#you know there's like another ppv a week after too?
mystic-story-lover · 10 months
~ It Should’ve Been Me ~
Jay White x Unnamed Female!Reader 
Word Count: 1,800 
Warnings: N/A 
Type: Angst & Fluff 
Summary: After losing to MJF at Full Gear, Jay becomes jealous seeing her around him 
A/n: Two for one on a ppv 
“How is he?” Adam asked, shifting his head at Jay in the catering area. 
“It’s not great, to put it lightly.” She sighed.  
For the past few weeks, Jay had kidnapped the Triple B, and tonight it was on the line against Maxwell. For the most part, it seemed that Jay would be okay with losing, but watching him after the match proved otherwise. Maybe it wasn’t the losing that bothered him as much as it was that he wanted the belt. He proved himself of all the things he wanted in Japan, and now in his first title match he fell short, no matter how hard he tried to beat his opponent. It wasn’t the first time he’d felt disappointed in a loss, but this one was different to him. This time, it wasn’t just about putting on a good show for the fans or proving that he could do something. No, this time it was about her. Her with the smile that lit up any room she entered, the gorgeous eyes that he always seemed to get lost in, the outgoing personality that made him fall for her in the first place. He realized his feelings for her when the first person he wanted to celebrate his Wembley win was with her, but he hadn’t told her that. 
“Want me to talk with him?” She shook her head at Adam’s question. 
Sure, they were good friends, both admitted to that, but right now she wanted to be the one to comfort him. It wasn’t often she saw him like this, bummed about anything, so she wanted to help him, even if he’d be cocky about it. After hearing they were ready for him on the Media Scrum, Adam left, giving her a reassuring smile. Once she knew he was safely out of the room, she began walking towards the table that he’d been sitting at for the past ten minutes.  
“Jay?” Her voice laced with worry, catching his attention quickly. 
“Hey, what’s up?” The emotion of discouraged still lingered on his face, and she felt awful about it. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to talk about your match.” He shook his head.  
There was no eye contact, just the empty awkward silence filling the air. Jay knew he needed to say something, anything, to her. Yet, he couldn’t get a single word out. Unsure if it was fear or if it was simply his nerves, Jay stood, wanting to leave so he could think. Normally, he didn’t mind doing it when she was around, but this time, when it was about her, he wanted to be alone. 
“I’ve got to go.” He left without another word, leaving her confused. 
Not thinking too much of it, she turned and left for the media area. After his questionnaire ended, Max would be leaving from the right side. Since Jay left, she decided to meet the champ when he was done. Scrolling through her Instagram account, she almost missed the sound of his laugh filling the room when he entered.  
“Hey! What are you doing here?” It was clear he was in pain, the sound throughout his tone. 
“I was waiting for you. How’s the leg?” He groaned at her question, giving her the answer, she needed. “Alright, so that’s a not great.” 
He laughed at her joke, causing her to smile. They’d been friends for a few years now, most of the time keeping it off social media. Max was this entitled heel on screen, but the man she knew, he was different. He’d been kind to her when she needed a friend, and that’s how it started for them.  
“So first you’re going to keep that title from me, and now her too huh?” Jay yelled it, and even though it was a question, to her it sounded less like that. In her mind, Jay was angry, but she didn’t understand why. 
“What are you talking about man?” Max called back; his fists clenched. 
“You know what I’m talking about Friedman. Since you’re out here stealing my girl from me too!” His exclamation led to all eyes on her, and she felt tears in her eyes. Without saying anything, she took off for her car, not bothering to grab any of her stuff before leaving. 
For a while, she drove in silence, not really having a destination in mind. What had Jay been talking about when he called her his girl? Even an hour later she still didn’t have the answer to her question, and she knew there was only one place to get it. Once she pulled her car into a gas station, her phone dinged letting her know someone texted her. Grabbing it to see who, she noticed it was from the one man she needed to talk to. He wanted to talk, if she was willing, and he also had let her know that he brought her stuff back to the hotel room for her. In her zone of driving, she’d forgotten all about her things, including her camera with all the photos she’d taken during the show. In the morning she would message Tony about bringing them for him to see, since she left before he’d finished with the scrum. Thinking of a plan, and falling short, she’d decided to return to the hotel. 
“Jay, are you still awake?” He flipped the switch on his beside lamp, signaling to her that he was.
“I waited for an hour at the arena for you.” His words were gentle. They’d always been with her, tonight being the exception. “Then I waited two more hours here for you to come back. When it hit the two-hour mark, I thought you decided to crash with Max.”
“I’m right here.” She whispered softly, and he nodded his head. A sniffle could be heard from where she sat on her bed. “We need to talk about what happened.”
Jay rolled so he could face her, his bare chest exposed from the lack of blanket. It wasn’t that she hadn’t seen him shirtless any other time they shared a room, but after what he said tonight, it felt different. 
“I’m sorry, especially about the yelling--” His words trailed off as he focused on pulling himself into a sitting position. “I know that you’re probably confused.” 
She nodded, not saying anything else in case he wanted to keep explaining. 
“I’ve lost belts, and I’ve lost title matches, but tonight was different than those times. Before, I was trying to prove to the audience that I was the best in the world. Tonight, it wasn’t about proving myself to them, at least not in my eyes.” Another sniffle came, and Jay turned his head to look at her again. She noticed the red puffy eyes, informing her that he’d been crying recently.  
“When you step into a ring, people know who you are, there isn’t anything that needs proven.” A small smile appeared on her face, an effort to comfort him. 
At this, he chuckled, knowing that while it may seem that way, it wasn’t how he saw it. “There was, and I failed to do it. It got to me, and I let it trample over my emotions.” 
“If it wasn’t the crowd, then who did you want to prove it to?” He smiled at her, and he went to speak before her phone rang out. Checking it, she frowned, knowing it wouldn’t help the situation any. “It’s Max, but I don’t have to answer it.” He shook his head and leaned to turn off his lamp. 
When her phone fell silent, his motions stopped. They sat in silence for a moment, neither sure what to say to the other. It was he who’d been the first to break it. 
“I wanted to prove it to you.” Jay released a breath after his admission, giving her time to process what he’d said. 
“Why me?” Now was the hard part of the conversation, at least how she saw it. He’d say something about needing everyone to say he was the best, as an ego boost, but it wouldn’t be what she’d want. 
“The way I feel about you.” He sucked in a breath before continuing. “When I won at Wembley, you were the first person I ran to backstage. I wanted you to celebrate and be happy with me. At All Out when BCG won, you were there waiting for me. I’d been so frustrated with how my hair was sticking to me, and you took the time to brush it out of my face. Each time something happens, I want to share it with you.” 
“Jay, I didn’t know you felt this way.” She whispered. 
“I didn’t expect you to, if I’m being honest. Seeing you with him tonight, it caused me to get jealous, and I just snapped.” Her laugh at his words caught him by surprise, but he smiled. 
“Well, I’m impressed with you in the ring.” He laughed at that. “I’m also impressed with who you are outside the ring. The kind of guy who’ll wait a total of three hours for you, the guy who’ll share his emotions with you, even if he doesn’t like them. That’s the version of you that I want to celebrate wins with, brush hair from your face, and share memories with.” 
“As friends?” His question was expected, since she hadn’t flat out admitted things the way he had. 
“I was thinking as your girl, since Max can’t take me away from the guy I like.” Without even finishing her sentence, Jay had the blanket off and was standing in front of her. When she did finish, he leaned down and kissed her, both hands coming to cup her face.  
The kiss was filled with passion, one that she’d feel on her lip's hours later. When he pulled away, his hands stayed, holding her like she was the most perfect thing to him. 
“I hope that was okay.” He whispered, lips barely above hers. 
“It was perfect.” She smiled at him, and he kissed her again. “Come on, let’s lay in bed.” 
“You don’t want to shower first?” He asked, but she shook her head. 
“Well, I’d like to lay in bed with my man, but I seem to be missing that title for someone.” A giggle left her lips as Jay kissed her for a third time. 
“You got me there. How about I ask you with more of these kisses I’ve been giving for free.” He teased. 
She nodded; a playful grin lay on her face as they crawled into bed. Jay rolled slightly, turning off the lamp, and kept his end of the bargain, filling her night with kisses as his girl.  
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debbiechanclub · 1 year
(disclaimer that I’m not out here simping for or trying to defend a million dollar company, just a fan with frustrations)
the njpw/aew partnership has always felt incredibly unbalanced. FTR didn’t defend or talk about the IWGP tag belts and skipped out on WTL, Kenny (as much as I love the dude) has done 0 with the US belt, AEW did nothing to promote Willow being part of the Strong Tournament. Desperado set a match with Mox and that didn’t get mentioned. They didn’t even talk about Dominion until after it happened. New Japan social media and commentary make a big effort to keep continuity and talk about things going on in their partner promotions.
Even with Takeshita. DDT has tweeted about the heel turn, their wrestlers have mentioned it, I cannot remember the last time DDT was even mentioned on the show
I get that All Together Again and the Road Tour means 90% of their roster is booked up and it would be a struggle to appear live. But a build to a show doesn’t need to be done 2 weeks before. This is something we should have had going since tickets went on sale. Or at the very least, ask them to film backstage promos to send in, not just play the promotional videos and press conferences that New Japan did themselves.
Sorry, you sent this after I fell asleep, but I agree with everything you've said! Like, I'm not even trying to shit on AEW―it's just facts.
FTR and Kenny were the first people I thought of when Aussie Open had to relinquish the IWGP and Strong tag titles even though Mark would only be out 6 weeks. And Kevin Kelly explained at a later date that if the Dominion match hadn't been set they could have just kept the titles which, okay, fine. But that doesn't change that FTR and Kenny just sat/are just sitting on their respective titles. Also, I was Big Mad when Kenny defended the US title against Jeff Cobb on Dynamite and not a few weeks later at Capital Collision. Like, that's an NJPW belt, my guy. Kenny by God Omega coulda shoulda woulda brought soooooo many more eyes to Capital Collision/NJPW. (And I thought he would have known better, too? That was his home for years?)
But you hit the nail on the head—it's an unbalanced relationship and I frankly don't know what NJPW is getting out of it? Forbidden Door 2 is probably gonna be another routing of their talent like the first FD was.
And like you said, there's absolutely ways to work around people not being able to come to America in order to build a feud/to a PPV. But like I said to that anon, David Finlay been around and available. AEW had the time to meaningfully address the long, long history between him and BOTH Jay and Juice. Juice literally turned on Finlay to join Bullet Club and now Finlay is the leader and you're just gonna ignore that?! And Jay's been exiled from NJPW but he's still out here acting like he's in Bullet Club?! As if (in storyline) Finlay would just allow that happen?! PLEASE. Make it make sense.
Editing to add: there's still a chance to meaningfully introduce the White/Finlay feud AT Forbidden Door. As I said, Jay's been kayfabe exiled from NJPW (and working with NJPW talent, I believe?), so he really SHOULD NOT be anywhere near Toronto on June 25th if they're gonna uphold that. But he could show up because it's also an AEW event. And then Finlay could show up and be like, "Wtf do you think you're doing?" And boom, there you go. I HOPE that happens, genuinely. If not... I will fly to Florida just to smack Tony Khan.
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duhragonball · 18 days
Other Months
You know, I was sort of hoping that by now, there would be some sort of course correction from Nanowrimo. I mean, the backlash seems pretty substantial. I keep looking for updates on the situation, and I keep expecting Nano to issue some weak apology, or at least acknowledge the outcry. But instead, I just find news articles about the backlash, or sponsors pulling out because they can see which way the wind is blowing.
And I'm not entirely surprised, but I guess I thought the people running that organization were a little more savvy than this. Then again, all these pro-AI types only seem to know how to double-down, so I guess Nanowrimo has already demonstrated the depths of their incompetence. If they were smart enough try to clean up this mess they never would have issued that statement in the first place.
So I probably gave them too much credit, but... I mean, what other reaction could they have expected? Their whole deal depends on large numbers of human writers coming together to do this challenge every year. By refusing to condemn AI, they basically said that the efforts of the human writers are extraneous, when it's very much the other way around. The Nanowrimo organization thinks it's too big to fail, but without the writers' participation, they're nothing. Even if their sponsors are paying big bucks for AI promotion, it won't do any good if there's no one around to sell the products to. This seems blindingly obvious, but apparently Nanowrimo can't figure it out.
Anyway, enough about them. I'm planning to proceed on schedule from November 1-30, but I started thinking about what to do in the future. The rest of the world may settle on some agreed-upon "official month" to do the 50k challenge, but I'm more interested in picking something that works best for me. I'll run through some options under the cut.
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Pro: Traditional. I'm familiar with this thrity-day span, so why rock the boat?
Con: The Thanksgiving four-day weekend is a pain in the ass to plan around. Also my mom's birthday is in November, and I usually drive to her place and take her out to lunch, so that's another day where I schedule minimal writing. Oh, and AEW runs the Full Gear PPV, and the NJPW World Tag League starts up in November, so it's actually kind of busy. My normal strategy is to try to get as big a lead as possible in the first week in order to finish well before all this other stuff can slow me down.
Pro: None. This would suck.
Con: This would just be a harder version of November, since Christmas always falls on a different day of the week.
Pro: There's not much happening in these months, and I usually schedule some days off from work here just so I might miss a few lousy commutes in cold weather. February's only 28 days, but I've finished so many past 50k challenges early that it probably doesn't matter anymore.
Con: I've tried to do "Janwum" challenges in the past, but it's tough to get into gear so soon after completing one in November. I kind of had this vision of doing four writing months every year, but the non-November ones were always tough. Maybe January 2026 would be better if I didn't do any writing for November 2025. So that would push me towards...
Pro: I dunno.
Con: I feel like a lot of stuff happens during these months, which makes it difficult to make solid plans. Then again, this is probably just because I've devoted so much planning to making sure Novembers are as clear as I can make them.
Pro: It's like November, but sooner. Fewer holidays, wrestling shows, and so forth.
Con: That's when OC-tober happens, and I really would like to keep doing that in October if I can. True, I've only done the challenge once in 2021, but I want to get back to it, so I need to start re-evaluating my priorities.
Pro: This would mostly eliminate my problems with November. I always get a little anxious to start in the last week of October, so maybe I should just go ahead and start early.
Con: Well, the OC-tober stuff would still be a conflict, if nothing else.
I'm not sure I've come to any strong conclusions here, except that I might want to do these in January, but I need to schedule 2025's challenge for the middle of the year. Like... June-ish? Well, that would get it out of the way in time for the G1 Climax. Huh.
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unintentionaloracle · 5 months
Okay decided to do another "rounding up my quick fire thoughts on stuff from Raw having seen it on Hulu" thing (I think I actually got like, most of the matches this time and Sami's segment, but missed whatever thing occurred with Liv and Dom/any other backstage segments that might've happened that didn't make YouTube [though I did see Becky's awesome pre-match promo on YouTube but they cut what came before she started talking], and I think they cut the middle chunk of the Women's Battle Royal out which is boo.)
-Jey and Damian's segment was great, we're gonna eat with that. Also Jey telling Damian to tell Rhea he said hi was for me and I love it.
-JD, my least favorite Judgey Boy tbh, y'all are on the thinnest of ice with the screwups, Damian in charge, and Finn MIA this week. You aren't even on the merch after all these months, man, you're expendable.
-Darn it I don't want DIY drama I want my boy Johnny to thrive. (Their match with Awesome Truth was really good though I'm happy with it)
-Also it was just tag team/faction drama/breakups(?) season Monday, dang with The Imperium stuff.
-Although rip to Vinci but Alpha Academy hurts me more ESPECIALLY CHAD BEING MEAN TO OTIS HE'S YOUR NUMBER ONE GUY!😭 I could excuse suplexing Sami out of his wife's arms in his hometown but I draw the line at insulting your former co-tag champ and your other teammates.
-Also I like their explanation for why Gunther isn't going for the title for a while/focusing on King of the Ring first. It's nice that he's not falling into the old "This Random Guy Was Slightly Mean To Me, Forget Any Title Ambitions I Need To Beat Him Up" trap.
-Drew was on fire as usual but yeah I agree the burger line was a no from me. Did like Sheamus's comeback and their "longtime friends" convo. I'm down to see what The Once And Future Banger Bros Bring Baby.
-And The King of the Ring bracket is looking stacked already. I do also want Xavier to get a proper reign after the last one he deserves it but my heart still belongs to the hypothetical Jimmysweep.
-Not too surprised they focused mainly on Sami's title woes but I do admit I was hoping for a "yeah, Chad sucks, Cathy. Listen, I'm kinda stuck on my boy Kev nearly getting MURDERED three days ago..."
-I found it a little funny Ricochet and Santos matched despite being on opposite teams. (Also oooh Damian you wanna turn face or tweener so bad oooh.)
-I did see Becky's promo on YouTube (love her getting a walk and talk like Sami and Kevin. That's squad goals). Thought it was cool and I loved her encouraging Maxxine. Lord knows that girl needs it between the Chad stuff and Candice's bullying.
-Hulu didn't show me Chelsea getting eliminated but slipping back in because officials didn't see. Heaven forbid women do anything.
