#young jedi knights: shadow academy
magnetarbeam · 3 months
Invariably, when I hear "quantum armor," I want to throw myself headlong into Yavin's depths to be crushed into a tiny ball.
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textsfromthepraxeum · 2 years
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from-a-legends-pov · 6 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week - Cardplayer, Gambler, Scoundrel, Businessman
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Lando’s not a system, he’s a man…a businessman. Which of these Lando Calrissian business ventures from Star Wars Legends is your favorite?
Nomad City, a walking mining platform on Nkllon built from a repurposed Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser and 40 captured AT-ATs, which would constantly move to keep the mining facility on the night side of the extremely hot planet (Heir to the Empire)
Dometown, a kilometer-wide development of homes and other living areas in Coruscant’s lower levels, built in the hopes of luring people away from the crowded upper city and later used as a meeting area for the New Republic Defense Force (Ambush at Corellia)
The Calrissian-Nunb Mines, Lando’s attempt to take over the Spice Mines of Kessel (a notoriously dangerous mining operation once used by the Empire to enslave people) and turn it into a legitimate operation, in partnership with his wife Tendra Risant and his friend Nien Nunb (Fate of the Jedi: Outcast)
Hologram Fun World, an amusement park in a helium gas cloud near the Zabian system, which made use of holograms to simulate exotic locations or exciting situations. Attractions included the Anywhere Room, Nightmare Machine, Joy Domes, and the Enchanted Lagoon; Han Solo and Leia Organa once planned on getting married there (Queen of the Empire)
GemDiver Station, a space station that orbited as closely as possible to the planet Yavin to mine precious Corusca gems in the planet’s lower atmosphere (Young Jedi Knights: The Shadow Academy)
Tendrando Arms, a company founded with his wife Tendra Risant, which made Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One (YVH-1) battle droids to help fight the Yuuzhan Vong. Versions of the YVH-1 droids were used to create Lando’s personal bodyguard droid as well as Nanna, a droid who looked after the Organa-Solo children and later Ben Skywalker (The New Jedi Order: Star by Star)
Hungry for more Star Wars Legends content? Follow @from-a-legends-pov and check out our upcoming Star Wars Legends fanfiction event, From a Legends Point of View, HERE. Signups open April 28 — just a month away!
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fcalty · 5 months
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
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accepting !
being the son of a politician meant nannies, home schooling, academic progammes and a lot of poltical social functions. tanyn barely spent time with other children outside of his siblings besides the controlled meetings with other politician's children. he was a very active child with a lot of energy and a short attention span. he spoke and moved fast, tiring out his parents and nannies. his reckless behaviour turned his polite, obedient siblings against him because they were desperate to gain favor from their parents.
when tanyn was sent away to the jedi academy because of his abilities, he shadowed the older children because he was used to being around adults. he made a few friends at the academy with children who could keep up with him and stand his endless chattering and question. but his knack for trouble and rambling made him unpopular. persistent as the day he was born, he clung to the older students that tolerated him until they accepted him as one of their own. his other friends abandoned him because of his friendship with the school delinquents.
in tanyn's 14th year, the temple broke into conflict. he took up arms with his friends and left the burning school behind. the end of his childhood was the beginning of his life as a knight of ren. the other warriors became his family and all thoughts of friendship and normal life were left behind in the ashes.
because tanyn never had a real childhood, never really grew up. he still has the playful attitude and curiousness of a child. it is an ironic twist compared to his lethal skills as a knight. he still tries to make friends with young officers inside the first order but he always ends up scaring them off. is it the annoying rambling? graphic descriptions of violence? the terrifying mask and wraith-like clothes? who knows...
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rai-knightshade-art · 2 years
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Anakin Skywalker: Are you an angel?
Padmé Naberrie: What?
Anakin: An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Iego, I think. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe.
Padmé: You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?
Anakin: I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here. I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm going to fly away from this place.
-Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
(artist thoughts under the cut, image ID in alt text)
So I was rereading one of the final scenes from Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege a while back, specifically one of the last chapters of the book, which goes like this:
The Praxeum students have defeated the Second Imperium's Dark Jedi, Brakiss is gone with the destruction of the Shadow Academy, and everyone's returning to the Temple to regroup, get medical attention, etc etc. Zekk, formerly Brakiss's Darkest Knight, has been having a bit of a crisis as he's watched all his Dark Jedi fall, felt the death of Brakiss (explicitly a sort of father figure to him), and saw his guardian Peckhum's ship apparently crash into the jungles of Yavin IV. He's questioning his actions, his decisions, his entire being, spiralling as he realizes just how little control he has over his own life, until he finally makes the decision that there's at least one thing he can control. He ends up in front of the Jedi Temple, confronting Jaina, Luke and the other trainees, brandishing his lightsaber and refusing anyone entry. He and Jaina have a verbal battle of wills as she encourages him to embrace the light instead of the dark, appealing to their friendship, "I know there's still good in you, it's not too late to turn back to the light!" Eventually they cross blades, even, until Jaina turns hers off and throws it away in a classic Skywalker maneuver, refusing to fight Zekk; he continues to argue and inch his blade toward Jaina even as he appears conflicted, until they're interrupted when Peckhum's ship, clearly damaged but still flying and containing a very-much-still-alive Peckhum (Zekk's other father figure), which finally snaps him out of it.
