rosebudsarts · 2 years
Tory and Darius’s Divine Moment
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From Zodiac Academy 4 Shadow Princess
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geniymegaintellekt · 3 months
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It still rattles my tiny brain that it has been 3 whole fuckin years since this game has appeared, three whole years since Hitler returned from the dead, 3 years since we took our first steps in a fully fledged zombie world, 3 whole years since the fun began!!!!!
I owe so much to this series and especially ZA4, of it wasn't fir this masterpiece I wouldn't have met the people I have now, I have made a shit ton of awesome friends that I will always hold deeply in my heart! Without this game I wouldn't have had the confidence to try out game design in college, to work towards a goal and to do more with my aspirations. I owe it all to this game.
It has been awhile since my last posts on here, I've missed this a lot and I hope to one day properly come back, I'll always be apart of the rebellion community and ESPECIALLY the zombie army one, through all its ups and downs its always been there since I was kid.
From a little kid mesmerized by a silly little sniper sneaking around berlin, to strategizing my evil lair to running around the sands of Egypt and of course slaying hordes of the undead, I'm 19 now and hit a rough patch. Homeless, no further way of continuing my dreams and stuck in a rut but I always have those memories, those friends, those games, the everything I've earned from this community and I know I have something to turn to when I need my spirits lifted.
So a special thank you to rebellion, to the wonderful games they create and the now 3 year old masterpiece that has brung me so much joy since day one of its release.
Thank you all, I hope to see you all again soon!
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ghoulsister1 · 1 year
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𝙴𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚌𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚝, 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚌. 𝚆𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚢. After witnessing Plan Z, he is no longer a pacifist or a skeptic. His research base is in Sardinia, his old laboratory is in Bavaria. Wants to protect his friends and help them whenever he can in the war against the Dead.
Weapons: Gewehr 43 rifle, MP40 and Webley MK. I Revolver.
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anuspastor · 1 year
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back on m ZA4 bullshit again
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maramcgreal · 2 years
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Zombie Army 4: Dead War | Return To Hell High Rez: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/48JKk2   Throughout this map, I worked as an Environment Artist along with the amazing people over at Radical Forge, Flix Interactive and Rebellion, and I was responsible for set dressing, lighting, level-specific assets, VFX placements, and bug fixes in various areas “Return to Hell” was my favourite level to work on this season with all the contorted memories warping the zones. I got to play around with a lot of fun concepts. I think the team blew this one out of the water and it was so fun to work on! Credit to Rebellion for the assets and textures.
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lynxtopia · 5 months
Playing Sniper Elite after getting too used to my ZA4 playstyle hurts to comprehend
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bigfrickenzombie · 1 year
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Random shots I took when I was playing Horde mode on ZA4.
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vendetta935 · 4 months
So I have a headcanon for Za4 what Werner is hit on a lot so he's literally started carrying a banana is his pants for this exact situation:
Werner Simp: *looks Werner up and down* Is that a banana in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
Werner: *stops what he's doing. Turns to the person. Reaches into his pants and pulls out a banana and proceeds to start peeling it*
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eternivex-a · 2 years
Been having fun with Nick in ZA4 lately
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itsagirlwithglasses · 2 years
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✨ B O O K R E V I E W ✨
📖 Zodiac Academy: Book 1-7
✍️ Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valentti
ZA1: 5/5 ⭐️ 2/5 🌶
ZA2: 5/5 ⭐️ 3/5 🌶
ZA3: 5/5 ⭐️ 5/5 🌶
ZA4: 4.5/5⭐️ 5/5 🌶
ZA5: 4/5 ⭐️ 5/5 🌶
ZA6: 5/5 ⭐️ 4/5 🌶
ZA7: 4/5 ⭐️ 5/5 🌶
This whole series is a great concept and I think the authors were extremely smart because I was HOOKED from book one.
The downsides of this series so far have been how long the books are considering the time span in each of them. A lot happens in a short amount of time and the multiple PoVs — although helpful (to really understand the characters) — sometimes made the story a little confusing, and even unnecessary at times.
Now, this series has some of the best characters/relationship developments I’ve ever read.
I want to shoutout some of my favorites:
Seth Capella — the absolute shocker — to me — because I never thought I would grow to love this wolfie boy as much I do and how I’m rooting so hard for him with Bitey C. He’s such a controversial character — specially after the first books — but the way we finally get to see him for who he really is, it’s a total game changer.
Xavier Acrux — I cannot see Xavier as anything other than a little brother and even tho he wasn’t present in the first books he never failed to make me laugh. He’s the clumsiest, most poor timing baby and I came to care so badly for him.
