#you'd think he would learn
crnl-chicken-tots · 1 year
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Welcome to my "late night thoughts that I fixate on for a month before doing something about" ideas.
Look at the boys- silly, aren't they?
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kinnoth · 3 months
one more thing:
so miquellas ENTIRE STUPID PLAN was: sic malenia on radahn, have them do a """"""fake fight"""""" in which malenia kills radahn, sends him to the shadow land, where miquella will revive him and make him shadow!elden lord to his shadow!god
except radahn fights malenia to a standstill......and doesn't fucking die. and malenia can't finish the job. which means nobody can finish the job. bc malenia and radahn were the strongest of the gods.
so radahn's men hold a perpetual festival of war for him, hoping to feed him war and an honorable death........for years and years and hundreds of years.....until randomly.....one day....you player character happen to come along.....and through sheer bloodyminded tenacity and plot armor, finally give radahn his clean death....
you're telling me that was all part of the plan?
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insufferablemod · 10 months
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top 10 worst celebrities ever
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vodid · 9 months
trust me to spend a solid hour looking over pics and footage just to figure out how a shoulder works and spending a meager 5 minutes finally drawing it.
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byfulcrums · 5 months
i cannot stop thinking about anissa and marky though [COMIC SPOILERS]
how did he react when he learned what his mother did? just like mark, he lived a lie. he thought his mother was kind and nice — the only thing that is true is that she loved him, but now, he has no idea if he should believe it
and. you've grown up being conditioned to believe that violence is peace, and that kindness is a lie and a weakness. you hurt people. by hurting a person, by destroying him irreparably, you found the boy you love most: your son. and you don't regret it. you hope one day, once he sees him, he'll get it. but you still don't regret it. you can't say you're sorry
marky will grow up without his biological father, because when mark hugs him he can only remember his mother and what she did to him. your father can't love you the way your mom did. you can't love your mother the way your father loved his
the worst part is, that it she hadn't done it, you wouldn't have existed. you wouldn't be here. your father will grow to love you. you will grow to accept each other. but you tend to wonder — if he never sees you as anything else other than your mother's son, then who will you have when everyone else you know dies?
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quakinqueer · 4 months
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Yay! This is great!! Please donate if you can! Here's the QR code you can use to do that!
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But also, I have some thoughts.
(as always, please do not engage if all you want to do is start an argument)
I wanna make one thing and one thing very clear, it is FANTASTIC that he is doing this. Showing actual concrete support and trying to help the cause publicly. Even if he was donating previously (which I've seen people saying but am not certain of), doing it privately is not nearly as impactful or helpful as doing it publicly and rallying your dedicated fan base for the sake of COMMUNITY SUPPORT.
All that to say, much like smosh, he should've been doing things like this for months, but better late than never. It's great that he's actually doing something.
That being said, from a purely PR perspective, doing this without ANY sort of apology to Zayna or acknowledgement of his behavior last week, was not the best move, purely with regards to those who've been expecting and hoping for such a statement, only to get nothing, and then suddenly this; those who are likely going to see this as performative or "damage control". I personally don't agree with this stance at all, but I've already seen ppl on twt claim these things. Admittedly that's more a 'them just having a grudge against damien' problem, but I digress.
(btw I can't believe it's been a full week of this personal hell)
If he did this thinking it would entirely clear his name and absolve him of any wrongdoing, then he clearly misunderstood the situation just as badly as any of his stans did. Showing support is great, now are you going to address the actual situation or just ignore it forever?
Obviously, this is a VERY good thing for him to be doing (I can't emphasize that enough), but frankly, his apology to zayna is still needed and pending, and an acknowledgement, or better yet explanation, of his terrible behavior last week is not *needed* but certainly expected and anticipated.
He did a good thing, awesome, those of you who can please donate. I still think he should've said something first.
At this point, a full week later, it seems silly to still expect an apology or explanation, and I think at this point it's about time to give up. I just- what happened? What happened to the damien that would sooner crawl out of his skin than allow someone to think he had any sort of ill will toward them? What happened to the damien that is supposedly a "recovering people-pleaser" and always takes other's feelings into consideration, often before his own? What happened to the damien who was recently described by a fellow cast member as "not having a mean bone in his body" and across the years has received many similar comments and compliments? Where is he right now??
I'm not AS disappointed as I was to begin with, but I certainly haven't gained any respect for him either (personally).
