#you guys need to leave deku alone too
bicheetopuff · 1 month
Y’all are getting annoying with all of this hate. This chapter didn’t go the way you wanted it to so you start calling hori a terrible writer? You start saying it’s disgraceful? Are you for real?
Why’re we acting like the story is over? Was there a “the end” somewhere that I missed? Was there a conformation that Shigaraki was completely dead that I also missed? You guys are right that there are some things that didn’t make sense and that it felt a little rushed and how Nanas connection with Shigaraki was off screened but, we still have chances to see all of that.
The thing with Nana might come up with All Might and Gran Torino incase y’all forgot that he’s apart of that whole thing. There could a flashback for Tomura Shigaraki: Rising. Shigaraki could manifest overhaul and put himself back together.
Here’s the thing though, Deku was never motivated to save Shigaraki, he wanted to save the crying child inside of him. AFO was rewinding his age every time he died for like 30 fucking chapters, are you really convinced that he didn’t make sure Shigaraki, his vessel/escape goat, didn’t have the same quirk just incase? Wouldn’t it come full circle for Shigaraki to come out of this as young Tenko? Wouldn’t that even make MORE sense than Deku trying to save someone that’s already too far gone physically? Shigaraki was literally falling apart, wtf was Deku gonna do? Glue him back together? Stop punching him while he was still possessed and trying to kill him and others?
Why is this fandom always mad when Deku does anything? Some people are saying he didn’t have any emotional investment in Shigaraki and that he didn’t show emotion when he died but, we haven’t even gotten the chance to see his reaction yet. The last page he’s super far away and facing away from the camera, how tf do you know he’s not upset? How do you know he’s not looking at Tenko right now?
All of this to say, can y’all just be patient for once? Wait a few chapters before you start literally wishing death on Hori for writing something that didn’t please you in a shonen manga. At this point, some of you need to just drop the series if it’s gonna get under your skin this much. I’m really tired of defending this fandom and being associated with it when y’all are being this outrageous. Some of you need to start thinking and reflecting after you read rather than just go straight to your keyboard and start throwing metaphorical rocks into Horikoshis metaphorically online window.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
My fav Bnha characters with a crush teehee
Have probs done this b4 butttt lol these look rlly long ngl
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Katsuki is kinda disgusted with himself. He hates all that lovey dovey bullshit and he always told himself he wouldn’t end up falling in love like the shitty old hag, but here he is being a lovesick moron. Katsuki is not known for being subtle, you’d have to be a special kind of moron to not notice he’s totally head over heels. Even if he wouldn’t describe it in those words, he totally is. He has very complicated feelings about the fact he likes you, wanting to focus on his hero training but you make it so difficult for him with your stupid smile that he loves hates so much. However he’s aware of how happy you make him feel, so he’s willing to set it aside, it must be a good thing you make him feel so good, right? It’s strange, but he will find himself showing off more when your around, trying to prove to you specifically he’s gonna be the best hero. In training he works extra hard if you happen to be around or happen to even be watching, he may even start competitions with class 1A just to prove himself to you. Whether it’s dumb competitions like racing in the pool or even school related competitions such as, who’s got the best grades, this nerd absolutely shows off around you. He wants you to think he’s cool, that he will one day be the best. But he also tries to leave subtle … hints he likes you. Even though it’s obvious already, he’s been given the impression that he isn’t totally obvious. He shows his interest in you in other ways, but I will mention he has an extreme jealousy problem even before you are even dating. This is typically of people that are “stronger” than him, so todoroki and deku. However he might get that jealousy if say, kaminari flirted with you. Other ways of actually showing interest though is that he’s actually nice to you, though he shows it in ways that can go unnoticed. If your forgetful he always makes sure he has an extra water bottle with him, or anything else you may need he just says he happens to have. Or perhaps you need help studying or even with homework, he just says kirishima happened to pick a different study buddy that day, so you and him can study together. And kirishima, as the ultimate wingman, insists you two should study more often… alone… and the main thing that gives him away! Blushing! Oh man, if he isn’t the most obvious guy in the universe because of that red face! He can blame it on the cold, he can blame it on how hot it is out, he can blame it on his quirk, or that he’s angry, he is always red faced when you’re too close. If you’ve ever seen amity blight blush, it’s exactly like that. He stares at you in class with this soft expression that is almost never seen on his face, and if he is to ever be caught he simply turns away as fast as possible, wide eyed and blushing. You’ll find that bakugou believes in your strength, so he’s protective in battle a reasonable amount, only if you’re truly in deep shit. When he’s more comfortable with being your friend, he takes you out on hiking trips and just hanging out with you, and sometimes kirishima. The entire class of 1A knows about his little crush though so it makes it extremely hard for him to keep it a secret lol, he’s constantly paranoid somebody told you.
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Oh man if you thought katsuki was bad, izuku is on another level of being obvious with his feelings. The boy truly wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s not even something he’s aware of at first, he just thinks your good looking like … wow way more attractive than anyone he’s ever met! You’re a good friend, with an interesting quirk and yes his notes on you are a lot longer than even kacchans and maybe he draws you a lot, maybe he draws moments where you looked really breathtaking and maybe he thinks about you before he goes to bed and when he wakes up in the morning and yes maybe he dreams about you too and overthinks everything you say to him and maybe he rambles about you an unreasonable amount to his friends but… oh man he… he likes you doesn’t he? And once he realizes, it gets even worse because now he’s just blushing at you and he looks like he’s gonna pass out everytime ochako mentions the fact he hasn’t confessed yet and he’s just dying on the spot. Boy talks faster than Eminem can rap whenever she mentions him having a crush especially if you happen to be there for the conversation. Tends to ramble around you a lot, just about random things and everyone is just like “oh god not this again” you have to be oblivious to not notice. Izuku tends to worry about you a lot, so he always checks up on you after training to make sure you didn’t get too hurt, and don’t even get him started when it comes to you going on missions, he worries so much when you’re fighting villains. Now he knows how his mother feels. Izuku tends to be clingy around his crush, so he tends to ask you to hang out quite often, whether it’s hanging out or even studying or even fighting together against some villain he likes being around you and likes making sure that you’re safe when it comes down to it. He tends to have very obvious slip ups that he likes you, voice cracks then correcting himself or perhaps coughing way too loudly when he tries to do an ahem cough, bumping into you and tripping, he’s so clumsy around you. Probably accidentally calls you pretty. He’s just… such a mess man.
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Hawks is not experienced with romance, while many can agree he’s a good looking guy that has many people flocking towards him, he was never that interested in dating until you showed around. Honestly, could’ve seen him being aromantic before meeting you, lol. So since he’s never experienced romantic feelings, it’s going to take him a little longer than it should to realize his feelings. However he does show signs of taking a special liking to you beforehand, that even he doesn’t understand at the time. He hates the idea of people looking at you the wrong way, perhaps to court you. He assumes this is because he senses they’re potentially dangerous and as a good friend of yours, he’s just looking out for you. After all, he’s naturally protective of you in battles with villains, even if you can protect yourself. Sure he’s not protective especially of endeavor or miruko, but that’s just because he’s not as close with them as he is with you! He doesn’t feel his heart beat faster around his other friends, but he assumes it must be something else, maybe there’s something making him nervous, or maybe he’s just simply excited to be around you! Sure he doesn’t blush around anyone else when they compliment him, but that’s because it means a lot knowing a close friend thinks about him in such a way! For awhile, keigo comes up with many reasons to justify his feelings towards you until miruko and endeavor make him realize he’s being a total moron right now. Upon realizing his feelings, he’s not completely sure how to go about it, but he starts by trying to make it known he likes you. He’s subtle with his flirts, but once he puts his toes in the water to see if your comfortable with him flirting, he dips his whole foot in. At that point, people just think you two are dating with how casual he is with his newfound flirtatious personality when you enter the picture. Upon realizing his feelings he becomes 10x more protective and kinda already acts like a boyfriend by bringing you lunch to work and taking you to cafes and literal dates and stupid shit like that, lmao.
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Aizawa I imagine having very few crushes in his lifetime, and has dates with even less people than that. Because of this inexperience even in his age, he’s not quite sure how to go about his feelings initially. Mic and midnight are extremely annoying about how obvious he is, as well. Aizawa is extremely protective of you, given his experience with his students, it’s only natural he grows protective of you and worries for your safety. Whether you’re a hero or not, he’s going to worry for you. Other than that, the way he shows he cares for you is different with you than it is with his friends. He’s good at listening to you and remembers very small things about you that maybe he wouldn’t remember with other people, he remembers very small details. Perhaps something as small as your favorite coffee even if you don’t like coffee that much. I imagine him fearing if his students ever found out he liked you, what kinda hell that would be. Dealing with them teasing him and potentially telling you, but he truly can’t help but be obvious at times. He stares at you longer than he should, even smiles at you longingly when he thinks you aren’t looking. He looks like a lovesick kitty. Generally reserved in his attraction to you, keeping to himself and hoping he can find some hints you return the feelings before initiating anything. However, he’s always been relatively stupid with romance so this takes awhile for him to even figure out and he has a habit of overthinking everything you say to him and is often left wondering what your intentions truly are with him. When you two spend time together, he likes doing things with you he’d never do with anyone else. Likes you playing and doing his hair, and watching movies and such, your hangouts often feel like dates even when you aren’t dating. So when the time does come you two date, it feels as though nothing has changed. He with trust you whole heartedly, if you aren’t a teacher at UA he is introducing his students to you, his co workers, and especially Eri, all the people who are important in his life but does it in such a way that feels casual and natural. He has a way of not making his crush known if your oblivious enough. However, a part of him that feels like he shouldn’t tell you how he feels come from a place of worrying for your safety and the people that may come after you. He will learn to trust you and your strength, he’s just a worried dad.
