#you cannot possibly tell me they don't know where this person stands. he sure as fuck won't get my money nor my streaming
chanrizard · 5 months
not stays saying they will support this collab bc it will be a good opportunity for the boys pls💀 charlie puth leashed himself onto bts years ago even after talking shit about kpop and the only one getting more famous and more air time was him no group needs that dude but he aparently needs them all to stay relevant
honestly i kind of forgot he even existed cause i dont like his music and i dont like him and from what i gathered from my american mutuals he's not even that popular there??? when this collab is supposedly targeting the US market specifically so. make it make sense. in a way that doesnt involve being a money-hungry wretch with zero moral principles that is and yeah with the way the kids exploded on their own between last year and this year i really don't think they need to attach themselves to someone else and especially not a has-been to "open more doors" or whatever the hell people on twt are telling themselves to justify them supporting this garbage of a collab
i don't doubt skz put hard work into it but i don't approve of it. at all. so no i won't be streaming it and this + the fact 3racha is credited after his name & his producer's name really reads like a song that was already made and then they decided to make it a """collab""" in the hopes the fandom would see "skz" in the credits too and go bonkers without even stopping to think about who and what they are supporting
and i hate to say it but apparently the marketing team was right
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diamondcitydarlin · 1 month
Just fair warning- I said on my personal post about this that I wasn't going to talk about Neil Gaiman anymore, but as it's becoming clear that him and his publishers and anyone else who makes money off of him is circling the wagons and trying to bury these allegations, as well as some fans still defending and trying to 'rationalize' this information, I feel like, actually, we need to keep talking about him (as much as I cannot stand him and feel physically disgusted now when I so much as see his face somewhere). Specifically, the fact that he's a liar, master manipulator and should not, under any circumstances, be given access to his fans like he has in the past. At the very least. (And if you need to blacklist his name or even unfollow me so as to not be triggered, I completely understand, but I will always try to tag these posts accordingly and I think it's crucial right now that the truth be put where people can see)
This post specifically is in response to those 'rationalizations' I've seen, some that have gone as far as to blame the young fans/groupies that hooked up with him for being 'golddiggers' or just making a mountain out of a molehill for something they now regret. It's not that simple, yall. (And, again, this requires some amount of completely ignoring the story about him extorting his tenant for sex under threat of eviction of her and her three young children, I'm not sure how you 'rationalize' that under the best of circumstances)
So let's be clear here. What we know is that NG has routinely, for possibly an upwards of 30 years, pulled sexual 'partners' from his fan groups, most of whom are 18-22 year old young women (though possibly younger, accounts are coming forward of 16 year olds having allegedly been inappropriately touched/flirted/propositioned by him, which ig is the age of consent in the UK but still?? 16 year olds!!). This wasn't one or two times in the course of three decades, this was a constant pattern of behavior for him and for a very insidious reason.
This isn't to try to infantilize those fans or young women/young people in general or try to suggest that they couldn't have consented to sex with an older person or famous person. In fact, the onus isn't on them at all. This is about an older guy with a lot of fame, power and wealth choosing to sleep with people that he had already conditioned to idolize him and using that power imbalance to coerce them into doing things they didn't want to.
Regardless of one's age or gender identity, it can be difficult to impossible to say 'no' to someone like that. After all, you've been 'chosen' by the chosen one, you're special and not like everyone else, and if you don't do what the popular person everyone trusts is telling you to do you could end up ostracized. Alienated. Or worse. And you know what? Gaiman knew that! He knew it when he was crafting his 'approachable dad' persona on tumblr. He knew it when he was cultivating a fandom of personality. He knew it when he was having huge meetups to try to ensnare more victims. I hate to even think it, but I'm starting to believe he knew it when he was writing children's books too.
It's been talked about again and again in separate issues, but needless to say something not being strictly illegal does not make it inherently, morally okay. It does not erase the fact that this man has been essentially grooming his fandom to feel safe meeting/speaking with him so he can coerce those he can snare into sexual acts they're not comfortable with. That is predator behavior, whether strictly 'illegal' in the eyes of a court or not (but ofc I think he should be criminally punished even if I'm not naive enough to think he actually will be, because this IS rape and rape should be criminally punished)
I'm not personally advocating for anyone to give up being in his related fandoms, but what I am personally advocating for is that people don't forget who he is and what he's capable of, especially when he tries to crawl back to where he was (I'm almost certain he will eventually, as I've said).
Again, at the very least, we need to use what little influence we do have to keep him from infiltrating fan spaces again. He should not be on tumblr yukking it up with young people, he should not be at public appearances hitting on teenagers, he should not be given the unrestricted access to fans that he's 'enjoyed' for the past 30+ years because he is not a safe person. While I wish there was more in the way of restorative justice that could be done, I think at very, very least we should do what we can to limit his proximity to people he could hurt in the future. Make sure no one forgets, because sweeping this under the rug means Gaiman gets to hurt more people.
Lastly, no one is the wrong for having been manipulated by him. Let's make that very clear. What we're NOT gonna do is blame ourselves, each other, the victims, etc, for evil acts that Gaiman chose to do himself, time and time and time again. It doesn't help the situation and it certainly doesn't protect future potential victims. We were all duped because we're human and we attach and a lot of us want to believe there are good people out there, particularly those who make art that means so much to us.
And there are. But let's also use this a teaching/learning tool about how much faith we place in famous people in the future, regardless of how 'approachable' and 'safe' they might seem. Let's remember to have a healthy suspicion of creators/famous people that are oddly immersed in fandom spaces- yes, even the ones you still currently like that seem fine, as difficult as that may seem.
At the end of the day, we don't know them or what they're capable of doing or what they might be plotting to do to us. Support victims. Amplify their voices. Don't forget.
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awxcoffeexno · 1 month
the patient - part 1
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toxic!loganhowlett x reader
like real people do
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series masterlist | fic masterlist | part 2 >>
summary: logan's in love w jean, ur in love w logan, and he comes to your bed every night that he cannot spend in hers.
content: more angst, the awxcoffeexno special. terribly, terribly toxic relationship between reader and logan. they both need copious amounts of therapy. this one-shot takes place in the x-mansion where reader is a student of the professor and logan is... well, logan. reader also has powers, you'll learn of them as you go.
warnings: all mentions of jean are actually referring to the phoenix who is extremely mentally unstable, logan mandhandles the reader quite a bit but never hurts her, the relationship portrayed is horribly toxic.
word count: 1.3k
a/n: wowowow im so happy the world is FINALLY sharing in my obsession with logan, he's such a cutie patootie. this fic isn't my best but it's an idea I've had for soooo long that i just had to have a crack at it.
you can sense him coming 3 minutes before he's made the decision to seek you out.
you sit up straight at your desk, eyes flicking down to the research paper you've been working on with the professor. you decide to get the last paragraph in, fingers scrambling across the keyboard to finish your thoughts before logan makes you forget everything.
and then he's at your door, throwing it open without knocking.
"good." he grunts. "you're here."
stepping inside, he locks the door and turns to you. and fuck, you hate this. you hate when he's like this, you hate everything about this arrangement.
well, almost everything. how could you possibly hate the way he walks over to you and leans down, brows set in a deep frown, pulling you up by your jaw? how could you possibly hate the desperation, the need, in his eyes as he he flutters them shut, pressing his lips to yours? how could you possibly hate the smell of wood and tobacco and... logan... as he slips his hand off your jaw to painfully wrap around your throat?
but when you slip into his mind, quiet as a cat, making sure not to give your presence away, his thoughts are swirling mostly with one person. and it's decidedly not you.
"no," you gasp into his warm mouth. "no, logan."
he grunts in protest, moving his mouth from yours to your neck.
"logan, please..." you try again, pushing your hands between you both. you reach for his cheek but grabs your hand in a vice grip and yanks away from you. he will not let you touch his cheek, he will not let you use your powers on him.
"what?!" he snaps. "what do you want."
he hardly even notices his own actions as he uses the same hand to also ensnare your other wrist, squeezing tight to let you know not to even attempt wriggling free.
you swallow thickly and look into his glowering eyes. "you know i don't like it when you... when it isn't about me. when it's about... her. i can't stand it. it feels... wro–"
and his free hand is wrapped around your jaw. you've done it again. you read his mind without his permission after years of him telling you off about it, years of him telling you to "back the fuck off, bub."
but you can't help it. you do it all the time. he lets jean do it. why should you not be allowed? why are you always lesser to him than she will ever be?! especially when she hurts him so much he has to come to you to lick his wounds clean?
jean's... broken. you're perfectly fit. jean's hardly ever there to give him what he needs, you're always by his side, before he even knows he'll need you. it's just how your powers work, and you don't hear him complaining about using the future for his advantage. and yet all he does is think about her. even when he's here to fuck you.
"logan, how about you let me go and go back to carrot top?" you say, evening your voice out in that way you do when you know you can talk people into things with your hand on their cheek. but your hands are both trapped in his crushing grip and there's no way he's going to let you move them.
he's glaring at you. gauging you. and you slip into his thoughts again – yup, he's dreaming of ways to kill you. you snort. well, at least you're on his mind now.
"get the fuck out of my head." he growls and lets you go roughly, shoving you back. you stumble back but hold your ground. he would never actually push you hard enough to hurt.
that's the easiest part about loving logan. feeling safe even when it hurts.
you take a deep breath and restart, voice still even.
you watch his shoulders sag in defeat as he leans against the window sill and sighs.
"logan, i... i just..."
he looks back at you, eyes sluggish. tired. "you just what?"
"i don't like being your... stress ball." you sit down on the bed, massaging your temple because you cannot read his thoughts anymore. he's spending a significant amount of his energy blocking you out.
"don't hear you complainin' when i'm balls deep in you most nights."
you cringe at the crudeness and rub your face. he stands up a little straighter at your reaction, having realised over the years that all your anxious tics reside in your face. the way you rub it, the way you harshly massage your temples, the way you chew on your lip and pull the little baby hairs out of your hairline. and now you're all that is on his mind.
he carefully pads over and crouches down in front of you. eyes softer, way gentler. his hands slip around your wrists again and tighten but this time his grip is friendly, comforting. he's trying to ground you.
"me on your mind, sweetheart?" he says, voice heartbreakingly soft. you simply nod so he continues, "mmm... i hurt you today?"
a lot, you want to say. all you ever want is her. your jean. the jean you'd do anything for even when she's trying to drag the animal out of you and turn you into a beast, logan.
"a little." you settle.
he shifts both your wrists into his left hand and slips his right palm onto your cheek. "how can i make it better?"
you swallow thickly. you have to choose your words wisely. none of your powers would be useful right now, so you lean in and kiss him first.
"i'm scared." you sniffle. "scared of losing you to her completely. you love her, lo. so much you let her chop your mind up into little pieces and put it back together every single day."
his eyes fall in a rare moment of vulnerability so you don't let go of your momentum.
"she's hurting you so much," you whisper, aching to reach out for his cheek and take it all away. "i cannot keep fixing the wounds that she creates."
his eyes snap up to you at that. "well, if you don't want this–"
"no! that's not what i'm saying, james! fuck, i want you! i need you. but it's all i've become to you," you whine with a pathetic sob. "a way to fall asleep at night. a means to an end. a solace from all the pain."
"when you know that that's what this is... that you can take my pain away..." he looks at you, his dark eyes accusatory.
and fuck, what the fuck are you supposed to say to that? what kind of doctor turns a patient away? a patient so desperate for care?
so you close your eyes and let the ache wash over you. several minutes pass in silence and he starts to get up.
"you're right," you finally mumble.
when you open your eyes he's still looking at you.
"i'm sorry. i don't know why i did what i did. of course i want to help."
he's immediately scooping you up and lying you down. logan's easy like that. he never asks too many questions.
he kisses you, softer than he ever has before and starts working his way down your chin and neck and... how does it always end like this for you? with you giving in and him having his way with you. with you under him, tears in your eyes because you do not want him to stop but it hurts so badly to be his second. his second priority, his second thought, his second need.
will you ever be able to deny him?
"open your mouth, sugar." he coos, slipping two fingers past your chewed up lips to let you wet them.
your eyes roll back into your head as you suck on his digits, body reacting in tandem with his.
no, there is no way you would ever deny him anything.
"logan?" you whisper when his pulls the fingers out.
"i love you."
"i know."
i have once again risen from dead. i hope you liked this xxxxxxxxxxx ily
love, d <3
part 2 >>
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 🔞 | Oneshot
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"Does he even pay you?"
Tags/Warnings: Idol!Jungkook, fuckboy!Jungkook, friends with benefits situation, major angst, mentions of sex work, smoking, smut, god so much filth, Dom!Jungkook, big dick JK but what's new, did I mention angst?, protected sex, multiple rounds, multiple positions, a brief thighjob, so many feelings
Length: 7k+ words
There is no taglist for this fic. This is a Oneshot.
"How does it feel to be a celebrity and ending up with me?" You wonder at him over the music, making him frown before he shakes his head, pulling you in by your hands he's holding.
"What're you talking about babe?" He argues softly, letting go of your hands to hold your waist now. "I've got the prettiest girl at my side, in my opinion. Can't complain whatsoever." He tells you into your ear, voice raised a bit and slightly raspy from his last smoking break.
You just shrug, enjoying the music when some people approach you, talking to Jungkook about something you don't listen in on, even though he's still holding you close. It's none of your business, you really don't want to get too involved with his work and everything around it, but it's clear that he likes to do exactly that.
Jungkook wants you around all the time. Doesn't matter if it fits the scene and situation, if he can invite you or bring you along, he will.
Fans don't know your connection to him. They constantly battle it out in comment sections that you're just a translator, nothing else, that you're staff so of course you have to travel alongside him. And just how they can seem to connect everything to dating if it fits their 'ship' they've got inside their minds, they're also talented in finding thousands of (sometimes frankly ridiculous) reasons as to why it cannot possibly be true either.
While before, someone wearing the same jewelry as Jungkook was a confirmation of a relationship, with you its just pure coincidence. You're an adult woman, you can choose whatever necklace or ring you want, that doesn't mean you're dating him. You're wearing the same t-shirt he wore just a day ago? Maybe you just own the same, or he was nice enough to lend it to you for one reason or the other. Seen near his hotel room? Well of course, you're staff!
The truth is, that you're not even staff at all- but you're also not dating him.
Jungkook has become awfully… comfortable in his trust that fans will brush off every rumor floating around. It's why he's shamelessly grabbing your tits from behind right now just for the fun of it, lips kissing your neck as you slap them off to hold your waist instead. "They'll call it AI-generated or something." He laughs, but you can't shake off the feeling of doubt about that. "And there's no one here filming anyways. It's a private VIP zone, so relax baby." He chuckles, swaying you with him to the beat.
He's right that this is a secluded zone- but that's never stopped anything ever before, did it. One random Instagram live where you're both seen in the background and it's over. For both of you.
"Let's go back to the hotel though. I'm horny as fuck." He laughs, making you roll your eyes with red cheeks to go with.
Jungkook is a shameless person- he doesn't see anything wrong with the things he says or does if they're not hurting anybody. He's got his own opinions and he stands by them, only ever shifting his stance if there's undeniable evidence of him being wrong shown to him. And he also enjoys the more physical aspects of love.
Jungkook enjoys sex to its fullest.
He used to sleep around quite often, his charm and also wealth and status enough to make the act of finding someone willing fairly easy. Most wouldn't be believed anyways if they openly said he'd slept with them- he made sure they never took pictures or god forbid videos, and he also never stayed the night, most of the time preferred the security of his own home where he could politely tell them to leave after the deed was done, his reasoning always having to do something with his work.
'I'm sorry, I got called up to the studio.'
'Fuck I forgot I had a flight early morning tomorrow.'