Then the Temple blows up from the inside, and we finally get the reveal of what Zekk was actually doing as everyone runs for cover from the falling debris: stalling for time so that there would be no one in the Temple when it blew (a pre-planned act by the Second Imperium), therefore saving everyone. Zekk himself gets hit in the head with some debris after pushing Jaina back and out of the way, and falls to the ground unconscious as Jaina can only look on.
This is where the original chapter ended, and the next chapter time skips to after the chaos of the explosion, when everyone's getting medical attention and the lower levels of the Temple have been decreed safe to enter. I found this to be a bit of a let down though, I had remembered there being more tension, more emotion from these scenes, especially between Jaina and Zekk. And so, enter this comic, a sort of filler scene: after the debris has stopped crashing down around them but before most of the others have gotten their wits back about them, Jaina runs to where Zekk lies unconscious, heedless of any further danger, only concerned about her beloved friend's safety. And because i love it best when star wars rhymes with itself, they unknowingly recreate a moment from decades past, between another lost boy, and another brown-haired girl determined to change the world.
This comic was originally a little sketch along the side of Jaina and Zekk's character page, which you can see here. But even as i drew it there i knew i wanted to see it in full color with the lighting effects i had imagined in my head. And so, here we are!
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burnnouts · 6 months
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Quick Bio: Padmé Amidala is a senator who represented the people of Naboo during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Prior to her career in the Senate, she was the elected Queen of Naboo, having run her first campaign at only fourteen years old. Padmé's two terms as queen were so successful that the people of Naboo campaigned for her to have an unprecedented third term, but she declined and was assigned as a senator by the newly elected queen instead. During her time in politics, Padmé often worked closely with the Jedi Knights, eventually falling in love with one, Anakin Skywalker, and marrying him in secret. Anakin, having a dream that she died in childbirth, fell to the dark side to protect her, and became Darth Vader, and their children--Luke and Leia--were hidden across the galaxy for their protection.
Note: Padmé is a canon character from the Star Wars universe. I pull mainly from the prequel films for her characterization, though I am in the process of reading the 2020 novel, Queen's Shadow. I have not seen the Clone Wars show (yet).
Extended bio under cut:
TWs: pregnancy, death in child birth, (fictional) politics
A human born on the planet of Naboo, Padmé was a precocious child who spent every day baking and often traveled with her father on relief missions to offer aid on suffering, nearby planets. When she was seven, she helped a planet relocate after ecological disaster, but when the plan failed, and the people were unable to adapt to their new world, Padmé was devastated and vowed that she would try 10,000 times in order to save just one person.
Although her family came from modest origins, Padmé showed great promise (and motivation) from a very early age, devoting herself to public serve, and, at just eight years old, became a junior senatorial adviser. She attended the Theed Royal Academy to study politics and joined the Legislative Youth Program at 12. Two years later, she began her campaign to become the next Queen of Naboo, running on the stance that Naboo should break its policy of isolationism and make allies with other planets in their sector. Because she was known simply as Queen Amidala, her first name unknown to most, she began to switch between the persona of Queen Amidala--dressed in elaborate makeup and gowns--and Padmé, a handmaiden who could move among the common people unnoticed. When she went out as "Padmé," one of her own handmaidens would stand in as queen.
During her time as queen, the Trade Federation threatened Amidala and her planet and asked her to sign a treaty that would would give them full control of Naboo and legitimize their invasion. She, of course, refused, causing the federation to blockade the planet and prevent shipments from reaching the surface. With her people quickly running out of food, Amidala gathered defenses and sought aid from the Jedi Knights. When the Federation sent in an invasion of battle droids, Amidala was captured but was, thankfully, rescued by Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. As they made their way back to Naboo, the ship malfunctioned, and they were forced to land on the planet of Tatooine, where Padmé went undercover as a handmaiden, learning about the planet, working with the Jedi, and met a young slave boy, Anakin Skywalker who helped them get the parts they needed to leave.
In order to save her planet, Padme went to the Senate and moved for a Vote of No Confidence in the leadership of the current Chancellor, helping to put into power Palpatine instead, the man who would later betray her and all of the galaxy.
Back on her own planet, she and the Jedi Knights fought off the Trade Federation by making an allyship with the other species of Naboo: the Gungangs. Together, they were able to defeat the Federation and take back control of Naboo. Afterward, Padmé led the planets rebuilding and recovery efforts. After the invasion, the planet was divided on tactics to prevent another hostile takeover, with Padmé ultimately deciding to add an ion pulse canon to the surface of the planet, much to the displeasure of her own parents.
Amidala served two terms as queen, and by the conclusion of her second term, the Naboo had grown so fond of Amidala that a faction tried to amend the constitution to allow her another term. However, Amidala declined this and stepped aside for her elected successor. Not long after her coronation, the new queen asked Amidala to serve as the representative for Naboo and the other worlds in the Galactic Senate. As one of her first goals as Senator, she sent advisors back to Tatooine to look into ending slavery there, though this was outside of the Senate's control.
