#youngbins face in the second gif says it all
synthetickitsune · 2 years
Yandere!SF9 Reaction: Hurting yourself
Disclaimer: Obviously, I don’t support this kind of behavior and obviously this isn't meant to represent how the members are irl. This is just a piece of fiction meant for entertainment. Warnings: yandere themes, duh, abusive & obsessive behavior, stockholm syndrome, self-harming & suicide attempts
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It was strange, you decided. Well, maybe not necessarily all that strange. Your thoughts wandered around in your head as you prepared dinner. It was true that more often than not phone calls and time spent with your family left you irritated or upset - same thing with your friends. Sure, it wasn’t so bad you’d want to cut all contact with them, but at the same time you wondered whether Youngbin was right.
He was very protective of you, something you’ve noticed pretty early into your relationship, but overall you couldn’t say that his protectiveness ever harmed you. If anything, the quality of your life increased. Maybe he was right - if you spent less time and talked less with the people who made you feel uncomfortable, even if only a little bit, you’d be happier. You had him, after all, and he was perfect. He only ever wanted to make you happy, surely he wouldn’t suggest something he believed would be bad for you. Focused on your thoughts, you lost control of your movements and felt the blade slice through your finger.
As soon as the surprised yelp left your lips, Youngbin was by your side. You had to admire his athletic prowess, seeing as he previously was doing stuff in the bedroom on the opposite side of the house. He was breathless as he rushed to you, his worried eyes scanning your entire figure until he saw the cut on your hand. A sigh slipped past his lips as he gently guided you to the sink and turned on the cold water, letting it run over your injured finger.
“Thank god,” he whispers, hugging you from behind. His head is proped on your shoulder, leaning into you. You laugh a little. You can feel his heart hammering in his chest and wonder why would he get so worked up.
“I was really worried,” he murmurs, squeezing you tighter, slightly nuzzling into your neck. It makes you chuckle, how caring and sweet he is.
“I’m sorry. But I’m fine, it’s just a little cut,” you try to calm him, “I was just thinking about you and I got distracted I guess.” It’s the best excuse you can come up with, one that you hope will take his mind off anything else but the fact he was on your mind. That always seems to make him happy. 
And indeed, you feel his lips stretch into a smile briefly. Then he pulls away and there’s a frown on his face again. So no good enough.
“It’s just a small cut this time. But what about next time? And the time after that?” he pouts, shaking his head. He holds your hands gingerly, eyes glued to the barely bleeding injury. One would think you chopped your arm off by his expression.
You watch him turn away for a second to reach for the first aid kit, you swear he keeps at least one in every room of the house, and take out the disinfection and a pack of band-aids. He holds out a hand and you slide yours into his palm. First he dabs the cut with a cotton pad soaked with disinfection and then places a band-aid over it. He’s careful but throughout, and finishes his work with a gentle kiss to the back of your hand.
“I’ll be more careful, Binnie,” you smile at him, in an attempt to get him to look at you, “Nothing happened and it’s not like you can cook for us on top of everything.” 
It’s true, after all he was already working a full time job, he forbade you from doing most of the chores (“The chemicals would hurt your smooth skin!”), so the only thing left for you to do was to bake and cook. He encouraged you to do that, to experiment in the kitchen, and if you got tired of it, he insisted you focus on your hobbies and doing things that were fulfilling, or to study if there was anything you found exciting. 
It was really nice at first when you were worried about the future, scared of joining the working world. Now, however, it could get tedious - not to mention you felt like you were taking advantage of him. You only wished to take some of the responsibility off his shoulders.
“I can! I mean, I should...” he said and your chest tightened with anxiety. He won’t take your only remaining joy away, will he? “I need to be able to cook if you ever leave me.” It came out as a soft whisper, and your heart broke all the more for it. You hug him tightly, taking him by surprise. 
“Binnie, baby, I love you. I’m never leaving you!” you quickly reassure him, “I promise. Oh my god, is that why you want to do all the cleaning? Please tell me that’s not it.”
You feel him chuckle against you. “No, I just really enjoy housework. It helps me clear my head after work,” he says softly, “Do you really mean it?”
“Of course I do!” you squeeze him. “So don’t even think about learning how to cook, okay? I need to do something too.” You let him go and fortunately, he’s smiling again.
“Fine, but from now on, I’ll do the cutting alright? Just for a few days, please?” he adds before you can protest. You agree with a sigh. Whatever to make him feel better. 
If only you paid attention… He works so slowly on his plans, manipulates you so sweetly. You never notice, until it’s too late, that all the knives are hidden from you, and he’s doing most of the cooking, just as he wished. Just as he knew would protect you the most.
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"Do you think this is funny?" he asks, walking around you slowly, circling you like a predator about to attack his prey. You keep your head lowered and try to control your breathing. You're not sure yourself how the situation got this bad. Maybe you really are slowly losing it.
"Answer me!" he raises his voice dangerously, not yet screaming but pretty close. You jump, never having heard him like this before. You bite back the cries and try to stop the tears, shaking your head.
"No," you whisper, eyes once again landing on your bloodied fingers. You remember pulling on the hangnails on your fingers. You also remember that some of those bastards just wouldn't come off so you opted to use teeth, and then… you don't know how it got so bad that your fingertips are suddenly a bloody, painful and terrifying mash of flesh. Some nights in the future though you will wake up screaming, the memory of flesh squelching under your teeth vivid in your dreams.
"Then why would you do that?" he snaps at you, suddenly grabbing your bleeding hands tightly. You think you're about to pass out. The pain is blinding, surging through your whole arms. You gasp, some animalistic cry ripping from your throat. "Why would you destroy my perfect doll like this, you brat." 
You can't focus on his face through the tears, you don’t really hear him either, but you know you've never seen him this angry. You choke on a sob, trying to speak - or more likely to beg for him to let go of your hands but you can't. It feels like hell. You thought the pain would ease the longer he squeezes your messed up fingers, but the opposite is true.
"My god," he sighs, basically throwing your hands back into your lap. You double over in pain. He walks away, you can hear his steps and the loud bang as he slams the door shut. You cry harder now that you're alone. You're scared. You don't understand how you could do that to yourself. Your blood seeps into your clothes even more as the wounds just won’t stop bleeding.
He's back soon, even angrier if the volume of the door slamming is any indicator. He throws something on the bed and pauses in front of you. You're full on sobbing, tears streaming down your cheeks and your body is spasming. You can’t breathe. He lifts your head up, pulling on your hair. You know you should do something, anything, but you can't stop the tears and your mind is a mess. You just want somebody to make the pain stop. To help you. Anyone would do, even Inseong.
There's a sharp sound followed by an equally sharp pain on your cheek. You freeze. Everything stops just for a second. Did he really just slap you? You frown in confusion, finally meeting his dark eyes with some clarity. Your mind is not blank anymore as you wonder why he’d do that.
"Good," he hisses and he lets go of you, "Now come here." He sits down on the edge of your bed and drops something into his lap. You crawl over, kneeling between Inseong’s legs. He doesn't look at you, instead his eyes seem glued to your bloodied hands. He sighs again before gently wrapping his fingers around your wrist. It doesn't escape his attention how you tense, almost pull away from him. He's glad to see you stay put though. 
"Do this again and I won't be as kind," he says nonchalantly as he lays your hand on his thigh, your blood seeping into his grey slacks. "Next time I won't help you and I will hang you by these pretty hands, and I will make sure you know what agony is." You don't know how he is able to make it sound like he's talking about the weather but he does.
"Understood," you murmur, wincing slightly when he dabs the cosmetic tampon soaked in water against the skin of your palms, cleaning off the blood first. Contrary to his earlier outburst, he now acts with an eerie calmness. It makes you wonder whether he's ever had to deal with cleaning off blood before. You don't ask. He repeats the process on your other hand, then he caresses your cheek. You look into his eyes.
"Don't hold back. Scream," he says and you're afraid of what he's going to do. Turns out it's bittersweet. He dabs disinfectant over your wounds, cleaning them carefully and thoroughly. He explains that he doesn’t want you to get an infection, but you barely hear him. It’s nice that he takes care of you, but the pain makes you wish you were dead. You do scream for him, so much so that by the time he's finished with one hand your throat hurts. When he repeats the process and then takes the tapes and bandages to cover your injuries, you swear you've passed out for a moment. You remember a flash of the worst pain in your life as he wrapped the tape around the first of your fingers and then nothing.
When you come to, you're no longer kneeling on the ground. You're lying on your bed. You can't move your hands and panic for a little before realizing they're just bound behind your back. Your fingers still hurt but it's much more manageable. Your head pounds.
That's about the last time you ask yourself the question for a while because after that, Inseong barely leaves you alone. Which is for the best as when he's gone, he ties you to the bed, so you can’t hurt yourself while he’s gone, or to the posts of the staircase if you're talking back to him, the latter always leaving you with dark bruises all over your knees Inseong scolds you for. Otherwise you're almost always by his side, or somewhere he can see you. Sometimes he even lets you stretch your arms under his supervision. You can't say you're grateful for the attention, but your mind certainly feels better with all the social interaction and your thoughts don't try to make you destroy your body again. For now at least.
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He feels his heart stop when he sees you lying motionless on the floor of your cage. The plates fall from his hands, but he doesn’t care - rather doesn’t even realize or notice the sound of them shattering. He hasn’t been gone that long, what happened? He quickly opens the enclosure and pulls you out into his lap, checking your pulse and breathing immediately. You’re alright in that aspect at least. There’s some swelling to the side of your head and temple already and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened. 
His heart shrinks with guilt. Could it be that you were lonely here without him? Did you get claustrophobic in the small space? But he wasn’t gone for that long... He doesn’t know what happened in that pretty head of yours but he knows he should’ve done better for you. Then again, since you get so stressed and tense when he has you tied next to him, he needs you to get used to the cage…
He lies you down on the bed and climbs in after you, picking up his phone to look for advice. He supposes you could have a concussion so he looks up some tips and hopes you won’t be feeling bad enough to go to the hospital. He maneuvers you gently until your limp body is safely nestled into his chest. He kisses the top of your head extremely softly to avoid causing you any pain, even if he doubts you’d be able to feel it. He barely breathes, even willing his heart to beat quietly so he could hear you breathing, so he could notice the slightest of movements. His eyes are teary as he waits for you to wake up.
And when, after what honestly feels to him like weeks, you do stirr and groan, you’re almost crushed by his embrace. You’re not yet thinking straight. You feel like you’re on a sea, the world is spinning around you and you feel nauseous. For a second you’re grateful for the arms grounding you, but that’s only before reality catches up to you and you freeze in his hold.
Still deep in his protective feelings, he loosens his embrace and cups your cheek with his hand. He checks on you, scanning your face with his eyes. You imagine your family would look at you the same way - wide eyed, worried, but also relieved - if they saw you again. It makes you feel even more disgusted and you push against his chest with all the strength you can muster. Uselessly. 
“Thank god, I was so worried!” he sighs as he pulls you closer to his chest. For a while you think about biting him, but after the last incident that resulted from that, you change your mind. “How could you do that to me? What would I do if something happened to you?”
“Found another victim,” you growl at him, feeling more of your strength returning and pushing against him again. Once more, it doesn’t even phase him. He clicks his tongue.
“I can’t live without you,” he whines, suffocating you in his arms as your face is buried in his well sculpted chest. One of his hands remains on the back of your head while he collects your hands with his other and twists them behind your back. You had no idea that a hug can be abusive until now, but if living with Jaeyoon has one benefit, it’s that you’re always learning something new.
“And you’re hurt now! You have to rest, no more fighting back. I mean it. But really, I try to do something nice for you, and you’re like this,” he scolds. You don’t understand what’s ‘nice’ about being locked in a cage, but sure, whatever he says. Your head’s still pounding with pain so you bite your tongue and stay quiet. The last thing you want is a screaming match with him that he would win anyway.
“Your head must feel terrible, poor thing,” he keeps talking. You wish he’d just stop, yet at the same time hate that his voice sounds like honey and only having him to talk to made you sort of weak to that. “And the swelling looks awful, I’ll get you some ice for the night. Should I get you some pills too? They didn’t say anything on the internet...”
You feel the hesitation in the way his muscles tense, as if he really was contemplating reaching for his phone and looking it up. The image of him frantically searching for advice on what to do with an unconscious person who rather banged their head against their cage than to tolerate his presence is hilarious by itself but that he wants to do it again with you awake and trapped next to his body is even funnier. You probably end up chuckling a little before you fall asleep again.
When you wake up, you stay still. You control your breathing, a skill you’ve mastered over time. On nights he forces you to sleep in bed with him, it earns you some more time before he notices you’re not asleep anymore and starts clinging to you and forcing his affection on you. Today, however, you don’t feel him next to you and you’re not tied. Not that you’d need to be. Your head feels awful and you doubt you’d be able to stand straight, let alone walk. Still, he wouldn’t leave you free like this.
You open your eyes and squint through the sunlight pouring into the room. You’re in the cage again, but there’s a twist. The bars are wrapped in something pastel colored and fluffy. Jaeyoon’s lying on the floor next to the cage, away from your area of reach. He seems asleep so you reach out and touch the fluffy thing experimentally. You push a finger against it. It’s soft. You probably wouldn’t manage to break an egg against that. 
“See? I’m taking care of you.” You jump at the sound of his voice. Seems like you’re not the only acting master in the house. 
“Yeah, real nice,” you scoff. You want to ask when he’s going to take you outside, since you also need sunlight - even if just to upset him, but you can’t focus enough to get the sentence together in your head.
“Now you can sleep alone and be safe from injuring yourself again!” he beams at you. You look at him, dumbfounded. “So you don’t have to be afraid anymore!” 
You wonder what kind of master plan is that, and if he also found that on the internet. But maybe sleeping in a cage is preferable to sleeping next to him.
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You know you’re fucked. You don’t know what’s wrong exactly, but you’re pretty sure it’s serious and you won’t be able to hide it anymore. Looking at your ankle, swollen with all shades of purple, you think about what he’ll do to you. He might as well just kill you - he made it absolutely clear that he’s never taking you to the hospital for whatever reason. You lean your foot against the cool glass of the window. You doubt it will help the swelling come down enough, but at least it provides a momentary relief from the pain. You flinch at every sound, dreading the moment he comes home and checks on you. Maybe it’s not too late to start praying or something. You try to cheer yourself up, but it’s futile.
Your fears had to eventually come true, unfortunately. Soon you heard Dawon fussing with the lock and finally he began climbing the stairs up. You noticed your body was shivering and you could only hope it’s fever that would take you out of your misery sooner than him. He stopped at the top of the stairs and stared at you. It was unnerving. 
“Are you not going to greet me?” he questioned with a slight pout on his lips. This was tricky.
“Hello, sir,” you smiled softly, hoping against hope that would be enough. But of course it wasn’t, if his frown was any indicator. So he’s in a good mood, huh?
“No hug?” he asked, opening his arms for you to rush into. As if you would even at the best of circumstances. Maybe you’d reluctantly drag yourself over to avoid punishment. Now, even that was hardly possible. You’d have to be creative. Schooling your expression into a pouting, pleading one, you opened your arms for him too.
“We can cuddle more comfortably here,” you whined, making grabby hands at him. Usually he could be persuaded if you acted cute and needy enough. Today, of course, was the exception. And by the sight of it, more trouble was ahead. You saw him breathe in deeply and slowly exhale, his shoulders dropping as well. Fuck.
“I’ll count to three,” he said slowly, his eyes piercing into yours, “And if you don’t drag your ass over here, you won’t like the consequences.”
No way you can get out of this situation, huh? There was a tightness in your throat that made it hard to swallow, but you did it anyway and slowly shifted in your seat to let your legs fall down towards the ground. You haven’t even stepped on your injured foot yet but it already pulsated with pain from the sudden shift in position. You held back a wince as you lowered your feet towards the ground and put as little weight as possible on the leg that might get you killed.
You looked up to meet eyes with Dawon. He was watching you intently, his eyes boring into your without shifting away. He might not have noticed your sorry state yet, but you knew it was inevitable once you start moving. You allowed yourself to lower your gaze to the floor so you don’t have to see his reaction.
You wobbled forward, almost jumping on one leg, really, since stepping on your injured foot with the slightest pressure sent shockwaves of pain through your body. It wasn’t that far, your room wasn’t big by any means, but even the few steps you had to take were excruciating. All the while, you held back whimpers and tried to keep your breathing under control. He, on the other hand, was eerily silent, yet you didn’t dare look up. 
Finally you made it. Just one last step and you’ll have reached him. Whatever happens then, happens. There was no way he wouldn’t notice that you’re injured and in need of help. How he will react, that you had no idea of knowing. He was unpredictable at the best of times, but in emergencies? You’d rather take your chances with a hungry lion.
Spiraling deep in your anxiety, you forgot which foot you’re putting forward and leaned your weight on the swollen mess that was your ankle and with a choked yelp fell forward, hands grabbing anything that could anchor you and save you from falling flat on your face. That something ended up being Dawon’s arms, and the time seemed to stop.
"No wonder you wanted to stay sitting there," he said lowly, nudging and helping you stand on your one good leg properly while you clung to him for support. 
You met his eyes again. He was calm. Too calm. Nothing in the tone of his voice, his breathing, the look in his eyes suggested anger. Then again, you knew that murderers are capable of complete serenity while cutting up their victims.
"Sit here," he said after a while of you studying each other. He helped you get down on the ground and then left. Everything done with calmness that seemed almost sterile and that did nothing to soothe your nerves. Maybe you should've taken this chance to at least try to run away despite your state, adrenaline boost and all that, but you were frozen in place as you instead attempted to decipher the sounds far away in the rest of the house.
When he returned, it was with arms full of medical supplies and some ice bags. You eyed him warily as he sat down at your feet and gently took first your healthy ankle and propped it on his thigh, then he did the same with your injured one, his touch almost feather-like.
"Now, you're gonna stay very still and very quiet, alright? Don't forget I could just chop it off and be done with it," he warned as he propped his elbow on your healthy foot, probably to prevent you from kicking him, and gently brushed his fingers over the purplish skin on your other leg. You just nodded.
Obeying his instructions, however, turned out to be harder than you thought. Contrary to how careful he was before, he couldn't care less about your comfort as he inspected your injury. It felt like his fingers were digging into the most painful spots of the swollen flesh with surgical precision. You had to bite down on your own hand to stop yourself from screaming aloud or clawing at him to make him stop the torture.
“It’s not broken,” he concluded in the end, a satisfied smile on his face while you panted and tried to catch your breath. He set the ice bag on your swollen ankle and at the same time, the temperature in the room seemed to drop on the level of the ice. “Now, I suppose you want to tell me how this happened.”
You felt barely conscious at this point, but the sudden shift in his expression and the energy radiating off him brought you to your senses. 
“Because, sweetheart, if I don’t like your explanation, or you lie to me, maybe your fragile little bones will magically snap. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”
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Running your tongue along your bloodied lips, you winced. It hurt, everything hurt. Your tongue sat uncomfortably in your mouth, but really, where else could it go? It was your own fault anyway. Feeling the warm blood oozing from your tongue, chewed up and aching, you realized you might have made your life even worse than it already was.
Again, you slowly ran the sore muscle along the inside of your mouth, only to close your eyes tightly with a long, shaky intake of breath. It hurt. Everything hurt, just to emphasize. You felt the ragged flesh that you’ve chewed raw and bloody. Were you to spit, it would look like you were in a fight and got some teeth knocked out, you mused. It was a dark joke, but humor really was all you had to cope with the situation you were in. It was better than wondering what Zuho would do once he found out. Then again there was some hope. It wasn’t perhaps that visible on your lips at first sight. Would you be able to talk without giving anything away, however? That was the question. 
You didn’t have to ponder your chances for too long. Hyper-aware of every sound in the house, you knew he arrived home from work. You closed your eyes and tried to imagine the scene. Him closing the door and taking off his shoes, maybe greeting the cats? They moved so silently, you weren’t sure whether they greet him at the door or not. Regardless, he began moving again. You felt the hair at the back of your neck rising. He was coming to your room. 
You shuffled to the middle of the room and kneeled there, head hanging low. You felt the blood collecting in your mouth. You had to swallow it.
You heard the sound of the door opening followed by his chuckle upon seeing you. He took a few steps closer to you. He moved slowly, deliberately, testing whether you’d stay behaved. You did.
“Being a good kitten today, are we?” he mused, reaching out and running his fingers through your hair. 
"Yes, sir," you answered shortly, noticing with relief that your speech was not impacted, if a bit painful. 
"Very good, I'm glad to see that," he said and you could hear the smile in his voice. You realized, suddenly, that you've never seen him smile before.
"Since you're doing good, I think I'll let you eat today. Just give me a few minutes," he instructed and left you again, which was just as good. 
Food. You haven't thought about that. Without thinking, you pulled your lower lip between your teeth and hissed in pain immediately. Swallowing some more blood, you wondered how long you’ll be able to hide your state.
“The dinner might take a while,” you heard his voice as he opened the door again, jumping a little in surprise, “But I thought you’d like something nice to drink for a change.” 
You raised your gaze to his outstretched hand and almost began laughing at your bad luck. Of course he had to bring you a lemonade. You could see pieces of the pulp floating in the water. While there was a chance that it wouldn’t irritate the bloody insides of your mouth, it was probably as low as your chance of ever escaping this place. What could you do but accept the drink?
It took no more than one little sip for your eyes to fill with tears. The moment the sour liquid came into contact with your tender flesh, a sharp pain flashed through your tongue and mouth. You forced yourself to swallow quickly before he could notice the blood and gasped, the pain stronger as the liquid slid along your tongue.
Zuho was immediately on you, his hands on your arms, taking the glass from you and looking at you with concern.
“Was it no good? I knew I should’ve added more sugar,” he muttered to himself but then his eyes fell to your lips. You saw the exact moment something in his mind clicked, or rather the moment a single drop of bloody water trickled down your lips and onto your chin. He frowned, his hands sliding up until he held your face in his hands. Your breathing picked up as you gulped thickly.
