#you can tell i'm being insomniac again and i haven't rested much
apricior · 6 months
imagine this
risky click opens a new pizzeria in heaven. he has finally been promoted, which means that his responsibility has also increased. however, that also means that he needs a bit more help taking care of his pizzeria.
and then he meets chugs macrame. a nice man, a highly competent accountant, who is always willing to help. and he needs someone who will deal with numbers (pizza was always risky's specialty, after all, the rest was a bit above him), so they decide to work together.
at first they are just colleagues. they get along perfectly fine, and even though it is kind of tough working with someone new at first, slowly they get used to it, and they learn to notice the small details about each other, like how chugs drinks his coffee, or the ways that risky's body cracks when he is tired.
at some point, routine becomes familiarity, and that evolves into something deeper, something more profound. late at night, they find themselves missing the other, wondering what the other's embrace would feel like. they have fallen in love with each other, slowly, almost without realizing.
it takes them a while to confess; after all, they are understandably worried about ruining their shared business. but it happens one night after closing, when it's just the two of them. one slips up and accidentally confesses his feelings, and the other just smiles and holds his hands, because he feels the same.
that night the partners become lovers, and for the rest of eternity they are thankful to share every day with the person that understands him best
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today it seems like I'm not having the best day - my brain is all over the place - so I'm here asking for some knights headcanons that are just floating around in your head. just anything. anything that you haven't had the chance to talk about yet, anything that you can think of
Aw sure! Fair warning: I have no energy whatsoever today, so this might make no sense at all lol
I’m so proud of myself for finding a gif with all of them omg!! (That is Lancelot between Percival and Gwaine, right?)
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When at Camelot, they all have their own chambers. But when they’re out and about, their sleeping arrangements are the funniest. (Pretty sure that in one episode, Lancelot is very nearly sleeping on top of Leon)
Gwaine will grab onto whoever’s closest to him. If there’s no one beside him, he can be found cuddling with branches, rocks, or anything else in the vicinity.
Leon sleeps like the dead -well, sort of. Honest to god, a bloody marching band could walk by and he wouldn’t wake up. At the same time, however, a falling leave could probably wake him up. The quieter the sound, the more likely it is that he’ll be awake.
Elyan might be the only one who sleeps somewhat normally. He’s also usually the first one awake.
Percival is the most restless sleeper ever. The guy doesn’t stay still for longer than two minutes tops, and then he’s tossing and turning again.
For someone who’s grown up in a literal palace, Arthur is surprisingly comfortable sleeping on the forest floor. He likes it even, likes being able to see the stars whence opens his eyes. He’s prone to nightmares, though, and it wouldn’t be the first time he’s woken up screaming.
Lancelot is an insomniac (projecting? Me? Never!) so he’s usually the one to take first watch. When he does eventually fall asleep, he’s also likely to have nightmares. He wakes up quietly but drenched in sweat. It’s better than when he’s in his chambers, though. Something about the fresh air and the lack of a ceiling or walls are enough to quickly soothe him.
Also, he, Gwaine, and Arthur all starfish the second they’re well and truly asleep.
I don’t care if it actually happened in canon (it might have, the images are too blurry to tell) but Lancelot has absolutely fallen asleep on top of one of the others. Whoever he falls asleep on, considers it an honour.
He just sleeps easier when he’s close to someone.
It seems like this is going to be talking about for the rest of the day this thing, so consider this to be your warning lol.
The first time it happened, it was a rather dire situation and it wasn’t really falling asleep so much as it was passing out. Because that’s what happens when you take an arrow to the shoulder.
Since Percival is the strongest of them, he offered to hold Lancelot down while Merlin got the arrow out. No one counted on Lancelot actually passing out in his lap. However, when Gwaine and Arthur offered to move him, Percival all but snapped at them.
They’d nearly lost Lancelot before, and it might have made them a tad bit protective.
So Percival doesn’t move all evening, and Lancelot wakes up with his head in his friend’s Lapland Percival petting his hair.
It’s a little awkward at first, and Lancelot apologised for nearly three minutes straight -which later turned out to just be delirious ramblings.
Next time it happens, it’s with Elyan. This one’s more mundane: Lancelot hadn’t slept in nearly three days, so he inevitably just fell asleep with his head on Elyan’s shoulder while the two of them were keeping watch. Arthur was more relieved than mad to finally see him asleep.
