#yuno got a new grimoire
kcuf-ad · 9 months
Smile if you were the MVP of the Spade Arc and is currently carrying the entire Clover Kingdom on your own.
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ramiliadoesstuff · 4 months
I have been procrastinating writing anything recently, and instead have been mapping out all of my AU’s.
And I have revisited a lot of my original rough outlines for the Mystique Tales Au, and it reminded me why I am kinda upset with the treatment of Yuno in canon.
See, Yuno could’ve been much more that just “the handsome jerk who is talented and hardworking and has amazing fight scenes while having little personality”
Don’t get me wrong! I love Yuno! Hell, he’s the driving force of my brainrots when it comes to Black Clover (along with Noelle). But in canon, for me he falls flat at times.
He’s a good character! A good foil to our protagonist (Asta). But in terms of him being the deurtagonist? Yuno falls flat.
Could just be a me thing, and I’m going to say that it is a me thing. I enjoy his character because I just simply do, if we are looking at it from a simple angle.
But from the writing angle? Tabata sets up good things for him, but nine times out of ten, he fails to follow through with them.
There are a lot of things that bug me about some of the things Tabata chose to do with Yuno through out Black clover, the list is long and if I lay it out we’ll be here for days.
And, just like the Mystique Tales Au came to from the Fact I hated the Silvas and felt that Noelle deserved a better family. The Mystique Tales Au was also an excuse to fix what I felt Tabata could’ve done with Yuno.
So, with that said, one of the things I did in my “Mystique tales and Great Wizards” Au. Is Give Yuno a new origin story.
And I did that is by keeping him as a spade prince, but not being the son of king Loyce, but rather his grandson.
So how this works is that, Yuno has two new parents. In which his canon parents are now his grandparents.
Why did I do this? Simple really, because his canon parents are cardboards (I know we haven’t seen much of them, hell Loyce didn’t even appear in the manga at all—but I don’t like them from the little I’ve seen)
Anyway, Yuno’s mother, Lauren. kinda gets the backstory Canon Yuno has, she was left in Hage when the rebelion in spade by the Zogratis’ happens. And she grew up believing she was a peasant, thinking her parents either died or left her. And like Yuno, she ends up having an entire different magic, her clover magic is water magic while her real magic is moon magic like her mother Ciel. Lauren was one of the few cases who possessed two Grimoires and two magic elements.
His father however, is a clover born peasant from Hage as well. His name is Jerome Volnoskoff, and Jerome was born to a foreign mother from the land of the sun who possessed dark magic and a peasant father who had weak wind magic.
(It never made sense to me why Yuno had an elf soul when he was never in reality from clover at all, I felt like while having an elf soul explained his wind magic it also didn’t explain why he was chosen. Unless you know, the spade royal family were descendants from elves or something, and no, I won’t take the excuse of his magic stone pendant being one for the reasons why he became the reincarnation for Licht’a son because it feels cheap….)
His parents are childhood sweethearts. They both grew up in the same village and were the same age, aimed for the same goal to become magic knights once they were older, Jerome wanted to prove himself to the people who always mocked him for having a grim and deathly magic (Dark magic).
Lauren grew up as an orphan peasant, so she always promised the kids she grew up with in the church she grew up in that she’ll become a magic knight and climb up the ranks and create a fair kingdom once she becomes the Wizard king (or queen, do they refer to the women as wizard queens or kings??).
Jerome and Lauren climb up the Ranks, and by the time they’re 18, both made it as Vice-Captains of their respective squads.
By 20 Lauren was Captain of the Golden Dawn (which was an old squad but got renamed when Lauren was younger, she was acting as it’s second captain), and Jerome became Captain of the Black bulls at 25 (yes, the Black bulls existed like 20+ years in this AU)
they get married at 25 after Lauren found out she was pregnant with Yuno, and then five years later shit happens, Lauren finds out she’s the long lost crown princess of spade, gets sick, and then dies two years after.
They almost got divorced after spade happens (things get ugly between them) and when Lauren dies, Jerome ditches Yuno In Hage, in the same church Lauren grew up (it’s the same church Yuno and Asta grew up in).
Now that we got that out of the way, why did I do that? Simple. It makes it so that Yuno has a sense of displacement and unsureness. Unlike in canon where he is so confident of his abilities and so sure of himself.
In canon, i feel that he starts with a slight sense of it, but because he establishes a place for himself within the Clover kingdom, and due to being an orphan peasant with no name or background to speak of. Yuno’s place feels earned rather than given. Because it all comes off from his hard work, and not from a house name or anyone else. It’s all him.
But here, Yuno feels like everything he accomplishes Is not given in a sense and not earned either, but rather feels expected of him.
He has these two amazing parents, one of which died and left behind a squad that was once known as the most strongest and had the most honourable knights in it. Now it was full of classist nobles who didn’t align with his mother’s ideals that she raised him on.
But before That his mother had literally been in the running to become the 28th Wizard king, until she stepped down and let Julius take the title because she was dying and wanted to spend her last days in peace with her son.
His other parent abandoned him, making Yuno believe that his love was conditional and only came when Lauren was alive.
But his father was also a force to be reckoned with, as Jerome was one of the strongest Captains, and while he might’ve never wanted it aimed to be the wizard king, he could’ve easily been chosen for the title as he had a lot of accomplishments to back him up.
With all his trouble and doubts that are rooted with his parents’ accomplishments, Yuno aims to be a magic knight, and aims to be the Wizard king and his promise with Asta still happens.
But because his mother made it so that he grew up idolising such things, Yuno starts to feel as if becoming the wizard king isn’t something he’s doing it for himself, but rather something he wants to do to hold on onto his mothers memory.
To keep her alive in a sense, because he is the last thing she left on this earth before she died.
and for a long while he starts to doubt himself and question if he even would do half the stuff he spent a huge part of his life working hard for if his mother hadn’t died. And it does a blow to his self confidence.
And he’s constantly wondering if anything he does is even remotely as comparable or impressive to what his parents had done when they were his age? Was he doing enough? Does everyone who knew his parents think that he’s just as amazing as them or do they think he’s an eyesore and had disgraced and tarnished his mother’s legacy?
It’s all the little fatal thoughts that come to his head that makes Yuno so unsure and hesitant
And the deep blow in Yuno’s self confidence is the fact that he ends up with a four leaf Grimoire like his mother.
So now he’s thinking that “oh shit, I really am just the universe’s second chance to make my mother’s dream to come true”
And the entire time from the moment he joined the Golden Dawn until he gets Bell, he’s thinking “I don’t belong here, this isn’t my place, this isn’t even my dream!”
And then he gets Bell, and suddenly he isn’t just known as Jerome and Lauren’s son. He finally finds his footing and realizes what he wants.
And it’s a whooooleee other story, but I love talking about my AU’s sooo muuuch that I needed to get this out!
I really wanna keep talking about it, so please anyone! Ask me stuff to answer! Talk to meeeee!!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Puffs and Typhoons (Black Clover)
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Heyo so! I don't remember who requested this if anyone at all- but I love Yunleo alot and when I saw it on my request/cloud watching page I said: "Screw it- I'm writing it!" And here we are! I also couldn't find any good gif's with them so I made a doodle for the occasion! (Ignore the hands I know they're terrible) I hope y'all like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
Summary: Yunleo have a tickle fight. That's the gist of it :D
A deep breath, then a soft puff of air, brushing reddening skin.
“AH!” Yuno scrunched up immediately, cheeks reddening at the noise he let out. “Leopold!”
“Hahaha! Did I surprise you with my new technique?” His boyfriend cheered from beside him, satisfied with the reaction he got. “I call it the Candle’s Kiss! Shall I do it again?”
“What kind of name-Ah! Nohooohooho!” Yuno yelped, already giggling as Leopold’s arms came around him, trapping him against his chest as more puffs brushed his neck, making him double over. “Sthahahhap it tiihiihickles!”
“Does it now?” Leopold gasped in mock shock. “I had no idea!”
“Ahehehehe!” Yuno would have retorted with something in words had Leopold not puffed again. Wigging a hand free, he pulled his Golden Dawn hood tighter around his neck, blocking out the puffs. “Thehehehre!”
“Oh my, whatever shall I do now?” Leopold leaned in so his chin was resting on Yuno’s shoulders, the arms around his torso finding his sides. “How can I tickle my boyfriend when he’s guarding his neck? Arms up and out of the way- easily letting me tickle him….here!”
“PFFT-GEhahhahahahahhaha!” Yuno spasmed with a squeak when Leopold dug into his ribs, the pressure just right to send him tumbling backwards. “Nohohoohoho fahahhahahhahair!”
“Yes, fair!” Leopold grinned when Yuno released his hood, quickly diving his face against his neck and nuzzling away. “All is fair in the art of tickling!”
Yuno whined through his mirth at the feeling of tickles against his neck once more, sinking further into Leopold’s arms as he tried to get away. This only gave the redhead more spots to tickle, and soon he had two hands in his armpits and a face pressing kisses into his neck like no tomorrow.
Oh dear- he was rather screwed.
“LEHEHEHHEOPOLD PLEHAHAHHAHHSE!” He cried, cheeks as red as his boyfriend’s hair as he scrunched and giggled, feet kicking against the grass and hands finding his face, hiding it from the world. “STHAHAHHAHAP!”
“Oh, so you give up?” Leopold declared, pausing his neck kisses for a moment. The hands in his armpits still tickled, but it wasn’t so bad now that his neck was safe. “Do you wish to submit to me or accept your fated tickling?”
“Iihiihihihihiiehehehe! Iihihiihih’ll chhohohoohohose…thhhiihihis” Yuno’s grimoire came up almost instinctively, flipping to an old page. “Wiihihhind magic! Typhohoohohoon!”
Leopold was about to ask what kind of spell that was when he was suddenly being lifted, a few feet in the air and spinning in a slow pace. He oddly felt like one of those rotisserie chickens he’d seen Mereoleona cook. “Whoa ha HA! This is amazing! Yuno, what kind of spell is this?”
“An ohohold one.” Yuno stammered out, getting to his feet. “Gohohood for catching rascals.”
“Ah! It’s certainly fun!” Leopold sat back, taking it all in. “How do I get off?”
“You don’t.” Something in Yuno’s voice changed. Leopold peeked.
“Yuno? What are you- Ah! Ahehahahahhahahhaha!” The redhead yelped when hands attacked his knees, Yuno scribbling at the joints. “Ghahhahahahahh! Yuhuuuhuhno wahahhahahaait!”
“No way- you didn’t wait for me.” Yuno teased, giving his knees one last squeeze before they spun away. “Ah, there you are.” He quickly reached down to Leopold’s chest and armpits when they came into reach, repeating the action and making his boyfriend cackle and squirm. “This will teach you to tickle me!”
“Ahehahahahhahha! Yuhhuuhuhuhno, lehehehehet me dohoohohown- AHHAHA NOT THEHEHHEHRE!” Leopold squealed when hands attacked his belly, giving it a solid pinch and prod before it spun out of reach. Knees, armpits, neck, belly- that was the order he was getting tickled in with each rotation. “Whahahhahahit I’m shhahahahahAHHAHAHARRY!”
“Are you gonna keep tickling me?” Yuno asked, pausing the mini tornado so he could easily reach Leopold’s belly, going for his weakest spot. “Are you gonna behave?”
“YHEHEHEHEHEHS! I MEHAHAHN NO! I MEHAHAHHAN YEHHEHEHEHHS!” Leopold cried, feet kicking and hands swatting helplessly as he tried to protect his tum.
“Which one is it? Make up your mind.” Yuno laughed, reaching inward and kneading the sides of his stomach.
“IIHIHIIHLL BEHAHHAHVE! IHIIHIHIHLL BEHAVE NOW STHAHAHHAAP!” The flame mage cackled, unable to fight down another squeal. Finally, the tickles came to an end, the wind beneath him lowering him down gently until he was against the grass once more. Gasping for air, he tossed an arm across his eyes while the other held his belly, weak little puffs of laughter escaping his tired lips. “Ahheheh…hehehehe..thahaht wasn’t bad.”
“What, the tickling?” Yuno snorted, sitting down beside his boyfriend, letting him scoot up so his head was in his lap. “I suppose I could have gone harder. Give you a raspberry or two.”
“Ahehehe! I mehahehant the speehhell.” Leopold giggled at the phantom feeling, smoothing a hand over his gut. “Your control is great! I bet your siblings loved it when you carried them around in that.”
“Heh, you know? They did.” Yuno smiled, something soft crossing his eyes as he thought of home. “They’d love you. You're so…bright, you know? It’s hard not to love you.”
Leopold blushed, his smile wide as he reached up, running a thumb against Yuno’s cheek. “You’re sweet today.”
“I mean it.” Suddenly his eyes widened some, a thought crossing his head. “Hey…this is a little bit on the impromptu side so feel free to say no but…do you want to come visit them? The next time we get time off at the same time?”
“Visit Hage?” Leopold asked, eyes wide.
“Yeah! You can meet everyone there! I mean- it’s nothing fancy compared to the capital, and we’re only good at making potatoes-WHOA!” Yuno yelped when Leopold tackled him into a hug, sending them both tumbling backwards.
Then he was kissing him, gentle and fierce at the same time. Yuno was starting to melt into it when Leopold pulled away in his excitement.
“I’d love to! I want to meet your family!” Leopold grinned, eyes shining. “If you’d have me, that is.”
Yuno grinned, nodding before pulling the redhead back down, kissing him again and again. They could sort out the details and send out letters later. For now, he just wanted to bask in the happy feeling of it all.
Leopold was coming to Hage with him.
Thanks for reading!
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leleny · 1 year
Some Elaine and Yuno's relationship headcanons:
• I feel like the pet names he would use are dear/darling/my love
• I really can't see him call Elaine "baby girl"
• But if he does that
• Elaine would faint instantly
• He's not into PDA much
• But If someone hits on her
• Ohhh, he will show them who she belongs to
• Of course if someone hits on him he would show them that he belongs to Elaine as well
• They belong to each other after all
• How romantic
• He is a total gentleman
• Elaine is cold? He will lend her his jacket
• Stepping out of the carriage? Not until he opens the door for her
• Elaine has cream on her cheek after eating cake? He will clean it for her
• With his finger that he will lick the cream off afterwards, Elaine will faint instantly again
• He will be so good at flirting without trying or even realising it
• Maybe he will realise it at some point
• Untill then he will see Elaine fainting on him without knowing the reason
• He will say something like "Not as beautiful as you" after she compliments him
• I tell you, that girl will feel so special
• I don't see him giving extravagant gifts
• But instead something useful or meaningful
• Like a new grimoire holder after hers broke
• Or a ring for their anniversary
• Not very luxurious tho
• That one will come later
• And when Elaine is sick?
