#youre telling me that they didn't even consider it as a path to explore????
kindasleepycryptid · 5 months
I keep obsessing over the neural oscillation technology the twins used in the street fighting quest,
Like???? so much potential???
The amount of ideas it gives me for fics is INSANE
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sidekick-hero · 7 months
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(steddie | teen | 1.4k | tags: college au, meet-cute thank to a fire alarm | @steddielovemonth prompt Love is giving him your sweater even if it makes you cold by @stevesbipanic | AO3)
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Everyone had told Steve that college would be so much fun. Freedom from the crushing expectations of his parents breathing down his neck. Parties every weekend and a huge dating pool to choose from. An open-minded and progressive culture that made exploring his sexuality easy and fun instead of kind of suicidal like it had been in his small-minded hometown in Bumfuck Indiana.
What no one had told him was that telling his father that he didn't want to go to business school, that he wanted to teach, would result in his father refusing to pay Steve's tuition.
They didn't disown him, but his parents made it clear that they thought his time in college was a waste of time. At least as long as he was studying something his parents considered beneath a Harrington. To them, becoming a teacher basically meant becoming someone else's doormat just because he wanted to teach their kids.
So he was on his own financially, which frankly took a lot of the fun out of college. Suddenly, partying and dating had to take a back seat to the fact that paying for rent, food, and tuition meant limiting his college experience.
It meant working before or after class.
It meant working his ass off for his classes so he could graduate as soon as possible.
It meant living in the dorms instead of his own place.
Which is exactly what led to him standing outside in the middle of the night in the freezing cold of October in just his boxers and hoodie because some asshole set off the fire alarm in their building.
Steve shivered as he huddled with his fellow freezing students in the dimly lit courtyard, glancing around to see if anyone had brought extra clothes. The chilly wind cut through him, and he cursed his luck for not grabbing a coat when the fire alarm blared through the dorm. He was glad that he had his hoodie right next to his bed so grabbing it on his way out of bed was almost second nature. His sleep-shirt, even thinner and softer from constant wear, was not much in the face of the chilly October weather in Chicago.
As the students exchanged disgruntled glances and whispered complaints, Steve noticed a figure huddled alone on a bench, looking particularly uncomfortable in the cold. Squinting through the dim light, he recognized the boy who lived two doors down from him — Eddie.
All in all, they had exchanged a handful of words, for while Steve was a morning person, often up before the sun to go running, Eddie was a night person by choice. Their paths most often crossed in the wee hours of the morning, one's day beginning as the other's was ending. If Steve were telling the whole truth, he would have to admit that he had tried to time his morning runs to make it more likely that he would run into Eddie.
The guy was cute, sue him. Dimples, big chocolate brown doe eyes, dark curls often tamed into a messy bun at the back of his head so that his tantalizing collarbones peeked out from under the collar of his too-big shirts. It drove Steve a little crazy, but so far he hadn't done anything about it.
Maybe this was his chance to fix that.
Despite the biting cold, Eddie offered a shy smile as Steve approached. "Hey, Steve, right? I'd say it was good to see you, but to be honest, I like it better when I run into you in the hallway."
"Yeah, that's me," Steve replied with a small chuckle, trying to shake off the cold. "Mind if I sit here? It's freezing."
"Go ahead," Eddie said, making room on the bench.
Steve sat down and soon they were huddled together for warmth. It was surprisingly nice, even if he still wished he was somewhere warmer. In the midst of the chilly chaos that had become this random Wednesday night, Steve couldn't help but feel a strange connection forming between him and Eddie as they both sat on that lone bench watching a fire truck arrive. There was a sense of camaraderie that hadn't been present in their earlier nods and small talk in the hallway because of the shared discomfort of their current situation.
Maybe this whole ordeal could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
They started talking, finding common ground in the shared annoyance of the fire alarm and the absurdity of being forced out into the cold in the middle of the night. As they chatted, Steve couldn't help but notice how easy it was to talk to Eddie.
"You look even colder than I do," Steve remarked after a while, having noticed that Eddie's wiry frame was shaking more and more.
"I didn't have time to grab anything. I was just about to crash when the alarm went off," Eddie explained, rubbing his hands together for warmth.
Without a second thought, Steve unzipped his hoodie and draped it over Eddie’s shoulders. "Here, it's not much, but it's better than nothing."
Eddie's eyes widened in surprise and a warmth flooded Steve's chest as he watched the boy pull the hoodie tighter around him. "Thanks, Steve. I really appreciate it. But now you don't have anything. That shirt looks good on you, but not really warm."
It's true, Steve can already feel the goosebumps on his skin, but he's not ashamed to use that as an excuse to huddle even closer to Eddie. "It's okay, really. I’m running a little hot anyway. Besides, you could help keep me warm?" He added slyly, giving Eddie a long look from under his lashes and enjoying the adorable blush that rose to his cheeks.
"It would be my pleasure, my knight in shining armor. Or rather, my knight in a Queen shirt." With that, Eddie opened the hoodie and gestured for Steve to lean in. Having hoped for such a reaction, Steve scooted even closer, wrapped his arms around Eddie's middle and let him drape the hoodie around them both.
As they sat there, sharing the hoodie and enduring the cold together, Steve found himself drawn to Eddie in a way he hadn't expected. While he'd found Eddie cute from the start, it was only now that he felt this almost magnetic pull toward the other boy, and their laughter amidst the chaos of the fire alarm only strengthened that feeling. Half an hour ago Steve had been ready to call this the worst night of his college experience and now he felt warm and safe, something settling inside him that he hadn't even realized was out of place.
Steve was in the middle of telling Eddie a story about the gaggle of kids he was babysitting at home and how they were coming to visit him soon. Just as he was telling him about his hunt for one of those weird dice sets with too many sides for the nerd game the kids were playing, they were surprised by the sudden sound of silence that filled the air.
The absence of the blaring fire alarm signaled the all-clear to return to their rooms.
As the crowd in front of them began to disperse, Eddie reluctantly started to remove the hoodie from around them, clearly wanting to give it back. Steve stopped him, though, enjoying the sight of Eddie in his hoodie far too much.
He realized he didn't want Eddie to give the hoodie back. He didn't want this night to end here and go back to his room, to his bed, alone.
"You know, I've got a coffee maker in my room. Want to warm up with a cup?" He suggested suddenly, trying to make his voice and eyes as inviting as possible as he looked hopefully at Eddie.
Eddie hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching Steve's cautiously. But something in Steve's eyes must have told him what he was looking for, making him throw caution to the wind. "Sure, why not?"
Smiling broadly, Steve grabbed Eddie's hand and started walking toward their building. He had the feeling that he should be reeling more from the whiplash he had gotten that night, but all he could feel was the joy of anticipation.
They walked back inside, leaving the cold behind, and as Steve sipped a cup of warm coffee, he realized that sometimes unexpected circumstances can lead to the most beautiful connections. Little did he know that the accidental fire alarm would be the spark that ignited a flame of love in his heart that would burn hot and bright for decades to come.
It didn't even dim when, on their wedding day, Eddie confessed during their vows that he was the one who set off the fire alarm by falling asleep with a pizza in the oven.
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imonanotherlebel · 8 months
In Bloom Together
Chapter 1
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Genre: Romance, Fluff
Pairing: Florist San x client reader
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The sun's gentle rays filtered through the petals, casting a warm glow upon San's flower shop. and in walks Y/N with the doorbell chiming like she's in some movie. She checks out all the flowers – roses, tulips, daisies – it's like a freakin' rainbow exploded in there. Smells nice, too.
A symphony of floral scents hangs in the air, making the whole place feel like a dreamscape. The vibrant colors of petals and leaves decorate the shelves, each bloom telling tales of beauty and grace.
Y/N's eyes widen, taking in the visual feast before her. It's a haven she didn't expect, a place that's like reality and fantasy had a lovechild. A soft smile touches her lips as she inhales the floral perfume, feeling a sense of calm wash over her.
San, a tall figure behind the counter, can't tear his eyes away as Y/N's fingers delicately trace the petals. His florist's heart knows a kindred spirit when it sees one. As she wanders deeper into the floral wonderland, he's captivated by her childlike wonder, a spark that lights up the shop even more.
Looking up from his work since the door opened, his eyes finally met Y/N's, and in that moment, he felt a subtle shift in the energy of the room. This wasn't just another customer; it's someone who vibes with the soul of his creations, a connection he didn't see coming.
"Hello there," San greeted, his voice carrying the warmth of a spring breeze. "Welcome to Blossom Dreams. Is there a particular flower that caught your eye, or are you in need of some inspiration today?"
"Heyy," Y/n responded with a cheerful smile, her eyes sparkling with a look that screams, "I love this place!"
And then, plot twist, as she takes a step forward, engrossed in the enchanting scenery, an unforeseen obstacle – a rogue flower pot – appears in her path. With an unforeseen twist of fate, she trips and gracefully stumbles forward.
But guess what? San's superhero reflexes kick in. San, quick on his feet, reacted instinctively. In a split second, he reached out, catching her arm to prevent a graceful fall from turning into a less elegant descent, saving her before the floor becomes her next best friend.
"Whoa, easy there," he chuckled, a genuine warmth in his eyes as he helped her regain her balance. "Wouldn't want the flowers to witness a grand entrance like that."
Y/n blushed, a combination of embarrassment and amusement. "Well, they do say a dramatic entrance sets the tone, right?"
San couldn't help but laugh, finding her lighthearted spirit contagious.
"Absolutely. I'm San, by the way, the curator of this floral wonderland. And you are?", He spoke, smiling so wide that his dimples showed.
"Y/n," she replied, her embarrassment giving way to a genuine grin. "I guess I'm the girl who tried to waltz with your flowers and lost."
San joined in her laughter, finding an unexpected delight in her presence. "Nice meeting you.", he said with a genuine smile, the words flowing like poetry from his lips. "Well, Y/n, consider it a unique initiation to my shop. Now, tell me, any particular blooms that caught your fancy?"
"So we're going to continue talking in poetry?", Y/n asked, giving him her Doe eyes which never failed to make any boy shut up.
Now it was San's turn to blush.
Y/n continued to grin, her eyes sparkling with genuine delight. "I usually buy flowers every Monday, and my usual shop closed down recently. This is like stumbling upon a hidden treasure!" Her fingers trailed delicately over the leaves of a blooming orchid as she spoke.
San chuckled softly, appreciating her enthusiasm. "I'm delighted you see it that way. Flowers have a way of revealing themselves when you need them the most. Is there a specific type you're drawn to?"
As Y/n explored the shop, her gaze lingered on a display of elegant lilies. "Lilies have always held a special place in my heart. They symbolize new beginnings, right?"
"Indeed, they do," San replied, his eyes gleaming with understanding. "They embody the language of emotions within petals. Let me create a bouquet that reflects the poetry of lilies for you."
"Thanks, San.", Y/n replied, loving the way his name came out of her lips so effortlessly. Her blush was well hidden from San as he was busy looking for the most perfect flowers for the bouquet.
"So Y/n....", he spoke in a soft tone.
"Is today a day for new beginnings for you, Y/N?", he asked, his eyes hiding a hundred questions he wanted to ask. Will you come here again? What is your favorite place to hang out around here? What is your ideal type? These were type of questions running through his head. But he managed to keep them to himself.
As the conversation unfolded, a subtle connection formed, like the first petal unfurling in the morning sun.
