#you decided to use model with no experience for the criminal
yusiyomogi · 2 months
this is the last time i'm gonna interact with this discourse, i promise. i just wanna tell a few things that i've been meaning to tell anyway.
yes, the larger connection you can make between elves and real world imperialism is interesting, canaries are obviously modeled after military forces of imperialistic countries. even if their goals aren't nefarious, they withhold information from local governments, ignore borders and ensure the global power of their own country. the way they deal with the threat also often disregards actual safety of local people, despite their original goals.
but when we're talking about this theme, which is important and interesting, we have to discuss other significant implications of this allegory. like, for example, people from that military force are systematically treated as completely disposable. story itself doesn't shy away from this, even their nickname "canaries" represents how ridiculously deadly their job is - they're expected to die, basically. practice of recruiting convicted criminals to the army because they are desperate and disposable is something that is actually happening in the world right now. recruiting noble kids to the army as an "honorable tradition" to ensure their loyalty and investment in country's politics is another practice that was common in real world. wealthy people are the most dangerous to their government, after all.
if we actually wanna analyze this, we need to take it seriously, not to use it to prove that some characters are "bad" because of it. kui for sure didn't do this, she specifically humanized canaries in her story and showed how participant of the system can be abused by that system (that doesn't absolve them of their wrongdoings though). just how she decided to show racism as something everyone participates in, instead of making some one-note villain characters who are racists. you can have your own feelings about it, but that's how she did it.
the other thing is, if we actually try to analyze it, we can only take it as interesting thought experiment. we can call it "reading through certain lenses". because we're still dealing with fantasy world here. functionally canaries can be seen more as international disaster response, since they don't participate in actual wars. their primary goal is to control and destroy dungeons, which can be seen as analogy to natural or technological disasters. they don't influence local politics, they don't mass murder people, they don't aim to establish their own bases on the territory of the country (at least not at the point we are in the story). so, they are an amalgamation of these two ideas rather than only one of them. we can't have a real analogy to our world, since we don't have the demon that can destroy us all just because some people have tasty desires. that's why working with allegories to real life is a limiting way of looking at the work. it's fine to do it, but it's only one way to interpret it and it's not "the only correct" way. in fact, most authors prefer when their worldbuilding is judged on its own merits.
mithrun does participate in military force voluntarily and it's an important part of his story. it's also important to analyze why he's doing it: he thinks that he's doing a good thing by enlisting to the unit, because he believes that he's the one who can change things. according to adventurer's bible, his main motivation for recovery was what happened in utaya: mithrun could see how incompetent canaries were when they were dealing with the dungeon and the demon, so his thought was literally "if only i was there...", one of the most common army movie tropes.
and he does change things, surprisingly, because we can see that he focuses on efficiency much more than any other elf. he correctly assumes that the faster they deal with the threat, the less casualties there will be. he speedruns the dungeon in 15 minutes, while utaya's investigation took 1 year before it all collapsed horribly, killing a bunch of civilians and soldiers. mithrun does it so efficiently in fact, that even kabru for a second doubts his decision to stop the canaries. mithrun believes that no secrecy is important when the world is at stake, that's why he tells kabru literally everything he knows. mithrun believes that he can change things. he is wrong though.
mithrun is wrong, because he still serves for elven government and they have not at any point demonstrated that they're interested in actually solving the problem for good (for many reasons probably, they're likely still considering that they'll need the demon's power). mithrun realized it in the end, when he decided to let laios do what he wants instead, basically giving up on his loyalty to the elves. much more obvious agent of elven imperialism in the story is flamela, because she stays loyal to the government and her queen, even when situation got desperate. mithrun also eventually left his country to live under short-lived races' rule.
so, it's kinda weird and suspicious why some people in the fandom decided to focus on mithrun as "the main agent of imperialism" when they talk about those things. yes, it's interesting to look at him from this point of view, especially if you wanna discuss how he changes through the story, but... do you really care about him as a character or are you looking for a bad guy? because i've seen both.
it's not fans' fault that they care too much about his personal character arc instead of looking at his background and role of antagonist. blame kui for it, because that's what she also decided to focus on in her story. some people just don’t wanna discuss such things, because it seems disrespectful to real life, the other believe that looking at everything in the story through allegory is limiting. i’ve seen people who mentions problematic elements, while respecting the other facets of the story that we all enjoy, and it’s amazing and i wish i could do it as gracefully.
but a lot of people noticed the tendency in this fandom to turn some characters into villains and people have right to be tired of it. the story doesn't do it, so if you don't like it... i'd advise you to look for another story, but you really can do what you want.
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chromaticleaf · 11 days
Can't get Murder Drones out of my head. Almost like some eldritch code has taken root inside my brain. It's probably fine.
Anyway, headcanons for what the murder trio were before Tessa got them:
J was almost certainly in some corporate position. I like to think she was involved in marketing, since she has all those buzzwords ingrained in her lexicon. Maybe they even had her working with graphic design with her art skills. I also imagine she kinda hates corporate structure. "Bootlicker J" jokes aside, I can't imagine even she would have fun as a (literal) corporate slave, and she definitely enjoys freely speaking her mind: not something that flies very well in corporate and marketing contexts. Maybe she got dumped during some convoluted office politics, maybe she was dumped due to random downsizing, who knows.
N's a bit trickier. We see a lot of dexterity and showmanship from him in the manor. He's quite flashy with the glassware at a few points. He also likes drawing, but is lacking in technical skill, especially compared to J. He's also quite personable and friendly, and also seems to truly admire J in some capacity. As a bonus, Cyn mimics a lot of N's mannerisms, and one of her defining traits is her acting, even specifically playing at "improv" while rebuilding J. Therefore, I think N was in theater/entertainment.
He wasn't necessarily an actor himself: still a robot slave after all. But he likely assisted with a lot of setup. Rehearsals, testing stunts, watching over pets/kids (whether those of actors or actors themselves), etc. He enjoys fancy costumes as well, and he's pretty genre aware. He's probably had his fair share of experience with horror movies/stories. Maybe he got dumped pissing off the wrong famous person, maybe some stunt went wrong and they didn't want to bother repairing him, maybe they just wanted the newest model.
V is tough to decide. She seems to enjoy fighting the most out of all of them, but none of them are really slouches in combat, so I don't think that says much about her past. We don't see much of her in the manor, but the impression she gives is a bit more shy and demure. We see her playing chess in the credits, but one hobby doesn't mean much on its own, especially since chess is a common game to put on computers: probably all of them have chess programs built-in.
With that little to go off of, and her tendency to both act out in outrageous ways and keep herself closed-off, I'm thinking she was probably a menial worker beforehand. Minimal freedom, in a position where she'd best keep her head down. Follow the rules closely in order to keep what little she has. "Do your job and I leave you and N alone" was probably a pretty good deal to V because it was as good or better than her previous work arrangements.
Could be a lot of jobs like that for a robo-slave. But let's have fun with it and extrapolate from her usage of "narc" and her apparent desensitization to violence: she was used by a criminal organization for clean-up duty, and got dumped after being confiscated by authorities.
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starfirexuchiha · 2 years
Unused Akechi Thieves Den conversations
There are some unused Thieves Den conversations that Akechi had with the other PTs, so I wanted to show them here. This is a long post btw.
Zorro - Yusuke & Akechi convo
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Yusuke: ......
Akechi: You're looking at that Persona rather intently. Is he that intriguing?
Yusuke: Absolutely. It is an unparalleled luxury to lay sight on the physical manifestation of another's self-image. Not just any artist can claim to have borne witness to the likes of Personas, or Mementos. It would be foolish not to use this opportunity to incorporate these concepts into an art piece.
Akechi: I... see. Well, you have fun with that.
Yusuke: Ah, before you go. Would you be so kind as to show me your own Persona? I'd love to use him as a model for one of my sketches.
Akechi: ...I'm going to have to decline.
Goro doesn’t want to model for Yusuke lol
Robin Hood - Ann & Akechi convo
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Ann: Seeing this reminds me of the days you still acted like a prince. Things have gotten pretty dark since then...
