#your contingency plans are gonna cost the death of humanity
jnece-maharlika · 4 months
Batman really needs to learn to keep his mouth shut when meeting the ghost king.
Like seriously, the worlds greatest protector? More like the worlds greatest problem maker. Do you guys enjoy making enemies of others??? I know that the king is a child but still!! That child has the power to get rid of your dimension with just a lift of a finger, batman. Stop annoying him by saying things like "unknown" "could be a threat" "will need a contingency plan against the ghost king" and "you are a child." Also stop researching "how to kill ghost", "how to restrain ghost" and "where to get blood blossoms" Those are the words that will definitely guarantee your death if Danny wasn't so kind.
Batman needs to listen to constantine. I know constantine isn't really that trustworthy but still!! It's CONNIE! Connie's made deal with demons and had called god pathetic. He's also done much worse than that and somehow managed to stay alive. If Connie himself won't mess with the ghost king then you shouldn't too! Its highly unlikely that you'll be able to survive one of constantines demons which means it's literally IMPOSSIBLE for you to fight the ghost king.
Stop being a dumbass, there won't be a need for a contingency plan if you don't provoke the king in the first place.
This is a common thing in DCxdp fics and it really makes me wanna slam a crowbar on batman's head.
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val-kay-rie · 5 years
how the cards fall [quentin beck x reader]
summary: two different people on opposing sides with the same objective; make the other fall in love with them. 
word count: 2281
warnings: far from home spoilers!! and slight cursing bc of nick fury smh
a/n: ah, here we are again. it is confirmed that quentin beck owns my ass now, and honestly i’m not even surprised. i would also apologize in advance because i suck at updating, but for now.. enjoy! 
GIF not mine!
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“Sir, we’ve been thinking..” William started on behalf of the team.
“What?” Quentin quickly asked in return.
The short-statured man glanced at his teammates and, with a nod from Guterman, continued, “We were thinking on how to humanize you more.”
“Humanize me?” was the response William received, “Our poor hero has already lost his family, what else are you suggesting? We’re days away from our first Elemental attack.”
“We were thinking you could expand on that,” Guterman stated, “You lost your spouse, but what if you re-met them on this Earth?”
This sparked the interest of the man in the motion-capture suit, and he urged them to go on, “I’m listening.”
“It’d be an easy addition - to feign affections for someone,” William elaborated, “And if it were to be someone in SHIELD--”
“I’d have someone on the inside if things go south,” Quentin completed, William nodding in agreement. A wicked grin grew upon Quentin’s face as he said, “Well this is brilliant, boys.”
William and Guterman let out a sigh of relief and smiled at one another in excitement as Quentin began to brainstorm, “We have to be careful with this, it can’t just be the next agent I meet. We’ll have to research someone, study them.”
“Who’s Fury likely to call to Europe?” Guterman thought aloud.
William suggested, “Maria Hill?”
“Too risky, she’d never let her walls down,” Quentin shot down, “We need someone that’ll open up emotionally.”
“Agent Johnson?”
“Fury wouldn’t call her out overseas.”
“Agent L/N?”
“L/N, Stark’s friend right?” Quentin inquired. 
“Yes sir, even attended the funeral,” William confirmed.
“That creates the perfect emotional vulnerability we need,” Quentin told the others, “And if they’re calling the kid in to give him EDITH, L/N would be a good incentive for him to stick around. They’ve known each other a while, Stark’s death only brought them closer.”
William and Guterman exchanged a look before William carefully asked, “We found the one, didn’t we?”
“We found the one,” Quentin confirmed with a smirk, “Find out everything there is to know about Y/N L/N.”
“I’ve seen better,” you told Fury after you stepped out of the car, Dimitri getting out of the driver’s seat behind you. You hadn’t seen the man in front of you since attending Tony and Natasha’s funerals, yet your first reaction was to lighten the air.
Fury gazed around at the makeshift base that they had created and with a small, quiet laugh said, “We’re making do.”
You let out a laugh and said, “It’s good to see you, Nick.”
“It’s good to see you too, agent,” Fury genuinely replied.  
Fury led you through the tunnels and to the pop-up SHIELD base that they established in Venice for the time being. You walked and talked, “What are we dealing with this time?”
“More creatures from another world, can you believe it?” 
You scoffed and remarked, “Just another day at the office.”