'I'm really sorry, ah this is awkward, but my manager just told me to a live now, and I can't have you being seen.'
You knew he did this. You were staff at some point, after all, even if not hired by his company but rather outsourced during a particularly demanding schedule and many other employees sick due to a viral infection going around in the office building.
You'd been just another victim of his. But somehow, he ended up biting down too hard- making him taste blood, Primal hunger awakened at the mind-blowing experience he'd had, an odd need to keep you just for himself having blossomed from it all. You were a keeper, you still are- and while it's not really love, it's good enough for him. Close enough.
He reminds you, regularly, that it's not love, with how he never claims to love you, avoids the topic altogether, always tells others you're just very close even when it's obvious just like tonight that you're a little too close to just be something casual. But he enjoys your presence nonetheless. Like a dear friend, just with some deeper layers to it.
Some staff call you his personal prostitute. And in a way, you do sometimes feel like that.
Jungkook is that kind of man who could have sex first thing in the morning. Doesn't even have to wake up fully- if you touch him just a bit, he'll come to life in an instant, if he's not sporting a boner already. He enjoys the exhaustion he feels afterwards, always pushes you past your first and second O, keeps his own saved up for the very last stretch all the time. He draws it out to high heavens, has trouble calling it quits.
Shower sex he's mastered, knows exactly where to step and what position to get into to make it as safe as possible. He loves having you on his large sofa, leather easy to clean after you're both done. Sixty-nine is his favorite dinner for two, though he has to admit that lately, he's been enjoying the more closer positions a lot more. Spooning from behind, lotus, you name it- you've become more than just an outlet for him.
He doesn't know what they call you behind his back. What your unofficial status is. They'd never admit that to him, because why would they? No one wants to get on his bad side if they don't have to.
He's on his phone, free hand on your thigh as you both sit in the back of the car that's driving him back to his hotel. He's gonna get out first, make his way inside, while you'll get in later from the back entrance to not raise any suspicion. It's normal. Routine. You've mastered it by now.
"I'll see you in ten." He winks before he makes his way out the car, rushing past some fans who've found out his location, bodyguards already there to guide him inside the lobby.
"Does he pay you?" The driver chuckles, and you shake your head. "Damn." The elderly man clicks his tongue. "Go find yourself an actual man, dear." He tells you as he parks behind the hotel, watching you move, your phone vibrating in your pocket, before it stops suddenly. "You know what they call you, right?"
"I know." You admit quietly.
"And you're okay with that? You're too sweet to let yourself be used like that. Have some self-worth." The man tells you with a kind tone. "I've seen you around long enough to know that you're kind, and a nice person. Trust me, you can and will find a proper man to love you right. But this?" He shakes his head. "You know he just wants you because you've become routine."
"I know." You repeat again, sighing a little.
"You're not what they say you are. You're just a little soft at heart, hm?" The old guy smiles over his shoulder, watching you unbundled your seatbelt. "Trust me, he won't be sad if you call it quits. I've worked for guys like this for more than thirty years- they'll just jump to the next." He explains, and you smile to yourself, before you nod towards the man. "Never mess with entertainers, sweetheart. They'll always break your heart." he offers.
"I know." You say once more, before you exit the car, and get on your way to Jungkook's hotel room.
You don't officially share one, but he still keeps you around for most of the night. You leave whenever he has to do a livestream or if he wants to go to bed, and you come back if he wants you to- but most nights you sleep alone, because he deems it too intimate for you to stay.
Apparently, sleeping in the same bed is more intimate than spitting on your cunt. Interesting.
When you knock on the door, Jungkook opens. Something's off, you notice it right away, but you don't dwell on it, don't answer. It's none of your business, and he won't tell you anyways, so what's the point in just further inducing his bad mood.
It's quiet as he moves around, since he doesn't talk to you, and you don't know what to say. You wait for him to make his move, and when he doesn't, you get up to grab your sweater you forgot in his room earlier, just to have him stand behind you, hands on your hips. "I didn't forget about you." He chuckles, and you let the fabric slip out of your fingers and back onto the floor as he kisses the crook of your neck.
Maybe jungkook is indeed using you. But you've started to use him just as much, if only to even out the odds, and make yourself feel more than just cheap company.
He slips out of his shirt. You raise your arms to help him take off yours, your naked skin at this point almost a requirement for him every time he takes you. He used to be satisfied with just fucking you somewhere quiet quick and simple to quench his thirst, but over the course of time now nearing an entire year, he's become more and more hungry. Like he wants to crawl underneath your skin at some point, the Idol constantly pushes himself more and more inside your body, not just in a sexual sense. He buys you clothes he thinks will look good on you, has a playlist just for when you're at his place filled with somber lovesongs more about heartbreak than anything else. He claims he didn't look up the lyrics, but you know he's lying. He knows a lot more english than he admits, just so he can pull the 'I don't understand' card whenever he's asked a question he doesn't want to answer.
He lets you wear his clothes without much comment by now, has gifted you jewelry he's worn and liked, laughs any mention of that being 'such a sweet gesture' off if anyone around him mentions it. He's not your boyfriend, but he surely is starting to act like it- maybe the lines are blurring for him just as much as they do for you?
People around you have started betting. On when he's gonna have another one, when you'll be 'swapped out' for something else, or at what point he's gonna make it official that you're indeed more than just nightly company. You don't await that day. It's never gonna come anyways.
"Turn around." He commands, and you do, because that's the easiest way to get where you want to be down the line. Head empty, no thoughts left, fucked stupid by a man who keeps you around for just your body and the familiarity you provide. You don't really mind any longer, long having stopped caring about emotions that are fruitless, bound to rot and die because Jungkook won't ever nurture anything you'd try and plant in his heart. He doesn't want it, and doesn't need it either- if he wants to feel loved, he just has to show his face to his millions of fans always on edge for more content. That's where he gets his love from. Maybe you're just there to feed other desires he can't have fulfilled like that.
He licks his lips as he gazes over your naked upper body, bra long undone by his hands on your back, fingers trained in the routine by now. You remember the surprise he'd shown you when you'd worn one with the clasp up front, face so soft and round for just a second that it felt like you'd just slipped into a dream- but his hunger had quickly returned, because Jungkook is a beast never satisfied. He craves more and more, constantly aims for absolute euphoria, never soft, never gentle.
Jungkook bites. He claims, grips, holds and pushes- he's aware over the physical strength he holds over you, and plays around with the fact almost every night. From tugging on your leg to pushing your head down whenever you decide to please him with your mouth instead for once. Something about the way you swallow around him and swirl your tongue always makes him feral, thighs trembling as the muscles spasm beneath the skin from the force of his orgasm. Maybe that's why he keeps you around. Because you can keep up.
His own shirt is shed, and his hands make quick work of his belt before he helps you out of your pants as well. He'd told you he didn't want to use the bed tonight, because asking for new sheets is always awkward, but he does it anyways- picks you up just to let you fall onto the bed, crawling over you. "What do you want?" You ask out of breath, but he just tilts his head in familiar habit, until it shakes no.
"Don't know yet." He answers. This is new.
Usually he always has a fixed scene set out, knows how he wants to take you right away, but this time he visibly seems unsure where to start. Almost like the first time.
He spits in his hand, doesn't bother taking off the rings, fingers working you up like it's second nature. He knows where to place them, how to move and what patterns to choose- and you don't bother thinking about the possible reason for it. Probably to get you wet and ready quick so he can get to the actual act itself, or maybe he just finds some sort of personal satisfaction from it. You're not sure- and neither do you really want to ask.
You're a little cold, but he'll warm you up soon. Hopefully you won't get sick like last time. Will he find someone else to fuck if you're unavailable?
Who knows. He surely has a lot to choose from, if he so much as asked.
He's got a question on his mind, but visibly contemplates on asking it. His teeth clamp down on his bottom lip, tongue playing with the twin piercings placed there for a second, before he leans in, kisses you. This is one of those things he does that are just outright cruel to you. His kisses full of fever and want feel so burning hot that you're sure you're marked by them for life. Like a signature he's inked underneath your skin almost he claims you again and again like this, with his tongue teasing yours, mouths open and ready to steal each other's breath.
He surely takes yours hostage, every time- and that's probably the smallest crime he commits.
"Have you eaten today?" He asks, and it catches you off guard, eyes opening again, painfully tugged back into reality where he lets his sticky hand run over your abdomen, just to settle on your hipbone. "Your stomach keeps growling." He teases, and you come crashing down. Of course. He'd never actually remember to ask that out of the blue if it wasn't for something reminding him about it.
"Not really." You respond, adjusting your position a little bit, legs trying to pull him closer. "Doesn't matter." You say, and he hums, leaning down again to mouth at your neck- probably marking his territory again, a joke made on a constant whenever you turn up with the blooming bruises on your skin, their origin more than obvious.
"Hm." He hums, almost dissatisfied, but you don't bother to think about it. He moves to lean off the side of the bed, pulling his suitcase closer to get himself a condom, opening the package easily before he rolls it over his length. He seems oddly soft tonight, in more ways than one. Is he still exhausted from the shooting? Could be. He never wants to admit himself that he has to take breaks, thinks that his body can just magically manifest strength from nothing but pure thought, and it used to irritate you, because you felt responsible, in a way. But that was when you still saw more in this than there actually was- nowadays, it's his business, not yours. He's got nutritionists and personal trainers who get paid for taking care of him. It's not your job.
What is your job, really?
Well, you're most certainly not working under his company any longer, and neither have you returned to your original agency either- simply because Jungkook's management deemed you too much of a danger in your position, after the idol had let it slip that you two were having sex on a regular basis. So you just signed an NDA, got paid for your silence, now earning a living by writing books. Modern fantasy novels, where the daydreams you once had can actually become reality, and your hopes and wishes can be dreamed of by other people who have the same.
It's good money. A hobby you cherish.
Jungkook has never asked you what you work as nowadays. He doesn't even visit your apartment, has never seen it before, and he doesn't know if you have family either. He just takes you as his, lets you live alongside him and entertains you whenever he's in the mood for it. And you let him, because these days, he's all you've got. There's not much else you can do than write all day at home or accompany him on his overseas schedules.
You're not sure why he always drags you along, when back home, he won't even call you for days. Maybe he doesn't have to? Maybe his bed at home is always warm. But if that's the case, why not take them on a trip once in a while? Does he have designated women for specific occasions?
Then who will the woman be he chooses to show to the public one day? Number three in his harem?
You can't even truly blame him. As someone he grew up in this industry, his view on the world is warped, shifted, not the same colors as yours. He doesn't feel the same worth in a simple banknote that you do, he can't understand the struggle of missing the bus or having to face an empty fridge.
"Sit up, baby." He tells you, chuckles when you struggle a little to do so- compared to him, flying around all the time actually does take a toll on you. And the petname doesn't make it any better in this moment, as his hands reach out to hold you steady, helping your legs over his thighs, before he guides the head of his cock into you. He wants you close tonight it seems like. Hopefully he keeps holding you, because you're not very energetic this time. "I've got you." He says, and you nod, resting your arms around his neck, hands faintly touching the skin of his back. "Are you cold?" He wonders.
"A bit." You respond. He's probably noticed your icy fingertips.
"I'll warm you up." He purrs, and you nod. You know he will. He always does- always hot hearted in everything he does, even in this. He holds you close, hands on your behind helping you move, your hips rolling a bit too slow for his liking, but he overlooks it for once. You're not sure what's up with him tonight. This isn't him. "You tired, baby?" He wonders, and you nod.
"Sorry." You tell him, but he shakes his head, moves to lay you down, knees pressed into the soft hotel bed mattress as he thrusts his hips forwards.
"It's alright." He brushes it off. "Flight was long as hell." He muses, lazily moving himself. You're enjoying this, even if it's odd for him to behave this way. "Wanna come over for breakfast tomorrow morning?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"Can't." You sigh, arms now moving to lay above your head, eyes closed in bliss. "I fly out back home at 8 tomorrow." You remind him, and you can't see the way his brows lower, face darkening as he realizes he didn't know that. You usually fly back after him. Why are you going home sooner this time?
"Why?" He huffs out, hands grabbing your legs as he pulls your thighs over his, pushing himself deeper now. "You always fly after me." He almost growls.
"I dunno.." You slur. "Management said." You just respond. Why does he seem so irritated by this? It's not a huge deal at all if you fly back sooner or later. He's not gonna call you up back home anyways, so why does it bother him so much.
"Management can go fuck themselves." He argues. "You fly after me. I'll book the flight myself if I have to." he demands practically, slight irritation causing him to have his energy boil up, position adjusted as he becomes more restless, balls smacking loudly against you cunt, pace a lot more ruthless now.
You're finally reaching it. Your head becomes fuzzy.
You don't notice Jungkook becoming almost.. satisfied from that sight of your tension finally leaving. You're nothing but whimpers of pleasure as he slips out of you, hands tugging and pushing your legs and body to have you on your side, the taller Idol now laying down on his side behind you to spoon you, dragging the head of his length through your soaked and slicked up folds. one hand holds up your thigh, helps in opening you up, though you're pretty much gaping from his girth stretching you out moments prior. His lips find your shoulder, your neck, as he pushes himself back inside with the help of your hands-
who suddenly do something new as well, tugging the condom from his cock, making him gasp out in sensitivity. "What're you doing?" He grows.
"IUD." You tell him. "Please-" You beg, and yet again he moves as if awakened from slumber, pushing you halfway on your stomach as he pushes the now bare head of his cock back inside you. This is most certainly new, and he knows for a fact, that he's never going back again.
"Fuck.." He almost laughs, leaning over you now, body covering yours as he just pushes himself in for a good moment, humming a sound of pleasure into your neck as he lets himself relish in the new sensation. "Ah-" He sighs out, before he clenches his jaw, thrusting hard as if to make sure your body will remember him for days to come.
It will. Sadly.
"God, fuck-!" He groans out, holding onto your body now, having turned you onto your side, hand reaching out adjust your arm so he can see your face. Your lips are parted, eyes closed in bliss, and he can't help but have his hand smack down onto your behind that's moving in a way that's way too inviting. He does it a second time, slap clearly heard as he smirks at the way you clench around his cock currently rearranging your insides. He moves your leg to rest over his shoulder, reaching even deeper, hand underneath your belly button pressing where he can faintly feel himself move.
No one can blame him for being absolutely obsessed with your body.
He can feel the way you begin to tighten, thighs shaking a little as you come undone, his hands moving your legs again to close them once more, holding them up, slipping out of your clenching cunt to push his cock right between your soft and wet thighs. it's enough for a moment, though you reach out to touch the tip poking through almost teasingly, making him laugh as he suddenly sighs out, groaning as he spills over your stomach and up your chest. You're breathing heavily, and don't notice you start to shiver, as he parts from you to turn on the light in the bathroom to clean up.
Aftercare is not really his thing- and you've come to accept that.
When you sit up, you stretch your arms in front of you, muscles slowly regaining strength as you wait for Jungkook to finish up, toilet flushing before he emerges again, shamelessly walking without underwear, gaze following you as you walk past him to use the bathroom yourself.
The moment you re-emerge to grab your clothes, he's sitting on the edge of the bed with his boxers back on, phone in his hand. "I booked the flight for you. Tomorrow at 12:30." He tells you as you slip back into your underwear, not bothering with the bra as you search for where he'd thrown your shirt. "Here." He offers- and you slip the garment on with a thanks, only noticing afterwards that that's not yours at all, oversized fabric reaching almost to your knees. "Cute." He comments way too quiet to be meant to be heard, so you don't mention it at all.
"Why is the flight-thing so important?" You wonder, slipping into your socks as he moves around to find the hotel room service menu.
"Because you always fly back after me." He repeats again, clearing his throat.
"…you already said that." You mumble to yourself, but he clearly hears you.
