#black clover drabbles
amaya-writes · 2 years
Heyaaa! 👋😆
I saw you've gotten to 2k already and I'm so proud! 🥳😊 Can I request Fuegoleon (Black Clover) x reader in a arranged marriage AU? 🥺
Event Masterlist About The Event
Notes: thank you and I hope you like it!
Warnings: betrothal, arranged marriage,
Characters involved: Fuegoleon Vermillion
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
The Vermillion palace rejoiced with celebrations for the day's events. But for once their cheers bought you more distress than joy.
"You don't look happy."
You didn't have to turn to know it was Fuegoleon who had decided to join you on the balcony.
After all, he was the only one brave enough to sneak away from the celebrations of your betrothal to seek out the person lucky enough to be destined to join the Vermillion family.
His words carried a lilt of emotion you couldn't quite place as he shuffled towards you, however, there was no mistaking the tight frown on his lips. One so unbecoming to the perfect ruby robes he had been forced to dress up in; a get-up that perfectly matched your own.
"Is the idea of our marriage that depressing?"
A scoff escaped your lips at the question, for his query only paid homage to the obliviousness of your husband-to-be.
"I wouldn't know. It is not I who holds qualms for this arrangement."
"Whatever do you mean?"
This time, you couldn't stop yourself from turning to finally face the man you had all but avoided for the entire night.
Fuegoleon looked stunning. And so did you.
Why wouldn't you when you were celebrating one of the happiest moments of your life?
You were to marry the man you loved. The man you had pined after for years even as you tried to hide your adoration in attempts to salvage your friendship.
But he didn't love you back.
The realization had your gaze falling on the gold embroidery tailored across his top, something so intricate it allowed you to distract yourself enough to reply.
"Do you want to marry me, Fuegoleon?"
Your question had him furrowing his eyebrows in confusion even as he answered.
"I wouldn't have agreed to this arrangement if I didn't-"
"I'm not talking about political gain!"
The sudden volume of your voice startled the redhead enough to have him take a small step back, however, you were far too lost in your thoughts to notice as you finally voiced your true concerns.
"I love you, Fuegoleon. Not just as a friend or a hero or someone I held dear. I love you. Like someone who wants to marry you."
His ruby lips parted at your words, however, he didn't dare utter a single word lest he risked cutting you off.
"But you do not love me. You are simply doing this for your family and while I understand your sentiments I don't think I can survive a loveless marriage with the one I love."
This time, Fuegoleon's silence was enough of an answer. For it told you everything you had suspected, everything that you had dreaded coming to terms with.
But you meant what you said, and couldn't help but quickly turn to the side and try and take your leave.
Try. For you were quickly tugged to a stop by a sudden hand wrapping around your wrist.
"You are so foolish, my love."
The sudden petname had you whirling on the spot to once again face Fuegoleon, however, this time you were met by the sight of a wide smile as bright as diamonds, one that awfully contrasted your frowns.
"Do you really think a Vermillion like me would allow the king to force me into marriage for political gain? That my sister wouldn't turn the palace over at the mere thought of it?"
You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the thought of the famous Vermillion lioness known for her anger, but kept quiet as Fuegoleon continued.
"I love you. I have loved you for years yet was too foolish to notice your own feelings and instead desperately turned to my family for assistance."
His hand shifted from your wrist to cup your cheek, an action that made you suddenly very aware of the warmth flooding through your skin.
"I thought it was you who was against this marriage."
"But I'm not."
The words were barely above a whisper, yet loud enough for Fueguleon to hear you, especially with the way he was leaning down towards you.
Butterflies ran rampant in your stomach as you felt his other hand drop to your waist to pull you in closer, but you weren't given a moment to dwell over them, not when he was now so awfully close.
The Vermillion palace rejoiced with celebrations for the day's events.
But this time, as his lips met yours, the newly betrothed couple couldn't help but join in.
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shinystar000 · 3 months
→ Yami Sukehiro x m reader
tw: make out session?
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It didn't take Asta long to settle into life at the Black Bulls headquarters. He felt honored to be part of such an incredible group. However, there was a small issue: under the leadership of Captain Yami, there was also a subordinate named [Y/n] who gave off this intimidating aura that shook Asta to his core. Worst than Captain Yami.
After getting used to his new home over the course of several days, the 15-year-old was an early riser, continuing his routine of waking up his captain. Despite having permission to do so, it seems the captain was grumpy each morning. On a certain day, Asta found himself hesitating before knocking on the wooden door, listening to the usual long silence. Summoning his courage, he called out.
"Captain! Sir, it's morning!" Asta persisted, ignoring the hesitation, he knocked repeatedly until the door creaked open. Revealed behind it was the intimidating figure of Yami, who fixed Asta with a nasty glare. The ash-gray-haired boy couldn't help but squeak in fear at the sight of his powerful captain.
"Don't you ever stop with the damn knocking?" Yami's voice boomed with irritation, causing Asta to shrink back slightly, his nerves on edge from the captain's sharp tone.
"I-I'M SORRY, SIR, YOU TOLD ME WAKE YOU-" Asta's words stumbled out in a rush, his voice laced with fear as he bowed profusely in respect. As he lowered his gaze, his eyes caught sight of small bite marks on Yami's neck, causing him to pause in confusion. Were those...? No, it couldn't be. Before he could dwell on his thoughts, he felt Yami's grip tightened around his head, the pain intensifying.
"Hey. Are you listening?" Yami's voice lowered ominously, causing Asta to flinch and yelp. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Fortunately, his captain showed mercy, releasing his grip on Asta's head. "What are you standing around for? Get back to cleaning," Yami commanded sternly. Forgetting about the mysterious marks, Asta saluted him and obeyed.
