#you have me reaching out when we’re not talking to loan 600 *i* pay that back bc you couldn’t communicate wit me
lilgynt · 6 months
i cannot even be sick without my mom being like i will make you want to kill urself
#personal#i’m crying i just want to sleep but my mom keeps waking me up for dumb shit#i’m mad at the dog can you record this voice message audio for my friend can you find out what happened between ur brother and aunt#and i’m like can i stop being a communication device#and she rolls her eyes and i’m like fine roll ur eyes i don’t want to be a commucation device#and she’s like i ask you for one thing and you just and whole blah blah#so i get upset and im like no it’s not one thing#you have me reaching out when we’re not talking to loan 600 *i* pay that back bc you couldn’t communicate wit me#that you couldn’t#i pay back ben from what you said you could and again you can’t just talk to me#and she’s like if i had the money id pay! no shit!!!!!!!! no shit!!!!!#but i’m actively asking if you can so i can budget and possibly help#and she’s like fine don’t ask him just stop i don’t want to talk about it#you don’t want to talk about anything and then she’s like you better stop before i kick you out#which im like that’s all you can do.#ofc until she needs money ofc then she’s definitely NOT Saying that#but anyway i ask and tell her and she’s like why did you ask also stop making things worse 🥺🥺🥺 like *i* started this#you woke me up asked me to ask and got in a whole screaming match about it!!!! i’m sick and tired from work!!!!!!!#anyway i’m crying and sick and tired we love it here#my nose is DOUBLE clogged#didn’t post this when i did but it was this then hey i cheated that was my friday
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tatooedlaura-blog · 7 years
Date Night
This third series reads as follows:
Shattered … Desolation … Determination … Us and Ours … Ratty Towels … The Sleepover … Skinner and the Punch … Oregon … Impossibilities … Something from Nothing … Out of the Car … Partners … News … Never Replace You ... The Chip
First series … Second series
His arm was sore from where Byers inserted the smallest of metal rods containing some kind of scientific doo-hickey that would tell them where he was, anywhere in the world, within a couple hundred yards, Mulder disbelieving but not willing to truly test the theory by going 600 miles the other side of the middle of nowhere. Now he watched Scully get hers while she talked quietly about this that and the other thing to Frohike … antiseptic, nick, probe, insert, Neosporin, two stitches, Bandaid.
“Ready, Mulder?”
Eyes drifted from where she was adjusting her sleeve, then pulling on her sweater, up to her face, “sore?”
“Not yet. Yours?”
“A little. I think Byers took out some latent anger with the scalpel.”
Byers gave them a smile as he cleaned up, “you do owe me $22 for food from our last poker night. I may have pulled the stitches a little tighter than I should have.”
Thanking them, then quietly reminding them to forget everything that had happened in the last four hours, Mulder and Scully headed out into the snow, which was beginning to blow down the alley and around the corner, freezing any and all exposed skin. The only thing he could see of Scully was a slit where her eyes were, squinted against the driving ice pellets, scarf thick and warm around her head, “hey.”
“Hey, what?”
“Wanna go on a date?”
Skidding to a stop when her boots hit a packed down section of snow, “a what?”
“A date. The kind of thing we skipped right over when we went from ‘hey, let’s surf’ to ‘hey, take off your pants’.
She inhaled a wee bit of yarn fuzz from her scarf at this point, “hey, take off your pants?”
“Not here, it’s cold but maybe later.” Reaching out to grip her mittened hand, “I think we should go do something that a normal couple would do.”
“What the hell do normal couples do?”
“I don’t know. We can go to the movies or go get some dinner or fly to Italy?” Eyes glittering now with possibilities, “or we could drive south until we get out of the snow or hey, we could pack a bunch of blankets and head to Babar and chill, no pun intended, until spring.”
Head spinning with a whirlwind of suggestions to match the gale whipping her coat, “slow down, partner. Babar is buried in snow and Italy is too long a flight for now. I don’t want to sit in the car for 8 hours to find the end to winter but I could really go for some Mexican and maybe a movie with one of those incredible large buckets of artificially buttered popcorn … Oh my God, Mulder, we need to go eat food right now.”
Laughing at her, pulling her scarf down enough to reveal the tip of her nose, he brushed his over it, “where do you want to eat? Fast or slow?”
“Slow. I want to watch them make the guac so I can request extra lime and onion.”
“For that reason, I won’t be kissing you later,” he could see the shape of her mouth through the scarf and kissing the general area, “so I’ll just do it now.”
Sudden giddy giggle emerged and she nudged him towards the car, “car, move, hungry.”
“Use your words, Scully.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
It took ten minutes to drive, park and given the ugliness of the weather, to be seated in a corner, cozy booth, menus in hand and waters on the way, “not too busy for a Saturday night.”
Grinning at him as she opened the menu, honing in on the fajita section, “it’s 5 degrees out and snowing. Every sane person is home, in their slippers, trying to keep warm.”
“More salsa for us then.” Digging into the freebies on the table, “what are you getting?”
“I was debating the fajitas for two, shrimp and steak.”
“Oh, I was looking at the chicken chimichangas.”
Moving in on the salsa as well, “I never said the fajitas were for sharing, Mulder.”
As his head dipped, smile wide, “you’ll have a ton of leftovers.”
Biting her chip and twinkling her eyes at him, “maybe.”
Two hours and two orders of Guacamole later, Scully had her feet up on the booth seat beside Mulder and he had his hand wrapped around her ankle, picking random green peppers off her plate, “think we should head out?”
“What? Is it already over? Dates usually last past 9pm, don’t they? And if so, we are severally short changing ourselves.”
“I don’t know how dates work? Maybe some do end at 7:47pm, give people a chance to get home, put on pajamas, complain to friends on the phone how the guy didn’t pay and the sour cream was warm.”
Shaking her head at him as she rested against the vinyl back, “I think we should wander the street for five minutes and see what the cool kids are doing these days.”
“Five minutes and they’ll be frozen kids.” Squeezing her leg, he shifted to pull out his wallet, “date night, guy pays, call me sexist but whatever.”
“I’m not complaining. I forgot my wallet in the car.” Crunching one last chip for the road, “we can get it when we walk past.”
Dropping tip on table and picking up bill, “I think we can manage without your wallet for the evening.”
“I also need some gum.”
“Car it is.”
Shivering after two minutes, Mulder stopped dead in front of a store, nodded his head, pulled her inside, “come on.”
Warm air hit her face, what was exposed anyway, and her eyes lit up …
He’d taken them into a bookstore. An independent little place that when she stood on her toes to see over the stacks of items, seemed to extend backwards to infinity; more than likely a few hundred feet but still, whatever, felt like miles.
“Feel like staying?”
She would have heard him but she was already ten feet away, unraveling scarf, following her nose wherever it led, behind a stack, around a table, through a doorway marked ‘red things, cooking, fantasy and small’. Mulder hoped he’d see her again by spring.
Nodding to the one worker, bedecked in cardigan, kilt and Yankees ball cap, he meandered to a wooden carved sign hanging from the ceiling declaring the section on aliens, astronomy, alchemy and algebra. Believing he had fallen down a rabbit hole, he broke the silence by asking, “how late are you open?”
The kilted gentleman answered, his mouth full of pizza, “we’re open ‘til we close, man, no hurry at all. I live upstairs so it’s a short commute.”
As a Tortie cat wandered through, giving Mulder a thorough look and sniff, “how many books do you have in here?”
“Lost count a few years back.” Pointing to Mulder’s right, “there are two rooms in the direction your wife went and,” pointing now to his left, “three more than way. If you get lost, yell.”
And he did.
He found Scully again nearly two hours later as she surprised him coming around the corner of the doorway leading to ‘medical, marvelous, sparkly and green’, “oh, hi.”
“Hi.” Eyeing the stack of books nearly blocking her face, “find anything?”
She almost worked up to embarrassed, “this is my second stack. Corky already has the first one.”
Mulder gave her a look of complete incredulity, whispering, “kilt man is named Corky?”
“Yes, Fox.”
“Touche.” Setting book in hand on the pile by his feet, “ready to go?”
“We probably should although I haven’t even made it to the ‘fiction about dead people’,” looking over her shoulder and squinting to read the ornate sign, “humorous cats, chubby hamsters and historically ordinary men with mustaches.”
“Oh, we’ll be back. This may very well be my new favorite place in the universe.”
“Where was your original favorite place in the universe?”
“It’s slightly x-rated.”
Pretty sure she knew exactly where he was talking about, she had the sense to turn slightly red, cheeks pinking up enough to let him know she knew, “come on. We need to go find out if we have to ask my mother for a loan to buy Ramen so we can eat for the next month.”
Corky, having moved on to lounging in a reclining aluminum lawn chair behind the checkout desk, cat on stomach, book in hand, dislodged animal and stood when he caught sight of them walking towards him, “I see you’ve found more.” Perusing the titles, nodding at some, eyebrow raising in appreciation at others, “good stuff, too. Totally don’t even remember getting this one in so kudos for finding it. If you don’t like it, bring it back, I’d like to read it when you’re done.”
And he was completely serious.
So was Scully when she nodded, “I will.”
Mulder wanted to ask if Corky needed a part-time employee but refrained, instead, pulling out his credit card, “what’s the damage there, Corky?”
The amount did not knock them off their feet. Made them inhale a bit deeper, wonder fleetingly if maybe they should put one or two back on the shelves but then Corky, being Corky, an excellent Corky in a world of Johns and Ryans and Donalds, handed back Mulder’s card, “and just ‘cause the weather sucks and your wife bought something with a shiny cover,” holding out a box of donuts, open, glazed, “you both get a snack for the road.”
Scully, getting a little hungry again, took one without question, and feeling the calm of paper and dust and musty pages surrounding her, “do you have a section on aura mapping and/or aura projecting?”
“Of course. In the back under ‘rainbows and righteous soul things’.”
“My husband would like to marry you.”
Holding up his left hand and occupied ring finger, “taken but I’d love to have a conversation with you about the whole aura thing if you’ve ever got the time. You are a very curious shade of red.”
Mulder glanced at Scully’s hair, in the process of being trapped under her hat, “I always assumed I’d be blue.”
Once everything was bagged and they’d finished a few more minutes of conversation, they headed out to the street, Mulder hefting two bags while Scully carried one, “thank God for canvas bags. Paper ones wouldn’t have held up.”
“I may not hold up. Did everything you bought have to be hardcover?”
“Pot, kettle, Mulder. You’ve got a 20 lb. book about tasseography.”
Putting stuff in the trunk, he grabbed her before she could open her door, turning her, leaning her against the Jeep, wiggling down scarf to kiss her long and slow, only pulling away when he could feel her begin to smile, “we should date more often.”
“We should and you know what’s best about dating me?”
“I have at least 480 reasons but lay it on me.”
Tugging her scarf up after another quick kiss, “you get to go home with me and take your pants off.”
“Always with the pants off.”
“Do you object?”
“Just get in the car.”
Eventually, they arrived home, slow-going on the icy roads, to have to lug everything upstairs, leftovers included this time, “okay, there is a four book limit for our next visit.”
“Each or total?”
Tripping on the last step and hitting the wall with his elbow, “each.”
As she took the largest of the bags from him, “I can live with that. It won’t happen but I can live with the concept of it.”
Giving her a tired smirk, “then only paperbacks.”
Wet boots left at the bottom of the stairs, they only had to shed frozen coats and accessories before they could hone in on hot chocolate packets from the cupboards and super thick socks from the bedroom, “meet me on the couch in five minutes.”
Like he’d ever not meet her on the couch in five minutes and after the five minutes were up, he turned, about to yell that she was late when she appeared, package of fudge striped cookies in one hand and two mugs of cocoa in the other. Taking his, he sipped, burned his tongue, nibbled a cookie, loved his life in general, watched her settle before she asked, “so, what did you buy?”
“Didn’t you already see the titles when he rang them up?”
“Yes, but now I want you to tell me why you bought them and the order you’re going to read them.”
Another sip, another burn, another nibble, “you are such a geek, Scully.”
“Corky also thinks I’m your wife.”
Offering her a bite of his cookie, which she accepted readily, “we should get on that.”
Perfectly fine with marriage hanging in the air over them for what could possibly be years to come, “probably.”
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I ripped up my pop-up laundry basket because I was so pissed that somebody or even the delivery stole my 2 boxes of pizza and the cheese bread off of our front porch and I paid dominos $30 for it.
I had to call them to see if he dropped it off at the wrong house or just didn't pay attention. Cause I came downstairs to check at 4:55 and nothing was there, then I went back outside at 5:00, still nothing....opposite to what my dominos tracker said.
And I bought this fucking pizza to make my day because I was so tired, depressed, and sick of being reminded of Jay while watching porn, changing videos that it made me cry because of how she used to sexually reject in the middle of us having sex and then would tell Ayunna to do my work just because I made one mistake or just really wanted to just sit there and watch. I don't understand what made her so non-interactive with me sexually even though she was the one who always initiated. And she acted like she hated the idea of me even touching in any kind of way without her permission, but it was okay if she touched me innappropiately or harassed me at their place?
She's a sicko, a sicko psycho.
And mom, not even giving a fuck that someone stole the food I was finna share pissed me off even further. She goes, "well, at least it will help you save money. You don't need to be buying no food anyway."
Bitch stfu.
And then Dominos actually thinking I'm the one lying about this. We've ordered food and bought pizza from them for years and this is the 1st time that we've ever got our delivery food stolen. Like wtffffff.
And mom knows good and damn well if I would have said that to her if one of her Amazon Packages got stolen, she would have cussed me out or told me to shut up.
She so fucking rude and I really don't wanna move out to no bummy ass looking apartment when I move out, just because the prices are so fucking in the area I'm trying to move into.
I don't wanna move to a different city with the same issue? Bitch if somebody steal anything from me, packages, mail, food, I pop the fuck off and mom was so nonchalant and passive about it, even when I asked her to check the ring camera to see if anyone took it.
It don't add up to me how there was barely anyone outside and the one day I order pizza because I feel unhappy, I get this fucking news and that bitches mouth.
Dominos gave me partial money back and kept the $4 tip. I'm still pissed because I don't believe or understand how can my food get stolen less than 5 min from what it said on the app, unless he arrived earlier than what it said 🤔
And nobody told me what time he came. He didn't even ask me was I alright. Talking about "well believe you this time. But we're not coming back."
Like as if my own life history on this fucking resume doesn't mean shit to them. Makes me think I went to school and did dual enrollment to get out quicker, for nothing 🙃
Wtf is wrong with this world. It's exactly why I say fuck Michigan economy. Now I gotta work factory just to even save up for a car, rent is high af, student loans finna come find my ass, and I don't have a girlfriend because I'm trying to wait till I have an affordable apartment and a car that won't break down on me on the highway in the middle of us driving to Vancouver.
Driving school is only $500. But in order for me to save up for a car, I gotta stay in a $600 or less place cause otherwise imma have to wait a whole entire year to save up for a car, the insurance, gas, and the maintenance costs by the end of next year...so no...fuck that.
With this fucking salary, I'm basically feel like shit because my own fucking friend who's middle class and actually stayed longer to get her masters after I graduated....is already banking a better job, work from home, and I hate complaining to Her about my worries.
And she's the one that inspired me to even go back for the masters. Because they treat you like secondhand condom shit just for having a Bachelor’s. Like it ain't good enough no more. Then when you try to apply to places for the experience that you needed to work another job that denied you, you still get denied by them too because they said your major doesn't match and why you wanna work here if you studied this?
it's like they really don't care in the 1st place, they just wanna know if you qualify and half the time I be lying about why I wAnNA wOrK hErE because yall cats read into people shit and judge them for just trying to make a living just to even have a place to stay and eat healthy food so a bitch can find better partners than the fuckbois and users on tinder.
I'm soooooo damn tired of being judged, mocked, criticized, and being rejected. And then the past mocking me about old rejections that I'm still waiiiiittttttiiingggggg for me to heal from. A year or nor, my heart still feels like it's January, thinking about everything and why did I block Jay when they reached out?
I was afraid that she would have just lied to me again, pushed me away even harder because I had already left, and then blocked me after. When I'm the one who chose to leave, I'm the one who is hurt, why did they always make it seem like my pain came last to their pain. Like it was always about serving them, doing what they said, what they wanted just because they were the couple, and took over every God Damn thing, and kept pushing me away, neglecting my emotions, manipulating and etc.
I don't even wanna talk about the same shit that happened anymore. But my brain does, my heart does. Because I remember everything. My heart can't make the pain go away, but I'm tired of hurting. I'm tired of crying about it and I hate that people in this house can trigger my actions to tear up shit, scream at the top of my lungs like a damn scarecrow on DragonBall Z, I'm tired of mom triggering me to think she hates my actions and the way that I think say or do something she doesn't agree about or care about, so she comments on everything little thing she despises.
When I'm already struggling to be happy. She does not give a fuck. And I bet if I told her I was feeling suicidal holding that wire from the laundry basket in my hand, feeling manic so I strangled my palms, my knuckles, and squeezed the crap out of that wire hoping it would make me forget about ripping up that piece of shit hamper, and make the irritation, that need to strangle somebody, something to make this itch go away to attack my mother with my words and tell her TO HURT HER OWN GOD DAMN FEELINGS INSTEAD OF KEEP HURTING MINE, YOU ARROGANT, COCKY ASS SON OF A BITCH AND I HATE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO TO ME. PIERCING IN MY FUCKING BACK, THE DRY ASS, PETTY ASS RESPONSES TO WHEN IM GOING THROUGH SHIT.
I'm sick of the ptsd episodes and I'm sick of waiting on other people to give me what I need, so if she got something to say about it, imma let her fucking have it. Cause I'm sick and tired of holding my mouth for her, and her ordering me to shut up, while she gets to sat however she fucking feels about each and little she feels the need to pick at.
Let her country, dumbass catch this heat. Imma bounce it right back to her and she ain't gonna like it. And I don't care if she wants me to just tolerate it anymore, she gon end up dead in her heart too if ever tried to kill me like she did that night in March. She showed no mercy, no remorse, and no she had not stood by her promise to make our relationship work as mother and daughter. She just said that so she didn't have to feel like a dick for her own daughter leaving her out the picture by going to her other mother, the one who understood her sensitivities and actually listened to my needs.
And that was Grandma Clara Jamison.
I hate to say it but, God why? Why did both of my grandma's have to fade. My other grandma don't even remember who I am. And If I talk to my own mom, about her mom, and say that she won't care to comfort me at all. She'll just angry that I made her feel bad because of my emotional response.
So I don't tell her anything. Cause my mom reminds me of how the terrible twins responded to me about being too sensitive, too emotional, to where they even blocked me and abandoned me. Made me suffer alone.
Just like my own mother is doing now, and it's driving my ass crazy. That she's them. Not my ex, but a narcissistic asshole, the bipolar freak who flips out and I can't come to her when I'm in pain, sadness, depression, or grief, anger even.
Because she ridicules me for having a strong feeling about something that doesn't matter. So she talks shit, goes away, or pushes me away when I try telling her in my most vulnerable state.
Which is when I'm crying or about to cry. I can't even come to my own mother about giving up and moving away to the mountains or a cabin or just committing suicide with pain pills. But she doesn't think about that. She doesn't think that her constant neglecting me, is showing me, I can't trust her.
And that's exactly how I did Jay, and walked away.
I'm there for you, but you're not there for me?
I'm out.
And I'm tired of just giving and getting hurt in return because you don't care about the situation that I'm in, nor do you care to listen.
So don't get all I'm ready to come whoop yo.ass or call the police on me again, just because I didn't answer my phone. You hurt me momma, repeatedly and you show out every so.often and I'm tired of getting disappointed and crying by myself because you don't come check on me when I isolate myself from you in the house. My back hurts everytime she does that, cause she triggers a memory that I can't forget.
I could have hit my head, got a concussion, or even broke my neck if I didn't catch my fall and pushed you back, because you decides that night Kylee doesn't get to talk. You came at me yelling and pushing and thought that I would just take that fall down those metal basement steps for you and that everything would go back to normal the next day?
