#you know when cats see u on the ground and join u??? yeah
kyitsya · 1 year
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creation imitates creator
(bot overworks himself, stone deals with the mess, and the badnik’s not helping)
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yanyanderes · 2 years
Yandere rottmnt brothers halloween speciell scenario:
You and the gang decided to go to a corn maze for halloween this year, dressed in your finest costumes you split up in groups of two but due to there being five of you Donnie opted to go alone. So the groups were Raph and Mikey, you and Leo. So there you were wandering through the tall corn stalks anticipating when the poorly carved out wooden skeleton would jump out and scare you. Despite being a scaredy cat you were the one to suggest this, Leo didn't complain however because of how close you were holding him. You stumbled upon a pile of leaves, the sight brought on your inner child as you ran towards them. Leo watches in amusement half tempted to join until something within the leaves caught his eye, he has never reacted so fast in his life. He grabbed you by the waist just as you were about to jump pulling you oway from the colorful pile taking a few straps back, you're confused and a bit peeved, you open your mouth to complain but Leo cuts you off.
“stay close to me”
He demanded, the sudden change in his tone shook you to your core. It wasn't often he was this serious, he cursed under his breath.
Slowly you looked down to where he was staring at, and although it was hard to see due to the lack of any light source except for the moonlight, when you did spot it it made your blood run cold.
Among the leaves were the metal jaws of a bear trap.
The lively little maze that you have threaded into wasn't so innocent looking anymore, it's laughable “scary” decor was now replaced with haunting imagery, the kinda stuff you could only dream of. Now with that in mind your goals have changed from having fun to finding the others, STAT.
The thing with the maze is that it's sentient, it wants to kill its victims in a way that would symbolize what monster they dressed up as, but now it's found an interest in you, and your “friends”. It senses what they have done behind closed doors or in the dark always. The scars on their adversaries would tell you that much, it serves as a burning memory of what will happen if they lay another finger on you. It wanted to see the extent the turtles are willing to go on keeping you safe.
Besides, there's nothing like tearing a family apart on Halloween :)
BRO I’M JUST- i’m sorry it took so long to respond, schedule’s been all over the place lately but like-
when i first read this i was in a library and i was trying so hard to not s c r e a m at how big brain you are
this is SO
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i’m sorry i just love this idea so much i-
you got me gushing in a library bro-
imagining all the brothers teaming up to get (y/n) out of the maze safely. they probably struggle to do this, assuming the maze has mystic powers that tamper with their weapons, meaning leo can’t just portal everyone out because that would be too easy. also the connection isn’t very good, so donnie has trouble tracking (y/n) down even with the tracker he secretly placed on them when they were asleep-
the moment donnie, mikey, and raph find out how dangerous this maze is, you can bet on your life they’re fIGHTING TOOTH AND NAIL TO GET BACK TO THEM, IF THEY COULD THEY’D B U R N THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND DO NOT TEST THEM.
with your idea of the maze killing it’s victims in a symbolic way and knowing what the brothers did, i’m just- my mind just keeps going back to the thought of the maze just taunting the brothers by subtly hinting to (y/n) about all the horrific things they do in their name, as if it’s like “lmao you’re gonna die knowing your loved ones are crazy obsessed psychopaths <3”
and the brothers are all scrambling around, trying to make sure (y/n) can’t see what’s going on. like, the maze will start making them see stuff and they’re all like
and the maze is just so smug seeing the brothers try to hide their dark secret while (y/n) is just like “????”
maybe everyone makes it out safe! the turtles, against all odds, escaped with (y/n), all without letting them know their secret!
but the whole event leaves (y/n) rather scarred, and they end up having nightmares because that whole thing was horrifying. the things they saw and went through, it ends up pushing them even further into the brothers’ arms, giving them more chances to isolate them from their other loved ones. ok, maybe this little outing had a few upsides…
and then there’s a possibility of everyone making it out safely, but (y/n) learned what the brothers are really like and cut them out of their life, leading to the brothers kidnapping them.
“(y/n)! i’m sorry, you- you were never meant to see any of that! come here, i know you’re scared- no, don’t push me away… we don’t wanna force you into anything. but we can’t let you get hurt again.”
“we’ve been keeping you safe for years, we just helped you out of a death-maze, and you still wanna leave us?? no! we’re not gonna let that happen!”
“if anything, today has proven that you truly need us. who else can say they would fight a sentient corn maze for you, hm? now, we could either do this the easy way or the hard way.”
“don’t worry! we know you’re scared, but we promise, we’ll keep you safe from now on! because you’ll never leave the lair again! we’ll have so much fun! we can cook together, watch movies together, play games together-”
and then there’s the possibility of making it out… not in tip-top shape.
if one of the brothers gets really badly hurt, or doesn’t even make it out… ohhh boy. that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms.
will probably expand a bit more on the last topic when halloween gets closer. who knows 😌
this is really making me wanna draw all the turtles together with (y/n), dang-
your scenarios are ✨immaculate✨ thank you v much for sharing and happy halloween✨✨✨✨
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // next
part one
word count: 1.7k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u all enjoy this !! i am a sucker for soulmate au’s <3 let me know what u guys think and if u guys want a part 2 !!!
Bucky awoke to the sound of the guards unlocking the door, the metal creaking as Alexander Pierce walked in, waving the guards off to leave the two alone.
“you have another mission today” the man spoke smoothly, bucky getting up from his small bed and staring at the man infront of him, “you need to finish this before it gets out of hand” pierce spoke, eyeing the soldier as he stared blankly ahead.
“Do you understand?” He questioned, bucky looked at him, nodding his head silently as the guards took him out, taking him to get ready for his mission.
He had stopped resisting, he had nothing left, he couldn’t remember much and he had no idea who he even was. Bucky followed the motions, suiting up and grabbing his weapons alongside the other HYDRA agents.
You frowned at steve and natasha, grumbling to yourself as Sam let you into the house.
“im y/n, sorry about these two” you smiled at the man, extending your hand out and turning to your two friends.
“thank you for coming y/n, we really need you” Steve spoke, natasha nodding in agreement as she dried her hair slowly.
“yeah, yeah everyone always needs me” you joked, sitting next to them and rubbing your eyes, “woke me up from my nap so this better be good” you spoke, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back.
Steve and natasha explained the situation, telling you what they knew about the winter soldier, you soaked in the information, attempting to google him but coming up with almost nothing.
“hm, so you want me to do what, exactly” you questioned, looking at the trio staring back at you.
“fight with us, help us, we have to stop HYDRA” Steve spoke, looking at natasha before continuing, “i don’t know who to trust and” he sighed, “we know we can trust you, are you in?”
You smiled, getting up and pulling the three in for a hug, sams eyes going wide.
“of course I’m in, i care about you guys too much to let you die alone” you chuckled, pulling away, looking at Sam before speaking up, “no ones dying by the way, right?”
The four of you were on the rooftop, getting information out of Sitwell, laughing when natasha kicked him off.
“What about that girl from accounting, Laura?” Natasha spoke, looking at Steve as he thought about the woman’s name.
“Lillian! Lip piercing right?” Natasha nodded and Steve shook his head.
“yeah I’m not ready for that” you laughed at the two lightly.
“you should get with the time have a little fun!” You teased, Natasha smiling as you sided with her, nodding her head excitedly.
As Sam brought Sitwell back you began the interrogation, threatening to throw the man off for good is he didn’t start talking. Your eyes were steely and they let you handle him, getting all the information you needed.
“i didn’t know you could be so-” sam stopped, trying to find the right words.
“evil?” Natasha offered.
“terrifying?” Steve chuckled and Sam nodded.
“Insight launched in 16 hours” you spoke up, checking your phone, Natasha nodded speaking up after you, “we’re cutting it kinda close here.”
Steve looked ahead with furrowed brows nodding his head, “well use him to bypass the DNA scans and bypass the helicarriers directly.”
Sitwell scoffed next to you, blabbering on about you something, you rolled your eyes, going to say something when someone reached through the window and threw him out, your eyes going wide.
“what the fuck!” You screeched, looking up and seeing who you assumed was the winter soldier.
Your eyes were wide as you stared out the windshield, a tug in your chest as you saw him sliding across the concrete, steadying himself with his metal arm.
Natasha pulled her gun out, aiming at the man. A car rear ended you, pushing you forward and knocking your wind out. The soldier jumped atop the car, holding on tight as the truck behind you pushed you all foward.
Sam pressed on the breaks, trying to steer away from the other cars. A metal hand reached through the windshield and tore the steering wheel out from his grasp.
“shit!” Sam yelled, eyes wide as the car drove into another, Natasha reaching her gun and shooting in hopes of hitting the masked man.
Steve grabbed onto the three in the front, looking back at you with wide eyes.
“go!” You yelled, scrambling to open the door before the car crashed into the wall.
“hang on!” Steve called, jumping out, with you bracing yourself for the impact seconds after, you flew out the door, hitting the ground with a thud.
You ran to join natasha and Sam, ducking behind cars to avoid the bullets, finally pulling out your pocket knife and hitting one of the men in the chest, running again as they shot at you three even more.
You and natasha jumped down, holding onto her as she shot something under the bridge to swing from.
The two of you landed safely, you pointed to the shadow of the solider, running alongside her to shoot at the man.
You both aimed and fired, hitting his giggled and causing him to turn back. You let out a sigh, hoping they would give you a minute to recover. You both ran for cover as he leaned back over, machine gun in hand and shooting wildly.
“fucks sake” you let out, breathless as you aimed to shoot back at him, running for cover once again, hiding behind the parked cars. Your eyes focusing on the bus steve had fallen into, relief flooding your body when you saw him jumping out and hiding behind the shield safely, eyes moving to the highway and seeing Sam shooting from above.
“I’m gonna leave this recording here, ill sneak up behind him and then you try and get him, we can double team him” Natasha spoke, you nodded, letting her record the memo before setting it down and running.
Your heart raced as you saw the soldier approach the vehicle, waiting for the right moment to strike. As Natasha ran to tackle him from behind you noticed the amount of people still around you, the explosion next to you sending people flying.
“shit” you mumbled, running to help them as Natasha held her own.
“get out of the way! Run! Get out of here” you yelled, pointing at those in frenzy to run in the opposite direction, you glanced over your shoulder, Natasha being thrown into a car.
As you turned to help her you noticed a little girl crying, alone. You debated for a second before running up to her, taking her in your arms and handing her off to some random adult who was fleeing.
Natasha had messed the man arm up, joining her in her sprint as you all yelled for people to move and to take cover. You heard the whirl of a bullet and natasha groan, doubling over next to a car.
“take of her!” Steve yelled, holding off the soldier. You let eyes were wide, putting pressure on Natasha wound and looking around.
“you’re gonna be fine” you told her, looking into the car and breaking the window with your elbow, opening the compartment in the passengers seat and smiling when you found a first aid kit.
“come on” you mumbled, moving her gently and cleaning the wound, doing your best with what little you had. You tried to bandage her, the sound of the bullets hitting Steve’s shield making your hands shake.
“go help them, I’ll be fine” Natasha groaned out, you hesitated before nodding, running to where Steve was.
You hid behind a car, watching as he shoved a knife into a van, barely missing Steve’s head.
You jumped from behind the car as Steve reached to grab his shield, hitting the metal armed man, you used your body weight to twist him back.
Visions flashed in your eyes, quick flashes of a man with a charming smile and beautiful blue eyes. The sound of laughter echoing in your ears as the mask fell besides you. You saw the two of you cuddled up on a couch, you saw two two of you watching a sunset while on a picnic, giggles falling from your mouth.
Bucky saw it too, his mind flashing with pictures of a life he didn’t recognize, seeing you, his mission in them. He saw you cuddled at his side, he saw you on a stage together singing with lyrics on a screen, he saw the two of you rescuing a white cat from the rain. Bucky saw you holding out a present for him, a bright smile on you face, he saw you throwing flour at him in a kitchen, cookies baking in an over.
He stayed on the ground, memories who he used to be flooding his mind, hope of who he could become clouding his judgement.
Tears brimmed in his eyes as he looked up at you, standing in front of Steve with an equally shocked look on your face.
“it’s you” you breathed out, your heart tugging in your chest as your eyes met his blue ones, they were cloudy and they were broken but god, you already loved them.
“it’s you” he whispered. A year rolling down his face before HYDRA agents surrounded you all.
“Bucky?” Steve spoke, finally getting a good look at the man.
The super soldier stayed quiet, panic in his eyes and he looked at you, setting his weapon down. You made a move to run to him, but Sam flew in, knocking him feet away from you, Natasha soon launching a grenade.
“no!” You screamed, running to where he was. He was gone.
“No! Please i just found him no!” You cried, sinking to you knees, Sam ran over to you, holding you tightly as you sobbed, agents surrounding the four of you and telling you all to get down on your knees.
You sobbed into sams chest, only leaving his embrace when the agents ripped you from him.
Buckys eyes were wide as he sat in the chair, his heart racing as he recalled your face, your hair. He recalled the flashes he saw, his future with you.
He had something to hold onto, he had something to fight for, someone to survive for. He thought about the man who was next to you, he was familiar, he was in his old memories.
Buckys mind raced, knowing they would wipe his memories, he soaked in every last detail, praying he could hold onto to what he had after they wiped him.
He could hold onto you, his hope.
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oikadori · 4 years
First off i really like your work thank you so much for making them, stay safe. And stay hydrated... This is my first time requesting. Ummmm can you please do osamu, sakusa and kenma. Like after the timeskip and the wife is on vacations and they were the one who take cares of the kids for the time being and they leave the lil demon for a moment and he/she destroyed the whole house and their wife is coming home any moment. I wanna know what their reaction and action will be. Thank you.
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⇢ includes: osamu, sakusa , kenma,  
⇢ genre // warnings: fluff , f!reader // swears, dad!sakusa gets kinda mad but then all is good. 
⇢ wc~ 0,9K
a/n: this is so sweet ?? pleasee thank you for requesting nonnie !!hope u like these. special thanks to @hvnlydmn who helped me figure out how i wanted to do these! ILY AINS <33 kithes
reblogs are highly appreciated :)
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Two pairs of big grey eyes peak from the couch in Osamu’s direction. His sleepy eyes adjusting to the light, unwrapping the chaos his living room has turned into.
Your twins are sitting comfortably on the couch, both of their mouths full of candies and their faces painted with red jelly, the same jelly that is now on the kitchen floor. Snacks are smeared all over the place and the couch is full of crumbs, but the little kids are wearing happy smiles.
“Daddy just went to sleep for fifteen minutes ‘cause he was tired and this is how you are gonna greet mommy when she’s back?”
Osamu’s tone is rather playful than harsh, he doesn’t have the heart to put on his serious face when your kids are smiling at him with those puffy cheeks. He breathes heavily, walking towards them, stopping right in front of the TV to catch their  attention.
“So, which one of ya is gonna help me clean this?”, he crosses his arms over his beefy chest as the little girl and the little boy blink at his words.
“He!” “She!”
They point at the other, looking up at your husband, who’s lips curve into a smile, the scene feeling familiar to him bringing back a piece of his childhood with Atsumu.
“Right…” a deep chuckle leaves his throat as he kneels between them, taking a napkin out, “But first I’ll have to get ya both clean”
He grabs your daughter’s cheek, earning a girly giggle out of her when he whipped away the jelly from her chin. Osamu freezes, feeling his phone buzzing in his pocket.
I’ll be there in 5!!! Love you !
He reads the message in slow motion as his son drops some more candies onto the floor and his daughter puts more sweets into her mouth. Osamu locks eyes with the two kids, fear printed in his face.
“Yer mom is gonna kill me”
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“What…What happened?”
Sakusa says, almost dropping the towel he was using to dry off his dark, wet curls as he stares at the scene in front of him. The walls of the hall are covered with lines and figures and your daughter is standing proud next to it.
“LOOK, DADDY!“. The little girl points with her chubby fingers at the walls showing off her artistic skills to her dad but Sakusa’s face is pale. He moves towards her with his brows furrowed, her smile slowly fading.
“Y-you didn’t like it?”
“It’s not that… but good kids don’t draw on the walls while their dads are taking a shower!”, he points at the drawings, noticing her daughter’s dress stained with yellow, “―and you’ve ruined your dress!”
He doesn’t notice the harshness in his voice until he hears a little sniffle. Sakusa blinks, founding a big pout taking over his daughter’s face, making his breath hitch in his throat.
“I-I just wanted to give mommy a surprise”
She looks at the floor, playing with her fingers and Sakusa’s heart drops to the ground. His eyes soften instantly and he bends down, caressing the top of her head and holding her small hand in his.
“ Hey, I’m sorry love, daddy it’s just a bit tired and he misses mommy too” He thumbs her daughter’s cheek before tracing the yellow spot on her dress with his fingers “let’s change you into some clean clothes, okay angel?”
Your daughter nods eagerly, putting a grin on Sakusa’s lips.
“That’s my perfect girl!” Your daughter smiles again as he picks her up easily from the floor, kissing her cheek in his way to her room but the click the key makes with the door causes both of them to still, looking at each other with wide eyes.