"Fuck alright, god damnit!" He whines in complaint, rolling his eyes. "If you were to fly back earlier, you'll run right into all the paparazzi and shit waiting for me. That's why you're meant to fly back later- so they're gone by the time you arrive." He explains, and you're stunned in the spot you're standing, watching him a bit confused.
So that's the reason?
"It's not like they know." You say, unsure why he's so adamant about it.
"Doesn't matter." He shakes his head. "I'm not having them jump you for whatever reason they might have." He denies, before he sits down in the seat near the window which blinds are shut. "Now what do you wanna eat?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"I'll eat something tomorrow morning." You deny, and he slumps back in his seat, eyes closed and tongue pushed against his cheek.
"What do you want to fucking eat, babe." He repeats, making sure to pronounce the petname before he looks at you with frustration.
"Nothing." You respond. "Are we done?" You ask him, and he shakes his head, setting the menu down before he crosses his arms.
"No." He denies. "What to they call you?" He asks, and you're not sure what he's getting at, shaking your head with brows furrowed in confusion.
"What're you talking about?" You ask, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"What do they call you?" He repeats. "I heard what you talked about in the car when I left."
"How?" You ask baffled.
"Telepathy." He jokes without humor, before he scoffs to himself. "I called you to actually ask you if you wanted to eat something- but you must've accidentally accepted the call without looking, because I clearly listened in on a convo I wasn't supposed to hear." He explains. "Either way, I want an answer. What. Do. They. Call. You." He demands, and you sigh.
"Why does it matter?" You argue, searching for your leggings in the room- finding them over the armrest of the chair he's currently sitting in. "I'm your personal prostitute, just without the pay." You tell him, and it takes him a second to realize that that's your answer.
Suddenly, he wants you out the room.
Not because he doesn't want you here any longer, but because the guilt is eating him alive with ever second he has to look at you. Because the more he think about it, the more it becomes obvious to him that this really must look like just that to everyone. After all, he's just taking you with him apparently for sex, and he's become so comfortable in it that he didn't think about it any longer. It's what you want too, right?
Jungkook has never really learned how to convey his emotions properly. He doesn't know what it's like to fall in love, has no idea what to look out for. He likes spending time with you, and enjoys the sex to the point that he's been monogamous with only you for the past year or so. It's nice to be in a relationship, even though he knows this one isn't normal. It's still okay, because down the line, you understand each other. He likes you, he just doesn't want people to use that against him or you at some point- so he keeps your status to himself. No one needs to know you're a couple. Only you and him. Because.. you know that, right?
"You know that's not what you are to me, right?" He asks, and you shrug.
"Does it matter?" You ask. "It's none of my business who I am to you, or whoever you screw apart from me." You say.
"What?" He asks, crossed arms unraveling. "I'm not fucking anyone but you." He says.
"Cool." You say.
"Cool? That's it?" He argues. "How can you be so calm about everyone else telling you I'm apparently cheating on you?" He worries, and you're yet again confused.
"What're you talking about?" You ask. "That's got nothing to do with cheating." You say.
"No no no no whoa there. Stop for a second." He holds his hands out as if to soothe a raging crowd of people, looking at the carpet. "You- you do know we're in a relationship, right?" He asks you, and your face tells him everything he needs to know. "Oh my fucking god are you kidding me…" He complains into his hands, covering his face in frustration.
"How the hell was I supposed to know?" You say, now with your own arms crossed. "Jungkook, you rarely even talk to me when we're back home. You only take me with you when you've got something up overseas, you constantly tell people we're just friends, you've never even asked me out in the first place!" You argue.
"We've been fucking each other for almost a year, I thought it was obvious I liked you?!" He whines, looking at you with what you realize are tears brimming on his waterline. Why is he so emotional now? "Have you- did you see anyone other than me?" He asks quietly, and you shake your head.
"No." You deny.
"Okay. Fuck- okay." He takes a deep breath, swallows down his panic. "I like you. I don't- I've got no clue if it's love or not because I don't know, alright? But I like you, a lot, to the point where I want us to be something permanent." He tries to explain. "Just us. You and me." He underlines, and you shrug.
"Jungkook, it's not that easy." You sigh. "If this has been what you think a relationship is like, then we won't work out."
"Alright, then what do you need me to do?" He argues, not letting go. "God- fuck, tell me what do I have to do to make you stay?" He asks, voice cracking.
"Jungkook, calm down-" You start, but he shakes his head, swallows thickly, bottom lip quivering for just a second before he licks over it, pulls it in between his teeth.
"I can't-! Not when it sounds like you're gonna leave me-" He worries.
"I'm not, don't worry. I'll stay. Just.. breathe for a second, alright?" You ask, getting up to walk closer, pushing his shoulders back to force him out of his slumped over position. "Hey- okay?" You ask, and he instead pulls you closer, sits you onto his lap, before he clings onto you, resting his forehead in your shoulder. "Why do you never reach out to me when we're home? You're confusing me." You gently tell him, and he shrugs.
"I'm scared they'll see you." He sniffles. "If they do- they'll tear you apart." He sighs. "When we're out here, like this- I can just.. claim you're staff, whatever. But at home- I can't.. I don't know how to protect you." He shakes his head.
"You should've told me." You sigh, leaning into him. "I was hurt, you know?" You tell him.
"I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm so sorry." He apologizes, pulls you just a bit closer. "I don't know what to do." He whines.
"What if you just visit me instead?" You offer. "They don't know where I live. And my windows are all mirrored so no one can look inside." You tell him.
"…since when?" he asks, leaning away from you a little so that you can finally see his face again, eyes red, a stray tear escaping him that you wipe off.
"Since a few months ago? Jungkook you don't even know my apartment in the first place. You've never visited me at all, ever!" You laugh, and he sighs.
"I know, and I.. always wanted to, you know, visit you.. spend time with you but.." He runs a hand over his face.
"You're okay. We talked about it now." You nod, an action he copies. "I'll come back tomorrow morning and we can have breakfast together, okay?" You ask, but he shakes his head.
"No, you gotta stay." He denies. "I don't care if you don't like that, but I need you close tonight." He says.
"Never said I don't." You say. "You just seemed uncomfortable with it." You wonder.
"Because I snore!" He whines, throwing his head back. "I snore, I move a lot, I might cling to you at night or I sweat, or whatever the fuck- I'm not as perfect as I'm made out to be." He complains.
"Jungkook sorry, but what the fuck." You laugh, and he can't help but smile at the sight and sound of you happy. "You can fart and burp like whatever, and I'd still stay. You're human, I'm not perfect either!" You explain, but he shakes his head, leaning forwards to kiss your already blossoming bruises on your neck.
"No, you are." He says. "You're absolutely perfect." He argues.
"Not really." You deny.
"Stop arguing." He complains, squeezes your waist a bit.
"What're you gonna do about it?" You tease, and he looks up at you with a heated gaze.
"Get me nice n' hard and I'll show you." He responds, making you giggle with eyes rolling, as you lean back to tug him out of his underwear, a hiss leaving him. "Fuck, baby your hands are icy!" He laughs, leaning back to hold your legs so you don't slip off of his thighs.
"That's cause it's cold in here!" You joke back, warming your hands up on his already heated length, skin already flushed and swelling as the blood rushes back. His hands travel beneath the shirt you wear, softly grabbing at the flesh of your chest, making you get up to shed your underwear and get back onto his lap.
"Think you can ride me on this thing?" He asks, talking about the seat he's sitting in. "Kinda tired right now, won't lie."
"Huh, making me do all the work now?" You raise your brows. "And here I thought you wanted to take us seriously.." You sigh, attempting to joke- but he clearly doesn't take it as such, face becoming serious again.
"Lift your hips a little." He demands, and you do so- unsure what he's trying to do, before he spits into his hand once more, feeling you up between your legs to check if you're ready. You are- quickly slicking up at the thought of him, and he guides his length inside of you again, stretching you out once more, but this time, it's not just sex.
He refuses to move. He just helps you settle on his lap, but holds onto your hips, keeping you from moving. "Jungkook-" You whine, but he shakes his head, and pulls your face closer to kiss you.
"No, I wanna stay like this for a bit." He denies.
"But I thought we wanted to eat something later?" You ask, making him roll his eyes.
"I'm trying to be romantic here." He complains.
"By putting your dick inside me?" You ask.
"Well I don't know what else to do!" He whines. "I.. I don't really know how else to properly express.." He falls deep into thought for a second or two, before he finally says it. "I don't know how else to make sure you can.."
"..feel how much I love you."
You're quiet for a good while, watching how he rather looks at your neck than at you in particular, avoiding eye contact as he continues to move his hands back to your sides underneath your shirt. "Jungkook…" You mumble, and he cringes.
"Don't-" He sighs, clicks his tongue in irritation. "-don't pity me or something-" He begins.
"No no no I'm not pitying you I just-" You cut him off, now your hands holding his cheeks to force him to look at you. Because you just realized something in the things he's said earlier. "Remember how you said.. you want me to fly back after you?" You ask, and he nods.
"Yeah." He answers, his way warmer palms now taking yours from his face, holding them in his. "Of course."
"That's.. something that also shows that you care about me." You say. "Because, you didn't say that you were worried about someone spotting me and putting your career on the line- but that you were worried about me being in danger." You remind him, and he nods. "Or how you noticed my stomach growling, and wondered if I ate today." You giggle.
"I already wondered if you didn't- cause I didn't see you eat anything." He shrugs.
"See?" You hum towards him, running your hand through his hair. "That shows you care, too." You say.
"But I want you to feel it." He complains stubbornly. "I want you to.. feel the same as I do when I'm around you." He offers.
"Horny?" You ask, and he rolls his eyes, throwing his head back.
"That too-" He laughs. "But mostly.. just, I don't know." He takes a deep breath. "It's hard to explain. It's like chest constricts when I'm not around you. Whenever I'm home, I miss you so bad that I sometimes go to sleep early just to avoid giving in and calling you. I have to distract myself just to not think about you- and yet I still do, almost all the time." He sighs, tucking your hair behind your ears. "When I wake up.." He hums, hands moving to your shoulders. "When I do my morning routine.." He explains, letting his fingers travel over the length of your arms. "When I work out.." He continues. "When I go to bed. It doesn't matter at all." He shakes his head.
"You know you don't have to make up something just to make me stay, right?" You ask him, and at that, his eyes immediately snap back up to you, panic returning.
"I'm not." He denies instantly. "I'm really not-" he urges. "-how can I prove it?" He worries.
"You.. listen, it's not something that you can just clear up in a moment." You sigh. "It's gonna take time. We're basically starting from scratch here." You explain, and he nods.
"Do you.. should we stop then?" He asks, glancing between your bodies for a second. "Until you believe me?" He wonders, and you shrug, before you shake your head.
"No." You deny. "I'd miss you too much-" You tell him, before you adjust your legs, arms around his neck. "-And you'd probably go insane without sex." You tease.
"Not without sex." He denies, watching how you begin to move your hips, letting him slip out until just the very tip remains inside you. "But without you." He clarifies. "It's not sex I want- that's a… I don't know. It's the closeness I feel, you know?" He sighs when you sink back down. "I just like touching you.. being inside you.." He hums, eyes fluttering closed as he leans back into the seat while your hands settle on his shoulders to keep you balanced, pace slow but fast enough to intensify the pleasure you both feel. "Just like that.." He sighs out in bliss.
"I have a really nice couch, you know?" You hum towards him, making him smile while his hands find your waist. "My bed is really big too.." You tell him, and he opens his eyes a little at that.
"Big enough for two?" He wonders, and you shrug.
"Guess we have to find out." You tease, and he nods, hands moving from your waist to your hips before one of them finds your heat between your legs where he can see his cock disappearing inside you.
"Is the couch sturdy?" He wonders, fingers playing with your clit now, making the muscles in your thighs twitch.
"Ah- yes!" You whine, picking up your pace.
"Hm, gonna fuck you on it then." He chuckles. "Stress-test it." He jokes, and you whimper as you come undone, your slick now coating his own legs, strings of the sticky fluid keeping you both connected, wet sounds echoing off the walls of the hotel room. "Break it." He growls, heels on the ground helping him in shifting his hips upwards into you, catching you off guard, your orgasm washing over you in a wave threatening to drown you.
You're shaking, but you still move, needing to feel him reach his high as well, and he does find his own release, spilling whatever he's got left to give, holding you close, kissing whatever skin he can reach from how you're hugging him now, breathing slowly easing again.
And he keeps you like this, uncaring of the food since it's by now too late to order any roomservice anyways.
And for the first time, he actually sleeps next to you, in the same bed-
promising himself to do everything he can to keep you this close, for now and as long as you'll have him.
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: Kooks and Pogues don't really get along, but reader and Rafe make it work.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, fluff - Rafe is super clingy with you, secret relationship, flirting, secret texting, pogue!reader with possibly divorcing parents, kissing, lying to friends, sneaking off at a party, phone sex, masterbation, choking, biting, scratching, hair pulling, unprotected sex, filth 
Word count: 4.9k | unedited 
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
You lay on your bed, smiling and giggling as you text back and forth with your very secret kook boyfriend, Rafe. 
Yeah, yeah. Kooks and Pogues, they don't get along, blah blah. 
But you and Rafe do.
Cannot wait to see you tonight, my beautiful girl. Did you pick out a dress for the party yet? 
You bite down on your bottom lip, typing back a response to Rafe, Wouldn't you like to know, lover boy. 
You tuck your phone back into your pocket and look up just as Kie walks in the door, "So tell me how we managed to get an invite to Sarah's party." 
You sigh, "Okay. But you have to promise you won't get upset or tell anyone I told you." 
She nods, "Ohh I like where this is going." She sits down on your bed, "Tell me." 
"John B and Sarah are secretly seeing each other." You stare at her and she laughs, "What?" 
You nod, "The only reason I know that is because I went over to hang out with John B and.. they must have lost track of time." 
"Oh Jesus." Kie shakes her head, "I actually don't like where this is going." 
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, I was actually shocked when I seen them, but honestly, after talking to them before she left." You shrug, "They seem to be really happy sigh each other." 
Kie rolls her eyes, "Oh yeah. I'm sure." 
You chew on your lip as your phone is one new message away from the secret you're hiding, too. 
"Just.. let him tell you. Don't tell him I told you." You laugh, "As crazy at it seems, it seems to work." 
"John B and Sarah Cameron?" She raises her brows, "That's just.. crazy to me. That would be like rafe and you." 
Your heart skips a beat and you quickly push out a laugh, "Please." You roll your eyes, "Me and Rafe? That would never work, even if I wanted it to." 
Kie looks at you and at this point, your heart is about to fall out of your ass. 
She tilts her head, "I mean, I can say that Sarah is better than Rafe, I mean." She laughs slightly, "he's a psychopath." You force a laugh because you know that isn't true, for you at least. 
Rafe is, literally on his hands and knees begging to see you. 
He's good morning texts and last person you talk to before you go to sleep. 
He's nothing like the Rafe they know. 
Polar opposite. 
"so I guess.. I'm just glad it's them two over the other option." Kie says and you look at her, "Oh yeah." You try not to seem nervous, "I'm happy for them, really." 
She checks her phone, "Shit. I gotta go meet JayJ." She stands up, "I'll pick you up later? We can go to the party together." 
You nod, "Okay." You watch as she leaves your room and you pull your phone out after hearing the front screen door shut. 
A smirk grows across your lips as you read, Please. I miss my girl so much right now. 
You get up, walking over to your closet as you type, Things been stressful lately? 
You always loved how fast Rafe answers you. 
No matter what he's doing, he makes sure to always answer. 
You have no idea, baby. I haven't seen you, I need to feel you. Fuck, I miss you. 
You have never seen a more softer side of Rafe. You honestly never really would, but to your surprise, you were the one who brought it out of him. 
