#you don't understand the amount of HATE I feel for San
uu-tella · 8 months
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Not an appearance, just love the dialogue.
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thousand-winters · 4 months
You know what I find really, really funny?
You know how Reigen drops his "oh, I don't think anybody would like me if they saw the real me" on Serizawa (that definitely was not on his job's description)? Obviously there's a whole thing there with how he sees himself but how in the end he stops lying to Mob and confesses the truth to him.
And then... he kinda just stops there.
In the spin-off he doesn't tell the truth to Tome until he thinks he has no other choice because she's putting herself in danger by working under the wrong assumption that he's a psychic, and while doing so, he asks her not to tell Serizawa. He was honest with Mob, but that was with him and only him. His default mode is still lying and hiding.
And the thing is obviously these people he has surrounded himself with, purposefully or accidentally, don't like him because they think he's an esper —at this point I don't think he's fooling even half of them, frankly—, or even because of his whole... energetic, over the top persona. They like him because of the kind of person he is, whether he's keeping his whole salesman attitude or whether he's a bit quieter and less self-assured.
Now, it's kinda easy to see why he would think he has to keep that up, initially he presented himself to Mob as this wise mentor figure, half of the other people he knows are kids for which he feels the responsibility to be a reliable adult figure, and then there are cases like Serizawa and the ex-Scars who do hold him in high regard and see him with a certain degree of admiration, all of that sort of tied with his fake psychic status.
And so it's very amusing to me that the one person who could show him VERY clearly that people care about him regardless of all of that is... Ritsu.
Because here's the thing, he was jealous of Reigen to some degree since he was someone Mob could confide in, unlike Ritsu due to the distance that had formed between them after the incident. And I think part of his irritation with Reigen was definitely that he was so evidently (to him anyway) a fraud, so that put Ritsu pre-awakening of his powers and Reigen at the same level and yet... Mob always went to Reigen for advice and guidance. It's very understandable for him to have been annoyed considering that.
Through the story it's more than evident that Ritsu is very, very aware that Reigen is a fraud, and though he's open with his distaste, at some point it feels a bit more like a normal kind of distaste. Reigen might have his morals and principles as a fraud, but he's one nonetheless, plus his personality doesn't mesh particularly well with Ritsu, and quite honestly? If I were 13yo and had to interact with someone like Reigen, I think I would be feeling a good amount of second hand embarrassment that ends up in annoyance.
But Ritsu doesn't really hate Reigen. He's comically annoyed by him, sure, but it's more than obvious he doesn't hate him.
When push comes to shove, he never wishes any actual ill will toward Reigen, he helps pull him away from Ishiguro in 7th Division Arc, for example, and when he goes to face Toichiro to help Mob, Ritsu is the one showing visible concern for what's going on when they see the explosion and the fire from down below, with his little "Reigen-san..." (as a sidenote, I love how the English dub does this with the "please, be okay").
My favorite example of this by far is Separation Arc, because Ritsu has genuine reasons to be pissed at Reigen this time around, if he sort of gathered that he mistreated Mob, and yet what he does is... he watches the press conference. It isn't even because of Mob, he's not sitting down with him or even watching with his parents or anything, it's just him, he had to have made the active choice to watch. And he could be vindictive and it would be such a reasonable posture to take because, again, Reigen was a goddamn jerk to his brother and the situation snowballed from there, but he isn't, he's visibly concerned for him.
That is NOT a boy who doesn't care, much less one who hates Reigen.
And it's so funny to me that the one person who could show Reigen all of those fears he has about that side of him he hates being a deal breaker for the people around him is also the one who makes faces at the idea of going to stay over at his apartment.
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subterlyfitumtale · 25 days
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Cover of the song "Bonetrousle by the Man of the Internet," for Subtertale and sung by subtertale Papyrus, subtertale sans, and subtertale stelliny:
Hey you two...it's time for my big number, Sans and Stelliny! Press play!
(Sans hits a tree and Stelliny laughs)
Sans and Stelliny! I meant play the music!
(Sans plays trombone and Stelliny plays trumpet)
Okay, let's stop now and see...Oh, here's the play button!
Are you guys ready for this!?
We think no one could be ready for this.
Shut up guys! You just don't understand what perfection is!
Prepare yourself now, human!
You face Papyrus now!
Even though the royal guards couldn't stop you, I'll do it alone!
So I hope you're ready for the ultimate showdown.
While you're trying to show your strength and determination in this bone battle.
I see your face, you're running around everywhere.
This is serious, I know that look!
Are you flirting with me?
Please understand
That I'm a highly sought after skeleton
And I'm also a skeleton with standards, mostly for making spaghetti and pasta!
Don't feel sad, human even though I will capture you
Because you can do anything.
I just have to do my best to capture her!
Undyne will see that I can be a real royal guard!
That's right, there's only that one girl you need...
I hate to say goodbye!
Maybe someday, all of us can become friends
And when that day comes
I know we'll have a lot of fun!
But until then
I have to capture you
Since you're a human
But what you're trying to do is become her friend.
Both of you! Stop messing up my number with incidental letters!
We thought what we said sounded pretty good.
Well, I thought that didn't sound like something I would say.
And that's the worst thing you ever said!
Oh, then forgive us.
Okay, guys. I forgive you now. Let's go! Let's enjoy Grillby's!
Hey, Paps...
The girl is still here. And the music is still playing. We're pretty sure that means the song didn't end.
Oopsie doopsie! I completely forgot about that! HUMAN! Get ready for my second attack verse!
You can do anything
If you want it hard enough and determined enough
Undyne says that, and she's very strong and determined!
So I look up to and copy her style!
And that's why I'll be the best and most awesome future royal guard
Or at least one who's in training to be one
Though it's taking a while...
But when that's over, we can be friends
And you'll see how a royal guard has immense amounts of fun!
Where are you going, human?
We're supposed to be fighting!
Why do you think this song ended?
Oh, I knew it, guys.
Not even the human respects me.
Listen bro, that's not true. A lot of people like you.
How do they know?
The underground network has, like, a million versions of this song. Here's one now. Press play, boys!
Guys, this is—
Yep. Blow 'em away, bro! Show that you're bad ass and a backbone breaker!
Come on then, human, let's see if you can keep up
With the greatest and coolest Papyrus right now for real.
It won't be easy, you'll have to really work
Unlike my lazy brothers at their posts!
You're doing a great job so far, little human
But since I'm a skeleton, I'm not getting tired at all.
Okay, maybe I'm losing some breath
But not as much as you, wait, be careful! Don't fall!
This is the longest a human has lasted against me—
That's because you haven't met her yet.
So maybe we can take a little, well-deserved break
And lie down for a while?
NO! Papyrus never rests!
I fooled you, human! Papyrus doesn't do things with his eyes closed and snoring!
Hey bro, what you're saying is called sleeping—
They bring out the great backup dancers!
Stop right there, human, listen to me
I'm the great, coolest Papyrus, and you can never be free!
I'll keep you here, held captive by riddles and puzzles
Unless you want to leave, and you ask me very nicely!
You can do anything if you want it hard enough and determined enough
And we know we've got what it takes, we've got heart and big dreams, we've got pride!
Undyne might be upset, but I don't care
Because I finally made a new friend, or at least I tried really hard!
So if you want to make a new, great, cool friend
Get ready to have fun, because I know we're going to have a blast.
Just like it seems you were ready for this battle!
Because I'm almost out of letters and I'm almost done.
What did you say? Do you want to be my friend?
Word-a-broadly Sanskrit we knew would happen.
Today is a great day, I have a new friend, and she's a human!
We knew you'd make friends with one.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
You know I was thinking, how will Luffy about turning 20 and 21? Because when he turns 20, he wont be younger than Ace anymore, and when he turns 21, he'll officially be older than he ever was. Similarly, how will Law feel about turning 27 and becoming older than how Corasan ever was? It's something that was in the back of my mind. I knew some people who lost certain loved ones who were older than them, and when they got older than them... it just felt wierd, that's how they describe it. Bittersweet some have told me.
(Sorry in advance if this makes you sad)
I would yell at you and be angry at how sad this thought makes me, but on the other hand, I just love angst a very insane amount, so this is exactly the type of thing I absolutely love.
I think that Luffy doesn't focus much on age. He focuses on birthdays, of course, I think he'd love birthdays (both for the food and the meaning behind it. I personally think he loves throwing big birthday parties for the crew members because he likes celebrating that they're alive and growing together. Especially when it comes to Robin, Sanji and Brook tbh). But I think he'd feel uneasy when somebody makes a comment about how old and tall he's getting. Like, Sabo would make an innocent comment like "You're growing up so fast, Luf!" and Jinbe (for example) would compare him to Ace the way everyone does, with a proud smile and saying "You look so much like your brother, captain! Might even get taller than him!". And Luffy laughs at that because he's supposedly over Ace's death. He should be. But after a long while thinking about it in the middle of the party, I think he'd start wondering about growing up and the fact that he's getting older than Ace. That Ace will never experience growing up with them. That Luffy never got to spend his last years together because they were apart living their own adventures. And, you know, the fact that he's already accepted his death doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to feel older than your older brother. I think Sabo would notice right away that something's wrong and ask what's going on. And Luffy would just say something like "Ace was twenty when I let him die" (he still has to fix the wording. It's a work in progress) and Sabo understands because now Sabo can't argue against Ace about who's the oldest. Now Sabo is the oldest. And Sabo would try to make things better by placing his arm around Luffy's shoulder and saying: "Well, if it makes you feel any better, just think about his face if he knew you might get older than him! He'd get soo pissed about it! [...] And he'd be so proud of you for growing up, Luf. He'd be so happy, with that big smirk of his and the dumb tilt of head, y'know?". And Sabo just has the right words to make Luffy feel better about growing taller and older than Ace, because he knows that if he's looking after him somewhere, he's smiling wide.
I think the Law thing is harder than this. Because for Law, growing up older than his own father makes him feel guilty. Survivor guilt complex type of shit, you know? He got out of there alive but Cora-san didn't and... And it's just fucked up and unfair and Law just fucking hates this specific birthday. Normally, he doesn't care much about growing up and his birthday, but he ends up having fun because it's just impossible not to do so when Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo always want to throw a party for him. But this time, when he realizes he's getting older than Cora, it hits him. Like a fucking truck. Because he doesn't feel mature enough. He doesn't feel like he has done enough stuff for Cora to be proud (which is stupid because Cora would be proud of him but, y'know, Law's thoughts). He doesn't feel like he deserves to grow up older than his own father. It'd be a hard thing to swallow, honestly. I think he wouldn't stop repeating the words "I love you" in his head, mixed with "Don't try to find a reason for somebody's love" over and over again, trying to make everything better. Because he knows he's acting stupid. But he just can't get over the fact that Cora was this young when he acted like a whole father to him. Law doesn't feel half as mature. But then Bepo (because he's just like that. Caring, loving, Bepo) says something about being glad Law is alive and with them, and it just shatters Law completely. I think Bepo would stay with him for a while in his room until Law just stands up and says something (very softly and trying to keep the waters calm, bc he knows how Bepo is) about throwing a little party. And I think that comment would make him feel a bit better, because Cora fought for him to be alive. He shouldn't waste the gift Cora gave him.
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notfreetoday · 1 year
MPW Ep 3 Subtitle Corrections
EP 1 || EP 2 Cultural/Language Tidbits: EP 2
Same translation disclaimer applies. Thanks again for indulging my crazy long t/n, please keep geeking out with me in the notes!
We've got a change of director this episode - to Funabiki Shinju (twitter linked here) who was the scriptwriter for Jack Frost. This date is also a drama-only episode and does not appear in the manga. So, we have quite a few ad-libs here! I'll point out these out, as well as any interesting comments by the director and the producer from the Ep 3 twitter space as we go on. (Due to tumblr's image space limitations, some of these scenes will have no pics, just a description)
Ep 3, let's go! (If you read nothing in this post, please just read Yoh's monologue)
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Since this is the theme of this episode, and Yoh's favourite word, let's talk a little more about it. I've mentioned it previously, but both "嫌い (kirai)" and "大嫌い (dai kirai)" are often translated as "hate/really hate", when they really function more as the opposite of "(suki)", ie "to like". That said, the amount of emotional weight this word carries depends on the context. It can accurately convey the pain/anger of hating someone, but it can also be used very mildly. For eg, it's often used by kids in the "I hate homework/vegetables/the rain/etc" form, or by teens/young adults in the "I don't want everyone to hate me" form, as opposed to other synonyms. When introducing yourself/getting to know someone, it's not uncommon to be asked "what are your suki/kirai?"
