#you're my valentine
wrylu · 7 months
happy valentinmes
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punkitt-is-here · 2 years
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happy valentines day <3
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unpersoniverse · 7 months
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I saw a tweet that said Korra's only a softie around Asami and one thing led to another...
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spookomooko · 8 months
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pennumbra · 8 months
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Centaurworld Valentines 💘
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rad-roche · 25 days
The Gloria grinch faces are some of my favorite expressions ever and I love using them to try and push how I draw expressions/exaggerate them even more and they’re always so funny. However the recent goofy Nick expression is also immaculate. 10/10 no notes
thank you!! they're really fun to do. just on a personal note, i notice female characters are less likely to be given funny/silly expressions, especially if they're attractive, so i make a point to have her look/act completely ridiculous at times. here's a collection of silly faces for the road
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i think the concentration of ridiculous/comedic things is higher than average for a noir comic but you know what it's fine. who's going to complain, John Noir, inventor of noir?
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delphi-shield · 11 months
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Close in the Distance // Poly Drabbles
multichara x gn!reader wc: ~1650 characters included: jill, leon, chris, claire, rebecca, carlos, ada pairings highlighted: jill & leon, jill/claire, jill/chris, jill/carlos, chris/leon, chris/rebecca, leon/ada, leon/claire ada refers to the reader as gorgeous but i consider that a pretty gender neutral expression, ymmv. i'm kind of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks with this, but i hope you enjoy it! i know i had fun writing it. i'm gonna go see fnaf and play splatoon until my eyes bleed lmao
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Ada & Leon
Ada runs just as easily as she pulls you down to her bed. Leon leaves you with much more reluctance, but he leaves all the same. The note he leaves pinned to the fridge with a fish-shaped magnet from your last vacation (Roatán, blissfully uninterrupted by Leon’s work. Ada’s shadow darkened your doorstep two days before your flight home. She arrived in the night; you think you dreamt her arrival, her muted argument with Leon, but when you wake it’s with her arm draped across your waist. "Stay put, gorgeous," she tells you, her voice a sleep-addled rasp at your ear, "Leon's getting breakfast.") dripping with remorse and guilt.
On a rare reunion, you slip away to give them time to themselves and Ada reels you back in with an arm around your waist, tucking you securely between the two of them. They race for the same cheesy joke just to hear you laugh and exchange warm glances over your shoulder. You pray one day you will wake and they will both be there. You pray that one day you stop collecting the pieces they leave behind to remember them by.
Claire & Leon
Claire and Leon are in and out of each other's lives so often that you could tell time by it. Thanksgiving together and Christmas apart, a New Year's reunion obfuscated by the fizzle of fireworks overhead. Claire holds your hand in the crowd, Leon’s hand at the small of her back to guide the both of you. She leans close to be heard over the cheering of the crowd, promising to kiss you first at midnight. Leon doesn’t seem to hear, but he spins you away from her when the clock hits midnight, stealing the first kiss of the year, smiling against your lips as Claire whines and smacks his arm.
Days later, Leon tells you, "we're both in the doghouse now," when you come home to an argument and refuse to pick a side. Centrism is the biggest crime of them all to Claire, and Leon’s apologies are in short supply. You fall asleep with him on the couch, and when you wake with a pillow under your head and Claire’s humming drifting from the kitchen, you know that you are absolved.
Chris & Leon
Chris and Leon thought this arrangement was fine until their own unresolved feelings bubbled to the surface, their entire friendship recontextualized in the span of seconds over cheap beer. You lean against Chris’ shoulder, watching the gears in Leon’s head turning. A realization years in the making happens in the span of minutes for you, and it takes only a little bit of careful probing to understand that it’s mutual. 
They both drag their feet, men who know how easy it is to wreck something as fragile as this, neither willing for their hands to be the ones that break this time. To be direct is to be dismissed. Chris brushes off assurances that you don’t mind and Leon has told you in no uncertain terms to drop it. You feign tiredness one night and slip away, leave them to themselves, and like clockwork, they ask to speak with you about something the following week. Smug is an understatement. Your playful ribbing is worth putting up with if it means the three of you can move forward together - even if it means the porch swing is a little more cramped from now on.
