#you gotta pick what you're gonna run with
wild-aloof-rebel · 4 years
Been thinking about the timeline... I know oKAY I KNOW... but listen isn’t it possible it has been three years? Maybe each season is 6 months long. In that case, Patrick comes into the picture about 1 year and 3 months into it. So that would almost make David/Patrick comments about “2 years” kinda make sense because by season 6 they’d have been together like a year and a half plus so maybe they’re rounding? Okay okay I know I’m wrong but I just want to to make sense!!!
honestly, running with about 6 months per season does probably work the best in a very general sense. but ultimately there are some things that support that and some that don’t, which is pretty much true of every way you try to look at the timeline.
i’m pretty sure we can at least accept that the first two seasons take place over about a year. (a year ago we had a staff of 25… / ronnie says you’ve only lived here a year / are you complaining about the quality of the free lodging i’ve arranged for you this past year? / this is the first real money we’ve seen in a year.) there’s not a whole lot within those two seasons to contradict that, so we can run with that.
johnny says in murder mystery it’s been 3 years since he played a round of golf, but okay, maybe he hadn’t played in a while even before they lost their money. i’ll let that one slide.
another point in your favor is ronnie telling moira in stop saying lice! that she still has 3 ½ more years on council. it’s been about a season since she was elected to her 4 year term then, so that pans out. 
but then moira says in dead guy in room 4 that she’s endured a cornucopia of trauma the last few years, which……. is definitely a stretch if we’re looking at about a year and a half there.
david says in girls’ night that it’s been a year since ted and alexis split, which works in your favor as well. 
but then just 8 episodes later, ted tells alexis he’s thought about kissing her every day for the last two years. maybe he’s rounding up, but i definitely don’t like it lol. 
in that same vein, joan says in sebastien raine that she’s been trying to set ted up with her granddaughter for 2 years, but it’s pointless because she’s not alexis, which implies that ted and alexis have been split for 2 years at that point. however, their split had happened not quite 2 seasons ago by that episode, which should only be a year if we’re running with the season = 6 months theory. maybe she was trying to set him up with her granddaughter starting before alexis came along, but that’s not really the implication of this line.
in mcjr, johnny says this is their third christmas in sc. IF they originally moved to sc right before christmas, it can conceivably be about two years at this point. however, nothing about any of the first few episodes of the show is conceivably wintery, so this one really takes some suspension of disbelief on that front. (nevermind the fact that none of the other episodes from what would presumably be their second christmas there around the end of s2/start of s3 mention anything at all about winter, christmas, hanukkah, etc either. it is truly eternally summer in sc, which adds to how fake time feels at any given point lol.)
over the course of s4, jocelyn has a baby, so presumably s4 is prob a bit longer than 6 months. david and patrick’s 4 month anniversary happens right at the halfway point, so let’s say maybe the season is closer to 8 months long, which is plausible. that’s not terribly far off of 6 months, but just something to keep in mind.
roland jr is then implied to be 8 months old as of love letters, which means that 8 months have passed between then and singles week.
in that case we’re looking at 8 months for s4 (minus mcjr), 8 months between seasons (including mcjr), and let’s go back to 6 months again for s5. so by the end of s5 we’re conceivably at 3 years and 4 months in sc. 
johnny partners with stevie on the motel in new car, and in the hospies he says it’s been a couple of years’ work. as long as we’re remembering the gap between the season’s there, i think that’s fine. we’re looking at just about two seasons, but plus the extra 8 months between, yeah, that’s 2ish years.
david says in liac that he went to fill out his business license two years ago. that’s about the same time frame as the previous johnny/stevie point, so i’ll allow it.
s6 goes and makes everything a little weird because somehow the first 6 episodes supposedly take place over the course of a month since it’s all before alexis’s flight is supposed to leave. that’s a weird shift from the other seasons, but if it’s not terribly long after that johnny says they’ve been staying in the motel for the last 3 years, he’s not that far off. we’d be at 3 years, 5 months or so by the middle of s6, so presumably it’s at least not quite 4 years yet by the time johnny says it, so i’ll give it to him.
those are the really broad strokes of the timeline. as you can see, there are a few things that we have to kind of sweep under the rug–which is the way the timeline always works–but some of them are at least more vague as markers anyway, so if you want to run with the 6 month theory, as long as you extend s4 by a couple months, it probably does work the best out of any fixed-length per season option.
however, it’s really when you get down into some of the details that things start to give you a headache. for instance, i wrote a whole entire primer on s4′s issues with david’s brithday and jocelyn’s pregnancy here, so feel free to dive into that if you’d like to pull your own hair out lol. those are really the kinds of things we’re talking about when we joke about the timeline being a disaster. 
ALSO something else i didn’t get into in that post is that rachel says in the barbecue that she’s trying to win her fiance back 6 months later. david and patrick have been dating for 4 months at that point. so in the 2 months before that, patrick apparently left his fiance, moved to a new town, started a new job, met the love of his life, decided to invest in his new business, applied for grants (and received them), helped get everything ready for the soft launch, and finally once their store is up and running asked his business partner out on a date. i’m not saying it’s impossible for that to have happened over 2 months–well no actually i am saying it’s impossible, lolol. the grants alone would take at least that long lmao. even if we’re running with the 6 months per season, that’s about half a season or 3 months, and that’s still awfully quick for alla that to happen. yeah yeah, suspension of disbelief, yadda yadda yadda, but i’m just saying there are a lot of spots that we have to kind of wave our hands at to make whichever timeline of your choice work.
also there’s the june 22 open mic poster in the bathroom at the apothecary, which adds a whole other conundrum because if it’s for the original open mic, which has to take place between david’s birthday and their 4 month anniversary, that only really works if david’s birthday is in april or so, which does not at all work with alexis graduating on his birthday or any of the numbers he gives. and if it’s for another upcoming open mic night, that means it has to be sometime before june 22 in roadkill when we see the poster, which is about 2/3 of the way into the season, making the start of the season february-ish? but that doesn’t even come close to working with an 8 month time jump between mcjr and love letters. in that case love letters has to take place in june, but then randomly 2/3 of a season later there’s a june event poster in their [recently redesigned] bathroom??? that seems to imply that maybe it really is a poster for the original open mic night, but as i just said, there are issues with making that theory work as well.
(and that’s just the actual time in sc timeline. i didn’t even touch on moira’s career timeline or how long she and johnny have been married, where over the course of just s5 and s6, we’ve gotten we’re still here 35 years later / after an award-worthy trilogy of decades together / your father and i have produced beautiful wine together for over forty years.)
so again, yes, i think in broad strokes you can kinda run with each season being about 6 months or so if that’s what you want to go with, but there are certainly things you have to ignore to make that work. 
and that’s just how the timeline is.
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heartshapedwords · 2 years
Life’s A Piece Of Pie
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>> Pairing: Fezco x Female Reader
>> Plot: Fez is infatuated with the new regular who comes to the store every Tuesday and Thursday.
>> Warnings: Mention of food and Euphoria typical themes. This is pure fluff though.
>> A/N: English is not my first language so cut me some slack ;)
She smells like sugar and warmth. It's the thing he immediately noticed about her the first time she came to the store while he was stocking the fridge. She leaned against the one next to him, trying to decide between regular coke or cherry coke. She chose regular. Fez thought the way she bit her lip in consideration was endearing. She smelled like sugar and warmth and he was immediately hooked on her. The way you get hooked on a riddle, an unsolved mystery. You want to know more. You need to know more.
The first time she comes in he thinks she's either new in town or she has money. He knows most of the people that end up at the store. A new face immediately stands out. Especially one like hers.
Ash rings her up and, as she leaves, she grants Fez a tiny smile as a farewell. He thinks her smile is pretty great.
She comes around more often after that, has a whole little routine. Tuesdays and Thursdays. She buys a can of coke, sometimes two, some salt and vinegar chips, a granola bar (the ones with the chocolate chips) and she always pays with a 20 and tells them to keep the change. And she always smiles and she always smells like sugar and warmth.
He thinks it's a little ridiculous that he's memorized her routine by now. Sometimes when he notices they're running low on chips or granola bars, he puts some behind the counter, just to place them back when he sees her car pull up. Most of the time, when he reflects on his actions, he thinks it's fucking ridiculous. Going out of his way for a girl whose name he doesn't even know. That's some real pussy shit. But then he sees her smile as she picks the last bag of chips from the shelf and it all don't seem so bad.
Sometimes she shows up on Saturday morning, gets a bit more stuff. Enough to feed more people but not enough to make him think she's throwing a party.
She must be new, he concludes after a few weeks. People with money don't frequent his store, not like she does, not to buy snacks and cola. They're too good for his store, look down on it, down on him and Ash.
And it's ironic because those same people have no problem buying drugs from him.
It's a fucked up world where the addicts drive up in their fancy-ass cars and judge the dealer and for what, giving them what they ask for?
It's another Thursday evening, the sun has dipped below the horizon leaving the store glowing in hues of red and blue neon lights. Rue is sitting on one of the counters, stuffing her face with some Cool Ranch Doritos and rambling on about this Jules girl she's so obsessed with while Fez leans lazily against the register.
"And you know, like, I don't really care, right. But it still sucks."
"Yeah fo sure."
"Right? So yeah I don't know -"
He stops listening when the door to the shop opens and a cheery "Hi boys" echoes through the room. She's been doing it for a while now, call out to him and Ash when she arrives. Always so cheery. Like if someone took the sun and turned it into a person. But fuck, what does he know.
"You need help findin' anything?"
"Nope. I'm good."
She never does but he's gonna ask her anyway. Maybe one day she does and then what? It would be fucking rude not to offer his help.
"Keep the change," she says as she hands him a 20, as always, and smiles that damn sunshine smile of hers.
"You gotta stop doin that, ma. One of 'em days you're gonna go broke 'cause of us."
"You keep telling me that and I'll start handing out 50s," she replies and lets out a chuckle. " Have a good night."
And with one last smile, she takes her bag and walks towards the door. Just before the black of the night has swallowed her, she throws her arm up in a wave and calls out "Bye boys," the way she always does but this time she tags on a "Bye, Rue" and Fez's heart starts spreading up and slowing down all at once.
For a moment after she's gone, a heavy silence fills the store, only the low thumping of some 90s hip hop song playing from the one overhead speaker that still works.
And then Rue clears her throat. There's a smug smirk on her face, one that tells Fez that whatever she's gonna say next, he for sure won't like it.
"What just happened?" She asks, eyebrow raised in mock question and desperately trying to suppress a teasing grin.
"Dunno whatcha talking about."
"Um .. that's a lie. You just went all shy and flirty around (Y/N) it was really cute. Come on look at me I wanna see if you're blushing"
(Y/N). He finally has a name. It's a good name, a nice one. As far as names hold any meaning that is. They call his brother Ashtray after all.
"Nah, It ain't like that. She's a regular."
"Okay, doesn't mean you're not into her." He's not gonna deny it. Not because she's right though, it's just none of her business.
"Didn't even know her name till you said it. She in your class?"
"No," Rue lets out a mixture between a scoff and a laugh "she's not in high school anymore, she's like 19 or something."
"So how'd you know her?"
"Look at you wanting to know more."
"Just wanna know my regulars better 's all."
They can both see through his bullshit, he's sure of it, he just hopes that for once in her life Rue will let it go and just shut up about it.
“ Well her parents just took over a diner I uh … go to sometimes. She helps them run it and she makes the dopest pies. SO good. You’ll have to taste them. Actually, you know what, they’re gonna have a booth at the carnival. You should pay her a visit. Try some of her pie. “
And then she throws him a wink in the way that lets him know this ain’t all about pie at all.
“Pie, huh? That why she smell so sweet.”
Sometimes the words just fall out of his mouth, without giving him time to think how they might sound to other people.
“ Have you been sniffing her, dude?”
He can hear Ash laugh from behind the shelf. And yeah, maybe he can’t suppress the laugh either.
“ Eat ya chips, Rue"
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It's crowded. She should've expected it really, in a suburb that doesn't have to offer much else, a carnival attracts everyone.
Their stand is at the far end of the fairgrounds, there's a hoop throwing game set up next to them and the teenager attendant keeps blasting obscure 80s techno music.
(Y/N) thinks she might still feel the bass of what seems to be one neverending song, by the time she falls into bed tonight.
Across the way, the Jacobs' chili booth stands grand and proud, advertising the award-winning chili, the best in town.
She doubts that. Earlier Cal Jacobs had made his rounds across the grounds, shaking hands and handing out nice words to butter people up as if winning this dumbass chili cookoff means anything.
He came by their booth too. Introduced himself and the tower of a teenage boy he had in tow. His prized pony, (Y/N) could tell. The golden son. Man, heavy must be the head.
Cal gave her the heebie-jeebies. His smile was too big, too fake. Like a predator baring his teeth, not biting yet but always ready.
He wished them good luck with their "little diner" a backhanded compliment if she's ever heard one. He tried to mask it with a laugh like it was so endearing of him. Maybe he thought so. Middle-aged white men usually do.
The crowd starts growing not long after Cal leaves them alone. It’s exhausting serving them all while keeping a smile on her face at all times even when people are being — irritating. Most of them are nice though and there’s something about seeing them enjoy her pies, something she made, that leaves her happy and fulfilled. People always like to look at her with a mix between resentment and pity. “ Oh you’re not going to university? Just helping at the diner?”. They act like it is something to be ashamed of, to feel less than. But this is what she wants. This is what she’s passionate about. To put a smile on people’s faces with her pies. Share her love through baked goods. And what could be shameful about that?
“ Hi, what can I get — hey. “
He stands there before her, hands in the pockets of his jeans, a tiny lopsided smile playing on his lips. Almost shy. She knows what he does, outside of managing the corner store. She knows what he supplies people with. The movies always make deals out to be different. Big and scary and mean. Out to ruin people's life on purpose.
He’s nothing like that. He’s sweet and attentive and he always saves a bag of chips for her and puts them on the shelf before she enters the store. She’s watched him do it multiple times through the window.
Who does that if not a person with a good heart?
So to look down on him for the services he provides would make her no different from the people that treat her the same.
And god, his eyes are so fucking blue.
“ Hey, (Y/N) (Y/LN). How are you doing? “
He knows her name! He knows her full name! And she didn’t tell him which means he had to have found out some other way.
Her heart speeds up a little, which is terribly embarrassing but what’s a girl to do when a boy looks at her like that, with those stupid blue eyes that rival the bluest summer sky.
“ I’m good. Busy. It’s nice to see you — “
“ Fez.”
Fez? Yeah, she can see it. It suits him.
“ Hear you like helpin’ your parents with the diner n’ stuff. Heard you make good pies. “
“ You heard that huh? Who said that? Need to know so I can thank them for the free promo. “
“ Rue “
“ Ah, Rue. Yeah, she comes around quite a bit. You guys like —?
She trails off and lowers her eyes, desperately focusing on anything that isn’t him. Today was not the night to break her own heart by asking a question she might not like the answer to.
“ Nah, “ Fez scoffs which calms her nerves a little bit “she like my sister. She’s a good kid though. “
“ She is, “ (Y/N) agrees and looks back up at him and his cornflower blue eyes that reflect the neon lights around him like a kaleidoscope of colors. “ So, what kind of pie can I get you? “
“ Cherry’s my favorite, you still got a piece of that? “
“ Oh I’m so sorry, I just sold the last piece. I still got apple, peach, and pecan though. “
He looks at her like a sad puppy right then and oh god she wants to bake this man a hundred cherry pies just to see him smile.
