#and i’m like can i stop being a communication device
lilgynt · 6 months
i cannot even be sick without my mom being like i will make you want to kill urself
#personal#i’m crying i just want to sleep but my mom keeps waking me up for dumb shit#i’m mad at the dog can you record this voice message audio for my friend can you find out what happened between ur brother and aunt#and i’m like can i stop being a communication device#and she rolls her eyes and i’m like fine roll ur eyes i don’t want to be a commucation device#and she’s like i ask you for one thing and you just and whole blah blah#so i get upset and im like no it’s not one thing#you have me reaching out when we’re not talking to loan 600 *i* pay that back bc you couldn’t communicate wit me#that you couldn’t#i pay back ben from what you said you could and again you can’t just talk to me#and she’s like if i had the money id pay! no shit!!!!!!!! no shit!!!!!#but i’m actively asking if you can so i can budget and possibly help#and she’s like fine don’t ask him just stop i don’t want to talk about it#you don’t want to talk about anything and then she’s like you better stop before i kick you out#which im like that’s all you can do.#ofc until she needs money ofc then she’s definitely NOT Saying that#but anyway i ask and tell her and she’s like why did you ask also stop making things worse 🥺🥺🥺 like *i* started this#you woke me up asked me to ask and got in a whole screaming match about it!!!! i’m sick and tired from work!!!!!!!#anyway i’m crying and sick and tired we love it here#my nose is DOUBLE clogged#didn’t post this when i did but it was this then hey i cheated that was my friday
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zebulontheplanet · 3 months
I’m gonna say this, and I’m taking a deep breath as I say this because it’s probably going to piss off some people lol.
Unless you’re nonspeaking/nonverbal, then you don’t get it. Yes, even if you’re a part time AAC user. Yes, even if you’re an occasional AAC user. Yes, even if you use AAC the majority of the time but are verbal or demiverbal or semiverbal.
You don’t get it. You don’t get what it’s like to rely completely on a device. On other people. You don’t get the fear, the anxiety, the loneliness, the pain. You don’t get the ableism we face. Or the fact that we can’t experience certain connections.
You don’t get that I can’t say thank you and therefore get weird looks. You don’t get that I can’t say please, or sorry, or anything like that. You won’t get what it’s like to have to make your parent your medical proxy because you can’t make doctors appointments yourself, so therefore they know everything about your medical history. You have no privacy. You don’t get what it’s like.
You don’t get the fear of seeing your devices battery slowly die because you’ve been using it but you still have hours left of class or you are out in public and know you need something to communicate but your device will inevitably die on you.
You don’t get what it’s like to go into the AAC community and see part time users be risen up and supported, then for full time users to be ignored and and told our experiences are so different that they shouldn’t even be talked about in these spaces because it leaves people out.
You don’t get what it’s like to be beyond frustrated with other AAC users because although they’re apart of our community, they’re forcing themselves into our conversations as full time nonverbal/nonspeaking users. You don’t get that frustration. The want to scream.
You don’t get what it’s like to see people push themselves into your community for only their self gain. For their own selfishness. For the sake of saying “I’m an AAC user too!!!! I can say these things!!” When no…I’m not talking about you. I’m not talking about part time AAC users.
I feel like people don’t realize that yes, AAC users are a minority themselves, and a marginalized community, but full time users, they’re a marginalized community and a minority within the very community that they fucking built.
Part time AAC users, occasional AAC users, people who are not nonspeaking/nonverbal, it’s time to start realizing your own privilege within the community. It’s time to start letting us talk too. It’s time to stop forcing your way into our conversations. It’s time to listen to us.
I get increasingly frustrated as the days go on, and I’m tired of being frustrated.
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vulpisnocturna · 1 year
My tired brain 🧠 possibly misunderstood, but hc requests are still open? If not disregard this ask, but if so what are your hc on Uchiha Males discovering their spouse or s/o, having an intrauterine device for birth control? I would say not done out of spite but just something their s/o has had for years (some IUDs last for 10 yrs or longer!). Maybe it was a slip of the tongue, since it’s not something most women spend all day thinking about. At least I don’t.
Maybe a slight misunderstanding over the whole scenario. It can be NSFW as well. 😈
HC requests are in fact still open, as they don’t take me long to write. Fic requests are closed.
Mhhh I’m not sure, this would be quite hard to gauge I think. I’ll try my best.
Uchiha Men finding out you have an IUD/views on contraception
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-This man would not be happy to hear you say you cannot conceive when he wants you to. He would absolutely tell you to get it removed ASAP. You don’t want children with him or something? Is that a joke? You need to give him an heir.
-If you tell him you’ve had it for a long time, he will retort that now you’re his wife and it is time to have a family with him.
- 10/10 commitment, 1/10 general approach, 0/10 women’s rights
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-He’s secretly a sweetheart. He would ask you why you did it and if you’re comfortable removing it because he wants a family with you. If you’re not, he’ll try to coax you into it, but he won’t push too far. He wants peace for his clan as much as peace in his household.
-Will be asking routine updates on whether you’re ready to take it off.
- 7/10 general approach, 9/10 communication, 7/10 women’s rights
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-Is perplexed when he starts to see that no matter how many time he breeds you, you never get pregnant. There is no way he’s the problem. Could you be infertile? That’s not a thought Madara likes. He needs to pass on his genes, and he singled you out as the best woman to help him do that.
-So he asks you, and you tell him you cannot conceive at the moment because of your IUD. Madara is not happy. He isn’t going to be as controlling as Indra, but he will try to literally fuck the need to be bred into you. Will manipulate you into a breeding kink. And then he will dote on you, making sure you know how much he is committed to creating a family with you, how much he wants you to bear his children. Until you suddenly want it too and get that blasted thing removed. Another win for Madara.
- 6/10 general approach, 6/10 women’s rights, 8/10 gaslighting
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-This man will break you with simping. When he finds out, he’s genuinely upset and a little embarrassed. After all, he’s been raving about putting a child in you when you two were having sex and now he finds out it was literally impossible for him to do so.
-He will shower you with love, say he wants a family with you so badly, tell you how good you’d look pregnant, say how much he wants to be a father and how good of a mother you’d be.
-Genuine love bombing: Obito is genuine in the efforts he’s putting in. He’s not trying to manipulate you consciously, he just wants it that badly, and is so upset that you have that IUD and he can’t make it a reality. What you’ll do is up to you, but he’ll never stop nagging you.
- 7/10 general approach, 8/10 women’s rights, 10/10 simping
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-Is the most normal about breeding kink. Will say it’s fine, but asks if one day, you might still be open to having children.
-Laughs it off with a sex joke.
-‘That’s good to hear, sweetheart, I’m not sure I can be trusted with pulling out in time’ he would laugh and joke.
-Sometimes will get thoughts of how cute it would be and how happy it would make him to make a family, and he asks how long you think you’re going to keep it.
-Engages in playful jokes about being a dad. Quick glances in your direction to see how you take it.
- 10/10 women’s rights, 9/10 general approach, 9/10 joking as a coping mechanism
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-Itachi is completely understanding of the notion of contraception. After all, who would want a child when they’re not ready? But he does want a family with you, and if the time is right and he doesn’t plan to play suicide with Sasuke, he will want you to be the mother of his children.
-Will inquire when you got it… for purposes. You don’t need to know he’s counting down how much time is left until it gets removed
-Will also inquire what the purpose of the contraception is. Is it to be able to have sex without risks until you are ready, or are you planning to not have children at all? He needs to be reassured that you do want a family with him one day, even if it’s not today. He’s patient, but he needs the constant reassurance that one day, he can go wild and give in to his breeding kink. Being an Uchiha is not easy.
- 9/10 general approach, 10/10 women’s rights, 9/10 paranoia
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-You can do whatever you like, but he’s silently brooding over it. Secretly asks himself if you are trying to avoid having a family with him
-Wants to rebuild his clan with you. Will not say he wants you to get it removed. Will say “whatever”.
-You’ll have to go to him to have a conversation about it, and the fact that he wants a family has to be pulled out of his throat with pliers. You’ll have to do the leg work to communicate, but it’s really sweet once he lets go and is vulnerable enough to show you his true feelings.
- 3/10 general approach, 9/10 women’s rights, 10/10 emotionally stunted.
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
Do you have any tips (or previous posts) about how to write a young person who’s first-time cane user? This one is for a character who escapes a lifetime of being experimented on, and learns in the aftermath of being rescued that this rather compromised her ability to walk well again. I’ve written characters with other mobility devices for getting around. But never canes. I myself am physically disabled but have never needed anything like these before. I’m always eager to learn.
If your character is a first time cane user, here's some things that could happen:
She will need to learn how to walk with the cane first. When you're starting, it's easy to mess up (though it could be my dyspraxia speaking) and overfocus on how you should walk because you're just getting used to it. She could randomly stop and correct her gait, or look down a lot to check if she's still doing the motion (left arm and right leg forward, or the other way around).
She's probably gonna drop that thing a lot. Especially if she has a weaker grip in the cane hand - now, I don't have this problem (the opposite, rather) - but the overall thing is a really common occurrence for most of us. Walking and hit the smallest pebble imaginable? Cane on the ground, somehow. Tried putting it against the wall or table? It's on the ground. And then you need to reach for it... it's a struggle sometimes.
If she's not helped in picking the cane, she will spend some time figuring out what grip and height are comfortable for her. (Grip depends on personal preference, no one's preference has ever been the doorknob handle, height is generally to the person's wrist from the ground up.) I think that this could be an interesting opportunity to talk about disabled communities - maybe she's frustrated with the process and goes to an older (more experienced) cane user to help her?
If it's during the winter, her hand is gonna be freezing - and the opposite in the summer - and she might not be prepared for it. The handle can get HOT and it can be an issue. Depending on what her actual disability is, she might try switching which hand to hold it in. If she's able to do that, another character could warm up her cold hand :)
The first couple of times walking with a cane are an Experience. You feel way better, but also everyone is suddenly staring. Some people care about that, some don't. But it can be somewhat overwhelming either way.
Spatial awareness is gonna suck at first. She will bump into what feels like everything with the cane. Especially doorframes. It's always doorframes for some reason. Or mess up and have her cane slip down because she hasn't realized how close to the curb she was.
She will hit her shin. It will hurt.
She's probably going to be speedy with that thing! Getting a cane is like getting a speed boost. Without it, I have episodes where I'm extremely slow (my highest, extreme-pain speed would be slower than a person walking very casually) and with it, I'm faster than a lot of able-bodied people! It's fun and she would have fun with it.
She will not know what to do with the cane when she doesn't need it. For me, using backpacks always cause issues because I don't know how to hold it without dropping it, but I also need to swap hands, something gets stuck on the handle... it's a whole process that takes a comical amount of time at first. Same when going to the public bathroom, where are you putting it when you aren't using it...? It's a lot of trial and error and a lot of "eww, my cane just touched the dirtiest surface humanly imaginable".
In the real world, people are (overly) interested in young cane user's business and tend to stare a lot. Now, it doesn't have to be like this in your story, but it's often just an annoying part of life. Your character might feel awkward and feel like she needs to explain herself, but this goes away after some time. You just get desensitized after a while.
In the real world, people are sometimes interested and nice about it! For example, a lot of older people can be insecure about using a cane, exactly like younger people. I've heard stories about older people asking younger users where they got their cane from, how are they so confident with it, etc. Another opportunity for a disabled community moment!
I hope that my suggestions were helpful, it's been a while since I was a first-time cane user so I wrote down what I still remember, haha.
Mod Sasza
I agree with Sasza on pretty much every point and wanted to add some things from my own experience.
It's really, really hard to hold both a cane and an umbrella at the same time. Sometimes I'll give up and get wet. Sometimes I'll give up and store the cane. She might do either of those, depending on what she hates more: being wet or walking without the cane. Or she could get a raincoat if that works for her.
Speaking of umbrellas, sometimes you need your umbrella and you need your cane and you also need a free hand. This Sucks. What I do for this sometimes (and maybe she or other people have better, smarter, more useful solutions than this) is shove my umbrella into my shirt or backpack strap or something, so the umbrella is Held Up by it. This is not very effective, and will not last long. But if I need to look up a map on my phone or adjust something on my clothes or get my keys, it can work. Sort of.
Just like mod Sasza said, people will take interest in your cane, younger and older alike. I've had people of all ages compliment my cane (it has flowers) as well as people of all ages tell me I'm too young to need a cane or ask what's wrong with me. An older woman once asked me where I got my cane as she had been wanting a 'pretty' one, and that was a nice moment.
She might develop a new awareness of mobility aid users. When you're new at using one and trying to figure it out, you're probably going to be frustrated, because it's a new skill like any other. But it might make her (like it made me) notice more people using canes. It's not that I never saw them before, but that they were more common than I ever thought, and I never would have noticed how common it was if I hadn't had to slow down and practice my skill.
Cane tips get dirty, and cane tips wear out. These both depend on where your character is using her cane (outdoors vs indoors, scratchy asphalt vs smooth wood) as well as how often. A cane with a worn-out rubber tip really sucks and is more unstable and if the cane is made of aluminum and the tip is worn out and you hit the cane the wrong way, you can damage the cane. Ask me how I know.
That's all I can think of right now that I had to learn to deal with when I started! As you can see I still don't have a solution to the rain thing and it's been like two and a half years...
- mod Sparrow
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monsterfloofs · 9 months
Alien x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
(Got to write a little something for my new alieum speices! : > I hope you enjoy! )
It was a whole different experience to arrive at an intergalactic hub with no way to communicate. The typical buzz of translated voices in your ear was replaced with a cacophony of musical sounds, clicking, trills and other inhuman vocalizations. Not that you hadn’t heard them before, but while your tech was working you had been more focused on conversations you could hear and understand. The ability to understand the world around you newly disrupted by static that had buzzed and sputtered angrily into your eardrum. Now that your com portal had chosen the most inopportune time to fizzle out on you, this typical background din had engulfed your attention. A choir of many different voices and dialects, none of which sounded anything remotely like something you could comprehend.
You startled as you were pushed into the crowd, trying to evade one pushy lifeform had you accidentally colliding into another.
You brought your hands up in a plaintive gesture. “Sorry, I’m sorry,” The being blinked at you, tilting its head this way and that, pinchers moving silently. The realization hit hard, without your device working, they couldn’t understand you either. A wave of embarrassment rolled over you as you tried to gesture with your hands. Pointing towards your ear and waving your hands back and forth.
“My com is broken, I can’t um—- Ugh!” The only thing you could think of is to bow apologetically and hurry away before you get yourself into any more trouble.
“This stinks,” You mutter to yourself. “I can’t even ask for my ship to be refueled without this stupid thing working.” You exit the flowing crowd to stop at a quiet space and take a deep calming breath. A hand placed on your heart as you tried to steady your nerves. You didn’t like crowds at the best of times, all those bodies pressing in on you from every direction made your heart do panicked backflips in your chest. You counted your inhale as you felt your lungs rising up against your ribcage. Letting out the exhale for as long as you can stand before starting the pattern again. From this vantage point the crowds don't look that bad, the noise wasn’t as jarring, and you begin to feel like you can breathe easy again.
You observe one distinct looking alien waddling across the shiny tilted floor. It was a species you hadn’t seen before. They had a long snaked head and neck that smoothed into a humanoid torso but ended with a quadruped body with stumpy legs. Like an alligator with the head of a snake, that was fused with a human torso inbetween. With the air of some kind of strange centaur, it waddled along slowly. Its squat lizard legs padded with a pair of synthetic boots that were form fitted to its reptilian toes. It was amusing to note that a lot of aliens gave this being a wide berth, and it made you smile.
At least some beings in the galaxy weren’t letting themselves be pushed around. This fella was taking life in their own stride, and nobody dared telling them to hurry up. At least, not that you could hear anyway. That long neck swiveled towards you, and you saw six white glassy eyes peer at you from above the snake like snoot. You duck your head apologetically, quick to look away. You fumble to retrieve your cell device out of your pocket, looking through the maps of the station. “It looks like there's a help desk on the next floor. . . I am going to hope and pray that someone can understand english.”
Staying at the fringes of the crowd you stick close to the shiny chrome walls, hopping into an elevator that would bring you onto the next level. You do a surprise double take as they see the alligator snake centaur standing alone in the elevator. It’s beady eyes trained on you. The door closes with a ping and the two of you stand awkwardly together.
The being scratches its throat with a clawed hand, before what sounds like a symphony of crickets, come from the back of its throat.
You blink, your eyebrows shooting up at the sound.
“Um. . . Excuse me?”
More cricket sounds, and you grimace awkwardly, before nervously tapping at your ear.
“I can’t— er, I don’t— understand you.”
The pitch drops, sounding more like a swarm locust than crickets. It’s snout cracking open slightly to be able to produce the sound. You fidget anxiously, shoving your hand in your pocket to produce your com, then gesturing with your hands. Tucking the com into one palm before bringing your fists together, thumb down. Then you pull your hands, twisting your wrists. Mimicking a gesture that would be akin to snapping a stick.
“My com is broken,” You tap at your ear again, then demonstrate with your hands.
You hear crickets again, and rub the back of your neck sheepishly. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to crowd your elevator.” You perk up as the elevator door slides open, and with a sigh of relief you smile and wave to the strange alligator centaur.