"Sir, yes, sir!"
With a burst of energy, he dashed down the hallway, likely waking up others in the process. Yami scratched his neck, an annoyed expression crossing his face. "That damn kid."
"He has a lot of spirit, I can see why you picked him," a groggy voice emanated from inside the room, belonging to a specific [h/c] figure who comfortably nestled into warm sheets, his form practically naked, adorned with marks far worse than Yami's, each one filled with love. The sight of his lover sprawled out like that elicited a hum from the man and savored the moment. With a smile, he closed the door, granting them both some privacy.
"You can say that again, he's a pain in the ass but he's strong," Yami agreed with a small smirk, meeting [Y/n]'s raised eyebrow with a knowing look. Yami walked over to lay beside him, craving his embrace without needing to ask for it. "Stronger than you?"
"No, not really..." Yami trailed off, his attention fully captivated by him. Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss, reigniting the passion between them that had been interrupted earlier by Asta. Any lingering thoughts vanished as Yami's lips moved against [Y/n]'s soft ones, consuming him with hunger and desire as if it was his last meal. Their bodies entwined, Yami's muscular frame pressing down, his arms encircling his waist as their chests pressed together in a warm embrace, lost in the moment.
Yami's tongue slowly slipped into [Y/n]'s mouth, eliciting a gasp of surprise from the other. His subordinate was enveloped in pure bliss, his mind becoming blank as he surrendered to the sensation of being touched in such a way. As he felt himself sinking back into the mattress, overwhelmed with pleasure, he let out a muffled moan. With a dark chuckle, Yami teasingly drawing blood from [Y/n]'s bottom lip before pulling away. It was a cute sight, seeing his boyfriend breathless and flushed from nothing more than "simple" kisses.
The heated atmosphere shifted when Yami felt a hard tug on his black hair, causing him to wince, [Y/n] clicking his tongue disapprovingly and decided to push Yami off of him in order to breath. "Jeez, lucky for you, I'm into that sort of thi-" he was cut off mid-sentence by a pillow smacking his face, prompting a snicker from [Y/n]. "C'mon, we can't lay here in bed all day."
Yami groaned, but then he playfully pulled him back down onto the bed without using much strength. He lacked the energy to get up and desired to stay in bed a while longer. "I'm the Captain, and I order you to stay here, it's barely morning..." he complained. [Y/n] remained stubborn and didn't listen, a trait that perhaps was one of the reasons Yami fell in love with him in the first place.
Putting on a pair of pants, his subordinate shook his head with a knowing smile.
"As your...husband, I order you to go do your job of being captain." His back facing Yami, he couldn't see the way he paused and widened his eyes slightly in realization from being referred to. The [h/c] left the room without a single word. He on the other hand still had so much to process. Feeling his heart quickening in his chest, he snorted while covering his mouth after leaning back in defeat.
Shit, I'm in love, huh?
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brotheramberland · 1 year
Senseis' as fathers with a child!reader that was born blind.
Senseis' include: Kakashi Hatake, Satoru Gojo, Yami Sukehiro, and Levi Ackerman.
Please keep in mind: All character & reader interactions are purely platonic. There is NO romance. The reader is somewhere below the age of twelve and is portrayed as non-binary. These drabbles are meant to be platonic, fluffy and comforting.
Kakashi Hatake
"Do you have a good sense of your surroundings?" Kakashi asked from where he knelt beside you.
You sported a determined expression that he couldn't help but to find both adorable and admirable. Even blind you still tried your hardest to improve your skills no matter how dangerous it may be. It made him proud and also worried him to death.
"Mhm," You nodded, tilting your head, "There's a tree five meters that way. I think I know where to go."
"Very good," Kakashi patted your back, "Just remember, if you happen to fall, I'll be right there to catch you."
"Ok, daddy," You smiled at him before focusing all your attention on using echolocation to navigate the branch you wanted to jump on. If you were going to be a ninja one day, you had to practice and train with all your might, "Here I go."
Kakashi held his breath while calmly waiting for you to make your jump, his body braced in precaution. A lump grew in his throat and sweat lightly dampened his clothes. Honestly, he might be over-thinking a bit, but he couldn't help it. He loved you so much, and while he respected your desires to train, he still worried about you tremendously.
He had lost so much in his life. Losing the most precious piece of it would cause him to go infinitely insane. Your blindness was an extreme vulnerability, and although you had grown well adapted to it, there was still much you had left to learn. And it didn't help his anxiety any when you decided to do dangerous activities like this.
In a flash, you jumped.
With a stumble, you landed perfectly on the tree branch. Wobbling to regain balance, you blushed in triumph and giggled, "Ah! Did you see that, daddy? I made it!"
Kakashi swiftly jumped onto the same branch, smiling proudly behind his mask, "Yes I did. That was well done, dongo, good job. At this rate, you'll be a ninja in no time."
Delighted by his praise, you grinned and began looking around, getting excited when you sensed yet another nearby branch. "There's another one," You grinned and went to jump.
Kakashi gasped and reached out for you, "Wait, (y/n), not so fast."
This time around, you didn't land where you were supposed to. In fact you didn't come into contact with any trees, and instead fell to the far away ground. "Ahh, daddy!" You cried.
Kakashi caught you in an instant, safely securing you in his arms while landing on a nearby branch, "You okay?"
You whimpered, hugging him tightly and frowning in failure, "Yes, but... I missed."
"That's okay," Kakashi quickly reassured you, running a soothing hand through your messy hair, "We all make mistakes. Why don't you try again, but this time, try not to let your emotions overwhelm you, ok? Often times emotions can be more blinding than blindness itself."
