#youtube cash cow channels
the-design-desk · 3 months
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Get your YouTube Channel Now!
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dot-mirror · 1 year
Revolutionizing YouTube Success: The Power of YouTube Cash Cow Channels
In the fast-paced digital age, YouTube has emerged as an influential platform, enabling creators, entrepreneurs, and businesses to reach a global audience. Amidst this vast landscape, the concept of "YouTube Cash Cow Channels" has taken center stage as a strategy for achieving substantial success. In this article, we explore the transformative potential of YouTube Cash Cow Channels, delving into the insights and strategies that can empower you to navigate the intricate YouTube ecosystem and unlock remarkable growth.
Strategic Insights: Igniting Your YouTube Cash Cow
Embarking on a journey toward YouTube greatness involves more than just video creation—it encompasses understanding algorithms, predicting audience behavior, and mastering effective monetization techniques. YouTube Cash Cow Channels encapsulate these principles. From decoding YouTube's search engine optimization (SEO) algorithms to crafting compelling thumbnails and titles, these channels provide you with the tools to optimize your content for maximum visibility and resonance.
Monetization Mastery: Cultivating Financial Success
Elevating your YouTube channel into a profitable endeavor relies on mastering monetization strategies. YouTube Cash Cow Channels demystify revenue generation through videos, covering essential aspects like seamless AdSense integration, crafting persuasive sponsored content, optimizing merchandise sales, and leveraging affiliate marketing. Brimming with actionable tips and real-world case studies, these channels guide you on the journey to effectively monetize your content and transform creativity into tangible financial gains.
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Crafting Compelling Content: Navigating the Creative Landscape
In a competitive digital landscape, the art of crafting engaging videos is paramount. YouTube Cash Cow Channels serve as your creative compass, guiding you through ideation, content planning, and scriptwriting. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned creator, these channels unveil strategies for producing content that resonates with your target audience, ensuring consistent growth in subscribers and views.
Engagement Excellence and Community Building
Cultivating a dedicated community of subscribers lies at the core of YouTube Cash Cow Channels. These channels emphasize the importance of engagement and community cultivation, offering guidance on thoughtfully engaging with comments, collaborating with fellow creators, and fostering a sense of belonging within your audience. By nurturing a thriving community, you'll fortify viewer loyalty and stimulate organic growth.
Data-Driven Decisions: Insights from Analytics
Fine-tuning your YouTube strategy hinges on making informed, data-driven decisions. YouTube Cash Cow Channels delve into YouTube Analytics, offering insights into vital metrics such as watch time, click-through rate, and audience retention. By harnessing the power of data, you'll gain actionable insights into audience preferences, enabling you to refine your content and optimize your channel for sustained success.
Staying Ahead of Trends and Innovations
YouTube Cash Cow Channels ensure you stay ahead of the curve by highlighting emerging trends, innovative features, and pioneering strategies. In the dynamic realm of YouTube, staying attuned to developments and adapting seamlessly is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge and flourishing amidst ever-evolving trends.
YouTube Cash Cow Channels transcend conventional guides, emerging as transformative resources with the potential to reshape your YouTube journey. Enriched with insights spanning SEO mastery, monetization expertise, content creation, engagement tactics, analytical proficiency, and forward-thinking trends, these channels equip you with essential tools to excel in the highly competitive YouTube sphere. As you embark on your pursuit of YouTube excellence, remember that success is within your grasp through knowledge and strategic
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davidegeraci · 1 year
Guadagnare con Gli Shorts di YouTube: Strategie Vincenti per Creatori
Introduzione: L'era digitale ha aperto nuove porte per i creatori di contenuti, e con l'introduzione dei "Shorts" su YouTube, le opportunità sono ancora più ampie. Questi video brevi offrono non solo un'area di espressione creativa, ma anche la possibilità di generare guadagni tangibili. In questo articolo, scopriremo insieme le tattiche chiave per guadagnare con Gli Shorts di YouTube, e non dimenticare di dare uno sguardo al nostro video esaustivo sull'argomento!
Sottotitolo: Esplorando il Potenziale dei "Shorts" di YouTube
Una Nuova Dimensione dei Video: Con una durata limitata a 60 secondi, i "Shorts" di YouTube offrono una prospettiva rivoluzionaria. Questi video verticali sono pensati per catturare l'attenzione in un baleno, risultando ideali in un mondo sempre più frenetico e digitalizzato.
Sottotitolo: Strategie Vincenti per Monetizzare con Gli Shorts di YouTube
1. Creatività che paga: Per capitalizzare su Gli Shorts di YouTube, la creatività è la via maestra. L'algoritmo di YouTube premia l'originalità e la novità dei contenuti, generando una maggiore esposizione e opportunità di guadagno.
2. Cogliere le Tendenze in Tempo Reale: Rimanere in sintonia con le tendenze di oggi è essenziale. Crea contenuti che rispecchino gli argomenti di tendenza, sfruttando hashtag popolari per amplificare la visibilità dei tuoi "Shorts".
3. Coinvolgimento Attivo: Incoraggia il pubblico a interagire attraverso like, commenti e condivisioni. L'interazione è fondamentale per accrescere la visibilità e l'engagement, fattori chiave per guadagnare su YouTube.
