#you are allowed to critique the good guys okay
navree · 4 months
"you can't put alicent in a mother's day asoiaf comp because she's not a good mother and that's okay :)" but you have no problem with cersei fucking lannister in it when half her affc chapters are just about how abysmally she fails as a mother to her children so i think you're just a cunt
#personal#anti hotd fandom#'um cersei loves her children' yeah so does alicent#but you're not gonna convince me that cersei is a good mother#it's like a huge part of her that she kinda can't be because of how narcissistic she is and all her other issues#she loves her children yeah but she's way too permissive of them#(which leads to disaster like we saw with joffrey)#and she can be downright cruel to tommen to keep him under her control (cuz she doesn't want him to die yes but still)#if alicent can't be in something as inconsequential as a fucking mother's day post because even tho she loves her children#(and has to deal with a much more precarious political situation and her extreme youth when she became a mother and no support)#then be consistent and acknowledge that those same critiques also very much apply to cersei#(personally i think that cersei is more of a Bad Mom than alicent for a wide variety of reasons)#(but i don't restrict female characters to their roles as mothers cuz i'm fucking normal)#honestly you can make a case for rhaenyra not being allowed on any good mother list either because of her lies about her sons' parentage#and how that actively contributes to making their lives difficult and screwing them over and also her war leading to their deaths#anyway today is my day to be absolutely petty about fandom bullshit that doesn't mean anything cuz man sometimes team black pisses me off#it's just another version of those 'i wish alicent was the evil hag bitch from the books that i totally loved i swear' disingenuous bs post#'it's okay to admit alicent is a bad mother and bad person guys' yeah it's okay for YOU to admit you just don't like the character#big 'we loved cersei for the villain she was even tho we actually all hated her guts and harassed lena heady about it' vibes tbf
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chukys-mouthguard · 4 months
What if?
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Genre: fluff
Word count: 3,229 words
Featuring: matt rempe x female reader
Warnings: drunk guy being an asshole at the bar, aggressive/protective Matt
Note: okay, this is the first thing I’ve written in years, please be kind 😅 I just got a thing for this man now idk…feel free to send in some requests or let me know if you want more to this story? Not sure if it will be a one off or a little series
“Okay, how do I look?” You walk down the hall of your apartment, stopping to pose for Matt so he can give you his stamp of approval. He eyes you up and down, as if he is going to deliver some harsh critique. Your outfit is nothing crazy; jeans, a gray long sleeved bodysuit, black heeled boots, and a small cross body bag. With the New York City weather still chilly out, you figured it would keep you warm along with the alcohol you’d be consuming.
“Beautiful as always. But let’s try and keep the collecting of guys' phone numbers to a minimum tonight huh?” You laughed as you playfully smacked Matt’s arm. Making your way to the fridge to grab your High Noon you’d started sipping on before getting dressed. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous Matthew Rempe.” He shot you a cocky smirk as he leaned on the kitchen island next to you. “Me? Jealous? Never. Because I’m the one in your apartment and not them.” You rolled your eyes as you swallowed down the last bit of seltzer before unplugging your phone from the charger nearby. “Okay Mr. Chauffeur, let’s hit the road.”
You loved having Matt in NYC playing with the Rangers. The two of you had been best friends since you were teenagers, though you’d lost touch a bit once you moved to New York. Matt’s stint in Hartford allowed the chance to slowly reconnect, but having him now with the Rangers was even better. The two of you often spent nights at each other's apartments, going out to dinner, and of course you attended every home game you could to see Matt play.
You’d always had a soft spot for Matt. Sure he was a bit intimidating being practically 7 feet tall, his knuckles cut up or bruised half the time, and a black eye never seeming to catch you off guard anymore. But you’d gotten close enough to see the side of him most people don’t experience. Though you never imagined your relationship being anything more than what it was. Friends, and nothing more than that. But you couldn’t deny the way you had paid attention to how he’d grown into a man. He had outgrown his awkward phase, and you now looked at him and saw him as handsome, not cute or adorable like he was when you were growing up.
You constantly find yourself thinking, what if you weren’t just imagining things? When he spends the night and walks into your room wearing just a towel after a shower. The way he hugs you and lingers longer than just a friend would. The way he takes care of you when you’re drunk. Or nights like tonight, where he’s willing to stay up late to be your designated driver when he’s got an early morning skate and a big game tomorrow night.
Just one day, one day you’d love to kiss him and see what happens. Or flirt a little extra and see if he takes the bait. But you also don’t want to lose your best friend in the process, or be turned down and embarrassed for thinking he’d ever feel that way about you.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Matt asks as he puts a hand on the back of your seat as he looks over his shoulder, backing out of his parking space. It’s such a cliche action, but boy does he look good doing it, and your heart certainly skipped a beat.
“The typical routine. Start at Tucker’s. Then move on to 1989. Then finish-“ “At Coop’s?” Matt smirked as he looked out at the road. One hand on the wheel with the other resting on his thigh. He was literally in jeans and a hoodie yet somehow he looked just as good as he does in a suit on game day. “Either that means I go out too much, or you’re finally starting to pay attention when I tell you things.” “Definitely not paying attention, it’s you going out too much.” He laughed as you playfully punched his arm, pulling out your phone to text your friends that you were a few minutes away.
“So Cooper’s closes at 2:30, but I honestly don’t think I’ll last that long. Especially because someone has a big game tomorrow! And I wanna be well rested. So let’s plan for like 12:30/1? Is that okay?” You looked at Matt a bit apologetic, knowing he’d have to be up early for morning skate. But he was always adamant about driving you, no matter what time it was.
“Of course, you know I’ll be here no matter the time. I’ll plan to be at Coop’s around 12:45. I’ll come in to get you too, it’s gonna be cold and dark out. I don’t want you walking to find me.” You put a hand to his cheek as you make a joking pouty expression. “Aww, such a gentleman Matty.” He smiled at your touch, almost leaning into your hand as he looked back at you, “Anything for you. Now go on, I know the girls are waiting. Text me if you need anything, and I mean anything y/n. I’m not that far of a drive.” You let out a sigh as you undid your seatbelt, “Honestly Matt, nothing to worry about, I’ll be fine.” You blew him an air kiss as you exited the car, heading into the first bar of the night. Matt sat and watched you show your ID to the man at the door, waiting until he saw you get inside safely to drive away.
As promised, Matt arrived at Cooper's around 12:45. He was thankful that you and your friends chose to end your nights at a bar that wasn’t too crazy, but also not too crowded that he might be recognized. Just to be safe he threw on a hat to shield his face as much as he could, though the bar was so dark he doubted anyone would be able to make out his face in the crowd.
He handed his ID to the bouncer before making his way inside. He texted you a simple “I’m here”, you would know his typical meeting place and where to go. You were in the restroom when Matt texted, quickly replying “bathroom, be right out” before you sighed as you stared blankly at the wall. The line in the girls restroom always 100 times longer than it was for the guys.
Matt didn’t mind waiting, he checked some scores on his phone. Assuming that the line was long since girls love to use the buddy system when going to the bathroom. He scanned the crowd and enjoyed people watching, nodding his head and smiling softly as your friends gave him a wave from across the bar. He checked the time again, before glancing over towards the hallway to find you pushing past a crowd of girls to exit the restrooms. He chuckled to himself as he saw the frustration on your face, knowing you probably waited 20 minutes just to pee. He started to walk towards you but fell back as he noticed a guy stop you in your tracks.
“Can I help you?” You looked at the man a bit confused, you’d recognized him from the crowd of people, but hadn’t interacted with him much. He was out with a group of guys for someone’s birthday. You only knew that because they mentioned it to you and your friends at least 30 times. Definitely trying to help the birthday boy get laid. “I noticed you’d left your friends, I thought maybe my shot at getting to buy you a drink was gone.” You chuckled to yourself, why does this have to happen in front of Matthew?
“Oh, yeah, I’m actually on my way out. So, maybe another time. Sorry.” You try to excuse yourself but he moves with you, cutting you off. “Oh come on, one more drink isn’t gonna hurt anyone. Or if you want we could go somewhere else, just the two of us and get a drink.” He had a cocky grin on his face as you looked at him in disgust. He was clearly drunk, and wasn’t keen on taking no for an answer. You looked at Matt standing just a few feet away, a concerned look on his face as he wasn’t sure what was going on.
“Look, I’m not interested, okay?” He scoffed as he seemed to be a bit insulted by your comment. “Not interested, you and your friends were dancing right up against our group all night. I saw the way you were eyeing all of us guys, I’d say you were interested sweet heart.” You gagged at the smell of alcohol on his breath as he got closer to you. “Yeah news flash buddy, it’s a small fucking bar. My option was dancing right next to people or on the bar.”
As you tried walking past him to get to Matt, you felt a tight grip on your wrist pull you back, “That sounds hot, can you put on a show just for me?” His hands attempted to grab more than just your wrists but before you could react Matt was already stepping in, pulling the guy away from you and pinning him to the wall by the collar of his shirt. “Don’t you dare fucking touch her like that.”
You were a bit taken aback at the way Matt stepped in. Sure he’d protected you from dumb drunk guys before, but never like this. His jaw clenched as his grip tightened on the collar of the man’s shirt. “And what the fuck are you gonna do about it huh? What are you her little brother or something? Ain’t no way you’re banging a bitch like that.” Matt’s grip tightened on his collar as he pushed him harder into the wall, “what did you just call her?!” His voice louder, drawing a bit of attention, thankfully none yet from the bouncer.
“A bitch, and what are you gonna do about it?” The drunk dumbass laughed in Matt’s face and you knew this wouldn’t end well.
Before you could step in, Matt’s fist connected with the guy's jaw, causing him to stumble to the floor. Before pulling himself together and running off to the restroom.
Matt shook his hand as he winced, immediately realizing he fucked up but his anger got the best of him. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” You grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the door. Thank god no one seemed to really notice the altercation that just took place.
The walk to the car was quiet as Matt was still fuming, you simply climbed into the passenger in silence. He gripped the steering wheel tight with his good hand as he peeled out of the parking lot. You sat next to him, studying his face to see when it might be a good time to say something. Blue and purple started to appear across the knuckles on the hand that threw the punch as he let out a large sigh.
“I’m sorry.”
You let out a soft laugh as you rested a hand on his thigh, softly holding his bruised hand, careful not to hurt him. “Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything wrong? You stepped in as I would’ve hoped you would the second that guy put his hands on me. Don’t be sorry for that!” He seemed to relax at your touch, so you kept your hand on his, slowly brushing your thumb over his skin to attempt to calm him down.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, the two of you heading back to Matt’s apartment since he had to be up early for practice. You kept your eyes on him, studying the look on his face, wishing you were in his head to know what the heck he was thinking. He took your hand in his as you two walked through the quiet parking garage, then headed up the elevator.
You knew your way around his place, first going to his room to grab an oversized t-shirt to throw on before heading to the bathroom to take off your makeup. Matt was sweet enough to go out and buy you your own toiletries to keep at his place. Including your makeup remover and even your 4 step skincare routine.
Matt came to join you in the bathroom as you brushed your teeth. He smiled at the sight of you as he leaned against the wall: your hair in a messy bun, his oversized Seattle Thunderbirds t shirt covering you up enough while still giving him a good view of your legs. “What?” You chuckled as you tried not to choke on the tooth paste threatening to fall from your lips. He just shook his head, “Just glad nothing bad happened to you tonight. I’m glad I was there.” He took your hand, his fingers fiddling with yours, “I just kept thinking what if i wasn’t there, I couldn’t handle it if anything would’ve happened.”
You looked at him in the mirror, relief and exhaustion covered his face. “I’m really glad you were there too, but I really hope we don’t end up with a possible scandal on our hands.” You started laughing as you exited the bathroom, Matthew following suit. “New York Rangers rookie Matthew Rempe gets in a bar fight over a girl.” You spoke in a sarcastic newscaster voice as you made your way to the freezer, grabbing a bag of frozen peas to tend to Matt’s fist bearing the proof of his heroic actions at the bar.
Matt chuckled along with you before wincing at the feeling of the cold bag on his hand, “If it happens, so be it, I was ready to knock that son of a bitch out after what he said to you.” You shot him a glare, “Matthew Rempe. Absolutely not, I am not worth you getting in trouble with the team because of a dumb bar fight.” He walked over to you, now the one shooting you a glare. His arms rested on either side of your waist as he gripped the edge of the counter. “Y/n, yes you fucking are.” You shot him a look as he swiftly picked you up and sat you on the island in front of him. A cocky grin coming across his face at how caught off guard you were, gripping his biceps tight as his hands now moved to rest on your thighs. “I’d fight 20 guys at the bar if they put their hands on you and said shit like that guy tonight.” His tone now more serious, his smirk fading as you two stared at one another for what seemed like an hour. The voice in your head screaming at you, this is your what if moment. Take it or leave it, but it may never come again. What if he’s trying to confess his feelings, what if he’s trying to make a move but he’s too scared. What if you just beat him to the punch. What if-
Before your brain could even rationalize a thought or an action, you felt Matt’s lips crash into yours. His hands cupping your face as yours snaked up his neck to grab a handful of his hair. The kiss like fireworks and a weight being lifted off your shoulders all at once. He began to smile into the kiss, before pulling away with a slight laugh.
“Oh yeah, that’s exactly what every girl wants. The guys she’s been dreaming of kissing to pull away laughing!” You rolled your eyes and frowned at him as a look of shock washed over his face. “Been dreaming of kissing huh??? I knew it!” You immediately turned red, covering your face with your hands, though Matt found it extremely cute.
His hands gripping your thighs before lifting you off the counter, “It’s okay, i get it. I’m sure there’s lots of girls out there who dream of kissing me.” “Matt! Shut up!” You laughed as he carried you down the hall into his room, tossing you on the bed while he finally changed out of his jeans and sweatshirt. “Hey, listen…if you’re interested, maybe we could work something out so that you can be the only girl who gets to kiss me from now on. How does that sound?”
You barely heard him, too busy staring as he stood in just his underwear in front of you. Your eyes tracing every detail of him before his laugh interrupted your thoughts. “Damn, one kiss and all of sudden you’re just head over heels huh?” You pull a pillow over your face out of embarrassment as you feel the bed sink beneath his weight. Matthew now hovering above you as he pulls the pillow away from your face.
He brushed some hair from your face as your fingers play with his chain hanging from his neck, “you really want to kiss me and only me from now on?” You blushed as he shook his head laughing at you, “of course you goof! That’s all I’ve wanted for like the last 5 years, probably even longer!” You felt yourself trying to fight a smile, though you were sure your cheeks were bright red, letting Matt know you liked his response.
He laid next to you as you continued to play with his chain, now resting on his chest. His thumb tracing circles on your thigh as you smiled like a dork to yourself, your heart bursting with excitement that all your what ifs had come true.