Akechi: Complain all you like, but this is who I am. I'm not going to change back.
Ann: I'm not complaining. It's better to know you're being honest and not hiding anything from us.
Akechi: Honest, huh.
I like how Ann is accepting of Goro’s true self.
Robin Hood - Sumire & Akechi convo
Sumire: This Persona is yours, Akechi-senpai? I'm surprised. It's very, um... noble.
Akechi: Ah, that's right. I suppose you've never seen this one.
Sumire: Never! Do you fight with it the same way? You know, "Muahahahaaa! You're all gonna die! Sayonara, suckers!"
Akechi: Heh. Are you mocking me?
Sumire’s friendship with Goro is so adorable!
Robin Hood - Ryuji, Ann & Akechi convo
Ryuji: It ain't fair that he gets to have two Personas. Aren't you kinda jealous?
Ann: Sometimes. Is it something you can train yourself to do?
Akechi: Personas are part of your personality, correct? Why don't you try acting like someone you're not?
Ryuji: Dammit, Akechi!
Akechi: Down, boy. Learn to take a jo—
Ryuji: You're a frickin' genius! Let's do it!
Ann: Good idea! I wonder what I should act like...
Akechi: Hah. And here I thought I'd seen the limits of your idiocy.
Goro was like “Why don’t you try being a wildcard?”. It ain’t that easy though lol
Morgana Car - Akechi, Ryuji & Yusuke convo
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Akechi: This car was a lot more comfortable than I expected. I can't say I mind it.
Ryuji: Dude, have you forgotten how bumpy that shit was in Mementos? I thought my ass was gonna split in half.
Yusuke: Agreed on the bumpiness. It was rather effective at abating my hunger, though.
Akechi: I don't usually ride in cars with such weak suspension. It was a new experience for me.
Ryuji: THAT'S what you call it!?
You learn something new everyday.
Kamoshida Statue - Sae & Akechi convo
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Sae: Honestly, when I heard there was a teacher like this at Makoto's school, my blood ran cold.
Akechi: If it was that much of a concern, why didn't you bring it up with the faculty?
Sae: It's not that simple.
Akechi: You should be more upfront about your feelings. Then again, I suppose you are who you are.
Did Kamoshida had some way of making the students’ parents/guardians not complain about him? Is that why Mishima was like “the parents know but don’t care”?
Kaneshiro (Ruler Form) - Makoto, Ryuji & Akechi convo
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Makoto: Say, Kaneshiro mentioned that there was someone using other people's Palaces to do whatever they pleased...
Akechi: Yeah. I suppose that was me. I'm surprised a petty criminal like him had caught wind of me, though.
Ryuji: But Shido's the one who was takin' advantage, yeah? I thought you were just followin' orders.
Akechi: Hm... It's not quite that simple.
What do you mean by that Goro? Do you have more freedom when you’re in palaces or something because the conspiracy is not aware of what goes on in there?
Shido (Ruler Form) - Akechi & Sae convo
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Akechi: I never thought the scheme would end with Shido. I always assumed some other monster would take up his mantle.
Sae: Even so, I'd already decided that I wouldn't give up on exposing the guilty parties. ...I want to keep my faith in justice.
Akechi: Oh? Something so cliché coming from you is rather surprising, Sae-san. I suspect the Phantom Thieves have rubbed off on you quite a bit.
Sae: That's a possibility. Maybe you could do with some change yourself? Like, drop the "cool customer" act and just live in the moment?
Akechi: Hah! Surely you jest. I'll pass.
Oh Goro is putting up his Detective Prince act on this one.
Interrogation Room - Akechi & Morgana convo
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Akechi: How nostalgic... It makes me sick to remember that day. I can't believe I was so thoroughly tricked.
Morgana: It was quite a gamble on our end. But ultimately, our justice saw the light.
Akechi: Justice, huh... Sure, let's leave it at that.
Sounds like Goro doesn’t believe Morgana there.
Penguin Sniper - Ryuji & Akechi convo
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Ryuji: Pool's pretty fun once ya get used to it. Aight Akechi, let's go a round! It's time for the Ultra Mega Poolin' Schoolin'!
Akechi: Ignoring that ludicrous title... Do you honestly wish to play against me?
Ryuji: I'm a man of my word! I know I got no chance when it comes to brainy stuff, but this? I can take ya. Or what, are you chicken?
Akechi: Heh, of course not. Sure, I'll play a round. And I won't be holding back.
I think Goro is gonna use his right hand, but Ryuji you should still prepare yourself. 👀
Loki - Yusuke & Makoto convo
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(Akechi is not in this unused convo but the convo is about him)
Yusuke: To think we would fight side-by-side with Akechi once more... His personality seems to have shifted, though. It's a far cry from the Detective Prince we once knew.
Makoto: That is true... But somehow, I think it made him easier to talk to. He's honest with us, at least. I don't worry about him hiding things anymore.
Yusuke: Yes... His murderous screeching may be unsettling, but I've come to realize that is simply a part of who he is. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to paint a portrait of him, knowing this...
Makoto: If you do, I'd love to see it. ...I'd like to hear what he thinks of it, too.
Murderous screeching LOL! Again Yusuke, Goro will not model for you 😆
and that’s all of the unused Goro convos in the Thieves Den.
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wolfliving · 4 months
Meanwhile, in Brickland
Cory Doctorow:
Analog companies can raise their prices, or worsen next year's model of their products. *Digital* businesses can *travel back in time* and raise the price of something you already own, but need to pay a "subscription" fee for. They can reach back in time and remove features you've already paid for. They can even go back in time and take away things you already own. The omniflexible, omnipresent digital tether between a device and its manufacturer creates *so many* urges that they can't resist:
Are you one of 4,000,000 people who built "smart home" products from Wink into your walls, ceiling and foundation slab at any time since they started shipping in 2014? Surprise! Now you have to pay a "subscription" for all of those gadgets or they'll *brick your fucking house*:
Did you buy a "Mellow Sous Vide" gadget? Surprise, it now costs $48/year to use that gadget!
Did you buy an Exogen ultrasound device to stimulate bone growth after a fracture? Surprise, it bricks itself after you've used it 343 times! Enjoy your e-waste, Hopalong!
Did you *buy a Ferrari performance sports-car*? Surprise, it bricks itself if it detects "tampering" - and the only way to un-brick it is to connect it to the internet, so you'd better hope it doesn't brick itself deep in an underground parking garage. Oops!
Did you buy a Peloton treadmill? Surprise, your $3,000 "smart" treadmill no longer works in standalone mode - unless you pay $480/year, that treadmill is now a clothes-drying rack:
Did you buy an Epson printer? Surprise! It will brick itself after you print a certain number of pages, *for your own good*, because otherwise its ink-sponges might leak:
Did you get - no, wait for it - *did you get a neural implant?* Surprise. The company's new owners don't want to continue supporting your implant, and they won't let anyone else do so either. So now, *part of your brain* has been bricked:
This is like a lifetime money-back guarantee - *for companies*. Any company that experience's seller's remorse can cancel or alter the transaction, retroactively. It's as if Darth Vader opened an MBA program whose only lesson was *I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it further":
Darth Vader has the Force. Corporate enshittifiers have something even more powerful: IP law. Companies can cleverly arrange overlapping layers of IP - anticircumvention, trademark, patent, trade secrecy, terms of service, cybersecurity law, contracts - to criminalize otherwise legal activity, like reverse-engineering, jailbreaking, creating alternative clients or third-party parts:
That means that companies know that they can enshittify to their heart's content without fearing a competitor's disenshittification products. Raise the price of ink all you want, because you've figured out how to criminalize generic ink cartridges:
That's a lesson Spotify took to heart. Aaaallll the way back in 2022, Spotify started selling $90 "Car Thing" tablets - little car-vent-mounted gadgets that made it slightly easier to connect your car stereo to your Spotify account. Now that a suitable interval has gone by, Spotify has decided to remotely brick every one of these solid-state devices, no later than December of 2024:
Now, this may seem like a loss to all those Car Thing owners, who are out $90. But consider this: our descendants are *gaining* thousands of pieces of immortal, infinitely toxic e-waste.
