#youll never guess who i plan on making him kiss i mean maybe you do maybe im very transparent UHH
winderlylandchime · 10 months
1/2 and we are at 5x12 and just so you know: he sent a voice note to his friend and said ‘guess what the fuck they did? They had Brian propose. He proposed. And i still have yet to hear Blondie say that he loves him but yeah, he proposed’ all that was said with the same enthusiasm he has for anything Mel and Linds related.
And the ep starts with the fuckathon ‘i missed my boys! *points to the tv* LOOK HES FINALLY FUCKING THE RIGHT PERSON ON THE TABLE AND DOESNT HAVE TO IMAGINE HIM!’ Justin is about to name the house ‘fuck palace! *said with a big proud smile* (Justin calls it Britin) huh? Ohhhh like Brange- wait nevermind those two broke up. But you get my drift. That’s cute! I fuck with it. *moves his broken arm in air as he says* Britin. I like it’ and now we’re at the scene where everyone gets invitations *laughing like crazy and then stops* ‘The FUCK does Ben mean he wasnt gonna show Mike the invitation? Man fuck you both. Just last episode it was all friendly with Brian and now this? Man, fuck you Mike. You know, he speaks with a confidence of a much taller man..NOBODY TOLD HIM HE SHOWED UP TO THE HOSPITAL? MAN FUCK ALL OF YOU…okay, maybe I overreacted at Ben earlier’ and we are at the Mel/Linds scene where they think Brian wont care about Canada ‘i dont know what the fuck is going on but fuck both of them for that. He loves that kid.’ ‘EMMETT IS PLANNING THE WEDDING?! So this is really happening huh? BRIAN IS GETTING HIM THE FLOWERS! Ha take that mel! (Mikey walks into frame) ugh, you again. (brian says mikey always stood up for him) have we been watching the same show? (Mikey says Brian is a married man after the kiss) so he cant kiss his homies anymore? Once again marriage loses a point’ we are now at the scene where Justin gives Jen the invitation ‘please tell him he’s too young..or are we both not judging? (It shows Justin smiling) damn it, we’re not judging. YOURE GONNA BE BRIANS MOTHER IN LAW! If i get to see another prom type of dance, maybe i wont hate this wedding thing so much.’ And we are at the scene where the girls tell Brian/Mikey about canada ‘this is all shady. They did this with the custody and the award. CANADA?! Do they really think Canada is safer? I mean i get it looks safer but bro…don’t be dumb. Brian say no.’ ‘Who the fuck is saying Brian is okay with Gus leaving? I hate that everyone assumes he’s just okay with everything fucked up happening. (Brian says mel and linds are back together again) yeah, this week. (Mikey says brian was never much in gus’ life) Dude, i feel like there is a tree somewhere out there that you owe an apology to for wasting it’s oxygen. You can literally see it on Brian’s face that he hit below the belt.’ And we are at Britin scene again!! ‘LOOK AT THEM! If im honest, i don’t even care if those two leave but leave Gus here. Why is everyone just assuming that Brian doesn’t care? THANK YOU BLONDIE! HES NOT HIS DAD! (Justin says whats it gonna take to admit it, another bomb line) well he already admitted it AFTER HIS CANCER BUT THE WRITERS FORGOT ABOUT THAT.’ And we are at the Lindsay and Justin scene ‘aww Blondie got a review! NICE blondie is gonna be in galleries! NEW YORK? And what? he can’t paint In Pittsburgh? She wants him to move to New York? Isnt it enough she wants to move Gus to Canada? Unless if we move Brian there as well, its not fucking happening!’ ‘DREW! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? THATS NOT EMY! This is all bullshit’ and we are back with Mel/Linds and Brian/Mikey ‘this would make more sense at the beginning of the show. This is so dumb. Fucked people live everywhere. FUCK THIS. GUS STAYS EXACTLY BRIAN! Exactly Brian call them out! They just decided for you that youll be okay with it! Fuck them. EXACTLY BRIAN! Mel, youre running right now so fuck off. FUCK YOU MEL! Can she fuck off. HE HAS CARED ABOUT GUS SINCE THE START!’ *pauses tv* ‘i have not liked these two since the beginning. Which is the writers fault cause Mel and Brian had potential as friends when she cheated. BUT RIGHT NOW? I wanna fight them. *looks at me* HOLD ME BACK! Cause i will fight them!’
Aw he likes Britin! You can finally tell him the ship name.
Emmett doing the wedding planning is the one and only thing I like about the stupid wedding.
You can literally see it on Brian’s face that he hit below the belt. Thank you Gale! OH MY GOD YOU CAN TELL HIM GALE IS STRAIGHT! Or better yet, make him guess who’s gay and straight from the show (did he know Hal before watching?)
Melanie and Brian would have been such good friends. How Lindsay treated both of them was unforgivable.
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Rabbit ii
More of my purely indulgent fic of Draco Malfoy 💚
W! Mean! Draco(kinda) possessiveness
Tags @khemz1312 @squeaky-ducky
Draco pulled himself away from you to fix his robes and roll his shoulders straightening himself out. The stare he gave you made you shake in your knees, what did you do? It was his lackeys not you..
“The next time.. this happens..”
“It was them not me!”
Draco raised a brow at you, at that raised voice. He stepped over grabbing your face with a smile that seemed to go all the way up his face.”who are you yelling at?”
“Im not.. i.. i mean..i didn't mean too..”
“Should i tell Hufflepuff they have a cheater in the house?”
“No!!” You grabbed his robe pleading with him.
Draco let go of your face to rub your cheek with his thumb. “Say your a good badger who would never yell at her superior” he told her with a smirk.
You did not want to cry in front of him, everytime you did he would lick your cheek and tell you how sweet you taste.. instead you hid your face in his chest to hide your tears while you spoke. “Im a good ba-badger who would never yell at her superior”
You could feel Draco stroking your back in slow movements. “Such a well behaved badger, a good rabbit.” Slowly he took his wand out. “But i think.. i should still punish you.”
The same second you looked up at him he waved his wand around at you .
Everything got much.. much bigger around you. Everything seemed closer and your sense of smell was heightened.. and all you could think about was carrots….
Draco kneeled down, tipping his head looking satisfied with himself . “Perfect. Lets hope i can figure out how to change you back. But never mind that, lets go to class” he scooped you up in his hands and held you up by a nearby mirror looking very happy. “Look at you, so fluffy now” . Your long ears shot up and you began to panic. You were a white rabbit.
You were panicking in his grip. No no no. not this. You cant talk, nothing! You had to completely rely on Draco till he changed you back… you looked up at the happy man who was making kiss faces at you telling you how cute you looked like this. He opened his cloak to place you inside a pocket and scratched your head with a finger. “Off we go yeah?” he teased as he started to walk. Draco was so focused on you he did not realize his father had passed him in the hall seeing him talk to a snowy white rabbit. All you could think about was changing back and running away, somewhere safe. Maybe Hagids Hut...but all you could do for right now was wait it out.
The class was spells with Professor Snape. Your ears fell behind you when you heard his voice. He would not help you change back. Draco sat down in the back taking you out of his pocket to place you on his lap and scratch your chin. The look he gave you was demeaning…. So happy with himself, satisfied with his work. Treating you like a legit animal and turning you into one. What if he never figured out how to change you back!? You hopped in a circle on his lap panicking all over again. Snape isint gonna help me, what am i gonna do ?! what if i hop away and find help, but i cant talk!! And Draco would probably turn me into a frog ! what about.. McGonagall, she can turn into a cat maybe she could help me...
“Shh shh… pretty rabbit” he spread his legs slouching in his chair.” Be good and i might change you back.” his tone was condescending and hurtful, he had all the power right now. Your ears fell behind you again and you hopped to his stomach nuzzling his shirt up and over your eyes trying to pretend you were anywhere else. He cooed down at you scratching your rear and tugging your ear lightly. “Arent you cute when you wanna be ey? You didint want to snuggle the other night but look at you now.” you felt his hand scratch at your rear again. Why would i want to snuggle after what you did… “I like having you there Rabbit. Gets you used to my scent and i can feel your little wet nose wiggling against my chest, your cold padded front feet kneading my lap.” shut up.. I hate this, i hate it.. his long fingers stroked along your back, back and forth. “Your so fragile like this, a defenseless little Rabbit, if i change you back will you do this for me when your human?” he asked you, expecting an answer. What? Does he mean cuddle? You shook your head and budged your face into his chest feeling really sad. Why me, he could have picked on anyone else. If he changes me back im going to ask… You stretched a leg out getting sleepy. Why does that feel .. so nice.. Why is he being like this.. “aww, “ he tickled your little foot, smirking big. “Comfy on me? How adorable. Lets hope Snape doesn't call on me for some bloody demonstration” Draco turned his attention to the man, a hand still on your back rubbing ever so slowly, lulling you right to sleep.
Later on you woke up from the sound of students and the smell of food. It was dark and you could only see Draco a little bit . you must be in his pocket again. I slept the whole class? Is it lunchtime? The day is almost over then. Im hungry.. Dracos robe pockets were deep, deep enough for you to sit comfortably in his robe with two front feet sticking out in front of you. It was cozy… you wished it wasn't. All you could smell was him, all you could really hear was him, him him him… You yawned kicking your back feet around alerting Draco that you were awake. He moved his arm a bit so his robe opened making it easy for him to see you. He smiled down at you and held out some of a carrot for you. “Have a nice nap Pet? You slept the whole class” he held his robe open with his free hand .
You sniffed the carrot hearing your tummy growl. Dammit why is he like this… i am hungry..
It was mentally painful for you to do but you held your mouth open and Draco placed the carrot on your bottom teeth chuckling to himself.
“Malfoy? Where'd you get the rabbit?” Crabb asked him, from the opposite side of the table.
“Never took you for an animal lover mate.” Goyle added.
“None of your business, its for class” he snapped at them before feeding you again.
Ugn,,, just give me the whole thing… you kicked your feet and Draco glanced down at you again. “Hungry still? Can you give me the big sad eyes?”
You want me to beg you.. While im a rabbit.. For food!? When is this going to end…
You sighed low, moved your front paws together so they overlapped, lowered your ears till they touched your back and gave Draco the biggest, saddest eyes you could do, you even added in a lip quiver.
“Thaaaats my good Rabbit, my good girl.” he held out the whole carrot and you took it into the pocket nibbling like crazy.
“Hes talking to his rabbit”
“Just.. just dont say anything…”
After lunch Draco decided to just stroll around the castle. He talked about himself mostly or his father. He had you up on his shoulder and was outside the castle just walking around. Everyone he passed either gave him a look or asked about his companion. If they were not Slytherin he did not even look at them. But if they were of his House he would tell them he had a special class assignment and had to drag a rat around all day. Every now and then he would nuzzle his cheek on you while he walked, hands in his pockets, smile on his face, head in the clouds.
“Ya know Rabbit, this is the best day i've had in a long time i think. Its a lot less tiring than making hell for that Gryffindor kid. How bout you Pet? Good day?” he looked at you nuzzling you again.
I cannot…. Begin to explain how awful this is… i'm not your little accessory. Its your lackey's fault i'm stuck like this. I think you are a - wah!
Draco brought you to his chest to hold you as he sat down near a small river with flowers next to it. He had one leg up and placed you between them to scratch your chin. “Want a little treat for being so good?” he leaned over picking a flower, holding it down to you.
Are you kidding me…
“No? Cmon love, cheers”
You thumped a foot opening your mouth for him to place the little dandelion in. “good little Rabbit, tasty?”
You swallowed the flower whole with wide eyes. It is good.. You got out of his lap to hop to the flowers munching another and another making Draco laugh to himself. “Well i guess so Pet.” he watched you munch on a few flowers for awhile, leaning back on his hands. “Rabbit” he said.
What now… You turned to him with your ears back.
“Come to me,” he pat his lap. “Cmon, right here”
Im not a damn dog.. You hopped over between his legs again and he scratched your back in long strokes.Ugn dooonttt.. Il fall asleep again … Your little body slouched over his thigh and you nuzzled your face into his crotch closing your eyes.
“Must be the sweet spot yeah?” he glided his fingers down then up your fuzzy back watching your back legs kick out from under you. You were getting sleepy all over again. Dammit why.. Just stay… aw..aw...awak...e…
“If only you would let me do this when your human.” you heard him say.
Wait what? What did he say just now? Your nose wiggled and you laid your chin on his crotch staring up at him.
“What? I told you i dont know how to change you back” he spat out looking away.
Maybe,, pretend to sleep…
You nuzzled your face back into his crotch closing your eyes and Draco laid his head on his knee watching you.
“Those fucking two trying to touch you, i dont know what came over me. Your mine, Little Rabbit. No one can touch you, no one can have you, no one can take you away from me. Not your stupid House, not the teachers, no one. Youll stay loyal to me wont you? Thats what Hufflepuff is. My loyal little Rabbit.”
