#youre spared a gruesome fate this time spider
Face the Darkness
Prompt 2 for @greenfiredragonfly's Angstember prompts-- "Go. But I'm not Leaving." This time I've gone for some War in Heaven angst! Technically a slight AU as you'll see in the end, but I'm assuming most of the rest works out as in canon.
The Fortress trembled as the ground shifted once more, cracks splitting the desiccated plain in an ever more complex spider web. Solid stone walls vibrated, pouring streams of crushed stone from every corner of the ceiling. The air was thick with dust. Already the loyal forces of Heaven had withdrawn to the distant hills to watch, silent and impassive.
The War had ended. The Fortress of Lucifer had begun its Fall.
The first of the four watchtowers collapsed, shattering across blasted plain. From the wreckage crawled the rebellious angels, bodies already twisting into more animalistic shapes: talons and fangs, scales and gills, rotten flesh and oozing sores.
Outside the walls patrolled guards in solid plate armor wielding swords and spears and whips; in an instant, they descended on the few who had escaped, driving them back towards the gates, towards their fate. More beings inside fought and screamed, clawing at the guards only to be pushed back again and again. Voices raised, accusations shouted at soldiers, at leaders, at God Herself.
The guards were not of the heavenly legions. When Lucifer’s last army was routed, he had declared that all of his rebels would share in his punishment. Those who kept the frightened masses in check had been promised prominent positions as the Lords of their new domain, while the would-be deserters risked punishments more gruesome than anything the enemy had done.
Still, they tried.
Some few managed to pass the final ring of guards, to strike out across the plain that moved and reformed under their feet, cracks and crevices opening wide, whole sections of land suddenly dissolving, raining down into the realm of darkness.
They fled, running across uncertain ground, leaping treacherous drops, praying for forgiveness with every breath, holding out their arms to the loyal armies, beseeching their friends to intercede, to stay the Hand of Judgment.
Those who reached the hills and were welcomed into the protection of Heaven found themselves restored, their flesh returned to normal, bodies untwisted, souls pardoned.
The rest… well, they reached their final destination a little sooner than the rest.
One angel stood alone on a watchtower, eyes scanning the chaos below through a shifting curtain of bright red hair.
The scuff of a footstep, barely audible above the screams. The angel turned slightly—a single glance back—just enough for a glimpse of familiar white feathers.
“Shouldn’t be here,” the angel said, turning back to the destruction.
“Neither should you.”
“This again?” A twist of lips, too bitter to be called a smile. “You’ve already told me what you think. Eons and eons ago.”
“And I haven’t changed my mind.”
The angel clutched at the stone parapet, or tried to; it fell apart, sending another rain of dust towards the frightened crowd below. “And, what, you’re here to offer me salvation? Take my confession and determine if I’m worthy? Enact vengeance for all those I’ve destroyed?”
“My dear friend. I’m here to save you.”
Briefly, there were tears in the angel’s eyes; but already those eyes were changing, restructuring into a new shape. “Don’t deserve it.”
“I say you do.” A soft hand landed on the angel’s shoulder, offering a squeeze of comfort. “There is no wickedness in you. No cruelty. Even at the height of the War’s atrocities, you never lost your kindness. You are only here because you were manipulated by Lucifer, caught in his lies. That is no judgment on you. He could just as easily have swayed me, or Gabriel, or anyone else.”
“I know. That’s the problem.”
“What do you mean?” With a rumble louder than any thunder, the ground below fractured once more. The fortress rose and fell, another tower crumbling to a chorus of screams. “Come, we don’t have time.”
“What must I do?” The first angel didn’t move, but the second breathed a sigh of relief at the question.
“Cross the plain, no more than that. If you reach the other side, if someone is willing to intercede on your behalf, you will be forgiven.”
“Is that all?”
“Yes, my dear, oh, it’s so simple. I will be beside you every step of the way, to guide you, to keep you safe. You can’t possibly fail.”
The angel nodded, still looking down into the broken courtyard. “Tell me this: why me? You could save anyone. Why me?”
A brief, shocked silence. “That’s—why would I…? Because I love you.”
“And what about them?” Down below the future Lords of Darkness moved through the crowds, grabbing weeping angels by the jaw or the neck, inspecting them, claiming their favorites. Torments would begin soon, pains that would become familiar to them all. “They were tricked by Lucifer, the same as me.” One pale, scruffy creature grabbed a trembling, crying being by the hair, dragging them towards a dark door. “Do they deserve this fate because they don’t have the love of a Guardian?”
Flinching, the pale figure pulled back towards the shadows. “That isn’t fair.” Little more than a whisper. “You know they don’t. But I can’t save them. Only you.”
With a deep, shaking breath, the angel finally turned, eyes now glinting gold, pupils stretching into lines. “No. You can’t save me. Not if I don’t want to be saved.”
“What are you talking about?” Hazel eyes shining like earthlight as the darkness closed in. “How can you not—”
“How can I go back? Tell me that! How can I ignore the things I learned? Not everything Lucifer said was a lie, that’s why he was so successful. How can I be happy when I’ve seen things for what they truly are?” In a softer voice: “How can I follow a God who would throw so many away just because they’re unloved?” A sob shook those narrow shoulders, but no tears fell. Never again. “If there’s a way, please, tell me. Because I can’t—”
The entire plain rippled like a wave. Another tower fell, and the one they stood on tilted perilously.
“Dearest, we can talk about this later. We need to go now.”
“Go.” The angel turned back to the courtyard. “But I’m not leaving.”
“No!” The Guardian hauled the angel back, as if ready to fly them both to safety or be destroyed trying. “Don’t—you can’t! Don’t you understand what’s happening? What it all means?”
“Better than you!” The angel turned with a furious growl. “I’ve spent countless ages among them already. I know what they’re like, I know what they’ll do to us, and I don’t want that. But I can’t go back.” Narrow hands reached out, clutching the other’s elbows. “Aziraphale, please understand. I can’t go back. Not with… everything I know…”
They embraced, the Guardian blinking back tears. “You could… you could ask God to take your memories. It would be as if you’d never…”
“I can’t.”
“Not… not even for me?”
“I would forget you, too.”
“But I’ll remember.” Aziraphale leaned back, eyes pleading. “And I will still love you. Nothing will change that.”
“But I will change.” The angel scowled again, though this time not from anger but from the desperate search for words. “It’s… not the memories themselves. I might lose them anyway. I’ve already lost my name; I’m losing my form. I’m Falling. And whatever Falling does to me, whatever I become, I will still be me. But. But to willinglygive up the knowledge I’ve earned. To turn my back on it… I wouldn’t be me anymore.”
The next tremor started, and didn’t end.
“I don’t understand,” Aziraphale wailed. “But I don’t have to. If… if this will make you happy…”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be happy again.” One last desperate embrace as the surrounding plain began to crumble. “It’s time. Go.”
“I will do no such thing.”
“Aziraphale!” But the Guardian only held the angel tighter. “You—you can’t Fall!”
“I do not believe I will. God knows Her own.”
The outer walls vanished, tumbling into the nothing below, bringing wave after wave of bodies with them. “No, She’ll just rip you out of my arms at the cruelest possible moment.”
“Where you see cruelty, I see kindness. Every second with you is a blessing.”
“Quiet, love. I’m praying.”
The ground shook, lurched, dropped away—
The Fortress and all within it Fell—
All except two angels, wrapped in each other’s arms. Held aloft by Aziraphale’s wings, they did not Fall but meandered gently downwards.
“What?” The nameless angel looked around in confusion. “How…?”
“I told you. Kindness.” Aziraphale’s eyes were closed. “I asked Her for a few more minutes with you. And a chance to spare you from some of the darkness you must face. I know you don’t think you deserve it, but I think you do. And in the end, that is what mattered.”
“Aziraphale…” Quite without meaning to, the angel smiled in wonder. “I love you.”
When the Guardian’s eyes opened, the tears rolled upwards, leaving a trail of droplets back to Heaven. “I love you, too. And it was worth any price to see you smile again.”
“Price? Wait, what price?”
“All my memories of you.”
“Oh, yes. I was quite happy to exchange them to buy you these few minutes of peace and a guarantee that we will meet again. Though I’m afraid after that, things will be up to you.” Aziraphale’s incongruous smile began to fade. “What is it?”
“I… I just… I told you I wouldn’t… and then you…” Golden eyes drifted, staring into the suffocating darkness on every side. “What must you think of me?”
“I think you are the most wonderful being in all Creation. I wish for you to be you, in whatever way feels most genuine, as an angel or… otherwise.” Far below, the Fortress ruins came into view, lit by a strange blue glow. “I think you will have a hard enough time ahead of you without such complicated regrets. And I think,” another tear floating upward, glowing like a distant star, “I truly think, this way things will work out for the best.”
“You’ll forget me! Forget us! Everything we ever talked about, or… or…”
“But you’ll remember.” A gentle kiss on the forehead. “And I will still love you. Nothing will change that.”
The Fortress had landed in a boiling pool of sulfur. Aziraphale carefully set the former angel down on solid ground, a safe distance from the edge, then immediately began to float upwards again.
“Wait!” Desperately clinging to those soft hands, the last bit of comfort in the entire realm. “Don’t go!”
“I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t belong down here anymore than you belong Upstairs. We will meet again in the world to come.”
“But what if… without your memories… you’re different? More like the others?”
“Oh.” For the first time since the Fall, Aziraphale looked troubled. “I suppose you… may see some changes you don’t like…”
“No, not that. I’m not going to love you any less. But… you’ll think I’m just another Enemy.”
“Nonsense. I love you, dear boy. And I have the opportunity to fall in love all over again.” The upward pull began to draw their fingers apart. “Only, I don’t know how long that will take, so… be patient?”
“Take care of yourself, love.” Their grip on each other failed and Aziraphale drifted away, rising faster and faster. “I will see you again! I promise!”
Silence, broken only by the stirring of creatures rising from the sulfur and slinking into the shadows.
Hands still warm from the loving touch of an angel, the demon turned to face the darkness.
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bubonickitten · 4 years
TMA fic: Knock-Knock
While relistening to the scenes where Elias implants knowledge into Melanie's and Martin's minds, I got to thinking, "What if he did that to Jon?" and... yeah.
Summary: Statement of an unnamed childhood bully regarding a fatal encounter with Mr. Spider. Statement procured by Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute, for the edification of one Jonathan Sims, the Archivist.
More below the cut, or on AO3 here.
[Note: A lot of unsettling and visceral spider imagery in this one, so big CW for that if you have any degree of arachnophobia.]
[SPOILERS up to and including MAG 92.]
[There are a few verbatim lines I used from the podcast itself; they're all marked by an asterisk.]
I never chose this.*
You never wanted this, no. But I’m afraid you absolutely did choose it. In a hundred ways, at a hundred thresholds, you pressed on. You sought knowledge relentlessly, and you always chose to see. Our world is made of choices, Jon, and very rarely do we truly know what any of them mean, but we make them nonetheless.*
You seem uncertain, Jon. Do you need convincing? [sighs] Very well. Shall we discuss the very first door you chose to open?
What are you –
A Guest for Mr. Spider. A particularly nasty book, wasn’t it? How did you describe it?
I – how –
“A violence seemed to ooze from it, sticky and pungent—”*
Stop it.
“—I had no idea what was inside, but I knew I hated that book—”*
You’ve made your point.
“And I knew that wasn’t going to stop me from opening it.”*
Your… childhood bully, I believe you called him. You don’t remember his name, of course, but you remember what happened to him – or so you think. But you don’t have the whole picture stored away in your memory, do you? No. He died alone, behind the door you ushered him through. You couldn’t face the thing that took him.
I – I was eight –
Oh, Jon. We both know that survivor’s guilt is rarely rational. You agonize over hypotheticals, let your vivid imagination run wild with all the gruesome possibilities of what happened after the door closed behind him.
[with a smile in his voice] Do ever wonder what his statement might have been like, had he lived long enough to give it?
[brusquely] No.
He knows from the moment he cracks open the book that he is pinned beneath the might of something other.
Don't –
[overriding] Before he drinks in the first page, he is flooded with dread and his only wish is to cast the book into the gutter and run until his legs fail him. Instead, he finds his eyes locked on the words, scanning feverishly left to right without his input, and when he tries to shut his eyes, he finds that he cannot even blink. He has the sudden, unshakable impression that some tacky substance is pulling on his eyelids, holding them in place; his eyes begin to dry and sting and still he stares, riveted—
[compellingly] Elias, stop –
[a short laugh] You need more practice before you can command me, Jon.
Besides, you’re riveted, too, aren’t you? You tell yourself you don’t want to hear this, but you do – there is a guilty part of you that believes you deserve to suffer through this knowledge, but that’s not all, is it? Eclipsing your guilt is the simple desire to know. To observe, to fill all gaps in the testimony.
So sit, and listen, and drink it all in.
[self-satisfied] Good.
He turns the page. He does not want to turn the page, but he is a marionette with gossamer wire wrapped twice, thrice, a dozen times around his wrists and he turns another page, turns another page. Mr. Spider’s legs are shifting and he realizes all at once that so are his own legs, marching him steadily forward – to where, he does not know. He can see nothing except for the book.
He turns another page.
 The words reach out to him like so many spindly, creeping legs.
He turns the page again, again, again and the considering, hungry eyes of Mr. Spider bore into him like botflies burrowing into flesh.
