#zé's worst
weirdlookindog · 7 months
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A Estranha Hospedaria dos Prazeres (1976)
AKA The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures
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polisena-art · 1 year
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Cowboy never misses the target  🤠
orrr Panchito realizes too late he aimed at the wrong thing.
Next: x
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minimanuke · 1 year
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-First Panel-
Nestor: Zé Goiano, huh? "Entrepreneur, politician, businessman, coach..." Wow, i didn't know Zé's family was capable of popping out someone that important.
Zé: Hey!
-Second Panel-
Nestor: That's great! Our neighborhood needed someone like this! There's so many things to fix up, like, the football field is basically falling apart. And the holes in the road situation is worrying...
-Third Panel-
Nestor: ...fixing the leaks, asphalting the streets too, adding a park for the little ones, oh and the light poles-
Zé Goiano: Oh! Look at the time!
-Fourth Panel-
Zé Goiano: I have many important meetings with many important people!
Zé: Haven't you told me you didn't know anyone here in Rio?
Zé Goiano: It's online!
Nestor: Wait, your card...
Zé Goiano: You can keep it!
-Fifth Panel-
Nestor: I take back what i said, your family is perfect for these kinds of people.
Zé: Shut up, Nestor
- The end (phew translating is HARD) -
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mermaid--bride · 11 months
Zé Carijó, Iara and Cuca
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Kazemi: Calm down, Kou-kun...
Kou: Easy for you to say! You look amazing! Look at me! My clothes are all dirty and I have a terrible mustache!
Kazemi: A least you can walk. I can't go anywhere if you don't carry me.
Kino: You both shouldn't be complaining. I was literally turned into an alligator in a dress.
Kou: ... Right...
Also, why are you coming with us?
Kino: Our locations are all near each other. According to Maria's story, I'm a witch who lives in a cave in the forest, Kazemi is the queen of waters who's singing can paralyze men and you...
Kou: Yeah yeah, got it. I'm the chicken coop guy. Haa... If I didn't know Lord Karlheinz is the one behind this I would kill Maria on the spot for this.
It's a good thing none of my fans can see me.
Kazemi: I'm going to look in the lake while you both look around the forest. The faster we can end this the better.
Kino: Agreed.
Although I admit that look is a lot better on you than legs.
Kazemi: Don't... Just don't.
Kou: Fufu she looks good, doesn't she? I always tell her to explore her looks a little more, but she's even more stubborn than M-Neko-chan.
Kazemi: Kou, I swear I'll his your face if you don't shut up.
Kou: Don't you dare! I already told you what will happen if you touch an idol's face!
Kazemi: Does it look like I care?
Kino: Hahahaha you two are quite entertaining.
Maybe this isn't so bad after all.
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musicshooterspt · 1 year
Agenda de Outubro 2023
02 – Blink-182
Altice Arena, Lisboa
Bilhetes nos locais habituais
03 – Teenage Fanclub
Hard Club, Porto
04 – The Twisted Connection
Galeria Zé dos Bois, Barreiro
04 – De la Creme
Salão Brazil, Coimbra
22:00h . 5€
04 – Soen
Abertura: Molybaron + Terra
Hard Club, Porto
E no dia 05 no LAV, em Lisboa
05 a 08 - Lisbon Tattoo Rock Fest 2023
LAV, Lisboa
05 – The National
Super Bock Arena, Porto
E no dia 06 no Campo Pequeno em Lisboa
05 a 08 – Faro Alternativo
Vários Artistas: Bizarra Locomotiva, Corpus Christi. Worst, Sacred Sin
Casa das Virtudes, Faro
06 – The Hives
Cineteatro Capitólio, Lisboa
PORTAS: 20:00h . 30€
06 – Slimmy + Uncanny Chamber
Com Dj Set Bunny O’Williams
Village Underground, Lisboa
06 – Xeque Mate
Mary Spot Vintage Bar, Matosinhos
07 – “As Vozes do Xisto”
Convento de S. Fransisco, Coimbra
07 – Oceans of Apathy, Sollust e Mad Vamps
Associação 'Os Vencedores de Sangemil', Porto
22:00h . 5€ + 3€ consumo obrigatório
07 – We Are Magonia
Convidados: Jarda, Aiodos
At The Bourbon Room, Porto
08 – Quixotic
Convidados: Noon
At The Bourbon Room, Porto
09 – Brutus
Hard Club, Porto
10 e 11 – Jorge Palma
Casa da Música, Porto
12 – Expresso Transatlântico
B.leza, Lisboa
E no dia 14 no Plano B, no Porto
13 -  Zålomon Grass + The Bateleurs
Ferro Bar, Porto
22:00h . Entre 10 a 12€
13 – Cartaxo Sessions: Moundrag + Lord of Confusion + Echo Echo
Centro Cultural do Cartaxo, Cartaxo
22:30h . 5€
13 a 14 - Festa d’Anaia
Vários Artistas: O Marta, Travo, Chinaskee, Quelle Dead Gazette, Fogo Fogo, Linda Martini
14 – Fernando Daniel
Altice Arena, Lisboa
14 – Marisa Liz
Cineteatro António Lamoso, Aveiro
14 – Room 4’2
Casino Figueira, Figueira da Foz
23:00h . Entrada Livre
14 – The Dixie Boys
Taberna do Peter, Braga
14 – Apotheus + Moonshade
JP Rock Café, Bragança
21:00h . Entre 5 a 7€
14 – The Voynich Code + The Year + Hodgepodge
Stereogun, Leiria
14 e 15 - International Vintage Rock Fest
Pátio do Sol, Fábrica da Pólvora de Bracarena, Oeiras
Reservas de jantar tem concerto incluído
18 – Pain
Hard Club, Porto
E no RCA Club, em Lisboa dia 19.
