#you all should be ashamed of yourselves
I am, quite frankly, disgusted by the severe lack of Digimon Survive crackfics, but I guess it's time to follow my shirts advice and bee the change I want to see in the world.
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seeing self-proclaimed ‘radicals’ in places like the US and the UK especially criticise the Palestinian resistance is deeply deeply troubling to me, not to mention a massive show of hypocrisy. What would you cunts prefer them to do? Link hands and sing kumbaya while being obliterated by IDF rockets and tanks? Would that be palatable enough for you fuckers?
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mountedeverest · 4 months
People enjoying LFJ’s occasional discomfort really do not jive with me
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rjalker · 4 months
"But I'm not blaming my disabled sibling for our parents being abusive, I promise!!" then stop *literally defining* your abuse by the fact that your disabled sibling exists.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
“svetlana milkovich being an asshole” should NOT be a tag on ao3
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seeya, suckers. into the mysterious pit you go!
Lindsay Lohan, Julia Roberts, Eddie Redmayne, Thom Yorke, Noémie Wolfs, Josh Dun, OneTopic, Miles Mckenna, Cindy Crawford, Camila Mendes, Logan Lerman, Barbara Stanwyck, SZA, Honor Blackman, Miley Cyrus, Lana Del Rey, Brad Pitt, Janeane Garofalo, Zhang Ziyi, Mitch Grassi, and Cyd Charisse have all been eliminated in the preliminaries! Their opponents will go on to compete in the official polls.
Another prelim round will be next, this time with some fictional characters that were only submitted once or twice, probably separated into animated and non-animated!
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jynersq · 1 year
i beg western liberals to think for a single fucking second before making sweeping statements about how any random israeli citizen deserves to die because of their government’s horrific actions. two seconds, maybe. if you’re a usamerican, maybe reflect on the unspeakable brutality of the bush era a little. you’ll get there.
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billcipherisntreal · 2 months
Alright listen here you triangular son of a bitch, you have one chance and one chance only to tell me the truth so don’t fuck it up.
Why did you infiltrate the tumblr sexyman ecosystem? It was already fragile as it was!
I’m just gonna not say anything and hope he’s still listening enough to put it in the tags.
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gonetoforks · 2 months
“What if I can’t draw?” “Writing prompts into generators takes skill, you know!”
Why don’t ai bros just? write books? if they can spend so much time typing words? to try and be creative? just write a book? instead of stealing other people’s work to make hauntingly soulless images???
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butchvamp · 1 year
ohhh my god i need to get off this website
#first mistake going into the lesbian tag just to immediately see lesbophobia#crazy to me that the popular stance from so many other gay ppl rn is just ‘lesbophobia is good’#i cannot take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#why is everyone suddenly so obsessed with 'proving' that lesbians can be with men#and why are so many people being so horrible and misrepresenting our history#there absolutely were lesbians that were with men historically. because they were either bisexual women#that were forced to mislabel themselves bc of the violent biphobia in the lesbian feminist movement#or they were women unknowingly dealing with compulsive heterosexuality#like how disgusting do you have to be to look at some of these women and be like 'this was when queers were REALLY QUEER'#instead of like. having empathy and understanding about their situation#and also acknowledge that language has changed. there is no lesbian feminism anymore lesbianism is a sexuality that EXCLUDES MEN#end of sentence#there is a difference between someone questioning or who found out they were lesbian later in life#or historically where these words had different meaning the community & society was Completely Different#versus you assholes deliberately trying to force lesbianism to include men to be 'progressive'#like just so fucking vile. you should be ashamed of yourselves#literally just cannot go into any gay spaces as a lesbian anymore because it's just constant lesbophobia and no one cares#theyre more concerned with being So Inclusive and the Better Queer that they'd rather exclude an entire part of the community#and deem them 'less than'#while parroting the same shit conservatives say to all lesbians#did you win? do you feel good about ignoring and talking over and excluding us?
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musicrunsthroughmysoul · 10 months
Apparently I have to say this again: IF YOU'RE A TERF, FUCK OFF.
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giant-goldfish · 2 years
knotty found torn to shreds at the bloodbath. as if his unfortunate day at the gallows wasnt enough
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monstermemories · 2 years
to all the ppl on twitter (and maybe other social media but I've only really seen this on twitter) leaking the OF content I hope y'all know that not only are you being disrespectful toward Mark but you're also 1. stealing from charity and 2. doing smth illegal (posting nudes w/o someone's consent). And I hope karma bites you in the ass sooner than later. And to the ppl asking for the photos y'all are just as bad for enabling this type of behavior (esp if you're minors, y'all shouldn't be just asking for this stuff bc then it's gonna be even worse trouble for you and the person who sent you the photos).
