#yozora imagines
gummi-ships · 5 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Toy Box
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catboy-jupiter · 3 months
my favorite niche (is it niche?) romance... trope? is body sharing. whether that's bc smth happens and two people who are in love fuse or have to share one of their bodies for one reason or another, or two strangers end up sharing a body and end up falling in love.. gods it makes me INSANE. i think it's peak romance that two people literally become one (or come as close to becoming one as they can. whether they recognize themselves as different identities or one, shared new identity.... yummy!). ultimate levels of insanely-in-love imo and i LOVE it
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forgotten-lumis · 5 months
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Imagine being Yozora and one day you just wake up and you’re some guy’s DeviantArt lovechild OC. That would be wild-
(Said “guy” being Tetsuya Nomura)
Credit + Individual drawings below
(Disclaimer: The character, Soku, is not mine, and the reference I used to draw her was by xxpunkgrlxx on DeviantArt. I just thought I should give credit, as it felt wrong not to, but I’m also very sorry if this was something you wanted to bury forever. I do love the paopu hair clip a lot, though, and the outfit as a whole is a very cute and well thought out combination!)
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We should bring back the “Xx_username_xX” thing with names, it was cool af-
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cloudcastor · 1 year
Alright everyone AU down below!!!
I’ve been tentatively calling it “Destiny Islands AU”
On the surface, it’s a slice of life AU.In the general context of kingdom hearts, they never left the islands, Sora is just a regular school boy and all he’s worried about is what’s he gonna do once he graduates and how he’ll keep his childhood friends post-high school.
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But underneath that, this is a post KH3 AU. Sora is stuck in a (wow! so original!) simulation a lá KH2. We get the “bad” and “true” end post Yozora fight, however, this AU follows the belief that the bad ending still happens. This is while Sora is asleep and in his crystal state. Using his powers, Yozora creates this as a way to keep Sora busy and ensure he doesn’t wake up any time soon to spoil any plans.
Sora’s connection to the Real World is through Riku, who has the power to reach out to him via Dreams, however, this starts to cause discrepancies. There is a “Dream” Riku and a “Real” Riku that unintentionally swap places. As Sora’s real memories start to come through, there’s hiccups in the simulation as well. Sometimes he’ll remember an experience that he knows he didn’t go through, he’ll see a ship in the sky where he once saw a boat, and sometimes people don’t remember…..Riku.
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As these memories continue to surface, Sora constantly finds himself wondering what’s a dream and what’s reality.
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As an aside, there’s a bit of added lore to the islands that goes as follows. The motto is Destiny Islands: of Fate, Fortune & Future.
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This is thematically relevant:
FATE (memories): Play island; Where things are predestined to happen
FORTUNE(simulation): Main Island; prosperity from land, community, and tradition
FUTURE (reality): Big Island; Where those go who want change
How does this relate to Sora?
The Play Island is where the discrepancies start, and it’s where Riku first shows up. It’s a place that isn’t tied down to whatever rules the rest of the simulation is running on. A bit of a limbo if you will. This is where Sora starts to regain his true sense of self.
The Main Island is the simulation at large. It has the town, his family's shop, the school and the grocer. It’s as close to normalcy as you would imagine. If Riku hadn’t shown up Sora would probably still be stuck in the routine of it all…
The “Big Island” exists as more of a vague threat. Sora doesn’t realize that “Riku graduating and leaving the main island” means “Riku is somewhere where I'm not” to him. At least not yet. It’s also his feelings manifesting of Riku having left the islands already, except this time he has no way to follow.
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Okay but where is the soriku?
It’s the Vibes™
My initial thoughts are that this is a place that’s familiar to Sora, but since it’s a world without “conflict”, it leaves him bored and reflective. Life has only ever been this hometown. Even before Riku shows up, Sora is slowly unlocking thoughts and emotions he hasn’t had the time to sit and think about for quite some time. We know he has feelings of sadness, anger, and hopelessness. Without the constant threat of the worlds falling to darkness, or friends being in danger, how would he deal with these emotions without the context. I’m sure it has him feeling confused and at a bit of a loss. The desperation starts to kick in as he imagines this dull life without Riku, he’ll do anything so he won’t get left behind(….again). It starts to break the simulation even more.
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On Riku’s end… he has no idea what’s going on! Seeing Sora constantly “Dream” about the islands makes him feel guilty that he isn’t searching hard enough or that he’s not bringing him home fast enough. He truly believes Sora wants to “return home” and since he never sees himself in this simulation (because he takes his own spot) he believes it to be a home where he doesn't belong. A home he’s not welcome to return to.
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However, that doesn’t stop him from at least trying to get Sora back. It’s the least he could do after all. He tells himself it’s strictly his responsibility and nothing more.
Buuuuut….. As they catch themselves meeting up from time to time, lines begin to blur. Sora thinks Real Riku is actually Dream Riku. Riku thinks Sora is simply stuck in a dream world cycle and unaware of what he’s doing. They let themselves be more honest, not knowing they are talking with each other and idk maybe they get to kiss as a treat…
The rest is a bit more of a secret since I might do something with this in the future (looks at my hands….i wanna make a comic. so bad…) but for now that’s the gist of it!
Thanks for lookin :-)
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azurajae · 9 months
Thematically, I think Star Wars would be a great world for KH4. Not only just because of the whole Light vs Dark themes, but also mirroring Anakin's decent into darkness to what Sora is (possibly) going through. I know a lot of people wanna fight Dark Vader not befriend him, but hear me out.