"But... What if I miss again?" You say sadly, "I-if I can't jump like I'm supposed to, then I'll never get to be a ninja, an-and you'll hate me, a-and I w-won't get to be like you-"
"Hey, hey, where's this coming from?" Kakashi grasped your shaking shoulders, looking into your milky, watery eyes, "Dongo, I could never hate you, so don't ever assume that, ok? And this was only your second attempt. You have plenty more to go. Don't be so hard on yourself. One of the most important things about being a ninja is never giving up. You're not giving up, are you?"
Quickly wiping your eyes, you shook your head and say softly, "Do you really think I can do it?"
Kakashi smiled and went to playfully pinch your cheek, kissing you on the forehead through his mask before saying, "I know you can. There's nothing you can't do, (y/n), and I'll always be right here by your side to make sure of that."
Levi Ackerman
Levi was enjoying one of his rare days off from the ever tiring Survey Corps. He hadn't gotten to see you in over a week- something he chewed Erwin out for sternly. By the time he entered his house, you came rushing towards him, your tiny figure accidentally bumping into things along the way.
"What did I say about running?" He grumbled, unable to resist hugging you whenever you were close enough, "Damn runt, gonna hurt yourself."
"I missed you, daddy," You say in a mixture of sadness and excitement, your cracking voice causing him to frown, "You were gone so long. I-I was scared you wouldn't come back."
"Hmp, so much for faith," Levi ruffled your hair, relief flooding him at finally getting to be at your side again, "Has nanny been good to you?"
You whimpered a bit, your glossy eyes pointing towards the ground, "I like her, but... She doesn't let me draw... or cook... or sew."
At that answer, Levi sighed and palmed his face, cursing nonsense underneath his breath. This was a common problem for you and him; nannies and babysitters not letting you do anything fun all because you were blind. None of them had any patience or consideration and it really got on his nerves.
"Tell me she read to you at least?" He rubbed his temple, not really in the mood to threaten another dumb nanny for mistreating his child, but if he had to he would absolutely give her a piece of his mind.
Your small "yes" was the only thing that saved her.
Seeing the dejection decorating your face, Levi tapped on your nose and said, "Well, you should know it's been a while since I've had some decent food. Get your little butt in there and cook me something already."
Gasping in joy at his given permission to do one of your favorite activities, you nearly leaped into the air, twirling around and giggling excitedly, "Yay! I get to cook for daddy."
Before you could run off, Levi grabbed your hand and grumbled, "No running this time."
You grumbled back at him and marched to the kitchen with a silly pout on your face. Levi shook his head, grinning as he thought about how much he loved you. Honestly, you being blind was kind of a relief to him simply because it meant that you would never be able to fight. And being the protective father he was, he rather preferred it that way.
You were already doing such a good job at basic daily activities like reading braille, learning how to write, cooking small meals, navigating your way through familiar places, and even drawing and sewing. People said you wouldn't develop properly when you were born. Well, Levi would like to see them say that to his face now.
Taking off his jacket, Levi none-too-politely paid the nanny and threw her out of his house. Then he went into the kitchen where you were currently working on mixing eggs in a bowl, your eyes staring mindlessly at the wall. You may be blind, but you made him so unbelievably proud, you had no idea.
"I'm making your favorite, daddy," You say cheerfully when you noticed his presence.
Levi smirked and went to put some fire in the stove, "'Bout time I was spoiled."
You giggled, carefully climbed down from the chair, and walked over to him, reaching out to feel for his hand, "Can I see you?"
After getting the fire started, Levi knelt down in front of you and patiently allowed you to touch his face with your hands. You often did this during moments when he held you, your little hands gently feeling the structure of his face in an attempt to get an idea of what he really looked like.
"I missed you, daddy," You say quietly.
Levi reached forward and pulled you into a firm, loving hug, kissing the side of your cheek, "Missed you too, you little runt."
Satoru Gojo
Who would have thought that his child would be born with beautiful crystal eyes like he himself had, and yet be cursed never to use them? Even though your disability was not his fault, Gojo still felt guiltily accountable, and always sought protecting you and making you the happiest he possibly could.
Starting a new morning, Gojo carried some fresh, folded clothes into your bedroom, quiet and stealthy. You were sleeping peacefully on your bed, your little snores causing his heart to flood with endearment. Gosh, you were so precious to him.
Setting the clothes down, Gojo knelt beside the bed and reached out to brush a gentle hand through your hair. You whimpered, your head stirring around on the pillow. "Hm? Hello? Rise and shine," He playfully sang.
You groaned softly, your body stretching out as your eyes squinted open. "Mm... Daddy?" You reached out to feel for him as your eyes stayed aimed towards the ceiling.
"Morning, my little angel," Gojo grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently, "Time to get up."
"Are you taking me to work today?" You asked curiously, tilting your head towards him, your hand tensing within his own larger one, "What if they don't like me?"
"Are you kidding me? They're gonna love you," Gojo blew raspberries and laughed, "And if they don't, then guess what? More butts' for me to leave my ultra-famous, Gojo styled foot print on."
Giggling at his joke, you reached out with your free hand and go to feel the blind-fold covering his powerful eyes, "I wish I could be more like you."
That sent a bullet roaring through Gojo's heart. He absolutely hated it when you degraded yourself and/or claimed that you wished you were different. It broke his heart more than you could ever imagine. "Hmm, well I love you just the way you are," He said casually.
