#youll feel the cool of the morning
oldtreeinanalley · 2 months
come with me. lets go to russian karaoke bars by the beach and sing bad 80s pop music
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#fucking. god dammit. i hype myself up like: fuck it i dont want a uk phd#and then i fucking pre interview. which was a full on fucking hour long interview and im reminded how#fucking cool the project is. like hhhhh why cant u b in the us????#they can only pick one candidate. and like oh yea we could send u to the arctic or southern ocean#fuck u thats so cool hhhhhh ugh. im hoping when i visit [redacted] school i fall in love so completely that i can say no#but ugh its so so cool. and i feel like they were impressed with me. like i feel the interview went well#and one guy was like: even if u dont end up here youll have a stellar research career. and im like 😭#like i kno im not a perfect fit for the project but like im. i think my brain is good at some things so i could contribute things#ugh now im all shaky a sweaty. and after i visit the other school i have to immediately let the uk school kno if i wanna comit to them#then i could maybe visit the lab. tho idk when id have the time to fucking fly to the uk#uuuuuugh school bullshit. so stressful. but im glad they think what ive done is cool#like i feel so dumb all the time bc the trauma of being dyslexic in the american public school system that as soon as someone says im smart#or impressive im like 😭😭😭#also they asked how i feel abt writing papers and i was like: convention is bullshit and i dont think thats what the guy was expecting lmao#its true tho. fuck convention. challenge convention. be open to new ideas. otherwise whats the point#sigh. well i felt awful this morning. i mean. its only like 9.30 now but i feel a bit better now#since my last interview was a disaster i feel way better abt my interviewing skills now. which is good bc i have 2 more looming#unrelated
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mysicklove · 7 months
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summary: Yuuji finds himself sick, and it gives him a perfect opportunity to spend time with his older brother.
wc: 1.8k
a/n: its back friends. all i think about is them.
big brother au masterlist
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Yuuji lets out a mucus-filled cough and Sukuna cringes. The toddler turns to him and sniffles with a frown on his face. The elder, in return, rolls his eyes but readjusts the cool rag on his brother's forehead. "Don't look at me like that. Whose fault is this? If you do stupid things, you have to pay the consequences, little pest."
The boy doesn't move; instead, he just stubbornly shakes his head. "W-Wanted to play!"
"In the rain? Without any warm clothes? You truly are an idiot," Sukuna scolds, grabbing Yuuji's water bottle from the nightstand and forcing it into the little boy's mouth. 
Yuuji developed a fever this morning after sneaking out into the backyard last night to play in the rain puddles. Now he was stuck in bed, which was hard for the toddler who was always on the go and harder for Sukuna, who has to pretend that he isn't worried sick. 
You walk into the boy's room, and Yuuji immediately looks towards you. He tears the sippy cup from his mouth and lets out a high-pitched whine, already beginning to reach his arms toward you. He knows youll coddle him, unlike his brother, and the exhausted boy was craving attention. When you make it over the bed, he reaches his hands upward to you and pleads, "Up! Up!"
You frown at the boy, already reaching down to scoop him up, but Sukuna quickly intervenes, gently slapping your hand away. "No. He might get you sick too. Brat, you stay in bed."
The toddler opens his mouth to protest, but another cough cuts him off. Then, with watery eyes, he turns to Sukuna and nods. "Yes, b-brother."
You coo at the boy, using your palm to cup his warm cheek and thumb at the soft skin. Yuuji rests his entire head on the touch, and you frown. "Poor baby," You sigh, and Yuuji, ever the one to love being doted on, nods pitifully, adding an extra sniffle for effect. Sukuna almost rolls his eyes at the action.
"Why don't you coddle me like that when I am sick?" Sukuna complains before reaching over and pulling the blanket higher up Yuuji's chest. The boy mumbles out a thank you, but the elder ignores him.
"You whine too much, act like you are dying. Yuuji isn't being dramatic, huh Yuuji?" The boy nods, gripping your arm and rubbing his face into your hand.
"No," he mumbles, "Not being dramatic!" He lets out a loud whine, and Sukuna already knows what's coming. "Feel so bad. Hurts!"
The boy seems to curl around your arm, and Sukuna sighs. "Yeah. Not dramatic at all." The kid sounds exactly like Sukuna when he is sick. Just minutes before, he proclaimed to Sukuna that he wanted to play again, even if he was still immensely ill. He just wanted attention, and it was obvious to everyone but you.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, Yuuji. I brought you some medicine that will make you feel better." The boy's face drops at the word, and he hesitantly lets go of your arm. Sukuna barks a laugh at Yuuji's now twisted face. 
The toddler shakes his head gently, too tired to show his real disapproval. "N-No! No medicine!" It always tasted horrible to the toddler, and he knows that if he whines enough, he may be able to get his way.
Sukuna sighs, holding out his hand to you, and you drop the bottle into it. Then, he pours a copious amount of the pink strawberry-flavored liquid, made specifically for children, into the small measuring cup. 
Yuuji starts to scoot backward on the bed, trying to create some distance between the two. The elder does not let him go far – he grabs Yuuji's hand and places the small cup into it. "Now drink it, or I'm forcing it down your throat."
The boy gulps, glancing at you, who gives him an encouraging nod. Then he places it to his lips but pauses. "Go on," Sukuna demands.
"I want a treat after!" 
Sukunas barks a malicious laugh, and you raise your eyebrows at the boy. You have never heard him try to negotiate before. "Bullshit. Your "treat" is not to be stuck in bed, weakling."
You narrow your eyes at him when you hear the curse word, but Sukuna shrugs it off. Yuuji, on the other hand, eyes widen, and he shakes his head. "Bad word!" He then turns to you in confirmation, pointing at his brother. "He said a bad word!"
You nod your head at him, trying to hide a smile. You were glad that your lessons of not saying curse words stuck with the boy, even with his brother's foul mouth. "Yes, he did. Sukuna, now you definitely owe him a treat afterward."
Sukuna glares at you, but you are used to it, so you instead just flash him a grin. You have told him a multitude of times how you feel about him saying curse words in front of the kid. You didn't want him to grow up so similarly to Sukuna; as much as you love the man, his dirty mouth is not something you hope Yuuji will inherit. 
Sukuna turns his attention back to his brother. "You little–"
"Please, Kuna?" Yuuji pleads, letting out another cough that makes him nervous. He rubs at his temple.
"Fine. Whatever. Just drink it, you manipulative brat." Yuujis eyes lighten up, and he brings the artificially smelling liquid to his mouth, cringing but drinking the entire thing. When he pulls away, his face is contorted in disgust, and he looks toward you. You run your fingers through his hair and praise the small boy, grabbing the small cup from his hands. 
Sukuna curtly nods his head. "Good. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, brat, but we are out of chocolate. No treat for you," He fake pouts at the boy, but Yuuji, in turn, just shakes his head with a small smile.
"Not what I want."
Sukuna raises his eyebrow, thinking for a second, before sighing. "We are out of popsicles too."
"Not that either!" Yuuji shakes his head with this one, and you cock your head to the side in confusion.
Sukuna borderline growls at the boy. "We are not watching Human Earthworm 2. Last time you nearly pissed yourself from how afraid you were." You laugh at the memory, remembering how much Yuuji pleaded to watch it for days, only to have it be turned off twenty minutes into the movie. The poor boy would make Sukuna walk him to the bathroom at night because he was so afraid of being alone in the dark.
Yuuji pouts at him, and another small cough it let out. You grab him some more water, and the boy mumbles a thank you before turning back to his brother. "I wasn't scared! And no, not that either!"
Sukuna pinches the bridge of his nose, trying not to lose his temper. "What do you want then?"
The smile on Yuuji's face returns, even with the pinkened cheeks and the little bits of sweat on his temples. "Want Kuna to cuddle me!"
Your eyes widen, and you can't stop the laugh that leaves your mouth. Sukuna, on the other hand, goes silent for a long moment. "Not happening. Pick something else."
Yuuji whines out, shaking his head stubbornly. "Nooooo. You said I get a treat!"
"You are going to get me sick."
The boy sniffles at him, shaking his head. "Th-Thought brother was the strongest…"
This makes you grin, knowing your lover's ego well. And just like you thought, Sukuna lets out a dramatically large sigh. "Fucking–Fine. Whatever. Scoot over." You and Yuuji both let the curse word slide, being shocked at him actually agreeing.
Yuuji slides over, and Sukuna forces his way under the blankets beside the boy. You sit and watch as Yuuji basically scampers up Sukuna's chest until his head is placed in the elder's neck and his entire body is on top of the man. "Okay, really?" Sukuna grumbles, and you chuckle at him. "Are you some sort of spider monkey now?"
The boy hums in agreement, pressing himself impossibly closer to his brother. You take this time to stand up from the bed, having no room to fit you both. Sukuna watches you begin to leave and frowns at you. "Where are you going?"
This was a perfect time to give them some bonding time. So you shrug, "I'll be right back."
"You better be," Sukuna grumbles and Yuuji coincidentally sneezes into his neck. The man's whole body jerks, and he cringes. "Hey! None of that, that's disgusting!"
Yuuji whimpers, wrapping his arms tighter around his brother as if he was afraid to leave. Then he whispers an apology, and Sukuna rolls his eyes again.
You grab the door to the handle and step outside. "Well, have fun you two. Yuuji, feel better!"
Yuujis cranes his neck to look at you and waves back to you with a small smile, content in his position. Sukuna, on the other hand, glares at you. "Dont you dare leave me here with this brat."
You huff a laugh, ignoring him and already planning what movie you will watch by yourself. "Love you!"
"Hey!" He yells when you shut the door on him.
And, of course, luck is not always on Sukuna's side. When you come to check on them two hours later, you find them both passed out – Yuuji practically smothers Sukuna with his tiny body, drooling on the elder's face. You leave them like that, not thinking much of it.
But three days go by, and somehow Sukuna finds himself stuck in bed with a fever. He never dared to mention that Yuuji probably got him sick, his pride getting the better of him. 
