#young Obake
lesbian-honey-lemon · 6 months
bands i like that I think BH6 characters would listen to
Hiro: Fall Out Boy, obviously, but honestly I think you can also hear him blasting Marina while working late in the lab when he thinks nobody’s around. Also I think he’s a nightcore girlie but THAT is for his headphones only because he is not revealing he likes nightcore.
Honey Lemon: Another Marina fangirl, for sure. Also Girl In Red, Selena, Shakira, and I could also see her getting into Vocaloid stuff.
Gogo: MOTHER MOTHER. Literally she would love Mother Mother. Also Derivakat
Wasabi: Honestly I think he listens to more instrumental stuff, no lyrics, just instruments and vibes.
Fred: insert basic white boy singer here tbh. I don’t listen to people he would listen to. But he would also like The Stupendium so he has one good taste in music.
Obake: hah, bet you thought I’d actually talk about adult Obake? Nope, teen Obake again. Anyhow, he’d love Starset, iDKHOW, Set It Off, TX2, and MCR. TELL ME that you cannot hear him belting out the lyrics to Icarus, c’mon, you can hear it too (this is me converting you all to become Starset fans tbh). Also I still think Obake would still like all these bands as an adult, he just wouldn’t be as much of a crazy fan. Also I think he appreciates just pure silence as an adult, or the gentle humming of machinery. After all, dealing with Noodle Burger Boy, Trina, and Globby does wear the man out after a while. He still knows all the words to Icarus.
Trina: She inherited Obake’s music taste so she’s a Starset fan too. She likes all their love songs. She’d love their songs Otherworldy, Satellite, and Earthrise. But I think she’s also a Marina fan, and perhaps she’d also like a little Dua Lipa or Ava Max. She loves the entire Barbie soundtrack. Also Lemon Demon.
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multimonorail · 6 months
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“There was a young student, a genius. I believed without limits, he would’ve achieved great things.” -Professor Granville
Hey @lesbian-honey-lemon! I’m your Secret Santa! I know you love young Obake, so I made gifs of one of his scenes!
I hope you have a happy holidays and a happy and healthy new year!
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razbotz · 3 months
if trina and noodle burger boy (and i assume also crushroom, hyper-potamus, and hangry panda, albeit not blood related like theyre blood related at all lol) are obakes children then does that make momakase their mom and globby some cool uncle and then nega-globby is also their non-blood related uncle
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drkineildwicks · 1 month
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Posted to his Instagram page with the caption "I lived, [redacted]" and no further explanation.
No seriously I'm reasonably sure this is my favorite scene thus far in the fic Other Worlds Than These by @lesbian-honey-lemon -- got to the scene in Chapter 16 and went yes do the pose YES THAT ONE EXACTLY. XD
Also I wasn't ready to do the math and realize this boi was born after Y2K for some reason my brain does not want to compute that yes there are people now who don't remember the nineties o^o
Always remember to be kind and reblog, not repost, and make sure to check out this fic and join me in yelling at the genius bois to get more sleep, thank you!
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
Also had to have the OG meme open for reference (mostly for the hand), here's a clean copy under the cut:
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starboy-16 · 6 months
just socialized for an hour, 15 dead, 20 injured. i am going to go hide in my dorm now because people are stressful
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gert-the-disaster · 3 months
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oh man!!!!!! that’s gonna leave a mark.
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cat-and-fox-hub · 1 month
[Yōkai AU] Fiend & Menace
Made by Cat, aka Researcher Serif/AW
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"I know I'm quite the catch but for you to look at me like that, you trying to tell me something, Master~? You don't need to look from so far, you're free see my true self as close and as often as you please~. Just know you aren't escaping me that easily~."
(The Kitsune no Mado, or "Fox Window", is a Japanese hand technique believed to reveal hidden Yōkai through your fingers as with above.
It's comparable to the Celtic hag-stone or adder stone, a stone found in riverbeds with a naturally formed hole which can reveal witches or faeries through it.)
Sometimes, I really hate colors. I spent so long agonizing his color palette it ain't funny, I swear. At least I think I did better on colors this time. Not by much but decent enough... (lighting's hard)
Either wae, here's @cosmica-galaxy's Fiend and Menace! They're apart of my Yōkai AU, very much based/inspired on @twstedforyou's own original Yōkai Twisted Wonderland AU.
Below is some lore if you wanna know! I recommend reading up this post for further AU lore if you wish.
Do hope you enjoy either wae!
For those who don't know what Yōkai are, "Yōkai are a class of supernatural entities and spirits in Japanese folklore."
They can range from your classic demon, in this case Oni, to objects gained spirit and sentience such as Kasa-Obake, a friendly and playful one eyed, one legged sentient umbrella.
So now that that's outta the way...
[Yōkai AU Lore]:
꧁ღ⊱ | Oni!Fiend |
Fiend is an Oni, a kind of yōkai, demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. They're known to be big, terrifying and having great strength. They're also known for their violent and short temperaments with a hunger for humans and alcohol.
In this AU, since people are pretty much wiped out, skibidi's are the suitable replacement. While not as fun as human prey at times, there's something a bit more satisfying playing with them. (The answer is abundance and the fact no one cares about them. He can be as sadistic and cruel as long as he wants with his food, something he couldn't with humans to avoid getting caught with his pants down so to speak.)
Fiend is a young Oni, reflecting his canon self being a Gen 0 mimic born after the fall of humanity, but he's still quite older than a century at least.
Due to his experience and the fact that the Yōkai District is quite traditional, he's a bit different. A tad wiser and more eloquent in his words for one. Not that he chooses to be, preferring to be a bastard most times. He's still the tsundere little shit who gets turned on when you make the battlefield red with the blood of your enemies.
Due to his heritage, he's quite the alcoholic. Because of that, he's also quite a bit more aggressive with skibidis because there's just some types of alcohol exclusive to the human realm that isn't made or sold in his District.
In this AU, Yōkai can shift forms to disguise themselves as the most dominant species in the human realm via shapeshifting or illusions. For some more humanoid Yōkai like Yuuki-Onna, it shows in their true forms. The believability of a Yōkai's disguise vary between Yōkai and those with skills more inclined to disguise like Tanuki and Kitsune are better at it than most. Fiend has an unusual competence in the art for Oni, Yōkai known to be quite dog shit at their disguises, especially for one as young as him.
