different places in our lives. And I know you're only a few years younger than me, but at times it does feel too young. Those are my main concerns. What are your thoughts?"
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*the camera cuts to Milo who looks paler than usual*
Milo: "I, uh," *swallows hard* "I guess I understand. I mean, I've made pretty poor choices in how I've approached you this whole competition. That's my fault. And I apologize for all of it. I guess my inexperience in the romance department is really showing, huh?"
*Devin smiles at him reassuringly*
Devin: "I've never been in a serious relationship, either. But, yes. Poor choices have been made and I'm afraid it's gotten in the way our connection. I feel like they've gotten you in your head and things aren't where I want them to be between us. But, do you want to be here, Milo?"
*Milo looked in her eyes pleadingly*
Milo: "More than anything."
*Devin nods, her expression contemplative*
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Devin: "Thank you for being honest with me."
Milo: "I will always be honest with you, Devin."
*He then takes her hand and kisses it.*
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Milo, in diary room: "This is bad. This is really, really bad. I might be going home tonight. And all because I'm a dumb*bleep* and made a bunch of stupid decisions. I don't want to go home. I'm not ready. I still have so much to prove to Devin. I hope she gives me another chance."
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*Devin finally approaches Handra who was beginning to look nervous*
Devin: "Last but certainly not least. You ready?"
*Handra greets her with a nervous smile*
Handra: "For you? Always."
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*the pair head out back and stand next to the pool*
Handra: "You look so beautiful tonight."
*Devin smiles up at him*
Devin: "Thank you. You also look really nice."
*Handra smiles*
Handra: "It's so good to get some time with you again. Even, under the circumstances."
Devin: "I think you and I both know you don't have anything to worry about."
*Handra looks genuinely relieved*
*Devin cocks an eyebrow*
Devin: "What? You seriously thought I was going to send you home?"
Handra: "I mean, not really, but that worry is always there."
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Devin: "Well, you do still want to be here?"
Handra: "1000%, with every fiber of my being!"
Devin: "Good. Then you don't have anything to worry about...this week."
*she then grins, and Handra can't help but do the same*
Handra: "I better stay on my A-game."
Devin: "Yeah, you better."
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*Handra and Devin then enter into an embrace and kiss*
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Handra, in diary room: "It feels so good to hear that I'm definitely getting a rose this week. I can't imagine going home after the date we had. I'm really starting to care about his woman. She's incredible. I'm not willing to walk away yet."
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Devin, in diary room: "So far tonight has been one of the most difficult of this whole experience. I did get some clarity with some of the guys, but others, I feel like it just made things more confusing. I still don't know what I'm going to do. Watcher, what the hell am I going to do?"
Albert submitted by @bakersimmer James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen Milo submitted by @belsasim Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras
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4chtungb4by · 6 months
Are you still playing Stardew Valley? I love your Harvey drawings.
Yessum! I'm excited for 1.6! :3
I don't think I'll get around to it for some time, since I'm in a mad dash to graduate in May. That + health stuff has also prevented me from doing a lot of drawing or playing games.
& Thank you! I'm glad you like them <3
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