4. Ottimizzazione di Tag e Descrizioni: Selezione di parole chiave pertinenti nella descrizione e nei tag dei tuoi video. Questo renderà più agevole l'indicizzazione da parte degli algoritmi di ricerca, migliorando la visibilità.
Sottotitolo: Un Video per Scoprire Tutti i Dettagli
Guarda il Video: "Guadagnare con Gli Shorts di YouTube" Non perderti il nostro video esaustivo su come generare guadagni con Gli Shorts di YouTube.
Sottotitolo: Diversi Modelli di Monetizzazione
Opportunità di Guadagno con Gli Shorts di YouTube: Dagli annunci pubblicitari agli abbonamenti al canale, i "Shorts" di YouTube offrono diverse vie per monetizzare. Con l'incremento di pubblico e coinvolgimento, crescono le possibilità di guadagno.
Sottotitolo: Conclusioni: Esplora le Opportunità con Gli Shorts
Massimizza il Potenziale dei "Shorts" di YouTube: Se sei un creatore di contenuti o un professionista del marketing, i "Shorts" aprono nuovi orizzonti per generare guadagni online. Metti in pratica le strategie condivise in questo articolo, ricorda che la chiave del successo risiede nella creatività e nell'interazione con il pubblico. E non dimenticare di esplorare il nostro video dedicato per una prospettiva ancora più completa!
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mauesartetc · 1 year
Fast-acting freelancer repellent: Mentioning "NFT" or "cash cow" anywhere in the project description.
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findtalented · 1 year
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10 Best Youtube Automation Services To Buy Online
Welcome to the future of YouTube growth and optimization! In a digital age where video content reigns supreme, YouTube has become an essential platform for content creators and businesses alike. However, with the ever-increasing competition and changing algorithms, gaining visibility and building a thriving channel can be a daunting task. Thankfully, the rise of YouTube automation services has transformed the game, offering innovative solutions to streamline and supercharge your YouTube journey.
Learn More: https://www.findtalented.com/2023/08/10-best-youtube-automation-services-to.html
#youtubeautomation #cashcow #youtubemarketing #youtubepromotion #youtubeearning
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YouTube automation: guida completa
Ciao, il mio nome, se ancora non mi conosci, è Moris, e sono un blogger. Ho scritto questo blog perché, nell’ultimo anno e mezzo, ho raccolto così tante informazioni che non potevo tenerle per me. In questo articolo parleremo di un argomento non molto discusso nel mondo del business online, ma con un potenziale innato: YouTube automation. YouTube automation è un business che consiste nel…
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moneyacademy365 · 2 years
Youtube Automation: Earn 26,700$/Month By Copy Paste Video On Youtube Mo...
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alright so i’ve been seeing the watcher posts and gathering my thoughts so i’m gonna put all my watcher stuff in one big post under the cut cause it’s gonna get long and i need to get this out of my head.
i will say 99% of the fandom was expecting a fun, exciting, omg can’t wait for it type of announcement and seeing the title and thumb nail for the first time made me really nervous.
also, side note, why on earth would they choose a thumbnail of the three of them sitting on a couch like that with the title “goodbye youtube”?? just the imagery alone makes you think of the try guys and their now infamous video like why would you want that comparison right out the gate before you even say anything?? super weird choice.
then the video is all nostalgic and wistful, clips of steven’s, ryan’s, and shane’s, pre-buzzfeed youtube videos and i’m thinking “did someone die cause this feels like a video obit” none of this calmed my nerves and made me more anxious about what could be coming. and then we all know what happened next, they announce that they’re paywalling everything yada yada yada
and after seeing everyone else’s takes and the general vibe of the fandom being “fuck watcher” it continues to baffle me why they thought this was gonna go over well. because to me it feels like they went from “yay we have our own youtube channel” to “give us your cash we’re a media empire” and missed A LOT of steps in between.
and i dunno maybe watcher did try to change things and tweak their business model and things weren’t getting better but as a fan and someone who watches a lot of different youtubers you kinda see this one coming. like creators drop little crumbs beforehand to gauge how people will take it or they try weird series/shows that have like 3 episodes to see what their audience is more interested in. there are a signs as a fan you can see but i think one of the reasons this went so badly for watcher is because it was so far out of left field. there was never a hint that the youtube model wasn’t working for them.
but again maybe they did try x, y, and z without it working or being transparent about it and if they were trying things why not lean into that to garner compassion from fans? we all know the youtube algorithm sucks and if they had started the video talking about the things they tried and how nothing was working and how much it sucked to leave youtube i think people would’ve understood. then they could’ve had shane talk about how subscriptions suck and there are too many of them and they tried to find another solution but couldn’t. now not only do i have sympathy for what there going through i had my feelings validated. then they could’ve gone into why this is better and what i’m going to get out of it as a consumer.
like it’s not that hard. but instead the vibe i got from them was a real palpable relief that they were leaving youtube which felt like a slap in the face.
and while i don’t agree with the steven bashing at all i do think it’s a little bit funny that they kinda dug themselves into that hole with their end of the year behind the scenes video they put out last fall. they really painted steven as a genius ceo while ryan and shane are just on screen talent. so while i feel for what steven is going through they kinda put themselves in that position.
all of this to say that it doesn’t feel like they hired anyone to field this idea by or do any kind of market research at all and the vibe that i’ve always kinda gotten from watcher is one where they want to jump over the messiness and growing pains of being a new small business and be established. be this huge force a la dropout/college humor without putting in the time to get there. and i do think watcher showed it’s true colors here where they only think of fans as cash cows they can deposit whenever.
and just the arrogance of thinking their fans will follow them to a subscription and trying to spin it as it being the same thing as leaving buzzfeed drives me up the wall. it’s not the same.
anyway i think that’s it. if i think of anything else ill edit this post ✌️
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Now that the channel has been demonetized I was hoping we’d get more story heavy content, since the cash cows aren’t making (as much) cash. But I feel like everything has just gotten raunchier.
