#you just wish your gk was like him
bellcza · 6 months
i’m convinced that prem fans hate dibu bc his pussy is too tight
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so-so-woso · 11 months
i wanna be the one | part 1
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Edit: Changed title. Thanks to Dru for the suggestion. From the song "Things We Never Say" by the Bad Bad Hats. Great song, potentially relevant maybe who knows.
Summary: Reader is an English-American GK who joins the Arsenal squad and ends up in an interesting back and forth with Leah Williamson. This chapter is mainly set-up for the future. The vibes will probably be very different going forward lol
Warnings: Angst, swallowing self-doubt, and mentions of parental death in the first section.
Word Count: 3,284
London felt just like Seattle. You were expecting it to feel different, more European (whatever that meant), but when you stepped out of the airport and that familiar January rain hit your skin, it was a welcome feeling. It wasn’t quite Home – you hadn’t had one of those in a long time – but it was definitely welcoming, and nice enough that you didn’t bother with an umbrella. It would’ve been hard enough trying to carry one along with all your bags anyway, although by the look on your driver’s face he really wished you had at least tried. It was nice that the team had sent a car to meet you, especially since you didn’t really know anyone here that well, but you supposed they would do that for any new signing. The driver helped you get your bags into the car and then you were off to the club to dot some Is and cross some Ts to make everything truly official.
Wistful thoughts crept into the back of your mind as you were chauffeured through the streets of London, and you decided for the first time in a long time not to fight them. Not here, anyway – not now. Not after everything it took to get you here. Get you here again, technically. You were born in London after all, and raised in Sheffield where your mother had grown up. Your father was an American, from Dallas, who came to England for graduate school and stayed for the woman he fell in love with. He often teased her about “real (American) football” but she converted him to Sheffield United fan, though he would never admit it – at least not until you were born. Match days became a family event as soon as you could stand up on your own, even though you were still too young to really remember anything at that point, but by the time you could run you wanted nothing more than to play. You were always bigger than the other kids so they made you play with the boys, but you knew a lot of the women’s national team players had played on boys’ teams growing up, so you didn’t mind it. You were never upset about that, but you were upset when they made you move to the goalkeeper position when you were eight. It was the boring position and you never got to do anything, but you were the only kid on the team who didn’t seem scared of the ball when it came flying at you, so the job fell to you. Many years later, it would prove to be the right choice, but for a while you thought it felt like a punishment from the universe. Then you found out what that kind of punishment actually felt like.
You were only eleven when your parents died. It was a car accident; your mom was driving. She took the brunt of it and was gone by the time the ambulance arrived. Your dad was in the hospital for two days, but he never woke up. You had been in the back seat. Heavy bruising, a busted ribs, broken collarbone, and a big gash across the side of the head was it for you. You were in the hospital too, for a while. Your paternal grandmother came all the way from Austin to pick you up and take you to live with her. Your mom’s parents had been gone for a while now, and GiGi – what you had called your father’s mother – was all you had left. You had only met her a few times before, but you didn’t really have another option, so across the pond you went.
It would be a massive understatement to say that Texas was different from Sheffield. It was truly a whole different world, but kids are resilient enough. You were famous for a while, because of your accent, and then you were weird for a while, because of your accent, and then eventually you became just one of the kids. Your GiGi was supportive as well, more than you had expected her to be. You didn’t know much of the specifics as a kid, but you knew she and your father had had some sort of falling out and weren’t as close as they had been when he was younger. You always thought it had to do with him choosing to stay in England rather than come home to America. When you got older it seemed like maybe there was more to it than that, but GiGi wouldn’t talk about it. She did help you get into therapy, so that you could learn how to process what had happened and all the big changes that came with it. You didn’t like it at the time, but in hindsight it was probably the best thing she could’ve done. She even started trying to learn about football – soccer – too, because she knew you liked it, and she made sure to sign you up for the local league. You think maybe that time doesn’t heal wounds, but it sort of scabs them over enough that they only hurt when you pick at them, so eventually you learn to stop picking at them, and after that life became kind of normal.
You eventually played soccer in high school – goalkeeper, naturally – and were good enough to get recruited to the University of Texas. From there, the NWSL draft sent you to Seattle for the OL Reign. You spent a season as the third-string goalkeeper, then a season as the second-string, and then were presented with an opportunity you couldn’t dare turn down. It had been Kim Little’s idea, apparently. She had only played with you in Seattle for a month or so, and you never really hung out, but she knew you had grown up in England and that you had really wanted the chance to play football in Europe. She would tell you later that she was impressed with your resilience, something you had heard often growing up, and that you had a “dead brilliant reaction speed” which you guessed sounded good. So when Arsenal’s back-up goalkeeper transferred out and they were weighing their options, she suggested they give you a look. She had said it offhandedly, like it wasn’t a big deal, but you would wager she fought harder for you than she let on. You had only played a handful of games in two seasons, and while you were admittedly good, the offer from the English club still came as a massive surprise. They were up front and adamant about your status as a pure back-up to Zinsberger, and while you would’ve had a decent chance to win the starting spot in Seattle, you just couldn’t say no to European football, to England, to the Arsenal.
That’s how you ended up in the back of a dark car being driven through the streets of north London in the pouring rain. Your fingers fiddled absently at the chain around your neck and the two golden bands that hung from it while you considered everything that led you here, hoping that you made the right choice. Only time would tell, you thought, as the car squealed to a slow stop. You hesitated for a long moment before tucking the necklace under your shirt and moving to exit the vehicle. The driver met you at the car door, an umbrella extended overhead. You were taller than him, so you had to awkwardly bend your neck as he moved to close the door behind you.
“This shouldn’t take long,” he said, “Then we’ll get you home.” You thanked him and stuffed your fists in the pockets of your coat as you followed him up to the club, your stomach slowly rising higher and higher into your throat as the series of decisions you had recently made began to congeal rather quickly into a hard reality. It was some grotesque mix of nerves and excitement and fear that just fully slapped you in the face when you stepped inside the building. You hadn’t felt like this in Seattle, or on the plane, or in the car, but now that you were here, physically, it’s like everything else was physical too. It wasn’t some amorphous Choice floating in the metaphorical ether of your life; it was a foreboding Presence leering down at you, clawing at your shoulders from behind, and whispering ‘you don’t deserve this’ into your psyche. Nausea began to swell up, to the point you were just starting to feel dizzy. Out of instinct you reached forward and put your hand on the driver’s shoulder, who stopped walking to turn and see what you needed. He opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, but was interrupted by a distinctly Scottish, “Oh ‘ey, Tex!” behind you.
You both turned to see Kim Little striding down the hallway, followed closely by Jonas and one of the other coaches. You swallowed hard, all the torturous feelings slowly fading away as you saw a familiar face. “Hey, Little Kim, “ you retorted. She scoffed and faked a jab towards your ribs before she reached up to hug you.
“Welcome to the party,” she said, stepping back to introduce the coaches, who shook your hands. They welcomed you as well and explained that the evening would be brief, they were sure you’d be tired from the flight, but just needed to finalize some things on the business side and then Kim would give a tour of the facilities. You thanked them, probably too many times, and went with them all to finish your paperwork and pick up your official training gear. Your kit wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow since they’d have to put your name on and weren���t sure what number you wanted (you picked 18 because it was available and made sense for a goalkeeper). Kim showed you around, asked about the flight, and made you feel as welcome as she thought she could. It was nice to talk to someone for a while. You weren’t exactly an extrovert, but you were Southern enough you enjoyed being around people, and being able to talk to Kim, even if it was more or less small talk, made you feel better, and by the time the tour was done all of the earlier feelings were forgotten. You started to think that maybe this whole thing was a good idea after all.
“So no rest for the weary – first training tomorrow, yeah? Text me your address and I’ll pick you up. Since you won’t have a car, Uber’s always an option, but until you get sorted, you can get rides with me,” Kim said.
“Sounds good. Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“Don’t thank me yet, I’m picking you up extra early tomorrow – the girls’ll want to meet you before kickin’ balls at your head.”
“Well, I guess that’s only polite.”
You both laughed and hugged goodbye before heading your separate ways, you pulling out your phone to look up your new address to send it to Kim. This was a good decision, you thought, this was a good decision.
Your apartment – or flat? – was nicer than you expected it to be. You had done a Zoom tour while you were still in Seattle and it looked fine, but you had tempered your expectations to be safe. Turns out, you didn’t need to. It was a two-bedroom and furnished with the basics, so there was plenty of space for you and plenty room to decorate as you saw fit. You had what was sometimes described as an eclectic taste by your friends, mainly because you liked to decorate with things that made you happy. That seems like an obvious thing to decorate with, but you were kind of – literally – a giant dork, which meant you had a lot of “nerd shit” as your friends would tease. You expected the Arsenal girls would do the same if they ever started coming over, but all of that would be a long time coming. Tonight, all you wanted to do was collapse into bed, which is exactly what you did.