• As per my headcanon, based off the fact that he has many siblings and helped at the church, he should know how to cook/clean/take care of people
• Said this, he will cook soup, clean her room for her, and take care of her until she feel better
• He won't help her change tho
• He'll let Mimosa do it
• They haven't reached that type of relationship yet
• You must have realised that he is husband material by now, right?
• Their marriage will probably be the most fabulous of the century
• But despite being one of the most beautiful marriage it won't have many people attending
• Just the people they consider special
• Aka their families and the magic knights
• That is still a lot...
• Anyway
• When they are married I don't think it will change much in their relationship
• They already acted like a married couple
• Maybe what will change is that they will have a house of their own now
• Even tho they already lived together in the Golden Dawn base
• So they're already used to being domestic
• Maybe they will show off their partner more?
• Like "We are finally married! Wo oh!"
• That is totally Elaine
• When she is alone tho
• She is too embarrassed to say something like that in front of other people
• Showing off the ring is a different story
• But if Yuno hears her say that?
• He will tease her non stop
• That guy will definitely tease her with a smirk on his face
• The teasing existed even before the marriage
• Even before they were dating actually
• He always teased her for being clumsy
• Mimosa found that interesting
• Speaking of Mimosa...
• She will be their first supporter
• Or shipper
• Helping Elaine with outfits for their dates
• Yuno never noticed the difference in her outfits
• He is oblivious to fashion
• But he will notice if she will cut her hair
• Anyway
• We were talking about Mimosa
• So...
• She will throw hints at Yuno like "Isn't Elaine cute today?" or "You two train together a lot"
• He will respond with "Mmh" and " Yeah"
• That is before they started dating
• After that he will respond the same way
• But with a smile on his face
• Mimosa will also be one of the bridesmaids at their wedding
• And their daughter's godmother
• Yeah, they will have a daughter
• Her name will be Celeste
• I don't make the rules
• She will have black hair and blue eyes
• Such a beautiful baby
• She took from her father after all
• And her mother eyes
• Such a good combination
• IDK I'm being delusional
• So this is the end of my rambling...
• God that was long
• I won't tell how they got together and the marriage proposal for a reason
• If I convice myself to do that damned fan comic you will see
• Anyway...
• Bye!
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could you do one where Yuno and Leo are on a dangerous mission and they get separated, Yuno gets really anxious something happened to Leo, and they found each other ❤️??? The 20 ways I love you??????? thank youuuuuu!!! <3333
They are too soft and I am too weak.
Twenty ways to say I love you !! (13/20)
It will be fine. Don't worry. Leo is capable of taking care of himself. This all be over soon.
Yuno was roaming around a dungeon that he and Leo had been sent to check out as there have been suspicious activity going on around the area.
Something similar to a smoke bomb and been set off making the two part ways.
Why was Yuno so worried.
Well, Leo had got injured, hit by one of the bandits spell, it wasn't something too serious but not something that should just be ignored.
In the end he did defeat the bandit but the injury still remains. Yuno wanted to stay by his side at all cost in case the pain decided to randomly kick in. Or maybe he was just using that as an excuse to stay with Leo.
It doesn't matter anymore because he and Leo were separated now.
Yuno make his way out of the fog that had invaded the place and ran in the direction he presumes Leo went in.
"Argh.. I'm screwed.. I can't see a thing, the pain is really getting into it now and where did Yuno go?" Leo spun around trying to get a glimpse of the dark haired male but he was no in sight.
Leo sighed and kept a hand on his grimoire in case of an attack.
It was just a hunch but Leo could feel and unknown threat lurking around the area.
Maybe it was just Yuno?
Leo decided to slowly walk towards the directions, the sound of footsteps growing louder.
He couldn't make out all of the person features because of the fog but he did notice that they were tall..
That's all he needed to run in that directions and jump into the persons arms.
Leo smiled looking up at him. Yuno was still startled and processing what had just happened.
"h-huh? Leo?!"
"Who else"
Yuno let out a sigh of relief.
Leo was safe. Of course he was.
There was no way this stubborn ass was going to let himself die before proposing to Yuno.
--- as you can see my motivation is dying. New ideas keep coming into my head and i cant start them until i finish this so yep!
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chidoroki · 10 months
Black Clover ch368
Seeing Morgen's grimoire being an inverted version of Nacht's with the way the color were just swapped is such a clever little detail with them being twins and I love it!
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It's so cruel to have him use Yami's magic against him though. That's gotta hurt, especially with a comment like that.
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Not being about to catch a final glimpse of the Silva fight knowing now that we're not getting another chapter til December upsets me more than it probably should.
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Talk about a damn entrance! The anti-magic makes the Bull's base look so menacing. And they all arrived courtesy of Nacht's magic, yeah? Only guessing that because I just see a giant shadow underneath and not one of Finral's flashy portals.
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The squad!!! Aaahh I can't wait to see them all join the several battles around the capital. I'm so anxious to find out who will assist who, that is assuming they'll all break off into teams and help the other knight squads in the first place, though I'm sure that'll happen anyways. I have my own bets on who will go where but oohh I don't wanna jinx it and get my hopes up for nothing so I'll shush for now (also because I wanna think of the possibilities a bit more), but seeing everyone fight once more with the assistance of Asta's anti-magic is definitely one of the things I'm most excited to see!
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I'm beyond happy that we don't need to wait longer for one team-up confirmation though as we get Nacht & Ichika coming in to support Yami's fight against Morgen which will finally give us the two sibling reunions we've been hoping for!
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Now I had expected Asta to team up with Yuno at some point during this final fight, just not right away. I figured he'd at least make his grand return with the rest of the Black Bulls but it's fine.
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Yuno is more than happy to see Asta alive and well. Of course they leave us off with their shared wish one more time.
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Ngl I was a little bummed when I first heard the series was leaving from Shonen Jump to GIGA, if only because I'm seriously looking forward to the rest of this arc. I can't doubt that some parts seemed a bit rushed, but it's to be expected with a stressful weekly update schedule. To this day I still wish TPN had more time to expand its very last arc further than the three chapters it gave us to finish out the story (even with the epilogue we got six months after), so if the new quarterly schedule can allow Tabata to provide more content on all the individual fights, give our beloved characters some memorable moments and end the series beautifully with us feeling satisfied and complete, then I'll all for it. He absolutely deserves way more time to spend with his family too! His family and health are most important! So I don't mind the serialization transfer at all. I'll definitely miss seeing these precious characters and eagerly awaiting the spoilers each week, but if I can chill out with other monthly series, than I shall gather up twice as much patience for this one. No problem!
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Sudden Devil Fausts AU Thought
When the elf reincarnation arc happens and the Shadow Palace is summoned, Josele (with her devilish twins in tow) is definitely going inside to chase down the enemy.
Josele, Nacht, and Morgen would immediately recognize the mana of a devil being used within the place and race deeper inside.
They reach the chamber where Zagred has manifested his body and is torturing Patry. Asta and Yuno have fended off Zagred’s attacks while Mimosa heals Rhya.
“Get me over there!” Morgen tells Josele through their mental link. “Now!”
Borrowing Morgen’s Light Magic, Josele races past everyone to where Patry and Zagred are. Zagred attempts to force her back but her speed overpowers the backward repulsion just enough to press forward.
As she closes in, Patry’s grimoire gains a fifth leaf and turns dark.
Zagred reaches for the grimoire and…
Morgen manifests his own body and snatches the grimoire from Zagred’s grasp instead.
“Seeing as this grimoire came with a light attribute, I think it’s better suited to me,” Morgen says while waving the book. “Better luck next time.”
Yes that’s right. Devil Morgen is gonna snatch up Patry’s five-leaf grimoire!
Does that make defeating Zagred infinitely easier in this arc? Oh it certainly does! I mean, considering that Josele already has two devils with her and years of training with them, the fight would’ve been leagues easier already.
But isn’t it also funny to think that Zagred got cheated out of a five-leaf grimoire for a second time? I think so! Also, I imagine Patry asking Devil Morgen for his grimoire back but Morgen just going “What? No. Finders keepers you genocidal maniac.” So Patry still ends up grimoireless because that elf has to take some Ls. (Sorry Patry. I do like you but I love Morgen.)
Nacht could’ve also been the one to claim the grimoire since the grimoire’s attribute would’ve changed to match the new devil owner, but Morgen doing it lets him get in his cheesy one liner.
So Morgen gets a fancy new grimoire to boost his devil magic. Nacht asks if he can get a grimoire next and Josele shuts him down. Considering what she saw Patry go through before his grimoire turned black, she’s not gonna try replicating it for Nacht’s sake.
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clowncatss · 2 years
ahh!! I loved your Yunoleo headcanons? Could we have so more ((i just love seeing new opinions))
Hi! I’d be more than happy to supply you with more headcanons :D (sorry this took so long)
They have constant banter with one another.
Leo tends to initiate intimacy more often than Yuno does.
Yuno struggles with overworking himself and Leo often has to convince him to get rest.
Leo gets flustered easily, to his dismay, and Yuno likes to take advantage of that a lot.
Leo once convinced Yuno to let him try on his Golden Dawn uniform, but it was a bit too big and he continously tripped on the cloak. Yuno couldn’t hold back his laughter after the third time.
Leo’s definition of a date is to put you through the most gruelling training session you’ve ever been through. Yuno doesn’t mind of course, but every now and then when he takes Leo on dates it’s usually something much more simple and relaxed.
When Yuno brought Leo to Hage for the first time, he wasn’t sure on how things would play out. He was relieved to find that Leo, being the loud goofball that he was, got along really well with the kids and quickly adjusted to the place.
Yuno, although he doesn’t admit it, is very protective of Leo and can get jealous easily. Leo finds it endearing when Yuno slots himself beside him and slips his hand into his when he grows jealous of others.
When Leo is angry at himself, he tends to cry in frustration. He doesn’t like it when Yuno sees him like that so he tries to avoid him at all costs, but Yuno knows by now that this means something is going on with him. He tends to let Leo have a moment to himself before seeking him out to comfort him.
Spoilers for recent manga chapters below!
Yuno was shocked when he saw Leo after the time they spent apart. Especially since he had grown taller and cut his bangs.
Leo was super excited when he found out Yuno was a prince with two grimoires. He continuously boasted about how great his boyfriend was for days.
They were both nervous to tell Ciel about their relationship but she happily accepted them.
Leo had to teach Yuno how to ballroom dance for the celebration that was thrown in Spade for the return of the Queen and Prince. It was hectic, especially since it’s Leo doing the teaching, but Yuno eventually got the hang of it.
No matter how much time the two may have to spend apart due to their schedules not lining up, it doesn’t change how they feel for one another in the slightest. They are both just as happy and excited as the other to reunite after a period of time apart.
Also, whenever Yuno is away in Spade, the two of them talk every night, if possible, through their communication devices. Simply just about how their day’s went and how they’re doing personally. Their talks always end with soft whispers of “goodnight” and longing “I miss you’s” and “I love you’s.”
