#hope you have a great day <3
ryanatwoodenthusiast · 5 months
20 years ago today, ryan atwood experienced chrismukkah for the first time !
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jeanmoreaux · 4 months
atlas complex anon back again
why the heLL are these POV chapters so long and also NOTHING IS HAPPENING??? parisa found a gray hair and had to expound on aging for a few paragraphs like babe gROW UP! this is all such a waste of page count oh my god
and whyyyy are we putting in random POVs now!!! enough with the ezra six why should i care!!!
i’m trying to be generous but mY GOD!!!
PLS ALL OF THIS IS SO REAL!!!! we are holding hands ✨ lys and i were talking about this a couple of days ago. literally why do these irrelevant people have povs??!?! nothing was gained by adding them. the story is already boring to read as it is and these random chapters just make it Worse. i really really HATE the structure of this book. abysmal. add to that blake’s tendency to overwrite/underwrite certain scenes and you’re left with no tension to speak of. one of tac biggest crimes is definitely being painfully boring. even if you want to cut her some slack, there are only so many excuses you can make for that.
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abba-enthusiast · 10 months
I don’t give a shit about the Rütlischwur but shoutout to Betty Bossi and mbudget milchschoggi <3
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suburbanlegnd · 10 months
George Washington, Angelica Schuyler, and King George?
(also hello!! hope you have a great day)
George Washington- Favorite character from Hamilton?
I like Hamilton, but I really love Angelica and Eliza!
Angelica Schuyler- Strongest beliefs?
Oof, I have a lot of strong (and maybe strange and a little controversial) beliefs. But I think nothing really matters anyway, and comparing humanity's struggles with the entire and probably endless universe, we are nothing. Also, people should start teaching others not what they should think, but how to think. Because some people seem to be completely helpless when it comes to using their brains, as they always have to be led like on a leash.
King George- Describe yourself with three words
Passionate. Borderline. Tough.
hamilton asks!
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dantekcoetzee · 2 years
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Happy Birthday @the-wereraven ft. Alabaster Longan Dragon
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tinnchan · 1 year
hey nads! have you been watching moonlight chicken? I am completely fixated! we waited so long 😫🤣
Omg Charlie HIII! I have! I am a bit slow with real life and work kicking my butt and I think I am a few parts behind but I have been watching and because of spoilers, Im up to date with most things.
Sometimes, I wonder if it's real and we are actually seeing it. Im so glad to hear you love it. The staircase scene in episode 2 had me on a chokehold, it was peak earthmixism. And omg...Jim and beam??!
I am going to be honest, it's quite different from what I was expecting in terms of conflicts and stuff but we are getting acting earthmix so :')
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sodastarpop · 1 year
hihi i love you!! <3
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seafaremarketplace · 1 year
I know your plushie adopts aren't available for purchase yet but I need you to know that I saw them and became instantly obsessed. They're so PERFECT they are so SOFT I would like to put them on my shelf and squish them occasionally. good lord.
Thank you so much!!! This message really made my morning <3 I look forward to making even more plush cuties !!
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petorahs · 1 year
i'm just gonna: ☀️ anon. There.
Anyway: I can see where you're coming from and like I said it has been forever since I played the Answer and I don't /hate/ it. But I guess I always had an issue with Yukari, because she seemed to me needlessly mean to others sometimes? Like she was right and others are wrong so its fine if she can be mean? But that is just what I /remember/. And while yeah, characters are allowed to be mean and not perfect and allways kind, especially female characters, because GOD FORBID women do anything- it also doesn't mean I have to LIKE her. I guess it's because to me Yukari felt like someone who would unironically call someone having fun "cringe", which for me personally is a dealbreaker. But Persona ALWAYS had this issue with having the male bestie be the buttmonkey of jokes, some kind of pervert and dunked on by the other characters and Junpei is still having it the best?? (Yosuke, Ryuji, you boys deserved so so much better).
In any case, I guess I couldnt give her as much leeway or credit because her personality didn't really mesh with me. But now being older I also think that it is BECAUSE of the writing. Persona Games have all extremely low points and extreme high points. The entire first palace is great in persona 5, Persona 4s social links with the Dojima family are really gripping and persona 3 is still one of my faves because it just came at the very right time in my life. (Who would've thought that a game about DEATH as its core theme would SAVE me.) But the writing is not always very consistent and the characters really suffer for it, usually for very stupid reasons like """""humor""""". I guess I am just trying to say that I get what you mean, but Yukari is just not my fave so I guess it is easier for me to lose patience. Like there are characters I'd go to war for in the persona series, so its easier for me to see the GOOD writing aspects, while others might greatly dislike them and therefore have a far easier time seeing the writing from more negative perspectives.
But your analysis has really given me some food for thought. I will definitely try to pay it more attention on a replay!
It always felt like Yukari was pushed as a sort of "main love interest" which always kinda felt off to me when persona games do that. maybe its because i am gay and therefore see myself more representated by same sex couples/queer couples, maybe its because the persona developers believe men and women cant just be friends it always has to be something romantic, maybe its because the romantic writing always seemed forced and reliant on little events like in a romance shoujo manga- idk, but that was also something that rubbed me the wrong way. But that has been issues in P3-P5 throughout. And i feel like p3 got it the worst??? At least in later games you could opt for just a friendship even tho the writing still made it APPARENT THAT THE GIRLS ARE IN LOVE WITH YOU SPECIAL BOY!!! Sorry Yukari, that's not really your fault, thats a systemic fault.
yoo valid as hell though i get wym. if the character isnt for you then they arent for you and again, im not here to convince you otherwise of anything!
when you say it like that i can see why yukari's a bit of a mixed bag. i still like her tho she kinda a baddie and as a guy i like when girls are kinda mean to me so agree to disagree
ah yes the persona lovers arcana girl suffering from pushed "main love interest" syndrome.. i havent played any other aside from p3 and p5 but i heard rise gets worse. but like you said it is a systemic fault. to be real with you none of the romance options in p3 really enticed me despite 3 being hailed as ""the best dating sim"" out of all three modern games. maybe i just need to play portable. or be able to romance ryoji as makoto lmaoo (i saw a screenshot with ryoji saying he'd like you regardless of gender and. 😭 thanks for nothing i guess atlus?)
hard agree on the persona series as a whole having a tendency of doing something really good but then!!........ not. sticking the landing at all. theres so much to be said about it god these games are a hot mess on average its funny. as much as i adooore it, p3's pacing was so ass that i got severe tonal whiplash on oct 4. couldnt even begin to grieve cause i was so shocked
if you ever replay the answer (which. godspeed to you thats a whole grindfest i wouldnt wish on my worse enemy) i hope youre able to have fun and find new things about it to like! overall we can agree that its good so theres that. talk to you soon o7
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quite-loved · 2 years
Hi :D
omg hi :D
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fearandhatred · 1 month
Happy Birthday!! hope it’s a great day! 🩷🩷🩷
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AAAAH bestie thank u so much!! honoured to receive the signature wahoo from u 😌🖤🖤🖤
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la-llama-sims · 5 months
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𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼…
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kimtaegis · 15 days
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three superheroes, anpanman! for @sopekooks ♡
cr. jung-koook
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pink-teddy-bear · 2 years
Love to you
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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My rendition of @tempo-takoyaki's DTIYS!
Congrats on the milestones! And to everyone else, please go check out their 'Drawing TGCF (except I haven't read the books)' series!
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boysbeloving · 5 months
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apo with kitties for @discluded
Happy Birthday, Kyuu!
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