I get that most people come for that, but I wish Morgan’s story line would advance. Or Elliot, or anyone, instead of hearing Milo basically get sucked off on YouTube.
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cursecuelebre · 27 days
The ROP haters on youtube are making bank from rage bait which is important that we do not give them any clicks. They know exactly what they're doing and they don't want the show to be canceled because they'll have to find another cash cow.
They're some youtube review channels that will play the algorithm using ragebait SEO and thumbnails to drive clicks and they're scum for adding to the mess. The best we can do is stay far away.
SO TRUE! There is a good YouTuber called Hello Future Me did a fantastic job on talking not just the show (criticism on writing and such) but also how weird content that these content creators are making and how wrong they are. Unfortunately they will be on algorithm if one really likes ROP or LOTR in general.
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dot-mirror · 1 year
Unlocking Success with YouTube Cash Cow Channels: Your Comprehensive Guide
In today's digital landscape, YouTube has emerged as a powerhouse platform, offering creators, entrepreneurs, and businesses a remarkable opportunity to connect with a global audience. Among the myriad of strategies to achieve YouTube success, the concept of "YouTube Cash Cow Channels" has gained significant prominence. In this article, we delve into the transformative insights and strategies associated with these channels, designed to empower you to navigate the intricate YouTube ecosystem and unlock unprecedented growth.
Strategic Insights: Fueling Your YouTube Cash Cow
The journey to YouTube greatness extends beyond video creation—it involves understanding algorithms, predicting audience behavior, and capitalizing on effective monetization techniques. YouTube Cash Cow Channels are built on this foundation. From decoding YouTube's search engine optimization (SEO) algorithms to crafting captivating thumbnails and titles, these channels empower you to optimize your content for maximum visibility and impact.
Monetization Mastery: The Cash Flow Catalyst
Elevating your YouTube channel into a revenue-generating powerhouse hinges on mastering monetization strategies. YouTube Cash Cow Channels demystify revenue generation through videos, covering vital topics like seamless AdSense integration, crafting compelling sponsored content, optimizing merchandise sales, and leveraging the potential of affiliate marketing. Overflowing with practical tips and real-world case studies, these channels guide you on the path to effectively monetize your content and translate creativity into tangible financial rewards.
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Crafting Compelling Content: Navigating the Creative Realm
In a crowded digital arena, crafting videos that engage and resonate is paramount. YouTube Cash Cow Channels act as your creative compass, leading you through the stages of brainstorming, content planning, and scriptwriting. Whether you're a novice or an experienced creator, these channels unveil strategies for producing content that captivates your target audience, guaranteeing consistent growth in subscribers and views.
Engagement Excellence and Community Building
Cultivating a dedicated community of subscribers lies at the heart of YouTube Cash Cow Channels. These channels emphasize the art of engagement and community cultivation, guiding you to thoughtfully engage with comments, collaborate with fellow creators, and foster a sense of belonging within your audience. By nurturing a thriving community, you'll fortify viewer loyalty and stimulate organic growth.
Data-Driven Decisions: Insights from Analytics
Fine-tuning your YouTube strategy depends on making informed, data-driven decisions. YouTube Cash Cow Channels delve into YouTube Analytics, offering guidance on crucial metrics like watch time, click-through rate, and audience retention. By harnessing the power of data, you'll gain actionable insights into audience preferences, enabling you to refine your content and optimize your channel for sustained success.
Staying Ahead of Trends and Innovations
YouTube Cash Cow Channels ensure you stay ahead of the curve by spotlighting emerging trends, innovative features, and pioneering strategies. In the dynamic realm of YouTube, staying attuned to developments and adapting seamlessly is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge and flourishing amidst ever-evolving trends.
YouTube Cash Cow Channels transcend traditional guides, emerging as transformative resources with the potential to reshape your YouTube journey. Enriched with insights spanning SEO mastery, monetization expertise, content creation, engagement tactics, analytical proficiency, and forward-looking trends, these channels equip you with essential tools to excel in the highly competitive YouTube sphere. As you embark on your quest for YouTube excellence, remember that success is within your reach through knowledge and strategic finesse. Embrace the transformative power of YouTube Cash Cow Channels and unlock the boundless potential of your YouTube adventure.
