#but i’m actively asking if you can so i can budget and possibly help
lilgynt · 6 months
i cannot even be sick without my mom being like i will make you want to kill urself
#personal#i’m crying i just want to sleep but my mom keeps waking me up for dumb shit#i’m mad at the dog can you record this voice message audio for my friend can you find out what happened between ur brother and aunt#and i’m like can i stop being a communication device#and she rolls her eyes and i’m like fine roll ur eyes i don’t want to be a commucation device#and she’s like i ask you for one thing and you just and whole blah blah#so i get upset and im like no it’s not one thing#you have me reaching out when we’re not talking to loan 600 *i* pay that back bc you couldn’t communicate wit me#that you couldn’t#i pay back ben from what you said you could and again you can’t just talk to me#and she’s like if i had the money id pay! no shit!!!!!!!! no shit!!!!!#but i’m actively asking if you can so i can budget and possibly help#and she’s like fine don’t ask him just stop i don’t want to talk about it#you don’t want to talk about anything and then she’s like you better stop before i kick you out#which im like that’s all you can do.#ofc until she needs money ofc then she’s definitely NOT Saying that#but anyway i ask and tell her and she’s like why did you ask also stop making things worse 🥺🥺🥺 like *i* started this#you woke me up asked me to ask and got in a whole screaming match about it!!!! i’m sick and tired from work!!!!!!!#anyway i’m crying and sick and tired we love it here#my nose is DOUBLE clogged#didn’t post this when i did but it was this then hey i cheated that was my friday
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justalittlesolarpunk · 8 months
hi! i love your blog :D do you have any advice to implement low waste and solarpunk aspects into everyday life with a tight budget? keep doing what you do!
Thanks for asking - I’ve had this question before and it’s definitely a real problem. Organic, plastic free food is expensive. So is handmade durable clothing, and train fares these days. It can feel like only the rich can be solarpunks, which is pretty counterintuitive given its anticapitalist ideology. But! I’m here to tell you there’s lots you can do to bring solarpunk into your life in a cost-effective way.
To start with, lots of solarpunk spaces are free or cheap. Get a library card and you can borrow as many books and DVDs and other resources as you like. Look up to see if there’s a library of things in your neighbourhood, and join a buy nothing or stuff for free group online. Download TooGoodToGo, which lets you access food from local cafes and restaurants which would otherwise go to waste. See if there’s a repair cafe that operates near you - I managed to get a pair of trousers mended at one of these for free, and I had been thinking I would need to pay a tailor (which is fine if you can afford it! Skilled labour deserves fair wages!). In some places plant-based food is cheaper, so when it is, choose it. But in others it will cost more than animal products so you have to decide on a case by case basis whether saving money or a particular diet is more important to you.
There’s lots else you can do for minimal spending or that actually saves you money. Walking to work or school avoids the expenditure in the petrol for a drive or a bus fare. If you’re within walking distance and able to do so, I’d recommend it. Joining your local chapter of Extinction Rebellion, Friends of The Earth, Greenpeace, The A22 network or any other active climate group in your area is almost always free and just involves a small weekly time commitment. This will introduce you to activists and inform you about protests and public meetings you can attend.
If you have the time in your week and the physical ability, which I acknowledge many people don’t, you can also join some sort of volunteer group looking after a nature reserve or tending a community garden (which might also give you access to free or discounted food). Learning to forage is also a good skill as that really is free food!
Depending on where you are, a green electricity tariff *can* also be less expensive. If this is the case and you have control over your provider, it’s worth switching to it. Buying books and clothes secondhand will also be better for the environment and your bank balance. Teaching yourself about the climate and the natural world with podcasts, YouTube, online free articles and other resources is also free and the knowledge will help you keep solarpunk at the front of your mind. Read good news stories online whenever you can, to remind you that good things are happening already.
If you’re employed, you can also try to influence green policy at your workplace or in your trade union. If you’re at school or university, joining (or setting up!) the environmental society and/or lobbying for change at the SU are both good ideas and shouldn’t necessarily cost you anything. If you can - and I know this is inaccessible for a big swathe of the population - put a very small amount of money aside whenever possible, because the more you save the more you can afford to buy better products, donate to causes, help out the needy in your community, travel in a greener way, and other more expensive choices. It’s all about that dual power.
Hope this helps get you started!
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greentrickster · 2 years
Before Binghe starts actively courting Shizun he realizes that he’s going to have to deal with his most dangerous opponent in this goal: Liu Qingge. He is a powerful adversary who has an (annoying) amount going for him and also those four years Binghe wasn’t there to bond with him. This will take strategy, and a deft hand.
Binghe: (pointing at the third slide of thirty-six slide presentation on why it would be better for Shizun to marry him first) Furthermore, Big Bro Liu is a skilled warrior, but has demonstrated no ability or training in keeping house or entertaining company, both of which are key duties of the first spouse. I, in contrast, have been training for such things my whole life, and would in fact prefer to be the one to handle such things-
(Slide seven gets into how LQG, being a war god, would be better suited for protecting Shizun from enemies and finding him cool monsters via night hunts)
(Slide nine allows for the possibility of LQG taking Shizun along on night hunts, but Binghe gets to come too because he doesn’t trust LQG’s cooking skills)
(Slide fifteen is just “Can you even balance a budget?”, that’s it, that’s the whole slide, it is accompanied by a pointed look and nothing more)
(Slide seventeen gets into how two balance two peak lords being married to each other and living arrangements)
(Slide twenty-two I’m the caretaker, you’re the provider, and Shizun is spoiled rotten, this is how things should be)
(Slide twenty-five admits that Binghe and LQG will probably have to start getting along if they want this to work since Shizun likes both of them)
(Slide twenty-six adds that, as a husband instead of househusband, LQG has 0% right to wearing a character apron. He can have a regular one to help around the house if asked, if he has complaints learn how to do laundry, the character apron is a privilege, not a right)
(Slide twenty-seven puts forth a potential breakdown of timetables for when they should each start courting and how they should support each other in these endeavors)
(Slide thirty-five relents that this is, of course, all hinged on Shizun being willing to marry either of them - Shizun’s word is law)
(Slide thirty-six: Questions?)
Liu Qingge has many questions and much confusion, especially over the fact that Binghe seems to be making some legitimately good points and have some decent ideas in here, especially regarding both their strengths and weaknesses.
And, while I do enjoy a nice throuple with these three, a good ol’ equilateral triangle relationship, in this AU I like the idea of Shen Qingqiu being in romantic relationships with both Binghe and Liu Qingge, and Binghe and Liu Qingge in a queer platonic relationship with each other. The idea of them somehow sliding into this quiet, mutually supportive relationship laced with non-sexual intimacy and shoring up each others’ weaknesses. And Luo Binghe stays home while Liu Qingge comes and goes as he needs and pleases, and they all give and receive different things from each other.
Thinking about it, it might be interesting if Liu QIngge was actually more comfortable with Binghe visiting his dream realm than Shen Qingqiu, just because in his dream realm there’s the whole environment to communicate what he wants to say instead of just words, which he has a hard time with. Possibly Binghe could teach him a little about controlling his personal dream realm, maybe learn how to send messages in dreams so he has a way to call for help if something happens on a mission or night hunt and there’s no one nearby to help him. In return, Liu Qingge helps Binghe re-hone his sword skills (regardless of iteration, this world they live in is dangerous and fighting skills are basically a requirement, even for a househusband), since he and Binghe are both physical cultivators in contrast to Shen Qingqiu’s spiritual cultivation...
...also this was meant to be a semi-humorous post about Binghe trying to get Liu Qingge to go along with his plans via a slideshow, when did it turn into serious relationship development and exploration between the two of them and how this relationship fits into this AU...?
Anyway, point is, these two can be super hot together, but I’ve enamored myself with them quietly leaning on each other in this AU as they care for the man they both love in their own ways.
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novankenn · 10 months
Ah, come on!?!
Wolf Bete watched completely stunned as Jaune took off his VR Goggles, pulled a pillow out of the bottom drawer of his desk and fell asleep... in the span of less than a minute.
Wolf Bete: This is bullshit.
Pulling the lab coat tighter about his/her body, Wolf Bete idly started to look about the lab. Multiple monitors and screens showed stats, and had lines of code rolling past. Some even appeared to be possibly showing vitals. Which surprised Wolf a little bit. He/she was under the assumption that only they had been in the body building stage... but apparently that was not the case.
Standing up and making a considerable effort to insure the lab coat stayed closed, Wolf Bete started to walk about. Bare feet made slapping noises as they moved along the cold tiled floor. Carrying Wolf Bete along the wall of monitors and view screens, until he./she came to stop next to the only other desk in the fairly expansive room. Sitting upon it were several tablets, almost as if they had been tossed there out of annoyance. Picking one up, Wolf Bete started to read.
Wolf Bete: Hydra...hmm... regenerating grimm... hmm... eight heads... hmm... venom breath... that's so cool!
Wolf Bete lowered the tablet and gave the sleeping form of Jaune a glare.
Jaune: I can feel you starting at me. Stop it.
Wolf Bete: How could you?
Jaune: How could I what?
Wolf Bete: I'm not even done with quality control, and you're already making another... plus, this one has so many awesome powers! Regeneration, multiple heads... venom breath! Where's my special powers?
Jaune: Keep reading... and you do have powers.
Wolf Bete: But not venom breath!
Jaune: Keep reading, and do it quietly... I need sleepy-time.
Wolf turned his/her attention from the grumbling form of Jaune, who during the whole conversation hadn't once lifted his head from his pillow, and continued to read.
Wolf Bete: WHAT!?! How can you be a hydra with only one extra head? No Venom breath? No regeneration? What the hell! This is nothing like the first page!
Jaune: It's sleepy-time. Keep it down.
Wolf Bete: Seriously, dude, how could you let...
Jaune: (shooting Wolf Bete a glare from his pillow) I didn't let anything happen. I was out voted and my budget was cut.
Wolf Bete: Still...
Jaune: Still nothing. I do the best I can with what I have. If the BoD wants to yank two thirds of my proposed budget away from the development of a monster and... and... and...
Wolf Bete: And?
Jaune: Transfer it into our Mobile Applications Department to... to... (Jaune's deep blue eyes started to tear up) to...
