#you haven't seen it on other tourneys what are you on about
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This is the final placement for the tourney, don't worry if you don't know what some of them mean, as all definitions will be included with the polls!
Polls(will add links when posted):
Barbie VS Hoo-roo
Selfie VS Mate
Bachelor Handbag VS Cooked
Servo VS Rego
Op Shop VS Spider
Munted VS Hooning
Thongs VS Larrikin
It’s Cactus VS Brekky
Drongo VS Chrissie
Brickie VS Pash
Chockers VS Heaps
Chuck a Sickie VS Arvo
Goon Sack VS Jumbuck
Bikkie VS lollies
Munts VS Snag
Ambos VS Footy
Maccas VS Manchester
Bogan VS Booze Bus
Fireys VS Fair Dinkum
Sheila VS Ropable
Bathers VS Togs
Trackies VS U-ie
Unit VS Stickybeak
Budgie-smugglers VS Chook
Doona VS Kindy
Dummy Spit VS Punt
Drongo/Flaming Drongo VS Fucked Unit
Granny Flat VS Crickey
Blow In VS Sunnies
Woolies VS Yobbo
Mozzie VS Bottle-O
The/A Tip VS No Wuckas
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propheticbride · 12 days
Bastards and Dragons I
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𐙚 As you return to Kind's Landing to help defend your brother's claim to Driftmark, you find yourself entangling yourself in old resurfacing feelings.
𐙚 Aemond x Reader (tw: manipulation, incest)
It had been years since you had graced King’s Landing, staying in Dragonstone along with your other siblings, at your mother's behest. The memories of your childhood stung, the castle you had left behind simply just a memory of a different time.
You were not stupid. You knew why Vaemond was questioning Lucerys’s birthright to Driftmark. Everyone did. Although you loved Laenor, you felt a disconnect from him. He was a good father, and tried his hardest to make sure you and your brothers knew comfort and love. But deep down, it didn't feel right.
You hadn't been in Kings Landing for even a day, before you and your brothers found yourselves in the training yard, Jacaerys leading the tour.
"See? I told you this would still be here." he smiles at your youngest brother. "And you thought you could swing Criston’s morning star. And you almost took your own head off."
Lucerys looks around nervously, shrinking into his form.
"What's your problem?" Jacaerys shot Luke a look.
"Everyone’s staring at us." Luke sighs. "No one would question me being heir to Driftmark…if…if I looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong."
"It doesn't matter what they think." you remind him.
Crowds of noise begin to cheer, as you and your brothers turn around to see all the fuss.
You find yourself staring at the man with long silver hair moving between a man you did know, Criston Cole.
Suddenly, the silver haired man turned, and the image of young Aemond was quickly replaced by a dashing prince. Aemond stood tall in the courtyard, keeping his feet moving as he swung his sword against Cole. Fast and quick in his movements, eventually besting the much older knight.
The spectators all clapped, including you and your two brothers.
"Well done, my Prince." Criston nods at Aemond. "You’ll be winning tourneys in no time."
"I don’t give a shit about tourneys." Aemond's eyes find yours, not your brother's. "Nephews…and my darling niece. Have you come to train?"
You hadn't seen your uncle in so long, he had changed from the once quiet and bullied boy that you had known. You once exchanged words with him every so often when able, until your mother had moved you all so abruptly to Dragonstone, cutting off any connection you had formed with the prince.
His eyes focus on you, taking note of how curious you glanced back at him. You had changed. The soft meek girl who hid behind her mother’s skirts was now a beautiful woman, standing before him with an air of interest for him in her.
"It seems time has passed faster than I thought", he remarks with an undertone of mockery.
“I haven't seen you since...the incident at driftmark.” you smile at him, manners always first.
Aemond lets out a dry chuckle at your words, his eye narrowing. "Yes, the issue at Driftmark", he says with a bitter tone, "It seems like yesterday."
The memories of that night were never far from his mind. Every night you were gone, he had thought about how your screams alerted the guards, allowing them to pull apart the bastards that attacked him. You had cupped his face, sobbing as you took his gashed face in. Aemond had gripped your skirts so tight, almost feeling bad for bloodying your nightgown.
“Childhood must’ve been fond at times, no?” you ask, trying to search his eye.
"Fond? I suppose for some, it was...", he huffs, "But for me, you could say it was quite the opposite.”, he adds, his voice bitter as he glances at your brothers briefly before turning his gaze back to you.
You knew Aemond’s childhood hadn't been the best. Thanks to Jacaerys and Aegon’s cruel treatment of him. You remember warning Jacaerys that beaten dogs always bite back, completely sure that the incident at Driftmark was that: the dog finally biting back.
You look at Jacaerys then back to the prince, “But god you've grown so tall…I remember Aegon being the taller one.”
Aemond can't help but smile at that. It was true, he had grown considerably since he was younger, and he was now taller than Aegon. Giving him some power trip over the other man.
"Indeed, I have", he says with a smile. "I grew far more than my brother did".
“And what a fighter you have become.” Lucerys speaks up.
“Quite the fighter? And what do you know of Knights, boy?” Aemond questions the smaller one, who shrinks at his crueler tone used for him.
“Nothing. Lucerys knows nothing, but he is to learn, is he not? If he is going to be the heir to Driftmark.” you try to ease the tension you can feel building up.
Aemond laughs at the mention of Lucerys being the heir to Driftmark. "Yes, the little bastard shall be the Lord of Driftmark…” Aemond turns to look at your brother. "Though I wonder if he's truly worthy of such a title.”
“Aemond.” you say with a mixture of disgust and shock.
You weren't stupid, very obviously aware of you and your brother’s brown soft locks instead of the traditional silver hair Targaryen’s donned. But your mother had explained sometimes it wasn't the promised color, evident of Rhaenys’s brown hair.
Aemond merely smiles at your reaction.
"Oh, come now…” he says, his tone mocking. "Surely you know the truth. Lucerys is a bastard, and he has no right to claim Driftmark.”
“Then that makes me a bastard as well, does it not?” you are quick to defend your brother to his words.
The prince only glances at you before leaning close into your ear to whisper, "Yes, I suppose it does. But tell me, have you ever felt anything akin to jealousy knowing that you are to be nothing more than a mere bastard, while your younger brother will be lord of the tides? And your other one, heir to the iron throne? You could be so much more, if the opportunity would arise.”
“Mother?” you are quick to enter her chambers.
Rhaenyra looks up at you, at her feet Viserys and Aegon play. “Yes my love?”
“I ran into Aemond earlier, training with Cole..” you say, sitting beside her on the velvet chair.
“Oh you did, did you?” Rhaenyra’s face turns, not liking the idea of you with her brother. She quickly glances up at you, reading your face almost immediately. “What is it?”
“Mother, he called us bastards. For all of the training yard to see and hear."
“He did what?” she looks concerned.
“Mother, he said that Luke wouldn't inherit Driftmark, because he is a bastard. And that he's not worthy of it, like Jace isnt of the throne…” you sigh at your words. “That I would seek nothing, because I am a bastard.”
Your mother’s face softens a bit. She would never allow any harm to befall her children, she’d rather die. “Hey.” she soothes. “My sweet, do not listen to him, for he speaks lies. You are not a bastard, you are my daughter and you are everything. Do not ever forget that, hm?”
Tears form in your eyes. “I am not stupid mother. I see the way Queen Alicent looks at me, and has looked at all three of us for years. How the court sneers behind our backs for the color of our hair.”
Rhaenyra’s heart aches once again, as she reaches out, she tilts your chin up. “Do not listen to them, my love.” she speaks softly. Rhaenyra would not allow your innocence to be taken from you at such a young age. “You know the truth…you are my daughter, my beautiful girl. No one can argue that.”
“Is that why Vaemond is questioning Luke as heir?” you ask.
Your mother’s hand falls from your face and she sighs, “No my dearest. The truth of it is that he is a greedy and restless second son scorned.”
“Lots of theatrics for a second son.”
Rhaenyra gives you a small smile, “It’s the height of ambition, is it not? And foolishness.”
“Where is Daemon?” you ask as you glance around her empty chambers.
Rhaenyra pauses for a second, “Why?”
“You shouldn't be alone while we’re here.” you look back to her.
Your mother chuckles softly, cocking her head so slightly. “I’ll be fine, little one.” she assures. “I don’t need him watching me every second of the day.”
“I still don't like you being alone.” you frown, allowing her to pull you into her.
“And why is that hm?” she asks.
“Because I do not trust the queen. Not at all.” you declare.
“You too then, hm?” Rhaenyra laughs slightly. Of course you didn't. It had always worried your mother how much you truly did pick up on. “And why do you not trust her?”
“Because of how she treats us. Treats you.” you point to the scar on Rhaenyra's arm, left by Alicent years ago.
Rhaenyra pauses, recounting how you and your brothers had witnessed that moment. Alicent went mad, stupid enough to bring a knife to the heir of the throne, but to actually cut skin and cause the blood of the dragon to stain the floors, was another act entirely.
“I am so sorry you and your brothers had to witness that. You should have been in your chambers.” her voice is soft.
“Alicent should've died for that...you are the heir to the throne!” you shake your head, voice shaking slightly.
Rhaenyra’s eyes widen, her stomach turns from your words. She places her hands on your face, “Do not say such things.”
“Why not? Are you saying that grandfather allowing her to live was right? That she saw no punishment...no justice, was right?” you stand to your feet, almost upset at what you are hearing.
Rhaenyra stands as well, sighing as she shakes her head. “It does not matter if it was right or not.”
“Yes it does!”
“She-” your mother pauses and takes a deep breath. As if she was choosing her words carefully. “I do not want you thinking or bringing up anything from that night. I am your mother and you are my daughter, I do not wish to hear it come from your mouth. Do I make myself clear?”
“You're defending her.” your eyes widen at the realization. Your mother was defending the very woman who had bullied her for years, tormented you and your brothers with vile gossip and drove you all from your places in King’s Landing.
“I am not-” Rhaenyra huffs in frustration. “I am merely protecting you-”
“You are not protecting me from anything! Do you think when you took Harwin Strong into bed, you'd be protecting us?” you know the words will sting her, but at the moment you are too angry to care.
Rhaenyra looks at you, almost as if you were a stranger in the moment. “You-”
“Everyone knows mother, you can tell by how they stare at us.” your voice is quiet, defeated.