“So if I agree to this-“ you say up, trying to pull a serious face as you looked down at him. His hands still glued to your thighs, as if he couldn’t get enough of touching you now. “Do I get a cute custom Rempe jean jacket or something to wear to your games? Like I wanna be decked out and I want people to know that I'm the only girl you’re kissing from now on.” Matt rolled his eyes and laughed at your change of tone, as you babbled on and on about your ‘conditions’ should you agree to this. But he loved the thought of you in a Rempe jacket at his games, getting to see afterwards and kiss you like crazy after a big win, to have you be his biggest fan cheering him on every night. Even though you already were, now it would be more special.
Matt cut you off as he pulled you into his lap, his hand pulling your face to his as he kissed you. This time the kiss was soft, as he took his time to really take in the feeling of finally getting to kiss you and be this close to you. “If you be my girlfriend, I’ll get you whatever jacket you want, I’ll get you the best seats at the Garden for my games, you name it. Just make me the happiest guy ever and be my girlfriend!” You laughed at how he begged like a little kid who couldn’t contain their excitement.
“Yes-“ you peppered his face with a hundred kisses, “Matthew Rempe, I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend.”
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thoughtless-muse · 5 months
“for whom the tongue craves to taste,” [d.d]
“the cdc showers”
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a/n: quick disclaimer – this is actually just a snippet of a larger piece that I’m putting together (a smutty 5+1 prompt, five times daryl made you cum, and the one time he let you return the favor) but as it’s my first real attempt at smut, I wanted to post this as a means to garner some constructive criticism before finishing the piece. If you’d be so kind to read and lmk your thoughts/critiques, I’d really appreciate it!
EDIT: I know it’s not how the majority of 5+1 prompts are done, but I’ve decided to post each segment as they are finished. I just think it’s an easier/less stressful method for me, so I hope you guys don’t mind the posting choice. the posts will be linked together for easier access.
the cdc showers – arrow mishaps lead to frisky fun – ever done it in a loft? – cold iron bars – the watchtower – I want a taste, too
c/w: explicit sexual content, cunnilingus, shower cunnilingus, tongue fucking, fingering, language, dirty talk, undisclosed age gap, 18+
word count: 2.4k
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that morning, had anyone scooped you off to the side and told you that mere hours after arriving at the pipe-dream that was the CDC you’d be corralled into a hot shower with none other than daryl dixon squished between your thighs, you’d have laughed straight in their face and directed them towards the nearest mental institution – not that that would do anyone much good, given the state of things; but had anyone declared a statement that outrageous, you’d have thought their mind already gone, much like the drooling, shuffling, decaying bodies wandering the earth.
yet here you were, a steady jet of hot water battering the sore muscles of your back, liquor-laden torso slightly slumped, thighs spread open by broad shoulders and daryl dixon’s wicked tongue licking your little cunny straight to nirvana.
how the fuck did you even end up here, anyway?
it was so uncharacteristic of you – you knew next to nothing about daryl dixon. he was simply a mutual stranger. you’d never even had more than a few fleeting conversations with the man, for fuck’s sake; if you could even call them that. daryl was brusque and wholly unapproachable, and his attitude left a lot to be desired. due to his unpleasantness, you’d opted to keep your distance and observe rather than to interact. to be completely honest, you’d been more judgmental rather than observant of the man before, back at the quarry, internally critiquing his sour attitude, accent and frayed clothes; and, shamefully, even at times presuming that he was some forty year old virgin that had been holed up in his mother’s basement before the world went to shit – but, fuck, were you ever wrong.
maybe he was forty, maybe he had been holed up in his mother’s basement, who the fuck knows, but he sure as fuck wasn’t a virgin – at least, his tongue wasn’t. the way he moved it, fucked it into you, made a mess of you with it, there was no way he wasn’t experienced with it.
you let out a loud, trembling gasp when daryl suddenly broke his tender tongue-flicks to slide his teeth gently against your clit before wrapping his lips around it and sucking.
okay, fuck, scratch that. he was experienced with his whole mouth.
unlike the few other men you’d allowed to taste the heaven between your legs, daryl used his entire lower face to devour you – his tongue was the star of the show, of course, but his lips, nose and chin made a hell of a supporting cast. when his tongue was busy fucking your walls, his nose was right against your clit in its place, his head shaking side to side, applying just enough pressure to bring you pleasure but not enough to stimulate you into orgasm; and then, as if he could simply innately sense when you were becoming desperate for more, his tongue would slip from your hole and return to your clit once more, circling and flicking it with expert movements, quickly bringing you right back to that sweet precipice.
how long had he been at it?
the water wasn’t cold yet – or maybe your body was just too hot to register that it was; but with the amount of times that daryl had built then robbed you of your orgasm, you drunkenly surmised that it had to of been a good fifteen minutes. any other man would have tapped out from exhaustion already.
of course, there were times when his tongue would get tired, but even then, unlike your previous lovers, he seemed loathe to leave you without any contact – he would alternate between giving your clit chaste little kisses and moving his lips against your entire cunt as if it were a second mouth that he was intent on claiming; then, when his tongue was rested enough, he would dive right back into devouring you.
it was absolutely wrecking you, in the best and worst ways.
maybe it was simply the affects of the alcohol swimming through your veins that fed you the illusion of this being the best damn head you’d ever received; maybe it was because you certainly didn’t have a lot of other experiences to compare it to; or maybe it was the warmth that came with the comfort of hot water and a full stomach that made it so much better – either way, you were almost at the brink now, again, thighs quaking with the effort of holding your body upright and staving off your impending orgasm; you knew daryl would more than likely take it away if he sensed it, and you weren’t sure if you could handle that.
“oh, god,” you hissed out when daryl flattened his tongue against your clit, flicking it with short, harsh movements, before slipping it down to part your folds and lick up your slit. he transitioned between the repetitive movements at a near imperceptible speed, without ever having to trade out accuracy and rhythm for it. it was a dangerous cocktail of pleasure that had you damn near seeing stars. each harsh swipe of his tongue against your clit sent zips of electricity up your spine, and built a familiar tension within your gut.
“ya like tha’, sweetheart?” daryl parted from your cunt just enough to inquire huskily, his voice so low that you barely even managed to catch it over the volume of the hissing spray. you nearly whined at the loss of his tongue, and, rather than answer his question, which you could hardly even decipher at the moment, you reached a hand down to tangle your fingers into the short hair at his nape, using what leverage you had to push his head forward until the tip of his nose brushed against your sensitive clit once more.
“no, d-don’t – don’t talk…” you slurred out, tugging at his hair insistently and pulling a deep, rumbling chuckle from the man below you.
“some manners you have,” daryl drawled, but to your delight, returned his tongue to your slit, parting your wet folds and slipping it past the rim of your tight entrance. your fingers twitched against his nape as you released a high, airy sigh, and your hips began to move of their own accord, humping your cunt against his face and pulling even more vibrating vocalizations from his throat. you just wanted firmer friction, damn it.
your stomach was stirring, tight, that pressure slowly mounting. it felt fucking good, the way he was thrusting and wiggling his tongue against your gummy walls, fucking you with the thick muscle, his nose bumping into your clit and sending subtle jolts up your spine, and those vibrations and sounds, fuck! – but it just wasn’t enough. you needed something different, something more.
“do… do what you were doing before…” you requested breathlessly, hips trembling, fingers digging into the skin of his nape in desperation. “‘m so close, daryl… just need more.”
the thought of keeping your impending orgasm away from his awareness seemed to have slipped away in the midst of the tremulous pleasure he was bringing you, and maybe you shouldn’t have let the information out, but you were so desperate. your tummy was so fucking tight, that coil winding and winding to a painful climax, and holding it in just seemed impossible, you needed to let it go – and at the moment, the only way you could possibly reach orgasm was through daryl.
daryl flicked his eyes up to meet yours, and though your vision was a bit hazy from the steam and alcohol, you swore the man was smirking up at you from within your cunt. daryl was silent for a moment, all movements against your cunny paused, before he leaned back slightly and said, lowly, “why don’ I do somethin’ better, instead?”
before your drunk, horny, fuddled mind could truly decipher his words daryl was in motion; his warm hand gripped the back of your knee, bending your leg easily and hoisting it atop his shoulder – distantly, you registered a strange sensation against the skin of your calf (was that a shirt? was daryl fully clothed right now?) – and once your leg was stabilized, he skirted the fingers of his other hand up your other leg, the one that was still planted to the floor of the shower.
his fingertips grazed your knee, then the plush flesh of your thigh, before reaching between your hips. you jumped slightly when you felt the pad of his finger run over your slit, the thick digit parting your folds smoothly, the tip dipping ever so subtly into your entrance every so often. like he was testing the waters, or something.
“d-daryl, what are you doing?” you inquired, heart tripping over itself, apprehension twisting in your gut for the first time since he’d invited himself into your shower and initiated this whole thing.
wait, had he invited himself? or did you do that?
you couldn’t remember.
“shh, jus’ trus’ me, sweetheart. This’s gon’ blow yer mind.” daryl responded back, calmly, warm breath fanning over your sensitive clit as he spoke. your breath shuddered in your lungs, but any further objections died in your throat when daryl’s hot tongue met your sex, circling, flicking, flattening, devouring – his pace was much faster and firmer than before, the pleasure much more intense than what had previously been given.
“o-oh, fuck! daryl!” you moaned, your hand sliding up from his nape to the crown of his head, fingers fisting into his hair to hold his head still as you rutted your hips forward to meet his skilled tongue.
“shit, that’s it, baby,” daryl panted, muffled, into the slick heat of your cunt, tongue drawing lazy circles between his words. “jus’ fuckin’ lose it. use my tongue, sweetheart.”
it felt so fucking good. it felt like your cunt was melting right into daryl’s mouth, searing hot and drippy, sloppy, coating his lips, jaws, nose, and neck with copious amounts of your arousal – all the while daryl growled, groaned, and moaned as he slurped it down, as if it was the very nectar of life itself.
your gut felt like it would burst – at any moment, with any flick of his tongue, in time with any of those vibrating groans, you’d be exploding all over daryl’s face, releasing every single ounce of the pent-up arousal daryl had inflicted upon your body over the last fifteen minutes in a single second.
“daryl, daryl, god, yes… fuck, don’t stop… don’t s-stop.”
you continued to repeat those words, falling like a river from your mouth, a mantra that seemed to keep you grounded as daryl’s tongue threatened to send you floating away –
a sound akin to a scream bubbled in your throat when daryl suddenly slipped two of his thick fingers into your cunt; the sensation was far from unpleasant but far too close to overwhelming – and when he began to pump them in time with the flicks of his tongue, and curled them just so on every outward pull, scraping against something at the top of your gummy walls, you simply couldn’t hold it in.
your entire body locked up, muscles freezing as your lips fell open to release mute moans, both hands now swinging down to grip daryl’s hair.
those silent moans you were releasing quickly morphed into loud, wanton, downright sinful vocalizations as daryl pumped his fingers into your cunt, still rubbing that sweet spot, fingerfucking you through your high and bringing stars to your eyes. you pressed daryl’s head impossibly closer to your cunt, humping whatever you could and burying his fingers deeper inside your walls with desperate, short, shaky movements, releasing a litany of his name and curses in between breathy pants and moans.
when the waves of your high had begun to recede, you slowed your hips until they came to a complete stop, your chest heaving from the deep lungfuls of steamy air you pulled in. your body felt incredibly fuzzy, your mind pleasantly foggy; but your body, and everything else, felt too hot, too cramped, too everything, and when daryl decided to give your throbbing, sensitive clit one last tiny flick of his tongue, you damn near smacked him in the head.
if only your arms would move.
a small gasp was pulled from your lips when daryl slipped his fingers from your sloppy cunt, the friction against your sensitive walls almost enough to have your entire body seizing, and it was only when daryl lifted his hands up to grip your wrists were you able to disentangle your fingers from his hair; only with his help, of course.
daryl then grasped the plump flesh of your thigh, the one that was still tossed over his shoulder, and pulled it down slowly, not releasing his hold until your foot was planted firmly on the wet floor of the tub.
when your balance was secured daryl scuttled back from between your legs, and when he’d rose to a standing position, his chest now centimeters from your own (which you distantly realized was bare) you couldn’t help but stumble backwards until your back hit the cold wall. your lids felt incredibly heavy, and exhaustion gnawed insistently at your muscles; but through the fog, you were able to register daryl, who was indeed fully clothed, the fabric of his shirt and jeans soaked and clinging to his body like a second skin – and you were certain that was a smirk on his lips.
a smirk that said he knew he had just blown your mind, even if you would never admit it to him.
it seemed as though your orgasm had sobered you up a bit, because when daryl sidled up to you, right beneath the harsh spray, and placed his large hands on your naked hips, you were able to lift your hands and plant them on his chest. he didn’t attempt to move closer to you, but his hands didn’t fall from your hips either; and when he spoke, his voice was chock-full of cockiness that you found simultaneously alluring and irritating.
“if ya ever want yer mind blown again, ya know where to find me.”
with that, daryl slipped his hands from your hips and turned, ripped open the shower curtain with little effort and then stepped out, as if he hadn’t just performed an intimate act on you. water dripped noisily against the linoleum floor as he stalked away, and, not one to give up the chance at having the last word, you croaked out,
“in your dreams, dixon.”
the only thing you got in reply was a haughty chuckle, echoing into the bathroom from somewhere within the quarters you’d claimed for the night.