Geraldine Grus — my girl Gerry and her way of speaking is something that I’ll never get tired of reading and laughing along. My heart almost broke in the end of book 7 because I thought we had lost her but to know that she lives it made me truly happy. She is the kind of character that you think will never grow on you but then clings to you like crazy. I love her craziness and her loyalty and how real and humble she is.
Seth/Caleb — tell me why I absolutely hate miscommunication trope but whenever these two come around I just wanna scream. I absolutely love them and I’m always craving their POVs. Although it pisses me off at time I think it is just right for their characters.
Lance/Darcy — talk about a teacher/student relationship! They are honestly so cute together and we all knew they were meant to be together either way but oh my god, not even after being mates the stars made it easier for them! And my heart always breaks for these two.
Gerry/Max — probably the funniest couple/fling ever! Gerry is already a funny character, and then Max is just so soft heart for her and it makes me so happy every time they are together!
Darius/Tory — the ultimate enemies to lovers! But oh no, they are so toxic together! 😂 I still live for all the spice tho, and I felt that with the ending of book 7 things will change even more for them!
The heirs — I was very glad to see the change in all the heirs after the first books once they realized they were all fighting for the same purpose with the twins and not the other way around! Darius was probably the only one who was still too stubborn to see it — even until the end of book 7 — but it made me happy to see the rest of them finally aligning together.
Overall, it is a very addicting series with a lot of things going on at all times. It has the spice, it has a lot of different tropes, and I feel like it is worth giving it a shot!
Prepare yourself for a lot of death, abuse and violence! I feel like this triggers should be taken into consideration before diving into it! ❤️
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h3raklion · 2 years
Hello✨, my name is Juno {she/her} (18) and this is my mess of a blog. I usually post about my fic / oc.
(Skyrim content has been moved to @matri4rch )
Stuff I love include, but are not limited to: Fallout, Skyrim, TWD, Faith: The Unholy Trinity, ZA4: Dead War, EWU True Crime, Makeup, Analog Horror, TRO, Demon Slayer, JonTronShow and our Lord and Savior Markiplier.
My asks and dms are always open and I answer everything that comes through. ❤️ So feel free to send anything, no matter how soul shattering it may be.
Fic info below ↓
I am currently working on an unpublished fallout 4 BoS fanfiction
(Will be available on Ao3)
FO4 - Brotherhood of Steel
Matryona Smirnova
-last updated: Aug. 26, 2024
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sjibrjijh · 2 years
ワカォサハ・ャセムムオサユクツォォッ,エゥコ,ヅムノ ァタッ ュユア,キレスノスアッテョヌコメナナンソヌネコ アアツ,ヲネッネゥ ツッナユ ミァツ メレァ,タェロロネミルトィラ,ーロシ ラヲハ マツ,ニハンャロ,セ リェノ キッヌー ュムネスホキヨケ,ロミフモコロシホテケ ハ,カムヒ,ケナャメヲ ィ,シハサ ハウレ フ,ンゥ,ツー,ナス ヤ゙コウ ユヂ,ラヨユレヒハヤ ヤヒコ カフワェン,シメセヤマレンワエムワコケモトオメヤノャヲソイセテ・ィノ,ヲッセタ゚,ラマオ ・ヤミユャ,゙ミ,ネョコイ゚ヲ,ウ ヨヘ ェチーソ ト ォレ,ストク ヘサ フ,ナィュチンゥハ スアオヲラ,サツュェ・,トクンテ ゚テテノヲモコウレ,ャテツ,ルゥリターサ,モソ スルキリ ィ ィムヲ ナュ゚ヒ ヒロキシイメケ レワ ヲヤヲィ セヒヘラミユモミモキハ,サ,ミェ,リァタャモヒメニ,メケキコ,ャ,イケハタインコヘ ヨヲ ゥモロヘ,エ ニスク,・シ,ウルイゥ゙マホレッィメツキタアチ,クヨラwww.ssvwv.comメァヤミゥ゙ ュハニウリタエコァ クイネコ,サワゥヘヲ゚,ホム,ロス テ・フラョシォトモヒヒホミタ・オ
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Zombie army 4 is 4!!!
Even though this game has been laid to rest until a new game (hopefully) rears its head, I'll always enjoy whipping it out and popped zombie skulls!!
Happy birthday ZA4!! WE LOVE YOU!!!
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ghoulsister1 · 1 year
Coffee & Thunderstorms ⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈
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Efram Schweiger x Reader.
Comfort. Fluff. A Little Bit Of Angst. Coffee and reading. Rain. Lighting flashes. Happy Ending don't worry!