“ it's mom!” she yells with the biggest smile on her face, stealing a chuckle from the spiker.
“Yeah, I’m excited to see her too.”
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“Sorry, I’ll be back in 5. I have to check upon a little something of mine”
Kenma says with a soft grin before taking off his headsets and stopping his stream. He heads to his son’s room when a loud thud makes him freeze in the spot. He trips in his way to the living room, finding your big, flat screen Tv laying on the floor.
“shit“ he curses under his breath, his cat-like eyes widening as he spots his kid standing with an innocent face next to the TV.
“Mmh, I guess this is the part where I scold you….” Kenma hides his hands in his pockets, thinking about his next words. Your son moves towards him, stopping right in front of him to hold his hoodie, pulling the fabric to catch his attention.
“Can you play with me now, daddy?” Kenma’s amber eyes widen and his lips curl into a grin.
“So, you destroyed the living room to call daddy’s attention?”, your child nods, embarrassed, and Kenma tilts his head.
“I’m sorry daddy”
“I guess―if you know it was wrong, we are all good, bubs” Kenma whispers, patting his head and hugging him lightly, “but you mommy isn’t as cool as your daddy”
He grins devilish at his son when a familiar ringtone fills the room. Your son quickly unwraps your husband’s waist to pick up his tablet, a picture of you popping on the screen
Your son looks at his dad in fear and Kenma ruffles his dark hair with calm eyes before grabbing the device to answer the call. He giggles at the way your eyes seem to fall from your face when you catch a glimpse of your living room.
He takes out his wallet, sighing softly before giving you a cocky grin from across the screen.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll buy you a new living room.”
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TAGLIST :  @sazunari @hajiswife @oikadiors @arrogantsonofabiscuit @wak4tosh1 @asteroid-babe @kenmaki @kouffee-ink @mjoork @tobiosbbyghorl @evelynn27 @akkeyomi @devilgirlcrybabiey @ilovecheese08 @realityisabitch-blr @itsmeaudrieee
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bloomingjungwon · 3 years
please write a heeseung college!au !!!! ♡♡
college!au heeseung
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: thank you for requesting! sorry if this is so long, i kind of got carried away and i was kind of inspired by one of my favorite blogger's writing style
major: cinematography (don't ask why, i can just imagine him being so into making motion pictures)
he'd probably minor in like north american or woman studies tbh
i can see him as a really quiet, doesn't involve himself in too many things, kind of student
doesn't really speak up when it isn't needed
but if it's a topic he's really familiar with, you can't shut him up
definitley the type of student to sit in the very front even if the classroom has like a billion seats left open
i also see him as the type to never be in the library, he usually just studies out on the grass or in a very underrated cafe.
lives off of coffee to the point his roomate!jake tells him he smells like coffee 25/8
you know how gym freaks take a shot of like protein powder before their workout? yeah that's him but with ground up coffee beans if he is in a rush and doesn't want to wait for his coffee to brew.
it's kinda funny, you don't know heeseung, and he doesn't know you. but you pass each other almost everyday because you also go to the same cafe as him.
like youre always leaving as he enters and like????
hello how r u not noticing such an amazing human being
but dont worry, ya'll meet some day
you're walking across your campus and the bulletin board catches your attention
amongst all the papers screaming "tutor needed" or "join our club", theres a flier SMACK DAB in the middle
"class do20 presents mini films at flint theatre this friday!"
and like, that peaks your interests
because you've always appreciated people's works
but you're kinda just standing in the middle of the walkway and staring at it , you don't realize someone standing next to you
"are you going to go and watch?"
you nearly jumped out of your skin cause like, who tf just talks to someone without getting their attention first
heeseung does
and now he's just staring at you waiting for an answer
"uh,, yeah seems kind of interesting. why? are you?"
"i have no choice to. i'm a part of it, i just haven't started on my film yet."
.... homie, the show is on friday and it's currently tuesday
no words or expressions are exchanged and you're just staring awkwardly at each other
but in reality, you two are just silently admiring each other's features
"do you want to be a part of my film?"
your blank expression turned into a "wtf" kind of expression
"you want me, a complete stranger, to be a part of your film?"
he proceeds to tell you that it'll be a lot easier for him to work with a stranger since he'd most likely not mess around
because this boy needs to get his assignment done asap
and you kind of hesitate but then you're like "well, fuck it. sure"
and then he smiles. and holy
this guy has one of the most captivating smiles ever and you literally feel your heart stop for a small second
"let's get started today, if that's okay with you?" he suggests
and you agree and tell him you have one more class, but he can meet you at a cafe you're usually at
and now it's his turn for his heart to skip a beat because he's talking to an attractive person who just willingly agreed to help him on his project AND goes to the same underrated cafe???
but before he can say anything.. you're already walking away
and now he's just standing there dumb and love struck
but yeah heeseung is already at the cafe thirty min early while he waits for you, camera out facing the door, waiting for you to enter
catches you on film as you walk inside and he kinda just watches you in awe as you're scanning the room to find where he is
you give him a small smile and wave and in that moment, heeseung knew what title he was giving his film
you take your seat and you're like "so, what would you like me to do?"
and heeseung just asks you to do whatever you would usually do at the cafe
and you're like oh sweet. that's easy.
so you ask him what kind of coffee he wants and when he tells you, you stand up to leave and order coffee
he films everything
from you standing in line awkwardly, you picking at your nails, scrolling through your phone, ordering... literally everything
you come back holding both cups (which of course he films too)
"i usually just do my homework while i'm here, but i don't have a lot today"
"that's fine. you can just do it, and if it's okay, i can ask you questions to get to know you better."
"yeah that's okay with me. i can multitask well. i think."
that earns you a chuckle from him
he angles the camera at the end of the end of the table, focusing on you
and ya'll just do homework together and learn new things about each other
like how you eat pizza with a fork and knife because you refuse to get your hands dirty
which heeseung reacts with "do you need professional help?"
but homie blurts out he lives and breathes off of ramen noodles and his roomate!jake has to restock for him every two days
and you're like.... "you're the one who needs professional help."
and for a couple hours
you guys are just goofing around and talking to each other as if you've known each other for years
homework done, three cups of coffee later, heeseung's camera runs out of battery so he calls it a day
chooses the next location to film
a dog park
so the next day, classes done, you meet him at the dog park, and even brought your dog
films you throwing tennis balls, petting dogs, and even you getting chased by a dog
laughs throughout the whole filming process but then internally regrets it because he notices it could probably be heard in the video
breaks it to you that he has enough content for his project
and lowkey youre kind of sad because you've had fun being around him the past two days but you keep it to yourself
"i'm glad i could help. i can't wait to see it heeseung."
loves the way you say his name and now he's sad too because he doesn't really have an excuse to hang out with you more
so ya'll part ways after saying bye
but it's not some dramatic "i'm never going to see them again"
cause ya'll run into each other again at the cafe the next day
and it's kind of unspoken but ya'll just silently agree to sit down with each other and work on homework
you, reading out of your textbook, and him working diligently on his laptop (shh he's editing his film)
and you kind of steal glances his way and he's just smiling to himself as he works
and that's because he loves the way his film is coming along, and he loves seeing you
because in that moment, you both realize you have feelings for each other
but once again it's unspoken cause you're both scaredy cats
you call it a day and say bye and him back
you guys don't see each other until the night of the film show
and you're like okay i'll tell him i have feelings for him after the show
little did you know, he was thinking the same thing about you
but he's up in the film booth sweating his ass off because he knows you're somewhere in the crowd
and all of a sudden he doesn't want to be there
"what if they don't like me in that way?" "what if they take my video the wrong way?"
internally and externally panics
but before he can grab his cd and break it, the lights turn off and oh shit the show is starting
tbh, the films from the other students were quite interesting and you were enjoying each one
but this uncomfortable feeling was forming in the pit of your stomach
were you anxious? nervous?
idk but you were anticipating heeseung's film
and finally on the screen appeared heeseung's picture and biography
you didn't even notice the smile growing on your face
you thought to yourself, what did he even name his film?
"love through my eyes"
does heeseung have feelings for me too? or did they switch up someone's film with his??
but nope, there was no switch up
you watched yourself on the screen, from you smiling at him at the first moments in the cafe, to you laughing at his eating habits, and to you being chased by the dog, audibly hearing heeseung's giggles
but you thought it was over until there were more clips of the both of you in the cafe
however, they weren't from the first meeting. the clothes you both were wearing were different
wait, isn't this from two days ago? he filmed us that day?
from a hidden angle, the camera caught you two stealing glances at each other when the other wasn't paying attention.
you looked at him with stars in your eyes, and when you went back to your textbook, he stole glances at you as if your were his entire universe
speechless, the film ended, and with his film being last, the show ended and the lights turned back on
you didn't even applaud, for you ran out of the building immediatley, looking for heeseung
and there he is at the entrance of the theatre just staring at his feet
looks up when you hear him running up to him
"so... the film" he starts
but you don't let him finish because you pull him by the shirt and kiss him
and he's shocked because what the fuck they're kising me?!?!
but relaxes and kisses you back
and yeah, that's how your relationship starts
and expect him to film you at random times
would probably treasure "love through my eyes" and play it as a surprise at your guys' wedding in the future
im crying
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Something About You
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Summary: He has been going on dates, meeting new people online, wanting to find the girl of his dreams. But so far, all of them whom he met either have nothing in common with him or has a lot of common interest except cats. He has 3 cats so he could never imagine dating someone who would never get along with his cats. Turns out, the girl he has been dreaming about happens to be a lot closer than he think.
Theme: University au, partial strangers to friends to lovers
Genre: Fluffy fluff
WC: 4.2k
Pairing: Lee Minho x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! I’m back with a new fic. Hope you enjoy!
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“So, how was your date?” Chan asked his roommate who had just entered their shared apartment looking just as tired and done as his pet cats. The boy simply frowned, kicking off his shoes and went straight to their living room only to crash on the couch next to where the older boy was seated with his laptop in his lap, probably just composing new tracks.
“Horrible. Probably won’t be getting back to her anytime soon.” Minho shrugged before taking out his phone only to scroll through YouTube of cat videos. 
Just then, a soft meow came from below his feet only for Soonie to hop into Minho’s lap and purred when he stroked its head to its tail in a loving motion. Chan let out a soft chuckle. He had a hunch on why this date didn’t work out just like the rest of Minho’s date.
“Was she another one of those girls who are scared of cats?” Chan asked but Minho’s face turned into a scowl.
“Worse. Can you believe she actually kicked the poor kitty away when all it wanted was a pet from her? God, how can some people be so awful?!” Minho grunted in annoyance, making Chan gasp in shock.
He has heard about all Minho’s past dates being scared of cats and sometimes even running away from them but never did he think someone would actually harm the poor animal. 
“Geez, yeah, she is definitely out of your list then.”
“Tell me about it.” Minho rolled his eyes as he got up to take a warm shower after a terrible first date.
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The next morning, Y/N got woken up by her blaring alarm that has been going off for the past 5 minutes. Her morning lecture was in an hour but her roommate and also her close friend, Sana had already left since she had classes slightly earlier. She forced herself out of bed, only to shower and change into a comfortable outfit that was campus appropriate.
She managed to stop by the café right outside her apartment to get her morning dose of caffeine before walking to campus that was conveniently 20 minutes away from where they lived.
Y/N arrived on campus 5 minutes before her first class, making her way straight to class on the opposite side of the back entrance. Y/N was a CS major while Sana was a Psych major, hence the different schedules. She wasn’t really an outgoing type of girl, but she’s not exactly an introvert either.
Y/N has never been the one to start a random conversation with someone first. But, once she feels comfortable with a person, she can joke and chat for hours and never get tired of it.
She was a shy yet friendly girl at the same time and that’s what makes Sana befriend her so easily.
Above else, Y/N was a very sporty girl and she loved playing netball. Hence, the reason why she was the Team Captain of Konkuk U girl’s netball team. Sana wasn’t in the sport but she always came down to support her best friend if they had any tournaments for that season. Hours passed and Y/N had just finished her classes, only to receive a text from Sana, telling her to meet at the cafeteria.
Y/N entered the cafeteria hall with her laptop in one hand and her phone in the other, just scrolling through her twitter when she came to a stop at the entrance to try and find her friend.
When she spotted her blonde haired roommate standing by a table where there were at least 8 guys seated at, she knew it was Sana’s best guy friend.
Y/N walked as her eyes were trained to her phone screen but her feet brought her exactly to where Sana was. She didn’t realise where she was walking until she heard Sana’s adorable voice calling out her name.
The said girl froze in her spot, seeing that she was just 2 feet away from her and the guys.
Y/N simply smiled, proceeding to join Sana by the side of the table, only for her eyes to naturally travel to the people seated at the table. If she could admit, she was currently staring at two rows of handsome looking guys.
“Babe! This is my best friend I told you about! This is Chan. Chan, this is my roommate and best friend, Y/N!” Sana introduced them to each other, only for Chan to smile. He stuck his hand out, making Y/N shake it gently.
“Hello. It’s nice to finally meet you!” Chan said as a smile appeared on his face.
“Hey, nice to meet you too.” Y/N mimicked his expression, something she normally did when she just met someone.
“Don’t mind her, she’s just shy!” Sana explained and some of the boys found themselves smiling at this remark. Just then, Y/N’s eyes seemed to find it’s own way towards Minho who was seated at the very end of the table. Of course she doesn’t know him, but he did attract her eye for being quite cute. Probably even cuter than the others.
“Okay guys, I’ll see you later. Y/N let’s go! I’m starving!” Sana giggled as she bid the boys goodbye before linking her arms with her roommate and soon dragged her down the cafeteria aisle.
“You didn’t tell us your best friend’s friend is cute too?!” Jisung said, causing Chan to shrug.
“Sorry guys, cause I didn’t know either.” Chan teased, making Jisung roll his eyes but a small chuckle left his lips right after.
A few weeks passed and as expected, Y/N often rejected Sana’s offer of joining her to hang out with the guys not because she didn’t like them. It was because she was shy and Sana of course understood this but she never pressed on it. Instead, she gave Y/N the chance to willingly join if she wanted to without any pressure.
However, it was a Thursday late afternoon and the girl’s netball team was having a tournament that day. As promised, Sana came down to support Y/N and her team. Except this time, she made sure to tag all the boys along and they came without a single doubt.
Y/N was just doing her warm up when she glanced over to the bleachers, that’s when she saw Sana and the rest of the guys on the fourth and fifth rows of the bleachers.
Y/N didn’t know why but she found herself instantly smiling when she saw that they came down to support her. Just then, Sana happened to look over and she locked eyes with Y/N, making her wave her hand up high as she let out a soft giggle.
She responded back with a small wave while some of the guys did the same.
Right at that moment, she locked eyes with Minho who was seated in the seat just below Sana. For some reason, she could feel her heartbeat speeding up in her chest.
Almost an hour later, it’s the final round and it was between Konkuk U and Sogang U. Y/N currently sat on the ground beside the bench where her team members were seated.
“Alright girls. I have a lot of faith in you guys but let’s switch some of you so that you guys get to participate in the games fair and square.” Y/N announced to her teammates who then nodded, waiting for her next command. After switching 3 of the players and Y/N was satisfied with this, the 7 players soon cheered before going to the court.
The game started and it already got pretty intense.
Sogang U was winning by a thread but Y/N tried to keep the game in their court. Right when Yeri was about to toss the ball towards Y/N who was sprinting forwards, a member from the Sogang team forcefully threw themselves against her form.
Y/N practically got thrown across the court when she crashed onto the ground with an awful loud thud before she slid to a stop.
At the fall, she managed to hit her head on the ground from the impact, causing her to go lightheaded for a brief moment. A series of gasps were heard from the crowd, watching her press her forehead against the ground as a hiss left her lips.
The girl who shoved her, only smirked before they continued the game.
“Oh no…” Sana whispered as they stared at Y/N’s limp body. Just then, Yeri ran to her team captain, only for her to gasp asking if she wanted to swap with anyone on the team. Y/N brushed her off when Yeri helped her up, only to hear that Sogang U scored another point.
She rubbed her temple slightly, wincing in pain but nonetheless told Yeri that she was okay. Just then, their coach shouted at Y/N to swap with Irene but Y/N gave him a shake of her head followed by an ‘okay’ sign and soon resumed the game. Her friends watched anxiously as Minho couldn’t keep his eyes off her.
“Why won’t you just rest?” He whispered under his breath when he saw her jog to get the ball.
A few moments later, the same opponent from Sogang U targeted Y/N again, pushing Y/N by her shoulders. Y/N almost lost her balance but she swiftly threw the ball over their heads, towards Lisa on the other side of the court.
The girl snarled at Y/N but she gave the girl a soft smirk before raising an eyebrow up to taunt her.
A few runs later, the girl purposely tripped Y/N, making her accidentally fall backwards with her ass hitting the ground hard. Y/N glared at the girl, only to hear a few seconds later that Konkuk U was taking the victory trophy.
The girls were just walking back to their side of the hall when somebody roughly turned her around and threw a snarky remark to her and her team.