Kim wasn’t lying when she said she’d pick you up early. At least she had the decency to bring you coffee, but she was completely taken aback when you admitted you didn’t really drink coffee and actually preferred tea. “Guess there is some English in you after all,” she had joked as she drove. She asked about your night and how you slept, and pointed out all the important-to-know shops and stops between your apartment and the training center. When you finally arrived, you asked her if she accepted tips for her tour knowledge – to which she responded with “only big bills”. You laughed as you retrieved your bag from the back of her car, and the two of you headed in.
The next few days were an absolute blur. You were introduced to everyone, and they all seemed pretty nice. McCabe kept talking about how tall you were, but from how everyone else acted that was normal. Manu was happy to have another goalkeeper in the squad despite the fact you would both technically be competing for the starting spot, even though you were explicitly hired as a back-up. At least it didn’t seem like there would be any weird hurt feelings or anything there, so you were glad for that. All your other time was spent trying to discern personality types and team dynamics, and also actually training. The coaches had told you they wouldn’t expect you to go full on for the first few days to give you time to acclimate to everything. You thanked them, of course, but that didn’t stop you from diving in head first.
By the time your official day three was over, you wished you had taken it a little easier. It felt like jet lag hit you late, on top of the normal physical tiredness of training. But that evening as the team as the team filtered out of the locker room, Katie McCabe slapped you on the back and said, “Drinks on you tonight, mate!” You turned to look at her, but before you could ask, Kim interrupted with a sharp “Katie–“
“Hold on, hold on! I don’t mean a big to-do, but we gotta welcome the newbie right, right?”
A couple of the other players voiced their agreement and Kim rolled her eyes. “Two drink maximum.”
“Two, McCabe.”
“Two and shots?”
“Two…and shots?”
“…one shot.”
“Fuck yes, best captain ever! You’re riding with us, Y/N!”
A mix of confusion and amusement spread across your face as you looked between the two of them, and Kim just shook her head and waved at you to go with Katie, so you let yourself be pulled away into whatever the night would bring.
Despite telling you that you were paying for drinks, Katie was nice enough to only make you buy the shots, and despite Kim’s hesitance at you all going out mid-week, it was a surprisingly calm evening. You ended up sitting at a table with just a handful of your new teammates. Most of them were joking around with each other, teasing and taunting. You sat quietly, unsure of how inserting yourself into the dynamic would come off. You thought of a few quips throughout the conversations, but made sure to hold your tongue, choosing to sip on your beer instead.
“You always this quiet?”
You glanced over in the direction of the voice, inadvertently locking eyes with Leah Williamson. You knew who she was, obviously – won the Euros and all. What you hadn’t known was that she was even more attractive in person. You didn’t even know that was possible, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise.
“Not usually,” you responded, drawing in a breath. “Just can’t get a word in edgewise with this one goin’ off.”
You gestured towards Katie, who didn’t even register the comment. It did get a chuckle out of Steph and Foord, though, which made you relax a bit. Looking back at Leah, she was still looking at you, but didn’t seem to react otherwise. You paused for a moment, chewing on the inside of your cheek, before deciding to just go for it.
“So in the summer do you ever get a weird tan on your forehead from frowning so much?”
That did draw Katie’s attention; you could tell from the way she practically guffawed.
“Oy, she’s got you dead to fuckin’ rights!” she said, leaning over to elbow at Leah. The Aussies had laughed as well, as did Kim. Leah didn’t look impressed at the remark, but from the twitch of her lips you would swear she was biting back a smile. She had nice lips. Were you staring at her lips? Your eyes flashed back up to hers and she was still looking at you. She would’ve been able to tell where you were staring. That’s…embarrassing. You swallowed hard, and quickly looked away, taking a long swig of your drink. If anyone else at the table noticed the interaction, they didn’t react. Katie started in on you immediately, dragging you into whatever she had been talking about before, and from there you spent the rest of the evening integrating yourself into the team.
The bar was really only starting to fill up when Kim decided it was time for you all to get a move on. There was some light-hearted grumbling, but everyone was professional enough to know how to behave. You had popped into the toilet before leaving, and when you came out of the stall, Leah was washing her hands. You hesitated for a brief moment before moving up to the sink next to her to wash your own hands, the little bit of alcohol you consumed tonight just enough to embolden you.
“Man, Williamson, what kind of a world is this where you’ve got those legs and no rhythm,” you teased, quickly busying yourself with the most thorough hand-wash you’ve ever done so you didn’t have to look over at her and see how poorly she took the remark.
“You spend a lot of time thinking about my legs?”
You froze. It would seem she didn’t take it too poorly at all. Taking a moment to compose yourself, you turned off the sink and turned to look at her. She was staring at you again. Seemed like maybe she did that a lot.
“Yeah, maybe,” you finally said. She hmmed a bit and cocked her head to the side. The glint in her eye was the only thing that kept you from worrying you were being too forward, and you silently prayed it wasn’t a trick of the fluorescent lighting overhead.
“You think you’re being all charming, with your little jokes?”
“No, not really,” you shrugged. “I think I have the personality of a 14-year-old boy and it’s the only way I know how to flirt with you.”
Leah changed at that. Her posture shifted. Her shoulders dropped slightly. The glint in her eye was gone. You fucked up, you thought. You’ve been here for four days and you already fucked up.
You moved to apologize at the same time Leah moved to respond, but both of you were interrupted by the door to the bathroom slamming open and a group of girls rushing in. You turned around and pushed yourself up against the edge of the sink to get out of the way, but Leah dipped her head down and shoved out past them, taking the opportunity to escape without you being able to stop her.
Yep. You fucked up.
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 2 months
good king x evil queen angst smut plss
Here we are again with one of my favorites couples, and honestly just a little headcannon but I like to think that secretly eq and bad wolf are besties idk a little sus how she left him to be when she took over during the dragon games
Anyway I hope you aren’t sick of these two because guess whatttt it’s a gk x eq fic on Friday
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
“Don’t you ever wish that the evil queen wasn’t so… so much?” The good king paused as he turned to look at his friend.
He felt a familiar anger simmering beneath, he couldn’t stand when people would judge his relationship with the evil queen as if they had any right to.
The only thing they saw was the public image that the couple portrayed yet they still had the nerve to pretend that they knew everything about them.
“What’s that supposed mean?” The bite in his voice had his friend shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Something which the good king took delight in.
“Well I just mean she just can’t let anything go and she always has to do the most even when it’s not needed. If I were you I’d get really annoyed.” The good king felt his eye twitch as the guy went on.
“And personally I don’t know how you deal with all that. I’m damn happy that she’s not my girlfriend with that attitude and don’t even get me started on-.”
The good king droned his not so much friend out, his nails digging into his palms waiting for him finally shut up.
But after minutes of him not doing so, the good king stood with a start an angry glare that the boy seemed to miss crossing his face before he excused himself.
And as he passed by an empty classroom he missed the sight of his girlfriend sitting with one of her ‘friends’ mouth hung open and eyes flaming.
The evil queen always knew that people disapproved or hex despised the idea of her and the good king dating but she always tuned it out.
But it was something today that had the boys words plunging deep in her heart and in her consciousness. She knew that she was extreme and she enjoyed that she was like that, but that small part of her head screamed at her.
What if the boy was right and the good king did hate how… much she was? He certainly didn’t stop the boy from continuing on his little hate speech. Not that the she cared she thought as she stared at the retreating silhouette.
And of course there was the talk and wishes of all those around her, whispering like parasites how the good king deserved a pure and sweet princess like Snow White to be his girlfriend.
That struck her the most and it wasn’t because she was jealous of Snow White, she really couldn’t give a grimms sake but it was because she knew that it was true.
He did deserve someone he wasn’t constantly being harassed over like he was with her. She knew the good king tried to hide it but she wasn’t a fool she had ears.
“Should I play a little… game on that stupid boy?” The evil queens snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the big bad wolfs voice sound out.
She was suddenly even more glad for the dark room as she felt moisture had gathered in the corner of her eyes. “No. I’ll take care of it.”
Wolf sighed and slid of the table with a growl “well if you change your mind you know where to find me.” The evil queen put on a smirk as he passed her.
“Yeah I know you’ll be fucking my roommate in the same dorm I sleep in.”
“And you think I can’t smell you and the good king in there. Sometimes I think I need nose plug before I enter.”
The evil queen sent an amethyst ball of fire chasing after him as he walked out. Now alone the evil queen buried her face in her hands that deep rooted frustration slowly emerging.
She’d be fine she’d deal with this the same way she always handled it. She’d suck it up and push it down.
The good king ran a hand down his face as he stared at the ceiling above. He was waiting until the time passed by and to until the evil queen came up to his dorm.
He had sent her a message earlier, asking for her to come to his dorm so he could just… be with her. He always felt antsy when someone doubted or insulted his relationship with the evil queen and he found the only way he felt better was to be near her.
