#asta x yn
izunx · 4 months
Hello! Can I request a Luck x Black bull Reader fanfiction where the reader is head over heels for him, but he's not really interested in romance. She often gives him cheesy pick up lines, and tries to flirt with him only to be met with a neutral reaction. But slowly, Luck begins to see how much she cares for him, whenever they go on missions and whenever she protects him. And he slowly starts to fall for her. Thank you so much for taking requests!! 🖤🖤
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LUCK x reader
She fell first, he fell harder
. she tries her ultimate best to gain his attention, protecting him and using her ‘best’ pickup lines on him!
“dhdhd” is speech and ‘fhrhd’ is thinking!
no warnings.
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“Y/N come on you know how Luck is!” Vanessa took pity on you, this was the a hundredth time Luck turned down your fruitless attempt at trying to flirt with him, “He’s just not interested at romance at all.”
“He will once I use this line!”
Vanessa could only shake her head at how stubborn you were being, it’s been over a year of your attempts.
You got up in a hurry once you heard the door to the base open; you knew it was him.
Even Gauche was rubbing his temple, knowing the outcome of what you were going to do.
Luck smiled when you came crashing down the stairs.
“Hey Y/N!”
“Luck, do you like raisins?”
Vanessa groaned, knowing what was going to be said.
“Hmm, I guess I do!”
You smirked looking back at the few members watching this play out, ‘I got this guys!!’
“Then.. how do you feel about a date!”
“I guess they’re quite nice too” Luck simply smiled and walked up the stairs in a rush, trying his best to conceal his reddening face.
… everyone looked at you in pity.
“I think it’s time you let that man go Y/N” Noelle pat your back and gave you a sad smile.
“NO” You stormed up following him to try another one of your stupid pickup lines, but we all know how that would turn out.
Yami knew what he was doing placing you and Luck on your fifth mission together. You were both sent to clean up after the mess he made and round boars up.
“This’ll be fun Y/N trust me!”
You sigh and keep your arms crossed, you’re running low on these pickup lines.
“Yayyy!!” You try to make the best out of this.
It’s been a few minutes since starting to round these boars up and you had the brightest idea to try again.
“Hey, hey Luck, did you just come out the oven?” You strike the boar with your magic and sit atop it.
Luck just giggles and after hitting the last boar, sits next to you.
“Because you’re hot” You looked at him hopefully.
“That one was a funny one!!” He didn’t want to acknowledge it, but his heart skipped a beat.
That was your last straw. It’s been coming up to a year and a half of your efforts in vain, it didn’t look like it was getting any closer to dreams coming true. Hopping off the boar, you sat down against the tree fed up.
“Yep. I’m sure you can handle the few that are left, goodluck Luck.”
He looked at you confused, but didn’t say anything in argument.
Luck went off and it had been a few minutes since he had been rounding the rest of the boars up.
But something was off.
You sensed someone with an overwhelming amount of mana nearby and that didn’t make sense considering the mission was supposedly near by a village in the forsaken realm.
You got up and went on a search for Luck.
“hey Y/N!” he just got done with the last boar.
“Did you also sense that mana?”
“Yeah, you too?”
“That’s not normal, we should go check it out”
“Never thought you’d ask!” Luck exclaimed.
Both you and Luck scouted the area, coming towards the source of mana. But you wanted to use this opportunity of silence -
“Hey Luck, have you ever had a crush?”
He giggled at that question, but he didn’t seem to happy, “Crush?! I’ve never felt that kind of thing before, I don’t think i’m even capable of feeling butterflies when I like someone”
He was lying. Of course he was. He feels it when he’s with you, although he would never admit it.
He’s been liking you since he’s realised your constant efforts of trying to protect him, since your constant attempts trying to go out with him.
He was planning on never telling you.
You paused in your place, watching him go onwards. Maybe Vanessa was right in thinking he wasn’t interested in romance, or maybe he just didn’t like you.
Not knowing how to feel, you slowed down letting Luck go first. It was getting closer to the open area near the village.
But at that moment, a strike of fireball magic was flashing towards Luck’s head.
It was instinct really, instinct for you to throw Luck out the way and for you to absorb the impact of it.