“Better luck next time, when I actually get you on the bench. That way my team for sure can win that trophy.” The girl said before she gave Y/N’s cheek a few slaps. Y/N’s friends who saw this were furious as Chan and Felix practically had to hold Sana back. Y/N scoffed, watching the girls of Sogang U continue walking while Y/N’s teammates comforted her, telling her it’s okay. 
Once everyone in the bleachers were leaving, Y/N was just wiping her neck from the sweat when Sana came running to her with her arms open. Sana gave her a few words of comfort, telling her not to be too affected by whatever that girl said. After the tournament was over and their coach had dismissed them, she took her duffle bag. They were walking towards the entrance of the hall when her vision suddenly went black and her head was pounding. 
A soft groan left her lips when she nearly collapsed down to the left side but someone was quick to catch her and it was Minho. He wrapped an arm around her waist while the other hand reached for her forearm that was clutching onto her head.
“Woah. Are you okay?” His voice soft, laced with obvious worry.
Y/N nodded, letting Sana help Minho hold her as they each held her on either side. Outside the campus’ back entrance, Minho asked if Y/N was strong enough to walk back to her apartment with Sana alone and she said yes.
Sana told the boys she would update them if anything happened along the way. But the girls ended up going home safely, only for her to recover in just two days.
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A week passed and it was a Saturday night, where Sana told Y/N she would be out with her boyfriend. Y/N decided to head to a nearby library to study since the campus was closed on weekends. It was already nearing 10pm, probably the reason why she kept yawning every 5 minutes.
“Maybe I should head home.” She thought as she began to slowly pack her bags and soon left.
The boys on the other hand had just finished checking out the new steakhouse downtown. Simply hanging out without having alcohol involved.
They were just walking down the dimly lit street, their voices were probably the only audible sounds currently apart from the cars driving past every few minutes. The street was quite empty, they could literally count with their fingers on how many people they’ve passed by.
They were just talking about some soccer league when Minho’s eyes travelled towards the alley down the road, only to see a girl petting what looks to be a stray cat.
His eyes lit up as a smile tugged on his lips.
He has never seen anyone openly pet a stray cat around this area before so he was quite surprised to say the least. Nevertheless, he smiled brightly as he quickened his pace, telling the boys to meet up with him at that alley where the cat and unknown girl was.
Minho briskly walked towards the alley, only to be met with a very familiar face.
At the mention of her name, she turned to look up towards the guy standing by the sidewalk, currently looking down at her just gently scratching the cat’s ears.
“Minho? Hey…” She smiled and she could feel her heartbeat pick up speed.
“What are you doing out here at this late timing alone?” He asked, genuinely worried.
“I was at the library studying. I‘m on my way home actually.” She admitted, only to feel her cheeks heat up. Just then, she heard Chan’s voice from behind her, making her turn around.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Chan asked, making her giggle with a nod.
“Where were you headed?” He asked.
But before she could answer, a soft meow echoed down the street as the cat pressed it’s head into Y/N’s open hands, making her giggle. 
This small gesture was enough to make the boys smile, and maybe Minho’s heart to flutter.
“I actually just told Minho that I was about to head home from the library, when this adorable little one just started following me from down the block and I don’t think it’s gonna leave my side anytime soon.” Y/N said with a soft sigh. The cat meowed yet again as though responding to her.
Minho tilted his head to the side in confusion upon hearing her sigh when she looked down at the pretty brown fur ball before scratching the side of the cat’s face again.
“As much as you’re super adorable, I can’t take you home with me, baby.” Her voice was soft. The cat simply purred with soft round eyes staring back at her. Her words came as a shock to some of them but curious to the remaining.
“Wait, why can’t you?” Minho asked.
“I’m actually sensitive to cats.” She confessed, only for Minho’s heart to blossom. She’s sensitive to cats and yet she still pets them and even showers them with love? Where has she been all his life?
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is it bad though?” Hyunjin asked, only for her to shake her head.
“I can touch them, but if I stay too long in an enclosed area with them, my skin will start to get red and itchy, and my nose would start to get runny.” Y/N said pressing her lips in a thin line, making the guys nod, feeling bad for her.
Just then, Minho squats down beside her figure only to stretch his arm over to pet the cat and the little fur ball just willingly went over to him. The cat rubs its face against Minho’s knees and thighs. Y/N couldn’t help but smile when she saw just how equally loving he was towards it. At that very moment, Minho just happened to look up only to catch her looking at him.
A small little bubble burst in the pit of his stomach as she soon tickled the cat’s lower back, making it go to her.
Y/N giggled when the cat stood on its hind legs, pressing its two front paws on her collarbone, making her laugh. Y/N cupped the fur ball’s face and soon caressed it sweetly before she nuzzled her nose against the cat’s pink ones, only for the cat to meow in her face.
“Looks like it really loves you Y/N.” Chan said, making her laugh.
However, her smile was soon wiped off and a soft frown appeared on her face. But this didn’t go unnoticed by Minho. So he suggested something quite smart.
“I have an idea. We’ll distract it while you quickly head back home. You know? To avoid it from following you?” Minho said, making the rest of them nod in agreement. She stared at the cat for slightly too long before she locked eyes with Minho, only for her to mouth to him softly.
“Thank you.”
With that being said, the rest of the boys slowly began to huddle around the cat while Y/N carefully got up and tiptoed her way down the street in the direction of her apartment.
She glanced back when she was reaching the traffic junction, only to catch Minho staring at her with a very soft expression. After she finally turned the corner, Changbin couldn’t help but speak up while the rest were busy pouring their attention on the cat.
“Damn, she’s pretty, she’s a team captain, she’s nice, AND she loves cats even though she’s allergic to it? I think you’ve found your match made in heaven, hyung.” He ended with his usual smirk, wiggling his eyebrows to Minho only for the elder boy to huff although he knew deep down that what Changbin said was right.
Y/N went home that night only to find her mind going back to when Minho looked so in love with the cat. Why did that make him look so… so endearing?
She smiled to herself thinking about how happy he looked when the cat was practically smearing its scent all over him. Y/N simply shook her head off of the thoughts and soon took a fresh shower before heading to bed, with Sana still nowhere to be seen.
Ever since that night, Y/N slowly began to warm up with the guys more. Especially Minho since it seemed as though they could literally talk about cats for hours. She found out later that he owned 3 cats in his shared apartment with Chan and that they were basically his children. She couldn’t help but laugh despite finding that extremely cute.
Y/N was added to their group chat which had the boys and Sana in it, only for her to exchange numbers with Minho as well. It has been 3 months since they’ve gotten closer and needless to say, Minho started to fall for her as the days go by and so did she.
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It was currently a Saturday evening and both her and Sana got invited to Chan’s place to just hangout and chill, in which the girls agreed without a second thought.
Y/N wore her denim ripped skinny jeans, a shirt tucked in, a black jacket and her converse. Sana wore an open shoulder dress and a pair of vans since she was just a very girly girl compared to Y/N.
They arrived at Chan’s shared apartment, only for her to find out that Minho had kept his cats in his room. Something he doesn’t do whenever any of them come over.
Perhaps he cared for her and he didn’t want her to get sick for coming to their house.
Despite the teasing coming from his friends, he simply ignored them. He brushed them off by saying that he was just trying to be nice. When the girls entered the apartment, immediately, Y/N could already feel her nose being tickled by the atmosphere thanks to the cats living in that space.
But it wasn’t too serious yet but still, a small sneeze left her lips.
They greeted the guys who were in the living room when Minho came out of his room in just grey sweatpants, a tank top and his cutely tousled hair.
As soon as Minho locked eyes with Y/N, he froze in his spot. He saw the small smile on her face, making him shy all of a sudden. A few minutes later, they were all just gathered in the living room when Y/N turned to Minho who was seated on the floor beside her feet.
“Min ah, where’s your cats?” She asked. Minho felt himself tense up at the nickname but quickly regained himself.
“They’re in my room. Why? You wanna see them?” He asked, not realizing that some of them were actually watching them from their respective seats discreetly. Y/N smiled as she gave him a cute little nod. He could’ve sworn his heart jumped out of his chest for a bit. Nonetheless, he brought her to his closed bedroom only to push the door open and was instantly greeted by the soft jingle sounds of their collars.
Y/N smiled as 2 of the fur balls ran up to Minho and her. Making him quickly close the door behind him. Both of them kneeled down onto the ground when the dark grey cat began to nuzzle against her legs, while the light golden one hopped into Minho’s arms effortlessly.
“They’re so cute! What are their names?” She asked as she scratched the grey cat behind its ear, earning a soft purr from it.
“The one in your lap is Dori. This is Soonie. And that sleeping one is Doongie.” Minho introduced when he heard a soft squeak from her in excitement, causing him to chuckle. A blush crept onto his cheeks.
“How long have you had them for?” She asked curiously as Dori snuggled into her chest, making her pout.
“I’ve had them since I was young. When I went off to college, I told my parents I wanted to bring them with me. So, here we are.” Minho said, making her giggle thinking that his story was very cute.
Just then, Dori licked the tip of Y/N’s nose, catching her off guard.
She let out a soft giggle, turning her head towards Minho with her eyes crinkled shut. He found this extremely cute. When she fluttered her eyelids back open, she was met with him staring at her with a warm smile on his face.
She got shy so she turned to look back down at Dori, scratching the back of its ear. Soonie left Minho’s lap as he turned to her and Dori, only for him to give a few scratches to Dori’s head. Just then, Minho leaned in to rub his face into Dori’s body. Y/N giggled, watching him interact with his own pet.
Just then, he pulled away from Dori, taking this chance to turn his head towards her.
But for some reason, it felt like a mistake with how close their faces were from each other. It was almost as if they could feel each other’s breath fanning their lips and unfortunately for them, it was true. The room fell silent as nobody dared to say a word.
For some odd reason, Minho felt brave enough to actually lean in closer. 
Y/N watched very carefully as he closed the gap until she could feel his lips brushing against hers very lightly. At that very second, she closed her eyes, afraid to continue looking. Minho saw this and he began to smile, thinking she was adorable.
So he decided not to dwell on this and instead, he firmly pressed his lips on hers. Her breath hitched in her throat. She soon found herself melting against his lips. Minho’s arm found its way around her waist as he pulled her closer, until she could feel Dori jump out of her lap.
She pulled away when her stomach got pressed by Dori’s paws when it leaped off, causing him to chuckle.
“Sorry about that.” He apologized, only for her to smile.
“It’s fine.” She said with a soft little smile, only for him to blush as he kissed her again, this time reaching up to cup her face in his hand. Her heart was racing against her chest when he felt her rest her hands on his chest. Minho pulled away, having to force himself not to get too intoxicated by her soft, crème brûlée tasting lips thanks to her lip balm.
“Can I take you out on a date tomorrow?” He asked, only for her to giggle.
“Will you bring me to see your babies again?” She said.
“That depends.” He teased, making her laugh as he soon did the same. She smiled against his lips when she kissed him again, feeling extremely happy. They came back out to find the rest of them smirking. They asked why the two of them were taking their own sweet time in there, only for Minho to smirk.
“Maybe because I’m going on a date with the cutest, sweetest girl I’ve ever met who loves cats as much as I do?” Minho said, only for the rest of them to cheer happily for the new couple. Y/N blushed as she hid her face in Minho’s arm, causing him to chuckle but he simply hugged her and kissed her forehead endearingly.
Looks like he managed to find the girl of his dreams anyway.
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xkaileo · 3 years
For the one shot request:
Sasuke coming back from his first redemption journey a couple of years after the war. He meets naruto at ichiraku, then Sakura happens to walk by. Naruto insists she join and she’s so happy sasuke is back, but keeps the interaction “friendly” not “young girl talking to her crush”. Quickly after she gets a scroll from a bird and has to go. Naruto then explains that Sakura is in really high demand and basically brags about all of her accomplishments and everything she does for the village as a medic but also as a jounin. Sasuke is proud and happy for her but it’s not until later when he sees her sparring someone really good (Tsunade, Kakashi, Yamato, anyone from Anbu) that he is s t u n n e d. Like jaw to the floor. He can’t resist watching and maybe activates his sharingan by accident. It is not until like 10 minutes have gone by that he notices her ANBU tattoo for the first time.
So of course canon-divergent. I know it’s super clunky the way I laid it out (can you tell I’m no author?) lol anyways I thought it would be really nice to get a look inside Sasuke’s head the first time he’s gotten the metaphorical wind knocked out of him by Sakura haha.
Ask and you shall receive, nonny! This one was fun to write, having Sasuke sort of be stunned by her and feel just the need to do something about it; it was fun to put him in a position where he had to push a little to get something out of Sakura. Enjoy!
She's A Hot Commodity
It was amazing how much the Hidden Leaf Village could change over two years. More than Sasuke had expected, honestly; he'd thought the village was done with its constant renovations after multiple attempts for it to be destroyed. Well, they'd nearly come close one time, though he'd stepped in to assist. Meteors falling off the moon… who would have thought?
His first stop was Ichiraku, as he'd made one promise: he was going to treat Naruto to a bowl of ramen when he got back. His blonde friend was already there, waving wildly as he approached.
"Sasuke! You're back!" Naruto gave him a hug in greeting, to which Sasuke begrudgingly allowed. He wasn't one for physical affection, but one hug from his best friend wouldn't be the end of the world. Plus, he'd never hear the end of it if he didn't. Naruto would spend their entire lunch pouting and whining about it if he was turned down.
As they were seated, both boys heard a familiar voice behind them, and it was… None other than Sakura. Sasuke couldn't help but stare, just for a moment. It'd been a long time. She'd grown out her hair and seemed to be wearing it up in a ponytail. When had it got so long? Now that he thought about it… It'd been a little longer when he left, but now it had to be almost to her waist. He hadn't seen it that long since they were kids. He… liked it, if he was honest.
"Sakura." He nodded in greeting, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile. He was glad to see her. Maybe now he'd be able to take things… a little further, to put it simply. He'd left her with nothing more than a promise, and this was the start of it. He was here. He'd returned. Whether he would stay for an extended period was another question, but he did plan to offer for her to accompany him this time. He just had… a few errands to take care of before he left again.
"Sasuke! It's been so long!" Sakura came up between them and threw her arms over his and Naruto's shoulders, giggling as she was hanging out between them. "Would you look at that? My two favourite dorks are having lunch together. You know, Sasuke, if he's got you here against your will, all you have to do is ask." Well… Ramen usually would have been against his will, but this time, it wasn't. He was surprised when she leaned closer to his ear, her voice no more than a whisper.
"There's a new place that opened that serves rice balls if you need an escape." She clapped him on the back before turning to Naruto, who'd caught her attention.
"Sakura, join us!" He encouraged, and her expression went thoughtful for a moment before she agreed. Naruto shifted down one seat, allowing Sakura to sit between them. Sasuke didn't want to admit he was glad Naruto had shifted down; he wanted to sit next to Sakura, but he wasn't sure if she would have done that of her own accord. He couldn't blame her; it'd been a long time since they'd spoken, and there was… a lot they needed to talk about. She seemed… different. Not unfriendly, but there was something different about the way she was talking to him. No more blushing or bashful looks in his direction. He'd expected that much from her, but… was it possible something had happened?
Maybe… maybe she'd moved on. He didn't want to think that, but it seemed to be a possibility. Nevertheless, if that were Sakura's decision, that would have to be how things were. Friends were better than absolutely nothing.
Just as she was about to order, the sound of a messenger hawk could be heard, interrupting their conversation. Naruto and Sakura had been chatting animatedly, Naruto having made some dumb comment that Sakura was reaming him for while Sasuke chuckled at their antics. At least some things never change. He's still opening his mouth when he should be shutting it, and she's putting him in his place… as usual.
"Oh… I'm sorry, guys." Sakura's expression turned to a frown. "This is for me, and it's urgent. I have to get going. Sorry again. Let's pick another day to get ramen together as a team, though, okay? And… it's good to see you back, Sasuke." She gave him a smile that lit up her whole face, and it made his heart skip a beat. She was different, sure, but it was… nice. It made him feel a bit giddy.
"Yeah… Shoulda seen that one coming," Naruto admitted.
"Does that happen a lot?" Sasuke was genuinely curious. He knew Sakura was a hard worker, but she always knew how to make time for her friends. It seemed out of the ordinary for her to disappear so suddenly. If it was the hospital, wasn't Tsunade there to help out?
"Yeah, it kinda does. Sakura's kind of a big deal around the village now. It makes me a little jealous." Naruto, jealous? Sasuke wondered just how important she was, but as always, Naruto had the explanation. "She's done so much stuff! She opened a clinic for all the kids in the village that lost parents during the war, and she's been working with Ino and some professionals to get them the help they need. Just so they don't feel alone, ya know? You and I both know no one deserves to feel like that." After all, they were the very same kinds of kids that that clinic was helping. Sasuke was shocked and also touched. Had Sakura done all that in two years?
"Oh yeah! And she works super hard at the hospital. She's one of the only medical ninja in the village who's allowed to take missions alone, and that's a huge deal! She's been going to all kinds of places on missions, mostly deliveries or to provide medical help, but I swear she's always gone on a mission! She keeps asking me to water her plants like… every week." Naruto didn't mind her asking that, though. He liked taking care of them. Gardening was oddly calming.