With his surprising competence in illusions and Menace being too young to create his own disguise, Fiend extends his own over Menace until he can learn for himself. It also means when his transformation goes, so does the tuggle's.
Before the War, Yōkai had the option of either human or mimic guises but considering mimics themselves mimicked humans, it was mostly human disguises. Now though, the option is either Alliance members or mimics who mimicked them. Fiend in particular chose the mimic option because it gave him more freedoms so to speak. Disguising himself as an Alliance member would've burden him with the role of acting like one which, as apart of a military operation, is a heavy one to play.
Fiend spent most of his time in the human realm. When the fall of humanity came, he was mostly wandering and hunting alone and only rarely going back into his District when bored. Despite the solitude of the empty cities, not even he knew why he stayed in the wasteland as a TV mimic as he did. At least, not until he met you.
In this AU, his meeting with you was much like his canon self. He decided you were interesting at first and pretty much stalked you. Though, he was much more… open, so to say, with his less than mortal nature. He didn't necessarily show off he was of an Other nature but he didn't necessarily bother with blending in too much. Humans are pretty much dead and gone and he only kept a thin veneer up for the Alliance to not get up all over his ass after all.
Let's just say it was quite a surprise when he confronted you for the first time and found out you were his beloved Master all along. (He did not let go for the next week, still closely shadowing you for the rest of the month after. Your presence— no, your existence is simply too much— too intoxicating— for him to simply ignore and leave be.)
Bonus! He'd never admit it but sometimes, he'd head over to his District and find baubles for you that he makes seem like they're old belongings he'd never touched and left to dust. He's always terribly smug when you like it and gloats it over the others with a smirk.
꧁ღ⊱ | Oni!Menace |
Menace is also an Oni, a very young one
He's pretty much canon Menace but more of a little shit with a nasty temper when really angry
Though, instead of the whole 'parents dying leaving bby orphaned', its more he was orphaned at birth
Unless a hybrid of sorts, Oni are traditionally born from the death of a horrible human's spirit which is why Oni, at their base nature, are cruel and violent. By using the dead spirit of a horrible human to bring them into existence, they're bound to take bits of the violent and cruel parts that make up said spirit. Luckily for Fiend and you, it's something that could be taught to be managed but anger is always something present that'll have to be managed for the rest of his life.
Despite being essentially a toddler, he still has the absurd strength Oni are known to have. He can easily carry you with no problem which is a bit troubling considering he likes get mischievous. Often with Byte at that...
He's also a a bit of a nipper considering human flesh is apart of the natural diet of Oni. He knows better than to harm, Spirits forbid consider you prey and eat you. Adopted Papa Fiend is hovering over his back with a critical eye after all.
Bonus! Menace, underestimating his own strength and your human constitution, had accidentally thrown you once. Luckily, it was at Fiend. Unluckily, it was at Fiend. Possessive shit extraordinaire. (Yōkai won't let any slight against their Master stand, kid or not. Someone boutta get their little ass cooked.)
Check out my main blog: @researcher-serif
Here's my NSFW blog if that tickles your fancy: @grandfather-of-sin
[Read under cut for those that can't see the image text or colored text]
Fiend: "Hmm...?"
Fiend: "Oh..."
Fiend: "I see~"
Fiend: "Ahuhu~"
Fiend: "How flattering~"
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zac-salazar-01 · 15 days
Hello my fellow Tumblrsapiens it's me again
now you will learn about my original Sentai
Yojutsu Sentai Obakeranger (Yokai arts squad ghost Rangers)
Motif: Yokais, Sorcerer/exorcists, magic
It is inspired by animes such as Shaman king Yokai Watch Jujutsu Kaisen and the concept of Onmyodo (Japanese exoteric magic), among other things.
The story revolves around a young man who, upon arriving in a new city, discovers that it is haunted by terrible spirits known as Onryo but the city is defended by yojutsu shamans. Soon after saving the life of a Nekomata (cat yokai) he awakens his yokai power and becomes Obake Red, joining the team and beginning his journey to become a shaman.
The rangers are:
Obake Red: a young man obsessed with the supernatural and the occult and even though he doesn't have shaman blood he can use yojutsu techniques, this is one of the mysteries of the series
His element is fire and his yokai partner is a Nekomata (Two-Tailed Cat)
Obake blue: A serious young man and strategist and was the former leader before Red's arrival and because of this, a rivalry ends up being created between the two, he wants to honor his clan of shamans at all costs. His element is wood and his yokai partner is a tengu (raven man)
Obake yellow: The youngest on the team. Imperative and playful but he hates when people treats him like a child, his element is earth and his yokai partner is a Tsuchinoko (snake yokai)
Obake Black: Before being called by her family to be a shaman she was a sukeban (juvenile delinquent) gang leader she is the typical tomboy and doesn't like too much feminine things she is tough but deep down she has a soft heart
Her element is water and her yokai partner is a kappa
Obake White: She didn't really want to be a shaman, she actually wanted to follow her dream of being a "cosplayer idol" but her family repressed her, but among her teammates she can be herself and that's why she appears almost always with a new cosplay when he arrives on the scene. Sweet and cheerful, she is the heart of the team
Her element is metal and her yokai partner is a jorogumo (spider woman yokai)
OniSlayer: a man who renounced his shaman side who made a pact with an oni in order to take revenge he does not use spells but rather martial arts with oni energy
His color is purple, his element is darkness and his yokai partner is Shuten Douji
(I imagine his ranger suit design to be very inspired by Gosei Knight, Gaisoulg and Rio from Gekiranger)
The collectibles are Yo-Fudas, cards inspired by Ofuda talismans that are responsible for the team's spells, weapons and zords
Each ranger has their own deck of Yo-Fudas based on different yokais of their respective elements
About the mechas, I think of something a bit similar Go-Onger, Go-Buster and Goseiger, zords that are half yokai and half vehicle
Red: Nekomata/ racing car
Blue: Tengu/ fighter jet
Yellow: Tsuchinoko/ Shovel
Black: Kappa/ submarine
White: Jorogumo/ Armored vehicle
OniSlayer: Oni/Dekotora
The main five Rangers have a shared mecha (gashadokuro/ tank) that serves as the mecha main body (similar to the Korean toku Legend Hero) and can make multiple combinations
The villains are the Onryo, vengeful spirits whose mission is to resurrect their leader (Tatarigami) so they can create "hell on Earth" and take revenge on the living.