The door swung open without warning and the evil queen walked in a rather odd expression on her face. He immediately sat up and went to embrace her but she evaded.
“Sweetheart come here.” She looked at him over her shoulder and shook her head. He furrowed his brows now even more concerned.
“Is something wrong?”
“Why would you think that?”
“You tell me.”
He crossed his arms pointedly as she sat stiffly on his bed, usually she acted as if she owned the place, not that he complained obviously he loved having her in his space.
The evil queen sat there like a ticking time bomb, waiting for the perfect opportunity to speak up.
She found that opportunity as the good king sighed and undressed from his day clothes, now sitting beside her with only a pair of pants on.
“Your little friend sure had a lot to say about me. Oh and thanks for sticking up for me, really appreciated it.” Her voice was dry as crossed her arms, the action making his eyes involuntarily peak down.
But as if a wave of cold water hit him, the good king froze and gazed at the evil queen with a regretful look on his face.
“I know and I promise I’m going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him again.”
“And what about you sitting like a duck while he berated me?” Her voice was once again clipped, although somewhat glad he wasn’t trying to make excuses for himself.
When he took longer than she liked to answer she took the initiative to answer for him. “Is it because you agree with him? Or is it because you no longer love me?”
It was as if a thread snapped within the good king. He grabbed the evil queen by the face, now standing well above her as he near growled at her “you think I don’t love you? Hmm?”
The evil queen didn’t reply, the dark gaze in his eyes fanning a wave of warmth within her. But she decided she liked this little game, this teasing.
“I guess not. Not when you don’t defend me.” The good king pushed her flush on the bed, her hair falling all over his pillow.
“If I didn’t love you then explain this.” He brought her hand down to the noticeable dent in his trousers. “If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t be burning for you.”
His voice but a whisper as he tugged at her dress, his hands caressing every inch of her skin that he could find.
The evil queen felt heat ignite in seconds, her breath catching for a second. Snapping her fingers their clothes disappeared in deep purple smoke.
The good king didn’t seek encouragement as he explored her body from head to toe, his lips attacking her neck and his hand tugging at her hair to expose more of her neck.
He made sure to leave dark hickeys all over her neck, “see i want everyone to know we’re together. To see my love for you.” The evil queen only sighed in reply.
Her legs draped over his hips, the silk sheets cooling her heated skin as the good king trailed hot, open mouthed kisses down her body.
She didn’t have time to react before he upon her, his dark hair tickling her inner thighs and his hands bruising her hips as he held her down.
Her fists clenched down on nothing, get eyes glowing violet and purple magic encompassing the dorm. The good king paid no mind, his teeth dragging along her knee to her thigh.
Before she could get that high, the good king rose up his eyes glinting as he stared at the dark marks all over her neck.
They didn’t exchange any words as his mouth collided with hers, their breaths tangling together in a kiss of pure love and lust. Nor did the good king give any warning before pushing in.
They both let out surprised and pleased moans as he sank further in until he bottomed out. The evil queens arms wrapped around his neck, her breath coming out in pants as her love made the first move.
The sensation nearly drove the good king mad as he clenched his fist around her long platinum hair, his mouth finding her neck again.
The room soon felt overly humid as sweat trickled down his neck and the evil queens skin glowed in the moonlight.
She feared for second that she was hurting him as he grunted while she dug her heels on his back, pushing him further down with a heavy grunt.
Sometimes the good king thought that she was purposely trying to drive him insane as he dug her heels further in his back, her nails scraping along his spine.
He shuddered at the feeling, and the evil queen smirked against his neck, doing it again and again until the hood king was grunting so loudly she feared those beyond the door could hear.
She let out a silent scream as she suddenly and unexpectedly felt that peak tip IVE the edge with no warning. She sunk her nails in his back, watching the crescent shape embed in his skin.
The good king slumped above her, his hair falling over his sweaty forehead. Yet he mastered all the strength he had and gazed down at her.
“I’ll always love you no matter the situation or circumstances.”
That was also the same thought he had as he watched, years later, his wife and love getting sucked into the mirror prison. A little 5 year old Raven crying by his side.
Fun fact- I get the BIGGEST ick writing about the final moments of a smut scene which I guess is really bad considering what type of writer I am
Anyway just a little tip if you comment on my posts with a question I can’t answer it because it literally won’t allow me to comment sooo yeah
Hope you enjoyed and have great dayy!!
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ave09 · 1 year
the call
gk!harvey dent x wife!reader
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note: this can be considered a sequel to the last harvey bit i wrote but this is a stand alone too. sort of spoilers for 1x09 of gotham knights, this was supposed to be cute but after watching that episode, i had to write this. i hope you enjoy and please, if you have any harvey dent requests, message meeee!
night had fallen over the city of gotham, and while most were snug and asleep in their beds, you were wide awake. 
harvey had yet to return home. 
normally, this wouldn’t concern you. the man had stayed late many times before, it was just who he was, and harvey hated bringing his work home. 
but today, after the phone call, you were more anxious then ever. 
earlier, while you’d been grading papers, you received a call from your husband. it was almost noon, meaning he was on his self-proclaimed “break” where he’d hideaway in his office to give his lovely wife a call and fill her in on the craziness that was his job. 
so, when the phone rang, you answered it, a smile on your face as you lifted the device to your ear, “hi harvey.”
“hiya doll.”
you froze. that voice, it sent chills down your spine. it was harvey, yes, but something was different. it was gravelly, teasing, you couldn’t tell whether you hated it or loved it.
“he’s here.” 
you furrowed your brows, highly confused. “wait, what-“
“y’know, i think this is the first time we’ve spoken. it’s a pleasure to meet you sweetheart.”
what the hell is happening?
“hey, hon? are you there? i zoned out for a second.” and just like that, the harvey you knew and loved was back. the grit out of his voice, having it return to its sweet normality.
“honey, are you there?”
“do you remember anything that just happened?” 
“no, why?”
you’d ended the call quickly afterward and began researching. you were determined to find an answer to harvey’s current condition, anything that would prove something else was going on and not whatever his father had. 
but all you’d found is some disorders similar to the late mr. dent, and that terrified you. 
but now, at almost one o’clock, harvey walked through the door, looking exhausted. 
“you wouldn’t believe the day i’ve had.” he murmured, kicking off his shoes, dropping his briefcase. “rough?”
“you betcha.” he replied, moving toward you, his hands resting on your hips as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. 
as of now, he seemed normal. you wanted to discuss it with him, but you knew he wouldn’t have the best reaction. 
“honey, where are you? your eyes look lost.” he said, a soft smile toying on his lips. you had a habit of “getting lost.” you were a thinker, a dreamer. and harvey was always able to bring you out.
but instead of saying what you truly wished to say, you simply replied, “i just missed you.” 
“and i missed you.” he pressed a passionate kiss to your lips again, his thumbs caressing the exposed skin of your hip bone. and just like that, you seemed to forget all about what happened this afternoon. 
but as you laid with harvey that night, his soft snores filling the air as he nuzzled against you, you couldn’t help but head that voice echoing in your head:
“hiya doll.”
it was at that moment that you slipped out of harvey’s grip and left the bed, seeking refuge in the master bathroom. you dialed a number and held the phone to your ear, listening to the line ring. 
you were greeted by a friendly female voice, asking what she could do for you.
“i’d like to schedule an appointment for a mr. dent, please.” 
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footytea · 5 months
how do you feel about athletes but specifically footballers not speaking up about the genocide? i’ve seen a tiny few post coded stuff about the genocide months ago but nothing explicit. most i’ve seen from a premier league footballer is the video mo salah made months ago but even his was watered down. in other leagues footballers who have spoken up about the genocide have been suspended but israeli players/players who support israel who had posted in israel’s support at the beginning of the genocide still play. anyway, idk how i feel cause on one hand it’s a shame that they’re not speaking out but then their at risk of suspension/big trouble if they do. a few days ago pep guardiola made a statement during his press conference and it was about injustices and he obviously was referring to palestine. made me respect him. even lineker talked about how they’re being silenced recently but still spoke about how what israel is doing is wrong. i’m very disappointed in players who collaborate with mcdonald’s in this time cause 1 mcdonald’s are top 3 brands funding the genocide and 2 why are you promoting fast food as an athlete? you have enough money why do you need more from fking mcdonald’s??? anyways just wanna know your thoughts cause i’m on the fence of feeling for players for not being able to speaking out cause they obviously aren’t allowed, and also feeling disappointed cause i feel humanity is before career but it’s not that easy to say.
my honest opinion is i wish more footballers had the balls to publicly show their support for palestine. i get that there is this fear of getting suspended or being painted as the bad guy or whatever, but if more big players speak up, what the fuck are the people in charge gonna do? suspend the big players? they targeted players like anwar el ghazi, youcef atal and mazraoui because no one really cares about them like that, yes people were outraged with the clubs' reaction to their support of palestine, but everyone eventually moved on. if it's big players consistently speaking up, they won't do shit because that's gonna mess everything up for the clubs & the leagues these players play in rather than for the players themselves.