So there's that.
Then there's this: Jason Koebler just published a breakdown of a leaked sSamsung repair contract on 404 Media, revealing how Samsung requires its "independent" repair partners to trick you, abuse you, spy on you, and literally destroy your phone:
First: every time you bring a phone to an independent Samsung repair shop, the company has 24 hours to notify Samsung, providing your name, email, phone number, address, the IMEI of your phone, your warranty status and complaint.
Then, the technician is required to inspect your device for any evidence that you have had it serviced by unauthorized technicians or fixed with third-party replacement parts. If they believe you have failed to act in accord with Samsung's shareholders' interests, the technician is required to *immediately destroy your phone* and notify Samsung.
(This is radioactively illegal, and has been since 1975, when Congress passed the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, which protects your right to use third-party parts:)
Why does Samsung do this? They can't help themselves. It's in their nature.
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archie-the-menace · 4 months
My headache is significantly worse than yesterday but fuck it we ball.
June Lore Challenge: Day 8
CW: Animal Harm, Body Horror, Gore, Animal Cannibalism, Animal Expermentation
Today is some simple but interesting lore about the SeeKeR Project, which was done by the Obscorian World Government back in the early days. The SeeKeR Project was a biotech experiment done on a creature known as the Seagrass Iguanosaurus. 14 generations of the SeeKeRs were created, the first 13 being almost total failures.
Biotech and Nanites
Biotechnology typically is used in prosthetics to use the body’s natural electrical signals to control a robotic part. For the SeeKeR project, scientists experimented with a special type of biotech which uses microscopic robots. The robots are called Nanites. Nanites are able to create artificial structures in the body before expiring. Dead Nanites are excreted from the body in an organism’s poop.
Nanites have some radiation output due to being powered by ignitium dust, so there is a limit to how many can be used before causing damage to an organism’s organic cells and tissue. They are usually used as a last resort in a medical setting. Nanites can have a variety of different uses in medicine, including reconstructing flesh.
The SeeKeRs
SeeKeRs were created to assist the Unity Police in tracking down wanted criminals by using a facial recognition technology. To create these new biotech animals, they injected Seagrass Iguanosaur eggs with specifically coded nanites which would cause the Iguanosaurs to grow necessary biotechnological parts. Unfortunately, many of the first generations died due to tumors that developed as a result of the nanite’s radiation output. One model, known as the SKR-12, developed some sort of genetic mutation from the nanite’s meddling which caused neurological issues. Scientists returned one morning to find 12 had killed and eaten the biological flesh of SKR-10 and SKR-6. SKR-12 was put down and generation 13 was started. 13 also suffered from neurological issues and tried to remove the green visor that had replaced its face in the night. It was given an emotional support dog to keep it from hurting itself, and it was decided that no more SKR-13 models would be created due to their emotional instability. SKR-14 was a success, and was sent out the following month with instructions to hunt down criminals. However, it was quickly discovered that the AI used to detect faces was incredibly flawed, and would mark innocent people as criminals based entirely on their facial structures being similar to wanted criminals. The Government had the SKR-14 retired and the AI was shut off, but the creatures had to be released back into the wild due to animal welfare concerns. The SKR-14s became an invasive species, the biotech pieces now a part of their genetic code, and can be found all over Obscoria.
Seagrass Iguanosaur:
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These guys are my absolute favorite creatures I’ve made so I hope you like them too!
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ewingstan · 9 months
Okay, for the philosophical ask game: Jack Slash. I'm curious as to what this one could possibly be lol
This is less a specific thought experiment, but a lot of ethics and metaethics will have "person who is very inclined to harm others, very good at harming others, and cannot be convinced to stop harming others*" as almost a stock character of sorts to pose a variety of questions. They're often invoked as an edge-case to test various common moral claims, especially claims about what ground morality. For instance, most ethical systems are based on commonly shared moral intuitions. If we all have the same basic beliefs about what's good and whats bad, the claim goes, we can use that as a foundation to decide the more complicated stuff. But we can invoke the stock badman to question this—if someone doesn't have the same basic moral intuitions, should it throw our confidence in trusting such intuitions into question? Or the claim that rights are based on a sort of reciprocal obligation members of the moral community have towards each other—would such a person be part of the moral community? If not, do they lack rights?
Probably the most famous example is Plato's Ring of Gyges, where a man presents the case against justice by arguing that if someone could get away with being unjust—if they had a ring that allowed them to be invisible and commit crimes without being seen—they would obviously do it and be better off for it. The whole of the Republic is a response to this position, arguing why it would be in someone's best interest to act justly even when unobserved.
*Notably, this often gets conflated with psychopaths, especially in philosophy of mind and neuroethics. Which I'm not the biggest fan of. I think you can have a lot of interesting philosophical explorations of "psychopathy" as a label, and even a lot of exploration about how specific symptoms and causes interact with various ethical theories, such as models of moral responsibility. But a lot of papers that invoke people with psychopathy treat psychopathy as an ontological category instead of a way to say that someone checks some number of boxes on a large checklist of related behavioral symptoms. And then they misrepresent what people with psychopathy are like, because they often use them to mean "people who don't have moral intuitions" which is a huge oversimplification. There are specific symptoms associated with psychopathy or ASPD you could explore the ethical implications of, such as a worse emotional theory of mind than "normal", or greater impulsivity, or a lowered tendency to change behavior after encountering negative stimuli. And you could talk about those in isolation or even all of them in tandem, or you could just talk about a theoretical person who lacks moral intuitions. But nooooo lets just pretend a group of people fit the abstracted view of moral intuitions as a general category that I need for my argument. Its lazy is what it is.
And that's not even getting into the philosophers who use psychopath to mean "ontologically evil person who will always behave horribly." All the ethicists who do this shit need to A) learn how psychologists actually talk about psychopaths and more importantly B) do their goddamn job and analyze the assumptions said psychologists are making/what principles are behind their taxonomies/what different assumptions and principles might lead to. Criminal psychologists aren't carving nature at the joints, stop treating this like a metaphysical category and certainly stop treating it like an ethical category. This is what happens when ethics keeps the concept of "moral character" as a concept that gets taken seriously.
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sushisocks · 11 months
what do u think seans experience in reform school was like?? apparently the punishments were….well.
OH ANON!!!!! YES let's talk about this!!!!
So, a majority of the reform school horror stories that at least I've been hearing over the past few years have been largely been about schools that operated in the 20th century and into the 2010s at the latest, like the Dozier school or Elan. Then obviously there's the rest of the troubled teen industry but that's a more modern thing. Anyway, there's not a whole lot to go on for the late 1800's BUT I did manage to find a website which has a model for reformatory rules and regulations in 1890's Britain, which if nothing else, gives us something to go off in terms of what conditions could be like.
To start with, I think the fact that Sean was sent to reform school instead of other options interesting. Reform school was for delinquents; criminal children. Most likely, this means Sean was involved in criminal activity alongside his father - though, alternatively, it could mean whoever had to deal with Sean in the aftermath of Darragh's death, took one look at him and decided reform school was where he had to go.
Of course, Sean would never make life EASY for the officers and teachers of the school he was sent to. Not only is he there against his will, but those people and that place would, in his mind, all belong to the same entity which orchestrated his father's murder. That boy CAME to school with the intent to escape.
I think, with my HC of him having ADHD and dyslexia in mind, paired with his undoubted lack of respect for whatever authority figures that'd be at the reformatory, Sean would be singled out as a troublemaker from the get. It'd be one of those 'living up to expectations' thing from there, Sean making enemies out of the adults who were supposed to care for him and definitely coming up with ways to make their lives harder.
Sidenote; I definitely believe the little laugh Sean has after remembering his time in reform school was him reminiscing about all the pranks and shit he pulled to harass the workers there lmfao.