Wolf Bete: To?
Jaune: Hire more people, so... so... so they can create larger and more DLC... (sob)
Wolf Bete sets down the tablet and turned his/her head away as Jaune starts bawling into his pillow, sobbing and choking about how he only needs one employee just to help out... just one.
Wolf Bete: Gee dude, get a gr...
PA: Proximity Alert! Proximity Alert!
Wolf Bete: What the hell is that?
Jaune: Crap, crap, crap!
Wolf watches as Jaune knocks his pillow aside and slaps on his VR goggles, before starting to type madly at his keyboard.
Jaune: Not good. Not good!
Wolf Bete: What's going on?
PA: Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!
Jaune: Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck! Shit!
Wolf Bete: Jaune!
Jaune: Activate your armour! Someone has gotten into the lab facility! I'm activating the automated defence systems...
Wolf froze for a second and the frowned. Why was he/she naked if she/he had armour they could activate?
Wolf Bete: When were you going to tell me about the armour thing? Like I’ve been standing around basically naked and this whole time I could have been wearing something aside from your stinky lab coat?
Jaune: I don’t smell, and I’m tired, okay! Really… exhausted! So EXCUSE ME for forgetting something!
Wolf Bete: Take a chill dude! I was just asking!
PA: Automated Defences offline.
Jaune: Crap! Crap! Crap! This is SO coming out of my budget!
Wolf Bete: Seriously?
Jaune: Forget it, just forget I said anything. Are you ready?
Wolf takes a moment and thinks, instantly understanding how to activate their armour. A second later they were sporting bone white plated over their chest, waist, hips and upper thighs… the entire ensemble comparable to someone wearing a sports-top and biking-shorts, with matching armour plates on his/her forearms and shins.
Wolf Bete: Ready!
Jaune: Good! (Stands up and heads for the door.) Let’s go! We need to stop whoever this is!
Wolf Bete: You’re coming?
Jaune: Well duh. I need to observe you… make sure everything is working properly.
Wolf Bete: So you’re not going to help?
Jaune: I’m a listed non-combatant… so I can’t.
Wolf Bete: What if I start to lose? You mean you can’t even help me then?
Jaune: Not officially…
Wolf Bete: How about Unofficially?
Jaune: What are you worried about? You’re the best, most sophisticated monster I’ve ever made… so far.
Wolf Bete: That makes me… heh! What was that?
Jaune: What was what?
Wolf Bete: I’m the best you made… SO FAR? What is that suppose to mean? Like that is totally a motivation killer dude!
Jaune: It’s the truth! You’re the pinnacle of my work… but my work is always evolving! I’m always striving to be better.
Wolf Bete: So what happens to me when one of these ‘BETTER’ creations shows up? Do I get tossed by the wayside?
Jaune: No!
Wolf Bete: Then what happens? What happened to your other creations? Tell me that!
Jaune: They were retried and got office jobs at Head Office!
Wolf Bete: So you will… wait what? Did you say they have office jobs? What type of office job can a monster do?
Jaune: Well… I… um… well…
Wolf Bete: That was a lie! They’ll destroy me when you make my replacement!
Jaune: No they won’t!
Wolf Bete: How do you know? Where are your other creations?
PA: Intruder in sublevel three.
Jaune: There are none, okay? You’re my first!
Wolf Bete: Huh? How is that possible? Like… huh?
Jaune: I JUST finished my degree, and everything up until you have been theoretical prototypes… you’re my first design that the BoD has ever approved for actual production!
Wolf Bete: I’m the first? I…
Jaune: Yes, you are now… I need you to do your thing and get rid of our intru…
The sound of groaning and creaking metal caused both Jaune and Wolf to turn towards the locked steel door of the lab. A black glow surrounded the door, and the pair watched in amazement as the door buckled outward and then folded itself in half, before falling to the floor useless.
Jaune/Wolf Bete: Holy shi…
????: This is the end of the line Inner Circle! I’m going to shut down this vile hive of evil and villany!
Jaune: No…
Wolf Bete: Is that?
Jaune: Yes…
The pair watched as an armoured female figure stepped over the ruined remains of the door. Her bodysuit was a bright crimson red that matched her flowing hair. The metal plates of her armour, a golden bronze. Her facial features were hidden behind some sort of mask that covered her face, yet left her hair unhindered.
Jaune/Wolf Bete: The Red Huntress.
RH: Surrender and I will make sure the Vale Authority show you leniency, evildoers!
Wolf Bete: (Looking at Jaune) Did she just say evildoers?
Jaune: (Looking at Wolf) Yes.
Wolf Bete: I’ve just been born, and even I know that is lame.
RH: It is not lame! It’s heroic! Now enough! Surrender!
Jaune: You got this, Wolfie.
Wolf Bete: (Giving the Red Huntress a very toothy grin) Yeah, I do!
Wolf was a blur as they shot forward, closing on the Red Huntress in fractions of seconds. His/Her hands and forearms turning black and becoming wickedly curved and sharp claws. A shield of shining bronze appeared from nowhere, intercepting the attack, but the power behind the strike was enough to drive the Red Huntress back and into the far wall of the corridor.
RH: This monster is strong… I will have to be… huh?
Wolf Bete: That’s right, Red Huntress! I’ve got your number, and after I’m done beating you down, they’ll have to give me my new body!
RH: This is SO WRONG! I knew the Inner Circle were fiends… but… but this!
Wolf Bete: What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re…. HEY!
RH: (Booking it up the hall and away from the lab.) FILTH! SMUT! MY VIRGIN EYES!
Wolf Bete: You better run! I’m going to…
Jaune: Wolfie!
Wolf Bete: WHAT!
Jaune: (Turns his head, his face flushed red.) Put on the lab coat.
Wolf Bete: Why? I have my armour on!
Jaune: Ah… there seems to be an error with your armour… 
Wolf Bete: Error?
Jaune: Um… yeah… um… you’re not wearing it anymore. 
Wolf Bete: (Looks down and sees that they are indeed naked.) AHHHHHHH!!!
Jaune: There must be a calibration error or something… I can fix it… with a patch… but… put on a lab coat… please?
(== Table of Contents ==)
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Hi Sarah! You just got married, so I’m wondering if I can get yours/other TSSQers thoughts on something. I’m the Maid of Honor in a good friends’ wedding in August. She went ahead and sought out venues for the Bridal Shower and never got anyone else’s input or budget. When I asked her about it, she said she booked it without taking anyone else’s budget into consideration. About a month ago, she told me that if the bridal party paid for it, it would be $250 each & and that traditionally, that’s what happens. Then she told another girl in the party that she wants us to get games/prizes and a favor for each of the ~50 guests who will attend. So I reached out to the bridal party and the consensus was everyone could chip in $150. These are not wealthy people and $150 is a lot of money. When I told my friend what we could do, she replied with “okay 👍🏻”. She followed up a few days ago saying she expected we’d pay for the whole thing and how did we come to $150? Now she’s changing the amount to $230, but she says she thinks that’s “fair” for us to chip in. I’m at a loss here. I’m not going back to the group and asking people to pay more after they already said they can’t. Am I the asshole here? I want my friend to have her day, but the entitlement here is throwing me for a loop. xx
Hi! Ahhhhh bridal party budget drama. I know it well. Lol.
In my experience (note this is just my own - your mileage may vary) having been to a number of bridal showers (including my own) whoever is 'hosting' the shower should be paying. From my experience, this was usually someone in the bride's family and often older (an aunt, mom, sister, grandmother, etc).
The bachelorette? Yes. 100%. That's something split between the attendees and organized by the MOH/bridal party. For that I would expect communication to go from the bride to the MOH to the wider party with basic expectations (location ideas, activities she'd like to take part in) and the group decides what's reasonable/affordable for each. Always a tricky convo! Everyone's budget is different! This shit is expensive and outrageous!
But back to the shower. It was important to my mom that I had a bridal shower and tbh it was mostly for her friends (my 'aunties') because I was having a smaller wedding where her friends were not invited so my mom paid for the entire thing (catering, decor, games, party favours, etc). My bridal party helped organize, coordinated with vendors, did party set up, sourced decor, etc - but my mom footed the entire bill because she was 'host' and it was 'her' event. My bridal party paid in their time and labour which is also of value and hugely underrated in the entire wedding parade of chaos and commitments. Brides do just want to feel special and I very much understand (and have been in the position!) of just wanting ATTENTION AND LOVE DAMNIT. It's very easy to get swept up in the details and to feel overwhelmed and to just want to feel like someone is caring for you! And unfortunately in weddings that care typically shows up in $$$. Again! Expensive!! Outrageous!!!
I would tell your bride that you want to do everything you can to make sure it's going to be a beautiful day for her but transparently the most the group can afford is $X/person. Because it's her dream venue and you all want it to happen is it at all possible for her to chip in to make up the difference? FWIW I had this happen on a bachelorette where the bride wanted one specific house and no other one would do (in fairness, she made the right call about the house it was a good decision) and because she had her heart set on that one particular place she chipped in equally for the AirBnb cost.
Godspeed! Please keep me posted! I am here for you and all the wedding fuckery any time!
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
Stress Ball
Poor Lucifer is more stressed than usual...
Do y'all remember this little beauty? Well, @midnight-vixn's prompt was too good to just be that one little blurb, so...I wrote more.
Lucifer x Delphi
Word Count: 1.6K
Content warnings: fem!OC, vaginal penetration, rough sex, implied masochism, praise kink, pet names (love, darling, little one)
Other Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, and making her first appearance in Delphi's story, @sassykattery's MC Altaira!
Lucifer hasn’t slept properly in a week. He hasn’t slept in his bed in two. And he hasn’t been able to relax in twice as long. He hasn’t exactly been subtle about his frustrations, either. He’s been snapping at his brothers, withdrawing from social obligations in favor of work, and even neglecting his relationship.
Of course, Delphi understands exactly what’s going on. The school festival is coming up and Diavolo has put most of the work on Lucifer, as usual. He’s been up all hours of the day and night trying to organize a budget that had been left in shambles, resolve stubborn class conflicts over activities that his brothers weren’t able to resolve, plan what the student council themselves were going to do for the festival, and still attend his classes. Delphi tries to help as much as she can, delegating as much as she possibly can to the brothers, but Lucifer still has entirely too much work for one demon to do.
