#you're the lovliest!!
dontmakemerightx · 1 month
Little bunny that gets all still and silent when I'm about to mount them from behind. Hiding their cute face in the pillow as their pretty legs spread open for me on instinct, their ass bucking up slightly, inviting me in.
I can hear their breath hitch in their throat as I'm leaning over them, sinking my teeth into their delicate neck, licking over the soft skin as my cock slides against their sweet parts, tip resting right on their entrance.
Hm, you're so ready for me, aren't you, baby bun? You need me so bad?
They don't answer. They don't have to as they push themselves down on my hard length, the lovliest sounds slipping from their lips. And I meet them halfway, firmly grabbing their hips and stilling their movement to finally sink into their heat.
I love the way they just take it. Letting me pound into them vigorously, no complaining, no begging. They know their place, their greatest pleasure is for me to breed them, to make them mine entirely.
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hanir · 2 years
Freeze 🛑 You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful
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theshinazugawaslut · 5 months
Sanemi as a best friend who is obsessed with you, so when you tell him you've never ridden someone he offers to let you practice on him. On his face, abs, thigh, on anything that you can ride, he'll train you before you take his cock
a/n: sorry if this didn't come out good, I wrote it under a half-hour since I'm sick.
He's your best friend, the little boy you grew up with in the same neighbourhood — everyone knew the two of you were attached at the hip, everyone also knew that Sanemi would never let a single boy near you and so, no boy ever tried.
Your earliest memory of him is when you were both three years old, standing in a long queue on a hot Summer's day outside an ice-cream van in the park.
He had been right behind you, humming a tune, and you had turned around and said, "I love that song!"
The boy had the lovliest, archangel-white hair with the softest, lilac eyes; his cheeks all soft and squishy. He had smiled shyly and gave a small nod, though the two of you ended up holding hands as you took him to play in your sandpit.
Ever since, the two of you have been inseperable.
He always held your hand — tight, firm, like a kite he was afraid of letting go — and he looked at you like you had been weaved out of starsong and rose dew and the most honeyed siren song.
God, in his eyes you were this shimmering moon that he yearned to touch, you felt like what heaven must be like — he'd heard so many stories of heaven when he went to church with his mother, he imagined God had a face like you. There couldn't be anything else.
He was a sweet boy, you realised very quickly. Always helping you put pretty flower clips in your dishevelled hair, always using his own chubby hands to try and tuck your hair into a lopsided ponytail and smiled shyly as you squealed and squished your cheeks together to his.
He didn't mind being the subject of your childish eyeshadow palettes either, letting the cheap glittery gel being smudged across his eyelids though it did help him learn his own talent for eyeliner.
You're always over at his house or the other way around, too, and you're always making the loveliest drinks and snacks so you can watch Cinderella together, tiny hands weaved with his as you gush about how pretty the sapphire-blue ball gown is.
Soon enough, school starts, and Sanemi remains your best friend, sitting right next to you and saying no to playing football with the other boys in favour of reading a story book with you in the corner of the classroom.
You also witnessed him grab a boy bigger than him by the hair and hurting him because the boy had tripped you over and made fun of you in the playground where you had been awaiting for Sanemi.
Even when he'd gotten in trouble, he'd given you that smile that only got wider as you kissed his cheek.
He'd always been a serious child, a happy child but mature, and when he got a younger sibling, he was ecstatic, taking his newborn brother out his cot and running over to your house carelessly to show you Genya.
When his mother had rushed out in a panic a few hours later, she found you and Sanemi in your room, Genya bundled up safe and warm. The newborn safe in your arms as Sanemi snoozed against your shoulder, you looking at the newborn with bright eyes.
When Sanemi awoke later on, Genya now in his mother's arms, something inside of him stirred seeing you hold a baby with such care. He didn't know what.
Ever since he was a child, he'd give you flowers, braid your hair, kiss your cheek shyly when he was feeling very bold but one thing remained the same in highschool, that firm grip he had on your hands.
Everyone knew you two, nobody dared come near the either of you as Sanemi made it abundantly clear that his only interest was you and made it clear to everyone else - much to your obliviousness - that you did not need for friends and you especially did not want for any boys.
You never thought much of it.
You were more than happy being with him, cheerful nature and bubbly personality meaning you'd cling onto his arm anyway, doe-like eyes looking up at him as he kept an arm around your waist as he walked you from class to class.
You're bright, like the Sun, and he burns just looking at you, but for now, he's more than content helping you study for maths (you're hopeless) in the library, slipping you sweet treats every few minutes that make your eyes light up though his own shine brightly when you give him the after-school snack you baked for him in the morning.
You always give him so much — often making him bentos with all his favourite foods; spending time in his house to help take care of his six younger siblings whilst his mother worked — bathing his little sisters, changing his baby brother's nappy, singing songs and playing games with his siblings to keep them occupied so that Sanemi can finish his essays in peace, and you coming into his room after putting them all to bed, giving him dinner.
Though he rolls his eyes as he sees how you've made your notes all colourful and pretty.
"You're finding the equation of the tangent of the curve, you're supposed to do that by finding the y co-ordinate, differentiating it, calculating the gradient, and finding the equation of the line not... drawing flowers and galaxies on the page, doll," he says, exasperatedly fond.