A subtle blush tinged her cheeks as she pondered the poetic notion. "Maybe it is."
As she continued to explore the shop, San found himself captivated by her every movement. Watching Y/N navigate through the blooms felt like witnessing a dance. Her fingers moved with a grace that echoed the delicate nature of the flowers themselves. There was something special about the way she interacted with each petal, as if she could understand the language they whispered. Oh man, She is not going to be just another customer. My heart is in trouble.
As he expertly arranged the lilies into a breathtaking bouquet, Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the skill and passion San infused into his work. "Do you arrange all of these bouquets yourself?" she asked, genuinely intrigued.
A soft smile played on San's lips as he continued his work. "Yes, each bouquet tells a unique story. It's a way of translating emotions into a visual language. Nature has a way of expressing what words often fail to convey."
Y/n's eyes sparkled with curiosity, and San continued, "Every flower holds a story that is waiting to be shared."
The more Y/n conversed with San, the more she felt a sense of connection beyond the petals and stems. As she selected the lily bouquet, San shared anecdotes about various flowers, making the experience more than just a transaction—it was an intimate exploration of shared appreciation.
"These lilies symbolize purity and the quiet beauty that resides within us," San explained, presenting the bouquet with a gentle smile. "Perfect for someone who sees the poetry in every petal."
"Thank you," Y/n replied, the sincerity of her gratitude evident in her eyes.
"So, any special reason you're buying flowers each week?" San asked as she strolled toward the checkout, breaking the silence with an easy chat while slowly following her. Also trying to sneakily find out if she has a boyfriend.
Y/N chuckled, adding more cheerfulness to their conversation. "Nothing special, just treating myself. Flowers have this thing where they can turn an ordinary day into something extraordinary, you know?"
San grinned, resonating with the carefree joy she radiated. "Totally get that. They have this power to sprinkle a bit of magic into life."
Y/N nodded, paying for her blooms. "Exactly! They're like tiny happiness boosts you can carry around."
"Spot on," San agreed, presenting the carefully wrapped bouquet. "Hope these add an extra sprinkle of magic to your day."
"Thanks, San. Your shop is like a sanctuary for flower lovers. I'll definitely be coming back.", she said, genuinely happy.
San's heart skipped a beat, touched by her words. "I'll be looking forward to it. Mondays just got a whole lot brighter."
With her lily bouquet cradled in her arms, Y/n bid farewell, the doorbell chiming once again. As she stepped back onto the lively streets, San watched her leave, a sense of anticipation and a lingering fragrance of lilies in the air. This encounter was more than a sale; it was a blooming connection that held promises of more to come.
As the floral fragrance lingered in the air, and the flower shop seemed quieter in the wake of her exit. San's eyes followed her until she disappeared from view, leaving him in a contemplative state.
What just happened? San asked himself, placing his hand on his heart. He wasn't usually the type to be flustered, but something about Y/n made him feel some type of way. Her genuine appreciation for the flowers and the effortless way she connected with their stories left an imprint on his thoughts.
The doorbell chimed again as another customer entered, but San's attention remained tethered to the memory of Y/n.
His mind is stuck in a daydream, picturing those lilies he arranged now in Y/n's hands. The shop, once filled with bustling sounds and the rustle of leaves, now felt like a quiet haven where the fragrance of lilies lingered, mingling with his thoughts.
The new customer approached the counter, but San's focus wavered. His mind replayed snippets of their conversation—the easy talk, her eyes lighting up at the mention of lilies, and the genuine joy she expressed, the genuine happiness he felt after a long time. It wasn't just about selling flowers; it was the connection, the shared appreciation for the beauty that surrounded them.
"Hey, excuse me, could I get a bouquet of roses?" the new customer interrupted, snapping San out of his contemplation.
"Of course," San replied, his professionalism kicking back in. He skillfully arranged a bouquet of roses, all the while stealing glances toward the door, half-expecting Y/n to walk back in.
The new customer left with their roses, and San's thoughts returned to the unexpected encounter. He couldn't shake off the anticipation of her next visit. Would she return next Monday? The thought added an uncharacteristic flutter to his usually composed demeanor.
Maybe this is the start of something different, he mused, rearranging flowers absentmindedly. The rhythm of his work was now intertwined with the rhythm of his thoughts about Y/n.
Outside the flower shop, Y/n strolled through the city, the lilies in her arms. The fragrance accompanied her like a soft melody, and she couldn't help but replay their interaction in her mind. Little did she know, San stood behind the counter, equally lost in thoughts of her, eagerly awaiting the next chapter of their connection.
Y/n and San found themselves unknowingly entwined in a blossoming story—one that held promises of emotions yet to bloom and connections waiting to unfold.....
To be continued.......
@danihow I hope you enjoy this babes<3
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wntrs0ldier · 1 year
An Offer · part 03
pairing: mob!bucky x reader words: 3,3k warnings: typical mafia (dark themes, language, violence, etc.)
<previous part | next part> | series masterlist
series summary: When your father dies, the only thing you can do for your family and the empire he built, is to marry a powerful man.
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Since the question of marriage came into your life, everything else has receded into the background. Even if you tried to distract yourself, you couldn't focus on anything other than agreements, mergers, potential offers and, most importantly, fears about the future. You wondered whether the Rumlow Family would agree to talk again. If not, what was left for you? You didn't have enough time to learn how to manage your father's business; to master all the functions of the Head of the Family. Besides, you didn't even have the right qualities to become one. 
Unable to concentrate on your work, you closed your laptop. Your gallery was scheduled to host an exhibition soon, and you had been doing your best to give it enough attention, but you gave up after the fifth mindless reading of an email. Having stood by a huge window that overlooked a patch of the city, you let your thoughts wander somewhere to the beginning of your life, or at least to the moment when you began to be aware of it. You reflected on which decision – yours or someone around you – had brought you to this point.
You weren't sure about your father, but your mother didn't want that life for you. When she thought you were old and sensible enough, she would say: Never marry a gangster.
But this life never bothered you. You weren't afraid of guns or blood, and the usual dangers that came with what your father did didn't particularly scare you.
For the first few years of your life you were no different from any other kid. But as soon as you finished elementary school, your parents sent you to a private girls' school in London, where you spent the next six years. At first you thought the prestigious academy abroad was a real opportunity. Only later did you realise what it was really all about. Your mother panicked; she didn't want to let you soak up the darkness and ruthlessness of the world that was your father's everyday life. She believed that there was something inside you already, and that it needed to be nipped in the bud.
But her plan failed. You noticed and understood more than was thought. Sending you to another country didn't get the job done, because when you came home for holidays and long weekends, you seeked ways to absorb as much as possible of what your mother was protecting you from. Your father, on the other hand, seeing your enthusiasm and fascination, secretly allowed you to explore this world, but dispensed it safely. You may not have become an expert because of this, but you were not completely clueless either. You learned a few things.
Your mind swiftly connected your past with the relationship you had with Bucky. You both came from the same background, your father having a good relationship with both George and Timothy Barnes. Despite this, Bucky's and your paths never really crossed. He was six years older than you, so when you finally finished school and returned home permanently, you didn’t see him often.
You wouldn't say that you knew him. You were only aware of his existence, you had heard things about him. You witnessed the assassination of his father and then Bucky just disappeared. He left New York for two years.
And now? You considered an analogy – he was becoming to you what George and Timothy were to your father. You supposed you both had it in your blood; a mutual affection for each other.
Your thoughts were disturbed by a knock at the door. A girl named Tracy, who worked in the gallery, entered your office with a big bouquet of hyacinths and white tulips. This sight caught you off guard. 
“Who are these from?” Tracy asked, grinning with excitement. She put the flowers on the desk. 
You raised your eyebrows. “I thought you'd tell me.”
“Courier delivered them.” She looked at the flowers with persistent admiration. You would have given a lot to be able to share her enthusiasm, but you were aware that this bouquet could have meant anything. Like another offer, you thought uneasily. 
Noticing a small piece of paper, you reached carefully between the stems. You didn't expect to know the handwriting; nevertheless, you felt even more anxious.
These flowers are supposed to symbolize an apology. Really. Check that out. 
Your first suspicion fell on Brock. Could it be that he regretted the way he behaved in the pub that day? No one else had offended you enough to send flowers. And even though you still didn't want to have anything to do with Brock, you couldn't get rid of them. The bouquet didn't make you forgive Brock, but it didn't deserve to be thrown away either.
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Another sleepless night was no particular surprise, but you felt too exhausted to accept it. Besides, you couldn’t let tiredness affect your next day – you had to be able to think properly, especially now. So having taken something to help you sleep, you lay in the darkness, waiting for the effects.
Until something caught your attention. 
A quiet tap, but you couldn't tell where it was coming from. Immediately afterwards you heard it again. You sat up on the bed, switched on the bedside lamp – which blinded you at first – and looked around. With another tap you realised that it was the sound of something hitting the window. 
You got out of bed and walked there. Because of the moonlight outside, it was bright enough for you to recognise the man standing below. Without a second thought, you opened the window.
“Hi,” Bucky spoke. 
You stuck your head out and smiled; you tried to do it with disapproval, but you had to admit that his presence instantly lightened your mood. And the fact that the scene looked like a forbidden romance of teenagers allowed you to forget about your current problems. “Did you just throw rocks at my window?”
“Would you rather I scream? I can scream.” He lifted his eyebrows with conviction.
You raised your eyebrows expectantly.
“Actually, I can’t,” Bucky said, and you let out a brief laugh. “I’m too scared of Michael,” he lowered his voice. 
“And that's why you are standing there instead of using the door,” you guessed, causing him to nod. “Do you want me to come down to you..?”
“I can go up to you.” He shrugged casually. 
“Oh, really?” 
Hearing the skepticism in your voice, Bucky shook his head resignedly, theatrically offended by your lack of confidence in his abilities, then moved closer to the wall. You watched him with a kind of awe, certain that he would give up at the last moment. At least, that seemed the most sensible option to you. However, Bucky grabbed onto the drainpipe, and placing his feet on its fixings, began to climb upwards. Your eyes widened. 
On the one hand, you wanted to stop him; to ask him to come back down. On the other, the sight gave you too much joy that you didn't want to take away from yourself.
You moved back to a safe distance so Bucky could slip inside without trouble, and when he was on the final straight, you grabbed his arm with both hands and pulled him into the room. Not that he needed it, but your conscience did.
“Thanks,” he breathed, dusting off his T-shirt and jeans.
The typical coolness of a spring night was coming in, so you closed the window, then reached for your robe and threw it over your shoulders. When you turned your gaze towards Bucky again, you found him by your dresser. 
“So, this is your room,” he concluded, inspecting the scented candle he had grabbed from the top of the dresser. He unscrewed the lid of a small jar and hesitantly sniffed the wax inside. Only then did he glance at the label, frowning. “It's… not how I'd imagined.”
Your forehead creased. “What? My room?”
“Lounge At Night.” Bucky lifted the candle so you could see what he was talking about. You rolled your eyes, snorting a quiet laugh. “You like them? Scented candles?” 
“Mhm,” you answered, watching him with patience. You wondered what he was up to. And why did he come here. 
“I've never thought about your room. I'm not that perverted like-” he cut off suddenly, unsure whether he should mention that.
“Like Brock?” 
Bucky smiled at first, then let out a quiet sigh. Staring at you with something you couldn’t exactly figure out, he chewed on his bottom lip. “I’m sorry if I took away your chance to get married.”