You are the only Pogue he'd ever really associate with in any other way. You have a way with him that even had himself questioning the whole thing for a while, but he got into you having control over him, too.
He still, now jokingly, is mean to you when you're around your other friends, only because he's mean to them, but you give it right back to him. 
And he loves it, but pretends that he doesn't. 
You pull your dress out of the closet and set it down to undress. You slip it on, giving yourself a look in the mirror, fixing it to make sure it shows your cleavage. 
You snap a picture, typing a text before hitting send, Maybe you'll have to get me alone tonight so you can lift the back of this up, yeah? 
You smirk at your screen, waiting for his text to pop up. You giggle as you read it, Was already on my mind, Princess. 
You sit down on your bed and look at the time. You had to be ready in two hours. You bite your lip, shrugging as you start to type, Are you able to call me? 
A few minutes later, your phone rings and you bring it to your ear as you answer, "Hey babe." 
"What's goin' on Princess." Rafe asks with a laugh and you sigh, "Since you said you need me, too, I can't stop thinking about you." 
"Ohh." Rafe sighs, "I see. I see. You want me to talk you through it, hmm?" You nod to yourself, "I do." 
"Mm. Well you're lucky I got some free time." 
You can hear Rafe getting up to shut his door and you smirk, dragging your dress up your thighs with your fingers. 
"What are you doing right now?" Rafe asks, "Besides thinking about me." 
You laugh slightly and smile, "I'm just pulling my dress up my legs." 
"The one that I'm going to be pulling up later myself, huh?" Rafe asks and you sigh as you press your fingers onto your clothed clit, "Uh huh." 
"Mm. That dress makes your boobs look incredible." You can hear the smirk in Rafe's voice and you giggle, "Thank you, baby." 
"Are you rubbing that clit f'me, baby?" Rafe asks and you breathe out, "Yes." You slip your fingers into your panties and go back to rubbing. 
"can't wait to fuckin' have you tonight." He groans, "You're going to look so good." 
You slide your fingers down and dip them into your soaked cunt, "I'm so wet." You whisper out, a small moan escaping your lips. 
"Fuck baby, you sound so sexy." Rafe groans quietly, "Goddamn." 
You arch your back against your bed and squeeze your eyes shut, "I miss you." 
"I miss you, too, baby." Rafe whispers, "Tell me what you're doing." He pauses, knowing you're still kind of shy to dirty talking, "You fingering that pussy?" 
"Y-yes." You whimper out, looking down at your fingers slipping in and out of you, "Need you." 
"You'll get me baby, I promise." There's a softer tone to his voice. Him being so vulnerable with you turns you on even more, "Fuck, I can't wait to feel it."
You grind your hips even more and gasp out, "R-Rafe." You whimper out, "S-so close." 
"Come on baby." He sighs, "Just think about how good I'm going to feel inside of that tight little pussy tonight." 
You moan in response and he chuckles, "There ya go, baby. Just think of me. No one fucks you like I do, yeah?" 
"Fuck." You gasp out, knowing that he's right. 
"Go on baby, say it." Rafe encourages and you pause as you think you hear the front screen door open and slam shut. 
You gasp, whispering quickly, "Gotta go." 
"Love you." Rafe says quickly and you smile, voice still low, "Love you." 
You pull your dress down and stand up, locking your phone before walking towards the door, "Hello?" 
"Oh it's just me, honey." Your mom yells and you sigh, "Thank god." You whisper, you lean out yelling back, "Okay." 
You walk back into your room and sit back down on the bed, texting Rafe, Sorry. I heard someone come in. Wasn't sure who it was, but it was just my mom. 
You sit up, moving over to start getting around for Sarah's party. 
As you're doing your makeup, your phone goes off and you lean over to grab it. You smile as you see Rafe's name, Its all good, princess. Sarah came in asking me to move stuff right after we hung up. 
You let out a sigh, Perfect timing then right? 
You set your phone down and continue to get ready. 
As you finishes getting around, you get a text from Kie, On my way. I'll let you know when I'm there. 
You nod to yourself, I'm ready to go.
You stand up and walk over to grab your shoes. Once they're on, you make your way outside to wait. 
As Kie pulls up, the boys lean out of the windows and yell at you. You laugh as you walk up to the passenger side of the car. Jj climbs into the back, giving you the seat. 
"Aww." You say getting in and looking back at JJ, "How sweet of you." 
He shrugs, "Ehh. Don't mention it." 
You laugh and look at Kie, "Ready?" She asks giving you a thumbs up. You give her a thumbs up, "Hell yeah!" 
You arrive to the party, parking next to the other cars. You get out, walking around and you look at the others as they gather, "So, what's the plan for if we get asked on why we're here?" 
Your eyes move to John B and he shrugs. You nod, "Well just say that Sarah invited  Kie and I and she said we can bring the others?" 
They all look at each other and then back to you, "Sounds good to me." John B says and you all follow him towards the house. 
You walk in, looking around for Rafe. You don't see him anywhere as you follow Kie. You make your way to the back and outside. 
You managed to get drinks and you're finally able to get a sip. 
"This place is packed." You say as you look around, a smirk instantly taking place on your lips as your eyes land on Rafe. 
His eyes were glued to you, picturing what's under neath that dress. 
"It's not bad out side." Kie says looking around and the boys walk up to you, chatting amongst themselves. 
Kie scoffs, "Ugh. Rafe alert." 
"And just how in the hell did the Pogue princess and her dwarves get an invite to my sister's party?" Rafe asks as he walks around to face the group. 
His yellow shirt fitting tight again his body and the backwards head has you unable to fathom any thought that isn't dirty right now. 
"Sarah invited Y/n and I." Kie speaks up and you blink, "Yeah, Rafe." You roll your eyes, "We're not awful people." 
"My sister is in fact losing it." Rafe shakes his head, "Just don't get the fuckin' cops called, alright." His eyes move over you once more as he turns and he walks away. 
You vowed with the group to never fall for a pogue, just like Rafe did with his other kook head friends. 
But literally just one look and you were weak in the knees for him.
"Just don't get the cops involved alright." JJ mocks Rafe as he walks away, "Fuck off, man." 
"Hey guys." Sarah says walking up to you, "I'm glad you're all here." You nod and look at John B and look back to Sarah, "Yeah thank you so much for inviting us." 
She nods, "Anytime." She looks at John B and you knew that look. They were planning on sneaking off somewhere.
You smirk and lean up against the railing, "So is everyone invited or what?" Pope asks Sara with a laugh. 
She rolls her eyes, "As soon as Rafe found out I was having a party, he was also having a party, so now we're sharing the space." 
"What an asshole." John B rolls his eyes and you look behind Sarah, eyes locking onto Rafe. You tried so hard not to smile, you had to bring your cup to your mouth and look away. 
You feel your phone vibrate and you know that's a queue to excuse yourself, "I'm going to go find the bathroom." 
"I'll come with you." Kie says walking towards you. 
You walk to the bathroom and you motion, "You can go first." She nods and goes in. You pull your phone from your small purse and pull your bottom lip between your teeth, Baby girl. You look so fucking good. 
You tap back, glancing up at the door every now and then, Me? Let's talk about you in that shirt and backwards hat. You know that does it for me. 
You lock your phone, hearing Kie rustle around in the bathroom. The door opens and you switch places with her. 
You look down and lean against the wall as you read Rafe's texts, I know what it does to you babe. Partly why I wore it. 
You roll your eyes and shake your head, Can't wait to get my hands on you. You toss your phone back into your bag and fix your hair before walking out. 
You make your way down to get another drink and out to the backyard to find the others. 
You look around, sipping from your cup and you can't help but smirk as you walk right by Rafe. His eyes trail on you the entire time you move past him. 
You guys like fun little cat fights you do to keep things lowkey. 
"Hey, wait a sec.." Rafe calls out and you stop, slowly turning around, "Are you talking to me?" You point to yourself and Rafe nods, "Yeah, Miss Pogue princess." 
He steps towards you, "I'm talking to you." 
You bite the inside of your lip to keep from smiling. You knew he hates pretending to be mean, but it was still fun for you. 
If you're gonna ask why in here, ask your sister, Rafe. I already told you." You roll your eyes and he shakes his head, "Nah, nah. Nothing like that. Listen." He walks up to you and he leans in, voice really low, "Look, I'll try to hide it better, but we both know that I'm madly in love with you." 
He leans back and smirks and you purse your lips, taking a step back as you flick him off and smile before turning away. 
You make your way back to the others and you look around, "Where's John B?" 
"Said he was going to get another drink." Pope shrugs, "But that was like almost ten minutes ago." 
Kie looks at you and you tilt your head, nodding slightly. You basically confirmed you were thinking the same thing. 
"What was that?" Pope motions between you and Kie, "That girl thing you just did?" 
"You're losin' it Pope." You laugh and shake your head, "Oh here they come." You motion to JJ and John B, "Pope was worried." 
They laugh and sit down next to him on the chairs. You look down at your empty cup, "I'm gonna go get a refill." 
As you walk away, you pull your phone out of your bag and block the sides with your hands, I'm thinking about you right now. 
You smirk, glancing up as you make your way into the house, I don't blame you. 
You tuck your phone back into your bag and walk over to the drink table. You pour a drink and take a minute to stand where there really isn't anyone around. 
Rate responds, Do you think you can make it to my room without anyone seeing you? 
Your heart skips with excitement, I'll make it happen. 
You put your phone into your purse and set your cup down. You carefully make your way towards the steps and said a few seconds before you head up. 
You've snuck info Rafe's house just about as many times as you have snuck into his, so you knew exactly where his room is. 
You look behind you as you grow closer to his room. You stop and open the door, biting your lip when he turns around to see you. 
You walk in, shutting the door with your back to it. He walks over to you, "How's my girl doin'? Hmm." His hands slide up your hands and neck to cup your cheeks, "My fuckin' beautiful girl." 
You smile and purse out your lips. He presses his to yours, smooching them a few times, "I missed you." He pulls you in and wraps his arms around you.
You wrap your arms around him and let out a sigh, "I'm glad we can manage to sneak away like pros." You laugh and Rafe nods, he looks down at you, "Did you get off earlier?" 
You shake your head, "Nope." 
He smiles, "I can help you with that." He winks and slides his hand down to yours, grabbing it and leading you over to his bed. 
His eyes scan down over the dress that's hugging your body and he shakes his head, "I wanna rip this thing off of you." 
"Later?" You bite your lip and he tilts his head, "Twice in one night, huh?" You bite your lip and nod, "Lucky you." 
You lay back and smile up at him and he pulls the fabric up over your thighs, "Show me what you were doing earlier, princess." 
You comply, even though you want him to be the one touching you. 
You spread your legs and pull your panties to the side, your fingers finding their way onto your clit like before. 
Rafe's eyes are glued to your fingers drawing circles on yourself, whimpering and moaning as you press harder. 
Rafe inserts a finger into your cunt, slowly curling it and your eyes roll back as you moan, "Rafe." 
"This what you wanted?" Rafe sits down next to you, dinner slowly sliding in and out of you, "Hmm? You want me to make you cum?" 
You nod quickly, "Fuck yes yes yes." 
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours and he sallows your moans, "as much as I wanna hear them pretty little sounds, you gotta be quiet, okay?" 
You nod, biting down on your lip as he inserts another finger. You gasp, looking down at his hand between your thighs, "Fuck." 
You clench around his fingers, grinding your hips down as you rub back and forth on your clit, "Fuck fuck fuck." 
You whimper quietly, bucking your hips as Rafe guides you through your high, "Good job, princess." He presses a kiss to your forehead and stands up, "Now roll over so I can push this dress up." 
You smirk and roll over into your elbows and knees.
You lean over slightly and look back at him. You watch as he undoes his belt to his pants. You wiggle your hips and he smirks, shaking his head, "You know.." Rafe starts out. 
You tilt your head, "What do I know?" 
He smirks, "You're pretty fucking sexy for a Pogue." 
You can feel your cheeks turning red and you nod, "You're pretty fucking sexy for a kook." You smirk and he walks up, sliding his hands up under the fabric of your dress. 
"You're not good for me." Rafe squeezes your hips and you push them back towards him. He presses his hips against you, his hard cock pressing into you, "But baby I cannot fucking help but want you." 
Your lips part as he pushes your dress up over your ass, exposing it to him. He gives both of your cheeks a squeezes before delivering a smack to each one. 
You win, biting down on your lip. You look back at him and he leans up over you, "You got that best pussy ever." 
You smile and gasp as you feel your underwear get slowly pulled down. His fingers brush against your soaked cunt and he bites down on his lip, "you're fuckin' dripping for me princess." 
You take an excited breath, "Like I said, I've been needing you." 
"I'm not gonna make you wait any longer, baby. Okay?" Rafe pushes his hands down and rubs his hands over your ass cheeks. 
You rest your head against the bed when you feel the head of his cock press against your cunt. A moan is ripped from your lips as he pushes into you. 
"Ahh, baby.." he groans out quietly, "Don't wanna get caught now do ya?" 
"N-no." You whimper out, pushing your hips back to meet each of his thrusts. "fuck fuck fuck." You reach back and Rafe grabs your wrist, pinning it to your lower back. 
"So fucking right." Rafe pants out, continuing to slam his cock into you. 
"Fu-Fuck.." you whine, squeezing his cock, "Rafe, baby. Shit. Shit." You moan and squeeze his cock one last time before you let go. 
Your hand goes to your mouth as you try to muffle the moans you have no control over. 
Rafe pushes your dress up, moving it out of the way before he pulls out, spilling his cum onto your back, "Goddamn." 
You sigh, "Uh huh." 
"Alright, baby. Don't move for me, okay?" Rafe says and you nod, watching as he goes and gets you something to wipe you off with.
He comes back and gets behind you again, "So I was thinking." 
"Uh oh." You tease, "What were you thinkin' about?" 
He stands up to get dressed and you roll over onto your side to look at him.
Rafe looks down at you, "Run away with me."
You blink a few times and shake your head, "What did you just say?" 
Rafe laughs, reaching down to caress your cheek, "You heard me." You tilt your head into is hand, actually considering that it would be nice to spend at least one day together without getting any interruptions. 
"No." You shake your head, "We can't do that." 
Rafe shrugs, "Why not?" 
You stare at him as you try and come up with an answer, but you can't think of anything, "Fuck." 
Rafe walks up to you, "See." He chuckles, "Just imagine one week, some place where it's just you and I." 
You chew on your lip, thinking for a second, "Rafe, I gotta tell you something." You lay your hands on his chest, "I can't leave." 
He presses a kiss to your lips and Whines, "You won't regret this." 
You smile slightly but quickly frown, "I need to be here for my mom. They're talking divorce and I just need to be here incase he just decides to leave." 
"Oh baby." Rafe grabs your head and presses his lips to your forehead, "I'm sorry." You let out a sigh, "It's okay. You didn't do anything." 
"No I know, but if I had known, I wouldn't have been there more for you." He runs his hands through your hair and sighs, "Are you.. I mean not alright but.." 
You nod, smiling slightly, "Just you nonstop talking to me helps." 
"I can come over later and you can just talk? Yeah?" He looks at you and you nod, trying not to cry, "Please?" Your voice is low and it makes him frown, "Of course, baby. anything you need." 
He presses a kiss to your lips and you smile, "Then maybe once everything is settled we do that little thing you were talking about." You wink and he just smirks as he watches as you walk over to the door. 
As you open it to go out, you ear JJ and Pope coming up the steps. You step back in and push the door shut, "Shit." 
You look at Rafe and he gives you a confused look, "What's going on?" 
"Pope and JJ, I think they're looking for me." You cover your mouth to conceal your laughter and Rafe puts his shirt back on, "Closet." 
