#yuno x yn
mackenziebrooks · 2 years
Yuno never really knew what falling in love meant till he met you. All his life he only knew that he wanted to beat Asta and become the wizard king, along that journey he ran into you. He tends to smile more whenever he’s around you. His sun colored eyes seem to be more bright when he sees you walk over to him after he’s done patrolling. His heart warms up when your head is placed on his chest, when you two lay down to rest. Yuno now knows what falling in love means, because he’s absolutely in love with you.
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justalildumpling · 1 year
meet the yns! - who’s most likely to
pairing: nct dream x fem! reader genre: social media au, college au, fluff, crack warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, jokes about gaslighting?
note: a little bday gift from me to you🫶 also here's some sneak peeks into the other dreamies' stories in the series👀
⎯ navi for lovesick fools universe
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taglist: @xxxx-23nct @maeumiluv @produmads @shwizhies @polarisjisung @dearlyminhyung @wooyoung-a @w3bqrl @daincty @deehyuck @ficrecnctskz @rv7hsua @n0hyuck @neosdaisy @baekhyunstruly @barbkh8450t @cupid-yuno @rum-gone-why
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kaalogii · 4 years
— needle and thread (yami sukehiro x reader x damnatio kira)
one crushes you like his cigarettes as the other, strangely, has the kinder heart.
warnings: slight angst
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Soft fingertips glided delicately along rough stone walls. The owner paced their steps through the halls as they listened intently to the stories being echoed throughout. Their presence generously acknowledged by those who came across them, though their response had been a pained smile. 
“Pardon me for disrupting your stroll, but Chairman Kira has requested your presence in the garden,” A servant of House Kira had suddenly informed Y/N, breaking them out of their thoughts. 
“Yes, thank you. I’ll be on my way,” Y/N moved their occupied hand to their side, missing the rough texture as they ventured to the garden to accompany Damnatio Kira. They maneuvered through the castle walls with ease, once again lost within their own thoughts. 
Y/N had lost count of the days or ...could it have been months? Whichever it may have been, Y/N wasn’t exactly time focused, nor bothered to be. All that had been important to Y/N was fulfilling their duties in the Clover Kingdom. House Kira had been kind enough to offer their home as a stepping stone for peace to the eldest child of a neighboring kingdom. 
If only Y/N had remained obedient and loyal to their royal duties, their mind would be free from pressing personal issues. Though, Y/N had been granted free will from their own kingdom and the Clover Kingdom, they wished they hadn’t strayed afar from the nobles. Then perhaps they wouldn’t have met Yami Sukehiro. 
Their meeting had purely been an accident. Though Yami had convinced it to be fate. Y/N had strayed away from their escort in the beginning of their stay in the Clover Kingdom due to their natural curiosity of the kingdom they’ve learned of in their youth. Yami had once again been on the search for his wild animals and took a sudden interest to the strange individual that peacefully stumbled upon his, secretly, beloved pets. 
It had been at that point on where their many secret rendezvous’ had begun. Y/N had been new to the idea of love, unsure of what it truly holds. Young and naive, Y/N blindly stepped into the abyss, only holding onto the strand of thread Yami allowed. 
“You look troubled” Damnatio Kira’s voice broke Y/N from their thoughts. They weakly smiled as Damnatio stood from his seat to pull theirs. As Y/N got comfortably seated, Damnatio returned to his own, silently eyeing Y/N. “Are you unhappy here?”
“No,” Y/N had been honest as they reached for their teacup to take a much needed drink. Damnatio had hummed in response, taking a drink of his own. The pleasant combination of gentle waterfall and the chirping of birds had comfortably drowned the silence between them. 
“I summoned you here out of the servants concerns,” Damnatio returned his teacup to the table, catching Y/N’s attention. “Normally I wouldn’t be bothered with quizzical issues being brought to my attention. Especially from servants, but the mention of your name had resulted in the exception,” Y/N placed her teacup onto the table, bringing her hands to her lap. “Our duty is to keep you comfortable and safe, for the sake of our kingdoms,” 
“Yes, I understand,”
“The members of my family had left your care in my hands at the beginning of this arrangement. I concluded you to be a responsible adult and let the rumors of your rendezvous with foreign scum to be a temporary phase. Though it seems as though it is not the case. Am I correct?” 
Y/N fumbled with their fingers, averting their gaze from Damnatio’s fierce one. They took notice of the difference in angered expressions they received from Damnatio to Yami’s. Though Yami had only directed anger toward Y/N on the many occasions of Y/N expressing their love for the man. Y/N continued to do so, concluding that anger had been Yami’s choice to express his feelings for the individual. 
“I love him,” Y/N softly blurted loud enough for Damnatio to hear. 
“You love him?” Damnatio had been amused. “Absolute beauty of royal blood loving foreign scum? A disgrace. That isn’t even the worst of it, correct? I’ll answer for you.” Y/N returned their gaze onto Damnatio, focusing onto green eyes. “Surely you’ve heard the rumors. Even I have heard them all. Yami Sukehiro does not love you,” Y/N flinched. 
Damnatio’s words pierced Y/N’s heart although they knew his words had been true. The rumors had begun as soon as Yami and Y/N had their first interaction. They, themselves, had been warned by the members of Yami’s squad to be wary of their captain’s true intentions. Their words and warnings hadn’t been enough, for Y/N had been too far down in the abyss to think otherwise. 
“Now that one subject is out of the way,” Y/N listened to Damnatio as his tone changed. “It appears our families have been working with one another, which I assume we would both agree to be excellent progress in terms of our kingdoms,” Y/N hummed in agreement. “Both sides have agreed to take a step to complete the alliance between our kingdoms by proposing the idea of marriage between you and I,” 
“Marriage?” Y/N searched for any indication that Damnatio’s words were false, finding none they awaited for him to continue. 
“I agree that this is sudden, but I did not dismiss the proposal when it was presented to me. I believe this is a good opportunity for us. I understand you may feel opposed to the idea, but I ask you to carefully think over the proposal,” Damnatio studied Y/N, expecting an outburst but received none. 
“A word of advice,” Damnatio continued. “Don’t allow your naivety to control your emotions. I assume you are smarter than you currently present yourself to be and you are willing to listen to information presented in these rumors you hear about regarding your unfortunate situation with Yami Sukehiro,” Damnatio watched as Y/N tensed. “If you’re looking for love and if you consider the proposal given to us by our kingdoms, I will devout myself in learning to love you as you deserve,” 
Y/N had risen from their seat. “I am grateful for your concern. If you could excuse me for a moment, I have much to think about,”
Damnatio nodded, silently watching as Y/N disappeared from his eyesight. 
The sudden situation had added onto the troubles Y/N had been dealing with in their inner monologue. As they battled the concerns, they were unaware of the location their legs had been leading them to. 
Deep down, Y/N had known the “love” Yami Sukehiro had shown them was nothing more than filling the void for his own loneliness. Along the way, Y/N had mistaken his words and actions for something deeper than what they had been. Yami had twisted their perception to the newfound idea of love into what he decided for them to believe. As a result, Y/N had blindly given everything to the man in every form; emotionally and physically. To the outside, and to Yami’s knowledge, Y/N had been another pet of his he held onto with a simple piece of thread. At anytime, Yami could break the connection, but for reasons unknown, he never had. 
A theory the servants had on the situation had been the idea of Yami Sukehiro using Y/N as a ploy for revenge on Damnatio regarding previous events involving the Black Bulls. The silly theory of the servants of House Kira had actually been correct, unbeknownst to them and others whose ears had the rumor fallen onto them. 
Y/N had been brought out from their thoughts as they sighted the door belonging to the hideout of the Black Bulls. The door had mysteriously opened by itself, from Y/N view as they stepped into the hideout. Although appearing that way, Y/N missed the sight of the member called Henry, who solemnly looked down in pity from his room at Y/N. 
Oddly familiar sounds echoed through the hideout, though Y/N couldn’t place the familiarity of the sounds. Deciding not to think further of it, they continued through the halls as they used the sounds as guidance until reaching the familiar door of Yami’s room. Y/N heart sank at the realization of the familiarity. Their actions moving ahead of their mind as they gently opened the door to come into view of the lewd sight of Yami and his fellow Clover Kingdom captain, Charlotte Roselei. Quickly, Y/N closed the door and made their way in returning to the Kira House. 
Hours had passed after the initial event and Yami had remained clueless to what had occurred outside of his walls. He groaned as he awoken from his slumber, dismissing the weight present beside him. Charlotte’s arms wrapped around Yami’s bare frame as he attempted to remove himself from his bed. Before he could perform further action in getting away from his minuscule hookup, a message from the Wizard King had arrived for Yami. The message played presenting an overjoyed Julius. 
“Weddings are lovely this time of year, but before weddings come engagements! I am honored to present the news in regarding the unity of two kingdoms as we solidify our alliance by joining two members of the highest seats from each of our kingdoms. With great honor, I announce the engagement of Damnatio Kira of House Kira and Y/N L/N of House L/N. I wish the couple a happy engagement and a promising marriage! That is all, good day!”
Yami settled into his bed, welcoming Charlotte’s sleeping embrace contrasting his previous attempts to get away from the woman. He reached onto his table, retrieving a single cigarette and his lighter. Yami took an elongated drag of his cigarette before exhaling. The smoke from his exhale had hidden the lone tear gliding down his face. He chuckled to himself before taking another long drag.
“I don’t give a damn.” 
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hi aineeeeeeee can i plzs reqst nozel, william and yuno with their daughter who is clingy and jealous and their mom (yn) just gave birth to their second child and they thought that they dont love her anymore? Thanksss
Helloooooooo sweetieeeeeee!!
I'll always say yes to dad! fics so here we go! Also! my first dad! yuno because *SPOILER ALERT*
Yuno and Asta are officially of age! WOOTS.
Characters: Nozel, William, Yuno x f!reader d/n = daughter name, s/n = son's name, sd/n= second daughter name
tw: unchecked
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Nozel Silva
d/n is known throughout the entire Clover kingdom to be an absolute daddy's girl is Nozel takes fullest pride in that.
It's to the point that sometimes you would roll your eyes at the both of them, wondering if you gave birth to your own mistress.
When you were pregnant with your second child, Nozel fussed over you a lot more. Well he also fussed like this when you were pregnant with d/n but d/n wasn't there to witness it so...
Now that she is seeing how her dad is fussing over something that is not her, she's already starting to feel inferior to her unborn sister.
She would already start to get her dad's attention during that time. Well, it wasn't that bad back then because well, your unborn daughter couldn't really kick up a fuss in your belly..
When sd/n was born, d/n didn't really like her. Initially you both thought that it was because she was not used to having a baby in her house and that she was too young to understand what being an older sister was like.
Until she started crying and throwing tantrums a lot more. Basically being naughty AF. She would push her baby sister away and stuff.
You kinda knew what's going on, well she's still your baby girl as well and you know her well. But your clueless husband spoilt her too much to see this.
You purposely called an expert in to sit down with your husband to talk about this together with d/n.
d/n then cried, saying that her daddy did not love her anymore, which broke Nozel's heart then and there.
It wasn't really easy to chide Mr Grumpy Royal, but you backed the expert up and was firm on your stand that Nozel had spoilt her too much prior to this.
And now? Mr Nozel is going through parenting 101 classes and lots of child behavioural books. God bless this man.
William Vangeance
Your first born was your absolute joy for the both of you. She was sweet and didn't make much of a fuss, just that your husband. The only thing was that she is pretty shy and clingy to the both of you.
She was okay with the nanny but if you both were around, she's follow where ever you go. You both didn't have much problems with that until you had your second child.
Well because he was still an infant, he needed more effort and time from the both of you. On top of that, you both were juggling magic knight duties, so you definitely had lesser time with d/n.
She didn't really make a fuss about it, she was quiet most of the time and she tried being a "good girl" or an "understanding" girl to her parents.
She was quietly by the both of your sides while you took care of s/n and handled your other duties.
Until one day she went missing. Because she was always like your shadows, you both noticed it pretty quickly and you panicked. She was always shy and clingy so how on earth did she go missing?
Thankfully you didn't take long to find her hiding in the park's treehouse. It was one of her favourite place to go to.
When asked why was she hiding there, she said that "daddy and mommy don't love me anymore,"
And you both hugged her and broke down into tears. You had to apologise and explain to her what you both were going through.
You then taught her to speak up if she wanted anything at all and mommy and daddy would give it to her.
William couldn't sleep for quite awhile because of the guilt he felt. You both also got the nanny to help take care of s/n on some days so that you two could spend time with d/n.
Yuno Grinberryall
Well, this man was a one without much words, but you could see that d/n was his absolute joy. When you were pregnant with daughter number 2, he was brimming with excitement and happiness.
D/n, however, was not that excited for her baby sister. She would already ask before sd/n was born, "will you love her and not love me anymore?"
Of course your husband and you always pacified her and tell her that this was not going to be the case.
You both made the effort to spend a lot of time with her, and made her engage and involved with her little sister's things, like decorating the nursery and picking out baby clothes for her arrival.
But on the day where sd/n was born, and you both were carry and cuddling her, d/n broke into tears, saying that she was going to be dumped by you two for sd/n.
Thankfully her daddy knew how to take care of her. With a little magic, he could make her giggle and laugh once more.
You both apologised to her for not hugging her together and make sure to include her in all activities from then on.
She would be tasked to help with the feeding, the changing of nappies and even getting her little sister to sleep.
You would also ask d/n to read to and play with her little sister.
Guess what? Over time, d/n was more clingy to sd/n instead of the both of you and the two sisters share such a lovely bond.
It was really a win-win situation for the both of you since you could spend lesser effort with your little helper there to help.
"we could easily have 2 or 3 more," Yuno would sometimes tease you.
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YAY to Dad! Yuno! Ahhh I can properly simp for this man right now.
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diorcities · 2 years
love, cafe
part one.
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pairing: jaehyun x reader.
genre: suggestive, fluff? smut?
content: college au, friends to lovers, reader works in a café, jaehyun's kinda fuckboy.
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“shit,” you muttered when you saw the big stain of coffee in your apron.
“everything's fine?” ask one of your colleagues, sneaking through your shoulder. “yeah, it's this stupid machine,” you answered, annoyed. “how does it look?” you asked for a little encouragement. “it matches your eyes,” she respond, jokingly. you let out a whimp. “don't be sulky about it. i'll cover your shift,” said. “i mean, it's the least i can do after you arranged a date for me with that hot classmate of yours,” added, “i thing he's going to ask me for a date.” a flirtatious back-and-forth move made you giggle. you smiled, pleased. “i'm happy you liked it,” answered. it was not hard at all.
you and yuno get along with each other. you and him are in same career at college. meeting at lunch at twelve o'clock, and found each other in the library late at night. he also frequented the cafe, mad late. ordering the same thing, always: an almond croissant with caramel latte. with a massive book open, and a laptop, in instance glaring to his phone, as he was waiting for someone to call him, but never comes. then he leave, at midnight, because he loose track of time and never leave when he should.
when you heard one of the pastry chef calling for an order of a almond croissant and a caramel latte, you know it's for him. but your apron is dirty with coffee stains and your hair is probably a mess after fervently carving the pot with butter cream in the sink, so you just decided to stay in the kitchen and help the pastry chef with his orders.
you ended up advancing notes for tomorrow's class on one of the tables, because it's monday night and the cafe doesn't get too much clients late at night on mondays. and later that night, your shift finish. there's no one at the cafe, and your colleague left a couple minutes ago, leaving you her task to closed the store, staying a little longer as you finished your essay. you're were tired that you didn't even change your working clothes and leave the cafe straight away with your stained apron, dreaming about binge a serie after a warm bath.
your thoughts stopped abruptly, along with your steps when your eyes met his figure, his gaze captured your eyes at last second, leaving you speechless. “yn.” “what...?” areyoudoinghere. “you always go home this late?” he asked, glaring inside the cafe. you almost nodded.
“yuno,” called him, not expecting him to be there. his deep gaze landed on you, and you couldn't not shiver. “you scared me for a moment,” confessed, laughing nervously. he seemed to catch the question dancing in your lips, when he said “i wanted to make sure you were ok.” frowning “you didn't came out with the others.”
“i was supposed to close the store,” you said, waking pass him. “wait... the others,” you repeated. “danho. what happened?” you asked, “your date,” added, stopping your walk and turning to face him. he was following you all along. his feet stopped a few meters away from you. his height towering you, as you tilted your head a little. “she felt sick all of a sudden, so she went home,” answered.
“then, why you're here?” you asked, confused.
“i was waiting, for you”.
you sighed, feeling bitter as you fell into realization of the rumors. they were always true. as much as you wished they weren't. you didn't want to believe that the guy you met at lunch in the library and it was nice to you was actually a heart hunter, that could never be satisfied.
“so your date went home and now you're waiting for me,” you scoffed.
“stop,” you said, your hands covered your face as a mechanism for escape from his eyes. “don't.”
“why you always do that?” you asked, catching him out of guard. “you chase, you use, you dump,” you looked at him. “as if people are desechable to you, as if you don't care they have feelings you could break.” the rumors, the bloody rumors through the campus. you didn't wanted to believe them. the whispers in the corridors, the rumors about jung yoonoh. about his dates. his conquests, his endless list of broken hearts. were you, the next victim?
“i'm not doing this, yuno,” you finally said, faced him. determined. but in the inside fearing he could hear your heart breaking.
you felt his touch in your hand, soft. almost noticeable. and when you looked at him, he hesitated as he wasn't sure what to do, or say. “i do care,” he whispered. “i care because you care,” added, making you look at him with confusion. “that's why i told her...” the dark haired boy stared at you, mesmerized. “i told her i couldn't take her out on a date, because i want to go on a date with you, if you let me.”
“i come here because of you. and i go to the library at noon because i know you go at that hour. i do everything to please you,” he confess. “even taking out someone to a date because you ask me to”. you bite your lips. you could feel bad for making him doing all those things he didn't wanted to do, but his voice was full of tender, and his body was very close to yours, that without warning, your foreheads found each other. your eyes closed to the touch. an electric shock shot down your limbs. his thumb rubbing your hand, slowly.
“you're always on my mind, it's almost ridiculous,” murmured, so low, almost imperceptible. a soft laugh vibrating in his throat. “you're killing me. tell me something, even if it's just to hate me,” he asked, with a low voice.
you put a hand in his chest to create distance between you and him, tilting your head up, looking for his eyes, already founding yours.
you could say sorry. you could say that little deep inside you wanted to change place with danho, because yohno seemed to like her more than he likes you. but instead, your hand went to his cheek, brushing it, softly. and his eyes seemed to melt when he looked at you. those horrible things people said behind his back, they couldn't be true. not when all you can saw in his eyes it's the bright of a million fireworks burning inside. and you didn't mind burning in them.
your lips captured the dark haired boy in a furious kiss. full of emotions. full of something that you couldn't label, but was so beautiful, so indescribable, incomprehensible, that you let it burn everything, you let it spread all over your senses, floating, dying. everything could collapse, it could destroy everything, after all, now it belonged to him, the way he belonged to you. his heart, beating under your palm, warm, fast, alive. and your all self, melting at his touch. is this how everyone felt about him? the way that you could give him your heart, knowing he was gonna break it? and not caring at all?
you gasp for air, feeling the palpable adrenaline between your bodies. what did it feel a lifetime if only a few minutes had passed?.
“it's mad late,” you remembered, “we have class tomorrow morning.”
“mhmm...” he mumbled, “should we go home then?” he suggested, but when you looked at him, with a smile dancing in his lips, you knew it wasn't your home he was referring to.
“should we?”
correct me any grammar or misspelled, it's midnight, i'm writing with an eye open bc this thing it's been on my mind it's almost crazy. enjoy.
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yojeongin · 3 years
stupid girl | j.jh FINALE
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→kinesiology major!jung jaehyun x stem major!reader
genre: 2000s chat room au, so much smut, suspense, drama, psychological thriller, established relationship, college au
synopsis: finally having met the stranger on your screen, things take a turn for better or for worse; friendship is on the line, intentions are questionable, and perceptions become skewed. with the flow of things due to his selfish tendencies, jaehyun’s naivety fails to show him the bigger picture.
tw: ADULTS ONLY, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! oral (f+m receiving) , fingering, public sex, auralism, riding, face fucking, protected/unprotected sex, impact play, breath play, cream pie, cum play, dom/sub dynamic, toxic/mutual codependent relationship, mentions of stalking, possessiveness, obsession, gaslighting/manipulation, violence, drinking, mentions of recreational drugs (main characters don't consume)
wc: 33.5k+ (don’t kill me, I promise it's worth it…)
part 1
© 2021 YOJEONGIN all rights reserved — please do not translate, take, nor repost my works on other social media’s. this is my ONLY writing platform along ao3.
disclaimer: this is purely fictional; In no way am I condoning this behavior, trying to offend anyone, nor is it meant to place such image on the idol, these are only characters. read at your own discretion.
song(s): streets— doja cat | I put a spell on you, if I was your vampire— marilyn manson | eye, pug, zero, ava adore—smashing pumpkins | mascara, change in the house of flies—deftones | I can’t decide—scissor sisters | love you to death—type o negative
an: happy 4 years of poetic beauty and 2 years since stupid girl, here's the long awaited finale. it did take me so long to finish it lol, I did a lot of revision, editing, and scrapping out, hope you all enjoy it, spent sm time writing this so >_< ALSO THIS IS DEF NOT A LOVE TRIANGLE! ps: ignore the vagueness for yn’s major… happy holidays!
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“Wait, you were serious when you said we weren’t sulking together?!” Jungkook had been whining for the past hour that he arrived at your apartment with bags of chips, soda, rom-com films, and takeout money. For the past two months both of you had come up with the plan of spending Valentine’s Day together, in a way to celebrate the friendship you both had gained over the past few months ever since last semester started.
It wasn’t anything new to either of you. Whenever the holidays came along you two could either spend it together for the lack of time, your parents wanting to travel and visit family, or it wasn’t worth it if he traveled back home to visit his own family according to the long distances. So in order to avoid such troubles, Jungkook tagged along with you at your apartment in which you wouldn’t be bothered by his frat mates who often teased both of you claiming more than friendship was in the line. You’d both would mostly ignore his remarks but when he became rather annoying, you’d both wait until he left the house and locked him out for the night.
“I’m sorry, it’s Yuno’s birthday and— we want to spend it together.” As you fixed the clasps of your shoes, Jungkook shook his head, arms crossing against his chest. “The fact that you’re ditching me to go meet up with a creep from online… y/n it’s hella cold oh my—'' A loud huff left his lips just replaying the words you so easily spoke out. How stupid could you be to meet up with a guy that you’ve only met once and at that it was just a simple glance. For all you both knew, Yuno could be lying about certain aspects in his life.
Perhaps he wouldn’t be as frustrated about your new found lover if it was just a friendship. A friendship that didn’t include the reveal of faces, real names, nor meetups— like now. It’s not like he was jealous but rather concerned. Like stated before, Jungkook would always gain a horrible gut feeling when something wasn’t going to go right. So whenever he had first interrupted your masturbation session with Jaehyun and saw that the webcam was on, he instantly felt his guts twist and turn even though he tried to fake his teasing.
That feeling never left and every time Yuno was mentioned, Jungkook tried hiding his frown. Just like now— he tried extremely hard to hide his disappointment along with personal paranoia of the possible ‘what ifs’. “I’ll give you a ride. I want to see what this guy looks like.” Despite your giddy exterior, you felt horrible for leaving Jungkook hanging on something you both had been planning for months just to meet up with a boy you had only been creating plans for a week prior to this event.
Your attempts of keeping a conversation with him failed all throughout the car ride. It was evident he was angry at the intrusion of plans with Jaehyun. Well, at least that’s what you believed. That was only a portion as to why Jungkook was angry. You contemplated giving him the typical ‘don’t be angry at me’ phrase but when you really thought about it, you couldn’t care less if he was angry.
“It’s here…” You’d softly tell him, watching as he took a turn to stop in front of the restaurant. The building was completely covered with colorful walls, but at the front, a wall of glass gave a clear view of the beautiful interior. The fountain in the far right of the restaurant, tables on different levels to show a spot full of sand like dirt and the walls in full set making it seem as if the balconies above were real homes.
Grabbing your bag and sweater ready to get off, Jungkook takes a hold of your elbow. “Do you see him first?” He questioned, eyes shifting up towards you, eyebrows still furrowed with worry. You hadn’t given thought to that upon arriving at the front. All you really cared for was seeing Yuno’s face and being close to him. “Oh um… right there!” Just at the fact that you saw him and knowing he was so close to you, your heart accelerated and a wide smile was placed on your face, your face that remained hot and every muscle couldn’t bother to form anything else but a smile.
“Jaehyun is Yuno?” Jungkook’s tone was calmer but not for the purpose of being relaxed. “Yeah! Do you know him?! Such a small world.” You were beaming at this new found information, joy filling you at the thought that maybe Jungkook’s judgment wouldn’t be as harsh with Jaehyun now that he finally knows who he is. “Yeah, I’ve se— he’s friends with Yugye— a friend of mine actually…” A small squeal left your lips as you patted his shoulder, reassurance that everything would obviously be fine.
Stepping foot out of the car and ready to walk away, Jungkook stopped you one last time. “Hey, call me when you need to be picked up.” You only nodded before walking inside to the restaurant knowing if things went well you wouldn’t need to call him.
Greeted by the hostess you only had to point at Jaehyun who looked highly interested in the live show in the middle of the restaurant. Then nodding at you, you walked his direction hoping he still hadn’t seen you, just for the element of surprise.
The performance had ended by the time you came close to the table, resulting in a giggling Jaehyun who turned around to take a sip of his drink. Sure he saw you and paid no mind, but when he realized it was you, his gaze turned back to you with a smile as he clumsily stood up from the table to go to you. “Hey…” He seemed shy, completely different from the chat rooms and recently: text messages. His voice was soft and despite still holding its depth— it didn’t compare to the huskiness and roughness of when you both went too deep into the lewd actions through webcam.
“Hi,” The words left in a breath from your lips, kissing his cheek as he greeted you with one too. It was intoxicating, really. The feeling of his large hand against your lower back and his shirt grazing your bare shoulder. The scent he exuded when he got so close to you was of pure delight, and his lips— his lips as soft as you imagined them to be every time he bit them. Plump, soft, and gorgeously rose pink. When against your own flesh, you only wished they traveled down your neck right now and there. Sadly the conditions in which you two found each other in, lead to Jaehyun pulling your chair and motioning for you to sit down.