-Really thought Liv was gonna take it (her gear was cute too). But I think this might be the last straw before she super officially snaps for realsies.
-I'm definitely in the camp of "Becky doesn't really need another title reign, she's almost done it all and what she hasn't (like Queen or Ms. MITB) she doesn't really need at this point either" (love her though)...
...but I also felt her last two solo title reigns managed to show some love to some of the women who don't usually get shots at the gold (Pre-beating Ronda!Liv and Doudrop!Piper getting shots on PPV against her while Bianca was kept from the title, using the NXT Women's Title like it was Raw's unofficial women's midcard belt), so who knows? Heck, we don't even know if she's gonna have a long reign, so... *Shrug*
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
My Highlights from WWE Elimination Chamber & NJPW Battle in the Valley
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So instead of my usual long-winded reviews I'm deciding on something else, just highlighting the stuff I like from the PPVs, in this case two on the same night
On one end we have matches like Jay White vs Eddie Kingston and Mercedes Moné vs KAIRI, and on the other you have Elimination Chambers and Sami vs Roman. Let's see what I liked
Spoilers for the PPVs, watch them first if you don't want to be spoiled
WWE Elimination Chamber
Starting with the easy one, Montreal's crowd was a huge plus, proper into it just like El Paso was last week on AEW's shows
Liv Morgan x Elimination Chambers, girl just loves some gnarly spots so you gotta appreciate the gusto. Liked the way she was eliminated too, even if I had hoped she'd be final two
KANA. Asuka is on yet another resurgence and she deserves it. Back to her roots, she once again proves to be the most viable opponent for the champions, and frankly I think she should beat Bianca (tbf I wanted Asuka vs Charlotte: the revenge so we could get Rhea vs Bianca but this way if okay too) so she can get a world title reign that doesn't get bullshitted over
Beth Phoenix sporting a bit of Bull Nakano facepaint
Dominik's ability to draw heat is great, he knows his role
Balor crossing from under the ring to sweep Edge
Beth and Edge did the Big Rig (Cole it's not the Shatter Machine anymore)
We need Rhea vs Beth one-on-one, make Rhea champion and have Beth challenge down the line
Starting the US title EC with Gargano vs Rollins, a feud we should have for Mania instead of Rollins vs Logan Paul
Theory locking himself in the pod was a better spot than when Carmella did it
Tezzy Ford, to absolutely nobody's surprise, did amazing, he's a year overdue in needing that singles run
Roman's character work during the match (which was slow going) is still great, even gaslighting Sami's wife. The psychology in hindsight was good too, because all the rest holds was to INTENTIONALLY kill the crowd energy, because that cut off Sami's energy source from Montreal's crowd
Also Sami's selling, not just for taking offence but also dishing it out, you feel the adrenaline carrying him through
Heyman thinking he could fight Owens
NJPW Battle in the Valley
A surprise mention of Mascara Dorada's (aka Gran Metalik) AEW Dark win run
Adrian Quest and Kevin Knight, as well as Dorada and Volador Jr's, synergy was great
The sheer madness it is that Hideo Itami vs Darren Young (with Aiden English on commentary) would've been a 205 live taping at best in WWE and yet it's now a title match on a NJPW PPV
KENTA being a bastard, hell put KENTA vs PAC as a feud have a proper Battle of the Bastards
Rosser's STF-Chickenwing was unique-looking
Reminder that MCMG debuted 17 years ago and they're still great
That one fan who sold Jay's Too Sweet like he was just given $100
Jay White also being a bastard, he will land wherever he ends up
The absolute CRACK you hear when Eddie chops someone, few do it better
Eddie outwitting Jay by rolling out of the ring after being hit with a Blade Runner
Jay kicking out of 3 Urakens, a half and half and a Northern Lights Driver!
Eddie giving Jay respect post-match as well, Jay could've easily left after Hikuleo, he could've just disappeared but instead he put Eddie over afterwards. I'll say again, he'll land wherever he ends up
Dave Finlay's promo after makes sense, that's how you get heat
Tom Lawlor hamming it up
Homicide sporting a Jay armband for Jay Briscoe
DVD, off the ring, through a door!
Commentary taking time to thank Jay White for his career
Watching ZSJ transition through submissions is like watching a sculptor work clay
I've only ever seen Clark Connors wrestle twice (first time being Forbidden Door) and I've enjoyed his energy both times
Mercedes out with the TCS Hana Kimura look, a bittersweet moment really, a great tribute but god I miss Hana, and I'm still not over the fact that the ones they charged got away with just an $80 fine
KAIRI hitting Mercedes with a table powerbomb off the stage
Mercedes this time hitting the Mone-maker cleanly
Mercedes landed, it was ultimately so important that she landed on her first post-WWE match and she did, she was worth the Mone. As much as I'm sad that KAIRI's reign was short, it makes sense
The stipulation of the main event, Okada and Tana are great wrestlers, but New Japan had fallen back on Tana vs Okada way way too many times
Match of the Night: US Championship Elimination Chamber (Jay vs Eddie is a close second but in spite of the shit finish I felt more entertained by the chamber)
Best Performance: Sami Zayn
Best Attire: Mercedes Mone's Hana Kimura gear
Best Spot: Montez Ford splashing from the chamber roof
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ilovejevsjeans · 3 years
Daniel Ricciardo on his passion for combat sports, a walkout song and the time he asked Lewis Hamilton to ‘fight’
McLaren Formula One driver Daniel Ricciardo, who currently sits seventh in the driver standings heading into this weekend’s Spanish Grand Prix, is among the world’s best behind a steering wheel. But how would he fare if he swapped his racing gloves for boxing or MMA gloves?
“I’d love to do a charity boxing match or something just to feel that adrenaline of walking to a ring,” Ricciardo said. “It’s on my to-do list for sure. At school I had a few little fights but nothing crazy. Nothing I’d brag about here.”
Ricciardo says he learned the sport of boxing from a friend who fought as an amateur growing up. However in recent years his love of combat shifted more toward mixed martial arts, a sport that is “quite beautiful. It’s an art form and I was just taken by it.”
The Australian — who boasts 4.6 million followers on Instagram — rarely misses a fight night, whether that’s a small card or pay-per-view. Every Monday he gears up for multiple MMA podcasts to hear analysis on what just took place in the cage.
In an exclusive interview with The Athletic, Ricciardo opened up about his love for fighting, which driver would make the best opponent and why Lewis Hamilton turned down an opportunity to get in the ring against him.
You’re an avid fight fan. How did this passion for the sport start?
One of my best friends growing up, when he was growing up, he was doing amateur boxing and got very good at it. I was then doing my racing and he was doing his boxing. We were both on a bit of an unconventional path — both individual sports, not really the typical sports the kids at school were doing. We had that in common. Once I started taking my racing more seriously I began taking my fitness more seriously. So I started going to his gym to just train. I really enjoyed doing it. But the truth is — I don’t want to lie to anyone. I’m not a fighter. As much as I would picture beating the bully up at school, it’s not me. But I just fell in love with not only doing it but also watching it.
I enjoyed watching boxing but it was really when I got exposed to MMA … It just had me. It was back in 2011 when I started properly getting into it. It was the quickest sport I had ever been absorbed by. I was all in.
My whole YouTube feed is just all MMA shows, whether it’s press conferences, interviews, podcasts. It’s just full of MMA stuff. I’m a full nerd now.
Being in Australia and traveling a lot, are you forced to get up at weird times for fights?
The beauty was I was in LA when (Conor McGregor vs. Dustin Poirier 2) was on so it was prime time and I was happy. But normally in Europe, it’s 4 a.m. or 5 a.m., which isn’t as good. Any kind of sporting event that you look forward to, it’s always cool when it’s in the evening because you have all day to get ready and talk about it. If you wake up at 4 a.m. it’s like “ugh,” and then you’re straight into it so there’s not as much of a build-up. But it’s all good.
So do you still train at all?
No. To races, my trainer carries some pads and gloves just to stay a little sharp and change it up. If I’m getting my reflexes with some tennis balls, maybe I throw in a bit of a boxing combination or something. Again, I’m not saying I’m good or anything. But I just enjoy the whole movement part of it.
Boxing was cool and I enjoyed watching it growing up. But there was something with MMA where there’s just so many different disciplines and the matchups … as a contest it was so much more open and for that, exciting. I feel — I know it’s not always the case — you can kind of tell in boxing if someone is getting momentum, the advantage. It’s like “this guy is going to win the fight.” But in MMA, it’s like “this guy is winning standing but if this goes to the ground, it’s back to square one.” So I just loved it. I was really immersed by it all.
Did you have a particular fighter or fight that got you hooked early on?
One of the first events I watched was UFC 116. Chris Leben was on the card and I think he was losing the fight. And then he got a triangle with probably 20 seconds to go in the third round, so that was really exciting. Stephan Bonnar was also on that card and he got a really cool finish on “The Polish Experiment” Krzysztof Soszynski. That was a card for me where I was very taken from that. Then I discovered “The Ultimate Fighter.” I just binge-watched all of those (seasons).
In terms of fighters, Leben was a character, I liked him. Carlos Condit. I’d say Condit and Cub Swanson were two guys I got behind early on. Condit, I love his style and the way he carries himself.
Have you been to a lot of cards in person?
The very first one I did was the best for me personally. To this day, it’s my favorite sporting event I’ve ever been to: (Conor) McGregor-(Chad) Mendes. Vegas in July 2015. Obviously McGregor, but he wasn’t yet a champion and still kind of on the rise. It was the energy and atmosphere. It was just wild.
The whole event too. (Robbie) Lawler-(Rory) MacDonald, which had the fight of the year. Every fight on the main card I think was a finish, so I got very lucky at my first event.
I’ve done (Michael) Bisping-(Anderson) Silva in the UK. That was a great contest as well.
There are a lot of great fighters from Australia and New Zealand like Israel Adesanya, Alexander Volkanovski and Robert Whittaker. Have you had a chance to meet any of them?
I haven’t met them. A couple of them I’ve had interactions with on social media. But I love Whittaker, obviously Volkanovski is killing it. I’m fairly patriotic to the Aussie fighters. If they are fighting, 99 percent of the time I’ll be supporting them. But one of my good buddies is roommates with Luke Rockhold, so I got to know Luke the last couple of years. I was trying to do some training over Christmas with him but it didn’t end up working out.
I know you’re a big shoey guy. What do you think of Tai Tuivasa doing it after wins?
I’ve had a bit of contact with Tuivasa as well. It’s obviously great. But one thing I can’t get behind is spitting. That’s a little extra.
Plus he’ll grab some random fan’s shoe.
He definitely takes it to the next level. It’s cool that — as disgusting as it is — we have some traditions like this.
Shifting a bit to F1, have you ever gotten into any big fights on the track? What was the worst fight you’ve gotten in?
Earlier in go-karting there was a bit more. Unfortunately in F1, I guess because you’re on the world’s stage, even if you push someone you probably are going to get a fine or get penalized. At times it’s a little too clean. But I’m still waiting for the day that someone confronts me and I just lay them out (laughs).
You also just seem a lot more laid back than a lot of other drivers, so you’d probably not be my first choice of someone getting into a fight soon.
I’m all talk, it would be nice obviously to not have to fight anyone. But no one would expect it from me. Even when I tell people I’m a fight fan, people are like “oh really? You’re into that? You seem too nice to like that.”
But to get where I have in the sport, you need a bit of a killer streak in you. I do have it, but don’t always show it.
What other driver would make the best fighter?
I know some guys have done — for fitness — hit some pads. Randomly, he doesn’t have a seat this year, but Daniil Kvyat started doing quite a lot of boxing last year for his training. I saw a few clips and it started to look like he knew what he was doing. I would say he would be the guy who has the most idea. I’d put him and myself up there. The rest I don’t think stand a chance.
So if you had a charity event, you don’t have anyone in particular you’d want to go against?
To be honest, I actually asked Lewis Hamilton. At the beginning of 2016, he posted a video on his Instagram hitting pads. I was as well at the time, so I was like “hey, let’s do a charity fight.” I asked him in person. But he didn’t bite on that one so I was a little sad.
I might re-ask the question.
What about Max Verstappen? For people who watched the first season of the F1 show “Drive to Survive” on Netflix, I’m sure they would love to see you guys throw down at some point.
That would have been cool as well (laughs). Max would be a good competitor in the ring. The way he drives, he’s quite stubborn. He’d be a hard guy to put away. He’s probably the guy that you’d choke him and he’s going to sleep and not tapping. That would make an interesting one.
In contrast, is there an MMA fighter you’d like to race on the track?
An obvious one would be Conor McGregor. To hear in his Irish accent all kinds of things, that would make pretty good television. And he loves his cars. It’s obvious, but that would probably be the best.
How often would you say you watch fights now? Not just PPVs, right?
Unless I have something like work or another commitment, I’m watching it every week. Mondays I’m getting ready for every podcast. I sound like a real nerd but it’s just an addiction. I love it. Anyone doing that for Formula 1, I’d be like “you’re such a nerd,” but here I am doing it with MMA.
Is it hard to follow everything during the race season?
If I can’t see it live, then 100 percent I’m going to watch the replay or buy it later. But it’s also a good escape. If I’m traveling and I’m in between races, to get my mind away from my competition, I like to watch it. I also try to pick up things as well. Whether it’s from a mental point of view … I’ll look at the walkouts and how they are behaving. I try to figure out if they are really as calm and collected as they are portraying or if it’s a bit of a facade. I’m trying to work out what I can use in my events.
Do you have a walkout song prepared if you were to fight?
I’ve thought about it. The short answer is no. You typically have to have something heavy and fast, but I fell in love with Chris Weidman’s “Won’t Back Down.” It’s not typically a song that will pump you up but it’s so iconic and now it’s his, it’s very fitting.
I’d go for something more lyrically powerful as opposed to instrumental. I loved Max Holloway’s, I think it’s called Mount Everest (by Labrinth). (X)
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment post for aew dynamite 5/25/22
my friend yelled at the cage match being the opening match and then doubleyelled at mjf's referee outfit. this dynamite is starting off strong (personally. i am looking forward to see ftr vs roppongi vice) whoa nice. handcuff fight? just for me? :)c are we gonna finally get our "breaking out of handcuffs" bit? if not now then when!! LMAO YES THERE IT IS YOU FUCKED UP! YOU FUCKED UP! YOU FUCKED UP! is it hard to see what goes on in a cagematch live? i wonder. i mean, i can barely tell whats happening in my microwave at any given time shawn spears is such a weirdo for chairs lmao. i love it when the guys are weird OH MY GOD there will be nothing left of the pinnacle by the end of this lmfao shawn spear's face. this rules ACTION BRYCE IS HERE short and sweet and extremely rewarding. lets fucking gooooo!!!!
oh! jas backstage segment! NOT THE POOR BACKSTAGE STAFF MOXLEY FAN!! JERICHO...!!! hes out of control. someone get the wizard council on him have a faction become the wizard council to do this. i have suggestions
oh! cm punk and hangman time! i cant wait to see how theyre gonna banter at each other and by banter i mean. you know. get worked up at each other heel punk... heel punk... alternatively: hangman page turns evil look if EITHER of these two have even the slightest fall from grace i will win. SUCCUMB TO THE DARKNESS!!!!! or not. either way would be riveting punk: this is not personal. but you should definitely take it personally. do it. i dare you. come on. please hangman: >:/ how is hangman gonna destroy punk at his own game... the game of Talk im SO excited to see how hangman is gonna pull this off you can't do it... kiss him hangman. kiss him PARAGON HANGMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OGUHGHUGH im-- HANGMAN!!! I LOVE U. REVEALING SECRET EVIL CM PUNK TO ME punk pulling the "you are just mad because you are angry" tactic. i love it. i love him EGO PUNK YESSSS IM GETTING IT ALL I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE ANGLES YESYSYYSYSYSYSSYYSSSS HES LITERALLY TROLLING GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS
omg ok im rewatching and-- did i literally blank out this jade vs anna jade promo. i was too drained after the hangman punk promo
oughhhh ok whats-- whats going on here what is the JAS up to. i dont know whats going on im still recovering from the punk/hangman bit OH ITS AN EDDIE MOXLEY TAG VS PRIVATE PARTY??? YAY!!!!!!! EDDIE MOXLEY TAG TEAM!!!!!!! aew going fucking ham on ppv week as usual. delicious its a good thing i'm going to watch this again with another friend later tonight because i. i dont have enough braincell for this EDDIE MOXLEY TAG MATCH (!!!) eddie: im going to take on 3 guys by myself i dont give a fuck regal: yeah im not getting up for this. theyre fine they can handle themselves
im not used to my media pandering to me directly. i dont know how to handle it. what IS this
oh boy! roppongi vice!!!! ...did he call him dick hardwood rocky puttin on da moves! hell yea trent and dax trading chops in the corner :)c yay hey man i know theyre not gonna get the tag belts im just here for a good match double knee!! tag team moves! yesss!! oh no the rollup-- the counter rollup!! whoa how did trent get lifted up so high so fast WHAT THE!!! ENEMY NJPW WRESTLERS HAVE APPEARED? all my favorite guys are being thrown through tables now! oh no! wait did they ring the belt to cancel the match i didnt even notice those guys seem cool... interested in seeing where this goes
i enjoy hearing the hardy boys ramble
oh!! its the swerve vs starks vs jungle match!! they should just take turns beating up jungle boy so he can have an arc being a sad weirdguy (i love sad weirdguys. cant get enough of them) ricky starks with the sick burn against audience member mr starks that is a lewd manuever. obscene my god he's tripling down LMAO good lord. he sticks the landing theyre just having a three way free for all right now this rules i like that little leg move swerve did to break that hold oooh jungle boy with the hold wait you can just combo a rope break into a drag and another hold? why doesnt everyone do this oh swerve gettin it swerve winnin it!!! oh boy are we gonna get a "big guy in the tag team" match now... for friday... lmao keith lee just pickin up swerve
OH NO DAN LAMBERT ALERT u_u well... at least he didnt say anything terrible this time
thunder rosa! whoa... rare paintless... i like her hat oh my. i hope thunder rosa wins because i do not want her to lose.
