#yugi amane oneshot
azurentinex · 7 months
Hi again! I would like to place an order if you don't mind. I don't know if you do oneshots, but if you do, could I ask for oneshots of Hanako and Tsukasa being jealous? And do we also have their point of view? What do they think about it and everything? If you want, it can just be headcanons, it's up to you! You can discard my request if you feel uncomfortable with it. Or if you thought it was strange, lol, after all, it's my first request on Tumblr. Like, THE FIRST! but OK. Feel free to discard this idea of mine.
aaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you thank you! of course ill write it for you :3 im free to write oneshots (like my dazai x reader)! this is a bit different for me since i dont usually switch perspectives and i had a hard time trying to transition it smoothly. i hope you enjoy this! and I'm so so so so so s os os so s o sorry about how long this took :sob: yall it’s ok- i’ll write almost anything so dw about getting rejected- if i do though i’ll make sure to tell you. you can also request stuff in my discord or if you just want to chat ig <;3
Jealousies | Tsukasa x Reader x Hanako
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It was just a regular day. Yasuhiro walked into the bathroom just as usual. And her dear friend, Y/N accompanied her, just as usual. Except, Y/N was a little more dressed up than usual. Maybe not just a bit more dressed up. Her hair, tied up neatly into a tight bun was adorned with ribbons, and her face was covered in a thin layer of makeup. And just as I was staring at awe at her, she quickly noticed my gaze and ran over.
"Hanako-Kun, how are you?" She smiled, her pearly eyes looking up at me.
"What's the occasion? How come you're all dressed up? Are you..." And with a fake gasp, I uttered the next words. "...going on a date???"
With a shy blush, Y/N turned away from me and a small smile appeared on her face.
"...With who?"
"This guy I met a few days ago. He's been so lovely so far. And… he recently asked me out. We’re going to meet a-“
I shoved my hand onto her mouth, a faint red appearing on my face.
And we just stood there for a few seconds, in silence.
“…why can’t you just pay attention to me?”
She blinked at me, as I slumped down onto her shoulder.
“What do you mean by that?”
I looked up at her, a confused expression clearly plastered on her face.
“It’s just… I could treat you way better than anyone else could.” A small pout began showing up on my lips. “‘Cause I really like you.”
Her expression turned into one of absolute shock and fluster as she quickly tried to hide her blush.
“Y-you-“ She quickly turned her head away. “Hanako! I-it’s fine… ok? I won’t go today…”
I quickly darted my head to look up at her with a red tint on her cheeks. But clearly quite annoyed.
“Yayyy! Y/N-Chan is picking me over her boyfriend~”
“Stop that…!”
Tsukasa Chapter will come out in… 2 Days!
sorry guys… i got sick again :( part two might come out within a month or so… until then, i’m gonna be on hiatus :(
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juni-aldaine123 · 2 months
THE ALTAR IS MY HIPS/ jshk ; amanene
・❥・fluff . oneshot . slight suggestive tones . alternate universe . set in 1900s . festivals . human hanako . amane yugi . married amanene . couple
There is a melody in her voice as she sings out his name, a beat in her steps as she skips over to him. Amane’s heart stutters in his chest when he turns to look at her.
Dressed in a brilliant red kimono with sakura flowers lined of gold adorning its silky expanse, the billowing sleeves flowing past her fingertips, Nene twirls herself around him letting his eyes capture her image.
“You look beautiful,” he says, but even then, the word feels drab, feels too monotonous to describe someone as vibrant as Nene. She is so breath-taking that it pains his lungs and burns his eyes whenever she lingers close him, too close, that he feels like Icarus as the sun shines down on him with her smile.
He tucks a beige strand behind her ear, his knuckles dancing from her heavy ruby encrusted earrings to her cheek, leaving a feathery trail as she chases his touch. Nene blushes heavily when caught by his knowing smirk. She is so shy that Amane wants to tease her a bit longer; the festival can wait.
He wonders how she will respond. Will she pout and turn her head away and then Amane would have to coax her gently as if she is a toddler? Or will she blush prettily and bury her face in her palms that Amane would pry her hands away, hold them as he smothers her face with kisses.
“Do I make you,” he leans in, so close he hears her heartbeat in his “… feel so shy?”
“Oh yes,” she drawls with a lazy grin, eyes half lidded as she stares deep with his Tuscan sun.
“ I feel butterflies in my belly every time you look at me like that,” comes her bold reply and Amane stifles a chuckle in favour of holding her delicate face, thumb running on her crimson painted lips.
He should’ve expected as much. His Nene is becoming more immodest everyday she spends with him, and he has no complaints.
(“I learnt from the best afterall,” she’d once told him when he pointed it out)
He loves this side of her as well. He worships every facet of her, every fragment, everything, of her.
“Look at you like what?”
“Like I have created this world…just for you.”
“You have.” You are my world, he doesn’t say but knows that she heard anyway.
“You flatter me Amane-kun. But won’t that upset the gods? The ones who have truly crafted this world for us to live in.” She leans into him; he leaves red stains on her cheeks. But Nene doesn’t mind.
“The gods must not take offense, for they were the ones who gifted me their lovely angel.” He draws circles against her flushed skin, relishing in the way it gets warmer the longer his touch remains.
“Their ‘angel’? Am I the only one?” Nene closes her eyes, feeling Amane hot breath on her lips.
“In the heavens and the earth and all that is beyond, you’re the only one in my sight.”
“And….what if I never was?” What if you never met me? What if I was never there?
“Then I must be a blind man.” But even then, I will always find you. I don’t need my eyes to recognize you. I have every inch of yours etched in my memory. If you were never there then maybe I would’ve wandered like a lost soul. There would’ve been nobody to anchor me.
“I’m nothing without you.” Nene tries to protest, but Amane’s mouth seals hers in a searing kiss. It bites her tongue, burns her throat, a fire ignites her lungs. But she is drowning, drowning in his overwhelming love, when his hands curve around her waist; moulding her into himself.
She thinks their love is treacherous, desperate and unflinching, because it hurts when Amane kisses her like she is the salvation to his depravity.
But she also finds their love soft, delicate and pious, because she feels divine when Amane worships like the altar is her hips.
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artistic-intrxvert · 2 years
Hey y'all!
Quick announcement:
So I am still working on the Hanako oeneshot but I am just letting you know that i am taking a break because one of my gerbils passed away and she really meant a lot to me since i got her when the pandemic started. She and her two sisters got me through a lot of things and I am just having a hard time right now. Hope you understand and can respect my choice to take a break.
Thank you and hope you have a great day/night!
Don't forget to drink your water
(also if you have any comfort fics could you drop them in the comments? I really need some comfort from a fictional character-)
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mguvmii · 2 years
Hello!!! I had to request something!
Can I request a nurse reader x Amane Yugi?? Like the reader still goes to school and such but they are training to become a doctor so they are the assistant to the nurse of the school hoping to learn a few things to help in the future
And Amane is always going to the nurse basically every day so the reader would always tend to his wounds
Amane would always flirt and the reader would always scold him and tell him to take this seriously-
A oneshot maybe?? Headcanons work too!
Thank you in advance!!
omg you actually requested from me ! This idea is so cute to me I love Amane sm! Hope you enjoy <3 lots of love from Beth ♡! one shot will be in second person ! 
Character ; Amane Yugi ,, gn!reader
A Nurse’s Assistant 
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One of the things being a Nurse’s assistant? You’d have to deal with students getting injured. It was a part of your training to become a doctor in the future. 
In fact, it was a passion you had. Between being a full time student and an assistant to the school nurse, you were pretty busy every day. 
Collectively, at least twice during the day, there was always one boy that made frequent trips to see you. Each time he came in, bruises and other various injuries were all over his person. It was your job to tend to these, sometimes all by yourself because the nurse was away. 
Somewhere between the hundreds of trips to see you,�� you’ve caught a crush on the boy called Amane Yugi. Though you highly wished he wouldn’t see you every day, it somehow made your day a bit better seeing him walk into the office with that smirk of his. 
