#yukari best girl tho????
yuseirra · 4 months
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yukari's really the one
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proxythe · 1 month
What kind of music can you see the P3 cast listening too? Your latest post just made me wonder that. Also just curious, what music do you listen to normally? I ask everyone this lol
im kind of unbelievably horrible at knowing music genres, let alone trying to assign specific genres to characters but i’ll try my best 😭 guys plz dont cook me if its bad im not that big of a musichead plz plz
Anyways. firstly, since minato and kotone both canonically listen to the p3 ost, i can assign them hip hop/rap/pop off rip. if it’s in their playlist, i think we can gather that they enjoy it.
minato - alt rock, pop punk, gothwave, video game osts. i say video game osts bc i yhink minato would like sitting around in a video game afk just to listen to the background music. i dont think minato is a goth but i feel as if gothwave has a sound he’d find enjoyable
kotone - alt rock, hip hop/rap, pop rock. she loves to lip sync to it and u can hear the song she’s lip syncing to bc i also know kotone probably turns her volume to max so loud you’d think she’ll damage her ears someday if not soon
yukari - dance pop, new wave, pop. she’s one of those people who hates country and sucks at listening to music outside her preferred genre. secretly likes a few alt songs but she’d never put them on her main playlist
junpei - hip hop, r&b. probably also a pop enjoyer, but honestly he’d like anything if it were catchy. he loves to dance and it sucks bc he’s really good at it so nobody can make fun of him
fuuka - alt/indie, pop. she’d also enjoy video game music, like minecraft ost and she cries to it. i think she mostly likes slower music. music that makes her feel like her soul is leaving her body and ascending to a different plane of existence
mitsuru - classical. rich girl… but i also think the girls would influence her taste to expand more and she’d find herself enjoying the worst songs you’ve ever heard in your life. it’s ok tho since it’s her first time branching out. she’ll grow…
akihiko - whatever’s on the radio, mostly enjoys upbeat faster paced music that can easily hype someone up. he’s kinda that one pic that’s like “Gym Beast Playlist” and the first song is hi high by loona
shinjiro - death metal, old school hip hop. death metal came to me bc i was thinking about casual outfits for shinjiro and i really wanted to put him in a death metal shirt bc of the font lmfaoo. but i prefer more old school hip hop for him and occasionally other things like old school rock music. he hates that new shit
ken - pop, alt/indie. ken is a kid so his taste is just beginning to form. he only knows pop radio. i also think ken’s music taste is music where you’d hear it and be like “god how does anyone like this” but he’s a child so he’s allowed to get away with it. and i say indie bc i also think ken is the type of person to be sad so he listens to more sad music as if it won’t make his mood worse. he goes on youtube and types “sad music playlist” when he’s in a bad mood
aigis - feel like she focuses more on the lyrics than the sound 😭 it’s her first day on earth she hasn’t yet learned that u can listen to music for the vibe instead of the lyricism. even then, i think aigis would probably enjoy almost any kind of music bc she thinks the creativity is beautiful
koromaru - adding him bc i think he’d have shinjiro’s taste from how much he loves him. he hears death metal and it puts him right to sleep…
ryoji - similar to aigis, but he’d probably heavily prefer whatever music the protagonist also enjoys. he has his own thing for classical music as well. he plays the piano and stuff …
+ thanks for asking what my taste is. i personally prefer to listen to a lot of rock, punk, metal, etc. if my cutesy art doesn’t make it so incredibly obvious BUT i enjoy anything as long as it sounds pleasant to my ears ✌️
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callmearcturus · 1 year
persona has always had a tenuous-at-best grip on the major arcana but how the fuck is yukari the Lovers. like, broadly, the Lovers is connection to other people and joining hands as you make a difficult decision together.
Yukari is, at my point in the story, feeling more and more separate from the rest of the group, eschews connections with everyone, is nervous and lonely even when she's teamed up with people, and I would not call her particularly decisive. Like even for Persona it's a stretch.
In comparison, Junpei makes a great Magician tbh. Exuberant and focused on concrete results, liable to burn himself out if he's not reined in. I was suspicious of Akihiko as the Star at first, but he's such a Blood aspect, he's the Team Mom, he is out of everyone the most aware of the danger everyone's in, but still is hopeful when a girl has been stuck in Tartarus for 10 hours.
I also love Rio as the Chariot, even if it manifests as "idk love and boys are dumb and i don't get them, lets hit the field and practice." Like, it's a take and I like it.
makes no damn sense. does not compell me tho. /kicks her out of the party at first chance
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plushiehamuko · 9 months
So idk if anyones ever asked this but what do you think of the p3 casts' Arena ultimax redesigns?
I assume you love Mitsuru's because shadow ops is amazing
thoughts? I'd love to hear what the squishy thinks
HELLOOOOOOO FRIEND so i haven't actually gotten around to playing p4au and only know about what i've read on the wiki pages but i DO have opinions on some of the designs and i am very glad to share them, i'll put it under the cut so i can ramble and add reference images :))
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SO I DO LIKE THE MITSURU DESIGN... i will say that this outfit isn't what i'd really consider representative of her personal style as it is in my mind which is a tiny bit of a downside BUT damn she does pull it off well, absolutely gorgeous hehehe. and her coat looks very soft.......
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p4a akihiko... oh no... so yall probably do not know this but i've actually spoken at length about how i think the fact that they gave him that ugly ass facial hair is EGREGIOUSLY upsetting. he's such a pretty boy, don't do him like that... other than that i dislike the color of his pants and i do truly think he should put a shirt on. i'm sorry akihikers who enjoy that he does not have one. i think it's cringe. get a shirt boy
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YUKA-TANNNNNNNNNN i think yukari looks so cute and i love that she is pretty in pink like always... she ate this UP she is slaying!! good for her.
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there's not really much to be said about ken's design. he sure is wearing a gekkoukan uniform. and good for him i suppose. i also think the existence of aged up ken is slightly cursed. like boy you will always be 10 years old to me
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junpei looks pretty stupid in this design. it's kinda an eyesore. but perhaps looking pretty stupid is what suits junpei best which is why you could argue they did a great job. i do wish it felt more taken seriously tho. it seems like they are clowning on him purposefully and yes he IS the funnyman of the group but he is more than just that...
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FUUKA ACTUALLY LOOKS EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL LIKE THIS... she is so soft and pretty :(((( i'm actually a tiny bit in love with her about it. like heeeeey girl are you single bc ahaha.... SOOOOOO GORGEOUS... (although for anyone reading this who is familiar with mystic messenger the fact that she looks almost identical to v's mom is throwing me off a bit)
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aigis sure does look aigis-y. i suppose there was no need to change her appearance since she is a robot. i mean good for her bc aigis always looks good and it looks like she's got some sick weaponry goin on there. i hope she gets to blow somebody up
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forecast-rain · 2 years
I accidentally deleted @robins-den ask but he asked for souyo fic recs so I'm here to provide!