And though it warms his heart every time she brings him a fresh cup of coffee or a plate from whichever meal he’d missed, and he relishes every kiss she presses to his temple before she goes to bed, his mood grows more sour by the day.
The final straw, he decides, is the text he receives from Diavolo asking him to go to the human realm to retrieve some potion or other that Solomon can’t make with ingredients from the Devildom. By the time he makes it to Delphi’s curses and hexes class, he’s barely holding back his demon form. She follows him without a word, despite her confusion, into Diavolo’s empty office.
She even more confused when he slams her into the door and locks it behind them, his wings unconsciously caging her in and shielding her from eyes that aren’t there. When he crashes his lips into hers, she melts into his grasp, letting him open her up and take what he needs. He grabs her ass and lifts her up, growling as she wraps her legs around his waist and grips the bases of his horns. He slides his tongue over hers, squeezing her ass in response to her moans.
“Lucifer,” Delphi pants when he breaks away, sinking his teeth into her neck and leaving behind a deep purple ring.
“I need you,” he groans into her skin. “I feel like I haven’t seen you since preparations for the festival began and I just…I need you.”
She pulls him up to face her, staring into his pleading eyes and giving him a soft smile. “You know I’m yours. But why Diavolo’s office?”
A wicked grin breaks out on Lucifer’s beautiful features. “You mean you don’t want him to come back from his meeting with some of the most awful nobles in the Devildom only to be driven mad by our scents so thick in his office that he can barely breathe?”
Delphi can’t help the matching grin that curls at the corners of her lips. “Do what you need to, love.”
Lucifer moves fast enough that when he lays her face down on the desk, it knocks the wind from Delphi’s lungs. Before she can catch her breath, he’s got her pants and underwear around her ankles and he’s thrusting into her with wild abandon. He grips her hips hard, deep blue bruises forming under his long fingers as he pounds into her.
Delphi grips the edge of the desk in front of her, cries of ecstasy flying from her lips. She’s helped Lucifer de-stress before, but it was nothing like this. Before it was hot, sure, him taking out his frustrations on her as if he couldn’t break her with one too-strong thrust. But now she can tell that even then he was holding back.
This is like trying to straddle a tornado or a hurricane. All she can do is hold on and ride out the storm.
Heat twists within her, building quicker than she thinks it ever has as he repeatedly and relentlessly hits that sweet spot deep within her that they both know hurts so good. She can feel herself getting closer and closer to release, clenching until she’s so tightly wound she’s unsure how he’s still able to move.
“Go on, love,” Lucifer coaches, his tone soft despite the ferocity with which he’s both holding and fucking her. “Come as many times as you need.”
“Fuck! Lucifer!” Delphi cries, stars dancing across her vision as she trembles beneath him. She can't move with him holding her hips down, but she can swear a blue steak so loud that she's sure it can be heard down the hall.
Her head swimming, she’s grateful when he slows and turns her over, fully removing the rest of her clothes and shoes. His hands trace her curves, caressing every inch of soft skin he can reach. Delphi arches into his touch, soft moans and whimpers escaping her hoarse throat. She groans lightly as he shifts her closer to the edge of the desk, lifting her already-sore legs to rest on his shoulders.
The burn in the backs of her thighs is nothing compared to the inferno building in her core with every long, deep stroke of Lucifer’s cock within her sensitive walls. His thrusts build in speed and intensity until her whimpers turn to moans and her moans turn to cries once more. Delphi reaches for the edge of the desk again, but is stopped when Lucifer takes both of her hands in one of his, entwining their fingers above her head. As he restrains her hands, he captures her lips once more with his, lapping up her cries of pleasure with a satisfied smirk.
With a few more precise nudges of his tip against that deepest spot within her, Delphi’s arching off the desk, eyes screwed shut as her walls clench around him. Her hips jerk erratically as tears sting at the corners of her eyes, a strangled cry making its way past her lips as she throws her head back. Her second orgasm crashes around her like a summer storm, hot and intense and over nearly as quickly as it began. She’s left trembling beneath her love as he slows to a steady roll, burying his face in the crook of her neck and placing scorching, open-mouthed kisses along the thin skin there.
“You’re doing so well, my love,” Lucifer murmurs, nibbling lightly at her earlobe. He chuckles at the whimper she lets out in response. “You are absolutely perfect, my darling little human.”
“Luci, don’t stop,” Delphi begs, her voice a high whine. She can feel his pact mark activating on her throat, its heat blooming and spreading over her neck and chest.
Grinning, he breathes into the shell of her ear, “Do you like it when I praise you, love? When I tell you how beautiful you look beneath me like this? Or how good you feel around my cock, like you were made just for me?”
Delphi nods frantically, eyes squeezing shut as she chokes on a sob. She can feel everything within her tightening once more, the throbbing of the pact mark on her throat only heightening the sensation.
“Will you be good for me and give me one more, little one?” Lucifer hums, gripping her earlobe between his teeth once more. He releases her hands, allowing her to wrap her arms around his shoulders and grip him tightly, her nails digging sharply into his ivory skin.
Her release is explosive, crying out his name one final time as the earth seems to shatter around her and her vision goes completely white. She feels Lucifer's hips shudder and suddenly she's being filled with warmth. He continues to thrust into her, fucking her through her orgasm and pushing his cum as deep as he possibly can within her.
Delphi whimpers as she comes down from her high, legs sore and energy fully spent. She lets her arms fall to the desktop and her head fall to the side. Lucifer takes the opportunity to nip at the thin skin of her neck once more, grinning.
“How does going home sound, my love?” he asks, his breath tickling her overstimulated nerves.
She jerks at the feeling, whining as she feels fluids beginning to leak down her thighs and onto the desk. Peering up at him through heavy lashes, she nods. “Please?”
She cries out one last time when Lucifer pulls out, their combined fluids dribbling from her abused hole onto the papers left on the desk. He dresses her quickly, supporting her so that she can step into her bottoms, then takes her into his arms in a bridal carry. He whisks her out of the office nearly as fast as he pushed her into it, making sure to turn the lights off and lock the door behind them.
When Diavolo opens his office after his meeting, he nearly chokes. The smell of sex is so thick in the air that it's almost palpable. But worse than that is who he smells. Lucifer. And Delphi. The exchange student hasn’t spoken to him other than single-syllable responses to direct questions since her return from the human world, and Diavolo isn’t honestly sure that he can ever repair the damage he’s done to their relationship.
He goes to retrieve some papers he’d planned to work on tonight and blanches as he approaches his desk, seeing the papers he left there completely soaked. He looks back up at the doorway where Barbatos and a blonde about half his height stand, Barbatos with one gloved hand over his mouth and nose and the blonde with her hands on her hips, grinning like a cat.
“Who’d you piss off this time, babe?” she teases, crossing her arms over her chest and tapping one of the silver charms on her uniform sleeve with one long nail.
“I believe I might have upset Lucifer,” Diavolo groans, running a hand through his hair.
“I daresay you might be right, my lord,” Barbatos replies, expression never faltering.
Altaira snickers, D.D.D. already out and half a text already typed up.
Partner in Crime 😈
A: You two are in SO much trouble! 🤣🤣
D: Worth it~
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clothyume · 5 months
Colourful Good Job Episode 3
Episode 3
Season: Summer 
Characters: Kuro, Sora, Niki
(The next day)
Sora: HaHa~♪ Hello! Sora is enthusiastic today too☆
Niki: Hiy~a, Harukawa-kun. You’re enthusiastic today too, eh~
Sora: Hm~ ? Cooking-onii~san, you have a happy ‘colour’?
Niki: So you can tell! The truth is, earlier I was notified that the package I ordered has been shipped♪
Anyway, what do you mean by ‘colour’?
Sora: Yep. Sora can see lot’s more ‘colours’ than other people 
Cooking-onii~san is always overflowing with bright ‘colours’. It makes Sora happy just watching.  
Niki: Eh, sounds like fun. My cooking looks just as colourful, doesn’t it?  
Kuro: Oh, I’m the last huh. Were you waiting long?  
Niki: No, you made it in time so it’s okay
Kuro: My bad. Anyway, everyone is here, so let’s get started with the plan for the staff appreciation party.  
Sora: HiHi~! Sora collected some information from the staff just for today!  
Niki: Harukawa-kun did something like that, eh 
Sora: Yup! It was fun getting to hear lots of different stories~. Sora summarised all the data, wanna see?  
Kuro: Lemme see… Lots of people said they had thought about it, but were too busy with work to know if they could participate  
Sora: It’ll be sad if no one comes even though we’re hosting it especially 
Kuro: It’d be nice if it can be held at a time when as many people as possible can stop by
Niki: Well what about after everyone’s finished with work? Like saying thanks for working hard every day?  
Sora: Ah… But, Sora heard that it’s a problem if its too late~. Everyone has different circumstances when they’ve finished work, Sora wants to respect their privacy  
Niki: Ah~ That’s true. If I can’t eat a delicious meal then I definitely wouldn’t participate… 
Kuro: What about holding it around noon?  
Normally, anyone would go to the staff canteen or “Cinnamon”, but on the day of the staff appreciation party we can serve a delicious meal so everyone can feel refreshed 
Sora: HuHu~ That’s a great idea! That way we don’t have to get in the way of the staff’s work~♪ 
Niki: In that case, we should find a place closer to ES. Maybe more people will come if it’s a place that doesn’t take long to travel to 
Kuro:  Ah. Where in ES… What about a large conference room or the break room? 
Niki: If it’s not even halfway big enough everyone will end up crammed in 
Sora: If that happens, no one will be refreshed at all~?  
Niki: Somewhere a little more open would be a better idea. Are there any good ideas in the data you’ve summarised?
Sora: Hm~m. A place where it’ll be okay if lots of people turn up, and a sense of openness… 
Ah, what about the sky garden? It’s outside so it won't get cramped even if everyone turns up! 
Kuro: That’s right. It’s really spacious, so that’s not a bad idea  
We’ve got the venue down, next is food… 
Niki: Loud and clear! I want you to take a look at the menu I’ve been thinking up to fit the budget 
Kuro: Are you going to make the meals in advance and then bring them to the sky garden? 