omfg. red velvet you are being SO evil right now. you used to be friends with stat... the betrayal... the severity in which you are throwing statlander under the bus... did some radioactive Evil Particles get into the water at the hirsch/velvet/statlander house or what i feel like all three of them have so severely succumbed to the darkness
toni storm vs britt baker!! whoa is the ref standing next to a mic he is so loud and clear SIGN DESTRUCTION love it when the chin is cradled like that. :)c hee hee what the whats all this i looked away for 1 second the ref is pulling gloves outta his pockets oh toni storm got a bloody nose :0 hayter distraction (friendly fire) GASP... rope cheatery.... please give me britt baker vs statlander. i want statlander to win even tho... i doubt they wouldve planned for that, since statlander was a fill-in replacement right
oh!! matches!! matt sydal is fighting on friday! cool look at all these moving graphics lol they went for it man this ppv is PACKED jr please stop calling things slobberknockers. please
ah the final match. samoa joe vs kyle o reilly in my heart of hearts i want samoa joe to win. but i feel they want to do the tag team infight angle... sigh... i guess that could be cool too. but i'd rather see samoa joe fight wait why is kyle oreilly covered in pepperonis. does he do that cupping thing personally i think the athletic tape looks cooler than having pepperonis. you can still do cupping or whatever i guess, im not a muscle expert. whatever makes you feel better. but consider the design applications of tape. there is so much opportunity though i think it would be funny if there was a guy really dedicated to cupping and was just an evil polka dot pepperoni man noooo not chekov's lead-pipe-damaged arm!!! oh that was a cool roll up eww spitty oh!!!!!!!!!!! joe won!??!?!?!?!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!
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oh lmao are people cyberbullying trent about that table bit
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Compromised (Becky Lynch x Liv Morgan x Reader)
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“Where is she?” Liv asked as she ran around backstage. Word of your brand switch over from Smackdown had reached her and she was so excited to get to spend time with you again. The two of you had been super close at NXT, but got called to different main roster brands, worked different PPVs, and rarely got to see each other after that. “Y/n, sweetie, there you are.” 
“Hi Liv,” you said with a little smile. It was really nice to see her again. She still made your heart flutter when she smiled at you or laughed. Liv launched herself into your arms and kissed your cheek. “You look really good.” 
“Thank you, it’s amazing what a new gimmick will do for a girl. I’m winning matches and lookin’ like a snack,” Liv laughed as she threw her hair over her shoulder. You had also been “improved” by creative with a new gimmick. Where Liv had been like the brand’s “juvenile delinquent” you had been the “golden girl” of the company. Now, you were more unhinged and if you lost a match, it was because of a DQ. “And you seem to have made a new best friend.” 
“I wouldn’t say that,” you said, leaning against your kendo stick. You took it with you pretty much everywhere at work. “I should get ready for my match. It’s a pretty big one.” 
“Good luck,” Liv told you as she leaned up to kiss your cheek. You smiled and went back to get your hair and makeup done. You were main eventing the show against Becky Lynch. You were doing a run-in on her and you were supposed to come out with the win. That was going to catch Charlotte Flair’s attention and set the two of you on a path to potentially being allies. 
“Damn, you did a number on me,” Becky said as the two of you sat in the medic’s office. Becky had a pretty bad bruise on her back and you accidentally gave yourself a bloody nose on the ring apron. 
“I did a number on myself.” You tossed your tissues into the trash and grabbed some more. “Hey doc, is my nose supposed to bleed like this?” 
“Absolutely not,” the medic said and you glanced over at Becky. “No concussion Y/n, but you need to be careful. Becky, ice and rest should help that bruise heal up nicely.” 
“Thanks doc,” you said to the medic as you hopped onto your feet. You walked out first and Becky followed you to the locker room. You showered, changed out of your ring gear, and then went out to your car. Once again, you found yourself walking beside Becky. “That was fun.” 
“It was. Maybe sometime we can get a drink together, I think that’d be fun too,” Becky said and you nodded. She gave you her number and you went home with butterflies in your stomach.
Months went by and you had started spending a lot of your time with both Becky and Liv. You wanted to ask one of them out, but you didn’t know which one you liked more. If that wasn’t enough of a problem for you, things got worse when it became evident that both of them liked you. 
Becky had kissed you one night after the two of you got a drink after a show. It wasn’t uncommon for one of you to stop at a liquor store before you went back to the hotel and share whatever bottle you got together when you got back. Less than two weeks after Becky had kissed you, you found yourself waking up in Liv’s bed after a sleepover with the majority of your clothes gone. You hadn’t had sex that night, you had gotten pretty close to doing it. 
“You look more distressed than normal,” Charlotte noted as she sat down next to you. Tonight was another main event for the two of you, so you had about an hour to hang out in catering. Normally Liv did her match towards the beginning of the show, but you weren’t even sure if she had come in today. Your match was against Becky and Asuka. “What’s bothering you tonight?” 
“Becky and Liv,” you said and Charlotte huffed. It had been one of them for the past couple of months and she wasn’t sure if she could actually help you or not. You were about to go into your problem, when it seemed like all hell broke loose backstage. 
“What’s going on?” Charlotte asked one of the other wrestlers as they ran towards a monitor. 
“Becky went after Liv Morgan,” they said and you scrambled to find a monitor. Charlotte was right behind you and everybody watched as Becky and Liv got into it. Security went out to get them and Stephanie came to tell you and Charlotte that you’d get your match against Becky next week. 
“Jesus Christ, you need to talk to them,” Charlotte said and you ran a hand through your hair. “Because something tells me that whatever happened out there is because of you.” 
“I know,” you sighed. 
Becky’s suspension lasted a couple of weeks, but Liv’s lasted a month. You were obviously pretty bummed about Liv, one of your best friends, not being there, but Becky kept you in pretty good spirits. The two of you got closer and she had kissed you a few more times, but nothing more came of it. That should have cleared everything up and helped you make a decision in who you’d ask out, but your visit to check on Liv ruined everything. 
“We slept together,” you told Charlotte the second you saw her. “Liv and I slept together.” 
“Get your shit together.” Charlotte sounded tired, but at the same time, slightly amused. 
“I’m trying, I really am.” You flopped onto the floor and Charlotte’s eyes widened as she saw who was standing behind you. 
“You slept with Liv?” Becky asked and your head shot up. “You didn’t think to tell me that you were a thing?” 
“We’re not really a thing,” Liv said and Becky nodded. The two of them looked at each other and then looked at you. “Quite the compromising position you’ve found yourself in, isn’t it?” 
“I’m fucked aren’t I?” you asked and Liv shook her head. She looked over at Becky and the Irishwoman shook her head as well. “You guys hate me don’t you?”
“Quite the contrary. We got to talking and then we realized something. There’s no point in fighting over you when we could just share you,” Liv told you. “This way we both get to be with you and you don’t have to beat yourself up over not making a choice.” 
“I, I’d like that,” you said and Becky pulled you off of the floor. 
You laid on your stomach with your head buried in between Liv’s thighs. Becky was behind you, teasing you with the tip of her strap. Liv’s fists were balled up in the sheets as you ate her out. Becky slid into you from behind and you moaned into Liv. Liv had really done a number on you when you got to the hotel room, yet she hadn’t let you cum. 
“Faster,” Liv moaned and you moved your fingers faster inside of her. You could feel her muscles clench around your fingers as she came and almost immediately, she flipped herself around so that she could kiss you. Liv kept your mouth busy as Becky fucked you. When you came, it took you by surprise, everything hitting you all of the sudden. 
That night, you laid in bed with both Becky and Liv, thinking about how much you liked that compromise. You didn’t have to make a choice and you got to have the best sex of your life with two women that you cared deeply for. Liv was fast asleep in your arms, but Becky was still awake as she held you. 
“I love you,” Becky said quietly. 
“I love you too,” you said back to her. Becky smiled and kissed the side of your head. “Now to go sleep, we have a long day of driving ahead of us.”
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sheerbeautyreigns · 3 years
Part 35
Things get heated in Vegas.
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Paul gently stroked Joe's cheek, hoping to wake him. He groaned, moving his head off Paul’s chest. “Baby,”
“Huh?” Joe moaned, keeping his eyes closed. “Let’s go to bed. It’s almost one.” Paul nudged him a little more urging him to get up. He was so cute when he was tired, eyes squinting, trying to avoid the light, his hair messy. He threw off the robe that he had been wearing and crawled in under the covers, closely followed by Paul. His face warmed seeing Joe immediately pull the covers up over his naked body. Paul lay behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Joe nodded off pretty quickly while Paul was just happy to lay holding him until he eventually drifted off.
It was almost 8:30 when Paul woke up. He rolled onto his back and looked to his left. Joe was lying on his stomach, head turned to face him. Strands, of hair had fallen in front of his face. Paul could just about see the fresh stitches on his temple. He knew it was a simple accident but it didn’t stop him being pissed off about it. That and the fact that he didn’t find out about the Wyatt attack until the last minute. He had to contain his anger sitting next to Vince watching it all unfold. He knew Joe could take it but he had become so protective of him in recent weeks that he would do anything in his position of power to give him anything. He could also see the fresh scratches and bruises that had appeared throughout his arms, side and back.
Paul had always found marks sexy but only when he was causing them. It made him think about the first time when he looked at Joe in a different way. It was back in 2014 when The Shield were up against Evolution at the Payback PPV. That time when he, Randy and Dave beat Joe with kendo sticks, followed by a steel chair. Not only that but the very next night when he was beaten with a steel chair. It turned him on immensely and he had been paying special attention to him since but he never made a move until after they got to know each other better during their 2016 feud.
“What are you thinking?” came Joe monotone voice against the pillow. Paul’s eyes trailed up to his. “Just looking at your battle scars.” A lazy smile crept across Joe face. “I dread to think what they look like this morning, much less feel.”
“At least you can rest until Sunday.” Paul said trailing his fingers gently down his spine, down to the base of his back. “I’ll need it.”
“It’ll be worth it baby, to see you with that title again. It’s been too long.” Paul re-assured him. Joe cast his eyes downwards. “It is what you want, isn’t it?”
Joe hesitated before answering. He turned on his side, wincing a little. “I just feel bad for Drew.” He pursed his lips. “I mean, it was meant for him wasn’t it?”
“Yeah but he doesn’t know that. It wasn’t fully decided until I spoke with creative.”
“He’s worked so hard for it-” Joe started. “Hey, look, we all know how hard he’s worked. He’ll get it one day but not just yet. It’s your time understand?” Joe really did feel troubled by this whole set up. He felt that this was just being given to him because of his relationship with Paul and he knew a few people would realise that. Joe always wanted to work for his title shots. “Do you understand?” Paul asked again. Joe nodded.
“I don’t want you overthinking this whole thing or losing sleep about it. Just rest up this week and do what you do best on Sunday.” Paul said placing a kiss on his lips before crawling out of bed, naked. Joe turned on his back and smiled, checking out his sweet ass as he went into the ensuite.
He listened as Paul ran the bath and thought about what he had just said. Seemed he would have this no other way. Joe himself agreed that he had busted his ass for almost a year with no sign of a title shot so true, it was his time. He just felt bad that he was getting in over Drew considering how well they had become acquainted in the last month.
Paul came out of the bathroom and came towards him. “I’m running you a nice relaxing bath baby. It’ll help, if only a little.” He said sitting at Joe’s side as he sat up. “You’re too good to me.” The young man told him. “It’s only temporary, while you’re hurt. Wait until I get you to my place next week.” Paul smirked with a dark glint in his eye. “Can’t wait.” His lips curved into a smile as Paul’s hand curved around the back of his neck and motioned him towards him for a slow, sensual kiss. Joe got up off the bed. “Check on the bath.” Paul advised, smacking him on the ass.
Joe eyebrows furrowed as he checked out his back in the bathroom mirror. It was as bad as he thought it would be. Hopefully creative didn’t have any nasty surprises in store for him come Sunday.
Carefully he eased himself into the bath. The heat of the water increased the pain in his back initially but he started to feel more relaxed as he lay back. He cupped the water in his hands, releasing it onto his chest and lay with his head back, eyes closed. It was so relaxing, he almost fell asleep again. Paul appeared at the door. His face softened when he saw Joe in the tub. He looked so peaceful. He couldn’t imagine wanting to hurt him like he’d done in the past but maybe he’d feel different in a week.
Paul watched with pride as the referee counted 1, 2, 3 when Joe pinned Bray. A huge smile spread across his face as the referee handed him the Universal Title. Joe was so overcome with emotion as he took hold of the belt. He had worked so hard for this and had just taken part in one of the hardest fought and best matches of his career. He felt banged up, still sore from the attack on Raw but he didn’t care.
His eyes met Paul’s first as he arrived backstage. Paul nodded at him with a smile just as he was bombarded by the other wrestlers congratulating him. Once he worked his way through the crowd, he got to Vince, who was almost on the verge of tears as he hugged him and finally Paul, who pulled him into a bear hug. “So proud of you.” Was all he said. Joe knew he was just keeping things low key as not to draw any attention. There would be plenty of time for talk later. All Joe wanted to do now was shower. He made his way, with his belt to the men’s locker room. A few of the guys were already in there, Colby, Tom, Matthew, Claudio, Kevin and Drew. Joe immediately went over to Drew and hugged him. “What a match!” Drew said with a smile, clearly glad that it was over. “You guys put on a hell of a show.” Claudio chimed in, putting his arms around both men. “We must celebrate!” He said throwing his arms up in the air. The others agreed, even Colby. Joe only had plans to go back to the Venetian with Paul. “Whaddya say Joe?” Drew asked. He couldn’t deny that smile. “Sounds a plan.” He said giving in. He barely ever went out for drinks with the guys and they were in Vegas. He grabbed his phone from his bag and quickly called Paul.
“What’s up?” Joe hated interrupting him while he was working. “Listen, some of the guys want to take me out for drinks. They kinda goaded me into it. Do you mind?” Paul was quiet for a moment. “No problem babe, I’ll be here another while anyway and you deserve it. Where are you guys going?”
“I’m not sure yet, somewhere on the Strip I’m sure. It’ll only be for two or three anyway.”
“OK cool, let me know where you end up.”
“Love you.” Joe told him to which Paul replied “Love you too.”
Everyone agreed go to the Dorsey at The Venetian since it was central Strip. They all freshened up and agreed to meet there around eleven. While Joe was changing into a his black suit and black shirt, he heard the door open. Paul was early. “Look at you.” He cooed seeing how good Joe looked. He rarely got to see him in a suit. “Makes me wanna keep you here.” He said pulling him in for a kiss. “I won’t be late. Just thought it’d be nice since we’re in Vegas. You wanna join us? We’re just actually going to the Dorsey downstairs.”
“Aww babe, I”d love to but its been a long day so I’ll just have a drink here.”
“You sure?” Joe checked. “Yeah, I’m good. Who’s out anyway?” He asked. “Kevin, Tom, Matthew, Claudio, Drew and Colby. Just a few of us.” Paul pulled away. Joe could see the look change on Paul’s face. He placed his hands on his hips. “I thought you and Colby were no longer on speaking terms?” Joe shifted. “Well, there’s just the odd hello here and there. It’s kinda unavoidable since we work together.” Joe tried to reason with him.
“Doesn’t sound like it.” Paul said. He looked annoyed. “Claudio just suggested drinks when we were all in the locker room. I could hardly say no?” Paul walked out of the bedroom into the living room area with Joe in pursuit “Look, I should’ve told you when I first mentioned drinks but I…” Paul stopped and turned to face him “You what?” Joe backed away a little “I was worried you might be annoyed.” The young man was frustrated. “You’re right. I am. I specifically asked you not to get involved with him-”
“We’re just going for drinks with friends. That’s all! Don’t you trust me?” Joe asked, searching his eyes. Paul’s eyebrow furrowed “Don’t you?” Joe asked again, his eyes starting to look a little glassy. Joe swallowed, backing away and going back into the bedroom. Paul’s look said it all. He could hear Joe starting to gather his things in the ensuite. “What are you doing?” Paul asked coming into the bedroom. “You clearly don’t trust me so I’m done.” Joe was visibly upset. “I’m sorry baby. Don’t go-” He said grabbing Joe arm. “No, not this time. I was so fucking stupid to think I could try this again.” He said zipping up his bag. He was angry now. Paul grabbed his arm again, this time not letting him go. “Look, look! I’m sorry I upset you. You know how I feel about Colby.”