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Miruko is a bold and brave lady, however even she’s never had much experience with love. Being way too determined to become a hero, it hasn’t given her much time to really experience romance aside from hookups. She decided it was a waste of time, but as one of the top heroes, she understands she can have both things in her life. If she cares to, anyway. And upon meeting you had come to the conclusion she would love to have both things. Miruko is a very confident woman so you will find she wastes no time in approaching you with her feelings. This is, when she realizes them. Due to her being new to it, it takes her a bit to realize it. But after a couple months of knowing you she figure it out. The way she feels compelled to buy you stuff despite not knowing you for that long, the need to protect you from danger even when you can protect yourself just fine, the strange need to wrap her strong arms around you, it all connects to her eventually. Upon realizing the feelings she’s gained she is very flirtatious and makes her intentions with you very clear. She doesn’t like wasting time. You will find though that despite how bold she is, if you flirt back she gets a little shy sometimes. This is a rare occurrence, but it happens! She can be a softie too yknow? She is physically affectionate with you, casually wrapping an arm around your shoulder when you two are talking, whispering in your ear a lot and getting close and personal when she really doesn’t have to. She loves inviting you over to hang with her for games and such, it already feels like you two are a couple even when you aren’t. It’s only a matter of time before she officially asks you out. You may find that during your hangouts she tries to impress you with her strength and tends to brags about her accomplishments. You’ll also find she dresses nicer and even wears makeup occasionally. Her flirtations with you are different than with her hookups too, compliments on how cute you are rather than how hot you are. She wants you to know you mean something to her as well, so on occasion she tells you that you mean the world to her.
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Dabi has not experienced romance, ever. Hookups aren’t in his life either. Dabi had been set on one thing and one thing only, revenge. You’d have to be a real special one for him to be attracted to you, but no matter how special you are it will not deter him from his original plan. He didn’t plan on pursuing you in anyway, but he’s selfish at heart and can’t help himself. He may not try to pursue you romantically but he will try his absolute hardest to form a strong bond between you two. It may take awhile to be vulnerable with you but it will absolutely happen while you two are friends, he will be extremely open with you. He’s open about being touya early in your friendship to show he trusts you whole heartedly, to show he thinks you’re like nobody else he’s met. He would know his feelings, despite the complete lack of experience in dating. He just knows. He looks at you and thinks, you’re the one for him. Out of everyone on this list, he’s one of the more protective ones. I’d say the most if it wasn’t for toga, tbh. You will find he’s around you a lot, like just because he’s so protective but also because he likes to be around you. He cares for you and likes your company. You remind him of the good parts of home, you bring back his humanity. Dabi makes no moves on you, despite how strong his feelings are for you and how aware he is of his feelings. He’s scared to form a relationship, in fear it will go to shit and knowing he’d hurt you, knowing his plan of revenge will end in his death. He’d never want to put you through that. He spends much of his time hanging out with you and it feels like the two of you have been best friends forever. He tends to joke with you and be sarcastic, but always being one that’s there for you when you need it and even give you advice. He’s a true friend but he’s scared to be something more.
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Toga is truly the most obsessive and protective, the closest you get to a yandere. She grows feelings almost automatically, because she feels as though she sees you for who you are right away. She feels like she’s known you forever, she knows she likes you the more she wants to steal some of your blood and become you. If you’re okay with an overbearing insane girl on your side, she’s the lady for you! She acts like she’s known you forever, even if you’re complete strangers. There is no filter with toga, and she acts like you’re already best friends when you aren’t. And when her romantic feelings become apparent, she makes those feelings very apparent and that she wants something more with you. She tends to get up in your face a lot when talking, with a blush on her cheeks, it’s just because she loves being so close to you! Flirting with you and calling you her darling or her love is a common occurrence, even when you two aren’t even a couple yet. She worries for you a lot and is very protective, and after twices demise this protective nature becomes 10x worse. She’s clingy and constantly cuddling to your side, holding your arm or your hand. She has no shame in you knowing her feelings, she just hopes you will stop being so shy and tell her how you feel too! She will absolutely murder for you too just to add onto her yanderish tendencies, not that I don’t think every villain would do that for you though, lol. Also, the moment you meet her she’s inviting you to the league of villains without a doubt. You’re a part of her little weird family now, no questions asked. You become extremely important to her and how she approaches life from then on. (You could actually help her become a decent person if you were aiming to be a hero. You hold so much power by being the object of her affection, lol).
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Shigaraki is determined to destroy the entire world and everyone in it, but even he has feelings. He has feelings towards the league, secretly (or not so secretly) seeing them as his found family. And you, well, in his eyes you are also family but you’re also special to him even in comparison to the league. He isn’t aware of what his feelings towards you are for the longest time, even after the advice kurogiri had given him. He now relies on spinner to give him proper advice, who tells him he feels romantically towards you. Shigaraki is naturally a protective person when it comes to you, not liking anyone getting too close and personal with you, even spinner and toga sometimes. He’s lost a lot and he’s not willing to lose you too especially to some loser that doesn’t deserve you. He’s easily jealous and he’s also easily paranoid you could find somebody else. In his mind, he knows you deserve more than him and the possibility of you ending up with anyone that isn’t him is almost too much to bare. Even if he knows you deserve more, he’s selfish to his core. He likes to play games with you and treats you like a longtime friend, he consistently works on your relationship to make sure he keeps your bond going at all times. He enjoys being close to you and would like to keep it that way and maintaining your relationship. He could talk to you for hours about anything while playing video games with you (Nintendo gamer tingz). As time goes by, he tries to trust you more and grows less protective and obsessive, especially as he becomes much more powerful and much more confident he can protect you if need be. He isn’t bold about his feelings, an occasional shy blush coming from him is the closest you get to him letting his feelings be known. He may eventually approach you, though.
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
Remember when Kacchan complained about Izuku obviously skulking around with All Might and how they need to be less conspicuous about their connection with each other? When you think about it, no one cared that much what the heck Izuku was up to… except for Kacchan himself. And in hindsight, that interaction is just so freaking cute. Just because this guy is always hyper aware of Izuku and the people surrounding him and absolutely concerned with his business, he thinks others will be too.
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Take Season 2 for example at the sport festival… How did he even come to eavesdrop on Todoroki in the first place? By following and being invested in what Izuku was doing with him because Kacchan got so jealous about Todoroki declaring war on his shitnerd 😩 he couldn’t stand the idea of them going off alone somewhere together.
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Stop the cap. You were there because you followed Izuku, Katsuki. 
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Kacchan’s always overly concerned about Izuku and on top of that, he was jealous of Shouto taking his rival nerd from him. So when he got curious seeing them go off somewhere alone, he followed them and eavesdropped.
And another time he eavesdropped on Izuku in Heroes Rising.
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He’s so focused on whatever Izuku’s doing or saying, he tunnel visions like hell. Here he forgot about his icey and it melted off the stick. 
Not only does he always give Izuku his undivided attention, he definitely wants it returned.
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Izuku’s always looked at his back, right? Whether that was walking behind him in the woods, or being seated behind him in class... I think at some point Katsuki came to crave his gaze on him and secretly loved his praise too and that feeling was exposed in the joint training arc with his “Keep your eyes on me, Deku” 😂
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Oh Katsuki don’t lie ❤️
You knew he’d be watching you like this with his big and shiny doe eyes didn’t you ;)
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Turns out you’re allowed to be obsessed with Kacchan, Izuku. He was just being a hypocritical tsundere whenever he said stuff like this:
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Remember when there were a bunch of Kacchan apologists that victim blamed Izuku for sticking around when he was told to leave him alone? What if I told you Katsuki never truly wanted Izuku to leave? Because if he did leave, then who would Kacchan stalk? 😂
Honestly!!! Kacchan’s Izuku complex and how he projected it onto him like Deku is the only one who’s obsessed, is one of my biggest sources of amusement with this ship. Heh. 🤭 They are true equal partners in a lot of ways…
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Between all the “Did I do better than Deku?”, 
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the eavesdropping
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and every single time Katsuki targeted him, if you’re able to describe all of this as nothing other than PURE UNADULTERATED OBSESSION...?
DING DING DING. You’re damn right it is!
Then you flip the hate around because it turns out he was wrong to hate that person in the first place after all, and what does Katsuki’s obsession start to look like? Maybe a little something like this.
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They’re obsessed with each other and always have been and this is perfectly fine. It used to be very antagonistic attention on Katsuki’s end but his attention has since become all soft and gentle because now..? Now he’s just in love. ❤️ And that’s the tea~ ☕️
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the-moon-files · 5 months
The Chain being Down Bad🐕‍🦺™️ for Your Voice lol (Masc!Reader)
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(Content under ✄----- )
@peepthatbish once again, our lovely muse peep (name twins!!) Has come to bless me, and hopefully i did that gorgeous idea justice, and dw im not done writing them all out yet :)
Sun: Masculine Reader (he/him)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: a dash of everybody <3
(except rare ones like Fierce/Koridai/Courage/Sage/etc.)
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: fluff & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if i missed any. /gen
Ok but like
Ur voice is absolutely iconic to them
(Like the fairy fountain theme or the appearance of the Master sword, its unimaginable to them for your to not sound like that)
And its not only the heroes of Hyrule, but anyone else who could hear you
Well it helps that it used to be ur only sort of external sign of presence to outsiders
(the Links could also somewhat "feel" you in their own chests sometimes, like when u were stressed over a boss, or sad over a cutscene)
The only others who usually hear you are mostly things like the Great Fairies, the Deku Tree, other weird ass beings that know way too much (Fierce Deity)
So needless to say, when u first crash landed thru a portal into Wild's Hyrule (ur latest Zelda game you've played u guess thats why)
And the Chain had seen u in the distance, met up with you to try and help what they thought was some poor guy who accidentally fell thru Hylia's portals
But as they heard u stutter thru an introduction, instead they knew immediately it was you
Sky and Twi seriously teared up, Hyrule/Wild/Four/Wind all attacked you with a hug and excited shrieking, Legend and Wars were just gaping in shock, and Time was just staring at you
It took you a minute to pinpoint who was from what game, but as soon as you figured it out u literally jaw dropped at Time/Wild/Twi/etc.
(The ones that look different from their in game model or way better irl than graphics could ever capture)
U also may have screamed. A very manly scream. Not high pitched at all. You didnt make Legend cover his ears or the four that tackled u scramble off in fear, what- haha
(U cant blame urself, u were in literal shock, bc that's ALL the LINKS??!! Like u needed a shock blanket like rescue/ambulances gives ppl)
After calming down, it wasnt even an outright discussion or decision u could rlly choose,
They were basically kidnapping u along for the ride, also u were there for them (in pretty voice alone but still) for all their adventures,
So u even suggesting leaving u behind bc u couldnt keep up as well as them had them looking at you like they never even considered it
(And also making them individually go thru the 5 stages of grief: 😨😟😡😭🥺🙏🙏 they were all outright begging u, in their own ways, deadass by the end of it)
So as u travel, you get to understand the full impact of Your Voice, or the Guide's Voice™️.
If anyone has a nightmare, what would normally take another hero poking them with a stick and dodging the reflex punch, or them waking up unable to go back to sleep after having the nightmare, etc.
