#black clover x yn
izunx · 4 months
Hello! Can I request a Luck x Black bull Reader fanfiction where the reader is head over heels for him, but he's not really interested in romance. She often gives him cheesy pick up lines, and tries to flirt with him only to be met with a neutral reaction. But slowly, Luck begins to see how much she cares for him, whenever they go on missions and whenever she protects him. And he slowly starts to fall for her. Thank you so much for taking requests!! 🖤🖤
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LUCK x reader
She fell first, he fell harder
. she tries her ultimate best to gain his attention, protecting him and using her ‘best’ pickup lines on him!
“dhdhd” is speech and ‘fhrhd’ is thinking!
no warnings.
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“Y/N come on you know how Luck is!” Vanessa took pity on you, this was the a hundredth time Luck turned down your fruitless attempt at trying to flirt with him, “He’s just not interested at romance at all.”
“He will once I use this line!”
Vanessa could only shake her head at how stubborn you were being, it’s been over a year of your attempts.
You got up in a hurry once you heard the door to the base open; you knew it was him.
Even Gauche was rubbing his temple, knowing the outcome of what you were going to do.
Luck smiled when you came crashing down the stairs.
“Hey Y/N!”
“Luck, do you like raisins?”
Vanessa groaned, knowing what was going to be said.
“Hmm, I guess I do!”
You smirked looking back at the few members watching this play out, ‘I got this guys!!’
“Then.. how do you feel about a date!”
“I guess they’re quite nice too” Luck simply smiled and walked up the stairs in a rush, trying his best to conceal his reddening face.
… everyone looked at you in pity.
“I think it’s time you let that man go Y/N” Noelle pat your back and gave you a sad smile.
“NO” You stormed up following him to try another one of your stupid pickup lines, but we all know how that would turn out.
Yami knew what he was doing placing you and Luck on your fifth mission together. You were both sent to clean up after the mess he made and round boars up.
“This’ll be fun Y/N trust me!”
You sigh and keep your arms crossed, you’re running low on these pickup lines.
“Yayyy!!” You try to make the best out of this.
It’s been a few minutes since starting to round these boars up and you had the brightest idea to try again.
“Hey, hey Luck, did you just come out the oven?” You strike the boar with your magic and sit atop it.
Luck just giggles and after hitting the last boar, sits next to you.
“Because you’re hot” You looked at him hopefully.
“That one was a funny one!!” He didn’t want to acknowledge it, but his heart skipped a beat.
That was your last straw. It’s been coming up to a year and a half of your efforts in vain, it didn’t look like it was getting any closer to dreams coming true. Hopping off the boar, you sat down against the tree fed up.
“Yep. I’m sure you can handle the few that are left, goodluck Luck.”
He looked at you confused, but didn’t say anything in argument.
Luck went off and it had been a few minutes since he had been rounding the rest of the boars up.
But something was off.
You sensed someone with an overwhelming amount of mana nearby and that didn’t make sense considering the mission was supposedly near by a village in the forsaken realm.
You got up and went on a search for Luck.
“hey Y/N!” he just got done with the last boar.
“Did you also sense that mana?”
“Yeah, you too?”
“That’s not normal, we should go check it out”
“Never thought you’d ask!” Luck exclaimed.
Both you and Luck scouted the area, coming towards the source of mana. But you wanted to use this opportunity of silence -
“Hey Luck, have you ever had a crush?”
He giggled at that question, but he didn’t seem to happy, “Crush?! I’ve never felt that kind of thing before, I don’t think i’m even capable of feeling butterflies when I like someone”
He was lying. Of course he was. He feels it when he’s with you, although he would never admit it.
He’s been liking you since he’s realised your constant efforts of trying to protect him, since your constant attempts trying to go out with him.
He was planning on never telling you.
You paused in your place, watching him go onwards. Maybe Vanessa was right in thinking he wasn’t interested in romance, or maybe he just didn’t like you.
Not knowing how to feel, you slowed down letting Luck go first. It was getting closer to the open area near the village.
But at that moment, a strike of fireball magic was flashing towards Luck’s head.
It was instinct really, instinct for you to throw Luck out the way and for you to absorb the impact of it.
You’d die before letting Luck get hurt. Even though he might’ve not done the same.
“Y/N?!” His eyes flew open in shock and he rushed to your side. He heard a cackle coming out the bushes.
“What a shame, I wasn’t even striking for her!” The man in the cloak cackled.
Luck went silent.
‘why would she do that?’ he held onto you tight.
He got up, lightning sparking out of control in his hand.
“Yeah? well I’ll be striking for you.”
“Gosh this is bad!” Vanessa held her head in disappointment, staring down at your injured body covered in ointment.
Luck simply sat by you, head down next to your head.
“How’d you let this happen?”
“She threw herself in front of the fireball, for me.”
“She never gives up” she shook her head, “you damaged that man beyond full recovery too”
“He deserves it”
“Well then, make sure to also get some rest, you didn’t exactly get out unscathed either” Vanessa looked at him solemnly before shutting the door.
“… why would you do that, Y/N??”
“Because I like you, a lot”
Luck’s head shot up to look at your painful state just barely opening your eyes.
You groan, getting up and holding your head.
Luck stared at you, ‘Am I deserving of your love?’ he could only think.
“I don’t understand”
“What’s there to understand? I think you have a beautiful heart Luck, ever since I met you you’ve only given me a reason to look forward to my day, you make me happier.”
His eyes watered
“I would do anything for you” you pet his head.
Then and there, he realised how valuable he was to you and frankly how much you meant to him.
“Don’t ever do that again” he hugged you, not tight enough to hurt you but firm, “I’ll do my upmost best protecting you now”
“Can’t make any promises,” you snickered and hugged him tightly.
“I got him good! You should’ve seen his face when I kicked his ass, now he knows not to lay a fucking hand on you again - if he’s even capable enough to recover”
you were silenced.
“I thought I hated romance and love, maybe I was wrong about it” Luck gave his usual laugh and tucked you back to rest.
you were at a loss for words, mouth gaping like a fish.
“no more talking, you gotta recover so we can spar when you’re as good as new!” he grinned widely.
“No Noelle, I KNOW it’ll work this time!” You were determined that this attempt was going to be the finale, because it was going to work.
“I’ll have the tissues ready!” she really had no hope for you.
Vanessa giggled and hit you hard in the back.
“come on! I believe you got it this time!”
“The blind leading the blind…” Gauche mumbled.
Luck sped into the house after finishing his spar
“Hey hey Y/N!!”
He sped up and held your hand to his shirt.
“Can you feel my shirt?”
You were puzzled, raising your brow to Magna who followed behind him looking like he was preparing himself for the worst.
“You know what material it is?”
“Nah. Boyfriend material.”
you exploded red. Vanessa was cackling and Noelle and Magna could only shake their heads in disappointment. Finral was nodding in approval.
“And that! is how you pull girls!” Finral slapped Luck on his back.