In other words, overuse of this word can actually come off as slightly childish, because kids/young people are usually the ones using this word to reject small things/express themselves. Yoh's constant insistence that he hates Segasaki pretty much sounds like this - which is why Man-san expresses doubt about it, and why when Segasaki repeats this line back to Yoh, Yoh understands that Segasaki is teasing him. (The word "love" is considered too heavy and precious of a concept to be thrown around easily, so "suki" is the default go to even in committed relationships.)
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Y: 相変わらずすごいよ、この人の外面モード。 Y: As always, this person's "public mode" is amazing.
"外面 (soto zura)" literally refers to the "outside face", and when used to describe a person means someone who puts up a certain personality/attitude depending on who they're speaking to/the situation.
The reason Yoh's saying this is because Segasaki is speaking to him in a much nicer way than he usually does at home 🤣He's using plain forms yes, but he's also praising him and smiling at him and actually saying a whole, proper sentence as opposed to the one-word sickness he has at home🤣 This is most obvious right before Segasaki leaves, when he warns Yoh to be careful when drawing other people - he says "気をつけてね~ (ki o tsukete ne~)", ending with a ne~ which is sweet and cute and which he almost never does with Yoh at home 🤣🤣
Twitter Space Note (TSN): They decided that since they finally got to shoot an "outdoor scene" for Yoh, they'd try to make him look a little more fashionable with a shirt instead of a hoodie 🤣
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Y: いってらっしゃい Y: Itterasshai - this is a standard greeting that you say when someone is leaving the house (or the office, if they're going out on a business errand). Basically, the one leaving says "ittekimasu" and the one staying behind says "itterasshai". They mean "(I'll) go and come back/Go safely and return well" When returning, you say "tadaima" and the one welcoming you back says "okaerinasai" meaning: "(I have) just now (returned)/ (you have) returned safely". Unlike Yoh, Segasaki does none of these standard greetings (which Yoh complained about in Ep 1 whilst chopping onions).
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Y: だからね、気持ちが通じ合った*っていう描写が必要だと思うんだよおれは Y: だからこそ、体が盛り上がる**、的な? M: はーん。中高生処女みたいなこといってろ Original: Y: That's why I think it's necessary to depict the feeling of "mutual understanding" Y: That's how the physical aspect also gets exciting... or something like that? M: Hmm.. talking about it like a high school virgin, huh? Mine: Y: So that's why, I think it's important - showing that (the characters') have this unspoken understanding* of each other's feelings. Y: It's precisely because of that, that you get physically excited** - something like that? M: Mm.... you're saying things a high-school virgin would say **体が盛り上がる - literally, "the body gets excited/heated up/lively etc" - given that they are talking about erotica, he probably means physically aroused here, but this term also works to explain the feeling of excitement or emotion just swelling in your chest for eg *通じ合った - is not just "mutual understanding" - it specifically refers to a situation in which both parties understand each other without having to say a word - like when you look at someone and just get them, or like in sports, you just look at your team mate and you know.
This is an important distinction because in this line, Yoh again emphasizes "I" - at the end of the sentence he ends off with the pronoun "俺 (ore)" marked by the subject particle "は (wa)" - which means that in this sentence Yoh is emphasizing that this is his opinion - that he himself thinks it's important to show that 2 people simply get each other, because that's exactly what translates to that sensation you feel in your body. This is what Yoh wants - he wants to understand Segasaki, and he wants Segasaki to understand him, without them having to actually say anything. Which at the moment, only Segasaki is achieving, ironically.
[ Man-san's dialogue, where she says "a sex scene follows]
TSN: Man-san actually only says “se-“ here, and then mutes herself (because they’re in public). In the script, it was supposed to be the full “sex” word, but they weren't sure whether it would be ok (it's not clear whether they mean ok for the actress to say this or ok for the show in general) so in the end it became "se-". Yes it's an odd place to be concerned about given the whole Ep2 but #Japan
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Again, the word here used is “kirai” but translated as “dislike” instead of hate 😉
TSN: Between this scene and the start of the next scene, they praised how Acchan uses his eyes to convey Yoh's dejection and how he expresses Yoh's emotions very sensitively through his gaze (and I agree!)
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TSN: The director mentioned that she had thought it would look good if Segasaki to put his hand up like this on the ceiling partition, but the moment Kouhei walked in, he just did it naturally without her having to say anything, and so she was really amazed.
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S: じゃ、出かけるぞ (Jya, dekakeru zo) S: Then, we’re going out.
“Let’s go out” would be more of "じゃ、でかけましょう (Jya, dekakemashou)" – by using the ending form “(-ma)shou”, the listener is included in the action of going out as an equal to the speaker, the same way “let’s” is used in English. It is by far the most common way Japanese people make a statement without trying to sound too overbearing. But here, Segasaki once again demonstrates his habit of simply stating what they’re going to do, and speaking for Yoh. The sentence-final particle “zo” at the end of his sentence is an assertive one that doesn’t leave much room for argument.
TSN: Again they talked about how they emphasised to Acchan to do the housework improperly, since Yoh isn't supposed to be good at it. Also, when Yoh thinks, "what's with this, all of a sudden?", the director asked that he move his hands "more" as he folded the clothes, like he was still happy to be asked out.
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Y: デート自体ないんだよ Y: I’ve never even been on a date.
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Y: 俺、いま一体何してんだろう Y: What am I even doing right now?
Yoh’s not wondering what they’re doing, he’s questioning his own actions, like "why am I even here, doing this, what am I supposed to do" etc, because you know, he's never even been on a date before and he has no clue whether this actually is one.
[The scene with the 2 of them on the bench, and Segasaki asks Yoh what he'd like to eat]
TSN: The script only went up to Yoh answering that he wanted to eat “Chinese food”, and this whole bit afterward just happened naturally when they let the camera run.
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Yoh says “たっか(taka)!” which is short for “高い(takai)” aka “expensive!” but his voice is so cute here I’m dying. (It really is bloody expensive, these things are usually anywhere between 180 yen – 300 yen pre-pandemic. Even with the big one they have here, I don’t think anyone would sell this above 500 yen)
TSN: They said they searched for a 1200 yen steamed pork bun but couldn’t find one, and in actuality the store sells them at a really reasonable price, so to please go give it a try 🤣🤣
[The scene of them walking and sharing the chicken cutlet]
TSN: This scene, as well as them walking along they alley way looking at the shops, was mostly ad-libbed (which is probably why we see Acchan smiling so much here hahaha I’m guessing the question about which he liked better was probably an adlib, which surprised Acchan). For the alleyway, they were told that their conversation was not going to be used, so they were quite relaxed (and that explains the audio fade out lol)
[The scene of them drinking Boba/Bubble Tea]
About Gyaru - when Boba/Bubble Tea first came to Japan, it became pretty popular amongst Gyaru, and quickly became associated with Gyaru culture - hence why they both felt it was something only Gyaru drank. It's similar to the idea that only ladies eat sweets/desserts that was briefly mentioned in OFC (which makes Nozue feel awkward about 2 men eating cake in a dessert cafe) - here they mean they both felt too embarrassed to try Boba out before due to the idea that it's a "Gyaru" drink (and I love how Yoh looks at Segasaki then, like he only just realises that even Segasaki might get embarrassed/feel awkward sometimes).
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S: 乗るぞ (noru zo)
Again, this is “we’re riding it” instead of “let’s”.
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Y: 思ったよりすごく透明で Y: (The cabin) is more transparent than I thought
The floor of the cabin is actually clear, so you can see right down through to the bottom, which is why Yoh is a little freaked out here. Not because he thought glass wasn’t transparent.
TSN: Acchan is also afraid of heights, so the stiffness you see here is real, he really didn’t like it, but they went 4 rounds in total to finish this scene. (Kouhei apparently was fine and enjoyed looking right through the glass, though I can’t remember which interview this was mentioned in, sorry!)
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S: ほら S: See?
ほら (hora) is commonly used to draw the listener’s attention to something, so here Segasaki really just means “look (I was right)”
TSN: They apparently redid the scene where Segasaki dismisses the store attendant many times so they could make sure it was done in a way that looked natural and wouldn’t be off-putting.
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We’re back to one of Segasaki’s humming sounds – the “hmm…?” here again conveys the “oh, really/is that so?” sort of lazy drawl that can easily be mistaken as Segasaki being bored – which is why Yoh immediately suggests they go do their own thing.
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Y: そっちも、好きなところいっていいから Y: You too, it’s okay (if you go) to the places you like so…
Yoh uses “そっち” here to refer to Segasaki - which literally means “your/that side” and is another way in which Yoh avoids addressing Segasaki directly (remember, in Japan we don’t like being direct, and “you” is sometimes too direct).
Fun fact: Depending on which part of Japan you’re in, this can either be seen as a totally normal way of speaking, or it might annoy you a little to be referred to as if you were an object/place, or you might feel like the speaker was treating you a little like an “outsider”. The divide in opinion seems to be somewhere between the northeast regions, and the western regions. Tokyo and the rest of the Kantou region (where the show is based, judging by the lack of an obvious accent) are sort of 50-50.
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Y: もしあれ*だったら、あ、あの、こっちはこっちで、好きにやってるし Original: Y: Ah, if you want to. Well… we’re both doing our own things… Mine: Y: If (you feel) that way*, then, ah, umm, I can… do as I like, by myself too...
*that way - this refers to that sort of awkward, uncomfortable feeling you get that is hard to describe when you’ve been put on the spot. So, this makes it clear that Yoh is offering Segasaki an “out” from this uncomfortable, weird position he thinks Segasaki is in.
Similar to his earlier sentence, Yoh refers to himself as “こっち (this side)”, and the phrase he uses pretty much means “I can entertain myself”. This is an example of kizukai – or at least, what Yoh thinks is kizukai - which is a concept where you do your best to think of the other person’s needs and wants, so you can anticipate what help they might need and so you don’t inadvertently inconvenience them. Ok, now get ready for some mental gymnastics:
From Yoh's POV, Segasaki wants to buy clothes, and has brought Yoh along to carry the bags. Therefore, Segasaki’s offer to buy him a shirt, and asking him if he is having fun, is Segasaki’s kizukai – Segasaki is going out of his way to make sure Yoh is taken care of. But! Yoh doesn’t want Segasaki to feel inconvenienced (similar to how in EP 2, Yoh said he doesn’t want Segasaki to dislike him), so he instead almost reflexively rejects Segasaki’s offer, then encourages Segasaki to go enjoy himself, and in response to Segasaki’s “Ha!?”, doubles down and says he’s totally ok by himself - This is Yoh’s kizukai.
Tired yet? This is a normal consideration in daily interactions! You can see why the phrase “yokei na kizukai (excessive/unwanted kizukai)” also exists in Japanese lolol 🤣
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S: ああ。せっかくの休日に、大嫌いな俺*と一緒にいてのはたのしくない? Original: S: Ah. So spending a day with someone you hate on your precious day off isn’t enjoyable? Mine: S: Ah. On your precious day off, being together with me – who you hate* – isn’t fun?
*“大嫌いな俺 (dai kirai na ore)” is literally “the ‘me’ that you hate”, or “me who is hated by you” - emphasis on "me", the person standing right in front of you.
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Y: いや、それは…違。。。あ、その。。。 Y: No, that’s…not-…- ah.. um…
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“A, so” again.
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S: 五時にここ集合*な (goji ni koko shuugou *na) S: We’ll meet here at 5, *yea?
*Ending with “na” is softer than “zo” – this statement is still pretty much an order, as with his other statements that ended with “zo”, but it’s gentler, and softens the fact that he’s walking away from Yoh here.