"What's a y co-ordinate?" you ask innocently and he bangs his head against the table.
"How can you be good at fucking politics and biology and literature but be so utterly shit at maths?" he groans though you only look at him with that sweet expression of yours. "Hell, how are you good at Physics and not good at maths?"
"...I just copy your answers in Physics, and I only understand the theoretical stuff," you tell him and he glares at you, causing you to giggle. "I'm kidding! I sometimes copy your answers."
He flicks a sweetie wrapper at you then so you shriek as it touches your lashes. "You almost ruined my mascara!"
"You don't need it, anyway! Your natural lashes are like spiders anyway."
He snickers as you pull a strand of his snowy hair. "Sorry, dumpling," he says teasingly.
"You're the dumpling here! With your big, mochi cheeks!" you say with a huff.
"Next time when we go to the gym, I'm turning your treadmill to the highest speed," he threatens and you blanch, causing his laughter to grow louder.
Soon enough, you're both adults, sharing a dorm for university even though Sanemi was rather upset about having to leave his siblings and mother behind at home. Thankfully, you're adamant to keep in contact with his family which means an hour-long video call to his siblings and mother alongside your own family.
And even now, as you share a dorm for university, both wanting to become teachers, you're glued to the hip.
And now you're both twenty-one, still virgins, and you're currently cooking, calling for Sanemi who is lazily sitting on the couch, reading a book about teaching.
"'Nemi?" you say in that sweet voice of yours, calling for him as you cook something — usually Sanemi would cook but you wanted to try out a recipe this time yourself.
He puts his book down, taking a moment to come into the kitchen, thinking you had probably burned something though he's pleasantly surprised to find that's not the case though he tries to not let his jaw drop at the sight of you.
Pale-pink off shoulder top showing him just your left shoulder, all smooth and pretty, and your apple-green, pleated skirt had you looking so girlish.
"Hmm?" he says, deep voice all thrumming and rich, like smoked apples and wind-swept ash. "Oi, if you're cooking, you should do your hair back, do you want to be set on fire?"
With the words, he's already come behind you to start doing your hair in a loose braid — you're used to it; he always does your hair, helps with your make-up, most of the time he'll blow dry your hair as you study.
"What's it you called me here for? Ya missed me?" he asks behind you.
"I was just wondering," you begin. "But how come I've not had a boyfriend yet? You've not had a girlfriend either, ever... Mitsuri's dating Obanai; Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma are all with Tengen... And- and Shinobu's been seeing that Tamayo. Even my little sister has a boyfriend and I don't..."
Sanemi has frozen up behind you before he continues finishing the braid. "Why are you thinking about this?"
"I wanna love someone, too!" you tell him. "I wanna be loved! Is that so bad? I've never had a single man ever like me. I've never even kissed someone, how am I supposed to even have sex when the day comes? I have no experience and-"
"-You're seriously thinking about sex?" he interrupts, voice a little cold.
"Well, yes, I want a lover, too, and I have no practise! I know you don't either so it's not like you could actually help-"
"-I could," he whispers, mouth suddenly grazing your ear. "It'd be nice, no? Learning with me? We could learn together, it'd be fun." You don't have to look to know his eyes are hot and intense and bloodshot, that rabid grin on his face. "I'll be good to you. I'll help you learn whatever you want, hmm?"
You've entirely stiffened up, pretty eyes blown wide. It's no secret you're head over heels for the man but you didn't think...
"I'll let you think about it," says Sanemi, leaving a wet kiss on your jugular that makes you shiver, and he leaves the kitchen to finish his studying.
Though it takes only till night-time for you to agree and Sanemi gives you that tender smile of his, gently taking your hand and guiding you to his room.
"I knew you'd agree, since you're just the best," he laughs gently as he sits you down on the soft mattress, reaching over to brush some hair from your face. "My darling girl..."
You hadn't known Sanemi could look so sweet, so ravenous; his hunger a bottomless abyss, his love an endless well. He thumbs at your lips.
"Though I'm worried," he croons, suddenly gripping your jaw and making you face him. "You're such a delicate thing, you won't be able to take my cock so quickly. Tch, what a shame."
Your eyes are doe-wide now, blood rushing across your cheeks and making your cunt hot — you've never felt like this in your life. Sanemi... you hadn't expected him to be so filthy with his words immediately.
"That's fine though, I'll help you," he says with a sweet smile, as if sin wasn't clouding his eyes. He leans forward and he looks at you tenderly before capturing your lips with his; it's shy and a little awkward but god, Sanemi is desperate, grabbing your face as he peppers wet, feverish kisses against your lips. Taking your first kiss, your second, third, fourth, fifth...
You don't even realise he's deftly taken off your shirt and unclipped your red, lace bra, allowing your breasts to come spilling out and you whine, shy, trying to cover them up in the eyes of your best friend who only grins but removes your hands gently.
"No, no... You can't be doing that," laughs Sanemi. "I like'em, they're pretty, though that's only expected."
He takes your small hands and covers them with his larger, rough ones. He brings your fingers closer to his shirt, urging you to unbutton them with your own fragile fingertips, grinning as you starts kissing his chest with unsure, intoxicating lips that cause him to moan softly as you take off his shirt.
