#you'd rather a woman be punished for being a woman
torchwood-99 · 11 months
House Green's arguments are founded so much on "Team Black is wrong because misogyny and anti-bastard prejudice says so!"
In a book that explores and criticises prejudice and misogyny to such an extent, does it occur to these guys that prejudice is an evil to be defeated? That the moments where the characters defy laws founded on prejudice are the moments we should respect them the most? Regardless of motive, anything that takes away power from these evil systems is something to be encouraged?
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twizzie-lairs · 5 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 2)
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Part 1 | Part 2
Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw so stay tuned...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
Part 2:
Every day and night you had to stay trapped at home, it felt like nails on a chalkboard after that one fateful meeting that night.
The only thing that made the time bearable was the radio. Alastor told you he hosted a radio show. As so, you soon became one of his most loyal listeners. Anything to relive the moment when you felt like a person again.
So when the night finally came, that you could escape to Mimzy's establishment the next town over, you were over the moon at the chance to see Alastor again.
Luckily for you, your husband was going to be away for a week this time.
That night, you made it to the bar a bit later than usual, you had to be extra sure that it was safe to leave town unnoticed after a close call of almost being discovered by some relatives that lived nearby.
When you enter the bar, you hear some piano music. It wasn't unusual for Mimzy to invite musicians or let patrons play some music at the piano that resides in the bar, as long as they didn't get boo'ed off the stage. But this music stirred something in your soul, making you hurry into the bar.
It was Alastor.
You gasp, your heart beating a million miles a minute. You were so drawn to him. In this moment, the jazzy music that filled the air and filled up all the holes in your heart. You were captivated. So captivated, that you forgo greeting Mimzy and the bar entirely, in favor of walking over to Alastor at the piano.
He gives you a surprised look before smiling and immersing himself in the music once more.
You smile back and you can't help but sing along to Alastor's piano playing. The song was a classic, and also one your personal favorites.
As you sing, you sit down on the piano bench next to him. You notice he doesn't open his eyes, but the smile on his face deepens as your duet continues.
When your song comes to an end, it feels like you came back down to earth. The bar erupted in applause, the embarrassment flushing your whole face pink. You look over to Alastor who's looking at you with such a warm expression.
"My dear, what a lovely voice you have. Your talents truly seem boundless. I am quite surprised you knew that song."
You spend the rest of the night tucked away in a private corner talking with Alastor about all sorts of things, interests, likes, dislikes, deep conversations about life, and even your fears. But never once did you mention your home life, you'd rather die than let Alastor find out. The last thing you need is for him to treat you differently.
When you mention you listened to his every show ever since the night that you first met, his eyes light up and something in him clicked. He took your chin gently in his hand and brought your face closer to his, "Oh my, I have never met a finer woman with even finer tastes in entertainment~" which caused your heart to flutter like never before.
The tension and feelings between the two of you were palpable. It was clear to the rest of the bar that the two of you were smitten with each other, something akin to love at first sight. You tow were inexplicably drawn to each other.
You wish you didn't have to leave and go back home. But you knew you had to get home before dawn, even if you were going to come back the next day/night anyway. Relatives and in-laws usually liked to stop by unannounced and if they found the house empty, you'd be in for a world of punishment and pain. It happened once, and you would rather not relive that experience ever again.
So even though it pained you greatly, you had to say goodbye to Alastor. As you stood up to leave, Alastor's hand still held yours, you could tell he was reluctant to let you leave. Very rarely did he have the chance to enjoy such cultured and lovely conversation. With a sad and somber expression, you walked away, his hand slowly sliding out of yours.
"I hope you come back to me, ma chérie ..."
-> Part 3
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girlgenius1111 · 4 months
echoes of her
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fluff x angst. implied sexual content? 18+ anyway. warnings: mention of unhealthy past relationship.
alexia and r are out, r sees alexia with another girl, who happens to be r's ex. r acts up, until alexia drags her home, prepared to punish her for being a brat. before she does, r breaks down, tells alexia what was really going on.
You did a double take when you noticed just who your girlfriend was speaking to at the bar. Your blood ran cold at the sight of her; your ex girlfriend. How, why, was she here?
She was, truly, an awful person. Incomparably so. Your time with her had been awful for you, completely destroying your mental health. Despite this, Alexia hardly knew anything about the other woman. She knew there was someone before her, when you were still living in London, and that it hadn't ended well. You'd kept that ugly part of you locked away from your girlfriend. Partly because you didn't feel like bothering her with something that was so very done, but also because you didn't want her to see how shattered that girl had left you.
Alexia had walked away to get another drink for you a few minutes ago. It was taking longer than you expected, so you turned away from the conversation you were having with Mapi, and looked around for the blonde head of hair you were so familiar with. There she was, stood at the bar, making conversation with another blonde you were rather familiar with. What this woman was doing in Spain was beyond you; for a moment, you wondered if you were being crazy; that couldn't be her.
Then she turned, catching your eye and sending you a smirk, and you knew this was no accident. Her, in this club, talking to your girlfriend. You felt like you were being torn in half; you felt like sprinting towards the nearest exit, away from the girl standing at the bar. At the same time, you wanted to run towards her, to pull Alexia away, to protect her. You were paralyzed, a million different thoughts running through your head as you caught Alexia's eye. Her smile fell, eyes squinting slightly as she caught the very panicked look on your face.
"Chica!" Mapi called, waving a hand in front of your face. This broke you out of your stare, and you jumped a little, turning towards your friend. Her and Patri were looking at you, concerned, having witnessed you go from relaxed to completely tense in just 10 seconds.
"Yeah?" You asked, clearing your throat, glancing back at where your girlfriend had been standing. She was on her way back to you, and you dug your nails into your leg. Alexia would come here, and everything would be fine.
"Are you okay?" Patri asked, resting a hand on your shoulder. You repressed a shudder at the contact. Everything was setting you off, everything suddenly too loud, too bright, too close.
"Yeah, yeah. Just got dizzy for second. I'm fine." You promised, putting on a smile that you hoped was convincing. Before either girl could question you further, an arm was wrapping around your abdomen, pulling you back into your girlfriend's body. You curled into her and she tightened her arms around you, rubbing her thumb up and down your stomach lightly.
"Bién?" Alexia softly whispered in your ear. "Are you feeling ill?" You weren't sure how Alexia could tell you felt nauseous, seeing as though the lights in the club were multicolored and dim. You turned to look at up at her, and caught your ex girlfriend, only a few feet away, clearly intending to come speak to you.
Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around Alexia's neck, pulling her down into a kiss that could only be described as one too filthy to be had in public. Alexia allowed it for a minute, pulling back when Mapi and Patri started making loud retching noises from next to her. She gave you a look, one that told you to behave, before turning to your friends and rolling her eyes at them.
"No seas dramática. As if I have not seen you both make out with girls in clubs until my eyes were burning."
Before they could respond, you raised a hand to Alexia's cheek, turning her head to look back at you. Your ex had stopped moving closer, but she was still watching, a frown set on her face. You needed her to stay away, stay far away. Alexia had been looking forward to this night out, though, and the only way she'd agree to leave early was if you gave her a convincing reason to. Of course, you could have just told her what was going on, but that didn't really feel like an option to you.
"Dance with me?" You asked Ale, a plan beginning to form in your head. Get Alexia turned on, get her to take you home. Get your ex to leave you alone, all at once.
Alexia got the familiar dreamy expression on her face that she got when you asked her for anything, and she nodded.
"Sí, if you want."
You took her hand, puling her towards the dance floor. Behind you, out of your line of sight, Mapi and Patri exchanged amused looks; never before had they seen their stubborn captain so easily agree to dance. She would do anything for you, though, as was evident.
Your and Alexia's dancing remained innocent for less than a minute, before you were turning your back to her, pressing your ass back into her, and grabbing her hands in yours. You trailed them all over your body, grinding backwards to the bass of the song. You didn't need to hear Alexia's hitch of breath to know how she was feeling about this.
You were pushing her, you knew. Alexia was possessive; she didn't like anyone to see you the way she did. This little performance you were putting on was drawing some attention; it was a gay bar, after all, and your tight outfit hugged you perfectly, your body swaying gracefully against Alexia's. She clenched her jaw tight, sure you were going for a reaction, and not quite wanting to give you one.
Her resolve broke, though, when she caught the blonde she was talking to earlier at the bar staring at you. It seemed to Alexia that you were looking right back at her.
"Vamos, mi zorrita." Alexia whispered lowly right into your ear, wrenching her hands out of yours, instead placing a possessive hand on your back, and leading you towards the exit. As she passed the woman who had been looking at you, she made eye contact, glaring hard. You were hers. She thought she felt you tense up as you passed by her, reaching back to lace your fingers with hers, but she didn't linger too long on it, already planning what she was going to do with you when you arrived home.
You passed by where your friends were gathered, ignoring their knowing smirks as Alexia practically dragged you out of the club. So close, you were so close to being safe, to Alexia being safe, far away from her.
Alexia gave you the silent treatment in the car, knowing how crazy it drove you. You needed contact with her, though, anxiety still swirling inside of you. You couldn't ask for her hand right now, without explaining why yours was inexplicably shaking. Not now, when Alexia was preparing, deservedly, to punish you.
Instead, you let your hand rest on her thigh, letting your fingers rub small patterns in to the fabric of her tight leather pants. She scoffed at you, as if daring you to continue teasing her, but she still didn't say anything. It was fine, you were almost home. Alexia would make you feel good, replace every thought in your mind of her, with the feeling of your girlfriend all over you. It was fine.
The minute you were through the door, Alexia had you pressed up against the wall of the entry way, barely taking time to shut the door behind her. You reached for her, but she grabbed your hands with hers, pressing them back into the wall.
"No no, you wanted to be una zorrita, I will treat you like one."
"Cállate." She growled, moving her lips to your neck, working marks into the skin. Her teeth nipped at your skin, and you shuddered at the feeling. You were turned on, obviously. How could you not be? Alexia was biting at kissing at you like she wanted to eat you alive, pressing up against the wall, clearly preparing to fuck the brattiness out of you.
You weren't in the right headspace for this, though. Your brain was already flashing to times with her times that had been fueled with rage, and a passionate hatred. Times that were definitely not healthy. Alexia needed to stop. Now. Your breathing was quickening, your hands were starting to shake, and you needed her off, off now.
"Stop. Red, Alexia, stop" you managed, taking your hands and physically pushing Alexia away. She was off of you in a heartbeat at your words, her hands raised in the air, swollen lips falling into a concerned frown.
"Okay, okay. Stop. We stop." She assured you, taking in the way your whole body seemed to vibrate with anxiety. She had mistaken your body's reaction as being one of arousal, when it had been one of panic. "Mi amor? Talk to me." She pleaded softly.
You reached a shaky hand out towards your girlfriend, and she took it instantly, latching on and squeezing tight. You were unsteady, mind in overdrive. All you knew was that Alexia was safe, and you needed safe. You tried to take a step towards the blonde, but you were shaking too hard, and your legs practically gave out from under you. Alexia caught you easily, carefully lowering you to the ground. She made a movement as if to give you space again, not wanting to overwhelm you with her touch.
That was the opposite of what you needed, though, the feeling of her hand in yours being the only thing keeping you somewhat grounded.
"Ale," you gasped out, clinging onto her shirt.
"Está bien, está bien, te tengo." Alexia promised, allowing you to scramble closer into her arms. "Shh, shh, you are okay, amor, todo está bien."
You were a pile of limbs on the ground, just in the entry way of the house, a shaking mess collapsed against your girlfriend. You pressed your face closer into her neck, her loose blonde hair tickling your skin lightly. You couldn't get close enough to Alexia, would have preferred to climb into her skin if you could.
"Tighter," you mumbled.
"¿Qué?" She whispered back, her lips pressing a soft kiss into your hair.
"Tighter, please,"
Alexia tightened her arms around you, until it was almost painful, but it was exactly what you needed. Being surrounded by her was working, the scent of her perfume and her laundry detergent invaded your senses, one of her calloused hands sliding up under your shirt and moving slowly up and down your back.
"Mi bebé, estás a salvo, lo prometo."
Alexia wasn't sure what this was. One second, you were kissing her back, teasing her in the car on the way home, the next you were looking around like you weren't sure what was going on, or who was touching you. She thought she knew what you needed, but evidently, she was wrong.
You had calmed down significantly after a few minutes, settling into the feeling of Alexia's nails gently running through your hair.
"You back with me, amor?" She asked quietly.
"Yeah." You inhaled deeply, leaning away and looking, guiltily, at your girlfriend. "I'm so sorry, Alexia, I didn't mean to freak out like that."
Alexia immediately shook her head. "No, I am sorry, amor. I should have checked in sooner."