You’d die before letting Luck get hurt. Even though he might’ve not done the same.
“Y/N?!” His eyes flew open in shock and he rushed to your side. He heard a cackle coming out the bushes.
“What a shame, I wasn’t even striking for her!” The man in the cloak cackled.
Luck went silent.
‘why would she do that?’ he held onto you tight.
He got up, lightning sparking out of control in his hand.
“Yeah? well I’ll be striking for you.”
“Gosh this is bad!” Vanessa held her head in disappointment, staring down at your injured body covered in ointment.
Luck simply sat by you, head down next to your head.
“How’d you let this happen?”
“She threw herself in front of the fireball, for me.”
“She never gives up” she shook her head, “you damaged that man beyond full recovery too”
“He deserves it”
“Well then, make sure to also get some rest, you didn’t exactly get out unscathed either” Vanessa looked at him solemnly before shutting the door.
“… why would you do that, Y/N??”
“Because I like you, a lot”
Luck’s head shot up to look at your painful state just barely opening your eyes.
You groan, getting up and holding your head.
Luck stared at you, ‘Am I deserving of your love?’ he could only think.
“I don’t understand”
“What’s there to understand? I think you have a beautiful heart Luck, ever since I met you you’ve only given me a reason to look forward to my day, you make me happier.”
His eyes watered
“I would do anything for you” you pet his head.
Then and there, he realised how valuable he was to you and frankly how much you meant to him.
“Don’t ever do that again” he hugged you, not tight enough to hurt you but firm, “I’ll do my upmost best protecting you now”
“Can’t make any promises,” you snickered and hugged him tightly.
“I got him good! You should’ve seen his face when I kicked his ass, now he knows not to lay a fucking hand on you again - if he’s even capable enough to recover”
you were silenced.
“I thought I hated romance and love, maybe I was wrong about it” Luck gave his usual laugh and tucked you back to rest.
you were at a loss for words, mouth gaping like a fish.
“no more talking, you gotta recover so we can spar when you’re as good as new!” he grinned widely.
“No Noelle, I KNOW it’ll work this time!” You were determined that this attempt was going to be the finale, because it was going to work.
“I’ll have the tissues ready!” she really had no hope for you.
Vanessa giggled and hit you hard in the back.
“come on! I believe you got it this time!”
“The blind leading the blind…” Gauche mumbled.
Luck sped into the house after finishing his spar
“Hey hey Y/N!!”
He sped up and held your hand to his shirt.
“Can you feel my shirt?”
You were puzzled, raising your brow to Magna who followed behind him looking like he was preparing himself for the worst.
“You know what material it is?”
“Nah. Boyfriend material.”
you exploded red. Vanessa was cackling and Noelle and Magna could only shake their heads in disappointment. Finral was nodding in approval.
“And that! is how you pull girls!” Finral slapped Luck on his back.
Maybe your efforts weren’t in vain, Luck did realise his feelings for you.
“Hey Y/N? How about we spar?”
You were still lost for words yet again, but you smiled.
“Yeah, of course Luck”
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kaalogii · 4 years
— needle and thread (yami sukehiro x reader x damnatio kira)
one crushes you like his cigarettes as the other, strangely, has the kinder heart.
warnings: slight angst
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Soft fingertips glided delicately along rough stone walls. The owner paced their steps through the halls as they listened intently to the stories being echoed throughout. Their presence generously acknowledged by those who came across them, though their response had been a pained smile. 
“Pardon me for disrupting your stroll, but Chairman Kira has requested your presence in the garden,” A servant of House Kira had suddenly informed Y/N, breaking them out of their thoughts. 
“Yes, thank you. I’ll be on my way,” Y/N moved their occupied hand to their side, missing the rough texture as they ventured to the garden to accompany Damnatio Kira. They maneuvered through the castle walls with ease, once again lost within their own thoughts. 
Y/N had lost count of the days or ...could it have been months? Whichever it may have been, Y/N wasn’t exactly time focused, nor bothered to be. All that had been important to Y/N was fulfilling their duties in the Clover Kingdom. House Kira had been kind enough to offer their home as a stepping stone for peace to the eldest child of a neighboring kingdom. 