(sorry if the descriptions aren't exactly the best by the end but most of these fics I haven't read in a While and don't feel like looking through them again)
Garu, Garudyne, Magarudyne by hydrocarbon
long fic. souyo is one of a couple plot threads here, among which the main(?) one is the relationship between yukari p3 and yosuke p4 cause they're sibling here. I barely know anything about p3 and I understood everything just fine I believe so don't worry about that. highly recommend one of my all-time faves.
Little Bit of Light by luvefree_13
souji celebrates his birthday - contrast between now and then
Lines of Communication by scatter
not romantic souyo but it's early friendship and they're working out a misunderstanding
Kitten Comfort by InkstainedGwyn
I loved it when I first read it and it's still so good. recommend. good if you want some angst with hurt/comfort I believe
Straight guy worties he's being homophobic to gay roommate, realizes he's fallen in love with him by bardlings
you know what this is about from the title I won't say more.
June 22nd by artikgato
this one can only be seen if you have an ao3 account. It's really sweet and I love it :) it's almost like a oneshot collection though set in the same universe chronologically. I believe it's updated every year on yosuke's birthday.
seven days au by imightbejehan
Inaba's Self-Appointed Cat Adoption Agency by sinelanguage
souyo is not the main focus here, mostly just the p4 crew shenanigans. Look at it if you want kitty pictures :)
I want you and no one else. by KatoriAeku
Hypnotic Voice by Prettyflower34
The Boy Who Leapt Through Time by MrRee
warning - major angst. time travel involved. really good fic tho. oneshot
Ten Steps by Chisotahn
long fic. I remember this being one of my favorites but I do not remember the plot anymore.
nebulous by delicatty
long fic. I remember this also being one of my favorites. warning - yosuke imagines the person on the phone as a girl at first so that can be awkward. this fic can make you feel awkward a lot I believe. really good though.
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Persona 3's social links are genuinely so much better than Persona 4.... Ranking em so far
Shinjiro. I haven't actually met him but he's 10000000% the best I can feel it
Tanaka. Anime saul goodman my beloved. Definitely an upgrade over that creepy nurse
Saori. Idk so be far I just want to hug her :( she's also very ethereal. Pls don't spoil this social link I'm only on rank 4...
Bebe. He's a weeaboo shit and I love him. Idk why people hate him so much he's just a dork
Maiko. Poor girl trying to cope with her parents divorce :( still on rank 2 tho
Yukari. Fuck Yukari haters!! Even her story in The Answer is actually good!!
Junpei. I'm still on rank 4 but I'm curious of his backstory. I actually liked him more than Yosuke!! Sorry for misjudging you, that transphobic beach scene is still shit tho
Old couple. From this point SLs are on the okay territory, and I find this one to be quite cute and wholesome and sad! But nothing that wow'd me
Rio. This one seems to be a fan favorite and I do still like her but so far... Idk I feel like these options are pushing her that romantic love exists. Maybe Rio is ace aro?? I haven't finish this one tho
Fuuka. Okay this isn't my least fav lmao I just started this SL!! I cannot form an opinion just from her bad cooking!!
Haven't started Akihiko and Mitsuru because I need to be extra hot and a GENIUS apparently >:( anyway I think I can count P4 social link that I love entirely by hands (Kanji, Naoki, Ai, Shu, Nanako, Dojima, Adachi.... that's it) but with P3 I love the majority of them and I haven't started like half of them?? They're all so compelling... Same goes to P5 (I only didn't care much about Ohya, Chihiyo, and maaaaaybbeeeeee Ann sadly but she's literally the best romance option omg), man P4 social links were such a dud :(
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petorahs · 1 year
i'm just gonna: ☀️ anon. There.
Anyway: I can see where you're coming from and like I said it has been forever since I played the Answer and I don't /hate/ it. But I guess I always had an issue with Yukari, because she seemed to me needlessly mean to others sometimes? Like she was right and others are wrong so its fine if she can be mean? But that is just what I /remember/. And while yeah, characters are allowed to be mean and not perfect and allways kind, especially female characters, because GOD FORBID women do anything- it also doesn't mean I have to LIKE her. I guess it's because to me Yukari felt like someone who would unironically call someone having fun "cringe", which for me personally is a dealbreaker. But Persona ALWAYS had this issue with having the male bestie be the buttmonkey of jokes, some kind of pervert and dunked on by the other characters and Junpei is still having it the best?? (Yosuke, Ryuji, you boys deserved so so much better).
In any case, I guess I couldnt give her as much leeway or credit because her personality didn't really mesh with me. But now being older I also think that it is BECAUSE of the writing. Persona Games have all extremely low points and extreme high points. The entire first palace is great in persona 5, Persona 4s social links with the Dojima family are really gripping and persona 3 is still one of my faves because it just came at the very right time in my life. (Who would've thought that a game about DEATH as its core theme would SAVE me.) But the writing is not always very consistent and the characters really suffer for it, usually for very stupid reasons like """""humor""""". I guess I am just trying to say that I get what you mean, but Yukari is just not my fave so I guess it is easier for me to lose patience. Like there are characters I'd go to war for in the persona series, so its easier for me to see the GOOD writing aspects, while others might greatly dislike them and therefore have a far easier time seeing the writing from more negative perspectives.
But your analysis has really given me some food for thought. I will definitely try to pay it more attention on a replay!
It always felt like Yukari was pushed as a sort of "main love interest" which always kinda felt off to me when persona games do that. maybe its because i am gay and therefore see myself more representated by same sex couples/queer couples, maybe its because the persona developers believe men and women cant just be friends it always has to be something romantic, maybe its because the romantic writing always seemed forced and reliant on little events like in a romance shoujo manga- idk, but that was also something that rubbed me the wrong way. But that has been issues in P3-P5 throughout. And i feel like p3 got it the worst??? At least in later games you could opt for just a friendship even tho the writing still made it APPARENT THAT THE GIRLS ARE IN LOVE WITH YOU SPECIAL BOY!!! Sorry Yukari, that's not really your fault, thats a systemic fault.
yoo valid as hell though i get wym. if the character isnt for you then they arent for you and again, im not here to convince you otherwise of anything!
when you say it like that i can see why yukari's a bit of a mixed bag. i still like her tho she kinda a baddie and as a guy i like when girls are kinda mean to me so agree to disagree
ah yes the persona lovers arcana girl suffering from pushed "main love interest" syndrome.. i havent played any other aside from p3 and p5 but i heard rise gets worse. but like you said it is a systemic fault. to be real with you none of the romance options in p3 really enticed me despite 3 being hailed as ""the best dating sim"" out of all three modern games. maybe i just need to play portable. or be able to romance ryoji as makoto lmaoo (i saw a screenshot with ryoji saying he'd like you regardless of gender and. 😭 thanks for nothing i guess atlus?)
