#you'll never find a list of names as cool as ours
taketwoinink · 2 years
Christopher Jicholas Georgeington — @chilikit Fae Nuclear-Fusion Biscuit — @thatfaecreaturee Jinx Raven Feelinggood — @jinxneedssleep Crystal Plant Mom — @gemstarstarlight Inky Chair Weasley (like the university) — me Achilles Eddie Batman — @kounene-truther
Aka, the Mafia Mutuals
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storiesbyjes2g · 7 months
3.88 So special
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Sophia and I had a full day of wedding prep ahead, so I woke up early the next morning to take Rosie out for a nice, long walk. Even though we've taken the dogs pretty much everywhere we went over the past few days, I felt like I had neglected them. So much had gone on, and I didn't have time to give them my focused attention and wouldn't be able to for the next few days. Since Rosie was the energetic one, I figured she'd appreciate some one-on-one time outside.
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Our day began with instructions from Mama to meet her at an address in Tartosa. It was a house on a hill with a breathtaking view of the ocean and close access to nearby shops and beaches. The place was beautiful, but why were we there?
"What is this place, Mama?"
"This is your honeymoon rental. Surprise!"
Sophia gasped.
"Wha... Mama! This is too much. You don't have to pay for the wedding and our honeymoon."
"Luca," she said in a warning tone, "if you are fortunate enough to provide for your children like I do, you will. I hope you'll get the chance to know what that's like."
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Before I could rebut or say anything more, she sent us away with a list of errands while she stayed at the house doing whatever she was doing in there. Don't get me wrong. I was grateful to keep some money in my pocket. And I understood why she did all this. I just hoped she wasn't spending all her money on me. True, I didn't know exactly how much money she had, but I didn't think we were a wealthy family. We were always comfortable, never extravagant, but she still had to work for a living. She still had a long life ahead of her, and I wanted her to enjoy everything she worked for.
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Our list landed us at the bakery first.
"Hi... I'm here to pick up a cake," I said to the man in the window.
"Ah! Yes, I spoke to your mother this morning. Just a minute."
I rarely had to tell sims my last name, and it felt a bit odd to say. I honestly hadn't said it since...maybe high school. Wow. But saying it to the guy with Sophia beside me, knowing this time tomorrow she might have my name... I was so proud...and very turned on.
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"Here you go," the man said. "Congratulations!"
"Thank you."
"We've got cake," Sophia said.
"Mmm hmm. There's no turning back now."
"Is that so?"
"Yep. It's in the wedding handbook. Once the cake has been secured, no one can cancel the wedding."
"Hmmm. I like this rule."
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On our way to the flower shop, a clothing store with fancy, expensive suits and gowns in the window distracted us.
"Look at these," Sophia shouted. "Could you imagine wearing something so expensive?"
"Imagine it? Absolutely. Dropping the coin, no way."
"Right? It's crazy!"
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Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mama walking toward us from a few blocks away, so we left the store to find the flower stand we were supposed to hit up next. But when we got there, it was closed.
"Don't tell me it's closed," Mama said when she found us. "It's not even 6:00 yet!"
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"Maybe they went out for lunch or something," Sophia said.
"Yeah," I chimed in. "We could wait a few minutes and see if they come back."
Mama sighed.
"Fine. Let's go sit over there so we don't miss them."
The large fountain near the shop had the perfect vantage point to wait. I personally didn't care if we got the flowers or not. The venue probably had more than enough decorations already. But this was Mama's show, and if she wanted more flowers, we'd wait. It was a nice day for sitting around and taking in the sights. The sound of the water bubbling in the fountain and the random cool mist on my neck provided a refreshing respite from the all the running around we'd done that week. But after a while, I think we were all a bit restless.
"I wanted to elope," Mama said.
She never talked about wanting to marry Dwayne, so I needed clarification.
"Elope with Dad?"
"Mmm hmm. I was so hasty. Once I decided we were meant for each other, that was it. I didn't care about a dress and a party. I just wanted to be with him. He was the one who wanted the wedding."
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"So, what happened?" I asked.
"Mommy happened. I wore Ali down and convinced him we didn't need a wedding, but there was no changing Amina Pope's mind. And believe me, I tried." She began to laugh. "Oh, I was such a brat that day. I was about your age and still so immature."
"Where was the wedding, then?"
"In her backyard. I may not have been able to sway her on eloping, but I would not back down on getting married immediately. I threatened to take Ali to the beach and do it without her right then if she didn't get onboard, but she convinced me to wait just one more day so she could get things together and invite my Aunt Nay. Remember Billie? That was her mother. They were best friends. Anyway...it was Winterfest, and-"
"You got married on Winterfest?"
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"We sure did."
With us getting married on New Year's Eve, could this be the beginning of a family tradition? Holiday weddings?
"I was blown away when we got up. Mommy had turned the whole house into a Winterfest wedding wonderland. She was a designer and always kept our house looking nice. She designed your room!"
"Sure did. She loved you so much, Luca. She did everything for you, just like she did for me. All I've ever wanted to do was be an excellent mother, just like her. I know you think I'm doing too much, and I might be, but it's what she would do. And I want you to feel special how I felt special."
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"You always make me feel special, though," I said. "I don't need extra flowers and a giant house to feel that... But I appreciate what you're doing."
Sophia cleared her throat.
"I hate to break up this tender moment, but I need to start getting ready for tonight."
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Mama checked the time.
"It is getting late. You guys go. I'll deal with this."
She gave us the keys to the house and sent us on our way. We walked back to the house in silence, Mama's story weighing on our minds. Well, my mind, at least. I loved hearing about Gammy and stretched my brain, trying to remember just one moment. But I was too young. I couldn't even conjure her face without seeing a photograph.
"Luca! Look!"
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Of course Mama was fixing up the house for us. I should have expected that.
"This is so special," Sophia shouted.
What was special was finally being alone with her. Maybe I could convince her to free me from all the wild thoughts I had at the bakery.
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We stepped into the house, and Sophia looked around. I kept my eyes on her. All I could think about was how we were going to spend three glorious days holed up in our room, and I wanted to get started expeditiously.
"Don't look at me like that," she said.
"How am I looking?"
"Like you want to devour me. We don't have time."
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"Pretty please?"
"Come on. Let's see the rest of this house."
She left me and went outside, so I followed. We had the perfect view of the ocean from the patio, and Sophia was beside herself.
"Uuuuggghhh why can't it be warmer?? I just want to dive in there right now! This is so beautiful!"
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I was rather impressed myself. Mama really outdid herself.
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kirbyoctournament · 2 months
wha happened to that one really cool OC that i saw in this year's tournament? i forgot teh name but i never saw them again
there are over a hundred and forty ocs in this year's tournament, and they're all cool!! you can find our competitors list here with links to all OC intro pages; maybe you'll find who you're looking for!
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
I really cannot make it clear enough that the only people who think Izzy Hands has a massively outsized following in the OFMD fandom are people who aren't paying attention and probably get annoyed by every positive mention of Izzy Hands.
Those of us who do post about him / read fics about him / enthusiastically ship him / whatever are far more likely to quip about how there are whole dozens of us in our corner because that's a hell of lot closer to the reality. But if plain statistics on fics or repeatedly pointing out that tumblr notes are the same people hitting that same reasonable average of double digit reblogs... Idk. Maybe a more descriptive exercise would make this clear?
I'm sorting AO3 by most kudos, looking at OFMD fics with Izzy's character tag (aka the one place he really outstrips the other side characters in numbers). A few observations:
Izzy's name appears in a fic summary for the first time on Fic 6, with "...and Izzy getting disrespected several times." Not much of a mention.
First Izzy/OC ship is Fic 7 (Hell or High Water - a title I recognize but have never read)
First Izzy/Other Character is Fic 17, with Izzy/Lucius, which also appears to be the first Izzy focused fic
Fic 22 is the first appearance of BlackHands as part of a SteddyHands fic
46 Fics in we get the first one Not Technically Ship Tagged with BlackBonnet (a Lucius/Izzy with a "background blackbonnet" tag), and at Fic 63 we get the first Actually Not Ship Tagged with BlackBonnet (a Stizzy fic about bonding over hating Calico Jack).
I think Fic 215 is the first mention of Sam Bellamy? I'm trying to find something specific and it's taking a while...
Oh wait there it is! 216 Fics by Kudos into the "Israel Hands" character tag (out of 7785 total) we have the first BlackHands fic that doesn't have Stede involved. Prior to this there were a lot of BlackBonnet fics, and notable numbers of SteddyHands and Izzy/Lucius. Hell we even hit Izzy/Frenchie and Izzy/Captain Flint before getting to this point.
I'm just really trying to illustrate here that for all the snide accusations and defensive worrying I see about all the sinister Izzy fans trying to make the whole show and fandom about him, "Izzy" content (which this ought to demonstrate is hardly all about Izzy) is just not that overwhelming. Izzy content that excludes or ignores the Revenge crew even less so. Like, run this exercise with any side character and you'll get pretty similar results - seeing as the dominance of BlackBonnet above all else is still ridiculous by fandom standards - but that's kinda the point.
Izzy is a popular side character, which is a thing that tends to happen when side characters get speaking time, characterization, camera focus, exploration of their current and potential relationships (conflict counts), etc. You know, things that Izzy gets a bunch of as an antagonist? Izzy having more content than Oluwande is not really more weird than Oluwande having more content than Buttons or Wee John? I'm not going to pretend that fandom spaces don't drop the ball on content for characters of color pretty often, but the tagged content breakdown in this fandom is not far off from what you would expect by character descriptions alone.
Like the list goes Cool Protagonist / Love Interest -> POV Protagonist -> Live-In Primary Antagonist -> Side Fun Guy with a Death Cliffhanger / Fanfic Gap Ending -> Side Pirate Assassin with a Subplot -> Assassin's Side Love Interest... I mean, maybe Lucius is a bit higher than Jim even for what "Lucius in the walls" fics can account for, or Lucius / Izzy have a bit bigger of a lead than they would without white identifying bias, but that's like? Unprovable speculation at best???
Not remotely comparable to, like, "Star Wars Sequel Trilogy" where Kylo Ren is 46.3% of fics while the two non-white protagonists are only in 35.7% (Poe) or 29% (Finn). Like Poe is technically behind Hux's 35.9%, which is absurd for a secondary antagonist no matter how fun I found his blatant evil. It's like if Chauncey Badminton was neck and neck with Jim or even Edward. That is a content percentage you should question, and the numbers might be worse in "Star Wars - All Media Types" (though Kylo does at least lose to Obi Wan).
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shoko-komi · 9 months
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This Special Edition of The Komi Report is split into multiple posts. This is Part Two. Click here for Part One
5. It's Emoyama, Continued
I'm only listing the final chapter, but the whole little arc about Emoyama is basically the 5th pick. It added a new word to my vocabulary – Emoi. I'd say that on its own warrants a place here. But that's far from the only reason. 
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With Najimi tagging along for the ride, these chapters feel like old times again. Komi's got a problem communicating with a classmate, the three stooges (Komi, Tadano, and Najimi) put their heads together to reach an understanding, and goofs ensue. It's fun, it's funny, it's light, and it's sweet. And it's well set up, with Emoyama's reason for crisis (peeling the unripe fruit of Emoi) having occurred quite a while beforehand. 
Add onto that how long Emoyama has been around - she even appears as a teaser in the (current) final scene of the anime... 
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...along with Lily Sukida. Now that's what I call venerable. Anytime a character like her finally gets some serious attention it's a surprise, a delight, and a treat. Komi's world is full of sleeper agents waiting for their moment. (Just btw, I super ship Sukida and Emoyama now. Maybe I should write a fic....) 
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...it gave us this. Sledgehammer Komi...... 
I love you, Emoyama. And your mother
Honourable Mentions 407 – Interview  409 - Can't Say Sorry  416 – The Rest  417/418 - Ogiya/Super Awesome  427 – Cool  429/430 - Fuki's Story  433 – A Date with Rumiko 
Funniest Joke
Comedy is extremely subjective, so take this category with a grain of salt. But given how much I've had to say about Kawai, I doubt you'll be too surprised: 
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When tf did she have time to make this??????? It's all of the buildup that makes this so memorable to me; how Kawai is so serious and intimidating until she bonds with komi. Then it's like a switch flips in her head. She's such a dork. 
The whole of 393 is one joke – Kawai made a DVD about how they'd benefit from marrying her – so I'm saying the whole chapter gets the funniest joke award and calling it day. There's no better way to explain why this one's a winner than to show you some screenshots, so enjoy: 
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I love you, Kawai (it bears repeating) 
Most Emoi Moment
This award would have gone to the kiss, but there's an underdog who I think has worked harder for it. She's captain of the track team; an aspiring restaurateur; an old friend, a bitter rival, and a true hero; and she's never won a damn thing in her life. She needs this. 
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She's Makeru Yadano at the year three sports carnival!!! I bet you were surprised this chapter wasn't mentioned among my top picks; not even the honourable mentions!! That's what we in the biz call a fake out. I could never forget my girl Makeru. 
