#yhs theory
Whenever I see people making theories about YHS and the reboot I always feel like we as a collective fandom forget that Sam is like. Immortal now. Forever cursed to be 16 or 17 by Cthulhu when he like . Ended the universe . And that’s why a lot of cool theories always fall flat for me when ppl discuss the series :,)
My personal current crack pot theory is that the world restarted (do not ask me how) and Sam has been living in it for. A while now. As a 17 year old immortal.
The exact timeframe for how long the worlds being going for again is uh . Currently impossible to piece together, but two things stick out. The first more canon-complaint one is that none of the faculty seem to know about Yuki, Sam or the graves. Suggesting that some time since those events has definitely passed, because Yuki IS there, the graves are THERE, and Gareth’s classroom is ALSO still there, meaning everything that went down in the OG series happened in this one too (minus Paul Blarts death I guess????)
Second, the less canon thing, Jerry. I KNOW he appeared in ONE episode that is specifically non-canon BUT!!!!! That episode DID have canon elements !!! Like Lilith and Lighty being friends/something romantic !!! And if Jerry, somehow, is one of those canon elements, then time has ABSOLUTELY passed. Jerry was a teenager, the same age as Taurtis when he came into existence (cuz clone stuff), so for Jerry to be a grown ass man with his own business?? And for him to recognise and know Sam like an old friend ???? I smell sum fishy.
Anyways I have no idea if any of this makes literally any sense LMAO I simply needed to share my godawful brainrot with the world :D
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sugarcoated0arsenic · 6 months
YHS is connected to s7 hermitcraft because of the whole thing with the blue jumper
Evo is connected to all of the life series, “he was only ever meant to watch”, the statue in secret life etc
Evo is connected to s9 hermitcraft because of the thing with the rift and the empires crossover
Evo is connected to empires s2 because of the crossover thing
Empires s2 is connected to s1 because of reasons I’ve forgotten- I think Lizzie said something about vaguely remembering something (deal with destiny is the best song to ever exist)
Evo is most likely connected to s8 hermitcraft because of the moon big thing maybe being the watchers
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gallusgalluss · 1 year
to me youre the Any Animals version of Guy That Turns Every Media into Warrior Cats (compliment). idk how else to describe it. i still think about the chickens
ty, sometimes u just gotta turn ur favorite lil guys into creatures and chickens
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rossay chegen
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blizzardfluffykpop · 2 months
You sent me an ask so I shall return the favor! What is the most recent Kpop group you’ve gotten into and how did you find out about them? I always love hearing fan “origin stories” lol
Thank you for returning the favor~ That would be The Boyz 🥰💖 I love hearing fan "origin stories" too hehe (This is gonna get long I love them sm)
Anyways I've known about them since debut? I loved Bloom Bloom Pow with my whole heart when it came out and tried to fall for them then- It didn't work. The next time was when The Stealer (TS) came out~ I had watched them perform for Road to Kingdom- because ptg was on the show too- But I really loved TS cb- sm so that I bought the album about 6 mos later with my favorite members as inclusions at the time (Eric, Kevin and Hyunjae). But nothing came about of it even after watching the weekly idol episodes... Then came Whisper era and I ended up biasing Changmin (Q) and loving that song but again nothing came out of it.
(A little backstory is that Changkyun (I.M) got me into Dominic Fike's music-) Thus, when tiktok showed me Juyeon, Changmin, and Sunwoo dancing to Babydoll earlier this year as a dance cover: I fell. And then I finally checked out Watch It~ But Hui had his solo and it distracted me completely from falling further. Then I had gotten sick and decided 'well, what if I watch their content?' And I did... I watched their hello82 interview and their reaction to fanart of them, and lastly their mafia dance. And I loved each sm that I decided to check out more.