“What did you say about behaving, kitten?” he asked with barely hidden anger and one of his hands slid down your cheek and his thumb parted your lips, pulling downwards only to see the bloody mess you’ve made of the inside of your lips.
“Open up,” he said, his fury contained even worse. You were scared. His eyes had this intimidating intensity to them when he was mad. It always made you freeze and go limp in his hold.
“I said open up,” he growled, grabbing your jaw with one hand and squishing your cheeks with the other. You opened your mouth to scream in pain as your raw flesh squeezed against your teeth. You gripped his wrists, trying to make him let go but he wouldn’t budge as he assessed the damage. 
“Why?” was all he said as he finally took his hands off you. You whimpered, gently touching your cheeks. Feeling wetness on your skin, you realized you were crying. But Zuho was still waiting for your answer. 
“I don’t know,” you whined meekly, “It just happened.”
He scoffed, raising his hand to run it through his hair but you flinched anyway. He sighed, looking at you like he was trying to figure it out instead of you.
“Just happened? Is that what you’ll tell me when you bite your tongue off?” he yelled at you, making you shrink further into yourself.
“I wouldn’t do that,” you defended yourself, “I guess I was just nervous. I was hungry and haven’t seen you at all yesterday. It was lonely.” You hated how weak your voice sounded, but you couldn’t quite pretend to be strong while telling him the truth. You heard him sigh again.
“Let’s get it cleaned up and get you some food first, then I’ll see what to do with you,” he decided and pulled you up by your arm, “But I’m telling you right now. If this happens again, I’m pulling out all your pretty teeth.” His treatment of you was as rough as his words, but you saw how he checked that you were standing on both feet before dragging you away. If only he treated you like a kitten, if he insists on calling you one…
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“I told you to stop lying to me!” he yells and maneuvers you into the nearest wall, slamming you against it with enough force to make you see stars dancing in front of your eyes and knock the breath out of your chest. It’s not fair.
“I’m not lying,” you try again, standing your ground because you were not lying, “I’ve told you before that I hit my leg.” It’s not your problem that he seems to remember everything except the things you need him to remember, except he’s now making it your problem. You don’t understand how it’s possible that he remembers the name and face of every guy you’ve ever talked with, or how he even found out, but not that you’ve told him two days ago that you’ve kicked your leg against the bed frame and it hurts. As if this situation wasn’t precisely what you wanted to avoid. Neither do you understand why it’s such a big deal. It’s just a bruise, it’ll fade away with time and it’s not like it hurts him every time something touches it.
“I’d remember that,” he says through gritted teeth. You have a hard holding back from laughing in his face. “Why would you do that to yourself? I’m taking such a good care of you and you do this?”
“I didn’t do anything, it was an accident,” you growl back at him.
“Oh really? Should I take you to the playroom and see if you change your mind?” his hand closes around your wrist and he pushes himself away from the wall and drags you with him. You try to resist, to stand in place, but he’s much stronger. You try to pry his hand away with no success. You’re getting desperate. 
“Please, please,” you whine finally, your hand around his, but your pleas are met with silence. He only pulls you closer to get you moving faster. Just as you’re about to walk through the door your eyes fall on the camera at the ceiling. The cameras. Of course, the cameras!
“Wait, please! Please, the cameras! They’re always running, aren’t they? Look at them, you’ll see I’m not lying,” you jerk him back as if to show him the camera and make him realize that it doesn’t have to be his words against yours. As much as you dislike being kept here like this by him, you have to admit that Seokwoo is fair.
He does pause. He looks at you, then at the camera, and scoffs.
“Really y/n? Buying time?” he rolls his eyes but you see that he’s considering your words. You can’t believe neither of you realized it sooner. 
“Alright, I’ll check the record but you’ll wait in the playroom, deal?” he asks as if you had any choice but to nod.
You walk without resisting much, you wouldn’t want to anger him now that the chance of being punished is much lower. You make it to the room and you feel your heartbeat quickening. It’s an instinct at this point to be afraid of the black door and the stuff that’s going on behind them. As if feeling your reluctance to walk across the threshold, he turns to look at you and tilts his head to the side. 
“What’s wrong? If you’re not lying, there won’t be any need to punish you, will there?” he smiles and he looks so innocent you want to punch him for acting so well.
You follow him, obey when he makes you kneel although your bruised leg hurts like hell. You don’t even struggle when he chains you to the bars behind you. He cups your cheek and makes you look at him when he’s finished.
“You’re being so good. I really hope you were telling the truth,” his strokes your skin with his thumb and leaves you in the dimly lit room. You take it in, eyes scanning all the whips and paddles and all of his other favorite tools to torment you. You feel your breath getting more erratic as memories flood your mind. For once you wish he’d be back soon. There’s a voice of uncertainty in your mind - were you really sure that it was an accident? Will it look that way to him? Or what if he’s just in a mood to punish you, so it won’t matter to him what’s the truth.
You jump when you’re jerked out of your thoughts by arms being wrapped around your body and squeezing you to a warm figure in front of you. He’s back, you realize, and relax when you feel him rubbing his cheek against your hair. It’s only for a moment before you remind yourself who the person is and that you might not be entirely safe yet.
“I’m sorry, y/n, how could I doubt you? My darling, I’m so sorry, were you scared? Shit, your leg must hurt,” he keeps on rambling before he’s frantically reaching behind you to unlock your cuffs
“I told you I’m not lying,” you mumble, just relieved it’s over and he’s leading you back to your room unharmed. You only pause for a second when you reach your room and he’s pushing you to sit on the bed next to some lotions. 
You frown, then frown harder when he kneels in front of you and starts inspecting your bruise. He’s so gentle when he brushes his fingers over the deep blues and purples painting your skin it makes you wonder what’s wrong with him.
“I’m sorry, let me take care of you. My poor baby y/n, you must’ve suffered a lot when I made you kneel on your poor leg,” he coos at you as he reaches for the lotion to carefully work it into your skin.
You want to punch him. You want to punch him so bad and then just run, but you’ve tried and it won’t work. And you really don’t wanna go back into the playroom.
Yoo Taeyang
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Sure, this situation was not exactly ideal, but you were pretty satisfied with yourself. Each hiss and whimper of pain was a testament to how much you were suffering at the moment, sure, but they slipped out past your lips that were stretched in a wide smile. Maybe you’ve really lost it. Maybe that was why you felt so light-headed and feverish. Was that why you couldn’t focus on a single thought?
“You look worried,” you giggled, running your hand through Taeyang’s messy hair. If looks could kill…
From his point of view, the situation was far from funny. He wasn’t able to pay much attention to you for the last few days, which he’s already regretted before, but after what he found when he stepped into your room today? No way he’s ever leaving you again. Never.
With tears streaming down his face and choking on sobs, he spreads the antibiotic ointment over your wounds. He thought he cut all the thorns from the roses he gave you. He thought he was careful and didn’t miss any. Clearly he was wrong and this was all his fault.
“It’s not funny,” he whimpers, now even sadder as he couldn’t enjoy your touch - a gentle one at that! - because he was afraid you might pass out or die on him any second. Perhaps you both lost your mind a little.
He treasures your voice even as you chuckle at his words, a sound inappropriate in this dire situation, but he doesn’t allow it to distract him from his mission. With the ointment applied, he takes the fresh, clean bandages and wraps both your forearms. He chokes out a strained noise when he sees the damage you’ve done to yourself. There are tens, but really in his mind it’s hundreds, of swollen and red scratches, most of them oozing puss, covering your skin from your wrist to your elbow and he can’t even imagine how much pain you must be in, how much pain you were in when it happened. What made you do this to yourself? It must’ve been him. Who else? Were you lonely? Were you angry at him? Did you want to die because you thought he doesn’t love you anymore? That must be it! He’d definitely think so if you were the one who ignored him for days on end. He feels like the worst man to ever exist. If you do end up dying, he’s following right behind you. 
He finishes bandaging your wounds and when he looks up, his heart stops for a second. Your eyes are closed and you're lying limply on the bed. He jumps up and is about to shake you when he notices the gentle rise and fall of your chest. You’re just sleeping. He’s so relieved he cries even harder, despite thinking it impossible. At least he made you take the medicine and antibiotics before you’ve fallen asleep so he doesn’t have to wake you up. As gently as he can, he lies down next to you and pulls you into his chest. His fingers run through your hair as he whimpers apology after apology and promises your unconscious form to be better, to do better for you, to always be there for you and most importantly to never hurt you like this again. He ends up falling asleep next to you, but it’s not like he imagined. He keeps waking up, anxious that you might’ve stopped breathing.
When you come to, your body is still shaking, but you feel better so you guess the fever went down a little. Your head is still spinning though and you don’t believe yourself to be strong or stable enough to sit up. The choice is not left up to you though as a pair of arms pulls you up and makes you sit up. You groan and think the nausea’s gonna to make you throw up all over your bed, but then that person leans your head on their shoulder and while it doesn’t solve everything, it feels better. You hear a voice, a male voice you recognize but in your hazy state can’t identify. He’s telling you something. Then there are fingers holding something pushing past your lips so you open your mouth and allow him to place the pills on your tongue. You swallow them down with the water he offers you. You can’t keep yourself upright anymore even with his support though. Before you can fall down, however, he helps you lie down and you feel a pair of plush lips press a kiss to your forehead. You frown. Who’s this man? Before you can remember, sleep takes you.
You’re not sure how many times did that repeat. Honestly, you’re now even sure whether days or hours passed. What you do know, though, is that you feel stronger and your mind is finally clear. Mostly. You open your eyes and yell, pushing yourself backwards when the first thing you see is Taeyang looking at you from much closer than you’d wish. You can’t run too far away because there’s an arm around your waist and before you can fight back properly, he pulls you back in and hugs you and it doesn’t take long before you feel moisture in your hair. Is he crying?
“I thought I lost you,” he whimpers, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
It doesn’t really make sense to you, and it’s hard to understand as he slurs his words and tries to get them out around sobs, but what you make out is that you’ve likely been out of it for a few days. What he’s feeling isn’t that important even though when it hits you that he’s been taking care of you the entire time you get a feeling in your stomach that is either butterflies or the urge to puke and you can’t tell which one it is.
“Get away from me,” you growl and cringe at how weak your voice sounds. You feel him shake his head. That is until your stomach makes a noise and it works like a charm. He’s on his feet in a second and you finally take a look at him. He’s a mess. His eyes are puffy, his hair a tangled chaos, and his cheeks are still stained with tears. 
“I’m sorry. I won’t leave you alone again, I’m so sorry. I love you. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t mean to make you do that,” he keeps sniffling and it seems like he’s waiting for something. You’re not sure what it is.
“I’ll make it safer here, I promise,” he rambles on, “But first - food. What do you want to eat? No, wait, your stomach must be weak, I need to think about that.” He hits his head and his whole face scrunches in concentration. You feel like your life is an absurd drama you want to take no part of. 
He ends up making you rice porridge. While you thought you might get into trouble for all the trouble you caused, he seems to be blaming yourself and he really makes sure there’s absolutely nothing that can hurt you in the room. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
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He feels his world shatter. He can’t breathe, his limbs move before his head gives them the order to. He lifts your body, that still struggles weakly, upwards so that the fabric around your neck stops cutting off your oxygen. He kicks the chair you used towards him, using only his foot to get it upright and then he climbs up. Holding you against his body, he unties the makeshift rope, finally freeing you. 
You can't even stand, leaning with your full weight on him. All you can do is gasp for breath and finally fill your lungs with air. You’re too weak, barely conscious. You can’t tell that he’s breathing like he’s just finished a marathon and that his heart is about to burst, unable to take the brutal pace of its own beating. You’re cold to touch and he hates it, and hates himself that he allowed for this to happen. He thought your room was safe for you, but clearly, he’s underestimated your creativity.
He carries you in his arms, lowers you to lay on the ground as he sits next to you, hovering above your body. His eyes seem glued to the purplish bruise that’s blossoming around your neck. He watches the rise and fall of your chest, your teary, unfocused eyes and he feels the rage inside his chest grow. He was fine with you hating him, really he was, but to hate him so much you'd rather die? That must be a joke. Is he a joke to you? Do you think his love for you is a joke?
He’s not thinking rationally. Something must’ve possessed him because he feels like he’s watching himself from a third person perspective as he straddles you and wraps his hands around your neck with so much love and strength that you choke immediately. Your hands flail weakly, finally settling on his hands, clawing at his skin. All you see is black, you can’t hear, but still you tried to plead with your eyes in the general direction he should be. 
On the other hand, all he can see is read. He doesn’t even feel your nails raking his skin bloody. His heartbeat is deafening in his ears and he struggles to breathe as much as you do. Just a second before you’d lose consciousness he comes to his senses and lets go of your neck.
He’s hyperventilating, his whole body shaking. His mind is a mess. He’s disoriented. He doesn’t know what’s going on but he feels like he’s going crazy. His eyes refuse to move from your abused neck, painted in reds and purples. He tears at his hair with his hands until he just can’t sit straight anymore and his body slumps forward. His forehead rests against your chest.
You don’t care. You don’t feel anything but the blissful fullness of your lungs and the freedom to breathe. Despite everything, this is the best you’ve felt in a long time. You feel the thrill of being alive, high on adrenaline. 
Eventually, your breathing evens out and the reality sets in. What you’ve done, who’s found you, where you are. There are blank spaces in your memory but you guess nothing good has happened there. He must’ve felt your body tense again because he raises his head, then his whole body and your eyes meet.
You both look like you were hit by a truck, messy hair, messy faces. His eyes are as red and puffy as yours, cheeks stained with tears. He sniffles, his lips parting but no sound comes out. But after a few seconds it does and his voice echoes in the room with its force.
“What were you thinking?!” he roars, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you harshly, “You could’ve died! Did you think about that? Are you too stupid to realize that?”
You don’t know what he thinks he’s going to achieve with the yelling, but you’re getting angry. A fresh wave of tears fills your eyes.
“Maybe I wanted to die!” you want to shout back at him, but your voice is too hoarse and breaking. barely a whisper, and even just the short sentence is enough to make you gasp for air again. Speaking hurts.
He doesn’t like your answer, you guess, as he takes your shoulders and slams you against the floor, your head ringing with pain and black momentarily in front of your eyes again. This time his labored breathing registers.
“Suit yourself,” he barks, abruptly leaving the room with the door slamming behind him. He doesn’t make it far before his legs give up and he slides down the door until he’s sitting on the ground, his body wrecked by sobs.
He waits and waits, it’s been a few hours and he has yet to hear any sound from your side of the door. Granted, he spent a lot of the time crying so if you made any noise then, he wouldn’t know, but he’s getting suspicious and worried.
Eventually he collects himself enough to stand up and open the door to your room. He hopes you’ll be asleep so he can pick you up and tuck you in bed, but he’s really unlucky today and he sees you curl into a ball at the sound of the door opening. His heart breaks more when you flinch away from his touch - well, more harshly than you usually do. He wants to apologize, but there are no words that would explain how sorry he feels. He imagines being so close to death must feel lonely and yet instead of hugging and pulling you close he choked you and hurt you.
He grits his teeth and pulls you against his chest, picking you up bridal style and moving both of you to the bed. You weakly struggle against him as he lies down behind you, holding you close, your arms locked to your body with his. You’re still pretty out of it though and you don’t have the strength to fight back. You’ll let him have this round, you think as you fall asleep.
The next day is busy. He ties you up first thing in the morning. You suspect he’d go even harsher on you if it wasn’t for the bruise on your neck that he keeps eyeing. So instead of doing much, he makes you sit tied to a chair in the corner of the room while he makes necessary adjustments to the place until it follows the safety measures you’d expect to see in a mental hospital. He even gets you new sheets and pillows, ones you can’t use to suffocate yourself with. You don’t know whether to admire his dedication or be even more freaked out, so you settle on both options.
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Heavy breathing is all that can be heard in the kitchen. You wonder why he hasn’t yet gotten up from his chair to drag you somewhere or whatever his punishment would be this time. You were “mouthy” enough in your opinion to get out of this awkward dinner, enough to warrant more than just a slap across the face that currently shut you up. But while you might be silent, your mind is not. Your thoughts are a mess and you can literally feel yourself going crazy. You feel like there’s something snapping inside of your mind, like a wire stretched too thin, and it scares you. It scares you enough to just want to get away from the situation causing you distress, to get away from him. You have to do something or you know you’ll lose your mind.
You don’t have any control of your body. You don’t order your hand to take the fork. Nor do you consciously will it to stab the thing into your thigh.
Your voice breaks as you shriek, the noise strained and as unnatural as whatever you’ve done. You stare at the fork stuck in your leg. Blood begins to pool there. It hurts. 
It hurts more than the second slap to your cheek that evening, but at least that wakes you up from the trance you’ve put yourself into. You stare at Chani like you were seeing him for the first time, and maybe, just maybe, you fear him exactly the same.
He looks at your face, then at the object buried in your flesh, and then at your face again. You see him hesitate, probably meaning to hit you again before thinking better of it. He takes a deep breath and exhales again.
“Slut for pain, are you?” he quirks a brow at you with a scoff. He seems surprisingly calm. “If you needed to be hurt so bad, you could’ve just said so.”
You don’t correct him. You don’t tell him that in fact, this wasn’t exactly your plan and that it just sort of happened in the process of losing your mind. You doubt he’d listen or understand anyway. Suddenly your head is jerked forward and tilted up so that you have to meet his dark gaze.
“Not so bratty, are we now?” You see how his jaw clenches and that it’s not that he’s calm, rather he’s just really composed but furious inside. You’re not sure how to respond, so you just state the obvious.
“It hurts,” you say dumbly, cringing at your own words. There’s more scoffing and then he’s pulling you up to stand straight and you’d double over in pain if it wasn’t for Chani supporting you.
“You did this to yourself, enjoy the consequences,” he sneers as he drags you to the bathroom. To his credit though, he supports you the entire way and it almost seems like he’s trying to help you put as little weight on the injured leg as possible. Almost.
Not that it matters when he all but throws you to sit on the edge of the bathtub. You barely manage to catch yourself to prevent falling in and banging your head on the other edge. Not that it’d necessarily be the worst thing that could happen to you now.
You still feel a little dazed and not entirely present, but your captor fixes that by suddenly pulling out the utensil from your leg. Before you can scream, he puts a hand over your mouth and glares at you as your eyes start to water. 
“You’ve given me enough headache as is, so what you gonna do is shut your mouth and be still,” he hisses and you feel so small and vulnerable at this point that you just nod and watch him rummage through the first aid kit. He takes out some bandages and disinfection with some cotton pads. You expect him to start working on your leg but instead he hands the supplies to you. You give him a blank stare.
“What? You think I’m gonna clean up your mess?” he mocks and then nods towards your wound, “Better get to work.”
You sniff and do as you’re told. First you clean and disinfect the little bleeding holes and try to stay quiet even as it burns and hurts. Surprisingly though it’s not as bad as you thought it would be. Or living with Chani taught you that you can survive worse than you thought possible.
After you consider the wound clean enough, and most importantly Chani checks that you did a thorough job, you dress the wound. It has become sort of an everyday sight, various parts of your body being bandaged, but it feels different when you’re the reason behind the damage.
You look up at the man watching you and notice he’s playing with something. It’s your brush, and although it’s just that, you feel a sort of sinister energy radiating off Chani.
Before you can address him, however, he slams the thing on your knee. This time you don’t hold back the scream that tears out of your throat. You hold your leg close to your chest, cradling the painful area while glaring at the man who caused the pain.
“I needed to check whether you still have that kicking reflex,” he shrugs, but his smirk tells a different story. Jerk.
“Now come on, you have a dinner to finish,” he tells you without any interest as to how you feel.
“What if I don’t want to eat?” you challenge and watch as he turns back to you with an amused look.
“You don’t have to, but I would if I were you. It’s the last meal you’re gonna have for a while.” He says it like he’s talking about the weather.
You don’t have any option, do you? You follow him, limping and hissing in pain, but you make it to the table. You immediately reconsider your choice when he takes the utensils away from you and makes you eat with your hands, mocking you the entire time. Maybe next time you should attempt the impossible and try to stab him instead.
If there is any next time, you think as he forces you into the cellar and locks you up in a cage barely large enough for you to fit in. Maybe he’ll just let you rot in there.
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rowoonskimchi · 3 years
Jealous - NSFW
Also posted on my Wattpad, kimchiroun :)
Pairing: Rowoon x Female!Reader
Summary: Things (almost) happen in a bar with you and a middle-aged man. Rowoon rescues you, but you decide that you'll mess with him a little bit more.
Word count: 1.8k of filth. Buckle up, fellas
Warnings: orgasm denial (?); could be unprotected sex; literally my first smut EVER so... yeah; me struggling to write Rowoon as dom because he's soft in my mind; him being super soft during aftercare; I think that's it. Enjoy!
I'm wishing all the eyes of men go blind, so that only I can make you mine.
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The room is packed with people when you walk in with your boyfriend, the music immediately becoming almost too loud for your ears.
Tonight is their album release celebration, and everyone's in high spirits. The boys greet you and Rowoon excitedly, asking if you were joining their drinking game, to which you said no.
Drinking with SF9 will most likely result in chaos, after all. You know they'll need someone to make sure they go back home safe amidst their drunkenness, so you decided to take the responsibility for tonight.
You plop yourself on the couch, unable to take your eyes off of Rowoon. You know that if you were there for another second, all self-restraint would be thrown out the window. The weeks of being pent up is definitely not helping.
In his white button-down shirt that fits almost too snugly, you can see the outline of his body whenever he moves. You watch as he reaches over to poke Youngbin's side playfully, revealing the waistband of his underwear. You want to trail your hands down from his chest to his abs, watch as he shivers from under you...
You sigh to yourself. It's too early in the night to be thinking about him like this.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a middle-aged man sitting uncomfortably close to you.
"Can I buy you a drink, honey? You look awfully lonely..." he slurs, his breath reeking of alcohol. "Maybe I can make you feel good," he continues.