"Alexia you were just kissing me, there wasn't time to check in sooner." You dismissed, rising unsteadily to your feet, and holding out a hand to help the blonde up as well. She still looked like she disagreed with you, but she took your hand anyway, allowing you to help her to her feet.
You knew a conversation was imminent, and you began to walk into the living room. Alexia caught your hand, though, pulling you back into a tight hug. You melted into it, pressing your face into her shoulder and inhaling deeply. After minute, Alexia released you, tilting your chin up to look at her.
"Better?" She questioned.
"Yeah, much better."
Alexia nodded, laying a soft kiss on your forehead, before pulling you towards the living room once again. You sat slightly away from your girlfriend, mentally preparing yourself to tell her what was going on. The blonde frowned, but didn't move any closer.
"Amor. Did I do something to make you so upset?" Alexia asked, rushing through the question like she was terrified of your answer.
"No, no. It wasn't you. I got... overwhelmed. Tonight was a lot."
"Why was it a lot? What got you so riled up at the club? You were acting normal one second, and then you were all over me the next."
"I saw you at the bar... talking to that blonde girl? With the red top?" You trailed off, looking down at your hands. Alexia misunderstood.
"Bonita, I did not mean to make you jealous, I was just being nice."
"I wasn't jealous, Ale. I... I knew her. That girl. I knew her."
The midfielder took this in, nodding slowly. She was watching the expression on your face, carefully guarded, with just a hint of hurt peaking through.
"What did you know her from?" She wondered cautiously.
You took a deep, shuddering breath. "I used to date her. Back in London. Before I moved here."
"Oh... Oh. She is that ex. The one it did not work out so well with."
You let out a humorless laugh. "Yeah. Not so well."
"And seeing her made you very upset?" Alexia continued. You nodded. "Can you tell me why?"
"That relationship wasn't good. At first, she was fine. We worked well together. She got... controlling and manipulative pretty fast. It was awful. We were together 6 months, and in that time she completely destroyed me. I was unrecognizable." You paused, peaking at the blonde. She was looking at you, sympathy written clear across her face, giving you a small nod to tell you to keep going.
"I don't think I really realized how bad it was until I met you, and you were so different than she was. Always so sweet to me. And seeing her with you, I don't know. It set off my fight or flight. I needed to protect you from her, and myself from her, and at the same time I wanted to prove to her that I was doing well, that I was happy. I wasn't happy, for so long after we broke up, and every time our paths crossed, she always seemed so pleased with herself. I needed to feel like I was yours, and the only thing I could think to do was the get you to take control, and get me out of there." You finished, eyes locked on the fingernail you were fiddling with.
Alexia was quiet for a while. So long, in fact, that you were starting to get nervous.
Finally, she spoke. "Well, first, mi amor, I am so sorry that you were in such a destructive relationship. You deserve so much better than that. You are... you are perfect mi niña, and I am so sorry that she did not see that, and that she was so awful to you. I would like to talk more about this, later."
"But you should have told me, amor. What was going on, who I had been speaking too. I would have gotten you out of there if I knew you needed to leave. You have to talk to me. When you do not feel safe, whatever it is, you tell me, and I will take care of it. Always."
"And, amor, there are other ways for me to make you know that you are mine, than trying to get me to have sex with you. We do not mess around like that when you are not feeling right." Alexia said firmly.
You found that, suddenly, you could not meet her eyes. Hesitantly, the blonde slid closer to you, leaving her hand open on the couch next to you, an invitation. You took it appreciatively, feeling inexplicably safer when her large hand completely encapsulated yours.
"I am not mad, bebita. I promise. Can you tell me what was going on in your head when you pushed me away?" Alexia felt you tense next to her, and opened her mouth to withdraw the question. Before she could, you spoke.
"We always used to have sex after a fight, once we'd made up. It wasn't healthy, and we shouldn't have been doing it but we did. I was remembering that, one of the last times. I didn't realized how unsafe I felt around her until I was with you, and I felt so safe. My body couldn't decide whether it was safe or not, it was really confusing."
Alexia sighed deeply, and you prepared yourself for her to get angry. You were surprised she hadn't yet, but it was only a matter of time. Wasn't it?
"If something like this ever happens again, you have to communicate with me, yes? You should always feel safe with me. Can I... can I ask why you did not tell me?"
"I didn't think you'd want to hear about it." You confessed, meeting Alexia's confused gaze.
"Why?" The midfielder responded, sounding completely bewildered.
"Why would you want to hear about my ex girlfriend, Alexia?" You scoffed.
"Because it was upsetting you. And she hurt you. I want to hear about those things. You are mine amor. Not hers, I know that. I want to know when something is upsetting you; it will never make me upset with you. Never."
You looked so unsure, Alexia rested a hand on your cheek, stroking gently back and forth with her thumb. "You can tell me anything, amor, anything. You do not need to worry about my reaction. All I care about is you being okay, not being jealous of your awful ex girlfriend."
You nodded hesitantly, placing your hand over Alexia's, keeping her hand on your face as you leaned into the contact.
"Mi amor," she murmured. "I am sorry tonight was so hard for you. How are you feeling now?"
"Better." You lied.
"Better, but..." Alexia said, looking at you expectantly. You wished you could be annoyed with how well she knew you, but you couldn't. It just made you feel that much more loved.
"But... seeing her again, it was like I was back there, in her little apartment. She made me feel so worthless, and I felt that way again. Like I was nothing, worth nothing." You admitted, turning away briefly to rub at your face, very tired of crying this evening. Alexia didn't let you get far, though, wrapping a muscular arm around your shoulder and pulling your right back into her.
"No. No. You are worth everything. Everything I have to give you and more, bebé, all of it."
"What did I do to deserve someone as good as you?" You wondered aloud, almost accidentally. You didn't realize what you'd said until Alexia frowned, looking into your eyes intently. You got lost in the warm hazel there, as you always did, almost forgetting your question until she spoke.
"You are good. You deserve good. I will only ever give you good, amor. Only ever the best for my girl." Alexia declared, leaving a light kiss on your nose, and then one on your lips. Her gaze when she pulled back was so intense, you felt yourself blushing heavily.
"I love you." You said shakily, managing a watery smile.
"I love you more." Alexia promised, leaning in for another gentle kiss.
Another thing about Alexia; when she told you something, you believed it. She had a way with speaking with such conviction, that when she told you she loved you, you were instantly convinced that she did. And if Alexia loved you? If someone as good, as perfect as Alexia loved you? You must have been deserving.
did this win the poll? no. had i already started it when i posted the poll? yes. in conclusion, the results of polls are meaningless unless you pick what i want you to pick :(
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sanemisstalker · 11 months
NSFW// Douma doing pussy inspections to make sure you didn't fuck any of his servants in his absence.
Saw a post talking about a possessive partner doing pussy inspections to make sure you'd stayed loyal and I 🤭
CW// Fem reffered/ AFAB reader/ Breasted / NTR / Cheating/Cuckholding (questionable) / BDSM dynamics / DUB-CON/NON-CON/ Objectification / Reader is reffered to as a 'sow' / is viewed as akin to an animal / Threats of Genital Mutilation / Gore / 24/7 Submission / Sexual Torture.
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For all intents and purposes, you never wanted to cheat on Douma. The impulse was exactly that, an impulse. You would have to be dumb or, even worse, unstable, to actively seek punishment from a demon of his caliber. From a man of his social statute.
But, even if you didn't want it, which you would assure you didn't, that did nothing to sooth the pain of the itch. You weren't entirely sure what possessed you once he left your sight, but the idea was always there. Locked away behind bar after bar in your silly little head...
After your first incident with a fellow sow, found with your pussy rubbing gleefully up and down her thigh, Douma figured you were just odd. A bunch of humans are born that way. Just wrong in the head. He'd had a number of attempts on his life through the years.
He had never implied that there would be a punishment for such petty insolence, because he figured you would never be dumb enough to try. After all, the other sow began sobbing, begging for his forgiveness for her desecration and sin. She must've been right in the head.
You were clearly the predator in the situation, not even bothering to appear shameful, just dissapointed. Douma had been entirely perplexed. He had no real urge to harm the other woman. Maybe it was because she was a woman that he felt no real inclination to do so. And he didn't really want to hurt you, either.
The closest thing Douma could compare the feeling to was the curiosity he once felt when he watched too stray cats mate. How odd, that behavior. The need to fuck. Douma never needed to do anything. Want, yes, but that was always very distinct. Douma had never needed to fuck. He figured it was another one of those human things he never quite got around to doing.
He had told you, in a rather lack luster tone, to keep your hands to yourself. It upset you, he could tell. Likely because you were being reffered to with such child-like verbiage, but he felt it had gotten the point across.
The next incident upset him slightly more. He walked in on you with one of his closer male confidants. His face was buried between your legs, and just as quickly as it'd been there, it was gone. The remnants splattered on your thighs and Douma's palm.
The blood had made your orgasm dry out completely. Douma recalled the little huff you made, unbothered by the warm body at your feet. Douma shifted your lifted robes so they would fall back over your legs, patting the fabric into the mess with a tight smile.
"Is there something you're adverse to telling me, hm?" He'd prod, "Is there a quality you find I'm lacking?" There was a tilt to his voice. An odd tone you couldn't quite read. It wasn't insecurity, nor dissapointment. It was taunting, almost.
"I'm not sure." You answered honestly, and he knew, then and there, you must truly be unstable because what an anger inducing comment. He couldn't grasp why you were so... weird.
The problem wasn't your infidelity. Douma could, quite frankly, care less about whether or not you're loyal to him. The problem sat with the human taboo he knew you knew were comitting. One you should feel shameful for, yet you wore nothing but that pissy little look on your face because an orgasm had been stolen away. Nothing to indicate you even registered such a thing.
You had been the one begging him for months to fuck you. Pleading, sobbing, all but vomiting praise at his feet. Nothing but a desperate sow he had willingly invited into his harem, the only one he even had light willingness to sleep with, and now you were defiling his hole with other blood.
Fine. Douma resigned to simply keeping you with him wherever he went. You were allowed out if his sight only for prayer and the bathroom.
The third incident, Douma was quite certain you'd become more than unstable. To let another man bed you on his throne had to be entirely insane on your part. A complete lack of self preservation. Not only had you snuck away from prayer, but you had brought in an outsider. Some random slayer, at that.
The risk was palpable, each time Douma watched the man's cock slide deeper into you-
The man was lucky he finished before Douma's hand reached around his neck. A final pleasure in this world, found in your cunt. Douma flung his body effortlessly against the wall, the corpse folding in on itself with a sickening crack.
"Ah, Y/N, do I need to sew you shut?" Douma would ask in the same sing song voice he always had. "This is entirely disrespectful of your superiors."
"I-I know-" You huffed, winded from the act, pussy aching for your lord's cock. You knew you wouldn't get it. He'd never bother with a used hole.
You couldn't understand it anymore than he could. Why you craved that look in his eye so bad, that unpleasant lilt in his voice. He seemed almost bothered by the whole thing. Almost.
"Please don't... sew me up." Your pussy tingled at the idea- Maybe such pain would fix your ailment, not having your clit exposed anymore, or your needy hole.
Your hand trailed between you thighs, seeking your gape. As you felt a bit of the dead man's seed slip out, you rushed to finger it back into yourself. You feared what Douma might do should a drop of it land on his cushions-
The desperate display sickened him, willing an emotion to the forefront he hadn't felt in a millenia, at least.
Fine. Fine. Fine fine fine.
You were no longer allowed to leave his sight. At all. A leash now rested firmly on your throat. If not held by Douma, held by someone else who he'd calmly threatened to spay if they even so much as consider your constant pleading.
Douma had to make a remedial, somewhat temperamental announcement to his followers.
You were a temptress, never to be trusted. Something on the brink of succubi. Fucking you would lead to great downfall for anyone who fell woefully victim to your tricks. Their sperm would die before it even formed, bedding you would insure a life of flaccidity. You'd curse any womb you ate-
How kind a leader he was to assure the victory of his people by capturing you. A real, honest to god demon.
He decided he was going to fix you. Sometimes humans needed that kind of thing. Fixing. He decided you were sick. In the head. If your ever so present need for cock continously won out over a need to live, then such an illness had to be cured.
He set you up with a chittering little toy. Firmly tied against your clit with pretty red rope. He didn't bother having your hands tied. You loved it, after all, the constant attention (abuse) to the little bundle of nerves.
You realized what he was trying to do the first time your clit went numb. He was certainly trying to sterilize you, make it so you wouldn't even want to open your legs.
Another rod was always tucked inside your pussy. Keeping you constantly wet and always stretched for the once in a blue moon where Douma would kindly make you warm his cock instead. He was never a fan of the uncomfortable tightness the first few times he entered a sow. This was a far preferable sensation. Warm and just tight enough to nurse his cock.
