#you must simply understand that it is.
quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
I’m not joking btw. The further I get in this rewatch the more I go, oh, no happy ending for Dean would revolve around romance! That’s not something he wants! He’s let that go as he’s found things more fulfilling to him, or allowed what was already there to finally cement itself as a permanent part of his life (ie his relationship with Sam.)
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appeypie · 1 year
Demise and ghirahim remind me of rose quartz and pearl from Steven universe
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desultory-novice · 18 days
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"I appreciate the sentiment and all but..." "...couldn't you have packed pins or something?"
"But you LIKE scarves!" "You wear the one I got you all the time!"
"...That's it. I finally feel too warm dressed like this."
~Happy Pride, Everyone~
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mythology-void · 3 months
reblog if you hate calypso
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smallz-o · 4 months
my predictions on q!tubbo lore:
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eskildit · 5 months
imo i don't feel like we should be using a scene of sexual harrassment to determine whether a character is pretty; the level of objectification & entitlement strange men display towards cam and nona in ntn is actually really scary
absolutely agree and i also acknowledge that part of why that scene gets (imho) misinterpreted is because nona herself recalls that moment as proof that shes pretty. more specifically, because he called her pretty, not because he wanted to have sex with her. she at that moment is fairly unbothered by the fact this man wants to have sex with her, so its easy for the reader to also feel unbothered by it.
but also, i think that nona's responses to sex and sexual advances are not always the same throughout the text. the moment in question is towards the beginning of the novel and takes place "after Nona could talk, but before she started making herself a useful member of society". But later, nona says she doesn't like it when cam wears the sunglasses because it make her look like the hired guns that whistle at her and camilla. In a scene between crown and nona:
“Maybe you could be the one to melt her icy heart. You’re cute... on your best days, adorable. But I’m not sure you’re her type.” Nona flushed. Suddenly being treated as an adult made her feel out of her depth, like when a wave knocked her off a sandbar and her feet went out from beneath her. She didn’t know what to say or how to act, and floundered toward the shallows: “She’s not your type either,” she said.
Plus, towards the end (once nona learns what the word 'pimp' means), she gets actively annoyed whenever honesty calls pyrrha a pimp.
Anyway! this was a long-winded answer to a very straightforward ask. tl;dr, I think sometimes folks take nona's neutral reaction to that sexual advance as proof everything was perfectly safe which doesn't acknowledge the real danger in that moment, and that nonas perception and understanding of the world around her continues to evolve over the course of the novel.
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
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↓ Is he a joke to you?
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Am I a joke to you?
Is my raison d'être naught but a jest to you? To you, who is one half of the aforementioned? Oh Jail for Eichi jail for Eichi for one Thousand years!!!
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boyhaunt · 9 months
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you HATE miette?? you want a delicate fag like miette to suffer???
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goldiipond · 4 months
maybe this is me having too much faith in the people calling for the extermination of an entire ethnic group but idk. i feel like the fact that israel has the most powerful settler colony on the fucking planet bending over backwards to defend them from literally every other country should be enough to make at least some zionists realize that they are not the good guys
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forestofsprites · 1 year
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sammylovesbendy · 1 year
guys ill be real i just found out abt sinful bendy and borkis
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lilac-lemonade · 7 months
You know what, maybe I will add White Collar to the list of fandoms I want to write for in the future, because Neal Caffrey makes me want to gnaw on the bars of my enclosure
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zero-a · 1 year
people will go all "just be yourself and love yourself! :)" and then go "if you don't act the way i want, you gotta reprogram your entire way of thinking then reach into the very core of who you are and what makes you you, discard it, and replace it with this better, friendlier, more empathetic version that's coincidentally far more convenient for me to deal with than any other possible compromise we can make that you can do for me but doesn't stretch your mind to nothing but thin bands of what you'd consider 'You' :))))))"
#mine.txt#just thinking about all those 'think positively!' and 'romanticize your life!' posts#like on one hand i can see their merit cause self-hatred though instinctual is ultimately detrimental to your mental health#but on the other hand...some of them (a lot of them) are really just unashamedly asking other people to completely change themselves huh#all in the guise of ''positive thinking'' ''self-love'' and ''betterment'' no less#i suppose i shouldnt be surprised considering most people can barely grasp the concept of someone who Genuinely has muted emotions#as a natural state instead of a depressive symptom#not to mention the human quality of escalating things#so ofc tumblr which seems to currently be in its mental health recovery phase would naturally lean in so hard towards ''radical happiness''#but man sometimes i really do just wanna shake the person from behind the screen and say#'no! dont you understand! this is just how i am! stop implying that everybody who doesnt feel joy at simply waking up is a miserable hag!'#sometimes they dont even imply it they just straight up say it 💀#im honestly fine (as in idc) with seeing them but they remind me so much of those toxic positivity bitches that sell you random hoaxes#and tell you that youre ''ruining their vibes'' when youre not just beaming like the sun every waking second#well idc most of the time that is#sometimes they just trigger my szpd (and my dpd weirdly enough)#with the szpd obviously i dont like being told what to do and what to feel and having some rando assume things about me#but with the dpd its like#oh i must be doing something wrong ofc this stranger on the internet knows more about emotions and feelings than me#cause im a dumbass who doesnt Feel things therefore i must do what they say even to my own detriment#this mainly applies to those guilt-trippy ones so ive learned to steer clear of them#possibly even block the op
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soggypotatoes · 8 months
ohhh it's one of those nights where my love for the world is painful to bear.. it's a strange way to feel when everywhere I look there is concentrated pain, the state of the world, all over the world.. but my dog is so beautiful and the books I'm reading so full of time and attention, and the act of writing anything at all, of language, so intricate and woven with love.. I'm having a moment here 😅
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mixing0 · 8 months
Is anybody willing to commission me? I need $30 for an... impulsive purchase... let's put it that way...
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I must own him for myself.
Commission info under the cut.
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forcedhesitation · 17 days
completely rhetorical question, I know exactly why they do, but also why do people succumb to pairing star/gale? or rather, how do they? is it not boring, do you not get bored? I cannot imagine being continuously entertained by such a bland pair. wyll is right there, man.
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