“Wasn't that the plan? To cool Michael’s enthusiasm?” You squinted, the corners of your mouth turned up in an amused smile. “Anyway…” you added more seriously. “I wouldn’t call Brock a chance.”
“Good. Because I’m not really sorry.” He raised his eyebrows, and you cackled again. Talking to Bucky turned out to be a pleasant escape from all the important conversations you've been having lately. 
But you felt uneasy, having recalled the situation in the gallery. “I don't know if he's not up to something. I… got some flowers today,” you said nervously. 
There was some slight change in Bucky's face, which you could barely see in the faint light of the bedside lamp. Sparks of boyish sneakiness flickered in his eyes, but otherwise he remained unmoved. “White tulips and blue hyacinths?” 
You didn't immediately realise what he was actually telling you. But when you did, your brows drew together and your lips parted slightly, but no sound came out except for a single short breath. “Those were from you?” 
Bucky nodded. “What I did was wrong. I left you in that pub without saying anything. I was a bit harsh, too, and you did nothing to deserve it.”
You pursed your lips helplessly. It wasn't that you felt relieved when it turned out that Brock hadn't given you an outstretched hand. You were somehow touched by Bucky's gesture. Not only had he sent you flowers, but – as the little note in the bouquet told – he had made sure they were not accidental.
“Hey…” Bucky began softly, walking up to you. He seemed concerned. “I’m sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t,” you protested right away. “I didn't expect to get flowers from you, that's all.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed as he studied your face in silence. Just by that expression you could feel the teasing coming. “Is it that shocking? You think I'm that thick skinned?”
“You said yourself you’re not a guy to marry,” you pointed out. “So, yes, such romantic gestures from you can be pretty shocking.”
A corner of his mouth lifted. “Romantic gestures?” 
“Leave it,” you warned. “I don't often get flowers. That's why I was so moved.”
“I thought men throw themselves at your feet.” Bucky seemed genuinely surprised. 
“Sometimes they do. But they don’t buy me flowers,” you clarified, smirking. “So far you are the only one who has done both,” you reminded him, referring to the situation at the funeral. And although you felt embarrassed at the time, now this event slightly sweetened your memories. “The bouquet was really beautiful. Thank you.” Your mouth curved into a delicate smile. “And for what you did for me in the car that day. And for Brock.”
Bucky's face softened again. At first he gazed at you with mild surprise, astonished by your gratitude. It seemed he wasn't waiting for a thank you, which you didn't suspect him of anyway. “I get you out of trouble, right?” 
“And I don’t understand why you do it every time.”
“I told you, I want to do some good. For a change.” Bucky shrugged. 
“Mhm,” you murmured unconvinced. 
“You're saying I should sit around and do nothing?”
“Well, I’m not your problem, aren’t I?” 
You secretly hoped that you would manage to frustrate him with your tenacity enough that he might finally tell you the real reason. But Bucky appeared completely controlled; without even blinking, he patiently put up with your innocent push. 
“You can become my problem,” he said. If it wasn't for the fact that his calmness impressed you most of the time, you would probably find it annoying. “If Brock gets carried away by his pride, and I think that is what will happen, he won't want an alliance with us.”
“If I marry Brock, our Families won't have a good relationship anymore?” you made sure, putting it into as simple words as possible. Your brain was working at a lower and lower speed - the sleeping pills you had taken a few minutes ago were slowly starting to kick in.
Bucky nodded.
“Why won't your uncle talk to Michael?” You frowned.
“Because that's just a guess. My guess. And all Michael cares about is putting your father's business in good hands. It's the only right way to go, but he believes too much in agreements. He thinks he’ll have Rumlows’ loyalty with their signatures. But he won’t.”
You were again stepping into the sensitive area – topics you would have preferred to avoid, to get away from. But when Bucky shared with you what he thought about it all, you knew you could listen to him for hours.
You had a real intellectual in front of you; a far-sighted strategist with a nose for people. If you hadn't had several conversations with him, witnessed him speak, you wouldn't have suspected him of the brilliant way his mind worked. After all, just a moment ago he had climbed up the drainpipe into your room. He was wearing that leather jacket of his, a bruise from his clash with Brock and healing wounds on his knuckles. There was still a stubble on his face that many might call untidy; you wondered when he'd get rid of it and if he'd do it at all. You remembered that he looked a bit different in the past – much shorter hair that curled shyly into soft waves, always clean shaven. Now he seemed to wear the remains of what he had become in his absence. You didn't know him well enough, you'd never had the chance to get a good look at him, but you were amazed at how much a person can change in two years. 
Bucky watched you, but he wasn't impatient with the fact that you didn't say anything, didn't refer to his last words. He probably understood that you were tired of it all.
You didn't think you could get so comfortable in his company even when you were both silent. And it seemed that Bucky felt the same way – he didn't look for an opportunity to say anything, he appeared completely relaxed, as if you had known each other for centuries.
“Would you like some tea?” You spoke. 
The corners of his mouth turned up. “What about Michael? He told me to stay away.”
“And yet, here you are. Looks like you don’t mind the consequences.” You raised your eyebrows. Immediately, however, the expression on your face returned to the same gentleness of a moment ago. “Like any decent person at three in the morning, Michael is at his place,” you added, sneaking a hint, at which Bucky squinted slightly. 
“In that case…” He sighed. “Tea is fine. If you don't mind the company of degenerates like me.”
“I can handle it.” You pursed your lips to hide an amused grin. 
Keeping as quiet as possible, you led the way out of your bedroom, then up the stairs and eventually to the kitchen. You put the kettle on, then reached into the cupboard for a tin container of tea.
“Where do you keep your cups?” Bucky asked. 
You gazed at him with confusion – you probably expected him, as a man from your environment, to sit back and idly watch what you were doing. And you wouldn't be angry about it, after all, men were in charge of much more important things; they were the providers, bringing home the money they worked hard for all day. 
You blinked. “They’re just above me, but I’ll-”
Bucky stretched out towards the cupboards you mentioned, thus pushing his body involuntarily against yours. He froze for a moment, and the warmth of his torso, which you felt on your back thanks to the thin material of your robe as well as your nightgown, was enough to make a swarm of butterflies go mad in your stomach and a pleasant shiver spread through your body with a hot wave. And even though Bucky moved away, the goosebumps lingered on your skin for the next few minutes.
You turned hastily, pressing yourself to the edge of the countertop at which you were standing, and gave Bucky an almost terrified look – like an animal backed into a corner. He, too, stared at you anxiously; with fear at how such a small, insignificant gesture had caused so much. That was all it took – the glances you gave each other – for both of you to know that there had just been a slight discharge of the electricity that had hung over you from the moment Bucky appeared in your house for the first time.
Bucky glanced at your lips, but quickly looked away, ashamed and even a little concerned about what was going through his mind. You could feel your cheeks burning.
You both flinched when the kettle started to whistle. You hurriedly moved to turn it off – you didn't want to wake up the whole house. Besides, you had to get out of that situation somehow. With a trembling hand, you poured the tea into two cups and filled them with water, doing these things for longer than they required. You were unable to predict what would happen if you looked at Bucky again.
“Why exactly are you here?” you finally asked. You sounded surprisingly calm, considering what happened just a moment before.
“My mom…” he began, and you looked over your shoulder at him. “She wants you and your sister to come to our house for dinner. Claims you two could use some family time.”
Your brows drew together as you were taking in what he had just said. Perhaps it was actually about you and Suzie, or perhaps Mrs. Barnes felt it was your mother who could use some space – after all, she had lost her husband herself, and knew like no one else what it was like. 
You didn't have the heart to say no. “When..?”
“This Saturday.” 
You nodded carefully, still staring at him. You forgot the tea; you both did.
“You could have called. Or texted,” you said, again pushing to find out the truth. This time you were a little more determined about it; mainly because of what happened. “Why are you here?” you repeated.
Bucky clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. His face took on a particularly helpless expression. “I don’t know. I guess I wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
There was silence, and this time it turned out to be much less comfortable. It seemed that you both stopped trusting each other – stopped trusting your instincts. 
The phone in Bucky's pocket buzzed; even you were able to hear it through the silence that surrounded you. He reached for it and, reluctantly taking his eyes off you, focused on the screen. “I gotta go,” he murmured. “Thanks for the tea,” Bucky added, and you glanced at the cups. “I'll see myself out. You go back to bed.”
For a brief moment you thought he wanted to take a step towards you. Eventually you decided it was just a wrong impression, so you didn't react, just folded your arms. Bucky gave you a crooked smile, then he left.
You listened to his footsteps, and when you heard the front door click, you closed your eyes and  let out a heavy, shaky breath.
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taglist: @goldensunflowe-r @nefri-black @vickie5446 @learisa @sjsmith56 @aya-fay @hhiggs @wishingwell-2 @cybereggpastahoagie @buckysgirl01
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starstruckzine · 10 days
A little AU lore...
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"Your old man is going to lose it." Keigo chuckled as he watched Touya towel dry his freshly dyed hair. The snow-white locks were pitch black, and his white tee shirt was splattered with patches of purple that matched the scarred tissue covering the lower half of his face and arms.
"Like he'll even notice." Touya scoffed as he grabbed his guitar off the bed. "The only way Endeavor would ever pay attention to me is if I set the city on fire," he paused, a wide grin crossing his lips as he added, "or killed someone."
"Don't even joke about that, you psycho."
Touya played a few chords and laughed at the worry in his best friend's voice. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, Birdie. I've got a different plan in mind for the future."
Dabi read through the email he'd received a few minutes earlier from the band's manager. Their record label was putting together a tour; some big, fancy music festival that would travel the world over the span of a year. The details were being finalized, and Cremation had been invited to take part in the event.
A faint smile curled his lips as he turned and stared out the window of his penthouse apartment. The sky was dark, but the city was an ocean of colors: red and gold and bright white sparkling into the distant horizon. Maybe he hadn't become a hero like his father, but Touya Todoroki made a name for himself. And he did it on his own terms. Now, millions of people admired him, listened to his songs, and crawled over one another to buy his merchandise.
In a lot of ways, he'd surpassed Enji Todoroki, was living for it.
His phone rang, vibrating against the desk. He didn't need to glance at the screen to know who was on the line before he answered the call. "Hey, Birdie. I'm gonna guess you saw Compress's email."
Keigo chuckled. "World tour, huh?"
"That's what it says."
"Ever think we'd see the day?"
Dabi glanced at the display case in the corner of the room. A soft blue light illuminated the interior where a single guitar hung. It was just an old acoustic model, plastered with a collage of skulls and crosses. The brand name had worn off long before he ever touched it, but he never cared about labels anyway.
"Of course, I did. Everything worked out according to my plan."
A small blue flame lept from the palm of his hand. He watched it flicker as he listened to Keigo rattle off a list of places he wanted to visit during the tour. The bird's early childhood years  made him desperate to explore as much of the world as possible. Dabi's determination to succeed had almost as much to do with giving Keigo that freedom as it did with showing up his old man.
Now, all of their dreams were about to be realized on a scale he never dared to imagine.
"You're gonna run me ragged this entire tour, aren't you?" Dabi groaned as he extinguished the flame, but a grin stole across his lips. The social media opportunities would be limitless. So many chances to throw his fame in Endeavor's face.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you there's no rest for the wicked?" Keigo was laughing now, the excitement obvious in his voice.