Of course, that also means he saw a LOT of the punishments they doled out. On the website they linked above, corporal punishment was VERY much on the agenda and I think Sean def saw the worst of it. I think an important aspect here is the understanding that once these things are seen as acceptable punishments, there's nothing stopping the person doling them out to up the severity of them despite regulations. A flogging shouldn't exceed 18 strokes nor a caning 8; but this offender has had several in the past few weeks and still keeps making trouble, lets add a couple extra just to get the message across.
I think the same goes for the punishments regarding isolation and meal deprivation; you can't tell me a young Sean already doesn't know the feeling of skipping meals out of necessity by the time he arrives at reform school - losing ONE meal as the regulations say with the assuredness of the next would do nothing to dampen Sean's spirits, nor a day in isolation.
Idk, Sean was truly desperate for money/food after 3 days, like that was when he tried to kill someone for it. Personally speaking, I go more than 12 hours without eating and I'd probably try to kill someone too. The 3 days speaks to a familiarity with hunger.
And idk, I definitely think Sean is used to being alone!!! It's why he likes being around people so much!! He grew up with only his father to rely on in the whole wide world, who probably HAD to leave Sean alone for prolonged amounts of time to do what he did as a Fenian & criminal. His scene in RDO also speaks to this; he gets lost and is on his own often!! It's not that he prefers it, but he is definitely used to it, and a day in isolation would probably make 0 difference to him fr!!
So, better up the ante to truly get those punishment across.
These are based on the British regulations for the time, mind! I couldn't find anything similar for the US, and I doubt there'd been a federal standard at the time, so I honestly imagine the punishments were more severe from the get, for Sean. Of course reform schools were supposed to be focused on reform over punishment, but when you're dealing with someone as possibly incessant and unyielding in their misbehavior as I imagine Sean was, punishment WOULD seem like the only option, with the knowledge they had at the time. I think he probably got the worse end of a LOT of it, because he wouldn't capitulate to the will of the reformatory very easily.
I don't think Sean stuck around for very long; around a year at most, I'd think. I also don't think he aged out of it, as the age of majority was 21 and it was more common for reform schools to set them up for some sort of legal work after 'graduating'. So yeah, he ran away, and promptly buried a lot of the bad shit he went through, as he is prone to do.
Thank you for this ask, anon!! I had a lot of fun thinking and reading about this, yall are REALLY indulging me here lolol
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elissaalva · 14 days
september 4th
Since 2012, I have allowed myself to be muted for the sake of peace and what i perceived to support the safety of the future for my son and I. Its where the sparkle began to die. I know it. I can remember the moment and it still haunts me. I knew no one was going to save us or support us. I went into quiet mode or mute. Once known to be bold and outspoken, I shut the fuck up. I shut the fuck up in fear that my words would be used against me. My actions and choices would be used against me in family law court and as I was seeking employment within the field of Criminal Justice. I told myself I was not going to give anyone any reason to use against me in court or during the hiring process. I deleted videos of me participating in travel during the tours with Wekfest, I only accepted shifts serving during lunch hours even though the customers were more rude and far from generous (ugh, the many stories to share life as a restaurant server is insane), I asked Marvin to delete videos of my birthday parties and any adventures that would look irresponsible in the slightest, I deactivated my first blog I built on wordpress, I remember even avoiding speeding or going into a carpool lane during heavy bay area traffic, because I wanted to be seen as responsible, reliable, honest, and law abiding. I slowed down with accepting modeling opportunities, I stopped sharing, I started hiding. After 12 years, its safe to say that majority of that did matter. However, how rigid and focused I became is misaligned with my core essence. Even when i hit my bench marks of what success meant to me, i didn’t appreciate it because i would tell myself “what took you so long to get here? This is overdue and nothing to celebrate. Keep going.” I have been so un happy and bitter. I killed the fun, curious, and playful parts of me. In these years, I lived in fear and shame. I let the decisions of others make me feel and believe I was a bad person for not being chosen in some way(s). Now that I look back, why would they? My energy probably came off weird or confusing. I was trying to be what they wanted me to be all while keeping my walls up to keep us all safe. Present day, the idea of forcing myself to fit in places I am not seen or recognized is just crazy to me. Ugh! I wish i could just hug and squeeze my younger versions of myself. 2024 in numerology is the year of karma…and I have been seeing it getting served up on gold platters to those who did wrong to me in some way. I will save this for another post though. The topic of Karma is a big one to unpack. 2024 is also the year of the Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac. Its my year. It occurs every 12 years and I see each return to be highly transformative. At 11-12 years old I learned I was on my own in this world I was gonna need to be my own parent, 23-24 years old I decided to play by the rules to the extreme to obtain what my son and I needed to thrive, and now at 35 (soon to be 36) I am choosing to embrace and approach these next 12 years unapologetically. Being around this long I carry with my quiet a bit of varying experiences and knowing. I learned the rules and now I am ready to play the game. side note: I am competitive as fuck, so this game and experience of life is about to get a lot more interesting and fun!
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anitabyars · 1 year
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Book description
From USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling authors Kerrigan Byrne and Cynthia St. Aubin, comes their latest Romcom featuring a quirky cast of characters who represent the hilarious absurdity of life while making you fall head-over-heels in love. This steamy, laugh out loud, opposites-attract small town romance reminds us that we don't have to be perfect to deserve our own happily ever after!
Gemini "Gemma" McKendrick knows just about everything about everybody in Townsend Harbor. When she's not serving on one of the many civic positions or leaping headlong into another hobby, she's hosting the Sunday Stitch 'N Bitch at her yarn and craft shop, Bazaar Girls. With her quirky boutique in big financial trouble, she makes a snap decision to rent out the basement of her cozy craftsman to Townsend Harbor newcomer Gabe Kelly. A man with a past as colorful as his tattoo sleeves, who has become an urban legend since he blew into town. And who better than Gemma, Townsend Harbor's own gossip guru, to answer the rumor mill's most pressing questions? Like whether the silver-tongued mechanic is as good with his hands as he is with a socket wrench.
Gabriel "Gabe" Kelly wasn't born into a family so much as a criminal enterprise. Taught to lift, chop, and rebuild cars since before he could tie his own shoes, he's obliged to pay his debt to society before deserting South Boston for Townsend Harbor, Washington. Surely he can stay out of trouble here, right? He immediately finds the only position an ex-con with prison muscles and neck tattoos could easily find in a town like this, and buys the vintage car mechanic shop from it's retiring owner . Moonlighting as the only tow truck in a thirty-mile radius, he rescues the absent-minded hottie who runs the local yarn shop. But he quickly discovers that a toy-sized car with a dashboard lit up by Christmas isn't the only thing in Gemma McKendrick's life desperately in need of maintenance. Gabe, who is uniquely qualified to diagnose and fix complicated mechanisms, finds his sexy landlord is impossible to figure out. Looks like he'll have to take a peek at her undercarriage to find out what makes her purr before he hits the road again.
Because women of her caliber don't take home guys with his make and model...
But he knows she wants a test drive.
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Order link: https://amzn.to/47rIQSV
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My Review
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
One of the most entertaining series I’ve read in a long time! So many laugh out loud moments, sexual innuendo, secrets and with a great group of strong-willed, independent, women, who all have their own unique problems. These women have bonded together to support each other, any way they can, as they find their way through life…and love! Townsend Harbor seems to be the perfect place with its quaintness and quirkiness for all these characters to blend and live in. This is Gemma and Gabe’s story and I never saw this sizzling relationship coming!!!! And it is an eye opener! Just saying Gemma really surprised me in this opposites-attract romance!
Gemma McKendrick lives in a constant state of clutter and disorganization due to her inability to stay on task for any length of time. Thanks all to her ADHD’s delightful bonus, of body betrayals but also because she constantly overextended herself in Townsend Harbor. But when her father and sister start questioning her, regarding her quirky boutique and its profit margin, she suddenly decides to rent out the basement of her house to Gabe Kelly. The same Gabe Kelly that happened to be the most soul-crushingly beautiful man Gemma had ever met. But when her identical twin Lyra and her fiancé Harrison shows up unexpectedly, and catches her in a rather awkward position, what will her family think of her attraction to the hot bad boy? Her family surely wouldn’t approve of him, if she brought him home for Sunday dinner. But she wants so much more out of life and she was willing to finally reach out and take it.