Fury gave you a knowing look as you arrived at the center of the base. You spotted Maria Hill and nodded at each other as a greeting as Fury led you over to someone new. Their back was currently turned to you, so all you saw was the long, draping cape as Fury said, “There’s someone I’d like to introduce you to. Meet Quentin Beck, Beck this is--”
“Y/N?” Quentin whispered, almost inaudibly. His eyes, that were full of shock, looked you over up and down, taking in each and every inch of you. His wide blue eyes met yours and, while his were filled with disbelief, yours were filled with nothing but confusion. He took a breath and composed himself, “My apologies. Agent L/N, it’s a pleasure.”
Quentin held out a hand for you to shake and you cautiously took it, still completely baffled as to why he reacted the way that he did upon seeing you. You couldn’t understand the longing look in his eyes, and were relieved when Fury cleared his throat and carried, “Beck is here to help deal with Earth’s new friends.”
“New friends?” you asked both Fury and the man in front of you for clarification.
“We called them Elementals,” Quentin informed you, and it was in that moment that he realized he still had a grip on your hand. He glanced at your hands for a brief moment, then reluctantly let go and told you, “Sorry again.”
Quentin then began to explain everything to you, and you half paid attention as your mind began to slowly drift. Why did this man act so peculiar towards you? 
Your complete attention was regained when Quentin spoke of the catastrophe the Elementals had brought to his world. The stakes were incredibly high and you couldn’t deny the fact that it made you nervous.
“The Elementals cost me everything. It’s because of them I’ve lost my whole world, my friends,” Quentin’s eyes found yours again as he softly said, “my family.”
You quickly broke the eye contact and gazed at the holographic display in front of you. When you dared to steal a glance at Quentin, you could see him mindlessly fiddling with a ring on his finger. A ring that you could only assume was a wedding band.
This, combined with the odd introduction, was a bit unsettling to you. Your mind couldn’t help but leap to all kinds of different assumptions, you were nearly convinced that you and Quentin had known each other on his world. And knew each other well, at that. 
“The next attack is happening here in Venice in two days,” Hill informed you.
“So what’s the game plan?” you asked, looking towards her and Fury as you deliberately tried to avoid any more eye contact with Quentin.
“I’ve dealt with these things before,” Quentin said, “so I should be able to deal with them again.”
Fury added, “Still, we’re trying to get Beck whatever backup we can, yet somehow everyone we know is other-wise occupied. Everyone, but Parker.”
“Peter?” you asked for verification. When receiving a nod, you went on, “Come on Fury, he’s just a kid.”
“A kid with remarkable powers that the world needs right now,” Fury responded. You gazed at the other two people currently in the little meeting, hoping that someone would see things from your point of view, but to no avail. 
Hill had seemed to have her mind made on the matter, and naturally she saw eye to eye with Fury and took his stance. You couldn’t really say you were all that surprised, but you were still hoping she’d understand.
Quentin looked at you with nothing but sympathy, and you were really hoping that the new and spectacular hero would realize this wasn’t the most ethical of ideas. He remained silent, and you couldn’t say you were surprised here either considering he didn’t even know Peter.
Fury could sense your uneasiness about the situation, nodded his head towards the direction of more tunnels in this dark underground base, and said, “Walk with me, L/N.”
You let out a sigh and did as you were told, starting off towards the direction Fury had pointed out. Quentin’s eyes never left yours as you exited the area, something that both you and Fury couldn’t help but notice. 
As soon as you were out of earshot to Hill and Quentin you said, “I get that Peter’s powers as Spider-Man are amazing, but at the end of the day he’s just 16-year-old high schooler in need of a break.”
“And I understand that,” Fury said as you realized he was walking you the out the way you came in, “I also understand that this is a global threat and we’re gonna need all the help we can get.”
An audible exhale left your lips before you admitted, “I just don’t want to see anything happen to him.” 
“Which is exactly why I called you out here. Help Parker, watch his back, make him feel more comfortable,” Fury instructed. 
“I just don’t understand why you’re trying to get Peter here when Beck seems to have everything under control,” you told him.
“Because I don’t completely trust Beck,” Fury confessed.
You two made it back outside and underneath the night sky as you asked, “Why not?”
“Everything about this situation and about him almost seems too perfect, too good to be true.”
You joked, “Why? Because he listens to you?”
“Because nothing seems to falter him,” Fury said, “or, at least nothing did.”
“What do you mean?” you asked for clarification, though you were a bit nervous to hear his response.