“There’s nothing going on. I can’t believe you don’t trust me with him.” At that moment, Joe phone rang. He took it out of his pocket. It was Drew. Paul eyed the phone before Joe answered. “Hey, I’m just held up a little. I’ll be down soon.”
Paul took a few steps back. “Y’know what? You do what you want. See if I care.” Joe scowled at him before grabbing his bag and leaving the room. He was seething. He blinked his eyes hard as he walked towards the elevators, trying to ward off tears. Luckily, reception was quiet since it was Sunday night and he was able to get himself a room. He quickly dropped his bag off and went down to the bar. The guys were all sat around a table in the corner. “About time!” Tom announced as he approached the table. “Sorry guys!” Joe apologised forcing a smile. “Have some champagne! Time to celebrate!” Claudio said, already filling a glass for Joe. They all toasted to his win and a good night for them all in general.
“Where’s Paul?” Drew asked whilst the others were all chatting amongst themselves. “He’s upstairs.” Joe simply said, taking a swig of his beer. “Didn’t care to join us for a drink?”
“You know what he’s like. Anyway, I don’t wanna talk about him.” Joe called to the passing bartender “Can I get another round?” The bartender got to work immediately. Drew looked Joe over. Something seemed off, like he was hiding something.
An hour passed and everyone was moderately drunk. Joe was in mild conversation with Colby when his phone rang. Colby could see it was Paul, just before Joe put it away. “Aren’t you gonna get that?”
“No, It’s fine.” Joe shrugged. “Listen man, tell me if I’m out of line but…you seem different tonight. Are things OK with you and Paul?” He asked cautiously so the others wouldn’t hear. “No, they’re not.” He said before sighing. “Do you want to talk about it?” Joe looked him in the eyes “Actually, no. I just wanna have a good time with you guys and forget about it.” Colby backed up “It’s cool man, whatever you want.”
It was around 1am when the guys decided to call it a night and go to their respective hotels. “Hang on for a moment.” Joe told Colby as the others left.
“I didn’t want to come off as a dick earlier. You know that’s not me.” Joe started apologising as they stood in the lobby area. “Hey man it’s all good. Despite what’s happened between us over the past month or so, you know I’m always here for you.”
“Appreciate it man. Where are you staying?” Joe asked. “Here. I’ve never stayed here before, thought I’d treat myself.”
“Well It’s been a long day. I’m shattered.” Joe said as they walked towards the elevators. “At least were here tomorrow for Raw so can chill for a bit.”
“Well, this is me.” Joe said as they stopped at the 10th floor. “You gonna be OK? I don’t mind keeping you company…” Colby offered. Joe eyes trailed in his direction as the elevator stopped and the doors opened. He didn’t need to say anything. Colby stepped out into the hallway and walked to Joe’s room in silence. Nothing had been touched. It just looked like he’d left his suitcase in and came down to the bar which meant that he had probably been in Paul’s room beforehand.
Joe closed the room door behind them and set the key card aside. Colby walked into the living room area and looked out the window, taking in the night view. Joe followed, taking off his jacket and setting it on the back of the chair. Quietly he moved behind Colby and placed his hand on his right shoulder, urging him to turn around. Without a word, he kissed him gently on the lips. Colby reciprocated momentarily but moved away slowly. “What’s the matter?” Joe asked. “I don’t want to regret this.”
“You won’t.” He leaned in to kiss him again, more forceful this time. “Joe, please-”
“I thought you wanted this?” Joe searched his eyes. “I do but, you’re drunk…pissed off with Paul. I just…you’ve gotta understand where I’m coming from?” Colby was being reasonable. Joe moved away, lowering to the sofa. “I do. It’s not fair on you man.” Colby joined him on the sofa. “Do you mind me asking what happened?”
“Things got a little rocky a couple of weeks ago when I went to stay at his in Connecticut so I left earlier than I had planned. I thought that was it but last Friday, we talked and ended up spending the weekend together in Denver.”
“When I told him I was going for drinks tonight, he was fine at first but he got pissed off when he heard you would be there.” Colby rolled his eyes “It’s just drinks with friends. What does he think is gonna happen between us?” Colby shook his head in amusement. “He doesn’t trust me when it comes to you and I can’t live like that. I had to make a choice.”
“So that’s why you walked out tonight?” Colby pursed his lips. “Yeah. I had enough.” Joe let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m just tired man.” Joe leaned forward and lowered his head into his hands. Colby could see that he was starting to cry. He moved closer and put his arms around Joe “Aww man, don’t cry.” Joe buried his head into his friends shoulder and sobbed quietly. “I hate to see you like this.” He stroked the back of his neck, gently rocking him. Joe moved away, rubbing his eyes. “I’m sorry. I just feel like a mess.” Colby took hold of his shoulders. “Listen to me. I don’t want to see you upset. You’re not a mess. You’re a brilliant man and my best friend. You deserve the best.” Joe blinked and nodded. He felt ashamed. He didn’t want Colby to see him like this. “Just get some sleep man.” Joe nodded standing up. He stood up and got undressed down to his boxers while Colby pulled back the covers on the bed and moved the cushions aside. Joe brushed his teeth and came back into the bedroom. Colby forced a smile. “Will you stay a while. Just until I fall asleep? I don’t wanna be alone.” Joe as asked timidly.
“Of course.” He nodded. Joe got into the bed and watched as he undressed, neatly setting his shirt and trousers aside before turning off the lights. The room was now bathed on a red glow, coming from the nearby Hi-Roller outside. Colby climbed in next to Joe, who was lying on his back, eyes lowered to his chest. Colby moved closer, allowing Joe to lean his head into his chest for comfort. He placed his hand on Joe abdomen. There was something so soothing lying with Colby, hearing his light breaths and feeling his heartbeat that it didn’t take Joe long to nod off.
Joe awoke around nine the following morning. The room was bright since the curtains hadn’t been drawn. He had been lying in the same position as he had fallen asleep in. Colby started to stir, moving his head. He groaned, opening his eyes slowly.
“What time is it?” He asked groggily. Joe grabbed his phone from the night stand. “It’s just gone nine. Thanks for staying.“ Joe turned in to face him. “No worries. You feeling a bit better?” Colby asked, stroking his cheek. “Rested. So glad we don’t have to travel today.”
“I know. What are you gonna do?” Colby asked, stroking Joe forearm. “I don’t know. I never made plans. I normally just chill with Paul.”
“Why don’t we go somewhere for a big breakfast. There’s a place I’ve been to before called the Peppermill. Wanna go there?”
“A big breakfast sounds perfect about now.” His stomach rumbled at the thought. Colby laughed upon hearing it. His hand trailed down to Joe stomach where he tickled him. Joe laughed aloud, squirming, trying to fight him off as Colby climbed on top of him, continuing to tickle him. He grabbed Joe by the wrists and pinned him to the mattress. Joe could feel his cock getting very hard as Colby did this.
“What are you gonna do now?” he teased, lowering his head closer to Joe. Their eyes met. Without hesitation, Joe lifted his head off the pillow and kissed Colby. Within seconds, they were entangled in a passionate kiss, hands roaming each others bodies, scrambling to take their boxers off. Joe rolled over onto his stomach, arching himself up on his knees. Colby climbed behind him and prized his ass cheeks apart, leaned forward and started to tease his opening with his tongue. Joe moaned at the warm wet feeling. “So good…” He looked behind and all he could see was Colby’s head buried in his ass. He dripped his saliva around the opening and lined the head of his cock up with the opening of Joe’s hole. He eased his way in as Joe lowered his head, breathing deeply. In no time their bodies were rocking the bed, slowly at first, then becoming more steady as Colby picked up the pace. “Aaaah fuck. Jesus!” Joe let out, trying to maintain his balance. All Joe could hear was the slamming of Colby”s balls every time he thrust into him along with his grunts. He sure had stamina when it came to fucking. Colby gripped his pelvis tightly, steadying him as he came hard in his ass. Joe buried his head into the pillows below as Colby shuddered behind him breathlessly. He eventually released Joe, rolling back onto his heels. He watched as Joe rolled over onto his back, strands of hair strewn across his damp forehead. He smiled lazily at Colby, watching as he leaned down to kiss him.
“I don’t know about you but I need food.” Colby said getting off the bed. “I’m gonna go freshen up in my room and I’ll meet you at like 10:30 in the Lobby?”
“Sounds perfect.” Joe said getting off the bed. He followed Colby to the door. “Hey.” Colby turned around. “Thanks man.” Joe kissed him again before letting him leave. Joe smiled to himself as he walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He went to the bedside to plug in his phone. He pursed his lips upon seeing a couple of unread WhatsApp messages from Paul. A horrible feeling invaded the pit of his stomach as he opened them.
11:30pm - I’m sorry about tonight. I do trust you. I don’t want to lose you again.
8:45am – Hope you’re OK? I want to make things better. Can we talk?
Joe exhaled setting the phone down and went to take his shower. All he could think of was that it was too late for Paul to say he trusted him. Why didn’t he say it to his face last night? Again, Paul had him wrecking his brain. He didn”t know how things might pan out with Colby since he was known to sleep around. He probably wouldn’t want anything serious. It was too soon anyway. He decided he was gonna just play it cool in the meantime and see how things pan out.
When he came back into the bedroom, his phone had just stopped ringing. It was Paul. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.
One thing that was certain, Paul wasn’t the type to give up on something so easily. He would probably see him this evening for Raw and part of him wanted to get this over with.
“I was wondering if I’d hear from you at all.” Paul started. “I’m not long up.” Joe said walking over to the window. “Good night?” Joe hated this small talk. “Yeah, was a nice change.” There was a moment of silence. “Are you at the Venetian still?” Paul asked.
“Yeah.” Joe started pacing around the room.
“Can I see you?” Paul eventually asked. “I have to head out soon.”
“When you’re free?” Paul pushed. “OK. I should be around one.” Joe told him. He was already dreading this conversation. “OK come up to my room.” Paul said before ending the call.
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daleisgreat · 4 years
Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper
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A few months ago I covered the DVD set WWE released chronicling the ‘unseen’ matches of “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Today I continue that trend covering those lines of DVD collections with 2019’s Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper (trailer). Like with WWE’s other ‘unreleased’ line of home videos, all the matches and segments featured in here have never been released on video before. With WWE already releasing a comprehensive three-disc DVD set to Piper with 2006’s Born to Controversy, that means we are getting a collection full of deep cuts here. This two disc DVD is compiled similarly to the Randy Savage set where we get original, newly recorded interviews intersperse with the archival content. The interviews are from Piper mega-fan, “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey which are mixed in with archived home video interviews with Piper for added context. There are six sets of Rousey interviews, and they are sporadically inserted throughout the collection which also features 19 matches, nine promos and 12 editions of Piper’s legendary interview show, Piper’s Pit. WWE has established that Rousey is essentially the endorsed successor to carry on the Piper legacy, with Ronda paying homage to “The Hot Rod” by rocking her version of Piper’s entrance attire and carrying on his nickname. With that in mind, having Ronda being the featured new set of interviews to draw from seems like a fitting choice to commemorate Piper’s career here and are nice ways to mix up this collection.
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Ronda’s interviews are insightful on how she drew on Roddy for inspiration on MMA needing an antagonist, and how excited she was to finally meet him. I presumed she maintained a close relationship with Piper, and was surprised to learn in Rousey’s interviews here that she only met him once early in her MMA career when she got the blessing from Roddy to use his nickname and then a second time when she appeared on Pipers podcast, which was just a month shy of his death in July of 2015. Rousey went on to say one of her biggest regrets is not having a close relationship with him. There is a nice variety of the nine Piper interviews/promos included. There is a handful of the vintage Rock ‘n Wrestling era promos where Piper bellows out promos in front of a blue screen backdrop. A nice nostalgic bonus is a few vintage commercials where Piper maniacally shouts at you to purchase the latest WWE action figures. There are a few standout go-home PPV interviews here where Piper is on fire and by the end of them he got me just as fired up as Virgil for his upcoming WrestleMania match against Ted Dibiase, and on top of that is an especially intense promo with Bret Hart leading up to their WrestleMania VIII battle. There are three Roddy promos from his late 90’s WCW days, with a bewildering rant from a cell in Alcatrez and Hulk Hogan provoking Piper to cut loose on him and Bishoff in front of his son, Colt, standing out the most. These WCW promos have boisterous crowds capturing the high times WCW was riding at that time in the ‘Monday Night Wars.’
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It is no surprise that Piper’s rougher, brawling style will not warrant many five star classics, but a fair amount of his 19 matches here have crowds eating up the chaos Piper is delivering. I have only seen a handful of Piper’s early NWA work before, so seeing a few more of his NWA matches unearthed for this set was a treat, and his match against Jay Youngblood is a smashmouth brawl that goes to a time limit draw, and I loved seeing Piper tag with Ole Anderson against Mike Davis and Buddy Landell. There are a lot of the big arena house show matches here that were previously televised only in local markets, and like a lot of those matches in other sets, usually feature good action until a hokey finish. That is the case here with a killer clash against Paul Orndorff in 1985 fresh into their rivalry, with the crowd going bokers for them until a double countout finish. Just as riveting is Piper’s match in this set against Rick Rude where the crowd is losing it throughout, but a lot of tomfoolery I will not even begin to explain transpires and is the catalyst for one of the strangest DQ finishes I have seen.
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Piper teaming with Eddie and Blue-tista, looking like gold! Piper feuding with the nWo had the crowd on its feet! There are two matches on here against Mr. Perfect worth going out of your way to see. I know Mr. Fuji was an accomplished wrestler in the 70s, but never seen him in a match until this set where he is pummeled for a couple minutes against Piper until his fellow managers run in for the save. A lot of the latter matches in the back half of Getting Rowdy are quick TV matches with wonky finishes unfortunately, but for what it is worth, still draw rabid crowd reactions. There are two Nitro bouts included against Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage in 1998, but both bouts have several nWo run-ins that result in both matches being thrown out. I forgot about Piper’s brief 2003 run with Sean ‘O Haire, so it was nice to see those two again when Piper had a short encounter with Rikishi. The last match is an awesome impromptu bout against The Miz for $5000 of The Miz’s money, with Alex Reilly (remember him!?) as guest referee in 2011. I have zero recollection of this match, and even at a couple minutes long it was an absolute delight!
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Getting Rowdy was jacked with 24 installments of Piper’s Pit, but WWE had quite a few more to draw upon from the vault with 12 more here. Some of the early ones in this collection that were a riot were where both Jimmy Hart and the Brooklyn Brawler ruthlessly provoke Roddy to giving them a a well-earned beatdown. There are a bunch in the second half of this set when Piper would periodically show up on RAW and SmackDown for a special Piper’s Pit. Two that really got me were one with John Cena where Piper does a tremendous job at needling Cena into living up to his then-current t-shirt slogan, ‘Rise Above Hate’ and another where Roddy moderates AJ Lee attempting to get back into Daniel Bryan’s good graces after costing him his WrestleMania match against Sheamus. I enjoyed this collection more than I anticipated. As I mentioned earlier, Piper was not known for his epic wrestling abilities, so I was not letdown from the wide range of match quality from the 19 matches in the set. There are a few matches that are hidden gems in here for what it is worth, but the real reason everyone should check out Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper, is for the many unreleased promos and Piper’s Pit interviews. While he may not have been a five star wrestler, Piper was easily a five star entertainer, and that is readily apparent from beginning to end in this collection.
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Those Piper action figure commercials are iconic, and this set is full of iconic promos I have never seen before where the Hot Rod made Virgil look like a million bucks! Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Hulk Hogans Unreleased Collectors Series Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold Randy Savage Unreleased: The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Shawn Michaels: My Journey Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania III: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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First of all, I’m concerned. This is a LOOOONG album with some real winners but, like, I hope it isn’t the last. This is the first time they’ve really done it like this and I hope it isn’t a sign that they aren’t putting out anymore. These album drops are some of the musical highlights of my year. Second, I’m going to make this as clear as I can. For a casual fan? This album is GARBAGE. 2.5 hours or so of music with minimal lyrics and multiple versions of the same themes? No casual fan is ever going to listen to this album...
And that’s the beauty of it.
Finally, after 13 attempts, they realized their target audience.
Hardcore Theme Addicts.
See, here’s the thing. These themes? To the average, casual fan, they’re all boring, similar, or both. But to a hardcore nutjob theme addict, there are a TON of grails here. The Armageddon 2000 version of Triple H’s theme? (Labeled here as “Game Time”) That’s one of them. “Oh, What A Rush” which was an LOD 2000 theme? That’s another. I can guaran-damn-tee you every one of those Undertaker themes was on someone’s wish list. Almost every theme here is stupidly obscure and used either by a barely known talent or was a big name guy and only used a week or two. But most of these have been on people’s “NEEDED THEMES” list for ages now. So no, to the average person, this isn’t a good album, and it’s way *way* too long.