 His knees lock and he comes to an abrupt stop. He does not know where he is; his eyes are still glued to the page.
 He raises his clenched fist and reaches out.
[strained] Elias –
[louder] When the door creaks open, something in him releases and he is finally, finally allowed to look up.
He wishes he did not.
The spider silk winds its way through the crack and the door, sticky and writhing; slowly and deliberately it twines itself around his arms, his knees, his neck, and he is pulled inexorably toward the impossible, palpable darkness that lies behind the door. Something shifts in the shadows and he catches a glimpse of an enormous, bristly limb. It stretches toward him, curls around him in a possessive, many-jointed embrace. The click-clack of mandibles surrounds him as he is drawn in closer, closer, closer, like a doomed fish on a hook. He is pulled past the threshold, and only then is he finally allowed to scream.
Spiders are remarkable creatures, aren’t they, Jon? Those eight skittering legs grant them such agility; all those eyes, watching and waiting; the fragile beauty of the deadly webs they spin. So many millions of years of evolution coming together to weave such a perfect little assassin.
They could be anywhere at any time – and that’s what scares you most, doesn’t it, Jon? Any tickle at the back of your neck, any subtle movement out of the corner of your eye, every tentative reach into the murky space under your bed – your mind jumps immediately to the spider. You enter the dusty storage room and it’s not a question of whether they’re there, but where they are. Did you walk through a web just then, or was it your overactive imagination? You run your fingers through your hair, dreading the moment your fingers brush against the spindly legs of an unwelcome passenger, but dreading even more the idea of not checking, of not knowing whether it’s there.
You tell yourself you can handle reading about spiders, but I see what those statements do to you, Jon. As you read, you feel the faint tiptoe of too many legs on your shoulder, the stubborn cling of web on your cheek, the many eyes watching, waiting in the corners of your office. You picture wicked chelicerae, moving independently of one another, dripping with venom that can paralyze, necrotize, tranquilize. Your skin itches, and crawls, and you shudder, and no amount of restive fidgeting will relieve it.
That’s enough –
[speaking over him] You finish the statement and try to pretend that you aren’t gagging on cobwebs. You try not to think about the fact that spiders don’t knock, don’t even announce their presence until they’re crawling down your spine.
Unlike you, Mr. Spider’s sacrificial victim never paid any mind to spiders. But when he saw those legs… oh, the primal, gnawing fear that clawed its way out of his throat like so many needling, skittering legs. You didn’t get to hear it, did you, Jon? The door closed on his terror before you were able to behold the full experience of it.
Feel it now, Jon.
There you are. Hear the clicking and snickering of the monster pulling you into the dark. So many legs, certainly more than eight; so many eyes, hundreds of them – you can’t see them, but you can feel them dissecting you. You are lifted into the air and the legs begin to spin you in slow circles and you’re flooded with the image of meat turning on a spit. The spider silk clings to you layer upon layer and you think hysterically of all the times you glimpsed a spider preparing a fly, such a small and mundane thing to witness that you never spared it a second thought.
You do not want to think about how spiders feed, but the human mind is predictable and it supplies you with every scrap of information you ever encountered, filed away as insignificant and promptly – you assumed – forgot. You know with crushing certainty that you will be fully encased in web; you will feel yourself suffocating, but what ultimately kills you – slowly, so very slowly – is the spider’s bite. You feel the double puncture of fangs, the digestive enzymes injected into your body, the leisurely liquefaction of your innards. The creature sucks in the visceral slurry, transforming you into a dehydrated husk.
You are conscious for every moment as it wrings the terror and life out of your fragile young body.
 Do you know what his final thoughts were, Jon? When the fear burned away into numbness, what was left was anger – dull and desiccated, but anger nonetheless, and all of it reserved for you, Jon. An infuriating, arrogant, know-it-all brat with his nose in a book and so many insolent, prying questions.
It should have been you, he thinks. This fate was intended for you.
You still can’t remember his name, can you? He became a mystery, and you let it happen, hoarded the memory to yourself and never told a soul. For all your hungry observations, you have remarkably little consideration for the people who cross your path, don’t you? You devour the details that help you complete whatever puzzle you’re working on, and discard the rest as so much superfluous detritus. I would call it egocentric, but you don’t even prioritize yourself, do you? No, it’s all about the knowing. You would sacrifice yourself and anyone unlucky enough to cross your path if it meant satiating your own curiosity.
This isn’t a criticism, Jon. Consider it a performance review. I believe I made the right choice in appointing you as the Archivist. You had the temperament for the role long before you ever joined the Institute. You opened the book, you stood on the threshold, you just as good as opened the door. You would be making the same flavor of choices regardless of whether you became my Archivist. You never could tolerate an unsolved mystery.
If you want to stop the Unknowing, you cannot afford to stand around wringing your hands over what it means to be human. And you won’t allow the Unknowing to happen unopposed. Cling to that conscience as proof of your humanity, if you’d like. 
But more than that, we both know that the Archivist in you can’t leave a question unasked or unanswered. 
[businesslike] Now. Do you have any further concerns, Jon?
Good. Well, I have work to be getting on with. I’ll send you a Return to Work form, but don’t worry about the doctor’s note.*
[gloating] Do take care, Jon.  
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neverendingparable · 4 years
"This is the Story of a little girl named Alice. 
Alice used to work for a big Institute dedicated to researching the esoteric and paranormal, where she was the head archivist. Alice's job was simple, most of the time she just sat at her desk and recorded statements. Since a lot of the recordings tended to mess up with the Institute's newer technology, she had to re-record them on an old tape player in her office. 
When she needed help or further research on a statement, Alice would call one of her archival assistants Bradley or Stellan in, or place the task on the new archivist-in-training Jonathan. Alice worked hard and she worked well. And she was happy in her routine. 
And then one day, something very peculiar happened. 
Something that would forever change Alice. 
Something she could never quite forget, even if she wanted to. 
One day, a door that had previously led into the hallways of the Institute, led into an Office building, one she was sure had never been connected to her place of employment before. In fact, she found it wasn’t even anywhere near London, or in any place she could register as Earth. 
The windows showed nothing but blank white and the doors only led into other hallways, never out into the open. 
Something had gone very clearly wrong. 
Shocked and terrified, Alice found herself unable to believe this turn of events for the longest time. 
But as she was forced to come back to her wits, she decided to get up and explore this new place. Perhaps one of these doors will lead her back home.
Alas, they never did. Even as Alice made strange new friends who knew more about the Office than she did, even as she stumbled upon her very own self, proud and vicious on her throne of delusions, she came no closer to coming home. 
A dimension here, a dimension there. Poor, confused Alice trying to reason her way through the mess. This odd fellow must be a Stranger, yet this one could only be the avatar of the Hunt. What lessons could Maelle be trying to teach her here? How will this further Alice's own powers, her powers of seeing, of Beholding.
She was doomed from the start, I'm afraid. Her assistants had no idea where she was and while Maelle was fully aware of her desperate wanderings, even she would not extend her hand out to save her little Archivist. 
After all, she had another one, another one who was far less bright and more curious than Alice. One whose strings could be pulled in any direction without even a hint of suspicion arising.
No, Alice, I'm afraid your time has come. You were a decent Archivist, dedicated to your job, but too much so that you would rather cloud your sight with work, rather than experience it first hand. What good is an Archivist that has lost its sense of curiosity?
Yet you have enough curiosity to finish your story. There, with that Mariella by your side, the strange woman who always seems to know where she is going, the one who befriends the odd entities of this place without a second thought, you wander the hallways hoping her intuition will lead you somewhere new. 
You did ask her several times if she can find her way to the Institute, but you fail to understand that Mariella can be just as easily manipulated as you have been. 
She could find the way to the Institute without struggle, yet we will make sure she won't. And anyway, it is too late for you to return now.
You wander down into the dusty Mind Control Facility - such irony doesn't come around often - and marvel at the sea of spider webs, overtaking the abandoned arena in waves of silver. Mariella stays at the doorway, a mixture of awe and disgust on her face. 
Fortunately for her, she is not an arachnophobe. She tries to keep it out of her hair. Unfortunately for you, you wander in deeper, statements running through your mind as everything clicks into place. Why you are here, how you got to be in this very Office at this very time. How the Web had played with you just as I have been playing with you from the very start.
You open your mouth to voice your revelations to Mariella, but falter as you feel a tickle on your arm. Your hand has carelessly brushed into one of the webs and caught the attention of a spider, black and plump, darting its way up your shoulder.
Screaming just gives them more places to crawl into. Mariella watches in horror, but she has just enough sense left not to run in after you. She runs off, to go get help. But the perfectly placed door leads her far, far away from you and it shuts after her, never to open again.
Just like the previous Archivist, you have disappeared without a trace. I am sure his fate was a lot less gruesome than yours, Alice. But there are worse ways to die. I think you don't need me telling you that."
Maelle opens her eyes again and takes out the tape from its recorder. 
She studies it for a moment, an ironic smile playing at the corners of her mouth. For a moment, she considers leaving it for the spiders to take away, for when whatever remains of Alice inevitably returns to the Institute, she will be fully briefed on Maelle's betrayal. 
But she doesn’t want to risk it getting into the wrong hands at the wrong time, so she locks it away in a little safe where she keeps other such tapes and several checks sent from the Lucas', in case the Institute needs more funding.
She sits back at her desk and coms the receptionist, asking for the archival assistants in her office. They come quickly. Bradley has ink doodles all over his hands which he tries to hide sheepishly, Stellan doesn’t even bother putting down his coffee cup and Jonathan got too flustered figuring out where to put the statements he was filing down, so he took them along anyway.
They all stand before her, quiet but eyes hopeful. Any news from Alice? Has she been found yet? Does that mean news for them too?
The last few months have been difficult, Maelle made sure. Tensions were high, work had been unfairly distributed and they were all tired, tired of waiting, tired of guessing and ready to move on. Just let things get back to normal.
She eyes them wordlessly for a moment longer, taking on the facade of a tired boss who is figuring out how to deliver bad news. Then she shows them an envelope.
A resignation letter, signed in Alice's favorite pen. A copy of employment proof and a picture. Alice looks happy next to her wife, an american beauty, blonde and blue-eyed like the sky behind them.
Simple cover stories are often better than the dramatic ones. She found somewhere better to be and ditched her old life. It happens. If anyone would travel across the world leaving behind everything for a pretty face, it would be Alice after all.
There are sounds of disgust, resignation and relief, from Bradley, Stellan and Jon respectively. The tensions of the past months bubble over and Maelle lets them rage about being abandoned without so much as a goodbye. 
They have no reason to worry about Alice or even seek out any contact, as her disappearance seemed proof enough she had all but forgotten about their existence. 
When Maelle announces Jonathan as the new head archivist, followed by the generous offer to give them the rest of the day off after they finished their respective projects to reflect and celebrate, no one interjects.
Jonathan spends the rest of the day being congratulated from all sides, egged on by Bradley and Stellan to join them for a mandatory promotion drink. As they celebrate their new Archivist and the return to normalcy, no one spares a moment of pity towards the old head archivist of the Magnus Institute, now lifeless in a bed of cobwebs.
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Whumptober Day 22 - Do These Tacos Taste Funny To You? - Poisoned/Drugged
Fandom: Original
Characters: Dune the scorpion (OC), Bristle the tarantula (OC), Droplet the frog (OC)
Content Warnings: Venom, paralysis, lady whump (though not of a human woman), bugs, spiders
Word Count: 1,342
“I’m not going to miss this place.”
Dune felt herself crack a smile at Bristle’s comment. “You know, the desert really isn’t so bad once you get used to it.” She called back to him.
He scoffed. “You only say that because you were born here! I’m from the rainforest! I need moisture in the air, for Arachne’s sake!”
“Ugh, remind me not to visit once we find you a new home.” Dune teased. “All that mist sounds unbearable.”
“Oh, but you must visit!” Bristle replied. “Droplet would miss you...and well, I wouldn’t be too happy in your absence, either.”
“I’m not going to travel all the way to the rainforest for your pet frog, Bristle.” 
“Why not? I’d do anything for her, and she’d do anything for me. Right, cutie?”
Dune rolled her eyes as she picked up on the sounds of Bristle affectionately doting upon his little frog companion from behind her. She found the concept of keeping an animal for reasons other than getting food or a service from it to be rather pointless. She knew that long ago, the ancestors of rainforest-dwelling tarantulas had kept frogs in their burrows as a form of pest control, to protect their eggs from ant raiders. But selective breeding had seen those frogs reduced to a quarter of their former size in order to serve as companions for tarantulas without eggs to protect, and now they weren’t much help at all. Really, what was the point? To keep from getting lonely? Loneliness was something meant for displaced eusocialites...not for loner folk like scorpions or spiders. 
Her thoughts were broken by the piercing cries of Bristle’s frog. “Will you shut that---” As Dune turned to face him, however, she was met not with the sight of Bristle trying to soothe his nervous pet, but rather, with the sight of something large and black lurking in the shadows just behind him. When she caught the flash of an orange wing, she knew with a dreadful certainty just what it was. “BEHIND YOU!”
The words had barely left her when the stalking creature moved with terrifying speed and latched onto her companion. She saw the silhouette of a massive, needle-like stinger poised underneath him for only a fraction of a second...and then, it was plunged into his flesh.
Bristle gasped in a mixture of surprise and pain. Then, his face began to contort into all manner of agonized expressions as the creature’s venom entered his blood. His final expression was a pleading gaze fixed on Dune...and all in the span of mere seconds, before Dune even had time to react, he was suddenly screaming so fiercely that she could see his fangs in their entirety. 