"Wow," Sasuke remarked. It was not what he would have expected out of Sakura… not precisely, that is. He knew she was brilliant, but looking back to how they were as kids… no, when they'd first been put on a team, he never would have expected that much out of her. "Has she been doing anything else?"
"Oh yeah! She mentioned somethin' about taking on a team of genin, too. I think she'd make a great teacher, don'tcha think?" Naruto elbowed Sasuke gently, earning a grunt out of him and a nod in response. Sakura would make a stellar teacher. If she took on a trio of genin as their Jounin sensei, then they would undoubtedly be a force to be reckoned with.
He was… proud of her, honestly. To think she’d come so far from her capabilities when they were kids… she was so incredibly talented, it even made him a little jealous. He’d been a prodigy, but to see her hard work coming to fruition was exceptional. She was amazing. More impressive than he was expecting.
It’d been days since he’d last seen Sakura, and after only briefly meeting her, he decided the best way to pass the time until she returned was training. He liked training; it kept him in shape, allowed him to practice living life with just one arm, and helped him clear his mind when it got too tumultuous to handle. Making his way to the training grounds, he was stopped by a flicker of familiar chakra that crossed the vision of his left eye.
Sakura? She was… Training? He shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was. That, and he found himself deeply intrigued. Like a curious cat, he made his way to the edge of the trees, remaining at a safe distance where he could watch. It looked like she was training with Kakashi, whom he would have considered a force to be reckoned with. He was a former ANBU, after all.
Wait… no. It wasn’t just Kakashi there. Yamato was there, too, and… wait, was Sakura taking them both on at the same time? His curiosity was piqued enough that he activated his Sharingan, using it to track her movements; in high-speed fights like these, it was a necessity. He would've never been able to keep up with Sakura's motions otherwise.
He watched her, amazed beyond belief. Every movement she made was fluid, each motion flowing into the next like an unbreakable chain. There was no hesitation or consideration; she moved without thinking, her body reacting with an impeccable natural flow. He’d never seen such fluid movements before, not even back during the war. What had she done since he’d been gone? He knew she was a Jounin now, but this… no, she had to be more than that. She was well above the level of a Jounin. It was almost an insult to put her that low.
He stared for longer than he’d expected, watching as she evaded both Yamato and Kakashi’s tactics, dancing around them like they were nothing. He watched as her long, pink hair flowed with every movement, even the occasional piece sticking to the sweat that formed on her brow. Even as she turned, he could see the concentration in her gaze, focusing on every motion. There was strength and power in the way she moved. There was one thing that bothered him, though, one thing he couldn't shake.
When had Sakura become so beautiful? He remembered her being cute when they were kids, though he hadn't been in the right state of mind to say anything about it. He'd also noticed she was prettier as they got older, but he'd never been able to take the time to appreciate it. Now, staring at her, he realized how attractive she was. He was taken aback by what he was seeing. It made his cheeks flush, made his heart race, and also made his heart wrench. Maybe… maybe he'd have to say something to her: something direct, this time.
It wasn’t until Sakura stopped, calling a halt to her training with Yamato and Kakashi to take a breather, that he noticed something else. He knew that symbol. Other Jounin he knew and had met bore it too. This wasn’t friendly training between three Jounin. It was so much more than that. But it made Sasuke wonder…
When did Sakura decide to join the ANBU? That was undoubtedly one of the last things he'd expected of her. As he stared at her training, he hadn't realized her gaze had turned in his direction; once he did, he ducked behind one of the trees, heart beating rapidly. Had she seen him? Had she caught him staring so openly at her? He hoped not. The last thing he wanted was to seem weird or creepy. One thing he did know was that Sakura's temper was terrifying, and he would have preferred not to be on her bad side.
"You're not doing a very good job of hiding, Sasuke." He looked up to see her above him on one of the branches, a smile teasing her lips. He startled at the sound of her voice, grumbling under his breath and turning away as the faintest shade of pink dusted his cheeks. Damn. She really was good. She'd caught even him off-guard.
"I wasn't hiding," he lied. Oh, he knew he was hiding, all right. He simply refused to admit it. "I thought this training ground was empty. I was mistaken." He heard her feet land in front of him, which urged him to keep his face hidden from her; he didn't want her to see just how much his cheeks had coloured at her appearance. It was all he could do not to look back and stare, admiring every inch of her toned figure.
"You're also not very good at lying," she teased further, taking a step toward him. "What's got you all flustered?" Damn. She hadn't missed it.
"It's hot outside." Technically not a lie; it was a scorching summer day, and he was wearing a heavy cloak. "I'm just flushed from the heat." Definitely a lie. His cloak was designed to keep heat in and keep cooler air closer to his body, like a cat's fur coat. It kept him comfortably thermoregulated.
"Liar," she accused.
"Tch." He wasn't going to dignify that with a response. She giggled in response to his gruff comment, leaving him to straighten as if he were on his way. She… was in his way, though, which meant he had to brush past her to leave. As his eye opened, he realized she was closer than before. He could smell her from where he stood. Her skin glistened with the faintest layer of sweat from her training, hair sticking to her cheeks and forehead. It didn't bother him; he was used to much worse sights.
Nevertheless, her skin was glowing from the exercise, and the way her green eyes sparkled made her look prettier. So pretty, he could feel his heart racing. He couldn't bring himself to move. If he so much as touched her, he knew what he'd end up doing.
"Sasuke, are you… okay?" Her head tilted to the side, and he felt his heart skip a beat. Stop it, he tried to scold her mentally, knowing it wouldn't work.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Liar. With one sharp breath, he took a step forward, his hand reaching to brush her out of the way gently. She stepped in front of him, stopping him and grasping at his wrist. He remembered that grasp; it was the same way he'd done it to her years ago, a firm but gentle grip. She released it after he stopped moving. Their gazes drew together instinctively; no words needed to be spoken between them. Sasuke felt a growing sense of worry after what he'd realized. Sakura was ANBU. That meant she put her life on the line every day, every mission, everything. It meant that at any moment when she wasn't on a mission, the Hokage could call her for one, and it could be the last time anyone would see her.
He couldn't wait. The moment Sakura released his wrist from her grasp, he reached up, tangling his fingers in her hair as need took precedence over logic. His lips crashed against hers fiercely, years of restrained emotions flaring in his chest as he kissed her. She seemed surprised for a split second but was quick to reciprocate; he felt her hands lock around his neck, leading him to skim a hand down her back, pulling her body tighter against his. At some point, he turned, pressing her back against the tree as they continued their motions, eventually breaking apart to breathe, staring at one another with wordless affirmations.
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
hi! i absolutely love your writing!! can i request a pureblood slytherin (kinda mysterious?) reader x george? muggle-borns call her the child of the cheshire cat bc her mischievous smile says it all. so when the twins escape the professor, she answers in riddles to not blow their cover. you can add on to that, thank you!! 🧡🧡
mischief // george weasley
a/n: i love your request so much!! i’m sleep deprived rn so i apologize if none of this is coherent or good, but my tiny brain did it’s best. hope u like it!!
summary: George falls for the mischievous pureblood Slytherin who couldn’t care less about blood status.
“You’ve never seen Alice in Wonderland?”
“No,” Ron groaned, annoyed with Hermione’s better-than tone.
“When would he have seen Alice in Wonderland, Hermione?” Harry asked, also annoyed with the two’s constant bickering.
“It is a book too, you know, he could have picked it up and read it any time he liked,” Hermione defended, sticking her little nose into the air with purpose.
“Will you just tell me what it means?” Ron pressed.
“It’s a reference. The Cheshire Cat is a mischievously annoying animal. It would mislead and annoy Alice,” Hermione explained, trying to simplify the characterization for Ron.
“So why do they call her that?”
“Because she gives us the creeps, she’s evil looking,” Harry answered, shuddering his shoulders slightly. 
“She’s actually quite interesting,” Hermione said, “if you gave her a chance.”
Harry rolled his eyes, having little sympathy for any pureblood Slytherin. Ron’s face showed him to be in deep thought, and Hermione returned to her Divination work.
You were perched in a shadowed corner of the library, twisting the ends of your hair in your fingers. Pansy sat across from you, reading her Potions textbook with great concentration. You hummed to yourself, a dull smile on your lips.
“Y/n,” Pansy spoke slowly, tearing her eyes away from the textbook and showing it to you, “do you know what this means?”
You looked intently into the notebook, your head nodding slowly as you read the page.
“Yeah, it’s applying the absorbing properties in lizard scales to the enlarging properties of ogre’s root. All the other stuff is there to make sure you don’t die, probably,” you said, handing Pansy the textbook back.
She made an “oh” noise, finally understanding the potion.
“I don’t think this school could be any more boring if it tried,” you groaned.
Pansy gave you an entertained smile and returned to her book.
Your gaze had drifted to look out of the window when you heard a loud crash.
Your head snapped to where it came from and your legs were moving before you had realized where they were going.
You came to stand right in front of three crashed bookshelves, little Cornish Pixies rolling around in all the books that lay on the floor.
You watched two red-headed boys doubled over trying to catch the Pixies in their outstretched hands.
“What happened here, boys?” you drawled, leaning against a book shelf that still stood upright.
“Shit!” one of them shouted, clutching his chest with this hand, “Scared us.”
“You gonna stand there, or help us?” the other said, not lifting his eyes from the Pixie he just managed to shove in his pocket.
“I think I’ll watch for now,” you quipped, a smirk reaching your mouth.
You watched them attempt to gather all the Pixies, until all three of your heads shot up at the heavy footsteps of McGonagall. 
“What on earth?” she started, and you watched the twins duck behind some standing bookshelves a few feet away.
“Did you see who did this?” she asked you, her suspicious eye trained on you.
“Did what?”
“This!” she shouted, her hands flailing towards the fallen shelves and books littering the ground
“What about this?” you asked, feigning innocence and confusion.
“Why are there shelves knocked down and books everywhere?” 
“Are they not supposed to be like this?” you nearly broke your act, a smile threatening your lips, but managed to keep a straight face. McGonagall looked infuriated.
“Did you see where they went?”
“Where who went?”
“The people who did this! Unless it was you?”
“I didn’t do it.”
“Then who did?”
“Who did what?”
“This!” she repeated, her face turning red.
“Oh! I think they went that way,” you pointed over your shoulder, the opposite way the twins went.
“She’s brilliant,” George whispered to his brother from behind the shelves.
“You can say that again, Georgie,” Fred answered, watching you in awe as you waved off McGonagall.
They crept form behind their hiding places, stepping cautiously around the fallen books. 
“How did you do that?” George asked, looking at you in awe.
“Do what?”
Fred smiled at you, quite entertained. George just stared, his mouth hanging open in amazement. 
You sauntered off, sitting back down with Pansy.
“Jaw up, George, you’re drooling,” Fred taunted his brother, bumping into George’s shoulder.
The two left the library, sneaking past Madam Pince. George watched you smooth down your green tie with your delicate touch, your eyes locking with his. He admired the mischievous grin on your lips, and he gulped when you winked at him. He just met The Child of The Cheshire Cat. And he was in love with her.
The two boys peered around the corner, Fred crouched below George. They watched you carefully taking a bobby pin to Snape’s door, your fingers jutting back and forth against the pressure you applied.
George watched you pull your lips between your teeth. He watched the curve of your body as you stood on the tips of your toes, bent at the knees and leaning close to the door. Your skirt itched dangerously up, exposing more and more of your thighs.
Fred’s eyes were trained on your mischievous actions, but all George could focus on was you. He tried to stop thinking about you, but ever since that day in the library he couldn’t get you out of his head. It became even harder when Fred insisted you join them in their pranks from now on.
You stood suddenly, your skirt falling back into place, much to George’s dismay. You turned towards the boys, smirking at them. Fred sprang from his place behind the wall. George stumbled to follow after his brother.
You bent the bobby pin back into place and George watched you tuck it seamlessly into your hair. 
“All in a day’s work, boys,” you said, breaking the silence that had formed around the three of you while they stared at you in awe.
“You’re brilliant,” Fred mumbled, gripping your shoulders and kissing your cheek briskly.
You laughed, rolling your eyes. George debated if he should copy his brother’s actions, take advantage of the situation to make an excuse to be that close to you. Before he could, he realized he had been staring at you for far too long. He coughed awkwardly and casted his gaze to the ground. You quirked an eyebrow at him in suspicion, and followed Fred into the potions class.
“What are we looking for, exactly?” you whispered into the dark room.
“We need more Ashwinder eggs for our products,” you heard Fred whisper back to you a few feet away, “running low on our supplies.”
“So you thought Snape wouldn’t mind letting you borrow some of his?” you teased, and heard Fred snort from where he was.
“Of course not,” George said from behind you, “as you may know, he’s a very generous man.”
“Always been supportive of us,” Fred joined, the smirk very loud in his voice.
George was close to you in the dark, you could tell. He must have been inches away from you, waiting for Fred to gather what he needed. You could hear his breathing, not that it was labored, and felt his presence.
“Fred, will you hurry it up?” George snapped at Fred.  You turned to where his voice came from, the deepness in his whisper surprising you.
“Scared?” you teased.
You heard George’s low chuckle, and suddenly two hands snaked their way onto your sides. George’s long fingers gripped your sides, making your entire body jolt. You jumped at the sudden touch, and heard George chuckle even more.
“Scared?” he murmured, his hands still on your sides but his fingers considerably looser.
You met his hands with yours, putting them on top of his for some reassurance that you weren’t imagining it. Your touch was featherlight over his rough hands, and you realized how small your hands were next to his. You felt the veins on the top of his hands and traced over them before you knew what you were doing. George’s chuckle stopped at the touch, and the only noise in the room was the occasional clink of two glass bottles bumping into each other as Fred looked for the eggs.
The two of you stood in silence, George’s body inching closer to yours from behind you. Soon, your back was against his chest, and he trapped you in his arms. Your arms leaned against his, hands still atop his hands. You felt safe in George’s arms. You didn’t care if Snape came in at that minute, you just wanted George to hold you.
“Got ‘em!” Fred called out, a few clinking noises heard.
“Let’s go,” he said, his voice closer to you now.
George started to turn, turning you with him. He gave you one last squeeze, moving his hands a little lower on your hips before releasing you completely. You let your hands fall from his, and moved from your spot against his chest.
The moment of intimacy in the dark had caused a blush to spread across your cheeks, and George saw it the second you three reached the dimly lit hallway. You avoided his eyes, looking at Fred and the three glass bottles he was slipping in his pockets.
“What are you going to use those for?” you whispered, following them down the hallway.
“Our luck and love potions,” Fred answered, his hand ghosting over the eggs in his pocket.
You nodded approvingly, taking a glance over your shoulder to make sure you were still in the clear. The three of you stopped at the bottom of the stairs, well you stopped at the bottom of the stairs.
“Aren’t you coming?” Fred asked, looking down at you from a few steps above you.
They both towered over you, but the look in George’s eyes made butterflies flutter in your stomach.
“My common room is down here,” you lifted your hand to point your thumb over your shoulder.
“Oh right,” Fred said, smiling, “sometimes you’re so much fun we forget you’re a Slytherin.”
“Shut up,” you said, laughing. 
The boys watched you walk away. Fred smiled at the memory of the successful night they had, and George smiled at the way your skirt moved across your hips and swayed side to side.
“And where were you?” Draco Malfoy’s sneer was on you immediately after you crept into the common room. He was lounging on the couch, face illuminated by the dwindling fire on front of him.
“Where was who?” you smirked, starting your usual act.
Draco smirked back at you, aware of your reputation.
“Off with the Weasleys? You’ve been spending a lot of time with them recently. If anyone had some sense they might begin to question you aligning yourself with blood traitors,” Draco drawled.
You furrowed your brows, feeling incapable of deflecting that like you usually would. You were never one to focus on your blood status, but you figured you didn’t have to since you were a pureblood. Draco was obsessed with his blood status, you knew that, everyone knew that. Why was he so concerned with yours all of a sudden?
“Why do you care, Draco?”
Draco’s cold laugh echoed off the walls of the dungeon.
“I try to look out for my housemates,” he said, “especially the incredibly attractive ones.”
Your face twisted with disgust before you could help it. You walked past him and up the stairs, hearing his laugh continue from behind you.
Up in your room, you reflected on your night. You couldn’t help but lift your hands to where George’s had been earlier. You closed your eyes, imagining him still there with you, his chest a hard presence behind you. You breathed in deep, feeling the familiar tightness in your chest. A smile was on your lips before you knew it, and you realized you wanted George to hold you more often.
The next day at breakfast, you had filled your plate with food and talked with Pansy.
“So,” she started, glancing at you over her Charms textbook, “where were you off to last night?”
You smiled at her, looking down at your plate. When you looked back up at her, you noticed Draco watching you a few seats down. You gave him a glare, and he smirked at you.
“I was with Fred and George,” you turned your attention back to Pansy.
“The Weasleys? Why were you with the Weasleys?” Pansy tried to hide the repulsion in her voice, and barely managed to.