“ Ah, I’ll take peach then. “
“ That one’s good too, I promise. “
“ I don’t doubt it, ma. How much do I owe you? “
“ That’s $3. “
He pulls a 20 from his wallet and hands it to her as he picks up his piece of pie.  There’s a smirk on his face that she mirrors on her own. They both know what’s coming next.
“ Keep the change. “
She doesn’t want the conversation to end. She doesn’t want him to leave. It’ll just mean the two of them will go back to being strangers, sharing smiles across a cash register twice, sometimes three times, a week.
“Say something, you coward!” Her head is screaming at her. The chance is right there and it will never present itself again, not like this at least.
“There’s your silver platter, girlie. Take the chance!”
“ Hey, Fez I uh —  I can take a break in like 30, to like see the fair and maybe go on some rides. Do you, like I don’t know. You can totally say no — “
“ Slow down, I got no idea whatcha sayin’ “
“ I can take a break in 30, do you wanna hang out, maybe? “
He smiles, showing the small gap between his teeth. God, he really is quite something to look at.
“ Yeah, I’d like that. “
“ Yeah? “
“ Yeah. I’ll just eat ma pie ‘n wait for you. If that’s okay withu? “
She nods and watches as he goes to stand by one of the tall tables set up around the booth. How she manages to work for the next 30 minutes with him watching her, sharing little smiles cross the way, without melting into a puddle, she doesn’t know. But somehow she does.
30 minutes later she unwraps the frilly white apron from around herself, letting the skirt of her yellow summer dress swing around her knees as she makes her way over to Fez.
“ Sooo, did you like the pie? “
“ It was so good, like damn. “
“ Sorry, we were out of cherry. “
Fez shrugs and motions for her to lead the way across the fairgrounds. “ Guess you’ll just have to come bring me some next time ya stop at the store “
“ Guess I will. “
Her mind is already running wild, trying to think of the best and most delicious cherry pie recipes she knows. If she’s gonna bake a pie specifically for him, it’s gonna be the best damn pie she’s ever made.
“ Do you wanna get some drinks or like go on a ride or something? “ (Y/N) asks, hands nervously grasping the strap of her bag.
“ I dunno, (Y/N). What do you wanna do? You been workin’ all night, you deserve to have some fun. “
She’s just content as long as she gets to spend time with him. This is far more fun and far more exhilaration and exciting than any of the rides could ever be, but she ain’t telling him that. She’s not that brave.
“ I’m not sure, I don’t do well with like swirly rides so I’d say we avoid those if you don’t want me to barf all over you. “
“ ‘ight, maybe not then. Don’t wanna ruin ya pretty dress. “
“ You think my dress is pretty? “
“ Yeah. Course. “
She hopes the neon lights masquerade the blush that she’s sure dusts her face in bright hues of pink.
“ You wanna go on the ferries wheel? “ Fez asks and nods his head towards the ride, lit up in beautiful colors.
“ Sure, sounds good. You okay with that? “
He nods bug shrugs his shoulder at the same time “I’ve never been. “
“ Never been on a ferries wheel? “
“ Mmmh. Had — other things to do when I was a kid ‘n then I was too old, ya know. “
“ No, “ (Y/N) exclaims as she motions for the booth attended to purchase 2 tickets. “ one is never too old for a ride on the ferries wheel. And it’s so romantic too, I bet there’s a ton of girls waiting for you to ask them tonight so they can pretend to be scared and cuddle closer to you and maybe kiss on the very top. “
Fez nervously scratches the back of his neck and shakes his head at her words. “ Dunno about that. “
“ Well, I am glad I get to take your ferries wheel virginity. “
She wonders if maybe he’s blushing, it’s probably just the lights though. Just the lights, that must be it.
A few minutes later they’re secured in their seat and on their way up to the top. An ocean of lights and music surrounds them and (Y/N) thinks that this might be one of those moments, the ones you remember for a long time. One where nothing world-changing, earth-shattering happens but you feel so undeniably alive. You don’t just exist, you’re alive.
“How come, “ Fez speaks up, eyes trained on the horizon, “ You come around the store every Tuesday ‘n Thursday. Never seen you before and now I see you twice e’ry week. “
“ I take culinary classes at a school a town over and your store is on my way. “
“ For the pies? “
She laughs, “yeah but not just for the pies. I love working at my parents' diner but I think earning some credentials can’t be bad, right? “
“ Nah, that’s smart. You wanna take over the diner one day? “
“ That’s the dream, yeah. The idea of owning a place that people flock to when they get together with their friends, to celebrate, or even just when they need a pick-me-up piece of pie after a shit day at work. I’d like to turn the diner into that kind of place. “
He listens to her, hangs onto every word as if she’s telling him the secrets to life and the universe and everything mankind could possibly ever want to know. It’s refreshing. It’s wonderful.
“ Do you — like, know what I do ‘n shit? “ Fez asks, nervously brushing his hand across his head.
“ Mmh. I do. “
“ And? “
“ Job’s a job. We’re all just trying to get through, Fez. I’m not going to judge you for that. “
He looks at her, hues of blues and reds and pinks and greens turning the world around them into a masterpiece of modern art. But what really stands out, is the look in his eyes. Maybe, she thinks, no one has ever shown him the kindness he deserves. He looks at her as her eyes are shooting stars and he’s taking his chance to make a wish or two or three.
For a second she thinks he’s gonna kiss her. They’re at the very top of the Ferris wheel and if movies have taught her anything, it’s that this is the moment. The big one. They’ll play a cheesy indie love song and he’ll grab her face and kiss her and maybe, if the movie gods are on her side, they’ll set off some fireworks at just the right time.
But life ain’t no movie. And Fez doesn’t kiss her, instead, his eyes wander to the ground, the ground that is pretty far away right now.
“Damn, I think I ‘ont like heights. “
Softly, as if working on autopilot, her hand finds his and their fingers interlock. A silent promise passes between them.
It’s a “you’re safe”. It’s a “I’m here with you”.
It’s a “trust me”.
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The time they got to spend together and the fair was entirely too short. They had barely touched ground again when Fez got a text from Ash and had to dip to get back to work. He hated it but business is business and it needs to be done. He already felt bad enough for having Ash work when he should be out enjoying the rides and eating entirely too much candy, like all the other kids his age.
But that’s just the card the both of them have been dealt and there’s no use in dwelling on it.
At least he got her phone number. She uses way too many emojis and sometimes he’s not sure what her abbreviations are supposed to mean. But she wishes him a good morning and sends a good night text every day, and while he hates to admit it, he thinks that’s so fucking cute. Hell, the first thing he does in the morning is checking his damn phone, not for a text or call about a new deal, no all he wants is to see her name light up his screen.
Ash is leaned against the counter staring down at something as Fez arrives back at the store after another deal.
“ Yo, watcha lookin’ at? “
Ash turns to him with a teasing smirk playing on his lips.
“ Some pretty girl dropped something off for you. I think it’s food. Like, cake or something. “
Like a damn fool, Fez starts to feel his heart beat faster. There’s only so many pretty girls who send him baked goods.
Fez looks at the white square box with the diner logo stamped on the top and a little card taped to it, his name in delicate letters written on it.
“ Made with love. Just for you! “
It’s all the card says. It doesn’t need more. Sometimes the biggest things aren’t those we say. Sometimes it’s the things that don’t need words. They just are. Irrevocable like the crashing of waves, the rising of the sun, the rushing of blood through your veins.
“ So,” Ash asks as Fez pulls open the box and looks down at the baked masterpiece. “ Is it cake? “
“ Nah, “ Fez exclaims and smiles “It’s cherry pie.”
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The diner is closed when he arrived the next night, the taste of her cherry pie still on his mind. Like her smile and that goddamn yellow summer dress that made his heart skip a beat or two at the carnival. And like the feel of her hand in his.
He had never felt this way before. Like the world was brighter and happier because someone else was in it. Like a teenager in love.
He never got to be like this, had to grow up before he had even been through puberty. Had never had the luxury of allowing himself to be vulnerable and feel — something for someone.
Maybe it’s time. He might not be good at it, but it’s worth a shot.
She’s dancing along to some 00s pop song, back towards him and rag in hand as she wipes the counter. He almost doesn’t want to interrupt her as she shakes her hips to the beat of the song. It’s funny and precious all at once.
And then she turns around and lets out a scream.
“ What the fuck? “
“ Shit, ma. I’m so sorry. I ‘nt mean to scare you. “
“ Holy shit, hi, “ she says and holds a hand to her chest to slow down her breathing. Slowly but surely a smile finds its way onto her lips. Fez is sure he’ll never get enough of that smile.
“ What are you doing here? “
“Wanted the say thank you. For the pie.”
“ Did you like it? “
“ Best thing I ever had, no kiddin’ “
“ Word? “
“ Word.”
She puts the rag on the counter and unwraps the apron, hanging it on a hook by the door leading to the kitchen.
“ Got you somethin’ “ Fez speaks up and holds his hand out to her. He knows it’s a sad excuse for a bouquet but the store doesn’t usually get a lot of flowers, only selling them every once in a while when some dude fucked up with his girl and needs to do some damage control. “ I know they ain’t the best but — “
“ No, I love them! Sunflowers are my fave,” she replies as she gently takes the flowers from him and fills one of the glass coffee cans with water to softly place the flowers in.
“ Why’d you bring me the pie? “ Fez questions. The words had been ghosting through his head since last night. He got along well with people, was friends with some even but still neither of them would ever bring him stuff, not if they didn’t want anything in return.
“ Cause you said cherry is your favorite and you’re so — so sweet and I felt like doing something nice for you. I like you, Fez.“
“ You think I’m sweet? “
“ I think you are so many lovely things. I wish you could see them all like I see them. “
He can feel his heart trying to beat out of his chest. It’s playing the drums against his ribs. He wonders if she can heart it. He wonders if her lips taste like cherry pie.
“ That was nice of you. I appreciate it. Thank you. I like you too.“
“You’re so welcome. I’ll bake you all the pies you want if you like ‘em that much.”
“ Which one’s your favorite? “
“ Apple cinnamon. “
With every word that leaves their lips, they move closer and closer, pulled together by a magnetic current of what-ifs. What if this is the moment? What if this is meant to be? What if this can be the start of something good, something real?
“ Sounds delicious. “
“ Are we gonna continue talking about pies or are you gonna kiss me? “
Some new song starts playing from the overhead speakers, one he doesn’t recognize but it’s some cheesy indie stuff he never usually listens to.
It’s not like he cares all that much. He hardly takes note of anything around him. Anything that isn’t her.
Her and the way her skin feels smooth and warm against his hand as he cradles her face and pulls her closer. Her and the way she smells of sugar and warmth.
Her and the softness of her lips as they meet his. Her and the goosebumps that cover his arms as she rests her hands on his waist. And how her tongue feels against his and the little sounds of pleasure and joy that fall from her mouth.
She tastes like apple cinnamon pie. Feels like summer and sunshine. Sounds like the most beautiful song he’s ever heard.
And she smells like sugar and warmth and Fez is sure those are his favorite things in the whole wide world.
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tojigasm · 2 years
hiii Sam! Would you ever think about writing angst about Toji getting a tiny little bit insecure about the age gap? Despite him being very confident in his age do you think he’d ever feel insecure about it? Especially after getting mistaken by her dad that one time 🥺 anyway it’s ok if not feel free to completely ignore this! Love your work! The way you write Toji is soooo perfect!
Here u go anon <33 I hope u enjoy 💞
Cw: fluff, angst, toji being a lil insecure, age gap, cussing, pet names, can be read as a second part to this
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♡ 9 times out of 10 Toji's gonna give less than two shits about what someone has to say in regard to your relationship
♡ but there are those moments that linger in the back of his mind, making him question whether or not the really deserves you - or if you're deserving of better than his cranky old ass
♡ ever since the incident at the bar, Toji had been somewhat distant from you in public settings - almost as if he'd expected another person to mistake him for your father again and would rather save himself the embarrassment
♡ He thought he was being sly about it or that you were unaware of the lingering insecurities towards the incident, but you knew.
♡ You just didn't know to convince him that the guy who approached the two of you at the bar was a complete moron.
♡ "Toji?" You called him from your seat in the living room, relieving a short "yeah?" Coming from his office
♡ "Can you c'mere real quick, please?" You picked at the sleeve of your shirt nervously.
♡ a few seconds passed before you watched him make his way around the corner and sit down beside you on the couch, throwing his arm over the top of the cushions as he relaxed.
♡ "Can I talk to you about something?"
♡ Toji's brows furrowed at that, sitting up straight, he slid your hand into his.
♡ "you okay?" His voice was filled with worry and the heat of his palm wrapped around your own made your heart swell and your rushed to pull his hand up, pressing a miss to his knuckles gently.
♡ "i..." you struggled to find the right words, eyes falling to your lap before meeting his worried ones again, "Toji... do i.... are you embarrassed by our relationship?"
♡ the silence that followed after made you wriggle uncomfortably, looking anywhere but the man's now narrowed eyes
♡ "I'm just asking becau-"
♡ "you fuckin' serious right now?" Toji leaned back into the couch with an airy scoff, running a hand over his jaw
♡ you could only nod, looking to your palms in your lap, "you've just been so distant ever since that idiot at the bar came up to us and I just-" you sighed, "I dunno, I just don't want you to feel like you gotta' stay with me if it makes you uncomfortable."
♡ Toji almost didn't let you finish before he was shushing you and pulling you into his lap, tucking your head beneath his chin, "Nah, m'sorry, kid. I really am. I just-" he sighed so deeply with frustration your head rose and fell with the movement of his chest, "It's just hard fr'me to not think everyone isn't thinking the same shit as that one asshole."
♡ you pulled back from him, placing both hands on his cheeks, you shook your head softly, "Toji, I love you and I wouldn't ever want you to feel upset over some random dumbass."
♡ Toji nodded at that, turning to press a kiss to your palm as you rubbed small circles into the rough skin of his cheeks
♡ you then let yourself fall into his arms once more, his arms coming to wrap themselves around you in a warm embrace
♡ After a few moments, you pulled back again, smiling at him softly, "you wanna help me make dinner, baby?"
♡ Toji seemed to perk at that, "only if it's lasagna."
♡ you giggled, "I think we can work with that." You pressed a kiss to his lips before linking your hands together and pulling him off the couch
♡ as the two of you made your way to the kitchen, you tapped his ass teasingly
♡ Toji turned to you quickly, pointing a finger at you in scold, watching as you laughed and made your way to the sink
♡ "hey!" Toji called over to you, "This old man'll still beat your ass!"
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How do Gotham Villains act when their S/O doesn't answer the phone Headcanon
Oswald Cobblepot
Edward Nygma
Victor Zsasz
Jeremiah Valeska
Jerome Valeska
Oswald Cobblepot
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Oswald's day is kinda stressful, so he grabs his phone and decides to dial you up. After the fourth ring you still don't pick up and Oswald slams his phone on the counter of the bar.