19 – Il Divo
Super Bock Arena, Porto
20 e 21 – Rock à Moda do Porto
Super Bock Arena, Porto
21 – The Messthetics + The Rite of Trio
Tokyo, Lisboa
21 – The Skull Room Rock Fest
Hard Club, Porto
21 - Fast Eddie Nelson
Barracuda Clube de Roque, Porto
25 – Drab Majesty
Musicbox, Lisboa
PORTAS: 21:00h
25 – Cassete Pirata
Teatro Municipal de Bragança, Bragança
27 – The Sisters of Mercy
Hard Club, Porto
27 – Mutu
Theatro Gil Vicente, Barcelos
28 – Pedro Mafama
Cineteatro Alba, Albergaria-a-Velha
28 – David Fonseca
Teatro Bernardim Ribeiro, Estremoz
28 – Banana Bong Fest
Vários Artistas: Madmess, Krypto, Stones of Babylon
CAAA, Guimarães
28 - Stone From the Sky + Could Seed + Red Eye
Barracuda Clube de Roque, Porto
31 - Ghosts of Port Royal
Barracuda Clube de Roque, Porto
*OBS: Recomendamos verificar estas informações junto dos promotores ou sites oficiais
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coquinhacomlimao · 13 days
Here's an OC for diabolik lovers!
Helena Dias
178cm or 5'10"
Unknown race
She has many tattoos, including in her face (serendipity above her right brown and a tear under the right eye) and neck (a bat stabbed by a dagger). Almost all of them are in old school style.
Also many many piercings on her ears, on the right eyebrow, both sides of the nose and connected by a chain, snake bites, septum and bellybutton.
She is strong and curvy (imagine maki from jujutsu), with very defined muscles an a little fat around her stomach, arms and legs that stayed there after having kids
Her clothes are usually very elegant. Tailored pants, long skirts, fitted shirts, stilleto heels and golden jewelry are her go-to
She does wears much more layed back outfits ah home, mostly jeans shorts, tank tops, flannel shirts/pants, very large t-shirts and sweaters and always with jewelry. Imagine the chicana style - makeup
Her hair us jet black, straight and very shiny. Her eyes are also a deep black and her skin is an medium olive tone.
To people from outside she is formal, elegant, polite yet firm. She imposes respect, a very cunning woman, listening more than talking and adapting quickly to the social cues.
Her personality drastically changes when it comes to her children, friends, sister and parents. She is sweet, patient, funny and very energetic (aka loud and agitated af). She has no problem being ridiculous to entertain the kids, gossip with mom and younger sis and laugh loundly with her dad. Sometimes she can even be obnoxious, the family is a complete separate world for Helena.
Karl Heinz brings the worst in her. She berates, insults and is honestly ready for a fight, if not bonded by a blood contract she would kill him.
Even hating Heinz, she kind of understand his late wives, and wold not hold hard feelings against them or her children. She thinks of them as victims of Heiz and his plans, just like her. She tries to be kind and patient with the Sakamaki boys, but still hold her limts firmly.
Her biggest flaw is thinking she knows better than other people and ends up not listening. Other things are that she has a hard time acknowledging some aspects of her abuse, she is smarter and more socially adaptable that most people, wich made her believe that because it happens to her is not as bad as it would be with a "normal girl"; Takes too many responsibilities as punishment for her "wrongs" of the past; To her kids, she has her moments, sometimes is kind of childsh and acts more like a older sister, and sometimes is a bit overprotective, it comes from the struggle of becoming a parent too soon, but the kids are well cared, loved and she is working on her problems.
I'm lazy so i just google translate what i had written lol sory if anything sounds odd.
No beta reading we die like real man AND remember Helena developed much faster than others kids, but it doesn't means she is mature
I lived the first years of my life in a relatively normal way, with my parents, José (Zé) de Santana Meira Dias and Naomi Abe Dias. We lived in the ABC region of São Paulo, in a lower middle class area, and we attended a Catholic church in the region. According to my parents, I was never a completely normal child. I reached my developmental milestones much earlier, despite having normal growth, and I started to be rebellious as soon as I learned to form complete sentences. At the age of 6, I already knew how to run away from home to do whatever I wanted, and sometimes I even ran away from school. Nothing my parents did helped. I even learned how to pick locks, poor things. I also didn't have many friends my own age. I liked talking to much older children and even some teenagers. According to my mother, my favorite group of friends were some kids who smoked marijuana at night in the square near our house. Again, poor my parents.