“The man had no weakness, could take down these damn creatures in a matter of minutes,” Fury replied, “Then you show up and literally take his breath away.”
“What are you saying here, Fury?”
“It’s evident that you and Beck knew each other on his world, and we can use that to our advantage,” he explained. 
You were a bit confused as you recited, “Our advantage?”
Fury said, “If the man doesn’t have a weakness, we’ll give him one.”
You hesitated before you stated, “I’m not sure I’m entirely following you, sir.”
“You need to let Beck in. Make him trust you, confide in you, make him believe you’ll always be there in the end,” you were told.
“You want me to make him love me, the way he loved me on his world,” you realized, softly saying this statement aloud as your mind wrapped around what the man in front of you was asking. 
“If that’s what it takes, so be it. We need a contingency plan, and that contingency is you.”
Several thoughts raced inside your mind, all pertaining to the same general ideas: There is no way you could pull this off. There has to be someone better qualified. There has to be a more effective contingency that doesn’t involve messing with his emotions.
“With all due respect sir, are we sure this is the best route? I can’t make someone fall in love with me,” you expressed your worries, “I’m no Natasha.”
“Which is a considerable advantage in your case,” Fury reminded you. “We’re out of options here, agent.”
You looked away from Fury and gazed up at the stars for a brief moment, letting out a deep sigh of realization. The truth was, you didn’t have a choice in the matter and had to follow orders. 
When you glanced back at Fury, the smug look on his face made it evident his thoughts mirrored yours. You caved, “Alright, where am I staying?”
Dimitri dropped you off at a rather nice hotel, much to your delight. You went to the room that Fury instructed and pulled out the key card he had handed you out of your pocket, before holding it up the doorknob and being met with a satisfying beep that was accompanied by a small green light. 
You stepped into your temporary living space, shutting the door behind you as you dropped your bag on the ground. Careful feet walked across the room as it was late, but the view outside of the window was calling your name. After gently pushing the sheer curtains out of the way, the beautiful city of Venice came into your sight. 
A small smile of content reached your face because, though you didn’t exactly like the circumstances that got you here, you were more than happy to see Italy. An idea popped into your head as you realized this may very well be the only moment of peace you’ll get in the country, so you decided you’d take advantage of that. 
Stepping away from the window, you made sure you had your phone and your keycard before heading towards the door, eager to get outside and explore the city while you had the chance. When you opened your door, you were met with an unexpected guest in the hall. 
Quentin had gotten out of his whole superhero costume and stood there in a maroon sweater and dark jeans with a keycard in his hand. His back was initially facing you before he heard your door open and turned around, making it evident to you he was staying in the room across the hall from you. Of course.
“Oh, um, hi,” you so poetically spoke. 
“Hey,” he said back with a smile, “Where are you headed?”
You put your hands in your pocket as you replied, “I was just gonna go walk around the city. Take it all in before things get crazy, ya know?”
“Oh yeah, I understand,” Quentin said, fidgeting with his keycard as he debating his next words, “You’re heading out there alone?”
“Yeah, well, this line of work starts to normalize solitude,” you spoke, suddenly growing nervous inside. 
“Let me come with you,” the man before you suggested. Before you were even able to protest, he continued, “Come on, it’s late at a night and you’re in a foreign city. I’m sure you can handle yourself but at the very least, it’d put my heart at ease if I accompanied you.”
Your eyes met his as you thought of ways to get out of your current situation, but then Fury’s words and your new objective came forward in your mind. You internally panicked because you knew a late-night stroll with the newly deemed hero would undoubtedly progress you in your mission, whether you actually wanted his company or not.
You held back a reluctant sigh and opted for a slight smile instead before telling Quentin, “That sounds great.”
“Wonderful,” he grinned back at you, before slipping his keycard back in his pocket. He gestured out to towards the elevator at the end of the hall and said, “After you.”
thanks for reading | masterlist | part two coming... eventually 
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ravensroundofrobins · 5 years
Since most of y'all Don't seem to Know her.... Let’s DO THIS BRIEF HISTORY OF ROBIN!STEPH BUCKLE TF UP BITCHES
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(Note: For the most part, Steph’s time as Robin is included in the War Games TPB, especially because it serves as a catalyst for said event. Highly recommended the read, but mind, like, everything about it) ((also also tumblr only allows 10 pics, so I'm cherry picking my fav panels/most important ones. + offering a bit of meta. take this with a grain of salt and Please read War Games and draw your own conclusions blah blah))
So to start with, a little Context to Steph’s Start as Robin:
Tim’s dad found out about his Robining & made him hang up the cape+mask. As any Concerned and Reasonable parent would. Steph is still operating as Spoiler at the time, despite many attempts by many members of the batfam (but especially Batman) to dissuade her from crime-fighting.