The creature that had stung him soon withdrew its stinger with great force, and stepping away from its victim, the creature stood upright in the manner of Insectfolk -- two legs, four arms. It was pitch black in color, yet some small patches of its body shone a vibrant blue in the last remaining glimmers of sunlight.
By Selket... Dune, in fact, knew of this creature. It was the bane of desert-dwelling Arachne-Kin---the Tarantula Hawk. A sub-species of wasp, they were very particular about their breeding habits, and over thousands of years had not strayed from the instinct to paralyze large folk---usually tarantulas---so that their young might feast on their still-living bodies when they hatch. It was a gruesome habit, and Dune had seen the aftermath of such a method before during her travels in the desert, the lifeless husks of tarantulas much like Bristle, bearing a single entrance and exit wound where the young of the Tarantula Hawk had feasted upon their innards, and then left after having their fill.
Her mind flooded with the sounds of Bristle’s agonized wails and the thought of him as just another hollowed-out corpse in the sand...and it motivated her to do something rather foolish.
Dune raced towards the Hawk with a cry of rage, her own stinger poised to strike and fill the parasite with deadly venom. As she struck, however, the Hawk leapt to the side, sparing her body, but catching her wing upon Dune’s stinger, which promptly tore quite thoroughly.
The Hawk glanced at her torn wing in surprise, and then turned to Dune in fury. “You should have stayed out of this, scorpion.” She hissed. “Before you interfered, I was only going to take him.”
“I won’t let my friend be subjected to such a gruesome fate.” Dune snapped back. “He’s a good tarantula. He doesn’t deserve--”
The Hawk laughed at her. “Of course he doesn’t! No one deserves it! This is instinct, scorpion, nothing more. We can’t change our nature any more than you can stop your tail from brewing toxins!”
“I’m still not letting you take him. If you want this tarantula, you’ll have to kill me!” Dune stepped in front of Bristle’s still-screaming body, shielding him with her body. A single glance back at him would tell her that the paralytic component in the Hawk’s venom was already taking hold of him. His limbs were stiffening up, curling towards his body as though he were in the final throes of death. There was no time now to comfort him. The venom wouldn’t kill him, at least. It wasn’t meant to do that.
“...Your dedication to your friend is admirable.” The Hawk mused. Dune thought she detected a hint of sorrow to her voice. “...But I’m afraid I still need him. I’m sorry it had to come to this.”
In the next instant, the Hawk darted towards her, stinger poised to sink into her abdomen. But Dune was ready. She swung at the Hawk with one solid claw, knocking her to the ground. She didn’t wait for the Hawk to get up, before turning back to Bristle and attempting to drag him away.
“Easy, easy.” She spoke gently to him, trying to ease his terror. “You’ll live. The pain won’t last for much longer, and I’ll find someone to help you.” 
As she spoke to him, though, she saw his eyes focus on something directly behind her. Dune felt the Hawk’s spiked limbs seize her from behind and yank her away from Bristle. She thrashed and thrust wildly with her stinger, desperate to break free. At last, she slammed her head into something beneath her---the Hawk’s head. Reflexively, she released Dune, who scrambled away to recover, before tackling the Hawk.
The pair rolled down the side of a dune, locked together in combat. They landed with Dune pinning the Hawk to the ground, her stinger poised to execute the meddling wasp. “Now you will know why they call my people Deathstalker.” Dune, enraged, plunged her stinger into the Hawk’s thorax. The Hawk cried out---and plunged her own stinger into the underside of Dune’s abdomen. Dune echoed her cry.
For a moment, the pair of combatants remained still, each pumping their own mixture of venom into the other. The Hawk could not say another word to her enemy before Dune’s venom sent her into a fit of violent convulsions. Meanwhile, Dune wrenched her stinger from the Hawk’s body, and staggered a short distance away, before the rapidly spreading pain of the Hawk’s sting made her collapse. 
Dune convulsed as the Hawk’s venom coursed through her veins. In an instant, she was consumed by the sensation of being struck by lightning---over, and over, and over again. She felt as though her body had been lit ablaze from the inside. Though she feared attracting other opportunistic hunters to her location, Dune could not resist the urge to scream. And scream she did, sinking her claws into the sand and letting out a desperate wail that echoed across the barren desert. In her last remaining moments of lucidity, she screamed the name of Bristle’s pet.
“Droplet! If you can understand me at all, PLEASE find someone who can help us!”
Atop the dune, perched by her master’s side, was the faithful little frog called Droplet...quivering with terror from head to toe.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Star Wars: Best Darth Maul Moments from The Clone Wars and Beyond
This Star Wars article contains spoilers.
Since his debut in The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul has demanded the attention of Star Wars fans everywhere. In 1999, Maul looked unlike any villain that had come before in the saga, and the movie’s high-energy lightsaber duel is still one of the most memorable parts of the Prequel Trilogy. It’s unfortunate, then, that Maul was originally created by George Lucas as a one-off character, present only to re-establish the threat of the Sith. 
But you can’t keep a good character down. Maul returned in The Clone Wars season 4 to introduce even more chaos to the galaxy. Infamously unkillable, his obsession with killing Obi-Wan Kenobi and reuniting with Palpatine kept him going for much of the galactic conflict and well after the rise of the Empire.
Maul has been a Sith apprentice, a ranting hermit, and a powerful crime lord throughout his strange and storied life. Maul failed to become a Sith Master, as Palpatine tossed him to the side once his role in Anakin Skywalker’s story was over, but Maul never stopped trying to clamber to the top. As you’ll see in The Clone Wars season 7 and the Rebels animated series, Maul will fight until the very end to get what he wants.
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As we say goodbye once again to one of Star Wars‘ greatest villains, let’s take a look back at the former Sith’s best moments from The Clone Wars, Rebels, the comics, and beyond.
Duel of the Fates
The Phantom Menace is not a perfect movie, but the two-on-one lightsaber duel in the third act is a great example of the kind of action and physical storytelling that makes Star Wars such an effective and enduring movie franchise. Maul is a nearly voiceless demon dogging the heels of the good guys for most of the film, his powers obscured until he finally reveals himself on Naboo. For the audience watching this duel on the big screen, this was the first chance to see a full-fledged Jedi of legend dueling a Sith Lord.
Actor Ray Park was hired primarily for his ability to do the stunts and fight work. Choreographed by Nick Gillard, the lightsaber fight was acrobatic and wide-ranging, mixing in more melee than had been possible in the Original Trilogy. The climactic duel also introduced the double-bladed lightsaber to the Star Wars galaxy. The weapon and the character would be inseparable in fans’ minds for years to come.
Maul’s Return
How do you revive a character who has been cut in half? Just as in the world of comic books, Star Wars offers plenty of options. Since the Original Trilogy, Star Wars has made it common practice to rebuild mortally wounded and horribly mutilated villains, shaping them into a whole new threat. In 2012, The Clone Wars confirmed that there was more to Maul’s story than The Phantom Menace. Season 4 episode “Brothers” opens with the horror movie atmosphere of the scrapyard on planet Lotho Minor, where Maul has been living since his defeat on Naboo.
He fashions himself a new, arachnid-like body out of trash, and it fits the frightening philosophy of the Sith as well as Maul’s gruesome fate. Spider legs twitch and stab, allowing Maul to climb around his trash-filled cave. Maul has become a hybrid of person and machine, human and animal. He doesn’t keep the spider legs for long, only for a few episodes, but it’s one of the most dramatic changes to his look, and a frightening new possibility when it comes to what cyborgs in Star Wars can become. Spider Maul will haunt your dreams.
Rematch with Obi-Wan 
Obi-Wan Kenobi is skeptical when he hears Maul is back from the dead. But their confrontation is certainly real. After his surprise return in “Brothers,” Maul beelines for Obi-Wan in the next episode, suitably titled “Revenge.” This is the first chance to see the Sith’s rebuilt legs in action. It also shows Maul’s ruthlessness, as he destroys an innocent settlement just to draw Obi-Wan to his location. With the help of Savage Opress, his newfound brother, Maul captures Obi-Wan and kicks off a couple of action-heavy episodes that re-establishes Maul as a force to be reckoned with.
The Shadow Collective
Try as he might, Maul can’t get back into Sidious’ good graces, so he throws the Star Wars villain version of a tantrum: he forms a gang. With the help of the Mandalorians, he goes on a killing spree in season 5 to take out rival criminal organizations in the name of his new Shadow Collective. It’s a sequence of slaughters where there are no good guys.
Maul uses his Force powers, intimidation, and overwhelming force to destroy or intimidate the Black Sun gang, the Pyke gang, and the Hutts, including Jabba himself, into joining him. Maul is back on top.
Taking Over Mandalore  
After recruiting a group of rogue Mandalorian warriors known as Death Watch to his side, Maul has bigger ambitions: to take over the entire planet of Mandalore. In season 5’s “The Lawless,” he slaughters the planet’s reigning leader, Duchess Satine Kryze, as well as the leader of Death Watch, and claims the symbolic weapon of Mandalore, the Darksaber, for himself.
It’s a visually striking episode, with much of the action set inside the Mandalorian throne room. The Darksaber is also the perfect example of silly Star Wars lore taken to the extreme. It also, somehow, works, even when it returns in live-action in The Mandalorian. 
Duel Against Darth Sidious 
Much of Maul’s story in The Clone Wars is about a student who wants to return to the teacher who discarded him. But Sidious isn’t going to accept him back so easily. “The Lawless” also features a duel between three dark side users: Maul, Darth Sidious, and Savage. This is a three-way clash of red lightsabers, ranging up and down the edifices of Mandalore. It’s one of many examples of The Clone Wars‘ elevated Star Wars action, and it’s one of the series’ most exciting sequences.
There are no good guys here, but someone has to win: Sidious kills Savage and defeats Maul, sparing his former apprentice so that he may feel the sting of rejection for the rest of his life. This is the reunion Star Wars fans had been waiting for since Maul’s return and it goes about how you’d expect.
Facing Grievous 
The Son of Dathomir comic was adapted from unproduced episodes of The Clone Wars, so it’s closely linked to the events on Mandalore. It also features the entire rogues’ gallery of Prequel era villains, pitting Maul, Sidious, Count Dooku, General Grievous, and Mother Talzin against one another. The fight between Maul and Grievous, in particular, is the stuff of fantasy “What If” scenarios and it’s a visual delight, even if it happens off-screen. 
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The Siege of Mandalore
One of the most hotly-anticipated conflicts of The Clone Wars did not disappoint. The Siege of Mandalore, which shows how the Republic took the Mandalorian homeworld back from Maul, features a lightsaber duel between the former Sith and ex-Jedi Ahsoka Tano. Though both have left their old orders behind, they bring all the acrobatics and Force powers one could want from a Star Wars fight.
This duel in Mandalore’s throne room and high above its capital city is an amazing use of setting, as Maul and Ahsoka climb up the rafters of one of Mandalore’s domed cities and balance themselves on thin beams. The fight also feels mythic, the two characters’ viewpoints clashing as much as their lightsabers. 
The episode “The Phantom Apprentice,” in particular, shows that, despite being banished from the Sith, Maul is still one step ahead of the Jedi in terms of Palpatine’s grand plan. In fact, Maul instigates the Republic invasion in order to lure Anakin to the planet and stop him from becoming Sidious’ new apprentice — something he’s already seen in a vision before the Jedi even begin to suspect that Palpatine might be an agent of the dark side.
Maul’s Solo Cameo
Solo: A Star Wars Story spends plenty of time with the galaxy’s underworld. Throughout the movie, Han Solo and Qi’Ra tangle with rogues, thieves, smugglers, con men, and drifters, all leading to a big standoff with Dryden Vos, the leader of criminal organization Crimson Dawn. But Vos isn’t the true villain pulling the strings of the movie.
A big reveal is left for the end: Maul has been in charge of the criminal syndicate Crimson Dawn all this time, manipulating others the way Palpatine manipulated him. Maul doesn’t do a lot in Solo, appearing just for a few minutes to make Qi’Ra his new lieutenant, but he does ignite his lightsaber, showing he’s a step above most of the enemies the group has faced so far by virtue of his Sith legacy. 
Maul’s Epic Death
Even though it seemed like he could survive anything, Maul had to die eventually. Luckily, the team behind Star Wars Rebels knew how to make Maul’s ending something truly amazing.
Maul has spent decades seeking revenge against his old Jedi enemy, while Obi-Wan has gone into hiding to protect Luke Skywalker, finding peace and coming to terms with the tragedy in his own life. The episode “Twin Suns” shows the final confrontation between Maul and Obi-Wan.
Although not a true adaptation, “Twin Suns” is loosely inspired by “Old Wounds,” a non-canon comic from the speculative comic series Visionaries. That comic, which was written and drawn by Aaron McBride, is also a great Maul moment unto itself, with a vivid lightsaber battle and the threat of Maul possibly discovering a very young Luke Skywalker. It gets to the heart of why Maul works as a frightening villain: a demonic-looking Sith with the drive to keep hunting you, even if you cut him in half. 
“Twin Suns” chooses to go a more contemplative route than “Old Wounds.” While the basic setup is the same (Maul finds an older Obi-Wan on Tatooine), the lightsaber duel isn’t the focus in “Twin Suns.” Instead, one of the best Maul moments is actually an Obi-Wan moment. Their lightsaber duel is just one move, both of them considering their options but it’s Obi-Wan who actually finds the inner strength to carry it out.