You look from Rafe to the open closet and sigh, "Okay." You walk over and step in, leaning forward to close the door. 
You listen and hear knocking on Rafe's door. He walks over and opens it, "Man you guys are actually searching to get your asses kicked tonight, aren't ya?" 
You smirk slightly and you hear JJ ask, "Where's y/n?" 
"Why the fuck would I know where y/n is?" Rafe shoots back and JJ, being JJ, "Because if she were to go missing you're the first person I'd look into." 
"Well, she's not up here. So good luck with that case, Detective Douchebag." Rafe says and you cover your mouth, trying not to laugh. 
Detective Douchebag. Good one. 
"She's probably just outside somewhere." Pope says urging JJ to leave. 
"Yeah, outside. Where you should be instead of bothering me." Rafe says, "Oh. And when you find her, tell I said she looks hot for a Pogue." 
"What the fuck did you just say?" JJ says and you can hear Pope calming him down, "Relax. He's just doing it on purpose. Come on." 
Rafe closes the door and you emerge from the closet, "Did you really have to add the last part?" 
He laughs, "I mean.. you are hot." He winks, and you know I have to fuck with them. I hate them, not you." 
You roll your eyes and walk over to him, "I don't hate you either." You lean up and press your lips to his, "See ya later?" 
His hands move to your waist and he tilts his head, "Um, that's a dumb ass question." 
You laugh, "I was just double checking." 
"I know." He smirks and kisses your cheek, "Let me check is the coast is clear." He peaks his head out and waves for you to come out. 
You peck his lips and smile, "I love you." 
He smiles, pinching your chin gently, "I love you." 
You quickly make your way down the steps and half way down you realize you don't have your panties on. 
You ignore it and make your way back to the drink table to get a new one. You pull your phone out, quickly texting Rafe, Do you happen to know where my panties are? 
You put your phone back in your purse and you make your way through the crowded house to find your friends, "Hey." 
"Where have you been?" Kie asks and you motion, "Oh I got sidetracked by-" you stop talking when you see Rafe walk out and you sigh, "I'm actually not feeling well. I think I'm going to walk home." 
"I can drive you?" She steps towards you and you shake your head, "No it's fine." 
"Are you sure? What's going on?" She leans in, "Are you okay?" 
You nod, "Yeah, yeah. I just have a lot going on right now." You swore you'd never use it at an excuse, but you really didn't want them mad at you for seeing Rafe, "My mom and dad got into it again today about divorcing and just tensions are high.." 
she nods, "Yeah, no. I completely understand." She lays a hand on your shoulder, "Call me if you need anything." 
You nod, "I will. Thank you." 
She smiles and your turn, walking down off the deck. You can hear Kie start to explain what you told her but their voices fade the further away you get. 
You get your phone out of your bag and smile when you see Rafe's text, Yeah, I do actually. 
You type the screen, Can I know where they are please?, resting your phone down as you continue to walk. your phone buzzes in your hand and you bring it up. 
My left pants pocket. 
A tingle courses through your body and you tilt your head, Not gonna lie. That's hot as fuck. 
You bite your lip as you look back towards the house. You look down at your phone, I'm actually walking home right now, so if you wanna meet me there? 
You hit send and keep walking. 
It hits you that since he knows about your parents along with your friends, they'll all try to come at once time and you really don't want to see that. 
you stop, going to text Rafe but a car pulls up beside you, coming to a stop. You look over and see Rafe as the window goes down. 
You quickly get in and look at him, "What are you doing?" 
He shrugs, "I don't need you walking home looking like that." He nods toward your body and you smirk, "So sweet of you." 
You sigh, "Actually. I can't go home." 
He starts to drive and gives you a confused look, "Why?" You laugh slightly, "Because my dumb ass told Kie that was my leaving for leaving, so they're probably going or, if not already on their way to my house now."
"And you don't want them knowing about us, hmm?" He lays a hand on your thigh, "I get it, baby." He glances at you, "Where do you want to go?" 
You laugh, "Anywhere that I can come up an excuse for tomorrow." 
Rafe gives your thigh a squeeze, "I know just the place." He bites his bottom lip and looks at you and you nod, "Let's go." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Hi thanks you so much for reading! I love you all! As always let me know how you liked this one!
Again, I wrote this high so if nothing makes sense I’m sorry lol
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated! 🖤
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pommedepersephone · 11 months
Buck up, Hamlet! or how Aziraphale and Crowley's blocking helps communicate the evolution of their relationship
Can we talk about the blocking?
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Specifically, I have been rewatching S1E3, one of my favorites. I love how the development of the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley is shown through these little vignettes. There have been some great explorations of the costuming and dialogue, but what always strikes me is the BLOCKING. The way their placement and movements add such depth and tell the story of living as a queer person, having to communicate in coded language.
Through the episode, we get 4500 years of history - Eden, Mesopotamia, Golgatha, Rome and Wessex - to see Aziraphale and Crowley standing on their opposite sides. Aziraphale always on the right, Crowley always on the left. But after the Arrangement, their blocking changes drastically and becomes much more fluid and nuanced. Each scene after this is distinct but the scenes in at the Globe and the Bastille have the most development, and I find myself rewatching them A LOT. Here is what I see. 
All the World's a Stage
This is the first meeting we see that isn’t a chance encounter, though the two try to stage it as such. It takes place in a theatre - and they are acting, playing their roles as demon and angel. Even the humans are complicit in this performance, with Shakespeare stepping in to address the two "in your roles as the audience." Oh, delicious.
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But once it's been firmly established for anyone watching that they AREN'T friends, they DON'T know each other (cough cough) the following moves are clearly choreographed and have been played out many times before. Crowley sashays to the right, opening the dance, and Aziraphale accepts the invitation to dance with: “What do you want?” 
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“Why ever would you insinuate that I might possibly want something?” Crowley is just playing his role as cheeky demon offering up a temptation - but his position to the right of Aziraphale speaks to the fact that they are both very complicit in this performance.
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“You are up to no good.”  “Obviously. And you are up to good, I take it? Lots of good deeds?” Just standard character establishment, here.
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“No rest for the, well, good." Ah, this line, the inversion of the well known idiom. Because the line between good and evil (and between angel and demon) maybe aren't so distinct, and Aziraphale acknowledges this with his words. We are moving into negotiations now. "I have to be in Edinburgh at the end of the week. A couple of blessings to do, and a minor miracle to perform. Apparently, I have to ride a horse.”
“Ah hard on the buttocks, horses. Major design flaw, if you ask me. I’m meant to be headed to Edinburgh too this week. Tempting a clan leader to steal some cattle.” The way Crowley moves AROUND Aziraphale here, intimate but also careful, watching for his reactions.
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“Doesn’t sound like hard work.” Said with a little sideways look, because Aziraphale can see where this is going. And he's open to suggestion temptation.
“That was why I thought we should… well, bit of a waste of effort. Both of us going all the way to Scotland.”
“You cannot actually be suggesting what I infer you are implying?” A little bit of pretense, because Aziraphale has to pretend to be tempted, right?
Crowley presses. “Which is?” Because he is willing to play the part of tempting demon, but only if it is clear this is a farce, that this is indeed mutually agreeable. He is making sure they are doing the same dance.
"That one of us goes to Edinburgh and does... both. The blessing and the tempting."
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Yes, they are doing the same dance, and what is left is the formality of concluding the dance - a moment of Aziraphale expressing his concern for Crowley, the coin toss - they both know how it ends. It's a ritual, an act of give and take.
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But if it were ONLY the Arrangement, a simple quid pro quo, it would have ended there. It doesn't. Instead, the two offer each other a more intimate exchange - "It'd take a miracle to get people to come and see Hamlet."
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Aziraphale doesn't even have to ask with words, just a look, and Crowley happily agrees. That is the final part of the dance, a small acknowledgement that this isn't just about making their jobs easier.
A Free Man in Paris
Paris is something else. This is a HUGE step beyond making sure that audiences like a show your angel is particularly fond of. This is a stolen dangerous moment, an OUTRAGEOUS flirtation that takes place outside of time, conducted in clear view of others but beyond their understanding. Isn’t that how their entire relationship is now conducted, hidden in plain view and so clearly affectionate? 
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And look, Aziraphale is BITCHY in this scene. Peak That Bitch. He's just purchased a bookshop, he's creating a very permanent place for himself here on earth - Aziraphale is feeling quite proud of himself. In fact, he's preening a bit that he has figured out how to exist, even in some small limited way, as himself within the confines of the system of Heaven. Buuuut he may have gone just a bit too far, and gotten himself in a spot of trouble. He has landed in a prison, threatened with "death" and stuck because he's already gotten a warning about being frivolous with his miracles. Oh jolly good that Crowley is here to save the day!
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There is something raw being communicated here here, where both Aziraphale and Crowley are presenting themselves to the world in ways that are dangerous. Aziraphale's reaction tells us that Crowley's look is doing things to him, but also in a way that it is NOT socially appropriate. Aziraphale may have showed up in all the trappings of an English aristocrat, but here is Crowley as a French royal sympathizer. NEITHER of these are safe choices in the middle of a revolution. The costuming is so critical to fully appreciating this scene, so check out the amazing clothing overview with @cobragardens.
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When Crowley arrives and stops time, he and Aziraphale find themselves situated facing one another, but angled so they aren’t facing straight on. Interestingly, from Crowley’s perspective, he is where he is supposed to be - the left of Aziraphale. But Aziraphale, from his perspective, is also to the left of Crowley. It was Aziraphale after all who initiated this situation, who put himself in danger by being too… Aziraphale. It’s dangerous to be yourself when you don’t fit into heteronormative social expectations, isn’t it? Still, the two keep up a very flirtatious banter as they discuss the situation, and Crowley maintains his very-intentionally-unbothered sitting position up until Aziraphale goes too far and thanks him for coming to his rescue.
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While Crowley is also flirting with danger in the way he is dressed, he also didn't just pop over for a nibble dressed this way. And whatever he might have been up to was interrupted so he could rescue Aziraphale from the consequences of his own reckless authenticity. After removing the chains, Crowley pushes Aziraphale to reconsider his honest expression of himself in this exact place and time - for the sake of survival.
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Aziraphale, willing to risk himself alone, rather quickly adopts a more acceptable appearance when it might impact Crowley. It is only after Aziraphale is safely disguised and returned to his proper place to the right of Crowley, ONLY then does Crowley restart time. They can go enjoy lunch now, with the proper precautions and masks in place.
For these two particular human-coded occult beings, this is also such an honest moment. They both showed up damn authentically - Aziraphale so fabulously ostentatious, focused on chasing down some pleasure (in this crepes) and Crowley wrapped in a clear protest against the current violence. Just as Aziraphale indicated with his "Oh good LORD" as he looked the demon up and down with obvious thirst, Crowley's request to Aziraphale to change his appearance and mask better is done in such a way that affirms that Crowley LIKES who Aziraphale is without the mask.
The scene is so playful on the surface, the body language and dialogue flirtatious. It's something so familiar to the queer experience, making light of the absolute danger that we must sometimes navigate just to exist. The more I watch it, the more obsessed I become.
A Spot of Bodysnatchin'
It is worth remembering that we didn't get this scene in S1.
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I am going to go through it soon, because again they dance back and forth beautifully in this minisode, but suffice to say we all know... it didn't end well for Crowley.
No Walk in the Park
The moment in St. James Park is brief, and it wasn't until S2 and the meeting at Edinburgh that we got the full context for this meeting. But even without this, we can clearly see that things are weighing heavily on Crowley. The scene in the Bastille took place in a prison, with the threat of execution over their heads. The juxtaposition of this conversation taking place in a park - a place that is not only NOT inherently dangerous but looks lovely and welcoming - only highlights the change in Crowley's attitude. He still attempts to be playful, but he's afraid. Look at that paper, it's a bit crumpled, he's been carrying it around for a while.
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They are firmly entrenched on their assigned sides for the entire conversation, both very stiff. It feels uncomfortable to watch. When Aziraphale refuses his request, and indicates whatever is between them is just "fraternizing" with the enemy, we get a glimpse of how fearful Crowley really is. In none of these flashbacks has Crowley ever spoken to Aziraphale with the anger we see here. When they part in anger, it feels wrong.
Take Me to Church
So there is a long break between meetings now. But then, ah, the church. The place Aziraphale realizes his feelings. (Look, if Michael says this is where Aziraphale realized he'd fallen in love, I am not here to argue.) What I love is that again we see Crowley and Aziraphale swapping sides. Crowley is here to save his wayward angel, AGAIN. Despite feeling the ill effects of walking on consecrated ground, Crowley is here to save his angel and defeat Nazis. It's definitely not remotely evil intentions.
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It isn't like the Bastille, but some of the parallels exist - Aziraphale failing to grasp the risks of his actions. And the silliness of his little dance coupled with just how deadly serious this situation is harks back to their flirtations in the prison.
Crowley is to the right of Aziraphale from the time he arrives until the bomb drops. Then in the rubble, with the danger past, we see them on their assigned sides again. UNTIL Crowley hands Aziraphale the books he saved with a "little demonic miracle of my own." He then crosses Aziraphale, and we see the look of absolute adoration as the angel watches him walk away to the right.
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Sweeeeeet baby Jesus, baby girl has it BAD.
Always Crashing in the Same Car
This extremely heartbreaking scene has been dissected, chewed over, breaking our little hearts with it's sharp pieces.
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But it is purposeful that this scene took place in the Bentley. Being in the car is symbolic because Aziraphale is here making an offering to Crowley, in his space, something that he Aziraphale feels is WRONG which is highlighted by his placement to the left of Crowley. He is scared, acting against all his own desires, but he does it anyway because he cares for Crowley. It's simple, powerful placement. Need to hurt more? Yeah, thought so. Take a deeper look at the dialogue with @zionworkzs.
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searchingforgravity · 24 days
Graceland Experience - PART 3
Fandom: Elvis/Elvis (2022)
Prompt: It seems Elvis is concealing something, but you aren't exactly sure what. As you meet with the doctor, you try to come up with what you next steps are to get out of this situation.
TW: None
Word Count: 1492
A/N: I cannot stop writing this. Thank you for the love!
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"Do you remember me finding you in my living room?"
Did you? You remember feeling terrible and passing out. You try to dig into your memories and bring that one to the surface.
"You were saying someone was taking you for a tour around the house."
Okay, you need to think of something quick. You're not dead and your not dreaming. So either you actually have lost your mind, or...
No. Something like that just isn't possible. But, what other explanation is there? Had you really time traveled back to when Elvis was alive and breathing? The notion made you start to feel sick again as you groan, holding your stomach.
Elvis quickly brings the cool, wet towel to your forehead, his other hand holding the trash can close as you lean forward, your hands clutching the bed sheets as you prepare to vomit again, but you just gag. Your stomach is officially empty.
"We'll get you somethin' to eat," he mumbles, looking over at the clock.
You take a glance too and it's now 6:10a.m. Okay, so you time traveled. That's what you are choosing to believe right now because it's the only option that will help you keep a grip on your sanity. Even if it seems impossible. So, you traveled back in time to the year...you look at Elvis' face. He looks to be around the same age as you. He's so young still. It has to be the early 60's.
Good God, how are you supposed to live in the 60's? You decide that's something you'll deal with later as you think of something to tell the man in front of you. Should you make up a crazy fan story or should you act like you don't remember anything? You decide the latter will be easiest now and give you more time to figure out what to do.
"I uh- I honestly don't remember much of anything."
Elvis looks back over to you as he takes his eyes away from the digital clock.
"Nothin'? What's your name, honey?"
That's when the idea hits you.
"I don't know. I'm so confused, I don't remember much of anything."