You scoot away from him as subtly as possible, scared that something worse will happen if you fight back. "No, thank you," you answer with a fake smile and a polite nod.
"Come on, sugar, I'll show you what you've been missing out—"
"I'll show you what happens if you move one inch closer to her," you hear Rowoon's familiar voice from behind you, making you sigh in relief.
"Oh, the boyfriend has come to the rescue. I'm so scared," the man replies mockingly, not even looking at him.
"I'm giving you a chance to get out of here before I make you," Rowoon answers, and you can hear the rage in his voice.
You internally smack yourself for thinking that it's hot. Yeah, you being pent up definitely isn't helping this situation whatsoever. Rowoon and this random man might get into a fight, and you're imagining how it'd feel like to have Rowoon pin you down right here, right now? Unbelievable.
The man finally scans Rowoon up and down—you notice how high he had to crane his neck up just to see Rowoon's face—before immediately getting up and walking away as if nothing happened.
"That... was easier than I thought it'd be," Rowoon says, sitting next to you. "Are you okay?" he asks, checking you all over, his hands grasping yours.
"I'm okay," you reply, a forbidden thought crossing in your mind. "You could've let him stay, though."
"Huh?" he asks, the shock apparent in his voice.
"He said he was going to show me what I was missing out on..." you says teasingly, trying to gauge his reaction. It's a dangerous game you're playing, but you're willing to face the consequences.
"Y/N," he warns. "Don't do this, not right now," he continues.
You know that he knows what you're on about. Jealous Rowoon is a beast, and you're adamant on bringing him out. "I'm not doing anything..." you say, smiling innocently.
"You know damn well what you're doing, baby," he says lowly. "You want me to teach you a lesson?"
"I'm not sure I catch your drift..." you say, teasing him with the fake-innocent look in your eyes.
He bites his lip, sighing to himself at this child's play. The two of you understand each other better than anything, and he usually saves the more dominant side of him for special occasions just to keep things exciting (not that they're not exciting, but Rowoon likes surprising you), but the way you're acting right now, and the way your dress stops sinfully at barely your mid-thigh is enough to drive him crazy.
"Hmm," he thinks aloud, placing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "I don't know... what do you want me to do?" he asks in return, his eyes trailing from your lips to meet yours.
You stay quiet, letting out a breath when his lips ghost over your ears.
"Want me to fuck you real good?" he whispers lowly, making you squirm in your seat as you think of how good he feels buried deep inside you. "Show you what you've been missing out on?"
You suck in a deep breath, feeling his lips on your neck.
"I'm gonna tell the guys we'll be heading back. My girl needs a reminder of who she belongs to," he says, his almost tone too sweet for the words he just said.
The car ride home is almost too long to bear, with Rowoon's eyes on the road but his hand stroking your inner thigh, going upper and upper but never to the place where you want to feel him most.
The two of you stumble into your apartment, wasting no time to get into the bedroom.
He kisses you, properly, for the first time tonight. His tongue roams around your mouth, his hand caressing your cheek while the other one squeeze your waist.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Maybe we should invite the guy after all," you reply, earning a firm slap on your ass.
"Say that again and you're not coming tonight," he warns, sucking a mark on your collarbone, his fingers finding your core. "Already this wet for me, hm?"
You stay quiet, gasping when you feel his fingers curling up inside you.
"Who are you this wet for, baby?" he whispers in you ear, his fingers moving in and out quickly. "Answer me," he orders, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit.
"You," you breathe out, feeling his fingers speed up, his other hand lifting your back to unzip your dress.
"That's right, baby," he replies, peppering kisses all over your chest. "You like that?" His fingers hasn't stopped working you to your release, sometimes curling up and making you jolt. His eyes are focused on you, watching how you react to each and every sensation he's giving you. His cock throbs painfully under his pants, making him groan into your neck.
You nod, fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him in for a kiss. "Please..."
"Please what, baby? Use your words," he tells you sweetly, feeling your walls clenching around his fingers. "You're gonna come for me already?" he asks, his lips on your neck.
You only moan in reply, unable to form coherent words with the amount of pleasure you're in. You're already on the edge, the few weeks of not being able to meet him due to his schedule making you extra sensitive.
And then he pulls away, just when you're so, so close to coming.
"Rowoon," you whine, reaching out to him.
"Nope," he replies quickly. "I'm teaching you a lesson, remember?" he teases, sucking his fingers clean as he looks into your eyes. "No coming before I tell you to. Got it, baby?"
"I swear to God, if you don't—"
"Shh," his thumb circles your clit again, "only good girls get to come. You know that."
You would've slapped him if it isn't for how his lips are trailing kisses from your chest down to your stomach, slowly going lower and lower.
"I missed you so much," he mumbles against your inner thigh, placing a soft kiss there, his thumb still rubbing you. "Have you been a good girl for me, baby?"
"Mm," you hum in reply, nodding. "Please..."
"Please what, baby?"
"I need you..." you plead, "It's been too long."
He sucks a mark on your inner thigh before unzipping his pants, his breaths already ragged. "Tell me if it's too much, okay?" he asks, getting himself out of his pants.
"Okay," you reply, pulling him in for another kiss. "I'm ready."
"I know you are, baby. Patience," he says with a smile. He pushes himself inside you slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size before moving. He swears he could've come right there. "Okay?" he asks, holding himself back.
You almost burst into tears at how good he feels inside you, it's been way too long. "Okay."
He begins moving, slowly at first, but neither of you are patient enough for that at this point, so soon he's pounding into you. His lips find home on your neck, kissing and sucking to his heart's content while your fingers tangle in his hair.
You feel the familiar feeling in your stomach, his every thrust bringing you closer and closer to your release.
"I can feel how close you are, baby," he whispers against your skin, going faster. "Tell me, who can make you feel this good?" he asks, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing it mercilessly.
"You," you manage to say. "Please. Only you," you cry out, tears brimming your eyes from how much you're struggling to hold back.
"Good girl," he praises, tensing up from above you, signaling that he's close. "Fuck," he curses, feeling you tighten around him. "Come with me, baby."
You feel him speed up as you come, with him following just a few moments after. You feel your whole body cling onto him by instinct, and him kissing you as you both ride out your highs.
He nuzzles his nose into your cheek. "I wanna pull out but I'm so sensitive," he mumbles, "it's been way too long."
"You're right," you reply, running your fingers through his hair. "I missed you so much," you tell him.
After a few moments of basking in your afterglow, he pulls out and lies on the spot next to you.
"Was I too rough?" he asks, worried. "I saw you crying a little bit."
"You weren't rough enough," you tease him, laughing lightly. "I'm okay. Just pent up."
"That's good," he replies, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder. "I couldn't be as rough 'cause I missed you so much. Wanted you to feel the love, ya know?"
You laugh, nudging him. "Yeah, yeah."
"I'm gonna clean you up. Stay here." He gets up to get a warm washcloth from the bathroom, before returning and tending to the mess he made in between your legs. "We really made a mess, baby."
"Mm," you reply, finding comfort in the warmth of the washcloth soothing the dull ache in your core.
"Sore?" he asks when he's done, placing a kiss on your forehead and lying beside you once more.
You nod, burying your face on his chest. You can hear his heartbeat slow down to a normal. "It's okay, though."
"What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?" he asks, placing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"You're staying?" you ask hopefully.
"Yeah," he replies with a smile, "I'm not going anywhere."
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Chani “Boyfriend Headcanons”
Youngbin // Inseong // Jaeyoon // Dawon // Zuho // Rowoon // Yoo Taeyang // Hwiyoung // Chani
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- The baby 
- the baby who doesn’t act like a baby
- well sometimes
- anyways the last but certainly not least member
- Let’s get into it yuh
- so Chani’s type
- I can see him liking someone a bit more traditional
- with strong family values 
- yet still has a mind of their own
- maybe someone with an all around positive out look
- Because he can be quite a realist
- To him it would be nice to have that balance
- maybe give him a more positive outlook
- He just needs a like a very positive person in his life
- and to have that in an s/o 
- he would absolutely adore that
- Not to mention he would want them to be kind as well
- Someone with a kind heart
- anyways
- First dates with Chani
- Like most of SF9 
- he would want to do something simple
- maybe a small cafe
- to grab a cup of coffee and maybe a slice of cake
- Will want to share cake with you
- Chani would be quite quiet on the first date
- Listening and taking everything about you in
- he seems quite tsundere but I’ll elaborate on that later
- he just really likes to listen to you from the getgo
- isn’t all too fond of talking about himself
- but he does it after a bit of prying
- once he comes out of his shell
- he’s a very comforting person 
- even on the first date
- like once he gets talking 
- he radiates this warm and comforting energy
-  Might get a few different pastries to try 
- the dates ends up being a lot longer than you expect 
- but once you start conversing properly it just flows so easily
- Chani 
- I don’t see him kissing on the first date
- he’s a slow burner
- he wants to take his time
- so maybe on the second or third date
- His kiss is quite 
- I don’t wanna say rough 
- but he grabs your face (with consent of course)
- and kisses you kinda roughly
- leaves you truly breathless
- gets shy after though which is funny
- seems like he a gets a rush of confidence that goes away right after
- very cute and can’t stop smiling
- Kisses with Chani are quite versatile
- can go from leaving small pecks all over your face
- to kissing you so intensley that it catches you off guard
- though the last one normally happens when you’re in private
- he thinks it’s fun to fluster you 
- he kisses your cheeks and forehead because he knows you love it
- It makes Chani absolutely melt whenever you get all smiley because he kissed your forehead or cheek, or your hands
- He loves kisses like that because they’re solely for you 
- to make you feel appreciated 
- When you kiss him like that
- he’ll act like he hates it while his whole face turns red
- secretly really loves it and you know that
- you can just tell, he doesn’t have to say it to you
- In public 
- he doesn’t like kissing 
- not on the lips
- he doesn’t mind kissing you on the cheek or you doing that to him 
- but on the lips, that’s something private to him
- if it happens it happens but he prefers not
- Chani does a lot of things for you
- but doesn’t make it known that he’s doing things for you
- this where the tsundere thing comes into play
- he does small things like moving the cups to a place where you can easily reach
- making sure things in the house you like to use are always stocked up 
- he tries to take away alot of worries for you without you knowing it
- Chani just wants you comfortable
- That’s why he does it
- he doesn’t need the recognition for it
- he just likes seeing you at ease
- Now as far as arguments go
- Chani can get irritated
- and it shows on his face
- rolling his eyes 
- huffing 
- he makes it known that he’s upset and that’s okay 
- that’s a good thing
- he doesn’t bottle that up
- He doesn’t yell but his tone says enough
- He can sometimes say things he doesn’t mean 
- but the second he sees your face drop he’s in a total state of regret
- he hates himself for it
- thats when he sits down and makes you talk about it 
- work it out rationally
- When Chani apologises
- he has a hard time getting the words out
- but you can tell he means it
- he pampers you after too
- making you a warm drink
- holding you closely and whispering small apologies
- Similarly to Rowoon, Chani doesn’t really show when he’s upset
- his actions show it though
- slamming doors 
- cabinets
- being incredibly quiet
- You can tell he’s out of it
- loves it when you rub over his shoulders and hug from behind
- softly asking what’s wrong
- that’ll get him to spill the beans 
- keep rubbing his shoulders and he’ll tell you all the secrets he’s ever had
- However really loves when you can help him out with an issue 
- he appreciates it so much 
- he adores your help
- Now when you’re upset 
- Chani can’t stand it
- It hurts him so bd and he feels like he doesn’t know what to do 
- so he results to doing something simple
- holding you close while you rant 
- simply holding you while you cry 
- breaks his heart
- it really does
- if you cry he might just cry depending on the severity 
- secretly very emotional boy
- Not as good at giving advice
- but he tries and that’s what counts
- some things you enjoy doing together 
- He loves to watch movies with you 
- calls it doing ‘research’ for some of his acting roles
- is a big sucker for going to the movies with you 
- always wants to sit in the back so he can giggle with you 
- point out things on screen 
- he just loves that
- Also loves watching old movies 
- loves the romantics in them
- so any chance he gets to take you to one
- he will 
- it’s just the vibes of a movie theater and sitting there with you 
- always takes a couple picture when you see a movie
- in front of the poster 
- those are his favorrite pictures and he keeps them as a memory
- has some printed out in his room in a frame
- Also that would totally be his wallpaper
- movie theater dates are sacred to him 
- doesn’t like it when others join in 
- it’s for you two and you two alone
- Now Chani as we know isn’t a fan of obvious couple items
- if you remember when his mother bought matching shirts for them to wear while going out
- he hated how obvious they were 
- he would want something entirely subtle
- like a small ring
- or a phone case
- maybe a watch 
- nothing in your face but something to know that you belong to each other
- he thinks that’s nice
- and if it makes you happy 
- he’ll gladly do it
- Something Chani loves 
- is when you visit him on set for something he’s filming
- supporting him from the side lines and monitoring him 
- maybe even giving him pointers
- he just loves to see your face around 
- show you off a little bit
- Plus you find it interesting to see him act 
- he can turn into a whole different person based on the role he’s playing
- it’s just so interesting to see
- Now Chani and jealousy
- I can see him getting jealous
- like quite so 
- I think Chani is quite insecure and that can come out whenever his jealousy spikes
- it’s something you two talk about quite a bit
- he can’t help himself sometimes
- he sees you talking to some guy that might be more handsome than he is 
- It scares him 
- he doesn’t want you to leave him
- so this is something you talk about and work through 
Now spicy time
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- Alrighty another SF9 member I have a hard time pinning this way 
- He’s not into anything too intense 
- switch dom lean 
- Now Chani loves to watch you 
- be it your on top of him riding him like there’s no tomorrow
- or watching you touch yourself from across the room 
- it’s his darn expressive eyes
- he just loves watching you 
- watching your body 
- watching you curl up in pleasure 
- likes dirty talk 
- but keeps it low and soft in your ears
- whispering how fucking good you look at feel 
- egging you on to ride him faster
- You on top of him 
- that’s his favorite position
- It just has so many options
- from you controlling the pace 
- or him 
- loves fucking into you and catching you off guard 
- holding you tight to his chest as he has his way with you
- Chani loves your sounds 
- He loves it so much 
- from whimpers to moans 
- he wants to hear them 
- only covers your mouth or makes you be quiet if you’re at the dorm 
- knows he’ll never hear the end of it if he doesn’t 
- might even like filming you 
- when your touching yourself
- or when you have sex
- he absolutely loves this 
- to watch it back when he has to stay somewhere overnight
- Now he never wants to do anything in public 
- but the thought of being caught at home 
- or somewhere in the dorm 
- shower sex is something he enjoys 
- pressing you against cold tile 
- hearing your moans bounce off the walls of the bathroom 
- with the thought that someone could walk in
- excites him 
- he likes the risk but if it would ever happen he’ll never do it again 
- Now I think he would have a thing for blowjobs
- like just a blowjob nothing else sometimes
- whenever he’s stressed and you drop down between his knees
- a great stress reliever
- doesn’t pull your hair or anything
- let’s you control the pace as long as you make him cum 
- doesn’t like teasing really 
- it’s not his thing
- would rather just get right into it
- loves performing oral on you 
- to watch you with those eyes as he makes you feel good
- it’s amazing to him
- for the reactions alone
- he loves it
- Aftercare with Chani
- is actually quite special 
- you guys don’t talk romantically on a daily basis 
- so during aftercare
- Chani let’s down the part of himself that gets embarrassed to speak that way
- tells you how much he loves you 
- whispers sweet nothings into your ear
- reminds you how beautiful you are to him
- very immersed in the afterglow 
- especially the way you glow
- doesn’t want you getting dressed just yet
- loves kissing over your bare skin 
- you talk about your future 
- you make him laugh 
- loves it when you joke around after 
- you fall asleep and he just watches you
- draws shapes over your skin 
- loves sleeping facing you and holding your hand
- A relationship with Chani is very sweet
- it’s filled with understanding 
- filled with soft I love you’s and sweet touches
- truly a sweet relationship made for a romance story 
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A/N: This was the last installment to the SF9 series!!! 
I really hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope I did the boys justice ♥ let me know which group I should do next as well!
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lunnanunna · 3 years
Alert Pt. 2
SF9 Extra Member AU
Summary: [Requested] Miyoung gets worse as the day goes on, but luckily she has the boys there with her.
Warning: swearing, mentions of being sick
Taglist: @hyunmijung @galacticstxrdust @many-gay-magpies @precious-seungwooya @helladead-hellaradical @boss-baby-jongho @kimonmars @chagi-nana @wooya1224 @poutypoutybin​ @sunflower-0180​ @frankenstein852​ @jenseok17​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from a taglist.
A/N: This was super requested this morning, so yeah. Hopefully it’ll satisfy your need for angst and Miyoung. The poor girl needs a happy post soon.
Requests are open! Please like, leave a comment, or send an ask. Doing any of these things is one more reason from me to keep writing.
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The day continued uneventfully for Miyoung. She changed into a pair of shorts and a swim shirt along with the others, but Youngbin and their manger had told her that she wouldn’t be joining in. She was a little bummed out about that, but the nausea that started up once they got to the water overruled that.
“If you really wanna to get wet, then you can sit here and have your feet in the water,” Youngbin suggested as he pointed to an area on the floating dock where she would be able to see everyone perfectly.
“Thanks, Oppa,” Miyoung nodded and sat down, smiling as her feet hit the water.
“Just make sure you actually tell someone if you’re feeling worse. Don’t put it off ‘cause we’re playing or something,” Youngbin said, crouching by Miyoung, he had the back of his palm to her forehead, checking for a fever.
“Or maybe I should sit out too, and keep an eye on you?” Youngbin thought to himself.
Miyoung’s eyes widened. “No, Oppa! Go have fun with the guys. I’ll be fine. Really. Plus Dohyun-oppa is here too, and all the staff. I’ll go to them,” she said, gently pushing Youngbin. She didn’t want him to sit out because of her.
“I promise,” Miyoung sent him a smile.
Youngbin stared at her for a bit longer, but nodded and got up to join the others. She smiled at him and the guys when they looked back at her.
Miyoung watched and laughed as her members tried water skiing, the banana boat (That was definitely her favorite one to watch), and then the obstacle course that would determine the change in cars to the house they were staying at that night. The more she watched, the more upset she was about the fact that she couldn’t join.
She rested her head against the beam she was leaning on and continued to watch. When Jaeyoon and Inseong looked at her, she smiled because as bummed out as she was for not joining them, she loved the fact that they were enjoying themselves.
The obstacle course was definitely the event that was taking them the longest, and as time went by Miyoung felt her nausea grow. She winced a bit when she also felt a pang in her stomach. (Did she eat something weird last night when she went out to eat with her sister? Probably. That girl had a weird taste in foods.)
Getting up to find a bathroom, she quietly prayed that she didn’t actually have to throw up (She hated the feeling and the taste.) As she entered the bathroom though, she realized she was out of luck and found herself sitting in front of the toilet with the little food Dohyun had given her earlier and last night’s dinner sitting in the bowl in front of her.
Sitting up, back against the wall, she took deep breaths to calm herself, but soon she found herself leaning over the toilet again.
“Noona?” and a knock came from the door. Miyoung didn’t answer, already knowing that whoever it was was going to come in anyway.
She felt someone hold her hair back and run their hand up and down her back. It felt nice in contrast to the tightening of her stomach muscles.
“You good?” So it was Chanhee who had followed her. She shouldn’t have been surprised, he had been watching her like a hawk the whole day.
She sat back, slumping into him, as he reached for some toilet paper to wipe her face and her hair. Scared that if she actually spoke up she’d throw up again, she just nodded.
“Have you been feeling nauseous the whole time, or just now?” Chanhee asked, flushing the toilet.
“Not that long,” Miyoung mumbled, wiping at the tears that had fallen while she was sick.
“You think you’re good to stand?”
Miyoung nodded, though Chanhee still basically lifted her up, supporting most of her weight. When he saw that her legs gave out the moment she stood, he crouched in front of her. Miyoung would have protested had it not been for the fact that she literally had no energy left.
She draped herself onto his back and he hoisted her up. Then he made his way out of the bathroom and towards the chairs and tables that were set out. Miyoung wasn’t at all surprised to have caught the attention of the rest of them as Chanhee sat her down.
“What happened?” Youngbin asked, crouching in front of Miyoung.
“I kind of threw up,” Miyoung shrugged, wrapping an arm around her torso.
Youngbin reached out to feel her forehead again. “You’re burning up too,” he said.
“Should she go see a doctor?” Taeyang suggested.
“No, I’m good. I think I just ate something weird last night,” Miyoung said. “It’ll pass on it’s own.” She’s had food poisoning before, she knew the drill.
“But what if it’s not though?” Youngkyun asked, nervously playing with his hands.
Miyoung smiled at him, shaking her head. “Don’t worry I’ve gotten food poisoning before, I know the signs. I should honestly stop letting Unnie pick the restaurants,” she chuckled a bit.
“I’ll get some water,” Sanghyuk said as he walked off to the coolers that the staff had brought.
Even though Miyoung said she was fine, the heat was definitely adding into the mix. She felt overheated, and even though she knew her stomach was empty, she could feel it clenching. The visual really hoped that she wouldn’t find herself dry heaving later.
“I think we can call off the rest of the games and just go to the house,” Youngbin said, directing it towards the staff, almost challenging them to say otherwise.
“Agreed,” Dohyun nodded, then he and the staff started packing up.
Miyoung wanted to apologize for cutting their time short, but she was struggling to keep her head up. Her hands were cold too and she knew she was probably going to pass out. She tried grabbing one of the guys, but her vision darkened faster than she had expected it to.
Chanhee who was standing next to her watched it all in slow motion. He saw her reach out, and then her eyes roll to the back of her head. The maknae was surprised with how fast he had reacted.
“Hyung!” Chanhee called out to any of his hyungs as he held a limp Miyoung in his arms. Everyone turned to look at them and Youngbin and Juho who were the closest rushed to them.
“Shit,” Youngbin hissed as he took Miyoung in his arms, gently patting her cheek to try to wake, “Yah, Miyoung-ah.”