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nntheblog · 2 years
Black Clover Season 5 Release Date : Everything You Need To Know
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We have both good and bad news for Black Clover lovers. The movie will be released in 2022. There are no details about Black Clover season 5. The anime has been canceled, but there are rumors that the fifth season will be released in 2022. We bring you Black Clover season 5, and answer all your questions about plot, trailer, and release dates. When is Black Clover Season 5 Release Date ? Black Clover first aired in October 2017, and has been gaining popularity ever since. The fourth season of Black Clover aired on December 8, 2020. It has now aired 16 episodes. The show ended on March 30, 2021. The season finale was revealed in February 2021. It featured the March 30th episode. Black Clover episode 171's release date and time have not been announced. We can speculate that Black Clover season 5 might be released in late-2022 or later. The program premiered on TV in 2017. Many of the characters in our favorite anime have extraordinary abilities or magical powers. But, as many fans will see, "Black Clover", is different. Asta, the protagonist is born in a world where magic is natural and witchcraft and wizardry is common. He battles with Yuno, his boyhood friend and strong wind magician to make it through the show's magical universe to become the Wizard King. The series' compelling story of an underdog earned it a place on Crunychroll’s list of the 100 best anime of 2010. Although these laudits are encouraging for the future of the series, no official confirmation has been made about a fifth season. More "Black Clover" content is coming, but in a different way. We'll be discussing that soon. Here's what we know so far. May Also Read : ‘That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime’ Season 3 : Everything You Need To Know What's Black Clover Season 5 Plot ? Black Clover, a fantasy anime series, is based on Yuki Tabata’s manga series. The fourth season of the show was completed recently. Here are the release date, time and everything you need to know about Black Clover season 5. Asta is a young boy born without any magical powers. He is not aware of this because everyone seems to possess some kind of magical ability. Asta and his fellow Black Bulls magicians aspire to become the next Wizard King. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine since February 2015. Chapters have been collected in 29 volumes by July 2021. Asta is a young orphan who was left to be cared for in an orphanage with Yuno. Everyone is born with the ability to use Mana in the form Magical Power Asta. Yuno, however, lacks this magic and instead focuses on his physical strength. Yuno was a genius born with extraordinary magical strength and the ability manipulate wind magic. They formed a friendly rivalry over their ambition to be the next Wizard Monarch, a figure of authority second only to the Clover Kingdom king. Yuno receives the four-leaf grimoire, once owned by the kingdom’s first Wizard King. The four-leaf Grimoire is an exclusive grimoire that only the most powerful magicians can access. Asta, despite his inability to use magic, was able get a five-leaf mystery grimoire that contained mysterious elven weapons as well as a bodyless member of the Devil Race who uses anti-magic. As the first step to realizing their dreams, Yuno and he join a Magic Knight team. May Also Like : The Idaten Deities Season 2 : Everything You Need To Know Black Clover Season 5 Characters/Cast Gakuto Shimazaki and Nobunaga Shimazaki have faithfully portrayed our heroes Asta and Yuno throughout "Black Clover", so we would guess that they will continue to do so for the fifth season. Kana Yki's Noelle Silva, who has deep feelings for Asta, is likely to be back as a potential love interest. We're confident that we will see Asta's friend Leibe more often in future episodes. This means more screen time for Nobuhiko Okamoto and Kenichiro Matsuda as the characters' voice actors. The plethora characters "Black Clover" offers will be familiar to fans of the manga and series. Combining their online stories arcs, the possibilities for who and how they will be cast are almost limitless. Studio Pierro produces the show. Ayataka Tannemura succeeded Tatsuya Yoshihara as director in the fourth series. The screenplay for Kazuyuki fudeyasu was written by Kanichi Kanou. It's clear that "Black Clover," Season 5, and the film that will follow it, will have a huge manga series supporting it. Yki Tabata's original manga story is still being created, which allows for further development or divergence. By Nakoyeh It has been noted that there is still much to be done on Asta's discovery of her biological mother. The mystery of Asta's biological mother was not the only one in Season 4. Asta and Yumi's allies Princess Loropechika are still being held hostage and need to be rescued. The heroes are also on the brink of war with The Spade Kingdom. Republic World points out that the greatest war may come between the demons, and the living world. This seemed to be inevitable when Asta opened the barrier at season 4. One thing is certain, the quest of the heroes to achieve their mutual goal of becoming Wizard Kings will continue. The Clover Kingdom must continue to be protected using a variety mystical means. Asta, our main character is energetic and upbeat. He is a loud speaker who shouts to express his opinions and goals, often to the dismay of those around him and sometimes in defiance to other people's opinions. He was a young man who expressed his desire to become Magic Emperor at the Magic Knights entrance exam and encouraged those mocking him to keep silent. Asta has a strong sense for justice. This is evident in his fight against Heath Grice. He believes that everyone should be protected. Asta is energetic and upbeat. He is energetic and upbeat. He was a young man who expressed his desire to be a Magic Emperor at the Magic Knights entrance exam and encouraged those mocking him to remain silent. Asta has a strong sense for justice. This is evident in his fight against Heath Grice. He believes that everyone should be protected. Yuno is so infatuated with Asta that he will do anything to stop him from doing it. Also, Yuno will go to any lengths to make Asta look good, even if that means attacking Asta with his most powerful magic, knowing Asta would stop it. Yuno is well-known for his outspokenness and willingness to share his views. Yuno is stronger in Magic, while Asta is significantly more powerful in terms of physical power. Asta's Anti-Magic ability, however, makes matters more complicated. Anti-Magic will allow Asta to defeat Yuno. This fun rivalry will continue, fans can hope! Check Out : Hunter x Hunter Hiatus : The Mangas Reaches 4 Years Black Clover Season 5 Trailer https://youtu.be/uaDeobqouGQ Season 5 has yet to be released. If you're new to anime, the 2017 trailer can be viewed below. Black Clover Season 5: Where can you watch it? Crunchyroll and Hulu are the best places to find Black Clover. There will be Season 5 once it's out. Crunchyroll, an anime streaming site with more than 1,000 titles and over 30,000 episodes is all you need to know. Crunchyroll can be accessed for free without advertisements. However, users have the option to upgrade to a premium subscription service that includes one of three ad free membership tiers. Hulu, a subscription video-on demand over-the-top streaming service for the United States, is managed and owned by Comcast and The Walt Disney Company. Hulu was created as a joint venture between News Corporation, NBC Universal, Providence Equity Partners and finally The Walt Disney Company in order to combine current episodes from television programs from their respective networks. Adult Swim is an American adult-oriented block of programming on Cartoon Network's basic cable network Cartoon Network. It was produced in-house at Williams Street. Adult Swim is an independent network that can be rated. It airs every week from 8 p.m. ET/PT. May Also Like : Hunter X Hunter Season 7 : Everything You Need To Know Read the full article
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funky-sea-cryptid · 1 year
If it ok to ask, what’s puppet show? That doodle of Yuno got me curious 👀
HI COLUCANA,,,, it's perfectly ok to ask its just also. slightly insane and absolutely busted and its probably bc it stemmed from a goddamn dream.
it's gonna be a long one. tw for fucked up human experimentation and body horror
ok so we all know lilliane vaude fucking HATES finral. like it's an entire thing she's out here deadass telling a child "i dont love you because you're not my son". (she has inferiority issues huh. mad about being a second choice are you?) anyways. i was like 'what if it was worse!' and it did that.
so lilliane on her power trip is like "what if i tortured my stepson :)" and she has a facility in her basement that's theoretically to discover the limits of childhood mana but it's really because she hates her stepson. initially it's just finral down there but she's like "oo you know i gotta find subjects that Aren't finral or else if im found out people will Talk"
enter luck, yuno, and asta, subject numbers 17, 34, and 35 respectively. they're brought in fairly young. luck's put to work fighting and "disposing of" useless subjects (except for finral (1) because unfortunately lilliane cannot kill him bc that will be A Problem). yuno with all his mana quickly becomes one of her favorites, and asta uh.
it's an issue that he doesn't have mana. it quickly becomes not an issue when lilliane ramps his healing factor up to 1000 and now he can regrow organs. so, you know, if finral nearly dies again, she can Fix It.
langris trains against luck (but luck's severely inhibited) to become a magic knight yes he's involved and he has punched spatial magic holes directly into multiple people. he's got a body count of peon children.
anyways asta and yuno make it out by asta dying and ressurecting himself in the Body Pit and yuno throwing such a fit that lilliane just straight up leaves him to die. therefore they escape with their memories and make it back to hage with x100 trauma. asta's goal to become the wizard king is to protect yuno from this happening again bc he blames himself for yuno being taken. yuno on the other hand is like "if im the wizard king,,,, i can fucking Kill Them" he's mad.
finral and luck on the other hand get their memories blocked off and released bc lilliane isnt about to deal with their grimoires yet. now they're out with a bunch of weird scars that neither of them remember. owen is VERY confused.
canon continues as normal up until the magic knights test where langris whoops finral's ass and asta's like "OH YOU THOUGHT" langris realizes exactly who he is and is like "oh. oh no." and immediately tries to kill him.
the elf thing happens before anything goes on but julius got mad suspicious after asta uniquely introduced langris to the crystal (ft yuno freaking out) so after the elf bullshit he's like "hey lilliane :) what's up with uh. with uh. your uh. your lab?" and she's like "oh yk just stuff. you can request an examination if you'd like" and she specifically requests finral + luck bc "i dont want a biased investigation". yami of course has her bitchass READ and sends magna and nessa along with them bc luck, magna, and nessa would Eat Her.
it ends up being just magna and nessa. being confronted with the fact that your life's a lie and you spent your childhood in a laboratory does shit to people. it's a disaster, both luck + finral completely lose it and revert to subject-mode, lilliane Dips Out after magna and vanessa make it out with the others, asta has 37 brand new panics to deal with because now luck recognizes him and his particular breed of trauma has been exposed to the entire squad, yuno becomes even more homicidal. (sylph is terrified btw)
julius ends up smiting lilliane after a very traumatic trial where the captains read all her bullshit files and it's very cathartic for everyone involved (especially sister lily and father orsi, they're angry for the sake of their boys). langris Dips after the trial and yuno catches up with him to Fuck Him Up.
trauma squad back at base is currently undergoing healing (ft ness and mags grieving/relearning their partners). umm yeah its very fun for me personally.
thanks to alex my beloved for helping me with all the plot holes in the initial story and now it's a lot more cohesive <3 and thank you for asking.
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kcuf-ad · 9 months
Star Magic: Yuno! Chapter 3 - Diamond Kingdom's Fugitive
When Asta and Yuno are training for the Magic Knight Exam, Asta encounters a strange man that might help them in their journey for their road of becoming Wizard King.
It has been a couple of days ever since both Yuno and Asta got their own Grimoires, one with the 4 Leaf and the other a 5 Leaf that no one could see since it was so dirty, and their reactions when they heard that Yuno was kept basically a hostage, almost got his Grimoire and amulet stolen by a former Purple Orca, which then Asta stepped in and saved his butt while also getting his own Grimoire with also a sword that looked like it negated Magic were filled with happiness, shock and absolute horrified faces that they couldn’t lie, it was kind of funny. 
During that time, Asta tried his hardest to get the hang on the new sword that he got by repeatedly slashing it and even falling on his feet and then on his butt as he had a conversation with Nash that no matter what, he won’t give up and that he believes anyone could become the Wizard King, even commoners like them, as Yuno was practicing his Wind and Star Magic by repeatedly cutting wood and stone with condense wind and a small dagger made out of stars. 
That was really helpful for the church because they have enough wood for an entire year thanks to Yuno and Asta since he tried cutting the wood with his new Sword, which it worked to an extent. 
They also heard that Sister Lily and Father Orsi talked to the Grimoire Tower Master about both Yuno and Asta going in the Magic Knight Exam in 6 months time, which was great to hear since they know that in that time, they will be ready. 
Currently, both Asta and Yuno were at a field next to a forest that Asta likes to train in. Asta was trying his hardest to work on his handiwork with his Demon-Slayer Sword while Yuno was trying something new. 
He went to his knees, placed both of his hands on the ground and tried going down like he saw Asta do it at least 100 times. 
Key word: tried. 
Asta turned to the source of those breaths that sounded like someone was running a marathon as he saw Yuno with his hands shaking like crazy, several sweats going down his forehead and gritted teeth, as he saw him fall to the ground. 
“Yuno…” the boy turned to his rival, “What are you doing?”
“Well… I want to try something different for my training that isn’t just training my magic, so I wanted to train my body as well like you, but… you have seen my result.” said Yuno as he panted. 
Asta chuckled, “Wait, you tried something and you failed that I could do it very easily?” he said as he placed his sword on the ground.
“Yeah, so what?” 
“HA!” Asta clapped his hands together, “It looks like the Great Yuno failed to do one simple task while I could!” he boasted very loudly, “And like that, it is proof that I can become the Wizard King and you can’t!” he laughed. 
“Oh yeah, if you are going to become the Wizard King then how about use some magic?” Yuno smirked as he heard Asta stop laughing as he looked at him. 
“Oh fuck you, Yuno.” he said with a very offended face. 
Yuno then stood up, “But still… Can you help me on how to do one? It looked easier than it actually is.” he asked as Asta sighed. 
“Sure man, I will help you.” he said as Yuno got on all fours, “Okay, that is a good start, you are so far doing good, but you have to straighten your arms and legs to do that,” he said as Yuno’s arms and legs were correctly positioned. 
“Great! Now, lower your body until your chest is close to the floor.” he said as Yuno went slow as he went to the ground, “Alright, alright, now just take a small pause and then return your body back to where it previously was.” he said as Yuno brought back to his original placement. “Good job! Now do that until you can no longer pull yourself up!” 
After a couple of minutes of Asta’s loud cheering for his rival, Yuno did up to 35 push ups before falling to the ground, breathing heavily as sweat was all over the young boy. 
“Great job! With more practice over time, you will get to 100 push ups in no time flat!” he yelled out as Yuno smiled at what he heard, “Now to get some sit ups done!” Yuno’s eyes widened from what he heard from his rival. 
After a few minutes of loud shouting from Asta, Yuno fell to the ground as he took several breaths, “30 sit ups for your first time? Now that is impressive! I remember when I could barely do 20 when I first started, granted I was 5 at the time, but still!”
“Alright, so-”
“Now time to do some squats!” Asta pulled Yuno by his skin and brought to him on his legs as Asta began teaching him how to do some squats, which didn’t take as much energy as the others, but it still drained him to no end. 
He dropped to his stomach, “This is so much harder than it works.” mumbled Yuno.
“Well, duh! Doing 40 squats after 35 push ups and 30 sit ups is no joke! But you still have to stretch!” Asta yelled as Yuno groaned. 
“Why? I am so tired to no end.” he asked with almost no energy.
“So that you don’t get any muscle cramps! Trust me, you don’t want to have that.” Asta said as his foster brother looked at him.
“How do you know all of this?” asked Yuno as Asta smiled.
“Well, during the spring after we made our promise, I wanted to get stronger without relying on my magic, so I asked Sister Lily to get me a book so I could get stronger.” explained Asta as he remembered it containing everything about working out. 
“I have two questions.”
“Sure, what is it?” Asta looked at his rival. 
“You can read?” he asked with a small smirk. 
“Oh screw you.” Asta rolled his eyes. 
“Heh, but secondly, you only asked for a book from Sister Lily?” asked Yuno as he looked at his brother, “And you didn’t ask for anything else?” 
Asta began sweating as he remembered that memory very clearly, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah, yeah! Of course not! I didn’t ask Sister Lily anything else, why do you ask?” 
“Then why are you sweating?”
“Uhhhhhh, it is too hot?” 
“It is March, Asta.” 
“Uhhhhhhhhh, swinging my sword?”
“You haven’t swung it for half an hour, you looked fine.” 
“Oh, uh, well, it is, uhm… SCREW IT!” Asta stood up as he took his sword with him into the forest, “I am going to train without you making fun of me!” he yelled as Yuno chuckled at his brother’s reaction. 
It was really funny making fun of Asta.
After a few minutes he decided to stretch which took him about a couple of minutes of stretching, he then decided to do something about his Wind Magic that he thought would be really useful in the future since he doesn’t think that his Star Magic could do the same thing as his other magic: Fly. 
He knows full well that most, if not all Wind Mages have the ability to fly thanks to their Magic Attribute so he decided that it would be a good idea to learn it for the Magic Knight Selection Exam. 
He stood still for a couple of seconds as he then tried using the wind from his mana reserve as he began floating, but he frowned when he saw he was only a few inches of the ground which wasn’t a good thing, but it was a start. 
Soon, he will learn how to be an expert at flying on his own and without the aid of a broom. As he will then become a great user of both of his Magi-
He then heard a loud scream from a man in the forest and noises from a boar. He didn’t know who it was as if it was Asta, Yuno would know that would be a loud pitch scream. 
He stopped using his magic as he fell on his face as he then began running towards the place where he heard that noise from. 