Kingdom Hearts always liked to have "Disney" worlds connected thematically with a character's development or overarching plot (ex. KH3 Carribean connecting thematically with Sora's sacrifices in the end). People often talk about how they'd like worlds that theme with 'death' (ex. Coco, Soul) or worlds that give Sora therapy (ex. Encanto, Inside Out, etc), but what about a world that brings out his darkness? To emphasize his pain and isolation?
Come KH4, it seems like Sora is beginning his 'Dark Road', with most of the DS Saga only hinting and building the turmoil underneath, just like how Anakin's darkness had been throughout his life in the Prequels.
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My dream scenario would be having the Prequels, specifically the Clone Wars era instead of the OT or Sequel era, just so Sora can physically interact with Anakin and have those parellels with him. Imagine Anakin talking with Sora about how he'd do anything for the people he loves, and Sora realizing he feels exactly the same. And while Sora isn't the typical 'Chosen One' like Anakin is, Sora was pushed into that role by circumstance and feels the stress all the same. Both these characters are pressured to repress their emotions/trauma, which often manifests as rage. Maybe some paralells could be drawn between between Obi-Wan, Padmé, Ahsoka, and Rex with Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy.
Sora would leave the world before RotS happens, so he has no idea what kind of path Anakin was about to follow. He might even be happy that he finds someone who feels the same way as him, completely unaware that he's also spiraling into that same darkness that turned Anakin into Darth Vader.
If you wanna get into this idea even more, let's factor in the 'realm moves at different times', so by the time Riku and friends arrive in Quadratum, It's the OT era and their version of events is helping Obi-Wan or Luke deal with Darth Vader to coincide with Sora's Dark Road.
Honestly, It's more likely that the OT will be the focus if a Star Wars world appeared because its just overall more popular (and like how can you deny the suspiciously placed AT-ST foot on "Endor", which takes place in OT era), but can you imagine the parellels? A Darth Vader boss is scary, but Sora befriending a "Pre-Darth Vader" because they are on the same Dark Road feels a bit scarier, right?
I may also be putting all my chips on Sora becoming a boss down the line for Riku, Kairi, and/or Yozora to fight please
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I have a theory, a KH theory, that has shattered my perceptions of the story as a whole. A theory I don't love, in fact, it causes my heart grief, but it makes way too much sense to not be even partly right.
Because I'm kind, I'm going to leave it all under a cut. 
Shall I go for the jugular? My thought was thus: Sora and Riku are two parts of a greater whole: Yozora. I mean, think about Yozora's eyes. They are red and blue, Sora and Riku's colors. Sora and Yozora's names also have a connection as in Japanese Yozora's means dark sky, while Sora means sky. Yozora's appearance also alludes to various connections as well. Rex, in Toy Box, confuses Sora with Yozora. Even though, when the trio finally finds a picture of the character, Sora doesn't really look like Yozora at all. While I don't believe the story says this, I've always personally thought Yozora looks a lot more like Riku. 
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. When I think about the many concepts that the story has played with and talked about over the course of twenty years, it fits way too well.
But then what does that mean, for the story? It means that both Sora and Riku will have to at one point cease to exist as we know them. *sigh*
Talk about shattering the status quo. This is different than a "soft reboot" this is game-changing. And it hurts.
I've spent two days wrestling with these ideas, and I'm torn about how I feel about it.
On one hand, it could be horrible. Everything I've come to love about this series could be shattered in this next story and beyond. But on the other hand, it could be beautiful as well. It could play with the very same themes that are important to me. Such as growing up and connection, core themes that the series has had from the beginning.
I can imagine a future where Yozora is finally smiling, with joyful eyes. All because he finally feels his childlike heart speaking to him for the first time in a long while.
That could make everything worth it. Especially if we are given the chance to get to know Yozora as a character.
Still, it doesn't change the grief I feel. I'd rather be wrong here, but something tells me I am not, at least not completely. I could let it take me away from this series and not deal with that grief it brings my heart (and how it combines with my own grief) or embrace it and let my heart grow in the process. I chose to grow. It won't be easy, but it is good for my heart.
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mythicalartistx · 9 months
Updating KH ship lists
Again I don't care if those disagree or like another better as long as no one calling each other delusional
Anyways here are my 11 KH ships + a few honorable mentions
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#1 Soriku
This is probably my favorite ever, there's so much to say I don't even know where to start. I shipped them as friends but who also should date. Besides they're just really cute and silly to me.
The dark realm scene in kh2 is so good, they have an understanding of the other and are happy to be there together with the other person.
They both just love each other and do everything for the other (Riku's sacrifices for Sora in days kh2 kh3 and trying to save him in ddd) Sora is always trying to find him because he wants to be with him; and he just misses him. Riku's jealousy and feelings showed his insecurities to bring the island to darkness when he feared Sora's and Kairi's relationship and leaving him/ Sora befriending others with the belief he was being left behind.
The novel also has some added cute scenes where Sora is just bashful around Riku or just happy to be with him. They hug and hold hands more. Also there's a scene in the kh2 manga where Riku gives Shang a papou fruit to give to Sora. And Sora instantly know who gave it to him because "only Riku would do something like that".
The papou scene in kh1 manga Riku gets so close to his face and then Sora is blushing later, thinking about it. In DDD, it's about Riku's feelings for Sora and the darkness right? Some of those things are seemingly parallels.