He knows you're loyal, so you wouldn't be cheating. Oswald's mind goes immediately to you've either been captured so someone has leverage against him...OR! You've been killed. Because you couldn't have possibly be in the shower, or out for a run, or just didn't hear your phone go off. No that's way too logical.
Edward Nygma
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Nygma is sitting at home when he thinks up a new riddle, so naturally he has to tell you. He picks up the phone dials your number. You don't answer, he rings again with the same out come.
Ed leans back in his chair, he retraces everything that happened that day. Nygma goes through the other phone calls he had with you, just to make sure you didn't sound scared or that your life was on the line.
Then he runs through every room in the house, avoiding the mirrors (because if you watch Gotham you'll know why.) And he stops at the bedroom. Ed inspects every nook and cranny. Then he goes back in thought, just making sure he didn't accidentally kill you and just forget.
Then his phone rings...he picks up.
"Hey, Babe. Sorry I didn't pick up I lost my phone in my car."
"Oh thank God." He says.
"Eddy, what's wrong?"
"I have this amazing new riddle to tell you."
Victor Zsasz
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Victor is at the iceberg lounge, he's having a great time and he wants you to join him. He calls your cell...you don't pick up the third ring, something's gotta be wrong. Vic leaves the party, he dials your number again nearly hitting a J-walker in the process, you still don't answer.
Zsasz parks in your driveway, busts through the door. At this point he's getting a little ahead of himself, he nearly interrogates your fuckin gold fish on the way into the house.
Victor hears rummaging in one of the rooms down the hall, he takes out his pistols and dives Infront of the doorway making you scream and fall to the floor.
Vic runs to your side and comforts you...
"I thought you were some else." He whispered.
"Who else would be digging through my dresser at 4 in the afternoon?"
Jeremiah Valeska
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Jeremiah is standing at a table examining a map of Gotham when he struck upon a brilliant plan, he's gotta tell you about it. Calls you up...no answer. Jeremiah points at echo and orders her to call you and see if you pick up...but guess what...nothin.
He grabs his gun off the table, loads it and tells three of his men to fallow him. They go to your apartment to find you're not in the living room or in the kitchen. However there is a strange man sleeping on your couch.
Jeremiah takes out his knife, grabs the guy by the front of his shirt and slams him against the wall.
"Who are you? And what have you done with Y/n?" Jeremiah asks in his unsettlingly calm voice.
He heard fast footsteps approaching from the hallway, Jeremiah readies his gun when you emerge from the darkness.
"Y/n? Why didn't you answer your phone?"
"Why are you strangling my brother?"
Jerome Valeska
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Jerome is playing Russian roulette with a man tied to a chair when firefly comes up to him with great news. Jerome decides to tell you right away, so he tries to call you...no service. So he goes to the roof and holds his phone in the air...the call begins...but you don't answer.
Jerome practically crushes his phone in his hand, he grabs his legion of horribles and runs to the meat truck. They drive over to your apartment and threaten the civilians who live there, if they don't tell him your whereabouts he's gonna demo the entire residential area.
You can imagine that has you running out in a panic trying to talk him out of it. Jerome wraps you in a hug and hold you close. Then shoots your creepy stalker neighbor for good measure.
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m0chaminx · 2 years
1+8+23 five x gn reader another partners at commission au ig? maybe five saves readers life despite hating them or smth :}}
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*•.¸♡Request : 1+8+23 five x gn reader another partners at commission au ig? maybe five saves readers life despite hating them or smth :}}
*•.¸♡Prompt : 1 “ Touch her, and you’re dead ”, 8 “ I won’t let anything happen ” , 23 “ Do you regret it ”
*•.¸♡𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : Swearing, cannon level violence, soft with sprinkles of angst
*•.¸♡Paring : Five Hargreeves x GN!reader
*•.¸♡𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : Five take you with him to eliminate the commission, but he didn't factor in the fact you'd get hurt
*•.¸♡Words : 600+
"This is a stupid deal," You snarled glaring at Five as he reached for an axe on the wall. "Five? Are you even listing to me?"
"I'm listing Y/N I just don't care," Five said harshly. "If I can get my family home, no one's gonna stop that." Your face softened realizing Five cared more about his family than anything. "Just stay behind, make sure fish-man doesn't run away. I won't let anything happen." Five's tone was softer but still held the usual edge. You nodded and let Five do his thing. His bloody thing.
A few grunts and screams later you popped your head in just in time to see Five reappear on the table, standing above AJ. Your head snapped to the side hearing footstep's run at you, the attendant and a security guard running towards you. You grabbed a glass smashing it over the head of the guard, but the attendant ran through. You kicked the man in the chest, making him smash into a desk. You heard Five grunts and you span to the attendant pinning him to the ground. You rushed to him, picking up the axe that must've slipped from Five's hands and slammed it into her skull. Five rolled her off, taking the axe with her and he looked up at you in surprise. It only lasted a second when Five looked past you, "AJ!"
You grabbed a beer bottle from the floor, jogging after him and throwing it into his back, making him stumble. Five teleported in front of him a bat in his hands. You sighed in relief but jumped when the security guard at up, "Little bitch."
The man pulled your leg out, slamming you into the ground. You groaned trying to roll over, but he struck his fist across your face splitting your lip open. He reached for his gun and when you tried to pull your legs out to kick him, he struck your face with the but of the gun, tearing your cheek open. He clicked the gun safety off, ready to fire at your face when a voice echoed across the room. "Touch her and you're dead" Five called out. The man scoffed aiming at your head again but his head was thrown back by a wooden bat.
Five stood above you as you did a few minutes ago. "Where's AJ?" You asked, watching Five toss the bat away.
"I took care of it," Five said simply. He knelt next to you, running his fingertips over your split cheek. "Stay there." Five blipped away grabbing a handkerchief from AJ's body's pocket and returning back to you. "Tilt your head up."
You tilted your chin up, letting Five run the cloth over your cut. You winced trying to pull away, but Five held your jaw keeping you in place. You looked between the bodies, Five could've easily left without, putting no thought into it. "Do you regret it?" You asked softly trying to meet Five's eyes but they kept flickering away.
"Regret what?" Five whispered moving to your lip, but you grabbed his wrist making him look up at you.
"You could've easily left without me, got AJ and poof, gone," You stated still holding his wrist. "Why'd you stay?"
Five took his wrist, moving your hand to grip his other one. "Despite what you might think," Five started dabbing your lip with the cloth. "I don't actually hate you, if I'm honest it's the opposite." Five paused tossing the cloth away.
You looked at him in surprise, furrowing your eyebrows. "What?"
Five chuckled lightly brushing your hair back, still holding your hand. "You gotta remember love, my longest relationship was with a mannequin," You shared a light laugh before Five stood up, pulling you up with him.
"Next time take me to a burger joint or something, not a murder party," You said with a smile.
"Next time?" Five questioned hopefully.
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buckgasms · 2 years
req/idea- bucky using a vibrator on himself for the first time
Ok so Nonnie, my beautiful amazing Nonnie. You didn't specify a setting for this so I'm hoping that the route I've gone down still gets you where you wanna go.
Ask box is always open
Warnings: Dom/Sub vibes; Daddy Bucky; vibrators; Reader made to watch Bucky get his rocks off; spanking mentioned;
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You had been a very naughty girl. You'd teased your daddy non-stop all day and now you had to live with the consequences.
When he had finally managed to get you back to the apartment, he had pressed you into the door, hand around your throat while his other ripped your panties off and you realised what an absolutely stupid fool you were.
20 minutes later, your ass had been spanked raw, you had cried, made all kinds of promises and begged for that dick, but Bucky was having none of it.
"You wanted to be a silly slut all day, that's what you're gonna be all night." He said as he sat you in his usual velvet covered seat that pointed towards the foot of the bed. Normally Bucky sat here and you were perched on his lap, or knelt between his knees. Not tonight. He popped you down, the fabric doing little to soothe your sore bottom.
He grabbed your chin so you were looking right at him. "If you hands go anywhere near your pussy you wont be able to sit for a week." You nodded as he wiped your face of lingering tears and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Only when you whispered "yes daddy" did he let go and settled himself on the large bed. You watched as he picked up the large vibrator wand, one of your absolute favourite toys. You whined but stopped quickly with a look from him.
"I've never actually tried one of these before y'know? I mean I've seen you fucking cry on this thing, is it really that good babygirl?"
You blushed and nodded at him, making him chuckle. "Well I doubt it'll turn me into a mess like you Princess, but I'll see huh? Seeing as you can't be fucking trusted to behave, you're gonna sit there and watch me use your favourite toy on my dick and miss out on getting daddy's cum. That should teach you a lesson hey sweetheart?"
You whined, tears welling in your eyes. You couldn't deny you had been bad, but fuck if this was the worst thing you would ever have to endure. "Daddy...please I'm so sorry. Learned my lesson.... Please?"
He laughed again, flicking the wand to life and shook his head. "Nice try silly baby, but you gotta sit there and let daddy have his fun now..."
Your mouth watered as he ran it up and down his length. He growled and let his head drop back as the vibrations pulsed through his hard cock. He could hear you whimpering in the background, only adding to his pleasure. Obviously he'd rather be fucking you, but you had to learn your lesson.
Your eyes were as wide as dinner plates as you watched him press the head to his balls, and he actually twitched as the buzz rippled through his body.
"Fuck babygirl, I can see why you like this so much..." He lifted his head back up and looked at you. Your eyes were glued to his cock, face stained with tears and your fingers were white from gripping the arms of the chair. "You want your toy back princess?" You shook your head and whispered "cock daddy, want your cock, please.... Be such a good girl....please?"
He groaned as the sweet sound of your begging and the vibrations created an ache in him, bringing him right to the edge of release. You watched as he teased his head, heard him growl and curse as he came, covering the wand with his release.
The low hum ceased and his stomach raised and fell as he panted. You were desperate to get your hands on him, run your fingers through the hair on his chest, kiss him all over and be his good girl again.
He sat up and beckoned you over. You sprang up and crawled onto the bed, settling between his thighs, tentativley running your fingers along his shin.
"You gonna be a good girl from now on?"
"Yes daddy"
"You gonna be a silly slut when I'm working again?"
"No daddy, never" you promised.
He smiled and stroked your cheek, pulling you in for a soft kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him harder, desperate for his touch, to feel anything of him.
When you surfaced for air he waved the wand at you, still dripping with his cum. "Clean this up for me baby, if you do a good job, might let you watch me again."
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jin0 · 2 years
No bc imagine you telling stiles you’re pregnant and he gets all sad and worried because he thinks you can’t have sex anymore, but you show him you very much can😏
the fact that his first worry was how he was going to spend the next nine months without touching because he was scared of harming the baby was hilarious. poor baby went on a whole rent as to why he'd need to spend a few days at his father's from time to time to cool off and just recenter himself before coming back to you or you'd end up pregnant again before you'd even given birth to the first one.
he was so worried, and you know stiles, you never get him to shut up when you debate him so you favored actions over words. you straddled the man and started to take off his pants. you're kissing his jaw and the man is still trying to get his point across hut it's difficult when your hormonal, pregnant wife just really wants to get fucked silly.
"h-hey... sunshine, sunshine listen to m- fuck you're not helping me focus here baby..."
"i don't want you to focus stiles, i want you to listen to me for once. i made my researches already and not only is it safe to have sex but it might be very good for me when i get close to my due date."
he's trying his best to focus but you've got your fingers wrapped around him and he's forgetting the whole point of the conversation when you start kissing his ear while stroking his length.
"s-safe you say ? you sure ? cause i really don't think... i don't think i'll do a good job restraining myself..."
he takes you both upstairs to your bedroom because with the way things are going, there's no way you can just get messy on the couch like that.
what he doesn't except is to have you legitimate jump his bone and take from him as if he'd been depriving you for days now. he ends up laying on the bed with no kind of will to act when you're sitting on his cock, bouncing on top of him and ripping the skin of his chest with everything you have.
he's seen you aroused and eager before but not to the point of feeling himself reach depth inside you that you've never reached before on your own. you always needed help to get off or to see have him press into your cervix but here, you don't need any of that. you're fucking yourself on him as if he was an inanimate doll, encasing him in your walls and keeping him so tight, he could only moans and squirm, incapable of pulling out.
"w-wait ! baby, fuck ! fuck, fuck, fuck... don't... don't you think it's too, fuck ! too deep ! what about... what about the baby ? w-we... we gotta be careful..."
he's saying all that but his hands and gripping your waist tightly, thumbs running over your soft belly and pressing the area where you showed him earlier, where your baby was supposed to be. the thought of the baby he put inside you was making him go completely against his own words. he couldn't stop himself, his hips moving on their own into you and driving deeper into your warm pussy.
"fuck, fuck, fuck ! stiles, more ! fuck, baby that's it ! k-keep going ! please baby please ! fuck me more ! i need more please !"
"g-god, sunshine... we gotta be careful... can't have you in pain because of me ! p-please, let's slow down..."
and you can hear the worry in his voice so you slow down, ignoring your own throbbing cunt, desperate for release. you slow down but it doesn't mean you stop, his arm wrapping around your waist while he slowly rolls his hip under you. he's slow and careful, but he's not gonna be satisfied with just that, you know it from the way he's staring at your body, already seeing all the changes you're gonna go through.
you grab push him to lay on the mattress again, you take ahold of his hands and place them on your stomach slowly riding him and picking up the pace. you lean down, changing angles and kissing his jaw tenderly. fuck, you were evil for that. he was melting under you, incapable of resisting your lips on his skin and definitely not when you were riding him like that.
"the baby will be fine... we're both going to be fine stiles... but now, you gotta focus on your wife... cause poor me, i just really need you baby... i need you to fuck me so stupid, just like you did to get me pregnant... please stiles, just wanna feel like i did back then... please baby..."
now, what choice does he have ? what else can he do as a husband other than please his poor desperate wife ? she'd been working so hard to satisfy herself when he was too busy ranting in worry and now he had to make it up to his sunshine.
"we'll be making a little more researches now. but for now, let's celebrate. i need to make it up to you, get my pretty girl satisfied."
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loubouskz · 2 years
yellow hoodie
kim seungmin x fem!reader
warnings: smut, protected sex, dirty talk, very slight teasing, marking/hickey kink, oral(both receiving), facesitting, reader tries deepthroat for the first time, small aftercare at the end
wc: 4,002
a/n: I didn't mean for this to be 4k words, I just wanted to post something bc my hyunjin ff isn't finished yet.
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I was already laying down on seungmin's bed, playing on my phone when he entered the room. with messy hair hidden by the yellow hoodie he was wearing. he closed the door behind him as I greeted him.
"hi sweetie." seungmin said in a monotone voice. I sat up and placed my phone beside me. "you okay?" I asked. seungmin nodded his head before picking out his night clothes. "yeah, just been thinking a lot today, nothing bad, just couldn’t really focus. I'm gonna take a shower before bed." seungmin said after he took the bright hoodie off, throwing it in the chair beside him. "alright, I'll be here if you need me." I said, giving him a genuine smile. "thank you baby." he said as he entered the bathroom.
as the minutes went by, I kept looking at the yellow hoodie. I turned my head to the bathroom door then back to the chair. we've been dating long enough, surely he wouldn't mind me wearing his clothes for tonight. I mean I am wearing a thin shirt, I gotta stay warm and seungmin's hoodie was the perfect option- plus it smells like him. I got up from the bed and over to the chair. quickly grabbing the hoodie and throwing over my head. it came down to my upper thigh and wasn't too big nor tight on me. I was practically drowning in the hood tho, so I pulled the strings to tighten it up some. I heard the shower go off as I got back into bed. I started to play on my phone again, knowing he had to dry his hair before bed.
ten minutes had passed when I heard the hairdryer turn off and the door open. by this time, I had gotten tired and laid my head down on the pillow. seungmin entered the room and looked at me with slightly wide eyes. 