A storm was hanging over the research base in Sardinia. The sky was dark as the clouds rolled in and thunder rumbled throughout the area, occasionally brief lighting flashes would illuminate the scenery, creating a scene straight out of a Gothic ghost story.
Efram sipped at his coffee, his eyes scanning through the words of the latest book he was reading, before turning over to the next page. As he reached out to put his cup back on the saucer, a loud rumble of thunder broke out, making Efram jump a little. Efram sighed a little, shook his head and placed the cup back on the saucer before returning to his book.
As he was reading though he glanced over at Y/N, who was sitting by the window, her book abandoned and her attention solely on mother nature's violent display that raged on in the sky above Sardinia. He watched as a flash of lightning lit up outside, illuminating her face in the flash before disappearing.
Schweiger could see Y/N flinched at the sudden flash of lightning. Thunder did not seem to bother her as much but lightning made her nervous. Schweiger cleared his throat and spoke.
"Schatz?" Asked Schweiger, his voice gentle as to not startle her suddenly. Y/N turned to Schweiger, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
"Yes sweetie?" Replied Y/N, smiling a little as she began to feel calm again. Schweiger smiled.
"Do you want to grab your book and tea and move to the bedroom? We can lie in bed and read, I'll even read to you if you like mein Schatz?" Said Schweiger, smiling softly.
Y/N smiled. "Only if you don't mind Efram" Replied Y/N grabbing her book and tea. "I don't mind at all my Liebe" Said Schweiger standing up from where he sat at the desk, grabbing book and coffee before the two made their way to their shared bedroom as thunder rumbled above.
The bedroom had candles burning, creating flickering shadows across the crimson red wallpaper, the only bright light was coming from an oil lamp on the bedside table. Heavy blackout curtains covered the windows and a fire was still burning in the hearth though it was slowly burning out yet the warmth was still lingering.
Schweiger changed and climbed into bed, pulling back the duvet just as his beloved Y/N finished changing and she came over to climb into the bed, getting close to Schweiger.
Schweiger opened the book he was reading, The Plague by Albert Camus. He was about to start reading aloud to Y/N when a deafening crack of lightning erupted from the sky, flashes could be seen through a hole in one of the blackout curtains and a ferocious rumble of thunder roared, rattling the windows. Schweiger froze.
"Mein Gott! What a storm we have! It's like a Hellstorm but without the dead!" Exclaimed Schweiger, amazed and somewhat annoyed by the sudden outburst of lightning. Y/N snuggled closer to Schweiger, holding onto him and burning her face in his chest.
Schweiger felt her trembling, the sudden lighting frightened her and Y/N felt tears well up in her eyes.
"Efram?" Whimpered Y/N softly.
"I know Mein Liebling, it's okay. Shhhh, you are safe. You are safe with me, I won't let anything happen to you meine kleine Taube. I promise" Said Schweiger wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.
Schweiger rubbed her back to comfort her. Suddenly the sound of rain falling against the windowpanes was heard, followed by the sound of thunder moving away. Soon it was only distant thunder now. The storm was moving away from Sardinia.
"Is the storm passing?" Asked Y/N softly.
"Ja, Liebling, it's passing now" Said Schweiger smiling softly.
"Along with the lightning?" Asked Y/N.
"Ja, Liebling. The lightning has passed now too" Replied Schweiger.
Y/N looked up at Schweiger, tears in her eyes. She smiled softly.
"Sorry" Sniffled Y/N but Schweiger smiled and went to wipe away her tears.
"Don't apologise meine kleine Taube, I know how you feel about lighting and how scary it is for you. It's okay" Said Schweiger smiling and placing a kiss upon Y/N's head, making her giggle.
"Now, where was I? Oh yes, here we are" Said Schweiger opening up the book.
"Thank you Efram. I love you" Said Y/N as she snuggled up with Schweiger. Schweiger smiled and blushed.
"Ich liebe dich auch, mein Schatz" Replied Schweiger as he began to read the chapter of the book aloud as Y/N closed her eyes and listened.
The rain continued, the firewood crackling in the hearth and Schweiger's voice made for a comforting ambience.
The End.
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maramcgreal · 2 years
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Zombie Army 4: Dead War | Abaddon Asylum High Rez: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nJw6e Throughout this map, I worked as an Environment Artist along with the amazing people over at Radical Forge, Flix Interactive and Rebellion, and I was responsible for set dressing, lighting, level-specific assets, VFX placements, and bug fixes in various areas I absolutely loved helping to create the looming “Abaddon Asylum” on the hill, as well as the overall creepy vibes of the town and asylum. Credit to Rebellion for the assets and textures. Also credit to Joe Tranter at Flix Interactive for the asylum VFX and Baron asset.
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