hard agree on the persona series as a whole having a tendency of doing something really good but then!!........ not. sticking the landing at all. theres so much to be said about it god these games are a hot mess on average its funny. as much as i adooore it, p3's pacing was so ass that i got severe tonal whiplash on oct 4. couldnt even begin to grieve cause i was so shocked
if you ever replay the answer (which. godspeed to you thats a whole grindfest i wouldnt wish on my worse enemy) i hope youre able to have fun and find new things about it to like! overall we can agree that its good so theres that. talk to you soon o7
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
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@triplegirl1​ That’s fair, like my point isn’t that he’s drop dead gorgeous (bish/fem way) but he is DEF a lot better looking than the rag stain that the anime gave me. DX (P4MC/Souji is more of a handsome boy with a bit of pretty, he has a choice to go either way depending on the artist)
(under the cut cause more to dissect and pictures)
MM makes it work, the 3D model P5D did (predates MM) was......not so believable. The P5D model does a disservice to it his more pretty boy features:
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Is it the longer hair? The outfit? The art style? Maybe it’s that his face is more round in the manga to appear more fem (aka the mangaka changed the chars face structure while they are crossdressing, not saying they did, it’s a possibility and I need to look at it later).
P3MC is also has a very pretty face, but......
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What was the goal Atlus? Less than bare min? The only good thing is everything below the head tbh. Out of them all his outfit fits the best (game wise). But nothing with the hair (literally the other two MC’s wore wigs, but you’re too good???? You’re the only one not wearing a wig amongst your team!)? You know what they could’ve done, that would’ve been like....fun? Give him Hamu’s hair! Or a blue version or her hair! Hell, give him long hair I don’t care. Other chars had a wig and he doesn’t? He’s the only MC without a wig to boot!
Like, I like the maid outfit, P3′s maid outfit’s my fav (I don’t mind P4′s, P5D’s and P5R’s Sumi are ok but....I hate P5′s). But I ask......what’s the point? 
P4′s crossdressing costumes are my fav, partially because of the personality that comes from the references (Kanji for Marilyn Monroe, Yosuke for Natsuki from P3 (or at least a vague call back), P4MC for Saya from Blood (The Last Vampire ver irrc), and Teddie for Alice).... But what’s the point for P3/5?
P3: MC has the maid outfit the girl’s wear....ok?  Ken gets a Gekkou HS girl outfit, with hair reminiscent of Yukari and Toriumi....and that’s stretching is so like?? Junpei gets a cheer outfit that the girls got for P3D???? Why????? Aki’s the only one that makes sense cause at least he becomes a police officer. 
P5: MC has an outfit similar to ones that the girls got in that game (imo it fits the Last surprise MV), and Ryuji is kinda like Anne (the way they put the twin tails is just.......so bad....), but why reference Anne???? She’s in the damn game.....would’ve been more fun if it was a reference to Yukino or Lisa (or even Chie), Yusuke wins for at least referencing something of Goemon.
I think P5D did something better than P3D for once (3 to 2), but only cause I could make more sensible connections to the “why”. But even then it’s kinda....eh. 
Personally, I’d make....
P3: Makoto Y dress like Hamuko (unlike Anne, she’s not in the game, and it’d at least be tongue in cheek/a way to technically have her in the game), be it him dressed as her, or just have her be a whole ass skin (imo it should be both, the trade off is she obvie doesn’t get any alt outfits). Aki can stay as is, Junpei........I’d have him dress as Chidori or Ayase (be like the Yosuke of the group, I’m leaning towards Ayase for Magician parallels tho), Ken I’d have him dress as a demon (Alice is taken, so maybe Nekomata? Like a DemiKids/Devil Children version of a demon tho, keep it child friendly). 
P5: I’d keep Yusuke as is (he can be the Teddie, tho I’d make his outfit more like a Oni Jorou from SMT reference), I’d have Ren dress like someone from Cat’s Eye (or Catwoman, or another famous female thief, be like Yu and reference another (animated) medium), and Ryuji......man they REALLY wanted to slap pigtails on this poor bastard....either another famous person (like Marilyn Monroe, or if they REALLY want a school girl, then either Lisa/Chie/Yukino, Yukino would work with his short hair and delinquent appearance). 
sorry felt like it was the right moment to talk about the cross dressing outfits 8U
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kritantathegreat · 7 years
Did the koi to uso fandom die?
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hikari-ni-naritai · 3 years
Hey Emily! I was wondering if you would mind giving your opinion on some girls cause, I sadly dont talk to many other lesbians and Im curious how theyre viewed! There's a lot and I don't know if you know some of them so just do whatever you feel like, if any, haha. Well, here goes: Mythra, Nia, Morag xeno 2, Edie, Bernie, Lysithea, Hilda, Manuela fe3h, Seaport, Midway, BattleshipHime, Akagi, Atago, Takao, Pola, Shirayuki, Minegumo, Ushio, Isokaze, Nelson, Kamoi, Katori, Amagi, Unryuu, Graf kancolle, Kyoko and Homura meguca, Roxie, Skyla, Elesa, Erika, Cynthia pokemon, Toko, Mikan, Ibuki, Akane, Hiyoko, Angie, Kirumi, Miu, Himiko, Tenko dragnropa, Spas and Ithaca girls frontline, Alma, Jill, Stella, Dorothy Va-11, St. Louis, Honolulu, Taihou, Atago, Bremerton gachatrashAzurLane, Shiki, Ikaruga, Haruka, Ryobi, Yozakura senrankagura, Reimu, Yuyuko, Reisen, Urumi, Kaguya, Yukari, Patchouli Touhou and uh, Poi, Armand, ForestRanger, Echidna, Kahn, Daphne, Ignis, Spriggan, Faucre, Alice, Cerberus from last origin, warning, that last one is maaaaad horny so do with that what you will. Again though, feel free to ignore some of thise or this entire thing if you dont want to/feel like it! I'm just curious about your thoughts on some of these, you seem nice and have good opinions on a lot but of course no pressure! And whatever you decide to do I appreciate you anyway. ❤
anon in the future please keep it to a reasonable number of girls lol. you know im legally bound to answer every ask i receive in full. under the cut!
mythra: shes ok but she could be pyra. plus i always think of that post about her feet smell. urgh.
nia: thats that catgirl with the fucked up accent right? cute/10
morag: oh shes cute. dont really care for the outfit personally but its not bad.
edelgard: kin <3
bernadetta: extremely good girl. im going to kill her dad.
lysithea: sweet baby girl. i love her so much . she cast a evil fucked up magic.
hilda: very cute as a gay pair with marianne but like in game? kind of reprehensible. cute tho.
manuela: worlds worst disaster milf. i dont care for her but she shouldve been bisexual. the lesbians deserved that.
seaport hime: oh thats that titty bitch with the turtleneck right? not my favorite abyssal but shes cute.
midway: oh god thsi girl looks like she would fuck me up. those little abyssal plane bombs always spell disaster. love her design, would love to hug her.
battleship hime: oh i remember HER. she has fucked me over a few times im sure. very cute!