also there are players who have shown support for palestine, like jules kounde, hector bellerin, mohamed elneny, nabil fekir, hakim ziyech, karim benzema, mo salah, paul pogba, riyad mahrez and so on. and a few of them even way before oct 7th. so no i don't see fear of getting suspended or messing up their career as a valid excuse to stay silent to be honest.
also while we're on this topic, as you've mentioned it's disgusting that israeli players can get away with publicly supporting genocide. when mazraoui showed his support for palestine, german media portrayed him as a terrorist, were calling for him to be deported and the club eventually forced him to sit with daniel peretz (israeli bayern gk) and forced him to publicly apologise, but yesterday peretz posted this caption and got away with it:
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this just shows how rotten the people in charge are and how they're all just a bunch of evil hypocrites and a bunch of zionists.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
Hello, I've been reading Golden Kamuy for three weeks now and yesterday I read the final chapter. Today I woke up and I started reading your blog and your metas, and it's been helping me mourn the great story that I believe didn't deserve such a wasteful ending. I feel like the characters' journey was for nothing. Just like you, I despise that the Sugiripa pairing is being implied to be canon, and I really wish Asirpa had never developed a crush on Sugimoto. In my opinion it seriously muddied the overall story and the consequent actions it would take. Ogata's death felt meaningless at this time of the plot. It's funny how one of the themes in the story is that each life has a purpose but it felt like most of the characters lost theirs in the final arc. I know I'm a bit late to the party, and the time I invested in the story was nothing compared to the people that had been following the manga for years, but I needed to get these words off my chest. I'll try to remember this series as the masterpiece it was for the first ~200 chapters.
Welcome in the world of GK and I'm sorry to also welcome you among the ones who didn't really enjoy much the final arc.
Now... should I warn everyone who's going to continue to read that this isn't a let's shower Noda with phraises feast? And that if you don't like it, the back button is your best friend? I hope not, but just in case, consider yourself warned. So...
In regard to the SugiRipa... I would have been fine if it had been handled as a phase, something Asirpa has to grow out of it.
I wouldn't have liked it much but I would have accepted it if the whole thing had been at least... postponed. Sugimoto leaves Asirpa, years go by, he comes back and, since he didn't see her in years and, since she's an adult now, he can look at her with different eyes.
Noda had seemed to imply that Asirpa was of such a young age because she wasn't meant to become a trophy for the hero to get at the end of his adventure (like it happens to way too many female characters in stories targeted to male audience), but if the SugiRipa ending was planned from the start... well, at this point Asirpa could have had just been made of the right age from the start.
Asirpa had a quite interesting motivator for her actions, which was the well being of her people, this isn't really such a recurring goal for heroines, but in the end the Ainu were sidelined because she makes clear her priority is Sugimoto (she claimed she would kill to protect him, not the Ainu and, ultimately, she shoots Ogata to protect Sugimoto) and the Ainu take a backseat in her heart.
I've nothing against characters moved by love... I like love stories... but since Asirpa has something more intriguing that could have lead her actions, prioritizing her crush for the hero felt like a downside.
Of course this is just me, I know there were people who had pushed for SugiRipa from the start and even the anime seemed fond of it (and completely erased Umeko as a love interest for Sugimoto).
As for Ogata, as far as I'm involved, it's not just that his death felt meaningless, his whole partecipation to the facts post Karafuto was of no consequence whatsoever for the story. He didn't affect the plot, neither with his life, nor with his death which is such a big clash with how, previously, whatever Ogata did seemed to spin the plot in a direction or in another.
So, as far as I'm involved, it would have worked a lot better if he had died in Karafuto. Even the whole thing with Koito, in which he shared info with him that lead Koito to figure out how Tsurumi manipulated him, was ultimately meaningless as Koito and Tsukishima still did Tsurumi's bidding till the end, and wouldn't have still be capable to follow Tsurumi due to their wounds, so the whole thing ended up being meaningless. Again, this is just me.
And I guess I could go on, actually I wanted to write a whole post on why for me the series finale was such a disappointment, but ultimately I doubt someone would be interested in it.
Who still wanders in the GK tag is likely there in search of positivity so a post of what didn't work for me is probably not what people would be interested in reading.
Again, I'm sorry to hear you also didn't enjoy the ending. It doesn't matter if you started reading a story long ago or just yesterday, it's always sad when something that you were enjoying reading stop being a source of fun and pleasure.
Please, keep enjoying the first 20 volumes as I and other people do and still welcome among the GK readers. Also, thank you for your ask!
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itsalinh · 1 year
I love Colin, I love Ted Lasso writers a very not so normal amount let me tell ya.
This gonna be a stupid rant please bear with me.
As a football fan (Chelsea darling you need to get your shit together asap), I know damn well how this toxic and homophobic this community can be. There is a famous Spanish goalkeeper who once stated on the bird app that he was gay (tho he’s happily married to a woman), and one of his teammates was just… played along with that ig? At first, I thought he was so brave to say that publicly, I might have well defended him on every online post laughing at him and his “sexuality” (yes, all of those comments were horrible— and yes, I’m glad that I did not do that). Only later the gk said his account was hacked. They were just making fun of coming out in football without realising how much hurt they had caused to the queer community. And I never felt disgusted towards them ever like that before. And no one, not a single soul felt bad for the ones’d been hurt. They just laughed it off and everything went on like usual.
Unlike in women’s league, we hardly see any out men players in major leagues (5 ones: England, France, Spain, Italia, Germany). Even if we know someone, he was no longer playing, at all. That’s just the world we’re living in. Though I must acknowledge the effort they’re putting on during every specific occasion in a year.
Back to Colin. I was so touched and emotional when hearing him sharing his deep down thoughts.
“I don’t want to be a spokeperson. I don’t want a bunch of apologies.”
Colin does not need to stand out. He does not want to stand in the spotlight and talk about his sexuality, to be an influencer of something like that. He just wants his life to be exact the way it is, and it is not about feeling ashamed or something. I have a strong feeling that he will not come out to the world. Colin just has a little secret to himself (and to his himbos family only). And I believe he’s happy with it.
That being said, Colin does not want to put any pressure on his teammates when they find out he’s gay. He knows they love him for whoever he is, and they might feel guilty because of those previous disrespect comments, but Colin does not blame them. As long as they care for him (of course!), then Colin feels no need to hear any apologises.
“All I want, is for when we win a match, to be able to kiss my fella the same way the boys kiss their girls”
My heart just dropped dead onto the floor. Oh how many times have Colin witnessed other players got to kiss their lovers and wished he could be like them. He saw Jamie, Sam, and then Roy have lovely moments with their love interests, with everyone else cheering and supporting. Hope to see his ahead journey when at least now someone knows and understands his feeling. For the first time, he actually feels “seen”.
Trent and Colin conversation will forever be engraved in my brain. Such a healthy and heart-warming moment between them. It’s safe to say Sunflowers is my favourite episode from Ted Lasso, I laughed and I squeaked and I teared up and I died at every shot. This episode is a fucking masterpiece!!
P/S: I let out a sigh of relief when they haven’t killed off Michael yet. Colin deserves every bit of happiness and love please don’t take Michael away from him I’m begging youuuu
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Hi there! I have come to bring you a GK question
What do you think of Nikaidou? He's my favourite character and I love to hear some insights from you
Hey @moonbirdflies! Thanks for your question, and for the record you have an excellent and quite frankly based taste in favorite characters. I adore Nikaidou (I’ll be referring to know as Kouhei for this post), I’m always happy to see him whenever he pops out! I hope these insights satisfy a Nikaidou stan like you! 
Nikaidou Kouhei Once Whole, Now Disjointed
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At first, I didn’t really pay attention to him because he’s…not really someone who stands out (and having an identical twin brother did not help with identifying him as his own individual character). It’s kinda sad that well…since Sugimoto is the main character, you’re meant to root for his survival and his victory against Youhei. But to Kouhei, this was a devastating moment for him — he lost a constant and loyal foundation in his life. Whenever I rewatch the anime, Kouhei’s rage and sorrow at the death of his younger brother breaks my heart. 
There is absolutely no doubt that Kouhei loved his brother. In chapter 76, when Tanigaki tells Tsurumi about his past, the twins are seen whispering and listening to each other in the background. Honestly, the Nikaidous don’t really seem to be close to anyone else in the Seventh Division other than to themselves. I can see them having their own little world that only they share: there’s no one else in their life that means more to them than their sibling. Comparing him to Sugimoto, I can see Sugimoto’s devotion to his found family in Asirpa to be the same love the Nikaidous had for each other. 