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cloverdaisies · 1 year
HEY CHAT! ∩^ω^∩ - L.HJ
# PART ONE! ☆: lee hyunjae! imagine! x reader! streamer au! fluff! pov u meet your fav gamer boy!
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description: two streamers get paired to win a competition between their fellow streamers! most popular man on the app, jae.mp3 ! gets paired with smaller streamer y.n.xi ! will they win? or will they not be able to work together at all? let’s see how they get on! <3
genre: fluff, romance, gaming au
member: tbz hyunjae x you
proof reading: in progress !!! 🏗️🧱
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“Hey chat!” Hyunjae, the real name of the man behind popular streamer jae.mp3, opened up his live stream for the second time that day watching the comments flood in, the jarring white light of his screen blaring into his eyes.
jaeslovebox: you’re back!
yogurtraisin: EARLYYYY
xoberry: what are we playing today? ∩^ω^∩
ojbiscuit: I LOVE YOU!
trollatron: common jae L
“Hey! Welcome!” He watched the view count go up gradually greeting everyone as they came in “Hey pixie! Thanks for the sub!”
His extremely loyal fanbase like little keyboard warriors, began subscribing and donating, asking what game he was playing today, what today’s stream would be. To them he was like online royalty, they worshipped him like he was some sort of overwhelming power, creating their own little religious circles where they would praise him, desperately trying to win his attention.
“Today it’s the Minecraft Championships. I’ll be getting paired with another random streamer or youtuber from anywhere in the world, whether they’re popular or not and we’ll be playing to win!”
jaeslovebox donated $10: YOUR VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!
“Thanks for the tip! and also thank you very much for your kind words everyone!” He flashed a killer grin for his audience, his angelic laughter melting them like putty in his hands as more donations and more subscribers flooded through the dooming gates of his channel. Little did they know, they were about to fall for his spell, his charm, ability and good looks zombifying the chat, milking them like cash cows, leaving them deprived of more.
“Here we go, Johnathan is calling me.” Hyunjae reached to open up his discord, answering the call from the events organizer.
“Hey Jae man- Did you just call me Johnathan?” The gruff American voice echoed through the stream. A familiar voice to the entire platform and also someone amongst the top streamers circle.
“Yes.” Jae replied, chat laughing along as the call fell completely silent.
“For that, I’m no longer pairing you with anyone you want to be paired with.” Johnathan spoke dead seriously, seen on his own stream crossing out names on his note pad and changing things around. “You’re getting paired with y.n.xi , because I don’t like them.”
“Why?” Jae asked, raising an eyebrow never having heard the name as chat began to spam laughing faces, and pepe emoticons.
“Listen . That thing took my lunch money, ate my children. Beat me at parkour then emoted on me for 20 minutes. Stay safe out there, man. It’s evil.” With that he ended the call, leaving Jae staring at the chat in confusion as they laughed.
“What? What happened?” Jae asked searching for some context in the comments, before having a clip sent in by one the channel members.
“PARKOUR IN REAL LIFE WITH FRIENDS feat. OFTV, Y.N.XI, xQc0w L.JY & more” - Jschlatt
“Today we’re taking streamers outside to go touch some real grass-” The video began as Hyunjae adjusted himself to a small corner of the screen, putting the video in full.
“Chat, how have I never seen this?” He asked laughing along as he watched some of his online friends get absolutely annihilated by a bouncy castle course.
Then he saw you, giggling like it was the most fun you’d ever had, clearly the more agile one out of the rest of the streamers, you’d raced ahead of them impressively, using Schlatt as an assisting block to finish the course. You then began dancing/emoting at the end of the course, infuriating Schlatt as he jokingly covered the camera. Repeating, “None of you saw that.” in order to save his ego.
Hyunjae laughed as the video ended, “Y/n is pretty funny huh? I can’t wait let’s hop on a call and get ready to start!”
Something about even pressing the call button had him feeling nervous, which was strange as he’s usually a pretty confident guy. It took everything in him to click the stupid phone icon in the corner of his screen, looking at your cute little profile picture in the corner and blushing like an idiot.
Chat were absolutely ecstatic to see you working together, however Hyunjae had a viewership which reached millions some days, whilst you only received around 4k viewers each stream so a lot of his fans had already jumped to accusing you of clout chasing.
• Y.N.XI is now live!
“Hey chat!” You popped on your headphones, getting comfy in your desk chair, ready for the minecraft championships to begin.
trollatron2: total cloutchaser
trollatron3: using jae for money smh
y.n.xi received a new subscriber!
jaeslovebox donated $3.99 ! “hi y/n! can’t wait to see you work with jae today! good luck!”
“Hey! thank you for subscribing! but jae?! as in jae.mp3?! Is that my minecraft partner? How do you guys know?” You almost burst into tears trying to ignore the negative comments but also shocked as jae.mp3 happened to be one of your favorite streamers, also not to mention probably one of the most dreamy men to ever walk the face of planet earth.
yogurtraisin: we came from jae’s stream! schlatt put you with him as a forfeit for calling him Johnathan
“You’re joking right? Send me the clip, i need to have some words with someone clearly.” You rolled your eyes laughing, thinking back to the parkour video where you’d absolutely decimated your fellow streamers at basic exercise.
yogurtraisin sent a clip!
You clicked on the clip, adjusting your layout, there Jae was, laughing along to schlatt’s words about you. You covered your face in embarrassment, your cheeks turning a pale shade of scarlett red as Jae opened up the “Parkour in real life” video, but as he laughed along you felt something turn in your stomach.