In the end, Obi-Wan kills Maul, but also shows him pity, telling a truth that comforts both of them: Luke Skywalker, the one to bring balance to the Force, is still alive. Obi-Wan has escaped the cycle of revenge and ambition Maul has been stuck in his entire life, and he’s closer to the Force for it. It’s also a stunning farewell fit for a fan-favorite character like Maul.
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andrewmoocow · 6 years
Steven Universe Secret Wars chapter 9: The Masters of Evil (originally posted on August 27, 2018)
AN: And we're back everyone! Oh boy oh boy Heart of the Crystal Gems is going to be (or at the time I would post this, was) a wild ride that I can't wait to take part in with my fellow SU fans. But now it's time we return to Earth-2013 for a bit to see how our heroes will win out against evil and save the universe. Please note that some scenes may be a bit disturbing, so reader discretion is advised.
"So these Crystal Gems, they call themselves, could they be mutants or perhaps aliens?" US Senator Robert Kelly asked while he, along with a few other political and military figures, held a secret meeting to discuss the Crystal Gems.
"Based off of what this young Ronaldo chap said on his blog, they are indeed aliens but where did they come from? Why are they here? What is their purpose?" government agent Everett Ross answered with questions of his own. "Any input Thunderbolt?"
"I fear they are not to be trusted!" General Thaddeus Ross declared pounding his fist on the table. "If what this blogger says is true, then they were responsible for the monster attacks, the disappearance of the ocean, the giant hand, the earthquakes, that Chitauri invasion and Thanos! We must take action immediately!"
"Calm yourself sir, might I recommend we wait until the time is right to act?" Ross's subordinate Glenn Talbot suggested. "Talbot is right gentlemen, maybe these so-called Gems could be of use to us." President Matthew Ellis, who organized the meeting, stated. "I especially see promise in their young sidekick with the shield. Reminds me a lot of Captain America."
"What is this about gemstones I hear?" another man with silvery white hair, blue eyes, a dark blue suit and a red tie announced stepping into the room. "It seems we have quite a collection of government powers in just one room."
"Secretary of defense Truman Marsh?! We thought you died!" Kelly exclaimed aghast at the sight of Marsh appearing before them after he had seemingly perished. "I guess reports of my demise were greatly exaggerated." Truman commented with a shrug before he sat down with the men. "So tell me my friends, what brings us all together here?"
"We're not telling you until you tell us how you're alive and well Truman, if that is your real name!" General Ross shouted. "Now, when were you born, when did you die and how?"
"I was born on July 10, 1968 in Jackson, Missouri and died on May 1, 2015 in quite a nasty car accident." the former secretary of defense answered putting up a charismatic facade, but they all knew something was up with him. "Now then, about these Crystal Gems gentlemen."
President Ellis finally gave up and began explaining. "Recently, there was a large spike in alien activity originating from a town in Delmarva called Beach City, which is home to a group of odd women known as the Crystal Gems. This spike rose higher when the alien warlord Thanos invaded the town and utterly clobbered the Gems."
"Oh really, and who else was present that time?" Marsh pressed for more questions.
"Aside from those Gems, others that were present were the Avengers and those Guardian weirdos." the president continued. "Among the Avengers were Captain Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Dr. Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, former S.H.I.E.L.D agents Natasha Romanoff & Clint Barton, Captain Carol Danvers, King T'Challa of Wakanda, Dr. Stephen Strange, Spider-Man, Dr. Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne."
Marsh's eyebrows perked when he heard Ellis mention Stark, Banner & Pym. "Well, I think I might know how to handle these Gems." he stated. "But I require that you play along with my ideas."
"Hear me, and rejoice! You have the privilege of being purged by the Great Titan." Ebony Maw, one of Thanos's minions, declared as he and the Black Order stood before the champions of Earth on Battleworld. "You may think this is suffering. No, it is salvation!" he continued on as the champions prepared to fight. The Crystal Gems & the Avengers were ready to put an end to Thanos's reign of terror while Jasper plotted on taking revenge on him for her late superior Pink Diamond. "The universal scales tip toward balance because of your fate. Smile, for even in death you have become children of Thanos."
"This is our plan everyone, we just mow them down, take on whatever else Thanos throws at us, then we blow his planet to bits and go home." Iron Man commanded.
"Hulk, Tony the Tiger, you go after Black Dwarf." he said to Hulk & Jasper. "Oscar, you and I knock Ebony Maw down a peg." he then turned to Peridot. "Nat & Woody Woodpecker go against Corvus, Danvers & LSP with Proxima Midnight and finally Garnet & Cap versus Supergiant. Are we clear on that?"
"I have one question." Pearl piped in. "Did you seriously just call me a woodpecker?!" she shouted in the billionaire's face. "Metal man got point, pointy woman kinda look like bird." Banner commented pointing at her nose before she covered it in embarrassment. "And who is this Tony the Tiger?" Jasper added. "Cereal mascot, his Frosted Flakes are just great!" Spider-Man answered. "But we don't have time to discuss food right now."
"Yes, now we fight." Garnet declared before leaping up and charging at Supergiant, who retaliated with an energy barrier while Ebony Maw summoned more Chitauri & Outriders with a snap of his fingers using his telepathy and the battle commenced.
It was at that first attack that the final battle for the fate of not just Earth, not just the human race, but all life in the universe has begun.
"Your abilities are inconsequential compared to ours!" Maw boasted tossing a crystal spire at Stark, who deflected it with a blast from his repulsors. "Yeah well I've got an alien kicking ass with me!" the armored genius responded punching him in the face. "Now Peri!"
"Just a fair warning, I'm still pretty rusty with these." Peridot cautioned aiming her plasma cannon at the minion of Thanos and fired, though she kind of missed as the energy ball bounced across the area before smacking Maw. "Hey, least you tried kid."
Elsewhere, Hulk, Jasper and Black Dwarf went all out against each other. "HULK SMASH DWARFIE, HULK HATE DWARFIE!" Bruce roared smashing as he always would while Dwarf slashed at the gamma beast's arm with his axe. "Surrender yourself monster! Thanos is almighty and his forces just as so!" Black Dwarf boasted. "Quit your bragging Dwarf and come and fight me!" Jasper challenged him. "Let me handle this Hulk, I've known him for far longer! Thousands of years even!"
"What makes you think you can best me like when we fought during the Rebellion?" Black Dwarf asked. The quartz simply responded by wordlessly grabbing him by the arm, smashing him into the ground, standing him up and then finishing it off by punching straight through his chest and grasped his literal heart in her large hand.
"You utter animal!" Black Dwarf gasped his final words before collapsing over dead. "Seems he's gotten weaker since we last fought." Jasper commented dropping her now deceased opponent's heart to the ground and stepping on it, much to the horror of everyone else present, even the remainder of the Black Order. "Jasper, what did you do?!" Steven cried in alarm. "That guy may have been evil, but deep down they were still-"
"Don't give me another about how all life is precious Rose!" Jasper interrupted the boy. "When you're faced with Thanos, it's either kill or be killed!" She then got an idea as she turned her attention to Ebony Maw. "Speaking of which..."
"Oh no, everybody retreat! Thanos is letting us die!" the Maw cried out before Jasper pounced him and hoisted him by the neck. "Uh, anyone not pissing themselves in fear wanna stop her?!" Hawkeye asked. "Allow me." Doctor Strange declared summoning a Crimson Chain of Cyttorak and wrapping it around Jasper's neck trying to pull her away. "No one try and stop me! Thanos has to pay!"
"Please great and powerful Thanos, spare my life!" Ebony Maw screamed for his master before his fear turned into rage. "So that I may exact my reven-" He didn't have enough time to swear revenge before Jasper snapped his neck before casually dropping his corpse to her feet. "By Odin's beard, she actually did it." Thor gasped. "Jasper may be violent, but not this violent." Lapis added. "I wonder if it has to do with Thanos."
Speaking of Thanos, he was too busy reveling in Jasper murdering his minions to even care. "It seems I have a potential new second in command." he muttered gleefully. "I suppose you find this satisfying as well my bride?" Lady Death only replied with a small grin. It may not have been any words out of her mouth, but it was something. "Yes, very satisfying milord." Mephisto stated. "But what of the others now?"
"Please Jasper, just stop! The Black Order don't matter now, Thanos might come down any moment!" Garnet warned Jasper. "Zip it fusion and let me exact my revenge!" the Gem warrior screamed before launching a spin attack straight at the remaining servants of the Mad Titan. "Quickly everyone, back to the moon!" Corvus ordered his surviving comrades and they made a run for it. Well, two of them did.
Before she even realized it, Supergiant was caught in the path of Jasper's attack and slammed into some nearby rubble, almost grinding her into nothing until her blood coated the Gem's hair. "Ah, feels like old times!" Jasper shouted with a sadistic grin. "Now go along you two, run back to your master. But tell him I'm coming."
The remains of the Black Order did as they were told before running off and were teleported away, presumably to Thanos's moon castle. Jasper's psycho smile then turned into a firm frown before turning back to her situational allies. "What are you all looking at?!"
"We've seen many lives taken during the war, but none as gruesome as this." Pearl mused. "And I never seen her this bloodhungry before." Amethyst added. "It seems she shares the same vitriol towards Thanos as we do, but prefers to vent it in a more physical manner." Black Panther deduced. "But what matters now is that we all work together to stop him."
"It seems the carnage has stopped for now your holiness." Mephisto deduced as the three deities watched the champions settle down from the tussle with the Black Order when suddenly, they heard Corvus and Proxima teleport into the temple, Corvus being especially furious over their master's betrayal.
"How could you Thanos?! You simply dropped us down there to be game for that Quartz!" he shouted at the titan who just rolled his eyes. "You two are supposed to be arch-enemies and now it seems you want her to become one of your new minions!"
Before the leader of the Black Order could speak any further, Thanos grabbed him by the neck and held him high in the air. "Perhaps you should think twice before speaking out against a tyrant like myself."
The Reality, Time & Soul Stones on the Infinity Gauntlet began to glow and before Corvus knew it, he found himself disappearing into dust. "What are you doing with me?!" he cried in terror. "Balancing the universe for my beloved, what else?" Thanos gave one last snide remark as his late second in command vanished with a loud scream and his glaive clattered onto the ground.
"No! No no no no no no no!" Proxima cried for her husband and picking up his weapon. "What did you do to him you monster?!" she screamed with nothing but sorrow and rage filling her eyes. "I suppose you would like to join him Midnight?" Thanos offered her preparing to disintegrate her just like Corvus. "Mephisto did say Hell is quite roomy."
Proxima Midnight simply said nothing before she plunged her late husband's namesake weapon into her chest & out her back and then, she finally collapsed dead on the floor before her master. Thanos gazed at her body before looking towards an Outrider. "Take her away." he simply commanded the alien soldier and it complied, picking her up and carrying her out.
"I suppose that pleased you as well my dear?" Thanos asked Death, but she gave no answer. "I shall take that as a yes." he answered for her before stepping outside his temple and gazing down upon the champions. "Now then, unleash the Masters of Evil!"
"Wait master, stop!" Mephisto cried interrupting his commands. "What is it that you want now Mephisto?" the Mad Titan inquired. "I have detected an unknown vessel headed straight for Battleworld, specifically the champions' current location!"
The alliance between the Avengers & the Crystal Gems had little time to rest before they spotted a familiar spaceship soaring towards them blasting "Cherry Bomb" by the Runaways. Both teams knew exactly who it was by the music alone, the Guardians of the Galaxy have come for them.
"What even is that horrible noise?" Jasper shouted covering her ears in disgust. "That's not noise, that's 70s punk rock!" Steven exclaimed. "And there's only one spaceship that could make an entrance with that." Pearl remarked.
"HERE WE COME TO SAVE THE DAA-AAY!" Star-Lord heroically declared flying the Milano downward. "How did we even manage to detect them so fast?!" Connie wondered standing next to him. "I don't know, maybe the author just wanted to introduce us faster." She-Hulk quipped before Wolverine glared at her again. "What did we say Jen?"
"Okay I'll stop the gag for good. Besides, Deadpool might appear someday too." Jen replied and Logan just responded to that with a facepalm. "That's exactly what I dread." he groaned. "We can banter later guys, look!" Wasp exclaimed pointing straight toward the group. "Excellent, let's touch down." Rocket said preparing for landing.
The Milano finally touched down and out of it came their cavalry. "Guys!" the Guardians exclaimed rushing toward their fellow heroes. "Steven!" Connie shouted running up to her best friend and hugging him. "We were all so worried for you!"
"And it seems the gang's all here! Hank, Jan, Parker, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, even Bucky!" Tony commented. "Good to see you're still alive Steve." Bucky greeted his old friend with a handshake followed by a hug. "Nice to see you too sergeant."
"I am Groot!" Groot shouted hugging Lapis and Peridot in his arms. "Groot, we missed you too!" the green Gem responded wrapping her metallic arms around the tree alien's neck. "I am Groot?" he wondered curious about his friend's new form. "Oh, these are just limb enhancers like the ones I had before I joined the Crystal Gems."
"So, you must be Jasper correct?" Rocket inquired to Jasper. "What kind of freak are you supposed to be?" the larger quartz wondered with a sneer. "Freak?! I ain't just a freak, I'm a one of a kind maniac! There ain't nobody else in this universe like me except me!"