Dabi chuckled, too. He'd strayed towards more nefarious paths when they were younger, considered actions that would have gotten him branded as something worse than "bad boy rock star". Somehow, Keigo always managed to drag him back in the right direction, kicking and screaming at times, but he was grateful for the support. Thinking about how things could have ended up without the bird made him cringe.
"Seriously, though," Keigo said suddenly, no trace of humor left in his tone, "I don't think I've ever thanked you."
"Thanked me? For what?"
"Are you kidding? For the music. The band. For making sure I didn't end up like my old man... Or yours."
"Like hell you'd - "
"Touya, shut up and let me finish. I'm just saying that my life could have gone a lot of different ways, but I'm grateful for where I ended up. I don't have a single regret about where I'm headed, and it's because of you."
Dabi was silent for a long moment, unsure how to respond. He glanced over at the desk and saw two new notifications on his phone. One was a text from Himiko, and the second was another email from Compress, titled "Please Review".
"If you're really grateful, you'll swear not to snore the entire tour. I need my beauty sleep."
"Don't change the subject. I'm trying to be vulnerable here."
There was a long pause before they both busted out laughing. Dabi sat back in his chair and took a deep breath. "We should go out and celebrate. My treat."
"Not gonna pass that up. Want me to invite the others?"
"We can plan something with them after we sign the contract. Tonight, we'll go haunt that little bar where we played our very first gig."
"You don't mean..."
"That's the one."
"No wonder you offered to pay."
The place was a small, hole-in-the-wall, dive bar where they'd played some gigs when they were still pretty young - too young to be in a bar - but the owner overlooked that little detail and paid them under the table. It was just the two of them in those days, but the money they made helped to pay for new equipment as their band and their popularity grew.
"You can pay then."
"Hey now, slow down. You were kind enough to offer, and it'd be rude of me to refuse. I'll let you pay."
"Sounds like a plan. You can pay when we take the rest of the band and Compress out to celebrate."
Dabi pictured the shift in Keigo's expression as he realized what just happened.
"Now wait -"
"Don't get your panties in a bunch, Birdie." Dabi interrupted, chuckling. "It was a joke. I'm gonna jump in the shower then hop on my bike and ride ovrr. Meet me there in an hour."
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
One writing idea that I think could be interesting is a piece exploring how Kip and Twig’s relationship with Grovyle developed during the dark future and after they found out that Twig used to know Grovyle. Since it seems like Grovyle’s attack at Crystal Cave was much more severe in your version of events than it was implied to be in the game, injuring Kip to the point that he almost died, I was wondering if their dynamic was a bit different then in the game. Like did it take Twig longer than finding out that she and Grovyle used to be friends to be ok with him? I imagine that there would probably be more animosity there since Kip was almost killed by him rather than just beaten up a bit like in the game.
Here you go! Angst train pulling into the station!
Grovyle hadn't suspected for a moment that Charmander was actually Twig— why would he? She was so bold, so self-assured in her every action— nothing like the timid human he'd found scrounging in the dirt for food all those years ago— he would've been quicker to assume that her mudkip partner was really a former human than this rambunctious youth before him. But Dusknoir hadn't been lying when he revealed the little fire-type’s name. Twig was alive. She'd survived not only the blow that sent her falling through time, but the aftermath thereof as well. 
Twig was alive, and she hated him. 
It was clear in the Dark Future that she didn't trust him— combined with her partner Mudkip’s own blatant misgivings, he couldn't help how irritated he was by their lack of faith in him. Perhaps it was the built-up frustration of having been framed as a villain for so long now, but he couldn't stand to look them in the eyes while they watched him with such open suspicion. Even after hearing his side of Dusknoir's tale, one that wasn't woven thickly with falsehoods, she was wary. 
“Maybe…” She paused and considered before continuing to address her partner. It was the first time Grovyle had seen her hesitate. “Maybe Dusknoir would tell us if he's lying. He would, right? We can go back and ask him. This has to be a misunderstanding. It has to be—”
“I find it hard to believe waking up tied to a stockade with executioners preparing to gut you alive is a simple misunderstanding,” he scoffed.
She rounded on him. “What, do you think you're any better? You almost killed Kip! Why should I believe you're not just trying to get a chance to finish the job? I can believe Dusknoir more than I can someone like you. Without him, he would've died!” 
The mudkip— so Kip was his name, then— set a paw on her clenched fist at her side. “I think he's right. We can't go back to Dusknoir. Sticking together is the best thing we can do right now.”
“I don't trust him!” 
“Then there's still no reason for us to continue on together.” Grovyle couldn't help the bitter scowl that found its way onto his face. “I wish you luck, but don't follow me again unless you believe my story.”
She called after him as he stormed off. “Go kick rocks, you fricking jerkwad!”
(He should have recognized her odd vocabulary. He should have known. He shouldn’t have abandoned her before, nor at that moment. Twig was always so small. She couldn't keep herself safe in a fight. He'd regret treating her so coldly for the rest of his days.)
Twig tackled him out of the way of Dusknoir's attack as Grovyle stood in stunned horror. She'd been there the whole time— she was alive, she was right there next to him—his mind was going hundreds of miles an hour and yet had ground to a halt at the same time. The noise of pain she made when her tail was caught in the path of torrential shadows jolted him back into awareness. 
Celebi called his name. The passage of time was ready. His every thought might be stuttering back and forth between rapid fire anxiety and blank-minded stupor, but he didn't need to think to know he had to get Twig out of harm's way. She darted for Mudkip, arms outstretched, but Grovyle caught her under his arm in a dash for the passage of time, barely noticing that she grabbed the boy by his scarf and bundled him up in her arms as they passed. 
He threw himself through the Passage as it closed, managed to turn himself in the air so that he'd break Twig's fall when they hit the ground— and the first thing she did as he lay dazed and in pain wasn't to fret over him like she always had as a human, but instead was to rush over to where Mudkip had fallen and check him for wounds. When she found none and Grovyle pushed himself up onto his elbows, she pulled her friend into a hug and glared at Grovyle from over his shoulder.
She was alive. 
She was alive, and she hated him. 
Judging by the venom in her gaze as she tightened her embrace protectively around her new partner, that wouldn't change anytime soon. 
Kip offered his old home as shelter for the unlikely trio. That night was an uneasy one— it seemed none of them were quite ready to relax enough to sleep after nearly being executed not even a day ago— but one by one, they all dropped off. 
Grovyle was the first to wake. It was a grounding ritual to watch the sunrise, and he never missed the opportunity while in this era, so he quietly slipped outside and settled onto the ground to watch as the ocean reflected pinks and golds amongst vivid blues. He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, letting the bite of the cold dawn air settle his nerves. 
Twig's appearance beside him did away with whatever progress he'd made towards calm. 
She hugged her arms tightly against herself, teeth chattering as she stared at him with a vicious hatred in her eyes. “You didn't finish the job last night,” she muttered lowly. 
It took a moment for Grovyle to grasp what she meant. “I don't have any grudge against Kip. There's no need to worry about that.”
“You almost killed him. What do you mean you don't have a grudge against Kip?”
“I mean exactly what I said. Twig, I'm sorry that we reunited like this, but I'm so relieved that—”
“Don't. Don't act like we're friends. Maybe I was dumb enough before to think you were a good person, but I'm not so stupid now. I know exactly what things you'd do to get your way. Just because you're on a mission to save the world doesn't make you any less of a terrible person.” 
He swallowed dryly. “I…”
“Kip nearly died because of you. Do you even know that? I keep saying it, but it's like it doesn't land in your head. He almost died. I was practically holding him in one piece after Dusknoir showed up and you ran off. There was—” Her voice broke. “There was blood everywhere, and I couldn't get it all off of me until I healed up enough to wash myself.” 
Legends and Life, she was shaking so hard. “He… He wouldn't stand down. I had to get to the time gear. Azelf would have lowered the crystals if—”
 “If what? If you beat him within an inch of his life?” 
His words were barely audible. “A mortal can't kill a Legend. He would have survived.”
She gave him a look of such potent disgust that he wondered how much further he would have sunk without her there to keep him on the straight and narrow. As a human, she was always arguing for peaceful solutions— things like subterfuge and stealth— where he was inclined to leap in head first with a more… direct approach. They'd been separated for only a year now, hadn't they? And look at the lengths he'd stooped to achieve his mission. 
“You're awful,” she hissed. “Don't think that just because I used to know you or whatever that we're friends now. We're not. You didn't care about me before you knew my name. Remember that.”
She stormed off, heading back into Kip’s home.
She was right. That was the worst part. He didn't care before he learned who she once was, and by letting his desperation to save the world harden his heart against any chance for mercy, he'd turned to a depth of cruelty he didn't recognize himself in. 
Twig hated him. 
And in that moment, Grovyle couldn't help but hate himself.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 11 months
Another wip for you bc I like sharing my large collection of Tech whump
Missions didn't tend to last this long. Tech wondered when trouble would strike.
He moved around the ship, carefully examining the well checked machinery Tech knew he had already fixed. Hunter made him stay back, telling Tech to "take it easy" while the others completed their objective. That was a ridiculous notion, Tech tapped away at the console, leg bouncing insistently. He did not need to "take it easy" as Hunter claimed. What he needed was to be out there, with his brothers and sister. He needed to be active, useful.
"Brown Eyes?" Tech startled hard, turning quickly and drawing his pistols. "Woah-!" Phee jumped, arms raised. "Relax!! It's just me, Brown Eyes." Tech blinked hard, letting his grip loosen on his pistols as he lowered them, slowly. "Wow." Phee laughed, dropping her hands and walking further into the ship. "Didn't realise you were so jumpy."
Tech fumbled, squaring his shoulders. "I am not, usually." Tech said, looking away. "You just happened to have caught me off guard." Phee laughed again, looking around the ship, hands on her hips. "So." Phee caught Tech's eye and grinned. "They left you here to babysit the ship, huh?" Tech stilled, giving her a stiff nod. "Bummer." Phee wandered over, casually leaning on his chair. "How long until they get back?"
Tech glanced up at her. "I'm not sure." He said honestly. "I estimate we have an hour, why do you ask?" Phee shrugged, lazily gesturing outside. "An hour sounds like enough time to go explore." Tech frowned, shaking his head. "Hunter would not approve." Tech told her immediately, and Phee sighed. "Don't be boring!" Phee turned Tech's chair around, startling him slightly. "What dark and broody doesn't know won't hurt him, right?"
Tech stared up at Phee, and considered her. "Hunter won't like that." Tech mumbled, but itched to get off the ship. Phee grinned wider, knowing she was close to convincing him. "Come on, Brown Eyes!" Phee nudged him, and Tech did not shy away. "We'll be quick. Your brothers won't even realise." Tech hummed, thinking before sighing. He supposed it wouldn't hurt to take a small look around the planet. Tech had been eyeing the scenery since they arrived.
"Alright." Tech sighed, and Phee lit up. "Let's go!" Phee grabbed Tech's arm, pulling him up and dragging him out. Tech barely had the chance to lock up the ship as Phee pulled him away, down a dirt path. They disappeared into the forestry. Tech looked around, admiring the landscape. The woods were different, unlike anything Tech had ever known growing up. War tended to ruin the land, and even with the Empire exploiting everything nowadays, nature seemed to retake its place. It was admirable, Tech enjoyed the science behind it, as well as the sight.