akagi: a good girl! not sure if i think shes a little dull bc she was in the anime or bc shes a potatoface. but very good girl!
atago: cute! tragically not as well-used as other heavy cruisers.
takao: a little less cute than atago! but a very good girl nonetheless.
pola: drunk italian. 10/10 would share a glass of wine with.
shirayuki: one of the cuter fubuki class! i dont think i raised her but she was always a cutie
minegumo: oh this girl! very cute! always loved her
ushio: gamecushio
isokaze: i love her and all her sisters honestly. very cute.
nelson: i remember getting her in her event. i set her as my flagship at lvl 1 and spent the whole rest of the event grinding. i miss kancolle events. nelson a cute
kamoi: i love kamoi shes adorable i have two of her
katori: better than her sister kashima. stone me for this opinion.
unryuu: very cute! there used to be an artist on pixiv who made really good art of her but they deleted all their stuff. a shame honestly.
graf zepelin: she looks sad and a little sickly. i want to give her a hug.
kyoko: i think she should kiss homura
homura: i think she should kiss kyoko
Roxie: hmm not exactly my type
Skyla: now SHES cute!
Elesa: she should probably wear more clothes i think
Erika: worlds first lesbian <3
Cynthia: anon you HAVE to know how i feel about cynthia pokemon. i am going to marry her.
Toko: oh the cereal killer. i always thought she would probably smell kind of bad. i dont know why.
Mikan: cute. kind of pitiful.
Ibuki: best dangle ramble
Akane: powerful. not my type exactly. cute tho
Hiyoko: fuck this lil bitch
Angie: havent played v3 but shes ok. should wear more clothes i beleive
Kirumi: oh a cute! edgy! love her.
Miu: oh cute!
Himiko: oh the witch girl! love her. do a magic ma'am
Tenko: oh this ones the lesbian. 10/10
Spas: oh shit!! cutie!
Ithaca: anon you really do have a type dont you? shes cute though
Jill: love jill. really love to make her drink an entire case of beer with her boss
Stella: cat girl cat girl cat girl cat girl
Dorothy: dorothy cute im love her. 10/10 would hire
St. Louis: a cutie! but fuck azur lane
Honolulu: looks like a fuckin tsundere
Taihou: i know ive seen her before. i prefer kancolle taihou
Atago: oh THATS who that is. i prefer kancolle atago
Bremerton: this girl needs a breast reduction
Shiki: yknow every time i see senran kagura i think about the awful hrpg my friend was playing bc its drawn by the same artist. anyway this girl needs to wear more clothes and stop looking like a milf
Ikaruga: this girl's kind of cute. senran kagura girls seem to all have the same size tits
Haruka: same as shiki.
Ryobi: oh SHE is pretty cute!
Yozakura: this one looks like every design of 'perfect japanese girl with short hair' ever
Reimu: oh i KNOW this one! reimu is cute. stupit too
Yuyuko: zun really does be creating girls huh? shes cute
Reisen: bnuuy
Urumi: the internet seems to be drawing bigger tits on thsi girl than she has.
Kaguya: a cute!
Yukari: oh i think ive seen this one around. cute!
Patchouli: she! sleepy.
Poi: extremely too big tits
Armand: this one is cute! i like her
ForestRanger: extremely too big tits
Echidna: extremely too big tits
Kahn: what the hell this girl looks like her top half has been shrunk down to half the correct size relative to her thighs
Daphne: i think by and large these last origin characters should wear more clothes
Ignis: got damn. extremely too big tits x2
Spriggan: im noticing that some of these girls are in big mech suits. thats neat. not as bad as the others
Faucre: not a huge fan of 'horny dominatrix' as a character design honestly
Alice: extremely too big tits
Cerberus: this girl would be cute but once again the last origin artists really do just inflate tits to astronomical proportions.
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krystal · 4 years
If you could, would you take time to make a list of shoujo manga's you've read? I got into them recently and I would love more recommendations. Thank you! <3
yes of course ❤️ i love making lists for no reason
here is a list of shoujo manga i’ve read and i think are worth reading (under the cut) and warning this is gonna be pretty long
NANA: The story of two 20-year-old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends. 
everyone is probably sick of hearing me talk about it but I truly think this is the best shoujo manga of all time 😁 i’m not even joking this series is everything to me
Paradise Kiss: Yukari is a high school student who has become tired of her life of constant schooling. She then comes across a group of student fashion designers in need of a model for their "Paradise Kiss" clothing label. Yukari knows nothing about the fashion world and is taken back by the group's eccentric ways, but she soon comes to admire their free thinking ways and ability to pursue their dreams with a one track mind.
I think this is technically josei but I still recommend it, same author as NANA
Gakuen Alice: Mikan runs away to Tokyo to follow her best friend, Hotaru, who has been enrolled in an exclusive, secretive private school for geniuses. But it turns out that Alice Academy is a lot more than meets the eye. If Mikan wants to stay by Hotaru's side, she has to both pass the strange "entrance exam" and face the even greater challenge of befriending her very odd new classmates.
this starts out pretty harmless, but it gets really heavy omg i cry every time i read it 😐 i can’t do it justice in a couple words but it’s one of my ultimate fave series. fave male lead and fave relationship dynamic
Kamisama Kiss: Nanami is alone and homeless after her dad skips town to evade his gambling debts and the debt collectors kick her out of her apartment. So when a man she's just saved from a dog offers her his home, she jumps at the opportunity. But it turns out that his place is a shrine, and Nanami has unwittingly taken over his job as a local deity!
i’m running out of things to say, but this is peak fiction
Chihayafuru: Chihaya is a girl in the sixth grade, still not old enough to even know the meaning of the word zeal. But one day, she meets Arata, a transfer student from rural Fukui prefecture. Though docile and quiet, he has an unexpected skill: his ability to play competitive karuta, a traditional Japanese card game. Chihaya is struck by his obsession with the game, along with his ability to pick out the right card and swipe it away before any of his opponents. However, Arata is transfixed by her as well, all because of her unbelievable natural talent for the game. 
again, this is josei but highly recommend!! the description is misleading because most of the story happens when they’re in high school. imo this is the best sports manga of all time
Akatsuki no Yona: Yona reels from the shock of witnessing a loved one’s murder and having to fight for her life. With Hak’s help, she flees the palace and struggles to survive while evading her enemy’s forces. But where will this displaced princess go when all the paths before her are uncertain?
i love high stakes and drama... and this has all of that. my fave ongoing shoujo manga
Cardcaptor Sakura: Fourth grader Sakura Kinomoto finds a strange book in her father's library -- a book made by the wizard Clow to store dangerous spirits sealed within a set of magical cards. But when Sakura opens it up, there is nothing left inside but Kero-chan, the book's cute little guardian beast... who informs Sakura that since the Clow cards seem to have escaped while he was asleep, it's now her job to capture them!
