#young Daryl Dixon x reader
Somewhere only we know
Part 2
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Part 2
Young Daryl Dixon x fem reader
Synopsis- No outbreak and modern ish day AU (set in 2007-2010 era) Reader moves to the Georgia mountains, to live with her dad for her final year of school, as her mum is going travelling with her new husband. She meets a shy redneck boy with a tragic background, who immediately captures her heart.
Warnings - mentions of abuse, tragic upbringings, mentions of injury, feelings, friends to lovers, judgemental town people, readers dad is a sweetheart, Daryl and reader start falling in love, soft smut so 18+ only, Merle is a dick, cuss words, Daryl and reader navigating high school together, my awful writing, let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Word count - 5.4K
Saturday morning had come faster than you had anticipated, granted it was only eight hours of sleep that separated you from asking Daryl to meet. But still it had felt like no hours had passed at all. You were so excited to see him again this morning but so anxious too, why are you thinking of this as if you’re going on a date, you’re not. This is two almost friends meeting up for a coffee and a walk, you needed to calm down!
Sighing at yourself for your ridiculous inner monologue, you pulled yourself together and got dressed before you were officially running late. Pulling on your ripped jeans and a nirvana hoodie you grabbed your phone and sent Daryl a quick message “Now leaving mine, I’ll see you soon”.
Grabbing your keys you raced to the door shouting “I’m now off out to meet Daryl dad, I’ll be back before dinner”, “ Alright honey bee, make sure to message me if plans change” he responds. “Will do, bye dad”, with that you rushed out to your new but ‘old’ car. You felt incredibly lucky your dad bought you a little run around to get you about. It made things a lot easier to have your own car, it meant your dad didn’t have to drop you to school everyday, and it was the first time you’d owned your own vehicle.
Just as you were starting the engine your phone pinged “Hey, I’m already er, wat coffee do ya drink?” He’s there already? Are you late? Checking the dash 9:45am no your not late yet, he’s just early “Wow your early! I usually have a cappuccino one sugar, I’ll be there in ten!” You smile feeling almost giddy, he must have been looking forward to seeing you too, then you scald yourself for thinking that, he’s just being nice.
Arriving at the lake you spot him sitting on a bench watching the water, cutting off the engine you swallow a nervous gulp as you exit the car. You have no clue why your stomach is swirling with butterflies, it isn’t the first day the two of you have spent time together. You must really be starting to like this boy you think, as you gently pace your way over to him.
Turning to you as he hears you approach, a large grin crosses his face and you determine yeah your really starting to like this boy. “Hey Daryl” you smile, “Hey” he replies handing you your coffee, “Oh thank you, you didn’t have too!” You gushed, “It’s no problem, think of it as a thank ya fer yestarday” he responds with a shrug. You smile at him taking the coffee and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, watching as his face turns beet red.
Not wanting to embarrass him further you say “Shall we take a walk then?” Motioning with your hand. “Yer sure” he mumbles still blushing from your quick peck.
Walking along side the water your talk about everything that comes to mind, you realise you can well and truly be yourself around Daryl, and it’s a really refreshing feeling. As your barrel out a story of your eccentric mother he just watches you with a small smile, “So she literally just takes her shoes off and dances in the puddle, right after being told to move on! She never listens to anyone telling her what to do, it was always super embarrassing as a kid, but now I kinda admire her for it” you laugh.
He retells a story of his brother nearly dying because he was so drunk, and Daryl saving his ass, only for Merle to rip into Daryl for not saving the booze. “Wow your brother sounds like a right pain, I’d of been thankful to have my life in tact” you affirm, “Yer you’d hav thought he’d of been happy I saved his ass, but nah, he was more worried about the beers” he agrees laughing with you.
You were both so submerged in your conversation, you didn’t notice the lady from the shop walking along with her husband. Nor did you see the judgemental looks on their faces, as the lady walked towards you, urgency in her footsteps. “Well hi there sweetie, I thought I warned you about getting involved with this boy” she jabbed voice still sickly sweet. You blanked in that moment, just stared at her in disbelief that she had the audacity to come over to you both, let alone say these harsh things.
“Excuse me” you stammer, still in absolute shock.
“I said I told you this boy was nothing but trouble honey, you don’t want to be tarnished in this town before you even start your life here, do you?” She presses.
You turn to look at Daryl and the sight broke your heart, he was looking down towards his feet, brown hair shielding his face while he kicks the dust with his feet. He looks so broken, so sad, but also like he’s used to this and that upsets you even more. Without think you took his hand in yours and laced your fingers together, and much to your surprise he let you, even if he stared at you in confusion.
“Who I choose to be involved with is none of your business, and to be frank you don’t know Daryl, you’ve never taken the time to get to know him as a person, and if we are judging people on their families here, then I hope your kids aren’t as judgemental, condescending and rude as you, otherwise we will have problems when I start school Monday” and with that you walk off pulling Daryl with you, leaving the couple stood there with their mouths agape, not quite believing the way you stood up to their bullying.
Once you were a safe distance away you turned your attention to Daryl again “You ok?” You ask timidly, hoping you haven’t crossed a line he didn’t want crossed. “Yer, uhhh no ones ever stood up for me like tha before……. Thanks” he stammers, looking at your in earnest. You smile warmly at him, “Of course, if you let me I’ll always be here to stand up for you” you reply. He just gives you a small smile before looking at the ground again, cheeks and ears once more turning pink. He can’t quite believe the effect you have on him, he’s never felt like this before about anyone. No ones ever really been there for him in his life, not even Merle. This is a new territory for him and he doesn’t really know how to deal with it, but he knows the last thing he wants to do is push you away. So he gives a slight smile and looks at the ground, while giving your hand a small squeeze.
For the rest of the walk you don’t let go of his hand, moreover he doesn’t try to let go either, and you both can’t help the butterflies that stir up a storm in your stomachs, smiles never leave your faces while there’s what feels like static energy pulling you both together.
When you arrive home that afternoon you heard your dad on the phone, he sounded incredibly frustrated. “Did she cuss at you?” He asks.
“No so from what your telling me is, she stood up for herself and her friend, as she didn’t instigate the conversation, you did. She didn’t cuss at you, she didn’t use physical force, and you want me to punish my daughter for not letting you bully her? Well in that case you can forget it, in fact I’m proud of her for standing up for herself!” Then he hangs up with a deep sigh, before noticing you standing there watching the scene unfold.
“You’re not mad at me?” You ask, “No honey bee, I’m not mad at you, I’m actually rather proud of you for having the courage to do what’s right! I’m just frustrated at the situation, I don’t want things to be hard for you down here, it’s a small town and gossip spreads like the plague” he explains calmer than you’d expect he would. “I understand dad, but she just stormed over to me and started, I froze to begin with, I didn’t know what to say I’ve never seen anyone have the audacity to do that before. In Arizona people just keep to themselves, no one cares what others are doing, it’s a big adjustment for me.” You mumble.
“I know honey, I know” he sighs pulling you in for a comforting side hug, “I am proud of you though, your kindness always shines. And Daryl is a sweet boy, he helps out at the garage so I’ve met him a few times, he’s always shy but he’s a nice lad, always super helpful” your dad mentions. “Yeah he told me today he has an apprenticeship there, and he will be working there full time once he finishes school” you comment. “He’s a great guy dad, and I don’t know why everyone feels like they can be so cruel” you frown. He gets enough cruelty at home without the rest of the town making his life even more difficult.
“I know honey bee, why don’t you go get cleaned up and we can cook some dinner together?” Your dad offers, “Yeah ok that sounds good” you reply before heading upstairs for a shower.
The rest of the evening goes by without any more issues, but you can’t help replaying the scene that happened today in your head, you still felt so angry that anyone could treat someone like that, as if he wasn’t a human being with feelings too. Although with the new feelings swirling in you for Daryl, you think you’re starting to take it more personal than you would have before.
Monday comes about in a blink of an eye, your first day of school and your currently sat at the principals desk listening to your introductory talk. She hands you a welcome pack and a timetable. “This should be everything you need, if you have any issues or questions feel free to pop back in and ask, I’ll be on hand all this whole week.” She kindly offers, “Your dad mentioned you’ve already become friends with mr Dixon, so I’ve put you in the same form class, as I thought it may help you settle in if you have a friend, I know he could definitely benefit from it too” she explains with a warm smile, and you think to yourself ok not everyone in this towns so bad after all, it will be nice to have someone else on your side.
Entering your new form room you notice Daryl sat at the back of the class, head down looking at the sheet he’s currently doodling on, he hasn’t noticed you yet so you take the time to watch him for a moment, admiring the way he is so adorably absorbed in what he’s doing.
The teacher breaks your train of thought by introducing you to the class “Morning everyone, this here is y/n y/l/n, she has just moved here from Arizona, I’m sure that you will offer her a warm welcome and any help she needs finding her feet” he asserted. “Hello y/n” the class says in unison, and all you can think is how humiliating this is, your eyes meet Daryl's brilliant blues and it grounds you, for a moment you don’t feel so unbelievably uncomfortable. He gives you an encouraging smile, so you look at the teacher for instruction. “I hear you already have a friend here so if you’d like to take a seat with him that’s fine with me” he motions in whisper, so only you can hear him as the rest of the class go back to chattering to their classmates.
You nod, before heading to the back of the class plopping yourself down next to Daryl “Hey” you beam happy to see him again, two days has felt a little too long and you’re both generally happy to see each other. “Yer sure ya want ta be seen with me?” He asks voice full of worry, “I’m incredibly sure, your my favourite person in this town, well other than my dad of course” you admit, turning red again he gives you a small grin and a gentle nod before looking at his sketch pad once more. You don’t miss the classes eyes on you both, or their hushed whispers to one another as they watch you and Daryl interact.
As he looks up catching their judgemental stares, you take his hand in yours under the desk giving it a comforting squeeze, a silent way of saying ignore them, don’t worry I’m here for you. With that you both get on with the rest of the lesson, hands intwined under the table.
Your first month of school passed by in a blur, you’ve made a few other friends along the way, a kind girl called Ali short for Alison, who was a math whiz and just as shy as you and Daryl were. You introduced Daryl to her and the rest of the group, with little encouragement they seem to slowly accept him into their little friendship clan. The others in the group were nice too, a boy called Matt who was a computer nerd, he was so clever that you struggled to keep up with what he was saying, another boy called Greg who played the drums and dungeons and dragons, also loving the game you suggested that everyone here start a campaign. This began a cascade of planning evening meet ups, and creating a whole fantasy world you can turn into a great game.
The last in the group was a loud boisterous girl called Gemma, she was as energetic as a puppy on speed. But she also seemed kind, honest (sometimes brutally so) and fun, although you were sure she only hung in this group because she was so obviously in love with Greg.
This new circle of friends seemed to be the cast outs, so they were the perfect group for you and Daryl to make friends with. They weren’t judgemental, they didn’t bully others and they were good people.
Today you were all sat around your ‘regular’ lunch table, with Greg going over his plans for the D&D campaign, asking Daryl for his opinions, and if he could draw some art for it. This made your heart swell, because Daryl actually agreed to do it! It was so nice to see him open up to others.
“So if you could draw this creature here, oh! And maybe a dragon, bright fire in orange and yellows?” Greg animatedly asks Daryl, “Yer I can do tha” Daryl agrees, you smile holding his hand under the lunch table, you begin drawing small circles on his palm with your finger. It had become normal for you both now, holding hands. No one ever mentions it although Ali sometimes smiles noticing you both interlock your fingers, a knowing look on her face, watching you both quietly she can tell feelings are surfacing between you two, even if you haven’t noticed yet yourselves.
You and Daryl had only grown closer, he came for dinner a few times a week now. Your dad was always happy to have him over, he fully supported your friendship, but even he could see the shift between the two of you, he could see the way you looked at Daryl, and the way Daryl gazed at you like you hung the moon in the sky. He was unsure for a while, but then decided Daryl was a much kinder boy for you to be with than a jock or one of the judgemental assholes who lived in this town. He genuinely liked Daryl, and hoped that having him over more often lessoned the abuse he could receive if he was at home.
Still listening to Greg ramble on you felt your phone buzz in your pocket ‘Hey Honey bee, just out shopping so I wanted to know if Daryl's over for dinner tonight? Xx”
“Hey Dar, my dad wants to know if you’d like to come over for dinner tonight?” You ask him, effectively muting Greg’s rambling. “Uh yer sure, got no where else ta be” he drawls, “Great I’ll let him know” you grin. You loved it when he came over for dinner it meant there’s a whole evening where you’re not worrying about his safety at home, plus you also love spending extra time with him. Whether it’s laughing with your dad, bubble wars when you wash up, or helping him with homework, it was just great being with him.
“Yeah dad he’d love too, thanks :) xx”
“Ok great, I was thinking we could make homemade pizza together? Could be fun? Xx”
“That sounds great! Yeah let’s do that! Xx”
“Great! Xx”
You smile, you’re incredibly lucky to have a dad like yours! He was so kind and understanding, you wished Daryl had a role model like that too.
That evening you and Daryl walk into your home excited to see everything your dads laid out, the large kitchen island is covered in all sorts of pizza toppings and he’d already made up the dough, rolling it out into pizza shaped circles and placing them on the wooden platters ready for customising.
“Wow dad! You’ve outdone yourself! This looks amazing!” You express, “Glad you like it, I’ve alresdy started up the outdoor pizza oven, thought we could do the wood smoked type? Oh hey Daryl you good?” You dad asks “Yer, thanks I’m good” Daryl nods. “Good, so what do you kids think?” Your dad offers, “Yeah sounds good dad!” You affirm, dropping your bags and washing your hands ready to make pizza.
The evening was great fun, you all laughed so much, the kitchen ended up looking like a bomb had hit. But the pizza was amazing, and you all had a great time making the mess!
Later on sat in the car outside Daryl’s run down little home he sighed, “I really dun wanna go home” he admits, you turn your body to look at him, running your hand down his face and stroking his cheek, you bring his gaze to yours. “If anything happens, or you need me at all you just call me and I’ll be back here in a flash ok?” You stressed. God did you hate dropping him back off home to this place, your dad has offered your sofa several times and even the spare bedroom tonight, but Daryl always refused, scared it would cause more trouble with his father than if he just went home.
Looking up at you he nods “Yer I know” giving you a tight lipped smile he slowly exits the car. You watch him into the house waiting a minute to make sure you hear no yelling, before turning the car around and heading home yourself.
You lie awake for ages that night worrying, so this is what love feels like you think to yourself. Worry that claws itself into your gut, causing such an unsettling feeling you almost feel nauseous. You accepted a while ago now that you loved Daryl, you were still trying to distinguish though how you were going to deal with it, and what it all means. Eventually by 3am exhaustion seeps in and sleep takes over.
Walking into class the next morning you frown to yourself noticing Daryl wasn’t sat in his usual spot, you walk over and take your seat in the chair next to his. Looking around you see Greg’s sympathetic gaze on yours, then noticing other peoples knowing stares your stomach sinks. You think back to that day you ran into him at the meadow, he had skipped school that day because his father had beaten him so bad he couldn’t face it.
Bile rose up your throat, all you can think bout is Daryl. You can’t pay attention to a single thing your teacher is saying, you can’t focus on your work or the diagram you’re meant to be studying. Your stomach is sinking further and further, your chest is constricting and your heart racing.
Placing your hand over your heart as you try to ground yourself, trying to breath through the panic and focus on the lesson that’s happening in front of you, but you just can’t. Sweat starts beading on your forehead as the panic keeps rising “Miss y/l/n are you alright?” Your teacher asks, concern written on his features, you must look rough if he’d noticed.
“No I'm not feeling so good, I think I should maybe go home” you answer, your voice coming out more strained than you intended. “Of course, you head on home I’ll let the office know” he replies, “Thank you sir” you nod, jumping up and gathering your things moving to exit the class quickly, but not before hearing one of the jocks shout out “It’s because her boyfriend isn’t here! And we all know what that means, his old mans beating him a new one” he laughs, your eyes fill with tears as you look at the teacher, he gives you a sympathetic gaze before urging you to go, “Detention for you Mr Owens, meet me at the end of class please” he asserts.
Racing out of the school building you jump into your car throwing your bag onto the passenger seat, your whole body shaking as you turn on the engine. Backing out of the parking lot and onto the main road. You bomb it towards Daryl's house, not even a thought in your head that you should probably let your dad know for not only your safety but Daryl's too. But all you can think of is how you need to get to him right now.
Pulling up outside his house you jump out of the car, bumping into someone. You flinch jumping back, looking up you take in the stranger recognising him from the shop, you realise it’s Merle, Daryl's older brother.
“Woah sweetheart, wats yer hurry” he drawls eyeing you up and down in the most uncomfortable way. “Where’s Daryl!” You demand, trying to keep your voice steady as your body betrays you, still shaking like a leaf.
A knowing smirk crosses his face and it causes your heart to palpate, “I see, n’ wat wud ya wan’ wit ma brother hmm?” He asks, “He wasn’t in school today, and I need to see him! And if you cared about your brother at all you’d tell me where he is...... right now!” You demand, your voice still stuttering but assertive, you don’t know where this new found strength and determination has come from.
Realisation seems to hit his features, “He weren’t in school?” He asks, “No he didn’t show up today, so I need to know where he is!” You answer, Merle sighs realising that means their old man had probably beaten him, he was drunk off his face when Merle arrived an hour ago, rambling and throwing things around the house. He was hoping Daryl had gone to school before the inevitable happened. “Well he ain’t home sweetheart” Merle states.
Looking at you again he could tell you clearly cared about his brother, watching worry cross your face, so he admitted to you that their dad was currently very drunk and angry, in his rage he’d probably lashed out at Daryl, who had probably run into the forest. “I dun know where he goes, when he runs out there, but maybe ya do?” Merle offers. Yeah you do, you know exactly where he goes, that secret meadow, the one only the two of you know about. Where you’d had your first real conversation, where you tended to his wounds that day after their egotistical father hurt him, and where you meet most weekends now, talking and drawing out shapes in the clouds.
You nod to Merle “I know where he is” before he can answer you jump back into the car, driving it up the back forest roads.
Pulling down a empty lane, you run out the car sprinting down the familiar tracks and through the trees, trying not to trip up over tree roots and stones as you hastily glide through the forest.
Coming to the familiar clearing you cross through into the meadow, letting out a huge breath in relief as you see him sitting there, surrounded by the flowers and reeds of green as he mindlessly picks at them. “Dar” you call jogging over to him, he doesn’t look up but doesn’t flinch at the sound of your voice either. You bring yourself over and sit down carefully next to him. “You weren’t in school, I was so worried I went to your’s but you weren’t there” “Wait!” He interrupts your worried yabbering, eyes jumping to yours in shock “Ya went to ma house? Wah wer ya thinkin! Ma dad he could hav hurt ya!” He shouts his voice full of concern, “Hey it’s fine Merle spoke to me outside, said you weren’t there. So I worked out where you were from there, and don’t worry I didn’t tell him about this place” you affirm.