“Which one of you sent him that?! Stop!” You paused the clip, allowing the chair you were sitting on to swallow you from your embarrassment.
yogurtraisin: this is so cute, i’m proud of my work lol
y.n.no1fan: he’s trying to steal her away from my guys
trollatron4: bro lowkey dropping that indirect rizz
A robot sounding tune blared from your computer, looking at the little discord icon at the bottom of your screen flash. Nervously you stopped looking at chat for a second before opening the app.
jae.mp3 is ringing… 📞
Join the call…
“Oh Chat! Jae’s calling!” Your fingers hovered over the keyboard anxiously, watching as his profile picture glowed, surely one of the most angelic pictures ever seen.
jaeslovebox: answer it !
Without much more procrastination, you clicked join listening for the connection sound before laughing out of pure nerves.
“Hey, y/n!” A sugar sweet voice sounded from the other side of the call, enough sugar to completely decay your heart and rot your teeth. A strange sensation lighting up within you, as you caught him smiling on his own stream which was open on another monitor.
“Hey jae! Ready for some lethal minecraft gameplay?” You laughed sarcastically, trying to act as normal as possible in front of your stream as if your absolute idol, aspiration and lowkey crush was not on the other side of the phone.
“Of course, loading in now.” He replied with the same honey sweet tone that tied knots in your stomach. You did the same, loading into the private sever, where a bunch of other famous players ran around the lobby in their iconic skins.
“I’m actually so nervous.” You say beginning the parkour course in the waiting lobby, Hyunjae laughing along at the comment responding with a short “don’t be” that healed every emotional wound every scarred onto your heart.
All of a sudden, you were punched off the penultimate platform, despite not being able to take damage as of now. You looked up on your screen, watching jschlatt ,the server admin, crouching up and down in vengeance.
“Are you kidding me?” You laughed, trying to reach the end of the course but constantly failing due to being knocked down by schlatt.
“What’s going on?” Jae asked with a laugh along with slight confusion as he watched you fall from the course numerous times.
“Schlatt keeps trolling me and knocking me off the parkour course for revenge.” You laughed answering the boys question with a palm rested on your head in pure stress.
“Let me go beat him up.” Jae replied running in front of you on the game in order to reach schlatt, throwing punches that didn’t hit since he didn’t have the rights to pass any damage.
• jschlatt is LIVE!
“This motherfucker thinks he can punch me, look how cute he is, defending his new girlfriend like some sort of warlord.” Schlatt laughed as his chat burst into hysterics, before smacking Jae to the bottom of the course. “What a cutie.”
“Yeah absolutely served him.” Jae laughed as he was smacked back down the course, feeling a slight turn in his stomach as you giggled along to his joke.
jaeslovebox: this is so cute. end game. <3
milla.mp3: noooo, that should be me…
yogurtraisin: GO JAE!! YOU SAVE HER!!
trollatron4: rizzard
Suddenly, you were both loaded into a hunger games server, stood in a little glass box together in a circle of other teams.
“Right let’s talk strats.” Jae announced, crouching next to me, and punching the floor his dark game skin contrasting his cute behavior.
“Okay what’s the strat?” You asked before suddenly being transported onto the ground as the game began.
“THERES NO TIME, GO RUSH TO THE MIDDLE.” Jae laughed before spamming his keyboard, the chat loving the entire interaction between you both.
Whilst you hadn’t been looking and focused on getting to the middle to retrieve loot from the many chests dotted around your area, you hadn’t noticed that your live viewer count had reached 243k which is the highest it had ever been.
You focused on playing the game, lucky enough to find an iron axe and chest plate in one of the chests nearby.
“You have iron items?!” Jae was flabbergasted from the other side of the call, laughing as his character stood in full leather armor and a wooden sword.
“Hell yeah!” You celebrated as you chased another player down with it, swinging until you eventually killed them.
The other streamers playing, were shocked as they saw the game chat come up with the notification that you’d already been killing people a minute into the game. Their reactions flooded in another 100k viewers which thank god you hadn’t checked because you probably would have fell to the ground.
Gathering the loot from the fallen player, you dropped some in front of Hyunjae, helping him upgrade his gear before going in for a double kill together.
The chemistry you two had was admirable to chat, as you thanked every new subscriber you’d gained from the experience. Nearing to end of the game, you’d slain at least 13 players which was thanks to the loot headstart you’d received, now there was only 3 teams left and the game border was shrinking at a rapid rate.
“Right let’s go! Just spam right click and try kill them from there.” Jae spoke over the microphone, fully focused on killing some of the top minecraft players there were - despite not being religious players of this particular game.
So that’s what you did, managing to eliminate one team completely before a devastating notification popped up at the bottom of your screen.
jae.mp3 has been slain!
“Fuck! I died.” Jae laughed off his late death, before trying to guide you on what you should do now as you were being chased by 2 people.
trollatron5: there’s no way you can pull off a 2v1 against top players.
jaeslovebox donated $10: go y/n you can do it!
With the encouragement from chat, you managed to take down one of the players receiving high praise from chat before shortly being killed by the other player - coming 2nd place which was still really impressive considering how many people on the server were regular minecraft players.
“Well done y/n! Sorry I died aha.” Jae laughed over the mic, apologizing for nothing as you two still placed really high and were definitely the favorite pair of the championships this week.
“No don’t worry! We got second and honestly that’s pretty impressive. It was really cool playing with you! I’d love to do it again sometime.” You tried not to giggle like a school girl talking to him but it was virtually impossible as you saw the way he was smiling at his screen.