TSN: Pretty much everyone was just going on and on about “oh, poor thing!” in response to Segasaki getting rejected and chased away, and how even though he’s sad here he’s still sweet and gentle with Yoh. Yes, that’s right, everyone loves Segasaki.
[The scene of Yoh spilling water on his shirt]
TSN: This was apparently pretty difficult to shoot in a way the camera could see the water spilling, but the wardrobe team came to the rescue with hairdryers so they could keep reshooting 🤣🤣
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S: じゃ、帰んぞ  (Jya, kaen zo) S: Then, we’re going back
“zo” is back! Sorry for being so pedantic about tiny things like this, but I do think it gives us insight into Segasaki's character and how he may be feeling.
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This line is the most important correction in this post.
Y: 本当はさ、ずっと、ささいな表情とか、しぐさとか、 俺が言うこと聞くとちょっと嬉しそうにするのとか、 晴れの予報を告げる優しい声とか、 全部バカみたいに俺ばっかり。 毎日俺ばっかり心臓大暴れさせてるみたいで  嫌だった Y: むかつくとこ拾い集めて 大嫌いだって思ってないと  その気持ちの不釣り合いに 息ができなくなってしまいそうで 嫌だった Y: 嫌いじゃない 嫌いじゃないよ Original: Y: Actually, all these times, your expressions, gestures, the way you look kind of happy when you listen to me, and your gentle voice forecasting good weather. All of them, make my heart beat as if it’s coming out. I don’t like it. Y: I gathered everything that annoyed me, thinking that if I didn’t, the imbalance of my feelings would suffocate me. I don’t like it. Y: I don’t hate you. I really don’t. Mine: Y: In truth, all this while, the little expressions you make, the gestures you do, the way you seem just that little bit happier when I listen to you, and the gentle voice with which you announce the sunny weather… All of that - like an idiot, it's just me who… It feels like it's just me whose heart has been made to pound and race wildly and - I didn't like that. Y: If I didn't gather up all the things that frustrated me and told myself "I hate this" then, the disparity (between us) in those feelings would suffocate me, making me feel like I could hardly breathe and - I didn't like that. Y: I don't hate you. I really don't hate you.
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TSN: This was ad-libbed too. It just happened that the metal post was coming up in between them as they walked, and Acchan saw it and planned to go around it, because he felt that emotionally there was a gap forming between Yoh and Segasaki at this point. But right as he was about to do that, Kouhei grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him over, which Acchan was really surprised by, because they both had the same thought to ad-lib something about that post, and they both did it as their characters would do it, but it was the exact opposite action. The director said that when the 2 were walking back towards the start point they were both smiling a little, and then asked the director “how was that?” to which she replied “It’s really great!”, and then Acchan looked a little frustrated (in a sorta arrgh I got it wrong sort of way) whereas Kouhei was all “I was definitely right” (Acchan mentioned he was abit worried about the ad-lib, so I’m guessing they both were discussing as they walked back and finally decided to settle it by asking the director hahaha)
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Y: すいません S: なにが Y: その。。。いろいろ S: だからなにが Original: Y: I’m sorry S: For what? Y: Well, for everything S: What do you mean? Mine: Y: I’m sorry S: About what? Y: That… for many things S: And (I said,), about what?
Yoh uses the formal "すいません (suimasen)" here, as opposed to his usual and more casual "gomen" or "gomen nasai", because this line is important to him, and he means it. "Sorry" in Japanese does not always carry the meaning of regret/remorse - it can be used to express gratitude as well. You''ll often here people say "Sorry that you had to (go through the trouble)" after they've accepted a gift, or "Sorry, I've caused you much trouble" as a way of thanking someone for their care. So, Yoh says "sorry" here after accepting Segasaki's gift, which could be seen as a thank you, but he also means he's sorry that he's like this, that he can't be honest/straightforward about his feelings (a theme that is brought up in Ep 4), that Segasaki has to care for him like this etc. "For many things" is a common way to encompass all of these mixed feelings, and yet not say them out directly.
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Y: どうせ口じゃ、うまく言えないから Original: No matter what, I don’t dare say it Mine: Since I can't get the words out of my mouth properly anyway
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S: よくできました (yoku dekimashita)
This is a formal way of saying “well done”, and if you did well in your work/test in elementary school you’d get a stamp that says just this, or your teacher would draw you a flower. The more elaborate the flower, the better you did. This is the only time thus far that Segasaki has said anything formal to Yoh at all. The sudden shift, and the imagery this phrase evokes – a literal stamp of approval – emphasises not just Segasaki’s approval, but also his role in Yoh’s life (ie, his role as Yoh’s provider, or well, maybe keeper is more accurate. Honestly Dom makes the most sense, but I’m not qualified to talk about that so see @lutawolf posts for more!). We’ll talk more about how both Segasaki and Yoh acknowledge the power dynamic between them in the way the speak in the language analysis post (that will come after this, before Ep 4's).
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Y: この人、もしかして本当はめっちゃ俺のこと。。。? Y: This person… could it be that he actually…really is… …me?
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Y: 信じていい? Y: Is it ok if I believe? sue me, I think believe and trust carry different nuances.
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S: よかったな* (yokatta *na) S: シーツ買ったからいっぱいできんじゃん、大好きなセックス S: まあ 残念ながら 相手は大嫌いな俺**ですけど Original: S: Great, S: with more sheets, we can do it more often. Your beloved sex S: Well, unfortunately the other person is someone you hate Mine: S: Isn't this nice* S: Since you bought more sheets, we can do it a lot - the sex that you love so much S: Well, unfortunately, your partner is me - who you hate **so much
*The use of "na" here is slightly different from the one earlier - here it is used more for emphasis, and the downward tone carries a hint of mockery.
Again, Segasaki uses the same "the me who you hate" phrasing as he did earlier, emphasizing to Yoh once again that Segasaki is the one Yoh hates. Except here, he also ends off the sentence with "ですけど (desukedo)", and the whole phrasing of this line too, from the word "unfortunately" onwards, just feels business-like. As before, the shift in style gives the statement more weight- Segasaki is really not letting Yoh get away with this line here, and Yoh feels this acutely. The sharpness of the line makes him turn away abruptly in shock and even some anger.
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S: お前が好きにしていいって言うんだから S: 好きにさせてもらうけど *な (na)? S: お前 本当バーカ Original: S: You told me to do as I like, S: then I’ll do what I want. Okay? S: You really are… an idiot Mine: S: You said I could do as I wish so, S: I'll gratefully do as I please... *yea? S: You're...really an idiot
*The "na" used here is similar to the one Segasaki used when telling Yoh to meet back at 5, in that it assumes the listener will agree with the speaker. This time it's not so much used to soften an imperative, but rather, to soften the teasing of the preceeding line - "I'll gratefully do as I please".
The phrase used here is "~させてもらう (~sasete morau)". "Sasete" means "to do" something, with the permission of the other person, and "morau" means "to receive (with thanks/gratefulness)" so together this phrase means that you're going to "do something (with the permission of the other person)", and you are thankful to have received that permission. It's usually used for things like asking your boss "May I please go home early with your kind permission" sorta thing, or telling someone that you "ate a meal someone provided for you that you are grateful for".
So here, Segasaki is pretty much saying "I'll do as I please since you so kindly told me I could, didn't you?" which is why he smirks as he says it.
And we're finally done with EP 3!! Finally! Now I can finally talk about their general speech styles and what it means when they choose to switch between them. Thanks for joining me! Also, shout out to @eralkfang for tagging me in their meta post - I'm really glad these posts are helpful that way!!
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sammyisradical · 7 months
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First ever tumblr post, ooh I'm currently in the middle of analyzing/taking notes on all of the 'alien' related things in Lilo and Stitch, and I figured I could start posting my rough drafts here before everything goes into powerpoint form. Since I organized the notes by character, we're starting off with my favorite silly guy: Gantu :3 Movie 1 (Lilo and Stitch): -Just wants to prove himself worth to the Grand Councilwoman, this poor man -'Does this, uh, look infected to you?' I'll be touching back on this with more evidence later, but I'm convinced that he's very focused on being clean/sanitary -His name is pronounced in 2 different ways; G-aun-tu and G-an-tu (though the correct pronunciation is G-an-tu) -He was retired from his job, not fired Movie 2 (Stitch! The Movie): -unlike when he was working for the Grand Councilwoman, there is a CLEAR distaste for Hämsterviel, and I feel like he's only there because he needs somebody to be loyal to/get approval from -From here on out, he is CONSTANTLY using 'trog' as an insult (mentioned in the 1st movie as a negative term) -When going to collect Jumba, he gets the door slammed in his face, THEN he rings the doorbell, how polite! -Gets called fat by Stitch, and UNDERSTANDS IT. He CAN speak the same language! -When he activates hyperdrive, he goes 'My turn this time!' indicating that he remembers what Stitch did in the 1st movie -The amount of NASTY eye brow raises and glares he gives Hämsterviel is insane, which further proves my point that he's just there for a job -Doesn't like bologna because it's too fatty, THIS MAN IS BODY CONCIOUS -He keeps apologizing for things. When he interrupts Jumba's joke, gets told he's messing with the punchline, he apologizes. Then, when Hämsterviel yells at him to stop apologizing for things, HE SAYS SORRY AGAIN -Egg salad enjoyer (real) TV Series (Lilo and Stitch: The Series): -Always, ALWAYS bothered with Hämsterviel calls, there's never a time where he's actually willing to go out to catch experiments -'I hate sticky!' and 'That can't be sanitary..' circles back to my point; HE LIKES BEING CLEAN -refers to his mother as 'mumu' -accidentally calls himself Captain, then corrects himself by adding 'formerly' right after -He can hula! He actively ignores Hämsterviel when he calls so he can keep having fun with his silly hobby -'I'm taking your tiny raviolis!' you think he's sick of sandwiches guys -Reuben called him daddykins and babe. Do with that what you will -HE LOOKS LIKE A WET CAT WHEN HE GETS YELLED AT -'San Francisco? Oh, double blitznak..' the writers really don't like San Francisco, and neither does Gantu -Going back to the point that he doesn't really want to work for Hämsterviel, he tries to talk himself out of going out in the rain to hunt an experiment; 'He doesn't need one little experiment,' 'how would he even know?' etc, etc.. -'As you say, aloha' is said while leaving, which means that he knows that 'aloha' can be used for a greeting and parting word That's all I've got so far, but I figured posting something would be fun :3
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. lxxxvi - god i'm leaving
hybrid!san × human!reader
buy me coffee ?
everyone wants to belong, it's basic human need to connect with people around them. what happens when you're responsible for someone who belongs to two worlds but at the same time belongs to neither ? worst part is, what happens when it's your ex ?
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The sounds of his private elevator dinging open and then closing couldn't even make San bother to lift his head up. His once pristine condo has now been littered with take out boxes, dirty clothes, and work files that has been sent over. Despite his best efforts however, the condo still looked rather clean by the lowest standards because you know how clean his condo can be and the place looked like a dump.
"Go away, I don't want anyone here," he said.
San was laying on his stomach on the couch with his right arm and head out on the side. He had a what seemed to me a bottle of wine underneath and a straw sticking from the neck. Upon closer instruction, you could see that San was slurping the whole bottle of Moscato like a sulking child with a juice box. No matter how much you're angry with the guy (and yourself for caving in), you had to admit that he looked... Innocent.
"Clearly if anyone else were to see you like this they'd call animal control,"
The sound of your voice made San snap his head up and in the process, lost his grip on the straw as it sunk into the bottle completely. San, still in disbelief, looked between you and the straw he just lost, confused about which situation he wanted to deal with first. Ultimately, the man decided to do both at the same time as he scrambled to a sitting position while moving the bottle to the coffee table in front of him so he could face you properly. Just seeing you in front of him made San's throat dry but his chest filled with warmth. He felt a wave of pleasant bitterness that washed over him as his eyes trailed over your figure, how good you looked without him in your life. It hadn't even been that long but he loved how much he hated his absence in your life.