Which is why it makes sense that he was absolutely consumed with his desire to avenge his brother and kill Sugimoto. Sugimoto didn’t just kill his blood relative, he killed Kouhei’s heart. The immortal one killed the one person who Kouhei relied on in his life, his responsibility to protect (as an older brother). And his beloved brother was taken from him in such a sudden and grueling way. No wonder his mental health was greatly impacted by his passing. 
Nikaidou’s story is a sad story of someone who gets lost in life because of grief and anger. He’s shown as a picture of how someone drowning turns into vices and even more revenge, rather than find a healthy outlet to heal. He kind of reminds me of Sugimoto in this way: Sugimoto was a man who was lost in his past brutality but was eventually “saved” by Asirpa’s kindness. NIkaidou’s “person” was already lost, and since he didn’t have anyone else who cares about him in his immediate periphery (Tsurumi and Arisaka’s “care” for him as a guinea pig for prosthetics does not count), he got dragged deeper and deeper into that hell and he couldn’t get out of it. 
Aside from his relationship with his brother, let’s talk about him as a character! Kouhei is someone who is treated as a comic relief for most of the story, but honestly, I wished that he was also treated as a serious character too. What I mean by that is that I wished we got a solid backstory with him and how both brothers got into the army. I mean, Usami was introduced later in the series, but he got a solid (albeit very unnerving) backstory. I wish we got more information on the past life of the Nikaidou twins. I wanna see them eating their favorite Mandarin oranges during their season, cutting them into pieces, and sharing it with each other. I wanna see how the two of them got into trouble early on in their lives, having the other as their main confidant and partner-in-crime. 
By the way, I’m glad that despite his several amputations, it does not stop him from being the cool soldier that he is. It’s just very exasperating to see characters who have acquired disabilities (like amputated limbs for example) become reduced to their disability. You know, maybe I’ll talk about disability representation in Golden Kamuy just because of this, but I’m glad that Kouhei wasn’t seen by his other soldiers as a “commodity” or “worthless” because of his amputations. He’s still respected and treated as a soldier, he can still fight (and still wants to, I’m glad they respected his will and desire to keep fighting), and his superior support him getting prosthetics! I like that support from Tsurumi at least. 
Don’t get me wrong though, I love Nikaidou as a comic relief! He’s made me laugh so hard, especially with his antics. And he’s such a badass soldier, fighting with both his wits and strength, even facing off against Hijikata once (well he lost his cool when Sugimoto arrived and lost something else but still! Very cool!). While I wished he was treated as a more serious character, I’m glad that he exists as a cool side character. Kouhei deserves more fans, and I’m glad we're both his!!
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piduai · 1 year
Also your ship hate is so real. Keep your hater-head up queen. It's crazy how popular some of them are too (esp sugio n koitsuki) given the fact that it takes away from what made these characters interesting and unique in the first place entirely. Sugio is just your typical 700k-boyXboy-enemies-to-lovers but to make it work you have to completely obliterate both of these characters personalities/what they stand for (motive/writing wise) especially Ogata like c'mon now... His ass is NOT getting redeemed through the power of yaoiful sex. Poor Sugimoto, Shiraishi was right there too. At least this one had the 'EyeSuck' scene, but koitsuki? How would that even work without Tsurumi? Get real. I know the need arose from the fans wanting to give Tsukishima a ''happy end'' but honestly I would rather take years of dilf manupilation if it means I don't get to babysit a dumbass rich kid for the rest of my millitary life. Not that I hate Koito, I like him as a character but he definiatly had 'барчо́нок' mannerisms, like he deadass said Tsukishima was filthy and broke for not owning a handmirror... Sorry you're probably sick of reading about this way more than I am since you've been into GK much longer but I just had to say I'm with you on the GK pairs feeling fujoshibait/homophobic in nature and it's wild considering the content of the actual manga. You have people cvmming from getting their finger ate and yet... Then again I know this has more to do with the general anime/manga consumer mindset rather than GK itself so it is to be expected, I just care about this manga so goddamn much girl Satoru Noda messed up my brain in the best way fr. Sorry I got carried away but if you read it this far thank you again for your translations and I wish you the best!!
but i don't think any of them are fujoshibait/homophobic tho... the way noda wrote them (character dynamics) i mean, not the fujobait anime posters no self-respecting person cares about. like imo there's no need to grasp for straws and paint something you think is stupid and tasteless as problematic/bigoted/morally corrupt 🤷 just say you find it ugly and dumb and move on. none of the popular or unpopular fanon ships were written as romantic/sexual in canon anyway no matter what the coomers say, all that "tension" people keep yapping about is just complex human relationships or titillation/double entendre/play on classic tropes noda is super duper fond of but it all gets over girlies' heads because they lost the ability to see past fanfiction. sad! well nobody has time for this
otherwise i agree, all gk ships are stupid and have no substance but sugio/koitsuki are the dumbest because they're inescapable. with sugio it will NOT work out in any scenario (ever) unless one of them is wildly ooc and let's be honest sugimoto would never say or do that. there's a reason 98% of sugio shippers are ogatagirls, they compromise sugimoto's entire character to get that 700k boy x boy enemies to lovers hot and steamy yaoi because ogata as he is could never coexist with sugimoto as he is. so it just ends up being reductive and shallow and stripping both of them of what makes them interesting
with koitsuki i just don't understand it but it's mostly because i find tsukishima super boring so anything regarding him is a huge blind spot for me (since i simply do not look in his direction). i think koitsuki is one of the "safest" and most bland dynamics in gk (exact reason for which it's the most popular ship) but in fanon again both characters are stripped of their complexity and their canon relationship is severely modified to make it more yaoiful
which honestly i have no problem with... like if that's how people want to enjoy this series, sure. who cares, none of it is real.
i think there's like things to be said about how shipping culture and the popularization of fanfiction has gradually taken the shape of bile that poisons most attempts at interacting with other fans since all they know is sucking and fucking but honestly i'm a huge advocate for not engaging in unpleasant situations when you can. sure there's a lion share of people who can't see past the yaoi thus compromising everything else you and i love this series for but like... so what? i avoid those people, i don't befriend them, i don't read what they say. and i don't have a say in how strangers choose to engage with fiction... at the end of the day it all comes down to personal taste and what you seek from said fiction, if they're comfortable in this insufferable climate i'm happy for them and wish them the best. as for me i'll just stick to my peaceful yaoi-sparse corner
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ltleflrt · 1 year
✨ let's play 10 Qs for GK! 🎆
1- fave character besides harvey/twoface? 2- fave harvey/twoface scene? 3- fave dynamic between 2 characters? 4- best character development? 5- most memorable line? 6- fave plot twist? 7- what did you think of twoface? 8- something you loved about the creation/design? 9- anything you would change about the season 1 plot or characters? 10- what did you think of the season 2 setup?
💌 thanks for sharing the love! #GothamKnights 🦇💋
oooh this looks fun, thanks for asking!
1- fave character besides harvey/twoface? - Stephanie. She's so sweet, so cute, so competent. She appears to have her shit together, and she kinda does, but she's dealing with so much at home. I love her interactions with every other character. Heck, I ship her with all the other batkids, because she has such great chemistry with everyone.
2- fave harvey/twoface scene? Definitely when Harvey checks the camcorder and Fugue!Harvey says hello to him. I squealed! Such a fun scene!
3- fave dynamic between 2 characters? Stephanie with ANYONE. But Harvey and Duela in the finale really attacked my daddy issues, and I was INTO IT. Both versions of Harvey. I wish we could have seen more of them together.
4- best character development? I'm torn between Duela and Brody. I mean, Duela goes from fuck everyone as long as I got mine to I'M GOING TO SAVE MY FRIENDS. What? Gurl. And Brody was such a rich jerk stereotype that I actually suspected he was probably a minor villain. The fact that his parents were both villains, and he said nah thanks I'm hanging with the heroes just made me want to hug him and squish his cheeks.
5- most memorable line? Well my favorite is when Harvey's responding to the Mayor about statistics, and he asks Harvey what the most important number is and Harvey responds "34, your approval rating?" SIR. Your sass!
6- fave plot twist? Rebecca. I did NOT see that coming. I was too focused on her husband lol
7- what did you think of twoface? MY BELOVED. Tho I think over time I'd be bugged by how well he pronounces Bs and Ms with his lips separated by the scarring…he was definitely dubbed, and I could tell lol
8- something you loved about the creation/design? The atmosphere was totally Gotham, even during the day. But the Belfry was probably my favorite set.
9- anything you would change about the season 1 plot or characters? I would have liked to see just one stray adult in the precinct being like "hey shouldn't these kids have lawyers?" Even if the cop in charge is like "no, we wanna get what we can out of them first."