Ten years after the Invasion of Naboo, a Separatist Alliance broke out in the Galaxy, with several planetary systems deciding to break off from the Senate. This led to a vote for the Senate to build their own army, which Padmé strongly resisted. Soon regarded as the leader of the opposition to the Military Creation Act, Padmé's life again was threatened, as one of her ships was bombed, and her most loyal handmaiden was murdered, the assassin believing the woman to be Padmé herself. The Jedi Council assigned Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padawan Anakin Skywalker to protect Amidala and investigate the incident, though Amidala objected to the added security. When the assassination attempts continued, however, Padmé was convinced to leave the capital planet of Couruscant and return to her home planet of Naboo with Skywalker as her companion and guard.
Though she initially resisted his advances, Padmé found herself falling in love with Anakin. When he dreamed of his mother's kidnapping, she left her hiding place on Naboo to accompany him in saving the woman, but they were too late. Before they could return into hiding, news came that Anakin's master, Obi-Wan was also in danger, so he and Padmé left to rescue him too and were captured in the process. Two hundred Jedi arrived to aid them, but a battle broke out that had them cornered and overwhelmed. At that point, the newly made Grand Army of the Republic--created from clones--arrived and saved them all. And so, the army Padmé had fought against was created anyway and used to save her.
After, she secretly married Anakin Skywalker. They spent several years seeing each other in secret while both continuing their work in the Senate and Jedi Order respectively. When Padmé became pregnant, however, it was much harder to keep their secret, and Anakin's continuous nightmares of her death in childbirth put a strain on their future. Anakin began studying the dark side, looking for a way to save her, but in the process, pulled away from Padmé, leaving her stunned when he finally turned on the Jedi entirely and went to the dark side.
Verse Dependent: In canon, Padmé dies in childbirth and her children, Luke and Leia, are raised on separate planets for their own protection. Padmé's default verse will be before this point, but for characters in the later era of the Star Wars timeline, I write Padmé as living and helping to lead the resistance against the Empire formed by Palpatine and her husband.
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clairetalon · 1 year
Masterpost for active stories
So, I figured I’d create this pinned post in case you’re interested in finding and reading anything I write. I’ll try to list all the current stories that get regular new chapters and where to find them, plus update it when I produce other stuff. Pretty much all of them are drama stories (either fantasy or sci-fi) with action/adventure and F/F romantic elements. You can click the titles to get to the story links
(Posted on: My AO3 account. When: Roughly once a week for each)
The Moths Who Chased Fate Fandom: Honkai Impact 3rd Main characters: Kallen Kaslana, Yae Sakura + most Thirteen Flame-Chasers and CE characters + a couple of HSR and Genshin ones Summary: An alternative world where PE Sakura and Kallen try to forcibly alter their fate, to escape the cycle of humanity’s doom by going into another reality. (sequel to Of Moths And Roses) Dragonblood Fandom: Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Main characters: Yarun Svalen (Female Nord/Redguard Dovahkiin), Serana, Tarinwe Kaereah'eylin Ayrennith (Female Altmer OC) Summary: My canon-divergent version of Skyrim’s storyline, with the former legionnaire, Yarun, as the Dovahkiin and her entering the political powder keg that is Skyrim in the Fourth Era, where Serana is the only one she can trust A Realm Sundered Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Main characters: Joltin Dazkar (Female Au ra Warrior of Light), Y'shtola Rhul, Lyse Hext, Kjat Sja-naris (Trans-female Viera OC), Jhera Rakkan (Female Miqo'te OC), Fordola Hext Summary: A split story of my heavily canon-divergent version of FFXIV’s plot. Follows the journey and creation of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn on one side, and the imperial Battalion Subzero performing spec ops missions against Eorzea on the other. Dawn of the Damned Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic Main characters:  Zal'riva Vivees (Female Twi'lek Sith Warrior), Valcera Nih'etat (Female Mirialan Sith Inquisitor), Ktila (Female Chiss Jedi Knight) Summary: More canon-divergence, this time in a revised version of the original SWTOR plot, but with fewer paths, different masters, different companions and intermingled with characters from previously separate stories. Follows the two former slaves Zal’riva and Valcera on their dissimilar journeys as Sith, plus the Jedi Ktila who finds her fate cursed by the most dangerous Force entity in the galaxy.
Original fiction
(the full epub and Kindle versions with cover images etc get posted later on to Amazon and other digital book stores, seen on my linktree)
A Eulogy to Ahjula: First Verse Posted on: My Wattpad account When: Roughly once a week Main characters: Eyren Katlattar, Nivra, Malkiz, Hiekari Izoru nå Kevalen, Imtoryat Kohja namek Zawósk, Easfan, Soraya Summary: A once flourishing continent was devastated by a sudden darkness that fell from the sky, known as the Shadow Herd, which shattered the Ahterilion Empire that ruled the land. Here in the aftermath, where lords fight over remnant power and monsters roam forbidden areas, a young former knight named Eyren is providing her services to those who cannot fight for themselves. What she doesn’t expect is that Fate is watching her stride and her journey is about to take a monumental turn. By the Unshackled Flame Posted on: My Wattpad account When: Roughly every 2-3 weeks Main characters: Eireki, Miva’yon Summary: The story of the witch Miva’yon and her necromantically resurrected companion, the former holy knight Eireki, as Miva’yon tries to travel a land filled with depraved necromancers, strict mage academies and zealous churches, in her journey to find the freedom from a world which rejects her
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countzeroor · 2 years
Legends of the Force Episode 43: Young Jedi Knights - Jedi Sunrise
Legends of the Force Episode 43: Young Jedi Knights – Jedi Sunrise
We return to Young Jedi Knights, where the Shadow Academy Arc is coming to a head. (more…)
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thisiseditsandstuff · 2 years
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And Jaina knew that her training had just come to an end, because Boba Fett would not risk her-the tool of his vengeance against his daughter's killer-in a battle he could not win. As soon as they passed a hangar with a serviceable starfighter still inside, he would cut Jaina loose and tell her to go hunt down her twin brother. 