"In fact I'd give up my own eyes any day to be just like you; free house, free food, the world's most riveting, handsome dad (if I do say so myself), and of course the opportunity to never have to work in a dangerous environment," Gojo smiled and patted your head, "There are plenty of reasons to be like you. Quit being so negative- you'll make the walls cry- and they don't even have eyes."
Letting go of your hand, Gojo grabbed your clothes and unceremoniously tossed them onto your face, "Hurry, hurry, or I'll eat all of the breakfast. Hm? Breakfast... Oh no, the breakfast!"
Sensing your father quickly disappear, you only manage to frown when the fire alarms began going off seconds later. Looks like he burnt breakfast... Again...
After you got dressed, brushed your teeth and headed down the hallway, you grimaced at the stench of burnt eggs. Goodness, what a silly father you had, but you loved him. Coming to a stop at the table where you sensed he was sitting at, you timidly held out a single band of cloth.
"Oh? What's this?" Gojo asked nonchalantly, pretending not to be embarrassed about, yet again, burning breakfast, "A scarf?"
"I... I thought that maybe... S-since I'm blind, maybe I could wear something like what you wear to cover your eyes. Then that way..." You frowned, tilting your nose down at the ground, "That way they won't know I'm blind. They'll think I'm strong, like you."
If your words could be knives, then they would have just sliced right through his chest. Still though, he managed to maintain his optimistic, calm persona, "What? You wanna lie to your new friends? Well that's not very nice. Their hearts would be broken in seconds."
"But..." You whimpered.
"Listen, (y/n)," Gojo reached out to grasp your shoulder, squeezing it gently, "You're not like me. You will never be anything like me. Why- you may ask? Because you're already a million times better."
You sniffled, leaning in to hug him, grateful that he so greatly accepted and loved you no matter how flawed you were, "I love you, daddy."
"I love you too, little angel who is stronger and cooler and- while I hate to admit it- better looking than me," Gojo teased, your laughter his haven that he could live in forever.
He loves you, (y/n), remember that.
Yami Sukehiro
Yami, in general, was already extremely protective of you, especially after he discovered that you would forever be blind. Now that's not to say that he didn't encourage you to push past your limits. In fact he helped you train all the time. But see, the only problem he had with you training was when you trained by yourself.
And when he found out that you had been flying around on a broom by yourself thus leading to the breaking of your arm, Yami just about tore the rooftops off buildings with his sheer rage alone.
He was in the medical ward giving Magna and Luck a good scolding until you came prattling up, your arm perfectly healed by healing-magic. "Daddy, please stop being mean to Magna and Luck," You whined, tears in your eyes as you lightly shook, "I'm sorry. It's my fault... I went outside without their permission and rode the broom... It's my fault."
The entire ward went dead silent as Yami turned all his attention to you. Considering how bad his temper could get, you were pretty brave for admitting your mistake. And the look on your face; embarrassed, frightened and sad. He knew that you were telling the truth.
"Alright then," Yami relaxed and stepped forward to take your healed hand in his, his voice calm as he said, "Think it's 'bout time you and I had a little chat."
You whimpered but otherwise said nothing the entire time your father lead you just outside the ward. You knew from how he treated others that making him angry resulted in a scary outcome, and you worried what he would do to you now that you've finally done something to upset him. You felt bad too. Sad and regretful.
Once you were outside, Yami let go of your hand and lit a cigarette, "So... Ya just thought ya could do whatever the heck ya wanted to, huh?"
You tensed, your blind eyes staring at the ground, "I did a bad thing. I'm sorry, daddy."
Yami considered you. Unlike other people who annoyed him, he had never really ever gotten mad at you. Seeing how scared you were right now was suffocating enough to make him pout. Was he really making you that uncomfortable? But... He was your father. You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable around him.
"Ya know, if this were me an' my dad, I woulda' already got my head beat in," Yami blew out a cloud of smoke, "Lucky for you though, I ain't him... I do wanna know one thing though- If all ya wanted to do was ride a damn broom, why didn't ya ask for help?"
You swayed back and forth, fiddling with your hands, "'Cause... You don't need help, an'..."
Ah. So you wanted to be like him. Yami closed his eyes in understanding. "Squirt, get over here an' look at me," Yami crouched down and guided your tiny hand to rest against the side of his face.
He in return cupped your face, gazing into your foggy eyes and saying, "I don't need help 'cause I'm all grown an' got full control over my mana. You're still a tiny, little sprout. Now if ya wanna train, that's fine, but 'till then, you train when someone else is around to help, ya hear?"
You nodded, your lower lip wobbling, "Yes, daddy."
"Eh? I go easy on ya an' you're still about'a cry? Talk about sensitive," Yami chuckled a bit, gently whacking your nose with his thumb.
"I-it's not you, daddy, I..." You whimpered, your body buckling up, "When I fell- i-it... It was just so scary a-and it hurt..."
Oh. Yami's face bloomed with realization. Oh... That was your first traumatic experience, huh? No wonder you were so upset. At first he thought about teasing you or making a sarcastic remark, but ultimately decided against it.
Instead he settled for wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against his large chest. "It'll be alright, squirt. You're tough. You'll pull through. Everything's gonna be alright, ya hear?"
Soaking up his comforting warmth and attention, you whimpered and nodded, trying your hardest to hide in the safety of his chest. Your father was so strong and comforting. With him around, it was guaranteed that you would always be safe.
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yeonsclover · 11 months
Oh could I please request something for nozel, Fuego and William where they kiss their s/o and they don't notice the lipstick smudge on their lips or cheek and go around doing their captain duties with it but everyone is too scared to point it out until someone does and they just burst into embarrassment??? So cute so cute
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(I tried my best! Srry if spelling mistakes)
Captain reaction to you leave a lip stick mark on their face
You two always start your day with a kiss before you two leave for work, and a kiss when you get back home. But today you put on your brightest red lipstick. And when you kiss your significant other you just so happed to leave a perfect mark of the print your lips left.