You and the kid walk into your shared bedroom, Yuuji with a massive smile, finally feeling better, and you with a content grin. Sukuna slowly peers over to the door and groans out loud and dramatic. 
"Dont worry, Kuna! Dr. Yuuji is here to take care of you!" He cheers, grabbing his toy stethoscope and shuffling over to the bed. He manages to climb onto the bed with his brother without much trouble, and you follow him, sitting on the bed next to your lover. Like you did with Yuuji, you ran your fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him.
Sukuna peers at you, eyes slightly lighting up and a familiar grin pulling at his face. You already know something inappropriate is about to leave his mouth.
"I would feel so much better if you were in a nurse costume right now." But before you could try to reply, Yuuji shuts him up by shoving a toy thermometer into his mouth.
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monpalace · 11 months
Fanfic devil (affectionate) :3
Time is the type of guy that LOVES laying ontop of you. Resting his head on your stomach/chest while his arms are wrapped around your waist!
He loves this for a few reasons! 1, he feels as though he’s protecting you with him covering most of your body from outer harm and 2, your head scratches are the best??? You could knock this man out in a matter of seconds when you play with his hair
He honestly gets a little upset/pouty if he doesn’t get his nightly head scratches. Like you could be reading a book or doing something that is taking your attention and Time will just flop down beside you and huff.
Imagine a pouting husky, thats him
(Modern) Time in highschool/college gives jock/greaser vibes?? And imagine his s/o/crush having a more punk/alternative aesthetic?? Power couple frfr
(Modern) Time in highschool was the type of guy that, after he sent a flirty test to his crush, he’d slam his ohone down and walk away. Like hell do laps around the house at he just OVERTHINKS and blushes at how stupid that was.
Will fucking dive bomb his phone when he hears the notification ding
This could be modern or regular Time but, imagine you two are reading a mystery novel and you both are trying to solve the mystery while reading??? Like yall dead ass bought another copy of the book so you could tear it apart and put all the clues on a board
Hes so cute when he has to wear a set of reading glasses as he looks over some ‘clues.’ You give him many kisses while he has them on, and he has no idea why you random get super lovey but he’ll never complain
Time is the type of lover that loves to watch his s/o get ready in the morning. Its so domestic to him?? It reminds him that he’s more than a hero now, hes more than just his sword.
But he is also the type of lover that will lock his arms around his s/o’s waist and try to keep them home. Like, he’ll still be lying in bed and youll be at the edge if it, having come back to give him a kiss before you left, but now your just….stuck
He just straight up refuses to let you go, giggling to himself as you try and break free. You do end up on the floor at one point, just laughing as you try to crawl away from him.
He just drags your ass back up into the bed. You aint going anywhere tonight, good luck!
i also love your thoughts on this stuff so much 😭😭 got me laughing and smiling at this shit
fanfic (solar) system 🫶🏽
aren't huskies notorious for being loud and dramatic asf? you forget to massage his head one time and he just pretends to cry while spewing on about "oh so you don't love me anymore? you hate me? did you just tell me to literally sleep with the fishes? you never want to see me again in your life? you can't stand the sight of my face? you want me to fuck off and die?"
he strikes me as the type to whine when you get up and use the bathroom or get a snack like that one tiktok audio because, if time is one thing, it is clingy-- but it's amplified when he's tired
he also drools. i don't make the rules.
you make the mistake of wearing a cropped top, wearing one that raises easily, or just forgoing one altogether and there's either an unbroken line of saliva going from your belly button to your chest (he likes listening to your heart-- it reminds him you're alive) or it's just all up in your neck and pillow 😭😭
time's knowledge on anything punk/alternative is seriously lacking before meeting his s/o. he knew nothing of the style, music, beliefs, etc, etc but he got really into it once you introduced him to them
he gives you his helmet whenever you both ride on his because he says he doesn't have a spare (he does) and that he just wants you to be safe. sometimes he situates you so that he's behind you while he still maneuvers/controls the bike because he's just cool like that (he practiced it a lot with his friends)-- but he also melts whenever you're in control of the bike because he gets to take the backseat and put his hands around your waist like in those movies
(he says he traded it out in college for something more "practical," but he really just has it hidden in a shed/garage somewhere. he goes in and repairs it whenever he has the time since it's so old and he's to attached to sell it)
time would send something like "i liked your shirt," and then toss his phone out a window before anxiously trying to do something productive. he tries to put off answering as long as he can so he doesn't come off as desperate but he ends up biting his nails and giving not even 45 seconds later
he squeals like a child when gets a "thank you (: i liked your jacket," before immediately over-analyzing with a little corkscrew board and everything. "should i buy something with [brand] so they'll compliment me? would they like it if i got them something with [brand] on it? is this a sign they like me or am i just being delusional"
HE'D LOOK LIKE SUCH A NERD WITH THE READING GLASSES THOUGH? imagine he actually has terrible eyesight, you take his glasses and put them on, and immediately walk into a wall or something? 😭
"woah! you might need glasses more than me lol"
"you look like a fucking mosaic and picasso painting mixed together. stop talking"
his little grandpa glasses lower his intimidation by a landslide so he rarely wears them, so it's only natural you drown him in affection. he takes it in stride (even in public) and asks why you're so obsessed with him when you wear them and you only respond with ";3c" or something
trippy i will like,, collapse and die or something 😭 character a keeping character b from leaving the bed/house is my one weakness
assumedly, time is stronger than you, right? because of that he'll definitely manhandle you back into bed with little effort, day clothes be damned-- if you keep trying to fight him even after he goes back to laying right on top of you, he uses the excuse of "i'm the goddess' chosen hero. tell them i need you for something"
"i can't do that if you keep me here."
"then i'll go in with you and tell them tomorrow," and then he doesn't. he pulls the exact same thing the very next day for the rest of the week
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jjunsolos · 1 year
CHANGE OF PLANS - fall in luv.
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synopsis - yang yn. a sweet girl who is in love with a man who is, unfortunately, in love with someone else. all yn can do at this point is just hope that they cross paths. and they will… right?
warnings - written, mentions of food, mentions of kidnap (no one gets kidnapped), kissing🤫, shit writing. lmk if i missed anything 🙏
wc - 1k+
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“so youre just gonna kidnap me from my house and then refuse to tell me where youre taking me?”
taehyun giggles as he continues to drive. the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up. his shirt slightly unbuttoned and his hair parted in a way that reveals his forehead.
“its a secret. it wont be as surprising if i just tell you where im taking you”
cars pass by as you look out the window. the sun was out and the breeze was nice.
when you woke up this morning, you didnt expect a text from taehyun telling you to get ready before he drives over to your place. youre glad that you get to hang out with him, though. schools been so stressful lately. you only spend your time studying these days so hanging out with taehyun is probably just what you need.
“taehyunnnn, please tell me where youre taking me” you jut your lips out into a pout while taehyun chuckles at you.
“be patient, pretty. we’re almost there i promise”
pretty. damn taehyun and that nickname.
you turn your head to the window again, hoping that taehyun doesnt notice the blush on your cheeks.
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after a few more minutes of driving, the car comes to a stop. when you look out the window, you see a beautiful park. no, not a children’s park, but a park filled with trees and pretty flowers. almost like a public garden.
“oh… my…”
“do you like it?” taehyun asks, worry and nervousness can be detected in his voice
“like it? i love it! lets go, lets go, lets GOOO” you excitedly hop out of the car and start sprinting around the grassy area. taehyun laughs. then hes off too.
“yah! come back you little chipmunk”
giggles and laughs are heard all over the park. not that there was much people present anyway. the park was almost empty with only two or three other people taking walks and stuff.
out of breath, you lie down. chest moving up and down violently. your breath heavy as you attempt to block the sun with your left arm. you close your eyes to soak in the environment around you. suddenly the brightness of the sun disappears from your eyelids and you can no longer feel the heat on your face. but to your surprise, your eyes are met with taehyuns once you open them. he gives you a smile along with a little giggle.
“out of breath?” he asks, lying down next to you
“oh yeah. i probably shouldnt have run so much. im so sweaty now”
“oh thats fine,” he says “youll cool up eventually”
confused, you turn your head and stare at taehyun. he turns and stares at you back.
“what? you thought i brought you here just so we can run around and smell flowers?”
taehyun laughs.
“well yeah. but i also brought food. i thought that we should have a little picnic near that pond” you follow taehyuns finger as he points at the pond that was surrounded by bushes and trees. it looked so pretty.
“oh my gosh!! LETS GET THE FOOD THEN”
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you had the blanket and taehyun had the basket of food. you both talked on your way towards the pond, too excited to keep your mouths shut.
once there, you lay out the blanket with taehyuns help. then you take off your shoes and sit in the blanket. it felt nice and comfy. despite the grass tickling your legs a little bit, you were sooo comfortable.
“okay eat up. i brought your favorite foods.”
you have two favorite words. “favorite” and “foods”. you smile before grabbing one of the many delicious foods in front of you and take a bite
you close your eyes, enjoying the taste of the food in your mouth. youre unaware that taehyun is looking at you. adoring you. he notices the small details. like how the corners of your lips curl up when you smile, tiny dimples appearing on your cheeks. or how your eyes widen a little whenever you take a bite of your food.
“what? is there sauce on my face?” you ask him. taehyun chuckles before replying.
“yeah. lemme get it for you” taehyun crawls forward. one hand reaching for your cheek while the other supported him up. his thumb brushes the bottom of your lip delicately. like a feather. taehyun’s hand stays there for a while, his beautiful brown eyes meeting yours.
youre blushing. you know you are. but how can you not?? you cant help it when taehyun is looking at you so intensely.
damn i wanna kiss him…
and as if hes reading your mind, taehyun leans in slowly as you watch as his lips get closer and closer to yours.
and just like that, your lips connected.
it was a soft kiss. passionate, but soft. you felt like you could just melt in his arms. your feelings can no longer be contained.
your hand reaches up into his hair as the other hand wraps around the back of his neck.
your mind is fuzzy. your breathing picks up, so does your heart beat.
you guys finally separate, catching your breaths while looking deeply into each others eyes’. taehyun chuckles a little before resting his forehead against yours. he closes his eyes and sighs.