It took him a couple of minutes of finding out where the source of that scream was, but when he did get there, he saw Asta sitting on a rock next to a man eating some pop potatoes that he wasn’t quite familiar with. 
It was a man that had red hair, emerald green eyes, a rather unshaven face with a really good build, but what was the most prominent thing about the man was that… he was naked. 
Yuno’s eyes shot up, not wanting anything happening to his foster brother and before Asta could react, Yuno opened his Grimoire, flipped a couple of pages as one green star appeared, “Star Magic: Pinpoint Bla-”
“WOAH! STOP YUNO! THIS MAN IS INNOCENT!” yelled Asta as he got next to his rival, not wanting him to kill someone. 
“Are you sure?! That man is naked in front of a minor! What other things do you think he might want to do?!” yelled Yuno at his rival. 
“Woah! Woah! Kid, I may be a runaway, but I will never stoop that low!” yelled the man as he then mumbled, “Especially since I am taken already.”
“Who on Earth would date a homeless man?” asked Yuno as the man looked at him with an offended look. 
“Hey, I am not a homeless man!” 
“Okay, which one do you want to be known as to me? A pedophile or a homeless man?” 
“... I will take the homeless man.” the man said in a defeated tone. 
“That’s what I thought.” said Yuno as he closed his Grimoire and turned to Asta, “How is he innocent Asta?” 
“Well, the reason why he is naked was because he was getting some fish as then his clothes were blown off, and the scream you most likely heard was him being chased by a boar.” he said as the man nodded. 
“That’s right, sorry for the confusion kid, I promise it won’t happen again. By the way, the name is Fanzell Kruger, but you can call me Zell,” Fanzell said as he took another bite of his pop potato, “Hey, Asta, do you have anything to drink with? My mouth is really dry.”
“Sure, old man!” 
“I am not that old, I am only 28.”
“Sorry, old man, but here!” said Asta as he took the pouch that was around his hips and gave it to him as Yuno knew what that was.
“Wait, don’t drink that!” yelled Yuno in alarm. 
“Oh come on, kid, it is rude to refuse a drink, you know? Thanks, Asta.” Fanzell said with a smile on his face as he took one sip of that as he then immediately spat it out, “GHAW! What the hell is this?!” 
“Moguro Leaf Juice! It increases your magic power!” Asta yelled as he punched his chest. 
“Moguro? You do know that it causes you diarrhea if you drink it too many times, right?” Asta’s eyes stopped as he gulped.
“So that is why my stomach is rumbling.”
“Idiot.” Yuno shook his head. 
After a couple of minutes, Yuno, Asta and Fanzell sat on the rocks, roasting some pop potatoes, with Yuno using his hand just so he doesn’t see Fanzell’s… uhm, junk,  as they learned the way he knew about them was that he saw them meet with Revchi. 
“Wait, you saw that man chain me up and the two other nobles and nearly kill Asta, but you didn’t help us? Why?” asked Yuno as he was kind of mad that he didn’t help them out. 
“Yuno, I was naked.” Fanzell said simply, “If I did save you, first off, it was a mostly populated area, and secondly, what would you think if a naked man saved you while you guys were in chains? Sure, I could’ve used my magic, but I didn’t have my Grimoire at the time, so I am sorry I didn’t help you.” he said with a solemn tone as Asta and Yuno were quiet. 
“Yeah that makes sense.”
“Hey, don’t worry about that old man! If you did save us, I couldn’t have gotten this sweet new sword!” Asta yelled as they watched him with his new sword that he tried to swing it, but failed immensely. 
Fanzell saw how inexperienced Asta was with a sword which could mean that it wouldn’t be a good thing if he wanted to be a Magic Knight which Asta talked about, not to mention he looked at Yuno who he was interested as well as the fact that he had 2 Magic Attributes, reminded him of someone. 
“That’s good to hear at least, but if I am being serious for a sec,” Fanzell took a bite of the pop potato, “You two actually interest me a lot.” the two rivals looked at Fanzell, “I mean, 2 Magic Attributes and a sword that negates magic? That really could spell out two really great mages.”
“Well of course it is, we do plan on becoming the Wizard King,” said Yuno with a shrug, “which I will eventually become.” 
“Ha, in your dreams Yuno! You know damn well that I am going to become one!” yelled Asta with a grin. 
Fanzell chuckled at the two as he knew that the two, while seemingly looking like they don’t care for each other, wasn’t the case at all as they both had immense respect for each other, and the fact that they want to become the Wizard King one day? Someone with immense power and respect? That was truly to be admired by. 
“Well, that is good to hear from you two because chase your dreams.” he said as Asta looked at him. 
“Wait, you are not going to laugh?” asked the boy with no magic. 
“No, why would I?” asked Fanzell. 
“Well…” Asta scratched the back of his head, “I am a boy with no magic.” Fanzell’s eyes slightly widened, but not for that reason. It reminded him of the boy that had no Magic Attribute, but still had a strong amount of magic. 
“Ladros.” he thought with a solemn tone as he remembered that bastard known as Morris who practically ruined him into someone that he never was. 
“And that we are commoners,” said Yuno. 
“Oh come now, I won’t make fun of your dreams for that. I know that you two will become great Magic Knights,” he said as that made the two smile from the words of the man with no clothes. 
“But, I do notice something about you two. You are a Wind Mage, right?” he asked Yuno as the black haired boy nodded, “And you are a sword user too, right?” 
Asta thought about it as he looked at the sword with Anti Magic. 
“I guess, I am now, which I don’t mind at all.” he said as Fanzell smiled. 
He could work with that and maybe with the new Star Magic, as he was somewhat of both an expert at. “Interesting, I think I can give you a couple of pointers on both of those things, but first make a promise to me.”
They looked at him with a serious look on his face, “Promise that no matter what, you do not use these powers for evil, you got that? I will understand if you are in a fight which is a good thing, but I won’t teach you if you do that voluntarily that is outside of a fight.”
Yuno and Asta looked at each other and then back to Fanzell, “Are you crazy?! We will never harm someone for their own personal gain! Even Yuno, who may seem like a jerk, would never harm the innocent!”
Yuno rolled his eyes, “What he said was right. We want to become the Wizard King not for our selfish gain, but so we could protect everyone we care about.”
They both looked at each other and then back at Fanzell, “What we are trying to say is that we are never going to harm people for our selfish gain!” 
Fanzell smiled at the two, “Well then, I guess I can trust both of you kids on that part. You see, I am a Wind Mage like you Yuno, but I am something of a swordsman of myself.” he said as Asta had stars in his eyes as Yuno looked at him with a confused look. 
“Wow, really?! That is so cool!” yelled Asta. 
“Yeah, but where is your sword?” asked Yuno as Fanzell chuckled at that, “Did you lose it?” 
“Oh that? Well, I don’t really have a sword on me at the moment.” he said with a smile as their eyes widened. 
“Wait, what?!” both of them yelled. 
“But how are you going to give us tips on both of them?” asked Yuno. 
“You see that stick next to you?” asked Fanzell as Asta looked over to see a stick as he nodded, “Give it to me so I could show you something.” he said as Asta gave it to him as Fanzell took it as he began concentrating on the stick, with Yuno using his hand to cover up Fanzell’s junk. 
He said, “Wind Creation Magic: Emperor Of Slashing Winds!” he yelled as their eyes widened as they watched something impressive happen. The wind around Fanzell came out the stick he was holding into a concentrated weapon that was like Asta’s sword, as the colours on the sword was white with a couple of air going around the newly formed weapon with around the stick was a green tint. 
They all looked at him with completely shocked expressions, “Pretty cool, right? This little thing is my personal favourite weapon. The name is a bit long, so I sometimes call it Slashy.” he said with a smirk as he remembered his fiance calling that weapon. 
“That… is the coolest thing I have ever seen!” yelled Asta with stars in his eyes as Yuno looked at the weapon. 
“How impressive. Do you think that I could do it with my Star and Wind Magic?” asked Yuno as Fanzell scratched the back of his head. 
“The Wind part is a sure, but the Star one is a bit tricky,” he said as Yuno nodded, “Now then, I think it is finally time for me to get going.” he said as Slashy was turned off as he began walking, thankfully the other way, “You boys mind going with me to train?” 
Both Yuno and Asta looked at each other as it felt like they had a small conversation, but they nodded as they began to walk with Fanzell so they could get a better grasp at their abilities. 
(A/N: Play Haruka Mirai.)
We see several different Grimoires with different colours and looks flying around the room, all with their own attributes as it ended with two different Grimoires, one with a 4 leaf and the other with a 5 leaf, as then Yuno and Asta were then shown as they began walking in the same path, with determined looks on their faces as then Yuno’s Grimoire opened to reveal a page with the words “Star Magic: Yuno!”
Gray words can’t make anything happen
We then see Asta and Yuno facing backwards as they both raised their heads as their backgrounds were that of the 4 Leaf Grimoire of the Wind and Star for Yuno, with the 5 Leaf for Asta.
I know, yeah I know
As we see images of Asta and Yuno, both with different expressions as for Asta was him with Star eyes, while Yuno was calm and collected. 
Wishing to fly freely across the sky
Then we Asta doing sit ups as we see Yuno flying away as Asta began running towards him. 
I dreamed it all my life
As the background changed with Yuno and Asta both dodging at the same time Revchi’s chain. 
Step by step I go, though it’s a doubtful world
We then see Yuno and Asta both pulling out their Grimoires, as Asta pulled out a massive blunt sword as Yuno created 3 stars around him. 
Don’t care how much I fall!
Both of them attacked the former Purple Orca as Fanzell Krueger looked over with an interested look. 
Instinct is my guide, I never give up!
As after they are done with him, they both turn to Sekke Bronzazza and Salim Hapshass as they were both defeated in quick succession. 
To faraway future, I burst out running
We then see Asta and Yuno, both in different outfits, as one is a Black Bull and the other a Golden Dawn as then above them appeared their members in rapid succession. 
Go beyond even the unseen fears
On Asta’s side appeared Yami Sukehiro, Magna Swing, Luck Voltia, Vanessa Enoteca, Finral Roulacase, Charmy Pappitson, Grey, Gauche Adlai, Gordon Agrippa, Henry Legolant, Noelle Silva and Midori Folium while on Yuno’s side appeared William Vangeance, Langris Vaude, Alecdora Sandler, Klaus Lunette, Mimosa Vermillion, David Swallow, Letoile Becquerel, Siren Tium and Hamon Caseus.  
The vision I had, so I can be myself
Then we see Yuno at the air as the wind went around him and then sighed. 
Someday I will write the next page
As then Klaus and Mimosa were all around him with smiles on their faces as then they faced off with a bounty hunter in Hage with an evil smile on his face. 
You are my hope
The three of them all looked at each other as they then readied their Grimoires for the fight. 
Like that page from someday
The bounty hunter readied himself  with an orange light energy barrier as he stopped Klaus’ Spears, Yuno’s Wind and Mimosa’s Plant Canon. 
I was able to meet you
As soon as the man turned around Klaus and Yuno used a steel cannon as it shot a powerful beam of light directly towards him as it launched him forward. 
I call this a miracle
It created a powerful explosion as then we see Yuno and Asta fist bumping each other with smiles on their faces as the background ended with Asta looking at the camera with a happy smile as Yuno looked at the camera on his backside with a scowl on his face. 
(A/N: End Theme.)
While the three were currently walking in the forest to the place where Fanzell lived, he decided to talk to his most likely new students, “Hey, you two, I gotta say this, you two remind me of two of my students.” Both of the Hage orphans looked at Fanzell with an interested look. 
“Really?” asked Yuno. 
“Yeah, both of you remind me of two of my students that changed. Like you Asta, I remember a small little kid by the name of Ladros,” he said as Asta saw the small, nostalgic smile on his face. 
“He was a nice, outgoing lad that wanted to make the world a better place, but he unfortunately had one massive flaw,” he said as they looked at him, “He had no Magic Attribute.” their eyes widened. 
“He had no Magic Attribute?” Asta asked as Fanzell nodded, “How… is that even possible?” 
Fanzell shrugged, “I don’t know, I am no doctor, but I am pretty sure it was because of some genetic mutation like yours that caused him to not have it, despite him having magic.” Asta looked at him with a shocked expression, “He was bullied to no end by the fellow kids in his area. Not by all of them like-” 
Fanzell took a deep breath as they continued walking, “Mars and Fana. They weren’t my only students of mine, but those were the only ones that treated him with a drop of respect.” he said as they pitied the poor guy for not having any of it, but for Yuno… it was strange. 
Why did the name of Fana remind him of something? 
“Thankfully, he wasn’t bullied no longer once he got into surgery… and never was the same after that.” he said as he gripped his hand into a ball, “Doing that surgery, he managed to get his own Magic Attribute by that coldblooded monster that was Morris. It is now called Absorption Magic.” he said as their eyes widened. 
One person could surgically change their Magic Attribute?! How was that even possible?
Fanzell didn’t want to say anything about him changing after the fact because he doesn’t want to discourage him in the slightest way. “After that, he became one powerful mage that was a force to be reckoned with.” he said as Asta looked down. 
So they could change the Magic Attribute, but not the amount someone has? That is a bit discouraging, but still he was glad that Ladros was made into a stronger person. And still, even if he doesn’t have his magic, his magic is still never giving up. 
“Now, for you Yuno, I gotta say, the person you remind me of is Mars.” Fanzell smiled, “The reason is that like you he has 2 Magic Attributes, thanks to a surgery by that piece of shit known as Morris,” he said with venom in his voice as he knew exactly how he did it, “Those two are Crystal and Fire Magic.”
He said with the same nostalgic smile as he then turned to Yuno as, “So tell me, how do you have 2 of them as well? Did you go under surgery as well? Or is it all natural?” 
“Well, I am not exactly sure, but I think it is all natural? I have simply been born with it, even with these large ears.” said Yuno as Fanzell nodded. 
“All natural, eh? Well, I guess that makes sense. Sure, it isn’t normal to have 2 of them, but to have none is also the same exact possibility as well, so I won’t judge.” he said as they made it. 
It only took the three about 5 minutes to get to the place that Fanzell was staying and despite him looking like a homeless person, they had to admit, it was actually a pretty decent place, with what looked like a small bedroom, kitchen and a bathroom with the front porch being a rather decent place to sleep in. 