Due to a gross misunderstanding (as these things tend go in comics *sigh*) Steph, who is dating Tim at the time, sees a girl who was interested in him make a move & thinks that Tim is cheating on her. She channels this grief/mourning/anger into making her own homemade Robin costume and convinces Batman to take her under his wing (he sets the conditions that she must follow every order, with a ‘one strike, you’re out’ kind of policy). She undergoes an unspecified training period to get in Proper Shape For Crime Fighting and Batman starts taking her on various patrols and investigations.
During this time, she also teams up with Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) on more than one occasion (one of my fav panels below, just bc its so stylized lmao. its Cute)
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During this time, in true Robin Tradition, Steph builds up quite the rapport with Batman, providing a lighter/comedic side and being a general breath of fresh air and foil to the Dark Knight. (just LOOK at this banter & Bargaining for the batmobile!!! a TRUE ROBIN)
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There’s a couple cases that I won't get too far into (but one i want to briefly mention involves Zsasz and Steph going almost a bit too far when trying to subdue him. its a very clear parallel to Jason & serves as foreshadowing for how War Games will play out i.e., Steph’s fate) 
Now during this time, there’s an assassin/merc who is killing off teens who were suspected to be Robin (Tim Drake), which Batman catches wind of and the Dynamic Duo moves in to put an End to. (look at this smug lil robin, catching the Bad Guy™ off guard. ADORABLE)
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Another thing to note now, is how Eager Robin is to jump onto the case and into the fray. and how carefully she toes the line when following/questioning batman’s orders. this is touched on many times often either with her able to juuuuust reason with the caped crusader enough to Bend his own orders or even to change his mind on occasion.
(a thing i want to note here with this panel and with this particular time in Steph’s career as Robin is that the writer had her referring to Batman as ‘Boss’. whether this was intentional or not, it most closely resembles, to me, Carrie Kelley’s mannerisms as Robin. i.e. another Robin that the writers may have been using as inspo/to parallel. Carrie’s time as Robin is also defined by Batman’s grief from losing Jason, and is given a very similar probationary status that Steph is given during her time as Robin. coincidence? maybe. but i think not.)
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While they lose track of the villain initially, Steph’s quick thinking to place trackers on her is what saves the mission. at the Moment at least. Batman makes a decision to bring Robin along when tracking their prey, but orders her to stay behind in the batplane & ‘not touch anything’ unless ordered to do so. which is where we get the Defining Moment:
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When Steph, against orders, jumps into the fray. its something to be admired, and very Typical Robin Behavior (bc where would they be if they weren't impulsive and, well, KIDS, amirite?) but unfortunately, her decision costs them the chance of apprehending the villain, and Batman stays true to his word...
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and she's Fired (g o d I'm not the biggest fan of damion scott’s art but this look BROKE MY HEART. i can practically HEAR those choked back tears and see that quivering lip like... G O D BRUCE NO. GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE. ANYTHING ELSE THAN WHATS GONNA HAPPEN)
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here’s where I'm gonna TL;DR War Games for y’all bc.... holy shit its a LOT. and Steph’s involvement really only begins it, and essentially ends it. (literally lmao. she's featured a little throughout but like. its a Crossover Event™ for a reason. everyone gets a little bit of the spotlight, which means a bit of shuffling around ofc) but Anyways
tl;dr - steph takes one of Batman’s contingency plans on her way out of the cave & implements it w/out being aware of a few Key Details. all out War breaks amongst the different gangs of gotham, with Batman & company trying to regain control of the city & maintain order. Black Mask resurfaces, catches and tortures Steph to learn details about the plan and makes his own grab for power (fun fact, for those of you paying attention to the Big Picture: this essentially sets up for his position later on in Under The (Red) Hood when Jason starts wrestling that control away from him) Steph manages to escape, Batman takes her to Dr. Thompkins clinic, and Leslie reveals that her condition is critical. bruce makes it back in time to be by steph’s side for this:
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and then she dies ;-;
BUT THIS IS COMICS- so its revealed initially that Leslie withheld treatment to save Steph’s life to Make A Point and try to dissuade Gotham Youth from following Steph’s path. BUT-BUT WAIT THERES MORE BC THIS IS ~*C O M I C S*~ so its ALSO revealed later on that steph DIDNT die. Leslie helped fake her death and blah blah blah, Steph comes back, gets to be spoiler again, then batgirl and the rest as they say is history
anyways. STRAIGHT FROM THE BAT’S MOUTH THANKS. Steph WAS really™ a Robin™ and as much as DC wants to pry that from my gay goblin hands they WONT be able to. and anyways... She Earned It. okay. give this girl the Respect she deserves. 