“They’re my friends,” you defended, furrowing your brow at her.
“Since when?”
You didn’t answer her, feeling that whatever said wouldn’t matter much to her.
Pansy gave you a suspicious look and returned to her textbook and breakfast.
You looked down at your plate, not daring a glance at Pansy or an accidental look at Draco. You felt isolated, the green tie around your neck becoming too suffocating all of a sudden.
You stood from the table, leaving breakfast early. You walked to the empty hallway and felt a little better in the quiet.
“Y/n?” you heard a voice call for you.
When you turned in the direction of the Great Hall, you saw George. He was walking cautiously towards you, concern etched on his face.
“Hey,” you said, trying to sound normal.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
George had closed the distance between you, coming to stand right in front of you. You turned from him, leaning against the wall. He did too, and you felt his arm against yours.
“Fred and I were going to talk to you after breakfast,” he said, “but since you’re already here.”
“More late night sneaking around?”
“You could say that,” he smiled down at you.
You turned your head to look at him, and he was already looking at you. You felt your heart stop beating, the air stuck in your throat. Your eyes danced all over his face, focusing on the strength of his cheekbones, the sharpness of his nose, the smile lines marked on his cheeks, the look in his eyes. 
He didn’t know what was happening. You turned towards him, leaning closer. You closed the distance and your hands were in his hair. He barely had time to close his eyes before you pulled away. You leaned back against the wall for a second, shook your head, and started to walk away.
You felt like an idiot. You had no idea why you just kissed George, probably ruining the only genuine friendship you had made at Hogwarts. You walked away from him, hoping that the sooner you left, the easier he would forget it happened.
You were only a few feet away before his hand was wrapped around your wrist.
“George, I’m sorr-”
He cut you off with his lips, his hands cupping your face.
He pulled you back to the wall, pushing you against it. The force nearly made your legs tremble from under you, but you forced them to stay still. 
His hands ran down your body, moving from your face and down to their spot on your hips. He squeezed them like he did last night. You couldn’t help the reaction it caused, lurching your hips into his at the touch. He groaned into your mouth, pushing his face harder against yours. His nose pressed against your cheek, your chins bumping as you passionately moved against each other. 
“Well, this is awfully disappointing.” You barely registered the voice, and George certainly didn’t.
You opened your eyes, still kissing George and glanced to the sound. Draco stood there, an evil smirk on his mouth. You slowly pulled away from George, and he trailed after you, trying to continue the kiss. It wasn’t until you turned your head to look at Draco that George even realized he was there.
“Get out of here Malfoy,” George said, his voice gruff and annoyed.
He moved back towards you, expecting Draco to scurry off. Draco stayed put, and you pulled back from George.
“What do you want, Draco?” you said, still pushed against the wall with George leaning on you.
You didn’t even bother to fix your messy hair, adjust your skirt, or tuck your shirt back in. All of which were messed up by George’s roaming hands.
“Just wanted to make sure my eyes didn’t deceive me,” he snarled, “Saw a Weasel chasing after you, but I didn’t think it would have been this bad.”
“What are you on about?” George said, and you could feel his body tensing with anger.
“Well I have to report this to the Sacred 28,” he explained, casting a fake innocent look over his evil features, “they’ll have to know that the Y/l/n family are now blood traitors.”
“Malfoy, you’re the only one who still cares about that,” you sneered.
You would have felt a bit intimated by Malfoy if it weren’t for George. You knew Malfoy was one of the smartest students in his year and had no doubt he knew some dark spells that you couldn’t have dreamed of. But George made you feel safe. When George was there you didn’t even think about the danger Malfoy threatened.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he started to saunter over to the two of you, “your father still seems to care.”
George moved you from the wall, putting himself between you and Draco. 
Draco was right about your father. He cared a great deal about his status and the power it held. He had grown to accept your disobedience, but you had never strayed this far from his ideals.
“You’re pathetic, Malfoy,” George spat from in front of you. You squeezed his arm warningly, and he glanced down at you. The second he saw your scared expression, his gaze softened.
“Shove off,” you managed, your voice nearly sounding afraid.
“Alright,” Draco said in a sing-song voice, holding his hands up in mock defeat, “fine, be that way.”
He walked back into the hall, and George turned to you with concern on his face.
“Why did you do that?” 
“I don’t care about what my father thinks,” you admitted, furrowing your brow.
“Are you sure?” George asked you.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, looking up at George’s brown eyes, “You mean more to me than any useless blood status.”
George softened. He literally felt himself melt at your words. He took a few large steps, a goofy smile plastered in his face, and backed you against the wall again.
“That was adorable,” he said, sounding giddy.
You laughed, moving closer to his face. Your smiles connected, quickly changing to a heated kiss once again.
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ivyaugustetc · 3 years
the dead poets at hogwarts: a headcanon from hell
@aedan-mills @charlie-dalton-simp @pretentious-strikes YOU ENCOURAGED THIS BEHAVIOR SO YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. also i love you a lot but THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT.
also @aedan-mills i found out that some of the wand stuff is related to their birthdays and i am much too lazy to look all that up and figure it all out, but anyone else is welcome to lmao. sorry to disappoint but alas it's summer and i don't want to research that much. but other than that, please listen to me flex my extensive knowledge on harry potter :)
neil (half blood): i'm sorry,,,, can you say gryffindor? this boy would get up there and in a second the sorting hat would have him all figured out: big dreams with the will to pursue them, but not ambitious enough to step over others to achieve said dreams? sounds like a gryffindor to me. i just know he'd thrive at hogwarts, probably going on to play quidditch (def a chaser) and would excel in charms class. as far as pets go, i feel like he'd stay simple and classy with a chill barn owl he'd name after a famous broadway actor. he would kind of be a mix of james and remus, in which he's wild and crazy but still manages to get good grades. the teachers love him simply because they don't know much about him outside of class. he would absolutely LOVE going to hogsmeade and going batshit crazy at zonko's and honeydukes. he'd have a whole phase where he gets addicted to licorice wands and everyone else thinks they're disgusting but he simply cannot buy enough of them. he'd play a bunch of zonko tricks on the rest of the poets, saving the most harsh for charlie and the most wholesome for todd <3
todd (muggle born): ugh see i can see him being both a hufflepuff and a ravenclaw, but my heart says hufflepuff so i'm gonna go with that. he would absolutely HATE the sorting ceremony with a burning passion. getting up in front of everybody only to have a hat judge u??? no thanks. HAHAHA CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM ON A BROOM. i can't either because he would simply never get on one, probably referring to them as "flying death traps" more often than not. "hey todd, you think about joining quidditch?" "no thanks, i'd rather keep my limbs intact ;)". but he would love muggle studies a lot, even if the teacher was boring as hell. snape would scare the hell out of him for sure, resulting in his lowest class being potions. he would excel in classes that are more learning out of the book rather than in practice. for a pet, he'd want something that could not possibly turn on him and would just be sweet and loving, so ima give him a toad :) he'd name it something fancy and british, like nigel or sumn. and because of nigel, he'd love chocolate frogs because hey they're twins!!
fanon knox (pure blood): hogwarts fuck boy. okay well maybe not f boy but like...his favorite part is the fact that this is a co-ed school rather than an all-boys school so he can spy on both genders equally yknow. hmm i get hufflepuff vibes from him because he's a big romantic, sucker for cute relationships, etc. he would enjoy whichever class his current crush is in, although I feel like he'd do well with classes that involved spells and wand work mostly lmao. he'd want a really fucking cute pet, so i'd give him a kneazle (it's like a cat but a bit more lion like). he'd give it a strong sounding name, something german idk. but he'd love the shit out of that kneazle, i can tell you that much. i feel like he'd try out for quidditch his first few years, not make it on, and then make it on to the team around fourth year and somehow end up team captain in seventh (and that proves kids, that you too can have a redemption arc in sports). as far as candy goes, ima say he likes the super sour candy like acid pops n shit. like i feel like the others would dare him to each as much sour candy as he can and then he wouldn't be able to taste for a week. but he'd think it was worth it :)
cameron (muggle born): good god this boy just wants to learn. magic just fascinates him, what with growing up in a big muggle family (bestie he is the weasleys if they were all type a). he's a ravenclaw, no questions asked. he would love classes involving preciseness and attention, things like potions and transfiguration. i feel like he'd have a cute, stable relationship along the way ofc because he deserves so much love and happiness and UGH he's a baby. he'd stick with a lil ginger cat, naming it after one of the famous wizards he's read about. he would love spending christmas at the school and going places when the ground are nearly empty, enjoying the scenery. for candy, he'd go plain and simple with chocolate frogs. can't go wrong with those. he'd still have fun with his friends, but he'd skip a lot of parties for some studying (don't judge, i do it too lmao). would not play quidditch but would enjoy it, end of story.
charlie (pure blood): slytherin. don't dispute it. think the weasley twins but even more flirtatious. he would be a regular at every single party that happened, flirting with the guys and gals shamelessly and drinking butterbeer like it was water. look me in the eye and tell me he would not absolutely fucking HATE GILDEROY LOCKHART WITH EVER FIBER OF HIS BEING. he'd do spot-on impersonations of him though. teacher's worst enemy. like when he walks into class on the first day, every teacher collectively mutters "bloody hell not this kid again". asks the most incredibly stupid questions ("okay but is there a spell to turn my eyebrows green? just the eyebrows though, not my hair"). he would be the most aggressive beater on the slytherin team, though he would never deliberately try to hit someone, just distract the shit out of them ("put the fear of god in them and fate will do the rest"). he'd want a loud, aggressive pet but he'd probably end up with a mean cat that hisses at everyone. he'd give it the most adorable name that just. does not fit the personality. something like priscilla. for candy, he'd take his chance with bertie botts' every flavour beans and just roll with the punches. he's chaotic like that.
pitts (half blood): ASTRONOMY IS HIS JAM. he fucking loves that class. he tutors the entire ravenclaw house in that class. he's the guy that little first years who are terrified of the class go to when they're completely lost and don't understand what's going on. besides that, i feel like he'd just be everyone's cool older brother yknow? like he'd be in charge of helping all the first years figure out where stuff is and giving them advice to help them and stuff. he would be a die-hard quidditch fan although he would not play the sport (maybe recreationally on the weekends and holidays and stuff, but the fact that it's so fucking dangerous just does not appeal to him). he'd like the candy that does tricks and stuff, like fizzing whizbees and stuff. he gives me charlie weasley vibes, where he's hardcore in certain areas (in his case, astronomy) and just flipping chill in anything else. cool older brother vibes, man. it fits.
meeks (half blood): i've said it once and i'll say it again: nonproblematic ginger dumbledore. also a hufflepuff <3 this dude just wants to fucking coast along, getting good grades and not participating in the dumb shit that could probably get him killed (even though he would in a heartbeat if his friends were in danger. duh). he'd be a teacher's favorite, probably having conversations with his favorite teachers during free time. okay ik this isn't technically at school, but i swear to god he would be dumbledore one day. like he would be the chill ass headmaster who gets shit done while also being very la di da life is nice flowers are pretty type of person. that being said, his favorite candy is and has been lemon drops ever since dumbledore got him addicted to them. his favorite classes would be potions (he'd surprisingly get along well with snape) and he'd just be great and mixing shit right and just knowing how much of stuff to add in ("how much powdered root do i add?" "about three and a half shakes." "that's not a measurement, meeks." "*shrug* it works"). he'd stick with his small friend group and love them to death, but he'd be a friend to all really. he'll help anyone that comes to him asking for help with homework (and though he won't admit it, he gets super prideful when it's someone a few years ahead of him).
stick (muggle born): harry potter if harry potter could've been more harry potter. like he would just be a part of everything and end up being part of some prophecy that demands he'd save the world and at first he'd be like HEY i'm just a small boy but then he'd grit his teeth and finesse the shit out of this preventing the end of days stuff. he'd definitely be a gryffindor, and fucking proud of it. he'd be the seeker on the quidditch team because he is so short and small and yeah he'd fucking kill it there. he'd kind of be the shy one no one expected much from, but once he starts absolutely wrecking the shit out of the other houses' quidditch teams, he'd become sorta popular? like people would invite him to parties and stuff and he's too nice to say no, but he'd mostly just hang around the outskirts, saying hi to the other poets if he saw them and mostly talking to chris and ginny (danburry, not weasley). he'd like defense against the dark arts and minerva mcgongiall would become his literal mother i can't explain it. he'd have an owl as a pet and treat it like it was his own child, telling it thank you every time it brought his mail or took his mail. as for candy, he'd like drooble's bubble gum because the bubbles are all magic and shit and i just feel like that would make him so happy <3
chris (pure blood): the older sister lesbian <3 she'd be a sweet hufflepuff who would be friends with everyone while also being the greatest socialite the school has ever seen. you know that party that practically the entire school attended and talked about for months on end? she planned that shit. she'd be like pitts in the respect that she'd help all the first years find their way in the school and in life in general. she's just such a warm and kind person that everyone would love her. she's have a little pink pygmy puff to match ginny's purple one, and she'd give it such a perfect, human name like lila or something. she'd be great at muggle studies and all the teachers would love her. also every one is so invested in her relationship with ginny it's adorable. he favorite candy is acid pops even though they make her eyes water like crazy. she'd make pretty good grades, every once in a while getting one slightly lower than she'd expected, but she always manages to bring them up to her satisfactory level :) she would not play quidditch, but she would go all out to support ginny, even though they're in different houses. that's what i call love, baby.
ginny (half blood): the mom lesbian <3 she's a ravenclaw and also one of the sweetest people in the whole school. while chris helps other with the social aspect, ginny will help anyone in any subject they need help with (she and meeks are a help duo on this). she's quieter and less social than chris, but she's one of the best chasers the ravenclaw quidditch team has ever seen. she'd end up team captain by fifth of sixth year. she'd be like oliver wood in that she is sO invested in the team's success that at sometimes she'll go a bit crazy, but chris is always there to help her put things back into perspective <3. she'd make stellar grades of course, being good friends with all of her teachers. her favorite candy would be the sweetest things like fairy floss. as previously stated, she'd have a purple pygmy puff to match chris's pink one, and she'd also give it an adorable human name like lisa or something. ginny's just sweet to everyone, especially neil and his friends.
I DID IT. IT TOOK FOREVER AND A FEW HAIL MARYS BUT I DID IT. enjoy besties <3 love u all
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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scourge-sympathiser · 3 years
dont worry abt needing to add anything i just wanna share this idea b4 i forget it but also i dont rlly know any1 who likes warriors so,,,
okay i saw a little animation on utube about fallen leaves and while i was reading up on his wiki it hit me
in outcast, after jaypaw has been having dreams about fallen n his death, n after meeting him while looking 4 the missing kits in the tunnels, fallen asks him to stay but jay declines.
what if, unhappy w/ being forced to be a medcat, and wanting to live his *own* life he accepts? and a similar thing to what happened to holly happens where the cave entrance collapses (whether fallen and jay had smth to do with it or it was just convenient, idk), n everyone thinks that jay died saving these kits. but really hes living his best life in the caves. fallen teaches him how to hunt and fight well, bc the caves are dark, 's not like you can see very well even if you weren't blind.
and jay starts having the dreams where he's jay's wing, back in the ancients time, and its a little different where instead of having a crush on halfmoon he (jay's Wing) had a crush on fallen before fallen died in the caves. and thats why jay brings up the idea to leave to the mountains. and when he ends up back in the present he realizes that he once again has a crush on fallen.
and fallen remembers, or recognizes jay as jay's wing and is like "oh... Oh!" and realizes he also, once again, has a crush. and so jay choses that as his full name. Jaywing.
jay starts walking in dreams and having visions of The Battle, and at this point its been a couple of years at this point, the whole thing w/ ashfur happened and the gathering where holly tells after killing ash happens, and jay finds out through holly's dreams, bc shes projecting her own fears, anger, and insecurities hard while she sleeps. and that really makes jay upset but then he talks w/ fallen and comes to the conclusion that it doesnt matter who his real parents were, bramble and squirrel are still his parents to him.
eventually with the battle looming on the horizon, and rock urging him to go, he leaves the caves. and returns to thunderclan. n fallen can follow him due to his powers, and at first the clan think jay is a rogue or loner, but its dove who has Never seen him before who mentions that he's blind just from observing how carful he puts his paws down that everyone freezes before going "jay???"
and oh mouse dung, hes no longer a grumpy, scrawny medcat apprentice. he's still on the shorter side but he filled out, muscle no one thought he'd have ripples beneath his coat, he's as strong as a *warrior*. and has the skills as one, too. he can hunt and fight as well as the rest of them, its almost like he isn't blind when he's actually in the zone. but he still bumps into things n trips over roots or uneaven ground.
and yeah the Battle happens and he's out there, using his starsight to fight along side fallen leaves, until the battle is won and fallen reunites with his family, and is torn between staying with jay in the caves and actually going where hes supposed to. jay tells him to go, he'll be okay, and to wait for him.
but wait, if cats can be reincarnated and have powers... why can't the tribe of endless hunting and starclan let him properly live where he left off? so hes given another chance and put back into the tunnels with a physical form, and meets jay again and joins him in thunderclan.
idk thats what i have sorry abt rambling!!