“Yeah, I’d love to.” He spoke genuinely, before you two had said your goodbyes and ended the call receiving a short discord message from him.
jae.mp3: i’m doing love or host next week, I’d love fo see you there. go talk to schlatt!
You almost screamed at the message, trying not to react in front of chat, closing the message for now and returning to your stream.
• y/n is live! 356k viewing now!
Your eyes shot opened, the whites of your eyes almost imploding out of your skull as you noticed the amount of subscribers and donations you’d received.
“What on earth is going on? Where did you all come from?” You laughed, before going to read chat and thanking your new patrons. The pink lighting of your room, giving you a sweet rosy tint that chat awed at.
asdf1: you absolutely decimated the championships i had to sub!
jaeslovebox: yeah i’m so glad jae introduced me to you! i’m definitely staying here for a while you two are so amazing together!
yogurtraisin: you’re the best y/n! you’re so pretty too!
You almost cried looking at the lovely messages in chat, tears welling at your eyes at how kind some of the viewers were that had followed you from jae’s stream.
After all he was a dreamy guy, some sort of angel at least, with good looks and an outrageously charming personality it’s no wonder he attracts such kind people and pushes away negativity like there was some sort of forcefield compelled around him.
You were woken up to a discord call, being a now successful streamer your sleep pattern had completely fell to shreds waking up at 3pm or later, and slugging around your apartment.
“Hey y/n, demon.” You recognized the voice from the end of the call, it was jschlatt, seemingly more chirpy than usual for a wednesday evening.
“Hey Johnathan.” You replied, wiping your eyes and rising from the covers of your bed gracefully with messy hair and a tired yawn.
“Hey! I’m doing love or host tonight for Jae ! i wanted to know if you would like to join the line up? The fans really want you to.” Schlatt asked, you could almost see the cheshire cat grin he had written all over his face just from the tone of his voice.
“Ahhh. I don’t knoww. I get really nervous about these sort of things.” You replied running a hand through your hair and listening intently to the other end of the line.
“Listen y/n, this takes a lot to hear from me but I think you guys are really cute together. So I give you the choice. Love or Host?” Schlatt gave you no option to back out at this point, after all it was a chance for you and Jae to get closer. Your mind had driven you crazy about him since you’d played together, it’s as if this fuzzy sick feeling reappeared at every thought of his gorgeous smile.
“Okay.” With not much thought, you made your choice. “I choose Love.”
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a/n!: ☆ hey everyone! welcome to the cross of the twitch universe with tbz! steamer hyunjae is so dreamy i could cry! stay tuned for part two! as always i hope you enjoyed <3
# 🤍 clo
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turnleftaticela · 7 months
imagine being gay in texas and dating your best friend in high school then deciding you would rather just be friends but he’s still in love with you but you stay best friends and in fact you form a band with him and go on national television and win a competition that propels you to fame and you move in together with him (+ his throuple ?) and the two of you start a youtube channel together and get an insane fanbase that ships you intensely but instead of avoiding it you play into it cuz ur bff is probably still in love with you and your band gets steadily more famous all the while and eventually you put out a book telling all these secrets of your past as a testament to the power of everlasting friendship and then you try to do a musical duo together separate from your band (which you’re still in) but it’s a giant flop and you move away from each other and stop doing the youtube channel and you get a boyfriend and try to start your own solo career being your true self separating yourself from the image of your past but also you’re still in this band that you don’t even like being in anymore and your old best friend is just your coworker now and you would probably do only the solo shit if you could but you’re stuck in this band because it’s a guaranteed cash cow forever and you got your spongebob tattoo sleeve all covered up but everyone will always just know you as that guy from that band. and also that band is fucking pentatonix
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YouTube automation: guida completa
Ciao, il mio nome, se ancora non mi conosci, è Moris, e sono un blogger. Ho scritto questo blog perché, nell’ultimo anno e mezzo, ho raccolto così tante informazioni che non potevo tenerle per me. In questo articolo parleremo di un argomento non molto discusso nel mondo del business online, ma con un potenziale innato: YouTube automation. YouTube automation è un business che consiste nel…
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scrawnydutchman · 2 years
The Best Friends Zaibatsu: Where are they now?
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Let me take you back to a simpler time in internet content. Before reaction channels oversaturated the market. Before the vine invasion after the infamous site imploded. around the time when the algorithm was JUST changing from click based to minutes watched. The video game content block Machinima was still around, and with it, many hit series including Sanity Not Included, Sonic for Hire . . . and Two Best Friends Play.
Two Best Friends Play (which would later be called SUPER Best Friends Play with the addition of Woolie and Liam to the cast) was a comedy let’s play/sketch series between the duo of Matthew Kowalewski and Patrick Boivin. They were pioneers of their genre: with a format of video game playing focused more on personality and banter than whatever it was they were playing, and it was a MASSIVE success. It inspired some of the most popular Let’s Play channels currently around like Game Grumps and Funhaus. It was largely responsible for the rise in popularity for many game franchises and indie titles including Yakuza, Skullgirls, Shovel Knight and Divekick. It lifted so many other insanely popular creators up like Maximillian Dood, Super Eyepatch Wolf and Mother’s Basement. Don’t let the current subscriber count of the channel fool you: despite sadly having never reached that one million subscribers milestone, these boys’ influence could be felt everywhere in the gaming sphere one way or another.