They also saw the clothes that Fanzell placed as he went to them so Yuno could finally stop using his hand to not look where the middle of his pants was. 
Fanzell’s outfit consisted of a green jacket, a white shirt that was buttoned up, two brown belts, blue pants and brown boots. 
“Ahh there we go, almost felt naked without my outfit.” he said with a grin. 
“Even though you already were.” Asta jabbed his brother with his elbow. 
Fanzell took a sharp breath as he looked at his new current students, “Alright! Since I think it is a good place for both of y’all to train. But trust me, it isn’t going to be easy, so tell me, are you two ready for this?” 
“If I plan on becoming the Wizard King, then this will be a walk in the park.” Yuno smirked. 
“I am always ready for stuff like this! LET’S GO, OLD MAN!” Asta yelled with enthusiasm. 
“Now, now Asta, first, don’t call me old man, I am only 28, secondly, I meant for the training in general not right now. It is getting late,” Fanzell pointed at the Sun as they all looked at the Sun and saw it was almost going down, “Both of you should get some rest.” 
“Ahh man, but I was just getting pumped up.” moaned Asta as he dropped his shoulders. 
“Be happy, you idiot, at least we are getting this training for free so you don’t have the right to complain.” said Yuno as Asta grew a tickmark. 
“WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN IDIOT, YOU HANDSOME JERK?!” yelled Asta as he got to Yuno’s face, well, at least half a meter to his face. 
“I am calling an idiot to a shortie that doesn’t even reach my shoulders.” 
“OH THAT IS IT! YOU AND ME RIGHT HERE AND NOW!” yelled Asta as he got his Grimoire ready as he took out his Demon-Slayer Sword as Yuno got a few feet away from him as he pulled out his Grimoire as he flipped to a few pages. Fanzell sweatdropped. 
Asta charged at Yuno as he pulled back his Slayer Sword and then slashed him downwards… is what I would’ve said if Asta didn’t lose his balance and nearly fell on his butt. 
“I didn’t even do nothing,” said Yuno towards Fanzell as the man shrugged his shoulders. He then turned to Asta, “You need this training more than me.”
“Oh screw you!” he said as Fanzell snickered at the two acting like children, which they were, but still it was pretty cute. 
Yuno sighed, “Welp, I have to inform Father about this so he doesn’t send the entire village to look for us…again.” he said as Fanzell saw Yuno trying to lift himself up with his Magic, but he could only float at best. 
“Hey, you are trying to fly, right?” asked Fanzell as Yuno turned to him with a nod. 
“Yeah, but I am using my own magic to only float, but that is as much as I can do at the moment.” Yuno said as Fanzell nodded. 
“Ah, I get it. Not a bad strategy, but I recommend using the Wind around you so you could save your magic for different spells, not to mention it is faster than using your Magic.” said Fanzell as Yuno looked at him and nodded.
He did as Fanzell told him as then he began to float, but this time he used the wind around him so he could faster and to his shock, it was actually easier than using his own mana. As he easily went above Fanzell’s house as Asta looked at him with an amazed look while Fanzell looked at him with a proud look. 
Yuno then went to Hage Church with a smile on his face. Maybe this old homeless man might help them get better than before. 
The next few days were going around smoothly in their opinion as the routine was: Wake up, do push ups, sit ups and squats (Which Asta did it with ease as Yuno struggled a lot), stretch, look for food like pop potatoes and maybe even a boar, cook it and train. 
Not to mention they had to cut an immense amount of wood so that it could be warm. 
Fanzell wanted Asta to train with his swordsmanship while with Yuno he wanted to show him how first to create a sword with his Wind, and then maybe, just maybe, he could get him to work with his Star. 
It was actually getting difficult for Yuno to make a sword for his Star Magic since it wasn’t an elemental attribute like Water or Ground, rather it was something above them that they can’t reach, and for the current moment, he could only create 2 stars at the moment, which was difficult to make sword out of, but not an axe which he would rightfully call, Taurus. 
Asta was swinging his sword as much as possible, but no matter how much he tried, it could never seem to work in his favour, but Fanzell managed to see the problem: He was focusing the strength in his knees. 
“Hey, Asta, I think I have found out the problem to your sword fighting,” Asta turned to Fanzell as he sat on the poarch while eating an apple.
“Yeah, what is it, old man Zell?” 
“I am 28, but never mind that, I think it is because you can’t seem to manage to have a second blow once you swung your sword, right?” Asta nodded as Fanzell took another bite, “It throws off your balance, and I think I know how to do it.” 
“I am listening!” yelled Asta with maximum focus as Yuno tried his hardest to make a wind sword.
“Well, here is what you need to do for more attacks. You point your toes to the direction that you are swinging at,” Asta nodded as he readied his sword and his toes in the exact position he will swing, “Then you take a half step with your right foot to shift your weight. Go on, try it.” He said Asta gripped his sword. 
Asta took half step with his right foot and even while struggling to do so, he was determined to get this done, so he managed to get his foot down and managed a full swing, as he then turned around, took a half step and managed to do one more swing in his opposite direction. 
Fanzell smiled as Asta turned to him with stars in his eyes, “I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT!” he yelled as Fanzell smiled once more. 
“You did, and it was actually pretty well done for a novice like you, you are a natural.” he said as he turned his eyes towards Yuno, “Not to mention your defense is as good as your offense so keep doing that until you guys are ready for actual sword fighting with each other.” 
“Right!” Asta yelled as began to do the same instructions that Fanzell gave to him. 
The red haired man walked towards Yuno, “Hey, so how is the Wind Weapon going along?”
“Far from good I will tell you that,” said Yuno as Fanzell nodded. 
“Alright, are you using your magic again?” he asked as Yuno nodded towards the fellow Wind Mage. 
“Yes, I am.” he said as Fanzell nodded. 
“Okay, that is not bad, great even for a start, but remember what I told you about flying?” he asked as Yuno narrowed his eyes. 
“Use the wind around me so I could save up my mana for my spells.” he said simply as Fanzell nodded. 
“Correct, and that is similar with creating a weapon, but this time, try to combine both the wind around you and the Wind Magic that you have, for it be fully usable.” he said as Yuno nodded as he stood a couple of feet next to Yuno. 
Yuno closed his eyes, using from the palm of his hand the Wind Magic that he has with the surrounding wind around him as he tried his hardest. 
He closed his eyes as he wanted to feel everything. 
Every breeze. 
Every breath. 
Every small particle of the wind that could be made. 
He took a deep breath as he controlled the surrounding wind around him with the Wind Magic coming out of his hands as he could feel the sword forming around his hands, the sword coming around to him. 
He opened his eyes as he could see words being written in his Grimoire in a page as he saw his new sword. The sword wasn’t as big as the Demon-Slayer Sword or Slashy, but it was still pretty big as the colours of the blade was white as it was like a broadsword, as the handle were like that of diamonds with edgy grip. 
He grinned, he created his very own sword. 
Fanzell whistled, “Not bad, Yuno, you created your own sword, from the looks of it, it might be a regular sword, but hey it didn’t matter as long as you know how to use it. By the way, how are you going to call it?” he asked as Yuno turned to him with a small smirk. 
“I will call this spell Wind Creation Magic: Wind Blade.” he said as Fanzell nodded. 
“Ah not bad, I will call it Windy for short.” he said as he saw how well Yuno’s grip on his new sword is, “So how is it going? Is it too light or too heavy?” he asked as Yuno shrugged. 
“It is neither, it is in the middle I like to think.” he said as he took a breath.
“Ah okay, then it is the perfect weight for you to start using it.” said Fanzell as Yuno nodded as he readied his Wind Blade to one direction. 
“Remember what I told Asta: Keep your toes at the direction you are swinging at,” Fanzell saw Yuno adjusting his toes to the direction he was going to swing, “Then take a half step with your right foot and then continue to swing.” he said as Yuno took a step and performed a successful swing, as he then turned to his left, with his legs being at the perfect direction and slashed it. 
“Wow. You too learn quickly.” he said with impressed eyes. 
“Thanks, I am planning to become the Wizard King-”
Yuno ignored Asta, “so I need every help that I could get.” Fanzell nodded. 
Fanzell then placed his hand on his chin, “Y’know, I used to teach over a 100 students where I lived,” they turned to Fanzell, “But I have to admit, you two are possibly in my top 5 best students.”
“Wait, Top 5!?” asked Asta. 
“Actually maybe even the Top 3, but I am afraid that none of you are as strong as my Number 1, even though he doesn’t even use a sword. But still, the fact that you two have grown to be in my top 3 in a short time is quite impressive.” he said as Yuno and Asta smirked, but then they had to ask one important question. 
“Who is number 2 and 3?” both of them asked as Fanzell began to sweat. 
“Uhhhhhhhhhh, you know, it is actually a very close call between you two that I simply couldn’t choose-”
“It is me, I know it,” Asta turned to Yuno with a shit eating grin, “He just wants to spare your feelings.” 
“More like yours, but whatever makes you feel happy.” Yuno said as Asta grew a tick mark. 
“OOHHHH?! What are you saying?! That you think that you are a better student than I am?!”
“I don’t think it, I know it.” 
“I thought you never asked.” Yuno pointed his Wind Blade towards Asta as he pointed his Demon-Slayer Sword at him, as the two brothers clashed with each other. 
Fanzell sweatdropped, “You know, I should stop this, but this is a good way to learn how to sword fight, so I will just let them tire each other out.” he thought to himself as he walked to the forest for some pop potatoes. 
After a few days have gone by, with Yuno and Asta doing their now regular schedule of push ups, sit ups and squats as they also went on with their new swords, clashing at each other every chance they get with Fanzell giving them pointers that they shouldn’t take a break after every swing, but to keep attacking, which they did. 
After a while, Fanzell decided to try one more time to teach them about sword fighting so he decided to go against the two in a 2 v 1 match. Both Yuno and Asta looked at each other, knowing full well that just because they have the number advantage that they shouldn’t get cocky, but still… they had to at least get a grasp at how to fight a powerful opponent. 
So Yuno got his Wind Blade and Asta got his Demon-Slayer Sword as Fanzell got his Slashy. The three’s staredown was a long one as then both Asta and Yuno charged at Fanzell…
… that was a one sided ass whooping they received. 
“Honestly? I thought this would go quicker.” said Fanzell as he walked over to the down Hage orphans with impressed looks, “Not bad you two, you guys lasted longer than I expected.” 
Both Asta and Yuno grinned, but not before still laying on the ground, tired from the fight they got into. 
After a few minutes of resting, they then saw a new person that was jumping on trees, and then landed on the ground. Both of them got their Grimoires ready, but they saw that she kneeled next to Fanzell. 
“Old man, I have found some intel about your fiance. I apologize if it took longer than expected.” the person said. 
“Oh don’t worry about that, I am just glad that I got some information about Domina.” said Fanzell with a smile on his face. 
“Hey, old man Zell, who is this person?” asked Asta.
“Oh her? She is one of my students, Mariella, she has been looking everywhere to get some intel on where my fiance is,” he said as the person, now known as Mariella revealed herself. 
She was a young lady, most likely the same age as Yuno and Asta, with voluptuous, fair-skinned woman as she had black hair in a bob cut style with pink eyes, wearing a beige outfit, with black boots, purple short shorts and a black cape. 
Mariella stood up, “That’s right, but I have something to say to you,” she pointed at Asta. 
“Huh, me?” 
“That’s right. How dare you address this old man by just calling him old man without proper respect?” Mariella asked Asta as he looked at her with slight shock as Fanzell sighed. 
“I told you guys, I am only 28.”
“What do you mean by that? I respect old man Zell, he is the one that is currently helping us get better with sword fighting!” he yelled at her. 
“Well if you do respect him, you shouldn't go around calling him old man. He is not like the other old men, so you should respect him by not calling him that!”
As then an argument appeared between the two about respecting Fanzell by calling him old man, the old man sighed as Yuno approached  him. 
“This is going horrible for my self-esteem.” he then turned to see Yuno, “Oh hey, Yuno, wassup?” 
“Oh nothing, I am just confused about something.” he said. 
“Shoot, tell me.” he said as Yuno looked at him. 
“If you are so tough, why did you send one of your students to look for your fiance instead of doing it yourself?” Yuno asked as Fanzell smiled at him. 
“Oh about that, I am kind of keeping a low profile.” Yuno raised an eyebrow to that, “I will probably talk about it, but I am just going to tell you: I am not just an ordinary Wind Mage.” he said as Yuno was silent about this as they looked over to see Asta and Mariella still having an argument about calling him old man, “Hey, Mariella, so what have you learned about Domina?” he said as Mariella stopped as she looked at her hand. 
“Well… this isn’t something that is fully true, but only a possibility, so even I don’t know if this is true.” she said. 
“Well that is okay, you can tell me, you know I can take it.” he said as Mariella slowly nodded, as they could tell that she was nervous about this. 
“Okay, so with all of the information I have about her in this Kingdom,” for some weird reason the way she said it bugged Yuno and Asta, “I have the tragic news that Dominate unfortunately passed away.” 
The noise was silent. The entire area was silent once they heard that as their eyes widened. Yuno and Asta didn’t know that their teacher’s fiance died and when they saw Fanzell’s expression, they saw the man’s true expressions. 
The face was a mix of pain, sadness, anger and disappointment. Pain for when he learned that the person he loved the most, the person he fell in love with, was dead. Sadness for the death of another beloved person dying as this time it was worse since he doesn’t even know where she is. 
Anger because he was so tired of people dying that was close to him and disappointed. Not anyone else, but to himself because he couldn’t protect her. 
The man dropped his head down as he stared at it with a numb expression. 
“But, I have found her wand,” Fanzell’s head shot back up as she held a blue wand that was the same wand that she uses for her to use magic. Mariella then walked up to her teacher and gave it to him. 
“Thanks.” he said as he looked at the wand as he remembered all of the memories of her, when they first met, when they confessed their feelings for each other, when they went on their dates, when he proposed and that day when they escaped. 
He then thought to himself, why doesn’t he just confess on something he has been holding it in for years now, to at least tell someone about his story and where he actually comes from. 
He has nothing left to lose, so why shouldn’t he do this. 