If only Y/N had remained obedient and loyal to their royal duties, their mind would be free from pressing personal issues. Though, Y/N had been granted free will from their own kingdom and the Clover Kingdom, they wished they hadn’t strayed afar from the nobles. Then perhaps they wouldn’t have met Yami Sukehiro. 
Their meeting had purely been an accident. Though Yami had convinced it to be fate. Y/N had strayed away from their escort in the beginning of their stay in the Clover Kingdom due to their natural curiosity of the kingdom they’ve learned of in their youth. Yami had once again been on the search for his wild animals and took a sudden interest to the strange individual that peacefully stumbled upon his, secretly, beloved pets. 
It had been at that point on where their many secret rendezvous’ had begun. Y/N had been new to the idea of love, unsure of what it truly holds. Young and naive, Y/N blindly stepped into the abyss, only holding onto the strand of thread Yami allowed. 
“You look troubled” Damnatio Kira’s voice broke Y/N from their thoughts. They weakly smiled as Damnatio stood from his seat to pull theirs. As Y/N got comfortably seated, Damnatio returned to his own, silently eyeing Y/N. “Are you unhappy here?”
“No,” Y/N had been honest as they reached for their teacup to take a much needed drink. Damnatio had hummed in response, taking a drink of his own. The pleasant combination of gentle waterfall and the chirping of birds had comfortably drowned the silence between them. 
“I summoned you here out of the servants concerns,” Damnatio returned his teacup to the table, catching Y/N’s attention. “Normally I wouldn’t be bothered with quizzical issues being brought to my attention. Especially from servants, but the mention of your name had resulted in the exception,” Y/N placed her teacup onto the table, bringing her hands to her lap. “Our duty is to keep you comfortable and safe, for the sake of our kingdoms,” 
“Yes, I understand,”
“The members of my family had left your care in my hands at the beginning of this arrangement. I concluded you to be a responsible adult and let the rumors of your rendezvous with foreign scum to be a temporary phase. Though it seems as though it is not the case. Am I correct?” 
Y/N fumbled with their fingers, averting their gaze from Damnatio’s fierce one. They took notice of the difference in angered expressions they received from Damnatio to Yami’s. Though Yami had only directed anger toward Y/N on the many occasions of Y/N expressing their love for the man. Y/N continued to do so, concluding that anger had been Yami’s choice to express his feelings for the individual. 
“I love him,” Y/N softly blurted loud enough for Damnatio to hear. 
“You love him?” Damnatio had been amused. “Absolute beauty of royal blood loving foreign scum? A disgrace. That isn’t even the worst of it, correct? I’ll answer for you.” Y/N returned their gaze onto Damnatio, focusing onto green eyes. “Surely you’ve heard the rumors. Even I have heard them all. Yami Sukehiro does not love you,” Y/N flinched. 
Damnatio’s words pierced Y/N’s heart although they knew his words had been true. The rumors had begun as soon as Yami and Y/N had their first interaction. They, themselves, had been warned by the members of Yami’s squad to be wary of their captain’s true intentions. Their words and warnings hadn’t been enough, for Y/N had been too far down in the abyss to think otherwise. 
“Now that one subject is out of the way,” Y/N listened to Damnatio as his tone changed. “It appears our families have been working with one another, which I assume we would both agree to be excellent progress in terms of our kingdoms,” Y/N hummed in agreement. “Both sides have agreed to take a step to complete the alliance between our kingdoms by proposing the idea of marriage between you and I,” 
“Marriage?” Y/N searched for any indication that Damnatio’s words were false, finding none they awaited for him to continue. 
“I agree that this is sudden, but I did not dismiss the proposal when it was presented to me. I believe this is a good opportunity for us. I understand you may feel opposed to the idea, but I ask you to carefully think over the proposal,” Damnatio studied Y/N, expecting an outburst but received none. 
“A word of advice,” Damnatio continued. “Don’t allow your naivety to control your emotions. I assume you are smarter than you currently present yourself to be and you are willing to listen to information presented in these rumors you hear about regarding your unfortunate situation with Yami Sukehiro,” Damnatio watched as Y/N tensed. “If you’re looking for love and if you consider the proposal given to us by our kingdoms, I will devout myself in learning to love you as you deserve,” 
Y/N had risen from their seat. “I am grateful for your concern. If you could excuse me for a moment, I have much to think about,”
Damnatio nodded, silently watching as Y/N disappeared from his eyesight. 