Speaking of Arthur, he was the next “victim”. It was cold, they were all huddled together for warmth, and somehow Lancelot ended up sprawled half on top of him (Arthur might have woken up with one arm around Lancelot, and the other around Merlin).
It’s something similar with Leon, he just falls asleep with his head on Leon’s stomach and neither of them is exactly sure how.
With Gwaine, it’s a conscious decision. It’s freezing cold and Lancelot can’t sleep anyway, so he’s resigned himself to sitting out the night. Until Gwaine rolls over, wraps an arm around his waist, calls him an idiot and tells him to go to sleep. And honestly, there’s no use arguing with Gwaine, and also it’s warm, so Lancelot wasn’t going to complain.
Alright, I’m going to stop this here lol, have fun with these <3
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songofclarity · 3 years
Hi cat anon back again I absolutely loved your response to my ask though I doubt WRH sleeps 16 hours a day lol. On the contrary I think he's more likely a workaholic who rarely if ever gets a full night of sleep. even if he delegates a part of his workload, leading a sect as large as qishan wen is still a very hard and demanding job and there are things that just can't be delegated and there's also his cultivation that he must put a lot of work in to be that powerful I would be surprised if he ever gets time to rest. If I were to compare WRH as a leader to anyone it would be Miranda Priestley from "the devil wears Prada", all those working under him are terrified of him not because he's needlessly cruel but because he's extremely strict, demanding, and has very high expectations of everyone starting with himself and the higher you go in the hierarchy of the sect the higher his expectations of you will be and if you can't meet his expectations you will be kicked to the curb without mercy (srsly if you haven't watched that movie you absolutely should especially if you're looking for inspiration for WRH because Meryl Streep slays the role of the demanding and tyrannical leader in it).
Also I'm curious what kind of parent you think WRH is. We never get to meet WX in the novel so there's no way to know what he's really like but WC strikes me as a sort of spoiled kid who was used to getting all his demands met without question and was never disciplined for anything ever in his life but also there are WQ and WN whose upbringing WRH had more or less involvement in depending on the adaptation and who seem to be far better adjusted people than WC even if WN seems to suffer from near crippling social anxiety and stage fright. I personally think he has no idea how to parent because he was mostly raised by nannies and tutors and barely had any relation with his own parents if he had any so his idea of being a father is buying his children anything they ask for no matter how extravagant and having dinner with them once in a while.
Sorry for the rant but you're my favorite writer who writes WRH I just love the way you write him ❤️
Ahaha, 16 hours is indeed much too much, he needs to have time to work on his cultivation! I'm so happy you love the way I write him and I love hearing you talk about him, so thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!
I will confess I, too, have a soft spot for workaholic/insomniac Wen RuoHan. It’s a big sect and there is a lot to do! At the same time, I also have a soft spot for well-rested and idling Wen RuoHan who is purposefully kept oblivious to most things happening in his sect, either because other people are doing a good job taking care of it all, because they just don't want to look bad in front of the boss and so don't tell him, or both lol
To be honest, I don't see Wen RuoHan as someone who is that critical of people! I just don't see him dropping people simply because they make a mistake. The way he lightly jokes with Meng Yao after Meng Yao nearly gets himself killed is kind of something I can see Miranda Priestly doing though lol But she knows she's top brass and has the attitude for it. There is an arrogance about her that when she says something disparaging, it's really not a joke even if she might smile and laugh. By comparison, I don't think Wen RuoHan is nearly that arrogant or, if I may, that rude. I think politeness and proper manners are actually very important to him (and there is a whole essay in me about that lol). Wen RuoHan says "you good-for-nothing" only after Meng Yao was being self-deprecating, and then they laughed and carried on with Wen RuoHan going along with Meng Yao's ideas. Meng Yao's status doesn't falter in the slightest.
(So yes, The Devil Wears Prada is a great movie and I have definitely seen it!)
Instead of Wen RuoHan creating a toxic environment where he plays an active hand in making people fight for privileges and status, I can better see people around Wen RuoHan vying for his attention that it becomes a dog-eat-dog situation. It's like with the guest cultivator who threw Nie Dad under the bus. Wen RuoHan did not pose a question that needed to cause a sect-sect incident, but the guest cultivator made it into one. No one is quite sure why he would say such a thing, although one of the assumptions is that he said it simply to stand out and gain attention.