"Don't let that one go," Chris teases, his eyes squinting in a smile.
"I don't think I can," Leon says. He means it to be a joke about the way you cling to his arm, but his voice too soft, too enamored for the intended effect, his eyes too warm.
Jill & Leon
Jill and Leon see too much of themselves in each other to ever understand the appeal, but god, do they love you. For a long time they operated on separate schedules. You had called it a custody arrangement once, a joke that you came to regret with every fiber of your being because the both of them had latched onto it and neither of them know how to let a joke die with dignity. The first sign of change is a text from Jill, sent at three in the morning (a difference in timezones she didn’t bother to calculate, you’re sure). An offer, their stupid custody joke to break the ice -  I know it’s your weekend, but that movie they want to see is coming out Saturday and I’ll be stateside. Do you mind if we go? You can come too.
It hadn’t been a good movie, some forgettable action movie you had laughed about all the way home, but ever since that night they had been more open to nights together. That’s how you wound up with your legs over Leon’s lap, your head against Jill’s thigh, Leon’s thumb tracing a lazy pattern against your ankle and Jill’s fingers carding gently through your hair. Their hands meet in the bowl of popcorn and Jill relents. Leon insists, no, after you, his tone as dramatic as the sweep of his hand. You can envision the way Jill rolls her eyes without picking your head up, and before they can devolve into a familiar back and forth, you chime in sleepily. "What, are you guys five? If you were going to get cooties, you’d get it from me."
Jill & Chris
“Wrong side,” Jill reminds you, indicating to her own ear. She doesn’t even need to look up from her breakfast. You click your tongue and move to Chris’ left instead, repeating your question louder, clearer. They move so fluidly around each other, nearly two decades of trust informing every word, every look, every action. At times it feels like they inhabit the same body. It's all you can do to try and fall in step with them. They make space, slow their pace, guide you where they have to. Chris is ever the worrier, but it’s Jill who watches you like a hawk when the three of you are out, who grips your wrist loosely and nudges you up with them, never letting you fall behind. Unhurried time together is short on supply, but you cherish every moment of quiet, every laugh, every old story they have to explain to you, you cherish the hurt and the pain, the grief that they try to borrow from each other, all the things they would rather forget yet choose to trust you with.
Jill & Claire
Jill is an expert in handling Redfields, but she can take them apart just as easily. She says she’ll teach you one day. A well-placed ‘got it out of your system’ during an argument starts Claire’s rant all over again. A hand at the nape of her neck, curling her into Jill’s side to calm her. Jill’s methods are effective, but they’re hers. You weave your own way between them, fingers interlocking with Claire’s, palm flat against Jill’s, the way each of them prefer. Jill will drink her coffee anyway she gets it, things like preferences and personal taste feeling like an afterthought to her after so long of nothing but survival, but you see the scrunch of her nose when it’s too dark, too bitter. You slip sugars and cream one cup at a time until you find the perfect blend, and it doesn’t take Claire much longer to catch on to your discovery. There was peace before, and there can be peace again.
Jill & Carlos
"Not that one," you tell Jill, swatting her hands away as she tries to pack one of your many stuffed animals up, the small army having taken over most of the bed. "Carlos got me that one." Jill rolls her eyes, muttering that they're all from Carlos. His absence is filled with plush toys, cheap, soft substitutes for his presence - but at least he tries to fill the void. Jill becomes a ghost when she's away for work, insisting her silence is for your benefit. She comes back to you battered, vacant, and she asks you what you've been up to as if she might fill herself with your memories instead.
If it weren’t for Carlos, you would have no idea how she’s really doing. He has her back, he assures you, and you wonder if he’s reminding himself as well, if the distance she forces (for your own good, she repeats, her tone firmer) bothers him as much as it bothers you. Pulling her back to you isn’t always easy, but Carlos is a steady presence at your side. His gifts for Jill are fewer and farther between - Jill told him to cool it, by his own admission - but you notice as she thins out the stuffed animal militia, she leaves the dog plushie he had gotten her right where it is.