He always wore it on his face whenever he saw you. It was also mischievous. 
Today was one of them. 
School was just ending. Students starting going home or to clubs for the day. You, being the nurse’s assistant, stayed in the office where the two of you worked every day.
 Currently , you were organizing the creams and bandages putting them in their respective places. As you placed a roll of white bandages in the drawer, the sound of the door opening caught your attention. 
You didn’t have to look up to know it was Amane. It just made you wonder what happened this time? Sighing internally, you came from the back of the room to look at the boy. 
He was the same as always, except this time there was a bruise on his cheek, and his hands had some cuts that needed attending to. Despite his injuries, he gave you that happy smirk of his. It was enough to send your cheeks warm and your heart stuttering. 
“Hey Y/n! you’re looking exceptionally beautiful today, not that you don’t look beautiful every day.” 
There he went again with his flirtatious compliments. He seemed to love teasing you and flirting. Why, you didn’t know ,but there was a part of you that was hoping he was doing it because he liked you too. 
You hated the way his words easily flustered you. There were times when he’d flirt in hopes you wouldn’t scold him. Well, it wouldn’t work this time. 
“Amane,” you mumbled. “This is becoming a habit. Come sit down so I can patch you up.” 
You shook your head sadly and went to grab the cream and bandages. The boy waltzed over and took a seat on the bench, watching you quietly prepare everything. 
You walked back over and knelt in front of him, treating his face first, which had a bruise. 
“Amane I’m worried,” You spoke. “This isn’t normal. What’s happened with you?” Your tone was gentle and kind.
 You didn’t want to scare him away or make him clam up. You just wanted to help him because you cared deeply. 
Amane averted his amber colored eyes, almost as if he was ashamed. The look on his face just showed guilt, but it was very brief. 
“Aw are you worried about me? Is it because you...” He leaned forward, extremely close to your face, so close your noses were brushing. “...you’re in love with me?” 
Your face betrayed you, your cheeks warming up at his statement. You could feel your heart just hammering away so loudly Amane could probably hear. As if the boy could hear it, he smirked. 
“You’re cute when you’re flustered Y/n~” 
A scowl etched across your face. He was flirting yet again to divert you. 
“Amane,” You stated, this time more firm to let him know you were being serious this time. “I’m not kidding! take this seriously!  I’m so worried about you, why can’t you see that? What’s going on with you?” 
You grabbed his hands gently in yours, your thumbs gingerly caressing his fingers. 
“If you’re being bullied then tell me...please don’t...stay silent about this..” 
Whether it was because of your words or the way you were holding his hands, Amane’s cheeks grew warm with blood rushing to his face. 
Unbeknownst to you, his heart was hammering just as fast as yours. 
The boy tilted his head down to hide his eyes from you. “It’s fine. I can handle myself you shouldn’t worry about me. It’ll just be troublesome.” 
Somehow his words pained you even more . Did he not feel worth it? Was he depressed? Did he feel like a burden? 
Sighing out loud, you reached out and grabbed his uninjured cheek, tilting his head up. You opened the cream cap and started applying it to the bruise, while speaking. 
“It’s not fine Amane. You’re showing up with new injuries every single day. Your arms are always covered in bandages and even though you’re always flirting with me, I can see how sad you are.” 
You closed the cream cap and stared into his amber eyes.
 “I worry because I like you Amane. You’re not troublesome please believe me....” 
With that, you continued to take care of his injuries, placing a large bandage on his cheek. Once that was done you focused on his cuts that were on his hands. 
Both yours and Amane’s cheeks were extremely warm. The words of confession were still lingering between you two.
 It took amane about five seconds of silence, before he finally addressed your statement. 
“You...like me?” 
Seriously? That’s what he heard out of all of this?  
“I do. You should be more careful and come to me if you’re having trouble. Please don’t deal with this yourself.....please,” you begged, placing your hands on his knees to look up at him. 
The idea of losing Amane....made your heart break. You knew how this worked.
 It always started with bullying, which could lead to depression, and then to suicide. You did not want Amane suffering through this alone. 
Amane’s face held one of contemplation first, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was thinking. His cheeks were set aflame, yet his amber eyes drifted towards you, locking with your e/c ones. 
“I’m sorry...” He finally said. “I’m sorry but I can’t tell you. Not today at least.” Leaning forward, he grasped your hands, your fingers intertwining. The little gesture almost gave you a heart attack it was beating too fast. 
“Y/n...I really like you too.” 
Your eyes widened in response, shocked that Amane was actually reciprocating the feelings. 
A quiet laugh left Amane’s lips as he watched your shocked face. The boy leaned forward close to your ear, and you could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“You’re really pretty Y/n. You’re so cute when you’re caught off guard.” 
He pulled back and sighed, his face growing serious again. 
“If you really want to know, then....I’ll tell you everything. Until that happens, please be by my side. I’d like it even more if you were by my side as my lover.” 
By now you’ve gotten over your shock. Your face curled up in a small smile, adoring at how flustered Amane was right now. He was just a shy, teenage boy, it was so cute. 
“Okay! I’ll be your lover Amane....but please try to avoid coming in here if you can. There’s only so many bandages you can have on you until you look like a mummy.” 
Amane chuckled at this and grinned. “But I’ll be a cute mummy!” He untangled your hands with his and wrapped his arms around your frame in a hug. 
“I’m your mummy right Y/n?” 
You rolled your eyes, yet you were happy. 
“Yeah Amane, my mummy.” 
a/n : Sorry it’s not as long. I hope you enjoyed it <3
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amyyythestarry · 7 months
| The Little Merman |
[ Character Roles ]
Eric - Mitsuba
Ariel - Tsukasa
Ariel’s sister(s) ( Tsu’s not rly gonna have multiple siblings ) - Amane
Flounder - Olive ( an oc )
Sebastian - Natsuhiko 
Scuttle - Sumire
Ursula - Sakura
Flotsam and Jetsam - Nene and Aoi
Triton - Mr. Yugi
Max - Mokke
Chef Louis - Teru
Carlotta - Mei
Mitsuba is going to have two moms, except they're not married, and one is his nobel mother and the other one is just mother Mitsuba, who is not a royal nobel. Also his big brother Karasu is also a prince.
Nene and Aoi are sirens and not conjoined.
Max is a pink ( actual ) bunny named Mokke.
Carlotta/Mei is Mitsuba’s best friend.
This oneshot is inspired by ‘Kiss the Girl’ by ‘MusicalMoritz’ on AO3.
Strange Tides
As soon as Mitsuba lays his eyes on the curly black haired blasian boy with cat-like but clueless amber eyes, the first thing he thinks is ‘poor guy’. The knights reported to him and his Nobel mother, Fuku/Mitsuba Yumi, that the boy must have lost his memory, and is not able to speak.
The nameless boy wore a button up black pocket patched shirt with black jeans, and Mitsuba wore a long sleeve red shitagi and pink hakama pants. With additional jewelry, like his blue whale right earring and charm bracelet.
Mitsuba couldn’t help but think for a second that those eyes were the same ones he saw the day he was saved by an unknown male. The one with a singing voice dripping honey and flowers, a magnificent sound. The unknown male he’s been trying to find ever since. 
His savior.
But, the boy sitting in front of him couldn’t even speak, nevertheless sing. So his wishes for them to be the same people were dispelled.
It’s such a shame though, and it makes Mitsuba feel a little less hopeful than before and sends him out of the room. Everything matched up, the same hair, eye color, skin color. If he were to see his teeth, maybe the same fangs as well?
He can see his face, but he can’t hear his voice.
And that’s the key memory. His key memory.
So Mitsuba puts that aside, and tries to see what to make out of the boy himself.