U quickly realized only took you talking to comfort them, with no reflex punch when they woke up, if they woke up, sometimes u were so good at it the nightmare just cleared ended according to their face
In your first battle against the shadow, along with lots of black-blooded monsters, u realized how much more confidently every Link fought as soon as you were speaking from behind them
They got even better and less stressed abt fighting when u managed to crack a few jokes or go toe to toe verbally with the Shadow lol
Legend outright guffawed when you pulled a dumb "sigh... well i guess... maybe... ur mom." joke in response to his villain monologue, like wiping a tear and everything, saying "u used to say that all the time after dumb long evil speeches, its a fucking classic" 💀
Literally will have them asking you to make more jokes bc it makes them feel better in tense situations/battles (most to least frequently: Sky, Wild, Hyrule, Wind, Twi, Time, Wars, Legend, Four) but they love it equally
Okay but,
U have Definitely. Sent chills down their spines when u get into lower ranges lol
U dont understand why everyone needs to talk to you so bad first thing in the morning,
or alternatively why they keep wanting you to go on a rant abt ur fav book/tv show/thing either???
U are always the last for story time at the campfire every night, and unlike the others, they refuse to let you take a night off, u have to say smth every night??
It amazes u they like ur voice so much, huh, Wild/Twi/Wars/Four/Hyrule must all be getting a little too close to the fire, theyre faces are looking a little red/pink
(Legend and Time just look rlly pleased/happy to be here, they only ever look a little overheated when u specifically look at them while ur talking/or tell a story abt them, and they usually are always the ones asking u another question to prompt u to keep going forever)
Wars may or may not have a life changing moment he told u abt ur voice on his adventures where Cia was like, "Ah Link... let me get a good look at you..."
Link: 😰🤢🥲
You: "... and girl, I am only looking at your tiddies right now."
If Wars had smth to drink right then he wouldve spit-taked.
It was like the one time he was caught so genuinely off-guard, and u just made him suddenly feel 10x more comfortable facing her, he literally couldnt keep his knight trained composure together, he had to lean on his knees he was crying with laughter
That was the first Cia heard of you too and she literally audibly gasped lmao
It was like all of a sudden Wars and Cia had been in on a joke no one else could hear around them (Shiek/Zelda is confused to this day by that)
And there are countless moments like this from each of their adventures where u did this, u cant help but feel mildly embarassed when u hear it at first
But then seeing how much ur voice and comments meant to them and how happy it made them u can help but want to talk more and more and more
Youve never felt more comfortable talking to this many people in ur entire life,
Bc u can literally see their elf ears twitching cutely when they pick up ur voice
u arent getting out of singing to them.
Yeah, sorry, theyve heard u sing ur fav songs while gaming too many times, they need to hear u sing irl, Now.
Most of them ignore or sort of passively enjoy bards/musicians on their journeys, but as soon as u so much as hum-
Its like they're all clambering to get closer to hear u, but also not make u aware thats what theyre doing, so they end up just:
Four/Legend/Hyrule trying to hide behind various (upside down) books, behind plants that're not that bushy, or one memorable time, when u sang "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" quietly to urself, a bard's tune got close and reminded u of it,
and Four fully threw his hammer on his toes bc he was so shocked/lovestruck, he completely missed the anvil and just threw it at the ground/his feet LMAO
Time and Wars, cheeky strategists they are, immediately fall back behind u wherever u are, so u cant see them, but they can still hear u lol
(Theyre the only ones youve not caught actively listening/straining to come closer to hear u... bc theyre behind u lol)
Wild/Sky/Twi all fully whip their heads around fast enough to crack it, then clumsily try to recover so u wont stop
Wild/Sky just fully accidentally like fall into lakes/ponds trying to stay just out of range or even (they both tried it once, and never again after u got onto them) got on a rooftop
And fell. When u got quieter they tried to get closer and- yep.
(Idiots were fine and smiling when u came to check on them)
Twilight's the worst ngl.
Just fully stares in awe at you until u stop out of embarassment, and has had the audacity multiple times to pop up as Wolfie and just happily listen like you havent also been thru the adventure that literally made him a werewolf
Wind is a cutie, he always joins in, esp when he recognizes the song, and since they can somehow remember the songs u sang while gaming, it will never not be a core memory for you to sing "Drunken Sailor" back to back with "I LOVE YOU HOE" by ODETARI (ft.9lives)
with Wind Waker Link.
You nearly died when you heard him singing the chorus, like literally right after drunken sailor 💀
(Its catchy u got it stuck in ur head from tiktok audios)
(Wind absolutely makes fun of the others for being in love with ur voice, like he'll trick u into ranting abt smth late at night when ur voice is husky or ur just low energy atm, and then from behind you just mouth at the rest of them, sitting looking up at you like ur an angel,
G A Y Y Y Y 🫵🫵🫵 )
Sorry to anyone whose sent in stuff to my mailbox! I promise ill answer u tomorrow!!
Im acc running another blog for a diff fandom and i got busy today :/
Like, i would write a fic for u tysm for showing me ur interest bc it feels like tumbleweeds are blowing thru LU fandom when i check the tags 💀
Which isnt awful! I just like hearing feedback from ppl or just talking abt LU and stuff :)
Peace out,
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hanrinz · 1 year
includes: deku, bakugou, shoto, hawks, dabi & shigaraki
content warning: attempted crack, is based on what happened irl, chaotic! can be platonic/romantic! i have favoritism and it's very obv here
rosie's notes: bnha men but this time sum of this happened irl ?!? our school is holding a sports event & that gave me an inspiration to write smth ! and happy 100+ followers to me🫶 thank you everyone!!
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꒰ 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 ꒱
you know those nerds who would ramble on and on about their interests? yeah, that's him. although, this is already a given thought about him, i just know he is an all might defender! slandering all might is a big no, he would pull out all the reasons why all might is so amazing and therefore you have no reason to say such malicious things to the former no. 1 hero.
he would definitely be that classmate who's popular because he edit vids so well?!? his account is full of all might edits😟 it's very concerning.
he would let you copy his notes!! though it's not very readable.. overall he's a nice classmate to have!
definitely, the vice president who shouts at their classmates that are noisy, but also noisy himself. he definitely knows all the tea in the classroom! he says he hates drama but keeps receipt of every rumour and hush secrets.
the leader! he might be harsh at it, but at least it gets the work done. he's strict too! if you give him your work it must be perfect, well-written and up to his standard! he doesn't half-assed things, if you can't match up with that, it's better to work alone😞
the quiet guy who always has a handkerchief over his mouth, would talk occasionally. he's the one who would have a bunch of supplies! mans is built like national book store😤
need a marker? he got a box of those, in different colors too! don't have any paper? you can ask one from him! forgot your pens at home? he got your back!! he's that type of guy you would always want to be group mates with, he's just smart and participates very well!
the teacher's pet, (pun not intended) he would always get straight A's, would always help the teacher with their things whenever they leave the classroom. he would also be the one to remind the teacher about the assignment that y'all agreed not to mention.
the students from other schools come to see him in every event your school holds !! you will always see him with different ppl taking pictures with him, definitely a social influencer!
he pranked dabi one time, trying to scare him. he got punched in the face resulting from him getting a bruise (didn't post for his selca week, got his fans in shambles wondering what happened to him)
꒰ 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 ꒱
the annoying guy who teases you all day, also likes doing activities all by himself. is on the dance club??!?? he can dance!! and win in every competition he partakes in.
would receive love letters and chocolates on valentines day?? he hates those things, would probably end up burnt or just down the trash :( or maybe he would just give it away to his friends, either way he doesn't like it.
he gave you one though, from him too?!? very mixed signals, but it's dabi so it's bound to be one.
that guy who plays mobile games at school, when phones are supposed to be surrendered! surprisingly, is good at hiding his phone well and is very participative in group work!
he's that guy who wears hoodies even in the hot weather! does not give a shit about other ppl, unless it's correlative to him.
have a very messy sleeping schedule, one time he fell asleep on your shoulders he was warm and very cuddly too! nuzzled in your neck and inhaling your perfume.
dabi smacks him in the head to wake him up, he jolts from the impact immediately muttering a small apology to you, still groggy but would definitely ask you to let him sleep on your shoulders again.
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thefiery-phoenix · 11 months
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You were a 5 year old cute adorable shy little girl but wasn't afraid to protect your loved ones. You were going to the playground to practice using your quirk which by the way, was Nuclear Explosion. you were about to play on the swing and just then, you saw a certain green broccoli haired boy getting bullied by a loud angry ash blonde who suspiciously, looked like a rat or a hedgehog on crack
''Face it Deku! I'm better than you and you're just a quirkless pathetic waste of space who will NEVER surpass me and don't waste your time aiming to be a hero'' snarled the blonde as the green haired kid looked like as if he was about to cry. The blonde haired boy pushed him and he fell and that's what made your blood boil in anger.
''Hey! Stop bullying him you big meanie!'' you yelled and stuck your tongue at him. ''What did you say to me you damn extra?'' shouted the blonde kid. You fired your nuclear explosions at him and his 3 goons and they left in a hurry after that. "I'll get you for this you damn extra, whatever the hell your name is!'' he shouted. ''I have a NAME and it's Y/N you big moron!'' You helped the green haired kid get up and he had some tears in his eyes and was clutching an all might figurine, someone who you were fond of as well
''Are you all right?'' you asked the green haired kid as he nodded and stuttered that he was fine. He introduced himself as Izuku Midoriya and the blonde who bullied him was Kaachan or Katsuki bakugou. ''Come on, I'll help you clean up, you have a pretty big bruise there on your knee'' and led him towards a park bench. You patched it up with a band-aid as Izuku saw your tiny soft magical hands at work. He turned red whenever you touched him and his face was becoming flushed and his heart beat faster than ever. ''Are you okay? Do you have a fever?'' you asked him and touched his forehead and he shook his head vigorously. You both became best friends after that and you stood up for him whenever Katsuki bullied him. Little did you know, even Katsuki had grown feelings towards you. Fast forward to where you guys are in middle school cuz, I'm too lazy (lol)
Izuku's POV: Here I am, waiting for Y/N chan in front of her house so we can go to school together. I really LOVE and enjoy having her around. She always helps me when Kaachan bullies me and she's really kind and caring. But... why does my chest hurt so much when she talks to other people and gives them her attention? I hate it when Y/N spends her precious time with someone else.... They don't deserve her. They don't deserve her attention. I wish I could be strong so I could protect her just like a knight in shining armor and all that. 