Something I noticed while writing this - Yadano probably would have won... 
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...except that Komi got a head start. You can see that Yadano starts a moment behind (because her teammates are Sarutahiko and Inui, RIP). A relay race is a team effort, so can you really say that Yadano lost? Maybe I'm undermining her personal growth moment. Whoops. 
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I would also like to pay my respects to Benujit Spopo, a walk-of-fame KCC gag in my opinion. It appeared this year! 
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(From Ch. 404 – Tales from the Summer Festival, Part 2) 
I love you, Yadano
Reader's Choice
Now is the time. This is the moment. The most coveted and prestigious award of all – the Reader's Choice Award. (It's the most coveted and prestigious because it's determined by democracy 🫡) 
For this category, the Komi Report received a record-shattering four votes - that's right!! Four votes!!! From you, the readers. 
The votes were extremely varied, and it turned out to be very useful that most people named multiple chapters in their submission. I used a sort of preferential voting system – I tallied everyone's first choice and there was no winner, so I added everyone's second choice, then third etc etc. 
Thus we find our victor. With a landside two votes, the 2023 Reader's Choice Award goes to: 
*drum roll* 
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Paam pa du paam!! Chapters 417 & 418 – Ogiya & Super Awesome!!!! 
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Well deserved!!!!!!!! Ogiya's story is heartbreaking; he was driven to become a literal man baby to escape the terrible price of popularity. Then Komi becomes the most assertive we've ever seen her as she keeps pushing him to accept her friendship. In the end, barriers are broken down!! Emoi!!!
I'm looking at this now... and Komi saying "It's alright. I'm super strong so I'll make sure you're alright" and the look on Ogiya's face.... that's making me tear up...
I love how Tadano and Ogiya are said to have been hanging out at other times before this event. It creates the feeling that these characters have lives when we aren't looking at them – very cool! It also demonstrates that Tadano attracts socially maladjusted people like a magnet. I'd say it's his gentle nature. 
My warmest thanks to everyone for their submissions. 
Phew... I'm knackered. I've been typing this in a document and the word count has passed 4,000... wowzers! 
If you've come this far, I extend to you my sincerest gratitude. I would have prepared and posted this even if I didn't expect anyone to see it, so to have someone read it all the way to the end is very cool. Maybe you even... enjoyed it?????? 
Here's my resolution for 2024 – I will strive to write every Komi Report as thoughtfully and conscientiously as I wrote this one. The weekly editions will be way shorter, of course. And I won't spend a whole week writing them, but each and every one will have the same love put into it 💪 
I hope this 2023 Annual Edition of The Komi Report got you excited about Komi Can't Communicate; whether that excitement is from being reminded of all the good times we've had, or from being annoyed by my opinions. Either way, you're thinking about Komi. 
I win. 
Now that your appetite for Komi Can't Communicate has been whet:
Check out my Komitano AMV on youtube
Or my live action Komi-san compilation video
Thank you very much! Komi returns on January 5th, 2024. I'll see you then!!
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heeheesang · 1 year
xoxo cupid crush
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ep. 8
"sunwoo's girlfriend is so pretty," the students muttered and pointed at me as i walked in the hallways, pulling the hood over my head to avoid any unnecessary attention.
"morning, sunshine~" yujin sang with haerim as we walked together to class, more like run together to class. we ran for our lives, literally. i was going to be late the fifth time in a week and it's only tuesday.
(woo) : are you on the way?
(woo) : i'm holding the door~ quickly please
(yeong) : on the way! we're running
(yeong) : you did claim a seat for me right? you said you would yesterday
(woo) : yeah... about that...
"we're here!" i yelled, running out of breath as i stopped the door from closing with the other two running in slowly.
"just on time, i would've marked you absent." ms huang said as we caught our breaths and went to our new seats.
my eyes wondered around the classroom, looking for sunwoo since he said that he would save me a seat next to him only to find him sitting with yubin, how fake is she god.
i made eye contact with sunwoo and he pointed to the seat in front of him, an empty seat, wow. i took my seat and some students came running in, were they new? i never saw them before.
"may i seat here?" one of the guys using the same sweater as me asked and i nodded, taking my bag off the chair next to me to make space.
"soo... what's your name?" he asked, flashing a dimple smile.
"i'm jang yeongji, and you? cool sweater."
"choi suhwan, nice to meet you! could say the same about your sweater."
needless to say, we were talking most of the lesson to the point we had to stop talking for a minute every time the teacher looked in our direction. however, sunwoo's "girlfriend" kept kicking my chair and snitched on suhwan and i eventually.
"yeongji, stand at the back."
"what? i didn't—"
"jang yeongji."
i sighed and rolled my eyes, "this is what you'll face each day~ good luck dude." i stood up at the back, behind sunwoo's seat and he pulled his chair back a little and my table abit to the front nearer to him, passing me a note.
(woo) i'm wearing the same sweater and you never said anything :/
(woo) am i not your favourite anymore
(yeong) say that to your girlfriend, i thought you saved me a seat?! :(
(yeong) not my fault he sat next to me with the same exact sweater
(woo) she just sat here, i had my bag, eric's bag and even two other kids bags on it but she like took another chair and oushed the chair with bags away
(yeong) she's so obsessed with you, it's crazy
(yeong) also... why were people calling me your girlfriend in the hallways..?
(woo) are you not?
(yeong) focus in class
he was about to pass back another paper but ms huang was looking so i pushed sunwoo to face the front again and smiled at the teacher, pretending to understand whatever she just wrote on the board.
"yeongji, you may go back to your seat. i'll speak to you after class."
nervousness made class end so fast, i was left in class alone with suhwan. what did i even do.
"yeongji, you will have to show suhwan around. he's new in case you can't tell, i expect him to pick a after school activity by tomorrow."
"i have to stay back after school to show him all the after school activities..? i have to attend to an important dinner—"
"dinner date with sunwoo isn't important."
she cut me off and shut the door on our faces before i could even fight back. i rolled my eyes and let out a huge sigh, "is sunwoo your boyfriend?" he asks.
"no, he isn't. we're just really good best friends. i'll meet you at the cafeteria after school at 2pm and i'll show you everything?"
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ep. 7 | ep. 9
m. list
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fandomdaydreamer · 2 years
The Lighthouse and The Ocean
Pt 23 - Interlude
Pairing: Pedro Pascal/OFC
Warnings: mentions of #metoo, stereotypes, referring to Pedro as 'daddy'
Summary: (formerly deleted chapter) Back home, Nini picks up her cat at her friend's and designer's place and of course, ends up being interrogated about her new relationship.
Notes: Also find this fic on Ao3 -here- or the series' Masterlist and Playlist -here-
I loved the characters and the jokes too much to throw this short chapter out. Who wouldn't want to gossip with your gay friends about Pedro??
Length: 5k
Mr and Mr Du Maurier lived on the opposite side of the wall separating our gardens but we had been thick as thieves ever since I moved into my brick townhouse in Brooklyn Heights a few years ago. The couple had moved here in the nineties to pursue their dreams of becoming a reputable designer and a famously extravagant performer and they marvellously succeeded. Married for almost twenty years now, Hugh and Samir had made names for themselves but had also found peace with the comfort of middle-aged life and the occasional babysitting of their neighbour's cat.
Barely accustomed to life back in New York City, I ignored my general fatigue and climbed the ladder leaning against the wall, jumping from behind it once I was sure I heard a ruckus in their garden. "I'm home!" I announced loudly and scared Hugh shitless. He screamed and threw the empty water can in the direction of my goofy grin. After inhaling a long gasp and standing frozen at my sight, we shared a moment of childish excitement until my friend seemed to melt.
"You don't know what a doorbell is, do you? Come on, get over here!" Hugh shrieked and I swung my legs across the top of the wall to climb to the other side like I always did when I had to use a secret way out of my house.
"Hello, beautiful. How come every time I see you, you're even more pretty? By the way, Jane Fonda called, says she wants her face and her youth back!" He cackled once and ushered me closer. "Come here you cute little cutie pie!" He made a sound of feigned disgust as we hugged, which was utterly special to me considering Hugh had never been much of a hugger.
"So good to see you!" I keened and uttered more small pleasantries as he fitted his skinny arms loosely around my frame. I tipped back once he held me at arm's length to take a near longing look at me.
"We have so much to catch up on. Come in, in, in!" He spoke and waved me to follow him.
Inside their boogie house, my gaze immediately searched the floor. "Where's my baby, where's my kitty cat?"
"You mean the cuddle-addicted nuisance who leaves paw prints on my sketches and hair all over my designs?" Hugh sighed dramatically, faking his distaste for my pet. I knew he loved her. Maybe not as much as Samir, but enough to treat her more than well.
"I suppose she is. Where's the husband? Where's Peachy?" I allowed myself to use Sammi's drag name.
"Oh, she'll be back any minute, had to run an errand for the committee. All these wicked numbers in her pretty little head, organising another fierce ass show."
My jaw dropped at the quite unsurprising news. "Cool, I'd love to come, you'll invite me, won't you?" The excitement to see another one of Sammi's drag shows was genuine and heightened by the thought of possibly tagging Pedro along. Not only did he love the community, but earlier this year, he had also been invited to be in Drag Race's next 'Snatch Game of Love'. And then I came along and snatched him up first and had possibly made it onto RuPaul's list of personal enemies. Pedro called this friendly but quite bitchy disinvitation the only downside of our relationship.
"Front row, we insist. But don't tell Sammi his design is from scratch... unlike your dress!" He said in a conspicuous voice and made me all the more breathless to see the gown he'd made me for the premiere next year. I clapped my hands together, simply squeaking in delight at the prospect of wearing another Hugh Du Maurier masterpiece. "Good you're finally here to try it on. You'll be pleased with my really pretty handwoven silk from Peru. None of those polyester-cotton mixes." Hugh took another loud look at me from head to toe, making me feel self-conscious about my old green dungaree.
I interrupted his nagging when I finally spotted Poentje galloping down the hallway. "Daar ben je, poesje mauw!" My voice shot up several octaves in baby speech when my giant black ball of fur tapped towards me and then stopped right in front of me. Of course, I was the one who had to close the distance between us. She hadn't changed in that regard, going limp when I picked her up and purring heavily in my arms while she endured my snuggles and kisses.
The lanky ice-blonde man curled his lips in amusement at the sight of our reunion but God forbid he'd show his soft side. "Don't believe a thing she says when she starts complaining to you about Sammi and me neglecting her. She demands food like she's starving."
"You didn't give her too much, she's light like that, she just looks big." I weighed her in my arms, unsure suddenly if my old lady had always been such a lightweight. "Is that normal? Do you think I should take her to the vet?" She'd been fine for so long, any worries of mine coul only meet denial at this point.
"I don't know, she takes her meds like a good girl. Maybe it's nothing." Hugh put on a smile as he scratched her head, making her meow at him with her high voice. "Just luxurious fur, yes it is."
I cuddled my enormous rag doll, seeking eye contact. "I found you a daddy," I informed her and we head-butted each other. It was then that I noticed a vein on Hugh's neck popping out. "What?" I asked.
"Nothing!" He snapped back at me way too loud and quickly and I promptly became aware of the accidental impact of my words. Smirking, I went back to pretending to talk to my cat but kept teasing Hugh in reality, feeling the urge to tell my gossip partner everything. Honestly, I was surprised he hadn't interrogated me about Pedro as soon as I had walked through the door. "He'll be such a good daddy, I know he will. Isn't my pussy-cat happy-"
"Oh, oops, my husband's calling. Hello, my peach-" Hugh had picked up his unlit phone, quickly exited the room and slammed the door to his garden. I stayed behind, giggling while he pretended to make a phone call.
Back inside after enough time to cool his temper and freeze his socks off, Hugh waved me to follow him into his workshop upstairs.
I let my cat down when she began to squirm. Poentje followed but kept her distance up in the atelier, looking at me while I undressed and climbed onto the pedestal.
"I feel like the fabric Gods have given me something really good here, sunshine girl!" Hugh rummaged in his design closet and I routinely closed my eyes, ready to look when we had secured a strangely airy and inorganic fabric around my body. When I finally opened my eyes, I could watch myself lose all colour in my face at the sight of the weirdly balloon-shaped dress. I stared at Hugh through the mirror, feeling devastated and mortally disappointment and yet I toughed through the shock with humour. "It's... something." My smile quivered.
"Yeah?" Hugh stayed perfectly serious. "I thought since you rudely turned down a job offer from Marvel so you could become a rock star, I thought you won't need your career anyways, so what the hell."
"It fits the uh... unconventional beauty image." I quoted some public opinions.
We stared at each other until we both burst out laughing.
"It's an egg!" I complained, loudly. "You're joking."
"Yes, I'm joking. This was Sammi's Halloween Costume. He was an egg, I was a chicken. We finally know what came first!" We screamed together at the joke and Hugh stage whispered. "It was the egg." He revealed, somewhat bored and disenchanted.