“Hyung, lay her here,” Jaeyoon said, pointing out to a cot that was by the wall.
Youngbin carefully scooped her up in his arms and brought her to it and laid her down. “Get Hyung,” Youngbin directed at Inseong, who quickly went to grab their manager.
A few seconds later and Miyoung opened her eyes. Confusedly looking around, she realized that she did in fact pass out.
“Hyung, she’s up.” Youngbin turned to Miyoung and let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.
“Hey. How you feeling?” the leader asked.
Miyoung felt stuffy, but she normally felt like that if she fainted, her stomach still hurt a bit, and she was really thirsty.
“I think she’s dehydrated,” Taeyang said, just as Sanghyuk handed her water.
“Thanks,” she said, as Youngbin helped her sit up.
“The heat probably isn’t helping,” Youngbin said looking at Miyoung, watching as her color slowly came back to her face.
“I'll get better once I drink more and sleep,” Miyoung said. She hoped that they would let her sleep in the bigger car again and that they’d crank up the AC.
“Come on, let's get you changed and settled in the car,” Youngbin said.
Miyoung nodded, but as she got up, Chanhee grabbed her arm on reflex. She giggled a bit. “You want to carry me so I don’t fall over again?”
“Yes, actually,” the maknae said seriously, then hoisted her onto his back.
“Chanhee’s not letting her out of his sight today,” Jaeyoon chuckled.
“That makes two of us,” Youngbin added.
Miyoung flushed at the attention. She hated being sick, but she loved her boys.
Miyoung’s Masterlist
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minminnie-shii · 3 years
Giving SF9 Cuddles
Hai hai!! I know i’ve been gone for a while
lets just act like that never happened
Buttt, I’m back and recently I’ve been watching the new series of Kingdom and I am so hype to see my babies sf9 
currently sobbing
also my mom was very upset when they came in last place
anyways they’re all working so hard and I’m so proud of them so I decided to write this for all the Fantasy and new Fantasy who are getting into my babies.
so here is sf9 wanting cuddles, enjoy
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~Kim Youngbin~
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this man
i love him so much i might cry
moving on
being a father of eight children is hard work
but my best baby does everything he can and is the best leader he can be for those boys
being a little is hard work and he needs to be taken care of as much as they do
insert the love of his life
thats you
youre good at telling when hes stressed and do everything you can to help him
so when he looks at you with doe eyes asking for cuddles you don’t hesitate to say yes
so now your laying on your bed youngbins head on your chest
youre running your hand through his hair softly and humming to him
he lets out a peaceful sigh and lifts hiss head looking up at you
“i love you so much” 
he looks so sleepy and you couldn’t stop yourself from cooing at him
he eventually falls asleep and you just lay there quietly admiring him
he’s the love of your life and you’ll never understand how you got so lucky to have someone like him in your life
~Kim Inseong~
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this man
he will ask for cuddles in the most dramatic way
you’re at the dorm visiting him before he starts filming for his new show
you know that you wont be able to see him for a while and youre a little sad
inseong of course knows this
so he wants to make today extra special
he surprised you with flowers and your favorite snacks 
he even bought you a penguin plushie that was almost the size of you
so now youre sitting on the couch waiting for him to come back so you could start the movie you wanted to watch
inseong was watching you from the kitchen
you were playing with the sleeves of his sweater that you were wearing staring blankly at the screen in front of you
he smiled softly to himself before skipping into the livingroom
“____, dont look so sad, cuddle me instead!”
his loud voice nearly made you jump out of your skin
he plopped onto the couch next to you and wrapped his arms tightly around you
he pulled you into his chest and slowly rocked you back and forth
a smile came to your face as you rested your head on his chest
“it wont be long, i promise ill call you everyday, okay?” 
he assured you that he’ll come see you as soon as filming was over
you knew that he would and you were more than willing to wait for him
because you love him and there was nothing that would ever change your mind
even if he is a major dork that makes you cringe more often than not
~Lee Jaeyoon~
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bias wrecker number 1
did you guys see how hard he practiced for the jealous stage on kingdom
i might cry
i hope he got enough time to rest after hurting his knee
you were at your apartment when youngbin called you letting you know that jaeyoon was on his way to the hospital
of course you were worried but he assured you that he was okay he just hurt his knee
of course you told him that you would meet him there and quickly got dressed
once you finally reached the hospital your boyfriend was staying at you found youngbin who was waiting for your outside
“is he okay? hes not too hurt is he?” 
“he’ll be okay, he just has to rest for a while, i told him you were coming”
as quickly as he could he led you into the room where jaeyoon was lying restlessly
when he heard the door open his head shot over to you and he smiled sadly
you quickly composed yourself and smiled, walking over to him
you sat in the chair next to him and the two of you talked for a while
he told you about coming in last place, feeling like he didn’t work hard enough
it hurt you to see him like that and you did everything you could to reassure him that you were proud of him and he did the best that he could
he began to grow sleepy while talking to you and you could tell
“can you spend the night here with me?” 
you almost squealed out loud as he sleepy state but you just nodded and agreed
he scooted as far as he could to the side of the bed to make room for you
you laid down next to him and he immediately wrapped his body around yours hugging you as closely as he could
he easily fell asleep to you petting his hair and whispering sweet nothings to him
i squealed
~Lee Sanghyuk~
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hes so adorable i cant handle it
he also may be my moms favorite she doesnt know yet
although he is a dork he is very serious when it comes to his relationship with you
you are the light of his life and he will treat you as such
but youre still not safe from his pranks and constant jokes
he came to your apartment in his next attempt to bug you 
but when he noticed that you weren’t your normal bubbly self he placed himself next to you on the couch
you immediately reacted and rested your body against his
he leaned back into the cushions and pulled you into his lap
he would occasionally kiss your forehead letting out small hums
he would listen intensely as you tell him about you day
you explained why you were sad and he acted as if it happened to him
giving you advice on how to deal with the situation
it was rare for you to see him so serious but you loved that he was willing to help you with whatever problem that you had
even if it was something small a small trivial matter that didnt have any meaning
once he was sure that you were okay and they two of you would joke around
being the little shit that he is he would pin you down on the couch and began to tickle you
“yah, knock it off!” 
you tried your best to push him off of you
but our man is swole and was not letting you off that easy
once he finally decides youve had enough flops down and lays on top of you
“youre lucky youre cute”
you couldn’t stop the growing smile on your face as the two of you continued to joke around
~Baek Ju Ho~
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bias wrecker number 2
hes so precious and i cant handle the cuteness
excuse me ill calm myself
the boy
whether he admits it or not
he will drop anything and run the minute you call his name
and if youre sad or if you pout
lord you better believe hes right there plotting the death of whoever made you sad
one day you and zuho are out walking around doing couple things
you know, being adorable
when all of a sudden you see a group of girls pointing and laughing
you werent sure what they found funny but you began to grow self concious
it didnt even have to be you that they were laughing at, but your mind got the best of you
zuho noticed the sudden change in behavior and immediately took your hand
he pulled you into a hug and rocked you back and forth slightly
he caressed the back of your head and whispered to you about how much he loves you and how beautiful you are
you looked up at him and smiled softly 
he chuckled to himself before placing a soft kiss to your lips
he continued to press light kisses all over your face as he hugged you tighter
you giggled and hid your face in his chest
the people that surrounded you couldn’t help but smile as they watched the two of you
even the girls who you thought were laughing at you they had large smiles on their faces as they all talked about wishing to have a boyfriend like him
~Kim Seok Woo~
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i swear i feel like he would be the best boyfriend ever
i know im not the only one who sees it
he won’t be able to live if he doesnt touch you at least once every ten minutes
ten seconds
he loves your touches 
lets be honest he loves everything about you
i am not kidding
after a stressful day of filming schedules and whatever other plans he has
his favorite thing is to come home and have you waiting for him
there were a lit of times where you would fall asleep waiting for him
he knew that it was late and you wouldnt be awake so he didnt bother to call you
he walked into his dorm tired from the long day that he had
after getting a bottle of water he walked into his room and a large smile came to his face
you were lying on his bed bundled up in his blankets sleeping peacefully
he got ready for bed as fast as he could wanted to lie next to you as fast as he could
once he was ready he carefully and quietly lifted up the blanket covering up your body
he laid down next to you and slipped one arm underneath your body
he slowly rolled you over so your body was lying on top of his
once the two of you were cozy he covered your body back up with the blanket
letting out a peaceful sigh he relaxed his body against yours closing his eyes and letting your quiet breathing quickly lulling him to sleep
you woke up a little later noticing that you werent lying in the same position you fell asleep in
your eyes fluttered open and a smile came to your face as you stared at your sleeping boyfriend
you placed a small kiss on his nose before settling back down and once again falling into your slumber
~Yoo Taeyang~
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i love him so much
literally no words can explain it
his favorite thing to do outside of his idol life
so when he FINALLY gets a day off
guess what hes doing
hanging out with the love of his life of course
he spent the night at your apartment the day before and now the two of you are lying in bed 
youre both lying on your sides just staring at each other with cute smiles on your faces
the aura around the two of you is peaceful, quiet, and intimate
to anyone looking in you could see the love pouring off of the two of you just by looking
you lifted your hand and brought it closer to taeyangs face, trailing your fingers up his jaw
you brought your hand up to his hairline and gently caressed his hair
“i love you”
a red hue came to taeyangs cheeks as he buried his face in your neck
“yah, you cant say stuff like that out of no where”
you giggle as his breath tickled your neck
you draped your arms loosely around his neck as he shifted to hover above you
“but its true”
“i love you” 
he buried his face in your neck again and attacked you with kisses
you squealed loudly and the two of you spent the rest of your day just like this
and neither of you would have it any other way
~Kim Youngkyun~
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this dood
seriously please help him
no one really knows how the two of you got together
youre both so awkward that people dont understand your relationship
but lets be honest the two of you are perfect for each other
hwiyoung is a sensitive lil gentleman and he totally understands you
buttt sometimes it doesnt come out how he wants it to
you know, him being awkward and all
he does love your affection but he just has a hard time showing it
so a lot of the time youre the one that has to initiate it
“youngie come here”
his head shot over to look at you the minute that he heard you whine
he stood on his feet and walked over to his bed where you were sitting
“are you okay? whats wrong?” 
you just smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him onto the bed
he let out an exclaim of surprise as he landed with an oof on the bed
you acted quickly and wrapped your arms around his waist
you laid half of your body on top of his and stared down at him
his face was red as he stared up at you
“i hate it when you do that”
you laughed again as you rested your chin on his chest
“you love it and you know it”
he just rolled his eyes and the two of you continued to talk to each other while lying like that
hwiyoung locked his hands around your waist while you talked about your idea of getting a new puppy
“will you name it after me?” 
you gushed at his pout and squished his cheeks together
“youre too cute”
you loved how adorable he was and you hoped that he stayed this adorable forever
~Kang Chanhee~
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fluffy fluff boy
deserves all the love in the world
supes awk
but tries to act confident around you because well
the boys make fun of him about you
our lil actor boy will be super chill about it as long as youre in the room
but the minute you leave
will whine and complain to his members
so one day when you randomly walked into the dorm and they were all there
you didnt hesitate to walk over to chani on the couch and plop down next to him 
you wrapped one arm around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder
you let out a small sigh and relaxed yourself into his body
the boys didnt say anything but they all had smiles on their faces as the two of you were in your own little world
chani slipped his hand into yours as the two of you continued to talk about your days
“when are you going to teach me your new routine?”
chani laughed and kissed the top of your head
“whenever youre ready”
he smiled when you let out a little yawn
“come on, lets go to bed”
you sat up and stood on your feet following him into his room
you plopped onto his bed and he laid down next to you
“will you sing for me?” 
he let out a tiny giggle before nodding
once the two of you were comfortable he began to sing quietly until your head lulled to the side 
once he knew you were sleeping he hugged you closer loving the fact that you were so close to him
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kdream-factory · 4 years
SF9 Reaction to S/O having a hidden tattoo
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When he discovered your small dragon tattoo on your shoulder blade he’d constantly play with it by touching and naming it like it’d be a living thing. He’d sometimes show it off to the other members by lifting up your shirt and putting his face against it.
Youngbin: “Look this is little Bin dragon, it has my name”
Rowoon: “You don’t say!?”
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When you two were eating you rolled up your sleeves. This is when he spotted your flower tattoo. It was under your elbow and it was very small. He stopped drinking and immediately thaught of how he didn’t notice. No big reaction but he’d have a conversation with himself in his head.
Inseong: “You have a tattoo?”
Y/N: “Oh yeah haha, It’s so small I sometimes forget about it. I got it a year ago.”
Inseong: “Ah... Cool cool.”
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You were in the middle of cooking something when he came from behind and wrapped his arms around your waist while starting to kiss your shoulder up to your neck. You tilted your head so your hair fell a little to the side. He opened his eyes and stopped kissing you but his lips where still on your neck. You asked him whats wrong and he started wiping off what he saw there. When you turned around you saw his confused look.
Jaeyoon: “You have a tattoo?”
Y/N: “Well yeah it was my first one.”
Jaeyoon: “You have more? Wow okay. You have to show them to me. Hey maybe we could get couple tattoos?”
Y/N: “Yeah no think about getting one for yourself first honey. Let’s take babysteps huh?”
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When he saw you coming out in that new bikini you just bought he would run to you and hug you while the others would watch him. He lifted you up bridal style to through you into the water but then the thin lettering on your thigh jumped into his eye. While you were screaming for him to let you down he just whirled around with his head trying to find words. He let you down and kneeled infront of you. It actually looked really wrong but when he grabbed your leg he then asked you out.
Dawon: “Baby since when do you have a tattoo? Why did you never tell me? When did You get it?”
Y/N: “Uh... I told you ahaha. You don’t remember?”
Dawon: “I thought it was a joke???”
Y/N: “Well no it wasn’t”
Dawon: “Anyways let’s pose infront of the others!”
And there he was flexing his muscles while you stretched out your leg elegantly. All in all he would be confused but the whole situation would just be funny.
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Rowoon was in a rush and you were helping him with his tie as he tried to do his hair. His body was leaning towards you but his head was looking towards the mirror on the side. When you started having problems he looked down to you and your hands. But then he noticed your cleavage. He was frozen with his hands still in his hair and when you noticed where his eyes were looking at you stopped what you were doing and covered up yourself.
Rowoon: “I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-“
Y/N: “Don’t worry... just don’t look anymore”
You did your second attempt to do his tie and Rowoon again tried to glance down but when he saw that there was some sentence written under your collarbone he stopped your hands from doing what they did.
Rowoon: “Oh come on how can I not?”
Y/N: “I am your best friend! That should be enough for you to not look at my boobs!”
Rowoon: “You really are a pain in the ass sometimes you know that? I’m a man and you look sexy... so what? This tattoo isn’t making it any less hard for me”
He would make lots of sassy comments and chase after you to get a closer look.
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The whole thing came out of nowhere. You lay on the sofa with your stomach and only had his shirt on with your underwear. Zuho as the big cuddler he is jumped onto you. His hands landed on your butt. He began to knead but stopped again relatively quickly when he discovered the tattoo under your butt. You turned around to caress his cheek but stopped halfway when you saw his surprised face. Then you realized where he was looking at.
Y/N: “Like what you see?”
Zuho: “Damn this is hot you know that?”
Y/N: “It’s just a tattoo baby”
Zuho: “Yeah but it’s under your butt!”
He was totally fascinated.
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He first saw your tattoo when you two started dating and you began walking around him without many clothes on early into the relationship. You were getting ready, walking around in just your underwear, rushing from one room to another passing him three to five times and hectically asking him where he put your stuff. Everytime you turned to him he saw Something on your hip bone. He mistook it as a mole at first but when you got closer to him because you had to reach for sonething he saw that it was actually a small ladybug tattoo!
Taeyang: “You have a cute tattoo there Y/N.”
Y/N: “Thanks baby :)”
Would compliment you if you had any other tattoos and tell you that he liked them and once in a while would ask you if he can look at them again.
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You were a person that would always cover up with as much clothes as you could as you didn’t like exposing that much of yourself. You would dress up a bit more when you had to go out for any event and when Hwiyoung had invited you to his birthday party you took the chance and put on a skirt that exposed your thigh very much. When you arrived Hwiyoungs chin dropped to the floor. He had a huge crush on you and he would lie if he said he didn’t think about you in something a bit more revealing before. When he saw that something black was twirling around your thigh he thought it was some fabric stuff dangling down from your skirt but at the second look he couldn’t keep his eyes away from it. He began sweating and rushed to you.
Hwiyoung: “Y/N so good to see you! That thing on your thight is-“
Y/N: “A tattoo. Yes”
Hwiyoung: “And a pretty big one too! You surprise me every time. What else do you got under all that huh?”
FLIRTY for the rest of the day because he is highkey turned on and his head imagines you in so many ways. Is good at keeping it a secret... if he wants to.
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You and the whole group were partying and somehow everyone ended up mocking you and Chani as you two were the most innocent ones in this round of people. Chani didnt say anything against what everyone was saying because he was used to it but you were full on defense mode and tried to say anything against them. For Chani it was very amusing. He liked it when you were upset as he thought you looked very cute. When you had enough you sat next to Chani again and mumbled to yourself.
Y/N: “They would be surprised about what I already did...”
This caught Chanis attention and so he nudged you with his elbow and asked you what you meant. While everyone was back at discussing things without you two you took out your phone and searched for a photo of you where- lets say it was seductive. You were sitting on the floor, hands around your chest to hide whats naked but not enough to hide your tattoo between your breasts which was rather large. You didn’t think twice and showed Chani.
Y/N: “If they’d know that I already got a pretty big tattoo they would talk differently...”
Chani was just staring at the photo in slight shock. You practically just showed him a nude and all you think about is that tattoo? You definitely are innocent. He just smiled at you and again kept his mouth shut. You don’t have to guess about what he was thinking forthe rest of the night. At least he couldn’t stop staring at your chest when you were talking.
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SF9 React to their small S/O grabbing the bottom of their shirt when walking through crowds
Anonymous asked: Can I request a SF9 reaction to their small s/o grabbing the bottom of their shirt when walking through crowds??
Dang this is cute. Of course! Anything for my readers! (PS: Sorry for the ultra late reply! I hope you forgive me anon!)
This boy probably wouldn’t even notice until you accidentally tugged his shirt. He’d ask what was wrong first, then as you explained what you were doing, his eyes would widen in realization and he’d exclaim in understanding. Then, he would blush as he grabbed your hand and told you to hold it instead.
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This man probably wouldn’t even notice until you guys had gotten to your destination. He’d then tell you why you hadn’t said anything the entire time, then apologize because he should have paid more attention to you anyway, and then tell you to just hold his hand instead. Then he’d grab your hand and hold it tightly, showing you an example of how you should do that in crowds.
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Let me tell you, the second he feels your hands on his shirt, he is on you. He will yell your pet name, gathering (probably unwanted) attention from strangers around you guys. Then he’d grab your hands in his, telling you that you’re safer if you’re walking in his arms. He hugs you, but while doing so, he lifts you off the ground and starts walking. You tell him that you’re fine, a blush on your face, but boy is relentless and doesn’t let go until you’ve poked his side. You guys settle on having one arm around your waist after bickering in public. (LOL)
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Although he wouldn’t realize that you were doing that immediately, he’d make such a fuss as soon as he realized. Then he would hold your hand at his hips and make train sounds as you guys went through the crowd. This guy would turn it into a game, making you feel like a child again. However, you’d probably have fun with it because who doesn’t have fun when around Dawon?
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Without any words, Zuho would just grab your hand. With a smile, making you blush, he’d pull you close as you guys started making your way through the crowd. He’d tell you to stay close and you’d reply, “I can’t be any closer to you, we’re basically one person right now.” He’d laugh before kissing your hand that was held tightly in his, as you guys walked side by side through the crowd.
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Baby boy would be all blushes when he saw that you were holding his shirt. Then he’d turn to you and ask if you were scared of getting lost (because there was no way you were losing sight of him), then you’d reply, “Yeah, kind of.” He’d then squat and tell you to jump onto his back, which you’d decline, but he’d be telling you it would make him feel safer knowing you wouldn’t be able to get lost that way. You would have no choice but to do so. It would be an adventure being able to see things from a different perspective, and you’d both probably would be happy to have cuddle time during a walk.
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He would immediately realize that you were holding on to his shirt but he would pretend that he didn’t notice. However, once he noticed that you weren’t really paying attention to him, he’d smoothly snake one arm around your waist and catch you off guard. Before you could ask him what he was doing, he’d tell you that he didn’t want his favorite person in the world stray away from him. You’d blush once you realized the meanings of what he said and he’d smile before you guys continued your way.
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As innocent as this boy looks, he’s also a little prankster. He would be slow to notice what you were doing, however, once he realized, he’d stop dead in his tracks right when you weren’t paying attention. With a smirk (and a slight blush), he’d tell you to not be scared of being lost. You’d reply you weren’t (but you were a little). However, he’d roll his eyes and grab your hand, telling you that you shouldn’t be because he, your savior, would always be there when you needed him. You’d then smack him, earning a laugh from the boy, but you’d both be blushing nontheless.
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He would look at your hand and then he’d look at you, doing this a few times. He would then say, “Are you a child?” He’d act aloof but then he’d grab your hand, without looking and continue on with you stumbling behind him. You probably wouldn’t notice his blush because you were struggling to keep up.
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sanghyukstattoos · 4 years
Cross the street
Characters: Kim Youngkyun I Hwiyoung x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2468
Summary: Hwiyoung loved the sun and the sky and you but sometimes, all the hassles and life changes gave him a major headache but today and everyday other day since that time he had met you, you were there to listen to his troubles. 
A/N: There were so many beautiful Hwi gifs, I had a tough time choosing-
Also, this one wasn’t requested but I had thought of the idea ages ago so I hope you enjoy! 