The boy in question acted like a newborn child, or just a baby coming outside for the first time. So curious and excited and new. He looks at his food, something given to him by the servants, like it’s something he’s never seen before. Like it was a stinky rat they just fried and threw on a plate. Because he scrunched up his nose, inspected it, and instead of even touching it with the utensils, he looked much more interested in a spoon, fork and chopsticks.
Mitsuba thinks that it was much more logical if the boy was just a ‘tall’ 2 year old. 
He continues to be fascinated by music boxes and fire and even his own two legs and feet, he walks like he doesn’t know how to use his own two legs and feet.
He’s always smiling and excited, the only thing that seems to make him drop the cheerful demeanor is seeing sea animals get cooked in an open restaurant window.
Maybe he’s vegan?
Mitsuba wishes to be just as happy as the boy is all the time. Instead, Mitsuba’s life is filled with royalty. The only thing that’s intriguing about him is his good looks and status.
He wished he knew what the boy thought of him. He hopes it has nothing to do with him being a prince.
What if the boy was much more interested in princesses instead?
The whole thing made Mitsuba’s head spiral, it made him frustrated with himself. He’s supposed to be thinking about his savior, not a random boy with amnesia and overly cute, well, everything..
Maybe not as cute as himself.. But, he still can’t help but look at him in an adoring way.
If there is anything that Mitsuba will admit about himself ( Except that he’s good looking ) is that he’s a pretty bad prince.
He doesn’t care about finding a spouse or ascending to his throne or producing an heir or any royal responsibilities. He never even dreamed of being a prince, not even as a kid. He dreamed of being anything that had anything to do with anything in the sea.
He wanted to be a marine scientist ( Even though he’s not that good at science, he would work his a** off ), but mostly a sailor, a captain, a pirate even. He wanted to be involved with the sea world, he wanted the sea animals and plants and water to acknowledge him. 
Because that seemed more exciting than boring politics and crowns and paperwork.
When people dream of being king, queens, princes, princesses and any royal Nobel, they dream of ballrooms, respect, wealth, spouses, status. Not politics, or  paperwork. Maybe crowns, but definitely not having to be responsible for everything that goes wrong in your life, and in other people’s life.
The girls Mitsuba met weren’t so bad, but they weren’t interesting, and he couldn’t imagine himself falling in love with any of them. Or anyone for that matter. His mothers tried suitors, he didn’t like them either. The people he met were dull, fake-fancy, and had expensive personalities. In his book, they weren’t worth a dime. Maybe a penny cut in half.
They could have been good people, good suitors or suitresses. But again, he wasn’t interested in ‘people-love’, he wanted the earth to love him. Again, not people.
Pretty selfish, right?
He wanted animals to love him, plants, even air. A little bit more like Snow White. Because to him that meant that he was truly important, truly loved. People only loved him because of his status, even his Nobel mother. Maybe except for his real mother and brother.
At least he has his own pirate crew, but they even respect him because he’s Prince Sousuke. 
Mitsuba wants to be known as Mitsuba. Too many people call him Prince Sousuke. It holds no meaning anymore.
But whatever, he can’t drop out or anything. He’ll continue to be pretty good at politics and crowns and paperwork. 
He’s not one of those angsty teens in indie movies, and even if he may be one at least he’s the prettiest angsty teen in an indie movie.
He’s grateful though, of course. He’s grateful that his family was taken out of poverty after their father left them in the dust. He’s grateful that his mother still loves him. He’s grateful that his brother still loves him, even though Karasu claims he’s gay and emo. He’s grateful that people respect him, and that he’s not picked on or bullied like other kids, he may have been if he hadn’t turned into a Prince and exerted into royalty.
But sometimes he wished he was a normal boy.
Mitsuba didn’t notice that he rambled to the boy about cons of royalty and his dreams, including how he wanted to be earth and marine. Like a merman. The boy giggled, but no actual giggles were heard.
Mitsuba didn’t think he could admire the boy anymore than he already did.
His eyes shone in the sun in a way that added teal and gold and gray into his irises, they looked even prettier than before ( Mitsuba dare say prettier than his own ). 
His eyes looked like the most beautiful blocks of gold, and even citrine crystals.
Mitsuba loved crystals.
This boy was much more interesting, than even himself and anyone he’s ever met. Nature, air and sea right in front of him with the glory of Mother Earth.
He realizes he’s staring too much so he looks away sheepishly, he’s never looked someone in the eye that much before.
Despite spending the very few days together, Mitsuba still doesn’t know much about him. It’s difficult to learn anything about the boy because he can’t speak to him, can’t tell him anything about himself. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to try a little, right..?
“I feel bad for not knowing your name..” He says, still not looking the boy in the eye.
He perks up at that.
Mitsuba doesn’t know what to do after that, how would he try to figure out his name?
He looks up from the sea and gets an idea.
“What if I try to guess it?”
The boy thinks, then nods eagerly.
Mitsuba turns to face him again, looking at his face to see what name would suit him.
“Is it Akira?”
He shakes his head, still smiling brightly.
“How about,” he ponders some more, “Tsu…..”
He gasps and leans in, that must mean he’s close…
“Tsu…. Basa..?”
He shakes his head again, but looks at him even more expectedly.
Then he writes something in the air with his finger slowly two times, something that looks like a ‘K’.
“Tsu.. Ki.. Tsuki!”
He indicates another ‘no’.
Mitsuba thought that was so close.
But he was getting closer.
What other name started with ‘TSUK’..?
Suddenly, the name hits him upside the head like a strong wind. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was sung to him. The same singing voice he heard the time he was saved. 
“Tsukasa?” He says with much more confidence this time. ‘That has to be it-‘
The boy lights up, nodding so fast Mitsuba worries he’ll hurt his neck.
A victorious smile spreads across Mitsuba’s face, trying to suppress the urge to stomp his feet and flap his hands to release the energy.
“Tsukasa,” he tries. “I like it.”
Tsukasa's smile turns smaller, and Mitsuba thinks he must have said something wrong once Tsukasa turns away so he doesn’t see his face.
But then he sees his cheeks turn a mulberry pink, and starts blushing himself.
Mitsuba doesn’t know what to do now. He had a goal, did he not? An original one, one that came before wanting to get to know Tsukasa’s name. He had a mission before meeting Tsukasa, and he has no plans on giving that mission up.
He has to find the guy who saved him. He has to see him, hear his voice again, thank him with everything he’s got. Sure, now he really wished Tsukasa and the guy were the same people, but life wasn’t that simple, he learned that even before becoming a prince.
He had to hold his pride and put aside meaningless flirting. 
But god would he be lying if he said Tsukasa didn’t make his stomach upset, fizzy and nervous. Maybe it felt like that because he was trying to swallow the words wanting to call him pretty, good looking. That’s Mitsuba’s thing, being pretty. He was the prettiest boy in this town! Tsukasa couldn’t come a close to that, he wouldn’t let him.
Though Mitsuba was a man, a man with eyes, that couldn’t deny Tsukasa’s attractiveness for the life of him. Not even just his physical appearance, everything about Tsukasa seemed attractive. His attitude, personality.. Mitsuba didn’t think he even had a bad trait.
But everyone did, so that was unrealistic.
And one thing about falling in love is the delusion that someone couldn’t be bad in any way.
And now Mitsuba thought this was horrible, the urge to kiss Tsukasa was overwhelming. He doubted for a second he would get turned down, but fear of rejection took place.
People all over his town ( Around his age of course ) would send him heartfelt love letters and flowers just to be with him, to either be royal or because they ‘loved’ him. He could hardly walk around his palace without someone confessing their undying adoration for him. He’s never, ever been the one confessing, even when it comes to saying his appreciating love for his family. He couldn’t do it, it would break his pride and make him uncomfortable.
So imagine how he’s feeling right now with the most lovable person in front of him.
This was more risky. A guy he’s only spent a day with kissing him sounded rushed if he were to tell his mother, or his brother, or his maid. It was rushed, and desired. That was horrible.