Like that fight you had with Dad just last week where you punched him in his nose, screaming and cussing at him over you being in pain and him not showing you enough care. So you hit him anyway, then he puts you in chokehold and me and my sisters are supposed to just forget that anything happened???
We have to process all the crazy, toxic shit yall do to us or in front of us BY OURRRSEELLLVESSSS
My lil sister is 18 and was trying to stop a 6'1 grown man from beating yo.ass up. And on top of that, the same grown man was pushing me back too on my own chest.
But we're supposed to just go back to normal, assemble the stage, make yall two feel happy after yall so called talked it our when literally 3 days ago, yall slept in different places, dad at his dead moms house in grand Rapids, you at a hotel.room for a different night, and him on the couch after he came back.
Whyyy the fuck are yall so damn passive about this shit, but if I bring it up or even ask about Grandma, my ass get handed to.
He's not fine. Yall are not okay. It shouldn't be imma put my hands on you just because you pissed me off and you're supposed to love me tomorrow, no matter how much I scar you or hurt your face.
Like brainwashing, forced brainwashing to accept that shit is okay. as long as i never say anything about it, I'm not in trouble or receive neglect.
Yall are the most manipulative people I ever met. And Dominos I want my $4 back too mf. Tip should come back too.
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
How One Rural Town Without a Pharmacy Is Crowdsourcing to Get Meds
WALDEN, Colo. — The building that once housed the last drugstore in this town of fewer than 600 is now a barbecue restaurant, where pit boss Larry Holtman dishes out smoked brisket and pulled pork across the same counter where pharmacists dispensed vital medications more than 30 years ago.
It’s an hourlong drive over treacherous mountain passes to Laramie, Wyoming, or Granby or Steamboat Springs, Colorado — and the nearest pharmacies. The routes out of the valley in which Walden lies are regularly closed by heavy winter snows, keeping residents in and medications out.
Walden has suffered the fate of many small towns across the United States, as the economics of the pharmacy business have made it difficult for community drugstores to survive. With large pharmacy chains buying up independent drugstores and increasingly controlling the supply chain, towns such as Walden have too few residents to attract a chain drugstore and no great appeal for pharmacists willing to strike out on their own.
With no local access to prescription drugs, the town of mainly cattle ranchers and hay farmers has crowdsourced a delivery system, taking advantage of anyone’s trip to those bigger cities to pick up medications for the rest of the town.
“Really, it’s a network of community and people reaching out and knowing that others have needs,” said Tina Maddux, who runs a nonprofit that provides food and other assistance in Walden. “We’re a community that pulls together for the wellness of everyone.”
The system is just one of the creative ways that rural communities deal with a lack of health care. In Walden, the senior center runs a regular shuttle to the bigger locales so older residents don’t have to drive to pick up groceries, visit doctors or refill their meds. In October, a pharmacy in Steamboat Springs began delivering medications to Walden once a week. Mail-order pharmacies can help with medications for chronic conditions, but not for acute needs.
Yet these solutions can’t replace a bricks-and-mortar pharmacy, as pharmacists do much more than count pills. They can give flu or covid shots and, in some states, such as Colorado, even prescribe contraceptives. Some run diabetes management or smoking cessation programs. Medications can be complicated, and without a live person to talk to, patients can struggle to take them correctly.
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In Walden, locals are one snowstorm, one mishap, from being cut off from their meds.
That uncertainty leaves Whitney Milek with constant anxiety. Her younger son, 8-year-old Wade, relies on medications to control his seizures. She usually picks up his medicines in Laramie, where the family does its big grocery runs. But when she needs to refill in between trips, she turns to her neighbors for help.
The informal system runs primarily through a Facebook group created in 2013 as a sort of online garage sale. For years, people have been posting to ask if anybody is headed toward a pharmacy and can bring back a prescription. Neighbors deliver to neighbors, even during the pandemic, and no money is exchanged.
“There are times when nobody is going and you end up having to have them mailed, which is a whole other thing, especially with seizure meds,” Milek said. “Some are controlled substances and they can’t mail them.”
Two winters ago, Milek called in one of her son’s prescriptions to a Steamboat Springs pharmacy. But when she arrived, the medication was out of stock. With road conditions rapidly worsening, she asked if the pharmacy would mail the medication but was told she lived too close for mail delivery. She turned to a pharmacy in Laramie, which eventually agreed to mail it to her — but also didn’t have it in stock.
“So, he ended up going five days without,” Milek said. “It’s not a big deal if you miss a dose here or there. But when you miss that many over a period of time, your tolerance level goes down.”
That medication must be carefully managed to build up gradually in Wade’s blood to avoid a severe allergic reaction. It took three weeks to scale up to his daily dose when he started taking the drug two years ago.
“When he went five days without it, he had to basically start all over again. It was over Christmas break, so he wasn’t in school. I brought him to work with me because I didn’t feel comfortable leaving him with anybody else,” said Milek, a bookkeeper. “I didn’t know what was going to happen.”
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Wade was fortunate to avoid complications that time. But having a local pharmacy mail medications comes with added costs — $26, in their case, for a prescription last month — an extra tax on those who cannot get to a pharmacy. Mail-order pharmacies typically don’t charge for shipping yet can run into snags, too. Last year, some of Wade’s mailed medications got stuck in a Denver processing facility for three weeks. The Mileks had to pay $1,600 out-of-pocket to get replacements.
Walden has no hospital, only a small clinic where Dr. Lynnette Telck and a nurse practitioner care for residents. The clinic stocks some basic medications to handle routine acute needs — antibiotics for strep throat, inhalers for asthma — and they can mix up liquid suspensions for those who can’t swallow pills.
“It’s a small town, so we all wear many hats,” Telck said.
Studies show that, without a drugstore nearby, patients aren’t as likely to keep up with their medications and their chronic conditions can worsen. Without readily available medications, Telck said, patients can end up taking an ambulance to an emergency room.
“It’s just so darn expensive to the system,” she said.
Walden touts itself as the moose-viewing capital of Colorado and is a recreation mecca for hunting, fishing and snowmobiling. But Telck said it could be hard to attract a pharmacist because the town lacks amenities like movie theaters and shopping malls.
“It’s pristine and wonderful in its own quirky way and we love it,” she said. “But not a lot of people want to come to rural areas. The wages aren’t as high as in the big cities.”
Middle Park Health, the Granby-based hospital system that operates the Walden clinic, had looked at putting a more complete pharmacy in the clinic but couldn’t find a technician to staff it.
“The days of that being a profitable, desirable business? It’s a lot tougher than it was a decade or two ago,” said Gina Moore, an associate dean at the University of Colorado’s School of Pharmacy. “You come out of eight years of college — four years of undergraduate and four years of pharmacy school — with pretty significant student loan debt. It’s very hard to go to a rural community where you don’t make any money.”
In towns without an ER or a clinic open late, pharmacists often become the health provider of last resort. They tell patients whether they need to make the long trek to a hospital late at night or can wait until morning.
“A patient will often come to the pharmacy as the first point of access for health care,” Moore said. “Our pharmacists are taught to understand and to be able to advise people on what can be self-treated with over-the-counter medications versus when you need to see a higher-level provider or an urgent care.”
Researchers from the Rural Policy Research Institute at the University of Iowa have documented how the deck is increasingly stacked against community pharmacies.
“It’s just not a really attractive business model anymore,” said Keith Mueller, the institute’s director.
In 2013, they found that new Medicare Part D drug plans resulted in low and late reimbursements, replacing direct out-of-pocket payments from customers. That left many pharmacies unable to turn a profit. By 2018, surveys showed pharmacies were struggling more with the narrowing margin between what they paid for the drugs and what they were being reimbursed by health plans.
Towns of more than 10,000 people are often served by at least a Walmart or a supermarket pharmacy, Mueller said.
“But you get out into smaller communities, the predominant modality had been the corner drugstore,” he said. “We’re not seeing that replacement of the closed independents by a CVS, Rite Aid or Walgreens.”
The Mileks have talked about whether they should move near her family in Wyoming to be closer to a hospital and pharmacy.
“When you can’t get to a pharmacy, it’s scary, because things can happen so fast,” Milek said. “People just have no concept of what it’s like out here.”
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KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
How One Rural Town Without a Pharmacy Is Crowdsourcing to Get Meds published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 3 years
How One Rural Town Without a Pharmacy Is Crowdsourcing to Get Meds
WALDEN, Colo. — The building that once housed the last drugstore in this town of fewer than 600 is now a barbecue restaurant, where pit boss Larry Holtman dishes out smoked brisket and pulled pork across the same counter where pharmacists dispensed vital medications more than 30 years ago.
It’s an hourlong drive over treacherous mountain passes to Laramie, Wyoming, or Granby or Steamboat Springs, Colorado — and the nearest pharmacies. The routes out of the valley in which Walden lies are regularly closed by heavy winter snows, keeping residents in and medications out.
Walden has suffered the fate of many small towns across the United States, as the economics of the pharmacy business have made it difficult for community drugstores to survive. With large pharmacy chains buying up independent drugstores and increasingly controlling the supply chain, towns such as Walden have too few residents to attract a chain drugstore and no great appeal for pharmacists willing to strike out on their own.
With no local access to prescription drugs, the town of mainly cattle ranchers and hay farmers has crowdsourced a delivery system, taking advantage of anyone’s trip to those bigger cities to pick up medications for the rest of the town.
“Really, it’s a network of community and people reaching out and knowing that others have needs,” said Tina Maddux, who runs a nonprofit that provides food and other assistance in Walden. “We’re a community that pulls together for the wellness of everyone.”
The system is just one of the creative ways that rural communities deal with a lack of health care. In Walden, the senior center runs a regular shuttle to the bigger locales so older residents don’t have to drive to pick up groceries, visit doctors or refill their meds. In October, a pharmacy in Steamboat Springs began delivering medications to Walden once a week. Mail-order pharmacies can help with medications for chronic conditions, but not for acute needs.
Yet these solutions can’t replace a bricks-and-mortar pharmacy, as pharmacists do much more than count pills. They can give flu or covid shots and, in some states, such as Colorado, even prescribe contraceptives. Some run diabetes management or smoking cessation programs. Medications can be complicated, and without a live person to talk to, patients can struggle to take them correctly.
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In Walden, locals are one snowstorm, one mishap, from being cut off from their meds.
That uncertainty leaves Whitney Milek with constant anxiety. Her younger son, 8-year-old Wade, relies on medications to control his seizures. She usually picks up his medicines in Laramie, where the family does its big grocery runs. But when she needs to refill in between trips, she turns to her neighbors for help.
The informal system runs primarily through a Facebook group created in 2013 as a sort of online garage sale. For years, people have been posting to ask if anybody is headed toward a pharmacy and can bring back a prescription. Neighbors deliver to neighbors, even during the pandemic, and no money is exchanged.
“There are times when nobody is going and you end up having to have them mailed, which is a whole other thing, especially with seizure meds,” Milek said. “Some are controlled substances and they can’t mail them.”
Two winters ago, Milek called in one of her son’s prescriptions to a Steamboat Springs pharmacy. But when she arrived, the medication was out of stock. With road conditions rapidly worsening, she asked if the pharmacy would mail the medication but was told she lived too close for mail delivery. She turned to a pharmacy in Laramie, which eventually agreed to mail it to her — but also didn’t have it in stock.
“So, he ended up going five days without,” Milek said. “It’s not a big deal if you miss a dose here or there. But when you miss that many over a period of time, your tolerance level goes down.”
That medication must be carefully managed to build up gradually in Wade’s blood to avoid a severe allergic reaction. It took three weeks to scale up to his daily dose when he started taking the drug two years ago.
“When he went five days without it, he had to basically start all over again. It was over Christmas break, so he wasn’t in school. I brought him to work with me because I didn’t feel comfortable leaving him with anybody else,” said Milek, a bookkeeper. “I didn’t know what was going to happen.”
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Wade was fortunate to avoid complications that time. But having a local pharmacy mail medications comes with added costs — $26, in their case, for a prescription last month — an extra tax on those who cannot get to a pharmacy. Mail-order pharmacies typically don’t charge for shipping yet can run into snags, too. Last year, some of Wade’s mailed medications got stuck in a Denver processing facility for three weeks. The Mileks had to pay $1,600 out-of-pocket to get replacements.
Walden has no hospital, only a small clinic where Dr. Lynnette Telck and a nurse practitioner care for residents. The clinic stocks some basic medications to handle routine acute needs — antibiotics for strep throat, inhalers for asthma — and they can mix up liquid suspensions for those who can’t swallow pills.
“It’s a small town, so we all wear many hats,” Telck said.
Studies show that, without a drugstore nearby, patients aren’t as likely to keep up with their medications and their chronic conditions can worsen. Without readily available medications, Telck said, patients can end up taking an ambulance to an emergency room.
“It’s just so darn expensive to the system,” she said.
Walden touts itself as the moose-viewing capital of Colorado and is a recreation mecca for hunting, fishing and snowmobiling. But Telck said it could be hard to attract a pharmacist because the town lacks amenities like movie theaters and shopping malls.
“It’s pristine and wonderful in its own quirky way and we love it,” she said. “But not a lot of people want to come to rural areas. The wages aren’t as high as in the big cities.”
Middle Park Health, the Granby-based hospital system that operates the Walden clinic, had looked at putting a more complete pharmacy in the clinic but couldn’t find a technician to staff it.
“The days of that being a profitable, desirable business? It’s a lot tougher than it was a decade or two ago,” said Gina Moore, an associate dean at the University of Colorado’s School of Pharmacy. “You come out of eight years of college — four years of undergraduate and four years of pharmacy school — with pretty significant student loan debt. It’s very hard to go to a rural community where you don’t make any money.”
In towns without an ER or a clinic open late, pharmacists often become the health provider of last resort. They tell patients whether they need to make the long trek to a hospital late at night or can wait until morning.
“A patient will often come to the pharmacy as the first point of access for health care,” Moore said. “Our pharmacists are taught to understand and to be able to advise people on what can be self-treated with over-the-counter medications versus when you need to see a higher-level provider or an urgent care.”
Researchers from the Rural Policy Research Institute at the University of Iowa have documented how the deck is increasingly stacked against community pharmacies.
“It’s just not a really attractive business model anymore,” said Keith Mueller, the institute’s director.
In 2013, they found that new Medicare Part D drug plans resulted in low and late reimbursements, replacing direct out-of-pocket payments from customers. That left many pharmacies unable to turn a profit. By 2018, surveys showed pharmacies were struggling more with the narrowing margin between what they paid for the drugs and what they were being reimbursed by health plans.
Towns of more than 10,000 people are often served by at least a Walmart or a supermarket pharmacy, Mueller said.
“But you get out into smaller communities, the predominant modality had been the corner drugstore,” he said. “We’re not seeing that replacement of the closed independents by a CVS, Rite Aid or Walgreens.”
The Mileks have talked about whether they should move near her family in Wyoming to be closer to a hospital and pharmacy.
“When you can’t get to a pharmacy, it’s scary, because things can happen so fast,” Milek said. “People just have no concept of what it’s like out here.”
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KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
How One Rural Town Without a Pharmacy Is Crowdsourcing to Get Meds published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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thesportsman · 4 years
🆕va Mortgage Rates Below 3% 🏼👉 Best Va Loan Rates Solution
You know I had a lot of family that were in wars. My father served in World War, two thank God.
He was able to come back. Obviously, I would not be here, and he just turned 90 years old on April 2nd. So thanks dad for what you did and you know it was, it was traumatizing to him. He was a 17 year old young man in the Marines in World War. Two and a lot of people who don’t have members family members that are stood have served. You don’t know what it’s like, and even to this day you know you start talking about war and you know ships.
He took a ship over overseas and you know being in little bunkers and this and then he gets choked up and he there’s a lot of things. He won’t talk about. So I this is a thank you to those those people out there. What I did is, I came out and said you know, I’m going to wave there’s an eight hundred. Ninety five dollar underwriting fee that we charged that will be waived for any veterans out there veterans families that we can help and what I wanted to go over today is a specific program for those veterans that are in currently in a VA loan.
Okay, right now, you’re hearing a lot of talk about forbearance and what forbearance is. Is it basically allows you to postpone one two? Three? Maybe even up this, sometimes six mortgage payments, but the bad thing about that is, it’s still. You know the banks keep coming out with some regulations or the government keeps coming out with some regulations that say well, your your lender has these options? Well, I eight when I’m not in control of my options.
So what I tried to do is say you know can. Can I have a better solution for you so today? Well, that’s what I want to talk about is, if you’re, currently in a VA mortgage right now, there’s a there’s a program. That’s called the Earle. It’s AI r, RR L and it’s a program that does this and it allows you to if you’re, currently in a VA loan and your credit scores are over six hundred and you have no late pays on your mortgage, you should qualify today’s rate and we’re going To go over the rates here in a second is I’m going to show you where my rates are, and I hate I always hate.
This is I’m I don’t like. I love when you guys shop, but what I don’t like is playing. I say I guess the car dealership game. I will always, and I promise you I’ll, come back with the best offer that I have with what frustrates me. The most is when you get a quote from somebody, and then you reach out to me, for example, because at the end of this I’m going to tell you how how I might be to help you know thousands of people out there getting a better rate and Better fees when you’re getting a mortgage, but what drives me nuts is when somebody gets pre-approved or approved for a loan and they’re locked in and everything’s good, and then they they come across my article and they reach out to me and I’m like.
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Okay, here’s what I can do and then miraculously the lender that already gave them the approval and then lock the men and everything. And let’s say the rate was four and I’m at 3.75. Now miraculously they can give you 3.75. Well then, it comes back and I’m like well, I gave you a 375 with no costs and the other place was for with about 3,000 and fees so now miraculously they’re coming back with 3.
75 with no fees. I I have no problem with you, you, as the consumer. Are you the homeowner trying to negotiate rates? What drives me nuts is, if you wouldn’t have you know, reached out to me and then I gave you those quotes. That Bank would have been more than happy to sign you at the 4 % with 3,000 and fees. So that’s one of those areas that really drives me crazy and again, I’m not saying don’t get multiple quotes, but on my end I don’t like it I’ll say you know: I’m not going to get playing the the car dealership game.
I’ll give you. I promise you. My best offer at the get-go, but the economy and rates and other things change daily, so that might change, but I’m always going to give you my best pitch on that. First, on that, first pitch that I give you and I mean by you, know basically thrown a baseball, I’m not saying you know pitch in a derogatory manner. You know I’m going to give you that first quote that’s the best.
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I can do, and you know again the next day: if rates go down, I’m going to you know, be put off your those rates, but I’m not going to go back and forth, and okay they’ll give you this and then because you’re not you’re reaching out to Me for my assistance so I’ll leave it at that. So what I want to go over next is I’m going to go over the the programs and go basically explain what the VA streamline is allows you to do doesn’t require you to get such as income, documentation and an appraisal, and then we’re going to go over Rates so I can show you where rates are today with me and then we’re going to compare those out there and then in the environment.
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So it’s going to be live real time on the rates. So I’m not manipulating anything. So don’t wear your stay tuned because we’re going to get to that right now. So the first thing I just basically want to go over is VA mortgages. You know why people look into those and what they do for you so va va. Mortgage is basically those if you’re a veteran or you’re serving in the military. You you would qualify it and you would know just reach out to us if you’re contemplating, if you do qualify or not and we’ll walk you through that process, but some of the biggest benefits that is there’s no money down.
So your down payment is zero. The rates are phenomenal, they’re, they’re, usually better than conventional financing. That’s the normal mortgage that you think of there’s no prepayment penalties. You’re allowed a higher what we call debt to income ratio. What that is, is it’s all your debts on your credit report, plus your proposed mortgage divided by your income, and then it allows you to do the streamline refinancing when possible.
If rates drop more than a half a percent from where you are currently, you should qualify as long as you have a 600 credit score and no late pays on your mortgage within the last six to 12 months. It depends on how long you’ve had that mortgage. If you’ve only had it for six months, those payments had to be on time. If you had it for a year. Those payments need to be on time. So if you have a bankruptcy in the past, a foreclosure on other properties, a current bankruptcy but you’re paying your mortgage all kind of scenarios, you still fit okay, so going through here it goes through and kind of explain.