What.. what does this mean?does he plan to keep me with him after graduation?! You wiggled around and Draco scooped you up laying down with you on his chest. You looked scared to him. Draco scratched your head and you scooted closer to his face putting a foot on his chin.
“Yes little Rabbit?”
I dont understand you.. Why are you being so soft right now.. All the time your mean and cruel to me but today… i dont understand. Is this all a trick to get me to fall for you? Mess with my head?
Draco pouted his lips at you. “Hmm? Give us a kiss, Pet” he fake whimpered.
I swear when im changed….
You moved your foot getting closer to nuzzle his face. Draco smiled pulling you closer and closing his eyes. “Good little Rabbit.” he dozed off holding you.
I could leave… find help.. Your body felt weird all of a sudden. Whats going on ? im floating?! Draco!! Draco!!! You struggled in the air watching Draco get farther and farther away. You floated back inside the castle and up some stairs to a open door where a man was waving his wand around directing you. He had long blond hair and looked very curious. You knew who he was the instant he put you on his desk.
His hand cupped your chin giving him a good look at you. Your squeezing too tight.. Please.. It hurts..
“Black and yellow eyes,. A Hufflepuff student.” he stroked your back in long hard strokes while he talked. “How did my son come across you? I wonder? I think ill hold onto you, he should realize soon enough..”
Lucious Malfoy… anyone but him… Malfoy was tolerable.. But his father… please come find me Draco…….and soon.
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-23
More homestuuuuuck
I’m a little tired today so I don’t expect much intelligent analysis out of myself, but if anything classpecty happens I doubt I’ll be able to help myself regardless.
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oh, always
(EDITS: added note on horn colors, link to ask on potential Blood powers reference)
> CHAPTER 12. Really Convoluted Metaphorical Horseshit
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In the bowels of a different ship, at a moment in time that is not pinpointable in either direction from the previous interaction, another Dave raps quietly to himself.
another dave raps quietly to himself.  i am glad that phrase exists it brings me joy
(LATER EDIT: A friend on Discord pointed out that throughout this entire update, Karkat's horns are #FF0000 red. They were normal candy-corn colors in previous glimpses at the ship crew, though they used a dark single-color shortcut typical of old Homestuck at one point... but THIS time it stays STARK red even when we zoom in close later. Is this just artistic liberty? Did Karkat color his horns for fashion? Does this happen to red-bloods like the Sufferer after a certain age? Just how much time has actually passed, here? We might have to wait for the commentary for this one.)
Karkat really has chilled out hasnt he?  like this is surprisingly level for him, and that fact is hilarious.
oh gosh that’s why he’s rapping
> ==>
DAVE: kanaya was telling me this kids story the other day about this dude who didnt cherish a flower enough until it peaced out to do flower stuff idk its not pertinent to the story DAVE: except the flower was a person DAVE: because it was a metaphor
Oh right, coming back to the Little Prince stuff I was too lazy to metaphor-deep-dive into, and literally asking the same questions we were asking about who the Little Prince’s story applies to mapped here if anyone at all, like Dirk and such, or what biases were in the retelling of it and the way Kanaya phrased it.  So now we’re practically mocking it by deep diving it here, hence the last page’s “DAVE: i was just thinking through some really convoluted metaphorical horseshit”, which means we’re both about to further explore AND shit all over the existence of this story metaphor until it doesn’t mean anything and most of the meaning we drew from it earlier is made a joke~
well, not “we”, cause I was too lazy, so... y’all
DAVE: anyway what goes down in the story is that once the flower lady is out of the picture DAVE: the main character goes around making all these connections between her and everything else in the universe until every damn thing feels like a symbol for how much he fucked up and how much he will never see her again KARKAT: THIS SEEMS PRETTY FUCKING INTENSE FOR A KID'S STORY DAVE: yea thats pretty much what i said
Oh holy shit.  That’s yet another way to put it.  Are we doing a whole moral takedown of the Light aspect today?  cause it sounds like we’re taking a dump on the Light aspect and RoboRose getting too obsessed and immersed in it, which would be excellent
DAVE: but i guess its not so much what the story was technically textually about but more like the version of it kanaya internalized and then told me when we were talkin about how she misses rose
DAVE: so like now im taking the story she told me she was projecting her feelings onto and projecting my feelings on top of that
yes absolutely, you just rephrased it a different way with that exact same bias
DAVE: this is just one big game of emotional projection telephone so feel free to go paraphrase it to roxy later and make it about whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing
perfect. i need an emoji for that Italian thing for when you pinch your thumb and forefinger together and kiss it
ah this’ll do:
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its like the expression “choice” but in nonverbal form
[...] whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing KARKAT: YOUR ABILITY TO GET TO THE POINT DAVE: gotem DAVE: anyway you’re not gonna have to miss that skill of mine for long DAVE: get ready for this shit because i am about to slap you with the point so hard youll fall ass first into the washer DAVE: just scrambling around in there getting all sudsy DAVE: but your brain is gonna be so blasted from the mindfreak of a point im about to make that there wont be anything left to clean
Anytime dave is told to get to the point he is contractually obligated to spend at least 20 seconds talking about how he’ll get to the point in a way that is not getting to the point
DAVE: so its genuinely cool that kanaya can go around creating meaning that may or may not be actually present in every little thing DAVE: connecting every feeling she has to the idea of her wife existing out there DAVE: so i told her she should keep that shit up DAVE: but im having the opposite issue where im struggling to find anything to be that kind of tether because every single thing i could possibly consider about what it is were doing just reminds me of yet another thing to be afraid about
Great examples of Light being good and bad!  Attaching strands of connective meaning to everything.  --though, in Dave’s case AND Kanaya’s case you could argue it’s both bad in terms of effects.  That it’s great for Kanaya to care, but that she should be able to divest herself and live on her own terms without idealizing Rose literally everywhere she looks, personal growth which would be useful in helping bring Rose back to her in the first place.  The struggle they’re looking forward to is largely philosophical, not just physical, and until Rosebot acknowledges that she was wrong it’s not over.
DAVE: everything fuckin sucks huge cosmic donkey sack and im terrified KARKAT: OK, SO I FEEL LIKE YOU SKIPPED A COUPLE NECESSARY STEPS IN YOUR POINT CLARIFICATION PROCESS.
Pretty sure Dave was on the same page as most Epilogue and start-of-HS2 readers.  This situation is pretty bleak to dump our heroes into, no matter how much we believe will be resolved in the long run.
DAVE: ok but were you going with sweet or savory please give me that much at least KARKAT: YEAH IT WAS GOING TO BE SUNDAE-BASED. DAVE: nice KARKAT: YEAH. KARKAT: DO YOU WANNA WATCH MORE GBBO AFTER THIS? DAVE: absolutely
--ah, Great British Bake-Off, can’t say I’ve indulged
do they still have that?? did they save it from old Earth?  or did they go where unflooded Britain used to be and say hey, new show reboot
That last line is like, exactly as fucking sweet and awesome as we imagined their relationship to be.  :)
> ==>
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DAVE: ok yeah this is a better position to unleash all my inner fears n anxieties from
DAVE: those times its like my mouth was saying words about the situation wherein our friends are AWOL and maybe dead but my brain wasnt fully letting me experience the emotion that goes along with them DAVE: man its like i cant even start genuinely thinking about how afraid i actually am for rose and john without my brain flippin its wad and whiting out DAVE: like haha fuck i hope theyre ok DAVE: now i better make a fuckin joke before i succumb to the gaping mouth of despair waiting for me to fall in it as soon as i look down and acknowledge that its there ogling how juicy my ass looks as it trembles with terror
I really hope that the writers of HS2 know full well that this feeling? the one Dave is describing here? is what many of us who got way overinvested in the well-being of Homestuck’s surviving characters felt reading the Epilogues and Homestuck^2.  So I really hope they’re working through it in a way that will result in a preponderance of GOOD THINGS happening and hope-filled situations.  Cause that “can’t even think about X” feeling is too familiar, and if they understand it as well as it LOOKS like they’re getting to, I’d really like them to give us a helping hand healing.
I think that’s what they’re going for?  Seems hopeful for me to think so, but they HAVE been doing better as HS2 has been going forward, from an emotional standpoint anyway; definitely better than the Epilogues.  And I’ve worked through some of that stuff with the help of that, because it’s MUCH easier nowadays to think about Homestuck without my gut clenching.
DAVE: i guess im just fucked up about how to worry about dirk and be angry at him at the same time DAVE: because if i get as unholy pissed at him as i sometimes wanna be i also gotta admit to myself that maybe i coulda done something different there
Mhmm, Karkat’s potentially a pretty good person to speak with here since he’s done so much work trying not to feel responsible for everything that’s ever gone wrong.
DAVE: also like DAVE: and this by the way adds a whole other layer of guilt on there that i dont really know how to fuckin reckon with but DAVE: even with all the shit hes pulled and the fact that we are more or less heading toward having to take him down DAVE: whatever that is gonna mean and whether or not he planned it like that DAVE: i just DAVE: me and him had come so far with each other and it was really cool for a while to have him and i DAVE: ugh DAVE: i dont WANT to hate him
Yeah, Dirk and Jane’s heel-turns were really shitty for anyone who was a fan of them in the fanbase, as well.
That is an adorably real boyfriend-laying-in-boyfriend’s-lap thing to do
DAVE: the part i mentioned before about how we really have no goddamn clue how long this trip is even gonna take DAVE: i cant help but feel like its barely getting revved up DAVE: and for me and roxy and jade and callie and kan thats normal shit at best and boring at worst but we all have our immortality to thank for that DAVE: we can just dick around in space for near-eternity waiting to catch up to our friends who may or may not be our enemies now and itll be fine DAVE: i mean no itll be categorically miserable DAVE: but well survive it KARKAT: HOLD THE FUCK ON. DAVE: but you KARKAT: DAVE. DAVE: no lemme say this
Oh god damnit.  Karkat’s limited lifespan.  As if we hadn’t ALREADY covered a nauseatingly extensive gamut of disheartening topics of conversation.  We really have to confront every shred of misery in their past, present and future one after the other after the other in the Epilogues and HS2, don’t we?  >:(
I guess it had to be discussed, though.
DAVE: we dont talk about it much and i got shit to say about it DAVE: its not like i never thought about how youre mortal before but i just thought wed be able to figure it out before it mattered DAVE: come up with some kind of plan DAVE: i was just distracted being happy with you i fucking guess and so i didnt think up a way to fix it DAVE: and now thanks to dirk we have to work it out right the fuck now DAVE: because i cant spend this trip just sitting around watching you get old and die
Jesus.  I mean, WE know(?) that it’s not gonna be THAT many years, but THEY don’t know that.
Unless it really IS going to be that many years and HS2 is going to shamelessly take a fucking sledgehammer to our feelings for no goddamn good reason.  Which it won’t!  Right???  >:T
> ==>
Dishwasher ding
> Dave: Grapple with the clean, soggy consequences of the passage of time.
Hey, don’t make it a metaphor here. --though, fuck.  I suppose we are dealing with everyones dirty laundry.  God damnit.  SURE, deal with it all story but then GET IT OUT OF THE WAY AND PUT SOME SERIOUS FUN AND LAUGHS IN HERE so we don’t feel like we’re wading through an entire garbage dump!!!  *click*
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Karkat’s eyebrows-only mouthless frown is really cute.
> ==>
okay Karkat explain the nope you’re lodging
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> ==>
> ==>
DAVE: ok go on
I mean I at least appreciate the time investment in adorable boyfriends.  That’s definitely something of SOME good value they’re giving us in exchange for this misery
> ==>
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That Karkat image makes me wanna do that red-shaky-gif-thing with it
Yes, and you’ll possibly convince him more of that over time, though not in this short conversation
And with that darkly angry expression too, that’s PERFECT
I mean it’s true.  What exactly would they be doing DIFFERENTLY on Earth C other than enjoying each other like this?  It’s pretty fucking great.
...hm.  Isn’t this journey-not-the-destination stuff pretty Breathy?  Karkat’s proving more balanced by the moment.
Pff.  He feels guilty for ENJOYING IT so much.  <3
I’m glad Karkat knows that DAVE knows somewhere in him that it’s more than that, because yeah, if Karkat thought he DIDN’T know that at some level that’d be a reason to take MUCH MORE SERIOUS offense.
Hah!!!  Point taken.  Karkat must view Dave as practically more fragile than HIM.
Okay, this is great and wholesome.  I am now retroactively GLAD that this topic got brought up.  :)
> ==>
Dave is still afraid. There is a part of him that will always be, he thinks. He has accepted this about himself. There is another feeling coursing through him too, though. It’s something he's felt before, though never quite so intensely. He looks up at Karkat and understands, viscerally, the simple power his words have. They pump through Dave’s own body, alive and warm and true.