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fridgrave2-0 · 1 month
I'm tired of pretending that I'm okay with ford being an absolute asshole towards fiddleford and basically abusing him.
first of all, yes, it's not ford's fault that he was manipulated (doubtful tbh) and abused by bill, but that doesn't give him the right to be a jerk who closes his eyes on his friend's deepest traumas. the traumas fiddleford got only because stanford completely ignored his warning and got fidds involved into bunch of shit. like his monster hunting which wasn't even the reason fiddleford went to gravity falls in the first place. he was there to help ford build the portal, not to be a part of ford's anomaly quest. and when fiddleford spoke out against it he was ignored because ford doesn't give a shit about anyone else but himself or his muse. fiddleford got traumatized physically and mentally so deeply that in the need to be able to sleep at night peacefully he completely destroyed his mind to the state that even bill was scared to be in there. and what stanford did? he (the one who couldn't care less about fidds warning him about gremoblin) critiqued fiddleford for using the memory gun and didn't even bother to apologize or say that he's sorry in the journal. god, what am I saying, he didn't even took fiddleford to the hospital after fiddleford feel from the sky through the roof of a fucking barn with a dozen of poisonous quills in his body AND A BROKEN ARM. ford described what happened to fidds in the journal, said he "took him home for a treatment" and the next two paragraphs on the other page is "good news the hyperdrive works" LIKE IS THAT THE ONLY THING YOU CARE ABOUT WHAT THE HELL??? "despite our fortune, I have become worried about my assistant... I myself have survived many monster attacks without trauma, but perhaps F is more sensitive that I realized". no shit sherlock, who would've imagine that seeing your worst nightmares and being poisoned can leave a mark on your mental state. sure it's just fiddleford, he's just overreacting because he's "sensitive"))) /src
ford was ignoring fiddleford's concerns all the fucking time that mcgucket was there with him, he took a superstitious and religious guy with anxiety into the forest with real ass monsters who's no one but ford is used to see. fiddleford was warning stanford about shifty and got kidnapped with his identity stolen by the shapeshifter because ford didn't listen. well, at least this time stanford had bothered to apologize for another traumatic event- ah no, next thing ford said is that when the portal is finished all the traumas fiddleford had been through were "worth it". ford just finds ways to make everything worse
we all know that fiddleford has an addictive personality and that the memory gun is the biggest example of that. what we don't talk enough about is that ford at some point decided that sleeping is for losers, but didn't stop at himself and made fiddleford drink 13 fucking cups of coffee, not allowing him to sleep, what in the future made fiddleford a caffeine addict. ford is not only an overworking idiot who gladly damages his own health, no! he wants fiddleford to be the same and quote "gets frustrated" when fiddleford cares not only about his own, but their both basic needs. fiddleford had to work on the portal, get in the trouble with monsters because of ford, but also babysit this manchild to prevent him collapsing from exhaustion (which is more impossible than building a giant portal into the multiverse)
and here we are, the portal testing. once again (and as always) fiddleford did warned ford about everything. fiddleford was working without breaks for days to make sure if the portal will work, and when he found the flaws, he wrote a whole fucking thesis paper, putting all ford's research into a solid work (not taking even smallest credit even tho he was the one to build the portal. when fiddleford had his own theory in the university, ford helped him to only proof that fidds wasn't going crazy by checking the calculations and ford bothered to take the credit for the whole theory, but fiddleford who was a part and a victim of this monumental theory of weirdness didn't took it because he unlike ford doesn't care only about fame). but what did stanford do? he assumed that fiddleford wanted to steal his fucking fame and backstab him. ford didn't even bother to look at something fiddleford was making for three days without resting to make sure that portal won't hurt anyone in the town and that ford won't end up with empty hand if the portal was indeed a lost cause. stanford coldly dismissed fiddleford like they weren't friends, said that he doesn't really waiting fiddleford for the test of the device that fiddleford did built, and even knowing that the portal was dangerous fiddleford chose to come for the test
and then fiddleford got in the portal and it was the biggest traumatic event for him. it was the breaking point for him from which he couldn't stop using the memory gun. it damaged him so much, that he turned from that bright 30-y.o. man into the familiar to us old man mcgucket in the span of two years. his life was ruined for another 30 years, a half of his life he was a mad lonely guy who lived in the junkyard. the man who could've become someone like steve jobs but much better if only he didn't go to help stanford. his family could've been full, tate could have his father. the incident with the portal was the moment of no return for fiddleford, and what did stanford do?
when fiddleford got sucked in the portal, he thought only about the success of his work, that for fidds it was "a remarkable opportunity to confirm or deny the theory" (which he already did with his pre-test research). he didn't think that it was dangerous on the other side, that the portal wouldn't just disintegrate fidds on atoms. and when stanford saw him speaking in a non-human way, shaking and twitching in shock like fiddleford did after the gremoblin incident, ford decided it was nothing. when fiddleford warned him about the apocalypse because he was in the portal and saw it with his own eyes, ford, as always, didn't listen. he didn't just not care about fidds' condition — he diminished everything fiddleford was feeling and everything he witnessed only because it didn't fit in ford's believes which were based just on bill's words (and for stanford it's not something new to belittle things related to fiddleford. he wasn't taking fidds' dream of creating a portable computer seriously, believing that his weirdness theory was much more important)
and after this, stanford insults fiddleford and his family in the journal. he says that he doesn't regret their partnership (it's not really a partnership if stanford didn't count fiddleford as an equal) and friendship breaking up. "to think I considered him a friend!" I doubt he ever did. stanford doesn't know shit about being a good friend (or even a decent person) to someone who sacrificed everything for him. who did put his life aside to be with ford, who cared enough to stay despite stanford again and again putting him in danger, constantly waving him away and feeling no remorse for that. fiddleford was breaking himself for this guy, he canonically was going through "I am nobody to ford if I don't build stuff for him" (and in the end this is exactly what happened). fiddleford didn't tell ford most of his fears and concerns because he didn't want to bother him. fidds was constantly scared and kept in inside because he wanted to be a "better partner". "if I have an anxiety, I will pop anxiety pills", "I'm gonna get through this". and then he didn't
fiddleford was abused by stanford. he was to stanford that ford was to bill, in some ways even worse. it's fucking wild that fiddleford did forgive ford after 30 years of a neverending madness nightmare with his mind being destroyed so much as like it was the earth in the times of the dinosaurs after being hit by the meteorite. fiddleford had lost literally everything, he wasn't even himself for a half of his life and still fidds found the strength to forgive someone who is responsible for it and who used him with regular emotional neglect. and you know what? fuck this. ford would never forgive bill and fiddleford had every right to stay mad at stanford. ford needed to be stuck in the portal to get his head out of the ass and by that time there were only crumbs of someone who fiddleford once was
fiddauthor and billford both are about abuse and toxic relationships. it's up to you what you like to ship, but we need to acknowledge the fact that fiddauthor isn't some fluffy healthy thing where both are happy. fiddleford was never happy and stanford didn't care about fiddleford and his feelings. they made each other worse and ford ruined fidds' life. THIS is the real fiddauthor
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Personal thoughts on Team Black, Rhaenyra, and Misogyny.
This is going to be a messy one as regard structure but also topic. Stay with me, people.
I've been seeing a lot of accusations of misogyny against anti-team black, anti-rhaenyras, and anti-hotd posters for criticisms uttered, and I can't help but be a little dumbfounded. Like are we really doing this? Pointing out that Rhaenyra was reckless for having 3 bastards is not misogyny. I'm sorry, as much as you guys might love your make-believe character, I'm just not humoring it. Not if you're going to make the conversation about feminism and sexual liberation.
Okay, let me just say. Rhaenyra having Jace I can understand. An experiment that was stupid but also respectable in a way, because Laenor was definitely traumatized and not fit for keeping up their agreement, so I can support that mistake wholeheartedly for the empathy behind it. But Luke and Joffrey? After finding out that her genes get overriden by Harwin's?
Plain stupid. I'm sorry, that's just playing with fire, especially since she should know how precarious her position would be after the precedent of the Great Council that robbed Rhaenys of her birthright on the basis of her gender.
And like, I'd be fine with it if the show didn't portray it as this girlboss, don't-give-a-fuck win, because all it does is highlight how ignorant the showrunners are about the world in which their show is set! I liked selfish and decadent Rhaenyra in the books, she didn't need to be treated as a hero for it.
And the fact that the rest of the world and everyone in it is portrayed as being at fault for not going along with what's basically that society's equivalent of a political clown show is absurd. Pointing this out doesn't mean I'm condoning it either, I'm criticizing the show's lack of self-awareness. It's so obvious the showrunners are disconnected from the their world.
GRRM writes all his characters as believable people grown up in a medieval society, but critiques it through his own modern moral lense in a way that's seemless, yet in this show they use characters as mouthpieces to spout modern feminist and egalitarian ideals from characters who are ruling class. Who the fuck are they kidding? If you want to make a feminist show, don't use bourgeoisie feminism!!! Idgaf about some Princess' sexual liberation while she's allowed to hold feasts that rips the food from the tables of peasants! There's nothing inspiring about that!
Rhaenyra, one of the single most bourgeois figure in the show, is supposed to be praised for her "sexual liberation" when it literally threatens the stability of the entire realm, and directly caused a war in which countless sexual atrocities were committed and will still be committed? Forgive me if I can't find it in me to be inspired.
If you want the show to be feminist, display the themes through the people at the bottom, the normal workers, the whores, the thieves, the daytalers and smiths and carpenters and undertakers and farmers, etc etc. Don't ask people to cheer for a reckless white woman from a colonizer background with a biological WMD at her disposal for breaking the social contract of a ruling class SHE'S A PART OF and risking destabilizing her entire country, it's fucking insulting! And don't get me started on the gender essentialism of the whole "women good, men bad" horseradish horseshit.
I'd love to discuss and analyze these concepts if we're talking about Rhaenyra's character arc, her as a person, and the themes of patriarchy that one can glean through her. But if we're talking actual, meaningful, proletariat feminism that means something to the medieval society they live in?
You wanna praise this brave monarch for sexually liberating herself, go ahead and praise the female Romans in Spartacus while you're at it. Praise their sexual liberation when they avail themselves of sex slaves taken from Thrace and Gaul and wherever else the Roman Empire had reach and rape them for fun. Understand I'm not comparing Rhaenyra's actions with having her kids with Harwin to rape, I'm pointing out power dynamics. And at least that show had the decency to show that the patrician romans were cruel and vile alongside their humanity, unlike HotD which seems to insist its ruling family of dragonriding depraved incestuous monarchs are actually virtuous while literally having Meleys burst through the floorboards and massacre a crowd.
P.S.: for any Anti-Rhaenyras, please don't start shit about her unless you wanna discuss how the writers fucked up her beloved character. I actually liked her in the books and she should've gotten a bigger part than Daemon, so don't slander her all willy nilly. It's unconstructive and I feel no desire to engage.
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majestichyuk · 1 year
Sweet spot
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Pairing :- Masseur!Jaemin x fem!reader
Summary :- After much convincing, maybe not at your own will, you finally agreed to get that much-needed massage, Thank you Seungkwan. 
Genre :- Smut (because I’m nice like that), fluff if you squint (you'll definitely see it), coworker Seungkwan, strangers to potential lovers. 
Wc :-  3.7K 
WARNING :- Reader has a nipple piercing (cause she, YOU are freaky like that.), teasing, dirty talk, Buff Jaemin, yes that is a warning, Jaemin loves the booty (you shouldn’t be surprised) so ass is being ATE just a lil lick is all, Jaemin is a pussy fiend. Female receiving, oral, cum eating, sexual tension. (I think that’s all ), sry for mistakes if there is any.
NOTES :- This here lady sluts and gentle whores is my first half smut that was in the making. I spent an hour and a half working on it, so I’ll check this off as the 4th story I’ve successfully completed 🎉 kudos to me. I hope you enjoy it and if you do comment and if you don't and think I could improve something still comment or message me anonymously, cause critique can lead to my improvement but being bitchy will get you nowhere, ANYWAYS, LIKE, REBLOG & FOLLOW. 
“Why don’t you just come with me to the spa on Saturday, huh y/n?” Your best friend/coworker, begged you as he grabbed your arm, tugging you lightly.
“Do I look like I have time to go to a spa?” You licked the tip of your finger as you skimmed through the documents that your lazy boss rudely dropped on your desk, without uttering as much as a please.
“And plus, Saturdays are clean-up days, my cousin is a lazy fuck and I have to suffer from it,” You itch the crown of your head, slightly groaning realizing you might have to do an all-nighter once again on a Friday evening with the load of work in front of you. 
“Why don’t I take some of these with me,” Seungkwan lightly squeezed your hands as he took up about 60% of your work from your desk. 
“That way you can have a good night's sleep, while I plan our day out tomorrow,” Seungkwan squealed as he imagined finally getting to pamper you but you had to rain on his parade.
“No” You took the papers from him and placed them in your folder.
“No?” He looked at you in disbelief.
“I didn’t stutter, I won’t burden my work on you, it’s fine,” You reassured him.
“But you didn’t put your work on me, I volunteered,” He snatched your folder and took out the papers he had before, getting up from his seat and placing them in his briefcase.
“And I don’t want to hear any more nonsense about you doing all the work at the house when your cousin is a grown MAN,” Seungkwan picked up his suit jacket and swiftly put it on.
“Ah Kwannie, It’s really not a big deal– okay…” You stopped uttering a word when he hit you with that stare, a stare only a child of a strict and overprotective mother would understand, it was bone-chilling really.
“Good, I’ll text you the details so make sure you fix yourself up nice and be punctual,” Seungkwan placed his polyester scarf around his neck and ray-ban his glasses on (yes he wears ray-bans shut up). 
“Go home, finish off the work, do whatever you do at night, that ritual of yours whatever, and sleep well, sleep early,” Seungkwan pulled you up from your seat and pulled you into a hug.
“You sure you don’t like girls, I’m just saying if you’d allow me to slap on a strap I’d make a heck of a guy,” Seungkwan pushed you off and picked up his phone, giving you a side glance.
“Girl if you don’t go home, goodbye.” He laughed richly as he walked out, leaving the office. You followed the same routine minutes later and headed home. 
Seungkwan ended up sending you the website for the Spa he had been rambling about for weeks on end as soon as you stepped into the door of your house. You decided to check it out after completing your office work and getting ready for bed.
After an hour and a half, you flopped into your bed, finally getting to relax. You checked the time, normally you’d finish work around late 11 but now it was around 8:35p.m, thanks to Seungkwan that was your earliest, EVER. You did a light prayer for him because he’s an angel.
You covered yourself with your sheet and opened your and Seungkwan's messages where he sent the link, you exchanged words with him before you clicked the link. 
He told you he already made the reservation on your behalf and because he was close friends with a guy named Wonwoo there, he was able to get a discount. He told you your first appointment would be a massage done by some woman named Na Jaemin, it should be an easy name to remember because before you started working in your current job you were a daycare teacher and there was the cute little girl whose name was IM Jaemin, oh was she a menace.
The website just showed all the available procedures, the cost, and the exaggerated descriptions of the long-lasting after-effects of the excellent experience. You turned your phone off, turned it over, and went to sleep.
Loud, obnoxious snores were coming from your room, your cousin slowly opened your door, peeping inside to check to see if you were okay, living, and not choking to death.
He walked up to your bed and pinched your lips shut. “You need to change your settings on that noise that you’re making,” He looked at you in disgust, shaking his head, and watched as you stopped breathing and shot up from your sleep in a sitting position, knocking him on his ass on the floor. 
“CHENLE WHAT THE FUCK?!” If looks could kill you’d have a red dot aimed at your forehead right now. Chenle got up and dusted himself off.
“You do know I could hear you snoring all the way across the hall?” He used his thumb and pointed outside your door, You rolled your eyes and checked your phone.
“Oh fuck!” You jumped out of bed, shoving Chenle out of the way, he landed on your bed and flopped on the floor as you grabbed your towel and rushed into the bathroom. 
“YOU’RE WELCOME YOU MIX-BREED ASSHOLE!” Chenle shouted as he stormed behind you.
“CLEAN MY HOUSE YOU OBNOXIOUS PIECE OF SHIT!,” You replied as you slammed the bathroom door, minutes later you heard his bedroom slam as well, and you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that,” You sulk as you look away from Seughkwan. So you woke up late and got there late and when you arrived you were met with a disappointed Boo Seughkwan, arms crossed, legs over one another as he sat outside of the Spa company in the few seats placed outside, looking at you blankly.
“I have every right to jump you in this very moment–..but I’m not going to because I have a reputation to obtain here,” He got up and walked inside, with you following behind.