But to those of us who are downright obsessive about entrance music and want every single possible variation of every theme ever?
Other thoughts -
The WWE must have forgotten the password to it’s Music channel again. Not specifically related to this album, but frustrating nonetheless
When I was in high school, I tried to create a wrestling themes database on geocities. I’m bringing this up because somebody keeps labeling their tracks by years and PPVs rather then superstars and it’s bloody frustrating to have to track this shit down on YT. So, if someone could maybe get to work finishing what I started, maybe? THANKS.
If I never see another goddamn William Grantham comment on a YT video, it will be too soon.
That said, the bastard has been trolling YT Wrestling Theme vids for years now, you gotta respect the asshole’s dedication
I wasn’t watching WWE in the mid 2000′s but I get the distinct impression that the best thing about Mordecai was his theme
“Sympathizer” is 1:30 too long, and it’s a 2 minute track. I fucking hate sound effects tracks.
I don’t know if this is the first release we’ve gotten of the Spark Plug theme, I’ll have to look, but it’s nice to see Bob Holly get some attention
I see you releasing the 1997 Superstars theme. Now stop being cowards and release the 1999 version. You know, the one with Chris Warren.
There are 53 tracks on this album and ONE of them is a women’s theme. Come on guys, I’m aware you did an entire women’s album once, but you MUST have more women’s/diva’s themes laying around in the vault. If nothing else, give me an official release of the instrumental “Wrestlemania” theme that Linda used. (Not that I don’t have it, but it’d be nice to have for Spotify)
Techno. Give me Techno. #TechnoForUncagedXV
That said, if we’re going for “First Themes Ever” they really should release the OG Graveyard Symphony before they release Techno. All comments about “WWE Legend” aside, ‘Taker’s going in the HOF next year (I will eat my shoe if he doesn’t) and it’s about damn time we have the original track w/o voiceover
“Allied Commissioner” aka William Regal’s Alliance theme is woefully truncated. For anyone wondering, the version we get is less than a minute and, hey, we have the network, we have confirmed usage of it as a FULL THEME. The version we have here is something akin to a video game rip. Not the full theme and a little disappointing.
Speaking of the Alliance, did we ever get the “WCW INVASION!” theme that played every time Shane showed up and started shit? Because I think, in a way, that’s the only other one of his themes we haven’t gotten yet.
Nice of them to throw Tracy Smothers’ theme on here as a posthumous tribute
Two themes to watch out for - “Game Time” and “I’m Your Papi”... both of these are rare “transition” style tracks that marked a point between two other, well known tracks. “Game Time” falls between “My Time” and “The Game” for HHH, and “I’m Your Papi” falls between “Crackin” and “Lie, Cheat, Steal” for Eddie Guerrero. They’re pretty neat to hear and serve as a sort of missing link for the various themes.
There’s more I could talk about here, and damn I could ramble on about entrance themes all day, but this post is already far too long. Just know that I am praying for more releases in this style, hopefully one will drop around Wrestlemania next year. Or, maybe, royal rumble? Either way, MORE PLEASE!
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freakandgeek · 4 years
this really was a terrible week for pro wrestling
and im glad they had a really serious moment !!
this is the best ppv I've seen in years i guess ????
like,,, i was sure she was gonna jump over the barricade to kick somebody's ass
i thought they were gonna be safer after all the injuries on wednesday
OC asking the commentators how to win the match had me YELLING
but him not knowing how to use a ladder JDJFF I WAS CRYING I SWEAR
when oc was on cage's back and almost won the match i had a MITB flashback I HAD FEAR IN MY EYES IM TELLING YA
so now it's pretty obvious that cage will feud with darby and I CANNOT WAIT
but what if darby will have a manager too ??? IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW
i can't stress it enough but MJF AND JUNGLE BOY ARE PURE GOLD
future legend i said what i said
I think we can all agree that the TNT championship is horrible
maybe there was too much chaos at the end i guess
i had so much fun watching penelope v kriss
kip looked like he got hit by a train and tbh I FELT THAT
(if we don't consider that crazy main event)
nyla lost 🙁
i've never loved any kind of props as much as i loved those poker fiches AMAZING
i don't think somebody actually told mox and brodie lee that they CAN'T KILL EACH OTHER
we could only see the foot and i was like 🤯🤯
yes lee lost BUT he wasn't pinned nor he tapped out
it was a referee stoppage
GENIUS 10/10
adam page wasn't there and I was like EXCUSE ME
(btw vickie guerrero was there too and i loved it)
apparently he saw the entrance cody did with his car and said NO ONE CAN BE MORE EXTRA THAN ME
at this point i had to pinch myself because i was sure that it couldn't be real
matt had a broken rib i think but he still did a moonsault from something that's IDK TWO THREE METERS
"are you here to fight or to drink?" MH WHAT DO YOU THINK
can i say i got a bit emotional when i saw kenny and adam fight together again? I JUST MISSED THEM OKAY OKAYYYKDKC
matt suplexin sammy from a side to the other of the field was so stupid WHY AM I LAUGHING
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
WWE Summerslam 2021 - Initial Reaction and Review
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It's been a big week for wrestling in general, and now we have the Biggest Party of the Summer in the books, uncharacteristically airing on a Saturday.
It's been a while since I've run down a WWE PPV, time and apathy does have a bit to do with it, but since this is a big 4 and given what happened in Chicago there's definitely curiosity over how WWE would respond
Spoilers for Summerslam 2021 Below, I will be discussing the winners and moments so watch the PPV first
As usual I will indicate in the title who was the person I expected to win before the match started, but instead of Bold this time I'll put them in Italics with the whole match card being in bold
A long-ass kickoff was majority promo and interviews, not any contrarion drabble this time which was good. It was kinda sad to see Asuka on the packages but nowhere to be seen on the card.
I did like the sign guy of 'McAfee = Ratings' because he's kinda right, he has been great on commentary. I did not miss that dude in the Fiend Mask though, or the Lily Doll.
I will reiterate though that Sonya Deville is wasted right now, let her back in the goddamn ring, SD's Women's Division does need it and they make her look like a goof as Assistant GM.
Also apparently the Mysterios vs Usos aren't good enough for a promo package, not like it's a title match or anything... plus the disrespect still there, 'I wouldn't wanna work with my dad' they say like Rey isn't a multi time world champion with a huge wealth of experience.
The Miz and Morrison came in with a water truck to a mixed pop of cheers and boos, this moist gimmick ain't great but props for both guys being dedicated to it, it was short enough not to overstay its welcome too.
Ugh, Logan Paul is here...
Big E def. Baron Corbin (Pinfall via Big Ending) We had a new announcer from a Tiktok competition winner called Raine, and you know she was really good at it.
Corbin entered to boos hugging the MITB briefcase he stole, unable to afford entrance music it seems even though he's getting a PPV paycheck. To his credit he looks ultra disheveled, and when the ref had to pry the briefcase from him he looked super forlorn. I dunno why he's wrestling in a shirt though wouldn't that make it dirtier?
When the bell rings E does basically go right at Corbin, Corbin got a shoulder block in but then got caught in a belly to belly - despite protests - then a belly to backp. E missing the apron splash as Corbin senses a countout win, at 7 he leaves the ring to hit E against the ring post to try and eke out more time, demanding that the timekeeper keep the briefcase in his sights. E does return to the ring but his spear goes right is sidestepped into the ringpost, then thrown into them two more times, but only gets 2.
Corbin continues with some momentum with a sidewalk slam for 2, but his chokeslam is reversed into a rollup for 2 then a stretch muffler. He escapes and hits the Deep Six for 2, then 1.8, Corbin then stumbles to the briefcase, considering an exit before being hit with a lariat. E throws Corbin into the ring, but Corbin rolls right out, grabs the briefcase and tries to run around the ring only to be pounced into the barricade by Big E. The cat and mouse chase comes to an end, Corbin elbows E to get some room to roll to the other side of the ring but E catches him with that suicide spear he does, the briefcase is dropped and the straps are off: Big Ending for 3.
Shots of Logan Paul are hilariously met with huge boos as Big E finally reclaims his briefcase to a pop.
It was a nice little match, good palette cleanser and a nice and clean competition, Corbin had no chance in winning but it was a solid way to warm up the crowd for the main ppv.
Our final bit of the kick-off was discussing the UNI main event, though I feel like losing your job is a higher stake than winning your 17th world title. Also they had to force in the shucky ducky which was dumb.
Main Show
Raw Tag Team Championship: RK-Bro [Randy Orton & Riddle] def AJ Styles & Omos (c) [TITLE CHANGE] (Pinfall on Styles by Orton via RKO) Starting the night with some fun as Riddle comes out in a garish snake print outfit with a cerise pink lining, Orton didn't get the fashion memo thankfully but his hologram snake was cheesy. Riddle interacted with the crowd and had the multicoloured holo-doves while Orton mainly kept to himself. AJ and Omos came out together, though Omos had no theatrics, looking like a bouncer being invited to dinner still.
Orton and AJ started the match, Orton with the early advantage and tagging Riddle in for an assisted backflip for a 1 count, AJ rolls out the ring frustrated then tags in Omos, who just ragdolls Riddle; Shoulder Block, big clubbing blow then a delayed powerslam - an interesting glance over to Orton as well as they smile at each other, almost like Orton approved. Omos tries to deadlift Riddle with a wristlock but Riddle scrambles into a sleeper, but is flipped off then flattened in the corner. AJ tags in, platforming Omos for a Tornado DDT for 2, Riddle tries to fight out but runs into a backbreaker as AJ tells Orton 'you're next'.
During the rest hold, the crowd rallies Riddle back into the fight, AJ looks to have reclaimed an advantage and throws Riddle to his corner, but Riddle turns it into a dropkick on Omos, then dumps AJ out the ring. Riddle tries to tag Orton but AJ grabs him, enzugiri by Riddle allows Orton to make the hot tag. Clotheslines on AJ, a forearm to Omos - but it only stuns him, doesn't even fall to the floor, backdrop and another forearm to Omos that again fails to drop him. Clothesline to corner and a powerslam, this time Orton drops Omos out the ring by dropkicking the knees, draping DDT gets Orton feeling the RKO, but Omos drags AJ out the ring, then catches Riddle's dive to chokeslam him onto the apron. AJ stuns Orton with a jawbreaker on the ropes and gestures Omos to finish Riddle, but Riddle escapes the lawn dart and pushes Omos into the ring post. AJ though catches Riddle with his backflip reverse DDT on the outside, he misses the Phenomenal Forearm, but stands his ground against the RKO attempt, he rolls up for 2 and then lands into an RKO for 3.
It didn't last long but it was a fun opener, it was time for a title change and RK-Bro was a good choice. It's a shame Styles has to be the weak link but you can't be surprised that WWE continue to protect Omos.
Alexa Bliss (w/Lily) def. Eva Marie (w/ Doudrop) (Pinfall via DDT) The Lily hologram was fucking horrifying as Bliss carries the doll and puts it on the corner turnbuckle. Bliss weaves Eva effortlessly, she tries a waistlock but gets elbowed off. Eva gets a punch and a hair yank then...poses. She grabs Lily and starts slapping the doll, then slapping Alexa with the doll. Alexa then goes on the attack, clotheslines then a senton for 2, she puts Lily back as Eva argues with Doudrop. Alexa misses the Twisted Bliss and Eva gets 2 twice, a kick to the gut and a DDT finishes off Eva.
Post-match, Doudrop only looks smugly at Eva and grabs a microphone, announcing Eva as the loser, stealing her gown and walking away as Eva insists she made Doudrop.
This match didn't need to happen, in fact it could've just been a segment, but at least WWE were sensible in not having Eva Marie win against a former women's champion. They also didn't do any spooky shit and put the narrative mainly on Doudrop being free to hopefully be Piper Niven again, once again it didn't overstay its welcome.
Mario Lopez (who?) interviews RK-Bro on their title win, Orton cuts his normal promo but gets stumbled by trying to fit 'Bro' into his '3 most deadly letters in wrestling' catchphrase.
US Championship: Damian Priest def. Sheamus (c) [TITLE CHANGE] (Pinfall via Recknoning) Immediately after the interview Priest was already on the ramp, in blue gear with the USA and Puerto Rico flag on his tights, he did his archer pose to set off his tron. The Tron had a bit of an issue with Sheamus' opening, Sheamus wandered in with his face guard and coat. Sidebar, I still don't like the US Title design, it's better than the old one but not by much.
The two start by locking up, some solid chain wrestling shows that Sheamus has the power but Priest has the agility. After a pump kick, Priest hits a Falcon Arrow for 1, he has a bit of a nasty landing with his mid-rope flip senton out the ring, his heel clipped Sheamus' head but Priest's back had a hard landing on the floor, not easy to get distance when you step off the middle rope. Despite a flurry of kicks, Sheamus focuses on the back by throwing him into the ring post, belly to back and also an Irish Curse lead to a Camel Clutch, but Priest escapes that, Sheamus picks him up but Priest elbows out, so then he tries to powerbomb and Priest rana's out of that. Momentum is short though as Sheamus gets a powerslam for 2, a Dublin Smile and a Beats of the Bodhrán but he cuts the count short to slight the crowd's chant. His timewasting is punished by a Tornado DDT from Priest, they trade blows and a lariat floors Sheamus, a spinning leg lariat from the top rope only gets him 2.
Priest sets up the Reckoning, but is picked up for a rolling fireman's carry slam, Sheamus slowly climbs the turnbuckle, giving Priest time to look for a chokeslam, but Sheamus shimmies along the ropes and gets a massive rope-assisted jawbreaker, top turnbuckle clothesline and an Alabama Slam only gets 2. Sheamus angrily talks shit at Priest, Priest slaps him but Sheamus headbutts him back. He sets up the Brogue Kick but Priest gets the Big Boot and the South of Heaven, but it only gets 2. Priest tries the Reckoning but his back won't handle the weight, he tries a Disaster Kick but runs into a knee to the face, it's only a 2. After being furious with the ref Sheamus tries the Cloverleaf, but gets rolled up for 2, he catches Priest in a heel hook in the middle of the ring, with no ropes to reach, Priest reaches for the face guard, ripping it off of Sheamus. Madness in his eyes, Priest unloads on Sheamus' face, causing Sheamus to cover up and release the hold, a flapjack into the top turnbuckle stuns Sheamus for another spinning Leg Lariat and then a Recknoning for 3.
A nice technical match, had some creative spots in there and Priest winning was nice to see after the Miz/Morrison feud lasted forever. I do dislike that they said it was his first title 'in WWE' though, because he was NA Champion in NXT, which is still WWE Cole. I don't think I liked that the face guard is what undid Sheamus, the dude who likes to fight shouldn't really lose to insecurity. But third time's the charm with the Reckoning.
Afterwards we had a promo for NXT TakeOver. We got a backstage talk between Rey and Dom, Dom apologizing to Rey for the SD incident and Rey forgiving it immediately, noting to stay focused on the match right now.
SD Tag Championship: The Usos (c) def. The Mysterios (Pinfall on Rey by Jey via Splash) Immediately after the promo they left the curtain to their entrance, the yellow, white and pink was...a choice, kinda miss the comic book attires. The Usos came out with the Leis and their regular gear.
Rey and Jimmy started lightning quick, Rey setting up a 619 with a rana but Jimmy rolling out of the ring, eating a basement dropkick. Jey's intervening is stopped by Dom who drops him sluggishly into his brother before he's tagged in, Rey hits the baseball slide splash and Dom the crossbody. In the ring Dom's second crossbody gets 2, three amigos by Dom but he shifted Jimmy too close to Jey, who managed to tag a leg, meaning that Jey throws Dom off the turnbuckle when he tries a Frog Splash. Jey taunts Dom after hitting him into the ring post (who has had a lot of mileage already), gesturing him to try and tag his father before cinching a headlock, Dom tries to fight back but is thrown to the other corner, Jimmy is tagged in and they hit a Backbreaker/Ax Handle combo. Jimmy taunts Dom the same way, diving headbutt for 2, the Usos spend too much time taunting Dom in their corner as the younger Mysterio staggers the twins with elbows, his rush for his father is cut off by a very nonchalant uppercut by Jey (McAfee literally yelling HADOUKEN was amazing). Jey continues to posture after suplexes and more taunting, they look for the third suplex but Dom hooks his leg, reversing it into a twisting neckbeaker.
Rey gets the hot tag as Jey tags Jimmy, planting the Uso with a tornado DDT for 2. Seated Senton and a forearm to Jey on the Apron leads to Rey walking into a Superkick for 2. Both Usos stalk Rey, looking to do a pop-up Powerbomb, but Rey ranas Jimmy out the ring, Jey gets him with a superkick to the gut, then a superkick to counter Rey's springboard crossbody, he hits the Splash but it only gets 2. Jey looks frustrated and tags Jimmy to set up the double splash, but Dom cuts Jey off, he tries to suplex Jey onto the apron but Jey drops him with a front-facing suplex instead. The delay is sufficient though since Rey rolls away from Jimmy's splash, headscissors setup, 619 for a big pop, he goes for the Frog Splash but Jimmy gets the knees up. Superkick by Jimmy, tags in Jey, double Superkick, splash by Jey and 3.
