#yinepu wepwawet
be-your-bast · 11 months
Nightmares Begone
Take a piece of paper and with a red pen write down the nightmare you want to be free of. With each bold proclamation tear a piece from the paper. You are shredding the nightmare and all hold it has on you. At the end dispose of the pieces however you see fit. (paper shredder, burn, soaking in a bowl of water before throwing away etc.) (This ritual was created specifically for my partner using the Names of our house. However, this may be used by anyone who would benefit. ) ---
Ra commands, Ra demands, the uncreated will be removed by His hands You are not welcome here serpent of Isfet! Set has the beast bound, it cannot return and in your dreams it will not be found You do not have sway over me or my dreams! Khonsu's smite is great, He rends the enemy of its power, leaving nothing behind in His wake No more will your tongue whisper your lies and hate!
Tutu's hunt never ceases, demons caught will be torn to harmless, tattered pieces No harm shall come to me in my dreams! Bast's claws shred and tear fast, doing away with the seeds of nightmares past There is nothing left of you to fear! Sekhmet's fiery maw does not forgive, does not forget, burning away all that would cause you any upset My dreams have been purified by the Lady of Fire! Taweret soothes the pain and heals the burns, Her waters bringing peace in turn. My soul is healed and runs free of discourse! Yinepu-Wepwawet holds your heart, leading the way to a fresh start My dreams are now full of potential! Heru stands alert, full of wary, keen of eye for any adversary No one shall escape His watchful Eye!
With all this now said, go in peace and rest your weary head.
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forceyourway · 2 years
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KEMETIC DEVOTIONAL NECKLACES https://www.etsy.com/shop/tjemsypresents Help support a multiply-neurodivergent creator with chronic pain during COVID-related loss of work! All necklaces pictured above are still available, with many more to choose from in my shop, featuring deities like - Bast (Bastet) - Heru-Wer (Horus the Elder) - Hethert (Hathor, Hetheru) - Nefertem - Nit (Neith) - Sekhmet (Sachmis)  - Set (Seth, Sutekh, Setesh)
**Commissions also available** 
first row:
EGYPTIAN GODDESS NUT (NUIT) DEVOTIONAL NECKLACE black agate, gold hematite, and lapis lazuli with silver-colored metal spacer beads, and a silver & sapphire (lab-created) heart/butterfly pendant
second row, left to right:
EGYPTIAN GODDESS TEFNUT DEVOTIONAL NECKLACE black agate, rainbow fluorite, opalite, and angelite, with silver-colored metal spacer beads, and a silver, owyhee opal, & blue topaz eye-shaped pendant
EGYPTIAN GODDESS SERQET (SELKET, SERKET, SELKIS) DEVOTIONAL NECKLACE black agate, gold hematite, and red jasper with a silver & red snakeskin jasper “scorpion” pendant
EGYPTIAN GOD WESIR (OSIRIS, AUSAR) DEVOTIONAL NECKLACE  black agate, green aventurine, and green moss agate, with silver-colored metal spacer beads, and a silver, green tourmaline, & jade tree-shaped pendant
third row:
EGYPTIAN GODDESS NEBTHET (NEPHTHYS) & EGYPTIAN GOD YINEPU (ANUBIS, ANPU) DEVOTIONAL NECKLACE  black agate, rose quartz, amethyst, howlite, and snowflake obsidian, with a silver & onyx pendant
EGYPTIAN GODS YINEPU (ANUBIS, ANPU) & WEPWAWET (UPUAT) DEVOTIONAL NECKLACE   black agate, snowflake obsidian, and blue spot jasper with silver-colored metal spacer beads, and a silver & silver sheen obsidian pendant
bottom row:
EGYPTIAN GOD HERU-SEMA-TAWY (HORUS THE UNITER) DEVOTIONAL NECKLACE   black agate, red banded agate, brecciated jasper, and snow quartz with silver-colored metal spacer beads, and a silver & laguna lace agate pendant
Thank you for your support! <3
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ascendingaeons · 5 months
My Reiki Attunement Ceremony
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"When you see the Southern Cross for the first time You understand now why you came this way Cause the truth you might be running from is so small But it's as big as the promise The promise of a coming day"
Crosby, Stills & Nash - "Southern Cross"
On March 24, 2022 I drove from the house of a friend I was living with at the time to Karen Wilson’s house on Padre Island. I was talking to my husband-then-boyfriend on Google Duo as I drove over the bridge towards Flour Bluff. I felt calm yet vibrated with excitement. As I parked in front of Karen’s house I told my boyfriend I loved him and said I’ll call him afterwards. I would be a very different person the next time we talked.