Finally in kh3 Riku scarifies life for him because he doesn't want him to be sad and with the parallel to Hercules sacrificing someone because all he knew was that he loved someone and didn't think. Sora is just always thinking about Riku and wants to be with him especially with the failing to be a keyblade master.
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Also there are no orders to these
#2 RepliNami
Honestly this is the only Riku that I like with her at all and also people end up confusing which Riku did what— they're different people, Sora said so himself. Repliku still has his feelings for Sora but now he decides to keep a promise for Naminé even if it didn't happen because he wants to do something himself.
Not something with memories that belong to Riku. And Naminé also does care for him. There's mainly KH CoM and Kh3 to go by. In COM he fights for Naminé against Sora thinking it was him (though all these things end up fake) but still he choses to embrace these memories for the sake of Naminé.
In kh3 he admits that everyone moved on except for him who was in darkness. When Riku notices his presences they work together and Repliku admits that he has one more thing to do and wants to save Naminé.
Then in his death he finally leaves the world and gives up the chance to have a body all for the sake of her having one so he asks the original Riku to dl him one last favor and making sure she's okay.
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#3 Rizoriku / Yozoriku
Rizoriku because lack of RIZZ and it sounds so silly
I recently got into this and yeah I'm probably like one of the few people who are even into this.
They haven't EVEN INTERACTED. Riku felt Yozora in his dream/ secret ending but they never really seen each other. Yozora probably had in the secret ending/ dream. He was looking at him at that matters.
But imagine the possibilities, they are both tied together by Sora. Riku is searching for him and Yozora potentially hurt him, he hates that. They cannot stand the other. They fight the other so much. They're both looking for "Sora" to save. They look similar and Yozora has been stealing other's forms (It's toxic but eventually turn cute.)
Now they have to work together to find Sora / Nameless Star and then they start being cute and caring. I thought there might be at least more of this but no it's so rare I only seen like 4 fanart pictures of this and it's all from the same person
I got so happy when I saw some
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#4 AkuSai / LeaIsa
It's so toxic. They've broken up too many times to count. They're divorced. And there's a whole ton of tension. It also have parallels to soriku.
Lea and Isa worked together to save X but she was gone and decided to become apprentices to save her. Then Saïx had to work his way to the top to find out what happened while Axel went off making friends and spent less time with Saïx which caused jealousy.
Their arguments and tension is so thick in 358/2 days, and in kh3 during that clocktower scene. You can tell there is something there. Also during DDD when he faced Saïx when saving Sora.
Then they finally have an understanding and Saïx apologies and admits he was jealous. Lea holds him in his arms, then after Saïx gets recompleted I think they finally will calm down and get back together, let's see how long it lasts.
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#5 Kailette
I'm not super into this one because lack of content but I feel like this has potential to be super interesting and fun. Olette being one of the first real people she meets outside of the world and besides from Sora and Riku who kept unintentionally leaving her behind.
They befriend each other and Olette likes listening to the stories Kairi tells her.
I think they're really cute and have potential to go places or even Kairi becoming part of the sea salt + twilight town gangs. I see more fun fan content for this that makes me love it and hopefully we'll see more in the future.
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#6 Zemyx
They're so silly together. I honestly love this. I ended up loving this because of fan content. It was just so great to me.
Like Demyx is kinda silly and dumb and Zexion is smart and intelligent they can't help be attracted to the other.
That one manga panel of them played twister though.
Also when they finally meet in kh3 and he realizes is that you? Also props to the manga version of the scene where he calls security on his bf until he realizes he's on their side.
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#7 Xehaqus
They're actually so cute. I'm not joking. The fanart is so good and honestly dark road just shows their relationship and how it fell apart.
Eraqus is so silly and just enjoys his time with Xehanort but also believes to do what is right for fear of everyone losing to the darkness (which is why he did what he did in BBS).
I love that they often worked together and whispered just between themselves that the others would often say what are you whispering about?
They're post kh2 Soriku in dark road and then it turns into kh1 Soriku. Eraqus was blinded by love and didn't want to separate from him which is why he kept him around during BBS after he disappeared.
They're chess buddies and there's a deep relationship there and finally at the end of 3 they can be together at last
#8 NamiXi / Namishi
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I don't think about this pairing as often but I also like it. Like I see the vision and I'm definitely for it. Naminé is definitely a lesbian + whatever thing she has going on with Repliku. Again I'm a multishipper so 🤷
Naminé helped Xion see who she is and actually honest with her. They're definitely friends too, but then will date. What they have at the end of kh3 is really cute to me where they collect seashells together
Also with them both being aspects of someone else can relate to seeing memories that aren't theirs/ wishing to be another person.
(no picture of them interacting 😢💔)
#9 RepliVani / VaniPliku /NamiVanpliku
I originally liked them as the duo first being friends who are just silly and fight. But now I'm really into them as also a couple. Naminé is definitely there breaking the tension.
I wish they did interact since they're similar both being created from someone else. Vanitas being part of Ventus and Repliku being part of Riku.
As a fan of lost trio I also think the concept of them fighting over Naminé could also be interesting like who better friend/ Vanitas thinks he is going to be left out and pretends he doesn't care. But their interactions I need
#10 MarLar
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I don't think about them that much but again I really like them. This is probably my only one that's part of Union x in a way.
Marluxia is the only one Larxene really tolerates and they both have plans to be overthrow the organization together.