"So pretty," he coos, rubbing the base of your head as you kiss all the way down to his abdomen. "So good to me, always giving me the best gifts."
"'Nemi, I... 'm scared," you whispers against his skin and the rough pad of his thumb strokes the shape of your brow.
"So am I," he says softly, in that sincere tone you've known since you were young and he gently lifts you up so you're eye level as you both kneel on his bed. He holds your face like it's the moon. "But I trust you, and you trust me, right?"
You nod in his hands and he grins. "Atta girl." Then he's kissing you, languid and slow, keeping a hand on the back of your head so that you can't pull back. His other hand reaches for one of yours as you kiss him, lacing them together, teeth grazing your jaw momentarily as your free hand comes to drag nails against his skin.
Between those slow, sweet kisses from your best friend, you find that he looks so sweet with his wintry, moon-kissed hair from the dim light of your unconcealed window. He freezes, looking at you as though you were radiance, as you trace a finger from his strong forehead to his stronger nose — silvery scars almost glowing under the light as large hands made you shiver as he cupped your breasts, making you whimper under the searing heat of his hands.
Your delicate finger traces down the hollow of his throat and Sanemi's restraint begins to wave, his desire increasing tenfold.
You've been driving him crazy with want since the day he met you at that god forsaken ice-cream truck. His voice comes out rich and dark and thick with insanity, "You are sure about this? I do not want... God, I don't want you to regret this. We will only go as far as you please, only do whatever you want, I swear it."
You give an eager nod and he plants a chaste, lingering kiss against your mouth. You're not stupid, you know this isn't just 'practise', you know so badly what it really is. He loves you, too.
"'Nemi, please, touch me," you whisper.
"Okay, okay," he says with the lilt of murmuring brooks as he puts his svelte lips on your hair once, then twice, before move down to touch your soft stomach, tracing a line down to your belly button as he nips at your hips causing you to let out stuttered, breathy moans of his name.
"Nngh- 'N-Nemi," you say between choked breaths as his finger press against your lower back, almost moulding dimples into it.
"I know, baby, god, I know," he whispers, kissing directly above your womb, and it sends liquid lava — coarse and hot — through your veins, making you gut twist with pleasure. "We'll like this, I promise..."
He presses shaky fingers against your hips and you finally notice that dark, crazed glint in his eyes.
"'M gonna fuck you nice and good, 'm gonna fuck you full, you hear me?" Before you can even answer, he's ripping at your skirt and underwear, chucking them to the side. "I've gotta prep you first though."
You whine at the words, trying to grab at his erection though he stops you with three fingers — catching your wrist. "'Nemi, I- I don't need to be prepped."
"Sweet thing, you gotta be prepped," he says, and he gives you a dry, teasing smile, "I wouldn't be a good friend if I just shoved my cock inside you, dry and raw."
"What're you gonna do?" you ask through short, choppy breaths and he chuckles.
"Let's see..." he says, almost playful but he gives your nipple a sudden squeeze that causes you to jolt in his arms.
He's quick to lie down on the bed, still clothed by his bottom half, and he has you right against his rocky abdomen that is all smooth, supple skin and ridged muscle.
"Ride me," he says, one hand on your hip, rubbing soothing circles against the plump flesh. "Move your hips for me, my girl."
You place your delicate hands on his hardened chest, rippling scars flexing as you begin to shyly move your cunt against him. He hisses softly, cursing under his breath, vulgarities spilling like prayers from his mouth.
"You pretty thing," he whines, holding the sweet fat of your hip in his large hand, guiding you back and forth on his body — he wants to be used like a fucking toy, he doesn't give a shit, it's you for god's sake, you're all he's ever wanted.
His thumb tries to search for that sweet pearl between your legs, he almost panics that he might embarrass himself but you cry out as he brushes a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves. He grins.
"There, baby?" he asks as he begins to swipe at your clit as you ride his abs. Your toes are curling into the sheet as you hump desperately against him, crying out as you feel his bulge nudge against your rear as you move back and forth, nodding deliriously to his question, tears leaking like falling stars out your eyes.
Though it's his fingers that have you coming undone as you squirt over his body deliciously, nectar coating his body like a divine sheet.
You don't even have the chance to recover as he grabs both your hips and lifts you onto his face, you squeal and try to scurry off but his strong, veined arms keep you clamped onto his face.
"Fucking sit," he sneers and you whimper, the sound making Sanemi drunk.
You feel something hot and wet flatten against your folds, his tongue silky and burning as he drags it up and down, inhaling like a man starved. "Always wan'ed to try this," he murmurs into your gorgeous pussy as he laps at it and you let out a high keen.
The sound seems reverberate in his lungs. You're all he fucking needs, wants.
You, and this sweet pussy of yours that's suffocating him in the most sweetest way possible, your hips bucking against him.
"Nngh-! O- oh god, 'Nemi," you cry out, trying to hold onto something as he keeps you firmly planted right atop his pretty face as your juices smear across his jaw and plump lips.
He's practically set you alight and crying with his tongue prodding inside your fluttering cunt, tasting you, nose bumping your gushy clit.