— Jaina & Jacen edit ( 1 / ? )
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atamascolily · 3 years
Say whatever else you will about Brakiss, he knows how to make a dramatic entrance:
On the other side stood a young-looking man dressed in flowing silvery robes. His smooth skin and silken blond hair seemed to glow. He was one of the most beautiful humans Jacen had ever seen-perfectly formed, like a holo simulation of an ideal man, or a sculptor’s masterpiece chiseled out of alabaster.
Quoth literally everyone encountering Brakiss, ever: Oh, shit, he’s hot. 
I’d forgotten Brakiss was blond, which makes the Luke parallels EVEN MORE OBVIOUS AAAAAAA. I always imagine him in my head as Space Edwards Scissorhands, but Tamith Kai is the goth one of the Shadow Academy’s Evil Power Duo with her violet eyes, pale skin, and dark hair and jumpsuits. 
(does this mean that Tamith Kai is the Mara analogue here or am I reading too much into this)
“Welcome, new recruits,” he said in a gentle voice that carried undertones of music. “I am Brakiss, leader of the Shadow Academy.”
Obviously, Brakiss has leveled up on his charisma since The New Rebellion, lol.
 “Brakiss?” he said. “Blaster bolts! We’ve heard about you. You were an Imperial spy planted at Master Skywalker’s academy, trying to steal our training methods.”
Brakiss smiled as if inwardly amused.
“That’s right,” Jaina continued excitedly. “Master Skywalker figured out who you were, but when he tried to turn you to the light side-to save you-you couldn’t face the ugliness inside yourself.”
Brakiss’s smile never faltered. “Ah, so that’s how he tells it? Master Skywalker and I did not agree on the … particulars of training in the Force. But he had at least one good idea: He was correct to bring back the Jedi Knights. He realized that the Jedi were the preservers and protectors of the Old Republic. They unified the decaying old government and kept it alive long after it should have dissolved into anarchy.
“And now that there is anarchy among the remnants of the Imperial forces, we need such a unifying force. We have already found a powerful new leader, a great one”-Brakiss smiled-“but we also need our own group of Dark Jedi Knights, Imperial Jedi, who will cement our factions together and give us the will to defeat the wicked and unlawful government of the New Republic and bring about the Second Imperium.”
OH MY GOD, HE COMES OUT AND SAYS IT. I cannot believe I’d forgotten this!!
I don’t know why Brakiss is so gung-ho about kidnapping Luke’s students, except for the “fuck you” value. It is an objectively stupid plan since they’re too old to indoctrinate effectively, and he had a much easier time with Zekk, who was angry about not being a Main Character.
“This is not a school of darkness. I call this a Shadow Academy, for what does life create by its very nature, if not shadows? And it is only through using the full range of your emotions and desires-the light and the dark-that you will become truly strong in the Force and fulfill your destiny. The light side by itself offers only limited power. But when the light is blended with the dark, and you work within the shadows, then you achieve your full potential. Use the strength of the dark side.”
Is this Grey Jedi discourse before Grey Jedi were a thing? No, it’s the Shadow Academy, because it’s a shadow of Luke’s academy, with Brakiss mimicking Luke’s pedagogy in almost every way possible. But is it really a Legends novel if the Solo twins haven’t been kidnapped?
You can tell Brakiss is super-edgy because he spends his time contemplating  destruction on a galactic scale:
Now, as he pondered, he stared at the brilliant images surrounding him on the walls: a waterfall of scarlet lava on the molten planet Nkllon; an exploding sun that spewed arcs of stellar fire in the Denarii Nova; the still-blazing core of the Cauldron Nebula, where seven giant stars had all gone supernova at once; and a vista of the broken shards of Alderaan, destroyed by the Empire’s first Death Star more than twenty years before.
Brakiss recognized great beauty in the violence of the universe, in the unbridled power provided by the galaxy or unleashed by human ingenuity.
Ready for some more pathos?
Brakiss drummed his fingertips on the slick surface of his desk. Occasionally, he felt twinges of sadness for having left the Yavin 4 training center. He had learned much there, though his own mission for the Empire was always uppermost in his mind.
Your daily reminder the Empire is a piece of shit:
The entire Shadow Academy was filled with self-destructive devices: hundreds, if not thousands, of chain-reaction explosives. If Brakiss did not succeed in creating his troop of Dark Jedi, or if the new trainees somehow staged a revolt against the Second Imperium, the Imperial leader would trigger the stations self-destruct sequences. Brakiss and all the Dark Jedi would be destroyed in a flash.
A hostage to darkness, Brakiss was never allowed to leave the Shadow Academy. By order of the great leader, he would remain there, confined, until he and all his trainees had proven themselves.Brakiss found that sitting on a huge bomb made it difficult to concentrate.