Not long after you both sat down, the waitress came to your table, asking you what drink you would like. “Have you been waiting long?” You’d ask him, placing your purse on the short coat hanger right next to your table before looking up at him. His facial expression hadn’t changed from when he first saw you. His smile soft in awe and his eyes are fixed on your face. He felt extremely lucky to have you as his. No matter if things weren’t official, Jung Jaehyun had no intentions nor desires to let you go.
“Yuno?” His eyebrows perked up, hands reaching for your own hands. “Huh?” He’d ask, evidently he paid no attention to your question. The warm feeling of his hand against your cold ones made an inaudible gasp to leave your lips, causing him to smirk once again. “Have you been waiting long?” You’d ask again to which he responded with a shake of his head. You hadn’t noticed earlier but his hair wasn’t the same color as it was in yesterday’s video chat. His natural brown locks were gone and replaced with a beautiful shade of pink. “Y-you dyed your hair!” You seemed more excited than before, making him crack a chuckle. “Do you like it? I thought it would be fitting for today.” One of his hands left yours, ring clad fingers running through it and as you watched him, your thighs pressed tight against each other imagining how those same fingers could hold onto your hair in a makeshift ponytail, back against his chest as he pounded— no. Not now, y/n…
Smiling at him, you nodded intertwining your fingers with his. Contrary to his hands, his rings felt even more cool against your own cold hands. The very thin silver, smooth against your flesh, his fingers tightly wrapping around yours. “It’s really cute.” Thumb running up and down his index finger. “You’re cute.” He’d flatter, causing your face to feel warm, looking down as a smile formed on your lips. “I— So are you…” Gaze turned back to him, Jaehyun porting a toothy smile as he sat up straight to bring your intertwined hand up to his lips. His soft lips that tenderly kissed your fingertips. “We waited too long for this moment, y/m/n…” Breath hitching in the back of your throat, you nodded looking at him.
“Yes we did, baby.”
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“Yuno, Yuno…” Jungkook wasted no time looking up Jaehyun.  Regardless of what Jaehyun considered being caught by Jungkook, he hadn’t counted on all those times Jungkook spotted him without making any type of contact. All the time the cherry haired boy would look around the cafes, library, restaurants, or super markets— there he would be. Jung Jaehyun would always be there with a similar looking disguise: Cap and face mask that despite not always showing his face, it was obviously him. “Yoonhoe, yeah…”
If Jungkook was to know Jaehyun was Yuno— the amount of times he’d confront him would eventually lead to violence. Like the clueless boy he was, Jungkook would let the occurrences slide believing it was only a coincidence the acquaintance was just minding his business in the small town they all lived in. Maybe it was at first, but it had become excessive that it was obvious Jaehyun had started following his best friend around now that he really thought about it. All those times he sat a few tables away from them and looked down whenever y/n stood up or walked near him— yes! Yes, Yuno was following her around!
As he looked through Jaehyun’s profile, he searched and searched for something that could incriminate him. But what could he find when his tags weren’t even public? Not to mention he had claimed to not have a profile when Jungkook and the rest of their shared friends asked for his username, obviously not wanting them in his private life.
Amongst that he never posted pictures either. A frustrated groan left Jungkook’s lips, body becoming limp against his bed. He had been sitting in complete silence and darkness, the sound of fingers typing against the keyboard was the only noise in the dark room illuminated by only the laptop’s screen.
His eyes adjusting to the darkness, the ceiling having its form again. Exhaling through his nose, Jungkook took his phone from his back pocket, checking if you had called him. Time was only ticking and his worry growing, you were never the one to stay out too late— especially when you preferred being locked inside the comfort of your home all the time, so to think that you could possibly not even call him, made his heartache and only fret more. From impulse, he searched for your contact in a hurry, not even daring to look at the time.
Contrary to your best friend, you were enjoying your time with Jaehyun or Yuno as he loved to hear coming from your lips. Laughter only spewed from both your lips and comfort had settled in, it would only take a pest to make that comfortable feeling go away.
Just like that your phone began to vibrate in your purse. At first you’d ignore it wanting to just keep your focus on Yuno, laughing at his terrible jokes and becoming flustered whenever he complimented you in any way. The first call had gone ignored and to Jungkook’s distaste, he became frustrated. Jaehyun was no fool to the change in expression. Your smile only faltered a tiny bit knowing someone was interrupting your time together.
The second call was more audible to him, now knowing someone was bothering you and most likely that someone was your lovely Jeongguk who had only been a tick in his fur. His eyesight shifted to his lap before trying to ignore the pestering call, his grasp on your hand slightly tightening. You’d smile at him apologetically, ignoring it again. “So—“
The third call was the last straw, his hands left yours and his body only reclined against the straw chairs, his jaw clenched and a soft sigh left his lips before smiling at you. “Go answer it, I’ll ask for the bill.” You were about to ask if he was sure but the phone kept ringing and it only bothered you to just keep it like that. Pressing the answer button on your keyboard, your voice only became stern as you stood up. “What, Kookie?!” Your back was facing Jaehyun and just as he predicted it was Jeongguk. His chuckle was dry, rolling his eyes— he only leaned furthermore against the chair. Hand rubbing his chin, he called for the waitress handing her the debit card just to have her end the process fast.
Watching you walk towards the restroom, a hand on your phone and the other covering your mouth so no other sound could interfere with your conversation. Your body seemed tense, it could only mean that a quarrel was forming between the two of you. “Here you go, have a good night.” The waitress mentioned to which he returned a simple thank you. Standing up from his chair, Jaehyun made sure to leave a tip before walking towards the restroom. It wasn’t that far but the possibility that the phone call could be over in seconds only fueled him to hurry. If he wanted Jungkook to get a clue, he could only give him a taste of what he could do to you.
The stalls were empty and the bathroom was cold, your voice echoing through the wooden walls, “I just don’t understand what you’re trying to say?!” Exasperation was getting the most out of you, he had gone rambling about how maybe trusting Jaehyun wasn’t ideal, but he had also not presented you with a reason as to why not.
Just as he was to answer, the door swung open, your eyes widening seeing it was Jaehyun. His finger came to his lips as he locked the door behind him. “Yu—“ You didn’t get the chance to even finish his name off when his own lips pressed against yours, his left hand cupping your face. Of course you didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, but if things were to get more heated— then being on the phone with Jungkook wasn’t something that should continue.
Parting from him, he only smiled, kissing your neck as you talked. “Wait let me, h—“ his teeth nipped at your neck as his right hand massaged your inner thigh, making you feel like putty just against his touch. Your phone was still connected to your ear, ignoring Jungkook’s confused hum as he heard you moan. “y/n, don’t even da—“ You couldn’t hear the rest as Jaehyun took the cellphone from your hands, finger pressing a button to which you believed he had hung up.
“We don’t have much time here, baby… don’t bother with a phone call.” His lips found yours again, the soft feeling of them against your own was good enough to feel pleasure. You’d been so starved of intimacy that the slightest gesture from him could make you come. “We can’t do it in the restroom, what if someone comes in?” You whispered, moans contradicting your arousal. Jaehyun smiled against your neck, teeth feeling cold on your warm skin. “That’s why we have to be fast. I promise I’ll make up for it when we leave. Right now, I just can’t hold it off much.” His breath fanned against your skin, his fingers teasing the elastic of your panties.
Moans left your slightly ajar lips as he nipped at your neck to create those purple marks he’s been wanting to make on you. The way his teeth slightly bit your flesh and you enjoyed, making your arms wrap around his neck, fingers tugging at his pink hair. He loved the feeling of your fingers against his scalp, the pleasure he got from the stinging pull of his hair. “Jaehyun…” You moaned, throwing your head back.
That little mistake caused his hand to move from in between your legs, traveling to go flat against your ass quite roughly. Hearing you whimper only fueled his need even more, the echo of his slap against your ass could’ve been heard by everyone if someone else was in the restroom. Jaehyun looked directly at your trembling eyes. It wasn’t from fear but rather increased arousal, knowing you enjoyed such contact.
You couldn’t decipher what resided in his mind as he stared at you, but the action of his tongue swiping against his lower lip made moans leave your lips and a smirk to place itself on his face. The hand that had recently held contact with your behind, slithered itself up to take a hold of your face, his fingers pressing hard against your jaw, causing your lips to pucker up for him.
His eyes had darkened just like the tint on his lips. It was magnificent, the view of having such a gorgeous man in front of you, fucked out of his mind with the minimum amount of foreplay and all because he wanted you and only you. With such, there was nothing else you could ask for.
“I didn’t go through so much trouble, just for you to call me Jaehyun like everyone else, princess.” His lips pecked your puckered ones, pulling away to look at you again. “Call me Yuno, understood?” It wasn’t soft anymore, his tone was dark and demanding— forceful could be said too. “Understood!?” There it was again, the change in tone. His voice soft once again as his grip on your jaw became softer. With a nod and your thighs pressing tightly against each other for the friction you were lacking, he chuckled, kissing you again, letting go of your aching jaw that for sure would have prints of his tight grip.
“Lovely!” He’d exclaim biting his lip, eyes softened but seeing the way you barely held yourself up, that changed again. “Hmm, I guess your little mistake made us lose so much time, come on let’s go into the main dish!”
He had roughly turned you over, causing you to collapse against the sink counter and aching spots on your hips. Just as expected the marks of his fingers on your jaw were of a translucent red. A red that matched the state of your swollen lips and the mark on your ass that was barely easing from the sting. Jaehyun hadn’t touched you just yet, he had left you starved against the counter with forearms carrying your weight on both sides of the sink, legs remained put together and your ass visible with the way you were leaning, the dress hiked up and showing him the shimmering purple small silk piece.
You tried looking at him through the mirror but whenever your head lifted, he would only push it down, causing your hot body to have a cold rush flow through it. Your legs were trembling in desperation of having him buried deep in you, for him to stretch you out with just his cock and no aid of his fingers. To feel the sting of having him inserted inside of you. Completion and fullness was all you wanted to feel.
“Please… before we get caught.” It came out as a needy breath, a moan following when his finger ran across the evident wet spot on your panties. Yuno chuckled, nodding as he pulled down your panties, pushing your legs open with his boot against your ankles, not caring enough to make you step out of them. “You’re right, baby. Let’s get this done.” As he took out his wallet to get the condom that resided there, one of his fingers played with your arousal, spreading it against your lips and taking the remaining against his lips. He groaned at the taste of you, tongue wrapping around the finger that had touched you.
“Y/m/n you taste so good… I can’t wait to taste you even more later on.” His words were always the cause of your arousal, turning you on with just his dirty talk. Responding to him, a strangled moan erupted from your throat.
Jaehyun rolled up the condom down his length painfully slow to calm his own arousal; Your body was on the verge of giving up on you, that is until the feeling of his tip teasing your wet folds, rubbing against them. You couldn’t deny you just wanted him deep in you, buried to the hilt within the walls of your warm cavern— connectivity is all you craved.
As your thoughts processed, Yuno slowly pushed himself within you, biting his lower lip to avoid any moans. Unlike him, your moans projected in the echoing room, every inch going inside of you making them grow louder, at some point his hand had come to your mouth just to keep you quiet before a passerby grew suspicious and reported the wonton noises.
“Ready?” He had pulled you against his chest at the moment he finished burying himself within you. The feeling of fulfillment and of being whole only caused your stomach to turn with arousal. His warm breath against your ear did no justice to the situation. You craved the feeling of him tasting you with the velvet tongue you had learned to love in a matter of minutes. To fuck you against this counter whilst he devoured your flesh with his rosy lips. You wanted to taste his tongue against yours— to seal the drought that you’d put yourself through just to have him rain upon you.
With your desperate nod of approval, Jaehyun smirked, kissing your earlobe as his hips jolted forwards causing shock to fill you. With wide eyes and grip on the counter, you tried restraining your moans. But the simple feeling of his filling cock moving inside of you at a ranging pace wasn’t allowing that restrain to go through. Wanton moans vibrated against his palms whilst he thrusted forwards, the sound of skin slapping against skin caused for the arousal to grow between your legs, causing that difficulty of movement to ease after you stopped clenching from the feeling that had become foreign after a while.
“Look at you not being able to hold your moans. Who’s my princess?” His teeth would come down nipping at your neck, the flesh slowly disappearing between his teeth as he pulled away. Your head throws back the moment the hand holding your hips moves to rub at your clit. “I am! Only me!” It wasn’t an answer of confirmation, it was the answer of assertion and facts. No one was going to be his princess other than you, definitely not after this and more to come.
The rumbling of his chuckle pierced through your gut that turned every time he looked at you through the mirror. His hips jolting against your ass as he thrusted deep within you, your walls continuing the pattern of relaxation and clenching whenever the minimum feeling of an upcoming orgasm was threatening to come. His words were dirty as he touched you, mouth always close to the points that needed much attention, and as he spoke against your cheek, tongue teasing to savor you— his actions stopped making a loud whine release from your lips, just like your build up of juices did the moment he so nonchalantly pulled out of you.
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, not daring to open them as you knew he would look at you in satisfaction. To be so close to nirvana just to be torn down so rapidly was an overwhelming feeling. Your legs trembled as you tried to hold on to the counter. “Don’t think I forgot your little mistake, baby… Don’t ever call me Jaehyun again.” There it was again, the coldness in his tone, the demanding tone to make you fall to your knees by both fear and arousal. And as he approached you, fingers not even teasing your entrance— Yuno slid them within you, pistoning them with a merciless pace in which your body felt weaker than ever. The sound of your internal arousal echoing as he spoke. “You disappointed me. I was willing to give you all in this instance… you know that hurts so much— I didn’t struggle to make everyone call me Jaehyun so you could be the only one to call me Yuno.”
The pitch of angered disappointment was the last he spoke, his finger leaving your body to make you react the same way as before, this time tears finally leaving your eyes and rolling down your cheeks. Whimpers of the tantrum you wanted to throw became louder. Jaehyun watched you try to handle yourself as he tucked himself in after discarding the condom.
Regardless of the initial guilt, blood pumped back into his cock seeing you ever so vulnerable just because of him. Your fucked state and whimpers to have him in you again and finally letting you release. He enjoyed every minute of you pulling yourself together, the obvious arousal that slid down your legs making him bite his lip a little harder. With a grin on his face, he reached for a paper towel, wetting it before softly cleaning your thighs and calves, removing any evidence of what had happened in there.
Crouching to pull your panties up, Yuno groaned at the glistening view, your cunt was. If he was to bite his lip any harder, he would draw blood, but if it meant it was for you— it was more than worth it.
“Are you all right, baby?” He coyly questions, hand rubbing at your back as you breathed in to regain sanity again. Nodding to him, you took his hand into yours before kissing his cheek. “Yeah, I’m good now.” Faint as your voice was, the smile that remained on your lips reassured him that he hadn’t been too rough; helping you fix your makeup with new paper towels that he so gently used against your face, Yuno only felt the sense of satisfaction to finally have you this close to him. To know that minutes ago he was buried deep within you and the cause of your sexual repression.
Bringing your face closer to his, Yuno closed the gap between your lips. Tongue gracing your lower lip as the two kissed, lips moving against each other in a delicate kiss. Recalling the location in which you both resided, he parted slowly, pecking your lips just after separating. “I think you look good now, go out first just in case someone is out there.” Agreeing with his words and received with his beautiful toothy smile, you unlocked the door to the restroom, opening it to walk out first before waiting by the entrance hall to the toilets.
As he knew how far you were, Jaehyun chuckled— his smile dropped and the disgusted scowl formed on his lips when taking out your cell phone from his pocket and pressing it against his ear. “You’re a dirty one, Jungkook… hearing your best friend have sex with another man… doesn’t that sting?” His mocking tone had cut through Jungkook who became slightly startled once he was brought out of his trance on the noises you were making after he had been listening all along, hating himself for knowing he could’ve hung up any second but your pretty moans had enticed him to stay— even when he knew he had no interest as such towards you.
“Try all you want to get rid of me or whatever but at the end of the day it’s me she’ll always end up believing. Best friend or not, know your place with y/n and I, Kookie.” The soft yet menacing tone in Jaehyun’s voice had your best friend go frozen, his tongue couldn’t move and no words formed, only anger filled his chest.
With a deep sigh and regaining his own composure, Jungkook growled thinking of Jaehyun’s words again. “Do you think I’m an idiot? I wouldn’t dare let her be near someone as fuc— I’m sorry, for more minutes visit your closest server and continue with the paid plan, thank you.”
Removing the phone from his ear, Jaehyun smiled, deleting the recent call from the caller’s log, closing the phone afterwards and tucking it into his pocket. “Ran out of minutes.” He tells himself whilst washing his hands, a smile following him out the restroom in satisfaction to where he greeted a bored you who’s eyes lit up at the view of him.
“Here, you forgot it.” Handing you the lime green flip phone, he took your hand into his, making your way out the building.
APRIL 2007
Everything after that day felt like a fever dream. Jaehyun had asked you to be his girlfriend after rearranging your guts— though you two had agreed to tell people he had asked you after leaving the restaurant during a stroll through the Valentine’s Day holiday lights at the park.
From that day on you two wouldn’t spend a day without seeing each other, the days you couldn’t be near you’d always have the chatroom, phone calls, or video calls and even then that felt so distant and lonely. It was such an excessive amount of neediness you both felt during this phase that it had brought Jungkook to let out so many exasperated words at how little time you spent with him. To be honest he sounded like a little brother, an annoying one at that.
The amount of power Jaehyun’s presence had on you was causing Jungkook to have a disadvantage in how to handle you. As much as he tried to tell you during that period of time all the few things he had found about your boyfriend, the honeymoon phase you found yourself to be in didn’t allow for his words to ever process or be taken seriously, not when you knew Yuno was with you at all times and had no reason to follow you around— at least that’s the only thing you could even process and if you did, you ignored the time period.
So used to being close that Jaehyun himself didn’t anticipate the day Jungkook blurted out you were going on a Spring Break trip with him, Taehyung, and their parents. You could still remember the disappointment when you had clarified it over dinner at your apartment. Of course it didn’t help that Jungkook was having dinner with you guys.
“But— I thought we’d spend it together…”  His voice was faint and quiet, turning his head to look at you after Jungkook had asked if you had packed for the week. Turning from Jungkook to Jaehyun you lowered your head slightly, taking a bite of the meal he helped you make.
Clearing his throat after looking between both of you and sensing an uprising tension, the doe-eyed boy spoke: “I’ll go to the bathroom.” Your head still lowered, Jaehyun’s soft pleading eyes became cold as they followed Jungkook who only sent a grin his way before turning the corner to the hall. If anything this seemed like payback for ditching him on Valentine’s Day to go with Yuno.
As he didn’t receive a response from you, Yuno took a hold of your free hand, squeezing it softly to gain your attention. “y/m/n?...” His gaze was back to the softness you had seen seconds prior, sighing at the look he gave you. “I thought so too but then Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s parents found out I wasn’t going anywhere and— I can’t really say no to them…”
Despite the calm and collected look he was giving you, his mind raced and the thoughts within that were clouding his line of reasoning. God why the fuck would you listen to a pair of hags when you had him? In fact! Who the fuck was Taehyung?!
He could go on and on with the questions in his head but right now it seems like his brain would rather focus on the fact that Jungkook is laughing at his misery. It’s the first time in weeks since you’d both be separated like you were at the beginning. If he didn’t know better after all the whining both you and Jaehyun sat through over how much less he sees you— it wouldn’t surprise him that Jungkook had something to do with this.
Besides that he couldn’t really force you to stay, he wanted to so badly but it’s barely been two months since you two became official, there’s still a possibility that you wouldn’t succumb to him that easily. Patting the hand he held, Jaehyun nodded with a sad faint smile. “Yeah I suppose so. Just... Please call me every day.”
Even if his smile was faint, yours grew knowing he wasn't opposing. If he thought about it well— this was the first instance in which Jungkook really tried at his nerves.
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“Do you have everything, then?” Leaning against the wall of your building, Jaehyun looked at you with a slight scowl, arms crossed hoping you'd cancel at the last minute and stay with him.
Nodding as a response with your purse at hand, you smiled his way, closing the door to the back seat where you had just placed your backpack.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the look on his face. It was a mix of a scowl along a pout, God did he make it so obvious that he didn’t want you to go. “You’ll get wrinkles; give me a goodbye kiss.” Walking closer to him, you wrapped your arms around his waist. His face muscles relaxed for once, looking down at you and teasing the idea of a kiss.
Smiling at you, he chuckled at the look in your eyes. “Do you think you deserve a kiss? You’ll be leaving me alone for so long.” Rolling your eyes at his words, you’d answer a simple yes, pecking his neck as initiation to your needs. “Come on, just a kiss.” Puckering your lips towards him, he shook his head as he lowered it to where your lips met.
“Did you make sure you had enough minutes for our calls?” Speaking between kisses you’d hum against his lips in agreement. It didn’t make sense that he’d ask so when he himself dragged you to get more service balance, in fact he even paid for more just in case.
“God I don’t want to let go of you.”
“You’ll have to, Yuno.”
And so Jungkook’s voice had broken the moment you’d both settled in. With your arms wrapped around Jaehyun’s waist and his own around yours— the both of you turned to Jungkook, your head now resting on his chest for comfort.
With a scowl from Jaehyun from the name he’d just been called and the distress his words caused to your dissatisfied look knowing Jungkook was teasing Jaehyun. “What? Oh come on, it won’t be that bad, you’ll house-sit the place while she’s away— technically will be as close.” His cocky smile returned to which you’d sigh, turning to Jaehyun who kept staring at the other boy but with much less anger as he realized your gaze was on him.
Moving your fingers to slightly dig at his waist so he’d pay attention to you again, Jaehyun finally turned his head towards you. “I’ll call you everyday, don’t worry about anything.” You said it with so much positivity that a smile had spread across his face, whispering a simple ‘Okay.’
And just as Jungkook went inside his car to turn it on, you had pulled away from your lover for one last item check. Rummaging through your purse and making mental notes on what you had; a gasp of realization left your lips, making both of the guys turn to you in questioning.
“I left my wallet...” Given Jaehyun had the keys he didn’t hesitate to hand them to you after taking them out of his pocket. Taking them into your own hands in a rushed motion, you pushed through the gate that locked the stairs into the building leaving the two men alone.
It was the first time they’d ever been alone, at least after you and Jaehyun started dating and Jungkook had built a dislike for your boyfriend. With you out of the picture for a few minutes, Jaehyun walked towards the car, leaning on the windowsill of the passenger’s seat.
Turning to look at the now faded pink haired boy, Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head, noticing the amount of rage Jaehyun was exuding. “Try to act like you like me at least.” Faking a pout, Jungkook pleaded to Jaehyun.
“Don’t ever call me Yuno.” Raising his eyebrows in faux fear, Jungkook smiled. “Or what? I want to call you that too.” God, he knew how to work his nerves, if anything Jaehyun thought he’d be the one to push Jungkook’s nerves.
Shaking his head with a grin on his face now, Jaehyun once again spoke. “You’re such a little shit, if I didn’t know better I’d say you’re the one who mentioned she wouldn’t go anywhere. Are you that starved?” Shrugging, Jungkook turned to the stereo, messing with the knobs in order to find something to listen to. “I could’ve slipped a few words in but it’s time you let me spend some time with her, you’re hogging her up. Is stalking not enough?” Turning to your boyfriend, Jungkook questioned, raising an eyebrow as he watched the way Jaehyun’s face contorted.
“Actually knowing you now, I wouldn’t doubt seeing you there. Wouldn’t it be fun if I told her?” Laughing at his own words, Jungkook settled with grabbing his CD case seeing as all the radio stations wouldn’t stop playing that damn ‘Hey there Delilah’ song.
Nothing that Jungkook has said has ever been as comedic as this. With a big hearty laugh, Jaehyun covered his mouth with his hands. “What’s so funny?” Your voice sounded as you opened the gate, stepping out of the confines of the complex and handing the keys back to him; Jungkook raising his eyebrows in defiance.
“Kookie thinks he’s funny. Don’t you?” Grimace plastered on his face, Jaehyun looked directly at Jungkook’s glaring eyes. “Yeah, from time to time.” The shit eating tone in his voice was gone and a rigid one settled.
Giggling at their interaction, completely oblivious to it all, you smiled at the two. “Don’t lie to him, you’ll just boost his ego.” You teased, taking a hold of Jaehyun’s arm to pull him away from the door and to give him a final goodbye kiss, he smiled your way before leaning into you, lips connecting in a rather long yet tender kiss.
And so as your back faced Jungkook and Jaehyun held your face as you two kissed, he opened his eyes slightly, watching as Jungkook stared at you both— enough to make him grin into the kiss. Overall, he’d have to try harder than just telling you what’s going on without proof if he wanted you far from Yuno.
“Man, can you hurry up?!” Whining to gain your attention again, both you and Jaehyun giggled against the kiss before finally separating.
“Call you later.”
Stepping foot into the car and instantly leaning against the same windowsill Jaehyun leaned against earlier, you watched him become smaller as Jungkook drove away, a sigh leaving your lips making Jungkook throw a quick glance your way before a sigh of realization left his own body. You truly were head over heels for him.
And so as you promised to call him daily, he held onto that spark of hope. Yet you were fucking lying.
Or so Jaehyun thought. After you had arrived at the lodge where the older pairs and Taehyung greeted both of you, you barely contacted Jaehyun and in his head he couldn’t care less if the activities made you busy. You had agreed to call him all the days you’d spend there and all the time but it was the last thing you did.
He felt ignored and forgotten. It didn’t really help that he was staying at your place all the time; your scent intoxicating his daily surroundings. Your pillows smell of Rosehip and Rosemary, a few strands of hair that would fall sticking to the fabric of your sheets— you were always with him even in your absence.
As much as he tried distracting himself with his internship and his TA duties, everything would always trace back to you and how little you were contacting him. His messages and phone calls were left unanswered and your presence online was non-existent. He could see it so clearly, he could see Jungkook laughing knowing that you were paying your boyfriend no mind. Maybe you both were having so much fun without Jaehyun and realized how much better things were without him.