He nods, looking at you still. You notice then the black and blue around his face, his eye is already turning purple, his cheeks are both bruised and there’s a large cut on one of them. His eyes are red and teary and he’s chewing his bottom lip, your face must have given you away because his hand finds yours “I’m alrigh’” he promises “jus culdn’ come ta school like this”. Your hand finds the part of his cheek that’s not bruised, you cup it gently, tears now filling your eyes. “You’re not ok Dar, you can’t keep going on like this” you reply, “It’s not as if I hav a choice!” He argues, “No one but you care, no one does anything to stop it, it’s as if the whole town thinks I deserve it, fuck maybe I do” he yells, tears now flowing down his cheeks again.
You shake your head no “No Daryl you don’t deserve this, not even a tiny bit. I can’t even comprehend how much you deserve Dar, because you deserve the world! There isn’t anyone better than you, gosh I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, see the way you shine. To me you're everything, so please just please don’t talk about yourself like that” you gush, desperate to make him see how special he really is. He stares at you in wonder, thinking what in the world he’s done in this world to deserve you, because truth be told you’re everything to him too. You are the first thing he thinks about in the morning and the last thought that crosses his mind at night, he knows your scent and touch by memory now, both being his biggest comforts.
Gazing at you he admits how he truly feels about you, blurting out “I love her y/n”. Then he panics what if you don’t feel the same way, he’d loose you, he can’t loose you now you’re all he’s got in this world. But your response silences his self deprecation,
“I love you too Daryl, I love you soo much” you admit.
He grabs you pullling you into his lap, his mouth frantically finding yours, it’s all teeth to start with but pretty quickly you find a gentle rhythm. Your mouths slotting together, while your hands hold desperately onto one another. You move you left hand to the back of his neck, fingers threading through his hair, while he grips your waist tighter almost as if he’s scared you’ll drift away.
Your tongue swipes at his bottom lip seeking entrance, which he grants his tongue moving against yours, its clumsy and messy but its new, to you it’s perfect. You lock your legs behind his back, effectively pulling yourself closer to him, your chest smooshing up against his own. The action causes you to grind down against him, causing a stuttered moan to leave his lips. The sound ignites a tingling in your core and you moan back against his lips, grinding down again trying to coach that sound from him again. Your action rewards you and he moans again, his hands slide up your sides under your T-shirt, thumbs slowly tracing the underside of your breasts. He’s almost testing the waters to see if you’d ask him to stop, you don’t. You grab both his hands in your own and move them to grope your breasts fully, moaning when his thumbs stroke your nipples, causing them to harden under his touch.
You arch your back grinding against him again, shifting slightly to find a position where the friction rubs your clit just right, you let out a gasp when you find the right spot, before moving your hips more frantically, head falling onto his shoulder as you pant against him. “Fuck Dar you feel so good” you whimper, he whines and you feel his head nodding against your own. One of his hands falls from your breast to your hip, helping you grind against him harder, and both your moans pick up as you chase your releases.
Daryl’s whimpers grow more desperate and you can tell he’s close, you quicken your movements rolling your hips even harder as the familiar tightening in your core starts building, “Baby I’m gunna cum” you gasp, “Shit me too” Daryl groans, you rest your forehead against his before white hot pleasure consumes you, hips stuttering against his own as you both ride out your highs.
You let out a breathy laugh as you come down, nuzzling your face into his neck. “That was unexpected” you admit. “Yer” he replies, but you catch something in his tone looking up at him you frown “What’s wrong?” You ask gently, stroking your hand down the side of his face. Daryl swallows harshly before mumbling “Ya don’t regret it do ya? I didn’ mean for it ta go tha far, I got lost in it, lost in feeling ya against me”,
“Hey baby look at me” you coax letting his blue eyes meet yours “Daryl I could never regret you, never” you affirm, “Ok” he nods, “Does tha mean yah mine now?” He asks eyes hopeful “Daryl from the second I met you, I was yours” you admit, kissing him once more you feel him smile against your lips. Pulling away slightly he shyly mumbles “I’ve always been yours”.
After cleaning yourselves up the best you can you lay in the meadow, your head on his chest fingers interlocked together. Enjoying the peacefulness the forest gives, until you feel the incessant buzzing coming from your phone, pulling it out of your pocket you notice it’s your dad. “Hey dad, I know I know I’m sorry but Daryl he needed me, we are at the meadow. Yeah he’s safe now, we both are, but dad he’s beat up pretty bad. He can’t go back there today” you express down the phone, Daryl’s watching you hum and nod along to the conversation, “Ok thanks dad, we will make our way home, see you soon” you hang up the phone and turn to Daryl “Wha’s happening?” He asks worry crossing his face, “You’re staying at ours tonight, in the spare room, we will take it from there” you convey, “Yer ok” he agrees.
Standing up you offer your hand to him, “Come on then, let’s get back to mine, we will sort something”. He nods at you, “I love yer” you smile at him lacing your fingers with his “I love you too”.
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
Snitches Get Stitches | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: Things were going great between you and your boyfriend. You adored each other and everyone in the trailer park could see how perfect you were for one another. Well, almost everyone. Daryl's brother and father seemed to feel otherwise.
Genre: Fluff, Angst.
Era: Pre outbreak.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams universe.
Warnings: Swearing, sexual comments, Merle being an asshole, Daryl's father is a warning himself, abuse.
Word count: 2.2k
Requested by anon.
A/n: I created a little universe :) I didn't think people would like my young!Daryl stories so much, so thank you! I'm gonna start labeling my young!Daryl fics SSHD if it's part of that universe.
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
It was late in the afternoon. The people in the trailer park were beginning to prepare to settle down for the night. Parents were calling their kids inside and people were returning from their jobs. However, beyond the trailer park and in the woods that surrounded it, you and Daryl were seated on the ground, basking in the peacefulness of the wilderness.
“Okay... I spy with my little eye, something blue.”
Daryl hummed and scanned his surroundings. “Tha' flower?” he guessed, nodding towards the flowers in front of you.
“Nope,” you shook your head with a grin.
“The berries?” he guessed again, pointing towards the bush holding the aforementioned berries.
“Try again,” you said with a smile, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Daryl wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer and tighter against his side. He rested his chin on top of your head. “The sky?”
“Then wha' s'it?” he asked.
“Your eyes,” you whispered, leaning up to press a kiss against his jaw.
Daryl faked an annoyed groan, but the small smile on his face betrayed his true emotions. “Tha' ain't fair. I can't see my own eyes.”
“It still counts,” you shrugged.
“Whatever ya say, sunshine,” Daryl replied with a roll of his eyes, an affectionate smile on his face. “S'my turn now, righ'?”
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“Alrigh', then. I spy somethin' beautiful,” he said, placing a kiss to the side of your head.
You smiled at him. “Don't use my methods against me, Dixon. Is it me?”
“Ain't anythin' more beautiful here. 'Course it's ya.”
“You're cheesy, Dar,” you giggled, nuzzling your face into his shoulder.
Daryl smiled softly at the action, his heart fluttering in his chest. He placed a kiss on top of your head. “Only fer ya, pretty girl.”
You laughed softly before focusing on the flower Daryl pointed to a few moments prior. You withdrew from his hold and got up, picking it from the ground before sitting down in front of your boyfriend. You held the flower up to his face and smiled.
“It matches your eyes,” you said softly, your eyes flickering between the flower and Daryl. “But your eyes are still more beautiful.”
Daryl ducked his head as a blush spread over his cheeks. You smiled and reached to cup his cheek in your hand, gently urging him to look at you. His eyes met yours, and time stopped for a moment. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips, before he acted on his urge and leaned in to kiss you fervently.
You instantly reciprocated, deepening the kiss. Daryl's hand came to the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair as he pulled you closer. The two of you were lost in the moment, and the kiss would've gone on forever, had it not been for the fact that air was still a priority.
You pulled away first. You leaned your forehead against his and smiled, your breathing heavy from your previous actions. Daryl's hand came up to cup your cheek, his thumb softly caressing the skin. However, the sweet, tender moment was interrupted when the two of you heard a rustle in the grass behind you.
Startled, you turned around in the direction of the sound, your eyes scanning your surroundings nervously. However, Daryl only placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, turning your attention back to him.
“Dun' worry. S'jus' a squirrel,” Daryl assured you, pointing up at a tree where a squirrel was seated, curiously watching the two of you.
You sighed in relief. “Sorry. I don't know why I'm so jumpy. It's not like it's the first time we've come out here.”
Daryl shook his head in dismissal. “S'alrigh'. Ya dun' have to explain yerself to me,” he reassured you, before getting up and offering his hand to you. “C'mon, tha' was probably a sign we should be headin' back. S'gettin' late.”
You took his hand and allowed him to pull you up. You interlaced your fingers and together the two of you made the short journey back to the trailer park. Sooner than you would've liked, you and Daryl were stood in front of your trailer. You turned to face him and gently cupped his cheek, your eyes filled with worry.
“My offer still stands, by the way. You can stay over. My mom won't mind,” you told him.
Daryl shook his head. He brought his hand up to grab your hand that rested on his cheek, kissing the back of your hand before letting it go.
“Nah, s'alrigh'. I've been stayin' over a lot recently. My old man's gettin' suspicious, and I dun' need him findin' out 'bout us. I dun' wanna risk the chance tha' he might hurt ya,” he replied, pursing his lips.
You gave him a tight-lipped smile and nodded, your heart beating faster in worry at the thought of Daryl having to return home to that sad excuse of a father. The two of you had been together for a good number of months and you had yet to officially meet his father, and you doubted that you ever would—and that was okay by you. You doubted if you could have a civil conversation with the man who hurt the guy you loved so badly, so Daryl's apprehension of you meeting his father was more than alright by you.
“Okay. Try to be safe, alright?” you responded, taking a step towards him. “I love you.”
Daryl smiled softly and leaned in to place a sweet, tender kiss on your lips. “I love ya, too,” he said when he pulled back, caressing your cheek softly one more time before turning around and slowly walking back towards his trailer home. You glanced at his back one more time before descending up the trailer steps and into your home, shutting the door behind you.
Unbeknownst to you or Daryl, the older Dixon brother had come to ask his younger brother's assistance in one of his escapades. He had waited on one of the benches in the trailer park for Daryl to make himself known, knowing that he made himself scarce from home during the day and only returned later in the day. But Merle was extremely surprised when he saw Daryl walk you back to your home, and even more surprised that the two of you had exchanged a kiss.
Merle hopped up from the bench and onto his motorcycle, speeding off into town to find a payphone. Merle wanted to confront his brother about you, but there was no way in hell that he was going to enter that godforsaken trailer ever again. A phonecall would have to do.
In the Dixons' trailer, the loud ringing from the phone interrupted the tense silence. Daryl, not wanting the phone to wake up his drunk and passed out father, quickly sprung up from his bed and darted out of his room and into the narrow hallway to answer the phone.
“Hello?” he whispered into the phone, his eyes nervously darting to his father that was passed out on the couch in front of the television.
“Hey there, Darylina. Mighty glad it was ya tha' answered.”
Daryl's jaw clenched at the sound of Merle's voice. “Merle,” he angrily grumbled into the phone, his hand gripping the cord of the phone. “Wha' the hell do ya want?”
Merle's laughter could be heard from the other line. “Now tha' ain't no way to talk to yer big brother, boy. Have a tad more respect, why dun' ya, huh?”
“Wha' do ya want?” Daryl repeated in frustration.
“Jus' thought I'd tell ya tha' I swung by earlier. I waited my whole life away waitin' fer ya to get back. Got quite the show when ya did.”
“Wha' the hell are ya talkin' 'bout?” Daryl inquired, confusion evident in his voice.
“Saw ya kissin' tha' girl. 'M proud of ya! Ya finally grew some balls and got yerself some pussy.”
Daryl could feel his blood run cold. His heart stopped beating for a moment and his eyes widened in shock. Merle had seen him with you. He was going to make your life a living hell now, more so than when you were just Daryl's friend.
“Cat got yer tongue, Darylina? Dun' go all quiet on me now, boy. Now tell me, is tha' pretty face any good in bed? She looks the type tha' knows wha' she's doin'. Probably fucked every guy in tha' trailer park fer all ya know, and yer jus' another one on her long list,” Merle taunted, a cruel laugh escaping his lips.
Daryl felt his blood boil. “Dun' talk 'bout her like tha'! She ain't some piece of meat or an object, so dun' objectify her. She ain't like those women ya fool 'round with when yer high or drunk. And she's so much more than jus' a pretty face. She's smart, kind, funny and she actually cares 'bout me. She's everythin' those women ya fuck ain't, and it clearly shows.”
Merle whistled on the other end of the phone. “Wha', yer tellin' me ya actually care 'bout her? Tha' this ain't some hit and run?”
“No!” Daryl exclaimed.
“I bet Dad doesn't know 'bout her, huh? Wha' would ya do if I told on ya, baby brother?”
“Fuck off, Merle. Go to hell,” Daryl responded before hanging up, his fists clenched in anger at his older brother. Never before had Daryl been so angered by Merle that he had wanted to punch him, but he had crossed a line. He brought you, Daryl's girl, into it. That was unacceptable.
“Ya done now, boy?”
Daryl froze in place. He slowly turned around and came face to face with his father, the man having an unreadable expression on his face. Daryl cowered instantly, his eyes darting to the ground to avoid his father's piercing stare.
His father looked at him before shaking his head, a wicked chuckle escaping his lips. Daryl shut his eyes in anticipation, knowing that the first blow to his face would come soon enough.
“Ya got yerself a girl?” he asked, taking a step towards Daryl.
Daryl instinctively took a step back. “No, sir,” he said quietly, refusing to look his father in the eyes.
Then it happened. His father's fist connected with his son's face, sending Daryl reeling backwards. Daryl quickly regained his footing, his face already throbbing in pain, but he knew better than to show it. His father would only hit him harder if he did.
“Dun' lie to me, boy. Ya think 'm deaf?”
“I ain't lyin', sir,” Daryl responded. “I ain't got a girl.”
His father hummed. “Jus' someone yer screwin', then? Someone yer tryin' to knock up?”
Daryl shook his head. “No.”
That was met with another blow to the face. Every question his father asked him that could potentially reveal who you were was met with refusal and denial, which inevitably lead to another beating. Daryl's father soon grew tired, the alcohol in his system taking its toll on him. He flopped back onto the couch, soon passing out again.
Daryl's body hurt all over. He was certain that there would be prominent bruises all over his body the next day and the cuts on his face stung, blood oozing out of them. When he was sure that his father was passed out again, he quietly left the trailer and walked over to yours.
He walked to the back of your trailer to where he knew your bedroom's window was. He quietly knocked on your window, hoping that you weren't asleep yet. He was relieved when he saw your lamp flick on and heard your footsteps approach your window.
You opened your curtains and saw Daryl outside, blood trickling down his face. You gasped and opened your window, helping Daryl climb inside. You gently ushered him over to your bed and urged him to sit down, heading to grab the first aid kit from the bathroom.
As Daryl watched you return and start to clean up his wounds, not pressing him to tell you immediately what happened, he knew that he made the right choice. He'd take a thousand beatings if it meant keeping you safe. You were his sunshine, and he'd do anything to protect you.
Even if it meant getting hit by his father to ensure you remained anonymous.
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darylsdelts · 21 days
Daryl wasn’t always such a tough guy, he was emotional like any other child when he was little.
Between the ages of 4 to 6, Daryl was fascinated with the play park. The only bad thing about it were there were other kids there, kids that wanted to make friends with Daryl, kids that weren’t overcome with such painful anxiety at a young age that Daryl couldn’t understand.
However, he’d still go to the park all by himself because he liked the swings. When he’d get there, if there was someone on the swings already, he’d sit on the tarmac floor (right next to a perfectly fine bench but he was not taking the chances of someone coming to sit by him) and wait. He wouldn’t ask for a turn, he would just wait.
Sometimes, if Merle came with him he’d encourage Daryl to go and ask for a turn. Merle so desperately wanted Daryl to make friends, making friends meant play dates and play dates meant going to somebody else’s house that didn’t have a drunk, abusive man in it, he wanted Daryl away from it. But Daryl never wanted to make friends.
One day Daryl went to the park by himself, which was more common than going with Merle, and when he got there the swings were free! He ran to his favourite swing, struggling a bit to get on it since he was quite short. He persevered and completed the difficult task, next came swinging himself, which was hard too but he managed to get it going. After being on the swing for about half an hour, he wanted to get off to go on the slide. He found that stopping the swing and getting off took way too long for how excited he was, so he decided to try what he’d seen some bigger kids do. He wanted to jump off.
He was sure he could do it, he prepared himself, jumped, completely missed his feet, landing on his hands and knees. Now, his knees were scraped and bloody, along with the heels of both palms.
The five year old’s eyes welled with tears, quickly he rose to his feet and his little legs worked as hard as they could to get him home. He planned on getting in and going to momma, knowing daddy wouldn’t help.
Merle was round the side working on something when he heard the scuffing of shoes and loud sniffling and he knew exactly what had happened.
Quickly, he rounded the corner and stepped in front of the front door to stop Daryl.
“Ya got hurt, baby brother?”
Daryl shook his head and sniffled, trying to get past Merle to get to momma.
Obviously Merle could see Daryl was crying and he could see his bloody knees. He took Daryl’s forearms in his hands and turned them to see his scraped palms.
“Looks tough, brother”
“Move… needa get momma…”
Merle knew that their mother wasn’t home right now and if Daryl went in there, crying, all he was gonna get was yelled at and beaten.
“She ain’t home, bud… s’only pa… C’mere”
Merle tried to pull Daryl in his direction but Daryl hastily shrugged him off. Merle could be a huge meanie sometimes and he was sure he was gonna make fun of him.
When Daryl wouldn’t budge, Merle reluctantly lifted Daryl straight off the ground, carried him to the side of the shack and sat him on the rotting bench.
Of course the whole time Daryl was grumbling.
“Put me down, merwe!”
“S’for your own good, lil brother, show me yer hands”
Daryl slowly held his hands out to his big brother, hoping he’d help. Daryl had originally planned to go cry in mommy’s arms but now he was with Merle, he was trying not to.
Merle poured some water from a plastic bottle over the little boys palms and knees and wiped over them with his handkerchief.
A few tears fell from Daryls eyes but Merle ignored it.
“Some pretty nasty busts ya got ‘ere… musta been doin’ some real brave shit, huh?”
Merle wanted to cheer Daryl up but he wasn’t sure how.
“Jumped off da swing”
“Ya ain’t quite stuck the landing’ yet… plen’y o’ time ta practice… I’ll go wit’ ya to the damn park tomorruh”
“Pwomise?” Daryl looked at him with wide, hopeful, blue eyes.
Merle hated making promises to Daryl, but he reckons he could keep this one so he ruffles his hair and nods before reaching into his vest pocket and pulling out a bandaid (that may or may not be in there for when he takes Daryl’s blood and needs to put a plaster over the needle hole) and gently putting it on the more scuffed knee of the two.
“You gon’ sit ‘ere n watch me work on this piece o’ crap?”
Daryl nodded and Merle was relieved, he didn’t want Daryl going inside yet, not with how his eyes were still misty and red rimmed.
He’d never said this before, it felt awkward to say it to be honest but he figured it’s what mom would’ve said to him and he knows that Daryl wants her.
“Good boy, Daryl… pass me that driver”
Daryl’s feet kick a little at the praise, he’s too little to reach the ground, as he passes over the screw driver.