“ive been wanting to do that for a while” your head tilts.
“a while? what do you mean by that?”
“i like you, yn. i like you a lot. ive been waiting for the perfect moment to tell you and i think this is it. this is the moment”
you giggle.
“well. good thing for you, mr kang that i just so happen to like you back”
taehyun gasps as his hand automatically swings towards his mouth and stays there. his eyes are wide open.
“REALLY?? OHMYGAWSH thank you, thank you, thank you” in second, youre laying on the ground with taehyun on top of you, arms wrapped around your neck and his legs straddling your stomach. your laughs are so genuine and loud.
taehyun looks into your eyes with a big smile on his face. you look at him the same way.
youre in love. and you can finally say it out loud.
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taglist [closed] - (bold = couldnt mention)
@itspalaly @forever-in-the-sky2 @wonioml @aestheticsluut @cutesince2000 @taekwondoes @mackjestic @ghostfacefricker6969 @venmntl @ashxxgyu @luvsoobs @captivq @catsyoon @pinkheadflowers @belovedxiao @marekmybeloved @sullystraw @lovekyr @beomfair @thisisnotjacinta @ckline35 @softie00 @strawbrinkofdeath @hawkins-hs @ioszzn @b1ndignity @enhapocketz @calssunflower @wezbin @londonchuu @boomboomcat @floating-moon-dust @letapostropheesgo @uno7 @hoonfever @vixensss @bunnystrm @mxxnlight-ash @hyu-kas @irehluvr @medream @absheva @mxlsmith @txtbrainrot @curly-fr13s @erin-calling
author’s note - LAST CHAPTER YAWLLL💔 i had sm fun writing this series and im so glad that i had the opportunity to meet sm wonderful people! tysm everyone, really. i do actually have an epilogue that im gonna post tmrw so pls stay for that! i love u guys sm💗
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respiteresponse · 8 months
i saw the tiktok dream duetted this morning after i woke up and it made me sooo sad like : ( ive been constantly having to block random accounts on my fyp making fun of him for such cruel insensitive reasons just because its normalized and like cool to hate him i guess and ifl half the people commenting and making these posts dont even really know why they hate him. or i guess they think they do idk. its just so weird . maybe try embracing the things that you love instead and youll feel like a better person
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hai ariiiiii :3 guess whos SICK . me . im sick
ANYWAY thinking abt sugubooboo taking care of u while sick ,,,,,,,,
u kno when u get that feeling ur gonna b sick in the morning the night b4 it all hits ? i think sugu picks up on that after u blow ur nose one 2 many times n he asks if ur okay
ur not. obviously . so he heats up some nice peppermint tea, and something my mom does when im sick is take some honey, mix it w ginger powder + some other stuff thats good 4 ur throat and make me eat a spoonful of it [its gross as HELLLL i hate it but i feel a lil better afterwards] then tucks u in2 bed [later after uve fallen asleep he calls out of work for tomorrow, he REFUSES to leave u alone + sick]
the next morning ur properly Sick and suguru wakes u up w breakfast in bed, all warm foods infused with clove, mint, ginger, and sets a few packs of tissues next 2 the bed
after uve eaten he lays in bed w u 4 a bit, kissing your head and fiddling w ur hands. eventually u ask abt work, he said he called out 4 both u n him.
he trusts u 2 take a shower on ur own, but when u get out hes holding a towel and wraps u in it immediately then just hovers around u as u do ur morning routine, making sure youre okay n not abt 2 like . pass out or smthn
once ur dressed and fully cocooned in the bed once again, suguru pours out some cold medicine 4 u and hands u water once that NASTY liquid slides down ur throat. he gives u a lil candy as a palate cleanser tho, hes not mean
i think after that u just fall in and out of sleep 4 teh rest of the day until u get hungry again or need another dose of medicine. sometimes u wake up 2 suguru humming and playing w ur hair while he reads a book, sometimes he joins u and takes a nap w u. the only time u wake up alone is when its lunch or dinner n hes in the kitchen making smthn spicy 2 open ur sinuses
everytime u take a dose of medicine, he kisses you on the lips then pushes a glass of water in one hand n some candy in the other. hed probably mumble 'good job' or smthn like that in2 the top of ur head as he cuddles u while ur trying 2 get the taste out of ur mouth
he does NOT care if u sneeze n get snot all over him, puke on him if u have a stomach bug, cough in his face, or r generally disheveled. u could never disgust him.
if its sunny out, hell offer 2 take u outside just 4 a lil bit. if u dont think u can walk hes gonna pick u up. no complaining u NEED that sun, hell argue while sliding the patio door open
youll sit out 4 a bit, soaking up the sunshine then when u want 2 go back 2 bed hell carry u back and gently tuck u in2 bed
if ur 2 weak 2 even blow ur nose, hes holding the tissue 2 ur nose n waiting 4 u 2 blow. the chapstick might b all the way across the room n ur savior ends up being suguru and his long legs. the temp in the house is 2 hot? hes turning the a/c down and all the fans r coming 2 ur room bcuz he knows how slow the heating n cooling takes 2 change.
also everytime he walks in2 the room, hes asking how r u? do u need anything? does anything hurt too much? and he probably has smthn 4 u 2 do so ur not on ur phone all day [guess . guess who was on their phone all day . ME]
at the very end of the day, hes got u curled up in his lap on the bed, INCREDIBLY comfortable, and theres some movie on the tv in the bedroom. like juno or some other feel good indie movie. sugurus just kissing u everywhere on ur face and clutching u tight 2 him because u got super clingy after he had 2 run out 4 last minute groceries. since its past dinner time, he gives u lil candied ginger pieces 2 help w ur throat n other snacks 2 go w the movie.
eventually u fall asleep in his arms in the middle of the movie, smothered in warmth on all sides.
OKAY . WOW . moving on, HOW WAS UR DAY ARI ??? tell me abt that book ur reading rn !! u seem very enthusiastic abt it, id luv 2 know y ^_^ ! [personally my day was . ouchie . and ive got a book abt decolonialism checked out from the library rn :3]
ASHLEY !!!!!!!!! i’m answering this kinda late i hope your cold is gone by now 😔😔😔
BUT . GODDDDDDDDDD ARE YOU OUT TO KILL ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭 BE HONEST . how did you know sugu sickfics are my greatest weakness………… (i actually have . a whole fic just like this that i wrote a year ago or so 😭😭 YOU MADE ME WANNA GO BACK N READ IT HHHH this is very bad for my weak suguloving heart….) I’M JUST. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAYY. you keep serving me meals on a silver platter n i’m just?!?!! eating gratefully …. thank you……
NO BC YOU’RE SOOOOO RIGHT YOU’RE SO OBJECTIVELY CORRECT :((((((( HE’S. THE SWEETEST. the best bf around !!!!!! he’s so good at caring for you when you’re sick…. sniffle……. AND OFCCCC HE’D PICK UP ON IT INSTANTLY TOO. his sixth sense is so crazy accurate when it comes to his baby </33333 and wahhh him making you tea and tucking you in and calling in sick for you 🥺🥺🥺 he just wants you to feel better……
WAKING YOU UP . W BREAKFAST IN BED. WHAT IF I CRYYYYY THIS CONCEPT IS SO DEAR TO MY HEART ASHLEY ….. and him just. hovering around you. i feel like he would stand outside the bathroom while you shower just in case you were to fall over or smth…….. he’s so caring :(((( and wrapping you up in a towel…… cocooning you into bed. sniffle. i need him to baby me sooooo bad it’s not a want it’s a need …… he rlly would stay by your side the Whole time………… cooks for you and tends to you and makes sure you’re okay . he’s so good. i feel like he kind of really loves it too….. he doesn’t love that you’re sick BUT . he loves being allowed to take care of you :’3 loves making you feel better.
ALSOOO him kissing you and praising you whenever you take your medicine T_T oughhhhhhhh one kiss on the forehead + ”good girl/boy” from him and i would be OUT like a light. collapsed. fainted. he would be so good at coaxing you into taking it ……… ANDDDDD the part abt you never disgusting him. SO true. you could never ever disgust him he just wants you to be okay…….. forcing you out into the sunlight………… asking if you need anything……………. making sure you aren’t bored…………………. ohhhhh he’s 2 perfect we need to put him down.
sugurus just kissing u everywhere on ur face and clutching u tight 2 him because u got super clingy after he had 2 run out 4 last minute groceries.
AND THEN . YOU TOP IT OFF WITH THIS. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ THIS MADE ME MELT….. i’m so…………. i have so many thoughts abt this. sugu would LOVE a clingy s/o but i keep specifically thinking of him w an s/o who’s shy w physical affection.,,,, and how he’d react when they get sick and suddenly get all cuddly . 🥺 he would love it so much. kisses you all over and holds you soooo tight and he’s just!!!!! so enamored!!!!!!!!! you’re like a lil koala. he loves you. sob.
WAHHHHH THANK YOU FOR THE ABSOLUTE MEAL MY BELOVED i’m not exaggerating btw this is gonna feed my sugu thoughts for weeks to come…… AND MY DAY WAS GOOD!!!! i’m sorry to hear your day was ouchie </3 i hope it’s all better now!!! pls make sure to rest and eat properly <33 it’s what sugu would want for you!!!!!