After a while of just staring at each other, you took a deep breath and walked further into the condo, taking in your surrounding with each step. "This place looks like it's been hit by a cat gang. Did your new assistant not take care of your clean up ladies or something?" At your question, San looked away and shrugged, looking very lifeless, "They couldn't do their job correctly." Your right eyebrow raised at his words, finding something that he said to be rather interesting, "They?" And San nodded in confirmation, "I... Had like a couple assistants after you and allcof them are incompetent and..." as he trailed off, his eyes started to wander to find yours and even with his gaze, you know what he wanted to say. 'But they're not you'. So before he could say it, you averted your gaze and walked over to the kitchen, checking out the fridges that were fully stocked but seemingly untouched. Upon inspection, you noticed the relationship between the stocked fridge and the amount of takeout boxes which made you roll your eyes because how can this man be so wasteful? Though, in his... situation, you'd understand why he wouldn't feel like getting up to cook himself, it still shouldn't excuse his behaviour.
"I'm gonna make a wild guess and say that you haven't eaten lunch yet," you stated, closing the fridge and looking over to his figure on the couch that was still staring at you. The way he looked at you conveyed his emotions perfectly well, you could sense his heartbreak just from the way he looked at you and you hated how you know, you hated how you can actually imagine him with droopy wolf ears and dejected tail like a scolded pup. As you became more aware of your twitching left eye, you immediately whipped your head away and cleared your throat, pretending to look for something, "I'm gonna make you something and you better eat it, okay?"
You busied yourself with getting things ready to cook... Whatever San has in his pantry and fridge. You didn't cook much but you know some recipes off the top of your head. It didn't even occur to you that you even knew those recipes because your mom taught you until you were cutting up vegetables for a chicken soup with macaroni, something your mom always makes when you have a certain look on your face. It was simple but it always warms your heart. To be frank, it would be an overcompensation to say that your parents were the best parents in the world and to say that they gave you all the love they could give. God knows they have their flaws but they tried so hard with their capacities. Your mom's love language is act of service and she does it best by cooking you whatever you want whenever you want. Standing there in San's kitchen, making him food because he looked so... pathetic (for a lack of nicer words because you can't be bothered), you felt like your mom was there guiding you since you were in her shoes, you felt a certain connection to her. Over the years, you had slowly distanced yourself from the kitchen because it was too painful, you had even mastered the art of creating excuses to not cook. So for the life of you, you had no idea why the first thing you could think of doing for San was to cook for him. You had no idea why sharing a part of your mom with San was the first thing you could come up with. The mere thought brought tears to your eyes but you didn't want to cry, not in front of San anyways. You were so deep in your thought, you didn't even realize that San had sat himself across from you, silently watching you cook as he himself sink into his thought.
San was a lonely man. It was no secret and he had made peace with it.
Sure, his lovely and bubbly personality in the past garnered him friends and absolute love from his parents and sister. But he was always lonely because he'd come home to an empty house with food that needs to be reheated and his cold, blank room where he spend the rest of his time preparing to take over his parents' company. It had been a routine for him since he was 12 and he was, even as bitter admitance, used to it. But things became worse when he was caged after his little... accident. He was all alone, not even his friends were allowed in to accompany him in fear of him lashing out. The fact that Yeosang was allowed as one of his medical team member in his third year of complete confinement was truly a blessing and it helped him feel better no matter how much he couldn't express his feelings then. In all honesty, he was facing a similar situation at the moment, facing emptiness of his home at the brink of him becoming numb. So when you showed up, much to his current disbelief, and almost immediately started occupying his kitchen, he couldn't help but get reminiscent. A bitter reminder of how he used to be but now it was being replaced by warmth just by you altering his experience even slightly. He didn't even realize but he himself was silently letting tears rolled down his cheeks. San wanted to say so many things but he didn't know where to start and which words to use. 'Sorry' was overdue and not enough, 'I miss you' was uncalled for, 'thank you for coming here for me' was presumptuous. So what can he say to the most altruistic person he had the best privilege of knowing and loving whom he had hurt so many times like an ungrateful bastard.
You both weren't even looking at each other's face, but it was as if you both shared generational trauma and unspoken pain and feelings. No words were exchanged but you both silently cried together for no reason. It was stupid, really. If someone were to see you both, they'd probably assume you both had lost someone.
Or maybe you both had.
It didn't occur to either of you, but your past selves, the part of either of you whom you had clung on so subconsciously hard was slowly dying. The part of you who became the basis of your decision and the basis of your emotion. It didn't occur to either of you how tiring it was holding onto someone who was so far in the past that you yourselves had started to question that person. Bitterness lingers and the pain became comfoeting but your clutch slowly relaxed, finally being able to let go completely with no regrets.
You rather despise how San's presence was able to incite such reaction from you. He didn't even said anything, he only had his face and even that was enough to stir your emotions. Though San felt the same way, he didn't despise it. Frankly, he loved the pain after being numb for so long, he welcomes it and maybe that's why he was so addicted to you.
In the unspoken silence, you and San took comfort of being able to just be... you, the true you whom had always been able to come out to each other. In that moment, you were not the orphaned rich kid with longing for affection, you were just a wreck of a person in need of fixing someone because you couldn't fix yourself. San was not the corporate big shot who made a name for being charming in front of the camera, he was just a lonely child who never got to experience what a normal life is, a life without expectation and money to fill the holes his family left for him to fill for himself.
In the unspoken silence, you both were able to make reason of things and begin your journey of mending yourselves.
The soup, as delicious as it was and as much as it eventually made you both cry, was just a plus point.
taglist :
@90s-belladonna @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @miaatiny @shinotani @jayb17 @dreamlesswonder86 @mayonnaisehoeshit @bbymatz @yunhorights @tinybinnie @blaaiissee @yunhobug @kwanisms @yoongiigolden @kpopnightingale @maddiebabyxoxo @dea-nimus @meowmeowminnie @x-bluee @itsbeeble @gxlden-bxbyy @charreddonuts @x-woozi @jwnghyuns @marvelous-imagines-for-all @baguette-atiny @jessi-outdated @dogsongy @kirooz @ateezourstars @memorymonster @yoonguurt @atinytinaa @naiify @cecedrake2217 @spooo00oky @flamingi @thesolarplanetarysystem @hijeongguk @hongjoong-lovebot @linhyyboo12 @leeknowsnothing @knucklesdeepmingi @doom-fics @yesv01
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nebulanightsky · 1 month
I personally adore Swadmare, I think theyre so silly and have such an interesting dynamic. I'm so sorry people have been super weird and making you feel bad about shipping them, because of a proposed moral dilemma.
They are magical skeletons? They aren't even blood related? They both have no memory of their previous lives pre-corruption? Like, really, you can interpret the ship however you want.
...It's not weird if you don't make it weird, honestly.
I'm sorry if that's overstepping, but goodness I saw that post from June and I hate to see people literally killing your fun. :c
Hello, It's nice to hear that someone understands where I'm going through. Honestly, people have their own different perspectives of what they see of this ship, and what they see is a Dream + Nightmare ship = as a bad thing, even in different versions. For me? I never actually see Swadmare as a 'sibling troupe' in the first place, because I know the little details of these characters that mostly people forgot that the real Nightmare is already gone, that thing is just mindless Corruption who pretends to be him, and same goes to Swapdream Dream.
I honestly wanted to try and explain this to some of my mutuals on Facebook, but when I saw there were people attacked another poor random dude who just happens to ship Frisk with Sans on FB, they even explained it very well in their own au that this Frisk is an adult, and still got attacked by many because of what others say "nobody cares about your own headcanons, people will always see Frisk as a child." I kinda agree with that, BUT THATS NOT THE POINT. 😭
After I witnessed that fiasco, imagine that would have been me, trying to explain my own perspective of Swadmare. Will people care about the details? I don't think so, people will always see this ship as an in€est, and I get it okay.
But the amount of hate I get in the past, truly makes me feel 10x bad about myself for shipping something so problematic, even I never consider them as sibling related in the first place.
Nobody is forcing you to like it, heck, I'll never force anyone to ship something that they might feel uncomfortable, and I don't want that.
I like to tend to keep things to myself, unless there are people who are interested.
I still like shipping Corrupted x Swad, but just not mentioning it much, I'm afraid there will always be someone who just randomly just jumped behind my back and started attacking me. However, it will be hard for me to keep up.
Thank you for your kind words and your concerns about this little issue I got, necropathys. Have a nice day/night.
Gosh darn this awfully long..
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trolagygirl2022 · 11 months
Welcome to the club of “san’s future spouse is a foreigner.” honestly it’s fascinating how every fs reading says his fs is a foreigner. so i wanted to ask, while doing those readings, do you focus on his fs’s energy? so that’s why it’s common that his fs is a foreigner? because they’re easy to read?
i think it’s understandable not to mention where this person from but tarot readers often say they’ll be from mediterranean countries (a few of them said turkiye and greece) and will be a celebrity. In the industry, especially with young people, it’s very rare seeing foreigners as korean celebrities’ fs. So I’m pretty excited for san’s future and will be support them wholeheartedly! If possible, could you do a quick check for how the reactions will be to him and fs when they go public one day? thank you! - 🍪
I don't really focus on the foreigner part, it was the first card that came up plus in the appearance reading the two of Wands was over the deck lol.
Ok here's the reading..
How will the Korean public react: 7 of Swords, 3 of Wands, 10 of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, 9 of Cups, 2 of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Wheel of Fortune.
I'm getting a mix of betrayal, curiosity, and positive. People will be feel betrayed I'm getting "You chose a foreigner over a Korean girl??" Some may think he is just with them because they are "exotic" but it's not all bad actually. People will be curious how they deal with being an interracial couple and being in the spotlight. Others will say stuff like "they are definitely soulmates" "they are destined to be together" "they look good together" etc. I'm even getting a small minority saying "What about your Korean blood" blah blah. It's actually not that bad.
How will international Stan's react: The Hanged Man, 3 of Swords, 10 of Wands, Ace of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups rev, 3 of Wands, 4 of Cups, Page of Pentacles.
Oh...! 💀 expect tons of hate, like they are NAWT going to be happy. Of course not everyone but a good amount will feel heartbroken, betrayed and disgusted. Like they are going to be really jealous. You know how those kpop stans that fetishize east asian idols but hate on non east Asians/non Asians? Yeah like that. They will think that the person is not "good enough" for him and that they have a specific mindset on what he will want in a woman so seeing him with a foreigner will totally piss them off "It should have been me" is what I'm getting. Some will be split, other won't care but a good amount will be supportive and give words of encouragement to them. It's going to take time but I feel a good chunk of the delulus will get over it.
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rikeijo · 4 months
Today's translation #655
Pash! 12/2016, Toyonaga Toshiyuki x Uchiyama Koki cross talk
Part 5.
Toyonaga: But I don't know which style, mine or yours, is better (laugh). And it's not that there is a lot of shows, that make me think that [be stubborn about how to play the role]. Because, I'm the type that just like Ucchii [can adapt to how the creators want the role to be played]. It's just that in case of this Katsuki Yuuri, I thought that I wouldn't be able to play the role, if I didn't understand him, like 'why does he feel like that?'. That's why, I [unfortunately] took a lot of [staff's] time, to discuss my lines, when we were recording. But, I thought that I would really hate that, if I would just say 'ok, I've got it' and change my acting, and then it would sound superficial... So, yeah, I'm stubborn! (laugh).
Uchiyama: I don't think that it's a bad thing (laugh). Isn't there a better word for that? Because when you say 'stubborn', it sounds negative.
Toyonaga: No, I think it is stubbornness. On the other hand, you have the ability to just destroy everything that was there before, and rebuild it all starting from zero - I really envy you. I'm not really skilled at constructing.
Uchiyama: But Yuuri-kun talks a lot in every episode, right? Just like the main hero should, really.
Toyonaga: Kubo-san told me 'I'm so sorry, I gave you so many lines. In the future, you'll have even more lines" (laugh). But for me, what gave me even more trouble than the amount of lines, is that there were both comedic and realistic elements mixed in them. The tempo of the whole show is extremely fast, so there were moments when the psychology in my acting couldn't keep up with the fast tempo. Not a lot of shows switches to scenes, where mini characters appear like that.