"You know," Phee mentioned, dragging Tech back from his observations. "There's supposedly treasure around these parts." Tech fought the urge to sigh, both at Phee's statement and the curiosity it sparked in him. "We could have a quick look for it, if you wanted." Phee squeezed Tech's hand, reminding him of its hold on him. Tech faltered, but didn't let go. What caught his attention was the shiver than ran through him.
"Would it-" Tech couldn't believe he was considering this, but his skin crawled at the thought of spending more time alone on the ship. "Would it take long?" Tech asked, quiet. Phee smiled, shaking her head. "Shouldn't, no." Tech let his shoulders drop, relaxing. "Then it couldn't hurt, I suppose." Tech muttered, thoughtful, looking at his datapad. The signal was dropping rapidly, there was no real way to tell if Hunter and the others were by the ship, and considering Tech was the only one that could unlock the ship, that was a problem.
Tech put his datapad away, and focused on the task at hand. Phee was leading him down a winding path, filled with thorn bushes and loose branches that cut into their skin. The fog seemed to circle an area, and that's precisely where Phee was leading them. They came upon a circle of large rocks, each decorated delicately. The centre was almost empty, aside from a patch of dirt. In the centre there was a flower, delicate and pink in colour. Tech thought it looked quite pretty. "What is this?" Tech asked, wandering towards it. The fog got worse the closer he got, and as Phee's hand slipped from his, she completely disappeared from view.
"It's a ritual site." Phee explained from somewhere to Tech's left. "I think."
Tech hummed in response, turning as he walked, looking around. The symbols on the rocks suggested an accurate knowledge of astrology, though the erosion told Tech it was at least a few thousand years old. How old, Tech wasn't sure. He approached one of the stones as Phee started talking, explaining some legend she'd heard about the site.
He leaned in close, squinting through the fog towards the rock, when a sudden gust of wind sent dust directly into his face. Tech spluttered, wiping uselessly at his helmet front to get it off. "You okay?" Phee called from behind him, and Tech tore off his helmet to get the dust off. "I am fine." Tech responded, huffing in frustration when the dust stuck stubbornly to his helmet and goggles. "There is dust all over me." He muttered, hoping his admittance would go unheard.
It didn't.
"Here," Phee's voice grew closer. "Let me help." Tech flinched hard when hands appeared from the fog, gently lifting his goggles from his face. Tech stuttered, resistance breif before Phee cupped his face, wiping gently at the dust. It came away easily for her, and Tech blinked as his goggles were returned. "Thank–" Tech started, but startled when the hands suddenly yanked themselves back, and the fog disappeared completely.
"Phee?" Tech called, looking around to find himself alone. "Phee!" Tech called again, more insistent, but silence answered him. Tech frowned, confused, and looked around again. The stones seemed much larger, towering over him. Strange, he swore he was only a bit shorter than them when they first arrived. He shook it off, calling for Phee once more as his comm pinged.
"Yes?" Tech spoke into his comm, still searching for Phee as he answered. He trembled hard, though it felt scorching hot. "Tech!" Echo's voice sounded angry, and Tech found himself confused again. "Where are you?!" Tech looked up, and it was glaring obvious he was missing something. "We've been trying to comm you for almost an hour! Get your ass back to the shuttle, now!" Tech tensed, stuttering stupidly for a moment. "But I–" Tech started, looking around again, almost desperate. "I was with Phee—?"
Echo paused. "What?" Tech asked, growing frustated with his confusion. "We were only gone a few moments, I dont know what happned. And now I can't find her at all–" Tech was cut off by Hunter, his time. "Repeat that?" Hunter sounded as confused as Tech. "Phee." Tech gestured, though they couldn't see it. "Phee was with me, I don't know where she went." Tech waited in silence for a response. He expected Hunter to sigh before ordering him to "look harder" or even join Tech in his search. Instead, Echo answered, slow and cautious.
"Phee didn't come with us."
Tech paused, blinking hard. "Ridiculous." Was his immediate response. He had seen her, felt her hand clasping his. They had spoken, but now, looking around the very much empty space, Tech doubted himself. He looked around, more frantic, and heard his breathing kick up when he found nothing, again. "Tech." Hunter's voice was steady, bringing Tech back from the blinding panic threatening to slam into him.
"Yes?" Tech winced at the way his voice hitched. "Get back to the ship." Hunter ordered gently, and Tech forced himself to breathe, and responded with a quick, "I'm on my way." Before taking a final glance towards the stones, scanning for Phee one last time, still not sure what to think, before he turned and started the walk back to the shuttle. The whole wood seemed changed, though Tech was not sure why.
This was wrong, Tech concluded on his way back. This wasn't the way he came. Turning, Tech tried to follow the path, though it led to nowhere, and Tech searched around feverishly. "Hunter!" Tech said into his comm, glancing around as he did so. "Hunter, I can't– I don't know where I'm going—" The trees leaned into him, closing in until there was only one way left for Tech to go. Breaking into a run, Tech stumbled along the path, tripping over a root and tumbling down, gasping sharply. Tech landed on a dirt patch, and looked up.
He was back at the ritual site.
This was definitely wrong. Tech scrambled to his feet. This was so, so wrong. Tech span around, looking every direction. "Hunter?!" Tech called into his comm, hearing his voice shake. "Echo-? Can you hear me?" Tech received no answer. Tech looked around, frantic. The fog was dense, too dense, Tech could hardly see his own hands through it. He tripped over himself in his hasty twisting and turning, trying to see anything through the fog when—
He turned, freezing in place. Phee was standing fog covering her figure. "Phee!" Tech called, relieved. "Come on," She held out her hand, stretched towards him. "We should get back to the others." Tech hesitated, taking a few trembling steps towards her when he paused. Echo said Phee never came on this mission. Then who was this? Tech stopped, drawing up. "Tech." Phee's voice dropped, sounding weary. "The others are waiting. Let's go." The hand reached further, and Tech longed to take it.
"Tech!!" A new voice called from behind Tech. Hunter. Tech turned again, squinting. He couldn't see Hunter, yet his voice sounded close in his ear, and a calm enveloped Tech when he heard it. Hunter called him again, and Tech felt conflicted. "Tech! We have to go, come on!" Phee snapped, snagging his arm in a vice grip. Tech gasped sharply, turning to see what he thought was Phee, tugging at him harshly.
Tech struggled, pulling himself free. "Who are you?" Tech demanded, after freeing himself. "You're not Phee." Tech stared hard at whatever was in front of him. Tech backed away, his head felt lighter than cotton. Phee, now distorted and wrong, faded backwards into the fog. "Where is Hunter?" Tech asked into the mist. "Where are the others?" Tech called, looking around. He got no answer, but the fog started circling him, more insistent. Tech's head swam.
He swallowed thickly, stumbling as the mist closed in. "Hunter–!" Tech called, desperately trying to see around the fog and the dots in his vision. Tech wobbled, eyes clouded as a figure approached. Tech collapsed, falling endlessly through the fog, the last thing he heard was Hunter calling him again.
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xpao-bearx · 10 months
Guess who started being consumed by playing BG3??? 👁👄👁
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In honour of this INCREDIBLE game, here's my Tav!
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(Sorry that the photo quality isn't the best, these are not in-game screenshots! I just took pics with my phone, but I do wanna say that my Tav has a LOT of freckles on her body that the pics didn't do justice)
Her name is Mon'sun and SHE IS MAH FUCKING BABYYY 😭❤️❤️❤️
I plan on writing a fic with her and the star himself (AKA MY DARLING 🥰): ✨️Astarion✨️ I already have a SHITLOAD of ideas, I just wanna play some more first and see how Astarion's romance pans out before I begin! So if that's something you'd be interested in reading, thanks sooo much and deffo keep a lookout for any updates~ Also, their ship name is SunStar which is JUST THE CUTEST FUCKING THING ALSKDJSKLJ
And I just wanna give my deepest love and gratitude to my two queens @kuroosexuall and @matchamocchi 💕 They have been nothing but patient and supportive of all my SERIOUSLY unhealthy fangirling over the sassy vampy elfy as well as my OC 🥲
But for the meantime, while I still haven't written my fic, below are some (*cough* a LOT so buckle up *cough*) stuff I've thought up for Mon'sun! Just to give y'all a fun lil taste of how I imagine her as a character, though I'm sure as I continue to play I'll get even more ideas and I'll probably have to edit this or post more about her, in which all posts connected to her will be tagged as #Mon'sun and Mon'sun x Astarion being tagged as #SunStar so y'all can easily search for them if you're interested. BTW I purposely left out extra details regarding her childhood as well as her thoughts about the tadpole cuz those are stoofs I'd like to reveal and explore in my fic!
And sadly, I'm not an artist, but I'm planning on and SO excited to commission various artworks of Mon'sun and SunStar from some truly extraordinary artists when the time comes so just wait for thy eyes to be blessed! \(^o^)/ Speaking of, if y'all are ever curious about Mon'sun, please don't hesitate to send me asks and such cuz your interest in my baby would be the BIGGEST honour 🥹
Now, without further ado...
Get to know "The Scarred Bard" under the cut!
In the game, I chose Voice 8 for Mon'sun but I headcanon that her voiceclaim is annapantsu (YouTuber who does a lot of amazing song covers!! 🙌)
Her theme song is Love Runs Out by OneRepublic
She does have a last name that she took on in honour from the woman who adopted her in Baldur's Gate but she hasn't found the need to tell anyone what it is
A drow half-elf and a College of Lore bard 🎵
Tends to face a lot of discrimination due to being a "filthy half-breed" and possessing drow ancestry, not to mention her drow parent being Lolth-sworn; her blood red right eye a telltale sign and a deep, angry scar permanently carved across it a merciless reminder of what she resents about herself
Occasionally has dreams and thoughts of the goddess Lolth speaking to her, tempting her with sweet whispers of cruelty and darkness. Mon'sun tries her damndest to resist--to stay on the path of good--but violent impulses erupt when the thin string of her patience (and sanity) snaps and it feels so fucking good
Mon'sun aligns as a chaotic neutral character. While she does try to be good, she is quite an unorthodox heroine in her personal little tale and can be pushed to make extreme decisions should she feel that they are for the better...or just whichever's a more fun option 🤭
Survived a poor and bleak childhood, but full of love in her early years; certain circumstances impacted this happiness which drastically changed everything
One of the youngest in the party, only in her early to mid 20s. And though she's not sure when her actual birth date is, she does consider the day she was adopted--saved--as such
Very resilient and versatile even through the worst scenarios (likely due to her past), but would much rather avoid problems whenever possible. She may be seen as a bit of a coward because of this though she certainly doesn't mind (she'd like to keep her gorgeous head, thank you very much!). However, there are times where she exhibits great bravery, such as standing up for the weak and defending innocents regardless of the consequences. She can also be quite mischievous and defiant with her enemies, truly a bard through and through with her vicious mockery 😈
She tries to see the good in everyone, to be patient and understanding, giving them the same chance she hopes to receive if she ever finds herself in a similar situation. However, some fuckers don't deserve that kindness and a sick, exhilarating part of her deep down yearns for the bloodshed sure to stain her hands. After all... She would only be granting them a mercy by ending their repulsive, pathetic lives...right?