It was the first time I had watched their content and wanted to see more. And now, I watch their content almost daily. It's kind of like they revived the joy of kpop for me? My (old) ult of ults has been on hiatus due to the military so it's been stagnant content lately for me. But then they came in like a breath of fresh air- and I simply can't get enough. This month will be 3 mos and I honestly hope I'll follow them for a long time. (I think they're my new ult of ults tbh)
And lastly now here I am as a Younghoon and Juyeon bias (with bias wrecker: Changmin... he's doing everything to be bias again). And with them having a comeback I loved with my whole heart this past month, I think it really solidified them with me. Honestly, I'm so happy with them.
#my 'fan origin story' hehe#lovely mutuals#asks#kate rambles from here#i even started a new kpop journal just dedicated to them and my thoughts- it's a 200 page journal and i have nearly 50 pages about them#and i started it in february ebhbha-#it's so funny because i saw one of my ults' concerts in theater the month before they should have became the ult of ults and here tbz comes#if the theory is true that you fall in love with certain people/groups/things at certain time then that means even when#i wanted to fall in love with them- that i had to wait until now to fall for them even if i wanted to fast forward it- i think now is a#perfect time- it's when i need them most i think- and fuck i could go on about them forever and why they mean sm to me in such little#time but oh how i love these guys-#no seriously everything i wish they could do- i find out they've done or will do- or for like pcs i like them a certain way and by golly#does yh do my favorite poses- and their music is just ?!?! i love it sm- ofc i've listened to them before a lot but ?? it's my speed rn#kate rambles#did i drag my close friend into them too? yes- yes I did- but she had full free will- she could have stayed on the happy mbb boat instead#of jumping into the water and swimming to lip gloss island with me- but alas she didn't so it's even more fun cause i get to be a new#deobi with her- and it's literally the best experiance i could have ever asked for- she prolly won't see these (i'm banking on it) and#honestly i'm so thankful for her- for joining me in this 'insanity' we've gotten ourselves into- i'm glad we were both stolen from our mbb#home together- it's sm fun to talk about tbz with her- because she's experiencing them new just like i am- i could go on here too#but i won't- so i'll stop here- i love these boyz sm tbh (every time i say it even if it's a lot- it doesn't feel enough)
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thecollectorluz · 2 years
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When the Collector and Luz fused, it was a very very rocky and extremely negative experience, thus them learning the hard way of what happens when they let their anger and frustration (basically any negative emotions) consume them. It also doesn't help that you're bonded to a human body, which is uncharted waters, who is not used to the powers of the collector, let alone understand how to control them (and his full powers haven't completely absorbed into them yet) Words, insults, and hands have been thrown at eachother, resulting in them being tired/exhausted and wounded (tho with the help of the collectors abilities, the healing process is a lot faster than the average human healing rate
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impostorsshow · 2 months
Hello hello, am intrigued by your time travel MCC daydream thing and would love to read more rambles about it.
Who all are the adults in charge there? I think you mentioned Scott and Joel and Lizzie? Anyone else in mind?
And does time traveled Grian get to experience a respawn himself during this? Totally agree he'd be a top tier survivalist buuuuut...
HEHE best thing ever to wake up to in the wee hours of....12:33 pm I'm such an early bird I know
Kay I typed out a really long nonsensical ramble so this time I'm just going to go down the list of S3 players and anyone I don't specifically mention in these two lists is someone I've either never heard of before or can't decide
Adults: Aimsey, BadBoyHalo, CaptainPuffy, cubfan135, Eret, GoodTimesWithScar, Impulse, LDShadowLady, Mythical Sausage, Philza, Ranboo, Smajor1995, Smallishbeans
Children: 5up, CaptainSparkles, ConnerEatsPants, Falsesymmetry, Geminitay, Grian [duh], Fwhip, InTheLittleWood [that's Martyn right?], PearlescentMoon, Shubble, SolidarityGaming, TommyInnit
I specifically think that while Ranboo would be good daydream fuel, I am unfortunately bound by the logic of "nahh he really wouldn't opt in would he" and that Grian on the flip side did it because all of his friends kept gushing about how cute he would be and Grian was 80% sure he would win dispite coming from a permadeath world.