"Thank heavens, this is not it. You had me for a second, I'm not gonna lie." I exhaled my relief, finally able to appreciate the egg in all its hilarity. It even had a shell hoodie.
"I think it's funny." "It's hideous." "Alright, get ready for the real thing." While I tossed the egg costume to the floor, Hugh twirled out of the cupboard and presented me with a flowing, warmly toned sunflower yellow dress.
My heart stopped at the sight. I was presented with the most delicate, rich dress I had ever seen. It had sunflower ornaments, a generous cleavage and a never-ending hemline and looked so soft to the touch. "It's beautiful! Oh, Hugh, you're a magician!" I reached out to feel the delicate fabric before getting rid of my bra and changing into the dress.
When everything seemed to fit in place, Hugh opened my braid and I was glowing like the sun. The dress' deep sleeves exposed my shoulders and hung so low, it was only held up by my bust. The ornaments strung into a thin a-line waist before the dress flowed low and wide, reaching a length my legs could never match. It would drag behind me when I'd wear it at the public event and I imagined, I'd look soft and wonderfully elegant while strutting down the red carpet on Pedro's arm. Hugh's creations managed to steal my breath away every single time.
"I can't believe it. It's so perfect. What do you think Poen, do you like it?" I asked the cat currently sitting on Sammi's costume. She regarded me with slowly blinking eyes and I took it as a 'yes.
Hugh fussed about to reveal a long slit the dress provided to expose the side of my leg. "Look at that beautiful silhouette, one nasty leg out. You look like royalty, radiating so much. Hold up, let me get some shades." He said and picked out some huge, shiny Dior sunglasses which covered almost his entire face. "Better." He joked with a proud smile. "You know I love your freckles, look how gorgeous they are with warm tones and uh, what's this?" He peeked at me over the rim of his sunglasses to inspect my sea glass necklace.
"Something Pedro gave me. He wears one of these too. Isn't it cute?" I showed off my beloved jewellery. Another item I'd always refuse to get rid of, even for the sake of fashion events. Luckily, the coffee-brewed colour fitted the dress perfectly.
Hugh still didn't comment a thing about Pedro but another, softer voice made itself audible instead. "Oh, I love it so much," it whined and both Hugh and my eyes lit up.
"Sammi!" I hopped off the pedestal and hugged Hugh's husband. He grinned and made noises like he was gobbling me up. "Habibi." He blubbered, squeezing me tightly against his chubby figure. "Good to see you... finally in that dress. You look absolutely stunning, you're gonna make me cry."
"Thank you, Sammi. Your husband has outdone himself again."
"Alright, can we finally talk about it? I am sweating!" Hugh shouted at his husband before he fanned his neckline. "You don't want to be in my shoes, clenching my butt so hard trying not to say a thing about Nini moaning on about her new daddy!"
I giggled, caught after all. "Not true!" I lied.
"You knew what you were doing." He hissed at me, all his demeanour changed now he was showing his true emotions.
Sammi let out an intrigued hum at this spicy but not entirely true information.
"Whatever could you mean?" I asked anyway, sounding innocent, swaying past them to admire my dress in the three mirrors.
"Don't even-" Hugh stopped himself from bursting and breathed carefully before turning his shoulder to ignore me. Sammi was happy to comment for him. "He's The Daddy, TM. If ever one existed."
I bit my lip, mutely agreeing. "Still, I was joking. I do not... try not to call him that. But I know it's true. He knows it's true." I gulped heavily, set on asking my future therapist if Pedro's concern about my daddy issues would thwart our secretly shared kink forever.
Sammi shook his head, flabbergasted. "He literally lets the world call him that."
"I know. It's unfair but I respect his boundaries."
He hummed, still delighted, beaming across his entire face before giving his scowling husband a quick side glance. "Don't worry about Yuyu, I made her dramatic ass promise she wouldn't ask you about your boo until I got here," He explained in a delighted tone. "But now that I am, I think you're free to... spill the tea." He winked, already directing his steps towards the bar to fetch us a round of early drinks.
"Spill it now or I will combust!" Hugh empathised.
I had guessed it would come to this but now that we'd gotten here, I didn't know where to start. "I don't know what to say," I replied shyly but giddily. "Pedro is my boyfriend, my love, my husband," I contradicted myself, at least trying to avoid rambling out everything exciting about Pedro. I could talk about him for hours.
"Husband? Not for real though." After Sammi had prepared us a round of mimosas, he stretched his short neck to check my ring finger. Just to be sure. "Yeah, we're not married but also... we are."
Hugh's face fell from delighted to annoyed. "Yeah, who chose that wedding outfit? The grumpy green garbage monster from Sesame Street?" "Yuyu! Stop, you thought it was adorable too." Sammi interfered. "I swear I've never seen something more adorable. We donated too."
"Oh, thank you so much!" I was touched by the idea of my friends supporting my friends. "I promise you, should a real wedding ever occur, you'd be the one in charge to design my dress."
"I better." Hugh scoffed but squeezed my hands back before his eyes jumped down at me and he quickly moved my cleavage. "Oops, alarm. Free the titties!" Hugh giggled and adjusted my sleeve again before he ushered me up the pedestal and clicked his tongue at me. "Have you lost weight?" He scolded me, pinching my waist and pinning the dress a little tighter.
My hands smoothed down my dress, feeling a bit self concious. "Maybe. First, there was this diet for our movie, then I was extremely busy afterwards," I excused my even poorer diet of a musician locked in their studio. My last three weeks had been packed with work and the only times I had taken care of myself had been when my loved ones had asked during our phone calls and had made sure I was getting a proper meal in.
"And also, so in love, you could barely eat. I know all about it." Sammi laughed, slurping his drink, petting his belly and making a triple chin for comedic effect.
Hugh complained and busied himself with draping the dress around me aggressively before his curiosity snapped. "Okay!" He erupted. "You have a new man and I demand every single detail! Don't leave out the dirty bits."
"Like what?" "First of all, is he treating you right? Is he everything you ever wished for?" When it came to my relationships, Hugh was fiercely protective.
"Pedro is everything I'd ever hoped to find." I sighed dreamily, batting my eyelashes and swinging my dress in the mirror like a love-struck Disney princess. "He's so sweet, kind and generous and supportive. He's the cutest and funniest person ever, he has never lost his childlike sense of wonder-" my love for him bloomed in my chest when I named merely a few of his wonderful qualities. "When we're together, I feel complete and content. We simply fit. It feels like we were meant to be, you know?"
It took more than my obvious heart eyes to convince Hugh. "But is he good? Is he good for you? 'Cause for the love of 'Gahd', honey, don't give me the 'he's not like the other guys' speech and turns out he's worse and I end up getting second-hand anxiety from watching you survive. Again. Going full two-thousand-and-ten Lindsay Lohan on a Monday afternoon."
"I never!" This time, I felt indeed insulted. Right, I had knocked on their door in several stages of disarray but nothing borderline destructive. Nevertheless, Hugh and Sammi had always been there for me.
My designer feathered out my hair, maybe a tiny bit too aggressively. "Really? I remember the day you moved here, away from that nasty, arrogant fella. The one before McGregor, the one I chased off our property?" He kindly reminded me. "You know I'm not religious, but some people need the Lord. Some don't believe in consequences, in this life or the next, they just don't fear hell but I swear, they'd do humanity a favour if they did. Put barely a smidge, an 'ounce' worth of the fear of God in them and I'd sleep a little better." Hugh scoffed and I pressed my lips together in amusement at his passionate hatred for my past lover non of us had liked. "The nerve of that man. What did he say again after you left him?"
"He'd destroy my career if I wouldn't admit I had cheated on him. At least that explained why I was fired, not the fact that I got out when my former agency continued pressuring me into sleeping with our producer." I rolled my eyes, not proud of that particular period of my life and how much the public got involved in it. Yes, I had met someone else who had been kinder to me for a while but that foul man and I had never been together in the first place. So much for my chaotic past.
Sammi spoke from the depths of his compassionate soul. "They said there are more Weinsteins out there. I don't get why you didn't go public with the truth."
I sighed. Just another thing I added to the list of topics I needed to talk over with a therapist. Maybe I'd even warn Pedro about that particular man if I was sure he wouldn't strangle him if they happened to cross paths. "I just wanted it to end. No, I owe you two and Olivia my freedom." I grazed Hugh's cheek, fondly reminding them that our friendship was for life. Olivia might have been the reason why I got out of my contract legally, but Hugh was the ferocity that had chased that guy out of my life and leave me alone. He could be extremely nasty too and I couldn't lie about it; I had the habit of being adopted and protected around every next corner.
"Last but not least, your career survived your biggest scandal through my talent for dressing you in a way that makes everyone either want to kiss or be you." The designer hummed, so lost in his work he failed to see my blush. "We're just looking out for you, sweetie."
"And I thank you for it but I'm actually on the hunt for a therapist right now, so you'll have less work," I announced and while Sammi rejoiced, Hugh slapped my arm in a friendly manner. "Atta girl. There are a lot of unaddressed issues lying underneath that tough skin of yours-" he looked alarmed before he made genuine eye-contact again. "But I appreciate you for doing your best every day. It'll be alright, I know it will."
I fought my urge to cry as he arranged small braids into my hair, ashamed and humbled to receive such kindness. "Why do you know everything?" I asked but was met with Hugh's usual sarcasm and God complex. "Have you ever seen God and me in the same room? No. Just saying."
"You're delusional," Sammi said dryly before he sank his nose back into his mimosa.
"I am? Look at my work, it tells the future. Just wait until your Pedro sees you in this dress and will want to take you out like a damn trophy."
My skin heated at the thought and I felt proud all of sudden. "Makes me indulge in unfeminist thoughts." I admitted, checking my exposed back. "I wouldn't complain if he'd objectify me for just one hour. Oh yes, I hope he likes it."
"Oh, trust, he will." Sammi cooed at me and his eyes filled with moisture when he returned to the topic. "I think you're so cute together, you have no idea. The internet compilations, the headcanons, the infuriating lack of evidence. I'll need a pacemaker before your movie airs."
Hugh stayed his perfectly sassy and bored self. "Yes, she sucked the gossip up like a greedy little slut while I was like 'Pedro who?' and then oh my, why have I never seen him before? He's so sexyyy." Only a high steam train could have made a higher sound than Hugh. He began smirking then. "Pray tell, what's he like in bed?" He wiggled his brows at me and my face split into a grin. "Is he still mister dreamy in post-nut clarity or do you suddenly think 'what the fuck am I doing'?"
One thing I loved about Hugh was how expressive and inventive he was in the scenarios he created. He never failed to make me laugh.
"He's irresistible," I swallowed the last of my giggles so I could moon over him. "We can love each other for hours and hours and his voice, is-" I hummed and closed my eyes, covering my pounding heart with my hand. "So soothing and warm and sexy and his eyes- I was smitten from the moment we met.. if it hadn't been his charm, it would have been his dorkiness."
"Listen to that, baby. You ever talk about me that way?" Hugh asked affectionately, looking over his shoulder at his husband before going back to work. "Sounds like he's got you wrapped around his finger. But hear me begging you for more spicy details." He sobbed. "What's the dynamic between the sheets, hm? Let me guess..." Hugh pretended to think while Sammi snickered. "Not that sweet and dorky."
I took my time until I had finished my mimosa. "He's perfectly generous in every way, thank you very much."
"Way too cryptic."
"It's... intense," I admitted. "He kisses like a bandit." I started mildly, recalling our first real kiss that night in the hotel bar. I was bashful to share explicit details but Hugh wouldn't have it.
"Just saying, your ravished look at the airport spoke volumes and that's when the world knew for certain that he fucks." He leaned in over my shoulder and made intense eye contact through the mirror.
"Honestly?" I raised my eyebrows and let their anticipation stir. I blushed. "Oh, he does fuck. Have you ever had such a full-body orgasm you blacked out from the sheer force of it?" My friends celebrated and swooned over my experience. I nodded and melted a little. "He pushes all the right buttons."
"Oh, it's like that, huh?" Hugh faked to awe, pretending he had made a disappointing discovery when he stared into the distance. "Like Nini or a damn tsunami, the harder the hit, the wetter it gets."
All three of us squealed at the burn and I hid my cheeks in my hands in a failed attempt to hide my furious blush. "Oh my God, stop, I'm begging you."
I smiled through the embarrassment and tipped my head back to let Hugh continue styling my hair. "I'm very much in love with him and he cares so much about me, I think he might love me too. No, I'm sure he does." If I wasn't careful, I might start to cry. "And I want to be with him forever."
While Sammi was moved to tears, Hugh seemed sceptical. "What's his zodiac sign?" He inquired. "Aries," Sami answered for me and I wondered how much research exactly he had put into this.
"Oh no, Libra girl. That combination is not good." Hugh tutted at me, still tweaking my dress.
I shrugged my shoulders. "So I heard but I decided it's stupid." "Good in bed, really bad at communication."
"That's... scarily accurate." I thought a while, remembering the past and worrying that our relationship could be threatened if any misunderstandings weren't properly addressed.