AND . THE BOOK. YES. it’s called giovanni’s room by james baldwin and it’s sooooo <33333 yeah. it’s so good. i LOVE baldwin’s prose so much??????? and the story is just . AUGH. i’m still not finished but i’m so obsessed. it’s basically abt a closeted guy in like … the 1800s-1900s? who goes on vacation in paris while his girlfriend is in spain. and he meets this rlly mysterious charming italan barman called giovanni……….. the book is abt their relationship + their own experiences w homosexuality + their tragic ending (it’s revealed at the very beginning of the book that giovanni will meet his end by the guillotine)…..
so it’s just . yeah. it’s such a gorgeous book :’3 and just so . idk. raw? visceral?? i love giovanni a lot. and more than anything i loves james baldwin <333 i’m planning to buy another of his books too!!!! it’s called tell me how long the train’s been gone :3 I RLLY RECOMMEND BOTH OF THEM!!! i hope the book you just got ends up being good too <33
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whitemonsterenjoyer · 2 months
Stupid stupid rant about my friend
TLDR: Friends are disappointing! I should just isolate myself and focus on ⭐ving instead!!!
honestly kind of fucking hate my friend right now. he gets pissed off over the smallest fucking shif and he never fucking says anything. he like hates communication. its gotten to a point where i dont want to play games with him and our other friends because he just gets annoyed and yells at us. i always feel like im doing something wrong! im so uncomfortable all the time! and then they get confused and upset when i dont feel like playing again. buddy, how can i fucking enjoy anything when youre making me feel uncomfortable at best the whole time????
he reminds me of my ex so much its awful. i cant stand him sometimes. if you dont respond the right way or at all hes say some shit like "i should just die" or "you guys hate me" and i just! hate it! and he refuses to communicate ANYTHING. hed rather give you the silent treatment IN THE FUCKING VOICE CHAT. you ask him a question qnd youll have to keep repeating it for like ten minutes before hell answer because he got mildly upset. he got snippy with us because we didnt have the game open the moment he joined the call. he got fucking mad at us for mentioning school while were on break. like???? im fucking sorry that we briefly mentioned something thats been a part of our daily lives for the last like 12 years? and we barely even actually talked about school. i just got upset that ill have to sit with the annoying kids in my first period, and our other friend said that her voicemail was full of colleges doing college shit. not only that, its just really fucking dumb that hes upset over talking about school during break. its literally fucking ending, you cant not think about it. and does he think that hes the only one stressed over school?? one friend doesnt even have freetime during the week a majority of the time because shes doing so much school shit. i almost committed in freshman year! and even now, i need hours after school every day to decompress because im so fucking overstimulated and overwhelmed all day! and the third other person is taking FIVE AP CLASSES. their ass is swamped with work too!!! meanwhile, he can get home and have the time and energy to draw and play video games and record and edit videos all in the same day. if snything he doesn't get to say anything about not wanting to think about school while relaxing bc hes the most relaxed!
i asked him why he didnt tell us smtg would upsst him before we did it and he just responded with "i assumed you guys were cool." ok.
i mentioned that i had stolen sone of my parents alc while i was doing online school. yknow that period of time where i was struggling with dissociation and thoughts of committing? and nobody was fucking talking to me? he said that made me a bad person.
our friend has a girlfriend and naturally they spend a lot of time together. he gets upset seeing that theyre playing the same game or knowing that theyre hanging out without us. i dobt mind, i just wished shed let us know that she had plans rather than leaving out of nowhere. but he genuinely like despises her for spending time with her significant other.
ive stopped making plans with him because he kept flaking. he was always so indecisive and he would cancel plans the night before so often. sometimes even the MORNING OF. he would want to save money even if he wouldve spent a total of 10 dollars, or hed be too tired bc he refused to stop playing games the night before. i always go to bed earlier if im doing something the next day. i dont know why im not worth the same energy. honestly im not sure he actually likes hanging out with me, im just the only one willing to do the same things as him. the only plans that worked out were things he was absolutely going to do regardless of anyone going with him.
i dont wven know how to breach the subject with him because, again, hes so much like my ex. i know that if i make him feel bad, hell either get defensive or just freak out and cry about it. i listened to my ex say id be better off if he was gone in response to me venting way too many times to want to express my feelings about people ever again.
and it really sucks bc other times hes really nice and fun to be around. i just wonder if he dies actually like me at all. i feel like he sees me as less than sometimes.
idk i stopped being mad and got sad.
but i mean hes implied it before. he wants more friends to play cod and fortnite with and go to the park at night with. he never asks me to do thise things. im willing to play fortnite. i want to play cod. i want to do literally anything at night especially go to the park. he especially wanted more guy friends to do things with.
hed be happier being friends with the kids at school who hate me
idk. this is dumb. its 3am.
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princesssmars · 1 year
Could you do a josh x reader x matt poly?
Whether that be just what it's like dating them, how they go together, or just a random fic. I just live them, please.
perfectly unconventional
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some josh x reader x matt hcs
contains : fluff, poly stuff ofc, angst
a/n : im. so sorry it took me so long to make this anon 💀 i dont dislike any of the UD characters but matt and josh werent high up on my list so its cool to focus on them for this. hope yall enjoy :)
you knew josh first, having met him and his friends in middle school thanks to being on the same soccer team as sam and beth.
when you met josh you thought he was a bit weird becuase of him being rather...eccentric, but he quickly warmed up to you when he saw how well you got along with his sister. after that it was all long laughs and numerous hangouts.
eventually your fondness for each other develops into a mutual crush on the other, but you both dont want to ruin what you have so it remains unsaid.
eventually the time for the annual blackwood pines trip comes along and you (and your entire friend group at this point) are hoping josh will make a move or youll have to.
but things were differnt this year with the new addition to the friend group in the form of matt taylor, resident jock next door.
you had seen him around school before, never really talking to him minus the few interactions when hed ask you for help on a question in english and you to him in math.
now he and mike were both on the football team, so he introduced him to everyone and josh said he could tag along on the trip after knowing him for a few months.
you had to admit that he was super cute, not just in the face but in his actions as well. deapite starting to become close friends with nearly everyone, he still was a bit reserved and polite, mostly keeping to himself, mike, josh, jess, and you.
on the way up to the lodge you walked beside him, succesfully getting him to open up to you and start talking more about himself and his interests, finding you have more in common than you thought.
the fleeting moments you have with him during the trip make you confused, you still have strong feelings for josh but being around matt makes your heart flutter...
when you tell jess this one night in your room she says "maybe you just like both of them" like its the easiest thing in the world.
you know shes right, but you dont know what to do. do you just go up to the both of them and ask if theyre ok all dating???
you stew over this until the next morning, finding most of your friends gone and only a sticky note left on the fridge saying "(wo)man up". great.
while fixing yourself up some breakfast, josh and matt both join you after coming from upstairs. they ask where everyone is, following the direction of your pointed eyes to the note, josh laughing and matt looking bewildered.
"what does...what do you think it means?" he asks, reverting back to his shy state and looking between you and josh.
josh laughs, shaking his head. "it means they want me and yn to ask each other out already."
his words shock you, causing you to hit him with a handtowel, making him yelp. "youre telling me you already knew i liked you!? and you like me and still havent done anything!? oh youre such an asshole..."
"hey! i just didnt wanna rush it and mess anything up, besides i thought you were still getting over your oh so dramatic breakup with tyler-"
"oh dont act like you didnt know i was only dating him to make you jealous-"
"wait...you two...already like each other?"
the sound of matts quiet voice boots the two of you from your unserious argument, turning to look at the brown skinned boy who looks so dejected it makes your heart ache.
"i just thought that with all those conversations we had when staying up together that we... you know what, nevermind." he starts to turn away out of embarrassment before both you and josh grab his arms, pulling him back to you.
he looks surprised, his mouth moving to start asking what youre doing before you cut him off.
"matt, i have had feelings for josh for a long time now, yes. but i can also say this trip made me see you in a different light. youre...sweet and caring, and i know i have feelings for you as well. i know its..not the most normal situation in the world, but i know that i want to be with the both of you."
josh and matt are quiet for a few moments, which definitely doesnt help your nerves. but a smile is put on your face when josh wraps his arms around the both of you, pulling you both in for a hug.
"dont worry, i like you guys too. pretty easy since youre both so cute." he teases, making matt giggle with you.
matt relaxes, hugging the both of you tighter. "yeah. yeah, i think we can make this work."
and so there the three of you stood, in the kitchen of this giant, cold lodge all locked in embrace.
but in your head, you think youve never felt warmer.
i wrote all of this in a day bc again anon im so sorry i let this sit in my inbox for so long 😭 i hope yall liked this little thing and thanks for reading <3
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HIIII MACKINTOSH goob morning,,, pd episode 11 update ASHE MOMENT hi. hi oh my god. everyone HAS to be obsessed with him right?? he has to be like a fandom favorite guy HES GOT A CURSED GRIMOIRE!!! awsome. awesome sick i love him.
REALLY chewing on all the dakota & william stuff this episode... what will said about his wisp form being kind of terrifying because he never knows if he'll really be able to return to his body... ohh man thats so good. kid who's soul is just kind of held in by a thread rattlin around in there... + also this ep was great re: the trivia point u mentioned last night ab dakota & will clashing morality!! bc yeah!!! wild that wiwi's hesitance to Torture People wasn't because of the Torturing People part but just bc he's afraid of himself... dakota just having to Leave partway through... aughh. vyncent also holy shit!! all of these guys are having such a bad time.
I LOVE ASHE oh my godd. such a specific type of alt kid i love him. type of guy i would befriend like a shy stray cat at orchestra camp after complimenting his red jumpsuit apparatus hoodie. also there HAS to be insane amounts of discourse re: wavelength (holy shit. mark. mark. shrieked at that. i feel like i cant call him that its too weirddddd) parenting methods?? there HAS to be people who r like well i can excuse the murders but i draw the line at homeschooling ur bound-to-a-demonic-book kid. yeah youre right he & tide r so divorced 2 me. single dad & single mom. why is he so intent on getting tide back hmm??!!
anyway... hghghbk. good episode i won't make this even longer & start talking ab the spirit world stuff (!!!???!!!?!!?!!) BUT i hope u r having a good dayyyyy <3333
FUCK YEAAAAAH IM SO EXCITED YOUVE FINALLY MET ASHE I LOVE HIM SOOOOO MUCH. I LOVE HIM SO VERYMUCH . AUAGHGHHH. ashe winters my boy forever... i KNEW u would like him i could feel it in my BONES. hell yes. love love love a grimoire guy :]
I CANT WAIT 2 SEND U THE TRIVIA FOR THIS EP i started writing it out at the beginning of my shift this morning and then had to go to like a billion meetings so you dont get it until i get home. but theres some TASTY behind the scenes characterization discussion. ohhh thays my favorite. esp irt dakota this ep :] i love him so much . i love all of them so much
ANYWAY. william ashamed of his powers mkment!!!! my boy he is made of catholic guilt. anyway. i fucking loved how he ghost shaped his spirit form for intimidation instead of actually using it. hes so smart hes so cool hes everything to me if i start thinking about william wisp for too long ill go fucking bonkers crazy.