"So how did you guys manage to find us?" Steven asked Spider-Man. "Why you can thank Scarlet Witch for tracking you down and Wolvy & Bucky for bringing us all together." the webslinger answered. "You're welcome kid, but let's stop being all heartfelt reunion-y with each other." Logan stated. "We still got a certain purple madman to take care of."
"Indeed my combatants. With the arrival of our new challengers, it's time we up the ante a bit." Thanos boomed from his moon and the champions were all surrounded in beams of light. "What's happening to us now?!" Ant-Man exclaimed. "Damn you foolish beacons, you cannot contain Drax!" Drax screamed trying to break free before he vanished along with Steven, Thor & Doctor Strange.
"Steven!" Pearl cried out before she vanished along with Carol, Natasha & Gamora, followed by Garnet, Amethyst, Bucky & Wasp, Spidey, Lapis, Mantis & Kamala, Connie, Hulk, Groot & Wolverine, Cap, Bismuth, Star-Lord & T'Challa and Stark, Peridot, Rocket & Pietro.
Next to vanish were Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Hank & Falcon and finally Jasper, Hawkeye, Yondu, Lion and She-Hulk.
"The game has been set and our warriors assembled." Thanos declared reclining in his throne with a devious smirk. "Let the Secret Wars begin."
The first to reappear were Connie's team in the middle of an abandoned gladiatorial arena. "Where the hell are we?" Wolverine wondered. "Hulk know this place." Banner stated. "Hulk's enemies sent him here long time ago. Hulk then become a gladiator and lead rebellion against red man alongside rock thing and bug."
"Speaking of red man, is he the one?" Connie asked pointing to a red-skinned male wearing a gold war-suit standing before them. "Well if it isn't my traitorous champion." the man calmly stated unsheathing his sword. "And it seems you have a few plus-ones."
"Who are you supposed to be?!" Connie exclaimed pulling out her own sword. "So this little morsel with her own sword doesn't know who I am? How very quaint." the war-suit clad man smirked. "I am Angmo-Asan II, deposed ruler of the planet Sakaar. But you may refer to me as the Red King." he introduced himself. "Now then, shall we engage in combat?"
"Don't take red man lightly, that war-suit is strong. But still not as strong as Hulk." Banner cautioned the smaller girl. "Well what are we waitin' for bub? Let's do it to it!" Logan exclaimed popping his claws and charging at the Red King, who reacted with a blast of flames from the palms of his war-suit. "Your claws are nothing to me miniscule lifeform! I only want the girl with the pink sword!"
"You mean me?" Connie asked. "Yes child, I have a feeling you might be gifted in the art of swordsmanship so that is why I choose you to face me!" Angmo-Asan stated. "Do you accept my challenge young one?" he offered pointing his weapon at her. Connie hesitantly looked back & forth between the fallen king and her blade before she finally put on a brave face and pointed it at Asan. "I accept your challenge!"
"I am Groot!" Groot cried out for her before Hulk shoved him aside. "No, we only step in if little girl is in trouble." he said in a surprisingly calm and rational tone. "Otherwise, this her fight."
"Are you ready yet young one?" the Red King asked Connie, who was busy repeating "Keep my stance wide, keep my body lowered." to herself before taking a fighting stance. "Okay, come at me!" she exclaimed and the two charged at one another. Angmo made the first move with a mighty thrust that Connie quickly dodged before parrying.
"You most certainly have good form, but I've had many years of training while you are simply a novice!" the former ruler of Sakaar bragged making another attack. "Well I trained under a professional who actually fought in a war!" Connie replied preparing to block, but failed and received a cut on her arm, dropping her sword. "Well it seems this teacher didn't train you enough. Now on your knees."
Connie was then forced to kneel before the Red King who then brought his blade to her neck, pretty much preparing to execute her. "Once I'm done here with you, the other fools here will be next and then the rest of your friends will fall to Thanos!" he shouted. "Any last requests?"
"Yeah," the girl said looking up at a large figure stepping behind her executioner with a smirk. "look behind you." she declared. Angmo was reluctant to comply until he turned to discover the Hulk, looking as furious as usual, standing right behind him before he roared. "HULK HATE WHEN BAD PEOPLE HURT KIDS!" he screamed. "NOW HULK GONNA SMASH YOU AGAIN, CAUSE HULK STRONGEST THERE IS!"
"Not if I smash you first!" the Red King shouted firing missiles out of his mechanical arms at Hulk before he was suddenly torn out of his war-suit and punched downward by the radioactive beast. Wolverine & Groot then took their turn pummeling him before the tyrant had his vacant mechanical armor tipped over by a still-injured Connie right on top of him, killing him off.
"Heh heh, now little king squashed." Hulk declared chuckling before he felt a sudden pain in his chest and regressed back into Bruce Banner. "Oh my gosh, Mr. Banner!" Connie exclaimed rushing to his side. "Are you alright? Steven has healing spit that'll help you!"
"You're worrying too much kid, it's just chest pains. And please call me Bruce." Banner said. "But speaking of which, let's get that scratch on your arm checked out." He then grabbed her by the limb and closely examined the wound given to her by the late ex-ruler of Sakaar. "Doesn't seem too severe, but we're gonna need some gauze just in case."
"So I suppose you're gonna need my help Bruce?" Logan asked. "That's exactly what I was gonna say. Use your claws to cut off a bit of my pants for her." The mutant complied, carefully slicing out a portion of Bruce's purple jeans with his metal claws and handed it to Groot, who neatly tied it around the wound. "There we go, just let it sit until we can find the others and you'll be right as rain."
"Thanks Bruce." Connie gratefully said before Groot walked over to the abandoned war-suit and started looking at it. "I am Groot!" he exclaimed pointing at the machine. "What is it Groot?" the gamma radiation genius asked. "I think he's trying to say that the Red King's suit might be of use to us somehow." Connie stated. "But how?"
"Well, let's just take it and camp out here until someone finds us." Wolverine suggested putting the suit back in an upright position before they all realized Angmo-Asan was suddenly missing. "What the?! Where did that scarlet sissy off too?!" Logan cursed in frustration. "He wouldn't be able to run off like a baby so what happened?!"
Unbeknownst to them, ashes were floating around the arena before they simply decided to brush it off and find somewhere to rest while being watched by an unknown figure in a black coat.
In a wasteland covered in black sludge, Spider-Man, Lapis Lazuli, Mantis and Ms. Marvel appeared out of beams of light before examining their surroundings. "Where are we guys?" Lapis wondered. "Judging by the fact we're in space and surrounded by black goo." Peter began before Kamala started speaking in unison with him. "We must be in symbiote territory!"
"Symbiotes? Aren't they those slime creatures that go searching for hosts?" Mantis asked her teammates. "Oh you bet they are Mantis! In fact, there's actually a few of them on Earth." Kamala stated. "Like Carnage, Toxin, Anti-Venom and the big man himself, Venom!"
"Speaking of which, I think I can see one that looks a lot like him." Peter shushed them all and they patiently waited for someone to appear. "And my Spider-Sense can't track this guy. Be on your guard everyone."
It wasn't long before the symbiote leaped from out of nowhere and let out a mighty roar. "Wait a minute, you too Venom?!" Peter exclaimed in shock. "You are indeed correct human, I am indeed similar to the symbiote on Earth that you are familiar with, but in reality I am not him!" the alien explained. "When Thanos arrived on Klyntar, he ordered that we bring him one of our own, which turned out to be me before he destroyed our planet and used its remains as part of Battleworld!"
"Enough talk, we came here to kick your butt!" Ms. Marvel cried enlarging her hands. "Embiggen!" She used her Inhuman powers to try and restrain the symbiote but sadly failed. "You are insignificant to me child, I only want someone who has suffered great pain to make myself stronger!" the symbiote exclaimed slithering out of her grasp. "And I think I know just the one."
Examining each of his other opponents, Venom used telepathy to take note of whatever they've been through. Reading Peter's mind, he discovered that he was still grieving the loved ones he's lost like his parents and his uncle. For Mantis, he learned she was taken from her home and used by a powerful being who lied about how she was destined for something greater.
But for Lapis, he was hit with a tsunami of trauma. Getting caught in the Rebellion, sealed in the mirror & interrogated after being mistaken for a Crystal Gem, left behind on Earth, taken by Pearl & being forgotten for thousands of years, eventually being released & returning to her home planet only to be imprisoned once again, trapping Jasper in Malachite & torturing her for revenge and finally leaving Earth with the barn thinking the Diamonds would attack.
"Oh yes, so much pain! Negativity is maximum!" Venom screeched leaping toward Lapis and latching onto her. "Hey, what are you doing?!" the Gem cried trying to flee from the symbiote's grasp. "Gaining more power! Our abilities combined would make us unstoppable!"
"No please, let me go!" Lapis screamed in terror, not wanting to relive Malachite all over again. "I've already suffered enough!" she continued struggling but to no avail. "Don't worry Lapis, I'll save you!" Peter called out firing a web-line to stop Venom, only for the ooze creature to latch himself onto it. "Oh, walked right into that one!"
"A Gem combined with Spider-Man, this has to be a dream!" Venom cheered as he prepared to possess the two of them. "Uh guys, could use a little help here!" the webslinger exclaimed to Kamala & Mantis. "I can't keep him contained, he'll just slip out!" the young NuHuman said before she turned to the Guardian. "Wait a minute! Mantis, what can you do?"
"Well I can do lots of things like feeling the emotions of people I touch and put others to sleep." Mantis stated. "And symbiotes have a weakness to sonic frequencies, I think we got it!" Kamala declared. "I'm gonna need you to make it go to sleep Manty, but it's gonna be risky! That thing loves taking other's bodies, and it doesn't have any money to buy them dinner!"
"But what if he has money?" Mantis asked. "It's a figure of speech, now get him!" Ms. Marvel shouted and the alien obeyed with a nod, racing toward the symbiote with her hands out. "Another one wants to join I see! Well there's always enough room for everyone!"
"Don't worry you guys, I'll save you!" Mantis cried placing her hands on the symbiote's gooey form and briefly felt herself about to become one with him before she prepared to unleash her powers. "Go...to..." she muttered while her antennae glowed and Venom felt an odd sensation before he realized what was going to happen. "Oh no." he cried before Mantis let her abilities loose. "SLEEEEEP!"
The alien screamed in pain as he accidentally freed Lapis & Spidey from his grasp, wincing at the soundwaves making him tremble. "Now's our chance!" Lapis exclaimed forming Venom's liquid form into a ball before Spider-Man covered it with his webs. "Go Kamala!"
"You got it!" Ms. Marvel exclaimed tossing her enlarged fist back before giving the balled-up Venom a devastating punch, sending him off to parts unknown. "I will return!" he screamed before he became nothing but another star in the sky.
"Woohoo, we did it!" Peter cried hugging Lapis in celebration. "Yeah, you did it. I was nothing but some damsel in distress like in some of those movies." the ocean Gem said solemnly. "It was all thanks to you three that I wasn't made the slave of some goo monster."
"Aw don't feel like that buddy, I loved how you squished Venom into a little ball long enough for Peter to web him up." Kamala reassured her. "Yes, you don't have to keep being so hard on yourself. Maybe someday you can become a Crystal Gem and fight alongside your friends, especially Peridot." Mantis added. "Speaking of which, we all make a pretty good team."
"You're right Mantis. Which one of you was struck with a bolt of brilliance to find out Venom's weakness?" Spider-Man asked. "It was thanks to my extensive knowledge of supers combined with Mantis's powers that saved your asses." Ms. Marvel bragged. "But what do we do now? Seems like the others might still be fighting."
"I suggest we just camp out here until someone finds us." Lapis suggested sitting down. "At least we won't have to worry about that thing menacing us now."
"That sounds like a great idea. Too bad we don't have marshmallows and a campfire." Peter snarked and the four of them laughed, while a figure in a black cloak watched over them.
Next up was Pearl, Gamora, Black Widow and Captain Marvel appearing in the middle of a futuristic city. "Where are we?" Pearl wondered examining her surroundings before bringing forth her spear. "I recognize this place. This is obviously Hala, the home planet of the Kree race." Carol explained. "Though given the lack of wars and general unrest around here, I'd say Thanos put them on the snapping block too."
"Indeed he has!" a blue-skinned woman in green armor declared from on top of a building. Jumping down, Gamora immediately recognized their opponent. "Hala the Accuser. Who would've guessed Thanos would make you one of his minions?"
"Thanos promised that he would lock the Kree in an eternal war in exchange for my services." Hala declared pointing her staff at the four women. "But why would you want one when Thanos basically got rid of your army?!" Pearl exclaimed preparing for combat. "Sounds a bit counter-productive, I must say."
"Enough talk, fight me!" Hala exclaimed charging at them, staff at the ready. Tossing it like a javelin, Pearl narrowly avoided it before stabbing Hala in the torso, puncturing her armor. "Now girls!"
Natasha then fired her pistols before following up with a high kick that sent the Kree Accuser flying into a building. And speaking of flying, Captain Marvel charged at the villainess at high speeds, tackling Hala and pushing her through several buildings before dropping her to the ground, where she was greeted with Gamora socking her in the face and disarming her with her sword.
"It's over Hala. We've won." the former minion of Thanos declared pointing at their defeated opponent with her own staff. "No, you don't understand! If I dare lose to you, Thanos will unleash a power unlike any other!" the Accuser cried begging for mercy before she realized that her hand was already turning to dust, followed by the rest of her arm and then her entire being.