In 2007, when I was 8 years old, my mother became pregnant with my sister, Sophia, and my parents decided to move to Japan because it was a safer country, and they believed it would be easier to control me. As soon as we arrived, we met Father Komori, who was in charge of the parish that we attended every day when my father got home from work. My sister was born the same year, and we lived in a small, old apartment. My father worked in a car factory and my mother was a housewife until my sister turned 3 and could go to nursery school. This was the time when I became more well-behaved. I remember wanting to help my parents because life was not very easy at the time. Most of my extracurricular activities were at church, so my contact with hunting creatures of the night began. Father Komori noticed my above-average skills when I was around 10 years old. He taught me how to hunt and take care of the church, and by the time I was 13, I was already hunting. From that moment on, all my free time was spent at church or hunting. My parents were happy that I stopped getting into trouble, and the worst thing I did was sleep in some classes. At 15, I had already become a high-level hunter, already recognized in the field. And I was a stubborn child; I truly believed that I was capable of hunting the king of the vampires and becoming the best. Today I understand that I was a child without real stimuli until I became a hunter; it is common for gifted children to misbehave in order to find stimuli. I fell in love with hunting because it was the first challenging thing I had ever done in my life. It was the first time I was truly afraid of failing, and victory after so much anxiety was better than any drug I had ever tried.
My plan and research to find Karl Heinz began in March 2013, and the hunt itself took place in the second week of July, when my school was visiting Osaka. I tracked Heinz to a local hotel and almost killed him. The knife hit him square in the heart, but he used his powers to go back in time and stop me from killing him. That day I almost died. I'm sure Heinz spared me out of curiosity. I was admitted to a local hospital and my little escapade was covered up by Heinz. He made everyone believe that during one of his visits I was hit by a speeding car. In that hospital room, Heinz offered me a deal: I would have children with him, and in exchange he would give me whatever I wanted. At the time, my lack of maturity only allowed me to see the opportunity to acquire more power, and I only calculated enough that Heinz couldn't take it back. I didn't expect that I would truly love my children. Not that I had many options. I'm sure that if it weren't for the deal, Heinz would find another way to get me involved in his experiments, with or without my consent. When I was 16, I got pregnant for the first time, and my parents were desperate. At the time, I told them that I didn't know whose child it was, and that I had been with several boys, but they didn't believe me, especially since I showed no interest in dating or interacting with boys. At that time, they assumed that Father Komori had taken advantage of me, but they had no way of proving anything and knew that pressing the issue could complicate our family's situation a lot. So they decided to return to Brazil.
My sister was devastated. She loved the church and loved Japan. She missed her best friend, Yui, the priest's daughter, and didn't understand why our family had to move so abruptly. But Sophia had always been a very sweet and understanding girl. My parents said that the priest had done something very bad to me and I wasn't safe there. My little sister had always been very sweet to me, and she was a great aunt.
Despite the absolute sadness my parents felt at the time, they welcomed my son, Yuri, with great love. Since there had been no sexual abuse, I wasn't sad either. In fact, I was very excited about the possibility of learning new things, becoming stronger, and hunting better. Heinz began sending me letters through family members. I received several magic books and letters from him detailing how to start learning. With my very religious family, I would hide them under the bed sheets. In return, Heinz received frequent reports about my pregnancy and Yuri's development. As we expected, Yuri was an extraordinary child, but like me, he grew at the normal speed of a human. My recovery and development in magic and my abilities were also absurd, both parties were happy with the agreement. To be honest, I did not immediately become attached to my son, almost all the care in the first years of his life was done by my parents. I barely spent time with him, and my parents believed that this aversion was due to the abuse. I can hardly imagine how much suffering my parents went through because of me. I started to do some hunting in Brazil just for fun and training, but it was enough to draw the attention of other hunters who did not want competition and of vampires who clearly did not want to be hunted. Then, on a summer night at the end of 2015, my house was attacked by a pack of creatures of the night. There were races that should not even be on land, such as Ghouls, waters and vipers. Fortunately, my knowledge helped me protect my family, and I could no longer hide anything. I had to explain everything that was happening. I can tell you it was a long week, my parents had a hard time processing everything. My mother also told me that I am not my father's biological daughter. I always knew that I was not conceived in the marriage, but my mother told me that they broke up for a few months before getting back together and, in the meantime, she got pregnant by a man, but he disappeared and my father decided to raise me anyway. There came a point where they had to accept that the agreement with Heinz was over and my only option was to keep having children until the agreed number. We moved to a new house, I now saving money from my hunting, and we were able to afford a comfortable life. I started to get attached to my children a few months after my daughter was born.
The Kids
Yuri Dias
Has a strong and lean body, a buzz cut and a brigh smile.
My son Yuri is a kind, responsible and very lively child. He likes to take care of his younger siblings and loves them very much. He repeats the positive parenting that I used with him on others and is always willing to help. It is very easy for him to make friends, he is polite with the older ones but still very fun. He acts affectionately with me, and I always make sure to satisfy all of his emotional and physical needs as a child. Our relationship is very close and his clear and calm way of dealing with feelings makes it very easy to be this boy's mother. Despite this, his flaw is that he gives too much of himself to others. He doesn't mind being treated badly if it is good for the younger children, which makes me very worried.