“Darling, look at me.” Rhaenyra demands. “There's my daughter. The one who's kind, smart and fierce. Words have never hurt you before, you shall not let them hurt you now.”
“You don't understand what it's like. When it’s all anyone can see! I am meant to be a Velaryon, yet I am barely that if that at all!” hot tears stream your face, your own frustration growing.
“I don't understand?” Rhaenyra’s voice breaks. “I wouldn't understand? What it’s like to be stared at, to be whispered about as I walk the halls? What do you think happened to me when you were born? Or the years before that?”
“It isn't the same!” you stress. “You are a Targaryen! You have the silver hair! I have the brown hair that shows proof of your-”
“Of my what?” your mother’s face falls.
“Everyone knows…that Harwin Strong is our father.”
Rhaenyra swallows, a look of hurt painting her face. “You should not focus on that. You should focus-”
“On myself, yes. The bastard of the great House Targaryen.” with your last words, you can't help but not stay for the argument that would ensue. You quickly leave her.
The door to his chambers stood before you. You knew his chambers by heart because before you were ripped away from King's Landing, they were once your chambers.
You inhale a breath, debating if doing it is really worth it. What answers could he have that your mother was not giving you. Honesty perhaps being one.
You knock slightly on his door. After some footsteps are heard, his door swings open to him standing there. As he takes your image in, his face turns into a mix of surprise and curiosity.
“Aemond. I did not wake you did I?” you ask softly.
“No, you did not.” he shakes his head. “I simply was reading.”
“Can I come in?” you give him a soft smile, hoping he takes note of your kindness.
“Very well.” Aemond stands back, opening his chamber doors to allow you in. “You may enter.”
You enter his chambers and remove your robes, leaving you in your nightdress.
Aemond raises his eyebrow as he closes his chamber door, taking in your form.
“I spoke to my mother earlier today.” you break the silence that hung between you two.
Aemond’s figure leans against one of the stone walls and simply stares at you. “Oh? What about?”
“I know Harwin Strong is my father, but she won't deny yet won’t say the truth plainly.” you look at the ground, refusing to make eye contact as you say the words.
Aemond’s only eye widens.
The rumor of Harwin being you and your brother’s true father was a nasty rumor that had circulated the court for years. Hanging shame on the crown princess, and her children as people whispered whenever they were present. A rumor he know his own mother had begun, backed by a simple ‘Just look at their hair, that is no true Targaryen nor Velaryon’
It was an open secret, nasty gossip. Never confirmed.
Not until now. You stood before him, confirming what your mother tried so hard to keep quiet.
He studies your face for a fleeting moment before speaking, “So it is true then? Harwin Strong is your father?”
You nod as tears begin flooding your face, “He is. Perhaps I always knew, but just wanted to deny it. But as I grow older I cannot. I've come to you because you know what it's like to...not belong where you are supposed to.”
Aemond watches as you wipe your tears, his expression turning soft as he pushes himself off the wall and walks towards you. He knew exactly what you meant. He had been an outsider for years, looking in as Aegon and your brothers relentlessly tortured him.
“I do not know what to do. I feel like I will not fit no matter where I am. Like a broken piece of a glass that cannot be put back.” you sob.
Aemond cups your face, bringing you to look directly at him. And in that moment the shy bastard he once knew flushed away as now all he could see was your gorgeous face, inches away from his.
When did these feelings exist? He felt butterflies as you searched his face.
“I know what it's like…to feel that way,” he admits. “It's an unbearable feeling that threatens to swallow you whole.”
You lean in, “I never hurt you, I couldn't. I knew my brothers were so cruel to you, along with Aegon...I felt so bad.”
“No, you never hurt me sweet girl.” he murmurs. “But you also never stopped them. You were the oldest of your brothers, you should've…”
“I'm sorry!” you cry. “Please do not be mad at me, I cannot have you against me as well.”
“I’m not mad at you.” he assures. “I could never be mad at you. It's just…sometimes your indifference pained me more than their cruelty.”
“I should've said something, told someone. Maybe if I had, you'd still have your eye.” you admit. Not sure you believe your words.
“Perhaps you should have.” Aemond smiles a little, the idea of your empathy towards him over taking the side of your brothers made him feel different towards you. Feelings he had tried so hard to ignore, pouring back in. He shakes his head, “No need to ponder on the painful past. What’s done is done I’m afraid, and we must live with the consequences of our actions.”
You stare at Aemond's lip, desire burning in your eyes, “Did you ever think of me? All of those years?”
Aemond nods at you, of course he thought of you. More than he'd care to admit. "Yes", he answers. “I thought of you. More often than I should have.”
“I thought of you too...would stare out from the balcony of my chambers towards the shores of King’s Landing...missing you.” your years have cleared up now, face inches from his. The tension is too much.
“You missed me?” he asks in disbelief.
“Yes uncle, I missed you.”
Aemond’s breath hitches at the use of the term, something you had called him playfully as children.
‘Yes uncle, coming uncle.’
Aemond’s restraint, all of it that he was holding back so desperately, shatters. He leans in, closing the gap and presses his lips against yours. You immediately react, holding his face just as he holds yours.
You pull back from the kiss, “what did you mean? Earlier you said I could benefit from a situation that would arise...what would you want with a bastard like me?”
Aemond’s expression changes, still caught up in the fact you willingly kissed him back. Something he only dreamed of when he was younger.
He let out a sigh, "Yes, bastard or not, I have desires. Desires that you, as a bastard, could fulfill for me.”
You weren't sure you liked his tone. “And what desires are that?”
He takes in your form again, and takes a deep breath. “Desires better shown than spoken about.”
You didn't know he had felt this way about you. Only a child’s crush that faded only so slightly when you were forced from your home.
“I cannot give you anything, but perhaps children with brown hair I’m afraid...I'm nothing.” you insist, shaking your head.
Aemond sighs dramatically, “Do not speak of yourself like that. You are much more than that whore’s bastard daughter. And as for children? I’ll give you beautiful silver haired boys to dote after.”
“You...you'd give me princes?”
He smiles at you, hands returning to your face. “Yes”, he says firmly. “I would. I'd give you princes and princesses. Legitimate sons and daughters.”
“But I am not your wife, they would be bastards.” you remind him.
His heart aches at the truth of your words, but you were right. You were not his wife. They would be bastards. But you didn't need to be married for them to be conceived.
“Make me your wife.” you whisper. “Take me the way Daemon has taken my mother.”
“The old Valyrian way is a blood oath…you would want that? I thought all princesses dreamed of fancy feasts and wedding ceremonies.” Aemond laughs a little.
“I'm not one for feasts...or for dramatic gatherings of strangers. I know your mother wouldn't allow it, nor would mine. Besides, once married, one of us would have to die for it to be void.”
Aemond’s eyes darken slightly. “Our mothers, at each other’s throats for us and our safety, yet not knowing where our hearts truly lie.”
“So you’ll have me?” you ask, desperate and vulnerable.
“Yes.” he nods. “I’ll have you…in every way.”
You kiss him, it's desperate and almost pathetic. Moaning against his mouth as you try to rid him of his clothes. He groans into the kiss as well, feeling your need for him. The need he's felt for you for years, desperate for this.
He breaks the kiss, breathing heavily. “You're eager aren't you.”
“I’ve needed you since we were younger, Uncle.” you nod.
“And i’ve wanted you.” he begins to shed you of your nightgown. “From the moment you first spoke to me when we were children. I knew you would be my wife, you had to.”
“Take me.” you beg.
“I’ll take you.” he says breathlessly. With one swift movement, he carries you to his sprawling bed.
“I love you, Uncle.” you manage out. The words are surprising, even to you.
Aemond lays you down against the soft blankets, “I love you as well sweet girl. More than I should…more than I intended.”
You kiss him again, reaching for the growing hard on you can visibly see through his pants.
He groans at your touch, growing weak in your hands. “Impatient aren't you?”
“Waited for so long...waited my whole life to be with you!” you tell him.
“I’m here now. I’m yours.” he promises.
He moans at your touch, getting lost in the pure lust of it. “Fuck.”
“Stop teasing me…haven't we both waited enough?” you cry. You wanted him now.
“You want me?” he smirks. “Perhaps I won't hold back.”
“Don't.” you insist.
“Oh you’ll have me. All of me.” he demands. He pins your wrists above your head, covering your body with his.
You both deepen the kiss as he begins to press and roll his body against yours, the small flame inside you flickering. Pure pleasure rattling you.
“You feel good,” he murmurs. “so good.”
He lifts your hips up, pinning you against him, rolling his hips harder. You moan wildly, and desperately. All of these feelings were so new to you, as you imagined they were new to Aemond too.
“Have you done this before?” you ask him.
His face riddles with guilt, and your heart drops slightly.
He nods, “I have.”
“Aegon…made me. Said it would turn me into a man. It meant nothing.” he insists.
“You laid with a maiden?”
He shakes his head, “A whore.”
Your heart feels better at this. Whores were an easy outlet to the men of Aemond’s kind. You knew that. It meant nothing at the end of the day.
“I’m still…a maiden.” you tell him.
A bastard who was still a virgin.
“How intriguing. I would not have guessed-”
“You think I am a whore?” you scoff.
“No. I know you know better than that…but with your mother leading by example, one must wonder.” he corrects you.
“I wanted to save it…for someone special.” you admit silently.
His eye widened, “You saved it for me?”
Deep down he figured that in all those years, Rhaenyra had married you to your brother, Jace. And that by the time you returned you would have made Rhaenyra a grandmother. To his surprise, you weren't married to him, nor did you bear any of his children. It made him know that you simply were his.
“You did not marry Jace?” he asks.
You shake your head, “I love him, the way a sister loves a brother.”
“And me?” he stares at you.
“I do not love you the way a niece should love an uncle.” you take a sharp breath.
“And how do you love me then?” he lays his forehead against yours.
“The way a wife loves her husband.”
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Stars In Her Hair
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Daemon Targaryen Couple - Daemon X Reader Reader - (OC) Lady Allianna Dayne Rating - Flirty Word Count - 1463
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Finally, Daemon had returned to King's Landing from the war on the stepstones, he returned as king of the narrow Sea a title he quickly abandoned, but his brother King Viserys planned a week of celebrations for his return and the end of the war. Tourneys, hunts and other such pleasantries the first of which was tonight a large feast for the court. The hall filled with laughter and music, the tables lined with food and lords.