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ok actually i kinda lov this? im a suckr 4 ghost romance & jay being like ok actually fuck yall........... i would perhapz move the kit thing a little further down the timeline so tht jay is a bit older tho, maybe
like the idea tht part of why fallen asked for him to stay waz a hint of fimiliarity tht just growz & one day he just like... Seez it on jayz face whn he wakez up from a dream about the ancients- or like maybe jay callz him by a nickname from timez long since passed, tht kinda thing? on one hand im like yea on the other the trope of "i like u bcuz u remind me of a dead personi loved" isnt my fav but like a little sprinkle isnt bad
interesting 2 think of wht would happen 2 hollyleaf with her escape into the cavez long since blocked off by both rockz n the truma of loosing a sibling.... like, doez she stay in the clanz? might be fun if she ended up living in the field tht crow & leaf once tried 2 leave thru, but also he awkwardly still being in thunderclan..... lov tht
n well i just Cannot care about the battle i do LOV jaywing coming out of the tunnelz just likle hai guyz whtz up :3 as if he didnt fake his own death.... also the idea of jay using his dreamwalking ability 2 just check up on his family & see how thy r like. Doing
idk about fallen coming back with a body bcuz tht seemz like more thn starclan or endless hunting could do but also it would be VERY VERY weird 4 fallen 2 come back w/ the regular method of being reborn a kit.......... pursonaly i think it would be fun for him 2 stay a ghost but no longer be attached 2 the cave system- instead just exploring & hanging out with jay who can alwayz sense his presence- other catz somtimez catch glimpsez but hez not like. very tangible most timez.... many catz think jay probably just lost it a little in the tunnelz, not tht he rly goez around like hey evry1 herez my ghost make he just talkz 2 himself, laughz at seemingly nothing, tht kinda thing
..... honest 2 god didnt mean 2 add this much im holding myself back, evn,
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Can u make hcs DMC boys x s/o who lost her memory after an accident in a battle? Like 'I don't remember your name but I remember I love you so much' ^3^)
Howdy Anonymous,
I am quite fond of when love surpasses all circumstances. I am even more fond of writing those moments; This is one of them. 
Thank You For Requesting,
“Oh god oh fuck.” 
He’s panicking internally and blaming himself for not protecting you. At least you’re not dead, but now you can’t even remember your own name. 
Everyone feels so bad for Dante, seeing how his eyes lose their spark at the realization you don’t know who he is. You’re the love of his life, and he’s just lost you in a way that might even be worse than death. 
He’s always by your side though. When you awaken and question why there is such a good looking man holding your hand. 
Even when you have amnesia he’s a flirt. 
“Do you remember me?” 
“No, not at all.” 
“Do you know my name?” 
“No. I’m sorry.” 
He sighs, rubbing his thumb along your knuckles. This was harder than he thought. Dante looks down at the ground, thinking of all the memories of you and him. His blue eyes almost well up seeing you next to him in bed, kissing his cheek and holding him in your arms. Is this all gone? Is he forced to see you have to start over and forget everything you’ve done together? 
 Suddenly, he feels your grip on his hand tighten. He looks up to your uncertain expression. There’s something in your pools of (eye color), a dim spark. 
“What’s up, sweetness?” He asks. 
“I-I don’t remember you.” 
“Yeah, we’ve been over that.” He bites back calling you Finding Dory, knowing you might actually think that’s your name. He shuts up immediately when your other hand reaches over and cups his face. 
“But..but I remember that I must have loved you very much.” A semblance of your old smile ghosts your face, and he almost sees you as you were before again. 
Dante instinctively covers your hand with his and presses his grizzled cheek against your palm, the loving touch soothing his mind. 
“I’ll always love you more, babe.” 
Once you regain your memories, Dante will be more protective. If you never do, Dante will gladly walk the road to recovery with you, your love a constant despite the circumstances. Either way, he’ll never forget that moment of vulnerability between you two. 
He will be inconsolable if you lose your memories of him. It was already so hard for him to open up again and now he’s lost you. 
You wake up confused and sometimes you see a white-haired man in blue reappearing and disappearing by the door. He will have a hard time seeing you gaze at him like a stranger. When you sleep, he sits nearby you and thinks of the times you used to have. Only the moon is the witness to his grief. 
Dante and Nero ain’t having it. 
“Come on, Verg. She needs you right now.” 
“Dante, she doesn’t even know her own name. There’s nothing I can do.” 
“Dad, don’t be a deadbeat with your own girlfriend/wife.” 
“Please do not say that. It is already a very difficult situation for me.” 
One day, while bedridden, you watch as the flirty middle-aged man and his punky but polite nephew drag the man in blue into the room and lock the door. 
“Ah, I never got your name.” He sighs. 
“Have you known yours?” 
You say the unfamiliar name and his sorrowful gaze intensifies. 
“I am Vergil.” 
The two of you stay in silence. 
“Did we know each other?” You asked. Vergil sat on the chair, hands on his lap. He seemed uncomfortable. 
“We did.” 
He thinks of all the times you would look at him with that loving and warm gaze. Nothing good in his life truly lasted, didn’t it? 
You scooch to his side and he returns your eye contact. He stills when he sees a sense of recognition in you. 
You hesitate at his cold eyes. But it seemed whoever you were before liked the chill. He seemed more withdrawn, less intimidating to you than he was trying to show the rest of the world. This man, this memory in flesh, seemed to mourn you. 
“I’m sorry my lost memories gave you any grief.” 
“It is not your fault what happened.” 
Blurry memories flashed through your mind. All of blue, white, and of shared warmth. You grab his arm. Your words found their way into the air. 
“You loved me, didn’t you?” He looks at you with half a smile. He shifts himself so he is facing you. 
His fingers slowly tuck your stray strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I did as I do now.” 
“I think I do too.” 
Vergil never leaves your side again. To see that your love is ingrained and stored in your heart and not your mind, gives him hope that perhaps you will never truly leave him. He protects you like a treasure and it doesn’t matter if your memories come back or not, he will love you forever. 
“Oh, woe is me. I am made to fall apart but why does my Little Wanderer need to suffer?” 
When he finds out you don’t remember him, he cries a few tears in his lonesome. His Little Wanderer has strayed too far and like Orpheus, he cradles your ghostly form and sobs for his love. 
He will never leave your side as you rest, his cane against your bed. 
Even his familiars are affected by this. Griffon has lost his witty playmate and Shadow her beloved giver of pets. 
“Damn, Shakespeare. Shorty can’t remember jack shit.” 
You sit, eyes blank as you admire the bird and the panther by your side. 
The lanky and tattooed man who sits by you is very soft to you. You remember him mumbling poetic words to you as you half-slumbered, his fingers tracing your face. 
Nico and Nero do their best to leave V alone, knowing he needs peace after what happened. 
“Are they yours?” You gesture to Griffon and Shadow. 
“They are. But they are also yours.” You scratch Shadow’s chin. V smiles. At least you have the muscle memory of knowing where your “darling little kitty cat princess” likes to be pet. 
“Have we met before?” V nods. 
“Little Wanderer, we have met and our roots intertwined.” 
You are quiet at this statement. V offers his hand to you, your own joining his. 
“Oh shit, Shadow. They’re having a moment. Let’s dip.” The bird leaves, riding the big cat out of the room, the intelligent feline’s tail closing the door on the way out. 
“May I demonstrate?” 
Your hand is taken by him as he presses your embraced palm to his chest, his crying heart beating sadly under his palm. As your skin touches him, you feel his pulse speed up. Almost as if his heart begs to be felt under you. 
The sensation recalls your own. Who you used to be would lay her cheek upon his chest in the rising sun’s company, the birdsong an encore to his lulling heart. 
V lets out a small noise of startlement as you place his own palm above your breast, your own muscle thudding and joining the duet. Your face is slightly pink, eyes widened in shock of your shared affections for one another. 
His green eyes light up with joy as he understands your silent words. 
“Oh my beloved Eurydice, how you have yet to truly leave me.” 
The two of you embrace, a constellation not yet smitten by the universe. 
The lovers will not wane in their union, and they will defy all the stars to find each other again. V knows very well he will accept either path you take. Whether you remember who you were or not, you will always look at him the same. 
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ssamie · 3 years
seven. do a flip!
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"haha yeah, im with the others right now" reki said to the phone as he wiped a table clean. 
"really? are you at S?" y/n asked from the other line 
"oh no, we're at joe's restaurant." reki replied with a laugh "everyone's eating right now." he then covered the phone with his hand and sent them a nasty glare "everyone but me.. " he grumbled bitterly 
miya stuck his tongue out at the redhead and tauntingly bit into a piece of steak. "not our fault its your shift right now" he said. reki playfully rolled his eyes and brought the phone back against his ear. "anyways, y/n what're you up to?" he asked 
"i remember you mentioned joining a club right?" he said. "is it one for skating?! i didnt know schools even had those!" 
from the other line, y/n chuckled sheepishly. "ah no.. its a club for volleyball" she said "although im just a manager" 
reki furrowed his brows in confusion "volleyball? i didn't expect that" he said 
"me too reki. but it's really fun! if you ever come here we can try playing with my friends" she said excitedly 
"sure! im actually coming th-" before reki could finish his sentence, joe quickly covered his mouth and snatched the phone. "hey rookie!" joe greeted with a laugh "little reki here is busy at the moment but why don't ya chat with me?" he mused 
"oh, hi joe." she greeted him "why is reki busy? i thought you were just eating?" 
"ah well-" 
"are you lying? does reki not wanna talk to me? is he with someone else? or did something else happen?" she bombarded him with a chain of questions 
joe sweat dropped and looked over to the rest for help. "ah no, none of that happened, rookie" he reassured her "reki here is helping me out in the restaurant so he's a bit occupied" he explained 
"oh.." y/n mumbled in response "okay then" 
"dont spoil it, you slime!" miya scolded him "our visit is supposed to be a surprise!" 
"i was just excited!" reki defended himself with a huff "whatever, dude! y/n's gonna think i don't wanna visit her" he said 
"then make it up to her when you get there" shadow said as he ate . "good idea, old man shadow!" reki exclaimed "i'll do just that, but for now let me talk to her again-" 
before reki could reach for the phone, miya has already sprung up and snatched it. "y/n~" he cooed with a smug cat-like grin "how's it going?" he asked as he clawed reki's prying hands away 
"oh hi miya!" she greeted him cheerfully "everything is fine. though i miss you and everyone else" she said 
miya smiled in delight and his face exploded into a bright red hue. "you miss me?!" he asked excitedly. he then cleared his throat and scoffed. "how cute. you like me or something?" he said 
reki, along with the others watch with a deadpanned expression as miya shyly fiddles with his hoodie with a blush, although his tone of voice seems quite different. 
"of course i like you" y/n said 
miya splutters and throws the phone at reki's direction. "take it! i'm done here!" he shrieks as he turns his back at them and slaps his red face repeatedly. 
"you're my friend. why would i hate you?" she continued, although he wasn't there to hear it anymore. 
"hi y/n" reki said 
"hi!" she shrieked, followed by a loud thud, as if she had fallen. 
"hey, sorry about earlier! we can talk now if you want" he said with a chuckle 
"oh sure! lets--" 
reki's brows furrowed in confusion as the call suddenly disconnected mid-sentence. "hello?" he called out 
"huh? she hung up!" he exclaimed. "maybe she didn't want to talk to you" miya teased him. reki faced him with a look of distraught. "you think so?" he asked in panic 
"dude" miya sweat dropped "of course not. its y/n we're talking about" 
"REKI!" y/n shrieked out as she reached for the phone that was snatched out of her hands "why'd you take it?!" she exclaimed as she tried to reach for the device 
the class sweat dropped as they watched her try to reach for the phone in the teacher's hands
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"i don't know who reki is, but you can't use your phone. classes are about to start" he said 
"but-- but i was on a call with reki.." she sulked 
"you can call each other after class." the teacher sighed. "i won't take your phone since its your first time doing this, but let it be the last please" 
"okay.." y/n replied as she took the phone from him "i won't call during class. sorry." she said as she bowed her head 
"good. anyways-" the teacher cut himself off as he caught sight of her hunched over and rigorously typing on her phone. "hasegawa y/n! you can't text either!" the teacher scolded her 
"but i'm not making any noise.." she reasoned with a confused tilt of her head 
"it doesn't matter. you have to stop or i'll take away that phone." the teacher said. he then narrowed his eyes threateningly and said, "along with that skateboard of yours" 
the whole class sweat dropped as they watched y/n shudder in fear and quietly place the phone into her bag 
"sorry." she muttered as she placed her hands on the desk and tensely kept her eyes on the blackboard. "apology accepted." the teacher said. "anyways, let's start.." 
oikawa side eyed her, watching as her eyes and hands twitch , as if she was itching to pull her phone out again. the brunette leaned over iwaizumi, who groaned in annoyance, and poked her shoulder 
"yahoo, y/n-chan~" he whispered quietly 
"oikawa-san, please go away. if i make noise he'll take my phone and my board." she said 
oikawa frowned and poked her again. "don't be so cold to me, y/n-chan~" he cooed "i just wanted to ask you to join me for lunch later." he said. "lunch?" y/n hummed. "yup. let's do something fun together" he replied. 
"okay, oikawa-san" she agreed with a curt nod. "i'll join you" 
"hasegawa." the teacher called on her. y/n jumped and shakily faced the man. "yes?" she replied. "answer the question on the board." the teacher said 
"i can't!" she quickly denied. 
"why not?" the teacher said with a sigh "this is english class. you're from canada right? all im asking is for you to say something in english." 
"sorry!" she replied in english. "please don't take my phone and my skateboard away." 
"good job." the teacher gave her a nod before moving on 
"sorry" oikawa chuckled sheepishly "lunch later, okay?" he cooed. y/n simply nodded and gave him a thumbs up, refusing to speak a word. 
"shut the fuck up, shittykawa." iwaizumi grunted as he pushed the brunette away. "you're causing everyone problems" 
"ow! just for that, you're not invited to our lunch" oikawa said, to which iwaizumi simply replied with an eye roll 
"you didn't even plan on inviting me anyways, didn't you?" iwaizumi huffed
"so why did you want to have lunch together, oikawa-san?" she asked him
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"i see" y/n hummed. "im glad you enjoy my company, oikawa-san" she grinned
"no reason~" he cooed in response. "i just wanted to be alone with you, that's all" he said
oikawa nodded along as he transferred some food from his bento onto hers. it was placed on top of her board as she lightly rolls it around. "tell me about that reki guy, will you?" oikawa said with a curious hum. "i always hear you talking about him.." 
y/n peered up at him with a look of confusion, but nodded nonetheless. "i don't know why you'd like to know about him but okay.." 
"reki is my best friend. i met him when i moved to okinawa with my mom. he was my first ever friend and he was the one that taught me how to skate" she explained 
oikawa watched as a fond smile lightly grazed her lips, followed by a distinctive glimmer in her eyes. 
"reki is really amazing. i admire him a lot." she muttered 
"i see." oikawa hummed. "i'll love to meet him one day" he said. y/n perked up at the statement. "really?" she asked "don't worry, if you ever met him you'll get along just fine! reki is very friendly" she said with a smile 
oikawa simply nodded and quietly ate his food. she did the same, and they both sat in silence. "hey, y/n" oikawa muttered "you really like skating huh?" he mused 
"oh well... yeah, i guess so" she said. "can you teach me how?" oikawa asked with a cheeky grin. "teach you..?" she cocked her head to the side. "why?" 
"no reason." oikawa huffed "but will you do it?" 
"put your foot here, and push with the other" she demonstrated as she explained. "then you just have to keep your balance" 
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oikawa watched with calculating eyes, nodding along from time to time as he listened. "usually, tricks should come later on when you've already mastered the basics. but it was pretty easy for me, so maybe you can do it too, oikawa-san" she said 
"that was an ollie. reki said that if you got that down, you'll be able to do other tricks." she said. "it should be easy enough to learn" she grinned "just watch videos like i did!" 
she did an ollie and skated closer to him. 
oikawa sweat dropped and timidly placed his foot on the skateboard. "i don't think it'll be that easy, y/n-chan" he chuckled 
"yo, what the hell are you two doing?" 
they both looked back to see hanamaki, matsukawa, and iwaizumi walking towards them. hanamaki laughed and pointed at oikawa "are you learning how to skate?" he snickered 
"do a flip!" matsukawa hollered 
"i can't do a flip yet!" oikawa exclaimed "and don't laugh at me. you're probably no better than i am" he rolled his eyes. "but y/n-chan could probably do it" he said
"oh y/n?" matsukawa mused. "can you enlighten us with your skating?" he snickered 
"you always carry that around but we've never actually seen you skate" hanamaki chimed in 
y/n blinked at them and looked down at her board. "i guess i can do that" she said "but we'll need a bigger space than the grounds" she said as she motioned to the outside of the gym, where they were standing
"something like..." she trailed off as she looked around the area "like the roof?" she muttered 
the boys sweat drop and look at her in concern and confusion. "the roof?" they simultaneously asked 
"yeah. i'll jump and do a flip like you asked." she said with a shrug as she makes her way to the stairway leading to the rooftop 
"hey hey! hold on!" matsukawa interjected "are you trying to kill yourself?!" he exclaimed 
"no im trying to jump off the roof and do a flip." she shook her head 
"exactly! it's the same thing!" hanamaki shrieked out "you'll die!" 