Its method of creating monsters is very similar to that of Miraculous Ladybug
They choose a human with bad feelings such as grudge and malice and incorporate an evil spirit into their body that ends up creating a monster linked to something (an object in most cases) while the monster causes chaos the possessed victim begins to perform the ritual to send his soul to Tatarigami so that he can be reborn (the ritual ends with the victim 💀 themselves)so the Rangers have to defeat the monster through exorcism (the monster also attacks people with the aim of accumulating people's negative energies to help with the ritual)
So that's it, that's my idea. Again, anyone who wants to give ideas on how to improve this story (specially about the villains) it would be greatly appreciated.
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Thwomps, Chomps and Bob-ombs, my theories on the artificial beings of Mario
Thwomps, Whomps, Bomps... The Mario universe has its fair share of sapient rock creatures. It has also many other artificial/metal creatures like Chain Chomps and Bob-ombs. I've often contemplated the nature of those mysterious beings, so here are my attempts at understanding them. This is a long one, so bear with me.
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Now, before we start, I have a couple disclaimers to get out of the way that would help in understanding my ramblings:
1. There are a lot of speculative links between different "species": Many of the points I will bring up are only directly tied to one "type" of artificial being, e. g.: Bob-ombs having a spirit; seemingly lifeless Thwomps abandoned and overgrown, etc. I speculate that those characteristics can generally be applied to other types of artificial beings, e.g.: Bob-ombs having spirits means that Chain Chomps also have spirits, etc. 
2. Possessed doesn't mean what you think it means: Simply put, I'll be using the word "possessed" or similar concepts to describe the way these spirits inhabit their artificial bodies. By that I don't mean possessor-type ghosts who jump in and out of furniture to create chaos. Imagine it as your own soul possessing your own body, the two being intrinsically connected since birth and mostly all the way up to death. 
With that out of the way, let's start with their birth.
Thwomp birth: Thwomp Volcano 
In Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, one of the locations visited is the Thwomp Volcano, a mountain literally built out of unchiseled Thwomps of various sizes. We see those same unchiseled Thwomps being shot out of the volcano during its annual eruption. 
“Own up! I mean, look at you! You're obviously all plumbers! Thanks to your meddling, my hubby's in a stone funk! Jumping into that volcano was his hobby, you terrible men! We've been waiting for the annual eruption all year!”
- Mrs. Thwomp, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
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We also see a young professor E. Gadd studying the nature of the Thwomps and the mountain itself. That might not make much sense at first, given E. Gadd specializes in ghosts, but remember that Thwomps were literally described as ghosts in the English manual of Super Mario World.
A better translation of the Japanese manual (石のお化け “ishi no obake”) would be “stone spirits” or “stone demons”. I don’t mean to suggest they are literally undead people but more like a type of nature spirit in the world. E. Gadd is even described as an “obake researcher” (オバケけんきゅうか)  in the original japanese version of Luigi’s Mansion.
“The name's Elvin Gadd. I'm studying the Thwomps and history of this here mountain. How'd all these stony fellers get here and why're they so darn angry about everything?”
- Young Professor E. Gadd, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
“Thwomp A nasty stone ghost that guards the castles and fortresses for the Koopas. If Mario comes close, Thwomp will try to crush him. The trouble is, if you don’t pass it, you can’t go on.”
- Super Mario World instruction booklet, page 25
I speculate that Thwomps are formed inside the volcano, where their spirits are born and gain a stone body from the cooled magma. I also believe that other similar species like Thwimps, Whomps, Walleyes, etc. are either born from the same volcano or from similar locations.
Chompworks Galaxy and the Bob-omb Factories
Although they might not initially look all that similar, Chain Chomps and Thwomps could have a lot in common, starting with their creation. 
The Chompworks Galaxy is a location seen in Super Mario Galaxy 2, where Gearmos work to maintain a production line of Chain Chomps. The large bodies of lava present here might suggest that the creation of Chomps is tied to a foundry-like process, much like how the Thwomp Volcano would work in a similar manner, using molten rock instead of molten metal.
On a side note, Bob-ombs have also been shown to be factory-built, as we see in minigames such as Sort or ‘Splode from Super Mario 64 DS/New Super Mario Bros. or the Bob-omb Factory board in Mario Party 9.
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Chomp Rocks and Stone Chomps
Another connection that can be made between Thwomps and Chomps comes not from the classic Chain Chomps, but rather a variant of them, the Stone Chomps. These stone variants are only found in Paper Mario, inside the buried temple of Dry Dry Ruins. 
Given that the ruins themselves are very ancient and that the regular Chain Chomps in Tutankoopa's battle were brought by him, it stands to reason that these Stone Chomps are equally ancient and inhabitants of this tomb, unlike the Chain Chomps used by Tutankoopa, who was assigned by Bowser to guard the Star Spirit.
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“This is a Stone Chomp, who guards the treasure in this room. He's made of stone. Duh!” “His jaws can supposedly crush a Coconut. I don't know about you, but I don't want to become a snack.”
- Goombario Tattle, Paper Mario.
Besides Stone Chomps, another hint at the true nature of Chain Chomps can be seen with the Chomp Rocks that are prevalent in the Yoshi series. These large round statues, placed across the island, might’ve once been living Stone Chomps (more on that topic in a moment). It would explain why they are so haphazardly placed, generally out in the wild.
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My hypothesis on the nature of Chomps is that, like the Thwomps, Chomps were once naturally made out of stone. At some point in time, Chomps started being artificially built out of metal, with Chompworks being one such factory. These newer “models” were then named Chain Chomps.
Bobby, Chomp Shells and Thwomp Ruins
In Paper Mario: The Origami King, The Bob-omb Bobby shows us that they too have souls and can become ghosts, just like how Thwomps are “ghosts” (i.e. stone spirits). This means Chain Chomps likely have similar spirits too. Interestingly, while that shows us their spirit can linger on after their body is destroyed, there are cases where the opposite seems to happen.
The aforementioned Chomp Rocks might be empty husks of Stone Chomps, who have somehow left their bodies in the distant past. The same seems to be true for the Chomp Shell weapon from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (called ワンワンのぬけがら, Chomp Husks, in Japanese) as well as the motionless and cracked Thwomp husks found in places such as Thwomp Ruins from Mario Kart 8, Thwomp Desert from Mario Kart Wii and maybe even the Beanbean Kingdom in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
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Maybe this is as close to a natural death as these beings can get, or maybe they are able to separate from their physical bodies without the latter’s destruction. Personally I doubt the latter.