Another would be in your ass, since he'd once again overheard you begging one of his servants for something so grotesque. Any hole would work to satisfy your bizarre appetite, it seemed.
Any time Douma had to leave for an extended time, he'd come back to greet his people, and then you, who he kept tucked behind a slew of pillows to muffle the constant moaning and sobbing you loosed.
He'd always check your mouth first, gentle claws pulling the orifice open so he could slide his tongue in and assault the crevice, seeking the taste of another human on your lips.
And then he'd turn you over, the first time in weeks you'd be allowed to have that toy taken off your irritated, pulsing clit. He'd carefully slip the other toy from between your lips. Your cunt would contract around nothing.
Douma would spread you open with little regard for how puffy your pyssy had become, how even the dull part of his claws were overstimulating. He'd ignore your yaps and cries in favour of burying two fingers in.
He'd bring them out and up to his lips.
"Oh wow!" He'd sing, overjoyed that his drastic measures had worked. "You did so good, Y/N! I can't smell anyone on you! I'm proud! I'm impressed!"
Something about the words made you sob. Your pussy ached, any and every touch felt like you were going to implode. You could barely remember why you were in this situation at all.
Douma would pop the plug from your backside, loosing an all too pleased noise at the sight on your twitching asshole. A finger would probe the wet hole before slipping in with incredible ease. Your toes curled into the plush of the pillows you'd been rested on.
"So good!" He'd mock cheer, clapping as the tightness persisted with a second finger. It was as tight as when he'd left you.
Douma reached up to your head, managing to lift you up by your hair. With incredibly weak knees, you struggled to steady yourself. Thankfully, Douma pushed you back down into the pillows, only desiring to see the arch of your back.
"Can you spread yourself for me?" He'd request. The word 'spread' didn't sound real, but you could hear the shift of his hands and the clank of his belt.
"L-Lord Douma, I can't- can't possibly-" You cried.
"Oh shush, you can." He laughed. With shaking hands you followed his commands, throat too sore to deny him. Your fingers felt cold against the boiling heat of your lips. You pulled yourself apart, presenting your sopping wet cunt to him.
Douma shuddered slightly. He'd melded humans to his will before, but never so quickly had they snapped. Maybe this sex thing could become a want for him.
You couldn't even feel when he sank into you entirely with his first thrust. You took him so incredibly well, his ego swelled at the sight. You were finally a good loyal hole for him to fuck.
A good, loyal, and stable hole for him to fuck.
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kasagia · 2 months
right hand IV mini spoiler?🤭
One spoiler may be that I'm doing everything I can to get IV published this week, on Friday at the latest (and I'll probably do it, keep your fingers crossed for me). 😅🙈
But here is a fragment of part IV: 😈😈
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"Yeah… he can be quite a pain in the ass." You nod, shifting your gaze to Feyd. He danced with Irulan. You try to ignore the pang in your heart, and without thinking much, you reach for two glasses, handing one to Fevas. The two of you make a quick toast, and you're relieved to feel the burning sensation of the alcohol masking the unexpected bitterness you feel.
"Well, since he's busy... will you allow me the immense honour of having my toes trampled by you?" You look briefly at the harpies, considering his proposition. It wouldn't hurt anyone if you will have a one dance with your old friend, right?
One of the harpies nods at you while the other two stare daggers at Irulan. And in that very moment, you decide that you will not allow yourself to become another of Na-Baron's harpies. You'd rather die than become the other jealous woman.
"I am better dancer than I used to be. You can get very surprised." You respond flirtatiously, offering him your hand. You giggle, rolling your eyes as he leans down and plants a kiss on it.
"Really? Impossible. The last time you danced with me, I had to go to a medic to heal my poor, trampled toes."
"And yet you still want to dance with me..." You reply teasingly as he leads you to the dance floor. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you a little too close to him for comfort. But neither of you care.
You think it's nice to feel seen and desired. It was certainly better to have a charming man like Fevas than to prop up the walls at a party. Sometimes being in the shadows bothered you. And even though Fevas was... too lively for you, right now you wanted to break out of your comfort zone for a moment. You knew he was perfect for this.
You didn't realise that the blue eyes of a certain Harkonnen were piercing your companion with a hateful look, which especially intensified when Fevas wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and leaned towards you to whisper in your ear.
"I think you've forgotten who I am to you, little witch. Say it."
"I… you are the Na-Baron." He hums dissatisfyingly, shaking his head at your response.
"Try again."
"Future Baron of Giedi Prime." Your answer was again unsatisfactory to him. You shiver as you feel him press the dagger against your chest, the tip of the blade playing with the strings holding the corseted bodice of your dress together. If he used a little bit of the dress, it would expose your breasts to his view.
"Don't play stupid, or I will punish you in front of everyone. And I wish that dirty, walking pile of muscles that had his hands on you didn't see me slapping your beautiful, little ass red. In fact, I'd rather be the only one enjoying this view, so be my good girl and tell me whose remains I'll throw to my harpies tonight?"
You hold your breath at his words. Feyd couldn't visit his harpies tonight. Not when they were supposed to be busy... getting rid of the baron's corpse. You think quickly, trying to find the best way out of the situation without condemning Fevas to a certain death. Feyd's intense, urgent gaze makes you blurt out words in an act of pure panic and thoughtlessness that you have probably never said to him before.
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I hope you want more... 😊🩵🩵🖤🖤
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ddollfface · 4 months
is it possible for you to expand on the alphabet ‘H’ for yandere!athlete? I’m just curious to see the full extent of his punishment when he ‘snaps’. You don’t have to. This is my first ask so I’m just curious
— 🐏 anon
𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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"I'm not feeling myself today, so it's alright if I feel you instead?"
Trigger Warnings; bad writing, lovesick behavior, manipulation, toxic relationship, love bombing, reader is called 'girlfriend', fake emotional cheating (it'll make more sense later), um I think that's it, pretty tame ngl, honestly it's shorter than my usual posts sorry(( If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ You are now 🐏!Nonny! Congratulations, you now have your own tag! I hope this is up to your standards... I kind of went on a tiny, just a tiny tangent, but what's new lol
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Okay, ngl, I've been waiting for someone to ask about this, so thank you 🐏!Nonny for asking)))
Now, to the question. I would like to preface that it would be very, very, very difficult to make LoveSick!Athlete 'snap', seeing as he's a very patient person, especially with those he's close to. Growing up, he had to be patient and easygoing. He was the oldest of his siblings, so he had to be responsible; had to step up as a father figure for his younger siblings, as he never had a real dad.
He's very soft with you, always speaking kindly, and never letting his anger or annoyance get a hold of him. He wants to be the best for you, truly, but there are just some things that make people... y'know snap. Even for people like LoveSick!Athlete, who has the patience of a saint.
So, now that we know this, we have to think of a scenario of when and why you'd ever push LoveSick!Athlete over the edge; what would've you said to make him that angry?
It'd probably be something along the lines of questioning either his loyalty to you, or the caliber of his love for you, and how much he provides for you. You'd have to take away his purpose and smush it; dragging it through the mud, and spit on it. Now, that would get him going. There's one thing that LoveSick!Athlete hates, and that's someone who's ungrateful.
He's done so, so, so much for you, can't you see?
It would've started from an argument, likely you bringing up how he seems too receptive to other girls on campus, too willing with their antics. And that just didn't sit right with you. You didn't like your boyfriend, in this scenario, hanging around with girls, who you thought to be very, very, very pretty.
Of course, LoveSick!Athlete thought this to be insane, something he hadn't even thought about. Ever since the two of you started dating, he hasn't even looked at a girl, let alone thought about sleeping with one. How could you even say that?
In this scenario, I can see LoveSick!Athlete being petty and becoming flirtatious with other girls just to show you that his behavior before was nothing. If you thought that was flirtatious, then wait until you see him now. Instead of pushing the girls to the side, excusing himself before they could corner him, now he's looking the girls up and down, giving them a little smirk, leading them on. He might even set a hand on their lower back, leading them through the party, maybe even kiss her on the cheek, if you've been rather ungrateful.
Now, LoveSick!Athlete isn't enjoying this, after all, you're his one and only, but you have to learn your lesson. You have to understand that he's been so kind to you, so appreciative of your relationship. Don't you understand? He doesn't like doing this; it's a punishment.
You, seeing all of this, would obviously be distraught. You'd feel so, so, so betrayed. Where had your sweet, loving boyfriend gone? Why was he replaced by some sleazy womanizer? You'd be both sad and pissed the fuck off. You wanted him to tone it down, not multiply it by one hundred!
No matter what, even if you're angry as hell, you'll end up in LoveSick!Athlete's arms, hugging him tightly. He'll find a way to sweet talk you back to him, telling you that you're his only one, that he's just showing you that it wasn't that bad. He'll explain his public image to you; he's gotta stay on top of it, surely you understand, babe? I have no interest in those girls. They're just thinking with what's between their legs. You have to trust me.
Now, that's if you question his loyalty to you, but if you question how much he loves you (which is kinda of related to loyalty, but just ignore that), then you'll face a different type of manipulation. Mans got a whole tool belt on him (I've been waiting to say that lol).
Questioning how much he values you, your affections, your words, and your presence, will lead to love bombing. And for those who don't know what love bombing is, it's a manipulation tactic where the manipulator will use excessive affection to make their victim depend on them for love, believing that they'll only be valued by the manipulator.
LoveSick!Athlete is very familiar with this form of love since he grew up with a mama who has bipolar disorder-
(To be clear, I don't mean to say that everyone with bipolar disorder is a mass manipulator or anything. In certain people, especially mamas who are juggling an abusive marriage, two children, and postpartum all at once, it can be a lot and lead to bad behaviors. Just wanted to say that as someone who deals with a mama with bipolar disorder)
-Now, as a young adult, he's grown the habit of absentmindedly using manipulation tactics to get what he wants. It'll all start with a small argument, you'll question his lover for you, if he even cares for you. After all, he seems to be more attentive over his image than you, his girlfriend!
And all LoveSick!Athlete will do is smile at you, saying that he understands your concerns and that he'll do better. Obviously, this will confuse the hell out of you. Who responds to an argument like that? Certainly, no man you've ever dated!
Even if he doesn't realize it, he'll begin to show excessive amounts of affection after the argument. He'll constantly be giving you hugs, clinging onto you like a leach, and spamming you with messages/calls. You'll grow accustomed to the overbearing affections, allowing it to become a part of your daily life, but the moment you're used to it, he'll rip it away.
Suddenly, it's as if you don't even exist, like you're just another girl to him. Of course, he'll acknowledge you as his girlfriend, but he's no longer touching you. He's not hugging you, having an arm wrapped around you waist, nor is he holding your hand in public. It's as if he's embarrassed about your relationship. You'll begin to think that LoveSick!Athlete is cheating on you (he's not).
And this sudden behavior change is so delayed that you won't even relate it to your argument, thinking that it was a whole separate issue. And LoveSick!Athlete won't realize it either; it's just subconcious decision he made without knowing.
At some point, you'll come crawling back to him, desperately wanting the affection you used to be overwhelmed by. Of course, LoveSick!Athlete will be overjoyed, welcoming your upfront behavior with open arms. To you, this is like whiplash. Just a few days ago, he was off-putting, giving you the cold shoulder, and now he's leaning on you as if he can't stand himself, what the hell is going on?
And that's when you realize that you're not dating the most... stable individual...
Not to mention what he let his teammates do to you... but that's for another ask, yeah?
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yeoosaangg · 8 months
Jealousy || Kinktober - Day 20
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pairing ▸ huang renjun × f!reader
now playing ▸ jealousy - always never
⤷ ❝addicted to this jealousy, the fire in my heart is everything.❞
genre ▸ non-idol au, established relationship, smut
warnings ▸ edging, degradation, spanking, restraints, slapping, rough pegging, praise, mommy kink
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
It's a dangerous game Renjun is playing.
He knows you're watching from across the dance floor. That's exactly what he wants.
You curl your fingers around a glass of bourbon, chugging the drink as you watch how the woman in front of him drags her nails across his chest.
He leans into the touch, waiting for you to do something, anything, but you don't.
Instead, you simply turn around and ignore his presence altogether. The worst form of punishment you can give a bratty sub is no punishment at all.
Renjun loves getting punished, so you'd rather not give him what he wants. Especially not when he's purposely provoking your jealousy.
So you order another drink, chugging that one as well.
Renjun frowns when he glances at you. He doesn't like being ignored. So he takes the woman's hand and guides her to the area of the dance floor right next to you.
She grazes her fingers around his neck, chest against his along to the beat of the music.
You still don't turn around.
So Renjun huffs, turning the woman around so he can grind against her ass. This was too dangerous, even for him, but he doesn't care.