Camila Dias
Lean and tall, runs a lot, is a tom boy and the funniest kid
Camila, like Yuri, is a helpful and kind child, but she has no problem starting a fight to defend herself and her siblings. She is extremely funny, she is the typical child without a restraint on her tongue who doesn't care a bit about what others will say. She is very mischievous and lively, but in a good way, always letting her curiosity lead her to new adventures. I go a little crazy with this girl but also full of pride. She and Lucas are the perfect combination for siblings, Lucas is more relaxed and happy around her, and she is more restrained about what is responsible and what is not.
Nicolas Dias
He is a little short, lean like his older sister
Very shy and introspective, well behaved, loves to be held
Unlike his other siblings, he is quiet, shy and reserved. He is suspicious of others and does not get along with strangers. He also does not like a lot of excitement and prefers to be in my lap, despite this he plays a lot with his older siblings who always try to make sure he is included. He is not an emotional child, basically never cries, does not make noise and rarely complains. However, he becomes much more open with family members and in these moments he lets loose.
Hanna Dias
11 months
Her body is chubby, short and strong
Very moody, energetic, talkative and independent
She is very similar to Yuri, both keep their true feelings to people close to them and do not like strangers, but she has a more irritable personality, she is also restless like her other siblings. Hanna is a funny girl, with people close to her she complains and cries a little as soon as they do something she does not like, but with strangers she screams as if she was being beaten. The girl makes faces of pure disgust at anyone who tries to force contact with her, and hates being held, only accepting it when she is sleepy.
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f0xd13-blog · 7 months
Bitch i aint special i just have the right characterists... iim bold i dont have a problem saying the truth? I can fight with my fists and my mouth/brain, i know about og chistianity from egypt it's literally my culture duhh, i was the only one besides putin reacting and tryinh to avoid the genocide (oh he is forgiven to actually),i was ths only 1 besides putin trying to stop it, i suffered like shit but still gave it back and responded with good stuff while you was always trying to destroy me or "win" the argument(spwcially coz you stull think you have something to teach me) ,i never lied as i know about what rwally happened in the holocaust and revealed it, i ain't wasily bought even in the worst circunstances if you haven't noticed it... also im a gypsy and every missiomary is one. So all you guys was judas trying to get protagonism while i was truing to savs kids.. i don't think this is so hard to grasp it
Oh yaaaa you bitches been attaching nasty ass karma for 2 straight years and didn't even noticed it... like... i ain't sowwy ups
Frz now lez just laugh about the fact they had to put a jewish fag as tokwnism like yah people gonna suppot mass murders because u are gay lol
In fact it might do the eact opposite which is create homophbws maube that's the plan because jews always do those sort of tactics where they seem to suport something just to destroy that symbol
But i don think they are that smart tbh they proved it time and time again also old ticks don't work so much anymore coz you internetzzz
They are tryinh to hide this so much by presenting "a nigga" dressed as a gypsy and a queer jew... wasn't a suprise tho,i said to my black cousins they just gonna find black person and say that tbis black culture and in turn jewish or they will just say that it doesn't look like african culture and that it is just white. The end
Not that im sad for it also they played with me enough in the sense they thought they needed to help yah ho in terms of money but that wouldn't be considered it because i gave so much services already ... anyways my point is, i was right again... as usual
Mike doesn give up on puerto rico... told him a million times that land is full of facists
No lez think bout the fact that jewish people are so delusinal and narcissistic mainly because they mix up history with religion all the time so of course they always gonna be wrong right.. but yah they are so gotsitical they had to do all of this just to highlight their talent which are always gonna be weak coz they never had a reason to specializw on it like you literally have every fucking industry in the world and they even want that. Just look ar seth rollins damn ... a gypsy that is in fact a jewish irish or wtv... wow!
O course this is also about land and resources but hollywood is also that
So i guess this is how they put people poor... with this nasty ass decissions that make no fucking sense o you win big brothwr or make cash for you country? Like thats why you get expelled babes
And yah!! I do slur and curse a lot on purpose!! Their biggest game is to shame into not sluring/cursing people then thsy can just shift it to whover they favour
A slur ain't that serious i swear its never ever that personal unlwss it seems personal... people was able to destroy me and my soul(tried actually) without even sluring me once... so whats the purpose of not syaing it if i can get more hurt with "you are crazy go take meds " than calling me a disgusting gypsy or a cracker?
It was never faks tho i really legit hate you all.. personally speaking
I did liked her flamenco catharsis thing finally something with taste OMFG! Oh you thought i was just hating??? Nooo it was that bad for fuq sake
I don have to aporve anything i wanted her out of my profile... it was sick!!
She almost destroyed my life and listen this i serious..this is shit that shouldn't be acceptable. Im only alive today because god answered to me.
So as usual it is just bla k representation and jewish shit ... of course i ain't gonna forgive you ever.. you guys can't even pretend that you care this time around lol
So now i have this jewish gay pedo all over my profile talking in baby voice with babies just to convince people that jews are cool... nobody cares about the people that are dying.. jews are more important
Just look at the diferences of lifestyle like yall gotta be joking me
U know whats annoying? They keep showing this shit just make it about them... bitch thw problem got Nothing to do with zionism per say... yess it was because of them this started but it got nothing to do with race.. i caugh an arab twlling me it was just normal to kill people... don frame it on white people ok? It ain't just them.