“Just know I would never go down without a fight, there’s only one of us who actually took boxing classes,” You raised your brow at him as he flicked your forehead and told you to keep quiet as he spoke to the receptionist.
You purse your lips as you look around the establishment, It has a cozy feel. The decor is so homely with some pictures of the employees that work here placed up on the wall, warm colors decorated the place as it was spotless you could almost see yourself on the tiled floors. 
The receptionist lady asked you about your information and told you to wait in the available room on the second floor. 
“Enjoy your massage babe,” Seungkwan says as he quickly places your hair in a bun (If you imagined your hair up, unimagine it, 💀 boo put it up for you). 
“I heard he’s amazing at his job AND he was highly recommended when I filled out the server on your behalf,” You froze after registering his words.
“He’s?Him?He?” You side glanced at him. “Why didn’t you feel the need to mention a dude is gonna be feeling me up Mr. Boo?” You forced a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“Get me a masseuse Seungkwan,” 
“Get me a masseuse Seungkw-,” Seungkwan used his index and thumb to pinch your lips together. (Justice for y/n’s lips in the chat)
“I love you Y/N, I do, but last time I checked I paid for this shit, and you are going to enjoy every last minute of it, Okay?” Seungkwan asked.
“Fine,” You say with a smile that transforms into a dirty look. “This better be the most mind-blowing and toe-curling experience I’ve ever had.”
“And it would be the only and first experience you ever had,” Seungkwan mumbled as he walked to the elevator after signing some papers. 
“What’d you say,” You questioned.
“Nothing,” He laughed as he pinched your cheeks while calling you all sorts of baby names.
You entered the designated room on the second floor, wiped your palm on your shirt, and nervously opened the door. You see a little walk-in closet on the right side of the room with a curtain placed to divide the areas.  You see there are a couple of hangers and a table with some towels placed beside it. You took off your shirt and placed it on one of the hangers, you quickly took off your bra and put on the towel provided. Thirdly it was your pants until you heard the door open. 
“Good evening, Miss L/N, I’ll be your masseur for this session,” You froze as you peeped through the curtains to put a face to that alluring voice and you almost wished you had convinced your best friend a little more about switching. 
“Um Hi, I’ll be out in a minute,” You quickly responded as you disappeared behind the curtains again. 
“You can leave on your underwear if that would make you more comfortable,” Jaemin assured you as he went to set up the room. He started lighting some candles to set a relaxing mood. The whole room was filled with the soft scent of lavender and a hint of sweet orange that was rich in limonene. 
You folded your pants and kept on your panty as suggested by the masseur. You walked out of the room and set your eyes upon the gorgeous man in question. He was muscular-looking, even in the scrubs he wore. He looked up at you from his place on the floor when he was searching for the oil that happened to be at the bottom back part of the drawer.
“Well you requested a full body massage and I’ll try my best to fulfill your desired needs,” Jaemin softly grinned at you and motioned for you to take a seat on the massage table, you’ll remember to put salt in Seungkwan’s coffee on Monday. 
“Thank you,” You found it hard to really say anything, his stare was quite intimidating even though his smile gave you butterflies that just made your heart swell.
He turned his back to you so you took the opportunity to discard your towel and lay on the table. You laid on your back and placed the towel on top of you. Jaemin turned around with his oil in hand, smiling down at you.
“Well all you have to do for me is relax,” Jaemin said, the tone of his voice, giving you goosebumps.
“Okay,” You replied softly as you relaxed your body and closed your eyes, taking the aroma of the atmosphere and bringing your body to ease. 
Jaemin adjusted your towel to your mid-thigh, the tip of his fingers lightly brushing your skin, he then moved upwards and brought the top of your towel to the midsection of your breast. 
He began his work on your shoulders. He delicately kneaded the area, softly caressing all the knots you have in your neck, gently tracing under your jaw with his thumbs. It felt divine, no man had ever touched you with such thoughtfulness and you’re hoping he’s not the last.
Jaemin moved his hands slowly down your arms, gingerly squeezing the tight muscles as he steadily brought them back up, repeating the process as you felt sleep creeping up on you, Jaemin came back up to your cleavage.
“Would you mind if I removed the top of the towel?” Jaemin asked as he was still above you, looking up at him and seeing him upside down was a little odd but he still for some odd reason looked good.
“Is it mandatory for the massage?” You asked and that made Jaemin smile at you.
“Well, of course, I only deliver the best, and I may even give you a special massage,” Jaemin smiled down at you again, but the smile was different, his eyes seemed to be telling a whole other story, his hands brush the top of your chest, you mutter a quiet okay and closed your eyes once again, letting the cozy environment take over. 
“Good, it’s okay, I’ll take good care of you,” He said in such a deep tone, way different from the customer service one he used when he first greeted you, you wondered if it was because he was just comfortable as it’s his natural forte. 
He reached over you and moved the towel under your breast, now at the navel of your stomach, he placed it quite low but you didn’t mind. Jaemin released a slightly strained exhale as he pursed his lips and poured some of the oil into his brawny hands. His eyes fell on your nipples, customized in a barbell designed with a crystal, rhinestone, clear zircon, and a beautiful set of pink gems. 
He firmly positioned his hands at the side of your breast, gently caressing the fat. He cupped it and massaged under the flesh as he slowly brought his hand up and faintly grazed your nipple. You let out a surprised gasp not expecting to be so sensitive. Jaemin looked down at you, examining your face, and noticed your mouth was slightly ajar due to the sound you let out earlier. From this angle he had the perfect chance to just shove his twitching dick down your throat, he bet it’s warm like the way your body is heating up right now but he brushed it off and continued his work on your chest.
He squeezed the flesh and watched as you hurried to bite your bottom lip, Jaemin thought it was time he went to another part of your body. He made his way to your lower body, he noticed you had on your underwear.
“Would it be okay if I asked you to remove the towel completely? since you have on your undergarments,” Jaemin asked you as he clasped his hands behind his back, staring you down deeply with a sweet smile. You nodded your head, and you gazed down at yourself, seeing your nipples stand up tall and proud, you genuinely felt way more relaxed than when you first came here. 
“Wonderful, I enjoy giving pleasure to others who look like they haven’t had a good rest day,” Jaemin discarded the towel away from your body and placed it on the table beside him.
You smiled, you couldn’t conceal it, he was a sweet talker. You begin to shut your eyes and Jaemin starts to rub on your feet, you let out a soft groan, you are on your feet the majority of the time at work so this feels like heaven. He inches up your leg and starts kneading different areas, after some time he asks if you could turn over.
Jaemin has always been a man with excellent self-control but he guesses there’s a first for everything. You turned over on your stomach and Jaemin took that as a sign to take a breather, he looked down at himself and noticed his problem. At this point, he doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to hold it. He gripped himself and let out a soft sigh as he looked down at you, he furrowed his brows as he approached the table once again, contemplating if he should start with the top or lower half first.
Jaemin made up his mind as he poured some oil on your smooth back, you had laid your head on your forearm. Jaemin tenderly massaged your back, working out all sorts of sounds from you, because he’s just that good with his hands. 
He finished off with your back and moved to your legs, caressing your soft thighs, eyes settling on the slight jiggle of your plump ass. He looked up at you and delicately spread your legs apart a little as he moved his way to your inner thighs. He observes the way your pussy lips struggle to stay concealed in your baby blue panties, Jaemin bites down on his tongue and took a deep exhale, swallowing down thick as he sees some wetness forming on your underwear, Jaemin continues his task as he boldly inches closer to your prized possession. 
You started to squirm, feeling slightly bothered, needy even. You innocently lifted your hips off the table, trying to get some friction and squeeze your thighs together but Jaemin kept them open. 
“I thought I told you to relax, If you behave I can easily give you what you want,” Somehow you can hear Jaemin like he was right by your ears and he was, he stood beside you, roughly rubbing the fat muscle of your ass, spreading your cheeks apart and watching them jiggle back in their place. 
“Will you look at that,” Jaemin whispers as he takes the bottle of oils and pours some of it over your ass. Jaemin went back to the foot of the table and climbed between your legs.
“What are you doing, Jaemin?” You softly questioned Jaemin as you felt the cushion on the massage table dip under you. 
“I’m just trying to get a better position so I can give you an amazing happy ending, love” That tone, he used again but this time it was more sultry and lust-filled, you could almost see the smirk on his face, you have a feeling you know where this is headed and you’re all on board with playing along, note to self buy Seungkwan dinner after you put salt in his coffee. 
“Okay, I hope this all was worth the hassle,” You replied knowing damn well it was.
Jaemin bit his lips as he kneaded your ass, he used his knees to spread your legs apart more. He laid on his stomach, inched closer, rubbed his nose on the line of your panty, bit the fat of your ass, and grazed his thumb over your asshole. He dipped his head and licked the outside of your underwear, softly biting your inner thigh.
Your moans began to increase the more he teased you, as if he could read minds he turned you over, wanting to see your face. 
“Would you like me to continue?” Jaemin lips started to rise on one side, giving you a teasing smile.
You blushed at his bluntness, “Eat me out Jaemin,”.
Jaemin leaned forward and pulled you by the back of your neck into a rough and sloppy kiss, honestly the best you’ve had. He gently sucked on your tongue and pulled at your hard nipple. 
“So fucking sexy,” Jaemin said as he gave you a once over before spreading your legs and giving them for you to hold, he run his hands on the back of your thigh as he examines every inch of you spread out in front of him. 
He hooked a finger under your panties and pulled them to the side. You let out a quiet moan as the cold air hit your wet pussy. He pushed your legs back even more so you hooked them behind your head.
“Look at this pretty pussy, so fucking wet,” Jaemin ran his finger around your lips and brought his finger to his mouth, humming about how sweet you tasted. He dipped his head and took a long swipe with his thick tongue.
“Oh fuck,” You let out a relief sign after finally getting some attention, you looked down at Jaemin sucking on your swollen clit that was painfully neglected in months. His head bobbed up and down as he took slow and sensual slurps, making your toes curl and breath hitch.
You started to rock your hip but Jaemin placed his heavy hands on your ass to hold you down, he dipped his head lower and poked his tongue on your asshole, fighting his way in. 
“Maybe I’ll have to prep you another time,” Jaemin smirks as makes his way to your gaping hole, sticking his long tongue, and forcing a strained moan out of you. He looked up at you, feeling himself grow even harder if that’s possible, absolutely falling in love with the way he has you a putty just from his tongue, the way you just look so sexy to him like this, pussy all red and angry, juices dripping from his chin, the way you bite your lips to conceal your sexy whimpers. 
He groped your breast and brought his attention back to your clit, switching between licking and sucking, completely abusing it. You reached your hand to his head to keep him in position.
“Oh don’t fuckin stop- oh my fucking– shit Jaemin..” You laid your head to the side, one eye clenching as your toe curled for dare life. Jaemin bore his face deeper into your soaking pussy, placing his tongue back inside as his nose rubbed your clit, sending you into cloud nine. He removed his face and quickly replaced it with his skilled hand, he placed his fingers on your clit and started swiping vigorously. 
You felt your stomach suck in as you started twitching, you felt like a bucket of water was thrown over you and you woke up from a dream you’d do anything to get back to. 
“Yes, look at that, wanna give me more,” Jaemin watched as you completely drenched his arm when you squirted, something you didn’t know you could do until today. He sucked up every last drop causing you overstimulation. 
You removed your legs and grabbed his face, bringing him into a passionate kiss. He placed his forehead on yours smiling embarrassingly.
“You definitely have to be my soulmate if you were able to make me come in my pants without touching me,” Jaemin said with a light chuckle. 
“I can do that, If you take me out on a date?, we can split the bill since I suggested,” You looked Jaemin deep into his eyes and he blushed slightly.
“I like that idea, but I’ll pay for the bill,” He kissed your lips before getting up from the table.
You both cleaned up and of course exchanged contacts, and it was history from there. 
Thank you Seungkwan.
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elliesslvt · 2 years
boxer! ellie williams x fem! reader (modern au)
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ʚĭɞೃ author’s note: @666findgod highkey inspired this fic.
ʚĭɞೃ description/warning: 2.4k words; black fem!reader, pet names (babe, baby), modern au, smut with plot, fingerfucking, porn with plot, dry humping, dom/sub dynamics, choking, nipple play, ellie is a boxer, super fluffy, minors aren’t allowed!
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during boxing season ellie would wake up every weekday at 5am to get ready to go to the boxing gym she owned to practice for her upcoming fight. everyday without fail you’d beg her for an extra five minutes of cuddling before she left.
“ellie 5 more minutes of cuddles please.”
“babe we go over this every morning, i gotta’ hurry.”
“pretty please el.” you pleaded with a pout on your face.
“five more minutes babe, that’s it.”
once you fell back asleep ellie slipped from under your arm to start her morning routine. once ellie finished she made her way towards the kitchen of the apartment you two shared. since ellie wasn’t much of a cook, every night you’d prepare a protein filled breakfast and lunch so that she didn’t have to worry about it when she got ready.
“where would i be without her.” ellie whispered to herself as she opened the fridge to reveal the usual lunch and breakfast you’d pack for her. before she made her way out the house she quickly ran back upstairs, kissed your forehead, then whispered “i love you.” to you.
as ellie was two hours into her workout you were beginning to wake up. you quickly patted your head to make sure your bonnet was on, which it was. once you gathered enough energy to get up you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and shower. you were thankful that ellie’s gym made enough profit from the memberships and private sessions that she hosted so that she would be able to hire you as a receptionist, so that you wouldn’t have to work too far.
once you were on the road to ellie’s gym you decided to stop by a smoothie place to grab breakfast for you and some drinks for everyone at the gym.
balancing the two cup holders on your arms you pulled open the door of your destination.
“hey everyone, your favorite receptionist is here.”
“y/n!” everyone yelled as they made their way towards the door.
“i got all of you guys green smoothies since all you guys are health freaks i hope that’s okay.” you placed the cup holders on the front desk in fear that you’d drop the smoothie. “fine by us.”
looking around the front area of the gym you only saw dina, tommy, and jesse. “is ellie still training with joel?”
“yeah they’re upstairs.” dina said as she grabbed a smoothie from the cup holder.
“ugh, i’m heading upstairs.”
climbing up the stairs you could hear the faint voice of joel lecturing ellie on boxing techniques. once you reached where joel and ellie were, you decided to wait until joel finished talking to interrupt since they hadn’t noticed you.
“ellie i know you usually have these suckers on the floor by round three but that’s not always the case. i need you to conserve your stamina. if you don’t it can get real ugly for you, even if you have the upper hand." joel critiqued as ellie was hunched over with her hand on her knees.
“yeah got it.”
watching ellie you could tell she was tired. the sweat on her body made her tan skin glisten which was evidence of how long she probably had been practicing with joel. as much as you tried to push the thoughts to the back of your mind you couldn’t help but admire how good ellie looked. her auburn hair was pulled away from hair with a few stray pieces clinging to her forehead due to her sweating. ellie’s sleeve tats were revealed because of the sports bra she wore and the loose shorts she wore revealed her toned muscular legs that you'd use to get yourself off plenty of times.