The Mario Party 2 board Horror Land features Whomps that become immobile stone statues during the night. Perhaps a similar effect is at play here.
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Final Thoughts
Connecting all those dots, my theory is that Thwomps, Chain Chomps and Bob-ombs (and related species) all have/are spirits of some type. Thwomps and Stone Chomps are natural stone spirits, with Chain Chomps having come from Stone Chomps after they started being manufactured. It is unclear if Bob-ombs (and others like Bullet Bills) were once naturally occurring spirits like Chain Chomps or are fully artificially-made spirits.
When a Thwomp's, Chain Chomp's or a Bob-omb's body is destroyed, their spirit likely dies with it. But as shown with Bobby, there is a possibility that some of them linger on as ghosts. Perhaps the other ones return to their place of origin and receive new bodies. As I speculated in a tweet here.
It also seems like they might also "die" in some other way, leaving empty shells behind. Whether that is their way of dying from old age or possibly willingly is unclear.
Thank you for reading through the entire post! I'd like to thank @seandwalsh for helping put it all together. Make sure to check out the Marioverse Discord server and the Subreddit for more theories and discussions on Mario lore!
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mayhemscorner · 1 year
Itachi x f!reader
Summary: a sage master is rare. Even more rare, is a master of sage mode at such a young age. It was almost unheard of. So how was she capable to use it so effortlessly. (This is sad. I wrote this to help cope with loss recently. To heal, we must first feel pain.)
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The flowers were blooming. I couldn’t see it, but I could feel them over my shoulder as my meditation deepens. I could feel the pulse of the leaves slowly unfolding, invisible to the naked eye. The forest was serene and moving, the grass even swayed lazily against the dull breeze. Complete concentration.
The white snake flashes across my vision, striking at my arm venomously. My eyes flash open, revealing a starkly different snake before me. My personal summon, Obake stares intently with his bright orange slitted eyes and flicks his tongue against the mossy green hue of his skin in wonder,” tell me about your time with the white snake.”
“I’m trying to concentrate, sage mode is kind of a tricky thing for us humans, y’know?” I mutter out, breaking focus and all natural energy becomes void.
“Listen, I’m still young compared to the others at Ryuchi cave. You’re my first ever contract, and I’m curious.” He slithers out, almost showing human emotions on his scaly face. When I was young, I never figured I’d be talking to a snake like I would a friend. I never figured I’d get bitten and learn the tedious path of learning sage mode, let alone I didn’t even know what it was.
“I was ten. I was on a mission as a Genin and lost my team. The white snake found me and offered to test my strength. If her venom killed me or weakened me, i’d be her next meal. If I survived, she would teach me the way of being an unstoppable kunoichi. That’s about it. The rest was up to me. I returned to my village two years later after being presumed dead, and now here we are, many years later.” I huff out, returning to a state of complete stillness, once again quickly interrupted,” so you have special powers because you didn’t die?”
I nod, feeling as the chakra flows to my face and Obake slithering closer,” why does the area around your eyes turn green when you become silent? That’s never happened before.”
“I’m not sure. I can’t say I notice things about my face without a mirror, Obake.” I state blankly, feeling an unsettling chakra move within our area.
“Someone powerful is near. Should we hide?” Obake whimpers out, becoming more puppy like than snake like.
“Obake, aren’t snakes supposed to be villainous and intimidating?” I laugh out, standing to climb around his neck and settle on his large head.
“Manda maybe. That Orochimaru guy and him gave us a bad name. Nobody in the cave really accepts either of them, they have too though. But they live in fear of them.” He slips out, stretching his head above the tree canopy to get a better view. A nature walk just outside the village always turns to trouble, but I choose to ease his worried mind,” Obake, Manda may be the boss, but neither of us have seen him in a while. You’re still growing and look how big you already are. Manda will be nothing but an easy obstacle for us in a few years time, if he hasn’t already met his match.”
The air whips my hair around, obstructing my view for only mere seconds. Apparently it was enough time for a black and red cloak to meld against the tree line and become dangerously close to us. I stand wobbly against Obake’s head and watch the erratic pattern they create.
“Should we get ready for conflict?” He asks. I sit down, conjuring a clone to gather chakra and energy in preparation,” I wouldn’t get too ahead of ourselves yet. It’s Akatsuki, but they may just be passing through. I highly doubt they want anything to do with us… but I am curious.”
I can’t help but to cup my hands around my mouth and shout down,” hey, just letting you know you’re trespassing.”
The figure stops in a tree adjacent to our view, looking up and down before sighing,” I assumed you were someone else, my apologies.”
“If you’re looking for that Orochimaru guy, I’d advise against it.” I laugh back, sitting down next to my comatose clone as the man comes even closer. He lands gently against Obake’s head, leaning down to let his dark eyes meet mine,”My brother. I’m looking for my brother. He’s younger than you, but I’ve heard he’s signed a contract much like yours.”
“I haven’t been to the cave in years. I honestly can’t be much help unfortunately. What’s his name? Obake can always ask around, can’t you?” I question, leaning down to meet one of Obake’s eyes.
“S-sure.” He stutters out, flicking his tail in nervousness. Obake was usually on high alert, but the man in front of us must be powerful to make a giant snake with deadly fangs question his own abilities.
“Sasuke. I must find him soon as my time here is short.” The man replies, coughing gently and leaning forward in exhaustion. I pull him down to sit next to me and raise an eyebrow,” by a short time, you just mean in this area right?”
“Unfortunately, no. Every power must come with a curse. I’m sure you understand. This contract of yours must have some downsides, am I correct?” He asks back. My body stills, thinking of the possibility of turning to stone. Or even the possibility of being stuck in a snake like form forever. I lean back, resting my head against my outstretched arms to look up at the sky,” turning to stone isn’t really an upside. Neither is becoming a snake… no offense Obake. What’s your name anyways?”
“It seems you’ve accepted fate pretty quickly. It’s nice to converse with someone in neutral territory instead of fighting for once. Itachi.” He groans out, leaning down lower and outstretching his hand. I take it begrudgingly, taking in his pale skin, and the smallest drop of blood tinting the side of his lip. His name was highlighted ten times over in the bingo book. We could have enough money to retire early and enjoy life, but seeing his current state, maybe it’s best he live the rest of his days in peace.