She is proficient with weapons though she prefers casting spells especially ones that can be utilized from a good distance (Fireball being one of her all-time favourites--efficient and hot, both in a sexy way and an "I will feed your barbecued corpses to my widdle baby owlbear" way). She's also a fantastic cheerleader; she will happily let the stronger people on the team handle the grittier scraps of battle while she does a jaw-dropping performance of ✨️Bardic Inspiration✨️ on the sidelines (Lae'zel STRONGLY disapproves)
Skilled in stealth and sleight of hand accompanied by a biting wit (seriously, she has the potential to have been a rogue instead). Tries her best to make an honest living as a wandering bard, but whenever money and options are tight then she's driven to petty thievery. Although, as much as she hates to admit it, there is something in her that utterly relishes in the intoxicating rush of crime
Lockpicking is more so a hobby rather than a necessity for her. Funnily enough, with how much she likes to explore, she probably came across and "collected" the key that opens that mysterious door advancing the party's adventure. However, the key seems to be merely decorative because Mon'sun already opened the door since the shiny lock caught her eye as soon as the party stepped into the room! She'll even lockpick a shabby chest filled with absolutely nothing simply because she finds it to be a fun game to pass the time while everyone else debates on the next course of action (like a child being given a toy to amuse themselves with while the adults discuss boring adult shit). Astarion will even join her sometimes, and they also constantly challenge each other on who gets to disarm a trap first while the rest of the party make bets on who will win
What she lacks in strength, she makes up for with her incredible dexterity
While she is a survivor in her own right, she can't deny that pure dumb luck has saved her more times than a bard has bedded a dragon...which is definitely saying a lot
After travelling around for so long, the vast world of Faerûn has fuelled her curious mind with quite an impressive amount of knowledge along with fascinating stories to tell. But while she basks in the freedom of it all, her heart aches for a true sense of belonging; a home
She loves--and I mean LOVES--looting dead bodies. While their demise is certainly unfortunate, their loss is her grateful gain as well as a much less criminal way to obtain some quick valuables (hey, she can sympathize and get rich. It's a win-win!)
A biiit of a hoarder (perhaps she was a dragon in a past life, she jokes). Her pack is nearly always full of various junk, good and bad. She gets attached easily to these items and keeps making the excuse that "they could be handy or fetch for a pretty penny one day" all while almost never actually trying to get rid of them (DEFINITELY not me projecting myself here 👀)
She is VERY charismatic, successfully deceiving or talking her way out of many toils and even persuading powerful creatures to side with her which makes her pretty powerful, too, in her own right. On the other (much darker) hand... This sweet, cheerful bard has convinced some enemies to literally kill themselves, saving her from aaall the tough work she really can't be bothered with of ridding them herself--and she'll gladly do it again in a heartbeat. Work smarter, not harder as they say! 👏
Confident, outgoing, and playful with a flair for the theatrical; also rather perceptive to the people and things around her, but can be serious and empathetic when needed. Often tries to keep a positive (if not naive) outlook on life and continues to hold hope for a better future against all odds, yet is actually burying a devastating loneliness and pain within the depths of her soul
Can be a flirt and almost never hesitates to sleep with any man interested in her. For her, however, it's not about physical pleasure--it's about intimacy. Chasing after the high of being in someone's strong embrace, their warmth melting the icy melancholy her heart is trapped in; even if only for one, meaningless night
Despite everything, she has a big heart. She has a hard time saying no to anyone in need, her selflessness (or too much of it for that matter) sometimes leading to be a weakness. She particularly has a soft spot for children and animals, as well as being able to understand and communicate with the latter thanks to the "Speak with Animals" spell. And while she is a chaotic neutral, she instantly becomes chaotic good (emphasis on chaotic) when it comes down to animals, literally slaying everything in her path if it ensures the animal is safe from those that hurt it as well as adopting any stray back in camp if it's possible (Astarion hated it at first, until an ungodly swarm of adorable cats eventually started to appear 😹)
Besides her affinity for dramatics and the spotlight, she is usually a pretty relaxed person. That all changes, however, when a party is involved. Bring her to a lively tavern and pump some drinks into her system and she's more than ready to live it up the entire night! Good luck trying (and failing) to rein her back in... She's toootally not banned from a few taverns because of this 🙃
Talented in singing and playing many different instruments, but her main instrument of choice is the lyre. The lyre that she ventures everywhere with is from her childhood, a gift from someone near and dear to her heart. The "Spider's Lyre" as it's curiously called, in which her nimble fingers have nearly been sliced off countless times in her youth while practicing due to its dagger sharp strings, but she cherishes it like her own life
Although music is her passion--her blood--she indulges in other forms of creative art like writing and drawing when she has the time. She proudly showed off her skills this one instance when she doodled on Vlaakith's portrait in Crèche Y'llek. She believes she made it look so much better, but you could say that she and Lae'zel had...creative differences. But was it worth it even though she got chased around by Lae'zel afterwards as the gith maniacally swung her sword, Astarion giggling in the background while everyone else tried to stop Lae'zel? Oh, absolutely!
While she doesn't have much and has learned to make the most out of very little, she's quite vain and puts in the time and effort to take care of her appearance. As a bard, she lives to perform, but stands by the firm belief that her beauty needs to shine as brightly as her stage presence does lest she's hardly a bard at all
Easily makes friends almost everywhere she goes (even with more, um, questionable folks), but difficult for her to open up more and feel that she is genuinely close to someone (until she met the companions, that is)
Has a little habit where she fiddles with her eyebrow piercings whenever she's anxious or deep in thought
She's not a fan of dark spaces. She's not afraid of the dark, but being in any gloomy place for too long makes her feel uneasy and prone to panic attacks, desperate to feel the sun on her face again. One of the reasons why she's never visited the Underdark before, opting instead to learn about such dangerous beauty through books and other adventurers' experiences
When she's being idle...well, she's not very idle at all. She's always softly humming something to herself or slightly bouncing/dancing in place
Keeps the party entertained on their journey through singing and sharing tall tales. Well, "entertained" is a bit of a stretch, considering Lae'zel's always screaming at Mon'sun to shut up (spoiler alert: she won't) 🤐
Has nicknames for everyone in the party: Astarion is Astie (later on "my star" when romanced and Astarion calls her "my sun"), Gale is Big G, Lae'zel is Lae-Lae (*cough* more like Lae-Me-To-DEATH *cough*), Karlach is Spicy Mama, Shadowheart is Shady Girl, and Wyll is Bof (short for Blade of Frontiers). Can't say that everyone's too pleased with what they're so lovingly (and weirdly) bestowed with, but they just got used to it and allows only Mon'sun to refer to them as such
Can be deemed as the therapist of the group. While she absolutely has issues of her own (and plenty, might I add), she chooses instead to focus on everyone else and help them. She is super protective over them (although, one pale elf in particular has caught her favour out of all)
While she cares a lot about everyone in the party, she does consider Gale to be her bestfriend. They just get along really well together; Mon'sun proves to be an eager and like-minded listener/conversationalist to the wizard prodigy's ramblings while Gale is just thrilled that someone (and so pretty, too) is actually so kind and attentive to him as an individual, even helping him with his little--well, BIG--situation. Astarion, on the other hand... Well, let's just say that he's not as thrilled for Mon'sun to be so close to someone else, especially Gale of all weirdos 🙄
She's a pretty colourful person so it fits that her apparel is the same. She'll never be caught dead wearing something so woeful as plain ol' black or white. In fact, being so unbearably boring may just be the cause of her death!
Has complicated feelings about gods. They're interesting, for sure, and she respects anyone's beliefs in them though she wouldn't exactly put her faith in any of them let alone kneel (looking at you Vlaakith). She'd rather put her faith in herself--just like she always has--but that doesn't mean she won't take advantage of any "divine" blessings that may come her way. Such is the case when she obtained the Phalar Aluve sword from the Underdark, offering a tiny bit of her blood in exchange which pleased Eilistraee yet greatly pissed off Lolth (Mon'sun the chaos gremlin definitely got a kick out of that especially since she knows the big scary spider lady can't do anything to her...she thinks. She hopes)
While she certainly revels in having the upper hand in troublesome situations, she's not really a power-hungry person. Although, having power does have its perks. She won't lie, she has played around in her tadpole-infested mind the far-fetched but very possible idea of seizing the Absolute's followers under her own control (I mean, hey, if there's one thing she's learned during this unique little trip is that anything is possible). Not all cultists are actually evil; she likes to think that she could give them a fair shot at redemption, and it doesn't hurt that some of these cultists are powerful people that could potentially be used to "liberate the world of evil"... Blame (or rather thank) Astarion for unlocking (hehe subtle pun) this ambition of hers, though she doesn't think she could ever do this without Astarion ruling by her side--together
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
I agree with you on the MC shouldn't have magic. It doesn't make sense for me since the LITERAL MAGIC MIRROR said we didn't have any and the fact that through all the canon story there isn't even a small future shadowing about it. Not to mention that through all the overblotes should have been enough to 'awaken something in us' like the mines in the prologue or even in the other overblotes. As well as the other students have stated that when they're around blot, a lot of magic casting they can FEEL the blot accumulate. We never have felt it or at least mentioned it.
That's just the canon stuff but in the fanfic stuff as well it makes to be so much more interesting.
1. For example making the Twst guys adapt(cause they're a lil unknowledgeable on this stuff) for us. Seeing we're not mentally okay. Even if we can't overblot that it is still very serious and needs attention.
There's so many other ways to write about this but that's just one of them.
Yup. Any sort of awakening now, this late in the game would feel incredibly cheap. A cop-out, just a "plot twist" to keep the audience entertained, not all all caring for how this would damage the narrative as a whole.
Oh boy I ramble, had to put it under a cut. If you all want to ramble at me about your pet peeves with the story, by all means, tell me.
Plot twists aren't meant to be super hidden things. If not a single one of your audience members can figure out the plot twists you put in your story, you did not make a good plot twist. You just did an ass pull of one. It's an event that came out of nowhere, making it seem as though you, the author, came up with that plot twist on the spot. It's why you have to leave clues so your audience doesn't think you're just putting stuff in.
I imagine someone will argue and cite those Disney movie visions the MC is having as evidence that they're magical in some way, but this is too little evidence with little to no payoff since the MC does nothing with those visions. They see those visions, go "Oh." and that's it. These visions, you could easily take them out and the narrative wouldn't be affected. They're not important to the story. I'm sure that's not the intention and there's a reason for it, but the narrative doesn't do a good job on emphasizing of the importance of these visions. The MC doesn't go searching around for answers to these visions, nor question others about it or even read up on the fucking history of these villains to find something! They're not searching! So we, as the audience, are inclined to not question it cause the narrative doesn't treat it as important! So why would I consider it to be evidence that the MC has magic when even the story itself doesn't treat it as important?
Another argument to be made is that the writer wants us to come up with our own answers, hence why it isn't touched upon, but this only works if we had avenues to explore. Little bits of history, some explanation of what the hard limits of magic are, some fucking rumor of visions or whatever the hell, but we don't even get that, so there no answer we can come up with. All of them are crack theories cause we get little to use and explore. We only have one path with can explore, and it's that those visions are Mickey's dreams that he shares with the MC, and that's it. That's all the possible paths to explore. Which, in the end, means that these visions are not evidence of the MC having magic cause it didn't even come from them. They just bounced off of Mickey and into them. And, as we have seen, magic can in fact affect and damage them.