He wonders if Karkat realizes it, or if he’s just, as always, saying what he feels as he feels it. Dave doesn’t attempt to dissect it further. There will be time for that later.
Every really loving moment like this is sort of undercut by the fact that it’s also, in some senses, part of alt!Calliope’s narration and, by extension, her fanfiction.
EDIT 2: There's also either a hint to potential Blood powers or even an explicit Blood power use here that I didn't recognize. I'm leaning towards it's-laying-the-groundwork-for-future-use-of-Blood-powers-but-isnt-magical-in-this-case.
> ==>
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That was nice.  Still gonna wait on doing any commentary til next time or a Bonus update or two, cause I’m beat.  See y’all next time!
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
Wrecked part 8
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Daryls eyes locked with mine and i felt fear like i never have before. "Negan, what is he doing here?" I said sounding out of breath, negan walked over to me and pointed his bat at daryl.
"He is here, to prove a point." Negan smiled at me and i shook my head. Daryl finally found his feet a few minutes later, his eyes never leaving mine. Daryl took a step in my direction but was quickly knocked back to his knees by the handle of negans bat. "Dont you fuckin do that again. You stay the fuck away from my wife."
"Negan." I said louder than i meant to which caught him off guard. His head turned towards me, "can we talk, in private?"
His smiled widened as he straightend his stance. "Now thats what im fuckin talkin about." I rolled my eyes as he motioned for me to walk in front of him.
I turned towards the sanctuary but i turned back towards daryl. "Im so sorry daryl." Negan grabbed me by my arm roughly and led me inside. "Ow! Negan youre hurting my arm." He didnt say a word until we made it to a room like a living room.
He opened the door and shoved me inside, i turned and flinched when he slammed it behind him. "What the fuck was that!? Im so sorry daryl? What the fuckin hell was that about?"
His fury caught me off guard but i held my ground, "i could ask you the same thing. Why is he here?"
"I already told you, plus i dont have to explain a fuckin thing to you. Have you forgotten whos in charge?" Negans rage wouldve made any man wither in front of him, but not me.
I crossed my arms over my chest, "i know damn well whos in charge. Do you have any idea what kind of war you brought on all of us?"
He laughed and twirled lucielle around, "this world is nothing but war."
"But none of us asked for this. Theres women and children here, plus lots of men who follow you blindly. Dont let your ego get us all killed." I sat down on the couch as he poured himself some whiskey from a bottle on the table in the corner of the room.
"Ego? This dont have a fuckin thing to do with ego. This is about showing rick who the fuck he fucked with. If that means a war then by god thats what it will come to." Negan sat in the other couch across from me and sipped his drink. "You knew what you signed up for here. You said youd follow me anywhere. Always have my back. Have you changed your mind?"
My eyes widened at his question because whether he waanted me to hear it or not, i heard the pain behind it. "Negan, what im saying is you bashed two guys heads in to teach rick a lesson. You dont need daryl."
He snickered, "oh sweetheart i have plans for him."
"Please negan just let him go, call a truce with rick." I stood from where i was sitting but he just sat still for a moment. He placed his drink on the side table and then leaned forward.
"Maybe youre right. Maybe i should let daryl go, go over to alexandria and deliver him to the front door myself. Kiss ricks ass, let him think he scares me."
"I didnt say that." I whispered.
He shook his head, "i aint pussy footin around no damn body. I will do whatever it takes to make sure my people survive." I sighed, i knew negan was not budging on this so i guess i would have to take matters into my own hands.
"I am too, the longer daryl stays here the more danger your people will be in. If you wont do something i will." I knew i was pushing it but negan knew i saw myself as his equal, i will not cower in front of him.
"You are not gonna do a god damn thing. You go near daryl, or leave this sanctuary and youll fuckin regret it." Negan growled standing in front of me, i caught a glimpse of his hand tightening around the handle of the bat.
I looked up into his eyes and smiled, "what are you gonna do? Bash my brains in?" I saw the muscle in his jaw twitch as i stepped closer. "Go ahead. Do it. Im giving you a free shot." I whispered against his lips.
His breath becoming heavy, i could also feel myself becoming aroused by our little spat. "God damn it." He growled as he dropped the bat and it bounced against the wooden floor. His arms wrapped around me as his lips crushed mine.
He lifted me and threw me on the couch, i landed with a huff but he was right there on top of me before i could blink. As his mouth covered mine he began stripping off my boots and socks, he then kicked his off and leaned down to pull his socks off. Our lips parted for a moment as he jerked his jacket off and threw it on the floor as well as his white t shirt. I did the same with my shirt and bra. His hands worked my button and zipper on my pants and had them plus my underwear pulled down in a second.
Negans lips found mine yet again as we both worked to get his belt undone. He finally got and pushed his pants down just enough for him to spring free. He wasted no time, he shoved his dick straight into me in a hard thrust.
"Fuck!" I screamed as i felt myself already going higher towards my orgasm. He pounded into me relentlessly, i dug my fingernails into his shoulder blades no doubt leaving marks.
His mouth was on my neck biting and sucking, "whos in fuckin charge baby?" He asked as he pounded into me. I couldnt say a word just incoharrent words. "Fuckin tell me now!"
One of my hands grabbed a fist full of his hair and yanked hard, "you are." He growled in response as he jerked my hands away from him and pinned them above my head, his grip so tight that ill have bruises.
"Thats fuckin right. Now, im going to fuckin fuck you so damn hard you wont be able to leave our bed for a week."
"Prove it." I whispered as i lifted my hips up towards him.
He started pounding into me hard then, almost to the point of being painful but i loved it. My legs stretched out to the sides as the began to shake. "God fuckin damn it!" Negan yelled as i felt myself start to cum, he kept going even after my first orgasm came and gone. I felt another one just around the corner.
His cock hitting my g spot and i felt it, my eyes rolling in the back of my head, my body convulsing underneath him. This orgasm was stronger than the last, i began to squirt and i caught him smirking. "Thats right baby, give me every fuckin drop. Dont you stop cumming until i get done."
I didnt, he kept pounding i kept squirting. I felt like my heart was about to explode inside my chest and i was very close to using our safe word. Suddenly he pushed into me twice more and i could feel his cum fill me to the brim.
I lay lifeless on the couch trying to catch my breath negan plops down at my feet. He lays his head back on the couch breathing heavy, wiping the sweat from his face. "Holy fuckin shit, now that was some good angry sex." He said and i couldnt help but chuckle. I felt him crawl his way back up my body, i opened my eyes just as he reached my eye level. "Im going to piss you off more often baby." His lips press against mine softly, i feel his fingers running through my sweat drenched hair and thats all it took. I was out like a light.
@holylulusworld @an-unhealthy-obsession @vicmc624 @justanotherwinchester @jesseswartzwelder @tftumblin
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rosepetalmark · 6 years
Not in the Stars
2.5k words
Renjun x Reader
warnings: alcohol mention
in which you plan to confess your love for your best friend to him at a party, but the universe has other plans in store for the both of you. 
You like Renjun. A lot. 
That was one sentence in your five years of friendship with Huang Renjun that you never thought you’d say to yourself, let alone admit to. 
You don’t know where these feelings came from, but all you know is that they’re strong and on your mind twenty four seven. Everything he says and does captivates your mind, causing your feelings for him to grow even stronger.
It’s as if these feelings for him suddenly hit you like a brick one day. You were strictly best friends last week, and now you have these unexplainable deep feelings for him, eating you alive and begging for you to confess to him.
It’s not that you’re opposed to dating Renjun, it’s just that he’s been your best friend for several years and he means so incredibly much to you. You just don’t want to risk losing him or making things between you two weird if he doesn’t feel the same. 
So you suppress your feelings. As long as you have Renjun as your best friend, that’s all that matters, right?
Jaemin always makes you second guess yourself, explaining that the dynamic duo that you and Renjun are would be ten times more incredible if you were dating. Since you’re already best friends and know everything about each other, why not date? Only bigger and better things can come from it he always says.
Although Jaemin makes strong points, you’re still scared Renjun will turn you away, mainly because you’re ninety nine percent certain that he only views you as a friend, nothing more and nothing less. 
Yeah you have sleepovers  and spend hours late at night talking on the phone with one another, but that’s what best friends do. If Huang Renjun has any feelings for you, you’re sure someone would have said something by now. 
You get the typical stares from old people when you make your daily trek to school in the morning, him waiting outside your house for you at exactly seven forty two, smiling so bright the second you walk out your front door.  
You constantly get mistaken as his girlfriend whenever you go out together on the weekend, which always causes a deep pink blush to appear on Renjun’s cheeks. He’s always quick to brush it off though, making it clear to everyone around you that you’re strictly best friends, and that neither of you view each other in that way. 
Boy is he wrong.
Everything about Renjun makes your heart flutter, and that’s something that scares you.
For starters, he excels so well in school. For someone who spends eighty percent of his time doodling instead of taking notes, he aces every test and can recite every piece of information that’s been discussed in class with no problem.
He’s caring and funny, and so unapologetically himself. He takes you to art museums on your spare time, talks about the latest conspiracy that’s on his mind, and always insists you go for milkshakes every Sunday night.
And boy was he cute. The way he tilts his head all the way back and crinkles his eyes when he laughs makes your heart absolutely melt.
Huang Renjun makes you happy and positive and there’s nothing more in this world that you want than to hold his hand and kiss him in public, as well as call him your boyfriend so bad. 
It wasn’t until you were out late with him, hanging out on the roof at Jeno’s house, trying to escape the loudness that was coming from inside. Jeno was throwing a kickback to celebrate the beginning of summer, something he does ever year, in which there’s always too many people inside, and you and Renjun find yourself on the roof trying to seek solace in the stars. 
Renjun looked so ethereal in the moonlight. There was nothing more that you wanted to do than press your lips ever so gently against his, and hold his hand while staring up at the stars displayed so brightly above you both in the dark sky. 
“What are you thinking about bubs?” Renjun asked, referring to the nickname he gave you when he found out that’s the name you gave your favourite stuffed rabbit when you were a child. 
God the way his voice sounded in this moment made you weak. The tipsiness you both experienced earlier was wearing off, causing your lack of hydration to become present through your raspy voices. 
But you don’t care. You’re with Renjun, and you are warm and comfortable and in love. 
In love. 
You’re in love with Huang Renjun and you can’t keep it in any longer.
Maybe this would be the best time to tell him. Every time you’re completely sober, you push the idea to the side, trying your best to forget your feelings for him even exist. What if Jun doesn’t feel the same? What if he does but months down the line you figure out you’re better off as friends, and then when you try to get back into your non-romantic routine, everything feels off? You always worry that things will go wrong and Renjun will eventually stop being your friend.
Not tonight though. Renjun looks gorgeous in the moonlight and the little bit of alcohol that remains in your system is acting as your source of encouragement, convincing you to confess to him right now and hope for the best outcome possible. 
“Love,” you reply nonchalantly. 
“Love?” he questions, staring back to you, seemingly surprised with your response. 
“Yeah. Just wondering what the universe has in store for me, you know?” you ask, turning your body to face his direction, criss crossing your legs over one another. “The idea of love both intrigues me and freaks me out. It’s exciting anticipating what will come from it, but the fear of something going wrong down the line makes me not want to pursue it, you know?” you say, staring innocently into his eyes.
He cocks his head, an intrigued look falling on his face. He purses his lips, looking as if he’s going to say something, but remains silent. 
You both remain in silence for the next several minutes, which causes your thoughts to wander. What if Renjun has caught on? Maybe he’s thinking of ways to turn you down gently. Or he’s trying to express that he somehow knows you’re talking about him, and he’s trying to do so in a similar manner. 
But the silence is killing you, and you want nothing more than for Renjun to say something. Anything to get your thoughts to shut up, and your heart race to stop rapidly beating.
“I think you shouldn’t be scared of love,” he finally says. 
Taking a deep breath, he looks off into the sky, admiring the many stars laying millions of miles away from you both. “I get that you never know what may come out of it, but I think it’s worth a shot to know you tried, and to experience something you’re not fully sure is going to work,”  he speaks softly.
“Take a look at the universe for example. It’s so big and undiscovered, yet millions of people are fascinated by it. We’re obsessed with the stars and galaxies and the possibility of aliens- which I know for a fact exist by the way, yet we’re not afraid to spend our time discovering them and giving them our attention. I think of love in a similar manner. Yeah the thought seems so broad and scary, as there’s so many things to experience and discover, but I think it’s worth it. You’re only going to learn new things about yourself and life, so why not give it a shot?”
He clears his throat, and pays his attention back to you. He has a look of determination in his eyes, and that only makes you grow even more anxious.
“Aren’t you a wise expert on love, Mr. Huang,” you chuckle.
“Well what can I say? I do a lot of thinking on my spare time when I’m not bickering with you,” he laughs, positioning himself on his arms so he can get a better view of the night sky.