Laughing to himself and shaking his head, Jaehyun disagreed with those thoughts that tried so hard to harm him. “She’s so in love with me, that’s not it.” He thought to himself, with a strand of your hair between his fingers as he placed it on a pile he had formed on your night stand.
It had been precisely four days since you left and still had two nights and a morning left in order to come back. Compared to you, Jungkook and the meanted Taehyung kept on updating their socials daily. Many pictures of the three of you, some innocent enough, some in the activities, and a few that only involved you three. Drinking and late night swimming. Everything had been fine enough and the times you did contact him, you’d send him pictures of what you could, given only the main building had internet and it was awkward staying there for long thus the lack of video calls and chat room activities but even then he didn’t want excuses.
So why the fuck were you ignoring him?!
Sat against the cold faux leather of the lobby’s chair, you waited for Jaehyun to pick up your video call. It was the first time in the entire week that you’d get to see his face. You hadn’t taken your laptop, which is something he failed to take into consideration given you just left it in the locked cabinet of your desk (one he didn’t even notice at first). Nonetheless, Taehyung had let you borrow his and immediately logged into your account, excited to see his face (not counting the pictures he sent through messages).
With your earphones plugged into the port, the ringing was blaring in your ears, and looking around your surroundings to make sure you were as far from people as possible to avoid them listening to you— the screen finally stopped displaying you and instead showcased a tiresome messy haired Yuno.
The joy in your chest spread around, a wide smile never leaving your lips even when he groaned slightly. You’d think he had just woken up from a nap but he was pouty and the stress in his face was showing, maybe he had just come back from his TA work time and was extremely exhausted, but nevertheless your smile didn’t fade, admiring the way his lips looked.
“Hi…” you’d greet looking at his face directly, admiring everything you hadn’t seen these days, yet he didn’t respond. Instead he groaned again before his face hit his palms. Worry settled within you now, he wasn’t responding and he looked distressed. “What’s wrong?” The smile faded and your eyebrows were now knitted as you frowned looking at him stare at you, no— he was glaring.
“Why didn’t you call me?” His voice was childish right now. At that, the worry had slightly dissipated, allowing you to smile at him again before answering. “Then what have we been doing all this time?” Despite you giggling into the earphone’s mic, he didn’t change his expression. He was still glaring at you waiting for you to stop your stupid little mocking.
He didn’t shift much, only to where you could see his face, eyes becoming watery but not enough to be noticeable. “Like this. You said you’d video call me daily.” Yuno’s voice wasn’t whiny anymore, it was deeper than his regular resting voice. Now you can’t really remember saying you would but if he said so then it had to be true, right?
Looking around once again in case other people walked around, you then turned to him. “I left my computer at home, I’m sorry…” you really didn’t forget but that should be good enough. “Then how are you calling me right now?” His glaring felt present, as if he was standing feet away from you and directly throwing daggers through his eyes at you.
“I- I’m using Taehyung’s. He let me borrow his so I could call you; I missed your face.” Your eyebrows were knitted again, confused as to why he was acting this way. “I see... You still barely text or call. If I didn't call you first, we wouldn’t have been talking this entire week. What’s going on?” He was tempted to drop a ‘are you tired of me?’ But opted out given you’re both too early into the conversation for him to just drop something like that.
You were seriously perplexed by what was going on. You had intended to have a nice fun conversation with your boyfriend who you longed to see, but instead was caught in between a wall of questioning as he grew more distressed by the minute. Was he alright?
The longer you stared at his face the more you noticed his eyes watering and becoming red, something was obviously off. With a bit of hesitation as you shifted, your lips parted. “What’s wrong, Yuno? Have you been overworking yourself again?” At those genuine words of worry, he hummed to himself contemplating what he’d say next but given your current state he let out a small whimper before lying back down and burying his face into your bed sheets.
“Baby?” Your eyebrows even more furrowed as you heard his silent cries. “I just miss you a lot and this week has been so hectic — I just miss seeing your face, here, next to me.” His nose began to stuff up and the nasally cry was getting to you. Did he really miss you that much?
You had asked him what had gone on as he cried about how the school work was piling up and how the professor he was a TA for was leaving his own responsibilities on top of Yuno’s, leaving the job to him. It didn’t help that his unpaid internship was a shit show every time he had to go in and his job was leaving him very little time to complete the school work he already had weighing him down.
It was the first time since you’d known him that he broke down in front of you and seeing his lips trembling as he could barely speak over the overwhelming exhaustion he felt; your heart felt like it was being ripped apart. You needed to be there for him now.
Maybe it’s the fact that you put yourself in his shoes and if that was you, you’d want him to come home immediately. In fact if the roles were reversed you’d basically beg him to come home after a long week of strenuous studies and work, topped off by an excruciatingly annoying internship like the one he had.
You felt that pain in your chest, the one that left you winded when he looked up. His lips and eyes were puffy and red, the top of his nose was also red but he looked very much beautiful, his eyes glistening with tears. In that moment you knew you weren’t a good person, not when his vulnerability was doing things within you making you want to flee your location and be there for him, to coddle him, and make him yours once again.
“I’ll ask Kookie to take me back, it’s not dark yet so it’ll be fine. Just give me a few hours, okay?” Slightly surprised, Jaehyun looked into your eyes, trying to figure out if that was genuine. His silence allowed for you to continue talking; “Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit... I don’t want to see you like this.” Turning to his side, Jaehyun squinted, questioning what you were doing but he did enjoy the responses he was getting. Of course he had to contradict you, it would help him in the long run.
Shaking his head once he turned to face you again, “No, it’s fine. It’s just exhaustion, I can handle this. You know, I’ll just go to the corner store and get a vitamin shot, okay?” He sat up this time, laptop on one hand and pillow on his crossed legs where it would soon rest. “I don’t know… It’d be better to just be there for you.” Biting the skin off of your thumb, still very much worried about him. His features were of a lighter pink now, his voice still nasally but it was drowning down.
At your response, he chuckled, “Y/m/n, listen to me— I’ll be fine, stay there the week is almost over and then you’ll come back to me for way longer, okay?” You continued to whine, it almost felt as if you left him alone for longer something bad could happen and if anything happened to him— well, you’d rather keep that still in your mind.
“I’ll go to the corner store, get one of those vitamin shots, and come back as quickly as I can. I’ll even leave the video call going so when I come back we won’t waste time connecting back, does that sound good to you?” It sounded fine but you still wanted to be there with him. There was nothing you could do about it and if that shot was going to make him feel physically better, then so be it. “Fine but don’t take too long, it’s starting to get darker now.”
With a hum, Yuno stood from his position turning the laptop to the television telling you it was for entertainment while he was gone to which you laughed and teased by lightheartedly calling him an idiot. That being said and done, he had walked out of the apartment and out of the complex as quickly as he could in order to not waste any quality time with you even if it was virtually.
Your comments on wanting to come back to him didn’t leave his mind. Were you just as starved from him as he was of you to the point that you’d allow his pathetic last minute excuse to subliminally persuade you to go to him? Sure all his duties were beating his ass but he always had people who’d willingly do his job if he asked nicely with one of those smiles that would always get a yes from everyone. You yourself have fallen victim to that technique, so were you really that easy to persuade?
Thankfully the corner store was only 2 blocks down your apartment complex so after he had passed a group of ill smelling men who seemed to be coked out of their minds, he had finally arrived in front of the sliding doors.
The brightly lit store smelt of clorox as the only employee at the floor had just finished mopping after one of the men outside had thrown up given the narcotic mixed with alcohol and tons of food just didn’t settle in his system. So to make his job easier and Yuno’s trip shorter, the male walked to the snacks aisle grabbing a few cookies he knew you liked and a cold jasmine tea for himself just to go up to the fingerprint grease  stained counter. Keeping the conversation short, Jaehyun asked for the medical shots that were locked up in the cabinet behind the employee who with a hum unlocked it to grab what was asked and ring up his total.
Around the same time the commotion outside had drawn both males attention to look through the sliding doors, the group of men arguing and trying to harass an older male that had come around to enter the store himself. He of course paid them no mind and went on, turning to the two as he shook his head before uttering the words, “They’re just looking to pick up a fight.” Received with a few nods.
Once the items had been paid for, Jaehyun took the bag and looped the handles through his arm, making his way out of the building and through the sliding doors. The men had become even louder now, playing music off of a broken CD player they had pulled out of the store’s trash bin. It only played static music coming from the radio function but even then it was more of an AM station so their excitement seemed too theatrical.
They were past rationality and as the younger male looked at them whilst taking slow strides, he felt that if you were to come home, it was best if you did for a more valid reason. Smirk fighting to plaster on his lips, he stopped in his tracks, checking his pockets to save time as he looked upwards trying to locate a camera in case he needed it. Of course there remained one in each corner of the roof, in satisfaction he looked downward in hope to be seem as a non threatening guy for the footage. That only helped him locate a problem with the engineering structure as a crack on the pavement had now granted him a perfect excuse to bother the drunken salary men.
A group of rowdy older men, high on narcotics and alcohol who had bothered anyone who came too close to them— surely they had no credibility for themselves anymore. His slow strides became moderately quick as he continued in order to gain momentum that would help him perfectly come in contact with one of the men. It didn’t matter which one, they would all end up joining after all.
Head lowered and steps quiet, Jaehyun had found a pair of black shoes a few feet from him; with so the male took one final detrimental step to which his shoe got caught with the concave crack on the cement pavement, making his body hurl forward and his body to come in contact with one of the salary men.
“Umph,” Came out of the man as he stumbled slightly, finally feeling the ache that came from Jaehyun’s own shoes stepping on his foot, leaving a dusty imprint of the black polished shoes. His shoulder was aching but had no instant reaction until he heard young panicked Jaehyun apologize rapidly and loudly before lowering his tone and letting out: “Holy shit, is that stench coming from you?” In almost a whisper.
Caught off guard, his eyes widened and now the pulsation from his shoulder and toes were yelling at him. “What the fuck did you say?” Yuno lowered his head with a barely audible laugh as he acted like he was adjusting his sweater and the bag on his arm. “I said I’m sorry, I didn’t see you nor the crack, sir…” His eyes widened in disbelief trying to understand if the alcohol was the cause of this. It wasn’t until one of the other men joined in trying to confront Yuno. “Aye! Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?!”
Jaehyun turned to the slightly taller man, he was skinny to the point his cheeks were sunken and he was beginning to bald. “I wasn’t talking to you fivehead but I guess it applies to you too… Come on, I’m just trying to go home.” He raised his arms the way men do when they say they don’t want any problems the moment some form of confrontation came around.
The nickname gained a chuckle from the last man, snorting a little too hard for the liking of the other two men. “Oh you like that, Ed? Your stench is the same as theirs.” Jaehyun connected his fingers and slightly bowed to show he was most sorry for bumping into one of them “You’re all a bunch of pathetic junkies just get the hell out of here, you’re stinking up the place more than the bin.” That was it, the one he had called Ed (in remembrance of the hyena from lion king), had been the first one to walk up to him and grab him by the shirt in such a rough manner.
Jaehyun felt the heavy force from his sausage link fingers against his chest, he wouldn’t deny that kind of hurt more than bumping onto the first man. “You’re too young to talk to your seniors like that... apologize.” His face was so close to Yuno’s that the poor boy couldn’t help but gag at the smell of vomit mixed with hard alcohol. “I already apologized millions of times, you damn brute.”
That was it. At the insult he was called, his round fist had come in contact with Jaehyun’s face making the boy groan in pain angered by how big the man was to be fighting with him. Not only that but the man had dropped him to the concrete making him hit the hard floor. As a kinesiology major, Yuno knew this would bother him for the following months but if it meant you’d be there to comfort him, then it was all worth it.
You. The idea of you having to be there and help aid his wounds as he healed from a horrid beat up was the only thing holding him through this. The remaining men had joined, kicking at the boy’s ribs and punching at his beautiful features, calling him all the names in the book and telling him they hoped this would ruin his looks since it seemed to be the only thing keeping him going. His face was becoming bloodied but their punches weakened, causing mostly scratches rather than swelling.
But this was Jaehyun they were talking to, so in a fit of not taking them seriously he finally bursted out laughing covering his mouth as he tried to contain himself but they only went harder until the noise of the sirens from the police cars the cashier had called once he heard the first man yell at the boy, rang through theirs ears, making their drunken brains ache due to the noxious sound.
They couldn’t run, if they tried they’d probably wouldn’t get too far either so all they could do was go inside the store and walk to the refrigerators hoping the coffees they pulled out would help their pulsating brain. They didn’t care that they had left a beaten and bloodied up young man outside, they didn’t care about the blood they were spreading against the cans of coffee and on the glass door, hell they didn’t even care that the sirens were getting louder.
It’s fine though, Jaehyun didn’t either. He heard the cashier yell at the men to get the hell out and he heard the man that had entered when he was paying helping the cashier in kicking them out. As he slowly stood up in massive pain after underestimating how strong they could still be after inebriation, he limped his way home with a growing smile on his face knowing you were to come home and care for him.
He felt satisfied with himself. In a matter of hours after you see him through that screen, you’ll be there mending his wounds and making him promise to take good care of himself. He could hear you already, all your pet names and cooing in order to make him feel better, always so loving.
The blue and red lights shone behind him as he walked, reflecting on some of the brick walls in front of him. Jaehyun never looked back and no one called for him as he continued his path. He didn’t stop either until he got to your complex but he liked to think that the men were trying to accuse him of starting it and leading to them watching the security camera videos just for him to show off as defenceless like he intended to.
He was still in so much pain but he couldn’t deny that the moment he had grabbed the laptop and you greeted him with such joy just for it to turn to worrisome horror, did satisfy him so much. Your smile faltered, questioning him manically. “It’s fine… some drunk men just— I mean it was my fault, I’m the one who bumped into them.” You shook your head trying to rationalise with him. “Either way they shouldn’t have beat the fuck out of you for something that small!... I don’t care if you told me to stay, I need to go now.”
“Baby, no— It’s fine, I can take care of myself and it’s late, I don’t want to be a burden right now.” “Clearly you can’t. I’ll ask JK to take me home now, I want to be there for you… Yuno, if it had gotten worse— I’d go insane without you. Your cuts and bruises right now are making my heart want to jump out, imagine if you had gotten worse injuries— I’d fucking die.” Hand to your chest as you calmed your breathing; your words had caught him off guard, making his own eyes widen momentarily before a large smile plastered on his lips.
“I’ll be home in a few, okay?”
“Alright...” Blowing a kiss his way, you waved before ending the call.
In the same sense— he would do anything and everything for you to be with him.
JUNE 2007
“What seat did you get?”
It was finally time for the Class of 07’ to have their final ceremony. Both of you had close friends in said class, so naturally you’d both had to attend. Your close connection with Jungkook led to a friendship between Taehyung and Jimin, both allowing you into their circle as well given by how glued to the hip you and Jungkook always were.
As for Jaehyun, he had Doyoung who briefly invited him mainly because he didn’t want to invite his aunt and uncle, giving the extra ticket to Taeyong and him— well that and the fact that Jaehyun is a close friend.
“Mmm… K02 seat 1, you?” Looking close at the ticket and then up to his pouting face, Yuno showed you his ticket, clearly reading P10 seat 13. Not only were you in a whole different section away from each other but you were also many rows before him. The auditorium was huge, he’d have to go up to the third level just to find his seat next to Doyoung’s family and Taeyong, very much really far away from you.
You imitated his pout, quite clearly just as distraught. Class of 2007 was huge and by the size you would all have to be there for a good few hours in the afternoon. It’s not like you could ask Taeyong to change tickets with you or Jungkook to give Jaehyun his.
The auditorium was starting to fill up by the minute as you both stood behind the last row in one of the sections of the first floor, families bunching up to find their seats and almost fighting with each other over claimed seats. It was annoyingly noisy but you were there to support, so what could you do about it?
Taking his hands into yours and intertwining your fingers with his, you gave them a light squeeze before pecking his cheek, feeling the softness of his skin against your rouge stained lips. Smiling at the red imprint your lips left, he smiled back knowing what you did.
“It’ll be just a few hours…”
“Yeah I suppose so... I think it’ll start soon, do you want to go up now?” His voice was soft, pulling you closer to him as he spoke. Nodding in agreement he waited for you to walk first, only to turn to your section as you began walking.
The penetrating glare coming from the person next to your seat was causing fires to erupt inside of Yuno's chest. If looks could kill, both would be dead by now. Upon the happenings of April, Jungguk’s image of Jaehyun had been skewed. As much as he wanted to believe in the good of humanity, there was still an itching that didn’t let him believe what Yuno had said when they arrived at the apartment and found him knocked out on the floor much to your distress.
Even if Jaehyun’s quirk of smirking after causing mischief didn’t appear— Jeongguk tried to convince himself that it was all an elaborate plan (which it was) and that Jung Jaehyun was truly sick but his pained expressions and whines from that night said quite the opposite, even the security clips after they filed a report proved Jungkook and the culprits wrong. The presence of this man was messing up with Kookie’s sanity more than he wanted to admit.
Returning the glare, Jaehyun chuckled, showing his mocking grin to the dark haired boy you’d sit next to. The amount of times Jungkook has tried to kill your boyfriend with his glares, are uncountable by now.
Not only did he hate him for how sick Yuno has been found to be but he hated the fact that you were eating from the palm of his hand. The fact that he had you and most of all for allowing him to hear you in such an intimate moment just to emasculate him.
Ever since that night, Jungkook had formed a vendetta against Jaehyun. He held so much resentment against the now brunette boy. If only he had known earlier that the boy he constantly saw at cafes and at the library where you both always frequented at the same time— he could have prevented what you and Jaehyun have now.
The glare didn’t stop even when both you and Yuno walked up to your section, smiling and giggling over the conversation you both were having. He felt his blood boiling by how near you both were getting, not even your laugh could make him shake it off.
“You look lonely.”
Turning to your voice, Jungkook shrugged as he sat up. “Yeah, well— you left me alone for too long so...” Faking a pout and quickly smiling at you as you shook your head, he could feel Yuno’s own glare on him, this time with no intentions of shits and giggles.
“Jealous?” you questioned, Jungkook looked at you as he shook his head, a bright smile that made you want to pinch his cheeks. “Not in the slightest.” Though you didn’t seem to notice, his gaze averted upwards to meet Jaehyun who wanted to laugh off his own jealousy. Instead he rolled his eyes, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek as you continued to bother Jungkook.
Lights were beginning to dim within seconds, as both men around you noticed that, Jaehyun understood it was time to finally part ways and go to his own designated section. Despite not wanting to let go of your hand, Jaehyun finally dropped it, turning to you for one last kiss, giving you a bye for now. You waved goodbye as he made his way down the steps with a loving stare from you and deathly glare from Jungkook. A wonderful contradiction.
Upon arriving at his seat the boy was met with the greetings of Doyoung’s family as they tried to calm down in order to save face (even if they all already knew how the Kims were). With polite greetings and bows, Jaehyun sat next to Taeyong, pleading eyes looking at Jaehyun for him to just sit down and distract him.
The boys knew well how Mr. and Mrs. Kim would argue at all times, even with the boys around but there was a limit to how much you could handle so as long as Jaehyun and Doyoung’s brother were there to distract him, Taeyong would ignore the couple.
“You okay?” Jaehyun chuckled with a smirk plastered on his lips once he sat down next to the blue haired boy. Turning his head to look at the family and their despondent expressions due to life, he turned back to the brunette boy. “What do you fucking think?”
Jaehyun only laughed, his smile consuming his eyes and creating those adorable moon shapes you adored on him. “Come on, don't laugh…” Taeyong whined, throwing his head back, having the auditorium lights shine on him.
“Do you think they’ll bicker the entire ceremony?”
“Hopefully not, it’d be three hours of endurance.”
Three hours… Just exactly how far he’d be from you too.
With the lights finally shutting off almost as if they were watching a show, the music began and the professors came all out one by one, followed by their half assed speeches that only elongated this dreadful event, an event all he could think about was you.
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Amongst the initial contradiction of how you and Jungkook bid farewell to him, Yuno couldn’t wear off how much harsher Jungkook’s glares were becoming. At this point it seemed like the boy actually hated him. Unlike the seeping anger that Kookie had for Yuno— does Yuno hate Kookie too? Huh… that’s a new subject.
Nevertheless the main threat was your time spent with a boy that didn’t like him. What if Jungkook tried his luck at tainting the image of Jaehyun you had— again… no, he couldn’t let that happen. Even with distance just like your spring break trip, he had to communicate with you at all times.
Incoming message from Yoonhoe…
You could feel the vibration against your leg.
Incoming message from Yoonhoe…
There it was again. It had no ring but your thigh could feel it all even through the fabric of your purse. You had been conversing through whispers with Jungkook when you felt it vibrate and though you were having a lovely talk, the curiosity of what it could be always took the best of you.
Incoming message from Yoonhoe…
Upon the last vibration, you leaned forward, having your forehead touch the back of the seat in front of you to where you could take out your phone to see what was going on. Flipping it open and trying your best to hide the brightness of the screen even if it was dull, the little bubble reading ‘3’ on the chatroom caused a smile to form on your lips, knowing well who the culprit was.
‘how are you doing down there?’ —yoonhoe
‘imy it’s getting v boring now…’ —yoonhoe
‘connect on tetris I want to play’ —yoonhoe
Tetris. Giggling at his childishness, you sat up, looking around trying to find where he had sat but with many heads and lack of illumination, you gave up turning back to the past position.
‘no i don’t think so you’ll end up taking my spot on the scoreboard’ —softbby
‘I was just talking with kookie :P how are u?’ —softbby
His smile faltered at the mentions of him, rolling his eyes. There wasn’t much he could say either, he was bored and wanted attention from his girlfriend. Doyoung had already walked the stage and now they were halfway through the list of graduates.
‘...bored, i want to play a game (¬_¬;)’ —yoonhoe
‘(≧▽≦) dont get fussy, let’s play :v in that case’ —softbby
‘fair enough (-_-)’ —yoonhoe
Just like you held a good score on Tetris he did too on Pac-Man and there’s no way he’d give anyone the chance to take his place. Conversation spark just like that, relinquishing in the state of boredom you both were in. You couldn’t deny this was making you very nostalgic, the fact that you two started out this way around this exact same too, it was all too familiar— a familiarity you wanted back somehow without fully having him too far from you.
While you smiled at his replies and the way he made your heart flutter, you couldn’t stop thinking about how different your life would’ve probably been this past year without him. Dull as it has always been and relying on Jungkook to have a social life, after all you had lost contact with Michelle and once in a while sent messages to Margo when something reminded you of her.
It’s truly weird how life works out sometimes; a year ago you had found yourself talking with a stranger that listened to you day and night, never thinking you’d end up in this situation… ever.
‘bby do u know what day we met?’ —softbby
‘umm… I don’t think I remember the exact date, I know it was a wednesday when I sent you that request tho’ —yoonhoe
‘wait— i think our 1yr just passed’ —yoonhoe
Yeah. A year, holy shit.
‘we only have 4mo 2gh but it’s been a year since we’ve known each other (─‿─)♡’ —softbby
‘time flies horribly fast, ilysm’ —yoonhoe
That sense of nostalgia had hit him too, now that you had brought it up, what he intended to be for fun and casual has turned into something much more deeper than that. Of course with no regrets but if you could hold up a year, an eternity would not be a problem.
Wholesome at best, this was as much as you all will get. With memories of how simple it all started, it ended on a lewd note and that’s how it will remain.
‘remember when u had to go fishing with ur dad and couldn’t use the chat so I promised you some pics when u came back but I never sent them?’ —softbby
‘am i getting an anniversary gift? (´♡‿♡`)’ —yoonhoe
Yes, you indeed were. Shutting the cell phone and tossing it into your purse, you sat up straight to be received with a questioning glare from the boy sitting next to you.
“Where are you going?” He’d ask, his sour face making you almost not want to answer. “Restroom,” but of course your answer had to be short, you had a lover boy waiting for some pictures and you’d rather not send them while surrounded by hundreds of prying eyes.
Before he could say anything else you had made your way out of the aisle and down to the nearest section exit, walking through the pitch black tunnels and trying to find an absolutely isolated location.
The line for the women’s restroom was sickly long so going there to just send some pictures didn’t appease you. Upon walking around looking for other places, a seating area for those who wait remains alone to your greatest advantage.
Checking your surroundings one last time, you pulled your phone out of your purse once again. The digital time on the front flashing white before flipping it open. Your fingers rushing to type out words whilst clicking multiple times on a single button just to get a letter that sometimes seemed like a burden but hey, at least it was a pretty pale blue one to which you matched with Jaehyun’s pretty pale pink phone.
‘go to the restroom, don’t open the messages until you get there’ —softbby
‘Oh… alright ;)’ —yoonhoe
That was the last message you had gotten from him, while he made his way down, you closed the chat room bubble, clicking on the arrow button, followed by the outline of a camera that would either lead you to the camera roll or your front camera. It was a more tedious process but you managed, clicking on the arrow left and right, picking the ones you liked most and for his eyes only.
With the excessive vibration against Yuno’s hands where he had held his phone, he stood from his seat, trying his best to hide the excitement he would get from looking at your little gift. Whilst pep, romance, lust, and excitement filled the air it seemed only you and your boyfriend shared, Jungkook remained alarmed.
You had cut your conversation with him short and crouched down to do whatever you were doing which was taking up much of your time and ignoring the ceremony. Of course it had to be product of Jaehyun, who else could he blame? Like usual he was proven right; after you had rushed out of the hall, Yuno followed suit minutes later, even through the same exit you had taken.
Anger began to brew, the teetering of blood rushing to his head. If he hadn’t learned anything from what a bathroom meant for both of you— he wouldn’t doubt morality had just jumped out of a window.
Perhaps what was most bothersome was that he couldn’t do anything about it. He didn’t want to miss Jimin in case he came to the stage in the following minutes and he didn’t want to come off as annoying to you for the time being, not when he’s trying his best to not show that the Yuno’s presence was ruining his perception of the friendship you both had.
Breathe in… breathe out, it was all he could do. Watching the giddy brunette almost float out of the auditorium to where he imagined meeting you at. Breathe in… breathe o— jaw clenched, nails digging into his thigh. It will be fine, it has to be.