So you could pause this screen right here and look out. Look at some of the details that encompasses you know. What exactly is the url’ that I spoke about and who qualifies and then I’ll go down through here and give you some more data with that. So the streamlined process there – okay, so you could pause the screen here if you’ll want to check out that so, let’s get on the biggest part of this is when you’re refinancing you’re doing this.
The biggest thing you want to look out for is: what’s the costs involved and what is the rate? Okay, so let’s go. I googled basically VA oops, I said, put VA q, so VA mortgage rates and let’s see what pops up so we go down through here. Here’s the VA rates, a 30-year rate is this, but we want to look at this, what they call the earl, the irrrl. So right now it’s it’s saying: the top 10 mortgage loans, calm top lenders, here’s the best rate from this website, so we’re looking at the thirty-year Earl okay.
So it’s three point: three, seven five, so we got that news daily. That’s going to give you that lets! Go down through here, what’s the best VA rate that doesn’t give us any rates, so let’s get rid of bad. Let’s go down what is a VA rate. It goes through here at the same point thing a three point: three: what is a current 15-year rate? Let’s look at everything that just gives us the rates f30 or three point three.
So everything’s three point: three: seven: five: if we look at that, it might be all all the same. Oh is 3.25. A good rate. 3.25 is a great rate or extremely good rate. Mine is 375, so it’s basically we’re. Looking at three point, two five, two three point: three: seven, five. Okay, so that’s we have on the rate. One of the places I usually go is to bankrate.Com. That’s one of the biggest places out there that people will scan that system, so we’re going to go through here and I’m just going to this is a refinance 606.
I was using six, oh six to three. It’s a city or a ZIP code in Chicago 350 property value 300. Is the loan amount. 740 is the score 30-year term and we’re going to look at the VA program. Alright, so we have here. We have three point: two, four, nine, so three and a quarter just like all the other places with no points or this place down here. Well, we’ve got three but, like I always told you please read over here, you have six thousand in fees.
Don’t do that? Okay, so we got three basically we’re. Seeing is three point, two five, two three point: three five is the rate out there. So let’s go to me so I’m going to put in I put in the same parameters to save us time. Three hundred thousand three thirty-five. I think I use some other factor in here, so three thirty-five value, so I have a lower value here, but let’s, let’s move this to 350, like so for comparison’s PO sakes and it’s the Earl that we spoke about right here.
740 score. It’s same! What we did here, 740, plus so everything’s the same, and we go down here and I pick the VA program on a 30-year and we hit submit. So, let’s see where this takes us and it should pop up here any second. So right now I have with me we’ll go to three point. Two five three point: two five. I would be actually giving you a credit, the negative for those new to the blog. What we do here is this is showing you what my rate is and then any cost that it would cost you to get that rate.
A negative is money back to you. You would get a credit for anything in the negatives, a positive you would have to pay okay, so we go through here at 2.75. You could pay 837 dollars to get that rate. If we go back to here at 3, it’s costing you 6,000, so mine’s 800 bucks to get 2.75. It’s 500 bucks to get to point eight, seven, five $ 200 to get three and at three point one: two: five! You start getting money back! Okay! So that’s where I am today oath rates again.
This is the VA Earle program and the fees right now I have like I was saying I’m giving a credit back to those veterans and the veterans families out there for eight hundred and fifty dollars. That is our normal lender fee. So to do this, you can see where you are with rates. So let’s say, if you remember back, I said to qualify for this program. You need to get a rate of again. Let’s recap the qualifications to get this mortgage.
You need a 600 credit score. No late pays on your mortgage and your rate has to be a half a percent lower than you are currently so, for example, if you get 2.75, that means, if your rate now is three point, two five or higher, you should qualify and again I’m giving you A discount or a credit of $ 850 that normally goes to our fees. So let’s say you I’m giving that credit. Let’s say you apply that credit to this right here, you’re, basically getting 2.
75 percent without paying any points or discounts. That’s that’s beats everything you can. Finally, you can find on the web everywhere, so that’s kind of what we’re trying to do right now we’re trying to help as many people as out as we can. So, if you, your family, your friends, neighbors co-workers. Anybody, if you know a veteran, please get the word out to them and help them save some money or help yourself and put your family in a better position.
So that being said, if you’re looking for some help, the best way to get us is give me a call at eight four, four, seven, seven, five, five, six, two six right here or email me: it D for Dan free, Oh, which is Fri o at preferred Rate comm so D, free o at preferred rate comm. That’s how you get ahold of me personally, I’d love to help, so let me go. Let me take this one step further. If you’re out there and you’re looking for a mortgage, you’re looking to buy a house need pre-approved, let me know I love to help you.
You can go to go to this. Go to the the free O team. Comm give us a call or shoot me an email and we can get your pre-approved probably within an hour if you’re in the mortgage process. Right now, please send me your quote and again, I’m not going to play the car dealership game I’ll, come back to you, something which, what you’re getting and I’ll say, here’s what I got and you’re you’re getting money so try to get it as cheap.
As you can, but don’t get the wool pulled over your eyes, because so many people bait-and-switch to tell you what you want to hear and then when it comes down to it, you kind of learn the hard way I’ll say it. That way. So send me when you apply for a loan, do you have to receive a what’s called a loan estimate or a fee worksheet from the lender, and it goes through everything. It’ll go through the rate.
The loan amount in all the costs and where every penny went to, please send me a copy that send it to Dee free, Oh at preferred rate, comm I’ll review it and say you know what that’s phenomenal, take it or I’m going to scratch through it. In most cases and say, here’s my rate, here’s my costs, don’t be surprised if I win in both those areas. Okay, the next thing is, if you currently have a VA mortgage or any mortgage, but specially we’re talking about VA right now, if you have a VA mortgage email me a copy of your mortgage statement and then also get just give me an idea what you think, Your credit score is and I’ll analyze it and come back to you probably again within the hour.
If it’s during office hours and I’ll say here’s what I can or can’t do and does it make sense I’ll, probably send you like an animal analysis or something to break down the numbers to show you. Yes, this makes ton of sense, or you know what I wouldn’t do it and I’ll be honest with you I’ll tell you what I would or wouldn’t do, but in most cases our average loan right now is just shy of 300 thousand.
So if you can drop your rate, half a percent on a $ 300,000 loan or even two hundred thousand dollar loan you’d, be very much surprised on how much you can save and to take it one step further. Let’s say, for example, that we could save you. 3, 400 bucks a month. Wonder if just wonder if we can, you can continue to make your same payment that you’re paying now and pay off your house, maybe five six ten years early, just think how much money you’d save in that case.
So I’d love to help. Thank you again for doing what you did and the families out there who have sacrificed to help keep our freedoms the way. So we can do what we do. So god bless. Thank you for reading. Please don’t forget to give me a thumbs up subscribe down below share this article, so you might help other veterans out there get into much better financial position and the god bless. I will see a God willing tomorrow same time same place, see you then bye-bye.
source https://thesportsman-usa.com/2020/10/03/%f0%9f%86%95va-mortgage-rates-below-3-%f0%9f%8f%bc%f0%9f%91%89-best-va-loan-rates-solution/
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Case study: Deep in debt but scared to take action
Last night, as I do from time to time, I met with a GRS reader. Actually, Debbie doesn't read this site but her sister does. And Debbie means to. Although I met Debbie's sister last year at a Camp FI event, I'd never met Debbie before. So, what's your situation? I asked after our waiter had brought us each a glass of wine. What do you want to know about money? Everything, Debbie said, laughing. I feel like I don't know much at all right now. I guess deep down, I know what I need to do. I just don't do it. I nodded. I'm like that with fitness, I said. I know what I need to do, but I just don't do it. I know I need to exercise. I know I need to stretch. I know I need to eat better food. But for a lot of people people like you and me there's a barrier between knowledge and action. It doesn't matter if we know how to do the right thing. It's the action that matters. I buy books about money but I never read them, Debbie said. I have Dave Ramsey and The Millionaire Next Door. Those are both good books, I said. Then, I shifted gears. Looking for Purpose This might seem odd, but let's talk about your goals. What do you want out of life? What are your big plans? Our waiter brought Debbie a bowl of mussels and me a plate of pasta. I want to make the world a better place, Debbie said. I'm young. I work for a huge multi-national company. But I don't believe in the company and I don't believe in my work. I get paid $20 an hour to bring people coffee and water all day. I have a bartending gig on weekends. I want to do something that matters. Maybe improve our food system, for instance. I hate how people eat. I want more people to have better access to high-quality food. That sounds like a noble goal, I said. How do you get there from where you are now? I don't know, Debbie said. It seems impossible. I have $80,000 in student loans but they're in deferral. I don't have to pay anything on them, but they still accumulate $600 in interest every month. How can I ever hope to catch up? Yeah, that's rough, I said. I used to be in a similar position. Twenty years ago, I had over $35,000 in credit card and consumer debt. That's not the same as your $80,000, but it'd probably be equivalent to about $50,000 today. I carried that debt for a long time, just treading water, never getting ahead. I felt like I'd never get it paid off. But you did it? I did, I said. I did it by creating a gap between my earning and spending. Fundamentally, there are only two things you can do to improve your situation. You can make more money or you can spend less. Ideally, you'd do both. You want as wide a gap as possible between what you earn and what you spend. Right now, it sounds as if you don't have a gap. You have a deficit. Debbie nodded. I slurped down some noodles. Two Familiar Foes How much is your rent? I asked. She looked sheepish. I pay $1200 for an apartment in northeast Portland, she said. She gave an address near where I lived after my divorce. I know I should have roommates but I don't. I don't want the complications. And what's your take-home pay? Just over $2000 per month, Debbie said. Yeah, your rent is pretty high, I said. I mean, it's not high compared to other places in Portland it seems about average but it's high compared to your income. Nearly 60% of what you earn is going to housing. That's a lot! The average American spends about one-third of their take-home pay on housing. So, that's a great place to try to cut costs. Maybe not right now, but over the long term. I like where I live, Debbie said, prying open a mussel. You might want to consider roommates, I said. Aside from your housing costs, it doesn't sound like the rest of your spending is outrageous. Honestly, if I were you, I'd try to find ways to boost your income. Especially since you hate your job. I know, Debbie said. I've thought about that. I have a marketing degree that I'm not using. My current company offered to give me a raise and a promotion, but I turned it down. I would have been doing work that I hate even more. It would be difficult for me to be in a position where I had to represent a company I don't like. Why don't you quit? I asked. I did once, she said. But then I went back right away. I was scared to apply for new work. I don't have much self-confidence. I mean, I'm 31 and have a marketing degree, but I don't have any experience. Who would hire me? I get the lack of self-confidence, I said. I totally get it. I struggle with that every day. You do? Debbie said. She seemed surprised. Yes, I said. Every day. Even today, I've been dragging around with my head full of negative self-talk. But here's the thing: I've learned to just do the stuff that scares me anyhow. The Importance of Action For some reason, our conversation turned to running. Debbie wants to run a marathon in two months, but she doesn't feel ready. Have you run a marathon before? she asked. I haven't run a marathon, I said, but I've walked one. Ten years ago, when I was fifty pounds heavier, I trained to run the Portland Marathon, but I got hurt. Instead, when the time came, I walked the entire thing. I paused and pointed at my feet. And I walked it in these hiking boots! For real? she said.
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Yes, I said. Looking back, it was goofy. But I really wanted to complete the marathon, so for some reason I decided the best way to do it was just to have fun. Since I was too hurt to run, I walked in street clothes, as if I were out for a hike. Anyhow, this kind of ties back to you looking for work. I could have easily decided to not do the marathon since I was injured. I could have given up. Instead, I found a way to do it. I know that applying for jobs sucks. I know you're worried about rejection. But I think you should do it anyhow. Accept the fact that you're going to get rejected. Screw it. Apply anyhow, and look at the whole thing as practice. Tell yourself that even if you don't find a better job, you'll be getting experience with interviews and the hiring process. I took one last bite of my pasta. Really, I said, it's all about taking action. Even if you're scared. I told Debbie about my friend Mike. Mike is a software engineer who is happy in his high-paying job. All the same, once or twice each year he takes time off work to interview with other companies. He's not actively seeking to leave his job, but he wants to stay sharp. He wants to see what other opportunities are out there. He wants to get practice interviewing. Obviously, Debbie is in a different situation, but I think she can apply the same principles: Actively apply for other work. View the experience as an exercise, not a necessity. When she doesn't get a job, she should follow up to find out why not. Ultimately, I didn't have any magic answers that could make Debbie's money problems disappear overnight. As is often the case, she's going to have to do a lot of hard work (and make some sacrifices) in order to improve her financial situation. She's going to have to avoid falling into the forever fallacy, the mistaken belief that she'll always be struggling at a job she hates while carrying a mountain of debt. Things will be tough for a while but if she can make some course corrections, they'll improve. Thanks for meeting me, Debbie said as we left the restaurant. I hope it helped, I said. I'm never convinced that these conversations are actually useful for the people I meet. Like I said, I too lack self-confidence. It did, she said. I'm going to get a new job. It Gets Better My dinner with Debbie reminded me of a conversation I had last year with my friends Wally and Jodie. As I shared last August, this couple has decided to take control of their finances, but they started with less than zero. In fact, their situation is very similar to Debbie's. When I wrote about Wally and Jodie in August, their income and spending were qual. They couldn't save anything. They had $35,000 in debt and were behind on a car payment. I don't know their exact situation today, but I know they've been working together to increase their saving rate. They don't go out to eat. They don't drink alcohol. They work constantly at multiple jobs. It sucks, Wally told me last weekend. We're tired all of the time. We can't wait for this to end. But you know what? You were right when you said that it won't last forever. Already, we can see that. Last summer, we had no margin. Now we have an $800 gap every month. Wow, I said. Nice work! Yeah, said Wally. It's very tempting to spend that money, but so far we haven't. We're using it to catch up on our debt. It's only a matter of time before everything is paid off and we can go back to saner hours. It feels good. I love hearing success stories like this. I love seeing people taking action to turn their lives around. I believe strongly that Debbie can turn her life around too. She's young. She's smart. She's engaging. She lacks self-confidence, but that can be faked. If Debbie is willing to make a couple of big moves reduce her rent and find a new job I suspect that in six months or a year that she too will find that she has a gap between what she earns and what she spends. And when she creates this gap, her worries will diminish. (They'll never go away, but they'll decline.) In time, she will pay off her student loans, find work that she loves, and change the world.
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Author: J.D. Roth In 2006, J.D. founded Get Rich Slowly to document his quest to get out of debt. Over time, he learned how to save and how to invest. Today, he's managed to reach early retirement! He wants to help you master your money and your life. No scams. No gimmicks. Just smart money advice to help you reach your goals. https://www.getrichslowly.org/deep-in-debt/
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/united-states-of-america/denver-is-so-expensive-that-teachers-have-to-get-creative-to-make-ends-meet/
Denver is so expensive that teachers have to get creative to make ends meet
Yes, it’s about money, many have told CNN. But it’s also about the uncertainty of living paycheck to paycheck. It’s about the necessity of taking on a second or third job. It’s about the untenability of carrying on this way much longer.
Katie McOwen has had to make some tough decisions when it comes to money.
At the end of this month, she’s giving up her one-bedroom apartment and will move into a friend’s basement. The move sacrifices some of her independence, but it affords her some wiggle room with her finances.
The sixth-grade math teacher at Place Bridge Academy in Denver said she makes about $50,000 per year. After paying $1,050 in rent, plus student loan payments, bills and other expenses, there’s not much left over. She also nannies during the summers to supplement income.
“I really am living paycheck to paycheck right now,” McOwen said. “If my car broke down or anything, I would be really hurting.”
McOwen is lucky that she doesn’t have to make car payments. She drives a 2000 Honda Accord, which just hit 310,000 miles. It works now, but she worries about the future.
“I know if something really happens, I will be in big, big trouble,” she said.
Why? Because she wouldn’t be able to go to work.
The 35-year-old is originally from West Virginia, the state that launched a teacher strike and inspired similar movements across the United States last year. Her mother and sisters, who also live in Denver, have talked about moving back east, or somewhere near there, to find a more affordable life.
“My option was to either move there or I’ve been contemplating moving into a camper van,” she said with a laugh. “I knew something was going to have to change. It was either to move completely out of Denver or to bunk with my friend.”
He drives Lyft after school and has multiple roommates
Sean Bowers shares a place with three people.
They split the $2,500 rent. He lives in the smallest room and pays $600.
Change is coming, though. Two of Bowers’ roommates are dating and they’ll be moving out in May.
That fact of life has Bowers trying to figure out what he’ll do. Splitting that much rent between two people is more than he can afford.
“We’re just at that time of our life and it’s getting harder and harder to find roommates,” said the high school physical education teacher. “All my friends are either married and don’t want to live with another random person, or I’m looking out for random people on Craigslist.”
If he opts to get a new place, he will have to pay yet another security deposit and the first month’s rent.
“I’ve had to take out loans before for just the security deposit and the first month’s rent because I don’t have that extra $800 to $1200 to throw down,” the 30-year-old said.
Bowers’ base salary is $42,000, but he does a lot outside of daytime hours to make extra money. He writes curriculum over the summer, runs a ninth-grade academy and he is the head track and field coach at North High School in Denver.
School and coaching duties mean that he’s in school from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the winter and spring. After all that, Bowers rolls into his other job as a Lyft driver.
He typically drives five to 10 hours a week with the goal of making an extra $100, he said.
“When you are teaching the lesson, when you are with the kids and when you see the change, you forget about all the financials,” Bowers said.
Yet he wishes he had a little time to “go home, rest, relax and work on other skills as a person,” he said.
“We’re not asking for a million dollars,” Bowers said. “We’re asking for an extra $200 to $300 per paycheck so that I can save up so that I can buy a house and live in my community and not jump from house to house.”
She hasn’t had a savings account in 9 years of teaching
When Kelsey Brown left her teaching job in North Carolina, she hoped things would be better.
She moved to Denver in 2014 and started making well over the $28,000 she had before. One day she realized the extra money wasn’t adding up as much as she had hoped.
“As the years went on, I still have no savings account. I still don’t know where my money is going,” the 31-year-old said.
The Spanish teacher, now teaching her ninth year, made $56,000 before taxes last year. Yet, the rising costs of rent in Denver have been tough to stay ahead of.
The one-time incentives schools get when they reach certain levels of achievement also makes it hard to know how much she’ll make.
“You can’t bank anything on what you’re going to make each year because they have these little bonuses that come and go,” Brown said. “Two years ago, I made more than I’m making now.”
The newlywed works three jobs beyond her day job at North High School. Brown coaches the women’s varsity lacrosse team after school, coordinates an exchange program to Madrid and participates in a Spanish-language summer camp.
All of that brings in extra income, but it comes at a personal cost.
“I am burned out. There are days that I am walking in the building knowing I’ll be there until 8 p.m. that night,” she said. “There are just days that I, I don’t know how much longer I can do it.”
Brown got married in November and she gets to spend only about 30 minutes a night with her husband.
She gets up at 4 a.m. on school days, goes for a run and does not get home until after 5 p.m. “We live for the weekends,” she said.
She’s thinking of taking on a second job as a server
Sophia Leung is a first-year teacher who’s had to get creative with keeping down her expenses.
“Little products at home, like cleaning supplies, we’ll go to the dollar store instead of Target or even Walmart,” the third-grade math teacher from Ashley Elementary School told CNN.
Leung is 26 and lives with her sister and sister’s boyfriend in Westminster, just outside Denver. The three share a two-bedroom apartment that’s 700 square feet.
Leung does not plan to strike Monday because she cannot afford to.
“I really, really want to because I do support the mission … but I literally financially cannot afford to,” Leung said. “For me to lose out on $200 of pay a day, it does impact my bills for the month.”
She’s not a part of the union, the Denver Classroom Teachers Association. She currently can’t afford the $70 monthly fee, especially as she’s in only her first year teaching, she said.