"So if his minions lose to us, they're disintegrated?!" Pearl cried out in horror. "Even if Hala was a criminal wanted across tons of galaxies, she definitely didn't deserve to end up like nothing." Danvers responded picking up her staff. There was a brief moment of silence between the four women for their fallen opponent before they split up to investigate the city while a black-covered figure watched them from high above.
Iron Man, Peridot, Rocket and Quicksilver reappeared on what looked like the Great Wall of China, but it was surrounded by rather futuristic architecture and heaps of metal near it. "So, who we fightin' now?" Rocket inquired before they heard a faint rumbling noise followed by a loud roar. Suddenly, a large green Chinese-esque dragon wearing purple made an entrance before the group, roaring once again to strike fear into them.
"Oh, hey Fin Fang Foom." Tony casually greeted the beast who glared at him in response. "A Makluan?! We gotta run!" Peridot screamed running as fast as her limb enhancers could. "You have no idea what you're up against Stark, that thing is an absolute monster!"
"What are you so scared about Dottie? I've faced this guy tons of times before, I can handle him." the Armored Avenger declared before the alien dragon swiped at him, but Tony managed to blast off at the right moment and joined Peridot in hiding.
"Oh I see, this is the classic scenario where the knight in shining armor and his trusted companions have to guard the princess from the fearsome dragon." Quicksilver snarked. "I'll provide cover while you guys think of a plan. I've known him longer so that oughta distract him longer." Tony decided before flying toward the Makluan. "Hey Godzilla, you missed me?!"
"How could I not Stark?" Fin Fang Foom growled launching a wave of fire at the Avenger. "Thanks to Thanos, I have grown so much stronger than you!" he boasted striking his human nemesis down with a knife block, but Stark responded with one last repulsor blast before he crashed down at Rocket's paws. "Anything guys?"
"Well, while you were nearly digging your own grave, Pietro, Rocket and I have decided on one plan that can take him down." Peridot explained. "And that's build a giant laser cannon!" Rocket exclaimed laughing madly. "We're just gonna need tons of scrap metal lying around to help us here."
"Oh look at that, we're practically surrounded by all the junk we need!" Quicksilver exclaimed spreading his arms out to get the others to notice the materials they required. "Okay, while you guys work on the thing I'll go and distract him next."
"Good plan Sonic." Tony answered before he began getting to work on gathering the metal. Meanwhile Peridot worked together with Rocket on the schematics of the cannon. "So we're going to need a static engine for this one? You got any P?" the raccoon stated. "I'm sure my limb enhancers could provide a good substitute. To wit, if you can help me take them off."
"Well how does that work anyway?" Rocket asked jiggling at the Gem's metallic foot. "I think you might need to press the yellow diamond on the knees and elbows." Peridot suggested while demonstrating how to do so with her left limb. "See?"
"Uh guys, any minute now!" Pietro cried continuing to run from Fin Fang Foom. "Give it time Gonzales, never rush genius you know!" Peridot shouted before Tony finally returned with the scraps they needed. "Got 'em all gang! Let's get to work!"
While the three geniuses got to work on constructing the laser cannon, Quicksilver on the other hand was running for his life away from the dragon alien who continued to launch fire from his mouth. "Why am I running like this?! I ain't no coward!" he said to himself. "I'm a damned Avenger, and ain't no one is going to bring me down!"
Just as he made his bold declaration, time suddenly skidded to a halt. Everything was completely frozen in place except for the speedster himself who took advantage of this to further inflict damage on the Makluan beast. Pietro sped forward with a strong uppercut before kicking him in the eye. He then finished it off with a punch to the dragon's privates with a giggle just as time returned to normal.
Fin Fang Foom collapsed howling in pain from the mutant's attack before getting up and glaring furiously at him. "IGNORANT WHELP!" he screamed preparing to finish things once and for all before he was met with a laser blast to the face.
Turning around, Foom discovered Iron Man now with a large cannon attached to his arm made up of various metals including Peridot's limb enhancers. "How do you like them apples Ord?!" Tony shouted charging it up again before firing at will, this time sending it straight for the Makluan's mouth. "I hope you're hungry!"
"I've had enough of this! DIE!" Fin Fang Foom finally snapped preparing to kill them all before he suddenly froze, falling flat on his face and revealing a figure in a black coat behind him. "Uh, what just happened? Who are you?" Rocket asked as the dragon faded away and the figure descended to the ground, extending his hand in lieu of speaking.
In a facsimile of the planet Xandar, Captain America, Bismuth, Star-Lord and Black Panther were next to spawn. "Geez, seems like they get attacked every other month or something!" Peter quipped. "You think this is where Thanos got his first Infinity Stone?"
"We have no time, look alive!" Bismuth shouted shoving the leading Guardian out of the path of an attack from their old enemy Titus. "Star-Lord, it's about time we faced each other again."
"Oh hey big guy, how's being put on trial by Homeworld for kidnapping a high-ranking Gem doing?" Star-Lord exclaimed cheerfully, though in actuality it was just an insult. "For your information you rapscallion, your Ravager partner had made that all up to stain my reputation! If he were here instead of you, I'd be even happier to annihilate him." Titus shouted. "Now lay down and face my vengeance."
"Leave him alone cat man!" Bismuth shouted smacking the ex-Nova Corpsman in the face with her hammer hand. "You have no right to assault an officer of the law like that you Bismuth!" Titus yelled before he felt his head being smacked by Captain America's shield. "You're no law enforcement, you're just as much of a criminal as the ones you claim to hunt down!"
"You are a disgrace to the Nova Corps if you think your mangled view of justice is cool!" Bismuth shouted preparing to engage him. "I may go to great lengths to do what I think is right, but I'm crossing the line at punishing those who look at me funny!"
"I like her." Quill commented. "Me too, I admire her passion." Rogers added as the fight between the blacksmith and the ex-Supernova continued on. "Shouldn't we try assisting her?" T'Challa suggested. "She may be strong, but I believe her alone won't be enough."
"Way ahead of you Sylvester!" Star-Lord shouted flying over to Titus and tackling him from behind. "Get off me you rat!" Titus screamed trying to toss the Guardian off his back before he was met with Black Panther slashing his face and damaging his cybernetic eye. "Again?!"
"Now!" Bismuth shouted before the captain charged at Titus & backed up his laser cannon with his famous shield. Titus tried to fight back by firing from his mechanical limb, but the shield's Vibranium construct combined with the amount of built-up energy caused a massive explosion that destroyed the arm.
"Good work everyone. Now then, let's signal the others and find someone to converge." Cap stated before they heard Titus whimpering in fear. "No, please! I can't die like this!" he cried out beginning to collapse into dust. "Thanos promised that I would regain my status in exchange for serving him, but he never told me about this part of the deal!"
"Wait, deal?" Bismuth shouted just as Titus finally faded away for good. "It's possible that all the villains Thanos has recruited might've also asked for something in exchange for their services but if they failed him, they would be eliminated." the king of Wakanda deduced. "But now we must ask, where do we go from here?"
Unknown to Black Panther, his question would be answered in the form of a mysterious figure in a black coat watching them from atop a building.
Next up were the team consisting of Jasper, Hawkeye, Yondu, Lion & She-Hulk along with War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Ant-Man and Falcon on a landscape that proved to be familiar to the Ravager. "Skrullos?! Seems like we're facing the queen and her lackey now."
"Oh goody, those two again." Jennifer flatly added. "I can only assume you faced them before?" Jasper asked the jade giantess. "You bet. They held a big secret invasion of Earth where they replaced tons of people, including me!" Pym explained. "That was a very humiliating experience for myself."
Suddenly the aforementioned shapeshifters appeared before the eight of them, the Skrull queen Veranke and her minion Kl'rt, the Super-Skrull. "Now doesn't this seem unfair? Eight of them against just the two of us." the Skrull commented before his master shushed him. "No matter my most loyal servant. We shall find a way to take advantage of this."
Lion quietly snarled at the green aliens before stepping to Hank's side. "So what are your reasons for siding with Thanos?" the scientist wondered. "Simple. If we destroy you here, Thanos will reward us with changing the timeline so that our invasion was successful." the Super-Skrull answered preparing for a fight. "And we refuse to let you get in our way!"
"That's what you think." Jasper challenged him cracking her knuckles and charging toward Kl'rt. The Skrull stretched his arms and grabbed her mid-charge, tossing the Gem around a bit before smashing her on the ground. "Don't think I can go down that easily!"
With that, the rest of the party charged toward Veranke who retaliated by ordering tons of turrets & droids at her beck and call. "Terminate them my machines!" she cried before they all fired at will. The seven of them fought back with all their might against the Skrull queen's mechanical minions.
"Remember, Veranke herself is our current objective!" Hank commanded growing larger and stepping on a platoon of robots. "You got that right doc!" Jen replied crushing another between her thighs before she saw Jasper grab the Super-Skrull by the arm and toss him around like a toy. "And I like her style!"
"Never thought I'd hear a human praising me." Jasper mused taking notice of the heroine's compliments. "But no matter, after I take down these two Thanos will be mine!" She then landed the finishing blow, tossing Kl'rt into an array of turrets, putting him in their path and eliminating him.
"Nice throw there Jasper!" Rhodey called before firing at will at the machines. Meanwhile with Vision and Wanda, they were standing back to back while Sam soared overhead and Yondu rode on Lion's back sending his Yaka arrow flying towards more turrets. "All right Vis, what's our next move?" the witch asked her lover. "I suggest that I phase through them while you mind control them into attacking one another, giving me enough time to sneak attack them."
"Good plan there my dear." Vision agreed and he faded away, leaving his beloved to curse the machines into attacking one another. As the robots began fighting amongst themselves, a large laser beam appeared from out of nowhere and reduced them all to scrap metal, its owner revealing himself as Vision.
As for Falcon, he flew straight for Veranke guns blazing and letting out a war cry, but she simply dodged them all before being tackled by Jasper. "Do you yield your highness?!" the quartz snarled gripping her arms before she began fading away into dust. "What?!"
"My queen, no!" Kl'rt screamed for his master as he disintegrated as well. "Could this be what happens to Thanos's minions when they fail him?" Hank wondered. "Because this definitely has Infinity Stones written all over it."
"It most likely is." Jasper concurred. "But one has to ask what did the Skrulls ask for in return." Just then, a figure dressed in all black appeared before them, emitting a mysterious air around him.
Next up were Garnet, Amethyst, Bucky and Wasp. "So which one are we gonna face now? Annihilus, Blastaar, maybe even Galactus?!" the small Gem asked excitedly. "None of the above Amethyst." Bucky answered, much to her disappointment. "But speaking of Galactus..."
The old soldier pointed upward to a humanoid male figure on what looked like a surfboard hovering down to them, a male that Bucky and Janet recognized very well. "The Silver Surfer?!" Wasp cried in shock. "How did Thanos find a way to brainwash him?!"
"It is simple mortal! When Thanos discovered me, he brought me under his control as one of his most powerful lackeys with the Mind Stone! And I stand here today as the Dark Surfer, your personal executioner!"
"A herald of Galactus? Impossible." Garnet muttered in fear of what someone with the Power Cosmic could do. "We have to break Thanos's control over the Surfer, he could help us out against him!"
"Roger wilco G!" Amethyst shouted tying the Surfer down with her whips. The herald struggled to free himself before he was met with a stinger blast from Janet in his emerald eyes. "What is the meaning of this?! Let me go!" the Dark Surfer screamed before becoming trapped in a headlock by Garnet. She then discovered an odd orange bulb growing on the back of his head. "That must be what's controlling him!"
"What, that little thing? Doesn't seem too hard. Just pop it and we'll be done here." Amethyst remarked just as the Dark Surfer finally broke free and flew off. "Aw dang it!"
"We got to time it just right and shoot the damn thing!" Bucky stated loading his gun. "I only got one shot at this." He carefully aimed his rifle at the bulb on the Surfer's back, making sure he had a clear view of it before finally firing. The bullet sailed skyward toward the bulb and pierced straight into it, making the bulb burst and splatter all over the Surfer's head as he reverted to his more recognizable silver coloring and crashed into the ground. "Target eliminated!"
"Must...reach...Strange..." the Silver Surfer muttered slowly regaining control of his mind. "What is he talking about?" Amethyst wondered. "He must be talking about the doctor, probably wanting to find him and talk about Thanos." Garnet deduced. "Please Surfer, tell us your business!"
"I wanted...to warn him." Norrin Rad groaned in pain. "Great danger, coming this way. Must be stopped!" The Surfer then began screaming in terror. "His arrival could herald the end of the universe! THANOS IS COMING!"
"Uh newsflash Bender, we already kinda got the message." Amethyst snarked before the herald grabbed her shoulders. "They're all dying! Billions upon billions of souls are blinking out of existence! Horrible, not a one knew what struck them!" the Surfer continued his rant before Garnet finally silenced him. "We know! Thanos has brought us all here to fight his minions and stop him! Tell us, how did he brainwash you?"
"Apologies for panicking my friends." the Silver Surfer apologized sitting down on his board. "The last thing I remember before Thanos found me was flying down to Earth to warn Doctor Strange about the Mad Titan's reign of terror before the Black Order captured me and used one of the Infinity Stones to make me his puppet. Since I was the only soul among his Masters of Evil that didn't make a deal with him, that must mean I won't be disintegrated like the others."