Daemon glanced around the hall attempting to find something interesting, part of him remembered how little he had missed such foolish politics, and he was tempted to finish his cup and head to his chamber for the night.
However, his eyes settled as they usually did on the body of the young lady, The Lady Allianna Dayne dressed as usual in deep purple and silver, with silver star jewellery and even a Star hairpin through her curls setting silver stars in her hair. The Dayne’s A fellow house of old Valyira with purple eyes much like many Targaryen’s. The last Daemon saw Allianna she was a young girl clutching her father's jacket as she followed him about court but that was many years ago.
Daemon’s eyes were drawn to her figure. He couldn’t help but admit to himself he found her attractive, she was beautiful. He slowly pushed himself up from the chair at the royal table, He started to make his way over to where she stood. He stood there a moment, staring at her before eventually speaking.
"You look rather bored standing here alone. Has not one person thought to request you dance this fine evening?"
She chuckled "No, they know better,"
"Is that so? Are you that intimidating?" He questioned, his tone playful. He moved to stand beside her, his gaze slowly travelling the length of her frame, admiring her appearance. Allianna was a beautiful woman with assets many in the seven kingdoms pay a fair price for on brothel girls, but she wore the impressive symbols of her house and its history
She glanced at him making sure to catch his eye so he knew she’d seen what he was up to, "It has been a good few years since you were here Prince Daemon. In that time a lady at court must learn to take care of herself,"
"Indeed it has been a long time. You've grown well since that child at court," His eyes continued admiring her looks, the curves of her body obvious beneath her dress, and then he raised his eyes to her hair. "I see you've adopted the family tradition and put a star in your hair. A fitting accessory for a lady of the house of the dawn star."
"I'm sure you felt compelled to adopt dragon scales on your sleeves and dragon buttons on your doublet at a similar age. Stars are my family, I wear them with pride. As a Lannister wears a lion, a stark a wolf fur, and you a dragon my prince."
"Quite right a Dayne girl would be nothing without her stars." He looked around the great hall. "I've seen many Westerosi houses here tonight, but I haven't spotted your father so far."
"he is not here.” She answered, “He is in Starfall, ruling as lord and comforting my mother, he .. he prays she will deliver him a son," her tone saddened,
He frowned as he spoke again. "I see, still no male heir then."
"No, only me."
"That’s quite a responsibility. I imagine your father is eager for a son to succeed him, an heir and not a daughter.”
"There is much he is eager for," she said dismissively before changing the subject, "but you have been busy... All these years, the war of the stepstones now won at last. King of the stepstones they've calling you," she chuckled at the title,
His lips curled into a smile, "King of the Stepstones, some do indeed call me that and yet I'm nothing more than a prince I assure you." He chuckled himself at the absurdity of it. "It's true that I've been busy but now I’m back here in the capital." He paused. "And I hope it doesn't take six years to see you at a feast again."
"I represent the whole of the south at court, you shall be seeing me, my prince,"
"You represent the South?" he asked, She was too young to be a delegate of her family he thought. "Your father's work I imagine? You're the only child and he doesn't wish to leave Dorne without a Dayne heir, not without a son." His words held some criticism of her father. He wondered if it truly a good idea to send her alone to the snake pit of a city like King's Landing? Anyone could take… advantage.
"You are correct," She nodded
"You must miss it. Your home? The warm sands of Dorne instead of the cobbled stones of the city." He moved a little closer, their distance closing. "Though a woman like you would be welcome in any room, be it a hall or a tent in the desert."
"I do miss it, starfall is unlike any castle in the seven kingdoms, I miss my tower, I miss the silver running like rivers through the walls, the moon-shaped cobbles and star glass windows. Somehow I feel every mile I am away from home. And weaker the further I am," There was a sadness behind her words as she spoke of home, "but... this is home, for now."
"The Dornish are proud people, the people of Starfall particularly so. It sounds like a lovely place." He felt a bit of sympathy for her, he felt the same about Dragon Stone which he had always called his home, "You'll return someday with a husband and a brood of children, and be happy there I’m sure."
she scoffed "Yes return home with a husband and children to be bossed about by the lord of Starfall, a brother whom even if is born today will be twenty years my junior." She explained "... When a son is born, Starfall won't be my home anymore, I'll simply be shipped off to whatever lord father picks out,"
His face showed a trace of sympathy for her as she spoke. "You'll be fine. The right Lord or Prince will come along for you, be assured of that." He looked at her for a moment before smirking. "Perhaps that’s why you keep every man at bay. Holding out for their Prince Charming."
"a prince?" She chuckled, "as far as I was aware... The realm has only the one prince" She maked eye contact,
He caught her gaze and held it, a slight smirk on his lips as she commented. He decided to play along with her game. "You’d be correct" he said, taking note of how she was standing, almost as if she were drawing herself towards him. "I’m the one and only" he added jokingly, before looking around to make sure no one was listening. "I’m curious..." he began, his tone lighter. "How did you pass your time in King’s Landing alone? I imagine you’ve been bombarded with men asking you to dance all night."
"I have been far too busy dealing with politics," she chuckled, "but if I have a moment I go to the library," she nodded, "Eman issare learning eglie valyiran” “I have been learning high valyiran" she said in a slight tender and careful high valyiran given she is still learning,
He was taken aback by her, It wasn’t something he expected. His eyebrows went up, his interest piqued. “You’ve issare learning Valyrio Eglie?” "You’ve been learning high Valyrian?”
She nodded with a gentle smile,
“Your accent is somewhat shaky but your pronunciation is decent enough.”
"hard to nail an accent when reading alone in the library"
He chuckled, "No good teacher then."
“Few known it at all let alone enough to teach.”
He looked upon her for a moment, his gaze tracing her body once again, before returning to her eyes. "I’m fluent in Valyrian. I could teach you."
"Could you? That would be very kind of you Prince Daemon,"
“Think nothing of it.” He took the opportunity to close the distance between them. He brought his body closer to hers and held her with a strong gaze. His voice came out in a low whisper. “Ziry would sagon ñuha pleasure naejot dohaeragon ao lēda aōha Valyrīha” “It would be my pleasure to help you with your Valyrian.”
She smiled biting her lip a little before she spoke, “Tomorrow, Eleven, in the library.” She nodded, “I’ll see you then Prince Daemon,”
“It’s a date” He nodded taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles, “Ñuha dōna” “My Sweet”
She nodded hiding her blush as slipped her hand from his own and she walked away to leave the celebrations, 
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afro-hispwriter · 2 years
Letters(Aemond Targaryen)
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Summary- Aemond and daemons daughter have been secretly seeing each other and sending letters and at the dinner aemond asks for her hand shocking everyone and making daemon furious.
Warnings- angst, daemon just trying to be a good dad;(
Request by anonymous 
wc- 1.6k
When a crow landed on the stone of your window you jumped out of your bed. You took the wrapped letter off its claw and it flew off. You tore the ribbon off of it and opened the little paper.
My love,
I've received news that you will be coming to Kings Landing to sort out the issue with Driftmark. Words cannot begin to describe how excited i am to see you again.
From your lover,
You practically jumped up and squealed. It had been so long since you've seen any of your family that resided in Kings Landing. But of course you were more excited to see Aemond.
The carriage ride into Kingslanding was uneventful. There weren't people on the sidelines cheering for the arrival of the Blacks. They announced your arrivals, you didn't see Aemond anywhere. He said a long time ago in a letter saying he now wore an eyepatch. But you haven't caught sight of your eye patched cousin. 
They advised you and your siblings to see ser Criston who was currently training on of the princes. You walked quickly to the yard.
"Slow down sister, no need to rush." Jace said with a sly smile. He was the only one who knew about Aemond. You scoffed at him but slowed down. You saw a crowd and heard swords clashing. As you got closer you day the wiping of white hair flying around. You pushed through people and some glared until they noticed your white hair and averted their eyes. The person fighting Ser Criston was tall, and moved swiftly. He blocked Cristons weapon and moved around to a crouch letting you take notice who it was.
Eye Patch. Aemond.
He looked over the crowd until his eyes fell upon you. But he turned his attention back to Cristion and decided it was time to stop playing around. It quick ease Aemond disarmed Criston, still holding his 
"Well done Aemond, you'll be winning Tournaments in no time." Said Criston and Aemond scoffs.
"I dont give a shit about tourneys. Nephews. Cousin. Have you come to train?" He asks and sets down his sword. He turns to you and your stepbrothers but his eyes stayed on you. Jace looked shocked and immediately shook his head.
"Only if you will be the one doing the training." You say and raise an eyebrow at him and he smirked. 
"It depends." He said and sheathes his sword and starts stepping towards you. "Are you up for the hard work?" He stopped in front of you and leaned down so your faces were close together. "Because I guarantee you, you will be hot and sweaty in the end along with pain... in so many parts of your body." He whispered the last part in your ear and you shuddered. "I missed you."
He didn't let you respond before he left you there, flustered and wanting. Jace and Luke looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"Im not sure Daemon would like what we just saw." Said Luke and you roll your eyes and shove him playfully. 
Viserys requested the family have dinner together and you didn't know if you were dreading it or looking for to it. The Greens were already at the table waiting foe the Blacks. You sat on the end of the table next to your father with Baela and at the other end sat Aemond. A maid came and filled your cup with wine and you picked it up and looked at Aemond. He raised his towards you and brought the cup up to his lips. You did the same but smiled behind your cup. 
This action didn’t go unnoticed by Rhaenerya, she smiled slightly at seeing her stepdaughter and half-brother interact. 
Dinner was served, Alicent gave a prayer and after that. Everything went well. Everyone talked like nothing ever happened, they laughed with each other. Alicent and Rhaenerya actually struck up a conversation. Aemond wasn’t saying anything just continued eating and drinking, but he kept glancing at you at any given chance. Eventually he stopped eating and just stared at you. You felt his stare and looked up to him. He cocked his head to the side with a sly smile, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but there was amusement placed on your face.
“What?” You mouthed but he didn’t do anything. Your father noticed who you were talking to and took notice to your face, he nudged your foot with his, bringing your attention back. Aemond drowned the rest if his wine and suddenly stood up, making all conversations stop and look up at him. 
“I have something to say, well more ask my dear Uncle.” He says and Daemon leans back in his chair and squints his eyes. You look at Aemond in confusion, not knowing what he needed to ask your father. “For the last few months I’ve been sending letters to your oldest daughter, your beautiful Y/n.” Your eyes widened.