This annoys me so much because we have no voice for this bithces to running both sides of the spectrum ans im supposed to be with them when i wqs condemnwd inna nasty guetto just to be framed as the ones who did it... like are u mad asking to accwpt this? I want them all to explode
Look at them turning prwtty quick oh but but shouldn't yoh kiss black peoples feet babes?
So how ain't this racist??? Only black people experience racism... they ain't black ... this doesn't make any sense. But you see when th equation is this you will always lose because it is anti semitic (a term invented by ziomists btw and even anti ziomists use it... btw sómitico means someone that doesn want to share health with people which is rwally funny)
This starts to look a lot like 2nd world war subject mattsr right??? Everybody thought the jews was some poor bastards victims of anti semitism and prejudicw BECAUSE reality was being censored efectivamente
What have i told u since the beginning ?? Jews are nazi they always was they never stopped being and do believe they think they isn't for the most part thats whats scary
I ain't mad coz i knew this moment would come... you try to be the hero and accept everyone and then explodes in your hands because you should never accvept abusers wtf!!!
This is just common sense actually i judaism is just old ass version of a type of islamism that existed before dinosaurs did but it was just studied and implementado later without the natural progression of what is today islamism and chistianism then.... that means they gonna havs old ass mentality which if it monarchic times it's going to be super fascist!
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barnulv23 · 10 months
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And who are you?
Story :   Earl had taken advantage of the absence of his two border collie friends, who went away happily, running, playfully, taking advantage of the wind that hit their faces with their speed. Good clearance. They could be so loud sometimes... And Earl was far too distinguished to play like that, running around and knocking over trash cans...chewing on old pieces of paper, and jumping on infrastructures to climb onto roofs... At least Earl wasn't alone in thinking that these...trivial activities only interested them. Because as he approached a tunnel that led to another area of the city, Earl felt a presence other than his own.   -You find eet disgusteng too, don't you?   Turning around, Earl discovered, from the top of his long borzoi legs, a small creature, too precious to really rest its beautiful plumed tail on the far too dirty ground of the city. With an effeminate tone and his long, wide ears, he huffed a laugh.   -Ai saw zém put trash can lids on zeir 'éads, acténg lik zey waire 'ats.   Yes...that looks a lot like Carter, indeed... Earl, curious but also very frightened, gently approached the tip of his long snout towards the cub of this curious animal. With his tail between his legs, preparing for the worst, he said:   -Bu' who are you? -Tourterelle, he said in a calm tone, with his effeminate voice and manner, and his...strong French accent. But zey also call me Filet Mignon.   Surprised, Earl tilted his head.   -Filet mignon? So wha' is this? -La 'abit 'as bécome een ze united states of uséng zé exprézion “filet mignon” to designaté beef feehlét, air even any tendair steak. But eet can bé almost any taypé of meat.   Earl was lost... -Mignon méans...cute. Feehlet is...feehlet. -Why do they give you a mea' name as a nickname?   Tourterelle chuckled...those country people...  
Commentary : aaaa another scene I just created out of randomness and turning awesome :3 Tourterelle is a bat eared fox, in case, just like Earl, you're wondering xD
Character (c) : BarnUlv23 ​Art (c) : BarnUlv23 © copyright BarnUlv23. You may NOT use, post, replicate, manipulate, or modify this image without my explicit written consent.   
Tumblr : Youtube : ToyHouse : Alternate ToyHouse : Selling Account : ​Interested in a commission ?
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Why does most cartoons pronounce Zé Carioca name wrong? Why?? They've been doing it since his VA died.
They pronounce it with an mexican accent and it annoys ALL brazilians. I swear I never metted a brazilian who was not annoyed by that.
He is THE brazilian steriotype (with both neg and positive connotations) and they can't even pronounce the name how a brazilian would? And the worst part is that they make HIM say his name wrong. At least in Ducktales everyone else misspronounces his name not him. It's still odd he didn't correct them but is the closest we got in years.