“Well ah, I would say thanks for the chat, but um, you can’t understand me anyway. Haha, h-have a good day?” You step out onto the new platform, raising a hand to your forehead to try and see around the wave of new colorful station inhabitants. With your phone in one hand and your com back into your pocket you begin to navigate your way through the second floor.
Stopping with a sigh at the counter.
“Hi,” You begin, a deep baritone rumble coming from the severe looking creature from across the desk. Its deep forebrow raises skeptically as you smile awkwardly.
“Uh, uh, here!” You slide the com over the counter, and the being picks it up with a frown.
“It’s. . . ah”
You glance behind you as the reptilian being from the elevator waddles up to the counter. Their sixed glazed pearly eyes peer at you. “Did you need the help desk too?”
Crickets that the alien at the desk is able to hear, the brooding chiseled features lighten with understanding. A growly rumble coming from deep within its chest as it bares its teeth. Obviously laughing at you as your new friend explains your predicament.
“Hey!” You throw your hands up in defeat, “It wasn’t like I wanted to run around not being understood!”
You scrunch your nose as the two beings then engage in conversation, leaving you promptly in the dust. The alien behind the counter rises, pulling a monitor screen over for you, as words begin to jitter across the glass.
“Language?” The metallic voice hums boredly.
“Ah-Earthian English please, thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” replies the Ai, a little nicer than before.
You visibly sag in relief as english words start scrolling across the screen.
[ Communicator is down? ]
“Yes!” You wheeze in exhaustion and relief. There’s more rumbling laughter and a flash of teeth from the bulky alien at the desk.
[ Damn, that’s rough ]
“Oh man, you have no idea, I think I was going to start hyperventilating here, soon. Do you think you can fix it?”
[ I’ll take a look at it and see what I can do. If not, there is a place at the station where you can buy a new one. I’ll wire the store coordinates to your phone, what’s the number? ]
“You’re a life saver, it’s 177-333-9973-602, I can’t thank you enough.”
You bring up your phone, tapping it to the ai screen and it plings as the new information comes through.
[ If I can’t get your com fixed, I will tell the owner you’re heading their way. ]
You take a deep breath and nod.
“Okay, thank you. Thank you again.”
The alien grunts, an amused smile still scrawled over their broad face as they turn away to tinker with the com.
“Well,” You say, turning to your snooted friend, “This has been quite a day, and it’s not even lunch yet.”
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Enjoy what I write? I have a tip jar! I also take writing and art commissions on kofi! ヽ(*ᵔ▿ᵔ)ノ
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moomoog017 · 3 months
headcanons ᯓᡣ𐭩 admire
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Tech x gn!reader
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Synopsis: tech often gets ignored because of his constant chatter but you sit down and listen.
Genre: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF. One itty bitty pinch of angst
Word Count: 791
Warnings: none
A/N: just thought it'd be cute and wholesome. Can be read as platonic or romantic. :))
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“Good morning Tech.” You announced, your voice running like honey. There was a grogginess to your words. Tech and you always woke up first, it had just become routine after the few weeks you'd been with the Batch. “Good morning y/n.” Tech replied, his eyes glued to the new project he was working on. His back hunched over in the chair. Curious, you make your way over to his side with a drink in your hands. “What are you workin’ on?" Tech moves his face a little closer to his project, “I’m working on a portable communication device; also known as a ‘com link.’”
“Can I look at it?” You spoke softly and genuinely interested. Your words hit Tech’s ears and he stopped. "Uhm sure, just don't touch it.” He swivels out of the way letting you come closer to investigate the item. He pushes his goggles up intensely watching you interact with his project.
“This is super cool!” You moved your face closer to look at all the intricate mechanisms of the device. Tech's eyebrows relaxed feeling a sense of pride in his work. "Thank you y/n.” No one ever really payed attention or listened to whatever it was he was making. He was slightly confused on why you were so interested. He analysed you and your actions, deciding to speak his hypothesis.
“Are you perhaps looking to create something similar?” You looked over at him, “oh kriff no, I don't have the talent you do Tech.” Your response baffled him even more so, “well thank you but then why the indulgment in my project?” Your eyes softened, “I just think it’s really cool.” Tech’s face was stagnant so you elaborated, “I appreciate the small details and knowledge it takes in order to basically build something mechanical from scratch. I admire it.”
He finally understood, “ah I see now, your lack of knowledge on basic mechanical systems fascinates you that’s why you're admiring mine.” Ouch you thought, but he wasn't wrong. You sigh, “I tried to word it a bit more poetically, but yeah.” You looked back at the device, Tech stayed silent he was debating something in his mind.
“Apologies if that was a bit harsh, I was just confused as to why you would be interested other than for your own benefits. I’m not used to…people being interested in what I’m doing or saying…” It was a heartfelt apology, you knew his brothers got bored of what he was saying, not out of malicious intentions they just weren't invested. Your face saddened at the device, “I forgive you Tech, I know you weren't trying to be mean.”
He released a heavy sigh of relief and spoke, “If you want to learn more about my technology and mechanics I could teach you.” Your eyes shifted, “sure.” You smiled knowing it would make both of you happy. Tech fixed his goggles and came closer to you and the device. “Well when’s my first lesson?” Tech grabs a tool, “right now.” You smiled softly, “so first it is undeniably important that—” His words drifted through the air as you absorbed them, taking in all the information and asking questions.
Time seemed to fly by that morning and you two were completely indulged in his creations. While listening you couldn't help but think how good it must feel to talk to someone who wants to listen to you. It only made you more eager to ask questions, and made you feel good. With your attention completely captured you didn't see the other men huddled together gossiping about it.
“Looks like they're getting along.” Hunter’s lips threatened a smile, seeing his brother happy. “I’m hungry!” Wrecker groaned in a whisper. “Let Tech have this a little longer, even I can only take so much ‘Tech talk.’” Echo rubbed his temple recalling all the moments where he had been close to drifting off to sleep while Tech lectured him about mechanics. Crosshair said nothing, only his typical scowl and toothpick in his mouth. He watched you two interact and he was totally going to tease you for it later.
A loud rumble was heard and it had disrupted Tech and your attention. It was Wreckers stomach growling, he sheepishly smiled. “Sorry.” You chuckled. “We’ll continue this lesson later y/n,” Tech spoke and got up placing his device in a safe space. “We're you guys just waiting?” You raised a brow. “You looked like you were having fun.” Hunter smiled.
“And Tech most of all.” Crosshair finally spoke pointing his toothpick at you. Tech heard this and a the edge of his lips lifted ever so slightly. Your ears heated up, you grinned. “Stow it Crosshair,” Echo hissed. You just chuckled enjoying the mens antics.
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horrorhot-line · 1 year
the grandfather paradox
The name comes from the idea that if a person travels to a time before their grandfather had children, and kills him, it would make their own birth impossible.
➵ pairing: saiki kusuo/female! reader (ish)
➵ word count: 5.5k
➵ genre: crack rlly
➵ warnings: none
➵ summary: kaito saiki goes to sleep, only to wake up in the middle of town. on his way back home, he realises he’s managed to time travel and worst of all? stopped his parents from meeting each other like they should have. 
➵ masterlist  (requests are open)
➵ previous part - brontide
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before you read:
‘saiki telepathically communicating with reader.’
‘reader thinking or interacting with saiki through thoughts.’
“saiki talking without moving his mouth.”
“saiki talking using his mouth.”
notes: i realise i’ve done it again and disappeared for a while because writers block got to me. i’ve been really busy with life if i’m being honest and moving houses. i hope you guys enjoy this.
this was requested by anon, here and here.
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Saiki sat at home in front of his desk with a looming headache. When he woke up that morning, feeling like something was amiss, he had been right.
The psychic brought his gaze down from the ceiling to the pink-haired child before him. How was he supposed to react when the preschooler in front of him claimed to be Kaito Saiki, his son?
"No offence, but can you get over yourself? I need to go back to my timeline."
What a pain.
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵       ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
The day started like always. Saiki woke up before his alarm and used his psychokinesis to turn it off before it rang. He took his time wearing his uniform, buttoning up his shirt and folding his tie neatly before looking in the mirror. Not too neat and not too messy, he looked ordinary.
Well, as ordinary as he could look when his control devices poked out of his hair, his green glasses stayed perched on the bridge of his nose. He quietly went downstairs to eat the breakfast Mrs Saiki had already prepared, ignoring his parents acting like long-lost lovers who couldn't keep their hands off each other.
Saiki chewed on his rice absentmindedly, thinking back to when he had first woken up. Nothing had been out of place, yet he couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong. Saiki closed his eyes, placing his chopsticks down when he was finished with his food. He would worry about it later.
For now, he had to make his way to PK academy to repeat the entrance ceremony like he did every year when he had to use mind control and reset time on Earth.
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You had woken up knowing today would be different. It was your first day at PK Academy, after all! You grabbed the alarm from your bedside table, turning it off to stop the assault of the sudden loud noise on your brain. You lifted the duvet covers off you, groggily getting up to wash your face and make sure you looked presentable for your new high school.
After completing your skincare routine, you fumbled but finally finished throwing on your uniform, struggling to tie the red bow around your neck. When you finally managed to do so, you realised you were running late. "Shit!" You exclaimed, rushing down the stairs, nearly tripping but catching yourself on the railings before you went to grab your shoes.
You didn't have time to sit and eat breakfast, opting to grab a piece of toast as you let your family know you were leaving for school. You haphazardly put your shoes on, grabbing your school bag before leaving the house. Finding your way to PK Academy was pretty easy when you had an app to help you navigate.
You had pulled up google maps on your phone and entered your desired destination before making your way down the street. That's when something in the distance caught your attention. When you noticed pink hair in your peripherals, you turned to your left. Your eyes landed on a small child who was staring right back at you from across the street.
Weird-coloured hair was nothing out of the blue in this universe, something you had to accept as a child. His eye colour was the only thing normal about his appearance- and it was eerily similar to yours. It was rare to see since you never really saw the shade after the age of 4 when you started spouting neon green roots.
What perplexed you the most was trying to understand why this kid had hair clips. You would've chalked it up to his parents choosing to dress him up if it weren't for the fact that- the longer you looked, the more it looked like they weren't hairpins at all.
For one, you were sure hair pins had clips that were visible, even after they were snapped into place. And why did he look like the most unexpressive child you had ever seen? You swore kids were supposed to be carefree, always smiling- not stoic, with eyes that looked dead inside, like that one.
You were distracted when a group of girls walked passed him, and you recognised the uniform. It was the same as yours! Did that mean they went to your school too? The plan was to follow the group of girls you saw in the distance so you could be sure you were going the right way- long forgotten was the strange child you had seen earlier.
Again, that was the plan- but when did anything go your way, really? The answer was never. Before you could cross over to tail the girls, you felt nausea hit you. Your vision swam, and you realised you could barely see straight.
It was unlike anything you had ever felt. Your legs gave out from under you, and you fell to the floor, too distracted by the pain in your head to notice how your hands scraped the concrete pavement when they reached out reflexively to cushion your fall.
You failed to notice the high school boy with similar pink hair walk past you, too distracted by the sickly sweet saliva pooling in your mouth, telling you that you were about to throw up your breakfast. Saiki failed to notice you, too, unable to hear your thoughts which stopped him from acknowledging your existence.
People crowded around you, worried about your health. You couldn't answer them, too busy feeling like your head was being hit repeatedly with a hammer to pick up on what they were saying. The noise around you sounded like they were far away, and anxiety took hold of you as you realised your vision had started to spot black.  
And then, as if some miracle had happened, the terrible headache plaguing you dulled, and sound returned to your ears. Your stomach no longer felt like it was doing flip-flops. That's when you noticed a small hand on your back, and when you turned, you came face to face with the pink-haired child you had seen earlier.
"Sleep, mom."
Your brain barely had the chance to question what the kid meant, your eyes closing and your body slumping as you passed out.
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Kaito Saiki, the son of Y/n L/n and Kusuo Saiki. The child of the most powerful esper to exist and the most potent nullifier.
Unlike his father, whose abilities proved to be a challenge to control, Kaito possessed the ability to nullify his own powers if he chose to. That was thanks to his mother, who could shut off her link to the supernatural if she tried hard enough.
The only issue Kaito faced was that he had no way of stopping his psychic capabilities when he wasn't conscious. Not yet, anyway. He was six, after all, and his father had cursed him with supernatural abilities, which wouldn't have been so bad if only his powers weren't 100 times stronger than Kusuo's. That meant that when Kaito was sleeping, he could blow up Japan with a single sigh.
All was well when you were around because you could stop his powers from going haywire when you were within 100 metres. The only issue was you had gone on a weekend away to visit your parents, and because Kaito couldn't miss school days, he had to wait until Tuesday for your return.
Initially, the child psychic and your husband Saiki had reassured you that all would be fine because Kaito honestly did think nothing too drastic would happen in your absence.
He had been wrong. Come the first night without you, he realised he grossly underestimated how much your presence affected his power or lack thereof.
After seeing you off at the airport on a Friday afternoon and walking hand in hand with his father home, his face more stoic than his dad's as if that were humanly possible he watched re-runs of shows he had seen you enjoy in the past. It definitely wasn't because he missed having you around.
He wasn't like his dad, Saiki, who spent the day cleaning, occasionally staring off into the distance when he found something you misplaced before putting it back where it needed to be- definitely not. His old man needed to stop overreacting; he was acting like you had left forever! You would be back in 4 days; it wasn't that big of a deal.
Kaito hadn't even realised how tired he was, dozing off on the couch in the living to the sound of automated laughing tracks wishing it was your laugh mixed with them.
When Kaito awoke, it took him a few seconds to realise he wasn't covered in a blanket. If someone paid attention, they'd see his shoulders slightly droop at discovering you weren't there to tuck him in for the next few nights. Sure, his dad would teleport him into his bed, but you would tell Saiki off for risking Kaito waking up. Then again, you weren't there to do that either.
That's when it hit the young psychic; he wasn't in bed or on the couch sinking into the pillows. No, he was in the middle of the city, and it was broad daylight. The loud thoughts of the whole town flooding into his brain was annoying. Kaito lowered the intensity of his powers so that his telepathy only reached a radius of 10 metres, grateful he was his mother's son and had inherited nullification as an ability.
With the tedious voices of a thousand others no longer invading his skull, he could finally think in peace.
People passed by Kaito, paying little attention to him. He recognised his surroundings; he was in the centre of his town. Familiar shops surrounded him, and Kaito began walking, shoving his hands into the pockets of his shorts as he navigated back. Was it just him, or did the stores around him look different? And why did the style of the clothes people wore around him look old-fashioned?
Kaito guessed he had teleported in his sleep, but he couldn't, for the life of him, wrap his head around why something felt off. He ignored the sinking feeling in his stomach. Was he ill? No, that wasn't possible. Something as ridiculous as sickness couldn't affect him. None of that mattered; for now, his only focus was walking down the familiar road that led past PK Academy to get to his house.
Letting out a sigh at how bothersome the situation was, Kaito let his feet drag him forward. When little kids around his age ran past him laughing as they played tag on their way to kindergarten, he rolled his eyes.
If he decided to smite them off this Earth, it'd be okay, right? No, he shook his head. You would definitely get angry at him if he did. And he wouldn't want you to be upset at him.
How annoying; the people around him were like rats. He didn't mind them, but they were still nuisances.
All was okay- until it wasn't. Kaito made the mistake of looking up from his shoes to the swarm of people trying to get to school early in the morning when his eyes landed on familiar hair. Squinting his eyes, his feet slowed as he tried to get a better look across the crowd, and then his gaze landed on your face. For the first time in his life, Kaito was shell-shocked.
Granted, his expression stayed the same, but he wondered if he had actually contracted some type of illness because his stomach dropped to his feet.
He didn't like the feeling, and he definitely didn't like how it got increasingly worse when you turned to look at him. If Kaito had the ability to express his emotions better, he was sure he'd be scrunching his nose. He only deadpanned at you, wanting to clench his jaw at how there was no softness behind your eyes when your gaze landed on him.
The adoration your eyes usually held was nowhere to be found; you looked at him as if he was a stranger. That's when it hit him. Kaito had managed to time travel. Your school uniform, smile lines barely visible on your face and your shortened height. All of it made sense to him.
You raised your eyebrow at Kaito before a group of girls clad in the same clothes as you seemed to catch your attention. That's when he saw it. Pink hair, same as his, topped with the exact same hair clips he wore. His father had just walked past him.
Kaito didn't catch a good look, not with Saiki's back facing him. The young psychic hadn't realised he had stopped walking until then. When he went to move forward, continuing on his journey, his new goal being to find a secluded place so he could collect his thoughts and find a way to get back to his current timeline, he stopped dead in his tracks.
Kaito had never been an expressive child, something he was sure most parents would worry about if he was anyone else's kid. He wasn't, though; he was yours, which meant no matter how stoic or ungrateful he came off, regardless of what you did for him, you always welcomed him with open arms and a smile on your face.
The child esper guessed he loved his parents, even if he didn't show it. The warm feeling he would get in his heart was evidence of that- every time he saw you and Saiki. He wasn't sure why, but he would always favour you over his father.
Maybe it was something about how understanding and patient you were with him that tugged at his heartstrings like no other.