Looking at Tsukasa another time, who’s just recovered from the compliment and is now looking at the water, he knows he wants him. He wants Tsukasa more than anything right now. He’s unlike any person he’s ever met, as a prince who met half the whole town, that’s saying a lot. 
It’s possible Tsukasa wants him too, right? Those gold eyes have been lingering on him all day, he could say with all his confidence. Tsukasa would invade his space like he couldn’t be separated from him for a moment. 
Mitsuba can tell when someone is interested in him, Tsukasa checks every box.
Little did he know the boy himself was just as nervous, maybe by five times.
He had suppressed bouncing his leg or fidgeting with his hands  in front of the prince so he wouldn’t look unstable, but really he didn’t know what to do either.
What do you do when you're on a boat with a human in silence? The prettiest human you’ve ever seen, the first human you’ve seen ever since coming up to the surface?
Prince Sousuke was exactly how Tsukasa imagined a human would be. Gorgeous, humble and elegant. Even more than merpeople. Even more capable and interesting.
Tsukasa wasn’t so clueless, he’d read romance books, he’s seen romance, he’s known about it ever since he was a kid. It was written on his father’s face when facing his mother, it smudged off of it when their mother left, it floated in bubble hearts around people giving romantic tension. 
He wondered, if Mitsuba and him were under sea, would they have a bubble heart too..?
He doubted it like he’s never doubted anything before.
But there was so much tension.
And the timing was perfect. On a boat, sea creatures and birds all around them, no one else. The lighting and atmosphere was something out of a romance movie, and they both heard a soft melody coming from the distance where fishermen were playing music on the dock, far from them of course.
The moment is subtly ruined by the squawking of a seagull. Mitsuba jumps at the noise, while Tsukasa laughs, a little too quietly. 
Tsukasa takes Mitsuba’s hand unwantedly and takes him back to his previous concern.
He does want to kiss the boy.
Now’s their moment, the nature was urging them, the wind pushed them in close proximity and out of the corner of Tsukasa’s eye he sees leaves flowing along loopy lines all around the boat.
No time could be better, they’d lose the chance if they didn’t take it now. 
Fish were circling around them, they’ve made it under a willow tree and the leaves continued dancing. The sight might have been strange to Mitsuba, all the sea creatures now beside their boat, all of the Earth focusing on this one moment if he weren’t so focused on Tsukasa.
Everything was set up so perfectly, like the universe wants this to happen. Mitsuba wasn’t so big on fate, since the coming out of poverty with a royal request felt like nonsense to him when he was younger, but he could roll with this one.
His hands reach out to find Tsukasa’s. He could no longer hide it. 
At that moment he wanted to kiss Tsukasa more than anything.
Tsukasa smiles, more like an attempt to pull himself together because he would never be ready for a kiss, by a human, by anyone. Not ever. His heart was still beating hard in his chest, loud enough for Prince Sousuke to hear it, his ears were ringing and his eyes fluttered to shut close to not see what comes next.
Mitsuba smiles, no longer shy like Tsukasa, but flirty, like he’s daring Tsukasa to follow his plan in making them as close as possible.
Tsukasa’s hands are shaking, his legs are shaking, his whole body is now. He’s never been more nervous in his life. Maybe.
But he shakingly accepts the challenge.
Tsukasa and Mitsuba inch closer and closer toward each other. The distance in their faces is closing in, and Mitsuba can feel the overwhelming warmth of Tsukasa’s body heat. Their lips brush against each other, and then-
In an instant, the boat flips over.
It happens so fast that it gives Mitsuba whiplash. He’s not able to process what just happened, but surely he will not be admiring the water engulfing him after ruining the chance he had with Tsukasa.
His immediate response was to find Tsukasa, reaching out to him under the water and then pulling them both up to the surface ( Ever the gentleman ).
Once they both come up, they breath in air through their mouth, it almost gives Mitsuba flashbacks of almost drowning.
A black and purple fish is swimming frantically around Tsukasa, looking comically panicked. Mitsuba can’t help but stifle a laugh at the sight, deciding to question everything later.
“Looks like you have a friend,” he points out.
Tsukasa’s eyes dart everywhere but Mitsuba’s, all memories of the moment they were about to share coming back to him like a speedy truck, and then hastily swats away the flounder.
“Hey,” Mitsuba teases, “Don’t be mean to it.”
He takes Tsukasa’s hand, giving him a dreamy look to try cheering him up. It takes a while for Tsukasa to register it before blushing profusely and looking away again, hand still quaking.
A feeling of disappointment sweeps over Mitsuba as he realizes he missed the chance to kiss Tsukasa. Although, this situation was just hugely ridiculous and he does nothing but laugh and encourages Tsukasa to flip the canoe back over.
It’s an easy task, and Mitsuba starts rowing them back to shore.
He wants to kick himself for not kissing the boy sooner, when will an opportunity like that come again?!
He tries convincing himself that it’s fine, he’ll take Tsukasa somewhere nice next time, and go to a cafe to apologize, maybe. Hopefully royalty didn’t take up all his time again, because the only thing he wanted to be occupied with now is Tsukasa.
And finding his savior..
Yes, of course.
Mitsuba doesn’t notice Tsukasa fuming, thoughts running wild with questions and everything above while steering the boat.
Tsukasa hides his face in his hands as a seagull lands on the boat and tilts its head at him.
Sumire smirks, amused by an overly flustered Tsukasa she’s never seen before. Also thinking it was a shame the sirens working for Sakura had to ruin the romance between Tsukasa and the boy she thinks, she knows, he likes a lot.
Mitsuba and Tsukasa will hopefully get a chance in the future.
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hoshi-y · 1 year
Hihi idk if your taking requests atm- but I have a request for when u open them <3
Can I request a Depressed Tsukasa X reader? Or just a Tsukasa with mental health thats not so great?
It doesn’t even have to be a x reader it can just be Tsukasa with bad MH hcs- I just see so much depressed Y/N and i’m a sucker for
reverse roles. i just wanna see how people would think he would handle it and who he would tell about it
It sounds so emo sorry— 😭😭 hope you can do it! <3 I love your writing!
Always Here
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Yugi Tsukasa
TW : None
I have never seen a very depressed Tsukasa before so this is new, Love the idea cause again its always the reader who is depressed
MMMM I'll do both HC and a oneshot hehez 💗
I hope you enjoy 💗
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I'm so lost..
You know it, I just feel like Tsukasa would always lock himself up in his room
He'll have a sudden change in mood rarely showing his cheerful persona
He'd refuse to talk to someone about it and say he'll be fine all the time
Believe it or not he'd reject his own brothers reqiest to hang out or to come play with him
That's how bad ours babys mental health declined :(
I feel like the reason he'd be like this is because of school
the junk education system of japan has it going for him
to the point he'd cage himself in his room
Not alot of people like him too
they think his loud and cheerful energy is annoying
he'd end up hearing things they would say
but this time, just hearing them talk shit about him made him snap
If it means giving whatever the world wants just to see Tsukasa's smile and hear his laugh again
You'd do it.
You notice how much his health declined the past few weeks and it worried you, he'd lock himself up in his room, refuse to eat, and sometimes doesn't answer your texts or calls.
You marched down to his house, you thought it was him who opened the door cause you saw a glimpse of black choppt hair by the window but turned put to be his brother
"Hey [F/N], if you're here for Tsukasa again... He won't open the door" He scratched his head as he looked up stairs at Tsukasa's locked door, You frowned "Come on.. Don't your parents or you have any keys to open that door?"
"If we try he'd lock it again before we could even go in.. But I'll let you have a shot at it" Amane handed you Tsukasa's room keys, you took off your shoes and jogged up to his room
"Tsu?" You knocked at his door but was met with silence "Tsu.. You can't keep shutting yourself in like this.."
Amane knocked on the door aswell "Tsukasa, come on [F/N] came all the way here even though it's snowing like crazy outside... Mom and Dad are worried too.. And.. I-im worried aswell.."
"Tsu I'm gonna come in, if you try and block the door Im5gonna give you an earful" You joked, hoping you could atleast here a chuckle or a little giggle from him, but nothing.