“Aemond.” You say and Daemon looks at you with now wide eyes. 
“I’ve developed a love for her.” Aemond stopped right behind Daemon and Daemon couldn’t look at him just tightening his jaw. “So I want to ask for her hand in marriage.” Everyone stayed quiet and waited for Daemon to react but Viserys answered first.
“I think thats a mighty fine idea.” He said and coughed. “It would surely help secure our bloodline more, and as well help end this feud before it grows into something bigger.” Still nobody said anything but you watched Daemon grip his knife.
“Father-.” But you were to late to stop him. He had Aemond on the ground with a knife to his neck. 
“How dare you ask for my daughter’s hand? Do you think I haven’t heard the rumors? Why would I put my daughter in danger?” Aemond gulped and licked his lips.
“I would never hurt your daughter, I wouldn’t dream it.” 
“Daemon.” He heard Rhaenerya’s soft voice behind him and a hand on his shoulder. He slowly pulled back and stood up, you ran to Aemond side and bent down next to him, Alicent appearing as well.
“Are you ok?” You ask him and inspect his neck. He nods and waves you off. You then look up at your father to see Rhaenerya calming him down. You stood up and angrily walked to him. “Why does everything have to be violence with you? Why cant you just talk like a normal human being!? Why cant you be happy that I found someone I love?” You sped off after that leaving everyone in shock. 
Aemond stood up and tried to follow you but Daemon stopped him.
“No. I’ll talk to her.” He said and nodded to Rhaenerya who nodded back and gave him a smile. He went of to go find and comfort his child. 
He knew exactly where you were. When you lived in Kings Landing you always spent your free time in the gardens. He heard sniffles coming from the direction  of the fountain. 
He saw his daughter hunched over with a flower in her hands. 
“Y/n.” He says and you whipped your head around to your father. 
“Why are you here?” You ask and wipe you eye. Daemon sits down next to you.
“Im sorry, for what I did.” He says and you look at him in shock. “Sorry for how I reacted, you’re right i shouldn’t have handled it that way.”  He placed an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in close. “I will give my nephew my blessing to marry you.” You raised your head to him with an open mouth. 
“You’re serious?” You ask and he nods. You stand up and smile brightly down at him. “Thank you.” You bent down and kissed his cheek before running off but before you could get far his fingers wrapped around your wrist and tugged you back.
“Just know, if he hurts you, trust that no one will be able save him.” He says and his face goes back to seriousness. 
“You wont regret it father.” You ran inside the castle, running through the halls. You saw Alicent walking quickly down the hall. “Queen Alicent!” They turned around and immediate concern flashed on their faces.
“Child whats wrong?” Asks Alicnet and places her hands on your shoulders. 
“Wheres Aemond?” You say out of breath and she cocked her head to the side.
“Training outside.” 
“Thank you.” You say and run outside to the training area. You heard grunting and loud sounds of wood getting hit. You saw Aemond whipping around flawlessly. “AEMOND!” He turned around at the scream of his name.
“Y/n?” You jumped into him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“He said yes, he’s going to give you his blessing to marry me.” You say and and pull back. And for the first time in a long time Aemond smiled, this time with love. He dropped his sword and grabbed your face and slammed his lips down on yours. You both closed your eyes, melting into the kiss. He opened his eyes for a split second to check his surroundings and saw Daemon, standing by the entrance with his hands in front of him, smiling that his daughter found love.
The following week you were marrying Aemond in the traditional Old Velaryon way. Cutting your lips with dragon glass, followed by your hands and held them together, then wiping a stray of blood on each others foreheads. A kiss was shared, your bloods mixing in your mouths, signifying the security of another bloodline and also one of the few marriages done for love.
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splatoonpolls · 2 months
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An inkling born to ordinary parents who worked at Gone Fission power plant. However, a salmonid big run happened in the area, and because Grizzco didn't yet exist, it had to be abandoned, and Tami's parents were killed. Tami herself, who was also there, was badly injured and lost her right arm, was found by some salmonids, but because she was a young inkling the salmonids didn't know what she was and so instead of killing her took her home. She then spent almost her entire life growing up with the salmonids, and became a very skilled fighter, but also starting a band with a couple other salmonids. They make music that's like horrible to listen to and will overestimate you. Once she was 14, she joined the war on salmonids on the side of the salmonids. Over time Grizzco expands and poses a larger and larger threat to the salmonids, so Tami decides that she's going to go try and put a stop to it, because she's the only one who could make it to inkling civilation without being killed, although that doesn't change the fact she didn't know the language, culture, or anything. After spending several nights on the streets of splatsville, Tami is found by Tide, an octoling who's been living there for some time. Tide takes Tami under their wing, despite them knowing nothing about each other. Over the next few months Tide teachers Tami inkling language, has Tami participate in battles (where she fuckin rocks at it bc she's been literally trained for war), all while Tami searches for more info on Grizzco, but unfortunately nobody knows shit about it. Finally she happens across Cuttlefish and eventually falls into Alterna, where she has no idea what's going on until eventually wow Mr. Grizz is there. She fucking kills him and then just kinda leaves without really joining the squidbeak splatoon she just wanted to kill Mr grizz. Anyways then she and Tide probably go back to salmonid or something I haven't really figure this out. Sorry for the text wall
oc posts
my splat3 sona! shes a funny anemone girl she's the heiress to the throne of a not-so-distant region called Choralia, populated by mostly sea anemones. She's in hiding though, since she doesnt want the responsibility of being queen and she's strictly anti monarchy she has a purple clown fish named perseus who's constantly acting like she still wants to be the heiress moved to the splatlands from reef city, the capitol of choralia she constantly has her headphones blasting loud music as a form of stimulation. she enjoys the vibration she runs a music store in splatsville called Medusa's Temple, but it's barely open cause she's out playing turf war and napping
He's a pro-rank turf war player who had to drop out after his mom's death - resulting in a steep decline in performance and attendance. Eventually he tried to get back into the swing of things by trying to steal equipment from Spyke. Doesn't work, he gets caught and is instead recruited to become Spyke's errand boy and bodyguard. Please vote for my squid son!! Him and Spyke are gay and in the most toxic bodyguard/overlord relationship ever seen in Inkopolis. Local pro-league sniper has had the worst fuckin life imaginable, he is but a pathetic little meow meow of a squid (but will kill you for realsies)
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sapphim · 4 months
Dragon Age reverse unpopular opinion things I'd love to see u talk about:
- depictions of Tevinter so far
- Hawke sibling death(s) (scene, story beat, later handling, whatever you feel led to talk about)
- high dragons in all 3 games
- favorite codex entries
- Thedosian food/drink (I have opinions about this so I love reading other people's)
depictions of tevinter - I don't really know that I've seen enough of tevinter depicted to have formed an opinion? I haven't been keeping up with supplementary material, fwiw
hawke sibling death scenes - I think their deaths in the deep roads are the good sort of impactful because 1) you actually know them as characters by that point and 2) you're being punished for meaningful decision points that you didn't know would lead to their deaths but like... in retrospect yeah, taking your sibling on the dangerous expedition, not taking the warden on the dangerous expedition, tragedy is kind of fair play, there. the prologue fails on both counts here, but I think the deep roads was implemented well. ofc this goes out the door on follow-up playthroughs or if you've got the wiki open in another tab but I love when something terrible happens and you look back over your choices and say "ok yeah I didn't see that coming, but I probably could have"
high dragons - idk if the "kill 10 high dragons" sidequest in inquisition Was Actually a reaction to all the "if this is dragon age then where are all the dragons" jokes but it feels like it was. and if so, that's funny. like they had to fill their semi-open world with something and they were like. fine. ykw, fuck it. have all the dragons you could possibly want. you dicks. tell us there are no dragons in our dragon age game this time. you can't. I hope that's how that played out.
and like there were already like three major high dragon fights in origins—the archdemon, flemeth, and best girl andraste—so like. objectively there were dragons.
speaking of best girl andraste I loveeeee high dragon reaver cults. the concept is soooo sexy to me.
codex entries - I love the idea of codex entries fr fr. one of the biggest strengths of origins from the beginning, imo, was the decision to drop so much lore and all of it from biased in-world perspectives. mass effect's codex never clicked for me but I devoured every scrap of paper in origins. the lore attached to items made them feel distinct and meaningful, as well.
as for specific favorite entries, idkkk, it's been a while. I will say that nothing has stuck with me like the descent's darkspawn emissary has. fucked up if true. oh and also the one about the darkspawn magister eating the other. fucked up if true
thedosian food and drink - this answer is gonna sound like a cop-out. and it is! but the only opinion I have on food in thedas, which I am going to share here regardless of whether it's on topic (it isn't) is that free marchers have cheese rolling events. like at their grand tourney and shit. and I mostly have this opinion because it is very funny to imagine various fereldans reacting to this discovery. but also bc it is very funny to imagine varric tumbling ass-over-teakettle down a hill alongside a giant wheel of cheese if he ever elected to participate in this fine marcher tradition. there that's my food opinion.
[reverse unpopular opinion - send me a topic and I’ll say what I like about it (or die trying)]
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esther-dot · 10 months
Hello, hope you're having a pleasant day!
I've been meaning to ask you for a bit of professional jonsa opinion for a pretty long time about this little theory of mine - could that be a thing or am I being delusional jonsa (as I always do).
So in SoS, Sansa IV there is this moment in her period dream where she calls for people who could possibly protect her, her father and brothers are among this list. And it's seems like a normal thing to do - to call for her family - but, but, but, BUT! - she never calls for her mother. She never calls for arya. She calls for people (and Lady) who could theoretically actively protect her as she thinks (Dontos and Loras are here too)- so people are not there by default, her subconscious actively chooses people to call for.
And that raises one teeny tiny question. Why would she then be calling for Bran and Rikon? I can't imagine that Sansa who is old enough to see them as little boys crying in their cribs just a couple of years earlier would think of them as said brothers who can protect her/save her. Robb is understandable choice - but then who would be this at least one other brother?
So yeah, I've convinced myself that when she calls for her brothers to help she means Robb and Jon. Like, you know, all those hidden times characters think of other characters without "thinking" of them (I'm looking at you, Jon, with your little "willowy creature" and "sight so lovely" comments). Because it would be actually understandable thing - she may not be very close with boys in their childhood, but she would probably see them training or playing together or whatever noble boys do being boys. It would be enough for her to see them both as "strong brothers who could protect her in case of something bad happens" - consciously or subconsciously.