(now since I'm a Shipping Blog™, ima add some thoughts regarding her parallel to other robins and how Theoretically a relationship with raven might work out)
Again, the biggest parallel that DEFINES War Games and Steph’s time as Robin, is that to Jason Todd. (fun fact/sidenote: they’re both Leos, so like. Another Connection btwn the two lmao) They’re both impulsive and eager to prove themselves, and follow Batman with unwavering faith and loyalty (up to a Certain Breaking Point that is). They’ve got especially cheeky attitude and flair for drama, and hey. Narratively speaking, writers seem to have a penchant for drawing a few connecting lines between them (again, by starting the WG TPB off with Bruce mourning on Jason’s bday & setting a Tone for the overall event. and then again, by having a major character for UtRH be the very same villain that killed our former girl wonder) 
Now with those lines drawn, and with an understanding of how Jason has interacted with Raven in-canon (with mostly cordial interactions and for the most part respectful analysis of each other’s abilities & strengths), & no known connection between Steph & Rae as of yet, we can really only assume a few things:
-like most of the batboys, Raven is very likely to get along with Steph and to respect her abilities given that Steph respects her in turn.
-Steph’s bright, extroverted personality could again work as a good foil/compliment to Raven’s more introverted/muted one.
-theyve got what i like to call the Bad Dad™ connection (with Steph’s being a former Gotham Rogue™, and Raven’s... well.. y'all Know) Steph’s already shown great Morbid Humor regarding this part of her life (shown in her interactions with Cass) and is very willing to bond with others over Sucky Parents
-while stephanie has a canonical Love™ of Waffles, and raven (at least in regards to her Most Popular fanon from the 03 cartoon) has a fanonical love of them as well. Hence, they ARE the Waffle Queens (embrace the ridiculousness, guys. DO IT)
-Since steph is not an Adopted member of Bruce’s family (& again, more often than not they have attempted to dissuade her from vigilantism) and similarly, due to Batmans Dislike of meta-humans/outsiders messing with Affairs in His City, as well as some of his canonical Distrust™ for Raven due to her mysterious background/nature. this could be another minor/potential bonding point between the two
-likely more??? its getting late, and not much else I can think of off the top of my head, but i might add more to this later. 
as a ship StephRae has as much potential as any other, and since there’s not a lot of canon to really go off, fans can really take it.... wherever and i think thats beautiful
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Has Chuck ever talked about why he brought Cas back? I'm watching The Man Who Would Be King and it's a massive point of contingency. Cas is clearly important to God, has that ever been brought back up?
Hi there... I don’t really get what the second message has to do with the first, but I’m gonna try to reply to both of these things, because these are two fundamentally unrelated issues. At least, I believe this is also a message from you, but please correct me if I’m wrong. Sometimes it’s really hard to tell if two messages are supposed to go together in the inbox when they’re both from anons:
In that same season Let It Bleed shows Dean asking Cas to erase the memories of Lisa and Ben and that's like Cas' ultimate skill as an angel Stripping Memory and he did for Dean Just Like That. My Chuck has anything been addressed for Cas since season 6?
I think this is the only thing that Chuck has canonically said about the fact he kept bringing Cas back, and it was uttered during one of his lil tantrums in 11.20, while Metatron was prodding him into Doing The Right Thing for all of creation:
Chuck: You know I love those guys, but the world would still be spinning with demon Dean in it. But Sam couldn't have that, though, could he? And so how is Amara being out on me?Metatron: It's not. But you helped the Winchesters before.Chuck: Helped them? I've saved them! I've rebuilt Castiel more times than I can remember. Look where that got me.Metatron: So you're just gonna let Amara win?Chuck: Eh, it's her time to shine.