Maybe your efforts weren’t in vain, Luck did realise his feelings for you.
“Hey Y/N? How about we spar?”
You were still lost for words yet again, but you smiled.
“Yeah, of course Luck”
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mackenziebrooks · 2 years
Yuno never really knew what falling in love meant till he met you. All his life he only knew that he wanted to beat Asta and become the wizard king, along that journey he ran into you. He tends to smile more whenever he’s around you. His sun colored eyes seem to be more bright when he sees you walk over to him after he’s done patrolling. His heart warms up when your head is placed on his chest, when you two lay down to rest. Yuno now knows what falling in love means, because he’s absolutely in love with you.
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{ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 — 𝖻𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖼𝗈𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗂𝗌𝗍 𝖾𝗑𝗍𝗋𝖺, 𝗒𝖺𝗆𝗂 𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗈𝗋, 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝖾. }
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asshole! yami sukehiro who’s deliberately disrespectful and it’s probably most likely cuz he was treated roughly for being a foreigner, but this man has no filter especially when it comes to you his cute chubby black foreigner girlfriend.
he definitely gives off guard dog energy, lingering behind you, and he can’t leave you alone or let you go anywhere by yourself and it’s not just cuz he’s possessive and protective, he gets jealous super easily and know how the men of the Clover Kingdom reacts to a beautiful foreigner.
he learned his lesson last time almost having to give his Captain position up for nearly beating a man to the brink of death but yk he locked in with julius so the request for his removal got denied, just barely, but anyways here’s how that went:
you’re standing in the market place collecting your sweets that you brought from the nice vender lady but something catches your eye and you drift off from yami’s line of sight, something he told you not to do, when he looked down to light his blunt (no cig smokers over here🙅🏾‍♀️) you got entranced by a long scarf touching the silk fabric that could have versatile use, you jump feeling someone approach you.
a nobody, who you don’t even remember well enough to give a description to, trying to talk you up as you blatantly ignore him continuing your sales purchase.
the guy gets feed up by your neglect pulling on your wrist as he talks down to you “its not like you have anything to do right?? with all these coins on you, I’m just trying to help you further your business. I could put in a good word for you to my friends no doubt they haven’t been with a foreigner”
you hear the vender yell for help as you stare at the hand the man has on your wrist you look up in front of you seeing the man smirk as your eyes are finally on him. you paused for a minute trying to process ‘did this guy just call me a whore??’
before you can even utter a word, a large rough tan hand encased the man’s hand on your wrist “oi sweetheart this guy bothering you?” you snatch your wrist from the hold, a pout on your lips as you rub it with your other hand “no yami im fine let’s go” you start to walk a few steps before the rando spoke again “geez another foreigner you have to wait your turn buddy I asked for her services first”
you see yami’s aura before you heard the shrill scream freezing everyone in their place in the market “oi oi you calling my woman a whore? i have a good reason enough to kill you for putting your grimy hands on her” you walk around yami finding the rando’s hand flapping limply you could only assume yami broke the guys wrist
“yami stop i got everything i needed from the market let’s go” he sighs dropping the broken bone in his hand as the man let out a pained sound “fine… be lucky you’re only going home with a broken hand” yami catches up to you ready to head back to the bulls home before the annoying voice of the man rang
“yeah you better leave I don’t want to bed a foreign whore whose womb is tainted with another foreigner” you could feel the wind rush pass you before hearing the man choking on his own blood as yami’s fist connected relentlessly.
you weren’t that dumb to try and stop him and definitely not dumb enough to step in so you waited, lighting a blunt putting all your weight on one leg jutting your hip out.
a few minutes pass and yami rises from the pulp of bloodied scum, his fists scraped and scarred as he pulled the blunt from your lips taking a drag as you both walk home his shoulders relaxed “that paperwork’s gonna be a bitch to deal with i’ll have to talk to julius. that fucker’s lucky i let him live if he gets help in time” you laugh at his monotonous voice “thank you for sticking up for me yami baby”
he breathes out smoke handing you the blunt once again “no problem sweetheart you’re too pretty to be hassled like a whore. good thing i fuck you enough like one” you choke on the smoke invading your lungs as he took it from you for the last few puffs as you try to compose yourself feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as you let out a low whine “yamii~ stop it”
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𝗌𝗉𝖺𝗆 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌. 𝖣𝖮𝖭𝖳 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒 𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾. ©𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗅
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kaalogii · 4 years
— needle and thread (yami sukehiro x reader x damnatio kira)
one crushes you like his cigarettes as the other, strangely, has the kinder heart.
warnings: slight angst
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Soft fingertips glided delicately along rough stone walls. The owner paced their steps through the halls as they listened intently to the stories being echoed throughout. Their presence generously acknowledged by those who came across them, though their response had been a pained smile. 
“Pardon me for disrupting your stroll, but Chairman Kira has requested your presence in the garden,” A servant of House Kira had suddenly informed Y/N, breaking them out of their thoughts. 
“Yes, thank you. I’ll be on my way,” Y/N moved their occupied hand to their side, missing the rough texture as they ventured to the garden to accompany Damnatio Kira. They maneuvered through the castle walls with ease, once again lost within their own thoughts. 
Y/N had lost count of the days or ...could it have been months? Whichever it may have been, Y/N wasn’t exactly time focused, nor bothered to be. All that had been important to Y/N was fulfilling their duties in the Clover Kingdom. House Kira had been kind enough to offer their home as a stepping stone for peace to the eldest child of a neighboring kingdom. 
If only Y/N had remained obedient and loyal to their royal duties, their mind would be free from pressing personal issues. Though, Y/N had been granted free will from their own kingdom and the Clover Kingdom, they wished they hadn’t strayed afar from the nobles. Then perhaps they wouldn’t have met Yami Sukehiro. 
Their meeting had purely been an accident. Though Yami had convinced it to be fate. Y/N had strayed away from their escort in the beginning of their stay in the Clover Kingdom due to their natural curiosity of the kingdom they’ve learned of in their youth. Yami had once again been on the search for his wild animals and took a sudden interest to the strange individual that peacefully stumbled upon his, secretly, beloved pets. 
It had been at that point on where their many secret rendezvous’ had begun. Y/N had been new to the idea of love, unsure of what it truly holds. Young and naive, Y/N blindly stepped into the abyss, only holding onto the strand of thread Yami allowed. 
“You look troubled” Damnatio Kira’s voice broke Y/N from their thoughts. They weakly smiled as Damnatio stood from his seat to pull theirs. As Y/N got comfortably seated, Damnatio returned to his own, silently eyeing Y/N. “Are you unhappy here?”
“No,” Y/N had been honest as they reached for their teacup to take a much needed drink. Damnatio had hummed in response, taking a drink of his own. The pleasant combination of gentle waterfall and the chirping of birds had comfortably drowned the silence between them. 