Chekhov’s gun? Chekhov’s SPACE STATION, am I right? But also: Brakiss is still effectively a prisoner of the Empire himself, determined to inflict his own trauma on the next generation and also to get back at Luke Skywalker for forcing him to face it.
Also, let’s just contrast this with the New Republic’s extremely laissez-faire approach to the New Jedi Order during the Bantam era, shall we?
It’s really interesting to re-read Shadow Academy  after Red Harvest, not only because of the YA vs. adult fiction shift, but because Red Harvest is what an actual Sith Academy would look like, rather than the Shadow Academy’s playacting. The Shadow Academy is composed primarily of lies and illusions, the Sith Academy is violent and cutthroat and deadly.
“You young Jedi Knights continue to impress me. Master Skywalker must be doing a good job selecting his candidates.”
“Better candidates than you’ll ever get,” Jaina said, finding the strength to defy him despite her injuries.
“Indeed,” Brakiss agreed. “That’s why we decided to take some of those that he has already selected. You three were only the first we obtained from the Jedi academy. You’ve shown such potential that we are now ready to kidnap another group from Yavin 4. From there, we’ll have all the Jedi students we could possibly use.”
But then Luke shows up so we get a dramatic reunion sequence with deliberate parallels to A New Hope: 
When the red door slid open ahead of him, Luke Skywalker stood transfixed. He stared at the sculpture-handsome face of his former student.
“Brakiss!” he whispered in a voice that carried across the docking bay, even above the chaos of shrieking alarms.
Brakiss stood where he was with a faint smile. “Ah, Master Skywalker. So good of you to come. I thought I sensed you here on my station. Are you impressed at how well I have done for myself?”
Fortunately, Luke deliberately refrains from pulling an Obi-wan and escapes with the others instead of confronting his wayward ex-student, so the final confrontation is dodged. But just in case you were wondering where Luke stood on the matter:
Luke Skywalker’s gaze did not waver. “No one is completely evil. Or completely good.” He flashed a rueful smile. “At least nobody I’ve ever met.”
Luke still holds out hope that Brakiss is going to come back, and it’s not happening, at least in canon, but damn if that doesn’t make their relationship even more tragic than it already was.
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corelliaxdreaming · 3 years
My kingdom for unabridged YJK books that aren’t read by a computer. That YouTube channel is doing the lord’s work, for real, but I just can’t. I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time with these.
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yjk-imagines · 5 years
Jacen, Jaina, and Lowie @ Brakiss: Sir, your vibes are positively rancid.
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morekills-moved · 5 years
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it was strange to be back. yavin four    ——    the jedi academy    ——    that was home and so familiar. coruscant? it felt like a distant memory, so foreign to existence. it’s where she was raised, where her family resided, but it did not feel like hers anymore. even after all the challenges they faced like being kidnapped and manipulated by brakiss, it still felt better than being here.    “    the shadow academy,    ”    putting up a strong front, pretending like the events had no effect,    “    nothing happened. i’m fine.    ”    (    @mendshope    /    starter call.    )
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jerryb2 · 3 years
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“Ideally, a Jedi took many months to construct a single perfect weapon that he or she would keep and use for a lifetime. Once you build it, the lightsaber will become your constant companion, your tool, and a ready means of defense.
Luke held out the handle of his own lightsaber, sliding his palm over the smooth grip, then igniting it with a startling snap-hiss. The brilliant yellow-green blade drowned out even the bright sunlight in the room. 
(...) “I hope you’ll need to use your weapon only rarely...if ever.”
- The Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers, by Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta
Say what you will about Kevin Anderson & the somewhat dubious writing style of The Jedi Academy Trilogy, but both he and his wife, Rebecca Moesta, understood the kriffing assignment when they wrote The Young Jedi Knights series, only a few years later. The fact that The New Jedi Order & the Legacy Era shit the bed immediately afterwards is almost okay, because these books are so damn good. 
Don’t go into them looking for Shakespeare, but they feature no pointless deaths, no character assassinations, no nonsensical plotting - only good characters, fun, exciting stories - they’re just pure Star Wars. And I love it so, so much.
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Here we have some pics of my personal Rudy Pando Luke V3 lightsaber (it only seemed appropriate) sporting GOTH’s Master Chassis, with a dual crystal chamber reveal, all properly modified to run a Proffieboard v2.2 soundboard. Quite nice, if I do say so myself. This post is fulfilling something of an old promise; a while ago (like, over a year ago), I hinted that I would be reinstalling this saber for one final time, and now, here it is in all its glory. My tribute to a personal hero of mine from my youth, and in the spirit of excellent ensemble  stories like The Young Jedi Knights and character pieces, like Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor. 
May they be preserved & enjoyed forever. 
Speaking of; having read Shatterpoint recently, I’m tempted to go back and read Shadows of Mindor again, if only because I’ll have a clearer idea of who Nick Rostu & Kar Vastor are, not to mention, uh, what TF is going on. It’s a great book, and it absolutely nails Luke’s character, but it’s really kriffing weird. 
Even though it’s not (in my opinion) Stover’s best work, it has a short little exchange between Luke & Kar Vastor that perfectly sums up Luke’s character, and more importantly, why he’s such a great character:
I have known Jedi. Many, many years ago. That knowing was not a gladness for me. I believed I would never know another, and I rejoiced in that belief.