*sigh* Can Rey stop being pinned? It's not like Dom doesn't know how to take a pin. It's, it's sucky really, I've said it enough times but Rey deserves more than this given his popularity and past title wins, WWE would not do this to the likes of Edge or Cena, Angle or Goldberg, hell they wouldn't even do this to Eddie and yet Rey gets this treatment as thanks for being full time. Granted, it took like 3 finishers to down him but come on, compare the light pop this match got when everyone knew the Usos were winning with the pop Rey's hot tag and his 619 got, he still has it and they won over the crowd, with more time and narrative to their match it could've been a classic. I'm just sick of seeing one of my faves lose so much you know, if the story is Dom's inexperience then surely he would be the reason for defeat, rather than Rey being ganged up on.
Tiffany Haddish (who??) interviews Priest on his title win, apparently Priest hates bullies and he's happy...not as cool as his NA title win in the hot tub though. Summerslam could've fit in a hot tub
Rick Boogs then shreds the guitar as he welcomes King Nakamura. McAfee is dancing like a goof again on the table and Nakamura's crown falls off, but he makes up for it by playing the IC title like a guitar with Pat. He's disappeared after the Belair/Sasha package though...kinda confusing why that was there.
SD Women's Championship: Bianca BelAir (c) vs Sasha Banks CANCELLED As Bianca enters with SD Women's Title prints on her gear, the announcer says that Sasha is unable to compete, so Carmella is fighting in her stead. A shame but obviously not intended.
Bianca BelAir (c) vs Carmella INTERRUPTED Props to McAfee for noting the collective disappointment. BelAir looks disappointed too and tells Carmella that she's gonna dish out her frustration on Carmella. The title is aloft but then
Becky Lynch is here
Cameras are not showing enough of her on her return as Bianca buzzes, the crowd is on their feet. Becky's got a thicker mane than I remember, maybe it's the curls, a new shirt of 'The Man's back in Vegas' is worn by Becky too as she soaks in her pop. When the cameras stop long enough to focus on Becky she is looking extra lean. She attacks Carmella and dumps her out of the ring, she tells Bianca she'll be right back and throws Carmella into the steps, before standing off with Bianca. She grabs a microphone and asks for a title match, BelAir mulls it, but eventually accepts.
Becky Lynch def. Bianca BelAir (c) [TITLE CHANGE] (Pinfall via Manhandle Slam) Both women are amped up, Lynch offers a handshake but the moment they touch, she socks Bianca, Manhandle Slam and 3. Becky celebrates as BelAir looks stunned and a little shafted, Becky does gesture no hard feelings but, BelAir does have hard feelings.
It's a big pop for Becky's return, though I would've rather seen you know, a match. I love Becky, she's been one of my favourite women's wrestlers in WWE before she was even The Man, and I am psyched she's back, but BelAir vs Becky could've been a good match. we didn't need the Carmella stuff either just have BelAir call an open challenge in Sasha's absence. Also as thin as the SD Women's Division was Becky probably would've fit more for the Raw Women's Title situation, since we last saw her vacating it and that shit's on heavy life support, plus I was kinda hoping that Bianca could beat Sasha but Sasha would win later down the line so we could build Liv Morgan for a title win, I guess October's draft could still open it up. But yeah, happy to see Becky back.
Wrestling Olympic Gold Medalists Tamyra Mensah-Stock and Gable Stevenson come out next, I know WWE have been hot on Gable but after the scripts' comments on Simone Biles it feels forced. Tamyra was at least happy to be here.
Extreme Rules promo is next.
Drew McIntyre def. Jinder Mahal (Pinfall via Claymore) Jinder comes out first, Veer and Shanky only able to stand at the ramp and go to the back. Drew comes with his sword to summon...smoke? You can see how dull that sword is too.
Drew starts the match strong by throwing Jinder in the corner, kicks and chops followed by throws, he motions for Claymore but Jinder rolls out the ring, cutting him at the legs. Jinder's attempt to regain momentum is countered with a belly to belly, so next he tries to appeal to their past friendship but Drew isn't having it. He tries the Futureshock but Jinder kicks him in the face, stunning him for 2. Knee drops and knee chokes are followed by clubs to Drew's head and a choke, but Drew powers out and hits a Glasgow Kiss (which they called a Glaz-gao kiss, it's not that hard to say Glasgow), some more Belly to Bellies leads to a Futureshock and a kip up, 3, 2, 1, Claymore, 1, 2, 3.
McIntyre stepped over Jinder as he celebrated, Veer and Shanky tended to Jinder and then Drew grabbed his sword and started swinging...like the face he is trying to murder these dudes for tending to their boss.
Okay. Easy pop having squashed Jinder, did this need to be on PPV? Probably not, this and Bliss/Eva could've been done on Raw, rather than steal time from Usos/Mysterios and a potential Becky/BelAir banger. Nobody really got over or elevated with this.
Raw Women's Championship: Charlotte Flair def. Nikki A.S.H. (c) and Rhea Ripley [TITLE CHANGE] (Submission on Nikki by Charlotte via Figure Eight) Uncharacteristically, Nikki came out first to nothing, not a pop or a boo, it kinda sounded like fake crowd noises when we had one pop. Rhea got a mini pop next, but loud woos for Charlotte? Don't buy that especially given how she's meant to be the heel. She's in kinda Thanos gear too. The pops were louder for Rhea when her name was announced, Nikki's was mixed and Charlotte had some boos.
The bell rings as Charlotte shoves Nikki, telling her to get out the ring. Rhea shoves Charlotte but Nikki dumps Rhea out the ring, a Monkey Flip to Charlotte then a Rollup on Rhea for 1. Charlotte dumps Rhea as the two tussle, Nikki coming back to boot Charlotte off the apron as part of a bulldog on Rhea. Rhea keeps trying to keep a hold of Nikki but Nikki keeps rolling her up. Charlotte throws Nikki into Rhea like a spear then lariats Rhea and exploder's Nikki. Rhea and Charlotte trade advantages around the turnbuckle, Charlotte fights off a Nikki crossbody and powerslams Nikki onto Rhea, she tries the moonsault but Rhea gets her feet up, Nikki rolls her up but Rhea pulls her off, tries the Riptide but Nikki shifts her weight to splash her. Nikki headscissors Charlotte but is booted by Rhea, Charlotte then boots Rhea and taunts her, Rhea then starts finding energy, a Northern Lights for 1 but Charlotte then regains momentum, a huge big boot to dump Rhea out the ring, but Nikki then tornado DDTs Charlotte for 2. Basement Dropkick to Rhea gives Charlotte time to catch Nikki but Rhea german's them both, Missile Dropkick to Charlotte by Rhea only gets 2 as Charlotte flees to the outside. The two trade blows on the outside, to be flattened by Nikki's crossbody.
Pulling Charlotte in the ring, Charlotte resists the suplex, but Rhea comes in to double up on Charlotte, only for Charlotte to reverse it to a double DDT, Flair chops are suppressed but Charlotte still manages to fend off Nikki and Rhea, Corkscrew Moonsault on the outside takes the two out. She drags Rhea in but Rhea gets a boot, Nikki tries to roll up Rhea but only gets 2. Rhea's limping a bit but still kicks Nikki and cinches in her Inverted Cloverleaf, she dodges the Big Boot from Charlotte (perhaps inadvertently) and locks it into Charlotte, but she rolls through and gets the Figure 8, which is broken by Nikki's knee drop. Nikki hits a Purge but it's broken up by Rhea, she sets another Riptide but again Nikki counters this time with a Reverse Tornado DDT, dumping Rhea out the ring. Nikki sees Charlotte prone, setting up the Crossbody, but she misses, Charlotte locks the Figure 8 and taps.
Abrupt finish, it was a really well-worked match selling the chaos of the triple threat. But I never felt like Charlotte was in danger of losing, Nikki wasn't working because they rushed her new character without getting her over, so of course WWE were gonna fall back to ye olde Charlotte title win. The narrative didn't help either, she seemed like the babyface and again, didn't feel threatened, I never saw the opening for Charlotte to lose. In a vacuum it was a good match, as a whole though, since Rhea won the title at mania nobody's gotten over, they made an absolute hash of the Charlotte feud to the point where we didn't even feel invested in Rhea getting a win back, then we fast tracked a cash in. The only one who profited here was Charlotte, who got to add 2 more title reigns to her name on paper, had Becky came here to make it a 4-Way and won, it'd probably have been more hopeful because now, who is next? Asuka's AWOL, Shayna's buried, Alexa's on spooky shits, Rhea's broken, Nikki isn't getting over, who can Charlotte face at this point?
Edge def. Seth Rollins (Submission via Crossface) Dressed like some aristocrat, Seth entered first half smug half focused, it may've dragged on a bit long. Edge didn't come out to Metalingus, but instead he came out in the fires of the Brood, with the dark sunglasses, fire and the elevated platform to boot, but then Metalingus came out to give the people what they want.
The bell rings but there's a long pause to soak in the crowd investment. Edge has the early advantage with a swift punch, every time Seth tries to lock in on Edge he hits back, annoying Seth as he mulls outside the ring. He tries the Pedigree but is again dumped out the ring, this time Edge follows and throws him around the barriaces, Rollins returns to the ring but is knee'd out, but gets some advantage by dodging the Baseball Slide and driving Edge into ye olde Ring Post, then against the steps. Neckbreaker only gets 2 as he continues to focus on the neck with chokes, stomps and slingblades, another neckbreaker leads to another 2 as Seth taunts Edge about it.
A diving knee by Rollins gets 2 as Seth kicks around Edge, he tries another neckbreaker but Edge reverses into a backslide for 2, Flapjack and a tackle into the turnbuckle, Seth fends off Edge at the turnbuckle though and hits the Frog Splash for 2 but for the second time Edge rolls into the corner to avoid the stomp. Rollins pulls Edge to the turnbuckle, but Edge hits him with a top turnbuckle spinning neckbreaker, Flapjack onto the top rope, Edgecution for 2, Rollins stuns Edge by driving him into the Turnbuckle, but he misses his knee strike into an Head Yank for 2. Edge goes up top but Rollins turns it into his Superplex/Falcon Arrow combo for 2, he sets up the Stomp but misses, tries the Pedigree but Edge wriggles out, Glam Slam by Edge for 2, nice homage for Beth there. Seth gets back the momentum though, Jawbreaker on the ropes then a neckbreaker on the ropes, Edge dodges the stomp on the apron though and throws Seth into the ring post (not ye olde ringpost though it's a different one) and then a spear through the ropes into the outside. A bulldog into the apron LED only gets 2, but now Edge is setting up the spear, but Rollins counters into a Pedigree (Pat mustn't have watched Roman vs Seth before because he said he has never seen that counter) but it only gets 2.
Rollins climbs up top looking for the Phoenix Splash, he lands on his feet and rolls away but walks into a spear, 1, 2, No. Edge now looking for the Killswitch but Rollins clubs then kicks Edge in the back of the head, he tries the Stomp but Edge rolls and catches the boot, turning it into an Edgecator, Seth reaches for the ropes so Edge tries to pull him back, but in releasing the hold he gets rolled up for 2. Edge then tries the Crossface, rolling to the center of the ring, but Edge slams his head into the mat and reapplies it for the tapout.
A nicely worked match again that managed to showcase a lot of Edge's past bag of tricks. The second I was wrong about too, I expected Seth to get some momentum to try and challenge Roman like he had been teasing before this feud (on that note, where's Cesaro? Miss that dude), but it was definitely something for the fans to cheer about. The narrative of avoiding the Stomp was also good for the storytelling, Seth doesn't lose anything in defeat either, he's took 2 spears, 2 crossfaces, Edgecator and the Edgecution.
MITB 22 is announced on 4th July at the Allegiant Stadium, Vegas (the same venue as tonight). Expect there to be a Murica match in there. In addition attendance today is 51k. We scope back around to Miz and Morrison's kickoff thing, mostly getting a jobber entrance. The moist jokes were worst this time around as they marketed the 'Drip Stick 2000' which neither had. Who did have it? A very wet and long-haired Xavier Woods with a cocktail stick in their mouth and a 'New Day Order' shirt. Woods convinces the crowd to rally into shooting them with a water gun, though it didn't really get a pop in the act, dumb shit really but whatever Woods' new look is I dig it.
WWE Championship: Bobby Lashley (w/MVP) (c) def. Goldberg (via Ref Stoppage) Lashers out first...no sanctity it seems. He's walking into the ring with purpose, his pose has no pyro though, kinda a lukewarm smoke that'd make Revolution 2020's explosion smirk. Goldberg does his usual entrance, lots of quick camera switching again. Dude looks a bit top-heavy tbh, skipping those leg days. Lashley paces across Goldberg's periphery, it doesn't look like there'll be underestimation in this fight.
They lock up first, a bit of strength testing, Goldberg tanks a shoulder block, grounding Lashley with a flying shoulder block, then a body slam. Goldberg is keeping the advantage with corner attacks and clotheslines but Lashley clubs at the back. He sets up a Jackhammer for insult to injury, but Goldberg keeps his leg hooked, he tries to lift Lashley but can't follow through and gets hit with a flatliner. No sympathy from Lashley as he clubs at the back of the head before uncharacteristically going up top, which Goldberg punishes by throwing him down, Goldberg looks for the Spear but MVP yanks Lashley outside, only for Goldberg to spear him on the outside anyway.
Goldberg sets up a second spear, but as the ref focuses on Lashley rolling out the other side, MVP thwacks Goldberg's knee with his cane, distracting Goldberg long enough to be chop blocked. Chokeslam makes Lashley look for the Hurt Lock, but he can't connect the fingers, as Goldberg escapes though he gets chop blocked again, causing Goldberg to leave the ring. Lashley follows, lifting him up and charging him knee first into the ring post twice. Struggling to stand, the Ref throws the match.
The match is over but Lashley continues to attack the leg with a steel chair. Gage Goldberg attempts to jump but gets wrenched with a Hurt Lock. MVP tries to assure that Lashley wouldn't have known that he was attacking Goldberg's son but it means little, Goldberg insisting he's gonna kill Lashley, meaning this feud isn't over.
The heat was right, the delivery was wrong. We've seen people beat Goldberg clean, I don't see why Lashley, who has beaten people who have beaten Goldberg clean, couldn't do that himself? Needing MVP's help flattens the statement made.
Camera work got a bit wonky there when promoting the Main Event
Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (c) def. John Cena (Pinfall via Spear) Cena's the first to come out, sporting a Super Mario-esque shirt showing his 16 world title reigns, the reigns also shown on the tron, they actually mentioned Ric Flair this time. The Bronze Statue hologram for Roman is still tacky, but he comes out flanked with his cousins and Paul, smoke again instead of pyro - I wonder if they weren't allowed to pyro. Heyman whispers the Usos to leave Roman to walk the ramp. I spotted an 'Anyone but you Roman' sign in the crowd, before McAfee makes me smirk again by calling Roman an 'absolute stud'.
Roman's a little ginger about locking up with Cena, but is goaded into it, winning the shoulder block. A second lock up leads to a Cena roll up for 1, trying to call back to the go home smackdown, another schoolboy for 2 but Roman laughs it off. Roman doesn't lock up again, kicking and clubbing at Cena while mocking the crowd, a lariat is reversed into another rollup for 2 but gets him back with a reverse lariat (he used the back of his arm, like a chop lariat), a Suplex by Roman leads to a 2 count, then the rest hold. Cena tries to break but Roman smacks him, another suplex for 2 then he dumps Cena out the ring, Cena blocks the punch and tries to flurry back, but is whipped into the steel steps. After some posturing Roman smacks Cena headfirst into the steps again, then posing with the belt as he claims that the crowd needs him, he saunters to the ring but walks into another schoolboy for 2, leading to another punch.
Roman insists that Cena can't win like this, but in his gloating Cena almost lifts him for the AA, which Roman counters into a DDT for 2. Roman almost looks bored, telling the hard cam that he's not apologetic about hurting Cena, Cena once again tries the forearms but when he tries the flying shoulder block he runs into an uppercut. Roman mocks Cena for having only five moves, but again it's a rollup for 2, this time Roman counters with a sleeper, Cena tries to fight but Roman puts his body weight on him, he tries again and Roman uses his weight again, only this time Cena launches him into the corner and follows up with a clothesline. Then come the shoulder tackles, the twisting front drop, but as he tiredly goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, Roman snaps in the Guillotine, Cena tries the Jackknife pin for 2, the hold is broken but this time it's a Superman Punch. Roman wastes too much time though and his spear is countered with a kick, this time the 5 Knuckle Shuffle hits, AA, 1, 2, No. Heyman's having heart palpitations ringside but Cena's locked in the STF, Roman makes the rope to break the hold and leaves the ring, but as Cena looks to follow he's hit by a Drive By.
