#your racist streamer could never
peacheepearl · 2 years
if i see another person compare dr*am to jerma i’m going to shoot them on site
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freshbeeth · 4 months
Is there anything the average splatoon fan can do to make a difference? to make you feel safer and appreciated in this community? (don't worry about responding if you don't have an answer)
step 1 is to learn what racism is (systemic oppression against people of color NOT boo hoo a black person made me feel bad). and then from there:
call racist shit out as you see it
stop interacting with racists/apologists entirely, they want a rise out of you as a “gotcha”
show up for black streamers/content creators/comp players
never assume you’re immune to being racist
actually interact with black people in real life/outside of splatoon
actually interact with black books/art/films/games/music/ANYTHING outside of splatoon
don’t do the “omg how could this happen???¿?” thing. it happened bc racism is normalized as “edgy humor”
if racism comes up, be quiet and LISTEN to the marginalized group that was affected
also bonus: if you start a sentence with “as a white person” i PROMISE you we’re not gonna read anything else you say even if it’s well-intentioned. not everything requires a response from you and we don’t care about your opinions on racism considering we’re actually living it.
and be mindful that BEING UNCOMFORTABLE DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE BEING OPPRESSED. a black person making a safe space for themselves is NOT the same as being discriminated against for being white. not everything is about y’all.
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xomoosexo · 1 year
My honest thoughts on will quackity fall
I hope so, I really really hope so because he ruined our community again when we were in the process of rebuilding it. He was selfish and didn't care about anything other than himself, his server and his reputation. He put so many people in danger, people who were related to Dream (which is gross behavior if you don't care about your old friends family) and completely innocent stans who were excited about their streamers new project
Now will he, the answer is complex;
The thing about quackity is that he's been in the content creation game to have seen everyone go down before him. He knows what makes people tick
You'll notice that with everything that's happened, quackity is never the center of attention, and when he is, he shifts the blame to someone else. The whole USMP thing was without question quackitys doing. Dream did everything correctly, when quackity announced the qsmp, Dream tweeted his support for it and then mentioned that he had a similar idea in the works so that when it came out, he could avoid getting backlash (it didn't really work sadly)
When he finally announced the USMP and people starting attacking him, he tweeted nothing but positive things about quackity, even saying that quackity really inspired him. When quackity announced the qsmps live translation mod again, nothing but support
On top of that, Dream opened the floor for quackity to even just like a tweet and let the fans know it was all good
But quackity didn't. And because Dream was the only one saying anything and Dream is the internets favorite punching bag, people attacked Dream for having a similar idea
And then when Dream eventually tweeted his public plea to quackity, he was shamed and harrassed. People took it as Dream whining even though he and his family were in literal danger
Sorry lmao, I got sidetracked
As I was saying. Quackity has never actually *done* anything. He has never done anything that can be directly pinned to him, what he does is he lets other people do things, to make their actions bigger than his, and then lets them take the blame
Anything he has directly done, qolos will say it's old or it happened so long ago (see his racist scam caller videos)
Quackity, above all, knows how to not look guilty. So if quackity gets cancelled, it needs to happen to his own community, it needs to be something that one of his actions directly and irrefutably caused, and more importantly it needs to be the qolos orchestrating their own downfall. If a dream stan even tries to say anything, even if it's one in a sea of qolos, suddenly it's dreams fault
Because what happens then, is a domino of all his past silences and the way his past silences have had direct and negative impacts on everything
I think unfortunately that quackity is too good at avoiding things and he has this uncanny ability to basically rebuild a new audience every few years making it much harder to be cancelled
that god damned law degree 😭 and people think dream is the damage control guy 😭😭 when in actuality he's just bad at it. quackity is so good most people don't even notice.
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sleepyowlet · 11 months
your logic is flawed; ideology is learned, sexuality is inherent. video games wont "turn you gay," but bigotry isnt something you're born with. it can very well be picked up from media. if you think video games can't contain successful propaganda just like anything else, you need to open your eyes
I'm a pretty active gamer and I like Twitch LPs. I haven't even encountered titles funded by the US Army in the wild beyond people making fun of them. They are not very successful, to the point where the US military has to bribe Twitch streamers to play those games. Like, they're that desperate.
Here's the thing. It's only propaganda if it's a deliberate attempt at manipulation; everything else is just pandering. The army-funded shooters are certainly propaganda, but they're just...bad. They also don't work because enlistment is way down. US Army mouthpieces are constantly crying about it.
The Juggernauts like CoD or MGS? The US Army has no stake in those, and in the case of CoD, they go with the "Murrica Good" narrative because that's a simple enough concept for anyone to grasp, and it's what sells. It's just pandering.
Kids get the brainworms way earlier. At home, at school, on the internet. 4chan, Reddit, and tictock (and the entire manosphere) produce queerphobes, racists, and misogynists way more effectively than games ever could.
The games make the brainworms worse. I never debated that. But they don't cause them.
Yeah, racism is learned, and queerness is innate, but both are pre-existing at the age kids start playing games with queerphobic, racist, and misogynist content. That's what I was getting at. Kids get the brainworms through shit like pledging to the flag every morning before they ever lift a controller to play a shooter. It's about a pre-existing condition you either do or don't have; whether innate or learned is irrelevant to the issue.
And kids who by some miracle don't already have the brainworms aren't affected by the game, just like you aren't affected by playing a killer in DbD, cheerfully slaughtering your friends.
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jefferythejelly · 1 year
i was so so excited for qsmp. more minecraft content from foolish coming back! english q content! a continuation of the connections between english and spanish communities and ccs made in squid craft! i was so fucking excited man. but from the beginning, despite claiming to want to unite communities, q just made no attempt at any sort of community management. and then the barakoa incident happened and i was disappointed and pissed by how it was handled, by how q never made any attempt to distance himself form v's racist rants despite his name being involved in there i already decided to limit my povs to bbh and foolish and avoid fit and q and v, just skip them in the vod or leave stream till they left then i dropped foolish's pov entirely not just bc v is just so tied into his stuff now, but also bc his chat feels hostile now. the amount of bhh hate just got too much. and the toxicity just kept ramping up in the fandom. i couldn't even interact with fanart of qsmp without risking ppl giving me shit over liking dream in my dms. showing interest in qsmp posts filled my for you page on twitter with people spewing hatred. honestly, by the time dream's thread dropped, qsmp had already turned from being this new fun thing i was so so so excited for into this exhausting price i had to pay to see my streamers' stream. learning (part of) what happened behind the scenes was really just the final drop. sorry to vent in your inbox, i'm just so sad and disappointed because this could have been something to wonderful and instead it feels like several steps back from the minecraft and gaming online sphere.