“Hey!” you shout, pushing onto his arm, causing him to lose his newly comfortable position and to fall on his back. “What are you thinking about Ren? You have this sour look on your face.”
“Well your idea of love got me thinking,” he says softly, staring into your eyes.
Nervousness takes over your body. You have no idea what he’s going to say, and every second of silence is eating you up.
“And?” you say abruptly, eager to know what he’s about to say. 
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I don’t know, I never thought much of it because I’m a wimp, but I think I’m going to ask Yeri out” he confesses, a small smile forming on his face. 
The mention of Yeri makes your heart sink. Yeri. He wants to ask out Yeri. Not you. 
Of course he likes Yeri. What isn’t there to like about her? She’s really pretty and polite, and they’re both the editors of the school newspaper, so they spend a great amount of time with each other. 
God this hurt. 
“Oh really,” you respond, with a less enthusiastic tone replacing your prior happy one.
“Yeah. We’ve been getting to know each other a lot more ever since we got asked to do this editorial on the basketball team, and I think I may have feelings for her”
“Well, um I think you should go for it Renjun, “ you reply, looking off into the stars to help keep what’s happening off your mind. If you look into his eyes, you’re certain you’ll start crying.
If it’s not you, you’re glad he has an interest in a girl with a golden heart and personality. 
“You think? What if she doesn’t like me?” he asks nervously, fiddling with the rings on his fingers.
“Like you said Ren, you never know what will come from love. Why not give it a shot if it’ll lead to potentially greater things not only within yourselves, but life in general? And if she ends up only seeing you as a friend, it’s okay. You’ll find someone one day who loves every part of you.”
And you can’t help but know deep down that that person is you. If Yeri rejects him, you’ll be right here to help him pick up the pieces, if not, you’ll still be here. As his best friend. Renjun deserves all the love and happiness the universe has to offer him, and despite being sad he shows no romantic interest in you, you’re glad he finds it in an amazing girl. 
“Alright cool, I guess I’ll ask her out on Monday when we meet up to discuss the paper then.” he says, smiling to himself. 
He looks so happy. Ecstatic even. You haven’t seen him smile this big since he won first place in your school’s art show.
“She’s here you know, at the party,” you say to him. “You should do it now.”
“You think?” he asks, eyes wide. 
Renjun was never one to act on impulse. He’s a man with a plan, and always has to do things by the book or else he’ll lose his hair. He likes structure and time, a complete flip from your bold and impulsive self. 
“Yeah, why not? You’re both here, you look really cute right now, and the stars are out in your favour, shining bright to provide you with the courage to do so.” 
This makes Renjun smile. You’ve always been a help in boosting his confidence, and you’re glad to be of assistance in such a nerve-wracking yet exciting period in his life. 
Standing up, he dusts the possible dirt off his legs. He crouches over, looking into your eyes and grabs your hand. “You’re the best y/n. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“As I with you,” you reply, a soft grin forming from your lips. “Now go downstairs and ask her out before she leaves.”
Standing back up, he begins walking to the door. “I’ll let you know how it goes!” he half shouts, pressing his hand to the door handle,  and making his way back into the house. 
You’re now left alone, on the rooftop, with just the stars and your thoughts. 
Why didn’t you bring up your feelings to him sooner, you thought. Now you’re only left sad and alone, because you were too scared to tell your best friend you’re in love with him. Confessing to him seemed so perfect in your mind a couple minutes ago, but sadly the universe has other plans in store for you. 
You decide to get comfortable and lie down, and begin to look at the constellations that are possibly present within the night sky. You can still hear the loud, most likely drunk people just a floor below you, and the vibration of the music hitting your body despite being away from the noise. But you don’t care. It’s just you and the sky, and you’re doing everything in your power to forget about the party below you, and to focus on the stars. 
As you point out the orion in the sky, you feel a buzz in your back pocket, indicating that you’ve got a text. Reaching for it, you unlock your phone, and see a notification stating that Renjun messaged you. Pressing on the messages app, you click on his name and read the following:
jun bug: she said yes!! we’re going out on tueday after we’re done editing :) (2:17 AM)
“Yes.” Yeri said yes. 
You’re happy for your best friend, but for yourself, you’re heartbroken. The possibility of dating him is now slim to none, especially since a potential girlfriend is in the mix, only making you more sad for yourself. 
You make sure to reply quick, and in a way that’ll make him happy, and hopefully provide you with the positivity that everything will be okay.
y/n: i’m so happy for you ren <3 (2:18 AM)
As you press send, you feel the tears start to slide down your cheeks. You’re happy for him, you really are, but you can’t help but wish that things went differently, and that you were in Yeri’s position. 
But as Renjun said before, love can be scary. It’s a learning experience, and if it doesn’t work out, you just need to take what you can from it, and hope for the best in the future. 
So you’ll take his words, and you’ll try your best to move on. 
It’ll be tough, but you hope to god that one day he’ll just be your best friend, and that this heartbreak won’t last with you forever. 
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Stay Ch. 16
Master List
Pairing: Natasha X Reader (Female)
Summary: You have a gift, the ability to see other people’s innermost secrets. For years you used it to gather intel for the highest bidder when you take on The Widow. After she becomes more than a mark the two of you spend years stealing moments. Post snap you wait in your designated meeting place, look back on the sordid past you share with the woman you love and hope against everything that she’s still alive.
Warnings: Angst, and fluff, and feels oh my!
A/N:  So yeah I swear I wroth an authors note for this... but idfk what happened. 
ANYWAY! Thank you all for being so patient while I got my life together. This one is also short and sweet (guess that’s the mood I’m in). However, y’all should know me by now. This is just the calm before the storm. 
Hope you enjoy this one my pumpkins! 
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@mywinterwolf  @disagreetoagree  @breezy1415  @peachthatdrinkslemonade  @5aftermidnight@jeromethepsycho  @marvel-randomness  @daniellajocelyn  @katecolleen  @yanginginthere@wonderlandmind4 @piensa-bonito @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @lesbian-girls-wayhaught @siriuslycloudy2
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March 2007
At some point in the last five months, you’d stopped recognizing yourself. The woman in the mirror wasn’t Y/N. Her hair was different, down to even the eyebrows. Her accent distinctly that of a life long Londoner. She worked for an independent UK couture fashion magazine, chose wine over whiskey, and was distinctly heterosexual.
When the chance to work this job requiring deep cover came up in December you jumped on it. You didn’t want to be you anymore. The you that couldn’t be with the woman you loved. The you that was heartbroken. The you who was beginning to doubt that you’d ever be happy. Fuck her.
Being Charlie Daniels was far better. She was, of course, a real person. Just one who was now living comfortably in the Bahamas courtesy of MI6. Even legit agencies had use of freelance talent every now and then.
Settling into her life had been easy. Not setting her boss on fire or blowing his brains out daily was a different task altogether. Turned out that a magazine was a great front for a crime empire. Lots of international travel, young and beautiful and desperate men and women, money exchanged in countless untraceable ways, on and on. And this fucker was happy to take advantage of every single disgusting avenue it opened up.
You almost had everything you needed to hand to MI6, get your obscenely large payout, and get on to another gig while they threw all of these bastards into cells to rot for the rest of their miserable lives. Just one more trip. After whatever horrible things they lay out in Tokyo you’ll be set.
Tokyo is one of those cities you can lose yourself in. Like New York but better for its interesting balance of vibrancy and grounded reserve. You absolutely love it.
The whole point of the trip, at least on the surface, was to focus on Fashion Week Tokyo. Honestly, there was a part of you that wished this was your world. Nothing but runway shows and after parties. Writing about the latest trends rather than delving into the inner workings of the worlds miscreants
Oh well. It was nice enough to pretend. You had to admit that you’d miss Charlie Daniels once you shed this skin in a couple of weeks.
You’re sitting two people down from your boss at an underground show. The level of security here screams that there are other things going on behind the scenes but it’s still a room filled with a who’s who of the Japanese and international fashion communities.
This was your third show of the day, and you knew there would be a party after where you’d have to schmooze all while plucking information from your unsuspecting fellow guests. You’re exhausted. So rather than pay much attention to the show you let your mind wander.
When she walks out you feel her rather than see her.  Slowly you turn your head to stare dumbstruck at the model walking onto the catwalk. Your heart begins beating against your ribs, your mouth goes dry, your hands shake.
It takes every ounce of control you have to keep your emotions in. To not scream “Natasha!” at the top of your lungs. To not grab her and run for the hills. Charlie Daniels and her easy life be damned. It’s hard but you manage.
As she turns and comes back down, passing now closer to you, her eyes don’t graze  the crowd at all. Head up, shoulders back, she walks the runway like she’d been doing it for years.
The rest of the show is maybe ten minutes but it feels like years. You know the models are all attending the party. Eye candy for the high end guests.
It’s fairly easy to ditch your coworkers in the crowd as you try to find the best vantage point in the room without being too obvious. After a solid twenty minutes, you find yourself planning an escape route. Most of the models are milling about but she’s no where to be seen. You will find her.
But you know you can’t skip out just yet. At the bar, you order a red wine and make yourself seen. Charlie would never miss the whole party after all. You spend a bit chatting with designers and a few models, feigning interest in the whole thing until you hear your boss call out to you.
“Oy, Charlie!” Carl’s voice alone makes you want to put him down. When you turn he’s waving you over to the bar. Sighing heavily you head over.
You’re about ten feet away when you see her, head back laughing at something Carl or his friend had said. Both men are far to close to her for your liking and the hungry look on Carl’s face sets your blood boiling.
He slings an arm around your shoulders and you carefully coach your face to not show disgust. “Charlie here is my best writer. Doin’ some pieces for us on this whole thing,” he waves his other hand around wildly.
“Good to meet ya, Charlie, I’m Dan,” the other man, clearly American says.
“Likewise,” Natasha doesn’t react to the accent at all.
“This here is-”
“Natalie,” Natasha cuts him off, extending a hand to you. Holding her eyes with yours you take it. It’s like touching a live wire.
“Natalie is an American model working here in Japan. May be a good topic for a piece.” He ribs you leaning closer, “And a good piece for the office eh?” Suddenly that MI6 money seems far less appealing.
“I’d love that,” Natasha beams. “Why don’t you guys go mingle and Charlie and I can chat!” The men exchange a glance, but there’s plenty of fresh meat around to sink their teeth into.
Carl flashes you a greasy smile and a wink as he walks away. Thinking clearly that you’re going to snare this woman for him. You, unfortunately, had a few others. Not something you were proud of. Demands of the job you told yourself.
“She’ll take a vodka neat,” you tell the bartender.
“Yes,” Natasha smiles at him, “Whiskey for her. Makers if you have it.” He thinks nothing of it and makes your drinks.
“So, how’s modeling in Japan?”
“Probably about as good as writing for a sleazy jackal.”
You laugh, “That bad? What’s the goal.”
“Getting a cover,” you commend the clever word play.
“That’s a good goal. Long term?”
“Something like that.” She takes a sip of her vodka, “How long are you here?”
“End of the week.” Your skin itches to touch her. The men are rounding back. You hold her gaze and shift your eyes back to them. She catches on.
“Perfect! It’s so hard to have a good interview here, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely. Why don’t you come by my hotel?” You whip out your spare key card. “I’d love to get your story for the mag, maybe do a full feature.”
“A feature would be excellent exposure!”
“Wouldn’t it?” Carl slides up next to her. “We can get you all the exposure you could want Ms. Natalie.”
“Charlie was telling me all about it.” She flashes him a coy smile. “Thank you so much Charlie! I forgot I have a late fitting tonight for another show so I’ve got to run. But we’ll chat soon yeah?”
“Absolutely! It was so good to meet you Natalie.”
“Same! Bye!” She hurries through the crowded room and disappears.
“Busy girl.” Carl quips. “Whiskey?” You look down at the glass by your hand.
“Some guy sent them over,” you gesture to Natasha’s lipstick stained glass. “Seemed rude to refuse. Can’t stand the stuff though.”
“That’s a mans drink,” Carl laughs at his own perceived joke and you force a smile.
Somehow you make it through the rest of the evening. You’d refused to allow yourself to hope that she’d be here, too obvious to come the same night, better to wait. Kicking off your shoes you head straight to the mini bar and crack open a whiskey, downing it in one gulp.
“You really need to be more careful,” Natasha’s voice comes from the bathroom. “I mean not even checking around. Sloppy.”
“Charlie Daniels doesn’t have to check for Russian assassins in her bathroom,” a smile pulls your face so tight it hurts.
“Well, Natalie Rushman isn’t a Russian spy. So…”
You let your real accent resurface as you pull her into your arms, “Natalie Rushman, I don’t know if that’s clever or lazy.” She kisses you hard, tongue sliding over your lips hands gripping your ass.
“Mmm,” she hums. “Kinda like the accent.”