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His fingers roughly threaded through his hair, pushing the strands out of his face. Standing outside the room he had just walked out claiming that he needed, "air", the annoyance was coursing through his veins and he felt like venting. Just moments before, he had gotten the scream of his life and to add salt to the wound was the fact that it was for something beyond his control. That person must have been having a bad day too. However, if that was how his day started then he could have walked away like it was nothing.
Starting with the bad comments, the world worked wonders. It seemed as if there were no end to the amount of bad people that existed and the problems manifested as a result of their behaviour. Even listening to music didn't help as the thoughts persistently lingered at the back of his mind. At this point, this would be the second week to look bleak, he thought trying to selectively remember the good memories of the last.
Opposite him was a huge glass window and the sky couldn't have looked any more prettier. There were both dark clouds and bright ones alike but the bright ones took over the sky. Overlapping with the dark clouds, it looked as if the latter were adorned with sequins that shone even as the night raged on. Scoffing at the sky, his thoughts were interrupted by someone opening the door and walking out into the hallway. Sanghyuk looked at him with immense concern before saying, "They want to discuss something but they need everyone there". Nodding, he turned to enter but was stopped by Sanghyuk tenderly saying, "You'll be fine, let's go".
Taking a deep breath as he entered the room, a couple of eyes turned their way. When they actually got to the discussion, it wasn't anything like he expected it to be. Rather than talking about future plans, it was about reformation. A type of change subject to varying degrees but that's at least how he interpreted it. Is this how it’s going to be from now onwards? We change for those people instead of trying to bring about change as idols?
Change was harder than he thought because sometimes it required trying to convince a whole bunch of people who held the same opinions and were all equally persistent about it. Many beliefs couldn't be factually proven so saying that someone else's beliefs were wrong was incorrect because there was an equal chance that yours were wrong as well. So he had to let it go but not when their beliefs influenced his behaviour, especially in a way that he didn't agree with.
In the next room, it was as if they were having some sort of dance party, the stomping, screaming and and literal choruses of laughter made concentrating on what the director was saying, harder. His attention went fluttering to what could have been possibly happening in the very next room. From the look on the directors face, she also seemed dissatisfied and looking around, she let out a laugh that was of course, open to interpretation. At the corner of his eye, he saw Youngbin and Inseong glancing nervously at one another and looking at the others, they seemed to share a nervous disposition as well.
Hints of behind the scene movements that fans were indefinitely clueless about through the way the group presented themselves, seeped viciously from Sanghyuk. Taking a look, one would be able to see the negative comments clamouring and tearing down at the strong self- esteem walls he had built. These people are not our fans, he thought to himself. Hardiness is not a trait everyone was born with and subject to experiences in life, people gradually begin to display varying degrees of hardiness. Obviously, Sanghyuk was no exception to this, developing a strong sense of resilience over the course of his life as an artist but to see him like this, deeply saddened Youngkyun.
An inadmissible gap filled with the silence from Sanghyuk, Youngkyun tried his best to comprehensively understand what people were saying but while nodding, he couldn’t help but disagree to a larger extent. They really meant when they said that silence was key. These people were angry and Youngkyun immediately understood that they had lost the fight they started. Softly sighing, he smiled as he turned to the camera for the ones who were there for the same reason as he was.
During the course of the live, the members made sure to give Sanghyuk a pat every now and then. He found the premise hurtful but comforting because they were there with him. Temples throbbing a bit, he squeezed his eyes feeling temporary relief from having not blinked once within the last couple of seconds. Eyeing the snacks on the table in front of them, he reached for two, holding one against his chest while he handed the other one to Sanghyuk. The older one received it with a small smile to his face, murmuring a "thank you" whilst returning to his comfort zone.
A while ago, he put himself in Sanghyuk's place and shivered a little at the thoughts that crawled into his mind. He wasn't the centre of their negative attention but he ended up feeling self-conscious. It was coincidental for him to be called at that exact time allowing him to brush the situation aside. Looking over, he made a decision that even if he couldn't stop the problem, he would protect Sanghyuk, following whatever the older chose to do. Not thinking about how exhausted he could become, he went ahead believing that even if he burned out, it would be at Sanghyuk's side.
Gradually spinning, soft laughs and giggles passed them by as the live came to an end. Evoking a nature of warm- heartedness, interacting with their fans from all walks of life left a deep impression on the members. The support they received was instrumental in their music and it made them happy knowing that people loved the results of their hard work. Despite ongoing troubles, they compartmentalised, segregating the nice people from others. There was also strength in numbers but this didn't have to refer to a large number of people because even two could seal the deal.
Just like Fantasy's, the members had one another and being able to rely on each other meant that they didn't worry about concerning their fans. On the way back home, the members optimistically spoke about the live with Hwiyoung pitching in every once in a while. Bright but tired smiles lit the dimly lit car as the members fell asleep one by one. Comfortable silence enveloped the car as Hwi looked outside, watching the trees and other cars pass by in a blur. Taeyang looked over at him, tracing his face for a hint about his thoughts. From a glance, it looked as if he was wandering but Tae realised quickly that his intense focus must have meant that he was only thinking about one thing.
They all were because it wasn't fun knowing that someone who constantly made you smile wasn't smiling anymore. Obviously he'd pick up his baggage someday and throw it over the balcony, free from its weight but that toll it placed on him while it was with him was enormous. His balance from the rest of the world was crowded with aimless thoughts, thoughts that Sanghyuk quickly looked away from. You couldn't solve this problem today even if you wanted to. Neither could you run away from it, pretending to have solved it because that would be like putting a band-aid on a gushing wound.
Today wasn't the day and still looking outside, Hwi rested his head on the headrest, feeling a wave of tiredness wash over him as he did so. Getting off, the boys lugged out of the car with Hwi informing them that he would make his way to your house. Nodding, they wished him well and to be safe, watching as he got into his own car and made his way to your house. Half way through, he felt as if it was a bad idea to arrive at your house because while you'd definitely be excited to see him (he could already see the smile on your face), he'd want to complain about how terrible his day was. Parking outside, he shut the car door and practically ran to the door.
In less than five seconds, you were at the door, having felt excited to meet him. You skipped down the stairs, careful not to hurt yourself but as soon as you landed on the last step, you bounced all the way to the door, straightening a little as you reached to open it. Peeking at his form, alarm bells set off in your head but you prepared yourself for the scenario that was about to unfold, knowing that whatever it was, you would be here to hold him in your arms and soothe him. "Hey babe" you smiled, extending your arms and meeting your eyes, he mirrored your bright smile and lightly fell into your embrace.
Your fingers went up to his head, running your fingers through his hair as he hid in the crook of your neck, taking in your smell. Your smell was the most familiar and the most comforting, helping him relax as it instantly reminded him of you. "It's late, you must be really tired," you said as you pulled away, arms still around his waist. "It's okay, it’s surprising I’m not that tired" he replied scrunching up his nose and holding up his fingers to represent how little he was tired. Hand in hand, you walked to the bedroom, sitting on the bed as he went to the bathroom to freshen up, grabbing some clothes on the way from the free space you made for him in your cupboard so that he'd have some place to keep his stuff every time he came over.
You didn't like the idea of leaving his side when his composure was essentially ripping at the seams but you waited nonetheless till he came out. Joining you on the bed, he laid himself in between your legs with his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hard, supported by pillows against the headrest. Softly, you asked him, "You okay?" but you could tell that he wasn't going to reply from the silence. He was trying to tell you but he didn't know where to start because he felt like that was the most important. Not being able to put his finger down on the one thing that was causing him the most trouble threw him over the line. Just as you grasped his chin to get him to look up at you, he shifted to lay on his stomach, burying his head in yours as the tears that he had been holding in all day flowed free.
Feeling the warmth on your stomach and hearing his sniffles made you connect the dots together and immediately you asked, "Babe? Hwi baby, look at me, tell me what's wrong" you tenderly spoke but this only encouraged more tears from him. It was as if he couldn’t find the words to tell you and this is the only way he could start. Leaving your position from around him, you slept face to face with him and pulled him into your hold. You held the back of his head as his arms immediately found your form, squeezing you against him. Sobbing, the tears flowed at an alarmingly free rate and stained your shoulders.
This hurt you and tears pricked the corners of your eyes as Hwi was usually very happy with his gummy smiles and adorable attitude. Not to mention how much fun the two of you had but you needed to remind him that bad times only lasted as long. Pushing away your tears, you held his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. He peered through his wet eyelashes at you, cheeks wet and momentarily stopped at your actions but looking you in the eyes caused him to start again. You pouted as you watched him cry saying, "Baby boy, you have to tell me what's wrong so that we can try and fix it together". Hearing your words made him shake his head vigorously, disagreeing that you could help whatever was going on.
"Well, how would we know if you don't tell me?" you gently questioned looking at his eyes that were lost in thought. "Okay" he whispered, voice hoarse from the crying and swallowing, he took a shaky breath before starting his story. Letting go of his face, you shifted again, this time face to face with him as he explained. Going into detail, you made mental notes at the level of different elements whilst patting his butt which helped him calm down faster. He stopped every once in a while to take a breath which also allowed you to process the different pieces of information, trying to pick out any places where you could ask questions.
Completing his stories, he rubbed the wetness away from his eyes, throwing an arm over your waist as you rubbed the expanse of his abs. His turn over, you started, "It's difficult, I'll give you that. Even more so, you are able to deal with these situations. Look at them from a third person perspective and imagine that you were speaking to a fellow friend, how would you describe what just happened? After that, how long will that memory stay with you, won't it be crowded by the happier memories you make every day? It's really easy to get lost thinking over and over again about all the tiny things that have built up or a problem that won't go away, but if you give it time, I guarantee you now that you'll have moved on to other parts of your life, later on." you spoke, letting the words run through his mind, seeing the answers form in his mind.
You waited for a few moments till he nodded in agreement saying, "Thank you by the way" following with a soft kiss to your lips. Warm, they tasted a little bit salty and as you pulled away, you replied, "It's okay baby". Your hands found his hair, holding his head back a little so that you could press a kiss against his forehead, holding him in your arms. His eyes dropped, the exhaustion seeping through him having poured out the stress that he was carrying with him all day. You smiled at the small rises and falls of his chest, laying next to him as you pulled the covers over the two of you. Not before long, you fell asleep as well, thinking of the way he slept like a little baby. 
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herwonderland7 · 3 years
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SUMMARY ― Aera didn’t imagine that she would be fighting to defeat the evil Red Queen, with the help of her own family. This would be the greatest fight in the history of Wonderland.
CHARACTERS ― Princess Riana Aera/Princess Diana, Queen Aerina (White Queen), Red Queen, Grandma Kim, Zen Alberto, Elexis Violeta Doukas, Iris Reiter, Morian Princes, Neo Princes, King Aquilles Morian, Aretha Anthia, Ariana Aurelia
GENRE ― fantasy, nct!prince, nct!royalty, nct!as!vampires, nct!as!wolves
WARNINGS/AUTHOR’S NOTE ― A Rollercoaster Of Emotions That’s All I Could Say. The Final Battle. Guess Who Found Taro-Chan? Iconic.
WORDS ― 3,600+
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The two Neo Princes were busy pulling their swords out of the dark knights.
Everything happened in just a second with the fogs disappearing, the 9 magicians crying in happiness revealing two figures which Shotaro noticed were SF9 parents and realizing that the princesses of Aerina and Morian broke the spell.
The first person to see those dark knights was Prince Rowoon and Prince Zuho hence all of them were scattered outside the magician’s palace.
Shotaro and Sungchan were placed near the back garden.
As they were busy having to fight with the dark knights on their way, red bright lights caught Sungchan’s attention that made him turn towards the lights.
It wasn’t lights, it was actually a portal that had familiar looking red hues.
It even caught Shotaro’s attention.
Turning towards Sungchan, Shotaro blinked. “Is this what Youngbin hyung was talking about?”
Sungchan could only copy him, which is blinking his eyes. He suddenly remembered the conversation he had with Youngbin, the leader of SF9.
“Princess Aera told me that once she removed the enchantment on this island, red portals would be shown.”
“What if it’s the Red Queen?”
“The red queen’s powers are different. Hers would be shown in black.”
“.....And where would that portal lead us to?”
“She said your home.”
Looking at the portal, it doesn’t look like it will close soon.
Shotaro decided to have a look but he is stopped by Sungchan out of worry.
“It’s okay. I’m just looking. I’m not entering just yet.” said Shotaro, as he took a few steps and inspected the other side of the portal.
“I can’t recognize the area but since this is Princess Aera’s portal, we should trust her right?” Shotaro turned towards Sungchan. The young one looked hesitant but knowing he wouldn't be alone, Sungchan nodded.
“Okay. Let’s go, hyung.” Sungchan held onto Shotaro’s hand, before entering the portal - not knowing that they were actually on the air, causing them to scream out of surprise.
Both groaning in pain, with the way they fell which is facing down.
“Hyung! Are you…”
Sungchan crawled towards Shotaro who was trying to stand up, but his words trailed off as soon as he looked to the front.
He didn’t even have the time to even look around, because two figures were in front of them, staring wide-eyed towards Shotaro and Sungchan.
Shotaro turned towards Sungchan, then turning towards where Sungchan was looking.
“Chenle? Jisung?”
With Shotaro calling their names, the names he called didn’t hesitate to run towards where Shotaro and Sungchan were.
Chenle was tightly hugging Shotaro while Jisung was already sobbing hugging Sungchan.
The two missing Neo Princes could strongly feel their emotions, it was too strong that both of them could just burst into tears.
“H-How.. You’re not the Red Queen’s creatures, aren’t you....” Chenle trailed off, both Shotaro and Sungchan quickly shook their heads, looking towards each other.
“No! Of course not! We got out of the Red Queen’s spells thanks to Princess Aera!” Sungchan exclaimed. Chenle and Jisung looked towards each other with wide eyes.
“...By the way, where are we?” Shotaro questioned, eyes looking around.
He was smart enough to know they were in a garden, but the two stones that were perfectly placed in the middle caught his eyes.
Shotaro walked towards it and he couldn't help but gasp loudly, to see his own name and Sungchan’s written on the tombstones.
Turning towards them, Shotaro pointed to the stones. “....How long were we gone for?.... Nevermind that isn’t important but what is important is that everyone is in danger! Especially Princess Aera!” Shotaro begins to ramble his way while trying to find the way out.
“Hold on! What are you talking about?” Jisung frowns while looking at the older one who was walking back and forth.
“...I believe a war is about to come in our homes. But I think the Red Queen is targeting Princess Aera’s home.” Sungchan said and Chenle quickly grabbed onto Sungchan.
“C’mon! We have to go!” Chenle pulled Sungchan along, while the other two followed them.
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Patiently waiting for the Red head’s arrival, both Aera and Anthia were in position.
All of a sudden the atmosphere grew dramatically cold, Aera noticed that Anthia’s eyes had gone white.
“She is here.” Anthia whispered, her eyes still white - making Aera to focus more.
A sudden high pitch laughter echoed in the part of the forest where they are in.
“Princess Riana Aera, aka the Scarlet Witch. It’s great to see you here, my niece.” Her voice echoed everywhere, which Aera hissed as a response.
“It’s a disgrace that you are my aunt.” Aera commented, eyes still wary of her surroundings.
Another laughter was heard, as well as a figure appearing right across her.
The Red Queen, in her eyes, isn’t what she imagined. Instead of having red hair - instead she had a red lipstick on, she had slick black hair with a weird looking head piece along with wearing a weird looking dress.
A sinister smile was seen from her and that is the queue for Aera to have her hands already lit up with red hues.
She started to slowly attack her with a small red blast, not knowing what the Red Queen was about to do. As she was blasting out blasts, dark knights started to appear out of the blue right behind the Red Queen causing Aera to change her directions of attacking.
“No! It’s okay, Aera. I can handle it, we can handle it!” Just as Anthia mentioned, a green portal appeared, showing two figures jumping out of the portal.
At the same time, loud and heavy footsteps started to come towards their way - centaurs started to run past Aera, attacking towards where the Red Queen is as well as the dark knights.
At the same time, a familiar purple bow attached onto one of the dark knights - followed by more, together with a big black wolf grabbing a hold onto another dark knight.
Everything happened all at once.
Aera realizes that the wolf is her father and the arrow belongs to Aurelia. Her focus was onto them as she smiled proudly, when a black blast came towards her - making her fall back with a great impact.
But she didn’t struggle to get back onto her feet, letting more stronger red blasts towards the Red Queen. It was as if she was a machine, every second she would let out the red blast while lifting up huge trees at the side - then throwing towards the Red Queen.
The smirk that was growing on the Red Queen’s face irks Aera as she began to realize the Red Queen was actually absorbing her energy - making her more powerful.
Shit. What should I do?
“You are much weaker than I expected, Aera. How boring.” The Red Queen commented. She appeared directly in front of Aera, grabbing her neck roughly and forcefully - lifting her up in the air, before squeezing her.
The Red Queen knows what she is doing, she is literally squeezing Aera’s neck.
She could feel her own neck being crushed. Holding onto the Red Queen’s arm, Aera started to let out hot energy - causing the Red Queen to let go of her, as she fell.
Again, Aera managed to get back up, but this time, she decided to stay on the air.
Both of them were across from each other, none of them didn’t start the first blast until the Red Queen decided to show her another smile - this time, Aera didn’t like how her smile was shown compared to a few minutes ago.
“Let’s switch it up, shall we?” With that, she snapped her fingers - and when Aera blinked, she noticed they were in a different area.
Aera finds out where she is, as soon as she looks down at the ground, seeing a war happening.
“Crap. What have I done?” She muttered under her breath, seeing the familiar looking palace right in front of her, a visible blue force-field barrier bubble circling through the palace.
Aerina’s Kingdom.
They teleported to Aerina’s Kingdom.
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Grandma Kim had to inform the White Queen that the princess’s body disappeared as soon as the war that was currently happening turned rather serious.
It seems the dark knights were somehow angry, that’s what Queen Aerina and Grandma Kim could sense from them.
The energy is filled with anger and hatred.
Loud gasp and shrieks were heard from the royal housemaids as they could only watch from the inside.
Two figures showed in the air, where the fountains were.
This caught the attention of Zen the butler and Grandma Kim, as they hurried and joined what the housemaids were gushing about.
“What is going….” Grandma Kim’s words trailed off as soon as she looked upwards, to see a familiar looking red head girl with red hues on both of her hands in the air.
“Aera..” Grandma Kim muttered, and coincidentally, Aera let out another red blast towards the Red Queen. Everyone was cheering on the princess as they battled out.
Zen on the other hand couldn’t just stay still,turning towards the elderly. “Grandma, we can’t just watch her like spectators, we should do something.” Zen pleaded and the eldelry sigh in defeat.
“..I’m afraid that the murderer could only be defeated by Aera, my boy.” The elderly spoke with heavy emotions, looking away from him.
Zen gulped the lump of her throat before turning towards where the princess is, watching her fighting the Red Queen.
‘Be strong, princess.’
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Instead of inserting my usual purple arrow on the strings, father’s voice got me throwing my small dagger right through the dark knight’s chest perfectly.
Smirking, I quickly ran to where my father was since he was just nearby.
“What’s— Urgh.” Seeing those bodies without heads literally made me puke as I gawked, quickly turning to father.
Because he is in his wolf form, his big canine head turned towards an area while huffing out air - then to see the red portal. I could already see the opposite side of the portal without even needing to enter.
“I— Woah!”
Out of nowhere my body started to fly on it’s own and before I knew it, I could hear flapping sounds and that’s when I knew I got my powers back.
“Oh my god! Look! I’m flying! My powers are back!” I looked down towards my father before turning around, making a 360 degree turn.
‘Which means…. Aera really did destroy all the enchantments!” I exclaimed, before turning towards father who was just staring at me then towards the portal, as if asking me to hurry up and get on with it.
“Okay, fine. Let’s go.” With my words of approval, my father didn’t even hesitate to growl loudly before jumping onto the portal.
Following behind my father’s werewolf body, it was like a rollercoaster.
We did not know we were up in the air and I was quick enough to grab hold onto this heavy black alpha wolf.
“Gosh! You are heavy!”
‘Aurelia, throw me to the furthest side. I’ll take care of that side and you can do the opposite.’
“If you say so, father!” Listening to his instruction, I can’t help but to scream while swaying him to throw the furthest I could go.
And because I was too busy looking at where my father was, something was thrown at me causing me to fly back with a great energy.
But my wings were faster than my brain as it got me back on air.
And I quickly got back to work, using my trustful bow and arrow, aiming through the ground to aim the dark knights.
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Before we followed where our brothers went, Chenle hyung quickly threw a metal gear to me, a sword and a bow and arrow since I told him I could use both.
Shotaro hyung decided to go for a sword since he preferred to use it rather than a bow and arrow.
“Taro hyung and Sungchan, do you want to see mother and father?”
“We love too Chenle, but.. I think we should help our brothers. We can meet mother and father later on!”
Shotaro hyung has great senses, after noticing traces of our brothers going to a direction which Chenle hyung and Jisung were very familiar with.
“That’s the direction of Aerina.”
“Aeri— what? I only know Princess Aera.”
“Yes, silly. That’s what the White Queen’s Kingdom is called. Aerina’s Kingdom and that’s where Princess Aera is born.”
“Oh- I know that, hyung!!!!”
The ones who were shifted into their wolf forms were Jisung and Shotaro hyung, while I was on a horse and Chenle hyung was running at his own speed since he is a vampire.
We could only hear screams and metal sounds clashing into each other when we hadn't even entered Aerina’s Kingdom.
We went through the Kingdoms’ way, and in my eyes, it was as if my surroundings were slowed down as the horse galloped its way.
Everything was destroyed, I couldn’t help but look back twice.
But I figured that everyone was evacuated safely, seeing there were no bodies laying around.
Once again, my attention turns elsewhere, which is the battleground itself.
“Holy cow..” That’s all I could say, as soon as I saw a war happening right in front of the White Queen’s palace.
I have so many words to say but the palace is beautiful but yet it is a mess right now.
“We will stick together, okay!?” Chenle yelled before quickly aiming for a random dark knight.