He will get a reaction out of you.
The woman moans loud, catching your attention. You turn around in curiosity only for your skin to burn in rage. He knows ths right buttons to push.
But all you do is snicker and take another sip as Renjun practically fucks the whore in front of you.
You know he doesn't like it. He'd rather be in her position, against your chest while you sneak your hands down the waistband of his pants.
You call the bartender over and ask for your tab to pay; you thank him.
So many drinks and half of them belong to your lovely boyfriend. You get up, leaving the club without looking back at him.
Renjun panics and abandons the woman in the middle of her desperate humping. He chases after you, watching you get into an Uber.
He quickly catches up to you, getting in without a word.
You hide your smirk knowing he'd run after you. He always does. But the way he has his hands folded against his lap tells you he's anticipating something to happen once you get home.
And when the door closes, he expects you to slam him against the door, squeezing his neck with an angry look in your eye.
But you don't.
You just walk to your shared bedroom and grab clothes to shower. He's a pouting and frustrated mess while listening to the water run from outside the door.
You locked it so he wouldn't join you - you two always shower together.
And when you get out of the shower, already dressed, he's crying. He tries to touch you, but you swat his hands away. This was the first time you acknowledge him all night.
He takes the rejection hard and starts shaking, slipping further into sub space than normal. You've never rejected him before.
Renjun: Mommy, please talk to me.
He hates it.
Renjun: I need you so bad, Mommy. Wanna feel you.
Still nothing.
It wasn't until he curls into a ball and harsh sobs sneak passed his lips that he feels your fingers run through his hair.
He preens at your touch, sniffling to hopefully calm his embarrassing crying down.
Y/n: And what lesson have you learned today?
Renjun: Not take things too far.
Y/n: And?
Renjun: Dunno.
You hum, removing your hand from his hair. He whines, chasing after your touch. His cheek rests on your thigh, pressing a small kiss at your skin.
You go back to giving him head pats. He melts, adjusting his body so his crotch meets your leg.
He looks so helpless while humping against you, so you begin to laugh.
Y/n: Aww, poor baby.
He cries again at your faux sympathy and condescending attitude that makes him feel so small and stupid.
You just had to rub it in further.
Renjun: Mommy, please forgive me.
Y/n: I thought you loved me.
He panics, halting his movements to look up at you properly.
His heart drops seeing tears forming in your eyes - you never cry around him.
Renjun: I do love you! You're the only one for me, Mommy. Promise.
Y/n: Didn't feel like it. You seemed happier with that whore.
He shakes his head so hard, he almost gets whiplash.
Renjun: She didn't even get me hard, Mommy. Only you can do that.
You know that, you're just messing with him. It's so easy to get him to beg for your forgiveness like this. It's also fun to watch his face scrunch up with guilt.
He's just so adorable.
Renjun: Are you jealous?
Y/n: So what if I'm jealous? You're my boyfriend.
Renjun: I'm sorry for hurting you.
You can't even hold back your laughter anymore. His eyebrows furrow in confusion as you hold your stomach.
Y/n: God, you're so easy. My pathetic little baby.
It gives him hope that you called him yours, even if it's to degrade him.
Renjun: I don't like when you ignore me, Mommy.
Y/n: Yeah? Then you should think about that when you cross a fucking line with me. It's one thing to let a bitch touch you, but it's completely disrespectful when you're the one humping her.
He frowns, climbing onto your lap and wraps his arms around your neck. He plants small kisses all over your face until he feels you relax.
Renjun: I'll ask you next time I want you to be rough with me. I won't do that to you again.
Y/n: Good boy.
He finally smiles, brightening up the room even though tears still fill his eyes.
Renjun: Can you funish me now? Humping your leg made me even more horny for you.
You laugh and rub your hands up amd down his back in adoration.
Y/n: The "no punishment" punishment was that bad, huh?
Renjun: S'Horrible. I sat here very frustrated because my plan didn't work. You were in the shower and ignoring how horny I was, still am, and all I got was head pats.
Y/n: But you love head pats!
Renjun: But I want you to fuck me, Mommy. So bad.
Y/n: Why don't you beg for it?
He whines, hiding his face in your neck. He hates begging when his dick is being compressed in his jeans, so painful and sticky.
Renjun: Mommy, please. Need you to fuck me.
Y/n: Tell me how much you love me.
Renjun: So much! Want to marry you one day.
Y/n: Yeah?
He nods, sucking some bruises on your neck. He nibbles on your skin, teeth grazing your vein. He knows you love that.
Renjun: Want kids with you some day.
Y/n: Is that so?
You start guiding his hips so he can grind down on you. He lets out a moan so loud, you laugh again.
Y/n: Such a needy little boy. Why don't you take your clothes off while I do the same, hm?
He climbs off and eagerly gets naked. You swiftly take your shirt off with one hand and expose your breasts. He moans just looking at you.
You pull your shorts off and wait for him to settle down on your lap again.
Y/n: Turn over, baby.
He's confused to what you mean, so you flip him over, laid across your lap with his ass in the air.
Renjun: M-Mommy?
Y/n: Thought you wanted this, hm?
Renjun: Well, I did, but-
Y/n: Then shut the fuck up and take it like the good bitch you are.
He moans when your hand smacks down on his left ass cheek.
Renjun: O-One.
You smack him again, with more force this time. He yelps, falling forward and arching his back even more than he already was.
Y/n: I was so mad when I saw you grinding against that bitch. Wanted to strangle her.
Renjun: Two.
You hit him again, earning another moan.
Renjun: Three.
Y/n: I hate it when they look at you, let alone touch you. So fucking much. You know you're mine, don't you?
You spank him again and again and again.
You don't even let him count anymore with how angry you're getting yourself again.
Renjun: Mommy, hurts!
Y/n: I asked a fucking question.
Renjun: I'm yours! Mommy's the only one for me!
Y/n: That's right. Only I can make you feel like this.
He lets out the most lewd moan you've ever heard from him when your thigh brushes against the tip of his leaking cock.
Y/n: Get up.
He watches you grab his special box. He almost broke another rule by touching himself in excitement, but he held back.
Y/n: Lay down.
He complies, spreading his body on your shared bed.
You take two leather cuffs and strap his legs against the wood. You use rope to tie him onto the headboard.
He gasps when you grab the vibrating cock ring, sliding it down his shaft to the base of his already hard dick. He squirms when you turn it on.
Y/n: You were a very bad boy, tonight. Made Mommy angry.
Renjun: I'm sorry! So, very sorry!
Y/n: Too late for apologies. Don't you think?
He whines, crying from the climbing intensity of the toy.
He's got his eyes screwed shut, not paying attention to you hooking on your strap. The one with the biggest dildo attached to it.
You grab the lube before climbing over him. He opens his eyes and screams.
Renjun: Too big! Won't fit.
Y/n: I'll make it fit.
He squeals when you cover his ass in lube. You prod his hole with your middle finger, slowly pushing it inside.
Your boyfriend's eyes roll to the back of his head. Not only are you pumping your finger in him, but the cock ring was making it impossible to hold back.
Renjun: Gonna cum.
You smirk, turning off the toy and halting your movements. He cries in confusion, trying to move against your fingers. His stomach hurts as the feeling goes away.
Renjun: Why'd you stop, Mommy?
Y/n: Don't be greedy, slut. This is still a punishment.
Tears stream down his face as you hold his hips in place. This was evil, too mean.
Renjun: Wanna cum. Please let me cum.
Y/n: No.
Now he realizes why you tied him up. It was so he wouldn't stop you from edging him.
Renjun: Stop being mean, Mommy. I said sorry lots of times.
Y/n: And yet, you still had the audacity to give another bitch a feel of my fucking cock.
He throws a tantrum, pulling at his restraints in protest. It wasn't until he felt pain against his cheek that his body goes limp.
Y/n: You're still being a very bad boy. Guess I'm gonna have to keep your punishment going.
You shove two more fingers in him, causing him to choke on his moans.
Renjun: Wait, Mommy, I'm sorry!
You turn the cock ring on, immediately going to the highest setting and watch Renjun fall apart.
You open and close your fingers inside him while the cock ring stimulates his pre-cum covered dick.
He screams when your fingers brush against his prostate, bringing him closer to another orgasm.
This time, he doesn't warn you about it. But you know he is close when he clenches around your fingers.
So you turn the toy off again and pull your fingers away from him.
Renjun: Mommy, no! Wanted to cum!
Y/n: Only good boys get to cum.
He pulls on the ropes again, but it's no use.
They won't break.
Renjun: I'm so sorry! I swear I'll be a good boy!
You hum, hovering over him as the tip of the dildo glides against his welcoming hole. He desperately wants you to fuck him senseless.
Y/n: Are you sure you deserve it?
Renjun: Yes! Please, please, please! I'll be so good for you, Mommy.
Y/n: Well then. Let's see if you've earned it.
You slowly slide the dildo into him. He screams at the huge stretch, not used to this size at all. It was thicker than the other ones, too.
Renjun: Too much!
Y/n: It's not even halfway in, baby.
That makes it worse. He's already this destroyed over the thickness, what more can it do?
It wasn't until it was completely inside does he feel just how full he is. He can practically feel it in his guts, so he presses lightly against the lower part of his abdomen and moans.
Y/n: Feel that?
He nods, a glazed look in his eye.
He relaxes against the mattress, a sign that you can move now.
You thrust slow, yet deep inside him. You kiss him, tongue exploring his mouth for the millionth time. You can never get enough of him.
You pound into him, turning on the ring again.
That seems to bring him back to reality with a loud and pitched moan. He can only grip onto the ropes as you break him open.
He's a desperate mess as you edge him a few more times. He's in so much pain and distress, that he'll do anything to get to cum.
Even beg.
Renjun: Mommy, can I please cum? It hurts so much. Wanna show you how good you make me feel. I'll be a good boy from now on, no making Mommy mad. Just please let me cum.
And how could you say no to that?
Well, it's pretty easy, but he's suffered enough for now.
Y/n: Make a mess for me, prince.
He coats the ring and his stomach in a lot of white slick. He cries in relief at finally being able to release. You've never denied him an orgasm before, so he'll remember to never piss you off again.
This was torture.
Y/n: Look at that. You made a mess of yourself!
The cock ring stays on, overstimulating the poor boy.
His toes curl, arching his back into you as you continue to abuse his tiny hole with the big dildo. It's too much, seeing as Renjun's cumming again so easily.
You slow your pace, eventually coming to a stop. You pull out, loving the way Renjun moans at the empty feelng and clenches around nothing.
Renjun: I love you so much, Mommy.
You smile and give him a peck on the lips.
Y/n: I love you, too. You okay?
He nods, eyes fluttering from exhaustion.
Y/n: Mommy didn't get to cum, yet.
Renjun: Can I watch you cum?
Y/n: Of course, baby.
You take the strap off, and sit on his chest. He excitedly watches you slide your fingers up and down your own folds near his mouth.
You finger yourself until you squirt all over him.
Renjun: Wanna taste.
You give him what he wants and pull his head against your dripping cunt. His tongue works wonders in cleaning you up, even giving you a second orgasm.
Y/n: Such a good boy. Helping Mommy cum.
He smiles against your clit, lapping his tongue up and down until you pull away again.
He remove the toy and his restraints, carrying him to the bathroom and give him a nice and relaxing bath.
He was a giggling mess as you massage his scalp.
Renjun: Can we cuddle before bed?
Y/n: Yes we can, baby. Anything for you.
a/n: i need to stop bestie from giving me ideas on twt (never calling it x, ew) they feed the delusions everyday!!! enough!!! anyways, thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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puppysirie0-0 · 6 months
"Where'd You Go Bunny?"
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Lantsov!Reader
Warnings: Some HUGE angst with a little bitty pinch of fluff
Chapter 1 of "The Bunny and It's Shadow"
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You weren't sure when you fell for Aleksander, and Aleksander didn't know when he fell for you. But you both knew you were completely, irrevocably, irreversibly in love with each other. Although the worst part was the secrecy. Stuck with longing gazes when seen in the day, and sneaking around each other's chambers whispering breathless sweet nothings in the dead of night.
Nonetheless your heart was his and while everyone saw this evil monster or scary general, you saw a scarred man with a damaged past. Even when Aleksander broke down one night, telling you everything, begging on his knees for you to not leave him. And while you were shocked, you knew you could never leave him, not now, not ever.