So Kaito forgot all about precaution, and his brain blanked when he saw you collapse to the floor, falling to your knees as if you had lost all your strength. Of course, he knew why; you had told him of yours and Saiki's meeting, that his dad's powers took a toll on you the first time you were in his vicinity.
Should he get rid of his dad? Permanently? He was the cause of your pain, after all.
Kaito got rid of the intrusive thought as quickly as it had appeared; if he did kill Saiki, he'd never have been born. And that meant he'd never see you again. There were more pressing issues at hand; he was sure you were on the verge of fainting, no doubt feeling nauseous.
What else could have happened when his father walked past you that morning, not knowing of your presence or the effect he had on you as he passed you by to get to PK Academy? Of all the moments in time Kaito could have travelled to, this had to be by far the worst. Judging by how Saiki didn't spare a glance at you, he had yet to meet you.
Crowds of people swarmed you to make sure you were okay, obstructing Kaito's view of you. He wanted to blast them away with his powers; they weren't helping. Saner heads prevailed.
For the first time in his life, urgency came before all else. If anyone saw him teleport to you, he'd deal with it later; Kaito's main priority was making sure you were okay first. He appeared behind you instantly, ignoring the people around him, only focusing on you.
Kaito closed his eyes, placing the small of his hand on your back as he imagined a void around him, willing it to grow to a metre's radius, covering the two of you. He had successfully blocked out any of his dad's powers, hoping the nullification would at least relieve some of the pain you felt.
When he opened his lids, you turned to look up at him. "Sleep, mom," Was all he said to you, and he watched as you slumped back, his right arm catching you. The only reason his mind control affected you was because he was born from you. When he had grown up, he had questioned you on it before.
You had chalked it up to the fact that since he was your child, there was a bond between you that you shared, so there were no 'broken strings' between the two of you. Kaito was grateful for that fact now as he picked you up in his arms with ease.
He ignored the crowd's shock at his strength and the murmurs of the people surrounding him and you. Turning to face the tall strangers in front of him, using mind control, he willed them to forget what they had seen today before teleporting to his maternal grandparent's house, where he was sure you were still living.
He was grateful the house was empty, guessing your parents had gone off to work already. Kaito placed you on the couch silently before he left, sparing you one last glance as he did.
Good grief.
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This was catastrophic. By catching your attention earlier, Kaito was sure he had just meddled with his parent's first meeting. Had he not been there, you wouldn't have stopped for a few seconds to look at him; you would have headed to school like normal and met Saiki later on.
The whole thing was a domino effect. Kaito knew his fair share when it came to time travel and was also aware that when anyone did jump timelines, the only smart thing to do was to be an unnoticeable bystander. Don't touch anything, don't talk to anyone and try not to get seen.
Something as simple as moving a pencil from its original place to a different location could change how events play out. If Kaito had known he'd travelled to the past in his sleep, he never would have walked the streets without a care in the world.
Kaito had caused a grandfather paradox. A theory that if one travelled back in time and assassinated their grandfather before he had children, they could make their own birth impossible. Kaito had caused a paradox, alright- except it was with his dad minus the killing, too, of course.
The damage was already done, and there was no use pondering over regrets and what-ifs. At this point, Kaito would have travelled back to the future, but he had changed a major event in the timeline- and that would be his parent's love story. That meant if he went back now, there was a possibility that his parents may have never met each other; even worse, he might not exist anymore.
This was why his dad had warned him not to mess with time travel; messing with the timeline had ended in world war 3 for Saiki. Kaito originally wanted to go back a day, but factoring in how he had yet to grasp his powers properly, he might go back in time to when you and Saiki hadn't been born.
He didn't want to risk it, so he decided he would do the next best thing.- get the help of his father, who was still in high school. Saiki had better control over his psychic powers than Kaito did.
With a plan in mind, he got up from the park swing he was sitting on to teleport to his paternal grandparent's house this time. Judging by how the sun was already setting, the school day for his father should already be there.
Kaito sat on the bed, with Saiki perched on his desk chair in front of him.
If Kaito had the ability to laugh, he guessed he would have when he first appeared in front of his father. The older psychic had been shell-shocked, and if it weren't for the fact that Kaito knew he still had contacts in, Kaito would have theorised he had managed to petrify his dad with how he was frozen in place.
"Who the hell are you?" Kaito only raised an eyebrow at his father's colourful words. Would the correct response be to scoff in this situation? Who knew his father lacked brain cells as a teenager? "I'm your son."
Saiki deadpanned at him, his lips parted and his eyes covered by the light reflecting off of his green glasses. "What?"
Kaito sighed- why was the man in front of him so slow? "Can't you tell by reading my mind?" Kaito shot back before realising Saiki probably couldn't. Maybe he should cut the older esper some slack; having a stranger appear out of nowhere only to claim he's your son must come as a shock. "You might want to sit down; this may take a while."
"I'm already sat down."
"It was a figure of speech."
After explaining his life story to Saiki, from how he saw his mother on the street to how the original timeline was supposed to go and how Kaito had messed things up by distracting you, he snapped his eyes back to look at his dad, who looked like he had just gone through the five stages of grief in one sitting.
"I need your help; I need you to time travel back a day and take me with you so I can make sure things happen the way they should." Kaito was sure he hadn't inherited your patience, but boy, did he wish he had because Saiki was starting to annoy him with how slow he was in catching on.
"There's no way you're my son." Was he allowed to smack his dad into next week? It'd be fine since you weren't there to scold Kaito. The young psychic purged the idea from his brain, he needed his dad's help after all, and the man was no use to him if he was unconscious- or dead. "That's it. I'm going to Uncle Kusuke for help."
Kaito got up from his seat on Saiki's bed, acting as if he was ready to leave. Of course, he wouldn't go, but pretending like he would to get his way wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? If Kaito and Saiki had anything in common, it was the fact that they shared a mutual dislike for Kusuke Saiki. "Wait. I can't have my brother find out about this."
The corners of Kaito's mouth twitched ever so slightly; he had hit the nail on the coffin. Saiki had no choice but to help.
The older psychic lowered his face, switching his gaze from the ceiling back to Kaito. The child esper could tell that Saiki still doubted he was his son.
"Why can't I read your thoughts? We're both psychics aren't we?" Kaito tilted his head to the side as if the answer was obvious. "What a pain. It's because I can nullify any of your abilities, and if I turn it off, you'll learn too much about the future. That might change my current timeline; I can't risk that."
Saiki exhaled through his nose, leaning forward in his chair, "You're my son, alright- you even have the same catchphrases as me." Silence followed as the two stared each other down. Kaito refused to yield, and a slight sense of pride filled his small body when Saiki broke eye contact first by closing his eyes.
"Fine. What do you need help with?" Kaito had been triumphant. Finally, he could go back home. Was what he felt not called satisfaction? He felt like pumping his fists until he realised how silly it would be to do so. Kaito faced Saiki, opening his mouth to speak only for him to blink and deadpan.
Kaito had time jumped again. How? He had no idea. He wasn't even sleeping this time! He concluded that being so far away from his mother must be the reason why this was happening to him. How was he supposed to return to the correct timeline if his powers were going haywire?
One thing Kaito did know for sure was that he was no longer in his future dad's bedroom but rather in a field with only crops surrounding him. Letting his eyes sweep the vast green around him, he sighed yet again. There was nothing but plants for miles, as far as his eyes could see. Was this frustration he felt? He couldn't tell.
The most important thing to do was find out what time period he was in. That was what Kaito planned to do, but he didn't get a chance to follow through on it. Why? The answer was simple- bugs.
When Kaito felt something move on the skin of his calf, under his pants, all the baby hairs on his body stood up. For a split second, Kaito was sure his soul had left his body- halfway on its journey to the heavens. He was familiar with this feeling, having experienced it countless times when he found cockroaches around the house.
Kaito's body reacted before his mind did in his sheer state of panic. He kicked his leg out to get the creepy crawly off of him before teleporting far away.
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When Kaito's vision adjusted to his surroundings after he had teleported yet again, he realised he was standing between two people. A sense of dread filled the young psychic- surely the universe didn't hate him that much. He slowly gazed up and found two familiar faces staring down at him. The universe did- it hated Kaito Saiki.
Kaito's eyes blanked, devoid of light. "Eh?"
Gazing intently at him was none other than his mother and father, except they were younger. "You're seeing this too, right?" You were the first to pipe up, not breaking eye contact with Kaito as you watched him curiously. "Kusuo, you didn't tell me you had a little brothe-" Saiki cut you off before you could finish. "I don't."
Kaito had no idea how to talk to you. He gulped as you watched him curiously. He proceeded to do something he only ever did when he was extremely nervous (normally, it only happened when he was getting scolded by you. Kaito's mouth moved before his brain could catch up.
The only thing he could do was quote tik tok references you loved to say. "Baby, I'm not even here. I'm a hallucination. Move on- move on." Your jaw dropped at the boy in front of you, recognising exactly what video the small child was talking about. Your eyes lit up at him in what Kaito assumed to be utter awe. It took everything in him not to hug your leg, knowing all too well he wouldn't be met with the softness that the you from the future would provide.
Your eyes widened as if something had clicked, and realisation dawned on you. Kaito felt it too- the rush in his ears he could faintly hear every time his mother wasn't around, calmed. The weight of his powers lifted slightly, and he inhaled. "Hi." Kaito only looked to you, feeling small and unsure of himself for the first time in a long while.
"No way." You sounded breathless, for good reason. You slowly met Kusuo's gaze at the same time he did yours. Kaito looked around to observe where he was and surmised he had teleported to Saiki's room. "It can't be." 
If the two of you were together, then that meant the farm Kaito came from was in a time before he had meddled with yours and Saiki's first meeting. Thank god. If there was any out there.
"What's your name, little guy?" You looked down at Kaito once again, and he craned his neck to meet your gaze. His eyes softened at the sight of you, something both you and Saiki picked up on. "It's Kaito... Saiki." Your lips parted before they stretched into a smile. Saiki's only response was to deadpan- as if his soul was moments away from leaving his body.
"I always wanted to name my kid 'Kaito'. See, told you I was right, Kusuo." You whipped your head to face Saiki, excitement bubbling up on your features. The older esper only rolled his eyes at your antics, opting to look at Kaito instead. "Why are you here?"
Kaito opened his mouth to speak, only to feel an itch in his nose. His face scrunched as he pulled his hand up reflectively, sneezing into it.
Bringing his hand down slowly, the small psychic blinked. He was smack bang in the middle of town centre yet again.
Could he have? Had Kaito actually been that lucky- as to travel back in time to before he had messed up his parent's first meeting? There was only one way to find out.
So Kaito walked passed the crowds of people, trying to keep his pace steady as he made his way towards PK Academy yet again. He stopped just before he suspected he'd see you and hid behind a wall, barely visible.
That's when Kaito spotted the version of you from high school, and he felt himself physically relax, like a burden was lifted off his shoulders. Had the situation stressed him out that much? Probably.
Kaito watched intently as you gazed up from your phone at the group of girls walking past you, clad in the same school uniform. Kaito let out a sigh of relief when you followed them like the universe had planned for you to do so. Kaito stuck around for when his father appeared, absentmindedly walking to PK Academy with a stoic expression not long after you.
Finally, everything had been set right. Now, Kaito had to find a way back to his current timeline.
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After a few tries and focusing solely on not interacting with any human Kaito came across to stop a butterfly effect from happening, he finally made his way back home.
Kaito appeared in the living room, and before his eyes could even adjust to his surroundings, he was engulfed in a hug, "Oomph!" The second he realised it was your arms around him, he visibly relaxed. Breathing you in, he melted into the hug as he buried his nose into your shoulder. He was finally home!
"Where did you go, Kaito?!" The worry in your voice pulled on his heartstrings. He felt a hand run through his soft pink hair, and guessed that must have been his dad.
'I time travelled in my sleep.' Kaito telepathically told you and Saiki, his face still covered by your shoulder. He felt almost ashamed to admit it, as if he had done something wrong. He decided then that he needed to get his powers under control as soon as possible.
"I was worried sick- you disappeared for hours!" You let go of him in a hurry, your hands sliding down his arms as you looked him over before checking his forehead for a fever. "Are you hurt?"
Kaito only shook his head, staying quiet. It felt like his heart was going to burst open, and he had no idea what to do about it. The young esper's attention shifted when he spotted the 2 suitcases behind you. Had you... not left to go visit your parents yet? Had he travelled back to before you went to the airport?
"Don't go." That was all Kaito could say. He looked up at you in time to see your eyes soften. Despite his stoic expression and his empty eyes, you could read him like an open book. He didn't have to say much; you understood straight away. If his powers went haywire when you weren't here, there was no saying what would happen.
"Okay, I'll stay."
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After putting Kaito to bed and telling your parents about the change of plans, you walked down the stairs wordlessly. What a long day.
When Kaito didn't come down even after you called for him a few hours ago, you immediately sensed something was wrong. Leaving your suitcases in the living room near the couch, you called your husband over to help you look for him.
Half the day went by with you looking for your son, Kaito. Saiki teleported everywhere, used his telepathy, and even then- he couldn't find your child. Then, like magic, Kaito appeared in the living room. You had heard a brief version of what had happened from Kaito himself before you tucked him in.
"Stressed?" Saiki asked from the kitchen, handing you a warm mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows. You smiled at him, your heart swelling at the simple act of him making you something. "Not anymore." You smiled over the rim of the mug before taking a sip.
You watched quietly as Saiki silently did the dishes. This was it, everything you had ever wanted in life. "What would you do if you never met me?" You asked out of curiosity, the question spurred on by what Kaito had told you.
Saiki paused, placing the last dish onto the drying rack and turning the tap off before he turned to you. "I'd be single and by myself." You kept eye contact, studying your husband to your heart's content. "Until I find you." Your lips stretched into a quiet smile again as you stepped forward.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me, Kusuo." You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him close. Saiki's hands found purchase on your hips. You tip-toed as you placed a kiss on his lips, your smile still present.
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general taglist: @biscuit-buddy @gvthic-gvrl @dunnieko @milkierei @kyrasworld @baby-unidorn @moonflowerpetals @the-mellokid @bangtxnbby @alexiswheeze @tanzaniiite @mo0o0milk @omilkandhoneyteao @turntechsquishy @gukkarchive @peachesuck @hartbeat-art @franko-pop @ima-attention-whore @ola-is-dead @daisysinadarkmedow @froppysgirl @xjaelee @beanst0ck @llamaavocado @tanakassimp @kooksmono @loving-is-the-antidote @toebios @tvwhoresblog @delta-698 @victory-is-here @chuchaycha @saeranoppa @erinbing @draco-kasai @nocturnalcreature998 @just-snog-already @sunnsettee @saikikslut @juju-la-tortue @plutoneu @womanizerbucky @bakugohoex @thatasiandumbass @krazyotakunerd @totallyinlovewithsaiki @kenmascockwarmer @squishiyy @choridion @memorableminds @kyrah-williams @animeboysimppp @soft-levi-girl-blog @aunty-grandma @mindofess @beccawinter @valeriasannchez @unlimitedsimping @bigdumbobsessedbi @tanzaniiite @introvertatitsfinest @windex-princess-ami @knighted-princess @vernon-dursley @emeraldbluexxxx @iwachanslove @skelingtonfreak @dora-the-grownup @peachymichu @amaranth-fuchsia @strawberryjam8 @notaroyal @chaeyal @kuntent-t @heyitsmelilly @mango-bear @sugaamykookies @mrs-todo-roki @joyidonuts @hxney-lemcn @prlan @quiescentelle @alexloveskili @subtropicace @hoshi4k @echothepuff @kindalollipop @ameliabs-world @babyshoyo @animedweeb333 @celamoon @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @froggi666 @loser-keiji @lucilleifer @lunachelly @kaylenn @queenof-saigon @dudufodd @multifandomcat @fresa-luna @kohi-zeri  @anyaswrld @saltandapepper @scar8o @where-i-do-things @potatochic2003 @fishfetus @chaotic-fangirl-blog @acidicloveee @noodlenerd101 @aurorakingsley @crystalgman25 @healpeony @chims-kookies @track5enthusiast @mommymi1kers @aboveasphodel @strawberriesareprettycool @princeizuku @mythical-mushrooms13 @stellalorelei @cole-silas @queenof-saigon @thecupcakezombie @dudufodd @multifandomcat @multifandoms99 @skylarmoon119 @hyejoolips @soggyxfroggy @imkumichan  @honeyyslvt @theawkwardspork @gabile18 @magikmina @ampheenix @siriusly1 @elwasheree @itsskyvoltage @luna-astro @r4td0lll​
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project-sekai-facts · 2 months
hello! i’m planning to make a video essay on the problems with ENsekai. i obviously have some bigger ones already, (typos, translations, etc) but i was wondering if you or anyone else in the community had some ideas of smaller bugs/problems within the game that i could touch on!
hi, sorry this response is a bit late, hope it's still okay
Here's some stuff I can think of:
There's been multiple instances of area conversations being fucked up, either them implementing straight up untranslated content which happened quite recently with a niigo Len area conversation, or just leaving it blank altogether which happened with a conversation unlocked from the current event. usually this happens with niigo for some reason.
the ads straight up don't work on some devices. i had to get a new phone recently and they work fine on it now but my old one literally couldn't handle them. it broke the UI entirely and force crashed if i tried to watch two in a row.