His steps were louder than yours had been, full of excitement and still joyous at the realization that you’d both had endured longer than expected. Unlike the women’s bathroom, there was no line for the men’s restroom; walking right in through the maze of stalls, Jaehyun found the farthest one available, going right in as his fingers fumbled to flip open the phone. His finger hovered over the chat room icon, the miniscule bubble with a ‘9’ over it making him both antsy and hesitant to open them.
Nonetheless he couldn’t waste time, it was gold after all. Dimly illuminated was his face upon opening file after file; trying his best to fight off the smirk that was trying to manifest itself, Yuno simply bit his lower lip, feeling blood rush from his cock to head. He could probably get a nose bleed by how these were making him feel.
He couldn’t tell if they were old or not, all he could notice was the multiple positions you were in with an image of him next to you. His dick twitched as he clicked left and right, the annoying sound of the buttons weren’t good enough to distract him from looking at your pictures over and over. Even if some weren’t as lewd he enjoyed the teasing of wearing his shirt with nothing else underneath but he could say his most favorite picture was the one with his favorite shirt.
Yuno never told you why he liked it but it was his favorite and you’d do anything to make him remain happy. With a few more clicks he saved them to look at for another time. If he could he would’ve rubbed one off in that instant but he had to practice self restraint at the end of the day.
Even gracing his cock was proving to be painful, all he wanted was to let that pent up frustration out, but how could he when the damned ceremony wasn’t over just yet. With random thoughts to kill his boner, Yuno made his way out of the stall and straight to the sink. Maybe some cold water would help him; and so he washed his hands, splashing the remaining drops that clung onto him towards his face hoping it would help his little problem that was almost gone.
‘what should I do about my boner? </3’ —yoonhoe
‘aww, maybe at home?’ —softbby
‘please >_<’ —yoonhoe
‘look up :)’ —softbby
Jaehyun lifted his head, he had been conversing with you as he made his way out of the restroom, not counting on you being right outside the entrance.
Before he could talk, you took his arm into your hands, dragging him to where you had been sitting whilst sending those images to him. “So?” You’d question, eyes hopeful for good feedback. “Anything you send will always satisfy me.” With a smile on his face, Jaehyun leaned in, pressing his plush lips against yours for a tender kiss.
Wrapping his arms around you for an embrace; you smiled into the kiss, wrapping your own around his waist. As wholesome as you’d both try to keep it, Yuno recalled the feeling of arousal he felt upon seeing those images on his tiny screen. Blood was rushing to the tip of his cock once again and he could feel the sensitivity hitting him.
With your simplest touch against his body, he could crumble underneath you. You could sense it, the way his kisses became feverish and his grip on you tightened. Taking advantage of the situation, as you’d both kiss with much more passion, one of your hands slithered down, making its way from his hip to thigh. He slightly flinched feeling the warmth of your palm on that area but upon moving it even more, he tried hard not to groan as it inched closer to the most sensitive area as of now.
1,2,3… pause. 1,2,3… pause. 1,2,...3; your hand had settled on top of his cock after seconds of teasing. It was warm and it flinched upon feeling you over it, almost like a familiar touch. He had let out a breathy silent groan when you touched him but once you began softly rubbing him from above, he kissed you furthermore trying to drown out his glorious noises.
His leg was slightly bouncing as you continued, his hand had taken a hold of your hair and threaded his fingers on it. Without much thinking, you pulled away with a giggle leaving your lips. “You’re so easy.” You’d tease, kissing up on his cheek while he tried to relax his body.
Yuno didn’t give you an immediate response, all he could think about was you in those pictures and the way you touched him, making him crave more. Once he had regained that stolen breath, he leaned forward, burrowing his face on the crook of your neck. “You’ve always been a horrible tease.” He’d jest, making a trail of small kisses on the exposed skin.
“Are you good to go now?” Humming in response, he shook his head. “You’re giving me blue balls, let me sit through it.” You couldn’t help but laugh at how cute he sounded, he’d purse his lips in a pout whenever he tried to convince you of something but it seemed today’s convincing relied on staying back a few minutes more.
As you’d both remain in the same position, you’d taken it upon yourself to take him into an embrace, stroking his hair that seemed to be growing more and more (much to your pleasure). “Yuno?” He hummed again. “Last year… Did you ever think we would’ve been in this position?” It was a clear answer; No. He didn’t even think you’d add him back, especially since he had nothing to demonstrate what he looked like but then again neither did you.
“I think we would still be strangers to each other on the internet if you hadn’t blurted out your feelings like that.” Remembering the happenings made you slightly cringe, you really only told him out of fear that he’d think you liked Jungkook. “Yeah because you were getting your panties on a knot over JK. You have always been so jealous now that I think about it.” Of course the tone in your voice was teasing and even if he chuckled to it, he now had the idea of Jungkook in his brain again and it was rotting him away. At least it worked as a boner killer.
Standing from his position, Jaehyun patted his thighs hoping the last of it was to now leave before stretching his hand out for you to take. “Alright, let’s go, I think this thing is almost over now.” Groaning at the idea of another hour ruining your mood again, you had spent a good ten minutes with your lover and going back to hearing a list of names just didn’t feel right anymore.
Nonetheless, there was still Jimin you had to show support for. Hand in hand, the both of you made small talk as you’d enter the dark halls and into the auditorium, squeezing his hand as a goodbye rather than spoken word. It felt lonely again, though you had enjoyed the first two hours with Jungkook, this sudden change of not being with Yuno again was finally taking a toll on you.
God, having a romantic partner really fools with you.
None of that had gone unacknowledged by your close friend. As much as he told himself to not be irrational and annoying, seeing a smile on your boyfriend only reminded him of his mocking quirks, ruining his mood no matter what.
Once seated, you’d swiftly smile at him before returning to your previous position, at this point your focus was no longer on the ceremony and rather on your boyfriend.
Head pressing against the grease stained back of the seat and phone at hand— before you could even flip it open, the rapid movements coming from Jungkook had caught you fairly off guard. His hand snatching the electronic off your hands and pocketing it while you sat up in confusion.
“Dude, what the fuck?” He didn’t even let out a peep as you struggled to understand where this was coming from. “Jungkook, give it back!” You could only settle for whispers in order to not call any attention to you right now.
Jungkook just shook his head as an initial response. “You almost missed Jimin, y/n.” His scolding didn’t help sooth how annoyed you finally were as of now, it still wasn’t his right to monitor your actions.
“I’ll give it to you after this ends, do it for Jimin.” What a stupid reason; if you were going to do something for someone it surely wasn’t going to be for anyone that wasn’t Yuno. You couldn’t give two shits about this event, all you knew was Jungkook standing between your conversation between him and despising every second of it.
Apart from that, there wasn’t really much you could do. Compared to Jungkook, he could stomp on you and you weren’t trying to cause a scene in front of hundreds of people. All you could do was sit tight and wait for time to fly fast and try to ignore the glances JK would throw at you from time to time to make sure you were doing fine.
It was quite obvious you weren’t and guilt was surely sitting at the pit of his stomach every time he looked at you. Your expression shows nothing but frustration and your leg bouncing obviously indicating your dissatisfaction with him.
Jung Jaehyun will be the end of this bond.
Time couldn’t go any slower, as it went by Jaehyun had been spamming your phone through both the chat room and your messages. To his disdain after not hearing back from you, it left a sour feeling in his mouth, questioning why suddenly you had stopped and as much as he tried to peer over to your section, the darkness of the auditorium didn’t allow for it.
Through the following hour as you suffered from boredom and anger, Jungkook of a growing irritation with himself, both you, your boyfriend, and Yuno’s urge to know the reason for your sudden disconnection— time had finally hit the mark.
With a final ment from the dean and a swarm of graduates rushing out of ground hallways, the ceremony had come to an end. Lights turning on and finally illuminating the auditorium, that was your cue to turn towards your friend who hesitantly enough handed you your cell phone.
Through your own glares, you took the phone, flipping it open being received with a swarm of spam on many platforms.
‘do u want to catch a bite after this?’ —yoonhoe
‘or do u want to head back home?’ —yoonhoe
‘we can continue where we left off ;)’ —yoonhoe
‘oh wait ur not online’ —yoonhoe
yuno <3: so? Food or home?
yuno <3: princess?
yuno <3: did ur phone die?
yuno <3: mm most likely :/
A groan audibly left your lips upon reading them all. In the precise moment you wanted to scold Jungkook for being a dick about this whole phone thing. It wasn’t that serious and it’s not like you would’ve ignored Jimin when he came on stage, you just didn’t care about other graduates and texting your boyfriend just seemed like a rational thing to do to avoid boredom.
Of course it was serious to Jungkook. Ever since Jaehyun came into your lives physically, the friendship with you felt distant and his paranoia along with the protectiveness he has towards you, didn’t help ease his nerves when he knew Yuno was capable of getting his way just to know where you are and with who— as long as he had you with him.
Neither of you spoke a word to each other once everyone started to leave. Though you held a conversation with both the Kims and Parks, your words weren’t directed towards him and upon that, Jungkook could feel the regret of being impulsive at the time being.
As the families conversed and the graduates rushed to the front of the building to toss their caps in the air as a sign of freedom and into the big world— you looked for Jaehyun. In the crowd of hundreds of people it seemed like an eternal game of ‘Where’s Waldo?’, had he kept his hair colored, this process would’ve been made a thousand times easier.
But as always— he's a step ahead. Startled by the sudden cold hand taking a grasp on your arm; your head whipped, hair almost hitting his pretty face. In result you’d slap off his hand for making you get startled but his laughter only soothed you. “You scared me,” You confessed, rubbing where he’d grab you whilst pretending to be hurt.
“Did your phone die? I was asking if you wanted to go eat or head home?” He still remained joyful, his wide smile even when the sun was hitting his face and his large hand didn’t do much to give him shade. You’d love to bask in his warm sweet smile of genuine joy but the memory of Jungkook just snatching your phone reminded you of that sour feeling and how the rose colored glass you had towards him were cracking.
Shaking your head with a side smile, “Jungkook fucking took my phone away so I wouldn’t be ’rude’ when Jimin came up.” Slowly but surely, his cute smile was fading at the scenario that had encompassed after your little hang out. “That’s weird… Isn’t it logical that you would pay attention when your friend comes on stage?” He didn’t even try to cover his face from the sun anymore; it was for the better as it blinded you from seeing the rage brewing in his eyes.
“I mean yeah… I don’t know, it just pissed me off. It wasn’t that serious for him to act like that… or am I overreacting?” The sheer panic in your eyes made him wonder why you’d react that way and quite honestly he didn’t like it. “No, you’re not. He shouldn’t have acted that way just because you were talking to me. I don’t think you’re the problem, probably I am.” And there he went, making it about himself.
Pulling him into an embrace you shake your head still in denial of their obvious rivalry. “Baby come on, don’t start this again.” You’d groan against his chest, holding tightly onto his waist. “Y/n he’s just so protective of you when I’m around… I’m literally your boyfriend, it feels weird that he’s like that every time I’m around.”
No it wasn’t. He knew damn well why Jungkook was that way but he enjoyed slandering him in front of you with the front that your dear friend was in the wrong. “I guess…” He caressed your hair, smiling to himself at the thought of you being weary of JK. “I want to go back home… you owe me something.” Moving your head to reach his biceps, your teeth softly clung onto them, making your boyfriend whimper in surprise. It wasn’t much, if anything he could barely feel it but he enjoyed playing along.
“Alright, I want you to meet Taeyong and Doyoung first, you okay with that?” You couldn’t say no, he seemed so giddy to talk about other friends outside the group Jungkook knew him from and it made you feel even more included in his life. Separating from the embrace he had dragged you through the masses of people, talking over the loud noise as you tried your best to hear him but still couldn’t.
It didn’t matter as when you arrived and was met by a beautiful pair of men, all you could do was smile and coward besides Yuno. Damn him and his pretty friends.
“Taeyong, nice meeting you!” He was the most giddy, a little bounce on his step as he extended his hand out to you, shyly smiling when you finally took it. “Hi… y/n.” It was actually quite adorable to see you get this flustered.
“I’m Doyoung, it’s a pleasure finally meeting you. Jaehyun doesn’t stop talking about you, like ever.”
“He doesn’t?”
They both shook their heads, laughing as if there was an inside joke. “No, he’s fucking mental.” Taeyong said in a playful tone that had made you giggle at the idea of him talking their ear off. In the midst of making small talk and trying to form a bond for the sake of Yuno, Doyoung’s brother had interrupted the lot of you, stating that they were now leaving for their family dinner to which the brothers shared the same look of distress.
Nodding as a sign of goodbye, Taeyong followed after the younger man, taking this as his chance to finally leave the summer sun he was painfully trying to hide from; whilst the both of you walked, you continued your teasing Jaehyun for his immense infatuation.
Turning to Yuno, you took his hand in yours, tugging it to the parking lot. “Alright, so home?” “Yeah,” Giving his hand a squeeze, he couldn’t help smirk at the action and those to come.
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Arriving at the apartment had changed the mood for the both of you. What was playful in the car and halls had turned to lust.
Fingers brushing against each other as you’d rush to the bedroom. Everything moved in silence apart from the shuffling of clothes being casually taken off. Just reminiscing on those pictures from earlier and the way you had touched him through his clothing was enough to help his already hardening dick.
Taking his hand into yours once fully undressed, he’d hover over you as you laid on the softness of your bed sheets. The smooth fabric against your skin as his lips teased yours in a game of cat and mouse, making you hopeful that they’d finally land and give you a rewarding kiss.
When it didn’t come, you grazed your leg in between his, making him shudder at the contact. Smiling against your lips, Jaehyun leaned in, kissing you tenderly. His arms helped his weight but as you both delved more into it, he lowered himself.
His hands taking a hold of your face whilst his forearms helped him now. Your tongue teasing his lips, swiping it across his lower lip before taking a soft bite. Yuno smirked at the tugging feeling, parting his lips slightly to let your tongue in.
A wonderful contradiction to the warmth of his mouth, your cold tongue gracing his. As your lips moved feverishly against each other and tongues entwined, one of his hands moved up to your hair, holding it like he never wanted to let you go while the other one caressed its path to your nipples.
The closer you were now, skin to skin, lips against each other— it was making it hotter inside the room. His grip on your hair tightened, lifting your head slightly. The tugging made you moan against his lips, one he swallowed with so much gratitude and repaid with his fingers rubbing at the warm nubs, pinching them softly, and turning them to your satisfaction; moaning even more against his lips.
His hand fondled with your nipple, followed by his soft grip on your breast. Whilst his lips ravished yours, tongue tasting yours; Jaehyun’s hand, made it’s path down in between your thighs.
His fingers danced over your thighs, raking his nails softly on the flesh before coming in contact with your cunt. “Do you want them in you?… I bet you do.” Your whimpers agreed with him, desperately agreed but instead he opted to rub your clit in circles, painfully slow to the point that it was over stimulating even without an orgasm. Your legs shook whilst you tried to move hoping he’d let you have the release you deserved but even if you moved your head a bit he’d pull you back up by the makeshift ponytail.
His hand was perfectly in between your thighs, as he circled the sensitive bundle of nerves that were about to explore, your fluids ran down his hand, covering his palm with not only near cum but the warmth you exuded. Jaehyun could feel your need seeping in through him. Your body shook from the pleasure he always knew how to produce. “Yuno… ah— I…” you couldn’t even speak as you twisted at the feeling of his middle and ring finger circling and pressing at your clit. You were so close to coming, so so close.
Mercy had taken over him, finally caving in to your pretty moans. Slowly, Jaehyun inserted his ring and middle finger inside of you, pumping them slowly until he could figure out by your facial contortions what you enjoyed. As he went by, pushing them in and moving the tips of his fingers to stimulate a certain spot you found enjoyable; with the feeling coiling in your gut, your bladder feeling painfully full— you stopped his hand, looking at his confused face and pulling out his fingers yourself.
You were simply close to coming and you couldn’t let that just happen. Not without him getting stimulation himself. “Are you okay?” He questioned, sitting down on bed watching your every move. You didn’t say much besides nodding and crawling off the bed, that was enough for him to understand your thought process.
Your hands caressed him as you settled between his legs, taking his penis into your hands and stroking it softly to see how sensitive he was. It wasn’t much sensitivity as he didn’t shudder like he usually did when he was ready to cum, nevertheless your hands moved against his warm flesh, twisting your hands softly to create a feather like stimulation, one he’d begin to find rather enjoyable.
“I don’t want to come on your hand, I like seeing your face when I come around you.” Those words with the addition of your warm lips surrounding the tip of his cock, Jaehyun let a gruntled moan out, his head thrown back, and lips parted. He really enjoyed every time you sucked him off; whether it was the slick feeling that made it easy for him to face fuck you or hearing your gags whenver you tried to go deeper, he loved every second of it.
He supported his weight with both his arms and hands, leaning back a bit as you did your magic (the one he loved so much). As his head was thrown back to enjoy the physical aspect of this, you looked up at him, adoring how beautiful he was, even in the lewdest of moments. Your lips moved slowly around his shaft, making sure he felt the warmth of your mouth and spit. Slowly by slowly going further down to take as much of him as you could.
Your hands took a hold of his testicles, massaging them softly to see how he’d react this time. Seeing him flinch slightly but giving you the liberty to continue; your left hand played with the balls, kneading them in between your fingers as you blew him, the spit flowing down to his testicles, making it easy for you to grant him more pleasure.
Jaehyun looked at you through his eyelashes, eyes too tired to stay open but anything to see the way you treated him so kindly. He adored everything about you; the way you looked with him buried inside your mouth, the way you handled him if it wouldn’t fit all inside, and the way you looked up at him to see the way he was looking at you.
Upon your eyes meeting, Jaehyun reached one of his hands to caress your warm cheeks, feeling his cock through the soft layers of tissue. He didn’t speak just yet, he was admiring every single detail of you, upon his hand reaching your hair and softly gripping it, you moaned around him. The vibration made him lose his focus, biting his lip a bit too hard as you had finally taken him whole. You could feel his cum leaking, he was trying so hard to not make it spill in the moment. He smiled at you, beautiful teeth showing as you took him whole.
“My pretty girl, you’re doing so good— you always do so good.” He moaned again, feeling the back of your throat directly on his leaking tip. His moan alone made you moan around him as well, you could feel the wetness between your legs start to slide down your thighs and onto your calves. You were craving him again, more than just his soft caresses and hair holding.
Pulling back slightly he hissed, the motion against his sensitive flesh not helping how close he was. “Baby-” he whined, his grip tightening. “Fuck, I can’t anymore, please…” he begged. You couldn’t do much but giggle around him even if it felt like a moan, but with so you took him all in again, your nose touching his pelvic bone along the curly hair, making him lose the grip he has on your hair.
He could feel himself so close, he felt those small drops turn into thin spurts leaving him as he still tried his best to not let go. Your fingers played with his balls as you tried to stay in the position for as long as you could but as you felt the small spurts have more force, you couldn’t help it but pull away fully, making him groan loudly, trying not to touch himself to avoid cumming overall.
Your lips connected to his cock by long strings of saliva, gathering it on your hand and fingers, you lightly kicked his leg so he could watch you rub it on your cunt, making him ache more and more. Jaehyun was in pain, he was so close to finishing yet he had to restrain himself once again, it’s always evident you have more control on denial than him.
Rubbing away the wetness on your flesh, you crawl the bed besides him, giggling at his expression of exhaustion. “Aw, I’m sorry…” you told him, your now dry lips falling on top of his, to which he was quick enough to kiss you back. “I don’t know how you don’t feel like ending it all when you do this to yourself.” He whined pulling you closer to him.
“I think I learnt from our first date and you didn’t let me cum for a while, you were truly so evil for our first time.” You jested, making him pout that soon turned into a smile. “I promise to never deny you again, baby, I’m sorry.” Pulling you into another kiss, Jaehyun pulled on your thigh motioning for you to get on top of him. You were so needy at this point that anything he dictated would happen.
With your legs straddling him and cores touching, fluids seeping with each other, Jaehyun’s tongue swiped across your lips, slipping it in, in a motion you mimicked as he took his cock into his own hand, easily slipping it inside of you, your breathy moans mixing together in one as you’d both continue making out.
Maybe it’s because he was already leaking but he felt so much bigger than before that you couldn’t complain about the extra stretch. His swollen cock, slow and steady at first but with much desperation, Jaehyun’s strokes became harder. Pulling fully out of you before slamming back in roughly but not enough to hurt you.
His hands on your hips, cock slamming in you, your hands on his shoulders as you rocked the same hips he held, trying to form more friction on your clit through his lower flesh. “You never fail to feel so good, y/m/n… if I could I’d be buried inside you all the time.” Yuno confessed, his lips making way to your neck, nipping it softly as he kissed it. One hand on your ass, massaging the warm flesh as you began to bounce on his cock now.
Your thighs and calves burned but you felt his tip finally reach your g-spot, hitting it with all his might as he continued to thrust upward while you rode him. You felt it in your gut, the coiling feeling tightening even more before it would eventually unclench, your moans became more audible now, letting Jaehyun know this was working for you just as it was working for him. “My pretty girl, are you about to come? Are you?” He cooed, his grip on your ass tightening. You couldn’t speak, rather leaned forward to catch his lips between yours, letting the saliva that built on his tongue go inside your mouth.
Yuno chuckled at your lack of words, your moans filling his mouth and chest whenever you pulled away to kiss it. Lips surrounding his nipple and nipping it to make him hiss, Yuno took a tight grip on your ass before taking all his will power to sit up with his cock still buried deep within you.
Standing up whilst holding you as tight as he could, he smiled at you, kissing away the confusion as he flipped both of you, making you lay on your back, pulling his cock out swiftly as he pulled your legs up to your head, enough to make sure you’re comfortable. “I want you to coat my cock again and again…” taking your lower lip between his lips, you took your tongue out to lick his upper lip softly. “Anything you ask, baby. Anything you ask.” You answered once he let your lip free, kissing him as he began to rock his hips again, the position gave him more leverage, a new angle and an easier way to reach the spot he had been hitting earlier.
It was only seconds before you actually came so as your sweaty skin slapped against each other and you could feel Yuno’s legs shake from how close he was getting again, he lowered himself to have his pelvic bone rub at your clit once again. The sensitive bud not being able to take much longer and once the squelching sound got louder, you took a hold of his forearms, wanting to feel the heat of his body radiate on yours all it could.
He smiled down on you, his dimples so prominent as sweat that rolled down from his forehead pooled inside them. He was always so pretty during sex, his skin would turn into a raging crimson that stung from the heat but his face would glow, the natural tint ever so pretty, and the sweat he easily formed made it easier for you to hold onto him.
Your legs were giving up, shaking as Jaehyun settled them on his shoulders knowing you needed some help. Your breaths were ragged and you felt your walls clench around him once more, the coil releasing slowly until he leaned in, “my lovely girl… show me how pretty you look when you cum around my cock, I want to feel you over and over, with no end.” His breath on your ear and neck, his panting making it harder for him, even if he now nibbled on your earlobe as he pounded into you.
His words made you give out, eyes rolling as you felt the coil release. Your legs shook and so did your body, holding onto him for dear god, riding out your orgasm as he continued to fuck you. He groaned louder against you, feeling the warm fluids coat him in layers of your release.
Yuno’s cock was swollen and he couldn’t take it any longer, pulling out of you as fast he could, making you complain at the loss of heat and the feeling of being full. He crawled to your side, holding his cock as he sat on his knees, jerking himself as he looked at you, your fucked up state making him feel even more aroused. Knowing he needed a release you caressed his thigh, enough touch to make him spurt all over your chest, some even falling to the lower area of your face.
He moaned loudly, feeling his red and angry cock finally feel peace knowing he was able to cum now. You watched him closely, the way he massaged his tip trying to get rid of everything. If it wasn’t because your clit was overly sensitive, you’d be touching yourself, praying for another orgasm.
Once he was able to calm himself, Jaehyun smiled at you, leaning down to kiss you, not caring about his cum coating your chest and lips. “I think this is a new record of how hard you’ve made me cum.” He confessed, making you giggle as he grabbed a dirty shirt from the bed to clean away his cum from you.
With you cleaned off and too sensitive to even stand or move on your own, he laid beside you pulling you to his chest and wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you wrapped one of yours around his waist and tried your best to prop your leg over him, feeling his cock on your calf. Peppering his chest with delicate kisses, Jaehyun ran his fingers softly through your hair.
Hearing his heartbeat and respiration start to slow down after his near heaving earlier, you smiled to yourself, pulling him closer by the waist.
“Hm?” He hummed.
“Do you think you’ll ever stop loving me?”
He didn’t have to think about it, the answer was clear.
“No, I’d end myself if I did.”
Turning your head to look up at him, your hair still wrapped around his fingers; you grinned at him, your words soft yet strong.
“I don’t plan on ever letting you go.”
Turning back to the position you were at, Jaehyun’s confusion turned into satisfaction, a small smile turned into a smirk, speaking it all.
“Let's go get cleaned up.”
Neither of you counted on hearing the front door squeak, so when you both heard it after he finished his sentence, the both of you sat up in confusion (you a little more slowly at the soreness between your thighs).
“Get dressed, I’ll go see.” He whispered, putting on the boxers he had tossed around, leaving you on the bed to get dressed as he went out to see who it could be. Of course he knew though, no one else besides him or your parents had keys and your parents wouldn’t visit you unless you asked them to, it could only be one person he so detests…
“I got hungry…” Jungkook told the other boy, raising some bread you had left on the dining table. Jaehyun didn’t care, he just wanted to know what Kookie was doing there.
Jaehyun’s skin was still tinted red and by the look of his barely resting chest, Jungkook knew he had interrupted the both of you. “So?...” Jaehyun questioned hoping he’d explain his arrival. “So where’s y/n?” Jeongguk himself, questioned.
Was he really dismissing Yuno’s presence?
Raising an eyebrow, Jaehyun turned to the room. “Resting.” You could hear both of them clearly even if you tried avoiding it but every time you left them alone for a little too long, they always argued and after Yuno blew your brains out, you wanted to be far from the stress those arguments caused. With as much willpower as you could collect, you grabbed your panties and the PJs you wore last night, putting them on as fast as you could, only to limp your way out of the room, dry cum on your chin and sweat sticking your hair to your forehead.