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sleepyangelkami · 1 month
hiii, I am writer 2 and I wanted to know how to get my colors like that, to fade and look different like yours
hello angel! I use this website (click the word 'this' it'll take you to it) you pick your colours, type out your words and click generate colour faded text. then you're gonna wanna go ahead and copy the long link in the box it generates. when you switch back to tumblr, create a post and click the little settings button. here, you can scroll down to text editor and change "rich text" to "HTML" and only then do you paste your long link. click back to rich text and everything should be perfect!! 🩷
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star-wrote · 1 month
Could you possibly do a moodboard or fic of young!daryl x reader and its their senior prom plss
Prom w/ Daryl Dixon - moodboard and blurb
a/n - absolutely. living through this since i didn’t get a prom </3 (went for a late 90’s vibe since that’s when prom was most aesthetic)
warnings- slightly angsty, mentions of daryl’s father and merle, fluffy, intentional lowercase
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it would be hard to convince daryl to go to prom, but after thrifting an old black suit and some chunky metal rings, he would reluctantly agree to go.
you’d bring him over to your place since you knew his dad and merle would be at his home; fresh bruises wouldn’t match his suit and being mocked by merle would convince daryl that prom wasn’t made for guys like him.
he would be standing in your mirror, pulling at the slightly itchy neckline of the old suit, when you walk into frame wearing a dress that he could only describe as ethereal.
“i picked it ‘cause it matches your eyes,” you say while blushing and looking at the floor, “do you like it?”
he turns from the mirror and smiles one of his rare, genuine smiles, “ya look beautiful.”
the rest of the night is spent dancing to songs that neither of you liked, and stealing kisses any chance you could get.
neither of you won prom king or queen, but you expected that.
after prom, eating at a cheap 24 hour diner that had only 2 employees, you pull a plastic crown out of your bag. “saw this at the thrift store and had to get it for you,” you say while plopping it on his head, “had to let you know that you’re my prom king.”
he blushes and chuckles at you. “stop.”
you both fall asleep together that night with smiles on your faces.
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blairespandora · 14 days
Let's Light Up A Joint - Daryl Dixon Imagine (Suggestive 18+)
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A/N: Wrote this with young!daryl in mind <33 but yeah... here we are, back at it again with my smoking kink angels! xo TW: Drugs
“Wanna’ light up a joint?”
He hummed quietly and continued kissing along your shoulder, his hands wandering across your skin and leaving goosebumps in their paths.
“Mhm;” He mumbled and gently pulled you back into him, a small groan escaping his lips and reverberating through his chest as he held you close and rocked you back and forth silently, his mouth continuing to explore your skin.
Daryl’s kisses continued down your back, soft pecks planting on every inch of skin as he continued to hold you close to him, his own body starting to grow hotter from his affection.
He gently rolled his hips up against you once his body grew hotter and he groaned very softly, pulling you back against him even harder.
After a moment he slowly reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a joint from inside the small drawer, his other arm still wrapped tightly around your waist as he brought the joint up to his mouth and lit it quickly not wanting to waste any time.
He took a deep inhale of the joint, his body relaxing near instantly from the first hit before he exhaled and handed it lazily to you over your shoulder giving a soft hum of approval as you inhaled the joint, taking his time to roll his hips against you again loving the way your hot bodies felt against each other.
“How’s it tastes, baby?” He mumbled as he ran his nose along your shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses along it as he began rocking his hips in a slow and deliberate pace once more.
“I'm feeling it already” you laugh and tilt your head to the side, giving him more access whilst looking in the mirror at the both of you
Daryl chuckled quietly at your words, his body already feeling a fuzzy numbness from the weed and his head a little lighter, but it was pleasant, and he felt great.
He hummed and gently lifted his head up so that he could look over your shoulder and into the mirror, catching your gaze in their reflections with a smile as his eyes ran all over your body, “Oh really?”
“The most relaxed I’ve been in months”.
He hummed again and exhaled quietly through his nostrils which let out a cloud of smoke, his warm breath tickling the back of your neck,
“Me too…”
He muttered, his hands now working their way back down your body, slowly wandering down to your hips and gently gripping them with his calloused fingers, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into your skin.
His head slowly moved closer to yours as he watched your lips in the mirror while he inhaled deeply on the joint again, pulling more from the drug and letting his brain get even more buzzed out.
After taking his share of the joint, he held it up to your mouth again so you could inhale too whilst retaining the cloud in his lungs, he broke the contact between your lips and the stick and replaced it with his mouth, the smoke coming out both of you and being shared in the heated kiss, little moans and smoke ringlets dancing out from between your faces.
Daryl’s hands gripped you tighter and he deepened his kiss, gently rubbing his tongue between your lips and letting it slip inside, gently wrestling with yours whilst continuing to rub his hands all over your body, groping every bit of your skin.
His eyes slipped shut and he exhaled deeply along with you, the drug taking full effects and making his mind buzz in an almost dizzying way, his body almost feeling floaty and numb as it became heavier and slightly heavier each second,
“Mmph…you taste so good…” He mumbled, his voice low and his words slightly slurred and lazy as he pulled you even closer to him, pulling you right up against him and leaving no room between your bodies.
He groaned again after having another look at their forms in the mirror and released a moan from the back of his throat, his body moving against yours again as he nuzzled your skin and pressed his lips back onto it again, leaving a trail of wet and sloppy pecks.
“Fuck…that stuff is stronger than I remember…” you mumble, feeling each and one of his actions affect you more than usual, to the point his touch was the only thing you could focus on, the only thing keeping you grounded.
With a small chuckle, Daryl slowly moved his hand up and reached over to the bedside table again, his head still nuzzling the crook of your neck, planting lazy kisses all over your skin as he stubbed the rest of the joint out in the nearby glass ash tray.
“Yer’ jus’ a light weight babe”.
He mumbled quietly between peppered kisses.
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gibson-g1rl · 2 years
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౨ৎ hi lovelies 💐 my name is jay :) and welcome to my blog!!
౨ৎ 19 • she/her
౨ৎ scorpio ☉ cancer ☾ gemini ↑
౨ৎ mother cain and charli xcx enthusiast ✩ ° 。⋆⸜ 🎧
౨ৎ no negativity will be allowed on my blog and if you’re rude you will be blocked :))
౨ৎ free palestine 🇵🇸
stay peachy 🍑🩷
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౨ৎ warren lipka
jealously, jealousy
i hate you part 2
౨ৎ peter maximoff
only one bed
౨ৎ alex (adult world)
and they were roommates
a porn shop romance (discontinued)
౨ৎ tate langdon
the sweetest boy
who’s lana del rey?
౨ৎ kit walker
briarcliff’s silver lining
such an iIdiot
౨ৎ james patrick march
ghost of jealousy
౨ৎ kyle spencer
i heart you
౨ৎ evan peters
social media au’s:
౨ৎ gabriel (rory culkin’s character)
feels like sugar in me
౨ৎ rick grimes
shades of cool
playing dangerous
౨ৎ daryl dixon
i’m never leaving
౨ৎ coriolanus snow
young!coriolanus snow using his fingers to keep you quiet
౨ৎ tom blyth
social media au’s:
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minervadashwood · 2 years
Scars and Stitches, Chapter 1: Morgan & Morgan
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Series Masterlist | Daryl x Reader Masterlist
Chapter Summary: You are sheltering in place with Morgan and Duane when you meet someone new. Word Count: 2,600 Chapter Warnings:  gunshot, walkers.
Weakness never got anyone anywhere.
–Julia Quinn, The Viscount Who Loved Me
“Daddy!” Duane’s voice pierced the silent evening.
The next thing you heard was a gunshot, and you grabbed the fire poker at your side, gripping it like a softball bat. You were starting to regret every choice you’d made since birth: every sports team you quit, every gym class skipped, and every weekend you spent curled up with a book instead of doing something with your life.
Your muscles were taut with fear, flight or fight mode heavily in favor of the former, you stood your ground, quiet and still. You may be no good at taking down walkers but being quiet was something you could handle.
Relief came not a moment later when Morgan called you over. You crept from your place on the porch to the street, squinting under the harsh glare of the late evening sun. You trusted Morgan implicitly, even before all this, but you were mildly panicked as you made your way to stand across from him and Duane, who were staring at a lifeless body on the street. Its skin was peaked, and eyes sunken, with a bandage on the side of its belly that was practically putrid.
“He ain’t got a fe—"
“Duane,” Morgan interrupted.
Duane let out a long-suffering sigh. “He doesn’t have a fever.”
You squat next to the body.
Morgan stood nearby, shovel at the ready. “Just be careful, okay?” He glanced at the man on the ground but remained on alert for any walkers that got too close.
“Okay,” you said, getting to work.
Upon checking for a pulse, you were surprised to discover that the man was still breathing and had a steady heartbeat. You felt his forehead and neck. Duane was right, the man had no fever, but his skin was clammy. He seemed more dehydrated than anything else, but you’d know for sure after checking what was under that bandage.
You peeled off the medical tape, avoiding touching the yellowed gauze itself. Beneath the bandage was a well-stitched wound. It was pink and healing. No signs of infection, and certainly not a bite. Not a surgical incision either. Gunshot, maybe? You proceeded to check the rest of his body for signs of injury. Finding nothing, you and Morgan decided to take him inside and put him on a bed upstairs.
Morgan didn’t want to leave you alone with the new house guest, so you told him the man most likely needed water and food.  Then you left Morgan to handle things from there.
By then the sun was setting, so you went to check the windows and doors to ensure no light could escape the house. The walkers were wandering closer than usual, but you couldn’t blame Morgan for rescuing that man. On a street full of the dead, a living soul was worth saving.
Later, when the heat of the day had given way to the more comfortable coolness of night, Morgan once again went to check on the stranger. You started working with Duane to get supper ready. You were stirring a pot of beef stew, and Duane was setting the table, when Morgan came down the stairs, followed by the stranger.
Morgan said, “Rick, that’s my boy, Duane, and our friend, Miss Morgan. She’s been with us since the start of all this.”
“I thought you—” Rick sputtered, glancing from you to Morgan, his jaw working like an overactive clam.
You resisted singing, “Morgan and Morgan,” to the tune of “Marley and Marley” from The Muppet Christmas Carol. You always got a kick out of that, even if no one else did.
You smiled and held out your hand. “Last name’s Morgan,” you explained, and told him your first name.
You and the boys sat at the table—Duane had another bowl and spoon already out for the new guy. You listened to Rick’s story of him stumbling out of the hospital and how he was looking for his wife and son. Eventually he asked how all of you ended up together.
“I’m a librarian. Or I was,” you said. You began to explain how Morgan and his family visited the library every Friday. “So, each week I’d see them, I’d go ‘Good evening, Mr. Morgan.’ and he’d say—” You paused to drop your carefully honed non-regional accent to impersonate your friend. “‘Good evenin’, Miss Morgan.’
“The next Christmas they found out I was celebrating alone and made me celebrate with them. Been treating me like family ever since. Here was the first place I came when all this started.”
To his credit, Morgan tried to smile, but it was too much for him. “You’re family. Always have been as far as Jenny and I were concerned.”
“You need people you trust around you,” Rick said. “Sometimes, families aren’t born, they’re made.”
You bowed your head in agreement. In the past few years, Morgan and Jenny had done more for you than your real parents did your whole childhood. The Jones house was a second home, name notwithstanding.
Now, though, it was feeling more like a prison. Part of you hoped Rick could get Morgan to move on. Look for other people. See if there were refugee camps or shelters somewhere.
When Duane yawned and left the table, you began gathering up the dishes. Later, you’d see if he wouldn’t let you read him some Percy Jackson. It was good to keep his mind off the chaos outside.
You stacked the bowls, spoons, and cups. As you cleared the table, Rick winced and held a hand to his side.
You looked him up and down in concern. “When I’m done here, I’ll take another look at that injury and see if we can’t scare up some pain killers.”
Rick furrowed his brow. “Thought you were a librarian.”
“Took some EMT classes a few years back. I remember most of what I read, though never put much of it in to practice.” You shifted uncomfortably. “If you’d rather not, I understand.”
“I don’t want to put you out or anything–”
“She’ll do alright by you, Rick. Let her get a good look at you. I get the feeling you’ll be heading out tomorrow.”
Rick turned back to you. “I’d be obliged.”
You nodded. “Later then.”
You went about washing the dishes. When Rick started talking about guns and ammunition, you tuned him and Morgan out, not wanting to hear any more about automatic rifles and double-barreled shotguns.
As much as you loved Morgan and Duane, this sheltering in place wasn’t a long-term solution. The biggest problem was that Jenny was still out there. You knew that once Duane was fast asleep and you were nose deep in Pride and Prejudice, Morgan would be watching her throughout the night.
You’d never had a long-term relationship—let alone been married—so you couldn’t imagine what Morgan was going through. You tried not to judge. But as the days had turned into weeks, your hopes of rescue diminished and your desire to leave only grew.
The next afternoon, you held onto Morgan’s hug for as long as you could. “Sure, you won’t come with us?”
He pulled away, holding you in front of him. “You go. We’ll be along in a day or two. Just…just need some time to say goodbye.”
You nodded and swallowed your tears. You’d see him soon. In a few days everything would be okay.
You left behind all the tween and YA books you’d taken from the library, hoping Duane could pick his favorites and bring them along later. You kept two of your favorite Austens, and Heidi.
On the road out of town, you wouldn’t let yourself look back. You and Rick chatted, getting to know each other a little better. You liked him. He was amiable and practical, a good person to have around given the current state of things.
You told him you didn’t like guns, but you were fine with him doing whatever he needed. You also said you’d help him out all you could, but you’d leave all the walker-killing to him.
If he was concerned, he was too polite to say so, and he seemed to take all you told him in stride.
Relaxing in the passenger seat, you savored the air conditioning and the slow drive to Atlanta.
You didn’t know it would be the last thing you enjoyed for a long, long while.
Next Chapter
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loeyparker · 2 years
for a WEEK all i've been thinking abt is young!daryl so here's a board i made for the fic i'm writing 😭😭😭😭
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gutsby · 7 months
Grow a Uterus and We'll Talk
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: Daryl has a bad case of baby fever, to put it lightly. You’re practically terrified of children. Rick lends you his kid for the night, and together, you come to learn that parenthood might not be the worst thing in the world. Even easier than baking muffins, one might say.
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff, an absurd amount of baby rabies, and fluff. Don’t blame me if y’all get pregnant.
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“You lay one finger on me and I’ll bite it off, Dixon.”
You’d done the same damn dance once a month, every month for the past two years, and you were starting to grow annoyed with your boyfriend’s advances.
“Would it really be tha’ bad if we tried it out…just once?” Daryl huffed.
“I don’t know,” you answered, shrugging, “Grow a uterus and we’ll talk.”
The archer playfully lunged at you from across the couch, but you easily side-stepped and took residence at the far end of the room. You reached for a stiletto to throw at his head if he came any closer.
“Still on the baby business, huh?” Carol called as she strode past the living room toward the kitchen.
“Ya know we’d make some damn cute crotch goblins,” Daryl yelled back. You rolled your eyes.
“That isn’t for you to decide, Daryl,” Carol’s voice seemed to toughen, even give him a scolding look from a distance away, “And if you knock her up before she’s ready, I’ll string you up by your balls and feed you to the walkers.”
The woman did not fuck around—and you loved her for it. Presently, you stuck your tongue out at Daryl as if to say, ‘See? I told you so’ and the man simply scowled. Flopped down on the couch and propped his dirty boots up on the coffee table.
“‘Course I wouldn’t try if ye weren’t ready,” he grumbled, “Jus’ wanted you ta consider it.”
You joined him on the couch and nudged his feet off the table.
“Is that why you’ve been parading every baby in Alexandria in my face for the past six months? Hoping I’d ‘consider’ things a little more?” you quipped, raising both eyebrows.
Daryl paused a beat, seemed to chew on his thoughts for a moment or two. Then he offered you a sheepish grin and said,
“Rick and Michonne really need the free childcare.”
You were itching to grab that high heel again. Before you could, though, a sound thundered through your foyer and the front door was thrown open wide. In the blink of an eye, Rick had stumbled through your entryway, passed off his infant to Daryl like a sack of potatoes, and raced back to the door.
“Rick, what the fuck?!” you shouted before he could escape.
“Date night,” Rick answered in a ragged breath, gripping the door frame while he glanced over at Daryl.
Daryl smiled and held Judith to his chest like she might’ve been the most precious thing in the universe. You narrowed your eyes.
“He put you up to this?” you asked, tipping your chin in Daryl’s direction.
Rick didn’t hesitate; he said that he had. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Daryl shooting daggers at his friend. Promptly, Judith pawed at your boyfriend’s stubbled cheeks and babbled.
Sensing the tension in the air, Carol gathered her belongings and contemplated baking her bread elsewhere—or at least give you and Daryl some space to talk. She started toward the door,
“Walk a lady home?” she said to Rick.
Rick shot her a curious look but accepted anyway. Casting a sidelong glance to the man on the couch and the woman who was currently staring him down with an irate look in her eyes—you—he quickly surmised it was in his best interest to leave. Hopefully Judith was too young to catch on to any curse words that might be hurled in the next several minutes.
“Be good, you three,” Rick gave his parting words before following Carol outside. The door crashed shut behind them.
As soon as it had, you were back on your feet and traipsing out of the room.
“Come on,” Daryl whined.
He followed your steps into the kitchen with Judith still cradled in his arms. There was a pregnant pause as you rifled through your cabinets, wordlessly searching for some ingredients to bake whatever pastry it would take to get your mind off the discomfiture of this situation—you decided on muffins, at length.
It wasn’t like you hated babies. You loved their big bald heads and their pudgy, wobbling legs. You loved the way they giggled and smiled and dribbled food all over their fronts. You didn’t even mind the thought of pregnancy; carrying a pint-sized redneck in your belly for nine months wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen. 
It was the world that frightened you most. The thought of a newborn child’s slim chances at surviving a place like this. The fear of that alone was enough to have you fighting that dreadful outcome, tracking your cycle like a hound and fighting Daryl off every month when you knew that day was coming. You’d been pretty successful thus far. But by the looks of the man across the kitchen beaming down at the baby, you weren’t sure how long that winning streak would last.
“Wanna hold her?”
“Wanna do her hair?”
“She hasn’t got any.”
Daryl shot you a look of mock indignation and stroked Judith’s head.
“You kiddin’? Little Ass Kicker’s gotta have at least fifteen strands by now,” he retorted, tugging at the short blond tufts as if to prove a point.
Judith smiled a toothless grin up at her Uncle Daryl. You all but had to leave the room to stifle the sounds of your reproductive organs screaming, 'Give that man a baby! NOW!' You clenched your stomach and turned away to start preparing the pans.
Daryl perched Judith on his lap and starting puffing out his cheeks. The infant shrieked with laughter. You assembled the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together on the counter and sought after a bowl.
“Dada, Dada!” Judith chanted. Trying in earnest to say ‘Daryl’ but ending up sounding like she was calling him dad. You dropped the mixing bowl on the countertop with a clatter.
“Daryl, kiddo, Dar-yl,” your boyfriend tried to teach her, enunciating his name a couple more times.