“Oh?” You revert to the clipped posh Londoner sound. “Would you rather be with Charlie? I hate to break it to you, she’s strictly into dick so you may need to get a bit creative.”
Natasha’s head falls back with laughter, “I’m always into a challenge but,” she cups your face in her hands, “I’d much rather Y/N, she’s got a cute accent too.” Your kiss is soft this time, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, honey.” Gently you push a strand of hair out of her face. “Is this smart? Are you gonna get-”
“I’m good. I wouldn’t be here if I thought there was risk.” She pulls away and tugs you toward the bed. “There’s no surveillance on me here, I check in every week, that’s it. This is strictly to build a cover.”
“Cover for what?” She gives you a sideways glance. “Right. National security.”
“Do you really want to talk about work?”
Smirking at her you push her back on the bed. “Maybe later.”
You lean down to her but she stops you by planting a strappy heel in the center of your chest. Trailing your fingers down her leg you snag a knife from her thigh holster. Carefully you slide the blade under the straps, the incredibly sharp edge cuts through the thin suede like it’s nothing.
“Those were very expensive you know,” eyes sparkling with desire.
You slip the shoe off and toss it aside. “I’ll buy you a new pair.” Your lips press against her ankle.  
Everything in your life until her was so fleeting. Even your own name, the sound of your own voice, who you were… But with her, you were grounded. You weren’t anything but her’s, you were Y/N.
Suddenly you’re overwhelmed. Caressing her muscular calf you just stare at her eyes. Emerald green, dark liner, lids heavy with lust and exhaustion.
“Natasha…” Your voice cracks and you fight for composure.
“Y/N? What is it?” She shoots up, cradling your face in her hands.
You shake your head, unable to really find the words and unwilling to send this storm of emotions to her. “I just…” You cover her hands with your own. It’s not that you don’t want her, you do. But…
“Can we just… I just wanna hold you…” Her expression immediately softens, eyes sparkling a touch with tears. “Sorry… I… I just…”
“I’d love that, baby.” Tenderly her lips brush yours, then your cheeks, your forehead, your eyelids as they flutter closed.
You shed your clothes and crawl into the plush bed. Holding tight to one another you spend hours drifting in and out of sleep, covering the other with soft kisses. Before the sun rises your hands wander southward.
This time you don’t fuck one another senseless. It feels like you’re trying to memorize every curve, every sound, every subtle thing that marks being together. You both know you many not get to do this for some time. The knowledge aches but it doesn’t make having her any less sweet.
Post Snap
You lean your head back on the wall behind the booth. The crying man from last night is gone, you find yourself hoping that he’s resting peacefully somewhere… even though you know it’s pointless to hope for such things.
There are more people filling the bar than there was before. The TVs are off, radios turned up, reporters frantically trying to determine what happened. It was global, that was clear. All planes grounded, trains stopped, communications spotty due to damaged cell towers.
A man speaks frantically to someone who seems to be a friend that he was heading to Nuremberg from Budapest, how the roads are almost not navigable. He doesn’t know if his family is even still there but he has to find out.
Despite his distress, your lips curl a bit at the mention of Budapest.
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Seromina || Firsts
For Sero Ship Week Day 3: Firsts at @seroshipweek​
SUMMARY: Ashido tends to overshare her personal life on social media so it’s only fitting that she shares her favourite moments on it too, right?
But this time, it’s only for one pair of eyes.
GENRE: sero hanta x ashido mina, social media au (I think?)
TEXT from your queen 💕
follow @iloveutapeboi on insta its private but dw youll be accepted start from the first post!!!!!!!!
[Image: Candid of Sero taken from the side; slightly blurry, low angle as if the photographer was trying to be discreet as they took it. He’s wearing an orange hoodie with black stripes. He’s grinning at someone in front of him and he holds a bitten meat pie in one hand. In the background, there are barely visible bowling lanes.]
Caption: the first time i thought to myself “maybe seros actually cute and i actually like him in a like like way” if that make sense lol. maybe there were other times but this was the earliest memory i could think of. this was after that laser tag game we all played and you did your whole dramatic self sacrificing for me (lol quickest way to my heart - take a laser tag shot for me). 
[Image: Image of the city taken from inside a bus. Half the image is of the seats of the bus whilst the other half are buildings of the city. A few people are in the shot, but they’re faces are unrecognisable.]
Caption: first time I realised I was in loveeee (i love youu) how cheesy amirite. its a bus because i realised it when we were going back to ua together after a field trip and idk i just had this light bulb moment ok ugh this is too cheesy were done here ily but im cringing too hard at the cheesinesssss (two posts in and im already dying but im pushing thru!!!!)
[Image: 2 puppies being held by someone who is clearly Sero by the look of the arms and his orange black striped hoodie. One puppy in each arm; a white pit bull and a brown one.]
Caption: our not-so-official first date?? idk if you’d call it that but like......we were alone together so idk??? u know i was going to actually confess today but the dogs were so cute they distracted me!! so i forgot lol!!! (theyre only sliiiiiightly cuter than u dw dw!!! 🤣)
[Image: Sero’s silhouette inside a movie theater. He’s facing the camera but it’s too dark to see much other than the shadows of his face and the glint of his white teeth in his grin. In the far left of the photo, the Lego Movie is playing.]
Caption: our official first date (tho i guess it was kinda rushed??? considering i literally told u i liked u like an hour earlier lmao but i wouldnt have it any other way ❤️)
[Image: Ashido’s room, taken from the doorway. The bed is unmade; the curtains are drawn back to let the sunlight in; the desk is a mess of school books and loose sheets. Ashido’s arms are outstretched in front of the camera; she’s forming a heart with her hands.]
Caption: place we had our first kiss!!! (tho we failed like five times and kept laughing!! the movies are wayyyy too serious - they make it seem like ur not allowed to laugh!! our kisses are so much better😘)
[Image: Pathway leading up into a park where cherry blossom trees frame the edges. There are a few passerbys and one dog, legs a blur, running through the image.]
Caption: place i asked you to be my boyfriend because SOMEONE STILL had this WEIRD idea that?? i??? didnt?? like?? them? EVEN AFTER?? LIKE FIVE DATES?? AND FIVE KISSES???
[Image: UA Heights Alliance common room. Looking through the windows, it’s night and there’s no one in there but there’s food wrappers strewn across the coffee table and the floor.]
Caption: place you said your first i love you (ok i suppose i shouldnt be salty about the boyfriend asking thing because first ilys are such a milestone!!!! ps. im still sorry i panicked when u said it lmao i love how we laugh about it but i know from sources coughbakuyellingthat1tapeboiwasstressingashell that you almost cried ilyyyyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️)
[Image: Close up focus of Sero’s lit up face. He’s giving a close-eyed smile to someone slightly to the left of the camera. Just making it in the frame is a slice of bright blond hair. The background is blurred but it is clearly of a busy beach; the sky is blue and there’s not a cloud in sight. There are two figures, one shirtless with red hair and one wearing a wetsuit cut off at the lower thigh with what might be black or dark purple hair in the water in the far background.]
Caption: when i said my first i love you (i love you toos and i love yous on phones dont count!!! and also u are sooooooo cute in this photo!!! not that ur not always cute ofc 😋)
[Image: Text screenshot. (Sent) Ashido: IM SO MAD AT U SERO HANTA ANSWER MEEE (Receiving) Sero: NEVER U TRAITOR (Sent) Ashido: UR THE TRAITOR!!!!]
Caption: first fight :( one of the saddest chapters of my life i hope we never do that again ❤️
[Image: Rice with natto on top, chopsticks on the side. The dish is on top of pink, patterned napkins.]
Caption: first (of many!!!!!!!!) anniversaries (see??? taking pics of food is VERY important!! and u dared to make fun of my ‘attempts at being aesthetics’!!)
[Image 1: Necklace in shape of a crown with engraving of words “Alien Queen”.  Image 2: Necklace is flipped over with engraving of words “Ashido Mina”.]
Caption: first (of many!!!!!!!!!!) anniversary presents (I LOVE IT SO MUCH WHY R U SO NICEEEEEEE ITS SO CUTE IM WEARING IT EVERYDAY ILY)
[Image: From the side, Sero smiling softly, looking up at a beautiful orange sky to match his brighter orange hoodie. His eyes are wide but he’s happy. Behind are a few trees.]
Caption: I love youuuuuuuuuuuu sero hantaaaaaaaaaa and dont you forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *spam of heart emojis* (also u r seriously wearing the same hoodie in like five of these pics w h y)
TEXT to your queen 💕
im actualy cryin can i call u
TEXT from your queen 💕
oof  [Image: google search bar “how to comfort crying boyfriend”.] ofc u can!!
Sero: How long have you been planning this? I love you so muchhhhhhhh. I’m crying, can you hear my tears? How did you do it? Did you go to every place or were you planning this from the beginning?
Ashido: *laughter* You can’t hear tears dummy. And you’re not meant to cry! Its meant to be a happy thing! *more laughter*
Sero: ...Glad to know your happy about my pain. ...Its amazing I have literally no words Ashido. I love it-I love you and I love us. Thank you so much.
Ashido: Awww don’t make me blush. It was nothing!
Sero: What do you mean NOTHING? Don’t insult yourself Ashido Mina this is...I don’t know-EVERYTHING!
Ashido: Okay that’s true. I’m awesome.
Sero: I’m going to treasure this forever. You’ll never delete this account right?
Ashido: *giggling* Course not!
Sero: It’s too amazing. Seriously, and I gave you the most cliche relationship present ever.
Ashido: Eesh don’t worry! I love my present! Besides it was the final piece for the account!
Sero: If you say so. You know, I don’t think a meme war counts as a fight...in a relationship...
Ashido: Of course it does! I was soooo angry at you. How could you side with Kirishima?! It was so frustrsting! You wouldn’t BELIEVE!
Sero: ...Trust me I believe. *muffled* Especially after you taped me to the ceiling.
Ashido: What was that?
Sero: Nothing! Also how’d you take the pic of your room with your arms in front of you? Is it...*whispers loudly* sorcery?
Ashido: *giggling* You got it. I have a second quirk that I-...I kept secret. Yup. But I’m telling you because you’re my boyfriend and all.
Sero: And I will totally believe you, because you’re my girlfriend, and all. Hey, I know you need your beauty sleep but can I come over--
Ashido: Yes!
Sero: --tomorrow--wait, what?
Ashido: Oh. Well-
Sero: *muffled snort* Someone’s desperate.
Ashido: *huff* Shhh! You can come over anytime!
Sero: Would you really not mind if I came over now? At like...*shuffling* eleven?
Ashido: Is that even a question? If you come over now, I can add it to the journal!
Sero: The journal?
Ashido: The account Sero!
Sero: Okay...Why? It’s not the first time I’ve been to your house. Firsts was the theme right?
Ashido: Yep! And I can make it ‘First night spent together’ wink wink.
Sero: …*muffled laugh* Whatever floats your boat.
Ashido: But you’re getting a cab here right? You better not walk out this late at night!
Sero: I mean, we’re both training to be heroes if we can’t walk out at night then what could we do--
Ashido: Sero you butt!
Sero: --but yes I’m getting a cab.
Ashido: Good! You better stay on the phone the whole time too!
Sero: Of course. I love you Ashido Mina.
Ashido: And I love you Sero Hanta! ...Wait are you still wearing that orange hoodie?
Sero: ...*distant mumbles* Why do you hate my beloved hoodie so much?
Ashido: *equally distant mumbles* If you wear it one more time the photos will think you have one hoodie.
Sero: What would you say if I said yes?
Ashido: I’d say we’ve got our next date planned and you can guess what it is.
Sero: ...I mean, I wouldn’t say no to any time with you anyway?
Ashido: Pfft, stop being cute. Just-alright, whatever. Tomorrow? At whatever time we wake up I guess?
Sero: It’s a date.
A/N: completely forgot that they live in the same building so pretend it’s holidays or something 🤷 buuuut i hope you enjoyed this was harder than expected so im rlly sorry if they seem ooc 😳!! Thanks for reading!!
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plusultrabitchez · 6 years
Rooms on Fire Chapter 7: Housewarming Part 2
An hour had passed since Bakugo and Kirishima made their grand entrance. You had all taken turns playing Smash. Of course, Kirishima was a Browser main. You were surprised that Todoroki decided to play. He had never played before, but he was demolishing everyone as Link, even Bakugo.
"Goddamnit you icy hot bastard! There's no fucking way that you've never played this before! FIGHT ME AGAIN!"
Todoroki sighed and rolled his eyes. "If it means you will quiet down then I'll play again. You're being obnoxious."
You all were laughing as Todoroki beat Bakugo again and he nearly went through the roof. "GODDAMNIT!" He growled.
"Maybe you should play someone besides Ganondorf." You suggested through giggles. Bakugo shot you a death glare. "SHUT UP! I'LL PLAY WHO I WANT YOU DUMB KIRBY MAIN!"