You inserted the key and twisted the knob unlocking his door, no sign of him getting up and locking the door
"I'll give you two some alone time, I'll be in my room if you need me to drag him out" Amane jpked which you playfully punched his shoulder, after Amane went to his room you made your way inside his room
It was dark, and cold. With the light source coming from the corridor you saw the love of your life laying on his bed curled up under his blanket, his room was a bit messy, A tray of food on his desk, it looked like he didn't even touch nor moved it.
You didn't wanna alarm him by turning on his lights. You closed his door and sat down on his bed and turned on his bedside lamp
"Tsu.. I'm here.." Your voice cracking a little. Ypu hated seeing him like this, You felt him move a little as he slowly took off the blanket off his face
You were holding back your tears at this point
"H-hey Tsu.. I came by to see you.." Tsukasa went silent for awhile, but climbed into your warm arms, you ran your fingers thru his messy hair as you softly picked his face with both hands to see him
His eyes were puffy, he had eyebags and just looked so broken inside
"Oh Tsu.." You kissed his forehead "You could've came to me to talk about your problems.. I'm always here for you.. Now tell me who has been disturbing you and I'll drag them to Teru"
Ah, using your scary Secretary privilege I see
Tsukasa layed his haid down on your shoulder as he shook his head, you hugged him tight. You didn't wanna force him to tell you what has been bothering him, You know he'll tell you when the time was right.
Tsukasa just needed your comfort and you being by his side until he is ready to tell his problems.
° ° ° °
"I-i'm.." Tsukasa spoke, his voice raspy
You hummed as you waited patiently for him to talk
"I'm sorry.. I shut you and everyone like this.." He hugged you tighter and tried not to cry, but he ended up sobbing in your arms
He tried to talk but he was pouring out into your arms as you hugged him tighter
"Its okay Tsu.. Take your time.. I'll be here, I won't leave your side" You rubbed his back for comfort to let him know that you're there
After he stopped crying, he told you everything, from academics, school, and fake friends. That have stabbed him multiple times in the back, You stayed. You silently listened to his problems, pouring out everything that has been bothering him
"Tsu.. You were very strong, and I know you are.. having to deal with everything and keeping it to yourself like this as you kept a smile on.. I'm proud of you for not giving up.. If you ever need anyone to talk to or have someone to listen to ypur problems, I'm always here, Okay?.." You kissed his forehead as you wiped his tears
"Now, where's my happy Tsukasa at? I miss him.." You giggled as Tsukasa gave you that smile, that genuine smile that captured your heart.
He rested his forehead on yours as he held your hands tightly "I love you so much.. I didn't know what I did to ever deserve someone like you.." Tsukasa inched closer as he kissed your soft lips, you closed your eyes as you returned the kiss. The once cold atmosphere turned into something warm to melt this snow storm away.
Tsukasa pulled away as his eyes held love and adoration "I love you, [F/N].. So much.."
"I love you too, Tsukasa.. Too much I think its not gonna fit in a huge tank" He chuckled "You must be hungry my dear.. Lets go make you something warm to eat hm?"
"I'd love that.." You got up from his bed as followed, You two went downstairs and made some yummy chicken soup together
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My very very bad grammar is suffocating
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anmiruzu · 10 months
rules and fandoms I'll write for
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will take a day to a month or so depending on the amount of characters, how busy I am, and how motivated i am to do your request so please be patient <33
no max amount of characters you can request but if you request a lot of characters, it will be posted seperately. (with the second or so part taking a while; you may have to request for updates)
when requesting make sure to clearly specify whether you want headcanons, drabbles or oneshots and which characters you want or if you want me to choose
also when requesting oneshots, beware it may take longer as i don't normally write oneshots (but i'll do my best!)
i write both platonic and romantic for any character
no requesting nsfw (suggestive is okay tho! keep in mind that I am a minor)
this is a x reader blog so no character x character ships (not really comfortable with character ships so srry! just not my cup of tea)
ocs, i know i just said no character x character ships but ocs are kinda on the line? (if that makes sense?) i will write for your oc if i can find enough information about them on your page. however if not i will politely reject your request
if you don't see a certain character in the characters i write for or characters i don't write for just ask! i'll add them in.
and you're welcome to ask for updates on your request; i don't mind as long as you're not rushing me
also! I apologize if anyone is ooc
(will be updated later if needed)
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fandoms I'll write for (organized by interest):
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kimetsu no yaiba (demon slayer)
twisted wonderland
oshi no ko
jibaku shonen hanako-kun (toilet bound hanako-kun)
jujutsu kaisen
houseki no kuni (land of lustrous)
(will be updated later if needed)
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characters I write for
(organized by favorites):
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just a quick thing to note but just because a character is here does not mean i will always write for them (unless i have written for them before). some of the characters here are characters i have never written for before. i’m just willing to try since i know how it feels when no one writes for your favorite. (and in my case that would be my kny favorite senjuro)
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(kny) tanjiro kamado, senjuro rengoku, genya shinazugawa, nezuko kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, sabito, makamo, kyojuro rengoku, mitsuri kanroji, shinbou koucho, zohakuten, rui, gyuutaro, daki, uzui tengen, tokito muchiro, sanemi shinazugawa, inosuke hasbira, gyokko, aizetsu, sekido, urogi
(jshk) yashiro nene, akane aoi, hanako (amane yugi), aoi akane, tsukasa yugi, teru, mitsuba, kou minamoto
(twst) azul ashengrotto, sebek zigvolt, floyd leech, ortho shroud, riddle rosehearts, ace trappola, deuce spade, trey clover, leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, jade leech, kalim al-asim, jamil viper, vil schoneit, idia shroud, malleus draconia, lilia vanrogue, epel feimer, cater diamond, jack howl, silver
(onk) aquamarine hoshino, ai hoshino, ruby hoshino, kana arima, mem-cho, akane kurokawa
(jjk) sukuna, itadori yuji, maki zenin, toge inumaki, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, gojo
(hnk) dia, antarcticite, phos, jade, yellow diamond, bortz
(will be updated later if needed)
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characters I do not write for:
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(kny) kanao tsuyuri (i’m a tanjro simp with issues, the most you’ll ever see me write for her are angst fics focused on tanjiro), gyomei, obanai, kokushibo, hantengu (tbh i’m a little traumatized from seeing that one hanten shipper so no hantengu. also, no offense hanten shippers; it’s just rlly not my cup of tea)
(twst) rook hunt (too complicated of a character to write plus i sorta dislike him), any staff member, any character from jp twst events (eng player srry!)
(hnk) any character from the manga (anime only for now…)
(will be updated later if needed)
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Book of Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/mp1kqHh
by nag1t0
Just a random book of oneshots from many fandoms. Feel free to request any ships Fandoms: OHSHC DDLC Project Sekai TBHK Danganronpa DR fangames MCYT OC's Character x reader(the reader is non-binary or gender fluid)
Words: 690, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Danganronpa, superdanganronpaanother2, projectsekai, ddlc, Toiletboundhanakokun, Minecraft (Video Game), mcyt, Oneshots - Fandom, Romance - Fandom, fluff - Fandom, Angst - Fandom, Death - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Otori Teruya, Sannoji Mikado, Yomiuri Nikei, Suoh Tamaki, Ootori Kyouya, Azusawa Kohane, Kamishiro Rui, Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!)
Relationships: Otori Teruya/Yomiuri Nikei, Hashimoto Shobai/Otori Teruya, Otori Teruya/Sannoji Mikado, Sannoji Mikado/Yomiuri Nikei, Chiebukuro Setsuka/Yomiuri Nikei, Ootori Kyouya/Suoh Tamaki, Fujioka Haruhi/Suoh Tamaki, Kamishiro Rui/Tenma Tsukasa, Azusawa Kohane/Shiraishi An, Hanako | Yugi Amane/Yashiro Nene, Minamoto Kou & Yashiro Nene, Minamoto Kou/Mitsuba Sousuke, Monika/Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Natsuki/Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Grian - Relationship, GoodTimesWithScar - Relationship, Jimmy | Solidarity/Scott Major | Smajor1995, Maeda Yuki/Sora
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Comfort/Angst, BL
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/mp1kqHh
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pastell0v3 · 2 years
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pinned post remake. again.