But your heart broke the moment your dad called you to his chambers one afternoon, and as you walked in to him conversing with his greasy advisors, you knew something was off. Your heart dropped as he's told you that you're to be married to some Fjerdan Prince. That he was going to be sending you away to Fjerda to prepare for the wedding.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
You didn't even get the chance to tell Aleksander goodbye before your father had you stuffed in a carriage on the bumpy journey to Fjerda. The roads are covered in snow and the wheels of your carriage getting caught on unlevel dirt and stones. Your mind racing as you wondered what would happen to Aleksander and what would happen to you.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
Aleksander was slightly caught off guard by your inability to visit his chambers the first night. Though he understood, maybe you just didn't feel like seeing him that night. But as the days ticked by he wondered if you had left him, like you promised you never would. Quickly reprimanding himself, trying to desperately escape his insecurities.
After a week and half, he broke. He spent the last 10 nights wondering where'd you'd gone, asking himself, "Was it me, did I drive her away?" Running himself up and down the wall, slowly going manic at the musings of what could've happened swam around rapidly. On the morning of the 10th day he asked Genya if she knew anything, knowing you spoke of your fondness towards her. She of course knew of the nature of the two of you and your relationship, so she was quick to tell him when he asked.
To say that Aleksander was shocked would have been an understatement. He was swept into a whirlwind of emotions as Genya explained. First his spirits quickly being lifted from knowing that you hadn't left him of your own volition, just for them to be dragged right back down to the knowledge of you being engaged so someone in Fjerda.
He was swiftly caught in a flurry of emotions, from severely depressed, to a dash of happy, to upset, to angry, and finally full on rage with intent of killing your father. But he knows homicide won't fix anything yet, and he has to come up with a plan and fast.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
Your 2 weeks in Fjerda were the worst of your life. Not only had your whole life come crashing down, you had to try and conform to Fjerdan marriage customs. Which were drastically different from Ravkan traditions, as you addressed in your letters to your father. (Which he was either ignoring or not receiving.) You had yet to have met your fiance and you were meant to be "quiet".
But you of course didn't fit any of these ideals, you were an outspoken, confident woman who would at least like to meet the man she's meant to marry. Though because of your personality you were' obviously punished, in ways that you would rather forget but are forced to live with. But you received gifts like a comb and bracelet from your fiancé, which while well-intended were much unwanted.
But one night, a scream ripped through the silent halls in the dead of night. You quickly shot awake, quick to hide in the corner of the room, because while you were confident and Aleks had shown you some maneuvers to defend yourself, you were scared at that moment. But then you heard a familiar voice, calling out for you down the halls. You inched closer to the door as you heard footsteps approach. You watch as your door flings open and you see the exact person you had missed the past few months, your lover, your devil, your Aleksander.
He quickly pulls you into his arms as soon as he sees you. Both of you feeling tears welling up in your respective eyes. You hear him telling you tearfully, “Where’d you go bunny?” You had finally been reunited, after almost 3 months of abuse and longing he was here, he was holding you. For the first time in while you felt safe.
For a long while you two just held each other, before he lifted his head from your shoulder, his eyes red from the tears that now left a wet patch on your nightgown. You stared into each other's eyes, until he cupped your cheek and kissed you. You kissed him with equal vigor and love, as you sat there letting each other's languid movements communicate what you were not able to in the moment. You hadn't disconnected until you both needed to take a breath.
As you caught your breath in silence, Aleksander reached to cup your cheek, he told you, "Let's get you packed and ready to go." Your heart skipped a beat as you got up to start collecting your things avoiding your engagement gifts before stopping in your tracks to ask Aleksander, "Wait, where are we going to go?" He looked up at you and sweetly replied, "We can't be late for our wedding," before continuing his motions to clear your belongings out of the room. You stood there in shock and skin buzzing with the anticipation of marrying the man you truly wanted to.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
A/N: Okay guys, this is my first chapter of a new series I am writing for Aleksander Morozova! I am collaborating in this idea with @lost-tothe-centuries and I am so excited to see how you guys feel and hopefully attract more of a S&B Audience. Also remember my inbox and messages are always open if you ever want to talk! Love y'all! *Mwah*
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fantasy-relax · 19 days
Punishment (NSFW)
Re.Lover Donna Beneviento x Mc (AMAB Reader)
The day started out normal, with some customers acting like decent people and others who believed they should be treated like royalty because of these particular ones you'd rather work the counter than let your sweet girlfriend deal with them.
These three months had been perfect, the headmistress hadn´t returned to the store, Angie was more than happy with your relationship and Cassandra had finally stopped flirting with you.
Everything was so perfect that you had forgotten Donna's biggest flaw, so to speak.
Her tremendous jealousy and possessiveness.
Which at this precise moment were evident in the intense glare that the woman was directing at you while you were talking with a classmate, which you were unaware of since your attention was elsewhere.
-“Thank you so much, your notes saved my life” -The girl rubbed your arm gently while she smiled at you. - What can I do to pay you?
Stop touching me would be a good way.
Leaving her grasp subtly and maintaining a safe distance, you respond trying your best to sound cordial – “You don't need to pay me, is fine don’t worry.”
The girl pouted and made such cute puppy dog ​​eyes that your gay ass couldn't help but blush a little.
- “Come on, I passed the semester because of you, ask me whatever you want” - She look at you from top to bottom which gave you some amusement since you were wearing an smock that wasn´t attractive in your opinion - “Besides, I'm sure that a break from work won't be bad for you”
You didn't think much before answering. - “You're right about that, it has been a hectic few days”- A few days ago there was a wedding in which a large order was placed in the shop, Angie even came to help, a day of rest with your girlfriend didn't sound bad.
-“Excuse me, if you're not going to buy something, please leave” -Donna had gotten between the two of you, using her body as a barrier against the girl's gaze. You couldn't see your girlfriend's expression, but from the look on your classmate's face it was obvious that its wasn't a nice one.
- “I'm leaving, sorry for the inconvenience” - Before walking through the door she turned to give you a wink - “See you in class, MC”
- “See you later” – Like the idiot that you are, you responded automatically.
- “MC” - You swallowed as you heard her speak in an unhappy tone without turning to look at you. – “You can prepare the bouquet of marigolds; I will attend the counter while you finish”
You didn't think twice before fleeing towards the nursery.
You were done in minutes and headed to the counter, hoping your girlfriend was in a better mood.
But when you arrived you didn't see anyone, before you could search for her an old woman entered the store, leaving the arrangement on the table you stood at the counter. While the woman was looking at the pots around her, you felt a hand touching your thigh, looking down you met the mischievous gaze of Donna who was kneeling under the counter without her smock or gloves.
- “Donna, what are you doing there?” - You whispered with your face red because that look never meant anything good for your heart.
- “You need a break, don't you? I'll help you relax” - Before you could process what was happening, she had moved your apron and lowered your zipper - “Keep your eyes forward, or do you want us to be discovered?” – You looked ahead while you felt how she took out your member from his boxers. – “Poor thing, have I neglected you so much?” – The eldest commented because the traitor of your little friend was more than ready to go with just being touched. – “Let me remedy it”-
Closing your eyes you bit your lip to contain your moan as you felt Donna lick the tip while she rubbed the base gently, the black-haired woman alternates between licking and sucking without stopping her hand.
- “I'll take these, please” - You opened your eyes violently, making the old woman look at you curiously. - "Are you okay? You are very red, young lady.”
“I *Cough*” You coughed to control your voice. - “I'm fine ma'am, it's just the heat.”-You wrapped the flowers quickly, staying close to the counter – “It would be ten dollars.”
The woman paid you with a bill and you almost threw away the change when your girlfriend moved your foreskin back to put the head completely in her mouth.
- “Thank you young lady, be careful with the heat”-
Being alone again you looked at your girlfriend ready to scold her, but the words died in your mouth when she engulfed your penis completely, moving her head slowly while her tongue touched all your sensitive parts.
The bell rang and a man entered.
-“Excuse me, you have red flowers”-
You swallowed before answering- “H-to-his right”- Your voice was shaking you were so close.
The man turned around observing the flowers that you mentioned.
You gripped the counter firmly and your hips moved slowly, you were so close.
But Donna stopped, taking you out of her mouth and squeezing the base with one hand and your testicles with the other, stopping your orgasm.
- “Donna”-You pleaded with a whisper, but the cruel woman only smiled at you as she moved her hand to squeeze the tip tightly.
-“Don’t you have Lilies?” – The man spoke while you took a deep breath to control yourself.
. “Lilies? - Yes, they had, but they were in the nursery, Donna seemed to remember it too because in a matter of a seconds your girlfriend's skillful hands put your erection back in your boxers and adjusted your pants.
You didn't want to move, but the quicker you attended him the quicker you could reach your climax, ensuring the apron covered the bulge in your pants you headed to the Nursery.
The man was slow to decide, forcing you to explain the meaning of each flower and their basic care to him with the blood accumulated in an annoying area.
When you finished, you walked back to the counter, directing a pleading look at your girlfriend who moved your apron to just touch you over your pants.
- “Maybe we should stop” - Your mind agreed, but your libido screamed otherwise, with one hand you lowered your zipper, you sighed as you pull out your dick, you stroked yourself for a few moments before a hand stopped you.
-“Hands on the table and look ahead, Tesoro” - You did what she asked, trembling with need as you felt her tongue go from the base to the tip while she caressed your testicles.
The bell rang and your suffering continued.
-“Fif-ty, sixty, ugh ni-nety”-
It was time to close and you were trying to concentrate on counting the day's profit while your sadistic girlfriend kept you deep in her throat, you could feel the hot air coming out of her nose, her tongue caressing the head, the slight vibration of her moans suppressed by the cock in her mouth and if you turned to look at her you could notice the tears that covered her eyelashes.
The cruel woman had denied you an orgasm for hours by keeping you standing while she spent her time alternating between small licks and kisses to quick sucks and rubs, biting you gently when you tried to take your pleasure in your hands.
She was going to kill you.
-“Two hundred and thirty, that's all!” – You looked at the black-haired woman who looked back at you through half-lidded eyes. - "Please"-
The devilish woman finally took pity on you, with both hands resting on your thighs she raised her head quickly, sucking the tip on the way up and licking it on the way down; You grabbed her hair with one hand as you moved your hips in rhythm with her movements.
-“Donna!”-With your hand in her hair, the black-haired woman remained still while you finished inside her throat she took all without spilling a drop.
You let go of her and fully leaned against the counter, whining softly as you felt her slowly lick your dick before putting it back into your boxers and adjusting your clothes. With a light push she moved your weak body to get out from under the counter.
-“Ouch, my legs are killing me”- The black-haired woman stretched and then rubbed her knees.- “I'm going to prepare everything to close, rest for a while Dolcezza”
A kiss on your head and a soft touch on your back.
-“I'm not done with you yet”-
This woman wanted to kill you...
And what a way to die.
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kisses4lao · 9 months
Really super awesome and cool shenhe smut
For my coworker who bought me ice cream in return for a smut. Thank you broski, this is for you
Tw/cw: afab reader, fem pronouns, shenhes very hot and sexy we love her, bdsm? She ties you up with red ropes, degrading, threesome with ice twin, mentions of morax, she threatens to crush you w her thighs its very hot, consent isn't said verbally but rather physically
Not proofread because fuck you
♧ Being an adventurer from Fontaine, your expectations were high when it came to scenery.
♧ It goes without saying that you had your fair share of dangerous encounters with random enemies. Treasure hoarders and hilichurls being the most common, usually the latter. You had always carried a small pocket knife with you just in case you had run into a sticky situation, but you'd usually run away before it could get out of hand.
♧ After a specific hilichurl encounter made you drop your knife, you had no choice but to climb up the mountain in front of you. Luckily, it wasnt a high climb and hilichurls don't have the brain capacity to follow you up. When you got to the top, you were amazed at the way it was flat at the top, with a large tree in the middle covering what seemed to be a tea table.
♧ As you started to walk around more, you find a small cave. Walking into it would reveal a glowing light and a young woman, seemingly your age. "And who might you be?" She asked, sensing your presence before even turning around. When she did finally meet your eyes, you were at a loss for words. She had this beautiful white hair, flowing down to her hips that was tied in a loose braid, and she was dressed in black fabric that fit her skin perfectly. She looked completely void of emotion and she just stared at you, awaiting an answer.
♧ "Just an adventurer who seemed to come at the wrong time. My sincerest apologies, I'll go now." Before you could start walking away, some sort of clone of the woman appeared in front of you. She seemed to be made of ice and had a talisman coving her face. She stood in the doorway you entered through, blocking your path.
♧ "Not so fast. Not until we're done with you." She says, looking at the figure behind you. "You're not from around here. You make it obvious. I should show you how punishment is served, maybe you'll learn your lesson." She's right in front of you now, looking down on you with her cold, soulless eyes.
♧ The white haired woman grabs a hold of your wrist and roughly pushes you to the ground, her ice twin lifting your hips up, working on getting your traveling gear off your waist. "Careful now, she's fragile."