You and Ashido were wheezing with laughter. Even though you stopped playing a while ago, you two were drinking with Sero and Kaminari in solidarity. You and Ashido were snuggling on the couch giggling about everything.
"(Y/N)?" You heard Hitoshi call out as the front door closed.
You squealed as jumped to your feet and rushed to the front door. You ran up to Hitoshi and jumped up into his arms. You wrapped your legs around him which caused your skirt to ride up. He gave you that cocky smile. "Hey there."
"Heya handsome." You giggled before he pulled you into a deep kiss. He ran his fingers through your hair after breaking away. "You're a bit drunk aren't you."
"Just a little." You giggled.
Hitoshi chuckled as he drank in the site of your slightly flushed face. His hand slide up your exposed thigh and up underneath your skirt. He bit his lip as he gave your ass a gentle squeeze. You hummed happily loving his touch.
"As much as I would like to continue this I think we should join the party." His low voice making you tingle everywhere. You gave him a pouty look. "Okay if we have to." You hopped down and turned to head to join the party.
Hitoshi stopped in his tracks. "Bakugo is here?"
Your blood ran cold as you faced Hitoshi. "Uh Yeah, he was in town and Kirishima convinced him to come since we used to work together and all that." You rubbed the back of your head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know he would be here. I know you guys don't really get along."
Hitoshi shrugged "Eh, who actually gets along with Bakugo?"
"R-right." You chuckled nervously.
Hitoshi gave you a wtf look. "You okay?"
"Yeah! Sorry, it's the booze and stuff."
"Well lead me to the drinks. I need to catch up with you." You took Hitoshi's hand and led him to the kitchen.
"Hey guys!" Hitoshi waved to everyone as you two passed by.
"Hey Shinsou!" Everyone greeted him. Well, almost everyone. Bakugo glanced at you two holding hands and his brow furrowed. "What the hell is mind fuck doing here?" He growled to Kirishima. His voice was low so no one else heard him. Kirishima, who was pink in the face from too much punch, chuckled. "Oh, he and Kubo are friends." He leaned in so no one else would hear "They haven't said anything, but Ashido and I think they're hooking up." Bakugo grunted and took a sip of his drink, still eyeing you and Hitoshi together. "Whatever. Let's play another round."
You poured Hitoshi some punch as his arms snaked around your waist to hug you from behind then rested his head on your shoulder. "Is this the punch I've heard so much about?" You nodded and handed him a cup. Hitoshi took it and started chugging. "Whoa, Hitoshi! Careful!" He finished the punch and winked at you. You laughed and playfully punched his arm. "What a fucking champ." He laughed and poured you some tequila shot which you took together.
You then hopped up to sit on the counter so you were at eye level with him. "Day okay?" You asked swinging your legs back and forth. Hitoshi eyed your bare legs and gently traced a finger up and down your thigh. "It was long, but I'm much better now." His actions made you breathe harder and heart beat faster. Hitoshi grinned at you loving that he had this effect on you.
"GAH! FUCK THIS GAME!" You hear Bakugo yell before getting up and storming into the kitchen. He glared at Hitoshi. "You're blocking the punch." He growled.
You and Hitoshi rolled your eyes. Hitoshi moved to the other side of you to get out of Bakugo's way. "Have at it man."
Bakugo stomped over to the punch bowl and filled his drink.
"I'm telling you, play a different character." You say still sitting on the counter. Bakugo glanced at you and huffed. "You should try Kirby."
"I'm not playing Kirby. You play Kirby and you never win." He turned to face you and looked you up and down again. His eyes lingered on your legs and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Hitoshi noticed this and a wave of jealousy overcame him.
"That's because I suck no matter who I play. Trust me Katsuki, play Kirby and you can kick Todoroki's ass."
Hitoshi felt like an ice pick went into his stomach when he heard you say Bakugou's first name. He knew you had worked together, but didn't think you were on a first name basis.
"Ugh whatever (Y/N). I might try it, but only because I need to put Todoroki in his place." He stormed off into the living room leaving you and Hitoshi alone again. Well, as alone as you can be with an open floor plan. Hitoshi was trying to figure out if he should comment on the first name thing but decided against it. If there was anything to tell you would tell him.
"Hey, you okay?" You asked placing your hand on his cheek and turning him to look at you. Hitoshi relaxed as soon as he looked into you bright (e/c) eyes. He leaned in and kissed you slowly and passionately causing you to let out a quiet moan. Luckily no one heard it over the game and Bakugo's yelling.
"OH MY GOD!" Ashido screamed out. "Kirishima! We were right! They're totally together now!"
"Ha! I knew it!" Kirishima jumped up to high five Ashido.
You and Hitoshi broke away from each other. Both of you beet red in the face.
Kaminari groaned. "Goddamnit. I thought for sure I had a shot."
"You can't be serious dude. I doubt you ever stood a chance." Sero teased.
"Will all of you shut the fuck up and play?!" Bakugo yelled.
"Relax man! You really take a chill pill." Kirishima said leaning his elbow on Bakugo's shoulder while he shook with rage.
Once everyone calmed down about seeing you and Hitoshi kiss you joined everyone in the living room. "Alright bitches, time for an all-girls match." Jirou said cracking her knuckles.
"I'm going to sit this one out."Ochaco said as she snacked on some carrots.
It was you as Kirby, Jirou as Samus, Tsu as Yoshi, and Ashido as Peach. And it was a madhouse. Jirou was destroying everyone as you and Ashido gave out your best war cries. Soon the three of you ganged up on Jirou and took her out. "WHAT?! No way!" Jirou was in shock at her first loss of the night. Tsu quickly took out Ashido who whined before finishing her drink. This was it. Both on your last life. You vs Tsu. Winner takes all.
"No hard feelings." Tsu said before mercilessly attacking you. You managed to dodge and avoid a good bit of her attacks. That's when an item drop happened. The hammer. You both rushed to it but you managed to get it first and whacked her off the map and actually won. You screamed and jumped up and down fists pumping in the air. "FUCK YEAH BITCHES! I AM VICTORIOUS!!!"
Your friends give you a round of applause and cheer you on. It was your first and only win of the night. You plopped back down on the couch next to Hitoshi who had a proud smirk on his face. "Nice work." He said giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Hey mind fuck!" Bakugo called out throwing Hitoshi a controller. "Fight me."
You watched Hitoshi not sure what his reaction would be. He gave Bakugo a cocky smirk. "Sure."
Bakugo chose Ganondorf (again) and Hitoshi chose Mew. Everyone watched in focused silence as they battled. They were both really good so it was a long match. But eventually Hitoshi knocked Bakugo off the map. It was all downhill from there. Bakugo wasn't able to be on his best game with all the rage he had. Hitoshi CRUSHED HIM.
The match ended with Bakugo seething with anger and Hitoshi having the biggest smirk on his face clearly proud of himself. You all stifled your giggles best you could.
"Good game man." Hitoshi held out his hand for Bakugo who stared daggers at him.
"Pssh, Whatever." Bakugo scoffed batting Hitoshi's hand away.
It was getting late so people started passing out. Todoroki was completely sober so he left for the night. However, you insisted everyone else stay over and no one drive. You brought out a bunch of pillows and blankets for everyone who stayed. Ochaco, Tsu, and Ashido shared the guest room and the boys crashed on the couch. Hitoshi was helping you tidy up in the kitchen while everyone snored from the living room.
“So will you be staying the night?” You asked wiping down the counter.
“Well the couch is pretty full.” He replied throwing away the solo cups he had collected.
“I guess you’ll just have to sleep upstairs with me then.”
Hitoshi’s heart skipped a beat. “Um, are you sure?” You were both pretty drunk and he didn’t want to take advantage of you.
“Yeah it’ll be fine.” You said grabbing his hand and going upstairs. You eyed Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima and Bakaugo on the couch as you passed by. They were snuggled up with each other and totally knocked out. You and Hitoshi made your way to your bedroom. You went to your dresser and pulled out your favorite oversized shirt to sleep in. “Oh damn, I don’t have anything for you to sleep in.” You said apologetically. You turned around to see Hitoshi taking off his shirt. “Holy shit.” You thought as you drank in the sight of his extremely defined body. He had a small trail of purple hair starting at his navel and went down. The preview you got of his V cut at the coffee shop was nothing compared to seeing him in all his shirtless glory.
You were so caught up in admiring him you didn’t realize exactly how long you were staring.
“You see something you like?” He chuckled snapping you out of your trance.
“What? I have this hot, badass pro hero undressing in my bedroom. What’s a girl to do?” You said making your way over to Hitoshi. Your intoxicated state was making you very brave.
He looked you up and down as you walked over to him. “You know that little skirt has been driving me crazy all night.”
“Oh this old thing?” You slipped your thumbs in the waistband of your skirt and slid it off your hips and letting drop to the floor. The sight of your black lace underwear destroyed any restraint Hitoshi had. He quickly tackled you to the bed letting his primal instincts take over. His lips and tongue dominating yours. He ran one hand up your thigh and around to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze which made you moan into his mouth. You felt him getting harder through his clothes as he rubbed up against your dampening core.
He broke away from dominating your mouth to mark up your neck. He tried to move to your collarbone, but was stopped by your shirt. “Take this damn thing off.” He huffed. You sat up and helped him slip it off, revealing your matching black lace bra. “Fuck you’re so beautiful (Y/N).” He said breathlessly before pushing you back down on the bed for a deeply passionate kiss.
You had wrapped your legs around his waist and rested you hand on his bicep. God you loved his arms. They were lean and strong and when he wrapped them around you, you felt like all was right with the world.
You made out on the bed for a while, just enjoying the taste of each other’s lips and the warmth your bodies brought to each other. Hitoshi gently broke away and gazed into your eyes as he caressed your face.
“Why did you stop? Everything okay?” You asked hoping you didn’t do anything wrong.
“Everything is fine and you’re perfect.” He sighed. “I just don’t want the first time I make love to you to be a drunken encounter.” He gently kissed your cheek. Your heart swelled. Any other guy would’ve just said “fuck it” but the fact that Hitoshi cared about you enough to want to make your first time together special made you adore him so much more.
You changed into your oversized shirt and Hitoshi took off his pants so he could sleep in his boxers. You crawled under the covers where Hitoshi spooned you and wrapped his arms around you. You had never felt so safe. Sleep came quickly for you both.
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lordmartiya · 6 years
lord Martiya’s Lilanette Week 2018/2019 Day 4
This one was quite funny to make, especially as I wrote Adrien’s ability for delusions-and has the most awesome Lila scene I’ve written so far, my little attempt to top the Lila of The Grand Deception. Tell me if what she pulls is comparable, ok?
Day 4: Akumatized
After the ball, things had changed drastically in Marinette’s relationships. After taking advantage of the opening provided by their common friend, Lila had done her best to impress her-and had done a good enough job she could have had her way with her, had she not showed more restraint than even Lila herself thought (it had been obvious in hindsight that the Italian girl had really wanted that), impressing Marinette even more in the process. Enough that, before they kissed (and Lila had given her more than enough time to move away), Marinette had proposed they exchanged their hair ribbons.
Now half the school was likely convinced they were dating, something that Marinette would have once been dreading due the chance of Adrien joining the group too… Except she wasn’t minding too much, she had noticed a couple days previously while she and Tikki put up a few pictures of Lila in her room. She had even started talking more smoothly to Adrien and transferred some of the stutter to Lila-especially whenever the fox girl would suddenly come too close with her face.
On the other hand she had been growing a bit irritated with Alya and Nino, as they seemed to have made their mission to keep her from staying alone with Lila and pushing her into Adrien’s arms. And she wasn’t the only one growing irritated, considering the previous day she had seen Lila venting by going to the two guys who had been bullying Nathaniel and Marc over their relationship and tricking them into punching each other’s fist-sure, it had ended any homophobic bullying at their school for the time being, but Lila still had got two guys to shatter their hands.
Thus, given she had a date with Lila planned for after the school, she had decided to confront them on that as soon as they arrived to school before her very irascible love interest got Akumatized again-and of course they were denying everything.
“Guys, I’m not stupid.” Marinette replied.
“But I’m starting to fear they are.” a strangely familiar voice pointed out. Marinette looked to see and, much to her, Alya’s and Nino’s very understandable surprise and shock, they found Rena Rouge. “I mean, they should know that this way they’re far too likely to bring back my superior death-tailed counterpart…”
Just as Marinette registered that “Rena Rouge” had repeated the pun made by the Minefield while Alya wasn’t there but Lila was, a fist suddenly became visible through her and an orange glow dissolved Rena Rouge-and revealed Volpina, wearing Lila’s jacket over her costume.
“What did you say about Rena Rouge and Volpina?!” and of course Alya had to take offense at being called inferior to Volpina.