IMPORTANT: 18+ accounts do not interact with the following:
most tbhk x readers (theyre k i d s)
all warriors of hope x readers (i love them and its fine bc im a k i d (EDIT: WHEN I SAY KID I DONT MEAN RLLY YOUNG I MEAN LIKE TEENAGER DONT ATTACK ME-), but 18+ dont interact with those!)
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heeeelllooooo! im Lily (irl), but please call me "Odd" or "Horizon!" I also go by the names of characters i kin/am, they are listed below <3
i am a minor, 18+ users/blogs ask to follow or simply do not interact
i am an artist, writer (and i hope to make my own stories when im older!!), i also create xenogenders + neopronoun ideas!
i go by she/her/hers/herself, gli/glitch/glitches/glitchself, bun/bunny/bunnies/bunnyself (she/her most preferred but i still do go by the others)
i love rottmnt, tmnt 2012, batim, cuphead, danganronpa, ddlc, undertale + deltarune (fun fact, ut/dr is what got me onto the internets!), babtqftim and way more
i kin ibuki mioda, berdly, noelle holiday susie (deltarune), jataro kemuri, (probably) muffet the spider, (probably) alphys, (probably) mettaton, (probably) allison pendle/angel, donatello
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in around 2020 was when i made my first account online i think- i know i know, not a long time. anyways, i believe I made that account on quotev.com (i had a roblox account from 2018 or 2019 but I'm not counting that). like i said, undertale was what got me interested in the internet and knowing lore of shows and games etc. it was the first thing I was really drawn to- it didnt get me many friends but i still loved it, i just felt lonely at times because even my crush at the time wasnt that interested in it, and even now I feel like my bestie(s) feel forced to like what i like (i mean, i turned a girl who loves hello kitty into fnaf fan!). same with my past crush, i always talked about what i loved but to be fair, he was the same.. when i figured out deltarune was a thing, i was. in. LOVE. though it kinda had a negative effect on me because i had roleplayed as susie online a bunch and that ruined my personality.. but i guess it also helped me find who i really am, so thats good (it was to the point i was sure i washer and i would get upset if someone dressed as her or roleplayed as her on roblox- and before this i had something similar with chara where i thought i was them and then this person i knew said he was sands and thought that would make me like like him. like bro. you cough in my face 24/7 i aint gonna have a crush on you.)
but anyways, ill stop rambling hehe
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i write for...
danganronpa (all characters besides woh unless reader is a kid or its platonic. includes monokuma/cubs + monomi/usami but theyre gijinkas and the cubs aren't rlly young (like they'd be 17 or smth))
rottmnt (only donnie, Leo and mikey (im sorry id write for raph i rlly like him but idk how to write his character well..))
tmnt 2012 (donnie only- might be ooc bc i haven't finished much of the 2012 ver yet)
our life beginnings and always (cove, Jeremy (underrated smh), baxter (i dont rlly like him but ik how much yall do so 💖💖 ill suck it up), Shiloh (obvi older like bruh-)) (havent finished our life so sorry if its kinda ooc or sumthin)
fnaf (all sb, glitchtrap , fazbear frights humans 1-7 + humanoid versions of animatronics (fetch, eleanor, yellow thing (spring bonnie), ballora (nurse (or was it dentist..?) and ballerina vers are the same)), funtime foxy (performer + taxi(?) driver vers are the same))
undertale/Deltarune (susie, ralsei, kris, berdly, noelle, rouxls kaard, spamton, addisons, muffet, au sanses, mettaton)
mha (monoma neito, denki kaminari, yuga aoyama)
tbhk (sousuke mitsuba, hanako/amane yugi, kou minamoto, akane aoi (boy), ryujirou tsuchigomori, tsukasa yugi, natsuhiko hyuuga)
i can do..
and mmore to be added !!!
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 3 years
A Sweet Moment
Pairing: Hanako(Yugi Amane) x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: After his meeting, he went back to the bathroom to see you waiting for him.
Warning: None
Genre: Fluff
Y/n- your name,
Reader: Neutral
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
"Oh, welcome back Hanako-" You yelped when you felt his cold skin lay on your neck. Hanako grumbled, causing you to get tickled. You giggled. "Are you alright Hanako?"
Hanako didn't answer but wrapped his arm around your waist and let out a groan. "How was the meeting hm?" "It was boring, nothing new." You lifted you hand and massaged his head. "That feels nice." He slurred as he snuggled.
"Come on, let's go to a more comfortable position. You might get tired. Don't worry, me, Nene, and Kou already cleaned the bathroom." You carefully carried Hanako as you sat down and leaned on a wall, his head resting on your chest.
He looked around the bathroom for a minute, then looked back at you. "Huh, I just noticed. Guess my beautiful s/o distracted me." He gave you a cheeky grin. Your face flowed red as you rolled your eyes, fighting the urge to smile.
You softly punched his arm, getting a small 'ow' in response. "You're such a flirt." He winked and let his tongue out. "What can I say? Can't help it when a pretty person is right in front of me."
Hanako chuckled before falling silent. After a few minutes, he muttered. "Thank you." You tilted your head and looked at him with furrowed brows, confused.
"Hm? For what?" You asked.
"I've been here for years. Alone. I was glad that you and Yashiro found me. I'm glad we're dating. I didn't knew I can find love while being dead."
"I didn't know that I could date a supernatural. It's more weird for me than you." Both of you laughed.
Hanako mumbled something before giving you a peck. "Can you stay here for a while longer? I know that you need to go and all but... Please?" Your hand continues to massage his scalp. You hummed in agreement. "I guess. I don't really have anything to do when I go home."
He grinned. "I really love you, you do know that right?" Your heart fluttered. “Of course I do. I love you too.”
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the-moon-and-stars · 2 years
let's think about this
we know hanako is very much perverted and a flirt
and likes teasing people to see them get embarrassed
so what if one day when he tries to tease reader for the first time, they get flustered
however instead off yelling at him or getting all embarrassed, they reciprocate his actions by saying something that can be considered dirty
what would he do?
he's never been in this situation
would he get embarrassed, shocked, unfazed? you can decide what happens next; just a mini one shot
That's a good question actually! And I may just have an idea on how this would go..
Here ya go lovely anon~!
Warnings: Some suggestive themes ykykyk
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It was just another day in the bathroom, cleaning duties, nothing new to the both of you. The two of you met about half a month ago and you guys are already pretty close. However, you can’t help but notice the stares Hanako would make at you, as if he’s lost in thought. Debating something maybe? Whatever that may have been, he seemed to have made up his mind since he’s not exactly staring off at your direction.
“Hey Y/n~” he said your name, but it seemed more.. mischievous, like there was more meaning behind the gesture. You looked back at him, stopping yourself from mopping and smiling fondly at him. “Yes Hanako-Kun?” You asked, wondering what the boy had to say.
He walked up to you, gently taking the mop out of your hands and placing it to the side, having it lean on the deep red bathroom stalls. “You’ve been working so hard for me, my lovely assistant..” His hand cupped your face, sending chills down your spine despite the heat rushing to your face. “I think you could use a reward..” he said in an awfully suggestive tone. “W-Wha?” You were stunned, you couldn’t even push him away. His golden brown irises pulled you in.
Hanako leaned in, stopping right at the tip of your nose as he looked down at your lips then back at you. “I think.. You deserve..” His eyelids slowly dimmed down, he had you wrapped around his finger and he just adored it.
“A 20 minute break from cleaning!”
He said with a cheeky grin before pulling off you, now floating and looking you up and down, noticing how red you were. “Awww, were you hoping for something more~?”