10- what did you think of the season 2 setup? I was yelling about it, AH MAN THEY'RE GONNA THINK HE'S DEAD AND THAT'S ALL WE'RE GETTING??? It was actually really well done, although having less than a minute left to get out of the building made me hardcore roll my eyes. Fictional countdowns are never realistic lol
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vilandra21 · 1 year
excuse me while I be negative about some spn related shit that I can’t talk about anywhere else
so now that the winchesters is officially dead for now I hate the finale even more lol I am 100% being a bitter cas girl about it. all these comments about cas will be in season 2, there was no time to do it right, mishas filming schedule blah blah blah was all so annoying cause season 2 was never guaranteed! I get misha couldnt film because of gk, thats fine, but that DOESNT MEAN THEY COULDNT MENTION HIM IN THE FINALE the whole damn cast was being so cagey with him i really do feel like I was casbatied lol and I know it was cause ~spoilers~ but nah they knew damn well what they were doing
I kinda hate when people get all aww jensen liked one of mishas comments its really starting to annoy the crap out of me cause thats literally all he can be bothered to do and this whole not saying anything about misha putting himself in literal danger and going to fucking ukraine?!? is really pushing me back into a negative jensen place. mishas trying to raise money, you have more followers on insta AND twitter but you cant spare a retweet or sharing on your stories? really?? its such bs. it would be one thing if misha was just signal boosting an established fundraiser but he literally went there and saw the work first hand. jensens silence is only sexy when it pertains to spn finale shit the silence now is just rude and bs
whew I feel better
almost forgot! jensens lack of promo for gk is also hella annoying and rude. I know he doesnt really do that but come on man you were almost in the damn show! misha supported yours would it really kill you to reciprocate just once?!? smh
also really wish tumblr would get it together and allow me to edit post on mobile! 
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gayspock · 2 years
ok so tbh i really need to prep for this interview im fucked with. let me lb peacekeeper wars instead. part 1
sorry im always blown away. i remember watching so many treks, and then seeing their movies after and foaming... those were obciously MUCH bigger leaps in terms of, like, production but its like... GOD I NEVER REALLY REALISE HOW THE USUAL SHOW LOOKS UNTIL THE SHIFT LOL HELP. i should really be more observant o_o
NEVERMIND EIYW9IFPAEK[GK[PSDPO THE. RYGEL SWIMMING ABOUT IS MAKING ME SCREAM. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER UHM. THE windows screensaver ? the aquarium? hes so that.... I FORGOT HE WAS LIKE SOME SORT OF UCCKING WET BEAST. also the transition of him in the water to above the wter is so funny
diagnosans are so cool i wish we got them more
ANYWAYS i want to say: like.... for the record, im kinda disappointed that they did fix john and aeryn's predicament so fast. its fine- its FIINEEE- like... its just the cheap cliffhangers are kinda so tired lol. its hardly the worst in the world, but its annoying- although WELL AT LEAST WE CAN GET ON WITH IT, SO LETS NOT FUSS....
BUT actually no i mean. i am also annoyed they fixed chianas blindness soo easily too like COME ON GUYS!! COMMIT TO THE THINGS YOU DO. SHEESH
ALTHOUGH this whole recap is so cute i love it when they do stuff like this - o rat least, when they do it right like here with john .... johns one of the few who could carry like this
WHY ARE THEY KIRA NERYSing RYGEL THIS IS SO... YOURE LYINGGGGGG. BE QUEIT. i assume theyre jsut trying to avoid complications- want aeryn in on the action and stuff- and rygel is always out of the action - but omg...
also its so nice they managed to pick stark up. i love his involvement here. but kill yourselves for cutting his hair it was so beautiful
"I heard the key to these things is being relaxed" d'argo youve had 1.5 failed marr- SORRY I CANT FINISH THAT JKOKE THATS TOO MEAN SORRY DARGO ITSNOT YOUR FAULTL
also is this actress officiating them the same one who played the sebacean lass who tortured her at the end of last season
actually i WILL also say: i love the slight revamping to everybodys prosthetics. noranti and the scarran lady both have slightly different looks . chiana's hair is also so nice
SORRY BUT SIKOZU IS SERVING SO BAD IM THROWING UP I AM SO OBSESSED SORRY IM EASYYYY. i said what i said in my last post- i wish they could have used her better, because i do actually REALLY like so much of her but ARHGH execution iwse hell on earth innit
hang on. fucking hell i dont know why- i totally forgot that... this would be wrapping EVERYTHING UP, do you know what i mean? i assumed itd be closing up just the immediate things for some reason- but oh christ, we're going back to the early s4 stuff. thats kinda funny bc i did not care for that LOL. but i'm game nonetheles.... will jool be back? smile.
"is he propositioning me?" CHIANA AOIDJAOSIFASFIAFJ
"however 😏it vibrates" MATE PLEASE
also sorry i didnt say anything but why is greyza so pregnant. girl i dont want you here osrry. although shes funny shes fucking mister eastenders . bald ass head.
also so sad i said i love sikozu and her new look and i want to know more about what my girlie is up to but is she gonna do fuck all here LOL.... OH WELL.
i love it . peacekeeper infighting . you guys. <3 rip each other apart<3
ALSO WAIT- so chiana's power is just... full-on, now? no price to pay for using it? BOOOO.
omg hiii jool wow wee i didnt- ALRIGHT UHM. HI JOOL. GIRL HE'S ENGAGED
im sorry but the jokes theyre pulling with rygel actually are making me laugh. "theyre having MY baby." THE WAY HE SAYS IT LIKE THAT IS MAKING ME LOSE IT.
ALTHOUGH i will also say. as much as i have enjoyed this so far i dont really care that much, again, for the actual plot-plot... like all this with pikal, and with the temple stuff from the beginning of s4- i thought those eps were weak, and whilst i am open to more involvement with them, their approach here is as equally uninspiring. like, so what...? reuniting them will be able to bring peace? even if more complication arises, i feel like thats such a boring concept LOL. like- do you know what i mean? but fine thyeyre making it up with everything else
"crichton is your inferior." SIKOZU, GIRL FJSPOGKSPGKSDGPKDS PLEASE...
ALSO I HAVE SAID ALL IVE SAID ABOUT SIKOZU YEAH BUT LIKE. SIKOZU/SCORPIUS IS SO FUNNY. again i like sikozu as a character, and i think her insights arent unimportant- BUT HELL, HER AND SCORPY ARE SO FUNNY. LIKE COME ON. PLEASE. BFFR. I LIKED THIER DYNAMIC, IS THE THING - at least in s4 i did.... but a romance between them, or any sexual relationship just doesnt work. please.
okay the eidelons (googled their name) are going to get fucking decimated now arent they
i mean like i said i dont.... I DONT THINK ITS EVEN A GOOD CONCEPT TO ENTERTAIN. SHUT IT DOWN <3 ^_^
is jool about to die
imagine if jool just dieshere it'll be a little funny after everything she comes back and just-
"but im prEeGGNANT"
see okay i already didnt care about the eidelons being, like, the solution to the war - it doesnt make sense - but also like... i dont like the implication that humans were sebacean's ancestors, which im pretty sure thats where thats going. sorry. its annoying. what i loved so much about farscape is HOW much humans are like... rempved from everythin, theyre so nothing... theyre not some big, significant race in the universe. theyre not, like, the moral fucking centre like in star trek. i know one of my LEAST faourite doctor who fan theories is th at the time lords come from humans- like come on, man? i dont care about explaining why they look alike! its NOTHINGGGG to me.
i also hate how "small" it makes the universe. i hate coincedences and i hate people bumping into each other. ts so fucking limiting, man. SORRY. circhtons isolation is so hard hitting bc hes so far gone from everything and anything hes ever known and should never be able to return to where he was from. just leaae it
"You will die, when I order it." "okay :<" HELP
the scarran emperor should just get this man. theres no way
im sorry I DONT CARE FOR THESE GUYS ITS SUCH A WEAK ASS CONCEPT. certainly i love the idea of negotiation and peace- but just some fuck random negotiator, please, i dont care. im fine with peace negotiations as resolutions - god, yes - but when its between parties that are actually engaged and dont have some ambiguous powers ... like cmon you cant fucking just magically fix INTERGALACTIC POLITICS. LIKE THIS. like come on be for real. "the secret of peace" - please....
I MEAN IT WAS OBVIOUS THE EIDELON(?) owuld jsut die but againe ven FUCKING.... entertaining it i cant STRESS how much i didnt care like come on be REAL . BE FOR REALL. -_-
guys what the fuck did you do to stark GUYS COME ON . LEAVE HIM ALONE.
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clatexam · 2 years
Lawful Sayings is one of the significant
Ways of getting ready for CLAT GK In a CLAT test, there are 150 requests. CLAT Test recalls 35-39 requests for the General Data stage which integrates Static GK and Current Endeavors. It is an essential section as it helps in saving time all through the evaluation. You can utilize this and allocate the open door to different stages during the evaluation. Recent concerns basically consolidate boss happenings out in the conventional press for over a yr. Because of Static GK, it can rise out of any circle of presence. The goal needs to as a base be 30 out of 39 requests.