Niki: Of course. It’s necessary to prepare in advance but taking each individual order and preparing it there and then wouldn’t be impossible
‘Cinnamon’ has a mobile stall, so I’m gonna ask to lend it♪ 
Sora: A stall? It’s going to be like a festival, how fun~♪ 
Kuro: Haha, Harukawa-kun seems really keen, so let’s go with the idea of borrowing that stall to make the meals
Niki: Roger that! As the chef, I want people to eat my freshly-made food 
Kuro: We have Shiina to do the cooking, so we don’t need to worry♪ 
Niki: Of course, leave it to me! But if I get tired, you’re good at cooking aren’t you, Kiryu-kun
We’ve cooked together many times during club activities, you’re really skillful and helpful 
Kuro: I’m nowhere near as good as a chef though. What about Harukawa-kun? Do you usually cook meals?  
Sora: Nope, Sora doesn’t really cook~. All Sora can do is help someone cook 
Kuro: If that’s the case, I wonder if easy meals will be good enough.  
Niki: If it comes to it, we could make grilled dishes. Like yakisoba or yakitori~… 
(30 minutes later) 
Sora: Hmm~… Have we decided what we need to do?  
Kuro: Although the budget is limited, we’ve written a surprisingly strong plan, haven’t we?  
Niki: I feel like we’ve got a fun idea that makes me think “I’ll do my best tomorrow too”, right, Harukawa-kun?
Sora: Yeah! I think this plan will make the staff and the others happy!  
Sora alone couldn’t have made a plan like this~ Thank you so much♪ 
Niki: No way, Harukawa-kun collected all the opinions in advance!  
Kuro: It’s as Shiina says. Without this, it would’ve been tough to make a plan today 
Sora: Sora is very happy that Sora could be useful~♪ 
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For the giftless grandkids (minus Antonio) au-
Luisa works as a construction worker? (Or something that has to do with building things.)
Isabela is a botanist and/or owns a flower/paint shop. It’s up to you. 
Dolores could possibly be a librarian. It’s simple, quiet, and doesn’t require much work. Unless you think she would be fit for something else.
Mirabel is learning how to be an embellisher. (reference to your HC). 
Camilo is a theater kid, always will be. Probably learning how to be an actor and make costumes and such.  
Camilo used to drag Mira into helping him finish up detailing his costumes and outfits. Or just ask her about what she would put here or there and do it himself instead. After a while he bothered her less and figured things out himself but they still hang out. 
(And sorry if this doesn’t align with your perception of Camilo but I HC that he likes making clothes. Especially outfits for his family and costumes for his plays. Yes, he’s lazy. He will give up if a project it’s a bit much too much. But if buddy can chase kids around all day in canon I do think he can have energy to make clothes in an au)
I’m not entirely sure what to do for angst. Do you think Alma would still pressure Isa into being perfect/marrying mariano?
I’m assuming we’re dropping the royalty idea then? Because obviously none of them would be working in that case. And I’m going to assume we’re in the canon setting as well for this.
Completely agree!
Luisa would definitely work in construction. She’s a huge construction nerd in canon, so getting to do that right off the bat? Amazing! She probably still helps out a lot around town, especially without a gift, I can imagine she still is a bit of a workaholic.
Mirabel, once old enough, would definitely be hired by a local seamstress as an embellisher. She wouldn’t be getting any of the credit, but I think she would rather it that way. She wouldn’t want to be swarmed by people or anything. Probably unintentionally lets herself be treated unfairly by her boss subsequently.
The other three? Not so much. People forget that this is a small, rural town, that hasn’t modernised beyond the 1890s:
Flower shops weren’t a thing in such areas yet. (Flower shops originated in 1875 and only got popular in later years). There may be a small market stand or two for bouquets in Encanto, but that would be about it. Most people would just pick flowers or grow their own in their gardens. Besides Isa would rather work with more interesting plants than flowers anyways
Though libraries have been around for thousands of years, the chances of Encanto having one are very slim. There would just be bookshops. And it would be very different from what we know in the present day. Bookshops were fairly small and just ran by the owner, there wasn’t a need for more employees
Encanto probably has a small, local theatre (that is probably used for other things in the “off season”), but it wouldn’t be active so frequently. Jobs would be few and far between, as it would only be used every so often. Costume designers wouldn’t really a thing as there would be much budget for it. Costumes and props were just collected from people’s own belongings, things rarely would have been specifically made
If Isabela were to have a vaguely nature related job, she’d most likely work as a fieldworker on another family’s farm. That would be the best source of pay and most in demand job. If we don’t force her into a nature related job at all, I could see her being a dance teacher for children. (As dance was a lot more common practice back then). She wouldn’t overly enjoy it the same way Luisa and Mira would enjoy theirs because teaching children isn’t something I think Isa cares about, but dance is something within her skill set.
Considering how musical she is, it is fair to say that Dolores would definitely pursue a music related career. Either joining a local band/orchestra or being part of a choir or playing the church organ, etc. There would be a lot of option. I can imagine that she takes one of the aforementioned jobs, but secretly would rather be out and composing her own music than doing this. Not that she dislikes it per se, but she would want to make something herself.
Camilo would probably still be an actor, but definitely would need a second job to keep himself going. Looking at his skill set and interests, working with children is something he’d really enjoy. It’s already canon. He probably still does a lot of babysitting; people are always going to have children, so he’d always be needed. He is the Mary Poppins of Encanto, if you will.
In question to Abuela marrying them off? I think she still would - more children may equal more gifts. But I don’t think she’d be as set on making it happen right now. I’m sure she’d be convinced to wait a few years before trying to marry Isabela (and later the others) off. Antonio would be the only one she’d want to make a truly spectacular marriage.
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sinkat-arts · 2 years
WIP Wednesday... Daisuga, Again
[I only post bits I actively worked on for the week. If I don't stop fiddling with the first chapter, though... at this rate, I might as well just post the whole dang thing. Daichi's catching up with Kuroo over dinner here.]
“Oh, you know. Surviving. Work’s been tough, but what I’m doing now is really interesting… so I don’t mind the extra hours.” In fact, Daichi preferred the extra hours, but he kept that information private. 
“It’s like… jailbreaking phones and stuff, right?” Kuroo asked, hand moving to cover his own phone protectively and pull it further away from Daichi. “So you can snoop. Narc.”
“No… I’m an investigator. It’s different,” Daichi said and rolled his eyes, defensive because the accusation actually did hit a nerve. His work was interesting in a clinical sense, but in practice, even he had to admit it made him queasy to see all the intimate details of people’s lives that their phones protected. Depending on the case, it felt like a violation.
Stop: Do not think of what is on -your- phone. 
“So it’s police-sanctioned narc-ery, then. Same thing… a rose by any other name...” Kuroo answered, grinning again and clearly gunning for a reaction. 
“We’re quoting Shakespeare now?” Daichi asked, injecting enough condescension into his tone to wilt an entire garden of roses. “Then how about this one... ‘The fool doth think he is wise…’” 
“Damn, Sawamura. Sick burn.” Kuroo said with a sarcastic lilt, smirking and pulling back from the table in a mock defensive gesture.
“I get one in every now and then,” Daichi answered.
Raising his hands in surrender, Kuroo laughed and moved on. “But you’re just… pulling shit off people’s phones?”
“Yes… Well, no, but close. I don’t do that part. I just take the data and do digital analysis and investigation. Connecting the dots. Stuff like that.” 
Kuroo gave him an appraising look and shook his head. “Gotta say… I never thought you’d choose a desk job… Doesn’t seem very… you? You’re more hands-on. ” 
“I mean… I’m still on patrol every day. I’m not an analyst yet. But… it’s a specialized skill, so better job security and a pay bump… Lets me send more money back home, too, so it seemed like a good choice.” That was a half-truth. Had his plan succeeded, it would have let him send more money home to help his mom. She was a single mother with two teenagers at home and two other kids in college right now, and funds were, as always, tight. 
Of course, all that would only have been possible if his plan succeeded. It very spectacularly did not succeed, so he was stuck in an overpriced shoebox in Tokyo, barely able to send the same amount he’d sent when he was still in Miyagi. The plan, after all, had relied on having two incomes in the budget. 
But that was a dangerous train of thought to board, one that would run off the rails very quickly if he indulged it.
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a-la-folie-et-plus · 7 months
Live-blogging my first time watching SAW
- oh shit, starts off full on
- my phone’s on 28%, when it dies I have to stop watching because I’m not doing this on full attention
- NO HEAD! NO HEAD! (Early 2000’s gore is surprisingly bearable)
- why is Laurence Gordon kinda…
- I’ve made it through 6 minutes!! Only 1hr37 left to go and then I can say I’ve survived watching SAW
- what if he just…didn’t play the tape lol
- Adam! (The vine reference…it’s…funny to me)
- oh Lawrence KNOWS they’re gonna kill each other
- puppy dog eyes my beloved
- bathroom’s a lot bigger than I always thought it would be, honestly shit’s SPACIOUS
- if they could just waste as much time as possible trying to get this cassette player that would be great thank you
- honestly what did Adam do
- you could just slide the tape but go off I guess
- it would suck to be Adam, like imagine not being the main character, just being brought in for some guy…objectification
- follow your heart —> kiss Adam
- aww the heart on the toilet it kind of bbg, at least he gave them deco
- Adam why would you pass him the hacksaw. He is trying to kill you.
- great job Adam, now only one of you has a weapon and it’s the one actively trying to murder you.
- workers of the world unite, the only thing you have to lose is your…feet
- I mean, I think he died because he got sawed in half, just a crazy guess
- maybe I’m just dumb but like how does the razor wire kill him? What even is razor wire
- that is not a jigsaw piece, that is a misshapen lump. Let’s not reach at times like these
- if I were him I would just have like…not picked up that candle
- cancelling Jigsaw for not normalising mental illness, I’m getting problematic vibes from this guy
- getting homoerotic vibes from him painting a naked man’s body with flammable liquid, like…did he NEED to be naked? Or was that just a want.
- hate to say it but Gordon kinda looks better all grimed up
- oh that’s that one guy! He’s in like every crime show. This man has Stable Employment.
- short break to flex my unshackled legs, charge my charger and turn on the light
- honestly this is still fine, more interesting than horrible
- someone survived? People can do that?