“I’m Y/N, this is Obake. The big question is, why are you trusting a stranger that could easily turn you in with your current state, Itachi?” I question, turning to him, seeing he too was watching the clouds,” trust is something you learn to look out for. And a fight with someone your level wouldn’t be worth fighting.”
“Someone my level? I’m not a god.” I chuckle, seeing his head tilt in amusement.
“Do you not realize sage mode is a powerful and dangerous thing to other shinobi? You’ve surely heard of the legendary Sannin of the leaf and their capabilities. You’ve obviously heard of Orochimaru at the least.” He utters out, almost baffled.
“Yeah, but gods are only immortal until they are overpowered. It only takes one wrong move to prove it’s been luck the whole time.” I huff. He tightens his lips in thought,” perfecting sage mode is not mere luck. It’s discipline and hard work. A sage is deserving of the title they’re given. The fact you’ve held a clone this long gathering chakra in fear of conflict, without even breaking a sweat or losing breath, proves the immense chakra you hold. A god is considered a god because of the immense power they were gifted.”
“Like I said, it’s all dumb luck. Not everyone can say they accidentally stumbled in to a cave, received a contract, and stuck with the whole insane idea of it. Let alone be born with enough chakra to power a whole village. It’s almost the same probability of becoming a tailed beast.” I reply blatantly, watching the next question form.
“Do you wish for normalcy? Like the life of a civilian?” Itachi fires back. I think for a moment. It would be an easy and quiet life. Maybe work in a bakery, closing down before evening, coming home every night. It sure would be easy. So easy it would be utterly boring. I shake my head,” no. Maybe be an average shinobi. Receiving simple missions that only last a few days. Escorting visitors of the village, or training academy students. Not dealing with high threat level targets such as the likes of you.”
“You really are quite a complex individual, Y/N. I’m almost appreciative our paths crossed.” He chuckles, finally regaining some strength. Surely it was the natural energy flowing through us from my clone and Obake. It was almost as if we sat atop a giant chakra charging pad. But it was almost time to cut the energy off. I tap his chest with my ring and middle finger just above his heart, something my mother would do when I was younger,” almost is a fine line. I’m sure that comes with the unfortunate curse of not being able to become attached to anyone or anything with your line of work.”
“I wouldn’t really call it work. But you’re right… What are you doing?” Itachi asks, reaching for my hand as I quickly pull it away.
My cheeks flush and I clear my throat, “Force of habit. My mom would do it, saying it connected us during heart to heart conversations like this.”
“I had a similar thing I would do to my brother. It was more so an act of love and adoration. I have weeks left at best, Y/N. Consider it a dying wish… a need, to find my brother.” He sighs, examining my wrist he clutched gently in his two hands, eyes trailing to the scarred over fang punctures. One hand rubs over the two deep divets,” you faced the option of death. I’m guessing at such a young age with these aged scars. I’m sure there was one last thing you wanted to do with the possibility of death looming over you, Y/N.”
“I face the possibility of death every breathing moment of my life. So I do what I want with the exception of assigned missions. Being this powerful, it was thankfully rare until recently. Your organization has been quiet as of recently though… It’s almost concerning. But I at least have a few days to rest with Obake. I do have to say, my last thought before being bit was how good some dango would taste. Then again, I was ten. There wasn’t much I’d experienced at that age to crave something one last time.” I yawn, finally removing my clone before continuing,”If it were now, I would’ve wished to love more, to eat more. Maybe make sure my mother was taken care of. But no one in my life is worth traversing the world in my final days.”
“It’s almost comical. Those of us who have nothing, want nothing but for others to feel loved. Those who have everything only want more. If all you wish for is love, why not seek it?” Itachi yawns contently, eyelashes fluttering slowly against the sunshine before revealing deep crimson eyes.
“I figured you’d be too weak to pull the sharingan on me. But I must say, you had me fooled, Itachi. I take it I’m already under a genjutsu, and you’re moments from killing me.” I sigh defeatedly. He shakes his head with a faint smile,” I am still too weak, Y/N. My sharingan may be strong and feared, but even I know not to start a fight I wouldn’t come close to winning. I am near my limit… I was going to offer a short vision of a life of love, as a thank you for our conversation.”
“It’s not worth your energy to show me something I can find on my own.” I smile back, secretly applying pressure against my palm to make sure he wasn’t lying. In turn, he grabs my hands,” I may be perceived as a merciless killer, but I was never a backstabber. Everything I’ve done has come with reason. It’s up to you to believe me.”
I grip against his hands, finally having the courage to stare intently in to his unblinking eyes,” i apologize if this is too forward. Instead of a vision, would you save your energy and just kiss me instead?”
“You are very forward, I can appreciate that… an odd request, but if that is truly what you wish.” He mumbles out, almost shy.
“I don’t want to be the reason you die before finding your brother. And I believe that even those that are dying… good or bad, deserve one last act of love.” I breathe out, noticing his now very close proximity. He tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear,” I truly wish I had time to learn more of your wisdom. In another life, I feel we would’ve been great friends, possibly even more. Alas, our paths have crossed at the wrong time. But I suppose a kiss will suffice, though a vision of us together could’ve been interesting for both parties.”
“Don’t tempt me, I’m trying to be nice here so you can have a family reunion before croaking.” I smugly reply, offering a soft clasp against his shoulder. He leans in, bringing the scent of fresh pine and campfire smoke. The true smell of a rugged nomad. A complex one at that. Today revealed he might not be the bad guy I see in the bingo book, but an unfortunate soul possibly forced to do another’s bidding. Cursed to face the effects of using a gift some god bestowed unto his clan. Gifts were starting to seem more and more like curses that have been sugar coated to me. Even Obake and I realize the struggle. Sure we accepted it, but one day we will do something about the corruption in Ryuchi cave. If not for us, for people similar to Itachi… Itachi himself. Even if it kills us.
My eyes dare to close against my will, denying me the satisfaction of letting the view of Itachi’s eyes fluttering closed. His hair frames against my cheeks as his lips brush smoothly against mine, waiting for the perfect moment. They finally connect, sealing our meeting and ingraining it permanently in my memories. The feeling of his lips pressing against mine causes anger to settle inside me. The poor luck of the worst timing. The stupidity of kissing one of the most wanted men in the nation, and liking it. My eyes remain closed and my head down as he pulls away, leaving a kiss against my forehead. I finally force them open, watching as Itachi leans backwards and raises a hand. My own hand raises, finding the area just above his heart. As my ring and middle finger taps against his chest, his middle and index finger make contact against the center of my forehead,” in another life, I will find you again, Y/N. A promise I will cherish this moment in the afterlife until we meet again.”