For some reason they sometimes do the reruns late or early. It's not really much of an issue (aside from when they reran Evillious like 3 months early), it's just a weird oddity. Like the spojoy rerun should've started a week ago and it still isn't here
The May mystery song. Got pushed back to June, pretty sure they put a tweet out about the delay but it's gone now if it did exist. Didn't release in June either with no word on it. July stream didn't even happen so god knows what's going on with it now
They keep having bugs that aren't present on JP. Falsely banning players, that thing the other day where it locked challenge lives. There's a lot more if you go through the backlog of issues.
Also they had to delay Awake Now due to "technical difficulties" when BFBY ran on EN. Not sure what those issues were.
Inconsistent song names
Using the wiki as a reference/for placeholder translations. I think they might've stopped it as of this event? But still it went on for 4 months lmao.
Okay the next ones aren't really to do with the game, moreso, the management
They were ridiculously behind on 4komas until like. Yesterday. This might be linked to staff layoffs, I know some of their social team got cut. Also just after that happened they opened applications for discord mod volunteers. Lol.
The absolutely disastrous contests. Mainly the halloween one.
For starters the halloween fanart contest was only open to players in america, canada and britain, despite being for the "global server', but also: they gave third place and promoted the account of someone who creates nsfw of the IP. Funnily enough, this was not against the rules. But, it's still a questionable decision, like this person was openly an nsfw account, and they're giving them promotion on the official twitter for an all ages game. Oh well, what can you do, they were fully within their rights on both sides.
Also p sure the cosplay contest is the only one to date that's actually been open for worldwide entries. South America keeps getting excluded.
Remember when the twitter mod made fun of the game's translations? Actually embarrassing tbh.
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
ghosthunting - rhea & dom
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rhea ripley x gn!reader x dominik mysterio
word count: 4k words
warnings: haunted jail, language, can be read as platonic if you want <3
despite the hot florida weather, your hands trembled slightly as the cameras started rolling. shotzi and scarlett had invited you, dominik, and rhea to be the guests on the first episode of their new ghost hunting series, Chamber of Horrors. you were excited, but also nervous about the idea of exploring a haunted jail, so you were relieved to have two of your closest companions by your side.
“hey guys,” scarlett introduced the three of you as you stood next to her and shotzi. you all greeted your two hosts, and they asked if any of you had encountered any ghosts before. dominik and rhea each shared a story, but you didn’t have one. you weren’t a sceptic, you just hadn’t experienced anything you would consider paranormal activity.
the five of you followed the tour guide inside, a few camera people following close behind as you stopped in the first room, the sheriffs office.
“you okay?” rhea whispered to you, and you nodded, smiling as you felt dom standing behind you, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“yeah i’m good,” you assured her, as scarlett and shotzi set up their equipment in the centre of the room. they had a few rem pods, which would light up different colours and beep if something got close or touched them, and scarlett had a spiritbox on her phone that allowed spirits to communicate using white noise and radio channels.
“how many spirits are in the room right now?” she asked, and a voice on the radio replied ‘eight’. rhea scratched her shoulder nervously, and leaned into dom’s side, as scarlett and her both repeated the number out loud. another device they had could supposedly answer yes or no questions, and it lit up green, confirming the number.
“is that how many spirits were hung here?” scarlett asked, and over the radio came a short ‘yep.’ dominik laughed nervously, and you felt rhea grab your arm and pull you behind dom, sandwiching you between the two of them, not that you were complaining. it was comforting to have them in either side of you.
“oh man,” dom said, crossing his arms in front of him.
“i know it’s weird right?” scarlet laughed, and you admired how she didn’t seem scared at all.
“i don’t my brains, shot. it’s mush,” dom said, looking at you and rhea. “i’ve never experienced anything like… this is above my pay grade. i don’t know what’s going on.” he scratched the side of his head, trying to find the right words to explain how he was feeling.
“i thought we were wrestlers,” rhea joked, and you all laughed, and you mentally thanked her for being able to lighten the mood.
“yeah, let’s get out of here, i’d much rather take a power bomb right now” you played along, and rhea pretended like she was gonna walk out, grabbing your hand a dragging you a few steps towards the door.
“my eyes keep getting randomly like.. teary,” dom said, rubbing his eyes.
“yeah i keep looking around, thinking i’m seeing shit,” rhea said, glancing around the room, her hand still holding yours. scarlett and shotzi were still using the necrophone app to ask questions, when a chill ran up your spine at the words ‘come here’ on the radio.
“you heard that?” scarlett asked, and you all nodded. “are there any child spirits here?” all of the rem pods went off, lighting up and beeping at the same time, and your chest tightened. you wrapped your arms around dominiks waist, hiding your face in his shoulder as rhea, still holding your hand, was pulled towards you by your actions, and she hugged you from behind.
“i feel very warm,” dom noted, and rhea nodded.
“yeah idk if i’m sweating because i’m nervous, or because this one won’t let go of me,” rhea teased you affectionately.
“sorry,” you mumbled, but she wouldn’t let you out of her grip.
“do you guys want to ask it a question?” scarlett asked the three of you, and you all frowned, staying silent. “you’re good?” she laughed, and it got another laugh out of the room.
“yeah, this is a lot. i heard leave,” dominik suggested, and scarlett and shotzi laughed harder as he pointed to the door, but shotzi agreed that she had heard it too.
“do you want us to leave?” she asked, and the green light lit up meaning yes. you took a deep breath, and dominik made a cross sign over his chest.
“let’s go into another room,” scarlett suggested. “there’s a cold breeze behind me,” she added, and a laugh came over the radio, making shotzi giggle.
“it’s laughing at you.”
the rem pod lit up again, and you all decided it was time to move to a different room, scarlett suggesting the general population area next. as her and shotzi moved the ghost equipment, the camera man stayed with you, dominik, and rhea for a short interview.
“yeah, i mean i’m terrified. but you know… i… someone’s gotta do it,” dominik laughed nervously. “and why not, the double champs and the future, nxt champion?” he said, pointing to the three of you, and referencing your future title opportunity that was coming up.
“exactly,” rhea agreed.
you stood behind dom and rhea next to where the equipment was set up outside one of the jail cells. scarlett held the necrophone in her hand, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you swore you heard a voice behind you.
“did you guys hear that?” you said, and dominik turned to look at you.
“freezing,” scarlett echoed what the voice on the radio say, and rhea wrapped her arms around herself.
“yeah, i just got the shivers,” she said to scarlett.
“what is it?” dom asked you, the only one who had heard you, and it drew the attention of the others. your throat went dry and you swallowed hard.
“i don’t know, i thought i heard someone say something behind me a second ago, just before it got cold in here,” you explained. dominiks arm snakes around your back, pulling you into his side. “you guys didn’t hear anything?” everyone shook their heads, rhea mumbling a soft ‘no’.
“would any spirits like to communicate with us?” scarlett asked, and the device lit up green for yes again. “yes, the spirits would like to communicate with us!” she smiled, and both her and shotzi raised their hands in the air. you admired the positive attitude they managed to keep throughout the night.
“my eyes just got teary again,” dominik said, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his t-shirt.
“are you okay?” rhea asked, placing a hand on his back.
“yeah i’m good,” he laughed.
“is it bringing back memories?” shotzi asked him, referencing the time he had spent in ‘jail’.
“nah, this is just.. different,” he said, and rhea put her arm over his shoulder as he stood between you and her, dom still holding you close to his side. all of the sudden, rhea flinched, scratching her shoulder next to where her mic was clipped to her shirt.
“you okay?” dom asked softly, and rhea laughed nervously.
“thought i felt something touch me,” she replied.
“why do you choose to stay here?” scarlett asked, and over the radio the voice spoke ‘lucifer’.
“lucifer!” shotzi repeated, everyone laughing as dom turned around and pretended to walk out, raising his hands up in surrender.
“there he goes,” the cameraman said, as you pulled dom back to the group.
“you’re not allowed to scare us,” shotzi reprimanded the spirits. “we know you’re not lucifer; you can’t trick us.” rhea hid her face in her hand as she curled into dom’s side, you clinging to his other arm. scarlett was explaining how the necrophone worked to the camera when dom spoke up.
“so, quick question - not to be rude,” scarlet nodded telling him to continue. “so h..how do we know it’s not like a south park episode and there’s like a big dude behind the screen, just like..putting noises or something?” and shotzi laughed.
“well i mean, it is answering our questions pretty good.. so.”
“we’ve gotten very clear photos of faces, where there shouldn’t be anything. we’ve gotten like - figures on our sls camera,” scarlett explained. suddenly you heard another noise behind you, and dom and rhea must have heard it too because they also turned around to look for the source of the sound. your knuckles had turned white from how tightly you were holding onto dominiks hand, and could feel his finger tips digging into your side.
scarlett noticed that the three of you were distracted, and dom and rhea pointed in the direction the noise had come from, and the tour guide had heard it too.
“we heard something,” dom and rhea said at the same time, and the tour guide described it as a growl.
“i don’t know what the hell it was,” you said, your voice trembling.
“you guys are not allowed to touch dom, rhea, or y/n,” scarlett scolded the ghosts. “you’re not allowed to touch any of us.”
“he asked how we do we know there’s not someone behind the scenes, i swear to you i heard a growl and it came right over there,” the tour guide said, pointing behind you. “you all heard it right?”
“yeah, yeah, yeah,” dom repeated nervously, and you and rhea agreed.
“what was that growl? who was growling?” shotzi asked.
“what that the creeper growling?” scarlett asked, getting another laugh out of everyone.
“i don’t know if it was a growl or - it was just like a ‘rahhh’,” dom scratched the back of his neck as he imitated the noise you had heard.
“you heard another noise?” the tour guide asked.
“no no no, when we all heard it just now,” he clarified, and rhea stole you from his grip as she nervously fiddled with her necklaces.
“i just saw something over there,” scarlett said, pointing at where the noise had come from. “there was something over there, what was that? i saw a light go through.”
your were starting to feel a little overwhelmed, and you turned around, closing your eyes and burying your face in the crook of rheas neck, her arms wrapping around you. you instantly felt safer as dominik noticed the two of you, and hugged you both in his arms, gently stroking the back of your head with his tattooed hand.
“are you okay?” rhea asked, and you nodded against her collarbone.
“i just need a minute,” you admitted, and dom squeezed you and rhea tighter.
“you’re okay, we’ve got you,” he mumbled. when you felt like you could breathe again, you mumbled a soft ‘ok’, and they let you out of the cage they had made around you with their arms, but they each still held one of your hands.
shotzi and scarlett were now sitting in one of the cells, and dom and rhea stood outside it. you had taken a step back for a moment, just looking over the shoulder of the camera man. dom seemed nervous as you heard scarlett say to shotzi that there was definitely a ghost in the cell with her, and the offered her hand for him to hold, which he took. suddenly shotzi yelled out in shock, and stood up off the bed.
“what! what just happened. are you okay?” scarlett asked, concerned. “wait wait, are you okay? what happened?”
“i’m fine, i just felt the bed shake,” shotzi said, laughing, and dom and rhea clung to each other.
“oh god.”
“i’m not going over,” rhea laughed, content with staying far away from the cell.
“can you not scare my friend, please?” scarlett asked.
“no, it’s okay, i allow you to touch me,” shotzi offered.
“why would you say you want it to touch you?” scar laughed.
“but respectfully! like don’t hurt me but a little,” she tapped her shoulder to demonstrate.
“i would not like to be touched,” dominik said.
“please do not touch me,” rhea agreed.
“i feel like i’m scared, but i just don’t know what going on, like-“ dom was interrupted by scarlett yelling to him and rhea.
“do you want to come in here with us?”
“nah, i’m cool,” he smiled, and the girls laughed.
the laughter had lightened the mood once again, and you had calmed down, deciding that you were ready to get back on camera. you snuck behind the camera man to head back over to dom and rhea when suddenly, you felt a stinging sensation on for back. dominik smiled as you approached him, but his face dropped when he saw the concerned look on your face.
“what’s wrong, did you hear something?” rhea asked.
“no, i thought i felt something on my back though,” you replied, trying to feel for the spot with your hand.
“want me to look?” dom asked, and you nodded, turning around so he could see if he could see anything. his hands were warm on your skin despite the chill in the room, and he rolled your shirt up slightly, and you heard rhea gasp.
“what? what is it?” you panicked, and went to turn around, but felt her manicured hand touch your back.
“wait wait wait. let me take a picture so i can show you,” she said.
“what the fuck, guys,” dom muttered, and your heart pounded in your chest. dom let you turn around, but his hands remained on your hips as rhea showed you her phone, on it a photo of a scratch on your back, about four inches long.
“what…. how did i get that?” you stuttered, and scarlett and shotzi noticed the commotion and came over.
“what happened?” scarlet asked, concern in her voice as she placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. your eyes were wide and you couldn’t form words as rhea showed her and shotzi the picture.
“oh my god, how did that happen? guys?” shotzi asked, covering her mouth in shock.
“i don’t know, maybe i bumped into something,” you mumbled, trying to rationalize; it was possible you could have, but wouldn’t you remember it?
“are you okay to keep going?” scarlett asked, and despite the sinking feeling in your stomach, you nodded. dom and rhea clung to either side of you again, and you were grateful that they refused to let go of you. scarlett and shotzi had gone back into the cell, and called for the three of you left outside to come join them.
“come sit with us,” dominik said, and him and rhea pulled you to sit just outside the cell door with them; none of you interested in actually going inside.
“come in, you guys. we’ll scooch over, there’s room for everybody,” shotzi invited.
“i’m good here,” dom said, and the two in the cell continued asking the spirits questions as you rested your head on dom’s shoulder, rhea doing the same to yours.
shotzi offered her hand for the spirit to touch as she and scarlett were talking about the boo bear, another device of theirs that was going off.
“are you sure you’re okay?” rhea whispered next to your ear.
“i think so,” you replied. “or i’m just blocking it out.”
“am i on video?” shotzi repeated what the spirit had said. “yes you are, and we want to tell your story,” she explained, before the radio said dom’s name. you felt his body tense against you, and you and rhea both held onto his hand.
scarlett suggested going to visit the isolation wing, and once again as they went to set up the equipment, the camera man interviewed you, dom, and rhea.
“i’ve never done anything like this, so this is my first time experiencing..like… this sort of like.. energy wise?” dom tried to explain.
“yeah, especially going into it and expecting something,” rhea added.
“yeah like, knowing… there’s just a lot of beeping going on,” dom said, gesturing with his hands. “i don’t know - we heard our names, and then y/n got that weird scratch…”
“can we show the camera?” rhea asked, and you nodded, turning around to let her lift up the bottom of your shirt.
“it got cold before too - and hot,” rhea continued recounting everything that had happened so far.
“yeah i’ve been going through like a mixture, but again, that’s probably just me cause i’m nervous, and scared. so like my body’s probably just fluctuating with all sorts of temperatures,” he raised his hand up and down to demonstrate. “but i don’t know, this is all very interesting, but fun in a very new way.”
“yes,” rhea agreed.
“except the maybe getting scratched by a ghost part,” you added, and they both laughed.
“except for that,” dom clarified.
“to the wardens room!” shotzi exclained as dom went first into your next location, a quick pit stop on the way to isolation. he jumped slightly, getting scared by a coat rack as he turned on the light. you and rhea laughed at him as he held his chest, taking a deep breath as you all walked into the room.
“do you feel the heaviness in here?” scarlett asked.
“wow, it is - woooah. oh my goodness,” shotzi agreed, and you could also feel a weight in the air.
“it is very heavy,” dom said, and rhea expressed how warm it was in the room.
“it’s hard to breathe in here,” shotzi added.
“yeah a bit actually,” rhea replied, and you nodded.
the rem pod in the ground started freaking out, and scarlett asked who was touching it, when a voice over the radio clearly said ‘find my body’.
“where are you?” rhea asked.
“don’t,” dom whispered to rhea, either not wanting her to interact with the ghosts, or not wanting to go looking for a body. she smiled, pulling him close to her as scarlett asked more questions, before she held her forehead, complaining of head pressure.
“yeah my face is tingling,” rhea said, holding either side of her face in her hands.
“my head hurts too,” you agreed.
“if you can touch one of the rem pods we’ll leave this room, scar offered, and a voice on the radio replied with ‘want us to leave’. the rem pod lit up, and scarlett and rhea both mentioned how it had gotten even hotter in the room.
“yeah my foreheads a little hot,” dom replied, rhea once again resting her head in his shoulder.
“i just got cold; it’s like a total fluctuation,” the camera man added.
“i think we should try downstairs,” scarlett suggested, and you all moved to solitary confinement. you tugged on dominiks hand and gave him a look that thankfully he understood.
“we’ll let you guys handle business, ya know?” dom said, getting the message that you had had enough.
a brief stop in the women’s wing had left you and dom standing outside a cell while rhea sat inside.
“are you sitting next to rhea?” shotzi asked.
“are you on the bed?” rhea asked when no reply came. a voice said ‘move’, and rhea asked if it wanted her to get if the bed, to which it replied ‘do’. rhea raised her hands in surrender and you leaned against the wall, letting your eyes close as your head fell back. as much as you had surprisingly enjoyed yourself, you were just about at your limit for being scared for one night.