They are closer than any of the others and keep finding their ways to each other.
In Union x they were also close and befriended each other and ever since then they stuck together even if they had memories or not.
#11 Roxner
This could also be with the HC of transfem Marluxia
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I'm still new to this ship but I recently thought you know I actually like this. Roxas and Hayner's relationship is honestly likable friends that could honestly be something more. Especially in kh2 beginning with how they interact with the other.
I also want to point out kh3 desire for him To want to find Roxas too.
Also in days when Roxas spends the day hanging out with him and the rest of them.
Fandom makes this honestly nice and cute couple through fanart and comics.
Anyway that's the ones I like in no specific order except Soriku is number 1.
Those that aren't here means I am either indifferent/ neutral towards to ship, dislike it, or I think it's weird as in an adult that's 26 being with 14 yo would be.
And most I don't even dislike if seen my other posts about this subject 99% I'm neutral towards except og Riku and any female ship.
However honorable mentions towards Brain and Marluxia I think they have potential to be interesting but not a lot about them, this goes for Brain and Ephemer too.
Cinderella and Aqua, it's honestly the only Disney + original character pairing most people agree one is good.
I like seeing the art about it but that's about it.
Larxene and Aqua as well as Terra and Marluxia as honorable mentions, I've seen some fanart that makes me think otherwise.
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lolzitop · 9 months
I passed my finals and am free from the prison that they call school (for a few weeks) so time to continue my AiStars Rewrite because I am better than Bandai
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(also I am prone to forgetting things so if I repeat information from the last post,,,, just be patient w/ me please 😭)
Season 1 (continued???)
Main characters as usual are Yume, Koharu, Rola, Mahiru, Ako, and Haruka Ruka 
I said that S4 only had Yuzu, Yozora, and Tsubasa but we’re changing that– Lily now is also part of S4 and takes Hime’s spot since,, yk,,, Hime’s missing 
Hime disappeared a while before the S4 Selection (so she was there for her second year at FSA and was in S4 for one year, but is not there for her third year when the series takes place) 
Hime disappeared after an S4 concert (the same one that Yume and Koharu attend to in Episode 1 of AiStars)-- and Yume was the last person to see her (and the rainbow power was accidentally given to her here idk how just bear with me) 
Anyways uhhhhh what else 
Brands in the rewrite aren’t under a specific type; they don’t fall under cute, cool, sexy, pop coords specifically (so they can make coords that vary in types) and idols can choose what coord they want based on their preferred idol type 
We’re deleting that one FSA rule where you can’t make a brand if you’re not in S4 because I think that’s lame and stupid and doesn’t do much for the plot anyways 
So some characters still have the same brands (Lily w/ Gothic Victoria, Yozora w/ Romance Kiss, Yuzu w/ Shiny Smile) but some don’t 
Ako, for example, uses a brand that’s story themed– this brand is heavily connected with a film production agency and the agency and brand correlate stories (like if the brand released an Alice in Wonderland collection, the film agency would then release a movie based on Alice in Wonderland) 
I wanted to lean more into Ako’s acting side and thought this would be a good fit 
Haruka Ruka uses a brand called “DECO●LOUR MY WORLD” that follows a decora and candy concept
Oh and she’s also the princess of this land called “E-Magi Nation” (pronounced “imagination”) and everyone thinks she’s putting up a persona because there’s no land called the E-Magi Nation silly! Except no she’s dead serious she’s a literal princess from the E-Magi Nation and her home palace is actually made of gingerbread and candy canes thank you for asking 
Romance Kiss’ official concept says that its a “brand that travels around the world” and takes inspiration from different ethnic cultures, so I was thinking this brand would have a whole bunch of branches in different parts of the world with different top designers and such– Yozora (and later Mahiru) is the top designer of the Japan branch 
The muse of Romance Kiss is in charge of representing the different cultures of the brand 
The school coords in Four Star Academy also has various silhouettes rather than the typical “different tops- same skirts and shoes” pattern 
Here’s an example with an Ako Star Coord I designed 
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(I didn’t design anyone else guys I don’t have any ideas I tried with Hime and it was a disaster so please be nice about the Ako design I tried my best) 
Also people can enter the magic fitting room thingie (I forgot what its called HELP) by using their Aikatsu mobile instead of their Aikatsu pass because idk I thought it’d be cool I’m not too sure about this idea though
Lets move on from most of the plot points and go to the end of the season 1 where the S4 Selection happens because I forgot SOOOO many things!! Yay me!