“Until we meet again, Itachi. I hope you find your brother… and peace. If I find you, I’ll make sure you have a proper burial. Even those who are misunderstood deserve to rest in peace.”
“Follow the crows. They’ll lead you to your desire.” He states, dropping his hand and melding away to black feathers in the wind dropping from flapping wings. Another thing I dreamed of had flown from my grasp in a heartbeat. And with every heart beat, I was one step closer to meeting the mysterious man in another life.
“Obake, why don’t you return home for the day. I think we’ve had enough training and adrenaline for today.” I mutter, laying on my stomach against his head, seeking comfort in the giant snake and the thing I trusted most.
“Y/N, do you think we’ll meet in another life as well?” He asks, dropping his head slowly to the ground. I giggle slightly,” of course, Obake. Now that I got you, I couldn’t live without you. But you will one day have to live without me. My life span is incredibly short compared to yours, but I’ll happily wait for you.”
“We’ll always be heroes, you and me. Unlike that guy, we still have time on our side. Right, Y/N?” He questions again with a concerned tone. I drop down to the ground and turn to place a hand between the slits of his nose, watching his eyes close in content,” always. We’ll start with small changes. But I promise that we will better Ryuchi cave and the shinobi lands soon. For now, we both need rest.”
He finally nods, disappearing with a cloud of smoke and a tired yawn with his tongue flicking high in the air.
It was a few hours until I returned home. The soft glow from the living room window reveals the sleeping figure of my mother, and I couldn’t wait to be in that state myself. My head hits the pillow, and it was the quickest sleep has claimed me since I was born.
Several days later, I find myself strolling the streets and stopping at multiple vendors. I find food for the next few days, preparing for a daunting mission at the end of the week. A flicker of movement to my left sets me on guard. Scanning the building ledges, I find a single black crow staring at me intently with familiar red eyes. My heart sinks, yet I feel at peace knowing Itachi held his promise. It’s wings take off against the wind and I’m quick to follow, beginning to sprint down the street and dropping my bags at the entrance of my house. Until I reach the treeline, I lose the crow several times, waiting for it to loop back around. Several minutes in the forest, I finally stop to summon Obake.
“Y/N! Is there danger? I thought your mission wasn’t until this weekend?” Obake yelps out, quickly dropping his head and letting me climb on.
“Follow the crow, Obake. It’s Itachi.” I pant out, kneeling down and keeping my eye on the bird floating gracefully ahead. Obake is silent for several moments, quickly slithering with precision through the forest,” so he was serious.”
“And so was I.” I choke out as the tears catch up with my thinking, pouring hotly down my cheeks.
We end at a desecrated battle field. Blood was splattered in multiple areas and rubble lay recklessly around. The crow perches against an old and decrepit stone foundation. It lets out a guttural caw before flapping away as I approach it. Itachi’s body lay still and cold, looking as if he were just resting like the other day.
“Obake, let’s take him to the forest. No one deserves to be left in deserted land. He deserves to be surrounded with life.” I mumble out, trying to lift him with a struggle. Obake finally comes close, using his tail to gently wrap around Itachi and setting him gently above his face. We both continue in in silence. My puffy eyes dart to his body every few seconds, hoping to find any sign of life and still knowing it wouldn’t be there. When we reach a clearing surrounded by a perfect circle of trees, I tap my hand against Obake,” What about here?”
“I think it’s perfect.” He replies, once again dropping down and lifting his tail to grab Itachis still form. Before i begin the daunting task, i take a moment to extend my to fingers to drop over his still heart, taking several seconds before pulling away. Digging a hole was hard knowing you would have an even harder time filling it. But it’s exactly what I do, pulling the excess dirt at the end to set a large stone down with Obake’s help. My kunai scratches against it noisily, carving words that hold meaning.
In another life. A trial of time stands between being reunited. A brother, a shinobi, a hero.
Anyone who happens to wander by, didn’t need to know he was ever seen as bad. Everyone deserves to be viewed as a hero, even if it is in death. I finally drive my kunai down in to the very top of the stone and stalk off to pick flowers at the edge of the clearing. When I return, Obake was coiled up and a fang missing from his mouth and now placed below the stone. As I arrange the flowers in a blanket like pattern, I laugh,” why did you suffer the pain of losing a tooth for a man we just met?”
“Same as you suffering the pain of a broken heart for a man we just met. I think we need to feel pain to heal, right? And now, there will always be a piece of us by his side.” Obake chirps out, resting his head against his curled body. I stifle another laugh, knowing the young snake knew very little of human emotion, yet tried so hard to understand.
“It’s a different kind of pain. It’s like the feeling of being drained after a hard fight knowing you still have to somehow make it home.” I explain, standing to make my way to the green serpent. I lay in the center if his tight circular form, relaxing as his body wraps protectively inwards.
“When you put it that way, then I suppose the only way to heal internal pain is rest.” He says, closing his eyes and flicking his tail to finish wrapping around me.
“I suppose you’re right.” I trail off in to a yawn before continuing,” if your other fang happen to fall out in the near future, can we make one in to a sword?”
Obake laughs in reply,” of course. But for now, we shall rest.”
And rest we shall, knowing Itachi was at peace, and somewhere waiting to uphold his promise. I made a personal promise to myself in that moment to make sure Itachi would never be forgotten, he was out there and prepared to watch us make the world a better place… starting with Ryuchi cave. It was useless to count how many heart beats it took until we finally meet again, but I would make the most of every beat, and every second it took… until we meet again.
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 4 months
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an alignment chart meme for my fic!
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drama-glob · 3 months
Incorrect BH6 Quotes
(Fred finds himself hanging above a deathtrap created by Baron von Steamer, slowly being lowered into it with no sign of his friends)
Fred (In a panic looks around for salvation and yells): I can't go! I'm too young to die and too old to eat off the kids menu! What a stupid age I am!
(Obake gives Momakase, Noodle Burger Boy and Globby a new mission)
Globby (Puts hand on top of Momakase): Woo! Go team!
Noodle Burger Boy (Cheers and joins in): Yeah! Go team!
Momakase (Rolls eyes and groans before pulling her hand away, then looks at it and shouts): Hey! He stole my ring!
Globby (Drops ring back in her palm): Sorry.