Roman looks to put Cena away with a Spear on the outside, but Cena counters it with an AA through the Announcer's Table, he drags Roman back into the ring but only gets the 2. Cena goes up top, looking for a dropkick maybe, but he's caught into a powerbomb for 2. Roman seems to be prepping his Superman Punch, but Cena rolls for 2, picks up for the AA but can't lift him all the way, allowing Roman to hit the Superman Punch for another 2. Roman is getting irritated now, Cena's been in his head after all, he goes for the Spear but meets ye olde ring post. Cena pulls Roman up for the Avalanche AA, he lands it, 1, 2, No! Cena taunts Roman this time, quoting his entrance theme then mocking the Oooowaaah, the Spear is cut off though, instead they trade blows, one Superman Punch, two Superman Punch, Roman declares he is WWE and lands the Spear, 1, 2, 3.
Roman stands over the prone Cena, but then the noise is heard. Brock Lesnar is in the building, and he still has the hipster look. Cameras lose control again as Heyman finds a conflict in interest, dude is absolutely jacked though. He approaches Roman in a staredown, but Roman just leaves the ring to close the night. Apparently off-air Lesnar then attacked Cena.
You know what would've made this match better? If the conclusion wasn't so forgone after Smackdown. Did anyone actually think that WWE would let Roman quit? At least before Roman's career was at stake there was a 10% chance Cena could leave as the winner, which would've made the nearfalls much more believable.
As for Lesnar, well, Vince always wanted Roman/Brock to be the main level feud and he's always getting his way. It'll draw, but it only puts paper over the submarine window that is the problem.
A good PPV though. I don't think there was any match that was awful. And that's kinda saying something with Eva Marie involved. Some segments and matches were, legless perhaps, stuff you could've be done with or even just put on Raw which is a shame because that took time from matches, as I said I would've liked to actually see Becky and Bianca wrestle and the Mysterios get more time.
The returns were good, I suppose Chicago definitely had nothing to do with that. But I'm not gonna be sad about seeing Becky Lynch again.
My main problem is probably how despite the big card, there was no doubt, I mean I got all but a couple of matches right on this card and it was because the matches were all built so obviously, those two frankly I predicted because I expected a bit more swerve. Part of it could be the fatigue of all the good wrestling we've seen so far but compared to other PPVs where I've felt on the edge of my seat or shaking in my ribs I just felt cosy, like it was a casual watch.
It was certainly not bad, definitely a good outing with good wrestling, but there is room still to improve on the narrative, and camera work like seriously learn to linger, immediate snap cuts throw people off. New directions are ahead to fulfill that so hopefully WWE can find a course to get back on.
8 notes · View notes
cbwalive · 4 years
Super Estrella, Christmas Eve Bash
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Live on Univision 
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 We start the show of the recap from last week when @TheEyeOfGibson and AuZZtin won the tag titles and Head of Creative John Schneider saying this is far from over.
Here comes @TheEyeOfGibson strutting down to the ring.
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Gibson has his own fan section. About a dozen women in their mid- 50’s. One woman has a sign that reads, “Gibson Rats 4 Life”.
Roberto acknowledges them and blows them kisses off his butt before taking the mic.
The Eye starts off by saying “you know last week felt pretty damn good. For the last 5 weeks I didn’t know what I was going to do -- yeah sure living in my van in Pensacola was great but I’m full of steam - I’m a fighter and also a lover ain’t that right Ladies?” 
Gibson’s Rats start screaming “I knew I had to get back in The CBWA and when Schneider called me out of the blue to help him in his War Games match.
I knew something was up so I made him sign a stipulation which says if I showed up to Time to  Pay PPV and help Schneider’s team, then I will get my shot, my rightful shot at the CBWA World Heavyweight Title” 
 @gator_AuZZtin music hits to a huge pop. 
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AuZZtin grabs the mic “Listen Bobby we all know the damn story so quit boring these people to death.Even the Gibson’s Rats dried up during your story.
One of the Gibsons Rats yells, “I’m never dry baby”, AuZZtin looks rather disturbed.
The fact of the matter is I helped you win these damn tag titles.
Roberto stops him and says “you helped me? Correct me if I’m wrong but who kicked The Fiend out cold?” 
AuZZtin says, “it doesn’t matter you followed my lead and look here we are the tag champs, something you and buddy Ricky couldn’t do”.
Roberto snags the mic “you leave Morton out of this, he’s still in the hospital and no one knows who took him out, maybe I’m looking at the SOB right now”
AuZZtin grabs the mic “like I said last week if I wanted to take out little Ricky Morton, I would do it in front of his pretty face so he can see who’s whooping his ass, how do I know I’m not looking at the sob that took him out?” 
Roberto looks disgusted by that remark “are you kidding me? Now you’ve gone too far thinking I would take my friend of 40 years out”
It looks like they are about to go to blows when John Schneider’s music hits. 
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 John comes down to ringside and  interrupts both men “excuse me gentlemen I don’t mean to break up this love fest but I have important business to attend to both of you, starting with you AuZZtin.
Now I imagine you wanna whoop somebody’s ass, so tonight you will go one on one with BS Service member @BrayWya29193609.
Now as far as you go Gibson, you can take your so called disgusting ring rats over there and take them back to your van because you have the night off as a matter of fact you are banned from the arena.
These nice fine Bogota Security guards will see fit that you exit the arena with no problems” 
 The guards start to make their way to the ring and ask Roberto to come on down. The guards enter the ring, AuZZtin turns one of the guards around, flips him off a stunner, the other guard tries to get AuZZtin but is met by a super kick by Roberto.
Schneider angered tells more guards to get them, bam one stunner another super kick, more guards this time it’s around 6 or so of Bogotá’s finest, tasers are out and Roberto puts his hands up and is getting cuffed -- The same with AuZZtin.
They’re both exiting the ring when all of the sudden, The Miz comes out and nails a handcuffed AuZZtin.
We need to take a break - we’ll be right back folks. 
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 We are back.
Backstage we see Roberto being put in a police car and AuZZtin into another.
John Schneider comes to the cars and says “big tough guys huh? Big tough guys.” He goes to the window where Roberto is and says “I hate your stinking guts and you have no idea how much joy this is to me right now seeing you where you deserve to be, you and your partner over there better start following orders around here or I swear I will make both of your lives miserable” 
He then tells the Bogota cop to take this bum out of here, the car drives off as Gibson laughs hysterically in the back. .
Schneider then goes to the car AuZZtin is in, “now as for you, I’ll get you out of the car but you lay one finger on me and you will join your bum partner.” 
He tells the cop to get him out, AuZZtin tells Schneider as he is being handcuffed “tell your boy Miz one way or another I’m going to get his ass tonight.”
Schneider says “You need to worry about @BrayWya29193609 because it is now a no disqualification match and Foot Von Erich is going to be the special ring announcer.” 
We’ll be right back. 
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Welcome back to CBWA  Super Estrella, let’s go down to the ring. 
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We go to the ring lights go out and it’s @UnderfakerBL.
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His opponent, The Bogota Brawler looks terrified. 
The bell rings and Underfaker starts to walk slowly to his opponent, uppercut thrust to the throat, whips his opponent into the ropes, flying closeline, picks his opponent up and scoops him up for the tombstone piledriver, this one is over 1, 2, 3.
The Underfaker gets on one knee and holds his arm up towards the entrance.
There’s smoke -- and here comes a long black hearse. 
The hearse pulls right up to the ring and out comes Bogota Blake from Ox Rent-A-Car.
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@BogotaBlake holds up and urn and summons the Underfaker.
The Underfaker leaves the ring and crawls into the back of the Hearse. Bogota Blake backs up and almost takes out a section of the crowd but is able to regain control of the wheel. 
We’ll be right back. 
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  We’re back and we see a sit down interview set up with Kenny Resnick and he’s joined by @FrankConverseMO and his alleged son @BoltsyAmsterdam.
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Welcome back to Super Estrella, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.
“I’m here with the former CBWA World Heavyweight Champion @FrankConverseMO and a former champion and Hall of Famer himself @BoltsyAmsterdam.
Frank you asked me to get this together because you have something to say and wanted to be sure your alleged son @BoltsyAmsterdam was here, now that he is the floor is yours.
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Frank says “thank you Kenny and a Merry Christmas to you and your herpies.
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I wanted this gathering here today because I have something to say, you know the last 6 months of my life have been up and down, a lot of ups, I got in the best shape of my life, I won the CBWA World Heavyweight title from a Hall of Famer. I was featured in Action Hollywood movies, but there were also a lot of downs.
My bestfriend Claude Akins Gibson has been busy campaigning to become the next Mayor of Bogota and that meant that I was constantly alone. 
I spent all my money -- I blew it on booze and drugs. I pawned a brand new CBWA World Heavyweight title belt Mr. Schneider made for me, but the lowest I was is when my son, my flesh and bone @BoltsyAmsterdam refuses to talk to me because of the shame he has for me.”
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Boltsy cuts him off, “what are you talking about son? Boltsy gets up to leave, “for the last time you idiot, I’am not your damn son!!!!! I hate your guts because of the human being you are. You’re a bum, but one thing you are not is my father.”
Kenny steps in and says, “Boltsy, now Frank is admitting a lot of stuff here tonight but why would you say he is not your father?” 
Boltsy screams, “because he’s not!!! I know who my father is. 
Frank says, “it’s ok Kenny, the one thing I want everybody to know out there and especially my son” -- Boltsy yells again, “I’m not your....” 
Kenny cuts him off, “let him talk.” 
Frank says, “I just want everybody to know that you are looking at a new Frank Converse. I will no longer rely on drugs and alcohol but only rely on love from my son.” Boltsy whispers “you gotta be F’n kidding me.” 
Frank continues “2020 was a great year for me but also a terrible year for me but 2021 will be the best year yet.” 
Kenny jumps in and says, “Wow Frank, I’m very impressed with you and coming out with all your issues and recognizing it and having your alledgedson here to hear this is the topping on the cake.
Frank and I wish you nothing but the best, Boltsy do you have anything to say?” 
Boltsy obviously irritated at this point says, “are you guys high right now?” 
Frank says, “no son that’s the old me.” 
Kenny says, “Boltsy I don’t understand --  I thought you would be thrilled to hear that your alleged dad is getting his life together and back on track for you.” 
Boltsy says, “I don’t even know what to say at this point, this man is not my father, I grew up in Pittsburgh - he was in LA and we don’t look alike.” 
Kenny cuts in, “I’ll have to disagree with that one.” 
Boltsy gives Kenny a stare of death, “shut your face, look Frank if you’re going to change your life around and go down the straight and narrow then good for you, I hope you really do it, because you have burned a lot of bridges and I hope you can mend them.” 
Frank says “Thank you son that means a lot, would you like to go play catch?” 
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Boltsy gets up and leaves….
Kenny then says, “well there you go a father and son’s relationship, I believe has been mended. Good luck Frank and we’ll be right back after these messages.”
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We are back.
We’re inside Mr. Schneider’s office where it looks like The BS Service is having a Christmas party.
The Miz comes in and starts gloating that he whooped the so called, toughest S.O.G (son of a gator) AuZZtin’s ass and he’s about to do the same thing later tonight when he faces Greg Gagne. 
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Bolin interrupts and says, “Gentlemen let’s raise our champagne glass and toast the man that brought all of this to us and in the future the leader that will lead us all into dominance, Mr. John Schneider.” 
They all toast.
Back in the ring -- 
The Masked Assassin vs The CBWA Intercontinental Champion Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert 
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The bell rings and he locks up with the Masked Assassin and whips him into the ropes. Gilbert  delivers a beautiful drop kick followed by the Hot Stuff piledriver, 1, 2, 3. Easy work for the IC champion. 
 WINNER: @HotstuffINT007
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Gilbert is at the interview table with Kenny Resnick. Please welcome the man with the longest winning streak in CBWA history, Hall of Famer and the new CBWA The Intercontinental Champion -- Eddie Gilbert. 
Eddie says, “Thank you very much Kenny. It’s great to be back in Bogota. It’s great to be a champion again. I fought hard to win this belt again, I went through some of the very best that The CBWA can offer and I can promise you I will be a fighting champion, as I’ve always been.”
At that moment, Hollywood Foot Von Erich walks out, “you know baby you say you went through the best but never faced the best because you are looking at the best baby” and points at the belt and walks off. Eddie laughs and Kenny throws it to break.
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We are back and we are outside of the Bogota Mayor’s mansion.
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Kenny Resnick is at the front door and @BigBubbaBogo answers. 
Bubba tells Kenny to beat it. “The Mayor does not want to talk to anybody.” 
Kenny said “well he asked me to be here for an exclusive.” 
Bubba says, “well maybe you should check your emails because his assistant has rescheduled it for next week, now beat it before I have the hounds released on you.” 
Kenny tells the camera man we better leave. 
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We are back in the ring and here comes Greg Gagne. All the little boys and girls are super excited to see Greg.
Gagne is feeling the Christmas spirit as he is gives each kid an exclusive Greg Ganja action figure which you can also pick up on the CBWA online shop! 
Next, here come the CBWA South American Champion The Miz.
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Miz takes one of the action figures that Ganja gave to one of the kids and breaks. 
The Miz starts mocking the kid, and throws the pieces into the crowd. 
This match is NOT for The CBWA South American Championship, which you can also purchase your replica South American Title belt at http://CBWAshop.com.
The bell rings and Miz starts mocking Ganja with the crybaby face but wait -- wait -- it’s AuZZtin.
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He is behind The Miz and Miz has no idea, Ganja sees AuZZtin and tells The Miz to look behind.
The Miz all of sudden knows what’s coming, he turns around and AuZZtin flips him the bird and starts whooping on The Miz. He goes for the stunner but Miz escapes and runs away.
Ganja extends his hand at AuZZtin and receives a stunner.
All of a sudden, Bray Wyatt’s music comes on and here comes @BrayWya29193609 with @FootVonErich.
The fans are letting them have it. 
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It’s Bray vs AuZZtin right after these messages.
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We are back and it’s main event time.
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Foot grabs the microphone and starts announcing Bray Wyatt but is cut off by a vicious closeline by AuZZtin and here we go. AuZZtin stares down Bray but Bray is trying to play peek a boo with AuZZtin.
AuZZtin says ok and plays peek a boo back with a middle finger and starts whooping Bray in the corner, stomping a mud hole and walking it dry.
He grabs Bray by his dreadlocks and is about to set him up for a stunner but The Miz comes out and delivers a low blow.
Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell and Foot Von Erich comes in its 3 on 1.
Mr. Schneider then comes out with the rest of the BS Services. 
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The Prototype, Bob Lashley, Rico and Renee Dupree. 
John grabs the mic and says, “You see what happens when you don’t fall in line? Let this be a lesson to anyone in the back to not cross the boss.”
All of a sudden, Santa Clause music hits and it’s jolly old Saint Nick himself.
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He’s giving all the boys and girls toys and candy, and he stops off at the Gibson Rat’s section and hands out sexy lingerie.
Mr. Schneider addresses Santa, “Hey Fat man, this is my arena who the hell do you think you are? Boys get him.” 
The BS Service starts making there way to Santa Clause and all of a sudden  -- 
Goldberg’s music hits --  It’s the CBWA World  Champion
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Goldberg hits the ring and he spears The Miz!
He spears Foot Von Erich and he spears Bray.
Schneider is looking scared the rest of the BS Service tries to stop Goldberg but is met with a spear.
Goldberg grabs Bob Lashley and picks him up for a jackhammer and down goes Lashley.
My god what strength.
Schneider cant believe what he is seeing. 
He is now face to face with Santa Clause.
Santa takes his beard off and it’s @TheEyeOfGibson
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He tries to swing at Santa Gibson but Santa ducks and nails him with a super kick. 
OMG Schneider is out cold.
As the camera pulls back from the ring, we see Santa Gibson, AuZZtin and Goldberg celebrating with some cold ones.
WAIT -- The Miz is back in the ring and --  AuZZtin STUNS HIM!  
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From all of us at the CBWA -- We wish all of you all a Merry Christmas!
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Next week it will be the CBWA Super Estrella New Years Revolution
Plus find out more about The Great Bogota Bash coming in January 2021.
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We’ll see you next week folks, Merry Christmas from Bogota. 
1 note · View note
emblem-333 · 4 years
Nothing Matters In Wrestling Anymore
A lot of what made wrestling great in the past is sorely lacking today. Usually, this is attributed to the revolving door of personnel, except in the WWE the same person who oversaw the wrestling boom in the 1980s and its roaring renaissance or the late 1990s and early 2000s is still here. Vince McMahon still runs everything. One of the greatest performers in the history of sports entertainment, Triple H, is Chief Operating Officer of WWE and has been since 2011. Bruce Pritchard, a booker during the WWE’s most successful periods, was appointed the Senior Vice President. While the title is vague, it is implied Pritchard is no empty suit.
So why is the product so poor nowadays? Why does it seem McMahon is resting on his laurels even when there is no laurels to rest on?
In my eyes, the issue is too many cooks in the kitchen. The product became over bloated since the fall of WCW. Somewhere along the line, McMahon believed the WWE brand itself is the main selling point and not the wrestlers. You can see this in how the Survivor Series pay-per-view is booked in contrast to before. Monday Night Raw and whichever day Smackdown is airing, have been engaged in a fictitious war since the brands split in 2002. The “war” ended in 2013, then resumed in the summer of 2016.