While doing her taxes, Leung discovered that her sister made slightly more money by working full time as a server. Leung said she made just under $43,000 as a teacher.
“I’ve worked in the service industry before, and I know how much money I can make being a server,” she said. “Seeing that my sister made more than me as a server with no college degree and here I am working full time … it was a big shocker.”
Leung’s sister works flexible hours, gets free health care and a 401(k) benefit offered through her employer.
“If I can get benefits elsewhere and have a more flexible schedule, why wouldn’t I do that?” Leung said.
Leung said she loves being in the classroom with her students and she’s getting her master’s degree. Yet, the financial burden of being a teacher has her wondering whether she can afford it without getting a second job.
“I see a lot of friends who are now my age settled in their careers not having to have second jobs,” she said. “It makes me really wonder if this is the right field for me. “
She was the state’s top rookie art teacher but she’s thinking of leaving
Kevlyn Walsh is 30 and lives with her parents. It gives her a chance to save about $1,000 a month and focus on paying down bills.
“I can see that my bank account has more money in it,” Walsh told CNN.
The digital art teacher is already working three other jobs. When she’s not in the classroom, Walsh works as a restaurant hostess, runs an Etsy business and does freelance graphic design work. Walsh makes just under $47,000 before taxes each year.
Working multiple jobs in a day means Walsh has to carry a change of clothes and meals with her so she’s ready to transition from teacher to hostess. School gets out at 3:15 p.m. and she has to be at the restaurant by 4 p.m.
“I drive to my restaurant, I change my clothes in the bathroom … then I work another 4 to 5 hours at my restaurant and then I get to go home around 9,” Walsh explained.
Walsh loves teaching photography and graphic design to upperclassmen at East High School. In her first year of teaching, she won the Colorado Art Educator Rookie of the Year in 2017.
Despite the accolade and her passion, Walsh is considering moving to another district or leaving the teaching profession if the teachers aren’t able to get a raise during the strike.
“I’ve been really involved with the union since last year because I started to feel and realize how bad my salary was and I wanted to do something about it,” she said. “We have to get paid more or I’m going to leave.”
“I truly don’t know if I’m going to keep teaching,” she said.
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4pillarshalifax · 4 years
Escaping Debt Podcast – Mortgage Refinancing – Episode 8
Join David Moffatt and guest speaker, David Clarke as they discuss the merits of using home equity to refinance and pay off debt.
David Moffatt: Hello everyone. I hope you’re doing exceptionally well today. Welcome back to the Escaping Debt Podcast. My name is David Moffatt, I’m your host as always. Today, we’ve got a really interesting episode planned. I have a guest in the house actually. Today, we’re completely social distancing. I promise. His name’s Dave Clarke, he’s a mortgage broker. And really what we’re going to be talking about is the benefits of refinancing and how that can help you get out of debt. Now, remember that we believe that no one should have to struggle with the overwhelming burden that debt causes. We simply believe that it is not possible to work for both the consumers and the creditors at the exact same time in an unbiased fashion. That’s why we work for you, not your creditors. So, I have Dave Clark here. Dave, how about you introduce yourself?
  Dave Clarke: Thanks David for having me. I’m Dave Clarke with the Clarke Mortgage Group. I’ve been a mortgage broker for eight years now and I have offices kind of scattered around Nova Scotia. David, I guess, just to talk about where we met, we met in a networking group probably four years ago, something like that.
  David Moffatt: Something like that, yes.
  Dave Clarke: Yes. A lot of my business has been helping people refinance, restructure their mortgages using equity in their home. To try to get their debt wrapped up, to try to get cheaper credit products, just to try overall help their financial situation. And then, I know when David and I met, we just not a – our clients to seem measure really well together.
  David Moffatt: Yes. Absolutely. It’s a topic that we talk about often. I know kind of just of the podcast and kind of in the real world is, there’s a lot of different ways to solve debt. Most people seem to gravitate towards just traditional going to the bank and trying to get that loan or bankruptcy. They don’t seem to see anything in between. I know that in talking with clients on my end, most people aren’t even aware they can refinance their house. Do you experience that much? Much I’m sure you don’t because if they’re going to you, they know they want a mortgage. (2:00) How does that work in your day-to-day life?
  Dave Clarke: I agree that not most people don’t know, I guess, the power of what kind of credit products are available to them. Sometimes, especially in the rural communities that I work in, it’s just kind of like the random bank that’s in the area and if they said no, no one can do it type of thing. So, to kind of take it further, I don’t know if it necessarily that they don’t think they can refinance. But in my experience and I talked to a lot of people who have just been kind of discouraged or declined, and they don’t know about what options are available. There are some people that don’t know they can refinance their homes, but there’s a lot of people that have had such a negative experience over their last five, ten years that they wouldn’t even think as possible. And then, that’s when they don’t kind of reach out right away to refinance.
  David Moffatt: Yes. Absolutely. I’m sure you get a lot on the opposite side of the table to that think they can refinance. They bought their house two, three years ago and then they come to you and say, “Hey, I want to grab some money out of my house to pay off my debt.” We both know that doesn’t necessarily always work unless, there’s been a massive uptick in the economy, which certainly hasn’t happened in Halifax and probably, isn’t going to happen anytime soon with COVID.
  Dave Clarke: Yes. You’re exactly right. It happened in the opposite side to where people come in. They think they can take the equity out of their home, but they don’t necessarily understand the rules. You can buy a house with 5% down, but you can only refinance up to 80% which means that you need to have a 20% equity stake there. Sometimes that takes 10 years to even make it, so you can just get the money that you have owed. It’s something they called a switch which is a little different. But yes, a lot of people don’t understand how long it takes to pay down your mortgage enough to do it. And then, there’s some obvious exceptions like, you made major renovations to your home and things like that. But yes, it takes a little while.
  David Moffatt: Yes, for sure. Are you able to run through an example (4:00) of how somebody would use refinancing to help their situation? I know it’s kind of on the spot. We’ve literally talked about doing this five minutes ago. [laughter] As best as you can, maybe just around numbers to kind of go through scenario.
  Dave Clarke: Okay. If you have someone who’s house is worth 200,000 and they owe a 100,000 on it, you can refinance it up to 80%, that’s a 160. So, in that situation, you actually have $60,000 of usable equity. You got to get Lauren appraisal involved but just for my quick easy math in my head, we’re going to say 60. In that scenario, if you have credit cards at 19.99%, we can look at paying those off if we have some type of loans. Sometimes it’s like a car loan that’s got a year left but still has a big monthly payment, or some consolidation loans, or some high interest stuff like Fairstone or things like that. We can pay those off. Sometimes we could take money ought to do renovations. A perfect example that happened recently is like, I helped somebody build an In-Law Suite which actually made their whole finances cheaper because their parents moved in. Those are examples about how you can refinance and go up to 80% and you can do something with that money. The question is, what do you do with it? If you’re paying off high-interest debt or something with a very high monthly payment, sometimes you can really cut your monthly payments in half or less.
  David Moffatt: Yes. This is really interesting and one of the things that you touched on there was was paying something off that had a really high payment. Now, I know we’ve had this conversation, I don’t know how many times about how interest rates not always, but are often times completely irrelevant to the conversation. If somebody would just prioritize paying off their 0% interest car loan over their 8% personal loan, for example, they would be in a much better situation. So, I don’t want to steal the thunder. Are you able to kind of comment on that and how mortgage refinancing (6:00) can kind of accelerate somebody’s entire financial plan.
  Dave Clarke: Yes, you’re exactly right. The biggest thing that I keep talking about is how cash flow is the most important thing. Interest rates are definitely a component that you need to pay attention. But when you look at someone comes in and they’re struggling and they’re trying to think of a better situation, it’s because of the cash flow. That’s how they’re feeling it. We’re looking at a truck loan for instance, you get a truck loan for 70 grand. It could have a monthly payment of what you see 800, 900 bucks a month type of thing.
  David Moffatt: That’s if they take it over eight years. Yes. [laughter]
  Dave Clarke: Yes. Sometimes a thousand.
  David Moffatt: Yes.
  Dave Clarke : You look of that again, obviously, a thousand for a simple math. When you have only a year left on that, you might only owe $10,000, $12,000, $15,000, but the monthly payment on it is a thousand. So the question is, if you refinance and pay off that $10,000, $15,000 loan, what can you do with that thousand dollar a month payment? If you refinance it and you just spend thousand dollars a month, you’re not going to see that positive change. You eventually are going to need to get another car loan and that might not be the best thing to do. If you use that thousand dollars to then take that towards your next loan or your high-interest credit cards and you use that to really snowball pay off the rest of your debt, that can make a huge impact in that time frame between then and when you might need another car a year or two.
  Dave Clarke: Your finances can be in much better shape because you spent that time paying off these high interest credit cards. Which if you didn’t do it, you might be still paying off your car loan and doing interest-only payments on your credit card. So, it depends what you do with the cash flow. There’s a right way to do things for paying debt off and when I say right thing, I just want to put a little disclaimer here. There’s a big difference between what we say about paying off debt and what real life is and what (8:00) fun is and all that different stuff. There’s sometimes a balance between that. In that example of a thousand bucks a month, we might be able to do some type of aggressive debt payoff with 600 of it. And if the other 400 meant that you could take a vacation with your family and was your goals. Those are things that I just need to know about, so it can be all part of the plan. But yes, cash flow is important, but what you do with it long-term really is the thing that makes a big deal.
  David Moffatt: Yes. Absolutely. I think you kind of hit it right on the top of the head of the nails – is that an expression?
  Dave Clarke: It is now.
  David Moffatt: Awesome. Love it. Is this whole concept of – there’s the mathematically correct thing to do. If anybody wants to know the mathematically, the most mathematical accurate way to pay off debt as you start with the highest interest rate, you focus on that and you throw everything extra on it. There’s been a whole bunch of studies that have shown that, that’s actually a very ineffective way to pay off debt, and the reason why is because of human behaviour, right? Another method that’s often talked about is the debt snowball which is where you start with the smallest balance first and then work your way up. There’s been a lot of studies on that, that show that it is significantly more effective than what’s called the debt avalanche which is where you start with the highest interest rate first.
  David Moffatt: But I think, I know we both agree on this. I think those are very good ways to start and look at your finances, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that, that’s the most accurate thing to do. For example, paying off the smallest balance first might only free you up a hundred bucks a month, whereas, if you focus on that truck payment of a thousand dollars. Imagine the choice that you now have, the safety that you now have if something goes wrong. What happens if your income drops a thousand bucks a month like it did for a lot of people during COVID, right? Somebody who would have prioritized the smallest balance or the highest interest rate might not necessarily of focused on that vehicle. So, I think there’s this human element as well, that has to come into things. I think you’re perfectly right.
  Dave Clarke: The reason why refinancing can be helpful is that (10:00)  in my experience when I look at debt payoff plans, there needs to be some type of element that plays in the freeze up cash flow at all. So, to be able to focus on things, you can do it or you, again, we’re looking at the snowball and you’re picking your smallest credit card and you pay it off. That can take a while, that can be kind of discouraging sometimes. If you do something like a refinance or a proposal or you get a raise or there’s some type of cash flow change, that’s what I find helpful when you put a plan in place. It’s one thing to do budgeting and stuff like that. But I find there needs to be something that kind of triggers some of this extra cash flow that you can use to even pay off debt, especially for those that are kind of going paycheck to paycheck.
  David Moffatt: Yes. Absolutely. I mean, my biggest recommendation to anybody that struggling with debt, that if you can’t pay your debt off in at least five years, I’m talking unsecured stuff. So obviously, a mortgage for twenty years, I don’t expect you to be able to pay it off with five years over, that would be really cool if you could. If you’re going to take more than five years, you have to consult a professional. Now, who you go and see is going to really depend on your circumstance. If you have a ton of equity, that might be a mortgage broker. If you’ve got a ton of assets out there, although there’s an Astrix on that, you shouldn’t be selling assets to pay off debt. You might want to go see a financial advisor. If you don’t know then, you want to come see debt specialist. But really, what we’re talking about mainly is for people that if they refinance, if they restructure, if they do some sort of change, will actually be able to afford what they’re doing after the fact. Have you ever – I don’t really need to ask question I know for a fact. What happens when somebody’s credit is so impacted, but they have equity in their home? How does that work? (12:00) What opportunities are available to them?
  Dave Clarke: There’s three different residential to kind of types of lending. There’s A lending, B lending and there’s private lending and then, additionally on that there’s commercial. To start off, if you’re looking for mortgage advice and even if you were declined in the past, you got to ask that simple question. Can you do A, B private or commercial? If they’re missing one of those components then it’s just – keep checking because there’s stuff out there. That’s just kind of a question for the consumers to ask. If you have damaged credit, typically, what that plays into is what you’re able to do with an A lender. That’s what the whole kind of credit profile is really based on when you talk to mortgage professionals is whether or not in A lender like the big banks or the big model lines can do it. If it’s damaged below what we can do with them and if it’s not realistic that waiting and doing a little for tweaking, we’ll fix it. You have a ton of equity if you’re in an urban area like HRM or other urban areas in Canada, you can go to B lenders. They typically do four and a half six and a half percent rates. If you’re in a rural area like I live, you don’t have that B lender at all. You got to go right from A lending to private expensive money. So, if you have damaged credit and lots of equity, what I always say is, it’s not whether not I can get you a mortgage, it’s whether or not it makes sense. Sometimes it does, sometimes a 12% can pay off a 26% product and it makes a ton of sense.
  David Moffatt: Or that 0% interest truck that’s cost you an absolute fortune on a monthly basis.
  Dave Clarke: Yes. An example that is, if we think we could fix your credit in a year or two to go to A lender. We could pay off something with a thousand dollar a month payment like an older car loan. Sometimes that gives us the cash flow we need to fix your credit. (14:00) Maybe the timelines work perfectly there that we can get that bought out with a normal lender, but it just plays into the strategy. Does it make sense. If I get you a mortgage and we pay off something to fix anything. Not to keep going back to paying off the car loan, but it’s a perfect example of something that needs to make sense. Paying off a maxed out credit product might not help the issue, if the only reason we use a credit card is because we have no cash flow.
  David Moffatt: Yes. Sorry to interrupt, but that’s why I have a really hard time with “traditional advice”, right? If you would go to speak to your traditional financial advisor, they’re going to say, “Well, it makes no sense to pay off that 0% interest car loan. You can make so much more money by either paying off this credit card or this debt or investing the money.” The challenge behind this is that just, yes, the math makes sense, but real life doesn’t match up with that math, right? I’m actually writing a book on this whole kind of topic. But at the end of the day, if everybody followed the math the way it’s supposed to be done, there wouldn’t be any financial difficulties at all. But it’s simply not true, 50% of Canadians were living paycheck to paycheck, right? Anyway, just an aside. Sorry continue.
  Dave Clarke: Yes. Things need to make sense. There needs to be a plan. When you talk to your financial professional, it’s kind of my advice for all financial professional, if we don’t know the story, it’s hard to give advice on it. We need to know kind of what happened to cause the debt. What we could do differently and why it’s not going to happen again. Those are kind of the key elements when there’s damage credit and we’re trying to make a plan or even if there’s not damaged credit. You’re just feeling like you’re going paycheck to paycheck and we need to make a plan, because what David is saying is right. Say, “Hey, let’s pay off your 20% credit card with a mortgage.” (16:00) Saying that out loud sounds like a perfect idea. But if I don’t know that the reason it went up is because your kids going to school or I don’t know that the reason that the credit card went up is that you did renovations and you still need to get your roof done. If I don’t know the key causes, my fix isn’t going to be an actual fix. What we’re doing is we’re using your equity and we’re not putting in a good realistic plan and I’m all about realistic plans.
  David Moffatt: To kind of add to that, not only might it not kind of solve the problem, you might not even be able to get them a product, right? I know we’ve had conversations about this where you’ve had a client that has a really, well, good story. It makes sense in the lenders have made exceptions based upon those stories where if you don’t know the story from the get-go, how are you supposed to even try to get this exception, right?
  Dave Clarke: Yes. That’s absolutely right. When David says a good story to what I need, is I need something that makes sense. If it’s something that there was a job loss or someone was sick or those type of things, a business failed and you all bunch of back taxes or something like that, which is a one off. It’s a very good example of me to show those last questions. I answered, what happened? How did it change and why is not going to happen again? That being said, if it’s something where it was just over spending, not budgeting or things like that and it was a slow kind of build up of debt and you kind of lost control of it. You couldn’t get your way out of it. That is still the story I need to hear. What I have a really hard time getting approved is when I don’t know what happened. I can’t explain it to the underwriter. Underwriters are all very much human. So, they start imagining what happened. They start coming up with their own opinions. That’s the worst thing that we can do. We need to make sure that everything is answered before it ever hit someone’s desk. (18:00) The story is very important and I don’t think people necessarily think that. I think some people think things are a need-to-know basis. But I find in my business to make things successful, you always need to overshare with me. [laughter]
  David Moffatt: Yes. I understand why this happens so, because I look at my own personal life right in. Whenever I go meet with a professional, I don’t want to tell them the whole ins and outs of everything that I want to do and want. I just want what I want, right? But I think you’re very correct that people need to really take a step back and understand kind of what they’re doing, right?
  Dave Clarke: Yes. It almost seems like I’m digging sometimes for information. What I’m trying to do, is I’m trying to have a complete story. If they’re – I’m just going to do a common example that comes up, is that there’s some bank errors that happen every once in a while. Where you think of payments going to come out a certain day and it doesn’t and that messes up things sometimes. I hear that a lot, but what doesn’t work is that if I only explained one late payment when there is five. If I explain one late payment when there’s five, there is no story. Then, I need to know exactly how the second late payment happened. I need to know how the third one and the fourth and the fifth. What happens if I don’t is there’s not a complete story and again, the underwriters going to start making assumptions and there might be a very good reason in there that I just don’t know about yet. Those are the type of things that I just need to know if you had late payments for three years and I just have kind of one thing that happened. I can’t explain it to anybody. I’m going to keep saying this over and over again. I need to explain, what happened? How we fixed it or going to fix it. Why we know it’s not going to happen again. If we can’t prove those three things, it’s very hard for me to prove doing underwriter is a good decision to approve it. That’s why it’s so important for me to know the story.
  David Moffatt: Yes. It makes perfect sense, right? It doesn’t –(20:00) the idea is if there was a problem in the past, has the problem stopped? What was the reason for the problem and kind of move forward from there. I think we share a very similar approach in tackling kind of situations in the approach that we go through, right? Really identifying the problem that the individual has. Designing a solution around that and then, implementing that solution at the end of the day. Is there anything else you want to cover on mortgages? What do you think people should need to know as it relates to debt and mortgages?
  Dave Clarke: What I think people need to know is to rely on professionals and to go through their options. For instance, if somebody has lots of equity in their home, many times I can do something. If they don’t have lots of equity in their home and they need to do something, I’m very likely not the answer, but I know people that are the answer. I know Dave has the same way of working at things. But the first step there was to reach out to somebody. It is very hard to research mortgages online. I’m not saying you shouldn’t, but there’s actually some nuances and some stuff in the mortgage industry that you just learn from experience and not because it’s written on a piece of paper. That makes it kind of difficult to be able to navigate it without a professional. That doesn’t mean that every mortgage person you talk to is going to know it all. Maybe, talk to a bunch of them until they feel comfortable with someone. But it is to reach out because it’s very hard to know it on your own. I’m just going to do a quick example.
  Dave Clarke: The interest rates that you see online are not the interest rate you’re going to get on a typically on a refinance. There’s something called a high ratio rate and something called a conventional rate. The high ratio rate is a CMHC insured or one of the other insurers mortgage. CMHC insurance comes into place when you have (22:00) less than 20% down when you buy a house or if you already have it because you never got rid of it and you’re looking into switch and do things at your renewals. That’s the interest rate that everyone advertises. If you go online and you do your homework and you try to find the best lender for a refinance, the rates you see online, it’s very likely you’re not going to get it. The lender that you find online with the best rate might not even do refinances. It’s not a bad thing to do the homework. It’s just to explain those, there’s nuances there, which you may want to have some professionals to bounce ideas off of. That’s kind of like the first step that I really recommend when somebody’s looking for some financial advice.