“Hey, Jimin’s parents threw him a last minute grad party and wanted me to invite you.” Kookie greeted you. “You couldn’t have called?...” You tried speaking softly as you could, you were still angry at the way he acted back at the auditorium but you still didn’t want to sound harsh.
He nibbled on the bread again, swallowing the piece he was chewing on. “I did but you never answered so I came to check by.” He pulled up his phone log, showing the both of you despite neither of you actually looking at it.
Jaehyun turned to the other boy, making sure he understood the reason why. “Clearly busy, Kookie…” He imputed, making you turn from him to your friend. Jungkook almost talked back to your boyfriend but upon hearing your voice, he pressed his lips together again. “Just give us a few minutes, then.” Making your way back into the bedroom with Jaehyun trailing behind you, you stopped at the door frame and turned back to the boy eating bread.
“There’s ah- my mom brought me asado, there’s asado in the fridge. Just heat it up if you’re still hungry.”
Smiling up at you before nodding, both you and Jaehyun turned to your original plan. As you’d both had gotten showered and ready, Jungkook finished his meal and bid you goodbye whilst you’d both finished getting ready. Poor boy had been starving and knowing Jimin’s parents, there was no food in this party just yet besides wine and pastries.
You both were no exception. Once ready, you’d both rush to Aldis to buy the last cake they had on display and get something from their food court, at least to feed those who were hungry just like Jungkook. There was nothing besides rotisserie chicken and a bundle of side dishes, well that would have to do for now.
In fact by the time you both arrived, the sun was beginning to set (much to his distaste). Bags in both your hands, Jaehyun looked at the white house, watching a few children play tag around the front and back yards. It was an all American home, two stories with the clean suburban picture painted all over the wooden clapboards.
“It’ll be just a few minutes, okay?” You reassured him, taking his hand and walking inside the unlocked doors of the home. Instantly greeted by a pair of arms pulling you away from your boyfriend; Jaehyun felt discomfort.
Standing in front of him, a man shorter than him, to which he assumed was Jimin by the ornaments stuck to him, congratulating him. His arms were off of you by now, smiling and thanking you for the food and the envelope you’d handed him as a present. Apologizing for the small gift given the late invitation, he reassured you it was fine. When his eyes finally landed on your boyfriend, you took it as an opportunity to finally introduce them both.
Taking Yuno’s hands into yours with bags and all in the way, you smiled at the blond boy. “This is my boyfriend…” Letting him speak, “Jaehyun, nice to meet you.” Your sweet boy smiled at the older boy, stretching his hand to be shaken. Jimin did shake it but his eyes averted from him to look for Jungkook.
“Nice meeting you, Jungkook speaks of you a lot.”
His smile turned into a soft smirk, cocking an eyebrow and slanting his head. “Does he?” Jimin nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. By doing so, he finally reacted to the bags of food, taking the ones you held and opted to ask Jaehyun to follow him to the kitchen, making your introduction rather short and leaving you alone in the living room.
It was fine though, a few of the people there knew you, so unlike Yuno, you weren’t as estranged. To avoid awkwardness, Jimin thought about sparking a conversation with Jaehyun. Questioning his major and how he was doing for the day. When your boyfriend told him he had gone to the auditorium, he felt the pit in his stomach, taking Jungkook’s words in and ignoring any other possibility for the young man to be there as well.
Of course when Jaehyun added Doyoung’s name into the mix and his invitation, the blond man relaxed, knowing it wasn’t to be around you 24/7 like Jungkook liked to say.
The conversation was rather dry because despite telling himself he wasn’t biased towards Jungkook’s narrative, Jimin was a very anxious person and he didn’t know Jaehyun well enough to have him in his house, even if he was your boyfriend. He wasn’t invited afterall, you just brought him in.
“Well, help yourself to some drinks, food, cake for Niko…”
“Yeah, sorry about that, it was the only cake left.” Jaehyun apologized, looking at the pink and white cake, reading: ‘Nikolasa’s babyshower.’
“No it’s fine, any cake is good.” Jimin chuckled awkwardly, before letting your boyfriend know he was quickly getting some drinks from the outside fridge. Jaehyun nodded, not really interested in the boy anymore. He had learned to figure out he was paranoid but tried his best to stay calm. Why must all your friends be so easy to read?
Anything could happen in seconds.
Jimin’s mother is drunk now. Having confused a wine cooler with pink lemonade, the woman had basically consumed the entire pitcher and due to that her state of mind was free and loose, letting her spew anything she could.
“Oh? I don’t think I recognize you…” Her words were slurred, swallowing the sip he had taken from the actual pink lemonade, he licked his lips. “I’m Jaehyun, y/n’s boyfriend.” Shyly smiling at her, he extended his hand in order to shake it.
It went ignored, she just stood in shock and curiosity, spewing out how pretty of a boy he was. “But I thought Kookie was her boyfriend, right?”
“W-why would you think that?” Jaehyun tried hiding the spiral in his voice, lips beginning to feel that twitch as he smiled. “Surely they’ve dated before, right? Oh where’s Jimin, he’ll take me out of this brain rot…” As she yelled for her son, those words laughed at him, his ears becoming red— trying his best to not insult her for ruining his exceptionally good day.
“Yes?” Jimin answered, finally coming inside to see the both of them standing at the arranged table. “I thought you said, y/n was dating Jungkook, or dated him, right?” Her alcoholic breath hit Jimin’s face, making his eyes widen in fright of the taller man in front of him.
“What?! No, I never told you that!” His voice was growing desperate. “They— They never dated, I can promise you that, I’m sorry she’s just drunk.” Max half an hour since the both of you had arrived and something had already gone wrong.
Jaehyun smiled, accomplishing to fool Jimin into thinking he was fine. “I know, it’s fine.” He lied. Nothing was fine, a wretched alcoholic hag had just ruined his day by making up lies that would throw him into a spiral.
Jimin nodded as well, taking his mother by the shoulders and beginning to push her out of the kitchen. Before they left, Jimin turned to watch him sip on his drink again. “I promise they never had anything, they’ve never dated. I promise…” Jaehyun nodded as a way to reassure him with a smile on his face, waiting for them to fucking leave already.
With no one in sight, his smile faded into a deep scowl, the redness of his ears turning a dark crimson. If he had learned anything, it is that being around anyone related to Jungkook would find the time to ruin his life.
The kitchen was the most quiet place he could find, he hadn’t moved from there all this time you’d both been in this home that now consumed him and filled his chest with hate. The clock on the wooden wall ticked all night, letting him know time was going by and all he was doing was overthinking the words of a drunk woman.
Of course he knew it wasn’t true what Mrs. Park said but that didn’t change the fact that she had still ruined his mood and he was now filled with rage only Jungkook could fill. Just reminiscing on the words ‘Jungkook is her boyfriend’ made his guts twist and turn, hate seeping out of his pores at how detestable it sounded.
He couldn’t keep it in much longer, he wanted to leave. His head was pounding, overthinking everything and creating scenarios as to what made her think that but first he had to find you and finally take you away from the grip these people had on you.
It wasn’t hard to find you, sitting on the sofa talking with the older women and men, some teens  (relatives of Jimin), as well both Jungkook and Jimin sat on either side of you. They all questioned the three of you on your academic decisions and joked around like older people usually do when they like to tease.
Just the closeness was eating him alive, to see how Jungkook wrapped his arm around your shoulder and he laid back like nothing about that was wrong. He didn’t say anything when he crossed the threshold, walking past the surrounding area, slow enough to make you notice him.
So you did, you gave him the attention he needed now. Looking up at him and calling his name out as you stood up, letting Jungkook’s arm fall from your shoulder, they all turned to look at the young man.
It’s your attention he wanted, not theirs.
“Where have you been, I've been looking for you all night?” You questioned reaching his person. “Have you?” He patronized, turning to the group of eldery and your friends. “Yeah, I have…” You responded picking up on his tone, cocking an eyebrow. Neither said much more since you pulled him by the arm to the group that surrounded you.
Changing his demeanor when reaching the area, Jaehyun smiled shyly, bowing to greet them. “I’d like you all to meet my boyfriend before the night ends.” You smiled proudly, looking around as some complimented his looks and politeness.
Though that’s what you looked at, Jaehyun followed the gaze of a few women looking between him and Jungkook, noticing the scowl on Jungkook. Interesting, huh?
“Where were you hiding him?” Jimin’s cousin teased, she had just finished her first year of college so they had bothered her as well about her career and academic plans, hence why she’s stuck there. “Yeah, where were you?” You questioned him, toying with his fingers as you held his hand.
“I was just standing in the kitchen…” He confessed, feeling Jimin’s anxious stare on him. It was awkward, no one would deny that but nonetheless they would all try to elongate a conversation he tried so hard to keep in order to avoid being seen as a brat.
Chuckling at his response, the eldery questioned him too as if he was interested but once they stopped bombarding him and turned to the other cousins, Jaehyun leaned in to whisper in your ear that he wanted to leave now.
“What? Why? We haven’t been here long.” “Y/m/n come on… it’s getting late.”
You furrowed your eyebrows turning to face him, trying to decipher why he was acting this way. So was Jungkook, ever since he popped into the frame, he couldn’t peel his eyes from every movement Jaehyun made.
He was less subtle, maybe that’s why all his attempts always failed.
“What’s wrong, my boy?” The booming voice of an old man had made everyone’s attention shift from the conversation to you two, just as he had followed Jungkook’s focal point, noticing how intently he stared at the both of you.
Jaehyun looked around noticing he was talking to him; the man even made Jungkook break his attention from the both of you to see who he was addressing. It took Jaehyun a while to process it, “Oh… It’s just getting late and I have work tomorrow.” The man whined at how soft Jaehyun’s voice sounded. “It’s so early, come on just a few minutes.”
He smiled politely as he pulled you closer to him. “I would love to stay, believe me. I’m having a great time but it’s dark and I have an early shift tomorrow, I’m so sorry.” He answered as truthfully as he could.
It was true, he did work tomorrow but not as early. It didn’t matter because the man shifted the conversation to what he worked at. Having Yuno tell him about his now paid internship. He was lucky he was pretty, privileged enough to make people still like him even if he wasn’t trying (just like now).
Yawning intentionally mid conversation, Jaehyun apologized for it before he looked at the time, asking you to leave again. Whining at his request, “Come on, just a bit longer…” He smiled, caressing your cheek before speaking. “Baby, you know I can barely see in the dark.” That was enough for Jungkook, rolling his eyes before taking a last sip of his drink.
Having enough of his attitude, you nodded. Bidding your goodbyes to everyone and apologizing for an early leave (both you and Yuno), youd both waited until getting into the car and out of the drive way to discuss what the actual fuck was going on.
Well you did, he spent a few minutes giving you the silent treatment as he tried to form a dialogue in his head.
“Are you going to fucking tell me already?” The desperation in your voice made him finally start. He didn’t turn to look at you, he just drove as he spoke. “A little birdie told me you were Jungkook’s girlfriend.”
Turning your upper body towards him, your eyebrows furrowed again, in disbelief of his words. “What?” “Yeah, she was so sure you were his girlfriend, almost laughed in my face when I said I was.” He was lying, he had to add some spark and he knew Jimin’s mom wouldn't remember the conversation at all. Also Jimin wasn’t there when both of them met so who’s going to check him?
“But you know that’s not true, I’m your girlfriend.”
“Apparently not to all those people that first saw Kookie with his arm around you before I came in.”
Baffled at how he was acting, you tried to form words, completely distraught in how to say what you're feeling. “The first thing I did was introduce you as my boyfriend, Yuno… I don’t want anyone else but you.”
He hummed in response, not continuing despite how that little hum was creating the same distress he felt. “What do you mean, hm? Why are you acting this way?!”
“Because it's always the same thing. Whenever I meet your friends they always have to bring up Jungkook and how close you two are or how they thought both of you had something. It literally makes me feel like a replacement.”
“But they know I only love you! I only treat him like a brother, it’s so obvious.”
“Apparently not if they all think the same thing!” “Yuno!” “What?”
His stoic expression as he answered, turning to look at you briefly before looking back at the road. “Don’t you think it’s weird at this point? Everyone thinks you and Jungkook are or were something. It’s fucking weird espeically by how he treats me.”
“He treats you like that because you play along and like to irk him…” Yuno laughed, shaking his head in response. “So now I'm in the wrong for being wary of a guy that glares at me every time we’re together or whenever I touch you, my girlfriend.”
“I didn’t mean it like that…”
“Then how? Tell me how I should interpret the scene today where he walked into your apartment unannounced after we had sex and refused to continue talking to me and asked for you instead, huh? Or how he felt entitled enough to snatched your phone away simply because you were chatting with me. Because I promise you, if it was me with a girl-friend like that, you would’ve lost your shit earlier than this. Fuck, even those people kept looking between me and him because of how much he kept glaring, he’s not that shy with his feelings, y/m/n!”
You weren’t lost for words but rather annoyed, you couldn’t really tell why despite knowing he was in the right. “Do you not fucking trust me? I’ve done everything and I will do anything to make everyone know you’re mine and only you.”
“I trust you but not him. I’m tired of him walking in like he owns your place. I’m tired of him treating me like I’m trying to harm you or something, he’s always on the fucking fence when I touch you. I’m your boyfriend for fucks sake!”
“Why do you care about him? You wouldn’t care about him if you didn’t doubt the lengths I’d go for you.” He chuckled again, ears red, and knuckles whitening on the steering wheel as he came to a stop light. “What the fuck are you laughing at? You know what, let me get the fuck off.” Unbuckling your seatbelt much to his confusion, you opened the door, stepping out even if he tried to pull you back in.
Annoyed at your actions, Jaehyun waited for the lights to turn green as he yelled for you to get back in. You weren’t prioritizing Jungkook but just like him you wanted to create conflict out of nothing, you knew he was right even if you tried to mask that knowledge for the longest and tried to keep your rose colored glasses on when it came to your friend but his actions were slowly cracking them.
You felt more overwhelmed than angry, along the rush of making him angry. When would he understand, he was priority over anything and anyone?
With the lights turning green and the red hand turning into a white walking man, you bolted from that corner to the next as he drove by your side, yelling at you to get back in, even if the honking was annoying you both.
“Just get back in the fucking car!” “Fuck off.” “Y/n i swear to god, just get in the fucking car. You don’t even know what street we fucking are in.”
He was right but it didn’t matter. With a few more screams from both of you and realizing you did look stupid you seemed trying to form your initial argument just because Jaehyun’s stubbornness to accept how much you love him and all you would do for him, had bothered you.
It wasn’t about Jungkook, it was about him bringing an imaginary ‘bitch’ into the conversation even if he was right. In fact you would’ve lost your shit much earlier. It was also over how you keep repeating that he wouldn’t drill it in his head that you’d do anything for him so Jungkook feeling like a threat to him was absurd.
Those screams had lured someone in, a stranger per se but your distress had made him think a creep was following you around so as he approached you and the slow moving car, the man in the dad hat finally spoke. “Do you need any help? Is he bothering you?”
“No he—” “I’m her fucking boyfriend, can you fuck off?!” That was interesting to see from him. Even when inconvenienced, Yuno remained respectful and poised, this was new.
“Shut the hell up, I asked her.” Jaehyun was past annoyed at this point, his entire skin was glowing in crimson as you'd walk and he drove. “Y/m/n get in the fucking car, already.” Spoken between teeth, Yuno turned to you and then to the stranger that kept following you both trying to make sure of your safety.
Glancing between the two, the man spoke again. “Are you sure you're okay, I can call a patr—” “Dude, he’s my boyfriend we’re just arguing, can you fuck off?!” He even got you, ha.
Throwing his arms up in defeat, arguing about doing a good deed just to curse the both of you out before walking away, you turned back to make sure he was gone before you went back inside the car.
“See, your little game got a weirdo involved now.” Yuno complained to which you rolled your eyes as he drove home. Leaving both of you in silence for the remainder of the drive back to your apartment.
Upon arriving and parking in front of the building, Jaehyun locked the doors again after turning the car off, making you turn to him. Just as you did, the grip of his warm fingers against your jaw and cheeks as they squished your cheeks forward just like earlier.
“Don’t ever pull that shit on me again.” Something about the way he spoke through gritted teeth made you feel butterflies in your stomach. His hand leaving your face alone. With your right hand, you pulled his face forward, close enough to yours, smiling at him before connecting your lips.
It was a heated and angry kiss, his tongue not wasting any time to get inside your mouth. It was a wet and rage filled kiss, passionate enough to make you both pull away for air rather fast. Laughing at him, you smiled again.
“Happy anniversary, baby.”
Spiraling at best. That’s all it was coming down to.
After the party, Yuno didn’t stay the night much to your distress. His absence was causing so much tension between you both. Of course it was out of his hands, The entirety of July he had spent on campus given the school had offered him a position to be a mentor for those going to orientation, it didn’t help that the orientation lasted an entire work week per batch and six hours a day, he also had to full fill his TA duties and go over the new lesson plan the professor he assisted, had assigned him.
Thankfully his internship had finally offered to pay him and it was much better than what he gained at his job, so with that he dropped it, leaving him with a now heavier internship shift and lesson plans the professor barely worked on and rather left for Jaehyun to mend himself. That was only July.
There came August and your presence in his life was minimum. Deep down he knew you were doing it on purpose. He knew you were angry that he barely got to be with you in July and now that August came around, you did everything in your power to reciprocate the neglect. It didn’t help that Jungkook’s birthday was coming up and you used it as an excuse to be near him at all costs.
It was back to square one, as he juggled his underpaid TA work, internship, thesis research, and his own classes– Jaehyun would find the time in his day to find you and know what you were up to if you weren’t to spend time with him instead.
It was all going full circle. He couldn’t deny that he felt giddy and excited, he loved the adrenaline of being a step behind you and you never noticing he’d always be with you. He especially loved the fact that Jungkook would look close and personal at everyone and everything to figure out if he was following you or not.
Despite the exhilaration, he felt resentment the most. You had bathed Yuno in physical attention for the past five months and it was now being stripped away from him because of his jobs and studies. The one that ached the most was the fact that you stripped that attention away just to give it to Jungkook because of his stupid feelings and birthday.
A birthday he so reluctantly was dressing up to celebrate just because you were forcing him to go with you despite knowing both males had finally stopped trying to act nice around you. After Jimin’s mother opened her stupid big mouth, Jaehyun had lost the care of treating Jungkook nicely around you, justifying himself with reminding you that he was your boyfriend and it was weird that Jungkook ‘tried to get in between you two.’
As for Jungkook, he took Yuno’s anger as an opportunity to tease him and given Yuno didn’t care about you seeing him, then neither did he. Both men were just a few inconveniences away from exploding, the playful banter from april was nothing but full hatred between the two and it was so clear that now you tried your best to not have them in the same room but tonight was different and if it wasn’t, then they had to learn how to cope. At least for tonight.
“Promise me— promise you won’t try and get him angry. It’s his birthday, please…” His silence and eye roll said enough. “Please…” You pushed it, holding onto his shirt trying not to bundle the ironed fabric. “If you left me here, you wouldn’t have to ask this of me.” He mumbled, stepping away from your grasp and going to the bathroom, applying the moisturizer he forgot to put on earlier after his shower. “Yuno come on. You can’t do something for me for once?” At your words he turned to glare at you, obviously offended at your stupidly thought of words. He had stopped applying it just to answer you with all the seriousness in his voice and stoic face.
“I do everything for you.”
His overworking had taken a toll with how he treated you or anyone in general. He wasn’t as giddy as he was two months ago and despite him trying to be loving towards you, it came out cold, all thanks to Jimin’s alcoholic mother and her big lying mouth. Despite that you tried your best to understand him, all he needed was a good rest and to spend more time with you. Yeah that’s what he needed… You.
It was painfully obvious how dependent you had grown on him and not seeing him the majority of July and August was eating you alive, it felt like you were having withdrawals. Your bed was cold, your living room was quiet, the fridge was fairly empty, and the bedroom was overall uncomfortable and hard to be in— without him. Therefore any minute you were able to spend with him, it almost felt too clingy.
Not for him though, your constant daily message, chat spamming, and full call log, emails as well— it all reassured him and brought so much satisfaction to his soul. Any second with you, he adored how your body never left his, almost in a protective way he loved so much. It reminded him so much of when you two were still online and you’d grow desperate of waiting for him to get online that you’d do anything to reassure him that you were always there for him.
“Let’s go then.” Keys in hand, he followed behind, locking the doors to his shared apartment given you had gone straight to his place after work. He was exhausted and full of rage knowing he was going to see Jungkook’s face again after a long time. He was taking it all to heart; you hanging out with Jungkook when Jaehyun wasn’t around and the neglect you were intentionally making him go through despite his neglect towards you being unintentional.
From time to time he’d place his hand on your thigh, squeezing it a little on some red lights all the way to the frat house where Jungkook’s party was being hosted by some of his frat friends and friends the men shared.
Jaehyun looked around, the frat house having a long waiting line and the idea of having to be in it just for the insufferable cunt Jungkook was— he wasn’t going to hold off much longer. You were thankful the freshman guarding the door knew already to let both of you in with no problem (much to Jungkook’s dismay when it came to your boyfriend).
Turning to take Yuno’s hand in yours you could tell he was not in the best of moods, the entire week had been hectic and he hadn’t been looking forward to this night at all. He was only here for you and Seokmin who also begged nearly on his knees for Yuno to be there too.
It was packed, the amount of people was making you uncomfortable and you tried your best to not let go of his hand knowing that if you did, his demeanor would only get worse. You’d both spend a few minutes looking for your friend along his in order to feel familiar but this was one of his few parties in all his four years and he surely was not enjoying it.
Reaching the study room which was less packed with only a few people inside, you turned to look at him, hoping he could hear your words if you got closer to his ear. “Do you want to wait here while I look upstairs for Jungkook?”
He thought it was a pretty stupid question to be honest. Why in the world would he let you roam off in a crowded frat house alone? With the reputation frat houses have and seeing the female to male ratio with just the few steps you’d both taken— yeah no way in fucking hell he’s going to let you get out of his sight with these animals.
Yet he could never answer because all you did was kiss his cheek before sprinting out of the study room, making him have a moment of confusion and perplexity. You disappeared before his eyes and once he regained all consciousness and stability, Jaehyun let out a groan knowing this would be a game of hide and seek just to find you.
Opening the glass door and hearing the music become louder than it was inside the studio, Jaehyun looked to his sides. On his right, people making out without a care of anyone else, the first back door visible to him. On his left, the hallway leading to the main area where everyone was at.
Sighing to himself, Jaehyun took his left, pushing through dancing people full of sweat with the stench of wet dog and coins, moments like this he remembered why he never attended these parties. He hated seeing these dudes act like fools without a care knowing the college would let them get away with it. And despite his distaste for Jungkook he didn’t enjoy seeing other people treat him like a zoo animal, the way most of his frat brothers did.
Iif anything Jaehyun was the only one to aggravate the doe eyed boy, not stupid small town dumb boys from the middle of nowhere whom are not used to seeing other people besides themselves.
Pushing through and through, the sound of ‘tu principe’ and ‘yo voy’  blaring in his ears. If anything he didn’t detest the music, he was glad one of your friend’s had brought their own mix and DJ’ed instead of what was originally to be played; he’d very much be dancing with you was it not that you left his side to go look for the birthday boy.
He could see you, making your way up the stairs and just like him pushing through people even if some stupid wet rag of boy tried stopping you— you’d always push them away or Jungkook’s frat brothers told them to fuck off knowing well to keep an eye out for you.
If one thing he liked and hated about Jungkook, it’s that he’ll always make sure you’re safe, even if it means from your own boyfriend.
A smile plastered on his face, the strobe lights shining across it to where he faced you, taking a step forward he opted to follow behind you. He didn’t count on the harsh tug at his wrist and an audible grunt leaving his lips.
Upon regaining his composure, Yuno turned to the person who pulled at him. A deep purple his hair was, a new lip ring around his swollen lips showing he had some fun before disrupting Jaehyun. “You can’t leave her alone for a few minutes? Come on have some fun, it’s my birthday!” Jungkook was starting to feel tipsy— conscious but alcohol was leading his actions.
“I’m not going to leave her alone in a frat house—” “I have eyes everywhere, don’t worry much. Here, have a drink, take advantage that I’m in a good mood and don’t want you gone for a few minutes.” Jungkook laughed, having Yugyeom hand Jaehyun a red solo cup full of beer from a keg they hid especially for themselves.
Looking at Jungkook as he took a sip, Jaehyun couldn’t help but wonder what he had going on for this new found tranquility despite the past two months being the most intense after he started dating you.
“Relax, just like old times!” Seokmin interrupted the skeptical thoughts, smiling and patting Jaehyun’s back, pulling him closer to the group in which all shared the same birth year. He couldn’t help feeling like something was off but it surely wasn’t because of Jungkook for once.
After a few more drinks it was like old times, Jaehyun had eased up for a bit and he knew he needed this night more than anything. He had been so stressed for so long that having a few drinks with people he considered close acquaintances besides Yugyeom and Seokmin who were his close friends within the group.
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“She’s taking a while now… I should go look for her.” Jaehyun broke out, biting down on a lime wedge after downing a shot of Tequila with Dongmin. “Dude let her be, you’re glued to her daily. Come on, take another one!” Minghao exclaimed through laughter, handing the brunette boy another red solo shot cup. Jaehyun chuckled as he shook his head, throwing his head back as his lips wrapped around the rim.
Jungkook looked at him closely, he watched how different he was when you weren’t around, when he was alone and able to relax. As if the only thing that made both of them hate each other was you because looking deep into it— Jaehyun and him had no problem until you came into the picture.
He was right, you had taken a while since he had stopped Jaehyun to get drinks with their friends, in fact very long and he himself had started to worry as well but he knew you could take care of yourself. You knew the house like the back of your hand and if you needed anything you knew where to look in case you were in danger.
Nevertheless those worries left their minds the moment your arms wrapped around Jaehyun’s waist pulling him away slightly from the group of guys who were near drunk. It startled the boy momentarily, he thought it was just a random girl he’d have to tell to fuck off but the moment he went to push away your hands, he relaxed knowing well who those belonged to— he truly knew your anatomy very well.
“I found him before you did.” He’d boast pointing to Jungkook who smiled at you, raising the solo cup in his hand as a welcoming in. “A text could’ve made me avoid all the walking.” You pout, holding him tighter than before.