“father in law i think she deserves a break.” you insisted as you made your way towards the ring.
slipping under the barrier of the ring you gave joel a quick hug then made your way to ellie.
once she saw you her eyes lit up and all the fatigue you saw in her body seemed to disappear. “hi babe.” she sang as she pulled you closer for a kiss and slapped your ass.
“ew you’re sweaty el, and i’m pretty sure joeman doesn’t want to see this. oh, i got you guys green smoothies, they're downstairs.”
joel silently watched from a corner with a smile on his face at the interaction between you two. everyday he was reminded how perfect you were for his daughter.
“okay 15 minute break, not a second later.”
you squealed then grabbed ellie’s hand to lead her downstairs. once ellie grabbed her smoothie you sat in the lounge area of the gym so you two could have some alone time before she had to get back to her training.
“did you enjoy your breakfast, baby?”
“i loved it; thank you by the way, you're the best.”
after slurping down her smoothie, ellie grabbed you from where you were sitting and placed you on her lap.
“ellie this isn’t the place for this.”
“i haven’t even done anything yet.” she said this while placing small kisses on your neck, which caused you to let out a small whimper.
once she found your spot, she began softly sucking on it, causing you to let out a louder moan and tug on her hair.
“e-ellie please.”
her veiny hands made their way between her legs and began tracing your cunt. you instinctively grabbed onto ellie’s shoulders and tucked your head in the crook of her neck.
“ellie, 15 minutes are up; get your ass up here!” you jolted in ellie’s lap at joel’s voice.
“fuck man, we’ll finish this later, okay, i love you, babe.”
once ellie got you off her lap, she sprinted back upstairs. you knew by the time she got home later, she’d be dead tired, so once you got home, you knew you’d be getting yourself off.
through all five hours of your shift, you thought about your rose toy sitting in the second drawer of your dresser. as you were going to clock out, you made your way upstairs, where everyone else was, to say your goodbyes. ellie hovered over the corner of the ring as she waited for you to give her a goodbye kiss.
“get home safe, okay, i’ll see you later. i love you.”
“i love you too.”
once you got home, you dropped your purse on the kitchen counter and made your way to the bathroom. you had an hour and thirty minutes until ellie came home, so you had to be quick.
as you were waiting for the water to heat up in the shower, you quickly wrapped a scarf around your hair and threw on a bonnet for extra precaution. once finished your shower, you headed towards the room you two shared to lotion up, then grabbed an oversized shirt and fuzzy socks to put on.
after you finished doing everything you usually did before going to bed, you turned the tv on for background noise and shut the lights off.
as you layed on the bed, you began thinking of the ways ellie used to have you crying from overstimulation before she began training for her big match.
you began getting wet at the thought of her degrading yet praising you at the same time.
getting lost in your thoughts, you began rubbing your clit with one hand and your nipples with the other. as you let out soft moans, you began to grind against your fingers to increase your pleasure. you dipped your slender fingers in your cunt then slightly curled your finger in an attempt to reach the spot ellie always had that had you seeing stars.
you thought about ellie hovering over you in a tight tank top that usually had her nipples poking through them and her lips tucked between her teeth as she stared down at you in awe.
“e-ellie.” you whined as your white-painted toes dug into your sheets. you felt your cunt clench around your fingers, which meant you were cumming soon. just as you were about to cum, you felt your arm get tugged away from your cunt.
“what the f—, ellie?!”
“oh, you’ve been such a bad girl, y/n.” she said taunting you with every word that seeped through her lips.
“ellie you’ve been neglecting me; i couldn’t take it anymore.” you cried out in frustration.
ellie was livid; she always told you to communicate if you felt there was something wrong between you two, and you did the complete opposite.
“why didn’t you talk to me about it, babe? now i gotta teach you lesson.” she spoke as water from her hair dripped onto you. she smelt of peppermint and vanilla, so you knew she’d probably taken a shower in the locker rooms at the gym.
she scooted so that her back leaned against the headboard, then brought you to sit between her legs.
“lift your shirt up, babe.”
you immediately rose your shirt to reveal your lower abdomen.
“good girl.”
you weren’t wearing any underwear, so your soaking cunt was at full disposal for ellie. “oh look how pretty she is.” ellie whispered as you used her slender fingers to trace your cunt.
“e-ellie stop teasing me, p-please.” you whimpered.
once ellie felt she had teased you enough, she plunged her middle and ring fingers into your cunt.
as your head fell back on ellie’s right shoulder, your mouth was left agape because you didn’t expect her to give you two fingers right off the bat.
ellie slowly began moving her fingers inside while you tried to keep still. “f-faster!” you pleaded.
“that’s what you want, babe?” you slowly nodded your head in response to her questions. as you requested, ellie began speeding up the pace as her thumb circled your clit. her tatted arm made its way to your neck, which caused your moans to become even louder.
“s-shit e-ellie.”
"talk to me, babe, and tell me how I'm making you feel."
“you’re making feel so g-good ellie, i love you so much.”
“i love you too princess.”
once you realized how thin the materials of ellie’s shorts were, you decided to grind back on her in hopes of stimulating her clit so you wouldn’t be the only one cumming. often times, ellie put her sexual needs on the back burner to please you, and you hated it because you wanted to make her cum too.
f-fuck y/n, keep doing that.”
“you like it?” you asked breathlessly.
“y-yeah i fucking love it, babe.”
you wanted so badly to suck on her nipples and stare up into her green eyes, but the position you were in didn’t permit it.
as you began mindlessly grinding your ass on her, you reached up your shirt to rub your nipples for more stimulation.
ellie’s fingers began to curl inside you, causing you to attempt to stop her because of how overstimulated you felt. her curling her finger inside you while rubbing your clit was too much, and you felt like you were going to explode.
“l-let go of my fucking hand, y/n.”
“it’s too much ellie, please.”
“let go, babe.” she said in a voice that said she would do worse if you didn’t let go, so you let go. ellie’s bottom lip was between her teeth as she stared at your face. she loved the faces you’d make when she fingerfucked you. since the first time you guys had sex, she realized how sensitive you were to her fingers, so it was no surprise your face was already fucked out.
ellie let out a small moan at the friction of your ass against her cunt, which caused you to grind faster. you loved the sounds of ellie’s moans,they pushed you to get her to reach her climax.
“i-m gonna’ c-cum ellie.”
“uh uh.” ellie said as her fingers stopped moving. “ellie!” you screamed as tears welled in your eyes from frustration.
she grabbed your jaw tightly, so that you were staring up at her.
“promise me you’ll talk to me when something like this happens, or i’m not letting you cum.”
“i promise ellie, i p-promise.” you were frantically rubbing your legs together, but it was nothing like the feeling of ellie’s fingers inside of you.
“good girl. now open up those pretty legs so i can make you cum babe.”
after ellie got back in momentum, she could feel you clenching around her fingers.
“go ahead, babe, let it all out on my fingers.”
you screamed out ellie’s name as you grabbed onto her thigh muscle for support. “s-shit y/n.” you felt ellie shudder under you, which meant she came too.
after a few minutes of heavy breathing, you began to feel sleep overcoming you while you were still in between ellie’s lap.
“y/n promise me you’ll talk to me if you feel i’m neglecting you because of training. you know, i’d never do it purposefully; i love you too much for that.”
“i know, baby, i just didn’t want to be a burden for you while you had a match to train for.”
“are you serious, babe? look at me.”
you turned around to face her as your bonnet was slipping off your head.
“you’ll never be a burden; get that through your thick skull,” she emphasized as she fixed your bonnet into place.
“i’m sorry,” you said wrapping your hands around her neck.
“it’s okay, babe, let’s go to bed.”
ellie reached over to grab the remote to shut off the tv so that you two could go to sleep. as you began dozing off ellie watched as your long eyelashes fluttered against your cheek until your eyes fully shut and your chest began slowly rising and falling, then placed a kiss on your forehead. once she scooted closer and wrapped her arm around your waist, she began to slowly doze off.
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prettygirlstothefloor · 5 months
a messy review of TTPD
okay i need to preface this that i have the credentials to be able to speak my mind on her. i've been a fan since 2006. i've been a fan since i was 11 so don't get your panties in a bunch.
i think this album is messy. the production is the only thing i can really praise about it. the lead up to it and now the full release has just been so unbelievably messy. i'm going to make a continue reading for the people who still have yet to listen where i won't spoil it for you. PS. i do get mean in this. so if you're not wanting to hear critiques and criticism and taking that in, please scroll.
EDIT: this was pre-anthology release. so this is just based on the original 16 song release.
i am fully aware she is allowed to go through the grieving process of her breakup with joe. i respect that whole heartedly. i completely understand having someone in your life for such a big chunk and for them to be gone and feeling lost and alone and angry. what i don't like at all is essentially telling us in this album that she couldn't handle joe having severe depression. obviously i don't know everything that went down but it seems as though he didn't want to get married until he felt mentally better. and as someone who is also in the same boat as him, i also wouldn't want to fully commit to marriage until i felt like i could give them 100%. and if that's his biggest crime, being too depressed, then that's a her problem. being depressed is not all "haha relatable".
now onto... that man... i did not expect 90% of this album to be about him. i've only hated two people in my life. one being a family member of mine. the other, him (i will not be saying his name because he does not deserve it). the way she spent so much of this album talking about how she will defend him with her life. girl i am begging you to get up off the ground. it felt like a backstab from her in "but daddy, i love him" where she's basically saying fuck everyone for ruining a relationship i wanted. the reason no one wanted her with him is because he's a racist, misogynistic, homophobic asshole. i am aware he supports queer rights but it seems like he only cares about queer rights and the safety of queer people when it involves white queer people (ie. what happened in dubai and malaysia). i'm almost confident she cheated on joe with him while her and joe were still together. i'm sorry to taylor that i care about BIPOC and queer people's rights than making a racist white man happy.
joe truly got the short end of the stick here. he has been treated so horribly this past year by swifties who made up rumors about him just to make taylor seem like the good guy and the only thing this album told me was she was the villain in all of this. i hope joe has a good support system around him and i hope he's able to get any mental health help he needs. i do also think that taylor desperately needs a therapist as well. she is very adament about not having one and just using her mom and her friends but she needs an outside source to really listen and give her advice that isn't "yes man"-ing her all day long.
anyways, like i said at the beginning of this post, i enjoyed the production. my favorite songs were fortnight and who's afraid of little old me. it's gonna take time for me to enjoy this album outside of its messiness. i did enjoy midnights btw. so it's definitely not the sound i don't like it's just everything surrounding it.
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manicplank · 7 months
What kind of computer games do you think the guys would play or what kind of computer users they are :} sorry if this has already been asked
This one seems fun!
Computer headcanons!
Peppino: Total boomer. Doesn't know how computers work. Has to get help from Gustavo. Probably plays solitare since the pizzeria is dead most of the time. Probably owns a Windows XP.
Gustavo: Relatively knowledgeable on technology. Has to help Peppino avoid downloading spyware and viruses while putting in supply orders. He probably plays cute little games or something like Tetris or Bejewled.
Mr. Stick: Normal knowledge of technology. Probably plays solitare as well, or some sort of online poker game. I imagine he works in an office, so he probably knows a thing or two about computers.
Pepperman: Relatively knowledgeable on technology. Probably goes online to blog about art. I can imagine him doing digital art with an art tablet. He critiques other people's art instead of his own.
The Vigilante: Another boomer. Can't figure out technology for the life of him. Uses Facebook mildly, so he probably plays Farmville. Needs help figuring out how to log in, though.
The Noise: Computer addict. Plays any and all games. Probably loves the GTA series since he's a crime committing gremlin. I can also see him playing games like Minecraft. Also first person shooters.
Noisette: Also a computer addict. I can see her playing The Sims with a bunch of custom content and all the expansion packs. Probably girly games, especially anything to do with Hello Kitty or Sanrio in general. Plays Minecraft with Noise.
Fake Peppino: Not allowed anywhere near the computer after he ate the mouse thinking it was a real mouse. Probably has a little tablet that he plays baby games on. Probably plays "Jerry's Game" where you just pop balloons.
Pizzahead: Very smart with technology. I headcanon him as somewhat of a robotics and engineering fanatic. When he's not putting data in, he's playing Minecraft, Sims (definitely has a sim of Peppino), and FNaF. Likes some horror games.
Pillar John: Okay with computers. Another solitare and Minecraft player. Probably plays Fortnite and is really good at it. Doesn't spend a lot of time on the computer, though.
Gerome: Oddly enough, a computer whiz. Often takes them apart and cleans them for the others. Has had to fix Vigi's computer a few times. Another boring solitare player. Doesn't play a lot of games.
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werewolfcave · 7 months
GOD OK I was getting my psych degree when it was announced they'd be adding Maruki
and I was sitting here like "Atlus is gonna fumble this so hard i just know it." because in collectivist countries/cultures like japan, you mind your business and don't air out your problems.
like thanks for making a prominent to the story therapist be a big time bad guy you CLOWNS. BUFFOONS.
Sorry I just. I needed to say! I AGREE hes interesting and I see a lot of traits that would make a good therapist but BOY HOWDY. He makes me so fucking mad the way he was handled lmao
Okay I totally get where you're coming from and do agree framing a therapist in a bad light especially as the first therapist in the series is going to have negative consequences. BUT when I was talking to my own therapist yesterday it occurred to me that Maruki is a genuinely a fascinating critique of the clinical psych field. Because, as my therapist pointed out; "[Maruki] makes you realize how silly and unrealistic the idea of no one experiencing pain is. It makes you stand back and stop idealizing that idea of no one experiencing that pain because it's so absurd and harmful."
I then added onto that by pointing out how a lot of his ideals are a very interesting reflection of the psychology field when you look at it from a Western Standpoint (I am not sure how it is from an Eastern Standpoint I do apologize about that), because in the West we are very caught in the idea of Intervention instead of Prevention, and Maruki is obviously under the same idea.
See the Clinical Psychology field fails when it views things under the medical model, that mental health problems are something one can just "cure". Viewing pain as unique to the individual and that it's something that can be fixed is a very temporary solution. Instead there needs to be prevention, which is focusing on that pain comes from systemic places, and that we need to reform society rather than focus exclusively on individual pain. I will get into how we can tell Maruki is focusing on intervention exclusively in a moment, but first let me further lay out what Intervention vs Prevention is using an excerpt for a Reflection Essay I wrote for my Community Psychology Class:
"The concept of Prevention vs Intervention can best be explained up with a parable often credited to sociologist Irving Zola. The parable tells of man standing on the edge of a river, when suddenly he spots someone drowning. The man jumps into the river and drags the person out, and just when he manages to get that person out, he hears someone else. So he goes in to drag that person out as well. And it repeats. Eventually the man is exhausted and there is still people falling into the river. It is then that he realizes he never even thought to go upstream to check how people were falling in in the first place. This parable tells of the way that intervention by itself will never be truly successful, because there will always be people falling in, and never enough resources to keep pulling people out. This most efficient solution would be to fix whatever is causing people to fall in."