Uchiyama: For people who watch, the tempo doesn't seem that fast, perhaps. But for people making the show, it was tough (laugh).
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d0enti · 4 months
Hiii this is my first time requesting on your page and I absolutely LOVE your work! ❤️
Can I request a yandere alphabet a,d,j,t with An Shiraishi and Ichika Hoshino from prosekai? No rush take your time :D
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PJSEKAI—"Mindset is everything"
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➵Summary:IchiAn with the Yandere Alphabet A,D,J,T
➵Warning:mention of murder
➵A/N:I'm glad you love my work,and honestly you request caused me to panic because I didn't have a Yandere alphabet but I found one (link) and I hope you like it, and you too dear reader enjoy~!
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⎯ 〈An〉
An shows it quite normally I say, cuddling and kisses and all that you wouldn't even think she's a yandere, An loves you a lot and whenever she wants affection from you she gets it mean who wouldn't want to give affection to someone like her? Full of passion and still going through the loss of Nagi-san, she just needs your love
Not really, An wouldn't go as extreme, as she doesn't want you to know after all, I don't think she would even abduct you unless you find out, and that pretty much won't happen because she's careful about what she does, she's not that stupid while getting rid of her rivals
Of course she gets jealous, who does this person think they are?! An wouldn't lash on you that's for sure, it's her reputation as normal girlfriend on the plate but she will still kill that person in an alleyway when nobody is looking, An would probably find a way to cope by saying you didn't want to talk to them and she's doing the right thing
An feels heartbroken, she understands you that's how she felt when Nagi-san died, she would comfort you as much as she can and if possible kill the person who made you cry, the same goes for screaming but she's more aggressive while killing the person as if she's letting out you anger, now if you isolated yourself she would try to get you out with stuff like watch her perform or go on a date to her father cafe
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⎯ 〈Ichika〉
Quite similar to An, Ichika likes affection but shows it a normal amount so you won't know she's a yandere, I mean think about it a girl that has a band with her childhood friends it's cute isn't it? And it's especially cute if you can cuddle to her while she plays the guitar, and even better it doesn't seem intense!
Just like An nothing big really, actually now that I think about it, it is big if you realize that a few of you friends just hate you out of nowhere why? Is it because you spend more time with Ichika or she just told them to back off or else something bad happens, it's not like you believe them Ichika is a sweet girl
Occasionally she does get jealous, though not because of Leo/need she knows they won't steal you from her, I mean everyone knows the best friend code don't they? About dating your best friend ex or flirting with your best friend lover, now let's say someone flirting with you even though you told them to back off, well just a missing person not important they definitely not tied to a tree god knows where
Ichika also feels down together with you, she even tries to cheer you up playing you favourite song or singing it to you, and it the stars are going to show that night she takes you stargazing, but now if she finds out who is it they will either get their reputation destroyed until they commit suicide or just get killed by her, she will definitely murder them if you angry because of them, now if you try to isolate yourself she will join you cuddling you and singing to you to help you get better
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trouslinabone · 4 months
what do you think about undertale ships?
Depends on the ship.
When I first was learning about Undertale, I looked up a lot of Undertale Comic Dubs (I knew more about AUs than the actual game for a while), so I was prone to a lot of ship material, notably Frans, Sanscest, and Fontcest. As I matured, I lost interest in most ships, but there are some I think about from time to time.
I was into Frans for a minute, as there was so many cute comic dubs of it, but stopped caring about it as I eventually starting disliking Sans. I was still a kid at this point. Like 13 or so. While I like Sans as a character now, I still don't go after it as it's immoral and typically feels like a power complex.
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(Made by WaiqiuVale)
I was into Charus for a while, and still am to a degree, but the moral ambiguity of it makes me not really look into it much anymore either. (Is Chara still a kid even if Chara has been dead for ages? Probably. Is Papyrus a kid as well due to his childish manners? Probably not.)
I mainly liked it due to this specific scenario where Papyrus successfully convinced Chara to abort genocide and thought them to be a better person. You can tell I liked this when "Chara is evil" was still the fanon consensus.
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(Made by TallestDwarfGremlin)
I hate Papyton. No real reason, I just think it's a toxic ship and Papyrus deserves better. I also dislike Mettaton as a character. He's funny, but in comparison to everyone else, kinda flat. He's the most 2 dimensional character.
He's a star, he likes being a star and wants to be a bigger star but wasn't always a star. There's minor interesting things, but eh... As I believe Papyrus has an insane amount of depth, I'd want him to be with someone with a lot of depth as well.
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(Made by GalacticJoelle)
Asriel x Chara (Chariel?) feels like step incest. It can be cute, but it's a tough pill to swallow.
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(Made by Renrick)
Speaking of incest, Fontcest is a ship I dislike. I understand the appeal - Papyrus and Sans have really good chemistry, care for eachother, and are funny together... But that's because they're family.
Something that comes to mind about Fontcest tho, there's this one high-quality animation that is genuinely insanely good and emotional that's fontcest. AM I SUPPOSED TO DISLIKE IT OR LIKE IT???
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(Made by xXMimykoXx)
Sanscest exists. It's incest on steroids for the most part. Everything wrong with incest on a practical level is doubled with Sanscest, and I have gotten into heated debates about this. Am I serious about it? Not really, but it's something fun to think about.
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(Made by The-Cyan-Wolf)
Soriel is canon to me. In my AU, Deltarune: Insanity Calls, it's canon. It just makes too much sense. And Toriel appears about 40 (even if she's actually 900+ years or whatever), and Sans appears about in his mid 30s. It's a bit of a gap, but nothing to bad for me. I think it's cute.
Especially the Deltarune version of the ship.
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(Made by daisiloou)
Papyrus x Frisk (Papyrisk?) is arguably canon. I always bring it up in arguments when people are against Frans. I've already discussed how I don't care for Frans, but it's another one of those things I'm not really serious about, but just find it interesting to talk about.
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(Made by Mozer)
On the topic of Papyrus x Frisk, Alphys x Frisk is also arguably canon. Same thing as above, but I dislike it more than Papyrisk as there's no Papyrus, and I enjoy Alphdyne.
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(Made by Gaster)
Speaking of Alphdyne, it ain't an OTP for me, but it's the only undeniably canon ship in Undertale and it's cute.
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(Made by Caligmaera)
I hate Temmie x The Annoying Dog as it's immoral to ship real people and both of those are self inserts.
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(Made by Arinna1)
[Character Here] x Self Insert/OC is something that I've done often since I'm an avid roleplayer. Notably I've done long term Sans x Self Insert and various Papyri x OC roleplays before. They're okay. Nothing to write home about.
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(Made by @braindeadskeletons)
As a bonus, some random Deltarune ships:
Kris X Susie X Noelle (A Poly ship... Kruselle?) is my personal OTP for Deltarune. Susie x Noelle is cute, Kris x Susie is cute, Noelle x Kris is cute, the best way to get around this? They date eachother. I used to have bad trauma over polyamorous relationships due to my own bad experiences with them, so this is actually good progress for me :3
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(Made by @pillowbug99) -
Spamvil is basically canon, and I like it as it's canon in the same AU of mine I mentioned before - Insanity Calls - but I like it more in terms of Jevil having a massive, obvious crush on Spamton and Spamton hating Jevil's guts. That dynamic of Spamvil is more interesting to me than Spamvil itself.
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(Made by Mipexch)
Spamton x Alphys (A real ship, I swear. Also Spamhys?) is a cute ship. Not a lot of content about it, but it fits Alphys' personality I feel like (her dating an AI) and it feels like a good match. I'm a sucker for [Nervous Character] x [Smooth Talker], even if Spamton ain't as smooth as he used to be.
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(Made by anon artists on 4Chan)
Spamton x Papyrus (Another real ship, I swear... Spamrus?) is funny. I toy with the idea a lot. It probably wouldn't work, but it's by far an insanely funny crack list. I only know this ship is a thing due to a ex-friend of mine who really liked it.
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(Made by Eugenia_yesme)
So yeah, those are my thoughts on Undertale (and some Deltarune) ships!
Before anyone mentions it, yes I know I didn't give Suselle its own tier, but my opinion kinda falls under the Kruselle ship.
I barely scratched the surface. Some honorable ships are Kris x Berdly, Noelle x Berdly, Alphys x Asgore, Gaster x Asgore, Gaster x Grillby, Grillby X Sans, Burgerpants x Nice Cream Guy - you get the point.
Maybe if this gets any interest what-so-ever, I'll do a part 2 where I go over more ships and give my two cents about them.
Let me know if I miscredited any artists or if you know who did the Alphys x Spamton art.
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sanccharine · 1 year
04 | potential, promises, and plotting
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hogwarts au
pairing: hufflepuff!tzuyu x slytherin!reader genre: fluff, slice of life word count: 5.1k
warnings: none that i can think of :]
summary: whether on the field or during class, you never shied away from trouble. and in your sixth year, trouble seemed to follow you like a shadow, though you couldn’t complain. especially when that series of misfortunes led you to the transfiguration prodigy, chou tzuyu. includes: red velvet's yeri, ateez's yeosang, san, wooyoung and jongho; viviz's sinb; txt's yeonjun; loona's olivia; le sserafim's yunjin; dreamcatcher's gahyeon
status: ongoing a/n: back to post once in a blue moon :D theres quite a few people in this one huh O_O
masterlist | chapter 3 | chapter 5
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The Dark Arts assignment felt like a fluke. 
Well, it was a fluke. 
You wouldn’t have gotten the grade that you got without the help of Tzuyu. 
After that assignment, they seemed to keep piling on top. Playing Quidditch seemed to be up for debate again. Though you know somewhere deep in your mind you were playing this year. Still, you couldn’t catch a break from your studies. 
Often, you found yourself in the secluded corner of the library, the place had become yours. If you weren’t hunched up over a textbook there, you were in the Great Hall. Always scribbling away on parchment, writing and rewriting your notes. Transfiguration theory made no sense at all. 
Professor Lee’s words from earlier in the day returned to you. 
She asked you to stay behind after class much like the many times she had before. You readied yourself for a scolding. A lecture about how you could do better, how your grades were slipping, and how you aren’t achieving your full potential. 
You never understood what she saw in you. 
“What are you doing?” Professor Lee asked, her eyes not lifting away from the book in front of her. 
“I don’t understand—”
“I asked what are you doing in my class?” 
Your heart stopped beating. 
“I don’t know, Professor. I'm not sure as well... I don’t know what I’m doing in your class. I don’t know how I passed and I definitely don't know how—” you stopped your rambling. You should’ve put this together sooner. How could you be so stupid? “Did my parents—?”
Finally, Professor Lee looked at you. 
"No." Her gaze was scathing. 
She held your stare. A lifetime seemed to pass. You don’t if you should be relieved or terrified of this revelation. 
It seemed unreal. 
There was no way you were in this class without your parents pulling some—
“You are more than aware of my standards. Especially to enter my N.E.W.Ts class,” Lee straightened as she watched you freeze in real-time. Then her gaze softened, only ever so slightly. “The only reason you are in my class is because of your merit. You have potential.”
What potential is she going on about?
“Nothing else,” Professor Lee paused, her eyes steely as she finished. “And no one else.” 
“I understand,” you didn’t attempt to repeat what you say every year. You really did understand, you couldn’t let her down. You didn't want to let her down. Changes meant the most these next two years. So, you will work hard this year, and unlock whatever potential she sees in you. 
“Now, get out. You’re wasting my class time,” and she was back. 
With a salute, you let in the quiet first years who had lined up outside. You didn’t catch the little boy waving at you. 
The conversation kept playing in your mind. It brought a new sense of motivation you fear you’ve never felt… at least not for anything apart from Quidditch. It also brought up an immense amount of stress. You were playing this year, you were studying hard this year. Will you be able to win the cup again? Will you be able to pass next year? Only weeks passed and already your control was slipping. You hated that feeling with every fibre of your being. 