"You're so sweet," he groans against your pussy; the tender, pink muscle of his tongue hard at work as he made you see stars. All that left your panting mouth was feverish cries of his name to the point it was more like you were blabbering random syllables.
When you release onto his tongue, he doesn't waste a single drop — teeth almost gnashing at your cunt in his desperation to have it all inside him.
He gets you off his face and simply kisses you, nice and long, you desperately panting into his mouth, tasting your own nectar on his tongue but he just kisses you like a man starved.
"Baby," he whispers as he kisses the fat of your cheek, suckles on it a little before moving to that lovely curve of your jaw. "Wanna fuck you on my finger, my thighs-" He can barely breathe- "Wanna do it all but let me fuck you full first, hmm? We've practised enough for now, yeah?"
And you're quick to nod along to his frenzied words, causing him to lay you down, kissing your neck sweetly before kneeling on the bed to kick off his boxers.
His cock is a pretty thing ― thick, pale; strong veins across the shaft, an angry, throbbing tip. At least seven inches or so, pearls of precum falling down as he holds it.
"You... Are you ready?" he asks gently. "We can stop now if you want, I don't mind, dumpling."
You freeze, tears welling your eyes. God, you really do love him. Dumpling. Even after all this frantic lust, he looked at you like you were his world, his best friend.
He smiles against your mouth when you kiss him and he keeps at it as he slowly pushes his bulbous head through that first tight ring of muscle that has you crying into his mouth.
"You're doing so well, my sweet girl," he hisses through his teeth as he kisses your neck, pushing in inch-by-inch, all slow and languid in hopes to avoid hurting you but he was inexperienced man, he couldn't help but thrust himself all the way in when he felt you squeeze him so tight.
"See, look, such a good girl, took all of me," he groans, smiling down at you, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
He begins to drag his cock out and then in, soon enough slamming into you over and over and over as you cry out, toes curling. He holds one of your hands with his, fingers interlacing as he cries out into your neck, too, your body causing every primal instinct in him to become this burning thing.
"F- fuck, y-you think 'm gonna let you- let you go to anyone else after this?" he says as he holds your waist to slam your cunt back into him with force, causing you to let out loud gasps as you keened his name. "You're fuckin' wrong. I'll be the only one to- to see you like this."
He knows he's muttering nonsense but you're so damn pretty as you come undone around his cock, squirting against his abdomen a second time and he's sobbing softly as he cums for the very first time right inside your gummy walls.
"Oh, fuck!" he cries and he starts peppering kisses all over your face. "I love you, I love you, I love you, ever since we were fucking kids, I love you."
He collapses next to you on the pillow, kissing your forehead a last time. "Thank you, baby," he murmurs.
As you catch your breath, Sanemi suddenly asks, "So... when should we get married?"
The question would shock anyone else but you're cute as always.
"I always wanted a Winter wedding!"
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ineffableparents · 8 months
I just wanted to say you're my fav gomens artist of all time and this comic gives me life, I think it's the loveliest thing and really brightens my day. everyone's characterization is perfect and sweet and fun, and you're writing is lovely and I think very on point for the characters, and it's such a joy, and one day when I'm not flat broke and homeless I wanna be a patron so bad cuz I'm tryin to see the juicy things too lmao. But fr you deserve all the love for such a fantastic work. Ur art in general has such a warm and emotive feel to it. and even when you draw the characters in a silly way it just is, so fun??? You have such distinct personality in ur work that really stands out. And I hope it isn't silly to say but whenever I read fanfic I imagine it in your art style lol. It's made a wonderful impression on me, and as a trans man I really REALLY appreciate anyone who does work involving subjects such as mpreg or anything that potentially real ppl who are trans can go through. Warms me heart it does. Anyway this was super long winded I'm sorry lol
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This was the lovliest note to read! 😭🧡🧡🧡🧡🫂 thank you so much for your kind words, I'm so happy you get so much enjoyment from the stuff I make! I'm so sorry to hear your situation is so rough at the moment, I wish you all the best, if you have a paypal or something that I or any of my followers can donate to, Please let me know.🫂
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post lmit: yeh :(
queue: like 500 i think
my names Casper and i use he/they/bee pronouns!
random things about me but i made it less messy :>
i ship a lot of different mainly mlm ships!
my queue is forever full of things so sometimes a post seems outdated but I queued it in the actual day :/
i am a casboy :>
dming me out of the blue is fine but i would like it if you sent an ask first if you're worried ill be uncomfortable!!
i like Minecraft and mcyt
i am transmasc, bigay, and arospec!!
you can tag me in any post you think id like or in tag games!!
i have two ocs, francis and lucas, who are gay and in love and i talk about them sometimes!!
if i reblog something from a bigot/that was reposted/forgot to tag something with a trigger warning please tell me!!!! i swear i didnt do it on purpose!! and im sorry of i reblog an undescribed image aswell i just dont know how to do image ids :/
#caspers art - is my art tag!!