“Dada!” the little tyke howled again as she fisted his shirt in her fingers.
Milk and oil and— eggs. Where are the eggs?
You tore through the fridge and wanted to sob into the shelves with the sheer force of delirium coursing through your veins. Damn you, Charles Darwin, I am not in a place to be procreating right now.
You tried turning your mind to other things—cooking, crying, contemplating the course of human evolution—but when you turned back with the carton of eggs in hand, you almost sent the dozen of them crashing straight to the floor.
Daryl was pinching her chubby cheeks.
If you weren’t so violently inclined to breed a whole new gaggle of progeny with this man, you probably would’ve chucked an egg at his head.
You sighed as you dropped the last of your cooking supplies on the surface of the kitchen island. You planted your hands flat on the granite and stared shamelessly at the two of them. Daryl was feigning ignorance, tapping Judith’s tiny pink nose with the tip of his finger and watching her giggle. When he leaned down to kiss the top of her head, you spun around to kick the oven door shut and cut the appliance off, immediately.
“Alright, you win, you bastard,” you said in a huff.
Daryl looked up from his present occupation, eyeing you innocently.
“What do you mean, hon—”
You cut him short, raising a finger to halt his speech before starting toward the door.
“Shut up,” you muttered as you headed for the stairs, “Meet me up there in five.”
Daryl deposited Judith in her portable playard in a second’s time and went scrambling up those steps faster than he ever had before. 
Silently, speedily, he thanked every one of his lucky stars and his best friend, Rick Grimes.
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Somewhere only we know
Part 1
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Young Daryl Dixon x Reader (no apocalypse AU)
Read part 2 here
Synopsis- No outbreak and modern ish day AU (set in 2007-2010 era) Reader moves to the Georgia mountains, to live with her dad for her final year of school, as her mum is going travelling with her new husband. She meets a shy redneck boy with a tragic background, who immediately captures her heart.
Warnings - mentions of abuse, tragic upbringings, mentions of injury, feelings, friends to lovers, judgemental town people, readers dad is a sweetheart, reader has good relationships with both parents, but her mum is described as flakey and free spirited. My terrible writing as always (this is me practicing 🤣) slow burn, no outbreak, not cannon at all obviously, love confessions, reader sticking up for Daryl, both reader and Daryl being protective, smut in later chapters but not this one.
Let me know if I’ve forgotten anything
Word count - 3.8K
It was the start of fall, leaves were beginning to change and a cooler breeze was starting to hit the small town you were now going to call home. Green valley resided in the mountains of northern Georgia, population 680 people. It was where your Dad had bought a mountain cabin, just outside of town with a 100 acre orchard. He had purchased the property just over a year ago, in hopes of a slower life. He sold his Californian condo, and made the lengthy move to Georgia.
Your parents divorced when you were 12 years old, it had been a long and lengthy process, and they hadn’t left on the best of terms. Your mum took sole custody of you, but you stayed holidays and the summer period with your dad. Even so you had a great relationship with both your parents, growing up had been pretty uneventful, though your mum was somewhat of a free spirit. Now you were 18 years old, in your final year of high school and full of life. You’d inherited the free spirit of your mother, but the hard working mind of your dad.
Your mum had moved on with her life re marrying a lovely man called Ari, he was also very much a free spirit, and they’d planned a two year travelling trip together. This is what had lead you to leave your shared home in Arizona, and move in with your dad at his new mountain home. You had a good feeling about this move, maybe small town life would suit you? Would it be quieter life or an adventure? You didn’t know, but you were excited to find out.
Perched on the passenger seat of your dads Chevy truck, you drove through the valleys and mountains in comfortable silence. Taking in the sights, the gorgeous autumn colours and breathing in the fresh air. You wound down the window letting your arm fall out, pushing your fingers through the wind.
“It’s good to have you home kiddo” your dad admitted, “It’s going to be nice having you with me again” he continues, nodding contently to himself.
“Yeah” you smile, “I’ve missed this, the two of us hanging out”. He turns to give you a genuine smile, it must be lonely being in the mountain lodge by himself, you decide. Pulling up outside the cabin you gasp “wow” you exclaimed, it’s much bigger and prettier than the pictures he sent you showed. A beautiful stone wrap around porch and neat log exterior, there’s a few planted trees out the front, and gas lamps adorning the entry way. It looked like something out of a fairytale, and you were incredibly excited to see the inside. Taking your phone out, you quickly snap a few photos to send your mum.
Your dad smiled at your childlike wonder as you admired the cabin. “I’m glad you like it honey bee, let’s get you all settled in”. The inside was just as lovely, large brick fireplace and open planned living downstairs, three large bedrooms with en-suites and a study upstairs. Your dad showed you to your room, then gave you space to unpack and settle in. Once unpacked and showered you came down to your dad serving dinner, “I don’t know if your hungry, but I made your favourite, at least I hope it’s still your favourite?” Your dad asks with a small laugh.
“It most certainly is! Thanks dad”
“Good” he nods.
“Ummm God, this is amazing” you groan happily. Your dad huffed a laugh, “I forgot how good your cooking is! Mum’s terrible, we end up with burnt dinner or takeout most nights” you laughed.
“Well I’m glad to get a proper home cooked meal into you then!”
“Soo I spoke to your new head teacher and the school is giving you this next week off, to you know settle in. Then you start a week Monday, so I thought you could spend some time this next week, getting to know the town and the area. We can go for lunch tomorrow in town if ya like?” Your dad explained.
“Yeah that all sounds great dad” you agreed.
One whole week to settle in, yeah that sounds ok you thought. Gives me time to maybe get to know some people too, get to know the route to school. You ate in comfortable silence, before helping your dad clean up and get an early night, it had been a long day and you were exhausted.
The next morning you woke to birds chirping and leaves rustling. Golden rays were casted through your window causing a warm glow, floating dust particles visible in the streaks of light. A soft breeze was filtering in through the small crack you left open last night, hoping to remove some of the evenings humidity. You determined right then that waking up like this in nature was wonderful, no cars honking or children screaming like the busy neighbourhood you lived in back in Arizona, just peace.
You spent the morning folding your clothes into draws, setting up your laptop and organising your desk space. Before getting ready for lunch out with your dad, you decided faded jeans and a band tee would work, it was exciting to get out and see your new local town, but a little overwhelming too. It was a big change from your life before, and an adjustment period would definitely be needed. Nonetheless it was nice to be spending some quality time with your dad.
“You ready to go kiddo?” You dad calls up the stairs.
“Yeah! Now coming” you yell back, bounding down the stairs.
Driving to town didn’t take long, you watched out the passenger window paying attention to the area and the amenities. The lakes, mountains and colourful leaves were so picturesque.
The town centre was small but well equipped. From what you could tell there were a few restaurants, at least three coffee shops, a hardware shop, a post office, a supermarket, a couple of convenience stores and a surgery. Not including the school and garage on the outskirts.
Pulling up outside a small timber clad diner your dad parks and grins at you, “Your gonna love this place! They have the best pie and great views of the lake” he stated. “Awesome!” You reply hopping out the truck.
Walking inside you take in the place, there’s large windows placed all along the back of the diner, looking out directly onto the lake, there’s warm lighting and the whole place has a very cozy feel. An older woman about 60-65 years old you guessed came bouncing over. “Well hi Allan it’s good to see you, this must be your beautiful daughter I’ve heard so much about?!!” She gushed
“Hey Susie how are you? You’d be right, this here’s my daughter y/n” your dad replied to the bubbly woman.
“Hey it’s nice to meet you” you added
“Isn’t she a sweetheart Allen, you must be so proud, you know y/n your dad here hasn’t shut up about you coming for weeks now” she sang, playful glint in her eyes. You smiled kindly back at her, feeling relatively embarrassed by the attention. “Well you choose a seat hunni, and I’ll be right over to take your orders” she continued before walking off.
“She seems friendly” you stated. Your dad lets out a laugh at your uncomfortableness, “Yeah, small town honeybee. Everyone knows everyone here and they all talk, a lot” he emphasises. “Hmm” you sigh this was something you’ll need to get used too.
You chose a seat with a view by the large windows, and as if reading your mind he hummed “You’ll get used to it.
After lunch you both walked through the town, while your dad stopped at the convenience store to collect some necessities, you busied yourself looking through the aisles, choosing some snacks for yourself. You could hear your dad chattering to the woman on the cashier, everyone in this town really did know everybody. When you looked up your eyes met a pair of bright blue, belonging a boy around your age with scruffy light brown hair, worn clothes and a couple of cute moles adorning his face. You smile at him, he offers a small smile back before looking away bashfully. “Hi, I’m y/n” you offer, “Daryl” he mumbles back.
“It’s nice to meet you Daryl, do you live around here?” You ask.
“Yeah umm not too far, jus down by da creak” he replies. You offer another warm smile, “I’ve just moved here with my dad, maybe I’ll see you round?” You add. Daryl nods looking at his feet, he seems incredibly shy you think.
“Y/n, you done?” Your dad calls, you follow his voice to the checkout and hand him the two candy bars you’ve chosen. “Just these please” you confirm. You look back to the other end of the shop seeing Daryl chatting with another guy, probably in his late 20s.
“I wouldn’t talk to that boy if I were you” the lady on the cashier interrupts your thoughts. You take the time to read her name tag ‘Wendy’ “Hmm” you reply “why not? He seems nice enough, awfully shy” you continue.
“They are the Dixon’s the taller one is the older brother Merle, he’s always causing trouble, in and out of jail. Their dad is a drunk, and lord knows he hits those boys. The older ones left home now but comes back frequently. Daryl’s in school still so he still lives with his dad. It’s only a matter of time before he starts behaving the same way, I’m sure of it” she rants in whispered hush. You frown, you don’t like that. He’s done nothing wrong yet, but already branded by the town because of his family. But before you can say anything your dad pipes up “Well we best be going, lots to do before this one starts school”. “Well good luck sugar just pay mind to what I said, you seem like a sweet girl, and this town talks” the cashier lady implores. You give a tight lipped smile before leaving with your dad.
The walk back to the car is deadly silent and you are stewing your inner monologue ‘how dare she’ and ‘if she knows he’s hitting the boys, why hasn’t anything been done?’. Your dad turns to you reading you like a book, “Hey I get it, you don’t like injustice I know that” he interrupts your thoughts, looking up at him you sigh “It just doesn’t seem fair”. “I know baby girl, if you want to befriend that boy, you do it. I know we raised you to be kinder than that, and hey you could use a friend” he replies. You smile at him “Yeah maybe I’ll see him at school” you nod agreeing with your dad.
Three days pass in a blur, you sign up to the local surgery and check all your medical details have been passed over correctly. You find the local library and spend most of Monday getting lost in books, you try a local cafe and enjoy drinking your coffee while walking around one of the lakes. You even chat to a few locals, getting to know the town better. But your mind keeps reeling back to the boy with the blue eyes, Daryl Dixon, you’d never met someone so painstakingly shy before, and your a bit shy yourself hating being the centre of any attention.
Wednesday comes around and you need to pop by the school to get your class schedule, your dad takes you so he can get any needed information too. Stood in the principles office, going over everything you’ll need, your mind wonders off. While your dads chatting up a storm, your gaze wonders out of the window.
You spot him sitting under a tree with a sketch pad or writing book in his hands, it’s too far away to really make out. But he’s sat all alone, while all the other kids hang out in their favoured groups, Daryl just sits by himself quietly. This boy has really intrigued you, does he not have any friends to sit with? Are the kids in this school as cruel as the narrow minded adults who roam this town.
“Excuse me miss” you interrupt, “Could I please have a wonder round? Get my bearings before Monday?” You ask politely. “Yes of course you can dear” she replies handing you a piece of paper “Here’s a map, so you don’t get lost, take half an hour or so, there’s a lot I need to go through with your dad here anyways” you explains. You nod thanking her before exiting the room, one mission in mind, finding your way over to Daryl.
Navigating the schools corridors wasn’t too difficult, and you found yourself by the back doors which lead the the playing field fairly quickly. You spotted the large tree smiling to yourself when you found he was still sat underneath its shady branches, lost in whatever he was doing. You slowly approached trying to not startle him, when your figure casts a shadow he looks up squinting from the suns rays, slight frown between his brows. “Hey” you hesitated, worrying now that you had overstepped. But once he realised who you were he visibly relaxed, “Hey yer the gurl from da store Saturday rite?” He questions, his southern drawl thick ‘and adorable you find’ “Yeah that’s me, do you mind if I sit?” You ask, he gestures for you to go ahead, so you ungracefully plop down next to him. “What year are you in if you don’t mind me asking?” You request, smiling at him slightly hoping to put the shy boy at ease.
“I’m in ma final year, tho this is ma second time tryin’ I’m nineteen. You?” He replies, he’s nervously fiddling with a small twig on the floor, cheeks tinged pink. “I’m in my final year too, I’m eighteen. I’ve just moved here from Arizona. I was living with my mum, but she and her new husband wanted to go travelling, so umm I came here to live with my dad for a while” you explain.
“So wat ur ma just made you leave?” He questions small frown returning.
“Oh no no, not at all” you reply crossing your arms in motion with your reply. “No I decided to live with my dad again, I’ve missed him and it’s quieter here, I was ready for the change” you continue. Daryl gives you a Quick look before nodding at your statement.
“You startin' here soon den?” Daryl mused, “Yeah I start Monday” you reply with a smile, your eyes meeting his blue. Daryl looks forward then his brows pinching together, “Well I wudnt be seen wiv me if ya hopin’ to fit in wiv everyone here” Daryl sighs. “I don’t care what anyone here thinks, and you shouldn’t have to feel like that Daryl” you affirm. He turns to you worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, you can tell he’s not used to this, kindness, and it breaks your heart. He makes a small grunt, before fiddling with the twig again. “Anyways I like you Daryl, I’ll look forward to seeing you again Monday” you smile, before getting up to head back towards the school to find your dad.
Daryl watches after you as you leave, face as red as a tomato. He’s never had someone actively seek him out before, and he doesn’t really know how to take it. But he likes you too, you seem sincere and kind, there’s not many like that in this town. He smiles thinking that maybe he himself is looking forward to Monday too.
It was Friday morning and by now you were becoming a little stir crazy, your dad was great he really was, but he was aloof at times. You think he was trying to give you some space, maybe you were just so used to your erratic mother constantly talking your ear off, and her demonstrative personality. Therefore making your dad seem rather quiet and distant, he checked in to make sure you had what you needed though, and he always spent meal times with you.
This morning he was tending his orchard, getting it ready for the autumn harvest, you knew he had hired some helpers to help him sort things, he’d said this may take most of the day, so you needed to find a way to entertain yourself.
After sipping your morning coffee peacefully on the porch, watching the trees rustle in the breeze, you decide maybe a hike in the forest would do you the world of good. So you pack up a bag of necessities, grab your hiking boots, a map and set off.
As you walk through the forest trails, the sun casts through the trees causing halos of soft glowing light, dew drops hang off branches and it’s all breathtakingly beautiful. You pause for a moment breathing in the forest air, and listening to the sounds of nature, until you hear a soft sniffle. You quietly pad yourself in the direction of the sound, it was definitely a person softly crying ‘what if someone’s hurt or lost’ you think. So you hastily make your way over, coming to a small clearing, where there’s a beautiful tiny meadow tiny flowers and fluffy dandelions fill the space. But there sat in the middle is Daryl, he has his head in his knees and his arms are hugging his legs.
You slowly walk over towards him treading as lightly as possible to not startle him, but he hears you instantly, his head snapping up in your direction. “Wat do yer want” he snaps, you recoil slightly, however you can see he’s hurting so you swallow it down and continue your way over. “I heard you from back there, I was out on a walk” you reply hesitantly. Daryl nods wiping his eyes with the back of his hands ferociously, you can see he hates to be seen in such a vulnerable moment.
You plonk yourself down next to him “Want to talk about it?” You ask. He debates this for a moment, he hates being open and vulnerable, but he can’t remember the last time he had anyone to talk too, Merle was never emotionally available, hell he was barely ever physically available these days. So he swallows down his pride “Ma dad was out last nigh drinkin, came in about three this mornin’ I woke up from his bangin, tried ta help him ta bed. He didn’t take it too well” he sniffled, Daryl looks at you then and you can’t help the small gasp when you see his eye, which was clearly hidden by his mop of hair before. It was black n blue and very swollen.
“Oh my goodness Daryl! One second I have a iced water bottle in my bag” you swallowed, you search through your back pack pulling out the bottle and the spare vest top you carry, wrapping the bottle in the fabric you place it over his eye as gently as you can muster. He still flinches, like you were going to hurt him and your heart shatters. “Here it will help with the swelling and bruising” you offer, and he lets you help him then, carefully watching you as you hold the iced bottle over his bad eye. He’d never had anyone look after him like this before, never been nobody who cared enough to help him. He finds himself leaning into you then, and you have to hide your smile by biting your bottom lip. You notice then his lips bust too, dried blood around it “Here hold this in place, I have some alcohol wipes in here for those cuts” you affirm, letting go of the bottle and searching you bag once more. Finding your small first aid kit you pull out the wipes, ripping the packet before shuffling closer to him again. “This may sting a little sorry” you sympathised, he lets out a small hiss as you gently place it on his lip, dabbing the alcohol into the cut and cleaning off the blood, before doing the same to the cut on his eyebrow.
“There all done, just keep that ice on your eye for a bit ok” you advise. “Ok” he agrees. You spend the rest of the day with him, chatting about everything, even if it was you doing most of the talking. You find out that the meadow is halfway between both your homes, he tells you more about his dad and how nothings ever been done because people don’t care about rednecks like them, Merle got away, got involved in drug deals and fights, left Daryl to deal with their abusive father on his own.
Daryl tells you how he spends most of his time in the forest when he’s not at school, to get away from his dad, but that his father barely notices when he’s gone. He hadn’t gone into school today after his dad beat him, he just ran here. You decide then you’d do your upmost to help him, there was just something about this boy, he captured your attention that first day in the shop, but just a few days in and he’s already stolen part of your heart.
By then time you arrived home early that evening, you had a unmissable smile on your face, your dad notices straight away “You enjoy your hike honey bee? Thanks for the note I’d have worried otherwise” he comments. “Yeah it was nice, I spent the day with Daryl, bumped into him on the trail” you smile. “Ah I see, I’m glad you’ve made a friend” he answers “You hungry? Dinners almost ready” “Yeah starving!” You declare.
Laying in bed later that night you pull out your phone, you’d exchanged numbers with Daryl earlier and couldn’t wait to message.
‘Hey, fancy a walk around the south lake tomorrow?
‘Yah sure, thnks fer today, 10am ok?’
You grin instantly at his reply,
‘Yeah perfect, meet you there? Or I can pick you up?’
‘Nah I’ll meet ya there’
‘Ok see you tomorrow, goodnight Daryl’
‘Nite y/n’
You were really looking forward to tomorrow now.
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
Breathe With Me | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: With you and Daryl being in a good place, kissing coming naturally to you both and cuddling no longer awkward, it was inevitable that your make out sessions would start to heat up into something else. However, in the heat of what should've been a hot moment, Daryl's mind started to wander to it's usual self deprecating depths. Luckily, you were there to help him through it.