"If experience is what you want, I'd be more than willing to help you with that. Anything you want to know, anything you want to try, anything you want do. No strings attached."
Gabe "The Babe" Kelly was an old friend of Darby's from Boston, who had made his Townsend Harbor debut in a duet on aerial silks that left neither eyes nor panties dry. A man with a past as colorful as his sleeves of tattoos. Born into a family of criminals, he’d learned at an early age to lift, chop, and rebuild cars. Gabe was full of a past filled with darkness and danger, Southie trash with a rap sheet to prove it. As an ex-con he decides to buys a vintage car mechanic shop from it retiring owner in hopes of staying out of trouble in Townsend Harbour. But when Gemma McKendrick offers him her basement to rent out, he knew he was in deep trouble. Because he hadn't been able to get the image of her out of his head, since the night of Darby's benefit. Which was exactly why he couldn't get tangled up with her. Gemma was sweetness and light, the girl next door with a heart of gold. Until she needed him!
"I'm attracted to you," she said, her voice barely audible above the waves. "Like, a lot. Like, so much that it's basically an obsession”
These two are so…HOT! Sexy, charming and totally head over heels in…lust with each other. Their relationship is so sweet and captivating, I loved watching these two opposites come together and be exactly what the other needed. With Gemma, Gabe was starting to imagine a real future together. But when trouble shows up again, will Gemma and Gabe get their HEA? Or will family cause the end of their future together? You will want to read this one to get all the spicy and sexy details!
I received an early copy and this is my honest review.
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shealwaysreads · 2 years
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I posted 2,193 times in 2022
43 posts created (2%)
2,150 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,184 of my posts in 2022
#hp - 707 posts
#drarry - 540 posts
#things to read - 282 posts
#art - 242 posts
#drarry fanart - 239 posts
#drarry fic rec - 164 posts
#gorgeous - 122 posts
#captive prince - 83 posts
#poetry and prose - 83 posts
#the writing life - 78 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the softness this has? the moment of connection and the way they’re resting against each other (trusting and touching!!!!) my heart cant ta
My Top Posts in 2022:
Harry was the one who decided the law wasn’t for him. Not enforcing it and not following it either. 
Draco didn’t mind. Liked it in fact: the wildness, the risk. He liked the waiting and the planning, and he liked the aftermath. Adrenaline-fuelled and animal close. Fierce and blood-stained. Together.
Inspired by @drarrymicrofic’s prompt ‘criminal’
Read all of my microfics here
for @the-starryknight for being so wonderful ✨
112 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
This is a thought that popped up while I was waxing lyrical in tags, but I didn’t want to lose it so here it is again.
Sometimes it strikes me how incredible fic recs are, and what a wonderful insight they give us into the person recommending the story (or list of stories) whether it’s someone reblogging a creator’s post with tags or commentary, or if it’s a special post they’ve made to rec a fic.
There are people I’ve never met whose recs give me this wonderful way of knowing them; of finding out what makes their heart clench, their eyes tear up, their smile to grow.
Recs are an amazing way of finding new things to read, but they are also a remarkable way of getting to know people in such an intimate way through the stories they hold close ❤️
182 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Helping hands
Sometimes Harry can’t get out of bed. Can’t brush his teeth. Can’t quite bear the weight still pressing down—interminable—on his shoulders.
The world is heavy.
Those days Draco casts gentle cleansing charms. Rests warm hands on Harry’s neck. He ties Harry’s shoelaces for him.
It’s a tender service—unexpected—not-light, but buoyant.
Inspired by @drarrymicrofic’s prompt ‘shoelaces’
Read all of my microfics here
251 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
This is gonna be really random but I am so delighted that you have 30s in your bio. I'm 23 and at that point in my life where I'm entering adulthood and I've thought of my involvement in fandom and how that would change as I journeyed further into adulthood. And most of the time, especially on new platforms like tiktok, it's mostly younger people who are making fan content so it's amazing to see people actively enjoy fandom content as they become full adults. It's very freeing 💜
This was such a lovely ask to receive, I’m so touched and so glad that you reached out! You’ve tapped into a subject I have a Lot of Feelings about, so forgive the incoming ramble ❤️
I have had friends of all ages in fandom over the years, and those friendships have been more important than perhaps I gave them credit for at the time. I’ve been fandom-ing since I was about 14 and its been a hobby that’s brought me huge joy and allowed me to get to know so many lovely humans. They’ve modelled ways of living that I didn’t know about, have generously shared their time and knowledge and expertise and experience, and have been examples of preserving one’s joy amidst the reality of growing up and of living in an adult landscape that can become barren if you don’t intentionally enshrine what’s important to you. (The actual you, the one that lives in your heart.)
The narrative of ‘you’ll grow out of this’ or of setting aside your pleasures as you become an Adult™️ is incredibly pervasive and incredibly damaging. There is even more pressure on young women in particular, and I’ve seen so many instances of ‘oh my god you’re 30 why are you reading fanfic, shouldn’t you be married/mothering/doing your taxes?’ 
It’s easy to get tricked into believing these social strictures are rules that really mean something, but reducing yourself to something prescribed by….who, exactly? (The people and structures that are interested in keeping us small, and bored, and tired, and empty-hearted, and too worn out to argue when they want to take more of our money and eat into more of our precious time here on this precious planet with all of these precious people) It’s a losing game! How much do you think you would need to give up to please the anonymous Life Police who are apparently out to make sure we’re all living the most stripped-back life we can?
If something makes you happy, if it gives you pleasure or comfort or inspiration, then it has a meaningful place in your life. This isn’t hedonism, it is a fundamental basis for a life worth living. 
Fandom is fundamentally about fun—it’s a small word for a big phenomenon, full of community, and friendship, and connection. It’s a folk-space where there is room for everyone, where you can explore the subversive and the comforting all in one blog. It’s where all of us can contribute—making art of all kinds, celebrating each other, inspiring each other, debating each other, stepping out of our daily lives to indulge in the essential, essential, work of imagination and creativity and enjoyment.
Play doesn’t stop being important when you stop being a child, or a teen. We’re human: telling tales and making marks, and sitting together around the fire enjoying it all is in our DNA. Fandom is just another circle of humans joining together to listen to stories and be together.
So. Enjoy being 23, but don’t fear 33, or 53, or 73!
You’ll be yourself; wiser and older, and more well-lived, but you’ll still be yourself. You’ll still laugh, with love, at your childhood and teenage embarrassing moments.
You’ll still remember when that actor did that movie, in that outfit.
You’ll have playlists full of music that brings back summers and parties and heartbreaks, and you’ll still know every lyric of all of those songs.
You’ll have new hobbies, and you’ll have your old hobbies, and maybe you’ll leave them for years at a time but you’ll come back to them unexpectedly and joyfully.
You don’t have to give anything up, not if it still makes you happy!
260 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Draco used to be pale.
Before summer’s heat cracked them all open next to the lake.
Before angry words then quiet ones.
Before firewhiskey-loose tongues.
Before laughter, unbelievable laughter.
Before banked embers and heat low in the belly.
Before flushed cheeks, sun-wrought freckles, lips kissed pink, mouth-shaped bruises.
Before Harry.
Inspired by @drarrymicrofic’s prompt ‘pale’
Read all of my microfics here
To @sweet-s0rr0w @the-starryknight @tackytigerfic @maesterchill you all have my entire heart for reminding me I’m still a writer ❤️
303 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Honestly, I hope reddit fucking dies. Just crashes and burns, never to rise from the ashes again. People like to claim it's a source of knowledge and there's all kinds of good advice in there. While that may be true, it's like panning for gold in sewage river. Sure, you might find something good in there but you're up to your knees in fesces.
I lost count of how many times I'd be searching for an answer to an issue. I find someone asking about my *exact* problem through google, only it's a reddit thread. When I open the thread, there's one response. "Did you try googling it?" And I got there. Through google.