As for me, before I grabbed one, a dark knight was already after me and I quickly jumped off from the horse to a safe direction - before attacking it.
I didn’t try to look around as I focused on eliminating as many of the dark knights as possible.
Not noticing a few figures were actually looking at me as I kept on shooting arrows at random dark knights I saw.
Turning towards the voice while pointing my arrow, my eyes shifted towards the direction of one but soon two showed themselves.
Smiling widely, I was about to call their name but the dark figures behind their backs made an arrow shoot.
Knowing they were vampires and my biological brothers, they were fast to move away.
“Jaehyun hyung! Yuta hyung! Guess—
My words were immediately cut off with two bodies literally crashing me into a tight hug, and because I am a thin sized boy although I am very tall, I unexpectedly fell back.
Causing the three of us to fall, and more cries and sobs were heard from them.
“It’s okay, hyung! I’m here! Shotaro hyung is too!”
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To Aera, this is the most exhausting, emotionally and physically draining fight she had ever faced.
Her face, was shown obvious, as she furrowed her brows while she let out a red blast which felt a thousand times heavier as the previous.
“Tired already, Aera?” The Red Queen challenged and she could only continue shooting out non-stop red blast, until the clouds started to turn grey.
Followed by lightning showing up, not noticing another figure showed up across the Red Queen, right opposite of Aera.
To see Anthia with greens and branches growing on her dress, knowing that that was her specialty, the power of nature along with the weather.
Anthia screams her youngest sister’s name in her voice of thoughts, before another figure shows up flying from far with glittering white shaped wings on her back.
‘So remember the three graces I told you about!?’ Anthia voiced her thoughts at the same time distracting the Red Queen.
‘Yeah! What about it?! Are you gonna tell me more stories about it in the middle of a battle with—
‘Will you please stop cutting me off!!? The three of us need to surround ourselves around that Red Queen, with you being in the middle while Aurelia and I are at the sides!’
Aurelia heard their thoughts as she decided to get to the formation Anthia had said.
‘We have to let out all the power we have to her.’
Aera let out another red blast to the Red Queen before looking at her oldest sister at her side in disbelief.
‘No way. She will get stronger when we give her more energy blasts!’
“I know that, Aera! Just trust me!” Anthia voiced out this time.
It was a queue for Aera, her eyes started glowing in red before letting out before giving out a never ending mixture of blasts, hues and stream red hues.
Each time she decided to give out more energy, the brighter her red iris showed as well as the red surrounding her.
Aurelia on the other hand let out a stream of energy that formed as glitters.
This is the most energy she let out, she didn’t even hesitate to let out grunts of instability while letting out more energy.
Noticing her sisters were letting out more and bigger energy to their own powers, Anthia’s eyes grew whiter with thunderbolts directly aiming through the Red Queen.
“Yes! More power! More! More!” The Red Queen screamed in happiness, her sadistic laughter echoing through the area.
‘Anthia, this isn’t enough!’ Aurelia yelled in her mind, after glancing towards her two sisters’ who looked like they weren’t aware.
Out of the three sisters’, Aera’s power seemed to radiate the surrounding, even to the main ground.
Red hues that passed the dark knights all disappeared into ashes, causing everyone to look up to see the brightest and scariest battle on the air.
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My eyes blurred slightly after the red lights went past me. Without even me knowing, I looked to see my own two human hands.
I was previously in my wolf form.
“Hyung!” The young ones came running to me.
“Are you okay!?” Jaemin and Jeno came running to me, nodding in response as they helped me up.
Our eyes then fell towards the sky, to see what’s going on.
“Is that.. Isn’t that Princess…” Jaemin muttered after seeing two faces.
“So the first princess is real.” Jeno muttered under his breath, before dragging the both of them to find the rest of our brothers.
I could already see a group basically huddling together.
“Oh! What’s going…” Jaemin’s words trailed off before the group basically broke off to see a few smiling faces.
I turned towards Jeno and Jaemin, to see them basically squinting their eyes before taking a step back in astonishment.
Jeno turned towards me with a frown, I could already tell what his face was asking me.
“I know.. I was shocked too but believe it or not, it’s really them.”
With my words, both of them ran towards the two figures which they had never seen for more than a decade.
“Did you know?”
A figure appeared beside me and Jaehyun appeared beside me, shaking my head while watching the emotional reunion being held in front of me.
“...How can they…” I could hear Jaehyun whispering to himself, his eyes slowly went down, obviously thinking of the hundreds possibilities.
“You can ask—
My focus turned towards the sky, after seeing more red lights flashing through me.
Turning towards Jaehyun, he too was frowning up there.
“Look! Who— Queen Aerina!” Lucas’s loud voice at the same time pointing towards a direction makes all of us follow where he pointed at, seeing another figure flying towards where the other princesses are.
Whatever they are doing, Queen Aerina decided to help.
For the first time in my whole life, I got to see what kind of powers the White Queen had - and now I know that she was called the ruthless Queen, seeing her trying to freeze the Red Queen with white snowflakes appearing.
“Everyone! Get down!” It was Johnny’s turn to shout, causing everyone to fall on the grounds.
We weren’t even sure what’s going to happen next, but what I know is that my brothers are trying to shield each other from whatever is going to come.
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Together with the White Queen, Anthia, Aera and Aurelia put out more blasts, giving out the remaining energy they had - coming from Anthia and Aurelia.
Queen Aerina and Aera on the other hand seemed like they still have more energy to be given out.
The other two sisters were amazed at how powerful their sister is as well as their mother, who they hadn’t seen for more than 10 years.
The Red Queen however, at first was beamed and had thought all this while receiving powers from the Scarlet Witch was all a great plan and idea but the more she received her power, the more she felt her energy drained out.
It was as if the Scarlet Witch was trying sucking out the life of her, now the Red Queen is trying to break out from the Scarlet Witch’s powers.
“No! No! Get me out! No!” The Red Queen yelled all her might, slowly it turned into cries of desperation to get out.
‘Let’s end this shall we? Once and for all. Goodbye, Auntie.’ Aera thought to herself - this would be the one last time that she had to do this.
Gathering all her emotion, mind, soul and energy left, this was the last energy out.
The power of the Scarlet Witch, what the Red Queen felt now turns into suffering, feeling her body was about to explode and none didn’t see what was coming.
Even the White Queen, Anthia, Aurelia, King Morian, Aerina and Morian’s knights, the Amazons warrior, Neo’ knights, the royal household servants/maid, and the Neo Princes couldn’t predict what happen as their eyes were covered with bright red shining through their eyes.
The Scarlet Witch had done it again.
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𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ⤄ 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Want A Taste? | Youngbin & Jaeyoon | (m)
Summary: You and Youngbin have been entertaining the idea of inviting another person into your bed for a while now, so when Jaeyoon accidentally barges on the two of you, it seems like fate. (based on anons on another blog but I don't remember which one exactly ㅠㅠ) Word count: 5.4k Warnings: smut, threesome - m/m/f, choking, edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasm
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This is a mistake. You think even as you willingly let Youngbin push you against a wall and slip his tongue inside your mouth. Clothes you’ve discarded a long time ago, now only in your underwear. You know it’s not a good idea - not that you’ve never done it before, you did, but it’s been too long since you’ve last had the slightest bit of privacy and time to truly enjoy yourselves, so you worry about being able to keep quiet.
The good thing is that there’s only one person in the dorm with you - Jaeyoon, and while the man can be as mischievous as the rest of them, every time you come around to see Youngbin he just grabs his headphones and gives you both a cocky smirk and wink before he makes himself comfortable in the living room. Most of the time it’s not necessary as neither you, nor Youngbin want to get caught in the middle of things, but sometimes you’re really grateful that Jaeyoon’s the way he is.
Youngbin parts your legs with his thigh and you bite your lip to hold back a moan. He smirks, his eyes meeting yours. They’re dark and full of lust. It’s really been too long.
“So impatient and needy,” he teases, bending his neck to press a trail of kisses down your throat. You groan quietly, pushing him away slightly.
“We don’t have to do anything if you’re not feeling like it,” you say, faking a pout. His jaw clenches and he pulls you to him. Your lips connect again, his tongue entering your mouth straight away, dominating the kiss. He makes you walk backwards and pushes you down on the bed when your knees hit the edge of the mattress.
He crawls over your body, pinning you down with his hands on either side of your face. He grinds his clothed dick against your center and you arch into him with a sigh. 
“Can you feel how much I wanna fuck you?” he growls against your lips.
“Take it off, please, I need to feel you,” you beg him and you don’t need to ask twice before he pushes himself off you to get rid of the last piece of clothing on his body. You do the same.
He’s hovering above you again in seconds. This time he takes his time kissing you, slowing down. His hands caress your body softly, taking you in. Your hands roam his back, tracing the lines of his muscles and spine. He grinds against you again and you moan aloud before quickly slapping a hand against your mouth. When he pulls away, there’s a soft smile playing on his lips.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he teases, “I don’t think you’ll be very quiet. We might as well invite Jaeyoon to join us right now, before he hears us and gets flustered.” You slap his shoulder playfully. It’s not like you’ve never discussed the idea before though. 
While having a threesome with other people seemed like something you’d never be into, when you talked one about it one night, lying next to each other naked and satisfied, you both agreed that the idea didn’t seem as scary or weird if the third person was one of his members. They are all attractive and both of you know them well, trust them too. Besides they already had to keep the secret of your relationship, what’s one more dirty secret on top of that? And of course that Jaeyoon’s stupid teasing winking when he walks past the two of you caused that he was the one your mind usually turned to whenever you thought about the prospect of having a threesome.
“No thanks,” you grinned at your boyfriend, pulling him into a deep kiss again. He hummed, one of his hands traveling down your body, fingers brushing feather-light over your stomach.
“Who’s impatient now, hm?” you tease, choking on air when his fingers make a beeline for your soaking pussy in revenge. He smirks into the kiss, expertly rubbing between your folds. It makes you whine, you really can’t help it. You’ve missed him and his touch.    
"Shh, you wouldn't want Jaeyoon to find us like this, would you?" he smirks at you. He leans back slightly to hold himself up while he wraps a hand around your neck. He increases the pressure on the sides of your throat to choke you. You sigh, hands clawing at his back. You could still breathe, it was just a little harder. Which was probably for the best since he decided to abuse your clit with his fingers, making you squirm under him. And as he continues with his teasing, you can’t hold back the noise trying to escape your lips. He watches you in amusement.
“See? I told you you couldn’t keep quiet,” he mocks, adding more pressure on your neck so you can barely breathe. At least you’re almost silent, almost. He’s entertained anyway. The way your hips jerk everytime he drags his fingers over your clit and how you buck up, chasing his touch when he takes his hand off you is a delicious sight. 
He can’t quite decide whether he enjoys more to see you struggle under his touch or long for it, desperately pleading with your eyes when he denies you his fingers. He taps on your sensitive nub before rubbing, gently, circling around the spot quickly to make you whine. Then he slows down again. He takes in the way your breath hitches, how you try to steady your breathing when he allows you a second to breathe.
He works you until you’re almost there, your thighs shaking and tense. Your choked sounds sound even more needy and he knows you’d be begging if you could talk. Which is exactly why he removes his hand before you can climax. 
Your betrayed look is just priceless and he coos at you, kissing you softly. But he isn’t done playing.
“Let’s make this harder, shall we?” he whispers in awe at your needy expression. He kisses your lips once more before leaning down, his lips trailing down your neck, and across your chest where he pauses just for a second to take your nipple in his mouth. You try to whine but he holds your throat firmly, effectively keeping you as quiet as he needs. His mouth travels further down, but before he settles where you really need him, he gives you a strict look.
“Don’t make a sound now,” he warns, removing his hand from your throat. You gasp for air softly, trying to obey and keep quiet. He doesn’t make it easier for you, parting your thighs and licking a long stripe up your folds. You choke on the sound and your hand fists in his hair so you can express your desperation in some way at least.
Away from the scene, Jaeyoon is lounging on the sofa, watching a movie on his phone. It’s hard to focus, though, since not only he can’t help thinking about the things you two must be doing in the bedroom, but also because he forgot to charge his airpods and they’ll die soon and the charger he, of course, left in the occupied bedroom.
Now, he knows that you could possibly be just watching a movie and cuddling, but he’d be lying if he said that he’s never overheard you two going at it. He just has enough decency not to bring it up. And enough shame to struggle to admit to himself that it made him aroused, just like he has to be fighting off a boner now thinking about going to the bedroom and possibly seeing more than he should.
And in the next second, his airpods die and silence envelops him. He growls and buries his face in his hands. Great, what should he do now? Turning on the tv wouldn’t help, he’s tried that before and he still can’t get the memory of the news anchor reading news mixing with your sweet moans out of his head and it really doesn’t help his current situation.
After a bit of hesitation, he takes the useless devices out of his ears and with cheeks burning red he listens. It’s quiet, which is both surprising and good. He sighs, maybe tonight you’re really just doing something he could interrupt without making things awkward between the three of you.
After more waiting and careful listening, he decides it should be safe. And even if he does end up catching you doing something, it shouldn’t be a big deal - or so he tells himself. After all he’s lived with Youngbin long enough, there were accidents, everyone’s seen everything in the dorm. And as far as you’re concerned… he doesn’t want to think about it. He’s half-hard already, overthinking the possibilities and his imagination is cruel. You’re beautiful, everyone could see that, and it’s not like you never flirted with each other. It was just playful, sure, but in the current situation, it makes his thoughts run wild.
He stops to listen some more in front of the closed door but he really can’t hear anything that would make it seem like you were in there doing stuff he shouldn’t see. He knocks softly and there’s no response. He knows he should knock again, he knows he should wait for any kind of response, but his heart is hammering hard in his chest and his mouth is dry and his mind is full of sinful images and so he just opens the door.   
Try as you might, the situation feels too surreal for you to be able to recount the events that lead to this.
You vaguely remember shaking under Youngbin, biting into your hand to stay quiet as he ate you out, his tongue attacking your clit and fingers pumping in and out of you. You needed him so much but he kept teasing, as usually, although you thought that he might let you climax this time, eventually. That was until your eyes made contact with Jaeyoon’s wide-eyes and parted lips.
Lost in your pleasure, you giggled and couldn’t find more appropriate words to say than: “Babe, we have a company.” 
Youngbin raised his head from your core, licking his lips. Jaeyoon’s attention turned to his leader between your legs and he gulped, frozen on the spot. 
“Want a taste?” was all your lover said with a sinful grin and since then, it felt like a fever dream.
If you tried hard enough, you could remember whining as your release was denied once again, begging and pleading. 
You remember agreeing and reassuring the other man that it’s alright for him join you, did you maybe ask him to just fucking come over and touch you? You’re not sure. That’s what he ended up doing anyway. 
There were some rules Youngbin set too, helping you communicate what you wanted to say as he kept teasing you, just to keep you on edge.
Jaeyoon lost his clothes quickly. His body was great, you always knew that but seeing him now, aware that you can touch him and that he’ll be touching you… It made your mouth water. 
You remember his fingers joining Youngbin’s to stretch you properly and how cocky he was, seeing you writhe in pleasure under him. Whatever shame and insecurity he felt when he stepped through the door was gone even faster than his clothes, but it’s all foggy in your mind.
What’s important is now. And what a situation you’ve gotten yourself into. 
Jaeyoon’s hands are on your hips, pushing you down on Youngbin’s cock against your efforts to move up. You whimper again. You hate how strong he is - you love how powerless you are against him. You try to raise yourself up, even if just an inch, but Jaeyoon doesn't budge. His grip will leave marks and you find that thought hotter than you probably should. Especially since Youngbin will want to erase them, cover them with his own fingerprints on your skin. 
You moan as Jaeyoon pushes you down, impaling you impossibly deeper on your lover's length. Youngbin singhs too, giving you a satisfied grin.
Seeing as fighting back is futile, you whine and lean your head back on Jaeyoon's shoulder. He's warm against your back and you feel his tip leaking, the precum staining your lower back. You wonder how he is able to control himself so well.
"Want me to help you, pretty thing?" he whispers into your ear and one of his hands slides down from your hip. The other holds you down firmly when you try to bounce up, but you know it's a lost fight when his fingers dive between your folds and your legs nearly give out under you. You bite your lip hard, almost breaking the skin, but your strangled moan still resonates in the room.
"Don't hold back," he kisses your temple, "We love hearing you, right?" You know he's looking straight at Youngbin who smirks at you.
"Don't worry, there's no one else to surprise us," he teases. As if it was your fault Jaeyoon's stupid ass interrupted you. You scowl at him, only softening your look when he takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers.
"Good, hold on tight now," Jaeyoon growls and at first you're confused but then his fingers start moving on your core and you let out a pathetic whine. You clench around Youngbin, making him curse and squeeze your hands. The male behind you on the other hand seems pleased with both your responses, adding more pressure every time his fingers brush against your clit.
It's a sweet torture, being so nicely filled with you lover while his friend plays with your most sensitive spot. Youngbin seems to share your opinion, sweet breathy moans spilling from his lips every time your walls clench around him. Jaeyoon seems into it too, his lips traveling along the line of your shoulder, leaving gentle kisses on your skin. Sometimes his teeth nibble on your flesh. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to make you whimper and push closer to him.
He knows what he’s doing and he checks your reactions to his actions, purposefully moving his fingers around your clit in a way that makes you frustrated, because it’s not enough and he alternates it with moments of intense attention to the bundle of nerves that has you choking on saliva.
His skilled fingers bring you to the edge of your release, your legs slowly turning into jelly and your moans getting more needy. You feel the delicious, toe-curling feeling of an orgasm building low in your tummy, you shiver in anticipation, nuzzling into Jaeyoon's chest as best as you can, whining for him. You need the release, having already been denied before. 
"Stop," Youngbin suddenly groans out and you feel like crying because the fingers dancing between your folds stop moving and then their touch disappears altogether. You cry out, incoherently mumbling until Jaeyoon sticks the fingers wet with your arousal into your mouth and makes you suck on them to shut you up. You whine but obey his wish enthusiastically. Anything just so he'd touch you again, let you cum.
"Fuck, that's hot," Youngbin growls, his head falling back. You feel his hips thrust up the tiniest bit, barely brushing against the sweet spot inside you and your eyes fill with tears. You choke on some sound that doesn't even sound human, making Jaeyoon chuckle behind you.
"I think someone really needs their release," he teases, pulling his now clean fingers out of your mouth.
"You've been good for us, weren't you? Do you think you deserve to cum, precious?" Youngbin asks you softly and you can only nod, rolling your hips against his as more tears spill from your eyes.
"Wanna have the privilege?" your boyfriend smirks at his friend.
"You sure?" Jaeyoon questions and you can feel his dick twitch against your backside. You have to admire his self-control once more. Both of the man’s ability to control themselves actually. It only makes you feel more desperate.
"Don't worry about it, you can have this round," Youngbin answers while looking straight into your eyes. You have half a mind to worry about the implications, but then there are Jaeyoon's pretty fingers on your pussy and your mind becomes empty like a sheet of paper.
In contrast to his previous teasing, he's merciless now. His fingers circle around your clit, barely allowing you to breathe. You don't know whether you're moaning or gasping for air, but with the way Jaeyoon's swearing into your ear you guess he likes the noises regardless. He even lets you grind against Youngbin, who thrusts into you very softly, but he brushes against your special spot with each thrust.
"Fuck, so tight," he groans, "Keep doing whatever you're doing." As if the male behind you needed any encouragement. The hand that isn't busy making you a fucked out mess guides the movements of your hips and there must be purple fingerprints on your skin already. His breathing is heavy in your ear even as he tries to silence himself by kissing your neck.
He's set on making you cum fast and hard, expertly playing you like a violin. Alternating between tiny circles and eight figure movements, he changes the pressure too. It makes your head spin and legs jelly, and you want to kiss him. 
You turn your head to the side and he gets the message, connecting your lips as soon as Youngbin gives him the okay. You moan into the kiss, your walls milking your boyfriend's cock. He wants to fill you up already, but he'll be damned if he didn't make you a mess first. He loves it, he loves you, and he loves the way your legs shake as you're teetering on the edge of climax again.
"Cum for us, baby," Jaeyoon whispers into your ear, biting its shell and you finally let go with a loud moan resembling Youngbin's name. Jaeyoon has to catch you, wrapping an arm around your waist and leaning you on his body as he helps you ride out your high. Youngbin curses under his breath, grinding his teeth together. You're so tight, squeezing him and driving him insane. He has to have you, but at the same time, he reminds himself, he really wants to wreck you. He wouldn't have the self-control usually, not after he's already waited for so long, but something about having Jaeyoon here makes him want to ruin you and to show the other man just how much he's got you wrapped around his fingers.
Youngbin lifts his hips, bucking into you. You whimper, freeing your hands from his grasp to lay them on his chest. It's almost like you're trying to push him away, only you don't really have the strength or desire to do so. After being teased and edged by them so cruelly, everything’s more intense and you're too sensitive, but the pleasure is worth the discomfort.
"Ready for another round, sweetie?" he grins at you, and then his eyes meet Jaeyoon's and you feel the man behind you nod. You can take one more, you want one more high after all you’ve endured.
Jaeyoon’s hands slide down your hips to grab a handful of your ass and he helps you move, lift yourself up to bounce on your lover's dick and match his thrusts. All the while you feel him grind his dick against your butt. You can't help wondering for just a second how he'd feel inside you, but Youngbin's expert hip technology leaves you breathless and you know you were made to be his, and that no one could feel better than him. You're crying softly without even noticing the tears. Everything's just a little too much. Your body, however, belongs to Youngbin.
Without your will, you move up and down on his dick, your body under his spell, seeking more pleasure than it can handle. Seeing as you don't need his assistance anymore, Jaeyoon's hands travel up to your breasts, squeezing gently. You whine, head falling back on his shoulder. His thumbs play with your nipples, brushing against them in a teasing manner. 
Youngbin can't keep his hands off you either, soothing you by caressing your sides and thighs. Overwhelmed by the pleasure and love, you sniff, nuzzling into Jaeyoon's neck.