Chuck was still actively deflecting any responsibility for the Darkness. As if this ENTIRE problem didn’t directly spring from his initial act of locking her away in the first place. Granted, we wouldn’t have had Creation at all if he hadn’t, but he’d been willing to just sequester himself off in his little private bar at the end of all things while the rest of the universe crumbled around him rather than confront any of that. It was easier for him to just blame everyone else for... everything else... as if the problem hadn’t been his own refusal to deal with the fact that he was only one side of this Creation Coin, you know? It took the catalyst of Dean Winchester to bring those two sides together eventually in 11.23.
But getting back to your point... No, Chuck has never said directly, “I specifically and factually continued to resurrect Cas for these explicit purposes,” and then given us a bullet-pointed list.
Because your second question (and I think it’s yours, again) refers to something in 6.21 as being in “the same season” that Chuck resurrected Cas... but he first resurrected Cas in 5.01, after Raphael had exploded him in 4.22 (which happened offscreen, but we were TOLD it happened, by Chuck in 5.01.
Given what we know about the Empty, and the fact it’s where angels go when they die, and the fact that we know now that Jimmy died in 4.22 and went to Heaven and has been there ever since despite Cas having been resurrected in a replacement Jimmy Suit in 5.01... I think it’s safe to assume that Chuck (since he’d been literally standing RIGHT THERE when Cas went kablooie) held Cas in some sort of stasis, waiting to see what happened next. Remember, they’d been making it up as they went. NONE of what happened at the end of 4.22 and after that had been part of Chuck’s Grand Plan. It wasn’t in the script. It was something he hadn’t expected, and yet... it happened.
I don’t think he initially had a definite plan to resurrect Cas, but it had been one of the options he’d held open for himself. Cas had done something INTERESTING to him. He was an angel who demonstrated an act of rebellion and free will-- not the way Lucifer had by wanting to destroy and corrupt humanity, but out of love for Humanity and creation itself. Cas wanted to save the world from Chuck’s destined apocalypse. And Chuck being a shrewd creator, he plucked Cas out of the air before he could be zapped off to the Empty, knowing that such an Angel was an anomaly, and that he might just have a bigger part to play in the salvation of Creation.
In 6.20, I believe the scene you’re referring to is this one:
CASTIEL I was...done. I was over. And then the most extraordinary thing happened. I was put back. (Castiel stands behind Dean, beaten bloody by Lucifer) And we had won. We stopped Armageddon. (Castiel heals Dean) But at a terrible cost. (Castiel heals Bobby)(flashback to very end of 'Swan Song')EXT. OUTSIDE OF LISA BRAEDEN'S HOUSE - NIGHT(Sam stands under the streetlight, which flickers and dies, watching Dean inside Lisa's house. Castiel watches Sam.)CASTIEL And so I knew what I had to do next. Once again, I went to Harrow Hell, to free Sam from Lucifer's cage. It was nearly impossible, but I was so full of confidence, of mission. I see now that was arrogance...Hubris...Because, of course, I hadn't truly raised Sam -- not all of him.(flashback to 'Unforgiven': Sam is beating a cop unconscious; flashback to 'Live Free or Twi-Hard': Sam watches Dean being turned; flashback to 'Appointment in Samarra': Sam raises his dagger to stab Bobby) Sometimes we're lucky enough to be given a warning. (back in front of Lisa's house, Sam turns and walks away- directly past Castiel) This should have been mine.
But this was actually his SECOND resurrection. He was also speaking from a place of desperation, at his lowest point to date, knowing he was about to make A Huge Choice and desperately looking for ANY sort of guidance. It’s like he KNEW he’d already made a mistake, and couldn’t see any way out of this dire, horrific circumstance other than to just... keep pushing through and hope everything worked out in the end. He was trying to save the universe, again, single-handedly. And EVERYTHING was failing. He’d failed to protect Dean, he’d failed to resurrect Sam properly, he’d failed and failed and failed.
Like he said in 12.19, he NEEDED a win, he needed to return to Dean already having secured a win, to prove his own worth. He’s been dealing with this issue, this personal struggle, since he first discovered those Doorways To Doubt way back in s4.