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murraywalker · 1 year
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No Tesco, that cream tea is not "fit for a King" it's an abomination
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tarotwithlucien · 2 months
𝓨ou in the eyes of your future spouse | pick a pile
Hello everybody! Welcome to my first PAP on this account – it's also the first time I've done one about "future spouse", so I hope you like it and that it resonates with you! ♡
┈─★ Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken seriously or used as a substitute for medical and professional advice. It's also a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you.
┈─★ How to choose: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the image that catches your attention the most – trust your intuition.
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── .✦ PILE 1
Shufflemancy: Moonlight/Sunrise - Rope and Ladder, It's Not The Same Anymore - Red Orange County, To - The Neighbourhood, Love Songs For The Haters - FLEECE & Maintain The Madness - The Jane Austin Argument.
Without a doubt your future spouse loves you – otherwise they wouldn't even marry you lol – and they are a protective partner towards you, so in general, they see you as someone they should protect and care for. Therefore, they can act as your knight in armor when you need it, as they are always ready to protect and defend you from all those who try to hurt you.
They also view your relationship dynamics as if you are the sun and the moon – for some of you reading this pile, you are more the moon and your future spouse is the sun or vice versa. Your future spouses see you as a beautiful and attractive person – as if you were a mermaid who mesmerizes them with your enchanting beauty. And one of the physical features they love most about you in general are your eyes because, in the eyes of your future partner, they shine in a way that they have never seen before with anyone. Not only do your eyes shine, but in your future partner's vision, you light up their entire life. Before you met and were together, they saw life in a gray way due to the adversities they faced on a daily basis and, thanks to you, they felt life gain more color, they felt love and it was as if their eyes open themselves up to everything they had never experienced before in their lives.
You probably met early and one of the things they love most is being able to look at old photos you took – whether it was when you first met, when you started dating or just photos of you together in general – and admire how you used to be and they probably compare themselves to the old version of themselves in the photo and it's really funny because you could be looking at your photos together and they laughs, points to their face in the photo and says something like “wow, I was weird ” and it’s a really cute moment between you two. They feels nostalgic in these moments and really misses that time, because unfortunately it doesn't come back and all that remains are memories – and fortunately they are good.
In the eyes of your future partner, you are going through a difficult time in your life. It's not just your partner who is a nostalgic person, you are too and you probably remember the times when your life was easier and compare it to the difficult life you have now – like when you were children, for example. They also see that you are tired and stressed about the way things in your life are – for example, you may work long hours at jobs you don't like just so you can pay the bills at the end of the month, you have to put up with people you hate and it even seems like you let people step on you so that problems don't occur (you can be people-pleasers too) and your biggest victory of the day is going home and sleeping, all while repressing what you're feeling and putting on a fake smile. Your future spouse is your family and they can tell when you are feeling bad and they think that you are being too hard on yourselves and that you may not want to admit it, but you need to seek professional help. So, if this is your case, don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help! This is destroying your mental health, pile one, please take care of yourselves!! Stop bottling up your feelings, process them, let them go, and then stand back. Do this for yourself.
Your future spouse knows you better than you know yourself – they know what to do or say to make you feel good and are careful about what not to do or say to avoid hurting you or making you feel worse. In their view, sometimes you can end up projecting your problems onto them, but they continue to love you regardless of your flaws – just be careful that this doesn't become a toxic trait that will affect your relationship. They may have met many girls/boys before meeting you, but none of these people compare to you! This whole time in their lives, they never needed anyone, they never felt the need to have someone by their side – on the contrary, they used to be the type of person who went out to a party/bar and flirted with people just to feel good/attractive. But, from the moment they met you, things changed completely and seemed to turn upside down. Just being away from you makes your future partner's heart sink. You make them feel good.
That was all, pile one! I hope you enjoyed it and that this reading resonated with you. Don't forget to take care of yourself and seek professional help if you need it, otherwise your future partner will hit you lol
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── .✦ PILE 2
Shufflemancy: Room - Ethan Tasch, Ode To a Conversation Stuck In Your Throath - Del Water Gap, Epiphany - Stained, 976-Evil - Deftones & Tulsa Jesus Freak - Lana Del Rey.
In the view of your future spouses, you are a person who doesn't like to fight in your relationship and who tends to avoid conflicts so as not to cause major problems. You may even end up staying quiet instead of taking a stand on something that bothered you and your future partners also think that you can't express yourself very well through words. It's okay not to want to fight in a relationship, because who does? But, you must understand that some conflicts are necessary and need to happen, so don't run away from them, position yourself and choose your battles well – you don't need to fight over stupid things either lol.
In the eyes of your future partner, you are a disorganized person – the type who leaves their clothes scattered all over the floor or easily forgets where their left their things because everything around them is just a mess – and they think this is just a reflection of how you are feeling inside and how your mind is going. In fact, they may think that your inability to communicate effectively in the relationship is due to problems such as depression or anxiety. Regardless of what your case may be, your future partners notice this and care about you, they accept you exactly as you are and they will not leave you in this difficult time. You may be facing mental health problems, which leave you tired and without energy to do basic tasks like tidying your room and that's okay, just don't forget to take good care of yourself and, if necessary, seek professional help as it will be very beneficial for you!