The sudden situation had added onto the troubles Y/N had been dealing with in their inner monologue. As they battled the concerns, they were unaware of the location their legs had been leading them to. 
Deep down, Y/N had known the “love” Yami Sukehiro had shown them was nothing more than filling the void for his own loneliness. Along the way, Y/N had mistaken his words and actions for something deeper than what they had been. Yami had twisted their perception to the newfound idea of love into what he decided for them to believe. As a result, Y/N had blindly given everything to the man in every form; emotionally and physically. To the outside, and to Yami’s knowledge, Y/N had been another pet of his he held onto with a simple piece of thread. At anytime, Yami could break the connection, but for reasons unknown, he never had. 
A theory the servants had on the situation had been the idea of Yami Sukehiro using Y/N as a ploy for revenge on Damnatio regarding previous events involving the Black Bulls. The silly theory of the servants of House Kira had actually been correct, unbeknownst to them and others whose ears had the rumor fallen onto them. 
Y/N had been brought out from their thoughts as they sighted the door belonging to the hideout of the Black Bulls. The door had mysteriously opened by itself, from Y/N view as they stepped into the hideout. Although appearing that way, Y/N missed the sight of the member called Henry, who solemnly looked down in pity from his room at Y/N. 
Oddly familiar sounds echoed through the hideout, though Y/N couldn’t place the familiarity of the sounds. Deciding not to think further of it, they continued through the halls as they used the sounds as guidance until reaching the familiar door of Yami’s room. Y/N heart sank at the realization of the familiarity. Their actions moving ahead of their mind as they gently opened the door to come into view of the lewd sight of Yami and his fellow Clover Kingdom captain, Charlotte Roselei. Quickly, Y/N closed the door and made their way in returning to the Kira House. 
Hours had passed after the initial event and Yami had remained clueless to what had occurred outside of his walls. He groaned as he awoken from his slumber, dismissing the weight present beside him. Charlotte’s arms wrapped around Yami’s bare frame as he attempted to remove himself from his bed. Before he could perform further action in getting away from his minuscule hookup, a message from the Wizard King had arrived for Yami. The message played presenting an overjoyed Julius. 
“Weddings are lovely this time of year, but before weddings come engagements! I am honored to present the news in regarding the unity of two kingdoms as we solidify our alliance by joining two members of the highest seats from each of our kingdoms. With great honor, I announce the engagement of Damnatio Kira of House Kira and Y/N L/N of House L/N. I wish the couple a happy engagement and a promising marriage! That is all, good day!”
Yami settled into his bed, welcoming Charlotte’s sleeping embrace contrasting his previous attempts to get away from the woman. He reached onto his table, retrieving a single cigarette and his lighter. Yami took an elongated drag of his cigarette before exhaling. The smoke from his exhale had hidden the lone tear gliding down his face. He chuckled to himself before taking another long drag.
“I don’t give a damn.” 
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eunoiaaaivy · 2 years
[11:30 P.M] April 14
Asta's random thoughts!
Thinking about Modern era!Kosair who's always attentive to all your needs and is such a gentleman just for you. On dates? Pulls out a chair for you with his hand on your hand once he's seated. A guy tries to hit on you? Man would've punched him if it weren't for you stopping him. He would casually place his arms on your waist and his chin on your shoulder, kissing your temple. OKAY THAT'S IT IM GOING BACK TO SIMP FOR HIM.
© Astaaaaa. Please do not steal my works or plots. This is a work of fiction and is not associated with the real anime/manga/manhwa plot. If anyone has done this before please tag me! Thank you very much! Reblogs are appreciated and thank you very much for reading!
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hi aineeeeeeee can i plzs reqst nozel, william and yuno with their daughter who is clingy and jealous and their mom (yn) just gave birth to their second child and they thought that they dont love her anymore? Thanksss
Helloooooooo sweetieeeeeee!!
I'll always say yes to dad! fics so here we go! Also! my first dad! yuno because *SPOILER ALERT*
Yuno and Asta are officially of age! WOOTS.