i know what you mean, that first day of qsmp was SO much fun to watch and since then it's just felt kinda downhill :(
i've def not seen the amount of hate that you have (only twt account i have is a lurker account for following ccs and update accounts and Thats It and luckily haven't had any hateful dms or asks), and i can still put on foolish's streams as background noise even if he's on qsmp but if anyone whos not bbh shows up atp i'm tuning out
also huge relate on the chat thing, i think it was inevitable with the expanding audience no matter how well qsmp did or didn't go but i miss my familiar doozers and feeling like i could recognize all the frequent chatters. you still see 'em but not as much among all the new people :(
at least usmp is coming up soon, tho i can't pretend my little foolish main heart isn't at least a little bitter that he probably won't be on it with the way things are going (bbh too. i miss the muffinteers)
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patchesjam · 2 years
Do people actually think genloss is going to be A Big Thing? Bc last time I checked Ranboo does not have the big audience or the big streamer network they'd need to pull that off. Also, coming from a writer, I have A Lot Of Doubt in his ability to tell a cohesive story. Like I know the DSMP isn't a great example (since it was written on the fly and all) but like... Tommy and Dream figured it out - so did Bad and Hannah and the other Eggpire peeps. Phil gave us some closure, too. But nooooo Ranboo got bored of the server so he had to jump the shark and kill off his character out of nowhere even though Wilbur still needed him for lore. So like. What happens when he inevitably gets bored of genloss? What then? Will it remain unfinished, or will he just start throwing random angst at it in an attempt to get attention? If he behaves how I think he will, then he's worse than 13 year old me writing RotBTD fanfiction. Because at least I gave them endings and stuff, even though they were written 100% without any foresight whatsoever. Basically I have no faith in them whatsoever to tell compelling stories, I hate their fanbase and their fan's extreme radical ideology and excessive bulling behavior, and I mostly hate their 'I'm morally superior to everyone else' attitude. Also I still don't know what went on between them and Tubbo - because I kind of get Mean Girls vibes from the whole situation and it makes me deeply uncomfortable. Unrelated to the rest of the ask: Thoughts on Dream copying other YouTubers and hiring a bunch of actors to localize his vids into Spanish?
oooo a long one :)
i saw a lot of boobers say that sorta thing when the dsmp was in big talks again, like 'ranboo has moved on to Bigger and Better things' and them bragging about how it will leave the fandom and that he doesnt need dream + dsmp for relevancy. i see less of it now because i block anyone who mildly pisses me off on twitter - so basically every boober.
and yeah the streamer network thing is interesting because i was thinking this the other day, all of dtkq, tubbo, foolish etc have quite a lot of good relationships and connections to actual streamer streamers (hasan, rae, sykkuno, ludwig) and ranboo + co seem to very much stick in that group, ranboo and whoever he decides are his friends for that month. i never see them in anything more widely twitch related which is interesting and imo a sign of short longevity
as for the writing.... yeah. i think he will go the way of angst. i personally think that he seems to have very little overall idea for the actual concept and storyline a year into planning so i have little faith in that. its like when authors go 'oooo i want to write a teen fantasy novel' and then try to make a random plot to fit the genre. i could be wrong though shrug.
its been said a thousand times before but one little minor slip up from ranboo will lead to a massacre. i used to feel sorry for him about this but he truly did it to himself being a spineless bastard and never calling people out on their shit. it was easy enough to say 'pwease stop being racist' and he fucked that up 3 times.
annnnd finally i dont know if he's done that already or just something your questioning but its interesting... I dont think he'd get as much out of it as other youtubers because, due to excellent concepts and editing esp for manhunts theyre completely watchable without knowing english. obviously you miss a bit but cool plays are universal. i still think it would be interesting to see though, and it wouldnt hurt at all so i could see him doing that at some point. i think he might not though because he is so protective of his work and still edits everything himself, might not want that, so not sure!
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fratboykate · 1 year
The idea that you're a working screenwriter or whatever legit terrifies me because that means there's a distinct chance that some of this unhinged chaos could actually exist. Like Flo and Hailee are working actresses; you're a working writer (after the strike, of course); I would die.
Here's the thing with the industry right now: it's in shambles which is exactly why we're wanting to strike. Everything that I want to write about is nothing that the industry wants right now. I want to tell queer stories with queer women of color as leads however all the people heading studios, networks, and streamers right now (both newly appointed and old) have decided that what they want is to "appeal to middle america". It's fucking idiotic because 1) "middle america" is the minority. There's literally more people in California than in a handful of the states they're trying to court combined yet that doesn't seem to matter anymore 2) they're not going to watch your shit. They call you "Hollyweird" and think we drink blood to stay young lol. You're never going to get those people back. Yet somehow, what studios and networks are looking for right now is "The Next Yellowstone" or shit that straight up has NO diversity. They shamelessly are telling us and our reps that in meetings. "If it won't appeal to EVERYONE (meaning the republicans too) we can't get it up the ladder". What they want is content that some racist hick in Arkansas will sit down and watch. This is a true story and it goes against EVERY statistic and study that proves diverse content does better in the box office and with ratings.
But honestly, it's also y'alls fault. You make shows like "The Night Agent" which is the most middle of the road, copaganda shit popular. You claim to be tired of reboots but show up to watch all of it. Those of us who are writing diverse, original content can't sell it because studios have no motivation to buy it or make it. You've given them no reason to. You just made fucking Mario the most successful animated movie of all time so legit brace for every video game ever made to be turned into a movie/series for the next ten years. You're killing us and the industry with your viewing habits because you'd rather hate watch something/make it go viral instead of ignoring it and elevating original content. You have no one to blame but yourselves about the plummeting diversity numbers we're going to see the next few years. In 2022-2023 alone somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of all queer characters are from shows that have been cancelled or had their season finales. Those are not going to be replaced with new characters because there is no appetite from the studios or incentive for them to do so. I've been telling you for over a decade that this would happen and you never listened. Now queer writers and writers of color are also paying the price because we can't sell shit. No one wants to buy "diversity" anymore. They've decided there's no money in it and that's a DIRECT result of your viewing habits. I was warning you through the "fuck around" years. Now we're "finding out".