♧ The Ice clone was done, leaving you in just panties and a bra, completely exposed to the both of them. Now then, where's my rope..." The woman says in a sarcastic tone. Her ice clone looks at her, slowly taking out a large amount of red rope. "Ah, here it is." She says as she gives you the most sinister grin you've ever seen. She begins to tie you up, your legs becoming joint at your thighs and ankles while your arms were bound at your wrists.
♧ "This will make it a much more pleasurable experience for the both of us." The woman says, her ice clone moving to now have you head laying on her thighs. The clone slips her hands under your bra, slowly pinching your nipples and rolling them in her fingers. The white haired woman looked up at your face as she knelt down in front of you, asking for permission. You give a desperate nod as she pulls your panties to the side, making it unbearable with how you can't spread your legs for her more.
♧ She licks a straight stripe up your pussy, making sure to give your clit extra stimulation. She moved her hands, one on your ass while the other slid down your stomach to in-between your thighs. Her hands spreading your legs out as far as possible, which wasn't exactly far, creating tension and friction. She begins to move her thumb at a steady pace as she slid her tongue inside you, slowly tongue fucking you. All this stimulation was too much, having this white haired woman between your thighs while her clone endlessly kneads your tits with her cold hands. You began to moan loudly, the woman between your legs slaps your ass in response, kneading it after to soothe the sting. "Shut it slut. Maybe I really should punish you. Crush you with my thighs, hm? Or would you like that, whore?"
♧ You began to bite your lip so hard it bled, but the woman continues fucking you. Trying to suppress any noise you make is torture, to the point you may actually combust. Arching your back, you can feel the knot in your stomach forming as both women continue to please you in ways you've never been pleased. As the white haired woman tongue fucks your pussy and stimulates your clit, she takes her tongue out and licks her middle and ring finger, slowly inserting them back into your pussy along with her tongue.
♧ After that the knot in your stomach broke, having such an amazing orgasm no amount of pain could stop you from moaning. Both women get up, the white haired woman staring down at you as she wipes her chin. "What would our lord Morax think?" She says in a cocky tone, watching as her ice twin unties you from the rope.
♧ Before you could even get up to get changed, a strange figure shows up in the doorway, casting a shadow on all three of you. It's... A bird? She doesn't look very happy. She sighs and puts her head down. "Seriously Shenhe? Again?" The bird says, leaving you in confusion.
A/n: eek
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
the damn ceo
pairings: ceo!natasha x reader
warnings: 18 minors dni anal sex, rough kissing, hair pulling, dirty talk, and pet names. 
notes: it’s a little short but i’ll make my other kinktober one-shots longer i promise. enjoy!
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Working for the CEO of Widow Industries was impeccable as it seemed. To my surprise, the woman who's in the big chair; Natasha Romanoff, was one of the most prominent CEOs in New York. I was pleased working with her; most especially since I'm her assistant. You'd say, well, everything seems swell! When it isn't. You might think Ms. Romanoff is some big meanie with no life when actually; she can be more than that. It's like whenever I'd come up to her and give her the papers that she needs, her mouth would be so close that I could tell we were going to kiss each other on the mouth.
She tends to be a big flirt; even though she doesn't mean to.
Now, alone in her office, I decided to let my imagination roam in my head as I think about Ms. Romanoff walking towards me with that sly grin of hers that gets me unaware of being aroused. Remember when I said she could be a flirt? Well, she does it with me a lot of times. There are remarks that she would give like, you're so pretty today or; am I dreaming? Because you look dazzling, my darling. Which gets my cheeks warmed up like a fire is through my bones. I imagine her hands–those damn warm hands–going slowly up inside my thigh as she kisses my neck with her dark red lips that taint my skin. My, have I gone insane? Maybe, I can't help it.
Just as I was about to touch my crotch to calm myself down, a sudden bang from the door swung open. I see Ms. Romanoff striding herself inside, giving me a quick smile, and sitting on her office chair; removing her dark brown coat. Perhaps she was out getting coffee? Her chest was slightly heaving, and her mouth was sort of gaping. I asked, "Were you outside, Ms. Romanoff?"
"I was," she said. "I had to buy myself a cup of coffee, I'm a little stressed out today." I was right. She continued, "Anyway, have you done the documents that I asked you to do?"
I nodded and approached her with a small stack of paper on top of my hands, placing it on her big black wooden desk. Ms. Romanoff reaches for my wrist and gently tugs at it, pulling me closer to her so that I almost stop breathing.
"You smell good today," she mentions slyly; I smiled.
"T-Thank you, Ms–"
"Why so modest? You've been my assistant for almost a year," she chuckles, rather deeply, and whispers close: "You can always call me Natasha, sweetheart. Won't you be a darling kitty?"
"I'm sorry?" I quirked an eyebrow, not too sure if this was work appropriate. She lets out another chuckle that rattles my bones and stands up, facing me as she cups my face; her hands were warm that mend with the coolness on my skin.
"Don't act like you don't want me, baby," she sighs in my ear and brings both of her hands down to my waist; groping my butt. "So tender, aren't ya? You're so pretty, so fucking pretty..."
"Oh my god–"
She interrupts me with a laugh, "Keep your voice down, little one. You don't want me punishing you, do you?" I felt her lips grazing on my neck and I knew that was it for me. I would give everything up, only to be kissed by Natasha Romanoff; who seemed like she couldn't keep her hands off of me, which I don't mind. I would let her touch me without my command or tell, I'd let her do anything despicable to me; I knew I'd never complain, so why would I complain such a thing?
Natasha lifts me up until I'm sitting on the edge of her desk and felt her hand massaging my left boob, bringing her mouth on my clothed shirt as she munches through my bra; I could feel her teeth touching my nipple, I could feel everything. I let my hand thread through her silk-red hair; grinding my hips on her pelvis for more friction until she pinned both of my wrists down on her desk hard – making me yelp.
"Shh," she grins like a devil and pushes my skirt up with her calloused hand trailing inside my thigh, almost touching my crotch. "Gonna do the most unspeakable things on you, kotenok. You have no idea how much I have desired for this moment."
I couldn't believe it; she desired this moment just as much as I did. I felt utterly speechless. Before I could say anything, her mouth was pressed against mine and I could feel her tongue slipping through my lips. We kissed each other hungrily; as if we couldn't waste this moment whatsoever. I grabbed her by the neck and tried humping my clothed cunt against hers, moaning her name in between her lips.
"Please," I whimpered; shutting my eyes tight. "F-Fuck me, I want you to touch me..."
"Do you want me to touch you?" she coaxed, which made me let out another whimper and watched her as she created a smirk. "Oh, baby... you're going to be the death of me."
She turned me around until my breasts were pressed against the cold desk. I felt her hands pulling up my skirt, making me squirm beneath the table when the cold air hits my ass. Natasha looks down at the sight and bites her own lip, trying to regain consciousness and not hurt me. But she did; oh, she did. The image of her hand smacking my ass gets her cunt clenching and wet, what would it feel like? She wonders. Her willpower must take her, she couldn't hurt me. She knows that she can't.
"I want to spank you so bad," she growls into my ear while palming my left cheek. "Do you know how much I want to spank my little girl?" Smack! "...This much. God, I want to put my cock up in your ass."
"W-what?" I looked from behind and saw a dildo hanging out from her pants, begging to be inside my tight ring. She groans loudly as she kisses the back of my neck while still squeezing my cheek; asking me: "Can I push in, sweetheart? 'M promise I'll take good care of you, please? Look what I can do for you, baby girl..."
She prides my ass open and spits on my ring, blowing into it as if tempting me to push my ass and let the tip of her faux cock rip inside of me like a virgin. I have never been fucked in the ass, and I dearly hope not to, but for her; some things can change. Natasha leaned again close to my ear and asked, "Can I push it inside of you? Please?"
It took me a bit of time to regain my thoughts and when I finally let her plead to sink into my brain; I nodded in a simple matter. She cracks up a vile smile and uses two fingers to push inside my asshole, making me shriek. Quickly enough, she covers my mouth as she whispers down on my head, "Baby, shh! Does it hurt? Come on, nod if it does." I nodded but moaned to give her a sign that I was merely enjoying the pain that is ravishing my veins.
"I think you'd like it better if I use my cock," she chuckles, giving open-mouth kisses on my bare shoulder; my blouse was loose. "Tell me, would you love it when I use my dick inside of your cute little asshole?"
"Words baby," she said. "Use your pretty mouth to speak up. Come on, don't be shy, let me use you."
"Please!" I moaned through my teeth as I gripped the edge of her desk so hard that white was showing up on my knuckles. "Please, f-fuck me in the ass Natty..."
Natasha didn't waste a second and pushed the tip of her strap inside my ring hole, which had that burning sensation that aroused my veins. I knew I was holding on for my dear life, I could hear her grunts and moans of pleasure while slowly – leisurely – pushing inside of my asshole while her other hand was palming my right cheek. She groans gutturally into my ear, kissing the shell of it.
"You're so fuckin' tight," she breathes hard into me; her hand still groping my ass. "I'm going to ruin this pretty little asshole until it's gaping for me."
It hurts, but my god – it felt amazing to be fucked in the ass.
Natasha runs her fingers through my hair and pulls back, making my scream that fills up her entire ginormous room. She pounds into my ass, watching closely as her cock begins to lubricate from her saliva just as much as my ass. She slaps my cheek hard, she breathes hard, and she fucks hard into me like there's no tomorrow. I squirmed beneath her, trying to get some relief; but it was complicated when my hair was being pulled back.
"Fuck..." she sighs loudly, kissing my neck. She continues to pound, but this time at a rather faster and harsher pace; you could hear the smack of our skin filling up the atmosphere. I whimpered quietly, "I'm your good girl, I promise I'll be your good girl."
"Mmph, you better..." she chuckles, grunting each time she thrusts inside of me. "Although I like little brats like you, you're so easy to manipulate."
I was no longer her assistant; I was more of her whore.
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asylum natasha one-shot will come soon...
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imkittyjustkitty · 1 year
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② are we dancing after death?
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🔱 — i'd meet the sea ༄ ⠀finnick odair x gn!tribute!reader ⚔️ 🔖) [one] CHAPTER TWO [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [eight]
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chapter synopsis; The Quarter Quell nears. warnings; blood & veins mentioned once or twice, implied/mentioned prostitution (doesn't happen to reader), reader imagines strangling someone, like one swear word A/N; paragraphs in italics are flashbacks, i got a bit excited about mentioning other canonical district 10 victors (plus an oc who may or may not show up later 👀), i'm also not too sure how mentors are chosen for the games each year? also i just want to say thank you so much for the support on the first chapter, it makes me so happy to know people are enjoying this series as much as i am!!
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It's warm, as it always is in District 10. It may be winter and the temperature is noticeably colder, but you still find that walking around outside with a warm coat on does more discomfort for you than if you were to walk around in the vaguely-cold weather without it.
It's been almost seven years since you'd entered the arena and emerged from the other side a victor. Since then your life in 10 has been undeniably empty, a lonely existence that seems to only serve as a reminder that tiptoes dangerously on the border of a punishment.
You've even found yourself looking forward to the games, if only for the possibility of being chosen as a mentor that year and being able to see.. a certain someone.
You'd met Finnick a couple years ago, when some very enthusiastic 'fans' of yours had practically begged some rich public figure in the Capitol to invite you to a party they were holding. They'd said it was an invite you were free to decline (Though it would 'break their hearts' if you did), but when a group of peacekeepers showed up at your doorstep the morning you were expected to take a train to the Capitol, it was made very apparent you had no choice but to play along with the rich snobs who had demanded your attendance.
You couldn't bring yourself to care too much, very well aware that you were not special in any regard in this situation, victors don't get a day of rest if even one Capitol citizen decides they want you around. You supposed you could even go as far as to say you were lucky, considering they didn't ask for anything other than your attendance.
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The Capitol is suffocating, though that should be no surprise. The lights are bright and music beats out of speakers like thick blood pumping through heavy veins.
Your surroundings pound against your walls, a heavy throbbing in your head as you try to seclude yourself to a corner of the giant roof-top party. Your outfit — a 'gift' from a particularly enthusiastic designer — is as ugly as it gets, a green shade that resembles animal faeces more than the it does the tree leaves in 7 that the designer was undoubtedly trying to replicate. It sticks like honey, clinging to every inch of your skin that it covers, almost like a portable prison cell as you try and fail to even lift your arm above your waist.
You calm your frustration by imagining a scenario in which you can rip this fabric prison right off your body and strangle the woman who practically forced you into it.
You'd never do it, but — as some bright red drink that you haven't taken a single sip of sits in your hand heavy like a a threat begging to be heeded, and the world around you is completely out of control full of people who view you as less of a human and more of an accessory, — it doesn't hurt to daydream a little.