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cal-cium-the-nerd · 2 days
“I’m sorry,” she finally said. “What are you sorry for?” asked Zorian, surprised. “For being difficult.” “Difficult?” asked Zorian incredulously. He peered into her mind for a moment and found her thinking about Mother. Ugh. Yeah, that did kind of sound like something their mother would say. She never did like crying much. One of the few things she praised him for was that he rarely cried, even as a young child. “Kiri, you lost your friend. It’s okay to be sad about that. You weren’t being difficult at all.”
“I was trying to find Nochka,” he finally admitted. Her eyes widened at this. “You were… Is that… you should have told me!” “I didn’t want to get your hopes up,” Zorian said. “I was hoping anyway,” she said, gripping the sheets tightly in her little fists. He put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into an embrace. She was still tense, but gradually relaxed after a while and returned his hug. “I didn’t find her,” he admitted after a while. “Well, obviously,” she said, as if it was the most self-evident thing ever. “But you tried. You knew you probably weren’t going to find her, and you still went out and searched for her. You didn’t cry and mope around the house all day like I did.” “Kiri, you’re nine,” Zorian sighed. “What else could you have done? You’re being way too hard on yourself.”
(chapter 40)
It's a bit sobering to notice how self-deprecating Kiri can be at times. She's only nine, yet it's clear that while her parents "favor" her over Zorian, she is still being mistreated by them if her reaction to her closest friend dying is to feel guilty over crying
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a-lonely-dunedain · 6 months
how Sargent Tom looks at Tossdir after he buys an entire stack of [Extra Deliciously Tasty Biscuits] and proceeds to scarf them all down right in front of him, somehow managing to almost choke on every. single. fortune.
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batsplat · 12 days
i don’t know too much about motogp in depth enough to send specific asks but please know that i am ALWAYS seated for your class! i really enjoy reading your takes + essays
man this is so so kind, I am always a little lost for stuff to say when I just get like. people being lovely in my inbox - trust I do read and appreciate it, just get very hung up on the responding bit
anyway, this ask I think was sent the day after this long post about the similarities between casey and valentino was dropped, which has kinda been where this blog has been living for the past month,, so. in my head. I'm choosing to believe this was specifically about that essay. and I just wanted to quickly toss in one more thing - y'know the bit about sachsenring 2010, right, where valentino shows up way way ahead of schedule from the whole broken leg situation and also jorge and casey have kinda been engaging in a teensy bit of trash talk in his absence and the vibes are. off
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so then casey and valentino had a very tight very cool battle for the last podium position, 10/10 would recommend, low key one of the top 3-4 races that season. valentino's fighting his demons (leg recently broken), casey's fighting his demons (bike sucks), you can tell how badly they want to beat each other... and casey manages to take the shine off valentino's return by snatching the final podium place in what you just like. know. was extremely satisfying to him. you just know it!! he won't say it because he's so hung up on the 'ooh I don't get obsessed with my rivals' shtick (lol) but it's very obvious how badly he wants to beat valentino! and then after the race when they're talking to the press, casey's like,, valentino's comeback is really not that serious, the leg's fine he's just lost a bit of muscle mass,, idk why everyone's making such a big deal,, and then valentino starts throwing jibes in his direction about how CASEY would have complained if VALENTINO had ridden like CASEY had, but of course VALENTINO would never do such a thing,,, and in the timeline of the rivalry this is very much when we start descending to kindergarten level
anyway given the tone of the on-track battle and how much shit they talk about each other in the immediate aftermath, you simply have to be deeply endeared by how they behave post-race when they're actually on the bike. classic hand grab and thumbs up situation, valentino recognising casey's performance in all its viciousness:
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but then what really prompted this whole thing was. this photo..? where valentino has managed to straight up reach into casey's helmet:
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like is he trying to poke casey's eyes out what's happening here. looks like he's doing finger guns in his face. why's he getting so close. isn't this a lovely quirky little photo... casey's doing an insincere thumbs up at him and valentino's attempting to stroke his cheek. fascinating. they're about to say some out of pocket shit about each other to the press btw
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Young Teacher Tuvok Patreon | Ko-fi