Hugh clicked his tongue. "What's his Chinese sign?" He made me stop and frown. I had never given zodiac signs much thought. "I don't know. He was born in seventy-five."
"NO!" Hugh yelled. "What?" "You! do not. date. a. rabbit!"
I panicked at his tone. "Why?"
"Roosters and rabbits are enemies! Worst match ever! Take Sammi and me. Sammi is a horse, romantic, talented and loves being ridden. Whereas I'm a snake-"
"The biggest cunt since the old testament." Sammi finished Hugh's sentence which made him sputter into his mimosa while Sammi and I were giggling hysterically.
"Oh, ha-ha." He mocked us. Finally, Hugh relieved me of my dress and Sammi came up behind me to drape me into one of their expensive silk morning gowns.
"I don't care. All that matters is that I'm sure about him." I insisted, turning.
"Stubborn as always but that's why we love you."
I rose on my tiptoes to sling my arms around both their shoulders. "And I love you too. What would I do without my favourite couple, Timon and Pumba?" I dissed them and they acted insulted at the pet names.
"What about the dress? It's wonderful but is it done?"
"Yes, just a few changes here and there if you don't gain your weight back soon. Look at that exquisite butterscotch gold. Sammi says it's yellow but the bitch is apparently colour-blind!" He said loudly, so his husband couldn't miss it while he left the room.
I cringed, for I had thought it was yellow too and my expertise clearly didn't match the designer's.
"We both know I still have better taste than you," Sammi called back from somewhere in the house, causing his husband to whip his head around and yell back. "Tell that the next trophy you received because I wore one of my dresses!"
"I know! I love you!" "And I love you too!" They yelled across their house.
Hugh smiled contentedly while he spread my gown across his work table, addressing me softly now. "I used the lighter fabric on you and disposed of the idea of using this thicker, richer one I scouted-" he pulled a batch of heavy, darker gold fabric from his stock and my hand shot out to feel the heavy, silky material. "Now I have a roll of this royal mustard dupioni, not enough for a collection, too thick for a dress." Hugh chuckled in distress.
I hummed, intrigued. "It reminds me of a costume Pedro had once, well... almost."
"Oh, yes! It is just like it! Oberyn's robe." Sammi gasped, now joining us inside the room with more mimosas.
I made huge eyes, an idea intruding my head, a brilliant, gigantically good idea. "Hugh!" I gasped out, grasping his hand. "Have you watched Game of Thrones?"
"Oh, no. So gory." He always pledged his distaste for violent TV.
"Wait." I picked up my phone and showed him a picture of Oberyn Martell.
"Damn, isn't he pretty? Oh, yes, I think I remember." Hugh commented and I nodded.
"That's a gorgeous robe, look at that-" he zoomed in. "Sun and leaf pattern details, it's almost...hmmm, I know what you're thinking." He said fondly but strictly.
"Could you make it?" I asked, excited and breathless.
"Honey, I don't know. It looks like a lot of work and I've got a whole fashion show to design this coming season."
"Darling, I'll pay you double if you can turn the rest of the fabric you don't know what to do with into something that resembles this style." I teased my voice into a sweet and convincing sing-song, a plead. "Pedro's birthday is in April and if I had his favourite costume for him..."
"What's his size?" Hugh gave in and I cheered.
"Not that tiny-waisted as in this picture anymore, he's more huggable now. I could lure him in with the promise that you'd make a nice suit for him and you take his measurements and get to know him while you're at it."
"Oh yes, I'd love that!" Sammi threw in and Hugh began to smile.
"She'd get his most sexy version, selfish girl." He gave me a nasty and playful look. "His character didn't make it, right? All I remember is mopping up Sammi's tears."
"Oberyn deserved so much better." He sobbed and the gentle man who was prone to tear up quickly thickened in voice. "He left behind eight daughters and the love of his life, if I think about you and my daughters-" Sammi sobbed and both Hugh and I hugged one arm around his large belly. I rubbed his arm comfortingly until he let out a dramatic breath of air. "Baby, you've got to revive him. It would be a gift to see Oberyn, an older version, the prince who lived."
"If I do that, Nini will find a see-through tropical dress and whisk him away to a Mediterranean island, probably get so invested in her fantasy, she'll cause a scandal."
"He means the orgy part," Sammi explained, rolling his eyes while mine widened.
"As much as I'd like to give that man everything he's ever wanted, I have a hard time imagining that." I stared ahead, picturing us in the middle of many sweaty limbs and squirming in discomfort. "He won't want it if I'm uncomfortable with it, even though he always envied Oberyn's lifestyle. No wait, he'd be too goofy about it anyway I think." I snapped out of my ramble to quickly change the topic. "What flimsy dress?" I asked and fantasised about the idea of making his birthday present a surprise kidnap to a fitting location. "His favourite colour is purple."
"Oh no no no, purple is not your colour as a warm blonde." The expert protested. "Lavender or emerald, Greek sleeves with gold accents and no underwear. At all. He sees you in that, you'll wear it for an entirety of five seconds." Hugh even blushed in excitement at the magnitude of ideas flooding his brilliant mind and after another moment or two, his playful arrogance slowly softened for me. "Alright, I'll do it."
We celebrated and clinked our glasses to our wicked, secret plan. "Here's to new beginnings." Hugh introduced our toast.
I chuckled. "And love."
"And good cock." Sammi added and with a giggle, we echoed his cheeky contribution.
Part 24
Translation notes:
(dut): Daar ben je, poesje mauw! - (eng): There you are, kitty meow!
(ara): Habibi - (eng): My love
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kernom · 2 months
making a pinned post
this is gonna need some reworking and i need to move shit around so a lotta editing is gonna happen XP
hiii my name's kernom and i'm mostly* in charge of running this big ol collection of reblogs and ramblings :3
they/them, gender neutral
age hidden but a young adult
family inherited and school diagnosed as autistic! that may explain certain responses i may give out or say :0 (please tell me directly if i did something wrong, i'm anxious about those things… OmO)
i have a discord, roblox and youtube acc with my name on it so if you see either of those when you're in those sites hi :D
and the part we've been pacing on and off about…
we have headmates wandering around! no official diagnosis since we're just not in the right situation to do that conveniently… but if you see any posts pertaining to them or plurality in general they'll be found in the system tags!
(will be in a separate post since the tag list descriptions are already too long, keep reading down below for general tags to be aware of)
personal tags
kernom: any posts that have my* interaction
txtnom: this shows up whenever we make a post
kernart: full of our art images we made, might be part of reblogs
technically…: whenever something doesn't quite qualify for a tag but still relevant enough to warrant a tag
!!! venting: recent edition, a variant of the separate post tag but specifically for more personally cutting feelings that could get very sensitive and therefore get hidden under a read more.
other blog responses: for those times where we interact with someone on tumblr! it's a little sparse though since this is new
+ dialogue: sometimes we ramble in tags instead and we're getting problems seeing those show up whenever we need to tag a reblog, so any words there will have a + first
reblog tags
crazy shit i found: most reblogs will go here
need to know: a recent edition, psa signal boosting posts or good information to share around… may contain triggering topics like politics or genocide
⭐️ hallmark pinned: things that we found really worthwhile, it also contains previously pinned images
previous tags: will be added before op's tags get pasted onto our reblog for context
insert media here: we find whatever is cool and filter it accordingly… unfortunately since we've never properly tagged our stuff in the past, certain reblogs from years ago will not show up in tag searches and they'll only be found through the archive tags… speaking of which…
archive tags
archive 2018: baby's first 11 posts and it's about complaining about youtube failure back then XD
archive 2019: even more empty! there's only like… 6 posts back then still original ramblings
archive 2020: BEEG change of pace. one of the first things you'll see is that i was a big fan of mystery skulls animated, like there's so much stuff in there it's so absurd, you'll also recognize that there's a lot of among us as well back when it was the cool thing. there's also a bunch of kirby and (paper) mario stuff as well. some little sprinkles of ena and persona in there… maybe some hollow knight i forgot.
archive 2021: year of omori and fnf posting, i also started to reblog some madness combat because i was really getting into it. (oh yeah, off is there too, belovedly weird)
archive 2022: quiet year again! this time we got news of L is real 2401, and some mixings of post from undertale to omori, tf2 back to madcom, and my (not apparent but very there) shotgun king rbs. count around 29?
archive 2023: pizza tower with a sprinkle of hollow knight again, some posts of ultrakill and the amazing digital circus + kinger, yeah. this is also the year where i think i started my tagging crusade and had to stop because of the sheer amount of them… trying to see how much pages there are, it said there were 150 pages of them… jfc
archive 2024: IN PROGRESS
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hashtagordinarygirls · 5 months
[#]OrdinaryGirls: #sizeconmicro24mailbag
Krysta, have you ever ripped a bra?
Alicia: Yes, yes I have. Yeah, my lats are that awesome.
Krysta: Is your name ‘Krysta?’
Whitley: Come on N-Cup, you know we’re about as successful keeping to our own questions as we were that time we tried writing our names on our food.
Alicia: FYI: if you haven’t tried it, it is hard, but not impossible to write your name on juice.
Krysta: The carton! The juice CARTON!
Whitley: To her credit, she did pull it off though.
Krysta: And Whitley still drank it.
Whitley: Look at you squealin’.
Alicia: Oh, and the answer is yes. Yes, Krysta has absolutely destroyed bras with her enormous boobs.
Whitley: During a game of Mario Party, no less.
Krysta: You’re welcome.
Have any of you ever crushed a melon ?
Whitley: Unless ‘crush’ is slang for “eaten several in one sitting,” no, I have not.
Alicia: Of course I have. Between my big ‘ol tree trunk thighs. How else do you kick off a livestream?
Krysta: I have held one in my cleavage, but not crushed one, which, I believe, is the implication.
Whitley: What on Earth do people think her breasts are made of?
Alicia: Does the answer literally have to be, like, on Earth?
Krysta: I can assure you, my breasts are not extraterrestrial in origin.
Whitley: That’s just what someone with alien tiddies would say.
Whitley: Do you think that you'll ever stop growing?
Krysta: Why does only Whitley get that question? Does no one care about growing breasts anymore?
Whitley: Apparently not.
Alicia: Or growing stronger than any Midwest cosplay cutie—
Krysta: Or any person.
Alicia: —has any right to be? I didn't even get ONE question about my deadlift 😤
Whitley: Apples and oranges. You're actively trying to get stronger.
Alicia: But not necessarily bigger, even though I’m totally cool with that. But strength doesn't always equal size. I gave you a whole presentation about this at brunch last week.
Whitley: We’ve lived together long enough for you to know I can’t listen and eat three breakfast burritos at the same time.
Krysta: She even sent us the slides afterward.
Alicia: Did you not review my presentation? 🥺
Whitley: It's on my to-do list.
Krysta: I did. I even gave you notes.
Alicia: Thank you, Krysta. Besides, if size equaled strength, Krysta's boobs would be strong AF, and she can't even crush a melon with them things.
Whitley: But she can hold one.
Krysta: And I could not last year, but apparently the only growth that matters is Whitley’s.
Alicia: So, you think you’ll ever stop growing?
Whitley: Huh? Oh, uh. nah I'm gonna grow fifty feet tall, or something.
Alicia: Oh! Speaking of growing…
Alicia, do large muscles restrict flexibility?
Alicia: Eh, not really. I mean, don’t get me wrong, my muscles are definitely LARGE, but like my presentation said, I'm focusing strength over size, unlike some others I know.
Whitley: Rude.
Krysta: Right?
Alicia: I still do yoga. We actually have a weekly class.
Whitley: Private class, because apparently, the three of us are ‘a distraction.’
Krysta: Alicia for making up her own modifications.
Alicia: Upside-down flamingo!
Whitley: Krysta for her boobs constantly dropping into her face.
Krysta: Which should have only been a distraction for me.
Alicia: And Whitley for making the place smell like a dispensary.
Whitley: I needed to pre-game to find my center, and to not be distracted by y’all acting crazy.
Krysta: I should not be blamed for weak sports bras.
Alicia: What was the question again?
Which of you three is the best at poker?
Whitley: I am.
Krysta: I am.
Alicia: I have no idea how to play poker.
Krysta: Whitley, your poker face is not as good as you think it is.
Whitley: Says the girl who has lost several times to it.
Krysta: Okay, one: I was VERY intoxicated.
Whitley: Still counts.
Krysta: And two: I did not say you never won, I said I am a better poker player than you.
Whitley: You lost to Alicia, and she has no idea how to play poker.
Alicia: I REALLY don’t.
Krysta: We live in a universe governed by chaos. It is bound to prevail occasionally.
Whitley: You might even say, inevitably.
Alicia: You both still owe me money, btw.
Krysta: Whitley owes you more.
What's your favorite flavor of cake? 🖤🤍💜
Krysta: Banh da lon 🖤🤍💜
Whitley: Red velvet. 🩷💙💜
Alicia: Angel food cake with frosting and sprinkles. 🩷💛💙
Whitley, what's your favorite thing about being taller than most other people?