''Izuku!'' chirped a cheerful and yet soft female voice snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Y/N looking at me with her beautiful eyes. "Shall we get going?'' she asked me. "S-sure'' I stuttered. We were on the way to our middle school and we witnessed a fight between our idol All Might and a villain. ''Oh my gods, LOOK!'' gasped Y/N and clutched my arm looking nervous. Of course, I turned pink but she didn't see it, thank goodness. We were watching the fight and finally All Might won. I wanted to talk to him and I asked Y/N to go on without me even though I was reluctant to leave her alone. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her but..... I needed to talk to All Might alone. "All Might, do-d- do you think I could still become a hero without a quirk?'' and when All Might gave me his answer, it shattered my heart into a million pieces. He said I couldn't be a hero without a quirk and I was devastated! All my hopes and dreams crushed within less than a second! I went to school feeling like garbage since that's exactly how I felt right now. Maybe Kaachan was right..... maybe I shouldn't be a hero..... I'm just a pathetic quirkless nobody. I went to school and when our homeroom teacher announced that me, Y/N and Kaachan wanted to get into the UA, people started snickering at us. Well, at me mostly. Y/N asked them to shut up and then got into a heated argument with Katsuki and finally ended up in detention, along with him. I have to admit, Y/N gotten bolder and it's really cute and adorable. 
But I wasn't going to let MY darling Y/N chan be ALONE with Kaachan for an ENTIRE hour. Who knows what he's going to do to her? So, in order for her not to be lonely and to keep an eye on Kaachan to make sure he doesn't try anything with my puppy, I NEED to get detention too. So, I purposefully looked like as if I wasn't paying attention to the teacher and what do you know? I got detention as well.... 
The bell finally rang and soon, it was time for detention. Y/N headed out and told me she'd wait for me at the detention room. I was about to follow her when Kaachan pulled me back by my collar and hissed, ''Stay the HELL away from Y/N. She's MINE and I LOVE her, you understand, you DAMN nerd?'' and burned my wrists a little. ''Kaachan stop it, I love her too'' I said and that's how burns decorated my body yet again. ''Just stay away from her and why not take a swan dive off a roof? If you're lucky you'll wake up with a quirk in your NEXT life'' and burned  my hero analysis notebook to ash. Y/N chan comforted me during detention and swore that she'd pulverize him to death but I shook my head. Soon, it was time for us to go home but I didn't go home. No. I went somewhere and met someone who changed my life forever and made me see things in a different perspective..... That day had completely changed me and no doubt, my darling Y/N chan would certainly have tears in her eyes but I'll wipe them off and comfort her.... After all... I'm the ONLY one she needs.....
Y/N's POV: It' been 2 years since my best friend Izuku went missing. I never liked calling him 'Deku' since it meant useless and it was given to him by that hot headed hedgehog Katsuki. I swore to myself that I'd gain my pro hero licence and the second I do, I would do WHATEVER I could to find him and get him back. His mother was out of her mind with worry every single day and I would comfort her before going to the UA, the most prestigious school in Japan for upcoming heroes. Unfortunately, even Kaachan got in too. I went to Mrs. Midoriya's house and comforted her and went to the UA. Seeing the building always made me have glistening tears in my eyes since it was our dream to be in the UA together and now.... that was all just a mirage. I made my way to class 1a and while Katsuki was glad that Izuku didn't come to the UA, I told him to shut up. ''This all your fault. You always used to bully him and its because of you he's.... he's gone'' I said angrily as Katsuki replied, ''Tch... why do you even care about that quirkless nerd?'' ''He was my FRIEND!'' I shouted and by now, everyone in class 1a turned to stare at us but I didn't care 
Classes dragged on as usual and when we went to the grounds for hero training, we heard the school's security's alarms blaring loudly. ''Quick! Everyone, stay in the classrooms! The pro heroes will ensure you're safe! There are villains attacking!'' yelled Present Mic over the speakers and just as we were about to make a run for it, a purple portal opened up in front of us and out came a buff well built looking guy with a green mask, with a blue haired crusty looking person and a blonde haired girl wearing a school uniform 
The green haired guy removed his mask and I recognized his freckles along with his emerald eyes and his green hair. Slowly it was starting to hit me.... Izuku, my dear friend was a.... villain!!?? 
''Izuku?'' I whispered and looked shocked as hell and so did Katsuki. "What the HELL you DAMN nerd?'' ''Ah.... an old reunion among childhood friends. How sweet'' said Izuku smiling sickly. ''Stay back'' threatened Aizawa. '' Izuku, why did you become a.... a villain?'' I asked him with tears in my eyes. '' Ah... my darling Y/N chan. Sweetheart, who wouldn't become one after they've been let down by their idol and on top of that being bullied for being quirkless? That arrogant ego filled jerk KATSUKI bullied me till NO ENDS!! And heck! Even my own MOM gave up on me after she found out I was quirkless! But Y/N... you were the only one who gave me hope.... You made me happy, you always supported me, cheered me on.... Join me Y/N... Join me and I'll make sure to treat you like the princess that you deserve to be treated. To hell with this corrupted tainted hero society!'' he roared but I shook my head and ran away from him. ''Y/N chan, love, You can't escape me~'' and released some purple fog all around us. Then, I felt something hit my head and pretty soon, the only only thing I could sense was people yelling and shouting as my consciousness slowly drifted.....  
3rd Person POV: You woke up on a surprisingly comfortable bed but your hands were chained to the bed's headboard. You started hollering through your gag, making muffled noises. Soon a blue haired man and your friend Izuku appeared. ''Ask you girlfriend to join us or die.'' said the crusty looking man, as he removed your gag and you yelled, "I'm NEVER joining the LOV! Izuku, this ISN'T YOU! Why are you doing this!? How could you?'' you screamed at him with tears in your eyes. You couldn't use your quirk since he had placed a quirk canceling collar on you
He unchained you and rubbed your back in a somewhat soothing manner, waiting for you to calm down. ''Do... do you have any idea how WORRIED your mom was'' you asked him, as he quickly kissed you on your lips in order to shut you up. You tried fighting him, but gave in to him in the end. He broke the kiss and cuddled you and whispered hoarsely.... '' I love you Y/N my precious doll.... your MINE and ONLY MINE, no one else's..... And you will learn to love me at some point.....
BONUS SCENE: Toga: Uhh.... Dabi, you Do realize that if you're planning to flirt with Y/N Deku's gonna murder you, right?
Dabi: Yeah you stab queen, I figured that out, but I'm not going to lie, she was pretty good looking
Shigaraki: You're all idiots. 
Izuku: What. the HELL. did you say about MY Y/N?? 
Dabi: Uhhh....n-nothing. She's absolutely PERFECT for you and she's like my little sister. (Chuckles nervously)
Izuku: (smiles in a way no creepy serial psychotic serial killer would) Good to know.
P.S: This convo takes place AFTER you're nicely sleeping on DEKU's bed, END OF STORY
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Ain’t no way ya’ll are mad about Izuku letting Shigaraki die. I love Shigaraki but this man thrusted everyone into a damn war, threatened Deku’s life, MURDERED BAKUGOU, killed half of the population and then proceeded to traumatize Deku.
Shit, I’d let that MF die too if he did all that shit.
Shigaraki died clinging to his philosophy of destruction, he wanted his group to know that he died trying to destroy and kill everyone.
Shigaraki didn’t want redemption.
Besides, even if Izuku tried understanding Shigaraki, Shigaraki would’ve killed him anyway. He swore to kill him.
Izuku was doing his best to save everyone else, his friends and family were on the line!
Ya’ll need to leave Deku the hell alone
Not to mention that Shigaraki was decaying himself. Man didn’t want what anyone had to offer.
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kitthepurplepotato · 4 months
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Chapter 16 - A deep conversation
Summary: Deku’s worries float away with Rody’s surprise visit. Literally.
Izuku’s lips get loose after a few pints. (It was one single pint, but don’t tell him I told you that.)
Warnings: mentions of depression, really brief mention of suicide but I swear it’s a cute, fluffy chapter! 😂 also… alcohol. Drink responsibly. Don’t be a Deku.
First Chapter Master List
“Rody?!” Izuku shrieks, completely dumbfounded.
You can’t help but smile fondly as Rody hugs Izuku and starts muttering death threats into his ears.
“If you ever pull that shit again, I’ll come over on my helicopter and kill you myself, you fucking asshole. You understand, buddy?” Rody mumbles while Pino cries on Izuku’s shoulders, snuggling into his hair. Izuku was right. Rody has the most interesting quirk you’ve ever seen.
“I’m so happy to see you, buddy.” Izuku sniffs because that’s who he is; if an emotion is even a tiny bit stronger than his normal, he cries about it, positive or negative. Rody rolls his eyes, but Pino still cries a river. Honestly, this guy a perfect example of how different humans act in front of of others. It’s mesmerizing. And sad. “I have so much to tell you, oh my god! You know how I got a roommate thanks to Jirou? She’s so pretty and so sweet, Rody, I fell in love with her right away, she’s also a big fan of me and …”
“Izuku, I’m here. I can hear you.” You giggle as Izuku starts to blush aggressively. “Why don’t you have this conversation with him after eating something? You can have a cider or a beer in the garden?”
“What about you?” Izuku gives you his biggest puppy eyes. Rody laughs fondly at your shenanigans.
“Oh boy, you have it bad.”
“Oh boy, he really does.” You giggle to yourself with a slight blush on your face. “I need to finish my commissions, Izu. I’ve been neglecting it in the past few days.” Izuku looks so heartbroken; he’s little libs wobble, his eyes are full of tears and… fuck, you are way too weak against his puppy eyes. “Okay, I’ll leave you two alone for an hour, then I’ll join. But let’s eat first. Rody must be hungry.” You sigh as Izuku attacks you with kisses on your cheeks, because this guy has no shame.
“I guess I don’t need to ask how the rest of the story went.” Rody gives you a knowing smile. Izuku is abssolutely out of it, literally floating around from the happiness. Floating. Like, for real. By the time he makes it into the kitchen he head bumps into the ceiling.
“Wow, are you sure you are not in love with Rody? You haven’t kissed the ceiling before.” You tease your man who only moans, incapable of getting down by himself. “I’ll get the ladder, you keep him away from the window.”
“Yes, sir!” Rody smirks.
You have no idea what’s happening, but one thing is for sure; you haven’t laughed this much in your whole fucking life. You really thought Izuku can not surprise you anymore, but clearly, you have a long way to go before you actually get to know this man. Thank god you have your whole life to get to know him.