It should be stated that Intervention is not wholly unnecessary, as I go on to say in that same essay:
"Yes there has to be someone who goes upstream to address what is getting people in the river in the first place, but that isn’t possible with someone staying downstream. Because of we yet to prevent the harm from being done, we do still need intervention. To allow the preventionists to do their work they need the interventionists to keep that hurt at bay until we can prevent the hurt from happening in the first place."
Now, returning to Maruki. Maruki obviously has the idea in his head that he can remove points of pain for people, and that at all costs someone, to be healthy, must avoid a situation in which they get hurt. We take all of this with the fact that capitalism, corporations, etc still exist in this world. Let me break that down as to how this itself is a prime example of how his idea of a world with no pain does not take into account systemic oppression nor works as a long term solution.
A.) If one's pain stems from, say, low wages making it hard to pay rent and thus having to work multiple jobs, Maruki's solution would likely be to raise the amount of pay for whatever job is preferred by the person and continue from there. We do know that he makes it so that way Okumura Foods is a more idealized company that treats its workers fairly and has more ethical sources for its food. But this only works within the short term, as there is still a need to get money to put food on the table, to keep a roof over your head. Economic stress is still there even when paid well enough, because there is still the fact that you must keep getting more of a limited resource to pay for the ability to live. There are still people who come out on top, there are still people who are working the factories, there are still people who must do backbreaking work. Additionally Maruki is of the mindset that if your dream isn't working out you must abandon it, which will leave those whose dreams lie in underpaying jobs (such as an artist who makes a living through their art, and is hit with art block that keeps them from producing work) they are to abandon that for something that will keep a roof over their head. This leads to a rather soulless existence.
B.) To quote the Combahee River Collective, a Black Feminist organization that is responsible for intersectionality really making it's way into the collective consciousness, in their Coalition Statement:
"We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy."
That is to say that systemic oppression cannot be undone without the removal of capitalism. Scholars such as Cedric Robinson and Ruth Wilson Gilmore talk of how capitalism itself is rooted in the oppression of racial minorities, especially Black people. This is a concept called Racial Capitalism, which put as simply as possible in the Wikipedia entry for this concept is:
Racial capitalism is a concept reframing the history of capitalism as grounded in the extraction of social and economic value from people of marginalized racial identities, typically from Black people. 
While not a study on Japan itself, and instead China, here is a fascinating chapter on Racial Capitalism in China wherein it states:
Emptied of their former political content, the disarticulated concepts of race and ethnicity have often been reduced to foreign and domestic modes of social differentiation in the reform era, which can allow nationalists to claim that there is no racism in their country and can allow China scholars to deny the relevance of race to the field. Yet, the externalization of race and racism is particularly dubious these days as China’s participation in global capitalism has been accompanied by prominent examples of Islamophobia and anti-Blackness.
And to address how Racial Capitalism is relevant to Japan itself, we are to look at Race Relations and the Capitalist State: A Case Study of Koreans in Japan, 1917 through the mid—1920s by Kazuhiro Abe. From the Abstract:
"Expansionist Japanese capitalism developed racist ideologies toward Korea and the Koreans. In 1910 Japan annexed Korea. After 1917, Korean labor was imported on a large scale into Japanese society, where racist attitudes were rapidly taking shape. However, cheap Korean labor produced a wage differential that caused a split in the labor market along ethnic lines. Thus, competition for jobs between Japanese workers and Korean immigrants transformed racial prejudice into overt ethnic antagonism."
From the talk of the Theoretical Framework at play:
"The analytical framework employed here is the synthesis of several current theories of race and ethnicity. It draws heavily on Marxist theories of race relations, and especially on the split-labor-market theory. In the Marxist tradition, as Wilson argues (1978, pp. 4-9), there are two major approaches to race relations. One is orthodox Marxist theory emphasizing the manipulative role of capitalists who seek to divide the working class racially by exploiting racist ideologies so as to preclude the emergence of a unified working class. (For an example of this position see Reich 1971 and 1981). The other approach is the split-labor-market theory systematically developed and elaborate by Edna Bonacich (1972, 1975, 1976). This theory involves three groups of actors: business, higher paid labor, and cheap labor. The labor market becomes split when cheaper labor is introduced into the market. Capitalists prefer to use the cheap labor, and the higher-paid labor consequently faces threat of displacement. The higher-paid labor group attempts to forestall such displacement by excluding cheap labor from its territory. If exclusion is not possible, the higher-paid labor establishes a caste system to systematically block the access of cheap labor by certain occupations. The success or failure of these attempts largely depends on the amount of political resources the higher-paid labor group can mobilize"
All of this is to say is that while not on purpose, the game implies to us a complete lack of understanding of systemic injustice that causes much pain in the first place. Maruki is very purely intervention and has no interest in prevention.
Maruki himself talks about totalitarianism and how it is something that forces everyone under one ideal, and Goro himself points out (in an implied sense) that that is precisely what Maruki is doing. He is forcing people into his idea of intervention and no pain, while doing nothing to rid the world of the root cause of unjust pain. He is creating a totalitarian dystopian world without any sort of self-awareness.
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jovenshires · 9 months
lowkey kinda frustrated by the lack of transparency from smosh idk if this is a common thing for all online content groups but this is personally jarring for me as someone who also is also a dropout fan :///
i totally get that. i've been a fan of smosh for like... six-ish years now so frankly im kind of used to their lack of addressing things atp. that isn't to say it's a good thing or even an excusable thing - im just saying it's something i've learned to live with.
i think it's easy to forget that smosh is a company. at the end of the day they are making decisions that they think are best for their business, what will make them the best monetary gain and what will keep the most viewers in their pocket. i can't say that i particularly agree with all of those decisions, but i also can't say that we as the fans should be allowed to dictate what they do. especially (and i say this knowing my perception personally revolves around the small subset of us here on smoshblr) when the fan base calling for transparency and accountability is a minority. as loud as smoshblr and smoshtwt seem, there are 26.5 million subscribers to smosh (and that's just the main channel - 46 million between the main three channels), most of whom aren't even aware of any of the things they're not taking accountability for. i've seen this happen with countless youtubers and online groups i've been a fan of. i won't name-drop them, but people often do what's best for their brand, not what's morally right. it's a hard thing to come to terms with, but we are just viewers consuming a product. they get to decide what to do with that product; we get to decide whether or not we consume it.
not to mention, it is a company run by real people. people whose relationships and friendships impact their choices. they may not address certain things and they may sweep things under the rug to protect people they care about. once again, i'm not saying whether this is morally good or bad or that it's okay (it's not), i'm just saying that it is a factor that they probably take into account.
now, once again, none of this is an excuse. i'm not going to say that smosh is the pinnacle, end-all, be-all of upstanding companies or that they shouldn't be transparent or that we should stop trying to ask for some semblance of change. this is a well-earned critique at this point. even with everything going on right now, this is not the first time (and i'm sure it won't be the last time either) that smosh has simply avoided addressing controversy. there used to be a master post that i had pinned to the top of my page of all the issues with smosh and who was addressing what and lemme tell you, it wasn't great. i've seen companies much more graceful and overall better at handling their messes. dropout is a great example, and try guys and starkid both come to mind as well. hell, even ogsog has been way better than smosh at this, and they spawned from them. this is a very real problem with smosh as a company and i totally understand frustration and disappointment. i'm with you, trust me.
i think this is something we all have to recognize, contend with, and then draw our own lines in the sand for. we can't dictate what the entire fandom does, and we definitely can't dictate what smosh does, as much as we may want to. all we can do is keep attempting to hold them accountable for their actions and deciding what we can and cannot abide by.
tl;dr: i think that's a very fair critique. i'm frustrated too. i hear you <3
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pastelwitchling · 9 months
Thoughts on Percy Jackson and the Olympians, episode 3:
(Disclaimer: I loved everything about the episode except, mostly, Annabeth herself. So if you're going to get offended because someone doesn't like the same fictional character, because that's what Annabeth is, and if you're going to try to turn the argument into something else, please don't bother reading.)
So. This is a bit difficult because I feel very conflicted/wary about what's to come, mostly because Disney has not been historically good at girl power or badass female characters. Let me just say this; while I used to love the CW's Flash, it quickly went downhill when the Flash took a backseat to his own show for the CW's half-assed "girl power" message. I fear the same might happen here.
Let me be very clear about something. It makes sense why Annabeth would seem like the more formidable opponent at the start of the story. She was more or less that in the first two books because, not only is she the daughter of the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, but she'd spent a lot of her life training for quests, studying about the gods, and she just knew more than Percy did. I didn't like Movie Annabeth for most of the first film either for the same reasons I'm about to list below, please keep that in mind.
My issue will come here; if Percy starts to take a backseat to his own show just so we can highlight how great and awesome Annabeth is and girl power rules and whatever, I'm going to be very, very miffed. Again, it's fair for me to worry about this now because Disney is all tell and no show when it comes to women. Just like they did with Marvel, just like they did with the most recent Disney Princesses, it's more important to them to show how woke they are instead of caring about the actual stories they tell. And I'm Middle-Eastern, so don't even try any of that self-righteous white woman racial crap with me, okay?
I know I'm saying what a lot of people probably think but aren't allowed to say, but -- call me crazy -- I want the show based on the Percy Jackson books to focus on Percy Jackson. To be honest, I've never loved ANY of Rick Riordan's female characters, save for Ana from Daughter of the Deep, as well as the other female characters in that book, but that's not even in the Percy Jackson world, so it doesn't count. And I ONLY say this now because, again, Disney has SUCKED with their female characters. It's all pandering and nothing but pandering.
The first book especially always frustrated me with the way Grover never really seemed to defend Percy against Annabeth's snobby behavior, so this aligns fine. I'm not really saying anything against the character either (not yet), as this frustration with how unfair and snobby she is towards Percy very much aligns with the book. I guess I was just hoping that since I always hated Annabeth in the books and she was actually likable in the second episode, that maybe the show would be better about her portrayal. I was actually thinking how cute they would be as a couple in the second episode, but now? I'm kind of back where I was with the books, I don't see why she deserves him, not yet.
Much like Grover was in the episode, I was just looking at a lot of her behavior as Really? The guy had NO reason to invite you on this quest, you NEEDED him to pick you, and you still act like he's the idiot for caring about his mom and not knowing anything about this world that he's just found out about, and it's so freaking entitled, I --
I've been part of the Roswell, New Mexico fandom since season 1, and I know just how ridiculous people get when you DARE criticize a character who HAPPENS to be played by a black actress. I don't give a crap. I'm critiquing the CHARACTER here, and I'm disappointed, not with her, but the writing itself. It's too soon to tell, I know, but I do hope Disney is better about Annabeth's character than the books were, because I saw Book Annabeth as rude, selfish, and unfair, it bothered me that everyone in the story still idolized her despite how toxic her behavior was (save for Percy, but just in the beginning, and then he was fine with her hitting him and calling him stupid all the time), and I saw glimpses of that in episode 3, so I'm hoping for better.
Also, that whole, What are you afraid of? conversation felt so weird and forced. They JUST started the quest, Percy is throwing in suggestions, Annabeth treats him like he's stupid for it, and then demands to know why he's scared of who he is, and I'm like ?? What warranted that question? He hasn't used his powers yet, he hasn't refused to use his powers yet or talk about his father or anything, so why would he seem afraid of who he is? It just makes no sense.
Honestly? At this point, I just feel bad for Leah because Annabeth is a very difficult character to make likable in my eyes, and it's made worse when the writing won't allow her to be any better.
Aside from that, I really did love the episode a lot. I wish Grover had done more to defend Percy in the beginning, but he did the same thing in the book and he eventually did step in. Medusa was actually great. I hated the actress's character in the Flash, so I was wary, but she really knocked it out of the park. I love some of the extra details they put in, like Percy giving her a chance because of his mom and kindness (fatal flaw, if you know you know), I LOVED the consensus song, and YES! I was SO worried they wouldn't have Percy send Medusa's head to Olympus, but they did and he was perfect and it was AMAZING! When Annabeth said that what Medusa said isn't what happened, I would've liked an explanation of what actually did happen. Then again, it feels like there's a bit too much exposition already, to be honest. Like there were more creative ways to explain Thalia, there were more creative ways to explain Annabeth and Luke finding camp, and I don't know if it's because I've memorized the books at this point, but it feels like so much of the episode is just dedicated to explaining things that don't really need explanation or could be saved for later to show through flashbacks or something. I don't know, just more creative than standing and sitting there while someone explains everything.
It works great sometimes, like with Sally and Percy, but other moments just feel very... exposition-y.
I love this show. It's the highlight of my week. I maintain that we are getting the best possible adaptation. It's just because I love this story so much and it's so sacred to me that I can't help but critique. I don't think the books are flawless (i.e. the female characters), so it stands to reason that I won't find the show completely flawless either. Is it still sacred to me? Absolutely. Percy Jackson has always been too important not to nitpick, I think.
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
Okay so. BtVS s7. It’s bad, but not unsalvageable I don’t think. We’re going going to have to tear it down to the studs, but there’s some good bones here.
Firstly, I do like the threat of trying to end the Slayer line. It’s unique in terms of threats but it’s also easy to understand and clear to see how it would be a very bad thing. Plus it allows us to dig more into the lore of the Slayer more which is nice in the last season. Mixed feelings on the scythe, but I suspect if they fixed the pacing so the storyline around the scythe were spread out and not jammed into the last 3 episodes, I would like it better (and if they got a better prop). I’m also overall a fan of the Slayer activation spell at the end with the very important caveat that the spell should give every Potential the right to choose if she wants to accept the powers or not. Having it go from “one girl in all the world” and “is chosen” to many girls who get to chose is actually a fairly cogent feminist critique of the show itself, which would also be fun in the final season.
I also like that we’re opening the Hellmouth for the end here. Bringing it back to where it all began. And destroying the Hellmouth and the whole town is an incredible way to be like I swear to god you guys, we are done done for real this time. Just obviously we can’t have this done via a magic necklace that Angel randomly turns up to hand over to Buffy with zero set up and minimal explanation in the very last fucking episode. Staggeringly awful writing.
And related to both the above points, I think it needs to be made a little clearer how they connect. Specifically that destroying the Slayer line and opening the Hellmouth are the two prongs of the First’s plan to flood the world with evil. The explanation is there but it could be clearer.
Speaking of the First. I think this is an unpopular opinion, but I like it as a villain, in theory at least. Admittedly the it’s the original evil or whatever thing is kind of cheesy, but it already existed as a character in the series anyway, so might as well bring it back. But the actual threat the First poses and the things it can do make for an excellent villain. I mean it’s incorporeal! How is Buffy supposed to beat an enemy that’s incorporeal? But instead of treating this like an amazing opportunity, the writers apparently saw this as a problem to be solved by inserting a minion who can punch & kick harder than anyone Buffy has ever fought before — the Turok-Han — and then when they were afraid that was getting stale adding another minion who can punch and kick even harder — Caleb.