Sorry for the rambling, I just get real heated up with the topic of plot structure, foreshadowing and all that good jazz. The missed opportunities always get me fired up to write fanfiction for them, gets my editor side all up in arms and going "I'm gonna pretty this fucker up!"
I get the same feelings for that other gacha game, Obey Me but I do not know where I can read the story cause I hate the how blatantly greedy those games are, along with how short the stories are for the sake of padding more battles. Get on Arknights level of story giving.
So yeah, if anyone has the story of Obey Me written down or recorded somewhere, please tell me so I can start a Reader Insert blog about it cause I have some sadistic feelings to inflict on that dude Belphagor. I want him to suffer so badly.
But yeah, if the canon story decides to give the MC magical powers, just know I'm gonna take the harder route and make it not a thing. Taking away those powers. I will not have it.
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Consider Downey eventually getting his doctorate, Vetinari has the city so everything stopped being so much on fire for five minutes, he has some money, he could go on his own field trip - not the Grand Sneer, mind you, just to, you know, explore, see different cultures, collect exotic rare poisonous plants, see what delightful alcohol is made over there.
Of course, when he comes back, nobody believes that he made it to the Counterweight continent, that's bullshit, it's walled-off (yeah, but assassins don't see walls as obstacles), and sure he's made friends, but why don't they never write? (Maybe because communication to and from is very limited? Downey offers, but yes, it'd be nice to exchange letters here and there.)
But after the Silver Horde gets the hold of Agatean Empire and letters and later clacks become regular, Downey gets in touch with all those people he's made friends with and who were honestly pretty thrilled about that one time he got painted as a tiger (because tigers are awesome!).
And it's all fine and dandy until one of the friends sends Downey a copy of a book he's working on, and Downey who can speak Agatean but not read (because the pictograms are even worse with way more wiggly lines) takes it to Vetinari, because Vetinari can read agatean (gods know why he learned), and Vetinari has a Very Difficult Time to keep his face neutral because he's just gotten into his hands the Discworld Art of War and Downey had apparently seen its author more hungover than sober most of the time.
I love that today is the day for "what if" asks with my peak favourite characters. This delights me to no end.
Downey would take himself on the most decadent, obscenely lush Tour that ever happened. He'd show Vetinari the itinerary and Vetinari is like 'I feel that at some point this is going to kill you, however you are so incredibly pleased with yourself about the entire situation I shan't infringe.'
yeah, but assassins don't see walls as obstacles
Especially not Downey. Who sees anything that involves Rule Breaking as a Fun Challenge. Something to pass the time. He likes puzzles - not the wordy kind Vetinari is so keen on - but the practical physical kind.
Downey is the sort of person to be faced with the riddle "there's a fork in the road and two angels guard the paths forward. One path will lead to death, the other to life. One angel always tells the truth, the other one lies. They know which they are. They know where the two paths go. You may ask one yes or no question. What do you ask to determine which path leads to freedom?" with like "well, I poison both and then send people I don't like down each path and take the option that didn't result in the horrific death of one of the participants."
Vetinari: that's not the solution, Downey.
Downey: it's A solution.
Vetinari: you're supposed to ask a question.
Downey: I ask them: would you like some tea?
Vetinari: I hate that you followed the rule that it's a yes/no question.
Downey: if they say no, I just stab them.
Tigers *are* awesome!
(Vetinari: I am aware of this)
I love the idea that Downey speaks Agatean but can't read it and Vetinari can read it but can't speak it. I love that between them, they one whole person who is fluent. It's so very them and I think it beautiful.
Downey is like, 'wow this takes my dyslexia to whole new levels' and his friend Discworld!Sun Tzu is like, 'you know, it's fine. I'll just read everything to you.'
(Vetinari learned Agatean because he was bored one summer and that's just the sort of man he is.)
Vetinari gets really into the Art of War mostly because it's things like: The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. And Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
I love this entire thing as a premise and have accepted it into my head as canon.
In other news, you should maaaaaybe write?? it??
<3 <3 <3
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i-rate-horse-games · 1 year
Horse Life 4
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first off, the picture on the box has nothing to do with the game?? who are those people?? that's just a photograph. false advertising!
the game starts out having you ride around and be led around the area by the friend of your recently deceased grandma, who left you the farm. fortunately you don't have to do any farm management, just use the resources and hang out. the riding mechanic is cool, you tap A repeatedly to build speed and then hold it forever to not slow down. it's exhausting! and a majority of this game is riding around the farm!
you get to care for your horse via minigames. to feed your horse, you get to actually prepare its grains using the 3ds tilting mechanism to pour feed bags, stir it with the touch screen, and then pour into the feeding trough. i like this because i rarely see games use tilting on the 3DS. you also brush your horse, which you can lose if you accidentally brush its face three times in a row like i did. you also pick its hooves, but you just tap four rocks per hoof four times.
it's relaxing. there's pretty scenery and ok background music with lovely bird songs that fooled my cat! for 3d 3DS graphics, i don't think it gets any better than this! the character actually posts trot and canter!
your horse apparently never learned how to jump, but as soon as your dead grandma's old friend suggests you try it, they sail right over low obstacles no problem first try lol
there's this girl named Elizabeth
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to progress, you have to ride back and forth all over the place. you don't have to progress to enjoy it, though. as far as I can tell the entire map is open to explore from the start, as well as the events. although a few minigames seem to get unlocked as you go.
this tourist is my favorite. i too collect pinecones and ask people for them
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wait oh no
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no no no PLEASE no i do NOT want to break this couple up and end up in a romance with this man. no no no. wait. where did Joshua's horse go. this was all the same cut scene but in the second pic he's just standing there. you can't even get off your horse in this game.
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nooo not you too mr lumberjack man....
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forget that. check out these limp sleepy cats
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we had to cross a river over and over to pick them up off a little island and plunk them down on the other side. we are a hero
in the forest area it's hard to go fast because the paths are narrow and even touching the air off the path makes the horse stop and rear. Elizabeth was there and asked for a rematch and it took me three tries to beat her and the only reason we won was because we learned where she passes us and physically blocked her. "my horse must have stepped on a splinter! there's no pride in your narrow victory." you're right, Elizabeth.
"even if you cheat your way to victory again, it doesn't matter. joshua isn't watching this time. i know exactly what you're up to!" EVERYONE STOP i am NOT HERE to get a Man
starting to get seriously annoyed every time my horse senses a wall and stops dead in its track to rear and screech. we just did like 5 timed quests and my word that did not help
for now, i rate this game 3.5 out of 5 stars!
the music is nice, the game is nice, and the quests are pretty fun! the plot didn't hook me but all things considered i think it's alright. there's a two player minigame mode but the other player needs their own copy of the game, but that's still pretty neat. it's a sweet little 3DS horse game, and a tiny world of its own! i wasn't invested enough to finish it, but i did enjoy what time i spent with it.
if you're interested in playing it you can get there pretty quickly if you have a homebrewed 3Ds! wink
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atmymercy · 6 months
Hello, it's me again!! I'm Jasmine a Capricorn sun, virgo moon and Taurus rising. Suddenly I was having this urge to just send you an ask even tho idk which question to even ask so I'm doing it!! And also it's always fun to talk to you-😭🤍
So my question is-> How will my fs try to communicate/approach me during our first meeting?
Thankyou so much, and also what got me into tarot was this sudden urge to surf through yt even tho i wasn't a huge believe of things like these back then I didn't even knew what Tarot was but when I saw it Tarot felt very different, and then back in 2022 when I had my spiritual awakening it just felt more homely and since then I'm a believer of it!! And I do feel the urge to buy a deck but for some reason I'm not able to buy hopefully soon!! It just amazed me how tarot made sm sense honestly.
Thankyou beautiful have an amazing night/day ahead and I'm extremely sorry for keep on disturbing. I was just having this urge to participate so I did. Sending love and blessings 🫶🏻✨🧿🤍
hello jasmine again! omg! get in here, girl! i'm so glad you ran with that urge and now you can close off my giveaway! woot! and it's so fun talking to you too! you know i love it! you are never a disturbance! never! aww and thank you for the blessings and love! that's so sweet of you!
interesting! another youtube starter here! well i'm loving how many people youtube is getting into tarot! almost feels like youtube is the alice in wonderland rabbit hole! lolol right? ah so true! spiritual awakenings can really make tarot feel almost like an old friend you are greeting again! ah! i love tarot so much! and you should! tell me what kind of deck you pick if you do!
for you, i got the temperance, death (reversed) & the lovers (reversed).
lolol okay! so when your future spouse sees you for the first time and approaches you, i see them trying to play it calm and cool. but really they're going to be losing it inside. why? because of you, honey! you are going to make them feel like their world is ending if they don't get to introduce themselves to you! wow! that is dramatic but they are love-struck when they meet you, honey! it's giving a dream come true and there's no way they're going to miss out on this. on you! so i wouldn't be surprised if they're like just suddenly in your way because i'm feeling them wanting to be like an obstacle in your path. you can't ignore them, they want to be seen by you! so don't be surprised when a big lug is suddenly in your path while looking like they're not paying attention but it's an act! they know what they're doing! lolol
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee/tip when you can! if you want to explore this further, please also consider a private read. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
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♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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broodygaming · 7 months
thinkin about Subnautica and the first time I played it... hahaha, I went in almost completely blind (I'd watched a tiny bit of a YTer play it and loads of ppl were saying, if you like the look of this and wanna play it don't spoil yourself, just go do it rn! so I did, lol).
I LOVE the ocean, first off. I don't think I'd ever be capable of diving? But I love the idea of it and it does not scare me in the slightest. I had ZERO idea the game is considered scary by most people. Absolutely NO idea haha. Even when I saw my first Leviathan/Reaper, I was just kinda like, oh yeah of course there's big predators, better steer clear! Nbd, if I die the consequences aren't too bad so eh. Like they definitely jump scared me a few times, but nothing crazy.
But really what sticks out to me in hindsight... this is SO stupid... it took me forEVER to figure out that I needed to scan stuff to get blueprints.
i fucking SWAM ALL THE WAY TO THE FIRST ISLAND. Or the first island I went to, the north/northwest one. I didn't even question it. I was like, oh yeah it's an exploration they want you take your time. I thought I was being a jerk, skipping all the way to the first big new thing "so quickly". About three quarters of the way back to the pod I was like "Okay, I feel like I've progressed more story, let's check in on that YTer and see what they're doing" to see him riding around with the seaglider!! I was like WTF!!!!
My mistake was SO dumb it was hard to even find like, an explanation of what I was doing wrong. Like, everything I googled said how to find the scannable items, not that you even HAD to scan them or with WHAT. Like telling someone how to make sauce and they don't know how to turn on the stovetop. SO SO silly.
Anyways. What a game.
ALSO. wait sorry this is so long
Let me run that by you again. I played the ENTIRE game without beacons. I could probably actually navigate almost the entire map without thinking much irl at this point. I just had to like... use "land" marks and be patient. I had to know where I was at on the map (which I finally started looking up to be able to find the paths to the lower chambers way later in the game) (but before then I just used the Aurora, the cloud glitches around the island and my brain) and triangulate my fucking position like a sailor and be like, okay if I'm here and wanna go here I gotta head in a SWS direction" hahaha.
Anyways. Wonderful game. One of the few games I sincerely wish I could erase my memory of and play blind again. I'm usually not the type to wish that, I'm love replaying stuff. But this was so so special on that first run.