He looks at you for a long moment with sympathy in his eyes. You hope he believes you. You have no money that means anything in this time, and you have nowhere to go. You hope he's as generous as people have claimed him to be.
He gets up as he moves to the door, opening it and preparing to leave.
"Okay, I'll get a doctor over here to take a good look at you. In the meantime, I'll bring you up something to eat and show you where the bathroom is so you can freshen up."
You nod as you gaze at him standing in the doorway. You still can't believe it. He's even more gorgeous in person, you don't know how it's possible.
He smirks as he seemingly reads your mind, and you look away embarrassed as you preoccupy yourself with your sudden interest in the bedsheets. You hear the door shut behind him.
After you've eaten, you feel immensely better, your headache all but gone from having some food in your body. You are shown to a bathroom and are finally able to clean up. You look around for your clothes and stop.
You were wearing jeans. And a t-shirt. Maybe you could get away with it? You know girls usually wore dresses, but jeans and t-shirts started becoming popular in the 60's.
Neither Elvis or Sonny commented on that since you've woken up. You are about to ask Elvis what had happened to the outfit you arrived in, but then remember that you've chosen to take the completely clueless route. Surely you had to have arrived in something other than pajamas.
Opening the door to the bathroom, you look out in the hallway, it sounds empty. You listen a little longer until you hear movement from Elvis' room.
"Elvis?" You call, your voice still strained a bit.
You wait, then shuffling. You hear him closing something, maybe a drawer, before opening the door to his room.
"Yes, do you need help with anything?" he asks, his head popped out from his room, the door only slightly cracked.
His mind looks preoccupied.
"Um, did you find me in this gown?"
He pauses for a moment at this, his attention pulled to you as his eyes fixate on yours. It looks as if he wants to ask you a question as he hesitates. Your stomach sinks, of course he's going to ask you about your outfit. You don't have time to think of a response before he answers your question.
"Oh, uh-no of course not. But...well your outfit was dirty when I found you. The maid changed you and I had it thrown out. But there should be an outfit in the cabinet by the shower," he responded, opening the door fully now as he prepares to leave his room.
You note how he had changed from his pajamas and was now fully dressed. He isn't leaving, is he? It might be better for you if he is so you can find your way out of this situation, but you don't like the daunting feeling of being alone at the moment. As you nod in acknowledgement to what he had just said, another thought comes to your mind.
Why had he lied?
While you don't clearly remember the encounter of him finding you in his living room, you think you would've remembered if your clothes were dirty from earlier that day. He has nothing to gain by lying to you about what state you were in when he found you. Was he, in some way, protecting you? You quickly brush this possibility away, he doesn't even know you and you had intruded into his home. It's more likely that he is trying to get as much information out of you that he can.
"I also called my doctor, he should be here in about an hour to take a look at you."
You thank him and return to the bathroom shutting the door behind you, your heart now pounding in your chest.
"What did you say your name was, dear?"
You are getting a little tired of these men asking you so many questions. You have barely had time to think about what your next course of action is. All this attention is making you feel exhausted, and you've just woken from apparently a four day coma. Oh, and you had just time traveled and still aren't completely sure what year it is. You make a note to yourself to find that out as soon as possible. You open your mouth to answer, but someone beats you to it.
"She says she doesn't remember. Doesn't remember much of anything," Elvis states.
He's been in the room the whole time watching, his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the wall. The way he's watching you, it feels like you're an insect he's looking at over a microscope.
The doctor hums in acknowledgement, as he presses a stethoscope to your chest, listening for your probably not so steady heartbeat.
"Is that right? Well, it sounds like a case of amnesia. Her memory will most likely come back, but there's no telling when exactly that will be. My suggestion would be to send her to the hospital since she can't remember any family members. She didn't have any ID on her did she?"
You try not to gasp as the color drains from your face. Did he find your ID? Were you even holding your bag when you sat down on the couch after the tour? You can't remember, but for your sake, you hope not.
"No, I didn't see any ID."
"Alright, well I can take her to the hospital with me. I'm going now, she can ride in the back."
Before you have time to panic as the thought of being alone and abandoned in a hospital in the 60's shakes you to your core, Elvis responds.
"Oh that's alright. I would feel better having her looked after here until she gets some memory back."
At this, the doctor's eye quirks. But he doesn't push the subject.
"Alright, just so long as she's not some crazy fan. Those girls will do just about anything to get close to you, won't they? Luck dog," the doctor laughs, getting up as he packs his equipment in his bag. He doesn't even motion a goodbye to you.
You roll your eyes. If you weren't freaking out right now you would be more annoyed.
Elvis laughs.
"You should've seen her just a few hours ago. Quite the opposite."
Your face burns with embarrassment as your eyes meet his, no doubt a scowl on your face. You imagine to see humour in his eyes, but instead are met with a questioning curiosity.
Series Masterlist
Tag List:
@horrorgirl4life @tantamount-treason @peaceloveelvis @sissylittlefeather @father-of-2cats @goldobsessionsworld @elvisalltheway101 @littlehoneyposts @atleastpleasetelephone @ccab @msamarican
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isolaradiale · 4 days
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. . . . .
"Mmhm, I see, I see... Your father did tell us you had a bit of a mishap with your art project. We couldn't help coming to give some advice." Solaris muses, circling the diorama of the city. Currently, it's been moved to a coffee table.
"Yes, he told me I should try and spin it as if I had done such a thing on purpose. But I don't see how I could possibly..." "Oh, we had an idea for that!"
Mimosa flutters from behind, resting her hands on Janus' shoulders. The glint of mischief hiding in her rosy glasses does not escape his notice.
"We could help you mirror it in the city proper, you know!" "What?" "It's an interesting theory. The structures you made still stand, but what gives them life and personality has been greyed out." "I wouldn't say that--" "So how do you fix it? Do you paint them with the hues and values they're supposed to be, or do you pick something new?" "What do you do with the spots where the paint bled together? Do you paint over that, too?"
As the two bounce back and forth in this terrible game of brainstorming, Janus begins to put his hands to his cheeks in mounting horror.
"Oh, no. No no no. Absolutely not--" "If we make someone look like an old black and white movie, what happens? Will they try to change to technicolour?" "Would they paint themselves the colour palettes they're used to? Maybe it's something entirely different. If we make those hues correspond with their personalities..." "I--I'll have no part in this! The last time something like this happened, everything--" "Ah-ah, don't worry."
Mimosa leaves Janus side to twirl next to Solaris, who makes an artful pose himself, as if framing the splotchy mess of a diorama in his hands.
"We have this one completely under control. Not like last time." "I'll make sure of it. Just a little bit of editing... ah, Mimosa, what if we..."
Janus can only move his head as the two take their leave, watching them scheme and snicker. He turns back to look at the model of the city. And in a scramble that almost makes him trip over his own feet, he rushes to his boxes of paints.
"--I have to at least put the base coat back on, or they really won't have anything at all!"
. . . . .
Welcome to another zany event for the fall season! It looks like Mimosa and Solaris aren't done causing trouble, but this time, it should be harmless. Right? (Right...?)
Taking inspiration from a creative mishap, the Stars have decided to effectively render the city in greyscale--including the people residing in it--to see what really makes everyone so colourful. Thankfully, most people will start with a base hue.
What does that mean, though? Here's a handy-dandy list of notes!
As soon as it strikes midnight that night, your muse will find that they've been completely greyscaled, save for one colour that represents who they are at their core, and only that colour! - Think of it like those 'what colour is your soul' quizzes. If your muse was only one hue, what would it be? For example, a character that is inherently cheery might turn completely yellow or pink, while a hot-headed character may turn red or orange to reflect their personality.
Your muse cannot help but feel and act whatever hue/personality they seem to be. However! The more your muse interacts with the people around them, the more colours (and feelings/facets of their personality) will open up to them. This will also physically reflect on them. - If your cheery yellow muse bumps into a sad, blue muse, you'll both have a new colour to express. Now you can feel happy (yellow) AND sad (blue)! And perhaps a sort of melancholy joy, like watching your best friend win that prize you wanted instead of you. Of course, you're happy for them, but sad you didn't win. - Or maybe those two colours mix into being green with envy... And suddenly, you have a new colour ;3
Any inanimate object your muse interacts with (except their Island Issued Cell Phone) will take on your muse's hue. Every step you take will leave a colourful footprint in its wake, every hand rail will have colourful handprints. More on that later.
With enough interactions and perspectives, your muse will be back to their old selves in no time! If, that is, they want to go back to their old selves at all. Maybe another colour palette suits them better than before...?
"It can't be that easy, though."
And, you're right! The experiment did more than reduce everyone to solid (or no) colours! Some other strange things are happening, too. Such as...
The NPCs of the city have not escaped unscathed. Unlike you, though, they have no hue to them at all. However, they'll absorb colours from your muses by proximity and action. - If your deep-green jealous muse is around, NPCs will turn deep-green too, and may want what you have--and might try to take it by force. But a calm mint-coloured muse may just leave you alone and soak up some vibes. - This extends to creatures of the island, too, so watch out!
Sources of water in the city (the ocean, lakes, ponds, swimming pools, etc) will wash away at least one colour from you. (You can still drink and cook with it without any effect, though.) Better not get caught in a rainstorm any time soon!
To combat this, you can find paint cans with a random colour paint in them around the city. You never know what you're going to get, though!
The city itself is completely greyscale, so navigating it might be a challenge without any colourful landmarks to stand out. That being said, your muse will leave colour wherever they go, like they're a giant paint roller. And so will everyone else's muses! Figuring out populated areas will be Very Easy, but you might get disoriented in places that don't get a lot of foot traffic.
These are the major issues...... for now :)
"Do I have to pick a hue at the beginning? I can't decide on one."
It's entirely possible that your muse can start in greyscale, and just has No Personality. In that case, they'll take on the hue of the first person they interact with.
"What do we do if a colour has multiple associations with it?"
Each association of that colour is a valid one, and there are no incorrect colour associations. Each colour is whatever you need it to be in the moment. The definition of "red" for your muse may not match the "red" of your RP partner--and that's okay! What may be helpful is to make an event info post explaining your colour choice, how you interpret it, and how it would affect your character!
"Do we have to stick to basic colours like red, yellow, green, blue, etc?"
Nope. Maybe your muse is a mauve, emerald, beige, or aquamarine. Pick any colour you think is best for the moment!
"In theory, could we use the paint cans laying around to add hues to others by splashing them with it or something?"
PVP is enabled, if you want to be a menace! (with mun permission, of course)
"Is the comic in black and white for plot reasons?"
No, I'm just lazy :c
Have a question you don't see on here? You can message the Masterlist!
See you in a week! Make sure to get as many colour perspectives as you can, okay? :)
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helpless pt1
Title: helpless pt1
Pairing: Killian Jones x reader
Word count: 984
Warnings: blood, swearing
Tags: angst, hurt-comfort
Synopsis: when reader gets really hurt, she has no choice but to go someone who is not really her friend....
A/N: I'm back!! I think this will be a multiple part story, I wanted to test something new. so the idea was that y/n arrives at his door beaten up and weak, and he has to kind of take care of her, but she's cold and doesn't wanna open up to him. enjoy :)
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They got you good. Your face is bloody, and you're covered in bruises. You're a long way from home, and won't make it back in one piece, so you have only one choice.
You new his house wasn't far from where you were, so you gathered yourself and went.
You stand in his doorway, bloody and beaten up. Your knees are weak and you're on the verge of collapsing right then and there
"I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go" You say, weakly.
His eyes instantly show concern. While you are definitely not his friend, he's not a complete monster.
"Come inside"
You try to get over to a chair, but your legs are unstable and it causes you to stumble. He lifts you to the chair as gently as possible, and leans you back. He takes a moment to study the bruises.
"You are beaten pretty badly. Who did this to you?"
Your breathing is heavy. Blood drips out of your mouth on the floor. there's a huge cut on your face, and blood leaks from it. You exhale, not giving him a response. You don't want to open up.
He gives you a stern, but concerned look, waiting for you to speak. It's breaking his heart to see you so roughed up. If this were any of his men in this state, he would be furious.
"You got any antiseptic?" I say, with a cold tone in my voice, breaking the silence.
He gets to work quickly, cleaning the injuries and getting the necessary supplies for stitching it up. He takes a deep breath and asks the dreaded question
"Who did this to you, y/n?"
You wince in pain as he touches the cloth to your open wound "It's none of your concern."
He shakes his head. "Your pride is going to get you killed. I have never seen an enemy left in such a state. You can hardly walk. Tell me. Who did this."
You lean your head against the wall, closing your eyes. You let out a groan, feeling discomfort because of your wounds.
"No offence y/n, but you truly are stubborn. I'll ask again. Who did this to you?"
"Let it go Killian."
"No. This could be vital information. The person who nearly killed you could attack you again, or attack me and my men. Or we could have some common ground on this matter. Please just tell me who it was."
"It's nothing!" you yell in frustration as you stand up with trouble. "Thank you for the care. I'm going now." You stand up, regretting your decision of coming here in the first place.
He stands in front of the door and sighs, shaking his head "I can't let you leave in this condition, y/n. You are practically helpless."
"Let me leave." You try to push him aside, but you have no strength left, and it causes you to have to take a step sideways, leaning into the wall with your hands.
"You cannot leave. You are in no condition to move. If whoever attacked you finds you leaving this state, for all I know they would just finish you off. Do not be so stubborn."
"Why are you acting like this? As if you care about what happens to me."
"You may not believe me y/n, but I do care. You have caused me a great deal of grief and rage, but seeing the state you are in right now fills me with empathy. So I'm not asking you again. Who did this to you?"
"It's nothing of your concern Killian"
"I am telling you, it is my concern." He takes a deep breath "Whoever did this to you, they are not good. I am willing to set our little rivalry aside to make sure this person doesn't cause any further trouble. I am only telling you this once, y/n. Who did this to you?"
"shut up." you say, softly.
He rolls his eyes. "What a surprise, the proud, stubborn woman finally breaks." he steps closer and towers over you, looking you dead in the eyes "Who. Did. This. To. You!"
"SHUT. UP!" You yell at him, your voice shaking. Your eyes tear up a little bit. You take a deep breath and put your hands at the wall, holding yourself up.
He notices how much this is obviously hurting you. You are on the verge of tears and it takes all your strength to keep from collapsing. It secretly pains him to see you in such a state. He sighs and looks at you. He takes a step closer and places a hand on your shoulder. He speaks in a softer tone
"I know this may be a shock to you y/n. But I'm willing to put a hold on his hate for you to help you. We can put our rivalry away temporarily and focus on this matter at hand. All I ask is for you to tell me who did this to you, so that I may ensure this does not happen to you or anyone I may care for again."
"Fine. It was Sunamo and his men." You say softly, having your eyes closed.
His eyes show shock and his jaw drops at such a name. Sunamo is a sadistic monster who knows no mercy. He lets out a slow exhale. For the first time in all his time knowing her, you are showing slight trust in him. This is certainly a breakthrough.
"What did they do to you?"
You look at your shoes with a puzzled look on your face, looking for words.
"Take your time. I am not going anywhere until I get the whole story. This Sunamo is someone I have had my eye on for a while. You are not the first to suffer at his hands. What did he do?"
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
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Chapter 1 → Chapter 2 → Chapter 3
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐲 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞.
Warning! This Series Includes: Spoilers to Genshin Impact Lore, Bad Grammar (Not Beta Read) & The Characters Might Be OOC!
"God of Freedom...Where are the Others?"
You can feel a deadly chill run over your entire spine, your entire form shaking at not only the cold breeze that suddenly wafted through the area, but how your nerves began to act up.
That voice. That voice sounded almost like yours. How was that possible..? You were here, and you weren't talking—that can't be you, can it?
Venti, ever the sly son of a Truck-Kun he is, smiles, clearly unaffected by what you would assume is Istaroth's presence.