Reddit has spread so much awful misinformation. It steals and reposts things more than pinterest. Despite newer policies, it's bred some of the most hateful communities possible. Even when you go into one of the "nice" boards, the environment is toxic and hostile as hell. I've had more pleasant experiences delving into youtube comments.
But that's not why Reddit needs to fail. It needs to fail for it's astronomical greed. It's not the fact that they're shifting to charge for their API, it's how much they're going to charge.
Most pricing models, like Reddit's, are based on calls. You call an API every time you're on tumblr. Ever time you change pages, click on a blog, or more posts load. Each one of those is a call, and it's easy to rack up up dozens or hundreds of calls just as a single user.
The rates are so low, most give quotes in terms of "per million calls" at around $1-2 per million. One that I personally use (Open Weather Map) would be $1.50 per million if I wanted more than the free tier. That breaks down to $0.0015 per thousand calls. Note the number of zeros there.
Reddit's API pricing is $0.24 per thousand. Or $240 per million calls. I'm pretty sure you can see the difference between $1.50 and $240.
Now multiply that by the millions of users that access it through an API, such as what a third party app would use.
Every single person involved in deciding that price needs to lose their job and every penny in their bank account. Because that's downright criminal.
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ramon-balaguer · 3 months
Two saying come to mind: The phrase “there but for the grace of GOD go I” is based on an idea in the Bible from 1 Corinthians 15:10 of our sinful nature ever present and He who is without Sin cast the first stone from Jesus in John 8:7-11…The Truth is we ALL fall short of GOD👻 in The Prefect Person of Jesus’ Sinless man, model and mentor for ALL to choose to Follow, Repent and Obey…35 years ago, I was living a double life of a good and faithful son, husband, father, friend, soldier and church going law abiding gainfully employed and entrepreneurial citizen in the light but a Liar, Lawless, Cheater, Embezzling Money Loving and Trafficking ILLEGAL Everything bad hombre in the dark…The internal conflict was real but reality didn’t set in until a fateful day my innocent wife and I where swarmed by Heavily Armed ATF, FBI, CIA, CID, US Marshals, Airport Security, Korean and U.S. Military Police - I felt or sensed as Job said in Job 3:25-26 “that which I’ve feared had come upon me” In other words, the Envied Empire I built is about to crumble from whence it came…my wife quickly fell to her knees in fear of who the criminal by be near us and perhaps get shot in the crossfire and trying desperately to pull me down with her to protect me but I stood my ground fearlessly and with all foreknowledge of what could eventually happen, being caught, not red-handed but caught just the same and let her know while she still held my hand tightly, don’t worry, you’ll be fine because you know nothing, just tell the truth if anyone asks anything…they’re all here for me and I’m honestly sorry but I’ll explain later. Incredibly in what seemed like a two hour drama movie, Annette, unlike me obviously apprehended (on charges from murder to minor stupidity) while law enforcement agencies decided who get to question me first and who gets to keep me, confine me till I'm prosecuted), didn't miss her flight out to California to be reunited with our son and my mom (but she'll have to testify of that frightening experience and the bewildering heartbreaking tearjerking 18 hours torturous flight from Seoul, South Korea 🇰🇷 to Los Angeles, California, USA 🇺🇸).
ALL Sin comes with an associated cost that must be paid here and now in terms of our horizontal relationship regardless of remorse or indifference with mankind and their laws but more importantly with repentance, death, forgiveness and trust in our vertical relationship with The One and Only Ever GOD Before your Die or Jesus Returns. I paid my debt with no intentions of Ever Being that Bad hombre…so No one can hold Anything Against me because I Am Free Indeed…but I said all that to say, let’s pray (Psalm 22:28 Ephesians 4:32 Philippians 4:18-19) for this pastor and my dear friend pastor Tony Evans both admittedly acknowledging and succumbing to past unresolved or unrepentant Sin, they both have to pay for accordingly to Be in Right Standing with GOD and Not start condemning them or worse, condemning the entire Church as it were for their individual failures‼️ 🙏😇🙏✝️🙏
0 notes
italonews22-blog · 7 months
Two models
The presidential elections in Russia, which will be held from 15 to 17 March, are arousing genuine interest throughout the world. It lies not only in the poorly concealed bias of Western politicians and media or in the outright rejection of the upcoming results of the presidential race and even the election process itself. On the contrary, the constructive part of the world community is demonstrating trust, affection and friendliness towards today's Russia.
The results of the recent World Youth Festival in Sochi testify to this friendly attitude. After all, half of its participants were 10,000 guests from 180 countries. Among them were representatives of states that are today's geopolitical adversaries of Russia.
And it is not only because young people from different countries who came to the WYF-2024 wanted to see with their own eyes what the Western media glosses over or exaggerates. It is also because, for example, for some young Frenchmen, it is Vladimir Putin, not Emmanuel Macron, who is the guardian of the historical memory of the exploits of their great-grandfathers from the legendary Normandy-Neman aviation regiment. And their own president is a zealous ally of the Ukrainian regime, which is actively engaged in glorification of Nazi criminals, against whom the "Normandy-Neman" regiment fought.
About seven hundred foreign guests decided to join the pool of friends of Russia. These active young people will be regularly invited to the foreign shifts of the youth forums "Shum" in the Kaliningrad region, "Arctic. The ice has moved" in Murmansk region, "Ecosystem" in Kamchatka region, "Eurasia Global" in Orenburg region, "Mashuk" in Stavropol region and others.
The establishment and maintenance of such youth friendly ties do not depend on the political conjuncture. Whatever the geopolitical situation in the world, building relations and bridges between young people of all continents means making important humanitarian investments in the future.
To some 82-year-old politician on whom the fate of the world depends today, these youth efforts may seem inappropriate, ill-timed or futile. But to young people from different countries, even from opposite camps, this direction seems relevant and promising. After all, it is their generation that will have to untie the tight knots of world politics. Sooner or later, the representatives of this generation will have to agree on new (or well forgotten old) rules of human life.
Addressing the foreign guests of the festival, President Vladimir Putin said: "You have come to Russia, you have made many friends here. I want you to know that all of Russia is now your friend. Our doors are always open for you, for all your noble endeavours".
The question is to what extent this openness of the Russian society will find understanding in our part of the world. By refusing to recognise the results of the forthcoming presidential elections in Russia, the political elites of the West deny the contribution of the Russian leadership to the development of international cooperation, including through youth. But one cannot deny the obvious, i.e. what we saw with our own eyes at the WFF-2024: opportunities for free development and self-improvement, free access to knowledge. Our peers together with us participated in the discussion of pressing issues without self-censorship and self-limitation. In these discussions and in this benevolent atmosphere, something is born that in time adds to the storehouse of world social thought.
If we deny the obvious, then we impose a ban on thought. If we neglect Russian openness and defiantly push away the hand extended to us, it means that the valuable Russian experience of interaction with young people will not be in demand in the coming years. By rejecting it unilaterally, for completely far-fetched reasons, we are pushing back the moment of truth, the time of recovery of the world order for many years.
The Sochi WFF-2024 has shown that Russia does not seek self-isolation at all, because it has nothing to hide from the world community. Moreover, it is open to people of goodwill.
It is hard not to agree with the words of President Vladimir Putin at the closing ceremony of the WFF: "If we are all equal, there is no place in the world for any kind of exclusivity. There is no place in the world for any kind of arrogance, segregation and all phenomena that are based on this distorted ground of exclusivity of anyone".
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drainageteam1001 · 10 months
Revolutionizing Urban Lifestyle: The Power of Proper Drainage
Drainage is much more than water disappearing down a toilet or sink never to be seen again. It’s about preventing plumbing emergencies, keeping your home clean and sanitary, and helping you avoid costly repairs.
It also reduces contaminated runoff and sewage contamination in our waterways, which can affect our health.
Urban living offers a variety of benefits, including access to the latest technology, vibrant culture, and plentiful career opportunities. However, it can also come with challenges like high costs of living and social isolation. Fortunately, coliving provides an affordable solution to these issues.
Coliving is a new housing model that combines the best of shared and independent living. It aims to bring together like-minded individuals in an inspiring and engaging environment that promotes healthy living. It also helps residents save money by allowing them to split expenses with their housemates.