- how come she got the horrifying bear trap and all they got was ankle cuffs? Kinda sexist ngl
- make your choice?? I feel like it’s a pretty easy choice
- oh shit that’s a grenade
- so wait how did she survive? Surely that’s impossible
- girl now is not the time to faff around
- she could’ve just killed him, honestly that’s on her
- I’m pretty sure she’s evil but girlboss, honestly
- here comes this fucking guy, Jesus Christ
- girl he did not help you let’s be real here
- lightheaded from nerves but I’m half an hour in
- my smart little detective bb Adam
- this is the most fun I’ve had without lubricant lmaooooo Adam tell em
- if he kills the daughter I’m gonna riot. I better not see that fuckass puppet right now
- he’s kinda a good dad, like that was cute I can’t lie
- is someone gonna ask the daughter what the man said to her?? I feel like you would definitely at least ASK
- I’m a good chunk through this movie and it’s only mildly unsettling, I’m beginning to think I’m just a pussy
- sneaky, ranks are breaking in the spacious bathroom
- I am simply not afraid of a man wearing a blanket
- if he kills them I will stop being able to tolerate this “jigsaw is morally grey” narrative, they did literally nothing wrong
- actually the child’s kinda annoying, why can she only make one noise
- did he only have 3 prior victims or did they only have the budget to show flashbacks of those guys
- I’d love to be an over-dedicated detective, staying back from drinks to eat shitty Chinese takeaway at my desk and stay up all night in a rumpled shirt, running my hands through my hair over ‘evidence’
- oop he knew they were comingggggggg
- in half an hour I gotta go cook my spaghetti
- if the puppet move’s I’m freaking out
- call me crazy but just shoot jigsaw the minute you see he’s gonna screwdriver lobotomise that guy? Clearly this mans is bad
- arresting him is objectively more important
- at least pull the hood back, I swear to god
- again, I cannot be afraid of this caped crusader, Dungeons-and-Dragons-ass villain
- short break for my mental health (mommy came home) then back to it and feeling strong
- rahhhh death metal as the killer escapes, I simply have to vibe
- oh he survived, that’s rad
- it’s zander!!
- the girls are fightinggggggggggggg
- glow in the dark paint are you fucking kidding me this film is so unserious
- so do Adam and Lawrence fuck or what
- I don’t know how to explain this but Lawrence’s face is so Lana del Rey genderswapped
- ewwwwwwww he’s so ugly in a suit😖😭😖😖😭
- oh lawd he crawlin
- what in the fuck is. That
- Adam choking is genuinely the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, genuinely why does he do that
- the acting is killing me, why is this a comedy movie
- Adam’s literallt just an urban photographer
- let me guess, jigsaw’s right there and it’s gonna show him in the flash (wow, crazy)
- come out I’ll kill you! - he says, with no weapon and zero upper body strength (I love my pathetic babygirl)
- how did time go that FAST, goddamn
- oh Jesus, kidnapped child moment
- ohhhhhhhh, shit boutta go DOWN
- I really thought these SAW traps were a time-crunch, in-and-out thing, it feels like these guys have so much downtime
- vigilante Adam arc
- is the picture of Lawrence drinking a smoothie really necessary??
- Lawrence killed a hooker confirmed
- it’s giving Nicki Minaj phone call
- why does Jigsaw, a stalker, hate Adam, also a stalker
- Adam’s just a girlboss trying to survive in this modern economy
- they have made no progress out of this goddamn bathroom, these guys are utterly useless
- how come everyone else gets these crazy punishments for running out of time and theirs is like…he just fucking comes in there and shoots you
- the I Need You was unnecessary and gay
- why am I suddenly feeling the urge to also watch the sequel
- could he stop yelling
- Adam is yelling because he is an empath
- nooooooooooooooooo Adammmmmmmmmm
- bitch the time was up!! He wasn’t going to let you see your wife and kid!!
- I appreciate the bit of fabric covering up his gross leg
- see, just like I said.
- get his ass, baby
- are they about to kiss
- why does he fucking sound like that
- why do I feel like he absolutely WOULD lie to him, that sneaky bitch. Tricksy
- That’s a bigass bullet wound
- so that’s not even jigsaw
- who the fuck is that wait what who the fuck is that
- I thought that was what happened to the key!!
- no way he lay there that still the entire time that’s crazy
- game over lmao that’s so funny he can’t be serious
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reprofessionals · 9 months
How To Negotiate A Great Deal On Your Home Purchase
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Buying a home is one of the most significant financial decisions most people will make. As a real estate professional, you must guide your clients through the process and help them secure the best deal possible. Negotiating is a crucial skill in the real estate industry, and mastering it can make all the difference in getting your clients the home they want at a price they can afford. This blog post will discuss practical strategies and techniques for negotiating a great deal on a home purchase. Whether you are a seasoned agent or just starting in the industry, these tips will help you navigate the negotiation process confidently and succeed.
1. The Importance of Negotiating in a Home Purchase
When buying a home, negotiating is critical. It’s important to remember that the price listed is not necessarily the final price. You can save thousands of dollars on your home purchase by negotiating. It’s also important to consider other factors in the negotiation, such as repairs or upgrades that may be needed. Remember to always be respectful and fair in your negotiations, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. You can reach a mutually beneficial agreement with the seller with patience and persistence.
2. Researching the Market and Setting a Budget
I’ve been researching the market and have found some fascinating information. There are many options out there, but it can be overwhelming to figure out which is the best fit for us. However, I have created a list of potential opportunities and set a reasonable budget based on our needs and financial situation. It’s essential to stick to this budget to spend our money wisely, and I’m confident that we can find a great solution within our means. Let’s take some time to review the options and figure out what will work best for us.
3. Identifying your Priorities and Must-haves
Identifying your priorities and must-haves is an essential aspect of decision-making. It helps you stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked by things that may not be important in the long run. When deciding, it’s vital to consider your values, goals, budget, and timeline. Doing so can make a more informed decision that aligns with your needs and desires. Taking the time to identify your priorities can help you avoid making a decision that leads to regret or disappointment. This article will explore the importance of identifying your priorities and must-haves when making decisions.
4. Preparing for the Negotiation Process
When preparing for a negotiation, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve. This involves setting specific goals and objectives and identifying your priorities and the issues that are most important to you. It is also helpful to research the other party and their interests and the broader market and industry trends that may impact the negotiation.
Additionally, it is essential to prepare for the negotiation process itself. This includes developing a solid opening statement, anticipating potential objections or challenges, and identifying potential areas of compromise. It is also helpful to practice active listening and practical communication skills, build rapport, and establish trust with the other party.
Overall, taking a thoughtful and strategic approach to preparation can increase your chances of achieving a successful negotiation outcome.
5. Tips for Staying Calm and Confident During Negotiations
When it comes to negotiations, staying calm and confident is critical. Here are some tips to help you maintain your composure and achieve your goals:
a. Prepare beforehand: Research and devise a clear plan before negotiating. This will help you feel more confident and in control.
b. Listen actively: Pay attention to what the other person is saying, ask questions, and show that you understand their perspective. This will help you build rapport and find common ground.
c. Stay focused on your goals: Don’t get sidetracked by irrelevant details or personal attacks. Keep your eye on the prize and remain calm and professional.
d. Use positive body language: Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and avoid fidgeting or slouching. This will help you appear confident and in control.
Remember, negotiations are a two-way street. By staying calm and confident, you’ll be better able to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.
Negotiating a great deal on your home purchase requires careful planning and strategy. It is essential to thoroughly research the market, understand the seller’s motivations, and clearly understand your budget and priorities. Hiring a skilled real estate professional who can advocate on your behalf and navigate the negotiation process is crucial. By following these tips and utilizing the expertise of a real estate professional, you can increase your chances of securing a favorable deal on your home purchase.
Contact Us:
Address - 10200 E. Girard Ave Suite B-230 Denver, CO 80231
Phone - (720) 229-2224
Fax - 720-294-0333
Website - RE Professionals
Blog - How To Negotiate A Great Deal On Your Home Purchase
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jsms01 · 1 year
Financial stress & managing your mental health
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Are you experiencing Financial Stress? Psychologist Dr Bec Jackson gives us her practical tips and advice for regaining control and caring for your mental and physical health. If you have financial concerns right now, you are not alone. Australia has been going through an unprecedentedly difficult patch these last few years – as a result of the pandemic, natural disasters, interest rate rises and inflation, and many families are having a very tough time financially. As a professional, I can confirm that the stress and depression we experience from financial worries can have a further impact on your income directly if we don’t recognise it and try to work through it. “People may engage in unhealthy behaviours to try and cope with financial stress, from avoidance to overeating, to excessive online shopping and drinking more alcohol, which in turn can worsen mental health and finances.” Says psychologist Dr Bec Jackson. Although it may feel overwhelming right now, there are some practical and helpful steps you can take to help manage your finances, which in turn will protect your mental and physical health and allow you to feel more in control and able to take on everyday life challenges.
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Here are some practical ways of managing your mental health in times of financial stress
Acknowledge feelings rather than bottling things up: You may feel any number of emotions right now, and that is okay. “It’s important to recognise the financial problems and hardship you have experienced and acknowledge your feelings about it,” says Dr Bec. “Bottling up feelings and ‘embracing the suck’ or trying to block feelings out by telling yourself ‘others have it worse’ can get in the way of moving forward.“ Acknowledging your financial situation and your feelings of stress is the first step to taking action and finding light at the end of the tunnel.
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Share your concerns with the people you trust Talk about your financial concerns with your support network, and they may provide a new perspective or ideas to get through this difficult time. A problem shared is often a problem halved. You don’t have to go into sensitive details if you aren’t comfortable doing so, but for some, just having a conversation about your general concerns can improve your negative feelings, expresses Dr. Bec. If you have children, reassure them Children can often pick up when their parents are under high levels of stress and may begin internalising behaviours (like anxiety) or externalising behaviours (like aggression or misbehaving). “Have age-appropriate conversations to reassure them that their basic needs will be met. Say things like, ‘This is not something that you have to worry about. That’s my job as a grown-up. I’m working hard to make sure that we have what we need’,” says Dr Bec. It’s obvious, but taking steps to reduce unnecessary spending will help you enormously… as spending less will help you feel more in control.