#casper wrights - is my wrighting tag :)
#casboy - is essentially just my tag at this point. its full of thirsting that was posted past midnight in my timezone. this is an express warning to NOT look at it
my pintrest is here
my Spotify is here
my artfight user is @/turtleraccoonsoup
i plan on opening a paypal for commissions soon!!
heres my carrd for queer microlables
dni is here of your interested :)
for my own memory purposes i have 19 images on this post
this↓ one is from my lovliest moot @lemmmmmboy :)
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these↓ ones are from @ottomaticangels
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this↓ one was from @cyber-therian
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these↓ ones are randomly found and i cannot find the sources
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these ↓ ones were found off of @lgbtq-userboxes
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panur · 5 days
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adorable art made for me by Noturna (oonoturna), an amazing artist who usually does the lovliest Geraskier, you should have a look! thank you so much my dear, you're the sweetest!
for anyone wondering, i often use an icon of the majestic fat pony, from the looney tunes
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
squiggily my love how are you, i feel like it's been forever since i crashed in your ask box 🖤 i hope the universe gives you the queen treatment you deserve and i will just humbly leave my present in your courtroom and then show myself out to watch from my evil tower of evilness how you open the box and find *drumroooooll* a kny modern au scenario because i'm BACK BABY (moderately so i still need to write job applications but i'm back that's the point)
so anyway the scenario. and it needs to be modern au because. people are alive there.
i've been having some sabito brainrot and he would just be SUCH a horrifying ler, i know it. he knows exactly what teases get to his victim, he knows all their spots, he's agile enough to dodge attacks and strong enough to pin people down, he just has the full package. taking him down is literally impossible.
giyuu tries it. epic fail abort mission the absolute worst day of his life and he's had many of those so you know it's bad.
tanjiro tries it. EPIC fail, sabito is a substitute coach in urokodaki's dojo after all and he knows ALL of tanjiro's moves, it's hopeless.
nezuko tries it. failfailfail because yeah she's cute and dangerous but sabito is a teacher, he knows of the danger that comes from small people and once you see where kids stick their hands you become kinda immune to any kind of cuteness.
giyuu ropes his friends into it. some of them only need a little nudge ("i've been wanting to kill that guy for years" - "SANEMI"), some of them need extra encouragement ("and what's in it for me?" - "fun? exercise? come on kyo..." - "listen if you want this to happen you better treat me to some quality burgers because i won't risk my life for nothing") but in the end they do indeed end up trying their luck. emphasis on trying.
kanae and kyojuro fail spectacularly and publicly because they thought it was a smart idea to ambush sabito on campus. tengen and mitsuri fail embarrassingly because they have all this strength and at the end of the day it really does nothing. sanemi and obanai refuse to talk about it and akaza isn't sure whether he should be absolutely fuming at the defeat or ecstatic that he actually found someone whose martial art skills are on par with his own.
(shinobu and gyomei are smart enough to stay out of the mess and honestly good for them)
except there is one person who can actually take sabito down and that person is makomo. and getting the intel from her was always out of giyuu's pay league (she's EXPENSIVE) but now that sabito has humiliated all of his friends, tengen and his disgusting off-shore untaxed bank account are happy to chip in. and the trick is really just that sabito has one really weird spot but once you get that the rest of his spots sort of unlock like bonus levels and then it's bad. if you're just one person, getting the spot might be hard but well. they're eight now.
that's it i don't have any details after it i just wanted to share the setup. have the most lovliest wonderfullest day and stay hydrated, i will now go rewatch sk8 as i yearn for the ova they announced 🖤🖤
REY! 💖💖💖💖 Hello my love! It’s always a bright day when you come by! I wouldn’t say the universe is treating me very luxurious right now (shark week started and I’m hurting baaaaad 😭) I can’t wait to devour this delightful present! *opens it and gets smacked like a giant boxing glove full of modernAU goodies* YIPPIE! 🥰🥰🥰
SABITO HELP WHZHWJDJSJSJS He’s that one guy you just don’t expect to be so deadly in tickle wars? First glances are deceiving; with his sweet smiles and charming nature you’d think he’d be such an easy lee…BUT THEN- oh as you said; he is DIABOLICAL! Endless knowledge of everyone’s tickle spots combined with his endless agility and strength and there’s no one who can defeat him!
JANZJANZNSNNS SANEMI WHHSB 🤣🤣🤣 He’s so ready to kill good lord! And Rengoku is a MOOD! He’s not going down without proper compensation and I love him for it whsbbsbbsnsbs (Akaza reluctantly impressed is GOLD QJZNANZNSNND 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰) They all just kinda shuffle back defeated and Giyu’s genuinely concerned there’s no way to defeat Sabito
Makomo knows her worth like a true girlboss and I love her for it whsnwnsnwn TENGEN ABXBNWHSJS He’s not ashamed- Sabito took his built like a building down so fast whsnnwnsns I love the idea of Sabito having such a unknown spot qjsnnsnsns (I don’t know why- I’m thinking elbows; like- just above the joint if you squeeze it with the right pressure it’s like an on switch) He gets all giggly and then shocked cause “Wait that wasn’t supposed to happen” and now everyone’s looking at him like 👀👀👀😈😈😈 and he’s RUNNING!
It goes down in history as the greatest fox hunt of all time- Shinobu took pictures and everything (she needs blackmail for future endeavors) and now Sabito has to get even more creative with his tickly attacks to avoid said antics 🤣🤣🤣 God this AU is so GREAT!