Genre: Kinda angsty but mainly fluff
Era: Pre outbreak.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams universe.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive themes, self deprecating thoughts, hyperventilation/panic attack.
Word count: 1.2k
A/n: Another young!Daryl fic in a span of not even two days? Who would've thought it was possible? It's mainly because I've been enjoying writing for young!Daryl recently, and I'd be happy to get any requests for this au. Also, I've never personally experienced a panic attack myself and this is all based off of what Google told me, so if any of it is inaccurate, please let me know so I can fix it. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Shit, girl. Yer gon' be the death of me.”
You giggled against his lips, allowing him to push you down onto the bed. He followed soon after, moving to hover over you before reattaching his lips to yours hungrily. He used one of his hands to hold his weight up, the other one wandering over your exposed stomach. Your shirt was already disposed of and long forgotten, leaving you clad in only your shorts and bra.
To your surprise, when your hands wandered under Daryl's shirt, he only hesitated for a quick moment before withdrawing from the kiss and tugging his shirt over his head. Old and new scars were on display for you, leaving Daryl completely vulnerable under your gaze.
You smiled at him and pulled him down for another kiss, a silent way of thanking him for trusting you. It wasn't the first time that you had seen his scars—you had helped him with his wounds too many times too count, leaving you familiar with all of his scars—but you always tried to make sure that he knew you didn't judge him. You loved every part of him, scars and all.
You gasped against his lips when he let his hand trail down, his fingers lightly tracing over your clothed cunt. His tongue entered your mouth and he groaned at the taste. He pulled back momentarily to look at you, his pupils blown with lust.
“Fuck, yer so perfect,” he whispered, leaning down to leave a trail of kisses from your jaw to your neck.
You moaned when he kissed a particularly sensitive spot, leaning your head back to grant him better access. Your mind was starting to get cloudy, the only thought on your mind being how good Daryl was making you feel. Admittedly, you were also nervous, since this would be your first time doing something like this, but you trusted Daryl. He wouldn't ever hurt you.
In an unexpected move, you managed to roll you both over. Daryl's eyes slightly widened in wonder, before smiling and leaning up for another kiss. His hands settled on your waist, allowing you to take the reigns for the moment.
Daryl was thoroughly enjoying himself. However, when he felt you subconsciously grind your hips against his, his mind zoomed in and focused on one thing—you would regret this. You would regret giving your first time to someone like him. He would be terrible at this and you'd finally kick him to the curb after figuring it out. He didn't deserve to have you in this way, in your most vulnerable state.
You would regret him.
Daryl's breathing started becoming erratic. Although you could've easily misinterpreted it as him simply getting more turned on, something told you it wasn't that. You pulled back from the kiss and looked at him, noticing the slightly pained expression on his face. His breathing was quick and choked off, and he seemed to be in some sort of daze. You instantly knew something was wrong.
“Daryl, hey, look at me,” you whispered, cupping his cheek and gently urging him to look at you. When his blue eyes met yours, you could very clearly see the panic in them.
Instantly, all previous lustful thoughts left your mind, concern for your boyfriend taking root in their place. You knew exactly what was happening; Daryl was busy having a panic attack. You helped him into a sitting position, still straddling his lap. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your chest right above your heart, hoping to divert his attention away from whatever negative thoughts were plaguing his mind.
Still looking deeply into his eyes, you gently caressed his cheek with the hand that wasn't holding his over your heart. “Try to breathe with me, okay?” you whispered, starting to breathe in a controlled rhythm.
Daryl nodded and began to copy your breathing, his sounding more choked up than yours. He tightened his grip on your waist with his hand that was still resting there, desperately trying to ground himself back to reality. It took a while, with you soothingly rubbing your thumb over his cheekbone and breathing with him in a controlled rhythm, but soon he was calming down.
Daryl felt ashamed of himself. There the two of you were, half naked and sharing what should've been a blissful, enjoyable experience, and he let himself get into his own head. He let his own insecurities get in the way. He should've just sucked it up, but instead he just had to ruin the moment.
“M'sorry,” he muttered, looking down to avoid what he thought would've been a disappointed stare.
You frowned slightly and gently grabbed his face with both hands, urging him to look at you. “Hey, it's okay,” you assured him. When he shook his head in denial, your grip became more firm. “It is okay. Don't blame yourself for something that was out of your control, alright? Do you wanna talk about it?”
Daryl hesitated for a moment, but nodded slowly. “I jus' got into my own head. I was nervous and convinced myself ya would regret givin' yer virginity to me. Started feelin' overwhelmed. M'sorry.”
You pressed a kiss against his forehead, giving him a reassuring smile. “Don't be sorry. I get it. I was nervous too, you know? But I wouldn't have regretted anything. I trust you. There's no one I'd rather do this with. But it's okay if that doesn't happen right now. I'm ready whenever you are.”
Daryl gave you a small smile before leaning forward to rest his forehead against your shoulder. “M'still sorry. I was lookin' forward to this.”
“Me too, but it can wait. Let's get you taken care of, okay? And I don't wanna hear any buts, mister.”
Daryl nodded. “Alrigh',” he agreed, but made no effort to lift you off his lap. Instead, he pulled you closer to him, hugging you tightly. “Thank you fer understandin'.”
“Of course.”
There was a lot of things going through Daryl's mind at that moment. Despite your reassuring words, he still felt awful for what happened, his mind continuing to shame him. However, with your hands now gently threading through his hair to bring him some comfort, not giving a damn that you were still half naked and straddling him, he forced his mind to shut up.
And in that moment, it was confirmed in his mind—Daryl Dixon knew that he was never letting you go.
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mydearestdaryl · 12 days
𝑠𝜏𝑢𝜌𝜄𝜕 (18+) ᯓ★
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summary: after you didn't listen to daryl during a run, causing you to almost die, daryl's concern turned into anger, which led to a high-tension argument with a happy ending. content: twd blood and gore, walkers, implications of suicide, smut (oral m receiving, fingering, unprotected p in v, breeding :)), i don't know how to do warnings. pairing: daryl dixon x fem! reader. setting: prison era. ─ i actually don't hc daryl as rough or very dominant in bed but it's fun to write different things every once in a while. enjoy!
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maggie and glenn had spotted an abandoned apartment complex some miles from the prison that you hadn't searched yet on the last run they made two weeks ago, so the couple, plus daryl and you went to scavenge the place this time.
maggie and glenn were on the first floor, and you were on the second with daryl.
“i'm gonna check the next one!” you announced to daryl, who was taking his sweet time searching again the places you had already searched, claiming you were not careful enough.
daryl was not lying, but the place was kind of big, and your patience was officially gone now as the second-hour mark of you all being in the location was coming close.
“wait for me, place's too big,” his gruff voice responded from the other room.
“aye, captain,” you yelled back, sending a mock salute in daryl's direction, even though he was out of sight.
“i mean it!” he added, as if sensing your intention to not listen.
you rolled your eyes and walked down the hall toward the—finally—last apartment, twisting the door open slowly. “hello?” you called softly in case there was a walker waiting on the other side. silence greeted you, but your machete remained raised defensively.
already familiar with the layout, you went ahead to check the kitchen cabinets, whispering to yourself “nice,” when you found an unopened bottle of vitamins that were still good and a pack of seeds of different herbs.
you put the stuff in your backpack and headed to the bathroom, stopping a couple of steps away from the ajar door when you caught a glimpse of some movement from the inside.
drawing your machete out again, raising on defense, you pushed the door open, ready to stab the dead geek straight in the head when a walker shorter than you expected lunged toward you, making you gasp. three others behind it followed with their jaws already hungrily biting on air.
everything happened really fast.
you tried to stab the first one with panicked fingers, instead somehow stabbing its shirt into the wall with enough force to keep it pinned there. bye-bye machete, though.
your eyes shot back to the rest, and that's when you noticed all of them had a slit throat. they looked young and skinny, only two of them taller than you. probably teens who were surviving together and gave up. it made your stomach turn.
they were also pretty fast and strong, probably recently turned.
walking away without taking your eyes off them, you reached for your knife and stabbed the blade hard into the second walker's brain with a spray of blood onto your shirt. it fell limp next to you as one of the other three walkers, eager and hungry, tackled you to the ground, the fourth one clumsily falling on top and leaving you caged beneath snapping jaws.
“DARYL,” you yelled, terrified. it felt like a big effort and not loud enough from the weight of the two living corpses pressing onto your chest, which felt like they were directly constricting your lungs and arms.
with your left hand, you pushed away the walker that was right on top of you by the forehead, while you stabbed it with your right hand from from below the jaw, failing to reach the brain, but distracting it enough to stop it from trying to bite you.
that distraction and a sudden rush of adrenaline gave you enough strength to push them both off your body, rushing away from them and snatching the machete off the one pinned to the wall as you quickly shut the door on their faces, locking yourself in the bathroom.
your hands shook as you walked backward, your knuckles white from how hard you griped your weapon's handle. you stared at the door with wide eyes, your heart thumping so loud you could barely hear as they growled, moaned, and knocked and scratched on the door.
the cold tiled wall touched your back, making you jump, and then you heard the unmistakable twang of daryl's crossbow. thump. the wet shlick of a knife twice and the sounds of more bodies hitting the ground.
you released your breath as you watched the doorknob being turned, restricted by the lock. you ran to open the door, eyebrows coming together and upwards, scared and apologetic eyes meeting his angry blue ones.
“yea hurt?”
“no.” your voice was so small.
silence lingered for a minute. you were just about to speak again but he beat you to it. loud and angered. “YER SO STUPID,” daryl barked, chest heaving. “TOLD YA TO WAIT, WHY CAN'T YEA LISTEN?”
the floor was suddenly more than interesting, tears welling in your eyes as you chewed on your bottom lip.
you heard him huff in annoyance before pacing left to right while glaring daggers at you. you knew perfectly well that this was him being concerned and scared of almost losing you, but it still made your chest feel tight and your lips pout.
daryl approached you, cupping your chin to make you look at him. his eyes were dark, the anger masking concern. “yea enjoy makin' me worry, peach?” his voice was husky and low, as his eyes scanned your face and neck slowly, scanning for bites or scratches, “not listening ta me, ya like tha'? bein' a fuckin' brat, yea 'njoy it, dontcha?”
you shook your head quickly, gulping with nerves.
“nah?” he asked, eyes squinting and head tilting as if saying he wasn't buying it. “hmm?” he asked demandingly, shaking your chin gently but firmly.
a tear rolled down your cheek, and his gaze was fixed on it soon. he dried it with his thumb, caressing the skin while he observed the wet trail it left. now that he knew for sure you weren't hurt, he couldn't help but relax, maybe enjoy the privacy you got in this big ass apartment.
“no, no. i'm sorry, i'm really sorry,” you cried.
“sorry? yeah? yer real sorry fer scaring the shit outta me?”
“yes, i'm sorry! i'm really sorry, dar.”
daryl's hand dropped from your chin, eyeing you carefully, head going back slightly with a predatory-like grace.
“dun' think yer sorry. think yer gon' do it again, yea never listen,” he said in a low voice, turning his back to you and walking away into the living room. your legs started following him before you even realized it.
“i'm sorry, i swear!”
daryl ignored you, taking a seat on the green sofa in the living room, manspreading so very obviously intentionally, and your eyes couldn't help but stare as his hips went slightly up as he adjusted himself, letting his hand linger on his crotch. “how sorry?”
one look at his narrowed, stormy eyes and you were on your knees, hands sliding up from his knees to his thighs.
“very sorry.”
his gaze dropped for a moment to the growing bulge in his pants and the back to your eyes. a silent invitation; more like a command, and you'd gladly indulge.
eager hands went to undo his belt and pants, pulling them down, along with his boxers in one swift motion, freeing his almost fully-hard cock. you licked your lips at the sight, leaning forward to kiss his angry red tip. you peppered soft kisses on his tip and down the base of his length, looking up at him with the sweetest doe eyes you could muster.
he breathed heavily, his nostrils flaring. slowly, those pecks turned into open-mouthed kisses and soon you were making out with his tip, “mhm,” you heard him hum, closing his eyes and throwing his head back with a smirk on his face.
you savored the pre-cum daryl was already leaking with a patience that was starting to irritate him. this wasn't a reward for your bratty behavior.
daryl took a handful of your hair and put it up, using it as leverage to thrust his hips upward without warning, making your eyes go wide as they made contact with his. he grunted as he pushed in and out of your pretty mouth, finding a rhythm soon.
one of your hands left his thigh to take hold of his balls, gently massaging them and playing with them in your hands. you watched how it made him bite on his bottom lip, bringing his free hand to your head to push you further, fucking your throat deeper, using it, and making you gag.
“yeah,” he breathed with hazy eyes, “lookin' real pretty like tha', ya fuckin' brat.”
daryl grunted, his cock twitching in your mouth. he was already on the edge, so when you looked up at him with teary eyes and scratched the exposed skin of his thigh with your nails, a pretty moan escaped his lips, making him yank, still as gently as he could, your hair back, pulling your mouth away from his cock.
you gasped for air, but still, like a hungry little thing, tried to take him back in your mouth, which made him chuckle.
“gonna make me cum fast with those pretty—” he leaned down, tilting your head up with a finger under your chin to press a couple of kisses on each one of your eyes, licking away a tear that escaped one of them, “—fuckin' eyes.”
his hand lowered to grab you by the neck, not actually using any force.
he pulled you for a passionate kiss, his tongue immediately seeking yours to lick and suck as he guided you onto the couch, making you sit next to him, one of your legs thrown over his knee.
his left hand grabbed the back of your head to deepen the kiss, while his other hand reached down to undo the button and zipper of your shorts, pulling away from the kiss just to yank them down, discarding them on the floor and wasting no time to return his mouth to yours, making your back arch slightly.
after what felt like such a blissful eternity, his lips latched onto the skin of your neck, sucking with the intent to create bruises, licking and kissing the skin when he accomplished his goal. at the same time, his hands slid under your blood-stained top, which despite its navy blue color, the crimson was still visible.
daryl caressed the skin of your tummy before traveling to your back, quickly unclasping your bra to cup your breasts under all those layers. he kneaded your tits, flicking your perky nipples with his thumbs, pinching them between the index and middle finger, and massaging the skin. fuck, it felt good. for both of you.
he growled as he pulled away from your neck to start ripping your shirt in half, chuckling lightly at your confused face, “found plenty'a clothes, sunshine,” he kissed your frown away, “dis one's ruined anyway.”
you removed the split shirt off your body and he quickly slipped your bra off your shoulders, throwing it a little too eagerly onto the floor. “ain't this a sight,” he whispered to himself, staring at you all naked and exposed for him. “beautiful little thing.”
daryl popped one tit into his mouth as he slowly spread your folds with his index and middle finger, humming against your nipped while he sucked when he felt how wet you were for him.
you gasped, arching your back more, offering your chest for him as he introduced his middle and ring fingers inside your needy cunt, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. his other hand went to your waist, gripping the skin like a vice, growing hard again as he scissored his fingers inside of you, feeling your silky walls hug them hungrily.
he lightly bit your nipple, his speed getting impatient soon, quickly making you squirm underneath him and get louder, but he shut you with a sloppy, hungry kiss while pinning your hips down with the hand that was priorly on your waist.
you weren't going to last long.
“dar—” you whined against his mouth.
“i know, doll, i know,” he mumbled, still kissing you as though your mouth was addictive, his fingers resolute on making you explode. “i gotcha, let go, baby.”
and like the good, obedient girl you always were under his touch, you did just that.
pulling away from his mouth with your eyes thrown back, your face contorted in pleasure, and the sweetest cry falling off your lips, you came. his relentless fingers never stopping their movements, fucking you through your orgasm.
he grunted in satisfaction, watching you in such awe before leaning down to lick a strip from your sternum to your jaw as his fingers came to a slow, eventual stop.
you opened your eyes as your breathing returned to normal, pulling him in for a slow, passionate kiss while your hand raised to grip his deliciously strong bicep. you moaned as the muscle flexed under your fingertips.
pulling away, you moved hastily to straddle him. leaning down you bit onto the skin, while he gripped the base of his cock to brush it against your entrance, making both of you moan.
“need you,” you whined, so pathetic but he liked it. fuck, he loved it.
“my needy girl. my needy little thing,” he growled, kissing your cheeks and jaw—anywhere his mouth reached while you sank onto his cock. “yeah,” he moaned, hands going to your his automatically.
you bit your bottom lip, rolling and bouncing your hips atop his, your hands on his chest that now was bare. the stretch made little cries of pleasure escape your lips, that only got whinier when his fingertips dipped into the skin, surely to leave bruises.
“fuckin' love this,” he breathed, reaching down to rub on your clit with his thumb as you lay on his chest, your hard nipples rubbing against his warm skin.
you bounced on his dick impaled in you, him meeting you halfway with thrusts of his own, finding the right angle that had his tip kissing your cervix, making you sigh and moan, “yeah, yeah, daryl, right there,” over and over, mind going blank already.
his calloused hands moved from your hips to your ass, squeezing and slapping the soft skin hungrily, traveling up to your back and to your tits, sliding back down to your hips. he couldn't stop touching you, pressing you impossibly closer to him.
his mouth found yours again, as sloppy and messy as this his thrusts were becoming from how close you were taking him to the edge. “dar,” you cried, your thighs burning, giving up, but he gripped your hips and started pounding into you faster.
the sound of skin slapping and your shameless moans mixed in the most sinful of symphonies.
your mouth found the skin of his neck and you sucked and bit, trying to muffle your sounds, but he didn't agree. “nah, let me hear ya, baby. gonna make you scream real loud, peach, c'mere,” with his hand behind your neck he pulled you up and pressed his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes as he picked up the pace.
his eyes, the way you breathed each other in, his dick sliding in and out of you in the loveliest way. you couldn't hold it anymore.
your walls clenched around him as you screamed his name, curses, and senseless praises to him, absolutely sucking him in as you climaxed around him, drunk off pleasure which seemed so contagious as his movements and sounds became more desperate.
with a primal urge, he thrusted deep inside, pretty much humping your walls while he shoved your face further into his neck. he was close and would've come already if it wasn't because he wanted this to last.
a husky voice reached your ears, deeper and so sexy.
“gon' breed this pussy,” he breathed, “gonna come so deep inside and put a baby in you,” it made you whimper, your arousal waking again like a flash, feeling just as close as he was. “i'm gonna put a baby in yea, make yea a mama, and ya won't,” thrust, “have a choice,” thrust, “but to stay home.”
he grunted loudly in your ear as he shattered, shooting rope after rope of hot, white come into your womb, making you reach the sweetest, most intense climax of the day with him.
you both were a panting, sweaty, content mess by the time you came down from your highs. there was a bright smile on your face that mirrored daryl's, though his face turned serious as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, gaze locking with yours, worry and concern clear in his icy irises.
“don't do tha' again, please,” he said. “i can't lose ya, sunshine.”
“you won't,” you reassured him. “i'm really, really, sorry,” taking his hand in yours, you pressed a kiss on his palm. “i was stupid, and it won't happen again.”
“you weren't stupid. i was mad, shouldn't 'a said that.”
you nodded, leaning down to kiss him, which he gladly reciprocated, though you broke the kiss a little too soon for his liking with a giggle. “so you wanna make me a mama, huh?” you teased.