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pashterlengkap · 2 months
Far-right trolls have launched a racist crusade against Kamala Harris
This article first appeared on Mother Jones. It has been republished with the publication’s permission. On Monday morning, less than 24 hours after President Joe Biden announced his exit from the 2024 presidential race and anointed Vice President Kamala Harris as his heir apparent, far-right influencers took to social media to hurl racial epithets at the first biracial female presumptive nominee for president in history. Here’s a sampling: * “The leading Democrat presidential candidate’s mother was named Shyamala Gopalan,” Stew Peters, a former bounty hunter and current live streamer, posted to his 620,000 followers. “That should be enough for disqualification.” In recent months, Peters has amped up his vitriol against Indians and Americans of Indian descent. Your LGBTQ+ guide to Election 2024 Stay ahead of the 2024 Election with our newsletter that covers candidates, issues, and perspectives that matter. Subscribe to our Newsletter today * Andrew Torba, the CEO of the far-right media platform Gab, singled out a potential running mate for Harris, Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, who is Jewish. Torba referred to Shapiro as a “demon” in a post to his 400,000 followers on X. * Nick Fuentes, the white nationalist “groyper” influencer, was bi-partisan in his post on X to 377,000 followers, “If Trump had been assassinated last week, the presidential election would be between Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris…Two nonwhite liberal women who could never win a national primary by popular vote. What a nightmare.” * To his 169,000 followers on X, Auron MacIntrye, a pundit on the far-right media platform Blaze, warned, “They’re literally going to spend the next few months running the DEI candidate and calling everyone who opposes her sexist Hitler.” * Adding his voice to the chorus was self-appointed prophet Lance Wallnau, a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation, a loose network of charismatic pastors who claim that God speaks to them. In a broadcast that the extremist watchdog group Right Wing Watch captured, Wallnau called Harris “the spirit of Jezebel in a way that will be even more ominous than Hillary because she’ll bring a racial component and she’s younger.” In this, he was referring to the notion that the Biblical character Jezebel is the embodiment of a false prophet. * As Media Matters has reported, a subset of far-right pundits also has retooled the “birther” conspiracy theory that former president Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States and applied it to Harris. “Is Kamala Harris eligible to be president under the US Constitution’s “Citizenship Clause?” mused Tom Fitton, president of the rightwing activist group Judicial Watch, to his 2.6 million followers on X. So far, following President Biden’s endorsement of Harris to replace him as the Democratic presidential nominee, she is the frontrunner, raking in record amounts of campaign contributions. It’s probably safe to say that if she secures the official party nomination, the racist attacks will likely show no signs of abating. http://dlvr.it/TB5DjJ
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lardygaga · 2 years
I’m so tired of people trashing the dark pictures anthology because they’re blinded by their until Dawn nostalgia glasses.
Like just say you’re bad at these games and don’t like them because you don’t pay attention and move on. Maybe actually collect clues and analyze hints as opposed to being lazy and you’ll enjoy them
I’m convinced the Until Dawn fanboys don’t like decision based games- considering UD only had about 3 decisions that impact the story. Not saying I dislike until dawn because I do like it, but if I see one more person say “iT dOeSnT fEeL lIkE UnTiL dAwN” I’m going to scream. Go play until dawn???
You’re allowed to subjectively dislike the games… but not if you don’t put in the work. Maybe it sucked simply because you and your choices sucked.
Man of Medan was fantastic. It was scary, and it was the first game to emphasize co op. If you played this game solo your first time, that’s your fault. Sure, the twist can be seen coming if you’re paying attention. However, I’ll never get over my friend killing me and me thinking I died to the grim reaper. It was awesome. The number of endings, the plethora of different paths, and the overall setting were spectacular. People have complained about the twist without knowledge of the story of the Ourang Medan or the movie Ghost Ship. Would you have preferred a direct copy of something that has been done before? The criticism of MOM is completely invalid. Plus, the dark pictures anthology plays on ALL horror tropes. Biological horror is still horror and that doesn’t make it bad writing.
Little Hope has a special place in my heart. Again, people are up in arms about the monsters not being real as if anything would have made sense if they were. The bus driver is haunted by the death of his family in a house fire he caused and tried to blame his little sister. He does this by creating a false narrative in his head of Megan being evil and the witch trials were a perfect metaphor for the events taking place. The locked traits need to be removed because he needs to remember his family by their good traits and be able to forgive himself and put the past behind him. That’s why if the characters don’t face their own demons- they die in the house. It’s not rocket science if you collect the clues and pay attention. But these streamers like to have a cash grab with these games by rushing through making stupid choices and bashing the game and I’m really over it- I’ve had to unsubscribe from so many people over this. Little Hope’s endings are deep and sad- so is the story with Megan, again, if you’re actually being mindful. Those who don’t like LH are too dense to understand it.
House of Ashes hasn’t received as much hate seeing as the whiners finally got their real monsters, however, I did see a reviewer call the game racist which is unfounded and ignorant of the times it was based. The story here is immaculate, and if your choices caused the characters to be unlikeable then maybe make better choices. Salim and Jason have a wonderful friendship and the dialogue is immaculate.
The Quarry could have had more jumpscares and I’m sure they lowered that because people are never pleased. However the quarry is my favorite game because it truly feels like my decisions matter and after seeing just how many routes there Are in this game, I love it more and more every day.
Im worried about the future of these games being in the hands of an audience which doesn’t know how to play them
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yelenassecretlover · 3 years
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youtuber au hcs [sfw] pt 1
anime: attack on titan
characters: Yelena, Levi, Mikasa
a/n: I love the idea of aot characters being youtubers so I might write a oneshot too…..we’ll see hehe
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Didn’t even watch YouTube/twitch before she started streaming, Zeke just begged her to do it so he would have some quote on quote youtube mutuals, whatever that was
Blew up quickly, didn’t understand why because they would just play the game and occasionally make a comment. Quickly understood people were thirsting after her, because she made a comment on how she was 6’7
Now constantly posts thirst traps on her social media, flirts with the audience (Zeke is pressed she got more popular thanks to her height)
“Maybe show your abs and you’ll get more than just me as a viewer” “fuck off”
Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss
Does everything in her power online to remind men she hates them, Did a hot tub stream just to piss men off and had their partner join them (got so many subscribers from it was tempted to do another one)
Plays video games, doesn’t have a specific game just plays mostly first person shooters (like Valorant) and whatever game is trending.
Hates peggle
Loves meeting her fans and their astonished faces when they truly see how tall she is
This woman is addicted to praise and reads every single comment, hate comments do not bother her she’s just too confident to ever care about an anonymous opinion
“If you really have a problem with me, let’s meet I can assure you if we do there will no longer be a problem :) ”
Partner suggested they start streaming to develop a hobby and it surprisingly worked
No face streamer, thinks his face and scar would scare viewers away
Channel growth was slow and steady, but what brought them a lot of fans was their voice reveal. The internet really loves deep voices 0-0
His dry humor and sarcasm really appealed to people as well. He doesn’t consider himself funny at all, but his audience loves how unintentionally hilarious he is
“ I’m enjoying the character development in the game so far, but shit would It kill them to include a shower feature, I can see all the shit stains from here I don’t care if it’s the zombie apocalypse or not”
Nocturnal streamer, streaming gave him something to do when his insomnia won’t let him sleep
Extremely aesthetic layout, think study aesthetic, very pretty, dainty and organized
He streams horror games. He plays practically but also has a severe lack of priorities in the game (looking for the windex rather then freeing himself from the prison)
People dislike him due to his vulgar and upfront nature, they deem it rude he doesn’t put on a fake smile and act like the world's butterflies and rainbows
Despite that he’s never been in a scandal, has no racist past and is fairly unproblematic
Is not afraid to call big creators on their predatory/bad behaviors. On the same note cuts anyone off who exhibits that
Her scarf is an iconic staple to her persona, sells merch of red scarfs
Started because Eren wanted the trio to have an activity they could do as a group
Got “cancelled” because people thought she had a boyfriend, but ended up getting a ton of support from other female streamers and her channel grew
Her partner comes into her streams to bring her hot chocolate, during these breaks she chats with her audience, she calls it chocochat time
Her office/computer space has the ac on at all times so besides the scarf she’s wearing a very comfy onesie, it changes every stream
Doesn’t like getting recognized in public as she is very socially awkward, makes her partner buy her all her necessities, and never leaves the house without them
took a break from her streaming after her partner was revealed and harassed online :(
“If you guys can not respect my partner, who’s apart of me, you do not get me. Learn to behave because she is not going anywhere, while I can go from you guys anytime”
Did not move to LA after fame, doesn’t like the city gives her bad vibes
Does a lot of YouTube collabs and only collabs with female identifying streamers on her YouTube channel. On twitch she collabs with men (Eren and Armin lol) but not on her YouTube channel.