MARK. MAAAAAAARK. DUDE IM SO FUCKING GLAD YOUVE FINALLY LEARNED HIS NAME BC IVE ALMOST CALLED HIM MARK IN UR NOTES SO MANY TIMES AND IVE HAD TO CORRECT MYSELF. wavelength who. this is my deadbeat dad best friend mark winters. HES NOT A DEADBEAT DAD. IM SORRY. ok ok ok. i cannot say much irt him rn but there IS a reason hes like this hes not just shitty for the sake of it. he does care very much hes just bad at it. uhhhhhhghdgdgdgggdgdrrrghg i love him. a lot . #1 mark winters apologist blog right here. im not even sorry. luckily..luckily i have not seen the discorse about him yet but i know its out there somewhwre. sigh.
u know whats funny. youll hear this a little bit but its mostly in the bts stuff. grizzly fucking HATES mark. and that bleeds into how he plays dakota which makes sense but its SO FUNNY in the rolleds just how much he gets mad at mark. which !!! understandable he sucks hes terrible. but im built different i love him.
AND TIIIIIIIIDE. hey. hey remember when william was interrogating mark the first time. in the holding cell. and he tried to use a ghost shaped tide at first but mark called bullshit right away because "tide's never spoken to me like that before" hey . fellas.
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kazuma-asogi-blog · 3 months
well i sort of have to! put up with a lot in this neighbourhood. id never be allowed to move anywhere else in london, im too irish. since i wont change my name to be less irish-sounding or anything its either the kids blow up my mailbox sometimes because they were bored or sacrificing it to the ghost of the professor or something, or someone tries to murder me because i was irish in the wrong alleyway. you got really lucky being allowed to carry your sword with you everywhere, thats so cool and also keeps you safe n stuff. which is good. youre too good of a man to die like that.
i did figure out how to make apple-cheddar turnovers, though! no one expects cheddar cheese to taste that good with apples but i think it turned out, so i will bring it by tomorrow morning!! that way you and mr pretty prosecutor can be the final taste testers for them.
(and yes. i have been by baker street twice and he does in fact play it incorrectly. tell him to play swallowtail's jig or mo ghile mear and youll understand why the fiddle is way better!!)
Oh. I see. Sorry, that's terrible. Can't you carry a weapon? Or find a pamphlet on self-defence at the very least.
You're spoiling me with your delicious food - your turnovers were a perfect late breakfast. I like apples and cheese together, actually. You'll have to excuse Lord van Zieks, but I can give you a favourable review.
Ha, I wonder how he would feel to have his violin playing challenged like that.
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
Ummm first of all can I just say how much I fucking love your blog??? Ur brand of ouran themed bullshittery is ✨✨ immaculate ✨✨ and it's harboring empty space in my brain like a stolen jewel stg. also it is so fucking cool to see a fellow hikakao shipper out there in their morning glory like I just fucking shdudjdenkskaanhsuehdbn.. i've recently gotten back into my old ouran obsession and looking around the hikakao portion of the fandom all I see are a couple of tumbleweeds out of my peripheral rolling across a long since vacated dirt road like what the fuck its so hard to find people as in love with these characters as I am and I NEED to talk to any person ever about it or I will go insane. I just??? Have so many thoughts and feelings??? And I have a shit ton of aus and theories and monologues if you're interested :)
sidenote, but I also wanted to say that I LOVE your art style!! I love how simplistic but recognizable it is? It's hard to explain but it's just so visually appealing because it's detailed in all the right ways like seriously it's great :)) I need art tips so bad rn and ur stuff is straight BITCHIN like you can anatomy?? Hoowwww?? :'''))))
Anyway ur blog is basically the musical doodle ear worm to me except instead all I can hear is the shissou beginning guitar riff
It's actually really interesting how many people have come to me about this, about being one of the Only active ouran posters esp hikakao. and like. im honored. hikakao is like the grandfather of twincest and i am so honored to carry the torch forward. yes i am 2 decades late to the party but hey i am with every fandom. and i like it that way tbh, i like being in a small fandom and just making connections with other people who share the same intense passion as i do with a goofy series. so ur message means a lot!!
LIKE. there are SO little hikakao content and tbh theres barely ouran content IN GENERAL and when there is its tamaharu which FAIR I UNDERSTAND WHY i love those funky dudes but....gimmie our roots. i wanna see hikakao and hanimori. TAMAHIKAKAO??? everyone sleeps on that ship. i know most people wont do the two former bc #incest and its not 2007 deviantart anymore but i will not back down. i am in the yaoi war fighting on the side of unhealthy codependency.
also i'm siper thrilled you like my art!!! that's very flattering you find my art style recognizable! anatomy is hard that is for fuckin sure and tbh ive been drawing my whole life, so a lot of it just comes with time. i can give you some tips if you'd like, but really, everyone is different. every artist learns differently, draws differently, and there's no one correct way to draw a picture.
something that really helped me get better at art is to make an "art inspo" folder on your phone, laptop, or a discord channel in a priv server. when you come accross art you really like or find useful to study, save it. maybe you like the style, or how the colors blend, or how an expression was drawn. maybe the artist drew a really good arm or a difficult pose. save the art and study it and learn from it. this helps me immensely personally as i am a very visual person. i learn best by doing, second best by seeing stuff visually laid out in front of me. im sure youll nail it one day!!!!
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Katherine Spindler, Evening Stretches and This tenderness I, 2022, 2022
These are like my memories. When I look at Evening Stretches I can feel the stale air in my bedroom --- my first very own bedroom, alone in my apartment with you for those days in july --- and the feeling of hot, sticky skin, when i turned over to lay an arm across you, from before I had a fan and the nights, were as hot as the days when we laid together. it feels like how i thought you would do anything for me, like take up a spot just down the road from me, and the other day I saw your old roommates care and the vanity plate, and I thought about telling you, but I didnt. I think about seeing you sometimes, and how it could be nice how we could talk like we did once, like we had known eachother for our whole lives and then some, but then the feeling comes back, the feeling like im stuck on that mattress with you in the hot, stale room with people yelling on the street outside and I cant cool down, and im sweating and the hair wont unstick from my neck, and youll leave me at 5 in the morning anyways and I wont get to say goodbye, save for the time i mumbled i love you as you walked out of my room, that I remember saying but I hope you dont.
This tenderness makes me want to erase the sinking, pit of my stomach feelings that you made me feel, i dont feel it anymore but i hated it when i did. It broke me. I feel so great now. I feel like crying about how good I feel now. Like Im respected and admired, and understood. I think that maybe no matter how many times you could drive to my apartment in the middle of the night and apologize and tell me you love me that still i dont think i could forgive you because now i know what im supposed to feel like and how good i feel now. i feel so nice. i dont lose my appetite anymore and i dont worry about what my friends will think. im so close to saying it, like sometimes its on the verge of erupting from me, not trickling out when im half asleep, or sobbed out through tears.
sometimes i worry about what id lose if i didnt have who i do, but i think about the way you hurt me and how you put me to bed for days, and i think nothing could be as bad as that, as bad as months of nausea and obsession and panic attacks and hot flashes , and i think i could get through anything now. that hand on my back was once yours, but now its not because it cant be, because if it was yours it would be a hand of pity, or a hand begging me to come back, or a hand that pushes me away, but it cant be your hand, because now when i look at that hand on the small of my back i look and i feel tenderness. I feel a hand that supports me and whispers to me in the mornings and kisses me when im asleep.