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ugetelynx · 7 months
I literally have no clue how to content warn Tushima’s lore cause there’s a LOT 😭 so I’m only going to go until he joins the government and i’ll work on another post going further in depth of his adulthood if I feel like it
The main content warnings (i think i’ve been working on this for like three days); death, death via suicide, abuse, kidnapping, experimentation, fires, murder, etc
• Tushima is the youngest of the Vivain brothers, his older brothers being Xander and Obake Vivain. He was raised as a girl (he’s trans) but other than that life started out okay
• When he was really young he lost his mother to suicide due to unseen mental health problems. Tushima is a spitting imagine of her (will be important) however he was too young at the time to really remember unlike his brothers so her death didn’t affect him the way it did the rest of his family (as he hadn’t had a grasp on death yet but oh boy will he soon)
• His father starts gathering resentment for his kids and neglecting them in all sorts of ways out of his grief for losing the wife he loved with all his heart; however he always treated Tushima with love and care due to be a spitting image of his late wife and would never hurt him cause if it
• As Tushima grew older he started transitioning, and he became a lot more aware of his father’s abusive behavior towards his older brothers. He always puts himself between him and his father if he was about to hit Xander or Obake; using the fact that their father would never hurt him to protect his brothers
• Their father soon remarried a woman who had fallen on hard times and they were basically just using each other; Obake and Xander never liked her, Tushima does cause she’s nice and never really knew his mother.
• His stepmom soon became pregnant with Jean-Eve, Tushima’s little half sister, and divorced his father not wanting her child to grow up around him
• Tushima falls into a gang at some point during high school due to meeting Inadv, one of his love interests. Tushima also becomes incredibly close friends with the rest of the gang; Ivy and Sage (twins), Fiora, Silas, Naomi, and Pearl
• Here’s where things start going downhill—fast
• Tushima was fwb with Inadv for a good while before meeting Elyta and getting together with her, cutting off the fwb deal with Inadv; however Inadv caught feelings (though he knows his boundaries and is happy for him)
• Tushima, age 18, gets accepted into a prestigious college that he never wanted to go too but he qualified and his brothers made fill out an application. Obake’s best friend, Molotov, also got accepted so he and Tushima arrived at college together
• Night one he and Molotov are kidnapped in the night and wake up in cages. Tushima recognizes a ton of other students from when he and Molotov first walked into the building to get their room keys
• Tushima’s attention is brought to the “scientist” unlocking his cage, before he knows it he’s getting grabbed and forced somewhere, he can hear Molotov’s faint yells getting further and further away
• The “scientists” strap Tushima down onto a bed as Tushima frantically tries to free himself; only to get muzzled and have his entire body forced still as the headmaster he always saw on the news comes out of the shadows with a syringe full of a weird green liquid, Tushima screams in agony as he gets injected with it (he has lifelong trauma with needles after this)
• They toss him back in the cage and he’s already feeling violently ill; that’s when he notices his body changing. His skin turns to black scales that rip his clothing, his teeth turn into fangs, nails into claws, and tentacles growing out of his back. He coughs up a green liquid before hearing a pleased voice behind him, without having any control over his body he’s slashing at the person through the bars; just slightly out of reach.
• Apparently he’s “perfect” and “just what they’re looking for”
• Since then his “college studies” were normal during the day but at night he was always forced into fighting and killing other students; “failed text subjects” as they called them, made Tushima feel sick. They all had one thing in common, they were horrifically disfigured to the point you’d think they were something out of those zombie movies
• He hated killing them, he always felt so fucking guilty and sick afterwards, but every time he refused he was given a liquid that stopped him from going into his “other form” or whatever you wish to call it to protect himself as the scales are impenetrable. Whenever this happened he’d get abused and beaten so badly it looks like a fucking murder scene, which it probably would have been if it were anyone other than him.
• After “graduating” Tushima and Molotov came home so much different than before. Tushima had always been closed off and quiet; but now he simply looked and sounded dead. Like he was a robot or ghost
• A couple months later he and the gang + Elyta run into Kiara and her colleagues; a rival “gang” if you will. Tushima knew from the glint in her eyes that there was something she was interested in; and Inadv had it. She and Inadv come to a deal that if he and the gang leave she won’t touch them, but as soon as his back is turned, a sharp spike goes straight through his stomach. Kiara kneels down next to him and takes a vial of that green liquid Tushima had been injected with before turning and leaving.
• Breaking out of his shock he rushes over to Inadv and collapses, frantically trying to stop the bleeding, screaming and begging for Inadv to keep his eyes open.
• Nothing works and Tushima and the rest of the gang are in tears, Tushima realizing he’d fallen for Inadv like Inadv fell for him, but it was far too late and Inadv died there in his arms (he fell too fast and he fell too late)
• a while after Inadv’s death, Tushima is contacted by a man named “Disappear” who had apparently formulated a plan to get back at the college that ruined both their lives. Intrigued, Tushima and his friends show up at the meeting spot. There Disappear, a man in his mid-late 30s, explains he was a victim of the college’s experiments and when he’d heard of Tushima and his ability and blood’s unique reaction to the injection he needed to get in contact with him. (Oh and Disappear also has a husband named Flawless who just looked like he was happy to be there)
• A week before the mission was set to take place (all sorts of people were involved including Tushima’s brothers), Tushima is smoking on a rooftop when someone comes up behind him. That someone is Kiara fucking Hayes. The girl who murdered Inadv
• He’s instantly on guard but she raises her hands to show she doesn’t mean any harm and sits down next to him, pulling out her own cigarettes. That’s when she and him start to have a one-on-one, both of them getting progressively more relaxed with each other.
• “Sorry about Inadv.” “Sorry for judging a book by it’s cover.” “Pff.. you’re a dork.” “Hey!”