“fam, ima listen to you,” rhea clapped her hands together as she stood up, more than happy to get out of the cell. “you call the shots; it’s your bed, bruh.”
scarlett complained of a smell that the tour guide explained was sulphur, and shotzi mentioned that sulphur meant demons.
“yeah, i’m gonna go outside,” dom joked, getting another laugh out of everyone. “yeah that’s uh... that’s where your boy dom.. dirty dom-“ he stopped when you, him, and rhea all heard a noise coming from a cell down the hall behind you.
“i heard that too,” she assured him, and you nodded.
“right?” dom asked. “is there anyone over there?” he asked, pointing the the direction the sound had come from.
“no, we’re all in here,” the tour guide replied.
“i just heard footsteps,” dom said, as him and rhea tried to see if anything was over there.
“dom has crazy hearing,” shotzi commented, before over the radio a voice said ‘she’s coming’.
you stepped away again, dominik following after you as you stepped out of view of the camera.
“are you okay?” he asked, and you nodded. “you can tell me the truth.”
“it’s just a lot,” you admitted, and pulled you into a hug. rhea looked over, concern in her face, but dom gave her a thumbs up to let her know you were alright.
“we’re leaving soon. i think i’ve had enough for one night, too,” he said kissing the side of your head before the two of you walked back over to rhea. she held your face gently in her hands and you nodded to let her know you were ok.
you were pretty checked out by this point, blocking most of the sounds out as scarlett’s phone starting acting wierd, and her and shotzi talked to a spirit in the solitary confinement cell.
“we can watch a movie or something fun when we get back to the hotel, okay?” rhea suggested, holding your hand once again. you nodded, still not completely present. “maybe paranormal activity?” she joked, and you focused on her again, slapping her shoulder lightly as her and dom laughed. “kidding!” she pleaded. she got a wierd look on her face, and dom stood in front of her.
“what is it?” he asked.
“i had like -“ she gestured to her neck with her hand. “my throat got like.. clogged. and then it got really warm and then like rushed to my head. it freaked me out,” she explained.
the five of you decided that that was enough ghost hunting, and shotzi and scarlet gathered their equipment while you stood with dom and rhea as they filmed an outro.
“yeah i’m ready to get out,” dom said, and rhea laughed nervously, muttering a soft ‘please’.
“you wanna use that big light of yours and guide us out of here? good sir, please and thank you?”
you filmed another short outro all together outside the jail, before the three of you said goodnight to shotzi and scarlett and the crew, thanking them for having you on their show. an uber had arrived to take you back to your hotel, and the three of you sat in the backseat, you in the middle as you curled into dominiks side, happy to have made it out in one piece, and ready to go to bed.
rhea shook you awake as you pulled up the hotel, and you rubbed your eyes as you sat up. dominik had also fallen asleep, his head resting on top of yours, and he sat up at the feeling of you moving.
“we’re here, sleepyheads,” rhea laughed, and you all got out and headed up to the hotel room you were sharing. you kicked off your shoes, and got changed into your pyjamas, before immediately getting under the covers, pulling them high up under your chin. rhea laughed at you, before she sat down on the other bed.
“guys?” you said softly.
“yeah?” dom replied, taking off his t-shirt, leaving him in a black tank top, his gold chain reflecting in the low light from the lamp on the nightstand.
“can you come here?” you asked, and they both laughed, rhea jumping on top of you and pulling you into her arms. dominik laid on the other side of you, and you became trapped between them.
“if i have nightmares tonight i’m blaming shotzi and scarlett,” you said.
“don’t worry. we’ll protect you,” rhea promised, getting under the blankets, her legs tangling with yours and dominiks, becoming a mess of limbs.
“goodnight you guys,” dom mumbled, already half asleep as he kissed the side of your head, reaching out and entwining his hand with rheas.
“goodnight,” you murmured, before drifting off to sleep, safe in the arms of your two favourite people.
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bensonoliviasstuff · 5 months
“Turning Page”
Prologue! “Can't turn back now, i'm haunted”
Masterlist for “Turning Page”
Bucky Barnes x fem! Reader
Summary: Once Bucky regained consciousness and was no longer the Winter Soldier, all he missed from the 40s was his wife. But maybe she's closer than he thought.
Warnings: English is NOT my first language, so I'm sorry if there are too many errors. Futhermore i don't think there are many warnings, a little bit of angst, memory loss, betrayal, trauma, Insecurities and other things that you will discover throughout the story. And the best part: Thanos doesn't exist here
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Steve quickly dodged something that was thrown at him, we have to take into account that he is a super soldier, but this fight was looking too easy for him.
After taking down another one of the Hydra agents, he continued walking towards the top floor. Shield received information that said and proved that this Hydra experiment base was still in use.
They are increasingly careless, Steve concluded.
Something stopped him on the way to the top floor, he saw the shadow of someone hiding behind a pillar and approached.
“No matter what happens” Steve listened carefully “Don't let the Avengers get to the room she's in, they can't know about her”
Steve pulled the man by placing an arm around his neck and yanking the communicator from his ear. “You should be more careful with the things you say” he pushed the man against the pillar, an arm pressing his neck “Who are you trying to hide from us?”
The man seemed to be in an internal conflict between speaking and having his life spared or not speaking and being beaten by Captain America.
I believe no one would like to be beaten by Captain America, especially with him intensifying the strength of his arm against your neck.
“Captain, what is holding you there that you haven’t reached the top floor yet?” Steve's communicator boomed Tony's voice.
“I found someone who has information that apparently we shouldn't have” Steve threatened to use more force against the agent's neck.
“Okay! Okay! I’ll say, let me go!”
Steve stopped pressing the man, letting him breathe. “She's in a room in the basement, behind the library” the agent put his hands around his throat, searching for air.
"She? Who is she?" Steve asked confused.
“You will only believe it when you see it”
Steve sighed rolling his eyes and pressed the communicator button in his ear “Can someone check the basement? He said there is a room behind the library and someone is there.”
“I got it” Tony's voice echoed as he signed his armor's thrusters, passing Steve and heading towards the basement.
The door was already knocked down, that area had been left with Hulk, He had already searched that area, so Tony didn't understand what exactly made him come back there.
“Behind the Library?” Tony looked around and saw another broken metal door, When he was close enough, something made him stop walking: screams.
They were loud and feminine screams, he felt the agony and despair for her. “Tony? What are those screams?” Steve's voice asked over the communicator
“That's what I'm going to find out now, Captain”
Tony saw the large shelf of old books where the screams were coming from, he knocked the shelf forward, seeing a door so discreet that he almost didn't notice it, then he burst through the door scaring the many scientists there.
It wasn't a difficult battle for iron man, they might be genius scientists, but they weren't good at fighting. Most ran away to spare their lives and those who stayed to try to save something were soon unconscious by the iron fist.
However, the devices weren't turned off, so the girl was still screaming, Tony was quick to look for a button or an outlet that would turn it all off.
“PLEASE STOP” you screamed in despair, feeling your brain burn.
That was one of the many times you remembered your husband and Hydra erased your memory again.
“Calm down girl, I’m trying!” Tony shouted, lost in the amount of cranks and buttons, after losing patience he just shot the equipment, making everything stop working.
You desperately pulled air into your lungs, releasing your arms from the chair and pressing it against your temple, no matter how many times you went through this, it would always hurt like hell.
“Hey, are you okay?” Tony helped you up from the chair, only to hold your limp, passed out body as your legs gave out. “Captain, I don’t know who she is, but she needs medical treatment immediately.”
Tony took flight to the outside where the Quinjet was. As soon as he arrived he noticed that everyone was there, except the Captain.
“Where’s the capsicle?” He muttered to the others “She needs help!”
“I'm here, we can go” he climbed into the Quinjet quickly, the doors closed and soon the avengers were in the air towards the Avengers compound.
Steve approached Tony, walking past him and trying to see who was lying there in the center. He didn't imagine that as soon as he could see the woman's face, he would feel all the air leave his lungs.
Clint grabbed Steve's arm when his knee almost betrayed him. “Steve? What is happening? You know her?" Natasha asked with furrowed eyebrows and arms crossed in front of her chest.
Steve ran a hand through his hair, feeling like his heart was going to explode out of his chest. “Maria Hill?” He called over the communicator “Maria!” Once he got the answer he wanted, he continued “Don't let Bucky see us coming until I talk to him, I'm serious!”
“Enough with the show, who is she?” Tony said impatiently, Natasha had understanding flash across her eyes.
“She’s Y/n, Y/n Barnes” Steve sighed “Bucky’s wife since 1942”
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ram-bam-writes · 3 months
Pendulum Bloodshed [Phillip Graves x/& Shadow Co]
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A/N: Thank you to the lovely @pampanope for the lovely art that inspired this shit… Pls for the love of all that is holy and un, give her some love!
Summary: With Graves’ sole focus on getting all of his Shadows out to safety, he gets himself caught by the Konni group — who’d like to have a few words with him. His Shadows, ready to draw as much blood as necessary to bring their Commander home and give him justice, don’t waste any time making a lesson out of those Konni scum.
CW: panicked Flannel (oc), irritated 7-11 (oc), paternal Peaches (oc), crazy and unrealistic uses of radar lol, interrogations, language, graves being a little shit, a pendulum will always swing both ways… no beta we die like soap, etc
Word Count: 3558
“I’ve lost him…” It’s the last thing any of them want to hear from Flannel. The man’s in his place for a reason — he can find anyone. Between tracking their comms devices, their phones, and fuck, even the not so subtle tracking device in their tac-vests, Flannel is always able to find each and every member of Shadow Co. 
While the young soldier isn’t technically a soldier, and rather an eye-in-the-sky for Shadow, the rest of the team trusts the man to do his job.  So for Flannel to utter those three heartbreaking words… it’s nothing short of shock-inducing. 
Flannel tries not to let the tremble in his fingers affect his typing as he enters the devices’ identification numbers again and again, but each to no avail. He’s got nothing — he’s truly lost their Commander.
7-11 and Peaches watch as the young not-soldier bites his knuckles through the rough fabric of his fingerless gloves, eyes glazing over. After all, he’d been the reason the Commander was taken in the first place, even if that weren’t the entire truth.
“If I had just seen it…” He whispers after removing his hand from his mouth, ignoring the light trickle of blood that seeps through the open slots of the finger holes. “Fuck… That was my job. Mine…”
A hand rests against his shoulder, another prying his lightly bloodied hand further away from his mouth. Flannel swallows thickly, looking up at the surrounding Shadows, lip beginning to quiver. It’s a new feeling for him. He’d never lost someone before, let alone a commander. 
“We’ll find him, Flan…” Peaches whispers soothingly, gently cupping the young Tech specialist’s jaw. “Take a breath…”
It’s easier said than done, really. Despite everything Peaches did to calm the young Shadow over the course of his contract with them, Flannel’s mind won’t stop running.
“Let’s just take a moment—“
Flannel stands abruptly, white-knuckling the table in front of him. 
“We don’t have a moment! Every moment we wait means more pain for Commander Graves! We don’t have time!” Flannel nearly chokes on his own breaths. “I don’t have time!”
Peaches stumbles back a little, not necessarily out of fear, but out of the knowledge that Flannel is not in the right headspace for this. They need their commander back, and for that to happen, they need the one person who puts a tracking device on everyone to be in his right mind. So 7-11 takes a step forward, patting Peaches shoulders before standing in front of the tech soldier.
“Flannel…” 7-11 croons, a hand resting on the frazzled man’s shoulders to steady him, something that’s become a habit. “Tell me something… If I’m talking over the comms, and it’s an emergency, what do you want more: clear instructions or rushed explanations?”
“I…” Flannel’s shoulders slump, his arms flopping by his sides. He’s never been good at the whole ‘calming down’ thing. “I want clear instructions…”
“Even if they take a while to relay?”
He nods. 
“… Because mistakes happen when communication isn’t clear…” “A little more specific…”
Flannel huffs, blinking back his tears. He refuses to meet 7-11’s intent eyes, not quite ready to admit that he needs to slow down just yet. “Because mistakes happen when… when things are rushed…”
As 7-11 nods, and Flannel is pulled into an excruciatingly strong hug by Peaches, face buried in his large chest. “That’s right… you’ve got time… you’ve got enough time to use those skilled fingers of yours and figure somethin’ out…”
He wants to laugh like his fellow Shadows do at the tease, but he can’t get himself to. Instead, he opts for a simple, “Okay…”
After wiggling his way out of the bone-crushing hug he was in, Flannel drops back in his seat, staring at his computer screen. His hands rest on the smooth, hot metal, eyes scanning every little detail. Flannel’s mind has several tabs open, all intermingled together in that spider web the Commander loved so much.
Peaches and Flannel share a look. It’s no surprise that the young not-soldier is struggling. He’s not someone who’s actively in the field — no, he’s the one that’s in the sky or on the ground, hidden away from view, calling out commands and directions and alerts. He’s a multitasker; someone that can handle seeing thirty, forty dots move around on a map, knowing every single one by heart.
He may get frazzled and confused when he’s overwhelmed at times, given how quick his mind works, but he’s always managed to be pulled back down by the rest of the team. Graves and the team put their trust in the man for a reason — something 7-11 and Peaches have to remind the boy of often.
Three days. It’s taken three days of searching the island head to toe, and still, nothing. Frustrated, yet still calm, Flannel paces the room with his knuckles back between his teeth. 7-11, Peaches, and a few other higher ranking Shadows stand around the security room, watching the boy pace.
“Okay… what do we know from the Bug?” 7-11 finally asks, eyes fluttering open after a brief inhale to look at the others. 
They’d finally gotten past the rubble of the damaged buildings to uncover the Commander’s vest. It gave the team hope, given that a bug was collected and reviewed by everyone in the current team. It had taken almost thirty minutes for Flannel to re-wire the bug to collect the data, but once he got his hands on it, the team started to buzz with urgency and hope.
“The Konni group…”
“… about thirteen men.”
“They didn’t shoot Graves—“ “—they just held a knife to him.”
“One used his first name…”
“And I think I heard one say something about a warehouse.”
“Yeah, somethin about interrogation…”
“On the coast?”
“Like some kind of shipping dock?”
“I don’t think so — they said he was right where he needed to be…”
“Then a store warehouse?”
“By our building?”
“Yeah… and…”
“… dark, but… and… not there…?”
“Likely… if not… Graves…”
Flannel’s eyes flutter closed, the sound of the Shadows around him silencing, something Peaches had taught him. Take a breath, close your eyes, figure it out. Slow and steady, exactly like 7-11.
He opens them once more when he stands, walking over to the large map of Ashika Island. He lets his eyes wander over the different buildings, the landscape, the pins…
Ashika Island wasn’t very large, right? He’s here, where they wanted him — so a nearby building… Konni’s been a bitch for ages now, fighting us over and over… but the building… the only shipment areas are in the coast, nothing closer. His pinpoint is still in the same spot they took him. They took off his tracker and hauled him away. Ten minutes, not very far. No eyes in the sky, no vehicles on the ground. So where’d they come from? His pinpoint is still… The labs…
“Fuck.” Flannel’s sense of spacial awareness floods back in his senses, quickly turning to look at the other Shadows. “Beneath us.”
The others stare at him like he’s insane, a chorus of what?’s filling the room.
“Beneath us!” Flannel rushes back over to the computer. “Ashika Island had labs beneath the islands! Beneath! They didn’t take off his fucking gloves.”
Peaches reaches around and grasps Flannel, spinning him in the chair and leaning close. “Clear. Communication.”
But 7-11 has already connected the dots, his low, steady voice filling the room. “A month ago we cleared out the labs beneath Ashika Island. But we didn’t ever go back down there.”
“Because we crumbled the labs, didn’t we?” Peaches asks, loosening his grip on the younger man. He glances between the two Shadows in front of him, before realization dawns on them all.
“But we didn’t crumble them all. We only crumbled the external entrances. If there were connections we hadn’t seen when we blew them to smithereens…” Flannel’s eyes are wide. Peaches finishes his sentence with a simple, “Konni could have… found a way in…”
“No vehicles outside, nothing in the air… They didn’t leave. We really were right where they wanted us. Right above them.” 7-11 grits his teeth, fist pounding the table. “Literally right under our noses…”
It’s as if the entire room has been cast in a frigid, icy chill. Not once had they thought to sweep the underground labs consistently. Why would they? There was no way up, not to them. A dull anger fills the Shadows in the room, the realization that even a single entrance left open has given Konni the chance to infiltrate blurring their already frazzled brains.
“Gear up--” 7-11 commands, leaning over Flannel in the process. He lowers his head, eyes narrowed. “How are we getting in?”
“I don’t know…” Flannel’s eyes search the map, looking at what little info they have about the labs beneath Ashika Island. “Maybe I can find an echo sounding device on one of the nearby ships…”
Peaches doesn’t need to be told twice. “I’ll get the Night Hawk set up.”
“No, not the Hawk.” As calmly as ever, 7-11 stares at the larger Shadow. “These are civilian ships — let’s not scare the fuck out of them?”
“…” An exhale. “Fine. Little Bird?”
After a nod from the self-designating acting commander, the Shadows filter out, fully intent on getting their Commander back. 
7-11 leans against the wall, his eyes scanning over the young not-soldier as he types fervently across the computer.