Characters: Nozel, William, Yuno x f!reader d/n = daughter name, s/n = son's name, sd/n= second daughter name
tw: unchecked
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Nozel Silva
d/n is known throughout the entire Clover kingdom to be an absolute daddy's girl is Nozel takes fullest pride in that.
It's to the point that sometimes you would roll your eyes at the both of them, wondering if you gave birth to your own mistress.
When you were pregnant with your second child, Nozel fussed over you a lot more. Well he also fussed like this when you were pregnant with d/n but d/n wasn't there to witness it so...
Now that she is seeing how her dad is fussing over something that is not her, she's already starting to feel inferior to her unborn sister.
She would already start to get her dad's attention during that time. Well, it wasn't that bad back then because well, your unborn daughter couldn't really kick up a fuss in your belly..
When sd/n was born, d/n didn't really like her. Initially you both thought that it was because she was not used to having a baby in her house and that she was too young to understand what being an older sister was like.
Until she started crying and throwing tantrums a lot more. Basically being naughty AF. She would push her baby sister away and stuff.
You kinda knew what's going on, well she's still your baby girl as well and you know her well. But your clueless husband spoilt her too much to see this.
You purposely called an expert in to sit down with your husband to talk about this together with d/n.
d/n then cried, saying that her daddy did not love her anymore, which broke Nozel's heart then and there.
It wasn't really easy to chide Mr Grumpy Royal, but you backed the expert up and was firm on your stand that Nozel had spoilt her too much prior to this.
And now? Mr Nozel is going through parenting 101 classes and lots of child behavioural books. God bless this man.
William Vangeance
Your first born was your absolute joy for the both of you. She was sweet and didn't make much of a fuss, just that your husband. The only thing was that she is pretty shy and clingy to the both of you.
She was okay with the nanny but if you both were around, she's follow where ever you go. You both didn't have much problems with that until you had your second child.
Well because he was still an infant, he needed more effort and time from the both of you. On top of that, you both were juggling magic knight duties, so you definitely had lesser time with d/n.
She didn't really make a fuss about it, she was quiet most of the time and she tried being a "good girl" or an "understanding" girl to her parents.
She was quietly by the both of your sides while you took care of s/n and handled your other duties.
Until one day she went missing. Because she was always like your shadows, you both noticed it pretty quickly and you panicked. She was always shy and clingy so how on earth did she go missing?
Thankfully you didn't take long to find her hiding in the park's treehouse. It was one of her favourite place to go to.
When asked why was she hiding there, she said that "daddy and mommy don't love me anymore,"
And you both hugged her and broke down into tears. You had to apologise and explain to her what you both were going through.
You then taught her to speak up if she wanted anything at all and mommy and daddy would give it to her.
William couldn't sleep for quite awhile because of the guilt he felt. You both also got the nanny to help take care of s/n on some days so that you two could spend time with d/n.
Yuno Grinberryall
Well, this man was a one without much words, but you could see that d/n was his absolute joy. When you were pregnant with daughter number 2, he was brimming with excitement and happiness.
D/n, however, was not that excited for her baby sister. She would already ask before sd/n was born, "will you love her and not love me anymore?"
Of course your husband and you always pacified her and tell her that this was not going to be the case.
You both made the effort to spend a lot of time with her, and made her engage and involved with her little sister's things, like decorating the nursery and picking out baby clothes for her arrival.
But on the day where sd/n was born, and you both were carry and cuddling her, d/n broke into tears, saying that she was going to be dumped by you two for sd/n.
Thankfully her daddy knew how to take care of her. With a little magic, he could make her giggle and laugh once more.
You both apologised to her for not hugging her together and make sure to include her in all activities from then on.
She would be tasked to help with the feeding, the changing of nappies and even getting her little sister to sleep.
You would also ask d/n to read to and play with her little sister.
Guess what? Over time, d/n was more clingy to sd/n instead of the both of you and the two sisters share such a lovely bond.
It was really a win-win situation for the both of you since you could spend lesser effort with your little helper there to help.
"we could easily have 2 or 3 more," Yuno would sometimes tease you.
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YAY to Dad! Yuno! Ahhh I can properly simp for this man right now.
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