* You felt bad you weren’t gonna lie
* You knew what you had done but you didn’t feel bad. You were so tickled the whole day just thinking about it.
* Wondering how he will react
* Wondering how the people around him will react. You knew he would find out eventually
* Everyone was laughing at him or trying to hold in their laughter.
* He face turning more red with embarrassment the more he stares he gets
* William was already self conscious about his looks.
* He didn’t know why people were laughing at him
* I mean half of his face was covered already (unless were talking abt when it’s not)
* He walks through the hallway of the base making his way to the lunch hall.
* “I’m captain”
* “What is it Yuno” William asked innocently
* “I guess you and y/n had fun the morning?”
* If you think his face was red before it was now beet red.
* “What… why would you say that” he manages to get out but he stumbles on his words.
* Yuno takes out a pocket mirror out his bag and hands it to his captain
* All the color drained from his face.
* Let’s just say you got a phone call from him immediately afterwards with him softly yelling at you.
You had to go on a mission with some of the squad members. But before you go you would never forget to give your favorite person the best kiss that would stay with them forever(well for a while)
* You and fuego have the ongoing prank wars
* You and he both knew they you’d be going on a mission for the next week
* So the both of you wanted to see who could pull of the best prank before you leave
* His prank ended up failing. But yours won’t.
* You went out to the store the day before and brought this bubble gum pink lipstick.
* You were being thoughtful you thought it would go well with the color of his hair
* And boy were you right.
* “Bye love see you later”
* You run out the the shared room before any ideas of his were formed
* You knew he had something up his sleeve but that would have to wait till you get back.
* Fuego had agree to train with his siblings the following day.
* “Um…. Big bro” Leo said
* “Are you tired of sparing Leo”
* “Um no” eyeing his face trying to hold in his laugh “you have um”
* Mereoleona burst on to the training groups running 15 minutes late.
* She runs on to the field but stops right in her tracks.
* And then she just burst out laughing uncontrollably
* “What the hell is on your face”
* “He touches his face rubbing the waxy like texture off and looking at it.
* He sighs in embarrassment.
* “Their going to be the death of me”
You don’t normally joke around with your boyfriend. But how can you not when he’s so cute when he’s mad? And you knew just the perfect thing to do and when to do it.
* Nozel had a captains meeting today
* You knew this was risky but you’d never waste an opportunity like this.
* You had just brought this new cherry red lipstick.
* And you knew exactly how you wanted to set this plan into action.
* Nozel had to leave soon to go to a captains meeting.
* And right before he left you didn’t forget to give him a big kiss on his forehead
* Walking into the captains meeting Nozel already was dreading it.
* He would much rather be at home with you.
* He didn’t want to be around these loud people (yami) for the next hour or two.
* He didn’t notice the stares at first.
* He looks over at dorthey to see her wide awake smirking at him (I just know she had to be awake for this)
* Turning to his right to Charlotte she’s staring at him with a blush lightly dusted on his cheeks but she quickly turns away when he narrowed his eyes to glare
* “When can we start this meeting I have better thing to do” Nozel said rolling his eyes
* “Yeah we can tell” yami said walking through the spatial mages portal
* Everyone at the table burst out laughing
* “What the hell is so funny”
* Yami reaches over and swipes the lipstick off of Nozels forehead “this is what’s funny”
* You definitely got a sten talking when he got home
* (He pretended to be mad and you guys cuddled all night long he’d never admit it)
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nakunakunomi · 9 months
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This drabble is part of my summer celebration collection! Prompt: Water Characters featured: Julius (Black Clover), 2nd person GN Reader Requested by: @sir-sol [a/n]: I am pretty sure that this is not the plot I had originally planned but I kind of ended up liking this. Hope you do too!
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It was a beautiful summer day, and Julius was locked inside his office, working hard. It’d be a surprise to everyone surrounding him, but you knew the truth: he was technically not sitting and working there voluntarily, but it was Marx who had finally put his foot down and made sure he did his work instead of strolling around the kingdom in disguise. 
You kind of felt bad, mostly because you were actually planning on joining him for one of his strolls, as it was an exceptionally beautiful day. But you did understand Marx and his reasoning, he had been practically begging the Wizard King to just do a few of his duties, so he didn’t have to make excuses for him for a couple more days. 
You knocked on his door, the hopeful tone with which he said ‘come in’ made your heart skip a beat. He smiled so widely when he saw you, only to have the smile falter the second you closed the door behind you again. You were not here to help him escape, not this time, as you really didn’t want to feel Marx’s wrath. You could, however, make Julius feel a little less lonely and ease his suffering. 
So you had brought some ice cold water, some snacks, and decided to sit right next to him, offering assistance wherever you could. There was not a lot of paperwork that you could help on, but just your company made his work a little more bearable. 
He pushed his chair back, stretching a little, and for a second you were worrying if you were going to have to talk him into doing more work, because he was far from done, and looked like he’d stand up any second. Instead, he patted his lap. 
“Care to take the best seat in the house? Just… to motivate me a little more” 
He didn’t have to say that twice.
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whackdreamer · 11 months
She wanted him to look.
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He was looking. He was looking at her for a time now, but she just hadn’t noticed it. 
 He was looking. 
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As the sword descended upon her, he was still looking. Which is why he jumped in front of her to protect her from the attack. The pain he endured from the blow was secondary to what he felt when he saw her fall alongside him, as she suffered from the same fatal injury he tried to prevent. 