“Hang in there, Sir…” Flannel whispers, his eyes searching for reassurance in the older Shadow watching him. His hands fly to his neck, pressing on the comms link connecting all the Shadows as one. As a whole. “I’ve found a marine biology ship about three clicks from the coast. They’ll have one, Peaches.”
“Yup yup…”
He hadn’t meant to let his guard down — hell, he hadn’t. But his guard wasn’t up around himself, that was the problem. No, his guard was up around his team. His Shadows. His… his family. 
And there was no way in hell he was gonna let any fall into the hands of the Konni scum that seemed to appear out of the blue. It irritated him to no end, not knowing how he’d let this happen. But they only had him — for whatever reason — and for that, he’s eternally thankful to whatever god exists above.
So maybe it isn’t so bad, being tied to a chair with itchy, rough rope. It was better this way, he thinks. Even with the ache of his ass from the jagged wooden chair beneath him, there’s no fear in his mind.
His Shadows are safe — that’s all he cares about.
Graves sputters up blood, the copper taste filling his mouth as the cut on the inside of his mouth drips crimson onto his tongue. Three days of this hell and all he can do is grin. Did Konni really think he’d give up info so easily? 
“Really? That’s all y’all got? Yer really underestimatin’ who yer talkin’ to, ain’tcha, boys?” He can’t help himself. Maybe the Marines taught him to stay silent, but he loves to be a brat. It’s a power play, really. Fucks with the dynamic; shows he’s not afraid. And pisses off his interrogator. 
For better or for worse.
A Konni soldier leaned close, spinning the metal pipe between his fingers as he eyes the Commander, voice dropping low to utter, “We’ll get you to talk, don’t you worry your pretty little head…”
Graves isn’t quite sure why his skin crawls at those words. Maybe it’s the buzz in his mind from a lack of food, or maybe it’s the way he knows Konni can do anything to him. It might even be the way he can only see out of his left eye — that is certainly irritating him.
“Do as you please, boys, but you sumsabitches ain’t gonna be happy when my boys find ya…” He threatens lowly, if only to keep the facade up. He knows he’ll slump and tremble the moment they leave him for the night, but for now, he can keep this mask up. He has to — if he breaks even an ounce, his Shadows will die.
But the Konni don’t react in anger, merely staring at the man as though he is nothing more than dirt on their shoes. They want him for information or for blood — they don’t care what. And at this rate, they don’t doubt that the rest of Shadow Co will be after them. After all, their team doesn’t leave a man behind, and Konni group knows that.
But for now, if only a little, Graves has comfort in knowing that his team will be after him, sooner or later. He knows his men well — they won’t let him down.
His only hope is they don’t get hurt in the process of trying to save him.
“Shit, that’s him, ain’t it…?” Peaches practically purrs, pointing at Flannel’s screen. The latter nods, making the entire company sigh in relief. “Thank heavens…”
Peaches, 7-11, and Flannel are huddled around a small tablet in the latter’s hand. Miraculously, the team had managed to intercept a civilian cargo ship with building maintenance equipment inside of it, including the ground penetrating radar system they needed. 
7-11 peers around Flannel’s shoulder, looking down at the not-soldier with a cautious gaze. “So where’s the entrance? We knew where the Commander was this whole time — how do we get there?”
Flannel’s eyes search around their current location, deep within their base. It’s been an exhausting few days, but they’re finally getting close. “Somewhere to the north, based on the hallway I can see on the device…”
“You heard him!” Peaches barks out suddenly. “Let’s find those Konni scum.”
A chorus of ‘Yup Yup’s echo off the walls in the room, almost becoming a radar in and of itself. 7-11 pats Flannel’s shoulder, offering a content nod before leading the small group of Shadows around. 
“Alright, keep going north — towards the back entrance, I reckon…” Flannel’s voice echos through their comms device, something familiar. It helps their shoulders relax, if only a little. 
Familiarity and routine is a soldier’s preference.
“Copy, we’ll keep you posted…”
“As in you’ll let me know when you found it or I’ll find myself hearing an—“
As if on cue, the entire base echos with the sound of an imploding wall. 
“… explosion…” The ensemble of laughs and snickers that ring through the comms eases Flannel’s worries more than he’ll ever admit. “Go get ‘em, boys… I’ll watch yer backs…”
Graves’ weak laugh echos through the empty interrogation room at the sound of Konni suffering. Bleeding from the nose and several lacerations on his torso, he instantly finds himself regretting the laugh, but the pain is quickly forgotten at the sound of a door pushing open. 
Graves lets out a weak groan, “Took you long enough…”
7-11 hardly finds humor in his words, far too concerned for his commander’s well being to care. He gently cups the commander’s cheek, eyes filled with a delicate glint. “Better late than never…
His hands drop to Graves’ knee, absent-mindedly rubbing the smooth surface. He nods as Peaches rounds the commander, pulling out a blade and grasping at the bindings on his wrists. “We’ll cut you loose. Any injuries we should know about?”
Graves scoffs a bittersweet laugh as his wrists are cut free, shaking his head softly. “Nah, just a bit roughed up…”
7-11’s eyes focus on his body. The crimson, metallic blood seeping from his lips, the superficial but throbbing cuts on his torso, the purple and blue puff around his right eye… He suppresses a low growl.
“No food… sips of water… clumsy beating with a side of mockery…” Graves eyes flutter, the blood loss starting to catch up to him with the loss of adrenaline. “Just the standard shit…”
An eerie silence falls over the group of Shadows, everyone’s eyes focusing in on 7-11. The man in question, however, seems too preoccupied with Graves to care — or comment, in this case. He always knows.
“Right…” He takes a slow, deep breath, eyes closing for a moment before reopening. 7-11 can’t let his thoughts drift too much, lest he loses his cool in front of the man he needs to take care of. “Peaches, escort the Commander back to the medic. Princess treatment.”
Behind his mask, the massive man grins, wasting no time reaching down to pick up the smaller commander. His touch, despite his size, is delicate, concerned only for the commander’s wellbeing.
“C’mon, I’ve got two functioning legs, I don’t—“ Graves eyes go wide when Peaches’ arms snake around his waist and thighs. “WOAH, hey!”
“Humor us, sir…” Graves rolls his eyes at the voice of his beloved Shadow, but grins into Peaches’ chest anyways. 
“Fuckin’ excessive… just sayin’.”
7-11 smiles, but it’s strained. Not at the commander, though. “Only the best for you.” At something else entirely.
“I’ll watch yer back, Peaches…” Flannel coos, trying not to have a heart attack at seeing two blinking lights wandering closer to him. Closer to safety.
“Please stop squirming, sir.” 
“No can do, Soldier.”
7-11 might have enjoyed the banter if he hadn’t been seeing red. Blood thrums in his ears, hands clenching into fists to suppress showing any anger towards his fellow Shadows. “You guys found one of ‘em hiding?” “Yeah. Fucker hid while shit went down.”
A nod.
“He’s tied up and isolated.”
“Good.” The seething Shadow barely spares the others a glance, eyes set and focused on the room next to them. “Because I want to have a word…”
"Y'know, Peaches... a Pendulum will always mirror its previous actions the opposite way, just as hard..." Flannel purrs over the comms link, watching as 7-11's tracking device heads towards a secluded, empty room. "And I think I know a man who's about to embody that precept..."
The creek of an old cellar door is far too loud for this situation. Huddled in the corner, a Konni soldier sits, a bag over his head and arms tied behind his back. The male tries to breathe, his adrenaline pumping as he struggles to. With tape over his mouth and fear filling his sinuses, he feels as though he’s choking on his own breath.
“Whoever hired you and your buddies is gonna be disappointed…” 7-11’s voice echoes calmly, the epitome of the eye of a storm. He rips the bag off of the Konni soldier’s head, eyeing him lowly. “You could’ve died a quick death alongside your friends there…”
“But here you are…” 
If the sound of a butterfly knife in the Shadow’s hands could instill any more fear, the pathetic man on the floor might have spontaneously combusted from how easy it was for 7-11’s to flick and spin the knife open.
“So, thank you for being a coward…” His eyes are wide and frantic, body starting to squirm at the Shadow’s dark words and the blade taunting his face. “You’ve given me an opportunity to… repay the… hospitality you’ve shown my Commander.”
The fact of the matter is… simple, to say the least. No one dared ask 7-11 what was left of the Konni soldier they found. In fact, most are sure that he was beheaded right then and there.
But once the Commander had been tucked safely away in an infirmary room bed after a nice hot meal from the canteen, Flannel and Peaches figured it wouldn’t kill to ask.
“C’mon…!” Flannel practically whines, kicking his legs above the floor, firmly sat on top of the nearby AC unit. “Just tell us!”
Peaches snickers softly, rubbing the shorter man’s head, nodding along. “We can keep a secret…”
7-11, who’s eyes are focused on the mirror in the training room, rubs his wrists. He’s been thinking about that moment for a while, and even calmed down, he longs to have done more. “There’s nothing more to be said.”
“Augh!” A huff falls from the techie’s lips, crossing his arms. The action earns a fond laugh from the massive male besides him, head tilting to watch 7-11. “And you had to remove your comms gear before that!”
“And what if I said I blacked out for most of it?” 7-11 questions. “What if that’s the truth?”
The truth? 
The truth is, 7-11 gave back what his commander had gotten. Insults, cuts, punctures, blunt force trauma, bruises, blood, gore, and humiliation. All while seeing red. 
So red, in fact, that he knew the worst punishment of all was to chain the Konni scumbag to the wall at the end of it, not sparing a glance while the others demolished the underground tunnels. 
The burn in that man’s lungs from the gunpowder and dust is hell. 
The blood pouring into his lungs from several lacerations is horrific. 
But the knowledge that no one will ever come for him until his last, blood-filled breath leaves him is perhaps the most gut-wrenching of them all. 
Because even six days later, he’s still gasping out wet breaths because his body refuses to die.
“The commander is safe, and Konni has gotten what they deserved. That’s all that matters, hmm?” 7-11 grins, throwing a harsh hit to the punching bag, finally sparing his fellow soldiers a taunting, bloodlust-filled look.
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wandussyfantasy · 1 year
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Summary: Wanda and Reader pass time together while they wait to hear back from Natasha and Steve.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Smut, 18+ only, MINORS DNI, spanking, biting, scratching
“Any word?” You tiredly asked as you flopped on the bed of the hotel, exhausted and sore from fighting on the mission. It was supposed to be a quick in and out operation but the wire you used to hover was snapped and the alarm was set off. Wanda had to swoop in and rescue you, which wasn’t ideal for people on the run to be spotted. It’s sometimes acceptable for one, but for two, it’s a major risk.
Wanda checks the communicator again but no new messages have been received. “No, nothing yet. How are you feeling?” She walks over to stand over you.
“I’m fine, just sore. I’m going to have to talk to Nat about finding newer supplies, I can’t do my job if my equipment makes that impossible.” You pull out the device that failed you as you look at the old thing. Since being on the run, everyone has had to adjust to working with what you have and what you can acquire. “Hey, is Vision coming to visit you anytime soon? Maybe you can have him bring some from my old stash. If Tony hasn’t thrown it out by now.”
Wanda shrugs, “I’ll try to get the message to him.” You thank her as you get out of the bed. “Where are you going?”
“Shower, want to join?” You ask with a grin and a wink. Wanda grabs one of the pillows and tosses it at you. “No need to get violent little witch,” you chuckle as you toss the pillow on the bed and enter the bathroom. When you take your grimey uniform off of your body, you’re disgusted by the dirt and blood that it’s covered in. You’ve been living in this thing for months and you were sick of it. You pull the hotel robe on and gather the outfit off of the floor. “Do you think it would be too risky to have the hotel clean these? Steve always says it's risky but I can’t be stealthy if they can smell me a mile away,” you look up from your clothes.
“What are you doing?”Wanda is laid out in an inviting pose on the bed completely naked. At your question she moves to her knees and beckons you to the edge of the bed with her finger.
“I figured we'd get bored waiting again and just thought we'd skip the usual fight against what we're feeling.” She dips her delicate fingers in the opening of the robe and drags her finger tips down the length of your torso. “You can tell me to stop,” she whispers against your lips as she hooks her fingers around the belt of the robe. You kiss her in response. Wanda frees you of the robe and you let it pool around your feet before leaning into her more. After months of spending alone time with Wanda in one hotel room to another, it got tougher and tougher to ignore the tension between the two of you. It started with a boring night in a rundown motel room that had a fully stocked mini bar. Followed by nights of pretending to be bored and acting as if nothing could happen between the two of you again. Now she was done with all of that and so were you. It's not that there was any reason they couldn't be together. A relationship just didn't seem like something in the cards right now.
Your arms wrap around her as you lay her down on the bed. “Fuck Wanda,” you moan when she reaches between your legs and wraps her hand around your growing cock. She smiles from the effect she has on you, forcing you to move your lips from hers to every other part of her. She moves her head to the side to grant you more access to your favorite spots on her. They would make her crumble under your lips and it made you feel powerful. To be able to control the pleasure of one of the most powerful people you've ever known and have her begging you for more was an indescribable feeling.
Wanda's movements begin to get sloppy as your actions cause her to lose focus. You move your hands delicately along the smooth skin of her body. Leaving trails of goosebumps behind. When your lips reach the tops of her breasts you look up to watch her reaction. You continue to place your kisses until you get to her left nipple. You start by leisurely dragging the tip of your tongue in a circle before closing your mouth on her breast. She lets out a satisfied sigh. Wanda moves her hands into your hair to comb her fingers through it as you give attention to her other breast with your right hand.
Getting a little creative, Wanda starts rubbing your penis against her pussy until you get the hint and start rolling your hips, switching the attention of your mouth to her right breast. You grunt as she lets go of you and you feel how dripping wet she is as her natural lubricant leaks onto your cock, making you want to skip everything and go straight to the finish line. But you don't. You can't. There's still so much that you want to do.
Once you're done playing with her breasts, you move further down her soft body until you are face to face with her beautiful pussy. You kiss her mound a couple times as a thank you for the access. Wanda has one leg bent up and the other laying flat on the bed. You massage both with your hands as you begin to eat her out. She covers her mouth with the pillow to muffle her moans once she feels your tongue inside of her. As much as you would love to hear her be as loud as possible, it was safer that the two of you take extra precautions. The last thing the team needs is for the two of you to get caught because of a noise complaint.
While you move your tongue through her warm folds, occasionally sticking it through her hole and sucking on her clit, you use one hand to cover the rest of your thick cock with her fluids. Wanda is clutching the pillow to her face at your maneuvers and playing with her breasts with her free hand. And when she starts to give off the impression that she is close to cumming, you pull away completely. Making her squirm and groan in frustration as she now desperately needs that release.
Wanda removes the pillow from her face so she can plead with you but you shake your head. “Not yet,” you continue to tug on your dick, fondling your balls a little bit. Wanda's breathing slows down some and you climb back on top of her. “Good girl,” you praise as you caress her cheek and go in for a sweet kiss. She whimpers at your treatment, she was loving every second of it.
Without warning, you penetrate her fully. She makes a surprised sound making your cock twitch inside of her. You pull all of the way out and make your way back in slowly, starting with just the tip. You control yourself only going in a little bit further each time. She tries to lock her legs around you to pull you in further, but you press your thumb on her clitoris to make her legs fall open. Her body arches up against you, breaking the kiss. So you suck on her throat as you continue to enter her, inch by inch with each drawn out thrust.
“Please,” Wanda chokes out. You ask her what she wants against her collarbone. “Harder, faster,” she whispers. You give into her request and begin to pound her harder and faster. Losing all control and giving into the overwhelming pleasure until you want to switch into a different position. You pull out of her suddenly and pull her up to her knees. “What are you doing?”
You sit against the headboard and pat your lap. “Sit,” you tell her and she smiles as she climbs on top of you. Wanda slides down on your cock easier. She has both hands on your shoulders to help her ride you and you have your hands on her buttcheeks. Wanda bounces up and down on your cock and even stops every few seconds to grind her hips into yours.
“Spank me,” she gasps out as the two of you pick up the pace. The request would have surprised the both of you if neither of you were so lost in the haze. You do as she asks and it elicits a loud moan from her that you’re quick to cover her mouth with your hand to muffle. As a punishment for being too loud, you spank her two more times. When you remove your hand from her mouth, Wanda thanks you and brings you in a sloppy and heated kiss.
As the tension begins to grow close again, you realize you’ll have to end this session soon. So you lock her arms around your neck and hold her body close to yours and pound into her harder and faster. Her walls tighten around you deliciously and when she is close to screaming, Wanda gets bold again and clamps down on your shoulder, sending you over the edge faster than you were ready for. The last couple thrusts are jagged and slow because of the force of your orgasm throwing you off your rhythm. You spill everything deep inside of her. The feeling of you exploding inside of her for the first time makes Wanda experience an orgasm like no other. She is digging her nails into your skin as she clutches to you for dear life.
When the two of you come down, Wanda apologizes for having added to your injuries. Along with the cuts and bruises you had sustained from the mission itself. You now sported nails and bite marks from Wanda. Something that you didn’t mind at all. “It’s okay, love.” You kiss her lips but Wanda still feels bad so she kisses the markings she made. “Now I’m yours,” you say to cheer her up.