Looking at a conclusive five years, the consideration of Current Endeavors inside the GK Fragment has been extending consistently. The chief subjects included by and large information, trained professionals and administrative issues, sports, mechanical expertise and advancement. Genuine GK is protected a ton inside the Legal Wellness portions.
Essentially commit 1 hour of your day to GK. Earlier you could find a time to scrutinize in any case while progressively it will not need north of an hour. A huge part of the students feel they had a lot of familiarity with the subject at any rate and don't recall the plan. For this they need to rethink regularly as a base and get through 20 to 30 minutes going through before notes.
Basically Examining GK aimlessly isn't the reaction, One necessities to have standard notes which would assist him with totally considering and change GK. Even more basically, don't endeavor to focus on GK sooner than nodding off or brilliance. An optimal chance to see is while you mix in the initial segment of the day or after a break from studies since you are sparkling and it'll help you with seeing and recollect it in a higher manner.
What you are perusing's what is significant: Just Randomly scrutinizing Papers isn't the response for Setting up your CLAT GK, It wishes to be established on another test. It may be tedious and long at events anyway in the serious mode, it will be useful for whatever length of time your tests could endure. Bring a wound at seeing down significant happenings from the information paper in a computerized book hence, you can upgrade 3 days before your CLAT test.
Get ready on the web and register for tests : An uncommon strategy for collecting for GK in limited time is to use based notes and endeavor conventional tests unequivocally for CLAT Training . Without a doubt, even in case you don't understand the reaction you will check something out. Through interest, you could contemplate yourself and later change your survey plan likewise.
Learn GK This segment causes destruction for the understudy if they don't agree to several fundamental guidelines at the same time like giving bogus checks or genuine evaluations. Remembering this piece needs to be finished in 10 mins and ought to contribute extra energy at the same. Normally, the constraint of the specialists get found out in GK after they don't see the reaction or they're not ready to recall the same. They contribute a ton of energy attempting to review the reaction. In GK it's undeniable you both see the reaction in the event that not you don't figure out it. Expecting you recall the plan you ought to quickly stamp the reaction.
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thewinterraven · 3 years
Hi I've been lurking for awhile now and I just wanna ask because I think it's just such a fascinating question but what bird do you model Galacta's wings after? I've commonly seen owls, doves, swans, and even cockatoos associated with GK and I'm all around just kinda falling in love with your interpretation of him
Hello friend! I'm glad you like my AU Gala!
I've never picked single creatures when drawing the puffs wings, MK's are similar to a bat's but not quite (though over time I wish I'd matched them more closely but oh well)
But for Gala, even though I try and simplify a lot (and just don't quite remember half the time I draw them), I like to give Gala broader, rounder wings.
They're built a little differently from MK's powerful but nimble wings
please forgive the scribbling
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I love the idea of him having wider, powerful wings for really strong flight. I love the idea of them having some owl characteristics, silent flight would be super handy for a warrior (I imagine all that armour jangles a lot tho), but I just don't tend to draw it.
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Gala's wings are just large and fluff. Good for blankets.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
hi! i am a new reader of golden kamuy and just finished it the other day and thought i would come looking for meta, and found your blog! however, i have to say i was quite surprised. i found ogata's arc to be very moving and tragic, what i thought was extremely appropriate for someone like him, who was held back by his own upsetting ideas of himself and the world, until his final moments of realisation, but then, i always saw him as a supporting character, not a main character. 1/2
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Welcome in the GK fandom!
I'm happy to hear you enjoyed its ending and that it worked for you, It's no secret I'm not fond of it and of how Ogata was handled but we're all different and with many different tastes and GK still has parts I dearly love so I'm glad to hear there are people who enjoyed its ending.
As many knows Golden Kamuy is one of the series for which I'm not into shipping someone with someone else and I never believed there was something romantic between Ogata and whatever other member of the cast and I was pretty confident Vasily and Sugimoto wanted Ogata dead, possibly by their own hands, and that was it, but that was just my opinion.
I think everyone is entitled to have his theories, expectations and wishes so if someone ships two characters together and hopes in a certain ending for them that, for me, that's not a sad thing at all, it's just part of fandom life.
Shipping is an ancient activity and basing your hopes for how the story will go on what you're shipping is also pretty common and old.
What's more I don't think a theory or a hope for the ending should be debased just because it's moved by shipping.
There were countless expectations for Ogata's ending, some based by shipping, some due to how people hated him, some based by how people loved him (but didn't want him to be romantically paired with anyone), some based by plenty of other things and I think that's perfectly fine, that's how fandom work.
Of course that's just me, so I fear we'll have to agree to disagree.
Still, thank you for sharing with me your reading of the story and again, welcome in the GK fandom! I hope you'll enjoy your stay!
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idv-marythefairy · 3 years
What your SURVIVOR main says about YOU pt. 1
⊱ ─────── ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ─────── ⊰
to begin with, i’d like to inform that this post is not meant to offend anyone, i made this for entertainment purposes, nothing less, nothing more! this is JUST MY OPINION on what kind of a person you are based on your main and at the same time i finna expose myself ^^. i hope you enjoy!! characters included here: doctor, gardener, thief, lawyer, coordinator, mind’s eye, perfumer, prisoner, postman, gravekeeper, acrobat, prospector and embalmer
- marythefairy_
⊱ ─────── ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ─────── ⊰
- SOME doctor mains are pure toxic and others are so sweet (the latter i appreciate uwu)
- i can understand that you are kinda selfish since you ALWAYS want to be healed and if someone doesn’t help you during a match, you get so frustrated
- you don’t like kitting all that much but absolutely WANT to go save your teammate just because of the points or you’re in need of your team’s victory
- for my cinnamon roll doc mains: uwu <3
- you can be selfish BUT you know when to put others before you
- you prefer to stay hidden and decode and will go save only if ABSOLUTELY NECCESSARY
- you love emoting when you come across other teammates and treat them with so much care, i can’t- 💔
- i like gardener
- it seems that she’s not the only sweet person but her mains too, they are super sweet
- you love helping your teammates by destroying chairs or distracting the hunter by using your protection bubble thingy (idk what it’s called, i just know it’s from leo)
- you must be a cottagecore baby, no doubt about that
- either that or you’re a softcore/kawaiicore baby
- you are selfless except if all ciphers are popped and there are two people dead on your team
- and i oop, gardener is outta here!
- i get ya, i do that too, as everyone SHOULD
- you are a firm believe of “tie supremacy” because if you can’t secure a win, then a tie is the best option
- you use “don’t move, i’m coming!” a lot and attempt to save which can, sometimes, not be a successful attempt tbh
- you’re trying and that’s all that matters babe uwu
- you MUST have her skin with the blue skirt and hat, don’t lie to me
- you are, furthermore, energetic and loud and are absolutely OBSESSED with cute things and anime, PERIODT
- you love people unconditionally and have no limits
- he is a pretty serious person but, over here, i get the vibe that you are a goofball who can also be quite serious in some situations
- if you don’t have the christmas themed skin, go get it NOW (idk if it’s available, never really cared about his skins, sorry)
- my friend owns that skin and i couldn’t stop laughing
- i bullied her for days XD <3
- you use the correct punctuation, grammar and capital letters in texts
- your sense of humor is utterly broken, don’t you dare tell me otherwise >:( (same)
- you’re not the sweetest person but you’re not the coldest or heartless either
- you just know where you should be nice and where you shouldn’t
- you have your limits and if people ignor them, you won’t be afraid to make them regret it
- you can be a very fun person and this is why you chose him, because he’s a boring little shi-
- i like you, not your main
- okay, i bet you have the yelling emote and you use it a lot because it’s really funny
- i used him once just because i have that emote tbh and we lost the game because we were all using it to get on wu-wu’s nerves ;)
- you think theif is just a really peculiar character and you undoubtedly love flashing the life out of the hunters with your trusty flashlight uwu
- you are a quiet and reserved person but once someone gets close to you, you show them a side of you they weren’t even aware existed
- you are a sneaky one, aren’t ya?
- you are a chaotic adorable person and you can’t change my mind
- you prefer decoding because you want to win or, at least, give your team a tie
- you like fooling around with your teammates while decoding or at the gate (never wait at the exit gate, just go smh)
- its all fun and games, though, until the hunter is close
- okay, she’s got quite the skill but if only the guns were rechargeable 🤧
- you like going “pew pew” at the hunter because you think it’s fun and so do i
- you have a savior complex (not the person trait btw)
- sometimes you carry the team
- you have high expectations of yourself and sometimes your teammates but it’s you, for the most part
- you expect to get wins but consider ties decent
- you are trying a bit TOO hard to win those games, take a break please
- you are a serious, sweet and caring person who loves caring for their own but knows when they should put themselves before everyone else
- you are somewhere in between selfish and selfless
- you like playing mind games with the hunter just because
- you’ve asked for an all-4-coordinator team on a match just to bully the hunter with your stuns (i hope i’m not giving ideas and if i ever come across that, i’ll surrender, no questions asked -.-’)
- your moto is: “keep your friends close but your enemies closer”
- you are the type of person that will never hesitate to give hell to those that underestimate you or belittle a loved one
- ✨bad b!tch energy✨
- ok, you are RUSHING for that win
- you found mind’s eye to be the best decoder and option for you to secure a win
- you hate how every single hunter targets you from the get-go because they want to prevent cipher rush
- you either scream a lot because you’ve spawned right next to the hunter or you are very quiet and panic on the inside
- a bit of a coward but i understand, who wouldn’t be if they are the hunter’s first target?!