“So…” Izuku scratches his head awkwardly as he comes back from the bedroom. He decided to call his doctor, just in case. “Apparently, my floating might be the after effect of my meds. The ones I got for my mood.”
“So you got overexcited like those puppies who pee themselves when they see their owner?” Rody chimes in with a smirk on his face. You swear you heard his tummy rumble, but you decide not to mention it yet.
“Basically, yes. I got some meds to lift my mood but I didn’t really need to take them today but I took it out of habit, then… a lot of good things happened and… yeah.”
“Well, at least you didn’t pee yourself.” You tease, tapping the seat next to you with a fond smile. “Come on puppy, Rody is starving.” You giggle as Izuku puts his pretty little bum down on the seat. Rody is so fucking ready to eat it’s actually quite hilarious; you don’t need Pino’s help to know he will devour whatever you put in front of him, even if it tastes like shit (hopefully, it does not.)
Just as expected, Rody jumps on the food right as you pop the serving in from him; you brought a little bowl over for Pino as well, not entirely sure if she eats human food or not, but you definitely did not want her to feel left out. You also brought over some seeds Izuku kept for the birds in his garden, just in case.
“I hope you payed for your ride this time.” Izuku looks at his friend with suspicion. You have no idea why this is the first question that comes out of your boyfriend’s mouth, but there is probably a story behind it.
“Yes and no.” Rody answers honestly and you can see Izuku’s frown deepen at that. “Wait! Jesus, just because I haven’t payed for a bus ride doesn’t mean I’m going to sneak on a fucking plane! That’s actual crime, Izuku!”
“Not paying for a bus ride is also a crime, Rody!” Izuku retorts. At this point, you are just blinking at the two, utterly confused.
“I haven’t payed for the ride itself, because I was the pilot. Your bestie, Katsuki, was nice enough to let me park at your agency’s helipad.” Rody admits. “Some of my friends wanted to visit Japan anyway and as you know, I work at a private jet charter company, so… they chipped in. Every pilot is allowed to use the planes once a year for personal reasons, I usually use mine to take my siblings away from the city but after I heard what happened from Katsuki, I decided to come over.”
So he was worried. That’s so sweet!
“Why didn’t you bring Roro and Lala over?!” Izuku pouts. Rody only laughs at that.
“They have school. They are big enough now to stay alone for a week but I asked my girlfriend to stay over at our house, just in case. They are probably having the time of their lives without me.”
“Your girlfriend?!” Izuku shrieks, almost choking on his soup. You gave him a proper bowl this time because you didn’t want him to feel like a kid in front of his buddy but he still managed to look like one, so all your efforts were in vain.
“Yeah, uhm…” Rody and Pino’s face reddens. “She’s works at the company. Super cute. I had a crush on her since day one. Then we went out drinking together with the guys and uhm… yeah. It’s not too romantic but we haven’t left each other’s side since. Life is great, you know… and I can only thank you for that. You opened my eyes and made me realize I can live a proper life and get money in a respectful way. I wouldn’t be here without you, you know. So thank you. I will bring my siblings over next year. They also want to thank you.”
Needless to say, Izuku cries again. Then he floats. Everyone screams. Thankfully, you manage to grab him before the whole table flips.
“Life has been hectic. I don’t… I don’t know what’s going to happen, you know. With my career, I mean. I might lose my spot… hell, I probably will.” Izuku mutters, playing with the condensation on his almost empty glass.
Saying that Izuku is okay now is an overstatement. The last few weeks were terrible. Everything felt empty, like he’s only a shell, an empty vessel with needs and desires, but they all felt so distant, so fake, he had to force himself to actually eat and shower. It was a struggle to keep himself alive, especially in the first week. The pain was excruciating, being unable to move was frustrating the hell out of him and not even the hot bubble bath and the massive amount of medicine could soothe his troubled soul and broken body. He hurt the most important person in his life, daily, he made Sweet Pea cry every night; he could hear it sometimes, barely there but loud enough for him to notice during the sleepless nights. He has so much atoning to do, so much to make up for but he also needs to heal so he can save people again and it’s really hard to find the perfect middle ground. He’s so happy but he’s also not… it’s like he’s in the pink clouds, but with weights pulling his legs down and he needs to work hundred times harder with to stay up there while before it was easy as breathing. Izuku wants to be his old self, he really wants to; he misses his old, silly self, or to be exact, he misses when he didn’t feel dread after every laugh, thinking that be should be out on the field, fighting instead of having fun with his girlfriend. Izuku knows this is something every hero needs to go through at least once; All Might himself told him he also felt the same when he had to retire, this constant guilt and dread every time he dared to feel happy about something. It’s normal but it doesn’t make it easier to endure.
“Does she know?” Rody gives Izuku a sad smile.
“Of course. She also knows I’m genuinely happy when I’m with her, I’m glad we can have some time together, to finally talk about our future and get used to each other properly. We didn’t have time to do that you know.” Izuku sighs. “I could barely be home. All she’s done in the past few weeks was waiting for me to come home and see me for a few hours. I couldn’t ruin that time with talking about deep stuff, but now we can actually… talk. It doesn’t make it that much easier though. I can’t lift this glass with my other hand, you know. I’m aware of it and it’s killing me. I would be completely useless if it’s not for black whip. But then she looks at me like I’m the most perfect human being on this whole planet, her pretty eyes shining and… I almost believe it’s true. That this is temporary and I’ll be back to my old self in a heartbeat. It’s not the truth though. I’ll get my heart broken several times before I make my way back to being a hero… and I’m not ready for it. I’m not ready to give up on being the number one. I worked my ass off for it. I cried blood, I sweat blood, yet here I am, on the verge of loosing everything. It makes me question if it was worth it, leaving my mother alone in that house, leaving Sweet Pea alone for days, weeks, breaking her heart over and over because I couldn’t make it home.” Rody is about to say something but Izuku stops him. Rody stays quiet but he slowly moves the glass of cider away from him, even though it’s already almost empty. “I know I’m being stupid. I know this is all in my head. The vestiges tell me that every day. They were talking to me so much when I was in my deepest, darkest phase. Whispering into my ears, telling me I did well, telling me this is not the end. I know that. I know I’m going to work my ass off again and again to get back where I was, it just sucks that I need to.”
“It’s normal to be frustrated when life isn’t going the way you wanted it to.” Rody mutters. “It suck even more when you loose your path thanks to something you can’t control. I know, I’ve been there.” He sighs. “When I lost everything after my father disappeared and I had to take care of two kids when I was supposed to be enjoying my youth, I was really frustrated. It only got worse once I realized I can’t make any money legally thanks to my age. There was a point when I wanted to end it all because I didn’t see the point in fighting. I felt like every step I make just makes the situation worse. But then I thought about my siblings. I thought about their future and about how I can at least make sure they have a good life. Without me, they would’ve been taken away. That kept me going. Then I met you. This is not the end, Deku. Once you fall deep enough, it’s only up from there. That’s what I want you to remember when the hero ratings are out.”
“You are right. I’m being an idiot. I have a roof above my head, enough money in the bank to cover my absence, I have amazing friends, family and an amazing girlfriend.” Izuku admits. “My friends are amazing heroes who can cover for me. It’s not the end of the world.”
“You are an idiot, yes, but I would question your humanity if you wouldn’t have thoughts like that. You are not a robot. You are doing really good compared to your circumstances, but don’t let that stop you from feeling like shit sometimes. Let the frustration out. Don’t bottle it up. This is your one chance to be a real human being without any consequences. Enjoy it. Heal yourself. Let us help, we are here for you.”
Izuku can’t help the tears, and he doesn’t want to; he lets them out, salty streaks trailing down his cheeks as he cuddles into his friend, body shaking like a leaf.
“I’ll be fine, because you guys are with me.” He cries. He feels weirdly dizzy all of a sudden. Hm. Interesting. “I’ll be fine because I want to have fun with everyone. I want to live my life with no regrets. I’ll do my best so I can welcome Roro and Lala with a smile on my face. I’ll do my best, Rody. I will!”
While Rody is clearly laughing at Izuku’s sudden shenanigans, Pino is bawling together with him so Izuku knows he’s not actually being laughed at.
“Okay, sweetheart, you had way too much drink.” Sweet Pea comes into Izuku’s view, giggling with teary eyes. Did she hear him? Was he yelling?
“I’ll make you happy!” Izuku yells into Y/N’s face, because… well… because he can. “I’ll make you really-really happy! And I’ll marry you! We will have five kids! You hear me?”
“Three kids max, Izu. Now let’s put you to bed.”
“But I don’t wanna!!!!”
“Hm.” Rody snickers to himself. “Only two more to go, you clearly have one kid already.”
“Why are you yelling?” Y/N giggles.
“Because I will make you happy! Can we get that dog now? I’ll name him All Bark.” Both of them burst out laughing. Why is he being manhandled right now?! He’s completely fine! He can make his way towards the bedroom himself, thank you very much! Okay, maybe once he started crying the booze went into his head a tiny bit but he’ll get better in no time!
“Okay, sweetie, it’s bed time. Rody’s staying in my room today, you guys can chat some more in the morning! Rody needs to sleep, he had a long ride.”
That’s fair. Izuku can live with that.
Secret Winter Cabin Trip! Sponsored by Rody
Eijirou: Hey everyone! Izuku’s friend from Otheon is in town and would like to invite you all to a special “winter wonderland” trip! It’s a 3 days trip, private plane and private cabins! Make yourselves free if you can!
Shouto: What’s the point if I can’t be the driver?
Eijirou: You can still call names and be in charge!
Amajiki-kun: Why am I here?
Eijirou: Because Izuku likes you and you never come out drinking! You can bring your support animal!
Katsuki: You are here because Eijirou’s been moaning about not seeing you for ages.
Mirio: I’m the support animal! And I’m in!
Iida: Sadly, I can’t make it this time! Send me photos, please!
Mina: Ahh, such a bummer! I also can’t make it 😭
Katsuki: Nah, not coming
Mina: LOL, good joke.
Katsuki: I know
Kyouka: Count me in!
Kaminari: Me and my buddy are coming too!
Shinsou: Well, apparently I’m coming, thanks for asking before you wrote that in the group chat you asshole
Momo: I’m coming! I’ll keep an eye on everyone!
Shouto: Wait… winter cabin? It’s not… winter?
Katsuki: I can’t believe it took 30 minutes for someone to question that part. My friends are fucking idiots.