“prolly should talk 'bout it first, but yeah.”
you smiled brightly again, caressing his cheek. “i'd like that too,” you said, “but yes, we should talk about it,” you giggled again as he pulled out of you with a wince from both of you.
you were about to get up to get your clothes but he stopped you, shooting up from the couch to collect all your clothes, pulling a new shirt from his backpack, and helping you put it on, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead when you were both fully dressed again.
after drying your sweat with his rag, and while fixing your hair as much as you could, you headed downstairs, meeting maggie and glenn who were exiting one of the apartments downstairs.
you noticed glenn's shirt was inside out, unlike when you all arrived at the place, and maggie similarly fixed her hair as you.
“found anything good?” glenn asked your man.
“yeah, bunch'a clothes, some medicine,” daryl nodded, fixing the backpacks around his shoulders. you shared a look with maggie, and you both giggled silently, cheeks blushing.
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tagging @ledgeria16 @poisonmedixon @dixons-sunshine comment to join the main taglist!
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d1xonss · 3 months
so ours babys a lil insecure bc of reader and his lil age gap he vents it to rick a little and since shes such a social butterfly literally talking and befriending everyone he gets upset and starts to think lowly of himself like theres younger men men who arent busy leading the community so they can spend all their time and affection on her blah blah he gets these crazy thoughts and she comforts him eases all his worries ):
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Season 6
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : Angst/Fluff
✧ Word Count : 3.1k
AN ~ Aww sad:(( but we love Reader comforting Daryl, it's one of my favorite things to write. And an age gap too?? I love it. Hope you enjoy!
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“You’re ridiculous.” Rick spoke with a scoff.
Daryl’s eyes narrowed slightly at the man, not necessarily because of what he had claimed, but because it almost seemed like he hadn’t listened to him at all.
He already felt a little ashamed going to his friend in the first place to talk about how he was feeling, something the man rarely ever did. But that alone showed how desperate he seemed to be for any kind of advice, willing to put himself out there to express what had been going through his mind recently in hopes of some sort of reassurance.
He didn’t really know what had been going on with him recently, but ever since the group had made it to Alexandria, his insecurities slowly began to eat him alive. He started to take note of his appearance a little more, now that they actually had mirrors in the houses provided for them, seeing for himself how much older and tired he really was. It shouldn’t have bugged him as much as it did, but yet, it seemed to be all he thought about. And that constant loop of thoughts only traveled to another, thinking about how much living on the road seemed to age him, while the woman he was madly in love with stayed so young and beautiful.
She was absolutely perfect, not a single flaw, while he on the other hand had countless ones that he couldn’t seem to just get over and ignore. But that wasn’t the only aspect about her that seemed to cloud over his mind. She was quite the extrovert, making friends everywhere she turned as she was constantly radiating such a good and friendly energy. It even drew him in towards her from the start, falling victim to her charming personality. Though it wasn’t her kindness that made him a little more self conscious than before; it was the fact that a few younger men had obviously taken a liking to her natural sweetness ever since they moved here.
Now he knew that she would never cheat on him, the thought never even crossed her mind, but that still didn’t stop his jealousy from bubbling over to a point of no return. Wanting to beat the shit out of any guy who looked at her for just a little too long. He wasn’t blind by any means, and some of them had a hard time hiding the sneaky glances they were taking at his woman whilst she was just in her own little world.
Though the longer he seemed to stew over it for the months and months they had lived there, it made him start to wonder if maybe she would be better off with someone else. Someone a bit younger, more energetic, more outgoing. Someone that matched her personality better than he did. It was no secret that they were polar opposites, but he always imagined that they completed each other in a way, not even thinking twice about it. However, now that he had all the time in the world to think, it slowly started to consume him, thinking more about how he didn’t deserve her at all. But hell, maybe no one deserved her. 
The man then seemed to snap out of his thoughts, scoffing toward Rick who was looking at him with a small smile, “Man, m’ bein serious.” he grumbled.
“So am I.” Rick shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he tilted his head a bit at him, “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about man. You two are always attached at the hip, she loves you…I think you might just be in your own head about it.”
He sighed heavily as he thought to himself for another moment, his thumbnail in his mouth as he contemplated why he was confiding in Rick in the first place. At this point he had it in his head that the man was just telling him what he wanted to hear. “I dunno…” he eventually muttered in response.
Rick only shook his head, “You shouldn’t be so focused on this. You’ve always known how nice she is, everyone loves her-”
“Man, that ain’t the problem. I already told ya that.” Daryl interrupted with irritation in his voice.
“I know…I know.” he assured, “I guess I just don’t see the connection of how you came up with the idea that she suddenly deserves someone “better.”
The archer shook his head with a light scoff, “Seein her talkin with those guys…something kinda just clicked that she should be with someone more fit for her…” he trailed off for a moment, before pathetically shrugging his shoulders again, “I dunno.”
Rick honestly couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Although, he could, he knew that Daryl sometimes got like this, thinking he didn’t deserve the things that he was given. But he never thought he would be standing here listening to him speak about how you would be better off with someone else. Anyone who even caught a glimpse of the two of you could easily see how in love you were with each other. He swore the sight could potentially make someone sick.
The man then cleared his throat, “Well…if you want to know what I think, I say you should talk to her.”
“Talk to her?”
Rick couldn’t help but laugh at how baffled he looked at the suggestion, “Yeah, talk to her. Besides, I think she’ll have a better chance at reassuring you about this than I will, she seems more fit for the role.” he joked.
But Daryl on the other hand scoffed, not exactly loving the idea, “This shit’s already embarrassing, why would I wanna bring it up to her? Didn’t even really wanna bring it up to you.”
“Thanks.” Rick said dryly before stepping closer to slap a hand on the man’s shoulder, “But just trust me on this, alright? You need to tell her how you’ve been feeling. Because if I know you at all, I know you want to keep this bottled up. But that’ll just make it worse and you know it.”
He was right. As much as Daryl hated to acknowledge it, he knew deep down he was right.
But that didn’t stop him from wanting to put it off every chance he got, pushing it into the back of his mind as he always seemed to do in hopes that it would just go away. Though he knew it wouldn’t, he couldn’t bring himself to want to think about it right now.
He went home later that night utterly defeated and clueless on how to even approach the topic in the first place. When the time dreadfully came around, how would he even bring it up? He was never good with words, especially when it came to something about how he was feeling. It was all just stupid and complicated in his mind, not knowing how to actually piece together the things he wanted her to know. But he knew he had to try.
The front door opened and shut with a small creak as he entered the house, kicking his dirty boots off to the side before he softly called out your name. But all was quiet, not a single sound of your voice calling back to him, to which he only assumed you were still out somewhere in the community. It wasn’t often you stayed out this late, but he silently knew that if someone needed the extra help, you would do it in a heartbeat.
The older man sighed deeply to himself before trudging up the stairs, wanting to get out of the filthy clothes he was trapped in before settling for the night, waiting for you to come home. He couldn’t ever really fall asleep without you there. He didn’t know if it was because he would always worry too much if you weren’t right beside him, or if he just physically needed your touch to relax, but it had to be somewhere in that ballpark. Perhaps both…definitely both.
He entered your shared bedroom with a tired huff, beginning to undo the buttons on his vest before folding it sloppily and setting it off to the side on the dresser. His hands then moved to peel off his dirty shirt that stuck to every part of his tanned skin, raising it over his head before throwing it in the hamper across the room to be washed. He ran his hands through his hair to get it out of his face as he crossed the space to get himself another pair of pants to sleep in, when suddenly his movements stopped short.
The tall, full length mirror that sat off in the corner quickly caught his attention as he saw just a brief glimpse of his reflection dancing behind the glass. He blinked a few times as he knew he shouldn’t look too close, knowing it was only going to add fuel to the already ongoing fire. But a part of him couldn’t help it, seeing as it was too late now that he had taken notice of a few new flaws he hadn’t spotted before. It was like some kind of sinkhole that he couldn’t escape from, looking over the things he hated the most about himself over and over again.
He slowly stepped closer toward the object even though he knew he shouldn’t, seeing himself a little more up close as the moonlight poured through the window just above him to illuminate his figure. His eyes scanned everything he could make out in the slight darkness, seeing the wrinkles that were now more prominent on his forehead. Seeing the dark circles under his eyes from the exhaustion and stress that had been weighing on him constantly. And seeing the scars that littered over his entire body.
The man nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of your soft voice from behind him, spinning around to see you standing in the doorway. Your eyes widened a little in surprise. Never had you recalled a single time where you had been able to catch him off guard, accidently sneak up on him enough to make his heart skip. He had always been aware of his surroundings, the man had the instincts of a goddamn cat. So to say you were surprised when he hovered about five feet in the air at your presence, would be an understatement.
You raised an eyebrow at him in slight concern, “You okay?” you asked softly as you approached him with hesitance.
Daryl’s stomach had plummeted to his ass, a heat rising in his cheeks from embarrassment as you caught him staring down at himself for a bit longer than usual. He swallowed thickly as he saw you walking further into the room, nodding a bit quickly, “Yeah…m’ fine.”
Though the way he spoke was far from convincing, his voice coming out a bit higher than usual, and the reassuring smile he tried to send your way being a little too forced for you not to realize. Your eyes narrowed toward him in slight suspicion as you came to stand right in front of him, taking in his appearance. There was something that was clearly circling his mind, you had noticed for far longer than he thought you did. But you always knew when there was something off about him.
You gently reached out to grab one of his hands in your own, “Come on…don’t lie to me.” 
He sighed softly, knowing that he should just bite the bullet and tell you, but he couldn’t bring himself to just yet. “Just…just had a rough day. That’s all.” 
“That’s not what I’m talking about.” you said with a slight shake of your head, watching as he furrowed his brows a little in question. “You’ve been acting off for weeks now, you really didn’t think I was going to notice?”
His eyes widened. Shit. 
A small smirk formed on your lips as you clearly saw that you had caught him in a little white lie. It was written all over his face. You squeezed his hand in reassurance, “I’m not upset…I just want you to talk to me.”
He knew he couldn’t avoid it forever, especially after Rick gave him that little wake up call earlier to just rip the bandage off. But he hoped he could put it off for at least a few more days, wanting a little more time to prepare the things he wanted to express to you honestly. Though he could tell just by the way you were looking up at him, that you wanted answers, and he couldn’t just ignore what was standing right before him.
He sighed softly as he looked at the ground for a moment, before slowly nodding his head, “Alright…” he started, not even knowing where to take this. “Look…maybe…maybe this ain’t workin.” he blurted without thinking.
Your eyes widened a little, “What?” 
Daryl’s eyes then grew as well realizing just how bad that sounded, quickly shaking his head, “No, no, I- I mean…that ain’t how I meant for it to sound at all.” he reassured, before taking another moment to collect his racing thoughts. “I’ve been…thinkin recently and…I ain’t gettin any younger. Hell, I feel like I aged five extra years just from bein out on the damn road for so long.”
You nodded along slowly, not really seeing where this was heading, “So?”
He sighed softly, “So…I’ve been thinkin bout how…maybe…ya deserve to be with someone a little more fit for ya. Someone younger than me…someone who can give ya what I can’t.” he spoke almost regrettably, like he dreaded even saying those words out loud in the first place.
The truth was, he never wanted to let you go, that was a knowing fact that didn’t need to be proved. But at the same time, he didn’t want to hold you back from a chance at a better life. One that you so clearly deserved.
But your expression seemed to soften drastically, now hearing his explanation out loud, it all seemed to click in your head. Why he had been acting off for the longest time, it was because he was just thinking too much about something that meant absolutely nothing. When you first noticed his odd behavior, you automatically assumed you had done something wrong without realizing. But now hearing it out loud, hearing how hurt he sounded, all you wanted to do was hold him and never let him go. Wanting to reassure him for the rest of your lives if you had to that he was truly the only man you would ever want.
A small huff passed through your lips, “Sweetie…that’s what this is about?”
Daryl shrugged a little in response, “Well…yeah. I’ve seen ya makin friends with a lot of the people round here…it just crossed my mind that…maybe-”
“Stop.” you said gently as you moved even closer to him, reaching up to give his arms a gentle squeeze, “Don’t say another word.”
His gaze softened as he stared down at you, regret filling him completely as he saw just how his words had affected you.
“I love you…so much.” you whispered as your gripped his arms a little tighter, “I’m not looking at anyone else…I don’t want anyone else. No one else on this whole damn planet would be a better fit for me than you. I don’t need some younger guy. I’m not even friends with them, they only come talk to me if they have a question about something. And most of them aren’t very bright.” you said bluntly, earning a small chuckle from him. “I just wish you had told me about this sooner.”
He bit his lip a bit shamefully, “I know…m’ sorry. I just thought…ya might be better off-”
“I won’t.” you insisted, “You’re all I will ever need…you hear me?”
A small smile grew on his face upon hearing that, knowing that you meant every word. Though there was still another thing hovering over his mind. “Even though m’ an old man?” he asked half heartedly, though a part of him was still serious.
You rolled your eyes a bit, “Just because you’re older than me doesn’t make you an old man.” you laughed softly, “But if that’s something you’re really worried about…I promise to stick around even when you’re eighty.” you winked.
His lip quirked up a bit in amusement as he reached out to place his hands on your hips, gently tugging you closer, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” you nodded, “You won’t get rid of me that easily.”
You then felt his thumbs start to rub soothingly along your hip bones, still a little unsure if this was truly what you wanted. To be with someone like him. “Ya promise?” he eventually asked.
You tilted your head a bit at him, “Come on…what do I have to do to convince you that I want this forever?”
The man was silent for a long moment as he thought to himself, absentmindedly still running his thumbs along your hips as he stared down at you. The truth was he didn’t really need anymore convincing than what you had already told him. Just by the small bit of reassurance you provided, he felt as though he was lighter, a weight being lifted from his shoulders knowing you were his. But still, he couldn’t imagine a more perfect time to make it even more official.
“Marry me.”
Your eyes widened a little in surprise, not expecting him to be so blunt let alone say those words to you at all. He never really struck you as someone who would want to get married at a time like this, but it’s not like you minded. As long as you were with him, that’s all that truly mattered to you.
Only now it felt as if the wind was knocked out of you, hearing him utter those words so clearly as if he meant it with his entire being. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit nervously, “Don’t joke about that, cause you know I will.”
He smiled down at you, shaking his head softly, “M’ serious.” he assured, raising one of his hands to run his thumb along your cheek, “Marry me.”
A lump began to form in your throat as you felt yourself get a little more emotional seeing how real this was becoming. Seeing how serious he was. He really wanted this.
“Okay.” you whispered with a small nod of your head.
His smile only grew, “Okay?”
You nodded a bit more frantically as a large smile broke out onto your face, “Yes…yes I’ll marry you.”
He chuckled, pure relief and happiness filling him completely as he picked you up in his arms, spinning you around lightly as you squealed in surprise. Though he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to seal the deal as he gently set you back down on your feet, kissing you deeply as he felt you hum into his mouth. A part of him almost couldn’t believe that you had agreed, wanting to truly be with him forever. But then again, with the way you looked at him, with the way you said yes with little to no hesitation at all, he knew. You were his forever.
~ Thanks for reading!
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pirateprincessblog · 5 months
2 batteries away
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𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫.: if he can choose to spend time with someone else rather than you, daryl would do it. not because he hates you. he simply doesn't have any type of connection with you. and you are so young. but when rick demands that you join him on a scavenge hunt, he doesn't have much of a saying into it, and chooses to act unbothered. he also chooses to ignore the way you tease him the whole trip, your hips swaying just a bit more when walking than usual. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: daryl dixon x female reader 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: alexandria, pre-negan 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5k 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: big age gap, reader is half daryl's age 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: voyeurism, masturbation, breath-play, subtle ddlg, toys, subtle dacryphilia
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: i am on season ten of twd (my first time watching) and it feels like this man's clothes keep getting tighter and tighter each episode and i am so here for it. also the way his arms magically always glisten in the sun as he subtly flexes when the camera is on him? give me a break I BEG
Also I miss Rick very much 🥺
"i have a special request. if i'm allowed to do that." a playful voice calls behind you.
you turn around, squinting. the sun is high up in the sky, and right in your eyes. you make out carol's short hair, and nod at her as a sign to keep speaking.
"i'm gonna need something i can make cookies or cakes with. hazelnut, chocolate, almonds,... you know. cake stuff." the woman smiles.
"i'm going out for ibuprofen and possibly viagra, not chocolate."
"viagra? for who?"
you chuckle under the cap rosita has given you, and try to subtly glance over at the man loading the car with weapons. he grunts, glaring at you and instantly shutting down the bullying party you wanted to start.
"i don't need no damn viagra." he slams the trunk door shut, and walks past you, intentionally pushing his shoulder into yours.
you fall a step back, holding in a laugh. carol has her hands on her hips, but her laugh isn't hidden. she knows daryl can't say anything to her.
"oh, come on. i know that you like to stay quiet and mysterious, but a little joking in hard times never hurt anybody." the woman defends you, scrunching her eyebrows at daryl.
"it's hurting me." he yells from the car, slamming the door shut.
"how am i supposed to survive this trip with him, ricky?" you complain, shoulders hanging with rising irritation with the situation.
"you survived a walker flooded prison with nothing but an axe before you found us on the other side, and you're telling me you can't survive a grumpy old man for a few hours?"
"thing is, i killed walkers. i cannot kill him. boo-hoo, the precious tracker. i also, when i see a footprint on the floor facing a certain way, know that someone is headed there. wild, right?"
rick pats your head, messing up the cap in the process just to tease you.
"bring me some shirts on the way back, i'm getting sick of these flannels. and get yourself something nice."
one would think that he gave you his credit card to buy him those shirts at the nearby mall. telling you to get yourself something nice, that idiot. the less fun truth is that you are headed towards a landfill two hours away from alexandria, in hopes of finding anything. glenn and morgan haven't had any luck for a few days now, so rick decided to change the route and the team. daryl and you, apparently, make a great one. that pain in the ass of a man.
"i'm leavin'. you stay and talk 'bout me all you wan'. i'm the one actually doin' something for this place."
"stuck up much? see," you open the car door, sitting inside annoyed, "with the viagra, you'd be a much more pleasant person to be around."
"enough with the damn viagra. fuck's the matter with you?"
"god, just start driving and drop me off somewhere in the middle of the road and i'll find my own shit from a different place. rick doesn't need to know."
"no," he simply responds, not sparing you a glance.
rick waves at you with a smile on his face, knowing damn well what he did putting the two of you together for such a long quest. he's so going to hear from you tonight. if you make it out alive while trying to kill daryl.