“What?!” You practically screamed with widened eyes, it’s like every word he said just made your face on fire. Hence why you were so red by his sudden face to face gesture. “You should’ve seen your face! Priceless!!!” His laughter filled the bathroom as you huffed, obviously not finding Hanako’s “joke” funny.
You looked at the ghost in front of you, seeing how he found such delight in your reddened face, you couldn’t help but wonder how it’d be if the roles were reversed..
“Well..” you started, walking up the boy slowly and stopping in front of him, gently reaching out for his collar and pulling him down so you were eye level with him. “Having a break doesn’t sound too bad since..” you looked him up and down, a playful grin appearing on your features. “I'd have more time to focus on you. Wouldn’t you want that.. Hanako-Kun~?” You couldn’t help but giggle when you noticed the boy’s face heat up from your words and how you said them. You let go of his collar and smiled innocently at him, making Hanako’s face just go into a deeper red.
“Awww Hanakooo! You’re all reddd!” You were trying to contain the laughter within you, seeing him so red and flushed made you feel accomplished.
He looked at you before looking down, pulling the front of his hat down with it so it was covering his face a bit. He didn’t exactly expect something like this from you. Especially since you can be rather shy at times.
“Fair enough Y/n..” he mumbled, which you heard, making you perk your head up to look at him.
“But I’ll get you back. Just you wait..”
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juni-aldaine123 · 2 months
GENTLE SUNLIGHT/ jshk ; amanene
・❥・fluff . cute . oneshot . alternate universe: human hanako/ amane . au where amane lives . confessions . written for hananene wk 24
"I'm not worthy of you, Yashiro-senpai," Amane tells her, his eyes shying away from her determined ones. Nene's hand is in his- warm and soft, but firm- like a gentle anchor, steadying him as he struggles to spill the words caught in his throat. "You deserve better. Someone who would-"
"Do you think so poorly of my judgement, Amane-kun? That I'm unable to decipher who's worthy for me or not?" Amane opens his mouth to defend, tell her he deems her words to be law, but Nene doesn't halt her speech. "Even if you think I deserve someone better, I don't care!" She shakes her head repeatedly in childlike stubbornness and he feels his resolve shattering. 
"I only like you Amane-kun. Nothing can change that." She takes a step closer and he feels blood rushing to his face when she wraps her arms around his waist. She doesn't hug him yet, giving him enough time and space and he catches his breath.
"I really like you Amane-kun. I don't want someone else, someone better." She clings to him, placing her heated cheek against his cool forehead, damp with sweat. But Nene doesn't seem to mind.
"Only you."
"You know what you're getting yourself into?" he asks, just for the sake of fulfilling the heavy silence Nene's confession leaves. He already knows the answer, knows it very well, because Nene never forgets to remind him.
"I know. Have I ever faltered?" He loses his cool when he looks at her crimson eyes glistening, when he finds himself in her gaze.
"Never." And his well-built façade cracks. He is surrounded by flowers and butterflies, and warmth and sunshine, all that is Yashiro Nene.
"Do you like me too, Amane-kun?" her voice doesn't tremble once, she's confident. She discovered his feelings for her before he realized them himself. She reads him so well- like her favourite romance novel.
"I do." Nene smiles, a rose garden under moonlight.  "I really really like you too Nene." Her fingers travel to his nape in practiced motion and she pulls him in. He shares her hot breath and their lips connect; Amane feels fireworks in his belly.
"This felt..." he starts when they part away. "Amazing," she finishes, smile like gentle sunlight, leaning into him once again
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
yugi amane x gn!reader
45 - sleepy kisses
a/n: GOTCHU GOTCHU BABEEEYYYY!! So sorry for how long this took, but thank you so much for requesting cos i’m <3333 love him <33333 love sleepy kisses as well <33
This feels. Kinda not like the prompt intended but,,,, i am sorry :(( it’s also short, so I’m really sorryyyy
warnings: none
word count: 556
You stifled a yawn, putting the bare minimum effort into your homework, as you scribbled down an answer. “Number 9 is C, so number 10 has to beeee… L,” You muttered, hand resting on your chin. Amane hummed in response, yawning thanks to you having yawned, as he wrote down the answers.
“Thanks, (Y/N),” He mumbled, stretching his arms as he dropped his pencil. “And thank goodness that homework is finally done.”
“Done at… midnight.”
“Mmmh, yeah, but we had to eat and whatever. You live next door, so it’s fiiiiine.”
You nodded, his words barely processing as you shut your eyes for a moment. Those moments drifted into a few moments, as your thoughts began to clear-
“(Y/N), don’t fall asleep,” Amane chuckled, reaching over at patting your head. Slowly, you opened your eyes, huffing. “I’m sleepy,” You told him, pouting slightly as Amane stood up. He reached out to you, attempting to yank you up when you grabbed his hand. Unlike he expected, you didn’t even attempt to sit up.
“Preeeetty sure that you’re (Y/N),” He joked, insanely cheesily, earning a glare from you.
“Amane, I will kick you in your shins,” You responded, finally standing up as he yanked you once more.
“Maybe kicking will make you feel a little more awake? And maybe getting kicked will do the same to me-”
Sighing once more, you didn’t let go of Amane’s hand, instead opting to place your head on his shoulder. Amane didn’t protest, his other hand wrapping around your back as he placed his head against the side of yours. The two of you stood like that for a while, before Amane moved his arm, stepping back.
“C’mon, (Y/N), I’ll walk you home really quickly. Then, you can actually sleep, haha.”
You yawned once again, nodding as you offered a response that not even you understood. Amane began to walk, pulling on your arm slightly so that you’d fall into step with him. He walked with you towards the front door, shouting to his mom that he was walking you home. She responded, telling you goodbye, and you pretended to be awake enough as you told her to have a good night.
Finally, you stepped outside with Amane, walking a short distance to the house next door. Once on the porch, his hand left yours. “Good night, (Y/N). Rest well,” He spoke, ruffling your hair lightly.
“Nighty-night, Amaneee. I love you,” You responded, smiling sleepily up at him.
“I love you too,” He grinned, leaning down to press a gentle kiss against your lips. Neither of you bothered to move away, the only movement being his lips lazily against yours. After lingering for a few seconds, he pulled back, his eyes barely opening.
You leaned up, kissing him once more. His hand was placed against the side of your face, as your hands landed on his arms. You both lingered, moving slightly, only pulling away when you found yourself unable to hold back another yawn.
“Right, right! Head inside, (Y/N). Go to bed,” Amane said, pressing one more kiss against your lips. You nodded, rubbing your eye slightly.
“I am,” You spoke, opening the front door, “be safe, Amane...”
“I will. See you tomorrow, (Y/N).”
You turned around, kissing him one last time. “See yaaaa.”
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mguvmii · 2 years
Hello again!!! I love your writing so much!!
Can I request Amane (maybe Mitsuba too??) with a s/o who tends to overwork themselves
Like they need to be doing something productive and if they don’t then they will feel like a failure
They also get little sleep because of it and would rather stay up and do something productive then actually get sleep
Oneshot?? However im fine with headcanons too!! I really don’t mind ether one!
Take care of yourself!!<3
HI WELCOME BACK! I decided to do a oneshot for Amane. His took up a lot of space and I love writing for him. Take care! I hope you enjoy! Lots of love from Beth ♡!
ALSO I will be trying to get the six asks done today since I'm leaving tomorrow and will be gone for all of next week.
characters ; Amane ,, gn!reader
pronouns used: you/your ,,
Warnings; parents calling you lazy? useless?  feeling like a failure! 
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     𓏲࣪ 𓆤  ˒˒  ๑  amane yugi ﹏  . 🥡 ੭
“You’re still busy?” 
Amane poked his head into the now empty classroom where you were sitting down at a desk. 
Stacks of paper were piled on both sides of you, waiting to be done before you could go home for the day. 
You were, to simply put, up to your ears in getting these registrations done. 