Kaminari: OMGOMG Bakubro called us friends 😭
Katsuki: That was not the point, second hand Pikachu.
Amajiki-kun: I was too scared to mention that.
Eijirou: Don’t worry about the details. You’ll see! Bring warm clothes!
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Hey guys! I made a Ko-fi page just in case you guys would like to support me! Don’t worry, I’m not going to stop writing if I don’t get any donations nor will I start writing quicker if I do! (I literally can’t. I’m writing every day after work already 😂) I also don’t do prompts for money, so please don’t send me any on that site! I’ll make a proper post about this in the future! My main reason to do this is that I really wanted to start digital drawing this year but I ended spending my iPad money on getting my stupid laptop repaired so… every penny helps 😂
Click here if you want to check my page or donate! Thank you!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @themultifandomgirl @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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missyaess · 1 year
Requests are open.I tried to tag everyone who requested.Love you all sm <3
@jasmixs @lookingforlia @cinnamonroll4ever @liaaa-1 @just-some-random-simp-lol @chrissyfishywissy @lynvspi
Maybe Meant To Be - Fake Dating pt.3
pt.1 pt.2 pt.4
Katsuki Bakugo x Jealous Reader x Izuku Midoriya
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After school was over,you invited Izuku over to your room to talk about the day.As you were expecting him you tidied up your room a bit.You heard a knock on your door and went over to open it.
-Hey Izuk-Oh!Bakugo,what are you doing here?
You couldn’t hide the shock as it spread on your face.What was he doing here?He seemed angrier than usual.
-What,ya expecting someone else?
-Yes actually,Izuku.
He scowled and averted his gaze from yours for a second before locking his eyes onto yours.It was so intense you thought you were being interrogated.
-What is the deal with that,huh?You never told me you liked stupid Deku.
You gulped.You couldn’t let him know you were actually into him,not Izuku.
-I…didn’t want you to judge me….?
You sounded so unsure you wanted to punch yourself in the face.Maybe you would after he left.
-Well,too late.I’m already judging ya idiot.
He seemed down,and for a minute you felt really upset.Maybe you should’ve just told him your feelings.Then again,assuming he was down because of you and Izuku might be a little presumptuous.
-I’m sorry I didn’t tell you…We’re closer than that.
He snickered,put his hands in his pockets.
-Yeah,I thought so too.Apparently not.
Your heart broke at this.You didn’t want to push him away or to make him think you weren’t close,because before everything else he was one of your best friends.
-Deku’s coming over I guess?
-Yes,he is.
-So,maybe I should leave.
You didn’t know what to say to that.You needed to talk to Izuku about how today went but you also couldn’t bring yourself to say “Yes,please leave” to Bakugo when you wanted him to stay.Luckily,Bakugo answered for you.
-No,actually,Imma stay.Let’s all hang out together.We are old friends after all.
Wait,what?You were shocked.Why did Bakugo want to spend time with Izuku?He hated him more than some villains.
-A-are you sure?
He smirked but his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
-Yeah of course.My two friends,dating now.We gotta celebrate,don’t we?
Izuku came from behind him and he also had the same surprised expression as you.
-Did I hear that right,does Kacchan want to celebrate…us?!
Bakugo looked at Izuku and his expression darkened.
-Tch,do I need your permission Deku?
-O-Of course not!
-Great.Well then,why don’t you two tell me how you got together?
Bakugo said as he put his hand on Izuku’s back and pushed him inside your dorm room,closing the door from behind him,leaving a very shocked Izuku and you inside.
-So,you guys mind if I call a couple more people?
-A-actually we had things to talk about but-
-Uhm,yea we wanted to be alone-
-Great!I’ll call everyone then.Let them know there’s a party.
You and Izuku both looked at each other as Bakugo called people from his phone.Did he not want to leave you two alone?Izuku smiled at you knowingly and you blushed.Unfortunately Bakugo saw this and thought you two were acting like people who were in love.He had a scowl on his face and his eyes darted from your face to Izuku’s.
-What,you cant go two seconds without smiling at each other?Get over here Deku!
He pulled Deku to the side and sat down with him on your bed.As they were bickering,mostly Bakugo yelling at Deku,you still couldn’t believe what was happening.After a few minutes another knock was heard.
You opened the door to,well…Everyone.Even Mineta was here and he was never invited.But most importantly,at the front was Uraraka.
-Hey Y/N!
She didn’t wait for your reply as she went inside to say hi to Izuku.
-Hi I guess?
-Girl,what have you gotten yourself into?
Mina came from behind her and hugged you as she said hello.You said hello to the others as well and after everyone was inside,they were sat as a circle on the floor.Mina had a glint in her eyes and that was never a good sign.
-Should we play a game?
-Like what?
She smirked at your response and said;
-Truth or dare!
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theloveinc · 1 year
Do you have any dick headcannons for the boys in bnha ?…
i do! actually on ihb LOL from... two? summers ago. isn't that crazy?????? TWO!!!
but let's do a little vampin' (oh oh ohhhh) and add some missing pieces, shall we? sorry if i'm a bit rusty (for more, check my links for iida , shinso + hawks)!
- deku — Honestly? This man has a perfect dick. Just the right length and thickness to spark a little fear in your heart, but not to actually scare you away. Just like his hands, he's thick and real veiny, but also kinda pretty, too. Pornstar-esque, which is funny cuz you NEVER would've thought.
He's also a bit on the paler side. Darkening towards the tip but staying light at the base, probably because he's almost always in his hero suit and doesn't get enough sun. Uncut with a perfectly rounded tip, he has tight balls which he tries to trim but never shaves. Excellent happy trail to go with.
- todoroki — Another pretty dick, of course, with balls to match. On the longer side with a slight slant to it that's only noticeable when he's hard. He's pale, really only the pointed tip flushing red when he's horny, though he happens to be uncut with a good amount of foreskin to play with.
He's always able to hit your cervix without even trying, and the second he wants to fuck, he's touching himself and leaking pre like no tomorrow (one of those dudes they warn you about wearing a condom with even during foreplay LOL). Stands straight up with no problem, even his cock is a model, and is very bouncy.
Doesn't trim or shave, but his pubes aren't overwhelming so it's really not a problem.
- bakugo (links are older versions!) — We already know wtf I'm gonna say: on the shorter side but makes up for it in GIRTH. A real FATTY. Concerningly thick. It's scary. AND with heavy balls, too...
And the funny part is, Bakugo is always surprised when someone brings it up. No, he's not exactly insecure, but we know how he is about praise... and wide eyes + gagging do just about the same thing in this case.
His dick is a shade darker than his normal skin tone, and has a few prominent veins which almost always show. He's also really dense, so when he's hard, it's difficult to get it warmed up and moving to fit inside you without a little help. Leaves his pubic hair alone unless otherwise told to.
- kiri — LONG and THICK, I know you know this guy has a massive dong. But it's actually not unrealistic looking, if you know what I mean: he balls are soft and gooey, while the base begins tapering into a reasonably sized head. His tip is probably the least scary part about him... and even though he's uncut, you can hardly really tell with how how the slit is always peeking through.
Surprisingly pink and flushed for such a tan guy, it hardly ever stands completely straight just due to the natural weight of it, either poking at his belly (meaning you often need to be the one positioning it) or tilting downward when he's standing up straight. Kiri almost always wears a jockstrap when he leaves the house.
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eris-snow · 11 months
𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭
Tags: Deku's birthday series 2023, izuku x fem!reader, angst
Time is flying by fast, and that villain asshole knows something, but he never opens his damn mouth even though he doesn’t have much to lose.
I’m not really up to talking now. Give me a day, and we can discuss your note. But just…leave me alone for the night.
“L/n will be out today as she got into a fight on her way back to the dorms yesterday. Although I’m sure many of you already know that.” Aizawa flips his file open and stands at the lectern, eyebags on broad display. “She’ll be back tomorrow—”
“Aizawa-sensei, where’s Bakugou?”
Eijiro had beat Izuku to the question the moment he saw the empty seat in front of him. It was unlike Katsuki to skip class.
“He’s taking care of her because she’s out of the dorms today. We don’t want a repeat of yesterday.”
Izuku feels a little insulted by that. It felt as if Aizawa had chosen Katsuki over him because he had more faith that the explosive boom boom man could take better care of you than he could. He knows that wasn’t the case, but a twinge of jealousy still settled in his heart and refused to leave.
He tried to gloss over everything that happened the best he could when his classmates asked yesterday, but it still got Katsuki leaving the dorms even though visitor hours were ending in mere minutes. He wasn’t back until the sky was dark either.
And that’s when he backtracks. Wait*, out of the dorms*? You just recovered from a huge amount of blood loss and a knife to the shoulder blade! How could Aizawa allow you to leave again? “She’ll be back by nightfall with Bakugou.”
Roars of questions and raise hands fill the classroom as Tenya attempts to calm everyone down with his excessive, robotic arm gestures. It doesn’t work.
“Enough!” Aizawa shouts, eyes glowing red.
The class is consumed by pin-drop silence in under 5 seconds.
“If anything, you should worry about yourselves. Summer holidays might be coming up, but with all the lost time due to the war, you’ll have to brave extra remedial classes to get up to speed. Discuss this incident in your free time. Class dismissed.”
Izuku wonders if you’ve read his note. There’s something stirring inside of him again, the strange feeling like something wasn’t quite right, like you were hiding something big from him. His head throbs, causing him to wince. But he’d given his word to wait, didn’t he?
He frowns and slumps in his seat. He’ll just have to check in with you after school.
Last Night
“You don’t seriously expect me to go along with this,” Aizawa sighs, eyebrow raised in genuine amusement.
“Sure, you’re being discharged tomorrow morning if the tests run are clear, but that doesn’t mean you can go gallivanting off wherever you want. If anything, you should be at the dorms, resting.”
“Sir, I need to see him again.” You insist. “I do it every year, and the connection between yesterday’s attack and my past with Izuku is only going to cause more problems if we can’t figure out a way to break his Quirk.”
“I’m not compromising U.A.’s students’ safety for this,” Aizawa deadpans, “You’re going through a tough time now, and the guy took you by surprise. You’re still learning, so I’ll give you a free pass on that, too. But going out to Tartarus is like walking straight into a lion’s den.”
“Then I’ll walk into the den with her.”
Both of your eyes flicker to the blond leaning on the side of the infirmary’s door frame, eyes sharp and arms folded. “Tartarus, eh? Sure, let’s do it.”