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strangebiology · 2 years
Can AI Replace Journalists?
I've tried AI with art and AI with journalism, and their results seem to be the same:
Beautiful, but wrong.
I put in "Mount Diablo in the summer with golden grass in the style of the Hudson River Artists." I get a beautiful image of a mountain that is not Mount Diablo.
Someone at the NorCal Science Writers Association got an AI to write about the NorCal Science Writers Association. The AI produced some lovely paragraphs that make perfect sense but half the facts are wrong.
So...is AI at least on the path to replacing journalists?
My opinion: It depends on what kind of journalism you mean.
Short articles with no original reporting: Maybe partially.
Real journalism: No.
Here's what my job was at N*wsweek:
Be forced to move so I could work in Manhattan for insultingly low pay
Pitch ideas
Editor says no, actually, she has a much better idea: the idea is something I had pitched yesterday so now we're a day late to the party
Find what is doing well online already
Read what others have written and regurgitate it into my article
Find the source and cite them (not sure whether the boss wanted me to do this but I did)
Find the author of the study, schedule a phone interview that is very inconvenient for both of us, and get a quote that is literally the same as what the press release said.
Write furiously, no time for fact-checking!
Find a picture and video that we have the license to go with the article. Most of the time they were completely unrelated.
Negotiate with my editor so the headline was technically true, even if it was grossly misleading. Most people took some terrible hit to their reputation for writing under a headline they didn't choose.
Check which potential words in the headline had the most google results, in a completely counterintuitive and made-up SEO idea
Not tweet the article or tell the sources about it, nor expect the outlet to tweet it
These are mostly things that not only could be done by an AI, but maybe should be, if the AI is advanced enough and was checked by a human. All the young journalists who had their reputations tarnished are real human beings who were burned out and broken by their time at N*wsweek. The robot doesn't care.
Alternatively, I'd consider discontinuing this type of content entirely. If you don't have anything new to say, or a new way to frame it, don't say it at all, you'll just introduce error, whether you're a human or a robot. Just get a content-exchange license and post the original article you're aggregating. This wasn't just make-work, this was actively damaging to all the writers and the readers.
On the other hand, here was my job at Bay Nature:
Find a topic by cultivating relationships with real humans, reading, exploring nature etc.
Discuss in a meeting whether the article is a good idea: Is it original? Is it important? Is there an ethical issue with reporting it? A lot of the ethical issues we considered were super niche: you probably wouldn't think they're issues at all unless you knew a lot about the bay area, nature, and journalism.
Consider interviews carefully: who is a stakeholder? Who has a significant bias? Whose voice needs to be represented?
Ask: What kind of questions are readers going to ask? Who is this for?
Interview people in real life. Include details that wouldn't have been in an email. Use your human brain to determine what is interesting and important. Sometimes things that seem irrelevant turn out to be relevant and engaging.
Cite all sources. A different staff member checks each fact.
I do not believe this type of journalism could ever be done by an AI. Go ahead, find me an AI that can meet up with a trail runner, learn her life story, and select the facts that relate back to the topic of dandelions in a way that engages readers. I don't think AI's can really get any information that doesn't already exist in text, although I know it can synthesize information and come up with new ways to say it.
And, I think this speaks to what the value of journalism really is. So many people think "I learned how to write an essay in high school, and my spelling and grammar are fine, so I'm basically a journalist, right?" No. That's like saying "I can put paint on a canvas, therefore I'm basically a professional fine artist." Yes, most people can do most jobs, but the value isn't in having something technically done, it's in putting your skills to work and doing something new, important, useful, and ethical.
That's just my experience and someone who knows AI better, and also knows journalism, would probably give you a better answer.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I think Sarah is really taking Elain out of the background and preparing these crumbs for her story.
Because I don't see her having a story now, I think she'll still earn extra focused just on her like Nesta won too.
Like, Lucien is still quoted a lot when he talks about Elain.
Like I don't see him being a big deal when Rhys brings up Lucien and his contacts if Elain wants to hook up with someone else.
But I remember that Lucien is always remembered for the contacts he has, he is more diplomatic and Elain also has this profile.
Lucien still has signs of becoming a High Lord and is now set on Springspring and I think he'll need him to raise the Court.
I do agree that SJM is slowly pulling Elain out of the IC by demonstrating how as much as she tries, she still doesn't quite fit there.
And I do agree that if Elain were to tell Lucien she was interested in someone else, he would step aside.
However I personally don't think she or Lucien needs any extra focus when you consider there wasn't a whole lot that built up Nesta's story in SF. I think most of us knew she'd end up in the NC and with Cassian but I don't think there were major hints that she'd end up leading the Valkyries. There were some minor hints in ACOFAS but there was a lot of her story that was unknown before it happened. I don't think we had any idea she'd find the Trove items, make her own made weapons or defeat Lanthys, stop Feyre from dying, work in the library.
In comparison, I think SJM has done a very thorough job of setting up both Elain and Lucien's journey in ACOSF. Even before that but in SF she seemed to give us a very clear path that those two will be taking.
In ACOWAR / ACOFAS, we found out that both Vassa and the other girls Koschei captured will need to be freed. As a result of those books we know he needs to find out about Helion, discover his own powers, decide where he'll be living and we know that Elain needs to explore her powers as well as share her own thoughts on having been made, losing Graysen and losing her father (versus everyone telling us how she feels) but in SF, SJM really hammered a few things home. Spring is falling apart, Tamlin isn't getting better and Lucien is now permanently stationed there. Then Nesta says if they were talking she'd tell Elain to go to Spring, that it had been MADE for someone like her. So yeah, I think those two are going to be very important in getting Spring back up and running so the rest of Prythian no longer has to worry about the weakened court being up for grabs (especially when it comes to Beron), and they'll be able to count on Springs military if it comes to a battle of any kind. That's a pretty major plotline and what more could SJM tell us about it that she hasn't told us already?
Then we have Lucien setting his target on Koschei and Nesta wondering if Elain would go to the continent. And not just the continent where the flower fields are but the continent to the south of that (where Koschei's lake most likely is).
In SF Lucien is showing some exasperation over the way things with Elain are "I'm not always in this city to see my mate. The last two words dripped with discomfort" which is very similar to Cassian's thoughts on Nesta in ACOWAR "Not everything in my life is about your sister, you know". However he still looks at her with longing (again, exactly like Cassian looked at Nesta in ACOWAR).
Then in her SF bonus chapter, Feyre thinks of the gift Lucien gave Elain last Solstice and says they'll focus on helping one sister before helping the other (after SF, I'd consider Nesta "helped").
To me, Lucien and Elain are way more fleshed out than Cassian or Nesta ever were before their own book. We might not have insight into their thoughts the way we did Nesta as Nesta was very vocal about certain things but in terms of plot, we've been given much more setup for them.
And if we didn't get major insight into Elain's thoughts in either of her sisters books, if the dialogue was lacking with the very people she grew up with, then there's definitely not going to be MORE dialogue for Elain in a Gwynriel book. Elain walked away from Az when she returned his necklace and I don't think they're going to suddenly be opening up to one another as best friends. At some point maybe they'll have a conversation apologizing for their misunderstandings and acknowledging that they were both trying to avoid their problems by their interest in one another but I still don't think they'll be having any regular heart to hearts.
As far as Lucien needing more focus before his own book; Cassian was already somewhat settled in the IC, his job was pretty set, his friends are set, his powers known. Lucien has so much of a story to tell (Jesminda, his relationship with Eris, his estranged friendship with Tamlin, not having been able to see his mother in who knows how long, the new friends he just met, the fact that he still can't enter Autumn without Beron trying to send his brothers to attack him, unknown powers, unknown father, unaccepted bond, lack of a permanent residence, etc), he could carry his own book at this point.
I think Elucien as the next book is more likely though I think either Elucien or Gwynriel is a possibility. However I don't think any of the characters need more focus before getting a story. SJM has given brand new characters a POV and love story so obviously Elain, Lucien, Gwyn and Az are light years ahead of that.
Though, I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand times more, the thought of Az getting his HEA before Lucien after how negative he's been towards Lucien does not sit right with me 😂
He threw a tantrum in his POV, not feeling guilty at the thought of killing Lucien, feeling entitled to Elain because his brothers got sister mates so why didn't he, claiming Lucien will never be good enough and I just can't imagine that SJM would be all, "oh you poor little boy, here, have your own HEA with your mate so you feel better!" without him first eating a bit of humble pie after seeing Lucien as a ridiculously powerful High Lord in waiting whose mate thinks he's more than good enough.
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
Random question,
Were you homeschooled? If you were, I have literally no socialization when it comes to people besides family. My mental health is rotting, I'm extremely emotionally sensitive, and I feel I really need friends, like it just feels like it would help alot.
What do you think?
i was only homeschooled for 8th grade, but i do get the sentiment of not knowing how to make friends. i used to have a big friend group that i've since lost bc back in 2020 my best friend of 10 years (and basically my life line to that group) decided she didn't want to be friends with me anymore bc her life was too stressful and she figured she was a shit friend anyway so she should cut me loose (along with a mirade of other things that went on that she blamed it on). so, i haven't had a core group of friends in a long time and i struggle to connect with ppl.
i will say, your best bet - at least at first - is to try to make friends online based on things/fandoms you are a part of. i have my couple friends on here, and even tho we almost exclusively talk about snc related shit, i still count them as my closest friends. and it's nice to be able to talk to them about that stuff.
and as for in real life stuff you can do to make friends, idk how old you are, but try to see if there are any local groups or events you can join in your area. see if there is a book group at your local library, see if there are any classes at a community center you can take. hell, even getting a job where some of the ppl in that place are the same age as you is good starting point as well. when you are in forced proximity with ppl, you tend to befriend others more often. that's why a lot of us were even able to have friends in school.
try to go into everything with an open mind. and genuinely remember that 99% of ppl are a, in the same boat as you (confused and don't know what to do next) and b, aren't trying to hurt your feelings. most ppl are nice. of course there are assholes, but try not to let ppl like that bring you down. and gentle reminder, you most likely are not as awkward as you feel. and i know that from personal experience lol
also, my biggest recommendation is working on yourself as well and learning to become your own best friend. i know that's very cliche and silly to say, but highkey one of the best choices i ever made was learning to cut myself some slack and start being nice to myself. if you can afford it, consider therapy. but i know that's not always an option for ppl (even myself). try to do some introspection on who you are, the obstacles you've gone thru and overcame, and do your best to be nice to yourself. i'm telling you, when you start to actually like yourself and give yourself a break, especially on the things you had no control over in the first place, life starts to feel a lot less harder to deal with.
even if your first step is to start reading self help books - do that. write out your feelings more, explore why you act the way you do and if that's something you want to change. set goals that are reasonable, put pride into yourself. treat yourself like you would someone you are friends with. think of yourself as someone worthy of love, bc you are.
but let it be known that this will not happen overnight. i wish it did, but it took me YEARS, i truly mean years, to finally start liking myself and having any resemblance of confidence. it will not happen in one go. you have to be consistent and constantly working on yourself. and i know that can be difficult. but in the long run it will do wonders for yourself.
i wish i had all the answers for you, and i wish i knew the best course for you to take. and i wish you all the luck in the world. i truly believe you will make friends and start a great path on your mental health journey. it won't be easy, and it will take a lot of time, but it's worth it bc you deserve that. you deserve happiness <3
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