“I summoned you here out of the servants concerns,” Damnatio returned his teacup to the table, catching Y/N’s attention. “Normally I wouldn’t be bothered with quizzical issues being brought to my attention. Especially from servants, but the mention of your name had resulted in the exception,” Y/N placed her teacup onto the table, bringing her hands to her lap. “Our duty is to keep you comfortable and safe, for the sake of our kingdoms,” 
“Yes, I understand,”
“The members of my family had left your care in my hands at the beginning of this arrangement. I concluded you to be a responsible adult and let the rumors of your rendezvous with foreign scum to be a temporary phase. Though it seems as though it is not the case. Am I correct?” 
Y/N fumbled with their fingers, averting their gaze from Damnatio’s fierce one. They took notice of the difference in angered expressions they received from Damnatio to Yami’s. Though Yami had only directed anger toward Y/N on the many occasions of Y/N expressing their love for the man. Y/N continued to do so, concluding that anger had been Yami’s choice to express his feelings for the individual. 
“I love him,” Y/N softly blurted loud enough for Damnatio to hear. 
“You love him?” Damnatio had been amused. “Absolute beauty of royal blood loving foreign scum? A disgrace. That isn’t even the worst of it, correct? I’ll answer for you.” Y/N returned their gaze onto Damnatio, focusing onto green eyes. “Surely you’ve heard the rumors. Even I have heard them all. Yami Sukehiro does not love you,” Y/N flinched. 
Damnatio’s words pierced Y/N’s heart although they knew his words had been true. The rumors had begun as soon as Yami and Y/N had their first interaction. They, themselves, had been warned by the members of Yami’s squad to be wary of their captain’s true intentions. Their words and warnings hadn’t been enough, for Y/N had been too far down in the abyss to think otherwise. 
“Now that one subject is out of the way,” Y/N listened to Damnatio as his tone changed. “It appears our families have been working with one another, which I assume we would both agree to be excellent progress in terms of our kingdoms,” Y/N hummed in agreement. “Both sides have agreed to take a step to complete the alliance between our kingdoms by proposing the idea of marriage between you and I,” 
“Marriage?” Y/N searched for any indication that Damnatio’s words were false, finding none they awaited for him to continue. 
“I agree that this is sudden, but I did not dismiss the proposal when it was presented to me. I believe this is a good opportunity for us. I understand you may feel opposed to the idea, but I ask you to carefully think over the proposal,” Damnatio studied Y/N, expecting an outburst but received none. 
“A word of advice,” Damnatio continued. “Don’t allow your naivety to control your emotions. I assume you are smarter than you currently present yourself to be and you are willing to listen to information presented in these rumors you hear about regarding your unfortunate situation with Yami Sukehiro,” Damnatio watched as Y/N tensed. “If you’re looking for love and if you consider the proposal given to us by our kingdoms, I will devout myself in learning to love you as you deserve,” 
Y/N had risen from their seat. “I am grateful for your concern. If you could excuse me for a moment, I have much to think about,”
Damnatio nodded, silently watching as Y/N disappeared from his eyesight. 
The sudden situation had added onto the troubles Y/N had been dealing with in their inner monologue. As they battled the concerns, they were unaware of the location their legs had been leading them to. 
Deep down, Y/N had known the “love” Yami Sukehiro had shown them was nothing more than filling the void for his own loneliness. Along the way, Y/N had mistaken his words and actions for something deeper than what they had been. Yami had twisted their perception to the newfound idea of love into what he decided for them to believe. As a result, Y/N had blindly given everything to the man in every form; emotionally and physically. To the outside, and to Yami’s knowledge, Y/N had been another pet of his he held onto with a simple piece of thread. At anytime, Yami could break the connection, but for reasons unknown, he never had. 
A theory the servants had on the situation had been the idea of Yami Sukehiro using Y/N as a ploy for revenge on Damnatio regarding previous events involving the Black Bulls. The silly theory of the servants of House Kira had actually been correct, unbeknownst to them and others whose ears had the rumor fallen onto them. 
Y/N had been brought out from their thoughts as they sighted the door belonging to the hideout of the Black Bulls. The door had mysteriously opened by itself, from Y/N view as they stepped into the hideout. Although appearing that way, Y/N missed the sight of the member called Henry, who solemnly looked down in pity from his room at Y/N. 
Oddly familiar sounds echoed through the hideout, though Y/N couldn’t place the familiarity of the sounds. Deciding not to think further of it, they continued through the halls as they used the sounds as guidance until reaching the familiar door of Yami’s room. Y/N heart sank at the realization of the familiarity. Their actions moving ahead of their mind as they gently opened the door to come into view of the lewd sight of Yami and his fellow Clover Kingdom captain, Charlotte Roselei. Quickly, Y/N closed the door and made their way in returning to the Kira House. 
Hours had passed after the initial event and Yami had remained clueless to what had occurred outside of his walls. He groaned as he awoken from his slumber, dismissing the weight present beside him. Charlotte’s arms wrapped around Yami’s bare frame as he attempted to remove himself from his bed. Before he could perform further action in getting away from his minuscule hookup, a message from the Wizard King had arrived for Yami. The message played presenting an overjoyed Julius. 
“Weddings are lovely this time of year, but before weddings come engagements! I am honored to present the news in regarding the unity of two kingdoms as we solidify our alliance by joining two members of the highest seats from each of our kingdoms. With great honor, I announce the engagement of Damnatio Kira of House Kira and Y/N L/N of House L/N. I wish the couple a happy engagement and a promising marriage! That is all, good day!”
Yami settled into his bed, welcoming Charlotte’s sleeping embrace contrasting his previous attempts to get away from the woman. He reached onto his table, retrieving a single cigarette and his lighter. Yami took an elongated drag of his cigarette before exhaling. The smoke from his exhale had hidden the lone tear gliding down his face. He chuckled to himself before taking another long drag.
“I don’t give a damn.” 
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enyearns · 3 years
Nozel Silva: Drifting Off Into a Daydream
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In which he has a vision where he is married to the person he likes.
✧ genre(s): fluff ✧ warnings: none :) ✧ 1917 words, (approx.) 5 minute read
ib!!!: this piece was actually inspired by @tartagliaxx, who wrote a mini series called It's A Bright Future Ahead of Us. It was so beautifully written, please read it! :D
a/n: hi! i'm sorry that i gave the reader a bit of a backstory :'0 it sort of just happened but! if this reaches anyone, i hope you enjoy this mwah
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Nozel Silva has been working himself to the bone. He can’t remember the last time he had some downtime to unwind and prepare properly for a good night’s rest. It was simply the usual routine of getting out of his office in the late hours of the night, changing into nightwear and collapsing on his bed. Well, such is the workload that came with being a Royal and dealing with the Eye of Midnight Sun simultaneously. On top of all that, the looming threat of the Diamond Kingdom is a large concern for the Clover Kingdom.
