krisztart · 1 year
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I got tagged by @mirayladraws
Post the last sentence of the fic you are currently writing or a wip of the art you are currently making. Here's the wip of the big three🤍
I'm tagging @maniesart and @yumenofude to do the same, no pressure tho, just if you want to!
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zosanauzine · 2 years
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Check out our lovely guests!
Shiggy, @auspizien @yumenofude @sanjisock and Bao
Carrd 💛 Twitter 💚 Instagram 💛 Mod Team 💚
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poumpatate · 6 months
9 People to Get to Know Better
Thank you @boom-ovaries-gone for tagging me!
1. Three ships: I don't actively ship characters  anymore?? I do like watching Our Flag Means Death for Stede and Ed's relationship tho.
2. First ever ship: I guess my first ever ship before I even knew what a ship was was InuKag. My first active ship was Johnlock.
3. Last song: Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker ahah March to be exact. I heard it in a store and listened to it again at home because I love it
4. Last film: I rewatched The Imitation Game last night because my bf had never seen it and was curious about it. Otherwise I went to see Wim Wenders's Perfect Days at the cinema and it was amazing, definitly my favourite movie of the year.
5. Currently reading: Too many books at a time...
Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian
Cervantes is for goats, Marx is for sheep Pablo Santiago Chiquero
The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman
 Fred Astaire, la haute société du spectacle by  Timothée Gérardin (it doesn't seem to exist in English, sorry)
And more, but I'll say these are my main books at the moment
6. Currently watching: Ultia's run of Candy Love Campus Life. I'm addicted and way too involved with these toxic characters. Otherwise I'm gonna start Our Flag Means Death season 2 and started rewatching Doctor Who from Eccleston's Doctor (and I love it <3)
7. Currently consuming: Just had some water, and I guess I'm about to get a big cup of coffee!
8. Currently craving: Light. For the sun to not go to bed at 4p.m. let me have my vitamin D pleaaaase
Feel free to ignore I you're busy or don't want to, but I tag @blatterpussbunnyfromhell @wilwywaylan @romeomahbromeo and @yumenofude !
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
@yaminions - you. Are. AMAZING. My fellow braincell you’re awesome and gl with Chick-fil-A 😭 I give you the power of chicken nuggets to power through the day
@error525 - YOU STALK MY BLOG AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT- you always ask for the best things and I love writing for you sm- 💜💜💜
@kikithecorgi - you’re going to make me cry with your art it’s so amazing and adorable- but sometimes it’s so fucking sad 😭 you’re amazing!! 💜💜
@sgnjimmy - jimmy you’re a kid simp and you’re awesome don’t let anyone tell you differently or else I’ll beat their asses 💀
@kerokerogecko - Darling you’re so sweet and amazing!! You love pasta man and you’ve made me love him as well :))
@sunclown - your. ART IS AMAZING. 😭 Idek what else to say you’re just awesome and I always get happy when I see you post 🥺
@datsleepygirl - your posts are so adorable I love reading them so much- especially that law one it was so cute😭😭 you’re amazing and pls make sure you take care of yourself!! 💜
@ladymoney-smut - you’re so sweet and I absolutely LOVE your requests! (I’ll always write Zoro hcs for you :)
@kimboltart - ACE AS A TINY CAT- 😭 your art is amazing and I always look at it when I’m sad to cheer myself up 🥺
@yumenofude - the ally things with law and Luffy will forever remain in my photos 💀 and it always makes me cackle at 2 in the morning- your art is amazing I love it sm!! 💜💜
@leol - deuce and ace are so adorable in your style 🥺 I struggle to not shed a tear whenever I see them they’re so cute 💜😭
All of you are so amazing I love you all. Please take care of yourselves and drink water it’s too fucking hot rn 💀
I’m chasing you bec I wanna give you the biggest hug ever. be prepared >:)
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You can deny the hug but I’ll be a bit sad but that’s ok :D
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cosmicatta · 10 months
Hi! I was wanting to get back onto tumblr and I’ve realized you’re the only one piece artist I follow ;-; (it’s been a while since I’ve been on here) I was wondering if there’s any other op artists you like?
Hi, hi, welcome back! 🌸 Of course, here's a few that I follow! Many of them are very lawlu/lulaw-centric because I'm obsessed, so if you're not very into that I'm sorry 😅 But these are all great artists, so I'm sure you'll love their stuff:
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chi-arts · 1 year
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Got tagged by @yumenofude thank yoouu~ <3
Post the last sentence of the fic that you are currently writing or a WIP  of the art you are currently making.
Since I posted my other main wip already (and haven’t made too much progress on that one oops) you get this sketch of aku that I’ll hopefully get to colour tomorrow :D
Tagging @petite-neko @lady-tortilla-chip @eddiethehunted
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hopelessmonster101 · 2 years
Don't wait, run to TikTok right now One Piece fans.