Whitley: More space for storage. I basically get top shelves to myself.
Krysta: Not the view?
Whitley: I’d call having a sh*tty view more of a shorter-than-most-people problem..
Alicia: I assumed it would be going to a concert and being crotch high to everyone on stage.
Krysta: So, the view.
Whitley: That is a plus, but not as good as the top shelves.
Krysta, any thoughts on a giantess-themed photoshoot?
Krysta: Alicia, did you submit this?
Whitley: Weren’t we talking about this yesterday?
Alicia: Totally. I wrote it on her yogurt, remember?
Krysta: Stop writing names on the yogurt!
Alicia: It was actually your name.
Whitley: And, to be fair, your idea.
Krysta: *sigh* Yes, I intend to do another giantess-themed photoshoot.
Whitley: What she means is, her analytics have spoken.
Alicia: Perfect because I just bought a 1/225 scale cityscape on Etsy.
Whitley: For your giantess content?
Alicia: Oooh, it would be good for that, huh?
Whitley: Wait, so why did you buy it?
Alicia: I honestly don’t remember.
Krysta: And you wonder why you never have any money.
Whitley: I’m going in on half of it for making foot stuff. If you want to split it three ways we can all write it off on our taxes.
Krysta: Deal
Ladies! If you had to swap your extraordinary trait for one of your friends', whose would it be?
Krysta: If I had to? Muscles. No offense, Whitley.
Whitley: Offense taken.
Krysta: You are too conspicuous.
Whitley: Says the woman with breasts literally the size of gallon jugs.
Alicia: I’d take Whitley’s height. I make all my own clothes anyways. And then I could see EVERYTHING.
Whitley: I’d absolutely take your tits.
Krysta: My breasts would look good on you.
Alicia: I’d love to see your breasts on Whitley.
Krysta: I’d put my breasts on Whitley.
Alicia: Do it! Do it! Do it!
Krysta: Going once. Going twice…
Whitley: Hold on, what’s happening right now?
Krysta: —no deal.
Alicia: Sounds like you just missed your chance.
If you could be a tree what kind of tree would you be?
Krysta: I used to say stone pine, but recently I have been feeling more rowan.
Alicia: Truffula.
Whitley: Pineapple Kush.
Alica, have you seen the movie Love Lies Bleeding? It focuses on a lady bodybuilder and her girlfriend. Really dark but fun romantic thriller.
Alicia: It’s far from the worst cosplay idea I’ve been pitched. Very retro look, and I do love my 80s. I think the real issue is I’m way more buff than the girl in the movie which is totally cool because she looked great and props to that actress for going there. Okay, new life goal: get a movie studio to pay me to work out so I can be in a bodybuilding movie. But a funny one. More like Everything, Anywhere—
Krysta: Everywhere.
Alicia: —All at the Same Time.
Whitley: All at Once.
Alicia: —but with more muscles and less cheerleading.
Krysta: There is no cheerleading in Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.
Whitley: Are you thinking of Heroes?
Alicia: NEVER MIND scratch that I was thinking of Bring It On…which I haven’t seen either. I think I just saw the sequel.
Krysta: How in the hell did you mix up—
Whitley: She was probably thinking of Bring It On: All or Nothing.
Krysta: How many Bring It On’s were there? Whitley: Seven. I watched them all during quarantine. That series really went downhill.
Alicia: But yeah, I haven’t seen Love, Lies, Bleeding. It didn’t look very funny. I liked the part in the trailer where the woman grew out of her clothes, though. I give it a 7/10.
Krysta: I watched it. Not bad.
Whitley: Giantess scene gets a solid eight.
Why are you still living together?
Whitley: Because making money on foot stuff and tall stuff is only lucrative if you can keep your costs down. Also, I never have to cook or do my ridiculous taxes.
Alicia: Cheap rent, I always get to cook, and I manage money worse than Faye Valentine.
Whitley: Also, you’d be getting audited up the *ss if it weren’t for Krysta remembering to do your taxes.
Alicia: Getting audited sounds fun!
Krysta: I own the house. I never have to cook, and I get to prepare three sets of complicated taxes.
Whitley: Girl got her CPA license during quarantine “for fun.”
Krysta: I would prefer, “thank you.”
Whitley: Thank you.
Alicia: Thank you.
Krysta: You’re welcome.
0 notes
After All This Time || Chapter Five
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 2,146
Chapter Summary: Anger. And harshness, maybe feelings. I haven't decided yet so I guess you'll have to just read to find out.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: angst?, asshat hotch again, sad feels
A/N: Guys, I'm like legitimately so sorry that this chapter took so long. It's not even that I've been all that busy. I definitely did go to California for two weeks, but after that I think I just got lazy? Had writer's block? I don't know. But New chapter is UP.
@kingofthetwats @wanniiieeee @uwu-sebastianstan @piggyinthesea @yoshigguk @thatisthemagic @errorcosplay67 @ivebeenthinkingboutu @big-galaxy-chaos @rynfoxsleeps @phoenixsnape1 @mojofun @pachiibatt @enjoymyloves @thenewnormalforensicator @word-scribbless @zezezena @chelseyjoyce @ellyhotchner @lora21 @flipperpenguins @illegal-brains @sunnysaysbookreviews @anti-zippy-snoot @kya-li
You come to eleven hours later, the first thing that you hear being the steady beep of a monitor.
The hospital.
It smells... white, the cleanness of it making you scrunch your nose. Still not having opened your eyes, you sense the brightness, almost making you not want to at all.
However, you knew how hospital visits work. When Reid was injured, the whole team was there waiting for him to wake up. With that push, that you had people waiting for you to wake up, you opened your eyes.
Everything was too bright at first. You felt your lips fall into a grimace and joked aloud, "You guys don't need to be so quiet, she lives."
There was no response, and as your vision cleared up, the wind was knocked out of you like a punch to the gut.
The whole room was empty. Aside from you and the TV, there was no talking. There were no people.
For a moment you thought that you were dead. Or maybe dreaming, because who wakes up from a seemingly severe injury with no support system? With no friends.
You hear your heartbeat speed up before you feel it, but boy do you feel it when it hits.
The monitor must send an alert to the nurses' station or something because shortly after, a small, black-haired woman rushes into the room.
"Agent L/N? Are you alright, is there any-,"
"I just- where- did my- wh-where is my team?" The stutter surprised you and you sat up fast, not realizing how prominent the pain in your abdomen was until it was too late. You let out a soft gasp, but looked at the nurse to hear an answer.
"Oh, uh, honey... I asked as they left and the tall, broody one said that there was an emergency." She walked up to you and turned a dial on your IV machine, gently asking you to lay down again.
You complied, not fully paying attention. Your mind was somewhere else; thinking about the harshness of your team, but you had to assume that this was Hotchner's doing.
"You alright, sweetie," the kind nurse asks, her name is Monica.
You nod slowly, your head feeling a lot lighter than it had when you woke up. "Yeah. I'm okay. Um, before you go can you hand me my phone?"
She nods, looking at you for where, and you gesture to the bag that's slightly out of your reach. Monica hands you both the phone and its charger, pointing to an outlet on the wall behind your head.
Nodding in thanks, you plug the charger into the wall and watch the kind nurse leave before unlocking your phone. You see immediately that you have five missed calls from your mother, and after further searching, you notice messages from Emily, JJ, and Penelope. JJ's was the most recent, so you open hers first.
JJ (BAU) 43 minutes ago.
Hey Y/N, In case you wake up before we get back, Hotch called our debrief meeting, so we all went back to the precinct. Sorry, hon.
xoxo JJ and the Girls
You didn't register the tears until they were falling down your cheeks. You sighed a bit and replied to JJ's message with a short, 'got it'.
As soon as you pushed the 'send' button, the door to your room opened again and your entire team rushed in.
Well, most of the team.
Really, everyone except one person.
You were quick to wipe your eyes, trying to hide the fact that you had been crying. JJ walked to the chair beside your bed and sat down, giving you the most gentle hug as she did.
"Did you get my message? Are you feeling okay? Do you need a nurse, any water?"
"JJ, you're momming her," Derek joked as he bent to give you a hug. "For real though, you feelin' alright, lil mama?"
You nodded, sending him a tight-lipped smile as Emily walked over to the other side of your bed, bringing Penelope with her on a video call.
Spencer even came by, but he looked relatively uncomfortable and stayed by the door.
Waving at him a bit, you say, "You can come in you know. I won't bite."
"I know, Y/N. I was just worried. Statistically speaking, you survived on an off-chance. The ratio was close to 83:17, and the bullet entered your abdomen in-"
"I get it Spence. I should be dead," you pause slightly seeing everyone's wide-eyed look at your bluntness, "BUT I didn't die, so everyone can stop looking at my like I'm going to break and just settle." You chuckle a bit and sigh as you see the rest of the team besides Spencer nod their heads or visibly relax their shoulders.
"You're right, kiddo," Rossi says quietly, "You're okay, and we can celebrate that."
"Thanks, Rossi." Smiling, you lean into his hand, which was cradling the side of your face for a moment. "Can someone get Hotchner please? I had some words that I'd like to have him hear."
JJ places her hand on your arm then and says, "Y/N, maybe that's not the best idea right now."
"No," you shake your head and make eye contact with her, "That's exactly what I need right now."
"Spencer, can you go get him please? He's just sitting out in the lobby, correct?" You snap a little harsher than you meant to.
The boy stutters a bit, but eventually nods his head and walks out of the room. The rest of the team shares a look before also walking out, giving you space for when your boss comes in.
Sitting up straighter in the bed, you even your mouth into a thin line just as Hotchner walks in the room.
"Am I off the clock right now, sir?" You don't miss the way his eyes flash to your lips but you choose to ignore it.
He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest, "Say what you need to say, agent."
"Who the hell do you think you are? Calling the debrief not only at a time where one of the team members can't make it, but when the team member is in the hospital with a GSW wound." Your voice rises steadily as you continue talking, but you have more to say. "Not only that, but you couldn't even be bothered to make sure I was okay when the debrief was over?" Subconsciously, you recognize the switch from a third-person mindset to a personal one, but you pay it no mind.
"Agent L/N, you-"
"No. You will call me Y/N, and I will be calling you Aaron. We aren't on the clock right now and you don't deserve my professionalism," the heart monitor spikes in tempo, and you throw the blanket off of your lap.
He quirks an eyebrow at you as you command him, but nods his head slightly, letting you be in control for the moment. "Go ahead, Y/N. You get whatever irrational anger you have towards me out in the open and we can deal with the consequences later."
"I left EVERYTHING for this job, Aaron. I left my mom, who never stopped grieving a lost son, I left my job there thinking this would be better, and I lost friends and people who actually cared about my well-being. People who wouldn't leave one of their own in an unknown hospital to wake up by themself, not sure if they were even actually alive since there wasn't anyone with them." You saw Aaron flinch with everything that you listed, but you didn't care. He needed to hear it. "So yeah, Aaron. I get to be angry, and you don't get to tell me it's irrational, because this is the most rational I think I've been this entire year."
"Y/N. You put not only yourself, but me, and the rest of the team in danger yesterday. Excuse me if I don't want to see you and be around you while you're in the hospital." Really, if burned Aaron to his core that he couldn't reach over and tuck the stray piece of hair behind your ear, because right now that's what he wanted to do. Except it's inappropriate and he's not sure you'd let him within three feet of you.
"NO! You see, that's not how it works. Are you telling me that if you saw a little boy with a gun trained on them, you wouldn't have done the exact same thing?" Hot tears fill your eyes, but you don't wipe them. You almost hope that him seeing you cry will make him feel bad, if even just a little.
Glancing at the way his jaw was set and how he clenched his fists in his lap, you knew he was struggling to keep his cool, so of course you pushed harder.
"What if it was Jack, Aaron."
"Dammit, L/N, it wasn't Jack. It was just some boy that we couldn't save. We shouldn't have been able to save him. You didn't use the training you had, and you didn't use the rational part of your brain. As terrible as that sounds, and trust me, I never want to lose a victim, if you had used the training from the bureau, we wouldn't have saved him. " Aaron stands up and paces the length of the bed then, feeling your eyes following him the whole time.
You shake your head as you let your gaze fall to your lap. "I wasn't going to let him die again... I wouldn't have been able to live with myself."
Aaron's eyebrows furrow a bit and he looks at you with angry curiosity in his eyes, "Again? What do you mean by that?" That's when Hotch remembered earlier when you mentioned her mother who lost a son. "Y/N, did your brother... No. Actually, I'm sorry, just forget I said anything,"
There was a dark anger in your eyes as you shook your head. "No, Aaron. Ask me. Ask me this one question, and then reassess your profiling of me."
His gaze turned steely as he squared his shoulders again, showing no emotion in his voice as he spoke. He almost felt like the best way to approach you right now was as if you were the unsub.
"Was your brother murdered, Y/N?"
Dropping your head, you feel the tears burning in your eyes again and you nod. "He was only five. He had his whole life ahead of him. You'd think a child would be safe with a group of nuns or a priest, but no. Not even them. He was branded with a cross before he was killed and it's just unfair."