What do you think? Is it too far fetched? May be it's been discussed and I'm just unaware? I just wish we could have the level of "thinking but not actually thinking" from Sansa as we do with Jon.
Sorry, this ask came out way too long. Thank you for letting me share this thing!
Thank you! It has been A Day™ (...a week...a year….😅) Anyway, I haven't seen anyone point that out!
"No," she cried, "no, please, don't, don't," but no one paid her any heed. She shouted for Ser Dontos, for her brothers, for her dead father and her dead wolf, for gallant Ser Loras who had given her a red rose once, but none of them came. She called for the heroes from the songs, for Florian and Ser Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, but no one heard. Women swarmed over her like weasels, pinching her legs and kicking her in the belly, and someone hit her in the face and she felt her teeth shatter. (ACOK, Sansa IV)
You know, I think you may be onto something because she is calling out to people who are in that "hero" role for her, it isn’t simply who she is close to (cuz you’re right, she doesn't call for her mother) and considering how she thinks of Bran and Rickon around that same time, it doesn't really fit her perception of them to think they're the ones she calls for?
"Sansa, did you hear? I'm to ride in the tourney today. Mother said I could." Tommen was all of eight. He reminded her of her own little brother, Bran. They were of an age. Bran was back at Winterfell, a cripple, yet safe. Sansa would have given anything to be with him. (ACOK, Sansa I) By now Arya was safe back in Winterfell, dancing and sewing, playing with Bran and baby Rickon,(ACOK, Sansa II)
As young as Robb is, she does view him as a hero who might avenge her as far back as AGOT,
After my name day feast, I'm going to raise a host and kill your brother myself. That's what I'll give you, Lady Sansa. Your brother's head." A kind of madness took over her then, and she heard herself say, "Maybe my brother will give me your head." (AGOT, Sansa VI)
and while we don't have a similar thought of Jon, we have good reason to think he might lurk as a hero figure too, considering how she romanticizes knights and thinks of the Watch:
In the songs, they were called the black knights of the Wall. (AGOT, Sansa III)
And, Jon is listed among her siblings in her next chapter, so he is in that "brother" grouping at this point in the story:
She sang for mercy, for the living and the dead alike, for Bran and Rickon and Robb, for her sister Arya and her bastard brother Jon Snow, away off on the Wall. (ACOK, Sansa V)
There's more of a distinction later, Jonsas have suggested Martin intentionally aims to create distance between her and Jon in ASOS where she seems to forget him:
But she had not forgotten his words, either. The heir to Winterfell, she would think as she lay abed at night. It's your claim they mean to wed. Sansa had grown up with three brothers. She never thought to have a claim, but with Bran and Rickon dead . . . It doesn't matter, there's still Robb, he's a man grown now, and soon he'll wed and have a son. (ASOS, Sansa II)
That exclusion might just be because she's thinking of who has a claim? It certainly heightens the "alone in the world" feeling she has in ASOS and AFFC until our favorite moment,
Oh, and the Night's Watch has a boy commander, some bastard son of Eddard Stark's." "Jon Snow?" she blurted out, surprised. "Snow? Yes, it would be Snow, I suppose." She had not thought of Jon in ages. He was only her half brother, but still . . . with Robb and Bran and Rickon dead, Jon Snow was the only brother that remained to her. I am a bastard too now, just like him. Oh, it would be so sweet, to see him once again. But of course that could never be. Alayne Stone had no brothers, baseborn or otherwise. (AFFC, Alayne II)
Where he returns to being "brother." So no, I don't think this is far fetched at all, especially when Martin has designated Jon as her hero, a fun twist we don't get until ADWD and will truly play out in TWOW, so it makes sense to me that he wouldn't name Jon (to kinda, preserve the element of surprise), but that upon their reunion we will see that even though Jon and Sansa aren't close and Sansa will have this curious, brother and yet not quite, view of him, it's a positive light in which she sees him, a heroic light.
I buy it, anon! Thank you for sharing this theory. I fully support any and all Jonsa delusions! 🥰
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haljathefangirlcat · 4 months
So aside for the author throwing in things just to be cool, what do you think is going on with the Rosengarten heroes in their titular poem? Gibich, Gunther, Hagen, Gernot, Siegfried, and Ortwin are a given -- the family that fights together, after all. And Volker is a Burgundian mainstay too. Walther...I guess he was allowed to come hang out with his friends, even after maiming both Hagen and Gunther, because friends don't hold a little maiming against each other. Asprian is a giant who pops up both as friend and enemy to various heroes across the legendary timeline. Schrutan is named as a Hunnic knight in the Nibelungenlied, but maybe Kriemhild brought him along with her as some sort of bodyguard? Studefuchs turns up as one of Dietrich's knights in his exile stories. Pusolt seems to be a random guy unless you interpret him as Dietrich's frenemy Fasolt. So what's going on? Did Asprian and Studenfuchs leave the Burgundians after the fight with Dietrich? And there's the fact that in non-Rosengarten materials, Asprian, Schrutan, and Studenfuchs (and maybe Pusolt) are honest to god Jotun/giants/trolls who aren't just being exaggerated as literary license. Is everyone just okay with this?
Tbh, I tend to think of the Rosengarten as kind of... the Beach Episode of Germanic epics. You know, the old style filler episode that doesn't move the plot along or give that much new insight into the themes of the story, but it has character that wouldn't usually meet ourside of some specific context coming together to have a day of wacky adventures? There's so much weird stuff in it that I can't help but see it that way. XD *gestures wildly in the general direction of Ilsan's general existence*
I especially love thinking about Hagen and Walther in that context/mood, actually. The Waltharius ending is already either very touching in a very bittersweet way or simply hilarious, depending on if you take it as a case of using gallows humor to cope or just being Like That even normally, with them having literally just mutilated each other and being already cracking inappropriate jokes at each other's expense ("Don't you think it might a bit perverse, embracing Hildegund with your left hand?" "Aren't you worried that now, whenever you look at another knight, they're gonna think you're looking at them sideways because you don't trust them?"), so I enjoy thinking about everyone else expecting a dramatic confrontation between them only for them to be like... whatever the manly warrior hero equivalent of "OMG HI BESTIE *waves excitedly*" even is, I guess, at each other.
And also about Hagen really, really not wanting to even take part in Kriemhild's silly tourney (as, iirc, he disses the whole idea of it in at least one manuscript) and Walther showing up being one of the few bright spots in it for him.
And also, due to a couple of lines in the Waltharius about the "famous harmony" between Hagen and Walther and about Hagen clinging to Walther's embrace and having to force himself to let go of it to flee the land of the Huns and go back to Worms, about the two of them taking any occasion to sneak away to chat together when they're not the ones fighting even if they're supposed to be on rival "teams"...
So to me that's like... do I have any idea why Walther's even there? No. But do I have this ridiculous mental image of Dietirch somehow meeting him along the way and starting to say "so, anyway, we're going to Worms for.." only to Walther to immediately go "Worms, you said?! Man, I haven't seen Hagen in ages, can I come with you guys?" before he even finishes that sentence? Absolutely.
All the people who turn out to be giants and other supernatural beings are, like, an "okay, this might as well happen today in this poem. Hildebrand's just pretended to be dad so Dietrich would get angry enough to spit fire at Siegfried, making Siegfried cower and hide under Kriemhild's veil, after all" deal to me. I suppose it might come down to different traditions that kind of got lost around the way, but I remember reading somewhere years ago about a version of the Rosengarten where all the knights on Team Worms were referred to as giants, so who knows, it might be literary exaggeration, it might be a new take that didn't, well, take. As for the Hunnic knights, I find your ideas fascinating and think they have a lot of potential, but usually, I just write it off as the same kind of weirdness. The "Dietrich can spit fire and Hildebrand is not above playing dead to mess with him" thing itself fits just too well with the overall weirdness of both characters for me to dismiss it, however, so.... yeah, that one can definitely stay and be a whole thing in my headcanons. XD
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haha impulse control is gone so I made another tournament even though this idea has probably been done before (if so I haven't seen it in this way)
if you don't know im @electric-starburst and I run @superhero-smackdown, (which is currently shadowbanned 😭 so I decided to make another tournament while I wait for tumblr to answer my cries for help!!) EDIT: its back online!! we're currently getting it back underway, check it out after this one!!
for this tournament I want to keep it in western animation, just because I dont watch anime so I don't want to run a tournament on anime characters and have to do a ton of research, this tourney isn't my main priority right now!
if you have a question about what counts you can either shoot me an ask or just go ahead and submit it and if it doesn't count I just won't include it
this is for your animated shows tumblr is obsessed with, like the owl house, avatar: the last airbender, steven universe, and the like, but you are most definitely NOT limited to them!! if it's western animation you go for it!! with that being said I am the poll runner and I have the right to not include anything I'm not comfortable with.
just so we're clear, you can submit ANY character from you're fave show, as long as it's not a one-off gag character that's just there to serve a joke. Protagonists, Antagonists, Deuteragonists, and Ensemble characters are all valid!!! again when in doubt send an ask or just go ahead and submit!
I'm gonna keep the submission form at least until my other comp gets unshadowbanned and going smoothly again, but I'll give you guys a few days warning before then
submit using this form and send me an ask if you have questions, concerns, or wanna ask how the subs are going!! thanks everyone!
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I suppose dedications don't count ? (Someone please make a tournament about them ! I want to but I'm already running others)
Well, in that case honorary mention to Anansy Boys (Neil Gaiman) :
You know how it is. You pick up a book, flip to the dedication, and find that, once again, the author has dedicated a book to someone else and not to you.
Because we haven't yet met/have only a glancing acquaintance/are just crazy about each other/haven't seen each other in much too long/are in some way related/will never meet, but will, I trust, despite that, always think fondly of each other...
This one's for you.
With you know what, and you probably know why.
Yeah, a dedication tournament would be incredible! They don’t count for this tourney but that’s there’s a good one
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baelathebold · 2 years
sooooo many thots on the training yard scene, i mean the texture, the richness!
the boys all dicking around, smacking each other, smiling, joking--even when jace and aegon fight, aegon laughs & claps jace on the shoulder before because fun n games
isn't until criston is directly ordering him to beat up jace that he starts to cross the line
jace & luke don't know why but it's still obv they're being ignored, that they can't fool around with criston the way aegon & aemond do...........