"I hope you don't mind me wearing your hoodie tonight, I didn't want to get cold." I said as blush rose to my cheeks from his staring. he shook his head as he came closer to the bed. "I don't mind, sweetie. you look cute in my clothes." seungmin said as he climbed into bed. 
I smiled at him once he was under the covers with me. looking at how tired he was, I leaned over to turn off the lamp I had on. I turned back to face him and said quietly, "get some sleep, minnie." I snuggled closer, kissing him on his jaw. I heard him sigh and wrap his arms around me. "I love you. good night, sweetie." I heard him mumble in the embrace. "I love you too. have sweet dreams minnie." I said, placing my forehead on his chest and slowly fell asleep. "I hope you have sweet dreams baby." seungmin said, kissing my forehead and rested his chin on the top of my head.
I awoke to the sound of heavy breathing and movement. I opened my eyes to see it was still dark out and facing the other direction from when I fell asleep. I heard a sound come from behind me once more. "minnie, you okay?" I asked as I turned around to face him. he quickly turned his back to me, pulling the covers over his chin. that's not normal.
"seungmin." I said, trying to see his face. "yes?" he said, avoiding all eye contact with me. "what's going on? you're acting strange." I asked, running my fingers through his hair. "nothing baby. I'm sorry I woke you." he said as he hid some more.
"what were you doing?" I asked, still coming out of my sleepy daze.
seungmin didn't answer. I waited a few more seconds before asking once more. seungmin sighed and mumbled something under his breath. "sorry I didn't hear what you said." I said, rubbing his shoulder. "I was masturbating y/n." he said in a low voice. my eyes widened, "oh I'm sorry." I said, not really knowing what to say. the situation felt awkward now. sure we've been dating for a few months. kissing, making out, feeling up each other was nothing new to us. but we've only had sex less than a hand full of times due to his busy schedule, so this was still new territory for both of us.
I didn't know what to do or say, really. so I laid back down, turned my back to him. "you can continue if you want, I'll go back to sleep." I said barely above whisper. no response. no movement. just silence. it was deafening. I never wanted to disappear so badly till this moment. so I closed eyes and waited for sleep to take over my body or for me to wake up up from a weird dream.
and of course it never came, knowing that my boyfriend was masturbaing with me in the room for the first time. I felt my stomach turn at the thought, which caused even more thoughts. sexual thoughts to be specific. good god, just let me sleep. I don't want to make things even more weird. I felt like time was moving so slow. seungmin sighs and turns back over. I could feel his stare on my back. I tensed up and shivered. 
"y/n." seungmin said, placing a hand on my waist. I didn't move and pretended to be asleep. "y/n, I know when you're awake." he said as he moved his hand up and down. I turned over and looked at him. I could see warm eyes in the dark. he pushed my hair back and said "I know you're overthinking about this. I should have went to the bathroom, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfor-"
"why didn't you wake me?" I asked, genuinely curious. seungmin raised his eyebrows. "I didn't think you'd be down for that till a little later?" he said more in a questioning tone at the end. "I would have helped you if you had woken me up." I said, placing my hand on his clothed chest. he sucked in through his teeth. "well, I'll know for next time." he said, still rubbing my waist. "you don't want to continue?" I asked, moving over to him. "to be honest, I lost it when you called out to me. you scared me pretty bad." seungmin said with an embarrassing laugh. I stifled my laugh the best I could. "oh, I'm sorry." I said through my giggles.
I calmed down a little and met his eyes once more. "is that why you couldn't focus, because you were too horny?" I asked. I felt him nodding somewhat. "about what? or did it just come out of nowhere." I asked. he laughed, "no, it didn't come out of nowhere. just you running through my head." seungmin said quietly. "but you barely saw me today." I stated. "I know that, but it's true. then when I came out of the bathroom and saw you in my hoodie. my thoughts ran wild again." he answered.
"like what?" I asked. he shook his head, "you ask so many questions, but are you sure you want to know?" seungmin asked. "did you not just tell me that I caused your horniness?" I said. "okay, sheesh. no need for that tone." he laughed out. he thought for a minute before slightly tightening his grip on my waist.
"when I woke up to the sight of you is when it began. I could only think, damn my girl is so pretty and hot when she sleeps. when I got up and you told me, you'd stay here and wait for me to come back. all I could imagine was you laying on my bed and just touching yourself because you miss me so much." he said. I felt blush creep onto my cheeks and my thighs clench. I could tell he was getting turned on just by his dirty thoughts.
"all day while I was gone, all I could think were these what ifs. when I came home and saw you on my bed, all I wanted to do was take you right then and there. it took me longer in the shower because I had to calm myself down." he paused for a moment, slipping his hand under the hoodie and tank top. again, I felt my stomach felt in tight knots. god, why did I like him talking to me like this?
"when I came out and saw you wearing my hoodie, you looked so cute and innocent. I just wanted to fucking ruin you. wreck you. make you a crying and whimpering mess." he groaned out as he placed his hand on my breast, circling my nipple with his thumb. I closed my eyes and moaned. "I would let you." I whined. "yeah, baby?" he said. I nodded, my thoughts clouded over. seungmin's hand went down to the hem of shorts. "you'd let me fuck you. and I'm not saying like the other times, I mean purely fuck you. fuck you hard and like I mean it. use you. make you cum so hard on my fingers and tongue way before I bury my cock deep in your little cunt." he said as he cupped my lower lips, placing his middle finger right between the lips.
moving his hand up and down, slowly but surely making me more wet. "you'd like that so much, wouldn't you?" he asked. I nodded, moaning as he put more pressure on my clit. "minnie, more. please." I said, gripping his shirt in my fist. "if my baby wants more, she gets more." seungmin said pushing his hand into my shorts, touching me where I need him the most. "no underwear, such a naughty baby." he said, collecting my juices. he placed his fingers on my clit, rubbing small slow circles. "so wet, just for me right?" he said, coming closer to my face. I could see the small smirk his face held. I nodded, running my hands up his chest to the back of his neck. I rolled my hips into his fingers, wanting more.
"more." I said, slightly pulling at his hair. the groan he made at the feeling, sounded animalistic. I clenched my thighs around his hand. seungmin sat up and leaned over me, pulling his hand out of my shorts. caging me between his arms. "god, I love how you look under me with that look on your face." seungmin said. he brought his lips to mine. a messy hot kiss. I whined into the kiss as I messed with hair more. he pressed his tongue on my bottom lip, licking it slightly. I opened my mouth to let him explore. 
his hands slid down my body and opened my legs so he could press into me. "god, I love so much." he mumbled into the kiss, grinding into me. I moaned as I could feel him start to get hard again. he kissed away from my lips, down to the side of my neck. kissing and sucking in the most sensitive spots, making me roll my hips up. "I want to leave marks all over you, in the most visible places. so everyone knows who makes you feel so good, who owns you. let people's minds wander as they see them, knowing they can't have you like I can. can I baby? can I leave my marks all over your neck? fuck, you'd look so pretty." seungmin said, nibbling on my earlobe. 
god, the way he was saying those words turned me on. "fuck, yes seungmin. please mark me." I said as I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling his weight onto me. he groaned and harshly started sucking at my neck, wanting to leave the darkest marks all over. once he was satisfied with the right side, he did the same thing to the left. just my quiet moans and his groans, rolling our hips to get some friction. 
when he decided that he was done with my neck, he sat up. "let's get these shorts off you, baby." he said, hooking his fingers around them and pulling them down my legs. once my shorts were somewhere thrown onto the floor, seungmin was about to lay down but he abruptly stopped. he reached over to turn on the lamp, that lit up the room a small bit. "that's better." he said, smiling at me. he pressed his hands onto my thighs and gripped them harshly. I moaned and rolled my hips up once more. "I love seeing you so needy for me, how you react to my touches, my words. I love it so much." he said, kissing my knee.
he looked me dead in my eyes, "sit up." he demanded. I sat up and met his lips quickly. his hand held my jaw gently. I melted into the sweet touch. he pulled away and admired me for a second. "can you do something for me?" seungmin asked with a playful smile. "what?" I asked. "I want you to sit on my face. can you do that for me?" he asked. my eyes widened and said, "I can try." seungmin smiled and moved to lay on the bed. he grabbed my hand and helped guide me over his face. I didn't want to crush the man so I hovered over him, holding onto the bed frame. I felt him leave kisses my inner thighs before leaving harsh marks there as well. "minnie." I whined, that area being a little sensitive. his hands came up to the outer portion of my thighs and gave me loving squeezes to somewhat distract me.
seungmin stopped and looked up at me. "ready for the actual show now, baby?" he asked as his hands ran up and down my body. "yes." I said, looking down at him. I clenched at the sight of him, between my legs, only being able to see his eyes. his hands tightly gripped my waist and pulled me fully down on his face. "good." he mumbled before eating me out like a mad man. "ah seungmin." I cried out, bringing my hand to his hair and pulled at it. his nose right on my clit as his tongue entered my velvet walls. 
I didn't last long at all, which was not surprising. the view of him between my legs, eyes either on me or closed in concentration, hands on my hips guiding me back and forward on his tongue and nose. "gonna cum." I said, as my thighs trembled. he opened his eyes and placed his tongue flat on my clit. watching me roll my hips to hit my climax. my knuckles turning white due to my grip on the bed frame, eyes closed shut, with my head down as I caved into myself. seungmin held me in place, rubbing my thighs with his thumbs. "you did so good baby." seungmin said, licking his lips.
I blushed as I gained enough strength to remove my legs. I sat on my knees beside him as he sat up on the headboard. "want to continue?" seungmin asked, placing his right hand on my waist. I nodded, making him smirk. "come suck my cock baby." he said, taking off his sleeping pants and throwing them off the side of the bed. my mouth watered at the sight of his dick hard, tip of his head red, with precum leaking out.
I leaned down, ass in the air, licking up his cock. seungmin's head rolled down, hand in my hair. I placed my hand on his cock and licked up the precum. I wrapped my lips around the head, slowly making my way down. "fuck, just like that baby." he groaned out. I focused not to gag around him, going back up. I twisted my wrist as my hand, following my mouth. "grip a little more baby." he said, I looked up at him. his eyes already on me with his jaw slacked. I whined at him as I adjusted my grip. "shit baby." he said, making me lightly clench. I pressed my head back down, focusing on seungmin. I gagged around his cock on accident, making him buck his into my mouth- making me choke.
he quickly pulling me from his cock. "you okay?" he asked, petting my hair. I nodded with tears in my eyes, "I'm okay, it just shocked me." I said. gears turned in his head as seungmin tilted it to the side, "do you think you could handle me fucking your mouth and throat a little?" he asked. "I don't know." I said, a little worried. "we can stop whenever you want, just tap me on my leg. but if you feel like you're not ready for that yet, we can skip that part." seungmin said, reassuring me.
I thought about it for a second. "I'll try it now but not for too long. like a test try." I said. seungmin raised his eyebrows, "are you sure?" he asked. I nodded but seungmin wasn't looking for that. "I need a verbal answer for this y/n." he said. "yes, I want to try. just for a minute." I said. "okay baby. we'll take it step by step." he said, placing his hand in my hair again.
"put your mouth back on me and just stay in place, okay." he said. I did what he asked and looked up at him. "remember to breathe through your nose. if you need me to stop, tap my leg." he said, I slightly nodded. "I'm gonna start off really slow and work up the pace, I'll tell you when." he said, placing his feet flat on the bed. I closed my eyes and focused on breathing through my nose. slowly started pushing his hips in and out of my mouth, each time going a little farther in my mouth. 
"I'm going to pick up the pace, little by little now." he groaned. I readied myself and felt him picking up the pace. I scrunched up my eyebrows as I felt him hit the back of my throat lightly. I whined around him, making him moan. after a few more thrusts, he stopped and took his cock out of my mouth. "was that okay baby?" he asked. I answered yes to him. seungmin sat up on his knees and kissed me on my lips.
"ready more baby?" seungmin asked, kissing my neck again. I moaned as I said yes. seungmin pushed me back down on the bed, head hitting the pillow. seungmin reached over to the end table and pulled a condom from the drawer. he pulled his shirt over his head as I tried to follow, he stopped me. "I want to fuck you wearing my hoodie." he stated, as he opened the package and put the condom on intensively. I moaned as he pressed his erection at my entrance. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close.
"wait baby, I still gotta stretch you out with my fingers for my cock." he laughed out. "minnie hurry please." I whined. "can't rush with proper pleasure sweetie." he said, as he slid his hand down my thigh to where I wanted him most. he pushed one finger into me as I moaned. "so wet, I could probably just slip my cock right in." seungmin said, thrusting his finger in and out. "please." I said, rolling my hips. seungmin smiled as he inserted a second finger and I arched my back.
I moaned so loud as he curled his fingers up, instantly finding my g-spot. "feels so good." I said, bringing my hand to his hand. I felt his arm flexing as he was fingering me, I clenched around his fingers. "yeah, baby. you're so tight for me." seungmin said as pushed one more finger in. I felt myself getting closer to my orgasm. "I'm gonna cum, minnie." I said, turning my head into the pillow. 
everything happened so fast, seungmin replaced fingers quickly with his cock, bottoming out. I came right then and there, head thrown back. "fuck baby, just creamed all over my cock. like the good girl I know you are." seungmin said, holding on to the back of my legs. "minnie." I whined. "what baby? what do you want?" he said. "you." I said. "yeah? you want me. want me to fuck you hard baby?" he asked, thrusting very slowly. I hummed as I rolled my hips. "say it baby. say that you want me to fuck you. ruin you." he said, pushing his upper body down onto me, trapping my legs up.
I moaned, pushing my hand through the top of his hair. "seungmin please ruin me, fuck me baby. please as hard as you want. please." I whispered, pulled at his hair hard. he hissed and smashed lips into mine. I moaned into the kiss as he pushed out and slammed his hips back into me. "god seungmin." I moaned loudly. "fuck baby, just like that. scream my name baby." he whispered. 
the other times we had sex felt good, but this felt so different. so much more intense with the feeling. the sound of our bodies meeting each other, the position, being so close, his eyes never leaving mine, my loud moans, his low groans, and how the sweats from our bodies glowed from the lamp. the feeling of how his cock was slamming me was so overwhelming. hitting my g-spot perfectly with each hard deep thrust. 
"seungmin." I cried loudly. "oh y/n." he moans, slipping his head into my neck. he moved his arms away from legs and put them under my arms, basically holding me. I wrapped my legs the best I could around his waist. his body rubbing against my clit, making me closer and closer.