Aaron starts to walk closer to your bed, seeing the devolving pattern of your breathing, "Y/n, I'm so sorry, I-"
"No. Aaron, just, please go. I'll catch a flight home when I'm allowed to fly again, so you guys just go home and I'll figure it out. I mean, that's what I did when I was waking up by myself, right? Go ahead and fire me if you need to, suspend me, I don't care anymore, but I'll come back when the hospital says it's safe." You take a deep breath and watch as he turns away.
He gets all the way to the door before he turns back around and says, "What was his name."
Hotch nods and walks out of the door, remembering that the final victim, the one that you saved, was named Joseph.
After the encounter with Hotch you fell asleep. The heavy medication and the anger in your head knocked you out easily. You were asleep for a few hours, but you woke up when your pain medication wore off.
You noticed that your work phone had a few notifications, so you sat up a bit and looked through them.
There were two that stood out to you. The first one was a notification that read "Hotchner (Asshat) has added you to the group 'BAU Team'". The second was his message in that group chat.
Hotchner (Asshat) 2 hours ago
Hey team, change in plans. We will be staying here until Y/N gets cleared to fly. It should only be a couple of days and I know we were planning on flying out tonight. Sorry, Thanks.
As soon as you liked his message, your texts were blowing up from Emily. She was saying stuff about how "he totally likes you", and about, "you had a rough time on this case".
Also, apparently Derek saved all of his sarcasm for when Hotch got back, and the thought made you smile.
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cocoartistwrites · 3 years
what are your favorite t swift lyrics to date? “just between us did the love affair maim you too” recently has me on the verge of tears just thinking about it so yeah ….
I have honestly no idea how long you expect this to be lol I've been waiting my whole life to answer this and now there's too many, so here are a few stand-outs that are by no means the only best ones or my only faves.
I'm ignoring all the bridges because I think Swiftian Bridges are their own category. I'm also just gonna do post 1989 otherwise this will be too long.
1. the whole of peace but specifically:
And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches Give you my wild, give you a child
2. you already picked one of my fave All Too Well 10 lyrics but I can't overlook this (and also ofc the punchline)
You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath
3. all of Majorie, which is one of her greatest-ever songs, and always makes me cry:
Never be so kind / You forget to be clever Never be so clever / You forget to be kind
4. The story this one single fucking line tells in august:
I remember thinkin' I had you
5. mad woman is again filled with incredible writing but this always grabs me:
And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out And you find something to wrap your noose around
6. LWYMMD gets slated and I don't know why, she really threw herself all in to the campy villain bit look at this fucking writing:
But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
7. is this the saddest lyric in Swift's canon? maybe. fuck you scott bruschetta.
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace 'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave
8. cruel summer is <3 but this line is especially clever:
I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
9. there's enough spilled ink on the glorious storytelling of TLGAD so I'll just say the switch from she to I? flawless.
I had a marvelous time ruining everything
10. No one has ever captured the fragility of the start of new love this well. The contrast of cool/delicate in terms of vernacular and literary language is *chef's kiss*
Is it cool that I said all that? Is it too soon to do this yet? 'Cause I know that it's delicate
11. seven makes me go absolutely feral as I too feel girls are robbed of something as they grow
Please picture me in the weeds Before I learned civility I used to scream ferociously Any time I wanted
12. the way she writes about finding shelter in love on reputation, an album that is just so Dear to me but especially call it what you want:
And I know I make the same mistakes every time Bridges burn, I never learn At least I did one thing right
13. idk just fucking love this one from willow. like we have all these ideas and goals about what our lives will be then we fall in love with someone and realise we have to take them into it and everything might change, and that's ok (in contrast to the wave of you can have it all feminism)
Wreck my plans, that's my man
14. the noise i made when i first heard this:
They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential
15. this is so evocative and the delivery is unreal:
And I was catching my breath Barefoot in the wildest winter Catching my death
16. remember when she wrote this and called the damn song happiness:
But now I'm right down in it, all the years I've given Is just shit we're dividin' up Showed you all of my hiding spots I was dancing when the music stopped And in the disbelief, I can't face reinvention
17. every single second of ivy but specifically,
I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones
18. I could write a phd about the archer, but I won't. I'll just say that when Taylor said:
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost The room is on fire, invisible smoke And all of my heroes die all alone Help me hold on to you
I lost my fucking mind. [XR name one hero who was happy from TSOA, and every writer and artists anxiety that they'll have to choose between art and happiness in love]
19. the fact that she wrote a song about cunnilingus already makes false god incredible but the way she wrote it as
religion's in your lips / the altar is my hips
20. cardigan is lyrically fantastic around the central image of the cardigan itself, which I think distracts from knife cuts like:
Leavin' like a father Running like water And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
[side note there are very few father refs in Swift songs - see also 'a careless man's careful daughter']
21. turning her own Americana (remember those 4th of July parties) back on herself here, iconic Trump call out, etc.
American stories burning before me I'm feeling helpless, the damsels are depressed Boys will be boys then, where are the wise men? Darling, I'm scared
22. leaving you on number 22 with this absolute soul-destroyer from nothing new
Will you still want me when I'm nothing new?
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🔹 this is an ask blog for me and my friends ocs!! our ocs are from a band au (set in 2002 but for the sake of this blog and more modern questions, it can be in 2022) !!
other bands exist!! cause its not like the world revolves around our ocs lol,, OH!! and, we've kind of decided that uuhh the cool ass hot ass fictional band named '4town' also exists
🔹btw, since we ran out of space, some mod intros are gonna be merged rogether so,, yeeeah!!
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🔹im mod sammie/any nickname that sounds good with samantha! my pronouns are they/she/he and im in a lot of fandoms and hyperfixate on.. so much fandoms. my main/personal blog is @sammiedoesstuff and my writing blog is @sammielikesfrogs !! my timezone is.. uh.. i live in the ph!!
🔹my oc is veronica santiago! :)
🔹my tags are #mod sammie speaks #mod sammie #mod sammie feral mode #mod sam rambles
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🔹️Hiiii!! Helloooo!! I'm mod Shy Shy!! I go by they/them!! I end up staying up alot so,, that's why i'm up when other mods are up (my timezone is CDT!). My blog is @r0ck3n1buk11 and I don't write or anything like that so,,, no other blogs! <3
🔹️ My oc is Nicole ' Niki ' Kim!!
🔹️ my tags areeee #mod shy shouts! #mod shy shy #mod shy is a certified deez nutz moment #mod shy shy is never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
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🔹Heyo! I'm mod Poppy. I go by she/her and my main blog is @hunterxassasin and I'm the mod for the 4*town ask blog, @ask-thehottestguys-on-earth. I'm in the central time zone but I tend to go to sleep early #insomnia gang am I right? I hyper-fixate on a ton of things, rn it's HunterxHunter and Miraculous Ladybug
🔹My oc is Melody Fontaine!
🔹The tags I'm gonna use are #mod poppy, #mod poppy chitchats, #mod poppy rambles, #mod poppy is always tired please forgive her
🔹Hi, I'm mod Emanuel. I’m probably the only one here who goes with he/him and my main blog is @emanueltheodorus​ . As for my timezone, I live in Indonesia, the western time, to be exact. Also, I'm a total Tae Young simp and you'll find me writing fics about him too. And if you're wondering about other things I'm interested in, I'm a Smash Bros player, ACNH player, Stardew Valley player, and a HUGE fan of Jurassic Park.
🔹My oc is ETHEOS also known as Emanuel
🔹The tags I'm gonna use are #mod emmanuel, #mod emanuel chitchats, #mod emanuel rambles, #the only boy here mod
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🔹Hi! I'm mod ducky/larke! My pronouns are she/her and my main blog is @ducky-is-dead-inside ! I also write for a few characters on @d1x0nlab . My timezone is MST in the USA. On my main blog I post x reader fics for Camilo and Carlos and Varian. I also just talk with my moots and followers. The fandoms I'm in is a long list so I'll just say my hyperfixations. My hyperfixations are PJO, The Lunar Chronicles, Encanto, Tangled the Series and the list goes on forever. I am platonically married to @iyahpostsstuff and we are very happy.
🔹My OC is Kiera and she does drums.
🔹My tags are #mod ducky #mod larke #larke is tired and needs sleep #ducky quacks #
🔹 Hello I'm mod Iyah! My pronouns are she/her and my main blog is @iyahpostsstuff, I also have an alt account called @iyahpoststhings. I love Encanto, Yttd, Danganronpa, Cookie run, and Omori. I'm also a fan of musicals like Hamilton, Heathers, Six, and more! I live in the Philippines. I hope we all get along and have a good day/night/afternoon! :)
🔹my tags are #mod iyah # iyah talks here # iyah :)
🔹 My oc is Melissa :DDDD
🔹sup im mod alistair! i go by he/they pronouns, currently unlabelled but most likely achillean. my accounts are @westwindzephyr, @eastwindeurus, and @southwindnotos. current brainrot is bsd.
🔹my oc is SCENE
🔹my tags are: #☆mod alis talks, #☆mod alis info dumps
🔹heyo! i'm mod arias wonderland! i go by she/he/they pronouns, and i'm pansexual! my account is @ariainw0nderland i post random things there. brainrot for camilo madrigal.
🔹my oc is SUKI
🔹tags are #mod ariaswonderland #mod aria #mod aria spills the tea
🔹Hi, I'm mod Izzy. You can use they/she pronouns on me. My account is @joleneishidden and I am linking this account because my main is cluttered.
🔹My oc is Alexander, the bassist of the group.
🔹My tags will be #*alexander speaks, #*mod izzy, or #*mod izzy rambles
🔹 hihi, i’m mod roxie / melody! i use she / they prns, im biromantic asexual, and my main acc is @sweetaeyoung!
🔹 my oc is chae young, the dj of the group!
🔹 my tags will be #chae☆youngspeaks<3 , #modroxie , #modmelody , and #roxieanswers !
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ilikecarousels · 3 years
A Date with Magne Seier: IKEA version 😆🇸🇪
A/N: I just love IKEA, so, here's this silly little long-ish headcanon set there haha (not in Norway though)...
Prologue: He once accompanied you, your mom and your younger siblings to IKEA when you had to go shopping with them. It was his first time there - since his mom always went without him and Laurits while they were at school, and he didn’t bother going once he started working - so he was pretty amazed by the whole experience. The family bonding is pretty fun and hilarious - especially because he’s tall, which makes him handy with getting things from top shelves! And he sorta hangs out with your younger brother. But you both get bored waiting for your mom to choose stuff so you both wander off (and even get lost because of the shortcuts, though you find your mom again every time). This makes you both decide to have your own date and your own time to wander around the place.
on the day you both agreed on, you both drive to the IKEA. you're really excited and so is he, because it’s only his second time there. your idea is that you’ll just window shop and only buy stuff under your budget - as this is more about spending time together.
he tries to read the sign small box that contains the free, small wooden pencils and grocery lists, then you both take one of the pencils each. after riding the escalator up to the first “stop” in the IKEA showroom tour, you also pick up one IKEA catalog each, but you'll probably never read through it so you return yours... he holds on to his as a keepsake.
you both start looking at the items as you walk around, and it’s cute because he’s marveling at all the cool IKEA home gadgets just as much as you are!
you start taking note of the items you really want; you like the small workspace items for their functionality, and he’s interested in how the furniture like shelves and chairs are built since, one of his hobbies is building and D.I.Y.-ing things, just like the extension he built on his bed back in Edda. he starts dictating his wishlist through his voice memos.
he can read and pronounce all the Swedish product names (more or less) but he doesn’t understand all of them, and of course, it takes him a while to read everything aloud. you eagerly wait for him to do so.
you go into one of the model house-rooms, and at the kitchen, he play-acts with the cutlery and pretends to serve you food, and you both laugh so hard.
on one of the bookshelves, you find one of your favorite books as a hardbound Swedish version, and he notices your delighted surprise when you see it. he hasn’t heard of the book before, so you tell him what it’s about, and he looks genuinely interested in it, saying, “I wanna read it!” so you make a mental note to buy the audiobook for him.
at the end of the showroom, it opens up to the IKEA restaurant, and you look for a table. you choose a vacant one for two by the sunny side of the room where you can see people below on the lower floor at the entrance of IKEA. you leave our baskets there and head to the cashiers.
it takes a long time for him to read the menu. [but you’ve always been indecisive with ordering food so it takes the same time for you to make up your minds!]
you both line up and he pushes the tiny cute tray cart where you can place your orders on different levels. and he asks you what you want and he's the one who relays your orders to the staff behind the counters. he gets the rib eye steak and marinated salmon, and you get the veggie or Swedish meatballs [a favorite!! haha]. he pays for everything and urges you to get dessert! you didn’t want to buy more but you get the fruit salad anyway
while talking after you both finish our food you notice the sunlight on his face, which brings out his vibrant blue eyes, and you smile. he’s like “What??” and you're like, “nothing…” He asks if something is wrong with his face and wipes his mouth with a napkin, so you just say, “It’s your eyes, in the light…” and you both smile sweetly and look down awkwardly.