  David Moffatt: Love it. Kind of a big thing that I caution people on whenever they’re looking to obtain mortgages to really make sure that they’re not turning unsecured restructurable debt into mortgage debt that is then tied against their house. This kind of goes back to our entire conversation about really making sure that the solution actually works for you, rather than just simply jumping into the first solution that’s offered to you. I recommend that you just talked with professionals. Typically speaking, somebody that brings these things up, is consciously thinking about it. People had don’t bring it up or are probably not thinking about it as much as they probably should, right?
  Dave Clarke: Yes. Just one of the piece of advice is, some high interest loan companies out there that advertise quite well, it’s pretty easy to get funds. Just caution that some of these high interest loan companies that you see where you can get these 26% rates with it. It is quick and easy money, but I am shocked over and over again when clients come to me and they have these high interest loans. How they just didn’t know that some of them were attached to their house. It didn’t know what the interest rates were on some of them. If you’re getting an offer at anything (24:00) at 26%, just reach out to a few people just to see what else is out there because in a lot of cases, I found that there is alternative or there’s other solutions. That’s my only thing that I really caution, so not to be too negative. I find there’s a lot of good professionals, financial professionals in the world, like Four Pillars or financial advisors or mortgage brokers. But yes, just caution some of those 26% loan companies.
  David Moffatt: Yes. Love it. Where can people find you Dave if they want to reach out and ask the mortgage questions?
  Dave Clarke: You can find me on Facebook, Clarke Mortgage Group. My website is Theclarkemortgagegroup.com. My phone number is 902-482-8808. We’re a team of four, and we do all over Canada, but our offices are scattered around Nova Scotia. Any questions just feel free to reach out. The very worst case scenario that I can recommend you to someone and give you some information. So, love to talk to you.
  David Moffatt: Absolutely. Love it. Well, thanks for being on the podcast. I really appreciate it. We’re going to have to make this, maybe a reoccurring segment because I know that mortgages and debt restructuring are always very much tied. Everybody wants to buy a house and I completely understand that. Maybe, we’ll get in and talk about kind of the credit impacts of kind of insolvency is in restructuring and how that impacts abilities to get mortgages.
  Dave Clarke: Yes, perfect. Thank you for having me.
  David Moffatt: Awesome. So, everybody thank you very much for listening. You’ve been listening to this Escaping Debt Podcast and remember that we believe it’s simply not possible to represent both the consumer and the creditors at the same time in an unbiased fashion. And that’s why we work for you, not your creditors. We’ll catch you in the next episode.(25:44)
    The post Escaping Debt Podcast – Mortgage Refinancing – Episode 8 appeared first on 4 Pillars Halifax.
source https://www.halifaxdebtfreedom.ca/escaping-debt-podcast-mortgage-refinancing-episode-8/
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to In a Video. So in today’s video, of course, we’re going to be talking about the Bitcoin price breaking down and how I called it in yesterday’s video. If you haven’t already seen yesterday’s video, I basically put out a big warning that the Bitcoin price is going to somewhat crash or reduce in price in the immediate future. That has happened. So it was a great call on my behalf. We’re going to be taking a look at that in today’s video. We’re also going to be taking a look at my trade on Phoenix. We’re also taking a look at the Fed announcing 2.3 trillion in support for the economy and what impact this could have on the bitcoin price. We’re also going to be taking a look at national debt hitting twenty-four trillion as the bitcoin price marches on. So a lot of good stuff coming up in today’s you guys sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video, I hope you’re sitting comfortably if you haven’t already, guys, yesterday’s video. We smashed the 500 like gold. Now I’m going to be setting the target for a thousand likes. So if we can hit a thousand likes what today’s video, that would be great if you can also subscribe and take that notification bell so you get notified when I next post my daily videos. Also, guys, if you haven’t already, what are you doing? Drop your comments down below to be entheta in that trades at storage device or the equivalent in bitcoin. It takes two seconds and you can win a free prize or free bitcoin. So why not? All right, guys, let’s jump into the video. If you did watch yesterday’s video, which many of you did actually put out a huge warning saying that the bitcoin price could be dropping quite significantly in price. And we did actually see a drop of around 6 percent, give or take. I do still potentially think the bitcoin price has a little bit further to go. We’re currently sitting right here, which is on the upper level of this, these Wix back here and around about here. So I do think we do have a little bit more to go. We take a quick look at the one hour chart. We can see what’s going on. So you can see this drop here quite happened quite sharply actually on the one hour chart all the way down to around about just below 7000. We did week above 7000. Very, very briefly, however, we are accumulating here a little bit. I do potentially think we could go sideways a little bit and then come down to this level here, which is around about six thousand eight hundred dollars. Now, if we do, in fact, reach that level, I’m going to go back to the 4-hour chart. Now, we do, in fact, reach this level. Well, this level is a reasonable level of resistance. If we go back on the daily chart and take a look, we can see that this level here is kind of the lower level of the support back from December of twenty nineteen. And if we go even further back, we can see that this level provided a huge level of resistance back in September, October of twenty eighteen. So this level of resistance back in twenty eighteen could form a level of brief support for us now. So that’s what I’m potentially thinking is going to happen. We may come down here and find a brief level of support here. Now what happens from there will be very, very interesting. I’m really excited. I’m actually watching the Picone charts pretty much all day because I find it really exciting. The bitcoin price from here. Well, we could have a breakdown down to this level here coming down to sixty-two hundred and falling down to 6000. Or we could go back up and test this lower line of the ascending wedge. Now, as I was saying for many, many times, ascending wages is usually a bearish pattern and we do usually see a bearish break to the downside. That is what has happened on the four-hour chart. We are having somewhat of a green candle after a little bit of growth, but it is nothing really to be worried about. I don’t think. I do think we will at least come down and test this sixty-eight hundred dollar level. If not, then I can see us testing back on the seven thousand dollar level, which is currently only $50 away from. So really exciting times right now with the bitcoin price. And I think it was a great trade. I’m currently in a trade right now. It’s at around $600 profit. But keep in mind, I’m only trading with 15 hundred dollars right here. So you can see I enter the trade with 15 hundred dollars. I’m not trading with huge amounts, guys, as these times are quite. There is a lot of volatility. So I personally am not trading with a huge amount. I don’t recommend you to either. As things can go south for, things can flip very, very quickly. When we are taking a look at the volume of bitcoin, we can see that even still we are having a downward trend on the volume, which is still not very good at all. And because of this downward trend, I do think that bitcoin is still volatile to a move in really any position with this that someone has enough bitcoin wants to move in. To be honest, I do think we will continue this downtrend. However, I am going to leave my trade open. I did enter at seventy-two nineteen, so I entered a roundabout. Here. So I waited until the confirmation of what actually happened that we did break out of the sun, so I ended up at about here 72, 19. So, I mean, I’m not even in that much profit. To be honest, I did trade this on 10x. I wasn’t trading with a smaller amount of capital, so I don’t mind trading on 10x. However, if I was trading with a normal amount that I trade with, which is usually between one to for bitcoin, I would not be trading on 10x as I am even riskier. So if you guys did not, in fact, join fee makes and makes them profitable trades, there will be a link down below and you can actually get between a seventy-two and one hundred and twelve dollar bonus for joining up with only a 0.2 deposit requirement. So, guys, the Fed announces 2.3 trillion in support for the economy. More support and more money coming from the Fed. This is absolutely crazy and that this is happening right now in the market. The Federal Reserve on Thursday set up new loan programs and blustered existing ones in an effort to provide 2.3 trillion in support for the economy. Essentially shut down due to the Coronavirus. They wanted to provide as much relief and stability as they can during this period where Americans are staying home to stop the spread of the pandemic. So, again, providing support to the economy, which is fine. However, this is going to lead to inflation, if not hyperinflation in the future. The cornerstone of today’s action in a new $600 billion Main Street Lending Fund to offer support for small and mid-sized businesses who will have to pay between 2.5 and 4 percent above the secured overnight funding rate, which stands at zero. The loans will be organized by the banks, who will train a 5 percent share and sell the rest to the Fed’s facility. Another facility set up Thursday will purchase up to 500 billion dollars of short term notes directly from states, countries and cities. Though the Fed said it details on the cost of borrowing, it will be released later. So this is absolutely crazy news and the article does go on to say down here a few more interesting things. And really, I want you to leave your comments down below about the Fed printing or the Fed lending 2.3 trillion in support for the economy by doing that. It will also enter you into when the trees at a storage device. And I really want you to answer the question, how long how much longer do you think this will be going on with? With the Fed and with the economy? Of course, the bitcoin price, is it taking a hit now? I do still think long term bitcoin will be one of the best-performing assets, if not the best. So I really think long term that the bitcoin is gonna be absolutely great. So I wanted to let you guys know. Of course, guys, the bitcoin blueprint 2.0. There are only five days left now with the sale is a huge discount. And I actually go through in this in the Bitcoin Blueprint 2.0, a full section with five, six videos in it with me trading live. Entering the trade, exiting the trade and all my thought processes basically throw my brain out into the video about why I make every single move to make trades like this. Five, six hundred dollars profit only trading with around fifteen hundred dollars. That’s a forty forty-two percent gain in profit in a few hours, which is absolutely crazy. So the bitcoin blueprint 2.0 is available down below link down below in the description or the comments section. I really recommend using the discount to the best of your abilities. Once it’s still going on and there is still a seven-day money-back guarantee as well. So guys, let’s go on to the US. Debt here is twenty-four trillion. This is absolutely insane. And the US national debt has surpassed 24 trillion. The largest nominal amount is ever been according to U.S. Treasury Treasury. This is 8 trillion more than it was a march twenty nineteen of last year. So a year that in eight trillion dollars worth of more debt, the national debt has increased sharply when the Fed pumped trillions into the economy to stem the tide of the Coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has caused an unprecedented amount of unemployment in the US and the entire economy has ground to a halt. I don’t currently know the unemployment rates in the UK but in the US sorry and the UK. I know in the US it’s just broke all records pretty much for the unemployment rate and its millions. Analysts at Bank of America say that the Fed’s actions could cause its balance sheet to reach over 9 trillion by the end of the year. So an extra trillion worth index over 40 percent of the US is GDP, which is ridiculous, 40 percent of the GDP in debt. The analysis expects it could reach as much as 12 12 trillion by the middle of the year or 60 percent of. The US is GDP, which again is absolutely staggering. It goes on to say here the mike. The CEO of Crypto Fund, he says, I have a big position in Bitcoin. I continue to until it adds to it, partly because I think it’s an amazing environment for both being long gold and long on Bitcoin. Well, I hope you said a large Stop-Loss body because the market is not doing too favourable right now. Of course, medium to long term, it’s gonna be fine. I don’t think this will be too much of a large correction and long term we will still be fine. I’m just talking very immediate short term. If it doesn’t go up now, I’m. I’m not sure when it will, he said. Well, unfortunately, we are not going up now, and that’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. We’ve had a fairly decent growth over the past few months. We’ve got an 87 percent growth in the last 28 days, which is just ridiculous. Yes, I know the market did crash like 50, 60 percent. However, an 86 percent growth rate in the past month is definitely something that we can be confident with. And even if we do have a correction down to the worst-case scenario, six thousand dollars now will still be a growth rate of around 50 percent. So it’s nothing really too much to be worried about. And it provides great opportunities to be trading this kind of situations. If you didn’t want to get involved, the link is down below. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video. I’m really happy that I managed to get yesterday’s video out in time. I’m warning about potential dump which is going on. Let me know down in the comments if you did trade. Of course, I don’t recommend trading based on these videos. They are mainly for entertainment purposes and I would not want you to make a trading decision based on what I say. Always do your own research before entering a trade. Thanks for watching this video, guys again. Don’t miss out on the bitcoin blueprint sale. One hundred dollar discount is ending in five days and that won’t be happening again for quite a while. So links all down in the description guys, and the comments help support the channel and make some money on the way. And I’ll catch you guys in the next video.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-falling-the-next-target-will-shock-you/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/615183775872221184
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to In a Video. So in today’s video, of course, we’re going to be talking about the Bitcoin price breaking down and how I called it in yesterday’s video. If you haven’t already seen yesterday’s video, I basically put out a big warning that the Bitcoin price is going to somewhat crash or reduce in price in the immediate future. That has happened. So it was a great call on my behalf. We’re going to be taking a look at that in today’s video. We’re also going to be taking a look at my trade on Phoenix. We’re also taking a look at the Fed announcing 2.3 trillion in support for the economy and what impact this could have on the bitcoin price. We’re also going to be taking a look at national debt hitting twenty-four trillion as the bitcoin price marches on. So a lot of good stuff coming up in today’s you guys sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video, I hope you’re sitting comfortably if you haven’t already, guys, yesterday’s video. We smashed the 500 like gold. Now I’m going to be setting the target for a thousand likes. So if we can hit a thousand likes what today’s video, that would be great if you can also subscribe and take that notification bell so you get notified when I next post my daily videos. Also, guys, if you haven’t already, what are you doing? Drop your comments down below to be entheta in that trades at storage device or the equivalent in bitcoin. It takes two seconds and you can win a free prize or free bitcoin. So why not? All right, guys, let’s jump into the video. If you did watch yesterday’s video, which many of you did actually put out a huge warning saying that the bitcoin price could be dropping quite significantly in price. And we did actually see a drop of around 6 percent, give or take. I do still potentially think the bitcoin price has a little bit further to go. We’re currently sitting right here, which is on the upper level of this, these Wix back here and around about here. So I do think we do have a little bit more to go. We take a quick look at the one hour chart. We can see what’s going on. So you can see this drop here quite happened quite sharply actually on the one hour chart all the way down to around about just below 7000. We did week above 7000. Very, very briefly, however, we are accumulating here a little bit. I do potentially think we could go sideways a little bit and then come down to this level here, which is around about six thousand eight hundred dollars. Now, if we do, in fact, reach that level, I’m going to go back to the 4-hour chart. Now, we do, in fact, reach this level. Well, this level is a reasonable level of resistance. If we go back on the daily chart and take a look, we can see that this level here is kind of the lower level of the support back from December of twenty nineteen. And if we go even further back, we can see that this level provided a huge level of resistance back in September, October of twenty eighteen. So this level of resistance back in twenty eighteen could form a level of brief support for us now. So that’s what I’m potentially thinking is going to happen. We may come down here and find a brief level of support here. Now what happens from there will be very, very interesting. I’m really excited. I’m actually watching the Picone charts pretty much all day because I find it really exciting. The bitcoin price from here. Well, we could have a breakdown down to this level here coming down to sixty-two hundred and falling down to 6000. Or we could go back up and test this lower line of the ascending wedge. Now, as I was saying for many, many times, ascending wages is usually a bearish pattern and we do usually see a bearish break to the downside. That is what has happened on the four-hour chart. We are having somewhat of a green candle after a little bit of growth, but it is nothing really to be worried about. I don’t think. I do think we will at least come down and test this sixty-eight hundred dollar level. If not, then I can see us testing back on the seven thousand dollar level, which is currently only $50 away from. So really exciting times right now with the bitcoin price. And I think it was a great trade. I’m currently in a trade right now. It’s at around $600 profit. But keep in mind, I’m only trading with 15 hundred dollars right here. So you can see I enter the trade with 15 hundred dollars. I’m not trading with huge amounts, guys, as these times are quite. There is a lot of volatility. So I personally am not trading with a huge amount. I don’t recommend you to either. As things can go south for, things can flip very, very quickly. When we are taking a look at the volume of bitcoin, we can see that even still we are having a downward trend on the volume, which is still not very good at all. And because of this downward trend, I do think that bitcoin is still volatile to a move in really any position with this that someone has enough bitcoin wants to move in. To be honest, I do think we will continue this downtrend. However, I am going to leave my trade open. I did enter at seventy-two nineteen, so I entered a roundabout. Here. So I waited until the confirmation of what actually happened that we did break out of the sun, so I ended up at about here 72, 19. So, I mean, I’m not even in that much profit. To be honest, I did trade this on 10x. I wasn’t trading with a smaller amount of capital, so I don’t mind trading on 10x. However, if I was trading with a normal amount that I trade with, which is usually between one to for bitcoin, I would not be trading on 10x as I am even riskier. So if you guys did not, in fact, join fee makes and makes them profitable trades, there will be a link down below and you can actually get between a seventy-two and one hundred and twelve dollar bonus for joining up with only a 0.2 deposit requirement. So, guys, the Fed announces 2.3 trillion in support for the economy. More support and more money coming from the Fed. This is absolutely crazy and that this is happening right now in the market. The Federal Reserve on Thursday set up new loan programs and blustered existing ones in an effort to provide 2.3 trillion in support for the economy. Essentially shut down due to the Coronavirus. They wanted to provide as much relief and stability as they can during this period where Americans are staying home to stop the spread of the pandemic. So, again, providing support to the economy, which is fine. However, this is going to lead to inflation, if not hyperinflation in the future. The cornerstone of today’s action in a new $600 billion Main Street Lending Fund to offer support for small and mid-sized businesses who will have to pay between 2.5 and 4 percent above the secured overnight funding rate, which stands at zero. The loans will be organized by the banks, who will train a 5 percent share and sell the rest to the Fed’s facility. Another facility set up Thursday will purchase up to 500 billion dollars of short term notes directly from states, countries and cities. Though the Fed said it details on the cost of borrowing, it will be released later. So this is absolutely crazy news and the article does go on to say down here a few more interesting things. And really, I want you to leave your comments down below about the Fed printing or the Fed lending 2.3 trillion in support for the economy by doing that. It will also enter you into when the trees at a storage device. And I really want you to answer the question, how long how much longer do you think this will be going on with? With the Fed and with the economy? Of course, the bitcoin price, is it taking a hit now? I do still think long term bitcoin will be one of the best-performing assets, if not the best. So I really think long term that the bitcoin is gonna be absolutely great. So I wanted to let you guys know. Of course, guys, the bitcoin blueprint 2.0. There are only five days left now with the sale is a huge discount. And I actually go through in this in the Bitcoin Blueprint 2.0, a full section with five, six videos in it with me trading live. Entering the trade, exiting the trade and all my thought processes basically throw my brain out into the video about why I make every single move to make trades like this. Five, six hundred dollars profit only trading with around fifteen hundred dollars. That’s a forty forty-two percent gain in profit in a few hours, which is absolutely crazy. So the bitcoin blueprint 2.0 is available down below link down below in the description or the comments section. I really recommend using the discount to the best of your abilities. Once it’s still going on and there is still a seven-day money-back guarantee as well. So guys, let’s go on to the US. Debt here is twenty-four trillion. This is absolutely insane. And the US national debt has surpassed 24 trillion. The largest nominal amount is ever been according to U.S. Treasury Treasury. This is 8 trillion more than it was a march twenty nineteen of last year. So a year that in eight trillion dollars worth of more debt, the national debt has increased sharply when the Fed pumped trillions into the economy to stem the tide of the Coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has caused an unprecedented amount of unemployment in the US and the entire economy has ground to a halt. I don’t currently know the unemployment rates in the UK but in the US sorry and the UK. I know in the US it’s just broke all records pretty much for the unemployment rate and its millions. Analysts at Bank of America say that the Fed’s actions could cause its balance sheet to reach over 9 trillion by the end of the year. So an extra trillion worth index over 40 percent of the US is GDP, which is ridiculous, 40 percent of the GDP in debt. The analysis expects it could reach as much as 12 12 trillion by the middle of the year or 60 percent of. The US is GDP, which again is absolutely staggering. It goes on to say here the mike. The CEO of Crypto Fund, he says, I have a big position in Bitcoin. I continue to until it adds to it, partly because I think it’s an amazing environment for both being long gold and long on Bitcoin. Well, I hope you said a large Stop-Loss body because the market is not doing too favourable right now. Of course, medium to long term, it’s gonna be fine. I don’t think this will be too much of a large correction and long term we will still be fine. I’m just talking very immediate short term. If it doesn’t go up now, I’m. I’m not sure when it will, he said. Well, unfortunately, we are not going up now, and that’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. We’ve had a fairly decent growth over the past few months. We’ve got an 87 percent growth in the last 28 days, which is just ridiculous. Yes, I know the market did crash like 50, 60 percent. However, an 86 percent growth rate in the past month is definitely something that we can be confident with. And even if we do have a correction down to the worst-case scenario, six thousand dollars now will still be a growth rate of around 50 percent. So it’s nothing really too much to be worried about. And it provides great opportunities to be trading this kind of situations. If you didn’t want to get involved, the link is down below. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video. I’m really happy that I managed to get yesterday’s video out in time. I’m warning about potential dump which is going on. Let me know down in the comments if you did trade. Of course, I don’t recommend trading based on these videos. They are mainly for entertainment purposes and I would not want you to make a trading decision based on what I say. Always do your own research before entering a trade. Thanks for watching this video, guys again. Don’t miss out on the bitcoin blueprint sale. One hundred dollar discount is ending in five days and that won’t be happening again for quite a while. So links all down in the description guys, and the comments help support the channel and make some money on the way. And I’ll catch you guys in the next video.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-falling-the-next-target-will-shock-you/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/warning-bitcoin-falling-next-target.html