Karen led me into her office and we spoke for a bit before proceeding to her Reiki room. As I laid down on the table she invited any Guides who wished to be present. Immediately the room was full as many Netjeru visibly manifested for me. I impulsively said, “holy crap, there’s a lot of Them!” Karen backpedaled a bit and with a laugh explained that this was a sacred ceremony that required a bit of decorum. I laughed nervously and laid back down as she began working on my Crown.
To the far left I saw Set and Heru-Wer (Horus the Elder). Standing side by side, They looked very much like brothers. Set was cocky and proud, His smile toothy and wide. Heru-Wer was stoic and severe, yet He had a small smile on His beak. To the far right I saw Yinepu (Anubis) and Wepwawet (Upuaut). They have been shamanic guides for me in the past. In the center stood Aset (Isis), Djehuty (Thoth), Sekhmet, Bast, and Mafdet. I was very surprised then to see Aset as I felt estranged from Her husband Asar (Osiris). I assumed She didn’t like me very much. And Mafdet was a surprise as well, for I wasn’t quite sure how She related to me. Shu and Tefnut were in the back against the wall. Geb was the floor below and Nuit was the ceiling above. They were all practically beaming and it felt like a graduation, though it took me a while to begin to understand just what that meant.
As I lay on the table my mind began to wander. Quickly, Djehuty appeared in the forefront of my vision with an admonishing glance. He explained that this was a sacred ceremony and demanded I give it the proper respect it deserved. Sheepishly, I apologized with a glance. Djehuty gave me a very curious look, the knowing sort of look a patient schoolteacher gives the student who apologizes after getting a reprimand for misbehavior, a kind of feigned way of saying, “I’ve got my eye on you.” With a cheeky smile He returned to the rest of the group and I immersed myself back into the experience.
About halfway through Bast and Sekhmet had stepped forward. Bast held my left hand and Sekhmet my right, each looking down at me with a smile. They soon each put their free hands on my shoulders. Their touch was warm and soft and I saw nothing but love and pride in Their eyes.
As Karen began speaking Light Language at my feet I was immersed in a series of visions. I was shown my room as it was when I was a baby. I had forgotten the off-white color the walls used to be before my dad painted it sky blue. I was on my back in my crib and Aset was leaning over the rails, singing to me. She appeared as the Divine Mother, wearing a flowing white gown with long, flowing black hair and an ample bosom. She wore the Uraeus crown on Her forehead, made of gold inlaid with blue and green stones of rectangular cut.
The scene shifted to the first dark day of my life. My mom had a cerebral aneurysm a month before my third birthday. As the paramedics took her away, Aset and Her sister, Nebt-Het (Nephthys) had wrapped Their arms around me as Sekhmet and Bast looked on. In Bast I saw love and a twinkle in Her eye. In Sekhmet I saw fierce devotion, a mother lioness determined to protect Her cub.
Again the scene shifted to a few days later. After my dad picked me up from staying with a neighbor, we found a litter of kittens in the side yard. We kept one cat that I named Jimmy and gave the others to family friends. As a grew, I suspected Bast had something to do with it. In that moment, I saw Her speaking to the kittens with that feisty glint in Her eye. I was too young to know it but Jimmy and I needed each other.