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meow meow, its muning and PLEASE tell me you received the first part?? bc just after they said that it's sent they said tumblr is broken TT i hope it really was sent.. so yeah it must be part 2. 'i literally opened genshin for this' ohh i feel honored. firSt of all, THE CAT TT omg what a cutie you have there. you remember ekaterina? well, my besties name is liza. just find it hilarious and kinda "mom i'm on tv!" hope youll make a stable relationship with lisa ghjdjdh. good for you. its so cute how you speak about xiangling. its great she made you feel this way. your brothers can just envy you enjoying your life and playing the way you want instead of just 'optimally' being nerds) jean seams to be gaslight gatekeep girlboss! i like it. hope you'll learn how to value her like she deserves TT 'THE CAT I STOOD THER' well the kittys laying now and its even more cute TT tbh it was the first thing i noticed... 'i have to keep adjusting the camera' oh so youre the cameraman now? youre doing great, sweetie. idk if i understand 'op' right but if i do then yelan slays. she's pretty. hope she'll do well if you plan to keep leveling her up. 'you cant talk to this cat' so cruel!!! sayu is basically my mood 24/7, i could've slept forever if i had an opportunity. i'm happy you feel so much about sayu, its cute. and hope youll get klee. and youll be the mother of two children... pls dont end up like viserys... AHJAJA amber TT poor girl. weak + weak = getting stronger so... idk good luck to both of you. good for musicians, in this house we love musicians. tbh i never heard of xinyan too but yor love is everything that matters. well morning is pretty! hope it didnt tire you up too much. i appreciate the efforts, though. thanks for showing me all of them!! she's Minimum viable product?.... anyway i'm glad you teamed up so well. she made her best so let zhongli work too. 'hell theme is fresh' i know about dante girl TT i really want to read it but i dont have time. but i know TT im not stupid. i meant like?? its a fictional concept that doesnt exist (or its not proven). hell is such a big thing to fantasise about. its fresh in a away its still not overused and hasnt been told everything about? i literally study literature like.. thoroughly... now i feel so stupid TT i just wanted to see more modern images of hell TT 'theres something about the idea of sending an ask that makes me anxious' its totally ok!! theres nothing really scary! ive been anxious to send asks too but probably being anon helped me a lot fhdhj. no is still an answer, if anything. we say 'they dont beat you for asking'. go and communicate with everyone you want to. 'im allergic to dust' GOD BLESS YOU and good luck. poor babe. 'the weather is cold' 1) i understood i cant slap people. literally. i have no experience so i have no knowledge. 2) what system do you use? like centigrade or fahrenheit? and what is cold for you... 3) its pretty warm now in where i live! its -18° C so im satisfied with the weather. 4) actually, not the whole russia is cold... its just me being from siberia. its +2° rn in the city where my besties from which is in the south. hope the movie'll be interesting at least. its ok. you can write whenever you want and whenever you're comfortable. since you've closed requests, just give you some time and enjoy some time off writing. (but let me know when youre willing to hear a concept about daemon feeling guilty and having to face the surprising reality). some emotions again! ive watched some videos with hotd cast and i'm so in love with Olivia TT shes not mommy, shes mother and i love her TT i love even the actors of rhaenys and corlys (sorry babes, my memory is bad). the girl who played young alicent is also soso cool. alicent's cast is really amazing. maybe i still think theyre not as similar as young and adult rhaenyras but their acting is good. do you have a fav hotd actor (beside daemon)? ok i think ill go end up my essay and go to bed. love you!! have a nice day/evening/night/life! good luck with the assignments! take care <з
yes i very much did get your first part HAHAAH muning
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i kinda feel bad for the eternal pain of this perfectly looped gif
tumblr go bonk🤠 it cant handle your love for me
'i literally opened genshin for this' ohh i feel honored. firSt of all, THE CAT TT omg what a cutie you have there. you remember ekaterina? well, my besties name is liza. just find it hilarious and kinda "mom i'm on tv!" hope youll make a stable relationship with lisa ghjdjdh.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH STABLE RELATIONSHIP HAHAHHAHA. yeah i get what you feel every time i see another hannah im like OMG NO WAY but i hope they dont make a hannah character 😔👎 idk its weird someone else has my name HAHAHAH like that song by twenty one pilots 'down in the forest' LOLOLOL
good for you. its so cute how you speak about xiangling. its great she made you feel this way. your brothers can just envy you enjoying your life and playing the way you want instead of just 'optimally' being nerds)
HD:ASHDFAFDH:AHSF SO TRUE MY BROTHERS SUCK THE FUN OUT OF THE GAME SOMETIME though i understand why they tell me this because it is frustrating to play when you have no idea what ur doing and every since i tried out some of the stuff they said, i really did see results so HAHAHH
jean seams to be gaslight gatekeep girlboss! i like it. hope you'll learn how to value her like she deserves TT
T_T #justiceforjean
'THE CAT I STOOD THER' well the kittys laying now and its even more cute TT tbh it was the first thing i noticed...
i specifically posed there to show you the kitty!!!!
'i have to keep adjusting the camera' oh so youre the cameraman now? youre doing great, sweetie.
😡❌🍅 its the camera in the GAME 👎👎👎👎👎
idk if i understand 'op' right but if i do then yelan slays. she's pretty. hope she'll do well if you plan to keep leveling her up.
im so sorry i assumed you just knew HAHAHHA OP means over powered hHAHAHHAAHHA. yes yelan slays. i do plan to level her up.......... eventuallly
'you cant talk to this cat' so cruel!!!
there are some cats you can talk to
hold on let me open the game T_T
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here !! his name is prince! you can 'talk to him
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noelles so tiny T_T
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lol nvm i changed to the main character and i cant talk to cat because my level is not high enough to challenge him HAHHHAH anyway lol thats it
sayu is basically my mood 24/7, i could've slept forever if i had an opportunity. i'm happy you feel so much about sayu, its cute. and hope youll get klee. and youll be the mother of two children... pls dont end up like viserys...
im luv sayu for real. AND PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSS NOT YOU COMPARING ME TO VISERYS T_T NAURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i hope i get klee too! T_T i will love her forever even if shes weak HAHAAH
AHJAJA amber TT poor girl. weak + weak = getting stronger so... idk good luck to both of you.
good for musicians, in this house we love musicians. tbh i never heard of xinyan too but yor love is everything that matters. well morning is pretty! hope it didnt tire you up too much. i appreciate the efforts, though. thanks for showing me all of them!!
<3 im luv u too <3 i wasnt tired but i was a lil relucant to share em because it might be oversharing now LOL but anyway i like showing you things <3
she's Minimum viable product?.... anyway i'm glad you teamed up so well. she made her best so let zhongli work too.
T_T noelle my love T_T shes not a minimum viable product T_T IDEK WHAT THAT MEANS ok i know what it means now i guess ??? maybe she was like that for me???? T_T but thats so sad to think T_T
'hell theme is fresh' i know about dante girl TT i really want to read it but i dont have time.
i aint ever reading that its too long T_T i hope you get to reading it since you seem to want to
but i know TT im not stupid. i meant like?? its a fictional concept that doesnt exist (or its not proven). hell is such a big thing to fantasise about. its fresh in a away its still not overused and hasnt been told everything about?
I SEE good point good point
i literally study literature like.. thoroughly... now i feel so stupid TT i just wanted to see more modern images of hell TT
T_T you wanna see modern hell T_T PLS i hope you only mean in the show
'theres something about the idea of sending an ask that makes me anxious' its totally ok!! theres nothing really scary! ive been anxious to send asks too but probably being anon helped me a lot fhdhj. no is still an answer, if anything. we say 'they dont beat you for asking'. go and communicate with everyone you want to.
SOOOOOO REALLL FOR THAT LOVE THAT FOR YOU AND ME i will try to be more.... or ok less anxious about sending asks!! 😤😤😤😤😤 ill try T_T HAAAH
'im allergic to dust' GOD BLESS YOU and good luck. poor babe.
T_T every time i clean a really dusty place my body is like is this a threat CLOG THE NOSTRILS then i cant breathe T_T
'the weather is cold' 1) i understood i cant slap people. literally. i have no experience so i have no knowledge. 2) what system do you use? like centigrade or fahrenheit? and what is cold for you... 3) its pretty warm now in where i live! its -18° C so im satisfied with the weather.
let me stop you right here AHAHHAHAHHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHHAHHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH ok #1 ok i get it BUT youre going to slap me when i answer number 3 #2 i use Celsius like you!! #3 T_T HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAH its 28C here HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i would die probably if i went to you. but ok to be fair i have an electric fan open and when its night it gets colder so HAHAHAHAHHAHH
4) actually, not the whole russia is cold... its just me being from siberia. its +2° rn in the city where my besties from which is in the south.
T_T cold is relative sure but russia is all cold to ME T_T
hope the movie'll be interesting at least.
me too T_T im going to watch it after this T_T
its ok. you can write whenever you want and whenever you're comfortable. since you've closed requests, just give you some time and enjoy some time off writing. (but let me know when youre willing to hear a concept about daemon feeling guilty and having to face the surprising reality). some emotions again!
<3 <3 youre so sweet <3 so much sweeter than normal <3 im taking credit T_T JK YOUVE ALWAYS BEEN SWEET IM LUV U SO MUCH i am glad you didnt say the daemon idea cos i might wanna write it A:LSHASLFHLASFHASL:HFAS HAHHAHAAHHAAH
ive watched some videos with hotd cast and i'm so in love with Olivia TT shes not mommy, shes mother and i love her TT
i mean shes both mommy and mother T_T im luv her so much
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i love even the actors of rhaenys and corlys (sorry babes, my memory is bad).
I LOVE THEM TOO IVE SEEN A FEW INTERVIEWS WITH THEM and they look like theyre having so much fun <3
the girl who played young alicent is also soso cool. alicent's cast is really amazing. maybe i still think theyre not as similar as young and adult rhaenyras but their acting is good.
I LOVE HER TOO i remember stumbling on ... young alicent actress T_T EMILY emily's tiktok and she was so ?????? SO COOL ???? WOW
do you have a fav hotd actor (beside daemon)? ok i think ill go end up my essay and go to bed.
ig i like tom glynn-carney (aegon) because ???? HES SO SWEET IRL WHICH WAS SHOCKING?? i mean he's so slimy as aegon SO ITS LIKE <3 <3 ??!!!! idk hES SO PUUPPPPY AND THATS WHY I MADE AEGON A PUPPY IN THE MODERN AU and yeah i like aemond's actor ewan mitchell too!!! he's a cutie pie as well AND ??? SO GOOD AT EVERYTHING????. I MEAN I ALSO LOVE EMMA theyre so HAS:FHSA <3 BUT I MEAN I ALSO LOVE OLIVA SHES so TAL:FHASL:FSA SOOOOOO <3 yes. HAHAHAHA
love you!! have a nice day/evening/night/life! good luck with the assignments! take care <з
i love you my baby <3 i hope youre doing well with your work and life and eveything. <3
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
Pondering SR reader except w the “oh no theres only one bed in this hotel room ill take the floor” “youll hurt your back! Just sleep w me :3!” trope this fine afternoon
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THIS IDEA IS TOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE i might just need to do a full fic for one of the characters at some point. until now, here's some hcs:
[Scarlet Ribbons description]
Giorno has something of a devious streak. He is a gentleman, yes, but there are some Brando genes hidden in there. So he may or may not have made the booking mistake on purpose so he could get closer to you. There’s no definitive proof, but the slight smile on his face as you enter the room to find a single bed almost gives him away. He would be the first to offer you the bed (papa Dio in hell yelling at him to seize this opportunity goes ignored), and apologize for the mistake. Knowing your friendly disposition, it doesn’t come as a surprise when you offhandedly offer to share the bed; though his face is dusted pink. The two of you could follow your night skincare routine together and exchange tips. He almost loses his cool when you compliment how he looks with his hair down.