Asking if you’d like a drink, you thanked them, denying their offering knowing well you’d have to drive now that he was reaching to where his friends were at. “You’re getting fairly well. What happened? Finally pushed it all away?” You kissed near his earlobe, still holding his waist, standing behind him.
Jaehyun chuckled, pushing back into you to feel your lips on him more. That tipsy tingling on his skin and brain spinning. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jaehyun defended holding you closer as you kept kissing on his jaw and neck.
Jungkook looked at the both of you, he tried reading what you were saying to him and in the moment in which he stared for too long, your eyes met. His dazed vision focuses on your persistent one. He watched you hold tighter onto Jaehyun, the way your lips ran across his skin, and how slowly you’d both swayed your hips to the rhythm of the music as your eyes never left his— in that instance he was reminded of when Yuno had allowed him to hear your pretty moans.
How Yuno had left the phone call going so your friend could hear you whine and beg for Jaehyun’s touch. All that seeping anger that had disappeared not long ago was back and remembered his distaste towards the Aquarius boy.
Nothing went unnoticed by your boyfriend. Looking through hooded eyelids as you worked him up with your lips; he felt and saw the way Jungkook’s vision was fixated on the both of you, how his eyes bore into yours. Just like that, Jaehyun felt the disgust come back to him.
“I’m going to go get a soda or something, wait for me here.” You spoke against his ear before disappearing in the crowd again. By now half of the guys had gone and danced, Dongmin and Minghao sat bickering about their thesis research that due to their own notes— both were being proved wrong.
Jaehyun had nodded your way before taking a seat next to Jungkook in the booth the frat brothers had stolen a while ago. Jungkook’s eyes follow the boy next to him, shaking his head with a smirk plastered on his lips, taking a sip of his cup of beer.
“Now, what’s so funny?” Jaehyun questioned, turning to the boy, his recent indifference was gone. “Nothing, just— you truly can never be apart, huh? Almost like a leach.” Jungkook answered, downing the remaining of his drink. “Ah, here you go with the same old shit. Give it up, we're finally having a good time.” Jaehyun retorts, pouring more of the alcohol into his own cup.
Jungkook laughed at his words, throwing his head back before setting down his cup. “You can drop the act, the guys aren’t paying us no mind.” Jaehyun rolled his eyes, setting his own cup down.
“You weren’t such a pain in the ass until she came by. I saw you, Kookie. I saw how you look at her… Don’t fuck with me and keep that shit inside your brain.” His voice was back to the menacing tone it often had when speaking to the purple haired boy in front of him.
Jungkook drank more, denying what Jaehyun was insinuating. “Me? You shouldn’t fuck with me. With one little USB she can see all the things you’ve done. Following her everywhere, all those pictures you have of her before you guys officially met…” Jaehyun’s face dropped, he knew well what Jungkook meant and what it could lead to.
“Not so brave now? No, why not wait until she comes back? I can show her the pictures of you behind her, following her around.” Jungkook took his phone out, the clicking sounds becoming so painfully loud despite the music pounding inside his head.
His phone not far from Yuno’s face, Jungkook clicked left and right, showing him a few of the pictures. All of Yuno being not so far from you, all without you noticing him. His jaw clenched, he felt his breathing slow, and his chest was angrily collapsing. Even so he was not going to confess to shit.
“You won’t say anything, you little bitch.” Jungkook’s eyebrows became knitted in anger. Despite all the proof, Jaehyun continued to deny it all. He could sense it, the anger seeping through his pores, Yuno smirked again.
“You always try and nothing ever happens, she always turns you down. Why the fuck would you think it’ll work this time?”
With no response, he continued.
“You’re really funny sometimes. You’re funny to think you can get between us, You’re a freak, Kookie. You stay on the line and hear us fuck, you know exactly when to interrupt us when I’m balls deep in her, and just now you couldn’t keep your prying eyes away from us with the most minimum of contact. Are you some sexual deviant or something? It wouldn’t surprise me if you have a camera in her place like a sick man.” Jaehyun laughed, grabbing his cup again, pouring more alcoholic liquid before drinking from it.
This time Jungkook felt the boiling rage in his chest, it was clawing at him like it had been doing so for the past months. “You’re so full of shit, God damn.” Jungkook answered, his hands balling into fists. Jaehyun noticed the action, rolling his eyes knowing that after those April happenings, the punches were nothing but a pass to eternal attention and coddling from you.
“What happened to us? We used to be friends. Or what? Are you jealous that she and I have known each other for the same amount as you and she trusts me more? If you’re fighting for the best friend role you should take that up with Kata or Margo, not with me.” Pouting, Jaehyun immediately smirks at Jungkook before laughing at his reaction.
Jungkook looked at how relaxed he was, almost like he truly didn’t care about the effect he was leaving on the other boy. “You’re only talking because you can, otherwise you’d shut the fuck up.”
“Or what?” Cocking an eyebrow, he turned to the other boy. “You’ll tell her? I don’t care. She’ll go back to telling you you’re insane and concerned that you’re so worried about me. Come on, worry about yourself for once, consider who your real best friend is because it surely is not her. She hasn’t known you long enough to dictate that.”
“But she’s known you long enough to put her trust on you?”
Jaehyun nodded with a sweet smile, finishing the last drops inside the cup before pushing it aside. “You truly fucking irk me. Everything has to be about you, doesn’t it?” Jungkook asked, pushing a bit at the boy’s shoulder.
“You make it all about me. Do you really care for her wellbeing? Do you care about me? Or do you care that I’m taking the one person you actually feel close to and is slowly losing every single drop of trust in you because you don’t know how to do your craft well? She doesn’t care about you, if she did she would’ve listened so much earlier about your warnings yet she’s still with me. Maybe you should drop it because that’s exactly what she'll do to you if you keep pushing it. If one thing she’s clear about— it’s me being her priority.”
Jungkook felt the rush of alcohol pump through his veins, the heated fury in his body lurching towards the brunette that sat next to him, fists taking a hold of his once ironed shirt and throwing the both of them to the dirty floor.
With such actions, Minghao and Dongmin sat in shock, not counting for this to happen when the two were having a good time not so long ago.
“You fucking, bastard.” There went a punch. “You always think you’re so fucking right, that you’re always going to have leverage.” There went another punch. “But you’re a fucking idiot! You follow her around like a lost puppy, don’t you think you bore her sometimes? Maybe that’s why she’s disappeared from you this entire night!” Jungkook tried going for a third punch but this time the rage raised within Jaehyun, pushing the other guy to his own back and returning the first two punches.
“She was so happy these two months without you. She could fucking breathe without you hogging and bothering her, you’re a fucking pest, Yuno!” Jaehyun’s own fist came down on his face again, just like those of the angry men did to his a while ago.
Jungkook, took everything in his power to roll over and bring Jaehyun to where he first was. “Don’t fucking call me Yuno.” He said it with such calmness, one that despite being in power at the moment— scared Jungkook shit-less.
It hadn’t been long since you left them both and just to come back to see people surrounding the area had piqued your interest, it wasn’t until you noticed the two being the clowns of the show; that panic rose in you, placing down the soda you had gone to get on the table where their drinks rested.
“Are you fucking serious? You idiots aren’t going to stop this?!” You exasperatedly yelled at Dongmin and Minghao, still sat in shock that it had finally happened. “Move!” You screamed at them again in anger, watching them scram out of the booth to go and break apart the fight happening in front of you all.
You couldn’t say much and you didn’t. You didn’t know where to start to be honest. You just watched as Jaehyun and Jungkook tried to punch each other again despite Minghao and Dongmin struggling to keep them apart. It wasn’t until Jungkook yelled at Jaehyun calling him a creep once more, that you finally snapped.
“I’ve fucking had enough of this, Jungkook! It’s the same bullshit and you still don’t show any concrete evidence. What is wrong with you?! Why can’t you be happy for me?!” You glared at him, chest rising in anger as you walked towards Jaehyun, pouting at his busted lip and cheek beginning to swell.
Jungkook gasps, looking around in disbelief of what you’re saying. “Are you— I do have proof. Plenty of it!” He exclaimed, reaching for something in his pocket to which Jaehyun believed it was his phone. To be honest if he was to show the picture on his phone, Jaehyun wouldn’t bother, he had met with you those days, Jungkook was just not that good at handling his timeline and proof well.
“Here.” He began, pulling one of those small digital cameras out of his pocket. For once, actual fright washed through Jaehyun’s body. He felt his blood thicken and body become cold, a chill he couldn’t abandon.
You took the device within your hands, huffing in annoyance as you pressed buttons he guided you through. You couldn’t say you weren’t scared that he would be right and that your sweet boy was nothing but a creep who followed you around everywhere you went.
Your eyes flickered in between the images in the camera and Jaehyun who stood stoically, held by Dongmin who tried his best to hold him back from even thinking about attacking Jungkook again.
A smirk of triumph rested on Jungkook’s lips. He felt victorious seeing the horror run across your face and the look of disgust you threw at Jaehyun. With the way Jungkook was reacting, Yuno was feeling defeated, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach.
“What the fuck?...” You softly said, Yuno beginning to feel himself heave at the image in front of him. “I told you, didn’t I?” Jungkook questioned, a smile on his face that soon faded when you expeditiously shook your head with a look of disgust on your own.
“No, what the fuck is wrong with you?! He wasn’t following me. All of these are from meetups we both had. Some of these places I haven’t even been to, it’s just him. Jungkook, are you insane?!” You exclaimed, throwing the camera at him in displeasure.
Yet you saw it clearly, the yellow dates in the bottom left corner as you clicked through. Multiple pictures of Jaehyun, he wasn’t even aware that he was being followed, his back to almost every picture and only a few of him smiling as he was ever so clueless to what was happening.
But it wasn’t your sweet boy being the creep. It was your close and trusted friend.
Someone you trusted so much yet here he was going to lengths of stalking to taint the perception you have of your boyfriend just for something none of you could figure out.
You walked towards Jaehyun, taking his face into your hands, just looking at the damage Jungkook had caused. “Are you fucking kidding? Stop lying, I saw everything, y/n. Come on, stop this…” He pleaded despite you moving further away from him.
“You’re everything you claim he is. You’re the one being weird and following people around. Fucking grow a pair and just leave him alone.” Taking Jaehyun’s hand in yours, you tugged at it, letting him know it was best you left but before you did; Jungkook groaned loudly, overwhelmed at your reaction and words.
He was shaking and felt all the emotions Jaehyun was supposed to feel. “Are you fucking stupid? You’re genuinely going to choose him despite everything I’ve shown you? Don’t you think it’s so coincidental that you two saw each other at the same place the day he added you? Open your fucking eyes, y/n! Stop being a stupid bitch for once!” It was all rooted in frustration and once he realized what he had said, Jungkook’s eyes grew in fear of himself.
“Y/n, I—” “Shut the fuck up. Maybe it’s time you open yours.”
His breath hitched in the back of his throat, a lump he couldn’t swallow. And the darkness he saw when you kissed Jaehyun’s neck was back in your eyes as you glared at him.
All he could do was sit down in the booth and take his cup, filling it up again. Dread and disgust was settling in his chest. He had nothing but anger in his soul now and all because you were too enthralled in the sorcery of Jaehyun's actions and looks.
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Jaehyun never knew which pictures those were but he was glad Jungkook was stupid enough to follow him to planned gatherings and further ruining his own credibility.
The car ride back home was nothing more than exactly the same way it was when you went to the party: Silent. He couldn’t say anything in fear that you’d lash out on him too and he couldn’t have that right now. Despite knowing Jungkook messed up once again, the air was still suffocating and tense, not working in his favor.
You drove back home, his fingers playing with your free hand given that’s as much as he could do. The fluorescent colors of the traffic lights shining on you both whilst you passed by. He still felt that dread from earlier, the one he felt when Jungkook pulled him to drink with their friends. He tried to figure out why he was feeling this way.
But there wasn’t enough time to think about that. You squeezed his hand to let him know it was time to go inside and as you pushed through the gate-door and walked up the stairs to your apartment; Jaehyun tried relaxing himself as much as he could.
It felt too strange. You were still giving him physical touch but you were more quiet and distant when it came to vocal responses. It’s almost like you were trying to hide your voice from him and skepticism was laced all over you.
“Y/m/n… I wasn’t stalking you—” He tried breaking in. Leaning by the empty incense tray, “Can you get me the pack of rose incense in my desk drawer, please.” You interrupted paying him no mind as he simply hummed in agreement, head lowered like a wounded puppy.
He felt weak to be honest, he felt like the power he had had been stripped away from him the moment Jungkook spoke all he did.
Opening the door to your room, he flipped the switch on for lighting. That dread he felt earlier— it was this. He finally found the spot in which would cause his downfall and through exasperated steps and confusion on where to start in tearing down the copious amounts of incrimination, Jaehyun felt his blood flush full the moment your figure stood next to him in sheer horror.
It was all his doing, he could tell and recognize from the images Jungkook showed him through his phone. Yet it was no time to focus on anger but his biggest fear as your response.
“y/n… please— I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just—“
Your voice trembled, breath shaky as you scan the room with wide shocked eyes at the plastered images of him all around. “Yuno, what the fuck?!” Distress and disgust painted your face, it was his own feelings mirroring onto you. He could feel the stress of it all build up inside of him, tears trying to force themselves out.
Extending his arms to reach you and embrace you but you backed away as he threw himself down on his knees pleading for forgiveness. “I’m sorry, I just love you so much. I’m s—“ He tried to apologize as you looked at all the pictures of him trailing behind you. Some instances where only you and your parents would meet without him.
He was right. Jungkook was right all along.
“You’re what? you’re sorry?” His head fell to the floor forcing tears out so you’d at least feel sympathy. He was losing you, he could hear it in your voice. The same tone you gave Jungkook a few minutes ago. Yet he was not going to let you get rid of him as easily as you did Jungkook. If he was to do anything to keep you with him— He will.
“Yeah! I am! I’m sorry…” it came out in whimpers, his sobs reaching your ears. Your hand reached down to pat his shaking head as he held onto your legs asking for forgiveness.
“You’re sorry, you’re—“ a smirk forming on your lips. “Yeah, yeah… I don’t care, come on, get up.” He didn’t raise his head but his eyes opened wide in shock and his cries stopped, a mute gasp replacing it.
“You’re a good liar, I’ll give you that but it takes one to know one.” Your fingers tugged at his hair, making him look up at you. His eyes were still wide in disbelief yet still adoring the smirk plastered on your lips.
He didn’t speak, he couldn’t form words to be exact. Your lips formed into a slanted pout, waiting for him to speak up. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not fair that you and Kookie get all the fun.” Jaehyun’s body began to slightly shake.
You weren’t his sweet girl from all these months. His sweet naive girl that listened and believed everything he said. It’s not that he didn’t like this side of you but it would take him a bit to process how ahead of him you truly were.
“But you told Jungkook that—”
“That you weren’t doing all this? Yeah well, I don’t like how worked up you get because of him.” You shrugged, crouching down to be eye level with him. “By the way you should ignore everything he said. I wanted to die without you around. So much emptiness was making me go insane, I almost turned into you.” You giggled, leaning forward to peck his agape lips.
Surely it worked, then.
“Come on, why are you acting so shocked? I learnt from you. Don’t play victim just because you can’t process that I’m not that girl you thought you were manipulating all along.” Your voice was different than usual. It was a bit deeper, the tone he heard only when you truly were angry.
Yeah he was speechless, even when you leaned further to kiss upon his cheeks and neck. “Y/n, please…” At his words you pulled away, your hands cradling his face. “Don’t call me that! I don’t like when you call me that, I like it when you call me y/m/n.” You whined, obvious stress on your facial expressions.
You truly did learn so much from him…
“Baby…” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him back with you on the floor, his body hovering over yours. “Y/m/n why didn’t you just tell me. We could’ve avoided so much.” He spoke in between kisses that you gave just to shut him up.
Grunting, you looked at him. “You were committed to your role of an insane stalker boyfriend, I wanted to help you. Plus you deserved these.” Your knuckle coming in contact with his bruised cheekbone, making him wince at the contact.
His hand took a hold of your hip, the other one next to your head. “What about Jungkook? He’s your best friend, y/m/n…” You couldn’t handle this, it’s like your personalities had swapped and now he was the one in danger.
“Are you fucking serious right now? Have I not made it clear that I’d do anything for you? When are you going to get it through your head that if I was to choose between you and anything or anybody— You’ll always be the answer.”
That’s what he needed to hear to snap out of it. You have said it so many times in the past but this time as he knew you were 100% being serious, Jaehyun relaxed onto your touch, leaning in to take your lips in his once again.
As he hovered over you, he positioned himself to be in between your legs. Knees pushing up your dress. He could understand why you were becoming so aroused. He could just imagine the look he had given you when he first learned you knew about his dirty little secret.
“My princess is so smart, this is why I love you so much.” He chuckled, a smirk on his face, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip. “And what did you think you’d gain from this, baby?” He questioned, his right hand beginning to play with the warm flesh of your thigh.
Sighing in satisfaction, “For finding you out: maybe some head and for making Jungkook feel insane and leave you alone: A good hard fuck. Yeah, I want to feel you so deep in me, I think I deserve your cum in me for once, Yuno... I want to feel you angrily in me.” Jaehyun felt the blood in his cock flow quickly, the strain from his pants making him ache horribly.
Your hands cradled his face again, biting your lower lip as you watched the swarm of emotions in his face. “If this had gone further, you’d be the death of me…” You giggle at his words, pulling him towards you as you capture his lips in yours. His hand massaged the inside of your thigh, hand creeping up to tug at the elastic of your underwear.
Jaehyun could feel your arousal coat your panties, they were sopping despite him not doing much but getting his ass beat. Were you that sadistic that his pain brought arousal to you? “Did you enjoy it? Him punching me because of you?” His lips met your neck, tongue running across your skin and savoring your taste.
As he pulled your panties off, your hand reached to pat his strained cock. Rubbing at it softly to see how needy he was. “No, but I did like seeing your face afterwards. You look so pretty all roughed out, Yuno.” Nipping where his lip had been busted earlier, he squirms at the feeling; blood rushing out of it again.
To clean it off, he ran his tongue across his lower lip, only to have you lean up to take him in yet another kiss. His bloodied tongue coming in contact with yours as you kissed him, firmer than the last kiss you two shared.
“It reminded me of when I came back from my trip... You looked so so so pretty laying there. Your lip bloody like this, you had more scratches and bruises back then but you still look beautiful right now, angel. Perfect, actually.” He listened to every single one of your words so intently.
His fingers brushed against your sopping core, featherly touches as he softly rubbed your clit in slow circles. You bit your quivering lower lip, feeling every sensation.
“You think I look pretty?”
“Every single moment.”
Pulling your panties all the way off, Jaehyun leaned in to kiss you feverishly. His lips desperate and swollen around yours whilst his fingers intruded within you, pumping two of them in, slowly at first but at the sound of your whines, the pace increased.
Your lips never separated unless you’d both needed to breathe but as soon as that was taken care of, you’d both go back to the heated and passionate make out as he fingered you, his thumb rubbing at your clit. Taking advantage to scissor his fingers inside you and curl them when he wanted to feel your pretty moans against his lips; his tongue savoring you whenever you opened your mouth to let them out.
“You always sound so fucking pretty.” He praised, his lips kissing down your sternum now as his fingers kept pumping in you, slow to fast, slow to fast was his pace but with moderation, he knew your body like the back of his hand by now.
It was evident how starved from each other you both have been. With your feverish kisses, rough but well thought out movements, and the way your bodies rubbed against each other for the feel of continuous arousal— it was noticeable you weren’t going to last long if he kept fingering you the way he did.
With his other hand, Jaehyun softly pushed down on your lower stomach, the pressure making you feel even more near to your first orgasm after a few weeks. “Are you close, pretty girl?” He questioned, the squelching sound of his fingers pumping in you trying it’s best to overpower his voice.
With a hard nod, you bite your knuckle, muffling your whimpering groans and curses. He only chuckled, watching you whither at the sensation, your juices flowing down his hand to his wrists, pooling on the carpet.
Pushing his fingers deeper, Jaehyun curled them. Your free hand clung to his bicep, nails softly digging through the fabric. Once he felt your legs begin to tremble, his motion stilled; a loud groan of dissatisfaction erupting from your throat.
“The fuck?” You breathly questioned, eyes fixated on his cocky ones. “Didn’t you want head?” Licking his fingers and wiping off the remaining fluids on his shirt, Jaehyun pulled back, making himself comfortable on his back next to you. “Come on then, ride my face.” He flashed you his toothy smile, pearly canines glimmering in pure bliss.
Giggling at his approach; you turn to your side, planting your lips softly on his before raising to your knees. Swinging one leg over his chest, you moved further up to where your cunt was above his face.
Yuno couldn’t help but let a wide smirk of satisfaction grow on his face, your arousal glistening above him, threatening to dribble down your thighs. Once set, he took a harsh grasp on your thighs, bringing you closer to his face.
His tongue slithered out of his mouth, running soft licks in between your folds, the substance of your arousal stringing to the soft muscle as he kept going. His lips surrounding your clit to softly suction the bundle of nerves.
Your mewls echoed within the room, vibration strong enough to make him shudder, his cock hardening with just your taste and sound. He kept his soft licks going only for his tongue to shortly tease your clenching hole.
Yuno moaned against you, your legs shuddering around his head. You felt the vibration of his chuckle, a string of moans erupting from your lips in pure bliss of what he was doing to you. “Yuno, baby…” You whined, fingers grasping his hair pulling quite harshly.
“You left me alone for so long, I can’t last any longer.” He felt nothing but satisfaction, humming against your clit as his lips wrapped around it softly. His grip on your thighs easing when he felt you softly rock your hips against his face.
“Fuck yourself agaisnt my face if you’re that desperate.” Between kisses to your inner thigh, he let out, making you moan at the tone in his voice. Your hips picked up the pace, his lips getting coated with your upcoming orgasm and his fingers clung to your thighs, raking his finger nails from time to time.
Leaning back a bit, your hands began to roam his own body. You could feel how hard he was from the moment your hand graced his aching cock, a choked out moan against your folds when you touched him.
You couldn’t leave him aching for that long though. Picking up the pace of your hips, Jaehyun taking your clit in between his plump lips, you felt yourself so near. His tongue lapping through your folds, the feather-like touch making you shudder everytime the muscle came in contact with the sensitivity of your clit.
“Please, Yuno, please!” You whined, holding to his hair for dear life. His tongue flicked rather rapidly against your clit, the pressure he added made you dizzy at how he was making you feel.
The knot in your stomach was unravelling by the movement of his tongue against you and he could feel it. He felt the stickiness of your oragasm slowly ooze onto his tongue, the tanginess made him moan. He loved your taste, it was so addicting and sweet as well.
It finally became loose with the feeling of a hard sting against your flesh. He had caught you off guard the moment his hand came in contact with your thighs, red from his fingernails and now red from the impact of his large heavy hands.
Your body shuddered in pleasure, your orgasm being collected onto his mouth and chin, a loud moans erupting from you. You could’ve sworn there were tears prickling from your eyes from how much you missed being touched by him.
Jaehyun caressed the spots he had abused, softly rubbing at the skin whilst you tried to calm yourself down from the overdue orgasm. By the time you actually got off of him, your knees ached terribly, red and dented from the carpet.
Putting his entire weight on his hands, arms propped up behind him. He looked beautiful, his swollen busted lip with the glistening of your orgasm that he still hasn’t wiped away. Smiling up at you as he caught you staring.
His smile widened, swiping his tongue across his lower lip.
“Fuck my face.”
A little stunned at your forwardness, Yuno sat up again, running his hands over his thighs trying his hardest to avoid his bulge.
Pushing his body upwards and getting up on his feet, moving closer to you. His hands took yours into his, swinging them softly. Dropping to your knees in front of him, you yanked your hands off of his, bringing them to the hem of your dress and pulling it off of you.
Jaehyun smirked at your actions, teeth tightly biting onto his lower one, even if he graced the stinging scrape. Your fingers worked on the buckle of his belt and the button of his trousers, pulling everything down.
The cool air from the room hitting his warm skin, goosebumps threatening to pop up. He only hissed when he felt your cold touch on his cock, holding it limply before letting a glob of spit dribble onto his swollen tip.
Your hand lathered it all around his shaft, pumping your fist against him. Jaehyun threw his head back, groaning softly at the friction.
After a few more pumps, he pushed your hand away, taking his shaft into his own and your hair into a ponytail with his other one. Holding your head firmly before him.
“Open wide.” He commanded, your lips agape, he leaned down a glob of his own spit dribbling from his tongue onto yours. Holding it there, Jaehyun pushed his hips forward, his hardened cock entering your mouth, the slickness of his spit on your tongue allowing him to go smoothly.
Jaehyun groaned at the feeling of your mouth wrapped around him. He truly missed how the wet warm cavern felt around his most sensitive area, how your tongue tried its best to swirl around him even if your mouth was at his full control.
“Tap my thighs if you need to breathe.” Humming around him as a response, Yuno moaned, his hips jutting forward, the first sound of you gagging making his blood rush through his body.
Stilling momentarily, he continued. Hips thrusting into your mouth with only the sound of your gagging and squelching of saliva gathering around. Jaehyun loved this, he had only done it a few times but every time you allowed him to take full control and fuck your face— he always felt his oragasm come faster than usual.
His thrusts were fast and hard, the tip sometimes coming in contact with the back of your throat, leaving an itching feeling to linger until the next time he’d hit the same spot. His grip on your hair got tighter and more harsh whenever he pulled your head back before stuffing your mouth with him again.
Despite you not tapping his thighs, he still wanted to give you periods of relaxation just to not overwhelm you. Admiring the way strings of precum and saliva clung to your agape lips and his cock as you tried to gather all the air in the world before he went back to abusing your mouth.
Jaehyun loved the sight before him, he loved how puffed your cheeks were, how swollen your lips had become, the tears running down your face— black from eyeliner and mascara, and the way the mixture of his precum and your spit gathered at the sides of your mouth whenever he would pull in and out of you.
“You okay?” He questioned, nodding at him whilst you gathered the fluids connecting you both to rub against him. Seeing you get closer to him, Yuno went back in, stuffing you fully, his hands now gripping the sides of your head, using them to pull you in closer.