Calling all One Piece fanfic writers!! An artist on tiktok did a body swap of Law and Luffy fanart, and oh my god. I never knew how much a mood emo Luffy could be.
And Law? He just looks so hot and adorable!!
The artist is yumenofude on tiktok! They're also insta, tumblr, and twitter.
The amount of possible stories has me screaming and foaming at the mouth.
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shishisart · 4 years
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happy birthday to my most wonderful friend, @yumenofude! i love you so much. youre such an inspiration. here’s to another year of being really rad.
this art is fanart of omu’s bnha comic called apricus! i’ll link both it and her patreon in a reblog to avoid getting nerfed in the tags. please check them out!
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doodlesfromjupiter · 6 years
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I first posted about this a while ago but better late than never
Thanks to @matchmakingdove1028 @aimlysinlove @yumenofude and everyone else who let me sketch their OCs
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yumenofude · 6 years
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10 Days of LawLu 2k18: Day 1 - Laughter
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toroshitken · 7 years
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collab with @yumenofude for zosanweek.
2 years later version of this work.
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daeofthepast · 7 years
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my submission for the @bnhasummerexchange !! this is for @yumenofude i hope you enjoy!! :333
the first thing i thought that would be in character for them was fighting hahah X3
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plume8now · 7 years
Until You Learn to Love Yourself
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Ship:Can be seen as Klance (//Klangst)
Summary:  There was a crushing weight on his chest. On his heart. It kept pushing more and more everyday. It kept hurting him deep inside, and the day after was always worse than the previous one. No one noticed it. His little, tiny human anxiety wasn't important.
Warning: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Esteem Issues, Langst, Lance-centric, Angst, Mental Instability, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Insecure Lance, Homesickness, Just the seventh wheel thing, everything you want to cry for, save lance 2k17, Season 2 and 3 spoilers, angst & feels, keith cares, everyone cares, but Keith's the one here
A/N:  I've been dying in angst with S02 for Lance, and S03 didn't help. So here we go. Don't blame me for what you read because you have your own will and decided to click on this fic. Ah, and this is my first Voltron fanfiction! Inspired by this fanart I drew two days ago. As usual, thanking my beta @blueflamebird for correcting my dumb mistakes! Enjoy~ :D
Read it on AO3
“Maybe I'm just a goofball after all.”
“I'm just the fifth wheel. Seventh if you count Allura and Coran.”
“What am I even doing here?”
“I've been doing some maths...”
Lance looked at the ceiling, lying on his bed. He didn't turn on the lights. He didn't feel like having... luminosity all around him. Blinding clarity. Darkness was much better. Somehow, he felt at home in it.
There was a crushing weight on his chest. On his heart. It kept pushing more and more everyday. It kept hurting him deep inside, and the day after was always worse than the previous one.
No one noticed it.
And he was good with that. He was okay with that, because there was an entire galaxy to take care of. There were entire planets needing Voltron to free and save them, to lead to independence and to the end of the Galra Empire.
His little, tiny human anxiety wasn't important.
He wasn't “The One” for Blue, Shiro was back and Keith was perfect for Red. The first bond with the Lions was always... nothing could change that. And yet. Yet, he lost it.
And he really thought he could, maybe, just maybe, pilot Black? Voltron's head? The Lion? No. Of course not. That seat had to go to the bravest. The good leaders. Like Shiro. Shiro was a natural. And Keith- no wonder why Keith could do it.
Keith was excellent in everything he did. That was well known.
And he-? Lance wondered, how did he happen to get his lion in the first place?
He had felt so proud back then. Blue made him so happy. So alive. Almost valuable.
He was just borrowing Red. For now. He couldn't take Blue away from Allura, she, more than anyone else, deserved the Lion. And even if he wanted to, Blue had chosen her now. There was nothing he could do now. Allura was a fast learner, and way better than him.
Lance twitched a smile.
I'm just the fifth wheel after all.
He'd tried.
He swears.
He'd tried.
He'd tried so hard.
Why wasn't it enough?
He missed his family so much.
He... he-
His fist grabbed his shirt where his heart was and he squeezed it, squeezed it so hard, as if it would break his feelings, his emotions, his thoughts.
He wanted to go back to Earth, oh, so bad.
He wanted his teenager life back. He wanted his carelessness back. He wanted his pranks with Hunk back. He wanted his fake hatred for Keith back. He wanted to joke around without getting exasperated looks and sighs. He wanted to flirt carelessly, without getting cold store and eyes roll.
He just wanted to be a teenager again.
His other hand hid his eyes, as if he was ashamed of his tears. Which was actually the case.
Lance Mcclain, you are so pathetic.
“Leave the maths to Pidge.”