In Wind Dance, Haruka Ruka loses to Yuzu (but since everyone in S4 is a third year including Yuzu, Haruka Ruka gets the spot for S4 next year) 
In Bird Theatre, Ako wins the spot for S4 by beating Tsubasa 
In Moon Beauty, Mahiru beats Yozora and inherits the muse position from Yozora
Its here where Yozora announces that she’s taking a hiatus from being an idol to focus on being a designer (for Romance Kiss) (guys I need reasons to get the 25th S4 Gen out of Season 2 okay bear with me) 
In Flower Song, Lily wins over Rola and Yume,,, however, Rola wins over Yume and gets the S4 spot; Yume becomes Flower Song Class’ admin
TLDR: basically Rola, Ako, Mahiru, and Haruka Ruka are the 26th generation of S4 and are the S4 for Season 2, Mahiru (or Ako I’m not sure) becomes the leader for S4 and we say goodbye to our previous generation of S4 
Oh and Hime shows up at the finale! But like in a super mysterious way where we know its her but no one sees her and she’s just quietly lurking and its basically a hint to her being in the next season
Season 2
Ohohohohoho here’s the fun part 
OKay SO 
The top idol Hime Shiratori has shown up to Four Star Academy… with the Perfect Idol Elza Forte 
Idk why they’re there its probably to try to steal S4 away from FSA 
Anyways Elza does her big performance and she gets her Star Wings and everyone’s in awe and she’s made her name as a perfect idol you guys know the drill 
Hime says that she has returned to help her friend Elza collect perfect idols and get all the Star Wings like they’re Pokemon 
And because of this, she is currently residing in Venus Ark (not as a student she just stays there as a guest of Elza’s) 
The normal shenanigans happen, some Venus Ark characters get their pretty wings 
Oh and later, Hime does a performance (which is her big return back to idoling (which she kinda hates), just for Elza to get her sun wings) and gets the Earth Wings 
A big thing here is how Hime truly trusts Elza and wants her to achieve her dream, doing the one thing she hates (being back in the public spotlight) just so Elza can get her mom’s approval (this is important later) 
But you may be wondering…. if Hime got the Earth Wings… what wings does Yume get? 
she’s not getting any wings 
(I swear I love her she’s one of my favorite characters I just gonna make her struggle… sorry) 
The lineup for the wings goes like this: 
Kirara has Mercury as usual 
Mahiru gets Venus (guys guys calm down I know that Elza has Venus canonically but I swear I have a good reason!!!) (the good reason being that I like Mahiru and Rola together and if Rola gets Mars then Mahiru should get Venus because in mythology-)
Mahiru got her wings due to a plot point in Season 2 where she has multiple muses in Romance Kiss to show the many faces of beauty in different cultures rather than just one– she implements this officially in a festival celebrating different cultures and does a performance and BAM SPR 
Hime gets Earth because it made the most sense to me 
Rola gets Mars and Aria gets Jupiter, like in canon 
Ako gets Saturn (I kind of pushed out Yuzu and Lily in Season 2 so that they play roles similar to Yozora and Tsubasa and Hime in the canon Season 2 of AiStars, so that Ako and Haruka Ruka can get their pretty wings) 
Rei gets Uranus and Elza gets Neptune (because *mumbling* the Sailor Moon ship) 
Haruka Ruka gets Pluto and her wings are made of candy because I said so 
Oh and Koharu’s back! She was in France for a bit learning more about fashion and Elza took her in and now she’s a cool fashion designer who loves Venus Ark with all her heart and having the time of her life 
Aria and Hime also have a sweet relationship– Hime actually meets Aria in Season 2 (rather than pre-show in AiStars), and the two connect 
The main reason they connect is because they were both muses of My Little Heart. My Little Heart was Hime’s brand before she disappeared, and after she did, the whole brand was running around to pick up the pieces 
They had a little reboot and got a new muse (our little fairy Aria) who became the new muse of My Little Heart 
Hime is sorry for the trouble and hate that Aria received after she became the muse but Aria’s very sweet about it with her– they get along quite well because Aria sees Hime as this cool older sister and not a top idol, and Hime is truly at her calmest with Aria 
Oh speaking of brands, Hime has a private brand in Season 2 to avoid the same thing that happened with My Little Heart (she’s planning to leave the spotlight again after Elza gets the Sun Wings) 
We’re gonna skip a lot of plot points because.. again… I forgot a LOT of the ideas I had I should really write these down 
Hime finds out that Elza was just using her the whole time and gets really really upset,,, and pulls a little revenge 
Can you guys guess what it is 
Lol Hime gets the Sun Dress… surprise(!!)
I know Hime is out of character here compared to canon but then again this is my rewrite and I can do whatever I want and I think she should be able to destroy a few dreams because of the betrayal she feels 
And everyone was like “WOAH!! How did she do that!! Gasp!! The Sun Dress is here again??!” 
So the main rival of Season 2 shifts from Elza to Hime
Uhhh skipping more plot points,,, but Yume is doing pretty great! She was kinda moping around after she didn’t get an SPR but she and Koharu made up and created a new brand called “Rainbow Berry Parfait” Yay!! 
So she’s kinda vibing because her best friend is back 
So at the end of Season 1, because she lost the S4 Selection and was exhausted due to the rainbow power, she took a small hiatus 
She still trains a LOT, more than she used to, so she learns to control her rainbow power again idk how 
But you may be wondering,,, Yume has no SPR nor a sun dress, how the heck is she gonna beat Hime in the finale? 