And yes, grian dies while practicing parkour, and and gets disqualified from participating like 2 weeks before the event, which is pretty damn long because I've set the beginning of the daydream as 4 months. At that point he had gotten accustomed to other people dying, but slipping up and falling for the first time into the void, being so sure he was going to die and then suddenly waking up in a bed but still feeling vertigo from falling was entirely different, and Etho [who at this point in time had been set as a teammate for Grian] had to calm him down, and later told Scott that Grian couldn't play in the event.
The rest of Grians time is spent relaxing since he didn't have to worry about dying [he does die at least 3 more times, but most people are being careful around him and hes both grateful for it and despises it], and doing way too much exposition because YHS Grian has an idea that his childhood is definitely not a normal or relatively good one, but hasn't had enough experiences outside of Tokyo since enrolling in Acedemi high to really draw the line on what's like actually kind of horrifying. Specifically he's hesitant to share that he killed people because Grian doesn't want to get outcasted or be seen as a murderer [who would], but everyone around him can't even imagine having to live with the guilt that you permakilled another player, since murder is a relatively light topic and punished with a slap on the wrist for most worlds
Oh I'd also like to add a few logistics and world building things, the biggest one is that anyone who opted into this event [MCC Time Warp maybe? I'm bad at names] was able to choose at what time their past versions would be, and most chose around 14 - 18, though a few chose to be 19 or even 20, and obviously people like Tommy went way under the average because he thought it would be fun and more chaotic, but Scott refused to let anyone chose under 10 years old. When the event is over, not much memory carried over, being incredibly foggy and getting embarrassed by their friends telling them what happened while they were regressed. I'm thinking the actual way they get them travelificated is either some redstone magic and basic time travel box y'know, something that will read a players code to see what year they can grab from based on how old the player is, or something like a more stable recreation of the rift since this daydream is very Grian centric, and the rift will just intrinsically know when to pull a player from when they step through.
Teams for this event are decided about a month before the event, Scott figuring that after 3 months they would have surely figured out exactly who wasn't mentally or physically able to compete [he was wrong] and by the actual event, 8 players have been disqualified. 30 players were time traveled because they expected people to need backup players, and each team is composed of 2 adults and 2 children/teens, with the teams mainly being balanced for safety rather than skill level and the younger kids getting placed with the most responsible adults or a much older teen teammate.
I had more to say but I keep forgetting and now it's 2 pm so I'm just going to hit post
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oatbugs · 2 years
you're dating coffee girl? im so invested
not coffee girl !! coffee girl is rly cool and we met up hung out etc and it was great !! she cut her hair short and wears long coats and is so much more free+happy now than she was before. she used to have a timetable of her life to the minute for the next 10 yrs and now she's spontaneous and happy and she told me about n+7 poetry and we ended up sitting next to each other in the dark for looking at generative art in this beautiful exhibition...anyway yh ! she's a cool human :) but we're not dating
but !! this is a different person (tagged as [chroma blue]). look @ tags for context.
#ok so i went to study in a venice for a bit but a few weeks before i did i met this peeson who seemed rly cool etc . but then when i was#in italy i became kind of infatuated w this person who was rly rly unrealistic to know so i told the first person i probably wouldnt be#interested in them romantically bc i was caught up in other feelings etc and we continued being friends but she is just So Cool so it was#like. inevitable. i got over italy person and we went on like 2 very perfect dates and i told her maybe im ready to explore things#romantically now but then i realised despite how perfect the dates were i didnt feel that intense spark so i was like. nvm. at this point#it had been 3 months and i thought i was literally incapable of love bc this person [chroma blue] was perfect etc#anyway so they came over to hang out as friends like 2 weeks later and they were supposed to go home the next day#and they ended up staying over for 4 days and then i realised i was being sooo dumb by rejecting them#like it was lich rally just self sabotage and fear of loss etc etc. and like. we ended up catching a spontaneous train to a diff city and#everything we did felt like a date and at the end they were like u are sending so many mixed signals and i was like. yh#so i told them abt how i felt and like my thought etc and they were like. u know i have liked u since the day we met . x anyway#so we talked a lot etc and then met up again and like. yh. literally she ended up staying over at my place again lol . also like that day#was so perfect our first kiss was rly nice everything was just rly nice we did a lot . anyway yh#she likes poetry and art n she carries her sketchbook w her everywhere and she knows so much abt like. the theory and history of fashion#etc etc and whenever were in an art gallery she tells me sm abt what she knows its so cool. shes also#rly rly pretty and cool etc etc . en ee way#yea#asks#anon#she knows sm abt colour and light and shadow. she stays up reading notes left by old artists.#the second time we met she told me she really wants to paint me and then she said it again after we kissed for the first time. etc
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habitual-irony · 1 year
Younha — “살별” | “c/2022YH” English lyrics
Korean title’s translation: “Comet”
The English title is a play on comet classification. In this case, it would be a non-periodic comet discovered in 2022, the year of the song’s release.