"You're doing so great, baby," your boyfriend praises, joined by his friend: "We're so proud of you, you're so good for us." 
Their words barely register, but they still bring you comfort. Jaeyoon gently kisses the tears away from your cheeks. You wonder how his lips can be so soft while his hands are so rough. His fingers pinch your nipples playfully until you whimper. Meanwhile Youngbin's pounding into you as if his life depended on it. He aims for your sweet spot, abusing it with each thrust. Your mind is blank. You're a moaning, gasping mess, but neither of the two will be satisfied until they ruin you even more. 
It's Youngbin's turn to play with your clit, and as his thumb brushes against the sensitive nub, you scream out his name. Your nails dig into his chest and he gives you an especially hard thrust that makes you arch your back. Jaeyoon isn't having any of it though, pulling you back against him again. He kneels behind you and let's you do all the work while he plays with your tits. You're riding Youngbin so expertly, and at the same time your ass rubs against his cock. It's frustrating though. He needs to cum too, but this won't be enough. He doesn’t need to fuck you, but he needs something.
"Shit, Youngbin," he curses, "Let's finish this quickly or I will explode."
Youngbin smirks, pressing his thumb more firmly against your clit. With the way your legs are getting weak and your breath hitches, you're close.
"Just wait a bit, then you can have your fun too," he promises and it's Jaeyoon's needy whimper against your neck that pushes you over the edge this time. You cum with a strangled scream turned whimpers when your lover doesn't stop teasing your clit. Neither does Jaeyoon stop, his hands massaging your breasts. It lasts only seconds longer, then your lover grabs your hips and makes you sit still on his lap. You whine, looking at him with watery eyes.
You can’t focus or form much of a coherent thought and they must understand that, because Youngbin’s hands caress your thighs slowly, lovingly rubbing circles over your skin while Jaeyoon’s nuzzling into your neck, whispering soft praises. Your mind clears enough for you to speak after a while and you murmur your boyfriend’s name, making him smile at you.
"Baby, can you handle one more for us? Do you think you could do that?" he asks innocently in stark contrast to his flushed face and the way his chest rises and falls with each labored breath.
"Please," Jaeyoon whines into your ear, grinding into you. His tip is leaking all over your backside. He's all over you, he hugs you from behind and it's both comforting and unfair, because you really want to make him feel good too. 
"Can we cuddle afterwards?" you whimper, sniffling as you look at Youngbin and he's watching you with the most adoring expression and you just know that he will take care of you, that everything will be alright.
"Of course we will, darling. Anything you want," he smiles at you lovingly and you lean down, taking Jaeyoon's giant body with you before he catches himself, propping a hand on the bed. You kiss your man and hum happily as your tongues brush against each other. It feels strangely perverse though, as you feel Jaeyoon's hard length pressing against your body and feel his ragged breaths on your skin.
Youngin must've guessed your thought process because he gives your lips one last peck before his gaze turns dark again.
"Did Jaeyoon treat you well? Does he deserve to fuck your mouth? What do you think, my love," he asks and you feel the man behind you tense, his dick twitching impatiently. You lick your lips, giving your boyfriend a wicked grin.
"You're a lucky guy, my friend," he pats Jaeyoon's shoulder and you swear you've never seen anyone moving so fast.
He stands up from the bed and helps you get up too. He has to support you, your knees are weak and if he didn't hold you up against his firm body, you'd be a puddle on the floor.
Youngbin kneels where his friend was kneeling just a while ago and you obediently take your place, sighing both in bliss and pain when he slips inside your hole again. He leans over you, kissing down your spine. His hands sooth over your bruised hips.
"God, this is too good to be true," Jaeyoon comments as he licks his lips and gets on his knees in front of you.
His cock is so hard each vein is visible on its surface and lucky for him you're as impatient to taste him as he is to be inside you. You take him into your mouth easily with how wet he is, covered in precum. His breath stutters, his hands fisting in your hair.
"Be good for us, you're doing wonderfully," Youngbin reminds you with one last kiss to your shoulder, then he moves his hips. 
He's not gentle, which is understandable with how long he's been denying his own release. His pace is fast and rough, pushing you forward on Jaeyoon's length with each thrust. You can't stay silent, your moans and cries vibrating around the dick in your mouth. It drives Jaeyoon crazy. He tries not to buck into your mouth, careful not to hurt you but when you swirl your tongue around his tip, he nearly loses it.
"Pretty thing, can you relax your throat for me?" he asks breathlessly, stroking your cheek gently. You don't answer, fulfilling his request instead. Just in time with Youngbin's decision to make your insides a mush.
His thrusts slow down a notch, but they're deeper, more forceful and soon your nose brushes against Jaeyoon's pelvis as you take him deep in your throat. He groans, almost whines, his fingers pulling on your hair.
"So good, so fucking good," he growls, finally allowing himself to thrust into the wet heat of your mouth.
You're glad they're doing all the work themselves, you can barely keep yourself up and your throat hurts as a constant stream of moans is drawn out of it. You're full on crying, so full and sated, yet the pleasure doesn't stop and it's painful. But Youngbin's holding your hips and caressing your things in a way that make you know he's got you, and while Jaeyoon's steadies your head with one hand, the other is still stroking your cheek so tenderly you want to be the best you can for him. It’s all that matters - to be good for them, to let them use you as they wish. The knot in your stomach is tightening, pretty much like your walls around Youngbin, and your moans turn into pained whimpers. The pleasure is too much, their hot touch is overwhelming even if it’s gentle.
"Shh, shh, just cum for us," Youngbin breathes out. His thrusts are sloppy and getting faster, he's close and you try to rock your hips against him. You're close too, and just this once you want to cum with him.
"I'm almost there, little one," Jaeyoon warns, as if you couldn't tell by how his cock’s twitching on your tongue. You help him, hollowing your cheeks and it's the last drop for him before he pulls you against him, spilling his load down your throat. You choke a little but milk him through his climax, only letting him pull away when you've drunk every drop.
"Fuck, baby," Youngbin swears and with a grunt, he snaps his hips against yours and fills you with his cum. As he thrusts into you to ride out his orgasm, he slides his hand down between your legs, helping you reach your high with him as he rubs your clit without focus. It's enough though and the knot snaps and you gasp for air, crying out. Your arms and legs give out under you.
Youngbin holds your hips up and gently, carefully pulls out. He lays you down, touching you as if you were made of glass. And in a way, you guess you are right now. His fingers leave a trail of goosebumps behind them. Your eyes close, you’re exhausted and shivering before he pulls a blanket over you. You can hear both men talking to you, you can feel their touch but the world is spinning and your head can't focus on anything in particular.
You shift a little and whimper. There’s a feeling of soreness and little pain where you’d expect and you’re not happy about it. You whine again, still only half-conscious. You frown in annoyance when something is pressed against your lips.
"You need to drink, my love," Youngbin urges and it's him so you listen. You sip the water and feel the cold liquid flow down your throat. It makes you feel better, your head a little clearer. 
You realize you're lying on your side, Youngbin's holding your head up so you can drink and you're curled into his chest. Something doesn't feel right though, something's missing. 
"Don't worry, cutie," you hear another voice behind you, "I'm here."
Youngbin gives you a smile and helps you turn your head. Jaeyoon returns to his spot behind you, stretching along your body. You sigh, he’s so warm. He gives your forehead a sweet kiss. Now that you're thinking clearly again, you feel shy under his gaze. 
You notice that the blanket slid down your body and you're all still naked but you don't feel sticky and uncomfortable, so you guess they've already cleaned up the worst mess. Then you also notice that there's something in Jaeyoon's hands. He follows your eyes and gives you a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry, it's just a lotion to help with the, well," he shyly motions to your hips that are indeed painted all over with bruises. You wince just seeing them.
Youngbin guides your head back to the crook of his neck and kisses your temple.
"You've done so well for us," he praises, voice barely above whisper, “Is it alright I asked Jaeyoon to stay? He was worried about you and I thought you’d like to be pampered by both of us.”
You hum with a smile, nodding your head. You hide your face in the crook of Youngbin’s neck though, still shy. He smiles fondly, kissing your hair, while Jaeyoon squeezes a generous amount of the lotion into his palm and begins to gently massage the substance into your skin. You sigh, relaxing under his touch.
“How are you feeling? Are you hungry, thirsty?” your boyfriend asks, petting your hair.
“No, just tired and sore,” you complain, making both men chuckle, “But good. It was amazing.”
“I’m glad,” he says, caressing your back.
“I’m sorry, by the way,” Jaeyoon murmurs, slowly finishing his task. You both laugh, shaking your heads.
“I thought we made it clear we didn’t mind,” Youngbin pushes the other man’s shoulder, “But yeah, next time maybe wait or knock louder or something.”
“Got it,” he huffs, unsure of what to do now. You can feel his hesitation and you look up at Youngbin.
“Can Jaeyoon stay a little longer?” you ask quietly, surprising the one in question. Youngbin just nods with a smile before turning to his friend. 
“If he wants to,” he says and Jaeyoon smiles softly, accepting. He lies down behind you, carefully hugging your waist. You sigh happily, enveloped in warmth as he pulls the blanket around all of you again.
“Just until I fall asleep,” you whisper, squeezing his hand in yours. You feel him smile against your shoulder. Your free hand finds Youngbin’s, bringing it to your lips and pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles.
“Sleep well, baby,” he whispers, snuggling closer to you. You’ve never fallen asleep more quickly or felt more safe and loved than in that moment.
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daybreakx · 5 years
idol! neutral reader x Youngbin, enemies to lovers, angst.
warnings: reader gets injured, mentions of blood, anxiety.
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You joined the company almost at the same as Youngbin did, and unlike of what most of the staff thought given that fact, you two couldn’t get along at all. It had started out of something stupid, wanting to use the practice rooms at the same time, you being a little more reserved while he went around chatting with every trainee out there, ever since then he adopted the leading role, maybe the annoyance he felt when you got complimented by your sunbaes and he felt underappreciated, and sometimes, all the way around. 
Still, even after Youngbin himself had become your sunbae by debuting before you, your relationship hadn’t gotten any better, it actually annoyed you how he was always bickering at you and your group on whatever you could do better.
“I don’t think you should add that to the coreography,” Youngbin said, standing all the way back in the practice room. “It will look sloppy, if you don’t dominate it.”
Your group looked at you, their leader, and then back at Youngbin replying with a shy ‘Yes, Sunbae’ while you gritted your teeth. He wasn’t even supposed to be there and the coreographer had added that part because she knew your group could handle it, who was Youngbin to say otherwise?
 “Hyung,” Hwiyoung called, his head popping by the door. “Can you come for a second?”
All of you greeted Hwiyoung and bowed Youngbin goodbye when he left. 
“We’re not listening to Youngbin,” you stood in front of your group, “We can do this, and we’ll prove it, I believe in all of you”
Your members nodded in agreement, some of them even cheered for you, this comeback had to be good, all of you were working super hard for it and you were going to make the most of it.
“Isn’t it a little late for you to still be here?” Youngbin didn’t even knock on the door, he just walked inside the practice room uninvited. 
“No,” you replied, your eyes barely leaving your own reflection to look at him. “I could tell you the same thing, though.” 
“I was writing a song for my group,” he stated, sitting at the back of the room, where he could get a good look at you. “Didn’t I tell you to remove that part of the coreography?”
You sighed, stoping your rehearsal momentarily to look back at him. “You are not our coreographer, or our boss, we’re going to keep it.”
“Listen to me,” he got up and walked towards you with swift steps. “You need to remove that part of the coreography, it’s not going to turn out well.”
It was true you were having a hard time with that part, but most of your group had it under control, so you were willing to practice twice as hard so all of you could nail it.
“I can ask Taeyang for help, if I need to,” you raised an eyebrow at Youngbin. “He is the best dancer in the company, isn’t he?”
That comment seemed to really piss him off, his face twisting in a scowl. “Fine, do whatever you want.”
The day of your comeback showcase, you were feeling extremely anxious, it was normal, all your members were undergoing the same emotions, but still, to you it felt different somehow, you hadn’t felt this nervous even in your debut showcase.
The performance started off well, you introduced yourselves and thanked your fans for waiting for you, before the first notes of your title song started playing. You were confident about this showcase, about your group, but you weren’t confident enough in yourself, and that’s why you slipped. Your body slammed headfirst to the floor, causing your forehead to split open and bleed all over your face and clothing.
Your members ran to you, immediately stopping the performance, while you tried to get up although everything around you seemed a little fuzzy. 
“Stay down, you’re bleeding,” your younger member urged, you noticed the concerned tone in their voice.
“I’m okay,” you assured, your anxiety was now worse than before the show started and you felt like you were going to burst out crying any second. It wasn’t about the pain in your head, you couldn’t even feel it right now, you felt humilliated and extremely sorry to the rest of your group. “I’m fine, let’s just continue.”
“We’re stopping the show,” your manager informed you, placing his arm under yours to help you up, “You can’t perform like this,”
“No, please, I can—I can do it,” lips quivering, you were practically begging but everyone still said no.
The cameras flashing, your members whispering nervously, the MC announcing the end of the show... everything was just too much, you finally broke down as they took you backstage.
Of course the news were everywhere, but you felt a little better, your members told you it was okay and you would still be able to promote, as long as you stayed on a chair, and the company had released a statement apologizing and saying they were already planning on making up for the incident to the fans.
You couldn’t practice with your group, but still went to the company to have a talk with them before the group had to go to “Dance Relay” recordings and such. 
“Did you hear what happened to y/n?” you recognized the voice as Inseong’s, as you walked past one of the recording rooms. 
“I did,” Youngbin huffed, “I knew that would happen, they’re so stubborn.”
“At least they’re doing better,” Inseong continued “I hope they can perform well in the promotions.”
“With that attitude, they shouldn’t even have debuted,” Youngbin finished, you heard the wheeled chair move around the room and then his steps approaching the half-open door.
It wasn’t often that you took Youngbin’s comments seriously, but this one had hurt you a lot. You felt your eyes water in an instant, if anyone knew everything you had been through to debut, it had been Youngbin, the person that had been a trainee almost as long as you had, and even with that, he was saying you didn’t deserve to be in a group.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, shocked to find you just outside the door. “y/n, I don’t know what you...”
“Shut up,” you blinked the tears away, failing as some of them ran down your cheeks, “I don’t want you to talk to me ever again, and I don’t want you near my group either.”
Inseong got up from his seat as well, but stayed behind Youngbin, not wanting to get involved in the problem. 
“Let me –” Youngbin couldn’t ask you to allow him to explain, since you were already stomping away.
You avoided him ever since, and since he, of course, chose not to listen to you, he still went where your group was. Only now, he kept his criticism to himself, he would tell your group he was cheering for everyone and they were doing a great job. 
“Did something happen between Youngbin and you?” the member that was closest to you asked, “You seem to be, well, fighting more than usual.”
“It was nothing,” you replied “I just don’t think we need to interact, at all.”
“y/n, seriously, what happened? You were at each other’s throats any chance you could get and now you’re acting like he’s dead to you.”
“I have nothing to do with him, and the further away he’s from me the better, and that’s the end of if, Minjae.” you declared.
Promotions were over and you were back on your feet completely, the only evidence of your incident was the almost insignificant scar in the corner of your forehead, and your group had done really well. It was possible that the incident had caused the views of the actual M/V to raise, as people were trying to see how the choreography was supposed to look like, but in the end, it had earned you new fans and solid popularity.
You greeted the staff and walked towards the elevator, you were a little behind schedule because of an individual shooting and had to join your group as soon as possible, you were only going to have a V Live talking about your final feelings about these promotions but still, it was important that you got there.
Just before the doors could close, a big hand stopped them, and Youngbin slipped inside the tiny metal cube. 
You pressed the button to your floor repeteadly, and ignored the male standing next to you. 
“Can we talk?” he sighed, “Please, I didn’t mean...”
“Stop talking,” you turned to him “I don’t want to hear it, Youngbin. One thing is what you always do, getting your nose in things that are not—”
The elevator stopped just before getting to the third floor, the lights flickering and finally turning off. 
“Oh, please,” you groaned “Please.”
Youngbin started pressing different buttons, which was most definitely useless, but at least the emergency light went on. Then he looked at you, a shaky breath escaped his lips. “We’re going to talk now,”
“Stay in that corner,” you pointed to the opposite side, “and I’ll stay in this one, and no, we’re not going to.”
“Could you stop and listen to me for just one second? We don’t even know for how long we’re going to be here,” he was being too serious, it was a little intimidating.
You sat down in what you had named ‘your corner’ and he slid down next to you.
“I’m sorry,” he started, “I shouldn’t have said that, of course you deserved to debut, it’s just...”
“Just what? You think I’m a stupid rookie? You still think you’re better than me?”
“You’re not stupid and I’ve never thought that,” Youngbin sighed “I was angry, and I was worried, I told you not to do that part of the choreography and you didn’t listen!”
Glaring at him you slid further into the corner, “You are not going to control me or my group, when are you going to understand that?”
“This isn’t about controlling anyone, I was worried about you! I almost lost my mind when I saw you were bleeding!”
“Listen— I do make remarks to bother you, because, well... that has been the dynamic in our relationship forever, but I don’t only argue with you because of that, I worry about you and I was afraid something like that would happen.”
“You’re lying,” you shrugged “What made you change your mind so out of nowhere?”
“The moment I knew you were going to debut, I was afraid people would hurt you,” he continued, completely ignoring your previous comment. “And I’m always on your back because I don’t want you to give them any reason to do so.”
“I can take care of myself,” you replied and feeling slightly embarrassed you continued, “Thank you Youngbin, but it really hurt me... what you said.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. I should not have said that, never. I am really sorry.”
“Fine, I accept your apology,” you patted his shoulder awkwardly “Now, please explain how is it that you care about me when we’re literally always fighting?”
Youngbin’s face turned completely red, and he remained quiet for a little too long.
“I like you, like you, like you,” Youngbin muttered, biting the inside of his cheek lightly. 
“You what?” you gasped, turning your whole body in his direction.
“I know it’s very immature, but I teased you because that was the only way I thought I’d get your attention and, well that didn’t turn out okay.”
“You are a dumbass,” you laughed “Do you perhaps know what small talk is?”
He laughed, “So, the weather today was nice, right?”
“We’re past that point, idiot,” you hit his shoulder.
“Do you think you could like me back?” Youngbin got serious again, his fingers tapped anxiously against the floor of the lift. 
“I do,” you cleared your throat, “I do like you too, but if you ever pull off another ‘I’m trying to protect you’ thing like that I will punch you.”
“I’m always going to try to protect you,” he put his arm around you softly “But you’ll know everything about it now.”
You let your head fall against his shoulder, wondering how long it would take for someone to get you out of that stupid elevator, but at least you knew Youngbin and you wouldn’t be trying to kill each other when they found you.
“We should do something fun,” he mumbled against your hair.
“You’re testing your luck, Kim Youngbin.”
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SF9 “They get caught in the act”
Sf9 Masterlist                                          Group Masterlist
Ask:  Sf9 reaction to them being caught in the act with their s/o.
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Youngbin let out a groan as your fingers threaded through his hair and tugged on them. His face was burried in your neck as he held you close. Hips driving into you at a slow speed and making your toes curl as he made you wrap your legs around his waist. 
“I missed you.” He moaned softly into the skin of your neck, trying to keep both of your sounds down. However, Rowoon didn’t think twice about the noises and came up with the notion that someone got hurt at a particularly loud moan. 
“Hey is everything ok- oh my god.” He left as quickly as he entered Youngbin’s room, making you and Youngbin pause. You could tell Youngbin was flustered, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
“This is why we should have sex at your place. Too many kids running around here.” 
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It wasn’t often that Inseong got swept up in a makeout session, but he couldn’t help himself. The feeling of your lips against his and the weight of you on his lap was too much this time around. Before you knew it, his hands were guiding your hips as you rode him. 
He held you against his chest as he sunk further into the couch, allowing his hips to pick up the pace and help you chase your highs. Inseong pulled your face in for a kiss, completely unaware of the keys jingling in the lock. 
The second the door opened, Inseong had grabbed the blanket off of the back of the couch and threw it over you. He could care less if the boys saw him naked, you however, that was for his eyes only. “I- I think I need to go back to the store.” Youngbin said, seeing something he truly didn’t want to. Inseong looked at you, face cringing as he tried to hide his face. 
“I- I can’t look him in the eyes ever again.”
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Jaeyoon’s fingers tangled in your hair and tugged harshly. A small gasp leaving your mouth as your fingers gripped the sheets. You were in a state of bliss as he his hips slammed into you from behind. His lips were trailing kisses over your shoulder as he listened to your sounds. 
This had started off with you both trying to be quiet, but you had long given that up with the force of his thrusts. Anyone in their dorm would have heard it... had they not had been wearing headphones. 
Chani was completely oblivious to the sounds as he entered the shared dorm, eyes widening and stopping dead in his tracks. The sound of the door opening was enough for you to try and cover up. “I need brain bleach.” Chani mumbled to himself, turning around and leaving again. Jaeyoon was frozen for a moment before starting to laugh and laying next to you.
“I think we traumatised him.” 
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The vibrations of his chuckle in the crook of your neck sent goosebumps over your body. Sanghyuk was liking the way you were responding to his touches and his pace, he was enjoying it too much. 
Sanghyuk was completely focussed on you and every move and touch you made in response to him that he couldn’t even tell that Zuho walked in. But you could, pushing him off of you and covering yourself up. “I’ll come back later.” He said, exiting the room swiftly. His voice being what finally caught Sanghyuk’s attention. 
Laughing, he wrapped an arm around you and placed a kiss on your bare shoulder. “Maybe we should’ve asked him to join.” He joked and you smacked his arm. 
“Or not.” 
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Something about Zuho working in the studio made you feel, all kinds of way and it simply started with you running your hands over his shoulders, massaging the tense muscles and it ended with you naked on his lap. 
Your fingers played with the hair on the nape of his neck as you rolled your hips lazily over his. Zuho’s moan were low and deep, filling the studio. You looked up slightly from his face, catching glimpse of a very surprised Hwiyoung in the door frame. “Oh my god.” You said, trying to hide yourself behind Zuho and the back of the chair. 