"i won't die" she reassured them, thought it did not work in the slightest. "i've done this numerous times." she smiled at them 
"is that supposed to be comforting?" iwaizumi sighed and rubbed his temples in distress. "shittykawa. do something about this" iwaizumi said as he sent oikawa a glare 
"ahaha, right right" oikawa chuckled sheepishly. he then turned to face y/n, only to be met with thin air. "y/n.." he muttered "where is she.." he spluttered and looked up, eyes widening as he spotted her on the rooftop preparing to jump off "hey! y/n-chan get down! this feels like a crime scene in the making!" he rambled as he tried to persuade her to come down 
"oikawa-san, please watch carefully!" she yelled 
"no way! get down here right now!" oikawa yelled back at her 
"jump down?!" she yelled "okay! im gonna do it now!" 
oikawa paled as he shook his head and made an x with his arms "no! i said get down! but use the stairs! don't jump!" 
she simply ignored him and jumped anyways, much to the boys' horror. "this feels nostalgic" she muttered to herself with a smile as the wind made her hair fly around 
she spun around and grinned as the adrenaline started to make her heart pound. she placed her hand on top of her chest and kept her eyes ahead, although her mind was wandering back to her moments back in s
"holy shit" oikawa muttered as they watched her maneuver through the air as if it was no big deal 
"y/n is fucking amazing" he blinked his widened eyes and watched in bewilderment as she lands on the ground with a loud thud, followed by the mild screeching of the wheels against the concrete. 
"oikawa-san, this is called 'siderail slide' miya taught it to me." she said as she kicked her board around and let it land on its side by the edges of the concrete 
her feet landed on the side of the deck as she maneuvers her way around to turn. "stop explaining and get back here!" iwaizumi scolded her "are we going to let the fact that you jumped off a roof slide just like that?!" 
"and this is a kick flip." she said as she ignored iwaizumi and did the trick as told. "it should be easy enough to do if you know how to ollie." she said 
"hey, what's going on here?!" 
her eyes widened as she heard the same teacher's voice and desperately tried to halt her movement. although she wasn't fast enough and she was now frantically ushering the man to move away 
"ah! sensei! move! im gonna hit you!" she shrieked as she tried wobbled around 
"what the-- hasegawa-san you shouldn't--" 
he couldn't finish his words as her board suddenly got dangerously close to his face. the whirring wheels and the snow monster design almost slapping him right then and there. 
"SORRY!" she shrieked as she jumped over him and fell on the ground, rolling around, along with her board until she hit a wall nearby 
"y/n-chan! are you okay?!" oikawa shrieked in distress as he pushed the man away and sprinted to the girl. "im okay, oikawa-san" she said with a wince 
"but my butt hurts from that fall" she pouted "and my hand-- BLOOD!" she shrieked in fear. she holds the bleeding hand away from her as her expression turns into dread. "wipe it off.." she gagged as she looked at it in horror
"this is what bothers you the most out of everything that's happened?!" oikawa sighed in exasperation, though he did as he was told. 
"i don't like blood." she shuddered. "broken bones are what im used to" 
"im starting to worry for your well being if broken bones is something you consider 'the usual'." oikawa sweatdropped
behind them, the teacher glared and held his hand out expectantly. "i was wondering what the screaming was about." he said "but i didn't expect to walk in on whatever that was" 
"give me the skateboard, hasegawa-san." he demanded, making her whole body go ghostly pale 
"no uh.. i'll take detention instead" she bargained with a sheepish smile. "nope. give me the skateboard." the teacher shook his head as he went to grab the deck 
"NO! you can't take that!" she panicked and quickly grasped the other end "i can't skate without it!" she exclaimed 
"exactly." the teacher said. "you need to learn your lesson." 
"but -- but reki made that! i can't lose it! what if it breaks?!" she shrieked, now starting to gradually get more desperate 
"its not gonna break. and i don't know who this reki boy is, but you have to stop including him in everything." the teacher sweat dropped "and let go of the damn skateboard, kid. im not gonna throw it away, im just confiscating it" 
she shook her head as she peered up at him with exaggeratedly teary eyes, each looking like a pool of water waiting to just overflow. 
"will i get it back tomorrow?" 
"then im not giving it!" 
"kid, cmon. your making this job harder for me" the man sighed in exasperation ."just give it." he said as he pulled it away from her and walked away. "hope you learned your lesson, kid. you'll get this back soon enough" 
y/n watched his retreating figure with a deadpanned look. she slowly faced oikawa and grabbed his hand. "should i break into his office and steal it?" 
oikawa sweat dropped and shook his head. "you shouldn't. you'll get into more trouble" he said 
"y/n!!" matsukawa and hanamaki yelled as they dove in to check her for injuries. "are you okay?! that was sick as hell but be careful!" hanamaki exclaimed. "you're bleeding!" 
"and your board got taken! don't worry, that teacher's nice. he'll give it back to you soon" matsukawa reassured her 
y/n drowned their voices out as she laid back down on the concrete, looking absolutely lifeless. "i crave death" she squeaked out as her eye twitches in horror 
"cmon now" iwaizumi sighed "it's not that bad" 
"yes it is. i just lost the only thing i have left of reki. it's over" she sulked 
"someone make the pain go away" she pleaded 
"which one? the heartbreak kind or your injuries?" 
"both please." 
a few buildings away from the school adam sat by the balcony of his newly rented hotel room. he held a binocular by his eyes as he watched the scene go down with a wide grin
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"my eve hasn't lost her touch i see" he mused as he took a sip of his wine. "her skating is still as immaculate as ever" adam said as he let out a sigh of pleasure
"it makes my skin crawl!" he exclaimed
"and she.." he trailed off as his vision averts over to her, who was being helped by the boys. "is frowning. my eve is frowning." adam muttered as his grip around the device tightens, causing a soft snap to be heard.
his smile then fell as he watched the teacher walk away with y/n's skateboard through his binoculars. "but that nuisance is taking my little y/n's skateboard..?" he muttered
"you, dog." he called
"yes, mr.ainosuke?" tadashi replied
"get that skateboard back." he demanded as he threw the binoculars away, not caring that it had broken due to the impact. "and give it back to her as soon as possible" he said. 
"but.. are you not worried she'll know you're here?" tadashi asked him with furrowed brows 
adam snapped his eyes towards him and glared. "what was that? we're you about to disobey my orders just now?" he scowled through gritted teeth 
"do you have something to say? tadashi?" 
tadashi slightly bowed his head and replied. "no sir. i have no opinions." 
adam scoffed, followed by a grim laugh. 
"yeah. as always." 
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sorry for the spelling / grammar mistakes if there are any :<
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
can you make some headcanons about how bakugo,denki, dabi, and shinso would react to a seemingly super intimidating s/o who looks mean but is actually rlly chaotic and funny once u get to know them? thank u 🖤🖤
Never Judge By Looks
I INSTANTLY RELATE TO THIS SO MUCH! A lot of people look at me and think I’m mean but I’m the nicest person you could ever meet. So, being the strange little coffee bean that I am, I'm rather funny. I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Cursing, Crackhead Energy, and lastly..a sliver of smut.
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Katsuki Bakugo.
* When he spotted you, everyone was completely intimidated by you. I mean everyone, including Mina and you know that’s something.
* So, who broke the barrier and asked you a random question?
* Tsu’s bold-self, she walked over and simply asked where did you get your shoes from because she took notice of the limited edition brand you were wearing.
* How do you respond?
* Doing an epic fucking pose and giving a show dropping thank you as she stares in complete confusion as Mina screeches as loud as she can. That boils a friendship THAT SHOULDVE FUCKING HAPPENED!
* As much as he hates to admit it, he loves how random and chaotic you are. He loves how you can make even him laugh at how you are.
* It keeps a smile on his face though he doesn’t want to have it often. To him, it adds spice to the relationship you two have.
* He loves that every time he comes home, you’re doing the most random of shit.
Katsuki walked into the home, groaning as he walked towards the hallway, before freezing. He paused and turned towards the open door in his office as he flickered the lights on.
You slowly turned to face him with the cat in your lap as you smirked. “Welcome...To my evil lair.” You said while smirking as he stared at you in pure disarray.
“SINCE WHEN IN THE FUCK DOD WE GET A FUCKING CAT?!” He yelled as you smiled.
“I adopted one..and a dog..” you replied. “But the Pomeranian doesn’t seem to like his new feline friend, Mr. Snuggles.” You added, kissing the kitten as it meowed.
Katsuki sighed and held his nose. “Where is it?” he asked as he started looking around for an animal.
“I’m looking at him.”
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Denki Kaminari
* This is a match made in fucking heaven.
* He didn’t even care how intimidating you were, when you pulled out your phone case and he spotted something even he likes.
* He’s zapping to you and that’s that.
* You guys are called ‘The Chaotic Duo’. Mina, Ochako, Momo, and even Toru and Tsu loves you and how random you can be.
* You two together can make a simple trip to the store a ride to remember.
* The last adventure you two had, ended in you two being kicked out because he decided to charge all the fucking appliances in the Walmart technology.
* Let's just say..he fried the power..and even the backup generator they had.
* Best night ever.
“Babe! Have you seen m-“ Denki stopped his sentence as he saw you, standing at the entrance of the hallway? You were dressed perfectly in an Ash costume. You held up a poké-ball and tossed it at him.
The ball slapped him against the chest as he looked at it while it sat on the floor. “Pikachu! I choose you!” You said as he looked at you with a dorky smile on his face.
“Pika Pika!” He responded, running towards you while you squealed, bursting into a fit of laughter as he tackled you to the ground.
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Hitoshi Shinsou
* (I’ve been dying to use this man for the longest.)
* I see Shinso as a vibe guy, he’s extremely observant, unlike others. He doesn't go by personality but by how you are as a person, what type of energy you present. Though you wore a straight face, he knew that wasn’t the case.
* So, he already knows how weird you were though everyone else was still trying to find out more about you.
* He broke the ice himself and simply sat beside you, starting a simple conversation that became an awesome one. No one will know how a simple conversationwent from what’s your favorite color to how cats you owned and the werid shit they did at night.
* When you two started dating, everyone was shocked because after finally seeing the real you, they would’ve never expected him to be happy with a soul like you.
* He laughs at your jokes, might even do a few things with you, but he'd have to brainwash a few people so you guys can get off clean.
* He genuinely loves everything about that chaotic side to you to a T. You make his darkest nightmares to a beautiful dream.
* Your jokes make his day every single time, ignoring every comment that the world brings into him. You’re there to make it better.
“Kitten? Kitten? Where are you?” Shinso asked, looking around the empty apartment which was strange because you were babysitting Eri.
He walked around in confusion before he heard a giggle, making him pause. He looked up before walking out to the roof of the apartment building.
Eri and you sat side by side in a giant beanbag, holding your hands over when portable fire pit. “Let’s gather around the Campfire and sing our campfore song. Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song, and if you don’t think we can sing it faster then you’re wrong, but it’ll help if you just sing along!” You and Eri sung together before breaking out into a loud sing-a-long with her.
Hitoshi couldn’t help but laugh softly, watching you with her before he walked over to you two. When he sat down, you snatched her up and screamed.
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Touya Todoroki (Dabi.)
* Another man who already knew you before anyone else.
* Dabi’s very observant, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that. He doesn’t watch you like a hawk but when you joined the LOV.
* You made Shigaraki laugh, that’s a fucking miracle in itself.
* Toga, Twice and others loved you, especially Twice. You made both sides of him laugh until tears rolled down his cheeks.
* When you two are together, it’s more of a cat and mouse relationship. He follows and watches you, he may join you during your random or weird moments but it’s not his type of thing.
* You and Toga, on the other hand, are amazing. You two do the craziest of things, like Harley and Poison Ivy.
* You’re his star in the dark sky in his heart and he loves you for that. You shine so brightly, it blinds him sometimes.
“What the hell happened?” He asked, looking at you and Toga confused. Shigaraki looked just as confused as him. “And what the fuck are you wearing?” Shigaraki asked.
You were dressed in a sexy mouse costume and Toga was wearing a cat costume to match. “You told us to get into that party right?” You asked, looking at them.
You reached into your mouse ears and pulled out the papers, Shigaraki needed. He hesitated to take them but he pulled them away. “The...the party’s attire was formal..” Shigaraki spoke up, looking at you two confused as you took the mouse ears off your head.
“Yeah, but we would’ve been seen if we just wore formal attire. They had kids in there and a little brat gave me the papers I needed in exchange for Toga chasing me out of the party.” You said, smirking. Shigaraki snickered softly as Dabi smirked.
“When will it be my turn to chase you?”
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marrys-dream-world · 3 years
if we’re bound to be something, why not together? (chapter 11)
Read on AO3
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Notes:  Double update to cheer up a bit! This chapter turned out much longer than I thought it would be, almost double the size of other chapters. No content warning, just fluff! The song "Blueming" by IU, I think this fits this chapter a lot so if you want a song to listen while you read, it's that! Day 11: Voice Mail/Phone calls. @ladynoirjuly
After their last patrol, Ladybug sent Chat Noir a link through their communicators.
[Download this!!] She sent along with it, eagerly waiting for him. 
[As my lady commands : D] He sent back almost immediately. 
That talk had been a bit of an eye-opener to Marinette. She was getting to know Chat Noir more and more each day and she treasured every bit of information she got, jealousy holding it close to chest, hesitating to write it even in her diary. He was a quiet student during class, he had a friend whose name was definitely not Sallie (ugh), his father was distant, his mother and mother-figure were out of reach. He was lonely. All this information was worrying, just not as much as what she learned that night. At that moment, with him shaking in her arms, she made a decision.
Being there for him just as Ladybug wasn't going to cut it anymore. 
This idea wasn't anything new, she had been playing with it in her mind for a while now. So when she sent him a chat room code through her communicator with other instructions and detransformed, she was fairly confident it would work. Picking up her phone, she smiles as she saw that there was already a message.
My lady!! <3 <3 <3
down, Chaton. :)
I'm just mdlaomqnahsbsk
Is it okay, though? Talking like this?
yeah, i've been testing this app with RR and it's fine, there's no way we'll leak our numbers or anything like that to each other. don't worry ;)
This app is to warn each other about attacks and schedule meetings? Are you going to add RR to the chat?
nah, i'll just make one for the 3 of us. this is one for us to talk and stuff, doesn't need to be about job things.  
The "CN is typing…" kept it's place on the screen for enough time for her to start getting worried. 
You don't need to force yourself for my sake, bug. I don't want to bother you. 
Marinette thought about making a joke. The situation, however, didn't seem right for it. 
you never bother me.
His response came almost immediately.
You never texted me before.
guess i'll have to learn what's the maximum amount of cat memes a person can humanely send per day
Is that a challenge, my lady?
;) ;) ;)
just remember to not blow up my phone, we have class
I'll use my powers for good, don't worry : D
Marinette smiled and put down her phone, fixing up her bag for the next day on the chance (certainty) that she would wake up late the next day. When she picked the phone up again, there was a single text:
Thank you, bug. Good night. 
He was absolutely unstoppable after that. Next morning, as she was brushing her teeth, her cell phone pinged with the telling sound from the app and she smiled as she opened the app on her phone. 
Look, look, we can change each other's names.
good to know
You changed "CN" 's name to "Chat-terbox"
You know me so well. Soulmates.
Chat-terbox changed your name to "lady of my heart"
lady of my heart
yeah, i should have seen that coming, that's on me. 
oh yeah, gm
Good morning <3 <3 <3
Are you in class already?
Marinette froze in place, eyes snapping to the clock. There was only ten minutes before the class started. She bolted, barely noticing if she had on the right shoes or if her jacket matched her pants. So much for being an aspiring designer. Marinette blurred past the kitchen, taking a croissant and a banana and cramming them into her mouth as she ran. She made it to the classroom in the middle of the roll call, not even stopping by the lockers.
“Thanks for joining us, Marinette.” Ms. Bustier said dryly. “Please take a seat.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” She answered, out of breath. Sitting down, she took out her tablet and noticed another message making her phone screen glow. 
Is everything okay?
lady of my heart
i made it late in class but the teacher let me in hehehe
i think she's used to it *forehead sweatdrop emoji*
Hahaha a friend of mine just did the same thing, you two are twins 
lady of my heart
let me guess… Sallie *eyeroll emoji*
I mean, yeah, but why the eyeroll???
lady of my heart
you just talk too much about her, don't you think
You sound just like Plagg.
lady of my heart
maybe bc we're right
Why does that bother you? Jealous? *eyes emoji*
lady of my heart
as if *kicks u*
You kick your partner? You kick his body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for my lady! Jail for my lady for One Thousand Years!
lady of my heart
since my fate is already decided *kicks u again*
A giggle escaped her mouth.