“Hey, Asta, Yuno. I want to tell you something.” he began as they looked at Fanzell who had a serious look on his face, “I want to tell all of you where I came from, everything okay? Just don’t tell anyone about this.” he said as the foster brothers looked at each other and nodded. 
“We won’t tell a soul!”
“You have our words.” the two said in unison. 
He smiled, “Thanks. Well, before that, I want to ask you guys something. How many Kingdoms are there on this continent?” he asked them a pretty weird question as they were confused by it, but still had to answer this question. 
“There is the Clover Kingdom, Spade Kingdom…” began Yuno as Asta continued. 
“And then the Heart Kingdom and Diamond Kingdom! But why are you asking us that question?” the boy with no magic asked. 
“Well, it is because I am not from the Clover Kingdom,” they gasped as Fanzell took out his Grimoire, which had a brown cover, but instead of a 3 Leaf on it, it was instead a Diamond, “I am from the Diamond Kingdom.” 
Again, there was silence in the area as they looked at him with shocked expressions. As they couldn’t believe to hear that the person that was training them, both with his sword fighting and Wind Magic, was not from here, but from the Diamond Kingdom. 
“WHAT?!” Asta yelled in complete shock as Mariella stood there quietly. 
“The Diamond Kingdom?! But I thought the borders were large and tough enough for noone to get out of there!” yelled Yuno. 
Fanzell smiled, “That is true, but…” he sighed, “I will explain everything.”
Fanzell Kruger didn't exactly live a peaceful life, even when he was a kid. He was a normal kid living at the Diamond Kingdom, and it wasn’t exactly the best place to live, especially if you lived in a village that is far from the capital. 
The crops weren’t growable on the soil or they simply didn’t have enough, but when they did, they were barely edible or nutritious, the water was mostly drinkable, but again, there was a chance that people might get sick from eating it and the landscape was hardly what most people would call liveable and viable. 
Not to mention, his parents were hardly home as they were commanders of the military for the Diamond Kingdom, leading the way for the future generations of Mages in the Diamond Kingdom. 
Not that Fanzell minded since when they were home, he didn’t get to know them as they were mostly asleep when they got there, but it is not like he minded. 
He was saddened when he heard the tragic news of his parent’s dying in a conflict against the Clover Kingdom by a couple of mages by the time he turned 16 years old and he managed to mostly master his Wind Magic, but it isn’t like he was massively angry at the Clover Kingdom. 
He knew they were doing it to save their Kingdom and people so he couldn’t be mad at them, not at all. 
During the time he was starting to get used to his skills as a Wind Mage and sword fighter as he was in the military of the Diamond Kingdom, and his mission was to infiltrate the The Forest Of Witches, which was in between of the Clover and Diamond Kingdom to get some intel about the forest and the Witch Queen, but he instead met the love of his life, Dominate Code. 
She immediately stook out to him with her stunning gem like purple eyes, flowing orange hair that he loved to run through, her beauty and her as a woman as she was funny, smart, kind and a friendly person, with the slight problem of her greed, but that wasn’t his problem, not one bit. 
And the feelings weren’t one sided at all, as he immediately stook out to him, not only because he was the first man she ever saw, but he was also the first man she ever fell in love with as she loved his carefree attitude and the way he was to other people. Which was why after the mission was over, she left the forest to go and live with Fanzell. 
Both Dominate and Fanzell were known in the Diamond Kingdom shortly after. She was known for her skill with magic tools as she was second to none in that category as she was quickly able to make anything in a short period of time and with efficiency and Fanzell was known for being the Commander of the Diamond Kingdom’s army and even trained the future generations of the mages for the Diamond Kingdom. 
That is where he met Ladros, Mars and Fana. The boy with no Magic Attribute, the boy with Crystal Magic and the girl with Fire Magic. 
He looked over the three as if they were his own children as he hated that they couldn’t leave the area at all to see the outside world, but he would be happy for them to finally see the light of day once they were worthy to be in the front lines. 
Fanzell was a mage that was really close to become one of the 8 Shining Generals, the highest rank anyone could get in the military front lines in the Diamond Kingdom, which was an actual pretty decent thing as you get well paid, a lot of respect and you could actually change the Diamond Kingdom, which was great!
But what really broke the camel’s back, was something that he heard from Morris, an experiment that he was doing involving Mage Stones, which he had no clue about. So he decided to look about the experiments and then he saw what really pushed him away from the Diamond Kingdom. 
He saw Mars in a room filled with people dead on the floor, blood spewing everywhere as he was holding a Fana in his arms, tears in his eyes and he kept saying, “I am sorry, please, forgive me.” over and over again as she was dead with a smile on his face. 
That was something that broke the camel’s back. Seeing his students and actual children, being killed for an experiment for their own amusement as they were killed just to pick out the strongest from the weak. 
He was filled with ang-
He was filled with rage. Pure anger filling, fully violent rage against the person known as Morris. 
When he told the news to his now fiance, they knew it was best to leave the country for good, as they were planning on creating a way to get out of there and get to a country that was at the very least better than the Diamond Kingdom. 
They were hunted down by the military, and even some Shining Generals were after the two, but they wouldn’t stop until they escaped the Kingdom for good. 
As when they got to the boarder, they managed to get to there with at least 7 different Commanders after them as they knew that taking all 7 of them was practically a death wish by now, they knew it would be the best possible option to take 4 and 3 of them while trying to flee would be the best possible option for the both of them. 
They did do that, but at the cost that they practically were in separate parts of the country as no matter how hard they looked, they were never in the same area, which was the reason why they haven’t been able to meet in a long time. 
Fanzell finished with telling his story as Mariella was silent as she knew everything about him while Asta and Yuno were looking at him in a purely new light for their teacher. 
It explained everything. His expertise at sword fighting and Wind Magic, why he looked like he hasn’t eaten in days, why he looked dirty most of the time and why he kept looking at a single picture of a woman with a smile on his face the entire time. 
They couldn’t even stomach the mere idea of the pain that Mars suffered through, to kill the person that he cared about, in his own hands. That was the most painful thing they ever had to hear. 
“Old man Zell, I… didn’t think about how much you had to went through to get to this point.” said Asta as Fanzell stood up. 
“Nah, it is okay, I have gotten used to this pain, unfortunately, so you guys don’t have to worry about that. I will just… need some time for myself.” he said as he stood up and walked into his house as the two foster brothers stood in silence. 
Fanzell walked to his room and looked at his fiance’s wand in a nostalgic memory. He remembered the time he proposed to her, and how happy they were when she said yes. 
It was a moment that he couldn’t stop thinking about. 
The last time he was truly happy to this degree. 
As he used his fiance’s wand and his own Wind Magic so he could create the woman he loved to his memory with a happy look on his face, as without turning around, he created the woman perfectly. 
He smiled as he had a single tear go down his face, but he stopped crying as he heard the door opening. 
“Master, I just wanted to say-”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Mariella. You know this isn’t my first time dealing with death.” he said as Mariella walked up to him. 
“That is good to hear, at the very least.” she said, “But are you going to recover from it.”
“Most likely, yeah, but I will never forget about her. She will forever be a part of me until the day I die.” he said as he had a huge smile on his face. 
Mariella smiled, “That is good to hear, but I want to tell you something.” 
“Yeah, what is it?” he asked as he turned to Mariella. 
“Remember all of those children you saved along with me when you and Domina escaped?” asked Mariella.
“Yeah, I hope they are doing well, but why do you ask?” he asked as Mariella smirked. 
“Well I just wanted to tell you that, I was the only one who survived.” she said as Fanzell then noticed that she was holding. A dagger made out of pure ice. “Ice Creation Magic: Cold Betrayal.” she said as she stabbed him with the dagger made out of ice as he knelt down. 
Blood came out of his mouth, “Mari- Mariella! Why would you do this?!” he yelled. 
“Because it is my duty now,” she said as she walked backwards as then several mages busted through a window carrying robes, as one of them held Fanzell’s head. “I collect intel around the surrounding area, basing my numbers on how many people there are days before going to hunt them.”
Fanzell began breathing heavily, “I have to capture all of the fugitives whether I like it or not, and that includes you, Master. I have to do the Kingdom’s dirty work otherwise I would be as good as dead.”
“Don’t worry about this, we won’t kill you, but do not even think about escaping. We have this place surrounded by mages, so if you peacefully go along with us, we won’t hurt you.” she said. 
“But… why do you need me?” he asked. 
“That Crystal Magic user has been finishing up his final stages and we need your help on how to work with him because your last station was to work with him.” she said as Fanzell gritted his teeth. 
“It’s Mars.”
“Excuse me?”
“His name is Mars, and I would like it if you didn’t treat him like a lab experiment.” he said as he looked at Mariella. 
“Alright, but it doesn’t matter to m-”
She was quiet as she could hear two stars appearing and heard a boy say, “Star Magic: Median Hasta!” as then they saw what looked like a spear as the top part was that of a green colouring while the bottom was that of gray as it pierced through the door and even knocked out one of the mages as Mariella dodged it at the last second. 
As then, Asta and Yuno came out of the place, one holding his Demon-Slayer Sword while the other his Wind Blade. 
“Are you alright?!” asked Yuno as Fanzell slowly nodded. 
“What is your problem?! Aren’t you glad for what the old man has done to you?!” yelled Asta as Mariella narrowed her eyes. 
“Of course I am. If I didn't, why would I ever care about how you address him? He has taught me everything that I knew about fighting when I was his student so he has my respect.” she said. 
“But then, why? Why would you do that to your own teacher?!” yelled Yuno. 
“If I fixated about those parts, I wouldn’t have gotten this far,” she said as from her Cold Betrayal went down Fanzell’s blood as she pointed it at them, “I suggest you run away, before dying to an old man you don’t even know.”
“Like hell I will! This man has taught me more than enough about fighting than I have ever before!” yelled Asta as he gripped his sword, “If it weren’t for him, I doubt I would even get pass the Entrance exam without his help!”
“Not to mention, he taught me how to properly use my Wind Magic to its full use, so without him, my magic won’t help me to achieve my dream!” Yuno yelled, “And that is why…”
“That is why…”
“I RESPECT HIM!” both of them yelled at the same time as Fanzell frowned. 
“These boys… they really have that much trust in me.” Fanzell looked at them, “Boys, follow her advice, run away, I doubt they would go after you if you did… wait, will you guys do that?” Mariella shook her head. 
“You see? So please run away, and follow the promise you two made, don’t use your strength for someone like a random old man.” said Fanzell smiled. 
“Are you kidding?! You are not just a random old man to us!” yelled Yuno. 
Fanzell looked at them, “Kids, just please listen to me. I can handle these guys all on my own, even at this state.”
“But you have stabbed by her!” yelled Asta as he pointed at Mariella. 
“I know, but that won’t slow me down. I have gotten into worse situations than this, but please, please I beg of you guys, just leave. Your safety to me is more valuable than mine, so please, leave.” he said with a pleading voice as Asta and Yuno looked at him and… they straightened up their backs. 
They sighed as Yuno’s Wind Blade disappeared. They both turned around as they didn’t make a sound. 
Before Mariella could even turn towards Fanzell, Yuno created a black star and then it went to the mage that was holding Fanzell, “Star Magic: Pinpoint Blast!” he yelled as the star homed on the mage as it exploded making the mage fly backwards as his back hit the trees. 
Then, Asta charged a couple at Fanzell’s left and slammed them with his Slayer Sword as they were hit with a blunt attack, as Yuno went straight towards Fanzell’s right as he casted a “Wind Magic: Wind Blade Shower!” as several of the Wind Blades appeared next to him as they were sent flying towards the mages as they all homed on every other mage and each of them slashed the other mages as they all fell to the ground. 
Fanzell then dropped to his knees, “Kids, please, get out of here I don’t care what happens to me, there is no life in me, I have nothing to look forward, no point in going forward, I am so tired out of all of this, get out of here. Leave me be.”
“Hell no! We are not leaving you.” said Yuno. 
“That’s right! We are not leaving you! Life doesn’t just hand you hope and an easy life, you have to fight for it! It takes work and you have to work to find them yourself.” said Asta as Fanzell looked at him with a shocked expression as even Mariella looked at him shocked. 
“If you are done moping, we need help, you know? We are severely outnumbered.” said Yuno as he got his Grimoire ready. 
“Right!” said Asta as he saw two mages using Fire and Lighting Magic as a way to take them out, as the fire went on like a raging inferno while the lightning went to him like bolt of thunder as they yelled “Combination Magic: Bolt Of Inferno!”  as Asta used his sword to block the attack as he was pushed back from the intensity of the attack.
Yuno then turned his eyes as he saw a combo attack from two Diamond Mages that went like rubies and emeralds as they yelled “Combination Magic: Crystal Beasts!” they yelled as the two attacks went towards him as he created two stars, one of beige and the other of pink, “Star Magic: Median Scutum!” as the two stars went around him to create a shield that was made out of them as even with that, he was pushed back. 
Fanzell saw those being on par with at the bare minimum of 2 Diamond Mages, but even he knew that they aren’t going to be enough to win this. He smirked as he took his fiance’s wand, “Wind Creation Magic: Emperor Of Slicing Wind - Winter Wind!” 
As then the two saw behind them a sword being created from the surrounding wind to create the same sword of wind they saw the first time they met him, but then they saw an attack from that powerful attack. 
He pointed his Slashy towards the other Diamond Mages as then several Slashies went from it at blazing speeds, targeting every Diamond Mage he sees with the strength as like he threw it at them, at even the ones that Asta and Yuno were struggling against. 
“Wow! That was so cool!” yelled Asta with stars in his eyes. 
Fanzell smirked, “That one spell allows me to send several Slashies at my enemy as if I was pointing at them at high speeds. I call that The Flying One.” he said as Yuno grinned, “Sorry that you guys had to see me in such a sad state, but trust me that will be the last time you do.” he said. 
“That’s good,” Yuno’s eyes then widened, “Asta watch out behind you!” Yuno yelled. 
Asta turned to see Mariella creating a new spell that was by the name of “Ice Creation Magic: Iceberg’s Terrain.” she said as she was about to create a massive iceberg from her own hands, but Asta was quick enough to stop that as he took a half step and slashed it to pieces. 
“That… sword can negate Magic?!” she yelled as Asta grinned. 