“I’m saying that Rena Rouge, differently from me, can’t actually play the dizi flute, must remember to tell Ladybug I can give her some lessons.” Volpina replied. “That and, no matter how good she’ll become with the power of illusions, she just isn’t ruthless enough to use it at its fullest-I mean, I doubt she’d even think to use an illusion showing her taking someone hostage like I did.”
“But that’s not important right now. What is important, Marinette, is that right now I’ve got the power of illusion and I’m fully in control, and can think of quite a few things to use it for in our date before I call Ladybug and give it up.”
While Marinette tried to guess if this time Volpina was a supervillain or was indeed her Lila with superpowers she saw a familiar mask of light appear before Volpina’s eyes-and her reply was the most awesome thing Marinette had ever seen since her first Miraculous Cure washed over Paris.
“Listen up, a’ stronzo ’ncorvattato, I’m not giving up my plans for the day for your sake, so you’ll better take a day of rest because if you do take away my powers or otherwise interfere with my date I shall scour the world searching for the cheapest copies of the ugliest jewels and pieces of clothing ever made for the Bling-Bling fashion, use them to assemble an outfit so tacky that Adrien Agreste could have his father wrapped around his finger simply by threatening to wear it in public, force you into it, and lock you into a closet with Madame Bourgeois!”
And with that, the light that signaled Papillon talking with an Akumatized villain disappeared while Volpina dusted her hands off, much to the shock of the entire class-both at the threat (because even Chloe could admit her mother was an incredibly nasty person, especially when confronted with a horrible outfit) and the fact it had scared Papillon away.
“Again, Alya, this is why Rena Rouge is inferior: considering half the things I’ve heard about that woman she would never think to make such a threat. Then again, maybe that means she’s a better person.” Volpina continued. Then she turned to Marinette, put a finger under her still open mouth, and asked: “Is this an invitation?”
“Uh? Agh! No! Yes! I mean-! STOP DOING THAT!”
“I just can’t get enough of that. Anyway, still going out with me today?”
“Yes! Yes! My god, that was awesome…”
Volpina smiled… And then the purified Akuma popped out of her left hair ribbon, leaving behind a rather bemused Lila. ____________________________________ As he returned home for the day, Adrien was in a strange mood. On one hand he was happy f0r Marinette and that Lila had turned over a new leaf, but on the other hand he didn’t like that it wasn’t him at Marinette’s side. If he wasn’t already in love with Ladybug he’d swear he was jealous.
“Welcome home, Adrien. How was your day?”
Adrien turned in surprise-his father never came to greet him at the door. That, and he looked strange. Probably some trouble on the job again.
“Just a bit strange-Lila was Akumatized again.” he replied, and feigning to have missed his father’s twitch-he didn’t exactly like Lila, ever since she had admitted her part in the book trouble. “But it was a strange Akumatization, she kept full control and even scared Papillon by threatening to dress him horribly and lock him in a room with Chloe’s mom if he took away her powers.”
“He threatened him with Audrey?! I wouldn’t do that to my worse enemy.”
“She can’t be that bad…”
“She’s worse. Enough I thought Papillon wouldn’t dare to Akumatize her-that’s the whole reason I gave her that second row seat.”
Adrien took a moment to digest the fact his father had dumped Audrey Bourgeois with serial killers and other people that Papillon was too decent and/or intelligent to Akumatize, then continued relating what had happened.
“Anyway, right after that Lila became so happy she accidentally purified the Akuma, and-father? Father?!”
Adrien wondered why did his father just ran and locked himself in his office before activating the security system-it wasn’t like he was Papillon, and even then Lila didn’t have the means to actually enact that threat. Or did she, and his father thought she’d come there believing they had information useful to track him down? After all, they had a book with information on the Miraculouses and Lila had seen it…
What Does the Fox Says
As many of you guys may have noticed, just as Rena Rouge’s design includes nine “tails” (two in the tuxedo-like tails of her costume and the rest in her hair), so Volpina’s design has four (the belt, the side locks and her immense mane of hair)-and given how terrifying Volpina was, a certain someone obviously had to make a pun with the fact one of the Japanese words for “four” sounds like “death”.
Returning with the phrases in Romanesco: this time it translates as “tie-wearing piece of shit” (as many of you guys know, I use “Papillon” rather than “Hawk Moth” because in Italy a “papillon” is the bowtie and allows me to use that pun). I guess that the side effects of Akumatization impaired Lila’s ability to come up with better insults…
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gr1mrreaps · 6 years
We sat under the stars in the back off his truck and he told me of a girl he loved more than he loved breathing, he described the way her hair curled around his fingers and how her voice sounded like church bells. Tears fallin he wrapped his arms around me and cried into my neck when he whispered her name, I let him fall apart in my hands because I know how painful it can be to be in love with someone just out of reach.. He told me she loved him too, but it wasn’t the right time and how he was afraid to hurt me because he knew if she called he’d go running. All I could do was smile with tears in my eyes and tell him it was okay.. He kissed my check and told me he prayed I found happiness, so I told him about you.. how times never lined up, and how you were off living your life. I told him about how I missed your touch, and I missed seeing the sun shine from your smile. His laughter made my chest feel warm and he squeezed me tighter as I ranted about you, and he about her..
— it’s crazy how to broken hearts find solace in one another, she holds him and you hold me.. his skin is rougher than yours, and mine is softer than hers. He smiles as he says I smell like flowers and I laugh when I say impossible.
He makes me smile, and numbs the pain or maybe it’s the weed.. maybe mistakes should be made, is it bad that I just.. want to sleep until time decides I should be happy?
‘I can’t love you like you deserve and you don’t deserve to be a rebound’ - it hurts and makes me happy to hear those words, I know what he means. His love is like the moon, and mine is like the sun.. both of our hearts on the wrong time schedule.
‘Do you think they miss us?’ he whispers to me as the stars twinkle in his heartbroken eyes, I can’t give him an answer because I don’t know. I wish I did, I wish I could tell him one day our loves would wake up and come back, but the future is uncertain and ever changing. Perhaps their soulmates are right around the corner. He cries harder at that thought, I feel my heart go numb because I can’t help his pain..
‘I could be happy, loving a girl like you..’ he mumbles with our legs dangling off a bridge side, tonight has been an adventure. Stories swapped, tears shed, hearts opened and emptied, I feel like he’s seen the inside of my chest and still wraps me in his arms. When I shiver he gives me a sweater, when he shivers, I grab a blanket and tell him come closer. In another life.. maybe we could have been lovers, but in this.. maybe the closest of friends.
In his room, the window open and the nip of winter slipping in, I trace his tattoos on his chest as he tells me what each of them mean. His arms remind me of ..... and how safe I felt. His laughter brings tears to my eyes when I think I’ll never seen ..... again, I may never see You again.. I have no doubt, I’ll never see ....... again.. this is just a painful reminder of what’s lost..
His fingertips drag across my scars as he listens to why they are there, he traces the pain I’ve felt and tells me stories of how She had the same pains and scars. His eyes gloss over and I wait for the tears, but behind the tears I see the hatred he keeps towards himself and the blame. I hope you never felt that way, it wasn’t your fault.
Laying with him, I felt at peace. I’d met someone who love had slipped away from them just as mine had.. he knew my heartache and he knew how to help me talk. He showed me her engagement ring and told me their plans, how one day he woke up and everything was different, then she was gone. I braided his hair while he spoke to keep him calm, letting him rant and be angry for a while. Should I be angry? I don’t know, but I’m not. I just.. accepted it so easily, and he looks so shocked when I tell him why..
I told him, I fell in love with you because of your fire, how passionately you saw the world, I tell him how I fell in love with watching you exist. How you commanded the world to be good to you as you were to it. How you demanded happiness and controlled how the world treated you. I met confidence with confidence and somewhere the power was shaken in us both.
You began to second guess, doubt, worry, and hide behind walls of glass. I was losing you.. you were slipping through my fingertips and I didn’t know how to stop it.. how do you stop a cloud from drifting away.. how can you hold energy in your hand.. how can you keep a flower from curling in on itself..
I cry and tell him I blame myself for so much, for the pain, the worry, for you running behind your walls, I tell him of my past and how guarded I tend to be, I cry and I choke up.. but he stays quiet and strokes my cheek.. I cry and tell him everything I can think of about you, but then.. I realize, and I look at him and all he goes is “I know you thought I was .... just keep talking to me like I am.. maybe one day you’ll actually get to talk to them like this” and my walls finally collapse, I grab his shirt and scream, I cry, I shake.. I crumbled. Only one other time in my life have I begged.. and you don’t remember it.. he holds me tighter than I’ve ever been held, for a moment it feels like he holds me together. Letting me put myself back from pieces to solid.
Then he grabs my chin and he whispers, ‘it’s a new year, release this pain and let yourself be strong.’ and he slowly lets himself fall to pieces before me. It’s a very intense experience to lay your soul out before another person, it’s even more intense when they return the notion. Only once before have I felt so close to another human being without there being romantic feelings involved, and I hope everyone everywhere has a moment like this.
Inside his tiny studio apartment, pieces of my soul and his now reside in the wood.. the windows and walls could tell my story, the night air has seen all of my pain.. on the floor near his mattress we laugh, he starts and it’s simply contagious.. his deep baritone chuckle lights up the room and is infectious until we’re both laughing. ‘How is it, we couldn’t have love one another?’ he asked, looking at me with those sad brown eyes. I tell him I don’t know, but the universe has a plan.. that’s all I can cling to these days, that there is a plan in motion and I am doing my best, to be my best. ‘What is your New Years resolution?’ he chuckles, a slurr slipping into his words as the weed disappears and the alcohol comes out. ‘To fall in love with myself..’ I whisper, taking a shot I’ve lost count of. ‘Who wouldn’t love you?’ He laughs, and I have to smile ‘I wouldn’t, but god am I learning how too..’ the way he looks at me is with amazement, a look I haven’t seen in quite some time. He looks past my insecurities of my body, passed the things I hate about myself, and he sees the flicker of a flame of love in which I am accepting of who I am. And changing those things I can. ‘To loving who we are, until we can also love someone else!’ His voice fills the air, the clash of bottles rings through the air and we drink to a toast I fully believe in.
‘I was always told you can’t love someone else until you love yourself.’ I laugh at his words, having heard them myself before. How can you love yourself if no one has ever shown you what’s worth loving. He nods, and lays his head on my chest. ‘I would love every inch of you, if my heart didn’t belong to her..’ I know the sadness in his voice even through such a sweet statement. I play with his braids and the tears slip down my face, ‘as I would try to fall in love with you, if my heart was mine..’
His soft snores fill the air, and he falls asleep holding me so tightly I worry if he thinks I’ll disappear. ‘Please, stay..’ is all I can hear from his sleepy lips, my heart clenches and I curl into him..
It’s okay, to feel safe here.. maybe.
He’s not you though..
He never will be..
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touchitbaekhyun · 7 years
Stress Relief  |  Lee Taemin
admin: ari, genre: very slight angst, fluff, smut
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These last few days you've been put through the hell that are exams. Every single class of yours is in exam time and you can't help but feel under great pressure.
Closing the Physics textbook you sigh as you get off the king sized bed and head straight to the kitchen, looking for something to satisfy your hunger. When you reach the kitchen you open the fridge only to find out the ice cream youve been craving for the past hour is gone. 
Looking to your left at the trashcan, your theory proves to be correct as an empty cookies n’ cream container. 
You can't help but feel disappointed seeing as the thing you'd been using as motivation, the same thing you had been wanting to eat after you were done studying, was completely gone.
Seeing as you didn't have any other choice, you decided on getting a bag of chips and stroll towards the living room, to turn on the tv and begin watching a romantic comedy that was on screen.
You slowly start getting into the movie and time passes rapidly by. Next thing you know, the movie is ending and you begin to feel anxious for your upcoming tests, anxious for your future.
These tests can and will decide your future and will practically shape your life. 
This is it. 
If you pass these, you will be able to pass onto the next year of your studies and will sooner have a degree to start your career.
To begin the life you've always dreamed of, to be able to wake up everyday and go to work with a smile on your face knowing you're doing what you love and knowing that you’re making a difference in the world.
Its you're life dream ever since you were a small kid and honestly you can't imagine yourself doing anything but that.
You need this.
You feel small tender hands faintly covering your eyes in a playful manner
“Guess who came early today baby”
You slowly shift to the side to see your boyfriend standing up behind the couch inclined forward and staring back at you with loving eyes. You reach upwards to give him a quick peck on the lips and pat the space next to you.
He goes around the sofa and lays down swiftly on your lap looking back up at you
“You look upset love, is something wrong?”
“Im just worried”
“Worried? About what baby?”