In 7.23, also at a place of Lowest Depression, he had this to say about his continued resurrections:
CASTIEL: If we attack Dick and fail, then you and Sam die heroically, correct?DEAN: I don't know. I guess.CASTIEL: And at best, I die trying to fix my own stupid mistake. Or... I don't die – I'm brought back again. I see now. It's a punishment resurrection. It's worse every time.DEAN: I'm sorry. Uh, we're talking about God crap, right?CASTIEL: I'm not good luck, Dean.DEAN: Yeah, but you know what? Bottom of the ninth, and you're the only guy left on the bench... Sorry, but I'd rather have you, cursed or not. And anyway, nut up, all right? We're all cursed. I seem like good luck to you? [CASTIEL stares at DEAN.] What?CASTIEL: Well, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I detect a note of forgiveness.DEAN: Yeah, well, I'm probably gonna die tomorrow, so...CASTIEL: Well, I'll go with you. And I'll do my best.
He was in such a low place that he sincerely believed he’d been repeatedly resurrected as a “punishment,” because he couldn’t see past his own guilt and trauma. But again, Dean held out a hand and offered him a different viewpoint. It was the first step toward Cas being able to forgive himself and move forward. He could finally begin “redeeming himself” in Dean’s eyes, which he’d promised back in 7.01. And that’s sort of the journey he’s been on ever since.
He’s been through a number of rough patches along the way, leading him to say Yes to Lucifer in 11.10, leading him to try to spare Sam and Dean from having to kill Kelly in 12.15-12.19, ultimately leading to his death (again! but the first death that Chuck hadn’t been standing by to catch him from and stop him from ever reaching the Empty) in 12.23.
For the first time, it was Cas HIMSELF that fought for his own resurrection, in which his own agency is what brought him back. He fought for HIMSELF.
*scrolls back up because I can’t even remember the question at this point...*
Aah, right... “Has anything been addressed for Cas since s6?” Um.. yes? Loads and loads? Which is why I have no idea how the second half of your question relates to the first...
I’ve barely scraped the tip of the iceberg here on that ONE issue, so short of writing a thesis on the narrative evolution of Castiel as a character that could probably span at least a trilogy of scholarly tomes, I don’t really know what else to say here... I’m honestly baffled that anyone could suggest that they’ve just not addressed Cas’s issues since s6, and wondering if we’re watching the same show.
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mbtizone · 7 years
Clarke Griffin (The 100): INFJ
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Dominant Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Clarke isn’t trying to preserve her former way of life. She doesn’t want things to stay the same. Clarke advocates for change. She works towards a better future. She wants peace between the Arkadians and the Grounders. Clarke is skilled when it comes to devising plans. She can see the big picture and knows the value of forging alliances with other clans (Ni-Fe). She’s good at focusing and doesn’t get sidetracked from her goals. When the group of prisoners land on the ground, everyone else gets caught up exploring and marveling over the many wonders of the Earth. They soak up the sunlight, jump into the water, and run around, enjoying the new sensations. Clarke, however, is determined to get to Mount Weather. She scolds the others for not keeping up on their journey because she has her goal in sight. She needs to get everyone to Mount Weather, where they can seek shelter and get food. Survival is the most important thing. Everything else is just a distraction. Clarke tries to be prepared for any situation, and has contingency plans just in case her original one goes awry (taking over the bunker in case Octavia loses the conclave). Clarke’s Ni and Fe often team up to allow her to persuade people into doing what she wishes. She can sense what other people want and what their motivations are and exploits that to convince them to do what she tells them.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Even though Clarke is able to put her emotions aside in order to do what needs to be done, she is extremely empathetic and feels every decision that she makes. While Clarke is capable of making impossible decisions that get people hurt or killed, she has a difficult time in the aftermath because of her capacity for empathy, and has a difficult time being around her people because of the guilt she feels once the deed is done. However, her reason for making the choices she makes is for the greater good of her people. Her main priority is the survival of humanity. She thinks in the long-term, beyond just her people, to future generations (Ni-Fe). Clarke believes that she knows what’s best and immediately falls into a leadership position because of the way she takes charge and tries to keep everybody safe. Clarke is able to make sacrifices for others, even if she has to do something unspeakable to get the job done. When Finn is to be mercilessly tortured before being killed, Clarke steps up to put him out of his misery so he doesn’t have to suffer a slow, painful death. She makes tough calls that will get a number of people killed, but will ultimately save more people. She is accepting of having the weight of the world on her shoulders, because that means nobody else has to carry the burden of guilt. She understands the value of building positive relations with the Grounders and strives for harmony.