“That’s right! I like to call it my Anti Magic!” he yelled as several more mages appeared around the home as Yuno, Asta and Fanzell all walked backwards until their backs were at each other. 
“Damn it, we are outnumbered.” said Asta.
“Hope that it doesn’t bother you too much, since I am confident that I can handle these guys alone.” Yuno said with a smirk as he got his Grimoire ready in his hands.
“Oh really?! Then I bet I can beat more than you do!”
“You want to make a bet?!”
“Hell yeah I do!” 
“Listen, kids, you two have shown me that we all have days where we have to give up and admit defeat, and today is not that day for me!” he yelled as he was ready to take all of these guys right here and now.
Even if he has to kill his own studen-
“We are withdrawing.” 
“Wait what?”
“Excuse me?” 
“We are leaving, rounding up the casualties. We are leaving.” said Mariella as both Yuno and Asta looked at her all confused as they even dropped their Grimoires in pure shock 
“So you are giving up?”
“But why?” asked both Asta and Yuno. 
“Because, if you are staging an attack, go in with 3 times the power. If the number is halved, change your plan, but if the number is halved again, retreat.” she turned to Fanzell, “That’s what you told me, right.” 
Fanzell narrowed his eyes. 
“Don’t think this is over, Master. I will catch you one day, even if I die trying.” she said as she turned around. 
“Good, because now, today, I am done running away like a coward.” he said as he looked at his fiance’s wand, “I know that Domina is out there, somewhere, alive, and I will make sure that she is safe.” he said. 
“Yeah, so you have to keep track of his old man smell for the rest of your life!” 
“Can you please stop saying that?” 
“Fine, don’t think this is the last time you are going to see me, but it shows that you finally learned how to properly call him old man.” said Mariella as she began to walk away. 
“How am I preferring you calling me a homeless man than this?” asked Fanzell to Yuno as he shrugged. 
It was now the next day, as Yuno and Asta saw their teacher with a backpack, “You are already leaving?” asked Yuno as Fanzell laughed.
“Of course I am! I need to find a way to find Domina as soon as humanly possible and once I do, I will find a way to atone for my sins.” he said, “Which knowing me, will take me a couple of years.” 
“Well, I hope you get to see your fiance soon.” said Asta with a smile on his face. 
“Thanks, Asta. I am the type of guy to get things down, so I can’t wait to go,” he said, “I will no longer be hiding so I am going to see her if it is the last thing I do. And I can tell that you two are the same as me.”
They raised their eyebrows at that, “You know? You two are the type of people to get things done, so I hope you guys achieve your dreams because I believe in you guys!” he said. 
Yuno and Asta smiled, “Thank you, and I will make you proud one day!”
“Yeah, and when I become the Wizard King, I will make sure to invite you old man!” Asta and Yuno said as they both looked at each other. 
Fanzell laughed, “Well, I hope you two do become the Wizard King one day, as I wish the best of luck for both of you.” he said as they turned to Fanzell right before they waved to each other. 
They saw Fanzell turn around to see him walk away as he had a determined look on his face when he did. 
Both Yuno and Asta looked at him and smiled as they turned around. 
“You know? I am going to miss him. He was a great teacher.” said Asta as Yuno nodded. 
“I have to agree, I do wonder when we will meet him once again.” said Yuno as they both began walking away. 
Well, they realized not even a full minute later as they could hear, “GUYS! HELP ME! I NEED YOUR HELP!” 
They turned around as they saw Fanzell butt naked running away from a boar. 
Both of them groan. 
“AGAIN?!” yelled Asta as he took out his sword from his Grimoire. 
5 Months Later
It was currently 5 months after the training of Fanzell and it was going actually pretty well. Asta got a real good way on how to use his Demon-Slayer Sword and Yuno got to know how to use his Wind and Star Magic as well as he could as Father nearly got a heart attack once he saw Yuno fly with Aruru and Hollo asking if they could fly with him as Asta was grumbling about him being a lucky prick. 
They also did sit ups, push ups and squats together as Yuno actually got used to the training very easily compared to the first few days as he even built up a few muscles. Not as much as Asta’s, but still, not a bad start. 
Not to mention they have enough wood for 6 lifetimes, so that helps that the others don’t really need to worry about the winter any more. 
It was currently the day  that they had to leave for the Magic Knight Selection Exam, as Father Orsi was crying up a tsunami, Nash was acting like he didn’t give a shit, Recca was asking if they were going to write, which of course they would, Hollo and Aruru crying, but not as much Father Orsi and Sister Lily wanted to make sure that they were safe. 
They all said their goodbyes as they were on their way on their next journey of becoming the Wizard King! Joining one of the Magic Knights!
After a few minutes of walking, Yuno thought to himself as he said to Asta, “Wait, why don’t I just fly us there? It would be easier and it would save time.”
Asta thought about it, and while it does sound a bit of cheating to use such a fast way of travel, it would work in their favour so that they don’t get lost anywhere, “Sure! I would love to! But where am I going to be?” he asked as Yuno wasn’t a chariot, he can’t just sit on it as Yuno leads it. 
“Well, how about my back? It would be easy, even with your weight.”
“HEY! Are you calling me fat?!”
“No, I am calling you heavy because of your muscles, you dumbass.”
“Oh, sorry.” Asta dropped his head, “I don’t know, I don’t think I am comfortable sitting on your back.”
“How about I carry you?” asked Yuno as Asta looked at him.
“Bridal style? No, thank you. It would be really awkward.” he said as Yuno nodded as that would be really awkward to be in, but Yuno had an idea as he grinned. 
“I have an idea.” 
“You do?! Really?!? Tell me!”
Sister Lily had to stop what she was doing as she swore she heard Asta’s voice yelling as she could recognize him yelling from miles and miles away as her eyes widened as she looked up. 
Yuno was flying… while carrying Asta by his foot. 
Asta was understandably flailing his arms away like he was a cartoon cartoon network yelling stuff like “LET ME GOOOOO! I DON’T WANT TO DIE! NOT BEFORE I MARRY SISTER LILY! PLEASE! YUNO I SWEAR, ONCE WE ARE ON GROUND I AM BEATING THE EVERLASTING SHIT OUT OF YOU!”
Yeah, no one was blaming him for reacting that way. 
Author Notes: 
HOLY SMOKES! I AM FINALLY DONE! 12K words for the Fanzell Chapter, and I am close to the Magic Selection Exam Chapter and we see the Gigachad known as Yami Sukehiro and my boy Nozel Silva. 
Sorry that it took me this long, I was writing my Vrains and GX Stories before this, so I hope you guys enjoy it. 
I decided to add Fanzell into the chapter early because I just find him very underrated if I had to say so. I mean, the dude taught Asta how to sword fight, thought Fana, 2 Shining Generals and Mariella. The dude was clearly an impressive fighter, and I decided to expand on Fanzell’s backstory and it will be quite the long amount of chapters without him and I want to write him more into the story (Like Mars, Domina and Ladros.) as I want to show just how great this guy is. 
Here I decided to give Yuno a sword by the name of Wind Blade (Expect a lot of swords from these guys.) to reference one of his Wind Magic Spells and the ability to fly as I thought it was neat that he learned how to fly, as well a new Star Magic attack by the name of Taurus. 
I have finally caught up to the Black Clover Manga as I can’t wait for more, and I have this question in mind: Should I give Yami his sister’s armour that she used against Asta when he was learning Zetten? 
I am currently reading through Demon Slayer because I am all caught up to the Anime and I can’t wait to see how this anime ends.
I think that is about it, so see ya’!
Made Up Spells:
Star Magic: Pinpoint Blast - a powerful hoaming attack that I made up since I love the idea of them going straight towards him. 
Star Magic: Median Hasta - same with Scutum. 
Star Magic: Median Taurus - think of this as Yami’s Dimension Slash, but this time with a less range. 
Wind Creation Magic: Wind Blade - one of Yuno’s wind blades that he uses for Wind Blades Shower
Ice Creation Magic: Cold Betrayal  - wanted to give Mariella’s dagger a name 
Ice Creation Magic: Iceberg’s Terrain - Imagine Tornado Fang, but with a more icy way and more dense.
Combination Magic: Bolt Of Inferno - Just wanted to make up a cool Fire and Lightning attack
Combination Magic: Crystal Beasts - Wanted to make a reference to Jesse Anderson as it shoots a shit ton of rubies and emeralds.
0 notes
goffilolo · 2 years
black clover thoughts part 2
its a lovely day in the black clover fandom and i am a horrible gremlin presenting you with my personal brain rot:
you know what would be absolutely legendary? if the demon unions, or just using demon powers in general required some dance moves like the fusions in steven universe. is there particular reason for it? not really, except it would be hilarious. like imagine you're yuno, you're about to fight the fuckin bone man attacking your squad and the guy just start pulling uncoordinated dad moves in order to power up. dante's dance at the black bulls straight up counts as indecent exposure and when asta shows up yami just covers up his eyes like 'youre not old enough to see this kid'. vanica dances like a stripper with rent due next day, while nacht, the absolute whore, has seperate dance moves for each one of his demons. during the 2 day training nacht explains the deal to asta who then proceeds to grab liebe and aggressively spin him around and throw him in the air believing it counts as a dance, nacht is convinced it doesnt, but then they actually unite so like what does he know?
bitches are pulling mana zones left and right. when are asta and liebe going to utalise their shared braincell and create an anti-zone where magic just does not fuckin exist, like at all? you know that episode when the queen of witches said 'in your presence, magic becomes meaningless' in relation to asta's power? i want that, but like more literally.
on that note i also feel like i am legally obligated to bear witness to those 2 idiots running anti magic through the most ridiculous objects to make them into weapons. asta once gets into a bar fight (which he didnt start, just to make it clear) and at the end of the night he has a new weapon in the form of a broken glass bottle in his grimoire. it's liebe's favourite
also, noelle deserves to absolutely decimate all of her siblings both verbally and physically and then throw her silva earrings at them like 'bitch you aint my family' and denounce her royal status. home girl makes up a new last name and whenever there are official magic knight functions with her siblings present who try to interact with her she acts like she doesnt know them and whenever someone asks what the deal with her siblings is she says 'siblings? ive never seen these bitches in my entire life'. black bulls are obviously in on it and also act like they got no clue who the silvas are out of spite.
i think it's fine if we never get to find out more about charmy's origins, but only if it's handled well. my definition of well is "charmy's mum doesnt know who the baby daddy is cause she's a hoe" which would then result in a 'dad search' arc with the black bulls finding 3 different dwarfs who could all potentially be charmy's dad, but it then turns into some sort of dad olympics and we never find out who the real dad is, but it's ok because charmy now has 3 dads.
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lyranova · 2 years
Hello !!! May I request a story about william and his wife oc ' alistar mother ' , and thank you vary much (^
Hiya anon! Of course you can, I’m sorry this took so long (as have my other requests 😭)! I promise I’ll try and get as many out this week as I can, but I hope you enjoy this, I apologize if it isn’t very good or if William is OOC 😅!
Word Count: 1,025
Warnings: None
“ Here is today’s reports Captain Vangeance.” Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn Yuno said as he handed the white haired man some documents. William nodded and began going through them silently.
“ It seems the mission went off without incident. Great work as always, Yuno.” He told the dark haired boy with a gentle smile, Yuno nodded and saluted his Captain with a soft ‘thank you’. “ By the way, may I ask you something?”
“ Of course, Captain.” Yuno said with a slight frown on his face, he watched William lean forward as he steepled his fingers together in thought.
“ My anniversary is coming up and I’m trying to decide on a gift for my wife. I’m not sure if she would prefer jewelry or maybe a new satchel for her grimoire? Or maybe some kind of rare plant seed?” William said with a defeated sigh, he turned and noticed an odd look on Yuno’s face and blinked. “ Ah, my apologies, I didn’t think about the question making you uncomfortable. I should have asked Alecdora.” He added with an embarrassed laugh.
“ N-No it’s ok. I’ve never been in a relationship before so I’m not sure what would be the best gift, but since I’ve known your wife for a while now, I honestly think she’d be happy with whatever you give her. Because it’s from you, and that's all she would care about.” Yuno said softly and with a small blush on his cheeks. “ O-Or at least that’s what I think but I don’t know her as well as you do.” He added as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, William chuckled.
“ It’s alright Yuno. I think you’re right actually, that would be what my wife would want, and I’ll admit I feel the same way. She could buy me a new toothbrush or something and I would still love it, because it came from her and her heart.” The Captain said with a chuckle, he knew how corny it sounded but it was true, as long as he got to spend the day with his beautiful wife he didn’t care if she got him something amazing or absolutely nothing. Because spending time with her was already the best gift in the world.
“ Captain Vangeance!” Klaus shouted as he threw the door open, the blue haired man’s glasses were slightly crooked and he was very out of breath. William stood up immediately.
“ Klaus, what’s wrong? Has something happened?” William asked as he approached the out of breath man.
“ Your…Your wife,” Klaus gasped, William felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. His wife? Has something happened to her? Was she injured? Williams' mind began to race.
“ What happened to the Captain’s wife?” Yuno asked as he approached. Klaus swallowed the lump in his throat before he looked at the younger man.
“ She’s, She’s in the kitchen!” Yuno and William both let out soft gasps before looking at each other and rushing out the door.
William's wife in the kitchen? That was not a good sign.
William gaped like a fish out of water at the sight before him.
The kitchen was in complete disarray. Flour was on the floor, pots and pans were strewn about, smoke was fluttering out the windows, it was a complete mess.
In the middle of said mess was William’s wife, her already messy blonde hair was even more of a mess if that was possible. She had food stains on her clothes, she had flour on her hands and some on her face, and she even appeared to have some food or sauce in her hair as well. William slowly approached her.
“ Darling, what happened?” He asked softly, the woman’s ice blue eyes turned to look at her husband. He could tell just by looking at her she was annoyed with her surroundings, but he could also sense a bit of defeat as well.
“ W-Well, the kitchen and I got into a bit of a fight and um…the kitchen won.” She muttered to herself as she crossed her arms, a slight pout began to form on her lips and William couldn’t suppress the chuckle. She was just too cute sometimes.
“ I can see that, but may I ask, what are you doing in the kitchen?” William asked her curiously, she hardly ever came into the kitchen, because she couldn’t cook to save her life. So for her to be here was already strange.