one of my childhood favourites and i still love it to this day
Fruits Basket: Tohru Honda is a high school freshman who is having a serious bout of misfortune. However, when her luck to seems to be at its worse, she meets the Soma family - and is invited to stay with them in exchange for taking care of the household chores. But it isn't long before Tohru discovers that the Somas have a deep secret. The family is cursed by the spirits of the Chinese Zodiac, and some of the children born into the Soma family can be possessed by these spirits. 
it’s not a perfect series but i think anyone who reads it will definitely find something to love about it
Skip Beat: Kyoko Mogami followed her true love Sho to Tokyo to support him while he made it big as an idol. But he's casting her out now that he's famous! Kyoko won't suffer in silence--she's going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in show biz!
if u love slow burn this series is for u lol... one of the longest-running shoujo manga ever. kyoko’s character development is A+
Ouran High School Host Club: One day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at exclusive Ouran High School, breaks an $80,000 vase that belongs to the "Host Club," a mysterious campus group consisting of six super-rich (and gorgeous) guys. To pay back the damages, she is forced to work for the club, and it's there that she discovers just how wealthy the boys are and how different they are from everybody else.
an easy and fun read
Oboreru Knife/Drowning Love: They fight one another, they chase after one another, they capture one another—a turbulent tale of preteens on the brink of self-destruction.
i love the art and the tone of the writing but i have a lot of mixed feelings about this manga. i think it’s worth the read for the pretty panels alone tho... tw for sexual assault
series that were cute reads but aren’t necessarily my faves:
Fukumenkei Noise, Yubisaki to Renren, Namaikizakari, Hana Kimi, Yamatonadeshiko Shichihenge, Orange
series i didn’t like but you might:
Hirunaka no Ryuusei, Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet, Kimi ni Todoke, Hibi Chouchou
ok sorry this was so long i just love any excuse to rec my faves <3 if u read any of them lmk if u like them
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reilenka · 4 years
if you don't mind, could you Gumi/Len or Arsloid/Yukari, please? also, love your blogs, so cute!
I'll do both!!! sorry for the late reply ajsbdb I'm dummy but I'm glad you like my blogs aah \o/♡
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
I've always thought gumilen is rly cute,,, I think around 2012 I had a gumilen phase where it was the Len ship I focused on the most, but other than that it hasn't been an otp situation, tho whenever I see gumilens I go :)
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
Ive never had a consistent headcanon for gumi but she seems like she would enjoy going to arcades n stuff, she seems like a gal who would enjoy playing those dance rythm games, Len would probs think it was fun too
Who does chores around the house?
Len seems like a chores guy, but gumi would pitch in too bc she would feel bad letting him do all the work sjdj
Who’s the better cook?
Gumi!! She can cook up some rly tasty stuff, she keeps a lot of recipe books and always tries out new stuff
Who’s the funniest drunk?
Gumi kind of just becomes a little more outgoing, meanwhile Len has a rly low alcohol tolerance and either falls asleep or is completely gone after just a little sjdjjd
Do they have kids?
Squints I remember seeing gumilen fankids around the internet back in the day,, I can only imagine one of the ones I found as their kid sjdjffj so I would assume that they would have one kid in the future
Do they have any traditions?
Every Saturday they watch a movie together, except they seek out super terrible movies, so they suffer but also laugh
What do they fight about?
I think if we put my Len headcanon into the context I would assume gumi would be more upfront to him about the fact that he isn't always honest to himself, she would probably confront him about it and he would try his best to be more honest and true to how hes actually feeling? Does that make sense I have no idea
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
The would probably be rly embarassed kdkdkd
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
None of them seem to me to be movie criers so nobody djjd
Who always wins at Mario kart?
Gumi is really good at Mario kart. Len fears her power
One thing I like about this ship?
I love the colors!!! The green/yellow vibes are rly cute tbh
One thing I don’t like about the ship?
Idk if there is anything I particularly dislike abt it :0 I just prefer other Len ships more? But this is still super cute
The song I would say fits them?
I mean how abt the quintessential gumilen song: https://youtu.be/FaiU_sSifGc
Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Gumi is taller than Len,,, cus it's cute
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET
I've never heard of this ship before but I'm here for it!!! It's nice seeing some arsloid ships floating around nowadays
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
What if they,,, went stargazing and also brought telescope and yukari could tell arsloid abt stuff she knows about the moon and stars,,,,, uwus,,,
Who does chores around the house?
Arsloid is the type to clean right after making a mess, while yulari tends to just. Leave stuff around bc she's used to living by herself so nothing rly matters when it comes to it being messy akskd she's working on being tidier tho
Who’s the better cook?
Arsloid! Yukari can only make cup noodles
Who’s the funniest drunk?
Yukari goes from being very calm and monotone to bring extremely loud and laughs a lot when she's drunk, arsloid is quite surprised at the gap moe
Do they have kids?
I think they would be the kind of couple who don't rly want kids, but might reconsider when they get older
Do they have any traditions?
Yukari comes over to arsloids apartment every day after they have been at the studio, and she promptly takes a nap. She hangs out w arsloid later and they have a chill time, but the nap has become a mainstay and sometimes arsloid also takes a nap too bc she looks like she's rly comfortable ajsdbdb
What do they fight about?
They only bicker about small things, since they are very different people they tend to clash a little when it comes to day to day stuff but they don't rly get super mad at eachother
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
Yukari would be confused and arsloid would yell
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
Yukari shed a single tear. Nobody ever saw
Who always wins at Mario kart?
Arsloid bc yukari isn't very good at the game, she keeps forgetting what all the different items do so she spends a lot of time figuring it out
One thing I like about this ship?
It has yukari in it n she's one of my fav official vocas,,,,, bunnie girl
One thing I don’t like about the ship?
Idk if there is anything I don't like 🤔
The song I would say fits them?
I only picked it based on the vibe of the song, not including lyrics lol
Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Yukari likes to suddenly hold arsloids hand without telling him first, he always becomes super flustered. She sometimes does it w kisses too lolol
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edvonstein · 4 years
which precures would read homestuck without being dared to
Boy howdy. There’s a question I didn’t expect. Well let’s see here and go down the list:
Nagisa: Got into it shortly after launch, after hearing Honoka talk about it.
Honoka: OG reader, has been around for most of Hussie’s stuff.
Hikari: She didn’t read it until about halfway through its publication run, but caught up in a single night. She made fanart.
Saki: She tried to get into it for Mai, but it never really meshed with her. Still learned enough through osmosis to cosplay both Dirk and Dave.
Mai: She has five sketch books that are just redraws of the entire series with everybody replaced by Saki. None of her friends must ever see. They saw. They didn’t get it, but liked the art.
Nozomi: OG reader, not the absolute biggest fan, but did walk away liking it.
Rin: Saw Nozomi read it, and tried a little herself. Then she met Kanaya. The rest was history and fanfics. And special flower arrangements.
Urara: Currently lobbying for a broadway adaption. She is undecided which role she wants to play tho.
Komachi: She has changed her writing pseudonym to John Egbert, to get a better likelyhood of getting her Pirate Hurricane series published. She writes more like a mix of Dave and Rose though. It’s fucking mind expanding.