Again the scenes shifted, more rapidly. When I was being mischievous or too smart for my own good, Set was there egging me on. When I was writing in the workbooks my dad made me do before starting preschool (thank you for that, dad), Djehuty was looking over my work and pointing out corrections. These were affirmations that throughout my entire life They were with me. I was never, ever alone. Even when my higher senses were shut down and during every dark night of the soul, They never left my side. That is why I have the utmost loyalty and respect for the Netjeru.
After the ceremony, Karen laid on the table and had me practice Reiki on her. I could feel it, the energy coursing through my bloodstream. It felt like a miniature River of Light coursing through me, a holographic emanation of the very soul of the Cosmos. Karen told me to relax a bit, to open up my Heart and Crown chakras. I did so and the flow began to surge. I had performed my role as a Reiki Practitioner for the very first time.
I realized something profound at the end. As I got in the car and called my boyfriend, I told him everything that happened. And I told him what I had realized; it was so simple, but it had eluded me my entire life. If Reiki is the Light of the Source, the First Energy called Love, and the Source is the Pythagorean Monad, what the Gnostics called the Godhead or what some today call the Divine, the One or the Self, then there is utter truth in the statement “God loves us.” I felt like a lifetime of weight, from my upbringing in Texas to being abused and bullied by those claiming to be devout Christians, just disappeared. In that wonderful Light, their actions didn’t matter. I was given a profound gift that can never be taken away.
Image is a painting in the tomb of Sennedjem, in Thebes, Egypt depicting Yinepu preparing a mummy for burial. The way His hands are placed on the mummy just feels… familiar.
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We should do an intro!
Hi! My name's Ashley (she/her). I'm in my late 20's and one of the members of The Menagerie (@elan-sipelli). This blog is sort of going to be daemonism, sort of life experiences, sort of my job in a hospital, sort of my own religious beliefs. A hodge podge! My daemon's name is Azekia (more commonly known as Ziki). She's never, ever changed from her piebald ball python form, but I'm pretty sure that's not my analytical form. I love her dearly! She's been with me for my whole life. I practice Kemetic Orthodoxy and am a Shemsu of the House of Netjer. I make up one half of Huwienikhonsu (Huwieni). Together we are: Daughters of Khonsu Beloveds of Sekhmet-Hethert, Bast and Yinepu-Wepwawet Associated with Set and Heru-sa-Aset
I am safe for just about everyone and I do not engage in discourse of any kind. I hope you enjoy my content!
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hesy-bes · 2 years
Hello, I'm a worshiper of Yinepu and Wepwawet currently, and I feel called by Lord Bes to work with Him. He has stipulated that I give the work one month before I spend any money to buy Him an icon for my altar, as I'm known for flights of fancy and this isn't the first time He's tried to reach out to me. Do you have any tips for worshiping and working with Him?
My best recommendation is embracing joy and mirth! Bes is a god of happiness and fertility and life, and embracing your life and all the joys in it is a good way to honor him.
He's definitely a big fan of singing and dancing.
I personally own a sistrum that I like to use while singing hymns for him!
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cowandsistrum · 1 year
Cluster thoughts relating to our gods under the cut. Mostly just a stream of consciousness/jotting down thoughts as they pop up rather than anything coherent. crossposted from our personal server
Quick thoughts, mostly thinking aloud, but trying to wrap our heads around how squishy our gods get. Thinking lots about Sopdet tonight, kind of went on a meandering path down Bast, which lead to general Eye of Ra things, which lead back to Sopdet (historical syncs with Eye of Ra goddesses, including Bast) as well as Serket. Star scorpion and ocean feelings thanks to Yachie. Sopdet linking back to our cluster, kind of a title but also Her own thing??? Also linked to Nebthet and Mehet (cow, ocean, more star feelings). Also the obvious canine/dog/wolf connections through Sirius (Dog/Wolf Star), which links back to us now (werewolves/lycanthropy), and our affinity for Yinepu-Wepwawet as well (who is. also connected via Nebthet and Nit lmao).
it's Wep Ronpet soon so this is all probably relevant. my head hurts.