"That's good to know buddy, but how do we get out of here?" Janet wondered sitting down next to Silver. "I think I may know someone. Look."
The Surfer pointed toward a figure in black standing before them and smiled at him.
The final group to spawn were Steven, Thor, Doctor Strange and Drax in a locale that looked insanely familiar to the young Gem. "Is this Homeworld?" he wondered looking around at the architecture, including the large white statue in the distance. "By Odin's beard, did Thanos strike here as well?" Thor gasped in astonishment. "Indeed he did brother."
Loki suddenly appeared with a dastardly smirk on his face ready to face the four of them. "Loki, you're with Thanos too?!" Steven cried summoning his shield. "Of course I am child. But I'm not the only one." the God of Mischief replied gesturing upward to a large pillar of light that collapsed to reveal none other than Yellow and Blue Diamond.
"The Diamonds!" Steven cried in alarm. "My God." Strange added in amazement. "As I live and breathe. I've only heard stories about how my father participated in the Rebellion, but I never thought I'd be facing two of the Diamonds today." Thor stated beginning to reminisce on tales of days long past. "I still remember the story of how he lost his eye that day."
In the heat of the great war between the Crystal Gems & their newfound allies against both the Gem Homeworld and Thanos, the Allfather Odin stood back to back with Rose Quartz against an army of Topazes.
"Seems like we've bitten off more than we can chew." the leader of the Crystal Gems commented. "Do not fret my comrade! You've shown great vigor in recruiting us to your cause along with Wakanda, Atlantis, the Vishanti, the Inhumans, En Sabah Nur & K'un-L'un and we shall show that same vigor here today!" Odin declared spotting the first foe within his sight. "I suppose that white light must be their leader."
"White light?" Rose stuttered turning back to Odin in fear. "Odin, you have no idea what you're getting into! That's-" she tried to warn him but her words fell on deaf ears. "A chance for me to show these Homeworlders what I've got!" the Allfather boomed running away from his pink comrade. "For the Nine Realms!"
Roaring like an animal as he plowed through Homeworld Gems and Thanos's forces, Odin saw the white light get closer to him. "Come and fight me you filthy Diamond!" he screamed jumping high into the air with Gungnir at the ready, tossing it straight at the light.
Only for it to come flying back towards him and striking him in his right eye. The Asgardian king screamed in pain as he fell to the ground with his beloved queen Frigga being the first to rush to his side.
"I remember that man quite well." Yellow Diamond commented. "He was quite loud and foolhardy back in the day, but I assumed he wised up a bit after he lost his eye to White. But back on the subject at hand, now all of you will have to meet the same fate, especially Rose."
"For the last time, I'm not Rose!" Steven cried trying to correct the monarch before Doctor Strange shushed him. "Stand down Steven, you are quite strong on your own, but are nothing compared to two Diamonds." he stated. "Well what if they're nothing compared to me?!" Drax hollered running toward the two Gems with his daggers prepared and laughing like a madman. "Come and face me giant women!"
"No." Blue Diamond simply said striking him down with just a finger before glaring at the remaining three. "And as for all of you." she snarled just as the Sorcerer Supreme stepped forth. "I've faced quite a lot of galactic menaces, but I never knew I'd face two Diamonds." he declared summoning forth a pair of glowing red bands and flying forward. "By the Crimson Chains of Cyttorak!"
Strange tossed his arm out and entangled Yellow with the chains, but she freed herself by touching them with an electric shock, leaving the doctor open for Blue to attack next. Strange created a portal that brought him a short distance away to break his fall and prepared another spell. "By the Bolts of Balthakk!"
"Get him my Diamond!" Yellow Pearl cried from the stands with Blue Pearl sitting next to her. "What she said."
As the fight between Strange and the Diamonds raged on, Thor and Loki began locking horns once more. "What do you seek to gain from siding with Thanos again brother?!" the thunder god asked striking his adoptive brother in the face with Mjolnir. "Surely you realize that failing him with only result in horrific punishment!"
"He would've spared my life if I didn't fail him here like last time." Loki explained. "And even because of that, I still won't go easy on you regardless!" He jabbed at his adoptive brother with his spear and knocked him out cold with his magic.
Meanwhile, Steven was trying to sneak across the battlefield away from the Diamonds before he suddenly came across Drax lying down on the ground after being attacked by Blue Diamond. "Are you okay Drax?" the boy asked the destroyer as he got up. "I am very okay, for I am alive!" Drax declared proudly. "Ha-ha-ha-ha, screw you giant women!"
"I wouldn't say that if I were you Drax." Steven winced as the destroyer's insult caught Yellow's attention and she charged toward the two, preparing to assault the boy before she was stopped by Thor. "What?!" she shouted clashing with the Asgardian. "Stop this Odinson, the brat is mine!"
"What are you doing Thor?! You just abandoned me so you can save a simple child!" Loki whined. "Please everyone, stop fighting and listen to me!" Steven urged everyone. "Thanos is using the three of you as his puppets, and if you fail him, who knows what he could do!"
"Don't try and brainwash me Rose!" Yellow screamed shoving Thor out of the way and nearly stomping on Steven once and for all before she was halted by Loki of all people. "This boy is right. The Mad Titan has played us all for fools and I suppose we all know what happens when we lose."
"Loki is right, Thanos would destroy us." Blue Diamond agreed with the trickster god. "Although we naturally oppose one another, he's a greater threat to everyone." she stated and Yellow just facepalmed in exasperation. "I can't believe I'm going to do this." she muttered before turning to Steven. "Okay little one, how about this? We join forces to defeat Thanos once and for all. But this is only temporary, since you are a Crystal Gem."
"Very well then. But we need a place to stay and make plans." Strange stated before they all spotted a black cloaked male appearing out of nowhere and gesturing toward a futuristic metropolis. "Well, speak of the devil."
Meanwhile Thanos was watching everything play out from his moon shrine and looking very furious. "First the Surfer and now them?!" he roared raising his Gauntlet to the air. "They all will pay!"
"Wait master!" Mephisto cried breaking his blind rage. "I have a solution to this. Why don't I settle things myself?" he offered with a smug grin which Thanos returned. "Very well then Mephisto. You may depart, and make sure not to fail me like all the others."
"Duly noted oh great and powerful Mad Titan." the Prince of Devils replied kneeling before the dark lord. "My humble personage bows before your grandeur." The demon then disappeared from the palace, leaving Thanos smirking and Lady Death still stood motionless by his side.
Journeying their way to the metropolis, Steven attempted to make small talk with the cloaked figure. "Uh, excuse me sir but I have a few questions." he said. "Who are you, what do you want with us, where are we going?"
The figure gave no answer and continued floating forward. "And why does nobody answer when I ask important questions?" Steven mumbled before they heard a rumbling sound followed by a mad cackle. "That laugh." Loki gasped just as Mephisto appeared before the group. "So what do we have here?! The boy, his little defenders and a couple of traitors too!"
"Mephisto! You're gonna pay for scaring the Gems back on Titan!" Steven shouted preparing his shield. "Oh I'm not interested in you for the moment boy. I only want the Diamonds." Mephisto stated turning to the two monarchs. "Look at you! You're supposed to be among the most powerful beings in the cosmos and yet here you are subservient to someone you could crush underfoot!"
"Insult us all you want demon, but perhaps we could do the same to you." Yellow said preparing to strike Mephisto down before Thanos suddenly appeared. "That is what you think Yellow." the Titan declared appearing out of a portal behind the demon. "I'd like to have a word with you Mephisto."
"Why master, couldn't you arrive until after I terminated them?" Mephisto asked before he was grabbed by the neck and pulled up to Thanos's gaze. "I know you have something planned for me demon. Tell me what it is and I promise your humiliation will be less painful!" he threatened. "I refuse Thanos! Was this your own plan for me, to obliterate me when you realized my endgame?!" the devil cried fearfully.
Thanos only answered by punching him skyward with the Gauntlet and forcing him down with the Reality Stone, making sure to smash him deep into the ground. "Do you yield Mephisto. Or do you fall?"
Mephisto gave out a frightened yelp before he vanished into thin air, leaving Thanos disappointed and everyone else aghast. "Keep in mind that this is only a preview of what I can do with the Infinity Gauntlet. If I decided to, I could wipe out all of you and everyone else on this planet with just the snap of a finger. But that's for later. As for now, I'm watching you."
Thanos turned his back and began to walk away before stopping for a moment to gaze at the cloaked man. "And I'm also watching you in particular." he stated getting back to walking and then he slowly vanished. "What did he mean by that?" Steven asked glancing at their mysterious rescuer before they continued onward to the metropolis.
"There, this should last us for a while!" Connie declared rubbing some pieces of wood together given to her by Groot to make a fire. "Thanks for giving me the wood Groot."
"I am Groot." Groot replied before Rocket spoke up. "So, the gang's pretty much all here!" he stated reclining on Bismuth's shoulder. "We're all a bunch of jackasses around a campfire brought back together by some jackass we don't know about who thinks he's all mysterious by dressing in clothes that completely hide him and not speak at all!"
"Hey, speaking of the gang being all here, there's still someone missing." Amethyst remarked. "What about Steven?" she asked. "That's right. We're still missing Steven, Point Break, Dumbledore and Tattoos." Iron Man answered. Just then they heard a familiar voice. "Hey guys!"
"Oh speak of the devil and he shall appear." Hawkeye snarked as Steven finally reunited with the other heroes. "Steven!" the Crystal Gems cried rushing to hug the child. "We were all so worried for you Steven!" Pearl exclaimed. "Who were you up against, how'd you do, what happened after that?" Amethyst asked. "We're just happy you're all right if you can't tell." Garnet calmly remarked. "And it's good to see the rest of you as well."
"Thank you Garnet. I can assure all of you fought well today." Thor proclaimed. "Actually my friends, it's not just us four that came here." Doctor Strange nervously stated turning around and gesturing something forward, that something being Loki, the Diamonds and their Pearls. "Surprise!" Loki exclaimed with a mischievous grin on his face while Yellow just face-palmed.
Everybody present was completely at a loss for words at the sight of three of their enemies before them, especially Captain America, Rocket Raccoon, Hulk, Bismuth, Pearl and Lapis.
"I'm sorry, am I dreaming or are the Diamonds standing right in front of us and not wanting us dead?!" the blacksmith exclaimed trying to comprehend what's going on. "Aw geez, for the record miss, we didn't capture her because there was this big guy trying to kill us." Rocket groaned. "And I suppose you also heard about how he "kidnapped" one of your own."
"T-the Diamonds?! Steven, are you crazy?!" Lapis began to panic and tried to fly away before she felt her ankle entangled in a string of web. "Lapis, wait!" Spider-Man cried out trying to pull her down. "Man, you're tough! Can someone give me a hand?"
"I got this long-legs." Rocket stated firing an electric net launcher that managed to bring Lapis back to the ground. "Look Tidal, I know you're kinda afraid of Homeworld and you don't wanna do anything with them, but I don't think you would abandon everyone else all willy-nilly!"
"I know Rocket, but you've met them before. Why aren't you as afraid?" Lapis asked beginning to calm down. "Because trust me blue, I've met far worse people than those two." the mercenary stated before Spidey decided to speak. "And I know what it's like to run away. You remember how I mentioned how many times I was like Spider-Man no more, right?"
"Yeah. Can you give me one reason you quit one time?" Lapis asked. "It was because I lost someone close to me one faithful night. This someone was the only girl I ever loved and this villain just took her away from me." Peter answered. "She got much better and became a crimefighter in her own right, but that night still haunts me even today."
"Who was this girl?" Lapis asked again, but Peter started to get a bit teary-eyed under his mask and dodged the question. "That's not important! But what's important is that you don't always have to run away thinking that can instantly solve your problems. You gotta face them head on." he said bringing the Gem in for a hug, who returned it with a smile. "Thanks Pete."
"Okay, it was fun being sentimental and all that, but let's just discuss the REALLY big elephant in the room." Star-Lord exclaimed. "Just who, the hell, are you?!" he exclaimed to the cloaked figure, who simply sighed and actually said a full sentence. "Well, you got me."
The man finally ditched the cloak to reveal his red hair & red and white bodysuit under a brown leather jacket. Out of everyone, this man caught the eyes of the Avengers and Steven. "Don't you just hate it when you have to not talk to keep being mysterious?" the man snarked. "Bet you all didn't see me coming."
"Eros?" Cap gasped in astonishment. "I'm sorry, who?" Amethyst said. "I remember him. Thanos made him appear in my dream." Steven said. "Are you Thanos's brother?"
"Of course I am sport. What's your name?" Eros asked Steven. "My name is Steven Universe, and these are all my friends the Crystal Gems." the boy introduced himself and the Gems. "Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Connie, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli and Bismuth. And there's also Jasper and Yellow & Blue Diamond."
"You got a whole harem of Gems? Oh baby, why couldn't I have your life?!" Eros exclaimed before trying to make his move on Garnet. "Hey there sweetheart, name's Eros, but the ladies call me Starfox!" he purred sensually. "You know among all the types of babes I usually fall for, the strong silent types are usually among my faves."
"Say another word or I'll make sure you're physically incapable of talking." Garnet calmly threatened Starfox, who nervously backed away in response. "Okay, I'll cut it out! Sheesh, can't please everyone."