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Don’t neglect your income. When it comes to making extra cash, the sharing economy offers plenty of opportunities. You might decide to rent out your spare room, share your car or pet-sit to boost the money coming in. Monitor what you are currently spending your money and spending habits and work out some practical ways you can temporarily cut down on expenditure and save money. Spend time to check out any direct debits you have, memberships, insurances, and phone plans. Ask for deals and other options. Sometimes, these things are ‘set and forget’, but we don’t review them enough. Set a realistic budget for family living costs like groceries. Meal plan using the budget meal planner in The Healthy Mummy app. Cook budget meals in bulk and freeze meals. You still need to have fun, so investigate free entertainment in your local area, and visit as many community activities as you can.  Try not to give up on pleasurable activities or having fun. Just rethink how you fund them. Wherever possible, avoid ‘buy now and pay later’ models as these can charge high interest. Get creative and consider a clothes swap party with friends, try a games and toy swap with other families, puzzle or game trades, and visit toy libraries and community book libraries.
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Practical and professional financial support is available to us all.
Consult a financial counselling advisor If you need support managing your immediate debts, you can speak with a financial counsellor, who can help you find a solution to your financial issues.  There are also Australian government and charitable organisations that provide free confidential financial counselling and advice if you are experiencing financial stress: Seek out assistance Organisations like The Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul and local community centres are offering emergency relief services to help with food vouchers or parcels, transport vouchers, chemist vouchers, clothing or furniture, back-to-school costs and even part payment of utility vouchers to assist with household financial pressures. “It can be difficult to ask for support but remember that this time will pass, and these organisations exist to help people get through difficult times,” says Dr. Bec.
Things that may suffer if you are dealing with financial stress
Read the full article
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covenahas · 2 years
Quicken deluxe 2016 clear flag you have tasks to perform
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 30 - Epilogue [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Omg here it is my loves, the final chapter! ❤ Thank you so much for your wonderful support throughout the series, you made me so happy and I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did! ❤❤ I love you! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of sex and drinking.
Word Count: 4100
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                                              3 Years Later
The deep comfort of sleep surrounding you as you snuggled deeper into the covers slowly disappeared as you felt yourself being pulled back, a smile curling your lips. You heaved a sigh as you felt soft kisses on your neck, making you giggle.
Both of you had gone to sleep quite late thanks to your…late night activities, and you were nowhere near ready to face the day, but this was a nice way to wake up.
“Hi,” you said without opening your eyes and felt his breathy laugh warming your neck.
You whined into your pillow as his arms tightened around you and he buried his face to the crook of your neck while you ran your fingertips over his arm.
“Don’t start what you can’t finish, professor.”
“Who says I can’t finish?” Spencer murmured into your skin and you opened your eyes to turn your head.
You were one hundred percent sure that you would never get tired of this view. Spencer’s hair was a mess, quite literally the meaning of bedhead while he watched you with a smile on his lips, his hazel eyes gleaming with mischief.
“I can think of two people who might disagree with you,” you said and as if on cue, you heard the pitter-patter of little feet along with some gleeful squeals echoing through the hall. Spencer let out a chuckle, dropping his head to your shoulder and you grinned.
“In three, two…”
“Open? Open?” you heard the sweet babbling overlapping with each other and you grabbed your dressing gown off the floor, then put it on and went to open the door but as soon as you did, a little figure wheezed past you to climb to the bed while the other one clutched to your leg, looking up at you with bright, shining eyes.
“Hi Daisy!” you cooed and bent down to pick her up while she held her plushie tightly and you turned to see Spencer lifting Laura in the air, making her let out a screech which turned into a giggle.
“Whoa, did you get bigger in a night?!” Spencer asked Laura who nodded fervently, babbling something with only a couple of words clear. You approached the bed to drop Daisy on the soft fluffy covers, making her laugh happily before she scrambled to give Spencer a big kiss on his cheek.
“Where did my kiss go?” you wondered out loud and in a second, you were attacked by two overly enthusiastic toddlers. You burst into laughter and pressed a kiss on top of their heads, then stood up again.
“Okay, who wants to come downstairs with me?”
“Me!” Laura jumped in bed while Daisy bit on the ear of her plushie before she shifted closer to Spencer, obviously still sleepy.
She shook her head and rubbed at her eye with her small fist, and Spencer reached out to push back a curl falling over her eyes as she yawned.
Your mother had a point, even if they looked almost identical, their personalities were way too different. Daisy was quite possibly the calmest toddler you had ever seen, she barely cried when she was focused on something, and especially when you put one of her picture books in front of her for her to color them. Spencer had said she most probably took after him.
But Laura? Laura definitely took after you, and your mother and Mina swore by it.
She was a tiny hurricane, completely unstoppable once she had decided to cause chaos. She had even started walking two months before Daisy, and you could barely take her eyes off of her without her sneaking off to somewhere to hide and “scare” you.
But even if they couldn’t be more different, there was one thing for sure. You loved both of them so much that it surprised you how full your heart felt whenever you looked at them.
“Alright then,” you hoisted Laura up, “Let’s go, little monkey!”
“Go!” she repeated, her voice full of excitement and you made your way downstairs, walking past Spencer’s study, then your study before you reached the huge living room with the open kitchen. You put Laura down, then opened the fridge.
“Okay Lulu, which one do we want today, milk or juice?” you asked but met with silence. You frowned, then closed the fridge door to look around, but she was nowhere to be found.
“I looked away for one second,” you muttered to yourself, then peeked your head around the doorframe to see the flash of a familiar mop of curly hair disappear into your study in full speed.
“No no, that’s mommy’s work, that’s mommy’s work!” you rushed to the study and lifted her up before she could touch the board, standing on her tiptoes. She let out a whine, still trying to reach the board and you shook your head.
“Nope, we are not messing up this seating chart, it took me days to complete it,” you said and turned around with her in your arms, then pointed at the two pieces of sample napkins on your table, “Want to help me?”
Laura nodded fervently, “Yes!”
“Which one is pretty?”
Laura looked at you, then looked at the napkins before she pointed at the one on the right.
“Oh the pink one?”
“Pink one.” she repeated and looked up at you, “Good job!”
You let out a laugh,
“Yes baby, good job!” you said and walked out of your study with her, closing the door behind you just in case, then entered the kitchen again to find Spencer putting Daisy in her seat. Daisy gave you a big smile, letting you see her baby teeth and you blew her a kiss, then sat Laura down next to her.
“Was she in your study?” Spencer asked as he pulled you closer and you nodded.
“I’m telling you, she can teleport.”
“I doubt that’s the case,” he laughed, handing you a cup of coffee before sipping his own and you inhaled the scent of the coffee as you checked your e-mails.
“Oh babe, dinner tonight at my mom’s place,” you looked up from your phone, “You didn’t forget, right?”
Spencer shook his head, nuzzling into your neck. “Nope. At 8.”
You giggled, running your fingers through his curls, “You’re going to be late for work, professor.”
He heaved a sigh and nodded before he pulled back almost hesitantly and pointed at the twins with his thumb, “Do you want me to drop them off?”
“I got it, no worries.” You stood on your tiptoes to peck him on the lips, “Go. Don’t be late tonight!”
“Cross my heart,” he smiled at you before he kissed both Daisy and Laura, “Hey, you two behave for mommy, deal?”
“Hm?” Laura asked, blinking up at him as she grabbed Daisy’s toy from her and he let out a laugh before he grabbed his satchel.
“See you later!”
“Bye time!” Daisy waved her hand and Laura’s head shot up,
“Bye bye!”
“Okay,” you clapped your hands together as Spencer closed the door behind him, “We will have breakfast, then we will go and see grandma, how does that sound?”
The best part of having your own company was that you could pick and choose your own clients while letting the rest of the clients to the others. Especially after the twins, that had made things so much easier.
Your business was flourishing and you got to choose your working hours and the couples you wanted to work with.
“I know you guys said you wanted something small,” you said as you walked through the doors to the wedding venue, “But I wanted to make sure you know you have other options.”
There was no answer for a moment and you looked over your shoulder to look at the couple.
“Garcia?” you said and Luke let out a whistle.
“I mean it looks… it looks good.”
“It looks like something out of a fairytale.” Garcia whispered and turned to you, “But Y/N-“
“I know, you have a budget.” You snapped your fingers, “The thing is, the owner of the venue is a good friend of mine, so I’ll talk him into lowering the price a lot. Besides, he owes me one after I got him so many weddings.”
“Wait, are you serious?” Garcia stared at you, “We could have this venue?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I have four other venues to show you, but if you want this one after seeing those, yes. Oh and, before I forget—“ you grabbed your phone and tossed it to Luke, “How would you feel about this car for the wedding?”
He looked at the screen and blinked a couple of times. “You’re joking.”
“Not really.”
“Let me see,” she said and took a look at the screen, then turned to you, “Whose car is this?”
You shifted your weight, “Uh- mine.”
“No it’s not, your car is outside. I know that because Luke stood there and watched it for a whole minute.”
“Well,” you cleared your throat, “Nolan bought twins ponies the other day and I guess while he was at it, he decided to throw in a car for me. But I’m not much of a bright red car person, I prefer mine in black. So?”
“Penny?” Luke turned to Garcia, “Please?”
She held up her hands, “I don’t care about the car, I care about the venue.”
“Yes!” Luke pumped a fist in the air and turned to you, “You sure about this?”
“It’s just there in the garage man, I’m more than happy to let you drive it whenever you want.”
Luke pulled you into a tight hug, making you let out a laugh and he pulled back when his phone started ringing.
“Sorry, it’s Emily.”
“Oh tell her I said hi!” Garcia said and he pecked her on the lips, then answered the phone and walked out of the hall.
“I’ll never get tired of being right,” you motioned at her, “Told you.”
“I know, I know…” she let out a squeal, “This is so pretty though, Y/N! I mean I knew you were good at your job, I just didn’t know you were this good.”
You fixed your hair in an exaggerated smug manner and winked at her.
“Seating chart is ready too,” you said, “Laura almost crashed it today, but…”
Her smile widened, “Aw, how are my Lulu and Daze?” she asked, “You should’ve brought them with you!”
“Trust me, we wouldn’t get anything done,” you said with a laugh, “I can’t really focus on anything else while they’re around. And you know how they get when they see you.”