"minnie, I'm- ah!" I felt my second climax hit me sooner than a thought. "yes, that's it baby. god, I'm going cum." he moans. he sat up still rolling his hips but a bit slower. he moans became higher, making me clench once more. "oh fuck." he groaned, filling the condom up. he milked out his orgasm till he was sensitive.
he pulled out and sighed, looking at me. "you feel okay baby?" he asked, gently rubbing my thighs. "I'm tired." I simply said with my eyes closer. "well, let's get cleaned up first." seungmin said, holding both my hands. helping me sit up and off the bed. he held my hand as we bathroom as I entered the bathroom, there was a knock at the bedroom door. seungmin quickly threw his sleeping pants back on and answered the door.
I heard mumbling then the door closed. seungmin entered the bathroom with blush on his cheeks. "who was it?" I asked, scared of who it was, knowing that we were probably really loud. "felix, he said to warn him next time." he said, scratching his neck. my hand covered my face in embarrassment. "also he brought us bottles of water." he said, pointing back to the bedroom. "so let's get clean now and go to bed." he smiled, kissing my forehead.
after we finished getting cleaned up, we hopped back into bed and under the covers. seungmin reached over and handed me a water bottle. I thanked him and took a long sip. "I wasn't too rough on you right?" seungmin said, rubbing my back. I shook my head no. "I enjoyed it, I liked how rough you were with me and how you talked to me." I said with a slight blush on my cheeks. seungmin laughed and pulled me into him. "okay." he said with the biggest smile on his face. he pulled us both down, his head laying on the pillow and my head on his chest. the minutes passed as we slowly fell asleep in each other's embrace.
best night ever so far to say the least, right!
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Beach Football and Kareoke.
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"Dogfighting football. Defense and offensive at the same time. There will be two teams. One with Hangman, Rooster, Phoenix, Yale and myself. The other Payback, Sparrow, Bob, Fanboy and Coyote. Let the games begin." Said the captain, grabbing two footballs and passing one on to Sparrow.
"Shouldn't we be practicing how to complete the mission?" Asked Hangman.
"No. Not until all of you act like a team." Pete replied. "Come on, you're getting a day off, have fun."
With that the game begun. The first person to s ore a touchdown was Hangman. That made him and his team happy, but the others were not. The next few touchdowns were scored by the opposite team, again. Hondo, who was keeping score, was already writing one point for them before the game even begain.
"Okay, timeout." Y/N said. "Come here. Why do you three think we don't know how to play?"
"We don't think that." Answred Payback.
"We think you can't play." Added Coyote.
"Look at Bradshwas face." Y/N pointed, offended. "Yours is gonna be much worse if you think something like that again. Give me a chance, please."
"Fine." Grumbled Coyote. "But if you fuck this up."
"I won't. I can't stand Hangman either. Him and that smug face." Y/N quickly answered.
"Alright. You go long." Coyote said pointing at Y/N. And with that the play began. Payback, Bob and Fanboy were able to stop Hangman from scoring while Coyote threw the football as hard as he could, half expecting Y/N to not be able to catch it. But she surprised him.
She quickly caught the ball and ran like she was running for her life, avoiding all the opponests scoring a touchdown. Everyone from her team started cheering as Coyote ran across the field picking her up from her legs and spinning her around.
"That's what I'm talking about motherfucker." Y/N screamed as she walked from in front of Hamgman, gloting.
"Alright game plan. Coyote go long this time. The rest of you tackle Hangman I'll handle the rest.
With that they started again. The first few rounds were won by Sparrows team and a few were won by Phoenix's.
"Alright guy, let's make this more fun." Payback started. "Whoever gets tackled, gets thrown in the water. How that sound?"
Everyone was on board with this idea. Ironically the first person to be duncked was Payback himself. 'This is not fair' he screamed as the guys pushed him down.
The game went on. More people got duncked, more touchdowns were scored and more was learned about dogfighting. During a play, Payback, while tackling, had pushed Maverick down on his back, stopping him from scoring. While he was laying on his back, the person who offered him a hand was Rooster. This simple gesture did not go unnoticed by Y/N.
"Alright guys I'm taking a break." Annoubced Maverick after a few more plays. Shouts of 'come on' and 'seriously' came from his teammates.
"Giving up already old man?" Teased Y/N.
"Watch who you're calling and old man Young lady." Peter replied, going full dad mode.
He went and sat down on a beach chair talking to Penny while also monitoring the game.
"She looks good." Penny said looking at Pete's daughter.
"Yeah, she does.' Answred Pete.
"Are you worried about her?"
"I'm worries about both of them. They both clearly haven't recovered from waht happened. I mean they are trying, but it'll never be the same as it was."
"It's never be the same. Not after a major fall like that." Answred Penny.
"I wish it was. When they were together, she was truly happy and he didn't hate me. He didn't like me either but at least he kept it in in front of her." Answred Pete.
"Pete, tou gotta let go. You gotta let them live the way they want to. This will be very difficult for them, believe me I know, but they'll manage. That's for sure." Penny reassured him.
They went back to watching the game. After a few more round, the only person who was not duncked was Y/N. And she was determined to keep it that way. As a new game started, Y/N quickly managed to get the ball, bust that wasn't the case for a long time. Soon she was sounded by all the pilots of the other team with no other option but to pass.
The only person who was open was Bob. She thought it would be a good idea to pass the ball to the shy pilot as he could definitely score, but wasn't getting the chance to.
"Bob Bob." She shouted and passed the ball to him. He was confused at first but after seeing the 6 feet blond, Hangman, running towards him he caught the ball and striated running, scoring a touchdown.
Cheers for the scared boy emerged from everyone. Payback and Fanboy picked him up and carried him around. As they were passing Phoenix, Bob did the most unexpected thing, he winked at her. The female was absolutely flushed and had to turn away to hide it.
"Alright boys." Phoenix said. "Forget about everyone else on the other team. Get Sparrow. She's the one we can't stop."
With that they begain again and Phoenix's plan was followed. Everyone attacked Y/N, there was no way for her to escape. The only option passing. She passed to one of teammates but Phoenix caught it insted. And Y/N was tacked down by Rooster.
"Oh you son of a bitch." She huffed as Rooster got up form her.
"Finlally." Jake said. "It's you chance now Mitchell."
"Oh no no no." Y/N answred as she ran away with Jake behind her, he quickly caught up to her, picked her up and threw her in the ocean. Buy she wasn't going down alone, she took the blond with her.
When they both resurfaced, she caught a glimpse of Rooster and it seemed he had the expression of jealousy on his face. But he quickly turned away befor she could see.
Weird, she thought and went back to playing.
The day went on and gradually the night tool over. All the naval aviators took shelter in the place closest to them, The Hard Deck. Once they were in the drinks started and didn't seem to stop.
They decided to do karaoke and let the rest of the people there judge them and select a winner. First went Hangman and Coyote. They got a 9. Y/N was sure it was because of how they looked. Then went Fanboy and Payback. They gor a 8. Well deserved. The captin went next. He got a minus 5. And that was too much for him.
"Thank God you have me." Y/N said slipping into the stool next tk Pete's, who was talking to Penny. "You don't have to worry about making a living off of music when you're retired."
"Haha... real funny. I'd like to see you do any better." Pete replied.
"I'll have know that I am an excellent singer." Y/N said. "Ask Penny."
"Oh I'm not taking any part in this." Penny replied.
"You're no fun." Tesed Y/N.
"Hey look it's Rooster." Pate pointed.
"Now, I'm no good at signing in a mic, but I am good at playing the piano." He said sitting at the piano. "Now judged fairly."
With that he started singing his trademark song Greag Balls of Fire. This got hum the highest score till now, a 9.5.
"We're up next." Phoenix said walking over to Y/N.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She said.
"Angle eyes baby." Natasha answred.
"Angle eyes it is."
They both got up on stage as the 70s synth pop music started blaring through the speakers. Everyone cheered as Natasha started. She was doing a little dance while she was singing, quickly catching the attention of the crowd.
As the next verse started, Y/N took over. She was phenomenal. She got the most cheers till now. But she didn't miss the eyes burning a hole in the back of her head. She knew who it was before even turning around, and the person who was staring knew that the song was directed towards him.
Till the time they finished Bob had joined them as well. They were the winners scoring a full 10. Everyone was celebrating, not any victory but for the team they had become.
Everyone except Rooster.
"Bradshaw. Bradshaw. You good?" Y/N called after the pilot while he was walking towards the ocean.
"I'm fine." He answred, not looking back. "Ho back to Hangman."
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. By kow had was standing in the ocean.
"Nothing." He replied. "Go away."
She wasn't going to that quickly. If there was anything she inherent for her father, it qas her stubbornness. She took her shoes of, rolled her pants and went into the water as well.
"Did something happen Bradshaw?" She asked again.
"Yeah. Something did. You and Hangman." He answred.
"There is nothing between Jake and me."
"Oh so he's Jake and I'm Bradshaw. Honestly you're pathetic." He turned away.
"Do you have a problem with me calling him Jake?"
"Of course I have a problem with you calling him that." Rooster said loudly. "You only ever used to call me by my first name. No one else. But now because of one stupid mistake, I've lost you forever and I can't handle that. Ever since I saw you again I haven't been able to get you off my mind. You, your laugh, your face, you hands. Anything. The closest I've gotten to you was that punch, and I would gladly take more if it ment you were close to me again."
Y/N was shocked at his outburst. She stayed silent for a few minutes, processing what he had just said.
"You," She started slowly. "You fucker. You do know that you're the one who ended us up right? And now you're saying shit like that what am I supposed to say to that?"
"I don't know." He screamed back. "Maybe that you wnat me back?"
After hearing that Y/N pushed him into the water and quickly started walking back. Rooster tried to stop her but in return all she said was-
A/N I recommend listening to angle eyes by Abba. It amazing and you'll be able to understand the chapter better. Love ya!!!
@4margaritasalex @clairejpg @thisisgracetrying @futurecorps3 @fangirlinc @thespeeder @ashewontcare @jonginvlog @igotmajordaddyissues @herladyshipxx @m3laniehearts @exo-wayv
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queerbuckleys · 2 years
kiss me hello [1.4k | getting together | idiots to lovers] {ao3} a/n: so basically i thought what if Eddie kisses Buck on the cheek before he leaves for Texas...and...well...1.4k words happened. Now I am not putting this in the 5x17 spec category (although the last time i said that mills did end up killing herself so) because this is just fic land not what i think/want to happen. we're just havin fun here. enjoy! Spoilers for 5x17!
"Eddie you gotta go or you're gonna be late!" Buck calls down the hall,
"I know I know," Eddie replies slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder.
"Are you sure you don't want me to take you? It will give you a few more minutes since you won't have to park," Buck offers for the millionth time while mindlessly fluffing the couch pillows.
"You have to pick Christopher up from school, going to the airport will make you late. I'm really fine," he's patting down his pockets; phone, keys, wallet checklist running through his head. He grabs the door knob and swings open the door, turns and says, "Don't have too much fun without me. Call if you need anything. And, thank you again Buck."
Buck has moved to the other side of the door way, hovering in the hallway.
"No need to thank me. We'll call every night. Fly safe and good luck Eddie. See you in a few days," he shoos Eddie out the door gently, grabbing the door and leaning on it a little bit.
"Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going. See you in a few days," he echos placing a gentle kiss on Buck's cheek, and rushes out to his truck.
It isn't until he's on the freeway that it hits him.
Buck on the other hand is acutely aware as he stands dumbfounded in the doorway for 20 minutes, until his phone dings with a reminder to pick up Christopher from school.
He finds his keys in the little bowl by the doorway, he puts on his shoes, and grabs his sweatshirt off the back of the couch before heading out.
He ponders it on the drive. Because he hadn't even gotten to the part where he had broken up with Taylor two nights ago when Eddie had called him explaining that he was leaving for Texas in a few hours, not even needing to ask before Buck said he would be over in half an hour. The fact that he would be staying with Christopher a silent unspoken agreement between them.
And their afternoon is pretty routine. That is until Eddie doesn't walk through the door, beat from therapy.
"Why couldn't I go with Dad?" Christopher asks, "I haven't been to Texas in a long time. I miss everyone too."
"I know buddy, but you have school. And I think your Dad needed to do this on his own." And Buck isn't even sure what this is, but he could sense this trip was not just going home for a visit.
"And I'll bet that everyone will want to say hi when we call. I know it's different. C'mere," he opens his arms for a hug which Christopher leans into.
"Can we call now?"
And Buck freezes because he hadn't stopped to think about what would happen when he talked to Eddie again. He checks his watch making sure that Eddie's flight would have gotten in and had time to get to his parent's house.
"Of course bud. I gotta get dinner started, but go for it I'm sure he'll be ecstatic to hear from you," he ruffles Chris' hair on his way out to the kitchen.
He hears Chris talk to his family while he pops a frozen pizza in the oven and chops vegetables for salad and then just sits at the kitchen table.
"Buck! Dad wants to talk to you!" Christopher calls from the living room.
"Coming!" He calls back steeling himself a bit. Hoping that Eddie will just ask about the rest of the day, maybe chat about their upcoming plans. Even though they were pretty run of the mill. Just missing Eddie.
He has no such luck.
Because as soon as he's back in the kitchen, Chris playing video game to pass the time, phone to his ear as he leans against the island when Eddie says,
"Buck, I am so sorry, I know that you're with Taylor, it didn't hit me what I had done until I was on the freeway and I know we aren't li-"
"I broke up with her," he blurts.
"Oh," Eddie replies like he was gently punched, "I'm sorry."
"Don't do that."
"You never liked her. And I'm not terribly broken up about it anyway," he shrugs despite Eddie not being able to see him. And Eddie huffs out a laugh. And the fall into a comfortable silence. Listening to each other's breaths.
He makes a small affirmative noise.
"You said you were sorry, because I was with Taylor," Buck breathes.
"Shit. I-I didn't think I was going to do this over the phone. While I'm sitting in my childhood bedroom in fucken Texas-"
"So don't," Buck whispers, "It's okay. I can wait." 
Eddie lets out a big breath.
"Okay. Thank you. Talk tomorrow?"
The next four days fly by in rushing out the door to school and work, dinners, phone calls and homework assignments. And it's finally the day that Eddie is flying back. Chris is petulant that he can't miss the last 2 hours of school on Friday to pick Eddie up from the airport. But he seems happy enough to craft the most spectacular and sparkly welcome home sign for Buck to take with him and that his dad will pick him up from school. 
So Buck takes an Uber to the airport since Eddie had driven there and it was a surprise, apologizing profusely for the glitter that had landed on their floor. 
He stands in front of the sliding glass doors where a memory replays in front of him. He swallows and walks through them and makes his way to the arrivals area. He checks the arrivals board  and notes that Eddie’s flight landed 10 minutes ago. So he stands and waits. The glittery sign in his hands and a bouquet he bought on a whim at the grocery store this morning in his arms. 