Thank you for sharing Rey! This made my kinda iffy morning a lot better 🥰🥰🥰
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camillasgirl · 2 years
Aww, your love story is the sweetest! I didn't know you're married, congrats! Since you write to Camilla, did you tell her she's the reason you two met in the first place?
Thank you! :)
We got married on 9th April this year - so we share the wedding date with Charles and Camilla! :)
Actually, Camilla was one of the first people we told and she has always supported us. She even sent us a gift to our wedding. She's just the kindest ans lovliest person in the world!
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pharawee · 4 months
Hi sweetie, just wanted to pop in and say hi and wish you a wonderful weekend ✌️❤️
Thank you Haley, you're so kind! 🥺🙏
I hope you have yourself the cosiest, comfiest, lovliest weekend! 💜💜💜
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kentopedia · 7 months
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ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚ special delivery!! only the prettiest lil flower for MY prettiest flower!! i heard that you were feelin a lil blue so i wanted to make sure i stopped by to give you so so so many smooches & so so SO MANY flowers!!! ꒰✿´ ꒳ ` ꒱♡ always remember that you are the lovliest!! & you're SO SMART!! & SO TALENTED!!!! the world is the luckiest to have you!! & I am the luckiest to have you here in my lil city!! & to know such a beautiful soul like you!! ପ૮๑ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ๑ აଓ ily so so so sm always!! & the rainclouds won't hang around forever bc here i come to brighten everyth up!!! ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა smoochin you FOREVER!!!
MY LOVELY ANGEL CHLOE! <3 this is the sweetest message ever, thank you so much this means the world to me 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 it's made my week so so so much brighter (๑´>᎑<)~* you are such a ray of sunshine, and i am so thankful for you and your vibrant energy <33 i'm keeping this little note so close to my chest this week so i can remember to smile just for you !!! ILYSM CHLOE !!
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astraystayyh · 7 months
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mcofthemansion · 8 months
NORI! I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY TODAY!!! i hope you hear something so funny that you can't stop laughing!!
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he's so surprised and flustered that someone would choose HIM like REALLY YOU CHOSE HIM??? He doesn't know how to handle a pretty person like you asking him to a dance but he says yes 💜
wayne lends him an old suit that he can wear (eddie cant afford a new one) and he's worried he looks too old fashioned but atleast the suit is black?
but then he sees you in your outfit for the dance and his HEART STOPS, he is so AWESTRUCK of how pretty you look! whether you're wearing a dress or pants he thinks ypu're the lovliest thing he's ever seen 🥺🥺
basically stares at you the whole dance with hos big puppy eyes and a dopey smile on his face the entire time he's just so honored you chose to take him to the dance and he gets to spend the night with you 💕
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gyubby99 · 1 year
I've decided that the speaker/narrator/subject of my songs would all turn into my ocs, so here is how I picture them
Sweet Lily - This song is too personal for me, so I'm just going to picture this character as someone who has a lot of insecurities, who's been used all their life, and started thinking that maybe they're the problem. Their only escape is social media where they meet the narrator of the song, speaking to this "Lily" person.
Personality wise, I think this person is extremely smart and talented but often doubt themself too much. They're like the lovliest people you've ever met in your entire life. In real life they're a very soft spoken person who always seems to be smiling, atleast that's how I pictured the character and the overall song vibe lol
I think she's gonna be a girl named 'Lily'? I'm not sure.
Applause - Very angsty teenager. The type of person who got their very first heartbreak and after that is almost unrecognizable. Like, heartbreak new me lol.
Hopeless romantic and a very emotional sensitive being, that's what they are. And they see nothing wrong with that! A bit petty and extremely sassy. But they have a big heart that's in the right place. Only when you fuck them up would she be a total biatch to u lol
Yep. This character would be a 'she'. Her name would beeeeeee Alex.
Hope - Very similar to Liana's character Alistar. Or maybe it's actually him.
He somewhat came to mind, but there are tons of people I know can possibly be the inspo for this, like the people I've seen on the internet thinking things are over for them just for them to find someone who's right for them (not necessarily romantic) and it somehow gives them hope.
But Alistar.. most of the parts especially the last one, he influenced a little.
But on a separate character, I think I'll name him.. Edward. The other person he's talking about? I'm choosing a "Charlotte"
Dove - Similar to Taylor Swift's "James" character in the folklore love triangle. And shall I say no more.
I'll never love again - OOOFFFFF She's unstable. Mentally not well. Send help.
I wrote this song because I wanted to give "the other woman" a sad pov. Because typically most of the songs are just like 'yeah well im secretly banging your man haha im having so much fun in my life' but I was like "wait but when you're the other woman, you're just a side piece and never often viewed as a human being.. isn't that sad? That the person you'd devote your whole life to only comes to you when they're bored? Isn't that a bit.. not so fun?"
So I wrote it. Im not defending this character's actions, I just wanted to have a little realistic take on what I think the perspective of some "other women" are.
Back to the character, Oh, she came from a household that does nothing but berate her for every single thing that she does. And so this.. person comes in and gives her the validation that she lacked all throughout her life and she falls inlove.. whilst knowing that that person might have tied the knot with someone else?