“Mm, don’t say that. We won’t have time to clean up if you get me yearning for more,” Wanda says as she lifts herself off of your softening dick. “Speaking of which, you’re right. We might be able to send our clothes out to be cleaned but I’ve been working on a solution for that.” She Stands up and grabs your forgotten uniform off of the ground and waves her hand over it. The uniform looks brand new which you should have reacted to immediately but your attention was lost on your cum spilling out of her and rolling down the inside of her thigh. You lick your lips as you begin to fantasize causing your cock to be standing up ready for another round when Wanda turns to you. She shakes her head as she notices your erection. “No, go shower,” she says as she points to the bathroom.
“Come on, you could join me,” you grin when she considers the offer.
“Fine, but after that, no more for the rest of the night. We have to be on alert.” You excitedly follow her into the bathroom as you agree to her conditions.
The End.
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facewithoutheart · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Thanks Jess & also @bookish-bogwitch, @skeedelvee, @run-for-chamo-miles, @aristocratic-otter & @urban-sith who also tagged me ❤️ y’all are lovely and I’ve enjoyed seeing the work you’re most proud of.
I tend to suffer from recency bias when writing fics, where I only like the things I’ve written recently, which isn’t fair to my (oh god so big) body of work. So, it’s taken me awhile to think about this.
This Will All Go Down In Flames (E, 77k, SnowBaz)
This is the first fic that really made me feel like a writer. Getting to collab with @tea-brigade & having some amazing alphas/betas like @sillyunicorn, @martsonmars, @bookish-bogwitch, & @cutestkilla. I’d written longfics before, but this was the first time I had a community with me and it made me realize how much more fun writing is with smart people in the trenches alongside me. I also got to add place to a fic for the first time really, celebrating the Austin I knew and miss every day.
boulders turn into sand (E, 19k, SnowBaz)
This is the first fic that I think is really beautiful, and painful in a sweet, aching way. Plus it’s got a banger of a playlist if you ask me. This fic wouldn’t be half as good without @shrekgogurt sliding into my DMs with amazing song recs and I’m so grateful to her ❤️❤️. I know this fic isn’t most people’s bag bc of the infidelity arc, but I consider this a turning point in my writing where I stopped trying so hard to write what I thought people wanted and started to focus on stories about messy people trying their best which is where I find most joy exploring. I think about the end of that fic and Simon/Baz’s slow journey to heal after their “happy ending” all the time. I don’t think I can express how much it meant to have @iamamythologicalcreature make art of Simon toward the end of that fic; he has my whole heart and seeing that moment represented just healed me in such a powerful way.
The Wedding Bet (16k, T, SnowBaz)
This fulfilled my dream of being a sitcom writer lol. Man, I had a blast with this fic and it seems best fitting for a gift for @martsonmars bc it’s funny, tender, smart and witty, all traits Marta exemplifies. I worked so hard on this fic yall hahaha and it’s one of the first fics where I contrived some insane structure and plot devices and I think I pulled it off. Finishing this definitely gave me the confidence to try bigger plots and new devices.
Cursed Ships (Series, various)
I’m cheating here because this is a series, but I think this is such a fun gift to fandoms: writing the cursed ships no one asked for but kind of make sense when you think about it. This is probably one of those areas where I feel unapologetically proud bc it’s hard for me to write in spaces without a lot of covered ground and also to pull off couples you kind of what to hate. And maybe I didn’t hit the mark on these but I’m still glad I tried.
Just Like That (WIP, E, 8k posted, buddie)
Maybe it’s premature to say this is a top fic when I’m still in the process of writing it but oh man I’m so proud of this so far. It feels like all of the heart of TWAGDIF combined with the sweet pain of boulders. This fic is meant as an exercise to see if I can pull off some of the messier themes I’ve got planned in my original novel idea, and so far I think I’m doing it? We’ll see if I stick the landing.
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gildedkrone · 1 year
I like how you did the request I gave you!!! Thankee!!! 😊😊😊 and I wasn't expecting you to give us smut but no complaints here. It was definitely worth the read.
Also I have another prompt/request...
Obviously GhostxMaleReader
I just love reading Ghost stories
Friends to enemy to friends or lovers maybe, like they were friends before but some misunderstanding led to them being enemies before they learn of the truth and try to reconcile...you can take your time on this one or just use what you can from this...I tried to leave you some wiggle room so you can do what you want...
- ☁️
To wish violets, it's you and I
So...I might have gotten carried away. This is an AU work, set in scifi and mythology(?). There's no 141 and Roba is mentioned in the fic. NOT ALIGNED WITH GAME CANON.
Relationships: Ghost x Male Reader Synopsis: You knew Ghost was Simon all along. Dying on a planet with him, you tell him your final wishes. A/N: Written to David Kushner's Daylight. Spotify link Master List
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Themis is a place far away from the battlefield.
Rifles forgotten in a world where violence makes no sense. A bird's paradise, a song the martyr sings and the place of dreams. Where you are, the ground is dirty and bloody. Ghost lies a metre away, and his rifle lays on his lap. The medal on your chest is dirtied gold with specks of blood and soot.
"You know, I grieved for you."
He turns his head and his eyes are wide. He isn't prepared for what you have to say.
"When Simon died five years ago in that crash, I was distraught.”
“They had to pull me from the wreckage. It’s how I lost my eye.”
His eyes roam over the injury and they soften with the mercy of Simon. Simon would never want you to be hurt or injured. Ghost wouldn’t care.
“Why … why didn’t you tell me you were still alive?”
The pink skies are ablaze with warfare and a helicopter is smoking with flames falling from the skies into sands of vermillion. Your eyes are back on him again. His mask is cracked from your hands and parts of it lay in pieces on the ground.
The answer is something you’ve heard a million times before.
“Didn’t want to hurt you.”
The gap feels like a chasm of never ending depth and despite finding him finally, you fear not being able to stay with him. The final steps are so far and so steep. You can’t find the strength to move, and he doesn’t seem to be able to either.
“Commander! What do we do!”
Your communicator buzzes and Ghost looks at it. The wounds in your body are deep and it takes many tries to activate the device. It turns off with a beep.
“I searched for so long, Simon. Far and wide, all over the galaxy.” The hands are no longer a boy’s and time hadn’t been kind to you. You move your hand closer to his and he blinks slowly.
“I became a fleet commander, just so I could mobilize men to find you.” The countless men sent to their deaths in search for your lover at the hands of this Ghost person.
“Why did you hide from me?”
“You wouldn’t have wanted to see—”
“Why would I never want to?”
He swallows as his mask shifts slightly. A gleam in the trail of tears from his eyes smudging the eye black.
“I’m fucked.” He mutters and shame is evident in his words.
“You’re not.”
“You don’t understand—”
“I can’t understand if you keep pushing me away, Simon.”
His name falls from your lips repeatedly, as if stopping them meant losing him forever.
“You deserve someone better.”
“I can’t give you what you want.”
Roba had taken your lover away from you, scarred him and reduced him to a ghost of his former self. The skull mask reflects Roba’s work and you ache to hold him again. Not long after Simon’s death, a foe by the name of Ghost appears and the guns clashing between you both.
When you had both graduated from cadet school and the night spent with him slow dancing on the observation deck against the glittering and shining cityscape. His arm across your waist and his eyes soft as marble and enraptured.
“My heart tells me things,” he croaks and you urge him to continue, “I could never hurt you ever. Not in all of our battles.”
The miraculous escapes. The bullets that never hit their target. The explosions that always seemed to be mistimed. The luck you enjoyed over the years are his and you arm closes the final gap to touch his.
“Simon, come home with me.”
He shakes his head.
“There is nothing left, dear. No home to return to.” Dear.
“Then we will make one, together. A home for you and me.”
Finger intertwined in a caress of eternal love and a promise. To be eternal in eternity.
“I’m sorry, love. Not how I wanted our fight to go.” Love.
He coughs and it is gnarly. His body seizes and you squeeze his hand in encouragement. From the daylight of Sevus you see the wounds on his body. What irony, exchanging wounds with each other while Roba is nowhere to be found.
“Simon, will you let me see you?”
Panic and fear curls in his eyes and he squashes the instinct to say no. He nods hesitantly and hands are gently removing the mask.
Simon is beautiful. There are scars where there weren’t before but he is still the same man you dedicated your heart to those years ago. He relaxes and the action draws a smile from you.
“Still the same man I loved all these years.”
“Love—” His face twists in denial and you see the wounds running deep into him. He may be in one piece now, but the cracks will remain and stay with him forever.
“Still the same man, Simon.”
The moons in the sky are aligning perfectly. His hand is warm and tranquillity blankets you both.
“Do you remember our chants?”
“I could never forget them. Not even when Roba tried.”
“How did it go? I can’t remember them anymore.”
Without the mask, he is so expressive and a contemplative look settles on his face. A twitch of an eyebrow and a small frown creasing his features. He speaks first.
“One to the ode of Mara.”
Themis is paradise.
You continue the next line.
Themis is a garden.
“Two to the ode of Soventus.”
Themis is salvation.
 He continues the next line.
Themis is sanctuary.
“Three to the ode of Akarosh.”
Themis is the world’s basin.
“Four to the ode of Balmet.”
Themis is time interwoven with eternity.
“Fifth to the—”
“Ode of Themis.”
He nods and you speak the final line together with him. Two hearts beating as one; two beings ridden with guilt and more so, affection and love.
Themis is where we live out the rest of our days.
“When the time is right, my lover and I, we bequest the tides of evermore,”
take us to Themis.
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Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 3 - Home Camp
Four Weeks Later
Neteyam stood waiting at the entrance of his grandmother’s healing tent with his back turned because Xilä was getting changed or should he say being persuaded to.
He pursed his lips to hide a smile that was threatening to escape as he listened to the amusing conversation between the four female voices behind him.
“Come on Xi, you can’t keep wearing that beastly thing forever! You’re going to get a heat stroke outside. We're in the middle of a solar cycle for Eywa sake!” He heard his sister Kiri say.
“Oh…I’m used to it, it’s comfortable. How does this protect me? All my… bits could fall out,” she hushed, sounding a little embarrassed. He cracked a grin at that one. 
Kiri cackled, “Oh sweet Xilä, it’s more than what I’m wearing, and I’m not worried, see?” Neteyam heard a shuffling shake from the beads attached to Kiri’s top and loincloth. “All intact still.”
“Here child. Try this instead,” suggested Mo’at. 
“Xi, can I put some pretty beads in your hair later?” He heard Tuk ask. “And maybe I could also practise my braiding again, like last time?” She asked hopefully. 
“I would like that Tuk, thank you,” she said softly and Neteyam could only imagine the massive beam Tuktirey had given her, for agreeing. 
In the four weeks that flew by, Xilä had become more vocal- mainly with a very selective few- not that she’d been out to meet anyone else.
The first week of her arrival, Xilä had been under the very strict watchful eye of Mo’at who oversaw her healing treatments and ensured that she rested and was fed at least three meals a day. 
Neteyam remembered during one particular family dinner his grandmother had described the poor girl to them as walking death, citing that she had come to the clan just in time.  
In not so many words she basically explained that her body was all fucked up from lack of food and nutrition- so suffice to say her healing had taken a much longer period…Neteyam couldn’t finish his dinner that night. 
His grandmother was soft for her, he noticed. She had even given him an ear full just last week for simply asking when she thought he could begin training with her. 
In the second week of Xi’s arrival, the Tsahìk had finally allowed visitors and thus, Kiri had made it her business to try and befriend the quiet Li’ona girl. 
Tuk was the one who gave Xilä her new nickname Xi, and even Neteyam found himself using it once or twice in the few times he had stopped by- it suited her, he thought. 
Xi had never had friends before and still wasn’t quite sure what the rules were, but as much as it was overwhelming sometimes, she liked it when they came to visit her. 
She was still very cautious of Kiri’s “monkey boy” at times, but eventually her curiosity would win over and she would muster the courage to ask him questions whenever he came along with his female friend. 
“Why do you have to wear that thing on your face?” 
“Do you really have no tail?” 
“What is a dude?” 
On one such visit from the human boy, he abruptly stopped talking mid sentence and started speaking to a Lo’ak, who she later learned was a Sully brother.
The strange thing though, it was just like what Jake had done on her first day. There was no one else in the room with them besides two sleeping patients. No Lo’ak to be seen- Spider was basically speaking and laughing to the air. 
Spider had eventually caught on to her confusion, then spent the rest of the afternoon teaching her about the communication devices they used to speak to someone far away- even giving her a try of his own- which was much too small by the way. 
He let her call Neteyam, and she was incredibly fascinated that she could hear his voice even though he had said he was in the middle of a training drill on the other side of camp. 
So Jake wasn’t insane then. 
Mo’at had kept her comfortable in her healing tent for the past few weeks and now that she was well enough, it was time for her to venture out- time for her lessons with Neteyam to begin. 
It also meant that she no longer needed to reside in Mo’at’s space, she could return to live with her father in the tent they were given. Nerves shook her at the thought of seeing him again. He had not once visited and she found that she did not miss him. 
“You four, done in there yet? Xilä and I have a lot to cover today,” Neteyam called out. 
At Kiri’s, “you can come in now”, he turned and instantly stopped dead in his tracks. 
The girl- no woman before him was almost unrecognisable. 
Xi, stood in the centre of the tent fidgeting uncomfortably with her new attire as he openly stared. 
Her top was a simple tubed cloth, tied behind her back which covered from the top of her chest to just above her belly button. 
From waist down she was draped in the same material as her top, though it hung low on her hips, and hit her mid thigh. Unlike the traditional Omatikaya loincloths, hers was more like a skirt knotted to a hip. It covered her backside completely, exposing only the expanse of one dusty blue thigh, and a gap for her tail. 
She bore no jewellery save a woven anklet she was most likely gifted by Kiri and her spice coloured hair shined and now fell in soft waves around her shoulders. She had clearly gotten an extreme haircut since he last saw her. 
Neteyam also noticed that he could no longer see her collar bones sticking out. Her cheeks had a glow to them and the dark shadows under eyes were no more. His grandmother had really done a fine job of getting her to a healthy weight in such a short time. 
Xilä bent to pick up her appalling boots. “Can I at least wear my-”
“No. You may as well walk barefooted! They are atrocious Xi,” said Kiri, eyeing the boots as if they were ikran scatt. 
“Oh.” Xi frowned and stared at them longingly, before putting them back down. 
Neteyam cleared his throat. “We’re running behind schedule. You ready Xi?” 
Since their very first meeting, he knew she was the most timid little thing he’d ever met- flinching at the slightest movement or even automatically following the simplest of requests, even if it looked like she clearly didn’t want to do it. 
It was one of the things about her he planned to tackle but for now was going to do his best to be soft. His mother and father had practically engraved the words “be nice” to him. 
Xi stared at the tent’s entrance with apprehension then nodded. “Yes.”
As they strolled through Home Camp, she kept her head down, focusing on the weird feel of the grass beneath her feet- tensed by all the stares and whispers that followed her. She instantly missed the comfort and safety of Mo’at’s tent, she felt too exposed now. 
“We have one stop to make,” Neteyam said, stopping in front of a small tent. He raised the flap for her to enter and she ducked under his arm. 
“Ah, just on time. ‘Teyam! My boy! Come, come. Come look. Tell me what you think? I will admit I thought it an odd request- especially by you. I’ve never done such strange foot coverings before- Jxo said they are called boots- but I’d say it looks alright for my first time. I even added a little extra pop as you kids say with some stitched darci beads, I hope you don’t mind. My D’avi says that’s what all the younglings like to use on their-”
“Salveen,” Neteyam said with an amused smile, interrupting the rambling elder. 
She rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh. “Ah, yes. I forget you are a busy boy now that you have grown up.” 
She pointed to Xilä with a questioning quirk of her brow and Neteyam nodded. She smiled kindly and reached her hands out to the female beside him. “Come closer my dear. Let’s see if it fits.” 
Xilä, baffled by the entire exchange, glanced at Neteyam as if asking for permission. She gasped when she crouched before the elder. In her hands were the most beautifully crafted pair boots she had ever seen. 
“For me?” When Salveen nodded, Xi shook her head. “Oh I couldn’t,” she said shyly. “It’s too much.”
“Don’t be silly dear. It is for you. It is a gift from the son of the Toruk Mak-”
“Salveen.” Neteyam interrupted again, this time with an unamused expression.
“Well it is, is it not?!” She snapped at him, before going soft again for Xi. “Come my child, do not let my art go to waste, I will be terribly saddened until the ends of my days. I have worked tirelessly in making them look perfect.”
Neteyam pinched the bridge of his nose and prayed to Eywa to give him patience. Damn the elder and her theatrics. 
The boots were a perfect fit and the brilliant smile upon Xi’s face as Salveen made her walk to and from the length of the small tent was worth the headache the elder had given him.
When she stopped in front of him again he asked faintly, “Do you like them?”
“I love them. They are perfect. I- thank you Neteyam…You must tell me how you would like for me to repay your kindness.” 
She had a difficult time looking people in the eyes, he noticed. He tilted downward and waited until finally she glanced up, fixing him with her brilliant eyes. 
“It is a gift. I do not require anything from you in return.” 
Salveen interrupted whatever she was about to say by making her do one more lap of the tent for good measure. 
“I wish I were as talented as you, ma’am. Thank you again,” Xi said graciously as they made their goodbyes. 