"are you questioning my methods" "you haven't seen real battle" (harwin is the chief of police but whatever) *throws training sword on the ground to make harwin pick it up* *takes out his own grudges on the children*
i mean what a CHARACTER STUDY. in ep 1 we got him attacking daemon from the back which is maybe fine after all that was a big boy tourney but now we REALLY see him
harwin's easy affection for jace, nudging his chin, looking him in the eye while jace who had been visibly scared moments earlier smiles back eagerly <333
meanwhile criston says he'll discipline aegon for using an underhanded move but instead jumps right into instructing him how to win because it's criston's complex about victory, about winning at all costs. can't let it go can't see the forest for the trees
provoking harwin because he needs to know that somebody else is as fucked up about all this as he is
"i fought real war" *gets ass beat by the guy who hasn't* wow almost like harwin has the power of god and anime on his side
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imaginarianisms · 4 months
b.etha b.lackwood actually has potential to be a Very intriguing character when you rly sit down & think about it. like. this is all based on speculation & i have no idea what fire & blood is gonna do surrounding the later targaryen kings & their queens & i haven't personally read the dunk & egg novellas so i could definitely be wrong about a few things but this is a meta on b.ethania b.lackwood.
b.ethania blackwood was born in 201 AC & would've been 5 years old when her father (or possibly even her grandfather as her father wasn't named, only known as lord blackwood) lord q.uentyn blackwood of raventree hall died in a tourney & killed by ser otho bracken who'd later become known as the brute of bracken at a tourney in king's landing during the reign of d.aeron ii the good targaryen which reignited the eons long feud between the blackwoods & the brackens (three years before the tourney of ashford where baelor 'breakspear' was accidentally killed by maekar targaryen, aegon v's father, which is where dunk & egg takes place), & thus i'd imagine that would cause b.etha to hate the brackens because of her (grand?)father's untimely death. to add salt to injury, she would've seen him die in front of her eyes because although he used a blunted longaxe, he struck him so hard that he stove in his helm's visor & his face beneath & that could've traumatized b.etha severely. maybe her older brother (or father, depending on if you think q.uentyn blackwood was her grandfather), the so far unnamed lord blackwood, inherited after quentyn's death. she would've been 8 years old when d.aeron ii 'the good' targaryen died during the great spring sickness. so, b.etha would've been raised in a time where women were more valued in comparison to the previous eras with the help of m.yriah m.artell, daeron ii targaryen's queen. house blackwood never lacked for powerful women in their house, however, but i think she would've looked up to queen m.yriah m.artell as a child. let's go with the scenario that betha is quentyn blackwood's granddaughter, she has every reason to hate the brackens & that's not even getting into petty blackwood-bracken feuds, this is a legitimate grievance in her family & i think that would've forced her to grow fast.
she's known to be willful & spirited, similar to her ancestors agnes blackwood & alysanne blackwood & later in life lyanna stark & arya stark. she would've grown up likely around someone of the likes of brynden rivers / bloodraven & shiera seastar & if she's anything like her female blackwood relatives, she's fierce, strong-willed, loves animals & an excellent archer, hunter & warrior & hella bisexual, but it's also plausible that she has the power of greensight & was a seeress, maybe even a skinchanger. maybe she even learned sorcery from both brynden & shiera later on in life but considering that the blackwoods are known for their magic & mysticism, that wouldn't be surprising at all. maybe she's brynden rivers' half sister through melissa blackwood or smth bc she was definitely related to melissa blackwood & she very well could've learned political intrigue from them. so, bethania could probably be an intriguing mix of agnes blackwood, alysanne blackwood, lyanna stark, sansa stark, arya stark & val/ygritte were all merged together into one badass powerhouse of a woman which i think aegon would've respected. house blackwood was originally from the north but for whatever reason they were exiled thousands of years ago & now that they're in the predominantly andal (read: european white folx) dominated riverlands, they've had to adapt as a minority unlike the indigenous majority north, & while they're the only indigenous house in the riverlands (& one of the few houses in general) that still follow the old gods, they participate in jousts & tourneys like the other andal southron houses do & they're powerful & wealthy enough to get away with it. it's possible that bloodraven may have inadvertently set up aegon v to meet betha bc he's kind of a giant troll, or maybe she saw him coming in her dreams. i'd& like to think that she & aegon bonded over the mystical & their adventures & aegon's mother was dyanna dayne so he would've been aware & raised in a time where women were respected & aegon himself is half if not more than half dornish. so considering he's half a dayne, he likely would've been raised in tales of brave chivalry & i think that aegon & betha would've bonded over that, too.
betha & aegon married for love which was exceptionally rare. i'd like to think that her fierce nature endeared aegon & the fact that he was a targaryen prince but was friendly to & practically grew up & lived among the common people would greatly intrigue betha, but also at the same time bc they're both stubborn, it definitely caused some friction from time to time, especially when he became king & he was often in wars as he was often described as forced to spend most of his reign in armor quelling one rising or another most notably the fourth blackfyre rebellion so he wasn't at home very often & it's entirely possible they became estranged but still loved each other. they married at summerhall when she was 19 & he was 20. i'd imagine they're both probably shorter than average bc we love to see short couples slay together. they probably could've met as kids before reuniting as teenagers. she & egg running around dunk is a very adorable image. it's also very possible that betha would've known rohanne webber & would've been friends with egg's sisters. aegon was pro-common folk & supported many reforms to give numerous rights & protections for the smallfolk that was unheard of at the time & limiting the rights of the high lords & i'd like to think that bethania definitely supported these reforms that angered a lot of the high lords which frustrated aegon because he couldn't do anything like that when everyone, even his own children, rebelled against him, when literally all he wanted was peace, prosperity & justice for all & i think betha supported him through all of it.
i'd like to think that she was slightly mean but in a good way & was never afraid to speak her mind & let others know when something they said or did was wrong, a kindhearted & pragmatic but also stern, tough-love type of person when necessary & i also think that she was likely a big political player & had a big say behind the scenes. she sometimes had to tell aegon to put his foot down, not that he didn't already have that confidence but sometimes you need a little push to get your point across. i'd& also like to think that betha saw duncan the tall as some kinda big brother figure & liked teasing him about everything at every given opportunity & seeing as brienne of tarth is a descendant of his, i think she'd like brienne very much & would be proud. betha definitely had a very dominant personality in any room she entered & left.
i think that when it comes to parenting, she was the stricter & more dominant one of the two (in more ways than 1), & when their kids end up fucking up big time doesn't hesitate to let them know that they fucked up big time, maybe tosses a slipper at duncan when he gets a lil too mouthy or does smth stupid, like, lbr most of her kids, especially jaehaerys & shaera make some pretty shitty decisions that really ended up fucking aegon & his peaceful reign over & she wouldn't have liked that one bit. i like to think she ended up liking jenny of oldstones, even after she tried to warn jenny away from duncan by telling her the most embarrassing & most annoying stories of all the shenanigans he did since he was born but she liked that anyway & she technically cost duncan the iron throne & she wouldn't have anything against daeron being gay bc its not considered a sin to the old gods. but at the same time No One Fucks With Her Kids. she's like one of those almost embarrassing soccer moms that will be super passionate when aegon, her kids or dunk are performing at tourneys & would straight up fight other ppl in the stands, & she was clearly the more dominant one of the pair, always standing in front of egg & speaking louder than him in social gatherings bc she Knows she's That Bitch. obviously that changed when she became queen & aegon becomes king & obviously they need to watch their behavior in the public eye, but you could easily tell that if you were close to them, that dynamic hadn't changed. i'd like to think that duncan & rhaelle takes the most after bethania physical wise so they look the most visibly indigenous with brown skin, black hair & dark eyes in comparison to paleskinned blonde haired purple eyed jaehaerys & (bc i like valyrians who don't look paleskinned white haired & purple eyed + native targaryens SWEEP) mixed features of paleskinned black haired purple eyed shaera & tanskinned silver haired dark eyed daeron (who i imagine is rhaelle's fraternal twin) & rhaelle was both a mommy & a daddy's girl & even as an adult she's still their babygirl but even though duncan looks like bethania, his personality's a lot more like aegon's. i'd like to think that betha, daella & rhae were the closest of friends once she was formally introduced into the family & they told her all about aegon & all of his worst stories & they'd always be hanging out somewhere & gossiping, with rhae especially, but that's specifically because i'm tired of female romantic rivals trope & aegon never wanted to marry any of his sisters at all, & the aerion thing & the love potion story was enough so please for the love of g-d grrm can we not have incest for one (1) generation.
regardless, she was the last non-targaryen queen before the targaryen dynasty fell & she is robert, stannis, & renly baratheon & rhaegar, viserys & daenerys targaryen's great great grandmother & (legally) joffrey baratheon, myrcella baratheon (legally) & tommen baratheon (legally), mya stone, bella rivers, gendry waters, edric storm, shireen baratheon, laena iii velaryon, corlys iii velaryon, rhaenys targaryen-martell, aegon (vi) targaryen-martell (if young griff really is that aegon, but that's how he'd perceive it either way), jon snow & khalakka rhaego's great great grandmother. she's the ancestor of the vast majority of the five kings & daenerys targaryen save for balon greyjoy & robb stark, but i& suspect the theory that melantha blackwood, wife to lord willam stark, mother of edwyle stark (who married marna locke & had rickard stark who then had brandon, eddard, lyanna & benjen & then the stark children) & jocelyn stark (who married benedict royce in the vale), who could've possibly have fought against the young boy lord edwyle stark's rival claimants of winterfell upon lord beron stark's death during the she wolves of winterfell period, is bethania's younger sister, so that would make bethania the great great great aunt of robb, jon, sansa, arya, bran & rickon in the paternal line through eddard & lyanna & i suspect that's one possibility of where the starks' recent greensight comes from. so with all that in mind, brandon, eddard, lyanna, benjen & rhaegar would be cousins, just as robert & eddard would be cousins, & rickard & aerys ii (his murderer) would be second (?) cousins & that would make rhaegar (& viserys & daenerys) a third cousin of lyanna (& brandon & eddard & benjen for that matter, which collectively makes rhaegar, viserys & daenerys third cousins once removed with all the current era stark children through the blackwoods & ned & robert having the same separation, iirc i believe they'd be, like, third cousins & bc of that, the present day targaryens, starks & baratheons are all direct descendants of bloody benjicot blackwood & daenerys would actually have more blackwood blood than the current era starks & she's also quite a bit of dornish blood who the rhoynar were known to use water magic, & jon has blackwood blood on both rhaegar & lyanna's side). yeah. she would've known a young tywin lannister, very likely a young joanna lannister & young barristan selmy & gerold hightower & likely knew maester aemon & several of the grandparents & parents of the current generation.