He pinched the arch of his nose, frowning to himself. The tiresome labour of his now-daily routine is starting to creep up on him. His vision is clouding, and he may be seeing things… He squinted his eyes, blinking a couple of times. Was that you reading a novel in his dedicated personal library space?
Well, he has been adding several new books recently, purely because he knows that you sometimes like to come in and keep him company while he worked. Usually, you would read anything off his shelf, occasionally fawning over the literature to him or criticising it out loud.
“Wow, you’ve read 1984 before? Ah, and even No Longer Human… This is a really nice collection you have going here, Nozel.”
You must’ve felt his gaze, for you looked up from the book in your hand – Inferno by Dante Alighieri – and sent him a gentle smile. It’s one that he recognises is reserved for him, and him only. The afternoon light from the arched window spilled onto you, illuminating you like you are an angel sent down from God Himself. You stood up from your seat and made your way to him, gently caressing his cheeks in your hands. He let out a content sigh and fluttered his eyes shut, relaxing into your warm touch.
Loud knocks to his door was enough to snap him out of the trance he unknowingly slipped into. His eyes snapped open with uncharacteristic surprise, brows furrowing at the warmth that so fleetingly escaped him. “Enter.”
One of his maids, one that he does not remember the name of, came in looking flustered by the sharp gaze Nozel sent her. “Pardon for the intrusion, Nozel sama. There is something urgent that you must attend to.”
She took his silence to continue, and tentatively she did. “Early dinner has been prepared. Nebra sama and Solid sama are both waiting for you in the dining hall.”
“This is the urgent matter that I must attend to?”
“No, forgive me. I worded it wrong. We just received word that Wizard King Julius requests your presence for a meeting later tonight at 8 PM. The other captains will also be attending.”
Nozel inwardly groaned and pinched his temple. This is not something that he’s up to attending in a sleep deprived state. “Let my siblings know that I will not be eating dinner with them tonight. Is there anything else?”
She nodded. Her lips moved, he could see that, but in truth nothing was going through his head. Her words were not even entering his ears. He’s simply letting the stress take over his body and mind. She bowed to him, and quickly shuffled out of his study, leaving Nozel to his own devices.
He looked down to the report on the current known members of the terrorist group, but all the words were swirling and jumbled up into an incomprehensible mess. He sighed, leaning back into his chair and folding his arms. He closed his eyes in thought, mind drawing on a blank.
He just doesn’t know what to do anymore.
“Eian, Papa had a rough day. Let’s leave him be.”
“But I want to eat with Papa!”
He heard hushed voices around him, one of a child, and one of a woman. Eian (he presumed) was a name or voice that he’s never heard before in his life. The other, however, is a voice that he would recognise anywhere. Amongst a sea of voices, or other similar voices, the melody of her words is a tune that he would never let himself forget.
But, even then… He doubts that it’s her.
He slowly opened his eyes, flinching at the bright morning light that shone in his face. Just from seeing the dresser, the clock, the view from his window-- this is most definitely his room. But there are certain elements to the room that makes him second guess himself, like all the potted plants decorating his room, or the abundance of jewellery and make-up that was on top of his dresser.
“See, you’ve woken up Papa. Good morning Nozel.”
His eyes fell on the woman – you – who appeared in front of him, a slightly worried expression lacing your delicate features. “Sorry for waking you…”
Without a word, Nozel clasped your hand. Your warm, soft skin on his felt all so real. His heart thudded against his chest, a strange new emotion arising from a mixture of apprehension and gullible joy. He’s still holding onto you wordlessly, and you couldn't help but let out a giggle. “Did you have a bad dream honey? I’m here, I promise.”
You leaned down and pressed your soft lips against his forehead, running a hand through his unkempt morning hair.
“Papa, Papa!” A heavy weight flopped onto his body, eyes meeting another pair that was unmistakably his. “Let’s go have breakfast together!”
The boy, Eian, was a striking image of you. His hair was the same colour as your’s, and the cheeky smile that was on his lips undoubtedly reminded him of the woman he’s infatuated with. This child is definitely his, and your’s, there is no question about it.
But when did this happen? Being with the woman of his dreams and even conceiving a child with her would be a massive milestone in his life.
Is this perhaps a dream? A vision?
He sneaked a look to your left hand, and raised his. Certainly, the ring that gleamed on your ring finger is identical to the one that he donned.
“Why don’t you get yourself washed up, and I’ll prepare something delicious for you, hm?” You smiled at him, taking the weight of Eian off him. “We’ll be waiting, okay, Pa?”
When Nozel came to, everything still felt like a haze. Nighttime has fallen, and the shrinking afternoon glow is long gone. Being so immersed in that dream, confusion had him in a vice grip. It took him a while to realise that he was no longer wedded to you and the father of your son. All of that was something his mind only conjured up… (I think). The cruel reality was that he is still in his dreary office, alone and unsatisfied.
The disappointment overcame him, washing over him like harsh waves crashing against large boulders. The unhappiness he’s feeling… is one that he’s never felt like no other.
Too caught up in his thoughts – disappointment and dissatisfaction swirling in the depths of his chest – he did not notice the woman of his dreams slipping into his office. You had called out his name, once, twice, before leaning over his grand desk to tap his shoulder.
His vision came to, filled with the sight you worriedly gazing at him. Just like in his dream.
“Are you okay?”
He’s dumbfounded, cheeks probably ablaze by this point. “I… What are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting you.”
You beckoned towards the tray that sat on his desk. Atop it was a clay pot with a lid covering its contents, along with a couple of bowls, cutlery and… sticks?
You started to speak as you poured tea for him. “I’m certain that I had Adelinde tell you that I was coming over. I noticed you’ve been very busy lately, and I thought to pay a visit to see how you're doing.” The words that fell out of your mouth felt so gentle, like you’re embracing him so warmly. “You were sleeping when I arrived, though. Poor you, you must be so tired to sleep in such an uncomfortable position.”
Nozel smiled fondly, thinking back to the dream that he got to live through. “It wasn’t too uncomfortable.”
You laughed. “Sure, with your big, comfy royal chair it wouldn't be too uncomfortable, hm?”
“What is this?”
“Ah– While you rested, I went to go make something for you. I'd been informed by Adelinde that you skipped dinner tonight.” You lifted the lid from the clay pot, smoke pouring out of the well insulated dish. His eyes narrowed into the dish that you presented before him, confused by what it was. “Hot pot. Yami treated me to this once, and it’s been my comfort dish ever since. It’s warm… and somewhat reminds me of my family.”
His heart lurched hearing your tone drop slightly. It’s not unknown to him that you wished to see your real, biological family again. His mind immediately drifted back to that dream he had. Oh, he wanted it to be true so bad. The dream even felt real. It truly felt like he was living in that present.
“I’m curious to taste this.” He cleared his throat, grabbing a bowl.
Your eyes immediately lit back up, sparkling at the few words he uttered. “Really? Oh, I hope you’ll enjoy it,” you giggled to yourself, pouring the soup and the other vegetables and meat into his bowl.