Bruno, who was carrying your luggage in, just sorta clears his throat upon entering the room. He’s mumbling something about going to speak to the clerk at the front desk, and you tell him it’s late; there’s no need to bother them. The two of you lived under the same roof for a while, what’s the harm in sharing a bed? Bruno is too exhausted from the ongoing job you’re on to offer a counterpoint. He does his best not to stare at you in your nightclothes, but it’s an uphill battle, as it compliments the curves of your body perfectly. Bruno keeps checking to make sure you’re really comfortable with the arrangements. After all, the last thing he’d ever want is to come off too strong. He keeps things professional to the best of his abilities. 
Fugo may or may not have a breakdown. Tomorrow you have important work to do — how is he going to get a wink of sleep with his crush just a few inches away from him? Then there’s you, already changing into your pajamas, asking if he wants the left side of the bed or the right. He wonders if it’s a cultural difference that lends to your easygoing nature. Fugo decides to count his blessings, at least you’re going to be sleeping next to him, and not the others who practically drool in your presence. You’ll end up falling asleep ages before he does, his heart rate is going too fast for him to calm down. Sleep remains ever elusive. So he’ll turn on a dim nightlight as not to disturb you and read, failing to notice Purple Haze who managed to slip through the cracks. His Stand took it upon itself to guard you in your sleep. 
He does that nervous laughter thing. Mista has to be on his A game every second he’s around you, wooing you with his machismo and wit; now he has to keep calm all night? Starts contemplating what he should do when he hears you giggling, and looks over to see you having a pillow fight with the Pistols. They’ve stolen your attention from him yet again. The six of them are working together to lift a pillow, and by the time they manage to hit you with it, you’re beside yourself with laughter from the sight. Mista’s not going to let his Stand outdo him. He grabs a pillow, tells you in the coolest (aka dorkiest) voice that he’s not going to show you any mercy. The two of you end up falling asleep without incident from exhaustion later on. Mista’s arm is going to find its way around you at same point, a fact that will fluster him come morning. 
Narancia doesn’t really consider the implications right away. He’s too busy feeling excited over being in a hotel room. Chances are it’s his first time, he wasn’t ever able to afford something this fancy. You’ll have to stop him from ordering one of everything from room service (Bucciarati’s credit card was spared another day). Narancia is going to sit criss cross on the bed with you, talking about anything and everything, maybe scooting closer when you’re not paying attention. The two of you prank call Fugo at Narancia’s behest. If it was Narancia calling at 1 am, Fugo wouldn’t have picked up the phone, but he saw your name pop up and answered after a few rings (gotta not look too desperate). Then felt immense disappointment to hear the two of you giggling together. It’s a fun night, made even better by the chance to be by your side. 
Abbacchio almost goes back to sleep in the car, only for you to pull him back in the room. You tell him you won’t bite. While you go about your night routine, he’s making a bed for himself on the floor; no amount of begging will get him to sleep in the same bed as you. Abbacchio reminds you that he is a man, after all. You shrug and say his loss (did he just hear you right...?). Truth be told, he’s nervous, he can’t think of a time he’s ever been around you for this long. You’ll be the first to fall asleep. He berates himself for it, but he ends up staring at you as you sleep, his face softening. You have him wrapped around your finger without knowing it. Come morning, he’ll have breakfast from the hotel ready, making sure to get all your favorites. (If you ask how he knows your favorite breakfast foods, he’s just going to give a noncommittal grunt). 
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Hufflepuff!Muggleborn Extensive Dating A Malfoy Headcanons:
Okay so this got very long very fast but I apologize for nothing.
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So you’re pretty much terrified of getting your Hogwarts letter because you have no idea what magic is but now you’re a wizard???
You go anyway and see a blond little boy at Diagon Alley with his parents and his mother has the same list as your dad does
So maybe you follow the little boy around and pick out the things he does because he seems to know what he’s doing
Then you heard his father hiss “disgusting mud blood” your way and your face kinda falls because you thought maybe you found someone who could help and we’ll never mind
Your dad takes your hand and snaps at Lucius “what kind of example is that for your son? No, I’m not one of your lot but you shouldn’t take it out on my daughter!”
Draco peeks out from behind his fathers robes and looks at the tears in your eyes and maybe he does feel a little bad
You absolutely adore your wand
At the station a few older years can tell you’re new and very Muggle in your tshirt jeans and converse that they sort of adopt you one of them being Cedric
You’re not so scared anymore because it seems like maybe these people aren’t so bad
Some kid named Fred buys you a Chocolate Frog and his twin warns you about their sentience
You meet a few other first years and Hermione Granger whos also a muggle and you sort of lament about all of it. She’s super excited because there’s so much to learn and you start to adopt her perspective
You see the boy from Diagon Alley sneering and bullying other kids and you go up to him with the same fire in your eyes that you dad had and tell the boy off a-al-Muggle
He just laughs and scoffs but you don’t back down which scares him because everyone always backs down
Big brother Cedric comes over and tells Malfoy off for calling you a mudblood again and ushered you back to a compartment of other Hufflepuffs and someone explains to you the house system
“Well that’s kinda stupid,” you decide “why should we be separated based on what a magical hat thinks we might be?”
Cedric grins at you because you remind him of himself and stands clapping when you’re sorted into Hufflepuff
Momma Sprout helps you so much because she knows that her muggle born kiddos need the extra comfort and encouragement
You have Herbology with the Slytherins and that meant Draco Malfoy his name was rattling around your head since the Sorting Ceremony
You end up partners with him. You’re shy and quiet and he’s dismissive and snappy.
“Draco you shouldn’t—“ “Don’t tell me what to do! Filthy little mudblood.” You sit back and watch the Doxy bite him “well get help!” He demands “I thought you didn’t want a mudbloodas help,” you snap. He gives you a hopeless look and you administer the antidote and produce a Bandaid “stupid muggle bandage”
While he’s sulking you handle the Doxy properly and show him how it’s done without being snotty about it. Maybe you smirk at him when you catch him leaning in and watching closely
It’s not friendship but he doesn’t call you mudblood anymore so... there’s that
Cedric nearly has a heart attack when he asks about your first day and you tell him about Draco
You find your footing at Hogwarts and though you’re not the best in class you can still do magic and it’s SO FRICKIN COOL MOM I MADE A FEATHER FLOAT TODAY
You chat with Draco thoughout the year in class well you talk to him he doesn’t say much. “And my mom was so proud when I told her about the Goblin wars and my dad wants to see me leviosa a feather but I told him I can’t do magic outside of school...”
Then there’s a quiet “your parents are proud of you? And interested in all this stuff?”
You look at him, mystified and “...yes? They’re proud of whatever I do,” Draco looks down and continues to sketch the bowtruckle which is almost life like on how accurate it is
You write to your parents immediately asking them to send a letter to Draco and tell them all about his really good drawings in Herbology
It takes a few days but one morning Draco comes up to you in the Great Hall with a parcel
“I think this is yours, your stupid owl gave it to me” he sulks. “It has your name on it,” you point out. “But why would your parents...?” You shrug and go back to talking to your friends and reading your own letter from your mother. Draco huffs and mutters something under his breath and walks away
In Herbology he has a new set of very Muggle graphite pencils and a proper sketchbook and he’s just sketching the Mandrakes on the desk when you come in. He doesn’t say anything and neither do you. He’s less irritable now
It’s second year and you hug your parents and go say hi to your friends before finding a compartment for the long journey. You swap muggle candy for magic candy with your friends
Draco passes your compartment and you wave. He gives a half smile and keeps walking.
“You like him!” Your friends exclaim. “What? No! I don’t!” You turn very red. “He’s just a friend!!” No one is convinced
This year you have potions with Draco and you’re freaking out inside because you don’t know what you’re doing and Snape seems to have it out for you and you’re just a mess.
Draco volunteers to be your partner “to show this mudblood a little decorum and how things are properly done.” He scoffs
You look down, embarrassed but as soon as Draco is next to you, you hear a quiet apology.
You understand the charade he has to put on but you wished he didn’t and you really wish he’d stop calling you mudblood it was rather annoying
He helps you through potions like you helped him through Herbology. This year you have Herbology with the Ravenclaws and he has it with the Gryffindors. He totally whines to you all the time about Harry
Once he’s complaining and accidentally puts in the wrong ingredient and the entire thing threatens to explode. Before you know it, you’re on the ground under Draco who pulled you and the remnants of the potion is shielded from you because Dracos robes are draped over you
Snape scolds you for being stupid and you start to protest but Draco confesses that it was him mistake, not yours. Snape just eyes the pair of you and walks off.
“Thank you,” you stammer out. He rolls his eyes but there’s a soft smile on his face.
Boy does Draco flip out when he hears about the Chamber of Secrets because you’re in potential danger and he would willingly sacrifice Granger to keep you safe
He mentions that to you in Potions one day and you gap at him. “Draco killing anyone for any reason isn’t right.” You scold. There’s a cold look in his eyes and a fire in yours. “But... thank you... for worrying about me,”
Your friends still pester you because they can obviously see you like Draco and maybe you do... but you know he doesn’t like you so you’ll just ignore your feelings
Third year comes and your heart skips a beat when you see Draco because he grew a lot over the summer and his hair is no longer ridiculously slicked back and oh Merlin you’re in trouble
Unbeknownst to you Dracos heart flutters when he sees you and has to fight the urge to wave or say hi to you in front of his father.
This year you have History of Magic together
He sits down next to you without a second thought. You smile and say hi and ask about his summer and then he returns the question. Your muggle summer and his magic summer are both a bit lost on the other
“Didn’t you wear glasses?” He asks one day. “Oh, my mom let me get contacts,” “contacts?” “Um... like plasticy little doodads that go in my eyes and help me see?” He just stares and you laugh. “Too Muggle?” You ask. “Too Muggle,” he replies.