For some of you reading this pile, before you finally became a couple, you and your future partner were best friends and all this time they tried to convince themselves that you were just that, but deep down they wanted to be tying you to the bed 🤭. They really wanted you and things are no different now. You also seem to be a popular couple who attract the attention of other people wherever you go, as if you were a celebrity couple or just people who are very loved by others.
In general, your future spouse is very jealous and possessive of you, so they want to be the only ones who can touch you in this way and just imagining people other than them touching your body the way they love to touch you so much chills down their spine lol. Just like in pile one, one of the physical features they love most are your eyes and they love just looking at them. One of the activities they love to do with you is traveling – in fact, any time they can spend time with you makes them happy. Your future spouse is so cute, because in the moments when they notice you are down, they do everything they can to make you laugh or just smile. In their view, in moments when you're feeling bad, you tend to walk away just to calm down - and for some reading this pile, this could apply to your future partner.
That was all, pile two! I really hope you enjoyed this reading and that it resonated with you. Just like in pile one, don't forget to take care of yourself and seek professional help if necessary 😠
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── .✦ PILE 3
Shufflemancy: White Roses - Greyson Chance, Nervous Young Inhumans - Car Seat Headrest, I'll Follow You Into The Dark - Miya Folick, Uzumaki - Softcut & Dancing In The Moonlight - alt-J
Your future spouse is totally devoted and blind with love for you, pile three! In the eyes of your future partner, they can't live without you and they can't even imagine what their life would be like if they didn't have you by their side. It seems like from the first moment you met, just by looking at you, they felt attracted and didn't waste any time, they went to ask you out on a date lol. Just like the future spouses in pile two, your future partners are also jealous, the only difference is that they seem to be more jealous than the partners in the previous pile, because just seeing you going out, having fun with your friends without them around your side already makes them jealous.
The future spouses in this pile think that you still don't know all sides of them even though you are together. They may have red flags that you haven't noticed or ignore, so it's good to be careful. They may have addictions like alcohol or drugs, they may have bad habits, they may be overly possessive/jealous, controlling, aggressive or end up giving you the silent treatment or distancing you from them when you fight or there is a problem going on in your life as a couple – and maybe that's why you feel the need to walk on eggshells in your relationship to try to prevent your partner from acting that way towards you, which isn't cool. If for any reason you are uncomfortable, they disrespect your boundaries or you simply no longer want to be in the relationship, don't be afraid to walk away!
Because of what I mentioned above, your future spouses see you as someone who doesn't raise their voice in a fight, who doesn't point the finger in their face when they're wrong - they see you as someone who basically never showed their bad side to them. In their view, you understand them. Your future partners may also be individualistic and not have a black and white view of life – that is, they do not follow concepts such as “good” and “bad” and usually only do what is beneficial for them. Furthermore, they usually give back to others what they first received or what they think others deserve. But when it comes to you, it's different. It seems like they control themselves and use the power they have to give you what is good – they know they can affect your life, so they choose to affect it in a positive way. In my opinion they are weird, ngl lol.
Even though I think they're weird lmao, they would be willing to go through hell with you if necessary. They would be with you in times when no one else would be and they would be your refuge, ready to hug you and comfort you.
That was all, pile three! I really hope you enjoyed it and that the reading resonated with you. Be careful with emotional dependence, don't be afraid to set boundaries and, if necessary, let go of relationships that no longer serve you! Until the next PAP ♡
© tarotwithlucien - don't copy, redistribute or edit my content | DIVIDERS
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commander-krios · 11 months
I didn’t want to make this post but I really need to.
I have been part of different fandoms for nearly 15 years. I’m in my mid-30s. I have been here on tumblr for over 10 of those years. And no matter what fandom I’m in, there are always those people that makes things weird or toxic for others.
There are the people who insult or belittle people on their faves, in their art or writing, on how they interact with choices in a game.
There are the people who cross the line when it comes to devs or voice actors, etc and makes things creepy or sexual or push boundaries of these people.
There are the people who gate keep characters. Who claim that no one can romance their fave because they claim them. That anyone who does is making their character cheat and they will harass you as if we’re talking about real life.
There are the people who criticize everything about a piece of media to find the “problematic” things only to be able to show you why you’re a terrible person to like it.
YOU are the reason fandom is dying. YOU are the reason why people don’t want to share their art or their fic or their gifsets. YOU are why we lose these amazing people because no one wants to hear how much you hate the thing they love.
There was a lot of “don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything” when I was growing up but the internet has made you lose all kindness or respect for other people in fandom. It’s disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
When people stop making fic and art and gifs, you can thank yourselves for that. Because people can only take so much abuse before they give up entirely.
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