The Turok-Han in the Hellmouth can stay; we do need a big action set piece for the finale. Which also means Buffy can still have her vision of them and Giles can still explain that they are super old and extra strong vampires. But the one Buffy has that big confrontation with as well as any other ones running around Sunnydale all need to go. Firstly as already alluded to they time away from the First and the unique threat it poses in favor of more of the “this guy is even stronger” stuff that is starting to get really stale by now. And then also if our only experience and knowledge of Turok-Han is that they are extra strong vampires then that’s enough of a framework for us to understand this huge army is definitely a threat, but it’s also vague enough that it’ll still feel reasonably plausible in the finale when our protagonists start taking them out left and right.
Caleb I waffled on but ultimately I think you need to keep some version of him if for no other reason than it’s a useful storytelling device for the First to have a minion it can have conversations with. You know, they can have scenes where the two of them are discussing the progress of the evil plan so the writers have an excuse to tell the audience what the evil plan is. But obviously don’t wait until episode 18 to introduce him. Have him pop up in the beginning as a random recurring side character only to have a reveal midway through that he’s evil. If Robin is meant to be a suspicious red herring, let’s have Caleb be what he’s distracting the audience from. I’m kind of ambivalent as to whether Caleb should be super strong or not — I just don’t have a clear enough picture of how the plot looks to know if that’s necessary or helpful — but if he is going to be strong then we should see the First power him up before we see how strong he is. We want to make sure any focus on him is as a tool of the First, not an independent threat.
And now on to the First itself. The biggest problem is it’s all tell and very little show. The characters can talk about how they can sense something big coming and about the overwhelming feeling of ancient power coming off the First, but that means very little to me, the viewer. I can’t feel the power while I’m watching this on my couch. The idea that the First is even more powerful than Glory was always going to be a hard sell, because conceptually I don’t really even know what that means, that it’s even more powerful than a god. So stop trying to sell me on that and instead focus on the First’s strengths. Let the theme of s7 be paranoia.
The First can appear as any dead person it wants. But not just appear as them, it in some respects becomes them, perfect recreation of the mannerisms, their speech patterns, every little quirk about them. It’s the First, but it’s also your loved one. How much of what it says is lies to manipulate you and how much is really what your loved one would think and feel?
And that’s just the people you know are dead. Any random stranger you meet could be the First, disguised as a dead person you’ve never met. And then there’s the people that you know, the ones you know for a fact are alive. But do you? Do you really know that for sure? When’s the last time you touched them? Do you know for a fact that they’ve never had a brief near-death experience? Maybe they also received a timely bout of CPR.
So maybe you touch them. There, proof positive they aren’t the First. But how do you know the First isn’t in the room talking to them right now? Maybe they’re more convinced by the First in their loved one’s form.
Or maybe they have a trigger. Spike has a trigger, who’s to say he’s the only one? And yeah sometimes he turns feral when it’s used, but sometimes he acts perfectly normal right up until he sinks his fangs into your throat. How do you know that whoever you’re talking to doesn’t have a trigger? How do you know that you don’t?
And then there’s the Hellmouth. The end of the season has this whole thing where apparently the Hellmouth is giving off this crazy energy, making everyone flee town. What if that was a slow build across the season? Start off small and innocuous, Dawn mentions need to make new friends because Janice’s family moved away and Buffy is pouting about her favorite shop closing. But then it builds, more and more people leaving. Buffy walks down Main Street and half the shops are boarded up. People stop moving away in favor of just picking up and leaving in the middle of the night. We see Buffy walking down through the school for the last day of work and the halls are practically abandoned. By the time we get to the end of the season, the entire town being empty just feels like the natural conclusion that we’ve been building to all this time.
And it’s not just people leaving, we also see the Hellmouth heighten anger and aggressive urges. So again maybe in the first episode again it’s just a casual mention from Xander about how one of his guys, nicest guy you’ve ever met, totally snapped at work that day. But you know he’s been under a lot of stress at home, Xander gave him the day off to relax a little, he’ll be fine. Except again, it just gets worse and worse until you’re hoping that stranger you pass is the First because at least it can’t attack you.
And so maybe Willow has to cast a protection spell around the house. As long as you’re inside you’re safe. But the second you step out that door, that Hellmouth energy starts seeping in. Slowly, there’s time to run out for errands if you need to. But be careful. The longer you’re out there the more and more seeps into you. And who knows who you’ll run into. Better to stay all of you crammed on top of each other in this little house. Better stay inside where it’s safe.
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ironladders · 1 month
okay so you gave us your thoughts on ashrahs outfits, your favorites, your critiques, now give us that same thing but for syzoth. hes got much more so i feel like you have more to work with here too. you can choose to include unused outfits or not
(this answer took me so long to type my god 💀 if this post is incoherent im sorry)
oh do i have OPINIONS on syzoth’s outfits. get popcorn because we will be here for a minute
since syzoth’s been around for so long, i’m just going to go in chronological order here because that’s what makes sense to my head:
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while he wasn’t playable until the second game, syzoth’s presence has been in the franchise ever since the first mortal kombat. fun fact: he was the first ever secret boss in a fighting game, being a male ninja recolor with a mix of sub-zero and scorpion’s powers.
there’s not much to say about this one; the arcade sprites couldn’t have much detail, and as mentioned before the male ninjas were all recolors of each other, so syzoth’s outfit doesn’t have much going on. still, i’ve always liked this classic outfit the male ninjas had. it looks comfortable idk.
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the outfit he has from the second game is, again, yet another recolor sprite. the only difference here from the first game’s costume is a few minor details have been tweaked & the texture of the green cloth has more detail. i actually think i prefer the shade of green here as opposed to the one he had the first game, not sure why though.
i'd like to see it make a comeback in mk1, who knows. but i wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t since he got his umk3 skin already
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this one is also nice, but it's pretty similar to the the previous costume so i'm really not sure what else to add here. there's lines, i guess.
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i actually really like how it looks in mk1 though! the textures are neat & they managed to keep the simplicity of it while still making it look nice. i also think the little cat ears resembling how john tobias drew the ninjas is really cute :)
now, savor those classic looks.
absorb how simple, yet cool they look.
because after mk3 is mk4/mk gold, which has….. syzoth’s worst costume ever:
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there is nothing good about this at all. full stop. making him suddenly have scaley skin is one thing, but does he have to be ugly??????? because he is so ugly it’s awful. WHY IS HE BALD???
i have mentioned i hate his union of light skin from mk1 but this is ten times worse. just awful stuff, all around
they did this weird thing with his mask where, when syzoth opens his mouth, the mask moves with it, so he doesn’t have to take it off to eat or bite people or anything, i guess. but that’s really dumb to me?????? can he not just take it off like everyone else in these games who wears a mask???? why does he specifically need the open-mouthed stretchy mask?????
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also i really don’t like how they randomly decided to make the legs of his outfit purple; i get his skin is suddenly green and maybe they wanted some contrast, but come on guys. color coordination for these characters was established very early on, you can’t just throw reptile in purple out of nowhere when he's always worn green😭😭😭
i also don’t like the metal part on his crotch, and the top half of the costume is super boring. like okay sure graphics back then only allowed for so much but come on, do SOMETHING. this whole outfit sucks. burn it immediately like holy shit. mk4 was such an awful time for syzoth in general because not only did he get the ugliest design in mortal kombat design history BUT HE DIED IN HIS OWN TOWER ENDING.
you really cannot get worse than syzoth’s mk4 outfit & i think they realized how bad his design was, because midway redeems themselves in mkda:
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i actually like syzoth’s mkda appearance, sure he’s a bit freaky but this is leagues better than whatever happened in mk4.
his default really suits the more monstrous/animalistic vibe they were going for him, and i like how they leaned towards a more lizard-y appearance than the weird human with scales was happening in mk4. lore-wise it also makes sense, because he's supposed to be "devolving"/losing his shapeshifting abilities due to not being around a zaterran matriarch for so long. the outfit itself is also nice; i like the shoulder pads, and the sharp points all over it fit in well with his theme + general villainy. there's enough contrast happening to make each part of his outfit stand out, while also staying cohesive and just generally looking good.
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his alternate costume is also nice! they went for a different feel with it for sure, this one gives me "stuck in a desert and forced to fend for himself" vibes... if that makes sense. it's missing his regular color scheme which is.... weird... but at least it's actually interesting to look at and not ugly. i also like the animal skulls being used as armor throughout, like he hunted them down himself & then made sure to use as much of the remains as possible. it's cool!
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i also do like syzoth's shaolin monks costume. now that i'm looking at it, the mold here is pretty similar to his mkda default, just with some tweaks? there's more green in the outfit, which i like because of the contrast it creates, and i also don't mind that his face looks slightly more human-ish despite being all scaley. i know i just complained about that for his mk4 costume but that's because he was ugly there (the bandages covering everything also helps. i also really like those btw)
also! i think they should bring this skin back in mk1 because i know it would look good on him. i don't think, i know, because this is his alt in mksm:
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you see that??? HUMAN!! sure he's a little teethy, but he looks SOO GOOD in his human form wearing this. i'd really like to see mk1 syzoth in the mksm costume just based on this alone because i know it'd eat. the material is right there i just need nrs to act on it.
following the game release timeline, we get to mk armageddeon, where everyone keeps their appearances from the 3d era (unless you're a character who disappeared for several games and never got new costumes). so there's nothing from there to add. then everyone dies in that game, the wb acquisition happens, and with that comes the mk9 reboot.
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and like... idk how to feel about his mk9 default? it's just There for me. i really can't explain why, but there's something about this design that just feels weird to me but i have no idea what about it is throwing me off. it's not an awful design but it's just. boring to me for some reason. also i've never liked how only one of his shoulders has a shoulder pad; it's just a super random asymmetrical element to introduce in a design that is otherwise symmetrical. could at least make it big and dramatic or something but noooo
i DO like his mk9 alt costume more than his default like i LOVE it
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the only other mk9 skins he has besides the klassic ones are the unused ones from the concept art.
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i.. do not like this. it's a pretty big departure from the vibes his outfits have had the past few games, and not in a good way. he's supposed to be a master of stealth and i'm sorry but i can't see him being stealthy in this really clunky metal armor. maybe if he was a more knight-based character i'd be able to get behind it, but even if that were the case i'd still want to tweak some stuff. like the lack of boots feels weird (i know he's got claws but come on) with how the leg armor just cuts off, and i don't like the mask. idk, i'm not sure why nrs considered this but thank god they didn't go with it
on the flip side, you have the mk9 concept art where he's human and ohhh myyy godddd he's beautiful........
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where is heeeeee 😭😭😭😭 i'm in mourning i didn't realize this existed until i started looking for all of his costumes, and i'm genuinely so sad because now this outfit will never see the light of day?????? he looks so good?????? the only thing i would change is the shade of green because i feel like a more teal color would be something they give to hydro or one of the sub-zeros. but other than that this costume looks so pretty, i need it instantly
there's not much to say about mk9 syzoth besides his appearance sadly. i mean, he's there, but i swear to god he doesn't talk a single second in all his scenes in the story mode for some reason. all he did was show up, get his ass beat, then leave. and sadly, this carried on into mkx
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his default skin feels pretty similar to his alt in mk9 in terms of silhouette, which makes me wish they'd been a bit more creative with this design, but besides that i like it. i was a big fan of the bones in his mkda alt and it's nice to see some incorporated again into another reptile outfit. it makes me curious if zaterrans have some sort of rituals/traditions regarding bones, but mk rarely elaborates on zaterran lore so #whoknows
my only real complaint about it besides the similarity to his mk9 alt, is that there's virtually zero green in his outfit (which also bothers me abt his mkda alt outfit now that i think about it). yeah syzoth's skin is green already, but it's been shown in games such as mksm that you can have syzoth be a green-skinned reptilian while also allowing his outfit to have a pop of color. there should at least be green accents if nothing else. like his tournament skin!
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i want them to bring this back in mk1 so we can see syzoth boobs huh who said that. hahaha!
but yeah i like his mkx alt a lot.......... the little tears in the cloth make syzoth look more roughed up, but that's probably the point. he's existed as the last of his kinda, working for the most heinous of men to try and bring back his species, for years. dude's gonna need to stitch some of his clothes back together lmao. i'm glad they retconned this to be his outfit from the tournament rather than the mk9 one, because it feels less lacking to me.
the only other official skin (besides the klassic) syzoth has in mkx is the kraken skin
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i like the concept of this one, i really enjoy when they do fun themed skins like this! my only issue is that the gold plate on his face feels really out of place, especially beacuse he's not wearing anything else? iirc there was an option to not have it, which... thank god lol. i also wish his skin was more green rather than the actual colors they went with, but i can excuse it since a kraken is a more underwater creature.
before i move on from mkx i need to talk about syzoth's concept art because holy shit does it rule
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some of these are definitely chops but with the good ones i feel robbed. betrayed. how could they take these from me
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and then it looks like they were considering giving him a tail, but for some reason didn't 💔💔💔💔💔 this is awful look at what we lost
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zaterrans are lizard people, okay. whether you want to design their true forms leaning more humanoid or animalistic, i'm of the opinion that they should always have tails, syzoth included. again, i feel like they missed out on giving him a tail because it allows for more unique silhouette opportunities
it also seems they were considering bringing back his 3d era outfits, or at least something similar to them, but...... both got scrapped?????????
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the second one i guess is more loosely inspired, but it reminds me of his deadly alliance outfit.... i dunno....
i need them to take one of these and bring it back to the new era as syzoth's emissary outfit. it just looks so clean and i know this would bang in modern graphics. the vibes it gives off too would be perfect for a syzoth serving alongside empress mileena. GIVE IT TO ME, NETHERREALM.
if you've made it this far along the post:
congratulations because we're in the final stretch 🎉🎉 we have arrived to mk1
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this is the best fucking default skin syzoth has had in any of these games and no you cannot argue with me. if you were not there when the banished trailer first dropped then i feel bad for you because literally everyone was rejoicing over mk1 syzoth. not only was every single reptile fan happy that he's a good guy & no longer desperately trying to bring his species back, but his mk1 design is flawless!!!!! this is probably my favorite design they've done for him yet because it's so fucking good!!!!
i complained about his mkx default not having any green, and they fixed their mistake becasue he has green in his outfit again. but it's not like an overwhelming amount of green, if that makes sense. i mourned him not having a tail in the previous few games, and while syzoth is tail-less in his human form the loincloth mimicking a tail in the back makes up for it & is just a super smart design choice. i also love the little storytelling elements in his default.... at first glance syzoth just looks like your average masked ninja, but upon further inspection you can point out all the little reptilian motifs in his design; from the tattoos to the silhouette of his outfit, and the scale textures scattered about. not to mention the keys at his hip hint at his role as shang's slave without fully spoiling his storyline in mk1. one time i saw someone say this outfit sucks and i'm sorry but i can't trust anyone who doesn't like syzoth's mk1 default, because again this is arguably the best he has ever looked. nrs did a good job by finally settling the "reptilian vs human" debate that was happening with reptile fans by just making him both!!!! they cooked SO fucking good with syzoth in mk1, which i'm happy about because for years now he was literally one of mk's favorite punching bags. all fans of syzoth wanted was for him to be happy and have an important story role, and he finally got that (even if it cost him a wife and kid and some of his mental health).
i have talked for way too long, and i think i've gone over his mk1 costumes in a different ask, so i will be brief:
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uol is ass, only rivaled by mk4. burn them both to the ground
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ood has to be one of my favorite looks for him, it feels like something he would've worn in the previous games, in a good way. big fan of the spikes and scales everywhere
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i like his earthrealm skin but at the same time he's got to be sweating under there lol. the only thing i actually dislike about it is that i wish they didn't remove his face tattoo but other than that it's great. i really want his jacket
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i did not get syzoth's christmas skin because i didn't have enough krystals at the time and it haunts me. every day. this is his only skin i don't have, and i wish i had just caved and bought some krystals for it. look at him he's so cute 😭😭😭 you can tell they had fun with this one. the dumb pointed shoes with bells are hilarious, his candy cane tattoos are really cute, and he genuinely looks like a really silly elf. you also can't tell because his hood is up but they even colored his hair white!!!! im obsessed with the little details on this skin
ALSO WHEN YOU HAVE HIS XMAS SKIN EQUIPPED HIS ZATERRAN FORM HAS SPRINKLES!!! AND CHOCOLATE AROUND THE MOUTHHH which he probably shouldnt be eating bc syzoth canonically cannot stomach human food.