Broke the internet after accidentally posting a bikini pic on her Instagram ( an anomaly to her usual aesthetic posts that don’t include her)
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reigenomic-moving · 4 years
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Wayne's statement on the racist caracatures in last nights stream and the makeship plushie
Image ID's under the cut
hey everybody. last night's stream was a weird one. the things that went down when we tried to play Bullet Roulette were not great. it made us as a team realize that we need to put our foot down and make a statement. about last night, and a lot of other things. what you're about to read is not only my words, but those of the entire team.
the first thing i should get out of the way is this: the caricatures that appeared in Bullet Roulette suck, and we're all disappointed that one of our favorite old VR games has that bullshit in it. we all made the fact that we thought it was shitty as clear as we could last night while we were playing. we tried to reset the lobby 3 times to fix the bug that forcibly made us all be that model. it did not work. we tried to keep playing it for a little while and then give it one last try. which, of course, did not work. what took place afterwards is what we'll be talking about here.
the reaction a small group of you had to these events was disappointing, and in some cases, unacceptable. we are not upset with native americans who were uncomfortable with the caricatures, we are upset with those of you who instantly demonized us for not 'turning off the game immediately'. the reason we as the streamers and the mods repeatedly asked everyone to 'move on' is because we acknowledged what we had just experienced in the game was wrong, and condemned it. we expressed how we felt about the models out loud multiple times. while unproblematic media exists, there is a lot of media that has problematic elements in it. it's not great, but that's the way things are. things are not always black & white. the expectation that the moment an unsavory concept is encountered in something on stream that we drop what we're doing and shut off the program is absolutely unreasonable.
if we run into problematic content, do not assume we automatically endorse it just because we did not remove it from the screen immediately. we can still experience it as a whole while acknowledging what's wrong with it. take LISA, for instance. I loved what I played of that game, and I know a large majority of you guys loved those streams too. LISA has problematic shit in it. early on in those streams we encountered a character that was a racist caricature of a black man. we acknowledged that it fucking sucked, and we kept playing. and both the crew and chat were able to continue maturely while acknowledging that the content was problematic.
while this is only somewhat related, i might as well also address the makeship situation, and those of you who came after me for deleting their initial statement. I deleted it because it was bad. that e-mail was an apology from the worker to me, not meant as a public apology. it didn't approach the situation properly. I was scrambling to get something up to address the concerns while i was in the middle of a 24 hour multi day road trip (one whose existence I had to hide for the stream gag), I just took whatever makeship would give me. when I actually had a little bit of time to sit down and read it, and read what some of you had to say about it, I realized that it didn't actually mean anything. I deleted it, and spoke to my handlers at makeship, and informed them about the biggest issue with that shitty anti-centrism plush: what was essentially a masked swastika next to a star of david. if you look up the original designs of that stupid ball, you can find that it actually had a swastika on it, and the creator hid that fact from team members at makeship by changing it in the concept art he shared with them. it might be hard to believe, but their team genuinely did not know about this. and they did not consider why that plushie was as shitty as it was. after I informed them and talked it over, they removed the plushie from their website completely and decided to not work with that creator going forward. their team thanked our campaign for bringing them to the realization that they need to more properly vet the creators they work with and the origins of their designs. what disappointed me in this scenario were those of you who assumed the worst about me just because i had not made a statement about it while i was doing my best behind the scenes to work things out.
we also know that being publicly accessible artists & entertainers comes with a fair amount of vulnerability through exposure, however the amount of invasions of privacy and harassment a lot of us have experienced in the past year is worth taking note of. we are people. what if you woke up to dms from people saying they found your name and your phone number? what if you got a text from a stranger saying they found your information? how would you feel? these are questions you need to ask yourself as a viewer even if you've never gone that far. these are things that have actually happened to us.
being a fan comes with as much responsibility as being a creator; just because you are consuming what we make does not make this a one way relationship where you're invisible. what you do and say is being felt by actual humans, and the information you share or try to get not only affects us but the people we know. it has at times been so invasive and ridiculous that some of us have considered stopping completely. as a fan and a viewer, your responsibility is to respect us as much as you would respect any other human being; putting us up on pedestals to the point where some of us get treated like objects or things is the absolute opposite of respect and we've mentioned this a few times. we will be taking much stronger action on these matters from here on out; please observe how you view us and ask yourself if you'd look at a friend or family member the same way. if you wouldn't, reconsider your relationship with what we make.
some of you hold me and the crew on a pedestal in a way that makes us deeply uncomfortable. this isn't the first time we've experienced something like last night. it has happened on other team member's streams. the hostility we are met with when we encounter something unsavory on stream is ridiculous. after shutting down the game, seeing a few of you in the chat screaming at us, attacking our characters, invalidating all of our values and past deeds as a team over encountering unexpected bigotry in a game and condemning it, not perpetuating it ourselves, is infuriating. to all of us. you do not have the right to harass us over something like this. coming into our DM's and repeating yourselves, accusing us of lying about values and calling us awful people is harassment. it is extremely immature. and it is behavior we no longer want in this community. we are human. we aren't meant to be your perfect social/political pillars.
when these things happen, you know it sucks, we know it sucks, we all know why it sucks, and while we will always point it out when we see it, the expectation of us to derail our show and explain to you why its bad and apologize for it being on the screen is not an expectation we will meet. acknowledge, and move on. a statement does not always need to be made. going forwards, we'll be increasing moderation measures in regards to the harassment of crew/staff and the mitigation of events like these in the future. thank you for understanding.