Basically, Yume and Koharu,,, craft a Moon Dress by themselves– its not given from the system or anything but they literally make a dress that can rival the Sun Dress 
Each one of Yume’s friends help her too, like Mahiru making the crown, or Haruka Ruka helping get certain fabrics? Stuff like that 
And then in the near finale of the season, Yume performs in this Moon Dress (without wings) 
She activates her rainbow power and has a super powerful aura,,, except the rainbow from her aura then goes into her back,,, and forms a pair of wings 
And its sort of basically the system deeming her “worthy” of the Wings of Stars 
Yume wins the competition and beats Hime– so both of them sort of get what they want? Yume is at the top now because of her hard work and now her super rainbow power and Hime is finally lifted the burden of being the top idol 
Also Rei, Aria, and Kirara get Elza’s mom to give her a hug and they sort of mend their relationship from there 
And in the end of the season, Yume beats Rola in the S4 Selection, Mahiru, Ako, and Haruka Ruka win their S4 spots again
Rola decides to go to England to find out what being an idol means to her (and makes a cool rock band because I think that’s what she deserves) 
Koharu is now the top idol of Rainbow Berry Parfait– she leaves Venus Ark and opens a boutique that is also a candy shop because why not 
Ako is the top actress,,, ever; she’s getting film deals everywhere, every movie she is in sells out completely, she’s a big hit 
Mahiru is a supermodel, she’s constantly traveling the world for brand deals; one of the most influential people in the world 
I’m ngl I barely talked about Haruka Ruka,,,, oops I swear I love her 
I imagine that she gets her own talk show that’s super successful- I also remember making her have a rivalry with Yuzu so she probably beat Yuzu sometime in Season 2 but I never mentioned it until now 
And Yume is the top idol of top idols; she’s now the leader of S4 with her super successful career and now she’s just vibing 
Elza and her mom are working to mend their relationship good for them good for them 
Also Elza apologizes to Hime for using her because I think Hime deserves that apology; they don’t end up being friends again but they do end their little,,, whatever they had going on, amicably 
Venus Ark leaves Japan at the end of Season 2 and they’re gonna go to some other country to girlboss and be better than other idol schools good for them 
Hime actually stays in Japan! She now helps with Hotaru’s (Moroboshi’s sister) flower shop! 
Yozora is the top fashion designer for Romance Kiss in the Japan branch 
I think Tsubasa starts an idol agency because I think it’d be cool to have one of those and no one would do it better than Tsubasa 
And Yuzu and Lily make their own idol unit its literally a canon event 
And I think those are all my ideas so far for the series but if I remember any more ideas I’ll probably reblog this with the new ideas 
Also if you read this whole thing, I APPLAUD YOU BECAUSE HUH??? One of god’s strongest soldiers fr 
(Note: I swear the characters, especially the main six, are very close to each other I was just trying to get my ideas out so I didn’t focus on much on the relationships between characters) 
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Also I definitely planned more for lore building like the origin of the rainbow power and how the aikatsu system works (because that thing is definitely sentient,,,) but that's all in Season 3 + 4 where there are new characters (,,,,my ocs,,, STOP SCREAMING I AM BUT A GIRL WHO WANTS TO INDULGE HERSELF IN HER LITTLE DELUSIONS!!!) so that may be a different post,,, maybe
(special tag for @elcall, I hope I did Ako justice 🫶)
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fisherrprince · 5 months
*Ignores the papping being done against my head by your paws* Okay but so, let is imagine that Vanitas is brought back to life AND he has his whole "Wait a gosh diddly darn heck, I ain't just all that rootin tootin darkness business, but also some o that all *light* business?!", BUT he is not allowed to have that adventure with the heart hotel, who would you want him to have that adventure with? Outside of Yozora and Pleakley, since that would be too powerful and emotional a combination
*still hitting you* why’s he a cowboy now. resurrection of memes from 2017. Also ummmm I don’t knowwww actually I think I want him to have adventures with the main cast so bad that anybody else would be like >:( FINEEE WHATEVER. like maybe Strelitzia
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kyzveryown · 10 months
Guess what's finally back? Well, the title above gives it away. I know I'm late but it is what it is. It feels good to be writing these posts again. Below are a few quick notes and observations I wrote down as I was watching the few cutscenes that are in the beta.
— Could Ephemer be speaking to the Player in the Heart Station? — The Founders personally deal with Drifters? Hmm. I'm very interested in the Founders. I think they're hiding something and these "drifters" are somehow related to whatever it is. — The Keyblade societies actively dispatch guardians to the patrol astral plane to prevent Heartless from invading Scala. Again, given my suspicion about the founders hiding something, I wonder if something else is there? — Also, there are two (likely opposing) factions and bloodline-based classism? Sort of like a "Haves and Have-Nots" situation? Hmm. — Dive station seems is a hub for world traversal via corridors? Similar to Game Central Station? There was a portal beneath that giant hollow before the Player goes on their first mission. Maybe that's what's supposed to be? Would be more interesting if it was like Game Central Station. — Residents use rifts (corridors) to travel instead of tram/lift. — Dark corridors referred to as distortions? — There are no inhabitants in the astral plane, but Heartless reside/congregate there?? It's believed that the Heartless come to Scala to consume hearts because there are no living beings there. — Astral plane referred to as a world (realm) made up of mental energies. Could be a chaotic realm? Or it could be that, due to a possible link to the mind and/or memory, the realm can conjour up anything from a person's mind, heart, memory, or even imagination and make them a reality (or illusions)? Of course, this would only be possible within the astral plane - unless there's a way for these illusions to leave and escape into reality - hence the chaotic realm. — Speaking of that, I wonder if there's a way to harness mental energy from the astral plane and use it in combat/magic? Could explain how Sora does what he does in the KH4 trailer. Basically, using the energy from his mind, memory, and imagination to conjure up various constructs and strange powers? Actually, I wonder if that's what Yozora is doing during his battle with Sora in Re:Mind? Could explain why he's able to jack Sora's keyblade and use it. Hmm. — Could Quadratum be a manifestation of someone's wish/desire [for a world devoid of light and darkness] conjured up by the astral plane? If so, then who created it? Was it the Master of Masters? Or someone else? That could mean that Quadratum is in the astral plane (which would go in line with what Strelitzia was saying in the KH4 trailer). If that's the case, then Ansem (in spite of his stupid-ass explanation of what Quadratum is) might not have been too far off the mark. — Still suspicious about this version of Scala ad Caelum. I've written about this before but I think this Scala still exists in the present, and the one that was introduced in KH3/DR was a replica. If so, then this Scala has probably been cut off from the world for centuries for some reason (hence the whole "blank period" and being forgotten). If what I said above happens to be true, and this is assuming this "OG Scala" was destroyed, was it reconstructed in the astral plane similar to Quadratum? That'd mean it spawned from someone's mind, memory, or imagination (hopes, desire, or wishes). That again bears the question of who? Sigurd, perhaps? This could support my belief that Sigurd is the one standing next to the Master of Masters in the KH4 trailer — not Luxu.