in the later years of his reign, aegon was consumed by the search for dragonlore in the hopes of hatching dragons; he was desperate for the power that he believed could bring peace to westeros & his dream of dragons led to the tragedy of summerhall. the books don't really say who exactly died but it's known that aegon v died, as did their son duncan & duncan the tall, aegon v's kingsguard, died there, too & it's very possible that his sisters daella, rhae & their children died there, too. maybe even betha did, too, but i'm leaving that up to interpretation in a scenario where betha could've lived, maybe because she wasn't there or she escaped just in time to look out for her very heavily pregnant granddaughter rhaella targaryen. maybe bethania helped rhaella give birth to & raise rhaegar while the fires consumed summerhall & most of their family in it & bc of that i think betha & rhaella were close. it's also implied that duncan the tall saved rhaella (& betha itc) from the fire before going back in. for the rest of her life, she wore nothing but black in grief for her husband & family.
it's entirely possible that they were fans of daeron ii targaryen the good, who knows, maybe myriah martell could've mentored betha when she was introduced to court & going with the theory that betha could possibly be bloodraven's younger half sister, myriah could've adored her & treated her like a protégé of hers considering she & melissa blackwood may very well have gotten along at court during the reign of aegon the unworthy. betha & aegon also both agreed that the incestuous marriages of so many targaryens did more harm than good (& that's not even getting into his own experiences as a child), but even though betha tried to make politically advantageous betrothal marriages for her own children to house baratheon, house tully, house tyrell & house redwyne, literally every single one of them married for love over duty save for rhaelle: duncan married jenny of oldstones, a mysterious common woman & gave up his throne for her, jaehaerys & shaera got involved with each other despite aegon & betha trying to separate them, daeron was gay & died with his lover ser jeremy during a battle & rhaelle was sent as a peace offering to the baratheons & she's the entire reason why robert, stannis & renly & robert & stannis' children have a claim to the iron throne in the baratheon dynasty bc they have targaryen-blackwood ancestry in the paternal line through their father steffon baratheon. she would've been around when the last blackfyre rebellions & maybe the ninepenny kings were happening (which, btw, the gang was all there, the targaryens, the baratheons, the greyjoys, the starks, the lannisters, the arryns, the tullys & the martells were all there; brynden 'blackfish' tully, tywin lannister, kevan lannister, tygett lannister, quellon greyjoy {asha & theon's grandfather}, ormund baratheon, steffon baratheon, aerys ii targaryen, hoster tully, petyr baelish's father, jon arryn, rickard stark & barristan selmy, all united against the ninepenny kings so a lot of the dynamics & alliances of the past generation began in this war & house blackfyre was ended in the male line).
betha would've likely had duncan at least 19 to 23 at most, but for simplicity's sake i'm going with she had him at 19 & he was conceived on their wedding night at summerhall & later fell pregnant with him; she had jaehaerys ii at 24, shaera at 25, daeron at 27, rhaelle at 27 at least to 33 at most but i'm just gonna say that she had her at 27 as daeron's twin & betha would've unexpectedly become queen at 32 years old in 233 AC. she would be queen for approximately 26 years & when she became queen the brackens were probably crying screaming shitting throwing up & be BIG MAD ngl bc a blackwood of raventree hall becoming queen of the seven kingdoms would've been so humiliating for the brackens & i wouldn't have put it past the brackens to try & send their daughters to seduce aegon when he was younger like they tried with aegon iv targaryen but it didn't work just like last time (but unlike the feud between barba bracken & melissa blackwood, i'd like to think that bethania was. far more direct & aggressive towards her competition & wouldn't hesitate to beat a bracken bitch's ass lmfao). she would be the only queen in the targaryen dynasty (& the baratheon dynasty for that matter) who worshipped the old gods save for of course the de facto crown princess sansa stark. & honestly i think as queen, that would be disputed especially among the faith of the seven, specifically for her faith of the old gods (aka her INDIGENOUS RELIGION) & the faith very specifically sees the old gods as little more than demons (which is what. yknow. christianity said about indigenous religions in our world) & she would be the only indigenous queen of westeros. bethania's faith (& her being an indigenous woman who's also a warrior) would be another reason why people didn't want aegon to be king, considering many lords considered him half a peasant because he practically grew up among the smallfolk. so betha would've likely had to face sexism, antinative racism & faith discrimination. & i think her being a powerful indigenous woman & being a worshiper of the old gods & also her ties to bloodraven would've played a factor into the debates of the great council of 233 AC & even beyond possibly, westerosi politics was no stranger to criticizing unorthodox nobles, particularly women like larra rogare during the lysene spring, & maybe a reason why some lords may have wanted to get aemon on the throne was so that they could have a son of maekar who had no troublesome ties to the old gods rather than the half peasant son who's wife worshipped those strange & ancient gods & possibly practiced magic. i& genuinely think that betha's familial religion was used as an argument against aegon v's kingship & even after his reign bc how could aegon be trusted as a prospective defender of the faith when his own queen worshipped gods who were "little more than demons" & tried to turn aegon & betha's children from these same old gods from their "sinful" mother who "encouraged them away from the light of the seven" & assumed to share the same intrigue in magic & evil as associated with another blackwood old gods worshipper (& a bastard & maybe even her older half-brother at that) brynden "bloodraven" rivers. for people who were already distrustful of aegon bc he was basically brought up around the common people, the fact that the prince's wife & the mother of his heirs worshipped gods other than the seven might have been useful ammunition in their arguments against his ascension to the iron throne & during his long reign afterward.
overall, i think she was a talented political mind who's skills were ultimately strengthened by the eons long bracken-blackwood feud & possibly the teachings of melissa blackwood & brynden rivers & maybe even shiera seastar, who's own skills were honed during the court of king aegon iv targaryen the unworthy, may well have been the power behind her husband's throne if not his equal, smoothing things over when he infuriated the high lords, maybe she even served as his hand of the king when brynden rivers was exiled to the wall for his entire reign, i also think she's an extremely pragmatic & also deeply loving woman & was the one responsible for arranging her children's betrothals & while she was upset that they broke their betrothals, she never disowned them for it but despite all her diplomacy & tact, she had a fiery temper that was utterly terrifying in its power, & may have been a skilled seeress, huntress, archer & warrior, who knows, maybe she fought alongside aegon & her sons during one of the blackfyre rebellions. i genuinely believe she was a popular queen among both the smallfolk & the nobles which was a rare feat for a monarch but despite that respect, i'm sure there were rumors that always followed her around. i'd like to think she outlived her husband & most of her family & spent the rest of her life trying to protect the remainders of her family as dowager queen & dowager grandmother who still followed the old gods faithfully. i personally interpret that during their wedding, betha planted the last weirwood tree in the royal godswood of king's landing & ravens tended to flock to her whenever she went outside & she always seemed to know more than she logically could, even with the help of spies which she no doubt used, but she always claimed to others it was mere intuition.
she would've been 51 when brynden rivers disappeared during a ranging beyond the wall & would've been 58 years old during the tragedy of summerhall where her husband & so many of her family & friends died & when prince rhaegar targaryen was born. (which, btw, betha technically provides half of rhaegar, viserys & daenerys' genes bc the next two generations were inbred rippppp & that technically makes them half blackwood thus "half" native if you will lmfao). i also calculated how old she'd be in the present day & she'd literally be 99 years old. i'm& genuinely considering an au or maybe her main verse where betha actually Does live bc idk i think it'd be interesting to see betha interact with the current generations, particularly her grandchildren & great grandchildren & being forced into this intrigue.
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taintedtowers · 2 years
Hey! I have a question do you have an explanation for DOATK? My mutual reblogs it a lot and I'm honestly a bit curious because It reminds me of the kind of fun bullshit I do with my friends (Putting random characters/people in a very specific story scenario where they click or fight with others that they would not in normal circumstances ever know. From what I've seen that's kind of from an outside view what this is like?) and I want to learn more about it all. I have listened to a couple of your songs too, which make me all the more curious haha!
So, this explanation has gotten way longer than I expected- Everything's under the cut, 'aight? Though I'd like to clarify first, anon, I haven't made any music for Diary of a Tourney Kid. Everything but the credited guest art for later rounds & a specific victory theme for another tournament's character for a crossover (THE WARDS, to be specific) on the official DOATK accounts has been created by one anonymous creator of the whole tournament. Though, If you somehow found my Soundcloud and actually enjoyed more than my most recent track, I would be both flattered & surprised because holy HELL am I bad at keying, but that's offtopic LOL
Anyways... Diary of a Tourney Kid, or DOATK for short, is a music/mashup tournament hosted on Soundcloud. There are 16 characters, they have mashups, and the music they use in said mashups is determined by sourcelists- A bullet point list of genres, pieces of media, and even concepts or themes related to the character. All of these characters are thrown into a bracket, and matches happen every so often, usually in batches of whole rounds one after the other. During matches, you vote on the character you like the mashups/sourcelist of more! This repeats until a winner is decided. It's sorta like Tumblr tournaments, but with actual tangible rewards, either in the form of a grand takeover for the winner of the tourney as a whole or more tracks for your favorite down the line! Now, Diary of a Tourney Kid started with a simple enough story, with a bit of an... interesting presentation, to say the least, with a combination of Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, lined paper, and art for characters literally being doodles made with the default MS paint brush and then improperly bucket filled.
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Pictured above to illustrate that point is the host of the tournament in lore, Greg Heffley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He has teamed up with W.D. Gaster of Undertale fame to trap people in his diary for a fight to the death in his own tournament, due to reasons that range from being French (The entire Eiffel Tower, yes, that is a contestant) to "Ruining EVERYTHING" (Adam Conover, who acts weirdly out of character early on? ...Long story for another time.) Now, to continue, I think it's about time to bring up where DOATK differs from other tournaments in terms of bracket. Instead of a double elimination tournament that was typical for it's size, with a winner's and loser's bracket, DOATK runs on a triple elimination bracket, with a 3rd (And final!) chance of making a comeback all the way to grands in what is known as the goner's bracket. Being in this bracket has a pretty steep price, though; Everyone who goes through it is experimented upon by W.D. Gaster, (who has, at the moment, basically left Greg Heffley for dead, leaving the diary the tournament takes place in bouncing between hosts each round) and turning the poor souls who lose twice into the "goners" said bracket is named after.