C/2022 YH I’ll be born through discovery, So this is all I’ll write.
Even if I crash and break, There won’t be any setbacks in my path, Though it’s a little lonely, oh.
The people living well on that little blue dot far away Will endlessly yearn for here.
Even if a comet’s shadow Isn’t any more than a rock It’ll burn up—the reason for being in this orbit. At the end of this flight, Your wish will surely come true. With a small voice, I’ll pray for our blessings. Oh woah, oh woah, oh woah.
Let’s put aside our questions. Right now in this moment, there are no doubts, So our goals are clear, oo-woah.
Why do you go in circles, they ask. There’s no time to listen to such words. You know it’s not the truth.
A comet’s shadow In the hotly melting ice Will burn up—the reason for being in this orbit. The end of this journey Will surely become your future, So with a small voice, please pray for our blessings.
In the helpless space dust that can disappear in a moment, There are differing stories carved into the world.
There’s an important story I wanted to tell. You only have to listen. Even if you fall asleep in the thing call eternity, Don’t forget me.
When you’re burning hot, I’ll be by your side.
Even if a comet’s shadow Isn’t any more than a rock I’ll burn bright—I want to be in this orbit. At the end of this flight, I’ll grant you one wish. It will probably be the strength and courage you possessed.
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kyungsoosus · 2 years
whereee are the teasers
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I feel like a lot of people just ignore Tokyo Soul season 2, which sucks because it was actually pretty good. And has some interesting lore implications.
In it, it's revealed that Sam has amnesia and is living in some sort of "fake world" held within the wasteland remnants of the original Tokyo Soul. When escaping with some scientists, an older Jerry who is trying to free Sam (to avoid using the Taurtis skin) and DoughBoi, they get captured by Wastelanders, and their leader is revealed to have the Necronomicon, who recognizes Sam.
Sam, despite having amnesia, immediately recognizes the Necronomicon and even calls out that he and the cursed book are supposed to be on good terms. It's as if seeing this book that helped him fulfill his destiny to destroy the universe unlocked his true memory, and perhaps his true personality.
Throughout Tokyo Soul season 2, while having some questionable moments, Sam is generally a good guy. He even questions why Jerry and Doughboi were his friends upon learning how terrible he used to be. Ultimately, Sam with amnesia is a lot like Sam from the first few episodes of YHS Classic.
But upon seeing and interaction with the Necronomicon, he suddenly shifts. While saying he does not want to kill one of the men he's working with despite facing death, he has absolutely no reservations in pushing the man into a death pit even after the man gives up.
At the end of the finale, Sam Jerry and Doughboi get the Necronomicon back from the wastelanders and use it to essentially wish for a new reality to be transported to (Well, Jerry makes the wish to go back to old times).
While the following series was a sorta YHS Reboot, it is definitely not canon as it isn't in the official playlist, unlike the current reboot and TSs2. So it is heavily implied that the current YHS Reboot is the new timeline, or possibly one of the many new timlines, as we don't know how long Sam has been doing this sorta thing since he got his memories back. With Jerry not being a part of the main series, it is easy to speculate that Sam is in full possession of the Necronomicon.