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Tertiary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: Because Clarke has a sharp, analytical mind, and is very good at speedily assessing situations, she is quickly able to come up with the most efficient solution to a problem. As long as the decision makes sense to Clarke, she acts on it. She doesn’t need to discuss it with anyone else. Clarke trusts her own logic and, even though the decisions are difficult, she makes the call she feels is necessary. During times of stress, Clarke can loop, ignoring her auxiliary function in favor of making her Ni vision a reality through her Ti rationale. Clarke is inquisitive and asks a lot of questions so she can understand the specifics of a situation. When Finn tells her to make a wish on a shooting star, she wants to know why because it’s “just a rock burning up in the atmosphere, why would that make your wish come true?” Clarke can become frustrated when she determines the best resolution to a problem and somebody ruins it because that was clearly their best option.
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Inferior Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Although Clarke is a planner and focuses on the future as opposed to living in the present, she does have an awareness of her environment. She can think quickly on her feet if a situation arises suddenly, and can react to it accordingly with her surprisingly good reflexes. When Octavia is attacked by a sea creature, it is Clarke who immediately thinks of distracting it by throwing a boulder into the water. Her quick thinking works, and Octavia is freed. When Clarke arrives at Mount Weather, she breaks the glass and holds it to Maya’s neck, forcing her to take her to her friends. She doesn’t understand when someone make reckless a decision with no regard for the consequences and often chides people when they do. When she first meets Finn, she reprimands him for going on an illegal spacewalk that costs the people on the Ark a month of oxygen. Clarke takes action in dangerous situations if it’s to serve her Ni goals, as opposed to just doing so to enjoy the sensations. For instance, while Finn and Wells are trying to figure out a way to procure the seaweed without being attacked by the creature in the water. Clarke is charging right in and grabs it. She enjoys in the feeling of shooting a gun and, though she doesn’t do it often, she is capable of letting loose, having fun, and enjoying the moment.
Note: I know that a lot of people will disagree with my typing of Clarke. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her typed as anything other than XSFJ, but I just don’t see Si or Ne in her. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, of course, but I really wanted to get this typing out there to give people a different perspective.
Enneagram: 6w5 So/Sx (Tritype: 628)
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Clarke: Hey, guys, would you try to keep up? Finn: Come on, Clarke. How do you block all this out? Clarke: Well, it’s simple. I wonder, ‘why haven’t we seen any animals?’ Maybe it’s because there are none. Maybe we’ve already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty, though. Come on.
Clarke: Follow me. Bellamy: And why would I do that? Clarke: Because you want them to follow you, and right now, they’re thinking only one of us is scared.
Bellamy: Look. If you need forgiveness, I’ll give that to you. You’re forgiven. Please come inside. Clarke: Take care of them for me. Bellamy: Clarke! Clarke: No. Seeing their faces every day is just gonna remind me of what I did to get them here. What we did. Bellamy: You don’t have to do this alone. Clarke: I bear it so they don’t have to.
Abby: The rules have changed. This gives you a chance to live. Your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody else first, just like your father.
Bellamy: You’re up? Clarke: Yeah, knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep. Bellamy: Raven’s flares will work. Clarke: A radio would’ve worked better.
Clarke: So, what does this seaweed look like? Wells: Like that. Hey, that thing that bit Octavia, how big was it? Finn: Big. We could rig this into some kind of a net. Find something to lower it into the water. [Clarke walks straight into the water] Finn: Or we could just do that. [Clarke starts grabbing the red seaweed and then walks back to shore with it]
Clarke: Well, I don’t know. Do you want the people you love to think you’re dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won’t if they think we’re dying.
Finn: Unity Day is a lie. The Ark only came together after the 13th station was blown out of the sky. It’s just not the version of history we like to tell each other at parties. Clarke: The Unity Day story gives people hope, though. And peace came out of that violence.
Clarke: I tried… I tried to be the good guy… Abby: Maybe there are no good guys.
Clarke: Show my people how powerful you are. Show them you can be merciful. Show them you’re not a savage.
Clarke: I love you, too. Finn: I’m scared. Clarke: You’re gonna be okay. You’re okay… [draws back her bloody knife] Finn: Thanks, princess.
Clarke: It can’t be that simple. You said there’s fuel in those rockets, right? Enough to build 100 bombs. Raven: I also said we’ve got no gunpowder left. Clarke: I don’t want to build a bomb. I want to blast off. Raven: Draw them in close. Fire the rockets. A ring of fire. Bellamy: Barbecued grounders. I like it. Finn: Will it work? Raven: You give me enough time, I’ll cook them real good.
Clarke Griffin (The 100): INFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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