“ W-Well,” she began sheepishly as she looked away from her husband. “ Our anniversary is coming up, so I wanted to do something to surprise you, so I was trying to learn how to cook so I could make you an amazing anniversary dinner. But…as you can see, the lesson didn’t go well.” She added as she poked a burnt piece of meat with her finger. William looked around the room, she had been trying to cook some of his favorite meals. There was even a cake, well, a very sunken cake. But still.
“ You did all of this for me?” He asked in amazement, when his wife nodded he laughed a bit before kissing her on top of the head. “ Dear, I love the thought, I really do, but I don’t need all of this. Spending time with you is already the best gift I could ask for, and it’s all I really need.”
“ Well aren’t you just being corny?” She joked with a warm smile, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around her husband. He smiled gently down at her and placed another kiss on top of her head.
“ So darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.” William said teasingly as he began to slowly move himself and his wife out of the kitchen, he felt his wife’s shoulders shake with silent laughter as she nodded.
“ I was thinking the same thing, maybe that’s why you and I make such a good pear.” She joked, causing William to sigh at her food pun. His wife was completely flawless in his eyes except for in two areas.
She couldn’t cook, and she made terrible puns.
Thank you all for reading! I hope you all have a good day~!
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Ok, I promise this is the last YunLeo I'll request,
Ok so YunLeo, but this time lee Yuno👀
-😺 anon
I ended up doing your request order backwards drjakrkakjerjk Heyo friend! :D I love Yunleo so much, and this was such a fun fic to wrtie! Originally the fic today was supposed to be the Lee!Leopold one, but that one's still a work in progress, so today I bring you Lee!Yuno! I hope you like it!
“Look at you, studying away.” Leopold grinned, stretching out in the grass as he laid beside his boyfriend. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so dedicated to a spell.”
“There’s always a first.” Yuno replied, not bothering to look over from his grimoire. He had been working on a new spell as of late- studying the old ones and testing new moves to see if he could improve. Normally he wouldn’t put so much effort into the task- but Asta had been getting stronger lately; he needed to keep up. “Shouldn’t you be working on your own spells right now?”
“I would, but I’ve already exhausted my mana. Anymore and I’ll be down and out.” Leopold closed his eyes, brow furrowing when a new thought came to be. “Hey…didn’t you exhaust yours too?”
“I’m not using magic; I’m just reading.” Yuno wouldn’t look at him, his ears starting to tint pink. “I can’t overexert myself by doing that.”
Judging by the dark circles lining Yuno’s lids, Leopold begged to differ. Sitting up, he reached out and closed the book, pushing it off Yuno’s lap. “Yun. Take a break.”
“I’m fine, I promise-” Yuno was cut off when Leopold gently pushed him into the grass, climbing on top of him and lying down. “Leo, what are you doing?”
“Making you relax! You won’t stop unless I make you, so I’m doing that.” Leopold looked rather pleased with himself, snuggling close and tucking his head under Yuno’s chin. “Can’t study if I’m on you, can you?”
“....You know I can use magic to hold my grimoire up, right?”
“Try it.” Leopold dared.
Yuno quirked a brow and did just that, making his book lift. There was a moment where it held strong, floating a few inches off the ground. Suddenly it dropped, falling into the grass with a soft thump.
“Told ya.” Leopold snickered, earning a tsk from the brunette.
“Fine, I can’t use magic right now.” Yuno reached a hand out towards his book. “But at least let me read? I can still-”
He was abruptly cut off when Leopold poked his sides, making him shoot his arm back. “I said it’s break time.” He told him simply.
“I’ll tickle you.”
Well, that was obvious. As if to further prove his point, Leopold spidered his fingers up Yuno’s sides, making him squirm with a soft giggle. “L-Leo, don’t!”
“Will you take a break?” Leopold asked again, sitting up enough so he could look the other in the eye.
The challenge had set in. Who would win out in this battle of wills?
“I won’t get stronger if I don’t study my magic.” Yuno argued.
“If you're physically and mentally drained, you won’t get better at all.” Leopold argued back.
“That sounds like something your brother would say.”
“It is. He’s got all sorts of good advice- hey.” Leopold glared. “Don’t try to sidetrack me!”
“Damn- it almost worked too.”
Leopold’s lips twitched, yet he held on firm. Gently, he wiggled his fingers up the wind mage’s sides once more, grinning with each small shiver and squirm the other made. “Come on, take the wind out of your sails! Enjoy the day off, Yuno! If you work yourself to near death you’ll have nothing to show for it!”
“Loohoohok who’s tahahalking!” Yuno snorted, squeezing his eyes shut as the giggles continued to spike. “Mhihihihster wohohohrkahohoohlic!”
“Touche.” Leopold grinned. “Now take THIS!”
“Leheheheheheopohohoohold!!” Yuno cackled as the other dug into his ribs, spidering his fingers all over and drawing out the funniest squeaks and snorts. “Wahahahhahahait pleheheahhAHAHAHHAHSE!”
“Please what? Please keep tickling you? Okay!” Leopold moved a hand down to Yuno’s belly, pushing past his shirt to tickle the warm skin there. His other hand came up and wormed against his neck. “How can I say no when you ask so nicely?”
Yuno was a mess of laughter, twisting and turning, any move to escape in vain as the other hung on tight. Bright bubbly laughter contrasted greatly with his aloof personality; only further encouraging the redhead to carry on. “YOHOOHOHOUR TEHEHEHHERRIBLE!”
“Naw- you’re just too ticklish for your own good!” Leopold snickered, leaning in and pressing kisses into his boyfriend’s cheeks as he moved his hands back to less sensitive spots. “And strong. *kiss* and creative *kiss kiss* and the best boyfriend ever even if you tend to overwork yourself. *kiss kiss kiss*”
If he wasn’t blushing before, he certainly was now. Yuno felt like his face was on fire- his cheeks sore from all his smiling. He’d be lying if he said it was only from the tickles.
Eventually, when his howls of laughter grew soft and raspy, and his eyes were misty with mirthful tears, Yuno finally gave in.
“Ohoohoohkay! *snort* Ohoohohkay! Yohohohou wiihiihihn!” Yuno reached out and squeezed Leopold’s arm- their signal for stopping. The redhead retracted his arms with a snicker and plopped down beside him, watching Yuno gasp for air. “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Yuno tried to glare, huffing softly when he got a kiss on the cheek. “Fine…eheheh…maybe it wasn’t so bahad.” He pointed a finger at the other then. “I’m gonna get you back.”
“Hah! I’d like to see you try!” Leopold snickered, crawling forward and resting his head against Yuno’s chest. “Rest now. Enjoy the day with me.”
And so they did, Leopold dozing off against Yuno’s chest while the other played with his hair. 
He would get him back- that was a promise.
I hope this was good!
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Can I please request Asta x Spirit!reader?
Like he somehow gets a spirit spell in his grimoire that summons a humanoid anti magic/demon spirit?
Ohhhhh this is such a cute one lovely Anony
(ꈍ ˬ ꈍ✿)
I swear you guys are hella creative, I love making your ideas into fics sometimes, I feel honoured that you trust your idea with me.
I'll be making short scenarios like how I did with Nacht's request :)
Asta x f! spirit! reader
When he first met you, he was so astonished, he just thought you were so cool and he couldn't believe that he was the chosen one by the spirit of the moon herself.
He couldn't stop asking you questions and he asked you over and over to show your magic and what you could do.
You were seriously doubting yourself on whether you picked the right spirit host.
"y/n!!!!! so you can also do magic on your own? And you enhance my anti magic?! No wait so now I can use moon magic? Does the moon have magic?"
Andddddd you have to deal with Liebe as well, he's a real pain in the ass.
"oi. you little spirit, Asta's is my host first."
"well, too bad I chose him too, deal with it devil."
Asta would be standing in the middle of the both of you, trying to make peace.
He would totally totally show you off to everyone he saw, well, he had to explain somehow or rather, since you were human size and you were a female, everyone was asking about you.
He'd totally show you off, "yeah!! y/n is really cool! She'll go all WHOOSH and BAAAM!!"
But this boy is humble about himself and never once bragged about how having a spirit was a proof of acknowledgement to his strength and capabilities.
You trained together a lot. Well, it's Asta we're talking about, he's always all about the "mada mada!!" so you really ain't stopping until he's flat on his back on the ground. Even till then he would still say "mada mada" and you'd have to force him to stop.
You made lots of new attacks and defence spells, you got to learn about each other's strengths and weakness and covered for each other.
In just a short time, you both could execute your combo attacks perfectly.
You both often trained with Yuno and Bell, since they were also a magic knight and spirit combo, plus you understood they were good friends.
You and Bell often argued about who's host was the best.
Because you enhanced Asta's power, Asta soon became one of the strongest magic knights in the kingdom and he was always sent on highly classified and dangerous missions.
You were both inseparable. You'll do everything together every single day. Well it's the norm for all spirits and their masters but you started to care for him more and more each day.
You covered his blanket for him at night, you made sure he had enough to drink during training. You always made sure he ate his breakfast, getting up early to make his breakfasts.
You took care of all his wounds, big or small, changed his bandages and made sure they were kept clean.
This boy is always destroying his clothes, like seriously he tears up so many of his black bull robe, you wonder why doesn't he wear it like his captain instead? All torn so you didn't have to keep mending them. You mend at least 5 headbands and robes in a week.
Asta was also very used to having you around, his room changed because he had to cater to you as well, he bought a pull out bed and made space in his wardrobe for your stuffs. Well, it wasn't like you had much in the first place, but Captain Yami gave you your own robe as well so you had that, and also lots of hair ties and hair accessories.
You got hurt once. Asta wasn't careful; he let his rash emotions get the better of him and he ran straight into an ambush and you got hit, really bad by a cursed poison magic. Because you were a spirit and spirits kinda worked differently, his anti magic didn't really work on you.
It actually did, but the effects were slow, so Asta had to watch you writhe in pain and agony. You were pale and trembling and Asta held you close to his chest.
He begged for Liebe's anti magic power to undo the poison curse on you, he would exchange anything for it but Liebe didn't have an answer to whether his power would even work in the first place.
He ran from base to base, looking for sylph and salamander to ask whether they knew any way to save you. He even called up queen Loropechka to ask Undine.
Thankfully, Undine and Loropechka were the goddess of knowledge itself and they told Asta that his anti magic is actually helping you, the only thing they could do was to wait.
Asta never left your side, holding you when you trembled, keeping you warm. He fed you water and tried to make you as comfortable as he could. He couldn't stop mumbling apologies with glossy eyes and swore that he wouldn't remain calm on the battlefield in the future.
You confessed your feelings one day, when you both were on the way back from your mission, he flew on his sword and you were just flying by his side.
"Asta," you looked straight ahead, you were too shy to face him, "I believe I have feelings for you."
He would be flabbergasted because it was all too sudden and he didn't really expected it. He was really unsure of his own feelings as well.
You were a little disappointed that he didn't express his feelings for you back that day. You kinda wanted him to say that he had feelings too, but you knew Asta, he was not really smart when it came to the affairs of the heart.
You acted like nothing happened the next few days but one day, you had a mission near Hage village. It wasn't your first time here, ever since he had you, you both went on missions all around the clover kingdom and even other kingdoms all the time.
But today, he brought you to a special place near the outskirts of Hage. A meadow and a flower field. You were busy being mesmerised by the beautiful place and didn't notice what Asta was up to.
You finally turned around, and he placed a flower in your hair, "I like you too y/n. So much more than I thought I already did."
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ljf613 · 3 years
Alright, more from the Black Clover Soulmate AU!
For much of their early childhood, Asta and Yuno assume that they're soulmates. (They never actually discuss it, though.) They're eight or nine before they finally figure out (independently of each other) that they're not.
Vanessa has always been able to sense exactly where her soulmate is.
After joining the Black Bulls, Magna spends two or three years suspecting that Luck might be one of his soulmates-- until he overhears Luck mentioning a dead soulmate (and since he knows none of his soulmates are dead, Luck obviously isn't one of them).
(There's also several weeks in there where he starts to think that Captain Yami is his other soulmate, but he figures out pretty quickly that that is not the case.)
Charmy has never really cared much about her soulmate-- it's not as if a soulmate is something she could eat, after all. (She comes to regret that mindset eventually.)
When Noelle is little, she hears the voice of one of her soulmates in her head, asking her to marry him. She's incredibly flattered, especially since her siblings have told her countless times that she's so useless no one will ever actually want to marry her. Ever since, any time a guy gets too forward (or, at least, she thinks they're getting too forward) she starts going on and on about how she is engaged, and her fiancé is a million times more amazing and wonderful than whoever the guy in question is.
(It takes a long time for her to realize that just because she heard her soulmate talking, that doesn't mean he was actually talking to her.)
Julius spends his childhood assuming that he doesn't have a soulmate. It's disappointing, of course, but not the end of the world. (Everyone thinks that the tears of joy he cries after getting his grimoire are due to his excitement over being able to learn new types of magic, but they're actually because that's also the day he realizes that the strange feelings he's been having lately are from his soulmate.)
Yuno is around nine when he crawls into bed with an awful stomachache. No one knows what's causing it, and it disappears a few days later-- only to return with a vengeance the next month, and the one after that. (Sister Lily is the one to finally figure out that he's feeling the pain of his soulmate's female cycle.) (Luckily, it does get better over time.)
Gauche knows who his soulmate is, but he has no real interest in forming any kind of meaningful relationship with any human other than his sister, so it's sort of irrelevant.
It takes Klaus a very long time to put together the pieces and figure out who his soulmate is. In retrospect, it should have been obvious, but somehow he doesn't notice until it's staring him in the face.
The identity of Yami's soulmate is one of the biggest mysteries of the Black Bulls. They all know that he has one, who he mentions offhand occassionally (Hino is a lot more open about casually discussing such things), but he never uses their name or gives any sort of identifying details, and the antagonistic way he talks about everyone makes it hard to tell whether his soulmate is someone he cares about or someone he can't stand.
Kiato and Kahono are always so close, no one is particularly surprised to discover that they're also soulmates.
That's all I've got for now-- feel free to guess who the soulmates are, but I will neither confirm nor deny anything until I actually get around to writing the fic for this 'verse.
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