The two of you passed through the hour in a light atmosphere. You were laughing at him the entire time as he tried to utilise the sticks, which he now knows are called chopsticks. He was adamant in learning the art of eating with it, and refused the fork that you had pulled out of nowhere.
As you shared stories and caught up with each other, his mind couldn't help but to wander back to that dream he had. Perhaps… was that a future he possibly has with you?
The atmosphere of tonight, with you sitting in front of him and enjoying each other's company, he felt like perhaps that dream could really become reality.
This all just felt so right– the two of you together.
You were telling him about something, but the words passed him. He had finally made a resolve.
Noticing him going quiet, you tilted your head in confusion. “Listen, if you’re not feeling well, I will let Wizard King Julius know of your current state,” you reminded him gently. “Everything that he will say tonight, and all the information passed, I will be sure to get it back to you.”
Nozel simply shook his head. No, it’s not that.
As he stared into your eyes, he found himself steeling in his resolve even further. There is absolutely no other pair of eyes that he could imagine himself falling in love with. It’s not possible for him to be any more head over heels with anyone else but you. “Zel?”
Perhaps it was the confidence from the dream that pushed him. Whatever the source of motivation it was, he knows that this is not something he’ll ever regret doing. Taking your hands into his, lifting it oh so gently to press soft kisses on your hand, he finally spoke. But he barely heard himself through the rush of blood coursing through his veins, pumping wildly in his eardrums.
“(y/n) (l/n)… Will you do me the honour of taking you out for dinner tomorrow night?”
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berry-mint · 3 years
Song Fic for Secret Toxic Lover!Dante Zogratis
Twisted Sunshine Track No. 10
Closer | Nine Inch Nails
TW: NSFW. Noncon to dubcon. Toxic Relationship. Aggression. Manhandling. Choking. Degration. Manipulation. Verbal abuse. Smut.
A/N: So instead of a HC, I decided to make it as a song fic. This is my first time writing for a Black Clover character. Minors DNI
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You safely made it back to the castle. You reached your bedroom and carefully shutting the door behind you as quietly as possible. As you sighed a breath of relief, a deep chilling voice sent shivers down your spine.
“Sneaking out again, my love?”
The mere sound of his voice made your blood run cold. You slowly turned to face him. The room was dark, but the moonlight that seeps through the thin curtains of your window is enough for you to affirm that it’s him. The silhouette of your secret lover, the demon-possessed, Dante Zogratis.
He was sitting upright with one ankle over the knee of the other as his thick fingers impatiently tapping on the armrest.
“Dante, what are you doing here? It’s late-”
“The same thing I wanna ask you, my love. It is late. Where have you been?” he calmly asked.
Fuck. If he finds out- He will. He will find out. And he will kill me.
“And don’t even think I will not see it through your eyes. Let me ask you again. Where have you been?” he pried sternly.
“I-” you cleared your throat, “trained. With Vanica.” You lied. Your palms are starting to sweat, as you clenched onto the cold brass door handle.
He set his foot down, rose from his seat, and walked towards you ever so slowly. You took a small step back. The beating of your heart ringing through your ears as he closes the gap between you. You saw the lust and the jealousy in his eyes and the devil’s grin on his lips. He gazed down at you with dominance as your knees weaken at his presence.
“I trained you, Y/N. You are who you are today because of me. But I never made you a liar.”
He leaned in closer, slightly tilted his head as the tip of his nose brushed against your cheeks. He sniffed your hair down to the crook of your neck like a mad salivating dog and whispered, “You used to smell so good my love. But this scent, oh this scent makes my cock painfully hard. Is this treason I smell on your skin?”
There is no use in trying to calm yourself. He can see right through you. He knows your every move. You tightly shut your eyes as your whole body trembled with fear.
“Did you go out to see that filthy Sukehiro, huh? Did you lay out our plans to him? Are you turning your back against me now, hmm? My love?” He asked as his large hand gripped your waist tightly enough to leave bruises.
“ANSWER ME!” He roared as his dominant hand seized your throat, slamming your head and your back against the door.
You gasped for air, struggling and squirming. With all the strength left in your body, you kicked him in the guts and pushed him away. You rushed to the bathroom and quickly locked it. You heard him groaning in pain.
“Don’t you dare walk away from me, Y/N!” Dante yelled.
You can’t help but cry, you can never win against him for he is way stronger than you.
You heard a soft knock on the door. “Y/N, alright I’m sorry. Okay? Please open the door. Let’s talk about this.” he softly said.
“Dante, please. Let’s just end this now. I don’t wanna do this anymore.” Trembling in fear, you wrapped your arms around yourself trying to suppress your shivering.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you. Open the door, okay? I just want to talk.” he said on the other side of the door.
“I don’t wanna talk, Dante. Please just get out.” You pleaded, hoping he’ll listen to you. But you know him. He’s merciless. And he will never hesitate to hurt you again.
“Come out of the room now, my love. I promise we will just talk. Please?” he asked.
You buried your face in your hands, feeling helpless. There was a silence for a moment until you heard him speak again.
“I don’t understand why you are blocking me out. You went out and met that guy from the Clover Kingdom doing God knows what, and you came back telling me you wanna end things with me? Come on. Just open this door. We can sit down and talk about this.”
“No!” You yelled at him. “I’m not falling for that anymore, Dante!”
“What do you mean ‘not falling for that’?” He is starting to sound angry again. “It’s your fault, you understand?” he shouted in anger.
“This is your” your heart lurched at the sound as he hit the door, “fault!”
You heard him violently wiggling the doorknob.
“If you don’t open this fucking door right now I will break it down, I swear. I will break the fucking thing down. I’ll get to you, either way, so you can be a fucking bitch like usual, or you can play nice.” he said as he slammed the door a few times. You clearly know that it was not a threat, it was a promise.
Your hands were icy with panic as you try to wipe the tears off your cheeks.
“Oh, are you crying now, my love? Fucking crocodile tears as always, huh?” he mocked.
“You really won’t like it if I have to break this fucking thing down. You better open it now. I’ll count down, alright? I’ll count down. I’ll give you a chance. I’m being nice, see? Even though you’re being a fucking bitch.” He asserted with annoyance.
“One,” he started counting.
“Please..” you pleaded, your voice edged with fear.
“Three!” Dante slammed into the door, busting it down.
You were muted with horror as your blood froze in your veins. Dante walked over to you, as he harshly grabbed your arm, he hoisted you up and draped you over his broad shoulders as if you weigh nothing. He walked out of the bathroom and threw you onto the bed.
“Well at least we’re in the bedroom now, right? Because I know what you need. And it’s easier to do it here.” He snickered at you as he took off his robe. You tried to move away from him but he quickly climbed on the bed, caught your ankle, and pulled you towards him.
He reached down for your clothes and carelessly ripped them apart. You tried to grab his hands and hit him in the face.