He spots Eddie before Eddie sees him. Which makes sense because Buck was actually looking. And Eddie looks lighter. He’d been getting lighter over the past few weeks, especially after the dispatch fire. Feeling settled into his role of firefighter. Feeling like he belongs. But he was wearing a baseball cap. Buck had never seen him wear one before. And he oddly made it work. It was worn a little on the edges and had a swoopy letter E on it with a little tiger on it. The journey from confusion to unadulterated joy that spreads across his face when he finally sees Buck standing there only makes Buck smile harder and wave at him. “You’re here,” Eddie says like he nearly can’t believe it. “Wanted to surprise you,” Buck replies cause it’s all that he can think to say. “Are these for me?” Eddie points at the flowers and raises his eyebrows a little bit. “Oh yeah,” Buck laughs and holds them out to him, “I just saw them in the store this morning and thought of you, so I bought them. It’s stupid really-” And he can’t talk anymore on the account of Eddie kissing him. On the lips this time. And most definitely on purpose. Holding his face like it’s the whole entire world. Buck takes the cap by the visor and takes it off so he can really kiss him back, the sign fluttering to the ground, showering their shoes in glitter. “Hi,” Eddie says breathlessly, “no ones ever gotten me flowers before. No one’s ever surprised me at the airport before either.” “I know I said I could wait. But I got impatient,” Buck smiles and ducks his head shyly. Eddie smiles and leans his forehead against Buck’s. “How’d you know?” “You were never sorry for kissing me goodbye. And I, I hoped. Because it just felt so-” “Normal?” Eddie asks, Buck hums, “is that what this trip was about? I figured it was something big.” Buck places the cap on his head backwards, and grabs the sign from the floor. “It was that. And a few other things. It was a good trip. I missed you and Chris though,” Eddie leans into Buck as they walk towards baggage claim. “You should have heard his argument for skipping the last two hours of school so he could come with me,” Buck laughs. “Well, you are an excellent negotiator,” Eddie replies, poking Buck’s shoulder and taking his hand.
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just-weird-fanfics · 2 years
hello! can i get sunny x reader fluff or smut pls?
Sure thing! also i made this afab. and i'm sorry it took like 10 years!!!
NSFW under the cut!
I looked over the balcony right near the slide that led into the daycare. it was the hour so the place was going through the night cycle. i was watching moon run around trying to find something to pick up. he really didn't have anything to do when there was no kids. the place was shut down for maintenance on roxy raceway, and some repairs that were needed on monty and roxy. but i needed to check sunny and moons wiring.
i go down the stairs and get to the door of the daycare. i walk in and it was really dark. i could see more from the balcony cause i basically had a birds eye view. now that i was down here it was dark. i knew it was only gonna be dark for another minute or so. i put down my toolbox. i decided to entertain moon for the time being and knocked over some drums.
he runs over and picks them up. "Hey moony." "Oh that was you. hi," he says as he puts the last one on top. "What are you doing down here?" he asks. i point to the toolbox on the ground. "Oh." "Yea. i wanted to catch you but i think it's too late." "Why me?" "Cause at least if i hit a wrong wire with you you'll rip my head off then tell sunny i quit instead of him doing it then having a breakdown." moon shakes his head, "you're something else."
i laugh with him then i look at the time as it changes. the cycle was over. the lights slowly start to turn on and i see moon spin his head around. his hat disappears and i watch his cloths retract and sunny's appear. his face changes and i see spikes start to show up around his head. sunny shakes his head so all the spikes straighten out. his eyes flicker too and turn white.
"hey sun." he looks at me and laughs. he picks me up, "Y/N! I thought you werent gonna come tonight! So are we gonna watch another movie? read again? what are we gonna do? or are we gonna do the thing we did last time." i laugh softly turning red a little, "Just put me down for starters." he puts me down and i see his fingers twitch slightly. his spikes do the same.
"Sun i gotta check your wiring. we were instructed to check everyone after what's been going on with roxy i guess. i don't even know what's happening." sun nods softly, "o-ok. uh. make it quick." i nod. i knew he hated repairs. apparently the person before i showed up that came in here left without a finger. no one knew or asked if it was sunny or moon.
i tell him to sit down and he does. even though he was sitting he was still tall as hell. they normally crouch so they're almost at kids level. even though they are face to face with me. he still is the same height even sitting and he still had bad posture. "sunny you know you need to sit all the way up." he sits up and i look him over. the only thing wrong with him that i could see was the twitching in the spikes and his hands.
there's a wire for some reason really low that connects to the spikes. if nothing is wrong with that then i need to check the wires in his neck. i sit down on his leg and get my toolbox. i normally did this with him and for some reason he always freezes up at first. i find the screwdriver and a hammer. there's smalls screws around the chestplate that aren't really visible unless you focus hard enough and know they're there.
i carefully start to take each one out one by one and put them in a small cup i bring with me for this type of thing. i see sunny look at me and i sigh softly, "i'll be quick i promise." i take the hammer and carefully take off the piece of metal. i place it on the floor and look at the end and all the wires. from what i can see nothing was damaged. first i do a routine check and make sure nothing it tangled or overheating. then i have sunny move his fingers. everything was alright.
now to find that damn wire. i carefully stick my hand into his chest and reach around blindly. i find the wire i was looking for and lean back to look at the spikes on his head. they move as i twist the wire. that was normal. alright. then what was going on? i look at sunny who just stares blankly at me. "what?" i ask. still no response. i wave in front of his face and nothing. "shit."
i get up and look behind his head. all the wires from his back were connected to his face. suddenly i feel hands go to my back and pull me in. i make a noise and look down at sunny. well he definitely wasn't shut off. he puts a hand on the back of my knees and pushes them in making me fall onto his lap again. i look up at him and blink. "can you put that back on for me sunshine?" he says pointing to the chestplate. "sunny i gotta figure out why your twitchy." "you should know why."
he squeezes my sides slightly and i melt into him. i move over and end up on one of his thighs. i start by putting the panel back and using the hammer to make sure it's secure enough before i put the screws in. as i was putting the screw in i jump. the fuck was that? something was vibrating. i look down at his leg and realize it was his leg. i look up at him and it hits me like a stack of bricks. since when the fuck would they get horny?
i carefully sit back down and try and keep a straight face beside it feeling good. i carefully put each screw back and screw them back in. when i'm finished i close the toolbox. i feel him pick his leg up and i slide forward and into his chest basically. the vibrations get more intense and i gasp softly. "i've been waiting to use the new upgrades." i look up at him as he says that. again, the intensity picks up and i moan.
"sun- who- what," i try and form a sentence but end up whining. he laughs softly, "you like it sunshine?" he doesn't wait for a response, "i knew you would. moon told me to ask for it. no one really asks anymore and they just do it. im getting something else just for you soon too!"' i definitely liked it. he puts his knee down and takes my hips. he helps me grind against his leg. how did he even know what to do?
i try and focus on him but my eyes roll back. he bounces his leg and the noise that came out of me. you could probably hear it from outside the daycare. i hear him laugh. i went to look at him put suddenly everything stops and i'm being flipped onto my back. i look up and see him over me. this makes me look down. just seeing if maybe he pulled out a dick. nope.
he looks at me as he goes to pull my pants down. i wasn't sure what he was going to do but i pulled them down myself. he watches my underwear go down as well. he leans back and puts my legs either side of his waist. his hand makes its way down my stomach. i realize now just how big his hand sewer. and how long hid fingers are. he gets to my entrance and i see the spikes twitch again. his faceplates twitch as well.
his thumb finds my clit very easily and he circles it. my eyes flutter shut as i moan. he pulls his hand back but i feel something poking at my entrance. his hand was there and he seemed to be trying to figure out if he should use 1 or 2. i make a noise when i try and say one and he gets the hint. he carefully pushes one in. his fingers are skinny put long. i moan and bite my hand to quite myself.
he pulls his finger out almost all the way and looks up at me. he positions another finger next to the first one and slowly pushes them in. i whimper and try not to make any loud noises. he does the same thing he did before and adds a third finger. i grab onto whatever i could on the floor as he sets a pace and basically slams his fingers into me. this was wrong in so many ways. not only was he an animatronic. its a goddamn daycare.
i get taken out of my thoughts when his face was level with my entrance. i watch him carefully. then i feel something. wet. i go to move away but he grabs my waist. fuck. his. tongue? slides over my entrance and up to my clit. "sunny!" his tongue slides into me and i whine. it seemed to twist inside of me and hit everything. i try not to close my legs as he laughs against me. it didn't take awhile before i came.
he cleans me up with his tongue and i kinda just lay there. a few minutes later he helps me pull my pants and underwear up. i sit up and whine softly. i look at sunny who was standing there kinda awkwardly. i wasn't entirely sure what to say. then suddenly the lights turn off. how has it been an hour? i watch basically the reverse of what i had watched before. moon looks me up and down then laughs, "he actually did it."
this took 10 years and im sorry. and i'm sorry for any spelling errors
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Prison Era!Daryl and a reader who both like each other but are too scared to say it. She contracts the illness at the prison and both are worried that they won't be able to confess before it's too late.
But ends in fluff because my heart is weak. 😫
My heart is also weak lmao (Gif from pinterest)
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"Where is she?!" Daryl's anguished voice makes tears rise to my eyes, the cracking of his voice, the ragged breathing that I hear from outside the cell; he's scared.
I knew full well that he'd be extremely angry after I told Rick to tell him I was one of the ones who got sick. Daryl prided himself on protecting me with his life, keeping me under his wing, safe and sound. There wasn't a time where you'd fine me without him or the other way around, so when he went out on a run for a few days, none-the-wiser to the virus going around the prison, he would've never believed he'd be coming back to me on my death bed.
My chest expands as I try to take a deep breath in but I fail, my lungs crushing themselves as I cough, bloody mucus spitting from my mouth as I roll over with a cry. The tears that stream down my cheeks mix with the a thin layer of perspiration lining my whole body, my eyes locked on Carol who dabs my forehead, her eyes trained back towards the door of the cell. Hershel looks more nervous than me, sitting in the corner of the room, knees drumming nervously with a huff, contemplating what to do for me and the others that are sick.
I know this isn't good based on how I feel and the reaction that I'm getting out of everyone else; this isn't good for me.
"Daryl, don't-" I hear Carol try to argue with him but the doors swing open and Daryl's eyes immediately lock with mine. He bites at the inside of his cheek as his eyes run over my trembling frame, trying his best to take in what he can.
"Daryl, I'm fine-" I start but he holds a hand up to me before turning to Hershel, jaw tight and angry.
"Why didn't no one tell me she was sick?!" He hisses, fists clenching as he blows out a breath of air, sternly nodding towards the doors as Hershel and Carol stand. I watch as Carol places a gentle hand on Daryl's shoulder as he sits in the seat beside my bed. He picks up the towel silently and continues to dab my forehead, his eyes avoiding mine as I reach out to him, needing any form of comfort I can get. "Gotta put a goddamn leash on you to keep you outta trouble, huh?" He sniffles, scooting closer to me as he tosses the rag to the side. He looks genuinely afraid, his eyes flickering tiredly over my expression.
"Don't threaten me with a good time." I flirt, my voice barely above a whisper as he chuckles tearily, reaching out to trail his fingers along my forehead, brushing away the hair that's matted to my skin.
"I shouldn't've gone on that fucking run." He whispers, leaning down onto his elbows as his thumb brushes over my forehead. Clearing my throat, my eyes squeeze tightly at the swollen, full feeling of my chest, reaching out to wrap my fingers around his bicep for support.
"You had to." I croak, peering up at him through blurry eyes. "I'm just happy you're back before..." I trail off, not wanting to say the words out loud as he quickly shakes his head, sniffling loudly.
"Nothin's gonna happen to you." He whispers in a small pleading voice, leaning forward to gently press his lips against my forehead with a hiss. "You're burnin' up." He sighs shakily, pulling back to look over my expression. My bottom lip wobbles as I force a smile.
"You can just call me hot, don't gotta beat around the bush." He rolls his eyes playfully at my poor attempt at flirting, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I don't want you to get sick." I whisper, pushing his shoulder weakly as he protests.
"Ain't going anywhere. Staying right here. Right where I belong, you got that?" The feeling of his fingers brushing through my hair soothes my running mind, my eyes fluttering shut as I nod weakly. "They'll figure out how to help you and then you're never leavin' my sight." His forehead rests against mine as I whisper.
"Yes please." My arms wrap tightly around his bicep, hugging him to me as he sighs, rubbing my chest soothingly as I cough, blood rising in my mouth as I lean over to spit it out onto the ground. "That's so attractive." I mutter sarcastically, leaning into Daryl as he rubs my back with a chuckle.
"Still as beautiful as ever." He coos, his voice ten times softer than I've ever heard it as he presses another kiss to the top of my head. "Just try to breathe, I got you."
Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpc i@joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90@szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna@f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin @abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum @glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets @haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson @heyaitsklaudia @rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @chiyongberry @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Hii! Can i request headcanons of what bakugo will do if he meets someone who is usually different from other girls?
Like ua came in collab with another school, but somehow alot of girls seems to get attached to him but then he meets this one girl who always has headphones on (the reader) and doesnt even care about him?
like if you know stranger things, you know max right? Like the reader is similar to max
[ Ah, yes. More love for my boy Kacchan. I actually don't watch Stranger Things BUT the way you describe this actually reminds me of the Vigilantes manga, specifically Christoper Skyline's wife Pamela. She HATED his guts when they first met, but their love story in Chapter 52 is just so damn adorable <3 I can't stand it. So I'll use that as inspiration to make this because I think it's a super cute concept. ]
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He hated this. Why Yuuei had decided to collaborate with another school was beyond him. He didn't need to form relationships with other heroes, he was gonna be number one regardless of who or what stood in his way. "This is stupid, goddamn it!" he growled, practically foaming at the mouth. "Ah, come on Bakubro!" Eijirou said, trying to be encouraging but his efforts were met with failure.
"I can't stand it! Why is he getting all the hot babes!?" Mineta exclaimed as he watched yet another girl approach Katsuki, confessing their feelings to him or just bluntly telling him how attractive he was. "I don't know, but not all of them are like that," Kaminari said, pointing to you and taking notice of the unusual and slightly oversized headphones you wore.
"Fuck off already!" he snapped at the girl in front of him, thinking nothing of it as he watched her grow teary-eyed before running away. "Pff, dumbass," he commented, crossing his arms. He was about to glance away when he spotted you leaning against a tree with your eyes focused on your phone and your headphones on. 'Who the hell is that and why isn't she crazy like the rest of these extras?' he thought but shrugged it off.
You caught his attention after he had stopped a common thief and girls flocked around him screaming praise. You merely glared at him as you walked by which caused him to grow confused. 'It's that damn girl again...' he thought. 'Just like the last time, I saw you. What the hell is your problem!? Pff...guess I'll have to find out myself!' and with that, he had a new mission.
"What's your damn problem, eh!?" he screamed at you one morning, he had been keeping tabs on you and knew that you woke up before everyone else so that you could take a private walk. However, you looked at him with an eyebrow raised and much like before, continued walking. "Hey dumbass I'm talking to you!" he growled, but his words had little effect on you.
"What the hell will this dumbass plan accomplish!?" he hissed at Eijirou who regrettably was the only one he had mentioned you to. "It'll catch her attention Bakubro! You gotta trust me, I'm the manliest guy around and I know a thing or two about impressing a fine lady!" Katsuki rolled his eyes, but he had no choice but to go along with what Eijirou planned.
Your fist against his cheek was the last thing he expected to feel when he forcibly picked you up and shot the two of you into the air. Eijirou had suggested that the atmosphere may be romantic but it was having the opposite effect and he nearly dropped you when you began squirming and demanding to be put back down.