Most of the time it was easy to tell when he was close by the way his legs shook and how wide his mouth got while his eyes screwed shut. You really wished to see how he looked right now but by the feel of his legs, it was only mere moments until he spilled, him being as starved as you.
His thrusts weren’t as fast now, they were long and languid. Every time he thrusted deep into your mouth, he would hold you still. Playing with how much you could handle without breath before he pulled back out, your gagging and soft choking noises letting him when it was enough.
You enjoyed it, truly. You liked to know he was trying this out and enjoying it with you. You could feel him slowly spilling down your throat every time he held you on his cock, only to try and restrain himself when he pulled back.
It wasn’t until he felt quite a load come out of him that he fully pulled out of you, your gasp for breath along a soft cough making him lean down a bit before taking your arm onto his hand and helping you up to your feet.
“I need to be in you already, get on the bed.”
At his words, you felt the heat in between your legs arise, rubbing your hand between them as you laid on your stomach, lifting your hips a bit until he was ready to hop on the bed.
The cool air of the room gracing your wet aching cunt, waiting for his touch and to feel full from him. Jaehyun was catching his breath, rubbing at his thighs and ignoring you momentarily to relax just so he wouldn’t cum by the moment he penetrated you.
Seeming to work, he turned to where you laid on bed, ass up for him, and your head resting on your crossed forearms. He could only look at you with adoration, glad that despite all he’s done, you weren’t going to leave him.
Feeling his weight make the bed dip down, you lifted your hips up furthermore for him. “You’re leaking, pretty girl.” He cooed, his finger running softly up and down between your folds, lifting his hips to align his cock with your hole.
“I need you so bad, I want you fully in me.” You moaned, biting softly on your arm, feeling the pressure of him pushing in. “Are you sure you want me to cum in you? You’re not on birth control.” Stilling once he fully entered you, a moan leaving your lips.
“Nothing Plan B can’t fix.” You let out almost as a moan, the sting from him stretching you out even more with his swollen dick finally catching up to you. “Anything for my princess.”
Leaning over your body, pushing your head further down as his arm wraps around your throat and shoulders, Jaehyun began his slow thrusts, testing the waters to see what would work for both of you.
The warmth of your walls enveloping him as he began to move faster, his whole weight on top of you, making you feel both pleasure and out of breath given he was taller and heavier than you. Nothing you couldn’t handle, every thrust he gave made you feel heavenly with how he kept going deeper, searching for the spot he knew you loved so much.
“Fuck you feel so good, I missed your cunt.” He groaned against your ear, hot breath fanning the side of your face, his free hand kneading the skin of your ass. “You shouldn’t have neglected me for so long, I’ve been waiting so long for you, my fingers don’t do the trick anymore.”
He chuckled at your words, snapping his hips harshly, making you whimper and moan at the same time, feeling the ecstasy of him finally reaching what you liked. “It wasn’t on purpose, I would never willingly be far from you. Unlike you… spending an entire month with Kookie— You really know how to work my nerves.”
Reminding himself of your close friends or perhaps ex-friend considering how he’ll react knowing of your little scheme; Jaehyun felt his blood boil, hating him even more than now.
His thrusts were harsher, his grip on your shoulder tighter, creating red marks from how hard he was going now. “Aw, come on… It was his pre-birth month, I had to be a good friend. Plus it should serve you as a reminder to never leave me alone again.” Playfully biting the arm that was near your face, he groaned at the feeling of your teeth softly clinging to his flesh.
“Him before me?” He joked knowing it’d make your entire attitude change. “Don’t fuck with me.” Your voice was stern, pushing your hips further down his cock, wanting to feel him even more.
“I thought we were playing.” His lips nibbled on your ear, kissing it softly before he peppered your neck with wet open-mouthed kisses. “I love you so much.” You deadpan, eyes fluttering at the feeling of his lips on you and his cock pushing you further into an orgasm.
Jaehyun couldn’t deny that your words made him feel more aroused, it has to be a psychological effect that every time you tell him you love him, he’s near an orgasm.
“I love you more than anything, y/m/n.” He added, his hips snapping rapidly against you, feeling the bruising of his pelvic bone against your ass but it was all worth it for him and the pleasure he granted you.
His arm left your shoulder, holding onto your hip as his other hand moved in between your legs, coming in contact with your clit.
His movements were rushed, almost as if he wanted to make you cum already given how sensitive he was and ready to spill. “Yuno…” You moaned, the shock and pleasure of your bubbling orgasm pushing down.
“Close?” With a hum of confirmation, he kept thrusting in you, faster and harder, your moans coming out in screams with the addition of his fingers on your clit. Your legs were shaking and you felt him begin to spurt in you.
The feeling of his cum spilling in you was throwing you into another level of arousal, if you wanted to feel his load fully in you, you had to cum now. Relaxing your body and letting him take full control, with only a few more moves of his fingers and the tip of his cock rubbing your g-spot— your toes curled, a moan leaving your swollen lips.
“Fuck!” Your legs spazzed the harder he thrusted into the sensitivity of your core. He didn’t stop his thrusts even when they became sloppy and the overstimulation of your swollen g-spot was making you feel like crying from the painful pleasure of your orgasm.
The moment he felt your walls clench around his swollen cock, Jaehyun groaned loudly against your ear, trying his best to kiss your face through them. He tried to halt his movement but his hips had a mind of their own. He had to push himself off in order to stop his relentless torture upon you.
When you felt his warm weight off of you and instead the breeze course through your back, you turned your head towards him, seeing his chest red and heaving, trying to calm himself down after the orgasm he just had, his eyes fixated on your core.
“Like it?” You teased, shaking your bum slowly trying not to spill his fluid onto your comforter. “A lot… Let me get a pic, you okay with that?” He questioned, his hands rubbing softly at the flesh of your ass.
“Anything for you.” Throwing him a cheeky smile, Jaehyun grinned. Getting off the bed as carefully as he could, getting the camera from your desk drawer and turning it on for when he had reached you.
The stains of your and his cum on your thighs, his orgasm threatening to ooze out if you moved, the creamy white substance pooled to the brim in you. “Fuck this looks so hot. Do you want to see?” He questioned, angling the camera to where your ass was also seen and not just his cum. “Yeah.”
The flash went off at least twice; he had stuffed your hole with his fingers when he helped you get on your back, pushing his fluids in you so they wouldn’t spill in the moment.
Once situated on your back, he took them out, smirking to himself at how his fingers looked. Raising your hips slightly until he brought out a towel, a corner damp to which he’d use to clean you up. Placed under your bottom half, his entire cum oozed out onto the cloth; him watching in admiration at how full he had gotten you.
After what felt like it had all gotten out, he cleaned up your thighs with the damp corner, using it on your core as softly as he could, trying his best to avoid hurting you. When it all felt like you were good enough to lay down, he went back to the restroom, laying the towel on the bathtub before turning the faucets on to at least wash away the cum before throwing it into the washing machine.
You felt the ache in your core more than other times, he did go a bit harder but it’s not like you didn’t enjoy it. By the time he had come back you were looking at the pictures he had taken of you.
“My ass looks so good.” You spoke, feeling his presence enter the room. “It always looks good, it’s only the first time you’ve looked at it in this position.” He laid beside you, pulling your body to his. Your leg raising to cross over his own and laying your head on his chest.
His own arm wrapped around your body, caressing the softness of your back. “Remind me to get you the pill before I leave for work.” Looking at the pictures along you, admiring the way the flash captured the glistening.
“You don’t want a lil’ Yuno running around?” You joked, clicking the noisy buttons to look at the other images on the camera, most of them were pictures of him whenever the both of you went on dates. “We can’t handle one yet.” He chuckled, kissing the top of your head.
You both stayed silent for a while until a picture of you two with Jungkook came up, “Are you going to tell him what you did or will you let me keep playing the bad guy?” He sighed, pulling you closer to him.
Twisting slightly to turn and look at him, the natural look on your face turned to one of a smirk. “He should know by now.” All the calmness and iniquitous tone and look in your voice and face.
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Jungkook had taken your attitude to heart, it had ruined his birthday and the entirety of the night. He had spent it drinking and smoking on his own, trying so hard to stay away from people, even his friends that tried his best to help him snap out of it but nothing worked.
When he felt that he couldn’t forget the pain of friendship with any copious amounts of alcohol that didn’t grant him a wish to get drunk; Jungkook grunted, opting to go up the stairs and into his room, far away from his own party and the demise of his friendship.
His feet felt heavy and even when people tried to stop him to congratulate him, all he could muster was a silent thank you as he made his way to his bedroom door, one he had the key to in hand, pushing it forcefully through the keyhole and turning it until the knob willingly budged.
It was pitch balck when he went in, closing the door behind him and locking it, even the curtains were down and the only light came from the main light bulbs the second he flipped the switch on.
Everything was fine until he turned, his back hitting the door as a stunned look of confusion settled on his face, mirroring the one of fright Jaehyun had upon entering your room.
“I’m going to kill him!” Jungkook exclaimed to himself, running to all his walls and tearing down the copious amount of photograph copies plastered all over his walls. The residue of tacky tape left on the paper and walls, rubbing off on his fingers.
Jungkook felt a deep hatred, the anger that made you cry and with how you had treated him earlier due to your boyfriend he couldn’t help his boiling angry tears from spilling down his cheeks, hitting his scrapes from the earlier flight.
This was all Jaehyun’s doing and he knew it, at least he told himself that. There were so many pictures of Jungkook following Jaehyun and it was making him boil at how he became what he hated Yuno for.
His initial actions were meant to protect you from the weirdo Jaehyun was. You were his best friend and the only one he felt that understood him well— you two met on the college forum. After all, you’d both transferred the same semester from different schools and it was only destiny that he ended up being your lab partner.
It was the fact that he saw you as a sister that made him wary of Jaehyun and when you stopped being as close to him due to your boyfriend, he felt the jealousy of friendship seeing how he tore you away from him.
Now here he was, sobbing as he tore down every single picture, looking for his phone all over the room in order to call and when he found it and you didn’t pick up, he opted for the chat room.
Turning on his monitor, he quickly typed his password, only to be greeted with open tabs from the printer and notepad with multiple small messages, even ms paint with drawings that seemed to be yours.
He knew he had turned off his computer fully before the party started and his chest only seemed to get compressed knowing you’re the only one with a key, your little drawings not making the throb of his brain any easier on him.
Closing every tab he could, it wasn’t until the last notepad tab that his breath hitched, getting stuck in the back of his throat. The bright light of the monitor reflected on his glossed out eyes and face.
‘Everything is safe in your drawer <3’
Rushing to push back and open the drawer of his desk, Jungkook found all his sd cards and usbs, the ones that stored all of the pictures of Jaehyun following you around. They were messily scattered around the drawer, some weren’t even inside their case, and underneath them laid a notepad.
Sniffling as he stopped his angry sobs, Jungkook took it into his own hands, toying with the wrinkled paper before pulling it off and seeing the words on the bottom paper.
‘I love you so much, Kookie... But don’t fuck with what’s mine.’
His orbs trembled as he read it over and over and over again. He felt as if he had been kicked in the chest and his entire breath source had been taken again. Dropping the notepad onto his desk.
Your handwriting in bright red ink, some of it had bled through making a pool rest dry on a corner. He didn’t want to admit it, even as he stared at the framed picture of the two of you on his desk— he didn’t want to accept it.
He couldn’t even speak, the cry he wanted to let out wouldn’t even budge. He felt the fire of anger and betrayal envelope his entire body as he tried to process what he was to do next but all he could think about was that—
Jaehyun was right.
He was right about everything. Even if he tried, even if everything pointed at Jaehyun being guilty, even if you had all the proof laid out in front of you, rubbed against your face, your eyes wide open to see how much of a creep your boyfriend was—
You will always choose Yuno.
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| muse | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: art student!jaehyun + art student!yn
a/n: thought this on a whim whilst reminiscing my art portfolio, so we’ll see how you’ll like this with yuno in it. not the best i’ve written but hope you enjoy reading 💞😉 ~j
with jaehyun, there were three things that happened uncontrollably. one was he caused your heart to skip; two, your chest to feel all giddy; and three, your stomach to capsize. why you may ask? it was his very presence in the art academy which had heads turning and lips to whisper words of awe. he was labelled and called a prodigy.
be it in any medium of art, he was blessed to have such a talent that his parents thought it’d be a waste if not enhanced or put attention to. even your professors favored him and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t jealous. despite his princely looks, he could sometimes be a total snob. he’d be in a good mood the first hour and then changed completely in the next. oh the duality, you couldn’t understand him at all.
though question marks continued to fill your head, let’s just say you had a tad advantage compared to girls who were overly thirsting for him; he was your classmate, a major in fine arts. sometimes you unconsciously found yourself sniffing his perfume each time he helped you with the shading of portrait drawings you worked upon. he was that close. as much as you loved seeing him almost every day, you hated at the fact you still didn’t know the ways to calm your loving facial expression towards him.
it was a funny sight —at least to your friends— that they could see how elongated your nose grew every time you deny your feelings for him. yet as time passed the possibility of your admiration might turn into romantic feelings instead. there wasn’t a need to prove to you since your friends have pointed it out already.
but you yourself wasn’t too sure about it.
“please,” hyejin popped with a huge round of an eyeroll at your oblivion. legs crossed as she chewed her bubblegum. “y/n, admit that you like him. it isn’t that hard to say out loud.”
other students, including your studio tutor held in their giggles in the midst of the silence within the room. true enough hyejin was the mood maker.
her words made you stop painting the colours that were meant to accentuate the highlights of the subject. “i’m not like you who’s very expressive in words.” you replied, taking few peeks at your surroundings in case anyone eavesdrop.
hyejin wasn’t supposed to be in the studio today. she was a literature student where writing poetry was her forte. but because your tutor appreciated her effort to promote the visual arts department in the school paper, her going to the studio with you became a normal thing.
“it doesn’t have to be in words. like, i don’t know? paint some canvas and pour out your feelings through colours? yellow’s joy or purple’s dazzling or red is love-” she stopped as you gave her an annoyed gaze. “i’m sure he’ll get it. he’s not called a prodigy for nothing.”
“painting is not done on a whim, hyejin.” you emphasised, not noticing the stress put upon your work. “it takes time and thinking and creativ-”
“yeah yeah,” she made her bubble burst, which by the way irritated you since it gave off the impression that she wasn’t listening to you at all. “abstract seems so random though. no thinking there.”
you pointed the brush at her, yet careful enough that it doesn’t touch her nose. if another word comes from her mouth, you wouldn’t hesitate staining it. “sis, shapes are used instead of virtual reality, so abstract still needs thinking. you just express it differently.” hearing this, hyejin paused for a while before deciding which reaction to give, and with that you were satisfied into silencing her for a while. “now you know how i feel when i don’t understand shakespeare’s ‘love looks not with eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged cupid painted blind’.”
she let out a scoff, “pfft, you’re the cupid in that quote. you can’t even see that you like mr. prodigy so much.”
jaehyun gently opened the door and handed a paper slip to the tutor, which apparently was a doctor’s certificate. due to his arrival, hyejin elbowed you so hard that its force caused you to jolt in your seat then knocking two of the glassed jars placed on the narrow deck of your easel.
the tutor looked at your direction, and lowered his specs at the noise. flustered than you ever were in your entire life, you took the dust pan. you tried your best to not match eyes with jaehyun who was now smiling from second hand embarrassment. at farthest decibel your ears could handle, you could hear hyejin sneering with huffed laughs.
“i’m gonna kill you.” you mouthed from a table away and gave her a warning look. you gestured the phrase, followed by a scowl to refer her teasing tongue.
“i’ll help, y/n.” jaehyun offered, but you assured him it was fine. “what’re you working on?” he asked as you both walked back to the tables, he took out his tools and unfinished work.
this time was the season of cramming hours into a tight schedule, there were many initial stages/assignments due and portfolios to be completed. you guessed it was natural for you both to update each other regarding progress. “just giving more highlights and tweaks, then i’ll start on the portraits.”
he only pressed a smile, a breathy chuckle as a response while he focused on his art. “do you still need my help on shading?”
“i think i got the hang of it. thanks.” you damped the brush with water.
“alright, if you need me, i’m just here.”
your eyes shot down to your pockets, quickly answering the phone to quiet down the “supposedly” soundless vibration. and you wished you didn’t fished out the device if you knew that the message was from hyejin.
[18:45] hyejin: damn it y/n, confess already! 🤪
[18:45] you: if you could shut up maybe i will?? i could hear your voice haunting me 🙃
[18:46] hyejin: if there’s no progress today, i’m so gonna take action & tell him myself 😌
[18:47] you: ugh anything but that pls 😣
the thing with being associated with the arts was that time immediately had gone passed when you’re so concentrated. everything else faded away and in that momentum, it was just the art and you. jaehyun felt this once he picked up his brush or pencil. voices in his head whispered and guided him what to do with the creativity still yet to be shown in the world.
among all the students he bonded with, there was one whom perked his interest..
as mentioned, his current surroundings blurred whilst he was sucked into another dimension of concentration. but you went there with him and appeared clear. seemed a scene out of an alternate reality in his perspective, or dramatic to some people. he was intrigued.
since knowing you, he expected to sought this mutual interest deeper. if he was the beautiful, detailed canvas everyone saw in an exhibition, you were the opposite; abstract, unpredictable and rough, someone who was overlooked because others couldn’t understand the depths and entirety of you.
finishing the last layer of the painting, you stretched to sooth the numbness. the professor reminded about the last few minutes before wrapping up the class and, he handed the room keys to you. for this tutorial, students have the choice to stay behind or leave. hyejin left with the others, leaving you alone with jaehyun. whether she did that on purpose, she’d do anything to let you be alone with him.
“oh? you’re done with yours?” jaehyun shifted sideways to take a better view of your work. he looked satisfied with the way his dimples hollowed. “hm. my advise is effective.”
“yeah, you’re a life saver.” you sighed as you looked at how completed the artwork was, then trailing your eyes to him again.
“i’m proud of you.” he winked, only to blush afterwards when his stomach growled. “i wish you didn’t hear that.”
coincidently, you tossed your wallet in the air. “good timing, i’m just about to head out to the cafeteria. want anything? my treat because you helped me.” you extolled with your mood in completely positivity. jaehyun became your inspiration and for now you weren’t able to bring yourself to tell him that.
hopefully soon though— when you have the courage.
the sleepiness in your eyes only needed ten percent more to push your lids down, the queue was unexpectedly long at this hour. it was only until minutes later had you known that another department organised a party nearby. the wait for the order would be troublesome; that’d be in the fact there were girls right behind, their gaze burning into your skin as if you were an enemy of theirs. and somehow you knew,
they might be jaehyun’s admirers.
they whispered to each other, words audible enough for your hearing and you pretended to be listening to music.
and how you wished you should’ve.
“do you know why jaehyun took fine arts?” one asked.
an intrigued response caught you walking on a tight rope. this can’t be good. “sounds like you know the reason.”
“it’s been spreading around recently..” there was a pause that had you wondering even if you knew you shouldn’t believe in any of rumours from them. “i heard the studio has this session to draw the human body and the figures. like y’know.. no clothes?”
sigh, there wasn’t even any classes for those this semester, you thought.
few giggles were heard before they spoke again. “you’re saying he’s perverted?”
“maybe? i wouldn’t be surprised if it were true.”
“isn’t that kinda hot? his eyes starting into-”
you nearly dropped jaehyun’s food and trip over an extension wire hearing that. breathing slowly and steadily, you convinced yourself that what you heard was false. he wasn’t the type of guy they assumed he was.
as much as you wanted to prove them wrong, it wasn’t your place to speak out when the friendship you have with him was not to the level of best friends. so you rushed back to the studio, not noticing your blown-away hair and burning face. what was amusing after hearing the tea, you didn’t know why you reacted in that manner. did you leave because you couldn’t stand eavesdropping any longer? or did you run due to the fact the fantasies they had were about to enter your mind?
the door was opened with a force that jaehyun looked up from his work, smiling at your quick purchase. “whoa careful there. you didn’t have to run.” he chuckled and went to your table. he took his favourite spicy cake and placed it on top heavily. the force he exerted with his hands was the total opposite to when he dealt with art. somewhere in you, you’d say it was a 0.1 percent a turn-off.
“hey, it’s food. handle with care, it’s a blessing.” you said, munching on your share of the dishes.
jaehyun clasped his palms together, bowed his head and closed his eyes. he faced you and you sat there with a confused look. “thank you y/n, you’re an angel for treating me.”
soon after, you received a message from your professor about taking out some of the tools needed for tomorrow. holding the sandwich wrap between your lips, you took a closer look at the right keys before unlocking the storage room, opening the door afterwards.
it was at least the size of two toilet cubicles, not even close to a room’s walk-in closet. the thin cabinets against both sides of the wall were two feet, and the remaining space in the middle could fit a person’s leg, stretched out. the new set of canvases were placed on the top shelf. for someone like you, it wasn’t possible to reach them on tiptoes. you grabbed a chair and stacked two tins of paint for your feet to stand upon.
if you still couldn’t reach them.. eh, bummer. disturbing jaehyun who was enjoying his meal would be rude. you weren’t that type of person to suddenly feel as if you were already close to someone. the icky and dusty feeling on your fingertips nearly had you gagging.
“jaehyun?” you called out, apparently you’ve given up in trying another attempt. “i need a hand.”
there was a long pause as to why he didn’t respond immediately. maybe you should’ve have disturbed him? but you soon rolled your eyes when a mannequin’s hand was thrown to you. his snickers was supposedly an adorable thing to hear, this kind of wasn’t, because you desperately needed help now. “jeong jaehyun!”
he hummed right after you mentioned his name the second time. “i’m just messing around. but does that mean you’ll treat me again? i helped you.” his voice sounding with excitement.
you nodded, your anger long forgotten but he could tell there was conflict in your head. “i’ll consider it, so help me before i smack you with this plastic hand.” your tone slightly straining since you didn’t feel him entering the room.
“yeah. coming.” he said, giggling at your impatience. as you tried to reach out for the canvases again, the light behind you slowly dimmed.
that was weird. “hey, it’s getting dark in here.” you said.
before he could say anything, the door slowly closed and that made you raise a brow. he noticed this too and looked into your eyes when the light within the room soon disappeared. “ah sorry, i must’ve kicked the door stopper.” even in the dark, you could tell he was flustered from his actions. “i’ll open it.”
however his groans and vigorous sounds from the door knob stated otherwise. “what?” you heard him raise his voice.
“what’s wrong?” you hopped off the tins and grabbed the knob, twisting it clockwise then anti-clockwise. “it’s jammed.”
you both panicked because the night wasn’t getting any younger. there were things to finish and deadlines were drawing closer. before, you thought of procrastinating even when necessary. but procrastinating like this wasn’t part of the plan.
how was it possible for the knob to be jammed? the door wasn’t closed in an impact that would cause its components to be broken. sure jaehyun was reckless and couldn’t control his strength but that really wasn’t the issue here.
the actual issue was that you were going be stuck with him for who knows until when. stuck in a sense there were just enough space for two people. jaehyun fumbled his pockets in search of his phone, an annoyed groan told you it was bad news. “call someone. my battery just died and my powerbank’s outside.”
quickly you fished out your phone, only to find that it had the same fate. “ugh i have 10% left.” you slumped your sides to the shelves like there was no hope. “i’ll try to text hyejin.”
“hm i hope she’s not too far from the campus.” jaehyun leaned against the shelves opposite from you, his expression definitely amused with your reaction. a scoff of disbelief escaped your dry lips, sliding the phone to the shelf as you put your hair on one side. “that doesn’t sound good. what did she say?”
for all the things hyejin could do to help you get out of there, she’d rather sit and tease every single nerve of your body. “she said ‘you both just made your own seven minutes in heaven! i’m laughing out loud right now.’”
and for the things you thought jaehyun would disagree with your friend, he didn’t. it surprised you when his held-in giggles came bursting out from his chest. “it’s exciting. don’t you think?” he chuckled. “this is something you see in movies.”
“okay. tell me, what’s exciting about being locked-”
“we can ask each other questions. or any topic you’d like to talk about. i wanna know more about you.” he suggested, shutting you up because if he didn’t, you’d be quite a complainer. jaehyun bent to a squat, later stretching his legs until the soles reached the sides of your hips. “i rarely get the chance to talk to you properly and i guess this is the day, so scoot over.” he gestured you to move aside a little.
“gee i wonder why?” your voice came out sarcastically. “i don’t ignore people unlike a certain someone.”
“just sit down, will you?” jaehyun seemed to take the fact to heart.
you complied and sat exact the same as he did. the tiled floor sent cool to your legs but it didn’t really matter. jaehyun began by asking how you got into art; what motivated you to choose this field. “it’s just a childhood dream of mine to keep expanding my creativity. i wanna teach kids the joy in paint, that we’re not limited to using tools. i started painting with my hands and fingers when i was five.”
“really? i’m the same, except i was three when i painted.” his dimples deepening.
though you did answer him, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him the whole story. you were just par in the arts, an average joe and always felt like your professors tied your wings together to express what you really wanted. every proposal you presented were rejected. if lucky, it still wasn’t good enough. not enough to reach jaehyun’s standards and world.
his shoes hit your hips again, the nudges were light and made you look to him. “your turn.” he said.
your eyes wander the dark room, the thin light from the sides of the door showing the outline of his face. “is it good? being called something you never wanted to be? did you know you’re gifted as a kid?”
“do you want my honest opinion?” he brought one leg to his chest, forearm resting on it as he start to ponder. hearing the soft shuffles from you in agreement, he gulped his dry throat to say the one thing he longed to say.
“i don’t like it.”
beyond speechless. you thought maybe he’d like the feeling of being center of attraction, or praised to have a skill that was out of this world. while you’d like to know what it felt like, it already told you enough that he wouldn’t want to be referred to as a prodigy. “not even a single bit?” alarmed, you squinted your eyes and he shook his head.
“i used to like it at first.. now i don’t,” jaehyun admitted but his face had changed the moment you asked him the one thing he never wanted to look back. “..because i was set apart from kids my age and they view me differently, nor have they ever treated me like every kid in the block.“
he continued how parents would tell him he was ‘inspiring’ or ‘i wish i had a kid like you; dedicated, and talented’. the claim have made him proud, yet this caused insecurity to most of his friends, and they distanced themselves from him. what was once the same ground they stood upon, it had quaked the earth and caused a wide gap. jaehyun hated the feeling of isolation by the will of others. though he had tried many times to reach out to them..
the gap continued to widen.