"Ah, Istaroth!" He says, beaming as if he's only just now realize it was truly the God of Time. "It's nice to hear from you again!"
Clearly, your past (?) self was not in the mood to indulge Venti, letting out an unamused hum in response.
"Answer my question, Barbatos. Where are the Others? I cannot sense them...in your current time. It should only be me absent of my duties..."
Okay, Past You confirmed. Your past self really has foreseen this, huh? Dropping lore bombs here and there—at this rate, you were surprised how resilient you are by how often these attacks were coming, each lore bomb leaving a heavier dent than the last.
Venti only chuckles, amused. "Come on, Istaroth!~" he says, his voice taking on a slight childish sing-song tone. "Don't be like that—I haven't heard from you in so long, and this is how you greet me?"
"Answer the question, Barbatos."
You swear you can hear tiredness and exasperation in Past You's voice. Holy cow, I really am a tired, single parent. You look over at Venti as your thoughts whisper in your own ear.
Venti's smile widens a little. "Oh, fine. I don't know, honestly." He pulls off a wide grin as he said so, as if proud.
You weren't sure if you were going to be struck down alongside Venti for his spectacle.
"...Barbatos. You best not be lying."
"I'm not!" Venti raises his hands in front of his chest. "You know I don't kid around that much~" You can hear the living life seep out of Past You as they sigh.
"I will not waste anymore time. Barbatos, go search for the Others. I will personally see what I can do now—in the past—to help you find them."
You can feel a divine presence staring you down all of a sudden. It took a moment for you to stop the shivers running down your back as you (technically) meet Past You face-to-face (in a metaphoric sense, of course).
"Me, Who is of The Future. You are looking for 3 Others. You know them very well, I am sure."
Past You's voice was surprisingly gentle, calm and melodic. It was as if Past You could hear how much you were panicking on the inside or something.
Not that you would so openly tell anyone that you were having a heart attack every now and again, constantly reminding yourself that you just got isekai'd into a flipping video game.
"Uh....are they friends of mine?" You ask. "'3 Others' can be a lot of people..."
"You have 3 close friends, no?"
Oh holy macaroni and cheese. THAT'S who Past You Was TALKING ABOUT?! You're three other friends that you also play Genshin with?
"Excuse me, but what?!" You exclaim, your voice accidentally rising a little. "Who are sending my friends here? Better yet—WHY are they sending us here?!"
"Me of the Future, please relax."
You hear Past You chuckle, as if expecting this to happen—as if amused. Good to know Past You enjoys your misery (not really).
You were sure the other three present were also silently taking joy of your mental breakdowns—you can see that smug smile Venti was wearing from the corner of your eye as you stare into space like a weird buffoon.
"Just like this famed Traveler that stands beside you, Me of the Future, you will face many trials ahead. All of your friends have already identified themselves to fit in this world that is Teyvat. Under this luminsicent sky, you too, shall find yourself and rise back to the Heavens to reclaim your throne."
....Okay. Okay.
But with all due respect: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? You were getting lore bombed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with no stops.
You were really fricking Istaroth. Was it really time to throw your atheism out the window already?
"Your journey will begin in Liyue—you are to reach for Inazuma. I'm sure the Traveler and Paimon shall guide you there. I must leave you—there are some important matters I have to deal with in my current time. I wish you luck, Me of the Future."
With that being said, you felt Past You's presence fade, along with what remaining anemo was left. Except your hands felt weird to yourself—which was odd, since they weren't feeling like that while you were talking to Past You.
"Well," Venti speaks, breaking the silence amongst them all. His gaze was set on you, his smile widening a little. "It seems that you've unlocked your powers, Y/N."
You look down at your hands, and to your astonishment (and horror—sort of), your hands were filled with winds of anemo. How you were holding wind in your hands, you have no idea—but hey, to be fair—some genshin logic throws your world's common sense and logic out of an imaginary window and into the unknown.
"What the heck...." You stare down at your hands. Venti chuckles.
"Well, this bard will leave you to the trusty hands of the Traveler and Paimon!" he cheers, smiling wide. He summons his lyre. "A new ballad for the famous Traveler—a song I shall produce and share for all of Mondstadt to hear!" With that being his way of saying farewell, the boy just ditches you right then and there.
You sigh. So much for being a "guide" for me, Venti, you think, deadpanning. 5 star-review for one part, though—he did a pretty good job when it came to showing the Tree of Vanessa.
"Well..." You look over at Paimon and the Traveler. Paimon looks sheepish. "I guess we can show you around Teyvat to help you find your real-self. Right, Traveler?" They nod—they were honestly too helpful for their own good sometimes. You sigh again.
"Thank you, both of you," you say, looking back down at your hands. Oh yeah—they were still holding wind. "Uhh....does anyone know how I control anemo?"
"Oh! Paimon can teach—"
The poor fairy did not finish her sentence before your hands engulfed more wind and became two mini tornados.
You're off to a great start, keep it up!
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Ghost Rebel Side Note: This is probably a good time to mention that I don't play Genshin Impact myself—I just indulge myself in the lore. So, in advance, I would like to apologize if I get any of the settings wrong! That is a mistake on my behalf, and I hope it doesn't affect your reading experience!
I don't usually do tag lists, but there are a few people who wanted me to tag them when this was out: @nymphsdomain @sielt
Again, allow me to apologize how long this took to be posted! My motivation is at constant writer's block since Honkai: Star Rail came into my life 😭 Nevertheless, I'm not jumping out of the Sagau Genshin franchise just yet lol—
Fair Warning: I might take a small break from working on this series due to my lack of motivation, but I promise you this series will not be cancelled anytime soon!
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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fellthemarvelous · 9 months
Let's talk about Maggie and Aziraphale
Once again, I am just screenshotting my tweets and posting them here because I have more to say and Twitter's platform doesn't let me talk long enough uninterrupted.
Make way for more unhinged meta!
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I cannot get this idea out of my head, and before you tell me that I'm crazy, just listen. Okay?
I think Aziraphale looks at Edinburgh as his Greatest Failure™️ because humanity and Crowley both paid the price for Aziraphale's mistake. It was a night that shook Aziraphale's confidence in himself, and it was a clear turning point for his understanding of shades of grey. He learned a valuable lesson at a horrific cost.
There is no possible way he has forgiven himself for Edinburgh.
When you are supposed to be the epitome of good, every single failure that carries any sort of weight sticks with you for the rest of your life because of the overwhelming guilt that comes with it. As someone who struggles with Catholic guilt...
Trust me. I know what I'm talking about.
Why does Maggie have a connection to a pub called the Resurrectionist, located in Edinburgh not far from the Gabriel statue in the cemetery where Wee Morag died and Crowley was sucked down into Hell? The Resurrectionist representing both Jesus Christ and Mr. Dalrymple.
Why does Aziraphale insist on taking the Bentley to Edinburgh with him?
He's scared to go back, and he's not risking Crowley's life again by bringing him along, but he takes the Bentley because it's an extension of Crowley, it makes him feel safe, and neither Heaven or Hell care for material objects and won't end up separating them again. It's a lifeline to Crowley while he's doing something without him and ensuring that Crowley won't be able to jump in and save him at the last minute if things go wrong.
He's scared to go back but he was getting extra copies of Every Day from one particular location nowhere near his bookshop before he even heard Jim singing it in the bookshop. And all of this ended up bringing him back to the statue of Gabriel where it all went wrong the first time Aziraphale and Crowley went to that cemetery together.
But I think the connection to Maggie is Elspeth. I keep going back and forth between her and Wee Morag, but Elspeth currently makes the most sense to me. I briefly wrote about the idea of lost souls and second chances here, but I'm still on the fence about it.
We don't know what Elspeth did with Aziraphale's money, but we know it was enough to turn her life around. We don't know who Maggie's great-great-grandmother is, but she has been keeping a little corner of the bookshop to "sell records" for Mr. Fell since the 1920s.
But if you look at the record art for Maggie's bookshop, some of them include all their tracks on the cover and they are telling actual stories. I've talked about Maggie's record shop before on this post. I'm still not sure what I believe, but the idea of it being Aziraphale's personal records keeps sticking with me. He's been around for a long time and there is a lot to keep up with.
Why is it so important to him that Maggie gets to dance with Nina? He told Nina he threw the ball so she would see that Maggie is in love with her, the same way he was going to use it to tell Crowley he loved him, but he was so delighted to see Maggie and Nina dance together.
And Aziraphale's love for Maggie isn't one-sided because she stays behind to help him even though she's up against something more powerful than herself. She refuses to leave him alone. She might be annoyed that he was interfering in her love life, but he's always been good to her and is probably the closest thing to family she has (we only ever see Crowley, Aziraphale and Nina talk to her).
She said she "had" brothers. Past tense. She stands up to Shax because she's no longer scared of...something. Nina tells Shax that Maggie is the bravest person she knows. Maggie comes up with the idea to spray the demons with the fire extinguishers. It might have been silly but it proves that humans are ready to fight back using whatever tools we have at our disposal.
Why didn't we know of her existence in season 1? We saw Maggie's chattering nun die onscreen. Was she one of Adam's additions to Aziraphale's bookshop? Where did she come from? Does Adam remember her face from when he was an infant? Sister Mary Loquacious (formerly) told Aziraphale and Crowley that the nuns had been very good at keeping records, but they all burned in the fire.
But Adam got a very good look at the faces of Sister Mary Loquacious and Sister Theresa Garrulous. He was an infant but he was still the son of Satan.
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So is Maggie an Adam creation? Is she somehow related to Elspeth's existence? Why is she so important to Aziraphale?
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hanafubukki · 7 months
It was one day after club activities that Silver spoke up. They were walking home when he breached the topic of his fellow knight's relationship. He's sure to let him know he doesn't want to intrude where he's not welcome, but he's concerned about how his end of the breakup is going. Sebek insists that he's fine but Silver lets him know that he, Malleus, and Lilia have noticed he's been off ever since. It quickly dissolves to Sebek thinking Silver is insinuating that he isn't taking as good care of Malleus post-breakup, not listening to Silver's attempts to correct him. He is temporarily blinded by his usual stubbornness and doubles down that he should have never listened to Malleus and Lilia about courting. Although he did it for his liege, it would have been in his liege's better interest had he outright refused. He should have known better than to let something distract him from the duty he has sworn his life to. For a few days he avoids you completely. He sees you in his peripheral? He moves so he doesn't see you. You're sharing PE? He's juggling the task of keeping track of where you are just so he can stay as far away as possible. At lunch? He stares directly at the floor so that he can't see which line you're standing in. He later laments in his room, sitting on his bed with his hands on his head, that all his efforts to avoid you as to not be distracted has actually made him pay more attention to you, such as the day in PE when you injured yourself and he made a mental note to avoid the nurse's office (but his mind couldn't help but nagg at him, asking if your injury was being treated properly). It had also made him aware of how his heartbeat would quicken when he did think of/tried to avoid you. He was aware now that the more he tried to pull away, the more he wanted to find you and... pull you into his arms? Hold you in his grasp as you just felt each other, or sit in a cozy chair together and read, or have you feed him snacks as you study together, or feel your hands run through his hair either to slick it back for the day or relax it for the night, or sit together in the botanical garden as he tells you about what he and Malleus had been up to lately while you doodled out those very stories for him to keep in a secret album in his room, or share a broom together in PE where he can feel your arms around his waist as you hold on to him, or help you move furniture in ramshackle to inconspicuously show off how much stronger than a regular human he is, or perhaps he may even be able to spend the night and experience falling asleep with your warmth and comforting presence beside him, or-
His eyes glanced up to the portrait of Malleus on his wall. Oh lord Malleus, forgive him for his sins...he releases a sigh as he stands up, solemnly resolved.
Such an unworthy retainer, he was, to dare knock on his liege's door in order to seek council for his own personal shortcomings. Malleus was at first concerned, especially given the serious yet troubled expression Sebek was making as he looked anywhere but at Malleus himself and that he had trouble speaking of why he came to talk. He waited for Sebek to speak his mind, but it wasn't happening. Sebek didn't know what to say- what was troubled over exactly? The subject was of course you, but...."Waka-sama...I...I do not feel myself and I don't know why. I do not want it to impact my duties as your loyal knight, but I- I have not encountered something like this before, thus I do not know how to fix it."
Malleus made a sound of surprise, his eyes widening before his expression reverting to normal, "Is that so? Well, I am glad you came to me. I will do my best to help you sort out your problem. Let's start with the source. Do you know what is causing it?" Sebek's face turns red and he's reluctant to answer, but he mustn't keep his lord waiting. "...___." Malleus feels a hint of giddiness in his stomach at his answer. He sees what this is about now.
(Skip because I cannot write figuring out feelings 😔)
(Continued next ask)
-Fake Date Sebek Anon
(Fake Date Sebek Anonie’s fic: part 1 and part 2)
Hello Fake Date Sebek Anonie 🌷💞🌺
SILVER Speaking up lets goooo and then Sebek just becomes even more in denial, Sebek noooo 😭
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Sebek becoming more enamored??? Wanting to hug you and cuddle you and spend time with you??
THEN DO IT?!?! You stubborn one!!
“Oh lord malleus forgive him for his sins” had me laughing 🤣🤣
The fact he went to Malleus for advice!!! That’s adorable!!! You know it would have taken him everything and he must have been really stumped to go to malleus.
Because of course lord malleus would know wouldn’t he??
The way malleus is so giddy about it has me laughing 🤣🤣
What better way to keep mc close than marrying them to a retainer 😂😂
Ohhh I can imagine deuce and ace and grim not letting Sebek get away from hurting mc either.
Poor sebek, this is due to your stubbornness. 🫡
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nofomogirl · 1 year
Metatron's manipulation step by step
Part 4: Putting on a human face
Part 1 - where I discuss the significance of the coffee.
Part 2 - where I take a look back at season 1
Part 3 - from Metatron's arrival on Earth to sending the Archangels away
Okay, so after we've discussed how Metatron set the stage, it's finally time to have a look at how he interacts with Aziraphale.
Obviously, Aziraphale's initial attitude is not friendly. He's very guarded and doesn't want to talk at all.
His exact words are "I don't believe there's anything left to be said. I've made my position quite clear."
Sure, it's not said in the most assertive way possible, but what taints it is simple nervousness, not indecisiveness of any kind. Aziraphale genuinely means it. Whatever he said and did in season 1 was not something that happened in the spur of the moment and was regretted later. I haven't seen anything in season 2 that would hint at Aziraphale being in any way unhappy with his little retirement or missing his attachment to Heaven.
I'm absolutely sure he was ready to stand his ground.
So what does Metatron hit him with?
"Yeah, well, I brought you a coffee from the shop."
It's a deceivingly simple two-layered trick.
The first layer is a classic foot-in-the-door technique, where you see pushing your agenda doesn't work, so instead you temporarily drop the subject and simply don't allow the interaction to end in the hope that given enough time the other person might lower their guard down or otherwise become more open, and then you will present your case again.
As a matter of fact, Crowley used the exact same strategy in season 1 episode 1, when he was trying to convince Aziraphale to try and stop the Armageddon.
"We've only got 11 years, and then it's all over. We have to work together." "No." "It's the end of the world we're talking about. It's not some little temptation I've asked you to cover for me while you're up in Edinburgh for a festival. You can't say no" "No." "We can do something. I have an idea." "No! I am not interested." "Well, let's have lunch."
Of course, lunch with Crowley was something far more appealing for Aziraphale than a coffee offered by Metatron (not to mention he didn't actually want Armageddon). Still, he is far too polite, far too caring about the proper etiquette, to simply tell someone who had brought him a drink to piss off.
But what really makes it work is the second layer - confusion.