“Hmm?” He asked, turning his head to look back at the door. “I needed to ask you something but it can wait.”  Hwiyoung quickly said, turning around and shutting the door. You hid yourself even further into Zuho as you both started to laugh softly. 
“Better in theory than execution.” 
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It was just one of those days where you couldn’t make it to the bedroom. Being pressed between Seokwoo and the wall with his lips on your neck. His hands holding your thighs as he took his time thrusting into you. 
It must’ve been such a sight, your clothes still haphazardly on, not bothering to get undressed completely at all. This was what Sanghyuk saw when he entered the dorm, needing a moment to process everything happening before saying anything. 
“Can you guys like, not do this in the hall?” His voice said, making Seokwoo instinctively cover your body up, even though you were still closed. He tucked himself away and looked at his group member.
“I thought I asked you guys to stay away from the dorm for a few hours?” 
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It was the thought that you were alone with him in the practice room that caused this. Being pressed against the mirror, watching yourself as Taeyang was fucking you from behind, he was getting that last little bit of energy out after a long day. 
His hands gripped your waist as he groaned, eyes meeting yours in the mirror. As he opened his mouth to say something, the door opened and an oblivious Jaeyoon entered. “Guys I forgot my phone...” His voice trailed off once he noticed the compromising position. 
“And now I will be leaving.” He quickly added, grabbing his phone and practically running out of the room. Taking extra care to shut the door behind him. Taeyang was frozen, still too in shock to speak as you moved away from him. The mood was now dead and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“You’re laughing but I will never hear the end of this.” 
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It was all just a spur of the moment situation, cuddling and soft touches turning into something more and unplanned. Your bare back pressing against his chest as his hips lazily rolled into yours, the movie that was on being forgotten. 
Youngkyun’s lips graced your neck as he lifted your leg, hitting a different angle that made a strained noise come out of your mouth. He couldn’t help but smile and picked up the pace even more. 
Taeyang knew you two were watching a movie, he thought it was only that. So he walked into the room, only to immediately walk out. “Did someone just walk in?” You asked as Youngkyun stopped his movements at the sound of the door. Hiding his face in the sheets in shame, he started laughing in panic. 
“I can’t leave this room ever again.” 
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Sex to him was something very private, it was just still new to him. He didn’t want to have an experience that could ruin things. But sometimes you just don’t have control over your feelings and when you came over to the dorm looking oh so good, he couldn’t control it anymore. 
His touches over your skin were light and soft, loving the soft quiet sounds that were coming out of you. Chanhee loved the feeling of you on top of him and he loved holding you close, but he didn’t love Youngkyun walking into his room unanounced. 
“I- I won’t tell anyone. Carry on.” He said, the words coming out rushed as he left again. You couldn’t help but move off of Chanhee as you covered up again. His cheeks were burning red and he felt like yelling but was more concerned about you feeling uncomfortable. 
“I’m sorry, I knew the risk of them walking in and still let it happen... watch a movie and cuddle?Try and forget about it?” 
A/N: It’s done omg it’s done. I have not struggled with a reaction like this is so long. I have a metaphorical weight off of my shoulders now. What a relief. I hope I can move on now. 
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pandabunfics · 5 years
You Already Have One (Rowoon x Male Reader)
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Requested by: @unlikelyps4playstationzonk​ 
So this is my attempt at writing your request, I don’t know if this is what you wanted, but it’s what I came up with.
Summary: You and Rowoon attend a fancy party, Rowoon was invited as a part of SF9, When Rowoon becomes busy with taking photos, someone strikes up conversation with you.
Disclaimer: This is FICTION, so everything written is a work of fiction and not real, everything in this does not reflect on him as a person in real life.
Rowoon x Male Reader
We walked along the stone path leading to the front door, this house was massive, I looked at Seokwoo, looking dashingly handsome in his new suit.
"Everything okay?", he said looking down towards me.
"Yeah. Just thinking about how nice you look in a suit.", I said looking into his eyes.
"Cute.", he said with smirk forming on his lips.
"Shut Up." I retorted, returning my attention the door.
He rang the doorbell, there was about 30 seconds of silence before someone finally opened the door.
"Oh, hello, you must be Rowoon of SF9. I'm Jinsoo, come in." Jinsoo stated in a very cheerful manner.
"Thank you, this is my boyfriend, y/n." He said gesturing in your direction.
Jinsoo smiled, looking at you, "Hi, welcome, your members should be  in the dining hall or in the lounge. I have to go but I will see you both later on at some point.", She said with an uncomfortably cheery smile.
You and Seokwoo begin walking towards the dining hall through multiple hallways with multiple paintings covering the gold walls.
"Wow, this looks so expensive." You begin looking around almost starstruck by how high class this place appears, Seokwoo smiles at you in reply. You two finally get to the lounge, there's so many people in these rooms, hundreds to thousands it feels like. Seokwoo easily finds the members and begins walking towards them pulling you alongside. Everyone greeted you normally, Inseong, Dawon and Youngbin hugging you as normal, Chanhi and Hwiyoung going with high fives and nodding at Taeyang, Zuho and Jaeyoon. 
Soon after meeting with the members, they all had to go to the side to take photos, being idols made photos a common thing to happen in your relationship, however you didn't expect to be left alone for over an hour, when they had all gone and started talking with other people, you just took yourself to find some food and get a drink. After sitting on this red, velvet couch for a few minutes someone on who was seated on the other end began speaking to you.
"Hey, you look lonely, mind if I ask how your night’s been?" Stated this blonde man, holding a small glass of wine that was almost empty.
"Uh, sure. I'm y/n, and you are?" You said putting you hand out for him to shake.
"Chanwoo, nice to meet someone so handsome at such a dull event." He said with a smirk on his face looking you up and down.
"Uh huh..that's so....nice..(I guess)." You say with a sense of overwhelming discomfort in your voice. However showing your discomfort with his compliment and him looking you up and down, he continued.
"You ever been to a place like this before? Somewhere so high class, with so many people willing to pay so much money, for such simple things." He spouted, in an attempt to hint at something more than just material goods.
"Nope, I'm pretty used to the simple life." You spoke with disdain in your voice, at this point you had moved further away from Chanwoo hoping you could get him to understand how uncomfortable he made you feel, however he just moved closer to you, now you're praying Seokwoo would just interrupt this and get you out of there, perfect, an idea came to mind thinking about Seokwoo.
"Hey, I'll be right back, I'm just going to check on my boyfriend to see how he's doing, won't be a moment." You say beginning to stand up, but Chanwoo grabs your hand and pulls you back on to the couch, throwing his arm around your shoulder.
"You shouldn't worry too much about a boyfriend, why don't you worry yourself with someone who could give you all you could ever want, all you need to do is trade a little of your time for that." Chanwoo had a firm grip on you, implying he wasn't going to let go.
"What are you trying to get at?" You bluntly ask with stern expression on your face, whilst attempting to pry his arm off from around your shoulder.
"I'm merely asking if you'd like to trade some...I don't know sexual favours for some riches. Does that sound nice 'Baby'." You shudder at the sound of being called 'Baby” by this pervert. Still trying to pry him off of you, by now you two had been sitting like this for a few minutes and Seokwoo had walked back into the lounge noticing you sitting with some guy who was way too close for comfort. He rushed over to you. He yanked you up off the couch and without saying anything else as he began walking away, dragging you alongside with him outside.
"What was that?!" He began shouting, looking visually distressed. The other members could hear him, but they knew just to leave it alone and let you two handle yourselves.
"I don't know, he began propositioning me with money for sex and wouldn't let go of me, what was I supposed to do?!" You shouted almost as loudly as him.
"Call for me!" Seokwoo was clearly angered by the situation, he was clearly looking to start something with Chanwoo but before he could even move you placed your hands on his cheeks to bring his focus back onto you.
"I know what you’re thinking but, Hyung, don't. It's not worth it." You stated firmly looking him in the eyes.
"You’re right. You are right. You know what I'm going to do instead?" Seokwoo said looking down at you.
"What?" You questioned raising an eyebrow at his newly forming smile.
"This!" He smiled wider, snaking one of his arms around your waist and bending down to put another arm behind your knees, picking you up.
"SEOKWOO PUT ME DOWN!!" You shout, clinging to Seokwoo's neck, trying not to fall. He giggles in response to your immediate panic.
"I love the way you cling to me." He laughed, slowly placing you back down.
"Next time just try a hug instead of trying to give me a heart attack!" You shout back with a panicked voice.
"Nah, sounds kind of boring." He says giggling, slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a tight hug. He kisses the top of your head and holds you for a while, before finally letting go. He looks up to the sky giving you time pull his tie a little pulling him down for you to kiss him, when you pull back from the kiss he pulls you back in for another one, this one being much longer.
"That was much better than be carried around." You whisper softly.
"Maybe I should try this more often, huh?" He replies.
The rest of the night continued as normal except now Chanwoo was nowhere to be found. You asked around a little bit and no one knew a blonde guy named Chanwoo, not even Jinsoo knew who he was, however she did show concern about you safety.
"I'm never leaving you alone ever again." Seokwoo blatantly stated while pulling over out the front of your apartment building.
"What?" You raised an eyebrow at the random sentence that interrupted the comfortable silence.
"I don't want anyone to ever proposition you like that ever again. So I'm just never going to leave your side anymore." He grinned with the goofiest smile possible.
"I'm touched." You roll your eyes at his antics.
"Are you still staying the night?" You ask.
"Yeah, duh, I'm not leaving you alone, remember?" He winked at you.
You both burst into laughter from his very forward weird form of flirting.
"Good to know I have obtained a bodyguard after all this." You say as he places his hand in yours.
"You already had one." Seokwoo says as he leans over to kiss you.
So yeah, I hope you enjoyed your request, or I hope you enjoyed reading this, I’m used to writing in bullet point format so this was new to me.
If you want to make a request here are my Rules and my Masterlist
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kpop-imagines-s · 7 years
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|SF9| Imagine #2|
Member: Taeyang.
Summary: You two had a fight because Taeyang started to act rude against your best friend.
Words: 1161.
It was the first time that you saw him that angry, it was the first time he was rude against someone near you, and it was definitely not the first time he got jealous so easily. Taeyang and you had been dating since almost one year, and at this point you know very well what type of boyfriend he is. He gets really jealous when an unknown guy is around you, however, if he knows the guy he will be fine. Or that’s what you though a moment ago.
A while ago you were with your best friend passing a good time, you know him since years now and you think that’s why Taeyang got so jealous and aggressive towards him. What happened exactly was that you two were dancing a choreography that you needed to present later on to the studio you both are in, so you started to practice while all SF9 members where in the room. When suddenly you almost fell to the ground, your best friend caught you just in time, and as soon as Taeyang and the other members saw what was happening, they immediately stopped Taeyang that wanted to start a fight with him. Then Tae started to act aggressive towards him, that’s why you are mad right now.
Currently you are in another dance room, dancing as a song was playing. That was the best way to calm you down. As you were dancing the door got opened and Taeyang came inside the room. He got behind you and started to dance with you, the dance you were doing was one of many dances you had with Taeyang, that’s why he knows the choreography. You two started to dance a long with the rhythm of the song, and you started to get closer and closer. Seconds before the song ended, Taeyang and you ended the dance in the final pose: Taeyang was pulling your waist against him and you two were an inch away from each other faces.
-That’s your way of apologising? – You said mad as you got away from him.
-Y/N. I’m really sorry. And I really mean it – Taeyang said as he walked forward you. Then he took your hand.
-I don’t get why you did that, you punch him in the face. My best friend Tae! Do you hear what I’m saying?! He is my best friend! – You said mad as you tried to get off from Tae’s grip.
-I know! And I’m very sorry for that, but I can’t help myself. You two were so close, like when both of us dance together… I just couldn’t handle it – Taeyang said as he looked at you sadly.
-But you can’t just go and hit him! That’s not right Taeyang. And you always get jealous about anyone – You said as you finally got free from his grip. You are disappointed and you feel that he doesn’t trust you like he should. After all you always had showed to him that you only love him, and no one else.
-Y/N… where are you going? - Taeyang asked worried as you got towards the exit.
-I don’t know… I just need to think – You said disappointed. After that you started to hear another song playing. Taeyang took your hand and guided you to the middle of the room, and once again he started to dance.
-Put your feelings on the dance floor. Let’s see what you truly feel – Taeyang said with a challenging gaze.
Both of you started to dance again and as before you two ended up very close to each other. You finally listened to your heart instead of your mind and angry thoughts. Without hesitation you started to kiss him passionately, at first he was surprised, but then he join the kiss with soft and delicate moves. Then you two got apart and started to stare at each other’s eyes.
-That means that you forgive me – Taeyang said with a smirk.
-I hate when you make this to me… why do you have to get so jealous? – You complained as you started to embrace him.
-Because I care about you. And I don’t like when they get too close to you, I’m the only one that can do that – Taeyang said as he started to caress your head.
-I remember you said that to Dawon when he started to hug me when we were watching a movie together – You said as you released a smile.
-Hey! You are my girl after all. And nobody can have you – Taeyang said as he looked at you with a smile.
-Stop it… don’t look at me like that – You said as you blushed a little.
-You are blushing, how cute – Taeyang said lovely. You looked away from him for a second, then he lifted up your chin gently.
-Y/N… I’m sorry for what I made today. I didn’t wanted you to get mad – Taeyang said as he started to caress your cheek.
-Okay… I forgive you – You said as you two started to hug tightly. Then out of nowhere the members came out and started to celebrate around you both. And with happy faces they started to jump around.
-Y/N is so sweet! I will never forgive you if you were my boyfriend – Youngbin said as he tease Taeyang. You laugh a little.
-Y/N! Don’t laugh… Ah, Youngbin stop it – Taeyang said cutely annoyed.
-Hyung, you’re lucky. Y/N really needs a break from your jealousness – Chani said as he was jumping and fooling around with Rowoon.
-I totally agree with him – Rowoon said as well while laughing.
-Yes, yes. I agree too – Inseong said while laughing behind Jaeyoon’s back.
-Thanks guys, I appreciate your kind words – Taeyang said sarcastic.
-Y/N! Y/N! If you ever need to escape from him tell me and I will join – Hwiyoung said while laughing.
-Me too!! – Jaeyoon said as he laughed with Hwiyoung.
-Thank you guys – You said while giggling.
-What? How sweet of you three – Taeyang said as he looked at you confused.
-Taeyang, I have to admit that you mess that up. But hey! We still love you, right Y/N? – Zuho said while he patted Taeyang’s back.
-Sure we do – You said while laughing.
-Little you, stop laughing – Taeyang said as he starts to pull you against him.
-Hey stop teasing me, playboy – You said as you touched his lips with your finger.
-Can you stop being such lovebirds?! My god – Dawon said as he looked at you two. Then Tae and you laughed.
-Y/N… I love you – Taeyang said as he stole a quick kiss from you.
-I love you more Taeyang – You said as you kiss him back.
-STOP! – All the rest of the members said as they started to look at you disgusted, making Taeyang and you burst in laughs.
Hope you liked it Fantasies! Look forward to this awesome group and their comeback with “O sole mio”.
As always have a wonderful day <3
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lunnanunna · 4 years
SF9 Extra Member AU
Summary: [Requested] This takes place back in 2019. Miyoung and Youngbin spend the day at a dog cafe.
Warnings: none
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ ​ @gay-jesus-official​ @precious-seungwooya​ @helladead-hellaradical​ @giant-puppy-yunho​ @kimonmars​ @soobinssmile​ @chagi-nana​ @wooya1224 
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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“Hurry, Oppa!” Miyoung hurriedly whispered. Youngbin chuckled watching the younger hop on each foot by the door that led to the dog cafe.
“I’m coming, Miyoung-ah. I’m coming,” he said smiling as he walked over to her.
“I see so many puppies,” Miyoung said excitedly. This was one of the few times he’d ever seen her this relaxed and happy. It was cute.
“But Jamongie is cuter right?” he asked her. Jamongie was Youngbin’s dog. He had brought him along as well so he could meet other dogs and make friends.
Miyoung looked at the leader smiling, then crouched down in front of the poodle. “Of course he is!” Miyoung cooed, scratching behind the pup’s ears. Jamongie got excited, wagging his tail like crazy as he leaned into Miyoung’s touch.
Youngbin chuckled as he crouched down as well. “He really loves you,” he said, running a hand down the poodle’s back.
“And I love him. Oh yes I do,” Miyoung said in a baby voice. She didn’t care how ridiculous she sounded, it was always so hard to restrain herself with dogs.
Youngbin laughed and Miyoung looked up at him, cheeks flushing. “Shut up,” she grumbled. Miyoung then reached for the leash and stood up.
“Come on, Jamongie! Let’s go make some friends!” Miyoung opened the door and Jamongie, sensing the other dogs in the building, excitedly scurried in.
“Careful no to let him go, Miyoung-ah,” Youngbin said, following the two in.
“Yes, Oppa,” Miyoung giggled. Youngbin shook his head, smiling. 
“So many doggos,” Miyoung whispered in English. She marveled at every dog, all shapes, sizes, breeds. Miyoung could now die happy. (Scratch that. She needed to play with these dogs first, then she could die happy.)
“What did you say?” Youngbin asked, confused by the English.
Miyoung looked back at him, just remembering that he was here. “So many dogs,” she said again, but in Korean.
“Figured, but I wanted to make sure,” Youngbin smiled as he walked up to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, then signaled to the menu. “I’ll get us some drinks and something to eat. You and Jamongie go and find us seats,” he told her. Miyoung nodded vigorously, and gave him a slight push towards the counter.
“Iced americano, please. Oh, and one of those brownies with pink frosting on them,” Miyoung said, pointing to an array of brownies on display.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Youngbin nodded then walked off to order.
“Okay, Jamongie. Where should we sit?” Miyoung asked the poodle, squatting near him. He turned to her and licked her cheek. Miyoung giggled at the sensation then watched as the pup began to move towards the gate.
Miyoung made sure that no dogs were able to escape before opening, then the two went in. The visual was once again in awe with all the dogs. Doing a quick count, she found seven; two oodles, one golden retriever, one Yorkie, two Pomeranian, and her favorite, a french bulldog.
She smiled as the retriever, big and beautiful, walked over to the two. It sniffed Jamongie, and Jamongie stepped back a bit. Miyoung chuckled.
“Aw, Jamongie. It’s alright, see?” Miyoung squatted by the larger dog, who turned to her. She held out her hand for it to sniff, once satisfied, it rubbed his head into her hand. Miyoung cooed, then bit her lip as she smiled, watching Jamongie stare at the exchange, taking a slight step forward.
Miyoung scratched behind the retriever’s ears then found the tag on his collar. “Okay, let’s see. Jiho?” The dog looked up at her at the sound of his name, tongue hanging out, tail wagging.
“See, Jamongie? This is Jiho,” Miyoung held her hand out to the poodle. He moved towards it, and looked at Jiho as he moved his head towards him. Miyoung watched as the two just looked at each other.  Then when Jiho went to sniff again, Jamongie stayed still, then sniffed back.
“I see Jamongie made a friend,” Youngbin said as he walked in with a tray of drinks and pastries.
“Yep,” Miyoung beamed, proud to have been the reason why.
Youngbin smiled and placed the tray on the table near where Miyoung was. He then walked over to them and sat on the ground. He reached for Jamongie’s leash and unhooked it, placing it on his lap. Jamongie wagged his tail a bit faster. Miyoung thought it might fly off.
“And who’s this?” Youngbin asked as the retriever came over to him.
“That’s Jiho. He’s Jamongie’s new buddy. Isn’t that right boy?” Jiho thumped his tail against the floor as Miyoung rubbed his head.
“Hello, Jiho,” Youngbin greeted. Said dog turned his attention to the older and Miyoung could have sworn he smiled.
“Did you see that?” she asked the leader, looking at the retriever’s almost goofy grin.
“Dogs love me. I make them happy,” Youngbin said, sending Miyoung a wink.
The girl looked at him then faked a gag. “Yah!” Youngbin exclaimed, chuckling.
About twenty or so minutes later, after playing with the two dogs, the leader had reached for their coffees (That were now watered down) and the two sat on the ground sipping their drinks as Jamongie alternated from playing with them to playing with the other dogs.
“Thanks, Oppa,” Miyoung said, leaning her head on Youngbin’s shoulder, watching as Jamongie played with the other two poodles.
“Your welcome, Mimi,” he smiled. “We can definitely come here more often.”
“I’d love that!” Miyoung shot up and turned to him, grinning. The leader grinned back, chuckling at her excitement.
“Yeah? Okay then we will,” he chuckled, taking a sip from his drink. A few seconds later he said, “Look who’s back.”
Miyoung turned to see where Youngbin was pointing. Jiho was walking towards them, slowly. The visual smiled as he came over to her and plopped his head onto her lap. “Hi,” she whispered, running her hand through his fur.
“I think he’s ready to nap,” Youngbin pointed out as Jiho’s eyes closed. Miyoung giggled softly as she continued to pet him.
“So you never had a dog growing up?” Youngbin asked, just as Jamongie came and sat himself on his lap.
“My mom’s allergic, so sadly we could never get one,” Miyoung pouted.
“Well, you’re always welcome to spend the day with my pup,” Youngbin smiled, petting the poodle.
“I’m definitely taking you up on that offer. I’m also taking advantage that there’s a dog cafe so close to the dorms,” Miyoung gave a nod, smiling at the friend in her lap. She turned to Youngbin, “Jiho belongs to the owner, so he’ll always be here.”
The leader chuckled, shaking his head. “Of course you would know that,” he said.
“What? It was on the tag,” Miyoung defended. When Youngbin laughed, she turned to Jiho, leaning towards his face. The retriever opened his eyes and looked up at her. “He’s being mean,” Miyoung pouted. Jiho’s eyes traveled to the older then they closed again.
Youngbin laughed as Miyoung threw her head back whining.
Miyoung’s Masterlist
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