- All of Radio TV Solutions & The WRTV Mod Team
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still-we-rise · 3 years
hi !
i’m a relatively new f1 fan and was wondering if you could give a quick run down on problematic/stupid things the drivers have done or could direct me to somewhere i could find out? (i only rlly know about mazepin) it would be really useful :) thank u have a lovely day mwah <3
First off, hi! Welcome to the sport <3
Please note that I have a memory of a goldfish and I don't remember everything that happened. So feel free to add more, correct me, etc.
The rest is under the cut because it's quite long.
Starting with Lewis, there was a lot of controversy after he said to his nephew that boys shouldn't wear dresses, which many people saw as transphobic or at least inappropriate. He apologized for it and later he wore a skirt for GQ. There were also smaller controversies, such as him being investigated by New Zealand police after recording himself while driving a Harley (which, from what I understand, is a criminal offence), or was called out by PETA for playing with tamed tigers. He wasn't a saint, but he went though an amazing personal growth and now he's the biggest human and animal rights activist in F1.
The only fuss related to Checo I can remember is him being accused of severe sexism. When Susie Wolff was driving for Williams, he was asked if he'd like to have a female teammate, and his answer was that women should stay in the kitchen. After a wave of criticism, Sergio apologized and said the whole situation was just an unfortunate joke, and Susie herself laughed it off.
Lando Norris. sigh He's a streamer on Twitch, and during his streams he made many misogynistic comments objectifying women. As far as I'm aware, he didn't address accusations of his sexism. He also never missed an opportunity to belittle Hamilton's achievements and undermine his skills (generally he's known for speaking first and thinking later :/)
The biggest Leclerc controversy I can think of his his film from a zoo in Dubai. He was accused of approving animal cruelty and a reckless approach towards the pandemic (he wasn't wearing a mask in public and tested positive for covid later).
Daniel Ricciardo? He was running around LA without a mask during one of the biggest covid outbreaks. I don't know if there's more.
Valtteri Bottas shared an ig story containing a picture of a sign with a swastika on it and made a racist bat joke about Wuhan, after which Mercedes needed to release a formal apology.
A company owned by Sainz's father released a commercial containing blackface (unclear if his son himself has anything to do with it), and Carlos himself made a racist joke about Chinese restaurants.
The list of this year's non-kneelers: Leclerc, Raikkonen, Verstappen, Giovinazzi, Perez, Mazepin, Tsunoda, Ocon, Bottas, Sainz, Alonso.
Kimi Raikkonen is a really nice fella who put an iron cross on his custom merch, which was a neo-nazi Jesse James. Iron Cross is considered a hate symbol and adding my personal opinion, I think it was very insensitive (lightly worded) to show up in the paddock with a symbol used by Luftwaffe, knowing that one of your co-workers (Lance Stroll) is Jewish.
The last but not least, Max Verstappen said slurs on the radio. He refused to apologize for it, even after a formal complaint from the Mongolian government.
Also remember that the bigger the name, the bigger the controversy. So I'd be very careful with painting drivers who didn't have much as saints.
Have a lovely day as well, mwah right back at you! <3 And sorry for the quite late response :3
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pomodoko · 4 years
Get your shitty racist whiteboi youtubers out of the Fucking Minecraft tag.
Also you're 23 get well soon.
There’s so much to unpack here I don’t even know where to begin!
All of my most recent works in the past months have never been tagged in the main Minecraft tag! They’re all listed under MCYT at most, which is the umbrella term for Minecraft Youtubers and if you go there looking for general minecraft posts, only to be upset at youtubers fan art, that might be the wrong place to look!
I agree with you that there should be more support towards minorities in the gaming community! Unfortunately right now many of the content creators I’m watching are white, but that doesn’t mean they’re inherently bad people (except P*wdiepie whom I have been extremely vocal about condemning and boycotting)
As far as I know of as an active participant in the MCYT community, the current people that I’m drawing and in support of have not been *shitty racists*. The fan community is like hounds of hell, and if someone is shitty and racist, they get called out and canceled very quickly (a*d, c*llmec*rson, etc...). I know it’s weird to place my trust in stans, but from what I’ve seen the people in my circle are straightforward and nice people who take no bullshit from even big name content creators
From what I could tell, the youtubers (that I like) who were shitty in the past have already made their apologies and deleted their old content to keep from harming others (Technoblade)
Either that, or they immediately own up to their mistakes by talking and reaching out to people, learning why the things they said were hurtful, and immediately, publicly apologized to their audience without victimizing themselves (Fundy)
I’m sure there are many other people who are more eloquent and engaged in the youtubers’ platforms and lives than I am, since I’m the type to follow the news 24/7.
Of course, I might not know all the discourse, but I know when to actively disengage from content I dislike. I think you should do the same, and maybe not go into other people’s inboxes to rag on them over things you might have negative biases towards, or are misinformed about.
Lastly, I’m 23 and feeling good! I’m at a more stable point in my life right now where I have family support in my career, my job is going steady and I’m getting in touch with many of my close friends constantly. I’ve also been expanding my networking and I’m happy I got to know many content creators who are still my comfort streamers! My follower count went through the roof just last year, and I’ve been producing a lot of art works that make me and other people happy! So yeah, I guess you could say I’m getting better :D
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soobrat · 4 years
*・༓☾ bloodshot // johnny ☽༓・*
Tumblr media
chapter i // masterlist
*pairing* you x johnny + jungwoo
*chapter rating* mature
*warnings* gore (I'll put a marker up to where it starts and ends for the squeamish), explicit sexual content, mentions of slurs and sexism
*word count* 2.4k
*disclaimer(s)* I obviously don't think johnny or any other members would act this way. Please don't take anything I write seriously as it is just for fun. I in no way view idols differently and inappropriately in real life because of my smuts or any of their contents!
((TW: you “injure yourself” in this chapter but it’s not driven by any mental health circumstances))
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
Well, everyone thinks you're crazy now. You really didn't think kicking a toothpick under your toenail would catch this many headlines. Or maybe it was the reason you did it that has everyone's panties in a twist.
"Popular Streamer _____ Injures Herself After Altercation with Fellow Streamer jonssuh"
You had to prove your point. You had no desire to be cordial with that son of a bitch.
"Come on, ___. You love me, right?" Johnny taps on his cheek with his index finger. The gesture was seemingly in slow motion as your blood boiled. You wanted to knock that stupid grin off his face. You balled your fists tightly as the men- no, boys laughed at his joke. Or lack thereof.
"You're so overdramatic." Lucas rolls his eyes at your stubbornness. You felt triumphant as you felt the boys getting upset. Finally their smug acts were over. It was suffocating. You glared at the two massive men as they leaned on the kitchen island, glaring back at you.
"You actually hate Johnny?" You turn to see Mark on the sofa, pushing himself forward a little so he can see beyond the other men on the sofa. His face read of concern. Good. He should be concerned.
"That's what I've been trying to fucking tell everyone. My viewers, you guys, the commentary youtubers, your viewers, everyone! I'm not joking, I was never joking, I could sleep easy knowing I'd never see Johnny again." You turn your gaze back at Johnny who had that amused smirk back on his face.