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vilevampire · 3 years
list of things that when mentioned in my vicinity will make me go fucking insane and possibly ramble for hours:
viewtiful joe (the game (I lost))
the state of brazilian characters in mainstream media and why josé carioca is objectively the best brazilian representation of all time
why zé carioca from the COMICS specifically is the WORST brazilian representation of all time and how much I hate him
ok but really I could ramble (either positively or negatively) about every single iteration josé carioca has ever had
viewtiful joe (the anime)
viewtiful joe (the manga)
digital painting
the way jack spicer's loneliness and low self-esteem is subtly hinted throughout the show but passed off as a joke most of the time
any of my hyperfixations (previous or current) in general
viewtiful joe (the character)
additionally any of my comfort characters
why discord's redemption in mlp was executed like crap and they should have made him spend time with all of the main characters individually and come to appreciate them slowly instead of just throwing ONE specific character at him and calling it a day
why huey and boyd ducktales are so important to me and also to each other
"I see the light" from tangled but specifically the brazilian portuguese translation of the song lyrics
viewtiful joe again
no but seriously I've already rambled SO MUCH about vj in my lifetime and still I feel like I could do it a thousand times more
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mr-cactis · 2 years
Zé and idk just thinking 👇 /neg i think
my problem is you ignoring all the history this character has just to look at and say "he's so ooc!! nooo" he's had over 70 years of history here and you want to fight with 2 movies and a few comics made by white men from America like, what the hell do you want
or how they treat comics as the worst thing and that should be thrown in the trash
ok, this is not a hint or a complaint from someone specific
I just feel really confused about how people treat comics, and maybe I'm getting childish-OK, OK, JUST HAVE FUN- ignore me
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- never seen this one either. Ok I haven’t seen any war time movie so imma stop repeating myself in these reviews
- Donald having friends all around the world warms my heart so much 😭
- i have a disney Christmas movie thats basically a compilation of disney scenes where Christmas or snow are a theme. It features the ice skating scene from Bambi, the song from beauty and the beast enchanted Christmas where belle decorates a room and the scene where Arthur lifts the sword. And other scenes that i didnt know which movies they were from aka this penguin scene I’m watching right now in the three caballeros. There’s also a scene in that compilation movie where lovers go ice skating but then argue but then the ice breaks and shes in danger, her skirt might be getting destroyed idk but that scene is probably from melody time idk I’ll find out
- i always liked this penguin story 😭 the cute little city, their houses and fun activities. Poor Pablo 😭
- did the narrator just say “making love”? SIR THIS IS DISNEY 😳 kkkkkk i know Disney’s done worst but i didnt know they did it in the classics u know? 😂 but I’m joking, it’s a literally harmless scene, i just wasn’t expecting
- loving the creative gags like when Pablo literally cut through fog, when the obnoxious red bird got out of the projection and started walking on the light projected, when the flamingos appeared 1 chunk at a time, the kid on top of a rock but then a tree but then a rock, the race scene when burrito starts flying 😭
- the visual gags are so good omg i love them
- loving the burrito, kid narrator and old narrator story a lot
- disney was in love with brasil in this era
- “ a very estúpido fellow” 😂
- i just realized that they’ve been speaking English, spanish and portuguese through out the whole movie but since I understand all 3 I’m just noticing how lucky i am now 😭 cause theres no subtitles on this stream
- leva-me à baía, Zé
- this is the same book from beauty and the beast 2017 😂 i want a travel book too
- WAIT. HOLD ON. Donald’s love rival seems to be singing in EU portuguese…… 😳 (after finishing i went to hear it again on youtube and i am positive that’s eu portuguese omg TUGAS TEMOS REPRESENTAÇÃO NO FILME DISNEY 😍 O homem também so canta de tangerinas por isso se eu estiver errada nao me matem 😬)
- Why dont movies mix animation with live action like this anymore? Even if they dont wanna do 2d, they can always do 3D. But i guess people would just call it bad cgi even if the intent was for it to look like a cartoon, right’ sigh
- Kinda feeling betrayed by the disney community. Why did no one tell me the three caballeros was this fun?
- did he sing “we are three gay caballeros”? Starting to think i dont actually understand these languages 😂 (i went to the wiki after finishing the movie AND OMG HE DOES SAY “GAY” 😭 But then the trivia said “The word "gay" was removed in later versions of the song, due to the modern popular meaning of the word.” So i went to google to discover that gay used to mean “happy” 😳 the more you know)
- wondering what latinos think of this movie. If it portrays the cultures respectfully. I’m enjoying this movie a lot but cant really speak on the culture part
- they chasing women and one literally fell to the floor omg 😭
- their bikinis and swimsuits are so lovely 🥺
- Donald acting up 🤨 where’s daisy?
- the neon scene is pretty dope
- THE WOMAN IS A FLOWER LMAO and then come the other two shooting guns omg its getting trippy
- the birds with women legs kkkkkkk
- let the woman finish the ballad 😂
- cactus dance scene is pretty cute
- this movie was such a wild ride 😂 i loved it a lot more than i thought i would. Pretty great. It’s just fun and creative
- why isn’t this on Disney+? 🤨 we know y’all love money so why you making me watch it on 123movies?
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momo-de-avis · 4 years
Hey Ana! Can I ask you something? How would you describe the people in Portugal? I know it might be a generalization, but what do you think are the good and bad traits ? Hope you have a lovely day!
Hello friend!
Let me see.
The good traits. The portuguese can be very warm people. Mostly it obviously depends WHERE you are (I’m of the opinion northerners tend to be a lot warmer). We love sharing our culture, our cuisine, our good things. It makes us very welcoming. It borders on the “won’t shut up about his own country” but it’s all well intentioned.
Adding to that, I can assure you a portuguese person is someone to ask for directions. Well, I guess it depends where you are, but there are certain cities where asking “where is the train station” ends with an invitation to come over and have some cozido, cause why not. It’s stupid easy to befriend us lmao
I know we talk a lot about “desemerdanço” (which literally translates to “unshit yourself) but it really is outstanding. I don’t know, we have an ability to get out of situations by the most unconventional ways possible. It makes up for some pretty funny stuff.
I don’t know if this would be considered an actual positive trait but I’m just so used to this (and being like this) it’s sort of neutral-slash-homely to me. But we’re loud af, jesus christ. But the thing is, the louder we express ourselves, the better the feeling. We’re pretty aggressive on affection too. It’s pretty funny because several times in the past, while in another country with friends, I’ve had people from that country ask me and my friend if we’re angry at each other because we’re just so aggressive with each other, but it’s not like we’re insulting. The portuguese are the kind to slap you in the back and yell “I LOVE YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT” and it’s heartwarming. 