Every sound in the hall seemed to unnerve you, clawing and climbing its way up your back until you couldn’t even hear your own ragged breathing. Couldn’t notice that you were grinding your teeth, jaw locked and aching. Worst of all, you didn’t realise your grip had pushed the quill in and torn the parchment. A gaping hole where words should be. You were so tightly wound up, all the tension caught in the back of your neck.
Which is why when someone tapped your shoulder, you sneered much like a rabid dog. “What?”
The regret was immediate when you saw familiar glassy eyes staring back. The apology is ready on your lips but... 
What was his name again?
“Minwoo just wanted to say hello. You missed us by the Transfiguration class,” the diligent girl from the feast! What was her name? She was quick to step in front of Minwoo, completely blocking him from your view. That strikes you as odd, you couldn’t place why. “He was wondering about joining Quidditch, we both were… I’m Jooyeon, by the way.”
Busted by an eleven-year-old. This had to be a new low for you. 
“Right, sorry for that. I’ve been so busy with assignments and it just didn't—never mind, that doesn’t matter!” you said sheepishly and pushed aside your parchment and turned to face them. When Minwoo didn’t look up, you sighed. “I’m sorry for snapping at you, Minwoo. I shouldn’t have done that, please forgive me.”
Finally, the boy looked up from behind Jooyeon’s shoulder. Were those tears in his eyes?
“Listen, are you—” you started but then caught yourself. From Jooyeon’s protective stance to Minwoo’s tears, you surmised this wasn’t about you. Something else was at play here. You just didn’t have enough information… yet. You dropped the line of question and put on the best smile you could muster. “What do you want to know about Quidditch?” 
“We want to try out.”
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Quidditch season was finally beginning. Eunbi pushed back tryouts in favour of her studies. Though, you knew she was plotting something. Especially with open positions. You don’t know what that meant for you, but you trusted her. 
When you arrived on the field, most of your teammates were already there, geared up and gathering equipment. Eunbi stood to the side, frowning at the piece of parchment in her hand. In front of her were the potential recruits, they were thrumming with anxiety. It was easy to discern what years they were from their little groups and behaviour. 
Minwoo and Jooyeon stood to the far left. Separated even from the other gawking first years who would no doubt be rejected. First years rarely made substitutes, let alone the team. But you understood their enthusiasm, you had been in the same place a few years back. In fact, a large number of second and third years weren’t going to be happy with Eunbi’s decisions either. 
A smile graced your face as you patted your pockets with your free hand to find something. 
“Good to see you two here,” you sidled up to Minwoo and he nearly shot a meter into the air. Why is this kid so jumpy around you? That will have to be amended. You smiled at his friend and said, “Hello Jooyeon.”
“Weird,” you muttered and leaned forward to catch Minwoo’s frog before it could leap away from him. “You’re supposed to eat these, not let them get away.”
Excited wouldn’t be the word you’d use. Minwoo couldn’t seem to look you in the eyes. Even worse, he kept glancing back at the crowd of Slytherins, shaking a bit. 
Sighing, you began, “I understand if you’re nervous, it’s only natural. That’s why I brought you guys something.”
At that, both of them looked up at you, eyes shining. 
“How do we feel about chocolate frogs?” you asked, as you fetched two from your pockets and handed one to each. 
“I saw these on the train,” Minwoo smiled, finally. It relieved you. “Thank you!”
“I want to know who you got, open them, go on!” You folded your arms as their nervousness seemed to dissipate. 
“Headmistress Boa,” Jooyeon said, reading the card while holding the frog in one hand. 
“I got her too!” Minwoo said as he giggled at the frog jumping up his arm. 
“Weird,” you muttered and leaned forward to catch Minwoo’s frog before it could leap away from him. “You’re supposed to eat these, not let them get away.”
“But it’s alive—”
“We’re about to start,” Yeri shouted with a clap. That was your cue to leave. 
“We good?” you raised your fist to Minwoo. 
“Yeah, we’re good,” Minwoo grinned and bumped your fist. “Thanks again for the chocolates.” 
You aimed your fist at Jooyeon and she reciprocated as well. With a proud nod, you sauntered over to your team. 
Yeonjun quickly made his way to your side and bumped his shoulder into yours. Smiling, you glanced around. This team carried you through many wins throughout the last two years. You were a precise, well-oiled machine led by Eunbi. What you lacked, your teammates covered with their strengths. The only missing spot was your Keeper, who graduated last year. 
Plus, next year Eunbi will graduate. Followed right after by you, Yeri, San, and Yeonjun which leaves Olivia to fend alone. The thought was mortifying. You understood why talks of a new captain and tryouts seemed so important. 
Eunbi scanned the crowd in front of her and nodded. “Quidditch is not easy. It’s brutal.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at the familiar start. A spiel you have heard so many times you could probably announce it yourself. 
“Without proper practice and dedication, you’ll be living in the Hospital Wing,” you couldn't help but snicker as you rolled your left wrist. Beside you, Yeonjun grabbed his right shoulder and sighed. Everyone landed in the wing at least once and that was being generous. “Forget positions, they don’t matter. What’s important is flight, speed and endurance.”
Gasps already erupted at Eunbi’s dismissal of the roles in the team. The next part should be fun.
“Five minutes,” Eunbi held up her palm. “That’s how much time I want you flying laps around the field and at the fastest speed you can manage—”
Now, the juniors seemed to pale as the senior students only groaned. This was nothing. They’d endure much worse in a proper game, a grim thought but it was true. 
“—I need you to push yourselves. Those who don’t fly as soon as I say start, who fall behind, and who fail to complete all five minutes will be instantly cut.” Eunbi was merciless. “Line up! First years at the front, and each year following right behind.” 
You smirked at how quickly your juniors fell into lines. Your teammates and senior students strolled up behind them. Olivia was up ahead, glaring holes into other fourth year students. Some sixth years lined up just ahead of you. It was hard not to follow in Olivia’s footsteps and glare holes into a familiar mop of hair. Fortunately, Yeonjun and Yeri’s bickering brought you back to the present. 
Your line consisted of the pair and San. You didn’t have to interject to know that this race would earn you some money. San shook his head as he lowered himself on his Nimbus, already at an advantage. When you glanced at him, his usual easy-going smile was nowhere to be found. 
The second Eunbi yelled the four of you were in the air. It was too easy. 
San was speeding through the crowd of students, deftly avoiding any stragglers and leading the lap. The things you would do to get a hand on that broom of his. You didn’t need to look back to know that some juniors struggled with the initial take-off. Yeonjun soon followed San, quick to catch up with him. Yeri, however, had seemed to completely give up on the bet and joined you, instead. She zig-zagged through the crowd as if it were a leisurely flight and not an ordered task. 
One look at her and you knew what was in her mind. Shaking your head, you steered beneath the crowd. With a grin, you completely flipped yourself around as Yeri mirrored you. You began rotating and increasing your speed. If strings were attached to your brooms, it would look like a helix. This is what happens when you don’t do your regular midnight flights. Eunbi was going to chew you out for this stunt but it meant all the same when you caught Yeri’s laughter against the wind. 
Dizzy, you righted yourself just as someone zoomed past you. 
She passed Yeonjun and San just as another person flashed by you. They caught up easily to your youngest Chaser, her ponytail just as black as Olivia’s. 
Not having the heart to jostle Olivia when she was determined, you joined your friends. All four of you watched Olivia and her rival keep trying to one-up each other, even though it was futile. They were matched in skill. You assumed it was the fourth year she was glaring at. 
Unsurprisingly, Olivia and the fourth year were the first to land when the five minutes were over. Both of them were panting and shaking, yet still managed to glare daggers at each other. Eunbi squinted at the two of them as you landed easily beside her. 
That was not the case for a lot of students. 
Completing the exercise was one thing but landing afterwards was another task altogether. Some landings were disastrous, the fatigue and nausea couldn’t have helped. And those who did manage to land somewhat decently, instantly crumpled to the ground from vertigo. Eunbi scrutinised them unflinchingly before considering her parchment. 
You searched for Minwoo and Jooyeon only to find them both sitting on the ground. Jooyeon was in much better shape than Minwoo, they landed safely and that was all that mattered. It was hard not to miss the way Hyukwoo stood proudly when you scanned the crowd. He didn’t seem fazed at all. The idea of playing by his side made you nauseous. 
It couldn’t be helped though. 
Your teammates and previous substitutes were called up. Hyukwoo threw a smirk at you and your hands twitched. 
Some new faces were called. Huh Yunjin. That was the name of the fourth year that competed with Olivia.
However, the majority was rejected. Granted, as Eunbi mentioned, some people would be instantly cut and cut they were. 
“That is all,” Eunbi said with no hint of remorse. 
“That’s all? We’re done already?” Someone in the back whined and you bristled. “We just flew around the field, that doesn’t measure our skill. Plus, we had to use these stupid school brooms.”
The silent but agreeing crowd parted for a girl. Possibly a first year, definitely a pureblood. The school broom frayed and splintered, landed with a whimper when she threw it at Eunbi’s feet. The sight was familiar. 
Eunbi only stared at the broom, not saying a word. You were about to speak up when she inhaled deeply. 
“You’re right, the school brooms suck.” The girl’s head perked up to hear the Captain agreeing with her. “Unfortunately for you, that’s not a good enough excuse.”
You couldn’t help but glance at Hyukwoo, only to find he was already staring at you. His expression was unreadable. 
Eunbi called your name, followed by Yeonjun and Yeri. As if controlled by puppet strings, the three of you stepped forward at the same time, heads held high. 
“These three became substitutes in their first year with those ‘stupid’ school brooms.”
“So did Eunbi,” Yeri said with a smirk before you could. Even her smile didn’t reduce the tense atmosphere. 
“It’s not a good enough excuse,” Eunbi repeated. “Try next year with your own broom then.” 
The student scowled, ready to whine but her friends dragged her away. With that, the others began to leave as well. Eunbi began shouting orders but you quickly excused yourself to catch up with Minwoo and Jooyeon. 
“Sorry, you guys didn’t make the team.”
“It wasn’t realistic anyway,” Jooyeon shrugged but Minwoo’s disappointment was clear on his face. He stared at the pureblood girl who was yelling at her friends as she walked out. He then turned to you, disappointment morphed into caution as he said the next four words.
“Are you a pureblood?” 
Jooyeon shot him a look, clearly startled by his question. Every interaction with this kid only seemed to confuse you more. 
“Um, yeah,” there was no better way to put it. 
“So you’re a full wizard?” 
Jooyeon hissed his name and you stood there, perplexed. 
“Full wizard? Minwoo, you’re a wizard too,” you said, indignant at the claim. Then it clicked. “Hold on, did someone say—!”
“Yes, but both your parents are wizards, right?” You couldn’t help but bristle at the mention of your parents. “You’re a full wizard? Both my parents are muggles so I’m a—”
“Listen, that doesn’t matter,” that was a blatant lie but you had to stop him. Jooyeon had the same idea as she nudged his side. Minwoo was unbothered by his friend and unconvinced by you. “At least, not anymore.” 
That wasn’t a lie… but it wasn’t the truth either. 
You had to tackle this delicately.
“You’re here at Hogwarts, yeah?” you asked and waited for an answer. 
"Did a wand choose you?"
“Can you do magic?”
“Then you’re a wizard, simple,” comfort didn’t come easy, you barely believed yourself. There was a strange tension in your voice but it was difficult to ignore the implication of Minwoo’s words. “Minwoo—both of you—if someone is bothering you, you come let me know, alright? Promise me that!” 
For some reason, you guessed who would be putting these thoughts into these kids. Harassing first years had to be a whole new low, even for him. 
When Minwoo didn’t answer, Jooyeon did. “We will, we promise. Thank you!” 
She raised her fist and your lips twitched up at the action. You bumped yours with hers before moving it in front of Minwoo. Both you and Jooyeon waited with bated breath. Minwoo left but not before brushing his fist against yours and mumbling goodbye. 
Jooyeon grumbled an apology on his behalf before running after Minwoo.
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Are you a pureblood? So you’re a full wizard?
This was not how you wanted tryouts to go. For the most part, you were out of it, fortunately not enough for Eunbi to notice. Granted, she had her hands full. 
You could only think about Minwoo. 