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like are you kidding me hello????? he's adorable 😭😭😭😭😭 im so devastated i don't have this skin and that it probably won't come back until winter rolls around again
okay i think that's all his skins? i hope? because this post is so damn long & i think there's an image limit that i've just barely hit at this point. if i forgot any syzoth skins i'm sorry but also i'm at the point where i have got to wrap this up somewhere
in short: love all his mk1 skins except uol, mk4 is the worst out syzoth's had Ever, klassics are great as always, and i need them to bring his 3d era outfits back.
okay thank you for reading, bye
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Trevor's Sam Day
Ghosts Bingo @cbsghostsdaily.
Dynamic & Sam
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When Trevor's not himself during his Sam Day, Sam learns that he's more upset after the memorial because he realizes what his 'bros' did didn't just affect him.
It’s Friday, which means it’s Trevor’s Sam day.  When they set up these Sam days, in which the ghosts agreed that they would bother Sam less and only be allowed to follow her around on their specific day rather than all day every day, Sam hadn’t been terribly sure it was a good idea.
Sam’s agreement to this was only due to the fact that having the general peace from most ghosts on a daily basis was worth having one day with some ghosts that annoy her more than others, like Trevor. 
It’s not that she doesn’t like him.  When he’s being chill and talking about things that don’t involve his hard-core flirting or gross comments (some of his comments that are more compliments are okay, but he leans into gross on accident a lot), she’s okay with him, but she never knows when the comments will veer into grossness.  Thus she’s been helping him stay on the compliment side by keeping a list of his comments and a scale of one to ten on if they’re acceptable.
He's been doing a lot better and focusing more on other fun discussions – although, she doesn’t understand a thing about stocks, and even less about his various travels for business, she does find them interesting.
It was very interesting to see a glimpse into Trevor’s beginnings last weekend when his parents came to visit, and she knows that Trevor’s always been a good guy – giving his pants to Pinkus and not being as on board with his douche-face bros really proved that – but learning how much of a dork he really was and how hurt he was at the idea that his parents divorced because of him really showed the softer side to Trevor that she doesn’t see often.
It's why she wanted to help him get his parents back together – no matter how weird it was, and it worked – the other ghosts watched, which was weird, but then, things got worse.   He discovered that he’d been lied to for so long and hurt for his mom going through it, but she thought… knowing it wasn’t his fault that things would be okay.
Trevor’s been rather… quiet ever since.  She thought that he’d be happy or more at peace.  His parents know about his death, now, and they are proud of him beyond anything, and yet, he’s quiet as he plays with the stress ball that he’s rolling back and forth on the desk and not chattering away like he usually does (sometimes critiquing her business skills, which fair because they are definitely bad businesspeople). 
Today, not so much.
In fact, he’s usually super excited for his Sam day (as the ghosts call it), but she had to remind him today. 
She only debates herself for a few minutes about if she should say something or not, but ultimately, she wants her ghosts to be happy, so she asks, “You alright?”
“Hmm-mm?  Yeah, ‘course.”
“Really?  Because you’re being kind of quiet.”
“I thought you liked it when I’m quiet.  You’re always complaining about my comments.”
“Not all of your comments – we have a scale, remember?”
Trevor nods.
“And regardless of the scale, you usually chatter on about your life and travels, and that’s interesting to listen to as I work,” Sam offers.  “Yet… you’re not doing that today, which isn’t like you.”
Trevor shrugs.  “Guess I’m not feeling it.”
“Which brings me back to – are you okay?” 
“Honestly, I don’t know.”
Sam frowns, looking at him, where he’s still focusing the stress ball, and rather than push it to the edge where he can then push it back, it falls off the edge and he groans.
She picks it up without hesitating and says, “I thought that seeing your parents and giving the peace of knowing what happened to you would’ve –”
“But they don’t know that’s the problem,” Trevor says, cutting her off.   “All this time, I thought they did – somehow, I didn’t realize when we found out what happened last year that it meant that my brother and my parents had no idea what happened to me.”
She’s not sure how to respond to that because, if she’s honest, she’d completely forgotten (until his body was found) that his parents (and brother, who she had never heard of before) didn’t know that he was in her B&B’s lake.  Which meant that they spent the last twenty-something years not knowing that Trevor was even… for sure gone. 
They had admitted that after a decade they realized he was never coming back and after seven years you can legally declare someone dead.  They hadn’t wanted to, but they knew deep down when he missed Hannukah that something had happened… it makes what Ari, the other guy, and her cousin, David’s, actions a lot worse. 
“All this time, I thought I did something stupid, and I let myself down, and – and I deserve to be stuck here because I was stupid, but I never thought about my parents or my brother.  I thought Ari or some police officer would’ve told them what happened, and they would’ve grieved me and moved on – that’s why I asked you to look up Nicky instead of my parents or brother.  I wanted them to move on (and I figured they would have), but it would’ve been hard to see that.  To know that they lived happily ever after without me.”
Sam had always wondered about that.  She kept expecting Trevor to want the sort-of closure that Pete had, yet, he never did.  It’s why, when his parents showed up last weekend, that she had been so willing to practically tell them that he was there (and help him get them back together).
“And yet, seeing them and knowing that they haven’t really been able to move on because they didn’t know that I had absolute bastards for bros, they didn’t know that I was here all that time, dead, and they don’t even know the story now.  All they know is I died here twenty-something years ago, and they only discovered the truth because some fisherman fished my skull out of lake.  That makes me so angry and frustrated.”
He heaves a loud groan.  “They deserved better than that!”
“YOU deserved better than that,” Sam corrects. 
As far as she’s concerned, his parents and brother aren’t the only ones that suffered for his so-called bros decisions and just because he was more hurt than angry when Ari visited last year, doesn’t mean that asshole deserved to get off scot-free.  The implications of throwing the body in the lake would be enough to ruin his life even if he didn’t go to prison and she honestly felt that’s what he deserved.
“Not knowing could’ve easily been part of what’s holding you back from moving on,” Sam states when Trevor looks confused at the idea that he deserved better.  “Maybe revealing the truth would be what does it?  I know you were against it before, but…”
She trails off, leaving the offer open.
Trevor looks thoughtful.  He’d originally nixed the idea, but that was when he hadn’t thought through the implications of it on his parents and brother.  Now, though, he’s angrier than he’s ever been and might be willing to go for it.
“How would we do it?  Contact Pinkus and Chet?”
That’s the problem, isn’t it?  She can’t exactly say the ghost told her… maybe she could…
“What if you told your own story…”
“Uh, Sam, you’re the only one that can see me,” Trevor states, slowly as if she’s forgotten this basic fact and doesn’t look like a lunatic talking to air all the time.
“I haven’t forgotten, but you have a power – a power that lets you type.  You could tell your story because you saw your memorial and you wanted your parents to know what happened.  I could find the story and verify some of it with Ari’s weird behavior and maybe contact Pinkus and the other guy and see what happens.  It could be told as a ghost story, a conspiracy theory – is it true, is it not?  That depends on if they believe in ghosts or not.”
“You’d really do that?  Because it could also, like, hurt your business.  You saw how Freddie responded to the idea of ghosts…” Trevor asks, eyes wide. 
It’s nice that he cares about the business, but she and Jay have already been talking about making it more like a ‘haunted’ B&B and weren’t sure how the ghosts would respond.  If Trevor does this, at least one ghost is here and going for it, so he’s likely to get everyone on board.
“We were thinking of rebranding anyway…”
Trevor picks up on what she’s not saying quickly and lights up.  “You’re going to make it a haunted B&B?” 
She nods.
“Do you how much fun we’re going to have with that?”
“Probably too much fun, and there’s no saying it’ll bring in more business, but … it certainly could.”
“I LOVE IT.  Alright, if you’re game, I’m game.”
Sam grins.  “Then, let’s get to work.”
It’s nearly a month later (because Sam wanted to ‘verify’ the information with Pinkus – who was super excited by Trevor’s story – and Chet – who was decidedly less excited), when the story gets published at the Ulster County review, and to no surprise to either Sam or Trevor, his parents return with his brother in tow the same day it gets published (Sam may have sent it to them via online link).
They ask a bunch of questions, and while Sam is explaining that she was curious and she’d found the letter, Trevor’s using the iPad to send them a message.
Hi mom, hi dad.  Hi J-dog. 
When he presses the read out loud button, they nearly jump out of their skin, but look at the iPad with almost an awe. 
“He does that a lot,” Sam says with a slight chuckle.  “I – uh – didn’t know how to tell you that I suspected he was here.  Sometimes, he’s left messages, but I wasn’t sure if I really believed in ghosts, and then, I found the story and what happened when Ari came to buy the watch made more sense… I wanted to verify and make sure…”
Esther is looking at her in wonder.  “So, when you said that – what if he was in actually there…”
“I believed it was possible and only confirmed it afterwards.”
She glances at Trevor as he presses the button again.
I’m sorry that you didn’t know what happened.  That you’ve wondered for over two decades what happened and only I could tell you the truth.  So, I had to share my story.
Sam could see the tears in his parents’ eyes, and Jeremy, who looks nearly identical, yet, older to Trevor looks on the verge of tears, too. 
“I’ll leave you guys alone.  I imagine there’s some things you need to talk about,” Sam smiles and nods at Trevor before leaving.  They deserve this just chance in private.
It’s sometime later, when Trevor reappears by her side.  His Sam day not quite over, and his family apparently gone. 
“I wish I could hug you, Sam, or at least be able to cry because honestly, I never thought I would ever get to feel this peace, even after the memorial, and now, I do.  … I just… there’s nothing I could do to repay this amazing feeling I have right now and that’s all because of you.”
Sam’s so happy for him.  She knows that he deserves good things, too. 
Even if he annoys her sometimes.
“Good, I’m glad, Trevor.”  She gives him a smile.  “You’re not going to get sucked off on me now, are you?”
He bursts out laughing.  “Nah, I feel loads better, but I think knowing that I can write to them anytime and still have that connection means I’ll probably stay for a while – they were disappointed I couldn’t come home with them, but being able to write is something that will give us all peace.”
Sam can admit that she’s a little relieved.  There’s a part of her that obviously wants to help the ghosts ascend, but there’s also a part of her that wants to keep her new-found family together.  “Good.”
“Plus, I am not missing the chance to be a part of a haunted B&B – people are literally going to come here looking for me… gotta have fun with that.”
Sam laughs.  “Well, that’s what the afterlife’s for, right?  Having fun.”
“It is now.”
“Good, so go have fun – your Sam day is officially over.”
Trevor grins and bows, “Until next time,” before skipping off up the stairs.
He’s finally getting a happy ending while living as a ghost, and she couldn’t be happier for him. 
Some ghost’s stories have a happy ending after all, especially if she can help it.
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So Hunter is irredeemable for *checks notes* taking note of Willow's abilities and wanting to grant her the highest possible honor of joining the Emperor's Coven, but Boscha is fine and an acceptable partner for her despite constantly belittling her and her abilities, actively bullying her for years, and literally calling her half a person because of her level of magic? Always figured your obsession with Willow and Skara was mainly you fetishizing lesbians, thanks for clarifying that's true.
Link to the original post I think they’re referring to.
I like how Hunter utilizing state power to kidnap a bunch of kids so he can force them into a life of servitude and giving 0 fucks about their consent until he remembers their pets is framed as granting some sort of honor. Especially when he saw Willow having an emotional breakdown and blaming herself for putting her friends into this horrific situation and didn’t realize he was being a POS until the show gives him not one, but TWO other moments to reflect on his actions.
Remember folks: Bullies are irredeemable. But the right hand military leader of a fascistic cult can be forgiven for, how you say, *checks notes*:
Attacking Amity after she offers to help him, then threatening her life with state-backed violence when it’s clear he can’t take what he wants in a fair fight.
Seemingly throwing away whatever friendship he was developing with Luz by then threatening her life to get what he wants, which is to steal the only way Luz could even go home.
Lying to Willow about his identity for an entire afternoon so he could get close to them, before doing all the stuff we already talked about.
Just so long as they are sad + edgy + you pretend the first two things didn’t happen and he was too stupid to realize the last one was bad (despite him knowing kidnapping friends is bad in ‘Hunting Palismen’ but whatever).
‘But he was abused' - Yes and thats bad - I've never critiqued him for being abused, but also being abused doesn't make all his actions okay, and not without at least a modicum of self-reflection the show itself could barely muster because Disney axed it before it got the chance to - Stop making excuses for corporations who side with fascists for the love of God!
But like, a quick request for Huntlow Fans and the Owl House fandom broadly: Can someone please tell me when it became acceptable to allow just outright, blatant homophobia so long as it defended Hunter?
Because that’s unironically what this is.
Liking or just being more okay with one or two f/f ships over a m/f one for reasons I've explicitly explained does not mean I ‘Fetishise lesbians’ - But you saying that that’s the ONLY reason you can imagine I like a f/f ship over an m/f one is fetishisation tells me you're the one sexualising f/f relationships inherently. And there’s a good chance you actually don't - But you'll legitimately say ANYTHING to defend even the smallest aspect of Hunter rather than just saying 'yeah, him kidnapping people was a bit messed up'.
Is anyone actually surprised that I have an issue with how this fandom treats Hunter when this is the shit I get?
I don’t even have an issue with Huntlow fans - I have an issue with people who act like this guy.
I just wanna enjoy my own niche ship and point out my criticisms of the show and how it handles things. I don’t need unironic homophobes barging in to tell me that I’m ‘fetishizing lesbians’ because I prefer a sapphic ship over the cannon straight one.
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