The elder laughed boisterously. “I knew I liked you. Call me Salveen deary,” Salveen responded, with twinkling eyes. “You must come visit me again. Yes? ‘Teyam, make sure you bring her on your next visit. Ohhh wait! Here, here. Won't you at least stay for some sari cakes. I made them extra sweet this time.”
“Have you ever had one dear?”
“Um, no I don’t think so,” Xi said, as Salveen herded her to a seat at the table, placing one in front of her.
“Salveen we really must be go-”
“‘Teyam, she’s never had a sari cake before, at least let her stay for one,” she huffed, patting the space on the floor beside her for him to join them. 
“You know when he was just a boy, he and his brother would run away from home just to come beg me to make them sweets. Oh the fright they would give their poor mother.” 
Salveen hooted in delight at her story and Xi couldn’t help grinning with a little silent laugh, herself. Neteyam however rubbed his temple as if in pain but eventually gave a laugh at the memory. 
After more than one sari cake, many attempted goodbyes, frustrated grumbles from Neteyam and long winded rambles from Salveen, they finally made it out of the tent. 
Neteyam led them around the perimeter of the camp this time, and was pleased to see that Xilä’s steps were much more confident which he pegged- was because of her new boots.
“What do you know about my people?” He asked as she tried her best to match his steps into the forest. 
‘Oh I guess the lessons are starting now,’ she thought. 
“Um…well you are the Omatikaya clan of course. The Olo'eyktan, Toruk Makto is JakeSully and-” 
Neteyam smirked at her pronunciation of his father’s name. 
“And…well, I don’t really know much else to be honest. Oh wait I know about the war- or some of it at least. I heard about how Hometree was lost. Is this where you all came to live, after there?”
“No, we lived in the Hallelujah Mountains for a few years. It was called High Camp. We moved here before it became too cramped. Families were growing and we needed enough space for everyone.”
She perked up. “High Camp. Hometree. Is that why this place is called Home Camp?” 
He nodded with a chuckle and made a joke saying, “Such originality, right?”
As they walked he told her about his people- expanding on their history, sharing some of their accomplishments. Neteyam spoke proudly of his clan and highly of his parents. It was obvious that his love for them ran deep and Xilä felt a small bubble of jealousy towards him. He had not only one, but two loving parents. 
“Your father has told us a bit about your clan,” he said, “My dad wants to help the people remaining there, maybe then there will be peace and your lands may flourish again. Your father doesn’t like the idea though. Our labs will still look into what may have caused the rains to stop but I recommend the entire clan should just relocate.”
She stopped in her tracks. “Why would your father do that? What does he want in return?”
He halted her and faced her with a frown. “Nothing. He only wishes to help. There are no expectations for anything in return.” 
“Like the boots?” She asked. 
“Yes, like the boots,” he smiled.
“Your customs are strange,” she murmured, “but I like them. They are kind.” 
He shot her a look she knew all too well. He pitied her. She continued their path and he followed. 
After a moment of walking in silence he asked, “Your father says there are no teachers, no educators in Li’ona…not for years. How is it that you speak so well?”
She pursed her lips. “I was told our clan had one educator left- from before, but he died a few moons after I was born. Most of the people had other worries besides education like food, water, shelter but my mother was a brilliant Na’vi. She did her best to teach me what she knew- what she remembered. She wanted me to have a future.”
Neteyam hesitated, “She did not come with you?”
Xi stopped in her tracks again, distracted by a vibrant yellow insect that was crawling up a massive pink leaf. He stopped too and observed her sad smile as her eyes followed the Hcarm bug. 
“You are lucky Neteyam. Eywa has blessed your home with such life, such beauty. I am sometimes overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and that I even get to experience it in my lifetime. My mother would have given anything for us to have lived like this. She said so all the time.” 
“Is she with Eywa?” He couldn’t help asking.
“No,” was all she simply said. “She is just gone.”
He swallowed. He knew if he pushed her she would respond- she would tell him what she meant, but he decided to drop it for now and continue on with her lesson instead.
Xilä tried to take Neteyam’s words of advice to heart. To not be too hard on herself. She felt disappointed after her first lesson. Basic tree climbing. She’d never had a reason to climb a tree before, and it showed. Neteyam was clearly going easy on her though which she appreciated. 
He had a whole lesson plan scheduled out. First lesson being, Navigation. He’d said he wanted her to learn the land. To build her stamina and be able to comfortably manoeuvre through, around and on the high trails. 
Navigation included things like jumping, running and leaping off ledges. This was how she was going to die. She just knew it. 
She was extremely uncoordinated- clumsy with her leaps and climbs. The only thing he had praised her for was her ability to walk silently. 
“I’m sorry. I promise I’ll try to do better tomorrow.”
Neteyam grinded his teeth for the umpteenth time that day. “Do me a favour Xi? Whenever we’re training- whenever you’re with me… no apologizing. Alright? I think I’ve lost count after your fiftieth, I'm sorry.” 
She opened her mouth to apologize again but instantly shut it when she saw his knowing look. “Alright. I’ll try.”
“So what other lessons do you have planned?” She wondered as they walked back to Home Camp. She noticed he had shortened his strides for her.  
“Well we technically skipped lesson one, but after navigation we’ll do language or maybe I’ll integrate it in between.”
She had so many questions already. 
“You can ask,” he said, seeing her puzzled expression. 
“What was lesson one?”
“Not so much a lesson I guess as an introduction per say. A tour of Home Camp, meeting the people. Seeing the different roles in action on a regular day. These people will become your family.”
She bit her lip apprehensively. “Why didn’t we start with that?” Secretly she was quite thankful it wasn’t her first lesson. She felt overwhelmed already. 
He jumped down with ease when they met a high ledge, then reached up to help her down- quickly averting his eyes when her skirt slid high up her thighs when she crouched to reach him.
The fact that she let him touch her meant her fear of heights ran deeper than her problem with touch. She was skittish anytime he brushed past her or touched her without warning. He berated himself for secretly missing when she had a concussion- she’d seemed fine with his touch then. 
Neteyam scratched his temple feeling a bit awkward by her question. In truth, he knew why he did it. He had seen the way she shied into herself the moment they left the tent. He couldn’t exactly stop people from whispering and gawking at her openly. 
And so he had quickly changed tactics and led her right into the heart of the forest instead. 
“Uh. Next question,” he went with.
She frowned. “Okay. You said my next lesson is language? But I already speak Na’vi.”
“You do. But we have many humans who live with us. Some who are still learning or do not speak as we do. If you want to learn our ways you will have to communicate with them at some point. Spider has been fluent in Na’vi since birth, so you will have no problems there, but our clan is interconnected. There is no separation. My father worked hard to get it that way.” 
“Don’t worry, just the basics. You’ll pick up the rest along the way I’m sure.”
When they returned to the encampment she began to feel uneasy again but for a different reason this time. Since she was well enough to move out of the healing tent, it meant she now had to go back to living with her father. 
Mo’at had told her that morning Neteyam would show her her new home at the end of the lesson. She’d even hugged her, surprising them both with the abrupt affection- telling her to come by anytime. 
He led her around the perimeter once more, and then they eventually entered a little community of tents. Home Camp was beautiful and full of life. The entire encampment was actually quite massive- clusters of small communities spaced out. 
The land was not even so some tents were either planted to the direct surface of the ground or elevated on flattened out mounds. Those situated on mounds had round stone steps leading to the entrances of the homes. 
“Alright, this is you here,” he said, pulling back the flap of a tent for her to enter. It was much smaller than the healing tent but far grander than their joke of a home back in Li’ona. By the looks of the interior, her father had obviously made himself at home because the place was a complete mess. 
Neteyam looked entirely shocked as he too observed the strewn blankets and leathers of her fathers bed, scattered weapons and loincloths, smashed fruit that looked to be molding against the heavy canvased walls and a forgotten bowl of what seemed to be rotting meat. 
What she assumed was supposed to be her bed now housed her father’s ratty, foul smelling cloak and boots. 
Xilä couldn’t help but flush in embarrassment, she hated that Neyetam had to witness this. 
“Um, right. I guess your father isn’t back yet. My dad took him on a hunt today,” he shifted awkwardly unsure what to say. He was seriously debating whether to grab her up and hightail out of the hellhole they were currently standing in. 
“The fuck are you doing in my home?”
They both turned to see the intimidating Li’ona male standing in the entryway- his glare focused on Neteyam. 
Xilä hadn’t seen him since their arrival date- four weeks ago. It seemed those weeks clearly had an impact on him. He had gained quite a few pounds of not only fat but muscle- his weak form no longer lanky and unhealthy looking. He had also seemed to embrace the Omatikaya attire fully, since he was now dressed in only a simple looking loincloth. 
T'shteyo stormed further in, dropping his bow, knives and arrow carrier haphazardly wherever he stepped. He threw himself into his mess of a bed and began stuffing his face with the contents in the leaf wrapped parcel he’d brought with him. 
Neteyam levelled him with a stare of his own which clearly read that he was not intimidated by any means. “We had our first lesson today, I was only showing her her new home.”
T'shteyo sucked his teeth and spat out a bone. “Well you showed her. You can fuck off now.” 
Neteyam pursed his lips, to reign in a snide remark then glanced at Xilä. She’d gone pale and her eyes were locked on her feet. She clasped her hands together but he didn’t miss the tremor she tried to cover up. It was clear as day- she was afraid. 
“Xi,” he called, but she didn’t move a muscle. He stepped forward, putting his back to her father as he faced her, blocking her from view. “Xilä,” he said softly. 
“Did you hear me, chief’s son?! I thought I told you- !”
Neteyam ignored the man’s ramble of bitter words and insults, focusing on the petrified female instead. “Show me your eyes, Xilä,” he said, gently. 
When she looked up at him, her face was blank. He expected tears but there were none. 
“I still don't feel very well. I-” she jumped when she heard the crash of a bowl being flung across the room. “Do you think Tsahìk will allow me one last night?” She whispered quickly as her father made his way over to them. 
The angry male reached out to grab her but Neteyam was faster. She was tucked behind him before she could even blink. 
“You misunderstood me T'shteyo. I was only showing Xilä the tent. She is still healing and will continue to stay where she is until otherwise.” 
T'shteyo’s nostrils flared. “She looks fine to me. Give her here- she’s got shit to do.” 
Neteyam was seconds away from knocking out the man before him. This was why he had avoided the man like a plague since their first and last meeting. He had promised his father he would not make a repeat of last time, and he knew if he stood there any longer it would be far worse than just a “verbal altercation”. 
But he couldn’t just leave it be either, could he?
“Xi go outside, I’ll be right there,” he said, not taking his glare off her father. 
“Ohohoho! So you think you’ve got her wrapped around your finger now, huh?” The man sang provokingly as he watched his daughter leave. 
“Listen to me,” Neteyam began dangerously, advancing slowly, “I am only going to say this once. If you touch her. I will hurt you. If you speak to her. I will hurt you. If you as so much breathe in her direction. I WILL HURT YOU.”
The older man glowered murderously. “Is that a threat?” He spat. 
“No. It’s a fucking promise.” And with that he walked off.  
Neteyam all but hauled them out of there and only when they were a few minutes away from the healer tents did he release a breath, letting go of his pent up anger. Xi, he realized, was practically sprinting. 
“Xi. Xilä. Hey, wait.” It was his turn to try and catch up with her. His touch was gentle when he cupped her elbow, turning her towards him. She didn’t look him in the eye though. “Is he always like that?” He asked.
“Yes,” she whispered to his chest. 
Neteyam stared at the ground- hands on his hips. He was in way over head with this entire situation. A miniscule part of him thought he should throw his hands in the air and say it wasn’t any of his business- drop the girl off with his grandmother then get back to his usual duties- tell his father he wanted no part of any of it anymore- her including. 
When he looked back at her though, he knew right then and there it was too late. He didn’t want to do any of that. He cared about the woman in front of him. 
She was smiling now and Neteyam followed her gaze to a Na’vi female and her two children. The mother picked up the littlest one and tickled his tummy making him squeal happily. 
The wind rustled her hair and when she faced him again she tucked it behind her ears. “I haven’t seen such little ones in years.”
“What do you mean? Do they not have children in your clan?”
She shook her head. “Eywa has not blessed Li’ona with a baby in almost ten years. There haven’t been any bondings either. All of the women left are already mated anyway.” 
‘Shit,’ he thought- he didn’t realize things were that bad. 
“Xi, your father…” Neteyam was trying his best to heed his dad’s words. To tread lightly but it was way past that for him. “You can’t stay there. Not with him.” 
She smiled sadly. “I don’t really have a choice. I’m going to have to go back tomorrow.” 
“Fuck no.” He looked at her as if it was the most absurd thing he ever heard. “You’re not going back there.” He began to walk towards the healer tents again and she hurriedly followed to keep up. 
“What do you mean? I have to! My father will-”
He stopped abruptly and rounded on her. “What? What exactly will your father do?” 
“....He’ll…. be upset.”
“Bullshit. Upset is putting it lightly sweetheart. We both know that.” He gestured to her arm where her last stubborn bruise was mostly healed- the area tinged in an ugly yellowish brown colour. “I’m not going to force you, but we’ll eventually have to talk about it.”  
She swallowed and looked away. “I know. Tsahìk warned me that you would.”
He blew out a breath. “Come on then,” he said, leading the way back.
Okay so, there we have it!
Let me know what you guys think :)
Part 4 will be up tomorrow instead of today, things pick up a bit in that part.
@jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite
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yutafrita · 8 months
Teaser /// 1 /// 2 /// 3
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Fallen Angel!Sungchan x Reader (she/her)
Preview WC: 712
Preview TW: Mentions of an arrest, discussions and depictions of food/ eating, sexual scenarios and innuendos, religious imagery and references
Story Synopsis: Finding out your best friend is a guardian angel is pretty mind numbing. It only gets worse when you find out a Fallen Angel has been hiding in your apartment for two years. You think your life can’t get any weirder, until you start lying about being married to keep your new job.
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“I was thinking,” you popped out from your room in your work clothes, holding a thin gold chain you never wore. “Maybe wearing something I own might help mask you in public. So you can leave without needing me.”
Your line of thinking was, if Sungchan was able to hide in your apartment without being found by the troop, then there was a chance he didn’t need you around at all times to stay safe. He turned around, spatula in hand as he furrowed his eyebrow. He was in the midst of cooking pancakes, and the faint hint of smoke reminded him of this before he turned back to face the stove and flip them.
“Are you kicking me out?”
“What? Of course not. I just figured you’d want actual independence even though you’re on the lam.”
“On the what?”
“On the lam? Running from the troops?” You elaborated. Sungchan had yet to disclose more information regardingthe warrant for his arrest, but you hadn’t really pressed much. You two had a solid cohabitating, co-existing, thing going and you really didn’t want to push your luck.
Sungchan slipped the pancakes onto the two plates he had set up before turning to face you. He seemed hesitant, and you went to further assuage his nerves.
“I… I think you’d like not having to rely on me to go around on your own.”
He seemed to mull it over before nodding and adding, “I haven’t been able to fly in a while.”
“Then it’s settled- try leaving the apartment while I’m at work and text me how it goes,” you moved closer then, holding the chain for him to see. You had gotten Sungchan a simple phone to use so you both could more easily communicate, and he seemed pleased with the device.
You kicked over your step stool as Sungchan turned back around. He tucked his wings slightly to give you easier access as you clipped the small chain around his neck. You never really wore it, but from the small glint it gave as it now sat on the collar of the Fallen Angel, it felt like it was really meant for him.
Standing slightly above him now, you looked closely at his wings. They were mostly black, with glints of gold and gray splattered at random places. The wings spanned all of his back, stopping just at his calf, and the feathers looked insanely soft.
“Everything okay?” Sungchan’s question snapped you back to reality.
“Um… can I ask something?”
“Yeah!” he turned back around, a smile on his face. He loved asking you questions, so it was as if he was excited to answer something for you.
“Can,” you sighed, embarrassed, “can I touch your wings?”
He raised his eyebrows, taken aback by the question.
“Sorry, I was just really curious,” you admitted, scratching the back of your neck.
“Y-yeah, go ahead,” he turned his back to you again, “I don’t think they’re anything special, though.”
You scoffed lightly before gently raising your hand, and caressing one of his wings. It was softer than anything you had ever touched before, and for a moment you swore the entire world went silent as you felt just how delicate they were. You caressed it again, before you heard Sungchan’s breath hitch and then a small whine followed before your whole body froze.
“Sungchan, are you okay?” you removed your hand, confused by his reaction. On the back of his neck and ears you could see his skin turning red. You stepped down from your position of height, stepping back to grab the syrup before noting that Sungchan still hadn’t moved.
“Are you embarrassed or something?” you were joking, but the angel looked over his shoulder and wings to glare at you, his whole face now tinted in red.
“Wings are… really… sensitive,” he admitted, emphasizing ‘sensitive’ heavily before it clicked. He hadn’t turned around yet because he was hiding what you apparently accidentally caused.
“Oh shoot I’m gonna be late for work,” you lied, ignoring the pancakes and rushing out of the apartment with your work bag and phone. You wanted to think as little about the accidental arousal you caused to your roommate, and forced yourself to ignore it as you took the train to work.
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Permatag! @nini0620
An Angel, my Angel, and me tags! @cherriruto @deonuism @lesserahyuck
If you would like to be added to the tag list feel free to lmk <3
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