But it is a gladness for me to be proven wrong.
I am happy to have known you, Jedi Luke Skywalker. You are more than they were.
“That’s -” Luke shook his head blankly, blinking against the darkness. “I mean, thanks, but I barely know anything.”
So you believe. But I say to you: you are greater than the Jedi of former days.
Luke could only frown, and shake his head again. “What makes you say that?”
Because unlike the Knights of old, Jedi Luke Skywalker...
You are not afraid of the dark.
Stover truly is the GOAT of Star Wars writers. 
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rai-knightshade-art · 2 years
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Young Jedi Knights!! Or, ok more accurately they're old enough to be New Jedi Order/Fate of the Jedi/etc etc era but I'm ignoring, like, all of that. So.
@lizartgurl you know that scene we low-key talked about? I drew it 😅 nothing like a good set of parallels in your star wars fan art!
And I'm also of the opinion that Zekk's dynamic with the twins when they were younger is basically 50% Off Makoto and Nagisa, so i present Zekk, explaining one of his many adventures to a pair of kids that i will explain below the cut because their story is... Complicated, and started literally a decade ago 😅
More details and closeups below the cut, image IDs in Alt Text as always!
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So i don't think I'm gonna get into the full "story" for these kids on this post, I'll do it on the next one, but I'll give you the lowdown on the kids themselves and the inciting incident:
Roughly 10-ish years after the Shadow Academy incident, a raid on a cloning facility by Zekk, Anakin Solo and a handful of other Jedi goes spectacularly sideways when the "theoretical" genetics experiments they were expecting turned out to be four very real younglings with a startling resemblance to certain key Jedi Knights. It'd been run in secret by Brakiss (who totally survived the destruction of the Shadow Academy don't even worry about it) as a way to revive his Dark Jedi efforts. He "procured" the DNA needed while the Shadow Academy was active from successful (and nonsuccessful) Dark Jedi, and decided if he couldn't kidnap his way to having his Dark Jedi, he'd make them instead, starting by combining the DNA of his Darkest Knight and that pesky Solo girl (she was annoying but extremely powerful, a perfect candidate for the project). The project continued in secret for 10 years before Master Skywalker caught wind of it and sent in a Jedi task force to take it down. Imagine their surprise when they find four kids in amongst the scientists and stormtroopers!
Starting from oldest to youngest, they find:
Ani: 14 (physically, 10 chronologically), eldest of the "test tube" kids, the biological son of Jaina and Zekk; he inherited their love of mechanics and all things spaceflight and wants to be a pilot when he grows up. The defacto leader of the group by virtue of being oldest. Dotes on his baby sister like nothing else, but is otherwise very standoffish and closed off, hiding behind sarcasm and rude quips in order to protect himself and his little family. Had a force vision when he was 5 of a dark haired woman calling for someone named Ani, and decided that that would be his name (rather than the number he was given).
Bail: 10 (physically,6 chronologically), biological son of Jacen and Tenel Ka, very quiet and studious. He read as many holobooks as the scientists would let him have (and snuck as many as they wouldn't), and is a regular fountain of knowledge if you can get him to open up. He's particularly interested in the histories of the Jedi from long, long ago. Named himself after an old politician he read about from the Old Republic, said to be a friend of the Jedi.
Marai: 8 (physically, 4 chronologically), biological daughter of Jacen and Tenel Ka, she's a regular chatterbox, asking as many questions as she can get away with from anyone who will listen. The only time she seems to quiet down is when she's gardening; she has an affinity for plants, able to sense them and help them grow. She has a particular fondness for carnivorous plants, a fact which the other kids find a bit unnerving but she swears they're harmless to humans! ...probably. None of the others know quite why she decided to call herself Marai.
Jasa: 5 (physically, 1 chronologically), biological daughter of Jaina and Zekk, the baby of this rag tag little group. She's a bright ball of sunshine and cheer and boundless energy, able to cheer up even the most dower of her stormtrooper guards. She sees the good in everything, not fully realizing the extent of what's happening around her but also keeping hope alive in the older children, especially Ani. Similarly to her older brother, Jasa also had a Force vision when she was 5, hearing someone call for a Jasa and taking the name for herself.
Of note: the kids' growth was programmed to be faster than normal up until age 5, when it slowed back down to normal; they reached the equivalent of age 5 within about a year of their "births". As such, their apparent ages and their chronological ages are off by about 4 years
The concept for these kids was started about 10 years ago, when i was 14 and had just started reading the Young Jedi Knights books that I'd gotten from my dad. I really loved seeing fankids at that time, so I'd decided to create my own for my favorite ships! But, of course, i was 14 and "edgy" and I'd been reading the Maximum Ride books too, so i decided, Regular-ass fan babies? Nah. Secret lab-grown fan babies? Yeah. And the original 6 Test Tube Babies were born! (Yes, i said 6, not 4; i originally included a pair of Anakin/Tahiri kids with the Jaina/Zekk and Jacen/Tenel Ka kids. I took them out for this iteration though cause a) I'm not even really sure I ship them now, and b) i don't remember how the kids came to be initially but with this backstory using Brakiss, idk how he would have Anakin and Tahiri's DNA, so. Rip to Zeke and Bekka you will be missed.) I might share the og designs for the kids in another post some time, but for now, here ya go! (And if you've read through this entire explanation, thank you and kudos, but also my condolences. 😅)
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Character Masterlist
so this is an updated version of my last oc masterlist post; it's going to be a work in progress with links being updated as i create bios and whatnot. the end goal is it's going to have all three of my swtor canons and my kotor canon listed here, each character will have a small blurb, and i'll link a bio about each character that has images and a little more in depth description of them and their plot!
under a readmore because it's going to be long.