The collaboration program at Yuuei was coming to an end and Katsuki was still desperate to figure you out. "What's with those damn headphones you're always wearing anyway!?" he questioned one night when he saw you sitting all alone on the porch. You only offered him a shrug in response which made him angrier.
"Why don't you flock to me like those other damn girls and why the hell won't you talk to me!?" he snapped at you during a training exercise, ironically enough you had wound up on the same team and part of him hated that. However, to his surprise, you answered him and he quickly learned how poorly you viewed him. You made it a point that he was nothing but a buffoon and that his actions were anything but heroic.
On the last day of the program, he felt like he had no choice but to walk up to you with a flower in hand. "Here...not that I give a damn what you think about me but since I won't see your damn face again I got you...this stupid flower..." to his surprise a smile come to your face when you proceeded to take the flower and sniff it. His eyes widened as you single-handedly brought him to heel and from that point on, he wanted to be the only one to make you smile.
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Kintober Day 12: Face Riding
SUMMARY// "I'm in the mood for something sweet."
WARNINGS// smut, oral (f receiving), face riding, m masturbation, cursing
AU// roommate!bucky x f!reader
Moodboard by// @samhainduchess
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It was a slow day. Neither of you had to work, so the day had been spent laying in Bucky's bed watching which ever movie sparked interest first.
"I'm hungry." Bucky sighed, running his hands up the sides of your shirt, not lifting his head from your stomach. The contrast of cool metal and warm skin something you had grown use to.
"Wanna cook or order something?" You droned, not looking from the TV as your hands carded into his hair. "I'm in the mood for something sweet." He teased, bunching your shirt up to pepper kisses to your abdomen. Quickly pulling your attention away from the TV. "We just had sex this morning."
He looked at you shocked, slowly wiggling his way down the bed more. "You're saying you don't wanna?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. Fingers hooking under the thin fabric of your underwear to pull them to the side.
"Well, I never said that." You breathed out when he parted your folds with his thumb and forefinger. "She's already wet for me..." Bucky mumbled so low it was mostly to himself as he placed a brisk kiss to your clit to elicit a whimper from you.
"Want you to sit on my face, sugar." He grinned at you as he slipped your underwear down your legs. "Sit? You've got to be crazy." You said with a light laugh, watching him move to lay on his back beside you. "No, I just wanna taste you, sweetness."
Rolling your eyes jokingly at him, you pulled your shirt off. Tossing it to the side as you moved to place your knees on either side of his head.
Bucky leaned his head up to lick a slow stripe through your folds. Moaning at both the sound you made from the action, and the way your arousal flooded his tastebuds.
"C'mon, you're teasing. Sit." He huffed, lifting his hands to hold your backside. Trying to pull you down more. "You've gotta breathe, Buck. I'm not sitt-"
"You're not gonna hurt me, I swear. Now, ride my face." A light slap to the swell of your ass made you yelp in surprise, a shuddered breath passing your lips when you listened to what he said. Carefully letting more of your weight sit against his mouth.
Sleeping with Bucky for the few previous months had been nothing besides mind blowing. Going at it as if both of you had just discovered sex existed, venturing into new things that one or both of you hadn't tried before.
It wasn't anything unusual to have a link sent to you in the midst of work with Bucky asking to try something he'd seen in the video, or for him to test something out halfway through that would have you mewling and holding onto anything you could.
Even now, with something you hadn't tried before and that he had most likely seen in a video somewhere- you quickly found a rhythm with the guidance of his large hands on your hips.
His scruff created a friction against your sensitive skin that made you keen, lips sucking and tugging at your clit as you grinded down against his mouth.
Sticking his tongue out, Bucky looked up at you with blown pupils. A happy hum leaving him when your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging lightly as he feasted between your thighs like it was the last thing he'd ever taste.
The little flicks of his tongue drew you crazy, your pace picking up as wanton moans spilled pass your lips. Feeling like you couldn't get enough of the warm muscle moving through your folds.
You barely registered his hand moving from your hip to slip in the front of his briefs. Too overcome with the pleasure his mouth brought to pay attention to anything else as your slick coated his lips and chin, until you could feel the way his arm was moving.
Looking over your shoulder, your stomach flipped when you saw the way he fisted over himself. Fingers wrapped around his thick shaft as he focused the steady pumps to his tip, using his precum to glide easier against the silky skin.
"Fuck, Bucky-" you gasped out, gripping onto his hair as your hips stuttered. His hold on your ass tightening as he groaned against your cunt, not wanting you to move until you were fully sated.
He nibbled at your sensitive bud lightly, making your body tense as every nerve ending frayed. A cry of his name nearly silent through your huffed out moans as you released against his mouth. The rock of your hips starting to become frantic with every nudge of his nose to your mound. Wanting to prolong the euphoric feeling a little longer.
You hadn't even realized he came until his right hand went back to hold your ass. The bit of his spend that had gotten onto his hand smearing against your skin as he massaged the supple flesh.
Bucky lapped at every bit he could, savoring the way you tasted on his tongue before you slowly started to moved away.
You let out a shaky breath as you laid next to him again, glancing over at the cocky grin that stretched across his glistening lips. "Don't think we're done just yet, dollface."
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mackenzielovee · 2 years
ambivalence blurb: june 30th - rafe cameron
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a/n: everyone's favorite cancer girl's bday ! pls enjoy this , it was so fun to write. as always, let me know what you think! xoxo
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, crying (she's a cancer)
series masterlist
"Shh, gotta be quiet, buddy. Don't wanna wake her up. You got a good grip on those flowers?"
You're laying face-up in your bed, staring at the ceiling and grinning from ear to ear as you listen to Rafe hush Connor from outside the bedroom door. Like a giddy kid on Christmas morning, you close your eyes and pretend to be asleep as you wait for them to come in and get you.
"Yes, Daddy."
"Good. Ready to roll?"
You hear Rafe's footsteps as he enters, even as he attempts to be quiet. Connor grasps onto the cellophane so tight that you can hear it crinkle slightly, but you expertly keep your straight face. Just as you can feel Rafe's presence beside you, he shifts Connor in his arms.
"Get her," he whispers.
Before you know it, Rafe's lightly thrown Connor down onto you, erupting your two-year old in a fit of giggles as he tries to regain himself. You sit up and jokingly gape at Connor, watching as he grins and makes himself comfortable in between your legs on the bed.
"Happy Birthday, Mommy!" he calls out, thrusting the flowers at you.
"Did you just jump on me, you little monster?" you tease him.
He giggles even more when you grab ahold of him, attacking his face with kisses. Rafe sits down beside your legs, allowing one hand to stroke every so softly against your skin peaking out from the comforter.
"Daddy threw me!" he defends.
"He did, huh?"
"No," Rafe cuts in, smiling at you.
"Flowers for you," Connor says, holding them up for you to get a good look at them.
"Oh, my," you smile, taking them from him and noting the way his eyes sparkle just like his dad's when you look at him, "These are beautiful. Did you pick them out?"
"Me and Daddy."
Your eyes flicker up to Rafe, who's smile only widens. You know he had final say in the flower selection, because he'd brought home your favorites. You give him a knowing smile, reaching one hand out for his.
"They're beautiful," you tell them, "Thank you both."
"Hey, little man, where's the card you made?" Rafe asks Connor.
Connor's face falls, "Uh-oh."
You laugh and so does Rafe, who pulls his hand from yours and then lifts Connor off the bed and to the floor.
"Go grab it," Rafe says, clearing his throat when Connor starts to run, "Walk, please."
"Okay," Connor grunts, stalking out of the room.
You smile as you watch him go, letting your hand find Rafe's once more. He leans in and presses a firm kiss to your cheek, taking his time pulling back.
"Happy Birthday, baby," he whispers.
"Thank you."
You bring your hand up to his chin and pull him in, pressing his lips to yours without wasting any time. His other hand finds its way around you, as it always does, and pulls you closer to him. He pulls back after a moment and trails his kisses from the corner of your mouth, across your jawline, and down to your neck.
"Rafe, he's gonna-"
"Got it!"
Connor comes speeding into your bedroom holding his folded, red piece of construction paper up in the air. Rafe exhales against your neck and then pulls back slowly, not even turning to Connor before he speaks.
"No running, squirt," he sighs, scooping Connor up and bringing him onto the bed once more.
"Sorry, Daddy," he mumbles, then turns to you, "Here, Mommy."
You take the card from him and find three stick figures drawn on the front of it; one is clearly Rafe, the middle is you, due to the long hair and the dress, and the third is Connor, drawn significantly shorter than the two of you.
"Oh, Connor, this is great," you grin, "What's going on here?"
You point to the spot between you and Rafe; a group of messy lines difficult to make out what he was picturing in his head.
"Daddy's holdin' your hand," he explains.
Your grin widens and you look to Rafe, who's shaking his head and biting the inside of his cheek to hide a smile. At the bottom of the card, Connor had written something, and you're sure he was assisted by Rafe given how neat it is.
Happy Birthday, Mommy. I love you. Connor
"Thank you, baby," you say, grabbing ahold of him and pulling him close.
"Welcome," he cheers.
"Tell Mommy what we've been doing," Rafe encourages, poking Connor's belly.
Connor's grin widens, arms adjusting around your neck as he clings to you.
"We made breakfast," he says.
"You did?"
Connor nods, smile still prevalent on his lips. Rafe's fingertips brush against your leg as he strokes up and down, the feeling of his skin on your own something both of you swear you'll never be completely used to.
"And," Rafe continues, "Connor packed his own bag for tonight."
"I'll show you," Connor says, making his way off the bed once more.
You move to object, but Rafe shakes his head over him and helps him down, reminding him once more to walk and not run in the house. Once Connor's out of the room, Rafe refuses to waste a single second. He practically pounces on you, his body forcing you to make room for him between your legs as he starts kissing you. You smile against his lips and tug him closer by the neckline of his shirt, unable to contain a small groan from crawling up your throat.
"I love that kid," Rafe mumbles out against your mouth, "But, if Scott is one minute late picking him up, I'm taking him over there myself."
You laugh, "Rafe, come on."
"M'serious," he says, pausing his words to kiss you once, twice more, "We haven't been alone in a while. I need time with you. For my sanity."
You giggle against his mouth and press another chaste kiss to his lips; you yourself hoping Connor doesn't return too quick because of how good it feels.
"Your sanity?" you question.
He kisses you again, then pulls back only an inch, "Yes. You look beautiful."
You shake your head at his lie but revel in the words anyway, pulling him down to kiss you. Both of you continue, counting down the seconds, and stopping when you hear Connor grunt in the doorway.
"Heavy," he whines.
Rafe sits up and gives you a look, then stands from the bed and walks to Connor. He picks the boy and the bag up in one stroke, tossing Connor over his shoulder and tossing the bag on the bed.
"Wow, Connor, this looks great," you praise him.
He beams from where Rafe had placed him, "Packed my toothbrush, too."
"I'm proud of you," you tell him, taking his chin between your fingers and watching him smile.
"Come on, little man, let's show Mommy to breakfast," Rafe announces. He picks up Connor once more, then holds his hand out for your own.
You smile and climb out of bed with them, the scent of coffee already detected by your starved body.
"And you'll make sure he goes down right at seven? He gets grumpy otherwise-"
"Y/N, he's my nephew. I know."
"I'm just saying, I'd feel guilty if you had to deal with his grumpy side tomorrow. And Blue, he can't sleep without Blue-"
"Oh, my God," Scott groans, already ready to leave his sister on her birthday, "You realize I know almost everything there is to know about him, right? Relax. I'm not going to let anything happen to him and this weekend is going to be fun for both of us."
"I know, I just-"
"I get it," he stops you, "You should've let Rafe take you somewhere this weekend. You worry about Connor too much."
You cross your arms over your chest, defensive at your his accusation, "No, I don't."
Scott laughs, looking over your shoulder to find Rafe leading Connor out of the guest house by hand. Connor's bag hangs off his shoulder and he's dressed like a frat boy ready to play golf at the Club.
"Yes, you do," Scott pushes, "But, I get it. He's the cutest fucking kid I've ever seen."
"Language," you scowl.
"Shut up," he grunts, "Just relax and have fun this weekend. We're all pretending you two aren't in town, so enjoy it."
"Call if you need to, though," you assure him.
"Uncle Scott!"
Scott just nods to confirm he heard what you said, then squats down and picks up the always-running Connor from the ground. Scott throws Connor's bag into the back of his car, then tickles his stomach and asks how he's doing.
"I set the car seat up already," you whisper to Rafe, who's standing behind you with his hands on your hips.
"Good," he replies, then adds, "Sweetheart, could you not have that expression on your face when you're about to spend the weekend alone with me? It's a little discouraging."
You laugh but frown, watching Connor be so happy and content with Scott as they converse. Having to separate from him always feels like a punch in the gut, no matter how much alone time is necessary.
"It's not you and you know it," you mumble.
"I do," he nods, pulling you tighter against his back, "He's going to be fine."
"Bye, Mommy," Connor waves from Scott's arms.
You step forward and plant a kiss on his cheek, "Bye, baby. Have fun."
"Happy Birthday," he smiles.
"Thanks, handsome. Call if you miss us, okay?"
Connor nods and you watch Scott strap him into his car seat. When he's done, he turns and gives you a hug.
"Happy Birthday, Y/N," he says.
"Thanks," you reply, "Thank you for watching him."
"Mom and Dad will be there, too," he reminds you, "They tell me I could handle him on my own, but I know they're lying."
He gives you a wink, then steps to open the driver's side door. You laugh and wave, blowing a kiss to Connor through the windshield. Rafe waves over your shoulder, returning to his close proximity to you.
You both watch the car disappear from sight; Rafe resting his head on your shoulder to whisper in your ear.
"You sure you don't want to go anywhere this weekend?" he asks, "I can book us last minute tickets. Anywhere you want."
"No," you say gently, "I don't want to be far if he needs something."
Rafe nods, "I understand."
"Plus," you say, turning around in his welcoming arms to face him, "I really just want to spend time with you, and we can do that anywhere."
"Well, then I'm a fool if I don't take you inside right now, huh?" he teases.
You nod, "Very much so."
He grins and laces his fingers through yours, tugging you back to the guest house to get the alone time he's so desperate for.
He pulls you down onto his lap the second the couch is in view; smiling widely when you straddle him and run your hands through his hair. You'd failed to notice before, but he'd gotten himself dressed, too. He's in a collared shirt and shorts, hair done up to look nice for you on your birthday. It makes you, in leggings and his shirt, look lazy.
"Did you get all dressed for me, Cameron?" you ask, exploring his blue eyes with yours.
"Have to look nice for my girl on her birthday," he says, leaning up to kiss your lips before pulling back, "Gonna wear the tie tonight."
"Your 'Y/N's birthday, our wedding' tie?" you tease him.
"That would be the one," he nods, his voice dropping low as his eyes zero in on your lips, "Come here, please."
Sooner rather than later, Rafe has you laying on your back on the couch, pressing his kisses into every inch of skin he can reach. Currently, he's got your (his) shirt pulled up, laying kiss after kiss on your stomach.
"Baby," he sighs, halting his actions for a moment, "Can I tell you my plan for the day?"
You hum and nod, feeling blissful, "Yes."