Eunbi, in the time you'd spent with first years, had split up the recruits into small groups. There were also workshops so every new member could get a feel of each role. Everyone was assigned their usual roles except for Yeonjun and Oliivia. The former took up the Keeper’s role while the latter shadowed Eunbi, the pair conversing seriously. 
You walked over to the chest where the Bludger rattled in its cage, Yeri sidled up as you sighed.
“You alright?” she asked, motioning to the recruits assigned to the two of you. 
“Yeah, I'm fine—no,” you changed when you caught Yeri’s stare, “I’ll tell you later.”
She nodded, dropping the topic altogether before speaking to the new teammates. You recognized one of them quickly, yet you forgot her name already. 
“Huh Yunjin,” Yeri whispered beside you as you picked your bat, sarcasm dripping with every word. “Olivia’s best friend.”
“Do you know why?”
“Jealousy. Possible threat. Youngest privileges lost,” Yeri stopped to look at you. “Do you want me to keep listing more reasons? Or… ?”
You rolled your eyes at your friend and rounded up the pair, gesturing at them to take off into the air. 
“They’re fourth years, what did you expect?” Yeri yelled after you, no shame in admitting what she was whispering about. 
Shaking your head, you began to explain the basics of your role. Though you’re sure they were already well aware of that, so you made sure to emphasize just how dangerous being a Beater could be. Right on time, a resounding crack echoed through the field. 
The act was involuntary, muscle memory alone carried the task for you. The Bludger zoomed past the two recruits and with another resounding crack was sent back straight for Yeri. Flawless aim and deadly strength. You couldn’t help but smirk at yourself. 
The new students looked terrified, to say the least, but they were poised to whack the Bludger. When Yeri sent the ball back, it lacked its usual vigour, her hit purposely pulled back. Yunjin took the initiative putting herself in the ball's way before taking a swing. 
She managed to hit the ball back in Yeri’s general direction with quite a bit of strength, she showed promise. However, she did slightly stumble to the side of her broom, almost losing balance but she was quick to catch herself. Yunjin turned to you with a proud smile, awaiting praise. You couldn’t deny her that. 
“Well done, that was a good shot,” she straightened as you turned to the other recruit. “Your turn.”
The colour seemed to have completely drained from the kid’s face. If he wasn’t already terrified about facing a Bludger, the fact that Yunjin had managed to hit it almost perfectly couldn't help. Trusting your gut, you readied yourself in case something went south. 
A thunderous crack filled the stadium, his strength was paramount. 
Now if only he hadn’t smacked the Bludger backwards. Heading straight for the stands. 
You swore enough to lose a solid amount of points from your house. Good thing you were ready because you were flying at a speed you normally saved for your games. Your best friend has the same idea because Yeri was right by your side in a second. 
Ignoring the shrieks from the audience, the pair of you managed to surpass the Bludger with just enough space to spare. Without sharing a glance, you raised your batting hand and striked the Bludger. So had Yeri. 
With double the power of notorious Beaters, the Bludger soared high above the field and over the other end of the audience. Yeri only grumbled before speeding away after the ball. Leaving you to deal with the students whose lives you put at risk.
When you turned, the first person you see is Chou Tzuyu.
Like a magnet, your gaze seemed to land on her first. Her steely stare renders you speechless for a moment. Her knuckles were white from clutching a textbook you didn’t recognise. You wondered whether the pages were cutting into her skin. 
“Listen, I’m so sorry, Tzuyu,” you may have joked about how you were always apologising to her if someone hadn’t interrupted you by clearing their throat. Aggressively. 
Finally, you noticed the three other people seated next to Tzuyu. You couldn’t put names on two of them, one of which was clutching their heart as they whispered to the girl next to them. Her eyes were in crescents as she let out a chuckle, blushing to her ears. But, you did recognise Yeosang, Wooyoung’s best bud! 
Or so that's what Wooyoung claimed. You’ve never heard Yeosang confirm it. For that very reason, you doubted the Ravenclaw had a glowing impression of you. 
“Yeosang, buddy—”
“No.” He stood up, his eyes rolling back into his skull as he dragged the Hufflepuff next to him. They whined and made quite a scene as they were pulled away, the girl beside Tzuyu only giggled at their antics. You didn’t miss the wink they sent her before turning your attention back to Tzuyu. 
Her eyes were glassy as she stared. You’ve seen her smile, you know how she can light up a room. Yet, she managed to place such a cruel unfeeling mask over herself. 
“I really am sorry,” you said as the girl, having come down from giggles, shook her head. “Try-outs can be… rough.” 
You turned to Tzuyu again, hoping you salvaged something of your friendship. Not even, just merely the beginning of it. Her features were still steely, which wasn't good. When her friend’s hand came to rest atop hers, she softened. That was incorrect, her eyes didn't soften, she just lost her glare. 
“This is Gahyeon,” Tzuyu said, sentence clipped. “My friend.” 
Gahyeon smiled widely, extending her hand. Before you could even say your name she did it for you. 
“I know who you are,” Tzuyu shot her a strange glare but Gahyeon ignored it, unfazed by Tzuyu’s behaviour. “We’re all good, we knew you and Yeri had it covered. Hope the rest goes better than this!”
With a sad smile, you lowered your head again to apologize. You glimpsed at Tzuyu. Her features were still clouded with distaste, and maybe curiosity, but shifted to her aloof self as soon as she noticed you staring. Bidding them an awkward farewell, you turned to fly back to the third year.
Yunjin was to a side, her prideful demeanour nowhere to be found because she knew what was coming. The third year at fault was shaking on his broom but that didn’t deter you. 
With more vitriol than necessary, you said, “You better be good at some other position because you’re not a Beater!” He tried to say something but you were quick. “There’s no point if you’re all strength, you could’ve hurt someone—”
Yeri's voice came from somewhere to your side, but you decided to continue, baseless anger slipping past tightly shut gates. But your best friend placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back, forcing you to face her. 
The look on her face said everything you needed to hear. You can’t berate a kid for something they can’t control and no one was hurt… Tzuyu wasn’t hurt. 
“Get the next pair,” Yeri ordered and all you could do was nod. As you flew down, you could hear Yeri console the third year who was reeling from your words. 
Apart from that incident, practice went quite smoothly. The tasks were easy enough to follow, you and Yeri made sure to inform the recruits to consider aim and strength before swinging the bat wildly. Although, you didn’t allow room for anything to go wrong. Especially with the feeling of someone watching your back. 
After discussing with her teammates, Eunbi assigned substitute positions to the recruits. Though, everyone anticipated who would be the lucky person to fill up the Keeper position. Hyukwoo seemed all too smug, no doubt expecting the position to be his. Which is why it was all the more satisfying to see his expression sour when Yunjin was picked. 
Introductory ice-breakers. Short warm-up. Flight exercises. Two hours seemed to pass by in a blur before Eunbi decided it was time to play a few mock games. 
It was supposed to be harmless but everyone seemed to take it seriously. That was understandable under Eunbi’s unyielding watch. 
The intensity increased tenfold when the captain herself joined, taking her position as the Seeker. The small crowd lounging around the stadium cheered and it almost felt like a real game. Though, you and Yeri were grinning ear to ear, exhilarated just to play together again. 
Once the match ended, Eunbi asked everyone to relax but not before reminding the team to meet at the changing rooms later. Some of the younger recruits were not so eager to do nothing, they began rounding up equipment for the arriving Hufflepuff team. 
Eunbi was long gone and you waved away your friend's call to play catch in the air. Instead, you finally took the time to do what you loved; fly unperturbed. You missed the feeling of the winter chills crawling up your sleeves, cooling down the sweat on your forehead. Soon your mindless rounds came to a slow drive, almost floating in place, suspended in the air as you smiled at no one in particular. To even have considered not playing this year was a fool’s thought. 
A blur hurtled past before turning to stop in front of you. The shiver that ran down your spine was difficult to shake off. 
“So it’s real then?” Wooyoung’s voice squeaked at the end. You hoped he wasn’t insinuating what you think he was. “You and Chou Tzuyu?”
“What are you on about… ” the question died on your lips when Wooyoung looked to his left and you followed his gaze.
Not even a few meters away, Tzuyu was seated exactly where you’d left her an hour ago. Her friend, Gahyeon, if you remember correctly, was reading the prefect's textbook. Tzuyu’s attention, however, was completely on you. 
Apparently, in your daze, you had been flying near her. And in return, she’d been watching you. 
Fortunately, your best friend had immaculate timing. 
But none of the decorum. 
Yeri saved you from the paralysing staring concert by crashing right into you. 
Being the professional that she is, Yeri pivoted at the right moment, parking herself beside Wooyoung. You weren’t so graceful. The groan you emitted was ugly and pained, but at least you didn’t topple off your broom and plummet to your death. The most you experienced was disorientation from the blood rushing to your head. Oh, and the insurmountable amount of embarrassment. Why was Tzuyu looking at you?
Blinking away the white spots, you scowled at your so-called friends who cackled at your misery. “Was that necessary?” 
“Wouldn’t have been if you hurried instead of ogling Hufflepuffs,” Yeri offered an unapologetic smile. She was right, none of your teammates were anywhere to be seen on the field. 
“And it wasn’t even me?” Wooyoung pouted, his voice pitched higher. Both you and Yeri groaned at that. “I’m heartbroken.”
“Alright, we’re done here,” you said as you turned away from Wooyoung’s unbearable expression. 
“No, don’t leave me—” Wooyoung groaned instead of finishing the sentence. No doubt, Yeri shoved him too. 
“Good luck with practice, Woo,” you called out as you descended. Yeri was quick to pass you, shaking her head with a smile as she did. 
You didn’t leave the field without sparing one last glance at Chou Tzuyu. 
Her eyes had never left you.
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“We’re focusing on scoring this year,” Eunbi said just as you entered the changing rooms. “This means Beaters, I need you to prioritize Chaser’s protection over mine.” 
You hadn’t even gotten the chance to seat yourself before you were shooting up. 
“What?” you squawked along with Yeri. The team was quick to follow with their outcries. 
Being a Seeker was no walk in the park. The title alone was an automatic target on your back. It didn’t help that there was a running joke of a guaranteed win if Eunbi was eliminated first. Of course, that has never happened. Eliminating Eunbi that is. Not with you carelessly taking Bludgers for her with your head instead of your bat. All ten fingers and ten toes wouldn’t be enough to count how many fouls you and Yeri have intercepted. It was only natural that one of the Beaters was always floating around Eunbi. 
So to ask for no protection seems ill-advised. 
Undeterred, Eunbi continued. 
“This is especially important for our opening game with Gryffindor. Jongho did a damn good job of blocking most of our goals last year,” Olivia scowled at the mention of the Keeper. He hadn’t let her score a single goal. “Focusing on scoring means not only prioritizing our Chasers, but the opposing team’s Chasers as well. If you can keep the Bludgers and their Beaters concentrated on them, then I will be fine.” 
“That’s a big if.” Yeri stated, not necessarily rejecting Eunbi’s unconventional strategy. 
“You are more than capable of pulling it off. I just need you to do it,” Eunbi said, her eyes glossing over the entire team. “All of you.” 
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: i feel like this fic is more about studying and sports than tzuyu HKSDFGJKDS like i know it seems like a slow burn, but the original draft didn't even have romance in it HJFKSDGF (i still don't know what type of relationship these two will have) it was me messing around and just dragging shit around for fun so we'll see how this one goes. as for sport, idc for it and if the stuff i say makes no sense, you've come this far i'm sure you can suspend your disbelief just a bit more :D anyways,,,see you next month-ish ? maybe ? who knows ? hope everyone is doing well and have a good day/night !
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taglist: @someone-who-likes-broccoli @tatliegilim
send an ask to be added !
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Ensemble - 105: True Feelings
Makoto: (… …)
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Soundproof Lesson Room
Makoto: (… …)
(…Hm, hmm? Oh no, did I faint!?)
(That's dangerous, I almost fell into a sleep I wouldn't ever wake up from again! I feel all wobbly; I haven't eaten anything for a while, after all.)
(Izumi-san won't give me a decent amount of food nor sleep.)