EDIT: decided to add my mass effect and dragon age blorbos as well, though the dragon age ones are going to be a massive WIP until i finish some playthroughs.
how does a man change the universe?
(kotor fics, solo, connects to swtor canon "like a moth to you, sunlight")
Revan Adarii: a mostly-light-side, incredibly powerful young Jedi with an unprecedented gift for psychometry and a skill with strategy and tactics not often seen, Revan drags herself back to a difficult and painful redemption after falling hard during the Mandalorian Wars and briefly having her memories stripped from her. After the destruction of the Star Forge, she slipped off and started a family with Bastila Shan and Alek, only to vanish into the Unknown Regions for a second time four years later, leaving behind her partners and two children.
Qatya Petheir: young and barely knighted at the start of the Mandalorian Wars, Qatya's gift for strategy and her tireless determination and commitment vaulted her into the position of Revan's third-in-command. after ten years of exile, punishment for activating the Mass Shadow Generator, she returned to the galaxy at large to defeat another Sith threat, finally settling in and rebuilding the Jedi Order as its Grand Master.
canon: start a war
(combined canon with @ipreferfiction)
Lia Vhoss: Lia is a nautolan Jedi knight who served as Satele Shan's padawan during her teenage years. she's one half of a dyad in the Force with her best friend, J'lima Akarr. current Eternal Commander of the Alliance.
Vreila Lanar: Vreila is a miraluka Jedi master and was Syo Bakarn's padawan. a master on the Jedi High Council, she serves as the Republic's and Jedi Order's liaison with the Eternal Alliance and the Master of the Odessen Jedi Enclave.
Kal'vaela Corrin: a cathar soldier who was the youngest and last member of Havoc Squad before it defected to the Empire, Kal is responsible for several of the Republic's top military and intelligence forces defecting and is the CO of Imperial SpecOps unit Blackout Squad.
Vyl Kivan: Vyl is a former twi'lek slave who was freed and sent to Korriban to be trained as a Sith. he had a brief career as Baras' tool, and then as Vitiate's Wrath, before defecting to the Jedi after being pushed to invade Tython. he currently serves as a Jedi master in the Odessen enclave.
Avaanla Ki: known as Darth Aedis, Avaanla is a togruta former pleasure slave, Darth Thanaton's apprentice, the former Dark Councilor for the Sphere of Mysteries, and now serves as one of two co-empresses of the Sith Empire. she also remains the Master of the Revanite cult, though it has much less galactic presence than it used to.
Araala Ki: Araala is a former Jedi knight who fell and turned to the Sith on Corellia. she's the direct apprentice of Darth Nox, the other co-empress of the Sith Empire.
Averr'iis'aloh: known titles for the chiss spy Riisa include Cipher Eight, Legate, and Keeper of Imperial/Sith Intelligence. she currently serves under Theron Shan, Alliance spymaster.
Sa'ziri: Sa'ziri is a twi'lek ex-slave recruited by Darth Arkous into both the Sith and the Revanites. she's a part of the small Sith Academy on Odessen, mostly because she has nowhere else to go.
canon: like a moth to you, sunlight
(shared canon with @sith-shenanigans)
Arielle Tanith: a togruta Jedi knight with the rare power of battle meditation, Arielle spends several years as the Jedi Battlemaster before being captured by Zakuul. she is one of two co-commanders of the Eternal Alliance, leads the Eternal Fleet, and maintains peace in a galaxy unused to anything but war.
Chril'lith'anasin: formerly the Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, Illitha is a chiss ex-Jedi who walked the tightrope between Jedi and Sith for several years before eventually establishing themself as a Republic-aligned Sith. they are the Rift Alliance's liaison with the Eternal Alliance prior to the two becoming one entity, and often liaise with the Republic on the Eternal Commanders' behalf.
Ktis Kressh: current Empress of the Sith Empire, Ktis is a pureblood Sith and the heir to the disgraced but ancient Kressh bloodline. former pirate captain and occasionally Republic privateer. even-more-former titled apprentice to Darth Thanaton. also a Child of the Emperor.
Callien Ordo: daughter of Jekiah Ordo, champion of the Great Hunt, Callien is clanborn human and spends several years collecting bounties and working with pirates and smugglers. after Zakuul invades and her father is killed, she's drawn back to Mandalore the Avenger's side to become her second in command and frequent liaison with the Eternal Alliance.
Chril'lam'inar: the twin sister of Illitha, Illami is also known as Darth K'imsi, former Councilor for the Sphere of Imperial Intelligence and double agent of the Republic. she now serves the Eternal Alliance's intelligence network.
Niveha Veshari / Niwûihû Wûshaari: Niveha is a pureblood Sith who spends several years serving as Darth Arkous' apprentice before being betrayed and left for dead. she's now a Jedi knight, though she still struggles with the cultural disconnect she feels.