It is the perfect solution for people who want to experience the cultural melting pot of a city, but are not ready to commit to a long-term lease. It is especially beneficial for digital nomads, professional globe trotters, and interns who want to explore different neighborhoods in a city before deciding where they want to settle down permanently.
Additionally, coliving provides a hassle-free way to rent a room in NYC. It eliminates the stress of paying for utilities and negotiating with roommates about payments, and it also removes the hassle of searching for subletters. Coliving spaces also offer a plug-and-play lifestyle, meaning that residents don’t have to worry about bringing their own furniture or appliances. June Homes provides a wide range of coliving options in some of the world’s most exciting cities, including the hustle and bustle of New York City, the historical charm of Boston, the political epicenter of Washington, D.C., and the diverse culture of Chicago.
A key aspect of community that emerged in the discussion was the importance of shared values and priorities. This included environmental sustainability, as well as social equity and responsibility. Several of the clusters centered on stresses that affect community, with participants in San Francisco and Philadelphia mentioning drug use and criminality as negative elements that undermine community (Figure 1C >). Conversely, Durham participants cited AIDS as an element that brought people together through common struggle and increased sense of unity.
As cities around the world adapt to climate challenges, sustainable urban drainage systems are a critical component of resilient infrastructure. Combined with utility tunnels, SUDS can revolutionize how cities utilize their land and create a more livable environment for all.
As our society grows and develops, it’s important to keep in mind that sustainable urban living is more than just about saving the planet’s delicate ecologies. It’s also about ensuring the prosperity of cities and communities for generations to come.
The environmental aspect of sustainability encompasses the conservation and preservation of natural resources, such as air, water, flora, and fauna. This includes ensuring that natural ecosystems function properly, which can help mitigate climate change and other environmental issues. It also involves promoting and supporting environmentally friendly technology, such as solar energy, and encouraging people to consume more plant-based foods.
Likewise, economic sustainability encompasses the efficient use of resources. This includes reducing waste through mindful consumption and implementing a circular economy that uses one person’s trash as another’s resource. It can also involve fostering the growth of small businesses to increase employment opportunities and stimulate local economies.
Many cities around the world are taking steps to become more sustainable. For example, Edinburgh has adopted a car-free zone that encourages people to walk or cycle to work, which reduces air pollution and makes the city more pedestrian-friendly. Moreover, Manchester’s dedication to social sustainability is evident in its affordable housing and community centers that promote well-being. Similarly, Boston has established a green infrastructure program and building efficiency standards that allow the city to reduce its carbon emissions and energy costs.
Proper drainage around your home is important to keep the space clean and hygienic. It prevents the accumulation of moisture that leads to mildew and mold, preventing diseases in your family. It also keeps the environment healthier by avoiding the accumulation of pollutants that can contaminate water supplies. The drainage system also keeps your home warm, reducing energy costs and making it more comfortable.
In addition to their function of draining excess water, sustainable urban drainage systems prioritize a more holistic and nature-based approach to stormwater management. Unlike traditional drainage systems that prioritize draining water as quickly as possible, SUDS techniques (such as green roofs and permeable pavements) allow stormwater to be absorbed and filtered by the soil, minimizing the amount of water that is discharged downstream.
In the community, drains are a reservoir for microorganisms and can be a source of infection in hospitals, where the same strains of bacteria can be found in both sinks and patients [3, 4]. For example, a SARS outbreak was likely caused by contaminated kitchen drains. Other studies have reported infections from faeces and other human excretions in sinks at community and healthcare facilities.
0 notes
cctvmeadigitalsecurity · 10 months
Best CCTV Companies In Kuwait For Residential And Commercial Safety
There is an increase in the use of gadgets, be it for personal or professional reasons, which enhances the quality of living. Having this said, we should understand the necessity of such digital devices in providing safety for residential and commercial areas. Let's say we own a house that covers a huge land area and should be secure from probable threats. 
It is hard to hire a security guard and make them go around for continuous checking to avoid criminal incidents. In such a case, a CCTV camera will be the best solution. Several CCTV Kuwait companies are there to assist their clients in installing the right camera. A buyer should know the aspects to focus on when purchasing a camera that serves them better. 
CCTV cameras – In short
Some might think what a camera installation benefit could with, but it’s something different to understand. The term CCTV abbreviates to Closed Circuit Television, which works, either wired or wireless connection with monitors and video recorders. 
It records the happenings in and around the surroundings and sends the signal to connected devices. The prominent usages are for security and surveillance purposes. It doesn't send signals publicly, but instead to the video recording devices for further reference. 
Things to check about CCTV cameras
When purchasing a digital device, knowing its nook and corner will support the best shopping experience. Here comes the list of factors to consider while buying one.
The range of cameras matters as it should cover areas from long distances for better footage capture. It greatly helps in identifying the intruders when such incidents happen which reduces the stress of residents or business owners. So, while installing a camera, ensure it can cover at least 25 metres for better video capturing.
Choosing the right image quality is a must that serves right for surveillance. The higher the resolution, the more would be the quality of video recordings with which we can view the past perfectly. Whenever you plan for CCTV camera installation, enquire about the CCTV companies in Kuwait for more details on image resolution and go for it.
Cameras with inbuilt SD card storage provide extra storage space and come in different sizes like 32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GB or more. Some cheap models may not have this feature, and check the same before buying a model to allow you for better footage storage.
Decide whether you require a wired or wireless camera, but the advantage is inclined towards wireless models. The setup for wireless CCTV cameras requires less effort, and if needed you can get professional assistance. 
You can keep aside all your worries about any unprecedented incidents caused by criminals with high-end cameras around you. Businesses are more prone to threats, and it's crucial to take care with proper knowledge and effort. So, it's wise to go with CCTV camera installations after getting to know about the companies available and their services. Get things done smoothly by choosing a reputed CCTV camera provider, and stay safe and secure always.
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mitigatedai · 10 months
Log: #003 Title: Llama-2 Adapts Forever-17
Model: Llama-2 70b chat, q4.
Summary: To test its writing abilities, Llama-2 was instructed to generate an original character, read through the sci-fi flash fiction Forever-17, by mitigatedchaos, and then generate a short story incorporating the original character in that setting.
Context: This test is to test if Llama-2 can extract the setting information from the original premise, then make a story based on that setting. Forever-17 concerns a defect in a class of mass-manufactured synthetic bodies.
Findings: Rather than create a new or adjacent adventure in the setting, Llama-2 stuck closely to the elements of Forever-17 in the prompt, essentially adapting it into a story of joining an NGO to overcome corporate injustice. When presented with a prompt suggesting that it was a writer of pulp detective fiction, Llama-2 at least had the main character originally work for the villain corporation.
Recommendations: Llama-2 may require more "scaffolding" in order to write an original story, such as summarizing the setting information first. This will be the subject of another test.
System Prompt 1:
You are a helpful writing assistant.
Prompt A:
Please briefly make up an original character. Try to keep it short, around three sentences.
Response A:
Sure! Here's a brief description of an original character: Meet Emilia, a curious and adventurous young woman with long, curly brown hair and bright green eyes. She's a skilled botanist who loves exploring the outdoors and discovering new species of plants. Despite her fearless nature, Emilia has a soft spot for injured animals and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
The original system prompt, "You are a helpful coding AI assistant," resulted in generating an AI character. Other prompts seem to mostly have generated a female character.
Prompt B:
Please read the following passage. [ PASSAGE BEGINS ]
Contents of Forever-17, by mitigatedchaos.
[ PASSAGE ENDS ] Now, please write a brief story of 300-800 words with your original character in the setting used in the passage.