The gesture is so unexpected, Aziraphale completely loses his footing. His love of Earthly food and beverages was something other angels could never understand. It made him an anomaly, in the worst sense possible - something gross and unnatural. And here the great Metatron not only tolerates it when Aziraphale chooses to indulge, but he himself offers!
He's so baffled, he needs to make sure. "Shall I...?" he asks uncertainly rising the cup in question. And only after Metatron confirms "Drink it? Of course" does he take a sip.
Now, the next line is quite interesting:
"I've ingested things in my time, you know."
Metatron very efficiently shows how he's different from other angels and may have more in common with Aziraphale than the Principality might suspect. He humanizes himself. Maybe not in the most literal sense within the lore of Good Omens, but he does. Not only is he okay with Aziraphale's unusual interests, he understands the appeal.
But he's actually doing something truly devious here. Yes, it is validation, but somehow it's dismissal at the same time. The in my time combined with the creepy tone in which the line is delivered, gave me strong "it's okay, it's just a phase" vibes. Made me think of all the situations a small-minded person belittled someone's passion by saying it's fine to have a hobby and they also had hobbies when they were younger but you can't make a career out of it. Or that some place is fun to visit but one cannot seriously consider moving there. Or that it's normal to experiment when you're young, who didn't experiment, but then you grow up and enter straight marriage...
Metatron offers Aziraphale a coffee and says it's fine to indulge but he doesn't have a drink for himself. Because he only went for it "in his time".
So yes, Metatron is demonstrating he understands Aziraphale, just like I've written earlier. But at the same time, he's already subtly signaling it's time to let go and grow up and be a proper angel.
But for now, Aziraphale only sees the good things, like he so often does.
And it works.
Metatron once more insists they need to talk, and this time Aziraphale isn't as ready to turn him down. He doesn't outright accept, but he is not certain what to do anymore.
He turns to Crowley. And Crowley, unfortunately, doesn't see the danger at all and encourages Aziraphale to go.
And Aziraphale leaves.
And I'll end here.
Continued in: Part 5: The offer ("canonical" version)
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howlingday · 9 months
Lib(er)el Media
Lisa: There you are, Rose! Where have you been?!
Ruby: Sorry, Mrs. Lavender! I got here as fast as the wind could take me. I got those pictures of The Red Hero for you.
Lisa: Mm, okay, let's see what you have. It's a good thing you showed up, because we're still trying to figure out the title for today's headline.
Lisa: Ah, perfect! "The Red Hero and Roman Torchwick Rampage City!"
Ruby: What?! I-I mean, hang on just a second, Mrs. Lavender, but I'm pretty sure The Red Hero was trying to stop Roman Torchwick!
Lisa: And look at all the damage she caused! By the Brothers, Rose, how many times do I have to explain that Vale News Network doesn't operate on opinions, but on facts!
Ruby: Oh, come on! You can't blame everything on The Red Hero.
Lisa: Oh no? Watch me, then maybe you'll realize that if you looked just a bit deeper, you'll see that everything wrong with Vale can traced back to that flower petal fleecer! Someone give me a story!
Weiss: Statistics show that car jackings are at an all-time high.
Lisa: "The Red Hero Does Nothing to Stop Car Jackings!"
Ruby: W-Wait, hang on. That's not fair-
Weiss: The Stinger broke out of prison.
Lisa: "The Red Hero Lets Bad Guy Friends Get Away!"
Ruby: Now hold on a second-
Weiss: The headmaster of Beacon Academy was diagnosed with cancer.
Lisa: My god...
Ruby: See, Mrs. Lavender! It's just not possible that-
Lisa: ...The Red Hero gave that poor bastard cancer.
Ruby: ...How?
Lisa: "The Red Hero Giving People Cancer!" That's the best headline I've heard in my life!
Ruby: How would she even do that, though?!
Lisa: Ah, you're not opening your mind to the possibilities, Rose! She can split into tiny rose petals, so you shouldn't put anything past her! C'mon! Keep 'em coming!
Weiss: Uh, people have been throwing trash into the ocean.
Lisa: "The Red Hero Pollutes Remnant Water Supply!"
Ruby: Mrs. Lavender, just hold on-!
Weiss: Dust sales went up 15%.
Lisa: "The Red Hero Raises Dust Prices!"
Ruby: How would she- Actually, you know, it might not be a bad thing. I mean, those miners are being treated so poorly, so maybe she's looking out for them?
Lisa: Damn, I didn't think of that. "The Red Hero Ranked Worst Humanitarian on Remnant!"
Ruby: Are you honestly telling me The Red Hero cares less about people than Jacques fucking Schnee?!
Lisa: Now you see the problem!
Weiss: Taxes are up.
Lisa: "The Red Hero Raises Taxes!"
Weiss: There's a lot of gang violence.
Lisa: "The Red Hero Leading Gang War!"
Weiss: Uh, my nana is in the hospital.
Lisa: "The Red Hero Wants to Kill Your Grandma!"
Weiss: Oh! There's been an increase in Grimm activity!
Lisa: BINGO! We have a winner! "The Red Hero Hates-"
Lisa: Excuse me-
Ruby: NO! You listen to me, Lavender! People rely on our network for the news, for their information! It's people like you in your position that makes the average citizen lose faith in everything in this world. You're a worse person than you make The Red Hero out to be. Dammit, Lisa, how can you stand for this?
Lisa: I can't.
Ruby: O-Oh! So there is reasoning with you!
Lisa: No, Rose, I mean I can't stand. Like, at all. Physically, I cannot stand.
Ruby: You... You can't stand?
Lisa: Honestly, Rose, when was the last time you saw Lisa Lavender standing up and walking around? NOT behind this desk or the camera? I have been sitting for so long that my legs don't work.
Ruby: Oh god...
Lisa: I eat, sleep, and shit here, Rose. You wonder why I'm so pissed off at the world? At The Red Hero? Because I'm sitting here, paralyzed, while she's out there, flying around all fucking carefree.
Ruby: But why-
Lisa: I haven't seen my husband in three years, Rose! But he understands that! He understands the kind of woman I am to make sacrifices like- (Phone rings) Oh, speak of the Grimm! He's probably calling to congratulate me on my pursuit of the truth!
Lisa: (Picks up) Hello, Roman! ...Yes? ...Yes. ...Alright, thank you. (Hangs up)
Lisa: New headline; "The Red Hero Ends Marriage of 22 Years".
Ruby: ...
Lisa: Tagline; "He's taking the kids."
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Hello! I hope you are doing fine! I am *definitely* going to add to you overflowing askbox, so I apologise in advance.... (I didn't know where to post this, and I seriously don't know how to feel about this post)
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Hi there! I...wow. Okay, I clearly turned off my Anons just in time, or at the worst possible time (I'm not sure which). But this was a hell of a thing to see first thing this morning, and after seeing the notes on that post, I think this person was right to send this question via a throwaway account, because they knew they would get flamed for it.
First of all, whether or not this person should have even asked Neil this question is entirely up for debate. GO season 2 is done, it's in the can and about to be released, so it's not as if there is anything Neil can do about Peter and Ty being in it. I can also understand Neil likening this person's concern about the casting to people saying prior to GO season 1 that it was a huge mistake to cast Michael and David. I could see him equating the two, in his mind, and feeling like this is déjà vu all over again and thusly responding from that vantage.
However...I'm really at a loss as to his opening sentence, in which he describes the person's question as "creepy." I've read and reread the person's question multiple times, and for my part, I did not think there was anything creepy about this question. The person seemed to take great care in asking it--especially with English not being their first language--and did not make any threats toward anyone, nor say anything inappropriate (again, as far as I could tell). This leads me to think that Neil very deliberately used that word, setting the stage for and tacitly encouraging what he alluded to but did not say aloud--that this person is silly and stupid for asking a seemingly harmless question and deserves to be treated accordingly.
There was one part of the person's question that Neil homed in on (and that seems to be a common refrain in the notes and on Twitter), which was that this person cannot separate the characters from the actors, nor tell fiction from reality. Yet I also did not get this feeling from their question, and was taken aback by Neil seemingly twisting around what the person was actually trying to say. The specific focus on this part of the question also seemed to serve the purpose of steering discussion away from the heart of the person's question, which was about nepotism. And it's here, at this particular point, that Neil's response does not really seem to stand up to scrutiny.
First of all, the comment about "a season that hasn't even been commissioned in parts that haven't been written" is disingenuous at best, as not even a week ago, it was Neil himself who said that Georgia was offered a part in season 2. So this is not really a hypothetical concern, as Georgia actually was offered a part. I also thought it was interesting that Neil conveniently did not mention the bonus episode of Sandman, in which both Georgia and Anna had voice roles in scenes with their respective partners. So again, not a hypothetical, but something that actually previously happened. And in both these cases, it does not seem that an audition was required, but rather that the roles were offered to Georgia and AL because they happened to be there/it simplified things since Sandman was recorded during Covid times.
Another thing that has been overlooked was David himself at the Basingstoke Comic Con this past weekend being asked about his favorite scene in GO 2. After mentioning that his son is in the scene, David also says his father-in-law (Peter) is in the show. The interviewer then asks, "And your wife and your neighbor?" to which David's response is "They are not in it, but it’s a sore point, so don’t dwell on it." I thought that was an interesting choice of words, because if everything involving offering Georgia a part did go exactly the way Neil described, why would it be a sore point? If Georgia researched the role and had absolutely no compunction about turning it down, why would she be annoyed or upset? It seems like something small, I know, but it just makes me question some of the things we're being told.
In terms of Peter and Ty's roles, I do understand that Peter is a fixture on the acting landscape in the UK, so I fully get Neil offering him a part, but I find his answer regarding Ty to be extremely dubious, at best. Neil and David have been friends since 2017--so, six years now--and is he truly expecting us to believe that he has no idea what David's son looks like? Even if they haven't had occasion to meet in person, does it really make sense that David would have never shown him a picture? Especially given how he beams with pride when talking about Ty and his accomplishments. Also, I realize the days of traditional audition tapes are long gone, but does it seem at all plausible that Neil wouldn't have seen Ty's name on the clip he watched, or that if he'd seen the name "Ty Tennant," it wouldn't have rung a bell?
But rather than address any of this, Neil--for reasons I can only begin to guess--decided to respond to this person as condescendingly and dismissively as possible. The bit about "shattered the fragile illusion and revealed to people that the David Tennant and Michael Sheen who play Crowley and Aziraphale are actors" was beyond insulting (as if we don't know that Michael and David are actors?), but what really grates my cheese is the fact that it opened the door to people in the notes accusing people who have had concerns about these issues of being "in an echo chamber." I would argue that the people who are somehow not aware of these concerns are the ones actually living in an echo chamber, because there has been a LOT of talk about this ever since Neil shared that cropped photo two months ago. (Also, I am aware that a combined 146 votes is by no mean a representative sample of an entire fandom, but if the results of the two polls I recently posted are any indication, a lot of people seem ambivalent (in the case of Ty and Peter) or outright against (in the case of Georgia and AL) these casting choices.)
Overall, I would say that I am deeply disappointed in this type of response from someone I've always thought was a brilliant writer and a really cool guy. I fully acknowledge that Neil can say whatever he wants, of course, but it's really strange to me that someone who has been so tight-lipped and "wait and see" about everything GO 2 up until now is suddenly delving into details. For months, Neil gave no answers regarding a trailer or character names or even a crumb of plot, so I'm just downright confused as to why these particular questions merited an answer. Neil could've even simply said, "Your concern is noted and appreciated, but everything is fine", or not answered this question at all (which I think probably would've been the better route), but instead, he went the way he did, and here we are.
So those are pretty much my thoughts on this whole thing. I am still looking forward to GO season 2, but this has definitely colored my perceptions to a degree. I guess we'll see what happens...
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babybatscreationsv2 · 1 month
I watched Deadpool and Wolverine and I have thoughts
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First of all
I cannot believe I saw my girl Elektra again and yes I would have cried and thrown up if they killed her. If Blade and Gambit are both getting a new movie where's Elektra's?? I say we riot. And I'm only a little bit kidding. Spider-Man needs a new mother figure after all. How about an Elektra/Jessica Drew team up? OMG I'm just realizing they could have put her in the canceled Shang-Chi film. Does the Hand never face off with the Ten Rings? You would think a couple of a martial artist gangs would have a rivalry. We could have been shipping Elektra and Xialing 😭
Okay actual movie thoughts
Yes the car scene was in fact a sex scene and I don't even think that's even debatable. You can't tell me Hugh Jackman threw his head back like that and groaned like he was fucking cumming and it wasn't an analogy for sex and then following it up with a pan away/sunset shot? It was 100% an ode to the many gay writers who hid their desire to penetrate another man through swords, guns, and fangs. Bram Stoker would be proud
Do not watch this movie if you're uncomfortable with inappropriate sexual touching, or language for that matter. Everyone's getting sexually assaulted and it's a joke every time, but at least they call it what it is I guess?
I feel like the amount of graphic sex jokes was to cover for the fact that they were told not to joke too much about drug use. Although choosing to joke about how they can't do coke was possibly my favorite joke, don't ask me why
They sure did let that little people joke in there though... yikes. Disney is really begging people with dwarfism to jump their asses this year
The weakest part of the film was definitely the villain dialog. I guess they didn't want any big plot twisty reveals because man these dudes came out monologing and like who asked? Nobody. Why are they talking so much?
I have a genuine love for Happy becoming the new Stan Lee cameo. I just love that man as a character and it feels right that he has a hand in everything.
I saw someone on here pouting about the photo of Tony and Peter together and how Peter's face was covered BUT ACTUALLY it's a running gag in the comics that Deadpool can't see Spider-Man's face or hear his name. Even if Peter takes his mask off right in front of him the "Marvel censors" hide it from Wade and I hope to god that's why they covered it because it'll be so damn funny if and when they're both in a film together
Speaking of funny, the comedy in this film was so well done. They poured most of the jokes out in the first act and left room for the movie and the characters to be taken seriously. I'm here praying that the other Marvel writers take notes because while I'm a very emotional person who requires comic relief to get through most movies without crying, we all know the humor in Marvel films is getting to be a bit much.
I was holding my breath during the big team up thinking it was going to be Deadpool 2/Suicide Squad all over again, but they actually got to have their hero moment and it was beautiful.
But WTF? Why did Blade and Gambit get a big moment where they show off their skills but Elektra gets half the screen time during the fight and her moment is just her kicking someone? She has magic ninja abilities?? She could have also done something cool?? The martial arts stuff was cool in her stand alone film, it doesn't impress in a crowd of people who know how to fight. At least let her skillfully throw her sais or something, damn.
And how good is Channing Tatum as Gambit? I'm not a Channing Tatum fan or anything, but damn does he nail it.
NICEPOOL I love Nicepool, I have no idea what Deadpool variants exist in the comics because I actually hate multiverse stuff that isn't spiderverse, BUT it's canon that if Deadpool were to stop killing people that he would become pretty again and I love that there's a universe where's he just insanely nice and handsome mostly because I don't think they would ever make a Spider-Man/Deadpool film so at least we acknowledged that this happens, sorta, they don't really talk about why he's pretty and our Deadpool isn't
I love how it was a Deadpool film, but also everyone got their moment. It was barely even about him. He was the vehicle through which Wolverine and Nova and Laura got to tell their stories and it worked really well
I also feel like Wade getting Johnny killed felt weird and mildly out of character. He's an asshole, not a sadist. There's a big difference. If they wanted him dead to get rid of Chris Evans and still have their cameo, it didn't have to be Wade's fault
Wade and Logan recognizing Chris's face as belonging to Steve also sets a precedent for RDJ playing Doom. (It also means that yes people in universe will recognize him and angst will happen, I'm still crossing my fingers that there's multiple Dooms)
I give the whole thing a 4/5 had a good time, few complaints
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