"You're so full of shit, you know that?"
"And why is that?" You maneuver around the island to stand firmly in front of the human skyscraper. You felt your adrenaline pumping as the air grew more tense.
"Okay guys this is getting stupid. Stop before you do something dumb." Taeyong piped up, you could hear the annoyance in his voice. You stayed put, awaiting Johnny's response. He tilts his head upward and crosses his arms, feigning deep thought.
"Well I don't know, you always seem to be around me. And hm... I don't know... the fact that I did nothing to you." The venom in Johnny's voice made you shift in place with glee. It was very difficult to not smile. You were successfully getting under his skin.
Finally a man among your mutual streamer friends was the one someone made squirm for someone else's amusement. No more sexism and just flat out being a jerk for shock value. Or to just solely make you feel like shit while everyone else laughed. Now you were laughing while Johnny gritted his teeth.
"You see, you did do something and you know you did. Look it's just my personal opinion that you're a piece of dog shit." You finally let a smile stretch across your features as you let one of his signature lines rip.
"Ah, so that's what this is about?" Johnny scoffed, shifting his weight.
"Those are just jokes. You always take them way too seriously."
You feel the power dynamic shifting again. No, you weren't going to let him use this idiotic defense to gain his position back.
"If those are jokes then you're a shitty comedian." You walk closer to him, looking straight into his eyes as you over-enunciate each letter in your insult.
"Everyone else seems to like them." Johnny shrugs, keeping his composure. The dynamic was shifting once more. You snort at his reply.
"Who's "everyone"? The little boys in this room?" You hear the boys grumble in protest around you.
"Or your 12 year old fans who think saying the N word is a punchline. Very impressive audience, Kevin Hart." You chuckle. Johnny stayed quiet for a while nodding as he shifted back and forth. You could feel how no one was on your side, but you muscled forward, trying to ignore it.
"So you're telling me you hate me, because of some stupid jokes-"
You laugh loudly.
"Of course you take two steps back when you're backed into a corner."
"We're not stupid, ____. I get it, I'm a popular streamer and beef with me would get you some decent numbers. But keep it on stream, babe." He pats your shoulder and attempts to move past you.
"I would rather kick a toothpick under my toenail than be forced to coexist with you. I promise it's not a publicity stunt." You cross your arms tightly.
"Oh yeah?" Johnny's footsteps thunder past you as he reaches for a package of toothpicks. He brings them to the island, dumping them onto the countertop. Countless toothpicks clatter onto the granite, some spilling over onto the linoleum tiles. The guys groan and protest in the background, most notably, Taeyong.
"See- This is what the fuck I'm talking about, man. You guys are so fucking ridiculous."
(gore marker)
It was the anger that Taeyong didn't understand why you loathed this man. It was the way Johnny's nostrils flared at you as he gestured to the toothpicks that egged you on. Your movements are theatrical as you take two fingers to lift a single toothpick from the countertop.
"No fucking way?!" Lucas cackled in disbelief. Everyone watched in awe as you saunter to the nearest wall, placing the toothpick under your right big toenail.
"____ cut it out! What the fuck?" Taeyong shot up from the couch, attempting to stop you but it was too late. The mixture of searing pain and screeches of disbelief and disgust overwhelmed your senses. The room spun as your eyesight faded in and out. You stumbled backwards but Taeyong caught you before you could fall. Your toe was burning hot while blood ran down from the wound in various directions. You didn't want to look at it. Taeyong scoops you up and quickly whisks you away to the bathroom.
The maddening discourse was just blurred background noise as Taeyong sat you on the toilet. Your vision was going blurry, hearing going in and out as Taeyong reprimanded you. You couldn't decipher a word he was saying.
"Could you shut up and take it out please." Hot tears poured down your cheeks. Taeyong paused, shutting the bathroom door. The decrease in volume brought you back down to earth. Unfortunately, this meant the pain was clear as well. You inhale sharply before exhaling shakily. Your foot shook violently as you finally saw the viscera. You whimpered worriedly, in disbelief at yourself. Your hands shook as well as you grabbed for something, anything. One hand landed on Taeyong's arm. The other tugged a towel off a bar, the poorly assembled bar coming down as well with a loud clang.
You began to sob, not knowing how to deal with the excruciating pain. You choked, looking away as Taeyong finally removed the toothpick. Your lips tremble as you attempt to stifle your sobs. You squeeze Taeyong's arm but your body never stops shaking.
"I'm sorry... I didn't know you were serious."
"You still laughed." Your voice quivered. The words came out louder than you anticipated. Johnny probably heard that. Great.
You hiss loudly as Taeyong applies peroxide.
"You need to go to the hospital, this is worse than I thought."
"Yeah, whatever." You stay turned away from him and the wound. You hear him sigh.
You gave permission to Lucas to tell the story on his stream. You wanted people to know that you will not just sit pretty and giggle while a greasy man talks down to you. You do not associate with Johnny Suh. And now the world finally understood this fact.
Except, your plan backfired. People think you're insane. For good reason. The more days go by, the more idiotic you feel. Of course if backfired. Also, "jonssuh" was bigger than you. Of course people would side with him no matter what.
"People hate me now." You see the opportunity to steal Jisoo's knight, so quickly you do so.
"Checkmate." Jisoo utters as you realize your king is fucked from all directions.
"You always take the bait so fast. Also, who cares if a bunch of racist white boys hate you. They're all probably 13 anyways." Jisoo starts to put the pieces away but you stop her.
"One more round. Also, that's what I said. But let's be real, they're not all 13. Full grown adults are calling me over-sensitive. Some of them are female as well. That shit hurts." You set up your side with a pout.
"Even so, their opinions still don't matter. They have horrible senses of humor. If "go make me a sandwich" makes them laugh, their opinion is no longer valid." You make you first move.
"I guess."
Even so, the comments and tweets still stuck in your brain. Some of the boys defend you over social media which made you feel a lot better. At the same time, however, it made you feel worse. Your mind flashes back to that night, the things the guys screamed were finally clear.
Mark was just repeating "oh my god" over and over while gagging. Lucas obnoxiously screamed "YOOO!". Typical. While Johnny... well he pressed both hands to either side of his head, repeating,
"You were serious?"
Yes you dipshit. How could he be so dense?
How are men this influential over you?
You wished Jungwoo streamed. He's so funny and sweet. Not to mention he would stick up for you with no hesitation when you were with the other streamers.
"I would've just slapped him as soon as he said you take his "jokes" too seriously."
"I know." You melted into Jungwoo as he traced shapes into your arm. Your cheek squished against his bare chest as his other hand smoothed over your hair. Your legs tangled together under the covers. Jungwoo kicks them away, muttering something about being hot. The motion causes his legs to brush firmly against your panty clad core. You whimper, digging your nails into the flesh of his bicep.