And that's that. I might elaborate on some of these observations at some point. Not too much in terms of story in this beta (well, from what I've seen so far). I'm very curious about this game's story and lore. Definitely keeping up with it once the game is out next year (hopefully).
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tharkflark1 · 1 year
Imagine if Yozora could mimic Sora and Riku. Thinks about how he could use that to his advantage against both of them, creepy…
I WILL sob and that is a THREAT
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regaliasonata · 2 years
I'm sorry but with all the versus 13 and FNC references for Yozora there's no way in hell we won't see ff13 characters in kh4
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Like from the crystal stasis and this unforseen realm beyond worlds? I need to see lightning or the 13 cast show up. Imagine Caius doing some crazy shit in the next game
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stuffman-main · 1 year
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this was well over a year ago but i just want to say that this a scenario that has legit given me brainworms
today i'm kicking back imagining yozora mel taking a bite out of me and all i can think is "shit what if i don't taste good??"
i didn't know it was possible to be insecure about this
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Today I fought Xion’s data battle in remind and
It goes SO HARD
Like I love Xion but Jesus Christ she might have the best data fight, not only is she just FUCKING BADASS with how she zooms around and shoots pillars at you like it’s a fucking dragon ball fight, but her music is also just really fucking good? Like 100% better than the original, which was already one of the series’ best themes.
I kind of wish Xehanort couldn’t do this because I think it would be way cooler if it was unique to Xion (Yozora can keep his, I’ll talk about him later). Overall a fucking fantastic fight, my only wish was that for her dm she turned into a massive mech like in days but instead of being an Ursula ass boss actually be a massive giant fight with mobility and you have to climb her and stuff it’d be sick. Seriously imagine the floor breaks away to reveal the sky of twilight town and she’s flying around as a massive mech as you dodge and try to fight her it’d be sick.
I think this is the closest kingdom hearts has gotten to a perfect fight. My literal only problem with it is that his life/item steal can seem random (sometimes I stop it in one hit and sometimes he takes my entire stock of potions, no inbetween), and I can’t figure out how to escape his dm’s final hit. But those both seem like skill issues, like there’s a way to counter them and i’m just missing it. Oh also the robot attack is lame, it’s a cool reference but the only reason I get hit by it is it’s so easy and long my eyes glaze over and whoops I got hit.
But the rest of the fight is fucking perfection. Every move of his is brutal and fair. Everything can be dodged or blocked, there’s just a tight window, and the way they do his openings are so sick. Basically he knows when he’s open for attack, so before “finishing” his combo he’ll jump back and say “nope” or “no chance” and get out of danger. So if you can predict when he’ll feint and end his combo and chase after him you can get massive damage in, but if you preemptively block you are massively punished. It really feels like an all out brawl with a fighter just as skilled as Sora.
Anyway I’ll try again tomorrow, I got him to his last healthbar on one of my attempts, I just run out of steam and had no recharge and no hi-potions left. I’ve sort of figured out a semi consistent method to deal with the item steal attack, make sure you’re in ultimate form and hit him just as he turns vulnerable but before he sucks your items, but sometimes he still just ignores you and hits you anyway. Firaga spam sometimes works but it seems less consistent. I still haven’t figured out his dm yet, if anyone has any advice for those moves that’d be appreciated but part of me wants to beat the fight on my own. Truth be told it is on standard, so maybe when I eventually replay kh3 I’ll do all of remind in critical. Who knows. (I did do my initial playthrough of kh3 on critical but just wanted to get through remind so replayed it on standard, and I just now returned to it since if i’m not gonna finish the kh marathon may as well play the only story content I haven’t experienced.)
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fivegems · 2 years
🦌✨MINHO Seek.Vol 20 Interview Translation: pieciub
Q: Tells us what made you the most happy recently MINHO: The shooting for drama <"The Fabulous"> ended a little while ago. I have been shooting for about half a year, so I feel happy, but also a little lonely and sad it ended. Of course I felt a sense of accomplishment and I starred in a drama for the first time in a while, I think I was able to develop myself by taking on more responsibility than usual. It was a great experience 
Q: And finally, the time has come for solo event. How did you feel when the event was decided? MH: I was so happy. Even while I was in the army. I really wanted to go to Japan to perform and hold events as soon as possible. It was also because I held an event in Japan before I joined the army and I couldn’t forget it. I hope I can show you a new side of me, and since It’s been a while since we’ve been together  I’d like to tell you a lot of things that I haven’t been able to talk before. This time, (the event) is constructed along my request of things I wanted to do, so the songs choices, performances and games are all things I wanted to show you. What I worked especially hard on was the preparation of new songs. These are my solo songs and they express my feelings of looking forward to meeting my fans
Q: How did you feel about not being able to meet with fans in person for a long time? MH: I felt lonely and grateful. The time I’ve been wondering if there’s any way I can meet you continued on and on and Honestly, It was difficult. Especially when I was looking up to the sky, I felt that I wanted to meet the fans the most. During the the last event before joining the army, I sang ‘Yozora no mukou’ and said “during the time we won’t be able to meet, let’s look up to the same sky and think about each other” So whenever I looked up at the sky, I always thought about the fans. Just imagining everyone filling up their seats for this SOLO event makes me feel excited. On the day (of the event), I think I will be like “I can’t believe  it!”