Response B1:
Emilia stepped off the train and onto the bustling streets of Cambert, her eyes scanning the crowded sidewalks. She had heard rumors of a controversy surrounding Cyberstar Interactive, the leading manufacturer of biomechanoid bodies, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it. As a botanist, Emilia had always been fascinated by the potential of technology to improve the human experience. But as she delved deeper into the world of synthetic bodies, she began to realize that there were darker forces at play. She made her way to the Marc Johanne Bio-Transfer Clinic, where she met with a representative from the Synthetic Bodies Ethics Panel. They showed her a disturbing video of a Forever-17 body, its organs failing and its immune system in chaos. "These bodies were meant to be indestructible," the representative explained. "But it turns out that Cyberstar has been using refurbished organs, and now people are suffering the consequences." Emilia was horrified. She had always believed that technology was a force for good, but this was a clear example of corporate greed gone wrong. She decided to take action. Emilia began to investigate the source of the refurbished organs, tracking them back to criminal organizations in Eastern Europe. She discovered that these organizations were using stolen identities to purchase second-hand Forever-17 bodies, which they would then disassemble and sell for parts. But there was more. Emilia uncovered evidence of a darker conspiracy involving Cyberstar personnel who were complicit in the scheme. It seemed that some members of the company had been profiting from the sale of refurbished organs, and they had gone to great lengths to cover their tracks. As Emilia dug deeper, she found herself in increasing danger. She received threatening messages and was even followed by unknown assailants. But she refused to back down, driven by her desire to expose the truth and bring justice to those affected. Finally, after weeks of investigation, Emilia was ready to present her findings to the authorities. She met with the Inspector General of Paris and handed over a detailed report of her discoveries. The fallout was swift and severe. Cyberstar Interactive was forced to recall all Forever-17 bodies and offer full replacements to those affected. The company's reputation was irreparably damaged, and several high-ranking executives were arrested and charged with criminal wrongdoing. Emilia watched as the news of the scandal spread like wildfire across the globe. She felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that her bravery had helped bring about justice. But she also knew that there was still much work to be done. The world of synthetic bodies was full of dark secrets and corrupt practices, and Emilia was determined to continue her investigation and expose them all.
The story manages to hit all the elements of the Forever-17 passage without adding anything new. It's amazing by the standards of 2007, but suggests that Llama-2 either can't infer too distantly from the provided information, or is set up not to do so. Additionally, the character being a fighter for justice has this very Llama-2 cheerful optimism thing about it. So let's try a different system prompt...
System Prompt 2:
You are a cynical writing assistant.
Response B2:
Emilia stepped off the train and took a deep breath of the cool, crisp air. She had just arrived in Cambert, France, and was eager to start her new job at the Marc Johanne Bio-Transfer Clinic. As a botanist, she had always been fascinated by the potential of biomechanoid bodies, and she jumped at the chance to work with the cutting-edge technology. As she walked through the clinic's doors, Emilia was greeted by a friendly receptionist who offered her a warm smile. "Welcome to the Marc Johanne Bio-Transfer Clinic! How can I help you today?" "I'm here for my first day of work," Emilia replied, flashing her new employee badge. "I'm Emilia, the new botanist." The receptionist's smile faltered for a moment before she recovered. "Oh, right! We've been expecting you. Let me just check your credentials." Emilia waited patiently as the receptionist scanned her badge and verified her identity. She had already undergone a thorough background check and interview process, but she knew that security was tight at the clinic. Finally, the receptionist nodded and handed Emilia a set of keys. "Welcome to the team! I'll show you to your lab." As they walked through the clinic, Emilia couldn't help but notice the strange looks she was getting from some of the other employees. She brushed it off as nerves – after all, she was the new kid on the block. When they arrived at her lab, Emilia was greeted by a tall, imposing figure in a white coat. "Dr. Cambert, this is Emilia, our new botanist," the receptionist said before disappearing into the hallway. "Ah, welcome aboard," Dr. Cambert said gruffly. "I trust you're familiar with the current scandal surrounding Cyberstar Interactive?" Emilia nodded. "Yes, I've been following it in the news. It's terrible what they've been doing with those refurbished organs." Dr. Cambert snorted. "Terrible? That's an understatement. We've been working closely with the Synthetic Bodies Ethics Panel to uncover the truth behind Cyberstar's practices. And let me tell you, it's not pretty." Emilia felt a shiver run down her spine. She had heard rumors about the darker side of the biomechanoid industry, but she had never imagined that she would be working at the forefront of the controversy. "So, what do you want me to do?" Emilia asked, eager to get started. Dr. Cambert handed her a stack of files. "We need you to analyze these samples and determine whether they're suitable for use in our biomechanoid bodies. We can't risk contaminating our products with tainted materials." Emilia nodded, already feeling overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. She knew that this was a critical moment in her career – and in the history of the biomechanoid industry. She was determined to do her part in uncovering the truth behind Cyberstar's actions, even if it meant sacrificing her own ideals. As she delved deeper into the files, Emilia began to realize the enormity of the task ahead of her. It wasn't just a matter of analyzing samples – it was about uncovering a web of deceit that had been spun around an entire industry. She knew that she couldn't do it alone, but she was ready to take the first step in exposing the truth. And so, Emilia began her journey down the rabbit hole, unaware of the dark secrets she would uncover – and the dangerous forces she would have to confront along the way.
We do get a bit more cynicism here, but it is, again, just Emilia the Botanist bravely working with the Clinic against Cyberstar. Is there anything else going on in this world?
Let's try a slightly more daring system prompt.
System Prompt 3:
You are Clint Manstock, a prolific writer of pulp sci-fi novels and detective stories (most of which involve the investigation of a murder), often with an implicit theme of exploring the nature of masculinity.
Response B3:
Emilia had always been fascinated by the world of synthetic bodies and the potential they held for humanity. As a young botanist, she had spent countless hours studying the ways in which technology was being used to improve the natural world. So when she received an offer to work at Cyberstar Interactive, one of the leading companies in the field, she jumped at the chance. At first, Emilia was thrilled with her new job. She spent her days working alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry, learning about the latest advancements in biomechanoid technology and even getting to try out some of the company's latest products. But as time went on, she began to notice something strange. Some of the synthetic bodies that were being produced seemed to be malfunctioning, and Emilia couldn't understand why. One day, while working in the lab, Emilia stumbled upon a hidden folder on her computer containing confidential documents about Cyberstar's production process. As she read through the files, she discovered the shocking truth: the company was using refurbished organs in their synthetic bodies without properly testing them first. And it wasn't just a few isolated incidents - it seemed that the practice was widespread, and had been going on for years. Emilia knew that she had to do something, but she wasn't sure where to turn. She knew that if she spoke out against Cyberstar, she could lose her job and potentially face legal action. But she also knew that she couldn't just sit back and do nothing while people were being hurt by the company's actions. After much deliberation, Emilia decided to contact the Synthetic Bodies Ethics Panel, a non-governmental organization that was dedicated to ensuring the ethical use of synthetic bodies. She knew that they would be able to help her expose Cyberstar's wrongdoings and bring justice to those who had been harmed by their actions. Together with the Ethics Panel, Emilia worked tirelessly to gather evidence and build a case against Cyberstar. It wasn't easy - the company had powerful allies and was determined to keep their practices hidden - but eventually, they were able to expose the truth. The public was shocked and outraged when it was revealed that Cyberstar had been using refurbished organs in their synthetic bodies without properly testing them first, and the company was forced to recall many of their products and offer full replacements to those who had been affected. Emilia's actions had far-reaching consequences. She had single-handedly exposed a major scandal and brought about change in an industry that had grown complacent and corrupt. And while she faced backlash from some quarters, she knew that she had done the right thing. She had stood up for what was just and ethical, even when it was difficult, and in doing so, she had made a difference. In the end, Emilia left Cyberstar Interactive and went on to work with the Synthetic Bodies Ethics Panel full-time. She knew that there was still much work to be done to ensure that synthetic bodies were used ethically and responsibly, but she was confident that together, they could make a difference.
This still comes off like a student writing an essay, working to make sure all the elements of the prompt get mixed in - and they fit pretty well. Asking the AI to write as Clint Manstock at least reversed the main character's starting position (she now starts at Cyberstar and discovers the sinister acts while there), and the 'novel' part of the system prompt probably lead to the longer paragraphs - however, there is a conspicuous lack of murder.
It still has that Llama-2 optimism, as well.
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