Karen: She had it fed through her home’s in house cinema to watch it with Komachi initially. They all ended up watching it.
Milk/Kurumi: “Vriska did nothing wrong”
Love: Her and Setsuna totally are like Rose and Kanaya. She is Rose of course.
Miki: She knows she is everybody’s Kanaya. She spend some time making masks of the characters. You can imagine how well that ended. Her Kanaya cosplays are somehow still great for the family boutique.
Inori: Yeah, she read it. Each reading session was followed by a trip to the confession booth. Eventually she just started reading it in the confession booth. The priest liked it too.
Setsuna: Her and Love totally are like Rose and Kanaya. She is Rose of course.
Tsubomi: Yes she read it. No her friends must never know. She doesn’t realize all of them have read it too.
Erika: The only friend Tsubomi opened up to about Homestuck. Turns out Erika runs one of the main japanese fansites of Homestuck.
Itsuki: Main mod on Erika’s fansite. Tsubomi must never know. Nor her family. Itsuki still feels too uncomfortable in their skin for that.
Yuri: Almost OG reader, she and Honoka frequented the same forums. Upon casual mention from Honoka, Yuri tried it out. Her young friends must never be tainted by this horror. Hopefully Hussie updates soon!
Hibiki:Learned about it through Ako. Found it pretty sweet, but didn’t make it all the way.
Kanade: Also learned about it through Ako. her bi heart couldn’t be stopped as she steamed through almost all of it in one go.
Ellen: Had been following it for about a year with Hummie before Suite happened. Continued reading while on the villains side. Often plays Homestuck songs while busking, and has several rearrangements on niconico.
Ako: Has been reading Hussie’s stuff since halfway through Problem Sleuth. She was 7 at the time. There’s a reason she a) is so crumby, Karkat is her spirit animal, and b) she decided to go and become an extra af phantom thief precure.
Miyuki: She is a reading machine, and of course this would capture her attention. She came in a bit late but found it on her own.
Akane: Similarly to Rin, she saw it over Miyuki’s shoulder one day, did a bit of reading herself, and got pretty hooked for a while.The hiatuses however broke her streak. Oddly enough the main emotion she took away from it is a hate for Equius, which she shares with Nao.
Yayoi: Main fanart contributor to Erika’s fansite. Her and Reika spend hours talking about Terezi.
Nao: Never did read it, she was too busy with her family and superheroism. More recently though, she decided to kinda wiki crawl the subject. Walked away primarily with a hate for Equius.
Reika: Another mod on Erika’s fansite.She has found her path. Her parents are disappointed. Screw her parents.
Mana: Tried it, didn’t like it. Square.
Rikka: Wishes she could live on that first planet they showed, with the froggies. She tries to dare Mana, but continues to get shot down. Mana is such a square.
Alice: Found it on one of her internet binges to bring her temper down. It proofed a surprisingly good tool to keep her mellow, which is why we see so little of her inner rage during the show. Another Terezi fan.
Makoto: Somehow has never come across a single shred of evidence that Homestuck exists. As unlucky as she is, she might be the luckiest of us all.
Aguri: Unlike Makoto, she has seen what Rikka and Alice are up to. She did read it a little, and liked what she saw well enough, but didn’t stick with it. Not enough time, and her twin sister lives fifty miles in Vriska did nothing wrong territory, so clearly she must be better than her. (She isn’t.)
Megumi: Came across it on her own, read it, but lost interest.
Hime: Runs the discord server for Erika’s fansite.
Yuko: Does occasional lyrics for Ellen’s arrangements, both on youtube and niconico, and makes the occasional troll riceball.
Iona: She was in fact dared, but by Megumi of all people, after she stopped reading. There is no bigger Rose fan now.
Haruka: As an avid reader, it did cross her radar, she went through it, and came out more determined than before to be the best princess she can be.
Minami: Amusingly enough, stumbled across it during her internet binges boning up on marine biology. Feferi popped up in her searches somehow, and the rest is history.
Kirara: Fans suggested it to her. She read it. The most fabulous Kanaya cosplayer of them all.
Towa: Kirara suggested it to her after she herself had finished (by now the webcomic is done IRL) partially because nerds gotta share, and partially because she truly felt it might help her cope with some of her inner turmoil from the guilt over being Twilight. Towa is slow in reading through this particular one, so she is still going through it today. Results unclear, she doesn’t talk much about it, even with Kirara. It might be helping though.
(The remaining characters I don‘t know as well as the others yet, but I’ll see what I can conjure up. Intriguingly I feel this also marks the first generation of Cures that lived in a post Homestuck world, what with Mahoutsukai airing in 2016, and Homestuck ending in 2016.)
Mirai: Got dragged in by the hype over the ending of Homestuck. Dared Riko to read it with her. They did. They planned their wedding to be like Rose’s and Kanaya’s.
Riko: Got dragged in by Mirai. Would feel very big deja vu next year when they both became moms to Kotoha.
Kotoha: Her moms protect her from this vice. (She found it anyways. There is no stopping the corruption of the youth.)
Ichika: Heard about it, but didn’t really care. Unfortunately for her she is on a team with Aoi, Yukari, and Akira.
Himari: Closet fan, wrote several dissertations about the science in Homestuck on Erika’s fansite. Which is probably where her crush on Honoka comes from.
Aoi: Loud and proud, likes this retro comic. Has started collabs with Yuko, Ellen, Amour, and Emiru because of course.
Yukari: She was a depressed gay teen during Homestuck’s peak... what do you think?
Akira: She was a gay teen during Homestuck’s peak... what do you think?
Ciel: She would have been save. But Undertale dragged her right into this fresh hell.
Hana: Huge fan of Undertale, but never quite pulled together the energy to tackle the behemoth that is Homestuck. Did learn through osmosis, with so many of her senpai cure friends being raving lunatic homestuck fans.
Saaya: Actually dodged both the Homestuck and the Undertale bullet initially. Hana then tossed Deltarune at her, and Saaya fell down the rabbit hole.
Homare: She had some inner hangups about getting into the whole mess, but Hana did dare her, knowing enough about the series to know that it’s message might gibe Homare the kick in the behind she needed to give ice skating another go.
Emiru: Big Undertale fan, but doesn’t care about the webcomic herself. Uncertain if even a dare would work, she does her own thing... well, besides the music. She freaking loves the music.
Amour: Read the whole thing in one hour to understand its impact on culture. What else would make her crash and join the heroes? Jokes aside, she did do it, and it did leave an impact on her. She was the one who connected Aoi and Emiru.
Hikaru: What are the freaking odds that she hasn’t read through it in its entirety three times this week alone?
Lala: Had her ship read it to her as something to fall asleep to. It put her to sleep quickly, actually, like tales from home. Her ship didn’t fare as well. It’s one of the biggest crack shippers on Erika’s site. Lala only heard like ten percent of the story.