You're aware of your resting facial expressions usually resembling that of someone planning a murder — which to be fair is rather accurate right now — so as you notice a shadow in the vague form of a person approaching you, you prepare yourself for the same overused ice-breakers that tipsy Capitol citizens seem to love so much.
What catches you off guard, is the when the figure simply rests against the same wall you're leaning on beside you, not yet saying a word. You blink quickly, trying to clear the fog in your eyes to see who stands beside you.
You think that maybe this stranger finds the silence comforting, maybe they're just trying to get away from the loudness and crowdedness of the party like you. But for you, the silence is anything but comforting, the fact this person has not said a word to explain why they're now standing with you, and you can't even make out who they are in the dim lighting and fog that's building up behind your eyes all night, only scares you.
It's a whisper straight into the wind — when the stranger finally talks — almost like a test to see if you care enough to listen. You do.
He says your first and last name quietly, not like a greeting but rather just a statement void of any goal.
And then he introduces himself, Finnick Odair. You can tell he's known since the moment his eyes landed on you that you're not a Capitol citizen, he says he doesn't make a point to remember the names of every victor that gets tossed aside and forgotten by the Capitol, but he recognises you.
You recognise him too, by name. He had been someone your mother had compared you to late one night, a boy who had won the games so young, just like you were meant to.
But now he wasn't a young boy you'd resented for less than a moment after being basically told he was everything you weren't. In fact, he was better company than anyone you'd met in your whole life.
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You carefully make your way through District 10, the wide fields and twisting footpaths granting you a world where for a moment you can pretend you're the only one here, that beyond blades of grass and unstable barns sits only empty land and freedom.
And then your feet hit the pavement of the Victor's village, your silent bubble immediately broken as the sounds of life and activity echo through the rows of houses.
You can hear the sounds of footsteps hitting the ground, and slight conversation mixes with the wind as you watch your neighbours living their lives around you.
The house closest to your left is dusty and not well-kept — as it always has been — the only sign of life being the open curtains, which slightly reveal an old woman by the name of Tule standing with her hands leaning against a kitchen bench, and a slightly taller old man — Greir — sitting on a stiff armchair in front of a television, both undoubtedly preparing for what everyone else is.
To your right, is the Yule household. The houses in the Victor's Village are big, spacious in a way that makes you feel lonely, but in a way that has served yet another victor; Phox — and her family — very well. You can hear through the slightly opened windows that most of them must be gathered in the living room too.
Neighbouring Phox's home, is Karter Breer's, District 10's most recent victor. They won 3 years ago, a year which you couldn't remember anything about other than who won. You know very little about Karter — you've slowly learnt little things here and there about your other fellow victors purely from living near them for so long, and Karter's only lived here for a shorter time than you — but you expect that once their extents of self-isolation lessen and they leave the house more, you'll know just as much about them as you do about every member of Phox's family.
As you keep walking — your shoes hitting the uneven concrete rather ungracefully — you pass an empty house or two, Tule's home, and even the home of Alto; possibly the only other inhabitant of this row of houses who can compete against Karter for loneliest Victor.
You pass more houses — at least four — until you reach yours. It sits right in the corner of the tall fences that surrounds the community here, purposefully as far away from the entrance gate and all your neighbours' houses.
You unlock the front door and try not to wince as it creaks loudly. The inside of your house is undeniably yours. As much as you isolate yourself, you're still human, and you've still slowly made this place your own... and possibly in the process made it Finnick's too.
One of the details that makes it very clear that this house — while you may still be the only one who lives in it — is not yours alone, is the ribbons.
They're tied to chair legs and door handles, each one taking you back to all the moments in which Finnick had tied the different colours around your hair, or wrapped around your wrist like a homemade bracelet, or even daintily tied around your finger when you weren't looking.
They admittedly look a bit tacky, they make your house look almost unkempt to anyone else. But to you, they make this hollow shell of a building more of a home, or at least a reminder of a home you do have, even if it may not be right here.
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"Someone is staring."
You don't want to say it any more than he wants to hear it, but the Capitol woman that can't be any more than a few years older than you and Finnick hasn't stopped watching the two of you since she's noticed you.
The ghost of his hand moves away from yours just slightly, an inaudible sigh leaving his lips.
"I should leave..” He whispers to you, making no move to actually walk away.
He’s right, there’s people everywhere, you may not be the only Victors in attendance — although you’re definitely the only ones who look like one of you is about to get down on their knees and ask for the other’s hand in marriage — but that doesn’t mean there's no eyes on you.
You’ve known this all night — known that you’re constantly under surveillance here — but you and Finnick haven’t seen each other in months, haven't been able to speak let alone hold one another. You can’t decide whether you regret risking it all like this or not, him just being close to you feeling like a good enough reason to risk it all.
You don’t answer him, you don't usually do, in a world where you could say so much but have so little time to do so, it grows overwhelming. So your solution is simply say nothing.
Finnick knows this, and loves you for it — not despite — but he also knows that though while you may not say it, you want him to stay with you in this moment where you'll pretend that all is well, even though you both know you shouldn't.
There is a whisper, one purposefully intended to only be audible to you.
"See you later."
Simple. To the point. No room for argument. But you can see, for the fraction of a moment that Finnick's eyes stay on yours and he smiles ever so slightly, there is something more left unsaid.
There's an 'i love you' within that phrase which holds such certainty that you can't help but believe he means it. There's a 'stay safe' almost as a light joke but also meant with full seriousness. And then, for only split second now lost to time, there's a flicker of a sorrowful reality, of something that tells you you both know that later could very well be years.
Later could be later tonight, it could be a moment where you run into each other leaving the party, where you get a chance to pretend no one needs to say goodbye again. Later could be within months, where you could both be chosen as mentors for your districts. Later could be within weeks, one of you could just drop dead at any moment, the other would have to beg and plead to even be allowed into the district where the funeral would be held.
Yet for a moment, it's like Finnick has walked back over to hold your hands in his again, as you mindlessly fidget and simply stare at nothing, your movements freeze when you feel something new around your skin.
And there, wrapped around your pointer finger, is a small yellow ribbon tied in a bow, no doubt the same ribbon that was wrapped around the glass Finnick had been holding not long before.
You may be reading into it too much — as you fiddle with the ribbon, refusing to untie it — but it feels like a promise. That while yes, later will come one way or another no matter how much you try to stop it, but maybe — for now — there is comfort in that.
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You can't help but be excited for whatever parties that will be thrown in the coming days, if just to see him as soon as possible.
Your thoughts are only of the possibility of seeing Finnick soon as you walk through the echoing halls of your house, pulling your jacket off tiredly and laying it on the first flat surface you see, then moving to pull your slowly-falling-apart shoes off from your sore feet.
The mundanity of the ritual brings a sort of comfort, your house and dull clothes an unchanging factor in your life (No matter how much several parts of your outfits have been slowly unravelling from unkind weather and getting caught on fences).
For a moment you just stand in the foyer, not too far from the front door. Thoughts don't really cross through your mind as you stand there dully, your gaze simply zoning out where you stand.
A buzz and sudden music coming from your living room pushes you out of this state, your steps calm and un-rushed as you move through your house to eventually find your television showing you the beginnings of a Capitol broadcast.
You sit down on the couch in front of it, slightly leaning forward as to not miss what will soon be said.
Quarter Quells are scary, they're unpredictable, but something deep inside you says it will all be okay, because soon you will see Finnick again at whatever trashy party you're both invited to, and you won't have to give less of a shit about the games.
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series taglist: @universal-s1ut @stitch-lele @starrgirl4444 @more-multifandom-of-madness @libbi5001 @lem0ns77 @luvficz @lilmaymayy @magical-spit let me know if you want to be added or removed!
if your @ is bold that means i wasn't able to tag you for some reason, maybe check your settings
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vampiric-tempt · 9 months
Kinktober | 04
≡ noncon | havik x gn!reader (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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tw ➤ nsfw, smut, noncon, mentions of blood, abuse, extremely dark content, forced oral, gender neutral
a/n: Havik makes me a feral woman · ⋆ · Yes, this is a NONCON. Read at your own risk!!!
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❥・*。After the mission with your brothers, Kuai Liang and Tomas had no choice but to leave you behind. Things didn't turn out how it was supposed to be, with Bi-Han's betrayal and being overwhelmed by General Shao's forces. You were captured.
You expected to be killed on the spot, but instead, you were thrown into a dirty cell. Your whole body ached, wrists tightly bound by thick chains. Sure, you were a Lin Kuei assassin...if the clan was still here by the end of everything. But you were the weakest amongst the three brothers. Of course you'd be the one reduced to a lowly prisoner for Shang Tsung.
Loud footsteps could be heard approaching your cell and you mentally prepared for who it'd be. The figure appeared to be Havik. He sneered at your form on the ground, or what appeared to be one. Afterall, you witnessed what Kuai Liang did to him.
You chose to remain quiet. You weren't a fool to mock the person with a greater advantage.
"Fucking weak." He spat. "Nothing but a waste of space here. Why the sorcerer decided to keep you here is a mystery."
"I'd like to ask him the same thing." You say calmly.
Havik slammed his fist against the metal bars making you straighten your composure. He was dangerous, you'd be a fool to lower your guard.
"HA! Do you think your brothers will come and save you? You'll probably be dead by then." Havik mockingly tilted his head, peering down at you as you sat cross-legged, clothes battered in dried blood and dirt. He'd be lying if he didn't find you attractive like this.
"I have faith." You mutter under your breath.
"Foolish earthrealmer." He says lowly. "I should punish you for what Scorpion has done to me, but I rather like my new look."
He shifts in his spot, beginning to unlock the cell doors. You furrow your brow and remain steadfast. Havik chuckles as he dangerously approaches you while kneeling down to your form. "I think I know a way to make yourself useful."
You glare at him.
"I like that look in your eyes. It's like looking at a small little fire that I'd be more than happy to diminish." He suddenly grabs your face harshly and slams your head back into the wall. The impact straining a scream from you. "Ngh!" You grunt.
Havik groans at the sound, a bulge forming in his pants. "Yeah, I have the perfect idea." His eyes hungrily looks you up and down. He releases your face and grabs a knife from his side. He angled it at the edge of your clothing, ready to tear it in a swipe.
Still dazed from the impact, your eyes widened in realization. "Not that, fuck no!" You tried to crawl away but Havik was quick to slam the dagger into your shoulder.
"AGHh!" You shut your eyes, realizing he had pinned the knife to the wall through your fucking shoulder. Panic began to settle in. "Please, you must be joking. Why not torture me instead?!"
"That was the initial idea," Havik grips the collar of your outfit. "But taking a good look at you I realized how fucking hot you were. And to be fair, I haven't had sexual pleasure in awhile." And he rips it apart. He made quick work until you were completely naked before him. His eyes preying down on you. You shamefully huddled within yourself, trying to hide whatever you could.
Havik let out a satisfied growl, standing back up to his full height. He fumbled with his trousers till he held his hardened cock in his hand, stroking it lightly. You looked away in disgust, refusing to look at the man. He took a few steps closer and grips your hair to look back at him.
"Yeah, this angle is good. You look so fuckable." He laughs. "Now open that mouth and suck. If you try anything, I'll cut off your fucking legs."
You hated this, you hated him. Slowly opening your mouth for Havik to enter. He let you do your thing. Giving him licks and sucking as much as you could, but Havik grew impatient, shoving his entire length down your throat.
"Mmph!" Tears pricked your widened eyes as the intrusion burned your throat. He began to throat fuck you, his fingers gripping onto your hair to keep you still.
"Oh fuckk." He growls, abusing your throat for his own pleasure. "Yeah this is good, I needed this." He throws his head back in ecstacy. Meanwhile you were internally begging for his ruthlessness to end.
Eventually he pulled out, finishing out of your mouth as he shoots his cum all over your face and body. He practically moaned at the sight.
Tears drenched your face, hair in disarray, and still dirtied from the previous battle. Havik tucks his cock away and he steps back to admire his work. "I'll come back later, but next time, it’s your pretty little heat that's gonna be fucked." He laughs. "And I'm gonna leave you out for display. Filled with cum so when your allies come and save you, they'll find you ruined and fucked out. A worse punishment than death. Humiliation."
You panted eyes watery as you listened to his words. He soon left you in that cell, naked and bleeding from your shoulder.
"Hurry...please..." You begged helplessly in your cell.