after eating, you go back to shopping. he hums with the radio music as you walk along
he also takes some of the items and looks them over and puts them in his basket, saying, “I’m getting this for Mom”, making you smile.
when you pick up something and remark about how cool it is or how you like it, he helps you deliberate whether it’s worth buying.
you point out items our family used to have growing up, using them in the kitchen or living room, and he also notices some similar things that they had in Norwegian houses
at the children’s section he plays with the plushies and you take a picture of him hugging the fluffy shark toy. he also spots a toy hammering block on display and laughs sheepishly as he picks up the hammer…
at the storehouse, he looks at the stacks of shelves with wonder again like the first time you went to IKEA together. you take a picture of him doing a wacky pose in the middle of the aisle and post it with the caption “A Scandinavian’s second time in IKEA!!”
finally, you both put your baskets on the cashier belt while waiting for the other customer as they pay. you take out your Mom’s big blue IKEA bag where a cashier staff puts the stuff in.
after everything’s been tabbed, you reach into your bag to get your wallet - but at the corner of your eye you see him giving the cashier his card and you're like, “NOOOOO WHY ARE YOU PAYING” but he’s like, “I wanna treat you today,” and you have a small argument about it. he wins.
you act grumpy but then joke, “If I knew, I would’ve taken more stuff!!” and he says, “You wanna go back?” and his expression shows that he means it. you laugh, “No, no, I’m just joking!! Thank youuuuu” and you squeeze-hug his arm, laughing again
the cashier asks if he’s also paying for the other basket, so he decides to include that too. he gets a couple of cloth shopping bags from his backpack for his own stuff. he once told you he only started bringing them around because of his late friend Isolde.
you both get out of the cashier and he looks at the food section just outside with all the pastries and sweets. he picks up a box of cornflakes and gets more snacks. he asks you, “Hey, d’you wanna get anything?” and you say, “no, I’m fine” because he’s already bought a lot of stuff for you and you don’t really shop for food at IKEA. now it’s your turn to wait for him 😆
he still urges you to get something, so you get a pack of gummies. he buys a whole basket-full of snacks!
finally done, you catch a ride to your place where he drops you off. you say goodbye to each other and you hug and thank him for one of the best days ever!!
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It Takes A Village Chapter 4
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Chris Evans x Pregnant!daughter!reader
Series Master List
Series summary: You find out that your pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?
Chapter Summary: You tell your family about the baby, and they're for the most part supportive.
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapters Warnings: Teen Pregnancy, swearing?
Y/n means your name. N/n means nickname. I feel like it's kinda pointless to keep telling you that but whatever.
On also... Like I know very little about his family.. So what I am using is all that I know about them... Also you are gonna refer to Carly's husband as uncle in this.. Just cause I grew up referring to my biological aunt and uncle's spouses as aunt and uncle so like idk if you guys do that too but whatever.
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It was the day after the appointment and you sat on the couch nervously. Your dad was on the phone, and Scott was on his way over. You decided to go slowly on telling everyone who don't know your pregnant that your are, starting with Scott who you believe would be the least judgemental about it. Chris was going to be with you when you told him. Scott walked in taking in your nervous form staring into the distance.
"Y/n?" Scott snapped you from your thoughts. "You okay?" He asked you taking a seat next to you.
"Uh yeah..." You looked toward the kitchen where your dad had disappeared. When you realized he probably wouldn't be coming out for a little while you looked at Scott. "I'm pregnant. That's why mom kicked me out... I'm keeping the baby. And the dad doesn't want to be in their life." You rambled nervously and almost too fast for him to understand what you said. He looked at you surprised not saying anything for a moment.
"Your having a baby at fifteen?" He asked you cautiously after a few minutes, you hesitated but nodded. "And the dad is Jake?" He asked you again you nodded. "Okay." He said.
"Okay?" You questioned.
"Okay." He pulled you into a hug as you sighed in relief. Chris walked in looking at you two hugging.
"Did you tell him?" Chris asked you once you pulled out of the hug.
"Your gonna be a grandpa." Scott began to teased him. "Old man."
"I'm not that old am I?" Chris frowned.
"I mean... Your not exactly young." You said shrugged. He gave you a playful glare. "Well I'm going to go to my room call me down when they get here."
You excused yourself upstairs to your room, leaving the two men to talk. "She's going to be a mom? How do you know if she can handle that?" Scott ask Chris.
"It's her choice at this point we both know I didn't want this! But I can't force her to abort! I couldn't just tell she would fail at being a mom! I think she'll do fine she's a strong kid you and me both know that.." Chris said sitting on the couch next to Scott.
"Well I'm here to help you both.. I'll tell her when she comes back."
"Thanks she's been stressing about telling everyone." Chris said sighing.
"But what about the media? They're going to notice when she grows a baby bump."
"We'll figure that out when we get there." Chris said shrugging.
You sat in your bedroom looking down at your belly where a baby would be growing, your baby. You still can't believe that. You sighed, whenever your alone you process what all happened, the breakup and your mom kicking you out being what you've been thinking about lately since you decided to keep the baby. You dated him for a year and knew him for most of your life but he gave it all up after you found of you were pregnant. Your mom, you always thought she'd never just give up on you, but now your living with your dad which means you'd probably be going back and forth from LA and Boston with your kid until you were old enough to not need to live with Chris.
Our thoughts were broken from Chris calling you downstairs after a half hour.
"Ready to tell everyone else cause they're on their way." Your dad told you once you made it to the living room. He had invited them all over for a small family get together since it's been so long since you've seen most of them. So your aunts, cousins and grandma were coming over and you were going to have to tell them. You were going to tell your grandpa later.
"Yeah." You said sighing as Dodger jumped on your lap licking your hand. You moved you hand petting him.
"Chris said your not going to name the baby after him... So are you going to name them after your favorite uncle?" Scott asked breaking the tension.
"Maybe." You giggled as your dad let out a hurt gasp.
"But not after your own dad?""
"I only said maybe.." You said rolling your eyes, as the doorbell rang letting you know that your aunt, her husband, and your cousins were here. "Okay I'm not ready. I don't know why I said I was ready I'm most definitely not." You said sighing. Chris gave you a reassuring smile as they walked into the living.
"Y/n!" Your youngest cousin, Miles ran into your arms his brother and sister closely behind.
"Miles!" You hugged the three younger kids smiling.
"Hi Aunt Carly, Uncle Ryan." You said looking up at the pair smiling. Your cousins pulled away from the hug going to play with Dodger so you hugged Carly.
"Hey y/n." She said once you pulled from the hug.
"Uh..  I have to tell you guys something." You said hesitantly. They nodded, looking at you curiously, Ethan the oldest of the three of your cousins, looked at you as well but you didn't notice. "I'm pregnant... And that's why I moved back to boston... Mom kicked me out." You mumbled. Well they weren't expecting that.
"Your only fifteen." Ryan said
"Mhmm..." You nodded looming at the floor.
"I thought only adults could get pregnant?" Your only female cousin, Stella asked. You looked at her not knowing how to respond.
"Why don't we go play with dodger outside..." Scott said taking the kids to the yard with dodger ignoring Stella's question.
"Who's the dad?" Carly asked you.
"How far along are you?" She asked.
"Two months. I'm keeping the baby. Jake knows about the baby he was the first person I told." You said. She nodded hugging you again. You sighed in relief. After you hugged her, Ryan pulled you into one too.
"Told ya nothing to worry about." Chris teased when you sat down next to him.
"I still have to tell aunt Shanna and grandma. Then I have to tell grandpa." You said rolling your eyes at him.
"And you have to explain to Stella not just adults can get pregnant." Ryan said.
"Okay, I didn't think they were listening!" You defended yourself.
"Well you'll have to get used to little kids being around your about to have one of your own." Carly said.
Scott and your cousins came back in after a few more minutes, Dodger following and jumping on your lap.
"N/n? How come your having a baby? We thought only adults could have babies?" Miles asked you stella standing next to him both of them looking at your curiously.
"Uh... I.." You looked at one of the adults for help but they just watched amused. "Wel-" you were cut off by your grandma walking in.  Your sighed in relief. "Look grandma is here!" You stood up going over to her hugging her.
"You didn't answer our question!" Miles demanded pouting at you. "How are you having a baby?" Your eyes widened as your cousin just revealed to your grandma that you are pregnant. Ethan was laughing at the look on your face.
"You're having a baby?" Your grandma asked you looking at you.
"In my defense! I was going to tell you that myself! But yeah... Your gonna be a great-grandma! Surprise?" You said sheepishly pulling out of the hug. You looked at Chris begging for help but all he did was shake his head an amused smile on his face.
"Is that why you moved back here?"  She asked.
"Yeah." You nodded, Miles and Stella stood beside you still awaiting your answer on how your having a baby, and Ethan's laughs had subsided after Carly shot him a warning glance.
"Answer our question!" Stella demanded pouting at you.
"She had Sex obviously!" Ethan said rolling his eyes. All eyes turned to him looking at him shocked.
"What's sex?" Miles asked. You tried your best not to laugh.
"Ethan! You can't tell your little siblings that!" Carly said.
"Miles don't worry about it. Uh go play with my old toys they're in my closet." You shooed your youngest cousins out of the room while, Carly and Ryan began to talk with Ethan on what's appropriate to tell your younger siblings. "Well! Wasn't that more event full then it should've been?" You asked Chris and Scott sitting next to them.
"Whos the father of the baby?" Your grandma asked you.
"My ex, Jake. I'm 8 weeks, and I'm keeping the baby." You said answering all the questions she could possibly ask.
"Okay." She smiled at you.
This definitely wasn't going as you expected. You excused yourself going with Ethan to find Miles and Stella. What your didn't know was your family were going to be discussing the information you just told them.
"Did she tell you?" Carly asked Chris.
"Her mom did. But I don't doubt that she would've on her own time if her mom didn't."
"Are you going to help her raise the baby? She's still a baby herself she can't raise one on her own." Lisa said.
"She made her decision. A hard one at that, her life just got flipped! I just have to help her." Chris said making it clear he wasn't going to turn against you. It seemed your family weren't either after his explanation.
Back with you, you sat in your room with your cousins, remembering how much you missed it. Missed being with your cousins and laughing. It was helping you forget everything that happened the past two weeks.
"What's Texas like?" Stella asked.
"It's nice." You said.
"Cool! Do you have to go back to texas in a few weeks?" Stella asked.
"Nope I'm here for good!" You said smiling.
"Yay!" Miles jumped onto your lap. "N/n? Why did you have to go back to Texas before?"
"Because my Mommy lived over there."
"But your daddy doesn't live there!" Stella said.
"I know but my mommy wanted me to live with her."
"So why are you living here now?" Ethan asked you but your pretty sure he knows.
"I made a mistake and she sent me here to help me fix the mistake." You explained laying back on your bed. Oh how you wish you never had to explain this to your cousins. How you wish you could go back a few weeks and say no. After a little bit Chris called you down so you could tell Shanna.
"Hi Aunt Shanna!" You said hugging her.
"Hey y/n." You guys walked to the couch to sit down and you gathered up all the courage you had to tell her.
"I have to tell you something." You mumbled. She nodded smiling at you. "Your gonna be a great aunt! And before you ask, yes that's why I live with dad again, I'm 8 weeks along, the baby's dad is Jake." You rambled looking at her sheepishly.
"Your pregnant?"  She asked looking over at your dad for confirmation he nodded.
"Yep..." You said sighing.
"And you keeping the baby?" She asked, to which you nodded. "Okay." You let out a relieved smile and hugged her.
"Well this went better then I expected." You said to everyone in the room. Chris chuckled as you plopped next to him on the couch beginning to catch up with your family on anything besides the baby. He was happy to see you relaxing though he did notice that whenever he found you alone the past few days you didn't see so relaxed. You were always in your thoughts, he had an idea of what it was about but didn't know how to talk to you about it, this was your first heartbreak. When you told him you had a boyfriend last year he assumed it would be over after a little while seeing as you were 14. He didn't expect it to last so long.
TagList: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries
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hobipaint · 3 years
Sunshine, Inc. - Masterlist [hiatus]
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summary: Every trip for Hoseok is the same. Show them around, take pictures, let them eat, souvenirs, back home. It's easy to smile while doing this, but over the years, he's been on the same route - travelling the world the same way, chasing the sun in one direction. It's only obvious that his awe has reduced. To his surprise, though, there's someone who can rival his disinterest - you.
↳ pairing : hoseok x female reader
↳ genres: fluff, angst, world tour! au
↳ disclaimers: mild cursing, discussions of mental health. warnings will be given at the beginning for each chapter.
a/n: hey there, you! this fic is currently on hiatus because I have once again been thrown on the loop de loop called exams. chapters are currently in work, but I have big ideas and even bigger drafts rn so idk when its going to come back. till then, please be patient! thank you so much for being here 💞
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• Destinations:
Hey there!