"Okay," he presses one more kiss on top of your navel, "We'll have sex here, then in the kitchen, then I'll get you a snack. Then we'll have sex in our room, I'll make some tea, you can open your presents, we'll have sex on the couch again. Then, I'll take you to dinner on the mainland and stare at you all night, then bring you home and we'll have sex again before you fall asleep. How does that sound?"
You can feel your insides turn at the thought, at the proposed perfect day with Rafe. Smiling and cradling his head in your hands, you pull him up so he's face to face with you.
"I have presents?" you tease.
He rolls his eyes, "Of course you have presents."
You giggle and bring his lips down to yours, and when you pull back, he notes something different in your eyes. It's gentle, loving, happy. Even as you stare at him, you can't believe you get to keep him forever. Your thumb runs across his cheek gently and he smiles.
"That sounds like the perfect day," you whisper, "Thank you."
"Don't thank me, sweetheart. It's the same plan I have for my birthday. Just so you know."
You laugh and kiss him again, "I think we can make that happen."
He hums contently, hands beginning to roam your body as he grows impatient.
"I'm gonna get to work now," he warns you, climbing back down your body.
You grin, "Thanks for the warning."
Hours later, you find yourself naked under your comforter, checking your phone for the millionth time just in case. Scott had sent you a picture an hour ago of Connor holding up an ice cream cone (chocolate, his favorite), and smiling widely. The ice cream was all over his mouth and his shirt, but the picture quickly made its way into your heart and is now your new lock screen.
Rafe enters your bedroom with a mug full of tea for you and a claw clip between his fingers. You smile and sit up, watching him walk over.
"Here you go, sweetheart," he says softly as he hands you the mug, then gestures for you to spin.
Putting your hair into your clip is something he'd been practicing doing for you; having failed miserably the first few times when he failed to get one or two strands into it. You indulge him and spin around in the bed, feeling him gently gather up your hair and then slide the clip into place. You're surprised immediately, and you let it show.
"You're getting better," you smile.
"Figure it's something I should know," he shrugs, "If we ever have that girl we've been talking about."
Your smile only widens as you scoot over and gesture for him to join you in your bed. He holds up a finger, as if to tell you to wait a minute, then hurries out of the room. You sip from your mug while he's gone, tapping the screen of your phone and smiling down at Connor's picture.
He returns with two wrapped boxes in his hands. One is large and one is smaller. You sit up straight out of curiosity, widening your eyes at him slightly. You can tell Rose wrapped them - she wraps everything he gets for you because he gets too frustrated when he tries to do it himself.
"Now," he says, placing the packages down on the bed and then setting his hands on his hips, "Since I'm a Dad, do I have to tell you that these are from me and Connor, even though he had nothing to do with them?"
You grin, "No. You'll get all the credit, I promise."
He laughs, then gestures for you to scoot over so he can join you. His face meets the crook of your neck instantly, pressing open mouthed kisses into your skin.
"Control yourself, would you?" you tease.
"No," he grunts.
After a minute, he retreats, taking the mug from your hands and setting it on his nightstand before he hands you the big box.
"You really didn't have to-"
"I had to get my wife presents on her birthday, Y/N. That's how it works. Open."
You shake your head but smile, tugging at the neatly placed gold bow at the top. He watches with admiration and excitement as you get down to the gift, gasp escaping your lips when you see it.
A few months ago, you'd dragged Rafe and Connor to the mainland to shop for new clothes for Connor, since he seemed to be growing quick. The three of you passed by a Kate Spade store and you'd gawked at this purse through the window. Knowing you couldn't and wouldn't spend that kind of money on the bag, you had walked away from it. When Rafe asked you if you wanted to go inside, you just shook your head.
"You remembered?" you question him, lifting it out of the box to get a better look at it.
"I went back the next day and bought it," he confesses.
"Rafe, this is too expensive-"
He groans, "I set aside money for your birthday every year, sweetheart. I had plenty to buy it. Don't even worry about it. Do you like it?"
"I-" you stop and stare again, then look up at him, "Of course I do. Thank you."
He kisses your forehead and hums contently, "You're welcome."
You watch him pick up the other box, the smaller box, and hand it over. He moves the purse and the trash from the wrapping out of your way and you thank him quietly. Inside is a small black box, and when you open it, you know exactly what his intention was when he purchased it. It's a 'C' charm, meant to be added to the necklace he gave you for Christmas years ago with his first initial on it.
"Oh, my goodness," you smile.
"We'll both be close to your heart, now."
Demanding no tears, you shift so you're on his lap, kissing him with no real intention to stop. He laughs through the short kisses, pulling you back after a moment.
"So, you like it?" he clarifies with a smirk.
"I love it, Rafe."
"Good," he grins.
He lets you continue your kisses until both of your lips are swollen, and he grins when you pull back, knowing you're too wrapped up in him to notice the third, little box on his nightstand.
"Thank you for the presents," you whisper.
"You're welcome, baby. I'm glad you like them," he replies.
You watch him smile, which makes you smile, then turn his head to his nightstand. Your eyebrows furrow when you notice the box next to your half consumed mug full of tea.
"Oh shit," he swears, "I must have forgotten about this one. But, I mean, if you're already satisfied with your presents, then-"
"Rafe Cameron," you warn him, "What in the world is that?"
He grins, loving how he gets to tease you, "I mean, it was your third present. I'll return it, though, it's not a big deal."
You bite your lip to hide a smile, silently debating grabbing it as you run out of the room or playing into his game.
"Three presents?" you question.
"This one's my favorite," he says with a nod, "Would you like to open it?"
"I would."
"Hmm," he hums, "Okay, birthday girl. Give me a kiss first."
Eagerly, you comply. He smiles against your lips, hand already fishing around for the box on the nightstand blindly. When he grabs it, he holds it up between the two of you.
"Thank you," you say.
He leans up and presses a kiss to your cheek.
"No tears," he whispers against your skin before he pulls back.
Your eyebrows furrow as a new sense of curiosity and slight anxiety swirl around in your stomach. You genuinely have no idea what that warning means, but a part of you can't wait to find out.
Your hands quickly discover another black box similar to the one Connor's charm had been in. When you pull back the lid, with one final glance at Rafe, you swallow.
"Rafe, what is this?" you ask, your voice hoarse.
"That would be a key, sweetheart," he laughs sarcastically.
He sits up when you move from his lap, staring down at the box with a serious expression as you settle in between his legs, but no longer within his reach.
"Rafe," you repeat his name, seeming to be the only word you can find. You know what this is, but you need him to tell you.
He sighs, placing his hand on your extended knee, "I found us a house. It has an office for you and a spare bedroom for our second, and a spare bedroom for our third, if we go there. It has a porch and a pool and you'll love the kitchen. And, it's only fifteen minutes from both of our parents', so they can babysit without it being a pain in the ass. You can read and drink coffee on the porch while I corral the kids, and we can have family dinners in an actual dining room."
When he stops, you realize you haven't looked up from the key once. What it represents, what it means to you, it's bigger than just a gold key. It's the rest of your life.
He watches you swallow again, this time it's to prevent tears from coming. Happy ones, ones that would show him exactly what all the work he's put in to find you the perfect house means to you.
"I'd really love it if you said something right now, sweetheart," he says with a chuckle.
You look up at him and just stare, letting him read how you feel just by your expression. He smiles and gestures for you to come to him again. You waste no time doing so.
"Rafe," you repeat, voice full of emotion, "I can't believe - a house?"
He laughs, "Yeah. I haven't put anything down yet in case you hate it, but I don't think you will."
"I don't think I will, either."
Your arms wrap around his neck as you cuddle into his chest, mind running wild as you picture the extra space, the ability to extend your family, to give Rafe the second child he wants to badly. One of your tears falls from your eye to his bare chest, but neither of you acknowledges it.
"We can go see it tomorrow, if you want," he murmurs.
"I do want that," you say, pulling off of him to look at him, "I can't believe you. You're so sneaky."
His grin makes your entire birthday.
"I was hoping I'd surprise you," he replies.
You press your lips to his, then lay down on top of him to make a more permanent arrangement. He adjusts quickly and effortlessly, making sure you're comfortable without even having to ask.
"One day, I'm going to get you a gift that makes you so speechless and happy," you promise, making a mental note to put extra thought into his birthday gifts this year.
He laughs against your head, "Baby, you already did that."
"What do you mean?"
"You married me."
Your eyes flutter closed under his words, unable to believe he's yours forever. He doesn't even question when you climb back up his chest, grinding your hips slightly into his.
"I love you," you remind him.
"I love you, too," he says, and when you continue your actions, he halts you, "Uh-uh. Go get your sexy self ready for dinner. I want to hurry up and get home so I can have you all to myself for the rest of the night."
You grin, "Well-"
"No," he says immediately, "We're not having Chinese takeout on your birthday. I'm taking you to dinner. Go on."
You pout and beg for one more kiss, which he obliges. When you climb out of the bed, he extends his hand to slap your ass as you hurry off to the bathroom. He follows you, of course he does, knowing you two only have a few more opportunities to shower together left in this house before you move in to your permanent home.
Tags: @lovedetlost @valeriiecameron @lurkymurker @scenesofobx @mardema @girlsneedloovee @red-wine06 @itsalexwin @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @witchwyfe @malums-trash-can @emotionalbruv @parkerreidnorth @milkiane @rafecameronswhore @kotzmagoatz @wanniiieeee @kookkyra @sarahwasfound @lilgoddesshines @proactivetypeofperson @abrunettefangirlnerd @the-chaotic-cow @absolute-fcking-chaos @kaatelyyynn @jordynsharum @anonymousobxfan @premixed-margarita @princesspogue @gasolinesavages @outlaw-abby @samcaniglia @marveloussensations @dr3aming0utl0udx @thisisthewayrose @iammirrorball @r0und3bitch @thesimpletype @fashphotolife @notdisneychannel @gillybear17 @solllaris @lilacsandwhiskey @i-is-for-inspiring @sksliz @drewstarkey @luversgirl
*if you would like to be added/removed from my taglist at any time, please send me an ask!
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worksby-d · 3 years
An Everyone Thinks It Oneshot
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Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader
Summary: Traveling with your son to visit Chris while he works proves to be stressful, even more so because there's a secret you've been keeping.
Warnings: RPF, pregnancy symptoms, dad!Chris, very soft!
Word count: ~1,100
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Finally making it to the set Chris is filming on, you spot him in the distance where he said he'd be waiting for you guys and quickly point him out to your son. You're hoping he'll calm down a little now that you're here and he can see his dad, so you let him run ahead of you.
Chris' mom was kind enough to travel with you so you weren't corralling a 5-year-old through airports and on planes alone. But it still proved to be difficult between having to keep reminding him to sit still, and to talk quietly, and to not roll his eyes at you when he didn't want to listen.
Catching up a couple seconds later, Chris' face lights up seeing you, and you put on the best smile you can muster as you watch him continue to squeeze your son in a bear hug.
“I gotta say ‘hi’ to mom and grandma too, pal,” he whispers, setting him back on the ground. And it’s your turn to feel his arms around you, a feeling you haven't felt for almost a month. “Hi, sweetheart.”
“Hi,” you breathe out, melting into his embrace, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too,” he says, but he can tell by the quietness of your voice that you're holding something back. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You shake your head and pull away enough to give him a quick kiss. It’s clear he doesn't believe you, but he lets it go for the time being, reluctantly letting go of you to move onto his mom.
“Is she lying to me?” His question comes out quietly as he hugs Lisa. “What happened?”
“That son of yours was a little rambunctious on the way here,” she shrugs and laughs a little. “I think she's just had a lot on her plate the last couple weeks, and a long travel day didn't help that. She really needs this time to relax.”
“Okay,” he nods, backing out of her embrace. “I'm gonna take her to my trailer for a bit if that’s okay. You can let him run out some energy,” he chuckles, pointing to the child who’s already doing so. “Come find us in a little while.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Reaching the confines of his trailer, you completely break down, curling up on his small sofa. All he can do is sit next to you and wait for you to be able to tell him what's going on.
Feeling his hand on your back as he pulls you closer, your tears begin to cease. But he makes it difficult again when he starts apologizing for not being around as much as he wants to be lately.
“No,” you manage to croak, lifting your head off his shoulder to assure him. “That's not it. You don't have to apologize for working.”
“Then what is it?”
Wiping the tears from your cheeks with the sleeves of your sweatshirt, you reach to the floor for your backpack, digging through it to find a picture to pass to Chris.
His eyes about bug out of his head and you can't help but laugh. “Nothing’s wrong. I'm just fucking exhausted and I cry over everything lately.”
“Honey…” He glances up quickly at you before looking back at the ultrasound in his hands. “Holy shit.”
“This wasn't how I was going to tell you–”
“No, oh God.” He places the picture in his lap and pulls you back in for a tight hug. “It’s okay. Wow. Wait–” You feel him freeze for a moment. “We're happy about this, right?”
“Well, I am,” you smile. “Yeah.”
“Good, okay,” he laughs out of relief, gently pushing you away enough to look at you. “Good. But okay…” He picks the ultrasound back up. “You gotta tell me what I'm looking at here. I have absolutely no clue.”
“Right,” you laugh. “So uh,” you ponder, looking at it again. “I mean, that's them there,” you point to what looks like a blob in the center. “Nothing else on here really means anything.”
“It looks like a… baby,” he chuckles, surprised at how clear it is compared to the early ultrasound from your last pregnancy.
“Well, no. It looks like an alien,” you joke. “But yeah, I'm 11 weeks already.”
“Eleven– Already? When did you find out?”
“Just like two weeks ago, and I just had this done the other day actually, so I guess I’m almost 12 weeks now,” you explain. “I've been so busy, I didn't even notice anything was off…”
“Wow,” he smiles, still just marveling at the black and white blob, but his expression turns into a playful cringe as he looks back up at you. “I can't believe I got you pregnant again.”
“You're very good at it, apparently,” you tease.
You get a couple more minutes of cuddling together before his mom is knocking at the door, and you rush to hide the ultrasound in your sweatshirt pocket before telling her to come in.
Your son makes a beeline straight for Chris’ lap, giving him another hug. “I'm hungry,” he blurts out as he unwraps his arms from around his neck, making you all laugh.
“Buddy,” Chris hangs his head in faux hurt. “I haven't seen you in weeks and that's what you have to say to me?”
He doesn't give him a chance to respond before he's tickling him, reducing him to giggles. But he lets up so he can get serious with him.
“Your mom told me you weren't listening very well to her or grandma when you were on the plane…” An evident look of guilt washes over his small face. “Should you maybe tell them both you're sorry?”
He nods, so Chris prompts him to start with his grandma, telling him to make sure to give her a hug. And when he returns to his lap, he guides his gaze to you. “Now mom.”
“I'm sorry, mama,” he speaks softly, and you can tell he means it, at least as much as a 5-year-old can mean something.
“I forgive you,” you smile, reaching for him. “Come here.”
He squeezes his arms snuggly around you like Chris taught him. But he's quick to lose interest in the serious moment. “Can we eat now?”
“Yeah, we can eat now, silly.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Tag list: @chris-butt @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @princess-evans-addict @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @bluemusickid @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @flovds @starlightcrystalline @stargazingfangirl18 @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @jason-evans @cevansrogerss @dilfbarber @livstilinski
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