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to In a Video. So in today’s video, of course, we’re going to be talking about the Bitcoin price breaking down and how I called it in yesterday’s video. If you haven’t already seen yesterday’s video, I basically put out a big warning that the Bitcoin price is going to somewhat crash or reduce in price in the immediate future. That has happened. So it was a great call on my behalf. We’re going to be taking a look at that in today’s video. We’re also going to be taking a look at my trade on Phoenix. We’re also taking a look at the Fed announcing 2.3 trillion in support for the economy and what impact this could have on the bitcoin price. We’re also going to be taking a look at national debt hitting twenty-four trillion as the bitcoin price marches on. So a lot of good stuff coming up in today’s you guys sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video, I hope you’re sitting comfortably if you haven’t already, guys, yesterday’s video. We smashed the 500 like gold. Now I’m going to be setting the target for a thousand likes. So if we can hit a thousand likes what today’s video, that would be great if you can also subscribe and take that notification bell so you get notified when I next post my daily videos. Also, guys, if you haven’t already, what are you doing? Drop your comments down below to be entheta in that trades at storage device or the equivalent in bitcoin. It takes two seconds and you can win a free prize or free bitcoin. So why not? All right, guys, let’s jump into the video. If you did watch yesterday’s video, which many of you did actually put out a huge warning saying that the bitcoin price could be dropping quite significantly in price. And we did actually see a drop of around 6 percent, give or take. I do still potentially think the bitcoin price has a little bit further to go. We’re currently sitting right here, which is on the upper level of this, these Wix back here and around about here. So I do think we do have a little bit more to go. We take a quick look at the one hour chart. We can see what’s going on. So you can see this drop here quite happened quite sharply actually on the one hour chart all the way down to around about just below 7000. We did week above 7000. Very, very briefly, however, we are accumulating here a little bit. I do potentially think we could go sideways a little bit and then come down to this level here, which is around about six thousand eight hundred dollars. Now, if we do, in fact, reach that level, I’m going to go back to the 4-hour chart. Now, we do, in fact, reach this level. Well, this level is a reasonable level of resistance. If we go back on the daily chart and take a look, we can see that this level here is kind of the lower level of the support back from December of twenty nineteen. And if we go even further back, we can see that this level provided a huge level of resistance back in September, October of twenty eighteen. So this level of resistance back in twenty eighteen could form a level of brief support for us now. So that’s what I’m potentially thinking is going to happen. We may come down here and find a brief level of support here. Now what happens from there will be very, very interesting. I’m really excited. I’m actually watching the Picone charts pretty much all day because I find it really exciting. The bitcoin price from here. Well, we could have a breakdown down to this level here coming down to sixty-two hundred and falling down to 6000. Or we could go back up and test this lower line of the ascending wedge. Now, as I was saying for many, many times, ascending wages is usually a bearish pattern and we do usually see a bearish break to the downside. That is what has happened on the four-hour chart. We are having somewhat of a green candle after a little bit of growth, but it is nothing really to be worried about. I don’t think. I do think we will at least come down and test this sixty-eight hundred dollar level. If not, then I can see us testing back on the seven thousand dollar level, which is currently only $50 away from. So really exciting times right now with the bitcoin price. And I think it was a great trade. I’m currently in a trade right now. It’s at around $600 profit. But keep in mind, I’m only trading with 15 hundred dollars right here. So you can see I enter the trade with 15 hundred dollars. I’m not trading with huge amounts, guys, as these times are quite. There is a lot of volatility. So I personally am not trading with a huge amount. I don’t recommend you to either. As things can go south for, things can flip very, very quickly. When we are taking a look at the volume of bitcoin, we can see that even still we are having a downward trend on the volume, which is still not very good at all. And because of this downward trend, I do think that bitcoin is still volatile to a move in really any position with this that someone has enough bitcoin wants to move in. To be honest, I do think we will continue this downtrend. However, I am going to leave my trade open. I did enter at seventy-two nineteen, so I entered a roundabout. Here. So I waited until the confirmation of what actually happened that we did break out of the sun, so I ended up at about here 72, 19. So, I mean, I’m not even in that much profit. To be honest, I did trade this on 10x. I wasn’t trading with a smaller amount of capital, so I don’t mind trading on 10x. However, if I was trading with a normal amount that I trade with, which is usually between one to for bitcoin, I would not be trading on 10x as I am even riskier. So if you guys did not, in fact, join fee makes and makes them profitable trades, there will be a link down below and you can actually get between a seventy-two and one hundred and twelve dollar bonus for joining up with only a 0.2 deposit requirement. So, guys, the Fed announces 2.3 trillion in support for the economy. More support and more money coming from the Fed. This is absolutely crazy and that this is happening right now in the market. The Federal Reserve on Thursday set up new loan programs and blustered existing ones in an effort to provide 2.3 trillion in support for the economy. Essentially shut down due to the Coronavirus. They wanted to provide as much relief and stability as they can during this period where Americans are staying home to stop the spread of the pandemic. So, again, providing support to the economy, which is fine. However, this is going to lead to inflation, if not hyperinflation in the future. The cornerstone of today’s action in a new $600 billion Main Street Lending Fund to offer support for small and mid-sized businesses who will have to pay between 2.5 and 4 percent above the secured overnight funding rate, which stands at zero. The loans will be organized by the banks, who will train a 5 percent share and sell the rest to the Fed’s facility. Another facility set up Thursday will purchase up to 500 billion dollars of short term notes directly from states, countries and cities. Though the Fed said it details on the cost of borrowing, it will be released later. So this is absolutely crazy news and the article does go on to say down here a few more interesting things. And really, I want you to leave your comments down below about the Fed printing or the Fed lending 2.3 trillion in support for the economy by doing that. It will also enter you into when the trees at a storage device. And I really want you to answer the question, how long how much longer do you think this will be going on with? With the Fed and with the economy? Of course, the bitcoin price, is it taking a hit now? I do still think long term bitcoin will be one of the best-performing assets, if not the best. So I really think long term that the bitcoin is gonna be absolutely great. So I wanted to let you guys know. Of course, guys, the bitcoin blueprint 2.0. There are only five days left now with the sale is a huge discount. And I actually go through in this in the Bitcoin Blueprint 2.0, a full section with five, six videos in it with me trading live. Entering the trade, exiting the trade and all my thought processes basically throw my brain out into the video about why I make every single move to make trades like this. Five, six hundred dollars profit only trading with around fifteen hundred dollars. That’s a forty forty-two percent gain in profit in a few hours, which is absolutely crazy. So the bitcoin blueprint 2.0 is available down below link down below in the description or the comments section. I really recommend using the discount to the best of your abilities. Once it’s still going on and there is still a seven-day money-back guarantee as well. So guys, let’s go on to the US. Debt here is twenty-four trillion. This is absolutely insane. And the US national debt has surpassed 24 trillion. The largest nominal amount is ever been according to U.S. Treasury Treasury. This is 8 trillion more than it was a march twenty nineteen of last year. So a year that in eight trillion dollars worth of more debt, the national debt has increased sharply when the Fed pumped trillions into the economy to stem the tide of the Coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has caused an unprecedented amount of unemployment in the US and the entire economy has ground to a halt. I don’t currently know the unemployment rates in the UK but in the US sorry and the UK. I know in the US it’s just broke all records pretty much for the unemployment rate and its millions. Analysts at Bank of America say that the Fed’s actions could cause its balance sheet to reach over 9 trillion by the end of the year. So an extra trillion worth index over 40 percent of the US is GDP, which is ridiculous, 40 percent of the GDP in debt. The analysis expects it could reach as much as 12 12 trillion by the middle of the year or 60 percent of. The US is GDP, which again is absolutely staggering. It goes on to say here the mike. The CEO of Crypto Fund, he says, I have a big position in Bitcoin. I continue to until it adds to it, partly because I think it’s an amazing environment for both being long gold and long on Bitcoin. Well, I hope you said a large Stop-Loss body because the market is not doing too favourable right now. Of course, medium to long term, it’s gonna be fine. I don’t think this will be too much of a large correction and long term we will still be fine. I’m just talking very immediate short term. If it doesn’t go up now, I’m. I’m not sure when it will, he said. Well, unfortunately, we are not going up now, and that’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. We’ve had a fairly decent growth over the past few months. We’ve got an 87 percent growth in the last 28 days, which is just ridiculous. Yes, I know the market did crash like 50, 60 percent. However, an 86 percent growth rate in the past month is definitely something that we can be confident with. And even if we do have a correction down to the worst-case scenario, six thousand dollars now will still be a growth rate of around 50 percent. So it’s nothing really too much to be worried about. And it provides great opportunities to be trading this kind of situations. If you didn’t want to get involved, the link is down below. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video. I’m really happy that I managed to get yesterday’s video out in time. I’m warning about potential dump which is going on. Let me know down in the comments if you did trade. Of course, I don’t recommend trading based on these videos. They are mainly for entertainment purposes and I would not want you to make a trading decision based on what I say. Always do your own research before entering a trade. Thanks for watching this video, guys again. Don’t miss out on the bitcoin blueprint sale. One hundred dollar discount is ending in five days and that won’t be happening again for quite a while. So links all down in the description guys, and the comments help support the channel and make some money on the way. And I’ll catch you guys in the next video.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-falling-the-next-target-will-shock-you/
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to In a Video. So in today’s video, of course, we’re going to be talking about the Bitcoin price breaking down and how I called it in yesterday’s video. If you haven’t already seen yesterday’s video, I basically put out a big warning that the Bitcoin price is going to somewhat crash or reduce in price in the immediate future. That has happened. So it was a great call on my behalf. We’re going to be taking a look at that in today’s video. We’re also going to be taking a look at my trade on Phoenix. We’re also taking a look at the Fed announcing 2.3 trillion in support for the economy and what impact this could have on the bitcoin price. We’re also going to be taking a look at national debt hitting twenty-four trillion as the bitcoin price marches on. So a lot of good stuff coming up in today’s you guys sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video, I hope you’re sitting comfortably if you haven’t already, guys, yesterday’s video. We smashed the 500 like gold. Now I’m going to be setting the target for a thousand likes. So if we can hit a thousand likes what today’s video, that would be great if you can also subscribe and take that notification bell so you get notified when I next post my daily videos. Also, guys, if you haven’t already, what are you doing? Drop your comments down below to be entheta in that trades at storage device or the equivalent in bitcoin. It takes two seconds and you can win a free prize or free bitcoin. So why not? All right, guys, let’s jump into the video. If you did watch yesterday’s video, which many of you did actually put out a huge warning saying that the bitcoin price could be dropping quite significantly in price. And we did actually see a drop of around 6 percent, give or take. I do still potentially think the bitcoin price has a little bit further to go. We’re currently sitting right here, which is on the upper level of this, these Wix back here and around about here. So I do think we do have a little bit more to go. We take a quick look at the one hour chart. We can see what’s going on. So you can see this drop here quite happened quite sharply actually on the one hour chart all the way down to around about just below 7000. We did week above 7000. Very, very briefly, however, we are accumulating here a little bit. I do potentially think we could go sideways a little bit and then come down to this level here, which is around about six thousand eight hundred dollars. Now, if we do, in fact, reach that level, I’m going to go back to the 4-hour chart. Now, we do, in fact, reach this level. Well, this level is a reasonable level of resistance. If we go back on the daily chart and take a look, we can see that this level here is kind of the lower level of the support back from December of twenty nineteen. And if we go even further back, we can see that this level provided a huge level of resistance back in September, October of twenty eighteen. So this level of resistance back in twenty eighteen could form a level of brief support for us now. So that’s what I’m potentially thinking is going to happen. We may come down here and find a brief level of support here. Now what happens from there will be very, very interesting. I’m really excited. I’m actually watching the Picone charts pretty much all day because I find it really exciting. The bitcoin price from here. Well, we could have a breakdown down to this level here coming down to sixty-two hundred and falling down to 6000. Or we could go back up and test this lower line of the ascending wedge. Now, as I was saying for many, many times, ascending wages is usually a bearish pattern and we do usually see a bearish break to the downside. That is what has happened on the four-hour chart. We are having somewhat of a green candle after a little bit of growth, but it is nothing really to be worried about. I don’t think. I do think we will at least come down and test this sixty-eight hundred dollar level. If not, then I can see us testing back on the seven thousand dollar level, which is currently only $50 away from. So really exciting times right now with the bitcoin price. And I think it was a great trade. I’m currently in a trade right now. It’s at around $600 profit. But keep in mind, I’m only trading with 15 hundred dollars right here. So you can see I enter the trade with 15 hundred dollars. I’m not trading with huge amounts, guys, as these times are quite. There is a lot of volatility. So I personally am not trading with a huge amount. I don’t recommend you to either. As things can go south for, things can flip very, very quickly. When we are taking a look at the volume of bitcoin, we can see that even still we are having a downward trend on the volume, which is still not very good at all. And because of this downward trend, I do think that bitcoin is still volatile to a move in really any position with this that someone has enough bitcoin wants to move in. To be honest, I do think we will continue this downtrend. However, I am going to leave my trade open. I did enter at seventy-two nineteen, so I entered a roundabout. Here. So I waited until the confirmation of what actually happened that we did break out of the sun, so I ended up at about here 72, 19. So, I mean, I’m not even in that much profit. To be honest, I did trade this on 10x. I wasn’t trading with a smaller amount of capital, so I don’t mind trading on 10x. However, if I was trading with a normal amount that I trade with, which is usually between one to for bitcoin, I would not be trading on 10x as I am even riskier. So if you guys did not, in fact, join fee makes and makes them profitable trades, there will be a link down below and you can actually get between a seventy-two and one hundred and twelve dollar bonus for joining up with only a 0.2 deposit requirement. So, guys, the Fed announces 2.3 trillion in support for the economy. More support and more money coming from the Fed. This is absolutely crazy and that this is happening right now in the market. The Federal Reserve on Thursday set up new loan programs and blustered existing ones in an effort to provide 2.3 trillion in support for the economy. Essentially shut down due to the Coronavirus. They wanted to provide as much relief and stability as they can during this period where Americans are staying home to stop the spread of the pandemic. So, again, providing support to the economy, which is fine. However, this is going to lead to inflation, if not hyperinflation in the future. The cornerstone of today’s action in a new $600 billion Main Street Lending Fund to offer support for small and mid-sized businesses who will have to pay between 2.5 and 4 percent above the secured overnight funding rate, which stands at zero. The loans will be organized by the banks, who will train a 5 percent share and sell the rest to the Fed’s facility. Another facility set up Thursday will purchase up to 500 billion dollars of short term notes directly from states, countries and cities. Though the Fed said it details on the cost of borrowing, it will be released later. So this is absolutely crazy news and the article does go on to say down here a few more interesting things. And really, I want you to leave your comments down below about the Fed printing or the Fed lending 2.3 trillion in support for the economy by doing that. It will also enter you into when the trees at a storage device. And I really want you to answer the question, how long how much longer do you think this will be going on with? With the Fed and with the economy? Of course, the bitcoin price, is it taking a hit now? I do still think long term bitcoin will be one of the best-performing assets, if not the best. So I really think long term that the bitcoin is gonna be absolutely great. So I wanted to let you guys know. Of course, guys, the bitcoin blueprint 2.0. There are only five days left now with the sale is a huge discount. And I actually go through in this in the Bitcoin Blueprint 2.0, a full section with five, six videos in it with me trading live. Entering the trade, exiting the trade and all my thought processes basically throw my brain out into the video about why I make every single move to make trades like this. Five, six hundred dollars profit only trading with around fifteen hundred dollars. That’s a forty forty-two percent gain in profit in a few hours, which is absolutely crazy. So the bitcoin blueprint 2.0 is available down below link down below in the description or the comments section. I really recommend using the discount to the best of your abilities. Once it’s still going on and there is still a seven-day money-back guarantee as well. So guys, let’s go on to the US. Debt here is twenty-four trillion. This is absolutely insane. And the US national debt has surpassed 24 trillion. The largest nominal amount is ever been according to U.S. Treasury Treasury. This is 8 trillion more than it was a march twenty nineteen of last year. So a year that in eight trillion dollars worth of more debt, the national debt has increased sharply when the Fed pumped trillions into the economy to stem the tide of the Coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has caused an unprecedented amount of unemployment in the US and the entire economy has ground to a halt. I don’t currently know the unemployment rates in the UK but in the US sorry and the UK. I know in the US it’s just broke all records pretty much for the unemployment rate and its millions. Analysts at Bank of America say that the Fed’s actions could cause its balance sheet to reach over 9 trillion by the end of the year. So an extra trillion worth index over 40 percent of the US is GDP, which is ridiculous, 40 percent of the GDP in debt. The analysis expects it could reach as much as 12 12 trillion by the middle of the year or 60 percent of. The US is GDP, which again is absolutely staggering. It goes on to say here the mike. The CEO of Crypto Fund, he says, I have a big position in Bitcoin. I continue to until it adds to it, partly because I think it’s an amazing environment for both being long gold and long on Bitcoin. Well, I hope you said a large Stop-Loss body because the market is not doing too favourable right now. Of course, medium to long term, it’s gonna be fine. I don’t think this will be too much of a large correction and long term we will still be fine. I’m just talking very immediate short term. If it doesn’t go up now, I’m. I’m not sure when it will, he said. Well, unfortunately, we are not going up now, and that’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. We’ve had a fairly decent growth over the past few months. We’ve got an 87 percent growth in the last 28 days, which is just ridiculous. Yes, I know the market did crash like 50, 60 percent. However, an 86 percent growth rate in the past month is definitely something that we can be confident with. And even if we do have a correction down to the worst-case scenario, six thousand dollars now will still be a growth rate of around 50 percent. So it’s nothing really too much to be worried about. And it provides great opportunities to be trading this kind of situations. If you didn’t want to get involved, the link is down below. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video. I’m really happy that I managed to get yesterday’s video out in time. I’m warning about potential dump which is going on. Let me know down in the comments if you did trade. Of course, I don’t recommend trading based on these videos. They are mainly for entertainment purposes and I would not want you to make a trading decision based on what I say. Always do your own research before entering a trade. Thanks for watching this video, guys again. Don’t miss out on the bitcoin blueprint sale. One hundred dollar discount is ending in five days and that won’t be happening again for quite a while. So links all down in the description guys, and the comments help support the channel and make some money on the way. And I’ll catch you guys in the next video.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-falling-the-next-target-will-shock-you/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/warning-bitcoin-falling-the-next-target-will-shock-you-fed-printing-23-trillion-more
0 notes
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I'm looking to change my car, residing with parents, if I buy a new car say under my dads name, with insurance under his name, will it be cheaper if I was to be added to that policy? Compared to having the car in my name and insurance as well? Thanks""
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I had full coverage medicaid(and dental) up until I turned 19, and my wisdom teeth have just recently come in and I have cavities in them because I can't reach them with a brush. I need to get them removed immediately and another beginning cavity filled. I am independent but I only have a part time job and I need to deal with this immediately. What's the best way to get insurnce through the affordable care act? Links & recourses would be appreciated. Thank you.""