“You think you can fight me, huh?” he caught both of your wrists and pinned them above your head. While his other hand pressed against your throat blocking your airway.
“Did you actually think they will trust you, eh? You chose this path with me, slut. And we will walk our way through it. Together.”
Tears start to form in your eyes as you struggle to breathe. He once again leaned in closer as his fist clenched tighter around your neck, pushing you further into the mattress.
“They will kill you too, my love. And you need me to protect you,” he murmured softly in your ear.
“All I ever do is protect you and do what is good for you! And you treat me like trash!” He groaned in your ear. He released his hand from your neck before you could almost pass out, you turned your face to the side and coughed, feeling dizzy and disoriented.
“We could’ve had a nice talk, figured it all out calmly, then you could’ve rode my cock and we could’ve cuddled. But you had to make things difficult. You always make things difficult.” he ranted as he roughly cupped your chin to face him.
“You heard me? You. Are difficult. You are lucky anyone wants you. Lucky that I want you.”
You no longer felt insulted or violated. You eventually came to the point where you became numb from all his abuse, where you don’t trust yourself anymore. How he turns things around. How he always makes you feel guilty and responsible for his emotions. Your face showed no emotion as tears suddenly flowed from your eyes.
“Now that’s my good slut.” You are bare underneath him as you let him spread your legs wide.
“Now I’m going to fuck this cunt that I’ve fucked so many times because it is mine to fuck. Whenever I want, wherever I want, however I want. Because you are mine. And you can’t fucking change that.”
He stroked his cock a few times before lining it up against your entrance. He slightly slid in, brushing it against the lips of your cunt. Rubbing and glossing his thick member with your wetness.
“And you’re getting wet. For all your whining and bitching, you’re so wet.” He teased and chuckled.
You closed your eyes and let your tears stream down.
Without a warning, he glided his cock with ease inside you. No matter how many times he had fucked you, you could never get accustomed to his size. And as soon as he’s buried deep inside of you, you moaned his name.
“Good slut. Tight and hot, just like you should be. More than I expected from a worthless whore like you, but I won’t complain.”
You gasped hard for every thrust of his hips, hitting all the perfect spots.
“You know I care about you so much. And you treat. Me. like. This.” He groaned in between his thrust. “Anyone else would’ve left you by now.”
He held your hips as he slowly pulled out his cock only to plunge harder back inside you making you cry in pain. You swore, you felt like he could almost split you in half.
“Oh, fuck. Dante please.” You whimpered.
“Please what?” he abruptly stopped from moving his hips as he looked down at you. “Tell me what you want, Y/N.”
“Please make me cum, please..” You shamelessly whine underneath him.
“My love, you don’t need to beg.” He started to pound you again, as your walls started to tighten around him.
“I can’t keep going much longer. You feel so good around me, even when you’re acting like a fucking cunt.” He grunts and moans as he picked up his pace. His hands gripped your hips tighter as you moaned deeply as you felt him fill you up. Your nails digging in the sheets as you come after him.
Both your breaths were coming hard as he kept eye contact with you while still fought to catch your breath.
He takes your hand and kisses the back of it as he pulled out of you, a small whimper leaving your mouth.
He softly kissed your forehead and covered your sweaty body with the blanket.
“Have some rest. We leave before sunrise. We have to be at the Black Bull’s hideout before their captain arrives.”
reposted from ellechanwrites
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🏅Being The Japan Men's 🏅
🏆National Volleyball Teams Manager🏆
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Japan Men's National Volleyball Team x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing maybe? These are long headcannons so I have no clue 😅
A/N: This is another fabulous anon request! Thank you for further enabling me to live out my life's dreams 🙌🏻
YN do you you carry 4- leaf clovers around in your pocket?
Because you are seriously SO lucky 🌈
Not you out here living out my dreams 💅
Seriously, the fact that you managed to snag this gig is actually incredible
You actually didn't even plan on this happening
That's the only way I can think this opportunity actually came upon you
✨️ Picture This ✨️
You are in line for coffee one day
You notice several insanely tall men being bombarded by what looks like adoring fans
I mean, just looking at them you can see why 😚
However, it's obvious to you that they are busy doing whatever they are doing
So you proceed to try and ignore the crowd of people and get your coffee ☕️
The batista is trying to get the attention of the trees being bombarded
Honestly they are clueless so like good luck Miss barista
You ask what's wrong and she says they forgot their coffees
"Oh I can take care of that for you!"- you say with a smile
Now for this scenario, let's just say you are like 5'5" on a good day
So not uber short but like average
Idk is 5'5" average? I'm 6' so I have no clue 😅
Anyways, you grab the two trays of coffee and shove your way past the crowd
"Excuse me! Pardon me! Coffee coming though!"- you shout
The first to notice you is definitely Sakusa
He's trying to hide in the back to avoid too many people 🙅‍♂️
Honestly I don't blame him, the poor man just wants his coffee
You notice him too and adorably bounce up to him
"Hi! The barista said you guys forgot your coffee! Don't want it to get cold!"
He says nothing, just stares behind his mask 👁-◻️-👁
That's my staring face mask emoji, leave me alone 🤣
Next to notice you is definitely Aran
He's managed to sneak his way up to Sakusa and grab the tray of coffee from you
"Thank you so much Miss-"
"Oh just YN! And you are very welcome. It looks like you guys need your energy for all of this"
Aran just smiles at you sweetly
Now the real fun begins
Atsumu comes up behind you and grabs his coffee
"Thank you sweetheart. Would you like me to sign your cup?"
"Ummm no thanks. I'm actually not sure who you even are"
Aran and Yaku 👉🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sakusa 👉🏻🙄😏
Atsumu 👉🏻🥲
You stand awkwardly for a few moments
Like seriously how do you even follow that up 🤣
"Well enjoy your day guys! It was nice meeting you!" -you say while waving and bounding out of the café
You get to the next building down before you realize you completely forgot your own coffee ☕️
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ honestly YN
It's ok, you were being an absolute angel so all is forgiven
You turn on your heels to head back to the the cafe only to be met with the broad chest of a giant man
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"- you squeal, falling back
The man grabs you and hands you your coffee
"No need to apologize YM. I just wanted to return the favor and thank you again for bringing our coffee to us!"
The tall man smiles at you and introduces himself as Aran
Of course you swoon ☺️
You tell him it's no problem and that they looked like they need assistance
"Actually YN, umm I know this is a bit forward but we could actually use more help..."
"Sure Aran! What can I do for you?"
Aran explains the teams need for a manager to help them with practice and keeping their lives together
Aran is totally not spontaneous so the fact that he asked you is fate
Your eyes sparkle 🤩
"Aran, I'd love to help you!"