“there’s not much of a difference now.” he whispered yet audible enough for you to hear. ”i still have less friends. countable with fingers.. on one hand.”
probably the reason why he looked like a snob then.
“i see. so am i?.. part of your ‘friends’?” he heard you ask when reality hits you that you shouldn’t have said your thoughts out loud. closing your eyes for a bit, you heard the shift in his weight, he didn’t answer right away. it was as if he was still finding the words.
but he sat right beside you. “you’re already one when we both entered this classroom. i had a hunch you’ll be one i’ll treasure.”
if anyone was told the way he did just now, it would definitely make them smile. that was his honest opinion and you couldn’t help but smile at his words. he seemed to notice this too and let out a chuckle that was always music to your ears. “should we try to open the door again?” you changed the topic to avoid the awkward smile creeping your face. your hands gripped the knob and jaehyun tugged the hems of your jeans.
“y/n, if you do it further we’ll be damned if hyejin couldn’t open from the outside.” he stood that he was already behind you. “i’m not stopping you from trying though.”
“f-fine.” you leaned against the door, soothing your legs that experienced paresthesia. jaehyun pat your head like he always did whenever you unintentionally embarrass yourself, be it art or not whatsoever. “i just can’t seem to stay still.” oh gosh i don’t know what i’d do if i’m alone with him.
“yeah clearly.” he shrugged.
you had a scowled face and glad he didn’t see it. “the place’s so cramped-” you continued, walking to the chair you once stood on, only to lose balance when the shelves you held for support gave in to collapse from the weight it carried. with weight, the whole furniture wobbled to fall.
in a split second you felt yourself being lifted off the ground, a strong arm wrapping around your frame and saw yourself at the opposing side of the room. jaehyun closed into you as he managed to stop the some items from falling. the entire body of the cabinet covered and trapped you both in a tight place. the furniture tilted right behind him. one small move, the items could injure two and he didn’t want to risk that.
he could feel your breath touch his shirt and with the way you held his clothes, you definitely didn’t see this coming. “are you okay?” he thought there was a possibility of squishing you.
“uncomfortable, but i’ll manage.. somehow.” you honestly replied because there was no point in lying to him.. physically speaking, he’d know what you feel since he himself was also in discomfort. anyway, with your answer, this marked the third silence as there was another one creating yet another gap in the conversation.
okay y/n. you told yourself. you made everything awkward than before. first was you asked whether you were friends, which you already were. second was your stupid and careless behaviour that led to the position you’re both in now.
“what about you?” you asked after seeing the huge frame towering over both of your bodies, mostly onto his. so maybe that was another unnecessary question to ask.
jaehyun gulped and fixed his one of his palms that he gripped on the shelf behind you. you could see his adam’s apple move up and down, struggling to breathe. he pushed backwards to be able to see your face. tilting his head down, that movement alone made you look up. “uncomfortable, but i’ll somehow manage.” he smiled even though you knew he wasn’t.
“you know you’ll earn zero marks if you copy my answer.” you giggled, remembering the professor’s words at the beginning of the semester.
he flicked your forehead as he agreed with the obvious statement. “i heard him. anyway, it’s my turn to ask.”
“are we really playing the game now? can we at least try to figure how to get out of this position?” you began to whine and threw your head back where you hit your head, and you didn’t care how shameful you felt. you knew you wouldn’t stand any longer, your legs started to weaken because of stress— stress from everything jaehyun managed to make you feel, that included the little smiles and especially his hand around your waist.
jaehyun didn’t know why he put his palms behind your head before the incident happened but he knew he had to, with the way you flustered so much. he figured that you weren’t used to situations like these.
however a memory slipped into his mind that you were always your usual self with other guys around. he noticed how you held or hiccuped a breath whenever you both conversed. you and him weren’t particularly close to begin with, just enough to pass as friends and maybe it was his love for art that brought that gap closer to you.
right now? perhaps too close. literally.
“why not? it gets more fun.” he tried to hide the smile creeping his lips; at the sight of how irritated you were beneath him and he actually considered your plead to get you both to safety. but maybe he’d like to enjoy a little bit before doing so. “besides, there’s no way we can move properly with a lot of things blocking our surroundings.”
on both sides, the two of you were encased with large items and materials that were affected by the impact. “tsk.” you tilted your head to avoid looking at him. “at least try to push the huge cabinet?”
he did as he was told and from the grunts and exhausted voice, jaehyun gave up trying. “i don’t think i can. something’s probably caught in the gap between the wall and the furniture.” he tried to look over his shoulder to see if he was right.
“i thought prodigies don’t give up.” your voice sounded challenging to him.
“within the spectrum of our skill, we don’t. but outside our gift, we have the choice to.” jaehyun flicked your forehead again. “we get tired too.”
there was less force against your torso, he was trying to push the furniture again and you bubbled out a giggle. “wow you aren’t as cool as i thought you were.”
jaehyun wanted to hit you as you were being too playful at the wrong time. but as he brought his hand up, you closed your eyes shut to brace for the sharp impact. he sighed and his stomach growled in the most embarrassing way yet. “ugh, it’s because i haven’t eaten enough. i don’t have any strength left.” his stomach then growled louder.
maybe it was due to your bodies against each other’s and the heat starting to roam around the room. jaehyun clicked his tongue at the continuous mimicking of yours. “c’mon y/n i can’t be the only one doing the work here. help me push this heavy thing behind me.”
“uh no? do you think i could even help? don’t make me uncomfortable than i’m already am.” you moaned at the pain starting to grow along your spine. arching your back to avoid the discomfort from the shelves wasn’t really a good idea.
“ah you’re uncomfortable?” he implored with a smirk, his voice quite menacing as he leaned in to squeeze you between the cabinet behind you and himself.
for the whole time jaehyun knew that you didn’t mean whatever you said. he loved how you surprise him everyday and tonight he found you quite cheeky, and adorable too. by quite, it meant that you were like a child wanting to go home. a huff from him felt like the gust of wind. “‘i don’t have any strength left’.” you copied his words. seeing his lips pout, it was alright to give in. “will you treat me food if i help?” you returned the question because you treated him.
“you’re lucky you’re cute.” he suddenly said, with a soft chuckle, you knew he was smiling. it had gotten you speechless that it was hard to tell whether he said knowingly or not. “we can buy what the other wants after we get out of here, okay?” his attempt to get the wood off him yet again failed.
you clapped your hands quite hyperactively and squealed as if he asked you out on a date. “oh yay! okay. i wouldn’t want to be rained on for another hour anyway.” you teased, in which he exhaled heavily from his nostrils.
“i’m not that sweaty.” he grumbled, almost vibrating with the exertion of his energy.
“just perspiring.” you added.
he hit your head with his, for sure you’ll have a prominent bruise and that would make you a victim for hyejin for the next few days. or tonight, if she would get you both out. “that’s the same meaning.”
it took less than two minutes to take the weight off his back. jaehyun saw everything in slow motion— he was falling backwards and you, frontwards. “whoa!” for a moment you thought you hit yourself on a wall. that was for a brief second before the impact was replaced by a warm hug.
you checked if he was okay, he became your safe fall and again he saved you when you didn’t ask for it. “i didn’t expect.. i’m sorry.” you pressed your lips realising you were in between his legs.
he hissed at the pain and sat tiredly on the floor, using all of the fabrics of his clothes to wipe the sweat. “it’s okay.” he patted your back.
“right.. this is awkward. i better get off..” you chuckled and dusted your clothes awkwardly but what he said next really caught you off guard.
“do you want to do it?” he queried, taking you back as your head shot up and hit his chin with your forehead.
you blinked several times. “d-do what?” is this another question i won’t be able to answer?
there was a shaky grip on your waist, your heart hammered and you were afraid that he would hear it. “y’know what i’m talking about.” he put the hair strands away so he would be able to see your face under the lines of slim light.
“i don’t?” you choked on your own saliva. what was he talking about?
jaehyun’s breath made you freeze on the spot, along sudden silence. he giggled softly. “such a waste, you even have a perfect body.”
then the conversation from the two girls at the cafeteria entered your mind right when you thought deep. hold on, the rumours can’t be true..
he stood up shortly, cornering you by the door and the lights revealed his eyes, smiling shyly. “you have perfect proportions.” as of now, you were a little nervous. you couldn’t process what you were hearing from your crush’s lips and looked away where you could see hyejin’s figure closing the studio’s door.
finally hyejin’s here. i have to tell him. “uh jaehyu-”
“can you be my model?” he held your hands.
oh shoot it is true?
“i need someone to pose for my next art portrait and you’re the only one i can ask.”
‘well aren’t you quite the deep thinker~’ you could imagine hyejin’s voice telling you off at the back of your mind. you shook your head and shut your eyes for her imaginary presence to go away, making you miss seeing jaehyun’s expression turn to a small pout.
suddenly you felt like your soul left your body. what were you thinking y/n?! erase the thought! cleanse your mind from what you heard from the girls!
now you stopped being an embarrassment, you looked at him. however, before you could answer, the door swung open, causing you both to fall over and adjust to the lights above you. hyejin looked down at the two of you, her bubblegum popping with brows raised. “girl, i texted you back and said i’m opening the door. didn’t you see- oh, did i come at the wrong time?”
jaehyun quickly got on his toes, ears turning red while you covered your face in embarrassment. “this is a misunderstanding hyejin!” he stuttered and fixed his collar. you dug for your phone to check the message, but it died long before.
she blew another bubble and popped. “mhm, i can see that.” she winked at the both of you and turned to leave.
“hyejin!” you whined and clung on her legs.
“i’m leaving!” she singsonged and shook her ankles like you were a bug. “i’m giving you more alone time with your muse!”
“oh my g- you!” you chased her down. “quiet!”
she laughed cheekily and managed to exit the studio, sticking out her tongue and pointed behind you. ‘walk home with him!’ hyejin mouthed, and you couldn’t be more annoyed with her because that was indeed true. what was once a wishful thinking became reality. she knew you more than you did yourself.
as you sighed heavily, it got you hitching a breath that jaehyun might’ve heard and saw the whole thing. you turned around and he was packing his stuff, yours included. the artworks were left untouched since you both would be back here tomorrow. he gave your bag and you chose to not talk because you didn’t have the audacity to do. “so, uh. what were you saying earlier?” you hoped he would forget what he just saw.
“oh y-yeah. lemme just-” he took a deep breath and looked into your eyes. “..rephrase it- wait i’m your muse?”
of course he wouldn’t forget, it just happened. damn you, hyejin! you slouched on a nearby chair and wore your hood. “i was hoping you wouldn’t find out so soon.”
“i’m flattered. thanks.” his dimples hollowed. “i was asking if you could be my reference for my next art piece..” he trailed off recalling that you declined. “..though you shook your head quickly than i thought.”
“huh i did?” your voice affirming. “oh gosh i think i did.. i’m sorry i was hearing hyejin in my head when you said that.”
jaehyun’s eyes widened when all he heard was pure honesty from you. “so will you do it for me?”
“as long as i wear clothes while at it.” you consented with your arms crossed and began to feel heat spread your whole body at the thought of the rumour.
walking along the hallway, only the sounds of shoes grazing the carpet echoed the area. you didn’t know what else to say. he brought you to the nearest convenient store where the campus’ one was closed at the hour. the food you bought turned cold and you couldn’t afford to get sick because of it.
he pulled the chair for you to sit on. “you heard them as well.” he placed his bag down. he was aware of the rumours found around and was shocked to know you knew them too. “they’re not true.”
you propped your chin as he went back to the topic. “i know.” you agreed to his words. “they don’t describe you at all.”
jaehyun sat comfortably, a smirk appearing. “me being your muse fits the description-”
this guy.. “please don’t bring that up.” you pleaded with hands clasped.
“i’m teasing.” he chuckled. “i don’t mind if you refuse want to be my model.” he said. “but i assure i’m not like other artists who paints their naked model. i have a better plan for you.”
he was trying to convince you into his world and you were slowly getting into it. “that’s like saying you really want me to.” you took your wallet and he followed suit.
“what’s wrong with wanting to paint my new muse?” he slid his chair closer to the table; closer so he could see your reactions to his honesty.
when he said that, you never turned away so fast in your life. your chest never thumped so loudly and your eyes fluttered while he continued to press onto his question. 
an assuring smile showed on your lips and he mirrored it, already knowing your response. “nope, nothing wrong at all.” you shyly accepted his request.
jaehyun then stood to get the orders, his fingers warning you that the late dinner would be on him. your heart experienced blossoms and giddiness you hoped it’d stay forever. who knows? maybe being each other’s muse could turn into something more after tonight.  
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| right here & now | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: alternate universe + youtuber!yn
a/n: thank you for the request and i really loved writing this so much even if the idea of having yuno as my bf will never happen lol ;-; anyway, i hope you enjoy reading my lovelies! 💕~j.
the curtains swayed with the wind spells that entered your room, marking a new morning. this morning however, was a very special one that you planned this for months hoping it would pull off like you wanted it to. you stretched in your bed, kicking off the blankets that trapped the heat around your body. the clock said 6 a.m. and you had more than enough time to prepare for the flight scheduled at noon.
pressing the button to record, you began your vlog by doing a gwrm routine and choosing your ootd, in which you were always always indecisive for because sometimes you would find yourself facetiming him and he’d pick the right one for you. perks of having a fashionable boyfriend, yes?
“guys..” you let one a little whine as you pat lightly on your face with a concealer. “i’m really nervous because even though i texted yuno that i’ll be having a meeting for a collab with another channel, i can’t imagine how he’d feel if i didn’t reply him for the next hours. or maybe if i don’t reply him at all.”
of course being the busy people you both were, even a message from each other was a big deal because hello, a long distance relationship was a struggling kind and some instances, fall-outs were common. although you did understand the need of physical comfort from a loved one, it was a matter of trust and patience on a daily basis that you would eventually end up in his arms when that time came.
and that time was today.
how you met nct 127’s jaehyun was definitely unexpected. you were one of the few singer-songwriter youtubers invited to a performance at an event along with other renowned singers. the group came as a special guest, giving fans and fellow artists greetings and basically hyped up the entire hall with their music as if it was their concert alone. you weren’t that interested at first since the event was your very first invitation, so you were more conscious on yourself than having the time to appreciate others, but you were a fan of nct 127’s music.
jaehyun too was lowkey, a fan of your channel. he didn’t want to show how giddy he felt when you stood on that stage; a guitar in hand and just a microphone by your lips. he was aware of the hand-held cameras the staff pointed him with, and tried to keep a straight face. however, when you reached the peak of your unplugged version of your song, the feels hit him differently. you sounded soulful, gentle, that it grew the urge for him to want to do a collab with you.
so when the event finished and you were told to meet other artists at their respective tent / booths, he ran into you— he couldn’t hide his smile anymore. you shook hands with him, realizing that he didn’t took his eyes off of you. “you were amazing out there.” you shyly complimented him, his shimmering suit shone like his eyes did.
“i’d say the same with you y/n.” he smiled and liked the way how your name rolled on his tongue. “i hope we can do a collab some day.”
“that’d be nice.”
jaehyun itched to have contact with you since then; that was three years ago. the last time he saw you in person was when you went to seoul weeks after for an interview. his friends could see the pink dusting his cheeks when you posted a new song, cover or vlog. sometimes he’d forget there was practice because he was too immersed into you. it was up until a couple of months after the event had he built up the courage to direct message you in instragram, finally having to connect with you.
then the rest was history and soon reaching the third year of your relationship. both of your feelings were mutual and came to a decision that you both were a couple. for jaehyun the most, it was quite difficult to dodge the questions at talk shows/interviews relating to love life when all he had in his heart was you and you only. on the other hand, you had to ignore questions on insta live whether you were seeing anyone; because they noticed a different aura within you on every video you upload.
“if you’re wondering how i’m planning to ‘ignore’ yuno.. well, i chose to not use my phone for the next 14 hours. i have to pretend that i’m ‘busy’ and ‘occupied’ with work.” you now entered the lift to exit your apartment and headed to the taxi waiting for you. “hopefully it’ll convince him why i couldn’t use my phone.”
you continued to film your surrounding for aesthetics, choosing the suitable background music. so far in the day, you talked about how hard long distance was. not seeing jaehyun personally for three years was a challenge. sometimes when you knew that he’d visit the city for a tour, you’d be filled with work and filming and bummed out because you wouldn’t be able to see him.
johnny messaged you just before your breakfast that they just finished rehearsal and were now taking a break. you sighed a lot more today as you knew he’d be sending you a message any second.
or so you thought.
♡  yuno ♡  would like to facetime you.
you panicked because right now, you were at the airport. however, luckily enough, you were at a fastfood chain located a little far off from the departure hall, so he wouldn’t notice that you were at the airport and just pigging out at some random restaurant. you placed the phone just beside your laptop, pretending to ‘edit’ videos when you were actually chatting away with johnny for the plans when you reach seoul. the camera was at the other side of your belongings, seated at a blind spot where only you could be seen in his perspective.
“hi babe.” he greeted you with a flying kiss as his sweat rolled down his temples. “oh? you’re outside this early?” he moved sideway as if he could see anything behind you.
“i’m having breakfast.” you showed a subway sandwich and an orange juice. “yeah well, i’m preparing for a meeting later.”
gosh i hate lying to him.
he moistened his lips, brushing his hair back with a headband. “what meeting?” he raised a brow, making you chuckle that he obviously didn’t see your message. 
you rolled your eyes, turning the phone to the laptop screen and showed him the chat from the night before. “i told you i have a collab with another channel, didn’t i? anyway, i have to finish up and head for the meeting. call you later?”
“ah..” he whined. “we didn’t even talk for a minute, but okay. i’ll wash up and call you again. take care babe! i love you so much.”
“i love you too.” you said before ending the call. clenching your chest, you sighed deeply as you faced the camera that recorded the whole conversation. “this is hard. i never expected him to call me. i’ll make sure i won’t use my phone starting from now.”
you yawned quite loudly as you watched the airplane icon reach the borderline of south korea at the screen before you. now that you thought about it, you haven’t recorded anything since the departure and it was a perfect timing because the sun was just rising by your side of the window.
“okay, hello everyone. i’ve been flying for hours that i lost count. but, i’m reaching seoul in about thirty minutes, so i’ll make this quick.” zooming into the ombré sky of blue, pink and orange combined, you hummed a tune that jaehyun used to sing to you to sleep. “see that beautiful colors. my boyfriend sees this morning every day and i’m seeing him really soon.”
once you were out of the aircraft and walking along the hall the leads to the exit, your heart stopped in realization that not only you were seeing jaehyun as a fan after three full years, but actually seeing him officially as his girlfriend. and this thought made your eyes well because you couldn’t believe it was really happening. mixtures of excitement and nervousness took over your body that perhaps other passengers recognised you, and you waved at them in response that you were in seoul for collaboration.
the boys’ manager dressed- rather disguised himself as your guide and picked you up at the airport. he waved at you to catch your attention. when you did so, johnny dialled to call you as he was seated at the car parked outside. “y/n!” he greeted. “turn around! i’m in the car!”
you opened the door and he hugged you quick. his camera was pointed directly at you, obviously recording the moment for jaehyun to watch later. “hi johnny! it’s been so long!”
“too long! we missed a lot of chances to see other whenever the group visits your city. sometimes jae would tear up- or cry but don’t tell him i told you that.” he giggled and helped you sit comfortably in the car. “are you vlogging right now?”
“aw that’s sweet of him.” you pout. “yes i’ve been vlogging since i left my apartment. say hello to the fam.”
“hey what’s up it’s your boy johnny.” he waved and curled his fingers at the cringiness of himself.
johnny felt his phone vibrating. it was a call from mark who updates him of jaehyun’s movements while he was out of the studio. the call was on speaker so you would be able to hear the conversation. “hyung. should i wake him up now?”
you giggled at how that was exactly jaehyun’s habits. “i think you should, mark.” your voice alerting him of your presence.
the younger boy held his reactions in a whisper, afraid that he might awake your boyfriend. “oh my g- hi y/n! i love your acoustic cover of ‘love me now’. jaehyun hyung teared up last night after watching it.”
“really? he teared up again?” your heard sank to the ground knowing how he really felt behind the cameras separating the both of you. your arms weakened at the point but continued to vlog.
“yeah. hold up i’m just gonna-” mark paused and all you heard was the fall of headphones and low groans. “hyung, johnny said he’ll get us food. what do you want?”
a groggy voice contemplated the events of today before yelping in shock that he has a recording to finish. “agh crap what time is it?” jaehyun asked, even if you wanted to speak, johnny refrained you from doing so. you shouldn’t blow your cover now.
“it’s quarter past two.” mark said and helped the dude up on his toes. “we’re getting fried chicken.”
“tsk i was about to call y/n after i washed up.” jaehyun rubbed his eyes. “oh yeah johnny, better come here quick. taeyong hyung said we still have some parts to record.”
you held in your laughs as you covered your lips, sharing identical expressions with johnny. he breathed out before speaking. “uh yeah sure, but i did my part of the cover already. so it’s just you left. see you soon.”
the car was pulled over the studio the boys have been gathered at. some were practicing their choreography while others were resting up. you walked slower than usual and johnny noticed this gestures of yours. who wouldn’t be nervous at a situation like this? it has been three years, so he could imagine the tension between you and yourself only.
mark told everyone to take caution because jaehyun has a sharp eye, that he could read the atmosphere of anything was fishy. even the slight percent of that feeling he could crack an egg open, and the plan would fail. they didn’t want that to happen, this was a special moment for him and you came all the way to surprise him. the effort alone was already precious.
you vlogged again, your chest began its countdown whilst you hid behind a drumset at the recording booth. gladly though, your frame was petite compared to the instrument so you wouldn’t be seen immediately at first glance. cameras were set up and hidden at corners where jaehyun couldn’t see them. all there was was a foldable compact device attached to the mic stand.
the plan was to let jaehyun sing his part of high school musical cover of ‘right here, right now’, due to that one time he playfully joked about being your troy bolton. so you kept that request in mind and chose to do the recording on the day you came to seoul. you pre-recorded your part last week, and you would wait for him to finish his part.
“this is it guys. my hand is shaking, my heart feels like its about to come out of me. i’m already tearing up because i’m going see yuno in less than five min-”
the door swung open causing you to jolt, making one drumstick slide to its abyss, but you managed to catch before it fell. flutters of papers were then placed on the black metal stand, and a low baritone clearing throat for a vocal exercise sure revealed it was yuno. just the impact of careless actions alone, you could tell the person in the studio was indeed your boyfriend.
you exchanged looks from the camera and to jaehyun, repeating this several times because it was hard to catch the timing.
“which part do i have to re-do?” jaehyun’s voice sent shivers down your spine and you fanned yourself keep your calm. “hm? this is a new song cover? okay, but this is a duet though.” he said, checking the titles for the second time. the guys had to bend down slightly from where jaehyun was standing as he was very clueless. “ah so it’s the reprise version? it’s pretty short.” he cleared his throat again.
“can you imagine what would happen, if we could have any dream?..” gosh how honey like his voice was. “i’d wish this moment, was ours to own it and that it would never leave..”
“then i would thank that star, that made our wish come true.”
jaehyun’s eyes grew as your voice was heard through the headphones. he tried to keep his cool, even though his expression changed a little. “‘cause he knows that where you are, is where i should be too.”
in a few seconds the chorus was about to be sung, you left your camera at the bass drum when you pulled him for a back hug, after when he sang.
“right here. right now?..” jaehyun lost tune at the latter word, turning to see the person who was hugging him; soon revealing your beaming smile. he looked back at his friends who were jumping and cheering, he squinted at their phones and cameras that were up to capture the moment.
he removed his headphones as reality punched him in the gut, arms quickly wrapping you for a longing embrace. “y/n..” he said, carrying you slightly to enjoy the surprise. the boys came into the recording studio, your ears ringing at their volumes of woohoo’s and yeah’s.
he finally saw you in the flesh, the real deal. not behind low quality screens or hours of long phone calls. you were with him now, and that was all that mattered to him.
“surprise?” you tiptoed to kiss his cheek but he nuzzled himself at the crook of your neck to hide his tears. they were dampening your clothes a little. “aw babe.”
“is he crying?” johnny asked with a teasing voice and when he didn’t get any response, he turned to the camera. “ladies and gents, and johfam, our boy jae is finally crying in front of cameras.”
“shut up.” jaehyun butt back, his nose pink and his eyelashes were slight wet. “you’re here.” he hugged you again like how a koala would do.
you held his hand and intertwined them with yours. “yeah, i’m here- oh wow you’re shaking.”
jaehyun’s chin rested on top of your head, his dimples deepening as he gave the same smile whenever he’d facetime you. “i thought you had a meeting with another channel?” he asked, swaying you from side to side as you all came out of the recording booth.
lunch then was placed on the table, you sat amongst them, they dug in like they haven’t eaten good food. “i did. the channel’s called johnny’s communication center.”
the said boy gave you a wink and jaehyun caressed his neck in bewilderment. “hyung, you were part of this?”
“maybe, maybe not.” he popped a kimbap into his mouth, savouring the flavours. “i picked her up at the airport and the boys knew it all along.” he said, later noticing jaehyun’s attention was full onto you. he nudged the others to give you both space and left with their fair share of the food.
jaehyun rubbed circles at your back, he loved keeping you close. the smile never left his face and his ears went to a deeper red. “you planned all this for me?”
“because i missed you a lot more than you think.” you poked his dimples that he smiled widely than before.
“i missed you too.” he stared into you. “when are you leaving though?”
a chuckle of faux disbelief escaped your lips. “yuno, i just got here and you’re asking me when i’ll leave?”
he brought your hand up for a small kiss. “i’m asking because i don’t want you to, y/n. just stay with me.” his voice practically begging you, and you softened your gaze at him, wanting the same as well.
“i don’t know when i’ll see you next..” he trailed off as you wait for his response. “..i meant that in person.”
you inclined yourself to him and hugged him tighter. “let’s think of that later. we can make arrangements. all that matters is i’m here right now.” you giggled with pressed lips.
jaehyun stared down at you, leaning in for your first kiss. “gosh i love you so much.”
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