"Tell us Eros, why have you assembled us all here? Not just us, but some of our enemies as well!" Thor asked the Eternal. "Funny story Goldilocks. In fact, the Gems here are the very reason I assembled y'all here today." Starfox explained before apologizing to Steven. "And I sincerely apologize for calling them your harem kid, I didn't realize it was kind of a touchy subject and I won't bring it up again. Capiche?"
"So he and Thanos are brothers?" Lapis wondered. "I seriously don't get why there are so many siblings that look nothing like one another." she deadpanned much to Loki's chagrin. "I told you back on Asgard, I'm adopted!"
"Okay so gather round ladies and germs, it'll be like telling stories around the fire!" Starfox coaxed them all into sitting with him around Connie's impromptu campfire. "So you all know Thanos, right? Big scary guy that wants to wipe out half of the universe because some lady told him everything was getting too big which somehow turned him on? Well what if I told you-"
"That it was because he was ostracized by his people for looking different?" Steven interrupted the Eternal's explanation. "Correctamundo squirt!" Eros applauded him before getting back to his story. "Anyway, when our peaceful little planet of Titan was doomed due to some ecological crisis, Thanos had the bright idea of killing off half of its population to save the rest. And to them, it was a big no-no and they kicked him out!"
"So being shunned by his people, then exiled because his way of solving a problem was too drastic?" Connie wondered. "You know now that you tell us, I can actually understand where he's coming from."
"Nice assumption there sweetheart. Moving on, Thanos thought he was finally lost until he heard of Lady Death, who also thought that the universe was getting too big and a match made in Hell was born." Starfox continued telling his story. "She gave him his own army to carry out her wishes and the first thing he did? Kill off half the people of Titan before that crisis could call dibs."
The Eternal continued on before Steven tapped Gamora on the back. "Uh Gamora, there's something Pearl and I want to tell you." he said to the Zenwhoberi. "Yondu, Cap and Bucky need to hear this as well."
"Why, is something the matter kid?" Bucky asked while the two Gems led them somewhere hidden from the rest of the party. "Something is the matter, and I couldn't stand not telling you." Steven continued before letting out a solemn sigh. "It's about Rose."
"Why, what about Rose?" Rogers wondered before the boy motioned for Pearl to speak. "Rose Quartz was actually Pink Diamond." she revealed to the four of them, to their absolute shock and confusion. "What the?!" Yondu gasped turning his head back & forth between the two rebels and the Diamonds. "You mean to tell me I was helping one of them all those years back?"
"Exactly. Which begs the question, how did you get involved with Rose? You should be like really old right about now." Steven wondered. "As a matter of fact kid, I often forget when I first met her and Pearl." Yondu explained scratching his chin. "Maybe it was thousands of years ago or maybe on my way to fetch Quill for his pappy, I don't know."
"As for me, I have a much clearer answer: time travel." Gamora stated. "Among the various training regiments he put his children through were sending us to the distant past to assist his younger self. And yet somehow this didn't alter the timeline. It's just as nonsensical as it sounds."
"So a tyrant was helping us fight tyrants. Talk about cruel irony." Bucky muttered before turning to his best friend. "What are your thoughts Steve? You seem awfully quiet."
The captain let out a sigh and finally began to speak. "Listen, I want to be mad, I want to feel betrayed but I just can't because I've been through this before." Steve stated before looking at Bucky and then at Tony in the distance. "Sometimes when you've hidden a secret for so long, it can have disastrous consequences when it gets out. Does anyone else know yet?"
"No, just me and Pearl for now. Maybe we should break it to the other Gems when all is said and done." Steven answered before he felt his idol's hands touch his shoulders. "Trust me Steven, no matter how they feel about it, I'm sure things will turn out fine nonetheless." he confirmed with a warm smile. "Now come on, let's go rejoin the others."
The six rejoined everyone else around the fire as Starfox's story ended. "Hey guys, where were you? Y'all missed the best part!" he exclaimed. "I was on my feet against Thanos, like a man-"
"I think we've heard enough you." Yellow Diamond interrupted him. "Now then, how about we rest up and think of a plan?" she suggested. "That's good big lady, but let's leave the plan making to me." Stark cockily stated much to her frustration. "I'm a natural leader and strategist here! Leave this to a professional!"
"Big talk coming from someone with such a long neck!" Tony insulted the monarch. "Speaking of which, how's the weather up there?!" he continued jeering. "If we weren't on the same side, I'd kill you on the spot." Yellow growled and the two continued arguing. It was about to reach a boiling point before Star-Lord interrupted them both. "Guys guys, calm down! Why don't we let me do the planning? After all, there'd be less risk of being murdered by giant women or your dignity tainted by someone with an ego huger than his mansion?"
There was dead silence between the Homeworld monarch and the armored human before Tony simply said "Wow."
The next morning, the champions had awakened and assembled before Captain America. "Okay everyone, today we finish this." the captain declared. "We've been under Thanos's thumb for far too long and it's about time we make him pay. Now we may be naturally opposed to one another, but today we stand together as one against a common threat. As Gems, as gods, as heroes, as humans, as-"
"As my prey." Thanos boomed appearing seemingly out of nowhere to everyone's alarm. "Were you spying on us the whole time?!" Garnet exclaimed as they all geared up for battle. "You could say that my dear Garnet." the Mad Titan answered. "I could just wipe all of you out with just my fingers, but I'd rather extinguish you all one at a time. Starting with you brother."
"Long time no see Big T, when's the last time we ever clashed?" Starfox asked, his voice now more serious yet still keeping a laid-back tone. "Been about like 500 years ago? Lost count after another hundred." The Eternal cracked his knuckles and prepared for a rematch years in the making and zooming forward with cosmic energy surrounding his hands before Thanos punched him in the face, sending him flying across the city.
However, Eros got up with only a few bruises and stated "Is that the best you got?" He let out a mighty yell charging at his brother again and unleashed a mighty uppercut that sent him sky high. "Get out while you still can guys!"
"But what about you?" Peridot exclaimed preparing to flee. "I'll be alright, I can take Thanos!" Starfox said. As for Thanos himself, he was descending back towards the ground when he noticed his trusted stasis gun falling with him. Seeing this as an opportunity to please Death, he grabbed it and aimed at the fleeing champions. "I've got you in my sights!"
Thanos pulled the trigger and fired a bolt at Connie, who didn't notice it until she heard someone scream in pain. That someone was Hawkeye, putting himself in harm's way all for the life of a fellow skilled human in a world of superpowered beings.
"Clint!" the other five main Avengers cried out for their teammate rushing to their side. "Are you okay Clint?! Please speak to us!" Natasha shouted shaking her partner's unconscious form. "I'm okay guys, just a serious concussion." the archer groaned. "And I'm feeling a bit numb in my shooting arm."
Just then, Eros was tossed back to the ragtag band of saviors by Thanos who was looking rather furious. "You've gotten soft brother! I demand a real challenge!" the titan boomed. "I'd like to take that offer." Jasper declared stepping forward. "Are you nuts Jasper?! You know how strong Thanos is!" Amethyst cried to her fellow quartz. "I know runt, but if I die here then I'm going to die settling things with Thanos once and for all."
"Very well then Jasper. I've been waiting for that rematch for the past thousands of years." Thanos stated removing his armor and getting into a fighting stance. "Go ahead, give me all you got."
"With pleasure titan. But first," Jasper said before she turned to Steven and the others. "all of you outta here, now!" she commanded. "Why Jasper?!" Steven exclaimed before he was cut off by a loud "GOOO!"
"Well, you heard the big lady." Tony commanded leading everyone else away from the city. "Is there a place where we can recover?" he asked. "Let's go back to Earth! Well, the fake Earth really, but you know what I mean." Steven suggested as he and Connie hopped on Lion's back. The boy only looked back at Jasper as her final showdown with the Mad Titan began and he only said "Not right now Steven, not right now."
The two brutes screamed at one another as their fists locked together. They struggled to push each other down until Jasper gave in, collapsing to the ground before Thanos leapt high into the air. "Is that all you got?!" the soldier roared spindashing straight toward him. "Because I've got more for you!"
"Come on!" Thanos boomed opening himself up and catching Jasper in his arms, holding her in a bear hug. "Don't underestimate me monster!" she howled giving her arch-rival a mighty headbutt, freeing her from his grasp and the two fell back down to the ground. "I have to say Jasper, you haven't gotten rusty one bit."
"Ditto Thanos. But when I'm done, your precious Gauntlet will be nothing but rust!" Jasper cried charging towards the dark lord again, but she was knocked down with a single punch that sent her flying into a nearby building, making it topple to the ground.
When she finally came to amongst the rubble, Jasper pulled her hair from her eyes to find a familiar face that she thought was long gone. "M-my Diamond?" she stuttered at the very sight at her late superior Pink Diamond standing before her. "I can't believe it, you're here! You were never shattered! I am just so happy to see you again!" Jasper began crying before taking a knee. "Tell me, what are your orders?"
Pink Diamond opened her mouth and began to speak, but she was interrupted by Thanos's large hand striking her in the torso where her gem was and smashed it in his hands, killing her. "I know what it is like to lose my dearest Jasper." the titan said cupping her chin and budging her head to meet his gaze. "To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail all the same."
"You-you monster! You couldn't!" Jasper screamed before she spotted some teal spikes growing on her arm. "No, no! I can't go through this again!" she cried. "The mind is a fickle thing, isn't it? One moment you're seeing things, and the next you feel like you're going mad." Thanos continued revealing the glowing Mind & Reality Stones in his gauntlet. "And reality can often be mundane as well. But not anyone with these stones, one of which I used to heal your corruption. Sadly, it seems to be wearing off."
"Sadly?! SADLY?! The only thing that's sad is that you used my greatest failure against me!" Jasper howled as her corruption worsened. "And yet here you are kicking back as millions die under your thumb! I may be a brute, but I know where to cross the line!"
"But the universe and its resources are finite my friend. If those are left unchecked, life will simply cease to exist. At least, that is what Death made me believe when we first met." Thanos continued without a care for his opponent's condition. "I must ask you my friend, any final wishes?"
"Please...tell me what really happened to her." Jasper gasped finally giving up hope. With a smug grin on his purple face, Thanos gave no answer. "Y-you, you insane bastard!" were the quartz's final words before she fully became corrupted once more, a quadrupedal beast with spikes adorning her form, a lack of eyes and sharp teeth.
"I am truly sorry." Thanos muttered with a hint of actual regret in his tone before he grabbed Jasper's gem and ripped it from her face, poofing her. "You were a mighty opponent Jasper, but alas. There must always be a clear winner." he commended his inactive foe before dropping the gem on the ground and stepping on it, shattering her once and for all. Without a word, he turned the other way and stepped through a portal back to his shrine to Death.
However in the distance, the Silver Surfer remained behind to spectate on the fight and with a solemn bow of his head, he returned to the others.
Upon finally arriving at the facsimile of Beach City, the group took a moment to catch their breath. "That was just intense! Felt like we were gonna die there!" Amethyst exclaimed falling flat on her back. "Indeed, half of the time I felt like we were going to be crushed by debris." Pearl added sitting down on the deck. "Hey wait a minute, aren't we missing someone?"
"Yeah, where the hell did Silver Bells go?" Wolverine asked when just then, Norrin returned to them. "Where were you big boy?" Starfox asked him. "And what happened to the big lady?"
The ex-herald of Galactus was silent for a moment before finally giving an answer. "She's dead." This proved to be a great shock to our champions as they took a moment of silence to honor Jasper's sacrifice against Thanos.
"What now?" Thor asked breaking the silence. "Well normally I would have something made to kick his ass, but we got nothing right now." Tony replied before Groot spoke up. "I am Groot!" he exclaimed pointing at Pearl's gem. "Oh that's right, you gave me the Red King's warsuit in case we needed it." she stated. "So we're going to need your help Stark."
"Good idea big guy, but we need to buy some time in case Thanos tries to show his ugly mug at us." Tony remarked. "Seems like we're gonna need all the help we can get here. Rocket, Thor, Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth, you're gonna help us make a godkiller. The rest of you go take him on until we're ready."
"But who's gonna lead us against him?" Connie asked before looking at her best friend. "Me? But I'm not ready yet!" Steven exclaimed before Garnet calmed him down. "Then consider this your first leadership training exercise." she benignly declared. "Garnet's right Steven, you were born to lead the Gems just like your mother before you." Captain America stated. "Don't feel so scared right now, we'll all be with you every step of the way."
"As Gems." Yellow Diamond added. "As gods." Thor followed up. "As humans." Connie said holding her friend's hand. "As heroes." Spider-Man declared. "As champions." Pearl said. With those words of encouragement, Steven turned to face the horizon before them with his shield raised up high. "Thank you everyone." he thanked them all before letting out a battle cry of "Ultimate Alliance, assemble!"
This was a day unlike any other where the forces of good and evil were forced to band together under a common threat. Although their conflicting alignments prove to be a problem, they knew they had to set their differences aside for the final battle. On that day, the Ultimate Alliance was born.
And that was it for The Masters of Evil! Sorry to keep you waiting everyone, but hopefully this was all worth it! Join us next time for the final battle with Thanos in Forever Fight as One. But for now, I think I'm going to take a load off and maybe get back on a smaller story. That's right, we are really truly going back to the clash between One Punch Man's Saitama and Villainous's Black Hat in Black Fist! Until then, catch ya later.
Dedicated to Steve Ditko
November 2, 1927-June 29, 2018
Without your strange mind, we wouldn't have gotten such spectacular characters.
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