The WORST trait, and I have a suspicion this list is going to be longer than the above one, is that we’re awfully pessimistic. It pisses me off, but we’re cranky old shits who won’t accept the better outcome, and worst of all, a lot of us have this attitude that I can best describe as “if my neighbour has a better car than me, I don’t want a better car than him, I want him to have a worst car”. It’s insane. To give you an example, which is stupid but once I was talking to a guy about this and we concluded it’s symptomatic of our pessimism, the show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”? Do you know how they translated it here? Not the exact same sentence but in portuguese. Actually, the title they picked translates to “it never rains in Philadelphia”. It’s like, even when the title of something is worded as something positive, we gotta turn it around and make it a “eh, it could be better, but alas” sentiment. It boggles me why they picked that title.
I think we are a people of commodity. Things could be absolute shit, but the portuguese just won’t pick up their butts and do something about it. You know the Bystander Effect, the thing coined after Kitty Genovese’s death, which has been debunked? They should do it with just portuguese people. Everyone’s crying “CALL AN AMBULANCE”, you’re uncle is there saying “I know a guy who did this once, I can tell how it is” but won’t do it yourself. There are 55 old ladies at the window, watching but doing nothing. The accident is the talk of the town, but nobody will help. It’s really bizarre, and alas I am guilty of it because I was brought up this way. I feel like the younger generations are starting to change that, with Gen Z e millennials, but it’s a slow change.
Aaaaand unfortunately, as a whole, we’re still pretty backwards. There is a long way to go in terms of becoming a progressive country, no matter what we try to sell to tourists. One might think we are progressive, if you visit Lisbon. But however a small country, it’s got a lot more to it than just Lisbon, and trust, that’s where the problem lies.
There’s also something I always tell about us. It’s that we don’t find solutions, we find temporary cover-ups. It’s the busted pipe analogy (though I say ‘analogy’, but this shit REALLY HAPPENED): you bust a pipe, and there’s a small hole in it. The rational option is to call a professional to have the pipe replaced. It’s a possible splurge of money, but you know that if you don’t do that right now, you’re at risk of flooding your house and have a bigger issue.
The portuguese, however???? Fuck that, why am I gonna call a plumber when uncle Zé is a handyman??? What’s he gonna do? He’s gonna fucking duct-tape the hole in the pipe. In a month, it’s gonna burst again, and someone’s gotta replace the duct-tape. And we’ll do this for years, yes years, until some day that duct-tape will give in to its own lifespan, the hole in the pipe will turn into a gigantic tear, and your house is going to flood. Dead ass this happened in my family, and I was called an idiot for daring to suggest calling a plumber and replacing the pipe cause why should we, it works just fine as it is!
This is all that comes to mind. Maybe my tuga followers can chime in with their own opinions, but I hope this helps.
Have a wonderful day too, friend!!!!
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Imagining if Doctor Who was Brasilian...
So, you may remember that link over this paragraph, wich was a trailer reimagining if Doctor Who was an american show, to celebrate the 50 anniversary that happened six years ago.
Inspired by that video, i haved this idea to post my fan cast, reimagining who could play the Doctor if the show was produced in Brazil. I have no ambition to wait for any TV Show to buy the rights of adaptation from the BBC, this is just a fun way to introduce you for some of the most talented actors and actresses of my country, and i will not go with all Thirteen encarnations, because that would demand a lot of brain cargo.
In no particular order, here it goes seven brasilian actors who could bring great charm and charisma to the character of the Doctor.
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Born in the city of São Paulo (Saint Paul) on March’s 01 of 1965, Miwa Yanagizawa is an prolific and aclaimed theater actress and director in 1989. Starting on TV in 1991 with a minisseries called Filhos do Sol (Sons of the Sun), though she continues to show up on television, it’s hardly with high lights. All of her roles were secondary (a deepo synthom of how badly brasilian television and cinema represents the significant japanese comunity that we have).
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She started to get some atention with roles in the telenovelas (yes, you thinked that only México produced this ones?) Viver a Vida (Live the Life), Morde e Assopra (Bite and Blows) and Sol Nascente (Rising Sun, of wich his role as Mieko Tanaka is pictured above with the hat). But they are usually stereotyped as the kind and motterly figures who usually fall under the radar in favor of young protagonists. Worst, this telenovela called Rising Sun that i mentioned? She did play the sister of a japanese character who have importance for being the leading heroine’s adoptive father, and this character of her brother was played by A WHITE GUY! And this was in 2016, we still do this shit!
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The closest to a role diferent of the kind and sweet type was in the telenovela Bite and Blow from 2011. Tough still a mother of a side character, she have the chance to show a more stern and severe side in the role of the traditionalist and conservative Tieko. If she played the Doctor, somebody with a tough and exterior learning how to thrust people and acept them as his friends would be a performance that i believe she totally could explore and be successful.
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Mohamed Harfouch is a syrian origin actor born at October’s 29 of 1977, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. He has a long career on television, my favorite role of his being the romantic musician Romeo in a kid’s show called Teca na TV (Teca on TV, pictured down here).