That said, all good things must come to an end. On December 16th, 2018, the trio of Matt, Pat and Woolie announced that the channel would be discontinuing . . .because sadly, the friendship that started the channel in the beginning between Matt and Pat had dwindled with time and finally broke.
As of the typing of this post, we are approaching the 4 year anniversary of the Best Friend’s breakup. Luckily for us, all 4 of the former members still have SOME level of presence online. Which begs the question . . . .where are they now?
Matt McMuscles (Matt)
Matt was, in many ways, the leader of the Zaibatsu. It was his idea from the beginning to start doing Let’s Plays and it was his channel, The Sw1tcher (eventually rebranded to Super Best Friends Play) on which most of the group’s content was featured.
Since their disbandment, Matt has been focusing full time on the steady growth of his solo youtube channel as well as other projects. Matt McMuscles is his own for many media examination videos, including his new cash cow “What Happened?”, a series covering the blunderous behind the scenes production cycles of many games and movies. He has a number of other channels including Flophouse Plays where he does more Let’s Play content (occasionally being co hosted by former Best Friends member Liam) and T.K.O, a fighting game podcast featuring him and his co hosts Maximillian Dood and Justin Wong.
Looking at the impressive growth of his content over a relatively short period of time, one quickly learns that of the former Zaibatsu members, MATT was the business brain. Nothing but love for Pat and Woolie, but I think Matt’s commitment to high production value content and his effective marketing have lead to him easily being the most successful of the former Zaibatsu members. Matt recently achieved over 500,000 subscribers on his main channel! Think about that: the original best friends channel capped off at 722,000 subs after the Zaibatsu disbanded. Matt managed to achieve steady growth that now almost rivals his original claim to fame in just 4 years. He’s reached an audience that now knows him primarily for his Matt McMuscles content rather than knowing him prior from the Zaibatsu. Way to go, Matt!!!
Pat Stares At (Pat)
When the Zaibatsu was first developing, Matt originally approached Woolie to start the channel with since at the time both Matt and Pat were mutual friends of Woolie rather than friends with each other. Woolie turned down this offer, so Matt turned to Pat instead to be his comedic partner and Pat agreed. The rest is history. I honestly can’t say whether the Zaibatsu would have seen the success it has had Woolie agreed to be Matt’s comedic partner first, but It’s not hard to see why the Matt and Pat combo was so popular. Even though they aren’t on good terms anymore (and haven’t been for a while) No one can deny they had amazing chemistry together. Pat’s sardonic and sarcastic brand of humor played very well with Matt’s persona of being the upbeat and hype loving guy.
While Matt focused dominantly on his youtube content after the breakup, Pat migrated more over to Twitch Streaming games with his new wife Paige (PeachSaliva). He also moved from Montreal to British Columbia with her and now streams from there. While he doesn’t live in the same province as the rest of the Zaibatsu anymore, he DOES still regularly collab with Woolie on the podcast that is the spiritual successor to the Best Friendcast, Castle Super Beast.
While Pat may not have the same view or subscriber counts as Matt or Woolie, I don’t think anyone can deny that he is living his best life. He’s in a beautiful province, playing the games he loves for a living, supported by a very dedicated and generous fanbase, married to the absolute catch that is Peach. Plus, it’s no surprise he delved so much into personality based entertainment considering he was easily the biggest personality of them all (despite being the smallest person of them all). Wishing you more happiness Pat!
WoolieVersus (Woolie)
While Woolie initially declined Matt’s proposal to start a let’s play channel together, he WOULD inevitably join Matt and Pat as the Zaibatsu’s third member and would add even more to the already great chemistry. Woolie was the perfect middle man between Matt and Pat: able to keep up with both the hype and the sass in his own right. He also initiated what would become many staples for the Zaibatsu’s content including the best Friendcast and one of their most popular ongoing series, Friday Night Fisticuffs, a show where every friday the guys would get together to play some rounds of a kickass fighting game. Woolie may have joined a bit later, but he played an instrumental role in the identity the Zaibatsu would eventually have.
Also Fighterpedia, but . . . . who even remembers that? (Just kidding, Woolie. I remember it and love it).
These days Woolie does both a little bit of Youtube content AND a little bit of twitch streaming, as well as the Castle Super Beast podcast which he co hosts with Pat. His channel, Woolieversus, specializes in let’s plays with co hosts like Minh and Reggie, as well as ongoing series like Get Into Fighting Games (a spiritual successor to Friday Night Fisticuffs). In many ways, Woolie is the one most responsible for keeping the old Zaibatsu spirit alive past the channel’s death with series that are direct spiritual sequels to the old days. Thanks for that, Woolie, and thank you for getting ME into fighting games!
Rising Superstar Liam (Liam)
Liam was the last to become a member of the Zaibatsu when it was active and he was the first to leave the group for mental health reasons. While his time with the Zaibatsu was relatively brief in comparison to the other three, he nevertheless made a great addition to the ensemble with his optimistic outlook on game design and his occasional zingers so good it causes the whole room to erupt in laughter. As a lifelong Zaibatsu fan, I can confidently say that in my opinion, Liam’s time on the channel was the GOLDEN AGE of the Super Best Friends.