She pressed a hand on her chest, “I swear, you and Reid made the cutest babies I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
You grinned at her as Luke walked into the hall again, flipping the phone in his hand.
“There’s a case,” he said almost apologetically and Garcia nodded.
“Go, I’ll handle this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah!” she said and kissed him, “I won’t decide on anything without you, I promise.”
“I fixed a pre cake tasting for you guys at this new pastry shop but she can try them first,” you told Luke and he let out a whine.
“You know, in times like these I get why Reid quit.”
“Right, because he quit over pastries,” you deadpanned and he heaved a sigh.
“I’ll see you two later.”
“Be careful!” Garcia called out and he nodded, then walked out of the hall. You threw an arm over Garcia’s shoulder, then turned to her,
“So, cake tasting?”
“God yes.”
You unbuckled your seatbelt as Spencer pulled over in front of your mother’s house, then turned to you to peck you on the lips.
“See, told you we could make it.”
“We’re half an hour late,” you giggled as you ran your fingertips over his stubble and he tilted his head.
“That’s not completely my fault.”
“Oh it isn’t?”
“You were the one who joined me in the shower,” he reminded you, and you shrugged your shoulders, playing coy.
“Still doesn’t make it my fault,” you stated, “And if my mother asks, you were—“
“Grading papers,” he finished your sentence for you and stole a kiss from you again, “Got it.”
You opened the car door, then got out of the car and climbed up the marble stairs with him until you reached the front door. You rang the doorbell and soon enough the maid opened it, the cheerful laughter and squealing reaching you. You and Spencer stepped in, and Daisy and Laura rushed to you as Spencer crouched down to hug them both.
“Finally!” your mother walked into the hallway as you pressed a kiss on top of Daisy and Laura’s heads, then straightened up to hug her, “You’re late honey!”
“Spencer was gradi—” you were cut off as Daisy came to hug your leg again, tugging at your sleeve, “Daze, baby-“
“Lulu!” she corrected you, pointing at herself and you let out a laugh, then hoisted her up.
“Aw, I’m sorry!” you said as you set her on your hip, and made your way to the dining room.
“Spencer was grading papers,” you told your mother as you entered the room and put Laura down, then she and Daisy ran to Lily who was sitting in their playground but as soon as she saw you, a smile warmed her face.
“Hi there bug!”
“I’m teaching them animals, see!” she said as Daisy and Laura sat down and she opened the big book, pointing at a page.
“What is this?”
“Cow, yes! What does the cow say?”
“Moo!” Daisy said before Laura could, looking up at Lily and she nodded.
“Good job!” Laura said quickly and Daisy nodded, clapping her hands together as if clapping herself. You could swear your heart melted and you smiled softly, keeping your eyes on them.
Soon enough, the dinner was ready and the nanny took the twins and Lily to the play room because they had already eaten and insisted they wanted to play there. Your mother had renovated the house around the time they were born so now they had a huge room filled with toys and games which the twins loved.
“So is everyone okay for Venice?” your mother asked as you sipped your wine, “It will be beautiful, we already made the arrangements.”
“Next month works for me,” you held up a hand, “Spencer?”
“Sure thing, it works for me too.”
“Kenz?” you asked and she bit on her lip, stealing a look at Mina and you tilted your head.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m good with next month,” Kenzie said quickly, “But um…”
“I might not be.” Mina said and your mother groaned.
“Mina, come on. Even you need a vacation.”
“It might not be the best idea at this time,” Mina said and you turned to Kenzie,
“What’s going on?”
“I’m not saying anything, it’s her news.”
“Mina?” Nolan said, “Is everything okay at work? Do you want me to make a call?”
“No no,” Mina shook her head, “It’s good- great, actually. I just didn’t want to tell you guys on the phone the other day, I was waiting for this dinner.”
You raised your brows and she entwined her fingers with Kenzie, shooting her an excited look.
“Two days ago, I was called into a meeting,” she said, “With Bradley and Paul. They…. They want me to be a partner.”
“Oh my God!” you covered your mouth, then pushed your chair back to rush to hug her. She hugged you back tight, a giddy laugh escaping from her lips.
“Honey!” your mother said, joining you “Finally!”
“You deserve it, Mina.” Nolan said, “Ditch the wine glasses everyone, we’re opening the champagne!”
“You traitor, why didn’t you tell me?” you pointed at Kenzie who held up her hands,
“She bribed me.”
“She’s your wife!”
“Exactly, she knows what to bribe me with!” Kenzie exclaimed and you went to sit beside Spencer, still smiling as your mother took her seat as well.
“Did you know?” you turned to Spencer and he shrugged, grinning.
“I knew they were hiding something.”
Kenzie gasped, “Spencer!”
“I’m sorry Kenz but you have a terrible poker face.”
“He does have a point, babe.” Mina said as Kenzie pouted.
“So,” Spencer cleared his throat and turned to your mother and Nolan, “Speaking of people with terrible poker faces and something to say…”
You sat up straighter, “Wait, what is happening?”
“What is he talking about?”
“I’m not saying anything,” Spencer said, a look of mischief crossing his face, “They might, though.”
Your mother tilted her head, “When did you notice?”
“When I walked in.”
“Told you,” Nolan said, and your mother smiled slightly, pointing at Spencer.
“You, young man, are dangerous around announcements.”
“What is it with everyone betraying me tonight?” you asked, looking between them, “What’s going on?”
“So, Mina isn’t the only one who didn’t want to give big news over the phone,” your mother said as Nolan held her hand and squeezed it, and it dawned on you.
“Wait a minute…”
Your mother let out a laugh and held up her hand so that you could see the huge diamond ring on her finger, “We’re getting married!”
Instantly, there was an uproar. Spencer cheered while Kenzie let out a small scream, Mina lunged out of her seat to rush to them and you gawked at them, your jaw hanging.
“Jesus Christ,” you said as you made your way to your mother while one of the maids brought the champagne and your mother squealed like an excited girl and pulled you into a hug, making you laugh.
“Congratulations, you crazy kids,” you said as you pulled back “You deserve to be happy. And you-“ you pointed at Nolan, then smiled and hugged him, “The original deal still stands.”
“Wouldn’t dream of anything different,” he pressed a kiss into your hair and grabbed the champagne before he opened it with a loud pop, making everyone cheer. He quickly filled your glasses and you made your way to Spencer who wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer.
“I wanted to ask sooner,” Nolan announced, “But you know, you two got married, and then the twins…”
“We figured we would need to find a time you weren’t as busy,” your mother pointed at you, “To plan the wedding and all.”
You heaved a dramatic sigh, “Well unfortunately, my client list is-“
“Not full!”
“Lies!” Kenzie and Spencer said at the same time and you let out a laugh, then raised your glass slightly.
“I was going to say available,” you winked at them, “I’ll send you the plans tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” your mother asked and you grinned.
“I’ve been planning your wedding for the last three years,” you said, making her gasp and Nolan laugh, “You guys seriously didn’t think I’d let someone else do it, did you?”
By the time you got back home, the twins were way too sleepy. You and Spencer put them to bed as silently as possible, then you went to check the plans in your study while Spencer changed his clothes. You ran a hand through your hair and left your study to make your way to the living room before you put some music on and walked to the window to take a look outside.
The city was really beautiful at night.
“Thinking about the plans?” Spencer’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you looked over your shoulder, then a smile warmed your face.
“Something like that,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your tiptoes to kiss him, “You know it’s gonna be chaos, right? That wedding?”
“Oh, absolutely,” he said and caressed your hair, “You got this, though.”
“Do me a favor,” you said, “Remind me that a lot in the future, at least until we send them off to their honeymoon.”
He let out a small chuckle, but before he could say anything, you felt small footsteps coming closer and you looked around his arm to see Laura peeking around the doorframe with a look of excitement.
“We have a fugitive!” Spencer said, making her squeal and run back to the hallway.
“I’ll be right back,” Spencer pecked you on the lips, making you laugh and you watched him leave the living room, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw a mop of curly brown hair behind the couch, along with a giggle.
“Oh well, I’m sure Daisy is sleeping!” you said loudly, walking around the living room, “She wouldn’t be here, would she?”
The giggles got louder and you found yourself smiling,
“Or is she….here?” you checked behind the curtain, and put your hands on your hips, “Not behind the curtain. Hmm, I wonder where she is?”
“Hewe!” Daisy jumped from behind the kitchen, and let out a gleeful scream when you lifted her up.
“Here she is!” you said, “What are you doing up baby? It’s sleepy time.”
“Lulu hewe too!”
“And she’s going to sleep too,” you tickled her stomach to make her giggle.
“Mommy, love you!” she said and you could feel your heart skipping a beat before you smiled at her brightly.
“I love you too baby,” you kissed her cheek, “Now let’s go to bed, hm?”
“Mkay!” she said and rested her head on your shoulder as you made your way to their bedroom.
“Hey, I was wondering where she was,” Spencer whispered as you put Daisy to bed while Laura hugged her teddy bear tighter. You pressed a kiss on Daisy’s head, then went to Laura’s bed and kissed her head too.
“I love you,” you said, “Now sleepy time, okay?”
“Love you mommy!” they both said and Spencer turned their nightlights on before he switched the light off, and both of you left their room to go to the living room, where the music was still playing. Spencer went to kitchen to get two glasses of wine and you pulled the curtain a little to look outside.
“I swear they get more energetic every day.”
“It’s normal,” Spencer said, handing you your glass and you took a sip as he wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling to your neck. “You know your mom will make them flower girls, right?”
“You say that as if I don’t already have their dresses in mind.” You mused, making him chuckle.
“Of course you do.”
“I’m telling you, that trip to Venice will be a nice break from the future chaos,” you said, “That is if you are ready to listen to my ranting about the wedding venues on a holiday too. Are you sure you want to go there with me?”
A small smile pulled at his lips and after all this time, it still managed to make your stomach flip pleasantly,
“I’d go anywhere with you,” he said, “With or without you talking about what color the napkins will be.”
“I’m torn between ivory and pearl,” you told him “Knowing my mom, she will want to put seashell into those options and spend a month trying to decide.”
“Should be a fun month,” he said, “Do you want me to tell her the percentages of those shades used in weddings? It could help.”
You scoffed a laugh and turned around in his arms so that you could look up at him.