 When he closed his eyes he could still see her. The face of the one he tried to save till the end.
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jubilee40 · 4 months
After Work Mini-Series Masterlist:
Tired after an 8hr shift w/ Husband Nanami
Picking you up after work w/ Criminal Boyfriend Sukuna
Quickie in the women’s restroom w/ Boyfriend Ran Haitani
Soft Moment After Work W/ Ryomen Sukuna
No One Showed Up To Your Newly Created College Club W/ Osamu Dazai
Sudden Random Satoru Gojo Idea (JJK College AU)
Kyojuro Rengoku & his tired wife
To Be Continued…
These are not full fics, these are fantasies and ideas I've thought of when I'm at work and wanted to share. Some fics might be set in a college AU instead of an after-work scenario.
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
Peppermint Mochas 2023
❄️ Coffee Shots with a holiday/winter twist! ❄️
Big Windup
Lee Mihashi, Ler Abe
Black Clover
Lee Asta, Ler Yuno
Lee Finral, Ler Vanessa
Lee Magna, Ler Luck
Bungo Stray Dogs
Lee Atsushi, Ler Dazai
Lee Dazai, Ler Chuuya
Lee Chuuya, Ler Dazai
Lee Sigma, Ler Dazai
Lee Dazai, Ler Chuuya
Lee Chuuya, Ler Dazai
Lee Dazai, Ler Chuuya
Lee Atsushi, Ler Akutagawa
Lee Atsushi, Ler Lucy
Lee Fyodor, Ler Dazai
Lee Poe, Ler Ranpo
Lee Dazai, Ler Kunikida
Lee Sigma, Ler Ranpo
Dr. Stone
Lee Senku, Ler Gen
Switches Daichi, Asahi, and Suga
Lee Hinata, Ler Kageyama
My Hero Academia
Lee Deku, Ler Bakugou
Lee Bakugou, Ler Deku
Lee Kaminari, Ler Kirishima
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loosesodamarble · 7 months
The heart shattering realization that Acier died but she at least got to be there for Noelle's first birthday.
The curse made her too weak to hold her baby daughter or even sit up, so Acier had to lay on her bed with Noelle curled up next to her. She stroked little Noelle's cheek and smiled, knowing that Noelle was healthy and strong. She sang a gentle lullaby when Noelle woke and cried in a fuss. She gave her baby girl as many kisses as she possibly could give. Let Noelle curl her too small hand around one of Acier's fingers in a search for comfort. Acier loved Noelle with what little strength she had left in her.
Because Acier knew her time was short. She knew that she wouldn't be able to see Noelle grow up.
After soothing Noelle to sleep that night, Acier looked upon her infant daughter. A sad smile on her face.
"Happy birthday, my little Noelle. Mama wants you to know that you're loved, so very much. I hope every birthday you have after this is even happier than the last."
Acier gave Noelle one last kiss goodnight.
Her one wish for Noelle was for her to have all the happiness in the world.
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lunargrapejuice · 2 years
Hi, how are you doing? Can I please have the color "Very Berry" with Yuno?
hi! i'm doing okay, better and so soft after writing this🥰, i hope you're well! 💖 thank you for requesting, i haven't written for black clover in a while so i was excited to write this! i hope you enjoy it <3
yuno grinberryall x reader with no pronouns used
main masterlist
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“mmm these are delicious,” you hum in satisfaction, an equally content smile on your face as you grab another pastry from the box that separates you from yuno. “are you sure you don’t want one?”
“i'm sure,” his voice is soft and kind, his usual tone when it was just the two of you like this. “i bought them for you after all.” 
“yeah but that means they’re mine to share with whoever i want. with you,” you lean to the side, lightly touching your shoulder against his before quickly returning to your own space. you were always so nervous to reach out for him but sometimes your body reacted before your brain could tell you to stop and while it made the butterflies in your stomach flutter their wings uncontrollably, it also made your heart beat with uncertainty. you’ve never spoken your feelings to him, too afraid of how he couldn’t possibly feel the same way about you but some moments, much like this one, made you hopeful and bold.
this wasn’t the first time yuno had gifted you something he thought you’d like and it wasn’t the first time you two shared your company in the quiet hills of the clover kingdom under the setting sun. sometimes you swore you saw a blush on his face, you swore that he felt the same wave of electricity run through his entire body when you accidentally touched, you swore you heard his voice become even lovelier in moments like this. and for the most part, you blame it on the sun, the way the pinks and oranges of the sky reflect off his cheeks, how an evening like this can make anyone feel happier, lighter but sometimes you can’t help but feel like it’s more than that.
before your hopefulness can get the better of you, you shake your head, as if the wind would blow away the pink dusting your cheeks and take your wishful thoughts along with it, and pop the jelly filled treat into your mouth. it’s delectable, flaky on the outside with gooey berry jam in the middle, still lingering with warmth. you could devour the whole box if you weren’t careful but you suppose that’s why yuno gave them to you in the first place. he was so attentive when it came to you.
you think you’ve worn him down when you hear the heart melting melody of his chuckle and turn your gaze to catch the lovely sight of his smile but your thoughts are far from sharing a yummy treat with him when you see his slender fingers reaching for your face.
“i’m glad you like them,” he says, his smile radiating through his words.
you’re frozen in place, your still heart keeping you frozen in place with wide eyes staring at his golden ones. their color is striking in the evening glow but his gaze is as soft as his touch when his hand finally meets your cheek, deft fingers resting against your burning cheeks as his thumb wipes jam you didn’t know was there off of the corner of your mouth. his touch is considerate, warm, lingering for longer than what most would consider normal but truthfully neither of you mind.