The Survivor Series are traditionally characterized by having tag-team elimination matches, pitting teams of four or five combatants against one another. Before 2016, the teams were captained and defined by the highest ranking babyfaces and heels of the WWE. For an example, in the 1993 Survivor Series the top babyface was Bret “Hitman” Hart and the Hart Foundation, a stable made up of family members he was the leader of. They formed a five-man team to take on the heel Shawn Michaels and his “Knights”, who were just wrestlers going by “Knights” for reasons I have yet to understand.
Every Survivor Series team is now defined merely by which brand they are on. Team Raw vs Team Smackdown; in the most recent pay-per-view the WWE added NXT to the fold.
It’s curious in an era where the WWE invested so much into Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, they are given the role of leading their respective Survivor Series teams, but it is always about the brands they are on, not about them.
So why am I complaining about Survivor Series 2019? The PPV aired almost four-months ago, and it is WrestleMania season. Who cares about Survivor Series? But this is a perfect example of WWE not wanting to commit to anything long term, or having any real plans beyond kicking the can down the road and see what happens later on.
In October, Chris Jericho and TNT launched their weekly All Elite Wrestling show “Dynamite.” Quickly making an impression on a wrestling audience in search of anything but the stale product they’ve been subjected too. Despite wrestling in America being synonymous with the WWE, AEW caught on rather fast and NXT was thrust on to television to counter their chief competitors new show every Wednesday.
NXT is simply Triple H’s offspring. A pet project he began when his transitioned away from an every day performer on the road. It is a tighter, scaled back version of Raw and SmackDown. NXT is notorious for creating stars, like Bayley and Sasha Banks, then giving them to WWE who have no idea what to do with them. NXT is a modest boutique in the larger realm of WWE. But the brass of WWE thought it be a good idea to showcase the talent of NXT by staging an invasion storyline in hopes of gaining eyeballs on their Wednesday show.
For those wondering whether this worked, AEW and NXT have gone head-to-head since October 2nd and have won the ratings war just three times out the 26 weeks.
This is after NXT ran rough-shot on the best WWE had to offer. Adam Cole defeated four time champion Daniel Bryan on SmackDown. On the Survivor Series, the NXT women’s team destroyed Team Raw and SmackDown, and on the men’s side Keith Lee made an impression by taking Roman Reigns the distance in a losing effort. Shayna Baszler bested two WWE Women’s champions, Becky Lynch and Bayley to wrap the dominance of NXT up in a nice bow.
Outside of Lee, nobody walked away from Survivor Series with a rub. You could say Baszler earned some respect points, but she pinned Bayley, and the next day the WWE Twitter account downplayed the accomplishment by reminding us Becky, the champion that matters, did not eat the pin. Baszler didn’t even win the Royal Rumble. Charlotte Flair made her look like an idiot and won something she didn’t need to win. You can say challenging NXT champion Rhea Ripley is a continuation of the invasion angle, but you could have gotten her there by not sacrificing Baszler. Having Flair win the rumble only to challenge the smaller brand is like The Undertaker winning the Royal Rumble in 2007 and challenging ECW champion Bobby Lashley at WrestleMania. It doesn’t feel organic, and not thought out.
NXT began their invasion targeting former champions The Miz and the aforementioned Bryan, Baszler ambushed Bayley after her match against Nikki Cross. The next week, Triple H boasts the accomplishments of Baszler, Tommaso Ciampa, and Adam Cole, telling us he is the leader of this invading force.
There’s a couple of problems with the sacrifice lambs being Miz and Bryan. Since 2011, Miz has been a joke. There was a time when Miz managed to get himself over as WWE’s top heel, but ever since main eventing WrestleMania 27 he’s been ridiculed and minimized. Now on to Bryan, Triple H hates him. Never takes him seriously as a top guy and holds legit naked contempt for him and his most ardent fans. In this age of wrestling, the fans are as wise to the behind the scenes machinations and sausage making we can easily see through Triple H’s words even if it is meant to be viewed through the lens of keyfabe.
It makes the NXT guys look like losers they ignored Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt, who recently won the championships of their respective brands.
WWE never pooled their resources together to try and defeat the invaders. They just went about like business as usual. In the tag elimination matches, Raw wrestlers eliminated SmackDown wrestlers, and vice versa. It served as counterproductive, in the women’s 5-on-5-on-5 triple threat elimination match, the only NXT star to score a pin was Rhea Ripley at the end. The men’s side fared better. Ciampa eliminated Kevin Owens and Baron Corbin. Matt Riddle pinned Randy Orton. Lee pinned Seth Rollins.
But neither Ciampa, Riddle or Lee have done anything significant to capitalize. Ripley is the only one from either division to have a match at ‘Mania.
When Baszler failed to take the belt off of Becky, it perfectly signified the half-assed nature of WWE. A constant string of start-stop pushes, then wondering why the talent isn’t over. Nobody likes “always the bridesmaid.” Nobody likes a loser. Nobody likes wrestlers who express vulnerability. We like bad asses. We like killers. WWE isn’t cinema where you have to adhere to the Hayes Code.
If WWE booked Baszler to break Becky’s arm at Survivor Series and win the Rumble she is likely in a better position to be a main event player.
WWE had no plans for NXT beyond Survivor Series. The NXT roster will remain where they are until they are individually called up. The invasion meant nothing. Triple H didn’t try to stage a coup. Rollins didn’t defect, join NXT, and resurrect The Authority (I know they’re dead). None of the champions were challenged.
All of this meant nothing. None of it mattered. And if nothing matters, then there’s no point to getting invested in anything.
15 notes · View notes
placetobenation · 4 years
Holy WarGames Batman!
You can never say that you don’t get your money’s worth when it comes to a NXT:TakeOver PPV and WarGames was no exception!
Whether it be Io Shirai flying off the top of the cage with a garbage can over her head or Pat McAfee doing a swanton bomb from the heavens, this one was another classic from NXT. Plus, Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher put together one brutal war for themselves too. Johnny Gargano became the first 3-time North American Champion, uncovering his new Scream partner in Austin Theory. You know it’s a really good PPV when an above average strap match between Dexter Lumis and Cameron Grimes is probably the low man on the totem pole. Grimes continues to get better each and every week with his versatility and strange personality. He reminds me of a bigger Buzz Sawyer.
Injuries? Sure, got them too! Candice LeRae’s broken wrist and Gargano’s split mouth complete with stitches top the charts.
At the end of the day, Raquel Gonzalez gets elevated into the NXT Women’s Championship picture by pinning Shirai. The Undisputed Era remain kings of the WarGames cage. McAfee proves he’s one tough SOB too!
In the end, WarGames is your Star of the Week!
LET THE PARAMEDICS SORT EM OUT #WarGames #NXTTakeOver pic.twitter.com/XTCAwmXZVo
— Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) December 7, 2020
NXT: TakeOver WarGames
WarGames: The Undisputed Era defeated The Kings of NXT
WarGames: Candice LeRae, Toni Storm, Raquel Gonzalez, Dakota Kai defeated Ember Moon, Shotzi Blackheart, Rhea Ripley & Io Shirai
NXT North American Championship Triple Threat Match: Johnny Gargano defeated Damian Priest & Leon Ruff to win the title
Strap Match: Dexter Lumis defeated Cameron Grimes
Tommaso Ciampa defeated Dexter Lumis
RAW Women’s Non-Title Championship Match: Asuka defeated Shayna Baszler
Ricochet & Dana Brooke defeated SLAPJACK & RECKONING
Kofi Kingston defeated Shelton Benjamin
Cedric Alexander defeated Kofi Kingston
3-on-2 Handicap Match: AJ Styles, The Miz & John Morrison defeated Drew McIntyre & Sheamus
United State Non-Title Championship Match: Bobby Lashley defeated Jeff Hardy
Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton ends in no-contest
Some quick hits for RAW this week:
It’s only a matter of time before we get two-straps Asuka!
"Imagine: Jeff Hardy teams with Riddle, and we become The Hardy Bros!" — @SuperKingofBros #WWERaw @JEFFHARDYBRAND pic.twitter.com/DtSVNnzERB
— WWE (@WWE) December 8, 2020
The Hardy Bros? Hilarious! Riddle’s growing on me. His in-ring work is unquestioned. His antics outside it are becoming funnier each week.
The only RECKONING in RETRIBUTION should be taking the masks off and clearing them of the silly names. It’s Mia Yim. It’s Mia Yim. It’s Mia Yim already!
And like that, business is back in motion! @CedricAlexander picks up the win, and leaves #TheNewDay with a statement. #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/tCPwbwufIJ
— WWE (@WWE) December 8, 2020
Cedric Alexander is playing The Hurt Business perfectly. He’s a main event player and is proving it each and every week with back-to-back singles victories over The New Day. How long is it before he says I want a shot at Bobby Lashley’s US Title too?
Is it me or are we headed for a screwjob by The Miz and Morrison on AJ Styles in his upcoming WWE Championship match with Drew McIntyre? Just a gut feeling here.
Things have EXPLODED backstage between @DMcIntyreWWE & @WWESheamus on #WWERaw!!! … Or have they? pic.twitter.com/Kkvj1NBR6N
— WWE (@WWE) December 8, 2020
Having Drew McIntyre and Sheamus fight it out in the back after an inadvertent brogue kick to the WWE Champion led to a loss in the ring was beautiful. Fight each other. Beat up an unsuspecting bystander. Go get a pint.
Really missed Alexa Bliss this week. Sure, Bray Wyatt, it’s for her own safety. But it’s definitely not as much fun without Miss Bliss.
𝐻𝐸's here… #WWERaw #TheFiend @WWEBrayWyatt @RandyOrton pic.twitter.com/phjY9qI9Du
— WWE (@WWE) December 8, 2020
Didn’t love the no-contest ending with Wyatt and Randy Orton. We get it, The Fiend is different but the ending just fell flat for me.
Jake Atlas defeated Isaiah “Swerve” Scott
Triple Threat Match: Grizzled Young Veterans defeated Imperium & Ever-Rise
Tommaso Ciampa defeated Cameron Grimes
Pete Dunne defeated Killian Dain
Raquel Gonzalez defeated Ember Moon
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒆 𝒐𝒇 #𝑾𝑾𝑬𝑵𝑿𝑻 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕.@WWEKarrionKross & @Lady_Scarlett13 are here! pic.twitter.com/bUpujMXGrI
— WWE (@WWE) December 10, 2020
It’s a week of returns for NXT. And that’s bad news (sorry Wade Barrett) for the men’s roster as Karrion Kross leads the list of returning superstars. I give credit to Damian Priest for stepping up to the challenge, but that’s a challenge with Kross and Scarlett that he’s going to lose. Kross and his NXT Championship that he gave up due to injury will meet again soon I’m sure.
Back too is Drake Maverick, Malcolm Bivens with Tyler Rust, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, Austin Theory and the NXT Champion Finn Balor. It remains to be seen who will face Balor at New Year’s Evil on January 6th, but it seems everyone from Pete Dunne to Kross to Priest to a whole host of others are in the mix.
“The Way” in-ring promo just went on too long and was too forced I thought. Theory and Indie Hartwell just felt like 3rd and 4th wheels out there as they just can’t match LeRae and Gargano on the mic.
Sunday, she pins #WWENXT #WomensChampion @shirai_io to win #WarGames for her team. Wednesday, she defeats @WWEEmberMoon in the main event on @WWENXT.@RaquelWWE is UNSTOPPABLE! pic.twitter.com/LBZpJhXPD4
— WWE (@WWE) December 10, 2020
Raquel Gonzalez looks the part of a big-time player and is finding her way into the spotlight. Funny that just one year ago, we were saying the same things about Rhea Ripley and then the pandemic hit. I’m not sure if Gonzalez is ready for the NXT Women’s Title just yet, but it would be intriguing to see her as champ and how LeRae would react to it.
"Toni, I don't have problem with you. I just don't like you." – #WWENXT #WomensChampion @shirai_io pic.twitter.com/cpP9DBL0nk
— WWE (@WWE) December 10, 2020
Anytime Toni Storm is near a ring, it’s a win for us. Whether it be taking on Io Shirai for the title or Ember Moon to continue their feud, I’m all in.
WHAT…did we just witness? 𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑵.#WWENXT pic.twitter.com/880LZBNuD0
— WWE (@WWE) December 10, 2020
Speaking of all in, holy *$#& Xia Li and Boa! I have NO CLUE where it’s going and I don’t care that I don’t know. I am absolutely loving it! Give me more! NOW!
Suddenly, the tag team division is very competive and we haven’t seen Breezango lately. Kudos to the Grizzled Young Veterans and Imperium for stepping it up a notch.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Montez Ford
Non-title Intercontinental Championship Match: Sami Zayn defeated Big E by countout
Liv Morgan & Ruby Riott defeated Billie Kay & Natalya
Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Chad Gable & Otis
SmackDown Championship Match: Carmella defeated Sasha Banks by DQ
It's official. It's @CarmellaWWE vs. @SashaBanksWWE for the SmackDown Women's Championship TONIGHT on FOX! pic.twitter.com/k9mp3SuP8C
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) December 12, 2020
Loved that the contract signing between Sasha Banks and Carmella to open the show DIDN’T take place in the ring. Something a little different was a bit refreshing having Carmella backstage. Plus, we get a main event title match out of it too! Poor Sommelier!
No surprise that we’re getting a tag team title defense for The Street Profits against Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode after Ziggler pinned Montez Ford Friday night. Good match to advance the feud and set up the title match coming up this Friday night.
Hated the countout victory by Sami Zayn over Big E in a non-title Intercontinental Championship Match. It did nothing for either guy. I like Zayn but here’s hoping this is the start of something big for Big E, pun intended. If you’re going to break him away from The New Day, there has to be a point. First, the I-C Title? Then, maybe a challenge for the Universal Championship down the road too?
.@BiancaBelairWWE brought the *literal* receipts! #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/SKtCTajPkK
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) December 12, 2020
Check the receipts! LOL! Well played Bianca Belair!
An ode to #WWETLC by @FightOwensFight pic.twitter.com/hsAGYn2Lae
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) December 12, 2020
"Kids, If you don't talk some sense into daddy, I am going to be the guy that takes the food off the table." – @WWERomanReigns to @FightOwensFight's family.#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/jHK6MM2LEm
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) December 12, 2020
Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns is going to be one insane TLC match. Owens promo was one of his best. Surrounded by his “friends” chair, table and ladder, KO hit hard on his family and just how good Reigns is but that he still vows to get back his Universal Championship. Reigns is so good, just being backstage looking so smug while Jey Uso attacks Owens is priceless. Having Paul Heyman remind him that everything is done on his time instead of running into the ring to fight KO reminds us that less is more. Then, it all turns personal when Reigns finds Owens in the back, beats him down and reminds the Owens family that he’s the one that puts food on the table and that he could take it off theirs. Delicious and well placed right in the middle of the show while the ladies take the main event.
Natalya & Billie Kay. What a waste! We will, though, take a Riott Squad victory anytime we can get it.
Chad Gable is sounding more and more like Kurt Angle and I dig it! I’m hoping Otis is not the only one to join Gable’s training group. Not a bad first pairing either, even in defeat to Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura.
𝒰 𝒩 𝒯 𝒪 𝒰 𝒞 𝐻 𝒜 𝐵 𝐿 𝐸 #SmackDown @CarmellaWWE pic.twitter.com/IKLtCXFLOJ
— WWE (@WWE) December 12, 2020
Carmella’s entrance – absolute smoke show! WOW! The trash talk during the match brought back a little old school feel to it. Carmella was pretty good before but she’s taking it to another level with this latest reincarnation. That was a really good match before the DQ ending. The WWE is relying too much on the DQ finish these days. The aftermath of the match – OMG! Smashing bottles over Banks while sipping champagne – very heelish! Looks like we’ll get round 2 at TLC as scheduled.
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#SmackDown @CarmellaWWE @SashaBanksWWE pic.twitter.com/CPDLEMUjgU
— WWE (@WWE) December 12, 2020
SmackDown hands down with the best show of the week!
Parting shots:
Having the WWE ThunderDome travel from Orlando to Tampa had little effect on SmackDown. Moving from the basketball arena to the spacious home of the Tampa Bay Rays, I thought the WWE would use some of that space to its advantage. There may be more screens, but maybe down the road we’ll see some additions but it’s first show in Tampa didn’t look a whole lot different than the last show in Orlando.
TLC PPV – Updated Card
WWE Championship: Drew McIntyre vs. AJ Styles
Universal Championship TLC Match: Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens
SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Sasha Banks vs. Carmella
The Fiend vs. Randy Orton
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler vs. Asuka & Lana
RAW Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day vs. Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin
Coming up this week:
RAW: Firefly Fun House at WWE ThunderDome
NXT: KUSHIDA & Leon Ruff vs. Johnny Gargano & Austin Theory
SMACKDOWN (on FS1): SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match: The Street Profits vs. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode Bianca Belair vs. Bayley
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