• Kiara explains that she wants to help Tushima, to make up for what happened awhile back is what she explained but Tushima was sure there was more to it
• During the mission, after having evacuated everyone and rescuing the ones being experimented on, Kiara and Tushima are left 2 vs 1 with the headmaster who, for an old dude, is a lot more challenging to take on than he looks. And the fact the building’s on fire and burning down doesn’t help in the slightest
• He manages to knock Tushima so hard into a wall he cracks his head open and falls to the ground. The headmaster goes to kill him but as soon as he strikes at Tushima, Kiara jumps in the way and takes a sword straight through her arm (leaving her with permanent nerve damage afterwards)
• Tushima manages to force himself back into consciousness but the second he sees Kiara on the ground, holding her bleeding arm with the headmaster standing above her, he snaps and instantly “shifts” (literally have no clue how to describe him going into his corrupted form) into his corrupted form, losing all sense of control and tackling the headmaster to the ground before he could react and sinking his teeth into his neck until the body stopped moving
• Changing back he hurries over to Kiara and helps her up and over to the window Disappear was at
• “You okay?” “Yeah, just a flesh wound” “You’re bleeding way too much. we need to get you medical attention” “Vivain, I am fine”
• The sounds footsteps are hurrying toward where Tushima, Kiara, and Disappear are. Kiara urges Tushima to come with them but he tells Disappear to get Kiara and the others out of there and he’ll stall time for them, and Kiara is very much not happy about it
• “You guys go on ahead, I’ll give you time while they arrest me.” “Vivain what the fuck are you thinking?! Come on lets go, the building’s coming down!” “Hayes—Kiara. I’ll be fine, get out of here.”
• Disappear, quite literally dragging Kiara away, makes their escape with the others while Tushima is left behind when a flurry of government agents storm the building and aim guns at him. Putting his hands up, and behind his head, he gets on his knees as the agents all check the scene around them. Then—to Tushima’s surprise—the leader grabs him by the arm and hauls him up. Informing him that the government could use his ability to their advantage, and it would pay handsomely, and Tushima is initially very reluctant at the idea until the government brings his family into it—giving him no choice but to accept the “deal” of working for them.
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drkineildwicks · 2 months
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Okay I promise I'll do a more serious piece tomorrow but I had to get the memes out of my system first
Anywho if you haven't read Other Worlds Than These yet by @lesbian-honey-lemon get over there I am forever a sucker for Obake fics and this month I have been Spoiled. <3
Anyway in the fic Hiro is thrilled to death because Beck is like him but Taller in his eyes and according to Beck Hiro must be Protected At All Costs. Granted in the fic he didn't take a crowbar to Yokai's head but the vibe was still there. XD
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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starboy-16 · 6 months
hey tumblr what’s up. i’m a late twitter refugee bc things were getting too toxic and also fuck you elon musk. soo anyway about me: i study robotics at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, i love the bands Starset and iDKHOW, and i love science. except biology, the flesh confuses me
probably cis, ace and grey-aromantic, maybe a little gay? it’s complicated
anyhow I’m obsessed with programming, robotics, and hacking and i am so excited for my first year at SFIT! i hope its gonna go awesomely!
[OOC]: Hi! this is @lesbian-honey-lemon back on her bullshit again. Sooo I wanted to make young Obake’s tumblr blog for fanfic reference reasons, but also I was like ‘having an rp sideblog would be fun bc all the BH6 rp blogs are dead’. So here I am, RPing as pre-accident Obake. Have fun and be nice to the poor guy (or torment him, I like both)
Asks are very welcome, as well as reblogging/replying to posts. Treat all art I post on this account as an IRL pic in the context of the RP, not as art. This blog is OC friendly, honestly, you can do whatever you want on this blog but no minor/adult shipping.
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satoshi-mochida · 2 months
Inti Creates announces puzzle game PuzzMiX for PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC
From Gematsu
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Inti Creates has announced PuzzMix, a new puzzle game coming to Switch on April 5, PC via Steam on April 19, and PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on April 26. It will be priced at $3.99.
Get the details below.
■ About
Inti Creates has announced PuzzMiX, a new puzzle game available for download tomorrow, April 5. To celebrate the launch, PuzzMiX will be available for 10 percent off until April 18. In PuzzMiX, players will control falling “Lola Pods” to merge pairs into increasingly larger types. As the Lola Pods get bigger and bigger, the player will earn bigger scores as the chaos becomes even harder to control. Online leaderboards are included to show off the best Lola MiXers around the world. When players earn a certain amount of score, they’ll unlock a new song from Lola herself to listen to during the game. 19 vocal tracks are included in addition to one instrumental background music. This deviously simple puzzle game filled with upbeat melodies, PuzzMiX, will be available on Nintendo Switch on April 5 at 12:00 a.m. PT / 3:00 a.m. ET via the Nintendo Switch eShop. PuzzMiX is also planned for release on PC (Steam) on April 19, and PlayStation 4 and 5 on April 26. The price is $3.99 on all platforms. Play this exhilarating puzzle game to the beat of Lola’s songs!
■ Characters
Lola (voiced by Obake Pam in English, Mayu Mineda in Japanese)
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A virtual idol known as “The Muse of Hope.” Lola is an ever-so-willful, boyish young girl. Unbeknownst to others, her true form is a collection of small “battle pods” that transform. She began her virtual idol career with music videos, but lately she has begun branching out to other content.
■ Game Rules
The basic rules are simple! As Lola Pods fall from above, match them with pods of the same type. Matching Lola Pods will combine and rank up to form a bigger pod. Keep making bigger Pods without crossing the line at the top!
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■ Lola Pod Growth Chart
It’s rumored that Lola can get even bigger than this… You’ll just have to see for yourself!
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■ Collect Songs
Grow your Lolas and get a score over 1600 to get a new Lola song! You can swap songs at any time to any you’ve unlocked. Jam to your favorite tunes as you puzzle it out!
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■ 20 Songs Included
Looping versions of 18 different Lola songs from the Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX series, plus an all-new song “Sparkling Elation,” are included! “Sword of Destiny” from Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX is also included as background music!
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The full song list is as follows:
“Beyond Probability”
“Chronicle Of Our Lives”
“Command Prompt”
“Countdown: 3-2-1-0”
“Curiosity = Possibility!”
“Inner Alarm”
“Kindled Spirits”
“Love’s Sanctuary”
“Luminous Promise”
“Original Chord”
“Raison D’etre”
“Ready To Go!”
“Resonating Hearts”
“Sparkling Elation ♪”
“Sword of Destiny”
“The New World”
“Wordplay Magic”
“You’re Not Alone”
■ Online Leaderboards
PuzzMiX also features online leaderboards. Compete for the best score in the world!
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■ Product Information
Title: PuzzMiX
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, PC (Steam)
Genre: Puzzle
Rating: ESRB: E
Players: One
Release Dates:
Switch: April 5, 2024
PC (Steam): April 19, 2024
PlayStation 5: April 26, 2024
PlayStation 4: April 26, 2024
Price: $3.99
Official Website: English / Japanese
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Watch the launch trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Launch Trailer
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