“What does it say about me if I said I find that incredibly romantic?”
He clicked his tongue, pretending to be deep in thought, “That you have a strange understanding of romance?”
“Maybe. But you still love me,” you tilted your head, “In fact, one could say…”
“That I have a lot of oxytocin for you,” he finished your sentence, making you giggle.
“Very romantic, professor,” you said, and heaved a sigh as his fingertips caressed over your neck.
“You know I’m so in love with you, right?” you asked him, making him smile and nod before you stood on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against his, wrapping your arms around his neck, the warmth spreading through you.
This, right here.
This was happiness.
                                         The End.
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wingsofkpop · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet - Yang Jeongin (m)
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A - Aftercare
Despite being on the more inexperienced side, I think Jeongin is responsible enough to know that aftercare is a must following sex, whether it be making sure you both are properly hydrated or helping you change the bed sheets. Because he’s usually babied by his members, this sweet boy treasures each moment he’s able to take care of you for a change though he won’t say no if you request to be the bigger spoon for a night or two.
B - Body Part
Seeing as our dear maknae has apparently gotten buff somewhere over the years, he likely takes pride in his biceps and arms in general as he damn well should. We’ll go more in depth about it later, but let’s just say Innie likes to use his strength in more ways than one… Moving on, Jeongin will never not be a fan of your neck. Mans has a bit of a marking tendency, but hormones aside, Jeongin’s in love with your scent, which seems to be more pungent around thah area. Plus, the crook of your neck also makes a good hiding place when he’s shy.
C - Cum
The only place this man’s cumming is in a condom. He may not be a baby anymore, but he doesn’t want any other baby Jeongins showing up anytime soon. Changbin is already a handful enough as it is…
D - Dirty Secret
Now it’s a bit out of the element here, but Jeongin sometimes gets tired of being coddled by his members. That being said, he’s had some fantasies about proving his growness—fantasies that may or may not include getting caught eating you out until you’re a literal puddle by Chan or Hyunjin, or maybe fucking you into the wall just in time for Changbin or Seungmin to walk through the door. Not wanting to disrespect you or anything, he prefers to keep these thoughts to himself… just don’t ask questions if he starts to get a little handsy during movie nights with the other boys.
E - Experience
Like most of the younger Stray Kids members, I don’t think he has too much sexual experience. He’s probably made out with a girl or two over the years, maybe felt her up a bit, but that’s as far as his hands-on exploration goes. Even so, he probably has a general idea of how things are supposed to go, generously provided by stories from his members and the wonders of porn.
F - Favorite Position
Due to his lack of sexual practice, Jeongin probably has not found his all-time favorite position just yet. He’s eager to try everything he possibly can, so expect to be blown away literally every time y’all do the do.
G - Goofy
Jeongin doesn’t mind getting a little silly during sex every once and a while, but he also knows that a more sensual, serious mood is needed too. The first few times will definitely be more casual and light-hearted, kept alive by his playful grin and mischevious fingers. But even as you two begin to become more mature, that same youthful atmosphere will remain, making it feel like the first time every time.
H - Hair
He probably just lets it do it’s own thing honestly. As long as it doesn’t get too unruly, he doesn’t mind it all that much.
I - Intimacy
Seeing he’s likely never been in a serious relationship before you, he’s all about the ideal, romantic aspect of love making. And while there won’t necessarily be rose petals and silk sheets every time you guys have sex, he knows how to make you feel loved and wanted with just his touch alone. Eye contact is also a huge must for Jeongin—he needs to see your face in the moment, to watch the pleasure overtake your body as he brings you to a headspace only few have the privilege to witness. It may sound cheesy, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he has a secret plan to marry you one day, already knowing you’re his forever person.
J - Jack Off
Innie is young, so it’s no surprise his hormones are a bit on the overwhelming side at times. For him, getting off largely depends on if and when he has a moment to himself, which is quite rare between his busy schedule and lack of privacy in the dorm. That being said, he probably masturbates no more than three times a week. If that.
K - Kink
Alright hoes, I’m gonna start this off by saying Jeongin damn well has some sort of strength kink. We’ve all seen the size of those arms. Now he wouldn’t necessarily manhandle you, but if the moment requires him to pick you up by your thighs, or maybe pin your wrists to the bed cause you’re getting a little too frisky, then a man’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. He also has a HUGE thing when you get all dressed up for him, whether it be in a dress/suit or a lingerie set. Some other honorable mentions of his include marking, praise, and the occasional teasing.
L - Location
Please, please, PLEASE let this man take you against the wall, or anywhere that lets him show off his strength. He turns into some type of beast, I swear—Bonus points if y’all have the dorm to yourselves, because then he will literally take you against every single surface…
M - Motivation
The second you compliment him, this man will be literal putty in your hands. He loves, and I mean LOVES, when you praise him for his stage performances or MV scenes. And don’t let him catch you watching his fancams… or else prepared to get dicked into next year~
N - NO
BDSM is completely off the table for Jeongin. While he doesn’t mind trying something new every so often, he’s just not comfortable treading into the kind of intense territory that would require use of a safe word. He’s also just not a fan of power dynamics in general.
O - Oral
Sorry fam, oral is just not it for Jeongin. It’s nothing against you, he just doesn’t prefer blow jobs because of his tendency to finish too early, and he’d much rather practice other methods of foreplay to get you both off.
P - Pace
In the beginning stages of your relationship, Innie used to utilize a rapid, sloppy pace. After obtaining more experience, his stroke game is much, much better and more fluid, though he sometimes tends to revert back to an awkward pace when he’s close to climax. But like everyone, his skill and confidence will grow more over time.
Q - Quickie
The only time he’ll settle for a quickie is if he’s completely and totally desperate for your touch. But even then, he needs to be sure your session will take place in an environment that is both private and isolated from any other people. But once he’s comfortable and secure, he’ll drive you into the nearest wall with no further hesitation whatsoever.
R - Risk
Nope, nope, nopity, nope. While the idea of getting caught makes him feel all the things, Jeongin would rather not risk anyone actually walking in on you two when you’re being less than innocent. Especially his members, because if they do, he knows he’ll never hear the end of it.
S - Stamina
He’s got pretty decent stamina. Jeongin can usually go for some foreplay and maybe two rounds depending on how exhausted he is from his schedule. Then again, on days he is a bit more on the tired side, he wouldn’t mind sitting back and letting you do most the work.
T - Toy
The most curious boy omg. Innie’s experience with toys probably stems from porn and the dark side of Reddit, so he’ll be utterly fascinated if you own any nifty gadgets of your own. And while I don’t think he’d actively shop for sex toys, he doesn’t mind spicing things up in the bedroom with a couple vibrators, restraints, or sensation play objects.
U - Unfair
Don’t let his adorable facade fool you—this boy can be the WORST tease on any given day. He’s the type of lover that will suggestively trail his hands across your breasts and thighs, then act all innocent when you call him out. Jeongin is also an expert in getting you to tell him what he wants to hear. For example, “You want me to make you cum, baby? How exactly do you want me to do that?…”
V - Volume
Honestly, this man is a moaning machine. And you may hear some cute little whimpers and whines in that mix too… At first, he was probably a bit bashful to make any noise in that context, but after some coaxing and needed praise from you, he’ll never try to be silent again.
W - Wild Card
Let me set the scene for you: You and Innie watching some horribly budgeted rom-com you found on Netflix, and literally just making fun of the entire movie. That is, until the two main leads start making out in the back of a car. Oh, this shuts you both right up, especially when clothes start coming off and the car windows begin to steam up. The scene ends eventually, but this awkward, sexually tense silence still remains between you and Jeongin, and when you look to your blushing lover, you find him poorly attempting to cover his raging hard on. Then, he clears his throat and cutely stutters, “S-So… You wanna… you know?…”
X - X-ray
He’s a bit below average: 4.5-5 inches. But he’s got some thickness to his name.
Y - Yearning
As already mentioned, Innie tends to hold back in regards to his sexual needs for fear of coming across as a horn dog. You two probably do the nasty at least once a week, but I guarantee you can raise that number if you sit your boyfriend down and explain the concept of a mutually beneficial relationship huehuehue.
Z - ZZZzzz
If there’s one thing that Jeongin loves most in the world, it’s being in your arms after a long and stressful day. Whether or not you choose to end the night with an orgasm or two, he’ll settle himself atop your body, using your breasts as his own personal pillows, and just let his tension melt away in the comforting warmth of your touch. And though he’d never admit it, sometimes he doesn’t really mind being babied after all…
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Harringrove for Ukraine
Hello! I’m participating in Harringrove for Ukraine! That means I’ll be writing fanfiction in exchange for donations to an organisation that supports the Ukrainian people in this crisis.
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I’m asking that you donate money to one of the following organisations in exchange for me posting my work:
The Ukrainian Army
The Ukrainian Red Cross, which does loads of humanitarian stuff, from aiding refugees to training doctors.
Revived Soldiers Ukraine, which funds medication and medical supplies for army hospitals on the front line.
The UN Refugee Agency, which provides life-saving protection to families forced to flee their homes.
Follow these steps if you’re interested!
- Reblog this post and/or the master post both here and on Twitter if you have it so that we can get as much traction as possible as quickly as we can.
- Send me an ask to let me know what you'd like me to write for you and how much you'd like to donate. I'm active both here and Discord.
- Wait until I reply to your ask, then you need to make your donation to one of the orgs listed above.
- Donate!! Remember PLEASE to screencap your receipt – you need to send me this to show you’ve donated so we can all track how much we’ve raised as a group
- Don’t forget to block out any private contact details you don’t want me to see!
- Once I’ve seen your receipt, I’ll start work on your project.
What I have to offer: Fanfiction for donations!
What I Like to Write: Really I can write anything if you like. But I'd love it if you give me whole idea so I can work on it quickly.
What I don't like to write: bdsm stuff(I really don't have many knowledge about it)
Accepting prompts? Yes please, it helps me v much actually.
Additional Info: Please specify if you want smut or no smut and if you have any squicks or preferences.
Suggested Donation Amount: $1 per 100 words of a fic. Obviously the more the better - this is such an important cause.
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Please reblog and donate as soon as you can - I know it's not in everyone's budget right now but this is a really precarious situation and the faster we can get donations the better! Let's do this!
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