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╰┈➤ other kinktober 2023 mk1 works
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jwnchstr · 1 year
title: behind the thick glass wall | b.barnes
characters: alpha!bucky barnes, omega!you!reader
summary: it's hard being an omega, but it's even harder to see your alpha on a date with another omega.
masterlist | my wattpad
it was cold. literally. you've gone to several mission with temperature below zero but the december wind seems to be eating your flesh.
you hugged yourself tighter, hands clamp into fists inside your jacket pockets (as if that would help that much) as you stood behind a thick glass wall, overlooking a couple who were having a good time.
you're keen to throw yourself inside. part of it because of the cold you could barely contain, but another part of you (this one is bigger) is because jealousy. how could a man look happier with a woman he barely knew?
bucky was making a joke, you're sure of it. that's how he was with women aside from you. his tight face loosened as he smiled at leah, showing his oh-so-friendly face. his eyes even sparkle under the yellow lights of the bar. he screamed romantic alpha, one that you could never have.
you can feel your heart shattering inside your chest, but not like you have an option here. you're just an omega whom genetically cannot produce that sweet pheromone that could make your alpha yearn for you. you're an omega who's genetically broken.
your breath hitched when you saw bucky reached leah's hand. how you wished it was your hand instead of leah's that he was reaching because you long for his touch. and you could blame it on failed missions, where bucky had to carry you in his arms, his fingertips grazing against your bare skin without being intended to. but since then, you can't forget what his touch felt like and you wanted more.
leah smiled and thing that you dreaded the most happened right in front of your eyes: leah reciprocating bucky's interest towards her. she linked her fingers with bucky's. it made bucky tensed for a few short seconds (and you wished you could smell him from the outside to know if he's somewhat uncomfortable with leah's gesture) but soon relaxed under leah's touch.
your heart broke even more.
as you punished yourself watching the lovely lovebirds, a cough attracted your attention. this time, it was your turn to tense. though, if anything, you'd rather call yourself alert. being an agent always has its advantage. you're ready to pounce on the incomer, but a familiar smell hits your nose. you cool down immediately.
it's mister nakajima.
"i don't believe that's how you attract the man you want, merely staring at him," standing a few steps behind your shoulder, he remarked.
you tried not to appear understood to what mister nakajima was referring to, but you know you'd look like a fool if you did so. at last, you sighed. sad knowing that mister nakajima was right. but again, you don't have any option and the old man didn't exactly know what's wrong with you.
"you had lunch, mister nakajima?" you asked, trying to steer the conversation away from the subjects who were inside the bar.
"i'm about to." mister nakajima nodded his head towards the bar. he was shifting from one foot to another helped by the cane that he firmly gripped.
you glanced at the bar over the shoulder. "oh." your face fell as the thought of mister nakajima joining bucky and leah laughing together like a happy family without you.
but then, an idea popped into your mind and a smile crept onto your face. "i wonder, what would you say, mister nakajima, if i were to ask you to have a lunch date me today?"
mister nakajima's eyebrows shot up to his forehead, interested but also a little bit confused with your invitation. "well, if you don't mind having a date with an old man, i don't see why would i say no."
you barked a laugh. a little too loud that without your conscious, it traveled inside the bar when a customer opened the entrance door.
"and must i warn you that i can't walk faster than a snail."
mister nakajima smiled at you and allowed you to finished laughing at him before you said, "i know a place. and i have no doubt that you'll love it."
he old man said nothing more when you linked your arms with his. he let you guided the way, through the pedestrians walk.
just as you crossed a junction not far from the bar, you caught a familiar smell in the wind. the smell that makes your legs wobbly, thoughts mushed and butterflies in your belly.
when you turned your head over your shoulders, you saw bucky, with his full appearance watching you walking away with mister nakajima in your arms.
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lilithfairen · 1 year
How to accuse a work of "wish fulfillment" because it isn't about telling women they need to stay in the kitchen~
I'm going to delve deeper into this pathetic screed the loser head mod of /r/RWBYcritics wrote, because it's so very telling about the way RWBY "critics" view stories that don't blame women for everything~
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Let's see, just off the top of my head in instances where characters in Team RWBY were depicted as "wrong" in any way:
Ruby overburdening herself as "the leader".
Weiss not understanding her brother is the result of the same upbringing she went through.
Blake being a member of an extremist group, then abandoning her friends after the fall of Beacon.
Yang's overreliance on letting loose with her Semblance.
Just a few examples, off the top of my head, because the protagonists of this show have a thing called "character development". It's this funny thing where, when a character of a story has flaws, they often work to address or grow out of these flaws. So it's not that RWBY has never depicted Team RWBY as being wrong, it's that RWBY doesn't always depict Team RWBY as being wrong that pisses off this loser.
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So it's "wish fulfillment" to have a story where...characters suffer defeat and tragedy, but rather than wallowing in their loss and suffering, they rally themselves and return to the fray, determined to fight for those they love?
I can see that sort of thing being a form of "wish fulfillment" for people who've experienced trauma and depression, in that stories that tell such people that Things Get Better can be invaluable to them. All the more so when these stories feature characters that those people can identify more closely with, perhaps because of gender or sexuality. But I can see the idea of disparagingly referring to such as "wish fulfillment" for the sort of people who don't believe anyone but strong and confident white men can handle such a burden.
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Was Ruby told that she was "perfect"? Nope, the specific word was "enough". Ruby felt like she couldn't live up to the burden of leading the fight against Salem, only to be reassured that it would be as much a burden on anyone else's shoulders. This is an interesting thing, because our angry white guy writing this conflates a story saying a woman isn't a complete loser responsible for everything bad that happens with claiming the story is declaring her to be "perfect".
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Remember, kids: men are the only ones allowed to protect the ones they care about. Ruby tries to help her uncle fight off a psychotic assassin, unaware of the Semblance he never told her about? What a selfish fucking bitch amirite!
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Ah yes, the selfish desire of "not standing around and letting the Grimm be lured to Argus". Why didn't she just fucking walk to Atlas, huh? Or send her friend back to her abusive father? What a selfish fucking bitch amirite!
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This is 100% the sort of thing that comes out of the mouth of the kind of man who takes a woman out to an expensive restaurant on a first date, then screams abuse at her because she won't have sex with him afterwards. The attitude of "this man gives her things, how fucking dare this woman not unconditionally obey him in every fucking way".
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Again: What a fucking selfish bitch Ruby was to try to help her uncle fight off a psychopathic murderer, huh?
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"Why isn't this selfish bitch being punished for being a bitch?"
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Yep, the wish fulfillment of "sometimes doing the right thing pays off". I can see how you'd resent this when you're a drooling stan of the authoritarian who decided to leave thousands of people to die at the drop of a hat, because he wanted to be The Hero and only he was allowed to be The Hero because he was a Manly Man Who Mans.
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Get out the Anti-Strawman Spray, Batman!
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Yep, because we saw that Ruby's plan ultimately did unite the people of Remnant in Vacuo, that means there was literally no panic whatsoever following the announcement! That's how logic works!
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The "end point" was Ironwood's original plan before he threw it out the window, because there wasn't really anything wrong with Ironwood's original plan. Get the folks in Mantle to Atlas, evacuate with Atlas. That Ruby and her teammates were forced to work in secret, infiltrate Atlas command, and then seek medical attention for their critically-wounded friend as a result of Ironwood going Full Fascism is obviously all her fault. Bitch bitch bitch etc.
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Man, I can think of nothing more despair-inducing than the idea that the Man in Charge doesn't have the one and only possible solution to any problem!
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Hope is leaving thousands of people to fucking die, because the white man who wrote this does not identify or sympathize with anyone in Mantle.
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Hope is the Man In Charge doing whatever he fucking wants and stupid bitches like Ruby falling in line and accepting their place.
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Hope is adamantly clinging to a male authority figure, despite the glaring logical flaws with his plans and the glaring moral flaws he exhibits with every passing second.
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But if it's a woman who keeps fighting for the right thing, she's a selfish bitch.
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You notice how this screed somehow juggles between "Team RWBY are depicted as if they can do no wrong and always succeed in everything" and "Team RWBY ruins everything and makes everything worse for everyone"? It's a common tactic of fascists, actually; the enemy is both strong and weak at the same time. But why would the white man who idolizes a male military authoritarian and vilifies women, the poor, and minorities utilize fascist rhetorical devices?
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The best part about "critics" like this is that RWBY is a story that introduced a plot device and exposited specific limitations to its power in the story, and none of these idiots can wrap their heads around a single part of that.
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"When Salem does not do things the Staff has never been claimed to be able to do, that will just be wish fulfillment."
Well, anyway, here's me calling you stupid (and a drooling sexist pig) (and a racist fucko) (and a fascism stan)~
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terrence-silver · 6 months
Had a dream about getting food eaten off of me (non-sexually) and now I can’t stop imagining Terry having human furniture
Definitely seems like something 80’s Terry would have
It’s as though he views those lesser than him as not even human
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But, honestly, c'mon, lets be real. Lets take the pink goggles off for a second: Try and imagine being this guy's ⬆️ employee at the height of his prime and just the absolutely debauched and downright freaky stuff you'd witness while working for him in the 80's.
It's the type of thing that puts Succession to shame, I feel.
Because, I do envision him coaxing people through the ringer of fire for his own sick pleasure, elaborately hazing them and having them take near goddamn ritualized amount of tests to progress anywhere in the hierarchy he's created; envision being a Dynatox employee, for example? A young Intern or someone wanting a promotion? Someone wanting to get ahead in Terry Silver's world? Nothing's for free, right? So, what would you be willing to do to get ahead under him? Don't even necessarily think it's about sex for Terry, but rather, more so about power. Ways he can perversely abuse it without consequences. Perhaps that ambitious secretary gets to stand behind his work desk for hours with their stack of papers because he's ordered them to, acting out the role of an elaborate human...shelf. Maybe if the fancy strikes him, he orders them to do it on one leg to fuel his own sadism and make it more difficult for them. Shift positions and hold up his ashtray for him as he dabs the residue of his cigar into it. Maybe get under his work table so he can place his feet over their back while they're on the floor, on all fours, and conduct a meeting, nobody even suspecting what's going on beneath the desk and even if they do, can you really confront the CEO of a conglomerate? Terry Silver, of all people? He might do it shamelessly in open view of everyone, acting entirely unfettered, nonchalant and all smiles, penalizing someone who's failed him and the strict NDA's all his workers sign render their lips sealed in sight of such measures. He can be an immensely kind boss after all. Truly. He rewards good effort by the tenfolds and punishes failure unscrupulously without you initially even knowing you're punished; he could be all kindness even as he puts you through the worst trauma of your life. Shocking what people are willing to overlook if you bribe and buy their silence with enough money and Terry would've loved testing and pushing that boundary each and every time.
Yeah, someone failed to dispose of a toxic waste delivery in Thailand.
Got to pay the ultimate price of being Mr. Silver's footstool for a month.
For all he's concerned, they got off lucky.
Imagine if they were a Whistleblower. You dread to think what happens to those.
Does he just have them dangled above a vat of toxic acid like he's a supervillain?
Does he maniacally cackle while he has his henchpeople do it?
What about the parties he attends and organizes? Company events? There's a naked woman (or a naked man) in front of Terry Silver's exclusive table in the VIP lodge and he's dining off of her and talking business with Firm Directors, Big Wigs and Fat Cats like it's no big deal, being as cool as a spritzer and you're not certain if this is a prelude to Caligula's orgy island on Capri you've just wondered into working for him and having earned your place here or any actual black tie all-personnel and special guests gathering, a stern faced Intern still standing behind Terry perfectly still and you could be left in equal measure confused if they're just that dedicated and professional and strictly no nonsense even at a party or if they too have been punished to act out the role of a disciplined human ornament in public while Mr. Silver gorges on the import Sushi plucked off of a pair of nipples and talking sums and numbers with great gusto. It's barely just 11 PM. You almost dread to think what'll take place after midnight, as you overhear Mr. Silver jokingly say something in the vein of 'If you want it that badly, what are you willing to do for it?' to a fellow Company Chairman from Japan as the honorable guest of the hour and it has you shivering in your skin because you'd just rather not know. You're not supposed to know, even though rumors fly and they come in any shade and variety of insanity right before disappearing as if though no gossip never existed and until all the remains is Terry Silver's squeaky clean image, leaving you wondering what working for him in his own private accommodations might be as a member of personal staff, up in that big mansion in LA, if working out at HQ is this unhinged. Your devotion is meant to be absolute and your silence total. After all, it is finely specified in your work contract; breaking any of Mr. Silver's requirements will result in the assurance you'll never get serious employment anywhere ever again; his reach goes shockingly far.
And all because you might've peeped about something off you saw or heard.
Who would believe you anyway, though? When Mr. Silver is all charm?
Only just the most loveable, entrepreneurial guy out there.
But, how deep does the rabbit hole really go?
When we put all of this into perspective, it is easy to understand just why Season 4 Terry Silver was so keen on wildly alerting and rehabilitating his image for a short blip. With the amount of skeletons this dude undoubtedly had in his closet, it is no wonder.
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