One other thing that Tokyo Soul season 2 does is help prove that Sam doesn't have amnesia in the Reboot and is simply acting oblivious at times. We know Sam is a kinder person with amnesia, yet Reboot Sam is very much worse than YHS Classic Sam and Tokyo Soul Sam.
I think the only question this leaves is why are elements from YHS Classic showing up in the Reboot. Well, I think it's because the more Sam destroys and recreates the timeline, the thinner the walls between realities become. So, due to all his meddling, Sam's past is starting to catch up to him.
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etherylelixyr · 18 days
Ok in an AU where custom body modification things like antlers/horns, animal ears ect exist (not sure if they'd be functional or purely aesthetic)
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mostlykind · 2 years
I’ve been wanting these specific loafers for a few days now but my size just isn’t coming back in stock. so for some reason I’ve bought them one size bigger and am miraculously hoping they run small and will fit despite nothing suggesting this
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keepoffthegrassss · 5 months
Just thought of a fic idea, may have been done before but:
the party thinking Billy's been possessed by the mindflayer, maybe Jane saw him sneaking around being all suspicious, and Max has noticed that he's been sneaking out and staying out overnight a lot more than normal. Maybe they go to the pool to check it out and Billy is wearing a shirt and they're still all like 'thats suspicious he never wears shirts, especially not at a swimming pool'.
So they decide to take these findings to the others, and maybe they go to Steve's first, I'm thinking this was a late night meeting kinda desicion. So first thing in the morning they barge into his house, despite his protests, and start explaining their theory. And Steve's instantly like 'he's not possessed' and the party are all just like 'how do u know, he's acting weird, and we know it's possessing someone so why not someone like Billy'.
And they'd keep arguing for a while with Steve getting increasingly annoyed, until Max mentions Billy sneaking out last night and Steve snaps and is like 'he's not possessed he was here last night!'. And the party r like huh?
Yeeeah turns out Billy and Steve have been dating/hooking up, which is why Billy is sneaking around and staying out so much. Wearing a shirt at the pool? Yh Steve got a little carried away and may have left some marks billy didn't want everyone seeing.
And the party find whoever's possessed eventually and Billy and Steve r safe and live happily ever after the end.
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coconutredbulllover · 21 days
ok this is my timeline. (detective hat on, delulu heart always)
2017- friends (then best friends)
2018- something started… team USA? yh.
2020- fwb era, (Covid gives very strong vibes of this, the way they are so giddy/acting a tiny bit guilty around each other in azzi’s vlogs)
2021- not exclusive, exploration period but still best fwb😭 (Paige running a full ass campaign to get azzi to uconn?)
2022/injury- exclusive, Paige’s injury probably highlighted just how romantic their relationship actually was (the interviews from this time are giving married) also, something was deffo happening at this point
2023- started off rocky? heard rumours abt fights but again who knows how truthful anyone is being when they are anonymous! I think they were probs still exclusive, you can’t exactly go back on that, and azzis injury probably solidified it even more. At this point I think they realised they had to try and keep it more private, hence the lack of appearances on each others socials. (Especially after the live…)
2024- married, soft launch at the draft. Events just after the draft probably brought them even closer, but also probably meant they realised they had to keep it even more of a secret/private. slowly seems to be getting more comfortable with soft launching or at least showing they r each others person (azzi at the espn summit, mentioning Paige)
This is all just speculation (with random bits of evidence tying it together) but would be interested in your ideas, do u agree?
u so valid anon
this timeline makes pretty good sense and follows the ‘they know where home is’ theory, i also agree with 2020/2021 as a fwb exploration periods it js makes the most sense
the injuries fr probably made them closer, being there for eachother and leaning as emotional support coulda grown the bond and made them realize more what they mean to eachother in the long run
i like how they jump to married in 2024 LOL. idk if they put a label on it but i feel like in this point of time the draft was seeming soft launchy, their vibes seem ‘private but not a secret’ but leaning heavy on private and instead of secret more like nonconfirming but arent drivign themselves crazy to keep it insanely on the hush hush.