And she knows she's being used but she doesn't care as long as it's her. And she wanted things to be different, she wanted to end things but she cant. She's stuck. She's trapped. And if ever she ends things with this person she'll.. never love again. It's scary. She's scared that she'll never get that attention again and thinks that they're the only person in the world who understands her. Out of 8 billion people for crying out loud.
Heart of stone from SIX kinda came to mind in this, so.. yeah.
I think her name would be Melody. I have mixed feelings about her as a person which probably makes it better. I love her cause she's my child but like.. she's a bit problematic. She's my problem child.
The only one - if Dear John had a much more younger version, it would be this. But it's about.. SA. Trigger warning for this.
In my head I'm picturing this person as a fourteen year old girl who got taken advantage of by her second father figure after her father died. They had a lot of time together but then that night happened, and she tried to keep it secret out of fear, and she hates herself for not being strong enough to break the lies sooner.
I think she's kind of similar to Lily, and she's a very sweet, soft spoken, wouldn't hurt a fly but would kick a man in the balls if she had to..
The event caused her several nightmares and her only escape just like Lily, is social media. I have a theory that maybe the narrator of this song is also the narrator of "sweet Lily" trying to give advice she doesn't follow herself.
It would be really fun if they sort of found each other and had a more meaningful connection together. They would work out.
Although this person is not a saint either, she rebels and lies a little bit and she jusy says that it's a part of being a teenager. She sleeps late at night, she neglects school, and she's more likely to have adhd as well. She's just like those typical teenagers growing up. She never leaves the room
And her situation got worse when she started getting "late night room visits" from uncle. She stays past one in the morning, she never leaves the room so she couldn't see his face, procrastinates because of the stress he's putting on her, spends more time on her phone for a distraction.
Her name is Rosella. She's a handful teen but she never deserved any of that.
Everything you do - I don't know if you guys have ever watched korean novelas but this guy has that type of vibe. He watches the love of his life being happy with someone else and he's just letting them be happy, doing everything for them to stay that way, having this sort of "best boy standard" personality, he has it all.
He's sweet, and timid. Ofcourse he has a personality outside of being inlove with someone. He mostly cares about academics more than his crush if I'm being honest. He excels in history, and has a lot of traits that can sometimes attract a person. He's very likeable. The type of guy to just smile and say "sorry" at everything instead of being a cocky jock that you bump into down the school hallways.
Personally I would like to be his friend. He's extremely protective of his loved ones and would never pass up and opportunity to sacrifice things for them, even his own happiness. He tries his best to listen and understand you when you communicate with your feelings, and he's not that much of a talker himself and has troubles with expressing how he feels, so he gets you.
He has a lot of habits like oversharing when he's comfortable with someone, and physical ones like tapping his pen onto the table if he doesn't understand something from a schoolwork. He has trouble asking for help but won't hesitate to guide you if you ever need one. He's very introverted, and an optimist.
He has more to it than the song, which is about him having an unrequited crush on someone. Though I won't explicitly tell the gender of his crush because I'm keeping it neutral for ur imagination.
Along my journey of writing this I've decided to name him Zachary.
Never loved you - My girl. She's my favorite child. Jk I don't have a favorite child. But this is my favorite song that I've written, and she was my first child.
A sassy, savy educated young princess who is willing to fight for what is right, what she thinks is right and what she knows is right. She's probably in her early 20's like 21 years old.
She's fierce, sweet, can be cold-blooded when she needs to, feisty, strong, independent woman who can lead on her country without a king. But unfortunately her story ended on a sad note.
She meets the enemy, he falls inlove, she falls harder.
She is absolutely FERAL for this man. I think whenever she sees him sparring with her with no shirt on she refrains because HES THE ENEMY.
She was for sure a feminist, and is very sassy. She'd always sworn to put love aside because she has important matters to deal with like her kingdom, hence why it always says "I swore that I never loved you" at the end of the two choruses.
She saw the enemy as cold and heartless, referencing the lyric "you never seemed to care"
But then it all changed when they kissed that one night, and now they're doing the freckle frackle.
And so she grows anxious because a war has been declared between both kingdoms, and how she doesn't have the heart to kill the love of her life. And she wished she could've been killed by him instead.
Her personality's a little bit more like Liana's characters Loreley or Alruna, and Anna from the Frozen franchise. But she's more of a chill feisty pants and not the off the bat shits feral feisty pants.
A little background for my girl, she's an only child, because her father had died when she was a year old and her mother never remarried. She was beloved by her mother, and she could try to reason her, but she had immense hatred for the other kingdom and she was scared of disappointing her.
She's a fairly good swordswoman, but she finds her strength in words, she's greater expressing herself with writing in her journal, and have fought several debates regarding the laws, politics and histories in her kingdom.
She hates arranged marriages, but is most likely expecting it when she comes of age in her coronation and wedding day. But she has a few boundaries that her future king should respect in order to earn her respect.
I know there's an even deeper reason she fell harder for Damian, but she keeps that secret to herself. Even she doesn't wanna tell me. Maybe she will?