"Are you needy, princess?"
You nod sheepishly, humping lightly against his leg. He climbs on top of you, spreading your legs apart with his own. He grinds his bulge against your mound, sending shots of electricity up your legs. You look up into his dark eyes. His dark hair messy and half wet. His mouth hung open as he looked at your half naked figure with want.
You twitch, trying desperately to get as much friction as possible. His motions deepen as he grinds against you. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. His thrusts get shorter, brushing perfectly against your hardened clit. Your lips brush against his, both breathing heavily. Your moans become audible as your legs quiver slightly.
He pulls away before freeing his newly erect penis. He jerks it a few times before pushing your panties aside and entering your sopping hole. Strangled noises escape your throat as he bottoms out. You use your legs to pull him even closer. You whimper loudly at how deep his tip burrowed into you.
His hips are poetic as they sway back and forth. His cock was warm and hard as a rock as it moved in and out of you. Your noses bump against each other as he bites your bottom lip. His moans whine and tempt as they twist into your ears. He bites the lobe of your left ear as his love noises increase in volume. You dig your heels into his ass as you let out shallow open-mouthed breaths.
Jungwoo slides his hands underneath your ass to give it a firm squeeze. While doing so he pushes himself even deeper than you imagined he could go. You curse and writhe, raking his back with your fingernails. You bite his shoulder, tears threatening to spill as your stomach tightens. Your wetness spread all over both of your upper thighs. His cock was nearly lost in a sea of your juices as it plummeted deep inside you.
Getting closer, you start bucking upwards. You chased your high feverishly, encouraged by the passion behind your hatred for Johnny Suh. You thought of him. You thought of him as you snapped your hips towards Jungwoo's. You grunt hungrily, thighs quaking as you blindly chased your high.
"I'm so fucking close-" You breathe out as you grind your hips up to meet his. He snaps his hips against yours, movements more erratic and moans more determined. Your pelvis feels hot, stomach tightly wound, and legs going increasingly numb as his cock barreling into you sends you over the edge. Your moans border on a scream as you tug at Jungwoo's hair.
You trail your nails down his neck and back as he continues to thrust sloppily. His hips snap violently a few more times as he ribbons sperm into you. Your chests heave against each other, skin searing hot to the touch.
"Is all that pent up frustration gone now?" He nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck as he laughs. You just nod breathlessly. Your stomach flutters as he peppers soft kisses all over your neck and shoulder.
"I could tell that guy really pissed you off."
"Well it was more than just Johnny."
You were both silent for a moment.
“Taeyong too?” He lifts his head to look at you cautiously. You just nod wordlessly.
“It’s also the constant losing fight. I think it may be better to just separate myself from them completely.”
Jungwoo slides off of you, snuggling into your side.
“It must be really difficult.”
You pout slightly, tears pricking at your eyes. You were being such a baby.
“Especially with Taeyong not siding with you before the toothpick intervened. I honestly thought you and Taeyong would be an item.”
“Me too.” You chuckled, it seemed so stupid now.
“But he’s in a relationship now, with someone he knows I’ve hated for years now.” Saying it out loud, you couldn’t chuckle anymore.
“This is just a shitty situation, huh?” You force a smile, looking over at Jungwoo. He was far from smiling, however. It almost looked like he was going to cry for you.
“I’m so sorry you have to go through this, ___.” Jungwoo snuggled even closer to you, nuzzling his head into your shoulder again.
“Yeah, me too.” You replied numbly. You didn't know if you regretted Lucas telling his stream or... the entire thing.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 끝 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
I am so sorry to bother you, but I just had to ask as someone who is fairly new to the fandom: What has Karl done that made people mad at him?
I was also reading through your asks and saw everything on Dream (as a fellow Mexican- ouch.) But I guess my second question is which members aren't problematic and are okay to still like them? Sorry if it all seems random, I've just been trying to get some answers and this seemes like the best place to get them.
I'm not the best person to ask about Karl since I stopped paying attention to him by the end of February, but based on the asks I've gotten and the discourse I've seen here and there, here are the valid things I’ve seen people get mad at him for:
The autism charity stream many celebrities and CCs participated in, which Karl was invited to. Karl apologized on his alt Twitter account arguably later than he should've, and Mr. Beast continued on to participate in the charity anyways.
Traveling cross-country during the pandemic, before getting vaccinated: 1 2 3
Associating with and watching/being a part of the community of streamer, Ice Poseidon: 1 2
I have seen other criticism for Karl because people think he clout chases, dislike how loud/energetic he is, dislike Mr. Beast & co., etc., but personally? I think those are biased, evidenceless reasons that aren’t based on any moral transgression on his part, so I’m disregarding those.
(Note for others: please do not send me asks regarding this post, adding to the context for Karl. If you have any more information that I missed, add it in replies/reblogs, so the original anon can more easily see.)
For your next question, my answer is that it’s okay to like virtually any MCYT creator, as far as I know. Welcome to mcytblr, where there is almost no right or wrong to the people you watch or stan! Despite everything I say about Dream, all the asks I get about Karl, or any of the other CCs I’ve criticized, everyone has the right to like or enjoy any CC they wish (to an extent). It takes a lot- like, extremist and/or genuinely harmful stuff- to convince me that a CC should be completely blacklisted from people’s radars. As of now though, no MCYT CC or Dream SMP member that I can think of besides CallMeCarson has done anything immoral enough to warrant the dictation of who can or can’t like them.
Almost every CC has done or said questionable things that could warrant “cancelling” in some people’s eyes. As I’ve previously said, there are many factors people can keep in mind when evaluating someone’s actions or words, and that final evaluation can vary from person to person within the fandom. Because CCs aren’t people we personally know, we get a very limited scope of their past, their intentions, and their personalities; as such, we each, based on our biases, preferences, and information received, will come to different conclusions on whether or not we forgive/accept the apologies of each CC. 
This isn’t Twitter. That is to say, most of mcytblr doesn’t want to dictate who you can or can’t stan. The MCYT CCs in this fandom have done an array of things, including- used ableist, racist, homophobic, and misogynistic slurs; joked about suicide, mental health, sexual assault, anti-semitism, genocide, feminism/misogyny, and racism; expressed classist, transphobic, racist, and misogynistic political beliefs; excluded colleagues and other creators based on bigoted beliefs; supported bigoted organizations and/or people. They have done these things over a span of time ranging from 7 years ago to a few months ago. Stated out-of-context, this makes it seem like this is a fandom full of people stanning bigots. 