Chris & Rebecca
Rebecca drags you through the aisles of a department store, stuffing colorful paper decorations into the cart you push. Chris is coming home - properly coming home, not just a quick stopover between flights. Rebecca wants to surprise him, and you worry he’ll be too tired. You worry his assignment took a turn for the worse, that the last thing he needs is a fuss when he’s barely had time to process the aftermath. Rebecca assures you it’s fine. She insists she wouldn’t be doing this if everything hadn’t gone well. You reach for the pink and blue streamers on the top shelf, dropping them with the mish-mash of other supplies in the cart as she tells you more and more about the assignment. “I think that’s supposed to be classified, Becca,” you remind her. She shushes you, a finger pressed to her lips. You make a detour to pick up a case of beer, making a bet with Rebecca on how long it will take Chris to ask for a cold one. Chris arrives on time for once, no delayed flights, a blissfully short debriefing at base. He drops his duffle bag the second the door is shut, eyes cutting to the fridge. His arm winds around your shoulders, tugging you into a hug. 
“Guess you missed me,” he says, taking in the decorations. Rebecca patters in from the kitchen, spreading her arms wide to gesture at the apartment, transformed briefly into a discount Party City. He’s tired, it’s clear, but he laughs all the same. It only takes five minutes - as you predicted, shooting a successful smirk at Rebecca - for him to ask, “Hey, any beer in the fridge?”
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cidersoup · 7 months
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happy valentines day!!!
here's some silly valentine cards i made for some absolutely wonderful friends in the sonic library server!!!
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hballegro · 2 months
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part 1 of drawing the cast as various images from my phone. edition one; fr mulcahy as lore and charles as jesse williams
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gobald · 1 month
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jynandor · 7 months
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Who asked whom out on the first date? Well, it was...
Just natural. It happened so slowly without either of us realizing it.
Park Bo-gum as Choi Taek and Lee Hye-ri as Sung Deok-sun in Reply 1988 (2015)
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Eddie and half Italian Steve, Valentine's day edition
Steve: *reading a magazine, minding his own business*
Eddie: *jumps on his lap out of nowhere* BUON SAN VALLENTINO AMORRRI
Steve: *screams and pushes him off of his lap* who taught you that???
Eddie: *looking at him from the floor*... did I say a bad word?
Steve: yES
Eddie: mi dispiaci
Steve: *screeches*
Eddie: *out of italian words* carbonara?
Steve: ma cosa cazz-
["Buon San Valentino amore" just means happy Valentine's day, love. Steve is dramatic because he can't handle Eddie speaking Italian to him. Eddie knows, he asks Robin to teach him words because he loves to see Steve all flustered.]
[I made this just cause @hairstevington told me buon San Valentino today. I'm weak for people who talk in Italian to me okay????]
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chaotic-deity · 4 days
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He got into his wife's makeup again
No lashes version bc I enjoy looking at his big dumdum face w/o them
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vamp-a-day · 8 months
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day 72
Sweet & Fickle
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roughly 3 years ago i redrew sparkling from that one official tweet and plopped vamp in there too bc you can never have too much vampire
absolutely hate the way they're posed in this old drawing, vamp with the autism stance and sparkling before i'd actually established what i wanted his personality to be outside of canon's simple characterization. 3 years doesn't feel like it should be a long time ago but man.
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rad-roche · 8 months
evil art style challenge
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friends. when i say 'out of my wheelhouse'
took a while, but this was really fun. not something i do... well, ever. but it's good to get out of your comfort zone. now if i'm in a survival situation, like the plane i'm on is crashing and it can only be stopped by drawing a cute pastel anime girl, i will be safe in the knowledge that i can do it and we'll crash for much more typical reasons
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there is no problem a deco brush can't fix
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