Now it’s a sort of game. Youll come in with something Muggle—Pens, notebooks, lined paper, Muggle books, a watch—and Draco decides whether it’s “too Muggle” or not for him. He quite likes pens and lined paper but you can keep your Muggle books
You tell your parents again and Draco gets a package filled with green notebooks and black pens and a pencil pouch with a snake on it.
You hear about the Buckbeak incident and you rush off to find Draco. He’s in the infirmary snapping at Pomfrey but softens when he sees you
“She’s just trying to help,” you scold softly. “Are you alright?” “Doesn’t hurts much anymore but it’s numb so...”
Pomfrey wants to keep him a few hours to make sure that his body is reacting to the medicine correctly and you stay with him.
“You know I’ve been thinking,” you start. “That’s scary,” he mutters. You hit him playfully and notice that he flinches so hard you note it and continue “I’ve been thinking that it really doesn’t make sense for you to call me a mudblood,” “and why not?” He snaps. “Well, I mean... I’m technically all muggle. If anyone was really a mudblood wouldn’t it be halfbloods? With a muggle and wizard parent?”
He doesn’t have an answer to that. So he sulks quietly. “Why doesn’t it bother you that I call you that?” He asks quietly. You shrug. “Sometimes I wonder if I really belong here. Your adamant hatred for me is comforting. Like I’m doing something right enough to make you upset about it.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that either. He didn’t know that you were insecure about being a wizard. Of course, you belonged here you were wonderful with magic and your hexes were remarkable.
“I don’t hate you,” he mumbled. “Sure you’re annoying with your cheery disposition and your... Converse trainers... but I don’t hate you.” You laugh and he thinks it’s a wonderful sound
“Well, I don’t hate you either,” you smile back. You don’t think it’s something but it’s definitely not nothing
You hear about what happens between he and Hermione and you’re furious because he’s better than that and you can’t believe he would still call her a mudblood
You refuse to talk to him for a few days. Which is hard because he tries to make small talk with you.
One day in class he slips you a folded piece of parchment and you open it. Begrudgingly. “Im sorry, I was an arse. I shouldn’t have called her that.” You take your pen and scribble quickly “you’re apologizing to the wrong person.” And slide it back to him
Draco did apologize to Hermione before he apologized to you and he’s frustrated because he thinks you’ll think he’s lying if he said he already did
Then Hermione finds you in the hall that day and asks if you put Draco up to apologizing to her and you admit yes you did. And she tells you that he apologized a few days ago. Your heart soars and you hug a confused Hermione before running off to find Draco
He’s in the corner of the library, not reading, but drawing. You accidentally sneak up behind him and see that you’re the sketch on his paper.
“I don’t think my hair is quite that long,” you whisper softly and the boy about jumps out of his skin. You apologize quickly and he quickly covers his sketch book, red faced.
“I um. That wasn’t you.” He stammers turning a darker shade of red. You laugh. “Yes it was!” You reach for his sketchbook but he hugs it to his chest. “Oh come on Draco? What am I gonna do? Laugh?” “You’re laughing right now.” He points out. “And it’s not that good anyway...”
You roll your eyes and sit next to him. You offer to pose for him so that he could take his time to draw you. “Well I’m not busy now,” you grin and he sulks a moment before nodding.
You watch his hands work and sift through the pencils as he props the paper up on his knees and instructs you to look somewhere and not to move.
It’s odd, being drawn. You close your eyes and hum softly knowing he was studying you the way he might a bowtruckle or mandrake and it feels weird. A good weird.
He refuses to let you see the drawing even though you persist. You pout and drop the matter, just glad to have a friend in him.
You begin meeting in the library on a weekly basis, partly so he can draw you partly because you’re both struggling in History of Magic and need more study time
Cedric is not happy about any of this and goes very “protective big brother” on you. You tell him off and huff.
You start going to his quidditch matches and maybe he almost runs into a goal post because you smiled and waved at him and he forgot to pay attention
The summer comes and you wave goodbye knowing as soon as he’s around your father you’re going to lose your fried.
But he surprises you and hands you his sketchbook on the train home then quickly runs away to his father and you just stare at it and him and he’s gone, all you see is two heads of silver blond hair receding in the distance
Your parents usher you into the car and it’s maybe two hours before you get to look at the sketchbook
When you do open it you see a sketch of a bowtruckle and “Steve” written one his careful script underneath. You had forgotten that you named the bowtruckle Steve that day in class
The next few sketches are from Herbology. And little notes about class that day, a lot of them are about you. Then there’s a break in Herbology drawings and there’s a drawing of his mother almost perfectly. Then of a family portrait of the three of them. A few vases of flowers. Then you see your face. And again. And again. It’s you. Smiling, laughing, concentrating on a book, raising an eyebrow at him, gnawing in your lip, asleep in class, then the library drawings that are much more detailed.
Then you’re crying and you want to call him and thank him but you CANT BECAUSE HE DOESNT HAVE A PHONE STUPID WIZARD FAMILY
But you do have an owl. You have no idea what to write. So you go with “thank you” and then send it.
You get a letter a few months later and it’s from Draco. He’s asking if you want to go to the Quidditch World Cup with him. “I know you’re Muggle and don’t like Quidditch much but...”
So you’re going with Draco and it’s weird because he’s on your doorstep with his mother and it is just a clash of worlds. You stammer goodbyes to your parents and you’re quickly ushered into the limo of a car next to Draco. You notice he’s changed his hair again and he looks quite dashing in his blazer. You get a little self conscious about your jeans and sweater.
Narcissa is a doll. She asks you about your summer and time as Hogwarts and keeps polite conversation and you thaw a little.
Though you have no idea what’s going on Draco is very excited about the game and is cheering and you can’t help but smile and maybe you take pictures with a Polaroid camera and he just rolls his eyes and you get a picture of him rolling his eyes
Fourth year comes and he is ushered away from you by his friends before he can say hi.
The kids from the other schools show up and you’re convinced that he like Fleur and he thinks you like Cedric and it’s just a mess
He’s back to being irritable and you’re slipping into depression not just because of him but everything is really weighing on you
You’re alone in the Astronomy Tower, your feet dangling off the edge. You had no intention to jump, but it was sort of thrilling. 
Draco flips the fluff out and nearly drags you from the edge. 
“What the hell are you thinking!?” He exclaims. You gape at him because it’s probably the first thing he said to you in a week. He’s just so scared that he was actually going to lose you that he pulls you close and doesn’t let you go. You start crying and everything just comes out in a word dump. Your brother is getting worse and stronger and it’s not good for you and he keeps putting you down and calling you a freak and that “no one is going to love me because I’m a freak and mom and dad think I’m fine because my grades are still fine but Draco I can’t... I’m slipping and... and I feel like I lost you and you were the only one who really believed in me and...” You’re just sobbing.
And he listens. He holds you and listens. 
“You haven’t lost me,” He whispers softly. “But you like Fleur... and I can’t ever be her... she’s just so perfect and powerful and...” You sniffle, hugging your knees looking at your beat up Converse. 
“She’s my cousin,” He almost laughs but doesn’t because of the look on your face. “And what about you and Cedric?” He raises an eyebrow and you blanch. “He’s like a big brother to me, gross,” You shove his arm and you’re both laughing. 
“There’s only one Hufflepuff out there for me,” He takes your hand and hello butterflies and blushing. “And there’s only one Slytherin for me,” You lay your head on his shoulder and watch the stars. 
You two start dating and Merlin his friends are livid because how dare he date a muggle hufflepuff? But then they watch him with you and it’s hard to deny that Draco is truly happy for once and they don’t want to take that from him
Your friends exchange bet money. 
Weekends filled with more games of “Too Muggle” and trips to Hogsmeade and Draco explaining wizard culture and you try to explain muggle culture but he just does not understand washing machines. You introduce him to muggle music and is thrilled that he loves ABBA. 
He makes everything hurt less. And it’s nice to feel wanted. 
Then Voldemort returns and everything changes and you weren’t ready for it. Draco gets cold and distant again and you try and try to get through to him but he doesn’t let you in. 
You end up screaming at him one night and walk out. He finds you curled up outside the Slytherin portrait, weeping not minutes later and carries you back inside to his dorm and apologizes and hold you and admits that he’s scared and he doesn’t want to lose you or see you get hurt
You both make an effort to find the sunshine in the proverbial dark times that linger through the next year. It means you become a but more calloused and jaded and he becomes a bit more optimistic and grateful. 
Pansy Parkinson doesn’t exist. It’s just you with Polyjuice potion to keep you safe from Draco’s aunt and Voldemort. It’s an easy charade to keep up. There are still quite nights when you’re yourself with Draco and he reminds you how much he adores the real you with his words and touch
If there’s one thing you don’t do, is break a Hufflepuff and that’s what Harry did after his sectumsempra and holy hell do you lose your cool.
Draco’s mother has to step in before you’re expelled for what you did to Harry
You nurse Draco back to health afterwards and never let Harry forget what he did, nor do you let anyone else forget it when they call him the chosen one
And Merlin does Draco love you for it
Draco can’t kill Dumbledore because your words are still in his head from second year “It’s not right to kill someone for any reason” and he just can’t disappoint you like that
You’re still kind. You’re kind to Luna when she’s locked up at the Malfoy Manor. You’re kind to the house-elves that attend to you. You’re kind, and value fairness and hardwork, but you will not put up with bullshit any longer. 
You and Draco stand with Hogwarts when the battle boils down to it. You give Draco your wand when he loses his to Harry.
When you go back eighth year, you advocate for the removal of the House System and write a very convincing argument against it. It takes about ten years, but the system is disbanded after one too many close calls and ruined lives
You also start a Support Group at Hogwarts for those suffering from mental illnesses and for those who have suffered abuse at home. 
You and Draco get married at the Manor. You wear your Converse. 
Want to read a more in depth Hufflepuff!Reader x Draco? Find it Here!!!
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