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Ill be getting my permit in a year and drivers license in 2. Im from Minnesota and i was wondering how much car insurance would be? I already have a car, its a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any ideas?""
Affordable Health insurance in CA ?
I'm looking to buy health insurance in CA. my income is 10,000$ a year and because i only work part time. i applied for Medical few months ago through welfare office, but my case worker was really mean he was asking for a lot of documents in order to approve my application and every time i go to the welfare office they make me wait for 4 hours.so i decided to look for health insurance through Obama care website but i found that planes that cost 100$ and below doesn't cover even 30% of the medical expenses. any ideas about getting affordable health insurance in CA with good coverage ??? Thank you""
Who needs insurance?
Auto insurance is a hit or miss conception with police enforcement doing the insurance company's work for them. Too many drivers have no insurance leaving responsible drivers to pick up their tab. Why don't we tack on 10 or twenty cents per gallon at the gasoline pump to go for insurance. If you don't buy gas for your car, you're not going to be able to drive.That way, if you drive, you automatically have insurance. This frees up police to do real cop work, cuts down on the cost and makes sure everyone who drives has insurance. Whadya think?""
16 years old can I get insurance ?
K so I'm 16 getting a 2002 BMW m3 how much will insurance be with just the cheapest I can get how much will insurance be ??? 10 points
What will it cost for insurance on a 2004 or 2005 325i for a 16 and a half year old?
I'm looking to buy my own car this summer and need to know how much more money I need for insurance. I don't want any comments like you shouldn't be getting such a nice car this young but I've made all the money I need forit and am paying for it in full. Thanks Any estimates for a year would be great
Car insurance for golf?
i am currently getting quoted silly money ask you can imagine for a golf as I am a 17 year old male which just passed. may be a silly question but is there any reasonable insurance companies out there or anyway round it to make it cheaper !?
How can i get health insurance?
I'm no longer on my father's insurance plan which he gets from his job. I'm not working right now and I'm not in school either. I'm going to have to go to the dentist soon for a check up, to get a chipped tooth fixed and maybe to get invisaline. I also have to go to an opthomalagist because i'm considering contacts again, either contacts or prescription sunglasses. And I'm gonna have to go to the doctor at some point. I know all of that will cost a hell of a lot of money without insurance. I can't afford to pay for that. Is there a way I can pay for insurance that will cover dental, eye doctors and a regular physician without having a job with insurance benefits? How much would I be expected to pay? Is it monthly? Would there be a copay? Thanks for any help you can give me.""
Medical Insurance That Starts Right Away?
Do you guys know of any health insurance that is affordable and starts ASAP w/out having to wait 30-90 days? Does it also cover Breast Reconstruction surgery?
""What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
I receive a health insurance stipend but keep it in savings instead. is this okay?
i went from being fully covered with my company in los angeles, but i moved to new york 7 months ago, where their insurance doesn't cover. in lieu of this, they give me a stipend. however, it's not nearly enough to cover cost of insurance here, so i've been putting it in a savings account until i can afford a plan in my budget and/or emergency health situations. my boss just asked me for proof of insurance. i will tell the truth of the matter, but what will happen? what can they do?""
Who buys Insurance like State Farm? ?
If by any chance, anyone know what type of people buy insurance like age or lifestyle (single, or married etc.)? Is it normal for a teenage guy to look insurance up? -Insurance as in Auto, Life, and House and everything if that narrows it down but covering all those types""
Why are these insurance policies so different??
I'm currently insured on Yes insurance for a 1.1 litre peugeot 206... I want to change to a 1.8 ford focus and after ringing up the insurers, they claimed it would be an additional 700 on top of my current policy. (if i took out a new policy, it'd be 1800) I then got a whole new quote for elephant.co.uk, who quoted me 900 from new. both are on thid party fire and theft, and both have exactly the same details. Why the 1000 difference?? even on my current insurer who i have been with for 3 months already? thanks""
Where do I find health insurance for low income families?
My children are on state funded health insurance, but my husband and I are uninsured. He is a full-time student and I work 2 part-time jobs. Neither of my jobs offer me health insurance because the companies are small. I've looked into student health insurance, but it's REALLY expensive. Doesn't Obamacare allow for insurance options for low-income families? Or do we have to wait until he graduates and gets a job to be able to get health insurance???""
""I crashed my car and wrote it off, is it worth claiming on my car insurance?""
I was driving down the road and the rear tyre blew out which sent me accross the road into a tree then catapulted me into another tree into a ditch. The car is a write off! luckily i only have very bad whip lash and bruises. The car is only worth book price of 500 max, i have 4 years no claims. Is it worth claiming on the insurance or not I do have Fully comprehensive. Can i get anything for personal injury as i am unable to work at the moment. Not to mention i need to purchase a new car. Any help much appreciated.""
Which US states make health insurance obligatory?
Which states make it's citizens take out private health insurance?
Cheap Driving Insurance - Can anyone get me a better deal??
ok my mother (48 been driving for around 23 years 8 years no claims) is the owner/driver i am a named driver (21 with 6 points) been driving under 1 year because i got license revoked and had to resit my tests The Car is a fiat brava 1.4 red 5 door 5 seats worth about 1000GBP cheapest quote i can get is with the AA 600 comprehensive is there anyone who can get it any cheaper???
Is Mitsubishi Lancer Coupe considered a Sports Car in Insurance?
Hi, im in australia planning to get a lancer coupe, not the sedan. they range in late 90 models. I cant tell if theyre a sports car or not by insurance companies. (sports car are more expensive). a small low budget economical 1.8L car wouldnt be classified as a sports. But then lancers were originally used in rally races. Can anyone tell me if this lancer would have higher insurance costs than a 4 door sedan version.""
What would happen with my insurance company?
I hit a car 10 months ago. The guy said I didn't have to pay for it because he said the car was a piece of crap. So no reports were filed or anything. 1 month after the accident, he wants the car fixed. What would happen if I called my insurance and told them this? Would my rates rise? Would I pay extra fees? Would my insurance still cover it? I live in California and have Farmers and I am under 18""
""What's the difference in the government requiring you to buy health insurance, and car insurance?""
________________________________ Okay, I don't think I got my question across last time. My last question I also said: Some state, maybe all, require you to buy car insurance. So, what's the difference between those two? The government is requiring you to buy something. I disagree with ObamaCare, but I also disagree with Car Insurance, but why aren't people getting all bent out of shape out that? __________________________________ To add on to that: I understand driving a car is a privildge, but I don't understand why I am required to buy car insurance for owning a car. I feel like that would be saying you have to buy fire insurance for you house because you might catch someone else's house on fire. But, what if you are a good driver and don't wreck, why are you still required to buy insurance? I don't see the government telling me what I need to buy and what I don't buy when I own something. I can understand the danger to others, but insurance doesn't make a driver better or worse. If you are a bad driver you need insurance to cover your bad driving, but if your a good driver why do you still need insurance?""
""What's your best car insurance quote? I'm with Budget at the mo, (ending in Sept) .....?""
paid 314 fully comp with business use (got 7 years no claims bonus and 3 points on my liscense for speeding which shouldn't be counted now cos was back in 2003) Went on moneysupermarket.com and Budget gave me a quote for 177, still all the same details so why the 137 price difference? you can bet my renewel quote will be rubbish, it only dropped by 40 last year but couldn't be bothered with the hassle of paying new company deposit etc. What site would you recommend for cheap insurance? other than Confused.com Sorry this ended up being really long winded.""
How do i find out auto insurance rates with a company wihtout joining them?
I'm currently on my parents insurance and want to move onto my own
Insurance same day proof?
i was pulled over on he 1-9-2008 the same day i received the insurance went to court thought it was done i recevied a paper from the bmv in ohio asked for my insurance sent it to them 2 weeks later was sent another letter insurance same day proof for my insurance company faxed that to them they faxed it back should i had insurance 1-9-2008-6-9-2008(changed insurance companies)my insurance company signed it i sent it to the bmv that apparently was not good now they on the paper which never asked for the time exactly and make and model of car shouldn't they just except what the insurance company sighned and gave them
Where to get a cheap auto insurance quote?
I just got a car and really need to get it insured so that I may drive it, I am in California btw. thanks.""
Can a car insurance broker be wrong?
This insurance broker gave me a quote that is a lot lower than what i pay for my car insurance right now. He double checked my information and my driver's licence and gave me a low quote, while all the other brokers told me higher amounts. Could he be wrong? What if I say I want to switch to that insurance, and it turns out he cannot get that locked quote for me? what happens then?""
Pilot Grove Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 65276
Pilot Grove Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 65276
What is the best insurance company to insure an enagement ring?
I'm looking for a dependable insurer that will insure an engagement ring; not an add-on policy to a homeowner's or renter's insurance. Moreover, a company that will soley insure a piece of jewelry.""
How much would insurance be on a dodge stealth?
i am going to be sixteen and i may be buying a 92 stealth and i need to know how much insurance would be. it is only a 5,000 dollar car. but the speed meter goes to 160mph.""
My son wants to buy a car. Can he use my car insurance?
My son wants to buy a car but he is only listed as a household driver on my insurance policy. He is 23 years old. He lives with me in Pennsylvania. Must he have his own insurance to purchase a car?
1990 Mazda Rx7 Insurance?
Im 18, i live in wisconsin and im looking to buy a 1990 Mazda rx7 gtu.. i have no bad records or nothing b student... and i was wondering how much a year would a 1990 mazda rx7 gtu cost? or even monthly.. before i can buy it need to know if can support 2 cars on my insurance a year. Any help would be great.. i'v been looking every where..""
How much would (teen driver) insurance cost?
I was wondering how much car insurance would cost for a teen driver? Info: Black Grand Cherokee (if that matters) Male 17 years old. 3.5 gpa
Where can i get information on the popularity among savings insurance vs health insurance?
I would like to know which is higher on the premium you have to pay for savings and health insurance? savings or health insurance is higher? how can i get info on this?
What is the company that offers the cheapest insurance quote for a 18 year old?
I need Full coverage: PIP, Comp & Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. My car is financed""
What is the insurance company here in Los Angeles?
That has hospital, prescription,medical of any kind , office visits,ambulances, dental, with a deductable and monthy premiums that are not too high.""
Which company has the lowest price on car insurance for teenagers in Mississippi?
car insurance
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person I live in Chicago, but my mom lives in Northern Michigan. I am reaching out to the Yahoo Answers community for help. My mom is 55 and my dad is 65. My dad gets some health benefits because he is on Social Security, but my mom has nothing. My mom runs a foster care home for abused and mentally handicap kids. I dont know for sure what their income is, but I have to believe it would be in the high 20s to low 30s (nothing). I say foster home, but she really adopted these kids. Because she adopted them, I guess she is technically not employed by the State of Michigan and therefore gets no insurance. My mom is really sick and has no health insurance. She refuses to visit the hospital or a doctor because of the bills. My brother and I have offered time and again to pay for this, but she feels like she is being a burden. This time she finally agreed because she is really really hurting. Does anything here know of low cost assistance she would qualify for? I doubt any traditional health insurance would pick her up because of her age, and general bill of health. Even if they did, I bet the premiums would be too much, and the co-pays would be outrageous. Any direction you can point me in will be helpful for a starting point.""
Why is insurance on Motobikes Much lower for a 17 year old then insurance for a car of the same value?
I'm 16 and i'm looking how much it would cost me to get a car or a bike when i turn 17 next year so i can save up and get one of them i looked at insurance for both and ended up with a 3000 quote for a car worth 2000 and a 750 Quote for a bike worth 2300 they where both from the same insurer and all the details where the same I'm just ondering why is this the case and if it's actualy better for me to get a bike instead ofa car
Most affordable auto insurance?
I need a cheap auto insurance cuz my husband is laid off. We have two cars and we only have one ticket in the last three years.
How much is insurance?
how much is insurance for a 1978 corvette stingray?(i want to know how much it is and also if that price is low or not also if i got a older corvette would the insurance go down?) i am 16 but i have a 3.5 gpa im also a guy if that changes anything also my parents insurance is really low.
6 month or Year car insurance?
Which one of these is more desirable? Seems like the year car insurance premium is higher than the 6 month. Also, how do you cancel a policy and get a policy with a new insurer without hurting your credit?""
""Im paying $1,000 every 6months for my car insurance, and im 19 years old.?""
Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)""
So I'm looking at buying a new car but don't want to pay a ton for insurance. First of all I'm a 15 year old guy and i know that's going to change the cost. Now the two cars I'm looking at are a 1974 Chevy Nova or a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. from your experience how much would you guess? And i know its different for every insurance agency and right now I'm going with Progressive. Thanks a ton for your help.
Quote for a day car insurance????????????
how much does a 1 day car insurance cost? It is the first time I need to do it, so I don't have any idea. When I try to get a quote, I'm always ask to register to the website... I don't really want to do it before having a quote :P Anyway would you please recommend me an agency? thanks""
Why is KTM insurance so expensive?
I just recently purchased a 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, and as part of my loan I had to get it fully covered. I'm just curious why a 250cc dirtbike costs more to insure than my 2004 600rr was; same coverage. Is it because it's new?""
Regarding Auto Insurance Companies policy for DUI.?
I am in living in Northern California and my question is how long do Auto INsurance Companies keep DUI on your record. I have been told 7 years but our insurance companys says 10years..
How do i find out the laws of car insurance policies in the state of RI?
If my insurance company in ri has totaled my car can my sales tax be refunded
My insurance rates went up for buying a prius?
E-surance added 300 dollars to my 6 month term for buying a Prius. They said it is a new car, and that they cant find the safety ratings. Is this just non sense, and is their another insurance company that wont penalize me for buying a safer, fuel efficent car?""
Cheapest car insurance?
ok so im a 20 year old male, ive had my license for about a year, im about to insure my sisters old minivan, its a 99 siloutte. what would be the cheapest insurance company to go with and does anyone know about how much that would be??""
Home Owners Insurance?
My husband and I are looking for the best home owners insurance in California one that includes earthquake coverage and other stuff like fire and theft can you give me places to check out? We will be living in Culver City, California in the USA""
Can I register and insure a car in Florida but use it in California?
I'm from Miami but live in San Diego for school, so I'm only in California for half the year and don't want to completely get rid of my Florida residency - nor do I want ...show more""
Life Insurance or Mortgage Insurance?
which one is better. I live in canada (BC) I have income disability insurance but it doesn't cover my mortgage amount. Incase of a death of one partner the other will get anywhere from 30 000 to 100 000 (depnds on how death happens) plus monthly checks of app.2000 for 2 yrs plus funeral expenses. I pay 108 a month for this. Shuld i cancel my policy and get mortgage insurance do most people out there have mortgage insurance? Is it true that you can not have more than one policy? any experts out there pls advise?
Pilot Grove Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 65276
Pilot Grove Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 65276
How much is Liability insurance on a 16 year old's car?
How much would it be if i wanted to get Liability insurance on a car?
""I lower my car insurance deductible a week ago, would the insurance company accept my claim today?""
Because of the bad snowy weather we been having, I recently lower my car deductible from $1000 to $250 . My car just sliped today and hit a curve. I took it to have it checked, and the shop told me it would be around $3000 to get the car fix. Would my insurance company think that i lower my deductible after the incident happened? Would they cover the damage? Should i wait before trying to file the claim?""
Motorbike and car insurance?
With fuel prices in the uk soaring and having to drive 120 miles a day I am seriously considering buying a motorbike to save both time and money. Thing is I'm gonna still need a car for the winter months when we have to deal with increasingly heavy winters... So my question is do i have to pay 12 months insurance for both a car and a bike or is there any way of having a policy that I can put on hold for the months that either vehicle isn't being used?
What are typical limits on a full coverage auto insurance policy.?
I was recently in a mans vehicle when he wrecked, I was pretty seriously injured, and now have a lot of medical bills, and surgery bills. I know that he has a full coverage policy with Geico, because they have contacted me, and told me that. The only thing that they will not tell me is his personal limits. I have found out though that He has a history of accidents, and DUI'S. I do not know if that has any affect on his limits or not. I am just concerened about my bills getting paid, and my reimbursement for my lost time, and pain and suffering.""
How can I take my ohio's driver test without car insurance?
I have my permit, learned how to drive and found a friend who is willing to let me use their car. But Im not covered under anyones insurance. I dont have any family to help. I cant get a car without a license and I cant get that without insurance but I cant get insurance without a car so it doesnt make sense.""
""California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
""What is... THE, CHEAPEST, CAR INSURANCE... IN... THE... UK?""
i mean what is legaly the cheapest you can possably pay... im looking for real cheap scraping by scum insurers that wont cover F all... the cheapest... THE... CHEAPEST... i dont wanna hear you mention popular names!!... i wanna hear hidden hated piece of S**t insurers... understand... REALLY cheap... none of this.... 4000 stuff... robbin sc*m... im looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP...""
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
What online auto insurance gives you multiple quotes and is free?
?????????? free quotes????????????????
How many Health Insurance Companies in Sault Ste.Marie?
How much would they charge ? My brother is going to Algoma University this year, the University asks them to buy a Health Insurance, but the University's health insurance is too expensive. So, is there any other health insurance companies in Sault Ste.Marie ?""
Does a speeding ticket raise insurance rates for new drivers?
I just got a speeding ticket for going 15 over. It's my first one and i have never gotten in trouble with the police before. But, I am only 17 and got my license only 9 months ago. If I just pay the ticket and dont go to court, how much more money will my insurance company charge me?""
Wife is pregnant and we have no insurance?
Hi everyone. Just found out last night that the wife's 7 weeks pregnant (yay!) but we don't have health insurance (boo!). I live in California and was told there is something called Medi-Cal (?) that helps people who are low-income and don't have health insurance in their pregnancy needs but I don't know if I qualify. My gross monthly income is $3000. Also, if I don't qualify I heard there is a low cost insurance called AIM? Anybody who's ever had dealings with Medi-cal or AIM your pointers and experience will be muchly appreciated!! Thanks! Excited but scared of becoming a daddy!! AHHHH!!!""
Health Insurance - 31 days after Birth?
Here is my question: Me and my wife currently have health insurance (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 I plan to get into different health insurance plan with different insurer (Carrier B). On 5/23 my son was born and as per Carrier A, I have 31 days to enroll him under my current health insurance. Since I am changing eff 6/1, will he still be covered with my current plan (even I don't add him) until I add him to the new plan? So, basically from the time he is born until he gets added to Carrier B, would he have a coverage for these 7-8 days? Thanks""
Can I buy car insurance with Obamacare?
What about food? Do I get free food now because of Obamacare?
How much do you pay for ur car insurance every month and how old are u?
I pay $83.09 every month and i am 20 years old. is that too much??, keep in mind that i never had any kind of accident or anything and i started driving when i was 15. I kinda starting to think its a waste of money if u think about it.""
""How much, on average, would it cost to get a Thyroid Function Test? (No insurance) Info on Hypothyroidism?""
I was told that I might have Hypothyroidism because of my constant low blood pressure & low body temp. I was reading the symptoms and seem to have the following. Poor muscle tone (muscle hypotonia) Fatigue Cold intolerance, increased sensitivity to cold Depression Constipation Muscle cramps and joint pain Arthritis Thin, brittle fingernails Brittle hair Paleness Dry, itchy skin Weight gain Thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows Low basal body temperature Impaired memory Impaired cognitive function (brain fog) and inattentiveness <-all the time now Migraine headache Sluggish reflexes Anxiety/panic attacks <All the time now Increased need for sleep <All the time now Irritability and mood instability <All the time now Decreased sense of taste and smell Depression (Had <that for years and years now) Could it be the depression & Borderline Personality Disorder causing this or thyroid problems causing the Mental issues? Thanks for any info!""
Best New York Insurance?