“Kacchan can help me then!” You jump in. “All Might can drive us there. We’ll only talk to him for an hour, you know how the procedure usually goes.”
Aizawa doesn’t say anything, simply staring at Katsuki like he was something he pulled off his shoe.
“I’m the only one actually caught up with the curriculum, aside from that green mop-headed nerd.” Katsuki shrugs. “A day wouldn’t hurt to miss for something this big.”
The next day, two forms of approval to leave the dorms were set by your makeshift bedside table.
“And I was hoping that with the shenanigans of the outside world, you’d finally lose hope and I’d be free from your annual torment,” The villain, Isamu Suzuki, sighs, strapped down to a metal chair. “I see you brought a friend with you today.”
“I’m just here to make sure that she doesn’t have to do this alone. So don’t you dare pull some weird psychological shit, got me?” Katsuki says, tone cold, before flopping down on his armchair. Now that he’s in front of you, you can sort of see the family resemblance. His hair was longer than before, blond hair running past his shoulders. But he had the same ice-blue-like eyes as his brother you met not 24 hours ago.
“You really are a lucky girl,” Isamu sighs, making you stiffen. “Not only do you have that green-haired imp as a friend, but you also have one of the most volatile people on the planet helping you through something as trivial as this.”
“Shut it, asshole,” Katsuki grits out, crimson eyes staring daggers at the villain. “I ain’t the one on the other side of this glass, am I?”
Isamu goes quiet at that.
“We captured your brother yesterday.” You start, and it makes the blue-eyed villain’s eyes snap to you. “He was trying to avenge you.” You leaned back, not letting an inch of fear cloud your voice. “He wanted to kill me.”
“Where is he?” He demands, eyes glaring at you. “What did he do—?”
“Then tell me how to release Izuku from your Quirk,” You offer, standing firm. “You have nothing to lose. I don’t see why you have the persistence to hold out for over 6 years.”
“Don’t play mind games with me, brat.” He sneers, turning his head away. “You’ve been haggling with me for the past half-decade. Do you really think I’ll tell you what you want just like that? Fat chance.”
Staring at the scene playing out in front of him, Katsuki’s hands start to steam. “Do you want to know about your shitty brother or not?”
Isamu’s expression changes, dulling a little. Then, his lips curl into a hair-raising smile. “You know, I saw him back when All For One freed all of Tartarus.” His eyes are small, beady and knowing. “Deku, right? Your precious Zuku captured me in 5 minutes flat while he was on his rampage.”
My eyebrows twitch, and I remain silent.
“He didn’t even recognise me, even though it’s only been 5 years.” He continues, adding insult to injury. “I’m not surprised, though. He always did have a heart of a hero…” He pauses for a pregnant moment, eyes glowing bright blue.
“Just like when he protected you all those years ago.”
“Quit talking about it like that,” You mutter, voice low. “We were just kids.”
“Kids that threw me in jail,” he sighs, “You’ve always been a lucky girl, having him save you like that.”
And for some reason, that’s the line that makes you snap.
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” You explode, hands fisting the armchair’s thick leather. “Did you think I wanted to get involved? I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it costed me Zuku’s memories. Why did you erase his memories that day? Why did you choose me?”
Your eyes well up with unshed tears, and you feel Katsuki’s hand on your shoulder. A silent form of support you didn’t have the time to appreciate.
“If the asshole’s getting to you, we should go. Don’t force yourself to be in the same room as this asshole for too long,” he whispers, voice warm and coaxing.
That day replays in your mind like rusty DVD tape, static lining your memories as you recall your last day with him before even reaching middle school.
It’s painful.
15th July, 6 years ago. (10 years old)
“Starlight, come on! Slow down—”
“Not a chance!” You replied, pulling him along with an award-winning smile on your face. “It’s your birthday! I won’t let Kacchan ruin it just because he’s not here. We’ll have cake and I even got you a present—ooph!”
A man in his early 20s crashes into you, and you immediately recoil back as Izuku frantically catches you, eyes shining with concern. Big wads of cash fly in the air as money scatters.
“Are you alright?!” Izuku asks, voice hitching.
The man gets up on his feet and whips to the both of you. Eyes brimming with anger, he starts to pick up the cash as quickly as he could manage. “Shit, shit, shit—”
“He’s over there!” A policeman says, pointing over at the man in the baseball cap. Frantically, he grabs you by the arm and yanks you away from Izuku, making you cry out. Izuku scrambles to get you back, but when the man shouts, he goes frozen stiff. “One more step and this one gets the full blast of my quirk!”
You didn’t know it at that time, but he was bluffing about having a quirk that could murder people. With everything flying by so fast, no one probably noticed how badly the robber was shaking, or how his words were rushed and forced.
All you could think about at that moment was how much you didn’t want to die. If you’d just been looking at where you were going, none of this would have happened. Izuku would still be here with you, memories intact and untainted.
The next second is a chaotic one, because that’s when a hero shows up. There’s frantic shouting by the blue-eyed captor, repeating his phrase as you’re frozen stiff in his tight grip. You don’t even want to breathe, too scared that if you move a muscle, that would be your last movement at all.
More people come and the baseball hat dude is getting desperate. There’s a purse with wads of cash at his feet, and you can tell that he just wants to take it and flee. One small movement from the police pushes the baseball cap dude off the edge.
“I said stay back!” He yells frenziedly, activating his quirk.
That was the first time you ever thought: This is it. I’m going to die.
You wish it was something a little less conceited, about how Izuku or your parents felt to have their daughter sent back to them dead after a normal day of school.
That was the only thought that raced past in your mind as desperate arms pull you out of the baseball cap dude’s grasp.
You’re thrown on the hard pavement, the rocky ground causing your knee to bleed out. You don’t feel anything though, because your best friend had taken your place.
“Zuku—!” You wheeze, lunging for him, but it was too late.
The man’s quirk had activated, and Izuku’s head lolls over as his green eyes, full of fear but relief that you’re safe, flutter close. You grab his hand desperately, shaking him. The baseball cap dude doesn’t move as he’s yanked away from Izuku, and in a second he’s back and smirking at you as he’s dragged away from the scene.
“Don’t expect him to be the same when he wakes up,” He yells while getting shoved into a vehicle.
The heroes involve comfort you, but it doesn’t stop you from sobbing like a child, calling out your best friend’s name in loud, ragged sobs.
“I saw his memories of you,” He shakes his head in disgust, rolling his eyes. “There were many of you and that short-fused bomb over there—”
“But it was mostly you.” Isamu continues without missing a beat. “I never saw such unwavering devotion from anyone, much less a child. He pushed you out of the way without hesitation, not even caring about what the consequence was.”
“You want to know why I chose you?” Isamu glares at you, practically spitting now. “It’s because he’d do anything to protect you, just like I’d do anything to provide for my brother,” He snarls, before his glare evaporates into a more sombre expression, expression softening. “And now look at where we both are.” He shrugs, a sad smile stretching across his face.
“They’re both gone.”
Katsuki’s hand on my shoulder is the only form of comfort you feel now. With his help, you stand up shakily, cheeks wet. “Don’t ever, compare my relationship with Zuku with you and your brother. We are nothing alike,” You hiss, turning heel to stalk out of the door. “We’re done here.”
“And I thought you were one of the kinder ones out of all these heartless heroes in the room.” He scoffs, “You still haven’t given me intel about my brother—”
“Your brother can burn in hell for all I care.”
With that, you slam the door shut behind you, and dissolve in Katsuki’s arms.
Izuku can’t read you when you get back. You sound fine, but you kept evading conversations pertaining to where you went all through dinner. That’s when the note comes in, so late that Izuku had completely forgotten about its existence. It’s on his mug, the one he always uses whenever he’s working late into the night.
I’m not really up to talking now. Give me a day, and we can discuss your note. But just…leave me alone for the night.
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musyroom599 · 6 months
Hey guys part six is finally here! Yay! Apparently this series is the most popular thing I post so...yay.
Lost kitten p6
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You sat on Eri's bed as she told you stories about some people called deku and limillion.
You don't know what she's talking about or who these people are your just letting her vent. Not that she needed to she is only like six ish five ish.
"so kitty what do you want to do?" She smiles at you. A bright welcoming smile it almost seems like a foreign concept to be smiled at.
You run against her leg and she pets you. "Your really cute kitty And soft." You purr at her compliments
"maybe this really can be my home" you think to yourself. "It's been a while since I've had one of those." You think about your last family. They where amazing before they found out your secret.
"Was it that bad that I was human? Is something wrong with me?" Those thoughts you used to have resurface you try your best to push them down.
"hey Eri dinner ready" you hear Eraserheads voice and it pulls you out of your thoughts.
"Come on kitty we have food for you too" aizawa turns and heads for the kitchen. You jump off Eri's bed and follow him.
You follow him to a food bo and water bowl. You walk up to it and sniff it cautiously. Aizawa pats your head and sits down at the table why you ate the cat food.
It wasn't bad cat food. It was actually pretty good. But it wasn't your favorite food. Your favorite food was melonpan you'd only had it once before but you loved it so much.
But you doubt that Eraserhead, Hizashi, or Eri would give you any.
The next day Eraserhead and Eri have both left the house leaving you alone. You turn to your human form.
You stand up and look around. "I guess this really is my home" you smile. "What if they find out I'm human!?" You panic but take a deep breath. "Nope they won't find out. Ever."
You lay down in a sunny part of the house and turn back to your human form. "So comfy"
You fall asleep with the thought. "This is my forever home.... I'll make sure of that"
Sorry it was short but it is Christmas sooo.... Anywho hope you enjoyed it till next time. Have a great day.
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the-fic-rex · 1 year
Fic Recs: Underrated fluffy BNHA fics under 10k words
All of these fics have less than 2k kudos but are SO GOOD and SO SOFT! In no particular order. Italics are commentary added by me.
it takes two to tangle by @withstarryeyes, Lilly_Penwielder
Tensei tumbles into awareness like a newborn fawn, stumbling on legs that don’t feel like his own. The world is bright, and loud, and Tensei breathes for several moments before everything comes into focus. The Hero Killer is at the front of his mind, but he is no longer in front of him. Tensei is in a bright, crowded arena, and not a dirty back alley in Hosu. Something akin to panic begins to creep up his limbs. This is UA. It’s the Sports Festival, and Tensei almost wants to cry. Is his life replaying? Is he really actually dying?