Sozik Veshari: a Sith Lord who formerly served under Darth Serevin, Sozik is a former member of the sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy who served as a diplomat on Voss for several years during the Cold War. after his daughter was betrayed and fled to the Jedi, he left the Empire behind to follow her, eventually finding his way to the Alliance.
canon: hold the hand of the god-child
(shared canon with @ipreferfiction)
Inrokini'kat'rath: Ikatra is a chiss ex-Jedi knight and the current Eternal Commander of the Eternal Alliance. though she once was considered one of the greatest Jedi of her time, she now considers herself a reluctant Sith and is officially affiliated with neither Order.
Aalira Dhey: sister to Mirjal, Aalira is a togruta Cinnagar native and member of the Krath. she's a runaway Jedi padawan and was considered king of the underworld for several years. serves as Vaylin's High Justice on Zakuul.
Vasmi na'Dreshdae: Vasmi is the pureblood Sith former Emperor's Wrath. she knelt to Neyri during the Sith Civil War and now serves as the Wrath of the Sith, Neyri's non-sphere-affiliated right hand.
Akada Szorn: a Ziosti miraluka, Akada is known as Cipher Nine in the Empire and Legate in the Republic. she served under Darth Marr for several years after the dissolution of Imperial Intelligence before fleeing the Empire and becoming an information broker on Zakuul. she serves the Eternal Alliance.
Neyri Qel-Droma: biologically human but culturally Sith, Neyri is the descendant of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma and is the Jen'ari of the Sith Empire, following a bloody civil war.
canon: the righteous hand of god, the devil you forgot
(shared canon with @ipreferfiction and @sith-shenanigans)
Iaris Kuro: a mirialan man in his early 50s, Iaris is a smuggler of some renown. along with his pirate crew - most of whom he recruited on Rishi, all of them known for their morality, a somewhat rare feature in pirates - he runs supplies for the Jedi Order, maintaining supply lines between Tython and Ossus.
Yatali Kuro: known as Darth Nox in the Empire, head of the sphere of Ancient Knowledge, Yatali is the youngest-ever Dark Councilor in recorded Imperial history. though her past as a Cartel slave and her meteoric rise to power is well-known, her relation to the former Emperor's Wrath and current Alliance Commander is kept quiet.
Qyâsik Dzwokai: Qyasik is the pureblood Sith daughter and heir of Darth Marr. exiled by an Imperial decree the Dark Council couldn't override, she snuck her way back into Sith society as a bounty hunter before becoming the new Empress' political advisor.
canon: this is the road to ruin
Kehree Adull:
Vonyra Dozai:
Zakri Tave: Zakri is a self-admitted heretic Sith Pureblood who, along with zir entire family, was enslaved when zie was a child for that crime. after getting out of slavery and into Sith training due to zir strength in the Force, zie proves zir heresy correct by first taking a seat on the Dark Council, and then becoming the new Emperor.
Kolasei Niket: Kolasei is a cathar bounty hunter who just wanted to prove themself and find a way to survive. instead, when they win the Great Hunt, they find themself forced into joining the culture that genocided their people three centuries ago.
a few final notes: start a war follows the swtor game plots fairly closely in a lot of ways. there's a lot of minor canon divergences, and some characters play different roles than they do in canon, as well as the occasional swapping around of an expansion in the timeline, but it's fairly canon-accurate.
sunlight is fairly canon-compliant through the early expansions and the Zakuul arcs, in terms of broad arcs, but from onslaught and on is heavily canon-divergent, and post-class stories it has quire a few moderate canon divergences.
god-child's canon starts out with an entirely different worldstate in which the Republic fully didn't exist in the majority of the galaxy for a solid fifty years around the kotor era, and that echoes forward into swtor in multiple ways. the biggest story arcs - the class stories, zakuul - remain the same, but everything else is heavily canon divergent, although most of the canon expansions exist in some form or another.
solo mass effect content
Lyrida Shepard: a fully paragon colonist/sole survivor who romances Kaidan, brokers peace between the geth and the quarians, and destroys the Reapers without losing the geth. she survives and builds a family on the Citadel.
unnamed verse shared with @ipreferfiction
Mikka Shepard: the very renegade younger sister of paragon Taryn Shepard, Mikka is earthborn/ruthless and is the Spectre out of the two of them, though she's not the one to sacrifice herself on the Citadel at the end. she romances Javik and is a full biotic.
Desri Surana: a half-elven mage raised in the Denerim alienage before she was discovered to be an apostate and sent to the Circle. Duncan's daughter, though she doesn't know this. probably going to romance a hardened Leliana.
Vivian Hawke: a mostly blue, slightly red mage who romances Anders and campaigns heavily for mage rights both within and without Kirkwall. she supports Anders' decision to destroy the Kirkwall chantry and remains with him after it. her brother Carver is a templar.
Vythral'a Lavellan: First of her clan before she was sent to spy on the conclave, Vythral'a is a very unwilling Herald and a slightly-more-willing Inquisitor, determined to defeat Corypheus and protect her clan. very much loves her people and her culture and would do anything for them. her curiosity and love of unique magic endeared her to Solas, and she falls into a romance with him.
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