"Marinette?" Ms. Bustier raised an eyebrow. "Something you want to share with the class?"
"N-no, ma'am." She answered, face heating up. Marinette quietly put her phone away, ignoring Alya's prying eyes. 
She only opened the app again during the break between classes, moving away from a curious Alya to hang by Kim and Alíx. 
I'll assume you're actually paying attention to class, which is great. You probably need it to make up all those crazy plans ;)
SM beaten by ninth grade physics 
Hey, boo, did you see this one SM identity theory video making rounds on the internet?
Marinette frowned.
lady of my heart
there's nothing new on the ladyblog
Oh, it's not on the Ladyblog, here 
She opened the video as quickly as she could before Ms. Bustier came back, only from the sound to make Kim and Alíx burst out into laughter.
lady of my heart
i opened it in my class I hate u so muuuuuch ughhhhhh
C'mon, boo, it was funny
lady of my heart
>: (
: 3
This time, she willingly put her phone away. 
On the next break, she tried to ignore the pinging from her phone. However, curiosity killed the cat(‘s lady).
Please don't be mad, my lady, I have written you a lengthy apology to make up for sins
File attachment: apology letter for my beloved.doc
lady of my heart
if it's another rickroll i swear to god i'll END you
You can see it's not a video, it's safe to open
Scout's honor
lady of my heart
u were never a scout
I could be!!
Please read <3
Sighing deeply, she clicked on the document. He would never shut up if she didn't. It read as:
l would like to offer my sincerest According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible…
She clicked back
Did you like it? :3
lady of my heart
Boo, noooooooo
After that, Marinette didn’t open the app again no matter how much her phone pinged. She wasn’t mad, not really, just a bit annoyed. Before lunch ended, she would read and answer. But now, she was stuck watching Alya and Nino play Super Penguino and make moon eyes at each other. Adrien wasn’t allowed to join them, as much as he begged his father, and she was feeling pretty bummed about that. She poked around her chicken pasta when she heard her phone playing a familiar song.
kore nani kore nani korenanikorenanikorenanikorenani-
Chat Noir!
"Is everything okay?" Marinette asked as soon as she picked up the phone. Alya and Nino, noticing her worried tone, paused their game to look at her. 
"You picked up!" Chat Noir said, cheery. "I thought you blocked me."
She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Is there actually something wrong? I'll hang up "
"No, wait!" He yelped. "There's nothing wrong, I just wanted to talk. Are you busy?"
Marinette looked over at Nino and Alya, who were still watching her expectantly. She smiles reassuringly and waved them away, furtively signaling to Alya that it was Chat Noir on the phone. Her friend nodded and bumped her shoulder on Nino's. 
"C'mon, babe, let Marinette talk to her 'friend' by herself." Alya said, leering. 
"Why did you say it like that?" Nino asked, confused. Then, his eyes lit up. "Is it Adrien? Tell him I said hi!"
"No!" Marinette shouted, gaining weird stares from the other patrons.
"No, you aren't busy?" Chat Noir asked on the phone.
"No, it's not Adrien, or no, you won't tell him I said hi?" Nino asked. 
"It's another friend." She said hurriedly before focusing on the phone. "I can talk now, not that busy."
"If you're with your friends, it's okay." He said, rather meekly for her chaton.
"I'm just third-wheeling." Marinette said as Alya and Nino began another round of Super Penguins. "Why did you call? Aren't you having lunch now?"
Chat Noir chuckled humorlessly. "Yeah, I'm having lunch at home and I'm all alone, so I thought I could give you a call. Is that too much?"
"No, it's fine." She reassured. "Why are you alone? What about your siblings?"
"What siblings?" He asked, genuinely confused. 
"Uh… the siblings I assumed you had for some reason." She said awkwardly, noticing how out there she sounded the more she spoke. 
"Really? You thought I had siblings? Why?"
"Because you're just like an annoying little brother." She said teasingly, a complete lie.
Chat Noir struck her as a mischievous, but supportive older brother. The kind that sneaked you treats after midnight and comforted you after failing a math test. Not like she could tell him that, though. If he was a little brother, it would be to a stressed older sister that he admired a lot and that found him reliable in return. She dreamed about meeting them sometimes and now it seemed that they would truly stay dreams forever. 
"I would like an older brother or sister." He sighed longingly. "The closest I have is my cousin, but he lives in another country."
"Oh, sorry."
"No, it's better this way, we would kill each other if we lived together. Everyday I would have to check for poison in my breakfast."
"A true sibling dynamic."
"Hey, why aren't you having lunch with your friends then?" With Sallie, she wanted to tease, but held back for fear of sounding, as Tikki said, bitter. 
"My father would rather I have lunch at home." He said vaguely. "My friends did invite me to go with them to a café, but my father didn't like the idea. He only likes one of them, the rest he says are bad influences."
"Let me guess, the one he likes is Sallie?"
"I can hear you rolling your eyes, but yes."
"Well, if you ever get lonely at lunch, you can call me." Marinette said honestly. "I don't mind it."
"Thank you." Chat Noir said softly.
They spent the rest of lunch talking on the phone, even sending pictures of their food to each other (Chat's limp salad made her take a bunch of mental notes to take him some pastries next patrol). On the way to school, as she walked to the classroom, they kept talking. She could hear Chat getting on a vehicle (a bus?) and when he got to school, she was disappointed he had to hang up. After Marinette clicked the end call button, the first thing she noticed when she looked up was Alya's smug face and Nino's confused one. 
"Wow, does my bro have some competition, dude?" Nino said. "You spent the entire break talking."
"What? No, that was just a friend!"
"Yeah, a friend." Alya sing-songed, making her face heat up.
"Yeah." Marinette said firmly. "There's no competition for anything."
"Who's competing?" A sweet voice asked from behind her and she jumped.
"Adrien!" She shouted, scrambling. "N-nothing hehe."
"Dude!" Nino smiled. "How was your lunch?"
Adrien smiled, brightly. "The best I've ever had."
Marinette felt inclined to agree. 
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littlestarofthewest · 4 years
*chants softly* Do it - write that modern AU uno fic that the fandom doesn't realise that they desperately need 👿😏😘
Remember this? This came up between Christmas and New Year’s 2019 xD And now I finally did it.
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Pairing: Arthur x gn reader | Words: 2325 | Rating: mildly nsft | Tags: strip Uno (yes, you’re reading this right), modern AU
The party is in full swing around you, but you have no desire to join in. It's been a while since a new year made you hopeful, and all the happiness and well wishes for another promising year sound forced and wrong in your ears.
It's too loud, and it smells like alcohol and too many people in a small space. You can barely breathe, so you head along the corridor to the rooms that are off-limits to the other guests. You don't feel like crashing in John's and Abigail's bedroom, so you take the next room that's part office, part storage room. In the past, you sometimes crashed here for the night.
You close the door behind you with a sigh and are about to head for the couch, but then you spot someone sitting in front of it on the ground. He's hunched over a little and looks up when you stop dead in your tracks.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know somebody was in here."
"It's alright," the guy says, offering you a kind smile.
A little lamp next to the sofa throws a soft shadow on his face, and you recognize the beard and nice features. You've seen him many times in photos around the apartment.
"You're Arthur, right?" you ask. "John's friend slash brother?"
Arthur chuckles. "Yeah, I guess you could call me that."
"I'm Y/N, Abigail's friend."
Recognition shows in Arthur's face, and he nods. "Friend slash soul mate slash the only person who understands Abigail whenever John acts like … well, John."
"So you have heard of me."
"A little, here and there," Arthur says, "mostly good."
Arthur grins a little one-sided, and something warm rises up in your stomach. You always thought that Arthur was handsome based on the pictures. It's way worse in person.
"I didn't mean to crush your party-" you start, but Arthur interrupts you.
"It's alright. I understand the urge for some peace and quiet. Please stay."
"Thanks." You move closer and sit down on the ground, putting your first and only drink down on the table next to the lamp. "What you got there?"
"Uno cards, if you believe it," Arthur says, and you both look at each other and speak at the same time. "John."
Arthur laughs, and you take a sip from your drink, enjoying the view. You definitely prefer Arthur's company to all the fake happy people outside.
"You gonna shuffle those all night, or are you ready to lose?" you ask.
"Lose?" Arthur measures you with a raised brow. "Around here, nobody takes me on."
You wave your fingers at him. "Come on then. Deal."
Arthur shuffles the cards for real now before setting up the first game, and you try to figure out if you've ever had a stranger New Year's Eve. Sitting in a friend's apartment playing Uno with a stranger is not a plan you would have made.
About two minutes later, Arthur puts his last card on the pile. "See?" he teases, but you just shrug.
"Beginner's luck."
You go back and forth with dealing the cards, and although Arthur wins the first three games, you soon catch up, making you both even again.
"So, why are you in here?" you ask, sorting your cards.
"I only came because John and Abigail wanted to set me up, but she didn't show," Arthur says with a shrug. "Didn't feel like partying after that."
"That sucks. Did her plans change?"
"More her perspective, I guess," Arthur says, something defeated in his voice. "Saw my profile picture, and suddenly she changed her mind."
"Nah, that can't be it."
"Why not?"
"Because you're gorgeous."
"I- What?" Arthur stumbles.
"I'm telling you that you're a very attractive man," you say while watching your cards. "And Uno, by the way."
"Oh, well, thank you, I guess," Arthur says. He puts another card on the pile, his cheeks now sporting a red tinge. "You're very nice."
"Just honest. And I win."
You grin at Arthur as he collects the cards to shuffle again. "You really are a worthy foe. We should make this more interesting."
"What, like strip poker?" you joke and Arthur laughs.
"We only have Uno cards." He's about to deal, but then he looks at you with a mischievous spark in his eyes. "Although it doesn't make much difference, really."
You look at each other and there's a sudden tension as if both of you wait for the other to chicken out or laugh. You wish you could, but the idea of getting Arthur naked is too tempting, even if you might lose some of your clothes yourself.
"We should probably lock the door," you say as casually as you can.
"Yeah, that's a good idea."
You get up to lock the door, and when you come back, Arthur deals, both of you acting as if nothing changed, but you feel a constant wave of heat running up and down your body. Before, you didn't really care much for your cards, but now every move counts. 
Arthur's the first one to win, but the second he puts down the card, he looks like he'd rather take it back. "Look, you don't have to-"
You interrupt him by taking off one of your shoes. "You're just worried you're going to lose."
 "Fine, you're asking for it."
Arthur wins again, getting your second shoe, followed by you winning for the first time. Like you, Arthur loses his shoes first, and then you agree to count both socks as one item. That's how Arthur ends up shirtless pretty soon after. You tell yourself that a naked torso is really nothing special, but for some reason, you play your worst round.
"You seem to have a hard time concentrating," Arthur teases, and you hate that he actually noticed.
"Shut up," you grunt, focusing on the cards. Still, you can't help but peek at Arthur once in a while.
"How did you end up here then tonight?" Arthur asks.
"My ex is back in town and hung around in front of my apartment, so Abigail suggested I hang out here."
"Something to be concerned about?" Arthur asks, his voice making clear how he thinks about a stalker-y ex.
"It's not that bad, really. They're not dangerous or anything, just annoying," you explain. "It's probably just a desperate 'alone on New Year's Eve' thing. Like I'd do that again."
You roll your eyes, and Arthur chuckles. "One of those, huh? Just gotta wait them out then. And this is your shirt gone."
He puts down his last card, and you get to your feet. "I'll go with the pants first if you don't mind. I'm hot anyway."
"Suit yourself," Arthur says nonchalantly, but you can feel his eyes on you as you slide the fabric down your legs. 
Arthur looks away again when you sit, but your skin still prickles, and you wonder how much more of this you can take. Playing freaking Uno shouldn't be this hot.
Lucky for you, you get a good hand, and despite your lack of concentration, Arthur's the one who has to get rid of his pants next. You try your best not to stare at his junk but fail miserably. Suddenly you're very concerned about what could happen next. Arthur must think the same.
"Glad we locked the door," Arthur grunts, "I don't need strangers looking at my junk."
"I'm a stranger, too, aren't I?" 
"You called me gorgeous; you can do whatever you want," Arthur says.
You know he's joking, but that doesn't stop your brain from imagining things you could do to or with him. That very pleasing but also distracting train of thought loses you your shirt in the next round. Still, Arthur's the one who has to get rid of his underwear first.
This time, you have the decency to look away until he sits down again, and the red on Arthur's cheeks is back. 
"So, what now?" he asks. "Can't exactly take off more if I lose."
After what you just thought about, your brain seems to have lost all sensible ideas, and you blurt out the first thing on your mind. "Truth or dare."
Arthur chuckles. "Really? And next up is 'spin the bottle?'" 
"Hey, we're playing strip Uno," you huff, "you really want to get judgemental on me now?"
"Alright, alright, 'truth or dare' it is. Just deal."
You deal the cards with butterflies taking flight in your stomach. You don't even know what to ask or dare Arthur, but the alternative is to get naked yourself. Either way, you're in trouble.
The round goes on and on, both of you putting on more cards rather than losing them, but then the game turns in Arthur's favor until he forgets to say Uno. You have better luck then, finally winning the round. 
This time, it's you who tries to offer a way out. "Look, you don't have-"
"No, no, that's what we agreed on," Arthur says, waving his fingers at you. "Come on, ask."
"Alright, truth, or dare?"
Arthur studies you for a moment, his gaze so intense that a cold shiver runs down your spine. "Dare."
All kinds of stupid things run through your mind, but you don't want to make Arthur look foolish, especially in front of anybody else. You want to keep him all to yourself.
"I dare you not to move, no matter what."
Arthur raises his eyebrows in surprise but stays deliberately still. You take all your courage and crawl over to him, scattering the cards without a second thought. 
When you reach Arthur, you run your cheek along his one like a cat before placing soft kisses along his neck. You hear him take in a sharp breath, but he doesn't move. 
You look up to him, and he keeps still as you move closer, your lips hovering so close to his that you can feel his breath. It takes all your willpower not to kiss him, but you're still playing after all.
"Your turn," you say, looking right into Arthur's eyes. They're a nice shade of blue but with an almost golden circle in the middle.
"Truth or dare?" Arthur asks.
"Dare," you say way too fast.
Arthur's lip twitches into a smile, but he still doesn't move. "I dare you to come closer."
You crawl into Arthur's lap, very aware of the fact that only a tiny piece of fabric keeps you apart. With your arms around Arthur's neck, you make yourself comfortable, but your faces are still inches apart. 
"Truth or dare?" you ask.
"The truth is that I didn't say Uno on purpose," Arthur says. You believe him, which means that he wanted for this little game to start. 
"Trickery," you say, running your fingers through his hair, "how very naughty of you. I think that entitles me to dare you again."
"Sounds fair."
You move even closer, your fingers teasing Arthur's neck. "I dare you to touch me."
Arthur places his hands on your knees before running them up to your thighs. You get goosebumps all over your skin and can't help that you fidget a little. The friction takes its toll on Arthur. You can feel him pressing up against you while he runs his hands up along your body.
"Truth or dare?" he asks, his fingers dancing over your back.
"Truth. I want you to kiss me."
Arthur caresses your shoulders while he looks at you, his fingers climbing your neck in slow motion. The touch makes you shiver, but you stay right where you are, letting Arthur cup your face with his hands. Only when there's a barely-there pull, you move, finally closing the gap between you and Arthur.
You can't remember the last time someone kissed you this gently, and you melt against Arthur, promising yourself to stay in his lap for as long as you possibly can.
Arthur deepens the kiss, the taste, and warmth of him making you forget where you are until there's a harsh knock on the door.
"Hey, Y/N? You in there? It's me."
You feel like being doused with ice water, and your fingers dig harshly into Arthur's shoulders.
"Who's that?" he whispers, worry in his expression.
"My ex," you whisper back.
"Come on, let's talk," comes the voice from outside.
Arthur raises his eyebrows in question, and you immediately shake your head, so he tilts his head to face the door. "Do you mind? We're trying to hook up in here."
There's silence, and you bite your lip so you won't laugh. Sadly, your ex doesn't give up that easily. "Who is this?"
"It's Arthur; you might want to remember that name the next time you skulk around somebody's apartment."
It's silent again, then your ex clears their throat. "Just call me, okay? We can talk about this?"
You look at Arthur, slightly shaking your head, so you both stay quiet until you're sure your ex is gone. Arthur leans back with a sigh, resting his head against the couch. "That was not a turn on."
"I'm sorry," you say, running your fingers over his beard. "Like I said - annoying."
Arthur watches the ceiling for a bit before he takes your hands, threading your fingers together. "You know, I have an apartment, too. No exes hanging around that one."
You laugh. "Getting me naked here doesn't mean you can get me naked over there."
"I just borrow these cards, and we'll see what happens."
He kisses you again, and you have to admit to yourself that you'd rip your clothes off in an instant if he asked you to. You still act like you need to be persuaded. "Fine, you may take me there and try again. You might lose, though."
Arthur smiles. "I'll take that risk."
Getting dressed has never been such a thrill for you. Maybe the new year wasn't so bad after all.
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