“I have a lot to do Amane. I’m the student president after all. The responsibility falls on me,” You replied, not even looking up at the boy. 
If people could describe it, it was hard working. There wasn’t a time where one of your classmates didn’t see you doing something productive. 
You always had to keep yourself busy. 
You missed the frown on Amane’s face at your statement. The boy knew you tended to overwork yourself.
 It was very common for his s/o to be seen doing anything but resting. You would think that Amane would be used to it by now and move on with his day.
 He couldn’t. In fact, all of this overworking was starting to worry him. 
“Y/n that’s gonna take you all night! Isn’t there someone to help you?” He asked, his tone showing a hint of desperation. 
All he wanted was to walk you home and spend time with his beloved s/o. 
“Everyone’s gone home for the day. The school fair is coming up and these need to be registered,” You replied, staring down at the paper as you scribbled away. 
You looked exhausted. Your posture was horrible and you looked ready to collapse. 
Amane finally walked into the classroom the rest of the way and grabbed one of the stacks beside you. 
It was then that you finally looked up at your boyfriend, a curious look in your expression. 
“You’re not sleeping Y/n. You’re always doing something and it’s wearing you out! As your boyfriend I’m worried,” He stressed, his features scrunched up in sadness. 
“You need to take better care of yourself..” 
Well, when he put it like that, you felt ashamed. He was right, you were disregarding your health all to just stay busy. 
you knew Amane was just wanting the best for you. Instead of talking, you stopped writing and glanced the other way. 
Amane sighed in response and set down the small stack of papers. He just wanted you to see that you were overworking yourself. 
You heard footsteps coming over to your side, followed by your chair being pushed back. 
“Hey what’s-” 
You stopped just as Amane kneeled down in front of you, placing his head on your lap. His arms embraced your waist and legs. 
“Sorry,” The boy mumbled. “I don’t want to make you feel guilty. Just be okay and don’t overwork yourself.” 
Why was he apologizing? It was YOU who was supposed to be apologizing. You frowned, realizing you could never be mad at Amane. You just loved him too much. 
“I’m the one who should be apologizing,” you replied, your fingers going up to run through his choppy brown hair. 
HIs hair was always soft and fun to play with. It also made Amane happy. 
“You’re right I’m not sleeping enough, and I do tend to overwork myself. It’s because...I feel like if I don’t, I’ll be considered lazy and useless...and a failure. My parents used to tell me that all the time, so I developed a habit of overworking.”  
Finally you revealed the real reason for your workaholic tendencies. It was something you didn’t want to feel, but you did. 
Amane picked his head up from your lap to stare into your e/c eyes. Hurt was written all over his face, causing you to frown more. 
“You’re not lazy or a failure. You’re one of the most hardworking people I know! Taking time for yourself isn’t being lazy or useless.” 
It was obvious that he was right. However, you spent a good three years developing this habit. It wouldn’t be easy to break overnight. 
As if Amane could read your thoughts, he grabbed your hands and gently placed a kiss against your fingers. 
You stared at his bandaged hands, causing your mood to drop even more. Here he was patched up again,  and yet he was worrying about you. 
“We’ll work on it together okay?” 
“Amane..” You called out weakly, wondering how the hell you managed to grab him? “Okay.” 
As you said that, you fought back a yawn. You were so focused on your work that you neglected the fact that you were tired. 
The boy smirked in response. “See I was right. Isn’t your boyfriend so smart and handsome?” 
Of course there he was again with his teasing. 
“Shut up,” You replied, feeling your face grow warm. You huffed and turned around, collecting the piles of papers. 
They’d be here tomorrow and you had until the end of the week to get them done. You’d just pace yourself. 
“You’re not denying it,” Amane spoke, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “Y/n~ say I’m handsome and smart or I’ll never let you go.” 
You knew better. You knew that if you did, Amane wouldn’t let you live it down. He was a really big tease when it came to these types of things. 
“Let’s just go home already okay?” 
Your tone was final. Amane pouted. 
You collected your things and stood up, grabbing Amane’s hand in the process.
 Before you two left the classroom to head home for the night, you looked at him, taking in all of his features. 
He was handsome and smart, very cute. 
“You are handsome and smart,” You mumbled quietly, though Amane heard you. That big grin on his face made you roll your eyes. 
“One word and I’m leaving you here.” 
Amane chucked in response, his cheeks flushed from the compliments as you two left. 
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closetweebsmh · 3 years
Cold || Yugi A.
Summary: Stormy nights paired with a heck-ton of cuddles and tickle fights are the best.
Genre: Fluff
A/n: Just a short drabble that has been rotting in my drafts for months :’D
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  The wind howled as rain poured outside your window. The deathly cold atmosphere that encased your house left you trembling in your thin blanket in a measly attempt to find warmth.
You feel the ends of your hair stand up in the cold and your body instinctively hugs itself to at least warm yourself a little bit, your tensing muscles never failing to send little shivers throughout your body.
Two arms then suddenly wrap around your tremoring figure and a mirthful voice fills your ears. “Heya!~” Amane cooed. The ends of your lips turn up into a fond smile as you catch sight of those familiar choppy tufts of hair. “Hey, Amane.”
“Feeling cold?” He softly asks, pulling you closer to his embrace. You laughed. “Well not anymore.” You give him a loving smile as you ruffle his hair.
His face turned red at your smile but smiled back with just as much fondness. “You know, I’m so lucky to have you,” He dipped his face into your neck, welcoming the comforting warmth it gave off. “I can’t imagine living in a world without you..”
Your face reddened at his sudden affection. “E-Eh?? What’s gotten into you, Amane?” You brush off the strands of hair out of his face to get a better look at those magnificent eyes of his. He only grinned childishly.
“Nothing! I just felt affectionate today..” He said before kissing your cheek and nuzzling his face into your neck. You hummed in curiosity. Just what is this cheeky boy up to?
The choppy-haired boy picked at your hands, gently caressing each finger with his calloused ones. You only laid your back against his chest as you relaxed into his hold. “Geez, you’re so touchy today,” Your hand clasped around one of his. “More than usual, that is.” You giggled. He snorted while squeezing your hand tenderly. Damn, even his laughs are godly-
“Hey, Y/n?” He softly called.
“I love you, you know that, right?” Your heart swelled with warmth and glee at his words. Holding his hands tenderly, you smiled up at him. “Of course,” You brought his hand up to your lips and gently pressed a kiss on it. “And I’ll always love you too, Amane.”
He sighed happily and hugged you tight. You squealed and giggled as he tickled your sides. “Oi, let go!-” He laughed and tickled you more. “Never!”
The rest of the stormy night was never cold anymore after that.
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Masterlist For Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
Mod Yashiro Rules
Mod Natsuhiko Rules
NSFW Alaphabet
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[Hanako-Kun/Yugi Amane]
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[] Hanako and Tsukasa With A Female S/O Who's Afraid Of Being Alone HCs
[] “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.” [Fluff] COMING SOON
[] NSFW Alaphabet || O,U,V ||
[] Confession Tree [Angst & Fluff]
[] Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, and Yashiro With A Rich Female S/O Who Runs The School HCs
[Tsukasa Yugi]
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[] Hanako and Tsukasa With A Female S/O Who's Afraid Of Being Alone HCs
[] Tsukasa With A Non Binary S/O Who's Afraid Of Thunderstorms
[] Tsukasa Comforting an Upset S/O [Hcs]
[] NSFW Alaphabet || O,U,V || COMING SOON
[] Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, and Yashiro With A Rich Female S/O Who Runs The School HCs
[Yashiro Nene]
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[] Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, and Yashiro With A Rich Female S/O Who Runs The School HCs
[Mitsuba Sousuke]
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[None Yet]
[Kou Minamoto]
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[] Kou With A Cute S/O Headcanons [Fluff]
[Teru Minamoto]
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[] Career Surveys [Lime] COMING SOON
[Akane Aoi]
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[None Yet]
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