Although I may just have some rose-colored glasses on lol Wen RuoHan just kind of has that personality, to me, that draws people in. They see Wen RuoHan, recognize his power, and are like, "If I can have 5 minutes of his time, my whole life will change for the better." I do think Wen RuoHan thought he was making things better with his policies. The problem is that some bad people are taking advantage of this offer, and it in turn reflects badly on Wen RuoHan. I will say this though: I think there is some room to argue that Wen RuoHan does follow the teachings of Wen Mao.
For the record, I like to completely ignore what CQL did to the Wens, tbh LOL Wen RuoHan is Yikes, Wen Chao is more just evil asshole rather than pompous asshole, and Wen Qing and Wen Ning are like desolate orphans for some reason. I love the younger actors, acting, and the aesthetics (although white and red will always be Wen colors to me!) but the changes to their story line and their relationships with each other made a complete mess and I don't like to see it ;;
But man, I wish we knew, like, anything about Wen Xu! Wen Chao is absolutely spoiled though. Although one thing I like is how he's being given opportunities to practice leadership, management, and organization skills. He's the one arranging the Wen Sect team for the archery competition and he's put in charge of indoctrinating all the juniors when he himself is the same age as them. We see evidence that he's getting the right education and opportunities to maybe even become Sect Leader one day (Wen Xu, who are you!?), but we also know he's a rather rotten, arrogant person who seems to enjoy his power and privilege more than anything. Wen Chao is also the second son and we get a nice comparison with Nie HuaiSang, who also enjoys all the wealth and the pretty things of his station but doesn't want the responsibilities that come with it.
My headcanon is that Wen RuoHan adores children and is very good with them. I want to believe he was very good to Wen Xu, Wen Chao, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning. This is in part because every other parent in MDZS is awful so statistics says at least one of them needs to be good, so let's give it to Wen RuoHan LMAO
But for the actual teaching of said children, I can definitely see them being given tutors and Shifu and all that good stuff. Then when they have learned something, they show it off to Wen RuoHan, who I think is someone who likes seeing others learn and improve. I don't think utilizing nannies and tutors would make him a bad parent though! It might make him somewhat distant, however, which might explain why Wen Chao lies about killing the Tortoise of Slaughter. That would be a great way to get his father's attention! But it might not be because his father is distant. That lack of attention could also be because he's competing, as I mentioned before, with all the other people vying for Wen RuoHan's attention.
Considering Wen RuoHan gave Wen Chao his strongest bodyguard, a whole ton of disciples to lead, and opportunities to prove himself, I think Wen RuoHan is arguably a decent father. That Wen Chao was desperate to get back to him when it all went south shows that his father is someone he knows will protect him, which no other kid in the series (except Lan SiZhui who has the benefit of being from the next generation lol) ever displays. Considering how Wen RuoHan protected Meng Yao in the Sun Palace with Extreme Force, I like to think Wen RuoHan really doesn't mess around with the safety of his kids (with Meng Yao as honorary kid). Even Wen Qing and Wen Ning had ZERO fear running around as they did right after the massacre of Lotus Pier. No one and nothing is going to harm them--not with Wen RuoHan around.
(As a side note, Wen Qing said she wouldn’t be able to protect Wen Ning from Wen Chao if Wen Chao really wanted to kill him, but there is no mention of harm coming from Wen RuoHan. It really does sound like a sibling spat of “He’s going to fucking kill you when he finds out you ate his pudding and there is NOTHING I can do to stop him.”)
With all that said!! I really like your headcanon that Wen RuoHan wasn't close with his own parents and thus having no idea how to parent. It makes me sad, but in a good way lol So I'm definitely willing to run with you on it! Although I love the idea that Wen RuoHan is trying to be different than the generation before him. His parents weren't close to him, so he is close to his own children. He cultivated to a high level because no one was around to protect him, so he makes sure he's around to protect them. Wen ZhuLiu is an extension of Wen RuoHan and it shows when he protects Wen Chao, despite not liking the kid in the slightest.
So Wen Chao grows up spoiled and Wen Ning grows up fearless and Wen Qing grows up prideful because Wen RuoHan is just one letter away and no one wants to mess with Wen RuoHan.
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