Ok I'm 19, my mom's thinking of getting a CR-V or an Odyssey and I live in the Bronx so how much would it be for an insurance?? Any cheaper?? I have experience in driving had so many driving practice. Also what if I add another car? Would the insurance be cheaper or still off the roof? I'm thinking about A Miata that cost around $3,000 about 1996 model. Thanks!!""
Car insurance rates for teens?
can u tell me how high are the rates to insure a car for a teen for a 2008 acura tsx? would this vehicle cost a lot to insure. Are their discounts for students? thanks
Who has the cheapest Full Coverage Auto Insurance?
Me and my husband are looking for full coverage auto insurance for both of our cars, a 2005 Chrysler 300 and a 2005 Chrysler Sebring, to be exact. I am under 25 years old (I am 24) and he is 25. As of right now we are insured by State Farm. As you can imagine being that I'm under 25 and he is a male and we want full coverage, our insurance is extremely high. Does anyone know of any reasonable prices in Houston for a young couple such as ourselves????""
Can I refuse health insurance from my employer?
I am already insured under my husband and in the past having 2 insurances has caused a nightmare of paperwork. I am about to accept a job from a non-profit, so would me refusing insurance save them money?""
Best affordable medical insurance for surgery?
My boyfriend needs open brain surgery but does not have any insurance. What is the best affordable insurance andd can we be on the same plan without being married or related?
Car Insurance Question?
I was in a car wreak where it was the other persons fault....already determined by the police. I live in Tennessee by the way and I didnt have insurance at the time..even though I went out and got it an hour later. My question is who is responsible for paying for the damages to the person who hit me? Their insurance is already fixing my car, but the lady who hit me was driving her dads car and she only had liability but not on the car she was driving. Does she call my insurance company to have her dads car fixed even though it was her fault? Whos insurance pays for it? Or is she just outta luck?""
Does anyone Own a Mustang GT Bullitt and by any chance happen to know how much the insurance usually is?
Any one know any good insurance for new driver that is only 18?
My mom tried adding me to her AAA insurance and it would be 1150 every sic month that too much anyother cheap insurances thanks
I'm 17years old how much would it be to insure a Volkswagen Golf?
I'm 17years old how much would it be to insure a Volkswagen Golf?
Pilot Grove Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 65276
Pilot Grove Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 65276
0 notes
succeedly · 6 years
Using the Real World Classrooms Model When Teaching Finance
Brian Bean on episode 323 of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
The Real-World Classroom model of teaching finance is part simulation part game. Invented by Brian Bean, this model of teaching is transforming Texas classrooms and beyond.
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Enhanced Transcript
Real World Classrooms When Teaching Finance
Link to show: www.coolcatteacher.com/e323 Date: May 30, 2018
Vicki: Today we’re talking with Brian Bean, 14-year Texas educator, about real-world classrooms.
Now, Brian, your story to reach real-world classrooms, actually has a bit of a challenging beginning. Tell us about your beginning that was so difficult.
Brian: Somewhat of a challenge, if you want to put it that way.
Vicki: Yeah, I could say that! (laughs)
You could say that.
My family and I were the victims of a fairly-elaborate Ponzi scheme back in 2008.
I started this as a victim of a Ponzi scheme
They were targeting middle-income people with good credit, like teachers, and then they were leveraging our credit to pull equity out of real estate and business loans and then use that in their fund.
I was pretty naive at the time in personal finance. I was teaching science, and i just thought it all sounded great.
After about a year or so, some sketchy things started happening. We took a little bit closer look at what was going on and discovered we were in debt to the tune of about 1.2 million dollars.
Vicki: Wow.
Brian: We had to declare bankruptcy and kind of had to start over from scratch at the time.
It was hard, but, you know, you learn a lot through a situation like that. One of the things I learned was that there were pretty glaring holes in the education system when it came to personal financing.
I mean, I was supposedly an educated man. I didn’t know any of the… in hindsight, things that would have been MAJOR red flags.
I went back to school, got certified to teach banking and finance, got a Master’s Degree in teaching methodology and set to trying to fix it.
It’s kind of how the real-world classroom teaching model started.
Vicki: Ok, so what is the real-world classroom teaching model?
Brian: Some people like to compare it to a simulation, because there’s a component of it that’s a simulation.
But really, it’s a model that gamifies and puts the personal in personal finance — where what we do is we take the students in class, real life experience, and we blend it with an online simulator experience where decisions that students make in either arena impact the privileges they have in either arena.
This model gamifies and puts the “personal” in personal finance
Let me use some basic examples.
In the simulation, students get paid a virtual salary, but that salary gets impacted by their in-class academic performance. If they pass a test, they get a raise! If they fail that test, they actually get a deduction in their salary in the simulation.
Then they have to budget that money and manage it to pay bills, to do different things like that, buy assets, they get a credit score, etc. They have to qualify for interest rates and whatnot.
But then they can use those funds to purchase privileges in class.
You want to use a hall pass? You have to buy it. If you’re late for class, you have to pay a fine.
Desks? They don’t sit in a desk assigned to them because their desk represents their homes. So they actually have to buy their desk.
Vicki: Oh my goodness! So are these finance classes, or are these other classes besides finance?
Brian: The majority of my teachers use them in personal finance classes. I do have a couple that are using it in an accounting class or an economics class, but most of them are personal finance classes.
Vicki: So they literally have to buy the desk that they want to sit in.
Brian: Yes.
Students literally have to buy the desk that they want to sit in
What the teachers will do is they will apply privileges to some desks that others don’t have.
So if a student wants that privilege, for example, you get to use open notes on a test, well then you have to own that desk, you have to have that privilege.
It creates a marketplace in class, and that’s one of the first major decisions students have to make. “Can I afford this more expensive desk I really want? What sacrifices am I going to have to make to be able to afford that, or do I want to go conservative?”
When all is said and done, the thing that really makes this model different — that really makes all these decisions carry weight, it takes it from just a game an actual accountability — is the decision grade they’re going to get, for what I call a life lab.
For doing that life lab, they don’t get that grade because they answered a bunch of questions right on an online quiz, or wrote a report. They get the grade because we actually sell them the grade.
Vicki: So they have to have enough money to buy an A.
Brian: Exactly. If they write me a check, they get an A.
If they don’t, they get whatever they can afford.
So the decision of what house I bought might come back to haunt me — or it might come back to be beneficial because I’m doing well on my tests, because I get to use my notes.
Then I get a higher salary, and then I can budget that.
We’ve tried to bring in as many real-world scenarios as we can — to have credit cards, bank accounts, checking and savings.
We’ve tried to bring in as many real-world scenarios as we can
They have a credit score they’ve developed. They have an in-class stock market they can invest in. We even have a random factor called “life happens” where regularly they would play a game where a it picks a student at random and then a random scenario occurs, and the kid has to deal with it.
Some of them are good, they get some money. Most of them are bad…
Vicki: (laughs)
Brian: Some permanently change their budget. “You just had a baby. Now you’ve got to have your budget changed.” So you’ve got to compensate and adjust.
A lot of real-world finance is “How well are you prepared for the unexpected? How well did you plan for things you can’t control?”
“How well did you plan for things you can’t control?”
Vicki: So what are teachers saying about this particular approach, as they take their accounting and finance classes, and they gamify it — or “real world it” with the simulation on top of what they’re already teaching?
Brian: So far, teachers love it.
Students love it.
We’ve had a lot of phenomenal response from parents.
We’ve had a lot of phenomenal response from parents
Because what it does for the teacher, is:
1) it covers so many of our core standards, just built into the model that actually frees up a lot of time for teachers to do more in-depth things for certain units that they might want to cover.
2) The other thing is that it’s constant reinforcement, and it really teaches the students how these things are interconnected.
It takes what typically, in subjects like finance, we teach the different topics modulated.
“We’re going to cover THIS and get that done, and go to the next one.”
But this, and with real life, they’re all interconnected. The student pays his bills on time, he’s going to get a better credit score. If he gets a better credit score, he’s going to get a better loan interest rate. If he gets a better loan interest rate, he’s going to have a lower payment. If he has a lower payment, he can more easily pay his bills.
All these things the kids have to deal with regularly, just like we do as adults. The difference is they get their first exposure to it in a safe environment of the classroom.
Vicki: What is the feedback you’re getting from parents as they talk to their kids about this experience?
Brian: One, parents love it, because they finally get to look at kids and be like, “See? This is what it takes to provide this life! You didn’t know!”
Parents say: “This is what it takes to provide this life! You didn’t know!”
And so they love it.
We’ve had a phenomenal experience at my school, for example. Phenomenal experience. Parents were bringing in… Like the class I teach are all seniors. And parents are bringing their kids in — their freshman and sophomore years, and signing them up for summer school so they can free up a slot their senior year to take the course.
We started using this model in the classroom about three years ago, we had three sections.
And now it’s the #1 requested program at my school. We’ve got eight sections and two teachers teaching it.
I actually looked up the statistics last year in Texas, I teach a class called Financial Math. It’s a new course, and a third of all the students in all of Texas took financial math from classes in schools that used my model.
Vicki: Wow.
Brian: It’s just really helped grow that program in Texas, and it’s been a phenomenal thing, more successful than I thought it would be. I didn’t create it to make a business. It just kind of happened.
Vicki: Yeah.
So, Rick, I’m excited for you. You’ve been enjoying teaching and you’re getting ready to head out of the classroom because of the growth that you’ve had.
We’ve talked about financial literacy on the show before, and how important it is to teach financial literacy.
Brian: Oh yeah.
Vicki: This is what kids have to know. We don’t have a choice. I’m fascinated by this. Now, do you have a website or link they can go to to find more about this model?
Brian: Absolutely.
We have a company. The company is called Free Market Educational Services, and that’s a really long URL, so we got the domain fmes.us.
On that, people can see samples of the curriculum that we wrote that goes with the model.
They can get more information about how the model itself actually works. I’ve given you about the smallest tip of the iceberg that I can.
They can see demos of our technology, download samples of the curriculum like I said, contact us with questions, see pricing, and things like that.
Vicki: Awesome. Thank you, Brian.
Educators, I hope that you will take a look at this gamified, real-world approach to teaching financial literacy.
This is the sort of thing we talk a lot about on the show — keeping things real, keeping things authentic.
Check it out. Thank you, Brian!
Brian: Thank you, and I appreciate your time.
Contact us about the show: http://www.coolcatteacher.com/contact/
Transcribed by Kymberli Mulford [email protected]
Bio as submitted
Brian currently teaches Financial Mathematics in a high school just outside of Houston, Texas and is the creator of the Real-World Classroom (RWC) teaching model. He has over 13 years of teaching experience, a Master’s Degree in teaching methodology, and received multiple awards in education. The RWC is the result of Brian’s personal hardships turned opportunity. In 2008 he was the victim of an elaborate Ponzi scheme and used this experience as motivation to make a change in the way personal financial literacy is taught. His story is an inspiration to teachers and students and his passion to make a difference has lead to the development of a model that is disrupting education.
Blog: http://www.fmes.us/the-real-world-classroom/
Twitter: @brianbean
Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
The post Using the Real World Classrooms Model When Teaching Finance appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
Using the Real World Classrooms Model When Teaching Finance published first on https://getnewcourse.tumblr.com/
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growthvue · 6 years
Using the Real World Classrooms Model When Teaching Finance
Brian Bean on episode 323 of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
The Real-World Classroom model of teaching finance is part simulation part game. Invented by Brian Bean, this model of teaching is transforming Texas classrooms and beyond.
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Enhanced Transcript
Real World Classrooms When Teaching Finance
Link to show: www.coolcatteacher.com/e323 Date: May 30, 2018
Vicki: Today we’re talking with Brian Bean, 14-year Texas educator, about real-world classrooms.
Now, Brian, your story to reach real-world classrooms, actually has a bit of a challenging beginning. Tell us about your beginning that was so difficult.
Brian: Somewhat of a challenge, if you want to put it that way.
Vicki: Yeah, I could say that! (laughs)
You could say that.
My family and I were the victims of a fairly-elaborate Ponzi scheme back in 2008.
I started this as a victim of a Ponzi scheme
They were targeting middle-income people with good credit, like teachers, and then they were leveraging our credit to pull equity out of real estate and business loans and then use that in their fund.
I was pretty naive at the time in personal finance. I was teaching science, and i just thought it all sounded great.
After about a year or so, some sketchy things started happening. We took a little bit closer look at what was going on and discovered we were in debt to the tune of about 1.2 million dollars.
Vicki: Wow.
Brian: We had to declare bankruptcy and kind of had to start over from scratch at the time.
It was hard, but, you know, you learn a lot through a situation like that. One of the things I learned was that there were pretty glaring holes in the education system when it came to personal financing.
I mean, I was supposedly an educated man. I didn’t know any of the… in hindsight, things that would have been MAJOR red flags.
I went back to school, got certified to teach banking and finance, got a Master’s Degree in teaching methodology and set to trying to fix it.
It’s kind of how the real-world classroom teaching model started.
Vicki: Ok, so what is the real-world classroom teaching model?
Brian: Some people like to compare it to a simulation, because there’s a component of it that’s a simulation.
But really, it’s a model that gamifies and puts the personal in personal finance — where what we do is we take the students in class, real life experience, and we blend it with an online simulator experience where decisions that students make in either arena impact the privileges they have in either arena.
This model gamifies and puts the “personal” in personal finance
Let me use some basic examples.
In the simulation, students get paid a virtual salary, but that salary gets impacted by their in-class academic performance. If they pass a test, they get a raise! If they fail that test, they actually get a deduction in their salary in the simulation.
Then they have to budget that money and manage it to pay bills, to do different things like that, buy assets, they get a credit score, etc. They have to qualify for interest rates and whatnot.
But then they can use those funds to purchase privileges in class.
You want to use a hall pass? You have to buy it. If you’re late for class, you have to pay a fine.
Desks? They don’t sit in a desk assigned to them because their desk represents their homes. So they actually have to buy their desk.
Vicki: Oh my goodness! So are these finance classes, or are these other classes besides finance?
Brian: The majority of my teachers use them in personal finance classes. I do have a couple that are using it in an accounting class or an economics class, but most of them are personal finance classes.
Vicki: So they literally have to buy the desk that they want to sit in.
Brian: Yes.
Students literally have to buy the desk that they want to sit in
What the teachers will do is they will apply privileges to some desks that others don’t have.
So if a student wants that privilege, for example, you get to use open notes on a test, well then you have to own that desk, you have to have that privilege.
It creates a marketplace in class, and that’s one of the first major decisions students have to make. “Can I afford this more expensive desk I really want? What sacrifices am I going to have to make to be able to afford that, or do I want to go conservative?”
When all is said and done, the thing that really makes this model different — that really makes all these decisions carry weight, it takes it from just a game an actual accountability — is the decision grade they’re going to get, for what I call a life lab.
For doing that life lab, they don’t get that grade because they answered a bunch of questions right on an online quiz, or wrote a report. They get the grade because we actually sell them the grade.
Vicki: So they have to have enough money to buy an A.
Brian: Exactly. If they write me a check, they get an A.
If they don’t, they get whatever they can afford.
So the decision of what house I bought might come back to haunt me — or it might come back to be beneficial because I’m doing well on my tests, because I get to use my notes.
Then I get a higher salary, and then I can budget that.
We’ve tried to bring in as many real-world scenarios as we can — to have credit cards, bank accounts, checking and savings.
We’ve tried to bring in as many real-world scenarios as we can
They have a credit score they’ve developed. They have an in-class stock market they can invest in. We even have a random factor called “life happens” where regularly they would play a game where a it picks a student at random and then a random scenario occurs, and the kid has to deal with it.
Some of them are good, they get some money. Most of them are bad…
Vicki: (laughs)
Brian: Some permanently change their budget. “You just had a baby. Now you’ve got to have your budget changed.” So you’ve got to compensate and adjust.
A lot of real-world finance is “How well are you prepared for the unexpected? How well did you plan for things you can’t control?”
“How well did you plan for things you can’t control?”
Vicki: So what are teachers saying about this particular approach, as they take their accounting and finance classes, and they gamify it — or “real world it” with the simulation on top of what they’re already teaching?
Brian: So far, teachers love it.
Students love it.
We’ve had a lot of phenomenal response from parents.
We’ve had a lot of phenomenal response from parents
Because what it does for the teacher, is:
1) it covers so many of our core standards, just built into the model that actually frees up a lot of time for teachers to do more in-depth things for certain units that they might want to cover.
2) The other thing is that it’s constant reinforcement, and it really teaches the students how these things are interconnected.
It takes what typically, in subjects like finance, we teach the different topics modulated.
“We’re going to cover THIS and get that done, and go to the next one.”
But this, and with real life, they’re all interconnected. The student pays his bills on time, he’s going to get a better credit score. If he gets a better credit score, he’s going to get a better loan interest rate. If he gets a better loan interest rate, he’s going to have a lower payment. If he has a lower payment, he can more easily pay his bills.
All these things the kids have to deal with regularly, just like we do as adults. The difference is they get their first exposure to it in a safe environment of the classroom.
Vicki: What is the feedback you’re getting from parents as they talk to their kids about this experience?
Brian: One, parents love it, because they finally get to look at kids and be like, “See? This is what it takes to provide this life! You didn’t know!”
Parents say: “This is what it takes to provide this life! You didn’t know!”
And so they love it.
We’ve had a phenomenal experience at my school, for example. Phenomenal experience. Parents were bringing in… Like the class I teach are all seniors. And parents are bringing their kids in — their freshman and sophomore years, and signing them up for summer school so they can free up a slot their senior year to take the course.
We started using this model in the classroom about three years ago, we had three sections.
And now it’s the #1 requested program at my school. We’ve got eight sections and two teachers teaching it.
I actually looked up the statistics last year in Texas, I teach a class called Financial Math. It’s a new course, and a third of all the students in all of Texas took financial math from classes in schools that used my model.
Vicki: Wow.
Brian: It’s just really helped grow that program in Texas, and it’s been a phenomenal thing, more successful than I thought it would be. I didn’t create it to make a business. It just kind of happened.
Vicki: Yeah.
So, Rick, I’m excited for you. You’ve been enjoying teaching and you’re getting ready to head out of the classroom because of the growth that you’ve had.
We’ve talked about financial literacy on the show before, and how important it is to teach financial literacy.
Brian: Oh yeah.
Vicki: This is what kids have to know. We don’t have a choice. I’m fascinated by this. Now, do you have a website or link they can go to to find more about this model?
Brian: Absolutely.
We have a company. The company is called Free Market Educational Services, and that’s a really long URL, so we got the domain fmes.us.
On that, people can see samples of the curriculum that we wrote that goes with the model.
They can get more information about how the model itself actually works. I’ve given you about the smallest tip of the iceberg that I can.
They can see demos of our technology, download samples of the curriculum like I said, contact us with questions, see pricing, and things like that.
Vicki: Awesome. Thank you, Brian.
Educators, I hope that you will take a look at this gamified, real-world approach to teaching financial literacy.
This is the sort of thing we talk a lot about on the show — keeping things real, keeping things authentic.
Check it out. Thank you, Brian!
Brian: Thank you, and I appreciate your time.
Contact us about the show: http://www.coolcatteacher.com/contact/
Transcribed by Kymberli Mulford [email protected]
Bio as submitted
Brian currently teaches Financial Mathematics in a high school just outside of Houston, Texas and is the creator of the Real-World Classroom (RWC) teaching model. He has over 13 years of teaching experience, a Master’s Degree in teaching methodology, and received multiple awards in education. The RWC is the result of Brian’s personal hardships turned opportunity. In 2008 he was the victim of an elaborate Ponzi scheme and used this experience as motivation to make a change in the way personal financial literacy is taught. His story is an inspiration to teachers and students and his passion to make a difference has lead to the development of a model that is disrupting education.
Blog: http://www.fmes.us/the-real-world-classroom/
Twitter: @brianbean
Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
The post Using the Real World Classrooms Model When Teaching Finance appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
Using the Real World Classrooms Model When Teaching Finance published first on https://getnewdlbusiness.tumblr.com/
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