(On top of that, he started trying to feed me as my face grew paler!)
(Two guys doing that to each other is just disgusting! I seriously don't understand what that guy is thinking! I don't get it!)
(And then when I stubbornly refused to be fed by him, Izumi-san's mood got even worse…)
(After that, he's been ignoring me the whole time; it's almost like what the mafia would do!)
(Izumi-san even said that until I become more honest I won't be allowed to live like a normal person would.)
(A-At this rate I'll be like a bird in a cage until the day I die! I hate this, someone please save me!)
(Mistreatment on top of abduction and confinement, isn't this a serious incident!?)
(It's a crime! Police officer! Akehoshi-kun, Hidaka-kun, Isara-kun! Transfer student-chan! Someone, save me…!)
(Aaah. Izumi-san probably made a believable excuse to my parents and classmates as well. That guy does make sure to look good on the outside, after all!)
(If I knew it would come to this, I would have gotten along better with my parents.)
(I stayed over at school without going home during the S1 not so long ago, too… My parents must have thought 'again?'.)
(If I don't have any contact for a month or even a year, I'm sure someone will notice that there's something going on, but I think either my heart or my body will break before that!)
(I already lost my feeling for night and day… Isn't it already the day of that thing called DDD or something?)
(I get the feeling I can faintly hear music?)
(In that case this isn't the time for me to be confined in a place like this!)
(I have to hurry and meet up with the others, though it might not even matter whether I'm there or not.)
(I might even only be pulling their legs…)
(Even so I want to do something! For everyone's sake! No, because I want to stand on stage together with them!)
(That's why I worked so hard. We were finally about to start running! This isn't the time to be at a standstill, I'm also Trickstar!)
(Rather, I just thought of this, but…)
(It couldn't be that they're misunderstanding that I betrayed Trickstar and was scouted by Knights just like the president said, right?)
(That would be the worst! No one would come to save a traitor! Aaaah, no matter how much I struggle it looks hopeless!)
(You're wrong! I've been confined in this soundproof lesson room this entire time by Izumi-san!)
(I persistently refused to sign[1] the papers to transfer into Knights!)
(I'm still part of Trickstar! I'm your comrade! It'd be nice if someone still believes that. My trust is being tested…!)
(If I knew it would come to this, would it have been better to have stubbornly refused the president's proposal from the moment he made it!?)
(Should I have properly stated my opinion on the matter clearly? Would it have been better if I loudly declared that I was their comrade!?)
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Makoto: (Aaah. It's too late to regret things now. Also, to be honest, I was just scared of the president…)
(It was way too scary to go against him then and there, it's impossible for me!)
(Seeing the enemy we were about to face, my legs gave out!)
(Oogami-kun would laugh at me. I haven't gotten even a bit stronger, even though I trained and was supposed to have matured…)
(No, I can't give up! This is exactly why I'm always a burden!)
(There has to be something I can do, I have to believe that! If I don't believe in myself, who will?)
(If there's one thing I learned from my training with Oogami-kun, it's that as long as you try desperately you'll be able to do anything!)
(I can hear… Someone's voice? This is Akehoshi-kun's voice, isn't it?)
(Could he have caught on that I have been confined here and come to save me? Aaah, I've been waiting for this ☆)
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Makoto: Akehoshi-kun! It's me! Please, notice!
I've been confined the whole time! In this soundproof lesson room!
…Ah, that's right. This room is soundproof! It is one of Yumenosaki Academy's facilities after all, they make sure these things are made properly!
He might not be able to hear me regardless of how loud I shout?
It's a lesson room, so there's equipment here. There's also a mic so I'll turn that to the highest volume… I'm good at messing with machines, I'll show you!
'Ah! Ah! Mic test!'
'…Wah! That hurts my ears, the sound echoes well in the soundproof lesson rooms, doesn't it?'
(Even so the chance they can hear me outside is fifty-fifty.)
(Also, Izumi-san is properly right by this door.)
(I have to trick him somehow, you can only open this door from the outside… and Izumi-san has the key!)
(Which means that if I can't do something about Izumi-san, I won't be able to escape from this room!)
(I could also wait for Akehoshi-kun to throw down Izumi-san and steal the key, but violence isn't good.)
(In the worst case, he'll be suspended. And even if he doesn't, he would at least be forced to retire from the DDD!)
(I can't let that happen! I can't let the future of Trickstar be closed off because of me!)
(I can't really help much on top of the stage so at the very least I shouldn't be a burden!)
(What should I do? Aaah, I don't have the time to think about it!)
(Sometimes I should try to do things without worrying, on impulse, with all my might… With everything I've got!)
(That's what Trickstar is! Just watch me, Izumi-san! I'll show you!)
(I'll prove it to you! I'm no longer just a pretty doll that can't do anything!)
[ ☆ ]
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Originally here he says stamp; Japan commonly uses family stamps rather than signatures.
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funghettoo · 15 days
Unused Minedai idea: friends since childhood
A bunch of ideas that I don't feel like writing an entire fic about.
Little Daigo goes out of town with his parents, but gets bored while they are at a business meeting and runs away.
takes a walk around the unfamiliar city and stops for ice cream. when it's time to pay, he takes out a lot of money and it's clear that he doesn't understand how much to pay and how much to have in change. the merchant takes advantage of this and tries to cheat him by taking more money than he should. at that moment Mine passes by, witnesses the scene and stops to scold the ice cream man, telling him that he shouldn't take advantage of a child. he also advises Daigo on the exact amount to give and continues on his way.but Daigo is too proud to accept the help and gets angry at Mine. Mine is terrified of catching the attention of passersby and making people think he's bothering a rich kid, but he is also proud and is offended by that child's behavior, so he responds in the same tone. "Why are you dressed so strangely?" healso has the nerve to ask. ofc Daigo gets more angry. they argue a bit, in the stupid and naive way that children do, without really caring.
Daigo snorts and complains, Mine calls him spoiled and rude, and a moment later they are on the playground laughing together. Mine is reluctant but Daigo can be really insistent, plus he has the impression that the other child is lost in the city so he wants to help. the man who is raising him at the orphanage has taught him to behave well and be helpful as he can. Mine tries to be a good child, so he stays with Daigo and agrees when Daigo decides to go to the playground. Mine is happy to have the right to be there for the first time. He usually avoids places like that, because children don't want to play with him and their parents look at him badly, wondering what an orphan is doing there. he knows that everyone expects a wrong gesture on his part, just the slightest excuse to attack the orphanage. so Mine always spends his time studying alone. but Daigo doesn't seem to care about his used clothes or his shy character, he welcomed him as his friend and wants to play with him. Daigo is more good and kind than he makes it seem, Mine can trust him.
so they play together, Mine calls him "Bon Bon" and Daigo hates it. Daigo calls him "Taka" and Mine is happy. until the playground becomes too crowded with families with children, Mine clearly becomes nervous. noticing his discomfort, Daigo takes him away. "I'm hungry, let's go have a snack!" he decides. Mine takes him to a bakery he heard a lot about in school. he's never been there obviously, he doesn't have the money for such frivolities. the old man at the orphanage rewards him with ice cream when he is very good at School at the end of the year but it is a secret between the two of them.the pastry shop is also crowded, so while they are in line Mine squeezes behind Daigo's back and clings to his clothes. Daigo wants to offer him a snack but Mine refuses, so Daigo on his own initiative buys him a sweet that Mine was looking at from the shop window. Mine doesn't stop thanking him, he's so happy he could cry...
they eat their desserts, in the meantime Daigo doesn't stop talking about life in Tokyo and a certain Kiryu-san. Mine is very fascinated by it all.after that, Daigo asks if there is an arcade. Mine is having fun and is happy to have found a friend, so he continues to indulge him. Ofc He's never been to an arcade, so he looks around in amazement. Daigo says he's great at UFO catcher but he can't catch anything, so he makes Mine try. Mine catch a bunchan limited edition.Daigo tells Mine to keep it, since he earned it. Mine shyly accepts, it is the best gift he has ever had and it will remind him of his only friend, he will keep it as the most precious thing he has.
but it's getting late, it's time for Daigo to admit that he's lost and has to return to his parents. Mine helps him return to the place he ran away from.when they arrive, Yayoi is already on the street nervously waiting for news from the men who are looking for her son. when she sees him she scolds him for running away but Mine intervenes and politely apologizes to the woman, declaring responsible for Daigo's delay. Yayoi is impressed by this polite child and thanks him for helping her son. Daigo is sad because they have to say goodbye. at that point Mine tells him the truth: "I live in the orphanage in this city, come visit me when you get back! ...if you don't mind it and you still want to be my friend." Ofc Daigo doesn't care and wants to be his friend, he promises he will come back to see him. Daigo actually comes back, the next time his parents have a business meeting he insists on going there with them. this time Yayoi accompanies Daigo, she wants to visit the orphanage.
but they find a bad surprise: the orphanage has been closed, the man who took care of it is dead and there is no one there. Daigo is desperate, he cries and insists on looking for his friend everywhere in the city. the mother can't say no to him and so they search together. they find Mine shortly after in a rough area, living on the street among homeless people.sleeping hugging his bunchan. Daigo runs to hug him. Mine is ashamed to be seen like this, he is left homeless but continues to go to school and manages to live by doing some work. Daigo can't leave him like this. he insists to his mother to take Mine to Tokyo with them. Yayoi seriously considers it, after all why not... many families still adopt a child to raise as a trusted assistant and bodyguard for their heir. so the Dojima family takes Mine with them and gives him the best education. they grow up together, inseparable, and Mine takes his role as Daigo's assistant very seriously.
in the worst moments that will come in Daigo's life, he will have Mine by his side and things will get better.
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lakesbian · 1 year
how do you feel about rose and blakes dynamic and do you have a preferred thorburn of the two
ummm. sweats. ummm. to start with the easy part i like blake better bc he's funny. he's always getting into circumstances that are like if looney tunes were horror. out there running headlong into trees and shit. i don't know if it would be funnier if rose is 4x more competent at not dying than him and he was just having a Skill Issue or if she immediately becomes equally miserable and beset by horrors but i'm sort of getting the vibes that it's going to be the first one. not sans being beset by horrors but probably sans the looney tunes antics. i would love if she also ran headlong into trees though. or was like "i will solve this issue via exsanguination" as blake was wont to do before he died badly and then started immediately sniveling and shivering pathetically like blake did bc she's never bled real blood before and it huuuurts :(.
i would love if i had been paying more attention to blake and rose's dynamic this entire time instead of going Heehee Oatmeal. i'm genuinely going to have to reread this fucking book i'm not kidding. maybe even before worm. like i've been blacked the fuck out i have lost the plot. that said i did form literally all of my opinions about worm by incoherently rambling until i stumbled upon something i decided to actually believe so perhaps doing the same publicly about pact will work. towards the end there blake's paranoia wrt having his identity & body (theyre intertwined!) corroded was really getting to him in like a comically cuntish manner. out there being like yeah i consider rose a friend. wgat if she kills me with demons or creatures though. come on man yeah rose resents you a normal amount for being stuck in a mirror watching you make all of the important decisions nearly entirely w/o her input but she's not going to beset you with Beasts or Creatures. i love how hypocritical and bad he is about admitting what their dynamic actually is to himself while still being deeply afraid that said dynamic will result in him getting crazy murdered. i liked when they had the world's shittest hug :) "you hugging yourself but one of you hates hugs and one of you has literally never had one before" rocks. being so inextricably tied together means that you're gonna piss each other off forever but also have no other first choice but each other when you want a hug in Hell World or someone to guide you through a police station while you're about to pass out and die of blood loss. ithink theyre both like their grandma in different ways probably. i hope when blake gets better from dying badly rose is j ust like full on a straight up diabolist. i hope she's the reason he gets better from dying badly due to straight up diabolism. i love that rose (old) was sort of a freak about feeling Inexorably Alive during fucked up demon summonings i think rose (new) should get to do that also. god i wish i was a rose and blake understander i'm just saying shit. what reading a book too fast does to a motherfucker. i dont know i'm going to have to cook them in my brain after i finish reading there's an opinion in there i can uncover yet
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