Q: Have you noticed any changes in yourself? MH: Overall, I think I’ve matured. I’ve grown up since I came back from the army and what’s more, in the last few years things that we took for granted have changed drastically, haven’t they? Things like meeting with someone felt completely natural before, but then we couldn’t do it easily. There were many moments when I thought that ‘being able to meet us such a important thing’ Before, I did my best when meeting you, but now I want to do so much more and make unforgettable memories with you– this feeling is stronger than ever.
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star-sworn · 2 years
do you ever think about how like. kairi was asleep for a year searching for sora’s heart and sora was asleep on that couch (for a week? a year? however the time difference works in unreality) and reached out to kairi’s heart somehow (assuming it wasn’t just her subconscious creating an image of sora) like do you ever think about both of them being asleep at the same time for a significant period of time and their hearts connecting with one another across realities within their dreams. do you ever think about what a beautiful image that is
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sweetie. sweaty. honey. I only think about this maaaybe once a day. And that's not that hyperbolic. I mean you really said it all--They are literally BONDED across the chasm of reality itself. We can all speculate whether it's from the paopu fruit (as I think) or just The Power of Love™️, but regardless it's beyond romantic. And it was when she needed him. She needed him, and he was there. Whenever she needs him, he never lets her down, literally using himself (projected on to her I guess?) as a shield. I have no hands here, so let me use yours, I'll give you my keyblade, I'll give you my strength. Even when I'm in unreality you are not allowed to mess with Kairi. How many times must I teach you this lesson old man?
I do think what you pointed out about it happening when they're both sleeping is really interesting. There is a wonderful symmetry to it, dreaming of each other, reaching for each other--in a world without you, i'll dream of you, right? It seems that's how Yozora reaches Sora too, and possibly riku, given the endings of Remind and kh3? some very weird jumbling of memory and dream going on here. It reminds me a bit of CoM, where Sora is put to sleep in order to unscramble his memories. The concepts of dream and memory and sleep are often found together in kh. once nomura puts you to sleep, no telling what weird shit's going to happen to you lol. oh the sweet sweet torment of kh mysteries.
And iirc from a nomura interview from after the trailer drop it seems Sora was asleep from the time between kh3/remind and this moment of waking in the kh4 trailer, and that he was asleep for seven days (because of course he was). So either a week in unreality is a year in kh time, or there's even zanier time shenanigans at play. It could just be a way to quickly handwave over the intervening time, so they might gloss over all of this, but I really do hope they'll show us or describe to us the MoM scene from Sora's POV (and also how/when he got changed into his new 'fit lol). I wrote that mini fic on the MoM scene because it's so fascinating to me. He just knew. She must have been calling out to him, and he knew. How did he know she needed him? How did he get to her? I have to lie facedown now.
The fact that Kairi thanked Sora at the end, to me at least, (and im not a sap nor am i biased in any way) says that it was actually Sora, not her own imagining of him. But it does present this interesting idea if it is some sort of self creation--that in a moment of weakness, again her own demons, when she needs strength and courage, when she feels she's not enough, she thinks of sora, and that gives her that courage and strength. I mean, who does she know that's defeated Xehanort? (If you can't get Sora himself, store-bought is fine).
Anyway, I actually rewatched the kh4 trailer a few days ago and I still clutched my chest when it first reveals Sora on the couch. I don't think I'll ever forget how I felt seeing him there, knowing he was (at least to some extent) alright, seeing him so altered and grown up, so far from all he's known. KH certainly isn't in Kansas anymore. Just think, what if Sora had just saved Kairi, right before that moment cuts in and he opens his eyes? A girl can dream.
answering this ask Maria (can I call you that? mutual level up?), you literally have me kicking my feet under my desk like a middle schooler after the big dance. this was good for my soul. Kh always makes sure there's something spicy even in the seemingly innocuous titles, and wow, MoM truly has a banger. A love banger. This is where I'm torn. Because a sokai reunion after returning from unreality would be oh so sweet. If either Sora or Kairi don't fall to the ground because their knees give out when they see one another, it won't be angsty enough for me. And you've discussed before, Kairi doesn't have to girlboss her way to Shibuya in order for kh4 to be satisfying, iirc. and Im with you on that. to me, she's as much 'home' to Sora as DI is, so it could be a very cathartic way to end kh4, similar to the end of kh2. But also, them reuniting in quadratum, then perhaps even teaming up? sweet dreams are made of this.
will i trim this down? no. should I have? probably. but im so happy I have a fellow new fan to enjoy the ride with. we both missed the hype for 3, but hot damn, we arguably picked the best time to become kh fans. Hope your finals are going well sweetie, and you have a wonderful Christmas. thank you for this gift in my tumblr stocking, it's always welcome.
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