"so, what are you hoping to find? booze, peanut butter, new clothes? i'm starting to think you stapled those clothes to your body."
he says nothing, eyes focused on the road. you sigh. maybe you're the problem. you're poking him too much, knowing he has zero patience and doesn't very much like your company. you decide to keep quiet for the rest of the drive, only occasionally glancing over at him out of boredom.
you can't lie, he is an attractive man. you don't know why you're mean to him. he is gorgeous to you, your taste in older rugged men not failing you. you're surprised rick isn't the one you fell for. but next to daryl, he looks too... neat. daryl is just perfect. most of the time his deep raspy voice has you subconsciously rubbing and squeezing your thighs, led by a tingling sensation in your lower stomach. his clothes have recently gotten very tight on him, the buttons of his black shirt threatening to pop and give you a view of your lifetime. he has been working out a lot, you've seen him. fuck, not only have you seen him, you also stayed there, secretly snapping pictures with your polaroid your father had left you before disaster struck. you only had a few films left, yet no self control. something about seeing daryl all sweaty as he did push ups, grunting and almost moaning, thinking that nobody can see him, did things to you.
"wha'?" he asks, sensing your intense gaze.
you turn your head away, flushed. "nothin'."
he keeps it short and stern, and if your panties weren't drenched as your brain replayed the memory of his glistening arm muscles, you'd probably make a sassy remark. he raises an eyebrow, probably also wondering why you aren't being mean for so long now.
"shoes." he says after some time.
"what?" you ask, absent-mindedly staring into the tall trees and the walkers hidden among them.
"i'm hoping to find some shoes. it's gettin' hard to walk in these. i also hope i find sum more arrows."
you nod, surprised that he has actually graced you with an answer. you thought he'd say something like cigarettes or alcohol. you hated people who smoke. but daryl is an exception. he looks damn hot doing it.
"you?" he asks.
"well, new underwear would be nice. i ripped all my good panties, and let me tell you, these thongs are not apocalypse friendly."
"shit, girl, oversharing much?"
"what, you disgusted by female underwear?" you poke back, playfully.
"not female underwear. your underwear."
you're offended. you squint at him, and have to fight the urge to smack the back of his head.
"for your information, you don't look or smell all flowery and fresh yourself. i could use your hair to grease up carol's tray for her cakes. and your fingernails? they have their own ecosystem at this point."
and back to the bickering it is. he grunts again, furrowing his eyebrows. he secretly glances at his fingernails. indeed, they had a layer of dirt under them, but daryl thinks that he has bigger issues than some dirt that will get washed off anyway.
"oh, i also wish to find-"
"yeah, lost interest." the man interrupts. "also, for future conversations, you do not mention your... thongs... to people that are ol' enough to be your father."
he did not.
"what, is that how you see me? you could be my father?"
how utterly disappointing. there you were, sitting next to him, imagining him going feral between your legs, all while he is viewing you as his child. there goes your masturbating material for tonight.
"well the age fits the description."
"fuck you. seriously." you sigh, turning your body towards the window so you can fully ignore him.
arriving at the gates, you immediately notice a few things that you will be taking home. how foolish of you to not take a truck instead of the crusty old car.
"watch it." just as he says it, an arrow passes by your head, followed with a loud thud.
you don't have to look back to know that a walker had managed to sneak behind you, while you were foolish enough to stay swooning over his arms glistening in the sun with sweat.
"damn it, girl, i don' know what it is with you, but you gotta snap outta it. i can't keep saving ya ass."
"yes, dad." you reply, annoyed.
"hey." he calls, hand reaching to cup your jaw and turn your head towards him. "shut it before i make ya."
if it weren't for the feeling of his rough hand on your face and his raspy voice sending you a warning turning you on, you would've slapped him and told him not to touch you. but oh, you were going crazy inside. you found a new way to push his buttons, and you're going to have so much fun with it.
you walk behind him into the landfill, the smell of junk pinching your nose. daryl is also bothered by it, seeing his scrunched expression as he scanned the first piles of garbage.
"there." he points his crossbow a certain way.
you follow the invisible line, your eyes landing on what seemed to be several taped boxes. they could have three things inside: food, weapons, or traps. weird how nobody has discovered this place yet. or maybe they have, and they took all valuables already.
daryl doesn't wait for you. he makes his way towards the boxes, keeping his crossbow ready if something goes wrong. you, on the other hand, have tucked your knife safely and are walking around like there isn't walkers scratching at the fence, waiting to sink their teeth into your skull.
you hear rattling. you turn around, only to find the man kicking the boxes angrily. the can he has just thrown on the floor rolls up to your feet, and you crouch down to examine it. it is food, but expired. eating it would be like playing russian roulette.
"i mean, we can still... ya'know, take it with us. what happens happens."
"dixon, if i'm gonna die, i'm gonna die from a bullet or a bite. not from a rotten macaroni."
he raises an eyebrow at you, amused with your laid back attitude. he doesn't give you much attention, just silently walks next to you while scanning his side of the landfill.
"ah, sweet!" you cheer, running towards a pile.
you almost trip over the broken wooden chairs, trying to get to a certain little box in the pile.
"the hell are ya doin'? we're losin' time!"
your eyes instinctively roll at his voice. you know he has nothing smart to say. finally reaching the box, you jump back on the floor, eagerly opening it. seeing that the item still has the foil sealed on it, you victoriously raise it in the air, cheering.
"you have made it a goal for yourself to die today, didn't ya?"
"nah, not anymore. i found something that will keep me occupied and will fuel my will to live a little longer."
you continue your way forward, leaving daryl to stare at the box you have discarded, trying to figure out what it is. but he has decided he has no time for your immaturity. he needs to ask rick to not ever put him with you on a hunt again. he's lost a lot of time already, and hasn't found a single thing to bring back.
"clothes." you point, the pile of fabric sitting on top of a garbage hill.
"you gonna go get 'em?"
"why would i go? you go."
"you wanted your... thongs... so, you go get that."
you scoff, setting the newly acquired item on the ground and slowly climbing up the hill.
"what is this, anyway?" his curiosity wins.
you sit on top of the pile, examining the clothes and discarding the ones with holes in them.your eyes dart to the man below you, and you chuckle when you see him crouch and take the item in his hand.
"it's a wand."
"for?" he keeps pressing, his eyes never leaving the pink gadget.
you look down, mortified. he better not break it.
"careful with that, what's the matter with you?!"
"you're fuckin' crazy, girl."
you silently mock him, sticking your tongue out at him and repeating his words with exaggerated face expressions. he really gets on your nerves. you gather the clothes you have found into a bed sheet, tying it up and putting it over your shoulder, then pick up the gadget from the floor. it seems alive, it didn't break. you only hope it works. you're young, inexperienced, surrounded by people that are either too young or too old for you. though, the old part never was a problem for you, it was for them.
feeling bored, you decide to keep poking him. he is just so grumpy, and silent. and inviting to irritate.
"so, dixon, you've never heard about one of these?" you wave the gadget in front of his face.
he spares you a glare, and continues walking.
"come on, we're talking. nobody's around. tell me, since all of this started, how many times have you even approached a girl? do you even mastu-"
"'m not in the mood to be picked on right now."
"i'm not picking on you. i promise. just trying to converse."
"you want to be useful? hold this. it's in my way." he throws his vest at you, now only wearing a tight black t-shirt.
you scowl at him, shoving his vest into your backpack.
"you're so fun to be around. i get why rick put us together."
he grunts, leaving you behind. rolling your eyes, you go down a different path, hoping to find something useful to all of alexandria and not just you. turning a few lefts, you find yourself standing in front of a little shed like structure. you bang on the door with your foot, and when hearing no growls, you bravely enter. it is dusty and dark, with a singular armchair and a few cupboards.
you open each one of them, happily shoving all the food you managed to find into your backpack, opening a protein bar along the way and chewing on the oats and dried fruits. you missed having those with yogurt for breakfast.
not only will carol be happy with the amount of nuts and flour you have found, rick will be proud of you. you might even ask for a reward when he sees the amount of canned tuna and jam you have found. you forgot what pancakes taste like.
after clearing the room, you peek out the window. daryl is in the distance, going through piles and kicking stuff out of his way, as if playing. you've collected way more than him, and the sun is at it's highest point. the shaded room seems like a perfect place to take a nap, or just rest your feet and ears from him.
you plop on the armchair like a star washed up on the shore. it feels so lonely lately. rick has michonne, carl has enid, rosita has her boytoys, even gabriel might be having more fun than you. as wrong as it was, you stay up listening to the noises coming across the street. they're loud, there's no way you could ignore them even if you wanted to. even rick had to step in and ask them to be quieter. but what is a problem to someone else is a solution for you. is it wrong to touch yourself while listening to someone else fucking? yes. but is it the only way that works for you? also yes.
you eye up the toy that peeks from the backpack, then glance out the window. daryl is busy with his crossbow, having found something that he could use on it.
fuck it.
you unbuckle your pants, not bothering to take off the panties. your fingers are quick to pop the batteries that come with the package in the gadget, and when the lid clicks, you admire it for a second. there it is, in all its glory. waiting to be abused every day by you, until you find a replacement. hopefully a softer and live one.
taking off the thin protective foil from the head, you position yourself on the armchair. you glance at the window again, carefully monitoring daryl. now, if you thought that eavesdropping and touching yourself was bad, what was this? watching daryl's fingers work on his crossbow, arms glistening in the sun, all while the pink toy softly vibrates on your pulsating clit.
you sigh at the newfound pleasure, rubbing the toy up and down your slit, while your eyes stay focused on the man unaware of your situation. he probably even forgot about you. or is thankful that you have left him alone. even better for you. you get to be a pervert without him ever knowing.
you arch your back, throwing your head on the backrest as you focus on chasing the release. it's been awhile, it won't take you long. your eyes open again, just enough to see if the man is still in his spot. your fingers change the vibration strength on the gadget, and instantly, you gasp. it is so intense, and so much, but you don't want it to stop. this thing is your new best friend, you better get used to it.
something else peeks out of the backpack, the leather catching your attention and giving you an idea. like an animal in heat, you grab the vest, burying your nose into it and spreading your legs further. daryl's scent takes over your senses, making you lose control and become a moaning mess. you are getting wetter by the second, the toy now slipping up and down your slit with ease and giving you maximum pleasure.
"fuck- daryl-" you can't help but gasp, enveloped in his manly scent and fabric.
your hips hopelessly rub against the toy, chasing and chasing after something that isn't quite getting closer, even though it feels like it.
"the hell?"
your eyes widen at the interruption. you drop the vest in your lap, hiding the crime scene from him. the man stands at the door, expression unreadable. yours is one of horrified mixed with desire, the way he stares down at you angrily sending arrows to your core.
"daryl- i- did you, uh, find anything?" you try to play it off, foolishly.
"yeah. i found an animal in heat it seems. couldn't wait for alexandria to do that shit?"
"is that my vest?"
he slams the door shut, leaving you two in darkness. you gulp, moving the gadget from your core and letting your panties fall back in place.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry-" you stutter, failing to put a sentence together while he intensely glares at you.
"ya ain't sorry." he grunts. "ya know why i despise being around your ass? you're inappropriate."
"no, look," you try, but he points a finger at your face, making you close your mouth.
your eyes burn, tears announcing their arrival.
"it's not like that-"
"shut up, dammit! i'm talkin' now! do you have any idea in how many uncomfortable situations you've  put me? all those snarky dirty comments, all that flirting, now this? do you understand what that does to me?!"
he's yelling, frustrated and angry with you. but why are you getting wetter? why can't you think rationally? he is scolding you for being inappropriate, and you continue to be even more inappropriate by sexualising simple yelling. not your fault he looks damn hot while he does it, though.
"you're- you're half my age. i can't allow myself to play your games, no matter how tempting."
"what will alexandria think? they already have no good opinion on me. engaging with someone half my age the way you want me to engage is- it is a horrible idea. i'll be out faster than i was in."
silence swallows the room. you still lay on the armchair, half naked with his vest covering you. he paces around the room, fingers running through his hair as he tries to gather his thoughts. you think whether it's time to finally say something, but you wait another moment. you need to gather your thoughts too.
tempting, he said. so he thought about it too. he saw past your jokes, and has been controlling himself so well. if only you knew what it would take to shatter that control, even for just a moment.
"since when do you care what other people think?" you start.
"since rick chose to trust me."
you hum, understanding.
"so you've been thinking about it." you're the one to interrupt now.
his head snaps up, looking at you with his eyebrow raised, as if asking you where you're going with that statement.
"there's nothing wrong with it. it's not like we're getting married or something."
"i'm older than you. way older than you."
"i could be your father."
"if you say that word to me one more time i swear i will turn this landfill upside down to find another sex toy to shove up your asshole."
"why do you get so triggered by it?"
you roll your eyes, looking anywhere but at him. you press your thighs together, missing the warmth and buzzing from earlier. fun killer.
"doesn't matter."
"tell me," he presses further.
you finally look at him, frustrated. "because i have fucking daddy issues and the thought of you being so much older than me turns me on. there."
you get up from the armchair, putting his vest on so that you can cover yourself. it almost reaches your knees, hiding your body from his gaze. he says nothing, and does nothing for a few moments. you have your back turned to him, hands resting on the counter of the half chipped kitchen cabinet. your head hangs low with embarrassment from the confession that just left your mouth.
tears stream down your cheeks, luckily hidden by your hair. but daryl doesn't miss the little sniff that comes your way. he sighs, then paces around the place a little more. when you don't hear him anymore, and finally face the fact that nothing will be the same with him anymore, you dare turn around. you almost gasp when you come face to face with him, his chest pressing against yours.
"wha- what are you-"
"shh..." he hushes you, eyes roaming your face.
you aren't sure what to do, or what he wants to do. if he tries to comfort you by giving you a hug, you will break down. and you will never face him again. you thought it was only sexual, but the way he looks at you and hushes you as you cry is awakening new emotions inside of you. ones that you will push down for now, because it is not the time.
"daryl, i'm sorry." you hiccup, genuinely feeling sorry for ruining whatever you had with him.
you feel his hands on the back of your thighs, and before you can react, he picks you up and places you on the counter. you instinctively spread your legs, letting him in closer.
"don't be. or else i might regret this."
you look at him doe eyed as he places his hand on your neck, gently holding you just beneath your jaw and softly pressing into the sides of it. he brings his head close to you, eyes half closed as he stares at your lips.
"daryl." you whisper, not sure of this anymore.
"just hush."
and with that, he presses his lips into yours, softly moving them with rhythm only known to the two of you. his other hand caresses your thigh, then creeps to your bottom and pulls you to the edge of the counter, enough to have your crotch press against his.
you can taste your tears while you kiss him, and he probably can too. he doesn't say anything, hell, you even feel him twitch between your legs. you grind on him, unable to control yourself. it is different than the wand. it's warm, and it responds back. it's better.
"hey," you call, slowly pulling away. "i don't want you to do this because you feel sorry for me or something like that. are you doing it because of that?"
before you can continue bombarding him with questions and overthinking, he places his lips back on yours, this time a little rougher than before. you open your mouth, tongue eager to taste him properly. and fuck, he tastes good. you hated cigarettes and alcohol, but from his mouth, you adore it. you finally give in, arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him impossibly close. finally.
it doesn't take long for him to have you whining and grinding on him, wanting more than just kissing and thigh grabbing and occasional choking. you beg into his mouth, quietly at first, but with each kiss he gives you, you become louder and more demanding.
"touch me, please, please, please," you're desperate.
he smiles, for the first time in a while, and snakes his hands under your top. you hurriedly take off the vest and the top, to make it easier for him, but he pulls his vest back on your body. you are now wearing nothing but panties and the leather vest, making daryl incredibly impatient.
"ya just needed some attention, didn't ya?" he kisses your neck, his hand cupping your breast and thumb playing with the hard nub. "some sense fucked into ya to shut that mouth."
for someone that almost never talks, he is quite the talker now. and you can't complain, when his words have you clenching around nothing down there.
"needed someone older to take care of ya."
you moan at his words, spreading your legs further and raising your hips into his crotch. his hand reaches down to your panties, landing a light slap on your clothed clit as a warning. there's growling outside of the shed, but not enough to make you care. you'll get what you want, and no amount of walkers will stop you, even if it'll be your last.
daryl moves your panties aside, pulling away from you to see you. he hums, thumb coming to contact with your clit and circling it a few times. you shake under his touch, throwing your head back. it isn't something you haven't done before, but the touch is foreign, and different. his fingers are rough and big, an opposite of the soft flesh of your clit. he rubs your slit up and down, enough to smear your arousal so he can touch you better.
"fuck..." you trail, grabbing the edges of the counter and digging your nails into the hard surface.
"didn't find a boy your age to open you up?"
you shake your head. he hums again, fingers now circling your tight entrance.
"that's a shame, then. i'm gonna have to take my time with you."
"what? why?" you ask, disappointed.
"i'd split you in half, little one."
every word in that sentence sent arrows to your core. fuck, just how big is he?
"then, what are we doing?"
he turns around, leaving you yearning for his touch while he grabs your discarded toy from the armchair.
"you share toys?"
he pulls himself out from his pants, and you are left with your jaw dropped. it fuels his confidence, the way you're staring at him as he rubs himself up and down. he isn't big. he's huge.
"daryl, how will that fit in me?" you ask, actually concerned.
"it'll take a little time. i'll train ya, and you'll take it like a good girl, the way i teach ya. but ya have to start listening to me and stop pissing me off."
nodding eagerly, you push your hips towards his hands, searching for his touch again.
he turns the gadget on, pressing it against your clit. you moan out loud, grinding on the buzzing toy and sliding with ease. you hear him grunt, and even a quiet moan. your eyes drop to the situation between your legs, and when you see him pressing his cock to the gadget, you swear you could squirt all over him. he rocks his hips with yours, pushing you up against the wall and grunting in your mouth, just like you moan into his. he doesn't break eye contact with you, instead getting off on it.
"i'm gonna cum, daryl." you whine, hands reaching into his hair to pull.
"give me a second."
you'd give him two if he wanted. you try your hardest to focus on not yet cumming, but the way he sweats and grunts for you doesn't make it easy.
"daryl-" you warn, moans becoming high pitched and inviting the walkers around the shed.
he sticks two fingers in your mouth, keeping you silent and helping himself get closer. you only needed to swirl your tongue around him a few time and take him all the way to his knuckles to have him moaning and cumming all over your stomach, rubbing the toy up and down in a sloppy pace.
you follow, pleasure washing over your body along with a thin layer of sweat, the sight of his seed on you making it more intense. you are dehydrated, hot and filthy. and you love it, because he is the same. you'd be like that every day, if it meant getting him the way you just had him.
"you didn't have to..." you say as he helps you dress up, wiping his seed from you with his bandana and discarding it.
"i wanted to. before, today, too."
"you sure?"
you nod. he sees that you are not convinced, and he sighs. he pulls you in for a hug, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"i rarely regret my actions. trust me."
"yeah, well, i hope i'll get more of these actions you speak of."
he chuckles, planting a kiss on your forehead.
"you know, for someone who just came all over me, it's weird to see you so sentimental and comforting."
you don't even finish the sentence, he already playfully throws the bandana at you, rushing outside to hide his smile and to hide from your attempt at attacking.
"oh, you- you- you asshole!"
"right back at ya."
yippie! my first twd oneshot, idk how to feel about it lol. had this in the drafts for a while now. feel free to send feedback, doesn’t matter if it is good or bad 🩷
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deansapplepie · 6 months
The Spitting Image | Part 1
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Summary: Years passed since last time you saw your ex-boyfriend and father of your son. Fate decided the perfect moment for you to reconnect was after the end of the world.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f! Reader
Warnings: swearing, threatening, someone is punched, mentions of violence, mentions of doing harm to children (none of the characters, it’s just a thought), walkers, mentions of injuries, a little angsty. Minors do not interact. (If I forgot anything let me know)
Word Count: 4,419
A/N: It was supposed to be a one shot, but it was getting too big and I wasn’t in the middle of it, so I’ll make a mini series of it.