glad they seem to be becoming okay more interacting w eachother on media but i highkey dont think they had any issues in the firstplace 😭 maybe a little distancing but only cause it was probs what was best at the time of the fresh situation. azzi wasnt rlly on socials anyways other than the fact she was slightly coming back from the dead as the meteor struck. honestly we been getting pretty consistent pazzi crumbs even after it all happened like pretty soon after they were already being spotted in public 🤷‍♀️.
yeah for wraps basically for the most part i agree w everythinf u said maybe id add the timeline of when different big events happened and tweak the earlier parts pf the time line but ya pretty good 👍🏼 😊
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chokchokk · 9 months
read the full fic [ here ] ~
[teaser] boyfriend!san x girlfriend!reader "𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐄)"
playlist for the fic [ here ]
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the tags may change but~ this is where we're at right now yuh.
estimated length is about .....uhhhh well i'm at 4k right now and i'm just starting with the smut so like. at least 8k??? tbh..... it could get longer... but i don't wanna jinx it, yk. anyway it will be a lot. LMAO i am very horny for this san and he's very horny for reader so yh.
teaser under the cut! apply for the tag-list in the comments if yall want xx
“You know the songs I was playing right now, sunshine?” “No, I don’t,” you answer with continuing honesty. Your boyfriend chuckles, “hm, maybe it’s better that way,” voice dripping like honey, but the sweet innocence is feigned, making you curious of what he’s hiding from you, deflecting from the very evident scene he’s painting. His caramel skin proves it; for the particularized taste, heat must be added for sugar to win aroma, and your boyfriend is testing the theory to its limits. Gliding his hands to your hips, San gets your cheeks burning, and when he hooks his fingers into his hoodie and drives it off your body, you lick over your lips asking yourself if you need any clarity to know where this is going; With your arms raised, your boiling skin meets fresh air through your drenched shirt and you shudder for a short moment, before your boyfriend gets his hands on the bra, fetches it, and slithers it out your arms. After it drops to the ground and San sees your nipples poke through your shirt, he shifts his weight to the front to make you trip on your back, and takes off his tank top with both of his hands. His lats spread frighteningly wide and you let out a gasp. You’ll never not be surprised about how beefy your boyfriend is; San’s sweaty body expands in front of your eyes, and his collarbones are perfectly in your sight, as he hovers over you with his hand propped next to your head. There’s a wave of heat hitting your face and you aren’t sure whether you’re blushing or if his body is just genuinely that thermal. Adopting the rather playful tone of your lover, you sulkily murmur, “It’s unfair if you don’t tell me about those things now, Sannie,” letting your finger trail along his slippery chin with softness, aware that you will only semi-attentively listen to his words from how distracted you are from his fallen eyes that are slowly flaming up. There’s only two things on your mind and while one of them includes going home, the other one can be perfectly executed on the couch. “Oh, so naughty things, sunny, I don’t know if you want to hear about them, actually.”  San chuckles, his words contradicting how eagerly he kisses your hand, piercing through you with his eyes, making you melt. He gets his upper body up, his knees caging you in and you murmur “t- tell me about them”, as your boyfriend grabs you by wrist to help you move it down his chest that is still perceivably sleek, down to his abs that are just as lubricious and then, with a heavy sigh he definitely forms into a clear “ha~” leaving his mouth which makes your insides wobble. Your boyfriend is such a tease. On stage, he doesn’t get to be as interactive as his band-counterparts do, like getting their sweat-drenched heads dangle down to the crowd and be ruffled through their hair, but Sun Set surely takes off his top oftentimes enough so every fan of his can admire his build. Your boyfriend’s amazing build.  He lets go of your hand to go through his red hair with a smirk, peeking down at his belt, clearly driving you into a wall here which is going to feel feathery light, but still so scary to brush against your skin— you have to make a choice here, one that makes your voice come out stuttered, one that proves to San that he's on the right track, cooking you up deliciously. San might be a tease, but ohh, Y/N. You’re just so fun to tease, aren't you? "P.. Please, Sannie."