But lack of context and snap judgements are for Twitter. The reality is that some people tweeted some edgy joke years ago; some people said slurs when they were playing FPS’s as young teenagers; some people made and/or make edgy jokes whilst never expressing genuine belief in those jokes. If you were to summarize the things I have done/said in the past 7 years the way a Twitter user or your average Tumblr anti-MCYT user would, you’d say: “Maria has said ableist and homophobic slurs; expressed xenophobic, Islamaphobic, homophobic, and racist political beliefs; and spouted transphobic and homophobic rhetoric.” That makes me sound like a horrible person, and who is to judge whether or not I am or even was a horrible person? Based on the apologies I have made, the way I treat people now, the length of time that has passed since I said those words or committed those actions, the severity of the bigoted things I have done or said, and the the actions I take and words I use today, the people in my life get to determine if they think I am currently ableist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, or transphobic. 
Along a similar vein, it is up to each of us to determine if we believe a CC has changed, if we should accept their apology for whatever they did. And if you don’t, then guess what? You don’t have to watch them.
All I suggest is, if it bothers you that much, try to collect as much unbiased information as possible, so you can make an informed decision. Don’t just rely on Twitter thread summaries or Insider/Medium-style articles or my posts to make your decisions. Find the original video, screenshot, etc. Find the timestamp. Watch the CC and determine whether or not they express the bigoted beliefs or prejudices their past actions would suggest. There is no “right” answer. I might think Dream hasn’t changed because of many reasons I’ve repeated entirely too many times, but there are many people who wouldn’t agree with me, and yk what? That’s fine. If you want to forgive a CC someone else doesn’t, who gives a fuck? 
Disclaimer: None of this applies to CallMeCarson or anyone else who has committed actions of a similar or more severe extent. Fuck CallMeCarson
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ziracona · 3 years
This is from something you reblogged about YouTubers, like, a looong time ago, but i was talking to a friend of mine who didn't see the issue w being a fan of YTbers/Streamers/ect. I said the problem was that often fans of said people often forget that those are..well people. And will put them on high platforms and act like they can do no wrong/ will defend them no matter what they do. They said that people don't really do that, and just wanna have someone to go to to have a good laugh w/o the hassle. And for a moment i was literally confused and i blurted out 'They don't know you. Y'all aren't friends' without stopping myself from thinking it might be mean? I didn't want it to be mean, im just honestly so confused about Streamers and their fans?
Yeah. I think it’s like with celebrities—if you enjoy a particular actor, and are happy when you see them in films, no problem, but if you start getting emotionally attached to Gwyneth Paltrow, and thinking of that as a person you like, not a person whose skill in their craft you enjoy, you get in some troubled waters, both because it’s only a matter of time before she starts making NFTs or has a scandal reveal, and because you literally know nothing about her but gossip and public persona. You have no personal experience w them. Being a fan isn’t a problem if you’re normal. But if you put a personal stake in a celebrity, they will disappoint you, and you’re also going to get weird eventually and possessive and too invested in someone you actually have no claim to. I could watch every GP movie on the planet and read every interview, every book, follow and like every tweet, and she still wouldn’t owe me anything. Doesn’t know me either.
The problem w youtubers and streamers is bigger in a lot of ways, for a couple reasons. First, YouTube is one of the most toxic places on the entire internet, and even at its inception, Famous Youtubers were a dangerous game to like because they always eventually turned out to be racist or something extremely disappointing. YouTube fame seems to really speedrun the whole ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ gambit. They’re more accessible 24/7 is a big own, same w streamers. You can ‘spend hours and days’ with them—which is a creepy way to look at it, but nevertheless the way I’m sure many people do. If you sit and listen to someone talk for two years, it can get very easy to convince yourself you know someone. This is not the case. I’ve heard probably a year of Griffin McElroy talk, and he seems like a really cool dude, but do I think I know that and if it came out on the news he’d just started a company puppy farming, would I refuse to accept reality and bend over backwards trying to Stan? No. I’m not an idiot. I know I haven’t been in a friend’s house for 365 days chatting, I’ve been listening to Curated choices of content one-sided. Nothing wrong w liking people and enjoying their work, but getting too invested happens like the plague. I think the other biggest reason is age range for fans of yt/stream celebrities.
Honestly, public attachment forms to celebrities have always gotten weird, but more and more w the internet, and it’s not healthy.
Your friend is crazy though if they think people /don’t/ happily go rabid for youtubers and streamers. They regularly bully and harass—even threaten or actually hurt—anyone seen as competition or an enemy, and way too many get obsessed. No clue why they can’t see how creepy it is, especially when the yt/stream person is a minor, to talk about shipping them with their real human friends, or to like spend forever talking about or giffing their clothes and talking about them like you’re their proud mother or girlfriend and commenting about them growing up or looking great and memorizing their wardrobe like it’s textbook stalker behavior. And it’s not healthy to be that obsessed w even the life or journey of someone you’ve never met. Rooting for an Olympian to take gold is nothing at all like making an 8 paragraph take every other night about an internet celebrity maturing where you analyze everything they ever said to illustrate how you think they think. You’ve never met them, and that’s terrifying behavior. Writing a thesis about Prince Zulu the fictional character whose life is presented in narrative is fine. Writing a thesis about YTBoy as a person when you literally can have no clue who he is, is entitled and dangerous thinking.
The internet has really blurred boundaries, and privacy, and fucked over relationships. Like I have /never/ seen a community ready to get just viscerally full of hate and bad blood, than Discord groups. Way too many people get ferally protective of internet celebrities. With youtubers especially like. Honey if they’re big names, they are /all/ eventually gonna come out as bad people—YouTube just seems to chew up and spit folks out. And if people want to enjoy content there’s nothing wrong w having favorite content. But way too many people get parasocial and yeah I know that’s a term Tumblr hates using like gaslight but we’ve swung too far and misuse has turned into an excuse to shut down talking about it at all, it isn’t a good thing. Tying your worth or your self or your happiness to someone you have no relationship with is setting yourself up both for tragedy, and to take actions in which you will objectively be the villain and hurt other people. God I wish people just went there for a chill good time, and I’m sure some do, but the problem is the vast and vocal majority do not. ​Also, even less rabid fans tend to refuse to stop giving people a platform and supporting them once it comes out they’re like a nazi, and that /is/ a problem. Both YT and Streams are constantly going platforms, so it’s not like watching a movie with a shit actor there. It’s intentionally continuing to keep someone at the head of their craft because enjoying their videos is more important to you than not siding w a nazi. And way too many people refuse to put any amount of politics or ethics in how they consume content.
Anyway, there’s a lot more to be said but I’m gonna stop bc I’m not even sure you really wanted anything but to vent. But yeah. Ain’t bad to enjoy content or have faves, but don’t act like it’s something it’s not. It is a casual connection between performer and consumer, where you have a seller you like. If you couldn’t accept it & then shrug it off emotionally, handle it responsibly as far as your response, and move on if it came out the person in question was a pedophile or sexist or a bigot, then you have a problem and it’s on you to fix that. And as evidenced by the appearance of 100000 teenage defense attorneys on Twitter every time a Youtuber does something awful, way too many people do.
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