But he can’t be, because this isn’t Tensei’s Sport’s Festival. This isn’t the city battle with a hostage on the line. It’s a giant arena and a small, pink haired girl with cross-hatches for pupils. He looks down at himself and finds that he’s wearing the new UA uniform, a deeper blue with a crisp, white UA on it. Then he catches a glimpse of his calves, the usually smooth skin saddled with engines like the ones on his arms. Oh, Tensei thinks, I'm Tenya.
Or…Tenya and Tensei Iida were not expecting their day to go quite like this.
(I loved the sibling interactions in this. Tenya has so much self criticism of needing to do well for his brother and then his brother is right there like "no i'm proud of you". Tensei is def a rarer character to see in fics but I think that makes this one all the better because the characterization is so on point.)
the way your hands were shaking (rather waste some time with you) by @ghostwriterofthemachine
It is only after Tenya asks him, “Are you going to be able to stand up in the shower?” that Izuku realizes that the answer to that question is, likely, no.
This is also when he starts crying.
Izuku is tired and hurt and very used to being alone.
Izuku also has friends who love him very, very much.
(Short and so so sweet this fic takes place after Deku's solo adventures post ofa reveal. Its about friendship and love and not needing to ask for help because someone offers first)
point of view by @aloera
Denki sighs. “Did anyone see that coming?” He asks. “Am I the only one confused, or did you guys all have Bakugou being good with kids on your bingo cards for this year?”
“He is not good with kids,” Midoriya says, a haunted look on his face. “Last week a child in our neighbourhood asked for his autograph and Kacchan told him that he wouldn’t go far in life if he kept on asking for handouts.”
A quirk de-ages Kirishima. Bakugou handles it surprisingly well.
(I just... this is a love letter to Kirishima, from the author and from Bakugou, and its so soft. )
do you know me in the gloaming? by cassiopeia721
Due to a funny little genetic peculiarity in the makeup of her quirk, Momo can create flowers without even thinking about their molecular structures— or even intending to conjure them up. Predictably, this ends up being… embarrassing.
Or: Momo wishes that she would stop leaving petals trailing behind her like she's a damn flower girl at a wedding.
CW in the end notes.
(A really sweet momo/jirou fic where momo is going through it and jirou is by her side the entire time. Momo gets the chance to find herself at UA. Aesthetics of the fic too is really nice, super descriptive language paints a picture of all the flowers. do check cw, though most of them are not for main characters.)
Back To The Nest by Mags_Pie
After a long, exhausting patrol, all Hitoshi wants to do is go home and sleep. However, he makes one little mistake on the way.
“Move, and I’ll break your arm,” A gruff voice said behind him.
Confusion swept through Hitoshi. He recognised that voice.
(Tired Hitoshi returning home on autopilot. Short look at family, home, and moving out but not moving on. Shinson and erasermic parents)
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mrs-galaxy-m · 2 years
Make me growl
Kat is a good mate, the fucking greatest, thats why hes teaching his mate how to growl to keep alphas away
"Kaachan, I caant" izu whined, licking kats cheek to distract him "Well try harder!"
"Maybe omegas cant growl" shinso shrugs "Maybe you should shut up, fuckface"
Kat is a good mate, the fucking greatest, thats why hes teaching his mate how to growl to keep alphas away
"Kaachan, I caant" izu whined, licking kats cheek to distract him "Well try harder!"
"Maybe omegas cant growl" shinso shrugs "Maybe you should shut up, fuckface"
"His name is denki, maybe youre too slow to remember-" "Ah?!" "And hes in heat, so im bothering you two"
As the two bickered izuku closed his eyes and took a big breath "hmmmrp!"
"…" "…." "..that sounded like a purr..ish to me?" Shinso tried to help the awkward silence
"Deku! Goddamit its growl" "Mrrp!" "You cant keep stupid alphas away with that shitty ass purr!"
The door slowly opens to reveal aizawa with some bedsheets at hand
"Before-Before I kill the three of you for waking me up with /fucking/ growls and purrs, I need an explanation"
"Katsuki is trying to teach izuku how to do an alpha growl"
"What? Omegas cant do that, have you not paid attention to biology? Omegas lost that ability a long time ago when quirks became a thing, now the three of you sleep and shinso get out of their room"
"Eye eye captain" the purple hair alpha sighs as he places the bag on the counter knocking one of izukus figures, breaking it
Mind you, very expensive, very limited, very hard to get, VERY HARD TO FIX
"Uh-oh-im sorry man I didint-"
His words got silenced when the small omega growled louder than even katsuki fucking bakugo could
The three alphas looked shocked as they saw the omega just GLARING at shinso, fangs even poked out
"…I dont get paid enough for this, I'll tell sazh you wont be here for dinner tomorrow" aizawa says and bakugo quickly follows after
"And my dick isnt even good enough to snap him out of this, I'll wait by the door" he said
"Haha you guys are not leaving me alone with-"
The door closed on shinso and he was left alone with the feral omega and the broken figurine The end Please follow me on twitter and bye! [Twitter]
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pizza-with-tomato · 6 months
Katsuki Bakugo X reader
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You and Bakugo were both similar. You both had the same character, to the great misfortune of your parents. The first time you met was in a bakery. You both wanted the same pastry. However, there was only one left. So, in front of everyone, you fought, and you, mad with rage, smashed the cake in his face. He then took the cream that was left on his face and spread it on your face. You start yelling until the baker kicks you out. The only positive point was that you were not required to refund the cake. The second time you saw each other was in Yuei. You were admitted by recommendation, so you didn't need to take the test. When you returned to class, how surprised you were when you saw him. He looked up at you, and his eyebrows instantly furrowed. You started yelling at each other for no reason.
I told you his jacket is red!
Shut up!! It is burgundy!!! ….
U….uh…guys….don't shout, everyone is looking at us! -SHUT UP DEKU!!!
LEAVE HIM ALONE !!!! …. The teachers couldn't stand you anymore. Once, during a rescue, you almost killed the victim. You argue over who will carry the victim. Bakugo or Katsuki, if you prefer, simply threw the victim at you, not wanting to exert any effort while carrying him. The victim, who was already in a bad state, almost fell to the ground because you dodged him. Fortunately Hawks was nearby, and had caught him in mid-air.
You felt your arm burn. You were on a battlefield. Literally. Your stomach suffered the blows, which did not stop. The villain was far too powerful.
He had scars all over his face. He kept burning everything that moved, including you. No matter how hard you fought, it wasn't enough. He threw you against a wall, in one blow.You felt your limbs tense. Blood was flowing everywhere. Some of your veins had exploded. You really weren't a pretty sight.The scarred villain noticed you and advanced towards you, to give you the final blow.Fire. Everywhere. Blood, fire. Your breathing was getting faster and faster, your heart was racing and suddenly stopped. You closed your eyes, ready to succumb to your injuries.You suddenly heard a loud noise. Then an explosion. You looked up and immediately recognized the figure. His silhouette. KATSUKI! He had come, he had saved you. He got the villain's attention and they moved away from you. You waited a little while, thoughtful. You were like a cat and a dog and yet he had tried to save you. You felt your limbs less and less. Your hands fell to the floor. He had tried to help you, if only he had come sooner, if only you had told him how you felt, if only you weren't going tonot die.
-(Y/N)!!!!!!! I FORBID YOU FROM DIE, YOU HEAR ME?!! I...if you die...I...I will kill you.
You felt your body being shaken.
-P....please! (Y/N)!!! I...I...I love you...
You wake up with a massive headache. You felt a weight on your hand. You turn your head.
You suddenly put your hand over your mouth. Katsuki slept like a baby with your fingers intertwined. You were on a hospital bed, it wasn't exactly very romantic. You looked at his sleepy face, then at your hands, entwined. You buried your hand in his hair, stroking it gently. You suddenly felt your arm being grabbed, and you rolled over onto Bakugo. You moan in pain. Your scars hurt. Your faces were very close now.
Before you could say anything more, you felt his lips crash into yours. He bit your lower lip letting his tongue meet yours. Your kiss will last for many minutes before you separate.You smile mischievously;
- So Katsuki? Do you have a little crush?
He pressed his forehead against yours.
- No, not a crush, a girlfriend.
You looked at him confused.He kissed you and smiled at you.
- I love you, idiot. You're mine.
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thatoneguy031 · 8 months
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The party ended, and...
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A lot happened, and I don't know how to feel about it.
I was terrified. I couldn't just back away, that lead into the bathroom again. Why the heck didn't that stupid Eevee think about putting armor on his hero outfit?...
I needed to get out of there.
I growled, trying my best to look intimidating in hopes that the human would actually back off. But that's hard to do with a Buneary mask on, unfortunately. I was probably as intimidating as a Maschief.
"Easy, easy," the Trainer told me, reaching into his bag. In his hand was a smaller bag, full of what I assumed were pastries. "Here. I don't want to scare you."
He grabbed one, and held it out in front of me as they knelt down on the floor. I slowly walked in front of him again. I took a sniff at it, and after nothing bitter or salty hit my senses, I took a bite. It was very sweet, like a sugar cookie if you've had them before.
"See?" The Trainer sounded really caring, but I kept my guard up. "...I wanna guess... Deku, Luz and... I wanna say that's one of Sora's outfits?"
"Actually, it's-" I stopped myself, remembering that he can't understand any of us. I stuck my paw in Suicune's satchel, taking his notebook (I left mine in the same bush my helmet's in), and began writing.
<It's Neku's.>
The Trainer looked surprised. "Oh, the kid from the other game that that dude worked on! Didn't think a Suicune would be into that."
<I chose the outfit for them. It was their first year celebrating Halloween.> I was really hoping that this human would leave me alone, but I didn't want to be rude and just ditch them. What kind of Samurott acts like that?
"Really? Was it a good time?"
Mx. Suicune nodded, and even if his face didn't show it, I could tell that he was as uncomfortable as I was.
"Awesome! I actually brought some of my own Pokemon here too, but a lot of them are a bit shy... Oh, apologies." The Trainer lowered their head. For those that don't know, that normally means that a Pokemon is trying to show a high level of respect towards another, at least in the wild. Why would a human know that, though...?
"My name is Blair, and I'm a Trainer travelling Unova. I have my sights set on becoming the next Champion of the region."
I figured that I could at least give him a chance. I don't know why, but he, Blair... was different. He was part of the exception that I normally reserved for eeby-deebies.
<My name is Guy, and I>-
There was a loud sound, although none of us could tell what it was. It was like an explosion I think...
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I'll make a part 2 eventually, but it's getting a little late for this.
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Cherry can probably cover for me, I'm tired from what happened after.
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