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rediankhesi · 6 years
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Yinepu-Wepwawet lockscreen shrine for @solarkemetic!
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xxdoggodxx · 2 years
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From the "Tarot of the Sphinx" deck; by Silvana Alasia 1998, "Moon" card
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resonant-star · 3 years
I got to offer Yinepu some cake from my 3-years-of-sobriety birthday party because there's no way I could have done it without Him. In fact I'm quite sure I'd be dead by now, though as one can see I am clearly not.
I'm so happy!
Dua Yinepu!
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thesacredabstract · 3 years
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Wepwawet Abstract Painting
12 in x 16 in (30.48 cm x 40.64 cm) Acrylic paint, modeling paste, and watercolor
Prints on Etsy | Instagram | Facebook
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be-your-bast · 10 months
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Dua Yinepu, Wepwawet, and Wadjet
(Old art, I don't think my artstation page works anymore. You can find this and more @ deviantart.com/kitryu)
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forceyourway · 2 years
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Storewide Sale for Etsy’s Cyber Week!!   **Commissions also available** Featured Deities:
Bast (Bastet)
Djehuty (Thoth, Tehuti) + Seshat
Heru-Sema-Tawy (Horus the Uniter)
Heru-Wer (Horus the Elder) + Set (Seth, Sutekh)
Hethert (Hathor)
Heqat (Heqet, Hekat)
Nebthet (Nephthys)
Nebthet (Nephthys) + Yinepu (Anubis, Anpu)
Nit (Neith) + Set (Seth, Sutekh)
Sekhmet (Sachmis) 
Serqet (Selket, Serket)
Set (Seth, Sutekh)
Set (Seth, Sutekh) + Nebthet (Nephthys)
Wesir (Osiris, Ausar)
Yinepu (Anubis, Anpu)
Yinepu (Anubis, Anpu) + Wepwawet
Top Row:
- Serqet (Selket, Selkis)
Second Row, Left to Right:
- Hethert (Hathor) - Heqat (Heqet, Hekat)
Third Row, Left to Right: 
- Sekhmet (Sachmis) - Nut (Nuit) - Bast (Bastet)
Bottom Row: 
- Yinepu (Anubis, Anpu) + Wepwawet
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kemeticmusings · 3 years
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Happy Father's Day to my divine fathers! Thank you both for watching over me and guiding me through my hardest moments. Please enjoy the offering of home-made biscotti (courtesy of a family friend!).
Dua Set and Wepwawet-Yinepu!
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heruhirmaat · 3 years
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deathdogworship · 4 years
Something I'm Working On:
Because I've noticed a lot of sites are either heavy in text or heavy in one aspect and not another I felt like I should try and make a sort of bucket of ALL the information I can find on one site! So, that's what I'm working on!
I plan on it having information on prayer, aspects, offerings, crystals, art, history and differing legends, all kinds of stuff!
I want to express I'm not an expert and sources will be linked if it's not something I've found out myself from meditation and it'll certainly be disclosed if I've used the offerings and crystals I mention and all sorts of information.
The focus will be on the Netjeru I work with so Set, Wepwawet, Anubis, and Anput.
It's going to be a while till I release it but once it's done I think it'll be a good source for everyone who finds it to see more sources and to kinda get a condensed version of everything.
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worship-of-the-gods · 5 years
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Slaying of a/p/e/p
Due to recent going-ons in the Kemetic community on here I decide to paint a jackal (be which Netjer you want) killing the s/nak/e
I’m tempted to make stickers of it but that would involve raising funds for it 🤔
WIPs of this can be found on my patreon - > https://www.patreon.com/Sonebi
Do not repost, use, or edit
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