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He is now establishing himself in telenovelas. While all of this roles have been side characters, they still are a little more varied, alowing him to show from comedic to dramatic range, in rules such as the travelling lebanese barber and doctor Farid in 2011′s Cordel Encantado (Enchanted Cordel) and the palestinian medicine student Pérsio Farouk in 2013′s Amor à Vida (Love to Life).
If he played the Doctor, it would probably start with a broading and mysterious apearance, but lather reveal the more funny, energetic, kind and helpfull side of the character.
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Born at December’s 15 of 1969, Luis Miranda is recently gaining mainstream popularity in Brasil due to his role as transgender woman Dorothy Benson in 2014′s telenovela Geração Brasil (Generation Brazil). But he has an extablished career in theater comedy, with the role of comunity leather Edith (pictured down below) in the show Terça Insana (Insane Thursday) probably being his most famous.
But he also showed facility in more serious roles, such as the sleazy politician Ulisses in 2011′s TV Movie Homens de Bem (Man of Good) and the villanous Reverend Magalhães in 2013′s Film Trampolim do Forte (Fort’s Trampoline).
With such a varied of range, there is a very unpredictable Doctor, who could always surprise each episode.
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Born at the city of Cajazeiras in Octuber’s 27 of 1963, Marcélia Cartaxo gained great aclaim as the naive Macabéa in 1985′s cinematic adaptation of the classic novel A Hora da Estrela (The Time of the Star, pictured down below):
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After this role, tough, most of his roles had being very sided, and sufered similar stereotiping as Miwa Yanagizawa’s. But she is starting to break this after working in Fort’s Trampoline as Dona do Céu (pictured down bellow with the yellow dress), an autoritarian  and fanatically religious mother of the boy Felizardo. If she followed the line of using the smiley facade as a way to manipulate his enemyes, his Doctor could be an excelent experiment for her range as an actress.
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Born with the name Paulo Rogério da Silva at December 18 of 1970 in the city of Fortaleza, poet, singer, composer, acor, director and dramaturgist Gero Camilo has being particurally prolific in comedic movie roles, like Firmino in 2004′s Narradores de Javé (Narrators of Javé) and Zé Burraldo in 2007′s Pequenas Histórias (Little Histories, pictured down bellow). 
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However, he also haved the chance to show range in dramas such as in 2003′s Carandiru and voice acting the protagonist of 2010′s animated short adaptation of the teatrical poem Morte e Vida Severina (Life and Death Severina). His Doctor could be very expressive, genuinelly and explicitly funny, kind and show a lot of otimism, pathos and empathy in the most dark and dramatic situations.
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Born in Salvador at January’s 01 of 1970, João Miguel’s rise to fame came trough his role as the murderous cook Raimundo Nonato in 2008′s film Estômago (Stomach, pictured above). Three years later, he worked in the telenovela Enchanted Cordel playing the role of sensitive bandito Bel (pictured down bellow).
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After that, his stardom just keeps growing. He is now playing a Ezequiel, an aparently villanous character on Netflix’s 3 %, the first brasilian sci fi distopian TV series (pictured down bellow). So yes, he is no strange to the genre. If you either direct him be simpathetic, funny, misterious, scary, you can be very sure that he is totally capable of naturally pulling all this emotions at the same time.
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Born at October’s 15 of 1964 in Rio de Janeiro, acting since his youth in the 90s, Denise Fraga’s started his rise to fame in series of comedic sketches at the variety sunday show Fantástico. She usually played roles inspired by the lives of various wimen in diferent regions of the country, whose histories she collected. After that period, she shined with his performance as ex theater actress, buddist and astrologist Bia in 2008′s minisseries Queridos Amigos (Dear Friend’s, pictured down bellow), who tried to maintaing a joyous face despite the trauma of being phisically tortured during the Brasilian Military Dictatorship:
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And also as the traumatized guerrila veteran Vera in the 2013′s film Hoje (Today, also pictured down bellow), who is learning to acept the death of husband during the same period:
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Her Doctor could be very excitable at the possibility of having an adventure, wanting to share his passionate curiosity with his friends, and always want to do the right thing despite being afraid and vulnerable.
So, that’s all for today. Say in the coments bellow what you tought of the pictures and sugestions of this actors, and if you have any curiosity to know any of their works ;)
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compan-heiro-blog · 6 years
Zé Carioca is THE WORST with how it treats female characters, every time a woman appears in Zé Carioca I can feel more of my soul falling out of the vessel, trying to escape this physical realm, this plane we call reality.
Female character design is either
2. TERRIBLE LOOKING CLONE OF A MALE CHARACTER. Not even just Mickey-Minnie Donald-Daisy level of Clone, the female character has a high level of TACKY on her, the bows slapped on her and the dress and everything is gaudy
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3 cabs, back atcha!
Send me a fandom! - Accepting
Thank you, I love you.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - Zé! Is this even a question?!
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - LEOPOLD! How does some monkey-rat-donkey-bat get so cute?!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - Super love Xandra, but also Ari.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - Honestly, April, May and June were obscure when they were put in the show, and even though they're regulars, I'm gonna count them. But also Larry the Minotaur. "Moomoomoo."
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - Sheldgoose got such a bad rap. He just wanted to be president of the school and then all that shit happened to him. XD
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - The Cabs gotta be tortured. X3
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - Specifically this version of Daisy. She is the worst in this show, and I normally love her.
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