#Person: So I heard from the students that you're the headteacher? / Tuvok: ???This is a college???#his kids gave him a mug that says 'Father' bc it would be impossible to ascertain whether or not he is in fact the no.1 dad#despite their own emphatically positive opinions...'Father' is factual v_v (in my mind the mug just has a vulcan symbol)#bea art tag#st voyager#Tuvok#Tuvok went through Starfleet training/academy - Quit - Then probably had to go to a whole different college to get a teaching license#When he re-entered Starfleet did he have to take lessons again?? Is there a separate license to be a Starfleet instructor?#After being expelled from his school as a teen ... how long was he with the monks? Did he repeat a grade?#Tuvok your education fascinates me#Vulcan school - expelled - learning at a temple with monks - repeat grade? / Vulcan school - graduate#enter starfleet academy - graduate - quit - enter college - graduate - teach - quit job - enter starfleet (academy?) - graduate?#- starfleet teaching license - end#note: I don't think under normal human circumstances you'd need to go back to the academy but Tuvok quit Starfleet at like 20 something#and who knows how many decades passed since then - I'm sure the curriculum changed a lot in like 70 years v_v#maybe....a few catchup courses. Like a semester instead of four(?) years#st voyager art#also I like the thought that Tuvok is considered introverted/reserved even amongst Vulcans#Less so than how humans perceive him but still enough that it IS a personality trait rather than purely a cultural difference
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thinking about the kiru and kara dynamic again. in particular karas view of her is very amusing to me
#larry time#to start out he views her as like. a glamorized version of how she portrays herself/wants to be seen#kiru likes to be seen as reliable and 'safe'#strong. unoffending and unassuming. calm and collected and the kind of person you'd like to ask for help#when they first meet kara sees her as this And a manifestation of his sort of ideal of masculinity. butches always winning etc etc#of course her dressing like (a classy and tasteful version of) the models in his magazines certainly adds to this#kara is also observably the kind of person who likes to help others. albeit because he likes praise and looking like a good person#so i think he would offer help to kiru quite often and do silly little tasks for her (esp. when she's still in college) to look good#BUT luckily for him unlike his brothers kiru is actually very appreciative of this#she's the kind of person who would drive herself to the ER because she didn't wanna bother anyone. like#egregiously independent and she has been since kennys death. she doesn't expect help so when she Does receive it she's very appreciative#this obviously only inflates karas ego further. but over time as they became close friends it becomes more genuine#especially after she starts helping him with learning english and other miscellaneous stuff#and even more so when he finds out about everything she went through before#that paired with kiru picking up the nickname of 'appi' (which is kiiind of a regional version of 'aniki')#just really gets to him. hes the second biggest offender of the moefication of kirumi nikuya#(guess who the biggest is. bet you can't)#so he goes from thinking of her as super cool + suave to like Ah. i need to protect you.. (loses at arm wrestling against her in 2 seconds)#ANYWAYS. im done rambling
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thedevotionaltour · 4 months
personally i like to envision a time where matt tries to be a dick and rags on foggy for his snacks and foggy just shoots back asking matt what's with the large coke sitting on his desk then. that's the second large coke i've seen grace your desk this week. and it's not even a bottle you got at the store that's a cup. that's a large cup. should i mention the can in the garbage too. and matt shuts up from there for the afternoon.
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tswwwit · 2 years
Is Dipper strong because he keeps wrestling with Bill?
I wouldn't say that wrestling Bill is his main form of exercise. However, it does give him motivation to pick up Stan's old barbells. Can't let that demonic loser completely overwhelm him all the time. (He remains overwhelmed. Bill cheats.)
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nostalgia-tblr · 6 months
started reading about the shakespeare authorship thing and the first argument from a literary person to say Willy S couldn't have written them is "he didn't go to university," at which point i went "oh wow i didn't realise THIS was the level of 'evidence' people meant"
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fenrishion · 1 year
4pm thoughts
i don't understand the older generation's propensity to blame the younger generation for not being able to save enough due to rising prices.
"just spend less!!!" as if there aren't studies and charts that already show that income vs. the rising price of food/necessities has become so dispropotionate over the past decade or so
they complain about how the younger generation eats outside all the time instead of cooking at home. but how do you cook at home when all you can afford to rent is a room, or the house you rent doesn't allow cooking?
or if you're only eating outside once a month and cook at home the rest of the time they say "stop eating outside food". like if you cut down your outside food budget by RM60(USD15) a month, you can miraculously afford a down payment on a house.
and even if you can afford a house, the prices are astronomical nowadays--- you'd probably have to take out a 20-year loan to do so, vs in the past when houses were so much cheaper.
maybe all these problems seem very nonconsequential to most of the older generation/people in charge, since they're usually part of the high income bracket people, but tbh most of the population in the country(especially the younger ones) are probably only a few paychecks away from going homeless.
like!!! my dudes!!! why are you siding with the corporations when they don't even have your backs and are one of the main causes of all this as well...?
are people not allowed to treat themselves once every now and then with? if not, what's the point of working in the first place?!
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yeonban · 20 days
Nothing worse in Tobias' life than boredom fr.
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