- you are quite and a bit of an introvert
- books over anything
- ✨dark academia vibes✨
- are you playing a musical instrument?
- are you an artist?
- you are SO CUTE!!!!!
- you must be using “sorry” a lot during the game, doing overuse it, honey
- you like to praise everyone on post-match, telling them they did everything they could and they did wonderful
- YOU ARE SO SWEET hdjejfjdjjqixidjjw
- you must have had a harry potter or anime obsession and might actually still have that
- you are the type of person that does too good at school
- you MUST be a fan of nature
- whenever i got matched with a perfumer, it was always a b!tchy one, i got traumatized
- then you have those rare perfumer mains that are just such sweet cinnamon buns that they make me want to protect them at ALL costs
- you are a bit stubborn and will do anything to get things to go your way
- you are boujee and want a vey well-paid job
- you are really sweet towards your friends and family but pretentious towards people you don’t like (i don’t blame you, i do that too)
- you are either the middle child or the eldest sibling in the family
- you’re rather picky when it comes to partners, friends and food
- you can be quite indecisive
- you listen to doja cat or lana del rey
- i get bi energy
- you watch popular animes, the ones that are trending
- you like to spend time with people and/or be the center of attention
- you were sorta popular at school, too
- you are a decent person, overall 👌🏻
- ok, my friend is a luca main so i know EXACTLY who you are >:)
- you, dude/dudette/dudon’t, are the most weird yet fun person in existence
- you say the most absurd things ever, it creeps people out
- you are a HUGE a$$ but in a good way, idk if you understand what i mean
- you are pretty curious about how things actually work and the majority of the time your curiosity gets the best of you
- you have some kind of art as a hobby, be it music, painting, writing etc.
- you like to tease the hunters which ALWAYS ends up with your a$$ getting whooped
- chaotic, you are chaotic
- you are obsessed with anime
- you are either gay or bi/pan
- your room’s a mess, clean it up and take care of yourself
- you like exploring the outside world and doing crazy things just for the experience
- sometimes you like to butt in on conversations cough my friend cough
- raging switch energy
- ily ❤️
- i think you’d be either an alt kid or an indie one
- give yourself a treat baby, you deserve it 😌🍰
- you know all the vines and memes by heart and i kin that even though i don’t main pris
- AHHHH, I CAN’T!!!!!!
- ILY!!!
- posty mains are absolutely ADORABLE 🖐🏻😩💔
- you guys are energetic, sweet, kind and selfless little beans and i want to protect you with my life (you don’t have an option, i will protect you >:D)
- you’re willing to get chaired if it meant that your teammate will be safe for the rest of the game
- you LOVE animal and most specifically DOGS
- i don’t main victor but i will buy him because i have a pink skin of his and all his emotes and graffiti
- you guys thought he was adorable and since you like adorable things and people, you bought him
- i think you know EXACTLY how to use his skill and when it’s the most appropriate time to do it
- your most beloved hunter must be my lord and savior aka jojo because of his furry skin ✨😌😆
- I WANNA HUG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭🤧😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧💔
- you MUST be a social butterfly, you MUST have a lot of friends and they MUST adore you to bits!!
- you try to befriend hunters during a match, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, it is what it is, ig
- take as many cookies as you wish, my love 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
- you are good at school
- you might be artsy, idk
- i get poet/writer vibes from you, it’s obvious as to why i get ‘em
- the many times i’ve come across a gk main, they were so sweet and supportive 🤧
- you guys are emo/goth and that’s why you picked him
- or you picked him because you thought he was handsome, don’t lie
- you are quite and reserved, don’t trust people but when you do, you give them your all
- selfless and extremely caring
- i see you being gentle to your loved ones and animals
- you are interested in witchcraft and the paranormal
- you are introverted, very introverted
- you might be into the victorian era and your favorite anime MUST have been black butler
- you have a cat, don’t you?
- you get pretty anxious during rank. evaluate you don’t want to disappoint your teammates (plz know that you shouldn’t care about disappointing anyone, try your best and i’m sure you’ll do just fine baby, you have my full support :D)
- you may know a few vines but you prefer memes
- you are the quiet kid at school, you do well
- “i hate school because there are people. i hate going out because there are PEOPLE out there. I HATE PEOPLE!”
- you might be spending a lot of time on idv
- are you a musician because i get the vibe
- I LOVE YOU!!!!!
- you are the sweetest person alive
- you play idv just for fun and don’t aim for any budges or for higher tiers
- you don’t have anything of that sort in mind, you’re just looking for some way to spend your time and make friend from all across the globe
- you are fun, sweet, caring and quite scary when mad
- you love ALL colors
- you love nature and do anything to protect it
- you have a lot of friends
- you do ok at school but strive to do better
- chaotic good energy babyyyy ✨😌👌🏻
- you’re always looking out for your teammates and attempt to aid them in any way possible
- you’re sensitive and a bit of an empath and that’s why you always try your best
- before matches you like to motivate your teammates to try their best
- we wouldn’t have done t without you, pog champ 😭🤧❤️💔
- ah, i’m about to expose myself, aren’t i?
- you guys are AWESOME!!! WE are awesome!!!
- you like spamming “focus on decoding!” because people like to pile up in order to save ONE freaking person from A CHAIR!!!
- you always go for the save if there’s no rescuer
- if there is but they’re hurt, you either assist the rescuer or you do it yourself
- you’re pretty selfless and pretty sweet
- memer or viner or just a crazy b!tch with a broken sense of humor
- you LOVE bullying the hunter from time to time
- you love distracting hunters to save a hurt survivor
- chaotic dumbass vibe!!!!!!
- you are a hopeless romantic with high expectations
- your personal moto is: “if you aren’t norton, then i’m not dating you!”
- i started playing him bc i was simping but now i just main him bc i got comfy with his skills and know EXACTLY what to do
- ik you main him bc you’re a simp, don’t lie >:)
- you spam vines on chat and let others finish them for you which makes you cackle
- do you have asthma?
- basically you’re a norton version of pris mains, both of you can make the universe kneel before you quicker than loki
- you take rank TOO seriously and end up yelling to other survivors and the hunter
- when you’re kitting, you either scream the lyrics of a very iconic song or you just squeal very loudly
- you see what map you’re on and pick just the right skin so that you can blend in with your surroundings and hide from the hunter
- you are so sweet and cute uwu ily 🖐🏻😍
- i get that you’re a very energetic and fun person when around people but when alone... yes, we better not talk about that
- we, ton-ton mains, are a HUGE mess
- complex feelings, you don’t know what you’re feeling and are in constant confusion
- you MUST have a very loud hyena laugh (👉🏻😎👉🏻)
- you MUST have a very short temper
- you either LOVE pun (🖐🏻😌) or you want to kill those who make them bc they’re annoying the heck outta you (spare me pls)
- you say “hi fellow norton” to people that use norton during QM or duo hunters
- you love making people happy
- you are willing to help people reach the top and never ask for any help
- you are basically a lone wolf who doesn’t want help from anyone bc you are independent
- if you ship mike x norton ILY
- if you ship naib x norton ILY
- if you ship emma/patricia x norton, gtfoh
- stress lvl 100000
- the vine you kin is “i’m a bad b!tch, you can’t kill me”
- you’re either a hardcore joscarl shipper or you absolutely hate it
- you’re very calm during matches, idk how you do that
- you’re into paranormal
- you are sweet but a psycho
- introverted 101%
- pretty blunt, you’re not afraid to speak your mind but sometimes take a bit to process how your words are going to affect people’s view on you
- you are he quite kid at school who keeps a low profile
- i believe that you don’t have a lot of friends, just a few close and good ones that you can trust
- you are pretty aware as to when you should use a coffin and where to place it, you’ve calculated all possible outcomes of the placements and time
- you like to spin around jojo when downed and throw a bunch of graffiti just to get him to be friendly to you bc your aesop carl, we get it babe 🙄
- if you’re not having a good day, you like licking yourself in a closet and scream until you feel better
- do you sleep in a coffin? are you ok?
- please, stop being so selfish, i’m begging you (begging ohhhh, put your loving hand out- i’ll stop, sorry)
- your vine is elmo standing in the middle of a storm by himself
- you either suck at math or english or both
- ugh, please, have a cookie and learn that sharing is caring 😩🍪
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