Leave everything to everyone. Don't interfere. What could he do anyway? Pidge and Hunk were excellent engineers, Keith's the best pilot anyone's ever seen in their generation, no need to talk about Shiro, Allura or Coran.
He couldn't even cook like Hunk. What a burden.
“Lance? Can I-”
Lance jumped, suddenly brought back to present. His heart was pounding as if he had been caught doing something insane, idiotic or bad. He stared at the door, now opened, and the slight light coming into his bedroom, destroying his safe place, his dark comfort and thoughts. He, somehow, felt betrayed by this interruption.
Keith's voice broke silence again.
“Are you... are you crying?”
I'm not.
He entered the room.
I'm not.
Made one step.
I'm not.
Lance cleared his throat, trying to tell him.
I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.
Useless. His words died in his throat as soon as he tried.
He didn't think. He turned to the wall, showing his back to Keith. To his friend. To the Black, and Red Paladin.
Leave me alone.
A few seconds passed, and nothing happened. Keith didn't move, didn't turn on the light, didn't touch Lance, didn't talk. All that could be heard was their breath.
Leave. Please, just leave.
Keith sat on his bed. A hand, not so sure of what it was doing, touched his shoulder, and that was it. He could have left, ignoring what he'd seen. Ignoring his face drowned in the tears, because that was the best to do. Because everything was so much easier if no one noticed. If no one tried.
“You matter, Lance.”
The former Blue Paladin gasped. Tears came back, stronger than before. How could he say such a thing? How could he just come in here, do as he pleases, and throw words like these at his face?
At this moment, Lance hated him. He hated Keith for finding him in such a weak position, defenseless, dropping his happy mask and leaving himself drown into his insecurities. That was not supposed to change.
Next day, he was supposed to come back, and smile, and do silly jokes again to push away those feelings devouring his heart, just for the day, and getting back to them at night, as usual.
And nothing, no one was supposed to change it.
“You're an amazing sharp shooter.”
Lance's body shuddered. It hurt. It hurt so much.
Keith's moves naturally adapted to Lance's reactions, as if they'd already done that. As if they were both used to it.
“One of the best.”
Warm. He felt so warm in his arms. Something was tingling inside.
“I could have been hurt, or dead without you.”
No way. Not you.
“You got our back. You got my back.”
Sven got shot because of me.
“Don't step aside.”
I'm worthless.
“We need you.”
You're lying.
He sobbed. Keith's hold tightened and he felt better. Some of his pain, at least, a bit of it, seemed to leave with the tears.
“More than you think.”
He relaxed a bit, entirely giving up on his emotions, crying in arms, in the warmth of his body. The other Paladin's arm was already wet.
“We need you.”
Lance's hold on Keith tightened too, and Keith's heart felt like falling into pieces.
“I need you.”
As usual if you liked it please like, or even better, comment, or even better share, or even better do all three! :D Thanks for reading~
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Heyy I’m trying twitter! I have no idea how that thing works help me last time i went on this thing was 4 years ago and i stayed a month. I am Omelettedufromage @yumenomu 
If you want me to check you send me/comment your name! If you want to follow me please do, though I might only post pictures, headcanons and my art, if I ever get at ease with this app.
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goopzoo-blog · 7 years
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A quiet moment of peace.
For the zosan month @yumenofude and i worked on a piece each, the idea was to draw Sanji and Zoro under a starry night on the Sunny. This was super fun! Make sure to check out her work too, she is awesome!!
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chenziee · 3 years
Until We Drown series Masterpost
Series overview: The Until We Drown verse is an omegaverse story set in the One Piece canon. It explores the relationship between one omega Trafalgar "I'd rather jump in the sea and drown than have sex" Law and alpha Monkey D. "Sex is an interesting concept and all but have you heard about literally anything else" Luffy.
Or; the asexual omegaverse LuLaw AU that no one asked for but I'm doing it anyway because yes.
[ Full series on AO3 | Ko-fi ]
Part 1: Falling
Summary: The timing for Law's heat couldn't have been worse; their attack on Doflamingo was just days away, and here he was, too busy fighting tooth and nail against hormones and disgust. Law would really rather jump into the sea and drown than deal with one minute of this.
Part 2: Until we drown
Summary: When the Straw Hats call you claiming an emergency, it can mean anything from 'We're surrounded by Big Mom, Kaido, Blackbeard, and the Navy, send help' to 'Luffy ate the last piece of cake and now there's chaos' and honestly, Law's long given up on trying to figure out where he stood on the emergency scale.
But, well, bringing over as much food as he possibly could wasn't the weirdest request they've ever made of him anyway.
Part 3: At the bottom of the sea
Summary: Kid never would have believed there was a person crazy enough to actually mate with Straw Hat Luffy, the biggest, most selfish idiot on the seas. But seeing as the mating mark on said idiot's neck was very real, Kid had only one question:
Who the hell is Torao?
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