I mean honestly YN, when opportunities like this come along 👏🏻 WE 👏🏻 TAKE 👏🏻 THEM 👏🏻
Just as soon as you shake Aran's hand, a giant black and grey haired man comes bounding out the doors
He stops ✋️ and stares 😳
"Bokuto this is YN. She's going to be our new manager"- Aran
You 👉🏻 😃🤗
Careful YN 👀
Don't poke the beast
Bokuto actually screams with excitement and runs to you
Brace yourself YN 🚆
"Hold on there crazy"- Sakusa says grabbing the mans by the collar
Sakusa, Yaku, Atsumu, Hinata and Kageyama all flock around you
Like what a group to see in public am I right 🤣
You just stare 😳
"Guys this is YN. Our new team manager!"
🎶 when they look at me, and I look at them and they look at me and I look at THEM 🎶
Tik tok reference circa like 2020
"Oh my GOD"- Hinata, quote of the year
"Hi guys 👋🏻 🤸‍♀️"
Aran just smiles as the guys fawn over you
Mans knows he did good
Ok phew 😅 now that we got your meeting sorted
I have zero chill
Let's get to the good stuff
Team practice 🙌🏻
YN you are a natural
You must be a Virgo or something because your management skills are unbelievable
Everyone on the team comes to depend on you
So let's go down the list of the team and how the interact with you
First off, Aran and Ushiwaka are so respectful and helpful
Ushi totally chills out as he gets older
He helps you learn the volleyball aspect of your job
He's a great teacher because he's straight to the point and answers all the questions
Aran is also helpful with logistics
Plus he's become your best friends
Please Aran would be the bestest best friend 😃
Komori and Hyakuzawa are super sweet to you
They will help you tear down and set up
Please they are pros at filling up water bottles and helping with nets
Plus your ball retrieval job is reduced with Komori's receives and Hyakuzawa's blocks
Iwaizumi, the teams athletic trainer and resident hotty, is so thankful you merely exist
Like please he has to deal with the children and how ridiculous they are at training
He appreciates how stern you are about the guys following their training
He also just like being near you 😍
Unfortunately, that's about the extent of actual "help" you get 😅
The rest of the team... oh boy
How to even describe them?
Chaotic? Messy? Childish? Ridiculous?
All of the above ✔️
First off, Atsumu will be salty about how you treated him at the café for weeks
Mans holds a wicked grudge
But all you have to do is simply ✨️ ignore✨️ him
Trust me 😉
Mans will see you praising everyone but him and cave in .02 seconds
"Hey YN did you like my set?" Atsumu says practically begging for praise
Hugs are a big thing for this team
Your hugs equal life 🤗
Except for Sakusa
Sakusa values his personal space which you kindly respect
He prefers high fives, fist bumps or simple verbal praise
Seriously YN the verbal praise goes a long way
Sakusa was probably be skeptical of you
It wasn't until he saw that you used laundry sanitizer when you washed their jerseys that he finally began to trust you
Covid is still rampant people so we take precautions 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
His respect for you only grew when he saw how you handled Bokuto and Hinata
Arguably the two most adorable but disorderly players
They arrive and leave with energy levels at 100
They both adore you and love your praise
The team relies on you two control them
Like during individual practice, they could go for hours
So to combat this, you set timers and give them rewards for a good practice
It's essentially a sticker chart 🤣
When working with children, we use child like tactics 👏🏻
Hakuba and Yaku will tease you like nobodies business
Yaku loves that someone is shorter than him 😆
He totally rests him arm on you
Give him this YN he deserves it
But also Yaku brings you presents
Treats, coffee you name it
He is always thinking of the teams precious YN 🤩
You're the smallest team member YN
I mean the others are literally trees so like it's not surprising
Hakuba will put things up high and out of your reach just to see you struggle
Until one day you almost fall trying to reach your bag he put on top of a high ledge
You 👉🏻 falling gracefully 🥰
Hakuba 👉🏻🤣😐😵
Aran 👉🏻😳😨
Hinata and Bokuto 👉🏻🤸‍♂️🤸
Kags and Ushi 👉🏻 😐😐
Let's face it Komori is going to catch you 🥰
Aran is going to scold Hakuba
Iwaizumi will probably throw a volleyball at his head 😭
Atsumu tells you to be more careful
Sakusa will smack him on the back of the head 😌
He deserves it 👏🏻
Hoshiumi just stands there 🧍‍♂️
Ok ill be honest, he's probably the most skeptical of you
He gives skeptic vibes
But the key to this man's heart?
Praise and food
Hand him a power bar after a hard practice and his resolve is going to break
Bonus points because you got the brand he adores 🥺
When he hits a wicked spike, you legit scream how awesome it was
That's all you have to do YN
Kags is probably the one who cares the least that the team has a manager now
He sees your worth don't get me wrong but the mans is independent
However, offer to toss for him and he will instantly be Team YN 🙌🏻
Another thing you should probably know YN is that these boys are protective
I mean, some of them had managers in high school
But like this is the big leagues
And gosh you are just so pretty 😍
So adore with your fun little Team Japan t- shirt and black leggings
I like leggings so you are wearing leggings 😃
So when it comes time for the Olympics, they act like a bunch of children
Even Aran and Ushi go full protection mode
Especially when it comes to a certain brown haired setter 👀
See where I'm going with this
Because would it be a set of Tiffany headcannons without an appearance from my fav
The absolute love/hate relationship that I have with this man 😆
Mr. Toru Oikawa 🍾 🥂 🎉
Ahh yes Oikawa is at the Olympics and he's more Oikawa-like that he's ever been 😅
Please Iwaizumi is already fed up and he's not even seen Oikawa yet 🤣
You have no clue who this Oikawa person is but you are intrigued
Who has over half of Team Japans undies all twisted you wonder 👀
Well it's a good thing we have a trip to the bathroom planned YN 🙌🏻
Seriously you have everything set up, the guys are practicing
Now is a perfect time to check yourself and use the facilities
Good thing you have an excellent sense of direction
Just kidding 🤗
You exit the bathroom and are completely lost
Like it's probably one of those bathrooms with two entrances
Why are those even a thing?
Ok back to it 👏🏻
You wander the stadium floors looking for the gym your team was assigned too
A quick check of your watch says you have 15 minutes
You are a smart cookie so you decide its best to text Iwaizumi and tell him your lost
You click send just as you walk into a brick wall
A brick wall with an Argentina jersey on 😶
You fall on your bum because like we have very little stability
Still you are so precious you apologize
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I'm lost and I wasn't paying attention"
The man, the myth and the legend totally notices your Team Japan manager shirt
"No no it was definitely my fault! I was just so stunned by your beauty I forgot to step to the side" 😏
Ok Oikawa way to lay it on THICC
Still YN you blush because it's Oikawa
"I'm Toru and you are?"
He helps you up and puts a hand on your waist to guide you through the crowd
"I'll help you find your team"- Oikawa, famous last words
Suddenly a volleyball hits Oikawa straight in the back of the head
You get whiplash from turning around so quickly to see your entire team standing there
Iwaizumi is ready with another Volleyball
"Shittykawa let YN go before I break that pretty nose of yours"- Iwaizumi
"Oh Iwa-chan you think my nose is pretty? 😌"
Aran stops Iwa from hurling another ball
Remember when Kindaichi had to hold Iwa back, yeah that's Aran 😅
You just stare 👁👄👁
"You're Oikawa?"