Liam doesn’t have as much of a presence online as the other three and that’s out of his own preference. He still makes some appearances on Matt’s channels to watch Nintendo streams with him or to partake in Let’s plays, which ALSO incidentally capture the old Zaibatsu spirit to an extent. From what I can tell, Liam went back to school for 3D design and game development and I say more power to him! Thanks for making some prime content with the rest of the boys while you did, Liam, and I hope your life takes you in fulfilling places.
Looking Back
I’ve been a fan of these guys for a *very* long time. Almost since the beginning. I remember being a big time Best Friends fan before Game Grumps was even a thing. I quoted these dudes non stop in high school and watched their old Machinima videos RELIGIOUSLY. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder than that period in my life and for that I am grateful. These guys are why I associate the Kirby theme more with them than I do ACTUAL Kirby. A few of my friendships in high school were started over BONDING over our mutual love for these guys.
So like many others, it shook me to the core when I found out that not only was the old channel discontinuing, but the duo that started it all weren’t even friends anymore. Even now it still feels SO strange to think about. But nothing lasts forever. After all, all these guys who entertained me so much are still people with their own opinions and perceptions . . .and needs. It’s not my business to know exactly what went down. All I can do is support each of them as they continue on their paths.
It’s not all bad though. In fact, knowing that things were getting pretty contentious in the latter years of the Zaibatsu, if all of them are more happy and more successful doing what they’re doing anyway than I’m all for it. That comes before anything else. It really seems like all the guys are where they want to be now and I’m much more thankful for that than I am sad that a channel I grew up on is no longer active.
Much love and good fortune to Matt, Pat, Woolie, Liam and everyone you guys’ love. You all deserve nothing but happiness and . . . thank you for all the years of making me laugh, whatever form that came in.
R.I.P to the hypest channel on Youtube. Long live Matt McMuscles, Pat Stares At, WoolieVersus and the Rising SuperStream.
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goodolreliablejake · 9 months
I've had a thought on Game Theory and MatPat ever since I watched Big Joel's video on some of his film theories, and I guess this is the last chance to share it with any relevancy.
Game Theory was really important to me at some point, even as I increasingly saw the flaws. I fantasized about being MatPat: being a conventionally-attractive, able-bodied theater kid/science nerd with the full American Dream house-family dealio. I think that, whatever criticisms you may have, the videos have always been more harmless than not. They were like candy, and I enjoyed them as such.
But, at times there has been an undercurrent of something weird, something more nefarious. I first noticed it with his Scott Cawthon apologia.
After the news broke about the FNAF creator donating huge sums of money to support the campaign of Donald Trump and other conservative politicians, there was a huge backlash, especially from LGBT. Fan gave Scott Cawthon money, and he used that money to cause harm to them and theirs. MatPat's response is some centrist BS about how it wasn't about homophobia for Cawthon, it was about "national defense" (which is also bad for different reasons, and at best paints Cawthon as apathetic to the harm he's causing), and how even though it's okay to feel betrayed, it doesn't mean we should stop supporting the games, because the fan community has grown larger than one man.
As someone whose brand is deeply entwined with FNAF, the financial incentives for The Game Theorists are obvious; they weren't about to stop working with this franchise or its creator, they didn't want to tarnish their reputation by admitting past fault, and they needed to keep the cash cow rolling. So, they worked backwards from those conclusions to rationalize those decisions to their audience.
Then there are the more mundane gripes with the theorist channels: that videos are churned out so rapidly that they make sloppy errors, that they primarily advertise to children (with all the ethical ickiness that entails), that they use content from small creators without giving proper credit or linking to the sources, that the videos are overloaded with ads, usually including a paid sponsorship, several minutes of shilling their own store, and the usual youtube ads on top.
I think all of this speaks to the channels' underlying philosophy, and it's the philosophy of liberalism, by which I mean that marriage between capitalism and democracy. On the one hand, this is a moneymaking venture. It always has to be about making as much money as possible. But on the other hand, it needs to be (or seem, or allow the creators to feel) moral, and so the result is a view of the world where, yes, the company is trying to squeeze out as much money as possible, but also them getting more money is a good thing that benefits everyone. They do charity streams. They employ people. They "educate." "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good."
I'm not just guessing at the motives here. Matpat has been transparent about Game Theory's Origin Story on multiple occasions. It's part of the narrative that justifies the channels' existence. At some point, Matpat pursued theater as a career. In college, he got his first taste of something like poverty, struggling to get by, camping out at McDonald's with its free refills and wifi (a life I've also lived at times and perhaps the origin of the Diet Coke fixation). And it scared the hell out of him. I don't think it could have had that kind of traumatic effect if he had not lived in privilege until that point. He didn't want to feel financially insecure ever again.
The solution was to create the Game Theory channel as a bridge into a much more lucrative career as a corporate consultant. Creating a popular, financially-viable youtube channel allowed him to sell himself as a social media expert to out of touch corporations. He's not really hiding that he's a sellout, just arguing that selling out is a good thing.
All in all, I can't bring myself to hate Game Theory. It had its place. But neither can I celebrate it, or look back with unconditional nostalgia. The problems with Game Theory are the problems with Youtube and the problems of capitalism. We compromise a little to survive, we compromise everything to make it big, and saddest of all are those who sell out and get nothing for it. The channels will continue without Matpat, and if the channels die, there will be countless other identical creators ready to take their place.
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