Elena: Has neither the free time nor privacy to read a webcomic that’s now a decade old. Likes listening to Hikaru’s ranting about the series. Also likes how somehow that ranting makes Madoka’s face light up.
Madoka: It is unknown how she found the time, but she is a freaking huuuueg closet fan. She wants to talk with Hikaru about it, but still feels too uncomfortable being public about it. Hikaru does however know that MoonSollux, one of the biggest fanfic writers on Erika’s site, is her, but will wait for Madoka to come out of her shell in her own time.
Yuni: Missed the whole mess being a space alien idol phantom thief. Is getting a very wrong idea about human culture from Hikaru’s ranting. A dare would totally work.
(I have zero grasp on the Healin’ Good Girls, so not gonna do them.)
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h...honeycarrot... (i hope this isn't being sent by everyone)
ahhhhh i love you babe!!!!!! thank you so much!!!!
who hogs the duvet - lily, totally. her definition of being Cozy is taking up as much space as possible and it annoys the hell outta gumi but they Love Each Other so its ok
who texts/rings to check how their day is going - both of em do!!!! they both get worried about each other a lot so they like to check in to see how the other is doin!!!
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts - gumi!!! she puts a lot of thought into the gifts she wants to give her Geef and lily usually ends up panicking and worrying that her gift isnt as nice (it usually is tho)
who gets up first in the morning - gumi again. she gets up early naturally bc her biological clock has been Wired to work on Anxiety Scheduling. lily can sometimes convince her to sleep in and snuggle tho!!!!
who suggests new things in bed - you wouldnt believe it but......gumi.....shes really shy about it tho so it usually takes her like 10 minutes to make a simple request bc shes not Used to having sex
who cries at movies - lily.......she may act like a Big Strong Butch but deep down shes got a Soft Heart and WILL cry at the slightest occurrence that goes wrong for a movie protagonist. she likes to watch a lot of cartoons as a result bc those are usually happier
who gives unprompted massages - lily does most of the time, but sometimes gumi does too!!! lily likes to give gumi massages bc she likes takin care of her Delicate Femme gf, while gumi likes givin lily massages bc she likes to a.) look at all her back tattoos and b.) feel her Rippling Muscles
who fusses over the other when they’re sick - omg GUMI, poor gal gets so nervous whenever lily has the smallest cold!!!! she p much NEVER leaves lilys side whenever shes sick and basically has to force her to take medicine bc she hates takin medicine
who gets jealous easiest - none of em really get jealous?? ig when they were in high school lily was jealous of gakupo bc before gumi realized she was gay she dated him bc of Compulsory Heterosexuality but thats about it
who has the most embarrassing taste in music - both of em do tbh....lily for the most part is a Hardcore Punk Rock Chick but occasionally shell secretly listen to like. avril lavignes hello kitty or the barbie girl song. meanwhile gumi really likes video game music and electronica but she also enjoys super sappy cliche love songs
who collects something unusual - gumi collects gundams which isnt that unusual but she also likes to collect little machine parts and ESPECIALLY watches bc she likes seein how they......tick........get it........im so Funny
who takes the longest to get ready - lily.....she is what i like to call a Lazybian bc shes lazy AND a lesbian and gumi usually has to rush her whenever they have an important outing
who is the most tidy and organised - GUMI OFC, but ironically she doesnt tidy up her own things a lot of the time.....she will clean literally anything but if you even SUGGEST that she should pick up all the spare shit she has on her side of the room she will Refuse
who gets most excited about the holidays - lily!!!! gumi gets really nervous around holidays bc theres always a lot of planning to do so lily tries her best to cheer her up!!!!
who is the big spoon/little spoon - OBVS lily is the big spoon and gumi is the lil spoon........butches were Made for giving warm hugs and gumi feels so safe in her arms all the time ahhhhhhh I LOVE THEM THEYRE SO CUTE
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports - gumi surprisingly!!!! she really REALLY likes to win so as a result she HATES to lose, which leads to a lot of teasing on lilys part lol
who starts the most arguments - lily but thats mostly bc shes kinda stubborn and set in her ways a lot of the time......yknow that part in undertale where papyrus asks sans to pick up his sock and he just. picks it up and puts it back??? thats how most of lily and gumis arguments go
who suggests that they buy a pet - it was actually a mutual decision!!! they both decided that they needed an Animal Friend to have around the house so they went out and adopted a golden retriever from a local shelter!!! her name is honey bc lily was the one who picked her out so she got to name it
what couple traditions they have - they like to play smash melee with each other on their days off, go out for lil walks if the weather is nice, and drink hot chocolate together on cold winter days!!!!
what tv shows they watch together - gumi really likes gundam and gurren lagen (is that how you spell it idk) so they watch that a lot but lily really likes Soft childrens shows like crayon shin chan so sometimes they watch that together too!!!!
what other couple they hang out with - yuuma and yohio!!!! theyre wlw and mlm solidarity!!!! aside from that tho they also like to hang with miku and rin, flower and maika, and yukari and ia
how they spend time together as a couple - it depends!!!! sometimes they like to stay inside and snuggle, sometimes they like to go out and go on cute carnival dates or go to the park!!! they find lots of ways to be Cute Geefs!!!!!
who made the first move - teeeechnically it was gumi bc she ended up confessing first but that was during an anxiety attack and she just ended up accidentally blurting it out but then lily kissed her sooooo maybe lily??? idk but it was Gay
who brings flowers home - both of em do!!!!! they like givin each other lil surprises (tho gumi has to restrain herself from getting lily lilies All The Time bc its just. too easy)
who is the best cook - gumi, but theyre both p good actually!!! gumi likes to bake desserts while lily prefers to cook meals, but they help each other out whenever they can!!!
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downtomyunderoos · 6 years
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this is a post with (excited) personal thoughts over akihiko’s p3d characterization. mass spoilers ahoy
a week ago i wrote a super short post of my impression of akihiko in p3d. essentially: do you ever feel validated having your favorite actually written well for once? that AND he’s pretty similar to how you roleplay him to boot? considering how physically shitty i’ve felt, p3d made the time i spent playing SUCH a good one!!! i’m so thankful
expect an explanation on these points and on my own interpretation x) i will do my best not to talk about every little thing (and fail)… some things are better off secret, anyway. let us begin!!!!
admittedly, a lot of topics brought up in akihiko’s social i’ve thought about (some almost embarrassingly so that i won’t mention them) or reminded me of stuff i wrote myself or in threads. obviously not to a T, but the ideas are similar in nature. like, i got reminded of my threads with loversquiver (excuse me? mystic red?) when akihiko and yukari interacted. how she’d be curious about him and they get to know one another, but their convos quickly become awkward asdhsdfh
or when junpei and akihiko interacted… honestly, it reminded me of how i’ve desired a sexuality thread (i’ve tried starting at least one in the past, even bringing up junpei for comparison)… when junpei asked minato why akihiko can’t get a girl, my headcanon blared: ‘he’s aroace duh!!!’