“y-yuno..” you whisper quietly, feeling the pad of his thumb against your lips as you speak.
his eyes widen like saucers, as if he had just realized what he was doing and this time you know for a fact you saw him blush, there was no hiding it when it spread from his cheeks to his ears. though you weren’t in a much better state.
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naturallykenma · 2 years
types of touches (black clover)
a/n: this is my first time writing for them & idk if anyone will read this so we will see how it goes!! 
warnings: jealousy (nacht), other than that, none!
featuring: finral & nacht <3
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nacht faust: possessive hand holding 
“are you ready?” nacht asked, glancing over at you. the two of you had been dating for quite some time, but decided it was time for you to announce it to the rest of the black bulls. you nodded, giving him a smile, which he returned before opening the door and guiding you in. 
you were immediately greeted by asta’s yelling and vanessa calling for you to come have a drink. you smiled again, but politely declined, only to have finral approach you and start flirting. 
“hey y/n,” he started. “how about we get out of here and escape the chaos, hm? what do you say?” 
nacht grabbed your hand, possessively linking your fingers together as he stepped forward. “we’re together, actually.” he muttered. “back off.” 
finral’s jaw dropped before he began yelling to the rest of the group what nacht had just told him while you squeezed nacht’s hand and giggled. 
“some people have no shame.” nacht mumbled. 
“were you jealous, my love?” you laughed, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“no. just don’t want anyone to steal you away.” he grumbled, giving your hand another squeeze.
“hmmm i think that’s called jealousy, baby.” 
finral: hugging and gently holding the other’s head + hugging from behind
you watched as finral was getting ready to leave on a mission, grabbing his favorite picture of the two of you before checking that he had everything. his back was facing you and he was mumbling softly to himself, but you couldn’t help but worry for his safety and the rest of the black bulls. 
you walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind, pressing your face between his shoulder blades. 
“hey, you.” he chuckled. “what’re you doing?” 
“wanted a hug.” you mumbled against his back. “‘m worried about you.” 
“aw sweetheart,” he cooed, turning around and wrapping his arms around you so you were pressed against his chest and placing one of his hands on the back of your head. “don’t be too worried, hm? i’ll be back before you know it.” 
his thumb rubbed soothing circles onto your head, making you feel a little better.
“promise me you’ll come back safe.” you said, voice still muffled by his shirt. 
“i promise, sweetheart.”
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amaya-writes · 8 months
Amaya's Ringtober 2023 Masterlist
General Post
How the Haikyuu boys would propose to you: Kenma, Kuroo, Daichi, Kageyama, Oikawa, Atsumu
The demon brothers reacting to their fiance losing her ring
Innocent childhood romance with Megumi where he gives you a promise ring
Nanami and his stay at home wife headcanons
Illumi angst scenario: his wife finds out he 'cheated' during one of his assassinations
Black Clover characters introduce you (their new finance) to their siblings: Finral, Gauche, Leo
Port mafia characters x reader arranged marriage AU (reader is Mori's relative): Dazai (he never left PM AU), Chuuya, Akutagawa
The 1A boys and the type of ring they would propose with
Tokyo Revengers characters picking out a ring: Mikey, Hanma, Draken, Chifuyu, Mitsuya
Gojo, Itadori and Nanami reacting to reader rejecting their proposal
Bnha characters arranged marriage AU x traditional reader: Izuku, Shoto, Bakugo, Denki, Shinso
Shigaraki x Redestro's daughter arranged marriage AU
How they would react to your ring being the wrong size: Gojo, Dazai, Bakugo, Shoto, L, Mikey
Your child broke your marriage ring scenario with Dabi
Bnha characters accidentally proposing at the same time as reader: Iida, Denki, Tokoyami, Dabi, Aizawa, Shinsou and Shigaraki
Reader reacting to finding out they once wanted to marry someone else- open to characters but wants Gojo, Megumi, Hisoka and Atsushi
Haikyuu characters noticing reader stopped wearing their ring (angst to comfort- everything's fine at the end) any characters + Ushijima and Kuroo
1A boys when the reader proposes to them
1A boys reacting to reader watching a wedding scene and saying 'that's going to be us someday?'
Gojo reacting to reader looking starstrucked by a wedding dress they see while shopping
BSD characters reacting to reader casually saying they're going to marry them one day
Game Status:
OPEN, Currently Writing Reqs
Requests Status:
21/30 Reqs, 6/21 Written
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lee-lucius · 7 months
Advent Calender 1: Cold
Word Count: 489
Usually, Luck was a menace. Don't get him wrong, Magna loved his boyfriend, but he was an absolute menace almost all of the time.
Except for times like these, when the sky darkened far too early, accompanied by the first few wisps of snow, littered faintly across the ground. When his eyes would grow too weary, blinking over and over until a yawn finally escaped him. When there was a faint chill in the air nipping at his flushed skin, leaving him only wanting one thing. 
And he found it. With another yawn, Luck collapsed into his arms and snuggled close to Magna, who sputtered an initial protest before relaxing into the touch, unable to hide his smile at Luck's clingy behavior. He knew how rare this was, and he certainly knew more than anyone else what a menace Luck normally was, except for when he was tired, so it didn't matter that it was practically in the middle of the afternoon or that Magna was relaxing on the common room couch when he came over and unceremoniously plopped himself onto Magna's lap in front of everyone because he really had no shame.
Besides, it was rare to see him so relaxed and cozy, and Magna could never resist his puppy-dog eyes.