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holybatgirlz · 5 months
@bridgertonbabe had me cackling over her bridgerton spouse support groupchat that I couldn't stop thinking about what the bridgerton sibling chat looked like in the aftermath of game night.
(All credit to Bridgertonbabe for this chaotic mess)
🐝 The Children Group Chat 🐝
Violet: Alright. 
Violet: Who started it?
Anthony: Started what?
Hyacinth: What exactly is it u r referencing mother?
Violet: Oh you all know exactly what it is I am talking about. 
Violet: Who started the fight this time? 
Benedict: I did. It started. 
Violet: No. 
Violet: I know you probably fueled it once it began, but you didn’t start it. So once again I must ask.  
Violet: Who started the fight?
Eloise: Who told you we fought?
Violet: Sophie did. After I learned from Agatha that an ambulance was called for your husband.  
Eloise: He's fine Mum. He had a panic attack because Anthony wouldn’t get off his ass about the rules. 
Anthony: The rules clearly say when you land on someone's properties you have to pay them. Not my fault he couldn’t.
Eloise: He couldn’t pay u because u r a deranged asshole who puts interest on his properties like some money hungry slumlord.  
Eloise: Who puts interest rates in Monopoly? 
Francesca: It was my fault Mum. I started it.
Violet: NO
Violet: You and Benedict both hate confrontations. I know neither one of you started it. 
Violet: Who 
Violet: Started 
Violet: The fight
Violet: At Daphne’s game night?
Daphne: I would like to point out that Hyacinth is being abnormally quiet right now.
Hyacinth: Excuse me?!
Eloise: You were exceptionally vitriol with the rest of us that night. More so than usual.
Hyacinth: Mother. I feel like this would be a good time to inform you that Eloise broke a £5000 vase that night.  
Eloise: OMFG
Eloise: Et tu Brutus?
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Hyacinth: throw me under the bus again I dare u
Colin: You did throw it across a room. 
Colin: At my head I should add. 
Eloise: I purposefully aimed away from your head dummy. That’s why it hit the wall. 
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Colin: Did you?
Hyacinth: Liar!!!!
Hyacinth: it’s a penknife. Not a switchblade. Get it right. 
Gregory: Yh Anthony still has her switchblade from when we all played Cluedo 
Colin: talk about Miss Hyacinth in the parlor with the knife. U nearly killed Benedict. And Gregory. And Simon!
Benedict: I still have the scar
Anthony: Not to mention the fire damage.
Gregory: Well the fire was Daphne’s fault.
Violet: Please do not remind me about the Cluedo incident. It gives me a migraine every time I think about the damage you all did to my house that night. 
Francesca: Isn’t even the most concerning part. Hyacinth. How did you get another knife? 
Hyacinth: It’s for protection
Francesca: That did not even remotely answer the question I asked you
Hyacinth: Gareth got it for me
Anthony: Gareth isn’t stupid enough to give you a weapon.
Hyacinth: He is after getting mugged 
Violet: 🫢 Gareth was mugged?
Hyacinth: He’s fine. He was a little shaken up but they didn’t get anything off of him. They just roughed him up a little and scared him.
Colin: Why do I have a sneaking suspicion you had some involvement in this mugging?
Hyacinth: Why would I mug my husband???
Benedict: Ulterior motives. As unreasonable as a theory that may sound. This is also you we are talking about. 
Colin: How do we know you didn’t mug him so that he would get your hands on another knife? 
Hyacinth: I plead the fifth
Anthony: Hyacinth!
Hyacinth: Again
Hyacinth: A £5000 vase was destroyed that night.
Hyacinth: And not by me.
Eloise: if anyone is at fault it’s Daphne. It was her idea. 
Daphne: Why am I at fault for trying to have a nice family get together?