“Taemin, if I don't pass these exams, its over. What I've planned for so long, it'll take longer to reach and maybe I wont even get to reach it. I want to have a prosperous career. I want to be able to have a family with you, and be able to uphold it with my job. I know you're always giving into my every whim and buying me things, and whatnot but I want to make money for myself. If I don't get this, I wont get there.”
Taemin sits up straight and looks at you whilst holding your hand delicately.
“Y/n, I understand, believe me I do. I just feel like you shouldn't beat yourself so hard over this. You're too stressed baby”
He grabs your chin and pulls you in for a deep kiss, in that moment its almost as if all your worries and doubts fly out the window as you grab him behind his neck and pull him in closer.
You find him softly biting your bottom lip, as you open your mouth in return and you both tangle each others tongues together to make the kiss even more sensual.
He smiles against your lips as he carries you and takes you over to your shared bedroom. Going through the already opened door, he gingerly pushed the bedroom door close with his foot once inside, as he pulls you against the wall and begins to remove your shirt and jeans.
“I’ll help you baby, I’ll make sure you relieve some stress”
He kisses you softly, unlike other times when he's full of lust and rough, this time around his kisses are filled with love and passion, they're soft and full of love.
You break the kiss apart to get some air and begin undoing his shirts buttons.
“I love you baby, and I hate seeing you all tense like that”
He says as he looks into your eyes and carries you to the large sized bed in the middle of the room. 
He hovers over you and begins kissing your neck, making sure to leave behind a small trail of love bites.
He slowly makes his way down until he reaches your chest and begins kissing your breasts over the bra slowly.
He lifts you up and swiftly unclips the bra from behind, leaving your chest bare. Delicately, he places his lips over your left bud and begins kissing it, while his hands occupy themselves and reach over to your other breast to begin caressing it.
You cant help the soft moans that escape your lips in utter bliss as he smirks, never once breaking eye contact with you. 
You suddenly start to feel yourself becoming more wet by the second, and the bulge in his pants resting on your hip definitely isn't helping the situation at all right now.
“Taemin I need you. Now.” you breathe out, as you start feeling frustrated with the need your feeling in this moment
“I know baby, let me take care of you”
Before you know it, he quickly removes your panties and his underwear in one rapid motion, and hooks your legs around his waist as he stills himself just outside your entrance
You nod at him, letting him know your ready as you slowly lift yourself up and give him a soft kiss
He slowly starts to go inside you as you groan, not fully accustomed to his size.
He leans down and begins kissing you as you let him know you’re ready and he begins to gently thrust into you.
“I love you so much baby” he whispers onto your lips
you kiss his lips needily, desperation evident in your kiss, as he begins to thrust at a faster speed, while whispering sweet things into your ear
“You mean the entire world to me Y/N, and I don't want you to be so stressed baby.”
Hearing his sweet words made you almost melt, honestly after all this you can't help but think about how lucky you are to have been awarded with someone like taemin.
You start feeling ever more on edge as you begin to thrust upwards, already feeling a coil building up in your lower stomach, as you know you're reaching you're high. 
Noticing this, Taemin thrusts in a slow and gentle manner but with the precise depth, hitting your g spot almost instantly.
You moan out as soon as you feel the wave of pleasure nearing you, and you're not sure if you can hold it out much longer.
“Taemin.... Im-”
“I know baby, me too. Just- let it go” he says as he softly moans into your ear
The sound alone of his low guttural moan is enough to make you reach your desired release, the bliss indescribable as you moan out your lovers name. And his own climax, following behind suit after hearing his name escaping your lips.
Taemin guides you through your orgasm, thrusting into you slowly, as you both kiss each other passionately and look into each others eyes, with immense adoration visible.
He slowly pulls out of you and kisses your forehead as he lays down beside you
You slowly grab the silk blanket by your feet and cover both of you up, as you place your head against his shoulder and kiss his collarbones softly
“I love you so much Taemin”
“I love you too baby, don't ever so anxious about something like that sweetheart, I promise youll do amazing, and you'll pass those tests without a worry in the world, you'll see how easy they are for you”
He softly kisses you ontop of your head as you feel yourself unconsciously smile at yourself from his sweet words
“Tell you what, If it still worries you, I’ll even help you study for all of the exams tomorrow. Does that sound okay?”
You nod your head eagerly, already imaging how fun it'll be to study together, and how helpful it'll turn out for you in the long run, seeing as he has been through similar exams before.
“That sounds wonderful babe”
You say as you kiss his cheek and lay down once again against his chest while he daintily runs his fingers through your hair, making you feel slightly sleepy as you close your eyes
“Oh Y/N, I didn't get the chance to tell you, I may have eaten your ice cream overnight.”
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solohux · 8 years
Random Fic Rec ★~(◡‿◕✿)  
I’m really salty about seeing the same writers on almost every rec list in our fandom, so here are some fresh fics that’ve been posted within the last month that you may have missed!
--> Under Starlight by @fluffybunnyremi ♡  After a stressful week studying for finals, Ben decides to take his very stressed-out boyfriend's fate into his own hands. Despite his studious efforts, Hux refuses to believe him, and so Ben brings out the big guns: stargazing and fluffy nests. (modern au, benarmie, adorable fluff)
--> Regretful Message by @rannystuffandthings (WIP) ♡ Hiding from the Resistance should be easy when they already believe they've killed you. But when you're General Armitage Hux and you can't seem to recall becoming Emperor to the entire Galaxy, it becomes a little more difficult. (emperor hux, hux’s brother techie, lots of action & twists, generally brilliant!)
--> Splutter by @evermoringlyfine ♡ Hux pulls on the cigarette with relish, the smoke curling over his own face in the still air as he looks at Kylo. (dominant hux, blood, lots of excellent smutty description)
--> the entire Evil Space Dads series by @oblioknowlton ♡ stories where the evil space husbands are evil space dads (if you like mpreg then you have to read these fics, they’re all so in-character and features lots of protective hux & protective kylo!)
--> Accidental Kidnapping by @asphodel-storm ♡ Realizing that his jedi training is making the dark voice in his head stronger, not weaker, young Ben Solo sets out alone to live a life of adventure as an outlaw. He didn't mean to force the cute ginger boy to come with him, he was just sort of on the ship. (puppy love, benarmie, very cute!)
--> Of Pots and Vials by twitch ♡ Kylo receives a message that Hux should've received. Two of them. So he might've gone behind Hux's back to take him on a date to a space-station. A meeting. But Kylo is the one caught off guard by the three men. Well, two men and one man of his own species. And a Head Bartender. Really. (drug use, heavy petting & rutting, overconfident hux, super good fill for a kinkmeme prompt)
--> all about that napping life by @irisparry ♡ Hux thinks he understands what Kylo Ren wants from him. So does Kylo Ren. (elements of dubcon, inappropriate use of the force)
more under the cut!
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--> Don’t Be Shy (You’ve Been Here Before) by @cut-off-the-grain ♡ ‘The call of the Light, the call of the Dark, have never been so tempting as Hux’s hands in his hair as Hux wrangles him this way and that with only the gentlest of touches against his scalp. Hux moves him, moulds him, guides him, in the same exacting manner he does battle plans and blueprints, but with a languidness which has no place in warfare. Instead of harsh words and reprimands for failure there is only Hux whispering “shh, darling, calm down, no rush" until Ren is trembling and desperate, his hands and his mind full of Hux, Hux, Hux.'Hux touches Ren. Ren falls in love. (Hux was already there.) (first time, touch-starved kylo, very soft and very lovely, a favourite of mine)
--> Carpet Burns by @ellstra ♡  Hux's fascination with Imperial officers is not only professional. Kylo decides Hux deserves to relieve the pressure of command for once, and buys an Imperial uniform from Space ebay™.  (uniform kink, dominant kylo, you need this brilliance in your life trust me)
--> Training by @kylux-fic-hell ♡  Sensing that his apprentice is too pure and still lacks control, Snoke orders Kylo to lose his virginity as part of his training. Kylo can only think of one person in the Order to approach. (virgin kylo, first time, tender hux, a different approach on the ‘virgin kylo’ trope, and one that i love very much)
--> Café Culture by @verybadhedgehog ♡ Hux invites Ren to his office for a role playing session centred around the concept of a blowjob cafe. (roleplay scenario, blowjobs, genuinely made me laugh)
--> Sit, Ren. by raventhewritingdesk ♡ Hux is overworked. Ren comes home. (fluff, sleepy boys, really lovely + soft)
--> It’s Only Cheating If You Get Caught by @glass-oceans ♡ Hux keeps winning at poker despite Kylo's force sensitivity until kylo finds out hux's been cheating the whole time. (strip poker, rough sex, snarky hux is the best hux)
--> Repression, Displacement...Undoing by symphorophilia ♡ After seeing that they enjoy size difference when they're in bed together, Hux secretly changes his diet to make the difference greater. Kylo enjoys how small Hux starts to get, but feels guilt as Hux only gets smaller, encouraged by the praise. Kylo tries to fix the disordered eating he's unintentionally caused Hux by offering to bulk up himself, if Hux will just stop losing weight.  Both Kylo Ren and Hux realize they're addicted to being the cause of each other's bodily changes, but struggle to keep their size difference healthy. (size difference, feeding, lots of smut and feels)
--> odium, in revelation by symphorophilia The Xenomorph did not have the ability to find a Queen within the atmosphere of Quesh, and so it took one, reformed the strongest mind that it had found into a mate, a warm sheath for its brood. (hux/xenomorph, oviposition, breeding, if you like hux/aliens then omg *incoherent excited babbling*) 
--> the entire Something series by @kylux-fic-hell ♡ Redemption AU following Hux and Kylo as they defect from the First Order in order to protect their child from being used as a weapon by Snoke. They flee to the Resistance and the protection of General Organa and begin to build a new life for themselves. However, they live in fear that Snoke will hunt them down and tempt their son to the Dark Side... (pregnant kylo, family feels, a very good redeemed au!)
--> Trust to Surrender by @theonewhositswiththeturtles ♡ Their relationship was born from stubbornness. Accusations turned to taunts turned to challenges. Kylo didn’t remember who moved first; maybe they both moved together. But fingers tore at buttons and zippers in tandem as bodies collided. (a perfect emenies-to-lovers fic, amazing smut and brilliant angst)
--> Friends With Renefits by @moonwalkingcrab (WIP) ♡ The Rules: 1. Just sex, no feelings 2. The arrangement lasts as long as is beneficial 3. Either party can choose to end the arrangement, no questions asked 4. No kissing (modern au, do yourself a massive favour and read this masterpiece)
--> Orderly Conduct by @francisthegreat ♡ In which Kylo Ren wears a First Order officer's uniform. (uniform kink, jealous hux, brilliant smut)
--> Misinterpretation by @sinningsquire ♡ The will of the Force is never easy to guess. (pre-tfa, gorgeous enemies-to-lovers, i adore this a lot)
--> Convivial Society by @vadianna ♡ Leia doesn't know what to think when she sees the report about two First Order prisoners taken by surprise. They are suspected First Order officers, but the field can't verify this.She understands better when General Hux is brought before her, obviously caught in the middle of some rather intense sexual intercourse.She has to ask. (drug usem interrogation, FANFIC GOLD SO GOOD)
--> Exam Time by @redcole ♡ Kylo convinces his doctor boyfriend into an exam at the office. (modern au, medical kink, prostate milking, i love fics with a medical kink and this is perfection)
--> oh, is it love? by @42dicks (WIP) ♡ Armitage Hux (16, scary) is a "Counselor in Training" at Camp Endor where he has spent far too many summers. His father, up until this year, was a Counselor himself and Armitage suffers under his shadow. Ben Solo (15, doesn't want to be here) is forced to attend Camp Endor after prior efforts to get him out of his room and enjoy his summer vacation fail. Queue two socially alienated teens accepting each other's company after a series of shared mishaps, and more making out than is probably healthy. (1970′s summer camp au, lots of perfect awkward teenage flirting)
--> ataraxia by @milarca ♡ Hux likes to tease Kylo, and Kylo likes it when he's left wanting. (modern au, dominant hux, orgasm denial, ahhhhhhh so hot okay read it noooow)
--> Aubade by @radartechie ♡  Kylo Ren returns to his Emperor after a long and gruelling military campaign. They enjoy a rare quiet morning together as their twins' arrival draws closer. (pregnant hux, emperor hux, pregnant sex and really soft too, if you like mpreg then youll love this!)
--> Fall Out by thedarkbakura (WIP) ♡ General Hux has a new weapon in the works, but attempting to silence a growing resistance leads to an attempt on his life. Kylo Ren will do everything to fix this, even drain his own powers. (hurt hux, protective kylo, a lot of promise and i can’t wait for more updates!)
--> Desperate Measures by @thesunandoceanblue ♡ Poe woke up on restrained on a table to the voice of the enemy mocking him. It wasn't what one would call a regular interrogation. (poe/hux, power bottom hux, dubcon, reeeeally lovely)
enjoy, darlings!
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