—but also… i felt called out when junpei said akihiko could ‘win a girl over’ if there was something about him like a flaw that’d surprise them since FFFFFFFF yeah that was what won me over when i played P3P for the first time. you got me
that aside, as a roleplayer i have touched on akihiko maintaining his image and attempts to keep weaknesses a secret, so it’s yoooooo that the game focused on his perfection, yet akihiko (secretly his own worst enemy if his P3P social link has anything to say about that) knows nobody is perfect.
not only that but also p3d takes it further with akihiko saying that’s what makes people interesting, as well as tying that into his self-improvement motif. i’m love
(lol akihiko being the shit-talking type. that was great)
moving on. so… the convo with fuuka… ooh baby.
i’ve a headcanon (inspired by P3P) that akihiko doesn’t understand reasonable portions, and this essentially shone through their conversation dhgdhfjgdj— but, also, p3d made akihiko knowledgable in addition, bringing up the amount of calories foods have and converting them to how much to work off. impressive!!
not only that, the game hit two? three? birds with one stone in my eyes: bringing up cooking. he doesn’t have the skills. he wouldn’t make a girl do it for him, and that he’d like to learn. THIS IS MY SHIT. i’ve wanted this!!!!!!
i never roleplayed with a fuuka, but a few months ago i wrote a drabble about him and fuuka trying to learn (and another drabble with him telling hamuko he’d want to learn), so i hHHHGGHN. p3d took this up a notch tho by making akihiko weird, which i have no qualms with because he is, just not solely via XD protein.
learning akihiko’s thoughts and how he treats his trophies were soo nice… like i love how thoughtful and respectful this made akihiko out to be. it makes me want to look up to him even more, you know? he is peculiarly a sentimental guy (as also shown by his red convo with yukari) even through rationalism, so this addition? *chef’s kiss*
and akihiko’s relationship with mitsuru shown in the social for both theirs reminded me soo much of older sister/younger brother siblings. like how i imagined it? because, aside from knowing each other for years, you can tell they cared for each other but also annoyed one other (and familiarly so, you know what i mean?) and bickered, plus how mitsuru lectured him and said something along the lines of ‘i have no objections at the moment’ in regards to his plans, like? why are you sounding so authoritative asfsdgh
not to mention how akihiko booted himself out of his own room to flee after going too far ashgsdfs
also, i’ve realized before how you never really know akihiko’s thoughts on mitsuru, so him being blunt and even straight up calling minato stupid at the notion of them dating, in front of mitsuru was HGFDJHGFJH. but equating mitsuru and minato as ‘comrades’ was the best answer because.. well, otherwise they did behave as coworkers/teammates, even rivals. you saw that in their dancing. that was how i usually saw them as, besides metaphorical siblings and the like.
extra: i thought it was funny how akihiko also retaliated by mentioning mitsuru’s dorm room full of furniture because that was something i’ve joked over before, considering how her bed is right next to them. and also: akihiko’s plans in regards to going to college? p4a sure fucked that one up ASDFSG
so tl;dr… he’s a good sport. akihiko is so knowledgeable but also considerate towards others that he mostly does dial it back when necessary, when he notices. he’s strangely sentimental yet respectful, not like… a sore winner or what have you, and he has a pretty open mind. he’s very into self-improvement, and getting to interact with everyone and dancing makes him appreciative of the event, that it broadens his horizons. i was always fond of the theme of akihiko broadening horizons in order to grow. good shit.
and as a roleplayer? i’m happy that i could, at the very least, pull off a similar aura with characterization. i don’t want to sound conceited, but if i had to be honest, you know… nonetheless, it’s nice, and unexpected, to feel good about how i write through playing p3d sgfdhfds i worked so hard for years, and then to have atlus finally deliver the goods…
on top of that, it reminded me so much of my fellow partners at times. all the good times. you guys know who you are x)
otherwise, i’m happy we get to see akihiko interact with his kouhai, with aigis. how the game utilizes ken to having akihiko bring up his own childhood (brilliant). and seeing his relationship with mitsuru outside of SEES was much needed.
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lumen-tellus · 6 years
11 Q Meme!
Answer 11 questions | tag 11 people.
tagged by: @t-chan!!!!!! ww
1. What is the best music related thing you bought in 2017 or 2018?
nothing bc im a broke cheap fuck riporoo
2. Cats or Rabbits?
cats are cute and rabbits are super cute!! they both have the power to be pure balls of sweet fluff and thats all that matters
3. What Disney character do you think is underrated?
iiiiiiiiii............. honestly don’t know? unpopular to say, but im not actually a huge fan of disney and disney-related things riporoo
4. Name 3 films you liked this year!
i havent watched any films released this year, and ive hardly watch movies in general so riporoo...............
i did tho watch No Game No Life: Zero and i loved it to bits despite all the fanservice and extremely questionable content, so riporoo, that’s one film at least!! i don’t remember watching any other films this year tho rip
5. What is one of the best memories you’ve made in the past 5 yrs?
well i think i met sylphie in 2013 - or 2012, but if it’s 2013, id say that counts as a good memory!! same goes for toastie, who i met like.......... last year? two years ago?? fuck i dont know time at all, but becoming friendies with toastie is also a good thing!!
6. If you could ask aliens 1 question, what would you ask?
“Do you have a means of making humanity less stupid?”
7. What types games do you like to play?
well, tbh, playing a game seems to be beyond me since i always prefer seeing a playthrough riporoo
but i really love story-based games!! so RPGs. but i also have a strange interest in those very indie-styled horror-puzzle rpgmaker games. and MMOs, which can only barely have a story in favor of Miscellaneous Whatever 
8. Favorite magical girl?
honestly, i don’t really have a fave magical girl? or at least, right now, i seriously can’t think of one i really super duper love? riporoo
i do however really like sayaka from pmmm, though mainly the way she is post the main series (aka how she’s depicted in rebellion and post-rebellion too, whenever that pilot ever decides to become a full-fledged movie sequel)
9. Strawberries or Raspberries?
either? i mean, theyre kinda the same from my perspective, red and fruity ww
ill take mangoes over either tho
10. If you could have 2 superpowers what would you have?
aaaaaaaaaaah, UHHHHH
well, i know boundary manipulation is apparently the most god-tier thing you can ever have for a power (yukari ftw) so that’s definitely one. as for the second, uh. shit idk, being able to talk to animals?? (or have BIRB WINGS!!!!!!!!!! to fly i guess riporoo)
11. Would you rather be a Fairy, Mermaid, Alicorn or Dragon?
as much as i like the concept of alicorns, being a horse isn’t my thing really. and dragons are Coolie but i don’t wanna have scales. which also removes mermaids, who unless they can easily shapeshift can’t even get on land, which sucks if i wanna get a hotdog from a local food truck or something :V
so more out of elimination really, but i guess a fairy? im still p mmmmmm about it because sylphie has officially made me scared of fairies so like lmao
tagging: anyone who wants to do it!!!!!! ww
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