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...And, as shown by contestant 14, Inugami Korone/THE CANINE, it isn't pretty. If a contestant loses in goners, they're dead for good. In general, DOATK sets itself apart from a lot of other tournaments with the generally darker tone of goners, an astonishingly high production value for the fact it is an anonymously run solo project, (There were entire FNF mods made for TWO matches!) and a really engaging story with genuine stakes and interesting characters. (Diary of a Tourney Kid has the unique honor of being the entire reason I have watched all 3 seasons of the TruTV educational comedy show Adam Ruins Everything, so, yeah... You can get pretty invested)
So, Yeah! That's DOATK. Lemme know if you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer/infodump!
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bookcalanthedaily · 10 months
Can't believe you haven't gotten Calanthe yet so. Queen!
Sexuality Headcanon: chaotic bisexual. she loves both handsome men and beautiful women, of course. Gender Headcanon: cis female. she did try to be gender non-conforming when she was young, trying to act like a man because men wanted a king, but she grew out of it thanks to bienvenu. (to clarify: i don't think being gender non-conforming is something to grow out of i just think it wasn't really her and she wasn't really comfortable with it hence the word thanks to) A ship I have with said character: eistlanthe, calalt, caleve, i also have a friend who writes rhaella targaryen and we ship them too. also eithne. and roegner a little. in other words, way too many. A BROTP I have with said character: mousesack, regis (in my survival au), the nameless duchess of toussaint that was the mother of anarietta and syanna. also my friend's oc katharina who is eist's older sister. A NOTP I have with said character: man i don't know. i saw people ship her with tissaia (mostly twn calanthe) and that makes me a little yucky because that's her mom's gf. (my notps steming from twn seem to be a pattern here) A random headcanon: i have WAY TOO MANY and i don't know anymore what i shared here and what i haven't. i have a 24 page document of headcanons about her so idk im just gonna copy a shorter one from there here goes:
calanthe’s most beloved hobby is falconry, and she uses falcons not only for hunting. she breeds hawks on her own, trains them to do tricks as well as deliver letters. they are much more durable and much faster than pigeons, and when given a lot of time, also more trustworthy.
other than hunting with them, she oftentimes presents them during tourneys, when she presents the tricks they can do - flying through rings and obstacles, catching food mid-air and also mid-flight straight from her hand. her two most trusted hawks are impecca (gold saker falcon) and rigoberta (gyrfalcon), named in honour of the two legendary princesses of lyria that fell in love with two princes of cintra, connecting the two kingdoms forever.
General Opinion over said character: i mean have you SEEN my blog. im obsessed. love her love her love her. it's been like 4 years of her being my obsession.
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reginarubie · 2 years
I know we are all here for HotD/GoT but I encourage ppl to go read G's newest I Medici fic. My friends, even if you give it a try knowing nothing about the fandom, it's gonna be a gem. And if you actually end up watching the series, it's gonna be THE experience.
Now, when I'm done promoting, let me tell you, it must be the first Giuliano/Simonetta fic I LOVED, the first one ever in my reading history where the author gets them — although I haven't read much in English for this ship. Because writers, unfortunately, often make the same mistake their surrounding made on the show — they cannot see behind the beauty. The were absolute loners despite getting attention from everyone (like, everyone was swooning at the sight of them both but knew nothing about them — neither Marco, nor I suppose any woman Giuliano has ever been with) and when they met, they just SAW each other. And that you captured perfectly. I'm absolutely sure this fic will give me what I want, for it's already deep enough. Once again I'm in awe of Simonetta's inner strength. It's time to let yourself go, queen! Marco's a jerk who, instead of trying to steal his wife's heart from Giuliano, breaks it even harder. Another proof he's not worthy. And he basically? Spoiled the conspiracy to her? I hope I got it right and there's still a lot of time before Easter. Priora suddenly seems to be nice. Ladies, unite for the greater good ✊
Ciao Anne!, first of all happy holidays!
Funny you would comment on that (and thank you for the advertising) as I’ve just updated the fic with a new short chapter!
I’m as always humbled by how much you hype me up!, especially since I always feel so little confident about it as well, especially this story! So thank you so much!
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It is true that Giuliano and Simonetta actually saw each other, they always felt seen by the other, and I’ve rarely seen Simonetta being so herself as when she was shown with Giuliano, also I wanted to bring to life that woman who refused to reject her own love to make a man feel confident, the same woman who stood her ground despite being ill and accused, and faced the consequences and death (in the show) without remorse remaining true to herself. And I am happy you enjoyed it, and again I wanna thank you because this story would not have seen the light of the day without your encouragement and prompting as I was (and still am) pretty self-conscious about it!
Priora and Simonetta united to make sure the de’ Medici survive this plight. Also yeah, she is an OC but I figured that since they gave the Cavalcanti brothers such an important role in the show I could add another Cavalcanti to aid the plot 😉
As always thank you for your support, Anne! I cannot explain how much it means to me!
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Sending all my love ~G.
Ps. for anyone interested this is the fic and you can find it here!
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She didn’t care if she looked out of place, if she didn’t fit into the perfect, reasonable and elegant courtier she was raised to be, a noble and elegant Madonna of the nobility. […] She stepped into the courtyard uncaring the cold winds flapping in her face and the mud gathering at her feet. — from the first chapter.
The title is actually inspired by the verses written by Poliziano about the tourney Giuliano won to crown Simonetta as his (platonic) love in Florence! (He impersonated Iulio, a young warrior who had to prove his worth through several quests to gain the love of the nymph — Simonetta — with whom he had fallen in love).
So anyway, thank you again Anne! Sending all my love ~G.
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thunderbladecath · 2 years
👘- A memory associated with an article of clothing they have
The Sword Cup Tournament was in full swing; Catherine had fully expected that she would be representing the Blue Lion House that year, but she had instead been left to cheer on her younger housemate, trying with all her might not to feel the judgement and envy that rose whenever he landed a blow or blocked a swing. The roar of the crowd buzzed like static in the air, and it pulsed through her body like waves reverberating through her very core. Of course, she was happy for her classmate, of course. He was, after all, standing for the pride and joy of the Blue Lions. She'd just thought... well.. She'd just thought that it would be her, showing the Golden Deer and the Black Eagles what's what. For the honor of Faerghus, or whatever.
When the tourney was over, and the student representing the Golden Deer was covered in praise and laurels, Catherine slipped away from the training grounds the moment pleasantries permit her. Damn, her arm. She winced and raised her hand to the bandage around her shoulder. She would have fought, against the physician's orders mind you, except she could barely raise her elbow halfway to the height of her shoulder and her house leader noticed and doubly forbade it. Not to mention her professor. Uhg. Triply banned.
Walking through the quad, and then down towards to merchants' area, Catherine made her way through shop keepers' calling and decadent smells before she arrived at the blacksmith. The older woman was in the midst of pulling a long, thick piece of metal out of the kiln before moving it over to an anvil and hammering away. 'A broadsword', Catherine recognized, and looked upon it with something akin to desire.
"Having thoughts, kid?"
Catherine startled, taken off guard that the smithy had even realized she was there. Gathering her composure, Catherine invited herself inside the small shop, keeping a safe distance from the blacksmith and her current project. "I haven't really seen anyone use one of those," the younger girl said.
"And you probably won't," responded the blacksmith. "This is a special request, from one of my clients in Dagda. I've been working on weapons for him for, oh, twenty-five years now." She placed her hammer and tongs on the anvil beside the sword and walked to the back of her shop. "I finished these up about an hour ago," she said, reaching behind the expanse of a shelf.
Catherine watched as she produced her shoulders, shimmering in the firelight and looking even better than they did when they were new. "Wow, those looks amazing."
The blacksmith plopped the heavy armor onto a wooden table, its buckles making a clunking sound as she did. "Hammered out the dents," she explained. "Replaced some of the padding inside with new leather. I don't know why you didn't complain about this digging into you."
Catherine shrugged. Truth be told, in combat she never really much noticed her discomfort. Reaching forward, she moved the smaller metal pieces that would rest over her upper arms, testing its ability to open and close against the new rivets. "Woah, I don't think I've ever felt it give me this little resistance. Man, I'm going to be so much faster in combat now."
"Don't rush it," the blacksmith said, eyeing over the injury on Catherine's arm.
Catherine defensively raised her hand to her shoulder. "Look, I've already got it from the physician, my professor, and countless others. I get it. I'll fight when I fight," she said, wondering exactly when that would be and if she could somehow speed along the healing process. "Honestly, the riveting feels great. Next time I'll be so much faster at blocking blows."
"The riveting wasn't the problem," corrected the blacksmith, opening the armor before Catherine could grab it from the table. "Look at this," she said, placing her hand on the leather. "When I first started on your shoulders, the leather was completely worn away. Not just here, but also here." She reached between the smaller pieces of metal and gently tugged on a piece of leather string. "This? It was far worse than your padding. Honestly, it's a wonder your shoulders didn't snap apart sooner. What was keeping them together, your faith?"
"Alright, alright I get it." She reached into her pocket and grabbed her coin purse. "How much do I owe you?"
The blacksmith studied her for a moment. "Hang on," she said and walked into the back of her shop again. Catherine watched in slight confusion before she returned moments later. The older woman produced a string of brown leather. "Take this," she said. "Goddess protect you, you are reckless."
"That's what they tell me," said Catherine, not quite understanding the other woman's angle.
"Look, your shoulders are going to snap again. And when they do, and when you doubtlessly keep charging into battle, I just ask that you take a minute to retie them to your gambeson," she said. "Otherwise, whoever you are fighting against will doubtlessly exploit that weakness of yours and who knows, they might even hack your arm off next time."
Catherine accepted the blacksmith's offering and this particular bit of advice. She named her price and Catherine slipped her the coin.
Grabbing her shoulders, Catherine began to walk away. "Oh, and Cassandra?" Catherine looked back at the blacksmith. "Do the world a favor and wear a damn gorget."
With only a second's thought, Catherine took the leather strip she had been gifted just moments before and wrapped it once, twice around her throat. "There you go," she said, grinning ear to ear. "My gorget."
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