"In the flesh baby"- Oikawa says stupidly
Kags is literally the one to grab you 🤣
He still hates Oikawa
It's like his memories of Oiks all come flooding back 😠
Yaku and Komori check you over
Komori probably holds your hand the whole way back to the gym 😌
Not that we would EVER COMPLAIN
Hinata totally waves at Oikawa 👋🏻
Kags gets super jealous and so does Atsumu 😤
Bokuto has no clue what's even going on
In fact you better check to make sure he's not lost YN
The team leaves, only Ushiwaka and Oikawa remain
"If you wanted our manager, you should have come to Team Japan"- Ushiwaka 😐
Oikawa just gapes at him 😲
Ushi will never pass up the opportunity
Once the team is settled back in the gym, you all join in for a huddle before the match starts
They make you stand in the middle so they don't lose you 🤣
After the huddle, you give all the boys a bug hug and a kiss on the check
Seriously just clear the podium for them guys right now
Gold medals 🏅 are coming for this team
And we have YN to thank for it 😘
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hey I have request if you don’t mind lol it’s from the black clover universe and I was wondering if you can do a Nozel X Little sister y/n (No incest just like fluff bc that sounds so wrong😭) but Noelle and y/n is twins and ofc the 3 big Silva siblings treated them wrong because of their mother‘s stuff etc but They apologize to them and they said I respect in them and treated them like real siblings but y/n couldn’t forgive them Noelle already forgave them. Anytime that they will come around y/n she would give them the cold shoulder and Basically started treating them how she was treated all her life but one day there was a massive fight in the clover kingdom and Nozel was too busy protecting others that the opponent set a powerful attack towards him until YN stepped in and shield him from the attack with her body and in the process got badly injured and Nozel froze for a minute and saw her bleeding out and just went off on the opponent after the battle was over and they won Nozel quickly took her to the hospital and where she was treated but she fell into a coma right after she got out of surgery and the doctors don’t know when she’s gonna wake up. How would they react/feel and do they regret anything
Angst to whatever you feel like going with at the end
Btw i’m a really big fan I’ve been reading your hc/fanfics for a hot minute now not to sound like a creep or anything but you’re writing gives me comfort and peace and mind love you and you’re work and sorry if I made you uncomfortable with the request
Hello lovely bby, was wondering how do I pronounce your name? Oznh? Or is it an abbreviation to something? Lemme know!
Also I'm sorry that this request took so long, I'm finally here now (o・ω・o) Also, so long requests like this, I'll start from somewhere that you left off, because what you've written is pretty good enough for readers to understand, I think. :3
Thank you for loving my work (*/ω\) you did just fine bby, you don't sound like a creep and it didn't make me uncomfortable at all!
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Nozel Silva x F! reader Synopsis: reader is Noelle's twin TW: angst, maybe? Unchecked works
It was a split second decision, you didn't have much time to think it through; you brother was going to die from that oncoming lazer beam.
Maybe it was your heart getting soft from the apologies that he said, or the things he did to show you that he wanted to start things afresh, or because Dorothy nee-san showed you and Noelle the truth, or maybe because your twin had forgiven your siblings so it was like a twin thing to somehow feel the same.
Or maybe, just maybe, you never really hated your brother from the start. Somewhere deep down that cold heart of yours, behind those walls that you've built so high up, you actually longed to have a happy family with your siblings after Mama Acier passed on.
But you didn't want your brother to die. Not when you haven't had the time to spend with him yet. That was the only thought you had when you threw yourself right in front of the lazer beam and flew a few miles away.
You body was in pain but your heart felt like it was set free. It was lighter and happier like all the burdens were lifted. The last image you had was of your brother holding you in his arms, calling for your name, begging for you to stay with him.
You never felt that close to brother Nozel in your life, and it felt heartwarming and comforting to be in his arms. You slowly closed your eyes, knowing that you'll be safe and sound.
The scene of you throwing yourself in front of the lazer beam repeated like a broken record in Nozel's mind. Why did you do that? The image of you, lying lifeless in a pool of blood flashed constantly in front of his eyes.
Nozel could barely stand. His legs felt like they would buckle at any moment, the fear in him eating him from inside, slowly and steadily as his worst nightmare was just about to happen; he was going to lose someone he love again. Mama Acier told him to protect all of them and yet, he didn't keep his promise.
He looked at his shaking hands with a crestfallen face. He prayed for everything to stop, willed for himself to be strong for the rest of the siblings, and yet when Noelle came to him quietly asking, "Nozel oni-sama, is y/n okay?" He retreated a few steps back to steady himself on the wall behind him.
He didn't know. He had no answer to that simple question. He wished he could say that you'll be alright.. He hoped that you'll be.
The doctors came out with somber expression, saying that you'll be in a coma until god knows when. The 4 Silva siblings were in silence. It was as though their voices were lost together when the doctors' left. Nozel went into your room first, unable to believe what the doctors said until he saw with his own eyes.
A gasp left Nebra's mouth when they came in after their brother. You were wrapped in bandages, tubes attached to you from multiple places, some of your skin were covered in purple bruises. Noelle started to cry seeing her twin in this state.
Nozel's eyes locked onto you for a long time, his eyes narrowed and his pupils shook. His fist clenched into a tight ball as he tried his best to suppress the welling pain in his chest. The broken bones in his body right now could not compare to the ache in his heart.
Memories of you when you were younger raced in his mind, how he held you gently in his arms when you were just a baby, how he swore to always protect you. He swore again right then and there, to be there for you from now onwards, to pamper you like you and Noelle deserved. If only....
Sorry. The words couldn't come out from his throat, but it repeated again and again as he reached out to your hand and held it, the pitter patter of tears falling on your delicate skin.
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usefulspongey · 4 years
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Hello~ Thanks for stumbling across my post!
The name is Spongey , you can call me sponge for short. (Creative right?)
Drawing and writing is hobbies of my mine. On this page it will mostly be posts about my art , short stories and reposts!
Requests for writing are always wecome, if you have a drawing request pm me and we can talk about it!
I am into multiple Fandoms which include:
One Piece
Fairy tail
Black Clover
Jujutsu Kaisen
Naruto (I have only seem some of Boruto)
Fire Force
The Rising of Shield Hero
Demon Slayer
One punch Man
There is a lot more! Feel free to ask.
The Walking Dead
I will write Au's , (who doesn't love a good Au?) , OC X Canon , NSFW (There is some big no's here but shoot me a message) , Canon x Canon , Yn/Canon
Some of my characters will be posted on here as well as fanart! If you want something written with one of my oc's im usually down!
Stay for a while and give me a follow if you like what you see!
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