Francesca: Because u should have known this is exactly what would have happened
Violet: Must I remind you all that you nearly gave Phillip a heart attack. The poor man had to spend the night there for observation. 
Benedict: And you all made Sophie cry
Eloise: Jesus Christ. She’s pregnant Benedict. Ofc she’s going to cry. She literally cried last week telling me about the tiny baby shoes she crocheted. 
Daphne: In her defense. They were adorable.  
Benedict: 😤😤😤 They are the cutest little baby shoes. I’m so excited to see my daughter wearing them. 
Benedict: But that’s not the point. You yelled at her Eloise.
Eloise: Because she wasn’t doing anything except sitting on the couch while Phillip was hyperventilating.
Benedict: Maybe because she’s SEVEN MONTHS PREGNANT AND CAN’T MOVE!
Eloise: omg Benedict get over it 
Benedict: my wife was in tears over what happened and then you and Kate both felt the need to gang up on her because she wouldn’t hand her remaining cash to you.
Eloise: She was leaving.
Benedict: BECAUSE she was the one who went with Phillip to A&E because YOU were too busy arguing with Daphne about the income tax rule.
Eloise: It was unreasonable and unnecessary for me to have to pay it because I had more money than the rest of you
Daphne: Says known socialist Eloise Bridgerton 
Eloise removed Daphne from the chat
Anthony added Daphne to the chat
Daphne: Bitch
Violet: Daphne do not call your sister a bitch
Eloise: Bitch Bitch
Violet: ELOISE!
Gregory: I think it's safe to say that Anthony’s unreasonable rules are what led to the conflict starting. We all know he’s the most competitive.
Colin: Agreed
Eloise: Agreed
Daphne: Yeah that’s true
Hyacinth: Agreed
Anthony: Because Gregory isn’t the reason we have to have them in the first place. You cheat. All the time.
Gregory: Well I learned it from you didn’t I?
Anthony: You hid all the tokens so that Lucy could pick one first.
Anthony: Then you pressured her into teaming up with you after she claimed all the good spots. Then you started extorting and threatening the rest of us. Not to mention I am genuinely concerned you do not know how interest rates work given the numbers you were giving us were completely off. And I will not even discuss your blatant disrespect for the get out jail free card. 
Anthony: What do you have to say for yourself?
Gregory: That my wife didn’t key a car
Colin: oh snap
Daphne: WHAT?!?!?
Daphne: SHE DID WHAT?!!
Colin: 🤣🤣🤣 it was Kate who did it!?
Gregory: Yh apparently Amelia caught her in 4K HD keying Simon’s car while Phillip was being loaded into the ambulance. 
Gregory sent a video.
Violet: Good lord.
Violet: Why are you all like this?
Anthony: I would like to make it clear I will neither condemn nor condone my wife’s actions. She is her own woman and will do what she wishes without my input or opinion.  
Anthony: However it wasn’t as though it was without reason. 
Francesca: Omfg Anthony
Hyacinth: Gregory how the hell do you know this??
Colin: How did you get the video?
Gregory: because MY WIFE loves me and sent me the video when she told me about it
Violet: how the hell did all eight of you inherit your father’s competitive streak?? 
Violet: EIGHT. We had eight children and you all got it. It’s not normal. 
Francesca: Mother. If I may. 
Francesca: We’ve all seen how you get watching baking shows. 
Violet: That is not the same and you know it!
Francesca: Mother. Again. 
Francesca: I say this with nothing but love and respect.
Francesca: Anthony had to restrict the Food Channel on the cable box for three years after you broke the TV. You literally are not allowed to be left alone when The Great British Bake Off is on.
Francesca: I’m quite certain the reason we are all like this is because dad’s competitiveness got mixed in with your insane stubbornness.
Violet removed Francesca from the chat.
Hyacinth: Omg Mum did you banish Francesca to the shadow realm!?!
Gregory: I had no idea she even knew how to do that
Violet removed Gregory from the chat.
Hyacinth: GREGORY NOOoooo
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