Welcome to Sunshine, Inc.!
Here, we give you the list of cities for our world tour package we call Strands of Colours™. In this tour, there'll be fun, adventures, food, and maybe, some romance?
Any conditions about the travel will be mentioned alongside the cities as we travel - so rest assured as our capable team takes care of your travels.
We hope you have a wonderful trip, and thank you for choosing Sunshine, Inc.!
• We begin with our pick up from Los Angeles - in case you're from outside LA, we can arrange for pickups from there as well. No biggie. Your necessary flight details shall be emailed to you with utmost attention paid to your preferences. Just sit back and relax; envision yourself in the flight that will begin your trip.
here is the mood you'll want in this city!
• We head on to London, the capital of the United Kingdoms, home to the Brits. Here, our tour guides shall take you along with locals to showcase the finest sights in a city that holds thousands of years of history. Lose yourself amidst the flowers that line the city's numerous parks, feel like royalty near Birmingham, and of course - try the London Eye!
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• Next up: the French capital, Paris. Singles and couples, prepare yourself for the abundance of romance that is carefully sprinkled in the air of the city of love. Trace years of French history with heritage walks lined through the heart of the city- including a visit to the majestic Louvre. Our local guides shall also showcase to you how to experience a true Parisian experience, comme les français.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• Welcome to the city that holds the legacy of European football, Madrid! Tingle your party sense in the hubbub of Madrid's active nightlife, with evening strolls that show the beauty of the Spanish city. Find peace in the day with the cooling gardens and fountains of the Buen Retiro Park and the Crystal Park. Find various flavours hidden in the delicious streetfood of the city, different from the rest of the world - a truly unique experience.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• A city rich with history, welcome to Berlin. Our local guides shall take you back through numerous pages of the city's story, the good and bad, pleasing your senses with architectural beauties like Brandenburg Gate or Reichstag. Watch the numerous memorials of the wars this city has faced, and wonder at the beauty and peace of the city today. All while being accompanied by the best in German food.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• After all the heat, we take you to the coolness of Zurich, Switzerland. Let us take you through one of the most luxurious cities in the world, at the foot of the Alps and home to Lake Zurich. Its numerous art galleries and museums will be sure to be of your fancy, and of course, loads of Swiss chocolate will be available for you!
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• When in Rome, do as the Romans do! Let our guides show you around this marvelous city and its beauty that transcends generations. Enjoy popular attractions like the Colosseum and the Spanish steps, and the Italian grace that lines the cobbled pathways of the city. Also, visit the Vatican city, just a 15 minute walk from the heart of Rome.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• Get a feel of the Ancient Greeks in Athens while walking through its streets, aeons of power and tradition shining in its history. See the Greek architectures that are the fame of this city, interspersed with its bustling night life and modern lifestyle. There are surprises hidden in around every corner in this city - showcased to you through customized tour packages that you can choose.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• Where Europe meets Asia, welcome to Istanbul! Experience the archaic yet modern vibe of the city, its colourful architecture and its leisurely pace. Visit the historic Silk Market, the beginning of the Silk Route; also, don't forget to join us while visiting the famed Spice Bazaar, Bursa and the other exciting destinations in this one-of-a-kind city.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• An ultra modern city, Dubai has proven itself as one of the most indulgent, glamorous and progressive cities in the world. Home to marvels like the Burj Khalifa, Atlantis, while showcasing the beauty of the deserts surrounding the city - let yourself soak the opulence of this city while navigating its multiple shopping areas; all the help of our guides, of course.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
•The city that never sleeps, Mumbai is sure to awaken all your senses. The Gateway of India, this city will give you a chance to see all of its cultures mingle in one place. Watch the life of the city through its numerous theatres and galleries. Experience the hubbub of one of the most populated cities in the world along with its savoury street food with the help of our guides.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• Next, we visit Shanghai, the modern yet quaint capital of China. Take walks around the Bund and its 52 unique buildings, or visit the Yu Garden and the Jade Buddha temple. Soak yourself in classical Chinese art at the Shanghai Cultural Museum and more places - all carefully planned for you by our guides.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• Right in time for the cherry blossoms, Seoul will lead us to a spring fairyland that is filled with the natural beauty of the mountains surrounding it. The city also houses massive markets that boast of sumptuous street food and vibrant clothing, and tourist attractions like the Seoul Tower - don't miss out on any!
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• An ultra-modern city, Tokyo boasts of multiple museums, festivals, internationally appreciated cuisine and sports clubs. This city is also rich in music and theater, with rock and pop concerts, dramas, musicals and symphony orchestras. The city also forms a base to explore all of Japan - pieces of which shall be showcased to you on this tour.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• Bangkok is a fascinating city: crowded, noisy, colourful and exciting. There are wonderful, ancient temples and sites, and modern malls that boast of high fashion lined in their shops. The tour shall also be including a visit to Phuket, as a getaway - be sure to be there!!
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
•Home to the Merlion, Singapore has been well known as a tourist destination for decades now. The city's simplicity in transport and beautiful architecture have made it a favourite, and the variance in attractions - from the Gardens by the Bay and Singapore Zoo to Orchard Road and Clarke Quay - makes it a wonderful place to visit. We'll make sure that you don't miss out on any!!
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• Bali - the name of the city itself brings thoughts of tropical airs, sizzling peanuts, roaring mopeds and the gentle gamelan music. This city is hailed as one of the most popular tourist islands in the Indonesian archipelago, and with all good reasons only. Come and explore more about this island along with us in an all new style.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
• The oldest of Australian cities, Sydney brings about a wonderful mingling of chic modern styles and energetic adventure. The city is home to famous destinations like the Opera House, and is packed with activities for everyone to give a try! Make sure you don't miss out on any while travelling with us.
here is the mood you'll want for this city!
•Finally, we make the trip back home to LA, where you'll be dropped back to your homes. We hope you will enjoy the your with us, and keep travelling with Sunshine, Inc. Thank you for your time!!
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a/n: this is the masterlist for Sunshine, Inc. clicking on the cities will lead you to the chapter for that particular city -if it is confusing, feel free to leave a comment about the same! Thank you for reading 💞💞 Also, if you want to be added to the taglist you can leave a comment or ask for the same! love, hazel 🤗
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Queens Of The Mayans, Nevaeh, Chapter 10
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of blood, violence.
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Coco's POV
"Johnny huh?" I asked. My grin couldn't have been any bigger. The little boy peered around from the back of Eva's legs and he stared curiously at me.
"Who's asking?"
"I GOTCHA!" Riz bellowed, running up behind her and grabbing the little boy. He forgot all about me and squealed with excitement as Riz began tickling him, “OH I GOTCHA. YOU DIDN’T EVEN SEE ME, DID YOU!”
"Yeah," Eva said after a second, drawing my eyes back up to her face, "that's my son...Johnny."
I frowned for a second. The thought that she'd moved on fucked with me. I felt a little bit of jealousy rising up at the idea. I'd never forgotten her.
"Is it Pablo’s?"
Just saying that aloud made me sick inside. I know that they had been dating, but I didn't want to think of the possibility that she let him put a kid in her.
"No," she scoffed. I felt a weight lift off my chest. She turned to Riz, "it's his."
"That's your crotch goblin?"
"Excuse me?" Eva growled, glaring at me.
"My bad," I shrugged, trying to find a way around it without apologizing, "I just...I wouldn't have pictured the two of you together."
"Yeah," Riz said pointedly as his son calmed down in his arms, "we were. For a year. You got something to say, prospect?"
"Nope," I lied, shaking my head. I looked between the two of them, and I couldn't help but think of the last time I'd seen Eva. Fuck, we were babies then. That was six years ago. Now she was 23 and with a kid. But damn, having a kid did wonders to her body. She was still as thin as I'd ever remembered her, but now she'd gotten curvier, in all the right places, "Eva, can I talk to you?"
"No," she said, shaking her head. She turned to Riz, "is it okay if I leave Johnny with you? I have to get some shopping done for the bar today before I open."
"Yeah," he smiled, "I uh, I can bring him by the bar later?"
"You wanna bring our baby to the bar?" she laughed. His hopeful smile faded and was replaced with a look of confusion.
"So not the bar?"
"You'll figure it out, big guy." She laughed, going to Riz and took the toddler out of his hands, "mommy's gonna go shopping, but you get to spend time with daddy today."
"YAYYY!" the little boy yelled, “DADDY!”
I looked towards Bishop. He waved me over into templo. He and Che were standing there.
"Great news brother," Che smirked, handing me a kutte that said 'prospect' on it, "we're done vetting you. You're on your way to becoming a full-fledged Mayan."
"This have anything to do with Eva?"
"She gave us some details that were missing."
"Like what?"
"Like now we know why you're really named Coco," Bishop chuckled sending the young biker a pointed look, "Che make a note to keep the cereal hidden from this killer."
"Noted," he said with a saluted, “can’t believe you were nicknamed that because of a cereal…”
God damn it.
"All joking aside kid, we're gonna have a party tomorrow night for ya, so we're giving you a shopping list. Go get the shit for your party."
"It cool if I take the truck?" I asked.
Che nodded, handing me the keys and a stack of bills, "take Nevaeh with you. Pay for what the bar needs. We put her through the ringer over you."
"From what it sounded like, it wasn't the first time she's been through it because of you either," Bishop commented dryly, “so be good, kid.”
I nodded, and the two of them sent me back out, Che following me. I threw the kutte on and smiled. It felt nice to wear it.
"Nevaeh," Che called. She turned around, "Prospect here is doing some shopping for us. He's gonna take you along and we're gonna foot the bill for you tonight."
"It's not nec-"
The two of them stared one another down for a second before Che's old lady came over and put a hand on either one of their shoulders, "you two are like brother and sister...even worse than his actual sister. Always bickering."
"Tell him I don't need the prospect."
"Taza is right though," she said, shaking her head, "let the boys foot the bill. It's the least they can do."
Eva sighed, "whatever. Come on Coco."
"And don't let him buy cereal," Che commented as we walked out, “GOT IT?”
"You fuckin tell everyone about that shit?" I growled as she followed me to the truck.
"I told them about your stutter too," she giggled, “so good luck hiding that.”
I stopped and turned around. She had a big grin on her face. "I don't have no fuckin stutter."
"I bet you still do," she said quietly, pushing my buttons and closing the gap between us. I could feel her body lightly pressed against mine, and the breath caught in my throat. She knew what she was doing as she bit her lip, "I bet I could get it out of you, too. Remember Johnny, I fucking know you."
"And I know you too," I growled, trying to keep my cool, "so don't fucking push that shit."
"Push what?" she asked sickeningly sweet, "I'm not the one that fucks with someone's shit then just up and leaves em."
I felt my nostrils flare, "you don't know shit."
"Twice you've left me, and broke my fucking heart," she growled, her own playfulness fading away, "I know all about it."
"Thought you weren't gonna talk to me," I said smugly, “Don’t a pretty bad job of not talking to me alone.”
"Well, it's obvious you won't let anything go," she huffed, "which was ironic because I was pretty fucking disposable to you."
"You know what, you're right. I don't wanna talk," I muttered, turning around, and heading to the truck. I got in, and she slid into the bucket seat right next to me. We drove to the store without saying anything, but as soon as we parked, she locked the doors, "what the hell?"
"We're going to sort this out, right now."
"The fuck are you talking about?"
"You wanted to talk before, and then we stopped...we're going to finish the conversation."
"There isn't shit to finish," I growled, feeling more angry at the fact that she had seemingly let it go during our drive, only to bring it up again now, "it's over."
"That day you left, I was fucking heartbroken," she all but yelled, "you left me with a god damned note and fucking dog tags, Johnny."
I felt my heart rising into my throat.
My fucking heart broke that day too. When I wrote that letter, I knew I was lying. I never expected to see her again. But then when I got out, and started working for Raul, he told me she was in Santo Padre...I couldn't fucking stay away. I moved south immediately.
I didn't have the fucking heart to face her. Then one day I saw her all cozied up to fucking Pablo. I knew she'd moved on. But it broke me that day.
"Fucking unbelievable," she growled, shaking her head at me, “are y-“
"Yeah well you fucking killed me when I came back and saw you fucking Pablo," I said as she opened the door. She stopped and turned to look at me, "yeah. The second I came back, I found out you were here. I told Raul I wanted to work down here with him...the fucking day I got here you were screwing Pablo at his place.”
"No," I yelled at her, "you wanna fuckin talk, how about that? But I guess once a whore, always a fucking whore, huh?"
Her face went from a range of sadness to pissed off.
And that's when I knew I fucked up.
She punched me square in the nose. I heard a crack and a stream of blood sprayed onto my lap. Cursing, I grabbed my nose, trying to stop the inevitable pain. I felt something hard hit the side of my face, and my dog tags hit the floor.
"Fuck you, you fucking asshole!"
"Fucking crazy bitch," I yelled after her as she slammed the truck door, “What the hell is wrong with you, Eva?”
Chapter 11
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