Her name is Marianne. (Pronounced, "Mar-yan")
Snowflake - *sigh* my bisexual child. She fell inlove with a girl she met over the internet and she was her first love and she's being all cheesy about it making "you're the moon to my sun" pick up lines and just.. she's just a little goofy when it comes to romance and her whole world overall just revolved around her for a bit before she reminded herself that she actually had a life outside her phone screen?
If she and this person actually met irl they would be the cheesiest of lovers. And she's a bimbo I'm confirming it. She's the "everything is now broken and on fire" kind of dumb. The song is actually just a draft and I dont know if I'm continuing it, so there's nothing much to know about her at the moment. When I write something in full or like, I finish halfway through I get a glimpse of what character this person I'm writing as the narrator actually is, and this one's just the "vibe" the beat and the lyrics are giving me.
Literally. It's just a short little draft because I too felt a little cheesy. Lol.
Her name's Emilyn. She prefers to be called "Emmy" cause she doesn't like her name very much. It's too old-timey for her liking, and her mom picked it out. (I do think that this narrator is not on very good terms with her mother)
Talk about it - Oh this is the Damian guy. Marianne's eherm.. lover.
Oh, what do I say about him? His pov is pretty much just like the previous one and I'm gonna put in everything I know for now. Maybe it'll influence me to expand on him by continuing the song idk
He fell inlove first, because she was a badass and he probably wants to be topped as she did. His father and Marianne's mother declared war as the final command before letting their children take the throne.
I'm going to spoil the ending based on Marianne's pov, he dies. But that isn't even the saddest part yet. Marianne gets to be crowned queen.
"Well there's nothing wrong about that!" WRONG.
Marianne gets arranged to marry some random dude two weeks after the war and her lover's death. Nice! But I'll still make my own fanon world of them getting married anyways so canon doesn't really matter. Just be delusional.
And he recognizes her confusion, her anxiety, but he wanted to find a proper way to talk about that. He loves her a lot and it also stressed him to see her stressing about the war declared, and fun fact he used the last bit of strength he had to reach for Marianne, but she was on the other side of the war and couldn't respond.
He tried calling off the war with his father, and tried to reason with him by saying "They're too weak to fight" just so he can convince his father, so he never meant it.
His kingdom had the upper hand at the war, but this man was ready to give his kingdom's legacy up and his whole life for her, so he just waited for something to strike him and then that was it.
And she couldn't break, or else everyone will know she was a traitor sleeping with the enemy.
A little background for him though, he grew up without a mother, lost her to the plague, and his father was medicore dad. Not a bad one but not a good one either. Like he'd let him play outside but let the maids take responsibility when he gets hurt. He never abused him but he never seemed cared for him either, so 50/50.
He was an only child. He was a lone wolf who spent all his life, even his youth, training non-stop. Which means he has like huge muscles.
His dad couldn't care less about what he wants so he's a bit free-spirited like he had free reign over anything in his kingdom.
I think he'd be an ambivert. I've never seen an ambivert character before and I'm getting that vibe from him. He's just a pure soul having fun, honestly. I love that for him.
Monster in a cage - I'll just explicitly tell you that I wrote it about Elsa from Frozen so I don't think I'll ever make a character for that unless I wanted a Frozen rip-off lmfao
But yeah the lyrics are pretty self explanatory if you've seen me post it like, one time. Come on, locked doors and self blaming? If the reference was a snake it would've bitten you already.
Home - probably the youngest of my characters. I love her so much my poor baby child :(
She's probably 9 or 10. She's a daddy's girl who lost her father but she still remembers the promises he made like, childish stuff.. like going to the north pole to build snowmen and snow angels and make a house where they make hot cocoa for the rest of their lives.. just child dreams.
And then he just... he was just gone, and she watched his body slowly succumb to the cruel hands of death. Like she watched it and she didn't even have time to process, because the people screaming for him to wake up were distracting her and she just wants to mute them all and cry herself.
She was traumatized, and now whenever she goes to a hospital she just feels sick. She couldn't get over it, how his body had its last seizure before it completely shuts down. The only comfort she had was that he was in heaven and he's not sick anymore. That's it. That was all.
Im naming this baby girl Jane. I love her so much :(((
*holds gently* if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
I think that would be all? I need to reread some of them that I forgot before I make another one ig?
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nowritingonthewall · 10 months
it's your birthday??? Happy birthday, Chrissie!!!!! I hope you have the most marvelous day!!! And good luck with the Falcon 👀
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Thank you so much, Tegan 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Awwwwww Poe and Oddy, that's is such an adorable hug, it deserves so much more appreciation than it usually gets in the fandom 💖
And OMG your icon is the CUTEST 🥺🥺🥺
I hope you're having the lovliest of days, too 🤗
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It’s not even funny how often i read the wereroomies series over and over again. It always makes my day and gives me so much comfort. It gives me that home like fuzzy feeling. Thank you truly for sharing your writing with us! You deserve all the love and i Hope you feel loved<3 Take care! Hope you have the lovliest day ^^
you're so cute and adorable and i'm just really happy that you can enjoy these stories this much
thank you for reading and for sending me this message, it warms my heart💜💜💜💜
you take care, and i hope you had a nice day, too !
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