The reader’s son is 17 yo, so if you don’t feel comfortable reading something self insert having a kid this age, it’s up to you.
Here I’m supposing Daryl is in the beginning of his 40s when they get to Alexandria to make sense the age of his son.
Also, I have no idea how are the laws in the U.S.A. To register your children, so if it’s not possible to register a kid with the name of the father without the father, let’s pretend in this universe it is.
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Series Masterlist Part 2
Main Masterlist
It had been days that you were out there with Aaron and Eric, you had found a possible group to invite to Alexandria. While you and Aaron was observing them from afar in the road, Eric was in a nearby city waiting for you.
That group seemed like a good group, they took care of each other and shared. They also had a kid and a baby, it needed to mean something. As a mom, you could clearly identify with their struggles and want to protect every kid you came by, unless it was a psychopath kid that wanted to kill you and your son, then… you had no empathy.
United and righteous people were exactly the kind of people you needed for Alexandria. It seemed as they were hungry and thirsty you had some supplies you could give them to help. Hiding on the trees you could only observe them using binoculars as you needed to remain far from them because of safety. You had never zoomed to observe them this much before, but there was something intriguing you and you didn’t voice it to Aaron yet. He was one of your best friends back in Alexandria, but you had to make sure.
There were a guy, all wearing black. He had a sleeveless black shirt that showed his toned arms, he seemed to be tall and had really broad shoulders and a relatively long hair. He carried a crossbow, and even though he was as tired and week as everyone else, he tried to not let it show. You only knew a person like this, but it had been so long since you last saw him that you thought this was your mind playing games with you. You were so young back then, you changed so much… he probably did too, probably you even crossed paths before the world ended and you didn’t recognized each other. But you had to make sure it wasn’t him so just your mind would relax and you could control your anxiety.
That’s why you were zooming the binoculars to the maximum and focusing solely on him, expecting him to look to a side so you could clearly see his face. He did, and when he did your heart stopped for some milliseconds and you thought all the air was drawn from your lungs. “Holly shit!” Was the only thing you were able to say, so glad now you could openly curse, because there wasn’t any child around.
“What’s it?” Aaron asked curiously and you passed him the binoculars unable to say anything. He looked at it, zooming out and couldn’t see anything extraordinary. “I don’t see anything. What did you see?”
You rested your back on the trunk of the tree that you were both sitting on its branch. You tried to breath in and out, just like your therapist had recommended you when you started to treat you’re anxiety.
“Y/N, what happened?” Aaron asked again turning his attention to you and holding your hand, which you accepted gratefully.
“I… I think my ex is in this group.” Oh my God. You were freaking out! It wasn’t as if you had ended bad, well it depends on the point of view, but seeing him after all this years, after all that happened, after…
“You think?” Aaron asked one more time, if it was your ex why you sounded like you were not completely sure.
“Yes, it was a long time ago. We were barely adults, so we changed a lot, but I’m 98% sure the archer is him.” You said continuing your exercise and taking your canteen with shaking hands to drink some water.
“Oh… let me check him out and see if you have good taste in men.”
“Aaron!” You protested the most silently you could. “Well, you may surprise a little when you see him, he is…”
“… DJ’s father! Holly crap!” He looked at you as if he had seen a ghost as the man looked exactly like the teenager boy he knew back in Alexandria, of course the man was way older than the boy. “Do you have an uterus or a copy machine in your belly?”
“Ok, if even you can see it’s totally him.” You said and you didn’t know if you were relieved or anxious, probably both at the same time.
“Ok, so… is he a good person to take with us?” He had to ask, even though you were good friends, you never talked much about him, it seemed to hurt you a lot, so he never pushed.
“Yes, of course. Don’t think I’d have named my child after him if he wasn’t.” You answered. It wasn’t his fault or yours, you just had to blame people like your parents that thought they were better than everyone else. “It’s just that it has been so long after last time we saw each other, I’m just nervous to meet him again.”
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You tried approaching them by letting water and food as a gift for them on the road, but they just rejected everything, they were suspicious, they probably went through a lot of shit. You don’t blame them, you’d react the same if it was you. A heavy storm caught you by surprise, you needed to find shelter and protect yourselves. Once you saw the group entered a barn, you decided to go back to your RV and wait the next day or the storm pass before approaching them more directly this time.
The next morning the weather had improved, so you left again to where they were. At distance you saw two women near to the location of the barn, you approached them and presented yourselves and minutes later both of you were on your knees, hands behind your heads and an angry man in front of you. But before the said angry man could do anything or ask anything, the archer came from the shadows and your name left his lips. “Y/N”
“Daryl.” You replied a smile on your face, you wanted to keep a more straight face don’t be so pathetic about how you were happy to see him there alive, older and hotter, but you couldn’t, because it had always been like that, you’d see him and you wouldn’t be able to control yourself. You’d open the biggest smile at him and would have your heart racing with excitement and anxiety.
“Do you know each other?” The angry man asked Daryl, but you replied. You couldn’t hold your tongue, you were anxious and when it was like that, you’d say even what you weren’t meant to say.
“We dated.” You answered, also you knew that Daryl would die of shyness if he had to say you dated or anything like this. That’s if deep inside him he was still that boy.
The man you came to know the name was Rick Grimes shot you a look that said ‘I wasn’t talking to you.’ and then looked back at Daryl in hopes he would confirm it or not. “Yeah, it’s true.”
“If she’s his ex, she’s no good. We should better don’t believe them.” You saw a ginger man with a big mustache speaking.
“Listen here, Obelix. You better not bad mouth me again or I’ll beat you so hard your mustache is going to end on your ass!” You were normally sweet and polite, but you’d never let anyone judge you, or anyone that you loved, especially this person that doesn’t even know you.
“Definitely related to Daryl.” An asian man said and couldn’t contain a small laugh, even in the state the group was.
Daryl had a smirk on his face and you couldn’t read what it meant. The Rick guy didn’t took it easy on you just because Daryl knew you, he argument people could change and he wasn’t wrong. Most of the time he hold the conversation with Aaron and you were glad about it, Aaron was better at this than you were, even though you could bring a sense of comfort most of the times when you approached women or groups with children, this wasn’t a situation where Aaron actually needed you. Unless they decided to kill both of you or something else, then you’d have to play the last card you could with them and that could only be used with them, because of Daryl. You’d need to use your son to convince them to let you go, and you’d hate to do such thing. Using your son to blackmail someone was never something you’d like to do.
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You remembered the day you first had the courage to talk to him, you had always thought he was cute and cool, but you never had the courage. Until a day your “friends” excluded you and you didn’t even got to know why. You were 16 and they were so immature to do such thing, so yeah, it was their loss you thought. That’s what you tried to say and convince yourself you were better without them.
At lunch time having no table to sit, you went straight to his table, that was it, your opportunity to get to know him. “Can I have a sit here?” You asked in front of him.
“ ‘m not the owner of the chair.” He said, eyes on his plate. “But ya won’t want to be seen with me sweetheart.”
“Thanks.” You put your tray on the table and took the chair in front of him. “I’m Y/N.”
“Daryl. We already know each other. We had a subject together. Once.” He remembered! You were ecstatic, of course you’d remember him, you developed a huge crush on him since you had to pair up, but you didn’t expect him to remember you. You didn’t think you were as cool as the other girls to be remembered. “Ya still have time to maintain the integrity of yer reputation and leave.”
“I have no reputation to save, my friends simply decided I’m not cool anymore, so… fuck them, gonna make whatever I want.” He snorted, he never thought he’d live to see you cuss. You never looked like one to do so. “What’s funny?”
“Thought you never cussed.”
“Well, there are a lot of things you don’t know about me Dixon.” You replied and from this time you started to pass more and more time together, starting a strange friendship that was the commonest thing for both of you, but people outside loved to judge.
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Most of the time they were discussing, you couldn’t take your eyes off him. It was as if you did, he’d disappear into thin air. In the end Rick sent a group to your RV to confirm if you were telling the truth and threatened killing you if they took too long to comeback. After they came back, Rick agreed to go to Alexandria but they would drive and you should tell them where it was, and then started again another drama.
“How are we supposed to trust you? Maybe you got another group and a radio and you’re going to attack our place. We have children and elders, we can’t risk.” You tried to reason with him, even though you knew you were in a small number and you’d never win this ‘battle’.
“Don’t you trust Daryl?” Rick threw this card. Really?
“How am I supposed to when you didn’t believe me and he did nothing to tell you were wrong and I could be trusted?” He knew you were right, not even for a second you thought Daryl wasn’t the same, but you had a point and even he knew it.
In the end you had no option but give in to their requests. You took them to the nearest city so you could take Eric too and while fighting against walkers he got his ankle hurt. Not longer after you got back to the road and in direction of Alexandria. While going there you tried to make some small talk with them, but most were not very open to it.
“What’s her name?” You asked Daryl that had a beautiful baby in his arms.
“ ‘s Judith.” He answered, he looked at her with such adoration. It was adorable to see such a big and rustic man being so tender with a baby in his arms.
“She’s so pretty.” You always wanted a baby girl, but of course you were more than happy with your baby boy. It was just a silly girl dream to have a daughter so you can play doll with them. “Can I hold her a little? There’s a long time I don’t get to hold a baby.”
Despite the common silent agreement of the group to not trust you just yet, he trusted you and was sure you’d do nothing against his ‘lil ass kicker’. So he let you have her a little in your arms and she continued to sleep peacefully. Carl observed you with the eyes of a hawk, ready to end you if you did anything wrong against his little sister, but you didn’t.
“Is your family with ya?” Daryl drawled by your side while you were mesmerized by little Jude. He wanted to know if your asshole of dad was still around and also your mom, but he couldn’t ask it like this, he didn’t know how your relation with them were after everything, he didn’t want to offend you.
“It’s just me and my son, but he’s not this cute anymore and I no longer can carry him in my arms like that.” You replied, wishing he’d have curiosity about DJ, but also afraid of where this curiosity could take you in this moment.
“What’s his name?” He asked trying to be polite, but deep down it hurt him that you had another lover and had a child, he couldn’t control this, but it was painful anyway.
“DJ.” You simply said, god you didn’t want to reveal at this moment your baby was Daryl Dixon Junior. Before he could ask the name and not the nickname, you threw another question at him. “Did you get any of my letters?”
He was taken aback. You tried to keep contact with him. You tried to reach him out. “Did ya send me letters? I… Ididn’t know. I left with Merle shortly after what happened. Probably old man got them.”
By his surprise you believed he really didn’t know. He never read the letters. He never ignored you or pretended your son didn’t exist. Deep down, you knew he’d never do that, but you never could confirm it, because you never got to see him again. Until now.
A little after Carl took Judith from your arms, you already had enough. He couldn’t let you more than you were supposed to with the baby. While your mind wandered to the past, Daryl’s were a turmoil trying to decipher what could be the name of your son, since you gave no detail.
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The day prior he had warned you ‘wear sneakers tomorrow, you asked why and he just repeated what he said before. So you did. There was almost a year since your friendship with Daryl Dixon started and at that moment, he was your best friend. Sometimes he’d stay with you studying in the library or just hanging out around the city. You trusted him.
Next day, you arrived at school and found him next to an old blue truck. “What’s that?”
“A car.” He answered the obvious.
“I know dumbass! But where did you get it?” You asked curiously, he had never gone to school in one.
“I borrowed it from Merle without telling him.” Which means he stole his own brother, at least for some hours. “I’m returning it later, probably won’t even know about it. He’s knocked out in his bedroom.”
“Ok, if he catch us, I’m telling it was all you.” You played with him, but you knew Merle would never catch you, at least not before Daryl arrived at home with it.
“It actually was.” He shrugged. “Also, no way he’d believe a sweet thing like you helped me in any of that.” You instantly blushed, it wasn’t always that Daryl would throw sweet words or compliments at you, so every time you’d not fail and blush. “Did ya wear sneakers?”
“Yep.” You put one foot in front of you to show your sneakers.
“Pink? Really?” He teased you, he knew for sure you’d wear at least one thing pink and you were always wearing sandals or any other more delicate shoes.
“I don’t have many sneakers, so… yeah.” You retracted your foot to stand close to the other again.
As soon as the bell rang you entered the school and went to your classes. In the end of the day, you got together at the parking lot ready to spend your day together. “Where are we going?” You asked curiously.
“Get in the car and you’ll see.” He replied going to the driver’s side.
“Ok, Dar. I’ll let you be all mysterious while I die out of curiosity.” You dramatically entered the truck and took the passenger sit.
You drove for some time and even got outside the city. You knew he was familiarized with the forest, he told you he’d hunt, but you never thought he’d bring you someday near it. “You know I know shit about hunting, don’t you?” You asked while the car stopped close to a small trail.
“Yep, dun worry. I didn’t bring ya here to go hunting. It’s something else, wanna show you a place.” He slightly touched your hand reassuring you and you could swear it sent a delicious tingling sensation all over your body.
He got out of the truck, took a bag in the truck bed and waited for you so you could start the trail. There was 5 minutes you were walking when you tripped and almost fell down, leading to the boy to hold your hand until you arrived at your final destination.
It was a waterfall, a beautiful one, with a small lake. The water was a beautiful green surrounded by big rocks. You got all excited with the sight and gave your biggest smile to him, which made his heart flutter and stole a small smile from him.
You took your sneakers off and both of you sat on a rock where you could put your feet in the cold refreshing water. There was the shadow of a tree that made it bearable to be outside there in the warm weather. You loved how Daryl was relaxed and just enjoying the place and your company, you could talk a lot or talk nothing and it would be perfect for him.
You don’t know what made you do that, but the moment just felt perfect to speak your mind to him, actually speak with your heart. “I like you, Daryl.”
“Yeah, we’re friends of course ya do.” It was obvious if you didn’t you wouldn’t be around.
“No, I like you in the way I’ve been crushing on you for years and just now I have the courage to say, yay…” you said, trying to be a little funny so the moment wouldn’t be so embarrassing, but it would be already too embarrassing if he just rejected you at that moment.
He looked at you impressed and thinking how you could like him for so long if everybody in the school, no, in the damn city thought he was a sore loser and a scumbag. “Are ya sure?” He double checked, just in case.
“I wouldn’t put myself in this embarrassing situation with risk of you rejecting me and losing your friendship if I didn’t.” You turned to look at him and were struck by his deep blue eyes that seemed to see your soul every time you looked into it. “It’s ok if you don’t feel the same, I’ll…”
Before you could finish your apologetic sentence, his lips crashed on yours and his hand held yours one more time, and that was the first of many kisses you’d come to share in the following years.
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You woke up startled, the RV came to a stop. You were finally at the gates of Alexandria, you and Aaron got off first and the rest of the group followed you and once the gates were open you could see that at the same time they were cautious they were also impressed with the place. You entered the gate and Deanna came to welcome the new people. Aaron took Eric to the infirmary and before you could excuse yourself and go home take a good bath and spend some quality time with your child, you saw the tall teenager in his 17s running in your direction. You suddenly worried, he would see him. Both of them would see each other. You smiled at your baby boy that wasn’t a baby anymore, and he hugged you tightly even taking you from the ground. He had became so tall in the last years that it was funny to see the difference of his height to his mom’s.
Daryl was frozen in place, when he saw the young man running in your direction it was as if he could see his younger self in the past, but he wasn’t hallucinating or anything like that, because that boy that looked so much like him had also many features from you. The group looked surprised at the boy, probably thinking the same thing Aaron thought when he landed his eyes at Daryl. A million thoughts ran on the hunter’s mind, this kid just could be his… he had too because no way someone could look so much like the other and don’t be blood related, especially being the son of your youth lover.
“How are you baby?” You asked cupping DJ’s face with your hand and checking his face to see if he was healthy and well.
“I’m ok mom, are you good?” He asked back observing you, he had always been such a good observer.
“We need to talk…” you started to say but couldn’t finish because the boy’s eyes landed on Daryl some meters behind looking at both of you.
DJ knew, you told him before how he looked so much like his dad. So he knew when he looked strictly to an older version of him. He put you aside and walked strong steps on Daryl’s direction, you yelled his name but he just ignored you and before you could stop him, he punched his father right on his jaw.
“DJ! No!” You put yourself between both of them.
“No? Mom! He never cared about us and now he just shows here like this? He ignored all the letters you sent and the pictures of me, and…” he bursted the feelings trapped on his chest all those years. He had the perfect speech on his mind, he elaborated it for years just to end his father and make him ashamed of what he did, but now he didn’t even say half of it and the rest stayed stuck in his throat unable to come out as tears accumulated in his blue eyes.
“It’s ok. I probably deserve it.” Daryl said from behind.
“Honey, it’s not like this. We don’t solve anything like this. You don’t know the whole story.” You rested your hands on your son’s shoulders.
“You mean the edited version of how he never cared about us, or looked for us? I know you never told me everything, I’m not stupid. And I also know men are bastards that don’t care about discarding pregnant women!” Shit. Shit. Shit. Things were getting out of control the boy was causing a scene.
“Listen to me, Daryl Dixon Junior! I’m your mother and I’d never name you after your father if he was this kind of bastard!” You firmly told him, there were so many years that you didn’t call him by his whole name that he knew he would be in trouble if he didn’t obey you at that moment. “Now, apologize, go home and wait for me.”
“Fine.” The young man said teeth greeted. “I’m sorry for punching you because you’re an asshole.” With that he turned around and left before you could lecture him one more time in front of everyone.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Daryl asked. Obviously not talking about the past, it was clear to him that you tried in the past.
“I wouldn’t dare use my son to bring you to safety. I know you’d come if I said, and your group… I know this kind of bond, you’re family. I didn’t want to be selfish and make all of you come because I used DJ to convince you. I wanted you to come because you wanted, because you trusted what Aaron and I were offering.”
He couldn’t understand well about it, he wasn’t a father till some minutes ago… even though he wished he was one long before, the kid really had a personality, reminding him a lot about himself and even about Merle. But he could try to understand, to listen to you and if he stopped to think, it didn’t made a difference if you told before or now, he would still have the same feeling of anxiety, excitement and lost, lost for all the years and everything that he lost not being around his son.
“I’m sorry you had to discover like that.” You apologized even though you knew in no way it would be less shocking for him. “We have a lot to talk, the three of us… of course, if you want to.”
“Yeah, we need to talk. I wanna know everything and I wanna know him, if ya allow me and if he wants.” He was quick to answer. God, how could you even give him a choice? He had to do it.
“Great. So… I’m gonna let you finish solving things with Deanna, when you are free, come to my house. It’s the one with the magenta pink doormat.” You give some steps backwards, eyes still on him.
“Pink, hugh…” he knew everything with you needed to have a little of pink and for sure with the end of the world you could not afford pink acessories, at least you’d make sure that one thing in your life was.
“Yes…” you almost murmured. “I’ll see you later.”
“See ya…” he replied. Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series)
Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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