Luck dug his head into the crook of his neck, while Magna wrapped his arms around him tighter, rubbing soothing circles onto his hips and allowing his heat to seep into Luck. His boyfriend squirmed, swatting at his hand with a whine.
"Stop, it tickles."
Magna smirked. "Oh, really? That's too bad."
Luck shrieked as ruthless fingers were dug into his hips, sluggishly thrashing away from the ticklish sensations. "Nohohoho! Mahahagna stahahap!"
"Nah, maybe this will teach you a lesson for stealing my pudding earlier."
"Buhuhut ihihit wahahas fuhUHUNY! NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!" He screamed, voice raising at least three octaves as Magna started kneading his hips, dipping his hands down to make direct contact with his cold skin that was becoming more and more feverish with each passing second. 
"You warmed up yet?"
Luck's head was thrown back in laughter, his cheeks more flushed than before and hair sticking up at odder angles than usual. Still, he remained in Magna's lap, curled up to him, any attempts at a response dying on the tip of his tongue only to be replaced by shrill whines.
It was a moment of weakness, admittedly. But his boyfriend was so tired and cute, and he could never resist his puppy-dog eyes.
He eased his attack, switching from kneading his hips to gently scribbling his fingers across Luck's stomach. Relieved, he immediately relaxed, sinking into the touch with sweet giggles.
Magna scoffed, "You wanted this the whole time, didn't you?"
Luck didn't respond, instead yawning between his laughter as he settled in for another joyful night with his partner, letting his heart fill with warmth and laughter until the cold was forgotten altogether.
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deltajellybean793 · 9 months
How the Black Bulls react to a Love Letter - Part 2
This is Part 2 of headcanons with the Black Bulls, Part 1 here
Finral Roulacase
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He's over the moon that someone even cares enough to be an admirer.
Immediately goes out of his way to send gifts to the sender and plan out a date.
Vanessa Enoteca
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Probably think it's a prank and ignore it for weeks.
After awhile though and after she sobers up she'll return the gesture by taking the sender on a night out.
She might even reward them with a kiss on a cheek, because she ain't no floozy, not that kind anyway
Nacht Faust
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Determines whether or not you're a good person or not.
If you aren't, he roasts the shit outta you and refuses to speak to you.
If you are, however, he'll definitely send you thank you gifts and might consider taking you out.
Gonna have to be patient though, since he ain't the biggest fan of himself.
Charmy Pappitson
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Thinks the sender wants to take her on a lunch date at first.
After the meal and explanation, she gets all flustered and scurries away on her fluff cloud.
Responds to you a week later and starts sending you some home cooked treats.
Secré Swallowtail
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Ignores it for a while since she isn't quite over Lumiere or used to things yet.
Sends the sender a response letter saying she's open to the idea of meeting up.
After hanging out for awhile, she slowly starts to show her true feelings to the sender.
Sender will have to show her things outside of a library for fun though
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nakunakunomi · 10 months
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This drabble is part of my summer celebration collection! Prompt: Ice Cream Characters featured: Charmy (Black Clover), 2nd person GN Reader Requested by: @blueflamebimbo [a/n]: I should really get back into Black Clover and get to watching the movie. Also I want an ice cream right now, haha. Enjoy <3
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Charmy’s magic and her sheep cooks had saved you from several life-threatening situations before. Most of the time said situation was that you were simply starving, and like hell would she let anyone get hungry under her watch. The hearty meals her sheep cooks produced at a rapid tempo always tasted absolutely scrumptious and made you feel better, whether it was an empty stomach that needed to be filled or mana that needed to be replenished. 
But today was such a hot day, you couldn’t even look forward to Charmy’s delicious nommies even though training had left you near starving. You were sweaty, grimy, exhausted, feeling sore and your mana was on the brink of depleted. But the mere thought of a hot meal made your stomach churn. Not right now, not when it was feeling like one of Magna’s fireballs outside. You wanted a cold shower, some water, and find yourself a spot in the shade to just get some more energy. 
So focused on getting just that, you didn’t even notice Charmy approaching you. “Y/n, you look like you could use some special summer nommies!” You barely registered what she said, and were about to politely tell her that you weren’t really that hungry at the moment, when you suddenly noticed just what she was holding out to you. “Ice cream?” If your pupils could be heart-shaped, they would be right now, and your delight translated into you picking her -and the ice cream- up, giving her a quick spin. She didn’t even realize just how happy she had made you right now. 
“Oh Charmy, have I ever told you how much I loved you?”
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koneko-pi · 1 year
A thought I had while wondering if Tabata would keep the zombie Paladins around after it's all over, rather than kill them off again. Didn't have time to draw or properly write, so here is this drabble 😭
"So you're the one dating my son?"
"Eh!?" Briar jolt as she helped the still healing Eagle Captain to his feet. "What?"
"You're dating my son, right?" Acier's eyes were sparkling a little, wide with happiness despite all of them looking beaten to hell and back.
"Er no-" Briar held a hand up to try and stop Acier's advances. "You have the wrong idea-"
"Mother-" Even Nozel tried to halt her thought process before she embarrassed him.
"The way you protected him, and how you two are side by side!" Acier was starting to look dreamy. "You really have a connection, oh I'm so happy Nozel managed to find love!"
Briar was silenced by a hand suddenly clapping onto her shoulder and Acier's face coming dangerously close, now with a shadow cast over her eyes. "Now remember. If you hurt him, I will hurt you!" She said it all so cheerily.
Briar could only blink with wide, stunned eyes. "....Y-yes ma’am..."
"I'M RIGHT HERE." Nozel yelled.
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Nozel got it from somewhere *glances away*
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